- Downfall (Der Untergang)
- Why does Rap suck so much?
- Direct link between psychosis and the GOP found
- Cultural Credit
- Where have you traveled to so far?
- Adult entertainment
- Which of these three computers would you pick?
- Plan my Holidays!
- Ireland = #1
- Can anybody help me?
- How's the weather up there?
- your handedness
- Bush in action
- What is your favorite era of "classical" music.
- The US needs to put more troops into Afghanistan.
- Don't get naked and smoke crack with an alligator.
- Need a kid?
- Republicans Don't Keep Promises - Why Should We?
- Putting Cameras On The Police
- Spell your name in buildings!
- Should Blood Sports Be Banned ?
- How do I get a court summons?
- United Nations are child rapists...
- What if: Cuban Missile Crisis
- A challenge to the USA Patriot Act!!
- What's so bad about Pink Floyd?
- IS NS Messed Up Today?
- Hmmmmm...
- Damn freezing rain, sleet, and snow.
- Ever felt God?
- Where do you WANT to travel?
- Male babysitters
- Homosexual "rights"
- Adam Smith on Taxes.
- How old are you?
- bigger US blunder
- What should I have done?
- Advice for a Catholic
- The Shawshank Redemption
- Borat!!
- Least justified military engagement in your country's history?
- How Do You...?
- China- super buff or big bluff?
- firefox plugin(s)
- Marvel & The Dark Tower series
- Don't laugh at the monkeysphere.
- Favorite misheard song lyrics
- Mac takes over!
- This has to be the most idiotic thing...EVER
- Happy Birthday,Sir Winston!
- 'moral' question
- Free Nation!
- Pastor Of Muppets
- Things you would like to learn.
- How many of us were actually affected by 9/11
- Another Religious Thread
- Musical Instruments
- "Together we will live forever."
- I'm indesicive, so you choose.
- Affirmative Action Makes Me Sick
- Have a 360? Take a look at this...
- Hmm so which one is it?
- What part of KILLER whale was unclear?!?
- Being Asian does make you smarter!
- Who's to blame?
- Oh, for the love of...
- Today's "rabid bat crawling up a woman's leg in a movie theater" story for you!
- North Korea Nukes!
- problem in the greatest country in the world
- Is attacking poor syntax a logical fallacy?
- US town makes it illegal to fly a foreign flag
- An idea to give customers more power
- No iPod for dear leader
- Celestia
- The great Oklahoma snow storm.
- Why recognising and understanding diversity is important.
- Is the government trying to scam us?
- Birth Control is Harmful
- Santa Banned from Christmas Party
- Offical poll of naming.
- Oh, I'm getting married in the mo-orning...
- United States -- Largest Humanitarian Donor
- Muslim Congressman wants to swear oath on Koran and not the Bible.
- I am Back
- Advent Calendars
- The problem with the west
- Thousands of Doritos tragically beach themselves.
- Devise a new Holiday Season personified icon
- Teen crashes car after hearing doll cry
- Civil War in Iraq: Good or Bad?
- Favorite Holiday
- Who did the HUAC Target?
- Child porn or not?
- Where should my fiance and I go on our honeymoon?
- So what do you think?
- Hmmm...
- It's thundering.
- So Now We're Tazering Sixth Graders?
- The will of Allah.
- Democratic WWII Germany
- Hey, i need help
- Most Pleasing Accents
- Coup in Australia
- So who wants to play?
- Evolution vs. Creation
- Snowflakes for a good cause
- Making everyone happy? On teaching Evolution and Creationism
- God: definition
- Oh... My... God...
- Bullying
- Ice cream!!!
- Moslems on NS?
- The Military Spending Issue
- Religion = Right? I think not.
- Attacking Terrorism First
- Why do people belittle the French?
- UK Police want to tell you what to complain about!
- Don't shoot your Eye out!
- Christmas movies!
- Multiculturalism
- Calvin and Hobbes speak the truth about tests
- What's the scariest film ever made?
- Blowing smoke?
- Christians/Catholics get a cross, Jews have the Star of David, etc...
- Why is everyone a troll?
- Favourite Movie Endings
- Supreme Court considers bong hits for Jesus.
- The Age of Conservatives is at an End
- Charlie the unicorn, an intellegent satire?
- Glasshouse has finished
- Why does Israel participate in Eurovision song contest?
- Dumb Question
- Things to give you nightmares....
- Home theater systems are bad?
- Pyramids Built With Concrete, Not Rocks
- Stephane Dion FTW!
- Pics of your house!!
- how big is your TV
- The future of gaming
- Am I right?
- Humanity needs to be cleansed from this planet
- Sad:Dewey the cat dies in librarian's arms
- Women take on major battlefield roles
- Do personal boycotts achieve anything?
- Evolution takes up arms in the "War on Drugs".
- Zomg Corny!
- Your Favorite Bond Henchmen?
- Wikipaedia Spelling Wars
- Look at me!
- Radio Hoax Reveals US Ugliness
- Who likes Phantasy Star Online?
- Best Political Song
- Evolution is a myth.
- Liberals Pick Leader!
- the real reason why I don't Exercise.
- Another terrorist attack on US soil.
- India successfully tests fledgling ABM system...
- What is a Zionist?
- Negotiating With Radical Islam
- Aren't There More Important Things We Should Be Worrying About?
- A chance to confess.
- Choose the magic finger...
- collective noun question
- A diffrence 40 years make.
- What would you preach about?
- Russian sleeps on train track
- BCS shakeup
- Evil or not?
- Resolved: Bible and Evolution
- How many hours do you spent on the forums?
- Well I'll be dammed.
- Music we should listen to.
- Your most hated political phrase?
- Yay MythBusters Holiday Special!
- Largest Woman In The World Alive No More
- Call for Jury Duty
- Good and bad news.
- Political Cartoons!
- Was the World Trade Centre a legitimate target on 11/9/2001?
- When Should the US Have Declared War on Iraq?
- Are there any fascists on NS?
- Atlantis: Do you think it existed?
- Some people have no sense of humor.
- Your political views?
- US Media largely ignores domestic terrorism
- Not a good year for right-wing ex-dictators
- MTAE: A Discussion
- Kansas outlaws Evolution
- Is President Bush Sane?
- Cool flags
- A Black President?
- Mao or Stalin?
- Blind man sentenced to library course
- Ruffy and the magical external hard drives.
- Don't throw eggs at SUVs
- Government cuts climate change research
- Don't want your boyfriend to leave you? Get pregnant!
- A mormon for President?
- Jesus on Trial
- Why I have a "crisis of faith"
- we're going to die over money
- Daylight saving
- Was there a genocide during the Bosnian War?
- Ban the death penalty
- Do people distrust science?
- Buckeyes vs. Gators!!
- Chechnya
- Dems to Introduce Paper Trail Legislation
- Can we get people to agree?
- Israel=Nazis?
- A muslim president?
- Could this end Global Warming?
- Bob Saget
- Dexter
- Opressed Women in Iraq...
- A moron for President?
- Hypothetical: 1yr Army Volunteer Sudan Force
- Details of a 2,000-year-old Moon "computer" unveiled
- Are you guys getting tired of polls?
- Kevin Rudd becomes Opposition Leader in Oz
- Hats off for dead Asians in hurricane
- Make your own Despair posters!
- A Love Story
- Empires you wish was still around
- Anybody here done any game modding?
- Congratulate me!
- The Future Of Planet Earth
- A Real Mech Warrior
- ATTN: Melburnians.
- Titles
- UK MPs' ask for 66% pay rise
- If democracy is so good...
- If you could be anywhere you wanted right now...
- A little bit of stress relief
- Indigenous teachings
- Progress
- Should the American Spanish speaking learn English?
- Mythological beasts
- John Bolton resigns.
- Repealing women's suffrage - how many votes?
- Advice for a Jeep-owner?
- Faith Healings
- Chavez wins Venezuela re-election
- Where does the Line between Church and State End
- Greatest Straughn moments, ever.
- What Do Women Want?
- Mythological Breasts
- No, This Isn't Grand Theft Auto: Toronto Mixup
- Man boobs?
- Good-Bye (Moderator Bias)