NationStates Jolt Archive

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  1. Naked or action?
  2. American Food Quality
  3. Nationstates worst nightmares
  4. Curious: How do other countries view Australia?
  5. Irish school takes step towards tolerance, Catholic Church says it won't follow
  6. Moon Landing?
  7. Those whacky Celtic bastards
  8. Therapy
  9. Teachers Defend DWI Shock Tactics.
  10. Movie Ideas
  11. Germany's reversed recession?
  12. Am I supposed to sacrifice a goat or something?
  13. SCOTUS: US laws have no jurisdiction in foreign countries
  14. Signature or No?
  15. Why Green Annoys Me
  16. Does earthquake blunt criticism of China at Olympics?
  17. What is the best movie sequel?
  18. US tries to curtail our moustache freedoms
  19. New legal precedent set
  20. Why it's good to be a Geek.
  21. Mukasey to ignore Supreme Court
  22. Maliki: Talks on US-Iraqi Security Deal at 'Dead End'
  23. In response to Pity of our standing
  24. Teenage Pedophilia?
  25. Eta, Eta, Eta...:(
  26. Metal Gear Online
  27. To Be Sure To Be Sure...about the EU?
  28. Shame on you Canada, we expected better. (c)
  29. Historic apology from Canadian PM to aboriginal peoples.
  30. Verify, Best Tank.
  31. Christianity vs. The World
  32. Unlimited Music downloading only $500 Canada only
  33. Democracy down the drain in the U.K.
  34. Obama's half-brother "smears" him
  35. They're driving what?!
  36. Archaeologists Confirm D&D Is Older Than Dirt
  37. Ever feel like...
  38. Funkiest bass line of all time
  39. Tim Russert DEAD!!!!
  40. Nothing to fear but...
  41. Skynet Launches!
  42. Too much 'Equality'?
  43. Unintentional Psy-Ops (Warning: Mentions US Politics as part of making other point)
  44. How do you NOT want to die?
  45. How Many Times?
  46. Christianity: Advanced Paganism??
  47. "All men are born equal" NOT
  48. World News: Friday, June 13, 2008
  49. America's building a border fence. But not like you think.
  50. New Election THread: Congress
  51. Aren't there enough Christian threads yet?
  52. Sexiest Man/Woman alive?
  53. What to learn?
  54. What is it with pussies?
  55. Sorry.
  56. World News: Saturday, June 14, 2008
  57. SoWiBi - please read
  58. Things you've picked up from horror movies
  59. Somebody should make a movie on this guy's life and work.
  60. The heat continues.
  61. Will McCain die in office?
  62. Design your own Jigsaw traps! (POSSIBLE SPOILER!)
  63. Anglican Church Father Richard Hooker would...
  64. LG's Senior Picture Here!
  65. Lone Chinese Restaraunt in Baghdad Stays Open Despite Bombings!
  66. Do you think political and aesthetic tastes have a correlation?
  67. Rape by Telophone?
  68. UN HRC reckons UK should get rid of the monarchy shocker!
  69. Will Barack Obama Die in Office?
  70. What is the best Insulation?
  71. Are you a good lover?
  72. Look alikes (possible 56k warning)
  73. BMW unveils shapeshifting concept car!
  74. Life in prison.. means life in prison.
  75. British Nationals At Greater Risk Than Before from Terrorism in the UAE?
  76. Man beating child Shot to Death by Police.
  77. Prepare for scenes of mass nudity in Ireland. Oooooh yeah.
  78. Spanish Children Admitted to Mental Health Hospital for Cell Phone Addiction.
  79. TimeWarp Election Thread: Bore vs. Gush
  80. OMGWTF Battlestar Galactica Cliffhanger *SPOILERS*
  81. Default MB says big oil is conspiring to kill U.S. diesel market
  82. Is It Easier To Be Mean Or Nice?
  83. most irksome personality trait?
  84. Corporal Punishment
  85. Gay couple finally weds in California
  86. More proof homosexuality is biological
  87. Scientists find bugs that eat waste and excrete petrol
  88. Does God believe in you?
  89. Islam.
  90. So we've taken the piss......
  91. This is why it's worth it.
  92. Iraq: The "Hidden" Failure of the Surge
  93. Hannah Montana vs. Top Gear
  94. NS Wiki?????
  95. Mozilla DDOS'd by Mozilla
  96. So gays are allowed to marry in California
  97. What do YOU do with family members and close friends that dont share your RELIGION?
  98. Village re-elects dead mayor.
  99. Cell Phone Zombies!!
  100. Colonizing our neighboring planets?
  101. Australians...
  102. Gay marriage - right or Wrong?
  103. What do people think of Tattoos/Piercings these days?
  104. Are you introverted or extroverted?
  105. Another idea on private education
  106. Dean of Massachusetts School of Law Conference to Plan Bush War Crimes Prosecutions
  107. We have hornets!
  108. Porn, Strip Clubs, and Relationships!
  109. Just wicked pissed off
  110. Stop Quoting AP News Links
  111. Obama doesn't want them either
  112. Japanese TV "talent" breaks his neck on live TV
  113. So, OMAC Industries Bought Jolt?
  114. America's Oil Problem (Drill here, Drill Now, Pay Less)
  115. Split: Do you believe in the Devil? Does the Devil believe in you?
  116. Does God Love Fred Phelps?
  117. Psychic leads School board to allege sexual abuse
  118. jolts new thread tags
  119. Hey Sweden, welcome to America!
  120. Which sense would you hate the most to lose?
  121. How do you get through a breakup
  122. US Special Force Training in Denver
  123. New rules of war put women on front line in Iraq and Afghanistan
  124. cease fire in gaza strip?
  125. Political Science for Dummies
  126. Spore Creature Creator
  127. Help Wanted: Questions About Getting Fired
  128. Irish Justice Minister plans to abolish double jeopardy in some cases
  129. Does this disprove evolution???
  130. "No longer any doubt that the current administration committed war crimes"
  131. This just in: Teens having sex on-purpose
  132. Hurl
  133. Habitat For Humanity
  134. General Violence
  135. Are you happy with your life thus far?
  136. How long til Israel attacks Iran?
  137. When is suicide justifiable?
  138. Phoenix Lander Discovered Water on Mars!
  139. Permanent Sticky Threads
  140. EU Agrees to Lift Cuba Sanctions
  141. Creationism
  142. Israel shows abilities for Iran strike
  143. Best Liquor?
  144. Calling all Latin Magisters!
  145. What Would you do for a Klondike Bar?
  146. Extreme weather to become more common (due to AGW)
  147. Are USians to blame?
  148. What's religion?
  149. Sola fide and the Rapture...
  150. Suicide Epidemic Rocks Japan
  151. Two awesome things.
  152. What have you learned today?
  153. BSG Spinoff
  154. On Liberty and Freedom
  155. Opposing Double Standards
  156. Ok. I now think it's ok to teach creationism in the classroom!
  157. Lou Dobbs calls for Bush's Impeachment over Salmonella Outbreak
  158. A sign of things to come - property rights and climate change
  159. So how about Turkey in Euro?
  160. Venezuala/Hezbollah connection?
  161. Death.
  162. Mom attacks sex offender
  163. A Chicken Solution To An Allergy Problem?
  164. Bill Gates set to retire
  165. You're dead.
  166. Best fast food chain?
  167. What's your favorite fast food/convenience food?
  168. Dumbest/most offensive "journalist" on TV
  169. They weren't kidding...
  170. MDC pull out of Zimbabwean election, Mugabe to stay in power
  171. Vista!
  172. Buying a shotgun...advice?
  173. What our country needs...
  174. Traveling with pets
  175. Character classes in KotOR II
  176. Fare thee well, Sir George Carlin.
  177. Are you cool enough to be in my clique?
  178. Who Will Be #3?
  179. Unable to cope...
  180. Jolt Forums Banned by the Chinese Communists
  181. Tsvangairi Seeks Refuge In Dutch Embassy in Harare!
  182. Ethical Question:Involuntary Organ Donation--Your opinion?
  183. A question of journalistic integrity
  184. Celion Dion responsible for worst cover song...EVER
  185. Lets talk to God (not religion thread, game)
  186. Oily Oilmen?
  187. Who would win in a fight between...
  188. Identity
  189. Is economics a science?
  190. Destroy a City
  191. Napoléon re-examined: history written by the victors?
  192. That's it! America's doomed!
  193. Science put to good use
  194. Terrorism Is Good For Republicans
  195. Privacy for children
  196. The ethics of tech in sex
  197. The Illegality of Anonymity.
  198. Napoléon re-examined: history written by the victors? [fixed]
  199. Is PMS a Myth?
  200. A Question for My Fellow Americans
  201. Posting while under the influence
  202. Personality and political beliefs.
  203. Favorite Music Genre! ... Again.
  204. Scottish NS Meet?
  205. Comfort Food
  206. Sucker-born-every-minute syndrome strikes again
  207. Why is bad music popular?
  208. Another Star Wars movie this summer...
  209. You are the casting director for Star Wars Episodes 7, 8 and 9:
  210. The internet, nationalism, freedom of the press, and journalistic integrity
  211. I have a gay agenda.
  212. To all members of the Chinchilliwater Republic!!
  213. Capital punishment only for murder.
  214. Multi-Option Capital Punishment Poll
  215. So, if taxation is theft. . .
  216. Is the Reagan Republican Coalition Dying?
  217. Bluetooth
  218. Would you tell?
  219. Info on siege of Constantinople
  220. I Thought it Was Funny
  221. I need some legal counsel
  222. Where will you spend Eternity?
  223. Second Amendment Is An Individual Right
  224. What is Sexual Harassment?
  225. Senator angry over rape scene in GTA IV, demands addition of rape scene to GTA IV
  226. The safety word is poptart.
  227. The craziest flight you'll ever take!
  228. I predict.....
  229. "Government say firms must favour women and minorities"
  230. So...North korea isnt so bad after all
  231. £100bn to be spent on improving renewable energy
  232. Guess who has a water infection!
  233. Is the US forces into a Two-Party system?
  234. oil prices
  235. Supreme Court Home Run
  236. Oil dealers tell Congress: It's time for action
  237. Jobless benefit scrounging layabouts!
  238. A creepy thought for Christians.
  239. Will there be stiff competition in the Olympics this year?
  240. New band? Need name help?
  241. Serve in heaven or reign in hell?
  242. Anger
  243. Upcoming Venezuelan Elections, Artificially Inflated Regional Tensions, An Intelli...
  244. Best Actor.
  245. Fuel Cell or Ethanol
  246. polygamy
  247. The EU: Transparent or corrupt? You decide
  248. EU Good or Bad?
  249. Do you trust your politicians?
  250. Are you watching Dr.Who right now?