- Pig farmer asked to move by new next door land owner.
- War on Iraq-Pythons View.
- Brazil
- Niceonality test
- Freedom Song (yes thread nr.#9449365)
- Iraq May Have Been Behind the Oklahoma City Bombings
- Somebody Messed Up...
- Deterence, Protection, Revenge, or Stupidity?
- Fox news says Israel planning a nuclear strike on Iran
- Report: Israel Planning Nuke Raid on Iran Uranium Enrichment Sites
- Kuwaiti in talks to buy Saddam's noose
- Hall of Shame
- Inventor of Instant Ramen has died
- "Images of hanging make Hussein a martyr to many"
- Lost?
- Lost?
- How cool, calm and collected are you?
- Public and Private Sectors
- Gunmen from Mexico Attack US NG Station....
- Free schooling for needy Ugandans
- To Settle Mars
- What is your internet connection speed?
- Damn you, Chevron. Damn you.
- My mom hates my music. Do you think she has reason to?
- I have an Idea. COMIC BOOK THREAD!
- DUI in a Go Kart? (US law question)
- Bisonburger?
- Favorite Vocalist?
- This was strangley addicting...
- Myspace.
- There's as much chance of that happening as there is a flying banana!
- What nationstates used to look like...
- Plutoed named word of the year
- Gays in the Military?!
- Ticklishness
- Tacos in the Cafeteria?!
- ATTENTION: Barack Obama's African mother is no longer a queen.
- Should snozilla go?
- Google - Do no Evil. Really?
- Better late than never...
- Anarchy
- Cross Country T-Shirts
- First ever Socialist in US Senate?
- Pancakes!
- Turkmenistan's interim leader promises democracy & reforms
- Whatever happened to 4HR and MTAE?
- US envoy calls for talks with Islamists
- Are you Married or Happy?
- Do you resepct axis veterans?
- Saddam aides 'to die this week'
- Cops accused of New Orleans flood massacres.
- Zefrank
- Let's all be terrorist suspects!
- Wine vs Grape Juice
- Bad Tigger?
- Foods That Make You Drool?
- Terrorist Cheerleaders
- Commando?
- worship this
- "Pets" in the dorm...
- Road Test help?
- Roe v. Wade
- Parental Consent for Abortions?
- Mozilla Extensions
- I am a God Warrior! GTFO in Jesus' name!
- The Skeptical Environmentalist
- The Scenario
- The Hardest Thing Ive ever had to do.
- Considering being a Counselor for a Summer…
- For the Pro-Lifes, If Abortions were banned would you adopt the unwanted children?
- Most Annoying Thing
- NASA Commits Interstellar Genocide
- Colonizing the Solar System
- Problem or Solution?
- Brain Drain
- Have you ever been arrested...in your dreams?
- Sealand: Country for sale!
- Back to work... not!
- Chinese Superpower
- Just in case there were any doubters...
- "Waiting for gas to pass..."
- How creepy is this?
- It took a Republican to submit these bills...
- Find me the cheapest laptop/computer...
- The Big Incompetence thread!
- Confessions, Creeds, and the Like
- American-Canadian Unification
- New York Stinks!
- Bomb found in Miami Port
- United States Attacked Along Southern Border
- The Random Question Thread
- A great read if you can take the subject matter
- In context, this probably makes sense
- I just got evicted.
- Breaking: US Air strikes in Africa on AQ targets
- Fifth Posters Awards
- Weird things you've seen in school, work, etc...
- Children of Men.
- Again?
- Ok, so having a bachelors doesn't guarantee you a job
- Pesos for Pizza
- Random MSN screen names...
- What should we be focusing on to replace traditional petroleum-powered cars?
- Drugs.....Beers.....and Spiders!
- New laptop on the way.
- All things (un)holy.
- It wasn’t about oil…
- mad, bad, sick or thick
- Chavez to Nationalize Venezuealan Utilities
- Imperial History of the Middle East
- I think I've perhaps heard the dumbest thing ever today.
- Mannequin fetishist faces life in prison.
- The stock photography computer people are surprised by the Buddha porn
- Allegiance(s) of the forum
- An army of Saddam Hussiens
- The Journey to the Wild Divine
- ## brand New War for US << Bush: "merry Christmas"
- Hydrogen cars? Coal to liquids? Magical lollipops?
- Here we go again...
- Study at Oxford!
- Roguelikes. Again.
- ##puppet-Gov:So many dead people were lying in the area.. the US strike was a success
- Is it just me? Or is it still awfully slow around here?
- "They're fighting each other, and we're just here" Iraq/Vietnam
- I'm not racist. I love Aunt Jemimah.
- Apple unveils the iPhone
- It is God's Will
- America Screwed Up. Now what?
- New Jersey gets rid of idiots.
- Proof that Jesus was gay
- Dark Days Ahead for NASA
- Resort VS Cruise
- Going to make Biodiesel (hopefully) Help?
- Roommates
- UN Response To Saddam Execution
- Kids say the stupidest things
- "Africa Paradis": an original film from Côte d'Ivoire
- Dammit My Computer Broke(caps Explained In Topic)
- Guess what..
- Things that should've happen by now
- whatcha digital!
- america in 2050?
- Have you ever contributed to Wikipedia?
- Ideas for the Future
- "Why White People Are Funny"
- what are the jails for?
- Micronationalism
- DragonForce.
- India launches Space Recovery Capsule..
- What do you think in general, what makes a person intelligent?
- I Hate You Chevy!
- Little Mosque on The Prairie.
- I just watched "Idiocracy"
- Help Me Out!!!
- What Can You Come Up With?
- Napoelon Dynamite
- Logitech Products Piss Me Off
- So, I'm going to make a computer game!
- Podcasting
- My PO is going to send me to Siberia!
- Depleted Uranium Ammunition - is it worth it?
- Why human rights?
- California: "Swarzenegger champions nature and welfare"
- Do you expect to die?
- An amusing flash game
- Pigs as pets in Russia
- Genocide in Iraq?
- EU Under No Threat?
- Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds
- Re-establishing Government ( SIGN UP for the new government)
- James Brown Still Unburied
- Net Neutrality Legislation Introduced
- Experts unhappy with trivialisation of cosmetic surgery
- Killer wants a baby
- Bush to add 21,500 troops to Iraq!?
- The days of smoke-filled rooms in the United States Capitol are over
- ## BBC: -US Airstrikes Denial- US Gov Denies Somali Attacks
- Fox Anchor calls Senator "Hostile Enemy... on the home front."
- Infuriating
- Effects of drugs on spiders and their webs.
- The Perfect Gift for Your Fellow NSers?
- Half a Million Dollars in Taxes for Chaplains.
- Save the Godless Heathens
- There is no gay agenda you idiots!
- There is no gay agenda you idiots!
- There might be something to this Islam thing.
- Heaven: An absolute Monarchy
- Alessandra Mussolini: in the footsteps of her granddaddy
- Independence and individualism
- Islamic Immigration to Europe
- Has Any Speech Ever Inspired You?
- A History Thread
- My Chat With God
- Trump or O'Donnell
- Musical Discoveries
- Amber Alert!
- Schwarzenegger's plan to tax physicians to help the uninsured..
- THE SHINING: An inspirational film for the whole family.
- Here's a crazy idea
- More stupid comments by Mufti El-Hilali
- Hamas rhetoric is changing.
- So what is the term for this?
- Oh, yes it IS a series of tubes.
- Too funny. Too true. Two Cartoons.
- Warhammer?
- Scientists Trying To Make Zombies
- I *do* know there's been two World Wars!
- John Deed
- Australians PWN speed camera.
- A Tale of 2 Cities and the Midnight Move: Indy and Baltimore
- I've Had It With These Motherf***ing trolls on this motherf***ing forum!
- What makes a good troll?
- Beckham's career is officially on the wane.
- What is a troll, and how should we deal with him/her?
- The politics of oil. Resource nationalism and the emergence of the Axis of Oil.
- Is this going to be a problem? [re: empathy]
- Duke "accuser" changes her story again...
- Football World 11
- US military becoming less Republican
- who wants to help me with something?
- ## Violence engulfs Somali capital, as Occupation Forces battled outraged residents
- Beware of Canadian currency
- Trish Stratus Proves she got balls.
- Patriots Need Not Apply
- Help me become even more of a geek...
- Science Fair!
- Would You...?
- UK: Political Correctness Restricts Free Speech
- ATTN: National Guard, BOHICA
- The New Heavy Hitter in the Format Wars: SEX
- Woman advertise fertility
- Got any classified documents you'd like to leak?
- Paypal: "No money for you, soldier!"
- Apple sued.
- PSA: McNaught. Look now!
- Copycat thread: which would you have an easier time doing?
- Reggae
- Great Speeches
- I'm better off stealing it.
- Compulsory Reproduction
- Holy Bad Rap Batman!
- Sen. Hagel (R) Neb.--Iraq is sucking the air out of the United States
- Al-Qaeda 'rebuilding' in Pakistan
- Would you?
- Explosion at US Embassy in Athens
- ## US military attacks Consulate >> breaks Vienna Convention
- Good ol' Soul Searching
- Terrorist group threatens France, US and Algeria
- The United Nations
- Samurai sword wielding vigilante rescues police.