NationStates Jolt Archive

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  1. If you had a child who was Normal...
  2. If you had a hamster that was fat
  3. The annotated Southern entity
  4. If You Had A Thread That Was Stupid
  5. What Ethnicities are you?
  6. Does Race/Ethnicity Matter?
  7. Whatever happend to....
  8. Lower The Drinking Age!
  9. Give It Up Already!
  10. Should marijuana be legal?
  11. Americans: Wake up!!
  12. The origin of Satan
  13. Paycheck: Would you do it?
  14. Sean Hannity and Ann Coulter are morons.
  15. Pranks to Play
  16. Just a thoght
  17. Always a bridesmaid... Except I'm a dude.
  18. Northern Lights right now!
  19. What if your son or daughter...
  20. Should I dislike you?
  21. Pro Choicers, explain yourselves
  22. this guy was planning ahead... lol
  23. Bush to try Federal Gay Marriage Ban Amendment again.
  24. Idealistic arrogance, in particular on the internet cost the Democrats the election.
  25. Michael Moore on Bush, post-election
  26. Gay marriage really be called marriage?
  27. Nothing changes it seems
  28. If your a Human the you should read this!!!!
  29. Quick, how many legs hath a Katydid?
  30. Good article on Chomsky
  31. The Daily Mirror on Bush's victory
  32. Arrogance from Republicans won them the election
  33. Webcomics
  34. Extraterrestrial Message
  35. Share your secret weaknessess/vices/secrets
  36. Do we need any more proof?
  37. US and Iraqi Forces launch attacks on Fallujah!
  38. JIHADISTS: "Re-election Of Bush Is Declaration Of War"
  39. Kerry Met With Terrorists??
  40. Superpower 2
  41. Is there no God?
  42. Little Goofball at the hospital.
  43. US Election 2008
  44. Preventive Punishment.
  45. Dr. Baron von Evil Satan
  46. Happy Birthday!!!
  47. Pace 2 Freedom Society
  48. The Iraqi Insurgency
  49. Boris Johnson on the verge of the sack
  50. Christian Disturbance
  51. Government ran corporations
  52. A question I would pose unto you
  53. Have any of you considered....
  54. Beyond Democrat and Republican, Liberal and Conservative - ancient seeds to root.
  55. Bin Laden video translated...
  56. Dear God help us...
  57. #1 issue today is morality
  58. Violence
  59. Family Values
  60. A French Poem written by an American
  61. Possible Bush Election Fraud!
  62. Halo 2!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  63. Don't shoot the messenger!
  64. World of Warcraft Free Open beta opened today.
  65. Associated Press photographer abets the killing of Americans
  66. 2008 - Donald Trump....
  67. Blue State Patriots protest Red State Terrorism in Iraq
  68. Blue state activist urges people to speak out against red state facism
  69. Gays are disgusting
  70. The Daily Aggression Against the Palestinian People
  71. gays are disgusting
  72. What if your son or daughter was a homophobe?
  73. Why Abortion is wrong
  74. Dutch people terrorize muslim community.
  75. Why ginetic engineering is bad
  76. Roy Moore for Supreme Court!
  77. Any one who agrees
  78. I need to vent.
  79. tolerance..for all?
  80. Conservative Values
  81. There Is A Creator
  82. Proletarian Shopping Spree!
  83. ON MAIMING fetuses & TORTURING chimps
  84. Narrow Win For Bush?
  85. Sodomy Laws: Unconstitutional?
  86. Vote Tampering: Real Issue or Fringe Group Grousing?
  87. A question about US Presidential election results, not just the previous election.
  88. ## Guantamo Kangoroo Courts....
  89. america?
  90. Cruel and unusual punishments.
  91. Calling all Quantity Surveyors!
  92. I want to become an honorary American!
  93. Should there be a sword-wielding smily?
  94. "THE RED MENACE!" , or so they say...
  95. That Hack, what a swell mod
  96. The perfect solution to world hunger...
  97. UK Compulsory ID cards, take 2.
  98. Halo 2!!!
  99. GTA San Andreas Question
  100. EU vs USA
  101. Best image hosting site?
  102. Should the EU unite
  103. Why do Americans think that the UK isn't in the EU.
  104. YeS! HALO 2 HAS ARRIVED!!
  105. Kerry Supporters Seeking Therapy in Florida
  106. Good lcuk with your "Divided States" of America, suckaz!
  107. Werewolf solution
  108. Fallujah Photo. :(
  109. Moral Values? All Hype :P
  110. Now that is big!
  111. George W. Bush's Hotmail Account
  112. For North Americans
  113. Santa Claus banned...?
  114. Another blow for Bush...
  115. Devise a new way to elect a U.S. President
  116. Friend under fire, requesting backup.
  117. The Real Election Winners
  118. Next time you pass judgement
  119. Federalism for a divided America
  120. Star Trek Enterprise
  121. Freudian theories wrong.
  122. And the pharmacists shall set the policy..
  123. Ignore
  124. Confessions of an Economic Hitman
  125. Att'y General John Ashcroft, Commerce Sec'y Don Evans Resign
  126. The Economy
  127. Halo 2
  128. Best Cover Song Ever
  129. A Tribute to Japaica
  130. NFL Midseason Report
  131. Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called the sons of God.
  132. Red State, Blue State 1-2-3
  133. What a gyp!
  134. Karma Jugs
  135. Band Names - what would you name yours?
  136. If you don't like someones behavior:
  137. Kerry Supporter's Need Therapy
  138. PearPC
  139. How Old Are You...?
  140. Whose been a naughty little employee!!!!
  141. Creationism v evolution
  142. There is nothing inherently wrong with Socialism ...
  143. Repbulican Hypocrisies
  144. Is nation states a case of
  145. Sex and Violence! OK, Just the Violence
  146. The Daily Aggression Against the Palestinian People
  147. Theft: an act of violence against a person
  148. It's a great day to be alive
  149. Beware of the Death Burrito!
  150. Yasser Arafat - hero or just another terrorist?
  151. News article for Bush
  152. Liberals! Put the guns down!
  153. Anything funny to declare?
  154. Prostitution is legal in NS but not in the US.
  155. Y. Arrafat die!!!
  156. Just curious...
  157. Haag/Netherlands? Inform us
  158. What??!!
  159. Now this IS venting.
  160. Democrats, gun control, 2008, Evan Bayh, gay marriage, and other thoughts...
  161. A short and slightly polite thread on the TIN mans political views...
  162. The Corporation
  163. How NS really is like real life.
  164. Arnold Schwarzenegger
  165. Most EVERYONE needs to learn some damn definitions!
  166. Boys:
  167. Halo 2
  168. The next Pope
  169. The Falluja Fiasco...
  170. Wow, there is something seriously wrong with America
  171. The Next Nation to be attacked by the US (UK?) Will be...
  172. Bush Has Found a New Attorney General
  173. Help regarding 2000 US election.
  174. Acceptance For All!
  175. Which nation...
  176. Yet MORE Republican Hypocrisy
  177. Why are all anti-war activists left-wing liberals?
  178. What kind of car do you have/are getting?
  179. Fallujah Photo. (a real man)
  180. What is a PHXiSO?
  181. Woman in Toronto caught on security tapes stealing poppy money.
  182. A Question for My Fellow Americans
  183. Prominent Republican Slams the TaliBush
  184. Terrorists dancing in the street cause their Leader George Bush "won"
  185. Little Britain
  186. I was reading the Bible
  187. A Sociological Questionnaire
  188. Is the Academy Biased in Favor of the Left?
  189. Winston Chuchill's parrot is 104 years old (WOW), still cursing...
  190. Join FEC!
  191. Democrats in 2008
  192. Euro @ all time high vs. Dollar
  193. I love this qoute and quakers
  194. Rap:
  195. A thought
  196. President Bush Selects Alberto Gonzales as New Attorney General
  197. Greatest scientist of all time?
  198. Superman Was Such A Dick [56K Warning]
  199. A democracy brutally murdered.
  200. I Owned This Fool.
  201. Anyone ever read Art Speigelman's "Maus"?
  202. Happy Birthday!
  203. The All New All Different Gay Thread!
  204. Yasser Arafat has Died
  205. How many digits of pi do you know?
  206. Anti-Aging Weight Loss Fitness
  207. I'm Jewish and I mourn Arafats death
  208. Fascinating Religious Freedom in Texas
  209. El General es muy abburido, ?verdad?
  210. How do you rate?
  211. My thoughts on Arafat and a question for Muslims.
  212. Fun Science Quiz. Test Your Knowledge.
  213. Arafat is dead, and some people are happy
  214. Kick me in the ass.
  215. Wait, we bite Reagan in the ass and mourn Arafat?
  216. Moral Issues: I opine
  217. Uncle Ted
  218. Do voters of a higher IQ vote Bush, Kerry, or Nader?
  219. I went to confession today...
  220. R.I.P Mr. Yasser Arafat
  221. Al-foil dangerous?
  222. sleeping and eating
  223. Religion in America
  224. The thing I dont understand.
  225. Worrying news from Africa
  226. Anti-americanism = Anti-americans?
  227. this is for people who like Y arafat
  228. Lest we forget...
  229. Lest Beureaucracy forgets...
  230. "Farhenheit 9/11 And A Half"
  231. I wonder...
  232. This is too good
  233. Bush's Nightmare Come True: A Lesbian Hispanic Democrat is Sheriff in Dallas
  234. Yusuf Islam gets Peace Prize
  235. Voters support prostitution
  236. War on terror is won! Hooray!
  237. Halliburton loses a Porta-Potty!
  238. Say Hello to God and good bye to freedom
  239. Iris Chang Commits Suicide!
  240. Why are Christians so authoritarian when God is libertarian?
  241. To all the Veterans on this forum!
  242. Yasser Arafat is dead
  243. The oldest question on the world
  244. Islamic Terroism
  245. Why is suicide considered a sin?
  246. Which tastes better...
  247. Arafat Heads to Cairo Funeral
  248. The Day I Defended the Scientologists.
  249. "Canada isn't America's drug store"
  250. Arafat, both sides of the story