Back to work... not!
Eve Online
08-01-2007, 17:35
Well, it's not as though people were in session much before the Democrats came into office - in fact, it's a joke around here that the only time you can schedule a vote is either at midnight or on a Wednesday afternoon, because nearly every Senator or Congressman is out of town raising money or doing something that isn't related to legislation...
It's been that way for decades...
So with some amusement, I listened to the Democrats promise that there would be a five day work week for Congress... just not a believable statement, unless you redefine "week" to mean a month...
And here's one of the the champions of this idea, Steny Hoyer, a Maryland Congressman who thinks that a football game is more important than sticking to the five day work week...
It only took a week to have things back to the usual state of do-nothing...
Call to power
08-01-2007, 17:38
I support the destruction of the working week myself :)
Eve Online
08-01-2007, 17:39
I support the destruction of the working week myself :)
Especially if a big sports game is on...
So the president who takes more vacation time than any other in history doesn't even get a whisper from you, but one congressman who goes to a football game and you start shitting yourself over it. :rolleyes:
Eve Online
08-01-2007, 18:06
So the president who takes more vacation time than any other in history doesn't even get a whisper from you, but one congressman who goes to a football game and you start shitting yourself over it. :rolleyes:
You'll note that I said in the OP that not being around and not doing work was the way things always were. I also noted that the Democrats stated that things would change, and that they would force the Congress to work five days a week.
Looks like you missed the point entirely...
You'll note that I said in the OP that not being around and not doing work was the way things always were. I also noted that the Democrats stated that things would change, and that they would force the Congress to work five days a week.
Looks like you missed the point entirely...
so out of 535 people (make that 284 democratic congresspeople) you can only find one who is absent?
I'd call that a distinct improvement over the previous state of affairs
The Nazz
08-01-2007, 18:12
It's really sad to see you grasping like this DK. Really sad. Is this the sort of thing we can expect for the next two years?
Eve Online
08-01-2007, 18:15
so out of 535 people (make that 284 democratic congresspeople) you can only find one who is absent?
I'd call that a distinct improvement over the previous state of affairs
You will notice that Congress will be out of session today - that's all of them, not just one.
And for the umpteenth time, I'm not DK.
You will notice that Congress will be out of session today - that's all of them, not just one.
And for the umpteenth time, I'm not DK.
so if it's out of session, why are you complaining when one of them goes to a football game?
Eve Online
08-01-2007, 18:18
so if it's out of session, why are you complaining when one of them goes to a football game?
Because he said that they would be in session.
Because he said that they would be in session.
are you trying to tell us that congress isn't in session because one of the schedulers wanted to go to a football game?
I'm really trying to see the connection between the guy you named going to the game, and congress being out of session. really, I am.
or are you saying that since the democrats promised five day weeks, they should be in session today. (and where the football game falls into that...?)
do you think that maybe since this is only days after their swearing-in, many of them are still moving into their new offices over the weekend?
[edit] or hell, do you think they're giving people a chance to go to president ford's memorial?
It's really sad to see you grasping like this DK. Really sad. Is this the sort of thing we can expect for the next two years?
And he does have a point: Dems promised they would change the work week, and they're not actually doing so. Not too surprising, since I didn't actually expect the Dems to be much better than the Republicans, but a little disappointing.
Demented Hamsters
09-01-2007, 02:26
It's really sad to see you grasping like this DK. Really sad. Is this the sort of thing we can expect for the next two years?
Based on his previous threads/posts, I'd say that's a big 10-4 good buddy.
One would hope that one day soon these people would tire of being so blinkered and full of irrationality that they might give it up and try a good hot cup of reality and moderation.
Kyronea: DK=Deep Kimchi. A previous rabid self-proclaimed 'centrist' whose every thread just happen to attack the Democrats.
Much like this poster.
Who claims not to be DK, but whose writing style and blind hatred of all things non-GOP are similar to the point of being indistinguishable from DKs.
Hence Nazz (a lecturer in writing, so the one person on these boards whose opinions/knowledge of writing styles we should rely on) naming Eve as DK.
Speaking of writings: Nazz, how goes the poetry?
Which further reminds me of something I've been meaning to ask: What's some good poetry collections you'd recommend?
The South Islands
09-01-2007, 02:31
If anyone's watching the game right now, McCain was out for the coin toss.
Captain Obvious thinks he's already in a campaigning mood.
The Nazz
09-01-2007, 02:39
Speaking of writings: Nazz, how goes the poetry?
Which further reminds me of something I've been meaning to ask: What's some good poetry collections you'd recommend?
It goes. I got another acceptance for an online journal yesterday--it'll come out in the summer--and I'm entered in contests, with more to come. Here's hoping for the book this year.
As for collections, Raw Goods Inventory by Emily Rosko is fantastic--she won the Iowa prize a couple of years ago. I just learned today that W. S. DiPiero has a New and Collected coming out in a couple of months, titled Chinese Apples. Susan Mitchell's Erotikon is an interesting book, though a bit weird in places, and Geoff Brock's Weighing Light is also really strong. That's a variety of styles as well--kind of all over the place from formal to sort of free-associative.
Demented Hamsters
09-01-2007, 02:40
If anyone's watching the game right now, McCain was out for the coin toss.
Captain Obvious thinks he's already in a campaigning mood.
Shouldn't that be, "Captain Media Spotlight-Whore"?
McCain would turn up to the opening of a tin of catfood if there was a camera there.
Demented Hamsters
09-01-2007, 02:47
It goes. I got another acceptance for an online journal yesterday--it'll come out in the summer--and I'm entered in contests, with more to come. Here's hoping for the book this year.
As for collections, Raw Goods Inventory by Emily Rosko is fantastic--she won the Iowa prize a couple of years ago. I just learned today that W. S. DiPiero has a New and Collected coming out in a couple of months, titled Chinese Apples. Susan Mitchell's Erotikon is an interesting book, though a bit weird in places, and Geoff Brock's Weighing Light is also really strong. That's a variety of styles as well--kind of all over the place from formal to sort of free-associative.
Cheers for that. I'll have to check those up.
Never been much of a fan of poetry but recently I've been tutoring a girl at the American international school and decided to do some poetry with her. Reading through some of the classic stuff (Eliot, Dylan Thomas, Poe, Yeats,) as well some WWI poetry (Graves, Sassoon, Owen) and actually analysing their technique has really made me come to appreciate and understand the artform so much more.
Thus one of my New Year's resolutions has been to read more poetry.
09-01-2007, 03:12
And for the umpteenth time, I'm not DK.
You should sig that.