LG's Senior Picture Here!
I should be a detective, I have found a rare copy of the illusive Lunatic Goofball's Senior Year in High School year book picture!
Damn I'm good!
15-06-2008, 15:15
Can't be.
No mud.
Can't be.
No mud.
The photography studio mistakenly photshopped it out.
15-06-2008, 15:32
The photography studio mistakenly photshopped it out.
The guy who did it must have really stunk.
The guy who did it must have really stunk.
So I made a typo :p. Photoshop..Photshop... if your computer sucks they might as well be the same thing
15-06-2008, 15:56
Even sans the muck, it's an amazing find! :p
Also, not a clown. The eyes are right though. And the hair.
New Manvir
15-06-2008, 17:16
Lunatic Goofballs
16-06-2008, 00:22
I should be a detective, I have found a rare copy of the illusive Lunatic Goofball's Senior Year in High School year book picture!
Damn I'm good!
Bah! Look at the bat with a nail through it! You can't hit anyone in the groin with that! Well, you can, but only once. Where's the fun in that?
He's clothed, clean and not holding his groin in pain. That is clearly not me in high school.
It might be my guidance counselor. *rubs chin thoughtfully*
Non Aligned States
16-06-2008, 03:37
Bah! Look at the bat with a nail through it! You can't hit anyone in the groin with that! Well, you can, but only once. Where's the fun in that?
He's clothed, clean and not holding his groin in pain. That is clearly not me in high school.
It might be my guidance counselor. *rubs chin thoughtfully*
When he's about to counsel you? That explains so much. :p
Plum Duffs
16-06-2008, 06:04
Holy Paradise
16-06-2008, 06:06
Plum Duffs
16-06-2008, 06:24
Its Lunatic!
A clown.
In mud.
wearing a pie on his head.
With crazy eyes!
Saying his groin hurts.
Yes. *nod*