most irksome personality trait?
17-06-2008, 05:23
I have had the displeasure in recent days of encountering people with personalities that just grind on me.
I'll spare you the details, although they are drama-tastic!
I'm trying to decide which personality trait irks me the most.
I'm between "inconsiderate of other people", "a sense of entitlement" and "willful ignorance"
Which personality trait irks you the most? (maybe there's one I didn't consider yet)
Do you have a personality quirk that annoys you?
I'm a perfectionist, it's often crippling. I hate that.
17-06-2008, 05:38
The only thing worst than a gossiper is a lying gossiper. One that will make up lies to gossip about you just to make themselves popular. Bonus to those who will go as far as to think it's funny when you confront them about how mess up they are, and those who find their only source of joy in seeing you suffer.
You will think that someone have to really hate you to do something like this, but there are actually people out there who will do it to anyone they happen to encounter.
Lunatic Goofballs
17-06-2008, 05:39
Believe it or not, I have a reputation for being spontaneous and irreverent. So it seems to take people aback when I am prepared for contingencies that they aren't.
For example, after tackling a friend off a bridge and into four feet of black estuarial muck, resulting in a mass free-for-all leaving everyone covered in slimy smelly goo, I open the trunk of my car, douse myself reasonably clean with a 5 gallon container of water as I undress, rip open a vacuum sealed bag with a complete set of clean clothes, dress and slip on a pair of spare sneakers, they get mad at me.
Why is that? :confused:
Anti-Social Darwinism
17-06-2008, 05:47
Believe it or not, I have a reputation for being spontaneous and irreverent. So it seems to take people aback when I am prepared for contingencies that they aren't.
For example, after tackling a friend off a bridge and into four feet of black estuarial muck, resulting in a mass free-for-all leaving everyone covered in slimy smelly goo, I open the trunk of my car, douse myself reasonably clean with a 5 gallon container of water as I undress, rip open a vacuum sealed bag with a complete set of clean clothes, dress and slip on a pair of spare sneakers, they get mad at me.
Why is that? :confused:
Because they don't understand that being spontaneous takes careful planning.
My personal annoying personality trait is terminal procrastination - paying bills at the last minute, doing taxes at the last minute, leaving for an appointment at the last minute - sometimes I've been known to wait until well past the last minute. It's part of being passive-aggressive.
As to what I hate, it's a toss-up between willful ignorance and being interrupted only to have the interrupter tell me I'm the one who interrupted.
17-06-2008, 05:54
I hate clinginess and overly extroverted individuals. The trait I have that I dislike the most is my excessive self-doubt.
17-06-2008, 05:56
I hate clinginess and overly extroverted individuals.
You could have told me you hated me via TG. :(
17-06-2008, 06:00
You could have told me you hated me via TG. :(
I was unaware you were either of those things. And I don't hate you. The comment was more directed at certain people I know that seem to lack the understanding of personal space and time.
17-06-2008, 06:04
I was unaware you were either of those things. And I don't hate you. The comment was more directed at certain people I know that seem to lack the understanding of personal space and time.
I'm an attention whore and rather clingy and also very extroverted because it serves me well, as an attention whore. ;)
Blouman Empire
17-06-2008, 06:04
The only thing worst than a gossiper is a lying gossiper. One that will make up lies to gossip about you just to make themselves popular. Bonus to those who will go as far as to think it's funny when you confront them about how mess up they are, and those who find their only source of joy in seeing you suffer.
You will think that someone have to really hate you to do something like this, but there are actually people out there who will do it to anyone they happen to encounter.
Or those that lie when making up stuff about themselves, and the lies aren't even just little lies that might be true, they a full blown out lies that can be easily disproven. I hate it and I always wonder why they do it.
The controlling types, those that think they have to control every aspect of peoples lives that they know not just stuff that has to do with them but those that just want to get involved and control other peoples dealings because they know them.
I also hate those people who go around saying "I hate fakes" this annoys me because they are "being fake" themselves, not that I care but just hearing it annoys me, maybe because they say it with smug arrogance and the fact that they are doing it themsleves boils my blood.
And I hate those people who try to exercise authority over you in one aspect or another, when they don't have the authority to do it.
17-06-2008, 06:18
Sense of entitlement is incredibly, incredibly infuriating. That may top my list, in fact.
As for my own annoying personality traits... I'm lazy. I procrastinate like nothing else, simply because I'm too lazy to be bothered to do something when I *should* do it. I'm getting a lot better, though.
17-06-2008, 06:19
I'm an attention whore and rather clingy and also very extroverted because it serves me well, as an attention whore. ;)
Oooooooh, clingy! Me too. Not with everyone, but definitely with my SO.
Cannot think of a name
17-06-2008, 06:41
Smugness, especially when paired with willful ignorance, can chap my hide.
Insecure extroverts are kind of a drag...which is unfortunate since I spend a lot of time with actors...
17-06-2008, 07:01
I procrastinate like nothing else, simply because I'm too lazy to be bothered to do something when I *should* do it. I'm getting a lot better, though.
Not enough/too much coffee?
I despise: Control freaks who think it is their duty to boss everyone around, especially those that have no idea of tact or diplomacy.
I am: too quiet and shy in groups... gives people I'm around the creeps.
17-06-2008, 07:30
I hate Clinginess. My last ex was so damn clingy. She would NOT leave me alone, calling me, e-mailing me, IMing me, every second of every day. I tried to explain the concept of "me" time, but it did not sink in. That relationship only lasted three months.
I also hate it when people whine, complain and mope until they get what they want. I'm not talking about children, I'm talking about adults. Yes I have met adults that, when they don't get what they want, they whine, they complain, and they mope until they get what they want. It is so...ANNOYING!
The trait that annoys me most in other people is the tendency to accept all information one recieves at face value. Just because you once saw some idiot make a claim on TV does not make that claim true.
My worst trait is most certainly procrastination...which approaches epic levels.
17-06-2008, 07:57
I have plenty of my own to focus on, but Delator's got a good point there.
I have plenty of my own to focus on, but Delator's got a good point there.
Lack of empathy. Arrogance is a close second.
Amor Pulchritudo
17-06-2008, 08:44
Do you have a personality quirk that annoys you?
Laziness, ignorance, idiocy...
Top three irksome personality traits in others for me would feature temper, unwillingness to accept own responsibility, and inability to see own faults / the other person's side.
I can't deal with people who have a temper, get loud, insulting and scary when they're angry, who hurt first and think later. I expect an adult to be reflective enough to realize they're angry/moody and think about whether they'll really want to have said/done what they're about to say/do later, before they do it.
Then there's those people who will not admit to the BS they did, or will not own up to it, or refuse to undo the damage by own initiative. They are, however, topped by those people who refuse to embrace the adult gift of being solely responsible for their actions and much of their fate, those who keep complaining about their current status without any hint of a willingness to invest any energy to change it.
The last one, I guess, is completely self-explicatory. I always try to see the irony in it to calm me down when somebody like that tells me in very explicit terms what I did wrong when it was but a last resort answer to them doing the exact same, after having explained them in the very same terms they're using now why that was wrong.
My own bad traits include terminal laziness and procrastination, a tendency to over-dramatize, getting loud and extroverted when feeling insecure, unreliability (because I forget nearly everything), and impatience in some situations.
Extreme Ironing
17-06-2008, 11:52
In others: Irrationality, excessive arrogance, wilful ignorance, inability to perceive how their actions affect others.
In myself: Irrationality, lack of confidence, tendency to freeze up in moments where I should be helping a distressed friend or clearing up a misunderstanding, uncontrollable anxiety when touched by someone for a period longer than a few seconds.
Skip rat
17-06-2008, 12:01
In others - inconsideration to others feelings and people who constantly try and upstage/better you
I heard a good description of a work colleague who loved one-upmanship "If you say you've been to Tenerife she'll have been to Elevenerife"
In me - pancing under pressure and the inabitily to get my points over on NSG
Call to power
17-06-2008, 14:02
I don't know really because over the years I've just got used to the fact that adults are pretty much just fat children but I'd say the types who think its okay to spend all day indoors (guilty I know:p) doing nothing absolutely really irk me to the level where I just leave
my personal issue is that I can't be serious for long periods of time which doesn't sound too bad until serious moments actually occur (friends mom dies etc) at which point I can think of a million funny things to say :(
17-06-2008, 14:10
I have had the displeasure in recent days of encountering people with personalities that just grind on me.
I'll spare you the details, although they are drama-tastic!
I'm trying to decide which personality trait irks me the most.
I'm between "inconsiderate of other people", "a sense of entitlement" and "willful ignorance"
Which personality trait irks you the most? (maybe there's one I didn't consider yet)
Do you have a personality quirk that annoys you?
I'm a perfectionist, it's often crippling. I hate that.
I agree with you on those three aforementioned "qualities".
As for me... my quirk? I have this nasty tendency to either find something VERY funny when it shouldn't be or turn something nice and nonsexual into something sexual and then I wind up laughing at the most inappropriate times.
The blessed Chris
17-06-2008, 14:13
In others; Excessive extroverts, idealism, wilful ignorance of academia and politics, mediocrity.
In myself; failure, insecurity, lack of social confidence, bouts of apathy, irrational anger.
Conserative Morality
17-06-2008, 14:15
First: Willful density, not getting what you're saying on purpose.
Second: Whining. I cannot stand needless whining.
Third: "The world owes me!" Attitude. The world don't owe you nothing punk!:D
And for myself....
One: Forgetfulness. I forget anything not attached to my head.
Two: Hypocrisy. I'll tell off someone for doing something moronic and willful, and then do it myself.
Three: Perfectionism. If I want to do something, I'll keep improving on it until it's perfect. A reason I never get anything done.
I have had the displeasure in recent days of encountering people with personalities that just grind on me.
I'll spare you the details, although they are drama-tastic!
I'm trying to decide which personality trait irks me the most.
I'm between "inconsiderate of other people", "a sense of entitlement" and "willful ignorance"
Which personality trait irks you the most? (maybe there's one I didn't consider yet)
Do you have a personality quirk that annoys you?
I'm a perfectionist, it's often crippling. I hate that.
People who bitch about others and then claim virtues in order to elicite sympathy.
Honestly, perfectionism? Christ.
17-06-2008, 14:19
Third: "The world owes me!" Attitude. The world don't owe you nothing punk!:D
And for myself....
I beg to differ. The world owes you a punch in the nose punk! ;)
Do you agree?
Call to power
17-06-2008, 14:20
In others; Excessive extroverts, idealism, wilful ignorance of academia and politics, mediocrity.
In myself; failure, insecurity, lack of social confidence, bouts of apathy, irrational anger.
this seems to be getting listed to a disturbing degree even for the internet
this seems to be getting listed to a disturbing degree even for the internet
He hates people for being optimistic, for not being interested in what he likes, and most of all for being average.
I'd say that's because he's jealous seeing as how he's far worse off than them, according to the laundry list of self-diagnosed problems.
17-06-2008, 14:29
i cant stand whining defeatists who are sure that even their most mundane of dreams is impossible to achieve. they make me want to scream "just shut up and do it"
The blessed Chris
17-06-2008, 14:33
He hates people for being optimistic, for not being interested in what he likes, and most of all for being average.
I'd say that's because he's jealous seeing as how he's far worse off than them, according to the laundry list of self-diagnosed problems.
How can one be a responsible citizen and voter without an active interest in politics?
How, for that matter, can you judge my personality at all? You don't know the first thing about me, nor who I am, or where I'm from, or going.
Call to power
17-06-2008, 14:37
piss off troll
How can one be a responsible citizen and voter without an active interest in politics?
by voting on the issues that affect them and if not voting popping out babies, paying taxes, buying me a drink
17-06-2008, 14:37
How can one be a responsible citizen and voter without an active interest in politics?
How about because nothing ever seems to change? Because their opinion is seemingly irrelevant? Because they are comfortable with the way things are, and the changes wont affect them too much? And so on....
I also notice you hate mediocrity, that pretty much means you hate 99.99% of the country.
How can one be a responsible citizen and voter without an active interest in politics?
How, for that matter, can you judge my personality at all? You don't know the first thing about me, nor who I am, or where I'm from, or going.
This is the internet.
IL Ruffino
17-06-2008, 14:43
Those "we're all equal" people..
*sips tea*
The blessed Chris
17-06-2008, 14:53
by voting on the issues that affect them and if not voting popping out babies, paying taxes, buying me a drink
But "issues that affect them" are invariably short term issues that require policy to compromise longer term responsibilities and prudence to satiate the avarice of the average voter, or crude moralistic carping about "terror" that allows civil liberties to be circumscribed. You know it as well.
The blessed Chris
17-06-2008, 14:56
How about because nothing ever seems to change? Because their opinion is seemingly irrelevant? Because they are comfortable with the way things our, and the changes wont affect them too much? And so on....
I also notice you hate mediocrity, that pretty much means you hate 99.99% of the country.
And? Simply that things are comfortable now does not mean this will continue. Simply because the average voter never, really, makes a significant difference should not dissuade them from holding political views and taking a part in political life.
And yes, I really don't have all that much time for the majority of people. Neither of any real interest or consequence to me.
Conserative Morality
17-06-2008, 14:58
I beg to differ. The world owes you a punch in the nose punk! ;)
Do you agree?
Not really.
i cant stand whining defeatists who are sure that even their most mundane of dreams is impossible to achieve. they make me want to scream "just shut up and do it"
Same here.
17-06-2008, 15:01
And? Simply that things are comfortable now does not mean this will continue. Simply because the average voter never, really, makes a significant difference should not dissuade them from holding political views and taking a part in political life.
The majority of people hold political views, I don't think I've ever met anyone who doesn't actually hold any at all. Most people on the other hand don't have time to read about politics and spend time in societies or forums like this in order to get a better informed opinion. So since their opinion wouldn't be anything new and mainly subjective, they don't see any reason to bore other people with their subjective opinion when they obviously don't want to hear it.
And yes, I really don't have all that much time for the majority of people. Neither of any real interest or consequence to me.
Because they don't know enough about politics?
Call to power
17-06-2008, 15:01
But "issues that affect them" are invariably short term issues that require policy to compromise longer term responsibilities and prudence to satiate the avarice of the average voter, or crude moralistic carping about "terror" that allows civil liberties to be circumscribed. You know it as well.
considering the only thing voters really care about is maybe the economy I don't see it as an issue
I tend to dislike people who are somehow unable to see their own faults, but point out every little thing anyone else screws up on.
As for myself, I tend to be a chronic procrastinator and slightly too forgiving with others.
New Limacon
17-06-2008, 16:19
I can't think of how to describe this personality trait. I'm not sure a word exists for it yet, so I'll have to create one.
I can't stand people who are un-New Limaconian. They don't act like me, they don't think like me, and a large number don't look like me. Very annoying.
17-06-2008, 16:51
People who bitch about others and then claim virtues in order to elicite sympathy.
Honestly, perfectionism? Christ.
True perfectionism is a curse. I've spent 7 hours on a 1 page paper before, re-copying it over and over to try to make it pretty, only to throw it away and take an "F" because it wasn't good enough.
I spent 8 years re-painting a room once, and didn't have anyone over to my house during because the color wasn't perfect and the corners didn't match up.....
It's not a virtue.
True perfectionism is a curse. I've spent 7 hours on a 1 page paper before, re-copying it over and over to try to make it pretty, only to throw it away and take an "F" because it wasn't good enough.
I spent 8 years re-painting a room once, and didn't have anyone over to my house during because the color wasn't perfect and the corners didn't match up.....
It's not a virtue.
*backs away from scary person*
I hate those people. The attitude of excuses annoys me.
"I want to write a book"
"so do it"
"I don't have the time"
"make the time"
"I can't"
"it doesn't sound like you want to write a book"
"why are you so mean Smunkee?!"
You know what else I loathe? The phrase "I put my life on hold"...I want to shoot the people who say that. I really truly do.
I have to agree.
17-06-2008, 16:54
i cant stand whining defeatists who are sure that even their most mundane of dreams is impossible to achieve. they make me want to scream "just shut up and do it"
I hate those people. The attitude of excuses annoys me.
"I want to write a book"
"so do it"
"I don't have the time"
"make the time"
"I can't"
"it doesn't sound like you want to write a book"
"why are you so mean Smunkee?!"
You know what else I loathe? The phrase "I put my life on hold"...I want to shoot the people who say that. I really truly do.
17-06-2008, 16:55
*backs away from scary person*
*advances on kenavt*
New Limacon
17-06-2008, 16:57
When my daughter was sixteen we discovered this unpretty trait in her. I would ask her to do the dishes and she would, in the midst of a dirty kitchen, spend four hours polishing a copper teakettle until it gleamed, not a speck of dirt or tarnish on it. When I asked he why she didn't finish the other dishers first, before cleaning the teakettle, she said, "it offended my sense of order." Apparently, a sink full of dirty dishes did not offend said sense of order.
Being a non-perfectionist living with a perfectionist, I can agree, perfectionism sucks.
I did this too, but not because I'm a perfectionist. It just got me out of washing the dishes ever again.
Anti-Social Darwinism
17-06-2008, 16:58
True perfectionism is a curse. I've spent 7 hours on a 1 page paper before, re-copying it over and over to try to make it pretty, only to throw it away and take an "F" because it wasn't good enough.
I spent 8 years re-painting a room once, and didn't have anyone over to my house during because the color wasn't perfect and the corners didn't match up.....
It's not a virtue.
When my daughter was sixteen we discovered this unpretty trait in her. I would ask her to do the dishes and she would, in the midst of a dirty kitchen, spend four hours polishing a copper teakettle until it gleamed, not a speck of dirt or tarnish on it. When I asked he why she didn't finish the other dishers first, before cleaning the teakettle, she said, "it offended my sense of order." Apparently, a sink full of dirty dishes did not offend said sense of order.
Being a non-perfectionist living with a perfectionist, I can agree, perfectionism sucks.
Willfull ignorance. You encounter it a lot here. People who deliberately 'misunderstand' or misrepresent the issue. People like DK, really. Who, when asked a direct question, squirm around and pretend they didn't understand it, and try to make the question mean something else. Whether done consciously, or as a part of true mental processes, it enrages me.
I hear you on the perfectionism, Smunk. It's nearly as defeating as lazy-ass-excuses. Things never quite get done because things are never quite perfect. I've done wonders with my ability to accept 'flaws' over the annoying as it is. I think it was when I realised that other people weren't seeing those flaws, or could care less. I have to get regular doses of that understanding, whether I'm writing music, painting, writing in general, or just freaking hemming pants. Otherwise nothing gets completed, and I am so sick of closets full of incomplete projects.
*advances on kenavt*
*backs away more like Smunkee has scary disease*
New Limacon
17-06-2008, 17:00
Willfull ignorance. You encounter it a lot here. People who deliberately 'misunderstand' or misrepresent the issue. People like DK, really. Who, when asked a direct question, squirm around and pretend they didn't understand it, and try to make the question mean something else. Whether done consciously, or as a part of true mental processes, it enrages me.
Donkey Kong? Who is DK?
17-06-2008, 17:01
When my daughter was sixteen we discovered this unpretty trait in her. I would ask her to do the dishes and she would, in the midst of a dirty kitchen, spend four hours polishing a copper teakettle until it gleamed, not a speck of dirt or tarnish on it. When I asked he why she didn't finish the other dishers first, before cleaning the teakettle, she said, "it offended my sense of order." Apparently, a sink full of dirty dishes did not offend said sense of order.
Being a non-perfectionist living with a perfectionist, I can agree, perfectionism sucks.
Often it causes me to procrastinate because I know I don't have the time to do the job "right" so I will live in conditions that are imperfect because it seems the same as living in conditions that are better but still imperfect. For example, right now, my desk is horrendous (ask Ruffy, he's seen it) but cleaning it would take me 3 or 4 hours so I just leave it. My husband might be able to clean it in 20 minutes, but if I were to do that it would still be imperfect and as such the same, only after I cleaned it then it would be a reflection on my work and since it would be imperfect it would mean I was a failure, so leaving it dirty is easier. It's not logical.
I tend to dislike people who are somehow unable to see their own faults, but point out every little thing anyone else screws up on. Agreed. This is true not only of personal traits, but political ideologies and national histories. Drives me nuts when it's all 'OMG 'x' country did this and they're so evil...but you hush about us doing 'y' because that was totally justified!'
Yeah, my biggest flaw is procrastination. I like to justify it by the fact that I work best under pressure. Now, that's fine when I need to bang out a wordy and eloquent paper, but it sucks ass when it's serious research or a project that simply cannot be done in a short period of time.
17-06-2008, 17:07
I hate those people. The attitude of excuses annoys me.
"I want to write a book"
"so do it"
"I don't have the time"
"make the time"
"I can't"
"it doesn't sound like you want to write a book"
"why are you so mean Smunkee?!"
You know what else I loathe? The phrase "I put my life on hold"...I want to shoot the people who say that. I really truly do.
all those things that are so EASY to do, they say they cant possibly do. they cant go to college, they cant get the job they want, they cant find a girlfriend.
its not like they want to write a best seller, go to harvard, be an astronaut or marry scarlett johannsen. but NOOOOO they cant possibly do it. they have simple dreams of the kind of life that is in anyone's reach but find reasons why it cant possibly happen.
it makes me crazy.
and what does "i put my life on hold" MEAN? you werent living? you hated every day that you did this other thing? it doesnt count as LIFE? or do you just want everyone to think that you are the noble martyr who gave up on your dreams for something you never wanted to do? (raise children, take care of your elderly parents, support your husband in his career, whatever)
*sputter* nooo it doesnt bother me a bit.
17-06-2008, 17:08
I hate those people. The attitude of excuses annoys me.
"I want to write a book"
"so do it"
"I don't have the time"
"make the time"
"I can't"
"it doesn't sound like you want to write a book"
"why are you so mean Smunkee?!"
You know what else I loathe? The phrase "I put my life on hold"...I want to shoot the people who say that. I really truly do.
You just don't get women, sister.
I am grateful for people with faults because I can learn from their bad example.
17-06-2008, 17:18
Willful ignorance is probably my big pet peeve, too. It drives me up the wall.
As for myself, my constant crippling self-doubt and perfectionism of the sort Smunkee described in her desk-cleaning example are both biggies. (Amusingly, my desk is also ridiculously messy right now, and I also can't clean it because it would take too much effort to do it right and I just can't deliberately do it wrong. Stupid, no?)
Cannot think of a name
17-06-2008, 18:08
I tend to dislike people who are somehow unable to see their own faults, but point out every little thing anyone else screws up on.
As for myself, I tend to be a chronic procrastinator and slightly too forgiving with others.
I can recognize my faults. My only fault is that I don't realize how great I truly am.
Or, that I plagiarize Muhammad of the two...
I'm going to counter-point the 'just do it' crowd. Because I kind of hate those people. There are two factors that go into that.
First is kind of braggy but it makes my point. I picked up the saxophone remarkably quickly. It wasn't a problem for me to play it in the least. As a result, it's my impression that any idiot can pick the thing up and play it with proficiency with little to no effort. After all, I did. But that is not the case. For whatever reason, what was easy for me is not easy for other people. I've watched people hammer away at that horn expending tons more effort than I ever have and never got even close to playing the way I do. (If I had actually expended that effort, I'd still be a musician...dammit, but that's another story...)
Now, I could dismiss them and say that 'they clearly don't want to play the sax,' but that's not really the case. They just can't. We're different people and have different abilities and proclivities and desire in the end has fuck all to do with it.
The second thing is I don't always want to explain all the sad factors in my life to someone who's demanding I go do something. So I'll be vague and the person decides I'm just making excuses. I'm not, I'm just not being forthcoming with things that might be embarrassing to someone who is already being kind of an asshole. Especially when it comes to an artistic endeavor. You don't 'just do it.' It's not assembling furniture or organizing a garage. It's trying to get lightening to strike a specific place and time, you're not always in control of all the factors. If this condescending attitude comes from someone who is either not artistic themselves or produces mundane crap (I'm not leveling this at anyone here) then it's doubly annoying.
This is not to say that people cannot be self defeating. Certainly they can. But that isn't solved by an athletic shoe slogan, either.
Conserative Morality
17-06-2008, 18:22
*advances on kenavt*
I thought you were married Smunkee! *Shames :D*
17-06-2008, 18:23
People who see all their problems as being caused by someone/something else. Somehow nothing is ever their fault.
Also people who are really perky on a Monday morning....ggrrrr
17-06-2008, 18:28
I can recognize my faults. My only fault is that I don't realize how great I truly am.
Or, that I plagiarize Muhammad of the two...
I'm going to counter-point the 'just do it' crowd. Because I kind of hate those people. There are two factors that go into that.
First is kind of braggy but it makes my point. I picked up the saxophone remarkably quickly. It wasn't a problem for me to play it in the least. As a result, it's my impression that any idiot can pick the thing up and play it with proficiency with little to no effort. After all, I did. But that is not the case. For whatever reason, what was easy for me is not easy for other people. I've watched people hammer away at that horn expending tons more effort than I ever have and never got even close to playing the way I do. (If I had actually expended that effort, I'd still be a musician...dammit, but that's another story...)
Now, I could dismiss them and say that 'they clearly don't want to play the sax,' but that's not really the case. They just can't. We're different people and have different abilities and proclivities and desire in the end has fuck all to do with it.
The second thing is I don't always want to explain all the sad factors in my life to someone who's demanding I go do something. So I'll be vague and the person decides I'm just making excuses. I'm not, I'm just not being forthcoming with things that might be embarrassing to someone who is already being kind of an asshole. Especially when it comes to an artistic endeavor. You don't 'just do it.' It's not assembling furniture or organizing a garage. It's trying to get lightening to strike a specific place and time, you're not always in control of all the factors. If this condescending attitude comes from someone who is either not artistic themselves or produces mundane crap (I'm not leveling this at anyone here) then it's doubly annoying.
This is not to say that people cannot be self defeating. Certainly they can. But that isn't solved by an athletic shoe slogan, either.
Hey, if you try and fail, that's one thing. If you fail to try, it's a completely different animal.
*fails to try way too often*
17-06-2008, 18:30
People who mope about medical conditions of a somewhat minor but incurable nature, EVERY SINGLE FUCKING DAY.
"My wrists hurt from the tendonitis"
"And I can't get the op, that could ruin my wrists"
Cannot think of a name
17-06-2008, 18:39
Hey, if you try and fail, that's one thing. If you fail to try, it's a completely different animal.
*fails to try way too often*
That only really goes to the first half of my complaint, though. And I'm not dismissing the existence of self defeat, just saying it's not as easy as all that.
People who mope about medical conditions of a somewhat minor but incurable nature, EVERY SINGLE FUCKING DAY.
"My wrists hurt from the tendonitis"
"And I can't get the op, that could ruin my wrists"
My color blindness makes this difficult to deal with.
17-06-2008, 18:43
That only really goes to the first half of my complaint, though. And I'm not dismissing the existence of self defeat, just saying it's not as easy as all that.
Nothing is ever easy. Things are rarely hopeless though. If you put enough work into your dreams you can live to see the day where you will fail at them.
17-06-2008, 18:43
My color blindness makes this difficult to deal with.
Eh colour blindness, dyslexia, all fine to deal with. People who complain about the state of their wrists and spend most of their day nattering away on facebook despite supposedly having trouble writing as well as typing, and complain about it all day every day is not cool.
Cannot think of a name
17-06-2008, 19:08
Nothing is ever easy. Things are rarely hopeless though. If you put enough work into your dreams you can live to see the day where you will fail at them.
See, though, this is the kind of reductive 'power of positive thinking' self help seminar crap that I'm kind of talking about where you just decide not to explain the situation to the person and just be vague and evasive and hope the conversation mercifully ends soon.
Do you want to explain to this person, to use another example brought up by someone else, that you can't go to college because the last two times you tried you ended up homeless because even with financial aid your life is in such precarious balance that upsetting it apparently would bring it crashing down? Or that you can't get a girlfriend because not many are lining up for a fat guy balding in his early 20s who lives in a projection booth of a movie theater on the sly because he lost his place to live and doesn't make enough money to get into another place and spends 90% of his waking life trying to figure a way out of that situation? Do you want to hear a Tony Robbins seminar complete with platitudes that contain the tacit implication that you're a loser because you don't simply will your way out of it? No, no you don't. Crap situations and personal failures come with enough self floggings that you don't need backhanded ones from self help wannabes. Your already kind of pissed at yourself and now you're pissed at the person that's drilling your toothache, so you become vague and the person that was being backhandedly insulting start becoming directly insulting. It's a drag.
Granted, that's a bit of an extreme situation but it's to illustrate that sometimes there is more to a situation and to give a glimpse at what the drilling looks like from the other side.
17-06-2008, 19:16
See, though, this is the kind of reductive 'power of positive thinking' self help seminar crap that I'm kind of talking about where you just decide not to explain the situation to the person and just be vague and evasive and hope the conversation mercifully ends soon.
Do you want to explain to this person, to use another example brought up by someone else, that you can't go to college because the last two times you tried you ended up homeless because even with financial aid your life is in such precarious balance that upsetting it apparently would bring it crashing down? Or that you can't get a girlfriend because not many are lining up for a fat guy balding in his early 20s who lives in a projection booth of a movie theater on the sly because he lost his place to live and doesn't make enough money to get into another place and spends 90% of his waking life trying to figure a way out of that situation? Do you want to hear a Tony Robbins seminar complete with platitudes that contain the tacit implication that you're a loser because you don't simply will your way out of it? No, no you don't. Crap situations and personal failures come with enough self floggings that you don't need backhanded ones from self help wannabes. Your already kind of pissed at yourself and now you're pissed at the person that's drilling your toothache, so you become vague and the person that was being backhandedly insulting start becoming directly insulting. It's a drag.
Granted, that's a bit of an extreme situation but it's to illustrate that sometimes there is more to a situation and to give a glimpse at what the drilling looks like from the other side.
I was pretty violent and anti-social when I lived in my car, so I never really told anyone all the "stuff" I wanted to do. When they would ask "what's your goal in life?" I would be like "not to get arrested today".
I get where you are coming from, but life sucks for everyone, it just sucks a bit more for people who have given up.
Cannot think of a name
17-06-2008, 19:28
I was pretty violent and anti-social when I lived in my car, so I never really told anyone all the "stuff" I wanted to do. When they would ask "what's your goal in life?" I would be like "not to get arrested today".
I get where you are coming from, but life sucks for everyone, it just sucks a bit more for people who have given up.
You don't have to have given up to not want to hear it, that's what I'm getting at.
Which personality trait irks you the most? (maybe there's one I didn't consider yet) hmmm...
people who rely too much on others and not enough on themselves.
Former Roommate: where's the remote.
Me: [busy cooking] dunno. should be by the TV
FR: [looks around the room... literallly looks around] Can't find it.
Me: [enters living room, picks up a newpaper on the table, revealing Remote control] here it is. [goes back to cooking]
the "no, it HAS to be done this way" people.
and those who are inconsiderate of others.
Do you have a personality quirk that annoys you?
laziness... procrastination... I can be a bit clingy... I live in clutter... I'm a pack rat.
Nanatsu no Tsuki
17-06-2008, 19:37
Jelousy, as a persnoality trait, grates me.
In me, I hate that I'm choleric. I shouldn't be, it harms me and prevents me from thinking straight.
Giapo Alitheia
17-06-2008, 20:34
Attention-seeking drives me insaaaaane. Less so on the internet, because I don't have to really be around the attention-seekers. But eye are elle, if someone is only saying or doing things so that people will pay attention to them, it makes me want to hurt them. But I usually just opt for trying to ignore them.
I myself am extremely lazy, but possibly even worse, I seem to not be able to finish anything I start. For instance, I like to write poetry. But I've never really dedicated myself to it or gotten serious about it. I have a fleeting interest in so many things, yet I lack the discipline to really delve any deeper. This is why, though my IQ was high enough, and my test scores were usually pretty good, I was never quite top of my class or qualifying for the best scholarships. It's a combination of laziness and lack of dedication to anything at all (though fortunately this does not apply with my fiance).
Bah. I've rambled.
Sumamba Buwhan
17-06-2008, 20:53
I dislike a lot of people for a lot of reasons
although, I really hate a lot of my own personality traits so I although I do bitch about others, I try to consider the fact that I'm not so fond of myself so there is little room to talk.
Anti-Social Darwinism
17-06-2008, 21:01
I sometimes think that the personality traits we hate most in others, are the ones we share with them, but pretend we don't have.
I think it's called projection.
I hate people who project their negative personality traits on me.
I'm sure they hate me right back for doing the same thing.
Johnny B Goode
17-06-2008, 21:18
People who love to be a total **** and then say they were just kidding. I can tolerate it, but it annoys me. As for myself, my lack of self esteem and my really bad defeatism.
I forgot to mention the mindless indulgence in 'fun'. Yes, fun is good. Mindless fun even can be good. Nothing but mindless fun is like Cool Whip. Vaguely satisfying but ultimately not something you can sustain yourself on.
People with oodles of 'acquaintances' but few real friends. People who do nothing but spam forums, finding more intelligent conversation too taxing. People who want you to appreciate them, who need you to appreciate them, but pretend that's not at all the case when called on it.
The problem is, you really can only eat so much Cool Whip.
17-06-2008, 21:30
The problem is, you really can only eat so much Cool Whip.
Leave the Cool Whip out of it! What did it ever do to you?? :( ;)
South Lizasauria
18-06-2008, 19:54
The only thing worst than a gossiper is a lying gossiper. One that will make up lies to gossip about you just to make themselves popular. Bonus to those who will go as far as to think it's funny when you confront them about how mess up they are, and those who find their only source of joy in seeing you suffer.
You will think that someone have to really hate you to do something like this, but there are actually people out there who will do it to anyone they happen to encounter.
Yeah, the town I live in is infested with people like that. The kind of people you described are described by some professionals as "toxic people". The majority of such people deserve pity, yet a few categories of said people such as liars and gossipers only deserve a kick between the legs.
Lunatic Goofballs
18-06-2008, 20:00
I forgot to mention the mindless indulgence in 'fun'. Yes, fun is good. Mindless fun even can be good. Nothing but mindless fun is like Cool Whip. Vaguely satisfying but ultimately not something you can sustain yourself on.
People with oodles of 'acquaintances' but few real friends. People who do nothing but spam forums, finding more intelligent conversation too taxing. People who want you to appreciate them, who need you to appreciate them, but pretend that's not at all the case when called on it.
The problem is, you really can only eat so much Cool Whip.
That is why you must occasionally throw it instead. :)
Big Jim P
18-06-2008, 20:07
My incredible modesty irks me to no end. In others, I find active stupidity to be the worst.