- Draft: Establishment of World Wealth Fund
- Draft: UN Economic Development Fund
- United Nations sucks
- A request
- Repeal UN Resolution #82: "Stem Cell Research"
- If the United Nations sucks, what are the alternatives?
- Draft: Genetic Harvesting Ban
- Indebted Nations' Recovery Act
- Slavery
- Draft: Interceptor Rights Act
- Drafts: "Repeal 'Stop Privacy Intrusion'" & "Stop Privacy Intrusion II"
- PASSED: Continuity Of Government [Official Topic]
- Support Resolution- UN Drug Laws
- Proposal: Temporary Relief of Energy
- Interceptor Rights Act- HELP
- Monitoring Environmental Stability
- Submitted: Repeal "Hydrogen Powered Vehicles"
- International Net Metering Standards
- OMG Deleated Proposal?
- Question: Equal Minimum Wage Act disapproval
- PASSED: Repeal "Free education" [Official Topic]
- Sociaist Committee in the United Nations
- Draft: Humane Punishments Commitee
- Submitted: Repeal "Sexual Freedom"
- Draft: Freedom of Locomotion Act
- Submitted: Repeal "Stem Cell Research Funding"
- Submitted Proposal for Artistic Expression Act
- DRAFT: Age of Consent
- Submitted "Free Access to Condoms"
- Global Warming
- Draft: World Disarmament Of Nuclear Weapons
- Submitted Right to Weaponize Space
- Draft: Demilitarization Of National Borders
- Draft: International Space Research Association
- Resolution: End Forced Prostitution
- PASSED: "Radiological Terrorism" [Official Topic]
- Amending Repeal Resolution 199 ("Free Education")
- Proposal in consideration: Malaria Initiative
- Mayor McCheese, Popped collars and throwing D's on it...and Drug Parks
- Submitted: Repeal "The Right to Form Unions"
- PASSED: Repeal "UN Biological Weapons Ban" [Official Topic]
- PASSED: UN Bio Agent Convention [Official Topic]
- Draft: Declare War on Global Warming
- what happened to my gay marriage proposal?
- Draft: War Dead Repatriation
- Re: War on Global Warming
- Delegate Manditory Conference Proposal
- Repeal Sexual Freedom
- Back to the Present
- PASSED: Repeal "Hydrogen Powered Vehicles" [Official Topic]
- Draft: Poverty
- Draft: United Nations International Language Center
- Draft: United Nations Peace Prize
- Do we need to make a alernitve fuel source???
- Draft: U.n. peace prize
- Repeal 'Mutual Recognition of Borders'
- Climate Refugee Commission
- Cars a thing of the past
- screw the u.n.
- PASSED: UN Economics Prize [Official Thread]
- FAILED: Repeal "The Right to Form Unions" [Official Topic]
- We NEED to save the earth
- Draft:Global bill of rights
- proposed treaty on nuclear weapons
- Repeal Resolution #103: Right to Refuse Extradition (poposal)
- UN Proposal
- Thoughts on Global Warming
- Income tax Proposition
- Request For Clarification On Addendums And Modifications Of Existing Resolutions
- Too many repeals!
- Draft: Interceptor Act
- UNIA - Repeal "The Right to Form Unions" projected to fail
- The Abortion Act
- A very rough draft...
- The Emergency Powers Act [draft]
- Proposal: Repeal 'Extraordinary Rendition'
- Nuclear Weapon Usage Draft
- Draft: Restorative Justice Program Act
- UNIA: Repeal 'UN Biological Weapons Ban' projected to pass
- Draft Resolution: International Court of Justice
- UNGSOC Issues!
- UN Gnomes taking Bribes?
- Constitution
- Draft : Environmental Friendly Business Agreement (EFBA)
- Draft: International Sports Standards
- FAILED: Climate Refugee Commission [official topic]
- Resolution to Advance the quality of life in third world nations
- Debt Relief for Developing Nations
- Atomic Weapon Ban
- UNIA: Climate Refugee Commission projected to pass
- What have we became?
- Gender Disparity in Education
- Repeal Resolution #15
- Restrict Gun Use
- Proposal: Repeal "Stop privacy intrusion"
- Standardisation of Crisp Packet Colour Codes
- Democratic Freedom Bill
- DRAFT: Non-Combatant Transport Convention
- The New Economic Block
- vote presents
- Knootian resolution implementation/defiance
- Anti-quackery resolution
- UN Bio Agent Convention
- atheist UN--been done? help writing?
- New UN Proposals
- Proposals mean prizes!
- secret spys
- PASSED: Repeal "UN Patent Law" [Official Topic]
- Weapons
- Looking for support on my proposal
- UN Medical Research Prize
- drafted: The UN human rights prize
- [DRAFT] Most Awesome Weapons Sur-prize
- People of Splik Launch Campaign to Eradicate Disease
- Democratic Coalition Draft Resolution
- Security council proposal
- UN Proposal to Ban improper/inhuman Execution
- UN Peace Prize
- UN Peace Prize
- UN Peace Foundation
- Illicit Drug Legalisation proposal
- UN State Classifications
- No Tree Left Behind Proposal.
- New Un proposal: Outlaw bestiality
- Draft: Repeal Resolution #175 Individual Worker Freedoms
- Repeal, "Fair Sentencing Act"
- Human Rights Proposal
- Good news for all of us ;)
- Population Pruning Procedures
- Repeal, Banning the use of Landmines
- NSUN Infulence in Armed Conflict
- Internation Gun Control Proposal
- Draft: Repeal U.N Resolution #80 "Rights of Minorities and Women"
- UN Proposal: Right of Extradition
- Harmful organizations
- ATTN Delegates:
- Draft: UN Firearms Protection Act
- New Organization to counter the UN. The United Regions!
- PASSED: Cultural Heritage in War [Official Topic]
- Draft: Worldwide Tariff Ban
- repeal resolution #71 Sustainable energy sources
- The Right to Higher Education
- Internet Neutrality Act
- Draft: Repeal Resolution #15 Preserve Historial Sites
- Endangered Species Treaty
- Weasel Stomping Day
- Proposal: Cyclone Warning System
- UN Proposal: Execution of the Mentally Disabled
- Regional Moderator?
- Child Labor Repeal
- Drug Trafficking Act
- UN Proposal: National / International DNA Database (NIBD)
- UN Label Standards/Round 2 (Draft)
- Repeal "Religious Tolerance"
- UN Proposal: Repeal "Alternative Fuels"
- PASSED: Repeal 'Sexual Freedom' [Official Topic]
- DRAFT: Medical Aid Convention
- UN Proposal: Hugs not slugs
- DRAFT:MOP bill
- International NationStates Bank (and a way for the NSUN to make money)
- Stimulating Nuclear Knowledge
- Optional Nudity
- PASSED: Forest Management [Official Topic]
- FAILED: Repeal 'Mutual Recognition of Borders' [Official Topic]
- Accessible Family Planning
- Draft: Law Enforcement Cooperation
- Draft: Plutonium Restriction
- Replacement of 'MRB': Handling Border Disputes
- UN Proposal: Parental Rights Declaration
- Category suggestion
- Non smoking ban
- Please Help Spread The Word
- Illegal immigration
- DRAFT: Double Taxation Treaty
- DRAFT Age of Consent, take 2
- DRAFT Ban Embargoes
- Reunification of Westmoore
- N.S.U.N. Proposal- Repeal "Protect Historical Sites"
- SUBMITTED: Repeal "Banning the use of Landmines"
- SUBMITTED: Greenspace-Industry Ratio
- DEFEATED: "Repeal "Metric System" [Official Topic]
- This Is Genocide!
- Draft: Abolition of Slavery
- DRAFT: Repeal "Stop privacy intrusion"
- DRAFT: Open Skies
- United Nations Funding Act Redone.
- Assistance Needed
- PASSED: Maritime Neutrality Covention [Official Topic]
- Replacement for Resolution #24?
- A fetus of a proposal regarding proposal submission restrictions, guidance welcome
- Fair Trade Act
- PASSED: International Standardisation of weights and measures [Official Topic]
- DRAFT: Refugee Rights
- Paradican Announces Resignation From The UN
- And your replacement is...?
- Draft: UN Constitution
- Proposal : Self-Defensive Armament
- PASSED: Repeal "Banning whaling" [Official Topic]
- DRAFT-UN Neutrality in War [renamed]
- My Submitted Proposal
- Request for UN intervention in Stevens Bay
- WMD Space Neutrality Act
- DRAFT: Free Trade Agreement of the U.N
- New proposal idea re: sustainable world
- Internment Protocols
- Cymru Wales UN forum
- Ban Shark Finning
- SUBMITTED: International Transit of Goods
- Proposal to Repeal Resolution #6 "End Slavery" (Not Pro-Slavery)
- PASSED: Establishment of ICPIN [Official Topic]
- Draft Proposal: International Democratic Observation Act
- DRAFT: Repeal 'UN Space Consortium'
- New proposal: Abolish capitalism!
- UN Proposal to counter terrorism
- Rights of the Artist
- PASSED: Repeal "End Slavery" [Official Thread]
- The Untied Nations is evil
- Proposal
- Question on Proposals
- International Finance Act
- International Finance Act
- The need for a UN space exploration agency
- UN propasal: Cooperative study on CCD
- FAILED: International Trade Currency [Official Topic]
- SUBMITTED: 'Commercial Law Agreement'
- Economic Freedom
- Proposal 1 from Greater Cairo
- FAILED: UN Funding Act [Official Topic]
- future proposal: Regional UN offices
- A question.
- NEEDS to be looked at by delegates to the U.N.!
- Future Proposal
- Draft: Electronic Monitoring
- Draft: Private Airline Neutrality Protection Convention
- UN too Large
- Oi! UN! Rise up against the naysayers!
- How to fund the UN
- A change of pace...
- Committees
- New proposal for globalization
- Clone army proposal-HELP ME
- future proposal: origin theories
- Draft: Civilian Aircraft Protection Act
- international trade currency
- UN Proposal: Store phone conversations
- Out of Character comments are well beyond the pale.
- Need Help Fleshing Out This Proposal!
- Repeal UN Resolution #19 Religious Tolerance
- Democratic elections