- Submitted: Repeal "Legalise Euthanasia"
- A new proposal: Agreement about youth
- A new proposal:More Political Participation for Citizens
- National Sovereignty?
- Proposal: Repeal "Metric System "
- A Must Read For All Delegates!
- New Treaty: Nuclear Arms Limitation Treaty
- Eco-Efficiency Drive
- Proposal: The Defense of Peaceful Trade
- Draft: Space Junk
- Rethinking The Ruleset
- SUBMITTED: Repeal "Citizen Rule Required"
- PASSED: UN Patent Law [Official Topic]
- Industrial Byproduct Trade
- Gun Control and Crime
- Repeal "Metric System "
- The Common Currency
- FAILED: Repeal "Banning the Use of Landmines" [Official Topic]
- United Nations Reforms!
- The UN and You: A Comprehensive Study
- Really Bad UN Proposals
- Proposal: "Punish murderers with slavery"
- Repel "Keep The World Disease-Free!"
- REPEAL: End Slavery
- Crap!
- No compulsory voting laws
- Murder and Manslaughter Laws
- hyrodgen powered vehicles
- New Proposed Nuclear Proliferation Legislation
- Industrial Byproduct Trade Act
- Past resolutions
- Ban on transgenic grains
- Ban on Global Causality Violation
- Proposal for Universal Currency in each Region upon Choice
- [PROPOSAL] - Open Skies Agreement
- PASSED: Nuclear Energy Research Act [Official Topic]
- nuclear proliferation #151
- PROPOSAL: No Compulsory Voting Laws
- Repeal Resolution Seven
- Passed: Waste Disposal Covenant [Official Topic]
- Global Tansportation
- Nuclear Information in the hands of Terrorism
- Repeal Consolidation?
- SUBMITTED: Freedom of Scientific Research
- Civil War
- Hydropower and Geothermal Power
- Free Oil Market
- World Energy Map
- Ambassador to the UN announced
- [PASSED] UN Recycling Commission [Official Topic]
- Convention to Ban Torture Proposal
- Proposal: A Ban On Extraordinary Rendition
- Compliance
- Repeal Wording
- Definition of Plea Bargain
- SUBMITTED: Banning Slavery
- New Proposal: Court of International Law
- Proposal: EarthWatch Initiative
- Forest Preservation Act
- UN Standing Army
- Proposal: Repeal Resolution #7
- Need help paring this down to fit proposal requirements
- Down With Capitalism, a UN proposal.
- UN Resolutions -- Delegate Forum
- The UN is the most corrupt body in the world!
- Alternative Energy Research Act
- can i have nukes to destroy my friend please
- Just Curious/Possible UN Proposal
- Rain Forest Presevation Act
- The Hundred Days, A Delegate Warning
- SUBMITTED: Repeal the 40 Hour Work Week (Res. #59)
- Ban Biological Weaponry
- ROUGH DRAFT: Human Expirimentation
- Legal Gambling
- Littering Law proposal
- The Grudge
- New: International Trade Freedoms
- Draft idea: Freedom of Movement of Working Persons
- Draft: Ethical Scientific Practice
- UN application trouble HELP ME!!
- Possible Ban on WMDs?
- Repeal of Resolution Number 28 and Replacement
- PASSED: Repeal "Citizen Rule Required" [Official Topic]
- OOC: weirdness
- SUBMITTED: Experimentation on a Person
- Reveal & Repeal forums: because some resolutions just suck
- Compliance
- Repeal Idea Resolution #10 'Stop Privacy Intrusion'
- I Know How To Improve It!
- UN Copyright Convention
- Support Repeal "Protect Historical Sites"
- How does one enter the U.N.?
- Proposal: Ethical Scientific Practice
- SUBMITTED: Repeal "Stop Privacy Intrusion"
- About landmines
- Proposal: Reinstate Resolution #1
- im special
- Proposal: Commonwealth English Act 2006
- Capitalistic Countries Unite!
- Potential Proposal to Repeal the World Heritage List
- Marijuana Legalization
- Draft Proposal for Animal Rights
- Submitted Proposal: Repeal "Common Sense Act II"
- EPA Proposal
- Powers: UN vs. Individual Nations.
- PASSED: Counterterrorism Initiative [Official Topic]
- Let Be Bopn Holler in
- Nuclear Missile Act
- Arms and Ammunition Draft
- Proposal: Freedom of Information Act
- Three Draft Resolutions - Need advice on improving them.
- UN security act I
- FAILED: Repeal "Stop Privacy Intrusion" [Official Topic]
- FAILED: RFID in new Weapons [Official Topic]
- Revised: F.O.I.A
- Question...
- Repeal "Legalise Euthanasia" Proposals
- Problem with delegates
- Rights of the Disabled
- [SUBMITTED] Biomass Energy Conversion
- [Removed by Author] Rights of the Disabled
- UN Trade Bank
- Anti-Corruption Convention Final Draft
- Judicial Standards Resolution
- Anti-Cannibalism Initiative Draft
- 2nd Draft: Animal Rights
- AT VOTE: Patients Rights Act [Official Topic]
- [Draft Proposal] Developed Economic Advancement
- SUBMITTED: Economic Development Act
- about Patients Rights Act
- Discussion Forum about Patients Rights Act
- Delegates, approve Repeal "The Sex Industry Worker Act"
- [PASSED] "Rights of the Disabled" [Official Topic]
- [Draft Proposal]Free Trade in Space
- Proposal to Legalize Marijuana
- The Gang Deterrence and Community Protection Act
- Calling All Delegates!
- The Crack Down on Drug Dealers
- U.N. Membership
- Questions on Resolution #9
- Proposal: World Health Awareness
- Better Warfare For Invaders On Our Land
- To the UN Ambassadors
- Developed Economic Advancement
- The Black Jack Act
- Working paper: Increase IT Competition
- Nude Education Act of 2006
- Previous Resolution
- Repeal Proposal:Patient Rights Act: It will lead to epidemics
- Draft - Artistic Education
- Rights of the Disabled
- The Healthier Environment Act
- The Black Spade
- Is it just me or do all resolutions get passed?
- An ambassador arrives...
- Important to the security of the World!
- Draft: Disabled Care Accreditation Act.
- Draft: United Nations Genocide Act
- Dract: Special Gun Ownership Certificate
- what are the laws on sexual freedoms?
- Draft: Indigenous Self-Government Act
- Repeal Resolution 37 World Heritage List
- Resiging
- To Heck with the UN! I resign!
- Does the UN really handle international issues?
- I Need Ideas!!!!!!!
- Endorsements
- UN Security Act 1 [Official Topic] [Failed]
- (Draft) Checks on the UN's Power
- National Economic Advancement
- Which category?
- E-mails from the U.N.?
- Draft: Endangered Fish Protection Protocol
- Human Rights
- Save Us
- DRAFT: The Sophistan Convention on Diplomatic Process
- Draft World Historical Protection Act
- International Equality Accord
- Why are people against the security act?
- DRAFT: REPEAL of 'The 40 Hour Workweek'
- oppertunitys nad law
- regions and placings
- DRAFT 2: The Healthier Environment Act
- A legalize Cannabis Law.
- Submitted: World Historical Protection Act
- UN res authorship
- no good
- Regarding the United Nations mandate
- Draft: World Health Disease Center
- Car Pollution Problem
- Free Higher Education
- (Proposed) Balanced Budget
- Vital for humanity's survival
- (Proposed) Repeal the 40 Hour Work Week
- PASSED: Repeal "Replanting Trees" [OFFICIAL TOPIC]
- UN Proposal Regarding Terroist Detainment
- Industrial Finance
- Fair Voting System
- Absolute Sovereignty Resolution
- The Free Voting Act
- Submitted:UN Copyright Convention
- Attn: Delegates "Repeal of Resolution #6"
- [draft proposal]: Intersexed Persons Recognition Act
- Silly Proposal
- Just great
- PASSED: Repeal "Legalise Euthanasia" [Official Topic]
- 2 Proposals Looking for a good home.
- Education Standards
- Submitted: World Health Disease Center
- Where is my proposal?
- Why don't all proposals end up here
- Proposed Homeschool Resolution
- Vote to remove income tax.
- DRAFT: Banning Slavery II
- Draft: Repeal Patient's Rights Act
- Draft: Special Autism Education Inititives
- Prison Quality
- While I was hugging a tree, I thought of this replacement idea
- What is your UN rep's office like?
- Vote ney agaist the UN bill
- Draft: Mental Definency/Handicap Inititive
- The World TFA
- DRAFT: Nutrition Facts
- I have a question about a passed resolution.
- Possible idea: Transparency and Accountability
- Draft:Free Competition Act
- Draft: Copyright Reform
- Repeals
- Seeking appropriate certification from WWP
- Major Concern
- Proposal to End Government Waste
- International illicit trade
- increasing techincal support
- If I resign my UN membership....
- Resolution to legalize drugs
- Just Some Thoughts on EUTHANASIA
- New Proposal - Need Feedback & Support
- 1000 Days of Wolfish
- United Nations Resolution #147
- DRAFT: Legalize&Regulate Prostitution
- Robin Hood Resolution
- Gun registration draft
- Disarmament Step One
- Draft: Euthanasia Rights Convention
- National Economic Rights
- Repealing the 40 Hour Workweek
- PASSED: UN Copyright Convention [Official Topic]
- Blocker Question.
- Draft: Outlaw Beastiality