NationStates Jolt Archive

Pages : 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 [32] 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40
  1. Submitted: Repeal "Legalise Euthanasia"
  2. A new proposal: Agreement about youth
  3. A new proposal:More Political Participation for Citizens
  4. National Sovereignty?
  5. Proposal: Repeal "Metric System "
  6. A Must Read For All Delegates!
  7. New Treaty: Nuclear Arms Limitation Treaty
  8. Eco-Efficiency Drive
  9. Proposal: The Defense of Peaceful Trade
  10. Draft: Space Junk
  11. Rethinking The Ruleset
  12. SUBMITTED: Repeal "Citizen Rule Required"
  13. PASSED: UN Patent Law [Official Topic]
  14. Industrial Byproduct Trade
  15. Gun Control and Crime
  16. Repeal "Metric System "
  17. The Common Currency
  18. FAILED: Repeal "Banning the Use of Landmines" [Official Topic]
  19. United Nations Reforms!
  20. The UN and You: A Comprehensive Study
  21. Really Bad UN Proposals
  22. Proposal: "Punish murderers with slavery"
  23. Repel "Keep The World Disease-Free!"
  24. REPEAL: End Slavery
  25. Crap!
  26. No compulsory voting laws
  27. Murder and Manslaughter Laws
  28. hyrodgen powered vehicles
  29. New Proposed Nuclear Proliferation Legislation
  30. Industrial Byproduct Trade Act
  31. Past resolutions
  32. Ban on transgenic grains
  33. Ban on Global Causality Violation
  34. Proposal for Universal Currency in each Region upon Choice
  35. [PROPOSAL] - Open Skies Agreement
  36. PASSED: Nuclear Energy Research Act [Official Topic]
  37. nuclear proliferation #151
  38. PROPOSAL: No Compulsory Voting Laws
  39. Repeal Resolution Seven
  40. Passed: Waste Disposal Covenant [Official Topic]
  41. Global Tansportation
  42. Nuclear Information in the hands of Terrorism
  43. Repeal Consolidation?
  44. SUBMITTED: Freedom of Scientific Research
  45. Civil War
  46. Hydropower and Geothermal Power
  47. Free Oil Market
  48. World Energy Map
  49. Ambassador to the UN announced
  50. [PASSED] UN Recycling Commission [Official Topic]
  51. Convention to Ban Torture Proposal
  52. Proposal: A Ban On Extraordinary Rendition
  53. Compliance
  54. Repeal Wording
  55. Definition of Plea Bargain
  56. SUBMITTED: Banning Slavery
  57. New Proposal: Court of International Law
  58. Proposal: EarthWatch Initiative
  59. Forest Preservation Act
  60. UN Standing Army
  61. Proposal: Repeal Resolution #7
  62. Need help paring this down to fit proposal requirements
  63. Down With Capitalism, a UN proposal.
  64. UN Resolutions -- Delegate Forum
  65. The UN is the most corrupt body in the world!
  66. Alternative Energy Research Act
  67. can i have nukes to destroy my friend please
  68. Just Curious/Possible UN Proposal
  69. Rain Forest Presevation Act
  70. The Hundred Days, A Delegate Warning
  71. SUBMITTED: Repeal the 40 Hour Work Week (Res. #59)
  72. Ban Biological Weaponry
  73. ROUGH DRAFT: Human Expirimentation
  74. Legal Gambling
  75. Littering Law proposal
  76. The Grudge
  77. New: International Trade Freedoms
  78. Draft idea: Freedom of Movement of Working Persons
  79. Draft: Ethical Scientific Practice
  80. UN application trouble HELP ME!!
  81. Possible Ban on WMDs?
  82. Repeal of Resolution Number 28 and Replacement
  83. PASSED: Repeal "Citizen Rule Required" [Official Topic]
  84. OOC: weirdness
  85. SUBMITTED: Experimentation on a Person
  86. Reveal & Repeal forums: because some resolutions just suck
  87. Compliance
  88. Repeal Idea Resolution #10 'Stop Privacy Intrusion'
  89. I Know How To Improve It!
  90. UN Copyright Convention
  91. Support Repeal "Protect Historical Sites"
  92. How does one enter the U.N.?
  93. Proposal: Ethical Scientific Practice
  94. SUBMITTED: Repeal "Stop Privacy Intrusion"
  95. About landmines
  96. Proposal: Reinstate Resolution #1
  97. im special
  98. Proposal: Commonwealth English Act 2006
  99. Capitalistic Countries Unite!
  100. Potential Proposal to Repeal the World Heritage List
  101. Marijuana Legalization
  102. Draft Proposal for Animal Rights
  103. Submitted Proposal: Repeal "Common Sense Act II"
  104. EPA Proposal
  105. Powers: UN vs. Individual Nations.
  106. PASSED: Counterterrorism Initiative [Official Topic]
  107. Let Be Bopn Holler in
  108. Nuclear Missile Act
  109. Arms and Ammunition Draft
  110. Proposal: Freedom of Information Act
  111. Three Draft Resolutions - Need advice on improving them.
  112. UN security act I
  113. FAILED: Repeal "Stop Privacy Intrusion" [Official Topic]
  114. FAILED: RFID in new Weapons [Official Topic]
  115. Revised: F.O.I.A
  116. Question...
  117. Repeal "Legalise Euthanasia" Proposals
  118. Problem with delegates
  119. Rights of the Disabled
  120. [SUBMITTED] Biomass Energy Conversion
  121. [Removed by Author] Rights of the Disabled
  122. UN Trade Bank
  123. Anti-Corruption Convention Final Draft
  124. Judicial Standards Resolution
  125. Anti-Cannibalism Initiative Draft
  126. 2nd Draft: Animal Rights
  127. AT VOTE: Patients Rights Act [Official Topic]
  128. [Draft Proposal] Developed Economic Advancement
  129. SUBMITTED: Economic Development Act
  130. about Patients Rights Act
  131. Discussion Forum about Patients Rights Act
  132. Delegates, approve Repeal "The Sex Industry Worker Act"
  133. [PASSED] "Rights of the Disabled" [Official Topic]
  134. [Draft Proposal]Free Trade in Space
  135. Proposal to Legalize Marijuana
  136. The Gang Deterrence and Community Protection Act
  137. Calling All Delegates!
  138. The Crack Down on Drug Dealers
  139. U.N. Membership
  140. Questions on Resolution #9
  141. Proposal: World Health Awareness
  142. Better Warfare For Invaders On Our Land
  143. To the UN Ambassadors
  144. Developed Economic Advancement
  145. The Black Jack Act
  146. Working paper: Increase IT Competition
  147. Nude Education Act of 2006
  148. Previous Resolution
  149. Repeal Proposal:Patient Rights Act: It will lead to epidemics
  150. Draft - Artistic Education
  151. Rights of the Disabled
  152. The Healthier Environment Act
  153. The Black Spade
  154. Is it just me or do all resolutions get passed?
  155. An ambassador arrives...
  156. Important to the security of the World!
  157. Draft: Disabled Care Accreditation Act.
  158. Draft: United Nations Genocide Act
  159. Dract: Special Gun Ownership Certificate
  160. Draft: UNICEF ACT
  161. what are the laws on sexual freedoms?
  162. Draft: Indigenous Self-Government Act
  163. Repeal Resolution 37 World Heritage List
  164. Resiging
  165. To Heck with the UN! I resign!
  166. Does the UN really handle international issues?
  167. I Need Ideas!!!!!!!
  168. Endorsements
  169. UN Security Act 1 [Official Topic] [Failed]
  170. (Draft) Checks on the UN's Power
  171. National Economic Advancement
  172. Which category?
  173. E-mails from the U.N.?
  174. Draft: Endangered Fish Protection Protocol
  175. Human Rights
  176. Save Us
  177. DRAFT: The Sophistan Convention on Diplomatic Process
  178. Draft World Historical Protection Act
  179. International Equality Accord
  180. Why are people against the security act?
  181. DRAFT: REPEAL of 'The 40 Hour Workweek'
  182. oppertunitys nad law
  183. regions and placings
  184. DRAFT 2: The Healthier Environment Act
  185. A legalize Cannabis Law.
  186. Submitted: World Historical Protection Act
  187. UN res authorship
  188. no good
  189. Regarding the United Nations mandate
  190. Draft: World Health Disease Center
  191. Car Pollution Problem
  192. Free Higher Education
  193. (Proposed) Balanced Budget
  194. Vital for humanity's survival
  195. (Proposed) Repeal the 40 Hour Work Week
  196. PASSED: Repeal "Replanting Trees" [OFFICIAL TOPIC]
  197. UN Proposal Regarding Terroist Detainment
  198. Industrial Finance
  199. Fair Voting System
  200. Absolute Sovereignty Resolution
  201. The Free Voting Act
  202. Submitted:UN Copyright Convention
  203. Attn: Delegates "Repeal of Resolution #6"
  204. [draft proposal]: Intersexed Persons Recognition Act
  205. Silly Proposal
  206. Just great
  207. PASSED: Repeal "Legalise Euthanasia" [Official Topic]
  208. 2 Proposals Looking for a good home.
  209. Education Standards
  210. Submitted: World Health Disease Center
  211. Where is my proposal?
  212. Why don't all proposals end up here
  213. Proposed Homeschool Resolution
  214. Vote to remove income tax.
  215. DRAFT: Banning Slavery II
  216. Draft: Repeal Patient's Rights Act
  217. Draft: Special Autism Education Inititives
  218. Prison Quality
  219. While I was hugging a tree, I thought of this replacement idea
  220. What is your UN rep's office like?
  221. Vote ney agaist the UN bill
  222. Draft: Mental Definency/Handicap Inititive
  223. The World TFA
  224. DRAFT: Nutrition Facts
  225. I have a question about a passed resolution.
  226. Possible idea: Transparency and Accountability
  227. Draft:Free Competition Act
  228. Draft: Copyright Reform
  229. Repeals
  230. Seeking appropriate certification from WWP
  231. Major Concern
  232. Proposal to End Government Waste
  233. International illicit trade
  234. increasing techincal support
  235. If I resign my UN membership....
  236. Resolution to legalize drugs
  237. Just Some Thoughts on EUTHANASIA
  238. New Proposal - Need Feedback & Support
  239. 1000 Days of Wolfish
  240. United Nations Resolution #147
  241. DRAFT: Legalize&Regulate Prostitution
  242. Robin Hood Resolution
  243. Gun registration draft
  244. Disarmament Step One
  245. Draft: Euthanasia Rights Convention
  246. National Economic Rights
  247. Repealing the 40 Hour Workweek
  248. PASSED: UN Copyright Convention [Official Topic]
  249. Blocker Question.
  250. Draft: Outlaw Beastiality