Has anyone ever proposed the possibility of a UN constitution outlining all the basic rights, responsibilities etc of the UN.
10-03-2007, 02:02
Rights and Duties of UN States (http://forums2.jolt.co.uk/showpost.php?p=7030090&postcount=50) <----click it! It's a linky!
Retired WerePenguins
10-03-2007, 05:57
That's not what he asked. He was asking about the rights and duties of the United Nations, not the rights and duties of member states.
The simple answer is no. One could argue much as the recent attempt by the mods to encourage a resolution text to wrap around the no UN army rule that having a UN resolution to codify the specific rules of the UN might be a good thing. But I think it has a snowball's chance on a sunny mecurian day of passing.
10-03-2007, 06:21
Whatever. Just trying to help.
I tried drafting a charter for the UN a while back - it had difficulty working because it would not fit into a category.