NationStates Jolt Archive

Draft: Poverty

24-02-2007, 19:57
BELIEVING that all people without a home should be helped by the governement.

UNDERSTANDING that it is an individual nation's choice to administer social welfare.

ASSERTING that governments should be aware of homelessness and administer welfare and/or give shelters for the homeless

[please add more and/or edit]
Lady Deathstrike
24-02-2007, 20:01
If you understand that it is up to each individual nation to provide and administer Social Welfare to their citizens, then why legislate on it?

Lillith Cresil: UN Observer
The Torture Chamber of Lady Deathstrike
Quintessence of Dust
24-02-2007, 20:03
Uh, this is only bits of a preamble. We couldn't add more if we wanted to, because there's no operative section. You have to decide what you want your proposal do first.

-- George Madison
Legislative Director
Quintessence of Dust Department of UN Affairs
26-02-2007, 01:20
I agree with Mr Madison, set out what you want this proposal to do, not why you want it to do it.

From there everyone has a much clearer idea of what you are trying to accomplish. It doesn't even have to be in "UN-resolutionese" yet.
26-02-2007, 04:13
I want there to be a UN-endorsed commitee designed to eliminate poverty
26-02-2007, 04:37
That is a worthy aim, sir, but as yet a directionless one. In what manner do you intend the committee to deal with World Poverty?

Would you prefer the committee to work to alleviate poverty by expanding on wealth creation in poorer countries? If so, we would commend to your attention these previous thoughts of ours on the subject. ( Would you deem it more appropriate instead to create some sort of international welfare state system? Would you more daringly (and with correspondingly less chance of success) prefer to mandate a welfare state system be created in all member nations? Do you perhaps have some employment creation scheme in mind? Or were you considering another option which we have failed to identify in this partial and incomplete analysis of the options?

I fear that we -- your fellow members in this body -- will be unable to offer any significant assistance until you clarify your intended approach.
26-02-2007, 04:45
In the preamble, it is stated that there is an understanding that each individual nation is responsible for dealing with poverty. Why does the UN need to create another committee to deal with this?

Leave it in the hands of the nations, not the UN.

Dahlia Dioce
UN Representative
Queendom of Karmicaria
26-02-2007, 05:49
I want there to be a UN-endorsed commitee designed to eliminate poverty

And is this proposal going to do anything besides form this committee?

Bob Flibble
UN Representative
26-02-2007, 13:57
the way to elliminate homelessness, which is a more specific and addressble challange then the more generic, and somewhat ambiguous concept of "poverty", it to illiminate building codes for people who only build what they are going, themselves to live in, and only themselves ever going to live in it, along with (also eliminating) large privitised capitol holding of land and thus the denial to nearly everyone of the generosity of nature and its gifts.

the land, all land, is sacred. people need only to build small and locate in such ways as to not interfere with the free passage of others of diverse species including their own. and of course to locate sensibly, not in the middle of where floods are obviously going to come or on land suitable for agriculture. and or to construct in ways suitable and based upon the nature of the places where they do. (which most existing building codes precisely contraviene)


(so yes, i would have us all living in "humpies" with solar cells on the roof, surrounded by japanese gardens and riding amusement park trains to work and go shopping. just like we DO in cameroi)

26-02-2007, 23:45
Are you joking, drunk, or just plain mad? Because that was funny and made no sense...
27-02-2007, 04:09
We are mildly alarmed to find ourselves largely in agreement with the delegate from David6. Some of what little we understood of the Laffertyesque representative of the Cameroi's statement of principles was sound, but the method for achieving those aims is most charitably described as 'wrong'.