NationStates Jolt Archive

Important to the security of the World!

27-05-2006, 19:15
1. The Sex Education Act
2. Rights of Minorities and Women
3. Sexual Freedom
4. Definition of Marriage
5. Legalise Euthanasia
6. Hydrogen Powered Vehicles
7. RBH Replacement
8. The 40 Hour Work Week
9. Global AIDS Initiative
10. Metric System
All these UN resolutions are of a very liberal and in my opinion very
good resolutions. They have all been put on the top-ten list of repeals
by the region of Change this can be verified on the Change forum.
As you can see this region is a threat to the political, social,and physical
environment of the world because they are working to repeal environment and
human rights bills.
This information has been brought to you by the region of Niflheim and not
by any individual member of that region.
27-05-2006, 19:50
Excuse me while I laugh ha ha:p ha ha. The ten resolutions that you have stated are among the worst lot to make it through the UN, especially numbers 3, 5 and 6. I hope you were being sarcastic.

I support the region of Change. Good work.
27-05-2006, 20:14
How in the name of all that is intelligent in the world as these resolutions critical to the security of the world? What's going to happen if they're all repealed? Will sex-deprived teens, women and minorities, sex-deprived forty year-olds, homosexuals, the critically-ill, Greens, socialized-medicine activists, overtime workers, AIDS patients and metric users unite into the most hell-bent army in the history of mankind?

Seriously, I actually support 1, 2, 4, 7, 8, 9 and 10. The biggest problem I have with 3 is that it is poorly-worded.

Still, don't be an alarmist for crying out loud. If they're worth their weight, they'll stand. Nations have the right to be as pro-national sovereignty as they want. Being very liberal and being very good aren't always good things (point in case: the Dutch, with their unionized armies, legalized pot and legal hookers).
27-05-2006, 20:20
I can just imagine the nigh impossible odds to overcome to even attempt to repeal some of those, no matter how good they are or aren't.
27-05-2006, 20:24
I know what you mean Kivisto. The legalise Euthanasia one has tried to be repealed on countless occasions (by me twice). And even with a very well organised telegram campaign, it only gets to at most 100 approvals. People just look at the titles and think 'why should that be repealed?', whereas if they looked at the actual resolution, they would realise how poor they are - many of those 10 resolutions are very badly worded. You can easily find a loophole or a big big problem with the resolution or it's wording in all ten of these.
27-05-2006, 20:48
Yeah, Adolf. I've got two strikes on the repeal for "Legalize Stupidity" myself.

"I can just imagine the nigh impossible odds to overcome to even attempt to repeal some of those, no matter how good they are or aren't."

I can just imagine the nigh impossible odds to overcome the armies of death and destruction that would bring down world security if anything were to happen to these precious little monsters.
27-05-2006, 20:58
Yeah, Adolf. I've got two strikes on the repeal for "Legalize Stupidity" myself.

"I can just imagine the nigh impossible odds to overcome to even attempt to repeal some of those, no matter how good they are or aren't."

I can just imagine the nigh impossible odds to overcome the armies of death and destruction that would bring down world security if anything were to happen to these precious little monsters.

:p Made me laugh. We should get back to repealing legalise Euthanasia sometime. I think NewKlemons most recent proposal to repeal it gets straight to the point and is very effective (possibly the best attempt yet;) ).

REPEALS Resolution #43

Jokes Aside, lets work on a repeal after my current two proposals reach or don't reach quorum and pass or fail infront of the UN. That should be about a week or two.
27-05-2006, 21:10
I won't shed a tear if any of these resolutions should disappear. Change is an obnoxious virtual Gatesville clone that mindlessly opposes everything on the UN floor for "national sovereignty" reasons, and they are the region responsible for that Abortion Rights repeal that served little other purpose than to open a painful rift in the General Assembly over abortion. But this list is pretty much a catalogue of the most wrong-headed resolutions that serve no purpose. Most of them don't really do anything, save lecture member states about human rights, health care and the environment. Even if you are of the mind that the goal of the United Nations is to force liberal values on all member states, I don't see how you can oppose repealing most of this legislation.

I place an asterisk next to UNR #81: DoM; it's a proposal that's pretty much open to interpretation, so nations can decide for themselves whether it mandates them to support gay marriage (and incestual unions, for that matter). I formerly supported a repeal of UNR #81, but now that Gay Rights is gone I'm not so sure I would anymore.

The Sex Education Act is pretty much a posterboy for useless fluff that doesn't mandate anything but still manages to piss off a good number of people for the sheer condescending, morally superior tone of it.

Metric System is one of the most Eurocentric abominations in the history of NS. Forcing everyone to go metric because you're European and can't understand how anyone can utilize any other system of measurements? Please.

So, in short: The Sex Education Act -- REPEAL, with a vengeance
Rights of Minorities and Women -- REPEAL
Sexual Freedom -- REPEAL
Definition of Marriage -- ??
Legalize Euthanasia -- REPEAL
Hydrogen Powered Vehicles -- REPEAL
RBH Replacement -- REPEAL
The 40 Hour Work Week -- REPEAL
Global AIDS Initiative -- REPEAL
Metric System -- REPEAL
27-05-2006, 21:46
I agree with Omigodtheykilledkenny in everything he said.

To add to it, he said that this list is a ctalogue of resolutions that don't actually do anything. This is because of loopholes etc. While some nations feel that because of this poor nature of the resolution's wording and the fact that these resolutions can be ignored, there is no need to repeal them, I feel that it is very important to repeal them to clean up the UN and make sure that the only resolutions still standing are ones that have a good intent and achieve their aim successfully without any loopholes or poor wording.
27-05-2006, 22:01
Most of them would be eventually replaced with more comprahensive and binding legislation, so that region would be cutting of their nose to spite their faces, if they want to repeal for nat sov reasons.

That said, I support a repeal and replace on most of those listed, especially the euthenasia resolution. There are a few however that I'd never support a repeal of, 40 hour workweek for example.
27-05-2006, 22:20
1. The Sex Education Act----REPEAL
2. Rights of Minorities and Women----REPEAL + Replace
3. Sexual Freedom----REPEAL + Replace
4. Definition of Marriage
5. Legalise Euthanasia----REPEAL + Replace
6. Hydrogen Powered Vehicles----REPEAL
7. RBH Replacement----REPEAL
8. The 40 Hour Work Week----REPEAL, GLADLY
9. Global AIDS Initiative
10. Metric System----REPEAL, GLADLY

So, in short, I find most of these to be worthy of repealing, perhaps in my repeal radar in the future ;) .
27-05-2006, 22:32
Psh. Repeal the lot of 'em. This list is a mixture of feel-good fluff, gross attacks on national sovereignty, and purely asinine cruft. Sure, we'd never be able to get them yanked, but it's fun to dream, right?
27-05-2006, 23:51
I've got to say that I feel sorry for sir laugh alot - he opened this thread hoping to gain allies who believe that these are good resolutions. However, the fact is, sir, some resolutions just suck(motto of R and R) and this group of 10 are very good examples. I hope that you have come to realise that these resolutions are all very ineffective and deserve to be repealed.
28-05-2006, 01:03
:p Made me laugh. We should get back to repealing legalise Euthanasia sometime. I think NewKlemons most recent proposal to repeal it gets straight to the point and is very effective (possibly the best attempt yet;) ).
*cough* actually, I don't find it particularly great, it just was one of the better of a bad bunch. But heck, it nearly got there. And if you've been paying attention I've been hassling MTH to try again.
28-05-2006, 02:09
1. The Sex Education Act

Only reason I wouldn't repeal it is it's not worth the effort. There's a part of me that likes it, there's a part of me that doesn't and either way, it could be improved. Screw it, leave it.

2. Rights of Minorities and Women

Yeah..... It's an ok resolution, but not great and certainly questionable necessity.

3. Sexual Freedom

MUST DIE. You want important to the security of the world, read the resolution very carefully. This resolution makes it so that a person can legally build a nuclear bomb in their basement and even if the police got a whif that this was happening, they still couldn't arrest anyone.....or get a search warrant, or anything. Must be repealed and replaced.

4. Definition of Marriage

There's some question about whether consent is needed to be married, but otherwise not a bad resolution.

5. Legalise Euthanasia

The major players within the UN want to see this blown out, but are concerned about what might be put in its place. Pro-UN protected Right to Euthanasia want it repealed because it is so poorly written and rather disgusting. Add on that some nations are having the governments decide when to euthanize people and at least one government is using it as justification for their trimming of the elder population, there is great argument to having it repealed.

The others just oppose what it is so they'd want it blown out anyways - and possibly prevent a second round of it.

6. Hydrogen Powered Vehicles

Yes it is a nice proposal, but my biggest problem is it demands we stick all our money into the developement of Hydrogen fuel. Hydrogen fuel is not the only possible solution to our current oil crisis. (That said, the next time someone says "it'll cost more energy to produce than use", tell them to start reading some science articles on what they're doing to try and remove energy loss). I believe there is a duplicate resolution that promotes the consideration of all alternative fuel sources.

I should probably also note that we have many members who haven't discovered oil let alone need hydrogen fuel. We also have many members who are millenia past the hydrogen fuel age.

7. RBH Replacement

First time I've heard it hit someone's todo list. I can understand why, but I don't agree and I think the vast majority see it as a minor sore point.

8. The 40 Hour Work Week

Yeah, them and ACCEL and NSO and GRA and....

9. Global AIDS Initiative

Another one you don't hear about much.

10. Metric System

Yeah. Another popular "to repeal".

All these UN resolutions are of a very liberal and in my opinion very
good resolutions.

Vast majority of them are sub-par and need to at least be replaced if not blown out completely.

They have all been put on the top-ten list of repeals
by the region of Change this can be verified on the Change forum.

Change is a nobody in this game. To give you an idea of how disorganized they are, they got dinged for non-feeder recruitment as they threaded through my region a few months ago. A region that hasn't spent the time to figure this sort of thing out isn't really much of a threat.
As you can see this region is a threat to the political, social,and physical
environment of the world because they are working to repeal environment and
human rights bills.

Threat is hardly a good term for them. If I were to consider what a threat was to environment and human rights bills, I'd probably put ACCEL and NSO right at the top of the list.

This information has been brought to you by the region of Niflheim and not
by any individual member of that region.

Thank you.
28-05-2006, 03:25
If I were to consider what a threat was to environment and human rights bills, I'd probably put ACCEL and NSO right at the top of the list.I feel so proud. :D
United Planets c2161
28-05-2006, 04:55
:p Made me laugh. We should get back to repealing legalise Euthanasia sometime. I think NewKlemons most recent proposal to repeal it gets straight to the point and is very effective (possibly the best attempt yet;) ).
No need, Legalize Euthanasia has so many blaring loopholes that you don't need to repeal it to make euthanasia essentially illegal.

Take for example my nation, we didn't want to legalize euthanasia, but were forced to by that resolution. We didn't want to take our ball and go home, leaving the UN, so we took advantage of the lack of definitions in it. The resolution allows us to make it illegal before a "certain age". So we set that age to be 10,000 years. Then due to the other possibility restriction where they must have a "life-threatening illness". We defined a "life-threatening illness" as a disease that ultimately results in death for which there is no cure.
People trying to claim the right to euthanasia must present proof that their illness fits this category, since they cannot prove that there is no possible cure (only none at this point in time), no diseases have met the qualifications and not one act of euthanasia has occurred within our borders.
28-05-2006, 07:42
I feel so proud. :D

Me too. :D
28-05-2006, 07:53
I feel so proud. :D
Me too. :D

The meer fact that these two answered with pride instead of furry proves my point. They're:
A) Active within the drafting of many proposals
B) Knowledgable of how the UN operates and aware of how to optimize their chances
C) Have successfully passed resolutions
D) Proven Intelligence. Not saying Change doesn't have intelligent people, but I thought it quite hilarious when they spammed my forums 'cause I knew the founder had never read the forums and likely didn't know of the NSO or ACCEL's existance.
28-05-2006, 08:16
The meer fact that these two answered with pride instead of furry proves my point. They're:
A) Active within the drafting of many proposals
B) Knowledgable of how the UN operates and aware of how to optimize their chances
C) Have successfully passed resolutions
D) Proven Intelligence. Not saying Change doesn't have intelligent people, but I thought it quite hilarious when they spammed my forums 'cause I knew the founder had never read the forums and likely didn't know of the NSO or ACCEL's existance.

I'm not prone to furry anymore than I'm prone to fluffy. :p

And yes, anti-sovereignty environmental and human rights resolutions are targetted just like any other anti-sovereignty resolution of another category would be. And then there are the just plain crappy resolutions, several of which are listed by the starter of this discussion.
28-05-2006, 09:22
No need, Legalize Euthanasia has so many blaring loopholes that you don't need to repeal it to make euthanasia essentially illegal.

As i said before, I understand that many nations feel like that, but I would like to see these types of resolutions repealed to 'clean up' the UN.
28-05-2006, 14:21
The things that make me drag out this account again...
1. The Sex Education Act
Don't really mind it. Doesn't do harm. Overall Meh.
2. Rights of Minorities and Women
I object to this one on the grounds of detesting complete moral relativism. It works between people, but I'm not convinced it works on a national level. But that ain't the usual grounds for repeal. Apart from that, no real problem.
3. Sexual Freedom
I don't agree with the claims that people can build bombs in the basement. I think it is short, clear and to-the-point.
4. Definition of Marriage
I like it. Simple.
5. Legalise Euthanasia
Don't like it. However, I am always extremely edgy about repeal-and-replace as an ideology. The replacement could be something even worse.
6. Hydrogen Powered Vehicles
Now, this one just don't work. But my UN nation is in complete compliance by re-inventing the wheel.
7. RBH Replacement
I haven't seen repeal calls for this one before. Particularly not from the NatSov camp. Perhaps because all it does is encourage, and has no mandatory acts.
8. The 40 Hour Work Week
I agree with this resolution, and would oppose any serious repeal attempt.
9. Global AIDS Initiative
I have never seen even the hint of a repeal of this one around here. Not since repeals were introduced. Not even when repeals were just speculated on. And I cannot see any reason why any person could possibly countenance a repeal attempt. Guess I'm turning into a fluffy then.
10. Metric System
Well, I'm in favour, but I already use metric and can't see why people still think imperial makes sense.
28-05-2006, 15:51
The only two whose absence would bother me are 8 and 9. I undrstand onjections to the former but what's wrong with 9?
28-05-2006, 18:57
The only two whose absence would bother me are 8 and 9. I undrstand onjections to the former but what's wrong with 9?Bah. Who's to say that AIDS even exists in NS? I thought the big killer was VODAIS? ;)

Well, I'm in favour, but I already use metric and can't see why people still think imperial makes sense."Dear God of England, please let me go. In return I will spell the word 'color' with a 'u,' and I will use the metric system with every cubic milliliter of blood in my ... aww, I can't do it! It's so stupid!" --Homer Simpson :p
28-05-2006, 19:08
I would say lol, but I'm english, so that would be hippocritical and unpatriotic.:p

Anyway, when has Homer Simpson been an expert on UN proposals?
28-05-2006, 20:12
"Originally Posted by Adolf-Barham
Made me laugh. We should get back to repealing legalise Euthanasia sometime. I think NewKlemons most recent proposal to repeal it gets straight to the point and is very effective (possibly the best attempt yet )."

Good times, good times. NewKlemons might have the best chances and the worst repeal yet!

TG me in a week or so. I want to finish up with my child, "Rights of the Disabled." Sure as heck hope that never makes this thread!

By the way, where did the authors of this thread go? Did they get scared and leave? This turned out to be one of the greatest threads I've ever seen!
28-05-2006, 20:36
TG me in a week or so. I want to finish up with my child, "Rights of the Disabled." Sure as heck hope that never makes this thread!

By the way, where did the authors of this thread go? Did they get scared and leave? This turned out to be one of the greatest threads I've ever seen!

The author ran away because no-one agreed with him that those 10 resolutions help the security of the world. Anyway, there's so much ammo against the legalise Euthanasia proposal now that hundreds have tried to repeal, it's hard to decide which parts to use. I'll work on one sometime later though. I have co-author status ofone queued proposal and am the author of one proposal that is well on it's way to reaching quorum, so I'll work on the euthanasia one in a week or two.
28-05-2006, 21:45
If I were to consider what a threat was to environment and human rights bills, I'd probably put ACCEL and NSO right at the top of the list.
Really? That's interesting. Let's take a look at the NSO polls reguarding environmental resolutions and repeals of environmental resolutions shall we.

Waste Disposal Covenant
FOR 8 votes
AGAINST 2 votes
ABSTAIN 1 voteThat's anti environment?

Repeal "Stop Dumping - Start Cleaning"
FOR 6 votes
AGAINST 1 vote
ABSTAIN 1 voteYes that one repeals an environmental resolution but there's another resolution on the books that does the same thing as this one so this was just removing an unnesscary resolution.

FOR 9 votes
AGAINST 0 votes
ABSTAIN 0 votesThis one was repealed to allow for a replacement which we supported. (it's not listed here due to it's caetgory being free trade)

Repeal "Save the forests of the World"
Kenny made the poll so I can't get accurate numbers on this one, general consensus was in favor of the repealSave the forests of the World didn't do shit to begin with.

Repeal #126 Fossil Fuel Reduction Act
FOR 9 votes
AGAINST 1 vote
ABSTAIN 0 votesThe repeal failed so this one really doesn't matter.

Repeal "Protection of Dolphins Act" (second try)
FOR 6 votes
AGAINST 0 votes
ABSTAIN 2 votesThis one was rendered obsolete by #119 UNCoESB.

Fossil Fuel Reduction Act
FOR 6 votes
AGAINST 0 votes
ABSTAIN 0 votesWe consider(ed) this resolution to be fatally flawed.

Repeal "Promotion of Solar Panels"
FOR 6 votes
AGAINST 0 votes
ABSTAIN 0 votesHow many people were not for this one? Promotion of Solar Panels was the absolute biggest piece of shit resolution I've ever seen, hence its holding the record for being the fastest repeal ever.

Promotion of Solar Panels
FOR 1 vote
AGAINST 7 votes
ABSTAIN 0 votesSee above.

FOR 5 votes
AGAINST 1 vote
ABSTAIN 2 votesLook a well written environmental resolution and we voted for it.

Repeal "Protection of Dolphins Act"
FOR 7 votes
AGAINST 1 vote
ABSTAIN 1 voteThis repeal was attempted in order to make way for UNCoESB.

Mitigation of Large Reservoirs
FOR 3 votes
AGAINST 3 votes
ABSTAIN 0 votesSome of us liked it and some of us didn't.

So looking at this you can see that the NSO is not anti-environment in fact if it's decently written and international in nature we'll support them, what we are however is anti-crap because I'm sure that even you'll agree that the last thing we need is another PoSP getting passed.

Bob Flibble
NSO Mafia Don
28-05-2006, 21:56
Jesus Flibs.

Yes, I know you guys are getting sick of generalizations, but I sure as heck am getting sick of you guys getting so fucking serious about them. Ever noticed how half the time I just joke around whenever I'm told I'm promoting a "One world government" or how I just took "International Federalism", a term I felt was derogatory and used it to describe my position (and, most humorously, it became the description for an entire side of this sovereignty debate)? Half the stuff I say is tongue in cheek.

Regardless, the standing resolutions on environment passed before the new year - YES I would consider the NSO the greatest threat. Shit, I was considering adding UNOG as a whole to that list since the vast majority of us consider so many of them disgusting and chose not to since we don't exactly have a coherent policy. Do some of them deserve to die - absolutely. I said that in that very post. Does that make Change any greater threat to those resolutions than the NSO? Absolutely not. In fact, it makes an even stronger case that you guys are one of the biggest opponents to those resolutions.

And if you still aren't satisfied by that argument, NSO can take the Human Rights resolutions and ACCEL can take the Environmental resolutions.
The Most Glorious Hack
29-05-2006, 06:38
I'm not prone to furry anymore than I'm prone to fluffy.
29-05-2006, 08:35
Metric System is one of the most Eurocentric abominations in the history of NS. Forcing everyone to go metric because you're European and can't understand how anyone can utilize any other system of measurements? Please.

Jeez, trying to force the acceptance of logical systems of measurements, which can be used to facilitate the adoption of free trade. Damn those rational bastards!;)

OOC: Sorry for stealing your colour Kenny.

So, in short: The Sex Education Act -- RETAIN
Rights of Minorities and Women -- RETAIN
Sexual Freedom -- RETAIN
Definition of Marriage -- RETAIN
Legalize Euthanasia -- UNDECIDED
Hydrogen Powered Vehicles -- REPEAL with a passion because it isn't environmentally friendly.
RBH Replacement -- RETAIN
The 40 Hour Work Week -- RETAIN
Global AIDS Initiative -- RETAIN
Metric System -- RETAIN

May the blessings of our otters be upon you.

Leonard Otterby
Ambassador for the Republic of Compadria to the U.N.
United Planets c2161
29-05-2006, 08:46
Metric System is one of the most Eurocentric abominations in the history of NS. Forcing everyone to go metric because you're European and can't understand how anyone can utilize any other system of measurements? Please.
The metric system is the standard system used in scientific studies throughout the world. Simply because it uses a base 10 system. The Imperial system is impractical for science because it is difficult to express it using a decimal system. You never hear people saying "I'm 6.08 feet tall." It's always "I'm 6' 1". " And dealing with the whole feet in miles thing makes it more trouble than it's worth. And just because the standard is metric doesn't mean that you can't use Imperial for some things. In Canada we use metric for distances and volumes, but we still use Imperial for height, weight and short distances most of the time.
29-05-2006, 12:02
ooc: I think the UK actually win for using the most out of date measurement. The stone.
I'm not quite sure how much a stone is compared to either pounds or kilos, but two figures definitely sound better than three.

body weight - ol'imperial,
Other weights - usually metric, it was interesting doing recipes with only lb/oz scales.
Height - usually imperial.
Horses - ol'imperial, including guineas for auctions
Temperature - celcius i.e. metric
Distance - imperial.
Liquid etc. volumes - mixed. More often metric.
Beer - pints.
Fruit - imperial dammit!
29-05-2006, 12:25
ooc: I think the UK actually win for using the most out of date measurement. The stone.
I'm not quite sure how much a stone is compared to either pounds or kilos, but two figures definitely sound better than three.

I'm english and yes we probably are very out of date, but just so everyone knows:

There are 14 pounds in 1 stone and 6.35 kilos in 1 stone. That means that there are 2.2045855 pounds to 1 kilo or 0.4536 kilos to 1 pound.

Therefore, surely, saying I weigh 8 stone sounds better than I weigh 112 pounds or 50.8032 kilos. 8 is the smallest number so, weighing yourself in stones boosts someone's confidence a lot more. The english way is the best way!
29-05-2006, 13:05
Of course! Everyone knows their weight in Kilos to 4 decimal places.
29-05-2006, 13:22
Of course! Everyone knows their weight in Kilos to 4 decimal places.

I was just doing the maths perfectly! :p The point is that 8 sounds better than 50 or 112.
29-05-2006, 13:33
Does that mean I weigh less while stoned? :)
29-05-2006, 13:36
Does that mean I weigh less while stoned? :)

:p Lol, yup. When you're stoned you weigh a whole lot less - I think it's because you're constantly being sick, you lose a lot of weight.
29-05-2006, 14:39
I was just doing the maths perfectly! :p The point is that 8 sounds better than 50 or 112.
I don't know.

If someone told me I weigh one twentieth of a Megagram, I'd be freaking scared 'cause those Megagrams are big, man.

Regardless, me be a friend of Science, I prefer accuracy over anything else, so getting my weight in decigrams is awefully appealling
29-05-2006, 14:59
Woh, I just realised that we're getting quite off-topic. We're meant to be discussing how the metric system resolution is important to world security.

Hmmm, maybe the author of this thread has a point! Since we are all using the metric system, the argument we are having right now is pointless because we have to all use metric anyway. Maybe ensuring that every nation uses the same system prevents confusion when abroad and therefore, prevents arguments breaking out, which therefore, prevents wars breaking out about which system to use. Yes the metric system is important to world security.:D

Sound a bit far-fetched, just dumb or an intelligent argument?

P.S. I'm just trying to back up the author a bit here!:)
Zeldon 6229 Nodlez
30-05-2006, 02:50
Most of them would be eventually replaced with more comprahensive and binding legislation, so that region would be cutting of their nose to spite their faces, if they want to repeal for nat sov reasons.

That said, I support a repeal and replace on most of those listed, especially the euthenasia resolution. There are a few however that I'd never support a repeal of, 40 hour workweek for example.

As bad as these ten may be some of those proposals that have been suggested to replace them are far worse than what is there now. Euthenasia for one has been tossed around and worse have been suggested to replace it. This if why feel it best to leave one as poorly writtend in place yet it does what it needs to do, in place than have to face one that goes one way or other on the issue. As the current one does respect both sides and protects them from each other rather than give either their way on the issue.

As we feel the UN as a body should not take sides on an issue but insure that both sides are respected and protected in that issue. Also that the UN brings people together to make compromise on issues not to help one side or other force their views on another. Only in this way can the UN promote peace for as long as some are made to conform there will be no peace due to concern what will change tommorrow based on who in power.
30-05-2006, 05:15
Jeez, trying to force the acceptance of logical systems of measurements, which can be used to facilitate the adoption of free trade. Damn those rational bastards!;)What's the matter? Don't Compadrian customs officials know how to convert? Christ, man! Even the Kennyites have figured that out!

So, in short: The Sex Education Act -- RETAIN
Rights of Minorities and Women -- RETAIN
Sexual Freedom -- RETAIN
Definition of Marriage -- RETAIN
Legalize Euthanasia -- UNDECIDED
Hydrogen Powered Vehicles -- REPEAL with a passion because it isn't environmentally friendly.
RBH Replacement -- RETAIN
The 40 Hour Work Week -- RETAIN
Global AIDS Initiative -- RETAIN
Metric System -- RETAINYour position on these (mostly useless) resolutions doesn't surprise me in the least.

OOC: Sorry for stealing your colour Kenny.[OOC: God only knows how many squid have to die each year to provide the ink for all those extra "u's" in British manuscripts. :p]

Love, :fluffle: :fluffle:
Jack Riley
St Edmundan Antarctic
30-05-2006, 10:55
Change is a nobody in this game.

How many votes does their delegate have? I seem to recall that it was seventy-something on the latest ocasion when I noticed them: That might not be quite up there with Gatesville or the feeders, but it still looks fairly impressive to me...
30-05-2006, 15:11
How many votes does their delegate have? I seem to recall that it was seventy-something on the latest ocasion when I noticed them: That might not be quite up there with Gatesville or the feeders, but it still looks fairly impressive to me...

Oh, that's right.

When we start discussing the chances of resolutions, we start commenting on whether Change, Gatesville, Hyrule, Futaba Aoi, and Canada are going to vote.

Oh WAIT. We almost never comment beyond ourselves and the feeders.

Regardless, it has long since been determined that to have a true impact in this realm, you need to be able to write a resolution and campaign BEFORE the vote (because once it's at vote, there's almost no chance of changing the tide).
30-05-2006, 15:53
What's the matter? Don't Compadrian customs officials know how to convert? Christ, man! Even the Kennyites have figured that out!

We're a lazy people. What more can you expect from us?

Your position on these (mostly useless) resolutions doesn't surprise me in the least.


The otters say peace out yo!

Mr L-to-the-d O-tter-by
"The Ambassador"

[OOC: God only knows how many squid have to die each year to provide the ink for all those extra "u's" in British manuscripts. :p]

OOC: Do not mock the sacred tongue! :p :fluffle:

There, that's the first time I've used a fluffle.
St Edmundan Antarctic
30-05-2006, 16:25
Oh, that's right.

When we start discussing the chances of resolutions, we start commenting on whether Change, Gatesville, Hyrule, Futaba Aoi, and Canada are going to vote.

Oh WAIT. We almost never comment beyond ourselves and the feeders.

Because we usually know which way Gatesville and Change will vote without having to discuss it?
30-05-2006, 16:42
Because we usually know which way Gatesville and Change will vote without having to discuss it?

Yeah, but you still don't see us caring. We can normally guess which way half the feeders are going to vote a week in advance, and we still don't discuss it. We know several regions which are democratic just like the other half of the feeders, and we don't discuss them either. Quite simply, we just don't care
30-05-2006, 18:13
[OOC: God only knows how many squid have to die each year to provide the ink for all those extra "u's" in British manuscripts. :p]

How many zebras have their zeds stolen to replace all the esses in all those Americanised manuscripts? Think of the zebras!