'Earth II' - Revitalization - Page 75
15-02-2007, 07:00
^ I'm curious about how many people have heard of that Empire. Seems to have been just as durable and dominant as ancient Rome, if not more. Just found out about it today actually. Interesting stuff.
Yeah never heard about it either. E2 is the land of ancient Empires. Rome east & west, Persia, and now the Mayan Empire has been unified :). I wonder who under...
Yeah never heard about it either. E2 is the land of ancient Empires. Rome east & west, Persia, and now the Mayan Empire has been unified :). I wonder who under...
Gee, I wonder...*hmmmnnnnn*
EDIT- Although I don't have *all* of the old Roman territories- North Germania has most of them, really I think.
15-02-2007, 16:42
Gee, I wonder...*hmmmnnnnn*
EDIT- Although I don't have *all* of the old Roman territories- North Germania has most of them, really I think.
LOL the Fourth Reich has succeeded :).
How is NG btw? Did he recover from the whole New Orleans thing?
15-02-2007, 17:48
How is NG btw? Did he recover from the whole New Orleans thing?
NG's doing fine. He recently had some dental work done so he's under the weather but he's doing good. I was talking to him the other day actually.
LOL the Fourth Reich has succeeded :).
Maybe in my old areas...but considering I'm the largest nation on E2, I don't think he's succeeded me entirely.
(Is there anyone else at the limit beside me?)
15-02-2007, 20:58
Maybe in my old areas...but considering I'm the largest nation on E2, I don't think he's succeeded me entirely.
(Is there anyone else at the limit beside me?)
Hirgy maybe.
15-02-2007, 22:09
Just a question that neither I nor even my holocaust teacher didn't know. Where did Hitler get the Third Reich from? I couldn't figure it out.
1st Reich was the Roman Empire, second one pre-WW1 Germany, third Nazi Germany, I think thats how it goes.
15-02-2007, 22:23
Actually the whole Reich thing is very ambiguous. Some say the 1st Reich was under Frederick the Great, and then came the 2nd Reich from Bismarck to Kaiser Wilhelm II, then the 3rd Reich under Hitler. Others say the 1st Reich began with Bismarck, and when he stood down the 2nd Reich began under Wilhelm II. It definetly wasn't the Roman Empire though...after all they conquered what as Germany, so there was no Reich.
Rome's Land: 5,840,405.15 Square Miles
My Land: 5,999,058.78
MUHAHAHAA! Take that Rome. ;)
15-02-2007, 22:33
1st Reich was the Roman Empire, second one pre-WW1 Germany, third Nazi Germany, I think thats how it goes.
Actually the whole Reich thing is very ambiguous. Some say the 1st Reich was under Frederick the Great, and then came the 2nd Reich from Bismarck to Kaiser Wilhelm II, then the 3rd Reich under Hitler. Others say the 1st Reich began with Bismarck, and when he stood down the 2nd Reich began under Wilhelm II. It definetly wasn't the Roman Empire though...after all they conquered what as Germany, so there was no Reich.
Rome's Land: 5,840,405.15 Square Miles
My Land: 5,999,058.78
MUHAHAHAA! Take that Rome. ;)
First Reich: Holy Roman Empire (800 - 1806)
Second Reich: German Empire (1971 - 1918)
Third Reich: Nazi Germany (1933 - 1945)
I don't know what NG's history is but on the numbering scale he could still be the First Reich.
15-02-2007, 22:33
Hey Lay if you get time, think you can update that map and my territory list from the land Rome gave me?
Also I am, sort of, proud to annouce this list out into public knowledge. These are the two newly built camps/prisons the soviet republics have made to hold criminals of the republics. The following are the crimes and below those will be the camps. The camp's are secret ICly but the decree's are public.
1. No person or persons shall at anytime be a member of a nationalist party promoting racial dominence. (Current Parties under arrest: Nationalist Russian Party, United Nationalist Workers Party and the National Socialist Workers Party.)
2. Religion will hereby become non-exsistant in the republics, religious theories and studies cloud free thinking and are now illegal.
3. Vitaly Kurstrovitz is hereby placed as permanent leader of the Soviet Republics, the line of succession is as normal but there will be no limited term to Kurstrovitz's leadership.
4. Vitaly Kurstrovitz hold absolute power, the ability to make laws has been handed to him. Said laws may be reviewed and veto'd but cannot be changed as well as Kurstrovitz having the power to override a veto.
5. People working toward revolting the republics and or rebelling are hereby enemies of the state, any group found to be in association with rebel's or revolutionist will be arrested and sent to the camps.
Shuknov Concentration Camp/Prison
Prisoners: 129,433
Guards: 31,640
Camp Director: Undicided (Currently run by the state)
Input/Output: 42 in/ 34 out/ 17 executed daily
Prisoner Make-up: 34% Military (Rebels, Revolutionist and Illegal Content Holders) 18% Political (Criminals and Illegal Party members) 48% Religious
Antrive "Death" Work Camp
Prisoners: 349,843
Guards: 66,934
Camp Director: Undicided (Currently ran by the state)
Input/Output: 107 in/ 0 out/ 83 executed daily
Prisoner Make-up: 78% Religious, 12% Military, 10% Political.
LOL! Way too high prisoner:guard ratio. They can revolt and take over relatively easily, using the human wave tactics.
15-02-2007, 22:39
LOL! Way too high prisoner:guard ratio. They can revolt and take over relatively easily, using the human wave tactics.
Yeah thats what I thought...I'll change it, I had it prewritten so I was just copying over. It'll be changed in a sec.
15-02-2007, 22:40
Hey Lay if you get time, think you can update that map and my territory list from the land Rome gave me?
Also I am, sort of, proud to annouce this list out into public knowledge. These are the two newly built camps/prisons the soviet republics have made to hold criminals of the republics. The following are the crimes and below those will be the camps. The camp's are secret ICly but the decree's are public.
1. No person or persons shall at anytime be a member of a nationalist party promoting racial dominence. (Current Parties under arrest: Nationalist Russian Party, United Nationalist Workers Party and the National Socialist Workers Party.)
2. Religion will hereby become non-exsistant in the republics, religious theories and studies cloud free thinking and are now illegal.
3. Vitaly Kurstrovitz is hereby placed as permanent leader of the Soviet Republics, the line of succession is as normal but there will be no limited term to Kurstrovitz's leadership.
4. Vitaly Kurstrovitz hold absolute power, the ability to make laws has been handed to him. Said laws may be reviewed and veto'd but cannot be changed as well as Kurstrovitz having the power to override a veto.
5. People working toward revolting the republics and or rebelling are hereby enemies of the state, any group found to be in association with rebel's or revolutionist will be arrested and sent to the camps.
Shuknov Concentration Camp/Prison
Prisoners: 129,433
Guards: 1,640
Camp Director: Undicided (Currently run by the state)
Input/Output: 42 in/ 34 out/ 17 executed daily
Prisoner Make-up: 34% Military (Rebels, Revolutionist and Illegal Content Holders) 18% Political (Criminals and Illegal Party members) 48% Religious
Antrive "Death" Work Camp
Prisoners: 349,843
Guards: 6,934
Camp Director: Undicided (Currently ran by the state)
Input/Output: 107 in/ 0 out/ 83 executed daily
Prisoner Make-up: 78% Religious, 12% Military, 10% Political.
It's being done now. Patience.
A couple of examples of Cottish high-security facilities
Sikkerhetsanstalt SIGMA 3
Location: Somerset Island
Classification: SuperMAX+
Role: Concentration Camp
Prisoners: ~100,000
Reasons for Incarceration: Leadership, critical enemy personnel in occupied areas (Bjornoya, Siberia, Bahrain, etc.); Threats to the Internal Security of the Realm (socialists, communists, anarchists)
Known to Public: No (Top Secret IC)
Sikkerhetsanstalt SIGMA 8
Location: Bjornoya
Classification: SuperMAX+
Role: Concentration Camp
Prisoners: ~80,000
Reasons for Incarceration: Personnel important to the now defunkt Visara Corporation (security personnel, scientists, administrators, etc)
Known to Public: No (Top Secret IC)
15-02-2007, 23:38
Red: General announcements (21-day, decree 12, etc.)
Blue: Response to your posts (claims, threads, etc.)
Green: Service announcements (to all, RPs, etc.)
Arsunt: Has been deleted so the claim automatically defaults to Cotland.
Sparta Dominion: Has become 21-day Decree 8 status.
OK/Pantheaa [Post 18414]: Mordvinia transferred.
Rome/OK [Post 18425]: Land transferred.
P&H [Post 18435]: Welcome back. Claims added.
Rome/Nerotika/LB/Pantheaa [Post 18451]: Lands transferred.
Nerotika [Post 18451]: If you are contesting lands that means yes, you do have to fight the people already on them. Since they went into free claim no threads were required so domination is asserted by those who got their first so you would have to fight them, that is correct.
Pushka/OK [Post 18467]: Yemen transferred.
Nerotika [Post 18473]: RomeW is right in Post 18474 (http://forums.jolt.co.uk/showpost.php?p=12329893&postcount=18474) and pretty much explains it all.
P&H [Post 18477]: Thread added.
Pushka [Post 18496]: Map updated.
Lame Bums: Please post your "E2" population and your nation name [if you wish it to be different than your username].
Persecution & Hatred: Please post your "E2" population and your nation name [if you wish it to be different than your username].
Last Update: Page 1,217
Current Update: Page 1,235
15-02-2007, 23:50
Heh, i'v just learnt to use Bitmap on Paint. ^_^ I can now colour in maps. :P Ohhhh...
Anyways, i'm just sitting here, drinking my Cola and trying to relax, next week i don't have any School. *Fanfare* ^_^
Interesting...feel like doing the "World Map"?
United States of Brink
16-02-2007, 00:51
Human Wave Tactic. You either give to much credit to humans or not enough. First i doubt that you would tell them that it is a 'death camp', meaning they would have hope. Its one thing to convince a small group to do it, but to convince 300+ to run at gaurds with automatics? Aside from that i doubt youd be able to get all 300+ together
Human Wave Tactic. You either give to much credit to humans or not enough. First i doubt that you would tell them that it is a 'death camp', meaning they would have hope. Its one thing to convince a small group to do it, but to convince 300+ to run at gaurds with automatics? Aside from that i doubt youd be able to get all 300+ together
You'd be surprised what the human being will do when under pressure....
I realized in my last land deal with Nerotika I forgot to give him the Bashkortostan Republic, so I'd like to give it to him formally now.
United States of Brink
16-02-2007, 06:46
the guards are human to.
1st Reich was the Roman Empire, second one pre-WW1 Germany, third Nazi Germany, I think thats how it goes.
Actually the whole Reich thing is very ambiguous. Some say the 1st Reich was under Frederick the Great, and then came the 2nd Reich from Bismarck to Kaiser Wilhelm II, then the 3rd Reich under Hitler. Others say the 1st Reich began with Bismarck, and when he stood down the 2nd Reich began under Wilhelm II. It definetly wasn't the Roman Empire though...after all they conquered what as Germany, so there was no Reich.
First Reich: Holy Roman Empire (800 - 1806)
Second Reich: German Empire (1971 - 1918)
Third Reich: Nazi Germany (1933 - 1945)
In theory, you're all right. The Holy Roman Empire did refer to itself as the "Roman Empire", but that was only after 1100 or so- shortly after the Schism between the Eastern (Byzantine) and the Western (Catholic) Churches in 1054. Before then, the Byzantines- who were the "real" Romans- were still respected and seen by the Holy Roman Empire as a "Roman" state and thus didn't want to anger the Byzantine Emperor*. Afterwards, the Roman Catholics forged a document called the "Donation of Constantine" that alleged that Constantine "donated" official power to the Popes, thus rendering the Byzantines as "illegitimate" and their rule as the "legitimate heirs to Rome". Of course, the title of the Pope itself is an actual Roman office- "Pontifex Maximus"- so the Roman Senate still exists in some way. If I need to clarify anything let me know- that's a lot to digest.
In short, they might not have been "technically" Roman but they were "Roman". As another aside, Russia also claimed itself to be Rome too- Moscow was the "Third Rome", succeeding as the heirs of the Eastern Church from Byzantium. Now I have to figure out where the fourth is. :p
*Interesting bit about the Byzantines for those who don't know- "Byzantine" is a historian's word. It didn't appear until 1554, over a full century after the Fall of Constantinople, and the word comes from "Byzantium", a Latinization of "Byzantion", the original name of "Constantinople". The word is supposed to emphasize the fact that when Heraculis reorganized the Eastern Roman Empire in the 600s he made Greek the official language, hence "Byzantine". Furthermore, Constantine called Byzantium "Nova Roma" but it turned into "Constantinople" because that's what entered wider use.
Rome's Land: 5,840,405.15 Square Miles
My Land: 5,999,058.78
MUHAHAHAA! Take that Rome. ;)
*cries in the corner*
16-02-2007, 08:10
I have an idea for a game and I thought I would run it by you guys before I begin looking for a development team and such to make it.
Basically its called Apakalyptien: 2012 and the storyline is as followed
In 2010 Iran begins to redevelop nuclear weapons without UN approval. A deadline is set by the UN to stop all production but Iran fails to comply and in the end leaves the UN. America, still in Iraq, sets its own deadline for Iran (2 days). The Iranians of course do not comply and expecting this, 16 hours into the deadline the Americans begin Operation Red Moon the invasion of Iran. 46,000 troops spearhead the first assaults into Iran and all goes as planned with aid from Isreali air support. Isreal sends in its airforce of which America does not produce an air force inside Iran, deciding it would be to costly to have them between Iraq and Iran. Isreal bombards several locations in Iran on a constant basis giving America the chance to push Operation Red Moon into full by taking two large cities. All this goes on well into 2011 where Operation Red Moon is on its last stages. By this time, 2011 March 17th, the Hamas have taken control of Palestine and have begun a mass attack on the Isreali's. Isreal feeling it needs its air back in its own country pulls out most of its bombers, America would later claim it was without warning. This happens right during an Iranian Counter-Operation utiliting 120,000 troops agaisnt the small 40,000 american force this results in 3,000 Americans dead in a single day of fierce fighting. Though over 6,000 Iranians fell that day they felt that was a defeat, and even after America wins the war by defeating the counter-operation in October 2011, they blaim Isreal for the loss of those 3,000 and demand reperation. Isreal having to many problems with the Hamas come back with a fierce argument even going so far as to calling the Americans Nazi's for placing the blaim of their faliure on the jews. This tension results in the breakup of the Isreal/American alliance.
Meanwhile the Hamas and a large Islamic group have taken Jerusalem in total control, the Isreali's place a full scale takeover of the city and at that moment a single video is released live of a islamic suicide bomber detonating a nuclear weapon inside the city reducing alot of it, if not all, to ruble. (Thats as far as I get right now but i'll have it all thought out later)
Persecution and Hatred
16-02-2007, 09:03
Red: General announcements (21-day, decree 12, etc.)
Blue: Response to your posts (claims, threads, etc.)
Green: Service announcements (to all, RPs, etc.)
Arsunt: Has been deleted so the claim automatically defaults to Cotland.
Sparta Dominion: Has become 21-day Decree 8 status.
OK/Pantheaa [Post 18414]: Mordvinia transferred.
Rome/OK [Post 18425]: Land transferred.
P&H [Post 18435]: Welcome back. Claims added.
Rome/Nerotika/LB/Pantheaa [Post 18451]: Lands transferred.
Nerotika [Post 18451]: If you are contesting lands that means yes, you do have to fight the people already on them. Since they went into free claim no threads were required so domination is asserted by those who got their first so you would have to fight them, that is correct.
Pushka/OK [Post 18467]: Yemen transferred.
Nerotika [Post 18473]: RomeW is right in Post 18474 (http://forums.jolt.co.uk/showpost.php?p=12329893&postcount=18474) and pretty much explains it all.
P&H [Post 18477]: Thread added.
Pushka [Post 18496]: Map updated.
Lame Bums: Please post your "E2" population and your nation name [if you wish it to be different than your username].
Persecution & Hatred: Please post your "E2" population and your nation name [if you wish it to be different than your username].
Last Update: Page 1,217
Current Update: Page 1,235
By this I assume you mean to post Argentinas and Peraises R.L. pops..... otherwise I have about 1.3 billion people..
Persecution and Hatred
16-02-2007, 09:16
Bah. I told you a while ago Lay. Appealing only makes them give you more punishment, just or not. Anyway, fight the bastards. Power to the people, death to the beurocracy, Viva la Revolution etc etc etc. :: walks away, muttering "whatever" :: ;)
The Argintine empire cordially accepts diplomatic relations with Cotland and have allocated an embassy in Cordoba.
(man Im getting hit with nostalgia)
hmmmm Im looking at these "small ones" that clasify a state in Brazil and have noticed that Mato Grosso is almost triple the size of paraguay( brillliant,I know:D ) so Im using my Intuition here and thinking that another small brazilian state could be the capital district or Espirito santo e.t.c.?
16-02-2007, 17:12
Lay, I'd like to increase my E2 Population from 4.5 Bil to 5.5 Bil. It seems more appropriate with the amount of land I have.
Yo Lay I asked you to increase my population to 450 million, just a reminder.
16-02-2007, 19:57
Lay, can you increase my pop from what it is at now to 2bn please? I think ive been at that level for too long.
And as of Monday, il get back to working on the continuation of that war. But that might not happen if we go somewhere after all, watch this space
16-02-2007, 22:25
Hey guys. I'm not dead, but I only have time to log on on weekends. I might be able to post a bit over the next couple of days. Welcome back, Persecution and Hatred. Pacifinesia remains open to you, as we're rather short of membership as of late.
16-02-2007, 22:29
Uhh, Spiz, 2 billion population with your land area almost entirely Antartica strikes me as bullshit. In fact, a lot of the RPd populations do. Apparently, all I've done is handicap myself by giving me a realistic population of ~400 million. I may decide to arbitarily increase it by a billion or so, if the populations remain at unreasonable levels.
16-02-2007, 22:38
Did Neuvo Rica disappear?
16-02-2007, 23:02
Kreynoria;12337680']Uhh, Spiz, 2 billion population with your land area almost entirely Antartica strikes me as bullshit. In fact, a lot of the RPd populations do. Apparently, all I've done is handicap myself by giving me a realistic population of ~400 million. I may decide to arbitarily increase it by a billion or so, if the populations remain at unreasonable levels.
The technology required for maintaining a 2bn strong population in the area i have available already exists, what i want to know is where the hell we are getting all the raw materials to support our enormous war machines.
Once everyone has entered there RPed population, i can run some calcs to work out how many resources we actually have, which will lead Earth II into some interesting directions. As everyone scrambles after increasingly rare resources.
The technology required for maintaining a 2bn strong population in the area i have available already exists, what i want to know is where the hell we are getting all the raw materials to support our enormous war machines.
Once everyone has entered there RPed population, i can run some calcs to work out how many resources we actually have, which will lead Earth II into some interesting directions. As everyone scrambles after increasingly rare resources.
I dunno about you guys, but we recycle!
16-02-2007, 23:38
The point is, there are inevitable losses in terms of fuel, you cant possibly go entirely renewable, since the industrial implications of that are massive.
16-02-2007, 23:50
By this I assume you mean to post Argentinas and Peraises R.L. pops..... otherwise I have about 1.3 billion people..
Huh??? Is 1.3b what you are using and what's your nation name going to be? I've seen Argentine Empire, that one, a few others, don't know what you want me to put.
Lay, I'd like to increase my E2 Population from 4.5 Bil to 5.5 Bil. It seems more appropriate with the amount of land I have.
Yo Lay I asked you to increase my population to 450 million, just a reminder.
Lay, can you increase my pop from what it is at now to 2bn please? I think ive been at that level for too long.
And as of Monday, il get back to working on the continuation of that war. But that might not happen if we go somewhere after all, watch this space
Oki doki.
Kreynoria;12337735']Did Neuvo Rica disappear?
Yeah he left :(.
The technology required for maintaining a 2bn strong population in the area i have available already exists, what i want to know is where the hell we are getting all the raw materials to support our enormous war machines.
Once everyone has entered there RPed population, i can run some calcs to work out how many resources we actually have, which will lead Earth II into some interesting directions. As everyone scrambles after increasingly rare resources.
We use nuclear power for all the civilian and most military base electricity, that frees up a large chunk of oil and gas that we can use for everything else including our army. However Spiz has a point, we have like what over 30 billion people living on planet earth, I highly doubt that it can even sustain that amount.
17-02-2007, 00:25
We've tried to think of ways to accurately account for resources, usage, populations, etc. but there are a lot of variables to work with, a lot of things we just can't calculate or don't know how, such as the increased usage of ethanol 85, the increase in nuclear power, the massive amounts of nuclear weapons and such, so it would be a highly inaccurate calculation. There are some nations with populations that are, perhaps, way too high but if we put on limits we'd have to do it to everyone and we don't necessarily want to do this. Unless Mari, you disagree, I wouldn't want to be saying something that only I am into and not both of us. I am, personally, open to suggestions but they have to be suggestions that work for everything.
17-02-2007, 00:53
Well I worked out that my population can be quite high based on the fact that in RL Africa is mostly rural, with a few major cities. In the COH of course this is not the case, E2 Africa is the richest, most productive continent in the world, with huge, sprawling metropolis'. If someone thinks my pop is too big then just say and I can reduce it again to 4.5 Billion, thats no problem for me. Its just that I think I have enough land and resources to support that many people.
And like Lay said, calculating resources would be insanely difficult. Africa is the world's richest source for raw materials, they have more than any other continent. In RL they are rarely exploited, and when they are it is badly. The largest oilfields on the planet are thought to be in North Africa somewhere, or possibly in Niger or Nigeria. Not only this but the potential for cultivation, manufacturing and other raw materials like coal, rare stones, metals etc is huge, but it isn't realized much in RL because there ain't much chance of it ever being exploited in war torn countries. Thus resource info found on the web about RL places would only be a very shaky guide if we were to try and work out that sort of thing for E2. And I believe I've said this before.
Persecution and Hatred
17-02-2007, 02:37
to clarify, Argentinas a little bit smaller than R.L. India (with her increasingly burgeoning population) and with lots of rich arable farmland I believe my country can viably sustain 1.3 billion peeps(My current N.S population). or alternatively i can compromise and cut population in half... whatevers best for you guys.
Yea sometimes my questions are ambigous, When I was asking about a states size I was wondering if i could grab Espirito Santo as my final third piece of cake (so to speak)
lastly my empires name is the Brazilian/ Argentine empire (despite the fact i only have Peraiba)
on a different note, good to see a bit of Arbitration going on their Kreynoria. how diplomatic;)
nice to see you again mate, and because I have a small colony in the pacific, (clipperton Island) I would like to rejoin the Pacifinesia alliance.
so about all the confusion guys, hopes this clears a few matters up.
17-02-2007, 03:41
Alright Brazilian & Argentine Empire @ 1,300,000,000.
17-02-2007, 03:46
mmm, with the addition of Marahashtra to Kreynoria, I think it is fair to boost my population to 650 million.
17-02-2007, 03:51
Okay, gotcha covered.
I wanna raise my pop to 730 million.
17-02-2007, 04:12
Just so everyone is aware, arbitrarily raising your population only hurts you and gives you no advantage.
Persecution and Hatred
17-02-2007, 04:47
:D didnt want to set a precedent for this thing..... lol
BTW could I hypothetically invade Uruguay and Mato grasso??? as they would still fit into my land allowance
Nerotika: Did you get my last TG? I would like you to confirm the land transfer of Bashkortostan.
Population/Resources: There's a lot- *a lot* to calculate there. Basically, what you need to figure out are the following:
1) How much energy a person living the average lifestyle in your country consumes
2) How much food the average person consumes in your nation
3) Chief energy/food supply
4) Main source of fresh water
5) Amount of available arable land
"4)" I think is the most important. You can't grow crops on land that's already built on, meaning your nation needs to have a good balance of rural and urban areas (I'd say it probably has to be at least half and half, and I'd suggest building up areas that don't have great farmland anyway, so you're not taking away from your food source). You *could* rely on fish- I was told 6lbs of fish can feed one person, and annual hauls are usually in the trillions of pounds- but you're still relying on a finite resource. Furthermore, you also need to have enough farmland for the livestock- they need food themselves. Probably the trickiest of things to figure out is nutrition- the human body needs a wide vareity of compounds (such as sugar, iron, calcium, etc.) to function and thus needs a wide vareity of foods for proper nutrition; and each food has its own seperate unique needs.
Energy is also tricky, because each product- and there are millions for a wide vareity of tasks- use different amounts of energy. This is why it's prudent to figure out how much energy your culture would consume, because a simple one wouldn't consume a lot while an ultra-sophisticated one would consume a lot. Furthermore, energy use can be a lot higher than you'd think- telephones require energy, computers require energy, vehicles require energy, etc., and even the most basic of equipment (such as sanitation systems) take a lot of energy themselves. Of course, if you don't want optimum living conditions in your country you can just live like they did in the Stone Age- based just on water and human effort- but your population probably won't be as healthy as other countries' populations probably will be.
Too much to digest? It's a lot to think about, no doubt. However, the information is all over the Internet- my personal favourites in terms of resources are FAO (http://faostat.fao.org/site/377/default.aspx) (which calculates land area, but in RL figures, so keep that in mind) and the CIA Factbook (at least in resources). You could probably also peruse Wikipedia, at least for a start.
I *personally* would peg the limit to the RL figures, but I understand even those numbers probably aren't what our nations could be capable of doing. So, at the very least, there should be guidelines for a sustainable population- for example, you need X amount of farmland to feed X amount of people, you need X amount of oil to fuel X amount of vehicles, etc. It's best to keep it simple for now (as in just track energy consumption and land area in total) than to go deeper because then it'll just get too convuluted.
17-02-2007, 12:49
We've tried to think of ways to accurately account for resources, usage, populations, etc. but there are a lot of variables to work with, a lot of things we just can't calculate or don't know how, such as the increased usage of ethanol 85, the increase in nuclear power, the massive amounts of nuclear weapons and such, so it would be a highly inaccurate calculation. There are some nations with populations that are, perhaps, way too high but if we put on limits we'd have to do it to everyone and we don't necessarily want to do this. Unless Mari, you disagree, I wouldn't want to be saying something that only I am into and not both of us. I am, personally, open to suggestions but they have to be suggestions that work for everything.
What I don't get is why there is now this almighty push to make our national capabilities based on RL Earth, especially since Earth 2 looks like RL Earth from space but is otherwise completely different. Who is to say that it has exactly the same resources? I mean, while we're at it, we'll all have to reduce our militaries to some extent (some more than others) because in RL the oceans would be clogged up with warships if there were as many as we have. We'll also have to take into consideration the environmental impact of all this industrialisation we all have, as well as the number of nukes that have flown freely since this group began. Unless of course we're going to claim that climate change is BS and doesn't apply to Earth II; if that happens, then we might as well all go back to our NS populations and carry on from there.
If someone comes up with a good formula which can cater to all situations and nations, then I'll check it out and if it's good then I'll back it. Until then, let's have a freeze on population increases and stick to what we've already declared.
17-02-2007, 15:56
After more consideration I've decided to revert my population for 4.5 Billion. I really don't want to put myself out, and at 5.5 Billion I would be somewhat and I realize this.
These resource arguments do make sense. But like Marimaia says, E2 is not RL, by any stretch of the imagination.
17-02-2007, 16:48
RPing the complete collapse of the worlds polar ice sheets would be fun, and the attendant sea level and continental rebounding would be fun, extreemly fun. We should do that.
RPing the complete collapse of the worlds polar ice sheets would be fun, and the attendant sea level and continental rebounding would be fun, extreemly fun. We should do that.
Pushka tried that about a year ago. We (TOA) came as close as we ever were to all-out war with him over that little plan which would melt the northern polar cap, which he still claims is completely safe to this day. So no, that wouldn't be fun. Besides, you should be more concentrated on the war that threatens to innihilate you instead. We're still waiting for you to reply....or do you surrender?
17-02-2007, 17:15
What I don't get is why there is now this almighty push to make our national capabilities based on RL Earth, especially since Earth 2 looks like RL Earth from space but is otherwise completely different. Who is to say that it has exactly the same resources? I mean, while we're at it, we'll all have to reduce our militaries to some extent (some more than others) because in RL the oceans would be clogged up with warships if there were as many as we have. We'll also have to take into consideration the environmental impact of all this industrialisation we all have, as well as the number of nukes that have flown freely since this group began. Unless of course we're going to claim that climate change is BS and doesn't apply to Earth II; if that happens, then we might as well all go back to our NS populations and carry on from there.
If someone comes up with a good formula which can cater to all situations and nations, then I'll check it out and if it's good then I'll back it. Until then, let's have a freeze on population increases and stick to what we've already declared.
Never looked at it in that way and I have to say that you're fully right there :).
17-02-2007, 17:23
Pushka tried that about a year ago. We (TOA) came as close as we ever were to all-out war with him over that little plan which would melt the northern polar cap, which he still claims is completely safe to this day. So no, that wouldn't be fun. Besides, you should be more concentrated on the war that threatens to innihilate you instead. We're still waiting for you to reply....or do you surrender?
Oh, no, i will not surrender over this, but i have other things in my life outside of NS, and im a bit busy, but i will post soon. And you will regret the day you ever assaulted Spizania.
17-02-2007, 19:05
OPen Message by the Confederate Government
At approximately 0130 hours local yemenese time today, the Confederate States of Spizania was attacked by the strategic forces of the Empire of Cotland, although we have no interest in escalating this to a full strategic exchange, the President has authorised a Level-II release of tactical nuclear ordanance in Offensive roles
LONG LIVE THE CONFEDERACY, and may liberty persist until the end of days
17-02-2007, 19:22
Bad move. Shoulda kept it conventional.
17-02-2007, 19:24
You mean after i was attacked with eighteen nuclear weapons?
Im within my rights to go to a full strategic release
17-02-2007, 19:30
yes, hte EMP strike consisting of eighteen nuclear warheads, it is simply impossible for that EMP to have been produced in any other way, as i believe we have established
17-02-2007, 19:30
You mean after i was attacked with eighteen nuclear weapons?
Im within my rights to go to a full strategic release
With the exception of the initial EMP strike what eighteen warheads are you talking about?
17-02-2007, 19:35
BTW, what the hell is going on with jolt, i think Space-time is falling apart or something
17-02-2007, 19:35
yes, hte EMP strike consisting of eighteen nuclear warheads, it is simply impossible for that EMP to have been produced in any other way, as i believe we have established
Clock on Jolt is screwy again, putting the responses in odd order. Really odd order. Anywho, yeah the high-altitude EMP strike, no physical damage to down low, very little radiation (i.e. very clean warheads). You've gone ahead and done a tactical nuclear strike against him...lol...it'll be a gangfest for sure.
17-02-2007, 19:38
BTW, what the hell is going on with jolt, i think Space-time is falling apart or something
Just like two weeks ago when this happened, it's a problem of server synchronization. There's nothing we can do about it.
If I remember correctly, this happens when Jolt's forum servers' clocks get out of sync. It'll be fixed whenever the Jolt people get around to fixing it.
Jolt is fubar'd. It's a minute or two behind. Right now my clock says 1:37 but it says 1:38 on the forum. I think it's 2 minutes behind since it just changed to 1:37.
17-02-2007, 20:25
Delaney is back...
Against All Enemies (http://forums.jolt.co.uk/showthread.php?t=512803)
17-02-2007, 23:09
Spizania, Cotland is protected by my SAAMDS anti-ICBM system with a 97% success rate. I can also call in an entirely separate SAAMDS operated by Ottoman Khaif so...you ain't firing nukes at anyone.
17-02-2007, 23:10
What sort of strategist are you? You think id sit around with a ballistic based detterant while you created massively unrealistic ABM shields? I have both countermeasures that will render your ABM systems ineffective and i have other nuclear delivery systems.
18-02-2007, 01:59
The LR-300 is awesome :). It's coming back in the M30.
After much frustration, hair-pulling and $125 worth of components, I Hawdawg am finally back in business. My Tower is repaired and functioning properly. I still have the little blip about not being able to post at work because of the forums ban (gay filter). I have much reading to do, but something alarmed me on this and the subsquent page. NUKES? Spizana not only does Hirgy have an effective antimissile system in place, I do as well. Keep in mind that our systems are interlocked and feature multiple layers of defensive systems making a tactical nuclear strike launched in a conventional ICBM fashion a mute point. You would have to launch so many at a target to slip one throught the net the ENTIRE world would be up in arms about your launch. Which in theory would draw a retaliatory strike from every nuclear nation in Earth II. If you thought the conventional ground war non-nuclear was bad, imagine most every nation in the Eastern and Western Hemisphere lobbing nuclear tipped shells at your launch pad. I don't mean to talk out of turn but peaceful nations like Rome would most certainly show some kind of measured response for a ICBM launch that would show up on there satellite system. Think this over before you hit the little red button. For I know what my response will be.
Pushka tried that about a year ago. We (TOA) came as close as we ever were to all-out war with him over that little plan which would melt the northern polar cap, which he still claims is completely safe to this day. So no, that wouldn't be fun. Besides, you should be more concentrated on the war that threatens to innihilate you instead. We're still waiting for you to reply....or do you surrender?
Dude, me and Lay had a 20-30 page debate on this at the end of which Lay has agreed that it can be possibly done safely.
18-02-2007, 04:39
Dude, me and Lay had a 20-30 page debate on this at the end of which Lay has agreed that it can be possibly done safely.
No I didn't. I said it would wind up spiraling out of control.
I remember this very clearly, you said its feasible but the Empire won't stand for it cause there is always a chance that it might go wrong because of human error.
18-02-2007, 04:44
Feasible & possible are two very different things.
18-02-2007, 07:16
Not that I ever disrespected the VSS Vintorez and AS Val but now I have newfound respect for them, so much so that I must copy them...The M90 will be born.
18-02-2007, 07:38
RPing the complete collapse of the worlds polar ice sheets would be fun, and the attendant sea level and continental rebounding would be fun, extreemly fun. We should do that.
Good thing i no longer hold Bouvet Island
My Dad rented Flags of our Fathers today. Pretty good movie, Clint Eastwood f'ing rules
18-02-2007, 14:48
Spiz, you probably just heard of the SAAMDS when I posted before, what makes you think you can defeat it or that its unrealistic when you know nothing about it?
Official Communiqué
Recipient: The World
Sender: Realm of Cotland
The Realm has been subjected to an unwarranted nuclear attack from Spizanian forces, an attack that is completely unjustified. The Realm was engaged in conflict with Spizania, a conflict that was conventional in nature until Spizania fired the first nuclear weapons against our forces. This attack cannot go by without retaliation, and we have therefore initiated a limited nuclear response towards Spizania. This response is not repeat not directed against civilian population centers at this time, only towards the military targets responsible for the unwarranted nuclear attack upon the Realm.
We demand that Spizania surrenders and extradite those responsible for the nuclear attack. We further demand restoration for the damages sustained in this conflict. The penalty for failure to comply with this demand will be severe. However, the Realm pledges not to release any further nuclear weapons unless we are further attacked with such weapons. This means that the outcome of this situation rests solely on Spizania's shoulders.
To the Spizanian leadership, we have only this to say: The outcome of this conflict rests on you. Should you launch further nuclear weapons against the Realm, we will begin engaging strategic targets. On the other hand, should you wish peace, the Realm is willing to talk instead of shooting. Choose wisely, for the world is watching.
The Realm
Pretty clever Spiz... Now the outcome is up to you. Peace, or complete inihilation? Touch choice....
18-02-2007, 22:53
About this SAAMDS...
Would anyone actually mind fully explaining it on this thread so that everyone is clear, instead of just saying 'It's feasibally possible, you will never nukezor me!!' as well, can someone also answer this for me -
How the fuck is it that everyone on here thinks they can be stronger and better than Russia, America, Britain, France, China, Germany, Japan, Korea(s), etc combined? Seriously, my head is puzzled. I thought this was MT-based, not New World Order + Lodoss Designation - A morality of common fucking sense.
18-02-2007, 23:44
SAAMDS=Space Area Altitude Missile Defense System.
Essentially it is a very advanced 'Star Wars' ABMS. It is my design, and only myself and OK use it, nobody else in case you got confused. I'm sure others have their own ABMS' but thats their business and they can explain them if they want.
Brief Description:
Each Unit monitors its own area with its
laser module, reporting direct to the HQ
Unit, who have direct contact with the
Fuhrer for authorisation. Multiple band
all frequency radar scans all hemispheres.
Any incoming Missiles ICBM's are seen by all modules,
the relevant module goes on alert, pending orders
from HQ the Laser Module is activated and is directed
by Mirror Satellites (assigned to each Module and Unit)
to the Kill vehicle's (basically the enemy Missile/ICBM)
fuel tanks or solid propellant booster, whereupon the
Laser burns into it at extremely high temperature,
causing the fuel to ignite and the missile to explode.
If any missiles penetrate the SAAMDS net then the Unit
itself can contact a THAADS or MEADS unit, or an AL-52
Dragon Air Force Wing, who will destroy the incoming
enemy Missile/ICBM. Each SAAMDS Module and Associated Satellite is able to use its onboard laser to protect itself and other satellites against anti-satellite missiles. However, the reposition thrusts and amount of concentrated energy mean this function is limited.
And I never, not once, said that it can't be beaten. It has, like every other military system, its flaws. But since there are two complete arrays (and each one operates 4 Hemispheric Modules and between 500 and 1000 SAAMDS Associate Satellites) currently in operation, the likely success rate of an ICBM getting through is negligible. But it can't protect against EMP's because the detonation is so quick the lasers do not have time to lock, it could try though. And it also can't protect against those nuclear tipped defense missiles Spizania fired, only a ground based THAADS or MEADS system could defend against those, or an AL-52 Dragon, but those are theatre based weapons. Thus SAAMDS cannot protect against all types of nukes, it is designed to protect against ICBM's.
19-02-2007, 00:04
I'm actually working on a chemical laser that can produce a beam with a point in excess of 6,000°F to be able to destroy even the hardest ceramics used for re-entry warheads. The COIL laser used on my ABL acts more to deform the shape of the warhead than to burn through it. The deformation causes the projectile to inhibit high drag and unstable flight, causing it to heat up excessively and basically explode. This system has yet to become operational but it is entirely modern tech as most small-scale and medium-scale lasers, which was a big science in the 1980s. Laser death-rays are certainly not modern tech but lasers can be used for a wide array of modern tech usage, particularly for use against missiles and stuff of the sort. Microwave energy weapons are also modern tech but are more limited since, by nature, they tend to be non-lethal. If you add too much microwave energy they become VERY lethal.
19-02-2007, 00:09
Keep a close eye off-site for the Apophis write-up. I can't describe how evil this system is and, because it is so dangerous, it will not be part of my Earth II nation because it could, effectively, render the entire planet uninhabitable. That would, in essence, end this RP.
SAAMDS=Space Area Altitude Missile Defense System.
Essentially it is a very advanced 'Star Wars' ABMS. It is my design, and only myself and OK use it, nobody else in case you got confused. I'm sure others have their own ABMS' but thats their business and they can explain them if they want.
Brief Description:
Each Unit monitors its own area with its
laser module, reporting direct to the HQ
Unit, who have direct contact with the
Fuhrer for authorisation. Multiple band
all frequency radar scans all hemispheres.
Any incoming Missiles ICBM's are seen by all modules,
the relevant module goes on alert, pending orders
from HQ the Laser Module is activated and is directed
by Mirror Satellites (assigned to each Module and Unit)
to the Kill vehicle's (basically the enemy Missile/ICBM)
fuel tanks or solid propellant booster, whereupon the
Laser burns into it at extremely high temperature,
causing the fuel to ignite and the missile to explode.
If any missiles penetrate the SAAMDS net then the Unit
itself can contact a THAADS or MEADS unit, or an AL-52
Dragon Air Force Wing, who will destroy the incoming
enemy Missile/ICBM. Each SAAMDS Module and Associated Satellite is able to use its onboard laser to protect itself and other satellites against anti-satellite missiles. However, the reposition thrusts and amount of concentrated energy mean this function is limited.
And I never, not once, said that it can't be beaten. It has, like every other military system, its flaws. But since there are two complete arrays (and each one operates 4 Hemispheric Modules and between 500 and 1000 SAAMDS Associate Satellites) currently in operation, the likely success rate of an ICBM getting through is negligible. But it can't protect against EMP's because the detonation is so quick the lasers do not have time to lock, it could try though. And it also can't protect against those nuclear tipped defense missiles Spizania fired, only a ground based THAADS or MEADS system could defend against those, or an AL-52 Dragon, but those are theatre based weapons. Thus SAAMDS cannot protect against all types of nukes, it is designed to protect against ICBM's.
I don't mean to sound antagonistic, but 97% seems pretty high. I may be wrong, but earlier in this thread- when Spizania knocked down 99% of Pushka's missiles- we established that the highest anyone could get is 50%:
19-02-2007, 02:07
I don't mean to sound antagonistic, but 97% seems pretty high. I may be wrong, but earlier in this thread- when Spizania knocked down 99% of Pushka's missiles- we established that the highest anyone could get is 50%:
Indeed we did but we're looking at a different system. That was 50% maximum against a low-flying, supersonic cruise missile (small target) with a supersonic, surface-to-air missile. This is a whole different system, a laser-based system. Against ballistic missiles, which follow a rather predictable trajectory, the THAAD and Arrow TMD systems quote in excess of 90% and they're quite adept at achieving those kills as well. They use kinetic-energy and extremely accurate guidance systems to smash themselves into the missiles. Surface-to-air missiles can harnass this type of accuracy but against a low-flying, supersonic, unpredictable cruise missile, the odds plummet. A laser system is highly accurate since it just uses light energy and a highly accurate guidance system. You're really only limited by the amount of laser "shots" you have, the amount of incomings, and the rate of fire. You'll need a lot of cooling for high rates of fire, making them not so effective when you have thousands of incomings.
About ballistic missiles as I am sure you know ballistic missiles such as Topol and Topol-M do not follow a predictable trajectory but infact can maneuver in order to by pass missile shields, when met with such a missile how well would your lasers fair? Also you must realize that once the ballistic missiles goes into the atmosphere and releases the warheads the warheads fall far too fast for them to be intercepted.
19-02-2007, 02:24
About ballistic missiles as I am sure you know ballistic missiles such as Topol and Topol-M do not follow a predictable trajectory but infact can maneuver in order to by pass missile shields, when met with such a missile how well would your lasers fair? Also you must realize that once the ballistic missiles goes into the atmosphere and releases the warheads the warheads fall far too fast for them to be intercepted.
Well generally they come in at 15,000 mph and even maneuverable warheads can't maneuver that much while coming down at 15,000 mph or else they'll wind up miles and miles off course. Decoys are the best way to fool missile defenses, especially decoys that are the same size as the warheads. These are called "hard decoys" and the Peacekeeper had a bunch of them, Topol-M does too. Lasers have, in effect, an infinite range and can be used to engage them while they are very high in the air and they can be used to engage targets that maneuver too. It's just a beam of light, more or less, that can be focused and altered in various ways. Obviously, if a system is maneuvering and dropping decoys, chaff, etc. it'll make them less effective but they're FAR more effective than a kinetic energy striker.
Indeed we did but we're looking at a different system. That was 50% maximum against a low-flying, supersonic cruise missile (small target) with a supersonic, surface-to-air missile. This is a whole different system, a laser-based system. Against ballistic missiles, which follow a rather predictable trajectory, the THAAD and Arrow TMD systems quote in excess of 90% and they're quite adept at achieving those kills as well. They use kinetic-energy and extremely accurate guidance systems to smash themselves into the missiles. Surface-to-air missiles can harnass this type of accuracy but against a low-flying, supersonic, unpredictable cruise missile, the odds plummet. A laser system is highly accurate since it just uses light energy and a highly accurate guidance system. You're really only limited by the amount of laser "shots" you have, the amount of incomings, and the rate of fire. You'll need a lot of cooling for high rates of fire, making them not so effective when you have thousands of incomings.
Ah, okay, my bad. I was thinking that about the laser- you're going to need *a lot* of power just to fire one blast. You miss and it could be deadly.
Well generally they come in at 15,000 mph and even maneuverable warheads can't maneuver that much while coming down at 15,000 mph or else they'll wind up miles and miles off course. Decoys are the best way to fool missile defenses, especially decoys that are the same size as the warheads. These are called "hard decoys" and the Peacekeeper had a bunch of them, Topol-M does too. Lasers have, in effect, an infinite range and can be used to engage them while they are very high in the air and they can be used to engage targets that maneuver too. It's just a beam of light, more or less, that can be focused and altered in various ways. Obviously, if a system is maneuvering and dropping decoys, chaff, etc. it'll make them less effective but they're FAR more effective than a kinetic energy striker.
Topol-M maneuvers in the initial stage then it goes up into the air so it would be harder to ignite the fuel in its tank with a laser and yes it does deploy a total of 4 decoys for 3 real warheads it launches. Now my question is, percentage wise, what would it be for your system against Topol-M like missiles.
19-02-2007, 03:10
OOC: There are many countermeasures to laser based systems, and there are even more effective countermeasures to systems with integral orbital components.
Soviet Bloc
19-02-2007, 03:20
I don't care much for modern tech offense-type lasers, especially in missile defense, so note that. But, Pushka, you wouldn't even have to worry about them igniting your fuel because most ABM lasers only heat up the exterior to create stress which due to the speeds involved are particularly disastrous and because its hard to target the actual fuel since the further the missile is into its flight the less fuel there is and you don't know where it draws its fuel reserves from.
There are several relatively simple ways to bypass a laser... Thicker skinned, better supported, even a spaced layer would take care of it... Other options include have nozzles along the body which emit some liquid [due to the temperatures it would be crystallized] and create a dense, crystalline cloud along the body, this would either mess up the laser's targeting [unlikely] or instead force it to use more of its energy to counter the turbulence [since most ABMs measure the turbulence using a lower-power laser] which means it won't be able to attack as many targets.
Alot of missiles can and do maneuver in their boost phase, usually to burn off excess fuel depending on their target range, and so alot tend to corkscrew [SLBMs come to mind]. But its hard for them to do that while in their terminal phase due to speeds involved, but lasers couldn't do anything in the terminal phase anyways...
So that's my $.02 and yes, I have an admitted bias. This is why I never developed an anti-ICBM system and instead outfitted my ICBMs with enhanced accuracy, countermeasures, etc. to make sure no one has that advantage over me.
19-02-2007, 03:37
Topol-M maneuvers in the initial stage then it goes up into the air so it would be harder to ignite the fuel in its tank with a laser and yes it does deploy a total of 4 decoys for 3 real warheads it launches. Now my question is, percentage wise, what would it be for your system against Topol-M like missiles.
Yeah boost, I'm talking terminal. Terminal phase interceptors like the THAAD and what I'm desparately trying to find out a modern tech solution to destroying a re-entering warhead with a laser.
OOC: There are many countermeasures to laser based systems, and there are even more effective countermeasures to systems with integral orbital components.
Sure there are but they are effective for the boost phase.
I don't care much for modern tech offense-type lasers, especially in missile defense, so note that. But, Pushka, you wouldn't even have to worry about them igniting your fuel because most ABM lasers only heat up the exterior to create stress which due to the speeds involved are particularly disastrous and because its hard to target the actual fuel since the further the missile is into its flight the less fuel there is and you don't know where it draws its fuel reserves from.
There are several relatively simple ways to bypass a laser... Thicker skinned, better supported, even a spaced layer would take care of it... Other options include have nozzles along the body which emit some liquid [due to the temperatures it would be crystallized] and create a dense, crystalline cloud along the body, this would either mess up the laser's targeting [unlikely] or instead force it to use more of its energy to counter the turbulence [since most ABMs measure the turbulence using a lower-power laser] which means it won't be able to attack as many targets.
Alot of missiles can and do maneuver in their boost phase, usually to burn off excess fuel depending on their target range, and so alot tend to corkscrew [SLBMs come to mind]. But its hard for them to do that while in their terminal phase due to speeds involved, but lasers couldn't do anything in the terminal phase anyways...
So that's my $.02 and yes, I have an admitted bias. This is why I never developed an anti-ICBM system and instead outfitted my ICBMs with enhanced accuracy, countermeasures, etc. to make sure no one has that advantage over me.
Quite right. When I was talking about maneuvering in my post I meant on the terminal phase. Interception against solid-fueled systems is different than liquid fueled, the latter having a thinner skin. The ABL they are making has 20 shots against solid-fueled weapons and 40 against liquid-fueled (i.e. Scud).
19-02-2007, 17:03
Indeed Pushka, it is the Topol-M and similar weapons that have me worried my system may not be as effective against them. It would probably get a few, but not all. It can't target very fast after all. However, for a while now I've been thinking about designing what is essentially a 'laser grenade'. Its an idea taken from a guy I was RPing with ages ago outside E2. Basically its a small missile fired from a SAAMDS satellite toward the projected trajectory of an ICBM or a cluster of Re-Entry Vehicles, and it essentially explodes, emitting lasers from all sides, hopefully destroying anything close enough. However, the guy I nicked the idea from was PMT (I think) so I have not gone ahead with this. What do you guys think?
Well the whole thing with small missiles fired from satellites I use as part of my satelite protection network. Each of my satellites has 4 MSZs (Module Sputnikovoi Zashiti, Module of Satellite Protection) in close proximity to it ready to shoot down any incoming anti-satellite missiles. Lasers? What would that do? As much as I know in order for a laser to work you need continuous flow of energy not a momentary one, however this might work, go with an EMP explosive instead of a laser, you shoot a missile in general direction of incoming ICBM, your missile explodes the power of the explosive is converted into EMP and that messes up the guidance of the ballistic missile, the problem is that the ICBM can be EMP hardened and you can't do much about that.
19-02-2007, 20:29
Yeah, that was the problem I found-the lasers needed continuous energy, not a quick burst. But what if the module itself provided the energy to the lasers that simply burst out of it?
What you're describing is basically Star Wars program.
20-02-2007, 04:47
Hell a small nuclear reactor = unlimited power to the laser. The problem is the system still has to be cooled.
Well it is in space though, wouldn't the vacuum absorb heat?
20-02-2007, 05:42
Well it is in space though, wouldn't the vacuum absorb heat?
Talking about a land based laser. A space-based laser would be less efficient because of the size and power source (pretty much the sun or a small plutonium sphere) versus a large reactor. Space mirrors were basically what would have been used in Star Wars to allow the lasers to intercept targets on the other side of the globe (i.e. laser is a line-of-sight item).
Talking about a land based laser. A space-based laser would be less efficient because of the size and power source (pretty much the sun or a small plutonium sphere) versus a large reactor. Space mirrors were basically what would have been used in Star Wars to allow the lasers to intercept targets on the other side of the globe (i.e. laser is a line-of-sight item).
Well you can put a small nuclear reactor on a satelite, you don't really have to worry about things like radiation shielding so it'll be much smaller, plus that direct heat to electricity transfer method SB talked about a while ago.
21-02-2007, 00:14
Well you can put a small nuclear reactor on a satelite, you don't really have to worry about things like radiation shielding so it'll be much smaller, plus that direct heat to electricity transfer method SB talked about a while ago.
You could but it's more limited because of size constraints and you definitely won't have a 100 mw reactor up there...
True but even with a small reactor, if you have the right battery installed you can accumulate the needed amounts of energy over time.
Hell a small nuclear reactor = unlimited power to the laser. The problem is the system still has to be cooled.
Well, it's not unlimited...there's no such thing. Continuous, maybe, but not unlimited.
21-02-2007, 06:35
Well, it's not unlimited...there's no such thing. Continuous, maybe, but not unlimited.
uber amount would have been a pretty term.
uber amount would have been a pretty term.
*nods* I'll take that. Still not unlimited though...
21-02-2007, 14:01
Official Communique
The TOA has finally revealed its true colours, they are nothing but greedy butchers, they will stop at nothing to achieve thier goals, approximately half an hour ago they struck Yemen with forty-four high yield thermonuclear warheads. Casualty estimates are in the range of forty million civillians and five hundred peronsel are Confederate Air Force Strategic Missile Command, Air Defence Group. Many of the dead soldiers were territorials, who had jjust reported to the batteries in question in response to the current emergeancy.
We will have our revenge, that i promise you.
Official Communiqué
Recipient: Spizanian Commonwealth
Sender: Realm of Cotland
The Realm demands the immediate surrender of the Spizanian war machine and the deconstruction of the Spizanian weapons of mass destruction. Additionally, we demand compensation for the lives lost at the hands of the cowardly Spizanian attack with unconventional weapons in a completely conventional war. The Spizanian willingness to resort to WMDs is disturbing, and the Realm cannot allow for such an event which occurred in the Gulf of Aden to repeat itself again. If Spizania adheres to this message and surrenders, we guarantee that no further harm will come to the Spizanian nation from the hands of the Realm or its allies. There will be no military occupation of Spizania by the Realm.
Failure to comply with this message however will force the Realm to shift its attention from military targets to other strategic targets, beginning with the Spizanian capital. We will destroy your cities, one at the time, until you surrender.
We do however make it very certain that the Realm will not employ further weapons of mass destruction unless we are attacked with such again.
You have one hour to comply with the terms of this communiqué before we start levelling your cities.
- The Realm
Saint Lazare
21-02-2007, 18:54
Saint Lazare announces plans to integrate the governmental infrastructure in the Viceroyalty to the Grand Duchy, as part of efforts to create ease in the flow of information and services to its large overseas territories. Having consolidated the military positions, advisors and personnel are being brought back to the capital to discern how best to pursue these policies.
The Grand Duke is also pleased to announce a new heir to the throne. His announcement will be displayed at a later time, when the Royal House of Roumillet permits it.
[ooc: big question... did any of the people preceding my stay in India ever own nukes in India? because then I have some clean-up to do...]
21-02-2007, 19:36
Take a look at this:
I have asked him to explain this dubious sounding weapon, but I thought everyone should know Spizania has attacked everyone on earth via this weapon.
Well its not really that dubious, Soviet Union had the same exact system basically, the killer satellites, RF probably still has them. However still a dumb move, now he is at war with everyone, this is not the way SU intended to use them, SU intended to use them to destroy US's and NATO's detection satellites and when launch the nukes, quite an ingenious plan, there is no way US would have been able to respond in time, it would have taken them more then 10 minutes (which is time it takes anyone to go from detecting enemy nukes to launching their own, for a nuke fired from one of our subs that were patrolling US east coast to get to Washington it took less than 10 minutes, around 40 minutes for nukes fired from SU soil.) probably more than an hour to figure out what the hell happened. Great plan, sadly our rulers were too humanitarian to implement it.
This move by Spizania will be met with an appropriate responce from my side, I assure you it will be gory and bloody, the bad kind of bloody, the genocide kind.
Take a look at this:
I have asked him to explain this dubious sounding weapon, but I thought everyone should know Spizania has attacked everyone on earth via this weapon.
Great move. No really, it is. If I didn't have the world community behind me before, I most certainly do now! :cool:
So, I strongly recommend that you surrender Spiz. Maybe I can keep Pushka from anally raping you with his warmachine (but just maybe - wanna pitch in Pushka?) while the rest of us bombard you back to the neolithic age... ;)
(I'm in a happy mood today. I have no idea why!)
22-02-2007, 01:17
Official Communique
The TOA has finally revealed its true colours, they are nothing but greedy butchers, they will stop at nothing to achieve thier goals, approximately half an hour ago they struck Yemen with forty-four high yield thermonuclear warheads. Casualty estimates are in the range of forty million civillians and five hundred peronsel are Confederate Air Force Strategic Missile Command, Air Defence Group. Many of the dead soldiers were territorials, who had jjust reported to the batteries in question in response to the current emergeancy.
We will have our revenge, that i promise you.
From what I see just Cotland used nuclear weapons. I guess your math is bad because 1 of 6 isn't a lot...
Take a look at this:
I have asked him to explain this dubious sounding weapon, but I thought everyone should know Spizania has attacked everyone on earth via this weapon.
United States of Brink
22-02-2007, 01:30
im sure your people will agree to commit genocide over a few sat's...smart bunch, not ignorant or realistic at all.
My people don't count and my military agrees with me whole heatedly. Either way even my people won't look twice if I did a genocide of a nation that drops nukes left and right for no reason. Even before Yemen he used one in the Pacific.
22-02-2007, 01:39
Yeah there's no way the people would be supporting me on a genocide here...
22-02-2007, 03:19
Genocide...<.<...>.> what is this genocide you speak of. ^.^, my people support any means necissary to purifying the Soviet State. Though we don't tell them anything (As well as this all being Seceret ICly) with all the new laws and such people of Jewish, Christian (All Types), Catholic (All types) and Islamic religion are being executed for crimes of "Halting furthur progress in the modern world.". This as well as people who harbor religious believers and supporters of religion. Basically we are wiping the modern belief system in russia (Or the parts we own that is).
As of today the count of Concetration Camps and Death Camps have raised from the original two to adding 4 more Concentration Camps and 6 more Death Camps.
Body Count: 323,000
Religion: 82% of Deaths in Camps
Military Crimes: 10% of Deaths in Camps
Other Crimes: 8% of Deaths in Camps
The additional Camps are public information (Purpose is seceret) the number of deaths is public in the Soviet State's but at all attempts not internationally public. Hope you like this little tidbit of info...
Hail Kurstrovitz!!, The Great Leader.;)
What happened to Soviet Unions freedom of religion?
22-02-2007, 05:55
What happened to Soviet Unions freedom of religion?
Eh going with the socialist no religion laws.
22-02-2007, 06:03
Shit body counts? You've got a long way to go.
22-02-2007, 06:16
Shit body counts? You've got a long way to go.
Its not like im an old nation like you. Fresh, new and ready to purify the race (Or image of our race)
Well Nero, these actions might warrant a response from more "humanitarian" mind-set nations. Not that Im gonna do anything...*shifty eyes*.
So, let me get this straight: Spizania launched what is essentially "an orbiting marble" that can pierce through satellites. Huh, no wonder I couldn't watch "Pig & Whistle"...
Also, what would be the timeframe to get another satellite back up there? It's not like none of us have been building new ones.
22-02-2007, 15:58
I had a whole other array of military and comms sat's not in GESO that were unhurt by Spizania's madness. So for a small fee I could let allies use them until they can get their own programs up and running again.
22-02-2007, 19:38
Well Nero, these actions might warrant a response from more "humanitarian" mind-set nations. Not that Im gonna do anything...*shifty eyes*.
Oh you can trust me, for all you know the people are just randomly disappearing...like mass suicide?
Well since that land use to belong to moi it easy to assume that a lot of my ex-citizens live there and since we don't really have closed borders between each other its also easy to assume that they go back and forth telling my people the stories of horrific NKVD raids, or whatever you call that agency in your nation.
22-02-2007, 23:16
Well since that land use to belong to moi it easy to assume that a lot of my ex-citizens live there and since we don't really have closed borders between each other its also easy to assume that they go back and forth telling my people the stories of horrific NKVD raids, or whatever you call that agency in your nation.
I dont know how it's written in Russian but it would be the work of various Soviet Syndicate's. The main being the Death's Hand Syndicate who do most of the killing. Otherwise there are three others, The Red Syndicate who's job is to locate and record the peoples movement Civilians and criminals. The Syndicate of the Republic who keep a peaceful appearance while acting as federally run state police, basically MP's in non-military uniform. The Black Syndicate who detain criminals and other various peoples (No real name for this group, Black came from the time of day they came which was at night. Its a public name but not official) Then the Death's Hand receive the detainee's and continue the process.
Maybe a little to much info but still, the only thing your people would tell would be that the Soviet Regime was massively capturing rebels and revolutionist's against the leadership. The body count would be totaled as such and so the religious persecution and eventual death are not known by civilians. Just the laws that enable the acts.
So yeah, you know how many are dead. But not for what reason. That doesn't stop them from telling you about the Black Syndicate coming in at night and taking people from their homes, then the government selling the property in the morning. ;)
We do try and not detain citizens who register as ex-Pushkan's, Pantheaan's, Germans (NG's people are the germans right?) or Romans (The close bordered people) to avoid any trouble. They are allowed free travel to their country of origin but are not allowed back.
I had a whole other array of military and comms sat's not in GESO that were unhurt by Spizania's madness. So for a small fee I could let allies use them until they can get their own programs up and running again.
What's the fee?
22-02-2007, 23:27
So I believe Rome has given me Bashkortostan (Didn't wanna to look at the spelling). Rome can you approve?
23-02-2007, 00:16
Eh, sorry to burst the happy bubble Hirg and others but...
When something, ie a Nut or Bolt, is dislodged into space it will forever stay there running at the speed in an orbit around the earth until it is eventually stopped by something that can take on 100 Semi Trucks going at 100 Miles Per Hour *and that's an under-estimate, because the force would be much much more than that*. In other words, you wouldn't even be able to remove such objects safely. Now, we're talking about countless numbers of debris and 'marbles' going around this exact orbit. This means we will either all wait a few thousand years until every bit has fallen back to earth, or work as a unified space program to launch "shields" which would provide a safe exit zone through the orbit.
In other words -
It is just way too messy to launch even a space shuttle safely. We'll all be hurt by this one for awhile, however existing Satellites in space may be adjusted. If someone's got very powerful lenses, they may still be able to relay imagery from the surface and back to home base. I have two satellites of this variety, however only one would be able to make it there 'soon' and that then could take perhaps a week to a month in-game.
So, don't pretend this isn't as bad as it really is. I give Spiz props for perhaps forcing EII to work as a unified community if it wishes to restore it's sanctuary in space, either that or for forceing us to become Archaic in sky-ground reconaissance.
I dont know how it's written in Russian but it would be the work of various Soviet Syndicate's. The main being the Death's Hand Syndicate who do most of the killing. Otherwise there are three others, The Red Syndicate who's job is to locate and record the peoples movement Civilians and criminals. The Syndicate of the Republic who keep a peaceful appearance while acting as federally run state police, basically MP's in non-military uniform. The Black Syndicate who detain criminals and other various peoples (No real name for this group, Black came from the time of day they came which was at night. Its a public name but not official) Then the Death's Hand receive the detainee's and continue the process.
Maybe a little to much info but still, the only thing your people would tell would be that the Soviet Regime was massively capturing rebels and revolutionist's against the leadership. The body count would be totaled as such and so the religious persecution and eventual death are not known by civilians. Just the laws that enable the acts.
So yeah, you know how many are dead. But not for what reason. That doesn't stop them from telling you about the Black Syndicate coming in at night and taking people from their homes, then the government selling the property in the morning. ;)
We do try and not detain citizens who register as ex-Pushkan's, Pantheaan's, Germans (NG's people are the germans right?) or Romans (The close bordered people) to avoid any trouble. They are allowed free travel to their country of origin but are not allowed back.
Eh well, same as in the Soviet Union during Stalin's purges no one is that stupid, if someone takes away your father, mother or brother you gonna wonder where the hell they went and for what since you knew them and you knew that they did nothing wrong. Either way, who said I don't have spies in your country?
23-02-2007, 00:18
Eh well, same as in the Soviet Union during Stalin's purges no one is that stupid, if someone takes away your father, mother or brother you gonna wonder where the hell they went and for what since you knew them and you knew that they did nothing wrong. Either way, who said I don't have spies in your country?
If there is anything I love more than spies...it's FEMALE RUSSIAN Spies...
In 2005 a revolution in which 1.4 million Russians died occurred. In a struggle between the forces loyal to the Russian Communist Union lead by Marshal Zhukov, a good man a man who cared for his country and its honor and who still lives today as a hero who brought peace to our land, he lead his forces against the self-proclaimed Tsar, ex-Premier and a madman Alexandr Chorni. In the end people rose up and democracy prevailed. To all those who lost sons and daughters in that conflict no matter which side they supported, this is for you:
Ruskie Rybat Ruskix
23-02-2007, 00:33
Its not like im an old nation like you. Fresh, new and ready to purify the race (Or image of our race)
Ehhhh we don't set out to create bodycounts.
So, let me get this straight: Spizania launched what is essentially "an orbiting marble" that can pierce through satellites. Huh, no wonder I couldn't watch "Pig & Whistle"...
Also, what would be the timeframe to get another satellite back up there? It's not like none of us have been building new ones.
Months working at super duper paces for the first one lol...
Months working at super duper paces for the first one lol...
Not really, there are RL carriers that can carry up to 4 satellites, I am sure with the magical NS tech we can put 6-7 per rocket, if the government focuses on it, they can be replaced rather quickly...now replacing my death ray is another issue....damn you Spizania my death ray was ma baby and I miss it.
23-02-2007, 00:38
Not really, there are RL carriers that can carry up to 4 satellites, I am sure with the magical NS tech we can put 6-7 per rocket, if the government focuses on it, they can be replaced rather quickly...now replacing my death ray is another issue....damn you Spizania my death ray was ma baby and I miss it.
You still have to make them...Satellites take time to make, they are very sensitive pieces of equipment.
Yeah, well I can't say I wasn't prepared for an attack on my satellites, maybe not one of this kind but either way I do have replacements ready to be put in orbit.
23-02-2007, 04:18
Well The O.C. is officially over, which sucks, so I can write some more of AAE tonight.
23-02-2007, 04:26
Layarteb, you are banned from the Man Club...
The O.C.? The hell is wrong with you!!!
Ottoman Khaif
23-02-2007, 04:32
The hell is wrong with you!!!
We all ask that question about ourselves...but we never want to hear the answer...
The Deathbat Republic
23-02-2007, 04:37
Layarteb, you are banned from the Man Club...
The O.C.? The hell is wrong with you!!!
I've been saying that ever since he first confessed his addiction to that terrible show.
Let us rejoice in the casting out of that demon from our television programming!
23-02-2007, 04:37
I'm going to cry now...
That's just...
and the fact Jolt is dipping into the Space Time Continium again...
The Deathbat Republic
23-02-2007, 04:48
I'm going to cry now...
That's just...
and the fact Jolt is dipping into the Space Time Continium again...
Leeeeeet's doooooooo the tiiiiiiiiiiime waaaaaarp agaaaaaaaaiiiiiiiiin!
23-02-2007, 05:35
I'll not make excuses for my liking the show, it's just good, tough for yas! And I'm still in the man club...
On another note, not in the NS writing mood...no AAE tonight.
23-02-2007, 05:45
Eh well, same as in the Soviet Union during Stalin's purges no one is that stupid, if someone takes away your father, mother or brother you gonna wonder where the hell they went and for what since you knew them and you knew that they did nothing wrong. Either way, who said I don't have spies in your country?
Well I expect spies, and sure they would hear the regular propaganda cause if they set foot anywhere near the camps they would be recorded somewhere, either on our sound trackers or our camera's we would know if a spy was watching the executions. Basically you are still hearing the propagandist story
Not really, Im talking about spies in your government, a big operation like this requires a lot of people, atleast one of those can be bought, but either way, my guys aren't idiots they can separate bullshit propaganda from truth plus we got high resolution satelite surveillance that can see whats going on in those camps.
I'll not make excuses for my liking the show, it's just good, tough for yas! And I'm still in the man club...
On another note, not in the NS writing mood...no AAE tonight.
LAY! LAY! STALKER emergency. The graphics in the new beta are all kinds of fuckered up, I get patches of grass randomly and quickly appearing out of thin air, I get fucking colors and shit everythere that aren't supposed to be there (flashing green and violet lines all over the place), wtf? Is it just me or you got the same shit? I didn't have anything like this in the old beta.
23-02-2007, 06:17
Not really, Im talking about spies in your government, a big operation like this requires a lot of people, atleast one of those can be bought, but either way, my guys aren't idiots they can separate bullshit propaganda from truth plus we got high resolution satelite surveillance that can see whats going on in those camps.
Your putting that much effort into it, man what did I do?:p
Took ma land *spits chewing tobacco while sitting on a porch with a loaded shotgun*
23-02-2007, 13:28
Pyschotika, you made a good point about those satellites and the debris.
Anyway, shields would be good. We need to launch them quickly. I can move SAAMDS satellites, that have shields, into orbit. They have lenses but they aren't very good, very basic because they're not really for looking at earth.
Anyway, I'm going to have to relaunch satellites anyway, and because of Spizanias bag of shit I think I'll put shields on all military satellites now.
23-02-2007, 15:25
Official Transmission to all nations of Earth II
The Confederate States of Spizania hereby offers the following deal for peace:
1. The Confederate States of Spizania will commit that over the next two decades, it will pay for all damage caused to global sattelite networks, excepting that cause to the sattelite networks of the Empire of Cotland.
2. The Confederate States of Spizania will unilaterally divest itself of biological weapons of all kinds
3. The Confederate States of Spizania will surrender 30% of its current nuclear arms stockpiles by yield. Weapons will be surrendered to the forces of the Empire of Layarteb and the Armed Republic of Soviet Bloc.
4. The Confederate States of Spizania will agree to not attempt replace the nuclear weapons surrendered for five years (for RL time purposes, lets say five weeks or something)
5. The Confederate States of Spizania will surrender 80% of its chemical weapons stockpiles by weight, the weapons will be surrendered to the forces of the Empire of Layarteb and the Armed Republic of Soviet Bloc.
6. The Confederate States of Spizania will agree to not attempt to replace the chemical weapons surrendered for ten years (for RL time purposes, lets say ten weeks or something)
7. All combatants will return to pre-war readiness levels and will stand down all reservist forces. Forces from a neutral state to be designated will police this stand-down of forces.
8. The Confederate States of Spizania will commit to never again create a system whos sole purpose is to create an orbital cascade.
9. The Confederate States of Spizania will not be occupied by any of the beligerant powers.
10. Baker Island will be surrendered to a neutral nation to be decided upon upon the signing of this treaty.
11. The Confederate States of Spizania will dismantle its remaining Ballistic Missile Submarines, and will no longer possess any Submarine Launched Ballistic Missiles.
12. The Beligerant Powers will undertake never to assail any other combatant in the future.
13. The Confederate states of Spizania will undertake never to assail another sovereign nation, without the provocation of an act or declaration of war without the express consent of the Empire of Cotland.
OOC: Best deal you are going to get, suggest you take it, if you refuse, then i need a list of strategic targets that could be spotted from orbit before this madness began
Official Statement to the Confederate of Spizania
The Realm of Cotland does not accept the proposal for peace as Spizania has presented, but it is eager to return the world to peace. Therefore, we are proposing this somewhat ammended version of the Spizanian proposal:
The Confederate States of Spizania shall commit itself to, over the coming two decades, pay for all damages caused to the global satellite networks, including those satellites belonging to the Realm of Cotland
The Confederate States of Spizania shall relinquish its entire nuclear arms stockpile for decommissioning in the presence of observers from a neutral nation-state, and it shall not replace its nuclear arms stockpile with new nuclear arms for a duration of thirty (30) years.
The Confederate States of Spizania shall pledge not to employ weapons of mass destruction - hereunder nuclear, biological, or chemical weapons - unless as a last resort
The Confederate States of Spizania will commit never again to create a system whose sole purpose is to create an orbital cascade
The Confederate States of Spizania will not be occupied by the forces of the Realm of Cotland
Baker Island will be surrendered to a neutral nation to be decided upon upon the signing of this treaty.
The Confederate States of Spizania will dismantle its remaining Ballistic Missile Submarines (SSBs/SSBNs), and will no longer possess any Submarine Launched Ballistic Missiles (SLBMs)
The Confederate States of Spizania will undertake never to assail another sovereign nation, without the provocation of an act or official declaration of war
The Confederate States of Spizania will engage in diplomatic negotiations with the Allied Powers concening the extradition of those Spizanians responsible for the nuclear release.
You have twelve (12) hours to inform us of your decision.
The Realm of Cotland
[OOC: As you can see, this is an entirely reasonable offer which leaves you pretty much home free. I strongly suggest you take it.]
23-02-2007, 16:42
Our stance on the peace amendments is fully behind the Cottish version.
23-02-2007, 16:55
OOC: Then its nuclear war you want.
I need target lists for strategic weapons facilities in Cotland
23-02-2007, 17:35
Okay, fuck this. I'm turning Palawa green.
23-02-2007, 18:06
you fancy your cities glowing in the dark aswell?
and they got a warning, i dont bluff.
23-02-2007, 18:18
You think I'm scared of nukes? Not to mention, you. You're nothing. You don't even compare to that what may come close to claiming scarey to me. You are a little man with his stick, only trying to find ways to ward off those who feels threatens him. You have failed at this, and no matter what you do will ammount to what I'll ever do to Earth II. You have got nothing, little man, and even if half of my country were to go up in flames...
That would never ammount to what I will ever do to you, and those who surround you.
23-02-2007, 18:19
Spiz, your really being a dick. Cotland's amendments are near identical to your originals so accept it and shut up about nukes, or piss off from E2 entirely and stop ruining it for everyone else just because you can't RP a conventional war.
23-02-2007, 18:22
I have yet to be engaged on the ground, which is where ive spent alot of my time preparing strategies. Im attacked by a fleet which i cannot stop, being as my nearest fleet group in stuck in Ras Tanura, im engaged by hordes of fighters after im attacked with atomic arms. I havent had a chance to engage in conventional warfare. If Hawdawg attacks my holdings in UAE before this goes to hell. Then youl see how i fight a conventional war. But you attacked with nuclear arms, so you deprived me of the chance of the Conventional war. If puskha actually attacks Yemen before the nukes start flying, youl see a conventional war.
and my government has very little reason to trust yours, not after you started butchering civilians for no real reason. How do we know you wont just nuke us to death once we surrender our weapons
[OOC: As you can see, this is an entirely reasonable offer which leaves you pretty much home free. I strongly suggest you take it.]
Ah...Cot a bit of a problem with this one, Im taking Baker Island and if someone tries to take it away from me I will attack them. Either way if we want to give Spizania a one front ultimatum how about we discuss hat one front ultimatum first so there wouldn't be any problems for any nation that is against Spiz.
I have yet to be engaged on the ground, which is where ive spent alot of my time preparing strategies. Im attacked by a fleet which i cannot stop, being as my nearest fleet group in stuck in Ras Tanura, im engaged by hordes of fighters after im attacked with atomic arms. I havent had a chance to engage in conventional warfare. If Hawdawg attacks my holdings in UAE before this goes to hell. Then youl see how i fight a conventional war. But you attacked with nuclear arms, so you deprived me of the chance of the Conventional war. If puskha actually attacks Yemen before the nukes start flying, youl see a conventional war.
and my government has very little reason to trust yours, not after you started butchering civilians for no real reason. How do we know you wont just nuke us to death once we surrender our weapons
Oh, I'll give you a conventional war, don't worry about it. Lets say 24 hours have passed. For some reason I think you're underestimating me, even without TOA in I would have taken you out, and now that you obviously shown no intention to oblige to our reasonable demands (give us Baker, pay for satellites, surrender all the nukes and chemical weapons) I intend to do follow up on my initial wish, Im taking you out.
OOC: Then its nuclear war you want.
I need target lists for strategic weapons facilities in Cotland
All strategic weapons facilities are highly classified and produced in vast mountain halls in Norway, Siberia and in factories in the Middle East, far underneath granite stone. To be quite precise, the knowledge of Cottish WMDs is that the people know only that the Realm possess nuclear weapons, and sizes and such are completely unknown. Anyway, the majority of my nukes are produced at the Dimona factory in the Negev Desert, while the most of the chemical weapons production are located in the remote steppes of Yakutia. The Realm does not possess biological weapons. Anyway, the location of ICBM bases (we have about 20 of them) are secretive with none known to anyone but the personnel of the Strategic Rocket Forces in the RCAF and the upper echelon of the RCM, and located with a few in Norway, a few in Jan Mayen, a few at Victoria Island, and the rest somewhere in the Middle East. Additionally, I have mobile IRBMs around Siberia, the Middle East, Norway/Murmansk, et cetera; and I have approximately 48 SSBNs roaming the world's oceans right now, each packing 24 SLBMs with 3 - 5 MIRVs each in addition to the heavy bombers which are packed with all kinds of weapons, including thermonuclear tactical warheads. I should also inform you that all strategic targets (cities, military bases, important installations, etc) are protected by AABMS batteries and other long-range, anti-ballistic missile systems, thus reducing the risk of the strategic location being taken out (but not eliminating that risk).
I think I should warn you though. If you fire on me, I will not be the only one to retaliate. My allies in the October Alliance are also likely to release their WMDs upon you, assuring that the world will be ridded of any Spizanians. So, I again implore you to accept the proposal I made. It's not that different from the one you listed, and note that I made no stipulations as to your chemical or biological weapons programmes. You can keep those. All I want is for you to not have nukes any more. I don't want a repeat of the Gulf of Aden. So, try to prove that you have a brain between your ears instead of balls and re-read the proposal and give it some very thurrough thought before you decide anything. Let me remind you once again that this all rests on your shoulders.
And you have the assurance that I won't start a nuclear holocaust against Spizania if you decide to accept the proposal because if I do, I will have to explain my actions to my allies (Lay, Hirg, SB, Hawdawg, NG) and to the rest of the world, something I will be unable to do. In short, my allies won't allow me to. Additionally, I give you my word (for whatever its worth) that I won't try anything against you. Should you decide to continue this war, know that I will keep this conventional. At least until you do something stupid (like, I dunno, fire off nukes against me?).
In closing, I would just like to point out that I don't really give a crap that I didn't play into your arms by not launching a massive ground assault against you, rather starting a massive bombardment (which is my Modus Operandi when starting a war). So you can't adapt to differing tactics. Too bad. It's not my fault that you can't RP the surprise of the unexpected tactics and take some losses, only to (possibly) pwn me when I do land troops on the ground. I RP'd the build-up properly over a relatively long period of time, so don't give me any crap about that. There, I've said it. Enough ranting from me. Now please, go re-read the proposal I made and give it some good thought before replying.
Ah...Cot a bit of a problem with this one, Im taking Baker Island and if someone tries to take it away from me I will attack them. Either way if we want to give Spizania a one front ultimatum how about we discuss hat one front ultimatum first so there wouldn't be any problems for any nation that is against Spiz.
Quite frankly, I don't care what happens to Baker Island.
OOC: Get on AIM Cot we need to talk.
Spiz how many forces you got in Yemen?
23-02-2007, 20:12
It all seems rather simple to me:
Spiz, accept our terms. Pay us for the damage, end your WMD programs, get rid of your SSBN's and give Pushka Baker Island. That is not much to ask especially when your looking at complete anniahalation. And I will shoot down your nukes if you go for a full release and I will retaliate with Enhanced Radiation Weapons that will enable us to take over your land safely within a few months. (ERW's are not thermonuclear and do not produce a blast wave. They do not cause any visible destruction, but they will kill any animal/plant life within range. The radiation, being clean and not very potent, will dissipate within 6 months and all traces will be gone in 1-2 years.)
Just agree to the rather fair terms (considering the damage you have done).
United States of Brink
23-02-2007, 20:46
What is the point of having nukes if they cannot do anything in EII the land of invincibles?
I think everyone is being somewhat unrealistic here. Spiz is a rogue nation, with nukes, that threatens to use them...realistic.
Everyone claiming that they are useless because their nation can shoot air out of space....unrealistic.
Everyone claiming MAD...realistic.
If you are not willing to deal with nukes...how realistic can you be.
23-02-2007, 23:12
I know what your saying USB, but nobody here wants to see Spiz destroy most nations on E2 or attempt to. He had no legitimate reason to begin using nukes in the first place, but he did. Now he has before him a perfectly reasonable peace agreement and he basically throws it in our faces. To me, considering the alternative for Spiz, i.e. being turned into a rather large crater, accepting the agreement would be the realistic move.
On another note, I need a favour. Does anyone here know about, or have pictures of, the Iranian multi-colored camouflage pattern they used during the Iran-Iraq war? If you have any info please TG me. (There is nothing I can find on the net except modern stuff.)
24-02-2007, 00:06
LAY! LAY! STALKER emergency. The graphics in the new beta are all kinds of fuckered up, I get patches of grass randomly and quickly appearing out of thin air, I get fucking colors and shit everythere that aren't supposed to be there (flashing green and violet lines all over the place), wtf? Is it just me or you got the same shit? I didn't have anything like this in the old beta.
Just you papi.
Official Transmission to all nations of Earth II
The Confederate States of Spizania hereby offers the following deal for peace:
1. The Confederate States of Spizania will commit that over the next two decades, it will pay for all damage caused to global sattelite networks, excepting that cause to the sattelite networks of the Empire of Cotland.
2. The Confederate States of Spizania will unilaterally divest itself of biological weapons of all kinds
3. The Confederate States of Spizania will surrender 30% of its current nuclear arms stockpiles by yield. Weapons will be surrendered to the forces of the Empire of Layarteb and the Armed Republic of Soviet Bloc.
4. The Confederate States of Spizania will agree to not attempt replace the nuclear weapons surrendered for five years (for RL time purposes, lets say five weeks or something)
5. The Confederate States of Spizania will surrender 80% of its chemical weapons stockpiles by weight, the weapons will be surrendered to the forces of the Empire of Layarteb and the Armed Republic of Soviet Bloc.
6. The Confederate States of Spizania will agree to not attempt to replace the chemical weapons surrendered for ten years (for RL time purposes, lets say ten weeks or something)
7. All combatants will return to pre-war readiness levels and will stand down all reservist forces. Forces from a neutral state to be designated will police this stand-down of forces.
8. The Confederate States of Spizania will commit to never again create a system whos sole purpose is to create an orbital cascade.
9. The Confederate States of Spizania will not be occupied by any of the beligerant powers.
10. Baker Island will be surrendered to a neutral nation to be decided upon upon the signing of this treaty.
11. The Confederate States of Spizania will dismantle its remaining Ballistic Missile Submarines, and will no longer possess any Submarine Launched Ballistic Missiles.
12. The Beligerant Powers will undertake never to assail any other combatant in the future.
13. The Confederate states of Spizania will undertake never to assail another sovereign nation, without the provocation of an act or declaration of war without the express consent of the Empire of Cotland.
OOC: Best deal you are going to get, suggest you take it, if you refuse, then i need a list of strategic targets that could be spotted from orbit before this madness began
Why me?
24-02-2007, 00:28
Communique to All Worldly Nations
The Empire is pleased that a peace offer has been put on the table by the Spizanians. However, we do wish to state our concern over it being a 'shut door,' take it or leave it offer. Negotiation is the cornerstone of post-war discussions and it will ensure that neither party is overly wronged, so much so that a second war of vengeance erupts. We must strongly urge that negotations begin for the benefit of all mankind. Secondly, we wish to express an urge that all satellites destroyed through this cascade system be paid for, regardless of their flag. We are also curious as to why the Empire has been chosen to received chemical and nuclear weapons from the Spizanian military. We eagerly await the reply of the Spizanian government.
The Emperor
There's more to it then just the thing.
24-02-2007, 00:58
What is the point of having nukes if they cannot do anything in EII the land of invincibles?
I think everyone is being somewhat unrealistic here. Spiz is a rogue nation, with nukes, that threatens to use them...realistic.
Everyone claiming that they are useless because their nation can shoot air out of space....unrealistic.
Everyone claiming MAD...realistic.
If you are not willing to deal with nukes...how realistic can you be.
I agree.
Also being a bistanding nation bordering Cotland who is a suspected Spizanian target we do not wish to be blowen nuclear wind. Spizania we did not want to get involved but with your threats being very near to us we will have to. Though we cannot prevent a nuclear weapon from hitting us we can at least prepare for it. Spizania is now an Enemy of the Republic and will be treated as such, long range missile systems are currently being redirected toward Spizanian claims (though it is only if we fear you have launched a weapon) and military personel from the U.S.R. will be at the disposal of any nation willing to transport them to the battlefield.
Spizania, you have shown rash behavior and very unthoughtful movements and it is obvious you do not care about the world and even your own people as you are willing to plague the planet in nuclear fallout. Therefore your future is in your own hands but it seems those hands will soon be black and burnt as your nation burns to the ground from the united offensive against you.
Accept the altered agreement or die, its a simple choice.
24-02-2007, 01:08
I know what your saying USB, but nobody here wants to see Spiz destroy most nations on E2 or attempt to. He had no legitimate reason to begin using nukes in the first place, but he did. Now he has before him a perfectly reasonable peace agreement and he basically throws it in our faces. To me, considering the alternative for Spiz, i.e. being turned into a rather large crater, accepting the agreement would be the realistic move.
On another note, I need a favour. Does anyone here know about, or have pictures of, the Iranian multi-colored camouflage pattern they used during the Iran-Iraq war? If you have any info please TG me. (There is nothing I can find on the net except modern stuff.)
Check this site out, its got alot of Iranian Military pictures
24-02-2007, 01:13
Damn it Nero, thats fantastic! Many thanks dude, cheers.
24-02-2007, 03:51
Well the first shots of the Layartebian conquest of southern Mexico have begun, though it's set 1 month in the past.
24-02-2007, 05:51
Rome, im still waiting for you to approve the Bashkortostan Land trade. Just a reminder.
24-02-2007, 06:23
Hey can I claim the Win $100.00 Island in the pacific? ^.^ you might want to fix that :p
Rome, im still waiting for you to approve the Bashkortostan Land trade. Just a reminder.
^ I had done so already.
Rome...read your Winter War thread, good read but ehm....Russians don't really adore ancient Romans. First of all we only had extensive relations with Byzantian Empire and through most of the time we considered them enemies, Kniaz Oleg even took Constantinople for a breath period and when gave it back in exchange for a very favorable trade agreement (Byzantians had to let all of the Russian merchants into their country, allow them to stay for the trading season and finance their stay during that period)...so meh, a little bit of an inaccuracy there. But otherwise one of the best threads I've read so far on EII, interesting, hillarious at parts, doesn't take hours of reading like Lay's (no offense Lay, you got some good shit too but I never get the time to get into it, its like War and Peace, you never get to the juicy war parts unless you skip the whole Russian Empire high society drama parts).
24-02-2007, 07:50
^ I had done so already.
Sry, didn't notice. Bad on my part. Thanks.
24-02-2007, 16:32
Check this site out, its got alot of Iranian Military pictures
HAHA the Iran military what a joke
I like the dudes on the Motorcycle to
"Hey Mohammod, why don't you fire that RPG while where going to 80 MPH. Im sure it will have pin point accuracy!" (sarcasm)
Official Statement
Holy Republic of Hawdawg
"We suggest the Spizanian government return to the negotiating table and hammer out the details in this peace accord. We might suggest a meeting with RomeW as mediator, the Emperor has hosted many peace meetings before in several previous conflicts and most likely would accept the offer to do so again with such grave consequences on the line for humanity within our fragile ecosystem."
Gordon Wells
Prime Minister
Holy Republic of Hawdawg
24-02-2007, 18:57
Rome...read your Winter War thread, good read but ehm....Russians don't really adore ancient Romans. First of all we only had extensive relations with Byzantian Empire and through most of the time we considered them enemies, Kniaz Oleg even took Constantinople for a breath period and when gave it back in exchange for a very favorable trade agreement (Byzantians had to let all of the Russian merchants into their country, allow them to stay for the trading season and finance their stay during that period)...so meh, a little bit of an inaccuracy there. But otherwise one of the best threads I've read so far on EII, interesting, hillarious at parts, doesn't take hours of reading like Lay's (no offense Lay, you got some good shit too but I never get the time to get into it, its like War and Peace, you never get to the juicy war parts unless you skip the whole Russian Empire high society drama parts).
Depends which ones, RTL is by far the longest but it has to be, revolutions don't just happen overnight, they take time to build. AAE is packed too. Decayed and Ascensíon are pretty short.
24-02-2007, 20:41
Ireland just hammered England 43-13 at the Six Nations Rugby fixture at Croke Park, Dublin. Fuck Yeah!
24-02-2007, 20:49
Rome...read your Winter War thread, good read but ehm....Russians don't really adore ancient Romans. First of all we only had extensive relations with Byzantian Empire and through most of the time we considered them enemies, Kniaz Oleg even took Constantinople for a breath period and when gave it back in exchange for a very favorable trade agreement (Byzantians had to let all of the Russian merchants into their country, allow them to stay for the trading season and finance their stay during that period)...so meh, a little bit of an inaccuracy there. But otherwise one of the best threads I've read so far on EII, interesting, hillarious at parts, doesn't take hours of reading like Lay's (no offense Lay, you got some good shit too but I never get the time to get into it, its like War and Peace, you never get to the juicy war parts unless you skip the whole Russian Empire high society drama parts).
The more i look into the Byzantines the more shady kind of empire they were. Not only did they try to poison Oleg as you mentioned above...but during the first crusade, they followed the crusaders into what is now turkey and took control of a town that they captured by convincing the turks to surrender to them instead of the crusaders. Thus reaping the benefits from the blood that western europeans spilled
24-02-2007, 21:00
The more i look into the Byzantines the more shady kind of empire they were. Not only did they try to poison Oleg as you mentioned above...but during the first crusade, they followed the crusaders into what is now turkey and took control of a town that they captured by convincing the turks to surrender to them instead of the crusaders. Thus reaping the benefits from the blood that western europeans spilled
Interesting. Well the Crusade periods were rife with awfulness...Children's Crusade, I still can't understand the conceptual thinking behind that except religion really blinds people, big time...
24-02-2007, 22:45
There's some book out called The Politically Incorrect Guide to Islam (and The Crusades) and it claims the Crusades were defensive, which is a fairly interesting considering point.
Rome West
24-02-2007, 22:47
Official Statement
Holy Republic of Hawdawg
"We suggest the Spizanian government return to the negotiating table and hammer out the details in this peace accord. We might suggest a meeting with RomeW as mediator, the Emperor has hosted many peace meetings before in several previous conflicts and most likely would accept the offer to do so again with such grave consequences on the line for humanity within our fragile ecosystem."
Gordon Wells
Prime Minister
Holy Republic of Hawdawg
We would gladly endorse and honour such a request.
OOC: A little note- I should be referred to as just "Rome". The "W" is just there for NS.
Official Statement
In the interests of peace, the Realm is willing to adhere to a cease-fire with the Confederate States of Spizania on the condition that the Confederate States of Spizania agrees to sit down at the negotiation table where we will discuss the situation in Yemen and hammer out an agreement. The Realm still maintains its proposal, but is willing to negotiate it in the interests of peace. We await a Spizanian reply.
The Realm of Cotland
Up to you Spiz...
The more i look into the Byzantines the more shady kind of empire they were. Not only did they try to poison Oleg as you mentioned above...but during the first crusade, they followed the crusaders into what is now turkey and took control of a town that they captured by convincing the turks to surrender to them instead of the crusaders. Thus reaping the benefits from the blood that western europeans spilled
Yeah, they are sneaky bastards, I think it was Kniaz Yaroslav, yes, I think thats is name. A diplomat from Byzantine came to him and asked him to use his forces to capture a city (don't remember the name, its been a while since I've studied this shit) in return for many favors (like Yaroslav keeping the city and gaining some other lands) as this diplomat was planning on staging a revolt against the current leader of the Empire and taking his spot. Of course the leader who sent him didn't know that and just wanted to have that city taken and given by Yaroslav to Bezantine Empire for some gold. Yaroslav (who was a mighty warrior and conquered the Khazar people as well as some other until him renegade slavic tribes) took the city planning to make it the center of his nation because of its closeness to Bezantine border and prospects for trade. The revolt failed and the Bezantines wanted the city from Yaroslav. He said no, they blockaded it unable to take it by force, eventually with Yaroslav had to retreat because of starvation and when the legend goes that the Bezantine Emperor, paid the leader of one of the two Southern renegade Slavic tribes to assassinate Yaroslav on his route to Kiev. The legend goes that Yaroslav was killed and his skull made into a chalice. When the Yaroslav's holdings fell apart because he left the land to his three sons when he left for his conquest and when the Mongols came and because Yaroslav removed the Khazar buffer zone they easily entered Rus.
24-02-2007, 23:51
Interesting. Well the Crusade periods were rife with awfulness...Children's Crusade, I still can't understand the conceptual thinking behind that except religion really blinds people, big time...
Well i support the Crusades some liberals think im a right wing nut for saying that.
But the orignal intention of the Crusade was to reconquer lands that the Turks had taking by force. The turks continued to push more and more into Europe into they were on the Byzantine emperors door mat. Europe had every right to strike back against this threat. The Byzantine's real intention was to conquer all their former roman terroritory..so in some ways the BE had a outrageous plan to begin with..cause they wanted to use Western Europeans to advance their empire (their was no such thing as nationalism..so it was plausable. Hell England was ruled by a dam Frenchee at this time..so they really didn't care about nationality!)
So the the Byzantine Emperor Alexius ask Europe for help....The pope however made it into a religious crusade that would go all the way to the holy land. So the entire concept of the crusades was a just war..but it took a life of its own after due to propagada. it was a pre-emp strike..but was morphed into a religious call, even then the christain kingdoms were for from being a united front. The pope even excommunicated the king of Portugal in that same year cause he wanted to place new taxes on the church
And the childrens crusade wasn't really a crusade of children. Recent research suggests the participants were not children, at least not the very young. In the early 1200s, bands of wandering poor started cropping up throughout Europe. These were people displaced by economic changes at the time which forced many poor peasants in northern France and Germany to sell their land. These bands were referred to as pueri (Latin for "boys") in a condescending manner, in much the same way that people from rural areas in the United States are called "country boys"...its just when researchers look at it many hundred years later they mistaking the word for the word "child"...thus children's crusade
But the march did take place...they didn't carry weapons however. The shepherd "boy" who lead it believe that the sea's would part and he could walk from Genoa to Jersaleum and start converting Muslims in a peaceful matter ...
Well they got to the sea and it never part (doh). So the band just simply left
We would gladly endorse and honour such a request.
OOC: A little note- I should be referred to as just "Rome". The "W" is just there for NS.
Denoted Rome.
25-02-2007, 03:45
Well i support the Crusades some liberals think im a right wing nut for saying that.
But the orignal intention of the Crusade was to reconquer lands that the Turks had taking by force. The turks continued to push more and more into Europe into they were on the Byzantine emperors door mat. Europe had every right to strike back against this threat. The Byzantine's real intention was to conquer all their former roman terroritory..so in some ways the BE had a outrageous plan to begin with..cause they wanted to use Western Europeans to advance their empire (their was no such thing as nationalism..so it was plausable. Hell England was ruled by a dam Frenchee at this time..so they really didn't care about nationality!)
So the the Byzantine Emperor Alexius ask Europe for help....The pope however made it into a religious crusade that would go all the way to the holy land. So the entire concept of the crusades was a just war..but it took a life of its own after due to propagada. it was a pre-emp strike..but was morphed into a religious call, even then the christain kingdoms were for from being a united front. The pope even excommunicated the king of Portugal in that same year cause he wanted to place new taxes on the church
And the childrens crusade wasn't really a crusade of children. Recent research suggests the participants were not children, at least not the very young. In the early 1200s, bands of wandering poor started cropping up throughout Europe. These were people displaced by economic changes at the time which forced many poor peasants in northern France and Germany to sell their land. These bands were referred to as pueri (Latin for "boys") in a condescending manner, in much the same way that people from rural areas in the United States are called "country boys"...its just when researchers look at it many hundred years later they mistaking the word for the word "child"...thus children's crusade
But the march did take place...they didn't carry weapons however. The shepherd "boy" who lead it believe that the sea's would part and he could walk from Genoa to Jersaleum and start converting Muslims in a peaceful matter ...
Well they got to the sea and it never part (doh). So the band just simply left
Oh yeah the intention of the crusades was definitely noble but sadly, after the First Crusade there was more pillaging and raping by the crusading armies that the intention was certainly clouded with bad deeds. Ahhh interesting though didn't know that the children's crusade wasn't necessarily children, always thought it was.
FYI I am working on a new fighting vehicle to replace the Bradley. It will use the chasis of the CV9035 but it will certainly be a different vehicle. It will also feature the VIDS & VEDS, both of which are employed on the M2047 Arrow and M2032 Sabertooth.
25-02-2007, 06:14
I thought this'd be a funny statement -
We should all stop being panzies. War on EII should be like this (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FKN3UJJYW7s&mode=related&search=).
Sure, lets keep nukes around...but we should seriously stop hideing behind them, and makeing EII consist of Single Battle Wars which consist of this. (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fxCMz1VYksM)
This has been a public service announcement.
25-02-2007, 06:25
It's fun to have nukes and all but using them just makes things boring.
Rome...read your Winter War thread, good read but ehm....Russians don't really adore ancient Romans. First of all we only had extensive relations with Byzantian Empire and through most of the time we considered them enemies, Kniaz Oleg even took Constantinople for a breath period and when gave it back in exchange for a very favorable trade agreement (Byzantians had to let all of the Russian merchants into their country, allow them to stay for the trading season and finance their stay during that period)...so meh, a little bit of an inaccuracy there. But otherwise one of the best threads I've read so far on EII, interesting, hillarious at parts, doesn't take hours of reading like Lay's (no offense Lay, you got some good shit too but I never get the time to get into it, its like War and Peace, you never get to the juicy war parts unless you skip the whole Russian Empire high society drama parts).
Thank you for the compliment. I read the Wikipedia entry on the Koryaks and, while I realized it was dated (they quoted the 1911 Encyclopedia Britannica) there was a crazy war that could come out of that; and I'm happy with how the thread is going so far.
Now, to clarify about Russia and Rome: I understand that the Byzantines and the Russians didn't have the greatest of relationships- if I remember correctly, a few decades before the Fall of Constantinople the Russian Church seperated from the Byzantine one. However, Moscow liked to bill itself as "the third Rome" and while it may not have liked dealing with the "technical Romans" (Byzantium) it certainly aspired to continue the legacy of ancient Rome, the Rome of Augustus, Tiberius and Trajan. It is this Rome that modern writers romanticize about (yes, that word use was intentional) and it is this Rome that every other claimant to the successorship of the Roman State claimed to succeed from. Benito Mussolini certainly wasn't thinking of Phillip The Arab or Maximillian Thrax when he branded Italy in 1936 as the "New Roman Empire", and when Mehmed II captured Constantinople in 1453, he crowned himself "Roman Emperor" in part because he didn't wish to anger his new subjects but also to claim the Ottomans as legitimate successors to Augustus and Hadrian. When most people think of Rome, they think of the Romans at their height, the Rome of Julius Caesar, Claudius and Trajan, even if a lot of this romantization skews the reality. It is *this* Rome that I am referring to in my thread with regards to Alexei and the Russians because, while they did not have cordial relations with the Byzantines, they still ascribed to *be* Roman.
For what it's worth, the Byzantines faced an uphill battle since their inception to be recognized as the "true heirs" of the Roman State and while they were technically the Roman State itself, Byzantium were progressively seen as "pretenders". It's easy to see why- the Byzantines had a rather early peak (558, when they took Cartagena and effectively ruled the Mediterranean sea minus the southern coast of France and the eastern coast of Spain) and, ostensibly, gradually lost land. The truth is that the Byzantines deserve far more credit than they're due- the Byzantine Empire lasted for over 1,000 years (395-1461, counting the Empire of Trebizond), went through periods of great successes (Basil II's conquest of Bulgaria in 1014) and enjoyed tremendous stability. Case in point, the times it did lose land was in major collapses that were considerably spread out- there were the losses to the Arabs (Palestine, Syria and Egypt from 636-642 and North Africa in 699), the loss of Asia Minor (1071 to the Seljuks after the Battle of Manzikert, who interestingly called their land "Rum" after the Romans) and, finally, the losses at the hands of the Ottoman Turks (1300-1461, who, it should be noted, claimed the title of "Roman Emperor" shortly after taking Constantinople in 1453).
Contemporaneously, Byzantium was referred to as "the Empire of Constantinople", with the word "Byzantine" emerging from a German historiographer in 1554 to differentiate the period of Roman rule after Heraculis in 623 (this was when he changed the administrative language of Byzantium from Latin to Greek, "ending" the Roman State since the Romans were known to use Latin). Most recognized them as "Romans" until about 1100, half a century after the Christian Church was divided in "The Great Schism (http://www.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Great_Schism)" of 1054 (the Schism established the Roman Catholic Church and the Greek Orthodox Church and while the two Churches met from time to time to re-establish unity, it never firmly took hold). It was here that the alleged "Donation of Constantine" was brought to light, because the Church claimed that Constantine "donated" Roman authority to the Church and thus the Popes were the only ones legitimately able to crown "Roman Emperors". The Donation was later proved to be a forgery, but it added to the mutual distrust between the two sides. The Byzantines may have been the legitimate "Roman State" but by this point no one believed them, with the Holy Roman Empire erected as its rival claimant. I'd probably posit that if it wasn't for this great divide no one would probably even label the Eastern Roman Empire as "Byzantine", because, despite the language and religion, it was still very much "Roman" (it vehemently guarded its Classical-themed culture and even had a Senate of their own). Think about it- medieval France and modern France are very different states, but no one labels them differently. The Eastern Roman Empire gets this treatment, even though it really was no different state-wise than the State of Augustus.
The more i look into the Byzantines the more shady kind of empire they were. Not only did they try to poison Oleg as you mentioned above...but during the first crusade, they followed the crusaders into what is now turkey and took control of a town that they captured by convincing the turks to surrender to them instead of the crusaders. Thus reaping the benefits from the blood that western europeans spilled
You have to remember that when Alexius I took Nicaea in 1097 he did so because he did not trust the Crusaders. Do not forget that at this time the great split of 1054 was still fresh in many people's heads and certainly at the very least "clouded" the judgements of everyone at the time. It's easy to look back and say that the Byzantines were deceitful and untrustworthy, but you have to understand their perspective- just 43 years prior they underwent one of the bitterest divorces in history (on par with the split between Sunni and Shi'i Islam in 750 after the overthrow of the Ummayyd Caliphate), and just 26 years previously the Byzantines were wallopped at Manzikert in Armenia where they went on to lose Anatolia (completed by the Seljuk capture of Nicaea in 1081). So it's understandable why the Byzantines would want rather accomplish the goal themselves rather than trust Crusaders who might just keep that land for themselves anyway. It's easy for us to say that the Byzantines shouldn't have "used" the Crusaders and maybe even worked with them even better, but that would be like saying that Israel and Syria should work together today to deal with Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and take out his nukes (this is just an example. I don't know if Syria really is threatened by Ahmadinejad's nukes but I used them to make this point). It's important to keep things in perspective, as things are not always what we may think they are or should be.
25-02-2007, 09:56
Thank you for the compliment. I read the Wikipedia entry on the Koryaks and, while I realized it was dated (they quoted the 1911 Encyclopedia Britannica) there was a crazy war that could come out of that; and I'm happy with how the thread is going so far.
Now, to clarify about Russia and Rome: I understand that the Byzantines and the Russians didn't have the greatest of relationships- if I remember correctly, a few decades before the Fall of Constantinople the Russian Church seperated from the Byzantine one. However, Moscow liked to bill itself as "the third Rome" and while it may not have liked dealing with the "technical Romans" (Byzantium) it certainly aspired to continue the legacy of ancient Rome, the Rome of Augustus, Tiberius and Trajan. It is this Rome that modern writers romanticize about (yes, that word use was intentional) and it is this Rome that every other claimant to the successorship of the Roman State claimed to succeed from. Benito Mussolini certainly wasn't thinking of Phillip The Arab or Maximillian Thrax when he branded Italy in 1936 as the "New Roman Empire", and when Mehmed II captured Constantinople in 1453, he crowned himself "Roman Emperor" in part because he didn't wish to anger his new subjects but also to claim the Ottomans as legitimate successors to Augustus and Hadrian. When most people think of Rome, they think of the Romans at their height, the Rome of Julius Caesar, Claudius and Trajan, even if a lot of this romantization skews the reality. It is *this* Rome that I am referring to in my thread with regards to Alexei and the Russians because, while they did not have cordial relations with the Byzantines, they still ascribed to *be* Roman.
Yeah i renamed my King.."Grand Duke" to please the Russians in my nation (since my nation has Slovaks as well), it was also to show that my nation is no longer interesting in invading Europe. We are only looking toward Russia. When i capture the areas of Russian royality. Moscow, Kiev and Novogrod I shall rename my myself TSAR. But if i capture any areas of history (ie the Golden Horde) i'll rename my nation to that particular kingdom
Thank you for the compliment. I read the Wikipedia entry on the Koryaks and, while I realized it was dated (they quoted the 1911 Encyclopedia Britannica) there was a crazy war that could come out of that; and I'm happy with how the thread is going so far.
Now, to clarify about Russia and Rome: I understand that the Byzantines and the Russians didn't have the greatest of relationships- if I remember correctly, a few decades before the Fall of Constantinople the Russian Church seperated from the Byzantine one. However, Moscow liked to bill itself as "the third Rome" and while it may not have liked dealing with the "technical Romans" (Byzantium) it certainly aspired to continue the legacy of ancient Rome, the Rome of Augustus, Tiberius and Trajan. It is this Rome that modern writers romanticize about (yes, that word use was intentional) and it is this Rome that every other claimant to the successorship of the Roman State claimed to succeed from. Benito Mussolini certainly wasn't thinking of Phillip The Arab or Maximillian Thrax when he branded Italy in 1936 as the "New Roman Empire", and when Mehmed II captured Constantinople in 1453, he crowned himself "Roman Emperor" in part because he didn't wish to anger his new subjects but also to claim the Ottomans as legitimate successors to Augustus and Hadrian. When most people think of Rome, they think of the Romans at their height, the Rome of Julius Caesar, Claudius and Trajan, even if a lot of this romantization skews the reality. It is *this* Rome that I am referring to in my thread with regards to Alexei and the Russians because, while they did not have cordial relations with the Byzantines, they still ascribed to *be* Roman.
Well firstly it wasn't Moscow that liked to call itself the third Rome it was the Russian Empire (Rim which is a Russian word for Rome can also be used to describe the Roman Empire, Rimskaya Imperia in Russian), but that was really just a minor detail, a few high society types trying to glorify themselves. The regular people, and thus the majority never really considered themselves as affiliated to Roman Empire in any way, same as most Tsars, I am kind of thinking the whole Third Rome thing is an invention of 18th or 19th century European journalist, those guys had a predisposition for flare. We did however inherit the double headed eagle from the Bezantine Empire and at one point established ourselves as the world leaders of the Orthodox Christian Church. Infact the reason we are Orthodox Christians is because of Bezantine Empire. In late 970s AD Kniaz Vladimir captured Crimea from the Bezantine Empire, as many other leaders done before him he didn't want to keep it but rather exchange it for something of great profit to the Bezantines. This time he wanted to marry their princess, they said couldn't be done cause he was pagan, so he decided to convert to Christianity (his mother was a christian as well), forced the Bezantine patriarch to come to Crimea to both baptize and marry him. However unlike his mother who kept her faith to herself he decided to baptize the whole country, most likely so he could proclaim himself to be a ruler put in place by a single god and thus unite the land under his control even tighter. So he did that, in order to demonstrate to the people that the pagan gods don't exist he had all the pagan statues and totems taken from the villages and thrown into rivers, the gods never showed their anger so the people were forced to agree that the pagan gods either don't exist or the Christian god is more powerful when them.
Yeah i renamed my King.."Grand Duke" to please the Russians in my nation (since my nation has Slovaks as well), it was also to show that my nation is no longer interesting in invading Europe. We are only looking toward Russia. When i capture the areas of Russian royality. Moscow, Kiev and Novogrod I shall rename my myself TSAR. But if i capture any areas of history (ie the Golden Horde) i'll rename my nation to that particular kingdom
Eh duke? We didn't have dukes, we had great kniaz, kniaz and later baron, graph, etc.
25-02-2007, 19:40
Eh duke? We didn't have dukes, we had great kniaz, kniaz and later baron, graph, etc.
Grand Duke is the english translation of Kniaz
Kniaz’ or knyaz is a word found in some Slavic languages, denoting a nobility rank. It is usually translated into English as either Prince or Duke, although the correspondence is not exact.
Well firstly it wasn't Moscow that liked to call itself the third Rome it was the Russian Empire (Rim which is a Russian word for Rome can also be used to describe the Roman Empire, Rimskaya Imperia in Russian), but that was really just a minor detail, a few high society types trying to glorify themselves. The regular people, and thus the majority never really considered themselves as affiliated to Roman Empire in any way, same as most Tsars, I am kind of thinking the whole Third Rome thing is an invention of 18th or 19th century European journalist, those guys had a predisposition for flare. We did however inherit the double headed eagle from the Bezantine Empire and at one point established ourselves as the world leaders of the Orthodox Christian Church. Infact the reason we are Orthodox Christians is because of Bezantine Empire. In late 970s AD Kniaz Vladimir captured Crimea from the Bezantine Empire, as many other leaders done before him he didn't want to keep it but rather exchange it for something of great profit to the Bezantines. This time he wanted to marry their princess, they said couldn't be done cause he was pagan, so he decided to convert to Christianity (his mother was a christian as well), forced the Bezantine patriarch to come to Crimea to both baptize and marry him. However unlike his mother who kept her faith to herself he decided to baptize the whole country, most likely so he could proclaim himself to be a ruler put in place by a single god and thus unite the land under his control even tighter. So he did that, in order to demonstrate to the people that the pagan gods don't exist he had all the pagan statues and totems taken from the villages and thrown into rivers, the gods never showed their anger so the people were forced to agree that the pagan gods either don't exist or the Christian god is more powerful when them.
It was Filofey who wrote "Two Romes have fallen. The third stands and there shall be no fourth." I understand that Filofey wasn't referring to Moscow specifically- that's a mistake on my part- but it's no mistake that the Russian Emperors claimed successorship to the Eastern Empire- I mean, "Tsar" comes from "Caesar". Wasn't Moscow the capital of Russia at the time of Filofey though?
I'm also curious Pushka- you're spelling "Byzantine" as "Bezantine". Is that the Russian form of the name?
26-02-2007, 06:58
Well I have 21 Vampire class CVNs that are due to be retired (yes I have a new carrier, no you can't see it yet). Of those 21, 7 will be put in the reserve fleet, 2 will be sunk in naval testing, 2 will be made in museums, and 10 will be sold to approved nations. They originally cost $5,000,000,000 but they will be sold for $3,000,000,000. Service life on each of them is, at minimum, another 32 years as they will be freshly fueled.
All have been sold.
It was Filofey who wrote "Two Romes have fallen. The third stands and there shall be no fourth." I understand that Filofey wasn't referring to Moscow specifically- that's a mistake on my part- but it's no mistake that the Russian Emperors claimed successorship to the Eastern Empire- I mean, "Tsar" comes from "Caesar". Wasn't Moscow the capital of Russia at the time of Filofey though?
Filofey lived between 1465 − 1542, Moscow became capitol sometime in the early 1300s so yes it was. However nobody really ever called it Rome, Russian Empire referenced to the Roman Empire, yes, Moscow referenced to Rome, no. You are right Tsar does come from Ceaser and yes as I have said we do claim relation of the Byzantine (Roman) empire, as such our emblem is the two-headed eagle, that we inherited directly from the Byzantines, same as our religion and even our Cyrillic alphabet. The Slavic peoples had a very deep relationship with a Byzantine Empire even though most of the time they were our enemies.
I'm also curious Pushka- you're spelling "Byzantine" as "Bezantine". Is that the Russian form of the name?
I guess, kind of, Bezantinskaya Imperia is Byzantine Empire in Russian, just merged to languages together I guess.
Filofey lived between 1465 − 1542, Moscow became capitol sometime in the early 1300s so yes it was. However nobody really ever called it Rome, Russian Empire referenced to the Roman Empire, yes, Moscow referenced to Rome, no. You are right Tsar does come from Ceaser and yes as I have said we do claim relation of the Byzantine (Roman) empire, as such our emblem is the two-headed eagle, that we inherited directly from the Byzantines, same as our religion and even our Cyrillic alphabet. The Slavic peoples had a very deep relationship with a Byzantine Empire even though most of the time they were our enemies.
I see. Well, I'm sure that even if Filofey didn't make that specific reference himself some people did- after all, Moscow was the capital. As far as Byzantine-Slavic relations went, it's funny- they fought almost all the time yet when Constantinople fell they all wanted to claim successorship (the Bulgarians and Serbians at least). The Byzantines, if I'm not mistaken, either brought or firmly established Orthodox Christianity to the entire Balkan region, so I guess we could liken relations to sibling rivalry- they all had a common identity but they were just not content on getting along. A similar story could be said of Western and Central Europe- almost all of it was Catholic and no one got along there either.
I guess, kind of, Bezantinskaya Imperia is Byzantine Empire in Russian, just merged to languages together I guess.
I see, no problem. I figured it wasn't a typo since you spelled it that way consistently. What does it look like in Cyrillic? I'm curious.
Another interesting tidbit: "Byzantine" is not a legal word in Scrabble, although it's also a word in English (meaning something "unnecessarily complex").
I see. Well, I'm sure that even if Filofey didn't make that specific reference himself some people did- after all, Moscow was the capital. As far as Byzantine-Slavic relations went, it's funny- they fought almost all the time yet when Constantinople fell they all wanted to claim successorship (the Bulgarians and Serbians at least). The Byzantines, if I'm not mistaken, either brought or firmly established Orthodox Christianity to the entire Balkan region, so I guess we could liken relations to sibling rivalry- they all had a common identity but they were just not content on getting along. A similar story could be said of Western and Central Europe- almost all of it was Catholic and no one got along there either.
Yeah, thats all very true. Infact we became so attached to our religion that when the germanic Levon order came to our land to try and Catholicise us (primarily by killing us) we gave them the boot in a shape of the mass slaughter of their knights in a series of rather spectacular battles, like the Ledovoye Poboishe, Ice Slaughter, the knights tried to get our forces on the other side of the frozen river but it was spring the ice was thin, they tried to march across got to about the middle the ice broke and their whole army drowned. Haha, Germans.
I see, no problem. I figured it wasn't a typo since you spelled it that way consistently. What does it look like in Cyrillic? I'm curious.
Its Византийская Империя in Cyrillic, actually using english letters it would be more like Vizantiyskaya Imperia, sometimes forget that in English B sounds like B and not V.
26-02-2007, 16:00
Lay I'll take those remaining Vampires off you, I still use them so I need the parts.
27-02-2007, 00:37
Whoa, man I watched that Russian movie "The 9th Company." the one about the soviet-afghan war. If you have not seen it then you have not seen anything, this is probably the best movie i've seen for awhile (Mainly because Band of Brothers was more of a movie show not really a movie). Anyway I suggest to anyone who likes war movies, watch this one.
Yeah man its a great movie, I watched it like 20 times already never gets old. Did you watch voice over or subtitles?
27-02-2007, 02:12
Yeah it sounds and looks good I'll have to see it.
Now even though it says that movie is based on a true story you have to realize that its based very loosely. In the movie most of the company dies, in reality only 6 men did while killing over 300 mujaheds, they also had radio contact and artillery support from HQ 24/7. But of course making em all die is more dramatic. Still a very, very good film, something holywood might want to learn from.
27-02-2007, 02:41
Now even though it says that movie is based on a true story you have to realize that its based very loosely. In the movie most of the company dies, in reality only 6 men did while killing over 300 mujaheds, they also had radio contact and artillery support from HQ 24/7. But of course making em all die is more dramatic. Still a very, very good film, something holywood might want to learn from.
It, probably like Black Hawk Down, is like 35% fact, 65% fiction but it's good.
27-02-2007, 02:57
Yeah man its a great movie, I watched it like 20 times already never gets old. Did you watch voice over or subtitles?
Subtitles, I wanted to hear the Russian, I hope to learn the language in college so I try to find familiar words. Anywho, it is a great movie none the less either from Hollywood or from (Wherever the Russian film making place is) if the movie is good I'll praise it. I found another like this though from hollywood, its good but not good enough its called "The Beast of War." its about the same thing only the Russians speak english cause thats how we americans are, gotta have it our language or no language :p .
You wanna see a really good American war movie see the Platoon, back when you guys knew how to make them.
27-02-2007, 03:01
Platoon is alright. We Were Soldiers is better.
27-02-2007, 03:04
Never seen Platoon, seen We were soldiers but I still think for American war movies the Band of Brothers series beats out.
27-02-2007, 03:06
Never seen Platoon, seen We were soldiers but I still think for American war movies the Band of Brothers series beats out.
By far it is the most accurate of all. I have the book too but I haven't read it yet...
27-02-2007, 03:13
By far it is the most accurate of all. I have the book too but I haven't read it yet...
What I love is that they have the actual veterans who were in Easy company telling the story at the beginning then they switch to the movie, but really its actually hard for me to watch at some points cause at least most of it actually happened and when I see that one soldier get shot in the neck, squirm around reaching toward his squad who were being held down by MG fire I just kinda actually feel sick. They put allot of detail into the scene, they even show the cords in shit in the throat when he lets go and his hand slides down. Just, sickening almost.
By far it is the most accurate of all. I have the book too but I haven't read it yet...
Both are worth your time. I have added both of these to my collection. I spend about one weekend a month at the Barnes and Nobles Bookstore scouring for new history things to pick up.
FYI: Will be out of pocket until Friday folks. Duty calls.
27-02-2007, 03:56
Im editing Love, Life and Revolution for anyone who actually is reading it. Watching that movie made me want to add some things to it. So, if you want to check it out there will be a new chapter after today.
Yeah, We Were Soldiers is good too, Im still with Platoon though. Band of Brothers along with Saving Private Ryan are the best things to come out of holywood in the past decade.
27-02-2007, 04:58
What I love is that they have the actual veterans who were in Easy company telling the story at the beginning then they switch to the movie, but really its actually hard for me to watch at some points cause at least most of it actually happened and when I see that one soldier get shot in the neck, squirm around reaching toward his squad who were being held down by MG fire I just kinda actually feel sick. They put allot of detail into the scene, they even show the cords in shit in the throat when he lets go and his hand slides down. Just, sickening almost.
They really did it well. The very last episode when they have Winters talking and stuff was really awesome. I'm glad I bought the DVD set, which comes in a K-ration (I think) container.
Both are worth your time. I have added both of these to my collection. I spend about one weekend a month at the Barnes and Nobles Bookstore scouring for new history things to pick up.
FYI: Will be out of pocket until Friday folks. Duty calls.
Yeah I ahve both We Were Soldiers & Band of Brothers for books and they're on the list. Once I get through Ghost Wars (about Afghanistan's history since the late 1970s) I am moving onto one of them, probably Band of Brothers.
Yeah, We Were Soldiers is good too, Im still with Platoon though. Band of Brothers along with Saving Private Ryan are the best things to come out of holywood in the past decade.
SPR has some of the most realistic scenes in the first 30 minutes then there was for a WWII movie. The battle at the end of it was crazy too...
BOB is amazing though. Watching the 9th episode (why we fight) was, by all means, one of the hardest things to watch ever.
"Не мы такие, жизнь такая..."
They really did it well. The very last episode when they have Winters talking and stuff was really awesome. I'm glad I bought the DVD set, which comes in a K-ration (I think) container.
Yeah I ahve both We Were Soldiers & Band of Brothers for books and they're on the list. Once I get through Ghost Wars (about Afghanistan's history since the late 1970s) I am moving onto one of them, probably Band of Brothers.
SPR has some of the most realistic scenes in the first 30 minutes then there was for a WWII movie. The battle at the end of it was crazy too...
BOB is amazing though. Watching the 9th episode (why we fight) was, by all means, one of the hardest things to watch ever.
Grozovye Vorota does the same thing for me BoB does for you. Great mini-series about the Pskov VDV company (100 men) battle against the 3000 Mujaheds, based on real events about which I have already talked about.
27-02-2007, 05:58
Grozovye Vorota does the same thing for me BoB does for you. Great mini-series about the Pskov VDV company (100 men) battle against the 3000 Mujaheds, based on real events about which I have already talked about.
Do they have ones with English subtitles?
You can probably buy a DVD with english subtitles on Ebay (licensed versions usually have them), or download it off the net, its not hard to find.
Nvm the licensed version doesn't have subtitles, Im sure you can get a pirated one with some though, just look around you'll find it.
Yeah, thats all very true. Infact we became so attached to our religion that when the germanic Levon order came to our land to try and Catholicise us (primarily by killing us) we gave them the boot in a shape of the mass slaughter of their knights in a series of rather spectacular battles, like the Ledovoye Poboishe, Ice Slaughter, the knights tried to get our forces on the other side of the frozen river but it was spring the ice was thin, they tried to march across got to about the middle the ice broke and their whole army drowned. Haha, Germans.
Haha...I think history has repeatedly shown that you should "not mess with the Russians". Frig, the only successful invasion was the Mongol one. I'm curious- one of my professors once quoted a Russian saying concerning war that they thank "General Snow and Lieutenant Mud". Have you heard of it?
Its Византийская Империя in Cyrillic, actually using english letters it would be more like Vizantiyskaya Imperia, sometimes forget that in English B sounds like B and not V.
Thanks. Cool...actually, I should inquire what "Roman Empire" is in Cyrillic...I may need it for my thread...
27-02-2007, 17:13
The best war movies are usually older, to be honest. For example, Patton, in my opinion the best war movie ever, or The Sands of Iwo Jima. And you can't forget David F. Zanuck's The Longest Day, the scene with the 82nd Airborne Paratrooper and RAF guy (the amazing Richard Burton) at the end of the film is just frickin' fantastic!
Haha...I think history has repeatedly shown that you should "not mess with the Russians". Frig, the only successful invasion was the Mongol one. I'm curious- one of my professors once quoted a Russian saying concerning war that they thank "General Snow and Lieutenant Mud". Have you heard of it?
Didn't hear that quote in particular however we do treat our land as a relative, god knows enough Russian blood has been spilled on that soil to make us related.
Thanks. Cool...actually, I should inquire what "Roman Empire" is in Cyrillic...I may need it for my thread...
Римская Империя is how its written in Cyrillic, no problem. Do you actually see Russian symbols or just weird random ones? If you don't see Cyrillic letters you might need to switch your encoding.
United States of Brink
27-02-2007, 22:01
@ Lay: The book is really good, or as they always say, better then the movie. It gives Winters even more credit then the movie. I've also read the Biggest Brother which focuses on him personally, telling how he was pretty much god both in and out of the war.
The longest day falls right into line with A bridge to far. Though i really enjoyed Battle of Britian because of the historical planes they actually used. I'd have to say that i enjoy the Lost Battalion.
I am wondering if anyone has seen "Saints and Soldiers" or something along those lines. I saw something about it winning some film fest awards but never really got to look at it.
27-02-2007, 22:15
I have Saints and Soldiers on DVD and I must say it isn't that good. Its kinda slow and bare bones, not a lot of action and not a great plot either. It is worth seeing though.
A Bridge Too Far is newer than The Longest Day, of course. Plus the former is in color. Both are pretty damn good, loads of stars in each one and some great acting and action. I love Battle of Britain but haven't seen it in ages, my favourite bit is where over London some RAF pilot ejects (well I say eject but he really just jumped out as they didn't have ejector seats in British fighters at the time) and parachutes into someone's back garden, right through their glass greenhouse. Then some kid runs out and sees him, runs back into the house and runs out again with a case of cigarettes and offers him one, and pilot goes, "Oh bloody good ol' chap!" Or something equally British. Priceless stuff.
And Lay you will love the We Were Soldiers Once... book (actually named We Were Soldiers Once...And Young, it frigging amazing! Especially the story about LZ Albany.
I am wondering if anyone has seen "Saints and Soldiers" or something along those lines. I saw something about it winning some film fest awards but never really got to look at it.
I've got it on DVD, and I thought that it was a pretty decent film. Not the best I've seen, but pretty good none-the-less. A war film that isn't all boom-boom all the time, but that's got a pretty fascinating story to tell (relax, it has quite a few action scenes).
The Lost Battalion is the one about that US infantry battalion that got trapped behind enemy lines during WW 1, right? If so, then it's pretty good.
27-02-2007, 23:04
OOC: Sorry guys, got hit with a suprise visit to my grandparents.... assume the deal was accepted, although id rather not RP it. and now enjoy >>>
Wait Spiz what deal? Your surrender deal proposed by Cot? Well I never really agreed to that, especially handing over Baker to a third party so I guess me and you are still at war.
OOC: Sorry guys, got hit with a suprise visit to my grandparents.... assume the deal was accepted, although id rather not RP it. and now enjoy >>>
I shall assume that you refer to the proposal I made? If so, then a state of war no longer exists between the Realm and the Confederate States. If not....
What I'm trying to say is, please clarify.
Oh, and nice gun.
28-02-2007, 00:10
I mean the peace deal between me and Cot, and Puskha, i can live with being at war with you. now my conventional forces are going to be far more impressive, what with me having all the money im not spending on nukes.
Anyone want to buy any of those revolvers? I need to sell to someone
I mean the peace deal between me and Cot, and Puskha, i can live with being at war with you. now my conventional forces are going to be far more impressive, what with me having all the money im not spending on nukes.
Anyone want to buy any of those revolvers? I need to sell to someone
I'm glad you reconsidered my proposal. So now we're at a state of fragile peace.
I mean the peace deal between me and Cot, and Puskha, i can live with being at war with you. now my conventional forces are going to be far more impressive, what with me having all the money im not spending on nukes.
Anyone want to buy any of those revolvers? I need to sell to someone
Alrightio if you feel like getting your ass handed to you thats your choice. Firstly Baker, would like some kind of written response from your government to my demands to surrender the island before I make a decision on either wiping out the rest of your forces or not. Need to know some things about Yemen, like for example how many forces you got there, also from what I have gathered you have fired off most of your anti-aircraft resources so Im going to expect you to not disregard that fact. Also firstly you'll have to spend a shitload of money on disassembling your nukes, even though you'll have more money after some time (in RL would take years) that doesn't concern this particular conflict that in itself is developing over a period of just a few weeks or a couple of months.
Now to make my own demands clear. You surrender the Baker Island to me and pay for the damages caused to my satellites as well as a 20 billion dollar fee for causing all this mayhem that you have. Ponder and consider it now, Im sure you aren't going to accept it right away but believe me that now with no nukes you're just a snack for my war machine. You'll see.
28-02-2007, 02:19
Saints and Soliders was alright. I enjoyed the music in it as well.
Even though it got only an average rating i really liked "Enemy at the Gate"..its about time americans start recogizing the brave Russians who thought in the war as well. The Director potrays the soldiers as brave while at the same time showing what a disater the Soviet Union. The Russians were fighting for their homeland not for Stalin. I bought COD2 just to relive the Enemy at the Gate experience
Don't get Flags of our Fathers..whatever you do. I hated it. It was nothing but a giant beach battle, followed by some marines (and one sailor) on tour for warbounds, followed by flash backs of marines getting their ass kick. And the typical movie cliches are all in it....battle buddy dies in his friends arm...old man crooks after talking about his friend. Somewhat over rated. The first time i watched it i actually liked it too..then and second thoughts. (i might of said that i liked it on another post)
If you really want to see a good movie right now get "The Departed"..its not a war movie. But it is one of the most exciting Mafia movies
Second it, the Departed is the shit, can't wait for the sequel.
28-02-2007, 03:14
Bah, long story short.
Moved back to Mom's temp.
Ethernet got eaten by Mom's dog.
No e-net.
Using little bro computer.
Make new Ethernet Cable tomorrow.
In the mean time -
Monkeys and a Banana.
28-02-2007, 05:35
What a beautiful thing...
Didn't hear that quote in particular however we do treat our land as a relative, god knows enough Russian blood has been spilled on that soil to make us related.
I see. I'll have to see where he got it from, because I can't find that exact saying on the Internet. I do figure it's apt.
Римская Империя is how its written in Cyrillic, no problem. Do you actually see Russian symbols or just weird random ones? If you don't see Cyrillic letters you might need to switch your encoding.
Thanks. I see them. I think I installed that encoding a while ago.
28-02-2007, 15:34
In case any of you guys were wondering, I have not forgotten about SECRETS OF THE JUNGLE. I simply have a case of 'writers block' and can't find the inspiration to finish it off...yet. So, I'm hoping I'll find something that sparks my imagination for the story soon.
28-02-2007, 18:01
Alrightio if you feel like getting your ass handed to you thats your choice. Firstly Baker, would like some kind of written response from your government to my demands to surrender the island before I make a decision on either wiping out the rest of your forces or not. Need to know some things about Yemen, like for example how many forces you got there, also from what I have gathered you have fired off most of your anti-aircraft resources so Im going to expect you to not disregard that fact. Also firstly you'll have to spend a shitload of money on disassembling your nukes, even though you'll have more money after some time (in RL would take years) that doesn't concern this particular conflict that in itself is developing over a period of just a few weeks or a couple of months.
Actually, thanks to the wording of the agreement, "dismantling" the nukes will take peanuts. Since dismantling them in effect means dividing them into two or more parts in such a way that removes thier capability to be detonated. All i have to do is pull the explosives from the primaries and dump them into storage, then when the agreement expires, i just chemically scrub the decay products from the fissionables and recast them with minimal extra material required. The fusionable sections and the DU tampers can infact be left completly intact.
Anyway, my Air Defence System in mainland Yemen has taken about ten percent losses from the Cottish Strikes, the CAF is busily patching all thier airfields up and has still got interceptors and CAS aircraft on maximum alert on motorways and dirt strips for the moment, perhaps four hundred fighters immediately available in the Yemenese Theatre of operations, with a load more in Oman, although those will not be immediately trasferred, probably not until Hawdawg stands down his forces, assuming he does.
Ground forces are about fifteen divisions of regulars and twenty five reserve divisions, as we are now at maximum reserve readiness, the border is dug in rather heavily, and advances across the border would most likely devolve into WW1 Style Fighting with modern weapons.
Coastal defence command has many many missile systems and numerous dug in 81.2cm ETC Naval Guns, which unlike the guns at Aqaba and Singapore, can be turned around to face the land, ive probably missed loads out, so if you see anything missing, please ask
Yeah okay, you haven't told me the exact number of your troops, posting an ORBAT would fix that (I'll be posting mine soon), I don't know how big your division is. Now about the border, by dug in you mean trenches? Minefields? That kind of stuff? And what portion of your army is on the border right now, as I have stated I will be advancing in three directions, if you could tell me about your troop displacement there that would be great. I'll start an air campaign against you in the next post. Oh yeah also what about the Baker? Surrendering it peacefully or do I have to launch another strike and completely annihilate your positions on it?
Saint Lazare
28-02-2007, 19:55
I find it amusing that after lodging your nukes and WMD platforms, you guys decide to go into conventional warfare...
I never launched nukes at him, Im going to war with him cause A. I want Baker back and B. he destroyed my satellites and is not paying for the damages and C. well, if he doesn't comply with A and B might as well get some new land in Yemen.
01-03-2007, 01:02
Actually, thanks to the wording of the agreement, "dismantling" the nukes will take peanuts. Since dismantling them in effect means dividing them into two or more parts in such a way that removes thier capability to be detonated. All i have to do is pull the explosives from the primaries and dump them into storage, then when the agreement expires, i just chemically scrub the decay products from the fissionables and recast them with minimal extra material required. The fusionable sections and the DU tampers can infact be left completly intact.
Anyway, my Air Defence System in mainland Yemen has taken about ten percent losses from the Cottish Strikes, the CAF is busily patching all thier airfields up and has still got interceptors and CAS aircraft on maximum alert on motorways and dirt strips for the moment, perhaps four hundred fighters immediately available in the Yemenese Theatre of operations, with a load more in Oman, although those will not be immediately trasferred, probably not until Hawdawg stands down his forces, assuming he does.
Ground forces are about fifteen divisions of regulars and twenty five reserve divisions, as we are now at maximum reserve readiness, the border is dug in rather heavily, and advances across the border would most likely devolve into WW1 Style Fighting with modern weapons.
Coastal defence command has many many missile systems and numerous dug in 81.2cm ETC Naval Guns, which unlike the guns at Aqaba and Singapore, can be turned around to face the land, ive probably missed loads out, so if you see anything missing, please ask
What about the strike I issued, the small one from the 16 bombers? No losses were listed from that one.
01-03-2007, 04:08
Hey Lay If you didn't notice here's a reminder, Rome has given me Bashkortostan in post #18522 please add this.
01-03-2007, 04:14
Also you can delete the Far From Perfect thread from the list. Thats going to be a chapter in Love, Life and Revolution instead of its own thread.
The Saint Lazare-Koryan meeting is also over so you can remove that from the list.
02-03-2007, 01:59
Did anyone read the Drudgereport today???
Yep MY F'ING UNIVERSITY made front pages on the Drudgereport
Told yea this university sucks..filled with pinkos and jihadist..we even have a socialist club! Chances are this Pino guy is going to get away with it dispite the fact that its a clear and present danger and not freedom of speech
Reds everywhere in this school. I was even in my political economics class and i even remember the professor was giving a lecture about centralized planning (what the USSR used) and he made it sound like it was the greatest system ever. The kids were eating it up as if it was crack
Thats till i raised my hand and stated..that the USSR failed due to out of control shortages and (IE the Mosin Naguts during WW2) surpluses. Supply and demand controls this cause if a person makes too much of an item they lose profit. That little tid bit quiet the class and made me enemy number one. The terrorist need to bomb Kent State
02-03-2007, 13:43
I'm with you Pantheaa. European Universities are just the same, the lecturers basically say capitalism is a bad thing. Annoying as hell.
The Beginning of a New Era (not E2-only).
03-03-2007, 01:45
I'm with you Pantheaa. European Universities are just the same, the lecturers basically say capitalism is a bad thing. Annoying as hell.
yeah i actually was apart of The Kent State socialist groups Facebook and i posted there a quote from Adolf Hitler which goes
"We are socialists, we are enemies of today's capitalistic economic system for the exploitation of the economically weak, with its unfair salaries, with its unseemly evaluation of a human being according to wealth and property instead of responsibility and performance, and we are all determined to destroy this system under all conditions." --Adolf Hitler
Soon afterwards i was PURGED from the group and sent to the GULAG. I guess the secret police did not approve.
03-03-2007, 02:24
Red: General announcements (21-day, decree 12, etc.)
Blue: Response to your posts (claims, threads, etc.)
Green: Service announcements (to all, RPs, etc.)
A population freeze is in effect to current levels...
Nero/Rome [Post 18522]: Land transferred.
Pushka [Post 18716]: Thread added.
Nero [Post 18745]: Thread removed.
Koryan [Post 18746]: Thread removed.
Cotland [Post 18749]: Thread added.
Lame Bums: Please post your "E2" population and your nation name [if you wish it to be different than your username].
Last Update: Page 1,235
Current Update: Page 1,251