'Earth II' - Revitalization - Page 100
I PMed Ka-Spel about Switzerland, but I can't find anything about Razoj. Does anyone know what Razoj had in Austria and Slovenia?
23-04-2009, 05:23
They're both D12 though I haven't added it.
New Dracora
25-04-2009, 05:48
The same thing I said above to Klievan: You would have to RP the claim but if you're going to claim and disappear you'll be back to removed. So definitely, if you want to participate, please join but if you aren't thinking about participation, perhaps you could give it some time.
Understood - though admittedly it's likely going to take me a few more days to swift through 5+ years of history and be satisfied with the info.
In the meantime some tips would be appreciated - being somewhat of an NS RP-n00b and all, and rusty overall.
Rhodesian States
26-04-2009, 10:57
Just checked the annals of this page, boy there are some classics
26-04-2009, 15:39
Understood - though admittedly it's likely going to take me a few more days to swift through 5+ years of history and be satisfied with the info.
In the meantime some tips would be appreciated - being somewhat of an NS RP-n00b and all, and rusty overall.
I think it was RomeW and then it was Nehrland (BHR)
I'm back from a miserable family camping trip
I'll start operations in northeast Australia in cooperation with Rhodesian States. Expect post tonight.
New Dracora
27-04-2009, 03:57
I think it was RomeW and then it was Nehrland (BHR)
And then prior to that it was Squorne-something-or-other. :tongue:
H'ok, got a rough idea of what I want to do. Will likely throw some stats in here as per previous nations and then get started on somekind of foundation story tonight. I'm thinking what with all the empire collapses, regional conflicts and the general remoteness of the area I'm going to be setting up some kind of religious regime... lead by a Quebecian national. ;)
An objections as I produce stuff and I'll amend accordingly.
27-04-2009, 04:48
Certainly plausible. The Quebecois were not happy to submit to the rule of the Empire and many of them, especially those of the military found their way into the mercenary field.
New Dracora
29-04-2009, 05:21
Nation Name: The Republic Of Nehrland
Demonym: Nehrlandi
Population: 250 Million
Largest Religion: Roman Catholic
Military Size: 60,000
Independence/Founding Date: September 28th, 1948
Capital: Yellowknife
Government Type: Militaristic Democracy
Economy Type: Mixed
Head of State: Commander-In-Chief William Henry Pferinger Elkins
Head of Government: Commander-In-Chief William Henry Pferinger Elkins
Official Language(s): Chipewyan, Cree, English, French, Gwich’in, Inuinnaqtun, Inuktitut, Inuvialuktun, North Slavey, South Slavey, Tłįchǫ
Official Religion: Roman Catholic
Consitution: No
Currency: Dollar $
Summer Time: No
Time Zone(s): -7
Calling Code: +928
Internet TLD: .nhr
I just wanted to update this as it has changed
Just a quick post to mention I'm likely going to be ignoring the majority of this information (I mean really - 250 million people living on the border of the arctic circle!?). Hope no one objects.
Third Spanish States
29-04-2009, 05:35
I hope the background story I added to Goodrule Spanish Three EII factbook (http://forums3.jolt.co.uk/showthread.php?t=583045) is sufficiently well-written, even if totally loaded with propaganda and doublethink, because the Party writes History to their bidding, erasing or tampering all historical registers inside their territory that go against the interests of their continued existence as a police State.
Also, too bad there is no Muslim NS in EII : (
30-04-2009, 01:54
Just a quick post to mention I'm likely going to be ignoring the majority of this information (I mean really - 250 million people living on the border of the arctic circle!?). Hope no one objects.
You don't need to have that population if you don't want...
I hope the background story I added to Goodrule Spanish Three EII factbook (http://forums3.jolt.co.uk/showthread.php?t=583045) is sufficiently well-written, even if totally loaded with propaganda and doublethink, because the Party writes History to their bidding, erasing or tampering all historical registers inside their territory that go against the interests of their continued existence as a police State.
Also, too bad there is no Muslim NS in EII : (
A combination of so many good things and there is a Muslim nation (Ottoman Khaif)
Third Spanish States
30-04-2009, 04:31
It may be a bit of an exaggeration, but prior to the establishment of the Goodrule, the details of the story called Infernal would be a good comparison to how things were going in EII's Third Spanish States territories. Things were really nasty, the government just exaggerate further about how things were worse before they "brought order".
And the irony of it all, that their revolution(as hinted by images) started as an anarchist one, but power corrupted it into something totally different.
As for the RP, at the moment I don't have time to make a concise reply, but I'll post something on Friday.
New Dracora
30-04-2009, 06:20
If I allowed myself to have 250 million live in what is essentially an arctic wasteland, I might as well go the whole way and have the full 10+ billion.
I've finished my research and I've developed the following timeline (which will likely end up in a factbook if I get that far). Apologies for the format - bit ill at present so don't really feel up to putting a lot of effort into editing what is meet as a reference only.
Anywho, enjoy: :)
A ‘brief’ chronology.
Prof. Gabriel Isidore Depaul leave his home in Montreal after experiencing a series of vivid dreams that he is convinced are visions of warning and impending doom. He leaves with Texan exchange honors student Jennifer Davis – his current love interest.
Gabriel experiences another vision directing him to go north. Currently heading west for the Ontario/Quebec border, Gabriel heeds the message and heads north unknowingly avoiding loyalist Quebecois forces.
Quebec declares itself independent.
Now in the icy north of Quebec. Gabriel experiences a vision whilst driving during his non-stop flight north. He is guided unconsciously down a country track for several minutes before snapping suddenly back to reality. The shock causes Gabriel to lose control of the vehicle, launching over a snowy embankment and crashing amongst the dense pine forest.
Gabriel stumbles out of the wreck an unknown need driving him to wander into the surrounding wilderness. Jennifer, having been asleep for the entire event, comes too a few hours later. She follows the professor’s tracks to a strangely decorated shrine made entirely from lodestone. Jen finds Gabriel kneeling out front dazed and confused – to avoid freezing they huddle together inside the shrine and drift off to sleep.
Both Gabriel and Jennifer slip into a comatose state as they undergo an endless series of vivid dreams and visions. It is believed this is when the goddess Dracora taught both her ways of peace and enlightenment, outlining their destiny and purpose.
Jennifer is the first to wake, enlightened by her experience inside the shrine. She finds Gabriel still comatose, murmuring endlessly in his sleep.
Jennifer cares for Gabriel as his visions continue. She uses a nearby stream (somehow not completely frozen by the northern winter) and food supplies from the broken vehicle to keep him healthy during this time.
Gabriel wakes a new man. He instructs Jennifer to partake in a joint mediation session which lasts for three hours. After, they both discuss what they’d just experienced and what they must do. With renewed vigor and holy purpose, they head west on foot.
Quebec commences it’s invasion of Ontario.
Gabe and Jen reach a small village on the Hudson bay coast where they are able to obtain the services of a sled-dog team to take them over the ice towards Nunavut.
Late at night a blizzard hits the sled-team. Gabriel and Jennifer fall from the sled group and quickly become separated in the thick slow. They black out in the extreme conditions experiencing more visions.
Roman forces repel the Quebecois invasion of Ontario.
Gabe and Jen wake to find themselves in Nunavut camped around a camp fire with a local hunting group. They have no idea how they survived the journey – the locals explain them found them upon the ice and brought them here. They travel back to the local village in the area.
The local shaman cares for the two strangers as they recover from severe hypothermia. During this time, Gabriel and Jennifer share their experiences and newly obtained knowledge provided by Dracora. They quickly win him over and through the enlightening meditation sessions he becomes they’re first devotee.
The shaman tells them of himself – he is Michael Engel Eisenberg, an ex-Yelmish military officer from a surgical unit that had come to British Columbia during the short-lived invasion of the territory. When roman forces took control of the area after the yelmish operation fell apart he fled into the northern wilderness and has been living there ever since. His medical background led to the locals referring to him as a ‘shaman’, a role he has fulfilled contently.
The empire of layateb invades Quebec in retaliation for a terrorist attack on the small town of Jay in Vermont (the true circumstances of which, do not appear to have been fully investigated ;) ).
Gabriel and Jennifer begin giving regular meditation classes and sermons in the local village with Michael assisting. They have a powerful effect on the local psyche.
The entire village quickly comes under the sway of Dracora’s way to enlightenment, becoming devotees. Visitors to the village come back to hear more sermons and learn more on the techniques of meditation.
Refugees from Quebec fleeing the joint roman and layatebian onslaught begin arriving in Nunavut.
War ends in Quebec with its budding leadership utterly defeated. Those not killed by extensive bombing campaigns have been driven into the countryside by the combined might of the two empires.
It has become difficult for all attending the sermons of Gabriel, Jennifer and Michael to properly hear their combined wisdom such is the number of devotees now coming from surrounding villages. It is decided to send some of the first and few senior devotees out to the surrounding villages, chosen to setup separate mediation classes in these small population centres.
A lot of the new devotees during this period are Quebecois refugees – their plight open’s them up more to Dracora’s messages of hope.
Dracora’s word spreads across Nunavut and into the North Western Territories where it gets some attention from the Squornshelousian authorities. The movement has become more organised with many population centres across Nunavut now home to a hall or small ‘temple’ building for Dracorian devotees. By the end of this period the followers of Dracora have an almost complete influence over all settlements in easten Nunavut with a strong presence in western Nunavut and the territories beyond. The meditative learning centre in Yellowknife is established during this time.
The word of Dracora or ‘Dracorian Paganism’ becomes a recognised religion in Squornshelous.
War in the pacific becomes the focus of mainstream attention in Squornshelous with the Doomai invasion not long after. The heightened tensions allow the Dracorian faith to continue to increase its influence at an accelerated rate across the region.
‘Dracorism’ becomes mainstream in the more developed North Western Territories. It shows the most appeal to established pagans who see it as an extension (or the next step) of their beliefs. The movement also attracts those of other faiths thanks to the liberal ‘new-age’ attitudes towards interpretation of those faiths allowing traditional spiritual practices to be upheld by the individual. Even the ‘faithless’ heed Dracora’s call for her messages focus on nought but the elevation of the spiritual self and do not seek to deliberately conflict with the established laws of nature and science. In the end, the teachings and techniques are but a guide for those seeking a higher purpose, they need not be strictly followed – for there are many paths to enlightenment.
Troubles in the Russian territories of Squornshelous lead to fear and rumours of possible civil war between the Russian and North American authorities. This never eventuates, instead all contact with both the Alaskan and Russian parts of the empire is lost.
Lack of support from the rest of the empire places strain on the overpopulated region as trade vanishes overnight. The hardships cause tension which manifests itself partially in a growing dislike of the Dracorian order by the Catholic Church – the other major faith in the region. With the region under pressure, the local authorities turn to charity and both religious groups are swift to offer their goodwill and aid. Competition between the two groups over who can show the most ‘goodwill’ grows and leads to open disputes and public criticism from both sides of the religious spectrum. Near the end of this period these feuds are occurring on a daily basis.
The end of the year sees an escalation of verbal disputes into violence. Assaults between members of each faith are at first played down but as conditions in the region get worst and competition grows it isn’t long before extreme elements within each group begin to gain more attention. Leaders of the Dracorian faith are quick to act on the rising rhetoric and are quick to suppress and ‘re-educate’ these elements amongst their ranks. On the catholic side however, very little is done with catholic extremists given free rein to openly endorse violent action again the Dracorians.
By the end of this period neo-con right wing fundamentalists have all but taken over the Catholic Church in the region. They are allowed to preach their hatred for the Dracorians with little or no restraint. As for the Dracorian movement, the responsible ‘greater good’ approach sees them increase their influence even further – much to the infuriation of the Catholics.
A religious march is organised by the Catholic Church through the main streets of Yellowknife calling for action against the Dracorian Order. The march quickly turns into a riot when local police forces arrive on the scene to disperse the crowd. 5 people are killed in the resulting violence and 23 people are injured – of that number, 11 are police officers. All that died were killed by the angry mob (not police) under suspicion of being Dracorian.
The next three weeks see a series of bloody reprisal attacks from both sides across the region. Religious sites are vandalised and/or destroyed, assault and murder is rife. The local authorities do what they can to mitigate the violence between what is described as the ‘fringe’ elements of each group.
Squornshelouian troops arrive from Malta and quickly take control of the region. The heads of the group immediately declare martial law and set about bringing a swift end to the religious chaos.
The new Squornshelouian authorities very quickly restore order between the feuding churches dealing with troublemakers swiftly and harshly. They then set about confiscating whatever military hardware they can find, locking it all away within the deep vaults of their ominous but largely abandoned military complexes.
Their arrival re-established contact with the outside world. Trade and supplies return and continue on a daily basis, providing much needed aid to the region. With all known military assets secured, the Squornshelouian army begins the process of training the local militias into a proper defence force. Things appear to be going back to normal.
Without any prior warning, all of the heads of the Squornshelouian authorities in the region are urgently called back to Malta. No one knows why and nobody gives any explanation as to why. Prior to their departure, they ensure the local authority is stable and instruct their junior officers to maintain the training programs. The heads of the Squornshelouian authorities depart and are never heard from again.
Trade and supply continue unabated despite no further word from Malta. Under the protection and security provided by the Maltese troops and budding local defence force the Dracorian faith flourishes while Catholic hostility is kept at bay. During this time Dracorian Paganism is officially recognised as the mainstream religion of the region by the local authorities. This causes seething resentment amongst fundamental Catholics who now make up the majority of their faith.
By 18/05/07, all word and support from the territories of the resurgent Squornshelous nation has ceased completely once again. However, this time around the locals are better prepared for such an occurrence with preparations by the local authorities ensuring the region can operate independently. Meanwhile the dominance of Dracorism extends into the government which becomes heavily influenced by the religious order. The increasingly marginalised Catholics once again see violence as the only way to their salvation and seek to cause trouble but are kept in check by a much stronger local authority supported by the Dracorian order.
Hostility from the Catholic Church does not go away however, and with the use of resources needed to keep on top of their activities the strain once again on the region is starting to show. Catholic rhetoric is high and reports of those sympathetic to the catholic cause deserting the more recently arrived security forces on the increase things are not looking good for the current authority. Small groups of pro-catholic groups once again begin protesting in the streets.
Unable to handle the burden of leadership for much longer, the Squornshelous-appointed administrator announces his intention to step down and institute a new constitutional government. Nominations for an interim government to oversee the creation of the new constitution are received and the process to establish an actual legitimate ruling body begins.
The new interim government is appointed with William Henry Pferinger Elkins at its head as the interim president. Unknown to many, Elkins is a devoted catholic and a secret agent for the church.
The first act of the new government is to name the country ‘Nehrland’ in honour of Elkin’s Dutch heritage.
Elkin’s catholic bias slowly begins to show as the process of drafting the nations new constitution commences. A lot of upheavals amongst the local authorities are instituted by Elkin’s as he seeks to put as many catholic devotees into positions of power. Dracorians find themselves in a position of discrimination as the Order suddenly finds itself quickly losing influence with the ruling authorities.
However, it is when attacks are recommenced by well armed and organised groups on Dracorian devotees that the leaders of the Order begin to become very concerned. The protest openly for action by the interim government but with Elkins in control there pleas fall on deaf ears.
It is at this point that Jennifer Davis, high priestess of the order, goes to seek blessing from his holiness Gabriel Depaul – the spiritual leader of the Dracorian Order. She makes an appeal to him, seeks approval for further action against the Catholic insurgency that will only continue to bring further harm to both the region and their peaceful activities. Though it saddens Gabriel greatly that things have come to this he interprets the recent events as Dracora testing the resolve of her new devotees. With these thoughts in mind he gives his blessing for Jennifer to proceed with further, hostile action.
More to come later - might get an actual RP up soon to eh? :P
Don't do the 10 billion New Dracora. We made the policy of choosing the population so that it wouldn't become ridiculously high because its an RP ruiner. 250 million is an ok number to use.
I think I have gathered enough to start my claims RP. Will post it either today or tomorrow.
30-04-2009, 22:51
It may be a bit of an exaggeration, but prior to the establishment of the Goodrule, the details of the story called Infernal would be a good comparison to how things were going in EII's Third Spanish States territories. Things were really nasty, the government just exaggerate further about how things were worse before they "brought order".
And the irony of it all, that their revolution(as hinted by images) started as an anarchist one, but power corrupted it into something totally different.
As for the RP, at the moment I don't have time to make a concise reply, but I'll post something on Friday.
Post-Hawdawg Spain/England = epic pwn!
If I allowed myself to have 250 million live in what is essentially an arctic wasteland, I might as well go the whole way and have the full 10+ billion.
I've finished my research and I've developed the following timeline (which will likely end up in a factbook if I get that far). Apologies for the format - bit ill at present so don't really feel up to putting a lot of effort into editing what is meet as a reference only.
Anywho, enjoy: :)
A ‘brief’ chronology.
Prof. Gabriel Isidore Depaul leave his home in Montreal after experiencing a series of vivid dreams that he is convinced are visions of warning and impending doom. He leaves with Texan exchange honors student Jennifer Davis – his current love interest.
Gabriel experiences another vision directing him to go north. Currently heading west for the Ontario/Quebec border, Gabriel heeds the message and heads north unknowingly avoiding loyalist Quebecois forces.
Quebec declares itself independent.
Now in the icy north of Quebec. Gabriel experiences a vision whilst driving during his non-stop flight north. He is guided unconsciously down a country track for several minutes before snapping suddenly back to reality. The shock causes Gabriel to lose control of the vehicle, launching over a snowy embankment and crashing amongst the dense pine forest.
Gabriel stumbles out of the wreck an unknown need driving him to wander into the surrounding wilderness. Jennifer, having been asleep for the entire event, comes too a few hours later. She follows the professor’s tracks to a strangely decorated shrine made entirely from lodestone. Jen finds Gabriel kneeling out front dazed and confused – to avoid freezing they huddle together inside the shrine and drift off to sleep.
Both Gabriel and Jennifer slip into a comatose state as they undergo an endless series of vivid dreams and visions. It is believed this is when the goddess Dracora taught both her ways of peace and enlightenment, outlining their destiny and purpose.
Jennifer is the first to wake, enlightened by her experience inside the shrine. She finds Gabriel still comatose, murmuring endlessly in his sleep.
Jennifer cares for Gabriel as his visions continue. She uses a nearby stream (somehow not completely frozen by the northern winter) and food supplies from the broken vehicle to keep him healthy during this time.
Gabriel wakes a new man. He instructs Jennifer to partake in a joint mediation session which lasts for three hours. After, they both discuss what they’d just experienced and what they must do. With renewed vigor and holy purpose, they head west on foot.
Quebec commences it’s invasion of Ontario.
Gabe and Jen reach a small village on the Hudson bay coast where they are able to obtain the services of a sled-dog team to take them over the ice towards Nunavut.
Late at night a blizzard hits the sled-team. Gabriel and Jennifer fall from the sled group and quickly become separated in the thick slow. They black out in the extreme conditions experiencing more visions.
Roman forces repel the Quebecois invasion of Ontario.
Gabe and Jen wake to find themselves in Nunavut camped around a camp fire with a local hunting group. They have no idea how they survived the journey – the locals explain them found them upon the ice and brought them here. They travel back to the local village in the area.
The local shaman cares for the two strangers as they recover from severe hypothermia. During this time, Gabriel and Jennifer share their experiences and newly obtained knowledge provided by Dracora. They quickly win him over and through the enlightening meditation sessions he becomes they’re first devotee.
The shaman tells them of himself – he is Michael Engel Eisenberg, an ex-Yelmish military officer from a surgical unit that had come to British Columbia during the short-lived invasion of the territory. When roman forces took control of the area after the yelmish operation fell apart he fled into the northern wilderness and has been living there ever since. His medical background led to the locals referring to him as a ‘shaman’, a role he has fulfilled contently.
The empire of layateb invades Quebec in retaliation for a terrorist attack on the small town of Jay in Vermont (the true circumstances of which, do not appear to have been fully investigated ;) ).
Gabriel and Jennifer begin giving regular meditation classes and sermons in the local village with Michael assisting. They have a powerful effect on the local psyche.
The entire village quickly comes under the sway of Dracora’s way to enlightenment, becoming devotees. Visitors to the village come back to hear more sermons and learn more on the techniques of meditation.
Refugees from Quebec fleeing the joint roman and layatebian onslaught begin arriving in Nunavut.
War ends in Quebec with its budding leadership utterly defeated. Those not killed by extensive bombing campaigns have been driven into the countryside by the combined might of the two empires.
It has become difficult for all attending the sermons of Gabriel, Jennifer and Michael to properly hear their combined wisdom such is the number of devotees now coming from surrounding villages. It is decided to send some of the first and few senior devotees out to the surrounding villages, chosen to setup separate mediation classes in these small population centres.
A lot of the new devotees during this period are Quebecois refugees – their plight open’s them up more to Dracora’s messages of hope.
Dracora’s word spreads across Nunavut and into the North Western Territories where it gets some attention from the Squornshelousian authorities. The movement has become more organised with many population centres across Nunavut now home to a hall or small ‘temple’ building for Dracorian devotees. By the end of this period the followers of Dracora have an almost complete influence over all settlements in easten Nunavut with a strong presence in western Nunavut and the territories beyond. The meditative learning centre in Yellowknife is established during this time.
The word of Dracora or ‘Dracorian Paganism’ becomes a recognised religion in Squornshelous.
War in the pacific becomes the focus of mainstream attention in Squornshelous with the Doomai invasion not long after. The heightened tensions allow the Dracorian faith to continue to increase its influence at an accelerated rate across the region.
‘Dracorism’ becomes mainstream in the more developed North Western Territories. It shows the most appeal to established pagans who see it as an extension (or the next step) of their beliefs. The movement also attracts those of other faiths thanks to the liberal ‘new-age’ attitudes towards interpretation of those faiths allowing traditional spiritual practices to be upheld by the individual. Even the ‘faithless’ heed Dracora’s call for her messages focus on nought but the elevation of the spiritual self and do not seek to deliberately conflict with the established laws of nature and science. In the end, the teachings and techniques are but a guide for those seeking a higher purpose, they need not be strictly followed – for there are many paths to enlightenment.
Troubles in the Russian territories of Squornshelous lead to fear and rumours of possible civil war between the Russian and North American authorities. This never eventuates, instead all contact with both the Alaskan and Russian parts of the empire is lost.
Lack of support from the rest of the empire places strain on the overpopulated region as trade vanishes overnight. The hardships cause tension which manifests itself partially in a growing dislike of the Dracorian order by the Catholic Church – the other major faith in the region. With the region under pressure, the local authorities turn to charity and both religious groups are swift to offer their goodwill and aid. Competition between the two groups over who can show the most ‘goodwill’ grows and leads to open disputes and public criticism from both sides of the religious spectrum. Near the end of this period these feuds are occurring on a daily basis.
The end of the year sees an escalation of verbal disputes into violence. Assaults between members of each faith are at first played down but as conditions in the region get worst and competition grows it isn’t long before extreme elements within each group begin to gain more attention. Leaders of the Dracorian faith are quick to act on the rising rhetoric and are quick to suppress and ‘re-educate’ these elements amongst their ranks. On the catholic side however, very little is done with catholic extremists given free rein to openly endorse violent action again the Dracorians.
By the end of this period neo-con right wing fundamentalists have all but taken over the Catholic Church in the region. They are allowed to preach their hatred for the Dracorians with little or no restraint. As for the Dracorian movement, the responsible ‘greater good’ approach sees them increase their influence even further – much to the infuriation of the Catholics.
A religious march is organised by the Catholic Church through the main streets of Yellowknife calling for action against the Dracorian Order. The march quickly turns into a riot when local police forces arrive on the scene to disperse the crowd. 5 people are killed in the resulting violence and 23 people are injured – of that number, 11 are police officers. All that died were killed by the angry mob (not police) under suspicion of being Dracorian.
The next three weeks see a series of bloody reprisal attacks from both sides across the region. Religious sites are vandalised and/or destroyed, assault and murder is rife. The local authorities do what they can to mitigate the violence between what is described as the ‘fringe’ elements of each group.
Squornshelouian troops arrive from Malta and quickly take control of the region. The heads of the group immediately declare martial law and set about bringing a swift end to the religious chaos.
The new Squornshelouian authorities very quickly restore order between the feuding churches dealing with troublemakers swiftly and harshly. They then set about confiscating whatever military hardware they can find, locking it all away within the deep vaults of their ominous but largely abandoned military complexes.
Their arrival re-established contact with the outside world. Trade and supplies return and continue on a daily basis, providing much needed aid to the region. With all known military assets secured, the Squornshelouian army begins the process of training the local militias into a proper defence force. Things appear to be going back to normal.
Without any prior warning, all of the heads of the Squornshelouian authorities in the region are urgently called back to Malta. No one knows why and nobody gives any explanation as to why. Prior to their departure, they ensure the local authority is stable and instruct their junior officers to maintain the training programs. The heads of the Squornshelouian authorities depart and are never heard from again.
Trade and supply continue unabated despite no further word from Malta. Under the protection and security provided by the Maltese troops and budding local defence force the Dracorian faith flourishes while Catholic hostility is kept at bay. During this time Dracorian Paganism is officially recognised as the mainstream religion of the region by the local authorities. This causes seething resentment amongst fundamental Catholics who now make up the majority of their faith.
By 18/05/07, all word and support from the territories of the resurgent Squornshelous nation has ceased completely once again. However, this time around the locals are better prepared for such an occurrence with preparations by the local authorities ensuring the region can operate independently. Meanwhile the dominance of Dracorism extends into the government which becomes heavily influenced by the religious order. The increasingly marginalised Catholics once again see violence as the only way to their salvation and seek to cause trouble but are kept in check by a much stronger local authority supported by the Dracorian order.
Hostility from the Catholic Church does not go away however, and with the use of resources needed to keep on top of their activities the strain once again on the region is starting to show. Catholic rhetoric is high and reports of those sympathetic to the catholic cause deserting the more recently arrived security forces on the increase things are not looking good for the current authority. Small groups of pro-catholic groups once again begin protesting in the streets.
Unable to handle the burden of leadership for much longer, the Squornshelous-appointed administrator announces his intention to step down and institute a new constitutional government. Nominations for an interim government to oversee the creation of the new constitution are received and the process to establish an actual legitimate ruling body begins.
The new interim government is appointed with William Henry Pferinger Elkins at its head as the interim president. Unknown to many, Elkins is a devoted catholic and a secret agent for the church.
The first act of the new government is to name the country ‘Nehrland’ in honour of Elkin’s Dutch heritage.
Elkin’s catholic bias slowly begins to show as the process of drafting the nations new constitution commences. A lot of upheavals amongst the local authorities are instituted by Elkin’s as he seeks to put as many catholic devotees into positions of power. Dracorians find themselves in a position of discrimination as the Order suddenly finds itself quickly losing influence with the ruling authorities.
However, it is when attacks are recommenced by well armed and organised groups on Dracorian devotees that the leaders of the Order begin to become very concerned. The protest openly for action by the interim government but with Elkins in control there pleas fall on deaf ears.
It is at this point that Jennifer Davis, high priestess of the order, goes to seek blessing from his holiness Gabriel Depaul – the spiritual leader of the Dracorian Order. She makes an appeal to him, seeks approval for further action against the Catholic insurgency that will only continue to bring further harm to both the region and their peaceful activities. Though it saddens Gabriel greatly that things have come to this he interprets the recent events as Dracora testing the resolve of her new devotees. With these thoughts in mind he gives his blessing for Jennifer to proceed with further, hostile action.
More to come later - might get an actual RP up soon to eh? :P
Quite a good use of RTL there hehe but if you're so at odds with 250,000,000 why make it 250,000,000 and not something lower?
I think I have gathered enough to start my claims RP. Will post it either today or tomorrow.
Glad to hear.
New Dracora
01-05-2009, 00:30
Heh, I was kidding when I mentioned going the 10 billion - was trying to emphase that having so many people living in such a harsh climate is ridicious... failed miserably I see :P
I was actually thinking of starting around the 1 - 1.5 million mark. Not really interested in being 't3h w1nn3r', just want to get back to RP'ing again. I hope I can get some good stories out - hence the background stuff.
01-05-2009, 05:05
Just remember to post here with the link. Do you want me to have any role in it or no?
United States of Brink
01-05-2009, 23:01
I love how war is used to push people into the religion. Very realistic.
New Dracora
02-05-2009, 06:10
Thanks :)
Just remember to post here with the link. Do you want me to have any role in it or no?
What did you have in mind? I'm open to any support and/or opposition - I was just going to walk up and have one of my guys assassinate Elkin's then declare themselves the new rulers in some kind of coup - then stomp on any resistance.
All are welcome to play some part should they have interests in the region since there is pretty much nil organised military presence atm - the area is currently in 'failed state' mode. :tongue:
And some one would likely have to RP any catholic resistance groups of course ;)
02-05-2009, 18:05
Up to you man I'm open for many things.
Started A New Age (http://forums.jolt.co.uk/showthread.php?p=14761758#post14761758). And Unkerlantum, I may ask you to come in later. Anyone who wants to join can just ask and I'll look for a way to fit you in.
03-05-2009, 04:06
I wouldn't mind being involved in some way.
We could call out to aid and accept your assistance. Also, once I finish establishing my nation, I would be interested in buying Liechtenstein from the United States of Brink.
03-05-2009, 18:23
Part IV of RTL is about to begin...I hope you're ready
Third Spanish States
03-05-2009, 18:45
Are there Illuminati in EII, as in the Totalitarian World Government conspiracy theories? That would make everything even more interesting. I wouldn't mind to have the Goodrule as a prototype for them... as part of a large conspiracy where the Resistance is fighting uneven odds against a secret government and all..
03-05-2009, 19:22
TSS Actually I have featured them prominently in Ride the Lightning. The hierarchy is such:
Freemasons - general freemasons & good, devoted to the ideals of freemasonry
Illuminati - far smaller group within the freemasons devoted to democratic rule within the Empire
Majestic - 13 men who are all within the Illuminati who are to be those who take over the government when it is to fall
Any questions I would gladly answer them, they've been very active in RTL and the Empire.
As an aside, you ever use much of Pan's Labyrinth stuff in your things? I'm finally watching it and while I am not reading every subtitle wow it is something out of the ordinary.
United States of Brink
03-05-2009, 23:34
That movie is very depressing. Also Lich isn't a part of the USB per say. You can have it.
Keep in mind, however, that it is a peaceful democracy amdist the turmoil that is Europe and was Germania. The takeover would have to be political or economic.
04-05-2009, 05:08
And thus the revolution is beginning in earnest...
Hey guys. I'm in the process of getting past my exam times, which means that I suddenly have a lot of time to spare, plus that I've missed the Earth II crowd. So, has anyone nabbed Scandinavia yet? If not, mind if Cotland makes a dramatic comeback on the international arena?
04-05-2009, 23:08
Hey guys. I'm in the process of getting past my exam times, which means that I suddenly have a lot of time to spare, plus that I've missed the Earth II crowd. So, has anyone nabbed Scandinavia yet? If not, mind if Cotland makes a dramatic comeback on the international arena?
http://img2.imageshack.us/img2/3192/97101446.png well whoever said 8's were lucky...
Yes Scandinavia remains unclaimed and many of the other claims haven't even been RP'd as well. I'm still waiting on Nero from posts 2 months ago really.
Then I'll take it back if you don't mind. Norway, Murmansk, Sweden, Finland, Denmark and Karelia plx.
05-05-2009, 14:58
Karelia is being RP'd by RomeW though more posts are coming IIRC but Murmansk was left untouched IIRC.
OK, I can live with that. You on IRC?
05-05-2009, 19:32
At work actually I won't be on today probably since I have a lodge meeting after work. I can jump on AIM through g-mail that's about it.
09-05-2009, 03:29
Machiavelli wrote, in The Prince that the Prince could never get into Heaven and he would spend his eternity in Hell because of the decisions he would have to make. That was his duty and the sacrifice he would have to make for wanting to be the Prince. The Emperor is no stranger to that sacrifice (http://forums.jolt.co.uk/showpost.php?p=14779513&postcount=701).
New Dracora
11-05-2009, 07:36
Interesting times...... ;)
Oh - and consider this my first official "Sorry I haven't done anything yet which I'm going to blame of work/study/charity but is really due to laziness/poor-organisation/sunshine."
Having said that, this time is probably more suited to what is going to happen up north *fingers crossed*
School and studying for finals have kept me busy, but I can probably post again today or tomorrow.
... I see not much has happened in this thread since the time since I was last here.
18-05-2009, 02:36
Well I guess this is long overdue but since Pushka took off and I was countering his claim on the Faroe Islands and Shetland Islands I guess that makes me primary claimant so I'll start RPing for them now in the thread.
Third Spanish States
18-05-2009, 02:39
I'd like to make a claim over the Falklands.
18-05-2009, 03:11
I'd like to make a claim over the Falklands.
You'll have to pry them from me first but brings it on..
Third Spanish States
18-05-2009, 03:51
You don't have a destroyer named Belgrano, do you?
18-05-2009, 19:51
You don't have a destroyer named Belgrano, do you?
Nope Dnalkrad (AAW), Voodoo (GP), and Verrazano (ASW)
Lay, I might contest your claim to the Faroes, and possibly also the Shetlands.
18-05-2009, 23:20
Lay, I might contest your claim to the Faroes, and possibly also the Shetlands.
Might you nao?
TOA split, hmm very interesting.
19-05-2009, 14:18
Hirgy! Welcome back man. How you doin'?
cot, were is a good place for my guys.
19-05-2009, 16:02
Das wolfen? Wunderbar!
19-05-2009, 18:56
Cot please be to be checking teh sekrit layer
20-05-2009, 14:24
Hey guys, thanks for the welcome back.
I'm doing good, got a new house, just ordered a new car and man am I ever thankful to be out of hospital!
I'll be active on here most days and I'll be watching...hehe. I am real glad to see that the LOS thread stopped when I couldn't post (Lay and Brink, you lazy bastards!) so my first port of call will be there. After that who knows, things seem as crazy as ever round here!
20-05-2009, 18:51
Hey guys, thanks for the welcome back.
I'm doing good, got a new house, just ordered a new car and man am I ever thankful to be out of hospital!
I'll be active on here most days and I'll be watching...hehe. I am real glad to see that the LOS thread stopped when I couldn't post (Lay and Brink, you lazy bastards!) so my first port of call will be there. After that who knows, things seem as crazy as ever round here!
You've got to show me what this car looks like when you get it, with all the internal controls I'm very interested to see just how those are driven.
20-05-2009, 23:25
Guess what time it is?
Fleet Week 2009 @ Layarteb City TIME!!!
http://forums.jolt.co.uk/showthread.php?t=594521 [OOC & Sign Ups]
It's open to Earth II & Non-E2
And here's the IC thread
21-05-2009, 12:39
You've got to show me what this car looks like when you get it, with all the internal controls I'm very interested to see just how those are driven.
Well the car is a Fiat Grande Punto.
They don't come with hand controls, no car does- you get it installed by a company that specialises in that sort of thing- basically there is a lever than comes out from the right side of the wheel (on a right hand drive car) and you push down to break and pull up to increase speed, plus there is sometimes a little switch on it for the indicators. You then drive with one hand using a truckers steering knob- its surprisingly easy and enjoyable. Problem is I don't have a full licence, so I have to take my test with the hand controls- should be easy though, I find it very easy to drive with one hand. I'll definetly take a picture to show you guys whenever I get it, but it'll be a while, they have to build the car first- very few automatics in the UK or Ireland, so mine is being factory ordered.
However- this is what I'm really after:
Its a wheelchair accessible trike, built to your personal specs- you just drive the chair up into the back and away you go. Its amazing, can't wait to get my hands on one, a few years away but I know all about patience!
21-05-2009, 13:36
Oh yeah Hirg I know it has to get specially modified I just never knew how they work. Thanks for that, I hope that color too it's pretty cool.
United States of Brink
22-05-2009, 04:42
You can take the dog out of the fight but you can't take the fight out of the dog eh!? Back in a Bike as soon as possible. I love it.
Can't wait to get LoS back up and running.
Glad to you you back.
22-05-2009, 04:59
I figured you weren't going to be getting back on a bike just because of what happened but more power to you man, I know I'd probably be petrified of one. I have to learn how to ride though.
26-05-2009, 03:37
The Emperor has delivered his annual Fleet Week speech.
Back from Pittsburgh. Posting time.
Last exam on Friday, wild celebratory partying Friday night. Don't expect any activity from me until Sunday at the earliest.
Posted in my RP thread. The link is on page 1652.
29-05-2009, 15:26
Rhodesian States
01-06-2009, 01:05
Im back, sorry guys work obligations being getting me down, so much so that i couldnt write an iota on here :(
04-06-2009, 15:49
Um, slight map query, the World Map shows me as owning New Zealand (which I think I do, cant quite remember) but the map territory list doesnt list New Zealand as belonging to anybody
04-06-2009, 18:21
New Zealand's under contestation IIRC that's why it hasn't been updated and as for the coloring, perhaps just a glitch.
Our lands have fallen into anarchy, and gangs and thugs raid the towns. We have secured the town we are presently in, but lack the supplies and manpower to liberate our entire country. We have communicated with some other free towns, and are trying to form a union to rebuild our once great nation. We are trusting that you are an honorable nation and won’t backstab us and take our land for yourselves. Once the land is stable again, we will do our best to repay you. Our country was once strong, and we intend to make it that way again. Any aid would be appreciated. Thank you.
07-06-2009, 04:45
I think I need to update things, wouldn't everyone agree?
07-06-2009, 05:24
Red: General announcements (21-day, decree 12, etc.)
Blue: Response to your posts (claims, threads, etc.)
Green: Service announcements (to all, RPs, etc.)
Saint Byrce [Post 24704]: Information added.
Saint Byrce [Post 24714]: Pending claims added.
Ulanpataar [Post 24716]: Info added, more needed, see below.
Khorsun [Post 24731]: RP & info added.
TSS [Post 24760]: Factbook added.
Klievan [Post 24773]: RP added. I just realized now that I'm doing this, Saint Bryce had a claim out there for those three territories, which would mean you're contesting them, by default. Unfortunately, he's only made a few posts in the Dissoultion thread though so his claim isn't complete yet. UPDATE: ACTUALLY SAINT BRYCE IS DELETED SO IT'S ALL YOURS BY DEFAULT. "" GLAD I NEVER UPDATED THE MAP ""
Cotland [Post 24783]: Claims added.
Cotland [Post 24796]: Contestation added.
Hirg [Post 24817]: LOS readded.
Spizania [Post 24819]: I did more research into New Zealand and this is what I found Post 23723 (http://forums.jolt.co.uk/showpost.php?p=13935575&postcount=23723) where it was claimed and I'm pretty sure you did an RP for it somewhere thereafter.
Cotland: If you don't mind, please resubmit: Post 20103 (http://forums.jolt.co.uk/showpost.php?p=12908472&postcount=20103) and fill out the expanded statistics request and post your population.
Klievan: Please see Post 20103 (http://forums.jolt.co.uk/showpost.php?p=12908472&postcount=20103) and fill out the expanded statistics request and post your population.
Nerotika: Please list your time zones and will you be changing your population?
Rhodesian States: Please see Post 20103 (http://forums.jolt.co.uk/showpost.php?p=12908472&postcount=20103) and fill out the expanded statistics request and post your population.
Spizania: Please list your heads of state & government and please list your time zones.
Ulanpataar: Please provide the following stats: Largest Religion, Independence, Official Religion, and calling code.
Last Update: Page 1,647
Current Update: Page 1,655
07-06-2009, 05:30
Okay so in light of my logging into my other nation and seeing the doisser with TP and SB deleted I'm going to have to redo a lot of shit so let me just add this here:
Back to newbie claim:
Bosnia and Herzegovina
Czech Republic
Kaliningrad Oblast
Pskov Oblast
Back to newbie claim:
Louisiana (part)
North Dakota
South Dakota
Nation Name: The Realm of Cotland
Demonym: Cottish
Population: 115,000,000
Largest Religion: Evangelical Lutheran Protestant
Military Size:
Independence/Founding Date: June 7, 957
Capital: Oslo
Government Type: Parliamentarism
Economy Type: Mixed Economy
Head of State: Prime Minister Ørjan Rødberg
Head of Government: King Haakon VIII (deceased); Crown Prince Sverre (status unknown)
Official Language(s): Cottish
Official Religion: Evangelical Lutheran Protestant
Consitution: Yes (May 17, 1814)
Currency: Rikskrone (CRK)
Summer Time: Yes
Time Zone(s): GMT+1 through +3 (+2 through +4 in summertime)
Calling Code: +47
Internet TLD: .cot
08-06-2009, 04:45
So I sent everyone a telegram from my puppet Dnalkrad. In it is the new, revised spreadsheet. I ask that you please respond (via TG) to that account by June 15. I will be revising and updating all of the maps after then. For a while I will just have two maps, a global map of established claims and a global map of pending claims. I may also do a map of contested claims but I am not 100% sure if I want to do that yet. The regional maps may be axed for the time being only because they're hard to update versus just one to three files with all of the information on it.
Brink, I left something for you offsite.
United States of Brink
08-06-2009, 23:46
My attempt to start something. Join me?
United States of Brink
08-06-2009, 23:59
The devastation reeked by the Cottish Flu is evident. Millions are left homeless, or worse, without family. Cotland and surrounding countries have been left in decay. The World needs to lend its hand.
Through the ashes we will rise, together, as one. The New African Republic has announced, in conjunction with Windhoek Instruments and Great White Records (label out of Cape Town), a music festival unlike any seen before.
Cape Town, South Africa, one of the World’s most beautiful cities, will be hosting a two week long concert event. Cape Town 2009 Rock for Relief will be the largest musical event in history. Two weeks of nonstop events, that’s 336 straight hours, in an attempt to raise as much money as possible for relief efforts in Scandinavia.
The two weeklong event will feature thirteen stages across the city and play host to bands, operas, comedy shows, plays, musicals, magic, and everything in between. Artists big and small from around the globe are already lined up and will be performing nonstop from day one till day fourteen. Sponsored by Windhoek and Great White, ticket packages are available for every budget in an attempt to draw as many people as possible. South African Air has announced reduced ticket prices for air travel during the event. While English is the official language signs will be hosting every major language in the world to accommodate. Hotels and other housing prices are being reduced too!
Celebrity appearances, sporting events, and much more are planned! The City will be alive 24/7 for two weeks of entertainment. It is an amazing undertaking and promises to be unforgettable.
09-06-2009, 00:05
The Empire may boycott this festival.
United States of Brink
09-06-2009, 00:42
I wouldn't be suprised.
09-06-2009, 03:37
My attempt to start something. Join me?
Official Communique
Priority: High
Recipient: United States of Brink, Global Community
Origin: Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Classification Level: Encrypted
Subject: Brinkian Embargo
The Empire is more than disappointed by the embargo called fourth by the United States of Brink. The Brinkians, seeing an opportunity within the Empire in this troubling time, have set fourth baseless accusation against the Empire that are unfounded, unwarranted, and unnecessary. They accuse us of violating human rights but they do so based on a piece of literature that the Empire believes to be the most elaborate, expensive, and well purported hoax in the history of our great nation. They condemn the actions of our police forces who have responded against violence. Demonstrators who are currently in custody fired the first shots at a peaceful, legal demonstration and must now suffer the consequences accordingly.
This embargo called by the United States of Brink is more harmful than helpful. They demand that we submit to the Johannesburg Courts for investigation but our own courts are more than capable of deciding our own justice. The Layartebian people have never accepted these courts and neither has this government. They demand that we submit to them as conditions for lifting the embargo, twenty-first century blackmail. The Empire will stand firm against this and respond accordingly.
Enacting the provisions allowable to this government through the Doctrine of Sovereignty (http://forums.joltonline.com/showthread.php?t=460089), the Empire hereby enacts the following, specific charges.
Article VI, Section II: Passage to the Panama Canal may only be done by two approved routes, which will be monitored by the Imperial Layartebian Navy. Any foreign vessels disguised as civilian vessels committing acts of espionage will be capture or sunk accordingly. Passage to military vessels remains restricted. Passage by any foreign vessel requires the approval of the Layartebian government.
Article XI, Section II: The Empire considers all actions it undertakes within its borders protected under our sovereignty. No foreign power, whether friendly, neutral, or hostile, is permissible to interfere with internal affairs of the Empire of Layarteb, regardless of actions. Any interference will be met with serious repercussions.
Article XI, Section IV: Any foreign, sovereign state found to be aiding and abetting an insurgent group within the Empire or acting against the Empire will be regarded as hostile and these acts shall be regarded as acts of war.
Article XI, Section V: Any trade by the Empire or with the Empire of a legitimate and legal subject shall not be infringed upon by any foreign, sovereign state.
Traditionally, embargos have been acts of war but the Empire shall remain diplomatic for the time being. We therefore impose the following conditions upon the United States of Brink and any other nation that joins the embargo against the Empire. Should the United States of Brink or any other party agree to repeal the embargo, the Empire shall re-evaluate the following conditions.
All Brinkian flagged civilian and military vessels currently within the maritime boundaries of the Empire, set fourth as twenty-four nautical miles from our coast, shall be immediately detained and its crew held as criminals. All Brinkian flagged vessels will have twenty-four hours to comply with this order, effective immediately.
Having previously accepted fault for the unwitting supply of the thermonuclear device from Madagascar to the Democratic Republic of Grenada in July 2006, the United States of Brink shall be made to pay reparations for the lives lost on the order of §850,000.00 to each of the eighteen thousand, eight hundred, and forty-one families affected.
Should arms continue to flow out of lawless Somalia and into the hands of the enemies of the Empire, the Empire shall turn its attention towards both Somalia and Windhoek for aiding and abetting our enemies, whether domestic or foreign.
All vessels of the United States of Brink, flagged as either civilian or military, shall be barred access from the Panama Canal, effective immediately.
All citizens of the United States of Brink living within the confines of the Empire shall be given fourteen days to vacate their residences and return to the United States of Brink with the exception of those citizens holding Layartebian citizenship.
The Brinkian embassy shall be placed under careful watch and should further acts be made, the Empire shall remove its mission.
The Emperor
Classification Levels
Standard: Standard classification is the normal level of encryption. It is equivalent to the standard levels of encryption seen on most secure e-mail clients.
Confidential: Confidential classification is a higher level of encryption than "Standard" but it is not heavily encrypted. It is used mostly for flash traffic to foreign countries and requires some additional decoding time. It uses 512-bit RSA encryption methods and has several key ciphers that change unpredictably.
Secure: Secure communiques use 1024-bit RSA encryption and several key ciphers within them that change unpredictably to ensure that message traffic is not hacked or decoded. Access to said messages would require heavy cracking software and significant resources but it is not "uncrackable." It can be a viable level through 2010.
Encrypted: Encrypted classification is the second highest level of classification. It is uses 2048-bit RSA encryption and multiple key ciphers within it to ensure that cracking it would take such a significant amount of time to accomplish that, should it be done, the message's usefulness would have already expired. Though anything is crackable, because of the methods employed, this level is often considered "uncrackable" by current capabilities. To ensure revolving protecting, ciphers and encryption algorithms will change unpredictably. This level is sufficient until 2030.
Maximum: Maximum classification is the highest level of classification available. It uses 3072-bit RSA encryption and multiple key ciphers that change unpredictably. It can provide protection past 2030.
Experimental: Currently not a fully recognized level, experimental denotes a category using 15360-bit RSA encryption and multiple key ciphers that change unpredictably. It is not in full operational use as of yet.
Our response (http://forums.joltonline.com/showpost.php?p=14834533&postcount=705)
11-06-2009, 00:39
So nobody has a thing to say to this?
I propose we move Earth II to the new Nationstates forums (forum.nationstates.net or something like that) since it seems that Jolt might be shutting Nationstates down soon..
12-06-2009, 04:16
NS2 is getting shut down. Not the NS1 forums.
12-06-2009, 19:58
Minor announcement, our offsite forums may be having a more prominent role as I revise the spreadsheet and what not. They can be found here (http://www.forsakenoutlaw.com/phpBB3/index.php). Those of you who have registered, thanks but the list below are members who remain unregistered.
Rhodesian States
I propose we move Earth II to the new Nationstates forums (forum.nationstates.net or something like that) since it seems that Jolt might be shutting Nationstates down soon..
I second that. It's easier to get to...I had so many problems logging in because I couldn't find the link anymore.
17-06-2009, 13:48
The link for Jolt actually changed too. It's forums.joltonline.com (which gave me a headache for a few days too). If you find yourself logging in but not really being logged in, it's because you're using the wrong URL, use the one above.
17-06-2009, 14:18
FYI (discussion for move from Jolt to new NS)
I think we should keep it on jolt as long as we can, but keep a backup plan on the new NSforums just incase.
17-06-2009, 21:47
I think we should keep it on jolt as long as we can, but keep a backup plan on the new NSforums just incase.
Okay but please keep it limited to offsite so we have one location for the discussion so I can get an accurate tally on what's what.
United States of Brink
18-06-2009, 21:05
Tomorrow June 19th I will be departing for an 11 day tour of Europe with stops in Amsterdam, Paris, Munich, Innsbruck, Lucerne, and Zurich.
I will return home Tuesday the 30th.
You can follow the trip if you'd like at adambrinkman.blogspot.com.
18-06-2009, 21:34
wow awesome...photos!
18-06-2009, 21:41
Okay, so only Bry and Cot responded off-site...are we that apathetic?
Third Spanish States
19-06-2009, 08:34
I lost and forgot my password there. Should I just create another account?
As for my opinion on the subject, it's quite transparent.
*Edit: Also I need to know whether The October Alliance is a mutual defense or a more offensive sort of military alliance like RL Axis. ICly Goodrule should be aware, and thus any charter or links would be helpful to explain it.
This will be quite important to define a strategy that won't be subject to lack of OOC knowledge over things that should be ICly known, and shape how this conflict will go on
19-06-2009, 14:05
I lost and forgot my password there. Should I just create another account?
As for my opinion on the subject, it's quite transparent.
*Edit: Also I need to know whether The October Alliance is a mutual defense or a more offensive sort of military alliance like RL Axis. ICly Goodrule should be aware, and thus any charter or links would be helpful to explain it.
This will be quite important to define a strategy that won't be subject to lack of OOC knowledge over things that should be ICly known, and shape how this conflict will go on
TOA is actually that and much more. Here's our charter. It's IC public so that should help.
I also reset your password, see your TG for that info.
United States of Brink
19-06-2009, 14:51
Another way to stay logged in: Go to your nationstates homepage. Make sure you are logged into auto. Go to news. There is a hyperlink to the old forums. Click the link. Then click Old Jolt. You should be logged in from there.
Hmm, pretty good charter, Lay.
19-06-2009, 20:44
Another way to stay logged in: Go to your nationstates homepage. Make sure you are logged into auto. Go to news. There is a hyperlink to the old forums. Click the link. Then click Old Jolt. You should be logged in from there.
I think they got rid of it.
Hmm, pretty good charter, Lay.
Thanks but thank everyone in TOA, they all contributed to it.
Edit: Also I need to know whether The October Alliance is a mutual defense or a more offensive sort of military alliance like RL Axis. ICly Goodrule should be aware, and thus any charter or links would be helpful to explain it.
This will be quite important to define a strategy that won't be subject to lack of OOC knowledge over things that should be ICly known, and shape how this conflict will go on
Think of it as a pseudo-mix of NATO and the EU, minus the failness of EU, and more democratic than most institutions or nations on Earth II (ironic, I know). Basically, we are defensive (hereunder offensive, as the best defence is a good offense) and have craploads of trade and cultural exchanges with each other.
Layarteb can you update the RP links on the first page so they have the new URLcode?
21-06-2009, 02:11
They 404'ing?
They still have the old web URLCode thing so you can't log in and post.
21-06-2009, 20:35
Well that seems to be an issue I'll get on that one today.
21-06-2009, 22:00
Alright the links are fixed. Happy hunting!
22-06-2009, 21:23
Based on what I've been told (while Brink and I are still discussing this) the move from Jolt to new NS is probably going to happen for Earth II but not until we reach 25,000 posts! There will be minimum "age" requirements for players afterwards and I will be telegraming everyone about the move. You will be given the choice of moving to the new forums (no land will be lost) or, if you want to resign it won't be an issue. (hopefully you don't resign)
Posted in my thread. Sorry it took so long, what with all the problems jolt's been having and the logging in problems.
29-06-2009, 00:40
Gotcha I'm going to post now.
I have an RP idea I want to know if anyone's interested in. It revolves around a group of Khorsunian citizens who set up a fake sort of news thing and claim to be representatives of the government on a foreign nation and then make ridiculous statements (ex. X country will bulldoze the Rockies so people on the East Coast can enjoy the Pacific sunset) on their behalf. I'd love to have another humorous RP like that (remember War on Penguins?)
Layarteb, I think it would be more funny if they did it to you because your country is so strict and authoritian and untolerating of nonsense. You interested?
29-06-2009, 15:07
03-07-2009, 00:27
Just an FYI, I've updated the offsite boards to the newest phpBB release, v.3.0.5. Please report any problems if you have them.
07-07-2009, 18:03
I'd like to finish up any of the open threads here so if you have an RP out there that isn't mentioned on the first page or you have one that is and is completed please tell me so I can take it from the list.
12-07-2009, 01:23
In the words of Pink Floyd, "Is there anybody out there?"
Got back from camp Ransburg today. God, its good to have air conditioning after a week of camping.
12-07-2009, 16:24
That's good to hear camping is pretty fun.
United States of Brink
15-07-2009, 18:00
God jolt is pissing me off!
16-07-2009, 00:18
Earth II will be closed on Jolt Forums as of July 24, 2009. It is a painful realization that by the time our thread gets to 25,000 posts it will be 2010 so Brink and I have made the decision essentially to transition to the new forums at the end of this month. There was not an overwhelming response one way or the other to this move, even though it was asked so those who wished for the move have won. I have sent out telegrams to each and every one of you that look like this:
There is good news. Earth II is officially ending its run on Jolt and will be moving to the new NS forums on 7/24/2009. What this means to you is listed below. There are a variety of scenarios and this is a general form that is tailored to your specific concerns. Please review it and take appropriate action.
[ ] You have pending claims that are still not fully RP'd. If you do not wish to continue RPing for them or you do not complete an eligible, appropriate RP by 7/24/2009 these claims will automatically be put into new claim eligibility.
[ ] You are currently eligible for Decree 12 status and should there be no response by 7/24/2009 your claims and membership to Earth II will be removed. You may rejoin if this happens but you are not guaranteed your land.
[ ] You are in Decree 13 vacation mode.
[ ] You potentially have an open RP that you may wish to copy and paste into the new forums.
[ ] None of the above apply.
You will be informed of the new thread once it is posted in the new forums. Consequently, land currently open will locked for new members for a currently undetermined set of time.
If you are having trouble viewing and posting on Jolt use this URL: forums.joltonline.com
Thank you
Layarteb, Brink
There may have been some notes at the bottom of the telegram. I marked your condition(s) with an "X" and I sent it from "Dnalkrad," a puppet of mine that I use to manage the E2 Doisser. Please check your telegrams and if you did not receive it (and I know I sent it to everyone) then let me know immediately. As you see above, any claims not completed by 7/24/2009 will be dismissed and put back into the pool. Brink and I are still discussing some final particulars but this transition will be smooth. I advise anyone wishing to move their threads to do so but keep the [Earth II] tag in there so you don't have to deal with too much spam. It may bring interest for all we know.
If you have any questions, let Brink or myself know and we'll be happy to help you out anyway we can.
The rumors of my death are greatly exagurated. Sorry for the slow response in posting, but I've been busy with birthday celebrations, hangovers, full-time working, lack of sleep (due to full-time working), and other things concerning life. Just letting you all know that I'm still around.
16-07-2009, 20:41
In under Decree 12? What do I ahve to do to get out from it? :\
16-07-2009, 23:13
In under Decree 12? What do I ahve to do to get out from it? :\
You just did it.
17-07-2009, 23:25
Cot I assume you'll let me roleplay as your PM for the phone conversation?
I didn't want it to move, but I'll live on. How do I move my claims thread to the new forum?
24-07-2009, 00:08
All the legwork is basically going to be done by Brink and myself. We'll move the thread over to the new forums, claims included, and business will resume as normal over there. I will probably do all of the movements tomorrow afternoon since the deadline expires at midnight.
24-07-2009, 05:17
The deadline has expired.
25-07-2009, 21:16
The Earth II thread has been posted on the new NS forums.
Please move over or recreate any RPs you wish and report them. Business will carry on as usual.
25-07-2009, 21:19
Shame it never reached 25,000.