'Earth II' - Revitalization - Page 14
You should go to bed...unless you don't have anything else to do after 8:10AM.
I need to finish them first. Then I'll probably get an hours sleep or so before my dad wakes me up at 7.05 AM and pours coffee down my throath and push me on the bus to school at 7.30 AM. By then I'll be in school at 7.45 AM, having to wait for 25 minutes till class starts. Then one hour history, one hour Norwegian (which is when I hand in the papers), two hours German (in which I'll probably fall asleep), lunch for 25 minutes before one hour without education (in which I'll be asleep in one of the sofas in the school library) and one hour of creating databases in Access 2000 and homepages in Frontpage 2000 before I finally get easter holidays. But it doesn't stop there! Oh, no. I'm expected at a party in the evening, filled with beer and more beer, before I crawl home late at night. Then the next day, I'll probably get awaken by my 3-year old nephew jumping on me. That'll be my nephew who just arrived from Oslo (the capitol city on the other side of the country) along with my brother and have been sitting still for eight hours and need to use some energy.
Anyways, that's enough of me griping. I finish homework for tommorrow now.
LOL...coffee will become your best friend. Or Jolt cola. Can I ask how is Norwegian coffee?
Do you suppose that you could crash in the school library all day right after handing in your assignments? That's what I'd do.
LOL...coffee will become your best friend. Or Jolt cola. Can I ask how is Norwegian coffee?
Do you suppose that you could crash in the school library all day right after handing in your assignments? That's what I'd do.
Norwegian coffee..... not the best in the world, but with the appropriate amount of coffee per amount of water it gets the job done.
As for crashing in the library... sure, if I want to get some serious reports of my skipping class and stuff. It goes on my school record. Anyways, if I want to skip the german and stuff, I just go home to my nice fluffy bed....... *zzzzzzzZZZZZzzzzzzz*
Duke Barol
18-03-2005, 02:24
Theres the link to the post where Layarteb said that the galapagos isles were fair game. since liebermonk is claiming naru in his post, ill make a new one for the galapagos islands, now to think of a scenario...
The Lightning Star
18-03-2005, 02:30
Norwegian coffee..... not the best in the world, but with the appropriate amount of coffee per amount of water it gets the job done.
As for crashing in the library... sure, if I want to get some serious reports of my skipping class and stuff. It goes on my school record. Anyways, if I want to skip the german and stuff, I just go home to my nice fluffy bed....... *zzzzzzzZZZZZzzzzzzz*
Panamanian Coffee= EXCELENT! Now, I am a bit young to be drinking coffee, but I don't do It alot. And anyways, I'm 5 foot 9 inches, and I'm not done growing. Anyhoo, back to the point. Panamanian Coffee is top notch, but it isn't a big export. However, if you look hard enough, you can probably order it. It's prolly too expensive to drink on a regular basis(unless you got's pockets full o' cash), but you can save it for, like, once a week or something like that.
Duke Barol
18-03-2005, 02:38
18-03-2005, 03:09
Duke Barol: They are, but Liebermonk has a claim on them. I was letting him know they were fair game because he seemed to think that they were not fair game.
Duke Barol
18-03-2005, 03:30
oops, ok, if liebermonk doesnt watn them ill have them. otherwise, tough crackers for me.
Duke Barol
18-03-2005, 03:33
Cotland, im thinkin of doing a rebellion rp, sorta like some of your people liked you more than me.
wat do you think, i could bring someone in from the outside to play the rebellion or you could. The whole thing is up to you
18-03-2005, 04:04
Look down
Can the Bahrain invasion be moved to inactive uncompleted, or otherwise terminated? I tg Hogsy three times asking about the status, all of which were ignored, he hasn't touched it since 22 Feb. (22 days ago). It is really an impediment to my other RPs, as i have half my military stuck there, and my Sultan is stuck in a bombshelter.
The Lightning Star
18-03-2005, 04:09
What Happened to Hogsweat?
Cuz if He's inactive, I gots dibs on Mecca and Medina!
Panamanian Coffee= EXCELENT! Now, I am a bit young to be drinking coffee, but I don't do It alot. And anyways, I'm 5 foot 9 inches, and I'm not done growing. Anyhoo, back to the point. Panamanian Coffee is top notch, but it isn't a big export. However, if you look hard enough, you can probably order it. It's prolly too expensive to drink on a regular basis(unless you got's pockets full o' cash), but you can save it for, like, once a week or something like that.
Yeah, but NOBODY makes a cappucino better than an Italian. NOBODY.
As for Canadian coffee in general: we get it from the Canadian version of Starbuck's, Tim Horton's (you may have seen a few Layarteb- they do have stores in New York state as far as I know). It's not the greatest coffee but it'll do. Their Cafe Mochas on the other hand- mmmnn hmmmnn!
The Lightning Star
18-03-2005, 13:09
Yeah, but NOBODY makes a cappucino better than an Italian. NOBODY.
As for Canadian coffee in general: we get it from the Canadian version of Starbuck's, Tim Horton's (you may have seen a few Layarteb- they do have stores in New York state as far as I know). It's not the greatest coffee but it'll do. Their Cafe Mochas on the other hand- mmmnn hmmmnn!
Yeah, but who needs cappucino when you can just get actual coffee. Just the coffee and you. None of those silly additives(although they can enhance the coffee).
It's a wee bit expensive, but if you can afford it, look Here (http://www.terroircoffee.com/store/Special%20Limited%20Offering.php). Coffee from Boquete and Chiriqui= *drools*.
You can also buy some Panamanian coffee at some Starbucks...
North Germania
18-03-2005, 13:51
Order of Reptiles and I were discussing doing a war RP, era 13th - 14th Centuries in Europe, Russia, and the Middle East. Perhaps earlier: 9th - 11th Centuries.
A thread hasn't been established yet; however, many lands are still available.
The Holy Roman Empire - North Germania
Lands in Russia - Order of Reptiles
England - Unclaimed
Scotland - Unclaimed
Ireland - Layarteb (pending)
Wales - Unclaimed
The Middle East - Unclaimed
Spain - Unclaimed
Italy (Southern half) - Unclaimed
Sweden - Unclaimed
Norway - Unclaimed
Finland - Unclaimed
Baltic States - Unclaimed
Ukraine - Unclaimed
Greece - Unclaimed
Bosnia/Herzegovina/Kosovo/Yugoslavia - Unclaimed
Turkey - Unclaimed
I'm sure more nations will pop up for availability. However, if any of you are interested, send a TG to me or Order of Reptiles.
Note: This will not be another Earth; just a standard NS RP.
- Tomas K.
The Elder Malaclypse
18-03-2005, 15:03
Order of Reptiles and I were discussing doing a war RP, era 13th - 14th Centuries in Europe, Russia, and the Middle East. Perhaps earlier: 9th - 11th Centuries.
A thread hasn't been established yet; however, many lands are still available.
The Holy Roman Empire - North Germania
Lands in Russia - Order of Reptiles
England - Unclaimed
Scotland - Unclaimed
Ireland - Layarteb (pending)
Wales - Unclaimed
The Middle East - Unclaimed
Spain - Unclaimed
Italy (Southern half) - Unclaimed
Sweden - Unclaimed
Norway - Unclaimed
Finland - Unclaimed
Baltic States - Unclaimed
Ukraine - Unclaimed
Greece - Unclaimed
Bosnia/Herzegovina/Kosovo/Yugoslavia - Unclaimed
Turkey - Unclaimed
I'm sure more nations will pop up for availability. However, if any of you are interested, send a TG to me or Order of Reptiles.
Note: This will not be another Earth; just a standard NS RP.
- Tomas K.
18-03-2005, 16:08
Yeah, but NOBODY makes a cappucino better than an Italian. NOBODY.
As for Canadian coffee in general: we get it from the Canadian version of Starbuck's, Tim Horton's (you may have seen a few Layarteb- they do have stores in New York state as far as I know). It's not the greatest coffee but it'll do. Their Cafe Mochas on the other hand- mmmnn hmmmnn!
I'm not a fan of Yuppie Coffee, as we call it. This is the coffee that costs $8 for a piss cup size piece of peanut, almond, stool coffee. Starbucks or any of those other designer coffee places. I'm just not into that junk.
18-03-2005, 16:10
Order of Reptiles and I were discussing doing a war RP, era 13th - 14th Centuries in Europe, Russia, and the Middle East. Perhaps earlier: 9th - 11th Centuries.
A thread hasn't been established yet; however, many lands are still available.
The Holy Roman Empire - North Germania
Lands in Russia - Order of Reptiles
England - Unclaimed
Scotland - Unclaimed
Ireland - Layarteb (pending)
Wales - Unclaimed
The Middle East - Unclaimed
Spain - Unclaimed
Italy (Southern half) - Unclaimed
Sweden - Unclaimed
Norway - Unclaimed
Finland - Unclaimed
Baltic States - Unclaimed
Ukraine - Unclaimed
Greece - Unclaimed
Bosnia/Herzegovina/Kosovo/Yugoslavia - Unclaimed
Turkey - Unclaimed
I'm sure more nations will pop up for availability. However, if any of you are interested, send a TG to me or Order of Reptiles.
Note: This will not be another Earth; just a standard NS RP.
- Tomas K.
Yes this is not another Earth. It's a sort of extended RP, the newest craze and we're not going to have a cow over it. Psychotika is part of another one as well.
Order of Reptiles and I were discussing doing a war RP, era 13th - 14th Centuries in Europe, Russia, and the Middle East. Perhaps earlier: 9th - 11th Centuries.
A thread hasn't been established yet; however, many lands are still available.
The Holy Roman Empire - North Germania
Lands in Russia - Order of Reptiles
England - Unclaimed
Scotland - Unclaimed
Ireland - Layarteb (pending)
Wales - Unclaimed
The Middle East - Unclaimed
Spain - Unclaimed
Italy (Southern half) - Unclaimed
Sweden - Unclaimed
Norway - Unclaimed
Finland - Unclaimed
Baltic States - Unclaimed
Ukraine - Unclaimed
Greece - Unclaimed
Bosnia/Herzegovina/Kosovo/Yugoslavia - Unclaimed
Turkey - Unclaimed
I'm sure more nations will pop up for availability. However, if any of you are interested, send a TG to me or Order of Reptiles.
Note: This will not be another Earth; just a standard NS RP.
- Tomas K.
If you do it in the 9th Century, I've got dibs on Norway. If in the 13th, I'll take Denmark if you'll add it.
The Lightning Star
18-03-2005, 16:41
If you do 15th, I'll do Poland ^^
But if not, I'd like to be the Middle East.
The Island of Rose
18-03-2005, 17:21
I'm not a fan of Yuppie Coffee, as we call it. This is the coffee that costs $8 for a piss cup size piece of peanut, almond, stool coffee. Starbucks or any of those other designer coffee places. I'm just not into that junk.
In Miami, you need to pay a quarter for a small pissant amount of coffee. But when you drink it you're wide awake.
It's Cuban Coffee bizacthes.
18-03-2005, 17:59
::Trumpets play::
Official Announcement!
RE: Offsite Earths
After some discussion, it has been agreed that membership of offsite Earths is perfectly fine and dandy. Although they may have recruited from NationStates, their RPs take place away from NS and therefore can't be said to be 'NS Earths'. However, should an off-site Earth start posting RPs on NS, then they would count as 'NS Earths' and therefore be subject to the 'Earth II only' rule.
::Trumpets play again::
18-03-2005, 20:06
Which therefore nullifies my saying Kroando is adios.
I claim Sierra Leone in Africa
Layarteb: Well, when I referred to Tim Horton's as Canada's version of "Starbucks" I was merely referring to the fact that there's a store literally everywhere- York University has four stores alone. It's actually just your regular coffee shop.
As for Kroando: I don't think I've ever seen them in an Earth II RP. That should technically nullify them.
The Lightning Star: Well, it's obvious you've never had an Italian cappucino then. Then you wouldn't be saying that you don't need it. :D
North Germania: Regarding your RP: I claim the Byzantine Empire (9th century: Greece-Turkey-Bulgaria, 13-14th century: northern Greece and northwestern Turkey)
North Germania: Regarding your RP: I claim the Byzantine Empire (9th century: Greece-Turkey-Bulgaria, 13-14th century: northern Greece and northwestern Turkey)
Hehe. If it's in the 9th century, prepare for a visit from the North...;)
Oh we will. With our Greek fire we will.
18-03-2005, 22:55
<-- has Ireland...bring it on!
NG post the link here to the thread.
The Lightning Star
18-03-2005, 23:56
Layarteb: Well, when I referred to Tim Horton's as Canada's version of "Starbucks" I was merely referring to the fact that there's a store literally everywhere- York University has four stores alone. It's actually just your regular coffee shop.
As for Kroando: I don't think I've ever seen them in an Earth II RP. That should technically nullify them.
The Lightning Star: Well, it's obvious you've never had an Italian cappucino then. Then you wouldn't be saying that you don't need it. :D
North Germania: Regarding your RP: I claim the Byzantine Empire (9th century: Greece-Turkey-Bulgaria, 13-14th century: northern Greece and northwestern Turkey)
You can't make a competition between Italian cappucino and Panamanian coffee. It's like comparing apples and oranges.
Layarteb, do I own the Galapagos since they are under Ecuadorian control, and also I am giving The NW Territories and Alaska back to Squorn and I will keep British Colombia. Negotiations are underway for Vancouver Island.
Also I would like to claim that part of Brazil it looks like in South America.
19-03-2005, 05:29
Yelm, they were sorta separate before you nabbed Equador. Someone claimed just them before ya claimed Equador and then they went to what Decree 12 right? And then everything just sorta got out of whack.
19-03-2005, 05:50
Layarteb, do I own the Galapagos since they are under Ecuadorian control, and also I am giving The NW Territories and Alaska back to Squorn and I will keep British Colombia. Negotiations are underway for Vancouver Island.
Also I would like to claim that part of Brazil it looks like in South America.
I am also supposed to get The Yukon Territory back.
Yea he gets all the territories I acquired and I only keep British Colombia.
So what about that claim i made?
19-03-2005, 23:12
What's the deal with Northwest Brazil? I said I'd be interested in annexing it back when Gintonpar first abandoned it. I believe I'm under my land limit by the required amount.
19-03-2005, 23:18
Another thing, what happened to Colodia? I've been out of it for a while.
20-03-2005, 03:43
Colodia left NS he said :(
From this thread:
-I get Vancouver Island
-Yelm gets British Columbia
-Squornshelous gets the Yukon, Northwest Territories and Alaska.
I must say, in my honest opinion that was the easiest peace conference I've ever held or experienced. No hard feelings or anything- only real compromise. If only real peace could be that easy...
Duke Barol
20-03-2005, 04:20
Colodia left NS he said :(
were all of his stuff claimed?
20-03-2005, 04:51
From this thread:
-I get Vancouver Island
-Yelm gets British Columbia
-Squornshelous gets the Yukon, Northwest Territories and Alaska.
I must say, in my honest opinion that was the easiest peace conference I've ever held or experienced. No hard feelings or anything- only real compromise. If only real peace could be that easy...
Yelm, Sqourn, does this sum it up?
:: listening to G'n'R, You Could Be Mine.
20-03-2005, 05:00
North Germania: The RP, I'd like to participate as Scotland. Layarteb's got Ireland, so this is the next best thing.
20-03-2005, 09:03
Hyperbia has recently made its first telecast.
New to the surface they are reaching out to all nearby nations in an effort to create ties and lasting relationships.
Neuvo Rica
20-03-2005, 12:59
the alliance I started a few days ago changed name to:
the Russian Friendship and Co - operation alliance
You can't make a competition between Italian cappucino and Panamanian coffee. It's like comparing apples and oranges.
All you people and your fancy coffee's. Drink it black, that's what is was made for. User's tip: Girly men should drink it this way, it will grow hair on your chest. Boil water, throw handful of grounds in said water, wait 5 minutes, pour in cup grains and all and drink. (Whole lot more kick that watered down Starbucks foofy mooty latte splatte, etc.) Coffee is coffee and I always laugh when people pay $3-5 bucks for a "fancy" Starbucks variety and you can buy a pound and make 200 cups yourself for that price. Same stuff different wrapper. I have had one cup of coffee from Starbucks and swore I would never drink that crap they "call" coffee never again.
Duke Barol
20-03-2005, 17:25
All you people and your fancy coffee's. Drink it black, that's what is was made for. User's tip: Girly men should drink it this way, it will grow hair on your chest. Boil water, throw handful of grounds in said water, wait 5 minutes, pour in cup grains and all and drink. (Whole lot more kick that watered down Starbucks foofy mooty latte splatte, etc.) Coffee is coffee and I always laugh when people pay $3-5 bucks for a "fancy" Starbucks variety and you can buy a pound and make 200 cups yourself for that price. Same stuff different wrapper. I have had one cup of coffee from Starbucks and swore I would never drink that crap they "call" coffee never again.
Hear Hear. I always drink it black, not with the grounds, but black.
The Lightning Star
20-03-2005, 18:12
All you people and your fancy coffee's. Drink it black, that's what is was made for. User's tip: Girly men should drink it this way, it will grow hair on your chest. Boil water, throw handful of grounds in said water, wait 5 minutes, pour in cup grains and all and drink. (Whole lot more kick that watered down Starbucks foofy mooty latte splatte, etc.) Coffee is coffee and I always laugh when people pay $3-5 bucks for a "fancy" Starbucks variety and you can buy a pound and make 200 cups yourself for that price. Same stuff different wrapper. I have had one cup of coffee from Starbucks and swore I would never drink that crap they "call" coffee never again.
Most Panamanian coffee is black. Capuccino isn't.
Besides, I am tea drinker. Yeah, you are going "Ooooh, you drink tea, your such a girly man," but I couldn't care less. I lived most of my life in former British Colonies(in fact this is the only country that wasn't. Mozambique wasn't, but it practically was. The country was under the control of the Portugese, but the British has companies everywhere), and I'll have you know that Tea drinkers(Britain, Spain, Portugal, etc) have, in the past, conquered coffee drinkers (The Aztecs, the Maya, etc.)
So, in retrospect, Coffee is the bane of civilization. Although it makes you "manly", you eventually go stupid(not to mention, your teeth get fugly). Tea is for real men, I.E. conquerers, inventors, tactitians, leaders, and scientists. Unfortunatly, it doesn't have as much caffeine, so you need to drink alot of tea to stay up longer..
20-03-2005, 18:20
Yelm, Sqourn, does this sum it up?
:: listening to G'n'R, You Could Be Mine.
Yep, that looks just fine.
I agree that black is the best way to drink coffee. People who make themselves a cup and then pour in cream and sugar until it's the color of a manilla folder are fooling themselves, they don't like coffee, they like coffee flavored milk. Homebrewed black coffee with the tiniest bit of sugar is how I drink it.
Most Panamanian coffee is black. Capuccino isn't.
Besides, I am tea drinker. Yeah, you are going "Ooooh, you drink tea, your such a girly man," but I couldn't care less. I lived most of my life in former British Colonies(in fact this is the only country that wasn't. Mozambique wasn't, but it practically was. The country was under the control of the Portugese, but the British has companies everywhere), and I'll have you know that Tea drinkers(Britain, Spain, Portugal, etc) have, in the past, conquered coffee drinkers (The Aztecs, the Maya, etc.)
So, in retrospect, Coffee is the bane of civilization. Although it makes you "manly", you eventually go stupid(not to mention, your teeth get fugly). Tea is for real men, I.E. conquerers, inventors, tactitians, leaders, and scientists. Unfortunatly, it doesn't have as much caffeine, so you need to drink alot of tea to stay up longer..
Meh. I drink both coffee and tea. Black coffee, as strong as humanly possible, in the morning to wake up, then tea in the afternoon/evening so I can get some sleep.
@Layatreb: So what about that claim i made on the last page?
So how is it there you at, everyone?
The Lightning Star
20-03-2005, 20:08
Meh. I drink both coffee and tea. Black coffee, as strong as humanly possible, in the morning to wake up, then tea in the afternoon/evening so I can get some sleep.
A regular Benedict Arnold, eh?
A regular Benedict Arnold, eh?
Meh, I guess the British had an influence on my family. You see, my dad worked in the North Sea earlier, and there were times when his ship was based in Aberdeen, Scotland. I visited him in Scotland a few times too, and picked up two things: a Scottish accent when I speak English, and a strange liking for tea... My dad started to drink tea for two reasons. One was that he can't drink too much coffee anymore because of a sensitive stomack, and the second is that he like tea.
So how is it there you at, everyone?
Great. My brother and three-year old nephew are visiting us, so I wake up every morning with a three-year old jumping on me... But it's ok. I only get to see them once every six months or so. Now, I'm kicking back and relaxing thru the easter holidays. Life is good! :D
The Lightning Star
20-03-2005, 20:26
Meh, I guess the British had an influence on my family. You see, my dad worked in the North Sea earlier, and there were times when his ship was based in Aberdeen, Scotland. I visited him in Scotland a few times too, and picked up two things: a Scottish accent when I speak English, and a strange liking for tea... My dad started to drink tea for two reasons. One was that he can't drink too much coffee anymore because of a sensitive stomack, and the second is that he like tea.
Ooooooh, interesting! A swede with a Scottish accent!
Ooooooh, interesting! A swede with a Scottish accent!
SWEDE?!!!!!!?!?!!!? *throws bricks after TLS* :sniper: :sniper: :mp5: :mp5: :mp5:
I'm Norwegian God-damned-it!!!!!!!
Great. My brother and three-year old nephew are visiting us, so I wake up every morning with a three-year old jumping on me... But it's ok. I only get to see them once every six months or so. Now, I'm kicking back and relaxing thru the easter holidays. Life is good! :D
Good for you man, i can't wait till the summer, they gonna give us a two week vacation. Right now i am basically working my ass off, i think i am developing narcolepsy. Heh. Anyways these forums are the great way to keep me awake during the breaks between studying. Life can be a whole lot better, i am actually starting to think of my service in the army as the good old times.
Good for you man, i can't wait till the summer, they gonna give us a two week vacation. Right now i am basically working my ass off, i think i am developing narcolepsy. Heh. Anyways these forums are the great way to keep me awake during the breaks between studying. Life can be a whole lot better, i am actually starting to think of my service in the army as the good old times.
Two weeks?!? We get two months.. Then again I'm in Secondary School (High School) and going into the military in a year and a half.
A guy in my German class got "orders" last week to go to the nearest military base for his "sesjon" (pre-military certification and medical examination) to take the psychological tests and stuff needed before he enter the military service. He don't wanna go, but he have to unless he want to go to jail for 3 years for skipping the one-year military service (AKA desertion). So, I'm expecting a letter in a brown envelope in the mail any day now...
Two weeks?!? We get two months.. Then again I'm in Secondary School (High School) and going into the military in a year and a half.
A guy in my German class got "orders" last week to go to the nearest military base for his "sesjon" (pre-military certification and medical examination) to take the psychological tests and stuff needed before he enter the military service. He don't wanna go, but he have to unless he want to go to jail for 3 years for skipping the one-year military service (AKA desertion). So, I'm expecting a letter in a brown envelope in the mail any day now...
Back in High School over here i got 3 months of summer vacation, the school always began on september the 1st. Right now its never regular and i have a suspicion that we only get vacation then our universitie's headmaster decides that he needs one.
What part of military are you joining?
Back in High School over here i got 3 months of summer vacation, the school always began on september the 1st. Right now its never regular and i have a suspicion that we only get vacation then our universitie's headmaster decides that he needs one.
What part of military are you joining?
I don't know. It depends on where they need me.
I kinda hope that I don't end up doing six months on the Russian border. Up there they are totally crazy. Anyone trying to cross the border from the Russian side risk getting shot in the leg/torso/head or get a pissed off attack dog on their arm/leg.
I really hope that I end up in either the navy or air force. Sitting on a frigate/MTB or an air base.
The Lightning Star
20-03-2005, 20:50
Two weeks?!? We get two months.. Then again I'm in Secondary School (High School) and going into the military in a year and a half.
A guy in my German class got "orders" last week to go to the nearest military base for his "sesjon" (pre-military certification and medical examination) to take the psychological tests and stuff needed before he enter the military service. He don't wanna go, but he have to unless he want to go to jail for 3 years for skipping the one-year military service (AKA desertion). So, I'm expecting a letter in a brown envelope in the mail any day now...
I get 7 weeks off, and I am in 7th grade! What a coinkidink! :p.
And you have to join the army? Meh, I am gonna join the Foreign Service, so I'll still serve my nation but I won't be put onto a minefield as cannon fodder ;)
I don't know. It depends on where they need me.
I kinda hope that I don't end up doing six months on the Russian border. Up there they are totally crazy. Anyone trying to cross the border from the Russian side risk getting shot in the leg/torso/head or get a pissed off attack dog on their arm/leg.
I really hope that I end up in either the navy or air force. Sitting on a frigate/MTB or an air base.
Wait, what nation are you from again?
We have a very similar situation over here, on the border with China, exept we shoot to kill if the Chinese don't turn around and go back after they are asked to.
I was never where myself but i know a couple of people who were.
The Lightning Star
20-03-2005, 21:02
Wait, what nation are you from again?
We have a very similar situation over here, on the border with China, exept we shoot to kill if they don't turn around and go back after they are asked to.
I was never where myself but i know a couple of people who were.
He's Swedish...
Or is it Finnish?
Naw, it's Swedish.
I only get 1 week off, but I am in 7th grade so :p.
And you have to join the army? Meh, I am gonna join the Foreign Service, so I'll still serve my nation but I won't be put onto a minefield as cannon fodder ;)
Where are you from? One week in seventh grade? They do realize that this might have a lasting psychological effect on you kids?
He's Swedish...
Or is it Finnish?
Naw, it's Swedish.
Sweedish? FOr some reason each time i hear Sweeden i think of a naked woman.
It must be Finland though, Sweden doesn't have a border with Russia.
I been to Finland many times, i live in Moscow now but i was born and lived most of my life in St.Petersburg, its a 4 hour drive from there to Finish border.
A lot of Finns who live near the border drive to Russia everyday for cheapper gas. That makes it hard to get out of Finland, i once had to wait 9 hours in the car because the line was so damn long.
The Lightning Star
20-03-2005, 21:10
Where are you from? One week in seventh grade? They do realize that this might have a lasting psychological effect on you kids?
I was confused when making that post. I thought j00 guys were referring to spring break.
Hehe, I get SEVEN weeks off then.
I'm Norwegian, as in Norway! Post #3304 (http://forums.jolt.co.uk/showpost.php?p=8486286&postcount=3304)
And yes, we share a 196 kilometer long border with Russia
Yeah sorry about that, i'll just have to say that TLS caused the confusion and my hands are clean.
So how does your draft system work? You don't choose which part of the army you want to get drafted into?
Yeah sorry about that, i'll just have to say that TLS caused the confusion and my hands are clean.
So how does your draft system work? You don't choose which part of the army you want to get drafted into?
I can tell the officers where I want to be, but it's the Military's need that has the last say. So I could end up anywhere. The system works kinda like this:
You get a message that you are to show up at a military base on a certain date for medical examination, psychological tests, etc.
Then the military place you, and when you graduate from Secondary School, you get a brown envelope in the mail with lots of papers and orders to be at a certain base on a certain date for boot camp. If you refuse, the cops come after you.
After boot camp, which last approx. 3 months, you are placed in a unit and stay there for the remaining 9 months of your required service time. After 12 months, you are presented with a choise: honorable discharge or continued service (higher rank and pay) for a certain amount of time, usually 2 - 7 years. Most take the honorable discharge.
You can also choose to get a higher education in the military. All they demand is that you give a few years of your life to the military as payment for the education.
All in all, they take 12 months of your life, but you get a lot of pension points and relatively good pay.
I can tell the officers where I want to be, but it's the Military's need that has the last say. So I could end up anywhere. The system works kinda like this:
You get a message that you are to show up at a military base on a certain date for medical examination, psychological tests, etc.
Then the military place you, and when you graduate from Secondary School, you get a brown envelope in the mail with lots of papers and orders to be at a certain base on a certain date for boot camp. If you refuse, the cops come after you.
After boot camp, which last approx. 3 months, you are placed in a unit and stay there for the remaining 9 months of your required service time. After 12 months, you are presented with a choise: honorable discharge or continued service (higher rank and pay) for a certain amount of time, usually 2 - 7 years. Most take the honorable discharge.
You can also choose to get a higher education in the military. All they demand is that you give a few years of your life to the military as payment for the education.
All in all, they take 12 months of your life, but you get a lot of pension points and relatively good pay.
Over here its similar, then you turn 16 you get an order to arrive for medical examination, once you're 18 you get an order to arrive to the closest drafting facility or military police gonna come after you. Once you there you get sent there ever they want you, you automatically become a footsoldier. If you wanna be a pilot or a member of a tank crew, or in the navy you have to complete a special course in the military school after which you get directed to there you want to be. As a footsoldier, you serve for 24 months and then go home.
I'm Norwegian, as in Norway! Post #3304 (http://forums.jolt.co.uk/showpost.php?p=8486286&postcount=3304)
And yes, we share a 196 kilometer long border with Russia
Is that Lappland or am I too far north?
Duke Barol
21-03-2005, 00:18
this is a realy depressing post, but while were on the topic, im signing up once i get my masters. if you know what i mean, keep it on the dl.
I confirm that I agree to the terms of the peace treaty. I keep British Colombia, except Vancouver Island, Squorn takes the remaining Canadian provinces, and RomeW takes Vancouver Island.
Over here its similar, then you turn 16 you get an order to arrive for medical examination, once you're 18 you get an order to arrive to the closest drafting facility or military police gonna come after you. Once you there you get sent there ever they want you, you automatically become a footsoldier. If you wanna be a pilot or a member of a tank crew, or in the navy you have to complete a special course in the military school after which you get directed to there you want to be. As a footsoldier, you serve for 24 months and then go home.
Well, here we get the message to show up the year we turn 18, then enter the service at age 19. I guess you'll have to apply to get into the cavalry, artillery, pilot school, etc here in Norway too.
Is that Lappland or am I too far north?
See for your self. I don't know what you define as Lappland...
21-03-2005, 00:56
Duke Barol: Yes all of Colodia's stuff has been claimed.
Neuvo Rica: Alliance?
The Lightning Star: Yeah honestly I drink coffee once a year and it's with milk and 1 sweet & low. Otherwise I drink tea. I personally enjoy Green Tea with Mint or any other tea for that matter. Hot Chocolate is a winner too!
Yelm, Sqourn, RomeW: Alright updated. Should I remove the Canadian Peace Conference thread and put it in inactive completed?
Pushka: Sierra Leone added.
But if you want real manley coffee drink Irish Coffee.
I wouldn't. The major part of the peace conference is complete. Only minor details need to be refined. It's still active though.
21-03-2005, 01:07
I wouldn't. The major part of the peace conference is complete. Only minor details need to be refined. It's still active though.
But if you want real manley coffee drink Irish Coffee.
Unfortunately I'm not old enough to drink Irish Coffee legally for another 4 months :(
Duke Barol
21-03-2005, 01:08
layarteb: whats going on with liebermonk? should i stop my galapagos post and act like it never happened?
@Layatreb: My claim? What about my claim? Anything? At all?
21-03-2005, 01:19
@Layatreb: My claim? What about my claim? Anything? At all?
Sierra Leone is yours see the post.
Duke, I don't know ask him.
Five Civilized Nations
21-03-2005, 02:43
Yo. Layarteb, I've been busy, so I haven't checked SABOT... If you need that sub, TG me. :p
21-03-2005, 02:44
Yo. Layarteb, I've been busy, so I haven't checked SABOT... If you need that sub, TG me. :p
Will do. Nothing new has really progressed though but I'll be in touch.
Duke Barol
21-03-2005, 02:54
Re: Morocco-O well
But there are plenty of other nations. i feel that i need a nation to my self, so, im gonna claim Norway and the UK, if i need to do so with a RP, let me know.
21-03-2005, 02:56
Re: Morocco-O well
But there are plenty of other nations. i feel that i need a nation to my self, so, im gonna claim Norway and the UK, if i need to do so with a RP, let me know.
Dude Kriegograd owns them.
Duke Barol
21-03-2005, 02:58
Dude Kriegograd owns them.
according to the claim chart, he's within bounds for decree 12
But there are plenty of other nations. i feel that i need a nation to my self, so, im gonna claim Norway and the UK, if i need to do so with a RP, let me know.
LOL!! If you're gonna invade Norway and the UK, good luck! You'll need it! Just FYI, the Roman Confederacy will most likely not come to your aid if you attack Kriegorgrad first. Just a friendly word of advice.
Layarteb, you haven't updated the Decree 12 status on Kriegorgrad yet. He said that he was gonna be in E2 now..
Duke Barol
21-03-2005, 03:01
by the way, its not that im an expansionist dog, just that for my purpos's i need a full country, and i am very greatfull for cotlands gift. but if i am to be taken serious, i need more land, and norway has alot of oil, wich would help fuel my rp's
Duke Barol
21-03-2005, 03:02
LOL!! If you're gonna invade Norway and the UK, good luck! You'll need it! Just FYI, the Roman Confederacy will most likely not come to your aid if you attack Kriegorgrad first. Just a friendly word of advice.
ok, i take that back. see my last post
If you're gonna face Kriegorgrad alone, you sure got some huge cojones. His military budget outnumber your entire government budget (info taken from ThirdGeek (http://nseconomy.thirdgeek.com/nseconomy.php?nation=))
Kriegorgrad Defence Budget: $8,548,312,455,302.40
Duke Barol Government Budget: $44,335,090,800.00
ok, i take that back. see my last post
If you really want land, I'll sell you Botswana for, say... 15 billion USD.
21-03-2005, 03:07
I updated it. Calm yeselves.
Duke Barol
21-03-2005, 03:08
If you're gonna face Kriegorgrad alone, you sure got some huge cojones. His military budget outnumber your entire government budget (info taken from ThirdGeek (http://nseconomy.thirdgeek.com/nseconomy.php?nation=))
Kriegorgrad Defence Budget: $8,548,312,455,302.40
Duke Barol Government Budget: $44,335,090,800.00
first, how did he come up with that info, that pretty cool.
second, i take back what i said about invading. its just that well, see -
Today 2:01 AM
Duke Barol:
by the way, its not that im an expansionist dog, just that for my purpos's i need a full country, and i am very greatfull for cotlands gift. but if i am to be taken serious, i need more land, and norway has alot of oil, wich would help fuel my rp's
I updated it. Calm yeselves.
BTW Layarteb. How's the Isla del Enferno (sp?) RP coming along? That's good stuff you're writing there. If you need some ideas, just ask..
Duke Barol
21-03-2005, 03:10
Im logging off soon, but do you have any suggestions? Chile?
21-03-2005, 03:11
Hey guys, I have an idea. What do you say we all finish the wars we have now and declare a sort of end to new wars for a while. Then we could get like a League of Nations/UN thing started and then progress again and see what happens. Sort of make it interesting? What do you think?
Duke Barol
21-03-2005, 03:11
I updated it. Calm yeselves.
The Lightning Star
21-03-2005, 03:12
If you're gonna face Kriegorgrad alone, you sure got some huge cojones. His military budget outnumber your entire government budget (info taken from ThirdGeek (http://nseconomy.thirdgeek.com/nseconomy.php?nation=))
Kriegorgrad Defence Budget: $8,548,312,455,302.40
Duke Barol Government Budget: $44,335,090,800.00
The Lightning Star Defence Budget :$10,090,338,756,584.63
Kriegorgrad Defence Budget: $8,548,312,455,302.40
Duke Barol
21-03-2005, 03:12
Hey guys, I have an idea. What do you say we all finish the wars we have now and declare a sort of end to new wars for a while. Then we could get like a League of Nations/UN thing started and then progress again and see what happens. Sort of make it interesting? What do you think?
if cotland is fine with it, so am i. but i still need a country to my self.
Hey guys, I have an idea. What do you say we all finish the wars we have now and declare a sort of end to new wars for a while. Then we could get like a League of Nations/UN thing started and then progress again and see what happens. Sort of make it interesting? What do you think?
Sounds good to me. Gives me a chance to reorganize my military. This might sound wierd, but for how long should the world peace last?
21-03-2005, 03:14
Sounds good to me. Gives me a chance to reorganize my military. This might sound wierd, but for how long should the world peace last?
No idea I could imagine a few weeks...sounds boring doesn't it LOL!
If you really want land, I'll sell you Botswana for, say... 15 billion USD.
Wadda ya say Duke?
21-03-2005, 03:14
The Lightning Star Defence Budget :$10,090,338,756,584.63
Kriegorgrad Defence Budget: $8,548,312,455,302.40
Tyrandis Defense Budget: $25,572,530,568,816.00
No idea I could imagine a few weeks...sounds boring doesn't it LOL!
Sounds okay to me.. It'll be kinda boring then, but then...
BTW Layarteb. How's the Isla del Enferno (sp?) RP coming along? That's good stuff you're writing there. If you need some ideas, just ask..
21-03-2005, 03:15
Defense budgets mean squat.
Cotland, I just hope it doesn't push anyone away.
Cotland Defense Budget: $1,656,971,019,054.00
Duke Barol
21-03-2005, 03:16
Wadda ya say Duke?
Ok, Thats 30b Federal Credits. By the way, is Botswanna land locked? i cant find it on the map.
The Lightning Star
21-03-2005, 03:18
Tyrandis Defense Budget: $25,572,530,568,816.00
But your defence budget can't defend against this!
*kicks Tyrandis in the crotch*
Cotland, I just hope it doesn't push anyone away.
Well, if it does there's more land for new arrivals (or us old-timers;)).. Seriously though, I hope that it doesn't come to that. Then it's better to cut down the peace time with a week or so :confused:
Ok, Thats 30b Federal Credits. By the way, is Botswanna land locked? i cant find it on the map.
It's in Africa and yes it is landlocked. Sorry.
21-03-2005, 03:35
Indeed Cotty.
Wow this was post #5600. I made 5k like weeks ago lol!
I would be agreeable to a two week cease-fire on wars (let all war RP's currently running to finish). However I don't think it should apply to land subject to invasions under decree 12. Otherwise land would lay unclaimed for the "timeout" period. This would cause a shark feeding frenzy at the end of the two week period and would cause an undue workload on Layarteb.
Just my two cents.
I wish to claim Chile. Tomorrow I'll start the thread.
The Lightning Star
21-03-2005, 04:09
2 week cease-fire?
Does that apply to Civil Wars?
21-03-2005, 04:09
Tyrandis Defense Budget: $25,572,530,568,816.00
Squornshelous Defense Budget
Duke Barol
21-03-2005, 04:10
With regard to the new un, would that make you, cotty and i suppose me, the co-founders? if so, i feel special.
g'night, ill b on tomorow
21-03-2005, 04:10
2 week cease-fire?
Does that apply to Civil Wars?
I would think not. I just mean from the external things you know. Sort of how it was between WWI and WWII.
The Lightning Star
21-03-2005, 04:15
I would think not. I just mean from the external things you know. Sort of how it was between WWI and WWII.
We really need a World War RP. It would screw up all these alliances, cause massive amounts of land exchange, the rise and fall of new powers, and the re-creation as Earth II as we know it.
My god, that would be so much fun!
21-03-2005, 04:16
We really need a World War RP. It would screw up all these alliances, cause massive amounts of land exchange, the rise and fall of new powers, and the re-creation as Earth II as we know it.
My god, that would be so much fun!
Yes which is my ultimate thing. That's why I say that we should have that lull and then BREAK IT :).
21-03-2005, 04:27
We really need a World War RP. It would screw up all these alliances, cause massive amounts of land exchange, the rise and fall of new powers, and the re-creation as Earth II as we know it.
My god, that would be so much fun!
That would be so awesome!
Hey guys, I have an idea. What do you say we all finish the wars we have now and declare a sort of end to new wars for a while. Then we could get like a League of Nations/UN thing started and then progress again and see what happens. Sort of make it interesting? What do you think?
I don't think there's a lot going on now...the only really "major" war- the invasion of The WIck and Aequatio- was just finished. Besides, the way Earth II is evolving it doesn't look like a UN is needed- blocs are not being created and everyone seems to be getting along quite nicely here; and, hey, I'm kind of acting like a personal "UN" here anyway- already I'm hosting two peace conferences, and I'm involved in four alliances (one NS-wide (The New Roman Empire), one I created (The Roman Confederacy) and two other alliances that I've joined (North Pacific Treaty Organization and the Siberian Pact)), with some other memberships pending. So I don't think we need a *formal* world body just yet.
Damned it Layarteb. I knew that that nickname would stick....
As for the world war, I'm in!
The Lightning Star
21-03-2005, 04:31
Well, seeing how we have 2 weeks, I think we should get cracking on the World War idea.
Heres a few basic, basic questions.
1. Who will be the main players?(A.K.A. the people who start the war)
2. What will the war be about?
21-03-2005, 04:32
Cotland, no idea what nickname are you talking about.
TLS, I'm not quite sure. I imagine someone will push some envelope and go crazy.
The Lightning Star
21-03-2005, 04:33
Damn, if only Parthia were still here.
I mean, we nearly went to war a bagizillion times. And it was the perfect setting..
Indeed Cotty.
With regard to the new un, would that make you, cotty and i suppose me, the co-founders? if so, i feel special.
That one. It don't really matter though. As long as you all remember that my nation name is Cotland. But if you must, use Cotty...
Patience people we have two weeks until things are plunged into all craziness. I suspect things will boil over soon enough.
21-03-2005, 04:36
Patience people we have two weeks until things are plunged into all craziness. I suspect things will boil over soon enough.
Well that was just an ideal proposal, we'd sort of haev to wait until things died down. By the way RomeW you are indeed right about little UN on your own there.
The Lightning Star
21-03-2005, 04:37
That one. It don't really matter though. As long as you all remember that my nation name is Cotland. But if you must, use Cotty...
Ok Cotty ;)
If we are to establish a Earth II UN, I nominate RomeW as chairman.
Teh ninjas
21-03-2005, 04:42
Maybe it could be a two week peroid of high tensions. You know military mobilizations, and increases in military purchases. Just so not everything is boring.
About the U.N. I wouldn't think too many people would participate in that. Most that I know of aren't in the U.N. My region is actually anti-UN, believing that every nation should choose it's own decisions and that every nation has its own right to rule itself.
The Lightning Star
21-03-2005, 04:43
If we are to establish a Earth II UN, I nominate RomeW as chairman.
I nomitate Kofi Annan!
Or, better yet, we can get someone from Off-Earth.
Maybe Roach-busters? He isn't affiliated with any organization on this Earth, he is a level-headed person, and he is k00ler than anyone here.
21-03-2005, 04:43
Maybe it could be a two week peroid of high tensions. You know military mobilizations, and increases in military purchases. Just so not everything is boring.
Sounds solid. I'm always up for putting pressure on borders.
The Lightning Star
21-03-2005, 04:45
Maybe it could be a two week peroid of high tensions. You know military mobilizations, and increases in military purchases. Just so not everything is boring.
Yeah, but we need a reason. Last I checked, the Parthia-TLS border was the largest high-tension zone, and once Parthia went away so did 90% of the tension.
Maybe a war in China?
21-03-2005, 04:46
I could put tensions on my Samtonian & IDF borders.
21-03-2005, 04:47
I don't think there's a lot going on now...the only really "major" war- the invasion of The WIck and Aequatio- was just finished. Besides, the way Earth II is evolving it doesn't look like a UN is needed- blocs are not being created and everyone seems to be getting along quite nicely here; and, hey, I'm kind of acting like a personal "UN" here anyway- already I'm hosting two peace conferences, and I'm involved in four alliances (one NS-wide (The New Roman Empire), one I created (The Roman Confederacy) and two other alliances that I've joined (North Pacific Treaty Organization and the Siberian Pact)), with some other memberships pending. So I don't think we need a *formal* world body just yet.
USSR invading me should have been a "major war, but it died(ish). If you want someone to start it, make Operation Bahrani freedom inactive, and give me a chance to update my military. The only danger is that someone will pull out a nuke and E2 will become a charchoal briquette as everyone nukes each other into tiny radioactive bits (i cant spell)
21-03-2005, 04:49
i could counter attack Hogsy, or TLS or Rome could start punic war 4, hmm...how to start WWIII?
The Lightning Star
21-03-2005, 04:51
I could put tensions on my Samtonian & IDF borders.
TLS's List of Possible Tension Spots
NeoSuun Zhongua-The Island of Rise
Layarteb-GnOoLoCoPeLep(clash of t3h super-powers!)
North Germania-Hogsweat
North Germania-Everyone(well, it's kinda hard NOT to think he's and expansionist when you see he owns 70% of Europe)
Cotland-North Germania
Teh ninjas
21-03-2005, 04:55
I could put tensions on my Samtonian & IDF borders.
They're my allies so if you do that I'd probably make a public annoucment asking for the decrease of military units along the IDF and Samtonian borders.
TLS's List of Possible Tension Spots
NeoSuun Zhongua-The Island of Rise
Layarteb-GnOoLoCoPeLep(clash of t3h super-powers!)
North Germania-Hogsweat
North Germania-Everyone(well, it's kinda hard NOT to think he's and expansionist when you see he owns 70% of Europe)
Cotland-North Germania
Looks good, other then the Cotland-NG thing. Me and NG are allies you see. Make that Cotland-Kriegorgrad or Cotland-Hogsweat.
If we are to establish a Earth II UN, I nominate RomeW as chairman.
Thanks. Although by the looks of it in two weeks there won't be a world left... :S
Though I'd probably work to stop the war and defuse tensions, for obvious reasons- (1) our interests are better protected when there is peace and (2) we've had our fair share of problems with major wars and have now learned that keeping peace means surviving. That's just my nature though- I get too attached to Rome and I try to make sure it survives. It does sound "un-Roman" to look for peace, but in a way it is- the ancient Romans liked to get involved in everything and this is just an extension of that. We just don't invade like we used to and are more willing to work together with everyone else instead of dominating them.
However, this war does seem inevitable...I'll have to get back to you on this.
Looks like Europe is the hotspot.
So I guess it will be a race to see who whacks who between the eyes first in two weeks?
Anyone for a bareknuckled boxing match?
21-03-2005, 05:05
Well we should try VERY hard to keep this from going nuclear. I mean limited CBW use sure but we should try very hard to avoid nukes, 1/2 of us have them and lots of them.
Teh ninjas
21-03-2005, 05:13
I only have 8,000ish nukes. That's less than RL U.S. I think.
Also to be a real world war all parts of the world must be affected. That includes Antartica, Central America, Africa, maybe even Australia. Let's not make this just a Europe or North America thing.
Teh ninjas
21-03-2005, 05:13
I only have 8,000ish nukes. That's less than RL U.S. I think.
Also to be a real world war all parts of the world must be affected. That includes Antartica, Central America, Africa, maybe even Australia. Let's not make this just a Europe or North America thing.
The Lightning Star
21-03-2005, 05:15
Looks good, other then the Cotland-NG thing. Me and NG are allies you see. Make that Cotland-Kriegorgrad or Cotland-Hogsweat.
I was allies with Parthia as well ;).
The thing is, NG is the Superpower of the North. You are the second most powerful nation up there, and are the only one who could really withstand an attack by NG on the Russian front.
Besides, it's the perfect plot! One of your nations get's taken over by a radical leader who preaches expansion and the destruction of your "ally".
Yeah, but we need a reason. Last I checked, the Parthia-TLS border was the largest high-tension zone, and once Parthia went away so did 90% of the tension.
Maybe a war in China?
China I like...it's a relatively new theatre and thus would be a great spot for tensions. Besides, who said every World War had to be in Europe?
I'm not really comfortable fighting against NG, but if he attacks me I'll defend myself. Why not take Kriegorgrad instead? He's pretty powerful...
The Lightning Star
21-03-2005, 05:22
Well we should try VERY hard to keep this from going nuclear. I mean limited CBW use sure but we should try very hard to avoid nukes, 1/2 of us have them and lots of them.
I agree.
However, I think towards the end there should be limited nuclear activities (I.E. One side, in it's last days, launches a n00k and blows up an enemy capital).
The Lightning Star
21-03-2005, 05:31
China I like...it's a relatively new theatre and thus would be a great spot for tensions. Besides, who said every World War had to be in Europe?
China would be good.
Or in India..
Or an India-China war!
(Ok, now it is officialy sad that I am trying to work myself into a main player in the war. I am sorry, I can't help it. I seem to have this thing that makes it feel good when my nation is pushed to the brink of existance. I think it has something to do with my love of the underdog...)
Looks good, other then the Cotland-NG thing. Me and NG are allies you see. Make that Cotland-Kriegorgrad or Cotland-Hogsweat.
Technically you're also allies with them too- both Kriegorgrad and Hogsweat are Roman Confederacy members.
I agree.
However, I think towards the end there should be limited nuclear activities (I.E. One side, in it's last days, launches a n00k and blows up an enemy capital).
As long as that enemy capital ISN'T Rome then I'll be okay.
The Lightning Star
21-03-2005, 05:43
As long as that enemy capital ISN'T Rome then I'll be okay.
No one would like their capitals n00ked, RW. However, sometimes you gotta make sacrifices for the sake of the RP.
Of course, the only situation where it's even possible for j00 to get n00ked is if you are one of the two central characters in the war, and there is really only one situation I can think of (Carthage vs Rome, take 4.)
So j00 gots nothing to worry ab00t.
China would be good.
Or in India..
Or an India-China war!
(Ok, now it is officialy sad that I am trying to work myself into a main player in the war. I am sorry, I can't help it. I seem to have this thing that makes it feel good when my nation is pushed to the brink of existance. I think it has something to do with my love of the underdog...)
Must have something to do with your love of Carthage...they're REALLY underrated and undercovered in history. All we seem to know about them is that Rome defeated them in three wars- nothing else. It's not like Parthia where all we have is Roman accounts- the Carthaginians and their predecessors the Phoenicians DID leave contemporary sources, and they were quite the power before Rome came along. Yet all most people seem to care about is the Punic Wars and that's not right. At least it's better than Assyria's treatment- they're relatively unknowns to anyone other than history fans, and yet they were one of the most successful (and nationalistic) empires in history. Shalmaneser III deserves respect!
(sorry about that...I have issues...)
The Lightning Star
21-03-2005, 05:56
Must have something to do with your love of Carthage...they're REALLY underrated and undercovered in history. All we seem to know about them is that Rome defeated them in three wars- nothing else. It's not like Parthia where all we have is Roman accounts- the Carthaginians and their predecessors the Phoenicians DID leave contemporary sources, and they were quite the power before Rome came along. Yet all most people seem to care about is the Punic Wars and that's not right. At least it's better than Assyria's treatment- they're relatively unknowns to anyone other than history fans, and yet they were one of the most successful (and nationalistic) empires in history. Shalmaneser III deserves respect!
(sorry about that...I have issues...)
That's the problem with history classes today. It seems that (and this is just a suggestion, not an actual fact) that the middle-class white people that dominate most of the first world focus more on the Europeans(the Romans, the Greeks, etc) and leave out the non-Europeans(Assyria, Parthia, Persia, Carthage, and baisically everything BUT the American Civilizations and Egypt) in the sk00l history classes.
It's a shame, actually.
No one would like their capitals n00ked, RW. However, sometimes you gotta make sacrifices for the sake of the RP.
Of course, the only situation where it's even possible for j00 to get n00ked is if you are one of the two central characters in the war, and there is really only one situation I can think of (Carthage vs Rome, take 4.)
So j00 gots nothing to worry ab00t.
True...I am trying to make the Earth II nation a colony than my main nation, but I still get attached. However, it's doubtful I'd get involved as a major military player- I'm more of a peacemaker. I do see myself as the one who will resolve the conflict, however.
That's the problem with history classes today. It seems that (and this is just a suggestion, not an actual fact) that the middle-class white people that dominate most of the first world focus more on the Europeans(the Romans, the Greeks, etc) and leave out the non-Europeans(Assyria, Parthia, Persia, Carthage, and baisically everything BUT the American Civilizations and Egypt) in the sk00l history classes.
It's a shame, actually.
Agreed- and it's a shame, really. There are so many wonderful cultures and peoples to learn about- the Arabs, the Khmer, China, the Guptas, Han, etc.- that it's a shame that they're shoved to the back. In fact, Europe was the world backwater for centuries following the Fall of the West- India, China and the Middle East were actually the leading economic powers up until the 1800s actually (the Arabs, for example, almost industrialized as early as 1200).
Plus, I'd also argue that not everyone in the West gets a fair shake- the Byzantines are pretty much reviled in history, and even the Romans do get a little bit of a rap because they persecuted Christians and had "barbaric" games. France gets a bad reputation for being overtly nationalistic, the Germans take the rap for Hitler and the Scandinavians get ignored. It's pretty much only the British and the Americans who seem to get away scott free, despite the fact they've been in on dubious crimes themselves (the British once sprayed mustard gas on the Iraqis. MUSTARD GAS). One day all peoples will get their respect. One day.
21-03-2005, 06:30
Okay I'm not fond of this but I may have to be the sacrificial lamb in this nuclear thing, which I would say please no not on my capital but Falcon City (aka Boston) would be doable. But let's hope I don't have to be that lamb.
The Lightning Star
21-03-2005, 06:33
Okay I'm not fond of this but I may have to be the sacrificial lamb in this nuclear thing, which I would say please no not on my capital but Falcon City (aka Boston) would be doable. But let's hope I don't have to be that lamb.
Why don't you do somewhere else?
Like Philly!
Maybe we need to establish a *no nuke* clause or have some RP guidelines regarding their deployment- if it's going to be a touchy issue we need to address it.
21-03-2005, 09:34
You guys want a war in China....
Then you're facing both TIOR and myself. Alternatively, I could launch a surprise attack on TIOR, thus dragging his allies into the conflict; I can use the quiet period before any war to gain some allies of my own.
I know TIOR's going to be slightly unimpressed when he reads the second idea, but I'm just brainstorming.
The Island of Rose
21-03-2005, 15:19
A... war... in... China?! Good luck! I have a freakishly large space station just ready to launch MIRVs at anybody who launches ICBMs of friggen doom.
Also, RomeW you are allied to ME! That would cause a big diplomatic fuck up, and I don't need that.
ALSO! I have crazed Chinamen who will DEFEND THE AGH! MOTHERLAND! To the death.
So errh... don't start mess with China >.>
The Lightning Star
21-03-2005, 15:55
A... war... in... China?! Good luck! I have a freakishly large space station just ready to launch MIRVs at anybody who launches ICBMs of friggen doom.
Also, RomeW you are allied to ME! That would cause a big diplomatic fuck up, and I don't need that.
ALSO! I have crazed Chinamen who will DEFEND THE AGH! MOTHERLAND! To the death.
So errh... don't start mess with China >.>
Exactly, TIOR. It would be the perfect scenario! The Imposing half of China, TIOR, invades it's weaker and surprised neighbor, leading to international outcry! Carthage allies with the other China, and invades TIOR. All the alliances are brought in and are all screwed up!
The Island of Rose
21-03-2005, 16:03
Exactly, TIOR. It would be the perfect scenario! The Imposing half of China, TIOR, invades it's weaker and surprised neighbor, leading to international outcry! Carthage allies with the other China, and invades TIOR. All the alliances are brought in and are all screwed up!
There is no imposing half. The North and South are good in their own rights. Anyway, I don't attack anybody for no reason, so don't expect anything hm? I don't need a war at the moment.
The Lightning Star
21-03-2005, 16:05
There is no imposing half. The North and South are good in their own rights. Anyway, I don't attack anybody for no reason, so don't expect anything hm? I don't need a war at the moment.
We're just looking at scenarios!
I really wish Parthia were still here....
The Island of Rose
21-03-2005, 16:07
We're just looking at scenarios!
I really wish Parthia were still here....
Yes too bad they'll never happen ;)
Duke Barol
21-03-2005, 16:24
wow, i leave for a few measly hours, and e2 starts talking about n00klear war. ok
Point 1: I have n00ks also as of tomorow, ask larayteb.
Point 2: A nuclear exchange will involve all of e2
Point 3: We will need some sort of Regulations for a n00klear exchange (i am more than willing to write it)
Point 4: The nation that launches first, will probably be completely decimated from a second strike from the rest of the world, therefore, removed from e2.
Point 5: Going back to Point 2, the fall out will completly screw up the economy of all nations in the contenent, by giving most of the populus cancer.
Point 6: After the war the technology will ahve to be scaled back, like it would be in real life.
Point 7: After the war, countrys will scramble to take the countrys decimated by the war, and those countrys who still have n00ks. (read the book "Ressurection Day")
Point 8: If it were to be in the eastern asia theatre, think about how much wild life, how many people just minding there own buisness, that will die. The east yang-tsung estuary is a prime example of the wildlife. Species will cease to exist. (Read teh Book "Sea Strike")
Final Point 9: We will nead to set up governments iin all country affected by the war, to prevent other wars. Also we will need a special UN, one for Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treatys.
No matter which way this war goes, i would like to be a player in it. From my knowledge on Nuclear wars, from reaserch papers and other readings, i can make this more realistic.
Duke Barol
PS: Larayteb and Cotty if you go this route, i have information to give you. My msn is jbarol@hotmail.com My aim is mconfsd
North Germania
21-03-2005, 16:43
Ok, just to make a few things clear, as it seems I haven't been informing people of my newest policies.
First, I have almost all the land I want.
Second, I have no desire to fight a war with Hogsweat, even if we do share a border.
Third, I'll soon be announcing the "Pax Germania" [assuming a World War doesn't break out, and I'm thinking it will start in Kaliningrad or in the East].
Fourth, I'll have the Medieval RP sign-up thread up and running soon. So for everyone who is interested, keep the nations you want in mind.
Fifth, if a war were to break out in Europe, Kriegorgrad and Hawdawg would most likely be largely involved, which could mean some fighting in Mainland Europe between Krieg and I. Though I doubt anyone would want to attempt to invade "Fortress Europe" and the military power I have stationed there. I am not being arrogant, I am merely stating a fact.
Sixth, I don't plan on being as expansionist as I was before since I have almost all the land I want. However, who knows what may happen if a World War erupts.
Seventh, war would be incredibly hard to avoid from my part if a member of The October Alliance was attacked. And I believe everyone knows how that ends.
Duke Barol, keep in mind that you share a land border with me in Africa if you purchased Botswana. I'm sitting right next to you in South Africa, so I recommend you don't get hostile with any allies of mine.
Off topic, Cotland you are from Norway. I need to learn a Scandinavian language, so if you want to learn German, we can teach eachother those respective languages.
- Tomas K.
North Germania
21-03-2005, 16:48
Oh, and about the Medieval RP, I'll be playing The Holy Roman Empire, which was huge.
So, depending on the dates we all agree upon, I'm sure everyone will get a piece of land they're happy with.
- Tomas
The Island of Rose
21-03-2005, 16:52
Oh, and about the Medieval RP, I'll be playing The Holy Roman Empire, which was huge.
So, depending on the dates we all agree upon, I'm sure everyone will get a piece of land they're happy with.
- Tomas
Errh... can I be Rome?
Duke Barol
21-03-2005, 17:13
Duke Barol, keep in mind that you share a land border with me in Africa if you purchased Botswana. I'm sitting right next to you in South Africa, so I recommend you don't get hostile with any allies of mine.
ooc:Who are your allies, by the way, if i offended you or your nations in my previous post, i appoligize, i was just stating the facts.
ooc:Who are your allies, by the way, if i offended you or your nations in my previous post, i appoligize, i was just stating the facts.
I believe (and I may be mistaken) that the October Alliance, which include both Layarteb, North Germania and Soviet Bloc, are the most powerful alliance in Earth II.
And Botswana is your when you pay the 15 billion...
21-03-2005, 17:36
I like the Punic War idea, im kinda stuck in the middle with Sicily. I have nine nuclear weapons, so thats not all that big a deal for me. let me know when the ceasefire starts, so i can prepare.
i think the ceasefire needs to end with all the big allainces, specifically the RC, so it isnt a one sided war
21-03-2005, 17:51
We're just looking at scenarios!
I really wish Parthia were still here....
NeoSuun Zhonghua (aka North China) is looking at a few scenarios itself....
The Lightning Star
21-03-2005, 18:35
I believe (and I may be mistaken) that the October Alliance, which include both Layarteb, North Germania and Soviet Bloc, are the most powerful alliance in Earth II.
And Botswana is your when you pay the 15 billion...
They may have large population, but the confederacy could more than hold it's own against the October alliance...
A war between the October Alliance and the Roman Confederacy!
Think ab00t it. It would really span the entire world. There would be fighting the in the Jungles of Panama, the Black Forest of Germany, the Great Plains, the Sahara desert, the streets of Rome, the seas off the eastcoast, the taiga of Russia!
Of course, NG would hafta do something to get it expelled from the Confederacy...
Duke Barol
21-03-2005, 19:58
I believe (and I may be mistaken) that the October Alliance, which include both Layarteb, North Germania and Soviet Bloc, are the most powerful alliance in Earth II.
And Botswana is your when you pay the 15 billion...
ooc:i thought i did pay it, o well
ooc:-ooooooo i certanly dont want to offend you, wait, how did i threaten you guys? Just wondering.
IC: In a message to Cotland-
I am currently wiring the 15b USD to your embassy in algeria. you should recieve it shortly.
Duke Barol
21-03-2005, 20:00
They may have large population, but the confederacy could more than hold it's own against the October alliance...
A war between the October Alliance and the Roman Confederacy!
Think ab00t it. It would really span the entire world. There would be fighting the in the Jungles of Panama, the Black Forest of Germany, the Great Plains, the Sahara desert, the streets of Rome, the seas off the eastcoast, the taiga of Russia!
Of course, NG would hafta do something to get it expelled from the Confederacy...
a few things, i dont mind this, minus the fact that i thiink that both layarteb and cottland are part of the confederacy, and i have embassies in both of their countries
also, ill probably immeadatly lose my property in botswanna.
21-03-2005, 20:53
Can someone bring me up to speed on what is happeneing, I have sort of been out of it for a while now :S
It gets confusing reading 100+ posts :)
21-03-2005, 20:56
I have intentions of ceding my African territories sans Comoros and expanding into Northwestern Brazil and South into Yoboland-held Chile. However, I can halt the Chilean campaign for two weeks and focus solely on forces building up at the border. This comes at a time when I've decided it would be beneficial to consolidate my territories in a place where they can share a border or lack thereof. Anyway, I'll hold off on my plans if we do indeed decide to stop the wars for a while.
As for this World War you all seem so intent on, I'll find a way to participate. I dislike the idea of being a part of the alliances that could potentially spark the war, but I'll look for other ways to get in on it. I think South America could be a good place to spread our rps. We've left it relatively untouched and it's residents are, for the most part, superpowers. I think South America could produce an interesting situation if we sat down and thought about it.
21-03-2005, 21:34
The Commonwealth of Greater Eire Assaults Chile in this thread!--- http://forums.jolt.co.uk/showthread.php?p=8494740#post8494740
Yeah, I couldn't help myself. Layarteb, don't worry about land limitations, I'll be giving up my African possessions shortly. Yelm, I know you had interests in Chile, but I'd be happy to give you Kenya and Tanzania.
The Island of Rose
21-03-2005, 21:52
RomeW, I am prepared to give you an insane amount of money for the District of Miami, Florida. Why? Number one I live there, two I need an Atlantic/Carribean base. Minus the keys of course.
I will give Taiwan in exchange for the District of Miami. Plus money.
You see where the red dot is? I want that and the whole district surrounding it. I've done the math and I won't go over my limit.
Duke Barol
21-03-2005, 22:06
wait, are we doing the n00klear war, and how did i offend you (gk)
21-03-2005, 22:09
I would be willing to be a sacrifical lamb, lose all my territories and become a zionist style group (Bahrainist?, Elephantist?)
The Lightning Star
21-03-2005, 22:14
Can someone bring me up to speed on what is happeneing, I have sort of been out of it for a while now :S
It gets confusing reading 100+ posts :)
We're preparing for the the Earth's World War.
I've already got a name for it: Earth II: World at War(yes, I know it's unoriginal, but i'd like to see j00 come up with a better name!)
Oh, and here's another Idea:
You know how there are alot of fanatically religious countries in Earth II, right? Well, I've come up with an idea: Some nation *cough*myself*cough* creates something that is considered "blasphemy", I.E. Sentient Computers, Clones, Genetically-changed h00mans(all of those will be possible within 20 years, which is considered by most people to be the "cap" for Modern tech).
Of course, you may not like it, but I find it fine. Of course, I also download episodes of Ghost in the Shell-Stand Alone Complex, and I'm betting the only one.
*sigh* No one appreciates the mind of a genius.
The Island of Rose
21-03-2005, 22:18
We? I never said you could represent my views :P
Duke Barol
21-03-2005, 22:18
We're preparing for the the Earth's World War.
I've already got a name for it: Earth II: World at War(yes, I know it's unoriginal, but i'd like to see j00 come up with a better name!)
Oh, and here's another Idea:
You know how there are alot of fanatically religious countries in Earth II, right? Well, I've come up with an idea: Some nation *cough*myself*cough* creates something that is considered "blasphemy", I.E. Sentient Computers, Clones, Genetically-changed h00mans(all of those will be possible within 20 years, which is considered by most people to be the "cap" for Modern tech).
Of course, you may not like it, but I find it fine. Of course, I also download episodes of Ghost in the Shell-Stand Alone Complex, and I'm betting the only one.
*sigh* No one appreciates the mind of a genius.
1. i think its fine. but before you go nuklear, check my post.
2.your right, no one appreciats you
wait, that was mean.
im sorry that no one appreciates you. there better? want a cookie?
well go and get one your self, what do i look like, your mother/>
Neuvo Rica
21-03-2005, 22:21
Hmm, a war starting ... sounds like fun...:p
Can I lay claim to the chechen republic if no one else has already?
The Lightning Star
21-03-2005, 22:26
We? I never said you could represent my views :P
Well, if you don't prepare, then you are going to be screwed over. A large number of nations will be involved, and all the superpowers will(I.E. people with either an uber-amount of land or an uber-amount of influence. Like you, me, Rome, Cotland, Layarteb, Hogsweat, etc...)
21-03-2005, 22:27
Heh, this war is reminding me of the Cold War. Two major powers go to war, they attract other nations not apart of either power to join there side, and they have them kill each other over it. One, I do like this idea for a war. I would side with NG and Lay though, there friends of mine and we have helped each other in a lot of wars/conflicts. So don't forget this fact, there will also be fighting in Pacific Ocean!!!
Also, my friend Nerotika is soooooooo boored to the point that apparently he is invading me lol.
Duke Barol
21-03-2005, 22:28
Layarteb, i havnt heard from liebermonk, ive tg'd him, posted on his threads, and all of that stuff.
here is my post about takingthe galapagos. can you mark it up as mine. galapagos (http://forums.jolt.co.uk/showthread.php?t=405809)
The Island of Rose
21-03-2005, 22:30
Well, if you don't prepare, then you are going to be screwed over. A large number of nations will be involved, and all the superpowers will(I.E. people with either an uber-amount of land or an uber-amount of influence. Like you, me, Rome, Cotland, Layarteb, Hogsweat, etc...)
I personally think it should be an off forum thing. Some nations (like me) don't want a war. You shouldn't be dragging people to your ideas.
Duke Barol
21-03-2005, 22:31
if we do a cuban missle crises gone wrong, you people need to do reaserch. as far as i can tell, im the only one who has any knowedge of what a real nuclear war is like. i site my 13+ research papers as evidence to support my stand.
The Island Of Rose: (1) Gintonpar owns Miami. I just have Sanibel, which is on the other side of Florida.
(2) I'm aware that we're allies and I don't want to start a war between us. Scratch China then. Hmmm...I like GnOoLoCoPeLep's idea of a war in South America.
Duke Barol: Layarteb is not a Confederacy member. I do have embassies in his nation though.
The Lightning Star: Another major problem (besides North Germania's alliance on both sides) with the Roman Confederacy-October Alliance War: Cotland and I are really close allies and he's also in the October Alliance. So it's next to impossible for a war to start between us.
I'd also like to state that if the Roman Confederacy is stopping war, then it's doing its job. Part of the reason why I created the Confederacy is for protection (just like any smart nation would), providing truth in the saying that there is strength in numbers. No sane nation would ever want to interact on the international scene alone, because no one is that strong, and the RC is an extension of that.
Having said that, the RC is a defensive alliance- nations are not supposed to use it to further their own interests. A recent example is Hogsweat's invasion of Bahrain- since Hogsweat is the aggressor there, the RC isn't obliged to help out since Hogsweat itself is not threatenned. A RC member can invade a non-member and the non-member does not have to worry about a fifty-nation pileup because the aggressor is a RC member. Just thought I'd clear that up.
With all that said, I suggest that maybe we have a rule that no nation actually gets conquered as a result of this World War (we'd all be able to retain a small piece of land of our own choosing), because that is partly what is stopping my involvement, although the way I've been acting I doubt I'd get involved in a war as an aggressor (I'm a peacemaker). I really suggest a South America war since it does not seem like there are a lot of factions over there (although Gintonpar has E Brazil). I don't know- I don't like the idea of splitting the RC because I put in a lot of effort in creating and maintaining it and I'd hope it would remain strong.
I personally think it should be an off forum thing. Some nations (like me) don't want a war. You shouldn't be dragging people to your ideas.
Agreed. I don't want a war either.
The Lightning Star
21-03-2005, 22:37
I personally think it should be an off forum thing. Some nations (like me) don't want a war. You shouldn't be dragging people to your ideas.
Just to let you know, it's Layartebs, and ab00t 7 gillion other peoples Idea too. I guess you could sit in your sissy seat and watch us have fun, but that would be...unfun.
Rome: Ok then. It was just a suggestion.
Oh, and how the Hell is Cotland in the October Alliance? He wasn't made in October 2003!
The Lightning Star
21-03-2005, 22:39
Agreed. I don't want a war either.
You guys are real party poopers, y'know that? The old Earth II(and most of the other Earths) are overflowing with action, excitment, and fun. In the old Earth, massive war would break out over entire continents. Entire countries got n00ked into the ground.
It seems that all of Earth II has turned into a bunch of people who don't want to do anything interesting...
The Island of Rose
21-03-2005, 22:39
Just to let you know, it's Layartebs, and ab00t 7 gillion other peoples Idea too. I guess you could sit in your sissy seat and watch us have fun, but that would be...unfun.
Yes, watch you people exhaust your economies while we prosper, I'll do just that ;)
The Lightning Star
21-03-2005, 22:41
Yes, watch you people exhaust your economies while we prosper, I'll do just that ;)
Damn, your like the Swiss!
With your chocolate and your cheese!
The Island of Rose
21-03-2005, 22:41
You guys are real party poopers, y'know that? The old Earth II(and most of the other Earths) are overflowing with action, excitment, and fun. In the old Earth, massive war would break out over entire continents. Entire countries got n00ked into the ground.
It seems that all of Earth II has turned into a bunch of people who don't want to do anything interesting...
Well excuse me if I don't have the time to RP a world war! I HAVE SINNED AGAINST GOD! STRIKE ME DOWN!
The Lightning Star
21-03-2005, 22:44
Well excuse me if I don't have the time to RP a world war! I HAVE SINNED AGAINST GOD! STRIKE ME DOWN!
*kicks TIOR in crotch*
The Island of Rose
21-03-2005, 22:45
*kicks TIOR in crotch*
(watches as the plagues infest TLS)
In all seriousness, you could join W@W, or make and E2 version of W@W (which you said yourself) that we each RPed as one country with the same pop we have now.
Yes I stole Mac's idea.
Duke Barol
21-03-2005, 22:47
sigh ::shakes heads::
Kicks tior and tls in crotch.
what ever cotty and lararteb decide is my decision also.
You guys are real party poopers, y'know that? The old Earth II(and most of the other Earths) are overflowing with action, excitment, and fun. In the old Earth, massive war would break out over entire continents. Entire countries got n00ked into the ground.
It seems that all of Earth II has turned into a bunch of people who don't want to do anything interesting...
Let's look at things logically for a second: (1) what sane country would want a war? None. War is an extreme drag on the economy, is extremely destructive, only creates hostility and can be extremely divisive. War mongerers don't last for very long (see: Napoloen).
However, what TIOR and I are simply saying is that we don't want to get dragged into conflict, at least to the point where our nations are being threatenned. I *personally* wouldn't mind getting involved in a war if an ally was attacked- after all, I do have my obligations as a RC member- I just want to make sure that I don't get nuked or invaded, and I think TIOR may feel the same way. Again, I'm not trying to stop the war- I just want to make sure that I'm not going to be threatenned by it, that's all.
21-03-2005, 23:09
The Island Of Rose: (1) Gintonpar owns Miami. I just have Sanibel, which is on the other side of Florida.
(2) I'm aware that we're allies and I don't want to start a war between us. Scratch China then. Hmmm...I like GnOoLoCoPeLep's idea of a war in South America.
Duke Barol: Layarteb is not a Confederacy member. I do have embassies in his nation though.
The Lightning Star: Another major problem (besides North Germania's alliance on both sides) with the Roman Confederacy-October Alliance War: Cotland and I are really close allies and he's also in the October Alliance. So it's next to impossible for a war to start between us.
I'd also like to state that if the Roman Confederacy is stopping war, then it's doing its job. Part of the reason why I created the Confederacy is for protection (just like any smart nation would), providing truth in the saying that there is strength in numbers. No sane nation would ever want to interact on the international scene alone, because no one is that strong, and the RC is an extension of that.
Having said that, the RC is a defensive alliance- nations are not supposed to use it to further their own interests. A recent example is Hogsweat's invasion of Bahrain- since Hogsweat is the aggressor there, the RC isn't obliged to help out since Hogsweat itself is not threatenned. A RC member can invade a non-member and the non-member does not have to worry about a fifty-nation pileup because the aggressor is a RC member. Just thought I'd clear that up.
With all that said, I suggest that maybe we have a rule that no nation actually gets conquered as a result of this World War (we'd all be able to retain a small piece of land of our own choosing), because that is partly what is stopping my involvement, although the way I've been acting I doubt I'd get involved in a war as an aggressor (I'm a peacemaker). I really suggest a South America war since it does not seem like there are a lot of factions over there (although Gintonpar has E Brazil). I don't know- I don't like the idea of splitting the RC because I put in a lot of effort in creating and maintaining it and I'd hope it would remain strong.
i need to get in on this, and im not in S. America, nowhere near it. Splitting the RC was not my wish, just it seemed neccessary to prevent an agressor from being completely destroyed by 50 different nations.
The Lightning Star
21-03-2005, 23:09
Let's look at things logically for a second: (1) what sane country would want a war? None. War is an extreme drag on the economy, is extremely destructive, only creates hostility and can be extremely divisive. War mongerers don't last for very long (see: Napoloen).
However, what TIOR and I are simply saying is that we don't want to get dragged into conflict, at least to the point where our nations are being threatenned. I *personally* wouldn't mind getting involved in a war if an ally was attacked- after all, I do have my obligations as a RC member- I just want to make sure that I don't get nuked or invaded, and I think TIOR may feel the same way. Again, I'm not trying to stop the war- I just want to make sure that I'm not going to be threatenned by it, that's all.
(BTW-Some War Mongers do last long. See: Ghengis Khan)
I see where your going, but I still think you should be directly affected somehow. You don't hafta risk Italy, but you do have god knows how many lands scaterred over the globe. Would it really affect you if one of your Pacific Islands was attacked?
I mean, I am fully willing to put my nation on the line. After all, only those who risk can gain anything. If you are content with not participating that much, then fine with me, just don't expect that many spoils.
The Island of Rose
21-03-2005, 23:12
(BTW-Some War Mongers do last long. See: Ghengis Khan)
I see where your going, but I still think you should be directly affected somehow. You don't hafta risk Italy, but you do have god knows how many lands scaterred over the globe. Would it really affect you if one of your Pacific Islands was attacked?
I mean, I am fully willing to put my nation on the line. After all, only those who risk can gain anything. If you are content with not participating that much, then fine with me, just don't expect that many spoils.
Ghengis Khan fell also.
Errrh, and risk? Ha! Look at the Swiss, they're neutral but look what they control :P
The Lightning Star
21-03-2005, 23:20
Ghengis Khan fell also.
Errrh, and risk? Ha! Look at the Swiss, they're neutral but look what they control :P
Ghengis didn't fall. He died of old age. His empire fell...three generations after he died.
The Swiss own this little shit of a country in the middle of some mountains. All they have is Banking, Watches, Chocolate, and Cheese.
The Island of Rose
21-03-2005, 23:23
Ghengis didn't fall. He died of old age. His empire fell...three generations after he died.
The Swiss own this little shit of a country in the middle of some mountains. All they have is Banking, Watches, Chocolate, and Cheese.
Well they're certainly doing good though. The more land doesn't equate better*
*This is a lie, everything I say is a lie.
(BTW-Some War Mongers do last long. See: Ghengis Khan)
I see where your going, but I still think you should be directly affected somehow. You don't hafta risk Italy, but you do have god knows how many lands scaterred over the globe. Would it really affect you if one of your Pacific Islands was attacked?
I mean, I am fully willing to put my nation on the line. After all, only those who risk can gain anything. If you are content with not participating that much, then fine with me, just don't expect that many spoils.
(1) I *could* argue that besides constructing arguably the world's greatest army, Genghis Khan didn't really do much. The Mongol Empire barely lasted 100 years, having been split up effectively right after Kublai Khan's death. In their case they focused too much on expansion and not enough on consolidation, which is why they fell (I liken the Mongols to a balloon- eventually it popped because it got too big).
(2) I understand that part, and, if I have to, there are certain areas that I may allow warfare on (like the Pacific). However, I am saying that I prefer to stay out of it, or, at the very least not have to worry about my core areas (SW Texas, Louisiana, Sanibel, Vancouver Island, Nayarit/Sinaloa/Coahuila, Italy, Egypt, Switzerland, Syria, Libya, Jordan and Syria) being attacked. I *have* shaped my Empire to allow for factions to join a war (and still be seperate from Rome proper), however.
Oh, and how the Hell is Cotland in the October Alliance?
I'd like to know the same thing.....
The Lightning Star
21-03-2005, 23:47
(1) I *could* argue that besides constructing arguably the world's greatest army, Genghis Khan didn't really do much. The Mongol Empire barely lasted 100 years, having been split up effectively right after Kublai Khan's death. In their case they focused too much on expansion and not enough on consolidation, which is why they fell (I liken the Mongols to a balloon- eventually it popped because it got too big).
(2) I understand that part, and, if I have to, there are certain areas that I may allow warfare on (like the Pacific). However, I am saying that I prefer to stay out of it, or, at the very least not have to worry about my core areas (SW Texas, Louisiana, Sanibel, Vancouver Island, Nayarit/Sinaloa/Coahuila, Italy, Egypt, Switzerland, Syria, Libya, Jordan and Syria) being attacked. I *have* shaped my Empire to allow for factions to join a war (and still be seperate from Rome proper), however.
(1) But still, the fall didn't come until way after Genghis died ^^
(2) That's,.... basically all of your land.
Come on, Rome! You call yourself the Roman Empire, but you wont even let your fringe provinces get attacked?
And if you won't let there be actual invasions, you hafta let your cities get airstriked. At least once. You can't have a world war, and have 90% of the main characters just sit in their countries without directly feeling attacks.
TLS, do you have MSN? If so, log on. I have an idea for the war RP that I want to discuss...
Well, I thought you were allied to Layarteb...
The Island of Rose
21-03-2005, 23:56
Come on, Rome! You call yourself the Roman Empire, but you wont even let your fringe provinces get attacked?
I think if the real Rome had the same option they would've not even known what a barbarian was.
Well, I thought you were allied to Layarteb...
I am, but not thru the October Alliance..
21-03-2005, 23:59
I'd be fine with my South American countries getting attacked. It's Ireland being assaulted that I worry about. Which is why TLS's suggestion of tensions between Layarteb and myself is a good one. We share a (potentially) large border* in South America and have split Ireland down the middle. It could provide us with some interesting situations.
*Border statement subject to me actually aquiring Northwest Brazil.
The Lightning Star
22-03-2005, 00:02
TLS, do you have MSN? If so, log on. I have an idea for the war RP that I want to discuss...
I have AIM and Yahoo tho. Do you?
If not, I can make one...
Rome: I meant it as in, unlike the real Rome, your forces are inexperienced since you are never at war. (You can train 'em all you want, but j00 need war to keep 'em at top notch. My soldiers are well trained and experienced, due to the fact that they are always fighting pirates, slaves, or renegade provinces.) If you had fighting on your furthest borders, you could at least make your troops not so green.
The Island of Rose
22-03-2005, 00:05
Rome: I meant it as in, unlike the real Rome, your forces are inexperienced since you are never at war. (You can train 'em all you want, but j00 need war to keep 'em at top notch. My soldiers are well trained and experienced, due to the fact that they are always fighting pirates, slaves, or renegade provinces.) If you had fighting on your furthest borders, you could at least make your troops not so green.
That really doesn't matter in an RP... I've never seen it as a deciding factor in a war.
I have AIM and Yahoo tho. Do you?
If not, I can make one...
No, I'll download AIM. If I can find the damned site.......
The Lightning Star
22-03-2005, 00:07
No, I'll download AIM. If I can find the damned site.......
Try www.aol.com ^^
It's on the side.
Try www.aol.com ^^
It's on the side.
Downloading now. The damned site won't accept my 4-digit postal code...
The Lightning Star
22-03-2005, 00:14
Downloading now. The damned site won't accept my 4-digit postal code...
There is a geek saying: AOL is Satan.
22-03-2005, 00:15
The damned site won't accept my 4-digit postal code...
So, make up three extra numbers.
Ok, I'm in. TLS, what is your screenname? Mine are cotland1987 (I know, I know. Very original...)
(1) But still, the fall didn't come until way after Genghis died ^^
(2) That's,.... basically all of your land.
Come on, Rome! You call yourself the Roman Empire, but you wont even let your fringe provinces get attacked?
And if you won't let there be actual invasions, you hafta let your cities get airstriked. At least once. You can't have a world war, and have 90% of the main characters just sit in their countries without directly feeling attacks.
(Hey, I'm Roman. Do you REALLY think I want to give up land? ;) )
Though seriously, that's far from *all* of my land. I also have holdings in New Mexico, Arizona, the Pacific, Arkansas, Antarctica, Nunavut, Niger, the Caucasus and, upon further thought, I'll let go of my Mexican holdings. Vancouver Island I'm particularly fond of since I'm Canadian, SW Texas is where my parents are moving to and I usually vacation in Sanibel. Entice me and I might be able to part with Libya, Syria and Jordan (Egypt's my breadbasket). I've got A LOT to take, trust me.
...and, TLS, just because it's a WORLD war does NOT mean that everyone would have to be destroyed. For example, Iran, Spain and Sweden were neutral during both RL world wars, as well as much of the Americas. Canada and the US were not destroyed at all and they were participants. It IS possible for me to be involved in a world war and not be destroyed- don't get ahead of yourself. It really depends on what stance I take, where it is and how aggressive I am- no one's going to attack a state that isn't hostile to them, and no one will bomb a nation if it does not serve any purpose. For example, if a RC nation is the aggressor in the situation I don't necessarily have to get involved myself because the RC's charter states that, essentially, we don't help aggressors.
All I'm saying is that there *are* options out there that can lead to war and not have to have *everyone* who doesn't want to be involved get involved.
I think if the real Rome had the same option they would've not even known what a barbarian was.
I don't particularly understand what you said. Could you elaborate?
22-03-2005, 00:30
Guys, I just wanted to let you know I understand how painful it is to type out my name. I don't know what I was thinking when I registered with it. I think it stands for something, but I can't remember what. Just type Pelep or something.
North Germania
22-03-2005, 00:30
Duke, I wasn't offended at all. Just giving a warning to not be aggressive towards my allies.
For everyone's information, my alliances that I can recall off the top of my head in E2 are as follows:
Soviet Bloc
The Order of Reptiles
Neurotika [I think]
The Roman Confederacy
As well as others.
Furthermore, I'd like to point out that The October Alliance has faced odds greatly not in our favor since November 2003 and we've never lost any conflict.
I'll let this be an opportunity for those considering attacking any members of the alliance to reconsider, especially given our locations.
NG controls 70% of Europe (everyone please look at the map of Europe) [therefore invading such a huge land mass would be suicidal, especially with allies such as Rome, Hawdawg, and Andrehervia being so close], South Africa, Svalbard, Faroe Islands, Alabama, Georgia (U.S.), Baffin Island in Canada. Order of Reptiles is in Russia, Soviet Bloc is in the U.S., Layarteb is in Canada, the U.S., South and Central America, and Europe [possibly parts of Russia as well?].
The problem with launching an assault against the October Alliance is where to strike. We can defend eachother from all areas of the world. Also, unless you're a FT nation, our technology is the most advanced in E2, in all honesty.
Speaking of the world, I would most definitely be down for a World War in E2. There should be a brief period of tranquility first though. Just my thoughts.
- Tomas
Rome: I meant it as in, unlike the real Rome, your forces are inexperienced since you are never at war. (You can train 'em all you want, but j00 need war to keep 'em at top notch. My soldiers are well trained and experienced, due to the fact that they are always fighting pirates, slaves, or renegade provinces.) If you had fighting on your furthest borders, you could at least make your troops not so green.
On the contrary actually- I have troops in Texas right now subjugating the area, and I have had to fight elsewhere on NS and here on Earth II (when your rebels attacked then Cottish Sicily). So I do have experience, and, like I said, I'd allow some fighting in the fringes.
Duke Barol
22-03-2005, 00:34
Im willing to risk land, just that, well, i only have 2 nations, one is my only sea port, wait, nm, i can use the galapagos for the sea port. but still, i only have 3 nations. and one is less than a full nation, whic is my main sea port. that will be over run by who ever can get inside the confederacy. then i have boswanna, if i go against the october alliance, which is what is being suggested, then NG will rape me. That leaves me with the galapagos. that small shit of an island is only good for my project eskimo.
So, that leaves me with nothing, and im out of e2. i dont like that idea. so, if you guys can think of a way that i can participate without loosing everything, go ahead.
The duke.
ooc: :upyours: hehe, its funny.
The Lightning Star
22-03-2005, 00:46
<t3h uber-snip>
Also, unless you're a FT nation, our technology is the most advanced in E2, in all honesty.
- Tomas
Oh is it, really? Last I checked, I was the only one with armed fighters in space(this isn't a new development, check the E:II space thread). Also, I have, ahem, projects going on that do things that would be considered blasphemy by the many religions of the world.
Oh, and I thought FT wasn't allowed in EII.
The Lightning Star
22-03-2005, 00:46
Ok, I'm in. TLS, what is your screenname? Mine are cotland1987 (I know, I know. Very original...)
Mine are EmperorJonI.
North Germania
22-03-2005, 00:55
OOC: The October Alliance shares technology; therefore, we all boast quite the mighty army. And honestly, soldiers in space can only do so much damage.
Oh and Duke, I don't want to invade you in Botswana. You just started this game. :)
OOC: The October Alliance shares technology; therefore, we all boast quite the mighty army. And honestly, soldiers in space can only do so much damage.
Oh and Duke, I don't want to invade you in Botswana. You just started this game. :)
NG, I have something that I want to discuss with you. Its part about the Scandinavian language you want to learn, part Earth II. Are you on AIM right now?
The Lightning Star
22-03-2005, 01:13
Cotland and I have reached an Idea of epic proportions! Here's the transcript from our meeting:
cotland1987 [6:50 PM]: Hey
cotland1987 [6:50 PM]: Cotland here
cotland1987 [6:51 PM]: You there?
EmperorJonI [6:51 PM]: Xopa!
EmperorJonI [6:52 PM]: Sooooo...whats this "big idea" of yours?
cotland1987 [6:52 PM]: Well, I have a tiny idea about how to spark the war
EmperorJonI [6:52 PM]: Go on, go on.
cotland1987 [6:53 PM]: Between me and you, possibly the dicatorship(?) you have in Carthage
EmperorJonI [6:53 PM]: Mmmmhmmmm.
cotland1987 [6:53 PM]: I catch a few spies in Cotland, trial and execute them, and you get P.O.ed or something
cotland1987 [6:53 PM]: your spies naturally
EmperorJonI [6:54 PM]: Yes. There is just one itty-bitty problem. Where will we fight? I only have about 1/20th of my population in my Russian territories.
cotland1987 [6:54 PM]: I still have naval and air forces in the Med.
cotland1987 [6:54 PM]: a big-ass naval base in Sinai
EmperorJonI [6:54 PM]: Ah, j00 speak the truth.
cotland1987 [6:54 PM]: neturally
EmperorJonI [6:55 PM]: Next part: What ab00t the other alliance members? Rome has already shone himself to be too much of a sissy to do anything besides sit in his little country and laugh and laugh.
cotland1987 [6:56 PM]: so? According to the Confederacy rules neither I nor you are allowed to call in Confederacy help when we're fighting eachother
EmperorJonI [6:56 PM]: How is this supposed to turn into a World War then?
cotland1987 [6:56 PM]: you could naturally attack someone else too, and get some of your allies after you. I don't knwo
cotland1987 [6:57 PM]: maybe I can get a few spies from another nation too.. Maybe Kriegorgrad
cotland1987 [6:57 PM]: now THAT would spark a big-ass war if he attacks
EmperorJonI [6:57 PM]: Ooooh, I got an idea!
cotland1987 [6:57 PM]: I call in NG and the October Alliance, he calls in whoever he is allied to... I think Hogsy are allied to Kriegos
EmperorJonI [6:57 PM]: I can say that my spies were in your nation to gather secret technology that only you posses, so that my leader can futher his plans of creating a dooms-day device.
cotland1987 [6:58 PM]: yeah, but what...?
cotland1987 [6:58 PM]: Wait! I've got it!
cotland1987 [6:58 PM]: *digs up linky*
EmperorJonI [6:58 PM]: *goes back to watching Ghost in the Shell-Stand alone complex*
cotland1987 [6:59 PM]: http://forums.jolt.co.uk/showthread.php?t=397974
cotland1987 [6:59 PM]: there we go
EmperorJonI [7:00 PM]: Ah yes! I can harness the alien technology to make my doomsday device all the more powerful, not to mention advance my plans to create sentient viruses and human mutants!
cotland1987 [7:00 PM]: yep
EmperorJonI [7:00 PM]: Mweeeehehehehheheheheheheeeeeee....
cotland1987 [7:01 PM]: problem is that you have to try to gain access to the facility(ies)
cotland1987 [7:01 PM]: and subsequently get caught by my Black Ops...
EmperorJonI [7:01 PM]: I got it! I have the spies infiltrate, get the information, and right as they send it the Black Ops shoots them dead, but too late to stop the infromation from getting out.
cotland1987 [7:02 PM]: sounds good. Only one hatch... How in Gods name are you going to get your people in there? Only Cottish naturals that have gone thru a MASSIVE security background check are allowed access
cotland1987 [7:04 PM]: You could get knowledge of a facility and try to get in. Maybe even get in and get caught when you have seen a glimpse of something in there, then yell it out in the trial
cotland1987 [7:04 PM]: letting the world (or at least your ambassador) know
EmperorJonI [7:04 PM]: Maybe a Cottish National that has had all the help of the I.I.S.(Imperial Intelegence Service) cover up his dealings with us. After all, if the entire I.I.S. works together, then it will be impossible for you to realise it's a spy. however, you guys realize he's a spy right after he hits the "transmit" button.
cotland1987 [7:05 PM]: that's another possible scenario
EmperorJonI [7:05 PM]: Or...
EmperorJonI [7:05 PM]: A mix!
cotland1987 [7:05 PM]: but you can't get too much info, or very sensitive
cotland1987 [7:05 PM]: just knowledge that I have something that you want
cotland1987 [7:05 PM]: Thus giving you a reason to invade
cotland1987 [7:05 PM]: ...
EmperorJonI [7:06 PM]: We can have the guy get caught at the very last second so that he only recieves a little information(on how to build A.I., or something like that) and piees of the information on how to build a super-weapon. We then try to re-make the rest of the information, and you try to stop us before we can make it.
cotland1987 [7:06 PM]: good idea
cotland1987 [7:06 PM]: I'm for it
EmperorJonI [7:06 PM]: ^^
EmperorJonI [7:07 PM]: Shall we make our anouncement to the gang then?
cotland1987 [7:07 PM]: but you could also have a Carthaginian citizen caught along with the traitor, thus creating a REAL incident
cotland1987 [7:07 PM]: sure
cotland1987 [7:07 PM]: do you want to do the honors?
EmperorJonI [7:08 PM]: Ok! I'll post the transcript too!
cotland1987 [7:08 PM]: kk
EmperorJonI [7:08 PM]: See yas on the forum ^*
cotland1987 [7:08 PM]: kk
In summary, my spies will steal secret, blasphemous information from the Cots so that my dictator can begin work on his world-conquering army (made up of Genetically-enhanced soldiers and sentient machines) and his "doomsday device"(basically an Uber-space cannon guarded by alot of my space-frigates, soldiers, and anti-missile guns). However, the spies will get caught right after sending a large portion(but not all) of the information. When the Cots realize what has happened, they immediatly begin military operations against me. Oh, and I'll attack some of his allies too(maybe bomb Rome?), thus turning the war into a world-war.
Of course, he'd hafta attack some of my allies(like Elephantum, maybe.)
22-03-2005, 01:19
I'm not too keen on the idea of it spreading to space. However, I like the idea in general.
The Lightning Star
22-03-2005, 01:21
I'm not too keen on the idea of it spreading to space. However, I like the idea in general.
It's not a space war. It's just a space-station with high security to protect from it getting screwed over (TIOR also has satelites, as do a few other nations)
22-03-2005, 02:19
Teh Ninjas: Yeah we have less than 8,000! Blasted treaties that we shouldn't follow!
The Lightning Star: If I have to submit to getting nuked it's going to be somewhere I don't like. I like that title. At the very least we could do a whole new thread for it and such and go with it. Cotland isn't in the October Alliance. Beware RomeW knows his shit about history. AOL IS THE EMBODIMENT OF SATAN. GET AIM!!!! Uber space cannons, space fighters, etc. you guys all make this tough to keep MT. Thank god I have ASAT weapons with nuclear warheads to finish all of you off!
RomeW: It's a good idea for a no-nuke clause but that would be infringing on RPs, which I'm not fond of. We can't dictate what people can/cannot do within RPs to be honest, except to ban useless ignoring. See Earth II is largely empires and such, it's sort of general progression that empires want what each other has and tensions go nuts. It was/is still just an idea.
Duke Barols: You have nukes as of tomorrow? How so? Good points though. I'm not in the confederacy. He's still around you have to wait until he sounds off on it. Nuclear war in a nutshut: lots of death, lots of destruction, lots of radiation, lots of problems.
Cotland: The October Alliance is: Hirgizstan, Layarteb, North Germania, Soviet Bloc, and The Order of Reptiles. Only Hirgy isn't in E2. He won't join an Earth :(. www.aim.com dude.
Elephantum: Ever see the Peacemakers? A quote: "I'm not afraid of the man who wants 20 nuclear warheads. I'm afraid of the man that wants 1 nuclear warhead.
Neuvo Rica: I don't know, can you? LOL.
Pelep: Chile added.
TIOR: Going off line with it sort of ruins it.
North Germania: FT would beat us but E2 is MT :).
Alright guys how about this idea. Let's say nation A takes over nation B. Rather than have nation B leave Earth II, let them still participate as rulers of the land but just flying the flag of nation A and subordinate to nation A. That way we don't lose anyone because frankly I don't want to lose members. If, at the very least, it will provide internal strife, adding more fun.
The Lightning Star
22-03-2005, 02:22
Teh Ninjas: Yeah we have less than 8,000! Blasted treaties that we shouldn't follow!
The Lightning Star: If I have to submit to getting nuked it's going to be somewhere I don't like. I like that title. At the very least we could do a whole new thread for it and such and go with it. Cotland isn't in the October Alliance. Beware RomeW knows his shit about history. AOL IS THE EMBODIMENT OF SATAN. GET AIM!!!! Uber space cannons, space fighters, etc. you guys all make this tough to keep MT. Thank god I have ASAT weapons with nuclear warheads to finish all of you off!
RomeW: It's a good idea for a no-nuke clause but that would be infringing on RPs, which I'm not fond of. We can't dictate what people can/cannot do within RPs to be honest, except to ban useless ignoring. See Earth II is largely empires and such, it's sort of general progression that empires want what each other has and tensions go nuts. It was/is still just an idea.
Duke Barols: You have nukes as of tomorrow? How so? Good points though. I'm not in the confederacy. He's still around you have to wait until he sounds off on it. Nuclear war in a nutshut: lots of death, lots of destruction, lots of radiation, lots of problems.
Cotland: The October Alliance is: Hirgizstan, Layarteb, North Germania, Soviet Bloc, and The Order of Reptiles. Only Hirgy isn't in E2. He won't join an Earth :(. www.aim.com dude.
Elephantum: Ever see the Peacemakers? A quote: "I'm not afraid of the man who wants 20 nuclear warheads. I'm afraid of the man that wants 1 nuclear warhead.
Neuvo Rica: I don't know, can you? LOL.
Pelep: Chile added.
TIOR: Going off line with it sort of ruins it.
North Germania: FT would beat us but E2 is MT :).
Alright guys how about this idea. Let's say nation A takes over nation B. Rather than have nation B leave Earth II, let them still participate as rulers of the land but just flying the flag of nation A and subordinate to nation A. That way we don't lose anyone because frankly I don't want to lose members. If, at the very least, it will provide internal strife, adding more fun.
Did j00 see me and Cotty's idea?
22-03-2005, 02:24
Did j00 see me and Cotty's idea?
I did.
The Lightning Star
22-03-2005, 02:26
I did.
And you didn't like it? :(.
No one would be n00ked, BTW(unless they want too, of course). It would really be good vs. evil. Evil(my evil dictator with wishes to conquer the world, as well as maybe a few allies) and Good(the free-world, led by Cotty). It's a cliche, but I like it.
22-03-2005, 02:27
And you didn't like it? :(.
No one would be n00ked, BTW(unless they want too, of course). It would really be good vs. evil. Evil(my evil dictator with wishes to conquer the world, as well as maybe a few allies) and Good(the free-world, led by Cotty). It's a cliche, but I like it.
I'm sort of playing this by ear right now and I think that we should have some basic organization but still go by ear, make it suprisingly and unexpected. But it was a good idea I will admit, as are the remainder of 100s of ideas since page 227-ish.
The Lightning Star
22-03-2005, 02:36
I'm sort of playing this by ear right now and I think that we should have some basic organization but still go by ear, make it suprisingly and unexpected. But it was a good idea I will admit, as are the remainder of 100s of ideas since page 227-ish.
I'm still going to go ahead with the ultraweapons and the use of advanced technology.
22-03-2005, 02:42
Layarteb: Thanks for the addition. I hate to be pushy but as far as I can tell Northwest Brazil is unoccupied and the white spot on the map is making me angry. I've got troops positioned to take the place and unless there's some reason noone's claimed it I'm moving them in.
This'll probably put me over my limit. If it does, I'll be ceding Kenya and Tanzania. If it doesn't, well then cool for me.
22-03-2005, 02:49
Layarteb: Thanks for the addition. I hate to be pushy but as far as I can tell Northwest Brazil is unoccupied and the white spot on the map is making me angry. I've got troops positioned to take the place and unless there's some reason noone's claimed it I'm moving them in.
This'll probably put me over my limit. If it does, I'll be ceding Kenya and Tanzania. If it doesn't, well then cool for me.
You'd need to drop 282,295.18 square miles with that Brazil part. Ceeding both Kenya & Tanzania would.
22-03-2005, 02:51
Done. I'll write something up about a rebellion. Maybe link it with my recent sale to New Jyria, get him involved again.
22-03-2005, 02:53
Done. I'll write something up about a rebellion. Maybe link it with my recent sale to New Jyria, get him involved again.
What'd you sell him? We didn't see anything here so I can't put any land anywhere unless we see both sides agreeing.
22-03-2005, 02:57
Zimbabwe and Zambia. A few weeks ago. We were planning on writing something up about it but he got swamped at school. So instead of just my withdrawal from a few of my African territories I'll make it about my complete withdrawal from Africa. You changed it to him on the map and on the front page, so I'm not sure what you're talking about.
22-03-2005, 03:03
Zimbabwe and Zambia. A few weeks ago. We were planning on writing something up about it but he got swamped at school. So instead of just my withdrawal from a few of my African territories I'll make it about my complete withdrawal from Africa. You changed it to him on the map and on the front page, so I'm not sure what you're talking about.
I did. Okay so then you did post it. Man you know I have no idea what's going on...
22-03-2005, 03:07
Indeed. You try, though. :)
Yeah, I just figure it'd be better to have the majority of my territory in one place. Easier to manage that way.
Just FYI: Botswana belongs to Duke Barol when I finish the invasion. Some time tomorrow.
Duke Barol
22-03-2005, 03:46
Teh Ninjas: Yeah we have less than 8,000! Blasted treaties that we shouldn't follow!
The Lightning Star: If I have to submit to getting nuked it's going to be somewhere I don't like. I like that title. At the very least we could do a whole new thread for it and such and go with it. Cotland isn't in the October Alliance. Beware RomeW knows his shit about history. AOL IS THE EMBODIMENT OF SATAN. GET AIM!!!! Uber space cannons, space fighters, etc. you guys all make this tough to keep MT. Thank god I have ASAT weapons with nuclear warheads to finish all of you off!
RomeW: It's a good idea for a no-nuke clause but that would be infringing on RPs, which I'm not fond of. We can't dictate what people can/cannot do within RPs to be honest, except to ban useless ignoring. See Earth II is largely empires and such, it's sort of general progression that empires want what each other has and tensions go nuts. It was/is still just an idea.
Duke Barols: You have nukes as of tomorrow? How so? Good points though. I'm not in the confederacy. He's still around you have to wait until he sounds off on it. Nuclear war in a nutshut: lots of death, lots of destruction, lots of radiation, lots of problems.
Cotland: The October Alliance is: Hirgizstan, Layarteb, North Germania, Soviet Bloc, and The Order of Reptiles. Only Hirgy isn't in E2. He won't join an Earth :(. www.aim.com dude.
Elephantum: Ever see the Peacemakers? A quote: "I'm not afraid of the man who wants 20 nuclear warheads. I'm afraid of the man that wants 1 nuclear warhead.
Neuvo Rica: I don't know, can you? LOL.
Pelep: Chile added.
TIOR: Going off line with it sort of ruins it.
North Germania: FT would beat us but E2 is MT :).
Alright guys how about this idea. Let's say nation A takes over nation B. Rather than have nation B leave Earth II, let them still participate as rulers of the land but just flying the flag of nation A and subordinate to nation A. That way we don't lose anyone because frankly I don't want to lose members. If, at the very least, it will provide internal strife, adding more fun.
i meant weds, i bought 2 typhoon fleet ballistic missle subs.
also, if my idea gets approved by the confederacy, i have more.
22-03-2005, 03:47
i meant weds, i bought 2 typhoon fleet ballistic missle subs.
also, if my idea gets approved by the confederacy, i have more.
Yeah you definitely have the capability :) but not sure if you have the weapons. They don't come armed.
Duke Barol
22-03-2005, 03:49
what time zones are you all in, (im in est, gmt-5) i need the info to rp later, and so i dont sit around my comp waiting for a reasponse that wont come for 12 hrs.