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The White Tower--- The Greatest College of Magic - Page 9

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Snake Eaters
31-03-2005, 23:57
I'd best not provoke you then. I might be out for quite a while, so I'll see you later?
01-04-2005, 00:09
*She nods*

I'll still be awake, so come find me when you wake up.
Snake Eaters
01-04-2005, 00:13
You're always awake. Ah well... I'll get used to it *kisses her* see you later

He walked into his room, leaving his gear by the door where he normally left it. He took a quick shower, then collapsed into bed. As his head hit the pillow, his eyes shut, and he drifted off into a dream state, one that was, for a change, enjoyable...
01-04-2005, 00:15
Rhenna returns to the library and begins other work...she could only assign so much to anyone else...
Snake Eaters
01-04-2005, 00:20
After a few hours, he woke, feeling refreshed. Pulling his shirt on, he tried the Codec again. Still nothing.Strange. Normally it's not this bad. Ah well, I'll try again later...

As he left the room, he began to walk towards the libary. Reaching out, he saw her working, and decided to use the room he had pointed out first. No use in disturbing her when she's working he thought, sitting in the lotus position on the floor and concentrating...
01-04-2005, 00:22
There's always so much to do...
Snake Eaters
01-04-2005, 00:26
He sat there, and began to reach out, picking his way through the particles. He saw how they interconnected, and knew somehow what could be changed safely. He brought the water up, and then smoothed it off slowly as it curved through the air. The wind rustled his cloak and the leaves on the newly created trees did so too. He concentrated further, and made it rain slightly. He liked a little drizzle, it cooled and refreshed him. Holding his concentration steady, he opened his eyes and looked around him,Wow
01-04-2005, 00:32
Well, that should be enough, for now...

Rhenna stood and walked out of the library. Seeing the room right after in use, she looked in. Seeing James there, she smiled.

Seems he enjoys this room as much as anyone...

The land particles behind him gathered themselves up, and became a mountain, amidst the little world.
Snake Eaters
01-04-2005, 00:34
He started, and lost his concentration. His tiny world crumbled back into nothingness,"Very smooth. I was just testing it, and you had to build a mountain*smiles at her*
01-04-2005, 00:38
Not my fault you lost focus. *She steps in, and the landscape reshapes itself around her. The stream enters the mountain at the base, and re-exits near the top, cutting a path for itself. Other mountains and hills form, as well as clouds and other landforms. She sits down beside him.* This is perhaps the room with the potential for the most beauty. You should have seen when Vedt and I were kids...we'd make "monsters" out of the sand in here, and have mock battles. It was fun.
Snake Eaters
01-04-2005, 00:41
Well... that is impressive. Sand monsters? I can't really say I've ever done that. Holograms were our choice... but a hologram isn't as beautiful as this
01-04-2005, 00:43
No, not really...but watch...*A mini tyrannasaur rises out of the sand, and looks over at him, menacing.* Sand monsters.
Snake Eaters
01-04-2005, 00:44
A T-rex? Haven't seen one of those unless it's on the fossil record. I see the point though
01-04-2005, 00:46
There are still a couple running around...much smaller than the prehistoric giants. *The beast crumples back into sand*
Snake Eaters
01-04-2005, 00:57
Can't claim to have ever seen one, even if it is tiny. What others are in your repetoire?
01-04-2005, 01:05
A bunch. We used to make them bigger...been a while, though.
Snake Eaters
01-04-2005, 01:06
I'm sure it has. Rushed off your feet all the time... I can only imagine what that is like *puts his arm round her shoulders*
01-04-2005, 01:08
It's...something you get used to...*she lays her head on his shoulder* Well, this is familiar...different setting...familiar situation.
Snake Eaters
01-04-2005, 01:11
Why is this so comfortable? Duh! You're getting married, kinda helps."Sounds like... sounds like soldiering. You get used to it"
01-04-2005, 01:13
I guess it isn't all that different.
Snake Eaters
01-04-2005, 01:16
I'm not going to be solidering as much anymore... I think I'll miss it, in a weird kinda way. The buzz you get simply from doing it, being there. The terror of sneaking into enemy bases alone and unsupported... yeah, I'll miss it
01-04-2005, 01:18
*Sits up and leans back, looking at him.* You are an odd one...
Snake Eaters
01-04-2005, 01:19
You're the one marrying me! How can you call me odd?
01-04-2005, 01:21
Because you are odd. Here, I'm considered fairly normal.
Snake Eaters
01-04-2005, 01:22
*Shrugs*Different places, different races, different views. You find it everywhere
01-04-2005, 01:23
Different races, different professions, different views.
Snake Eaters
01-04-2005, 01:25
Exactly. That's the way the world works... still, sometimes it works in mysterious ways for certain people
01-04-2005, 01:26
True. I never imagined this happening when we met.
Snake Eaters
01-04-2005, 01:28
Neither did I. Now look at us*glances at the ring on his finger, then at hers*
01-04-2005, 01:30
*A slight smile touches the corners of her mouth* Tell me...just how did this relationship start? I missed it somehow.
Snake Eaters
01-04-2005, 01:33
*Scratches head*You know, I'm not quite sure. I hope it was a sorta mutual thing... after my brashness of course*smiles*
01-04-2005, 01:36
*Laughs* You are a pretty brash one...comes with the age, I'm guessing.
Snake Eaters
01-04-2005, 09:27
Hmmmmmm..... I am still fairly short lived. But you might be right, it could come with age
01-04-2005, 21:28
I was talking relative age. Young adult males...odd creatures in general.
Snake Eaters
01-04-2005, 21:31
Males. Odd in general. I know, I am one after all *smiles*
01-04-2005, 21:34
Which means you can't see it terribly clearly. Ah well.

So, to change the subject, did you sleep well?
Snake Eaters
01-04-2005, 21:35
Somewhat. Better than normal... but not as well as I could. It doesn't bother me as much as it used to though
01-04-2005, 21:36
She nods.
Snake Eaters
01-04-2005, 21:37
What about you? Did you get much work done? I know you still had some to do
01-04-2005, 21:38
I got most of it done. There's still about an hour's worth left, and that's pretty good.
Snake Eaters
01-04-2005, 21:39
I would offer to help, but something tells me it's out of my league
01-04-2005, 21:40
You could probably do my work about as well as I could do yours. If you'd been trained to it, maybe...but you weren't.
Snake Eaters
01-04-2005, 21:42
That's my point. I've not been trained to do it, just like you haven't been trained to fight as a solider
01-04-2005, 21:44
Nope. Assassination's more along the lines of what I was taught.
Snake Eaters
01-04-2005, 21:46
I was taught basic assasination at the academy, but I've hardly ever used the up close stuff. More long range shooting than strangling or the like
01-04-2005, 21:51
You never know what you might be sent out to do...I'm familiar with everything from computers to politics to medicine, and the list goes on.
Snake Eaters
01-04-2005, 21:53
Sounds like a familar list... other than politics. We only go out on missions that do not involve diplomacy on our part. Other than that, we're widely trained, but are specilised in one subject more than others
01-04-2005, 21:55
Which is why you work in a team setting, rather than going solo. *leans back against the "mountain"*
Snake Eaters
01-04-2005, 21:57
I've done solo jobs, quite a few of them actually. It's not just war, it's intel, deep cover... we do it all. I did do it all, but I just thought. Getting married throws that all out the window*jabs his thumb over his shoulder*
01-04-2005, 21:58
Do you regret what you will be giving up?
Snake Eaters
01-04-2005, 22:01
Regret giving up solidering full-time? If I'd have felt that way, I never would have asked you to marry me. However... I won't lie to you. I will miss it, no doubt of that. I'll miss the camraderie, the operations... but it's worth giving it up, considering what I have to gain from it
01-04-2005, 22:04
She nods. "There will be a lot to adjust to...for both of us."
Snake Eaters
01-04-2005, 22:06
What are you going to have to give up, considering we're on the subject?
01-04-2005, 22:09
An entire way of life. Marriage isn't something that anyone of my class goes through, normally. Who I am among my own family...will have changed...probably toward the negative.
Snake Eaters
01-04-2005, 22:12
*moves closer to her*I'm sorry. I didn't realise how much this would affect you in Rendelmar...
01-04-2005, 22:13
Ah, they'll get over it after the first couple of decades.
Snake Eaters
01-04-2005, 22:14
I hope so. The last thing I'd want is for you to be unhappy
01-04-2005, 22:16
Hey, I knew what I was getting into when I agreed to marry you.
Snake Eaters
01-04-2005, 22:18
Well *hugs her*We both knew... and I'm glad that you said yes. More than glad... but I can't think of a word
01-04-2005, 22:19
She smiles at him.
Snake Eaters
01-04-2005, 22:25
*Notices her smiling*And what, pray tell, is my fiancee smiling at, at this time of the morning?
01-04-2005, 22:27
You asked me to marry you a little less than twelve hours ago. Do I need other reason to smile?
Snake Eaters
01-04-2005, 22:29
None that I can think of.*smiles back at her*
01-04-2005, 22:31
So, speaking of "time in the morning"...what time is it?
Snake Eaters
01-04-2005, 22:34
Ummmm*checks watch* getting on for 6 AM
01-04-2005, 22:34
Everyone else is already awake, then.
Snake Eaters
01-04-2005, 22:36
Sounds like breakfast then *stomach rumbles*Definatley breakfast time
01-04-2005, 22:38
She laughs. "Humans and food. Go on, you know your way around. I'll go and get caught up for a change before classes start."
Snake Eaters
01-04-2005, 22:39
He laughed with her,"All right. I'll see you later*kisses her*"
01-04-2005, 22:40
She kisses him back, and the sands shift under them to bring them both to a standing position.
Snake Eaters
01-04-2005, 22:44
He kissed her quickly once again before he left, then went to the canteen. After grabbing his breakfast, he sat alone, eating silently. Well aware of the subtle looks in his direction. He smiled, and kept eating...
01-04-2005, 22:48
Shan goes over and sits down across from him, univited, but he didn't care.

"So, is that what you meant by 'you and Rhenna aren't the same person yet?'"
Snake Eaters
01-04-2005, 22:51
Cougar looked at him,"Ever heard of something known as personnal privacy? And you are so perceptive," he said, his voice dripping with sarcasm with the last comment,"The whole place know?"
01-04-2005, 22:52
Of course. You think there are any secrets in a place like this?
Snake Eaters
01-04-2005, 22:53
One tries, Shan. One tries. I predict finger pointing and whispers for the next month... should prove interesting
01-04-2005, 22:54
We're just a little bit more refined than your average human, thank you kindly. While Rhenmet's decision is not widely approved, everyone recognises that it was her decision to make.
Snake Eaters
01-04-2005, 22:56
Why is it disaproved, Shan? This is the one thing that eludes me
01-04-2005, 22:57
Because while you are accepted as belonging here, you are not one of us. If you were, you would understand.
Snake Eaters
01-04-2005, 22:59
Theres no need to remind me that I'm not one of you, I'm well aware of that. It's just... so strange to me. Although, I don't know how my 'family' is going to react yet
01-04-2005, 23:01
I couldn't tell you. I'm not familiar enough with humans at all do make a guess...although I'd guess you might get a similar reaction to what she will. It doesn't help her that she's somewhat reclusive, either.
Snake Eaters
01-04-2005, 23:08
Alright, Shan. What do you think? Not anyone else, just you
01-04-2005, 23:11
It isn't my place to have an opinion. She is an adult, as are you...I am merely a child.
Snake Eaters
01-04-2005, 23:15
Cougar looked at Shan,"Alright. You don't have to tell me."
01-04-2005, 23:18's just that...she's the only mother I've ever known...I don't remember my own mother...and I don't know what's going to happen after this.
Snake Eaters
01-04-2005, 23:20
Cougar sat there, then put his hand on Shan's shoulder,"Trust me. It'll be fine. A little weird to begin with, but fine otherwise. I'm not going to take her away from here, from you, from anyone in this place. I don't want that"
01-04-2005, 23:21
Things will still change...they're going to be sending me to Mithdelmar for a year....starting fairly soon. They won't say why.
Snake Eaters
01-04-2005, 23:23
The powers that be will have a reason, Shan. She and I will always be there for you, so although scenes change, your family is there for you
01-04-2005, 23:25
There's a reason...that's all I hear, lately. I wonder if it's because I took you to Lothra Province...
Snake Eaters
01-04-2005, 23:26
The best advice I can give you is not to worry about it. You'll find out the reason, I'm sure of that. And before you ask, I don't have a clue
01-04-2005, 23:27
Of course not...there's a reason, but no one knows it. I must have really screwed up this time...
Snake Eaters
01-04-2005, 23:29
I doubt it, Shan. What could you have done thats so bad they'd have sent you from Rendelmar without giving you a reason?
01-04-2005, 23:32
I don't know, but it must have been really bad.
Snake Eaters
01-04-2005, 23:36
Shan, calm down. That's a request. I'm going for some training. Keep calm, and come and find me if you want. See you soon," he said, getting up, disposing of his plate and returning to his training. He lost himself in the routinue, blind to all around him...
01-04-2005, 23:40
I ought to work on my sword work...

Grabbing his wooden blade, Shan went into one of the training rooms. Here, the danger was very real...and if one didn't keep his step, he could very likely die.
Snake Eaters
02-04-2005, 14:19
As Cougar reached the end of his routinue, his Codec buzzed in his ear. Dropping from the roof and landing softly, he rose, stretched, then answered it,"Cougar here,"

"James. It's us"

He recognized the voice as that of Wolf, the tracker and demo expert from Alpha Team,"Wolf. How are you guys?"

"We're fine, still rebuilding. We got wind of you trying to contact us, but the warp storms were flaring again. What's up"

Cougar had been dreading this, but didn't show it. He tapped the Monocle projector on his belt, giving him a free-floating image of the others. They were all looking at him, questioning looks in their eyes,"Well?"

He paused, taking a deep breath,"You remember the Drow I was with the last time I saw you guys?"

"Of course!" said Konig,"Nice pull there, James. So, what's the deal?"

"How... how would you react if I told you I was getting married?"

There was silence for a moment, then Watt leaned forward,"Say that again"

"I'm getting married to Rhenna. One month"

Another uncomfortable silence, then a grin cracked over Charlie's face,"Well well well, James Cougar settling down. I didn't think it would ever happen"

That did it. As soon as she said that, the entire team began babbling,"When did you ask her? Why didn't you tell us before? Are we invited?"

He held up his hand, silencing them all. Despite their friendship, he had a undeniable authority,"I asked 18 hours ago, whilst we were working on something together. I would have told you, but I didn't know how. And yes, you are all invited"

"Where is it going to be?"

"The Cobrian Waterfall to the east, you know it?"

Wolf thought,"Yeah, I know it. I trust you'll tell us when you get here?"

"Of course. I want at least one last get-together with you guys."

Konig smiled,"Stag night?"

"NO! I'm not being hung over on my wedding day!"

"Few drinks?"

He thought about it,"Yeah, alright. A few being the key phrase"

"Alright. We'll talk to you soon, James. Got work to do"

"Same. See ya!"

They signed off, and he sat down, wiping his hand across his brow,Well, that went better than expected. I just hope it stays that way. He stood up after a few minutes, and decided to work on his shielding. Finding his way to an appropiate room, he began to work again,Gotta get better at this, I've a feeling I'm going to need it
02-04-2005, 17:23
Shan walked through the forest. He had his wooden sword, but was going to sling around his hard rubber ball if there was anything serious that attacked today. There wasn't always something.

Up ahead, there were voices.

Frightened voices...those voices can't belong to children older than ten...what are they doing in here, in the first place?

Hurrying onward, he came into sight of what had the children frightened. There were two of them, a girl and a boy, tiny as anything was I ever that small? ((human equivalent of maybe four)) and a tiger, from some distant human land, that had them backed up against a boulder. Whipping out his ball, he flung it at the tiger as hard as he could. It clipped the beast behind the head and bounced off into the scenery.

Oh, crap.

The beast charged, and Shan did his best to keep its attention. He yelled to the little ones "Inbau doeb!"

They scrambled, getting the tiger's attention again, and the tiger whirled, its great claws raking across his chest.

Okay, nothing deep...but it could be if I let this go on.

He begins drawing the creature deeper into the forest.

Meanwhile, the two little ones burst out of that room, shaking. They stopped as the door closed behind them, and collapsed in the hallway, panting.
Snake Eaters
02-04-2005, 17:27
Cougar, having just finished his shielding exercises, came out of the room. He saw the two children, and hurried up to them. He knelt next to them,"What happened in there?"
02-04-2005, 17:30
The boy points to the door. "Oura."
Snake Eaters
02-04-2005, 17:51
Cougar nodded, and signed to them that they could leave. He then opened the door, and stepped inside, making sure he shut it behind him. His senses went into overdrive, and he heard a familiar yell from up ahead,"Oh boy..." he groaned, setting off up at the path at a steady jog
02-04-2005, 17:55
By this time, his wooden sword was next to useless, and Shan was running out of options quick. There was only supposed to be limited use of magick in this room, but the young mage was not willing to die here. Fire, water, and electricity spells wound themselves out of his hands, some doing damage, some managing only to infuriate the beast.
Snake Eaters
02-04-2005, 17:58
Cougar rounded a corner, and saw the tiger. Shan was on the far side, cornerned by the tiger. His limited magicks weren't going to kill it, Cougar knew that much. He'd seen the sign telling people to refrain from much magick use in this room. But, there were times when the rules had to be broken...

"Need a hand over there?"
02-04-2005, 17:59
Maybe just a little. *A slightly more powerful spell knocked the tiger back*
Snake Eaters
02-04-2005, 18:17
"Don't give me tough macho style, Shan. Just a second, we've got to work together. I hope you still got your ball. Can this thing be killed?"
02-04-2005, 18:18
It can be...I think...and I thought that you hated my ball. It got lost when I hit this thing the first time, but I can conjure another.
Snake Eaters
02-04-2005, 18:19
I'm no fool, that things a weapon. Anyway. Conjure another*pulls a knife from his boot*Best I got to hand. Brute force for this one... now, a distraction
02-04-2005, 18:22
The tiger was looking from one to the other.

Shan conjured another ball, and bounced it off the tiger, hard. The creature rounded back on him, and as he caught the ball again, he smashed it between the tiger's eyes.
Snake Eaters
02-04-2005, 19:08
Cougar saw his chance and went in to nick the tiger. His blade thrusted through the air, and caught the tiger across the hind legs. Cougar jumped back, well aware of how much damage a tiger could do
02-04-2005, 19:17
The tiger whipped around on Cougar, its teeth bared in a fearsome snarl, when the ball caught it behind the ear again.

Shan's eyes glowed bright red, and he held up his wooden sword, which was becoming whole and being encased in steel.

"Dos orn malar uns'aa."
Snake Eaters
02-04-2005, 19:21
Cougar stared at Shan, thinking:Oh no, not this again. He jumped high, landing in the branches of a tree above. He looked down, his arm raised with the knife. It wasn't designed for throwing, but he could manage it...
02-04-2005, 19:22
The boy had changed. The tiger backed away, uncertain, and decided it wasn't worth it. It turned tail and ran into the dense foilage surrounding the clearing.
Snake Eaters
02-04-2005, 19:24
Cougar sheathed the blade, and turned off his engrams. Now to show Shan the truth. He dropped from the tree,"How'd you feel?"
02-04-2005, 19:27
The boy's eyes still glowed brightly, and he spoke with an overtone that rang with power.

"You are this child's instructor? Have things really changed so much in a thousand years that humans now teach the Hidden Mages? Interesting. The child is weak, but has the potential to be strong. Train him well."

No sooner had he stopped speaking than the glow receeded. Shan blinked a moment.

"Where'd the tiger go?"
Snake Eaters
02-04-2005, 19:29
Ok, that was creepy to say the least.

"It happened again Shan. The red glow, and then a voice. Watch, and listen..." He placed a holoemitter on the ground, and transferred his memory engrams onto the emitter,"Watch this"
02-04-2005, 19:32
... ... ... ... "Can things get any more weird? It's like a bad play on a fairy tale."
Snake Eaters
02-04-2005, 19:33
You can't fake that. Memory engrams cannot be faked... at all. Unless you have an inhibitor, which I did, but it dissolved. Therefore, you've now got to believe that this is real
02-04-2005, 19:35
It's messed up no matter what it is. Still...there's got to be some way to explain these memory lapses...
Snake Eaters
02-04-2005, 19:39
Exactly. So know you have an idea as to what has been happening. I shouldn't really have shown you... but I don't like being kept in the dark, and I doubt you do either
02-04-2005, 19:40
Is this why they're sending me to Mithdelmar?
Snake Eaters
02-04-2005, 19:41
I don't know... but it's a distinct possibility
02-04-2005, 19:42
Why don't things like this ever happen to Jovin?
Snake Eaters
02-04-2005, 19:44
Cougar began to lead Shan out of the room,"I don't know. Theres always order to chaos, Shan. You'll find out why one day. I don't know any better than you"
02-04-2005, 19:48
There is no order in chaos, and there is no chaos in order. The two conflict, and one cannot exist without the other, but one cannot be part of the other.

*He brings up his blade and swipes it around, then stops and looks at it.*

This should be broken and fragmented...but it's steel...
Snake Eaters
02-04-2005, 19:51
Thats what you think. Theres always some semblance of order in chaos... you just have to look at it in the right way. Trust me on this one. Oh, and Shan, you might want to heal those wounds, because they will hurt later if you don't
02-04-2005, 19:53
Huh? *Looks down* Oh, right. *A bluish energy surrounds Shan, healing his wound, and he looks at Cougar.* Better?
Snake Eaters
02-04-2005, 19:55
Much. C'mon, lets get out of here. Don't want that tiger coming back to us
02-04-2005, 19:56
True. *Shan leads the way out of the room*
Snake Eaters
02-04-2005, 20:00
*checks watch*Nearly lunchtime. And I make a point of getting as many meals as I can. You coming?
02-04-2005, 20:01
I guess...*Shan's still examining his newly-steel sword.* I'm no judge of can you tell me if this is a good sword, or a bad sword?
Snake Eaters
02-04-2005, 20:06
Cougar took the blade from Shan, and looked at it,"The tang is the full width of the blade... perfect balence. Perfectly weighted*nicks his thumb*razor sharp... yes, this sword is good. Very good in fact, the best I've seen for a long time
02-04-2005, 20:07
How did it get that way, was a clumsy wooden bokken when I went in there.
Snake Eaters
02-04-2005, 20:09
I have a theory about this, but I don't know if it's right. I'll have to ask Rhenna... I'll tell you when I find out, alright? C'mon, lunch beckons
02-04-2005, 20:10
*Taking the sword back* Humans and food...I better put this in my room until I figure out what to do with it.
Snake Eaters
02-04-2005, 20:11
I'd find a sheath for it as well. You want to protect something like that. I'll see you there*sets off on his own. Grabs food, and sits at table he sat at earlier*
02-04-2005, 20:13
Shan puts the sword in his room, and surrounds it with a simple leather sheath. Heading down to the caf., he was called over by a group of kids roughly his own age, and he went and sat with them.
Snake Eaters
02-04-2005, 20:14
Cougar smiled at what he saw,Other than that red-eye business, he's a normal kid. Good luck to him. He finished up his meal, and stood to leave
02-04-2005, 20:16
No one really takes much notice of Cougar, and aside from Shan, there's no one there that he really knows very well.
Snake Eaters
02-04-2005, 20:21
Cougar disposed of his plate, and left the room. He went and changed into a new set of clothes, then returned to his training. As his new routine set itself into his head, he began a series of exercises concentrating more on his magick than his physical being. On and on he went, losing track of time as he did so...
02-04-2005, 20:26
It's about eight o' clock in the evening when Rhenna seeks him out.

"You're going to burn yourself out...I heard from Shan that you started this about seven and a half hours ago."
Snake Eaters
02-04-2005, 20:27
He stopped,"What? No way! I can't have been working that long, surely"
02-04-2005, 20:28
Check your watch, James.
Snake Eaters
02-04-2005, 20:32
He looked at it,"OK. I lost track of time something cronic. Oh well, I think I'm getting better, so it's worth it"
02-04-2005, 20:34
If you burn yourself out, you won't be able to use magick at all for a couple of days. I've seen it happen...not pleasant.
Snake Eaters
02-04-2005, 20:36
Point taken. I'll stop now. I'm pretty much done anyway. How was class today?
02-04-2005, 20:39
Not as energy consumptive as normal. Namely because the biggest class clown was a tad on the worn out side today.
Snake Eaters
02-04-2005, 20:41
Seems like a good deal to me. It happened again earlier, you know
02-04-2005, 20:41
The red eyes? He told me...and he showed me the sword. Not a bad piece.
Snake Eaters
02-04-2005, 20:43
I think it may be Haldosir's sword, or at least as close as it can come. I did my own checking, wasn't the legitimate bloodline lost over the generations?
02-04-2005, 20:44
Haldosir's only son was killed when he was three hundred. The son never had any children.
Snake Eaters
02-04-2005, 20:46
So, for Shan to have this blood, there has to be an illegitimate line; another son or daughter
02-04-2005, 20:47
Another son. It's a direct bloodline...for example, Princess Anna has the powers of the Maril line. So will all of her children. However, her son's children will not, but her daughter's children will.
Snake Eaters
02-04-2005, 20:49
Alright, I see how that works. Amazing how history forgets the illegitimate ones, yet there are usually the ones who survive
02-04-2005, 21:08
They aren't recognized, therefore they aren't targeted.
Snake Eaters
02-04-2005, 21:12
Good point. Did you hear about Shan and Costh earlier? It happened then as well, and then is dissapeared. He was holding him to a good fight, but then he lost it again. He doesn't seem to have control over it, it comes and goes at will
02-04-2005, 21:39
He'll gain more control over it as he gets older.
Snake Eaters
02-04-2005, 21:40
I know. It's slightly scary watching him do it though
02-04-2005, 21:41
Which part? The glowing red eyes, or a child that is relatively inept with a blade to a fully fledged Warmancer?
Snake Eaters
02-04-2005, 21:43
Bit of both... more the second part
02-04-2005, 21:43
The second part does seem lke it would be eerie...but anyone can pull a glowing eye trick.
Snake Eaters
02-04-2005, 21:49
Not the eyes I'm worried about. It's that ablity with a blade. It's incredible to watch, but surreal as well
02-04-2005, 21:52
Haldosir's skill with the blade was said to be second only to that of Rildoreth...and his magickal skills second only to those of Kaymiril I and Nervim. He was probably second only to Kaymiril I in power, as he combined both abilities.
Snake Eaters
02-04-2005, 21:54
Cougar shivered slightly, more from the sweat on his body than from what he had just heard,"I see. Well, this is certainley more interesting. I called the team, by the way"
02-04-2005, 21:54
What did they have to say?
Snake Eaters
02-04-2005, 21:57
James smiled,"Well... the intial reaction was shock, followed by amazement, followed by inquiry, and finally Konig wanting to know if I was planning on getting drunk the night before. The answer was no, before you ask"
02-04-2005, 22:00
That was a good answer.
Snake Eaters
02-04-2005, 22:01
I have no intention of turning up, to my own wedding, hung-over. That, and you would kill me for it
02-04-2005, 22:02
Yeah, just about.
Snake Eaters
02-04-2005, 22:18
He smiled at her...

One Month Later
James Cougar sat in his garden, looking around him. It was the night before his wedding, his so-called 'last night of freedom'. Konig had already called him, and told him to come to the bar where they generally went after a mission. It was a bar called 'The Soliders Arms', a well known SHADOW haunt. He looked at his watch, and got up off the lounger. He left the note he had written on the kitchen table, as the others hadn't eaten, and then slipped out the door, closing it softly. His shirt was unbuttoned at the top, and for the first time he was casual... to all outside appearances anyway. He still had a pistol on him, but it was well hidden. As he crossed the square, he thought he saw the curtains rustle, but ignored it.

Less than ten minutes later, he arrived in the pub, and was greeted with a resounding roar of congratualations. Konig and Watt grabbed him by the arms, and pulled him to the table reserved for Alpha team. After getting the first round in, Watt stood,"I'd like to propose a toast, to our friend, commander and piss-artist, James Cougar!"

"Here-here" came the response, and they all took a deep swig of whatever they were drinking. Lager all round, as the girls could outdrink the boys on some occasions.

Cougar took this oppurtunity to make a speech,"Ladies, Gentlemen... Matt. I'm gonna miss you guys... but I'm never going to forget this team. To the best team, from the best unit, in the galaxy! And Matt, no drunken roaring in tomorrows ceremony, understand!"

It continued in a similar vein for much of the night, with James knocking back a few pints and then a number of shots. However, he knew the penalty if he got soused, and called an end to proceedings around 1AM. Konig and Charlie were gone, so he and Wolf took Konig home, and left Wolf there to make sure he got up in the morning. James found himself by the river, walking along, when a voice behind him, accompanined by a meanancing shick, said,"Gimme your wallet". The knife was at his throat, but he didn't flinch. Smoothly, without taking a break, Cougar grabbed the arm, twisted it, dislocated the shoulder, causing the knife to fall to the ground, and then knocked the knees away from his would-be assaliant,"I'm sorry. I don't have any money on me" The man crumpled, before being dragged away by his companions. James smiled, and continued walking. He wasn't bothered again.

At around 2:30 AM, James found himself back at his house. Slowly, he opened the door, praying that it didn't creak. It didn't, and he made his way up to his room. After knocking back a glass of water, he collapsed into bed. As his mind drifted in and out, his final thought was,I'm getting married in a few hours... and I can't wait
02-04-2005, 22:36
About ten mages from Rendelmar (Only about seventy would be attending the wedding) had come ahead to make sure the Corobrian Falls were looking the best they could. The rest would arrive in the morning.
Snake Eaters
02-04-2005, 22:48
That morning, Cougar rose from his slumber, and began to get ready. After a brisk shower, he took the dress-uniform that he normally never wore out of it's protective zip bag. The black material was creased in exactly the right places. Crisp, and new. They were immaculate. He pulled the trousers on, and did up the regiemental buckle that been owened by his father. Next came the shirt, wedgewood blue in colour. He slipped it on, and did it up all the way. Then came the tie, black as well. He did it in a perfect Windsor knot, and then stood back. He slipped his feet into the bulled parade shoes. In the light, he could see his own face, from nearly six feet up. He smiled, and took his rank pips, pinning them to the shirt. Finally came the jacket. He did up the polished silver buttons slowly, taking great pride in this uniform. He looked at himself in the mirror, grabbed his hat, and made his way downstairs. The rest of the team was already there, waiting for him.

"You ready for this?"

He smiled,"Ready as I'll ever be. How long till transport arrives?"

"A few minutes"

Cougar looked around at this group of friends. And he smiled. He was ready...
02-04-2005, 22:52
Warfare was in his private sanctuary, perusing Death's black book. It contained knowledge on how to give Cougar and Rhenna the perfect gift. The book was special. It caontained a complete history on each and every living person. Warfare smiled to himself when he saw what they did with the potion.
"Well, I can fix that, and give them their gift." he thought. They had no idea what he was going to do. Then he reached the chapter he wanted, yes, that was the right spell. That was what he needed... Well, Death granted him permission to use three spells from his book. This would be one of them. All he needed, was a giant diamond. He knew where that was, as well as some of the other componets. He gathered them all. He looked ahead in time. Yes, the timing would be exactly right. He used the components, and cast a very special spell. It would take hours to come into affect.He couldn't wait to see the Joy in their eyes.
02-04-2005, 22:55
OOC: Back in a half hour.
02-04-2005, 22:57
Rhenna was dressed better than on a normal day...she'd created a dress instead of the usual pants and blouse, and one of her friends had done her hair in an intricate style. The mages were there, and waiting. Mith had even joined them, but Renor would be the one to cast the spell. Now, the only ones that had to show up were the members of SHADOW Team Alpha.
Snake Eaters
02-04-2005, 23:01
The team pulled up a few moments later. On time... barely. Cougar placed his hat on his head, and saluted his team. They saluted him back, before they all removed their headgear, and made their way to their alloted places. They'd agreed to pull security as well, so they were on the fringes. Cougar took up his place at the front. HIs expression and body language spoke volumes,I'm nervous... but I'm ready. Let's do this
02-04-2005, 23:05
Warfare strolled up with a strange woman on his arm. She had Purple hair and Orange Eyes. Warfare was in a Suit of White. the woman Wore a Pretty Black Dress. Warfare had no weapons, niether did the Woman. The most unusual thing about the woman, was that her eyes looked like Serpant Eyes.

Warfare and the woman strolled up.
"We early?" Warfare asked.
02-04-2005, 23:07
Rhenna smiles at James. She was also nervous, but it didn't show in her expression.

R -- No, Warfare, you're right on time.
Snake Eaters
02-04-2005, 23:10
He smiled back,"Hi, Warfare. Glad you could make it"

Strange taste... I can't talk
02-04-2005, 23:10
"Great, oh, my apoligies, let me introduce my Guest, The Queen sliver, in mostly human Form. We didn't want to make any of the Guests Nevous." Warfare said.
Snake Eaters
02-04-2005, 23:13
"Greetings your Highness. It's good that you could come. We're just waiting on Galvenor now"
02-04-2005, 23:19
Renor nods.

((OOC: I'm posting this now b/c SE has to go soon, but Balrogga, please, we want you here, so post as soon as you can, about being there.))

R -- *Speaking out*

Moments like these are rare for all of us. Being who we are, *to Cougar and Rhenna* being who you are, *back out* the road of hardship is more familiar than that of happiness.
There are trials we must all face alone. That is the nature of life...we have one mind, one body, one spirit, one heart...and one life. Lonliness is our fundamental nature, but there are times when two people agree that the trials of the one will be the trials of the other, and the triumphs of the one will be shared with the other. In essence, the two lives become one.
That is why we are all here today, human and Drow alike. Col. James Cougar of Snake Eaters and Rhenmet Kitrye-Maelthra of Kaymiril are joining their lives.

*Renor brings their foreheads together and casts a spell. Cougar and Rhenna would feel an odd sensation for a few of mingling, but it subsides.*

From this moment forward, let it be known that these two people are married.
Snake Eaters
02-04-2005, 23:29
Hearing Renor say that final phrase brought a great joy to James' heart. As Renor released them, he took one step backwards,"I pulled some strings, and got us a special, once-in-a-lifetime show.*Turns to the crowd*Ladies and Gentleman, I thank you all for being here today to witness this momentous occasion. I have but one thing left to offer here today, and that is a show. Something which I doubt you will see equaled."

As he finished speaking, the entire crowd became aware of the sounds of two jet engines in the distance,"I give you the Cobra Display Team. Well... two of them"

The Cobra jets roared overhead, one trailing white smoke, the other black. They rocketed upwards, linking the smoke trails time and time again. As they reached the peak, they cross for a final time, then came back down so close the smoke was indistinguishable. His symbol of unity, painted on the sky for all to see. He turned back to Rhenna,"Hope you like it."
02-04-2005, 23:31
She smiles. "It's amazing."
Snake Eaters
02-04-2005, 23:34
"Good. I hoped it would be. The reception awaits. Will you join me?"
02-04-2005, 23:37
Of course.
Snake Eaters
02-04-2005, 23:40
He took her hand, and led her away from the main area. As he walked, he felt a tremendous weight lifting from him,"And so begins the life of marriage," he said, taking two glasses of wine,"And may it be a long and happy one"
02-04-2005, 23:48
She smiles. "I'm sure it will be."
02-04-2005, 23:55
Warfare was watching. The spell was beginning to set in. It took quite a long time to set in. But now they were married, and it was garenteed to work now. They would begin to feel an Odd tingleing in their stomachs that just would not go away.
Snake Eaters
03-04-2005, 12:23
So am I. *looks at her*You look fantastic, just so you know.
03-04-2005, 14:20
Galvenor watched from his reserved seat.


Everything seems to happen while I am at school, work, or sleeping...
Snake Eaters
03-04-2005, 14:41
OOC: Sorry man. We can't help it, wish we could though
03-04-2005, 14:57
So am I. *looks at her*You look fantastic, just so you know.
She smiles. "You're looking pretty good yourself."
Snake Eaters
03-04-2005, 14:59
He shuddered,"Can't stand this dress uniform. Have to brutally honest with you, cannot stand this sort of kit at all. Too neat"
03-04-2005, 15:01
I didn't imagine so. But you wear it well.
Snake Eaters
03-04-2005, 15:06
Thanks. Suppose that's all that matters really. I wonder how they would have felt*pulls picture of his parents from his breast pocket*
03-04-2005, 15:07
Well, they might have been surprsed that you were marrying an alien...but I think they probably would have been happy for you.
Snake Eaters
03-04-2005, 15:08
Well, I'll never know. I know my 'family' is happy for me, and that's all that matters on that front
03-04-2005, 15:10
She nods. "My family is divided on this one. They won't argue it, however, not when Renor himself cast the spell."
Snake Eaters
03-04-2005, 15:12
I was talking to Shan about it some time ago now. Let them be divided, so long as we're happy. Do you feel that, in your stomach?
03-04-2005, 15:13
Yes. Probably some after effect of the spell.
Snake Eaters
03-04-2005, 15:19
Maybe. Ah well, it ain't bothering us unduely, so it can't be a problem*sits down at a table, opposite Wolf and Watt*What did you guys think?

Wa - Different

C - *sacastic*Really? I didn't notice

Wo - (Whose a girl btw) I thought it was beautiful. Both of you looked great up there. And the display after... nice thinking, James

C - Thanks
03-04-2005, 15:24
Well, I heard from our resident expert in human traditions that a human-style wedding was a thing to be dreaded. In all actuality, this is different for us, too.

***at the waterfall itself***

Shan and Jovin are standing there, one at the top of the falls, and one at the bottom, just barely standing on the land. Shan is dropping rocks down to his friend, while one of the girls is standing back, judging the distance.
Snake Eaters
03-04-2005, 15:29
Cougar grinned,"Oh yeah, this is a fusion wedding. Some things human, some things Drow. A Drow wedding doesn't involve engagement or anything like that. It's the woman going, 'I will marry him'. And that's it. I remember you asking Laura to marry you, Watt... oh, funny times.*Glances over at the waterfall, then says to Rhenna*Which one first, Shan or Jovin in the water?"
03-04-2005, 15:32
Neither. They're judging the distance from the top to the bottom so that they can pull a trick of some sort. I've known those kids since they were this tall *holds her hand about two and a half feet off the ground* and they enjoy their little pranks. They know where to draw the line, though. The last thing they want to do is make me mad today.
Snake Eaters
03-04-2005, 15:35
I wouldn't want to get you mad at all... ever. *Grins*It is one of the things I intend to avoid in this marriage. ANy theories as to the prank they may pull?
03-04-2005, 15:43
Knowing could be anything.
Snake Eaters
03-04-2005, 15:47
Cougar laughed, and motioned to Konig to keep an eye on them. He nodded, and turned to watch them. Cougar watched as well, his hand linking with Rhenna's. Let's see how this turns out... wow, I'm a married man. Scary
03-04-2005, 16:12
Costh, looking decidedly uncomfortable both at the ceramony and in formal clothes, went over to Rhenna and Cougar, "Congratulations on your marriage. May you have many happy years together."
03-04-2005, 19:13
Stage two began to take effect. Cougar and rhenna began to reseble each other a little too quickly. Usually it takes years for couples to resemble each other, but under a day? An occasional Green flash snaked up their arms and around their bodies. A euphoraic feeling would be overtaking them both, along with the instinctive knowledge that Warfare cast a spell of some sort on them.
Snake Eaters
03-04-2005, 20:44
Cougar shook Costh's hand,"Thanks for coming. It means quite a lot to me... and hopefully Rhenna as well"

He looked at his arms as a green flash shot up it, and somehow knew what was going on. He squeezed Rhenna's hand,"You feeling that? Warfare... what are you up to?"
03-04-2005, 20:51
Rhenna nods. "Thank you, Costh. It is good that you could come."

Her eyes half-close as she analyses what Warfare cast.
"H'mm...feels like...I don't know. I've never encountered this spell before. I don't think it's a malignant one...I'm pretty sure it isn't...but still."
03-04-2005, 20:55
"I read an intresting book lately. Only one in existance. It told me many things. As I'm sure you know, there is a remarkable diffrence between your Lifespans. Or, at least there was. Marriage must be of Equals. That WAS the only diffrence. I know of the Potion. Rhenna's Life has been returned to its full span. Yours has been increased to match hers. You will live just as long as she does, with a three day diffrence Max. I only needed .05% I used the other .05% to give you two your wedding gift. A long life for Cougar so that the two of you might enjoy each others compnay longer. James, you will age at the same pace Rhenna does. You two are equal. I cast that spell at 2:30 this morning, Snake Eater Prime time. I could think of no better gift. This side effectwill fade in perhaps 30 minutes. there is one other side effect that's not really a side effect. You will always be happer and more powerful in each other's presence. I hope you like my gift." Warfare said with a big grin spread across his face.
03-04-2005, 20:59
Rhenna laughed and stood up to embrace Warfare.

"Thank you."
03-04-2005, 21:01
Warfare returned Rhenna's embrace.
Snake Eaters
03-04-2005, 21:02
Cougar blinked once, then once more. He couldn't believe what he had just heard. Slowly, a wide grin spread across his face. He stood up, and shook Warfare's hand, before embracing him with his free arm,"You have no idea what this means to me... I get to spend the next 670 years with the woman I love. You've just made me the happiest man in existence... although I'm in slight shock, so ignore any stupid comments I may make"
03-04-2005, 21:08
"I have never known any man not to make a stupid coment or two on his wedding day." Warfare said in a matter of fact tone, Grin still spread across his face.
Snake Eaters
03-04-2005, 21:11
Cougar raised his eyebrow at Warfare, before taking Rhenna round the waist,"Well, looks like we're going to get a little bit longer than we planned together. Think you can stomach me for the next half a millenium and more?"
03-04-2005, 21:13
Rn -- Well...we'll see.

At about that moment, the pool started bubbling, and a column of water shot up. A dragon formed itself out of the water, and a patch of air started glowing in the shape of a cougar. The air spread itself into Cougar's family crest, and the water crystalized in the Drow pictogram for "hidden," the symbol of Rendelmar. The symbols reshaped themselves and combined, leaving a glowing water crest hanging in the air.
Snake Eaters
03-04-2005, 21:16
"I'm sure we will... I'm sure we will"
Cougar looked at the waterfall, and found himself applauding along with the rest of Alpha Team,"Impressive. Very impressive"
03-04-2005, 21:17
Rhenna nods. "They did that well."
Snake Eaters
03-04-2005, 21:19
All in all... I'd say it's been a good day. Might be my gift for understatement coming through again.*smiles at her, kissing her*
03-04-2005, 21:20
*She smiles at him, and kisses himback* Well, I don't know...I'd call it a good day.
Snake Eaters
03-04-2005, 21:29
Cougar felt relaxed in himself. For the first time in ages, he had forgotten about Death and what was happening back at the Council recently. He was going to live for nearly 700 years, he was married to someone who loved him as much as he loved her... life didn't get much better than this. He pulled up a blanket, and lay down,"Care to join me at all?"
03-04-2005, 21:32
She sits down next to him. "Why not?"
Snake Eaters
03-04-2005, 21:39
It's quite beautiful, isn't it. The sky I mean
03-04-2005, 21:40
She nods. "You come from a beautiful planet."
Snake Eaters
03-04-2005, 21:45
I've seen most of it... still parts of it I need to see
03-04-2005, 21:46
Like what? *She takes his hand, letting her fingers intertwine with his.*
Snake Eaters
03-04-2005, 21:50
"The South mostly, the poles... quite a bit." He paused, knowing something was wrong. An offshoot of the bonding spell,"Arre you OK Rhenna? You seem... worried about something"
03-04-2005, 21:53
She leans down to kiss him. "Don't worry about it...not today."
Snake Eaters
03-04-2005, 21:57
He kissed her back, letting it linger for a few seconds. He decided not to press the issue, and instead returned to staring at the sky. The clouds passed overhead, and he found himself looking for shapes in them...
03-04-2005, 22:01
The day continued on, and as the sun began to set, the mages returned to their homes. Renor and Vedt opened a portal to Rendelmar, and Mith bid the Queen Sliver good bye and took Shan with her back to Mithdelmar. Then the mages were gone, leaving Warfare, the Queen Sliver, Galvenor (?), Costh, and SHADOW Team Alpha at the falls. The only Drow left was Rhenna.
Snake Eaters
03-04-2005, 22:04
Cougar looked around, and noted who was there. He motioned to Watt,"Take the ones who need it back to Snake City. Take the main transport, I've sorted myself and Rhenna out"

"Alright, James...Who else needs to go to the city tonight, other than the team?"

James turned to Rhenna,"I sorted us out before I came. It'll be here soon"
03-04-2005, 22:06
She nods.
Snake Eaters
03-04-2005, 22:07
Looking round, Cougar noticed something,"Wheres D'anthe? I can't believe I didn't notice before"
03-04-2005, 22:09
He's been here the whole time. *She reaches back and taps the thing that's been holding her hair in place. It reshapes itself into a raven, and perches on the top of her head as her hair fell around her shoulders and down her back. It mutters and ruffles its feathers, obviously not pleased at having to have held its position all day.*
Snake Eaters
03-04-2005, 22:17
Cougar laughed at the raven as it reformed, and watched as the hair cascaded down Rhenna's back. He hadn't seen her with it like this before...Wow
03-04-2005, 22:19
See why we like these things? They're useful...even if they're mouthy. *She looks at him and smiles*
Snake Eaters
03-04-2005, 22:22
She suits having her hair down... I think she knows what I'm thinking. Hmm, a raven that answers back? I'll stick to my nanites, at least they don't argue with me
03-04-2005, 22:24
I think it's really creepy that you have microscopic machines in your blood. And come on. Didn't you ever have a pet?
Snake Eaters
03-04-2005, 22:26
Yes. I did have a pet, a cat if you must know. But my cat couldnt answer back to me, part of it's charm. It could bite and scratch me, but it couldn't argue*smiles*
03-04-2005, 22:29
I'd call that arguing. Cats are very argumentative.
Snake Eaters
03-04-2005, 22:30
Cougar could see she was backing him into a corner, and swiftly changed the subject,"Why don't you wear your hair down more often?"
03-04-2005, 22:32
She raised an eyebrow at the abrupt change of subject, but went with it.

"Because it gets in my way. Doesn't yours ever get in your way?"
Snake Eaters
03-04-2005, 22:34
Not really. I've never had a problem... don't look at me like that
03-04-2005, 22:34
Don't look at you what way?
Snake Eaters
03-04-2005, 22:36
He dove straight in,"Giving me the raised eyebrow because I changed the subject. You beat me, let's accept it and move on"
03-04-2005, 22:38
*Shrugs and turns her head haughtily. She brings up her hand and conjures a flower...a pink pansy.*
Snake Eaters
03-04-2005, 22:40
Come on, you know I was only joking*eyes widen as the flower pops into existence*That was a low blow... alright, I'm sorry.

Wo - Cougar apologising? She has changed him
03-04-2005, 22:42
I told you the pansy would come back to haunt you. *To Wolf* He hasn't really changed...he just doesn't want to be in trouble quite yet.
Snake Eaters
03-04-2005, 22:45
He laughed,"True... true. I've no wish to end the evening with my wife angry at me."

30 minutes later
The black limo pulled up, and the driver rolled the window down,"Someone call for a pick-up?"

"Yeah, that'd be us" called Cougar. He took a moment to say goodbye to his team, promising he'd be back to see them soon, and making Watt promise to call if a good job came up.

He led Rhenna to the limo, and opened the door for her,"Ladies first"
03-04-2005, 22:58
She smiles at him and gets in. "You know...this is only my second time in this type of vehicle. Kind of odd, huh?"