NationStates Jolt Archive

Silly and/or Illegal Proposals. zOMG! - Page 4

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14-06-2005, 15:34
I dunno about you lot, but i am partial to keeping my own NAVEL. Trading belly buttons cant be healthy! :D

Navel Trade...obviously it has something to do with Stem Cells...(/ducks)
18-06-2005, 07:10
Category: International Security

Strength: Mild

Proposed by: Thermonuclear War

Description: Intelligence indicates that SkyNet has sent a T-1000 back in time to kill the future leader of the human resistance in the war against the machines.

This resolution mandates the U.N. to send cybernetic organism model T-101 back to the year 1992 to protect John Connor.
Enlightened Aardvarks
18-06-2005, 12:49
Evironmental Everglade

A resolution to increase the quality of the world's environment, at the expense of industry.

Category: Environmental

Industry Affected: All Businesses

Proposed by: Platinum Town

Description: I think it is disgraceful bt the amount of nations that have animals on the brink of destruction and i think that they should have a national park for them to be watched in. Everything else like Uranium mining can be built on old wastelands to save space and the enviroment from sure destruction.

Approvals: 9 (Juna Esperantisto, Funkdunk, Atlantinas, Antrium, Towa-no-Yoru, Behinds, Cemendur, Neo Mata Nui, Darth Mall)

Status: Lacking Support (requires 139 more approvals)

Voting Ends: Sun Jun 19 2005
:confused: That would be all those old wastelands with rich uranium deposits... ?!?!?!
Enlightened Aardvarks
18-06-2005, 12:59
Proposition Smoke-Free

A resolution to reduce income inequality and increase basic welfare.

Category: Social Justice

Strength: Strong

Proposed by: Mans0nites

Description: I'm a heavy smoker of several years.. and I know the damage it's doing to me, and countless others.. I also know it's virtually impossible to quit.. but there is one way that would work, and that is to outlaw tobacco all together.
The Government profits from this killer drug, and have the hide to outlaw pot.. and allow alcohol consumption, and cigarette smoking to continue..
Your priorities should be the preservation of our kind.. not the demise of it.
BAN cigarettes so it FORCES us to quit!
Can you do that? or will it cut into your kick backs Government?
It might seem like a solution for the 'weak' but it isn't.
Some of us can't give this habit up, and forcing us into quitting, might be the only way to save us from smoke related illness' and possibly death.
It's a growing cancer within us, and a cancer on society..
Lets face it.. it's a potential nail in the coffin of every human being on the Planet.

Outlaw this filthy killer substance before it claims our children, and our childrens children.
If you don't do it for yourselves.. do it for them.

Approvals: 9 (Behinds, Emerald Phoenix, Blue Scorpions, Yiplonia, Juna Esperantisto, Funkdunk, Antrium, Neo Mata Nui, Darth Mall)

Status: Lacking Support (requires 139 more approvals)

Voting Ends: Mon Jun 20 2005
I heartily approve of the sentiment behind this, but does this strike anyone as more of a protest poem than a resolution? I'm especially taken by 'or will it cut into your kick backs Government?'. Wow! Powerful stuff!
Enlightened Aardvarks
18-06-2005, 13:09
Repeal "Abortion Rights"

A proposal to repeal a previously passed resolution

Category: Repeal
Resolution: #61
Proposed by: Lansingville

Description: UN Resolution #61: Abortion Rights (Category: Human Rights; Strength: Significant) shall be struck out and rendered null and void.

Argument: Why do we have resolutions to save the whales and save the

I propose we repeal this amendment and save our children,
grand-children, and mankind.

We do enough killing in this world already!

Are we not United CIVILIZED Nations?

Approvals: 4 (Flibbleites, The Three-Toed Sloth, Nutema, Melmond)

Status: Lacking Support (requires 144 more approvals)

Voting Ends: Mon Jun 20 2005
Well, they do say an embryo kind of looks like a fish. And dolphins and wales sort of look like big fish. So obviously they're equivalent!!!!

Gunz 4 toddlaz

A resolution to tighten or relax gun control laws.

Category: Gun Control

Decision: Relax

Proposed by: Psyco II of kirton

Description: all toddlaz deserve a fun toy
wot betta dan a gun
dere fun and dey go bang
sign dis proposal or else
have a nice day
give toddlaz gunz, dey'll love em

Approvals: 2 (Cemendur, Charleno)

Status: Lacking Support (requires 146 more approvals)

Voting Ends: Mon Jun 20 2005
19-06-2005, 00:35
Those who don't read should not submit proposals...

Repeal "Sexual Freedom"
A proposal to repeal a previously passed resolution

Category: Repeal
Resolution: #7
Proposed by: South Belka

Description: UN Resolution #7: Sexual Freedom (Category: Human Rights; Strength: Strong) shall be struck out and rendered null and void.

Argument: Being a homosexual violates the "laws" of some religions. Some nations have official religions. The UN should not have the right to force a government to have to tolerate immoral sexuality.

Approvals: 3 (NeoAsiaEuropa, Iznogoud, Unionist People)

Status: Lacking Support (requires 145 more approvals)
19-06-2005, 00:38
"FAQ? What's a FAQ?"

Increasing Threats
A resolution to improve world security by boosting police and military budgets.

Category: International Security
Strength: Strong
Proposed by: Gmania

Description: It is a time of civil unrest in the World there are increasing threats forming all around us.

In response to the direct threats to the UN, I propose that the UN boosts its funding towards police and military budgets therefore insuring safety and security for our families and loved ones.

Furthermore I propose the creation of a grand army of the UN to counter the increasing threats.

Approvals: 0

The Simple Proposal Act
A resolution to increase democratic freedoms.

Category: The Furtherment of Democracy
Strength: Significant
Proposed by: East Columbia

Purpose: To simplify U.N Proposals

Scope: This act limits the number of topics covered in a U.N proposed Resolution to one.

Issue: Many proposaled Resolutions contain multiple provisions within the same proposed Resolution, some provisions are acceptable, others unacceptable. Nations are currently not able to "pick and choose" between provisions within proposed Resolutions. This forces nations to accept "whole cloth" provisions which are repugnant to them, hindering the passage of legislation which would otherwise be wholly acceptable.

Examples: Discrimination Accord (#99), Children In War (#51), Stop dumping - Start Cleaning (#35), Global AIDS Initiative (#32), The Child Protection Act (#25),End slavery (#6)


1. Be it resolved by the members of the United Nations, all proposed resolutions shall be limited in their subject matter to a single topic.

And finally, we have the "HOW DARE YOU BE RICH!" proposal...

A resolution to reduce income inequality and increase basic welfare.

Category: Social Justice
Strength: Strong
Proposed by: Bubville

Description: Every single day, 30,000 children are dying as a result of extreme poverty.

This year, 2005, we finally have the resources, knowledge and opportunity, to put a stop to this. We can no longer let this continue, greed can no longer take lives.

All UN Members MUST:
At least double the aid currently being provided, and ensure all aid is of the highest standard. We must also ensure it does not fall into the hands of corrupt governments, and not reach where it is needed.

100% of all debt owed by the world's poorest countries MUST be dropped. These impossible debts can never be payed back, and should not have been there in the first place.

It cannot continue that the richest countries profit from those in poverty, while they become poorer. The trade rules must be changed, in favour of the poorest countries, therefor allowing them to develop, build their own industries, grow stronger, and one day compete as equals.

This year we can MAKE POVERTY HISTORY.
19-06-2005, 00:50
From the "Isn't that what it does category" we have
Category: Repeal

Resolution: #5

Proposed by: Eastern Martinsylvania

Description: UN Resolution #5: DVD region removal (Category: Free Trade; Strength: Mild) shall be struck out and rendered null and void.

Argument: It makes no sense to have a regional DVD player. Either they should sell players that can play from all regions, or not have any regions at all!

And from the "I can't argue with that logic" category
Category: Repeal

Resolution: #5

Proposed by: Eastern Martinsylvania

Description: UN Resolution #5: DVD region removal (Category: Free Trade; Strength: Mild) shall be struck out and rendered null and void.


EDIT: and I didn't even notice that both of those were submitted by the same nation.
19-06-2005, 03:37
Ban Hydrogen Weapons
A resolution to improve world security by boosting police and military budgets.

Category: International Security
Strength: Significant
Proposed by: Colonoria

Description: NOTING that hydrogen weapons are not in the catagory of nuclear of biochemical weapons & that they are much more destructive.

SUGGESTING that the UN ban all hydrogen weapons for the saftey of all world peoples.

SHOWING that hydrogen weapons are much more lethal than other forms of superweapons(a hydrogen bomb is 100x more powerful than a nuclear bomb.).

Approvals: 5 (Colonoria, Neo Mata Nui, Zouloukistan, Gaiah, AllThatIsUnholy)

Status: Lacking Support (requires 143 more approvals)

Voting Ends: Tue Jun 21 2005

Wow. This person failed both history and basic physics. Apparently, so did everyone supporting this.

Also, their numbers are wrong. Compare this to the fact that antimatter bombs are 1,000 times more powerful than fission bombs and 300 times more powerful than hydrogen bombs. Unless the laws of physics or mathematics have changed on us.

The Simple Proposal Act
A resolution to increase democratic freedoms.

Category: The Furtherment of Democracy
Strength: Significant
Proposed by: East Columbia

Purpose: To simplify U.N Proposals

Scope: This act limits the number of topics covered in a U.N proposed Resolution to one.

Issue: Many proposaled Resolutions contain multiple provisions within the same proposed Resolution, some provisions are acceptable, others unacceptable. Nations are currently not able to "pick and choose" between provisions within proposed Resolutions. This forces nations to accept "whole cloth" provisions which are repugnant to them, hindering the passage of legislation which would otherwise be wholly acceptable.

Examples: Discrimination Accord (#99), Children In War (#51), Stop dumping - Start Cleaning (#35), Global AIDS Initiative (#32), The Child Protection Act (#25),End slavery (#6)


1. Be it resolved by the members of the United Nations, all proposed resolutions shall be limited in their subject matter to a single topic.

Approvals: 3 (NeoAsiaEuropa, Zouloukistan, Seattletonia)

Status: Lacking Support (requires 145 more approvals)

Voting Ends: Tue Jun 21 2005

Must have failed all forms of school, in addition to not bothering to read the FAQ. If they had passed, they would have realized that a single topic can have a wealth of information on it, depending on the topic broadness.
Texan Hotrodders
19-06-2005, 08:12
Yes. They're cheap knockoffs of the true versions and are misleading in appearance. A correct translation is necessary for all levels of understanding when it comes to just about anything involving language. Without it, you get just a shadow of the truth.

I'm tempted to offer a counterpoint to this, but you're right that we should stop the hijack here.

There might have been an excuse in the past for mistranslation, but in this era there isn't. We have the technology to spread the truth around and allow people to read it. If they don't accept it, it's not my soul they're risking.

Agreed. I think the problem here is similar to a problem we have in the NSUN, specifically that the average member thinks they understand the UN in all its complexity, but truly don't. Education is the key, but no one wants to educate themselves further because they think they already know.

The problem is simple: If one portion is mistranslated, it opens up the possibility other portions are. If the words of Christ are mistranslated, specifically the passages important for today, then pretty much most Christians are pretty much doomed to eternal damnation. The words of Christ are, even if you ignore the rest, pretty much the essential element.

I'll have to say "it depends" again. Even if the translations were mistaken in critical places that are used to support Jesus's divinity and salvific power, those who only see Christ as a good moral teacher to be followed are still pretty much where they were before.

I'd ask for a topic split, but I'm afraid of the flame war this will cause in the General forum. But, anyway, shall we get back to topic for now? We can always continue another day.

Certainly. We're basically agreed on most points about the Bible and mainstream Christianity, anyway. It's more the question of whether a mistranslation can change the essence of what a work is in addition to what it says. Sort of a literary existential discussion that would bore most people, and I'm probably too tired to perform adequately anyway. :)
19-06-2005, 09:44
Make Poverty History
A resolution to reduce income inequality and increase basic welfare.

Category: Social Justice
Strength: Strong
Proposed by: Jagraphess

Description: Following the failed attempt to get a resolution on world debt, it is this Act's proposal to eradicate all debt owed by those countries classed as 'third world' to all 1st world countries.

With the money that those countries now do not need to pay back, reforms for healthcare, education and basic needs must be put into place to make the first step to making the world a more equal place.

Approvals: 1 (Markodonia)

Let's see... the logic here goes "If we give them money, they won't squander it like they did last time... and the time before that... and before that..."

Gotta love people who hate the rich. Or just think those who ran up huge debts should get a "Get Out of Debt Free" card... :rolleyes:

We need more drug use!
A resolution to ban, legalize, or encourage recreational drugs.

Category: Recreational Drug Use
Decision: Promote
Proposed by: Eboltaria

Description: We need to sell more drugs.If we start selling more drugs we can make Much tax revune.

Approvals: 1 (Joravecland)


Global Education Improvement
A resolution to improve worldwide human and civil rights.

Category: Human Rights
Strength: Significant
Proposed by: Penguin Overlords

Description: IN RECOGNITION that the state of world wide education has been poorly reflective of the expansion of human knowledge.

IN KEEPING with the fact that any civilization that does not expand its horizons both socially, and in relation to new technologies.

IN REGARDS to the fact that the world continues to spend astronomical amounts of money on the Military Sector.

WE STAND RESOLVED to commit one-third (1/3) of the amount a nation spends on the Military Sector to National Public Education.

So if I have no military spending, I also don't need to spend anything on education?

Criminal and Immirgration Act
A resolution to improve world security by boosting police and military budgets.

Category: International Security
Strength: Strong
Proposed by: Glatialov

Description: This is a bill to help lower and possibly obliterate illegal immigration. This Act will enforce the following:

1. Said immigrants caught trying to get into a country illegally will pay a fine to both countries.

2. Any criminals that have been caught will be returned the country where said criminal is charged with most crimes.

3. Countries will patrol borders more tightly.

I don't know if this one was intentional or not, but "tight" is a slang word meaning "drunk off their ass" where I come from...

Repeal "Common Sense Act II"
A proposal to repeal a previously passed resolution

Category: Repeal
Resolution: #30
Proposed by: The South Outpost

Description: UN Resolution #30: Common Sense Act II (Category: Human Rights; Strength: Significant) shall be struck out and rendered null and void.

Argument: This Act can be seen to give the courts of the UN an arbitrary power which they can no longer be allowed to have. There are more fitting ways by which these frivolous lawsuits can be avoided. I suggest that member nations that are plagued by such lawsuits to alter the structure of their courts, giving power to the judge to rule on matters of punishment, and give juries merely power over the verdict of a case.

The UN has courts? When did this happen? I know of a court, but courts? Maybe they mean tennis courts...

Porn equal money
A resolution to restrict civil freedoms in the interest of moral decency.

Category: Moral Decency
Strength: Significant
Proposed by: Anti-Wapanese

Description: In today's world, in my option, there's like free porn websites and that should be stoped. I mean, the webmasters of the porn website should charge money, and only by using credit cards, because kids can't handle the pictures that they see, and makes them become idiots, and may end up regreting about watching porn. I say we should charge money for porn.

Approvals: 0

Wait, you give away your porn for free? *makes note about raiding their database*

Patents of nobility
A resolution to increase democratic freedoms.

Category: The Furtherment of Democracy
Strength: Significant
Proposed by: USMN

Description: 1.I propose that patents of nobility be used in all nations
2.Also that the patents of nobility be just simbolic
3.and to be used only for democratic and social porpuse

... failed Government 101...
19-06-2005, 12:14
Repeal "End slavery"
A proposal to repeal a previously passed resolution

Category: Repeal
Resolution: #6
Proposed by: Wiccandell

Description: UN Resolution #6: End slavery (Category: Human Rights; Strength: Significant) shall be struck out and rendered null and void.

Argument: I am writing to repeal the abolishment of slavery because my government can no longer turn criminals into slaves as their punishment and if this resoloution is successfully repealed i would encourage all nations to use this oppurtunity as a form of punishment to reduce the crime rate in their nations
Because a slave can obviously never, ever, commit a crime.
19-06-2005, 19:44
Responsibility Falls to Whom?
A resolution to improve worldwide human and civil rights.

Category: Human Rights
Strength: Strong
Proposed by: People of Independence

Description: The question on our hands is who takes responsibiliy.

The first trigger for this issues was jo smith and her son john. John was playing truent and jo got in trouble and is currently in jail. however she couldnt do anything as john went to school but then skipped some of hos lessons.

Now the question is should jo be put in prison? or should the governent refuse to give john free education because he has abused it?

The other trigger for this debate is the recent murder of 12 people from the same family. 12 of the 13 members of the 'x family' died at the hands of Y. The remaining member of the 'x family' told the court that Y should be murder, however Y only got 2 life sentences.

The question here is should the remaining member of the 'x family' have right to chooses whether Y dies or not.

this us an on going debate that needs to be solved please help those in need.

Ok... here's the debate. Shall we make it law? :headbang:

Outlaw Recreational Drug use
A resolution to ban, legalize, or encourage recreational drugs.

Category: Recreational Drug Use
Decision: Outlaw
Proposed by: Steamodi

Description: Why should people need drugs to have fun when the drugs are probally harming their bodies and causing trouble with the people around them. I propose that drugs should only be allowed for the Sick And Ill people and not the JUNKIES who hang about on the streets, Brake into peoples houses for drug money and raise crime in YOUR NATION...

Because we all know that legal drugs are the cause of crime... :headbang:

Bring Back Resolution 78
A resolution to improve world security by boosting police and military budgets.

Category: International Security
Strength: Strong
Proposed by: Steamodi

Fight the Axis of Evil

A resolution to improve world security by boosting police and military budgets.

Description: As the world become a more dangerous place, UN member nations must act swiftly in the interests of peace. This means, of course, building lots of new weapons. Only by massively increasing military budgets world-wide will we be able to restore peace and global security.
Bring back Resolution #78
why should evil nations get away with what they do when we can unite and put a stop to it...

Approvals: 0

No comment.
19-06-2005, 22:22
From the "Say what now?" category we have
Category: Social Justice

Strength: Mild

Proposed by: The Dark Lord Vader


From the "Another proposal that makes me want to get mine passed faster" category we have
Category: International Security

Strength: Significant

Proposed by: Antrium

Description: Aware of the debate between UN members of whether or not to allow nuclear weapons,
Aware of the fact that non-UN members may possess nuclear weapons, and UN members are greatly outnumbered by non-members,

Proposes the following:
All nuclear weapons currently in possession by any UN member nation would be given to the UN.
The UN would build a secure place to store these weapons that only belongs to the UN, not any specific country.
The formation of a new committee, the Nuclear Weapon Committee (NWC).
Any country that needs nuclear weapons to defend itself from any non-UN member country would fill out an application, explaining its situation to the NWC, and they can decide whether to allow them to use some of the weapons or not.
At the storage facility, more weapons would be produced whenever the UN needs to.

This plan would ban using a nuclear weapon on ANY UN member nation, and restrict nuclear weapons for defense purposes only.As DLE would say, another useless committee.
20-06-2005, 03:26
Oh. My. God. Was becoming a delegate really worth all of this? There's a proposal where the author has expressed his/her love for their grannie.

Holyboy and the 666s
20-06-2005, 03:43
There are some good ones, but they are few and far between...
20-06-2005, 04:16
Didn't read the rules...

UN Peace Keepers
A resolution to improve world security by boosting police and military budgets.

Category: International Security
Strength: Significant
Proposed by: Joshuaous Ramoses

Description: It is proposed that, in the intrest of international security, that a UN taskforce, made up of elements of the defensive bodies of all member nations, be combined into an international peace-keeping task-force. All too often, smaller member nations are targeted in regions where UN members are not a majority. The UN must protect all of its members, or soon nations will begin to look at us as weak and futile. No country should have to face agressors alone, and the number of nations facing direct threats to their livelihood will drastically decrease when many countries ban together to stand with our allies in the face of danger.

Approvals: 1 (Joshuaous Ramoses)

And my personal vote for "Wow. That's SO Illegal" goes to...

A resolution to reduce barriers to free trade and commerce.

Category: Free Trade
Strength: Strong
Proposed by: Independent Declarists

Description: Description: AWARE that nations of the world trade with each other throughout the world with their respective goods and services industries. That faster trade is requested and desired by all who want outside nations' products.

CONSCIOUS that their are certain nations that will not trade with other countries, and are particularly antagonistic to such countries.

CREATES the following practices:

1) The monorails will be created using the surpluses available from each financially able nations. If the country doesn't want to use the surplus the citizens and corporations have the option to help contribute to its creation.

2) It is completely optional whether or not a country decides to build a monorail in their respective country.

3) Their will be both industrial and commercial trains, as with the railroad industry, in each nation who chooses to have a monorail.

4) When each train enters the neighboring nation they will be checked for drugs, arms, and anything forbidden in that country.

5) Only UN nations can have monorails, to be able to have this monorail system they must apply for UN delegacy.

6) The way and technology of the monorail that is built is up to the respective country. If said country decides they want an subway instead of a monorail it must work in accordance with neighboring countries so that the monorail reaches to become a subway, and vice versa, on its borders.

7.) Prices for fare will be delegated by a panel of representatives of each country within every nation. Prices and maintainence will be determined by a 3/4 vote for or against the laws each nation decides.

8.) Monitors for each train will be put on each train, which will be 3 undercover law enforcement agents from any nation within a individual region.

9.) Each citizen of every nation will be required to have a passport when entering a new nation within a foreign region via monorail.

10.) A nation that wants to build a monorail and/or subway on a border must agree with the neighboring nation or region to connect their rails at the border.

Finally, the UN will inform each nation which countries and regions are hostile to their borders, as well as what products each country will trade with them. The UN will help settle all transportation disputes if brought up by a nation or region to the UN.

Approvals: 0
20-06-2005, 05:39
Category: Environmental

Industry Affected: All Businesses

Proposed by: Garnet Scars

Description: It is important that no nation run out of potatoes.
On this point I propose that all nations have a potato farming a harvesting program on 10% of their land.
The potato is one of the most useful roots. It has starch which is great for clothes, it is eatable, which means you can boil them, bake them, mash them, make chips out of them, make potato bake, etc. Also they can be excellent paper weights and if you carve faces into them, children's toys!
So I put forward my proposition that an annual potato farming/harvesting project go forward in all nations!
Nations could even create their own festivals for the harvest!Insert funny comment here.
21-06-2005, 02:28
Category: Environmental

Industry Affected: All Businesses

Proposed by: Rastion

Description: We nuke Africa to bring pollution in the world by cutting off a section of the human population.You want to do what now?
21-06-2005, 03:02
"BRING" pollution into the world? Does that really fall under the "Environmental" category?
21-06-2005, 07:15
Does this one really need a comment?

Correction of Moral Injustices
A resolution to reduce income inequality and increase basic welfare.

Category: Social Justice
Strength: Strong
Proposed by: Senseless Aggression

Description: Being as World Freedom and the Rights of Nation States to choose their Own Laws has been Violated by Resolutions forced through this August Body by Wrong-thinking Liberal Revolutionaries, to the detriment of Right-Thinking Peoples everywhere,

All Previous Resolutions are hereby repealed and no longer in effect.

Approvals: 0

Ooooh, look, the wolves are at the door again...

Non-Interference Act
A resolution to restrict political freedoms in the interest of law and order.

Category: Political Stability
Strength: Strong
Proposed by: Hyperborea-Prussia

Description: This resolution grants all UN member nations the guarantee of the other UN member nations that they will be protected from intrusion and influence by other nations which may affect the inner political stability of the nation in a negative way and without being justified (see (V)).

Amongst other smaller measurements, we should agree that following points are necessary to protect every members souvereignity:

I. All secret police or intelligence operation inside another UN member nation that weakens the nations political structures or affects its abilities in making policies negatively will be punished by the UN with full force.

II. To ensure (I) all UN member nations will withdraw all intelligence and secret agents from other UN countries and will swear not to send any intelligence agents in the future.

III. All UN member nations aren't allowed to support any campaigns against other member nations that are aimed towards denouncing the nations government without any important reason (see (V)).

IV. All UN member nations agree to tolerate any given political system of all the other UN member nations and will grant other UN member nations the right to find their own political way. That doesn't mean that you must agree with the viewpoints of other nations, but you grant them the right to perform their style of policy without your interference or any other hostilities against that nation.

V. Any UN member nation that does not respect the UNs structures, organisation and resolutions is excluded from those protections ((I)-(IV)).

VI. Those protections are also granted to all non-UN nations in a milder form, as long as those nations are not against the purpose of the UN or heavily violate common UN points of view as stated in the UN resolutions.

V removes most of the members from it's "protections"... and VI pretty much finishes it off as "illegal".

And from "Yah, this make no sense..."

Limits on Abortion
A resolution to improve worldwide human and civil rights.

Category: Human Rights
Strength: Strong
Proposed by: Ahmedus

Description: instead of allowing women to freely go about and kill their unborn children, i believe that, as guardians of justice, we should impose limits. i believe that the only time abortion should be committed is if the life and health of the mother-to-be is threatened by keeping the unborn fetus. if you have any suggestions or additions just send me a telegram.

"How to Ban War"

No guns across borders
A resolution to tighten or relax gun control laws.

Category: Gun Control
Decision: Tighten
Proposed by: Desartha

Description: PURPOSE: The purpose of this resolution is to prevent the transportation of dangerous firearms and highly explosive materials across the borders of UN nations.

IT IS ILLEGAL to transport any firearm(s) across the border(s) of any UN member nations without a UN designated permit for any such behavior(s) at any such occasion(s).

IT IS ALSO ILLEGAL to transport any highly explosive material(s) across the border(s) of any UN member nations without a UN designated permit for any such behavior(s) at any such occasion(s).

IT IS ALSO ILLEGAL for any non-governmental individual(s) to commit any of the behavior(s) previously mentioned in this resolution regardless of a permit.

The UN reserves the right to determine the definition(s) of highly explosive material(s) and firearm(s)

Flib! Clone of yours?

Repeal "Abortion Rights"
A proposal to repeal a previously passed resolution

Category: Repeal
Resolution: #61
Proposed by: Senseless Aggression

Description: UN Resolution #61: Abortion Rights (Category: Human Rights; Strength: Significant) shall be struck out and rendered null and void.

Argument: Such gross interference with the internal affairs of Nation States shall not be tolerated!

Approvals: 2 (Shocksvick, Flibbleites)


Abolishing Child Labor Laws
A resolution to improve worldwide human and civil rights.

Category: Human Rights
Strength: Mild
Proposed by: Senorak Valley

Description: Children under the age of 16 should not be allowed to work in dangerous factories or any other dangerous places. THey should also not be paid minimum wage for this horrific labor. Let's give children back their rights to be children! Let's abolish child labor laws!

Approvals: 3 (Hashishim Emirates, Meshuggeners, Shikyrie)

Isn't that, like, a law you're trying to pass??? :confused:
21-06-2005, 07:23
Ooooh, someone doesn't appreciate Hack....

Anti Proposal Deletion
A resolution to restrict civil freedoms in the interest of moral decency.

Category: Moral Decency
Strength: Significant
Proposed by: Evil Weevil Bugs

Description: A proposal I made to bring in corporal punsihment was deleted yesterday.

I find this absolutely outrageous when SICK proposals like 'Guns 4 Toddlas' and 'Black smoke' are allowed and my perfectly reasonable proposal was made an Outkast. No more deletion!
21-06-2005, 07:32
Repeal "Abortion Rights"
A proposal to repeal a previously passed resolution

Category: Repeal
Resolution: #61
Proposed by: Senseless Aggression

Description: UN Resolution #61: Abortion Rights (Category: Human Rights; Strength: Significant) shall be struck out and rendered null and void.

Argument: Such gross interference with the internal affairs of Nation States shall not be tolerated!

Approvals: 2 (Shocksvick, Flibbleites)

And the national sovereignity crowd wonders why they get little respect.
21-06-2005, 07:43
Flib! Clone of yours?
Repeal "Abortion Rights"
A proposal to repeal a previously passed resolution

Category: Repeal
Resolution: #61
Proposed by: Senseless Aggression

Description: UN Resolution #61: Abortion Rights (Category: Human Rights; Strength: Significant) shall be struck out and rendered null and void.

Argument: Such gross interference with the internal affairs of Nation States shall not be tolerated!

Approvals: 2 (Shocksvick, Flibbleites)

Ha, ha, ha.[/sarcasm]
21-06-2005, 18:59
Category: Moral Decency

Strength: Mild

Proposed by: Zyxibule

Description: NOTICING that recently many UN proposals have been extremely badly spelt and grammatised,

EXPECTING all UN member states to have a basic knowledge of spelling, punctuation, and grammer,

WARNING that unreadable UN proposals are extremely unlikely to be considered by other states,


1)Each member state impliments Spelling, Punctuation, and Grammer (hereby SPAG) lessons amongst its population

2) Each member state writes any following UN proposals with good SPAG

3) That UN proposals without good SPAG should be not voted upon by ANY member state

4) That a regulatory body for SPAG be set up (R-SPAG)

We urge you all to consider this proposal; we thank you.

Dominion of Zyxibule, UN Delegate, Zion.Wow, a proposal that actually violates itself.
22-06-2005, 11:00
I honestly kicked myself for not parsing that one before sending it. Hopefully proposals like mine will stamp out proposals like mine! :) Seriously though, apologies to all.
22-06-2005, 13:50
Need to protect those grannies...

The right to carry guns
A resolution to improve worldwide human and civil rights.

Category: Human Rights
Strength: Strong
Proposed by: Guess What SNOT

Description: if u is gettin mugged u can shoot dem wiv a tranquilisers

so grannies can be safe


Approvals: 1 (Senseless Aggression)

Status: Lacking Support (requires 146 more approvals)
22-06-2005, 16:21
I honestly kicked myself for not parsing that one before sending it. Hopefully proposals like mine will stamp out proposals like mine! :) Seriously though, apologies to all.
Unfortunatly proposals like yours are also illegal.
22-06-2005, 16:27
A resolution to reduce income inequality and increase basic welfare.

Category: Social Justice
Strength: Significant
Proposed by: Wash Baskets

Description: Just vote 4 this plz

Approvals: 0

Status: Lacking Support (requires 147 more approvals)

Voting Ends: Sat Jun 25 2005

The Dominion of Zyxibule has not approved this proposal. [Approve] why are we voting for this one? :confused:

Drugs Are Good
A resolution to ban, legalize, or encourage recreational drugs.

Category: Recreational Drug Use
Decision: Legalize
Proposed by: Zanio

Description: I say legalize drugs because most dont make you violent like alchol

Approvals: 0

Status: Lacking Support (requires 147 more approvals)

Voting Ends: Sat Jun 25 2005

Yes, drugs don't make you violent at all... :headbang:

Lower Required Approvals
A resolution to increase democratic freedoms.

Category: The Furtherment of Democracy
Strength: Significant
Proposed by: Steamodi

Description: Most of the approvals never get the chance to be passed because not everyone gets to see them.

I propose to lower the required approvals to 100 no matter how many regional delegates there are i dont even think some of them even vote...

Approvals: 4 (Punrovia, Borograd, Senseless Aggression, Funkdunk)

Status: Lacking Support (requires 143 more approvals)

Voting Ends: Fri Jun 24 2005

The Dominion of Zyxibule has not approved this proposal. [Approve]

Another illegal one...

Legalize Majahuna
A resolution to ban, legalize, or encourage recreational drugs.

Category: Recreational Drug Use
Decision: Legalize
Proposed by: Lorcadaka

Description: I propose that the U.N make it Legal to smoke Hash on the grounds that a joint is no more harmfull then a smoke and it can be use to ease body pains as such

Approvals: 2 (Punrovia, Juna Esperantisto)

What in the world is "Majahuna"? :confused:
22-06-2005, 16:28
yes sorry I realised afterwards that my proposal was also illegal. I'm just gonna let it die.
Venerable libertarians
22-06-2005, 23:56
Capped Miles
A resolution to increase the quality of the world's environment, at the expense of industry.

Category: Environmental
Industry Affected: Automobile Manufacturing
Proposed by: Jothopolis

Description: Every person who carries a driving license on their person AND is fully qualified to drive and over 17 must drive a limit of 300 miles per week, measured with COMPULSORY government mile-o-meters.

Approvals: 0

Status: Lacking Support (requires 147 more approvals)

Voting Ends: Sat Jun 25 2005

The Hibernian Kingdom of Venerable libertarians has not approved this proposal. [Approve]

While this doofus appears to want to limit drivers to a maximum of 300 miles in a seven day period in order to save the environment by lower emmissions, his proposal seems to beg us to do the opposite. I read this that he wishes drivers to do a minimum of 300 verified miles every week. What a spanner! :D
Also I carry my licience in my car and not on my person therefore it does not apply to me.
23-06-2005, 00:17

*notes that his brother will need to drive him next time he needs to move between two cities.....
23-06-2005, 01:16
Hmm, Brains Test really wants a repeal on resolution #12 - he's got 6 repeals within the space of 7 postings (5 are exactly the same)

War Measures Act

Category: International Security
Strength: Significant
Proposed By: Hamdystan

Description: RECOGNIZING that terrorism is a serious threat in the world
TERRORISM defined as a hostile act carried out by citizens of the nation or foreign terrorists against the general population or military targets while not using conventional means of combat
CONVENTIONAL MEANS referring to standard practices of war, with men fighting under a flag of a sovereign nation
RECOGNIZING that it is the responsibility of the government to stop terrorism,
JUSTIFICATION of this act is an assault on the population, the kidnapping of important persons, or threats of serious violence
KNOWING these facts, the act is defined as a means for the government to control the population and effectively combat terrorism
MEANS referring to the suspension of basic civil rights, such as freedom of speech and demonstration
MEANS referring to the usage of national armed forces to enforce peace and hold trials
THIS act may only be approved by the government in a house of elected representatives
NATIONS without a house of elected representatives may not enforce this act
AND all nations that impliment this act must justify it to the United Nations after the the act has ended

Approvals: 1 (Ghaard Allamia)

Status: Lacking Support (requires 146 more approvals)

Voting Ends: Sat Jun 25 2005

Using terrorist to define terrorism.....

Repeal "Abortion Rights"

A proposal to repeal a previously passed resolution

Category: Repeal

Resolution: #61

Proposed by: Lansingville

Description: UN Resolution #61: Abortion Rights (Category: Human Rights; Strength: Significant) shall be struck out and rendered null and void.

Argument: Henceforth, all member nations shall also respect the
rights of fathers to interfere with abortions.

As "civilized" nations we have outlawed nuclear weapons,
chemical weapons, bio-chemical weapons, made laws to protect dolphins and whales, yet we make no law to protect the rights of fathers who want their pre-born child to live?

The FIRST DUTY OF LAW is to prevent the shedding of innocent
blood. It is, therefore, the duty of all civil nations and
governments to secure and to safeguard the lives of the

Abortion is the unjust taking of an innocent humann life.
It is murder.

Ao noe should be allowed to kill a preborn baby any more than he or she
shall be allowed to kill any other class of human being. Human beings should not be treated as property which may be disposed of at will.

I also propose that if we repeal abortion rights, all nations should help remove as much of the red tape as possible to allow for easier adoptions to take place across
the globe.

Approvals: 0

Status: Lacking Support (requires 147 more approvals)

Voting Ends: Sat Jun 25 2005

We banned Nukes?

More Secure Airplanes Act

A resolution to improve world security by boosting police and military budgets.

Category: International Security

Strength: Significant

Proposed by: The Germanian State

Description: This proposal, if enacted and passed, would allow all citizens to carry a single gun (to be approved by the airline) onto an airplane in the interest of promoting security on airplanes. This proposal would also promote and require numerous ways to further secure the safety of both the passenger and the aircraft itself.

1) This proposal would only allow passengers with no criminal records or history of violent/aggressive behavior onto airplanes armed.

2) Would allow airlines to remove the firearms of those deemed as a security threat.

3) Would allow a single, government-appointed, airline-approved, armed-to-the-teeth person or persons to remain on the aircraft, not draw attention to themselves, and do what is necessary to protect the security of the airplane.

4) Would re-equip all cockpit doors with two-inch thick steel, bullet proof plates.

5)And would strongly advise, but not require, all pilots to board the airplane first, bolt the door shut, and not open it for anyone.

6) Would allow "Trusted Travelers," or those who are citizens in good standing, have no criminal record or history of violent and/or aggressive behavior, to subject themselves to a very thorough background check. The Trusted Traveler would then be able to skip the two-three hour process of insanely complicated security procedures when that person flew on any airline that has approved that person.

1) A passenger would feel safe and would be able to contribute to the safety of an airplane.

2) The pilots would remain safe at all times and free to pilot the aircraft.

3) This proposal is desperately needed if we are to effectively combat the likes of terrorism.

4) Think about it. Would you try to highjack an airplane if you knew that every passenger might be armed?

The proceeding points both show why this proposal should be enacted, and what exactly it is.

It is quite clear that terrorism is deadly and very dangerous to millions of people world-wide. Opponents of this proposal may say that if everyone is armed, then they would all try to highjack the plane. To that, this proposal restates that only citizens trusted by the airline and approved after a background check can board an aircraft armed.

To further ensure the safety and security of aircraft and all their contents, be it passengers or important cargo, pass this proposal!

Approvals: 0

Status: Lacking Support (requires 147 more approvals)

Voting Ends: Sat Jun 25 2005

23-06-2005, 06:17
We banned Nukes?
That's news to me too, especially as I've been submitting a proposal preserving our right to own them for some time now.

Anyway on to more sillynessCategory: Repeal

Resolution: #61

Proposed by: Foxstenikopolis

Description: UN Resolution #61: Abortion Rights (Category: Human Rights; Strength: Significant) shall be struck out and rendered null and void.

Argument: Abortion should be legal because it denies people the most basic right: The right to live. If abortion was legal, than it might actually encourage people to commit adoltery, knowing that they could commit adoltery, get abortion, then noone will ever know! If a women wus unresponsible enough to have unwanted pregnancy, she, and the father should learn responsibility, and go through with raising the child. And what about the child? What if he(she) grew up to discover a cure for cancer? You never know, so vote against Abortion.You've got to love that first sentence.

Category: Gun Control

Decision: Tighten

Proposed by: The West United States

Description: a resolution to ban anyone but the government and military to own a gun.And the criminals of course can still have guns, after all why would they care about breaking one more law.
23-06-2005, 19:07
Titles of Nobility Coordinated
A resolution to restrict political freedoms in the interest of law and order.

Category: Political Stability
Strength: Mild
Proposed by: Panglossa

Description: whereas

the desire for recognition and honor is a basic human motivation

and whereas

the desire to bring honor not only to the individual but to
his family is a primary value in many cultures

the United Nations hereby resolve to recognize and coordinate the award of titles of nobility, both hereditary
titles and life peerages, by its Member States:

1. the United Nations shall award no titles of nobility,
hereditary or otherwise.

2. the United Nations recognizes the right of each Member
State to forbid its citizens to claim titles of nobility
or accept titles awarded by other Member States except
on an honorary basis.

3. the United Nations recognizes the legitimate interest
of each Member State in the integrity of the honors that it
awards and directs each Member State to provide for civil
and/or criminal penalties for falsely claiming to hold
any title of nobility awarded by another Member State.

4. the United Nations will maintain a registry of all
individuals entitled to claim titles of nobility awarded
by its Member States, which will be available to the
courts and police agencies of all Member States to
assist with enforcement of the previous paragraph.

Approvals: 0

Status: Lacking Support (requires 147 more approvals)

Voting Ends: Sun Jun 26 2005

The Dominion of Zyxibule has not approved this proposal. [Approve]

So the UN will coordinate all the Nobility titles given out - and yet not award them. I think this guy also has a problem with 'whereas'.

A proposal to repeal a previously passed resolution

Category: Repeal
Resolution: #13
Proposed by: Rianbow81

Description: UN Resolution #13: MANDATORY RECYCLING (Category: Environmental; Industry Affected: All Businesses) shall be struck out and rendered null and void.

Argument: recycling is good save the earth!!

Approvals: 3 (Faerin II, Blessed Isles, The Hunter Isles)

Status: Lacking Support (requires 144 more approvals)

Voting Ends: Sun Jun 26 2005

The Dominion of Zyxibule has not approved this proposal. [Approve]

So recyling is good but you want to repeal the resolution that makes it mandatory :confused:

Factory Smog Filtration
A resolution to increase the quality of the world's environment, at the expense of industry.

Category: Environmental
Industry Affected: All Businesses
Proposed by: Kajiztahn

Description: Factories all over the world are burning harsh chemicals and polutants daily. Kajiztahn's Minister of Agriculture thought of an idea to clean the worlds skies.

This resolution takes into consideration a fair amount of money that will be used to build and buy industrial filters, that will be placed in every chimney in every town of every nation in the world.

Think about it. You could clean the world. Make the world a better place.

Approvals: 0

Status: Lacking Support (requires 147 more approvals)

Voting Ends: Sun Jun 26 2005

The Dominion of Zyxibule has not approved this proposal. [Approve]

Tries to encompas non-UN members...

Repeal "Stop privacy intrusion"
A proposal to repeal a previously passed resolution

Category: Repeal
Resolution: #10
Proposed by: Nissan R92CP

Description: UN Resolution #10: Stop privacy intrusion (Category: Human Rights; Strength: Strong) shall be struck out and rendered null and void.

Argument: i have repealed this because i believe in this world there is too much privacy intervention. i believe this

Approvals: 2 (Faerin II, Blessed Isles)

Status: Lacking Support (requires 145 more approvals)

Voting Ends: Sun Jun 26 2005

The Dominion of Zyxibule has not approved this proposal. [Approve]

But that's what the proposal doesn't want to happen! Like above, he's got it the wrong way round...

Real Election
A resolution to increase democratic freedoms.

Category: The Furtherment of Democracy
Strength: Strong
Proposed by: The West United States

Description: Lets scrap the endorsement format and have regions have elections in which people from there respective region choose from a field of canidate to be U.N. Delegate.

Approvals: 0

Status: Lacking Support (requires 147 more approvals)

Voting Ends: Sun Jun 26 2005

The Dominion of Zyxibule has not approved this proposal. [Approve]

23-06-2005, 19:15
Not to mention the endorsement section is effectively a continually updating election.....

Anyway, interesting TG. I messaged the guy who created the "capped miles" proposal pointing out the various flaws and a few people that would be affected that probably shouldn't be (rural areas, vacations, professional drives - trucking, etc)

1) Rural areas are not affected by this bill - which is not mentioned anywhere in the bill
2) Everything else he said "tough"

24-06-2005, 02:57
What's the best part of this proposal?

Embryonic Stem Cell Research

A resolution to ban, legalize, or encourage recreational drugs.

Category: Recreational Drug Use

Decision: Legalize

Proposed by: Eridanus Secundus

Description: As medicine advances further in the Scientific community, and Embryonic Stem Cell Research is the pinnacle of the research, A heated debate arises about the use of these cells. So who will scream the loudest? The scientists who want to legalize the use of stem cells to help improve our medicine? Or the human rights activists who beleive in all life should be treated the same.

Although, the stem cells are taken from live embryos, I beleive the research gained from Stem Cells could help improve medical needs everywhere without fear of tissue, blood, or organ rejections. Though it might seem like taking life to save life, I can assure you the wealth of knowledge to benefit all of mankind is worth it. We can't abandon the research, so I would like make a motion to legalize the use of Stem Cell Research for medicinal purposes.

Approvals: 0

Status: Lacking Support (requires 147 more approvals)

Voting Ends: Sun Jun 26 2005

It's not that we've already passed a proposal that effectively legalizes Stem Cell Research - after all, there's over 85 pages of text in the resolutions when you take it into MS Word (yes, I have checked).

It's not that it's narritive style essay (and even then, just an introduction to an essay) rather than a UN proposal.

No, the best part is that Stem Cell Research falls under the category of.....


Man, someone must've been smoking some good drugs to get it there.....

Reinstate the Nation of Hils

A resolution to improve worldwide human and civil rights.

Category: Human Rights

Strength: Strong

Proposed by: Pharan

Description: Whereas, the nation of Hils has been a nation in NationStates for nearly a year,

Whereas, the nation of Hils was a great player of the game and an asset to the region in which it chose to reside in,

Whereas, the home of the President of Hils was destroyed in a house fire two months ago,

Whereas, the all of the President's possessions were destroyed in the fire,

Whereas, the President of Hils has spent the last two months trying to put his life back together,

Whereas, the nation of Hils was recently deleted due to prolonged activity,

Whereas, the nation was left inactive because of the problems faced by its President due to the aftermath of the fire in his apartment.

It is here resolved that the administrators of the game will reinstate the nation of Hils so its owner has the opportunity to govern it when he is finished putting his life back together.

Authored by the residents of the region of Caribbean.

Approvals: 3 (Pharan, Figue, Mans0nites)

Status: Lacking Support (requires 144 more approvals)

Voting Ends: Sun Jun 26 2005

Obviously he wasn't involved enough to read the FAQ

Repeal "Ban Chemical Weapons"

A proposal to repeal a previously passed resolution

Category: Repeal

Resolution: #107

Proposed by: Belkev

Description: UN Resolution #107: Ban Chemical Weapons (Category: Global Disarmament; Strength: Significant) shall be struck out and rendered null and void.


Approvals: 1 (Grays Harbor)

Status: Lacking Support (requires 146 more approvals)

Voting Ends: Mon Jun 27 2005

Repeal "Elimination of Bio Weapons"

A proposal to repeal a previously passed resolution

Category: Repeal

Resolution: #16

Proposed by: Campbol

Description: UN Resolution #16: Elimination of Bio Weapons (Category: Global Disarmament; Strength: Significant) shall be struck out and rendered null and void.


Approvals: 2 (Grays Harbor, NewTexas)

Status: Lacking Support (requires 145 more approvals)

Voting Ends: Mon Jun 27 2005

Two blank ones right next to each other for different resolutions by different people?

A United Free Korea

A resolution to improve world security by boosting police and military budgets.

Category: International Security

Strength: Strong

Proposed by: Lots of Camels

Description: Be it resolved, by instrument of this proposal, that the countries of the Peoples Republic of North Korea and the Democratic Republic of Korea immediately begin talks to unify these two states under Democratic rule as the United Republic of Korea.
Be it further resolved that this action concerns the peoples of both countries only and such unification talks should be the responsibility and domain of these two countries alone with no interference from any other nation.
Be it further resolved that unification talks begin immediately, and that the costs of holding such talks will be paid for by a collective effort of all the member nations of the United Nations and that the talks shall be held in a neutral location decided upon by the two concerned nations.

Approvals: 0

Status: Lacking Support (requires 147 more approvals)

Voting Ends: Mon Jun 27 2005

Anyone else heard of this "Korea" place?
24-06-2005, 06:17
Anyone else heard of this "Korea" place?
Well, let's see what I can find.
Nation Not Found: "korea"

If possible, use your browser's BACK button to return and fix this.Apparently NationStates hasn't heard of "Korea" either.:)
The Most Glorious Hack
24-06-2005, 07:17
Oh, Korea ( exists, but it's already been unified :p
24-06-2005, 07:19
Oh, Korea ( exists, but it's already been unified :p
Oh, silly me. I was looking for a nation when I should have been looking for a region.
24-06-2005, 07:32
Oh, silly me. I was looking for a nation when I should have been looking for a region.

I like one of the nations there:

Heehee. Also, Hack, out of curiosity, how come you've allowed some RL nations (such as Rome and America) to be created?

Anyway, more contributions!

From the "didn't we already pass this?" vault:

Diplomatic Relations
A resolution to restrict political freedoms in the interest of law and order.

Category: Political Stability
Strength: Strong
Proposed by: The Human Beings

Believing that an international convention on diplomatic would contribute to the development of friendly relations among nations, and Realizing that the purpose of such a convention will ensure the efficient function of diplomacy,
Have agreed as follows:
Article 1
The establishment of diplomatic relations between States, and of permanent diplomatic missions, takes place by mutual consent.
Article 2
The functions of a diplomatic mission and its staff:
(1) Representing the sending State in the receiving State;
(2) Protecting in the receiving State the interests of the sending State and of its nationals, within the limits permitted by international law;
(3) Negotiating with the Government of the receiving State;
(4) Promoting friendly relations between the sending State and the receiving State, and developing their economic, cultural and scientific relations.
Article 3
Members of the diplomatic staff of the mission must be a citizen of the sending State.
Article 4
The receiving State may refuse to accept any diplomatic agent.
Article 5
1. The premises, staff and property of the mission shall be inviolable.
2. The receiving State must take all appropriate steps to protect the premises of the mission.
Article 6

The archives, documents and all forms of communication of the diplomatic mission shall be inviolable at any time and wherever they may be.

Article 7
The person of a diplomatic agent shall be inviolable. He shall not be liable to any form of arrest or detention.
Article 8
The private residence of a diplomatic agent shall be inviolable.
Article 9
A diplomatic agent shall enjoy immunity from the criminal jurisdiction of the receiving State, except in the case of a private commercial act.
Article 10
The diplomatic mission and staff shall be exempt from all the receiving state’s direct and indirect taxes.
Article 11
Subject to its laws concerning zones entry into which is regulated for reasons of national security, the receiving State shall ensure to all members of the diplomatic mission freedom of movement and travel in its territory.

Poor Baghum...

Repeal "Freedom of Humor"
A proposal to repeal a previously passed resolution

Category: Repeal
Resolution: #36
Proposed by: Fliegenland

Description: UN Resolution #36: Freedom of Humor (Category: Human Rights; Strength: Strong) shall be struck out and rendered null and void.

Argument: Resolution #26 already protects freedom of expression, humor included.

Great, but, uh, if a war breaks out, this is irrelevant...

No guns across borders
A resolution to tighten or relax gun control laws.

Category: Gun Control
Decision: Tighten
Proposed by: Desartha

Description: PURPOSE: The purpose of this resolution is to prevent the transportation of dangerous firearms and highly explosive materials across the borders of UN nations.

IT IS ILLEGAL to transport any firearm(s) across the border(s) of any UN member nations without a UN designated permit for any such behavior(s) at any such occasion(s).

IT IS ALSO ILLEGAL to transport any highly explosive material(s) across the border(s) of any UN member nations without a UN designated permit for any such behavior(s) at any such occasion(s).

IT IS ALSO ILLEGAL for any non-governmental individual(s) to commit any of the behavior(s) previously mentioned in this resolution regardless of a permit.

The UN reserves the right to determine the definition(s) of highly explosive material(s) and firearm(s)

Good. I also think people need to learn real science...

Creation rights
A resolution to improve worldwide human and civil rights.

Category: Human Rights
Strength: Significant
Proposed by: Togland

Prohibits any country from taking away the right for the people to learn about creation science so that they may chose what they belive in.

(Special note to the above: I don't believe teaching creationism is banned in the UN- we've just made sure that people are not stopped from learning evolution)

Not only is this a RL reference, but, gee, they're just as much a dreamer as Bob Geldolf is (as Geldolf's "Live8" obviously inspired this)...

The End of 3rd World Debt
A resolution to restrict civil freedoms in the interest of moral decency.

Category: Moral Decency
Strength: Significant
Proposed by: Zephyrdomez

Description: The massive debt owed by economically progressive nations to economically developed nations is immense. Many nations have already paid back what they originally borrowed, but now find their economies further crippled by the huge interests their original loans have generated. Some nations are now resorting to desperate measures such as huge scale deforestation which is highly damaging to our environment in a failing attempt to end their debt once and for all. The continuation of Third World Debt does far more harm than it does good, as it in creases the huge divisions between rich and poor, and actually encroaches upon social and international justice. It is not fair that the more wealthy countries should continue to attack poorer nations with these unreachable targets which make them descend further into abject poverty. If we do not cancel Third World Debt, and let our world begin again with a fresh slate, we will never succeed in making poverty history.

Where's this "Worrld" the proposer talks about?

Worrld Union
A resolution to reduce barriers to free trade and commerce.

Category: Free Trade
Strength: Mild
Proposed by: Riazan

Description: A union that protects the smaller countries against the bigger ones by reduceing the tariffs by 25% and to allow bussnies to make factores or centers in that country to try and increase their previous contruy's country but they still have to pay their workers like they wouldin their starting country

One final one, if only for the title...

Give poker the poke
A resolution to legalize or outlaw gambling.

Category: Gambling
Legalize/Outlaw: Outlaw
Proposed by: Dave of hand

Description: Gambling, this is simply wrong and should be outlawed, people's money is taken and probably used to buy such evils as drugs, guns and other wrongs.

Though most gambling is part of civilized and normal gatherings, some people use peopl,es intense vunrerability to take money out of thier pockets without having to mug them.

Many criminal organmisations are centred around gambling, so if you stop this evil pasttime than crime could drop by a large 18%. Now in't that worth giving up gambling for.
The Most Glorious Hack
24-06-2005, 10:20
Also, Hack, out of curiosity, how come you've allowed some RL nations (such as Rome and America) to be created?

To test the name-release code, a handful of auto-deleted nation names were released. Aparently things weren't quite right, as we're still waiting for the rest.
24-06-2005, 18:04
Category: Human Rights

Strength: Mild

Proposed by: Kiwiting

Description: Member states of the UN shall make NO LAW to make the burning of it's national flag an offence against the state.

(This resolution is to response the US house recent voting on consitutional amendment banning flag burning)I love how the last line makes this proposal completly illegal.
25-06-2005, 07:28
Abortion in nationstates?
A resolution to improve worldwide human and civil rights.

Category: Human Rights
Strength: Strong
Proposed by: LED ZEPPEILN

Description: do you wnat abortion or not?

thats all i got.

Approvals: 1 (LED ZEPPEILN)

Status: Lacking Support (requires 146 more approvals)

Voting Ends: Mon Jun 27 2005

The Dominion of Zyxibule has not approved this proposal. [Approve]

That's all he's got? More's the pity!

A resolution to improve world security by boosting police and military budgets.

Category: International Security
Strength: Strong
Proposed by: Invisible Leprechauns

Description: Recognising that the "Hip Hop" Culture has gone too far, I suggest we bad all chavs / scallys / homies / ghetto types.

Wipe them out. All of them.

Approvals: 1 (LED ZEPPEILN)

Status: Lacking Support (requires 146 more approvals)

Voting Ends: Mon Jun 27 2005

The Dominion of Zyxibule has not approved this proposal. [Approve]

Fantastic, if only for the comparison of Chavs to Gungans. ("Wipe them out...")

Proposition 50627
A resolution to increase democratic freedoms.

Category: The Furtherment of Democracy
Strength: Strong
Proposed by: Shatford Valley

Description: The powers that be should recognize that their powers should be reserved for the greater good of all mankind. They have those powers because of the people and should exercise it with that in mind.

Government must act in the best intrest of the public that they are to represent and not impose their will upon said public.

Approvals: 2 (Shatford Valley, Entcepatiolis)

Status: Lacking Support (requires 145 more approvals)

Voting Ends: Mon Jun 27 2005

The Dominion of Zyxibule has not approved this proposal. [Approve]

Illegal, and also it doesn't DO anything.
25-06-2005, 22:31
Category: Moral Decency

Strength: Mild

Proposed by: WissNX01

Description: It seems that the gays on in this UN have too much freedom. I support an initiative to gather them all up and launch them into outer space, or sink them in a really, really deep ocean. :rolleyes:
26-06-2005, 05:22
Category: International Security

Strength: Mild

Proposed by: Joshuaous Ramoses

Description: Stating that all nations have the right to trade, the high seas are increasingly dangerous. In these turrbulent times, action must be taken to protect those ships which are conducting business between nations.

Proposing that all nations be REQUIRED to maintain an active Coast Gaurd to protect their harbors.

Proposing that the UN maintain a fleet of patrol craft to protect International Waters.

Any nation not wishing to help support the UN's fleet may NOT be subject to any punitive tariffs. It is the right of any nation to not send any military aide to the UN.Interesting, this nation wants the UN to have a navy.

Category: Global Disarmament

Strength: Mild

Proposed by: Zactarn Prime

Description: I say that since Thermal,Biological,Chemical,and Radioactive bombs cost more money and resources and are which not as effective as a Napalm Bomb. In most countries the chemicals needed to create a Napalm Bomb are abundant in most nations I say we ban the use of Thernal,Biological,Chemical,and Radioactive bombs and make Napalm the only WMD permitted.

A Napalm Bomb literally incinerates everything so of course it would only be used in emergency and drastic situations. (I.E. Severe threat to national security or higly contagious disease with no time to find a cure and needs to be terminated for public safety).

This act would cut militarial spending drastically and give more money to more countries for more economical improvements, and thus cutting the debt owed by third-world countries, by allowing them more money.Ban all those WMDs and the proposal is only "mild."
26-06-2005, 23:09
Interesting, this nation wants the UN to have a navy.

LOL That a new one
27-06-2005, 07:27
Repeal "Elimination of Bio Weapons"
A proposal to repeal a previously passed resolution

Category: Repeal
Resolution: #16
Proposed by: WolfsDomain

Description: UN Resolution #16: Elimination of Bio Weapons (Category: Global Disarmament; Strength: Significant) shall be struck out and rendered null and void.

Argument: why are we destorying Biological weapons leaving us defenseless aginst other nations we need these weapons i no it might hurt the inviroment but what doesnt now a days. thats why i say we reconsider this and have a revote i no id rather sleep well at night knowing im not going to get killed and that there are weapons we can fight back with incase of a invasion.

Approvals: 3 (Flibbleites, NewTexas, Vastiva)

Status: Lacking Support (requires 144 more approvals)

Someone obviously hasn't checked the 'proposals currently at vote' section.... :headbang:

Repeal "Gay Rights"
A proposal to repeal a previously passed resolution

Category: Repeal
Resolution: #12
Proposed by: WolfsDomain

Description: UN Resolution #12: Gay Rights (Category: Human Rights; Strength: Strong) shall be struck out and rendered null and void.

Argument: hell no thats what i say i agree about giving gays rights but if god wanted us to make babys with other men he would have made it possible and he didnt gay marrige is a bunch of bull im from texas so i should no they deserve rights but not marrige i demand a revote.

Approvals: 2 (Flibbleites, NewTexas)

Status: Lacking Support (requires 145 more approvals)

Voting Ends: Thu Jun 30 2005

The Dominion of Zyxibule has not approved this proposal. [Approve]

Umm...Texas? Where's that? (real life inference) And his logic sux.
27-06-2005, 07:34
Someone obviously hasn't checked the 'proposals currently at vote' section.... :headbang:
You don't think that there could be a sudden turn around in the vote?
27-06-2005, 17:09
Currently it seems extremely unlikely with roughly 4:1 voting FOR the resolution
27-06-2005, 17:10
Women's Right's Now!
A resolution to reduce income inequality and increase basic welfare.

Category: Social Justice
Strength: Strong
Proposed by: Stalinikov

Description: PROPOSING That all women be shall be guaranteed the rights listed below:
- Annual regular paid leave system and 6-month paid maternal leave system for women.
- Full reproductive rights
- Special maternity benefits.
- Daycare services to be established everywhere women are working and the State shall take care of the children at its expense.
- Women with more than 1 child under the age of 13, should work no more than 4 hours a day and receive salaries equal to that of 8-hour work.
- Social and material conditions must be improved for women who give birth to children and rear them well.

PROPOSING In case a family has more than 3 children, the State shall bear more than 90% of the costs of children's goods and school things.

GUARANTEES Extra supplies of milk and food must be provided for pregnant women and all women with children.

PROPOSES That women with more than 2 children must receive special compensations every month per child until the children graduate High School.

GUARANTEES Breastfeeding mothers will receive extra milk and food supplies according to their choices from 4 months to 12 months after the birth.

Approvals: 1 (Entcepatiolis)
Status: Lacking Support (requires 147 more approvals)
Voting Ends: Thu Jun 30 2005

"Women with more than 1 child under the age of 13, should work no more than 4 hours a day and receive salaries equal to that of 8-hour work."

What kind of proponent of "women's right's" [sic] would deny us the opportunity to undertake full-time employment? What if the father is the homemaker? What if there are two or more women in the relationship?

"PROPOSING In case a family has more than 3 children, the State shall bear more than 90% of the costs of children's goods and school things."

Incentivising procreation? What about nations where overcrowding is a problem?

How many more questions did the author not consider before drafting this?

Varia Yefremova
Speaker to the UN
27-06-2005, 23:22
Repeal "Elimination of Bio Weapons"
A proposal to repeal a previously passed resolution

Category: Repeal
Resolution: #16
Proposed by: WolfsDomain

Description: UN Resolution #16: Elimination of Bio Weapons (Category: Global Disarmament; Strength: Significant) shall be struck out and rendered null and void.

Argument: why are we destorying Biological weapons leaving us defenseless aginst other nations we need these weapons i no it might hurt the inviroment but what doesnt now a days. thats why i say we reconsider this and have a revote i no id rather sleep well at night knowing im not going to get killed and that there are weapons we can fight back with incase of a invasion.

Approvals: 3 (Flibbleites, NewTexas, Vastiva)

Status: Lacking Support (requires 144 more approvals)

Whats an Inviroment?

Is it where you plant stuff indoors?
28-06-2005, 00:31
Currently it seems extremely unlikely with roughly 4:1 voting FOR the resolution
It's unlikely yes, but it's still possible.
28-06-2005, 07:15
Now its 11:2 - even more unlikely!
28-06-2005, 07:48
Druggie or Drug Free?

A resolution to ban, legalize, or encourage recreational drugs.

Category: Recreational Drug Use

Decision: Outlaw

Proposed by: Entcepatiolis

Description: Drugs should be banned for any use except those prescribed by doctors. Why? Because drugs continually cause people to die! Either being killed by the drug, diseases caused by the drug, or somebody on the drug. Therefore it should be stopped.
Anyone caught using drugs after this made law should be put under the following punishments:
1. Drug Rehab for 10 yrs
2. Strict Monitoring by police
3. No Social Activity for 6 months
4. No drugs, prescription or non-prescription, for 5 years after drug rehab

REspectfully yours,
The Republic of Entcepatiolis
So now we'll need a prescription to get painkillers or antihistamines? Somehow I don't think the people will like this one. Our doctors' surgeries are crowded enough as is.
28-06-2005, 12:51
Now its 11:2 - even more unlikely!
There is an Official Topic for discussing the proposal at vote. Don't hijack this one.
28-06-2005, 14:52
Whats an Inviroment?

Is it where you plant stuff indoors?

I have a healthy indoor crop of Majahuna...
29-06-2005, 06:22
To test the name-release code, a handful of auto-deleted nation names were released. Aparently things weren't quite right, as we're still waiting for the rest.

Ah. Not to hijack this thread any more, but does that mean in the future people can create "Canada", "Ecuador", "Byzantium", etc., or was that part of the code that didn't work?
29-06-2005, 18:11
It been a while since I've seen one of these.
Category: The Furtherment of Democracy

Strength: Significant

Proposed by: TheNeoIncaEmpire

Description: This proposal is to disband the UN. If passed all nations are required to resign from the UN and no longer allow it's ruthless Imperialist ideas rule our regions. This proposal also requires that no "world government" no matter what the form, ever be created hence forth.

Long live Justice, long live liberty, LONG LIVE FREEDOM

Category: Recreational Drug Use

Decision: Legalize

Proposed by: Eridanus Secundus

Description: As medicine advances further in the Scientific community, and Embryonic Stem Cell Research is the pinnacle of the research, A heated debate arises about the use of these cells. So who will scream the loudest? The scientists who want to legalize the use of stem cells to help improve our medicine? Or the human rights activists who beleive in all life should be treated the same.

Although, the stem cells are taken from live embryos, I beleive the research gained from Stem Cells could help improve medical needs everywhere without fear of tissue, blood, or organ rejections. Though it might seem like taking life to save life, I can assure you the wealth of knowledge to benefit all of mankind is worth it. We can't abandon the research, so I would like make a motion to legalize the use of Stem Cell Research for medicinal purposes. Note the category.
29-06-2005, 19:35
Repeal "National Systems of Tax"
A proposal to repeal a previously passed resolution

Category: Repeal
Resolution: #105
Proposed by: Tonanashia

Description: UN Resolution #105: National Systems of Tax (Category: Social Justice; Strength: Mild) shall be struck out and rendered null and void.

Argument: Everyone is talking about equal rights. This one overtaxes the rich and undertaxes the poor. Equal tax goes along with equal rights.

Approvals: 0

Status: Lacking Support (requires 147 more approvals)

Voting Ends: Sat Jul 2 2005

Wait, so a resolution that protects your right to determine your own tax system is overtaxing the rich and undertaxing the poor? Wow. Just wow.
29-06-2005, 19:49
Heh. It's kind of amusing how so many people want to repeal National Systems of Tax for reasons that completely contradict what the resolution actually does.

This has been an OOC post.
Good Thinks
29-06-2005, 22:02
Umm, is that possible to implement?
Yes, hard to implement, and even harder to justify; I would appreciate it if the party proposing this new law would try to explain the rationale behind it. My personal view is that private property is a privelage, not a right, and that anything other than punitive income taxes targetted at the rich and super-rich - which will still leave them on the upper rungs of the income ladder - punishes the poor.
30-06-2005, 02:09
Category: The Furtherment of Democracy

Strength: Mild

Proposed by: Canidus

Description: ACKNOWLEDGEING The Queen of England is alos the queen of Many other Nations

NOTICING there is a need for a world Government

REALIZING The British Empire was once the largest and most pwerfull and still exists today as the Common-Wealth

NOTICING In order to have all the world in line with peace we must have one voice and One guide

THEREFORE All Un memebers must:

1. abolish there heads of states
2. Make our sovereign lady the Queen there head of Sates
3. Have there Governments be subject to the authority of the Queen and Her world Government

2. PRESERVES the right for individual nations to decide if they want to possess nuclear weapons. OK, first there are multiple RL references, and second the last line, which has nothing at all to do with the rest of the proposal was copied straight from the current resolution at vote.
30-06-2005, 02:19
OK, first there are multiple RL references, and second the last line, which has nothing at all to do with the rest of the proposal was copied straight from the current resolution at vote.

So let's see..... aside from the fact that there are two "2.", it wants to force all nations to abolish their heads of state, become subservient to the british empire, pretty much go from nation to colony, and then AFTER that, these nations (which pretty much includes....the British Empire) are protected from being forced to not have nukes....even though they are the sole voice anyways so....yeah..... :headbang: :headbang:
30-06-2005, 04:37
So let's see..... aside from the fact that there are two "2.",
I noticed that too, but I found myself more annoyed by the fact that the second 2 was plagiarized from me.
The Most Glorious Hack
30-06-2005, 11:17
Ah. Not to hijack this thread any more, but does that mean in the future people can create "Canada", "Ecuador", "Byzantium", etc., or was that part of the code that didn't work?
Eventually, the code should go through. The real-nation names are all the same code as everything else for other naturally-deleted nations. Our admins just have "real lives" or some such nonsense and have "more important things to do" than slave away at the game code.

Lazy bastards :p
Bagdadi Georgia
01-07-2005, 16:12
A resolution to slash worldwide military spending.

Category: Global Disarmament
Strength: Significant
Proposed by: Bacidov

Description: Every government in the UN will dispose of in an enviormentally safe manor 80% of their nuculear weapons.

But where is this manor?
01-07-2005, 16:21
So... much... SHIT.
01-07-2005, 16:59
Category: Human Rights

Strength: Significant

Proposed by: Igor Biscan

Description: i bring to you, that from the day this decry is passed, the champions of europe shall never have to enter the next competition in the 1st qualifing round, this is a shambles. The Champions shall be entered into the group stages ranked 1 and given country protection.Any one have a clue what their talking about?

Category: International Security

Strength: Strong

Proposed by: Bacidov

Description: In the world UN members are outnumber by 3 to 1. I wish to purpose that non UN members are effected by UN policies and resolutions. Why do I feel somewhat responsible for this one.
01-07-2005, 17:03
So... much... SHIT.

That pretty much sums up the proposal section.
01-07-2005, 17:10
That pretty much sums up the proposal section.
*gibbers quietly in a corner*
Bagdadi Georgia
01-07-2005, 17:19
Any one have a clue what their talking about?

Real-life football (soccer to Yanks) reference. Liverpool won the Champions' League this year (a competition of Europe's best teams) but only finished fifth in the English domestic league. CL rules say that only the top four of the English league qualify for next year's CL, but a bit of wheeling and dealing got Liverpool into next season's CL - but they have to go through three qualifying rounds to get into the CL proper, putting them in the same position as football minnows such as the champions of the Welsh league. The poster is saying that the champions of the Champions' League should automatically qualify for the Champions' League proper, which seems only logical, given the name. (Igor Biscan is a slightly infamous member of the winning Liverpool squad).

RL references aside, I fully support this proposal :)
Rome West
01-07-2005, 21:24
Real-life football (soccer to Yanks) reference. Liverpool won the Champions' League this year (a competition of Europe's best teams) but only finished fifth in the English domestic league. CL rules say that only the top four of the English league qualify for next year's CL, but a bit of wheeling and dealing got Liverpool into next season's CL - but they have to go through three qualifying rounds to get into the CL proper, putting them in the same position as football minnows such as the champions of the Welsh league. The poster is saying that the champions of the Champions' League should automatically qualify for the Champions' League proper, which seems only logical, given the name. (Igor Biscan is a slightly infamous member of the winning Liverpool squad).

RL references aside, I fully support this proposal :)

They beat my Chelsea...[/grumbling]

Although I agree with what you're saying (Liverpool won the darn thing...they should be back), I'm not sure if it would be worthy of the UN's consideration, on top of the RL reference. It's more of a European matter, and one of little political importance to boot.
02-07-2005, 22:26
Category: Global Disarmament

Strength: Mild

Proposed by: Bacidov

Description: Every government in the UN will dispose of in an enviormentally safe manor 60% of their nuculear weapons.

Category: Global Disarmament

Strength: Mild

Proposed by: Bacidov

Description: Every government in the UN will dispose of in an enviormentally safe manor 35% of their nuculear weapons.I get the feeling this person is just picking random numbers until they find one that UN members like. But in the unlikely event that one of these should pass we hearby declare that the definition of an environmentally safe manor includes launching them at the proposing nation.

Category: Human Rights

Strength: Strong

Proposed by: Crazy Horses IV

Description: 50,000 people die in Africa everyday.

We have the ability to stop it.

We have drugs to cure diseases.

We can dig wells to produce clean water.

We can save lives.

Make your wish to help them known.

Sign this list:

Category: Free Trade

Strength: Strong

Proposed by: Messmerising Spurs

Description: Why do we still jhave poverty if u vote yes ur stoping povertyBoth of these proposals get one of these.

And the second one also earns this one
02-07-2005, 22:45
To some of us these may be silly but we need to consider who is posting them and at what age they might be and where they might come from.. Often young kids try hard to make a proposal and their elders think its funny and fail to look at the construction of the proposal.. Many of these are serious on their proposal and work hard to put it together so please consider that not all of those playing this game are as adult as others... also that all are from the same real country but are trying hard to play the game in the language of the game so they may sould funny but be realy trying to learn better that language.

I know there are jerks everywhere that like just to fool around but some of these proposals are in subject and structure writen really well and I feel on that alone would be worth consideration for endorsement.. As this is just a game and hopefully from it we can learn something..

FACT: Stepping down from my soap box now.....

Highhorse, Master Idiot of The Garnilorn Empire

Ya'll have a nice day now and don't take any wooden pintas, we now make them out of predisposed UR240. as we found nobody wants to steal them now..

Forgot: Consider also that these dang computers tend to correct our thought and change things on us beofre it sends it into cyper space thus typo and spell arrows happen...
03-07-2005, 04:20
A resolution to improve worldwide human and civil rights.

Category: Human Rights

Strength: Strong

Proposed by: 0SCAR

Description: UNERSTANDING the over-commercialization of many of the nations in the United Nations, and

REALIZING that the United Nations could be a much more enjoyable place if there were cool mascots walking within its hallowed halls, and

CONFIRMING that the concept of nation unity is an option that all nations should accept due to the impoverishment of all nations present at the United Nations,

SUPPORTING the idea of improvement of worldwide human and civil rights by making it fun for all impoverished, hard-lined nations to accept


1) CALLS FOR the establishment of a comittee to research possible options for a mascot for the United Nations

i) the United Nations Mascot Research Committee (i.e. UNMRC)

2) REQUESTS all member states of the United Nations to input any suggestions regarding the formulation of the UNMRC.
The United Nations Mascot Research Committee?
03-07-2005, 04:38
I nominate a shoggoth as a mascot. Anyone who disagrees with this can feel free to go out into the hallway and tell the shoggoth I promised the position to that it's not acceptable.
03-07-2005, 06:23
The United Nations Mascot Research Committee?
I've got to do this.:D

Category: Human Rights

Strength: Strong

Proposed by: The Whoop Ass Jedi

Description: United Nations,

NOTING that the United Nations controls our nations by reforming them to a majority

OBSERVING that some nations oppose the Resolutions

DEMANDS that we ban the Untined Nations and let the country's decide things invidually instaed of haveing to conform to a mojority vote.

Thank you. :rolleyes:

Category: Environmental

Industry Affected: All Businesses

Proposed by: Three Cities

Description: Pollution and environmental decimation are increasing in line with population growth, extending beyond the earth's capacity for sustainable renewal.

If either population or consumption cannot be controlled, the earth will face a global ecological disaster within 1 generation.

SINCE individual consumption cannot solve the problem of oxygen depletion:

IT IS PROPOSED that the solution is to introduce bio-engineered birth control into the food chain, and to maintain implementation until the earth's human population can be sustained renewably by our environment.Any one remember what the last NS population count was? Whatever it was I'm sure that this resolution is too little way too late.
03-07-2005, 06:31
Any one remember what the last NS population count was? Whatever it was I'm sure that this resolution is too little way too late.
I long ago stopped thinking of NS as a single "planet". Our small region alone has almost 18 billion inhabitants. If NS "earth" is a single planet then it had better be Jupiter sized at least. Probably larger.
03-07-2005, 06:49
I long ago stopped thinking of NS as a single "planet". Our small region alone has almost 18 billion inhabitants. If NS "earth" is a single planet then it had better be Jupiter sized at least. Probably larger.

This is why we are the NationStates. Our universe exists in the form of many indeterminate states of potentially infinite capacity for development. One nation, one variable state.
The Most Glorious Hack
03-07-2005, 13:20
I long ago stopped thinking of NS as a single "planet". Our small region alone has almost 18 billion inhabitants. If NS "earth" is a single planet then it had better be Jupiter sized at least. Probably larger.
Heh. We were calling it Jupiter-sized two years ago. Maybe we can be the size of the inner solar system now...
04-07-2005, 00:57
Heh. We were calling it Jupiter-sized two years ago. Maybe we can be the size of the inner solar system now...
Or maybe it's a normal Earth-sized planet and we're just really really small.
04-07-2005, 00:59
A resolution to tighten or relax gun control laws.

Category: Gun Control

Decision: Tighten

Proposed by: Musemaster

Description: am standidng up to say i want my nukes back , i cant see the problem with having them if they are for defence only .
am not a mad man whos going to destroy the entire world
Gun control? Tighten?
04-07-2005, 03:43
A resolution to tighten or relax gun control laws.

Category: Gun Control

Decision: Tighten

Proposed by: Musemaster

Description: am standidng up to say i want my nukes back , i cant see the problem with having them if they are for defence only .
am not a mad man whos going to destroy the entire worldGun control? Tighten?
For that matter, when did we take their nukes?

Bob Flibble
UN Representative
04-07-2005, 03:52
Or maybe it's a normal Earth-sized planet and we're just really really small.

OF COURSE!!! We're ANTS! It all makes sense now!!! That would explain why we are the god of our nations(colonies) and we have nearby colonies we call "part of our region". Plus, we have just proven that ants are able to take over the world - since, afterall, we have the ability to talk to every single anthill that wants to talk to us (so the other 1mil + anthills just don't like us and don't talk to us over the comm channels).
04-07-2005, 06:06
A resolution to improve worldwide human and civil rights.

Category: Human Rights

Strength: Strong

Proposed by: Saskatchetoon

Description: Be it resolved that the NationStates United Nations establish UNICEF, a humanitarian organisation which will operate under the following mission statement:

UNICEF is mandated by the NationStates United Nations General Assembly to advocate for the protection of children's rights, to help meet their basic needs and to expand their opportunities to reach their full potential.

UNICEF is guided by the Convention on the Rights of the Child and strives to establish children's rights as enduring ethical principles and international standards of behaviour towards children.

UNICEF insists that the survival, protection and development of children are universal development imperatives that are integral to human progress.

UNICEF mobilizes political will and material resources to help countries, particularly developing countries, ensure a "first call for children" and to build their capacity to form appropriate policies and deliver services for children and their families.

UNICEF is committed to ensuring special protection for the most disadvantaged children - victims of war, disasters, extreme poverty, all forms of violence and exploitation and those with disabilities.

UNICEF responds in emergencies to protect the rights of children. In coordination with United Nations partners and humanitarian agencies, UNICEF makes its unique facilities for rapid response available to its partners to relieve the suffering of children and those who provide their care.

UNICEF is non-partisan and its cooperation is free of discrimination. In everything it does, the most disadvantaged children and the countries in greatest need have priority.

UNICEF aims, through its country programmes, to promote the equal rights of women and girls and to support their full participation in the political, social, and economic development of their communities.

UNICEF works with all its partners towards the attainment of the sustainable human development goals adopted by the world community and the realization of the vision of peace and social progress enshrined in the Charter of the NationStates United Nations.
And this one is a copy and paste:
04-07-2005, 08:27
Repeal "Gay Rights"
A proposal to repeal a previously passed resolution

Category: Repeal
Resolution: #12
Proposed by: Garnilorn

Description: UN Resolution #12: Gay Rights (Category: Human Rights; Strength: Strong) shall be struck out and rendered null and void.

Argument: This proposal says in Title 'Gay Rights' but in contents it protects all area rights. Thus it's missleading.. in this part... --- must pass laws protecting people from discrimination in all parts of life --- would mean that we:
1) can not ban any weapons system because it would be discriminating against those nations that feel a need to have them or those who choose to build them..
2) nor could we require a free education for all citizens because it would discriminate against those who feel citizens are just slaves of government and only need to know how to work harder..
3) nor could we require that women be equal to men... as this would discriminate against men who hold women as servants.
4) nor could we require that all humans most walk on their hands by age six to avoid them wearing out shoes.... as it would discriminate against uncordinated people still learing to walk on two feet, as well as they shoemakers who depend on us wearing out our shoes by walking on them.

Since all these items and more are 'in all parts of life' this proposal in effect extends beyond gay rights and stops us from discriminating against anything. Thus ending our right to make proposals here in the UN because all of them might discriminate against someone, as it says protecting people...

Solution: Repeal this and let us discriminate as we find it needed..

Approvals: 1 (Flibbleites)

Status: Lacking Support (requires 144 more approvals)

Voting Ends: Thu Jul 7 2005

The Dominion of Zyxibule has not approved this proposal. [Approve]

a) What does this have to do with Gay rights?
b) What's with the shoemakers?
c) What's with the copied/pasted bits from about 4 other resolutions?

04-07-2005, 11:28
A resolution to legalize or outlaw gambling.

Category: Gambling
Legalize/Outlaw: Legalize
Proposed by: The Great Tyler Durden

Description: iwish to legalize gambling unless its already legal

Approvals: 0

Status: Lacking Support (requires 145 more approvals)

Voting Ends: Thu Jul 7 2005

The Dominion of Zyxibule has not approved this proposal. [Approve]

Good old Glamblilisation :rolleyes:
04-07-2005, 11:40
That one nearly made me choke on my silty office coffee.
04-07-2005, 13:17
For that matter, when did we take their nukes?

Bob Flibble
UN Representative

I cant believe they passed your joke propsial!

If we didn't have aour bio weapons i'd leave the UN
04-07-2005, 17:12
I cant believe they passed your joke propsial!I resent your terming my proposal as a "joke." I can assure you that I was not joking when I wrote it.

If we didn't have aour bio weapons i'd leave the UN
I get the impression that you've misinterperted my resolution, my resolution protects your right to possess nuclear weapons.
05-07-2005, 15:40
Delinquents' classification
A resolution to improve world security by boosting police and military budgets.

Category: International Security
Strength: Significant
Proposed by: Men of Spain

Description: Delinquents' International Classification

The proposition that United States Constitutional it wants to carry out is the following one:

With reference to the tremendous delinquency that flogs to many countries of it UN we try to create a file applicable to all those who have been condemned pora some crime in cualquiere region and nation.

The measure to apply would be to divide in 6 types of groups the delinquents.

Clasificación-1/Direct Control:
Reprobates extremedamente dangerous, that they should be born in mind very for every country for the avoidance of crimes. Condemned for murders, and significant crimes.

Condemned for crimes against the public health, traffic of drugs, production(elaboration), possession...

Clasificación-3/Organized Bands:
Condemned for property to armed gangs, terrorist groups, organized delinquency...

Condemned for crimes committed in exercise(fiscal year) of your functions, corrupt policemen, presidents, authorities...

Clasifiación-5/Special Crimes:
Condemned for sexual offences (sexual violations, abuses, harassment ...) and those who have been qualified like of great public repercussion.

Clasificación-6/Other crimes:
Condemned for small crimes of theft, robberies, thefts.

NOTE: With regard to those countries that have the consumption of Marijuana legalized, not clasifiacrían those who had in his power quantities for proper consumption.

Approvals: 2 (Men of Spain, Iznogoud)

Status: Lacking Support (requires 143 more approvals)

Voting Ends: Fri Jul 8 2005

The Dominion of Zyxibule has not approved this proposal. [Approve]

1) This guy has obviously used a spanish>english online translator, or isn't that great @ english.
Examples include: "condemned pora some crime in cualquiere" - "Reprobates extremedamente dangerous" -"Condemned for crimes against the public health" - "qualified like of great public repercussion"
05-07-2005, 17:15
A resolution to improve world security by boosting police and military budgets.

Category: International Security
Strength: Mild
Proposed by: Drizzt DN

Description: I think that in warfair nations should go back to old ways using a bow instead of a gunand a sword instead of a knife this would help the environment and defend nations it would help the environment bacause explosives wouldn't be used nor would neuclier weapons so this means that environmental nations would be able to defend their selves without ruining their environment

Approvals: 8 (Zouloukistan, Funkdunk, WitchyRachel, Kelh, Universal Divinity, Murdoque, Kincheloe, LenninMarx)

Status: Lacking Support (requires 137 more approvals)

Voting Ends: Tue Jul 5 2005

I'm Starting to notice this Funkdunk guy is voting for every resolution,I wonder if he is releated to WZ Forums
05-07-2005, 17:54
1) This guy has obviously used a spanish>english online translator, or isn't that great @ english.
Examples include: "condemned pora some crime in cualquiere" - "Reprobates extremedamente dangerous" -"Condemned for crimes against the public health" - "qualified like of great public repercussion"
Keep in mind that while English is the language of this site, it is not the first language of all of the players. If the site were in Spanish I shudder to think what sort nonsensical, mangled up Spanish proposals I would come up with.
05-07-2005, 19:01
Blokes are Rubbish

A resolution to improve worldwide human and civil rights.

Category: Human Rights
Strength: Strong
Proposed by: Snailsville

Description: I offer the UN: Blokes are Rubbish. 17 stone of passion is worth nowt. Relief.

Discuss and vote.

The Lady of Arrseonia

I thank you x

Approvals: 5 (Iron-Handbag, The Iroqouis, Brausi-mausi, Universal Divinity, Little Carabetta)

Status: Lacking Support (requires 140 more approvals)

Voting Ends: Tue Jul 5 2005

That didn't even make coherent sense....
The Black New World
05-07-2005, 19:06
That didn't even make coherent sense....
Did it not ;)
05-07-2005, 19:35
Keep in mind that while English is the language of this site, it is not the first language of all of the players. If the site were in Spanish I shudder to think what sort nonsensical, mangled up Spanish proposals I would come up with.

Meh - he just returned to Aberdeen so....hopefully he'll ask me for editing next time he submits.
05-07-2005, 20:03
Category: Social Justice

Strength: Strong

Proposed by: Artillery Dominance

Description: Lets face it............ who but the French really like them, even then i am not so certain.I'd say this is a RL reference but there's a France ( on NS as well.

Category: Human Rights

Strength: Mild

Proposed by: Dave of hand

Description: LERT US DANGLE LET US DANGLE:rolleyes:

Category: Repeal

Resolution: #90

Proposed by: Garnilorn

Description: UN Resolution #90: Tsunami Warning System (Category: International Security; Strength: Mild) shall be struck out and rendered null and void.

Argument: Affirming that indigenous peoples are equal in rights to all peoples, recognizing the rights of all peoples to be different, to be free from discrimination

Since resolution #12 has already eliminated Discrimination but requiring members to establish laws within there nations there is no more discrimination once members have compled with the requirements of resolution #12. Since that resolution was implemented two about two years ago all members by this time should be in complience with it thus this opening statement of this resolution is null meaningless leaving questions about the nation that proposing it being in complience with resolution one to establish laws that elimate discrimination.

SOLUTION: That the Committee for Fair Play investigate all members that supported this resolution to see that they have complied with resolution #12.

ACTION: On finding that any nation investigated is not in comlience with the earlier mentioned resolution the Deligate from that nation shall be require to eat to scoops of his favorite icecream without a cherry on top of it..Since when does the Tsunami Warning System have anything to do with discrimination?
05-07-2005, 20:27
Since when does the Tsunami Warning System have anything to do with discrimination?
Hey, tsunamis have rights too!

For justice and equality, repeal the Tsunami Warning System! No more UN-sanctioned weatherformationism!
Texan Hotrodders
05-07-2005, 20:55
Hey, tsunamis have rights too!

For justice and equality, repeal the Tsunami Warning System! No more UN-sanctioned weatherformationism!

Yes. Down with weatherformationism. If the water wants to move onto some new land, it has just as much right be there as the people. :D
05-07-2005, 21:24
Yes. Down with weatherformationism. If the water wants to move onto some new land, it has just as much right be there as the people. :D

"Your right to throw a punch ends where my face begins"

As long as it doesn't trespass, vandalize, terrorize, steal, destroy, kill, maim, or assault anyone (and any other crimes water could commit), it does indeed have the right to come ashore...:P
06-07-2005, 03:46
Category: Political Stability

Strength: Strong

Proposed by: The Adeptus Terra

Description: WHEREAS historically, women are responasable for causing many conflicts, great and small, between men.

WHEREAS the sexuality proliferated by women distracts males

WHEREAS these distractions make said males unproductive workers

WHEREAS more efficient methods of continuing the human race could be found

This resolution:

1. Makes being a women an offense punishable by death

2. Allocates funding towards building "Multiple Offspring Manufacturers" or MOMs, which would be large centres that would create babies from stem cells. These babies would then be distributed to a designated father
I pray that that's a joke.

I've tried not to post any of the repeals targeting my resolution but this one I couldn't resist posting.
Category: Repeal

Resolution: #109

Proposed by: Forat

Description: UN Resolution #109: Nuclear Armaments (Category: International Security; Strength: Mild) shall be struck out and rendered null and void.

Argument: REALIZING that with this resolution,

THAT we are now more powerful than non-UN members,

THAT we leave non-UN members at a loss,

THAT they can be annhilted,

WE NEED to make ourselves equals by repealing this resolution.Apparently the author thinks that the non members either can't have or don't have nukes.:rolleyes:
06-07-2005, 04:54
Apparently the author thinks that the non members either can't have or don't have nukes.:rolleyes:

I also like the idea that the author wants to "level the playing field". I mean, c'mon- this is war, where we literally want to "level" the playing field, so I want to be better than you, not your equal.
Bagdadi Georgia
06-07-2005, 21:49
New Olympic Sport
A resolution to improve worldwide human and civil rights.

Category: Human Rights
Strength: Significant
Proposed by: Scaryspicedom

Description: RECOGNISING the recent award of the 2012 Olympic games to London

NOTING that it is customary for new sports to be periodically introduced from time to tim to further the Olympic spirit and ideals

NOTING with some surprise that this has included in recent years such well-know amateur sports as tennis and beach volleyball.

SUGGESTS that it is time to bring back some of the true amateur nature of the Olympic games and re-introduce some traditional sports and past-times that have passed out of everyday use.

PROPOSES that the UN lobby the IOC to introduce the sport of English Longbow Archery, a true amateur past-time, once practiced by all able-bodied males in the world's finest Empire.

HOPES that in so doing, nations will wish to introduce compulsory archery practice as in the days of yore, thus also solving the juvenile delinquency problem by removing many of the unruly youth of today from the street corners and giving them something worthwhile to do.

URGES all nations to petition their regional delegates to support this worthwhile and fine idea.

Solve juvenile delinquency by giving all the chavs longbows... :rolleyes:

Oh yeah...

RECOGNISING the recent award of the 2012 Olympic games to London

06-07-2005, 22:38
Yeah, the ban women resolution was a joke. My friend submitted it, we had a good laugh about it. He got kicked from the UN for it though, I don't think he knows yet <_<.
07-07-2005, 05:40
A resolution to improve worldwide human and civil rights.

Category: Human Rights

Strength: Strong

Proposed by: Wu Tan

Description: We will place in law the banning of Woman's Suffrage!!!!
This will improve the world and make it a better place.

Approvals: 0

Status: Lacking Support (requires 144 more approvals)

A resolution to improve worldwide human and civil rights.

Category: Human Rights

Strength: Strong

Proposed by: Snailsville

Description: The Lady of Snailsville proposes that:

1. No-one should try and try and hack another website.

2. FB are only for fun.

3. Stop it now, whoever is trying to hack us.

4. Do not make me get involved, there is more trouble than is worth it.

Yours, Lady Dale, formally of arrseonia, now UN Delegate for the union of united republic. Everything is nice there.
Thats a classic.
07-07-2005, 16:26
Stability in the Homeland Act
A resolution to restrict political freedoms in the interest of law and order.

Category: Political Stability
Strength: Strong
Proposed by: ARRSE HQ

Description: WHEREAS it is noted that:

MANY of society's problems are caused by vile malcontents;

VAST sums of money are spent on fighting street crime;

HUGE amounts of time and effort are wasted on re-educating the wweak and the spineless;


1. All jobless are shot on sight, and their vital organs harvested for possible use by people with useful jobs;

2. All elderly folk are subjected to 'involuntary euthanasia measures' and any gold fillings are accordingly harvested;

3. Anyone claiming to be a 'Live8' supporter has certain privileges (like breathing) removed forthwith, with no right of appeal;

4. And that Bob Geldof is tortured for many, many years as a warning to anyone else who may feel in some way more worthy than everyone on this planet:

VOTE FOR increased powers and the right to remove and otherwise cleanse our societies of these disgustingly vile resource-consumers by any and all means necessary.

Approvals: 6 (Scaryspicedom, Funkdunk, Lubbadub, Snailsville, Domzalski, Iznogoud)

Status: Lacking Support (requires 137 more approvals)

Voting Ends: Fri Jul 8 2005

The Dominion of Zyxibule has not approved this proposal. [Approve]

:rolleyes: :headbang: :confused:
08-07-2005, 05:22
Not sure if these have been said yet. If they have, I don't care.

Protect yourself

A resolution to tighten or relax gun control laws.

Category: Gun Control

Decision: Relax

Proposed by: Bleurgen

Description: in wish to relax laws regarding posession of firearms

i believe that very citizen should have the right to protect themselves and their property

it would make the world safernot more dangerous if everyone had guns
Because nothing says "Safety" like giving everyone in the world a tool created specifically for killing.

Ban on Woman's Suffrage

A resolution to improve worldwide human and civil rights.

Category: Human Rights

Strength: Strong

Proposed by: Wu Tan

Description: We will place in law the banning of Woman's Suffrage!!!!
This will improve the world and make it a better place.
Either this guy is joking, or he doesn't know what "suffrage" means.

Tighten Gun Control

A resolution to tighten or relax gun control laws.

Category: Gun Control

Decision: Tighten

Proposed by: Blue Scorpions

Description: All guns should be restricted to the police, army and other services (e.g doctors, firemen e.t.c).

It will cut down on Gun Crime and increase National Security.
Why in God's name would we be giving guns to doctors and firemen?

Repeal "End slavery"

A proposal to repeal a previously passed resolution

Category: Repeal

Resolution: #6

Proposed by: Loud chipmunks

Description: UN Resolution #6: End slavery (Category: Human Rights; Strength: Significant) shall be struck out and rendered null and void.

Argument: There are some that will not have enough skill or for other reasons, they may be unable to find a job and keep the welfare of themselves and their families. Slavery gives these people and chance to earn a little money but instead we choose to leave these people without work and therefore money?

I haven't read the proposal in question, but my definition of slavery is when you're forced to work with poor conditions and no pay.

he Catholic Act

A resolution to improve worldwide human and civil rights.

Category: Human Rights

Strength: Significant

Proposed by: PopeCox VII

Description: NOTING that we encourage everyone to become Catholic and follow the Catholic ways of life.

NOTING WITH REGRET that everyone will have to convert to Catholism and obey all Catholic laws and rules.

CONCERNED that all nations will have to follow the Catholic conduct and might change the way their nation is ran.

FURTHER CONCERNED that all nations may not agree with this way of living but will find that the way of god is the way to go.

ENCOURAGES that all nations will follow god and find the way of the lord and to be able to run their nations the way god would.

DECLARES that all nations will convert their citizens to Catholics and to run their nation in the way of the lord. With everyone obeying god, the world will be a better place to live.
Because the first step to improving civil rights is forcing everyone to be exactly the same.

Guns for God

A resolution to tighten or relax gun control laws.

Category: Gun Control

Decision: Relax

Proposed by: Blue Snake

Description: Every single person should have a gun so they can protect themselves against felons with pissy little guns. So good citizens sould be given sub machine guns. Medium citisens should be given automatic pistols and bad citizens should be given pistols.
Gotta love this one's name. And what defines a "good" and "bad" citizen? Should "bad" citizens really be given guns?

I forgot to copy it, but a while back I saw a proposal to ban gay marriage because gay couples couldn't make children, so the world would lose money.
12-07-2005, 04:37
Well, at least it's to the point.
Repeal "Religious Tolerance"

A proposal to repeal a previously passed resolution
Category: Repeal
Resolution: #19
Proposed by: Neutral kl

Description: UN Resolution #19: Religious Tolerance (Category: Human Rights; Strength: Significant) shall be struck out and rendered null and void.

Argument: Religion is all rubbish. Why should we have to put up with such stupidity?
12-07-2005, 14:54
Category: Human Rights

Strength: Strong

Proposed by: Dave of hand


Category: Human Rights

Strength: Strong

Proposed by: VarneyBoy

Description: Human rights are very low we must act!!!!!
People will leave nations(loss of population), they can cause more problems in certains catergories, it will give others a bad name if the human rights aren't delt with !!!!
:) :) :) :) :) :) :) :):rolleyes:
14-07-2005, 05:32
Such a simple spelling error...
Repeal "Nuclear Armaments"

A proposal to repeal a previously passed resolution

Category: Repeal

Resolution: #109

Proposed by: Peace-Loving States

Description: UN Resolution #109: Nuclear Armaments (Category: International Security; Strength: Mild) shall be struck out and rendered null and void.


AWARE of its obligations to promote international peace and security,

REAFFIRMING the rights of innocent civilians as protected by previous resolutions,

ALARMED by the overwhelming destructive impact of nuclear arms on civilians,

NOTING that the needs of national self-defense can be realized through the use of Ignore Canon defense systems rather than nuclear arms,

DECIDES to revoke all force and effect of the "Nuclear Armaments" Resolution (#109) of July 3, 2005.
Because those rules are going to be so successful.
14-07-2005, 06:40
I love the PS on this one.
Category: Social Justice

Strength: Strong

Proposed by: Slovanias

Description: In a world full of corrupt dictators, where is the order? That everyday dictators oppress their people to do their wishes. Who is to say thats right or wrong.
I propose that a United Nations Supreme Court be placed to serve justice as it may be fit to give, to no longer allow the cruelty of tyrannts.
1. That the United Nations Supreme Court be placed by the U.N., that for every one nation in the Security Counsel, their will be one Justice.
2. A Chief Justice will be nominated by the U.N. and placed their by the majority of the United Nations.
3. Every 10 years a Justice must run for re-election, or a new Justice will be appointed.
4. Every Justice appointed from the Security Counsel must have the following approvals to receive their appointment.
a. The Nations leader approval
b. The majority of that nations congress, parliament, or whatever formed used to make that nationa democracy.
c. Two members of the BAR association(senior or more that 10 years serving the BAR association)
d. Two high placed Judges in that country.
5. The Supreme Court shall decide if and what is right or wrong. By reviewing this or that and deciding this or that.
6. The Supreme Court can be overruled by vote of congress, it takes three-fourths the vote to overrule their decision.
7. If a Justice is considered unfit, that nation must have the majority of congress(or whatever term they use) to impeach that Justice.
8. Finally, the UNSC shall also be incharge of war crime trials, governemtal affairs, critical issues, and finally what is right and what is wrong.

In conclusion, by the power of God, i ask that you vote in agreement, to stop the cruelty and evilness of the easily corruptable man and serve Justice to all accordingly.
May God be with you, and may you vote what is right!

-Capital Office
Prime Minister of Slovanias
Peoples Republic Of Slovanis

P.S. If the NS Moderators come over and ban my bill again, show me what resolution is in conflict with this? I read the resolution and founding nothing that this may be in conflict with.

Category: Political Stability

Strength: Significant

Proposed by: Ytre Himmel

Description: I propose that every nation, part of the UN, must endorse atleast one nation in their region, if the region consist of more then one nation in the UN.

This creating more competition between nations, and making NationStates for more interesting and exciting.:rolleyes:

Category: Repeal

Resolution: #73

Proposed by: Weed Central

Description: UN Resolution #73: Habeas Corpus (Category: Human Rights; Strength: Significant) shall be struck out and rendered null and void.

Argument: STATING that the repeal is NOT REPLACING the habeas corpus, nor making it now void. It is merely making a modern day amendment.

NOTING that the legal principle stops all unjust ways of imprisonating 'suspects' without requiring a legal charge.

QUOTING "This period does not apply to any time when the judicial authorities are not active, such as weekends or national holidays."

EXPLAINING that every time a state of emergency, such as times of war, the judicial authorities are not active as such. The governmnt can, therefore, ignore the UN's act and imprison suspects.

HIGHLIGHTING the hysteria that sweeps a nation in times of war, especially the threat of terrorist bombers.

SUGGESTS that the habeas corpus act is ALWAYS in place. Whilst harder to maintain, is essential for civilisation.

PLEDGES to stop 1.Religious persecution
2.Racial persecution
3.Corrupt governemnts imprisoning political opponents.

FURTHUR NOTING that the amendment will merely replace "This period does not apply to any time when the judicial authorities are not active, such as weekends or national holidays." with "This period is always active".
Apparently someone hasn't read the definition of "repeal."
14-07-2005, 06:44
With regards to the Habeas Corpus 'repeal' - I've been in contact with Weed Central, pointing out my responses to his points. His only response was 'it's too easy to just arrest people' - which is what Habeas Corpus is specifically designed to prevent - and 'as soon as I fix it, it'll pass'.
17-07-2005, 17:28
Hey - TH, how's this sound as a challenge to UNSA? :p

Repeal "United Nations Security Act"

A proposal to repeal a previously passed resolution

Category: Repeal

Resolution: #110

Proposed by: Pepsi Texaco

Description: UN Resolution #110: United Nations Security Act (Category: International Security; Strength: Mild) shall be struck out and rendered null and void.

Argument: I hate these resolutions where people put those god damn
it really pisses me off.

Approvals: 2 (Funkdunk, The Viking Warlords)

Status: Lacking Support (requires 139 more approvals)

Voting Ends: Tue Jul 19 2005
17-07-2005, 22:57
Category: International Security

Strength: Strong

Proposed by: GrumbleSkiffVille

Description: I wish to propose the nuclear re-armament of our region. Since the recent attacks on many states by the extremist groups of the 'Choksondick', I feel it is reasonable to propose an ultimate force protocol of nuclear attack against any region who chooses to target our people for their own ridiculous gains.
Death to the Choksondick peopleAnd this is the UN's business, how?

Category: Global Disarmament

Strength: Significant

Proposed by: Chimmyiates

Description: This is a bill that:

Realizes that many countries around the world have begun cutting funds from their military budgets

And proposes that this act be outlawed throughout the countries of the United NationsSo we're going to ban cutting military budgets by, cutting military budgets.
18-07-2005, 18:10
Category: International Security

Strength: Strong

Proposed by: Craigkennyland

Description: By coating rams with steel wool and injecting them with rabies, they can be fired from a large railgun mounted on the backs of enslaved people who look like Hitler. Hurrah!

Furthermore, a man was walking down the street the other week, and had he been wearing a hat, he would still be alive today.......

Oh, I see he is. How are you feeling, Mr. Jenkins? I understood you had died of crabs. Never mind. For my next point, just consider: do you have crabs, how do you know and were your genitals the same shape they were when you got up in the morning?


Not anymore, bucko! *snip*!

I rest my case. Nurse! My medication!
18-07-2005, 20:07

EDIT: Nooooo! It's gone.
19-07-2005, 07:17

EDIT: Nooooo! It's gone.
Don't tell me you're surprised it's disappearance.

Category: Social Justice

Strength: Significant

Proposed by: Philomaths

Description: The proposal to reinstate resolution number 3, giving all those under the age of 16 the right to a free education:rolleyes:

Category: Human Rights

Strength: Strong

Proposed by: Saladonesia

Description: The Republic of Saladonesia requests that the United Nations broaden the horizens of the term "hate crime" to include crimes against gays with sufficient evidence that it was done because of the victim's sexual orientation.Because we all know how bad it is to commit a crime against a hat.
19-07-2005, 08:35
I read that last proposal originally as making having a hat which increases in width a crime. The text wasn't very helpful in dispelling this, being rather incoherent. But hey, your interpretation is equally valid.
Bagdadi Georgia
19-07-2005, 18:19
Description: UN Resolution #5: DVD region removal (Category: Free Trade; Strength: Mild) shall be struck out and rendered null and void.

Argument: First of all learn to spell ok.
and i disagree with that comment

20-07-2005, 04:58
Category: Repeal

Resolution: #111

Proposed by: Edmonton Green

Description: UN Resolution #111: Civilian Rights Post War (Category: Human Rights; Strength: Strong) shall be struck out and rendered null and void.

Argument: we all know that civil rights was a 'fad' created by uber liberals, criminals and terrrists as a way of escaping the need to pay for their crimes... do the MORAL thing.. repeal..:confused:
20-07-2005, 12:40

My response:

First of all, learn to use punctuation and capitalization correctly, ok?

Second, I disagree with your disagreement
20-07-2005, 17:35
The international trade act
A resolution to reduce barriers to free trade and commerce.

Category: Free Trade
Strength: Strong
Proposed by: East Monstio

Description: to allow any U.N. nation to trade with any other U.N. nation and to stop any U.N. Countries embargos on other U.N. countries.This will allow for improved economies of every nation.Dont vote on if you agree with this idea (i dont)vote on if you want a better economy.
My emphasis. Why not rename this 'The shameless stat-wanking act'?
21-07-2005, 04:12
Category: Environmental

Industry Affected: All Businesses

Proposed by: Caradune

Description: A resolution to crate a global Tsunami Detection System.

Argument: The Tsunami Detection system that is currently in place is obsolete and should be replaced with a better more advanced system. The Detection system would allow people to flee the areas in the path of the tsunami saving lives and families.It's not even a year old and already someone's claiming that it's outdated.

Category: Recreational Drug Use

Decision: Legalize

Proposed by: 33Corn

Description: ig2g to bed :confused:

Category: Repeal

Resolution: #59

Proposed by: 33Corn

Description: UN Resolution #59: The 40 Hour Workweek (Category: Social Justice; Strength: Significant) shall be struck out and rendered null and void.

Argument: I think 40 hours is a little to short. 50 hours workweek seems better to me.Another person who couldn't be bothered to read the damn resolution completely.
Bagdadi Georgia
21-07-2005, 18:56
Description: ig2g to bed

LOL. That's good. Proof that weed and good political argument can go hand in hand.

(I'm kindof tempted to push a legalisation of marijuana proposal through at some point. If it actually gets passed, it should stop all the proposals like this, which should be reason enough for anyone to support it! And I could quote Bill Hicks and sing along to British Sea Power. Yeah, let's do it. :p )
Bagdadi Georgia
21-07-2005, 19:02
Have national gambling
A resolution to legalize or outlaw gambling.

Category: Gambling
Legalize/Outlaw: Legalize
Proposed by: Rose bubs

Description: I propose that we have nation gambling leglized in every country part of the UN

High stakes, huh?
22-07-2005, 06:41
High stakes, huh?
Gambling entire nations? I can see it now.

I'll see your Vastiva, and raise you a DLE and a Frisbeeteria.:D
22-07-2005, 15:21
Solar only
A resolution to increase the quality of the world's environment, at the expense of industry.

Category: Environmental
Industry Affected: All Businesses
Proposed by: Konte

Description: we should not have all these coal,gas and nukeler power stations there should onle be solar and wind mills
Quintinland NEEDS its "nukeler" power!
23-07-2005, 01:53
Football Soul Saving Campaign

A resolution to restrict civil freedoms in the interest of moral decency.

Category: Moral Decency

Strength: Significant

Proposed by: Dovecot

Description: RECOGNISING that all Manchester United FC football fans are a menace to the game that is known as football/soccer. These so called fans have been found guilty of shaming football with there prawn eating ways and silence at home matches. Therefore the only action that can be taken is to exterminate these infidels.

WISHING to finnaly rid the world of such evil.


THAT, we Members as a whole, shall BEGIN to build CONCENTRATION CAMPS to exterminate all Manchester United fans over a 2 year period. Were ever there are mass amounts of Manchester United fans found a concentration camp will be ressurected.

THAT ACCORDINGLY, nations from the RAWK region will personally man these concentration camps to ensure that the extermination is carried out with full effect.


¤ A mass amount of fans is considered to be 100 or more fans living in a 10 square mile radius.

¤ Once the extermination of all Manchester United FC fans has been completed, it will be outlawed in future to support Manchster United FC.

¤ If it is revealed at a later date that an individual supports Manchester United he will be imprisoned and may well face the death penalty.

Approvals: 0

Status: Lacking Support (requires 140 more approvals)

Voting Ends: Tue Jul 26 2005

Anyone else get the feeling the author isn't a ManU fan :rolleyes:

Repeal "Metric System "

A proposal to repeal a previously passed resolution

Category: Repeal

Resolution: #24

Proposed by: Bombolobolia

Description: UN Resolution #24: Metric System (Category: Free Trade; Strength: Strong) shall be struck out and rendered null and void.

Argument: Let's face it: This repeal will probably never pass for the exact same reason why it passed. The majority of members of NationStates come from nations who use the metric system, and they see Resolution #24 as what they hope to force the ACTUAL UN to do, which is force the entire planet to use the metric system, mainly to bully the United States. So I propose this, knowing that it will most likely never reach quorum, because most of those who would be able to allow it to reach quorum are narrow-minded pinheads who think that passing such a resolution is a GREAT way to "teach" us Americans a lesson for our government's transgressions. After all, that's what the game is about, an open forum to b***h about America's government and how "stupid" we are, since 100% of Americans support Bush. After all, that's why he recieved only 51% of the popular vote, because 100% of Americans believe EXACTLY what he does... Idiots.

And, though those kind of idiots run wild throughout the UN, I still submit this because it's what's right. And because this resolution was only passed because of anti-American sentiments, admit it. I'm an ashamed American, and a proud Democrat. If you want to help us change our country, get pro-active, don't pass idiotic resolutions in a game with the intent of "This is what we want America to do, durr!"

Approvals: 0

Status: Lacking Support (requires 140 more approvals)

Voting Ends: Tue Jul 26 2005

Had to edit and add this one.
Is it a repeal attempt or just a rant :eek::confused:.
24-07-2005, 06:06
Here's one that I'm actually thinking about approving.

Category: Moral Decency

Strength: Strong

Proposed by: Taytyr

Description: It's Illegal to cut off a man's wang.
Cuz that's just sick.

Category: Repeal

Resolution: #109

Proposed by: Dos Locos

Description: UN Resolution #109: Nuclear Armaments (Category: International Security; Strength: Mild) shall be struck out and rendered null and void.

Argument: we should ban Nuclear ArmamentAh, so in other words, we're all required to possess at least two. ;)

Category: Global Disarmament

Strength: Mild

Proposed by: Northern Caladonia

Description: This resoulution proposes that ALL UN NATIONS slash military spending by 50%A 50% cut is "mild," I'd hate to see how deep of a cut they think strong would be.
24-07-2005, 08:32
A 50% cut is "mild," I'd hate to see how deep of a cut they think strong would be.

We of Roathin note that you answered this question in the first quote of your post. The anti-castration resolution is rated 'strong'.
Texan Hotrodders
24-07-2005, 08:44
Hey - TH, how's this sound as a challenge to UNSA? :p

Odd as this may sound, I don't really like the capitalized stuff either. I would rather have italics, but I guess I just work with what I've got in the way of creating emphasis. :)

That said, you don't see me supporting repeals on the basis that I don't like their style. I think it's a damn silly reason for a repeal, but a good point. *sigh*
Texan Hotrodders
24-07-2005, 10:40
Oh dear...

Complete Disarmerment
A resolution to slash worldwide military spending.

Category: Global Disarmament
Strength: Significant
Proposed by: West Monroe

Description: All individual nations with U.N. membership should disarm private military forces completely.

In exchange a U.N. military force will be created with soldiers from all participating nations.

This way armed struggels between U.N. members will cease to exist and our defenses as a hole will be strengthened.

Misspellings: Free.
Typos: Free.
Illegal Proposal: Free.

Having Your Proposal Make It Into the Silly Proposals Thread: Priceless
24-07-2005, 19:10
Someone alert the Department for Over-used Acronyms! We have a new UNSC:

Establishment of the UNSC

A resolution to reduce barriers to free trade and commerce.

Category: Free Trade
Strength: Significant
Proposed by: Cthag-antil

Description: The UN

Observing, the use of government subsidy by member nations to artificially lower the prices of (particularly agricltural) exports and therefore unfairly damaging the economies of other nations.

In the interest of, the free market and in particular regard to third world/developing producers.


1, MONITOR the activities of governments that subsidise local producers.
2, REPORT findings to the UN and reccomend the appropiate action to be taken.

This proposal we believe will open up the global markets to poorer nations and make competition between rich nations fairer and healthier.

Approvals: 4 (New Rootopia, Zouloukistan, Punrovia, NuclearWeapons)

Status: Lacking Support (requires 136 more approvals)

Voting Ends: Wed Jul 27 2005
25-07-2005, 06:34
Someone alert the Department for Over-used Acronyms! We have a new UNSC:
I TGed the proposer of that one and told him about the acronym problem. He said he's change it next time around.
25-07-2005, 10:53
I TGed the proposer of that one and told him about the acronym problem. He said he's change it next time around.
Blimey, how... reasonable.
25-07-2005, 11:01
Blimey, how... reasonable.
I know! Surprised myself with that one. I just thought the proposer ought to know before people start complaining.
25-07-2005, 22:22
this is just horrible grammar, and unreasonable

Description: NOTING that unemployment rate on the world is high,

REALISING that unemployed have many social problems, they also more often commit crimes,

PROPOSING the easy solution to this problem

WE DECLARE that every UN-country has to assure its work-age citizen a work. If UN-country is unable to do it, it has to pay him a minimum salary.

BELIEVING that this law helps to eliminate many nowadays problems

PAYING TRIBUTE to the striking workers in 1886 in Chicago

WE ALSO DECLARE that in every UN-country the 1st May will be celebrated and free from work

wow, this is a joke?

Nuke Belfast Rebel Alliance
A resolution to improve world security by boosting police and military budgets.

Category: International Security
Strength: Strong
Proposed by: Western Belfast

Description: The region is a wasteland devoid of nations, in order to stop it becoming hijacked by international bandits this is a proposal to simply have it nuked, no loopholes or legislation, just a simple action : Nuke Belfast Rebel Alliance.

Sure it may be contaminated but look at what good will come of it: One place less where rogue states can fester

A few nuclear weapons fewer as they will have been used to blow up Belfast Rebel Alliance

The satisfaction of blowing somthing up!

You know it makes sense.

Approvals: 0

Status: Lacking Support (requires 139 more approvals)

Voting Ends: Thu Jul 28 2005
Bagdadi Georgia
26-07-2005, 19:24
Argument: our children should be given the choice as to whether they learn the metric, imperial or both forms of measuring.

a different measurin standard can become like a currency. Who wants the Euro? No-one. So why do we need a new unit of measurement?

Well that's sorted then.
26-07-2005, 21:11
Argument: our children should be given the choice as to whether they learn the metric, imperial or both forms of measuring.

a different measurin standard can become like a currency. Who wants the Euro? No-one. So why do we need a new unit of measurement?

Metric should be taught because it makes sense, if there were two forms of measurement, how could nations work together on projects?
27-07-2005, 07:32
Give a kid a Trombone

A resolution to improve worldwide human and civil rights.

Category: Human Rights

Strength: Significant

Proposed by: Whitekong

Description: NOTING that there is a lack of support for the arts in the world.

CONCERNED that children are being left out of the beautiful arts.


1) Those countries that give to the arts of MUISC, SONG and ACTING will recive a monetary award from the UN

2)Those countries that do not support them will be penolized by the UN.

3)Poetry and Dancing are not considered arts under this proposal
4)Non-Un nations are encouraged to participate although they will not be fined or awarded if they do or dont.

We need to give our kids the chance to live with great music and acting. Lets not be stupid and forget the arts.
The name itself guarantees a place in this list. But aside from that, I like how poetry and dance are apparently no longer arts, plus there is no mention of prose, design, architecture or even the visual arts.
27-07-2005, 18:19
Repeal "Outlaw Pedophilia"
Category: Repeal
Resolution: #22
Proposed by: Monte Verita

Description: UN Resolution #22: Outlaw Pedophilia (Category: Moral Decency; Strength: Mild) shall be struck out and rendered null and void.

Argument: - Individual freedom is the most important thing, and morality and decency are different from one country to another.
- Pedophilia happens mostly inside families, not in the public area. How could the United Nations be aware of how families work? This makes no sense.
Therefore, we must repeal this resolution. Nations can outlaw pedophilia in their own countries without passing through the UN.

Approvals: 2 (Monte Verita, Dorksonia)

Status: Lacking Support (requires 137 more approvals)

Voting Ends: Sat Jul 30 2005
27-07-2005, 21:06
The name itself guarantees a place in this list. But aside from that, I like how poetry and dance are apparently no longer arts, plus there is no mention of prose, design, architecture or even the visual arts.

HA, they could write a poem and call it a song.
27-07-2005, 23:45
nono - this is the best line:

4)Non-Un nations are encouraged to participate although they will not be fined or awarded if they do or dont.

So are you fined if you do participate and are awared if you don't participate?

There's an artform called grammar - do you "participate in" it?
Powerhungry Chipmunks
28-07-2005, 00:08
I forgot to copy the name of this one, but it's entitled something related to nudity. I like who the author chooses for the "nakedness panel" ;).

This has become an issue in my country and I assume in
the good-natured countries of my esteemed colleagues.
The issue is nakedness in public. Out of my own
arrogant forsight, I propose that all people of the
world under the age of 17 and over the age of 30 wear
clothing at all times (even when they shower). Those
who are between the age of 17 and 30 will be judged by
a selective panel of three straight men as to whether
they should wear clothes or not. One of these men
will be yours truly, but the others will be the first
two people to vote for this resolution.
28-07-2005, 03:58
I forgot to copy the name of this one, but it's entitled something related to nudity. I like who the author chooses for the "nakedness panel" ;).

Now what happens if the first two people to vote are NOT straight men?
29-07-2005, 02:02
Blaming Germany

A resolution to restrict political freedoms in the interest of law and order.
Category: Political Stability
Strength: Strong
Proposed by: Sponglabad

Description: It is quite clear that all the world's problems can be traced to Germany. This is a fact. It is undeniable. Therefore it is proposed that all problems member states encounter can be officially be ascribed to Germany. Economy sliding back to the dark ages? Blame Germany! Kids running riot in the streets? Blame Germany! Citizens rebellious? Clearly the fault of the Federal Republic of Germany.
'Nuff said.
29-07-2005, 02:05
for the nakedness one, would the people start to smell bad?
29-07-2005, 02:10
'Nuff said.

Amazing, it wasn't France....:p
29-07-2005, 16:04
Can we blame Germany for this one?:D
Category: Political Stability

Strength: Strong

Proposed by: South Halliburton

Description: Agenda: In the interest of stabilizing international political environments, U.N. nations must restrict freedom of religion and submit to the greater good that is David Hasselhoff.

Purpose: Submission to a single practiced religion will eliminate religious-based wars, riots and/or any struggle/altercation that may/not occur.

1) All U.N. nations tear down religious "idolotries" and replace them with life-size posters of David Hasselhoff featuring his majestic chest hair. This shall be done on the Supreme's birthday, July 17, and will forever then be known as KITTmas, or the world's rebirth.

2) All U.N. nations welcoming religious leaders visiting from The Empire of Hasselhoffonia, David Hasselhoff's most holy empire, in the interest of educating global citizens of the greater good that is David Hasselhoff.

3) All U.N. nations appoint a religious and spiritual advisory council to act as a government check and balance to ensure all parlimentary/congressional/dictatorship decisions/laws comply to the holy teachings of Knight Rider and enforce the historical significance of Baywatch.

4) All religious insurgents refusing to submit to the greater good that is David Hasselhoff will be re-educated by a minimal force of artificially intelligent supercars.

Conclusion: Realizing and recognizing one single religion will eliminate the need of religious wars and riots so often witnessed around the globe. Thus meaning, submitting to the Greater Cause will not only stabilize international political environments, but also help maintain domestic law and order within U.N. nations' borders.
29-07-2005, 22:29
The Global Peace Initiative

A resolution to slash worldwide military spending.
Category: Global Disarmament
Strength: Strong
Proposed by: Community Property



We believe war to be unnecessary. No nation need ever go to war. Wars can always be avoided through non-provocative, non-confrontational foreign policy, a willingness to resolve all disputes through negotiation and compromise, and a refusal to meet force or threats of force in kind.

We believe there to be no excuse for war. Because a nation never need go to war, any nation that does so for any reason is guilty of aggression. Aggression is unacceptable within this community of nations.

We believe that military forces, weapons, and spending are unnecessary, and should be eliminated worldwide as soon as possible.


I. No United Nations member may ever go to war or undertake military action of any kind for any reason.

II. With war now forbidden, all weapons are unnecessary, all counterclaims by individual members notwithstanding.

III. With all weapons now unnecessary, no United Nations member may ever produce, acquire, possess, or use any weapon where no prior United Nation Resolution reserves for members such a right.

IV. Where a prior United Nations Resolution reserves for members a right to produce, acquire, possess, or use a particular weapon, whether necessary or not, that right shall be respected for as long as the Resolution in question remains in force; should the Resolution in question ever be repealed, however, such grandfathered rights shall be forever lost.

V. Where the right of members to produce, acquire, possess, or use a particular weapon has been reserved by a prior United Nations Resolution, such a right shall be read as narrowly as possible; thus, a right to produce or acquire a weapon shall confer a right to possess it, nor shall a right to possess a weapon confer a right to use it, and so forth.

VI. No United Nations member may ever organize, assemble, or maintain under arms a military, nor may it spend any money on defense, except as may be needed to exercise its right to produce, acquire, possess, or use a particular weapon as provided by a prior United Nations Resolution, and then only to the minimum extent required exercise the right; thus where a right to possess a weapon is specified, this right shall be held to allow exactly one (1) such weapon, unless stated in the plural, in which case it shall be held to allow no more two (2) of them.

VII. Where the right to acquire or possess a weapon has been reserved by a prior United Nations Resolution, that right shall not be read to embrace any unspecified "supporting" weapon systems, such as airplanes, missiles, artillery pieces, or other means with which to deliver the permitted weapon, and so on.

VIII. Upon passage of this Resolution, all military spending beyond what is needed to acquire and possess any weapons permitted under prior United Nations Resolutions shall be redirected to education and environmental protection, in equal amounts.

IX. As war is now unnecessary, no United Nations member may ever enter into any military alliance or relationship with any other nation.


X. Where a weapon has been banned under a prior United Nations Resolution, this Resolution shall not be taken to duplicate that ban. Should the ban in question be lifted, however, then the immunity of the weapon in question from consideration herein shall also be considered lifted, and the weapon in question shall from that moment onward be governed under this Resolution.
:rolleyes: x 100

Peaceful Uses of Outer Space

A resolution to improve world security by boosting police and military budgets.
Category: International Security
Strength: Strong
Proposed by: Kanami

Description: I. Space exploration shall be used for the purpose of exploration, and research only. While allowing if possible, to colonize planets.

II. No nation shall place weapons of any kind into orbit.

III. No nation shall place weapons of any kind on to celestial bodies.

IV. No nation shall place hazardous materials into orbit

V. No nation shall place hazardous materials onto celestial bodies.

VI. Space stations shall not be used to harbor weapons.

VII. All celestial bodies are open territories, and can not be claimed or fought for.

VIII. A nation may keep to their own space program, and will not be required to join any U.N. Space Program.

IX. We strongly encourage to share any scientific breakthroughs, in Space Research, to be shared with other nations.
30-07-2005, 13:48
Originally Posted by No unemployment
Category: Moral Decency
Strength: Significant
Proposed by: Greead

Description: THE PURPOSE of this act is that no one in the world is unemployed and at least works for 1 hour a week

for this to take place first there needs to be a variety of places/centres to assist unemployed citizens to find jobs or to help them set up jobs for themselves and others
- People with enough money have to set up businesses to increase number of vacant jobs available
- People with no skills can go to schools where they can retake exams, plus vacant jobs will be made with teachers to teach them
- people could take courses to become self-employed in areas needed

the following rules apply
-sick pay and holiday period increase
-fines for no work or not going to work
-can't leave job after signing contract for up to 6 months

FREEDOMS - the freedoms are,right of being able to pick hours, right of complaining about working conditions and pay
Wait, so everybody has to work?
Say goodbye to retirement and people who can't physically work...

Sorry to go back so far but... I think the big problem with this one is "Fines for no work or not going to work."

Um... if they don't have a job, how are they going to pay the fine? They've got no money to pay it.
St Edmund
30-07-2005, 15:42
The UN has ALREADY passed a resolution requiring every nation to develop Hydrogen-powered vehicles.
This seems to ignore the possibilities that some nations might EITHER have sufficiently "pre-modern" levels of technology that they don't have any automotive vehicles [except, perhaps, 'steam' ones] at all yet OR sufficiently "post-modern" levels of technology that they've already gone beyond using Hydrogen as a fuel for combustion [rather than, perhaps, for fusion]...

Isn't THAT a bit silly?
31-07-2005, 21:09
Category: International Security

Strength: Mild

Proposed by: Ameerikas

Description: I propose that all member nations of the United Nations remove all Weapons of Mass Descruction from within their shores. This includes Nuclear, Biological. Illegal, not only does this contradict two resolutions but it's in the wrong catagory.
31-07-2005, 21:29
Illegal, not only does this contradict two resolutions but it's in the wrong catagory.

I'll take both of those and raise you a duplication
01-08-2005, 09:12
I'll take both of those and raise you a duplication

And I'll rasie you a wrong strength rating.

Getting rid of all weapons of mass destruction majorly limits your war ablilites in role playing, dosen't it?
01-08-2005, 16:56
BlueTiger']And I'll rasie you a wrong strength rating.

Getting rid of all weapons of mass destruction majorly limits your war ablilites in role playing, dosen't it?
Bear in mind that we're already down to only having nukes at our disposal due to the passing of Ban Chemical Weapons ( and UN Biological Weapons Ban. (
01-08-2005, 18:03
Social cleansing
A resolution to restrict civil freedoms in the interest of moral decency.

Category: Moral Decency
Strength: Strong
Proposed by: Mandrilla

Description: I propose that in order to maintain a safe and healthy environment for us all, we kill all the gypsies. That's it. Hunt them down and burn them in public car parks. Every single last one of them. YES!!!

Approvals: 1 (Mandrilla)

Status: Lacking Support (requires 136 more approvals)

Voting Ends: Thu Aug 4 2005
I sincerely hope that this author falls victim to a particularly gruesome mod-bombing.
Bagdadi Georgia
01-08-2005, 18:14
Three separate repeal proposals from one person, for 'Gay Rights', 'Rights of Minorities and Women', and 'Definition of Marriage', with the following three lines of text:

I want my country to choose if it allow or ban gay marriage

love for same sex is wrong

people of same sex cant be married

Surprisingly, all supported by Flibs.


Social cleansing
A resolution to restrict civil freedoms in the interest of moral decency.

Category: Moral Decency
Strength: Strong
Proposed by: Mandrilla

Description: I propose that in order to maintain a safe and healthy environment for us all, we kill all the gypsies. That's it. Hunt them down and burn them in public car parks. Every single last one of them. YES!!!

Approvals: 1 (Mandrilla)

Status: Lacking Support (requires 136 more approvals)

Voting Ends: Thu Aug 4 2005

Full of the milk of human kindness today, our proposals.
02-08-2005, 02:17
Bear in mind that we're already down to only having nukes at our disposal due to the passing of Ban Chemical Weapons ( and UN Biological Weapons Ban. (

Still - an actual prohibition of weapons (as opposed to recommendation or perhaps regulation) should be classified as "strong".
Shiny and happy
02-08-2005, 02:59
Wow, there are alot of wierd proposals made to the UN. Social cleansing, kill all the gypsies, Fines for no work or not going to work???? Honestly what are these people smoking when they write these UN proposals. Oh and by the way sorry if i botherd you by barging in on this delightful discussion of peoples wierd and random UN proposals. Some of these people obvously need some prozac. :D
02-08-2005, 04:19
Wow, there are alot of wierd proposals made to the UN. Social cleansing, kill all the gypsies, Fines for no work or not going to work???? Honestly what are these people smoking when they write these UN proposals. Oh and by the way sorry if i botherd you by barging in on this delightful discussion of peoples wierd and random UN proposals. Some of these people obvously need some prozac. :D

I have a hard time believing they'll take prozac....seeing as a lot of them are trying to ban it :P
02-08-2005, 04:24
Here two nice ones, by the same person.

Repeal "Rights of Minorities and Women"

A proposal to repeal a previously passed resolution

Category: Repeal

Resolution: #80

Proposed by: Dos Locos

Description: UN Resolution #80: Rights of Minorities and Women (Category: Human Rights; Strength: Strong) shall be struck out and rendered null and void.

Argument: love for same sex is wrong

Approvals: 5 (Dos Locos, Conservativeville, Flibbleites, Baklavagalooshgaland, Puppetters)

Status: Lacking Support (requires 132 more approvals)

Voting Ends: Thu Aug 4 2005

The Triumvirate of Enn has not approved this proposal. [Approve]

Repeal "Definition of Marriage"

A proposal to repeal a previously passed resolution

Category: Repeal

Resolution: #81

Proposed by: Dos Locos

Description: UN Resolution #81: Definition of Marriage (Category: Human Rights; Strength: Mild) shall be struck out and rendered null and void.

Argument: people of same sex cant be married

Approvals: 8 (Dos Locos, Conservativeville, Flibbleites, Switzinator, Adasa, Kiloran, Baklavagalooshgaland, Puppetters)

Status: Lacking Support (requires 129 more approvals)

Voting Ends: Thu Aug 4 2005

The Triumvirate of Enn has not approved this proposal. [Approve]
Interesting... I just love those one-line arguments, with completely incorrect grammar, ignoring that there are multiple resolutions about this topic, and basically just being silly.
02-08-2005, 06:49
Three separate repeal proposals from one person, for 'Gay Rights', 'Rights of Minorities and Women', and 'Definition of Marriage', with the following three lines of text:

Surprisingly, all supported by Flibs.I support repealing "Gay Rights" and "Definition of Marriage" because they deal with marriage laws which I believe should be dealt with by the individual nations as opposed to the UN. "Rights of Minorities and Women" I support repealing because the resolution is redundant as all the points are covered under other resolutions.
Bagdadi Georgia
02-08-2005, 12:56
I support repealing "Gay Rights" and "Definition of Marriage" because they deal with marriage laws which I believe should be dealt with by the individual nations as opposed to the UN. "Rights of Minorities and Women" I support repealing because the resolution is redundant as all the points are covered under other resolutions.

Very pragmatic, but I think it's a bit dubious to put your endorsement to the sentiment "love for same sex is wrong" - not even 'sex with', which would be bad enough, but 'love for'... I've give you the benefit of the doubt on your own reasons for supporting this, but you're probably sharing that platform with some people who are operating from much darker motives.

It's a bit disappointing the number of proposals that look like this, but quite heartening that they usually get very little support.
02-08-2005, 15:56
It's a bit disappointing the number of proposals that look like this, but quite heartening that they usually get very little support.
I'll agree that these ones definitely don't have the best reasons for repealing, but at the same time I also know that trying to repeal these resolutions is like tilting windmills in that there probably never going to be repealed.
04-08-2005, 03:24
Had to preserve this one before I deleted it ... MY MOM HATES GAMBLING

A resolution to legalize or outlaw gambling.
Category: Gambling
Legalize/Outlaw: Outlaw
Proposed by: Agamben

Description: This one at gambling camp my friend lost his arms as part of a sick trick by gambling hounds. Gambling has gotten out of control and now threatens the very survival of this game and survival of our nations.

u all know that your mothers (the ones i was with last night) hate the idea and the practic of gambling. To indure that none of you get grounded i propose that the United Nations bans gambling.
This move will help your nation in many ways:
1) If your nation is having trouble with crime banning gambling will help you to reenforce your law enforcement
it also makes baby jesus cry every time someone gambles so with all of this i strongly support that all christians mothers and anarchisits ban togehther to fight the worst disease that has ever threatened the Nation states. It is worse then the bird flu which will threaten the earth. SO with that i will leave you with my one and only reolution as my only action as the Delegate form dirkadirkadirkastan. TO BAN GAMBLING.

thank you, have a nice and moral filled life
04-08-2005, 04:11
Making Poverty History

A resolution to improve worldwide human and civil rights.

Category: Human Rights

Strength: Strong

Proposed by: The Creative

Description: How do YOU THINK All the regions (including TITAN AE) can 'make poverty history'?!

A)Send all the Leaders to Africa and give everyone food? That'll be good?!

B)Make More 'MAKE POVERTY HISTORY' wristbands and sell them for £1.50 each so they it goes to Africa?
That'll be good?!

C)Raise Money by doing jobs like sponsored walks, sponsored run so the money goes to Africa?
That'll be good?!
Yes, this is all fine and dandy, but what will it actually do? Will these things be good?
04-08-2005, 05:29
Category: International Security

Strength: Strong

Proposed by: New Javert

Description: Some people can easily re-found a region, without having any claim to a region, If you support this, you agree that a founder should not be named after he or she was deleted the first time. If they want to have founder status, they let the region die, and take it afterwards.First off, this is a major game mechanics violation, secondly, if I'm reading this right, what this proposal is argueing against, the mods don't do unless they have to anyway.
04-08-2005, 07:03
A resolution to reduce barriers to free trade and commerce.

Category: Free Trade

Strength: Strong

Proposed by: Goldwaterreagan

Description: We the exalted nations of the UN hereby proclaim that donuts are a wonderful treat to be enjoyed by all.
04-08-2005, 07:35
A resolution to improve world security by boosting police and military budgets.

Category: International Security
Strength: Strong
Proposed by: Marlboro Smokers

Description: Thousands, NAY! Millions of homeless junkies beyond reform roam the streets, stealing, raping, harrassing and even killing for their next fix. These low-lifes have no place in society and to be quite frank, the police have biger fish to fry.

All should be rounded up and placed into closed off woodland habitats where they can be hunted by rich buisnessmen and professional hunters. Competitions can be run and naturally a fee for the hunt plus a commission for every 'bagged' junkie shall be taken by the governments of the respected nations. These fees will more than repay the cost to initially arrest and contain the junkies.

Help stamp out crime by up to 30%. You know it's right.

Approvals: 10 (Marlboro Smokers, Raven The Black, Omigodtheykilledkenny, Thatsallmine, Funkdunk, Iznogoud, Gorff, Nick52B, Brunelian BG advocates, The 45 Cal)

Status: Lacking Support (requires 127 more approvals)

Voting Ends: Fri Aug 5 2005
04-08-2005, 22:32
Hehe. Made me giggle. ('SPRING%20CLEAN')
This is pretty dumb.
06-08-2005, 06:25
Category: Political Stability

Strength: Strong

Proposed by: Neggar

Description: The United Nations has 33,391 member nations and 2,270 Regional Delegates.

Only about 1/3 of the member nations votes. It is obvious that the 2,270 Regional Delegates do not vote on proposals or for the Resolutions.

There should be a requirement that all U.N. Nations vote in order to keep their status in the U.N.. Nations who do not vote for resolutions shall be ejected from the U.N. and regional delegates who do not vote for at least 1 out of 3 Resolutions shall be stripped of their Regional Delegation.Illegal, game mechanics, blah, blah, blah.
Bagdadi Georgia
07-08-2005, 17:29
'The Travelling Microcredit Bazaar'.

Good proposal, ridiculous title. :p
Yeldan UN Mission
07-08-2005, 18:25
'The Travelling Microcredit Bazaar'.

Good proposal, ridiculous title. :p
As I pointed out here (
08-08-2005, 04:34
Category: Global Disarmament

Strength: Strong

Proposed by: Pilanople

Description: This resolution would outlaw the use of all weapons :rolleyes:
08-08-2005, 22:09

A resolution to restrict civil freedoms in the interest of moral decency.

Category: Moral Decency

Strength: Strong

Proposed by: Millicolen

Description: Description:
The NationStates United Nations,

RECOGNIZING that the UN is shitty and irrelivent in a COMPUTER simulation that has no real a.) population of witch to make life better for b.) bearing on real life c.) purpose, other then to provide an outlit for dutchbags who take this game seriously.

OBSERVING that a.) The people who take the UN on this site seriously are either poly sci majors (dutchbags) or just dutchbags in general and there for suck on both account.

AWARE that 1.) the way we are required to type resolutions in this site is both a.) stupid b.) pathetic c.) bullshit. 2.) I will be ejected from the UN for this and if it is not passed it will be considered a positive.

NOTING the overall desopndancy of attitudes towords the un in general on this site

FURTHER NOTING that we should have an anti-united nations.

PROPOSING that we make the disco said region

BEARING IN MIND that you suck and will probably not like this idea

CONCERNED that this site, which is good, was based on the book , Jennifer Government, which sucked.

CONVINCED I should get my money back for reading that pile of filth

1. APPROVES the creation of an anti UN, or the deletion of the UN

2. CALLS UPON nations to investigate and promote war and the oppression of there NON-FUCKING-EXISTANING citizens in the name of good clean famly fun

3. SUGGESTS that the un be patrolled for people who take this seriously. One instance is enough for a public beating under the grounds that you have no fucking life.

4. RECOMMENDS a full refund for that wreched book I bought.

5. FURTHER RECOMMENDS the people on here take this as the joke it is.

6. AWARE that there is a chinamans chance in hell of that happening, fuckers

Approvals: 0

Status: Lacking Support (requires 135 more approvals)

Voting Ends: Thu Aug 11 2005

I'm speechless, just speechless, but thought I'd get it up here before a mod saw it.
08-08-2005, 23:42
In response to article 6 - I think we all found it pretty damn funny, doesn't mean you shouldn't be ejected from the UN for breaking two rules (one of which is NO JOKE PROPOSALS), flamebaiting, swearing, and flaming, but it was funny.
Zeldon 6229 Nodlez
09-08-2005, 00:13
My guestion here is if something like this one ever got voted in how would one get a seat on this committee (AIPA) it would sit up.. As feel could support it only if I had a seat on the committee to insure proper disposal of anything the committee deams illegal.
Reguires proper supervision of the disposal of said substance.

Prohibition of Alcohol
A resolution to restrict civil freedoms in the interest of moral decency.

Category: Moral Decency
Strength: Strong
Proposed by: Trexia

Description: This proposal to the United Nations was submitted by the Holy Empire of Trexia of South Confederacy to ensure decency.
Section 1
The manufacture, sale, or transportation of intoxicating liquors within, the importation thereof into, or the exportation thereof from any nation within the United Nations thereof for beverage purposes is hereby prohibited.

Section 2.
The United Nations shall have the power to enforce this article by appointing a committee temporarily named the Alcohol Investigation and Prosecution Agency (AIPA).

I figure this would be the best forum to address the issue... Also would like to know how this committe would get fresh ice and mixes to dilute said substances.. outlawed by the proposal. Also snacks....
Kall Discordium
09-08-2005, 00:23
My question is: What exactly is a DUTCHbag? Is that what you keep your weed in?
09-08-2005, 00:59
He probably means Douschbag (sp?) - which is pretty much along the lines of....loser, fool, etc
09-08-2005, 07:22
Category: Global Disarmament

Strength: Significant

Proposed by: Western Mackinton

Description: That all members of the U.N must disarm half of all there nuculer weapons.Scary thing is, this one's actually legal. It's still a dumb idea, but it's legal (and I'm not just saying that because nuclear is misspelled).
09-08-2005, 20:51
There is one trying to instate Prohibition of Alcohol...

So who wants to be Al Capone first?
Zeldon 6229 Nodlez
09-08-2005, 21:12
There is one trying to instate Prohibition of Alcohol...

So who wants to be Al Capone first?

Is he the one will need to see to get on the AIPA Crime Committe, then let me know where to find him...
Flatulant Fatasses
10-08-2005, 16:25
I'm new to the game and I am a UN member. I was just wondering, how do I approve a UN Proposal to help it on its way to reaching quorum?
10-08-2005, 16:38
I'm new to the game and I am a UN member. I was just wondering, how do I approve a UN Proposal to help it on its way to reaching quorum?Only delegates can approve proposals.

Now back to this topic's purpose.
Category: Repeal

Resolution: #9

Proposed by: Ivan The Hurricane

Description: UN Resolution #9: Keep The World Disease-Free! (Category: Human Rights; Strength: Significant) shall be struck out and rendered null and void.

Argument: This resolution is ridiculous. Bacteria and viruses need homes too, and if our overpopulating specie can provide a home for these unseen friends, we should be willing to give all organism a chance to live. Besides, this gives all nations a method to control population if each nation can enforce its own law to harbor more disease causing agents.

Down with this UN Resolution!

Category: Repeal

Resolution: #34

Proposed by: Ivan The Hurricane

Description: UN Resolution #34: Oceanic Waste Dumping (Category: Environmental; Industry Affected: All Businesses) shall be struck out and rendered null and void.

Argument: Oceans provide great space for all nations to dump their wastes. There is no reason why any nation should not dump their waste into the sea. Simply put, the sea can absorb all the waste (not unlike digestion) and dilute toxic materials to harmless levels so that no ecosystems are significantly affected. The sea has the power to recycle waste, an there is no reason not to use it.
11-08-2005, 16:26
Category: Gun Control

Decision: Tighten

Proposed by: Jakeumbi

Description: we should tighten gun control laws Elax?
12-08-2005, 05:28
Category: Human Rights

Strength: Strong

Proposed by: Splurvia

Description: Hereas the world population is not divided equal and resources are sparse and not in great coordination with the population.

This proposal will mandate that all nations would equalize there persons to accomadate the resource usage.

This would take effect by mass migration of the populus from every nation aroung the world.

The mandate lists the following :

1. The total number of member states in the UN would pool all the people under there control and then disperse them equally across all the memebers.

2. When this has taken effect. The resultign changes would allow all nations to share in the tender and care of mankind.

3. Every 10 years this would then be institued to equalize again to allow for population growth to be re-distributed.Illegal due to game mechanics, and I'm not sure if even possible due to game mechanics.
13-08-2005, 02:01
Boots Ban
A resolution to restrict civil freedoms in the interest of moral decency.

Category: Moral Decency
Strength: Mild
Proposed by: Silvarian

Description: This is a BAN to keep people from wearing steel toed boots when not in a construction site.

A: The steel-toed boots are a dangerous and hazardous object which could endanger all males personal anatomy.

B: The steel-toed boots are capable of breaking bones and reducing what little coordination people have.

So, in conclusion, BOOTS ARE EVIL!
Cracked up laughing when I saw this.
13-08-2005, 11:31
Legalize Magic Mushrooms

A resolution to ban, legalize, or encourage recreational drugs.

Category: Recreational Drug Use

Decision: Legalize

Proposed by: Kilmeston

Description: I reccomend that we legalize mushrooms in all states, this mere allows the people of each nation to use them in their own homes..... this therefore will not interupt the workings of businesses etc!

Allow people more freedom...they deserve it!

Approvals: 1 (Kilmeston)

Status: Lacking Support (requires 134 more approvals)

Voting Ends: Tue Aug 16 2005

Now why would any nation want to ban the eating of mushrooms? They are full of vitamin B and go so well with steak and chips. Maybe he/she means a special kind of mushroom :D.
Texan Hotrodders
13-08-2005, 11:42
I'm speechless, just speechless, but thought I'd get it up here before a mod saw it.

That is the most awesome UN proposal I've ever seen. So...conflicted and bitter and clever at the same time.
13-08-2005, 12:58
That is the most awesome UN proposal I've ever seen. So...conflicted and bitter and clever at the same time.

To put it simply.....

Texan Hotrodders
13-08-2005, 13:01
To put it simply.....


This should clear it up, unless you just think I'm crazy, in which case you don't need anything cleared up, because you're absolutely correct. :D
13-08-2005, 13:14

This should clear it up, unless you just think I'm crazy, in which case you don't need anything cleared up, because you're absolutely correct. :D

That's quite possibly the single greatest proposal I've ever heard of...
Dutchbags... :p

and Hey, I am a Poli Sci. major, what's that supposed to mean.

As far as you being crazy, well that was established with the first post of yours I saw. Explanation won't change that. :D
13-08-2005, 15:18
Cracked up laughing when I saw this.
LOL I think people are running out of stuff to propose. its just getting more and more insane
14-08-2005, 04:58
Category: Gun Control

Decision: Relax

Proposed by: Nethergard

Description: All weapons are readily available hence:

Nukes can be bought and sold on the open market

Artillery Pieces can be bought and sold on the open market

Chickens and pieces of fruit are no longer available on the open market

And all other weapons of mass protection and destruction will be available.

Also Japan will be turned into Texas 2

Children ages 4-18 are allowed to purchase weapons including and below .50

Children 0-4 are allowed only .22

Also the phrase Git-R-Done must be said in a public place twice per minute. And must also be signed by a publice GRD official.

Category: Global Disarmament

Strength: Strong

Proposed by: Bobton-on-sea

Description: all weapons will be banned to stop people getting hurt/killed.Illegal, contradicts two passed UN resolutions.
Yeldan UN Mission
14-08-2005, 05:19
That's quite possibly the single greatest proposal I've ever heard of...
Dutchbags... :p
Oh, I don't know about that. I think the Mad Sheep Railgun ( proposal is hard to beat.
14-08-2005, 06:33
Yes, "Bad stuff man, BAD STUFF!" is actually the name of the proposal...

Well, try banning more than just nukes then. We've got worse stuff about...

Who needs supportive reasoning?

So, what exactly is the ICDB? You've provided plenty of reasoning on what it will do, but have not yet stated what exactly it entails... :sniper: Soldiers, line up to die!! We have replacements!!

Originally Posted by Bad stuff man, BAD STUFF!
Category: Gambling
Legalize/Outlaw: Outlaw
Proposed by: The Anubian Dragon

Description: me must disallow gambling for good in the world!

what good does it bring us? it's only use is money! money is not the only thing that is important in this world.

religion and family values are what are important.

even for the poor, god is there for them.
for the rich, god is there for them.

where are we? gambling all our money away in casinos!
God gave us the ability to do work! and through that, god gave us money as a reward of work!

so we are practically wasting away a gift from god in risky gambles!

sometimes, these gambles can be dangerous!
this is why i think we should outlaw gambling immediately!

"who's with me!?"

I am hoping the UN will see my point and join me in this fight against gambling. Thank you.

Soz, Ive already outlawed gambling in my nation

Originally Posted by Nuclear Weapons Removal Act
Category: Global Disarmament
Strength: Significant
Proposed by: Shlaga

Description: All members of the United Nations will be required to remove all of their nuclear weapons.

The only thing that can come of weapons such as these is mass suffering and death, and they should have no place in warfare.
Therefore, all weapons of this classification shall be removed from member countries.

and fighting v NON UN nations? and there's hardly any war in NS anyway!

Proposed by: The Bowens

Description: I belive people should be allowed to purchase any kinds of weapons on the intention of defending there home.
No laws on gun control

Next time cheese won't be thrown at parlaiment (its happened to me BUT NOT BULLETS), its gonna throw bullets!!

Im done
15-08-2005, 07:36
Repeal All UN Resoultions

A resolution to improve worldwide human and civil rights.

Category: Human Rights

Strength: Strong

Proposed by: Jesuit High School

Description: Whereas the UN has passed numerous resolutions, many that no longer hold true in light of new resolutions.

Whereas, it has become apparent that there have been the passage of too many resolutions.

Whereas, its good to have a new beginning.

Now, therefore, be it resolved that all former UN resolutions shall be struck null and void.

Approvals: 0

Status: Lacking Support (requires 135 more approvals)

Voting Ends: Thu Aug 18 2005

While I know full well this is illegal, it would save the repealers a lot of work :).
Venerable libertarians
15-08-2005, 15:45
A resolution to improve worldwide human and civil rights.

Category: Human Rights
Strength: Mild
Proposed by: Trans-Caspia

Description: RECOGNIZING that it is impossible for a nation to conform to the wishes of all its citizens.

VALUING the right of the citizen to live in the manner he or she chooses and with those of similar persuasion.

REALIZING that the sovereignty of any nation must not be degraded through fracture and secession.

DECIDING that in order to accommodate both the nation state and those who whish for different social, political, religious, or economic environments, these rules be put into place immediately:

1. A group of people who claim the right of the micronation shall be allowed to construct an off-shore facility. The nature may be entirely artificial(like an oil rig), or may be dredged from an already partially exposed part of seafloor to create an island. The expense shall be the colonist's burden, and no other group or state is obliged to fund any micronation outside of a contract.

2. This construction must be entirely built in UN-recognized international waters.

3. The group claiming the right of the micronation may not have any connections with known terrorist groups. If they are found to be terrorists or connected to any such group, their right to a micronation will be declared null and void, and force may be used to remove them.

4. After their right to a micronation has been recognized by the UN, no nation may extend their maritime borders over the construction or its recognized maritime boundaries, nor may any nation claim sovereignty over it.

5. The maritime boundaries of a micronation shall extend precisely one mile from the construction. In any place where maritime boundaries conflict, the pre-established state shall have the right to retain its boundary, and is not obliged to secede any of its waters to the newly established state.

6. Should the UN approve of an extension of international maritime boundaries, the 1 mile boundary limit shall not change.

7. No outside entity shall have the right to impose any law upon a micronation, except for these following guidelines:

- No human being shall be brought to a micronation against their will.
- All human beings have the right to leave any micronation at any time they choose.
- No micronation shall be permitted to do any action that has a negative effect on any other nation's economy, enviroment, or national security.

8. A corporation, government, international organization, or any entity other than those constituting the micronation's population shall not be allowed to establish a micronation.

9. A UN committee shall be established to oversee all matters pertaining to the establishment of micronations. Their decisions will be the highest recognized authority on this matter. All currently existing micronations shall be subject to a review by this committee to determine their legal status.

Approvals: 15 (Liberialand, Harrissy, Gymnophobia, Kievan, Punrovia, Waterana, CTerryland, Of Cascadia, Binhaii, Democratic Paradise, Red Peril, Suuropolis, Moborith, Skyscraper Island, Benthan)

Status: Lacking Support (requires 120 more approvals)

Voting Ends: Mon Aug 15 2005

The Hibernian Kingdom of Venerable libertarians has not approved this proposal. [Approve]
This has to be the daftest proposal i have EVER seen looking for approval.
15-08-2005, 21:55
Actually I don't think that one is daft. I liked the idea enough to endorse it. It is very orginal.
Venerable libertarians
16-08-2005, 02:12
ok then, Let me set the scene. I decide that i dont like my nation but i aint leaving. So I gather up a group of disgruntled people and we purchase an off shore Island. I can then apply for the status of "Soverign Micronation" to the UN. which is duly granted and yay the SM of My island is born. So now i dont have to pay taxes to the nation i was disgruntled with and anyone can move to my MN as long as they arent terrorists. So then i have a one mile Territorial water around my MN so if a busy shipping lane passes through i can now toll shipping traffic.

Man its just plain daft!
16-08-2005, 03:01
I guess I just see this differently than you do. It seems a perfectly good way for me for a group of like minded people to set up their own nation without taking anything away from an existing nation.

I really don't want to go into too much debate about this here because A - this is the wrong thread for that, and B - the resolution is close to running out of time, but if it is resubmitted I will contact the author and ask him/her to start a thread on it so we can talk about it properly ;).

For now, well just have to agree to disagree :).
Venerable libertarians
16-08-2005, 03:10
I guess I just see this differently than you do. It seems a perfectly good way for me for a group of like minded people to set up their own nation without taking anything away from an existing nation.

I really don't want to go into too much debate about this here because A - this is the wrong thread for that, and B - the resolution is close to running out of time, but if it is resubmitted I will contact the author and ask him/her to start a thread on it so we can talk about it properly ;).

For now, well just have to agree to disagree :).
Agreed, We shall dissagree! :D Still daft as having a Pitbull terrier as a nanny for your 2 year old! Fancy a pint? Im off to the Bar! :)
16-08-2005, 05:47
Category: Human Rights

Strength: Strong

Proposed by: The Blue Monday

Description: Description: Description: We, the United Nation, recognize the basic human rights of all individuals, including the Clownkind. The Clownkind Equality Act seeks to extend civil rights and fair treatment to members of the clown community.

Believing that Human right is a rooted in belief in human dignity, and that everyone, including members of the Circus Entertainment community, deserves to be treated with dignity and respect regardless of occupation or comedic expression

Defining a clown to be any person who has and occupational experience, past or present, in circus work, mime work, private party work, or otherwise related occupations, any person that uses slapstick comedy with a painted face and a squeaky nose.

Definning Clownism as a person’s innate sense of self while occupation declares that they must hold a comedic act of some kind, in costume or otherwise.

Taking into account that everyone has the freedom of choice as outlined in the resolution of Universal Freedom of Choice to act in a way that might or might not fit with conventional clown stereotype as long as small children and foolish adults are not threatened by them.

Recognizes that biological factors, such as one’s sense of humor and age play a large role on how a clown may be employed as opposed to talent. Older clowns will be less likely employed as a younger, bald clown.

Acknowledges than that Clownism is a recognized social issue that
involves a person’s humor so long as they are in costume and come out of small cars.

Convinced than that occupation reassignments and its related occupational procedures should be legal and allowed in order to alleviate the psychological pain and suffering caused Clownkind.

Acknowledging that many Clownkind are discriminated against in all area of life, including in employments and health care.

Noting with satisfaction that a significant number of human right laws have already been approved by the United Nation.

Noting with Regrets, however, that none of the past human rights resolutions made any mention on the right of the Clownkind.

Be it resolved that the Clownkind Equality Act be recognized and declared by the United Nation.

Article one: One’s clowning area or self expression shall be included as a prohibited ground of discrimination; any Clownsman should receive the same right as everyone else residing in all U.N member countries.

Article two: Considering that a clown is much more likely to be targeted for hate violence, law enforcement authorities should be encouraged to access Clown Sensitivity training so they can adequately and sufficiently deliver justice to members of the transgender community.

Article 3: All Clown Sensitivity discrimination in hiring, promotion, training and dismissal will be illegal in all U.N countries.

Article 4: Everyone has the right to having a good time; Occupational equality and Occupational Clown Training should be legal and reasonably accessible to Circus folk of all walks of life. Medical personnel are not allowed to refuse treatments to a Clown based on early childhood trauma and hatred for Clownkind.

Article 5: Clownfolk who have undergone Carnie Training will have his or her new Clown name be legally recognized. Other Clowns, including Mimes, Freakshow workers, and bearded-women will continue to be legally defined by their occupational contract.. Is it my imagination, or did someone just basically take the current resolution up for vote (The Transgender Equality Act) and just replace the word "transgender" for "Clownfolk?"
16-08-2005, 13:45
Ban Single Ply TP

A resolution to increase the quality of the world's environment, at the expense of industry.

Category: Environmental

Industry Affected: All Businesses

Proposed by: Scotsnations

Description: Ban Single Ply TP (Toilet Paper)
1. It's a pain in the erse tae get ootae the dispenser.
2. Folk yase jist as much paper as normal 2 ply it jist takes thum longer.
3. Single ply is oaften no cut right so twa sheets ur stuck thigither which causes frustration an mess, waste an thus environmental damage.
4. It demoralises employees causin thum tae go oot an buy a chainsaw then a killin spree.
5. It is a pain in the erse if ye cannae wipe properly causin discomfort and lack ay employee concentration through the day.

And now the translation
tae = to
ootae = out of
thum = them
oaften = often
no = not
twa = two
ur = are
thigither = together
an = and
oot = out
ay = of

Approvals: 0

Status: Lacking Support (requires 134 more approvals)

Voting Ends: Fri Aug 19 2005

I'm still laughing at this one, its one of the funniest proposals I've ever seen in the list :D.

I also appreciate that the author included a translation list :p
16-08-2005, 13:51
I think we should approve this just for the hell of it.
16-08-2005, 15:10
I have poor people in my country they cant afford double ply toilet paper.

Venerable libertarians
16-08-2005, 15:45
I have poor people in my country they cant afford double ply toilet paper.

Fold single ply in two! Yay you know have double ply Erse wiping material!
Approval denied! :D
16-08-2005, 16:46
ok then, Let me set the scene. I decide that i dont like my nation but i aint leaving. So I gather up a group of disgruntled people and we purchase an off shore Island. I can then apply for the status of "Soverign Micronation" to the UN. which is duly granted and yay the SM of My island is born. So now i dont have to pay taxes to the nation i was disgruntled with and anyone can move to my MN as long as they arent terrorists. So then i have a one mile Territorial water around my MN so if a busy shipping lane passes through i can now toll shipping traffic.

Man its just plain daft!

check it out on wikipedia - there's tons of micronations out there, but usually they're not recognised by any other country - there's this one off the coast of England that was on an old military base called Sealand, that recently had a company trying to establish a data hosting facility there so that people could hold data that didn't respect patents and the like.

They're an interesting loophole to international law
16-08-2005, 17:38
Fold single ply in two! Yay you know have double ply Erse wiping material!
Approval denied! :D
The problem with that is, then you're using twice as much and you run out faster.
16-08-2005, 19:51
The Global Peace Initiative

A resolution to slash worldwide military spending.
Category: Global Disarmament
Strength: Strong
Proposed by: Community Property



We believe war to be unnecessary. No nation need ever go to war. Wars can always be avoided through non-provocative, non-confrontational foreign policy, a willingness to resolve all disputes through negotiation and compromise, and a refusal to meet force or threats of force in kind.

We believe there to be no excuse for war. Because a nation never need go to war, any nation that does so for any reason is guilty of aggression. Aggression is unacceptable within this community of nations.

We believe that military forces, weapons, and spending are unnecessary, and should be eliminated worldwide as soon as possible.


I. No United Nations member may ever go to war or undertake military action of any kind for any reason.

II. With war now forbidden, all weapons are unnecessary, all counterclaims by individual members notwithstanding.

III. With all weapons now unnecessary, no United Nations member may ever produce, acquire, possess, or use any weapon where no prior United Nation Resolution reserves for members such a right.

IV. Where a prior United Nations Resolution reserves for members a right to produce, acquire, possess, or use a particular weapon, whether necessary or not, that right shall be respected for as long as the Resolution in question remains in force; should the Resolution in question ever be repealed, however, such grandfathered rights shall be forever lost.

V. Where the right of members to produce, acquire, possess, or use a particular weapon has been reserved by a prior United Nations Resolution, such a right shall be read as narrowly as possible; thus, a right to produce or acquire a weapon shall confer a right to possess it, nor shall a right to possess a weapon confer a right to use it, and so forth.

VI. No United Nations member may ever organize, assemble, or maintain under arms a military, nor may it spend any money on defense, except as may be needed to exercise its right to produce, acquire, possess, or use a particular weapon as provided by a prior United Nations Resolution, and then only to the minimum extent required exercise the right; thus where a right to possess a weapon is specified, this right shall be held to allow exactly one (1) such weapon, unless stated in the plural, in which case it shall be held to allow no more two (2) of them.

VII. Where the right to acquire or possess a weapon has been reserved by a prior United Nations Resolution, that right shall not be read to embrace any unspecified "supporting" weapon systems, such as airplanes, missiles, artillery pieces, or other means with which to deliver the permitted weapon, and so on.

VIII. Upon passage of this Resolution, all military spending beyond what is needed to acquire and possess any weapons permitted under prior United Nations Resolutions shall be redirected to education and environmental protection, in equal amounts.

IX. As war is now unnecessary, no United Nations member may ever enter into any military alliance or relationship with any other nation.


X. Where a weapon has been banned under a prior United Nations Resolution, this Resolution shall not be taken to duplicate that ban. Should the ban in question be lifted, however, then the immunity of the weapon in question from consideration herein shall also be considered lifted, and the weapon in question shall from that moment onward be governed under this Resolution.

I wonder if anyone noticed my proposal directly under that, entitled Freedom of War? And it didn't pass either. *cries*
17-08-2005, 16:50
OK, not silly, just downright nasty:

International Patents Office

A resolution to reduce barriers to free trade and commerce.

Category: Free Trade
Strength: Significant
Proposed by: Hyronia

Description: The Government and People of the Republic of Hyronia,

RECOGNISING that patent infringement in developing economies is a serious barrier to free trade,

ACKNOWLEDGING the right of all inventors and corporations to protect their intellectual property across international borders,

and BELIEVING that the costs of consumer and industrial goods would be reduced, and availability increased if a system for intellectual property protection was globally implemented,

are PROPOSING that a regulatory body be set up under the control of the United Nations, as the United Nations International Patents Office (UNIPO) in order to arbitrate and grant international patents to inventors and corporations worldwide, as well as to review or reject possibly contentious patents, such as genome patents.

Approvals: 1 (New Hamilton)

Status: Lacking Support (requires 133 more approvals)

Voting Ends: Sat Aug 20 2005
17-08-2005, 16:55
why is that nasty? i have approved the proposal!
17-08-2005, 17:11
"RECOGNISING that patent infringement in developing economies is a serious barrier to free trade"

So? Anti-slavery laws could be argued to be an impediment to free trade; this doesn't make them a bad thing.

Much of what is claimed for patenting should not be, plus a resolution like this sould wreak havoc in disease-afflicted regions where generic drugs are required.
18-08-2005, 05:39
Category: Environmental

Industry Affected: All Businesses

Proposed by: Woollymoustry


Fellows of the United Nations do you realise there is an evil amongst us. That Evil my friends is the Smurf. These blue creatures have been taking over countries all over the place via the backdoor and now control over half of the UN.

Their aims are simple. To turn the world into a drug filled, weak willed planet. Where no one does any work and lovefests result in hybrid human/smurf offspring, thus weakening all of humankind. They want to take over the world and allow their equally evil neighbours from outerspace the FURBIES to invade.

Do we want this to happen. I SAY NO! Lets do something about it now and allow for organised Smurf hunts to take place. It will boost economies everywhere and apparently Smurf soup is very tasty.

Please vote now before it is too late.
18-08-2005, 12:32
If they control over half of the would that vote pass a majority vote in the UN......
Venerable libertarians
18-08-2005, 20:59
Repeal "Sexual Freedom"
A proposal to repeal a previously passed resolution

Category: Repeal
Resolution: #7
Proposed by: Johndu

Description: UN Resolution #7: Sexual Freedom (Category: Human Rights; Strength: Strong) shall be struck out and rendered null and void.

Argument: GOD did NOT want people to be gay you will be going against god's wishes by doing so

Approvals: 0

Status: Lacking Support (requires 134 more approvals)

Voting Ends: Sun Aug 21 2005

OH no, Please! Please merciful unnamed god of this Nut. Please do not squish me and my all too educated and Scientifically literate Nation like bugs because we are Evil gay tolerant people.

OOC. It scares me that people like this exist out there!
19-08-2005, 05:05

:) That smurf proposal is a hoot, especially because it talks about Furbies, which happen to be outlawed in Mikitivity ... they are just too evil.
19-08-2005, 05:30
Category: Human Rights

Strength: Strong

Proposed by: Flatsplat

Description: The proposal before the UN is this; Human Rights in excess simply compromise State security, allowing dissident movements to sprout up like plagues. They allow wages to cut into corporate profit, if you allow free enterprise, and raise civilian expectations to unrealistic levels.

An example should be set, that the state is the thing from which security, unity, strength and wealth come from. Human rights must not be allowed to run amok!I love the miscatagorized proposals. :D
19-08-2005, 11:27
Ecopoeia - did you just compare my proposal to the legalisation of slavery?

*looks hard at proposal*
Um. Nope, no slaves here.

The idea of a regulatory body such as the one proposed is that it regulates - granted, in the real world this doesn't work, but this isn't the real world.

I suppose someone's going to get all lathered up and call me a right-wing bastard now. Oh, well.

While we're on silly, *laughs at current repeal gay rights proposals in general, especially the ones mentioning god or the media.*
19-08-2005, 12:40
Ecopoeia - did you just compare my proposal to the legalisation of slavery?

*looks hard at proposal*
Um. Nope, no slaves here.

The idea of a regulatory body such as the one proposed is that it regulates - granted, in the real world this doesn't work, but this isn't the real world.

I suppose someone's going to get all lathered up and call me a right-wing bastard now. Oh, well.

While we're on silly, *laughs at current repeal gay rights proposals in general, especially the ones mentioning god or the media.*

No, Ecopedia invalidated your argument by pointing out that it justifies a bunch of issues we ban - as they are...well....immoral.
19-08-2005, 12:58
The slavery comment was a way of emphasising that your justification for shafting developing countries was that infringement was a barrier to free trade, as if free trade is a be-all and end-all. It smacks of a rigid adherence to the doctrine of "free trade, regardless of the consequences!". We're not all free traders here, y'know.

Putting aside objections to patenting and intellectual property laws with respect to generic drugs etc in the developing world... some of us don't operate any form of copyright or patents. Have you heard of ceative commons?

Anyways, enough of the hijack. I'm content with agreeing to disagree.
19-08-2005, 13:19
Anyways, enough of the hijack. I'm content with agreeing to disagree.

Fair enough.

In any case, thanks for the opinion.
19-08-2005, 13:52
Anyways, enough of the hijack. I'm content with agreeing to disagree.

Fair enough.

In any case, thanks for the opinion.
Apologies if I came across as a little, er, harsh.
19-08-2005, 14:02
Apologies if I came across as a little, er, harsh.

No apologies required unless they come from me for being so standoffish.


Only way I'm gonna learn.
19-08-2005, 15:43
I love the miscatagorized proposals. :D

Doh, there are cases when warnings should be issued ... that proposal is one, as it seems that "Limiting" X probably shouldn't be classified as a resolution to improve X.
Yeldan UN Mission
19-08-2005, 17:28
No rocket launchers

A resolution to tighten or relax gun control laws.

Category: Gun Control

Decision: Tighten

Proposed by: All things goatish

Description: I believe that rocket launchers should be banned from all nations!

Approvals: 0

Status: Lacking Support (requires 134 more approvals)

Voting Ends: Mon Aug 22 2005

The Protectorate of Yeldan UN Mission has not approved this proposal. [Approve]
So rocket launchers are guns now?
Yeldan UN Mission
20-08-2005, 21:56
Bob Marley

A resolution to improve worldwide human and civil rights.

Category: Human Rights

Strength: Strong

Proposed by: All things goatish

Description: Everyone has the right to listen to Bob Marley. THIS PROPOSITION WILL ALLOW EVERYONE TO FREELY LISTEN TO BOB.

Approvals: 1 (Yeldan UN Mission)

Status: Lacking Support (requires 132 more approvals)

Voting Ends: Tue Aug 23 2005

The Protectorate of Yeldan UN Mission has approved this proposal. [Withdraw Approval]
21-08-2005, 06:22
Category: Political Stability

Strength: Strong

Proposed by: Cy young award winners

Description: Larger Nations should automatically be granted power within the regions of the world. I also think that larger nations should be able to take control of regions with no effort. so therefore, my three-point plan follows as thusly.

1. whoever's nation is most populated becomes Regional Delegate.

2. That Nation, if it should choose, can run that region to the ground, lead it to world prominence, ditch the region, or any combination of the three.

3. The nations underneath the regional delegate can choose to overthrow by means of vote. If the delegate loses this vote, that delegate's nation is ejected from the region, and the next-populated nation takes command. If the delegate's nation wins the vote, defer to point number 2.

this plan can make a huge difference on the world as we know it.All together now, game mechanics.

Category: Environmental

Industry Affected: Woodchipping

Proposed by: New good land

Description: this will
1.stop the cutting down of wood in manny mager wet lands

2.have more goverment founding for park security and fire fighters

3.perserve at least 300 acres of woods in the forests from cutting
and charge people a small admission to enter them as parks
wich would make a prophet for the goverment What's a "manny mager wet land?"

Category: Human Rights

Strength: Strong

Proposed by: Richmill

Description: Part 1
Section A: A genocide is the systematic and planned extermination of an entire national, racial, political, or ethnic group.

Section B: Genocide is a horrible thing we have seen a few in the past century.
1. Nazi genocide against the jewish community.
2. Burundi- killing Hutus.
3. Sudan- Killing 2 million Nuer, Dinka, Christians, Nuba, southerners
4. Democratic Republic of the Congo- killing 80,000 Hutus, Banyamulenge.
5.Algeria- killing 160,000 OAS, Harkis, settlers
6. Rwanda- killing 800,000 Tutsi
7. North Korea- killing 2 million plus citizens.
8. Pakistan- 1,500,000 Bengalis & Hindus


Section C: Every U.N. member agrees not to have a genocide in their country. If a country does have a genocide going on the U.N. will step and and stop it. The government of the country will face charges in the international court and the U.N. will set up a new government in that country. All the countries in the U.N. will all ban together to help fight against genocides. We have to do something about it now please vote for it.
Two problems here, first off, multiple RL references, secondly it's already been done.
Yeldan UN Mission
21-08-2005, 07:28
What's a "manny mager wet land?"
An individual named Manny Mager has some land, which is wet?
21-08-2005, 09:46
An individual named Manny Mager has some land, which is wet?
It seems worrying that we are now having proposals over Manny Mager's wet land.
22-08-2005, 04:32
Category: International Security

Strength: Significant

Proposed by: NJROTC_SMITTY

Description: As the world become a more dangerous place, UN member nations must act swiftly in the interests of international peace. This means, of course, building lots of new weapons. Only by massively increasing military budgets world-wide will we be able to restore peace and global security. Terrorism needs to be stopped in its track.Anyone else think the text of this one seems vaguely familiar?
22-08-2005, 15:21
All together now, game mechanics.

What's a "manny mager wet land?"

but it makes prophets for the government!!!

Thermidore stops cutting trees on Manny Mager's wet land and eagerly awaits it's muttering of prophets

(Thermidorean grammar: a flock of sheep, a herd of cattle, a parliament of rooks, a murder of crows, an unkindness of magpies and a muttering of prophets!)
22-08-2005, 18:06
That one on power to the Larger Nations made me laugh, i mean come on. Noone would want to join the game!
23-08-2005, 01:25
CATS - Cats Are Tall Striders

A resolution to reduce income inequality and increase basic welfare.

Category: Social Justice

Strength: Strong

Proposed by: Darth Finchy

Description: Hello UN

This proposal enacts the following to UN law

1) IF the situation happens that the UN does not know what happen Previous proposals Regarding somebody setting UN up the bomb will be investigated by a team of specialists

2) if we get signal, there will be much main screen turn on.

3) all countries of the UN (HEREBY refered to as "gentlemen" will be greeted in each proposal with: Hello gentlemen, to be countered with "its you!!"

4) the non UN nations HERBY refered to as "your" will have their base siezed, meaning all your base are belong to UN

5) There will be much laughing

6) If there is rejection of this policy, a chief UN delegate HEReBY refered to as "captain" will be asked: "Captain?"

7) the captain will know what to do and the secret military project "zig" will be unleashed, for great UN justice.

An 'all your base' reference? Oooo you're so original and cool!
23-08-2005, 01:42
An 'all your base' reference? Oooo you're so original and cool!

All your lameness are belong to us.
23-08-2005, 06:54
The CATS proposal: Just brilliant! Sure, it'll get deleted for wasting the UN's time, but it is truly hilarious.
Venerable libertarians
23-08-2005, 11:25
CATS - Cats Are Tall Striders
A resolution to reduce income inequality and increase basic welfare.

Category: Social Justice
Strength: Strong
Proposed by: Darth Finchy

Description: Hello UN

This proposal enacts the following to UN law

1) IF the situation happens that the UN does not know what happen Previous proposals Regarding somebody setting UN up the bomb will be investigated by a team of specialists

2) if we get signal, there will be much main screen turn on.

3) all countries of the UN (HEREBY refered to as "gentlemen" will be greeted in each proposal with: Hello gentlemen, to be countered with "its you!!"

4) the non UN nations HERBY refered to as "your" will have their base siezed, meaning all your base are belong to UN

5) There will be much laughing

6) If there is rejection of this policy, a chief UN delegate HEReBY refered to as "captain" will be asked: "Captain?"

7) the captain will know what to do and the secret military project "zig" will be unleashed, for great UN justice.

Approvals: 3 (The WYN starcluster, Theorb, Bettia)

Status: Lacking Support (requires 129 more approvals)

Voting Ends: Fri Aug 26 2005

The Hibernian Kingdom of Venerable libertarians has not approved this proposal. [Approve]

Obviously, the Author has a fleeting grasp at the english language, and possibly reality! :D
24-08-2005, 05:26
Category: Political Stability

Strength: Mild

Proposed by: Seniwa

Description: It has been noted that several resolutions have been submitted multiple times, more often than not simply copies of a previous proposal that another nation wrote. Often, these resolutions are not nessicary, except in the case of ammendments to existing resolutions, or ammendments to existing repealment resolutions. Do we really need to hear about how we should ban whales or not ban them five hundred times in a row? I think not, therefor I propose a limitation of no more than five non-ammendment proposals of a single resolution.Illegal, game mechanics.

Category: Human Rights

Strength: Significant

Proposed by: Deborain

Description: Rights of everyone need to be upheld.


Allow everyone to have the right to every freedom they deserve.And under this act a nation could decide that a person deserves no rights and take away all their freedoms.

Category: Free Trade

Strength: Mild

Proposed by: Mimefestazogi

Description: Long has it been noted by the more forward thinking members of our strong nations that the legalization of prostitution would be beneficial in almost all areas of life. It would increase revenue of a nation to tax it, the safety of all prostitutes would increase significantly, the proliferation of sexually transmitted disease could be stemmed by continual testing, and we could never stop this work, so why not exploit it?

this motion would legalize and tax prostistution in all nations.Someone needs to tell the proposer that legalizing prostitution has been done, undone, and redone.

Category: Environmental

Industry Affected: Automobile Manufacturing

Proposed by: The Prussian Empires

Description: Car manufacuring will now and forever use only safe parts on cars. And the cars will now reduce the amount of pollution it will give off.So it's up to the cars themselves to reduce pollution.:rolleyes:

Category: Moral Decency

Strength: Significant

Proposed by: Iexela

Description: Recognizing that the 'Sex Education Act' as proposed and as probably would have passed LACKS certain checks and balances that would improve upon the resolution and constrain undue license:

Recommend the following amendments to said resolution, as follows:

1.) Discussion of the possible risks and consequences of activities other than those leading to the procreation of children in a monogamous male/female marriage relationship, i.e. STD's, adultery, unplanned pregnancy, instability, divorce, penalties for illegal activities

2.) Presentation of alternatives to the killing of the unborn: adoption, support for unwed mothers who choose to keep their children, and promotion of all other ways to make abortion unthinkable on positive moral grounds

3.) Promotion of marriage and family values as a superior way of life

4.) Presenting the advantages of waiting until the age of majority to assume the responsibilities and privileges that go with this part of adult life.

5.) Discussion of the moral and economic consequences of irresponsibility when it comes to dealing with this issue.

A balanced presentation is needed, as young people are bound to learn about the mechanics anyway and need checks and balances in this volatile area.Illegal, amendments are not allowed under the Hackian Laws. (
24-08-2005, 12:51
I told Iexela that - almost immediately got a response asking how to withdraw.
25-08-2005, 10:54
Police Weapon Improvents

A resolution to improve world security by boosting police and military budgets.

Category: International Security

Strength: Mild

Proposed by: Ihcarij

Description: -Knowing that in most countries , safety is a problem and the local police force has not enough weapons.
-Improving police weapon strength to maximum
I hereby give this proposal

Approvals: 1 (Hosepipes)

Status: Lacking Support (requires 131 more approvals)

Voting Ends: Sun Aug 28 2005

I can just imagine cops running around carrying bazookas and machine guns :D.

Remove the age limit for sex

A resolution to improve worldwide human and civil rights.

Category: Human Rights

Strength: Strong

Proposed by: Christmas Killer

Description: Since girls these days dress like they all want to have sex with everyone, we should remove the law against sex with minors (as long as the girl is consentent)

This way, young girl will be able to have sex with who they want without risking to put them in jail.

Approvals: 0

Status: Lacking Support (requires 132 more approvals)

Voting Ends: Sun Aug 28 2005

I can't believe someone submitted this waste of space :rolleyes:.
25-08-2005, 12:50
I think the more hilarious thing is he was looking for approvals here
Bagdadi Georgia
25-08-2005, 15:12
Sex should be tought in school
A resolution to restrict civil freedoms in the interest of moral decency.

Category: Moral Decency
Strength: Strong
Proposed by: Under armor

Description: sex should be toght in schools
i mean come on u show them a movie about what conscinces their are
i say lets show the pluss hey if we don;'t teach them they will find o0urt so let have kid have sex in sex ed and lets give them the meterals to have safe sex so now they know how to do it and while were at it lets teach them how to inentify what deaises their are so
let permote safe sex throught demonstration and working with a parenter.

Approvals: 3 (Skyscraper Island, Freedom in Tibet, Warova)

A resolution to improve worldwide human and civil rights.

Category: Human Rights
Strength: Strong
Proposed by: Canis Lupus Signatus

Description: We must put the little kids, the ones in the school, singing the National Hymn, 'cause is an identification of culture and history. We have wake up people for inner capabilities. With Nacionalism people work for the country, development starts and all citizens will be united for the same effort with better conditions for all.

Approvals: 0 .
25-08-2005, 15:17
I can't believe someone submitted this waste of space :rolleyes:.
I was just about to post this myself. Let's be blunt: this kid needs a good slapping.
Yeldan UN Mission
25-08-2005, 18:16
Blue and yellow purple pills

A resolution to ban, legalize, or encourage recreational drugs.

Category: Recreational Drug Use

Decision: Legalize

Proposed by: Mark Alford

Description: legalize drugs please go on go on go on go on go on please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! go on

Mark Alford needs his meds.
25-08-2005, 19:12
Mmmm.....Sex should be taught in school gives me an idea for a puppet I should start......that's based upon a story in my head, and the society it is based in.....
Venerable libertarians
25-08-2005, 22:45
Sex should be tought in school
A resolution to restrict civil freedoms in the interest of moral decency.

Category: Moral Decency
Strength: Strong
Proposed by: Under armor

Description: sex should be toght in schools
i mean come on u show them a movie about what conscinces their are ???(im giving up highlighting! theres too much to be highlighted)i say lets show the pluss hey if we don;'t teach them they will find o0urt so let have kid have sex in sex ed and lets give them the meterals to have safe sex so now they know how to do it and while were at it lets teach them how to inentify what deaises their are so
let permote safe sex throught demonstration and working with a parenter.

Approvals: 3 (Skyscraper Island, Freedom in Tibet, Warova)

A resolution to improve worldwide human and civil rights.

Category: Human Rights
Strength: Strong
Proposed by: Canis Lupus Signatus

Description: We must put the little kids, the ones in the school, singing the National Hymn, 'cause is an identification of culture and history. We have wake up people for inner capabilities. With Nacionalism people work for the country, development starts and all citizens will be united for the same effort with better conditions for all.

Approvals: 0

It appears the proposers of these little beauties need to forget about sex Ed and concentrate on studying their English spelling and grammar books!
26-08-2005, 04:50
Category: Political Stability

Strength: Strong

Proposed by: Psychotic Military

Description: I think we all should take part in this so called democratic voting system, so to put it simply the less people that vote the easier the system becomesAh, another miscategorized proposal.

Category: Political Stability

Strength: Strong

Proposed by: Eastern mackinton

Description: Political stability is needed desperately in this world.
1. Police have the right to torture crminals for information.
2. Phone calls may be listened into for the protection of the country.
3. Police may arrest any one on the street if they look like there up to something. This one contradicts two passed resolutions at least.
Yeldan UN Mission
26-08-2005, 05:23
A resolution to reduce income inequality and increase basic welfare.

Category: Social Justice

Strength: Mild

Proposed by: Zyrcissia

Description: Synopsis:One day a year where all the world eat the same thing, rich and poor, all together.

Problem:In this world some people live in wealth, others in absolute poverty. This unfair difference is often inherent to the political structures of the countries or even the world in general. The poor often feel left out and not a part of their society.

Solution:To show the unlucky part of this world's population that they are not totally forgotten I propose to pick 1 day a year that is Pony barbeque festival day. On this day the entire world will enjoy the same meal : Ponyburgers.
All will eat together and while doing so, form a bond of being one people on this world, no matter who you are, and where you come.

You might ask why the pony ? The reason for this is that there is no religious ban from any religion to eat ponies. Also in many countries ponies have a better life than the poor people.
(And most of all, they taste great with garlic sauce.)

So celebrate this festival of worldwide bonding of humankind and say yes to the "Pony barbeque festival Act"

Grand Theocrat of the Theocracy of Zyrcissia
Barbequed pony anyone?