NationStates Jolt Archive

Silly and/or Illegal Proposals. zOMG! - Page 3

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19-04-2005, 00:09
This is pure gold:
Category: Gun Control
Decision: Relax
Proposed by: Mi11wa11

Description: c'mon people lets pass it

imagine a world full of guns CMON
Category: Repeal
Resolution: #6
Proposed by: Mi11wa11

Description: UN Resolution #6: End slavery (Category: Human Rights; Strength: Significant) shall be struck out and rendered null and void.

Argument: Think of how much funner the game wud b if we cd have slaves in our countries u shithe*d
Category: Repeal
Resolution: #14
Proposed by: Mi11wa11

Description: UN Resolution #14: CHILD LABOR (Category: Human Rights; Strength: Strong) shall be struck out and rendered null and void.

Argument: C'mon the same point made for ending slavery, how borin are you people??
As I said, pure gold.
19-04-2005, 05:16
Category: Global Disarmament

Strength: Strong

Proposed by: Avendosora

Description: We of the Holy Republic of Avendosora, propose the following:This ought to be good :rolleyes:

That each Country surrenders ten percent of there weaponry to the United Nations and immediately destroy the remanding ninety percent. We also propose that the production of weaponry be made illegal.Illegal, the UN is not allowed to have an army.

This will produce the following results:The complete and absolute destruction of all UN members.:D

- An increase in avalible finances, making it possible to increase funding in more "important" areas such as education, health, law enforcement, etc.Unless your main industry is arms manufacturing.:rolleyes:

- A sturdy backup plan if any country outside our power attacks one of our honered members.Yeah, stick your head between your legs, and kiss your ass goodbye. :)

- A greater example to other nations, outside our power, to drop their weapons and join us.You're an optimist aren't you. :rolleyes:

- The increased chance of world peaceOnly if you consider death peaceful. :rolleyes:

- The only negative result would be the drop in demand for uranium and other weapon-making matierials, causing prices to drop, making them more affordable to other nations that may use them against us.You're forgetting that the nonmembers will not be affected by this resolution and will therefor steamroll right over any member nation they want.

We hope you will take this proposal into consideration and scrutinize it for anything we may have missedI think I covered everything.:D
19-04-2005, 05:21
This is going back about a week or two and it isn't there anymore, but did anyone catch this "Helper Monkey" proposal? Comedy gold :p
19-04-2005, 08:36
Anyone that dresses, acts or attempts to be a terrorist must be eliminated.

I have one question: how do you dress like a terrorist?
The Lynx Alliance
19-04-2005, 13:03
This isn't a Silly Proposal, just a minor cause for celebration among UN regulars
6 days ago: The Armed Republic of WZ Forums lost UN Delegate status.
dang nammit... and i missed this!!!!!!!!
19-04-2005, 15:49
Category: International Security
Strength: Strong
Proposed by: Bursch Kov

Description: i propose that we kill anyone suspected to be a terrorist without trial and without hesitation. these killings should also become a spectator sport where people pay to watch.
Category: International Security
Strength: Strong
Proposed by: Buschow

Description: We have to destroy the fashism in our world!!!1
Category: International Security
Strength: Strong
Proposed by: Buschow

Description: We have to destroy the fashism in the world!!!!
We can´t make the same mistakes from the past!!!
20-04-2005, 13:44
Category: Recreational Drug Use
Decision: Outlaw



*tranqs the representative from Hostetlerofold and ties him to a chair*
Stop it with the screaming!
20-04-2005, 16:13
A resolution to increase the quality of the world's environment, at the expense of industry.

Category: Environmental

Industry Affected: All Businesses

Proposed by: Admiral Corbin

Description: Resolution to Allow Free Movement of Tectonic Plates

CONVINCED of the need to ensure freedom for any and all Tectonic Plates, wherever they may be located,

NOTING that the International Law of the Sea does not provide for this movement; being solely focused upon movement above and under water and not dealing with actions under the seafloor,

TAKING NOTE WITH APPRECIATION of the recent actions of the Indo-Australian Plate and the African Plate demonstrating their right and ability to move at will,

MINDFUL of its duties and responsibilities under the Charter of the United Nations for the preservation of free movement of people, places, and things,

DETERMINED to secure full compliance with its decisions,

ACTING under Chapter I of the Common Charter,

1) DEMANDS that the right of free movement of any and all Tectonic Plates shall not be abridged or intruded upon by Member nations;

2) REQUIRES that Member States submit bi-monthly reports regarding the movement of Tectonic Plates in their region to the Security Council

3) AUTHORIZES Member States to take any and all necessary actions to fully implement the decisions of paragraphs 1 and 2 above,

4) REQUESTS the General Secretary to make a report to the Council on Economic Development each year pursuant to the agenda set forth in paragraphs 1 and 2 above

5) DECIDES to meet again to revisit this issue at the appropriate time :rolleyes:
20-04-2005, 17:45
Category: Political Stability
Strength: Strong
Proposed by: The Haus

Description: We, the Conservative members of the Powerful Nations House, will declare war on the People's Republic of SlappinBush.
I so wish this one would get passed.
21-04-2005, 06:26
Apologies if someone else has already found this.

Value of Human Life Act No1
A resolution to improve worldwide human and civil rights.

Category: Human Rights
Strength: Significant
Proposed by: Gallilee
I can just tell I'm going to love anything with that title.

Description: This Act is about the value of human life, from its start on.

Preamble: The Human life is the most valuable right of all,
therefore all other human rights come second, if life itsself
is threatened.
Hmm. Not sure I agree with that, but carry on.

1. Abortion
1.1 As biologists prove life starts with conception and
heartbeat starts three weeks after conception.
Therefore we hereby outlaw abortion for the sake of human life,
as life itsself is more valuable as the personal freedom of mother or father.
Therefore #61 "Abortion Rights" shall be repealed and
rendered null and void.
Illegal. You can't propose and repeal at the same time.

Following exceptions shall be granted to be determined by
each and every member state by themselves:

A If the life of the mother is in serious danger.

B If the child is most likely to have worst mental handicaps.

C If the mother is a victim of a rape AND the child is most likely to be the result.

D If the child is dead anyway.
Well, can't argue there. Pity about the illegality in your first article.

1.2 To loosen the social impact of this act resulting maybe in
unwanted children and too less adults willing to adopt them,
the United Nations strongly encourage following actions:

A spreading of condoms to stop unwanted marriages.
Huh? How do condoms stop marriages?

B an encouragemnet to live a monogam lifestyle.
Please]/i] learn to use a spell check. I don't think anyone wants to live in a 'monogam' lifestyle.

C a voluntarily sterilization of all prostitutes

D a good education handling sex and relationships
Isn't this already covered by the Sex Workers' Act?

2. Cloning
2.1 We proclaim the use of embryo cells to perform cloning
for any reason to be outlawed.
Quite right, too. Of course, useless when you consider what the possible use of a clone from an embryo will do. Much better to use a full grown cell, not a stem cell. Or did you mean cloning [i]of embryos?

2.2 To soften up the resulting weakening research and economic results,
the United Nations encourage its members to focus on alternative
possibilities to gain material for scientific purpose,
such as:

A the use of navel cords at birth, as they contain valuable cells
useful for scientific research.
'Valuable cells'? What is this? All my cells are valuable to me, at least.

B the use of "adult main cells" which can be donored by any adult (and honored by the government).
Did you mean stem cells? Or what? Never heard of 'main cells'.

C any cells that have been gained in the past, that are not able
to form a human beeing anymore
I really have no idea what this means.

This is the first part of The "Value of Human Life Act".
It shall be independent of the following ones.
Good Lord, there's more to come.

Approvals: 9 (Cowschickens, Kamikastan, Wegason, Slaabovia, Penton Rise, Zhukhistan, Minor Sealand, Gloria in Excelsis Deo, ChickenMonkeyii)

Status: Lacking Support (requires 139 more approvals)

Voting Ends: Thu Apr 21 2005
21-04-2005, 09:18
Awwww, c'mon, guys! Not only is 'Tectonic Plates" funny, it's useful! Who knows what mayhem unsupervised tectonic plates might cause?
21-04-2005, 09:23
Awwww, c'mon, guys! Not only is 'Tectonic Plates" funny, it's useful! Who knows what mayhem unsupervised tectonic plates might cause?

True. I just wish it could work...
21-04-2005, 15:12
Category: Moral Decency
Strength: Mild
Proposed by: North Central America

Description: With all due respect, disallowing gay marriage is an offense to many religions and ideologies, including Paganism. Not all nations want to tolerate equality. This resolution forces them to accept gay marriage! Praise this proposal NOW!
Praise it?
Category: Gambling
Legalize/Outlaw: Legalize
Proposed by: Rotten bacon

Description: This law says that Some one can bet somthing they have no controle over. Such as The janiter of Microsoft can bet the whole company and if he loses the winner LEGALLY gets the company.
[sues will take place but they will have to pay the goverment to judge so it is a win win postion]
A law legalizing people betting other people's stuff?
21-04-2005, 19:55
Destroy Fashism
A resolution to improve world security by boosting police and military budgets.

Category: International Security
Strength: Strong
Proposed by: Buschow

Description: We have to destroy the fashism in our world!!!1

Approvals: 5 (Minor Sealand, Gloria in Excelsis Deo, Buschow, North Central America, Black Reading)

Status: Lacking Support (requires 144 more approvals)

Destroy fashism
A resolution to improve world security by boosting police and military budgets.

Category: International Security
Strength: Strong
Proposed by: Buschow

Description: We have to destroy the fashism in the world!!!!
We can´t make the same mistakes from the past!!!

Approvals: 5 (Buschow, Minor Sealand, Gloria in Excelsis Deo, North Central America, Black Reading)

Status: Lacking Support (requires 144 more approvals)

Let's unite against hose damn fashion types! I wonder if these fashists are related to the rouge states? Maybe it's a damn conspiracy of fashist and rouge states? And the lipstick and eyeliner ones too! Hurry up, before orange becomes the new pink again!
21-04-2005, 20:01
is it me, or is this already covered by 50 other resolutions????
:headbang: :headbang: :headbang: :headbang: :headbang:

I've seen not a resolution specifically related to elves. If we take any lesson from history we know that unless you specifically do mention a certain group of people when spelling out rights they hhave generally been ignorned, remember All men are created equal, yet the gover ment contradicted itself by saying only white men who owned porperty could vote? how about the Jim Crow Laws anybody after the Consitution said that black men have the right to vote. Unless you spell out every right, someone will find a loop hole.
22-04-2005, 16:04
Let's unite against hose damn fashion types! I wonder if these fashists are related to the rouge states? Maybe it's a damn conspiracy of fashist and rouge states? And the lipstick and eyeliner ones too! Hurry up, before orange becomes the new pink again!

At least now we know what "dressing like a terrorist" means.
22-04-2005, 16:09
At least now we know what "dressing like a terrorist" means.

No kidding...

I'd be campaigning for NS to have a built in spell checker... But then it would take some of this absurd humor away...
22-04-2005, 17:20
Category: Human Rights
Strength: Significant
Proposed by: Hayfus

Description: this resolution would further the cival rights of all peoples. for too long the animal devils have been rulng the forrests and country sides. it is time to take what is rightfuly ours. this would increase the area for urban development, thus creating more jobs and a better chance for social equality.
Category: Environmental
Industry Affected: All Businesses
Proposed by: W3stern Utopia

Description: Create a new ozone layer by ejecting capsules of ozone into the earth's upper atmosphere over the poles. Also recommended is to try and burn off some of the carbon dioxide in the earth's amosphere using whatever means necessary.
Category: Social Justice
Strength: Mild
Proposed by: Clintston

Description: We should ban all schools in all nations within Sequoyah territory. Why do we need school. It just takes up time that we could be doing other things. Why can't our parents teach us to do what they do. We could apprentice under them or another realative. They could teach us how to count, and all that other jazz. I say we should bann school! Without school, we will be able to do things to further better human Kind.
23-04-2005, 02:01
At least now we know what "dressing like a terrorist" means.

Yes, though if you ask me, lipstick wasn't what I was thinking...
24-04-2005, 20:05
Here I have a hella-stupid one.

DMV Reform Act
A resolution to restrict political freedoms in the interest of law and order.

Category: Political Stability
Strength: Significant
Proposed by: Mikaeli

Description: As we all know, the DMV is among the most dysfunctional government-funded agencies in the country. Whereas there are still drivers out in the road which show no sign of judgment and skill to drive. And with the highest complaint record and inefficiency, the time has come for us to unite and find a solution. This bill encated today will abolish the nationaliziation of this agency and allow a more capitalistic way of management to flow in the Department of Motor Vehicles.

Clause i:
Government will set the highest standards chosen by delegates on how these agencies will run.

Clause ii:
A complete reform of testing procedure will occur chosen by delegates with higher standards.

Clause iii:
This agency will be funded by the government, revenues, and higher fines for breaking the rules of the road.

Clause iv:
This proposal will pass upon approval and will be effective in 3 months upon passage.
25-04-2005, 06:17
Category: Global Disarmament

Strength: Strong

Proposed by: Gassmania

Description: This would be legislation banning militaries in all nations which are members of the UN, and would impose sanctions on all nations having a military.

Any force which is designed to attack another country, or defend a country from another nation's attack would be illegal.Why not just call this one what it is, Operation Suicide?

Category: Global Disarmament

Strength: Strong

Proposed by: Teslo

Description: All nuclear weapons should be banned for the safety of the world. The fear of being attacked by nuclear weapons would be eliminated and it would save moneyNot again.:rolleyes:

Category: Environmental

Industry Affected: All Businesses

Proposed by: Teslo

Description: Half of all energy used in industry should come from renewable sources of energy e.g. wind power, solar power, hydroelectric power.

These sources of energy do not cost anything and will therefore save a fair deal of money in the long term.Since when does building things like windmills, solar panels, or dams not cost anything?
25-04-2005, 06:21
Since when does building things like windmills, solar panels, or dams not cost anything?

Maybe they're using monopoly money (?)
25-04-2005, 06:25
Hydrogen Powered Vehicles
A resolution to increase the quality of the world's environment, at the expense of industry.

Category: Environmental
Industry Affected: Automobile Manufacturing
Proposed by: Kibombwe

Description: We, the people of Kibombwe, propose that every nation should start developing hydrogen powered cars. We have polluted the air for too long -- it needs to stop. By passing this resolution we will be able to accompish these three things.

1. Less acid rain. Acid rain a problem that we feel should be stopped. It is especially a problem in the Northeast corner of the U.S.A. The Northeast is a place rich in historical buildings which acid rain damages. We passed a "PROTECT HISTORICAL SITES." This would only furthermore protect historical sites.

2. We wouldn't have to use as much oil. Oil is a nonrenewable resource that we only have so much of. By passing this resolution we would only prolong the time that we have oil on earth.

3. We would have cleaner air. Does anyone remember the days when "fresh air" was actually fresh? When it was a pure thing, without chemicals and other junk mixing in the air. With cleaner air, everyone would live longer, happier lives.

I hope that anyone and everyone who reads this agrees with us. PLEASE MAKE THE WORLD A BETTER PLACE!!!

The triple exclamation marks really enhance this proposal. Not to mention a lack of specific knowledge on H2 propulsion, mention of specific RL places, and being very unspecific on what this proposal actually does. "every nation should start developing hydrogen powered cars." How ambiguous is that?

Oh, except this resolution did pass, two years ago in fact.
25-04-2005, 06:44
Here is one:

Repeal "Definition of Marriage"
A proposal to repeal a previously passed resolution

Category: Repeal
Resolution: #81
Proposed by: The Lost Heroes

Description: UN Resolution #81: Definition of Marriage (Category: Human Rights; Strength: Mild) shall be struck out and rendered null and void.

Argument: Against all that is moral, right, and worldy I ask my fellow nations to repeal this intolerable resolution A.S.A.P.

The UN will now:

DEFINE marriage as a contract bewteen two people reguardless of race, religion and color.

BAN and outlaw all forms of homosexual interactions.

Thank you.

Not only is it illegal (as it is a Repeal attempting to also replace the Resolution in the same document), those two points are very contradictory of each other aren't they? At least literally...


I know you sponsored this, Flibbleites, but this is illegal (Repeal & Replace in the same document)

Repeal "Abortion Rights"
A proposal to repeal a previously passed resolution

Category: Repeal
Resolution: #61
Proposed by: Kamikastan

Description: UN Resolution #61: Abortion Rights (Category: Human Rights; Strength: Significant) shall be struck out and rendered null and void.

Argument: We, people of the United Nations, morally competent and with great intellect,

RECOGNIZE the sanctity of human life, even before birth.

RECOGNIZE that basic human rights extend to all persons, born or unborn.

RECOGNIZE that abortion ends life, without consent of affected persons, born or unborn.

RECOGNIZE that abortion is a violation of basic human rights to the unborn.

RECOGNIZE that abortion does undue damage and extreme and grisly destruction of unborn persons in the womb.

RECOGNIZE that abortion causes harm to all affected persons and may result in loss of life.

REGRET that United Nations Resolution #61: Abortion Rights has passed to legalize the undue murder of thousands of innocent unborn human lives.

Therefore, we, the people of the United Nations, morally competent and with great intellect,

REPEAL United Nations Resolution #61: Abortion Rights.

DENOUNCE its praise for the merciless killing of unborn persons.

AFFIRM that basic human rights extend to all persons, born and unborn.

AFFIRM that abortion is a violation of basic human rights of the unborn.

DECLARE a ban to all abortion procedures except in cases of rape and if furthering pregnancy will cause death of the mother.

DECLARE all abortion procedures done within any circumstances except those mentioned above to be a violation of basic human rights.

DECLARE all persons that perform abortion procedures outside of the circumstances mentioned above be prosecuted by the fullest extent of national or international law, whichever is more severe.

We, as morally and intellectually endowed people of the United Nations, hereby sign and affirm the above to national and international law.

This next one is the second theocracy ban I saw in the Proposal Queue, and the one worthy of posting:

Ban religion from government
A resolution to restrict political freedoms in the interest of law and order.

Category: Political Stability
Strength: Mild
Proposed by: Tikkizlandia

Description: The Church is a part of governments in most countries. Why? Because it is so big. But does it have something to do with politics? Absolutely no. The Church isn't the most modern party around and by banning Church from your government you can actually increase positive growing in society. The Church just trows needles in the front of a moving car.

Please remember that this won't ban religion, just take it away from governments.

Illegal- it bans a government type (theocracies). Also, it's rather ambiguous and the English is pretty bad ("you can actually increase positive growing in society").


That's a mighty big runon sentence...not to mention punctuation leaves something to be desired:

Abolish Uranium mining
A resolution to increase the quality of the world's environment, at the expense of industry.

Category: Environmental
Industry Affected: Uranium Mining
Proposed by: Normanburger

Description: Uranium mining should be stopped as it ruins the enviroment as large swaythes of forest are cut down to make room for it, Uranium is also used to create nuclear weapons, so if we abolish uranium mining we will save the enviroment and stem the production of nuclear weapons

common sense really


Repeal "World Heritage List"
A proposal to repeal a previously passed resolution

Category: Repeal
Resolution: #37
Proposed by: Kerrnadia

Description: UN Resolution #37: World Heritage List (Category: Environmental; Industry Affected: Woodchipping) shall be struck out and rendered null and void.

Argument: This is a good idea, it protects the environment that we all share. The problem is that regulations need to be made for this. Countries could submit sites as important environmental sites when a country could be making billions mining the region. I'm submitting that a voting council be made out of one delegate from a nation that chooses to send one. Their purpose will be to decide if an area should be protected or not. They will look at not only envoronmental signifigance but also economic signifigance of a debated area. I also propose that a nice addition would be that all nations have to have a set area of protected lands, which will be delegated by the council.

Sounds like the Resolution he's trying to Repeal, no?

Repeal "DVD region removal"
A proposal to repeal a previously passed resolution

Category: Repeal
Resolution: #5
Proposed by: John Paul III

Description: UN Resolution #5: DVD region removal (Category: Free Trade; Strength: Mild) shall be struck out and rendered null and void.

Argument: This resolution does not say why besides saying that we only need one region's DVDs. The UN has set a free enterprise system and this is not obbeying that. Filmmakers in one country cannot sell their movie in another region.

This is preposterous, and unjustified.

It is too narrow and does not supports itself at all!

People should have a choice to watch whatever they what from whatever region or nation.

If needed, a tariff may be added, but it has to forced by the nation itself.

Thank you from the Peaple's Republic of John Paul III,
And the region of South Confederacy!

One last one!

Save the animals
A resolution to increase the quality of the world's environment, at the expense of industry.

Category: Environmental
Industry Affected: Woodchipping
Proposed by: Slasher908

Description: the need for wood is destorying the wild life we need to stop them from destorying the forest.

Doesn't sound like they're "saving the animals" are they?
25-04-2005, 06:50
I know you sponsored this, Flibbleites, but this is illegal (Repeal & Replace in the same document)

I know, I didn't notice until after I clicked approve, and if you check again you'll see I've since removed my approval.
25-04-2005, 07:12
I know, I didn't notice until after I clicked approve, and if you check again you'll see I've since removed my approval.

If we're talking about Kamikastan's proposal (which is the one I highlighted), it's still there.
25-04-2005, 07:18
If we're talking about Kamikastan's proposal (which is the one I highlighted), it's still there.
I probably got it confused with another repeal attempt on that resolution with a similar problem.
25-04-2005, 07:25
I probably got it confused with another repeal attempt on that resolution with a similar problem.

Perhaps. Though I saw two and I thought the second one was legal.
25-04-2005, 07:31
Perhaps. Though I saw two and I thought the second one was legal.
Well let's see going therough the entire proposal list right now I see...

Category: Repeal

Resolution: #81

Proposed by: The Lost Heroes

Description: UN Resolution #81: Definition of Marriage (Category: Human Rights; Strength: Mild) shall be struck out and rendered null and void.

Argument: Against all that is moral, right, and worldy I ask my fellow nations to repeal this intolerable resolution A.S.A.P.

The UN will now:

DEFINE marriage as a contract bewteen two people reguardless of race, religion and color.

BAN and outlaw all forms of homosexual interactions.

Thank you.Which is illegal.

Category: Repeal

Resolution: #81

Proposed by: The Lost Heroes

Description: UN Resolution #81: Definition of Marriage (Category: Human Rights; Strength: Mild) shall be struck out and rendered null and void.

Argument: AGAINST the Gay rights resolution and the Universal Bill of Human rights..

The United Nations will now..

DEFINE marriage as a contract between A MAN AND A WOMAN reguardless of their RACE, RELIGION, or COLOR.

BEGIN TO stop recognizing the right of gays to be married, they will no longer have that right in any United Nation.

Thank you for your time my fellow nations, we must ban together to eliminate this menace from our world!Which is also illegal. And that's all that is currently in the list.
25-04-2005, 07:32
I meant two Abortion Repeal proposals...I saw two of them, the second one was legal.
25-04-2005, 07:35
I meant two Abortion Repeal proposals...I saw two of them, the second one was legal.
That explains it, I thought that when you mentioned me you were still referring to the Repeal "Definition of Marriage" proposals.
25-04-2005, 07:46
Maybe I wasn't clear. Anyway, I hope it's all cleared up now.
25-04-2005, 08:47
...we must ban together...

Freudian slip?
28-04-2005, 05:28
Here's a good one.:rolleyes:
Category: Political Stability

Strength: Significant

Proposed by: Reformed YugoslaviaI can hardly wait to see what thjs is.

Description: This act is designed to decrease the amount of required UN Delegate votes on proposals from 148 persons to 100.*blows whistle* Illegal attempt to alter game mechanics

The Benefits of this will include the following.

i. Proposals that have been in circulation a long time and only need a couple of more votes can be immedietly sent to the UN Security Council so the rest of the major nations can vote on it.What Security Council? And if this is attempting to create one then we have a second violation of the rules.

ii. Proposals will take half the time to get through the UN Delegate Chambers.Huh?:confused:

iii. UN Delegates can now have more of a voice.Again I say, Huh?:confused:

Once this act is passed, Regions, UN Delegates and UN members can and will get through proposals much faster, efficiently and smaller regional groups, actually all regional groups will have a much bigger opportunity to pass their proposals/bills.However this won't happen because it will probably be deleted before the day is over.

Category: Repeal

Resolution: #59

Proposed by: Robe-From

Description: UN Resolution #59: The 40 Hour Workweek (Category: Social Justice; Strength: Significant) shall be struck out and rendered null and void.

Argument: Recognizing the need for protection of workers from corporations, and companies that abuse their ability to force overtime on employees.

This resolution restricts the rights of citizens to work more than 80 hours.

Businesses/industries are suffering because of workers not volunteering overtime. When business suffers, so does the worker, due to unemployment.

A resolution is already in place for workers to form unions to protect rights.

This resolution is redundant, and limits freedoms of citizens. Well, at least they took the time to actually read the resolution.

Category: Global Disarmament

Strength: Strong

Proposed by: Bozwana

Description: Since the beginning of time there has always been war and rebellion. With this new proposal, I believe this will stop all wars and rebellion around the world. This proposal states that every UN country should contribute 50% of all military weapons and Weapons of mass destruction. The remaining 50% would be disposed of. If every country contributed 50% the UN would have the most powerful army in the world to put down rebellion and keep peace in the world.Not only is this an illegal attempt to form a UN army but it's classified as "Global Disarmament." (where's a laughing smilie when you need one?)

Category: Human Rights

Strength: Strong

Proposed by: Luxabuxastan

Description: I advice anyone reading this to research the Aral Sea, either on the Internet or ask your Geography teacher!

This resolution would mean that all nations would have to give up at least 1% of their budget to clean up the Aral Sea. This payment would only last for as long as it takes to clean up the area.

The problem began when the Soviet Union decided to grow cotton in the desert. This involved huge water diversion for irrigation resulting in less water or very little reaching the Aral Sea.

The current problems of the Aral Sea are:

1. Reduction in size of sea leaving many former ports and villages milles from the Aral Sea

2. Cancer increase causing many deaths, children born with deformities etc. This is due to fertalisers from the cotton, increased salt levels in sea due to reduction of water, testing of smallpox, antrax, nuclear weapons and other dangerous substances on an island in the middle of the sea. This has now stopped.

What can be done:

1. Clean up island by demolishing test buildings and dispposing of rubbish safely.

2. Stop production of cotton. Reduction of 25% a year (4 years to remove all cotton) of production of cotton and destruction of dams and irrigation routes after 5 years.

3. Creation of area (worth 30% of current cotton plantations) with linned irrigation channels to prevent loss of water and controlled water usage. This area will use a special variatity of cotton that uses less water.

Many people beleive it is too late but actually its not.

There will be a 50% loss in cotton output but this is not so bad in comparison to people with cancer the size of footballs and that have to drink salt water containing antrax and other chemicals.

The other danger is that rebels in the area are taken chemicals from the island (that is not safe to go on without gas masks and chemical suits) and selling them to other countries.

Full chemical protection kits will be supplied to those who work in the area.

Please research this further on the internet and please help these people! The cost to industry will be 0 because as the Aral Sea reformes, ports will return and boom. Please help, your vote counts!
Illegal, RL reference.
28-04-2005, 20:26
I'm Stll waiting for the "Ban Barney" Proposil
29-04-2005, 02:28
Category: Human Rights
Strength: Strong
Proposed by: Atlantinas

Description: We in Atlantinas realize that some nations function well with high income tax rates (us being one of them). On the other end of the scale, some governments let the people keep all their money so as to choose what to do with it themselves.
However, we propose that the extremities of this issue should be reduced, so that income tax rates range from 1-99% instead of 0-100%.
We feel this change should keep the people of a nation happy as they will always be granted to keep some of their salary, and the government always gets to keep a part of it as well. This should let all services, private or government, function properly and within the range of people's buying ability.
Category: Human Rights
Strength: Strong
Proposed by: Ogalalla

Description: The Nomadic Peoples of Ogalalla realize that there is no resolution that makes murder illegal. Thus, we put forth that murder* is against the law of all UN member nations. There are exceptions to this resolution, stated below.

*the purposeful ending of the life of the victim

Exceptions: There are several exceptions to this law. They are abortion, euthanasia, killing as part of a war by a soldier, killing in defense of a person (when the person is in obvious, imminent danger), and state-sanctioned duels.

The punishment for commiting murder may be decided upon by the member nation.
Murder is unlawful killing by definition. So it is already illegal, by definition!
Category: Gun Control
Decision: Relax
Proposed by: Watermelon Army

Description: Im outta here
Category: Moral Decency
Strength: Mild
Proposed by: Counting stars

Description: Due to recent exponential increase in the amount of idiotic children roaming this world, we are proposing a mandatory minimum IQ of 130 in order to procreate.
This, in effect, would decrease the amount of stupidity and immaturity in this world. We do not need 15 year olds lacking brain cells reproducing for our nation.
Please vote for this proposal.
By the time we finish, hopefully EVERY village in this world will be missing its idiot.
the TAG Class
Hooray for eugenics...
Category: Repeal
Resolution: #81
Proposed by: St Adolf

Description: UN Resolution #81: Definition of Marriage (Category: Human Rights; Strength: Mild) shall be struck out and rendered null and void.

Argument: Marriage should be between a MAN AND A WOMAN ONLY
That caps-lockey bit was so convincing, he didn't even bother with an actual argument.
29-04-2005, 06:00
Category: Moral Decency

Strength: Strong

Proposed by: Rourkes Drift

Description: - Pro Nazi mottos like Ja mein Fuhrer are just as offensive as a swastika. Though I am for free speech, I think this is just a sensible issue. The 3rd reich doesn't exist and neither will a forth, I sugest the word 'Fuhrer' (Used like 'Fuhrer is god' and not the Fuhrer smells) Be removed from UN members mottos and pressure be put upon non-UN members to exlude this word from slogans if used in a pro manner. I believe this falls under the catagory of Game Mechanics.
29-04-2005, 06:22
Anti Gerbil Bedding
A resolution to increase the quality of the world's environment, at the expense of industry.

Category: Environmental
Industry Affected: Woodchipping
Proposed by: Egg Nog Soup

Description: The people of our great world have long been held back by dusty woodchipping factories for two reasons: 1; Millions of protectd ancient rainforest trees are unneccesarily and brutally chopped down and 2; squillions of harmful dust particles are produced- all for gerbil bedding!

I propose that we ban this hideous practice before it is too late for us all.

Proposed by King of Egg Nog Soup Louie Louie XXII, at GMT 14:13 25 APRIL 2005.

This is almost like the pancake proposal...because we all know that the cause of all our lumber problems are because of gerbils... :rolleyes:

Recognition of Equality
A resolution to improve worldwide human and civil rights.

Category: Human Rights
Strength: Strong
Proposed by: Jimbob the Jingoistic

Description: For far too long now has there been an implicit assumption within society that "all people are equal, but some are more equal than others." This, for the sake of worldwide human and civil rights, has to change.

Thus, I propose an explicit recognition of equality for all. Every living person on the planet is a human, and deserves treatment as such. The recognition of equality would presumably take the form of a statement and should be displayed all over the world, to remind people of their intrinsic equality and value as part of the human race.

The recognition of equality would have immediate benefits for human rights. Not only would people feel more equal, but also would be treated more equally. For the recognition would also be a part of every company's policy, hence every citizen would be given fair treatment in applying for jobs and the like.

Already covered.

Keeping peace with Regions
A resolution to reduce barriers to free trade and commerce.

Category: Free Trade
Strength: Significant
Proposed by: Wooldriville

Description: THis proposal is to ask about the welfare of regions that are against each other. I am asking that we should be able to make agreements with other regions and successfully do the things that are needed in this game. Since there is no way that someone could literaly join, I'm asking if that this will be something that we could do.

Game Mechanics- and, besides, it's pretty dreamy anyway...

Repeal "Scientific Freedom"
A proposal to repeal a previously passed resolution

Category: Repeal
Resolution: #2
Proposed by: Alexandria VIIIIIIII

Description: UN Resolution #2: Scientific Freedom (Category: Free Trade; Strength: Mild) shall be struck out and rendered null and void.

Argument: In my opinion I strongy agree in Scientific freedom.

Repeal "End slavery"
A proposal to repeal a previously passed resolution

Category: Repeal
Resolution: #6
Proposed by: Wooldriville

Description: UN Resolution #6: End slavery (Category: Human Rights; Strength: Significant) shall be struck out and rendered null and void.

Argument: My repeal is that slavery should have been ended. It just isn't right to take people's religious, personal, and civil freedoms. According to the Emancipation Proclamation Slavery is over, so anyone who is against this is disobeying the LAW.

:headbang: More Repeals supporting the Resolutions they are trying to repeal...

World Disco Night
A resolution to improve worldwide human and civil rights.

Category: Human Rights
Strength: Strong
Proposed by: Crossbustopia

Description: I propose that Thursday Nights be made World Disco Night. Not only will it cheer the population up large amounts, but it will also help to tackle the problem of obesity, one that I'm sure is threatening all of your great countries.

Another benefit of this illustrious scheme is that it will be a great step towards unity between all nations, and I am sure that is something which you would all like to achieve. So please, please, vote for World Disco Night, you know it makes sense.

Isn't that a little too much strength? Besides, I'm not sure how this affects human rights...

Sub sea cities
A resolution to restrict civil freedoms in the interest of moral decency.

Category: Moral Decency
Strength: Significant
Proposed by: Klampor

Description: Each nation should have at least 2 sub sea cities. This would solve some problems like the towering prices of houses and provide each nation of 2 major harbors.

It could happen that the ocean level rises but we can fix that by putting big water purifying stations in the cities providing each nation of its drink water.And because these facilities will be controlled by the government water prices would drop and solve the problems for poor nations who can now barely afford drinkable water

The cities would also have hydrolic power stations using the naturel pressure and turning it in clean renewable energy

Nothing but possitive effects unless you count the high price but good ideas need big investments ;)

As soon as I saw the category I fell over laughing. How do building underwater sea cities have anything to do with morals? Sigh...

Repeal "Stop privacy intrusion"
A proposal to repeal a previously passed resolution

Category: Repeal
Resolution: #10
Proposed by: Tarisi

Description: UN Resolution #10: Stop privacy intrusion (Category: Human Rights; Strength: Strong) shall be struck out and rendered null and void.

Argument: The so called "Intrusion" of peoples Internet, and Phone communication should be dubbed legittamitly RESTRICTED for these simple facts.

I. Sometimes its necsesary for Goverments to monitor SUSPECTED terrorist members, so attacks on a nation can be stopped at the planning stage.

II. Sometimes it is necessary to 'tap' into a suspected citizens phone line, to arrest a single terrorist or Perpetrator, or agroup of offenders.

III. Restricted Intrusion of someones communication, would include rules, such as.

RESTRICTED time of tapping, up to 2 months a year of 1 single persons communication.

The Resolution already makes that provision- obviously, the Repealer did not read the Resolution.

Media Monopolies Act
A resolution to increase democratic freedoms.

Category: The Furtherment of Democracy
Strength: Significant
Proposed by: The Frozen Wasteland

Description: In the interests of freedom of speech and opinion, it shall hereby be rendered illegal for any corporation, no matter its area of production, more than one outlet of any of the various types of media. This shall be to ensure the freedom of choice of the public, hindered by the views of a few monopolistic ventures.

An instance: It shall be illegal for the “X” Corporation to own more than one television channel, more than one radio network or more than one magazine, newspaper or other form of mass produced and mass marketed media. This is done in the inevitability that “X” Corporation’s political views and ideals will be predominant in all of those areas, thus forcing said views and ideals upon the viewing public.

It will also be illegal for any companies answerable to “X” Corporation, such as partners, suppliers, producers or distributors to own any outlet if “X” owns one of the same. So, if “X” owns a television station, its distributor, “Y,” would not be allowed to own one.

However, it shall not be illegal for “X” Corporation to own one of each type of media, in order to promote its views and ideals, as such is to be expected from any large and influential body. Also, any partners, suppliers, producers or distributors will be allowed to maintain an outlet not already owned by the parent; however, any such outlet will be considered owned by the parent, disallowing other partners, suppliers, producers or distributors the ability to own said outlet.

In the event that any corporation should choose not to abide by this law, the following forms of action shall be put into effect:

On first offense, large fines (to be determined upon first infraction) per duplicate outlet shall be enacted as well as a forced closure of any multiple outlets; the corporation shall be allowed to choose which remain and which do not.

If the problem persists, the corporation’s ability to operate all forms of media, duplicate or otherwise, shall be temporarily revoked, and shall not be reinstated until two months after all duplicate outlets are shut down. The choice as to which stay and which go are again left to the corporation. Heavier fines will also be enacted.

A third offense shall be punishable by permanent revoke of all media privileges, even in non-offending areas (if there are 2 television stations but only one radio station, even the radio station shall be shut down). There will be no choice on the part of the corporation. No later reinstatement of privilege shall be granted under any circumstances until at least 15 years after the offense; actual time after the limit shall be left up to the courts. Heavier fines shall also be enacted.

Fabulous idea! Wrong category...

Endangered Species Protection
A resolution to restrict civil freedoms in the interest of moral decency.

Category: Moral Decency
Strength: Significant
Proposed by: Myxx


A resolution which would protect from extinction those species deemed "endangered" by taking the necessary steps to stop the decrease in the species' population.


RECOGNIZING that there are a number of unintelligent plant and animal species' (in other words, those plant and animal species which do not have basic rights) which are hunted, harmed, and/or killed for the purpose(s) of food, sport, industry, or some other purpose. ALSO RECOGNIZING that without restricting said hunting, harming, and killing of said species', that certain species' for which there is high demand may decrease in population from one year to the next. CONVINCED that without restrictions, the populations of said endangered species' may continue to drop until the species has become extinct, eliminating the resource from the world, never to exist again.

In order for an unintelligent plant or animal species to be deemed "endangered", it should meet the following criteria:
• It is evident that there has been a continuous, significant drop in the species' population from year to year which, if left alone, would result in the extinction of the species.
• There is a demand by an intelligent people to preserve said species.
• Said species is endangered in its native, natural habitat.
• Said species is NOT a threat to the existence of one or more other species', especially those intelligent species' with basic rights.

In time, the United Nations could come to learn which unintelligent plant and animal species' may be deemed "endangered", and by restrict the hunting, harming, and killing of said endangered species, thereby helping to regenerate said species' and protect species' from further and/or unnecessary depopulation. By doing so, said species' could be bred not only for purposes of regeneration, but also to fulfill the demand of species for the purpose(s) of food, sport, industry, etc.


In passing this resolution, the UN will:
• Minimalize the hunting, injury, and/or killing any member of any species deemed "endangered".
• Preserve the remaining population of the species.
• Encourage the remaining population to reproduce, so that the species' population will begin to rise again.

I could be wrong, but this appears to be in the wrong category.

Bio-Chimacal Weapons
A resolution to slash worldwide military spending.

Category: Global Disarmament
Strength: Strong
Proposed by: XDummyX

Description: It is a shame that to this day people are sick because of a Bio-Chimacal weapon. I say that no country should have the right to create or use any of these weapons.

:headbang: Yet another person who didn't read past Resolutions...

Ban Spam and Spyware Act
A resolution to improve world security by boosting police and military budgets.

Category: International Security
Strength: Significant
Proposed by: Felysial

NOTING the economic toll that spam, spy/adware and computer viruses has on industry world wide,

RECALLING the sentiments of such documents as "Stop Privacy Intrusion", "Universal Freedom of Choice", and "Right to Self-Protection",

UPSET by the lack of previous legislation (at the time of this document's composition) to ban harmful practices such as spam, spyware and computer viruses,

RESOLVES upon protecting all persons and groups in member nations from spam, spyware and computer viruses,

REQUIRES member governments to ban spam, spyware and computer viruses and encourages nation governments to enact fair and equitable punishment against violators.

COMMITS to abolishing the practice of unwanted mass mailings, hostile or intrusive computer programs,

ENCOURAGES all nations to work towards eliminating spam, spyware and computer viruses,

URGES regional awareness of basic applications, use and protections against spam, spyware and computer viruses.

CLARIFIES the United Nation's position by reiterating the following:

§ The UN condemns unsolicited e-mail of a commercial nature, sent indiscriminately to multiple mailing lists, individuals, or newsgroups; junk e-mail. Also known as "spam".

§ The UN condemns any software that covertly gathers information about a user while he/she navigates the Internet and transmits the information to an individual or company that uses it for marketing or other purposes. Also known as "spyware".

§ The UN proclaims that a computer program that is designed to replicate itself by copying itself into the other programs stored in a computer that has a benign or otherwise has a negative effect, such as causing a program to operate incorrectly or corrupting a computer's memory, or a program or piece of code that is loaded onto your computer without your knowledge and runs against your wishes (Also known as a "virus") is hereby unlawful and is subject to fair and equitable punishment as regulated by individual nations.

I could be wrong, but wasn't this already covered?
29-04-2005, 06:32
Recognition of Equality
A resolution to improve worldwide human and civil rights.

Category: Human Rights
Strength: Strong
Proposed by: Jimbob the Jingoistic

Description: For far too long now has there been an implicit assumption within society that "all people are equal, but some are more equal than others." This, for the sake of worldwide human and civil rights, has to change.

Thus, I propose an explicit recognition of equality for all. Every living person on the planet is a human, and deserves treatment as such. The recognition of equality would presumably take the form of a statement and should be displayed all over the world, to remind people of their intrinsic equality and value as part of the human race.

The recognition of equality would have immediate benefits for human rights. Not only would people feel more equal, but also would be treated more equally. For the recognition would also be a part of every company's policy, hence every citizen would be given fair treatment in applying for jobs and the like.
Already covered.Several times.:rolleyes:

As soon as I saw the category I fell over laughing. How do building underwater sea cities have anything to do with morals? Sigh...That's like the one that was catagorized "Global Disarmament" and created a UN army.

I could be wrong, but wasn't this already covered?It was, but it's not anymore Freedom From SPAM Act (
29-04-2005, 07:03
That's like the one that was catagorized "Global Disarmament" and created a UN army. Enodia put it, it's amazing what tortured syntax some people can come up with. However, I never really saw what he meant until I saw that proposal. I mean, really...underwater sea cities? Morals? *shakes head*

It was, but it's not anymore Freedom From SPAM Act (

Thanks. Was the "Endangered Species Protection" Proposal in the wrong category?
29-04-2005, 15:32
Was the "Endangered Species Protection" Proposal in the wrong category?
Possibly, but if it was classified as Evnronmental I probably wouldn't be supporting it as I've been trying to boost my nation's economy lately.
29-04-2005, 21:50
This StAdolf is a sure good proposial maker :rolleyes:

A proposal to repeal a previously passed resolution

Category: Repeal
Resolution: #81
Proposed by: St Adolf

Description: UN Resolution #81: Definition of Marriage (Category: Human Rights; Strength: Mild) shall be struck out and rendered null and void.

Argument: Marriage should be between a MAN AND A WOMAN ONLY

A resolution to improve world security by boosting police and military budgets.

Category: International Security
Strength: Strong
Proposed by: LucaStefanLand

Description: If the atomic weapons are banned, we have a situation on our hands:

"How will we resolve conflicts?"

This will sound weird, but i have a ideea:

We could bann war! Yes ,bann war! i am thinking that if you have a problem with another nation you would have to resort to the so called : "arbitrer of change" this will be a voted represantitive of all the nations.Actualy there would be 3 of them. They will resolve conflictsbetween nations. I propose a few simple laws to go with this:

1. Open, fair, fighting will be aproved, only if the fighting dose not last more that 3 days, and both armyes have not more that 5 000 men.And while in a battle, you are not allowed to kill people highter rank than you, and you are not allowed to kill unarmed or surrendered.
2. assasination attempts will be approved, but can only sent by the others nation president, emperor, etc. (no self initiatives) and the assasination is only 1 person (no 10- gangs attacking)

And ilegal:

1. kidnapping is not approved
2. neither is using spies

The arbriters of change will have to see that all of the above is respected, if not we the rest of the nations will attack the unobeying nation. Because there are 3 arbitrers: two of them will go to both sided "camps" and see that the rules are obeyed, and one will see that the two are folowing the rules as well (they will take turns).

How about we fight war with Smilies :gundge: :mp5: :sniper: :mp5: :gundge: :sniper:

A resolution to restrict political freedoms in the interest of law and order.

Category: Political Stability
Strength: Strong
Proposed by: Ryesin

Description: To improve mankind and worldwide relations the following points have been suggested:

1) End Colonization
2) No country may interfere with affairs of foreign nations unless asked to be a third party by either side
3) Manifest Destiny in any form is not tolerated
4) Genocide is forbidden
5) Wars or terrorist aggression that is claimed to be inspired by a deity is unexcused
6) The Writ of Habeas Corpus may be suspended in a time of global crisis
7) Secret Alliances or secret Mutual Protection Pacts are prohibited

After this passes I'm going to make a new Puppet :p
30-04-2005, 02:43
LucaStefanLand's "End war!" proposal... classic!

If the atomic weapons are banned, we have a situation on our hands:

"How will we resolve conflicts?"

This will sound weird, but i have a ideea:

We could bann war! Yes ,bann war! i am thinking that if you have a problem with another nation you would have to resort to the so called : "arbitrer of change" this will be a voted represantitive of all the nations.Actualy there would be 3 of them. They will resolve conflictsbetween nations. I propose a few simple laws to go with this:

1. Open, fair, fighting will be aproved, only if the fighting dose not last more that 3 days, and both armyes have not more that 5 000 men.And while in a battle, you are not allowed to kill people highter rank than you, and you are not allowed to kill unarmed or surrendered.
2. assasination attempts will be approved, but can only sent by the others nation president, emperor, etc. (no self initiatives) and the assasination is only 1 person (no 10- gangs attacking)

And ilegal:

1. kidnapping is not approved
2. neither is using spies

The arbriters of change will have to see that all of the above is respected, if not we the rest of the nations will attack the unobeying nation. Because there are 3 arbitrers: two of them will go to both sided "camps" and see that the rules are obeyed, and one will see that the two are folowing the rules as well (they will take turns).

30-04-2005, 15:50
So its silly because its not voted eh?
30-04-2005, 15:53
So its silly because its not voted eh?
I believe they counted it as silly because it is trying to stop war by fighting war, and that doesn't make much sense.
30-04-2005, 18:50
It seems my ideas are far beyond your time :cool: . But a day will come...
The Pojonian Puppet
01-05-2005, 02:52
It seems my ideas are far beyond your time :cool: . But a day will come...

When society degenerates into illiteracy and chaos?

Ba dum bum zing!
01-05-2005, 02:52
Democratic Proliferation Aide

A resolution to increase democratic freedoms.
Category: The Furtherment of Democracy
Strength: Strong
Proposed by: Korgania

Description: While many nations are suffering under the oppressive Democratic systems of the world, Korgania, through the effective use of central government, is a prosperous nation. To follow in these footsteps we must defend against the imposition of Democratic practices on sovereign nations. To combat this heinous abuse of UN power I propose the following:
1. Outlaw the unjust use of military force on helpless nations. This will effectually acknowledge that they are important and that the UN is not simply a bully of the world.
2. Decrease the voting ability of Democratic nations by one half. This will allow the more effective use of power.
3. Provide the necessary resources to allow the betterment of Korgania.
Right. So you're going to limit democratic freedoms, by using the category that promotes them.
Aside from the fact that it is an illegal games mechanics proposals, and a quite humourous attempt to promote Korgania.
The Lynx Alliance
01-05-2005, 03:47
It seems my ideas are far beyond your time :cool: . But a day will come...
someone tried to put forward a proposal stating that you had to declare war in writing (or whatever) before you attacked. DLE soon showed them the follies of their ways in that proposal....
01-05-2005, 06:29
It seems my ideas are far beyond your time :cool: . But a day will come...
And I truly hope that day is far enough beyond my time that I'm dead and in ground before it comes to pass.
01-05-2005, 10:10
So its silly because its not voted eh?

My reasoning is this: "war ethics" is the biggest oxymoron I've ever seen. Why? Because when you're at war, there's no such thing as "playing fair"- you're out to literally kill the other nation, and you're going to do everything you can to do it. Yeah, it'd be nice if people did in fact play fair, but that only exists in a dream world- war is brutal, war is dirty and most definitely war isn't fair.
The Lynx Alliance
01-05-2005, 14:09
My reasoning is this: "war ethics" is the biggest oxymoron I've ever seen. Why? Because when you're at war, there's no such thing as "playing fair"- you're out to literally kill the other nation, and you're going to do everything you can to do it. Yeah, it'd be nice if people did in fact play fair, but that only exists in a dream world- war is brutal, war is dirty and most definitely war isn't fair.
i think war ethics got thrown out the door when they invented gurella(sp) warfare and terrorist tactics
01-05-2005, 21:24
Category: Moral Decency
Strength: Strong
Proposed by: Rourkes Drift

Description: Article I.
1. Remove all pro nazi slogans from country mottos
2. Remove all pro Fuhrer mottos from countries
Article II.
1.Remove all anti-Jewish Slogans from countries' mottos
2. Resolution must be followed and honored within a set period of 72 hours (for those who are pre-occupied.)
01-05-2005, 22:07
Category: Moral Decency

Strength: Strong

Proposed by: Mi11wa11

Description: We in the region "the eastern bloc" have a certain hatred for those who have moved into the region "albion"

I would liek to make this proposal to the UN that everyone who is a United Nation's member should try to invade this region.

There are many ways in which you can help the cause:

1. Send threatening messages
2. Try to gain their regional password
3. Report them in any way shape or form
4. Or just generally annoy them

Remember im not just doin this for my and my regions own gain but for the fun and enjoyment of evyone who is willing to join in.

Thanks for ur time i hope you will agree with me!!!This is illegal on so many levels.

Category: Environmental

Industry Affected: All Businesses

Proposed by: Zhong Hui

Description: Recalling Resolution Fifteen which states:

"We cannot let historical sites go to waste, and new buildings built in their place. Tourism would lose all value and deprive all countries of a significant source of income.
We must preserve our cultures to keep this world a fascinating place to travel in."

I wish to expand on this issue. Requesting in turn to extend this to not only existing Treasures, Monuments, Memorials, and other Historical Sites. But to include Aging, decaying ones and those that may become Historical sites. For if we do not learn from our past we shall not move on to a brighter future.

Morichika Choso
UN Ambassador
Zhong Huian GovernmentIllegal amendment attempt.
01-05-2005, 22:49
This is illegal on so many levels.
Wow. That one is so illegal it makes forcing an elderly woman to mainline heroin in the back of a stolen government vehicle whilst running down pedestrians look legal in comparision
02-05-2005, 06:39
Category: Human Rights

Strength: Strong

Proposed by: OmShantiShanti

Description: All people in all regions are forced to vote on a reasonably good rap song (such as P.I.M.P.) for there national anthem.

1. In this study we well see which music is better, rock or rap.
2. If you look back you will also see a resolution for rock as the required music.
3. These resolutions will allow us to see the effects of this resolution on the economy, education, etc. therefore allowing us to benefit all nations and its people.
4. For dictatorships and other nations of that sort, the government will vote on there song of choice.
And those of us who think that rap sucks would be screwed. And it was submitted twice too.

Category: International Security

Strength: Significant

Proposed by: Hitler XXVI

Description: This act is trying to be past for the birth and start of the International Cloning Federation by boosting military funds strongly.

Cloning will definately, be the future. If world population starts to decrease (Which according to scientists, will) cloning will be the only way to restock and start up the world's population again.I don't think the game is coded so that a nation's population can decrease. :confused:

Cloning doesn't have a bad effect. Don't listen if someone says cloning is bad. Cloning is good in every way.

Cloning will help the military and police force significantly. Once the military has found the ultimate warrior, then the cloning will take action and in a decade or two, the best army their could be has been created. This will be with the police force too.Because we all know how well this worked in Star Wars Episode II. :rolleyes:

The funds that go the military will create the ICF. The International Cloning Federation offers:

1. FCP - The Family Cloning Program. You may have yourself cloned for family purposes. A way for people to remember what you looked like.For those people who are afraid of cameras. :rolleyes:

2. CCP - The Child Cloning Program. Children can be cloned for the cause of twins. The Child Cloning Program will also provide a "Design your own child" program as well. The best way to make your child the way you want him/her to be.We can rebuild them, make them bigger, stronger, faster. :rolleyes:

3. If cloning does take effect, the CWU (Clones Worker Union) will be made. This is so that clones may have civil rights just like humans.Might as well, just in case someone confused and forgets which one is the original and which is the clone. :rolleyes:

4. Clones have all rights, including political rights, just like any human.Didn't you just say this?

5. When clones are employed, employers may not hit or strike clones at any time.However, it's still perfectly legal for the employers to hit or strike the original. :rolleyes:

6. All clones are equal.Except those created with the previously mentioned "Design your own child" program, because they'll be bigger, stronger, and faster. :rolleyes:

7. clones are as equal as any human being on the face of the earth.I believe this is the third time you've said this.

8. Sports entertainment and military forces are given the right to clone anyone, as many times as they would like for political reasons.Just what the world needs, more than one Triple H. :rolleyes:

9. Great leaders and officers will be cloned for future ruling.And to provide a replacement in case of assanation. (and yes I realize that that's probably spelled wrong)

Cloning will take effect on every nation and region. There is nothing wrong with the concept of cloning.The practice however could still be considered wrong.

The International Cloning Federation is now hiring in the region, Dark Germany. We ask for your aproval to pass this act. If this already exists, why are you writing a proposal to create it? :confused:
The Lynx Alliance
02-05-2005, 07:10
And those of us who think that rap sucks would be screwed. And it was submitted twice too.
notice how many rap songs sample rock songs these days..... there is even a collaboration between ja rule, swiss beats.... and metallica!
02-05-2005, 07:10
i think war ethics got thrown out the door when they invented gurella(sp) warfare and terrorist tactics

War has always been ruthless- it's just what we use to destroy changes. Genghis Khan killed millions in the course of a single campaign, and he never had anything like a bomb or biological weapons. As for when the period for when war could actually be "romanticized" ended, I'd say it's when they developed the bomb, because it singnaled the start of the "mechanization" of war and the end of its "human" elements. To paraphrase the "Stealth" movie trailer, war is just some video game now...
03-05-2005, 05:44
Category: Global Disarmament

Strength: Strong

Proposed by: Jinwhipido

Description: I propose an arms race. I believe it would further security in the countries of pacifist democrats, and lessen the power of psychotic dictators. Also, politicians should be always armed with heavy firepower by law, and be surrounded by a bodyguard of large Cuban men named Leopold, and tanks that run over things.And this disarms the world how?

Category: Moral Decency

Strength: Strong

Proposed by: Rourkes Drift

Description: 1. Hitler should not be quoted in a manner in which he is represented as good
2. Eichmann, Goerring, Himler and Goebels Should NOT be quoted in anti-jew or pro Aryan ways Who are these people and why should the UN be doing anything about the quoting of them. (OOC: Before any one says anything, yes, I do know who they are in RL.)
The Lynx Alliance
03-05-2005, 09:04
Who are these people and why should the UN be doing anything about the quoting of them. (OOC: Before any one says anything, yes, I do know who they are in RL.)
OOC: if these people dont like to be offended, why are they on the internet? whilst these are offensive things, there are a lot of offensive things on the internet anyway, and people are pretty much free to say anything.
The Lynx Alliance
03-05-2005, 09:25
The Subjective Morality Act
A resolution to increase democratic freedoms.

Category: The Furtherment of Democracy
Strength: Strong
Proposed by: Naspar Cosif

Description: The General Assembly,

AWARE that there are many nations in the world.

OBSERVING that many of these nations have various moral codes and senses of ethics.

NOTING that the UN has passed several resolutions on issues that may be considered strictly ethical onces(such as UN Resolution #61: Abortion Rights, UN Resolution #81: Definition of Marriage, and UN Resolution #82: Stem Cell Research Funding).

DECLARING that the member-nations of the UN have a right to legislate morality in their own political spheres.

HENCEFORTH: All member-nations have the right to leave unenforced resolutions that call for action that is considered immoral by the government of that nation; unless the resolution specifically declares that the Subjective Morality Act does not apply in that particular instance.

~The Emirate of Naspar Cosif presents this resolution as a compromise; so that conservative nations will not be upset with having to follow liberal resolutions, and vice-versa. While at the moment, there are only liberal resolutions to be ignored, the SMA will protect a nation from having to follow any future conservative resolutions.

Hopefully this act, if passed, will reduce the amount of controversy surrounding the NationStates UN.~

Approvals: 0

Status: Lacking Support (requires 148 more approvals)

Voting Ends: Fri May 6 2005

Illegal and/or toothless..... some people never read the rules....
03-05-2005, 16:49
Category: Global Disarmament

Strength: Mild

Proposed by: Funkdunk

Description: --DESCRIPTION--
No UN member may attack or invade another nation without one of the following reasons:
#1 The ambassador from your nation is executed.
#2 The other nation organizes a terrorist attack.
#3 The other nation declares war and invades.
#4 A nation you are allied to is already at war with the nation you are invading.
Failure to comply with this will result in ejection from the UN. You know. this one was just silly until the last line turned it into an illegal proposal.

Category: Political Stability

Strength: Strong

Proposed by: Global Nic Corporation

Description: Spirit Of The Resolution
as opposed to the letter of the resolution

noting that there are many well intentioned resolutions that have been passed over the years, many of which have been poorly worded. it is time now to recognise that rather than squabbling over whether a resolution states clearly enough the conditions of its employment and thus attempting to repeal said resolutions on this basis, we should instead be striving to uphold the ideals which those resolutions represent.

let it be said that henceforth the spirit of all resolutions as decided by a majority decision shall be used to determine whether or not a resolution may be altered to clarify its intention

1 stop repealing resolutions based on poor wording
2 follow the spirit of the resolutions when makin decisions
3 the spirit and hence the resolution itself is to be determined at referendum whereby a majority vote will allow new clauses to be added to old resolutions
4 referendum voting will occur once a month, the resolutions to be voted on will be decided one week prior so that healthy discussion can occur

please send a telegram to tell me your opinion of this proposalI don't know what to say.

Category: Repeal

Resolution: #19

Proposed by: Rad1101

Description: UN Resolution #19: Religious Tolerance (Category: Human Rights; Strength: Significant) shall be struck out and rendered null and void.

Argument: The verbage in this resolution is too specific and discriminates in favor of religions who fight wars in the name of dieties who are not the Judeo-christian God, AKA: Yahweh, Jahovah, G~d, The Lord, et. al.

This resolution needs to be repealed and re-written as not to discriminate against specific religions.

The very resolution that endorses religious tolerance contradictorially enspouses religious discrimination.

The UN should not uphold discriminatory resolutions.Can any one explain this logic to me?:confused:

Category: Environmental

Industry Affected: Woodchipping

Proposed by: Naspar Cosif

Description: If passed, then no one may cut down a tree. If they do, they will be shot.:rolleyes:

Category: International Security

Strength: Mild

Proposed by: Caiena

Description: The United Nations was first consived as a world regulation and representation organization. In its first project, it was suposed to be a united world govern which would rule over regional governments unifying the world.

One of its responsabilities would be the security of its citizens.

Crime is the single problem that affects most of the world, no matter if they are small or capital ones.

Based on that, I would like to propose the creation of a UN Anti Crime task force acting directly under orders of UN security council with powers to take on investigations, police actions and aprehencion as well as supervise all internal police activities in the UN member countries.

Theforce would be at first deployed on the countries with most crime problems spreading all over UN members territory with time.

By creating this task force, we can make sure that the world will bea better place to live.And we have another attempt to create a police force for the UN, not to mention a reference to our nonexistant security council.
03-05-2005, 20:51
And this disarms the world how?
It's because when we wipe out all life on Earth, there won't be any more weapons. Or something like that, I'm sure.
04-05-2005, 05:55
It's because when we wipe out all life on Earth, there won't be any more weapons. Or something like that, I'm sure.
No, the weapons will still be around but there won't be anyone left to use them.:D

Category: Environmental

Industry Affected: All Businesses

Proposed by: Shereristan

Description: It will lead to the environment being cleaned up.How?

Category: International Security

Strength: Strong

Proposed by: Jimoria

Description: (Note: While it may appear humorous to some, this is NOT a joke proposal)
We, the Armed Republic of Jimoria, propose that the moon orbiting our planet be destroyed in order to prevent the many atrocities the satellite performs upon many peoples of various nations. Jimoria's top scientists, as well as several others throughout the region of Gaming Ground Zero, have determined that destroying the moon would be beneficial to the environment. Many weather issues, such as tidal waves, flooding, and other ocean-related catastrophes are a direct result of the moon's orbit. For this reason, we consider the moon a threat to international security as opposed to the environment. (Also, no businesses would be affected since no businesses use the moon) By destroying the moon we would effectively put a stop to all these international problems. While some may argue that the moon is beautiful, the benefits of destroying it far outweigh it aesthetic value. We propose that the moon's reign of terror be nullified once and for all!

Summary of Proposal: Every UN Country will provide a means as which to destroy the moon. The safest way of destroying this menace, that is, the way that will harm our planet the least (if at all), will be used efficiently to help rid us of the orbiting menace!And what about those nations on the moon?

Category: Global Disarmament

Strength: Strong

Proposed by: Killa Kev

Description: Why do more and more nations feel presured into creating nuclear weaponry research facilities?

For fear of the nuclear capabilities of nations able to at any moment obliterate them from the face of the planet! If we approved a law to gradually destroy all nuclear weaponry, that fear will dissappear, and with it, the threat of nuclear annihilation. We must come to our senses, bigger, stonger, and more destructive are not always better!!!The idea that won't die.:rolleyes:

Category: Political Stability

Strength: Significant

Proposed by: Funkdunk

Description: --DESCRIPTION--
Religion should not be a part of government, it gives the government a bias towards a particular religion and could lead to discrimination against particular religious groups. All major wars historically have had religion as a key reason to go to war, this would end here.
No religious group may terrorize or go to war in the name of their deity and religion.And this would end up banning all theocracies.
04-05-2005, 06:32
Atheist governments
Category: Political Stability

Strength: Significant

Proposed by: Funkdunk

Description: --DESCRIPTION--
Religion should not be a part of government, it gives the government a bias towards a particular religion and could lead to discrimination against particular religious groups. All major wars historically have had religion as a key reason to go to war, this would end here.
No religious group may terrorize or go to war in the name of their deity and religion.
Complete rubbish. I am talking RL here, as I believe that to be what Funkdunk is referring to.

Let's have a look at some of the major military campaigns of the past 200 years.
The Napoleonic Wars: little to do with religion. More aboout a midget with great tactical sense and an emperor complex.
Crimea: Imperial stoush between Russia and the Ottomans. Religion can't have had much to do with it, as the Christian British and French forces allied with the Muslim Turkish forces, against the (admittedly Orthodox) Christian Russian army.
Franco-Prussian War: Battle between the imperialist French and soon-to-be imperialist Prussian (German) armies. About territory, not religion.
WWI: Territory based, between Imperialist powers. Serbia wanted independence from Austro-Hungary. Germany wanted more land. The Ottomans wanted to regain a bit of respect as an empire. Russia wanted to expand into Europe.
WWII: Nazi-led Germany, allied with Fascist Italy and expansionist Japan want more power. Japan takes over most of China and South-East Asia. Germany takes over Poland and France before running into the Red Army and the RAF. Religion doesn't even get a guernsey.

Now, these are just some of the major wars in the last 200 years. None of them have been about religion. Yes, some sides were religious, but that was never the reason for going to war. You want religious wars, go back to the Crusades and the French Wars of Religion, all in the Middle Ages.
04-05-2005, 16:25
Category: Repeal

Resolution: #5

Proposed by: Pinsomania

Description: UN Resolution #5: DVD region removal (Category: Free Trade; Strength: Mild) shall be struck out and rendered null and void.

Argument: We of Pinsomania have long disagreed with the restricting of cinemagraphic art work from the world. Free us of this. Allow DVD to be watched by anyone anywhere! Yet another repeal attempt where the arguement is actually FOR the resolution being repealed.:rolleyes:
04-05-2005, 22:55
Category: Gun Control
Decision: Tighten
Proposed by: All machine guns

Description: the leader of each nation witch was 2 or more un members can choose one of the members to have a guns in there police force for 2 months to help with crime problems

Ooh, I just had to include the first bit of this one:
Description: Our lefitst pro-UN friends(in typical fascist doublespeak)are moving against smokers human rights.

This pathetic attempt to attack peoples basic rights shouldn't end up as a resolution vote,but you never know with the Leftist dominated United (Soviet) Nations.
05-05-2005, 05:25
Category: Human Rights

Strength: Significant

Proposed by: Todays Romans

Description: If this proposal is passed Male Genital Mutilation will be outlawed. First the term circumcision will be changed to Male Genital Mutilation.

Fact: There is 20,000 nerve endings in the average foreskin. The pain of removing it is the equivilance of cutting all the skin off of your forearm. It is also simple to keep clean disproving the common myths. Many infants have also died or developed complictions due to MGM.

This proposal gives rights to the newborn child to have his body left alone.

This proposal will allow men to be mutilated once reached adulthood if there religion requires it.

It will also educate the people about the dangers and problems of MGM. It will also disprove false myths.

This proposal will also encourage victims of MGM to get restored either surgically or manually.This one is so silly it has rendered me speechless.

Category: Global Disarmament

Strength: Significant

Proposed by: St Andrea

Description: The posession of nuclear weapons means a great danger to nations and the whole earth. There are many reasons, why nuclear weapons should be banned:
Blah, blah, blahWhy won't this idiotioc idea die?

Category: Human Rights

Strength: Significant

Proposed by: Ricardo and Smith

Description: Our lefitst pro-UN friends(in typical fascist doublespeak)are moving against smokers human rights.

This pathetic attempt to attack peoples basic rights shouldn't end up as a resolution vote,but you never know with the Leftist dominated United (Soviet) Nations.

This proposal is just there, to let the busy bodies know we will defend our right to light up if we have to.

Laws enacted by this proposal:

-People can smoke anywhere. This includes:

School classes.
On a bus or train or plane
Swimming under water (if is ever possible, im waiting for the good people in the region of scienctific reason to come up with something)
On nucleaur submarines.
In any area with a 'No Smoking' sign.
In hospitals.

Rev Ricardo. CEO of Phillip Morris and chancellor of a decent country. The things some people come up with.:rolleyes: (and yes I do realize that Neo-Anarchists posted the beginning of this one but after seeing the part about smoking while swimming under water I knew that I had to post the complete text.)
Naspar Cosif
05-05-2005, 05:59
I know I've submitted my fair share of odd resolutions, but... uh, look'it this:

Category: Moral Decency
Strength: Strong
Proposed by: The Football League

Description: In recent years, all ice cream and ice cream type dessert flavours have gotten entirely out of hand, also, there has been increasingly violent debates over ice cream flavours, which upset other citizens. Because of this, The people of The Football League, and of the Monkey Land of Ooga Booga, propose to limit ice cream and ice cream type dessert flavours.
The people suggest that the only flavour allowed for ice cream and ice cream type desserts should be pinapple. (Ananas comosus)
The pineapple was chosen the best fruit and flavour in a series of polls over the course of a year.
This act will end the endless bickering over which flavour of ice cream to buy, will curb indecent flavours, and will help curb the obesity problem for people who don't like pinapple.
These troublesome issues and more will be helped by this proposal, because it appeals to all nations to work toward a goal of decency, peace, and unity.

Approvals: 0

Status: Lacking Support (requires 149 more approvals)

Voting Ends: Sun May 8 2005
05-05-2005, 06:03
Category: Moral Decency
Strength: Strong
Proposed by: The Football League

Description: In recent years, all ice cream and ice cream type dessert flavours have gotten entirely out of hand, also, there has been increasingly violent debates over ice cream flavours, which upset other citizens. Because of this, The people of The Football League, and of the Monkey Land of Ooga Booga, propose to limit ice cream and ice cream type dessert flavours.
The people suggest that the only flavour allowed for ice cream and ice cream type desserts should be pinapple. (Ananas comosus)
The pineapple was chosen the best fruit and flavour in a series of polls over the course of a year.
This act will end the endless bickering over which flavour of ice cream to buy, will curb indecent flavours, and will help curb the obesity problem for people who don't like pinapple.
These troublesome issues and more will be helped by this proposal, because it appeals to all nations to work toward a goal of decency, peace, and unity.

Approvals: 0

Status: Lacking Support (requires 149 more approvals)

Voting Ends: Sun May 8 2005

Ewww, pineapple the least they could've done is made the allowed flavor be vanilla.
The Lynx Alliance
05-05-2005, 06:52
Ewww, pineapple the least they could've done is made the allowed flavor be vanilla.
rum and raisin is better, though i have tried a bailey's flavoured one
06-05-2005, 05:13
Category: International Security

Strength: Strong

Proposed by: Rourkes Drift

Description: For those of you unaware of ODESSA, it is an organization for Nazi's of the old and war criminals. I Propose a UN task force to hunt down the remaining Nazi war criminals at large and bring them to justice.I believe this is.

Category: Environmental

Industry Affected: Automobile Manufacturing

Proposed by: Eclectic Fae

Description: All people must recycle any recyclable items.

Category: Human Rights

Strength: Significant

Proposed by: Vatican City2008

Description: Whereas, the U.N. is committed to the rights of all human beings, regardless of age, sex, color, religious orientation, health status, or otherwise and

Whereas, the U.N. does not intend to impose its position on individual nation-states themselves.

Be it therefore resolved: that the U.N. formally adopt the position that it respects the sanctity of the human life from conception to natural death.

Category: Moral Decency

Strength: Mild

Proposed by: Slovitopia

Description: The word "woot" is misused, underused, and is a truly spectacular word. With that in mind, "woot" should be brought to it's full potential globally. “Woot” is to be used when something is joyous, jubilant, extraordinary, spectacular, or is cause for celebration. No matter who says it, no matter what language, it will hold true to that meaning and can be used universally. Let it be so!:rolleyes:

Category: Human Rights

Strength: Strong

Proposed by: CatholicBlueGuy

Description: Noting with deep concern that the death penalty has proven to be inherently racist and classist due to the fact that there is a greater chance of a convicted criminal being placed on death row if she or he is an ethnic/national minority, poor, or both,

Alarmed that the death penalty has recently been introduced or reintroduced in many nation states belonging to the UN,

Recalling UN Resolution #21, which states that “all nations, irrespective of their mode of government must, according to the fundamental principles under which the UN was set up, must allow their citizens the right to fair trial, or face eviction from this institution”,

Deeply disturbed that many nations have been found to have executed a convicted criminal who was later found to be either completely innocent or convicted without a proper or prepared attorney, on faulty or incomplete evidence, or on circumstantial evidence and the testimonies of co-defendants,

Recalling UN Resolution #25, which states that “In all actions concerning minors, whether undertaken by public or private social welfare institutions, courts of law, administrative authorities or legislative bodies, the best interests of the minor shall be a primary consideration”,

Aware that minors have been tried as adults and been sentenced to the death penalty,

Noting that putting a minor to death is an action of a court of law that is hardly in the minor’s best interest,

Recalling Article 5 of The Universal Bill of Rights (UN Resolution #26), which states that “All human beings must not be subjected to torture or to cruel or inhuman treatment or punishment”,

Affirming that the death penalty is said “cruel or inhuman treatment or punishment,” as minors and mentally retarded victims have been executed in several UN member states,

Emphasizing that the death penalty has not been found to be a deterrent to violent crime (and, in fact, the opposite is the case),

Keeping in mind that the death penalty costs more than life in prison,

Reaffirming that the death penalty risks killing innocent people,

Recognizing that the death penalty is the greatest denial of civil liberties,

1. Declares accordingly that the death penalty will be made illegal in all UN member states for any reason whatsoever;

2. Applauds the nations which have already banned the use of the death penalty within their borders;

3. Solemnly affirms that any member state who refuses to comply with this resolution will have their membership in the United Nations revoked;

4. Calls upon all nations to place a trade embargo on any nation who endorses and/or uses the death penalty, regardless of their membership in the UN;

5. Requests that all member states voluntarily send reports on their progress in combating crime within their own borders, especially violent crimes.Not this old topic again.:rolleyes:
The Lynx Alliance
06-05-2005, 05:25
Not this old topic again.:rolleyes:
maybe old, but i believe they make some very valid points and it is well written
06-05-2005, 05:29
maybe old, but i believe they make some very valid points and it is well written
Doesn't mean that it isn't a silly idea, after all resolutions dealing with the death penalty regardless of whether they are attempting to ban it or implement it are pretty much universally reviled regardless of whether a nation uses it or not, which qualifies, in my mind, any proposal dealing with it as being silly.

The Lynx Alliance
06-05-2005, 05:42
your call boss. guess thats why your still regional deligate
06-05-2005, 05:44
your call boss. guess thats why your still regional deligate
That and apparently no one else wants the job.
The Lynx Alliance
06-05-2005, 06:46
That and apparently no one else wants the job.
i would challenge... but you are doin such a good job at it :D
(that and i dont want the responsablilities)
06-05-2005, 23:00
Kyoto Protocol
Category: Environmental

Industry Affected: All Businesses

Proposed by: Shereristan

Description: It will lead to the environment being cleaned up.


Not to mention the Illeagal RL Reference
07-05-2005, 06:03
Category: Repeal

Resolution: #18

Proposed by: Askira

Description: UN Resolution #18: Hydrogen Powered Vehicles (Category: Environmental; Industry Affected: Automobile Manufacturing) shall be struck out and rendered null and void.

Argument: bI must admit that this is definatly an arguement that no one has tried before.:rolleyes:

Category: Repeal

Resolution: #18

Proposed by: Askira

Description: UN Resolution #18: Hydrogen Powered Vehicles (Category: Environmental; Industry Affected: Automobile Manufacturing) shall be struck out and rendered null and void.

Argument: [Uplink: Confirmed]

Secretary Tolen Ren....
"One problem with hydrogen is the bad public relations angle - most of us have heard of hydrogen bombs, and seen the dramatic footage of the hydrogen-filled Hindenberg airship exploding in 1937. But hydrogen can be stored safely - in a series of tests on a tank of liquid hydrogen, BMW played flames at 900oC on it for 70 minutes, punched holes into it, and even squashed it until it broke. Sometimes the hydrogen leaked out, and sometimes it caught alight, even exploded. We cannot therefore say it is completely safe for people to use Hydrogen cars yet. The implications of a possible disaster could be catostrophic. If one where to blow it could set of a chain-reation with near-by cars..... disasterous!
Until further research and development is made in the areas of Hydrogen Car saftey the Askiran Government will not accept this UN Resolution. Vote for more research and development in the area. Make the commercial use of Hydrogen safe! Thank-you." - Secretary Ren

Tolen Ren,
Secretary of Energy & Natural Resources,
The Askiran Republic.RL references thereby making this one...
The Lynx Alliance
07-05-2005, 06:34
RL references thereby making this one...
not to mention the fact that they have to accept it because it has already passed
07-05-2005, 14:13
I can't make heads nor tails of this (it's just the first bit of a longer proposal):
Argument: Dear delagates, Dear members states,

Any religious citizen cannot tollerate that Marriage can be considered between any other member of any sex or any sexual characteristic.
The way I'm reading that, it sounds like they want to outlaw marriage.
07-05-2005, 15:34
Category: Environmental

Industry Affected: All Businesses

Proposed by: Thinglie

Description: In this environmentally-polluted world, all MILITARY GUNPOWDER AND NUCLEAR WEAPONS, all DIESEL-POWERED and GAS-TURBINE ENGINES, and NON-ECOFRIENDLY AEROSOL CANS, should be heavily researched in the field on environment, and successes spread across ALL UN MEMBER NATIONS.Huh?:confused:

Category: Free Trade

Strength: Strong

Proposed by: Bonum commune hominis

Description: Recognising that lower taxes are condusive to a stronger economy but detremental to social welfare. And acting to prevent an economic inbalance between countries because of tax rates. Be it resolved that there be a tax floor of 15% in all nations of the UN.Game Mechanics therefore
08-05-2005, 07:57
A resolution to increase the quality of the world's environment, at the expense of industry.

Category: Environmental
Industry Affected: Automobile Manufacturing
Proposed by: Bombolobolia

Description: Whereas petrolium products are a major source of pollution
For a start, it's petroleum.
Whereas many identical products like diesel, ethanol and plastics can be made from plants like corn, at the benefit of the environment and farmers.
Well, you know, ethanol isn't made from petrol at all. It's just standard alcohol. You can get it from most fruits, and a lot of vegetables besides. You can even make it from plain sugar.
And I don't see how you're going to get enough hydrocarbons from corn to make diesel or plastics.
And Whereas Hydrogen fuel is a more aboundant and efficient source of fuel for high octane vehicles like Autombiles and airplanes
Huh? You do realise that octane is a biproduct of petrol production, right? How is a high octane vehicle going to run on hydrogen? Do automobiles even generally run on octane?
Therefore the extraction and refinement of petrolium is hereby banned.

Plus there's the fact that this is meant to ban Oil products, not just petrol. Well, there goes olive farming, the peanut industry, most foods and a whole lot more. If it's about petrol, make sure the title matches the text.

And finally,
I love these cards.
08-05-2005, 09:09

Human eqaulity right
A resolution to improve worldwide human and civil rights.

Category: Human Rights
Strength: Significant
Proposed by: United democratic

My Dear Brother and Sisters Throughout the world:

Throughout our history we have seen many inequality and others amount our own fellow humans and amount our own fellow citizens. Therefore the Republic of United Democratic wishes to put an end to this according to the follow legislation to the equal right of our brothers and sisters.

1. Equal right between man and woman in politic.
2. Equal right between homosexual and heterosexuals in the work place
3. All the citizen within a nation should have equal social rights regardless of race, culture or gender.
4. All people must be equal in the eyes of the law. No matter it is the king or the people.
5. Discriminations towards handicap should not be allows in work place.

Remember, no matter how different we are. What we got in common is that, we are all humans. We should not treat any of our fellow human been as others. We are all the same species and we therefore share a unify bond. Therefore, the RUD ask you to vote forward to this proposal and protect our own fellow humans.

Thank you

Best Regards
Hilary Duff
President of the Republic of United Democratic and the Duff government of the Republic of United Democratic

Fourth of May 2005
The Federal government of Republic of United Democratic

I didn't know Hilary Duff was into politics. Of course, that's not the problem- the problem is that she doesn't read past Resolutions first. Sigh.

(Oh, and yes, I'm aware that the proposer was most likely NOT Duff)

A resolution to ban, legalize, or encourage recreational drugs.

Category: Recreational Drug Use
Decision: Legalize
Proposed by: Bob Marley es tu madre

Description: Pot should be leagal everywhere. If pot is leagal, it would cut down on the use of the drug. People would use pot less if it was alowed to be used leagaly. I say pot becomes leagal all across the world!

I've never seen legal spelt like that. Nor do I see much of an argument. Hmmm....

Repeal "The 40 Hour Workweek"
A proposal to repeal a previously passed resolution

Category: Repeal
Resolution: #59
Proposed by: Rourkes Drift

Description: UN Resolution #59: The 40 Hour Workweek (Category: Social Justice; Strength: Significant) shall be struck out and rendered null and void.

Argument: Clearly this is a close vote. Second, the people forced to work like firefighters get tired very easy and thus get sloppy. I move for a repeal.

:headbang: Yet another case of "didn't read the Resolution", as all this was covered (and, on second look, it's also supporting what it is trying to repeal). It's also a very poor argument (vote count, too brief).

Compulsory Education Act
A resolution to reduce income inequality and increase basic welfare.

Category: Social Justice
Strength: Significant
Proposed by: Padronato

Description: The United Nations,

NOTING that many young people cannot study until the age of 18 due to the poverty of their families, which need one more person to work;

CONSIDERING that a better education grants a chance to improve own social position;

REGRETTING the crystallization of social positions determined by this situation;

RECALLING UN Resolution #28, implemented August 19, 2003, which grants free education for all until the age of 18, but does not build conditions to allow any people;

REQUIRES the following:

1. Education should be compulsory for all until the age of 18.
2. Nations in the UN should allocate funds to pay each student until the age of 18 an Education Salary, equal to the average salary in the nation.
3. Work until the age of 18 should be outlawed.

I put this in there for those two reasons- really, how can a country afford something like that? I know many of us (like myself) have argued "that if we're doing 'school work' then the school should pay us", but the nation's average salary? Don't you think that's a bit much?

I'm also thinking that this may also be covered before, but I'm not sure.

Smoke ! ! !
A resolution to improve worldwide human and civil rights.

Category: Human Rights
Strength: Significant
Proposed by: Ricardo and Smith

Description: Our lefitst pro-UN friends(in typical fascist doublespeak)are moving against smokers human rights.

This pathetic attempt to attack peoples basic rights shouldn't end up as a resolution vote,but you never know with the Leftist dominated United (Soviet) Nations.

This proposal is just there, to let the busy bodies know we will defend our right to light up if we have to.

Laws enacted by this proposal:

-People can smoke anywhere. This includes:

School classes.
On a bus or train or plane
Swimming under water (if is ever possible, im waiting for the good people in the region of scienctific reason to come up with something)
On nucleaur submarines.
In any area with a 'No Smoking' sign.
In hospitals.

Rev Ricardo. CEO of Phillip Morris and chancellor of a decent country.

I think this exemplifies what this thread is all about. Really, do you really think that anyone is going to accept that? Just an absolute farce to read, really.

Languages act
A resolution to improve worldwide human and civil rights.

Category: Human Rights
Strength: Significant
Proposed by: Saturniam

Description: Article 1

a)Every national language have to be safeguarded from states member of UN.
b)Local languages, dialects, can be considered 2nd official language only if the regional zone where they're spoken have a special statute of indipendance.

Article 2
a) Ufficial languages must be teached in all schools, colleges and universities of the state where are spoken.
b) A second regional language is a right for all students.
c) Dialect can't be teached without a parlamentary act.

Article 3
a) Moral restriction of words are not tollerated because convey a limitation of Man's freedom.
b) The only type of obscene words cannot tollerate are the abuse of any religion.

Article 4
a) In the parlamentary acts and in the government officials cannot be used other languages further national language.
b) National anthems can be only in the official state language.
c) Traffic signals and airport/railway station signals can be in double language if the National Congress admitted this possibility.
d) Editors and publisher are free to draft any language publication as the international "free press" resolution affirm.

I know that spelling/grammar don't have to be 100% perfect in an United Nations Resolution, but this tortured proposal is too much...especially considering its a LANGUAGE proposal....

Repeal "UN taxation ban"
A proposal to repeal a previously passed resolution

Category: Repeal
Resolution: #4
Proposed by: Jedi Heart Splitters

Description: UN Resolution #4: UN taxation ban (Category: Social Justice; Strength: Significant) shall be struck out and rendered null and void.

Argument: The UN should be able to tax anyone they want, any time they want.

Great. Why?
08-05-2005, 21:27
Category: Human Rights

Strength: Strong

Proposed by: Naspar Cosif

Description: Women as a good as men. They should not suffer. It is mean to mistreat someone just because they're organs are on the inside! This resolution will protect women from sufferage.:confused:

Category: Human Rights

Strength: Significant

Proposed by: Nerdcakery

Description: We want HotGayVampireSex to be COMPULSORY, yo.

It'll be cool. Jekesta endorses this proposal muchly and refuses to dress it up in fancy law-speak. A PROPOSAL FOR THE PEOPLE! And the undead, yay.What? :confused:

Category: Political Stability

Strength: Strong

Proposed by: North Cadia

Description: It is my proposal that the world proposal that all regions that have an honourable UN rep should be givin the right to advertise thier regions to all of the new comers to nationstates, and that if the new comer starts his/her own region, (as long as they are UN material) the UN should do more to help them out. This should hopefully attract more players to this fine institution.I believe this is...

Category: Political Stability

Strength: Significant

Proposed by: Funkdunk

Description: Theocracy is a government ruled by religion
Theocracy should be banned because: It is a government ruled by religion and religious ideals, many of which are wrong.
Theocracy isn't forward thinking, and is not open to new ways of thinking as the government is scared that it will replace religion.
Jihad (Holy war) thrives in theocracy as it is done in the name of the religion, and therefore gets away with it.
To stop corruption we MUST ban theocracy.
09-05-2005, 05:26

I laughed so hard at that proposal, because the proposer has NO clue what the word "suffrage" means (though I really wonder why "suffrage" was chosen as the right to vote...unless the person who coined the word is trying to tell us something...)
09-05-2005, 06:24
I laughed so hard at that proposal, because the proposer has NO clue what the word "suffrage" means (though I really wonder why "suffrage" was chosen as the right to vote...unless the person who coined the word is trying to tell us something...)
I admit I was laughing too, my problem was that I couldn't put my thoughts into words and have it make sense (damn Jolt for not having a laughing smilie)

Category: Repeal

Resolution: #44

Proposed by: Fitswell

Description: UN Resolution #44: Fair Treatment of Mentally-Ill (Category: Human Rights; Strength: Strong) shall be struck out and rendered null and void.

Argument: No one likes retarded people.Wow, that arguement is gonna get a lot of votes.:rolleyes:

Category: Political Stability

Strength: Strong

Proposed by: The City by the Live S

Description: OK it goes like this...

If a resolution is passed it must be strictly observed by:

All nations representing the same political view eg capital paradise as the nation doing the proposal and/or in that region

For the rest of the UN members, it would be a suggestion and choice for them.

That's it

Thank you

Hassan the Chop
--by my own hand
Time for another hand of UN Forum Poker
Oh darn, I can only play 4 cards.:(

Category: Free Trade

Strength: Strong

Proposed by: Alexslovakia

Description: This resolution seeks to Ammend the U.N Resolution #2.
Citing- the resolution is overly vauge and virtually does nothing to forward free trade and freedom of scientific knowlege

1. No UN nation shall at any time prohibit a trade good based on any circumstance, EXCEPT that the goods are A. Illegal in the destination country, B. The goods are illegal in the source country I.E. Certain controlled substances.

2. No nation shall prohibit research subjects of accredited researchers, unless the research is potentially dangerous to human life and without significant merit.

3. The UN will comission a panel of 9 experts in specific fields who will determine if a research project is with or without merit when called into question by a member state. The judges will be experts in the following fields.

2.Nuclear Fission
3.Astro Physics
4.Theoretical Mathematics
6.Human Biology
7.Micro Biology
8.Terminal Diseases/Nervous Disorders

These Judges will be elected by their peers, and a questionable research project will need a majority of the votes to be protected under this resolution, If a majority of the votes are not secured, then the research called into question can be banned by any member state that objects to it.
More card games, oh joy.
09-05-2005, 06:32
I admit I was laughing too, my problem was that I couldn't put my thoughts into words and have it make sense (damn Jolt for not having a laughing smilie)

I know...all the other forums have one. All we get are the sniper smilies...*sigh*

I also love the cards.
10-05-2005, 06:23
Category: International Security

Strength: Significant

Proposed by: Schultzey

Description: Platform: To give each nation who in the U.N. 22% for self armoroment for pretcetion for invation. This would help each of us in two way
A: It would help them if they had low income or if damge from older wars.
B: If governments put cut backs in the security fund.
C: It also would help premote more peace in reagions and more help if International conflecs happen.

Rules : If each nation want to do it they would pay at least a 10% of the U.N. dues to the Defence fundsOK let's see first this one gets a...

Then I think if I'm understanding this proposal corrrectly it could be trying to create a UN army which, if that is the purpose, earns it one of these.

Category: Social Justice

Strength: Strong

Proposed by: The AL East Champz

Description: To make sure that Communism is equally represented in the gamesI'm kind of confused by this one but I think it falls under the catagory of "Game Mechanics" and therefore is.
11-05-2005, 07:28
Category: International Security

Strength: Strong

Proposed by: Scotlandiana

Description: Proposing: That a more specialised millitary force is developed in hope of not only uniting countries but also specialising in order to maintain a sufficent millitary budget and thus allow spending of tax money else where.

1)A united millitary would have access to all nations millitary services and bases, for whatever reason necesary.
2)A united army MUST engage in combat when fellow allies are attacked. This force must only be used for defencive purposes and not out of aggretion
3)The united army will only be deployed in nations involved in the unification and will not be allowed to deploy outside of these countries unless the circumstances prove this to be impossible.
4)Each region would specialies in a millitary service (e.g. foot soldiers, air force). This will allowed for a more highly trained force with better equipment as all millitary budgeting would be allocated to that sector.
5)A vote would decide the Grand Commander of these forces and subsequent votes would deside on a commander of the sub-catagories of the united millitary.

ACCEPTS that some countries involved in this United Army may wish not to go to war and thus that is why the force shall only be used defensivly.

REASONS that all countries involved in this force will be under full protection of this millitary and may call upon its defensive support at any time.Looke to be a veiled attempt to form a UN army which goes against the Enodian Protocals and is therefore

Category: Human Rights

Strength: Significant

Proposed by: North Kackalaka

Description: The great nation of North Kackalaka hereby requests that once a month, on the third Wednesday of that month, the entire world be requested to go to an assembly where matters of importance are discussed.

Matters of importance should be read as current events or awe inspiring things that have happened in he region in which the assembly is taking place.

During this assemly, for three minutes, the hand jive is to be performed to boost regionalism becuase happy citizens equals better conditions for the general populus.

These assemblies will help everyone becuase since the communinties are being mentally stimulated, people will have the chance to become smarter. also, it will help people get to know each other.

It will also greatly heighten a region's regionalism because the population will feel as though their opinions are being heard and are cared about...

It must be remembered that these assemblies would be considered optional. This means no force can be enacted if one does not attend said maeetings. I've got to gife this one a
After all, is "regionalism" even a word?

Category: Free Trade

Strength: Significant

Proposed by: Galloping Oranges

Description: This house believes that free trade fruit should be mandatory in every school due to the growing obese population across the world.
This would change two things:
1) It would help to decrease the obese nations and create a healthier and more sustainable nation
2) Free trade fruit would help keep the poorer nations going and would also help the economy.What's a free trade fruit?:confused:
11-05-2005, 10:55
The Good Samaritan Act
A resolution to restrict civil freedoms in the interest of moral decency.

Category: Moral Decency
Strength: Mild
Proposed by: The Kremlin Foundation

Description: Citizens must help each other if others are in trouble. This includes the government setting up housing for the less unfortunate. Foe example, if someone has fallen over, they must be helped up, and looked after until they are okay.

Approvals: 0

Status: Lacking Support (requires 150 more approvals)

Voting Ends: Sat May 14 2005

Beyond the obvious of "how long should they be looked after, and by who", I do love that the obscenely rich will have their houses built for free (bolding mine) by the government.
11-05-2005, 23:01
Beyond the obvious of "how long should they be looked after, and by who", I do love that the obscenely rich will have their houses built for free (bolding mine) by the government.
Awesome. I hadn't spotted that one.
12-05-2005, 04:01
Beyond the obvious of "how long should they be looked after, and by who", I do love that the obscenely rich will have their houses built for free (bolding mine) by the government.

From the words of my brother: "doesn't the government do that anyway?"
12-05-2005, 05:46
Category: Global Disarmament

Strength: Strong

Proposed by: Free-Armsdonia

Description: REALIZING that Chemical and Nuclear weapons are a danger to all people everywhere;

RECOGNIZING UN Resolution 16:Elimination of Bio Weapons;

DEFINES a chemical weapon as any weapon containing chemicals hazardous to humans;

DEFINES a nuclear weapon as any weapon containing radioactive materials;

BANS the construction, ownership, use of or trade of these weapons.
Not again:rolleyes:

Category: Human Rights

Strength: Significant

Proposed by: Hitler XXVI

Description: This is an act to improve the rights of the working class.

The bad treatment of the working class dates back to the early peak of the Industrial Revolution. Workers were paid minimum wages, lived in the dirtiest places there could be, worked for more then 12 hours a day and often died sleeping on the job because of falling into the machines.

"Workers are replaceable parts to a machine." Quoted an 18th century employer.

Workers should get the rights they deserve. Workers are human, therefore they should be equal as anybody else in the world.

These are to be laws for the working class:

1. A workers union is to be installed so that the cruelty of employers against workers can be abolished.

2. No employer can strike a worker at any time.

3. Workers are to recieve a health insurance program so they can be protected from the machines of a factory.

4. The environment where the proletariat work is to be upgraded.

5. Work houses are to be abolished due to the fact that the workers were treated like slaves.

6. All workers are equal.

7. No worker/workers can bribe or be bribed.

8. The maximum hours per week shall be 41.

9. Children under 16 can not work.

10. Adults over 70 can not work.

11. Minimum wages are $6.00 (Any currency you have) per hour.

With out workers for our regions, the economy is sure to fall. Without them, we are nothing.

If the working class rights are improved, workers will want to work. Working won't be such a terrible thing once these laws have been passed. Unemployment will decrease and more and more workers will be willing to work.

I ask for your vote to help the ones we never speak of and to help them.This one earns itself a card
All because of clause 8 which attempts to alter Resolutior #59 The 40 Hour Workweek.

Category: Environmental

Industry Affected: All Businesses

Proposed by: Canabolge

Description: The Ban Hydrogen Hydroxide proposal will help prevent death and disease.

RECOGNIZING that the large amount of aluminum in hydrogen hydroxide can lead to brain damage causing long term memory loss eventually leading to Altzheimers disease.

RECOGNIZING that according to data collected by the United States Environmental Protection Agency in 1993-1994, an estimated 20% of the population has been consuming hydrogen hydroxide contaminated with feces, radiation, lead, or other poisons attributed to 1000 deaths.

RECOGNIZING that 3,529 deaths deaths were reported in the USA in 1999 due to asphxyiation of hydrogen hydroxide.

RECOGNIZING that attempts to purify hydrogen hydroxide by distillation can lead to de-ionization shortening life span.

RECOGNIZING that when heated, hydrogen hydroxide can cause severe burns.

It is recommended that a ban be placed on hydrogen hydroxide in all UN countries to prevent death and disease. It is also recommended that a fine be placed on all those in posession of hydrogen hydroxide.

Category: Environmental

Industry Affected: All Businesses

Proposed by: Avendosora

Description: We, at the Holy Republic of Avendosora, find the following:

1)The increasing discovering and exploiting of Uranium mines increases the amount of radiation in the air, damaging the ozone layer.

2)Woodchip manufacturing increases deforestization, decreaseing food, wildlife and oxygen

3)The production of Automobiles and coal power plants increases air polution causing global warming and flooding.

4)The construction of Hydro-electric Dams increases the aomount of silt in rivers and streams, making it inpossible for fish to find sutable nests, decreasing the fish population dramattically.

5) The contruction of Nuclear powerplants produces large amounts of chemical biohazards and radioactive waste that harms all asspects of the enviroment, no matter where one dumps it.

To solve the said problems, we propose the following:

Section 1)The mining complexes for uranium be restrained to a small totally enclosed area. Numerous reasearch facilities in our region have completed a prototype robot that is supposedly capable of safely mining uranium.

Section 2)Instead of manufacturing wood chips, we can A) recycle old ones, or B) use gravel instead. To help replenish the forests of our nations, we also propose that a program be started to replant the lost growth

Section 3)Replace all current power sorces with A)Solar Panels B)Wind Farms, or C) a theoretical desighn based on Einstien's E=Mc^2. Using extreme Magnetic forces, theoretically we should be able to seperate the electrons and protons of an atom into two different kinds of energy, negative and positive, leaving a lump of Netural paricals that can be desposed of safely without harming the environment. If our calculations are correct, one gram of matter would equal 18,000 Kilo Watts , which woul power a 25 watt light bulb for 28,000 years.

Section 4) That all auto mobiles be replaced by enviro-friendly transportation. Reasearch facilities within our region have constructed a prototype transport that is small and spherical. It runs on solar power, and is constantly charging it's battery, even when not turned on. To further Automobile safety, The car would be guided by a GPS network, that is linked to all other automobiles of it's type, that would automatically adjust speed and direction as it took you to the place specified by voice command. It has a voice key recognition program that is so sensitive, it is capable of telling the difference between recording and real life. With this break through in personel transportation, we hope to make the world more enviromentally friendly.

The above proposals are found to have the follow ing effects:

1)Ozone replenishment

2)Forest preservation. Wildlife preservation. Increase in food, primarily meats.

3)More efficient source of energy. Less polution.

4) Less pollution. More family time. Drivers License no longer required.

We, at the Avendosora department of enviromental safety, thank you for listening to our request.First off it gets this card
Secondly, anyone else notice that it attempts to create new technology by UN resolution in Sections 3 & 4.
12-05-2005, 07:07
Secondly, anyone else notice that it attempts to create new technology by UN resolution in Sections 3 & 4.
Am I right in thinking that this one is attempting to perform complete mass-energy transformations?
Plus, how do you 'safely dispose' of a lump of neutronium?
13-05-2005, 03:51
Am I right in thinking that this one is attempting to perform complete mass-energy transformations?
Plus, how do you 'safely dispose' of a lump of neutronium?

In that river over there...*shifty eyes*
13-05-2005, 04:56
No more united nations

A resolution to improve worldwide human and civil rights.

Category: Human Rights

Strength: Strong

Proposed by: Lizard-kd7mxi

Description: the united nations has been taking too many rights away from it's members

they need to be disbanded

Approvals: 0

Status: Lacking Support (requires 150 more approvals)

Voting Ends: Mon May 16 2005

If I am not mistaken this is illegal

Repeal "Abortion Rights"

A proposal to repeal a previously passed resolution

Category: Repeal

Resolution: #61

Proposed by: Lizard-kd7mxi

Description: UN Resolution #61: Abortion Rights (Category: Human Rights; Strength: Significant) shall be struck out and rendered null and void.

Argument: is it ok to kill a dog?

Only if is mad or went on the carpet.

/I'm somewhat of a new guy just became delegate for my region , HI
13-05-2005, 05:01
If I am not mistaken this is illegal

Yep. Game Mechanics- besides, I think it'd be pretty inconceivable for the United Nations to vote itself out of existence.
13-05-2005, 05:30
Category: Human Rights

Strength: Mild

Proposed by: Aronian States

Description: Seeing as the average human requires at least 8 hours of sleep to fuction properly, a nightly requirement of 8 hours of sleep will be instated in all UN states.Now this is just plain silly.

Category: Political Stability

Strength: Significant

Proposed by: SuperVegeta

Description: SEEING as the repealing of many, many past UN resolutions is now rampant, and

CONSTANT battles are waged between two sides of an issue, using the UN as its plaything for furthering a political agenda, and

FRIVOLOUS requests for repeals have been slated since the repeal option was added, and

MANY, if not most, UN Resolutions in the past months have been repeals,

BE IT HEREBY ENACTED BY THESE UNITED NATIONS that the criterion for repealing past UN Resolutions be as follows.

Article I: All resolutions that are to be repealed must either directly harm the nations it affects or no long affect any nations due to more recent Resolutions.

Article II: A repeal must garner 10% more support as a proposal than non-repealate resolutions.

Article III: A person who wishes to repeal a resolution must have their regional UN Delegate of Founder propose the repeal.

Article IV: All past resolutions in conflict with this are hereby declared null and void.

Category: Global Disarmament

Strength: Strong

Proposed by: The Dude Da Cid

Description: Not enough money is being spent on todays weapons and bombs. If we TRANSFER money from education into the army, to train people to kill other people, they won't NEED education, so education will be dumb, and worthless. Also, I rule.

Uh, yeah.

Insanely Yours,
The Dude Da Cid.
***END MESSAGE***Wow, someone needs to
So they understand the purpose of the Global Disarmament catagory.

Category: Human Rights

Strength: Significant

Proposed by: Erridan

Description: This proposal would make any country united with UN going to war with another nation. The UN countries will help in war effort with the UN nation going to war. If two or more UN nations are at war with each other they will be removed from the UN.And the last sentence makes this one...
13-05-2005, 16:01
Category: Global Disarmament

Strength: Strong

Proposed by: Hitler XXVI

Description: This is an act to slash worldwide military spending and to ban nuclear weapons.

My fellow UN Delegates, I do not understand why nations and regions are creating, as well as inventing nuclear weapons. What do nuclear weapons do for us? Some might say:

1. Nuclear weapons protect their nation/region.
2. In case of emergency, nuclear weapons are useful.
3. It gets the bombing faster.
4. It will teach the opponent a valuble lesson.

These reasons are nothing to me! Nuclear weapons are the worst things nations and regions could possibly have.
Here are reasons why nuclear weapons should be banned:

1. Nuclear weapons offer the chance of killing tons of people at one time.
2. The repurcussion's of nuclear weapons are terrible. Nuclear weapons cause radiation , which causes cancer.
3. Thousands or perhaps millions and billions of lives would be lost.
4. If nuclear weapons were dropped, our precious earth will only become a waste land.
5. Nuclear weapons don't offer anything, except death.

What will dropping nuclear weapons accomplish? It won't accomplish anything! Think of our lives.
I ask for your vote to ban nuclear weapons for the good of you and your peaple.Why won't this idiotic idea die.:mad:

Category: Free Trade

Strength: Strong

Proposed by: Haywoods

Description: Workers have the right to organize for representation in their workplaces and we shall promise this right not be abridged. As the representation for the work place, unionism shall be a right, promised under law and protected furiously.
SOmeone needs to read the passed resolutions.
Diamond Realms
13-05-2005, 19:33
Why won't this idiotic idea die.:mad:

Why is it idiotic?
13-05-2005, 20:03
Because UN Resolutions only affect UN members, and the non members outnumber the members by about 3 to 1.
14-05-2005, 03:02
Repeal "Gay Rights"

A proposal to repeal a previously passed resolution
Category: Repeal Resolution: #12 Proposed by: Erridan

Description: UN Resolution #12: Gay Rights (Category: Human Rights; Strength: Strong) shall be struck out and rendered null and void.

Argument: The people of Erridan will not allow gays to have rights. All gays are excommunicated in Erridan and should be in the UN too. If the gays return, they would be shot on the spot. That is how it is done in Erridan. Marriage should be between a man and a woman.

Approvals: 1 (Grays Harbor)

Status: Lacking Support (requires 149 more approvals)

Voting Ends: Tue May 17 2005

Erm.... no, this should be removed from the list.
14-05-2005, 03:47
Abotrion Illegal
A resolution to improve worldwide human and civil rights.

Category: Human Rights
Strength: Strong
Proposed by: Joestantanopleville

Description: Article 1- Abortion is hereby illegal. The violation of this law will be subject to a strickt penalty

Article 2- The penalty for violating this is a 1- 3 year sentn ce to a correction facilitly and a $10,000 fine.

Article 3- The only 1 expetion to this crime is rape victims. They do not have to abide by this resolution.

Article 4- This will be enforced IMMEDITALY!

Approvals: 0

Status: Lacking Support (requires 150 more approvals)

Voting Ends: Tue May 17 2005

14-05-2005, 05:28
Category: International Security

Strength: Strong

Proposed by: Rourkes Drift

Description: European response group shall be a Anti-Terrorism force made of six nations (including my own) able to reach any situation within an hour. My country will fund the group of 120 men and women fully.

Approvals: 1 (Ryesin) 120 people are going to stop terrorism in the entire NS world,

Category: Global Disarmament

Strength: Mild

Proposed by: Lizard-kd7mxi

Description: your kids can become targets of hunters

why should this midevil-practice continue?

ban hunting of animals if you dont want your kids hunted nextOK, this is the absolute dumbest slippery slope idea I've ever heard.
14-05-2005, 06:09

What's Abotrion? Some robot I should care about? :D
15-05-2005, 06:44
Hey Vastiva, you might want to be aware of this one.
Category: International Security

Strength: Strong

Proposed by: Agromero

Description: Whereas certain nations may not be able to adequately and economically maintain proper detainment facilities for their most heinous facilities and

Whereas the the continent of Antarctica provides a suitable landmass for basing said convicts we propose

That Member states, at their descretion deposit convicted creminals in lieu of domestic penal sentencing on Lingston Island, located at Lat: 62.50º S Long : 60.50º W, and island which heretofore has no internationally recognized territorial status. Exiles to the island will be henceforth considered "Dead to the World" and regular UN shipments of food and medicinal aid will be sent along with exile emigration airlifts.
15-05-2005, 06:52
Hey Vastiva, you might want to be aware of this one.

Already sent him a note and a polar bear. :D
15-05-2005, 07:13
One question about that proposal:


Are those "cremated criminals"? :confused:
15-05-2005, 07:16
One question about that proposal:

Are those "cremated criminals"? :confused:
Gee, if I had caught that I would've played my spellcheck card.

On the other hand, if these creminals are considered "Dead to the World" then why would the UN be sending these "dead" people food and medical supplies?
15-05-2005, 07:27
Gee, if I had caught that I would've played my spellcheck card.

No worries. I figured it was a simply typo myself, before I realized that "e" and "i" are nowhere near each other on the keyboard. Besides, it was an interesting spelling error.

On the other hand, if these creminals are considered "Dead to the World" then why would the UN be sending these "dead" people food and medical supplies?

We're genuinely nice people? *shrugs*
15-05-2005, 19:50
Category: Moral Decency
Strength: Strong
Proposed by: Chongjin

Description: CAUTION!!! Chavs are opperating in your nations! They MUST be stopped!!!
This Act will ensure the eraditcation of the Chav culture, to do this Chongjin proposes the following:
A) Sterlisation of Chavs
B) 'Whitelighting' catagorized as a class A narcotic
C) Vauxhall Novas registered as unroadworthy
D) Pot Noodles to be banned
E) All gold jewelery to be weighed, all items over 1kg to be destroyed.
F)Track suits deemed as unsafe to wear
G)Anyone believing garage music to be 'cool' is to be sent to an asylum.
H)Pizza Hut is NOT an ideal place to go on a date!
I)All Burberry to be burnt, owning a Burberry cap is punishable by the death penalty!
J)Anyone recieveing benefits to counter thier 'kool tunes' addiction should be systematically hit over the head with a larger pole.
K)Removal of all cival rights from people of chav dispositions.

Support this Act or your children maybe next!
15-05-2005, 19:54
Originally Posted by Chav Restriction Act
Category: Moral Decency
Strength: Strong
Proposed by: Chongjin

Description: CAUTION!!! Chavs are opperating in your nations! They MUST be stopped!!!
This Act will ensure the eraditcation of the Chav culture, to do this Chongjin proposes the following:
A) Sterlisation of Chavs
B) 'Whitelighting' catagorized as a class A narcotic
C) Vauxhall Novas registered as unroadworthy
D) Pot Noodles to be banned
E) All gold jewelery to be weighed, all items over 1kg to be destroyed.
F)Track suits deemed as unsafe to wear
G)Anyone believing garage music to be 'cool' is to be sent to an asylum.
H)Pizza Hut is NOT an ideal place to go on a date!
I)All Burberry to be burnt, owning a Burberry cap is punishable by the death penalty!
J)Anyone recieveing benefits to counter thier 'kool tunes' addiction should be systematically hit over the head with a larger pole.
K)Removal of all cival rights from people of chav dispositions.

Support this Act or your children maybe next!

Awww, i quite like that one, being from Chav central (Essex) i think it is quite funny.
15-05-2005, 22:20
Category: Repeal

Resolution: #4

Proposed by: Vermette

Description: UN Resolution #4: UN taxation ban (Category: Social Justice; Strength: Significant) shall be struck out and rendered null and void.

Argument: WE are sovereign nations that run ourselves. WE should reserve the right to collect taxes freely. How do our governements operate? TAX MONEY! Without it, our governements will not be able to pay state officials and governments officials, and therefore, each nations will not be able to operate. This is because there will be NO MONEY to support the government without taxes. So I ask my fellow UN Delegates to support this repeal, and allow governments to funtion the way they were meant to!Read the damn resolution. It only prevents the UN from directly taxing a nation's citizens.:headbang:

Category: Gun Control

Decision: Relax

Proposed by: Vermette

Description: If you live in the US, you cannot deny this proposal a positive vote. (Even if you are a socialist) In our contitution, we are granted the right to bear arms. Plain and simple. There really can't be an American aruguing against me.

If you do not live in the US, listen to this. Every person deserves a right to defend him/herself (yes, women can use guns to!). Taking that right away would be wrong.

My proposal is this: relax gun control laws. I don't mean go overboard. There is no need for citizens of our countries running rampant with assualt rifles. However, every human being dserves the right to bear arms.Multiple RL references thereby making this
15-05-2005, 23:58
A resolution to ban, legalize, or encourage recreational drugs.

Category: Recreational Drug Use
Decision: Legalize
Proposed by: Bobton-on-sea

Description: should it be legalised throughout the un?

Approvals: 0

I don't know. Maybe you should tell us...

A proposal to repeal a previously passed resolution

Category: Repeal
Resolution: #4
Proposed by: TBOTE

Description: UN Resolution #4: UN taxation ban (Category: Social Justice; Strength: Significant) shall be struck out and rendered null and void.

Argument: To ban taxation is to ban free speach. The UN has the right to tax us if it so needs to. I demand we remove this ban and have faith in the UN!

Approvals: 1 (Vermette)

Can someone please explain to me how banning taxation is banning free speech?
16-05-2005, 09:08
Awww, i quite like that one, being from Chav central (Essex) i think it is quite funny.

Here I was thinking "Chav" was some made-up that I know what it is (Wikipedia is my friend...), that proposal- while mean and un-UN-worthy, is pretty funnny I have to say.
16-05-2005, 14:03
Here I was thinking "Chav" was some made-up that I know what it is (Wikipedia is my friend...), that proposal- while mean and un-UN-worthy, is pretty funnny I have to say.
Indeed it is, the UN is missing a bit of humour (sorry, but i am english, its how humour should be spelt ;) )

Chavs are very real and its very scary how they are absolutely everywhere in britain. I mean everywhere, you cannot go most places and not spot one, i supported that UN resolution, so funny.
16-05-2005, 14:43
FWIW, "Chav" is rapidly approaching "******" and "paki" in terms of highest offense level in the UK. I'd be cautious about using it, despite the apparent humour value (which still completely evades most Americans, I'm afraid).
16-05-2005, 14:55
Most 'chavs' i know are very proud of the fact that they are 'chavs'. Reaching the level of a racist remark? isn't that pushing it a bit? Its a term we use to describe people who have a certain way of 'expressing' themselves, chavs are not defined by appearance and certainly not ethnicity

Aronian States
16-05-2005, 16:00
LOL, I once sent out a proposal that required a minmum 8 hours of sleep a night. :D
16-05-2005, 17:15
Regional Happenings

* 2 days ago: The Armed Republic of WZ Forums lost UN Delegate status.

I was wondering why my proposal hadn't been endorsed by WZ, now i know :p
16-05-2005, 18:52
Category: International Security

Strength: Significant

Proposed by: Aronian States

Description: This proposal will create an elite counterterror unit under direct UN control. It will be a series of six person teams with people from as many nationalities as possible.Not another UN army proposal.:headbang:

Category: International Security

Strength: Strong

Proposed by: Solvon

Description: 1.We need to trust eachother before we can have international security in place common people if countries gonna spy on eachother what in bloodyhell is goin to happen.
2.We need to work togather to a abtter international security by creating international security counsil to help support it.
3.We need to help eachother by providing resorses for it and not winnig against it.
4.And the last but not least we should be more carefull what are we doing to not to make other countries angry.This one is spelled so bad that I can't even figure out what it trying to do.:confused:

Category: Repeal

Resolution: #7

Proposed by: Rostum

Description: UN Resolution #7: Sexual Freedom (Category: Human Rights; Strength: Strong) shall be struck out and rendered null and void.

Argument: Gay marriage is fine. People are born gay. You dont wake up and decide, ooh, I think Ill be gay today. Speaking against it is like saying, all right all you Portugese, today you have no rights, Can't be Portugese no more.

Racist slob:confused:
17-05-2005, 04:05

"For What It's Worth"

FWIW, "Chav" is rapidly approaching "******" and "paki" in terms of highest offense level in the UK. I'd be cautious about using it, despite the apparent humour value (which still completely evades most Americans, I'm afraid).

Noted, but I'm not the type who'd use slang words anyway (as a general practice, I try to avoid that terminology even in speech so that my writing does not get affected). I'm at a loss about the American comment, however (for the record, I am Canadian).
17-05-2005, 04:15
Reaching the level of a racist remark? isn't that pushing it a bit?
Without hijacking the thread any further, I'm basing my comments on recent research into the nature of profanity. Several UK sites commented on the topic, and listed the term as an up-and-comer for their lists. Terms like "paki" and "bloody" were in the UK Top Ten, but probably don't make the US Top 1000. Chalk it up to language differences.
17-05-2005, 16:29
Without hijacking the thread any further, I'm basing my comments on recent research into the nature of profanity. Several UK sites commented on the topic, and listed the term as an up-and-comer for their lists. Terms like "paki" and "bloody" were in the UK Top Ten, but probably don't make the US Top 1000. Chalk it up to language differences.

Noted, thanks. Anyway.. on to silly proposals

A resolution to improve world security by boosting police and military budgets.

Category: International Security Strength: Strong Proposed by: Gandawanaland

Description: SEEING as our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ rests comfortably in the heavens,

NOTING that many countries have spread throughout the stars in search of riches,

PROPOSING that we cancel all space born activities not exclusivley limited to in orbit projects (i.e. Satellites)

REASONING that if we venture into the voids, God shall become angry and shall smite us with his holy wrath.

EVIDENCE being several sections of the New and Old Testament

BEING placed in effect in all U.N. member countries once passed.

The 'God shall become angry and shall smite us with his holy wrath' made me chuckle.
18-05-2005, 06:01
The 'God shall become angry and shall smite us with his holy wrath' made me chuckle.

I must say, that's an interesting argument. Utterly ridiculous, but that's the first time I've ever seen an anti-space argument use "acts of God" as a reasoning.
18-05-2005, 06:18
Wow, here's a blast form the past (in other words this one's been submitted before, including to this list)
Category: Recreational Drug Use

Decision: Promote

Proposed by: Unlasting Joy

Description: It's like food you choose not to like. How do you know it's bad if you dont try it? But why im trying to pass here is not that you should try drugs rather to use it for your own creativness. Mary Jane has brought us great minds such as J.R. Tolkien and the Beetles. If Mary Jane can help us through our writers blocks and give out brilliant ideas which we could never come to on a sober basis then I say we should pick up the joint and puff to creativness. Let the people decide for themselves wether or not it should be used for creative process. Do not dismiss this proposal because it has to do with marijuana. "Don't knock it till you've tried it.":rolleyes:

Category: Human Rights

Strength: Significant

Proposed by: Luruar

Description: The Nation of Luruar feels that in order to improve the lives of people the world over there must be some educational minimal. We therefore propose that all nations provide an educational miniamal free of cost to all thier citizens. (
18-05-2005, 06:58
Without hijacking the thread any further, I'm basing my comments on recent research into the nature of profanity. Several UK sites commented on the topic, and listed the term as an up-and-comer for their lists. Terms like "paki" and "bloody" were in the UK Top Ten, but probably don't make the US Top 1000. Chalk it up to language differences.
Um. Apologies for the further hijack, but since I'm British, I feel qualified to comment. Bloody has been the mildest of profanities for a very long time, level with, say, crap. Chav as a profanity? I seriously doubt it. Pikey - yes. Gyppo - yes.

Wank, however, is another matter (at least on a par with shit). It's very odd to see it used so carelessly in these forums.

On topic:

The 'God will smite us defence' is a thing of beauty.
18-05-2005, 07:59
The 'God will smite us defence' is a thing of beauty.
Maybe that's what caused DLE to stop playing...
18-05-2005, 08:04
Maybe that's what caused DLE to stop playing...

I see...I see. *nods*
Diamond Realms
18-05-2005, 16:04
Category: Gun Control
Decision: Relax
Proposed by: Jedi Knighthood

Description: We must defend our homes

Must've spent alot of time on that one.
Engineering chaos
18-05-2005, 16:41
FWIW, "Chav" is rapidly approaching "******" and "paki" in terms of highest offense level in the UK. I'd be cautious about using it, despite the apparent humour value (which still completely evades most Americans, I'm afraid).

Hahahahaha thats a good one. To most people Chav isn't a bad word, however there is a group of people who: hang around on street corners, smoking, drinking from bottles in paper bags and wear "Trakkies with 3 stripes mate", who would disagree and then try and mug you ;)
19-05-2005, 06:05
Category: Moral Decency

Strength: Mild

Proposed by: Civil right democratic

Description: The fact is that if we pubish our worse off citizen to death, we will be no more better than they are.On the contrary, we'll be alive and they'll be dead.

It is wrong for us to be in favor people that are good over those that are evil. This is because non of us are perfect.As this sentence clearly indicates.;)

So, I make am making this proposal to change the currently existing death sentence for something that will change our worse off citizen to become good people.I can hardly wait.:rolleyes:

I propose that, instead of having death sentence we replace them with about three to four years of torture sentence.And here we have a possible violation of UN Resolution #41 End Barbaric Punsihments.

This revolt around the idea that if we torture these worse off people enough they will be too afraid to recommite crimes after they left prison.

This way we can force our worse off citizens into desent human beens and we will also won't be making a killer out of ourself. Time to play my hand.
And a possible

Category: Human Rights

Strength: Significant

Proposed by: Quapo

Description: This proposal in plain and simple words, would repeal countries rights to refuse the extradition of felons back to the countries where they committed their crimes.How in the heck can you repeal a resolution that hasn't passed yet.

Category: Repeal

Resolution: #12

Proposed by: Eastwestland

Description: UN Resolution #12: Gay Rights (Category: Human Rights; Strength: Strong) shall be struck out and rendered null and void.

Argument: PEOPLE should have the right to discriminate against anyone they want.

THERE needs to be freedom of speech, Freedom of the press, and freedom of religion.

THEY need to be together.

UN RESOLTION #12 needs to be repealed to restore these rights: Freedom of Speech and Freedom of the Press. How is repealing this resolution going to affect freedom of the press when that is covered under UN Resolution #63 Freedom of Press?

Category: International Security

Strength: Strong

Proposed by: The Grelg

Description: AIMS to modernise the UN Security Council to reflect the current world political climate by creating a fairer UN Security Council, making it more favourable to other Nations by removing the Veto from the 'Big Five' as it is unfair and bias towards those nations

Will enlarge the Security Council's permanent Members to 10 and Non Permanent Members to 20.

Instead of a Veto all Proposals must be passed by a two-thirds majority of all voting members, of which two thirds of the permanent Members must agree.

Accepts that the Five current permanent nations have played a major role in World Security up to this point and thanks them however feels that the Security Council must take into account other nations who have become major players on the world stage.Veto? Security Council?

Category: International Security

Strength: Strong

Proposed by: New Dutch America

Description: Everyone needs to arm now.
War is the future. Stockpile nuclear/biologiacl and chemiacal weapons and hope to nuke everyone elese before they nuke you.
Increase the Military.
Get newer weapons and get ready to use them!!!



Category: International Security

Strength: Strong

Proposed by: Hitler XXVI

Description: This is an act to boost police budgets to put forth the NationStates Special Arms (NSA).

As you know, terrorism has increased through the past years. Our nations don't have real protection to prevent these acts of crime. If our world had such a company as the NSA, terrorism and international crimes could be decreased.

The NSA will provide:
1. A barcode system. Civilians will have a barcode which will identify you and your past.
2. An increase of security at airports. More police and cameras.
3. A secret police force that is willing to go under cover and find secret crimes such as: Drug users and Prostitution.
4. The NSA will be incharge if political party's are commiting crimes.

With the NSA in action, crimes will decrease.

I ask for your support. A secret police force? And I suppose that it will be under the UN's control which is illegal.
San Mabus
19-05-2005, 06:20
what in the world are "chav"s and vauxhalls and all that nonsense? Really, I don't have the slightest. I think pot noodles are like ramen noodles, but I'm not sure. Anyone have a Brit to English dictionary?
19-05-2005, 06:57

Repeal "Gay Rights"
A proposal to repeal a previously passed resolution

Category: Repeal
Resolution: #12
Proposed by: James Costello

Description: UN Resolution #12: Gay Rights (Category: Human Rights; Strength: Strong) shall be struck out and rendered null and void.

Argument: This resolution is an abomination. Firstly, homosexuality is unhealthy and unnatural. Secondly, the sacred institution of marriage is one of the moral pillars of our society and it would be unnecessary to degrade it. Furthermore, the resolution refers to the 'outspoken minority who wish to oppress gays'. Well, the validity of this reference depends on your view of oppression. If you cite oppression as discontent toward self-destructive behavior or the normalization thereof, then, it probably does not make much sense. Homosexuality is self-destructive behavior, whereas marriage between a man and a woman is a healthy relationship. Homosexuality is proven to spread AIDS about 20 times better than heterosexuality. So why then, should we ammend homosexual relationships as a valid type of marriage? Where do we draw the line?

How far do we carry the argument for 'tolerance' and against 'oppression' and 'discrimination'? The simple fact is that this all depends on where you draw the line. If you see homosexuality as okay (but clearly legal), you might think that polyamory is wrong. If you see polyamory as okay, you might think bestiality is wrong. However, each generation is being taught that the line has to be further and further from sanity. The truth is that the next step is opening marriage to any form of relationship. In fact, there are forms of self-marriage in some nations. We cannot let this monstrosity stand. Please, join me in striking down this inanity.

I'm also curious what "self-marriage" is.

"Do I, me, take me as lawfully wedded self? Yes, yes I do. Do me take I as..."
19-05-2005, 19:30
I'm also curious what "self-marriage" is.

"Do I, me, take me as lawfully wedded self? Yes, yes I do. Do me take I as..."

:p :p :p Ooooh that made me chuckle, nice one vastiva :D
19-05-2005, 23:53
The Delegate Rights Act

A resolution to improve worldwide human and civil rights.

Category: Human Rights Strength: Strong Proposed by: The AL East Champz

Description: KNOWING that the regional maker gets to choose whether or not the Delegate gets his rights, booting, changing options, etc.

KNOWING ALSO that this option can be turned off.

I PROPOSE that the Delegate of a Region should automatically gain rights upon approval.

IN THE CASE of no UN delegate the regional owner shall have rights until a delegate is selected

:headbang: :headbang: :headbang: We need some cards over here

20-05-2005, 05:18
Category: Moral Decency

Strength: Strong

Proposed by: Safkonia

Description: Charvas are evil. Don't let spawn more of their evil kind.What is a charva?

Category: Political Stability

Strength: Significant

Proposed by: Plor

Description: ACKNOWLEDGES That people have individual beliefs and understandings of human origins, existence and future

ACKNOWLEDGES ALSO That the individual rights of a person can never be taken away or willingly destroyed

AFFIRMING That no government or ruler should actively seek the dissolution of a religion or set of beliefs on any grounds

BE IT RESOLVED That if an individuals beliefs or religion pose a threat to the sanctity of human life and social order then any UN member holds the RIGHT to detain stated individual to protect the majority

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED That no UN member shall be held accountable for the actions of detaining said individuals upon clear grounds of protection of life and social order

ENCOURAGES UN members to actively uphold the RIGHT of an government to oppose beliefs and religion of individuals and to not be held accountable on moral or social grounds for such actions Wouldn't this be covered under "Reglious Tolerence?"

Category: Environmental

Industry Affected: All Businesses

Proposed by: Aronian States

Description: Th U.N. will shoot a rocket into space, which will be filled with seeds that are covered with a biodegradable fireproof coating. When they land on Earth (and any other planets), there will be trees for all!

Category: Social Justice

Strength: Significant

Proposed by: Vincent B

Description: To give every child under the age of 16 the right to a free education Didn't we just repeal this one?
20-05-2005, 15:18
This was a serious UN proposal:

"End Female Sufferage."


"Because its wrong that women suffer."

20-05-2005, 16:32
This was a serious UN proposal:

"End Female Sufferage."


"Because its wrong that women suffer."

It may have been serious, but the word sufferage refers to the right to vote, not to suffering.

Category: International Security

Strength: Strong

Proposed by: JiddyJedi

Description: Invading nations take over certain regions by using a nation with a high ammount of endorsements.

This resolution is to

A: Prevent further invasions by holding a vote to elect UN

B: Have the right to vote to eliminate current UN delegates.


C: Destroy the invading region/nation.Game mechanics

Category: Political Stability

Strength: Strong

Proposed by: GX-Land

Description: NOTING that many nations within the UN may help each other defend their nations in the event of riots or uprisings;

FURTHUR NOTING that many nations DO NOT help each other in these events;

PROPOSING that a system to make other nations defend each other in the event of riots or uprisings would be an intelligent decision;

STATING that whenever a nation is in a state of not UN-approved political upheavel, 1% of the military of all UN members should be dispatched to assist others.

ACKNOWLAGING that while this might seem small, the UN is large, so that it will be equivelent to hundreds if not thousands of armies.Great, so the UN will be controlling our military.:rolleyes: Oh, wait that's
21-05-2005, 04:55
Ban Rap
A resolution to restrict civil freedoms in the interest of moral decency.

Category: Moral Decency
Strength: Significant
Proposed by: Sensible Liberators

Description: We all heard of Eminem, 50 Cent, Snoop Dog, etc, etc. We all also know how these people and there "music" influence people, especially our younger generation. We need to BAN ALL RAP MUSIC, or punishment by catapult.

With Aproval of this Proposal, our kids can grow up to some nice Frank Sinatra, and The Beatles, and we don't have to worry about our kids and picking "hoes" and shooting people

Approvals: 5 (Utopian Id, Shrin Kali, Xelleron, Civil right democratic, Ginnoria)

Status: Lacking Support (requires 145 more approvals)

Voting Ends: Tue May 24 2005

"And as your punishment... here's a catapult". :confused:
21-05-2005, 07:00
"And as your punishment... here's a catapult". :confused:
Someone's watch too many episodes of The Simpsons.

Category: International Security

Strength: Significant

Proposed by: Neo Axis

Description: The Armed Republic of Neo Axis does here by propose that the United Nations takes measures to Control Nuclear development and ownership. The number of Nuclear weapons be limited. And the research slowed.

We also propose that a limit be placed on the devlopment of Bio chemicals be limited, and the ownership of Biochemical weapons not Be restricted, but BANNED. Allow us to explain. In producing bio chemicals and testing on animals we will be able to create more vaccines and medicines to help our contries.Hasn;t the UN already ruled about biological weapons?

Category: Human Rights

Strength: Strong

Proposed by: Hessen Nassau

Description: All periods of history genocide has inflicted great losses on humanity; and being convinced that, in order to liberate mankind from such an odious scourge, international co-operation is required; Hereby agree as hereinafter provided.
Article 1.
The Contracting Parties confirm that genocide, whether committed in time of peace or in time of war, is a crime under international law which they undertake to prevent and to punish.
Article 2.
In the present Convention, genocide means any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group, as such:
(a) Killing members of the group;
(b) Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group;
(c) Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part;
(d) Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group;
(e) Forcibly transferring children of the group to another group.
Article 3.
The following acts shall be punishable:
(a) Genocide;
(b) Conspiracy to commit genocide;
(c) Direct and public incitement to commit genocide;
(d) Attempt to commit genocide;
(e) Complicity in genocide.
Article 4.
Persons committing genocide or any of the other acts enumerated in Article 3 shall be punished, whether they are constitutionally responsible rulers, public officials or private individuals.
Article 5.
The Contracting Parties undertake to enact, in accordance with their respective Constitutions, the necessary legislation to give effect to the provisions of the present Convention and, in particular, to provide effective penalties for persons guilty of genocide or any of the other acts enumerated in Article 3.
Article 6.
Persons charged with genocide or any of the other acts enumerated in Article 3 shall be tried by a competent tribunal of the State in the territory of which the act was committed, or by such international penal tribunal as may have jurisdiction with respect to those Contracting Parties which shall have accepted its jurisdiction.
Article. 7.
Genocide and the other acts enumerated in Article 3 shall not be considered as political crimes for the purpose of extradition. The Contracting Parties pledge themselves in such cases to grant extradition in accordance with their laws and treaties in force.
Article 8.
Any Contracting Party may call upon the competent organs of the United Nations to take such action under the Charter of the United Nations as they consider appropriate for the prevention and suppression of acts of genocide or any of the other acts enumerated in Article 3.
Article 9.
Disputes between the Contracting Parties relating to the interpretation, application or fulfillment of the present Convention, including those relating to the responsibility of a State for genocide or any of the other acts enumerated in Article 3, shall be submitted to the International Court of Justice at the request of any of the parties to the dispute. UN Charter? Since when do we have one of those? And besides, this is already covered under Resolution 83, The Eon Convention on Genocide.

Category: The Furtherment of Democracy

Strength: Strong

Proposed by: Microallenia

Description: This resolution is to provide for a forum in which nation states compete against nation states in sporting events.

I. Membership
a. Members will be all nations that are members of the United Nations.
b. Each member through the General Assembly will nominate a committee to run the World Games.
c. Other states may join upon request to the United Nations General Assembly.

II. Committee
a. The committee will be comprised of 9 representatives.
b. Each representative shall be nominated and approved by the United Nations General Assembly.
c. The representatives must be members of the United Nations.
d. The committee will determine rules, procedures, guidlines, security, and the site of the World Games.

III. Site Determination and Nations Obligations
a. The committee will have a period of time in which the nation states will submit application for the World Games.
b. Each applicant shall submit there application to the committee and the committee will review and interview nations. Then the committe will chose three finalists in which out of the three finalists one will be chosen by the committee after each nation has given a presentation and provided in depth detail on numerous critera set by the committee.
c. Each host nation is responsible for financing the construction of facilities (i.e. Stadiums, housing for all athletes etc.), providing security, providing amenities for visitors and shall do as the committee recomends in order to have a smooth World Game.

IV. Press & Other States Obligations
a. There will be one camera feed for all international and national networks. Each states that participates will determine which network gets the right to pick up the feed from the World Games. All rights of media are reserved to the World Game Committee.
b. Each state will pay for travel expenses to the game, will ensure the safety of athletes and follow the host nations laws as applicable via international law and treaties. Each member state if found comitting crimes will be tried in the United Nations Court System and will be punishable by International Laws, Rules and Regulations. Spectators will also be treated in the same way unless citizens of the host nation.
c. Each host nation shall provide security for athletes as well.

V. Establishment of Legitimate Games
a. The committee will determine what sporting events will be held in the World Games and will stick with those games once set upon.
b. The members of the United Nations can submit a sport that they would like to see in the World Games to the committee in which the committee will determine whether to adopt it as a sport or not.
c. Each nation that participates will attain to the Athletes Code of Good Sportsmanship.

Conclusionary Statement
The attempt of this resolution is to provide a forum for states to compete besides the battlefield. These events surely will bring honor, glory and pride to states that participate.Someone needs to read the new rules regarding committees.
1 Infinite Loop
21-05-2005, 07:12
I like silly proposals, and only seriously consider the silly.
Diamond Realms
21-05-2005, 16:14
Category: Moral Decency
Strength: Significant
Proposed by: Kinkood

Description: I propose we ID and track all people's with an IQ lower than 120. Their employers should not be required to follow the minimum wage laws, they will also no longer be considered citizens.

This will significantly increase labor, making business cheaper and more profitable without having to muck around with wages, and it will increase the average IQ of the population since they will no longer be considered citizens.

:confused: You suggest making everyone with an IQ below 120 into slaves?
21-05-2005, 16:25
seriously consider the silly
How does that work?
22-05-2005, 07:22
Category: Political Stability

Strength: Significant

Proposed by: The Mormon Church

Description: This is for all UN members it gives the Nation control over Social classing (how it treats the people), Taxing systems and how much they tax a certain Social class, What it teaches in its schools, and the right to choose a relgion for the nation.

This should be passed because it gives the Nation (player) more chocies in the game and more control over its own Country.

Reasons why this shouldn't pass?? None because if you want to do what is right let you do it it is in your nation don't force other nations to do what you want them to do.I'm not entirely sure of what this resolution is trying to do but it looks like an attept to repeal mulitple resolutions with one resolution which is illegal.

Category: Repeal

Resolution: #5

Proposed by: I Want My Cake

Description: UN Resolution #5: DVD region removal (Category: Free Trade; Strength: Mild) shall be struck out and rendered null and void.

Argument: Why would you remove DVD's? They are completly harmless devices. Nations should be allowed to join more than one region. Why do you think people create more nations? So they can join other regions, and see what those regions are like. This resolution never did reduce the barriers of free trade and commerce...It only made it tighter.:confused:

Category: Political Stability

Strength: Mild

Proposed by: Chtef

Description: Within the framework to avoid all anarchy at the time of next election :
- KNOWING that all people can profit from certain freedoms
- KNOWING that the vote is obligatory
- AND so that the citizens deserve these some freedom, the death penalty should be founded for all the people not going to the polling station.

- Chtef -
- The Kingdom of Chtef -
- French Nation -
/*(Sorry for my english)*\Let me see if I understand this correctly, under this proposal, if you fail to vote in an election you recieve the death penalty.:rolleyes:
Texan Hotrodders
22-05-2005, 08:03
Let me see if I understand this correctly, under this proposal, if you fail to vote in an election you recieve the death penalty.:rolleyes:

Yes. And that means the strength is "mild" according to the proposal author... :confused:
22-05-2005, 08:09
Yes. And that means the strength is "mild" according to the proposal author... :confused:
I'd hate to see what they consider strong to be.
Texan Hotrodders
22-05-2005, 08:19
I'd hate to see what they consider strong to be.

Maybe to the proposal author Strong = torturing them for years and killing their family and friends while making them watch each other's pain.

I suppose some people do have a rather unusually extreme view of what constitutes a Strong proposal. :)
22-05-2005, 21:16
Category: Human Rights

Strength: Strong

Proposed by: Erridan

Description: I would like a Resolution to recall Brakir as a delegate of the UN. Brakir has destroyed 000. For the safety of the UN and the world, we must have him removed from the UNIllegal, proposals cannot target specific nations and/or regions.
23-05-2005, 05:10
Category: International Security

Strength: Significant

Proposed by: Vermette

Description: [United Nations International Military]

AFFIRMINNG that every nation in the UN would prefer to be better protected from terrorism and invasion.

AFFIRMING that some nations are peaceful nations and do not maintain militaries.

AFFIRMING ALSO that no such military make the said nation(s) vulnerable to attack, and thus, placing the said nation(s) sovereignty(ies) at risk.

ESTABLISHING that this resolution will form the United Nations International Military (UNIM) to protect the sovereignty of its members.

DECLARING that the UNIM will protect member nations in order of invasion. **

RESOLVING that the passing of this resolution will make ALL UN member nations free from the threat of invasion, thus increasing the number of nations in the UN. This is due to the fact that they will desire the same protection we will enjoy.

** (The meaning of this statement is that vulnerable member nations will have invasions repelled in order of when they occur. So the 1st invasion, gets the 1st military units of support. This should not prove a problem, due to the fact that the UN is so large, and the UNIM will be large as well.)Illegal, the UN cannot have an army.
23-05-2005, 17:48
A resolution to increase democratic freedoms.

Category: The Furtherment of Democracy Strength: Strong Proposed by: Utopian Winterbourne

Description: UNDERSTANDING the importance of a country's individual and sovereign rights.

ACKNOWLEDGING that a country should have more control on its position and location.

AFFIRMING the importance of regional community and cooperation, and the democratic decision of the majority, and the acknowledgement of regional support.

BE IT RESOLVED that if a nation state has 2 Endorsements or more, it cannot be removed from a region by the Founder, and the right to stay in the region, as long as it has 2 Endorsements, without threat of removal by the Founder.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a nation in question should only be removed when it has LESS than 2 Endorsements.

This one is illegal, game mechanics anyone? :rolleyes:
23-05-2005, 18:02
Category: Free Trade

Strength: Strong

Proposed by: LED ZEPPELIN IV

Description: hey shut up.and why your at it come to the 2006 anti communists aliiance and we will take down communismRegion pimping via UN proposal, I've never seen this before.

Category: Social Justice

Strength: Strong

Proposed by: Great Briiton

Description: For too long have Chavs and Pikeys ruled the streets of Great Britain. Here are my proposals:

1) The Isle of White should be turned into a giant Chav Ghetto, like a prison but with facilities. It will have Chav Shops such as blades r us and JD Sports and basic housing. There are no rules and they can work out the meaning of 'society' themselves.

2) Chav investigation officers will be employed by the government to hunt down and arrest pikeys.

3) They will be deported swiftly after their arrest.

4) Guards and the Royal Navy armed to the teeth will patrol the ghetto and any escapee will be shot on site.

5) The council estates they used to live in will therefore be demolished and society can return to the way it should be.Illegal, RL reference.

Category: Human Rights

Strength: Strong

Proposed by: Alabia

Description: WHEREAS UN Resolution #20 "RBH Replacement" states that all families that make under the national "poverty level" must be covered by health care.

WHEREAS the "poverty level" is not even US $10,000.

WHEREAS many hundreds of thousands of families that make up to US $35,000 cannot afford health care and still be able to support their own family.

PROPOSING a four-point plan designed to only change certain parts of UN Resolution #20 "RBH Replacement"

The four-point plan is as follows:
1) All families who are at or below the “poverty level” of US$10,005.50 per family member must be covered by healthcare insurance, as long as one member of the family, age 21 or older, is employed.

2) All children, age 20 and younger, must be covered by healthcare insurance and be reimbursed up to at least 55%.

3) All seniors, age 61 and older, must be covered by healthcare and prescription drug insurance/coverage and be reimbursed up to at least 65% for healthcare matters, while up to at least 50% for required prescription dugs.

4) All people, ages 21 to 60, must be offered healthcare insurance and be reimbursed up to at least 30%. In addition, if the insured, in this category, has been employed for at least 240 days in the given year, they must be reimbursed by an additional 5%.

(*Note: Monetary figures were shown in US$ as a general currency; it must be converted accordingly and appropriately based on conversion rates.)

Though this is not a full strength plan, it is a necessary start, and a reasonable start, in order to be able to be achievable by all decent nations. Basic healthcare is a necessity, and the Democratic States of Austrivum encourage all nations to pass even larger, more inclusive healthcare packages within their own nation.
The exceptions to this resolution include:
1) A UN nation classified as a “third world country,” by the UN, does not have to implement this resolution until its status is upgraded.

2) A UN nation determined to be “at war” by the UN, is exempted from continuing the program, but must have a backup program/plan.

3) A nation whose economic situation is detrimental may plea to the UN for a reduced strength “Required Basic Healthcare” resolution. However, should the UN at any time deem a UN nation’s economy stable enough to support the full strength resolution, it must be implemented under order from the UN.

After this resolution’s passage, it must be instituted within three (3) months, otherwise face UN ejection, or plea one’s case for additional time, that cannot be in excess of an additional eighteen (18) months, to be granted only by and through the UN Illegal, not only because RBH Replacement would need to be repealed first, but it states that nations that are not in compliance face ejection from the UN.
23-05-2005, 18:39
Plus it is quoting real life income figures, although im not sure if that is illegal or not
23-05-2005, 23:23
Category: Moral Decency
Strength: Strong
Proposed by: Bezwold

Description: A resolution to stop the supporting of Sheffield United.

In order to control the evil thing of being a Sheffield United fan we must ban everyone from supporting this evil team.

All people must follow Sheffield Wednesday and it will be a capital crime to mention Sheffield United.
23-05-2005, 23:26
Military For Violent Teens

A resolution to restrict civil freedoms in the interest of moral decency.

Category: Moral Decency

Strength: Strong

Proposed by:

Description: There is a growing number of teen violence and crime in nations all over. I believe, with the help of more funding, we can decrease this problem with the following :

1) If a teen (ages between 13 and 18) commits an act of violence or a crime, (list of examples at bottom) should be put in some military branch for the minimum of 2 years.

*Acts of Violence are descrbed and related to as this:
-Breaking and entering
-Grand Theft Auto
-Destruction of Public Property
*Not all listed above. Just examples. Subject to be discussed when crime is commited.

Approvals: 1

Status: Lacking Support (requires 149 more approvals)

Voting Ends: Thu May 26 2005

Is it just me or is putting teens who have already shown they are violent into the army where they can learn bigger and better killing tecniques a very silly idea? I mean the aim of the army is to kill the enemy right.
24-05-2005, 05:53
Category: Human Rights

Strength: Significant

Proposed by: Ramonscar

Description: Whereas all children age of 8 through 18 should be allowed to work under certain restrictions.

Kids from age 8-11 should be allowed to work in family owned businesses as long as they are under correct supervision.

Kids from age 12-14 should be allowed to work in all jobs not involving dangerous equipment or materials, and do not require things that those children are not able to obtain.

Kids age 15-17 should be able to work at all jobs that they are able to except for the ones that require college, years or expirience, etc.

*This would make it so kids don't have to take their parents money and they can earn it on their own.
*Kids would be able to learn how to make a living on their own before they have to go out into the real world so there won't be as much poverty.
*Businesses will be able to employh more people and sell to more customers if kids work and get money to buhy things with.Possibly illegal as it could be considered to be in violation of Child Labor.

ategory: Repeal

Resolution: #26

Proposed by: Plor

Description: UN Resolution #26: The Universal Bill of Rights (Category: Human Rights; Strength: Strong) shall be struck out and rendered null and void.

Argument: PROPOSES to remove article 8 form the Universal Bill of Rights for the following reasons:

1) An individual can be directly influenced and manipulated by others including family members from a young age with little choice in upbringing and influences, the individual can not be held wholly accountable for actions

2) The acts of a family member can influence the acts of an individual, therefore, the family member is partially to blame for any unlawful acts and must be held accountable to the extent of that influence

PROPOSES to add the following section to the Universal Bill of Rights:

Equal rights are often misinterpreted or used for an individual or governments advantage. Often equal rights are abused my majorities on the minorities and minorities to influence the majorities. Equal rights offer rights to all regardless of anything.

ACKNOWLEDGES that every person has a RIGHT to equal rights regardless of GENDER (male, female, undefined, transgender or both), AGE, COLOUR OF SKIN, WEIGHT OR ANY CLASSIFICATION OF THE HUMAN BODY OR SCALE THEREOF.

ALSO ACKNOWLEDGES that equal rights apply to states of mind and that any person of self-conscious thought has equal rights

ALSO ACKNOWLEDGES that equal rights apply to the free will and choice of an individual

PROPOSES that equal rights be upheld in courts of law regardless of any of the above mentioned factors

This will prevent any form of bias due to a difference of individual

ENCOURAGES that all individuals be treated as such and that while basic human rights stand, further individual rights are of an individual level especially within a court of law I never thought I'd see someone try to repeal this one. And with repeals it's all or nothing you can't just remove part of a resolution that you diasgree with.

Category: Environmental

Industry Affected: All Businesses

Proposed by: MoralMajority

Description: RECOGNIZING that this area has been primarily uncharted;
UNDERSTANDING the potential value of untapped resources in the region;
REALIZING possible dangers to the environment,
I hereby propose the following resolution.

That the members of the United Nations agree that Antartica be the property of no individual coutnry.
That the members of the United Nations explore the Antartic region using tools that will not damage the environment.

The members of the United Nations will form a United Nations Expedition to explore the region for various resources without damage to the environment, and the resources will be used to future United Nations projects. The exploration will observe this enviroment that has not been disrupted by manmade problems, and hopefully apply information learned to improving the environment in United Nations countries.
This will not only provide us greater information about the Antartica region, but will form greater unity within the United Nations. Hey Vastiva, you should probably be aware of this one, especially as, should it pass, you'd have to move.:D
24-05-2005, 12:22
:confused: You suggest making everyone with an IQ below 120 into slaves?

*imagines raising EU's flag over America*

(Just kidding - I admit there are some clever people in America and a hell of a lot of idiots in Europe...)
24-05-2005, 17:16
Category: Political Stability

Strength: Mild

Proposed by: Risorgimento UAP

Description: I believe we need to secure a balance of political power, peace, and prosperity for the regions and nations of Nationstates.

In order to achieve this goal I suggest the UN set up an organization run by and for the people of NS. I call it:
NISEI which stands for the Nationstates Institution for Security, Espionage, and Investigation.

It will accomplish these simple tasks:

1) To restore a balance of power between the UN, MODs, and people of NS. Keeping a series of checks and balances (ie like the USA branches)

2) The right to Secure and protect the fragile rights and freedoms of all regions and newbie nations to guide them against oppression.

3) The right to use Espionage tactics to infiltrate and arrest hackers, region crashers, and invaders whom's only will is to crush their "enemies".

4) The right to Investigate all signs of governmental oppression from corrupt regions, UN officials, and top leaders of the Administration to end bribery,fraud, and political sleaze for the good of the people!

5) to provide a united front against criminal activity everywhere (the Interpol of NS).

6) To release valuable and vast quantities of data to the public whenever they need it (except listed criminals).This one is so illegal I don't even know where to start.

Description: NOTING the increasing pressure on the Health Services, and the limitations of the budget of nations to continue financing adequate health care for its citizens;

AWARE that a large proportion of the health budget is spent on operations and care for smoking-related illness;

ALERT to the fact that the vast majority of smoking related illnesses are self-inflicted

PROHIBITS the following practices:

1) The use, spread, and creation without proper safety precautions*, of computer viruses and other similar malicious programs including worms, Trojans, or any other program which damages, or otherwise adversely affects, computer systems; or destroys, damages, manipulates or steals information without authorisation. This excludes security specialists in their attempts to find new ways of defending against viruses, so long as they are creating and using such programs solely for that purpose, and do not use them without the authorisation of the owners of the computer system. They still may not spread them, and they must use proper safety precautions* (*to prevent spread and/or direct damage to computer systems or data in them without the express permission of the owners).

2) Computer hacking, defined as the intentional unauthorised access to, or unauthorised use, theft, manipulation or damage of information stored electronically.

3) Identity theft, defined as any unauthorised attempt to use or steal elements pertaining to another individual’s identity, including credit card details.

MANDATES that any business, organisation (either governmental or non-governmental) must take security measures to protect any confidential data contained in them, especially that data that pertains to information about their customers or members of the public. Such measures may include, but are not limited to, password protection of systems, data encryption, firewall installation, and virus scanning software, etc.

URGES all UN nations to implement security measures or legislation to protect these computer networks and the information contained on them through the promotion of, and education on, such measures, including encryption, password protection, firewalls, virus scanning software, and the use of secure operating systems, etc.

ENCOURAGES international cooperation between national law enforcement agencies, as well as the voluntary co-operation of the computer and Internet industry, in an attempt to reduce computer crime and improve the security of global computer networks and systems

ESTABLISHES the International Computer Security Institute (ICSI) whose tasks shall be to:

1) monitor international computer crime and work with law enforcement agencies to prevent it

2) promote and encourage the development of new security systems to help prevent computer crime

3) create and co-ordinate education programmes on computer crime prevention

and which shall be funded by voluntary donations by states, organisations, businesses or individuals.OK, it starts off by talking about smokers and then suddenly the text is identical to the current resolution up for vote.
25-05-2005, 03:07
Hey Vastiva, you should probably be aware of this one, especially as, should it pass, you'd have to move.:D

I wonder if that makes it illegal...
25-05-2005, 05:54
I wonder if that makes it illegal...
With there being a region named Antarctica I would suppose that it would violate the rule about UN resolutions targeting specific regions.

Category: The Furtherment of Democracy

Strength: Mild

Proposed by: Joravecland

Description: I propose to allow more freedoms within nations. I propose to:
ALLOW nations to create their own system of taxation.Already in place.
HOPE that the U.N. will not impose bans on members that choose little, none, or unfair taxation.Impossible to do anyway.
GIVE nations the power to talk with other nations about other governments. They should deal with their own problems with other nations WITHOUT having to go through the U.N.Since when to telegrams go through the UN?

Category: Gun Control

Decision: Relax

Proposed by: Bongonuts

Description: Due to the fact that criminal court cases can last for months and the police work prior to the arrest is time and resource consuming, a time and resource saving procedure for the police and courts need to be put in place.

Local neighbourhood watch leaders will be granted the following rights:
1) Upon passing a vigilante training course the individual will be granted a license to bare arms for protecting the community
2) The right to pass a lethal sentance to criminals commiting crimes of excessive violence or murder by performing an execution
3) The right to appoint two deputys who may bare arms for communal protection only; ie. no execution rights

The licensed "vigiliantes" as part of the neighbourhood watch have the following responsibilities:
1) To control local violent crime and keep levels low
2) To fill concise reports to the police
3) To keep all firearms under their control with a loss or misuse of their weapon incurring a 2 prison sentance and a ban from the neighbourhood watch for 5 years.
Category: International Security

Strength: Significant

Proposed by: Bongonuts

Description: Due to the fact that criminal court cases can last for months and the police work prior to the arrest is time and resource consuming, a time and resource saving procedure for the police and courts need to be put in place.

Local neighbourhood watch leaders will be granted the following rights:
1) Upon passing a vigilante training course the individual will be granted a license to bare arms for protecting the community
2) The right to pass a lethal sentance to criminals commiting crimes of excessive violence or murder by performing an execution
3) The right to appoint two deputys who may bare arms for communal protection only; ie. no execution rights

The licensed "vigiliantes" as part of the neighbourhood watch have the following responsibilities:
1) To control local violent crime and keep levels low
2) To fill concise reports to the police
3) To keep all firearms under their control with a loss or misuse of their weapon incurring a 2 prison sentance and a ban from the neighbourhood watch for 5 years.Great idea, give ordinary citizens a license to kill.:rolleyes: That won't take long to be abused.

Category: Global Disarmament

Strength: Strong

Proposed by: The Sacred Inquisition

Description: My Proposal is that every country in the UN reserves an Area of several Square Miles wich would be declareted as a Combat Zone . If these countrys going on War against each other troops would only fight in this specific Combat Zones to reduce Zivil losses and damage on Cities , Culture and Infrstructure to Zero . And that the Area wouldnt become contaminated there would also be a ban of all Nuclerar,Biological and Chemic Weapons .

Its just like a New Geneva convention .First off, even mentioning a ban on nukes is an instant way to insure that your proposal will never be passed, secondly, since when do we have an old Geneva convention?

Category: Environmental

Industry Affected: All Businesses

Proposed by: Solvon

Description: We nned more oil so lets drill for it and lets tell those tree hugers to go screw a goat and please nothing gonna happen in that stupid wildlife refuge.
Common prices on oil are to big 50$ per berrel common we need more oil or we can get more bu get it from other country. We need biger budget fro Drilling Somebody doesn't understand what Environmental proposals do (and I'm not even going to mention the unusual spelling in the title).
25-05-2005, 06:58
Hey Vastiva, you should probably be aware of this one, especially as, should it pass, you'd have to move.:D

Considering it deals with Antartica not Antarctica, Vastiva has nothing to worry about. In fact, I really wonder where this "Antartica" is...
25-05-2005, 16:09
Category: The Furtherment of Democracy

Strength: Strong

Proposed by: Yarg Sarkor

Description: The UN is not a governing body as such the UN shall enact no further legislation that interfere's with an individual region's right to self determination. The powers of the UN shall be limited in nature such that no resolution shall have a strength greater than "mild".

Further the UN general council shall review all past legislation and down grade or repeal all legislation that has a strength greater than "mild".

It is the purpose of the UN to influence rather than legislate change.Another proposal that violates game mechanics.
25-05-2005, 23:05
The Banning Of The Lemon

A resolution to reduce barriers to free trade and commerce.

Category: Free Trade

Strength: Mild

Proposed by:

Description: Everyday, seven people are killed by lemons entering there house and hitting them over the head with frying pans. This cannot happen anymore.

Fact: The Lemon is Evil
Fact: The Lemon said you were Fat
Fact: The Lemon has been trying to take over the world and make all non lemon things its slaves
Fact: The Lemon is planning on getting YOU next

Don't let this happen, ban the lemon today.
Please, for the sake of mankind

Approvals: 0

Status: Lacking Support (requires 150 more approvals)

Voting Ends: Sat May 28 2005

I guess this is a classic example of a joke proposal :D.
26-05-2005, 06:28
Category: Human Rights

Strength: Significant

Proposed by: Daughrity

Description: Considering that, in accordance with the principles proclaimed in the Charter of the United Nations and other international instruments, recognition of the inherent dignity and of the equal and inalienable rights of all members of the human family is the foundation of freedom, justice and peace in the world,

Bearing in mind the obligation of States to promote universal respect for, and observance of, human rights and fundamental freedoms,

Deeply concerned that in many countries, often in a persistent manner, enforced disappearances occur, in the sense that persons are arrested, detained or abducted against their will or otherwise deprived of their liberty by officials of different branches or levels of Government, or by organized groups or private individuals acting on behalf of, or with the support, direct or indirect, consent or acquiescence of the Government, followed by a refusal to disclose the fate or whereabouts of the persons concerned or a refusal to acknowledge the deprivation of their liberty, which places such persons outside the protection of the law,

Considering that enforced disappearance undermines the deepest values of any society committed to respect for the rule of law, human rights and fundamental freedoms, and that the systematic practice of such acts is of the nature of a crime against humanity,

Recalling concern about the reports from various parts of the world relating to enforced or involuntary disappearances, as well as about the anguish and sorrows caused by those disappearances, and called upon Governments to hold law enforcement and security forces legally responsible for excesses which might lead to enforced or involuntary disappearances of persons,

Recalling also the protection afforded to victims of armed conflicts

Having regard in particular to the relevant articles of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, which protect the right to life, the right to liberty and security of the person, the right not to be subjected to torture and the right to recognition as a person before the law,

Having regard also to the Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment, which provides that States parties shall take effective measures to prevent and punish acts of torture,

Bearing in mind the Code of Conduct for Law Enforcement Officials, the Basic Principles on the Use of Force and Firearms by Law Enforcement Officials, the Declaration of Basic Principles of Justice for Victims of Crime and Abuse of Power and the Standard Minimum Rules for the Treatment of Prisoners,

Affirming that, in order to prevent enforced disappearances, it is necessary to ensure strict compliance with the Body of Principles for the Protection of All Persons under Any Form of Detention or Imprisonment and with the Principles on the Effective Prevention and Investigation of Extra-legal, Arbitrary and Summary Executions

Bearing in mind that, while the acts which comprise enforced disappearance constitute a violation of the prohibitions found in the aforementioned international instruments, it is none the less important to devise an instrument which characterizes all acts of enforce disappearance of persons as very serious offences and sets forth standards designed to punish and prevent their commission.This one is silly for only one reason.
All those documents mentioned, don't exist in NS, in some cases there are equalivents but since they weren't mentioned.

Category: International Security

Strength: Strong

Proposed by: Mo-Po-Lo-Jo-To-Jo-Ho

Description: It has come to the attension of the worlds leading nations, that space has indeed become the final frontier. Ibelieve that in order to further insure global securtiy, that the UN has outlaw the use of space as a battlefield. the Un must enforce these regulations very firmly to ensure peace in the future.Someone want to tell the author that there are nations not in the UN out there in space who would have no qualms attacking us and that under this resolution we wouldn't be able to fight back.

Category: Human Rights

Strength: Strong

Proposed by: Rostum

Description: am submitting a proposal to help and aid gays, and to give them rights. Though I am not a gay, I realize everybody MUST have equal rights. Not only is it immoral to take away gay rights, it is indecent. We must fight to further human rights by recognizing gays are a part of the human race.

Further that it may be noticed, you do not wake up one morning and say "Self, I think I'll be gay today." You are born gay. It is NOT A CHOICE, IT IS THE WAY YOU ARE BORN. To take rights away from the gays, why, this is like saying "All right. Today, I have decided that all of you Portugese have no rights. I know, you have no control of your birth, but, let's face it. We just don't want you guys to pollute our Utopian World".


ACT NOW.Got news for you Rostum, it's been done. (
26-05-2005, 07:08
I guess this is a classic example of a joke proposal :D.

Ban the lemon? :( Besides, it's also a great movie.
27-05-2005, 16:09
Category: Human Rights

Strength: Strong

Proposed by: Kaiton

Description: RECOGNIZING that most resolutions have verbs in all caps at the beginning of each sentence for some reason

ACKNOWLEDGING that I have no clue why there are so many unnecessary human rights proposals and wish to submit one of my own, I will get to the point. upon passing of this resoultion all UN citizens have the right to breathe. =D

Category: Global Disarmament

Strength: Strong

Proposed by: Compassionate Justice

Description: Regarding my recent proposal re: cluster bomb bans,
which was rejected by admin. for real world references,
I would like to appeal for reconsideration.

I made no references to real world incidents or nations.
I was referring only to banning cluster bombs and detailing
what they are... surely this is no more real world than
references already within the game to actual religions
and actual political movements (e.g. Nazis)and other
actual issues (e.g. euthenasia,computer crime, diseases)
and other actual weapons (e.g. why is nuclear disarmament not real world but cluster bomb disarmament too real world?)

I am assuming that if all those other parties, religions,
movements, issues, and weapons can exist in both the real
world and on nationstates, cluster bombs would exist in
both realms. Could the ban proceed if I had been more
vague about the nature of cluster bombs? (and why? would
the computer crimes act have been dismissed if they
had described how computers are made?)

Please give this another look.

bjWhy is this submitted as a proposal?

Category: Moral Decency

Strength: Mild

Proposed by: Nipcheese

Description: The Poncho is a scurge on modern day society. It is the uniform of the dolled up Chav and is an affront to humanity. It must be banned! More importantly they are a safety hazard - many poncho related entanglements have occured over the last few years resulting in major injury and/or embarassment.
Ban them - It is the only logical thing to do!This is definitely an international issue.:rolleyes:
29-05-2005, 07:03
Category: International Security

Strength: Strong

Proposed by: Hezbollah Empire Rep

Description: Nuclear Defense Policy

1. Only UN Member are aloud to have Nuclear Technology.
2. If UN Member have Nuclear Technology other nation/region will bother your nation/region.
3. And it a Good Defense Policy against other nation,
4. Only UN Member will have Nuclear Technology.
5. And you can drop Nuclear Bombs and only UN Members have it.
6. Drop it on some nation/region that are not in UN you are OK!!.
7. You don’t have to fear other nations/regions you have a Nuke you don’t care.
8. If you don’t like a Nation/Region drop a Nuke on it.

So do you want other nations to mash you nation/region so think about it.
I think that this Resolution is what we need for nations/regions Defense.
Do you want other nations or regions to tell you what to do I don’t I what To do what I want in my nation/region don’t be afraid to vote for this Resolution
this Resolution I good and it will work

HEZBOLLAH EMPIRE REPIllegal, UN resolutions cannot affect non member nations.

Category: Human Rights

Strength: Strong

Proposed by: DaSlayer

Description: for all nations to delegate a team of 6 scientist to help find cures for deceases and that each scientific group must keep in contact with each group as to the progress of their research.Study "deceases," does that mean that these scientists are trying to make people immortal? (if so, sign me up:))

Category: Human Rights

Strength: Strong

Proposed by: Vincent B

Description: Everyone under the age of 18 shall have the right to a free education.

Children are the future.It's been done, see Free Education ( for more details.
29-05-2005, 09:22
Grammar Improvement Act
A resolution to increase democratic freedoms.

Category: The Furtherment of Democracy
Strength: Significant
Proposed by: Royston--Vasey

Description: RECOGNIZING that grammar standards are declining world-wide.

HOPING to improve the standards of Grammar worldwide:

1-Establish the International Institute of Grammar (IIG) to advise national governments how to improve standards.

2-Issue penalties to companies which use poor garmmar in their advertisments.

Approvals: 2 (Royston--Vasey, Pharan)

Status: Lacking Support (requires 148 more approvals)

Voting Ends: Tue May 31 2005

Oh, the irony... oh the pain... :rolleyes:
Texan Hotrodders
29-05-2005, 09:57
Oh, the irony... oh the pain... :rolleyes:

Hmmm. I wonder if we could get Hack to make a rule that ironic proposals are illegal.
Saint Uriel
29-05-2005, 14:20
Yes I Cannibus
A resolution to ban, legalize, or encourage recreational drugs.

Category: Recreational Drug Use
Decision: Legalize
Proposed by: The One Holy Empire

Description: We hereby decree that the growing and use of all cannaboids be legalized in all UN states. Individual states will be allowed to restrict areas of usage (I.E. private residences/public areas) and choose distribution methods as they see fit.
Not much of an argument there, but I give 'em points for a catchy title.
Rogue Newbie
29-05-2005, 15:36
Ahhh, yes, because we all know that potheads getting their fix is worthy of international attention. *proceeds to tumble out of his seat laughing at the absurdity of the above proposal*
Saint Uriel
29-05-2005, 17:51
Outlawing Dictatorships
A resolution to increase democratic freedoms.
Category: The Furtherment of Democracy
Strength: Strong
Proposed by: Muppix

Description: The UN body recognizes the fact that too many of the world's coutries are run by one small elite of people; a socalled dictatorship.

The UN body acknowledge the fact that the UN is founded on democratic values, although there has been a firm policy of the UN to accept dictatorships into the UN body.

The growth of non-democratic nations must be looked upon as a threat to the whole system that the UN is founded upon, and the UN body must acknowledge this fact as true.

The People's Republic of Muppix call upon all nations to forbid the dictatorships, the evil-doers, to be a part of our democratic forum for debate.

The UN body will hereafter be a mass of democratic nations, solving world-wide problems in a democratic way, without the hurdles, as the dictatorships represent.
Its tough to get more obviously illegal than this one. There's a lot of "psychotic dictatorships" in the UN.
Compulsory Cremation
A resolution to restrict civil freedoms in the interest of moral decency.
Category: Moral Decency
Strength: Significant
Proposed by: Landolina

Description: A better solution in cremation offers a simple, dignified alternative to the costly funeral experience that often creates financial disaster for those on limited or fixed incomes. Today's funeral is a major expense and can be repeated many times within an individual's lifetime. Few people, however, have the knowledge or experience to proceed when that day arrives.

Burial takes up valuable land and for this reason many people consider cremation to be more environmentally friendly however I wish for my proposal not to be environmentally orientated. Land is vital and is often taken up needlessly with mass burial grounds, this being with no disrespect to those that have previously passed away.

Nations in the UN should therefore implement this resolution. As vital land is quickly being used. Cremation is generally cheaper for the citizens of your nation. Nations with high populations can easily dispose of the growing numbers of their dead. Nations that aspire to become larger nations would further benefit in the future.

Cremation is a reliable and cost effective option to remove the ever-increasing worry of the amounting dead, especially in the scenario of war. Governments can also regulate and control the cremation process.
I'd have to call national sovereignty on this. There's several RL and NS religions that would prohibit cremation.
Hey wheres my gun?
A resolution to tighten or relax gun control laws.
Category: Gun Control
Decision: Tighten
Proposed by: Fascist Confederation

Description: In our world today we have terrorists running in through our streets wielding guns in thier hands. They go up to five year old children and shoot them and laugh. I say it is time to pull out old betsie and start shooting these terrorists who have been hurting our nations futures.
Shoot them and laugh? Ummm... ok. But how are you going to pull out old Betsie if you're proposing a resolution to TIGHTEN gun laws?
29-05-2005, 21:30

"It's not a repeal.... no, really, it's not... no, not the wrong category as well..."

Abolish Marriage
A resolution to improve worldwide human and civil rights.

Category: Human Rights
Strength: Significant
Proposed by: Sparkbomb

Description: REPEAL resolutions: 12, 69 (For reaffirmation of resolution 12), 81 (Defintion of Marriage), 99 (For citing resolution 12)

SEEING the controversy overwelming the issue of gay marriage, you must look at the root of the cause; which is that our governments are using the christian doctrine of marriage.

And so, in support of the freedom of religion, and recognizing that not all people believe in the idea of marriage this document now redefines marriage as:

Marriage: A religious union between two people.

SECONDLY, all nations in the UN will be required to remove the ability of their governments to unite two people in marriage

Approvals: 0

Status: Lacking Support (requires 150 more approvals)
29-05-2005, 21:31
Rid the World of AIDS
A resolution to restrict civil freedoms in the interest of moral decency.

Category: Moral Decency
Strength: Significant
Proposed by: Anglar

Description: People are being affected by AIDS every day, and it needs to end!

Arricle 1. All known people in America must get a blue letter A tattooed on their left thumb if they have become infected, and a red letter A tattooed on their left thumb if they infected someone else.

Article 2. Any one with AIDS that is caught covering their tattoo up, or lying about their condition must be exterminated immediately.

Article 3. Foreign immigrants must have a blue A stamped on their passport so they cannot enter the U.S. Foreign immigrants who do not have AIDS, must have red A stamped on their passport to prove that they have been checked.

If we do not rid America of AIDS, there might not be an America in the future.

I wasn't aware America = "The World". :rolleyes:

And Article 2 effectively outlawed gloves and mittens... in my country, that's attempted disfigurement by frostbite.
29-05-2005, 21:35
And from the "More for Less!" crowd, we get...

Selective Voting
A resolution to increase democratic freedoms.

Category: The Furtherment of Democracy
Strength: Significant
Proposed by: Veldin City

Description: There is a problem with the way laws are voted on and passed in each nation. Why do men vote on abortion, wouldn't it be more fair to have only women and married men vote on it? What about gun control, why should we let biased people like gun-collecters or anti-gun activists vote on it? We don't have biased juries in court trials, so why should we allow biased voters?

Democracy will be improved if we only let certain people vote on certain issues.

Approvals: 0

"Yes! If fewer people vote, there's more democracy!" :confused:
Saint Uriel
30-05-2005, 02:35
I wasn't aware America = "The World". :rolleyes:

And Article 2 effectively outlawed gloves and mittens... in my country, that's attempted disfigurement by frostbite.
Good points. I also seem to remember a period in RL history where a group of people was forced by their government to get identifying tatoos. I don't think that worked out too well, to say the least.
30-05-2005, 05:22
Good points. I also seem to remember a period in RL history where a group of people was forced by their government to get identifying tatoos. I don't think that worked out too well, to say the least.
Definatly not, especally for those people being tattooed.

Category: Political Stability

Strength: Strong

Proposed by: The Imperial Raven

Description: With the growing state of terrorism and hate crimes, it is time to bring the world into a united empire of peace and tranquility to the citizens of the world.

Recognises: The Shadow of fear that is terrorism and Hate Crimes and the corrupt political unstability that a major part of the world is in

Acknowledges: The Right of freedom of speech, and the needs of countries

Proposal: A lengthend state of Marshall law where a UN appointed Military group known as "Capital Police" will be trained as an elite policing force designed to maintain peace and order within major cities and towns and further more be a quick acting strike force intended to meet possible aggressors with a swift display of power.

The Capital police will not be a force designed to remove the rights from Citizens but instead ensure their long term safety, no longer will people walk in fear of murderers and rapists when Capital Police forces are protecting the streets ready to react to a situation with in a moments notice

Training: The Capital police will be trained as a quick response unit, they will be given training in the following areas

High Speed Driving
Skid Control
Various Fire Arms Operation
The Operation of Military Veichles
Hostage Negotiations
Bomb Disposal
Martial Arts and Other Close Combat Techniques

Further More the Capital Police will have access to a range of equipment that will allow a greater edge over the possible aggressors that the Capital Police will encounter
these include

7.26mm GPMG's (General Purpose Machine Gun)

MK.III Tactical Combat armour, a kevlar stab and high velocity reistant combat armour that covers a portion of the arms, shins, thighs and chest.

Full Combat Helm, including a respirator connected to a filtration unit built into the wearers back pack, thermal night and flare comp built into the eye sockets of the helmet.

Back pack, incoporating filtration unit for respirator, ammunition belts for GPMG and communication systems for inter squad and Command HQ relays

Further more: There will be two different types of Rank, Trooper and Officer.

This will be Denoted by White armour for Troopers and Black Armour for Officers

This Act will allow the world to become a safer place with a Corruption free Policing Force ensuring Peace and Prosperity for all...
Illegal, attempting to create a UN controlled police force.
Saint Uriel
30-05-2005, 05:47
I'm surprised this one has gotten as many endorsements as it has. There must be a lot of Star Wars fans among regional delegates:
Jedi Religion
A resolution to improve worldwide human and civil rights.
Category: Human Rights
Strength: Significant
Proposed by: Auxillia

Description: RECOGNISING that many of the people of today seek a different kind of religion

BELIEVING that such a religion cannot be bound to national boundaries

PROPOSE the foundation of a international religion of Jedi, to which all shall be free to join

ALLOWING the UN to use said Jedi as diplomats and healers when nessecary

RESTRICTING the Jedi only to the processes of the UN, and forbidding them from interfering with the proscesses of a soverign state

LIMITING the Jedi to a meditative order, not one of combat

REQUESTING the construction of a home for the said order on neutral ground

Approvals: 36 (Auxillia, Daughrity, Bernardi, Gaiah, Black Reading, Shrin Kali, Fishy19, Apolian Pirates, Federated Mattropolis, Ministria, NeoCoruscant, Blue Floyd, Gansine, Pharan, Adrianopoli, SunderlandAFC, Pezzo, Zealotos, Money-Makers, Surnamia, The Derrak Quadrant, Awesome Possumdor, Darker Autumn, Andrewcool, SenatorHoser, Landolina, Thanalornz, The Imperial Raven, CankerSore, Republic of Freedonia, City-State, LeFleur, King Dubya, Finbergia, Cornycopia, Cameckistan)

Status: Lacking Support (requires 114 more approvals)

Voting Ends: Mon May 30 2005
*shakes fist at George Lucas* This proposal is all YOUR fault!
30-05-2005, 05:54
"Fight for cures"

Category: Human Rights

Strength: Strong

Proposed by: DaSlayer

Description: for all nations to delegate a team of 6 scientist to help find cures for deceases and that each scientific group must keep in contact with each group as to the progress of their research.

Study "deceases," does that mean that these scientists are trying to make people immortal? (if so, sign me up:))

...and from someone named "DaSlayer". So I wonder- was that proposal supposed to be sarcastic?

"State of Marshall Law Act"
Category: Political Stability

Strength: Strong

Proposed by: The Imperial Raven

Description: With the growing state of terrorism and hate crimes, it is time to bring the world into a united empire of peace and tranquility to the citizens of the world.

Recognises: The Shadow of fear that is terrorism and Hate Crimes and the corrupt political unstability that a major part of the world is in

Acknowledges: The Right of freedom of speech, and the needs of countries

Proposal: A lengthend state of Marshall law where a UN appointed Military group known as "Capital Police" will be trained as an elite policing force designed to maintain peace and order within major cities and towns and further more be a quick acting strike force intended to meet possible aggressors with a swift display of power.

The Capital police will not be a force designed to remove the rights from Citizens but instead ensure their long term safety, no longer will people walk in fear of murderers and rapists when Capital Police forces are protecting the streets ready to react to a situation with in a moments notice

Training: The Capital police will be trained as a quick response unit, they will be given training in the following areas

High Speed Driving
Skid Control
Various Fire Arms Operation
The Operation of Military Veichles
Hostage Negotiations
Bomb Disposal
Martial Arts and Other Close Combat Techniques

Further More the Capital Police will have access to a range of equipment that will allow a greater edge over the possible aggressors that the Capital Police will encounter
these include

7.26mm GPMG's (General Purpose Machine Gun)

MK.III Tactical Combat armour, a kevlar stab and high velocity reistant combat armour that covers a portion of the arms, shins, thighs and chest.

Full Combat Helm, including a respirator connected to a filtration unit built into the wearers back pack, thermal night and flare comp built into the eye sockets of the helmet.

Back pack, incoporating filtration unit for respirator, ammunition belts for GPMG and communication systems for inter squad and Command HQ relays

Further more: There will be two different types of Rank, Trooper and Officer.

This will be Denoted by White armour for Troopers and Black Armour for Officers

This Act will allow the world to become a safer place with a Corruption free Policing Force ensuring Peace and Prosperity for all...
Illegal, attempting to create a UN controlled police force.

Actually, I disagree with your reasoning of why it's illegal- the title has absoluetly nothing to do with the subject, because "Marshall Law", the TV Series, was cancelled and the proposal does not address that (nor does it address the issue surrounding the comic book's status either). Now, if it was dealing with martial law, then, yes, I'd agree that it's an illegal attempt at creating an UN army, but the title says otherwise.

Saint Uriel
31-05-2005, 01:56
Prohibition of Alcohol
A resolution to restrict civil freedoms in the interest of moral decency.
Category: Moral Decency
Strength: Strong
Proposed by: Trexia

Description: Section 1
The manufacture, sale, or transportation of intoxicating liquors within, the importation thereof into, or the exportation thereof from any nation within the United Nations thereof for beverage purposes is hereby prohibited.

Section 2.
The United Nations shall have the power to enforce this article by appointing a committee temporarily named the Alcohol Investigation and Prosecution Agency (AIPA).

Section 3.
This article shall be inoperative unless it shall have been ratified as a resolution to the United Nations by the United Nations Delegates of the many regions.
Yeah, this one didn't work out so great when it was tried in the RL US. Oh well, if it passes, the black market value of my nation's rum and pinot noir would probably more than quintuple.
Create a International Commis
A resolution to improve world security by boosting police and military budgets.

Category: International Security
Strength: Mild
Proposed by: Lyshero

Description: Create a International Commission
I propose that the budgets of police and military must be assigned by a commission at the international level.
According to the size, of the force with deployed, the power of the country.

- Creation of an international commission, gathering the five greater powers of each continent, on the budgets organizes and soldier who allows to give subsidies to the wishing countries to intervene in other countries in conflict to safeguard a certain sereinity in these same countries by bringing military forces and of police force to make safe the humane cords.

Second Part:

- Creation of a treating group of the safety of the borders of each country or each Community union.

I wait your agreements to vote for this proposal.
Kingdom o Lyshero
If I'm reading this right, it's yet another attempt to create a UN army. Good Lord, there's a lot of these. Maybe we should just pass out blue helmets for the armies of all the UN nations and they'll stop trying to make a UN peacekeeping force. Also, I hope English is not the first language of the proposal author, 'cause that would be sad.
No More Mornings
A resolution to improve worldwide human and civil rights.
Category: Human Rights
Strength: Mild
Proposed by: Grays Harbor

Description: RECOGNIZING: That some people and/or other sentient beings find it hard to drag themselves out of bed in the mornings

UNDERSTANDING: How unreasonable it is for corporations to demand such of them

ENCOURAGING: That all people and/or other sentient being have an inherant right to sleep in

URGING: All Corporations to cooperate with the aforementioned right

EXHORTING: That the hours between 5AM and 9AM be made illegal in all UN Nations and all people and/or other sentient beings be allowed to sleep in as not everybody is a "morning person"
I hate mornings too, but this is just ridiculous.
Compulsory nudity proposal
A resolution to restrict civil freedoms in the interest of moral decency.
Category: Moral Decency
Strength: Significant
Proposed by: Cy young award winners

Description: This proposal calls for the compulsory nudity for all nations within the UN. While this may seem a bit odd, lit me point out a couple of benefits.

1. Social equality would become more significant now that clothing would be gone.
2. With no use for our clothes, we could improve economy by selling our clothes to those nations that are not in the UN.
3. Land can be saved so that the environment doesn't get destroyed because we need to build factories.

Some of the other notes about this proposal-
1. Clothing can still be worn within private property if you should choose to.
2. This will benefit the children because they will not have to listen to their parents explain the facts of life to them.

I hope that you take this proposal into consideration.
If this one passes, I'm leaving The Holy Republic of Saint Uriel and moving to Supermodelandia. ;)
31-05-2005, 04:27
Compulsory nudity proposal
A resolution to restrict civil freedoms in the interest of moral decency.
Category: Moral Decency
Strength: Significant
Proposed by: Cy young award winners

Description: This proposal calls for the compulsory nudity for all nations within the UN. While this may seem a bit odd, lit me point out a couple of benefits.

1. Social equality would become more significant now that clothing would be gone.
2. With no use for our clothes, we could improve economy by selling our clothes to those nations that are not in the UN.
3. Land can be saved so that the environment doesn't get destroyed because we need to build factories.

Some of the other notes about this proposal-
1. Clothing can still be worn within private property if you should choose to.
2. This will benefit the children because they will not have to listen to their parents explain the facts of life to them.

I hope that you take this proposal into consideration.
What about people living in countries that don't have the right sort of climate for compulsory nudity? Countries with frost? Countries with deserts? Nations located in space, where everyone currently wears space-suits? Cy young award winners will have a lot of dead and maimed people on their hands.
31-05-2005, 05:36
What about people living in countries that don't have the right sort of climate for compulsory nudity? Countries with frost? Countries with deserts? Nations located in space, where everyone currently wears space-suits? Cy young award winners will have a lot of dead and maimed people on their hands.
Heck, I'm suprised Vastiva isn't here (yet) claming that the resolution is attempted genocide.
31-05-2005, 05:45
Vastiva's NS nation is in Antarctica. In his case, it is attempted genocide.
31-05-2005, 07:39
Vastiva's NS nation is in Antarctica. In his case, it is attempted genocide.

*slaps down a card* (

As the Sultan of Vastiva owns 50.1% of everything, technically everything in Vastiva is private property - his. He's just allowing you to use it. So the resolution wouldn't affect us.

31-05-2005, 07:47
Immigration Uniforming Act
A resolution to improve worldwide human and civil rights.

Category: Human Rights
Strength: Significant
Proposed by: Yurg

Description: RECOGNIZING the idea that most nations have a unique culture and a difference of social standards

ALSO RECOGNIZING that every nation accepts some amount of immigration per year (including refugees or illegal aliens)

VALUING the idea that all nations have their own immigration laws, no matter how restrictions

REALIZING that the nations can never accept all of the prospective immigrants for fear of economic failure

APALLED that nations may restrict their prospective immigrants based on monetary or racial boundaries

A SOLUTION being having uniform immigration standards based on economy:
1) For nations with the weakest economies shall have the most restictive standards
2) Nations with a mid-range economy having less restrictive standards
3) The nations that are wealthiest with the most open standards

HOWEVER these restrictions can be lessened by the nations but can't be more restrictive

AFTER all possible immigrants are given a fair and equal chance of entering the nation, the nation is under control of the said immigrant and can do what they wish with the immigrant including deportation.

I am rich so I must take lots of poor people in.... :confused:

Not to mention...
the nation is under control of the said immigrant

"Come to Vastiva and Take Over!" ????
31-05-2005, 08:14
*slaps down a card* (

As the Sultan of Vastiva owns 50.1% of everything, technically everything in Vastiva is private property - his. He's just allowing you to use it. So the resolution wouldn't affect us.


I'd hate to see the day you get a Sultan who says "get off my property"...
The Most Glorious Hack
31-05-2005, 08:25
I'd hate to see the day you get a Sultan who says "get off my property"...
"Git off mah lawn, ya damn kids!"
31-05-2005, 08:45
"Git off mah lawn, ya damn kids!"

*sniff* I may be younger, but I'm no kid! *goes off to wimper*
Western Saxonia
31-05-2005, 14:57
"Git off mah lawn, ya damn kids!"
You forgot the fist shaking and the getting of the weapon. I think it's more like
"Git off mah lawn, ya damn kids!" then :sniper:

At least, that's how it is in my neighborhood. [/OOC]
01-06-2005, 04:16
From the "I want a new duck" crowd comes...

A resolution to increase democratic freedoms.

Category: The Furtherment of Democracy
Strength: Mild
Proposed by: Andyman II

Description: Wouldnt it just be nice if we all had a Duck in our nations! Maybe a slave as well. Im agine how easy everything would be if we all had a Duck and a slave! It would be BRILLIANT! :D

Approvals: 1 (Utopian Id)

Status: Lacking Support (requires 149 more approvals)

A duck... but wait, there's more! With every duck, you get a genuine, one of a kind, no questions asked, no bribes refused, totally illegal and yet so easy on the eyes slave! :D
Saint Uriel
01-06-2005, 04:26
A duck... but wait, there's more! With every duck, you get a genuine, one of a kind, no questions asked, no bribes refused, totally illegal and yet so easy on the eyes slave! :D
Yes, yes, but can I have a slave duck?!?
01-06-2005, 05:15
A duck... but wait, there's more! With every duck, you get a genuine, one of a kind, no questions asked, no bribes refused, totally illegal and yet so easy on the eyes slave! :D

Just a single duck? Such a rip-off...what is a nation of billions going to do with a single duck? Besides, if all we're going to get is just one animal, why not a panther, or a lion? At least they can be of some use... :D
Venerable libertarians
01-06-2005, 05:45
A resolution to increase democratic freedoms.

Category: The Furtherment of Democracy
Strength: Mild
Proposed by: Andyman II

Description: Wouldnt it just be nice if we all had a Duck in our nations! Maybe a slave as well. Im agine how easy everything would be if we all had a Duck and a slave! It would be BRILLIANT! :D

Approvals: 1 (Utopian Id)

Status: Lacking Support (requires 149 more approvals)

Voting Ends: Fri Jun 3 2005

The Hibernian Kingdom of Venerable libertarians has not approved this proposal. [Approve]

I have often sat reading new proposals in the approval que and have pondered on the idea that there are a great many people who use drugs playing Nationstates. This one confirms my suspicions.
01-06-2005, 05:52
I have often sat reading new proposals in the approval que and have pondered on the idea that there are a great many people who use drugs playing Nationstates. This one confirms my suspicions.

And this one didn't?

Legal Marijuana
A resolution to ban, legalize, or encourage recreational drugs.

Category: Recreational Drug Use
Decision: Legalize
Proposed by: Arqueologos

Description: After carefull studies on the benefits of THX on patients with several medical illnesses, we propose to make marijuana legal on medical purposes.

THX. As in the sound systems for movie theaters. I'm all for movies for invalids and those in hospitals, but we can't figure out what popcorn has to do with marajuana.
01-06-2005, 05:53
Category: Political Stability

Strength: Strong

Proposed by: Domzalski

Description: Recgonising: that a majority of 50%+1 to pass UN resolutions is not a sufficient enough majority to alter a whole country's lifestyle with these resolutions

Also Recognising: that many proposals that SHOULD become possible resolutions are not because of a large 6% Delegate approval requirement,

Propsed: the majority to pass UN resolutions will be changed from 50%+1 to 66%

Also Proposed: the requirement for delegates to approve proposals will be changed from 6% to 4%It's two, two, two game mechanics violations in one.:D

Category: Human Rights

Strength: Strong

Proposed by: NERV 13

Description: Fellow nations, I am sure all of you out there have been kicked in the butt at one point or another by censorship. I mean, it ruins everything in the entertainment industry, for which, I, Myself am looking into entering.
How many times have you been watching a movie on network television and they took out almost all of the cool parts, edited the living crap out of them, and also put really shotty dubbing over swear words? This should be considered a butchery of a work of art. Also, I am sick of restrictins on games. People work very hard for over a year to produce these masterpieces of entertainment, only to be cut down by the FCC and other such organizations. Do not even get me started on my anime and how they dare to even ruin a foreign work of art such as Dragonball Z.
I know some of you will oppose such a resolution, and are thinking "think of the children!". Consider this, It is impossible to shield children from the world. They are eventually going to learn about things such as swearing, sex, death, and violence. If you want to try to shield them, then don't let them watch certain programs or play certain games. They even make this thing cALLED A v-CHIP you could use. But please, stop wasting our tax dollars on a futile fight and could you please stop ruining these works of art for the rest of us?
Thank you for your time and happy voting.Illegal due to multiple RL references.
01-06-2005, 05:58
My favored piece of idiocy:

Star Wars
A resolution to slash worldwide military spending.

Category: Global Disarmament
Strength: Significant
Proposed by: Yatopia

Description: Extra-planetary missiles, orbital defence stations and heavy-strength weapons in general should be disallowed. These weapons could be activated and fired from millions of miles away and would threaten entire planets. This sort of military armament should NOT be allowed.

- No space weapons
- No orbital gun platforms
- No hyper-Atomic weaponry

Its not you they are threatening - its the world.

Approvals: 3 (Clint the mercyful, Trexia, Aquarian Arcadia)

Status: Lacking Support (requires 147 more approvals)

Voting Ends: Fri Jun 3 2005

Congrats. All of my weapons just got redefined as mining tools.
01-06-2005, 05:59
THX. As in the sound systems for movie theaters. I'm all for movies for invalids and those in hospitals, but we can't figure out what popcorn has to do with marajuana.

Well...that could just be a typo. "X" and "C" are right next to each other on the keyboard.
01-06-2005, 06:00
Congrats. All of my weapons just got redefined as mining tools.

Well, they ARE mining tools. If you break up the planet, you can get at the tasty center that much easier...
01-06-2005, 06:02
Well, they ARE mining tools. If you break up the planet, you can get at the tasty center that much easier...

In the case of the disruptors, they literally are mining tools. All we did was make them bigger and increase power output to increase their range.
01-06-2005, 06:03
From the Star Trek crowd we get
Category: Political Stability

Strength: Significant

Proposed by: BLACKGRUE

Description: ACKNOWLEDGING: That some nations are literally thousands of years ahead technologically then others.

KNOWING: That rapid expansion of technology leads to major political uphevals.

REALIZING: That trade is an importaint part of the international/intersetellar community.

PROPOSES: The following.

1: No nation of major technological prowess (FT nations) can interfere in the affairs of more primitive (MT and below) nations.
2: Nations of the former catagory may however initiate trade and humanitarian aid on the express condition that it does not cause major technological advances.
3: Any nation that does interefere with a primitive culture will be held accountable for the results and possibly face UN sanctions.Would this mean that FT nations now can't be UN members as long as there are MT nations in the UN, after all passing resolutions could be construed as interfering in a nation's affairs.
01-06-2005, 06:08
So, Flibbleites, willing to allow us to pay you to hold on to several extremely-advanced technological devices? This is in the spirit of humanitarian aid. Any advances you get from these will not result from our actions. After all, as far as we know you attained the knowledge on your own and without our help.

The above scenario is how easy it is to abuse that idea. No, it isn't an actual offer. Vastiva had to work honestly, or some might say dishonestly, to gain their advances. We in no way gave them the advanced ships they ended up with.
Venerable libertarians
01-06-2005, 06:15
And this one didn't?

THX. As in the sound systems for movie theaters. I'm all for movies for invalids and those in hospitals, but we can't figure out what popcorn has to do with marajuana.
There are proven Medical benifits from smoking Marajuana. Furthermore THX sound may effect the Heightened senseitivity of the drug inebreiated nut job thus causing displeasure. (lol, Cant believe i just defended this)

What bloody use is a lone duck?
01-06-2005, 06:18
What bloody use is a lone duck?
To insure that you never forget the word, aflac.:D
01-06-2005, 06:19
To insure that you never forget the word, aflac.:D

*buys you a drink for that one* :D
01-06-2005, 06:20
*buys you a drink for that one* :D
What can I say, it was my first thought when I saw the proposal.:D
Venerable libertarians
01-06-2005, 06:22
*buys you a drink for that one* :D
Buys Vastiva a duck to remind him to buy flibbleites a drink. :D
Aflack lol
01-06-2005, 06:28
Legalization of Drugs

A resolution to ban, legalize, or encourage recreational drugs.

Category: Recreational Drug Use

Decision: Legalize

Proposed by:

Description: If this resolution is passed, the following will be immediatelyu instated within all nations signed under as a United Nations delegate.

With legalization of recreational drugs, the government could formally tax and, in doing so, gain great amounts of money for further spending.

The drugs could only be used in certain locations which will make sure that the user stay within the walls of the building until the effect of the drug has completely worn off.

In doing this, the user of the drug will not be in a public forum and possibly vandalize, rape, threaten, kill or steal anything while under the influence.

With full legalization, while being used within specially marked bars and sold specfially and only in those bars to be used specifically and only those bars, a great tax revenue will come and increase government spending within all nations affected by tis resolution.

As stated, once passed these laws will take immediate affect and be enforced.

Drug traffic of any kind not associated with and only with those specially marked bars will still be countef as illegal, but with the passing of this resolution all illegal drug traffic will slow and murders, thefts, rapes, and various other crimes will lessen as well.

All drug bars will be required by law to have at least six rooms in which overnight users will be able to stay in until the drugs have worn off.

Approvals: 7 (SPACEBASE, Ministria, Zouloukistan, Tactical PIE, Gaiah, Aquarian Arcadia, Keilbasa)

Status: Lacking Support (requires 143 more approvals)

Voting Ends: Fri Jun 3 2005

The way the rather confusing first line of this reads seems to be that the proposal only applies to UN delegates. Good news for the rest of us :D.
01-06-2005, 16:33
Category: Moral Decency

Strength: Strong

Proposed by: Leo I

Description: I propose we dont let stupid people into the UN because it lessens the validity and prestige of the UN and what it stands for.:rolleyes:

Category: Moral Decency

Strength: Mild

Proposed by: Tynanya

Description: All women aged between 18 and 30 will at all times go commando, and wear skirts no longer than 5 inches. Provisions will be:
Swamp Donkeys
Anyone ginger
Under no circumstances should the above be allowed to partake. Or breed for that matter.:rolleyes:

Category: International Security

Strength: Strong

Proposed by: Royston--Vasey

Description: The Government of Royston--Vasey has noted a rise in the number of road deaths in all nations in the past 10 years. This is due to the reckless driving of some people who do not stop at crossings. To encourage drivers to stop and so reduce road deaths, the Inflatable Gandalf Act would install 4 inflatable Gandalfs on all road crossings which shout "You shall not pass" at speeding vehicles which refuse to stop at crossings where pedestrians are waiting to cross. Where there are no road crossings, the act would provide the local residents with their very own Inflatable Gandalf to aid safe passage.

Category: Moral Decency

Strength: Strong

Proposed by: Royston--Vasey

Description: The Royston--Vasey Government sees no reason why the Mona Lisa should be so famous and valuable. It is only so because it was stolen. Therefore, we propose to draw a moustache on the painting in order to devalue it. This has the dual purpose of devaluing it and insulting the French.Illegal due to RL reference.

Category: Human Rights

Strength: Strong

Proposed by: Carr Hall

Description: The people's republic of Carr Hall has noted that many countries especially the USA are very confused regarding the names of their sports. The main problem surrounds the sport of Football, which was invented in the 1400s, IN EUROPE. And to this day the Americans call this sport "soccer" ( which is a stupid name anyway.)

They have instead stolen the name football for their form of glorified rugby.

We propose that they either swap the names around or scrap the term "soccer" completely and invent a new name for their rugby-like sport.
I propose this because I feel sorry for the Americans and feel that it is about time to tell them that the rest of the world mocks them over this issue.
By implementing this change they can save themselves from future embarrassment, and appreciate the history of sport properly.Illegal due to RL references.

Category: Repeal

Resolution: #5

Proposed by: Alabia

Description: UN Resolution #5: DVD region removal (Category: Free Trade; Strength: Mild) shall be struck out and rendered null and void.

Argument: TAKING into account that few people have any idea what the hell a DVD Region is and what this is saying.Did the author hit the submit button before they were finished or something?
01-06-2005, 23:31
The Sport Classification Act
Category: Human Rights

Strength: Strong

Proposed by: Carr Hall

Description: The people's republic of Carr Hall has noted that many countries especially the USA are very confused regarding the names of their sports. The main problem surrounds the sport of Football, which was invented in the 1400s, IN EUROPE. And to this day the Americans call this sport "soccer" ( which is a stupid name anyway.)

They have instead stolen the name football for their form of glorified rugby.

We propose that they either swap the names around or scrap the term "soccer" completely and invent a new name for their rugby-like sport.
I propose this because I feel sorry for the Americans and feel that it is about time to tell them that the rest of the world mocks them over this issue.
By implementing this change they can save themselves from future embarrassment, and appreciate the history of sport properly.
Okay, so not only ignoring the fact that the word 'soccer' was invented by the English as a shortened form of 'Association Football', they're also ignoring the fact that the first official codified form of football was, in fact, Australian Rules Football. As such, this proposer is posting incorrect information, and should take note of these facts before posting again.
02-06-2005, 00:20
Originally Posted by Inflatable Gandalf Act
Category: International Security
Strength: Strong
Proposed by: Royston--Vasey

Description: The Government of Royston--Vasey has noted a rise in the number of road deaths in all nations in the past 10 years. This is due to the reckless driving of some people who do not stop at crossings. To encourage drivers to stop and so reduce road deaths, the Inflatable Gandalf Act would install 4 inflatable Gandalfs on all road crossings which shout "You shall not pass" at speeding vehicles which refuse to stop at crossings where pedestrians are waiting to cross. Where there are no road crossings, the act would provide the local residents with their very own Inflatable Gandalf to aid safe passage.
I don't care that it's illegal. This is the best proposal I've seen in MONTHS!

* Goes to campaign for passage *
02-06-2005, 04:16
Hot chicks in playboy
A resolution to improve worldwide human and civil rights.

Category: Human Rights
Strength: Strong
Proposed by: TrishStratus

Description: I think that all hot chicks should go into playboy.

Flaming chickens? :D

Amazingly enough, Flibbelites supported this one...
02-06-2005, 04:57
Category: International Security

Strength: Significant

Proposed by: Sydtopia

Description: UNDERSTANDING that conflict is abundant among regions and countries,
FULLY AWARE that a conflict in one area transcends borders, spreading conflict near and far,
ALARMED that in the nuclear age, conflict "spill overs,"
NOTICING that a mode of peace keeping or peace enforcement would activated at the beginning of the conflict can prevent conflict and global nuclear war,
REALIZING that absent a force to preempt conflict it could mean total devastation,
WORRIED that the status quo is not and will not solve current modes of conflict,

THUS the United Nations should establish a Rapid Reaction Force. The Force will be deployed within a day of one of the four circumstances:
1) Genocide (Defined as the mass killing of a specific race, religion, or nationality)
2) Mass Killing
3) Declaration of war or battle
4) Political Instability

The Rapid Reaction Force will be headed by a Rapid Reaction Committee. This committee will decide what circumstances apply to the set standards for deployment.Another damn UN army proposal. :headbang:

Category: Political Stability

Strength: Significant

Proposed by: Domzalski

Description: Recognising the many problems within the UN in majority percentage, delegate approval percentage,(both of which we have proposed to change in a previous bill that ends on June 3rd) and finally approval time, and

Also recognising: that not all delegates check this site every day, let alone the UN portion of this site, the Empire of Domzalski proposes the following:

The time in which UN delegates have the opportunity to approve a proposal will be increased to one week. (7 days)Someone's trying to be ejected from the UN.

Category: Human Rights

Strength: Significant

Proposed by: Spokes

Description: rallys of people are fighting over political viewsHuh? :confused:
02-06-2005, 05:09
"The Inflatable Gandalf Act" was golden. I laughed so hard.
02-06-2005, 05:23
I have proposed a moderately silly resolution which I hope you will all strongly consider actually passing, because it would be awesome.

A resolution to improve worldwide human and civil rights.

Category: Human Rights
Strength: Mild
Proposed by: Foltan

UNDERSTANDING that the world today suffers from an extreme lack of awesomeness,

THINKING that increased awesomeness will benefit nations and increase quality of life for citizens the world over,

FEELING that the right to experience awesomeness is an undeniable human right,

IN THE HOPES THAT the mean global awesomeness ration (MGAR) can be increased by an order of ten over the next fifteen years,

BE IT RESOLVED that the United Nations and all member states will adopt June 19 as INTERNATIONAL AWESOMENESS DAY - a celebration of all that is awesome in the world.

International Awesomeness Day - designated June 19th in recognition of the awesome contributions of the Archduke of Foltan's sister - will be celebrated with parties, drinking, excellent catered foods, a small and tasteful fireworks show, and a dance recital. It will be pretty damned awesome.

As the first international holiday, where UN member states join together in awesomeness to celebrate as one world, International Awesomeness Day will foster great brotherhood and sisterhood amongst the world's peoples, who for the first time will join together in celebration of a non-secular observance. That, too, is pretty awesome.

Revenues created will go toward assisting the awesomeness-deprived youth of the third world.
02-06-2005, 06:04
I have proposed a moderately silly resolution which I hope you will all strongly consider actually passing, because it would be awesome.

Hmmmnnn...never seen anyone willingly post their own proposals in this thread. Though I'm not quite sure that we'll make use of that one...
02-06-2005, 06:34
Hmmmnnn...never seen anyone willingly post their own proposals in this thread. Though I'm not quite sure that we'll make use of that one...

Well, it seems that the ruling principle here is that silly = bad. I don't agree. Silly = good.
02-06-2005, 06:50
Hmmmnnn...never seen anyone willingly post their own proposals in this thread. Though I'm not quite sure that we'll make use of that one...

*HACK* Ahem... I think I did make a proposal with the express interest of it landing here....
02-06-2005, 07:58
*HACK* Ahem... I think I did make a proposal with the express interest of it landing here....

Yeah, but you didn't advertise it just posted them and hoped that we'd pick up on them here, which we did.
02-06-2005, 08:30
Alright, I'll give you that.

And now for all you psychics out there:

Repeal "Gay Rights"
A proposal to repeal a previously passed resolution

Category: Repeal
Resolution: #12
Proposed by: Biological towards war

Description: UN Resolution #12: Gay Rights (Category: Human Rights; Strength: Strong) shall be struck out and rendered null and void.


Approvals: 0

Status: Lacking Support (requires 150 more approvals)
02-06-2005, 09:01
LOL. FWIW, the guy's name is "biological towards war". I really wonder how you can do that.

More occassional contributions from me:

Safe Zone Genocide Force
A resolution to improve worldwide human and civil rights.

Category: Human Rights
Strength: Mild
Proposed by: El Simonodor

Description: This resolution is intended as a measure to aid the victims of genocide throughout the world-wherever they may occur.

NOTING That some nations will feel it is unnecessary and contrary to foreign policy to interfere in the political, social or economic affairs of other nations.

STATING That the building of such a task force would not be used for any other purpose other than setting up a Safe, Demilitarized Zone for the refuge of countries blighted by the tragedy of genocide

DECLARING That an adequate definition of the term "Genocide" is "The extermination of a particular group, either ethnic or religious, of a population in whole or in part."

STATING That the task force will only be used in instances of proven genocide, and only in such cases.

This proposal is designed to ensure that in the instance of genocide occuring, a designated task-force will intervene to set up a "Safe zone" or "DMZ" in a specific area of the country and enforce this through any means, so as to provide a refuge for the victims of such an event.

Sure sounds like this ( doesn't it?

Selective Voting
A resolution to increase democratic freedoms.

Category: The Furtherment of Democracy
Strength: Significant
Proposed by: Veldin City

Description: There is a problem with the way laws are voted on and passed in each nation. Why do men vote on abortion, wouldn't it be more fair to have only women and married men vote on it? What about gun control, why should we let biased people like gun-collecters or anti-gun activists vote on it? We don't have biased juries in court trials, so why should we allow biased voters?

Democracy will be improved if we only let certain people vote on certain issues.

Do we need to get into why this is bad?

Repeal "Banning the use of Landmines"
A proposal to repeal a previously passed resolution

Category: Repeal
Resolution: #40
Proposed by: Brendan Land

Description: UN Resolution #40: Banning the use of Landmines (Category: Global Disarmament; Strength: Strong) shall be struck out and rendered null and void.

Argument: The Kingdom of Brendan Land repeals resolution (40/banning the use of Landmines.)
We feel that Landmines are an effective means of defence and feel that all nations have the right to defend their lands.
The People of the Brilliant Kingdom of Brendan Land will be willing to defend the Fatherland using any means possible, if that meant using Land mines we would use them.

We do realise that Landmines are extreemly dangerous and can have devestating effects on peoples lives.

Landmines as I have said are an extreemly effective means of defence. Our position is clear, to re-introduce the use of Landmines in armed conflict.

Then once the conflict has finished, the nation or government which ordered the use of Landmines has to ensure every single one is removed from the land and stored under the careful eye of UN weapons inspectors. If the government or nation does not remove them they should face sanctions on them and possible military action.

We urge all member states to vote in favor of the repeal of the resolution on banning the use of Land mines.

Not sure I buy that Brendan (or, at least I think your name is Brendan...)

Eliminate overcrowded Prisons
A resolution to reduce income inequality and increase basic welfare.

Category: Social Justice
Strength: Significant
Proposed by: Hairless Apes

Description: In an effort to reduce the expense and danger of overcrowded prison conditions, it is proposed that public lashings be used for lessor offenses instead of jail time as a deterrant to crime. The pain and humiliation factors will nake use of the natural learning process that the human psyche is geared to understand, and should reduce crime levels. Jail time can be reserved for greater offenses and repeat offenders of lesser crimes.

Never mind that the UN has already outlawed torture... (

Repeal "The Sex Industry Worker Act"
A proposal to repeal a previously passed resolution

Category: Repeal
Resolution: #91
Proposed by: Double Bassi

Description: UN Resolution #91: The Sex Industry Worker Act (Category: Free Trade; Strength: Significant) shall be struck out and rendered null and void.

Argument: The UN should NOT FORCE any government to honor immoral acts.

By repealing UN Resolution #91, every nation will be given the freedom to follow their moral beliefs
and the world will be protected from being forced to allow immorality. Every government has the
right to be moral if they choose to be and should not be required to honor and regulate unethical

This proposal WILL NOT ban prostitution. It will give each nation the freedom to decide
what to do about prostitution so that nations on both sides of the argument can follow their beliefs
about morality.

Do not let immorality be the law of the land.

Not that this one is actually bad, but I don't like the self-righteousness of it, because self-righteousness does NOT belong in proposals.

End of the Car Empires?
A resolution to increase the quality of the world's environment, at the expense of industry.

Category: Environmental
Industry Affected: Automobile Manufacturing
Proposed by: Tseutse

Description: The cars are dangerous. Outlawing automobiles is good way to fight against pollution and overweight of people too. When everyone is using bicycle instead of car, your weight is much harder to get dangerous to your health. But we still can keep the public transport. New law will

1) Banning of cars
2) Cheaper bus trips
3) More bus lines
4) Cheaper tarin tickest
5) More railroads
6) More Bicycle Industry

We deserve better world. You know that every vote '' FOR '' is step for better world for our descendants and our civilizations.

Approvals: 2 (Hogs Head, Batons de Colle)

Car Empire? Who are these "Car Emperors" that you speak of? Will they be of danger to my Empire? Besides, reading through the tortured grammar and the typos is pretty difficult (I really wonder what a "tarin" is...)

Hard on convicts
A resolution to improve worldwide human and civil rights.

Category: Human Rights
Strength: Strong
Proposed by: Junoboth

Description: We should get a lot harder on crime, Prisons should not be a holiday for thiefs and murderers but a place for punishment. Therefore TVs should be taken away from them and replaced by a radio for each cell. Prisoners should be allowed outside for just one hour a day and if they have no interest in learning a trade or going to the libary they can stay in their cell all day.

We need to make prisons so bad that nobody will want to go back.

Long on intent, short on action.

Laws for traveling folk
A resolution to improve worldwide human and civil rights.

Category: Human Rights
Strength: Significant
Proposed by: Junoboth

Description: the day of the lawless pikie must stop. We should be able to track them and bring them to justice. Just last week they camped outside a primary school and on leaving emptied their waste into the school yard. They are a menace to society and must be controlled by either tracking them or making spaces for them to move to and live.

Not only is this really silly, this potentially goes into the "offensive" bin for the use of the word "pikie" (

No More Mornings
A resolution to improve worldwide human and civil rights.

Category: Human Rights
Strength: Mild
Proposed by: Grays Harbor

Description: RECOGNIZING: That some people and/or other sentient beings find it hard to drag themselves out of bed in the mornings

UNDERSTANDING: How unreasonable it is for corporations to demand such of them

ENCOURAGING: That all people and/or other sentient being have an inherant right to sleep in

URGING: All Corporations to cooperate with the aforementioned right

EXHORTING: That the hours between 5AM and 9AM be made illegal in all UN Nations and all people and/or other sentient beings be allowed to sleep in as not everybody is a "morning person"

I know it's already been posted here, but I sure would love if I could make actually make this law...

(Mind you, one Senator did actually propose to strike December through February off the calendar in a bid to get rid of winter, so there may be some hope...)
02-06-2005, 18:30
And now for all you psychics out there:

It says... hold on, I'm getting the image... It says "I hate this with a passion but can't argue worth looking at, so maybe if I post this blank no one will notice."

Perhaps we need a smartass instead of a psychic.
06-06-2005, 13:39
Spandex is NOT a right !!!!

A resolution to improve worldwide human and civil rights.

Category: Human Rights Strength: Strong Proposed by: Nueva Huevonia

Description: I Chris Soprano sole monarch of the free lands of Nueva Huevonia present before your very eyes this desperate plea!!
spandex,lycra,rubber or any other simililar material causes a great chaos in the tourist industry. due not every individual have the body requirements to fit or look good inside the above mentionet materials.
this shakes every beach ,resort, garden swiming pool or ny other leisure locations.
so i claim your aide to pass a law banning the next items.

.male speedos (grooossss)
.xxl g-strings

and to favor the next code of etiquete at the beach:

1.) no individual over 160 pounds should wear any kind of spandex.
2.) only brazilian shave style or trimed will be allowed if g-string is weared.
3.) absolutelly no male spedoos (all the force of the law will be aplied)
4.) no male nudity only female nudity is allowed.

please this is a cry for help

Help us to keep every beach nice looking for everybody
help us to stop this lunacy.

vote yes if you think the same
:p This one made me chuckle. "Spandex should not be a right". Lol. :p
06-06-2005, 16:57
Bahgum's not going to like this.

Category: Repeal

Resolution: #36

Proposed by: Niale

Description: UN Resolution #36: Freedom of Humor (Category: Human Rights; Strength: Strong) shall be struck out and rendered null and void.

Argument: its horribleNiale isn't your mother-in-law by any chance?:D
06-06-2005, 20:27
:p This one made me chuckle. "Spandex should not be a right". Lol. :p

I'm Going to repost that one except replace Spandex with Thong :p

Protection of Dolphins Act
A resolution to increase the quality of the world's environment, at the expense of industry.

Category: Environmental
Industry Affected: All Businesses
Proposed by: Real Paradise

Description: The United Nations,

RECONGNIZING that dolphins are extremely intelligent, man-loving and friendly mammals, that symbolize to millions around the world the spirit of freedom, happiness and togetherness,

ALARMED by the killing of dolphins around the world, whether intentional of accidental,

OBSERVING that the prevention of dolphin killings will not in any way hurt any of the states' economies,

RECALLING UN resolution #70 (Banning Whaling), and acknowledging that it accidentally omitted dolphins,

1. Condemns in the strongest terms the intentional killing of dolphins around the world.

2. Declares that the hunting or intentional killing of dolphins in extra-territorial waters is a crime according to the International Law, unless when done in circumstances where it is absolutely necessary for the saving of human lives or the prevention of an ecological disaster.

3. Urges all states to legislate a provision similar to that of article #2 above.

4. Calls upon all its members to find ways to minimize the accidental killing of dolphins in the fishing business.

5. Calls upon all states to prevent dolphin abuse, in any way that they see fit, provided that no dolphin shall ever be preferred over human lives.

Votes For: 2,302

Votes Against: 719

[Delegate Votes]

Voting Ends: Fri Jun 10 2005

So this effects the Logging industry :p
06-06-2005, 23:06

We politely seek permission to make the following statement in this thread. If it is inappropriate, please inform us accordingly.


Statement begins:

We note that many proposals (e.g. such concerning spandex, dolphins) cannot conceivably apply to all (or even a majority) of NSUN states. From reading the NSUN forums, we gather that the actual intent of allowing the passage of NSUN proposals into resolutions is that such resolutions should have global effect (or universal effect, if we might be allowed the extension).

Statement ends.



This should not be construed as 'touting' or 'pimping' for our proposals on 'Law of Space', but we do consider those proposals to meet NSUN intentions concerning resolutions. After all, the majority (if not all) of the members of the NSUN should have territorial claims in three-dimensional space.
08-06-2005, 03:34
We can not give them so much R
A resolution to restrict political freedoms in the interest of law and order.

Category: Political Stability
Strength: Mild
Proposed by: Solvon

Description: We need restrict political rigths becouse it will f up the governmen

I'm rather curious how "R" can "f up" the "governmen".
08-06-2005, 03:44
Repeal "National Systems of Tax"
A proposal to repeal a previously passed resolution

Category: Repeal
Resolution: #105
Proposed by: Powerhungry Chipmunks

Description: UN Resolution #105: National Systems of Tax (Category: Social Justice; Strength: Mild) shall be struck out and rendered null and void.

Argument: DENOUNCING so called "national rights",

DISREGARDING those who would assert individual nations as the best decision-makers in the arena of taxes and any other decision made by a national government,

DISGUSTED at arguments that the UN is not capable of making good, across-the-board regulations with regards to tax systems,

DENOUNCING member nations' right to determine their tax systems:

REPEALS "National Systems of Tax".


Notice the proposer... isn't that the same nation who did "National Systems of Tax"? I have the feeling both of these are part of a plot to prove someone can pass then repeal at will.

Needless to say, I'll vote for it.
08-06-2005, 04:49
Category: Gun Control

Decision: Relax

Proposed by: Kazoko

Description: Relax:
Gun companies are going to be out raged if they can't make guns anymore so why not allow guns to be sold freely so people are not so upsessed with the idea I have to hurt someone, because I have a gun. The people would come to accept the ideas of guns and people will live in harmony.

People will feel insecure when a gun is purchased and not regulated. People will come to form gangs more and more often involving illegal guns. People will know less about guns so when recruiting comes around the corner the people will be even more inexperienced than if we lived along side with guns.And this proposal is trying to do what exactly? :confused:

Category: Repeal

Resolution: #4

Proposed by: Leffler Idols

Description: UN Resolution #4: UN taxation ban (Category: Social Justice; Strength: Significant) shall be struck out and rendered null and void.

Argument: WHEREAS The United Nations is financed by the voluntary contributions of member nations

and WHEREAS its possible that a member nation, in an act of diplomatic rage, will stop supporting the UN

and WHEREAS the the UN could run out of funding, meaning that it could not do the good deeds and other jobs that the people of the world so richly deserve

and CONCLUDING that the UN needs a constant source of funds

NOW THEREFORE the UN shall tax 1.5% of each persons income who is a citizen of a UN Nation in order to ensure that there are sufficent funds. This tax shall not apply to anyone who is below the poverty line of their nation, and shall only be taxed to the clergy if their respective Church and Government agrees. This tax shall be collected by the UN seperately from any taxes issued by the government, however, enforcement of this tax for non payers is the responsibility of the local government.First off, just trying to repeal this resolution is a dumb idea, secondly it also attempting to replace it with new legislation which violates the rules.

Category: The Furtherment of Democracy

Strength: Strong

Proposed by: Agromero

Description: In order to promote the lofty goals of the United Nation, the United Nations shall be empowered to force, at its discretion, nonmember states to join the UN and comply with UN rules. The annexation of rogue nations into UN compliance and eventual membership shall be addressed and agreed to be a vote of a selected Security Council.

The United Nations security forces shall be bolstered as necessary to assist with this humanitarian process. Aside from the numerous Game Mechanics violations, what is it with people writing proposal mentioning rogue nations like they're a bad thing?
08-06-2005, 08:38

Notice the proposer... isn't that the same nation who did "National Systems of Tax"? I have the feeling both of these are part of a plot to prove someone can pass then repeal at will.

Needless to say, I'll vote for it.

Interesting, interesting...I want to see if it can work.
Diamond Realms
08-06-2005, 16:01
Change With The Time
Category: Free Trade
Strength: Strong
Proposed by: Sir Lafferlot

PROPOSES that our time system changes to a more metric, easy to manage system.

DEFINITELY would improve economy and business of any state that implemented such a system, however would most benefit financial industry.

ACKNOWLEDGES that one spin of the earth is one day, and that one rotation of the earth around the earth is 365.25 of these days.

ALSO proposes that the week be shortened to 5 days, however make the day 4% longer.
* Allow the year to be split in 4 quarters consisting of 100 of the new lengh days
* Allow the quarters to be split into 4 months meaning that the year contains 16 months.
* Allow each month to be split into 5 weeks meaning a 25 day month

FINALLY relises that the time zones would NOT have to be changed due the days not actually being increased just being returned to their normal size.

A proposal to change the speed of Earth's rotation.
10-06-2005, 05:55
Is there a part of the map he didn't hit with this one?

Death Penalty Reinstatement
A resolution to restrict civil freedoms in the interest of moral decency.

Category: Moral Decency
Strength: Strong
Proposed by: Arachnae

Description: Will make death penalty compulsory ONLY with DNA evidence of a crime for any rapist, pedophile, or murder in the first or second degree. A jury of LAW EDUCATED individuals will sit to decide in cases of third degree and they will be presided over by a Judge who will be appointed by the country. Will repeal any earlier death penalty resolutions making it absolutely compulsory to put away criminals. Also I'd like to add that it would dramatically lower the 95% re-occurance rate of crime and would be much more of a deterrance for rapists murders and pedophiles.

Approvals: 3 (Neo Mata Nui, NewTexas, Puppetters)

Status: Lacking Support (requires 146 more approvals)

Voting Ends: Sun Jun 12 2005
11-06-2005, 00:12
Category: Human Rights

Strength: Strong

Proposed by: Crack Worshipers

Description: I was checking the message board in my region when i saw the phrase "ALL THE JEWS WILL GO TO HELL" posted a total of about 500 times. I personally am not jewish but I have learned about the holocaust in school and I fail to understand how the nazi's stil have the nerve to taunt jews after their "empire" was caved in from 2 fronts. However, I am not proposing that only Nazi to Jew racism become an international crime, I am proposing that ALL racism become an international crime.

If approved my proposal will be executed as follows...

Article I. Racial Telegrams

If a nation recives a racially inapropreite telegram, they will follow these steps...

1. Send a telegram to the sender's regional delegate telling them of the racism and tell them to exile the nation.

2. If the delegate doesn't exile the nation within 2 days, then your region would have ample cause to ivade the racist harboring region.

Article II. Racial Posts From New-Comers

If a nation joins a region simply to be racist the delegate will simply exile tthe nation.

Article III. Repeat Offenders

The second time a nation violates the racism laws, their IP adress will be logged.

The third time a nation violates the racism laws, they will be baned from the game.
Or the offender could simply be reported to the mods.:rolleyes:

Category: Environmental

Industry Affected: Woodchipping

Proposed by: LED ZEPPEILN

Description: we need better envirements on nationstates.thats pretty much
Western Saxonia
11-06-2005, 00:20

Notice the proposer... isn't that the same nation who did "National Systems of Tax"? I have the feeling both of these are part of a plot to prove someone can pass then repeal at will.

Needless to say, I'll vote for it.
Hey, hey. Let's not give him the satisfaction. I'd say ignore his repeal and/or have it deleted. Yes, this needs to be repealed, but for the ORIGINAL PROPOSER to do it is plain bull.
Holyboy and the 666s
11-06-2005, 01:26
Legalize Marijuana
A resolution to ban, legalize, or encourage recreational drugs.

Category: Recreational Drug Use
Decision: Legalize
Proposed by: Airstrip Twelve

Description: This resolution seeks to legalize marijuana in all U.N. member states.

Approvals: 19 (Fujah, Gaiah, Ferantia, Sagatica, Heddiw, Krioval, Real Paradise, Juna Esperantisto, Dorkium, Wojcikiville, Shorteynick, Tri-presidency, Adamith, Behinds, Ayerloom, Clint the mercyful, Welgonia, Galifar, City-State)

Status: Lacking Support (requires 130 more approvals)

Voting Ends: Sat Jun 11 2005

Great argument. Getting ready to support that. :rolleyes:

Repeal "Definition of Marriage"
A proposal to repeal a previously passed resolution

Category: Repeal
Resolution: #81
Proposed by: Christian Wales

Description: UN Resolution #81: Definition of Marriage (Category: Human Rights; Strength: Mild) shall be struck out and rendered null and void.

Argument: How can we let this law stay in effect? The other day i was sitting in a cafe in my country's capital and there at the next table were two men kissing while wearing wedding bands.

Great story. Don't care.

Its ridiculous for this to go on! Think about what our Lord God said in the beginning! "a marriage is binding of a man and woman" not man and aniaml or man and man or even woman and woman.

say it with me SPELL CHECK!!!

Also think about if a gay couple adopts what would be a normal child. They would show the child that their is nothing wrong with the fondling of the sam sex in public!

Sam sex? God, I'll BUY you a dictionary. And its "there" not "their"

If we let this stay we could be raising child molesters!

So gay people are child molesters?

Is that what you want for your children? Did you know that 97% of STD's were started with same sex couples practicing their sexuallity!

NS is a reality land with talking dolphin citizens. No real life references

That proves that it's just not natural! Plus do you want more of those diseases out there? If this continues we will throw the next generation into a world of confusion and emotional distress!

With people like Christian Wales writing proposals, I'm more fearful of what's happening now.

We must stop same sex marriage now! Just think of the children!

Think of the children? I'm thinking about the education system we are growing up with after reading through that resolution. The sad thing is there are worse out there.

Approvals: 9 (Christian Wales, NeoAsiaEuropa, Iznogoud, Flibbleites, NewTexas, Dorkium, Tactical PIE, Leo I, Dorksonia)

Status: Lacking Support (requires 140 more approvals)

Love how the first person to approve this proposal was Christian Wales. Coincidence? I think not!
12-06-2005, 02:37
Alright, I'm going to step a little outside tradition....

Day Off
A resolution to improve worldwide human and civil rights.
Category: Human Rights
Strength: Significant
Proposed by: Leffler Idols
Description: All businesses must give their employees at least one day off a week. This should preferably be the Religous Holy day of the Employee's choice, but may be any day if the person does not observe a religion. This right may not be denied except in the most extreme of circumstances, and if it is denied the person must get two days off the next week.

I actually like this one, and think it should have gotten more support - particularly as it is a wonderful compromise between the religious and the atheists.

Well, enough breaking with tradition, all with the nutfactory....

From the "Let's make stuff up to support our proposal!" group...

Repeal "Definition of Marriage"
A proposal to repeal a previously passed resolution
Category: Repeal
Proposed by: Christian Wales
Description: UN Resolution #81: Definition of Marriage (Category: Human Rights; Strength: Mild) shall be struck out and rendered null and void.

Argument: How can we let this law stay in effect? The other day i was sitting in a cafe in my country's capital and there at the next table were two men kissing while wearing wedding bands. Its ridiculous for this to go on! Think about what our Lord God said in the beginning! "a marriage is binding of a man and woman" not man and aniaml or man and man or even woman and woman. Also think about if a gay couple adopts what would be a normal child. They would show the child that their is nothing wrong with the fondling of the sam sex in public! If we let this stay we could be raising child molesters! Is that what you want for your children? Did you know that 97% of STD's were started with same sex couples practicing their sexuallity! That proves that it's just not natural! Plus do you want more of those diseases out there? If this continues we will throw the next generation into a world of confusion and emotional distress! We must stop same sex marriage now! Just think of the children!

The last line just clinches it. :headbang:

Stop the murder
A resolution to reduce income inequality and increase basic welfare.
Category: Social Justice
Strength: Strong
Proposed by: Liberated hamlets
Description: Inequality is killing people accross the world, the poor die while the rich live in luxury. We need too stop this killing now. Vote for social justice.

:confused: Well, wasn't that nice...

Return to the trees
A resolution to increase the quality of the world's environment, at the expense of industry.
Category: Environmental
Industry Affected: All Businesses
Proposed by: Dominteland

Description: NOTING rampant destruction of the earth by capitalist pigs.

PROPOSING a more rural lifestyle combined with high tech (mainly health and space travel).

PROPOSING ALSO the use of nuclear weapons against countries which do not comply in the spririt of the fact that it is better to lose your leg than your heart.

To the first "OINK!".

To the second - rural space travel?

To the third - WOW! Now THAT'S a penalty clause! :eek:

International Minimum Wage
A resolution to reduce income inequality and increase basic welfare.
Category: Social Justice
Strength: Strong
Proposed by: Dukakis-Bentsen
Description: Whereas:

The United Nations recognizes that countries are financially more unstable than others.

* The United Nations shall create an International Minimum Wage, using a simple formula, where y = all money spent a company on paying their workers per year:

Y / Number of Workers x.76 = Minimum Wage per employee per week.

So, if $150,000 /50 Employees = $3000 Per Year per employee. Times the United Nations 76% = $2,280 Minimum wage for that company.

Each Country shall take the average numbers for each company, and using this forumla, create a national number.


*gets out calculator and starts to run those figures...* Alright, so 76% of all wages is minimum wage... :rolleyes:

Nuclear Waste Programm
A resolution to increase the quality of the world's environment, at the expense of industry.
Category: Environmental
Industry Affected: Uranium Mining
Proposed by: The Sacred Inquisition <nation=the_sacred_inquisition>
Description: My Proposal is that the UN is starting a Space Programm to gather all Nuclear Waste and shoot it into the Sun.

- Earth would be no more Contaminated trough Nuclear Waste

- Sun will burn Longer cause it got more Material for its Fusion .

"Is there a scientist in the house?"

Product Dispute EliminationAct
A resolution to improve worldwide human and civil rights.
Category: Human Rights
Strength: Strong
Proposed by: Royston--Vasey
Description: RECOGNIZING that, at Christmas time, there can be violent disputes between sets of parents over the last toy ins stock.

RECOGNIZING also, that there can be fights between obsese people over the last foof products remaining in the supermarkets.

HOPING to reduce these violent disputes.

-Any such disputes should be resolved via a Lightsabre battle between the two disputing parties; the winner recieving the last toy, pie etc.

What if I want to use Heavy Sabres? Or rapiers? Or epees? Or duelling pistols? How about candy canes at twelve paces? Santaboffers?
12-06-2005, 07:36
In the repealing things that don't exist catatgory we have,
Category: International Security

Strength: Significant

Proposed by: Sparta Territories

Description: The noble Republic of Sparta Territories wishes to repeal the ban on nuclear weapons. In times of dire need, nations need strong weapons to defend their land/territory. By banning nuclear weapons, the UN is limiting the nation to normal weapons, when the attacker has the upper hand with nuclear, and likely bio-chemical, weapons.While I agree with the arguement, there is no nuke ban to repeal.

Category: Political Stability

Strength: Mild

Proposed by: New earth jedi order

Description: As Earth becomes more populated,I believe we should prepare to colonize and terraform Mars before certain Currupt capitalist nations get there and commercailise the red planet. I mean,if that happens then only the wealthy will be allowed to go there for a few months of vacation while the rest of us have to buy timeshares. So I say lets begin the United Nations Space Commande. With this we can start the colonization of many planets without the people of Earth being extorted by certain furtune 500 buisnesses who wish to make sure there is a billboard every 200 miles on the way to Mars.And how do the people on Mars feel about this?
The Most Glorious Hack
12-06-2005, 12:20
And how do the people on Mars feel about this?Hostile bunch, them Martian nations...
Holyboy and the 666s
12-06-2005, 13:42
The last line cracked me up.

Same sex marriages
A resolution to improve worldwide human and civil rights.

Category: Human Rights
Strength: Mild
Proposed by: Kavmany

Description: Same sex marriages should be allowed to get the divorce rate down in countries in the U.N

P.S. I am not gay

Approvals: 0

Status: Lacking Support (requires 149 more approvals)

Voting Ends: Wed Jun 15 2005
13-06-2005, 04:15
Jedi Order Approval
A resolution to improve world security by boosting police and military budgets.

Category: International Security
Strength: Significant
Proposed by: SVS

Description: The goal of this resolution is to promote peace and justice using the wise, and just use of the force by Jedi Knights. A order of Jedi Knights will each be made up of a council, a council leader, and a representative to the UN.

Uhm.... yeah. It would seem the Sith win.
13-06-2005, 04:53
Jedi Order Approval
A resolution to improve world security by boosting police and military budgets.

Category: International Security
Strength: Significant
Proposed by: SVS

Description: The goal of this resolution is to promote peace and justice using the wise, and just use of the force by Jedi Knights. A order of Jedi Knights will each be made up of a council, a council leader, and a representative to the UN.Uhm.... yeah. It would seem the Sith win.
I believe that that would also constitute a UN army.
Venerable libertarians
13-06-2005, 05:02
Navel trade request
A resolution to reduce barriers to free trade and commerce.

Category: Free Trade
Strength: Significant
Proposed by: Lt Mac

Description: I beleive that there are many nations in the world that wish to sell all the fine goods of our fellow people, but for sertain reasons some nations can not make a way to conduct trade.

I propose we build harbors and marketplaces in all the nations so that free trade may be aquired. This will increase unity in our world, and give all the econemy a much needed boost.

Approvals: 6 (Funkdunk, Vrone, Canabis Smokers, Neo Mata Nui, New Monkeymania, Canadian puerto ricans)

Status: Lacking Support (requires 143 more approvals)

Voting Ends: Tue Jun 14 2005

The Hibernian Kingdom of Venerable libertarians has not approved this proposal. [Approve]

I dunno about you lot, but i am partial to keeping my own NAVEL. Trading belly buttons cant be healthy! :D
13-06-2005, 05:53
I believe that that would also constitute a UN army.

(my inference was "the Jedi Council cannot exist"... I'm too subtle for the room, I accept it...)
13-06-2005, 05:54
Navel trade request
A resolution to reduce barriers to free trade and commerce.

Category: Free Trade
Strength: Significant
Proposed by: Lt Mac

Description: I beleive that there are many nations in the world that wish to sell all the fine goods of our fellow people, but for sertain reasons some nations can not make a way to conduct trade.

I propose we build harbors and marketplaces in all the nations so that free trade may be aquired. This will increase unity in our world, and give all the econemy a much needed boost.

Landlocked nations are going to love this one... harbors where there's no water.
13-06-2005, 05:56
Landlocked nations are going to love this one... harbors where there's no water.
Actually I prefere VL's intrerpertation.
13-06-2005, 05:58
Actually I prefere VL's intrerpertation.

That was intentional, right? :D
13-06-2005, 06:02
That was intentional, right? :D
I wish I could say it was, but I be lying, then again, who's ever heard of an honest politician.:D
13-06-2005, 06:20
You're a consistant one, and that's even rarer. One of the few to have our respect... even though we're often on opposite sides of the table.
14-06-2005, 11:33
Repeal Nuclear Weapons Ban
A resolution to improve world security by boosting police and military budgets.

Category: International Security
Strength: Significant
Proposed by: Sparta Territories

Description: The noble Republic of Sparta Territories wishes to repeal the ban on nuclear weapons. In times of dire need, nations need strong weapons to defend their land/territory. By banning nuclear weapons, the UN is limiting the nation to normal weapons, when the attacker has the upper hand with nuclear, and likely bio-chemical, weapons.
Now, that's curious. I wasn't aware we actually had a ban on nuclear weapons, but there you go.
14-06-2005, 12:13
Landlocked nations are going to love this one... harbors where there's no water.

Put the harbour on a lake then. Failing that, a garden pond. Or a bathtub - then all those toy boats would have somewhere to dock, free from the menace of the rubber duck.