NationStates Jolt Archive

Silly and/or Illegal Proposals. zOMG! - Page 20

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22-05-2007, 04:06
Not to mention that #1 completely contradicts #5!

Actually it doesn't; nuclear fission is not a renewable energy source. Neither is fusion, but the sheer abundance of raw materials makes it a non-issue.
22-05-2007, 04:09
From the people who brought you the Lollipop Procurement Act, now see the
Category: Political Stability

Strength: Strong

Proposed by: Helios Hyperion

Description: Seeing as the previously submitted (and very different) proposal known as the "Lollipop Procurement Act" was rejected,
maybe this one will be better accepted.

The aims of this act is to increase political stability. It will do this by ensuring that U.N. members are happy when they are deliberating, and so make better decisions.

The only burden this places on nations is that they will have to procure and give to the U.N. 100 candycanes each year.Which is just as silly as the lollypop one.

Category: Advancement of Industry

Area of Effect: Environmental Deregulation

Proposed by: Peach Cobler

Description: This propositions enacts laws requiring ALL members to:

- Set ablaze the rain forests, getting rid of those pesky trees
- Nuke the oceans and/or any other habitat of aquatic life
- destabilize the earth and cause it to be hurled directly into the sun


*INCREASED industrial production
*DECREASED population of hippies
*WARM TOASTY 190 degree winters
*ENOUGH solar power to last a lifetime (you have approx. 10 minutes left to live anyways)
*Guaranteeing poptart crispyness when earth is finished roasting:rolleyes:

Category: International Security

Strength: Significant

Proposed by: San Sabatine

Description: An International Counter terrorism unit, funded by the member nations, and mandated at the behest of the UN Council, based on Intelligence provided by the ICPIN.
Funding will be based on a percentage of the members GDP (proposal of 0.05% per member, per annum with approval from the UN Council as an Oversight Committee)
ICTU members will be recruited from the best citizens the member nations have to offer (on a volunteer basis)Illegal, attempts to create a UN police force.
22-05-2007, 04:47
Bazalonia;12674800']This is just one rather silly proposal...

From the people who brought you the Lollipop Procurement Act...

Wow. Who'd have thought that he'd also be a UN multi (x4)? It's not like posting illegal and stupid proposals is like a great flaming billboard pointing to your nation and saying "Check here for dumbass behavior!", now is it?

Is it?
23-05-2007, 00:33
Category: Gun Control

Decision: Tighten

Proposed by: Esterhaza

Description: The Illegal Arms Control Proposal or (IACP) seeks to limit and eliminate the flow of illegal arms purchased by many criminal elements. Illegal arms supply and fund multitudes of terrorist organizations, organized crime, and gang activity. The cause of illegal arms is due to the easy acquisition of surplus weapons from poorly secured weapons stockpiles and the shady underhanded tatics of certain companies within the Arms Manufacturing industry and lax regulations and security.

IACP proposes to create a UN regulatory agency supervising the activities and enforcing more stringent regulations on the Arms Manufacturing industry. This agency is to be called the Arms Manufacturing Regulatory Agency (AMRA).

Secondly, the IACP proposes to create a UN coalition to assist nations unable to properly secure weapons stockpiles.

Thirdly, the IACP proposes to bring UN nations into compliance with regulations issued by the ARMA. Isn't "create a UN coalition" just a way to try and circumvent the No UN army/police force rule?

Category: Human Rights

Strength: Mild

Proposed by: Mottzealand

Description: I think that rather than endorsements, the regions should be able to hold regular elections without having to do it themselves, and everyone can vote; not just UN members.Illegal, game mechanics.

Category: Social Justice

Strength: Mild

Proposed by: Eastern Ashton

Description: I propose the introduction of a "Casual Friday for Charity" in every nation of the UN. The money will be spread equally between the poorest of the poor in all countries and will also contribute towards food aid in some of the hardest hit areas of the global community.

Thank YouHow does casual Friday make money?:confused:

ategory: Environmental

Industry Affected: All Businesses

Proposed by: Southern Allied States

Description: I submit the following as a proposal to be voted to resolution. Where as:

I - All member nations of the UN should convert their nations major energy source gathered to only methods that are deemed "green" by the UN ruling body.

II - The amounts to be reached as are followed:
a. Over next 5 years - At least 30% of all total energy to be Green energy
b. Over next 10 years At least 60% of all total energy to be Green energy

III - If any nation does not meet this requirement, and is deemed to have the means and ability, then said nation is to be expelled from membership or the UN and heavy sacation are to be placed on said Nation until the correct level is meet.Illegal, game mechanics.

Category: Education and Creativity

Area of Effect: Educational

Proposed by: TUGAFOREVER

Description: In this big process that we all call "globalization" one thing has been left behind the problem of the different treatments in public school and private school.
In this world where everybody claims the right to have the same chances has anyone else equality is being left behind on schools where the private schools give more quality to their students than public schools.

Whit this proposal i dont want to propose the end of private schools but instead i propose that all the governmentshelp to improve the quality of public schools with some investments and changings:
1- use at least 0.005% of their state budget to improve public schools
2- to give prizes to the teachers in case of the groups whom these teachers give classrooms to have good results with the sense of stimulating the teachers to improve more and more his capacities of teaching
3-to promote the multiculturality in the classrooms in the direction of reducing the racism in the schools and the marginalized classes

these 3 measures can take to the improvement of the teaching in the schools, reduction of the tax of illiterates , end of the racism and delinquency in the schools etc. etc. etc.

THE FUTURE IS NOW EQUALITYY TO EVERYBODY FOR REL FOR EVER Don't you just love "Educational" resolutions with misspellings and grammatical errors?
23-05-2007, 00:36
Don't you just love "Educational" resolutions with misspellings and grammatical errors?

There's a certain symmetry to that. They are, after all, the ones who truly need it.
23-05-2007, 04:07
Don't you just love "Educational" resolutions with misspellings and grammatical errors?

And not a one of them seems to have read UNEAA, as they pretty much all contradict it.
24-05-2007, 00:05
Category: Education and Creativity

Area of Effect: Artistic

Proposed by: Mottzealand

Description: I love NationStates, but I have no idea where my country is. I know what region I am in, but where is that. We should be able to see graphics/maps of our countries on our country page. We could also see our surrounding countries and other things like that. Some people ask "What is the point?" Well, I think if we were going to run a country, we should at least get to see it.Illegal, game mechanics.

ategory: Human Rights

Strength: Strong

Proposed by: The Apocalypsis

Description: - Only the democratic nations join UN.Illegal, idealogical ban.

Category: Human Rights

Strength: Significant

Proposed by: Priest1

Description: this is for all the people who cant pass the vocab tests or get confused really easy

we should ban the use of all sentences that confuse others How about we ban those people who don't use capital letters or punctuation marks, because they confuse me.
24-05-2007, 06:51
How about we ban those people who don't use capital letters or punctuation marks, because they confuse me.

didn't he also breka his own proposal by posting a big sentence as well?
24-05-2007, 09:05
Illegal, idealogical ban.

The current proposoal violates the idealogical ban, as it mandates all UN nations have a free market. ~~~~
24-05-2007, 15:02
The current proposoal violates the idealogical ban, as it mandates all UN nations have a free market. ~~~~

No, no it doesn't, and use the official topic, you've been around enough to not have to be told that Disco.
Quintessence of Dust
26-05-2007, 14:12
Last night, I was talking to another NSer about the UN cards, and I mentioned that I hadn't seen many classically silly proposals of late.
Gambling is elegal on water
Category: Gambling
Legalize/Outlaw: Outlaw
Proposed by: Chicken place

Description: why because if people get drunk on a boat they could easily fall off and drown and it should at least make it e legal to build ponds and lakes just to put a boat in it to gamble.
Thank you, Chicken place.
26-05-2007, 16:15
Category: Advancement of Industry

Area of Effect: Tort Reform

Proposed by: Marty The Monster

Description: To build a space station, in orbit of our nation states.

This would aim to be a place, where people or creatures of all kinds can come to live, work, study, and advance our fine species.

This space station would also be used for scientific research, with the intention of any research benefiting all nation states creatures.

And maybe ultimately, this space station could be a place where we can start to build from this vantage point, new space vehicles, in order that we seek out new life and new civilizations, and boldly go, where no one has gone before. THIS IS NOT TORT REFORM!
26-05-2007, 20:55
Actually it doesn't; nuclear fission is not a renewable energy source. Neither is fusion, but the sheer abundance of raw materials makes it a non-issue.
I could maybe understand fission not being seen as an RES by some. But fusion!? If ever there came a point where there was a lack of the raw materials needed for fusion power, many of the so called "green" RESs would be out of luck as well.
27-05-2007, 06:24

A resolution to improve worldwide human and civil rights.

Category: Human Rights

Strength: Strong

Proposed by: Jadahlia

Description: legalize streaking...its natural...MAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAANNN!!

Approvals: 9 (Ohrder, Alpacadom, Totoral, Station 420, The Kings Guard, Phthisis, Mottzealand, Kraapsundic, Isomorphism)

Status: Lacking Support (requires 103 more approvals)

Voting Ends: Tue May 29 2007

I'd love to see this pass :D
27-05-2007, 06:29
I'd love to see this pass :D

Public nudity is already legal... and there are rumors printed by the tabloids that the President has been seen streaking through the governmental sector at night... not that I'm confirming that he does... or doesn't...;)
27-05-2007, 20:46
Category: Political Stability

Strength: Significant

Proposed by: Wyck

Description: Because I think the UN has to be one big block against the non-UN members.We need to construct a UN army and free trade inside the UN! that will bring also bring us political stability. As big block we're much stronger than loose countries! And that's why Resolution 1993 code 1 has to be accepted!Illegal, we don't get to have an army.
28-05-2007, 05:30
Public nudity is already legal... and there are rumors printed by the tabloids that the President has been seen streaking through the governmental sector at night... not that I'm confirming that he does... or doesn't...;)

in mine as well but it should be in all countries ;)
29-05-2007, 03:13
Category: Human Rights

Strength: Strong


Description: Reporters have to much lee way! They could get away with murder if they tried, and some have! If it weren't for the press Princess Diana would still be alive today! I think that a line must be drawn or else all UN member nations will be filled to the brink with paparazzi who think they can get away with anything. There should at least be one law about news reporters having to have permission from a celebrity to be able to take any pictures of them (excluding huge events that every reporter and photographer will be at). Unless this law is passed who knows what kind of chaos news people will cause. We need to crack down on them now!!!Illegal RL reference.

Category: Moral Decency

Strength: Strong

Proposed by: Poodledomism

Description: This bill is to require that all UN nations must exist on the platform of nationstates. Therefore Non-Existing nations cannot belong to the UN.This is either a game mechanics violation or unneeded I'm just not sure which.
29-05-2007, 08:44
A resolution to improve worldwide human and civil rights.

Category: Human Rights
Strength: Strong
Proposed by: Honeywell Hotties

Description: Why do women need freedom? Women should be just like a house or a car: a possession. I propose that a bill be passed that makes women a legal possession of men.

Well somebody isn’t getting married any time soon. Where do you start with errors in this? Wrong category, grossly offensive…
Intellect and Art
29-05-2007, 08:59
In light of this grossly offensive proposal, I would like to supply all females within the said person's nation with assault rifles, sniper rifles, and ample supply of bladed weapons and let them go to work on this nation's jackass-in-chief. :sniper:

Honestly, it's like the person who submitted that the nazi flag should be allowed because "we all know Hitler was just misunderstood". I sincerely hope they're submitting these things as jokes and aren't actually serious.
29-05-2007, 11:18
It's a shame that there's so many illegal and so little silly (in the fun way) at the moment. We need more proposals of Inflatable Gandalf proportions.
29-05-2007, 15:18
Category: Advancement of Industry

Area of Effect: Labor Deregulation

Proposed by: Leuvenation

Description: A) Economical Reasons:

1) To forbid birth control for the masses.
•It’s a sure way of ensuring a continuing inflow of cheap (low schooled) labor, without the risk and problems of racism and integration.
•Furthermore Darwin’s theory of evolution tells us that only the fittest will thrive (survive). Or in other words only the smartest, the strongest and/or the cleverest of the inhabitants of the overpopulated ghettos will succeed in overcoming the harsh conditions of their birth-habitat to join the ranks of the upper-class. Thus ensuring our nations with only the ‘fittest’ new blood to breed into its governing-few, thereby confirming its superiority in regard to the masses.

2) To allow birth control for the upper-class.
•Disallowing birth control for the upper-class would spread the wealth to thin.
•These people have already proven their superiority to the masses, due to their pedigree. Yet the rules of Darwin’s theory of evolution still count, even on this higher level. And although the competition will be at least as fierce as within the masses, it’s more of the dueling kind then of the mass combat kind, so fewer competitors are needed.

B) Health Reasons:

1) To forbid birth control for the masses.
•Natural selection and the chaos-theory ensure us that for every disease there is at least one person who is immune to it, by allowing, even encouraging the masses to breed like rabbits, we will increase our chances of finding the immune one among our inhabitants, and distilling a cure from his immunity system.

2) To allow birth control for the upper-class.
•If the number of upper-class citizens rises any further, their will be no space left in the housing regions of these citizens to allow for natural features like parks, gardens, trees, lawns, golf-clubs, … . In other words the last few patches of greenery would disappear with disastrous effects towards the climate of the planet as a consequence.
•Since the masses are already enlisted to breed towards an improved immunity system, the scientific improvements and findings there can be implemented on the upper class, thus negating the need for them to behave like rodents. And this does what now?

Category: Moral Decency

Strength: Significant

Proposed by: Palanquitos del Mar

Description: The United Nations,

AWARE of the importance of the animal life and its social value;

ACKNOWLEDGING economic benefits of public meetings with animal shows;

NOTING psicologic problems in people, such as unsensibilization and declination of human spirit, and psicologic/health problems in animal, such as mental diseases, and a wide range of injuries;
PERSUADED that a proportion of these are avoidable;

REQUIRES the ban of the use of animals in public meetings that doesn't involve any animal psicological or health risk;


1. The President of the Nation will ban any public expression of animal suffering;

2. Any public meeting or celebration with animals, whatever its public importance, may ask its inclusion in a NGO-controlled list about public meetings or celebrations where no animal is the object of physical and/or psychic abuse. Every now and then the list would be revised for;

3. The legal guardian of the law will be the government of each nation. Every meeting that is not included in the list will be considered a public expression of animal suffering and may be banned by the government of the nation;

4. a National Comitee would be composed for a multidisciplinary team, who remain responsible to make informed choices and decisions on their behalf, in accordance with any applicable rights and health and safety legislation;

ENSURES that no other animal is harmed, or likely to be harmed, directly or otherwise;

URGES member nations to ban public meetings or celebratios that show animal suffering;

ENCOURAGES adoption of estrict policies for the protection of the animal dignity.
No more Weasel Stomping Day (
29-05-2007, 21:59
Originally Posted by Birth control an exclusive rig
Category: Advancement of Industry
Area of Effect: Labor Deregulation
Methinks they're thinking of a different type of 'labor'.
30-05-2007, 04:53
Category: Free Trade

Strength: Significant

Proposed by: Christopher Paul

Description: This resolution is in response to the ever expanding global economy, and seeks to provide equal trade flow among all nations. This resolution also recognizes constituent nations’ desire to protect domestic industry.
Therefore, this resolution proposes that:

1. The tariffs and import taxation levied by the nation of the first party in a bi-lateral trade relationship, should receive the same percentage importation tariffs and taxation, so that a trade imbalance does not occur, by which one nation be able to prey upon the instability or vulnerability of the nation of the second part. This agreement is hereby known as a Common Trade Agreement (CTA).

2. The United Nations Committee for International Financial Responsibility, while not mandatory, will provide trade mitigation services.

3. All nations are required to resolve the CTA within each fiscal year.

4. When such nations are unable to resolve that year’s CTA, the previously active CTA will remain in effect until the new CTA is resolved.

5. Tardy CTA agreements will not be retroactive within the fiscal year, but only cover goods traded upon the effective date and time of the CTA.

6. However, with the initial establishment of CTA’s Constituent nations will be required to have resolved their CTA within 365 days of the effectiveness of this resolution.

7. If said nations are unable to agree upon said tariff and taxation, a penalty of 10% of the value of all goods, materials and services traded within a fiscal year, will be charged until said nations should come to an agreement.

8. Nations that violate the CTA will be labeled in offense of this resolution by the UN CIFR.

9. Offending nations will be fined 25% of the trade imbalance gross value, and will accrue an annual percentage interest rate of prime + 7% for each year that such fines go unpaid, being calculated on a monthly average and compounding annually.

10. Severe delinquency, as determined by the Security Council but not less than 5 years, will incur other actions as deemed necessary to remedy the trade imbalance, up to and possibly including trade restriction among other constituent nations.

11. There is no term limitation to the Trade agreements, however provision is made for both parties to annual renegotiate their CTA.

12. Any nation may appeal their claim to the UN CIFR, and then respectively to the Security Council, should each UN body determine the appeal to be credible. Illegal, we don't have a security council.

Category: Repeal

Resolution: #211

Proposed by: Rasalat

Description: UN Resolution #211: Establishment of ICPIN (Category: International Security; Strength: Mild) shall be struck out and rendered null and void.

Argument: Aware that criminal activities often span multiple jurisdictions,

Alarmed by the prospect of criminals attempting to cross national borders in order to escape justice,

Realizing that many nations employ multiple law enforcement agencies with differing mandates and fields of specialisation, which may not have direct correlations in other nations, making international cooperation between these agencies and others difficult,

Recognising the importance of international communication in tackling crime and apprehending criminals:

1. Promotes cooperation between member nations in the apprehension of criminals, particularly international fugitives, the suppression of criminal activities, and the sharing of intelligence concerning criminal activities and their perpetrators;

2. Further encourages member nations to negotiate reciprocal agreements with others to permit law enforcement agents to enter their nation and exercise power of arrest and detention;

3. Emphasises that the decision to grant such powers remains a national prerogative;

4. Requires member nations to maintain a Central National Office (CNO) to communicate between all law enforcement agencies and other relevant authorities under their jurisdiction, and to act as a point of first contact for other national and international organizations seeking to establish lines of communication;

5. Establishes the International Criminal Police Information Network (ICPIN) to promote effective communication between nations and their law enforcement agencies, and to facilitate international operations to suppress criminal activities, especially in the fields of:
- trafficking of persons, arms, drugs, stolen goods, illegal technologies and other illegal materials,
- international terrorism,
- organized crime,
- corruption and financial crime;

6. Encourages member nations, where appropriate, to use the ICPIN as means to issue alerts, exchange information and organize efforts to apprehend criminal fugitives;

7. Declares that the ICPIN shall:
- maintain regular contact with all CNOs,
- assist in the establishment and maintenance of the CNOs of nations requesting such aid,
- facilitate communications and cooperation between national law enforcement agencies,
- distribute information and alerts to all relevant CNOs about known or suspected fugitives or criminal activities,
- cooperate with other relevant international agencies, such as the ICSI,
- compile and maintain a database of known and suspected fugitives, international criminal organizations, and criminal activities spanning multiple jurisdictions;

8. Strongly emphasises that:
- ICPIN agents shall not have powers of arrest or detention, nor any authority to engage in police or military actions,
- any information provided shall only be disclosed with the express agreement of both the nation of origin and the ICPIN,
- nothing in this resolution shall require nations to aid in the apprehension of anyone they do not consider a criminal.Is it my imagination, or is this repeal's argument actually just the text of the resolution.
30-05-2007, 07:07

A resolution to tighten or relax gun control laws.

Category: Gun Control

Decision: Tighten

Proposed by: Iightdude1

Description: All guns should be banned.
The Reasons:
1. Less Death
2. No reason for war
3.Give Police time to work out other problems

Approvals: 15 (Alpacadom, Psycotia Island, The JoJo, Lapis Heaven, Da Atte Preniez, Watercloset, Corulus, Liberal Holy Men, The Eastern West, Pickwick and Yuna, Binzer, WZ Forums, The Free God states, Degaussers, New Hamilton)

Status: Lacking Support (requires 97 more approvals)

Voting Ends: Tue May 29 2007

The Holy Empire of James_xenoland has not approved this proposal. [Approve]
And this will do that how again?
Quintessence of Dust
30-05-2007, 13:35
Repeal "Religious Tolerance"
Category: Repeal
Resolution: #19
Proposed by: Uneasia

Argument: There is no evidence for the existence of any deity, let alone a named one called "God". Legislated tolerance for the beliefs of the mentally deranged makes a mockery of everything the UN stands for and promotes dangerous sectarianism and segregation.
Borders on grossly offensive?
Repeal "Illegal Logging"
Category: Repeal
Resolution: #66
Proposed by: Mighty Riches

Argument: Banning logging would devastate the world’s economy. Many things that relying on wood would go up in price so much the general public would be unable to use them. The poor would have to live without chairs, houses would go up in price and it would become even harder to get a roof over your head. This resolution would hurt the poor and the economy, for these reasons I think this resolution is not worthy of UN consideration!!!
Yes, it would. Pity then that this resolution doesn't ban logging.
Repeal "UN Bio Agent Convention"
Category: Repeal
Resolution: #204
Proposed by: Mighty Riches

Argument: This resolution stops UN nations from defending themselves from attack to there full potential, and gives a serous advantage to rouge nations not part of the UN that are able to use these weapons against us. So in the pursuit of freedom and defence of democracy in all member nations of the UN I am repealing this resolution. Because of these reasons I don’t believe this resolution is worth of the UN’s consideration!!!

And I sort of agree with this repeal: would be fun to see these nations use biological weapons in self-defence.

I was going to ask: what's with all the repeals? Then I realized 5 in a row were by this guy; even so, interesting how the proposal queue has more repeals than usual, after a spell of the floor having no repeals.
St Edmundan Antarctic
30-05-2007, 19:05
Forced Army admission
A resolution to improve worldwide human and civil rights.

Category: Human Rights
Strength: Strong
Proposed by: Pwasune

Description: It is intolerable,if nothing else,that compulsory military service is to exist in this modern.Each army should be professional,not just a ground were neurotical army drillers who have never fought in any war take out their personal stress on 18-year olds .This leads to mobbing,depressions, self-pity,destruction of weaker willed peoples self-esteem and in several cases,suicides.The recent footage of Russia, where a soldier was so mobed by his fellows that he lost both legs and his reproductive organs (note:this is a REAL news that REALLY happened in Russia not so long ago).Also some nations here have allegedly accepted a forced military service for teenaged fathers-this is an even greater threat and therefore it must be dealt with permanently.All UN nations should from this point on (if this proposals is accepted) have a PROFESSIONAL army with people who WILLINGLY join the armed forces to assist their other nation.

Approvals: 0
Status: Lacking Support (requires 112 more approvals)

Voting Ends: Sat Jun 2 2007

Illegal, RL reference.
31-05-2007, 04:30
Illegal, RL reference.

Not to mention that punctuation marks are no substitute for the space bar.

Category: Education and Creativity

Area of Effect: Educational

Proposed by: Fropperopperland

Description: Wishing to implement an international way of education for all UN nations.
Outlining agreed upon levels of examination.
Outlining all subjects that should be compulsory and optional. (excluding language)
Allowing each country to specify national areas of interest in a spefic interest to a country.
Making certain areas of subjects universally compulsory e.g World War 2.
Most importantly This will achieve international recognition of qualifications. At primary 2nd and 3rd level.
This proposal will allow people to get work that they are qualified to do in other countries that currently do not recognise some countries qualifications.Illegal, RL reference.
Quintessence of Dust
31-05-2007, 19:31
International drug trade
Category: Recreational Drug Use
Decision: Promote
Proposed by: The satanic nations

Description: recodnizing that the underground drug trade is a serious issue

acnologing the fact that the war on drugs takes up valuable resources

reasoning that with the international drug trade(IDT) pirates will have no reason to smuggle drugs into the country, as the items in question are already in the nation

however, this means that all nations will have to legalize drugs for this to work

also stating, that the government can make a profit from selling such drugs to the public

also, the quantity allowed at one time will be limited and prices shall be fair

the following is a price list:

pot $15
coke $20
speed $50
LSD $10
angel dust $60
heroin $30
ecstacy $10
shrooms $5
crystal meth $60

(note prices are per oz.)
Whether this resolution is a good idea or a wildly unsound one, those prices are a mite unrealistic. The UN legalising drugs? Not sure. The UN massively subsidising them to the point of giving them away free? Nnnnnnno.
Intellect and Art
01-06-2007, 00:23
Establishment of IAC

A resolution to promote funding and the development of education and the arts.

Category: Education and Creativity

Area of Effect: Educational

Proposed by: Pereotenia

Description: The United Nations,

Defining, for the purposes of this proposal, science and art as;
1) SCIENCE: Any research or discoveries that lead to technological breakthroughs, benefit parts or the whole of humankind, or generally assist the advancement of the common good without intentionally (or, if possible, unintentionally) causing harm to any living thing, inciting hatred amongst peoples or people groups, or irreversibly harming or destroying any part of the environment;
2) ART: Any form of lasting and noticeable expression that leaves an impression on viewers, readers, or listeners without intentionally (or, if possible, unintentionally) causing harm to any living thing, inciting hatred amongst peoples or people groups, or irreversibly destroying any part of the environment;

Recognizing the importance of scientific and artistic inquiry and enterprise to national and international commerce and culture,

Further recognizing the importance of awards and monetary incentives for the continued progress of above processes,

Believing that the offering of incentives and awards will increase the quality and quantity of scientific discoveries and artistic expressions worldwide,

Proposes the establishment of an International Awards Committee, which will concern itself with the following;
1) Awarding a person or small group of persons (no more than five) awards in the following categories;
a) Physics
b) Chemistry
c) Literature
d) Peace
e) Medical practices
f) Visual arts
g) Economics,
2) Establishing a committee of persons from various members of the United Nations and employing groups of experts in each category, both of whom will be concerned with the selection of potential candidates for each category,
3) The narrowing down and final selection of the award winner(s) for each category by use of aforementioned committee and groups of experts, allotting no more than three winners for each category,
4) The awarding of a 24 karat gold medal engraved with the IAC's official logo, and the equivalent of no less than one-million British pounds to the winner(s) of each category,

Proposes that the IAC convenes yearly on the tenth of December of the Gregorian calendar in an arbitrary location decided by the committee no more than four months prior,

Recognizes each nation's freedom to join or reject the committee,

Encourages all members of the United Nations to take part in the IAC.I'm fairly certain this one is illegal for real world references, but I could be wrong if anyone cares to say so.

Good Bye to the Ungrown

A resolution to improve world security by boosting police and military budgets.

Category: International Security

Strength: Mild

Proposed by: Mogomo

Description: We believe that the world is a growing place, but that does not mean that the regions are growing. The reason for this is because the number of regions are. We call that the regions containing less than three nations for a specified amount of times. This will also allow new nations to have an easier time to search for regions without as many splitting choices. I have just one thing to say: What the fish?
01-06-2007, 02:26
I have just one thing to say: What the fish?

I've got two words to say to that one: game mechanics.

Category: Social Justice

Strength: Significant

Proposed by: AP3 10

Originally Proposed by: Otnemem

Description: To give every child under the age of 16 the right to a free education

I believe that this resolutions repeal no longer affects the interests, or represents the members of the UN and therefore i repropose it for your consideration. Plagurizing a repealed resolution is generally considered a bad idea.

Category: The Furtherment of Democracy

Strength: Mild

Proposed by: HenryLouis

Description: We can have sanctions against bad countries.Sounds to me like a game mechanics problem.
01-06-2007, 15:05
Category: Repeal

Resolution: #57

Proposed by: Christlerland

Description: UN Resolution #57: Reduce Black Market Arms Sales (Category: International Security; Strength: Significant) shall be struck out and rendered null and void.

Argument: Resolution #57 is now totally obsolete. new and shocking facts make it obvious that there has to be a more apropriate resolution on the trade of illicit arms and small weapons. this is because this threat is a global one, and is more fearful than even atomic bombs. small armies of a couple of hundreads of men can cause heavy casualties, when in underdeveloped areas where governments are unable to protect their people. in order to deal with this threat, we have to ensure international cooperation amongst all nations, in order to foresee and prevent dangerous transactions, and all states have to sign an international Arms Trade Treaty (ATT), in order to secure ourselves from that threat. therefore, Christlerland proposes the following resolution to replace #57:

Alarmed by the heavy casualties caused by these weapons,
Aware of the difficulties of restricting the trade of guns that can have legitimate uses,
Deeply disturbed by the growing number of deaths and injuries of civilians and aid workers, and of the culture of violence that is established in war-ridden societies, leading to young combatants becoming criminals after the war,

1) Calls upon all states to fight the phenomenon of leaky government arsenals by implementing strickter measures of the security of their stockpiles,

2) Encourages states to form legislation which will suport destroying of unnecessary weapon supplies, restrictions on the trade and manufacturing of such weapons, keeping track of ofiicialy held guns, and using marking systems on weapons to ensure that the country of origin can be found

3) Insists that all states sign an Arms Trade Treaty, which will ensure that:

a) all international transfer of arms will be authorized by a given state and will be carried out according to international laws and procedures that reflect states' obligations under international law
b) states will not authorize transfer of arms that violate expressed obligations regarding arms under international law, including but not limited to obligations to the UN charter, any other treaty binding the state
c) States shall not authorize international transfer of arms when they are to be used ar are likely to be used, based on the recipient's record of lawfulness, for violations of international law, including breaches of the UN charter and the commision of serious Human Rights violations,
d) states shall establish standards for spcific control of mechanisms on imports and exports of arms, arms brokering activities, transfers of licensed arms production, and trans-shipment of arms

2) Resolves that a legaly binding international system to be formed, which will, in cooperation with all states and the UN:

a) make available timely information on global traficing of small arms and weapons
b)take steps to eradicate black market trade by criminalizing unauthorized production and transfer of weapons
c) take steps to reintergrate former combatants to the civilian economy, buy their arms and destroy them
d) setinternational standards in the manufacturing of small arms and light weapons

5) Calls upon all nations to recognize unregulated civilian ownership of weapons as a problem and enforce appropriate legislation on that matterIllegal, repeals cannot contain new legislation.
The Most Glorious Hack
01-06-2007, 15:09
16,legal ae to change school ?
A resolution to promote funding and the development of education and the arts.

Category: Education and Creativity
Area of Effect: Educational
Proposed by: Italia states

Description: The department of education as lately put this question on the ice,should people must have their high school diploma at least?The current rule says that you must be 16 years old to stop school ..

Approvals: 1 (WZ Forums)

Status: Lacking Support (requires 112 more approvals)

Voting Ends: Mon Jun 4 2007Um... what?
01-06-2007, 15:49
The nation 'New USAs' recently proposed we reinstate slavery to (quote):

" Country Leaders and Persons of state or Personal rank. Should be allowed to own slaves due to the country laws that are in place.

Slavery allows for unwanted people to be allowed in areas, that originaly wouldnt allow those to enter.

Slavery builds countrys and militarys up far more then any normal country could do so.

Slavery today is nothing more then a binding contract that can not be repealed.

Slavery should be re instated for the good of poor countrys and for nations that need labor fast.

Slavery should not stop between prisoner or normal minoritys.

Minoritys should have limited laws that protect from death when not convicted of any crime.

Countrys should have the right to choose this action if they wish for there nation."
HOWEVER I think he has not taken into consideration the fact that slavery is actually not beneficial to the economy of countries. Slavery was initially abolished by the British because it was so bad for the economy. Think about it:

Slave owner must provide their slaves food clothing shelter and make sure they are healthy. If he fails to do, the slaves that he paid for die and he loses profit.

The business owner simply pays his workers a wage/salary and thats it. The worker has to provide the rest for himself. Also the worker is paid according to how he works, this motivates him to work harder where as the slave doesn't care how well he works.

Therefore with a higher initial input, you get higher profits. SO 'New USAs' economic reason for slavery is wrong. And I'm not even going to start on the morality of slavery!

If you think I'm right! Then please lend me your support by endorsing me, SupaSkwirrel, and we can start making real good and ethical (as well as logical) changes in the UN!:rolleyes:
01-06-2007, 18:39
the following is a price list:

pot $15
coke $20
speed $50
LSD $10
angel dust $60
heroin $30
ecstacy $10
shrooms $5
crystal meth $60

(note prices are per oz.)Whether this resolution is a good idea or a wildly unsound one, those prices are a mite unrealistic. The UN legalising drugs? Not sure. The UN massively subsidising them to the point of giving them away free? Nnnnnnno.Right, because that's my government's job. ;)

Looks like someone is longing for the old days when you could get a dime bag. :D
New USAs
01-06-2007, 19:09
The nation 'New USAs' recently proposed we reinstate slavery to (quote):

" Country Leaders and Persons of state or Personal rank. Should be allowed to own slaves due to the country laws that are in place.

Slavery allows for unwanted people to be allowed in areas, that originaly wouldnt allow those to enter.

Slavery builds countrys and militarys up far more then any normal country could do so.

Slavery today is nothing more then a binding contract that can not be repealed.

Slavery should be re instated for the good of poor countrys and for nations that need labor fast.

Slavery should not stop between prisoner or normal minoritys.

Minoritys should have limited laws that protect from death when not convicted of any crime.

Countrys should have the right to choose this action if they wish for there nation."
HOWEVER I think he has not taken into consideration the fact that slavery is actually not beneficial to the economy of countries. Slavery was initially abolished by the British because it was so bad for the economy. Think about it:

Slave owner must provide their slaves food clothing shelter and make sure they are healthy. If he fails to do, the slaves that he paid for die and he loses profit.

The business owner simply pays his workers a wage/salary and thats it. The worker has to provide the rest for himself. Also the worker is paid according to how he works, this motivates him to work harder where as the slave doesn't care how well he works.

Therefore with a higher initial input, you get higher profits. SO 'New USAs' economic reason for slavery is wrong. And I'm not even going to start on the morality of slavery!

If you think I'm right! Then please lend me your support by endorsing me, SupaSkwirrel, and we can start making real good and ethical (as well as logical) changes in the UN!:rolleyes:

If you think that it would be worse. then you think of them like normal people. if we consider them things or items we can trade, barter, or toss out then its the best way to keep cost low.

goverments can have farms of slaves where the slave race would prosper by forced births. or cloning could be made more of a pratical use. also breeding of strong great slaves that last long and have low risk of health issues would be great addition.

For slaves after a few years work they are no longer like they use to be. that is why the country could eather use them to clear land mine zones, put together harmful radioactive bombs or equipment, or even be used in medical experments.

also the land owner could even dispose of the slave himself. goverments could sell slaves for low prices while farmers and military officals and even medical students could gain so much more.

it is time for goverments to be allowed to do what they feel is right. or tell its people what they should think is right.

also military testing on vehical or gun designs would be great use of slaves, also the safty standards in cars could be used with people for cheep, then expensive high end computer models.
01-06-2007, 19:18
Dear SupaSkwirrel and New USAs,

thank you for bringing your silly proposal to our collective attention. If you want to discuss it, please bugger off to a thread of your own.

No thanks,
Ifan ap Rhys, Steward of Segontium

Um... what?
I think they're trying to raise the minimum school leaving age to 18 (for humans). But you've just got to love incomprehensible proposals about education.
01-06-2007, 22:16
Description: UN Resolution #123: Labeling Standards (Category: Human Rights; Strength: Mild) shall be struck out and rendered null and void.


Approvals: 5 (WZ Forums, Naughty Slave Girls, Compulsoria, Great Atlantea, Ohrder)

Status: Lacking Support (requires 108 more approvals)

Voting Ends: Sun Jun 3 2007

Now there's the kind of compelling argument that the UN likes to see!

Is it just me, or does WZ Forums endorse everything?
Intellect and Art
01-06-2007, 22:55
I've actually seen *gasp* TWO proposals WZ hasn't endorsed. Both of them became part of the UN Charter. WZ voted against them, too.
02-06-2007, 01:58
Free Tibet

A resolution to increase democratic freedoms.

Category: The Furtherment of Democracy

Strength: Significant

Proposed by: Apokalypto

Description: Free Tibet!

Approvals: 1 (Apokalypto)

Status: Lacking Support (requires 112 more approvals)

Voting Ends: Tue Jun 5 2007

RL refrance
Intellect and Art
02-06-2007, 02:13
That and a lack of actually doing anything productive....also since when did it become ok to make the argument of one's proposal match its title? Common sense,'s a precious commodity.

My thanks to The Most Glorious Hack. I had tried to look up signature rules but couldn't find them for the life of me. I apparently just didn't know where to look. ^-^
The Most Glorious Hack
02-06-2007, 06:01
Psst... Intellect and Art... signatures are limited to eight lines... your quote-block alone takes up 10 lines.
02-06-2007, 06:15
Category: Global Disarmament

Strength: Strong

Proposed by: Iran1

Description: We Propose that all countries disarm nuclear warheads. They were a nasty creation and we think that if the world puts there heads down and disarms. Well, we are one step closer to world peace.Illegal, contradicts "Nuclear Armaments."
02-06-2007, 15:27
Category: Human Rights

Strength: Strong

Proposed by: Poodledomism

(a) With respect to the facility of any public buildings to be constructed, altered, or acquired, or the space to be leased, a statement by the Administrator that the number of toilets in women's restrooms will exceed the number of toilets (including urinals) in men's restrooms by a ratio of 2 to 1 or a statement by the Administrator as to why such a ratio of toilets is not needed.'.

(b) Effective Date- The amendment made by subsection (a) shall become effective on the first day of the first fiscal year beginning after the date of enactment of this Act. Great, now the UN wants to set building codes.:rolleyes:
The Librarians
02-06-2007, 22:32
Time to bear arms

A resolution to improve world security by boosting police and military budgets.

Category: International Security

Strength: Strong

Proposed by: The Blood Crescent

Description: We need a stronger bonds. All who oppose us shall die.

Somehow I don't think we need to worry about this one. Someone's ( having compensation issues. Plus, of course, it violates the "the UN shall not have any army" rule.
03-06-2007, 04:30
Somehow I don't think we need to worry about this one. Someone's ( having compensation issues. Plus, of course, it violates the "the UN shall not have any army" rule.

That's assuming that it actually creates an army, as far as I can see, it doesn't actually do anything.

Category: Gambling

Legalize/Outlaw: Legalize

Proposed by: Bob5544

Description: we should legalise gambling:rolleyes:
03-06-2007, 21:21
Category: Education and Creativity

Area of Effect: Educational

Proposed by: Endless Delirium

Description: With the lack of proper sex education for citizens all over the world, a compulsory live sex education would help improve the level of sexual awareness among young people.

1. Sex education should be taught not just on the textbook level, but videos must be shown as graphic examples.

2. On a textbook level, description and definitions should not be restricted by clean language or taboo mentality, but should be discussed and described in detail to facilitate a learner's understanding of sex.

3. Live demonstration. While not compulsory, schools are encouraged to hold live demonstration of sexual activities between two people. This will give students a livlier and vivid understanding of what exactly is entailed in the subject of sex.

A good understanding of sex would decrease the abuse of sex. Please endorseYou know, I kind of almost want this to come up for vote just so I can break out one of my lesser used characters.

Category: Repeal

Resolution: #211

Proposed by: Rasalat

Description: UN Resolution #211: Establishment of ICPIN (Category: International Security; Strength: Mild) shall be struck out and rendered null and void.

Argument: Aware that criminal activities often span multiple jurisdictions,

Alarmed by the prospect of criminals attempting to cross national borders in order to escape justice,

Realizing that many nations employ multiple law enforcement agencies with differing mandates and fields of specialisation, which may not have direct correlations in other nations, making international cooperation between these agencies and others difficult,

Recognising the importance of international communication in tackling crime and apprehending criminals:

1. Promotes cooperation between member nations in the apprehension of criminals, particularly international fugitives, the suppression of criminal activities, and the sharing of intelligence concerning criminal activities and their perpetrators;

2. Further encourages member nations to negotiate reciprocal agreements with others to permit law enforcement agents to enter their nation and exercise power of arrest and detention;

3. Emphasises that the decision to grant such powers remains a national prerogative;

4. Requires member nations to maintain a Central National Office (CNO) to communicate between all law enforcement agencies and other relevant authorities under their jurisdiction, and to act as a point of first contact for other national and international organizations seeking to establish lines of communication;

5. Establishes the International Criminal Police Information Network (ICPIN) to promote effective communication between nations and their law enforcement agencies, and to facilitate international operations to suppress criminal activities, especially in the fields of:
- trafficking of persons, arms, drugs, stolen goods, illegal technologies and other illegal materials,
- international terrorism,
- organized crime,
- corruption and financial crime;

6. Encourages member nations, where appropriate, to use the ICPIN as means to issue alerts, exchange information and organize efforts to apprehend criminal fugitives;

7. Declares that the ICPIN shall:
- maintain regular contact with all CNOs,
- assist in the establishment and maintenance of the CNOs of nations requesting such aid,
- facilitate communications and cooperation between national law enforcement agencies,
- distribute information and alerts to all relevant CNOs about known or suspected fugitives or criminal activities,
- cooperate with other relevant international agencies, such as the ICSI,
- compile and maintain a database of known and suspected fugitives, international criminal organizations, and criminal activities spanning multiple jurisdictions;

8. Strongly emphasises that:
- ICPIN agents shall not have powers of arrest or detention, nor any authority to engage in police or military actions,
- any information provided shall only be disclosed with the express agreement of both the nation of origin and the ICPIN,
- nothing in this resolution shall require nations to aid in the apprehension of anyone they do not consider a criminal.Since when is the text of the resolution you're trying to repeal a valid argument?
Intellect and Art
04-06-2007, 09:31
I must admit, I added my endorsement to the "Live Sex Education" one, but not because I was approving of the proposal, per se, although I do think positional safety should be covered. You have no idea the stories I've heard from friends about the stupid stuff people think might be fun without bothering to figure out how to be safe about it. :rolleyes: Mostly I was approving of the dangling metalic objects required to even THINK of submitting such a piece. Whoever runs that nation has some serious guts, lemme tell ya.

Anyway, about the aforementioned ICPIN repeal, isn't that the second time that repeal has been submitted? I swear someone, maybe the same person, did this exact same thing at least once before. This is just a little absurd.
05-06-2007, 00:07
I must admit, I added my endorsement to the "Live Sex Education" one, but not because I was approving of the proposal, per se, although I do think positional safety should be covered.

(OOC: safe positions, huh? ::snickers like a schoolboy::)

Unfortunately it's illegal. Article 6 of UNEAA ( amongst other things says "thou shalt not tell nations what to teach."
05-06-2007, 03:35
Category: International Security

Strength: Significant

Proposed by: Joined Districts

Description: The death penalty shall be instated in all member nations. Doing this will prove to be an effective deterrent against crime.Illegal, contradicts Fair Sentencing Act.
05-06-2007, 15:28
Category: Environmental

Industry Affected: All Businesses

Proposed by: Kahoolawe

Description: We, the people of Kahoolawe,

believing that the member states of not only the United Nations, but the world should be committed to the health and well-being of their environment.
We are deeply concerned by the potential lack of prevention and control environmental issues.

In order to establish the idea of sustainability in our peoples’ minds we hereby express our following feelings and the accordant proposals towards a (new) EU resolution.

Recognizing that the environment must be protected per se in its entirety and in its
various component parts and their interrelations, as the foundation and basis for life,

Deeply concerned about the increasing damage to the environment caused by detrimental

Fearing an occurrence of environmental disasters brought about by additional disturbances
of the ecological system,

Realizing that intensified international efforts are necessary to save the environment
and to protect it from further deterioration,

Considering the fact that effective measures to protect the environment can be implemented
only if awareness of the problems and willingness to act accordingly are

Recognizing that the United Nations should continue to play a substantial role in
promoting protection of the environment, particularly through the United Nations
Environment Programme,

Recognizing also that the United Nations Environment Programme is the lead
agency in handling environmental matters,

Convinced that in addition to measures provided by administrative law and liability
under civil law, measures should also be taken, where appropriate, in the field of
criminal law,

1. Calls upon Member States:
(a) To recognize the need to modify or enact, where necessary, and to enforce national
criminal laws designed to protect nature and the environment, as well as people,
threatened by their deterioration;

(b) To promote, under national criminal law, the protection of nature and the environment
against the dumping of hazardous wastes or other materials which pose a risk of damaging the environment and against the operation of dangerous technical
installations that they consider to involve unacceptable margins of risk;

(c) To implement effectively their national laws, including criminal laws, concerning
environmental protection and, inter alia, to ensure the restoration of the environment,
wherever harmed to its original state as far as possible;

2. Requests Member States:
(a) To take measures to encourage public awareness concerning environmental
protection and to stimulate the readiness to act accordingly;

(b) To take measures to ensure that public and private entities which undertake
activities that are hazardous to the environment take into account ecological concerns
among their economic and financial goals;

(c) To consider becoming parties to the relevant international conventions on environmental
protection and the conservation of nature;

(d) To encourage the harmonization of national and regional legislation of countries
belonging to the same ecosystem, striving for the highest level of protection of
the environment;

(e) To co-operate in the prevention, investigation and prosecution of criminal acts
against the environment; Illegal, branding.
Quintessence of Dust
05-06-2007, 17:00
Not to mention it's simply a cut and paste of the Resolution on "The role of criminal law in the protection of nature and the environment", endorsed by the General Assembly in Resolution 45/121 (14 December 1990), from the Eighth United Nations Congress on the Prevention of Crime and the Treatment of Offenders (Havana, Cuba, 1990). Not sure if that counts as 'plagiarism' or simply 'stupid'.
06-06-2007, 04:19
Category: Environmental

Industry Affected: All Businesses

Proposed by: SandBirchland

Description: We propose to increase the bio-agriculture to limit the exploitation and the damage of the environment and to favor the spreading of alternative systems to product primary goods. We propose to use products from biological agriculture in all the public tables for lower the prices of production and to make these products accessible also to the private citizens in a larger scale.What?:confused:

Category: The Furtherment of Democracy

Strength: Mild

Proposed by: Manchester Sydenham U

Description: This law prevents unjust laws to be made by the head of a region
1. This will prevent new nieve countries from being forced to do things that they have no say in.
2. This will let countries make decisions that benefit their country, ultimately helping the global economy.
3. Makes sure that each country, liberal or capitalist gets their deserved freedoms.
4. This will give publicity to the UN, for making a law that helps all types of government.
5. If a person is charged for braking this law, then they will be punished. (punishment determined by the UN.
6. Makes sure that each law breaker gets a fair trial.
7. Spreads the law of Free Speech.

If a country does not follow the requirements below, they will be fined.
(Fine determined on how bad the case is.
Punishments good be any where from revoking the laws and apologizing to leaving the region completely.

The requirements
1. Laws must be fair to all countries in region
2. Laws must not force a country to change their type of government
3. Laws must not force a country to put a certain amount of money into one area. Example: All people who are in this region have to put 80% of their money into the Military.
4. The leader of the region is not allowed to force a country to be in the UN, or to not be in the UN. (You can strongly recommend the nations in your region to not or join the UN though)
5. A leader of a region may not force a country to pick a choice in one of their issues, this would cause their government to change according to how their leader wants it.
6. A nation that tries to get away from doing something that totally goes against this law may have to be ejected from the UN.

All these rules should try to be followed, accidents to happen and if it is a accident does a-cure then this region leader will get a second chance.Illegal, game mechanics.

Category: Education and Creativity

Area of Effect: Educational

Proposed by: Illenya

Description: Schools should have more Christianity taught in schools. There should be more countries like mine - Illenya- in which religion matters, and is taught. How are our kids going to grow up if they are not taught good moral character, and how can they be taught these if they arent taught through the good book.Illegal, branding.
06-06-2007, 09:52
Repeal "Banning the use of Landmines"
A proposal to repeal a previously passed resolution
Category: Repeal
Resolution: #40
Proposed by: Mighty Riches

Description: UN Resolution #40: Banning the use of Landmines (Category: Global Disarmament; Strength: Strong) shall be struck out and rendered null and void.

Argument: This resolution stops UN nations from defending themselves from attack to there full potential, and gives a serous advantage to rouge nations not part of the UN that are able to use these weapons against us. So in the pursuit of freedom and defence of democracy in all member nations of the UN I am repealing this resolution.
Repeal "Rights of indigenous peoples"
A proposal to repeal a previously passed resolution
Category: Repeal
Resolution: #89
Proposed by: Mighty Riches

Description: UN Resolution #89: Rights of indigenous peoples (Category: Human Rights; Strength: Significant) shall be struck out and rendered null and void.

Argument: Indigenous people shouldn’t be treated better then others. By saying they have the right to demand protection in times of conflict when other citizens can not is downright stupid. Non Indigenous people are discriminated by this act by having their land that they have bought and paid for repossessed by indigenous people that claim that they have rights to it even thou they didn’t buy it or pay for it. In the interest of fairness to all people I am repealing this act.#89 Doesn't say they have the right to demand protection, and it certainly doesn't say anything about anyone else not having the right to protection either. They are also not treated "better" - indeed it says "Affirming that indigenous peoples are equal in rights to all peoples, recognizing the rights of all peoples to be different, to be free from discrimination "

It also doesn't say anything about repossession by indigenous peoples of native indigenous land either, for that matter (although I wish it had now thinking about it).Repeal "Orbital Space Safety Act"
A proposal to repeal a previously passed resolution
Category: Repeal
Resolution: #174
Proposed by: Mighty Riches

Description: UN Resolution #174: Orbital Space Safety Act (Category: Environmental; Industry Affected: All Businesses) shall be struck out and rendered null and void.

Argument: This resolution will make space travel so expensive it is almost imposable. Space crafts need to dump a certain amount of waist in space to be able to function properly. This resolution will delay space travel by many years. In the interest of human development, space travel and satellite communication I am repealing this resolution.Are space ships getting fat? IS this intended to cut their expanding waistlines? Anyhow, lots of nations in space already, don't see anyone else moaning about the costs.

And just human development?Repeal "UN Bio Agent Convention"
A proposal to repeal a previously passed resolution
Category: Repeal
Resolution: #204
Proposed by: Mighty Riches

Description: UN Resolution #204: UN Bio Agent Convention (Category: Global Disarmament; Strength: Significant) shall be struck out and rendered null and void.

Argument: This resolution stops UN nations from defending themselves from attack to there full potential, and gives a serous advantage to rouge nations not part of the UN that are able to use these weapons against us. So in the pursuit of freedom and defence of democracy in all member nations of the UN I am repealing this resolution!I feel it's drastically unfair to target rouge nations just because they are red.
New Vandalia
06-06-2007, 12:58
Hypo-Human Rights
A resolution to improve worldwide human and civil rights.

Category: Human Rights
Strength: Significant
Proposed by: SupaSkwirrel

Description: Anyone who goes against the laws of the nation and human rights must be shot as soon as possible (i.e. terrorists, thieves, rapists etc.)

NOTE: The law states they must only be shot, this does not necessarily mean the shot will kill them, this shows moral integrity by giving them a chance of survival.

Approvals: 0

Status: Lacking Support (requires 113 more approvals)

Voting Ends: Sat Jun 9 2007

At first I thought this was heinous, but then the author goes on to demonstrate his moral integrity, so it's okay, I guess.

Quintessence of Dust
06-06-2007, 18:25
Clensing our vocabulary
Category: Moral Decency
Strength: Mild
Proposed by: Dabombbaney

Description: Words today have become too violent and too cruel. I am proposing the stoping of saying swear words and other very harmful words.

1. It will help keep respect for everyone and their fellow brothers, and will show that we are not just a bunch of badly behaved, poorly raised people.
2. It will remove the harmful way of teasing people, and will also help keep the moral respect we should have for our fellow man and women.
3. It will keep the moral decency on and off the streets and will keep each person from wanting to hurt another person because he harmed him/her.
Yes, I feel I should apologise for my parents, for raising me to have a skin: I realize now they should have left me fragile and totally vulnerable to people saying Bad Words.

And you don't need to swear to tease, mock, disrespect or anger someone. Swearing just makes it 20% more awesome.
The Librarians
07-06-2007, 00:19
Gun Control Bill

Category: Gun Control

Decision: Tighten

Proposed by: Ammergedon

Description: I think guns are WAY to commen today!We must outlaw them all exept for Sniper Rifils,Pistols and some lasers.

Eugh! It's enough to make me take a Sniper Rifil to my head.
07-06-2007, 00:42
Eugh! It's enough to make me take a Sniper Rifil to my head.

I'll never understand how people can think that just because you use a punctuation mark you don't need to use the space bar.

Category: Repeal

Resolution: #192

Proposed by: Greater Finnish Reich

Description: UN Resolution #192: Sexual Privacy Act (Category: Human Rights; Strength: Strong) shall be struck out and rendered null and void.

Argument: This act must be repealed because it is preventing goverments from criminalizing sick perversions with i.e. animals. Therefore the Empire of Greater Finnish Reich is proposes that this act (U.N resolution #192) will be repealed and a new act is being made.Illegal, branding.

Category: The Furtherment of Democracy

Strength: Significant

Proposed by: Blonskand

Description: This resolution proposes the rights of the free press in two articles.

Art. I: All the countries, linked or not with the UN, MUST require the authorization of the same to inhibit any press activity.

Art. II: All type of press network CAN appeal of the censorship imposed by the country they are located.


I: The censorship includes the popularization of materials that hurt the moral, religious or ethic laws of the censorious country.

In a try to increase democratic freedoms and the free press, the Republic of Blonskand submits, hereby, our proposal.
We hope it to be approved.Illegal, branding and attempts to affect non-member nations.

Category: International Security

Strength: Significant

Proposed by: Brissanzia

Description: The security in our contries can be best if us create a UNITED POLICE of the Nations (UPN). it is the best solution to finish this points:
- Narcotrafic
- Piracy
- Gunrunning
- Terrorism
- Ilegal inmigration Illegal, the UN doesn't get to have a police force.

Category: Repeal

Resolution: #207

Proposed by: Manchester Sydenham U

Description: UN Resolution #207: Cultural Heritage in War (Category: Education and Creativity; Area of Effect: Cultural Heritage) shall be struck out and rendered null and void.

Argument: Just because a boat is neutral doesn't mean it's not in the war. What if it's sending supplies to a country, or hiding spies. This law does not explain those surcomstances, if a new law was passed with more detail it should be kept. Just because the ship odesn't look armed doesn't mean it isn't.What?

Category: Repeal

Resolution: #208

Proposed by: Manchester Sydenham U

Description: UN Resolution #208: Maritime Neutrality Covention (Category: Political Stability; Strength: Mild) shall be struck out and rendered null and void.

Argument: before i start this arguement i want to say, dont aprove my last repeal. it was meant for this law, not cultural heritage. i know this off the subject but this is the only way i could send a message to everyone. so as i said, you dont know if a ship is, or isn't actually neutral. it could be bringing supplies, or hiding supplies for another country. and it may not look like it is armed, but it may be.Oh, that explains it.

Category: Human Rights

Strength: Significant

Proposed by: Manchester Sydenham U

Description: No one person should be discriminated by a country because he or she likes the same sex. There for same sex marriage should be allowed. It should not be maid fun of. Doing this will definetly bring publicity to the UN, as this is a law for the people. People are tired of being descriminated by the law for being gay.
If this law is passed it will strongly recomend that gays are not made fun of. And same sex marriage will be leagal in all countries.We've already got a resolution of marriage.

Category: Recreational Drug Use

Decision: Outlaw

Proposed by: Fethiye beaches

Description: "In three words, don't do it," Declares Jimminy Billy-Bob PerkinsWhat?
Almightly God
07-06-2007, 00:53

Illegal, game mechanics.

Illegal, branding.

Well for the religious post it seems to me that theres a good point. I think a number of religions should be taught in schools (if they aren’t already, they stopped it at my school after I left) Not actually praying but more....knowledge seeking. Teaching kids other beliefs and ideas can give them a tolerance and respect of other peoples beliefs by studying the history and structure.

So yeah that was a stupid idea but I think religion should be taught in schools, just not the praying part of it.
07-06-2007, 01:01
For the Free Press
Category: The Furtherment of Democracy
Illegal, branding and attempts to affect non-member nations.

Anything else notable about that one?
07-06-2007, 01:11
Anything else notable about that one?

Wasn't that enough?
07-06-2007, 01:54
Wasn't that enough?

Given that we have a dedicated Free Press subcategory, I'd have thought it was at least worth a mention.
07-06-2007, 04:15
So yeah that was a stupid idea but I think religion should be taught in schools, just not the praying part of it.
It doesn't matter how good an idea it it, it's still illegal.
New Vandalia
07-06-2007, 04:25
Well for the religious post it seems to me that theres a good point. I think a number of religions should be taught in schools (if they aren’t already, they stopped it at my school after I left) Not actually praying but more....knowledge seeking. Teaching kids other beliefs and ideas can give them a tolerance and respect of other peoples beliefs by studying the history and structure.

So yeah that was a stupid idea but I think religion should be taught in schools, just not the praying part of it.

NS General is over there (
07-06-2007, 04:28
Given that we have a dedicated Free Press subcategory, I'd have thought it was at least worth a mention.
Oh yeah, I forgot about that.
08-06-2007, 00:36
Category: International Security

Strength: Significant

Proposed by: Miriais

Description: I propose that all UN member nations be supplied with at least one nuclear weapon with a 15 or more kiloton warhead in the interests of deterrent against us as a whole.This will greatly reduce the chances of an attack by a non member on a member.Illegal, contradicts Nuclear Armaments.

Category: Environmental

Industry Affected: Automobile Manufacturing

Proposed by: Hornetsus

Description: 1) All single passenger journeys not undertaken on pushbike or by powered two wheelers to be subject to a green tax equivelent to a days wages (gross).
2) All cars to be banned from city/town centres. Buses, taxis and powered two wheelers exempt.What the heck is "Congerstion?"
08-06-2007, 02:54
What the heck is "Congerstion?"

Conger ( is a genus of marine congrid eels. It includes some of the largest types of eels, ranging up to 3 m (10 ft) in length.

Congerstion is quite obviously a whole bunch of them in one place. Like maybe in a sandwich, or sushi, or something.
08-06-2007, 03:42
Conger ( is a genus of marine congrid eels. It includes some of the largest types of eels, ranging up to 3 m (10 ft) in length.

Congerstion is quite obviously a whole bunch of them in one place. Like maybe in a sandwich, or sushi, or something.

Ewww...there goes my appetite....
New Vandalia
08-06-2007, 05:06
Ewww...there goes my appetite....

But Mark just brought dinner (!
08-06-2007, 08:04
Gender nutral clothing laws

A resolution to improve worldwide human and civil rights.

Category: Human Rights

Strength: Mild

Proposed by: Kinoma

Description: this would require lingerie, clothing companies to make clothing for both men and women. including bras, panties, pants, tops, shirts, outerwear, sleepwear, lingerie, shoes, swimwear, workout wear, and sportswear. they should also make similar things for kids as well.

Approvals: 1 (WZ Forums)

Status: Lacking Support (requires 111 more approvals)

Voting Ends: Mon Jun 11 2007

I laughed for five minutes when I read this one.
08-06-2007, 08:40
Men's rights
A resolution to improve worldwide human and civil rights.
Category: Human Rights
Strength: Strong
Proposed by: Gorerider

Description: Men should have the same rights as women. It is unfair that a man is treated with less respect than a woman. This will make sure that men have the rights they deserve. If this law is passed the following will be mandatory for a country.
1. Men shall not be abused.
2. Men shall get the same pay as a woman does.
3. Men shall not be forced to do anything against their will.
4. H will get all the other freedoms that a woman does in his country.
5. Men shall not be forced to do a woman's job. Whether it be seduction or orders from a higher up.
6. Women who attempt to use their body to get what they want, not sexually but through the act of exposure will be given a fine.Oddly enough, I could appreciate something like this being implemented, given that I'm sure there are matriarchal societies out there, and I'm sure that there are the implied gender inequalities the name implies. However, then it talks about 5 & 6 as if that's the main reason women get anywhere. :rolleyes:
08-06-2007, 12:23
Universal Language

A resolution to reduce barriers to free trade and commerce.

Category: Free Trade
Strength: Significant
Proposed by: Alpha Bravo Charlie

Description: The Universal Language should be American English. Its a language understood by many, even the ones who speak British English or any other form. American English is the clearest form, because Americans; besides some groups like New Yorkers or Southerners dont have accents. This is a much better proposal then the one for "British English", because we all know that language sounds ridiculous. Also this resoulition would allow easy trade for everyone!

Approvals: 1 (Alpha Bravo Charlie)

Status: Lacking Support (requires 111 more approvals)

Voting Ends: Mon Jun 11 2007
Was this joke ever funny? Be it pro-UK or pro-US? I think the only redeeming feature of the proposal is that the sentence in which the author attempts to prove that American English is "the clearest form" is gibberish. That, at least, made me smile.
09-06-2007, 00:06
Category: International Security

Strength: Strong

Proposed by: Champino

Description: I propose that a UN Special Operations enclave be created, overseen by a newly created UN Special Operations Directorate. This enclave would be tasked with providing a specialised military response that would attend whenever and wherever required, with international clearance to operate within all member states, without prior permission from said country.

This military unit would thus be capable of providing a rapid response capability to any threats that arose whilst evading any previous diplomacy that could hinder crucial strategic intervention.

The UN Special Operations Directorate would be comprised of a board of democractically elected members from all UN states, and would be assisted by a similarly elected board of select military personnel, who would advise on any necessary action, before such a decision would then be put to the Directorate to determine the correct course of action.

The main benefit of this proposal would be to provide a fast, effective strategic option for all member states, including those who may have a shortfall in such areas of their military capabilities. Illegal, the UN doesn't get a military.

Category: The Furtherment of Democracy

Strength: Mild

Proposed by: Yderia II

Description: BELIEVING that the freedom of the individual is paramount, and must come before the needs of the state, and that a secret police force is completely unnecessary

NOTING the increased international tension that could possibly follow on from the formation of a secret police force within a nation, as well as the excuses for them, for example terrorism
ASSERTING that the citizens of member nations have the right to privacy and anonymity at all times unless specified otherwise by the United Nations (ie Sex Offenders etc.)

OBSERVING the warnings from the past with regards to the formation of a secret police and the social and security problems that come with it, as well as how it effects the status of the state within the international community

CONSIDERING that a secret police force is unanswerable to the United Nations and therefore an illegal organisation

WORRIED at the growing number of states forming a secret police force that violates civil liberties laws of the state and of the United Nations

CONVINCED that a secret police force is unnecessary, unlawful and a hinderance to national growth and international co-operation

INTENDING to legislate that a United Nations Internal Security Force take the place of secret police within states that currently possess one, and to offer financial support for the increasing of police/security forces with the promise of an abolition of the state's secret police forceWell, now this is a sneaky way of trying to create a UN police force.

Category: The Furtherment of Democracy

Strength: Strong

Proposed by: Srbska

Description: -Considering the fact that many Extremist governments may be a potential menace against the World's States;
-Clarifying that Extremist contains every single Government that is Ultra-Left, Ultra-Right, Extreme Islamist, Communist, Ultra-Fascist, Satanist, etc.
-Suggesting a new Resolution that would make surveillance on such Regions/Countries stricter from the International Community.

We suggest to give the mandate to a so-called International-Police (InterPol) to assume greater surveillance on such countries and regions to make of the
World a more secure and safe place. Oh God, not another police force resolution.

Category: Social Justice

Strength: Mild

Proposed by: Gasamobia

Description: Countries should stop gay marriage as it is clearly just not right.
It is just not right, I know you could say it's against human rights but you don't see any other animal being gay do you. It also is teaching kids to take the mick out of people by calling them gay.Illegal, contradicts the marriage resolution.
Emperor Carlos V
09-06-2007, 02:15
Free Choice of Sex
A resolution to improve worldwide human and civil rights.

Category: Human Rights

Strength: Mild

Proposed by: The Superior States

Description: Any male in the world may have sex with any female in the world, regardless of consent.

Approvals: 0

09-06-2007, 02:25

I just saw this one. I laughed my ass off too.
New Vandalia
09-06-2007, 02:44
Oddly enough, I could appreciate something like this being implemented, given that I'm sure there are matriarchal societies out there, and I'm sure that there are the implied gender inequalities the name implies. However, then it talks about 5 & 6 as if that's the main reason women get anywhere. :rolleyes:

That was a bad parody of a women's rights proposal that was on the list earlier this week.
New Vandalia
09-06-2007, 06:01
Well, now this is a sneaky way of trying to create a UN police force.

I'm going to guess someone just got the daily issue with the option of creating a secret police force.
09-06-2007, 07:00
I'm going to guess someone just got the daily issue with the option of creating a secret police force.

Well yeah, that too. But I was pointing out the illegality.
Intellect and Art
10-06-2007, 10:43
Freedom to the people

A resolution to improve worldwide human and civil rights.

Category: Human Rights

Strength: Strong

Proposed by: Arthmaia

Description: To all members of the United Nations,

In order to insure freedom, liberty, and justice for all people in the UN, I propose a resolution that would:

1. To make governments of the UN, allow the people of their nations to have the freedom to vote for their own rulers

2. To rid of all the most corrupted and evil governments of the UN and hopefully the world at large

3. To insure that all people of the UN and hopefully the world will be treated equally under the law of their nation and UN

4. To insure justice will be given to all those who have been wronged by anyone, including their own government

5. To insure that all nations and their governments treat every citizen and even those who aren't citizens with equality and respect for them Look! It's another ideological ban in addition to pretty much covering the same issues as a few resolutions already in effect! Don't you just LOOOOVE unoriginal elitists? /overly happy-toned sarcasm
10-06-2007, 21:27
Category: Recreational Drug Use

Decision: Promote

Proposed by: Royal Africa

Description: Subject to the provisions the Nationstates Charter. We call upon the United Nations (U.N.) to enact Legislation that regulates and legalizes the production, trade and use of marijuana.
Furthermore we call upon all member States of the U.N. to de-criminalize the Anti-Marijuana Laws of their respective States.
We firmly believe that if States adopt this policy. Not only will Marijuana trade benefit their economies, but it's de-criminalization will also reduce the amount of Tax dollars spent to prosecute & detain marijuana users.We have a charter?

Category: Repeal

Resolution: #4

Proposed by: Manchester Sydenham U

Description: UN Resolution #4: UN taxation ban (Category: Social Justice; Strength: Significant) shall be struck out and rendered null and void.

Argument: The reason why I think this act should be repealed, are as followed.

THAT United Nations Resolution number four be repealed.
AND THAT 1) for the purposes of a) maintaining this organization b)financing peacekeeping operations c) preventing genocide and d) to provide for a more equitable division of wealth and resources amongst members of the United Nations and the remaining members of the world community, THAT 2) a) an annual tax be levied directly upon citizens of member nations AFTER national taxes are collected NOT EXCEEDING 3% of those citizens' assets and b)that the exact rate be determined by United Nations Delegates at a date near to the passage of this resolution.

This will bring money to the UN, helping them fund the various things that require money.Illegal, repeals cannot contain new legislation.
Intellect and Art
10-06-2007, 21:33
I think we used to have a charter...I seem to vaguely remember the list of passed proposals being called the "charter" at some point or another. I could be wrong.
10-06-2007, 23:22
I could be wrong.

You're wrong. There have been a few attempts, but no one has ever passed one.
11-06-2007, 05:24
Armed Forces and Police only

A resolution to tighten or relax gun control laws.

Category: Gun Control

Decision: Tighten

Proposed by: Mustafafat

Description: The amount of gun related crime and its effect on society throughout the world is crippling.
And just what "effect" would that be? Where and on what world is this crime problem taking place again? Because we have no such problem in our nation.

It comes down to two things:

1:The free availability of guns in some countries, no laws from preventing you purchasing a gun.
What do countries with lax or no gun laws, that also have a crime problem, have to do with the UN?

2:The black market of gun trade.
Wrong category. At best this would be an International Security issue.

I propose that the sale of all guns in any UN member state should be made illegal and also call for a crackdown on black market traders who provide guns to criminals and other organizations.
*See above. ^

The only people who should be allowed the use of fire arms are the Police forces worldwide and also the Armed forces.
Wow... How did we get from the assertion that countries with unregulated, lax or no gun laws are causing some kind of global crime epidemic, to a complete gun ban in all member nations?!
New Leicestershire
11-06-2007, 05:41
Could you elaborate further? Correct me if I'm wrong but I believe the point of this thread is to bring silly and/or illegal proposals to the attention of the Mods and then point out what is silly and/or illegal about them.

David Watts
The Dominion of New Leicestershire
11-06-2007, 12:50

James_xenoland, we've told you before: posting your series of ellipses followed by a smilie on any anti-gun proposal is simply spam. Everyone knows you don't like anti-gun legislation. Now STOP IT with the idiotic spam posts to this thread.
11-06-2007, 15:55
Category: Social Justice

Strength: Strong

Proposed by: Greal

Description: If someone famous is killed or assainated, the United Nations should invesigate and find the murderer.Illegal, wrong category.

Category: Human Rights

Strength: Significant

Proposed by: Omnis Infinitas

Description: The right of all individuals to a hearing before a judge in order to see if they are being lawfully held or not. This hearing must be given within 24 hours of the arrest, otherwise the individual must be let free.We already have a Habeas Corpus resolution, it took 15 tries to get it to quorum but once it got there it passed.

Category: Environmental

Industry Affected: Automobile Manufacturing

Proposed by: Codwania

Description: As the world grows with industry and manufactoring so does our enviroment. The air we breathe is growing with more pollutants and bacteria that affects our heart and lungs. As our children, and our grandchildren are being exposed to take in such a inhumane, inthoughtful, and selfesh type of breathing style we are shorting their lives. Our lives are being shorten by the growing of manfacturing. Each country should have a maximum amount of industrial growth. Countries should only be allowed 10 manufacturing plants to every billion person. The plants should only be limited to be located outside of city lines to help protect to the citizens, and may not exceded the size of a square mile total, including parking lot and anything that might be used in the plant. We need to put a stop to the killing of our enviroment. This will help stop what is stopping our lives.10 manufacturing plants per billion people? I know there are nations with over 10 billion people but still that's a ludicrously small number.

Category: Political Stability

Strength: Significant

Proposed by: Natasua

Description: Recognizing the sovereignty of all nations,

Realizing that many different people are affected by internal strife within sovereign nations,

Understanding the problems of international tension due to differences of internal politics and cultures of sovereign nations,

Addressing the separate issues of War and Intervention and recognizing the vagueness of said words,

Recommending amending the definitions of both aforementioned terms as well as providing set justifications that countries may use to appeal to the UN General Assembly for permission to interfere with another country,

1. Suggests that Intervention and War be defined as separately as possibly, and as follows:
-Intervention: the interference of one sovereign nation in the affairs or territory of another sovereign nation where the intervening country is fighting to create a certain order in the country rather than to acquire territory or to defend
-War: the literal fighting of the people and governments of two separate nations because of a conflict of interest between the two nations;

2. Strongly Suggests international standards for appropriate justifications for intervening in the affairs of a sovereign nation being defined as follows:
-in a case where the government has lost control of a faction of people that are violating human rights as defined by the UN
-in a case where the government is violating human rights as defined by the UN
-in a case where the government of a nation has ceased to exist or to function
-in a case where environmental disasters threaten the lives of people, and the government cannot, or does not attempt to save these threatened lives, but the intervening country has the means to save said lives;

2. Further Suggests international standards for appropriate justifications for declaring war being set as follows:
-provocation by attacks or by open threats of attack
-failure by UN to mediate in territorial dispute
-military invasion by sovereign nation without UN justification
-other extenuating circumstances as approved by majority vote in the General Assembly

3. Requests that nations who do not follow these standards for justification or who disregard UN ruling on the matter be economically sanctioned and any military intervention should aid the defender rather than the aggressor.Thing thing has got two 2s. Oh and requiring a UN votes to approve war is illegal I believe.
11-06-2007, 18:19
Repeal "End slavery"
A proposal to repeal a previously passed resolution
Category: Repeal
Resolution: #6
Proposed by: Armandia11111111111111

Description: UN Resolution #6: End slavery (Category: Human Rights; Strength: Significant) shall be struck out and rendered null and void.

Argument: we all know that threw out history people have been conquerored by stronger nations. The stronger nations take their newly captured people because they can. Telling us slavery is wrog is telling us that taking natural advantages is wrong and their not. You may see this a s racsist but you know it's not.I know one thing, this is moronic.
12-06-2007, 01:09
Category: Human Rights

Strength: Strong

Proposed by: Kelticwhiteraven

Description: it is my understanding that some of our members hold racial ideologies that adhere to mass murder of innocents i propose to the united nations that anyone adhering to mass genocide of any others be censiored and dismissed from this noble body thank youIllegal, attempts to eject nations from the UN.
12-06-2007, 02:13
Scientific Freedom

A resolution to reduce barriers to free trade and commerce.

Category: Free Trade

Strength: Mild

Proposed by: Omnis Infinitas

Description: Ensures that peaceful and responsible scientists can research by their own accord. Technology will advance and the economies of all nations will increase.

I'd be worried about duplication.... If this proposal actually did anything...
New Vandalia
12-06-2007, 03:09
Bill Limitation in Legnth
A resolution to promote funding and the development of education and the arts.

Category: Education and Creativity
Area of Effect: Educational
Proposed by: Leafs on the Wind

Description: This bill dictates that any UN proposals after the passing of this bill shall be less than half of the screen length in an 800x600 screen.

BECAUSE I have a life, and I'm not alone.

Approvals: 1 (Avarita)

Status: Lacking Support (requires 111 more approvals)

Voting Ends: Fri Jun 15 2007

Enough said really.
12-06-2007, 03:46
Could you elaborate further? Correct me if I'm wrong but I believe the point of this thread is to bring silly and/or illegal proposals to the attention of the Mods and then point out what is silly and/or illegal about them.
Where does it say that exactly? "Silly and/or Illegal Proposals." Why would we be able to post silly, but legal proposals, if the sole, exclusive purpose of this thread was to alert the mods??


James_xenoland, we've told you before: posting your series of ellipses followed by a smilie on any anti-gun proposal is simply spam.
um.. Have you ever taken a look at the first post of this thread, or the first few pages for that matter?

I mean generally, when something is considered to be against the rules of a particular forum, or seen as spam. You don't find it in the first post of triple-digit-post threads, highly posted in by mods!

Everyone knows you don't like anti-gun legislation.
No, it's ridiculous, poorly written or thoughtout legislation that I have a problem with.

Now STOP IT with the idiotic spam posts to this thread.
This coming on boards in which users are allowed to reply and debate with image "cards."

If it makes you happy, i'll fix the post in question.
12-06-2007, 03:59
Category: Human Rights

Strength: Mild

Proposed by: Khyzeria

Description: Recognizing the rights of human beings, primarily the right to move and change residence, it is our belief that the Gypsies should be respected in terms of their right to move from one place to another. However, due to the stigma attached to their name and their problems with those who dislike them, we believe it could be possible to establish "Traveler Reservations", so that they may inhabit those places without fear of being attacked, etc.Looks like someone got the Gypsy issue.
Intellect and Art
12-06-2007, 04:07
NOOOOOOO! Fibbles, darn you! You beat me to it....oh well, I can still laugh. Besides, wouldn't putting Gypsies on reservations kind of defeat the definition of "Gypsy"?
New Vandalia
12-06-2007, 04:09
NOOOOOOO! Fibbles, darn you! You beat me to it....oh well, I can still laugh. Besides, wouldn't putting Gypsies on reservations kind of defeat the definition of "Gypsy"?

It would certainly kill that whole "Traveller" bit.
Intellect and Art
12-06-2007, 04:19
Yeah, it's like saying to a teenager "Oh, you're not grounded, you just can't leave the house." :rolleyes:
The Most Glorious Hack
12-06-2007, 05:10
um.. Have you ever taken a look at the first post of this thread, or the first few pages for that matter?...the one that's almost two and a half years old?
New Leicestershire
12-06-2007, 05:52
Where does it say that exactly? "Silly and/or Illegal Proposals." Why would we be able to post silly, but legal proposals, if the sole, exclusive purpose of this thread was to alert the mods??
In my time here that is generally what the thread has been used for. As for the "silly" part, if it's silly enough to be posted here then it's probably also illegal under the Bloody Stupid rule.

Intellect and Art
12-06-2007, 09:28
Ban Regime Change Resolutions

A resolution to restrict civil freedoms in the interest of moral decency.

Category: Moral Decency

Strength: Strong

Proposed by: Sky Marshalls

Description: A large portion of the UN member nations are in fact non-democracies. Each has its own method of ruling its nation and decided what is best for their people. It works similar to a democracy, with the difference that instead of a group of people making decisions for the whole, either only a few or one person makes those decisions. It is mandated that every nation has a right to govern itself any way it chooses.

Thus, asking that resolutions that affect how a non-democratic nation may govern its own people should be banned.

Recognizing, that some methods of governance may not be ideal in terms of the mindset of larger democracies.

But, these methods are chosen according to what the leader of that non-democratic country feels is the right path for the citizens of his country to take.

Proposing, the ban on any proposal that will affect choice in how a leader rules his country. Proposals such as banning secret police, curbing gun ownership, increasing human rights, and such should be banned being passed in the UN such that small and large nations with a non-democratic system of governance can rule their own government in peace.

Also Noting, that the practices that may not be democratically acceptable do not have to be practiced in those countries that deem them harmful to society. But creating a ban on all nations to adhere to mindset of democratic nations is not fair at all.

A country should be allowed to rule itself the way it choose, that includes having its own secret police, forcing teenagers to join the military, keeping phone tabs and GPS locators on all its citizens etcetera etcetera.

There are greater and more significant issues to be dealt, than how best to curb methods of governance of non-democratic nations.I know this is illegal...I'm just not sure exactly which category it falls under. It's a difficult proposal to wrap my brain around at three in the morning.
12-06-2007, 13:28
I know this is illegal...I'm just not sure exactly which category it falls under. It's a difficult proposal to wrap my brain around at three in the morning.It's a blocker.
Intellect and Art
12-06-2007, 16:56
Band Pollutants

A resolution to increase the quality of the world's environment, at the expense of industry.

Category: Environmental

Industry Affected: All Businesses

Proposed by: Bayern und Franken

Description: Harmful industries and other problems will be made illegal.Yes! We must stop those horrible trumpets and pianos from destroying our environment!

Dude...seriously....spell check your title!
12-06-2007, 17:10
Category: Human Rights

Strength: Strong

Proposed by: North Riding

Description: I propose to the UN that a bill concerning the legality and morality be discussed. I therefore propose the following:

1. Euthanasia be allowed in certain circumstances i.e. terminally ill patients who are in extreme pain and suffering who are of sane judgement be allowed to die.

2. Euthanasia be allowed in case of parents whose child develops a disease that impedes the quality of life the said child will receive.

Both of the above criteria must also be supported by at least two doctors and one psychiatrist.

I understand that for some religious countries that this will be unacceptable, however, we are all human beings and it is in our nature to be humane & caring and allowing these people to die with dignity is their right.We've done this, and undone it, and redone it.
New Anonia
12-06-2007, 17:13
I know this is illegal...I'm just not sure exactly which category it falls under. It's a difficult proposal to wrap my brain around at three in the morning.
It's a blocker that blocks things that are illegal anyways, so I'd assume it's a "does nothing" violation.
New Vandalia
12-06-2007, 19:05
Yes! We must stop those horrible trumpets and pianos from destroying our environment!

Dude...seriously....spell check your title!

Not to mention the wonderfully vague "other problems" that will be made illegal.
Intellect and Art
12-06-2007, 20:52
The Pygmy-possum Act

A resolution to legalize or outlaw gambling.

Category: Gambling

Legalize/Outlaw: Outlaw

Proposed by: Higher thinkers

Description: The gambling upon fights between endangered species, especially those that are caused by human intervention, must end. It promotes the further endangerment of animals that are already in jeapordy of extinction. Extinction must be avioded at all costs. The Pygmy-possums are too important.Wow...this is more of an Issue deal than a UN deal if you ask me.

A resolution to improve worldwide human and civil rights.

Category: Human Rights

Strength: Strong

Proposed by: Ammergedon

Description: The world should air a channel that shows nothing but sex stuff.With real actors!Plus there should be at least 1000 strip Clubs in each country!Humens should be allowed to do that!Also there should be 1 city in every country that is completly devoted to sex.Hoo boy...well this falls under Grossly Offensive to all of us who aren't too busy laughing to take offense...which would be the vast almost-entirety of us...
12-06-2007, 23:49
Category: Education and Creativity

Area of Effect: Artistic

Proposed by: Nosatoca

Description: All art that is burnable such as paintings and what not shall be removed from current locations and sent to a large furnace in Nosatoca were it shall be burnt.

By removing art we create an atmosphere that encourages thought development not scribbles on paper. The power that is generated from the burning can cut energy cost.

Artist may keep any art up to a year before having sent away to burn.Illegal, branding. Thankfully.
13-06-2007, 00:56
To Burn ArtIllegal, branding.

That's one way to look at it. Another way would be to define this proposal as 'art', and define the period that it's been posted as 'one NS year'.

Simple, and satisfying.
Intellect and Art
13-06-2007, 04:56
Mandatory Slavery

A resolution to restrict political freedoms in the interest of law and order.

Category: Political Stability

Strength: Strong

Proposed by: Baby Eating Blacks

Description: A resolution to make slavery a mandatory practice in all UN member nations. Slaves will be made of certain peoples of inferior races, and also children under the age of 14 will become slaves. Illegal, we've banned slavery AND it goes against child labor laws....we do have those right? I get fuzzy when remembering past legislation every so often...


A resolution to increase the quality of the world's environment, at the expense of industry.

Category: Environmental

Industry Affected: Uranium Mining

Proposed by: DLF Phase III

Description: coal is highly polluting
in a coal power plant many harmful gases are released which damage the ozone layer
we must ban all coal power plants
and make compulsory for every nation to have a nuclear power plant

for this also we must increase the safety standards and tighten the laws
for the establishment and use of nuclear power plants
there must be strict laws for waste disposal
and any country that breaches those laws should be given a heavy penalty

if we do not act now and stop the pollution

our end is near........Any time you bring out the "doom and gloom brigade" as I've seen it called, you're not making a serious proposal, and the extra-long ellipsis doesn't help. Also, the formatting makes it look more like some free-form poem project than a proposal.

International Police Force

A resolution to improve world security by boosting police and military budgets.

Category: International Security

Strength: Strong

Proposed by: Modestydom

Description: If the countries of the world all pulled together, I think it would be a good move to enable the Hague to have an International Police Force to enforce it's decisions. This way, the United Nations would stop being viewed as a toothless dog that is unable to correctly impose sanctions on countries that have, for instance, committed war crimes, or violations of the Human Rights Act.Illegal, RL reference (the Hague), and since when are we "viewed as a toothless dog"? Did I miss a memo?
13-06-2007, 05:14
Illegal, RL reference (the Hague), and since when are we "viewed as a toothless dog"? Did I miss a memo?

Not to mention that the fact that the UN doesn't get a police force is written right into the rules.
New Vandalia
13-06-2007, 05:15
And since when do we have a "Human Rights Act" anyway?
The Most Glorious Hack
13-06-2007, 05:31
Yes! We must stop those horrible trumpets and pianos from destroying our environment!Ever hear a bunch of fifth graders playing the clarinet? Talk about pollution...
Intellect and Art
13-06-2007, 05:35
Ever hear a bunch of fifth graders playing the clarinet? Talk about pollution...Hey! I was a fifth grader playing the clarinet! Then I got my sanity back and waited until high school to play trumpet for the jazz band. Point being we're not THAT bad...just the ones who didn't know what they were doing.
The Most Glorious Hack
13-06-2007, 05:44
Then I got my sanity back and waited until high school to play trumpet for the jazz band.Always played trumpet myself. Even though I wanted to play oboe...

Point being we're not THAT bad...just the ones who didn't know what they were doing.squeak-squeak-squeak-HONK-HONK!
Intellect and Art
13-06-2007, 05:56
I never squeaked! Teach told me I was a natural. So there.:p I also played piano and never banged the keys, so you've been bapped with a fish. *cooks the newly tenderized fish*

Anyway, back on topic. Has anyone else noticed that some group of people REALLY wants to repeal "Protect Historic Sites"? There's two different (I assume they're different) repeals for it, and I've seen a few more come in and be kicked out recently...
New Vandalia
13-06-2007, 06:21
Ever hear a bunch of fifth graders playing the clarinet? Talk about pollution...

Try third-graders playing the recorder when their music teacher has only bothered to teach them three notes (B, A, and G). But that's okay, they're ready to have a concert! For an hour, all I could think was that I'd give one of my kidneys to hear a fourth note.
Intellect and Art
13-06-2007, 08:07
Naming the UN Building

A resolution to improve worldwide human and civil rights.

Category: Human Rights

Strength: Mild

Proposed by: Puerto Gris

Description: Whereas, it comes necessary to recognize the actions of certain individuals for posterity due to their courageous and selfless acts during their life:

We hereby resolve to name the United Nations Building the Saddam Hussein Memorial Building in honor of the late leader of Iraq who passed away earlier this year. This is in remembrance of his kindness to dogs, cats, and his creation of many animal clinics in Iraq; and not due to his murderous rampage of the Kurds, the Marsh Arabs, the Iranians, the Kuwaitis and a lot of other people he help torture and kill over the years.Either someone doesn't understand the concept of NO REAL LIFE REFERENCES!!!! Or someone's just looking for trouble. Or it's a joke. Or any other number of possibilities. Either way....... *slaps proposal creator with a fish*
13-06-2007, 15:30
Ever hear a bunch of fifth graders playing the clarinet? Talk about pollution...Actually I played the clarinet in 5th grade.

Either someone doesn't understand the concept of NO REAL LIFE REFERENCES!!!! Or someone's just looking for trouble. Or it's a joke. Or any other number of possibilities. Either way....... *slaps proposal creator with a fish*

I love how the author completely glosses over the fact that Saddam was executed.:rolleyes:

Category: Social Justice

Strength: Significant

Proposed by: Lambon

Description: Due to an increase of ex-criminals within more important roles in society; we propose that any person charged with a criminal offence in the past cannot, for 10 years after imprisonment gain employment in 'professional' jobs such as: Teachers, Civil Servants, Lawyers, Doctors etc.

The actions of an individual in the past should be punished by not allowing them into these jobs because it could be a danger for members of the public. There should be job opportunities for these people in these areas, but they should only become available to them 10 years after being released from prison. Security will need to be improved to assure the backgrounds of people are being correctly noticed.

If enacted, this proposal will improve general public safety and will save government and police funding in certain areas. Illegal, wrong category and probably contradicts Fair Sentencing Act.

Category: Political Stability

Strength: Significant

Proposed by: Strykuudoben

Description: This resolution is after a control on the ratio of military personnel and units to the population.

Recognises: that although it is necessary for a country to have a military and one that can defend the borders of the country; the country doesn't need one powerful enough to overthrow a country.

Urges: to either cut back military numbers or to decrease military effectiveness through a decrease in weapon supplies, weapon power, units available, budgeting or technology.

Outlines: that a country has no need for a military that is in more than 20% excess of waht is required to defend the country. These cutbacks must be made within 2 years of the passing of this bill or that country will face the UN court.

Shows: that in the event of a worldwide threat or a threat that involves your coutry, you may need more military power or numbers. Other countries should have spare troops to suopply and under political necessity, should and would help in your crisis.

Worries: that a surplus supply to or of the military could result in the overthrow of another country or the action of a military coup within their own country.

Therefore, a country shall not have a militia power too strong to present a problem. However, shall have the backup or reinforcement of fellow UN nations if the need should arise.We have a UN court?
New Vandalia
13-06-2007, 15:39
When I read the title of that last one, I couldn't help but think of something along these lines (
13-06-2007, 15:59
When I read the title of that last one, I couldn't help but think of something along these lines (

Intellect and Art
13-06-2007, 18:50
Creation of UNABT

A resolution to improve world security by boosting police and military budgets.

Category: International Security

Strength: Mild

Proposed by: Panageadom

Description: ABSTRACT: UNABT is the United Nation's Aerial Taskforce. It has similiar objectives to the United Nation's Peacekeeping Taskforce but is more effective due to quicker reaction time and better amalgamation with troops.

A small squadron of fast moving fighter/bomber jets.
-So that effective measure can be taken to destroy fortifications and delay advancing armies.
A squadron of commandos.
-To martial civilians, secure tactical points, collect information etc.
A squadron of battle-primed helicopters.
-To retrieve civilians and deposit commandos. To assist jets in destruction of AA guns and other defences.

AIMS: To recapture secured towns from militant groups. To deter small invasion attempts. To destroy the fortifications of larger invasions.

1) Taskforce is scrambled while UN members quickly take a vote to establish aims , proportion of taskforce used, duration of UNABT activity etc.
2) The taskforce is amalgamated with the invaded country, so as to increase efficiency*.
*) If the country deviates from the pre-agreed aims, it will be reprimanded and its UNABT protection will be taken away for a period of time.

CONTRIBUTIONS: All of the following will be required from each UN member:
1) An airport/taskbase from where the taskforce can act.
2) A £1500 contribution to buy weapons etc.
3) A following £10 donation per annum for maintanence.Illegal. Once again, the UN cannot have armed forces. Also, did I miss something or do we even HAVE a "Peacekeeping Taskforce"?

NO more guns

A resolution to tighten or relax gun control laws.

Category: Gun Control

Decision: Tighten

Proposed by: Ishaanism

Description: everyday more and more people are dying
in gang fights
and mob encounters
we meed to ban weapons and guns
no one apart from military personnel should be allowed to own a gun
other weapons should also be slowly banned in forthcoming resolutions
if we continue like this man will end up being the cause for his own own death
we must make a stand
and we must do it NOW
before it is too late
we must tighten gun control lawsDid someone start a Proposal Poem Contest? Also, banning weapons entirely? What if I know martial arts? That makes my whole body a weapon. Does this mean I'd get banned? Oh noes! My hands and feet are getting confiscated because they could be used to hurt or kill someone!
New Vandalia
13-06-2007, 19:00
UNABT is the United Nation's Aerial Taskforce.

14-06-2007, 02:19
Category: Gun Control

Decision: Tighten

Proposed by: Minorman

Description: Why?

1. Crime rates will drop immensely

2. Police will have much more power as criminals will not
have guns to fight them back

3. Much of the money that nations used to spend on guns will be able to go to other causes that nations are interested in

4. Some nations have nucule-r-powered guns that affect the environment and if this resolution passes then pollution rates will drop a lot

5.Licenses for guns will not be needed anymore

6.Soldiers will only have to worry about enemy soldiers and police, as if anyone else attacks them they will have the advantage of guns which is such a huge advantage that they will almost always be able to kill or capture their enemy

7. Death rates will drop immensely And this does what now?

Category: Human Rights

Strength: Strong

Proposed by: Mustafafat

Description: As a nation frequently under threat from underground organisations planning to overthrow me, I propose that a nation's secret police should be able to undertake random house checks without going through the process of obtaining a warrant.
This enables:
1: The discovery of any organisations plotting against the government.
2: The discovery of drug dealers.
3: The discovery of other criminals unseen by everyday police.
I believe that random house checks will lead to dramatic falls in crime levels throughout the world and hope that you feel the same.If your nation has the problem, why does the UN have to fix it?

Category: Human Rights

Strength: Mild

Proposed by: Evieopolis

Description: Every household in the UN should recieve a A what?

Category: Repeal

Resolution: #39

Proposed by: Senny

Description: UN Resolution #39: Alternative Fuels (Category: Environmental; Industry Affected: Automobile Manufacturing) shall be struck out and rendered null and void.

Argument: While acknowledging that alternative fuels are invaluable to any given nation as well as the world,

The Free Land of Senny believes that the given proposal robs business owners of their rightfully earned profits.

Therefore, we believe that the given resolution should be repealed and replaced with a resolution that encourages businesses to help reduce carbon emission and to support research on alternative fuels.

Furthermore, we believe that, unless the an act directly interferes with human rights or rights of other nations, it is not in the interest of the United Nations to control this activity. Therefore, to promote national independence, decisions involving control of a business's profit and/or taxation should be left to the nations.Illegal, branding.
Intellect and Art
14-06-2007, 02:35
The author of the pony proposal posted in Moderation about having their partial proposal removed...if you look down the list you may or may not see the full proposal.
14-06-2007, 02:39
The author of the pony proposal posted in Moderation about having their partial proposal removed...if you look down the list you may or may not see the full proposal.

I saw it, but that version still qualifies in my opinion.
Intellect and Art
14-06-2007, 08:22
African Reparations

A resolution to improve worldwide human and civil rights.

Category: Human Rights

Strength: Strong

Proposed by: Royal Africa

Description: Convinced that it is the inalienable & divine right of all the Black Slave Children of the African Diaspora to control their own destiny.

Conscious of the fact that Freedom, Redemption & International Repatriation with full Reparations & Compensation are essential objectives for the achievement of our legitimate aspirations.

We the people of Royal Africa call upon the United Nations to assist the nations of Africa Region with the collection of Reparations & Compensation owed to us by all U.N. member States that benefited from the African Slave Trade. Oh good
New Vandalia
14-06-2007, 19:14
Carlos Santana-resolution
A resolution to ban, legalize, or encourage recreational drugs.

Category: Recreational Drug Use
Decision: Legalize
Proposed by: FooGas

Description: I move that we legalize recretional use of drugs, but have them still prescribed by doctors.
What can be the harm of freeing up our brains and tapping into the creative side of medicine.
Santana once said why he uses marijauna: "I do it so I can hear the colors and see the sounds."
'Nuf ced.

Approvals: 0

Status: Lacking Support (requires 111 more approvals)

Voting Ends: Sun Jun 17 2007

I don't know about the colors or the sounds, but I can smell this proposal, and it reeks.
14-06-2007, 19:37
A proposal to repeal a previously passed resolution
Category: Repeal
Resolution: #66

Proposed by: Aaaapoop

Description: UN Resolution #66: Illegal Logging (Category: Environmental; Industry Affected: All Businesses) shall be struck out and rendered null and void.

Argument: UN Resolution #66 should be repealed immediately. There is nothing wrong with Logging, it is a respectable industry.
The citizens of the UN deserve products made from cheap wood, and if logging companies have to chop down more trees to do it then I say let them! Repeal this unjust resolution and help drive down prices for consumers. Think of the poor people!Lucky for all that #66 only bans illegal logging ain't it? Now quit your bitchin' and get back to work sawing logs. Oh and be sure to file your forest management plan, bub. Else we'll have to smack you.

And at least we weren't asked to think of the children.

This message has been deleted by Quintessence of Dust. Reason: Made quorum while typing.Heh. Type faster, man.
Intellect and Art
14-06-2007, 23:40
TerrorAudio Abolishment Treaty

A resolution to restrict civil freedoms in the interest of moral decency.

Category: Moral Decency

Strength: Significant

Proposed by: White Reich

Description: The Abolishment Treaty, proposes a full ban on all Rap "music". This indecent noise popularized by today's youth glorifies violence, crime, and drugs, while degrading women and preaching racial inferiority. Many young people today with potentially bright futures, abandon them to drop out of school, smoke illegal drugs and "keep it real" (the work of the blackest devils in my Book.) The only logical decision would be to immediately ban production and sales of this degenerate filth. Furthermore, raids must be done in urban homes to confiscate this terror-audio contraband. In summary, many of the youth related problems of today stem from this "music" and it must therefor be stopped in it's tracks, at the root.This contradicts a few pieces of passed legislation in addition to being ridiculous.
15-06-2007, 00:01
Category: Moral Decency

Strength: Significant

Proposed by: White Reich

Description: The Abolishment Treaty, proposes a full ban on all Rap "music". This indecent noise popularized by today's youth glorifies violence, crime, and drugs, while degrading women and preaching racial inferiority. Many young people today with potentially bright futures, abandon them to drop out of school, smoke illegal drugs and "keep it real" (the work of the blackest devils in my Book.) The only logical decision would be to immediately ban production and sales of this degenerate filth. Furthermore, raids must be done in urban homes to confiscate this terror-audio contraband. In summary, many of the youth related problems of today stem from this "music" and it must therefor be stopped in it's tracks, at the root.As much as I despise crap music, I still see this as being a stupid idea.
New Vandalia
15-06-2007, 03:38
I&A wins that round by about 20 minutes. :p
Intellect and Art
15-06-2007, 06:18
Arturo rocks

A resolution to legalize or outlaw gambling.

Category: Gambling

Legalize/Outlaw: Outlaw

Proposed by: Arturo the beaner

Description: well simply i rock cause im mexican n i think everyone should now i rockIt is not the UN's job to stroke your ego. Illegal, and by the way, you FAIL! *stamps "FAIL" in big red block letters across the submitter's forehead*
Quintessence of Dust
15-06-2007, 10:36
Legal prostitusion
Category: Human Rights
Strength: Strong
Proposed by: Styrdalen

Description: We propose that it will be legal to buy and sell sex with prostitutes. It is a human right to have sex and all The Governments in the world must have bordells availible for their people, it is a civil right.
Been there (, done that, got the herpes sores.
Quintessence of Dust
15-06-2007, 14:18
Less Welfare for Immigrants
Category: Social Justice
Strength: Significant
Proposed by: Al Tidore

Description: Welfare and Social Security are very important to every nation. And as nations expand, so do the amount of immigrants that collect welfare to help them make a living in their new nation. There are many immigrants who live solely off welfare and do not produce as much for the economy as they should.

I propose this bill to:

1) Weed out non productive immigrants and deport them back to their homeland

2) Lessen basic welfare for immigrants in order to preserve for accomplished, naturally born citizens.
Category violation: this decreases basic welfare.

I wouldn't have bothered reporting it, but I love 2). Are immigrants somehow not 'naturally born' - they're grown in a vat or something?
New Vandalia
15-06-2007, 14:20
I wouldn't have bothered reporting it, but I love 2). Are immigrants somehow not 'naturally born' - they're grown in a vat or something?

Yes, funny, but it's a common phrase used to distinguish such people from those who are naturalized citizens.
Quintessence of Dust
15-06-2007, 14:39
Yes, funny, but it's a common phrase used to distinguish such people from those who are naturalized citizens.
Fair enough; I haven't heard it before, but maybe it's an American thing.
Intellect and Art
15-06-2007, 17:19
It is an American thing.
New Vandalia
15-06-2007, 17:21
It is an American thing and, as with most American things these days, it's really dumb.

As an American, I am entitled to say that so don't get your panties in a bunch.

"These days"? It's an expression that's been around for quite some time.
New Vandalia
15-06-2007, 17:27
The " these days" referred to the "most American things". I was making a commentary on how the collective intelligence of my oh-so-wonderful country (SARCASM ALERT! SARCASM ALERT!) is going downhill severely lately. Anyway, this is off topic.

Please take your "commentary" to General then, because, yes, it is off-topic and doesn't belong here.
15-06-2007, 19:53
Freedom of Residence
Category: The Furtherment of Democracy
Strength: Significant
Proposed by: Teclia

Description: Chiefly, a citizen of a nation must follow the laws of their nation. In theory, a citizen’s residence in a nation represents their willingness to accept their nation’s laws. This being said, it is only fair a citizen who does not agree with their nation’s laws be able to remove themselves from said contract.

There is no law that currently enforces the inalienable right for a person to choose where they wish to reside internationally and where they wish to have citizenship. Although many Member Nations may allow their citizens to leave freely, not all do.

This proposal would enforce that each nation give’s their citizens the right to choose, to choose whether they wish to be a citizen of their nation. Every nation would now allow citizens, who wish to do so, to willingly leave their nation.

DOES: This does allow citizens to leave the borders of their county.

DOES NOT: This does not force any other nation to accept a person into their borders.

Member nations would have to open their borders from the inside to the outside. However a member nation would not have to open their borders to allow people in.


- Each nation would have control over its own processes of allowing a person to reject their citizenship and leave said nation.

- A requirement for being allowed to leave your country would be having documents of pre-acceptance of residence from another nation, even if these are only temporary. This would safeguard against “homeless peoples,” people who have no where to go and cannot return to their country.

- Nations would be encouraged to have a process for gaining at least temporary residence, if not permanent citizen status, available by means that allow a person to apply from their current nation of citizenship.

- A committee would be set up to help oversee the regulations. Ensuring manipulation and abuse of any freedoms granted, or regulations imposed by this act.

Goal: The goal of this proposal is chiefly to allow for an inalienable freedom of all humans. A country that is not pleasing to a citizen, no matter it’s form of government, will now not be able to force it’s citizens to stay. In effect nations that are governed poorly will lose citizens and nations that are governed well can utilize this act to increase their prosperity.

For example, a citizen believes his democracy is too direct and does not act efficiently and quickly, may now find a nation better suited to his tastes. Like wise, a citizen of a nation that is too despotic or without enough freedoms may also leave if they have acceptance from a nation they would rather reside in.

This proposal will protect this right of all mankind.

Important: This proposal understands that leaving one’s nation may be not be practical or favorable no matter if said citizen does not agree with their form of governance. But this proposal only offers the right to do so and does not believe it can solve all problems. One day it is hoped any human may be able to choose their government, but for now only those who are capable may be able to do so.
Nice try, but this is heap big screeching mess of "didn't read Emigration Rights".
15-06-2007, 20:09
I was making a commentary on how the collective intelligence of my oh-so-wonderful country (SARCASM ALERT! SARCASM ALERT!) is going downhill severely lately.If last year's elections were any indicator, I would have to say so. :rolleyes:

That's all I have to say about that. [/Forrest Gump]
16-06-2007, 02:10
Yes, funny, but it's a common phrase used to distinguish such people from those who are naturalized citizens.
I thought the phrase was 'natural-born', rather than 'naturally born'? See Oliver Stone passim.
New Vandalia
16-06-2007, 02:27
I thought the phrase was 'natural-born', rather than 'naturally born'? See Oliver Stone passim.

Only when followed by "killers."
16-06-2007, 15:17
Category: Free Trade

Strength: Mild

Proposed by: Cornwall argentina

Description: Consenting adults have the right to have sex, whether it be with there wife, husband, boyfriend, or girlfriend, and if this passes, prostitute. How ever, the industry should be carefully regulated to prevent the spread of STD's.

1.) All prostitutes most have regular medical examinations, to prevent spreading disease.

2.) All a prostitute earns, only a certain percentage of that, which will be individually determined by UN member, may be given to his or her boss.

3.) As this is supposed to be civilized, if a person does not pay for the services, said person will be tried by the government, and will not be beaten or threatened by the prostitutes employer

4.) All persons who become customers will be completely anonymous, as to maintain there privacy.It's been done, and undone, and redone.
16-06-2007, 23:54
Category: Human Rights

Strength: Mild

Proposed by: Islador

Description: With the growing amount of debt amongst citizens of Western nations, banks and debt collectors are becoming more and more powerful.
Banks now have the ability to reclaim your house, other companies are gaining similar rights.

Therefore I propose a radical shift in the law. The right to a home should be a human right, the right to escape debt should not.

In cases where a vast amount of money is owed a government monitored court will rule and the appropriate amount of unpaid work the debtor owes the company to pay off their debts.

The company in this case regains some of its capitol in unpaid labour, the debtor can keep their house and not have their possesions re-posessed.

Of course there will be a slight drain on government finance as basic food allowance will be given to the debtor for the period of their unpaid work.

It is the hope of Islador that this will introduce an end to the debt cycle of taking out new loans to replace old ones, give human dignity to those who now have a chance to work off their debt and stop companies losing millions and ensuring the right to a dwelling remains.

Those unwilling to abide by the courts descision shall face a prison term.

While sounding an extreme measure this could reap benefits to all.Illegal, branding and possible contradiction of "End Slavery."

Category: Free Trade

Strength: Mild

Proposed by: Grand Cavvus Islands

Description: This measure would set aside funds for the creation of an international bank to provide micro-loans to the poor and support systems, to enable income earning through personal labor. Each nation will contribute from a tax for the costs and set up offices to administer the program in their nations. These funds and program can only be used to allow the poor a chance to develop or improve a means of self-employment. This must include the following:

1. A method of distributing these funds either from a special bank or through private banks endorsed by each government.

2. Maintaining interest rate for repayment at 5% with terms to allow repayment of the sum within five years, the earnings to go into the program for additional loan funds- after administrative cost, This cannot however use more than have the interest profits.

3. Development of support through education, placing those getting loans in small groups to aid each other and programs to advertise such businesses.

4. After repayment of the first loan favorable terms to get additional funds and a higher amount.

5. Distribute funds regardless of race, creed, religion, gender or disability but on income.

6. Each nation is to report annually this program and implementation to the World bank who is to provide additional support, to nations that request it. Some small amount of interest earnings will be diverted to this purpose and for additional funds. Those funds to assist in bolstering the program in nations with special need. As determined by the World Bank.

7. Loan amounts are limited to one year annual income in a given nation for first loans and an increase of that based on repayment. Default if not deemed malicious will not negate the ability to take out loans.

8. Taxes on such businesses in each nation is encouraged to be favorable so as to allow the poor a fair chance to gain self-employment long term.

Its hoped this program will offer the poor a chance to use home industry and personal labor in areas they know, in order to support themselves. And provide the needed support mechanisms globally to make this a benefit to the needs of women and minority groups in each nation. Its felt its in the spirit and purpose of this measure that employment and the pride of earning ones own way is by itself a great good and should be encouraged.Isn't this basically the same thing as The Microcredit Bazaar?
Intellect and Art
17-06-2007, 17:36
Repeal "Freedom of Humor"

A proposal to repeal a previously passed resolution

Category: Repeal

Resolution: #36

Proposed by: Styrdalen

Description: UN Resolution #36: Freedom of Humor (Category: Human Rights; Strength: Strong) shall be struck out and rendered null and void.

Argument: Humor sucks, lets live a boring lif insteadThe simply irony of this proposal ending up here is enough to make my point, methinks.
17-06-2007, 20:40
Category: Recreational Drug Use

Decision: Promote

Proposed by: Khazboss

Description: This resolution is to promote the use of real ale and inhibit the use of daft lager type drinks. The following is suggested:
1) All pissy gassy lagers have production slowed so only an 'emergency' stock is available. These shall henceforth not be associated as 'beer' but as 'gassy piss'. The exceptions to this are German, Czech, Belgian and Dutch pilsners brewed the the beer purity law.
2) All beers with the suffix 'lite' or 'citrus' be banned altogether
3) Mass-produced crap bitter such as Boddingtons, Worthing tons and Tetley with the suffix 'smoothflow' or 'creamflow' be banned.
4) Only properly made ale as approced by CAMERA be sold in our drinking establishments. No chemically enhanced filth is to be produced.
5) Pubs and bars that do not keep said beer correctly shall be fined and if persistent, have licences reviked.

Following acceptance of this resolution, it is envisaged that incidents of drink related violence fall. All the chemicals in 'Fosters' and 'Stella' will not be affecting our brains. Toilet production will increase. Many a toilet is broken after a night on the bitter. this is good for our ceramic industry. Kebab houses will not be affected.I'm going to go out on a limb here and say this has got multiple RL references.
18-06-2007, 00:27
I'm going to go out on a limb here and say this has got multiple RL references.

Really seriously multiple. But Undersecretary Coch will hurt me if I say it's a bad idea :-)
18-06-2007, 03:51
Category: Environmental

Industry Affected: Uranium Mining

Proposed by: StayFree

Description: My English is not very good, soo i'm hoping that the UN can correct my resolution if it is accepted.
I think that recycling should be mandatory everywhere. A huge industry can grow from that and the natural resources can be saved this way.
In a first point i think countries should be rewarded for developing recycling industry, and publicity to their people, in a second stage any country where this law is not respected, sanctions should be aplied.
Thank you for your time.
The StayFree PeopleIllegal, branding.

Category: Environmental

Industry Affected: All Businesses

Proposed by: The Yin-Yang Peoples

Description: I'm seriously beginning to think that the admins need to make it so that you can't submit a proposal without putting something in the description/arguement box.
Intellect and Art
18-06-2007, 04:16
That's at least the seventh one I've seen since my new incarnation was created. I remember seeing one or two back when I was Intellect and the Arts, and I had that nation for quite some time. The concentration is definitely rising. If they can do anything, it would be good for them to look, but I wouldn't know how to go about asking. This almost seems like a coding solution, which they wouldn't be able to do, methinks.
18-06-2007, 04:44
This almost seems like a coding solution, which they wouldn't be able to do, methinks.

It wouldn't be too tough to code. Just a line or two of content checker, maybe require a minimum of 100 characters to be really anal about the spam proposal writers. Which isn't to say that the admins have time to add it, but it's not an unreasonable suggestion.

I'll mention it.
18-06-2007, 06:46
It wouldn't be too tough to code. Just a line or two of content checker, maybe require a minimum of 100 characters to be really anal about the spam proposal writers. Which isn't to say that the admins have time to add it, but it's not an unreasonable suggestion.

I'll mention it.

on the plus side less work for you all to do if that passes. less deleting having to be made= happy mods.
18-06-2007, 16:33
Category: Human Rights

Strength: Significant

Proposed by: Decaro

Description: BELIEVES that no person deserves to die for a cause they do not believe in.

DISTURBED by the lack of progress in the scientific area of cloning in most nations.

DISGUSTED by wars that have no effect on the common man, yet force him to die or give up family and friends.

1. Condemns the policy of drafting people into the military.

2. Encourages nations to increase funding for any existing cloning projects, as well as develop several more.

3. Recommends that once the average human clone is stable, start raising them from birth to be the perfect soldiers.

4. Suggests that by the time there are more specially developed clones than people enlisted in the army, all army, navy, and airforce soldiers are to be honorably discharged, and the clones shall replace them. This will allow less significant losses for serious conflicts.

5. Realizes that such a project may take up to 50 years to develop.

6. Encourages that nations share cloning discoveries with one another, for the sake of removing the risk of nations invading other nations to steal cloning information or the invasion of less scientifically advandced nations.Someone's been watching Star Wars too much.

Category: Social Justice

Strength: Mild

Proposed by: Of The Lost Boy

Description: We the people, recognizing the rights of all people to have the freedom to run for office, hereby ask that all regional delegates remove their edorsement caps (Because isn't that a bit like saying that no one else can run for office?) and recommend that anyone living under an endorsement cap relocate themesleves. We do not recommend forcing any kind of a change, as this violates members rights, but we do feel that this is a problem that individual nations, given direction, can help solve on their own. Pass this bill to avoid regional dictatorships!Regional politics is outside the UN's jurisdiction.
18-06-2007, 23:12
Category: Moral Decency

Strength: Significant

Proposed by: The Trainstation

Description: In this world, there are many nations which find it ok to walk around in the nude. However, nudity should be banned due to problems that it can cause through the region.

Noting that:

1. Nudity causes sexual urges.
2. Nudity distracts the children from Learning
3. Nudity distracts workers form making the economy grow

In this world, the most important thing is a good nation. To have a good nation, there must be a sufficient income from the economy. Nudity destroys the economy bit by bit, making people get distracted from the work they do, making our exports worth less and less.

Next, nudity deters children from paying attention to school. With less knowledge being passed on, who can we rely on to run the government in the future? No knowledge also leads into economic decline.

Sexual urges are natural in most cases. However, in a nation where crime is already high, nudity can cause crime to climb even higher. Since nudity causes sexual urges, there will be more rape cases in court, and more money which is wasted to the lawyers and judicial department, where it could have been spent on education and welfare.

To stop this, we the people propose that we set up a new department of the United Nations. We can set up an International Police Department of the United Nations, devoted to catching those who commit international crimes, rather than devoting the United Nations army to this task. This is a crime which must be stopped.You know, up until the last section this was perfectly legal.
19-06-2007, 18:09
You know, up until the last section this was perfectly legal.But stoopid. Would make for some interesting floor debate....

A resolution to promote funding and the development of education and the arts.

Category: Education and Creativity

Area of Effect: Educational

Proposed by: Rich Military services

Description: will send money to countries to better youths educiation
Can we just give them the "e" instead? Maybe a full range of vowels and a spellchecker?
Quintessence of Dust
19-06-2007, 18:21
Gambiling Law 21
Category: Gambling
Legalize/Outlaw: Outlaw
Proposed by: Soc3

Description: Many people in my country have been gambling and losing their income. I say that we either out law gambling or we only allow gambling on certain days. If these people continue to gamble then we, the world, could become poor and casinos could rule our countries. We must slow down gambling now.Why do we gamble
Category: Gambling
Legalize/Outlaw: Outlaw
Proposed by: Sadvia

Description: Why do we gamble there no reason it does not benefit the country so do we bother with it we should just obliterate
At the risk of sounding excessively nasty, I'm beginning to think there has never been and will never be a legible, let alone decent, gambling proposal.
19-06-2007, 18:24
At the risk of sounding excessively nasty, I'm beginning to think there has never been and will never be a legible, let alone decent, gambling proposal.

Your probably right about that. I've never seen one in my months as Ellelt or as Zyrwick that was either decent or legible. Maybe I should write one...but I'm afraid I would only make myself look like an ass.
Quintessence of Dust
19-06-2007, 18:28
Your probably right about that. I've never seen one in my months as Ellelt or as Zyrwick that was either decent or legible. Maybe I should write one...but I'm afraid I would only make myself look like an ass.
I don't think you need be afraid a proposal would do that.
19-06-2007, 18:40
At the risk of sounding excessively nasty, I'm beginning to think there has never been and will never be a legible, let alone decent, gambling proposal.That doesn't sound just inspires people to try. *evil dictator mwahaha sound effect*
The United Nations:
DEFINING raffles as competitions in which various individuals pay money to sign up for a material prize, with a random selection of a winner for said prize,
REALI(Z/S)ING that such competitions can be profitable for the organi(s/z)ation sponsoring them, therefore strengthening nations' economies:
DECLARES raffles an appropriate activity of private enterprise, and
PROHIBITS member nations from outlawing raffles.

Can we just give them the "e" instead? Maybe a full range of vowels and a spellchecker?

NOTICING a dropoff in communication quality (such as poor grammar),
ATTRIBUTING said dropoff to lazy actions,
HOPING that forcing folks to think about using words will shut up a majority of morons,
OUTLAWS that fifth symbol of communication (that symbol following "D") in its nations, and
PROCLAIMS lipograms as its only okay form of communication.
St Edmundan Antarctic
19-06-2007, 18:56
At the risk of sounding excessively nasty, I'm beginning to think there has never been and will never be a legible, let alone decent, gambling proposal.

Is that a challenge? ;)

Alfred Devereux Sweynsson MD,
Ambassador to the United Nations
The Protectorate of the St Edmundan Antarctic
(and still required to wear this blasted penguin costume...)
19-06-2007, 23:17
Category: Repeal

Resolution: #6

Proposed by: The Majority Council

Description: UN Resolution #6: End slavery (Category: Human Rights; Strength: Significant) shall be struck out and rendered null and void.

Argument: The Majority Council hereby asks the UN to consider the repeal of resolution #6. Several reasons are put forth toward the support of this repeal:

1) The right to leave one's job, given two weeks notice: Why two weeks? This portion of the resolution disallows individual nations and cultures to set a basic economic policy - it is intrusive and excessively specific.

2) The right to leave one's job: The Majority Council's Military, as well as in some cases, our actors, miners, police, and doctors often worked on signed contracts or emergency requirements. It is likely other nations have such limitations as well, especially under the military. However, now that the Protectorate of the Majority Council has joined the UN, we find that this resolution may permit mass defections from vital services - and the two week's notice is no small compensation for lost military, or economic damage due to contracts nullified in attempts to conform to UN regulations. Not all jobs are equally free, nor can they be, in many if not most nations.

3) The right to travel freely throughout their country: Again, this is vague, and intrusive. It does not take into concern individual cultural values, protected reserves and parks, potentially contaminated zones, condemned, unsafe buildings, security measures, and other wartime concerns. We, of the Majority Council, still retain some ideals of private, and government property.

Note that the repeal of this resolution will not return the UN to slavery, as resolution #68 still bans slavery via a trafficking in persons, making this resolution even more redundant.Illegal, heavy branding.

Category: Social Justice

Strength: Mild

Proposed by: Churchillistan

Description: Recognizing that convicted felons serving life sentences expend a notable amount of tax payer's money. The confederacy of McGeedom proposes that to balance this expense and stimulate economic and better civic action,; convicted felons be forced to work for no financial gain on any project the state see as in the best interests.

These life sentenced felons will work five to six days a week, and will be gaurenteed sundays off to practice their religion, should they have one, in the various prison chapels.

By enabling this proposal, the expense on the state for maintaining these felons will be counterbalanced in the state's ability to save money on labour that would otherwise require some funding. Illegal, branding.
Intellect and Art
20-06-2007, 06:24
Women 2 b 2nd class citizens

A resolution to improve worldwide human and civil rights.

Category: Human Rights

Strength: Strong

Proposed by: Of Dave

Description: women should be classed as 2nd class citezens and should nor be able to vote nor hold down important jobs or question male authority!*growls*
This entire proposal reeks of flaimbait. HIGHLY offensive! I hope whomever wrote it does not truly believe it, for such would be a sad day indeed.
Quintessence of Dust
20-06-2007, 09:55
Is that a challenge?
No, and this is an OOC thread.
Law Abiding Criminals
20-06-2007, 14:35
This entire proposal reeks of flaimbait. HIGHLY offensive! I hope whomever wrote it does not truly believe it, for such would be a sad day indeed.

Never mind the content of the proposal; I was offended by the lack of good grammar, spelling, punctuation, and capitalization. Of course, in this regard, it's a garden-variety stupid proposal...
New Vandalia
20-06-2007, 16:49
Someone's been watching Star Wars too much.

There's no such thing as watching Star Wars too much. :p
Intellect and Art
21-06-2007, 01:01
Better Schooling

A resolution to promote funding and the development of education and the arts.

Category: Education and Creativity

Area of Effect: Educational

Proposed by: PuertoEngland

Description: If this is passed the government will make all schools pass a rigourous test to see if the have the ability to teach student in a good environment with five star teachers. It also makes schooling to become a teacher much harder, thus increasing the schooling goin into the student.My brain hurts just trying to make such mutilation of the English language make sense. I'm not exaggerating either.
21-06-2007, 05:49
Category: Gun Control

Decision: Tighten

Proposed by: Murtosis

Description: Each nation may spend no more than 15.5% of budget on munitionsIllegal, game mechanics.

Category: Gun Control

Decision: Relax

Proposed by: Carigia

Description: Resolution Armed Citizens

To allow the law abiding legal citizens to carry fire arms in a concealed fasion.

What it would do
Thomas Jefferson said "A armed society is a polite society"
Well that makes perfect sense. Criminals will be afraid to mug someone because they could be looking at the business end of a 9 millimeter! Our streets will be safer! Our homes protected! Also our children will not have to be exposed to violence.

Who could not carry a concealed weapon
1) Mentally ill
2) Physically disabled
3) Criminals who have served time
4) Children under the age of 18
5) A person who is not a citizen of a country Illegal, RL reference.
21-06-2007, 13:59
I don't think you need be afraid a proposal would do that.

Well QD, I am an ass. However, when it comes to UN resolutions I work on them diligently so as to not look like one in the law books. I mean what do you expect from a person whose UN Mission national anthem is a certain Denis Leary song?

Unfortunately at this time all the stupid/illegal proposals have been covered.

:( And I so wanted to rip on someone.
21-06-2007, 23:11
Category: Global Disarmament

Strength: Strong

Proposed by: Sharing everything

Description: Come on people is it not time we said goodbye to nukes and hello to world peace!

Is it not time we listened to the hippies!

I say yes! No Nukes means no war and finally peace on earth will be not a dream but reality!

Stamp out nukes and stamp out destruction!Illegal, contradicts UN Resolution #109.

Category: The Furtherment of Democracy

Strength: Mild

Proposed by: Theunionof Black holes

Description: When I wanted to check who was UN delagate in our region (before I was elected) I was alarmed at the astoundingly large amount of regions with only a few nations. My proposal is to remove all regions with fewer than 3 nations in it UNLESS it has a UN delagate (I would not like to make people lose their status). There are too many one nation regions and it wastes space.Illegal, game mechanics (not to mention that all regions start off with only one nation).

Category: International Security

Strength: Strong

Proposed by: Maysan

Description: The Right To Bare Space Travel For those Nations that Would want it and the Right to commerce with those worlds that they find if any. And Second Most the worlds that do Find them selves in a "First Contact" Situation would have to contact there government and let them know what was going on there then if they wish to make Alien Contact they could. Third Said Nations should NOT Engage in Enemy Fire with out Probable cause (IE; Alien Worlds fire on enemy space ships with out warning or cause) then and Only then Would Fire on the ships that fired on them first. Fourth and Finally Those Nations that Do Engage in space travel can NOT claim inhabited worlds as there on no mater how technologically advanced they are or either they have just learned how to make a Projectile weapon they can ONLY claim un in habited worlds that they find for colonies.What's With The bizarre Capitalization Structure In this Proposal?
21-06-2007, 23:24
And I so wanted to rip on someone.Celerity is essential, you slowpoke.

What's With The bizarre Capitalization Structure In this Proposal?I was more concerned with the concept of "Bare Space Travel", until I tried to read through the rest of it and my brain asploded.
New Vandalia
22-06-2007, 05:12
No More Terrorists!!!
A resolution to improve world security by boosting police and military budgets.

Category: International Security
Strength: Significant
Proposed by: Imperial Coronado

Description: This resolution entitles that all UN member nations:
-Who have terrorist camps located within their territory
-Who are playing host to terrorists and terrorist leaders
-Who are supplying terrorist groups and organizations with weapons
-Who sympathize with terrorist or extreme Jihadist ideas

Will be subject to UN sanctions and will have 3 months to remove of all things stated above. After that time expires, a UN inspection team will go to each nation suspected of the violations stated in this resolution.

After this resolution is carried out, a central prison will be built as a place to keep all convicted terrorists. It will be located in a neutral nation. It will be payed for by donations from UN members.

Lets put an end to terrorism!!!!!!!

Approvals: 1 (WZ Forums)

Status: Lacking Support (requires 108 more approvals)

Voting Ends: Mon Jun 25 2007

Apart from the blatantly illegal bits, hasn't this been addressed already, and without a silly emotional title?
22-06-2007, 15:30
Better Schooling

A resolution to promote funding and the development of education and the arts.

Category: Education and Creativity

Area of Effect: Educational

Proposed by: PuertoEngland

Description: If this is passed the government will make all schools pass a rigourous test to see if the have the ability to teach student in a good environment with five star teachers. It also makes schooling to become a teacher much harder, thus increasing the schooling goin into the student.

Besides have you ever tried to get a school to take a rigorous test? They never really ever do well.
Shar Tal
22-06-2007, 17:56
Well to put it simply... As I see it (not read the whole thread... I am -not- browsing through 300 some pages...)

Some of the suggestions are good, others are just... Stupid. But one must also keep in mind that it is very hard to send a case to the UN to be implemented. I tried with another nation ones, and what I got back was that I needed to work more on it before sending it in.. And I already spent alot of time putting all that together.

But yes.. Lots of funnies here. :P
Intellect and Art
22-06-2007, 22:24
Better Protection of Goverment

A resolution to increase democratic freedoms.

Category: The Furtherment of Democracy

Strength: Strong

Proposed by: Commoniwannalaya

Description: demilacad09 (11:20:42 PM): dad wanted me to let you know that he bought a to run byelaxswimvolley (11:21:34 PM): what?

Auto Response from demilacad09 (11:20:58 PM): I am away from my computer right now.

laxswimvolley (11:29:42 PM): let your dad know i said awesome and congrats

Auto Response from demilacad09 (11:29:05 PM): i went to the playground were all kidies play
i pulled out my 240 and i began to spray....
singin left, right, left, right, left, right KILL
left, right, left, right, think i will

laxswimvolley (11:30:02 PM): tell him i want to know what his plans are for it...i find it interestinglaxswimvolley (11:30:10 PM): also let him know that i get promoted is a first.
23-06-2007, 00:47
Category: International Security

Strength: Strong

Proposed by: Alexria

Description: Create a speical miltary agency that has forces from all nations to combat special problems in teh worldAnd assuming this agency would be under the UN's control makes this proposal illegal.

Category: Human Rights

Strength: Strong

Proposed by: Murtosis

Description: The death penalty is a break down of a just government.

The UN stands for peace and prosperity and forward moving among its nations, but if we all continue to send people to death, we are back in the days of our forefathers and canot go forward. to ensure a steady route to the future, it must be stoppped.Illegal, contradicts "Fair Sentencing Act."
23-06-2007, 16:10
Category: Human Rights

Strength: Strong

Proposed by: North Riding

Description: I propose that the death penalty be mandatory for every country within the UN for the following crimes:

1 Murder
2 Rape
3 Abuse of children (sexually, physically or mentally)
4 Treason
5 Piracy

I feel that to protect our great nations from the above crimes and to guarantee the safety of our citizens, this resolution must be passed. If this is not done we are not serving our people in a fair and understanding way.

Prime Minster of North RidingIllegal, contradicts Fair Sentencing Act and branding.

Category: Human Rights

Strength: Significant

Proposed by: Eggster

Description: I know its a pain but it will gain you respect and if you win it will make you stronger.

comments for:
1.)makes you stronger
2.)gains you respect
3.)lets humans have more rights to parliament

comments against
1.)could be risky
2.)you shouldn't give power to the people
3.)you would want to keep your place in parliament

cheers for listening to my proposal please vote freelyApparently someone didn't notice the Furtherment of Democracy category.
23-06-2007, 17:43
Category: Social Justice
Strength: Mild
Proposed by: Buttwelches

Description: Frogs have genitals like us, but lately they have been spotted around town with a bare penal spot. Someone has been severing the penises off of the frogs!

Every time a nation supports this proposal, another dollar is raised to buy prosthetic crotches for our green little friends.

Approvals: 0

Just bloody stupid :rolleyes:.
24-06-2007, 04:38
Category: Human Rights

Strength: Strong

Proposed by: Schait-EL

Description: We know that the the greatest human rights violation is the theft of individual's freedom. Government is the leading cause of this thievery. The greater the size of the government, the greater the theft of this individual freedom. The freedoms that we enjoy and love turn into thought crimes and bureaucratic mess. When an individual has to get permission to perform the daily tasks in life, that is a limit on his freedom. By Absolving the United Nations, we as a world, can free ourselves from the greatest human rights violation of all time--The United Nations. This agency of Global Government will no longer bog us down and deprive us from the inalienable rights that we have as Humans.Wow, I haven't seen one of these in ages.

Category: Environmental

Industry Affected: All Businesses

Proposed by: Ritoria

Description: * An international climate change aversion program is essential to address the catastrophic consequences of global warming which poses a real and definitive threat to all nations.

* It is vital that right thinking member States acknowledge the need to introduce radical and mandatory energy efficiency measures on a global scale that will lead to major reductions in energy use.

* Member states should invest in and diversify the fuel mix for electricity generation, reduce dependence on oil, gas and other non-renewable energy sources and introduce environmentally friendly building standards.

The following measures are proposed by The Kingdom of Ritoria:

1. Scientific funding for widespread research into sustainable energy development should be made available to allow for the utilization and distribution of clean renewable fuels to developed and developing states.

2. Development of electrical and hydrogen fueled engine technologies should be a requirement for Automobile and Aerospace industries and participating industries will qualify for tax breaks and incentives.

3. Energy grid interconnection between neighboring states should be developed, reducing the strain on some domestic markets and providing export opportunities in the wider global market.

4. Member states should commit themselves to addressing the existing national energy grid constraints and simplify research and development programs thus insuring that domestic markets do not discriminate against small scale renewable providers.

5. Energy generation from renewable supplies such as wind, wave and solar power should be developed on a major scale with full state support.

6. New building standards for all new building developments should be introduced by local and national planning bodies, requiring the use of high grade insulation, renewable heating systems and domestic water purification/treatment systems.

7. Member states that do not commit to implementing fossil fuel reduction programs thus reducing energy consumption by 2012 and making clear and decisive moves towards the instigation of renewable energy programs will be formally reprimanded and instructed to compensate those member states who have formally committed themselves to Environmental Resolution 333

*** The Kingdom of Ritoria asks that all UN Delegates seriously consider the needs of the nations who have endorsed them and entrusted them to make strong and resolute decisions as their representative.
By supporting this proposal they are securing the future of their supporting nations.Illegal, branding.
24-06-2007, 05:04
Wow, I haven't seen one of these in ages.

I'm seeing two or three a month. Even though it didn't make it to the rest of the General Assembly, and depending on how offensively they've phrased it, it's usually implemented in their nation immediately.
24-06-2007, 12:48
Category: Environmental

Industry Affected: All Businesses

Proposed by: Ritoria

Description: * An international climate change aversion program is essential to address the catastrophic consequences of global warming which poses a real and definitive threat to all nations.

* It is vital that right thinking member States acknowledge the need to introduce radical and mandatory energy efficiency measures on a global scale that will lead to major reductions in energy use.

* Member states should invest in and diversify the fuel mix for electricity generation, reduce dependence on oil, gas and other non-renewable energy sources and introduce environmentally friendly building standards.

The following measures are proposed by The Kingdom of Ritoria:

1. Scientific funding for widespread research into sustainable energy development should be made available to allow for the utilization and distribution of clean renewable fuels to developed and developing states.

2. Development of electrical and hydrogen fueled engine technologies should be a requirement for Automobile and Aerospace industries and participating industries will qualify for tax breaks and incentives.

3. Energy grid interconnection between neighboring states should be developed, reducing the strain on some domestic markets and providing export opportunities in the wider global market.

4. Member states should commit themselves to addressing the existing national energy grid constraints and simplify research and development programs thus insuring that domestic markets do not discriminate against small scale renewable providers.

5. Energy generation from renewable supplies such as wind, wave and solar power should be developed on a major scale with full state support.

6. New building standards for all new building developments should be introduced by local and national planning bodies, requiring the use of high grade insulation, renewable heating systems and domestic water purification/treatment systems.

7. Member states that do not commit to implementing fossil fuel reduction programs thus reducing energy consumption by 2012 and making clear and decisive moves towards the instigation of renewable energy programs will be formally reprimanded and instructed to compensate those member states who have formally committed themselves to Environmental Resolution 333

*** The Kingdom of Ritoria asks that all UN Delegates seriously consider the needs of the nations who have endorsed them and entrusted them to make strong and resolute decisions as their representative.
By supporting this proposal they are securing the future of their supporting nations.

Illegal, branding.

Where do people come up with these random numbers?
24-06-2007, 14:01
Gun Control
A resolution to tighten or relax gun control laws.

Category: Gun Control
Decision: Tighten
Proposed by: Hebrewnation

Description: Every week there are shootings. It's time we got more firm. Those cheap money- lovers who put up stores that sell guns should be put in jail, along with the criminals that he/she sold the guns to. Guns shouldn't be sold to any random person, only people with a permit. From now on you must have a permit to buy guns or sell them to a certain person. Agree or Disagree? Vote.

Approvals: 0

Status: Lacking Support (requires 110 more approvals)

Voting Ends: Wed Jun 27 2007

I would call this bloody stupid. I have never seen a gun control proposal that was legal.

Outlawing All Harmful Drugs
A resolution to ban, legalize, or encourage recreational drugs.

Category: Recreational Drug Use
Decision: Outlaw
Proposed by: Sovietal

Description: Drugs need to be outlawed in all UN nations. Not only narcotic drugs, but even things such as alcohol. They cause to many deaths and ruin far to many people's families, relationships, and lives. A "harmful drug" would be classified as a substance that alters the human mind in ways that can cause organ damage or cause a severe addiction that can have a large, negative affect, on a person's life.

Approvals: 1 (Gortania)

Status: Lacking Support (requires 109 more approvals)

Voting Ends: Wed Jun 27 2007

Contradicts the UN Drug Act.

I swear don't these people read the previously passed resolutions before submitting a proposal? Well I guess not, cause if they did this thread would be unnecessary.
The Most Glorious Hack
24-06-2007, 14:15
I swear don't these people read the previously passed resolutions before submitting a proposal?Well... there's 43 pages of previous Resolutions on the UN page. And some have been struck. It can be hard to keep it all straight.

Then again, I wager much of the dross is from people that don't bother, but still...
24-06-2007, 16:22
Well I guess I can't expect people to keep as good notes as I do. I have printed out every passed resolution, and their repeals. I keep copious notes on this.

But then again I'm totally obsessed with the NSUN as I find much of the rest about NS boring.
Intellect and Art
24-06-2007, 19:59
Politician Background Checking

A resolution to restrict political freedoms in the interest of law and order.

Category: Political Stability

Strength: Significant

Proposed by: Imperial Maliciousness

Description: This proposal:

Recognizes the moral indecency and corruptness in government politics.

Asks that all politicians, appointed or elected, be scrutinized for any transgressions, ethical tribulations, and inequitable acts to determine their competence for the management of their position.

Recommends that any previously appointed officials, as well as all appointed after the proposals acceptance into law, be systematically verified as respectable politicians.

Suggests that any politicians that are deemed immoral by substantial evidence be instantaneously removed from office or barred from attempting to run for office.

This proposal also requests the establishment of the UNPAC (United Nations Political Analysis Committee) to ensure that all politicians are inspected.

This group also would contain a diverse group of politically aligned individuals for unbiased assessments of politicians.

Overall this proposal wishes to decontaminate the political realm, one elected official at a time.Why do I have a feeling this would eliminate every single one of us from office?
24-06-2007, 22:38
Category: Human Rights
Strength: Significant
Proposed by: The New Europe and UK

Description: UNHCRPA or United Nations Human and Civil Rights Protection Ant

Section 1:
1.The war against terror has in many countries led to significant degradation of human and/or civil rights, or is now in the process of compiling large amounts of legislation which will have that outcome.

2. Terrorism is a horrible crime, and should be prevented, but aversion of degradation of human and civil rights should be a priority

3. It has reached the point where an all binding UN resolution is necessary to ensure the protection and restoration of human and civil rights

Section 2
If resolution is passed orders:
1.all human/civil rights as outlined in Section 7 be implemented in all UN member nations, with a 1 year period starting as soon as the resolution is passed, to allow enough time for legislation to be passed to allow for implementation

Section 4
1. Nations to apply to the un for additional time to pass necessary legislation. Time extensions are not permitted for the entire process, only for individual rights/legislation. UN retains ability to deny extension applications. If application is denied then rights must still be implemented by given deadline (note: see section 6 for further details: is important) Applications must be made at least 4 months prior to the 1 year deadline to be considered.

Section 5
1. Deliberate stalling, constant extension application that are unnecessary, lack of appropriate effort to successfully implement rights or failure to properly attempt implementation of necessary rights defiance of the will of the international community

Section 6
Further Recognises:
1. Nations where implementation is rendered implausible/ impossible for the following reasons: civil war, government coup, war or major national disaster, will be allowed additional time regardless of submission of application for nation, until such time where implementation becomes plausible/possible, after which 1 year limit and time extension application system come into force for the particular nation again.

Section 7
Nations must implement following rights if resolution is passed, if right does not already exist in that nation:
1.Freedom of speech
2.Freedom of worship
3.Freedom from want
4.Freedom form fear
5.Freedom of movement (except in cases of incarceration)
6.all legal rights detailed in havius corpus

Section 8
1. Establishment of an international commission to oversea human and civil rights in all un member nations, that will be under the direct command of the un, and will not be influenced/controlled by any nation. Its function would be to ensure correct implementation of all rights in all un member nations within the given time limit.

Approvals: 2 (Startpakinstan, Misplaced States)

This "ant" has some of the most hilarious typos I've seen in a while...
24-06-2007, 23:45
Category: Repeal

Resolution: #98

Proposed by: UN Resolution Keeper

Description: UN Resolution #98: Eradicate Smallpox (Category: Human Rights; Strength: Mild) shall be struck out and rendered null and void.

Argument: That Smallpox worldwide has now been eradicated completly worldwide, and their is now no real need to have this resolution.

Everyone in the world has been vaccinated against the disease and there haven't been any cases since (?).

So I, UN Resolution Keeper, will now repeal Resolution #98 "Eradicate Smallpox.

And HelloIllegal, branding.

Category: International Security

Strength: Strong

Proposed by: Top Gunners

Description: Proposes to create a coalition run, UN Air Defense Force in response to the growing threat of terrorism and war.

Noting that not all nations have the ability to manufacture the necessary aircraft to properly defend their nations

Will provide the funds and aircraft in order to defend weaker nations from attack from the evil-doers of the world.

Noting that this force will only be used for defensive purposes, to protect democracy and the UN

This Multi-Nation Air Force will work as one defending democracy from its enemies and will keep all nations safe from tyranny and harm. Illegal, attempts to create a UN military force.
25-06-2007, 02:42
I would call this bloody stupid.
And I'd call this an inflamatory opinion better left unvoiced. Gun control is not a topic to be saying things like this over.

I have never seen a gun control proposal that was legal.
I don't suppose you'd care to point out how this particular one is illegal? Particularly since (however horrible it is) I think you're wrong?
25-06-2007, 02:53
I don't suppose you'd care to point out how this particular one is illegal? Particularly since (however horrible it is) I think you're wrong?

In this case I deleted it for Format violation without even seeing this thread. Proposals aren't straw polls, and shouldn't be phrased as such.
25-06-2007, 03:24
In this case I deleted it for Format violation without even seeing this thread. Proposals aren't straw polls, and shouldn't be phrased as such.

I didn't even think of that. Huh. I tend to assume that just because the way something's set out makes me grit my teeth and want to hurt the proposer doesn't actually mean it's illegal :-)
25-06-2007, 13:15
Kill all Badgers
A resolution to increase the quality of the world's environment, at the expense of industry.
Category: Environmental
Industry Affected: All Businesses
Proposed by: SupaSkwirrel

Description: All badgers shall be killed with large spoons because they are the #1 cause for global warming! SAVE THE EARTH KILL A BADGER!

Voting Ends: Thu Jun 28 2007 Does this really need an explanation why it is here?
25-06-2007, 13:18
A resolution to increase the quality of the world's environment, at the expense of industry.
Category: Environmental
Industry Affected: All Businesses
Proposed by: Nile-barcelonia


Voting Ends: Thu Jun 28 2007 For a start putting a solar plant in a building is not very clever, as I assume "in" would mean totally enclosed - thus lack of light. Same goes with hydroelectric? ;)

Oh, and in all buildings?? Really?

And this hurts my eyes WITH ALL THESE CAPITALS!
25-06-2007, 13:21
A resolution to restrict political freedoms in the interest of law and order.
Category: Political Stability
Strength: Significant
Proposed by: Nile-barcelonia


Approvals: 1 (WZ Forums)
Status: Lacking Support (requires 108 more approvals)
Voting Ends: Thu Jun 28 2007 I thought this might be some sort of call for Sting and co to reform? Anyhow, this guy really needs to stop with the caps lock. I'm also not sure how dealing with protests "saves" the police - I wasn't even aware they needed saving.
25-06-2007, 15:32
Does this really need an explanation why it is here?

Violates End Genocide? by attempting to eliminate the entire cat girl race through bad science

Category: Human Rights

Strength: Strong

Proposed by: Jamesingtonland

Description: The United Nations,

FOR TOO LONG now have people been murdered in the name of 'justice'. Capital Punishment* has become widely accepted with many nations not showing an adequate understanding of its affects. It has become a nation's way of inexpensively assuring that the prosecuted do not commit an offence again, but:

ALTHOUGH BELIEVING in a nation’s right to choose how convicted criminals are punished,

PRAISING the excellent judicial systems in place in most nations, yet

ASTONISHED that this kind of solution is not challenged throughout the UN for its prominent down sides, mainly that:

1) INNOCENT people could be killed for a crime they did not commit,
2) AS PRESTIGIOUS LEADERS of the supposed 'free world' it is our moral and ethical duty to protect the lives of ALL civilians, citizens and peoples within our jurisdiction,
3) OTHER FORMS OF PUNISHMENT can be much more effective,
4) Such punishments LOWER MORALE in the nation as a whole,
5) THE FAMILIES, and possibly CHILDREN, of the convicted will never see the punished again,
6) Will such a practice can be described as COMPULSORY EUTHANASIA,
7) From a religious point of view, DO WE HAVE THE RIGHT to take a life?
8) And from a non-religious point of view, can we really SEND SOMEONE PREMATURELY into what we have no extensive knowledge of.

The only reason that can be used to support the use of this punishment is that of it being financially friendly: killing somebody is cheaper than paying for them in a prison; but supporting this reason is effectively putting very small amounts of money in priority over lives.

Therefore, this resolution, if passed, will bring the following into immediate effect:

1) All UN nations will be prevented from killing a convict in the name of justice,
2) And the UNACPB (United Nations Anti-Capital Punishment Board) will be brought into existence in order to ensure that point 1 (above) is enforced.

The Board will have the power to over-rule any sentence where the convicted has been found guilty of a capital offence and sentenced to death. They may, if absolutely necessary, use the power to have the prisoner deported to another country where they will be safe from the death penalty and justly punished using an alternative method. The country the prisoner will be deported to will be a volunteer nation ready to support this proposal while the United Nations solves the problem of the offending nation, be it by sanctions or expulsion from the UN.

IT MUST BE STRESSED that while this resolution will prevent a country from killing a prisoner, it does not place a limit on the alternative punishments the country may decide to impose on the convict.

Capital Punishment is effectively murder and must be stopped!
The UN is urged to enact this resolution and end this indecent practice for good!

*For the purpose of this resolution, the term 'Capital Punishment' is defined as the legal taking of a life by a nation in order to fulfil that nation's law or a court order given by an approved judge or similar counter-part.Illegal, contradicts Fair Sentencing Act.

Category: Moral Decency

Strength: Strong

Proposed by: The Apocalypsis

Description: OBSERVING The sexual inclinations of the different people.

CONSCIOUS that it is an inalienable right of the people to choose to its pair, not concerning its sex.

PROPOSE that UN it has a support position to groups of marginalized sexual inclination.I really don't think this is a Strong Moral Decency proposal.

Category: International Security

Strength: Strong

Proposed by: Crezlyvania

Description: OBSERVING that the UN has become an organization which is attempting to usurp power from member states,

FEARING the possibility of a UN which will eventually seek to absolve national sovereignty,

PROPOSES that measures be taken to solve the problem of UN over-intervention and violation of national sovereignty,

Hereby ABOLISHES the United Nations as an organization and functional entity.:rolleyes:
25-06-2007, 15:40
Originally Posted by Save the Frogs!!!

Category: Social Justice
Strength: Mild
Proposed by: Buttwelches

Description: Frogs have genitals like us, but lately they have been spotted around town with a bare penal spot. Someone has been severing the penises off of the frogs!

Every time a nation supports this proposal, another dollar is raised to buy prosthetic crotches for our green little friends.

I would suggest the male frogs respect the female frogs and maybe the problem will take care of itself.
Retired WerePenguins
25-06-2007, 16:31
Wow, I haven't seen one of these in ages.

Am I the only one who sees the joke in that resolution? Because I didn't see anyone mention it. "By Absolving the United Nations, we as a world, can free ourselves from the greatest human rights violation of all time--The United Nations."

The definition of absolve is "to set free or release from some obligation, debt, or responsibility or from the consequences of guilt or from such ties as it would be guilt to violate : pronounce free." So in effect the resolution says that by pardoning the UN we free ourselves from the UN.

I suppose he meant dissolve, but seeking the end of the UN by forgiving it seems just too funny to me.
Worldwide Ministries
25-06-2007, 18:43
Proposal by Crezlyvania
Abolition of the UN
A resolution to improve world security by boosting police and military budgets.
Category: International Security
Strength: Strong
Proposed by: Crezlyvania

Description: OBSERVING that the UN has become an organization which is attempting to usurp power from member states,

FEARING the possibility of a UN which will eventually seek to absolve national sovereignty,

PROPOSES that measures be taken to solve the problem of UN over-intervention and violation of national sovereignty,

Hereby ABOLISHES the United Nations as an organization and functional entity.

I have no intention in offending the author but wow! is it even possible to do such thing with a proposal?
26-06-2007, 01:13
Category: Repeal

Resolution: #211

Proposed by: Bella Viste

Description: UN Resolution #211: Establishment of ICPIN (Category: International Security; Strength: Mild) shall be struck out and rendered null and void.

Argument: The United Nations,

COMMENDING resolution #211 "Establishment of ICPIN" for attemting to raise international security, and noting its importance.

HOWEVER NOTING that UN rules clearly state that the United nations can at no point have an army, world police, or any organization like it.

ALSO NOTING that the above argument is legal, because the resolution was passed after the rules were changed, meaning they were in affect at the time.

CONCLUDING that resolution #211 "Establishment of ICPIN" is in violation of UN rules.

REPEALING Resolution #211 "Establishment of ICPIN"Someone needs to read the resolution they're trying to repeal a little closer.

Category: Recreational Drug Use

Decision: Outlaw

Proposed by: Gaulacia

Description: That the United Nations would immediately end the availability and usage of non-prescription drugs.

ACKNOWLEDGING: That non-prescription drugs can be an effective means of ending pain or sickness in the SHORT TERM.

NOTING: That there is a large black market for goods which come under the category of non-prescription drugs.

NOTING: The intention of the majority of non-prescription drugs is not one of curing, more one of numbing or alleviating.

NOTING: The tendency of a person to risk taking non-prescription instead of visiting their general practitioner or visiting a hospital facility.

CONCERNED: That non-prescription drugs are too easily available and seen as more effective than they are in reality.

CONCERNED:That due to the availability of such drugs, they are being used recreationally and improperly.

CONCERNED:That non-prescription drugs are capable of producing dependancy in the same manner as recreational drugs such as heroin or cocaine.

INTENDING: To make the drugs in question available only via prescription produced by a doctor.

WITH THE HOPE: That this legislation would decrease dependancy on non-prescription drugs to solve pain, and increase attendance rates to hospitals and doctors, in turn increasing the detectivity of serious medical issues.
Yeah, I'm sure my doctor wants me going to him just because I have a headache.

Category: Repeal

Resolution: #98

Proposed by: UN Resolution Keeper

Description: UN Resolution #98: Eradicate Smallpox (Category: Human Rights; Strength: Mild) shall be struck out and rendered null and void.

Argument: : That Smallpox worldwide has now been eradicated completly worldwide, and their is now no real need to have this resolution.

Everyone in the world has been vaccinated against the disease and there haven't been any cases since (?).

So I, UN Resolution Keeper, will now repeal Resolution #98 "Eradicate Smallpox.

And Hello Hello again, you're still branding your proposal.

Category: Human Rights

Strength: Significant

Proposed by: The Only Penguin

Description: Description: The United Nations,

REALISING that it takes two consenting adults to create a life and a woman is the one that carries that life,

BELIEVING, however, that a man should also have the right to decide what is done about their child,

The UN hereby,

1) DEFINES “life” as the creation of a live fetus(es);

2) DEFINES “abortion”, for the purposes of this document, as anything a doctor would do with the intent to end the of life(s) of a pregnancy term,

3) DEFINES a “both parties” the woman with child and the man being proved the father through a blood test;

4) DECLARES all abortions must have the consent of both parties,

5) PROHIBITS abortion, except in the following circumstances:
a) If the woman in question has not the ability to make a competent decision as deemed by the court, then it will be the mans decision;
b) If the man in question has died, in comma, in competent or otherwise unable to make decision as deemed by the court then it will be the mothers choice;
c) If the fetus(es) is potentially going to harm the mother in the course of the pregnancy then she alone is able to decide;
d) Should the fetus(es) be conceived through means of a sperm bank, said woman has only to show prove of purchase to abort;
e) Should the fetus(es) be conceived in rape or incest consent from the inflicting party shall not be needed. Must show gain proof from a judge that this is such the case.Illegal, contradicts Abortion Legality Convention.

Category: Gun Control

Decision: Tighten

Proposed by: Halo hells back

Description: We should be able to start wars with other regions if we dont there might become a massive number of regions.
So if we dont allow regions to start proper wars were the region that loses get there region deleted there might become a massive amount of regions which can't get deleted.
If you wanted a way to know how much guns a region has you could give every region a gun each day so the longer a region is there the more guns they get. You mean we don't already have a massive number of regions?

Category: Global Disarmament

Strength: Strong

Proposed by: Environmental Rebels

Description: Peace with out war
This law if passed, is proposed to make it illegal to declare war if you are in the UN. All UN members must disarm themselves of their nuclear warheads.

We humans have long since started wars that lead to the loss of many lives, which could be saved if we changed our ways. Is it us who decide who shall live in harmony and who should not? NO! War is not an educational means of fixing problems, peace is. Let us try peace for once! For that is what we’ve not tried. Countless lives our being killed by our cruel wars! Let us be rid of our military. If we all have no weapons then there will be no need to have nukes to protect ourselves from our countries that have nukes! It is time mankind stepped out of the Age of War we’ve lived in for far too long and into the Age of Peace. It will be hard for many when this change comes, but it will also be the best for plenty. If it is to be that another nation attacks mine, I will uphold the peace and not attack them at all. Illegal, contradicts Nuclear Armaments.
Category: Gun Control

Decision: Tighten

Proposed by: Nightheron

Description: This is a proposal to ban the construction and use of nuclear weapons worldwide so we do not have a nuclear war. Illegal, wrong category and contradicts Nuclear Armaments.
26-06-2007, 03:05
I have no intention in offending the author but wow! is it even possible to do such thing with a proposal?

No. Offend away, we'll be right behind you.
Intellect and Art
26-06-2007, 05:39

A resolution to improve worldwide human and civil rights.

Category: Human Rights

Strength: Strong

Proposed by: Buttwelches

Description: squeeze the beaver eyes bulge outward

when you squeeze it, it makes noises,
JOY is what the squeezing brings

Hello little boy, we meet again for the last and final chapter of our plezzent play dayts

SUPPORT THIS AND WE SHALL RULE THE WORLD!!!Look! It's another beaver proposal! Seriously...just what are they smoking and did they bring enough for the Assembly?
St Edmundan Antarctic
26-06-2007, 13:39
I thought this might be some sort of call for Sting and co to reform? Anyhow, this guy really needs to stop with the caps lock. I'm also not sure how dealing with protests "saves" the police - I wasn't even aware they needed saving.

There's an issue that mentions a clash between protesters and police in which a police officer was killed: I suppose this proposal's author has just been faced with that...
Retired WerePenguins
26-06-2007, 14:12
Someone needs to read the resolution they're trying to repeal a little closer.

Even then there is an interesting irony in the argument. Assuming that it was possible to have a blatently illegal proposal go all the way through the queue to qorum, vote and approval, since these rules are technically game mechanics it would be illegal to submit a repeal on the basis of it being illegal because that is not a in character concept in the nationstates UN.
26-06-2007, 15:19
Category: Human Rights

Strength: Mild

Proposed by: Kill Devil

Description: A proposal to set laws and guidelines affecting the purchasing and consumption of alcohol.

I. Beer, Malted Beverages, Wine, Wine Coolers, and Flavored
Malted Beverages

It shall be lawful for these types of alcoholic beverages to be sold in supermarkets and convenience stores during regular operating hours as such these establishments have received a Mild Alcohol Beverage license within their respective states and nations.

It shall be lawful for these types of alcoholic beverages to be sold in an establishment whose sole purpose is to sell nothing more than these alcoholic beverages as such these establishments have received a Mild Alcohol Beverage license within their respective states and nations

It shall be unlawful for these establishments to operate with one thousand feet from schools, playgrounds, and other youth oriented recreational establishments with the exception of supermarkets and convenience stores who goods being sold is of more than an alcoholic nature

It shall be lawful for any establishment selling Mild Alcoholic Beverages to sell Chocolate Liqueur so long as they are placed behind the counters of the respective stores and have received a Mild Alcoholic Beverage license from their respective states and nations

It shall be unlawful for any establishment who sell Mild Alcoholic Beverages to sell any alcohol related items to individuals under the age of 16; The penalty results in a suspension and/or revoke of their Mild Alcoholic Beverage license

It shall be lawful for establishments to operate under certain periods of the days and weeks, the following as such:
All establishments must not open until 9.00AM and close at 1.00AM Monday through Saturday, and open 12.00PM and close at 10.00PM on Sundays

I. Soft Liquor, Hard Liquor, and Spirits

It shall be lawful for establishments to sell any Soft and Hard Liquors and Spirits in an privately owned and operated facility as such they have received a Liquor Control license from their respective states and nations

It shall be lawful for establishments to operate under certain periods of the days and weeks, the following as such:
All establishments must not open until 9.00AM and close at 11.00PM, Monday through Saturday, and open 12.00PM and close at 9.00PM on Sundays

It shall be unlawful for these establishments to sell to individuals under the age of 18; The penalty results in suspension and/or revoke of their Liquor Control License

It shall be unlawful for these establishments to operate with one thousand feet from schools, playgrounds, and other youth oriented recreational establishments.

III. Personal Legalities

It shall be unlawful for persons driving under the influence of alcohol with a Blood Alcohol Level of more than .10

It shall be unlawful for persons to purchase alcohol for anyone under the legal ages mentioned above, unless in the accompaniment of a parent or legal guardian and are present on private property

IV. Pricing

It shall be unlawful for any nation or state to add a sales tax figure to the price of any alcohol that is purchased Shouldn't this be in the Recreational Drug Use category?

Category: Education and Creativity

Area of Effect: Educational

Proposed by: Free Peoples Democracy

Description: It has become painfully obvious that today's society has lost the knowledge of a good and healthy diet. The obesity epidemic infecting the developed world and even spilling over into the 3rd world has gotten out of control. Looking back in history at the Spartans we can see the benefits of leading a fit and healthy life.

We, the people of the region of Lazy Town seek to right this wrong and urge the UN to approve this resolution that will bring the education of fitness and good diet back into the school system where it for far too long has been pushed aside, making it a required subject so our children and our children's children will live a long and healthy life, free of the health problems and diseases caused be a lifestyle of junk food and gluttony.

Proposal: Mandate Excersise and Fitness as a 3 hour per day course of study in school. Also require students at every level of education to study the principles of good health and fitness and require that schools have classes readily available to meet these needs. Realizing fitness and good health is the cornerstone of a great society, these classes should not be no shorter than 1 hour courses per day.Illegal, branding.
26-06-2007, 17:39
Look! It's another beaver proposal! Seriously...just what are they smoking and did they bring enough for the Assembly?

A glance at the regional messageboard for Buttwelches' region indicated that he was trying to get ejected from the UN. Why some people would rather spam than click 'Resign' evades me, but his wish has been granted.

12 hours ago
The Republic of Buttwelches
what the hell?
yeah i'm still not kicked out of the UN so here it goes with another proposal
Quintessence of Dust
26-06-2007, 18:18
Outlaw Subliminal Advertising
Category: Human Rights
Strength: Significant
Proposed by: Jamesingtonland

Description: The United Nations,

Recognising the necessity for the use of advertising in business and government, and

Believing that businesses and governments should be allowed to advertise using relevant and fair techniques, yet

Aggravated that some businesses and governments revert to using subliminal messages in order to send information to consumers and citizens when this is a clear breach of human rights.

For the purpose of this resolution, subliminal messages are to be defined as a signal or message embedded in another object, designed to pass below the normal limits of perception; messages indiscernible to the conscious mind, but are perceptible to the subconscious or deeper mind so not immediately recognised by the human receiving the message.

This type of messaging can be used to send commands to the person in question, such as to buy a certain product or to vote a certain party. This breaches the right of humans as individuals as they feel obliged to do carry out the command given to them.

Possibly more severely than companies making consumers buy from them, certain corrupt political parties could use this messaging in their advertising, possibly winning them an election, and so meaning the party is effectively cheating at an election and destroying the democratic electoral system. The outcome of a minor political party gaining power could be dreadful: entire nations could be forced into thinking thoughts which would otherwise be shunned by the human mind, such as racist or genocidal thoughts, using governmental propaganda. Such patterns of behaviour could spread to other nations, meaning entire governments and their electorates would be overthrown by an unfair practice.

For the sake of human rights and political fairness, the UN is urged to outlaw all subliminal advertising and messages.
Fair enough, but already done ( Duplication (or contradiction, because if the 'internationally coordinated research' finds subliminal messaging is ok, this would still ban it). Also something of an essay.
Quintessence of Dust
27-06-2007, 18:18
Keep the Bad Guys in!
Category: International Security
Strength: Strong
Proposed by: The Narnian King Peter

Description: The world should become more protective.It will keep more nation's(escpesily the founders)profile clean of things such as to much crime.Here is an example(my old nation I hate now)Note:The words will be where your ISSUES come in.

===========================================================Civil Rights Ecomony Political Rights
Rare Struggling Rare

Crime is way out of control while graif artists spend time in jail.Citizens can be seen going about there bussinus stark naked!There have been reports of Blood Dragn attacksall over the nation.The population is thinking of reducing themselves due to the horrible crime sprees.

===========================================================There you have it.A deleted nation that was worse than Iraq is right now.So,SECURITY MUST BE IMPROVED OR WE ALL WILL END UP LIKE AMMERGEDON!!!!!!!!
This is, grossly offensive ones aside, one of the absolute worst UN proposals I have ever seen.
28-06-2007, 01:20
Category: The Furtherment of Democracy

Strength: Significant

Proposed by: The ROUND Tablet

Description: We here the same things everyday. Dem. Good..Dem. Bad.
Never Mind The Fact the U.S IS Democratic and others are becoming democratic, I propose one of two Ideas:

1.Those that don't want it..DON"T necessarilly need it, and choose not to have it!

2.Those that want it..Find it necessary, and profound influence on there countries government.

But these issues are not rally debated anywhere those, maybe they should be. Democracy is a good thing, but does everybody want or NEED it to have a stable economy!Illegal, RL reference.

Category: Repeal

Resolution: #4

Proposed by: Hybras

Description: UN Resolution #4: UN taxation ban (Category: Social Justice; Strength: Significant) shall be struck out and rendered null and void.

Argument: Lets the citizens give the wrong tax amount to the guys that give the tax money the government and they might not check the money. They could be paying the wrong amount of tax money purposely. So if I repeal this resolution we might be able to get tax money right form the citizens and know they're giving us the right amount of tax money.Say what?
28-06-2007, 01:23
Say what?

Quite. *scratches head*
28-06-2007, 02:25
Cleaned up for grammar I think it says

Lots of citizens give the wrong sum of money to the tax collectors, who might not notice. This could be done on purpose. So the UN should collect taxes for nations so there are no underpayments.
28-06-2007, 14:13
Category: Human Rights

Strength: Strong

Proposed by: LNooner

Description: To protect the weakest members of our society from people who prey on them we need to have strong deterrents in place.

This proposal states that any person found guilty in a court of law of a sexual crime against a child should be put to death by lethal injection.

Once all the appeals processes has been used and this should have a 6 month limit, after which the guilty party should be executed.

While some groups may feel this will infringe on the rights of the guilty person, I feel the rights of the children should supersede these, after all our children are our future! Illegal, contradicts "Fair Sentencing Act."
28-06-2007, 15:47
Say what?

"Murray the lead interpreter for the USP stares blankly at the screen. His lips mouth the words of the original post. He is fluent is 25 languages, conversational in 10 more, currently learning 3 others... he turns.

'Yea I got nothin.' He says his shoulders lowering in defeat"
28-06-2007, 22:22
Category: Gun Control
Decision: Tighten
Proposed by: Tylero

Description: We should Not Let Any guns go in Shops. It will cause More Crime.
Punishment: Closes Store

Approvals: 2

i don't Know Why this author Capitalizes random Words..
28-06-2007, 22:38
i don't Know Why this author Capitalizes random Words..

I fail to understand why the author couldn't use a spell checker before even submitting this rubbish. Also what proof is there that gun shops cause crime? When was the last time you were mugged by a gun shop?
29-06-2007, 00:10
Category: Human Rights

Strength: Significant

Proposed by: Testikewler

Description: The United Nations,

AWARE of the importance of private property for the individuals, the international community and for future generations;

NOTING basic property rights are not only a national subject, but of international concern; that interference with the public needs clear and orderly rules and schemes

BELIEVING that keeping property is keeping life, welfare and prosperity;

DECIDES to grant the following rights

§1. Property and the rights of inheritance are guaranteed in all member states of the UN. Their content and limits are determined by the laws.

§ 2. Property imposes duties. Its use should also serve the public weal.

§ 3. Expropriation is permitted only in the public weal. It may take place only by or pursuant to law which provides for kind and extent of the compensation. The compensation shall be determined upon just consideration of the public interest and of the interests of the persons affected. In case of dispute regarding the amount of compensation, recourse may be had to the ordinary courts. Sneaky, trying to hide branding in the title.
29-06-2007, 02:35
Sneaky, trying to hide branding in the title.

Technically, the branding rule doesn't mention anything about proposal titles.

Limited branding is allowed. "Limited" means that you may list one co-author by nation name only. Example:

"Co-authored by The Most Glorious Hack"

Further branding will result in the Proposal being deleted. Don't list everyone who posted in the thread for your draft, don't list yourself, don't list your Minister Of Making Proposals, and don't post the 'pre-title' of the co-author (ie: "The Republic Of..."). This includes creating nations that have the same name as your region or group and using them to promote your region or group.

But it does fall under the "use common sense" rule.
29-06-2007, 03:26
i don't Know Why this author Capitalizes random Words..

come On. he's Clearly Emphasizing certain Words to help it be more Understandable. it is Strange, though.
29-06-2007, 04:32
Technically, the branding rule doesn't mention anything about proposal titles. But it does fall under the "use common sense" rule.

Irrelevant, as he (and his proposal) were deleted for once again trying to skirt the obscenity rule in nation names by careful misspelling. However, I'd have applied the common sense rule in any event. I don't think we've allowed any of them to get to queue since Wolfish way back at #31.

I do so get tired of attention whores.
Intellect and Art
29-06-2007, 07:38
Guns and free Trade

A resolution to tighten or relax gun control laws.

Category: Gun Control

Decision: Relax

Proposed by: Neo-Zeonic

Description: Think it time we Relax Waht the people can carry.
Our people should be able to buy rocket lauchers,
Machine guns, pistols, gattingguns, chainguns, rifle's, genades, sniper rifles,SMg, and many other new weapons that been made.
People should be able to protect themselves by having these weapons they can save loveone from being attack by a shark, loin, some guy with a knife or somthing else.
Point is We need to relax the law on our guns.ranDom caPitalizatiOn, protection from 'loins' and the saving of loveone. I can't not laugh at this one..seriously, people need to use spell checkers and read what they type aloud to themselves.
29-06-2007, 09:10
Technically, the branding rule doesn't mention anything about proposal titles.

But it does fall under the "use common sense" rule.

OK, this leads to removement of the proposal. Agreed.

But that my country was deleted might have another reason, I presume?
29-06-2007, 09:13
Irrelevant, as he (and his proposal) were deleted for once again trying to skirt the obscenity rule in nation names by careful misspelling. However, I'd have applied the common sense rule in any event. I don't think we've allowed any of them to get to queue since Wolfish way back at #31.

I do so get tired of attention whores.

Wouldn't call myself that. Different Definition of Humor, I guess.
So this name's gonna be kicked again, I guess? How far away
I need to be without being labeled obscene?
The Most Glorious Hack
29-06-2007, 11:26
Here's a crazy idea... how about you grow up and quit trying to skirt the line, okay? It's not funny, it's not cute, and it's not clever.
29-06-2007, 17:41
Description: Think it time we Relax Waht the people can carry.
Our people should be able to buy rocket lauchers,
Machine guns, pistols, gattingguns, chainguns, rifle's, genades, sniper rifles,SMg, and many other new weapons that been made.
People should be able to protect themselves by having these weapons they can save loveone from being attack by a shark, loin, some guy with a knife or somthing else.
Point is We need to relax the law on our guns.

Well, I'm new here, just got hired today but I have to admit that I can't remember how many times I was walking down the street with my loveone and came up against a shark, a loin, some guy with a knife or somthing else.

I remember thinking the last time this happened, I really really wish I had been able to buy that rocket laucher, or gattingun!
29-06-2007, 17:58
Repeal "UN taxation ban"

A proposal to repeal a previously passed resolution

Category: Repeal

Resolution: #4

Proposed by: PMTyson

Description: UN Resolution #4: UN taxation ban (Category: Social Justice; Strength: Significant) shall be struck out and rendered null and void.

Argument: The UN has need to collect taxes. Running costs.

Any nation with an economy strong enough to support their involvement in The UN should vote to repeal this defunct legislation.

Approvals: 0

Status: Lacking Support (requires 108 more approvals)

Voting Ends: Mon Jul 2 2007

How does one repeal something that's already "defunct", and short of replacing the drinks in the strangers bar... what running costs?
Intellect and Art
29-06-2007, 19:54
Repeal "UN taxation ban"

A proposal to repeal a previously passed resolution

Category: Repeal

Resolution: #4

Proposed by: Tullymuck

Description: UN Resolution #4: UN taxation ban (Category: Social Justice; Strength: Significant) shall be struck out and rendered null and void.

Argument: never*le sigh* Please, people, make an actual argument!

North Calaveras Begs

A resolution to improve worldwide human and civil rights.

Category: Human Rights

Strength: Strong

Proposed by: North Calaveras

Description: I would really like that the UN can help by combating the virus that has began to plague my country, I joined the UN for support and that is what i expect. Thank youThe UN is not your lapdog, nor your servant or gopher. Ok, so the UN is sometimes a lapdog, BUT WE DON'T PLAY FETCH!
30-06-2007, 01:51
Category: Moral Decency

Strength: Strong

Proposed by: Iranistahn

Description: Recognizing, that torture is an effective and fun method of extracting information from prisoners.

Understanding, that by torturing and murdering those we disagree with we can keep society morally pure.

The United Nations hereby decrees,
that all forms of torture and pain infliction are considered legal

that capital punishment should never be condemned by the United Nations.

that it is illegal for one nation to take action to protect the rights of citizens of another

that the removal of political opponents with force should be encouraged as a method of purifying societyDoesn't this contradict something?

Category: Education and Creativity

Area of Effect: Educational

Proposed by: Millbrooksia

Description: Acknowledging that there are numerous conflicts occurring within and between regions, and;

Understanding that some, if not many, of these conflicts occur due to misunderstandings between otherwise moral and peaceful peoples;

Knowledge of other cultures would prove beneficial to promoting regional peace and world stability.

Therefore, Section 6 of the United Nations Educational Aid Act should be amended to require the following:

1. Nations must provide 2 years of cross-cultural education to their citizenry. This should consist of comparison and contrast of the home nation's geography, economy, language, and culture to that of other nations and regions. Different religions should also be taught in a strictly academic manner – no religion should be given preference or endorsement over another. The lone exception is when students are being taught in formal religious schools.
2. The curriculum should include border nations, nations within the region, and other regions.
3. With the exception of the border nations, regional nations and regions covered in each member state’s curriculum will be at the sole discretion of each nation’s individual education system based on that nation's history and needs.

All other provisions of the UN Educational Aid Act, including implementation and funding, would be in force with regard to this measure. Illegal, attempts to amend UN Educational Aid Act.

Category: International Security

Strength: Strong

Proposed by: ComputerTurret

Description: B.E.T.A (Big Energized Tank Army)

To create a B.E.T.A and use it control all borders.
All B.E.T will have on board AI so no humans have to patrol endlessly. All B.E.Ts will be charged via a new energy wave constantly be charging their batteries and have no need to stop. This allows a 100% up time for security.

The new tanks if allowed to be in development are fairly cheap and wont harm your banks much. In the long run you'll save much money from stopping illegal crossings with pirated or stolen merchandise. Would this be considered a UN army to anyone else?

Category: Human Rights

Strength: Strong

Proposed by: Iranistahn

Description: Recognizing, that enforcing human rights laws is a violation of national sovereignty.

The UN hereby issues, a ban on all protections of human rights and on all treaties that prevent torture and other violations of human rights.

All humans not involved in government are hereby considered property of their respective governments.Words fail me on this one.
30-06-2007, 03:22
Words fail me on this one.

Stupid comes to mind.
Intellect and Art
30-06-2007, 09:26
Destroy the Republic

A resolution to restrict political freedoms in the interest of law and order.

Category: Political Stability

Strength: Strong

Proposed by: Nirok

Description: It will always be to everyone's best interest that all political parties be banned and we present the rebirth of the monarchy.

This will put a stop to parties who frequently attack each other only for the interest of votes.

The king or queen will be able to make sure no laws are passed unless they are justified and equal for all.

We shall put a stop to all those taxes that these parties increase just so they can steal from the people.

If the ruler is richeous there will also be an increase in economy and civil rights.Illegal, ideological ban.
01-07-2007, 21:06
Category: Environmental

Industry Affected: All Businesses

Proposed by: New Folklands

Description: The Ecologically Diverse States of New Foklands

RECOGNISES that climate change is rapidly changing our environment

ACKNOWLEDGES the fact that it is the moral obligation of human beings to act on the climate crisis

Urges the all UN Member Nations to take the following action:

1) Reduce global CO2 emissions by 50% by 2070

Urges all UN Member Nations to achieve this target by doing the following:

1) Ensure that by 2070, 50% of a country's energy needs are met by renewable methods.
2) Ensure that by 2070, 70% of privately-owned cars on the roads are "green" cars.
3) Ensure that by 2070, global illegal deforestation is completely halted
4) Ensure that by 2070, global deforestation is conducted sustainably.

PERSUADES countries to vote in favour of this UN resolution which will dramatically improve the quality of our world's environment. Illegal, branding.
01-07-2007, 21:25
Illegal, branding.
Is it actually branding when they can't even spell their own name right?
01-07-2007, 21:27
Is it actually branding when they can't even spell their own name right?

OK fine, attempted branding.
02-07-2007, 03:50
Stupid Proposals That Stink

A resolution to restrict civil freedoms in the interest of moral decency.

Category: Moral Decency

Strength: Mild

Proposed by: The ROUND Tablet

Description: U know those props. that make u wanna barf, kick scream, run into a wall, then maybe expell your former compadre that just made a really asanine proposal. Well maybe in future [/b]those people should be expelled,[/b] but given probation..Maybe not!

Approvals: 0

You mean like this one?

And we suspect you'll get your wish sooner rather than later.
02-07-2007, 18:43
Allow all to own guns

A resolution to tighten or relax gun control laws.

Category: Gun Control

Decision: Relax

Proposed by: Keltaur

Description: We need to relax the laws of of gun control if we had a war what shall we do weight for another un country to help us no we need to
1) allow anybody to own guns
2) allow any type of weapon to owned
3) make a understanding that owning a weapon is for self defense and defense of ones country

My brain hurts.
03-07-2007, 12:48

A resolution to tighten or relax gun control laws.

Category: Gun Control

Decision: Relax

Proposed by: Kaliforniatica

Description: It is felt by a number of regions that gun control is too tight in this world.

we need to relax them if only a lil to the point where we can feel comfortable in our own homes. The guns are coming in one way or another and legal or not...

well i suggest:

1. we should relax the age limit to 16 to own a rifle or a shotgun.

2. Handguns should be illegal, for the use is more likely to be negative than used in self defense or recreational use.


Id support this one if it weren't for #3... I'm very worried about the loopholes that would open up.
Damned PoPer
03-07-2007, 21:15
MANDATES THAT with the passing of this law all U.N. member nations must ban the sale of all automobiles not meeting a minimum fuel mileage rating of 30 MPG

Just a question: Isn't that illegal, because it conflicts with Resolution #24 'The metric system'?

The correct measuring unit would be 'liters per 100 kilometer', wouldn't it?
03-07-2007, 22:42
Litres per kilometre, although precedent (set by me!) means that litre's per nautical mile would probably be allowed also!
04-07-2007, 02:32
Category: Social Justice
Strength: Mild
Proposed by: Forfilled Arkney

Description: Tracey Beaker (a british tv programme) is wanted to be banned from Forfilled Arkney. But half of the population marched the streets in anger, wantin the programme back. But it is my decision to bann it. Is that ok?
On behalf of the entire United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, may I apologise for this piece of utter crap?

Category: Free Trade
Strength: Strong
Proposed by: Keltaur

Description: Small countrys are sucked and taken away by these taxes we want free trade to increase profits in ones country
Really? Whole small countries are sucked away? That's one powerful vaccuum cleaner you've got there.
04-07-2007, 02:38
Category: Social Justice

Strength: Mild

Proposed by: Forfilled Arkney

Description: Tracey Beaker (a british tv programme) is wanted to be banned from Forfilled Arkney. But half of the population marched the streets in anger, wantin the programme back. But it is my decision to bann it. Is that ok?Illegal, Rl reference, branding, format.
The Most Glorious Hack
04-07-2007, 05:51
On behalf of the entire United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, may I apologise for this piece of utter crap?He's still banging on about that stupid show?
Damned PoPer
04-07-2007, 11:15
Litres per kilometre, although precedent (set by me!) means that litre's per nautical mile would probably be allowed also!

Yes, of course - because the NM ist defined as: '1 nautical mile = 1852 metres exactly'

So a NM doesn't stay in contrast to the metric system, because it is a unit WITHIN the metric system ;)

[btw: for those, who are interested in the scientific aspect of it: nautical miles (or seamiles) are accepted for use with the international system of units (SI), but is not a SI-unit itself, because the SI base unit for length is meter]
04-07-2007, 17:30
Category: Political Stability

Strength: Mild

Proposed by: Neudel

Description: After seeing that some nation only apply to the UN for some kind of "fashion" and after that, their participation is null. Also some Nations apply to the UN so they can support some UN Delegate dictators on there own region making than oppressive and instable, I propose that:

- Nations that Do not vote in any Resolution in UN for a Period of 6 month should be investigated and in the worst case removed from UN.
- Nation that use their endorsement based in some lobby only to elect some Delegated that constrains all the politic freedom of a region should be excluded from UN. Illegal, game mechanics.
Damned PoPer
04-07-2007, 21:31
If this were legal, we could establish a second UN, called 'Fantasy and SciFi UN' ...
05-07-2007, 14:24
Category: Education and Creativity
Area of Effect: Artistic
Proposed by: Pyschadelia

Description: All schools should have better funding for musical equipment.
This would then lower crime as young people would be doing more productive things with their time.
It would improve artistic talents coming through the schools, which would make nations wealthier in the long term as they would be able to sell their music to other nations, which would cancel out the costs of funding school's music department.
Lower crime would also mean less vandalism which would lower tax as streets would not have to be cleaned and looked after as much and there would be less people in prison so tax would be reduced from that.
Overall musical funding for all schools would lower crime and tax and improve artistic talents.
Illegal, contradicts UNEAA.
05-07-2007, 17:10
Notwithstanding the former proposal's lack of legality, it also seems rather arbitrary. Replace 'music' with any academic discipline, and it would make exactly the same amount of sense.
Intellect and Art
05-07-2007, 23:11
The legend that is jamie hewit

A resolution to improve worldwide human and civil rights.

Category: Human Rights

Strength: Mild

Proposed by: Gevonia

Description: to unite all nations in the world under one religion. it should be allowed as it will save countless lives aswell as making the world a much safer place to liveand also many other good social impacts. the religion should be named after all the people ,who up to now have done great things to the world. it should be named the legend religion to commemorate the great legends no matter of race,colour,religion. Illegal for two reasons: ideological enforcement/ban, and RL reference. Plus it's an essay...and one that made me nearly hurt myself with laughing too hard.
07-07-2007, 18:07
Category: Environmental

Industry Affected: All Businesses

Proposed by: Datium

Description: Okay, there is an increasing demand for the use of RENEWABLE energy, for example Wind Turbines and Solar Panels. I must say that i agree with the Enviromentalists on this one after all were looking at mass genocide over the next century!

Climate change is one of the most serious environmental challenges to face our planet. Urgent action is needed if we are to avert the threat it poses to many species and habitats, and to people's livelihoods.

our goals are:
to reduce threats - such as wildlife trade and habitat loss - to wild populations of 12 'flagship' species groups:


Elephant (Asian and African)

Giant panda

Golden lion tamarin

Hawksbill turtle

Humpback Whale

Iberian lynx

Mountain gorilla

Orang utan

Rhino (black, Sumatran, Javan and one-horned)

Snow leopard

to ensure wildlife trade does not threaten additional selected wild populations of plants and animals - including the musk deer, sharks, sturgeon, Tibetan antelope and mahogany. What's this about renewable energy or animals?:confused:

Category: International Security

Strength: Significant

Proposed by: Damned PoPer

Description: The United Nations,

RECOGNIZING the increasing amount of international 'air traffic' (AT),
AWARE of problems accruing from different security-regulations,
BELIEVING in the importance of uniform standards for international AT control,
DECIDES to enact fundamental rules for AT control.

§1 DEFINES flights
a) by engine driven aircrafts or sailplanes as AT.
b) under 'instrument flight rules' (IFR) as AT with at least 'transponder and radio' (TAR) and navigational aid unlinked to 'visual meteorological conditions' (VMC).
c) under 'visual flight rules' (VFR) as AT with at least VMC.
d) under 'blind flight rules' (BFR) as any other AT.

§2 DEFINES 'controlled airport' (CAP) as airport with at least one 'air traffic manager' (ATM) responsible solely.

§3 DEFINES airsector
a) 'higher' (H) as 5 km to 20 km 'above mean sea level' (AMSL).
b) 'lower' (L) as 500 m above ground level to 5 km AMSL.
c) 'ground' (G) as below L.
d) 'airport' (A) as radius of at least 30 km around a CAP up to 5 km AMSL; overlapping are divided meaningful.
e) 'space' (S) as above H; not regulated by ATM.
f) 'exceptional' (X) at nations discretion within their territory for special reasons.
g) Aberrant regulations with approval of UNAO are possible.

a) IFR to H, L and A.
b) VFR to L, A and G; TAR is obligatory except within G.
c) BFR to G on national discretion.
d) flights within X on national discretion.

§5 ESTABLISHES the 'United Nations Aviation Organisation' (UNAO) to
a) declare a 'common aviation language' (CAL).
b) define all designators for CAPs (CAPD), regions (RegD), nations (NatD), and airlines (AirD) as unique letter abbreviations of same length within group.
c) define appropriate substitutes for each technical or non-technical condition.
d) monitor national laws for conflicting rules.

a) CAL to be obligatory for ATM in addition to their national and IFR and recommended for VFR and BFR.
b) CAPDs to be composed of RegD, NatD, and an intrastate unique airport designator assigned by each nation.
c) every aircraft to have a radio callsign composed of either homebase-CAPD and intrastate unique license code number assigned by nation or AirD and airline-unique flight numbers assigned by airline.

§7 ENACTS that H, L and A must be operated by adequate numbers of appropriately trained ATMs; G may remain uncontrolled at national discretion.

§8 ENACTS minimum separation for
a) IFR in H, L and A of 5 km horizontal and 300 m vertical.
b) VFR in A of 3 km horizontal and 300 m vertical.
c) apron and taxiways of 10 m (visual separation must be possible) and runways (including the extended centerline up to 3 km) of one aircraft maximum; crossing and parallel runways closer than 300 m are treated as one.

§9 DEFINES for 'non-standard procedures' (NSP) priorities
a) 'top' as flights with an emergency, 'affecting the flight quality' (AtFQ) or health of a passenger or crew member.
b) 'second' as rescue flights.
c) 'third' as aircrafts with minor damage, not AtFQ, but demanding NSP.
d) 'fourth' as IFR in L and A.
e) 'no' as all other flights.

§10 ENACTS that all flights must be handled in priority order. Runways used by top priority flights must be closed and may be reopened after rectifying the situation.

§11 OBLIGATES ATM to take care of all circumstances affecting §§8-10 and take any action needed to guarantee the security of AT and aircrafts on the ground.

Co-Authored by Lapis HeavenIt's like trying to read a bowl of alphabet soup.
Intellect and Art
10-07-2007, 00:38
Monkey Soldiers

A resolution to improve world security by boosting police and military budgets.

Category: International Security

Strength: Mild

Proposed by: Larbeyville

Description: All nations must train atleast one battalion of monkey soldiersIllegal. Falls under the 'nonsensical fairyfeathers' category.
10-07-2007, 03:15
Category: Education and Creativity
Area of Effect: Educational
Proposed by: Pyschadelia

Description: United Nations members must increase the funding of schools by at least 10% of what it already is.

This would therefor improve education which should improve all aspects of nations, as there next generation is better educated.
Illegal: you know why. Besides, it fails at both English and Maths.
Intellect and Art
10-07-2007, 11:01
Free and Fair Elections

A resolution to increase democratic freedoms.

Category: The Furtherment of Democracy

Strength: Strong

Proposed by: Highest Spirituality

Description: To recognise every person's God given right to have a say in the nation in which they live.

To build nations with leaders whom the people have chosen

To reflect the true spirit of the UN and recognise how many people sacrificed so much all in the name of political freedom.

To stop Dictators from tarnishing the name of the UN with their brand of politics.

To impose a maximum time spent in cabinet, not to exceed two (2) terms (eight years)

To create the environment within every member nation where free and fair elections must take place at least once every four years I'm pretty sure this counts as ideological ban. Also, since when is there a "true spirit of the UN"? We're pretty much a barely organized mosh pit...
10-07-2007, 15:40
Category: Education and Creativity

Area of Effect: Educational

Proposed by: Berzerk Mooses

Description: The control of private schools over areas is disgusting. College Road, in Dulwich, is actually owned by the school Dulwich College, and the College force people to pay to use it. I propose all land used for financial gain be taxed to a greater degree than would usually be the case, maybe 140/150% of the usual tax percentage.I'm going to step out on a limb here and assume that Dulwich College is a RL location.

Category: Recreational Drug Use

Decision: Legalize

Proposed by: RUADY

10-07-2007, 15:53
Limit Air power
A resolution to slash worldwide military spending.
Category: Global Disarmament
Strength: Strong
Proposed by: The imperian empire

Description: some factions have an overwhelming Air force. now in the good hands, this isnt so bad, but in the wrong...

I propose a limit to the amount of money that is spent on Air forces per annum and set it to around 300,000,000.

This may sound alot, but with modern day technology it really isnt that much. Which is a good thing.

#1, Restrict global spending on air force development.

#2, Encourage the creation of multicountry air defence systems.

#3 Encourage spending of air force budget on defensive fighter forces rather than strategic bombers.

#4 To encourage the development of precison weapons to reduce civilan casualties if war does break out.

#5 To disband nuclear bomber fleets, they arent needed anymore.

#6 If a country is attacked, it may increase spending, however after the conflict UN weapons inspectors shall disband unnessercary units.

#7 Countries that break this ruling shall face UN sanctions, and the possibility of Weapons inspectors and/or UN peacekeepers to forceably disarm unnessercary units.

Approvals: 2 (The imperian empire, WZ Forums)

Status: Lacking Support (requires 105 more approvals)

Voting Ends: Fri Jul 13 2007300,000,000 what? Pounds, Simoleons, Bananas?
10-07-2007, 15:54
I'm going to step out on a limb here and assume that Dulwich College is a RL location.
11-07-2007, 02:55

I never said it was a fragile limb.

Category: Gun Control

Decision: Tighten

Proposed by: John-John

Description: A well-regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed. The individual right to keep and bear arms shall not be denied or infringed by the State or a political subdivision of the State.
The peoples of the signatories of the UN will hereby be allowed to carry firearms in areas where the crime rate is deemed as higher than 'relatively low' by the State. The peoples will be allowed to operate the firearms when in:
-self defense
-the witness of crimes perpetrated against other individuals or the State.Illegal, plagurizes the second amendment of the US Constitution, and miscategorized.
St Edmundan Antarctic
11-07-2007, 11:39
Secural Humanist Act
A resolution to increase democratic freedoms.

Category: The Furtherment of Democracy
Strength: Strong
Proposed by: Reptoids

Description: Secular Humanist Act

Complete Separation Of any Belief/Church And State.


§1. Requiring that we tolerate diversity of opinion and that we respect the right of individuals to express their beliefs, however unpopular they may be, without social or legal prohibition or fear of sanctions. Though we may tolerate contrasting points of view, this does not mean that they are immune to critical scrutiny.

§2. Any effort to impose an exclusive conception of Truth, Piety, Virtue, or Justice upon the whole of society is a violation of free inquiry, thus being illegal.

§3. Clerical authorities are not permitted to legislate their own parochial views - whether moral, philosophical, political, educational, or social - for the rest of society.

§4. Tax revenues will not be exacted for the benefit or support of sectarian religious institutions.

§5. church properties share in the burden of public revenues and will not be exempt from taxation.

§6. Compulsory religious oaths and prayers in public institutions (political or educational) are a violation of the separation principle.

§7. Acknowledging that ethics is an autonomous field of inquiry, that ethical judgments can be formulated independently of revealed religion, and that human beings can cultivate practical reason and wisdom and, by its application, achieve lives of virtue and excellence.

§8. Denying that morality needs to be deduced from religious belief or that those who do not espouse a religious doctrine are immoral.

§9. Believing that ethical conduct is, or should be, judged by critical reason, and their goal is to develop autonomous and responsible individuals, capable of making their own choices in life based upon an understanding of human behavior.

§10. Supporting moral education in the schools that is designed to develop an appreciation for moral virtues, intelligence, and the building of character.

§11. it is immoral to baptize infants, to confirm adolescents, or to impose a religious creed on young people before they are able to consent. Although children should learn about the history of religious moral practices, these young minds should not be indoctrinated in a faith before they are mature enough to evaluate the merits for themselves.

It is possible to bring about a more humane world, one based upon the methods of reason and the principles of tolerance, compromise, and the negotiations of difference.

Approvals: 3 (WZ Forums, Icycomb, Ottosam)
Status: Lacking Support (requires 104 more approvals)
Voting Ends: Sat Jul 14 2007

Illegal, for ideological ban on Theocracy.

Private Property Act
A resolution to improve worldwide human and civil rights.

Category: Human Rights
Strength: Mild
Proposed by: Hodenturner

Description: The United Nations,

Aware of the importance of private property for the individuals, the international community and for future generations;

Noting basic property rights are not only a national subject, but of international concern; that interference with the public needs clear and orderly rules and schemes

Believing that keeping property is keeping life, welfare and prosperity;

Decides to grant the following rights

§1. Property and the rights of inheritance are guaranteed in all member states of the UN. Their content and limits are determined by the laws.

§ 2. Property imposes duties. Its use should also serve the public weal.

§ 3. Expropriation is permitted only in the public weal. It may take place only by or pursuant to law which provides for kind and extent of the compensation. The compensation shall be determined upon just consideration of the public interest and of the interests of the persons affected. In case of dispute regarding the amount of compensation, recourse may be had to the ordinary courts.

Approvals: 1 (Icycomb)
Status: Lacking Support (requires 106 more approvals)
Voting Ends: Sat Jul 14 2007

Possibly illegal for ideological ban on Communism?