NationStates Jolt Archive

Silly and/or Illegal Proposals. zOMG! - Page 22

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Existing reality
08-10-2007, 05:05
Max Barry Day

Category: Education and Creativity
Area of Effect: Educational
Proposed by: Dannie E Bolden

Description: In November of 2002 a man named Max Barry created a website that lets users make thier own nations........This is where we stand today.

This Document declares that every March 18 will be honored as an international holiday called Max Barry Day, in honor of the man who made and created this whole website.
How dare he suggest that we're merely playing a game on some website! This is REAL LIFE, dammit! Also, M-x isn't just some man, and is worthy of more respect!

Darren Funkel
Goobergunchian UN Ambassador
Founder, Democratic Underground region

Wow, this bill is actually being voted on by the general UN public. :rolleyes::headbang:That has to be a first. So far:
Votes For: 1,982
Votes Against: 816

Anyways, I would like to wish Happy 350th to the Silly and/or Illegal Proposals. zOMG! thread for filling up and archiving 350 forum pages/5250 posts worth of Silly/Illegal proposals in 2 and a half-odd years, beginning on that fateful day of February the 13th of 2005 by Neo-Anarchists. zOMG!!!:D
St Edmundan Antarctic
08-10-2007, 13:47
Helping Hand
A resolution to promote funding and the development of education and the arts.

Category: Education and Creativity
Area of Effect: Educational
Proposed by: Crockey

Description: When a new nation joins Nationstates they should be assigned to a bigger more experienced nation to help them until they understand the game and can get along with it on their own. After that they then can help new nations and it will just keep going in circles.

Approvals: 5 (Genbu Kaiden, The Diumvrent, Albalast, WZ Forums, Kelh)

Status: Lacking Support (requires 108 more approvals)

Voting Ends: Wed Oct 10 2007

Illegal, Metagaming (I think) and probably wrong category.

Green Reform of Industies
A resolution to develop industry around the world.

Category: Advancement of Industry
Area of Effect: Tort Reform
Proposed by: Manduinspace

Description: ACKNOWLEDGING the seriousness of the situation concerning the growing number of greenhouse gas emissions,

ACKNOWLEDGING the fact that it is hard to reach an agreement as industries does not want to lose their revenues,

NOTING the situation where some countries are economically growing in an unbelievable speed, thus needing cheaper ways to power their growth, thus increasing greenhouse gas emissions,

CONSIDERING the fact that the world has the technology to significantly reduce greenhouse gas emissions,


1. REQUIRES the total reform of all industries into greener, less polluting factors.

2. ENCOURAGES these industries to take on support by their governments, in funding the installment of new technologies to seriously reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

3. EMPHASIZES all industries of all nations to cut their emissions by 70% by the next 10 years.

4. AUTHORIZES the governments to support the industries in any legal way to prevent loss of revenues, jobs and customers.

5. REQUIRES the governments to support other nations unable to meet these requirements, in any legal form.

6. EMPHASIZES the need to further support research and development of new technologies that will help further reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, with the support of the industries.

Approvals: 6 (Genbu Kaiden, El Guerrero, Japangland, WZ Forums, ARC Captains, Kelh)

Status: Lacking Support (requires 107 more approvals)

Voting Ends: Wed Oct 10 2007

Leaving aside its other problems, this isn't 'Tort Reform' (or even 'Adavancement of Industries', really...) is it? ;)

420 act of 2007
A resolution to ban, legalize, or encourage recreational drugs.

Category: Recreational Drug Use
Decision: Legalize
Proposed by: Danpopia

Description: Complete and total legalization of Marijuana, world wide.

Approvals: 3 (WZ Forums, The Xeni, Los De Abajo)

Status: Lacking Support (requires 110 more approvals)

Voting Ends: Thu Oct 11 2007

Illegal, contradicts 'UN Drugs Act'.

Recognizing Sovereignty
A resolution to improve world security by boosting police and military budgets.

Category: International Security
Strength: Mild
Proposed by: Slobifthakia

Description: All nations hereby agree NOT to interfere within another sovereign nations affairs be it social, military, or political unless they are in listed by the nation to provide help.

Any nation interfering within another nations affairs shall be removed from the UN.

Any nation who enlists may receive aid from the UN and the UN may forcibly order any member nation to provide help to the nation enlisting for help.

Approvals: 4 (Japangland, WZ Forums, Weissborg, Kelh)

Status: Lacking Support (requires 109 more approvals)

Voting Ends: Thu Oct 11 2007

Illegal: Strength greatly mispresented, tries to order expulsions from the UN, and surely the section that I've placed in red has to be against the rules too?

Repeal "Stop privacy intrusion"
A proposal to repeal a previously passed resolution

Category: Repeal
Resolution: #10
Proposed by: Weissborg

Description: UN Resolution #10: Stop privacy intrusion (Category: Human Rights; Strength: Strong) shall be struck out and rendered null and void.

Argument: A sovereign nation has the right to decide what measures are necessary in order to maintain stability and a lack of criminal activity.

Approvals: 4 (The Xeni, Invicible Burninator, Compulsoria, Extremation)

Status: Lacking Support (requires 109 more approvals)

Voting Ends: Thu Oct 11 2007

Illegal, replies on NatSov as its only argument.

A proposal to repeal a previously passed resolution

Category: Repeal
Resolution: #41
Proposed by: Robbelia

Description: UN Resolution #41: END BARBARIC PUNISHMENTS (Category: Human Rights; Strength: Significant) shall be struck out and rendered null and void.

Argument: We, the people of the rogue nation of Robbelia, believe that every nation's government should be free to treat criminals as harshly as possible. How should we else stop crime if do not scare people from becoming criminals? So then, consequently, UN resolution #41, "End barbaric punishment" must go. If you are a progressive nation, and not a soft bellied whimp, you agree that this resolution is a "no brainer" and must be deleted from the UN records. Thank you for your cooperation.
for his excellency Robert Robber, the most honorable Sneaky Git, UN ambassador of Robbelia

Approvals: 2 (Extremation, Kelh)

Status: Lacking Support (requires 111 more approvals)

Voting Ends: Thu Oct 11 2007

Illegal, branding and relies on NatSov as its only argument.

Repeal "Rights of Minorities and Women"
A proposal to repeal a previously passed resolution

Category: Repeal
Resolution: #80
Proposed by: Robbelia

Description: UN Resolution #80: Rights of Minorities and Women (Category: Human Rights; Strength: Strong) shall be struck out and rendered null and void.

Argument: We, the people of the rogue nation of Robbelia, will vehemently oppose the rather transparent attempt of the UN to usurp the power of the sovereign nation states, by this utterly moralistic "resolution". It is for the leaders to decide which rights people shall enjoy, not the UN.
For his excellency Robert Robber, the honorable Sneaky Git, UN ambassador of the Rogue Nation of Robbelia

Approvals: 1 (Extremation)

Status: Lacking Support (requires 112 more approvals)

Voting Ends: Thu Oct 11 2007

Illegal, branding and relies on NatSov as its sole argument.

Repeal "Common Sense Act II"
A proposal to repeal a previously passed resolution

Category: Repeal
Resolution: #30
Proposed by: Robbelia

Description: UN Resolution #30: Common Sense Act II (Category: Human Rights; Strength: Significant) shall be struck out and rendered null and void.

Argument: What is common sense? Nay, let the trial decide. We are against. Robbelia

Approvals: 2 (Extremation, Dez Croz)

Status: Lacking Support (requires 111 more approvals)

Voting Ends: Thu Oct 11 2007

Illegal, branding.
Existing reality
09-10-2007, 22:07
Compulsary Clubs

A resolution to reduce income inequality and increase basic welfare.

Category: Social Justice

Strength: Significant

Proposed by: Anders-Learmonth

Description: Instead of going to school which nearly everybody hates, we all know it. Why dont we do something about the matter, we could not only have compulsary military experience but also you have to join a club including either: Military - army, navy or RAF, civilian - industry, automotive etc.

Approvals: 3 (Anders-Learmonth, Mallatarsland, Dez Croz)

Illegal, poorly worded. Asks "why don't we..." Bah, YOU figure it out!!!
Law Abiding Criminals
10-10-2007, 18:51
A resolution to improve worldwide human and civil rights.

Category: Human Rights
Strength: Strong
Proposed by: New Melancholia

Description: Recent news suggests that less countries than ever are allowing refugees to emigrate into their country whilst a refugee's own country is at war.

The Armed Republic of New Melancholia suggests that whenever a humanitarian war is declared, the country who declares it is DIRECTLY responsible for housing the refugees of the country in question, and has no legal right to refuse any refugee emigrating from the country that they have invaded. This is proposition 25.

Approvals: 0

Status: Lacking Support (requires 113 more approvals)

Voting Ends: Sat Oct 13 2007

If we weren't going to buzz it for the branding violation, we would have to buzz it for being completely unenforcable (making belligerent nations house refugees? If they win, it's void based on that, and if they lose, it's just another violation in what's sure to be a long list of war crimes.)

Also, why is this Proposition 25 again? I assure you there are more than 24 before it.

A resolution to promote funding and the development of education and the arts.

Category: Education and Creativity
Area of Effect: Educational
Proposed by: The City of Silvania

Description: Many students are help back by the education system for they are not challenged enough in school.

AND SO that is why an academy should be created where the smartest and brightest attend, to make the most succesful of people the can be.

Approvals: 1 (The City of Silvania)

Status: Lacking Support (requires 112 more approvals)

Voting Ends: Sat Oct 13 2007

Hey, you know the other day when you asked me what the definition of "irony" was and I said that it was a proposal benefitting the gifted that had a spelling error in the title?
Existing reality
11-10-2007, 00:39
Time to dump a few junkers here:
Elimination of Sin on Earth

A resolution to restrict civil freedoms in the interest of moral decency.

Category: Moral Decency

Strength: Mild

Proposed by: Arsenal Fanatics

Description: Throughout the history of the world, religion has had a drastic impact upon the people who live on Earth. One of the most important values that religion holds is the power to restrain from sinning. It was, in the past, impossible to target where sin originated, but now I have discovered how to eliminate it from its source. The roots of all evil in the world are women. There is countless evidence to back up this charge, starting in the Bible, and continuing through Helen of Troy, and other disrupting female figures in history. The world would be much better off with the elimination of those of the female gender. It is possible to continue humanity through cloning, so this issue won't greatly damage the human race. All it will do is to greatly improve our religious devotion to god.
Bloody Stupid, contradicts Rights of Minorities and Women, and it exalts religions which demonize women and demonizes religions which exalt women/treat women the same way it treats men. Oh, and it also wipes humankind off of the face of the Earth. Yeah, great proposal.:p

Hello Hydrogen, Bye Oil

A resolution to increase the quality of the world's environment, at the expense of industry.

Category: Environmental

Industry Affected: Automobile Manufacturing

Proposed by: Urbana States

Description: This bill is a way out of our dependency for foreign oil in a seven-year program of doing away with gas-fueled automobiles. This being that the gas-fueled automobiles would be replace by hydrogen fuel cell automobiles. Below is a list of what the requirements for the producers and sellers of automobiles in UN countries.

Year 1 - 20% of all automobiles produced and to be sold in UN countries are to be a hydrogen fuel cell automobile. Plus, all gas stations must have the same 20% of hydrogen fuel for the fuel cell automobiles.
Year 2 - 30% of all automobiles produced and to be sold in UN countries are to be a hydrogen fuel cell automobile. Plus, all gas stations must have the same 30% of hydrogen fuel for the fuel cell automobiles.
Year 3 - 40% of all automobiles produced and to be sold in UN countries are to be a hydrogen fuel cell automobile. Plus, all gas stations must have the same 40% of hydrogen fuel for the fuel cell automobiles.
Year 4 - 50% of all automobiles produced and to be sold in UN countries are to be a hydrogen fuel cell automobile. Plus, all gas stations must have the same 50% of hydrogen fuel for the fuel cell automobiles.
Year 5 - 60% of all automobiles produced and to be sold in UN countries are to be a hydrogen fuel cell automobile. Plus, all gas stations must have the same 60% of hydrogen fuel for the fuel cell automobiles.
Year 6 - 75% of all automobiles produced and to be sold in UN countries are to be a hydrogen fuel cell automobile. Plus, all gas stations must have the same 75% of hydrogen fuel for the fuel cell automobiles.
Year 7 - 100% of automobiles produced and to be sold in UN countries are to be a hydrogen fuel cell automobile. Plus, all gas stations must have hydrogen fuel for the fuel cell automobiles. Also, the gas stations can have some gas for older cars, which will be destroyed and recycled 5 years from this year, or to be collector items.

The placing of hydrogen plants are to be in areas that use hydroelectric energy. These areas should be near the oceans or large bodies of water and use cleaned water from those water sources. These new companies should be given UN help in building these plants and the UN will be repaid afterwards for the help.

During the programs time car companies will be given some tax cuts to help with the transition, and car companies that go over the percent required would be given higher tax cuts. In addition to this, car companies will be allowed to cut their employees wages by 10-25%. Even if it goes against the deal between Auto Workers Union (AWU) and the car companies, it would allow for less job cuts of workers in the industry.
I believe we just saw this proposal...

World Police

A resolution to improve world security by boosting police and military budgets.

Category: International Security

Strength: Significant

Proposed by: Bostallia

Description: I believe that the world should adapt a world police force, kind of like interpol.

It should be called... POOP
Weak language (notice should and Significant strength), RL reference, and Bloody Stupid name for the police force, all in one. Oh, whoops, and the UN doesn't get its own army or police force.
11-10-2007, 02:25
Relaxing Gun Laws

A resolution to tighten or relax gun control laws.

Category: Gun Control

Decision: Tighten

Proposed by: Canadia ehe

Description: Recognizing: That all citizens should have a choice wether to carry a weapon.
Implying: that these weapons should be conceled.
Proposing: that the entire globe should be allowed to carry a concealed handgun in public places.
Implying: that it would be for there own protection against criminals.

Approvals: 14 (Albalast, WZ Forums, Kiltmen, Sturmen Sie Drachen, Krankor, Anders-Learmonth, Florida Hill, Hisnot3, El Guerrero, Hellastica, Ikeania, Trumpetville, Ann of the Word, Derbb)

Status: Lacking Support (requires 99 more approvals)
Wrong decision.
St Edmundan Antarctic
11-10-2007, 18:37
Democracy Does Not Work
A resolution to increase democratic freedoms.

Category: The Furtherment of Democracy
Strength: Strong
Proposed by: Yohaven

Description: Clearly People living within our nations will be better off with there existing governments in charge. Democractic freedom only leads to a people whos goals are not united. Peoples of our countries should not have the right to free speech, nor should there be any obosing governments, this will mean descions can be made quicker and to the benefit of the people.

Approvals: 1 (WZ Forums)

Status: Lacking Support (requires 112 more approvals)

Voting Ends: Sun Oct 14 2007

Wrong category (should be 'Political Stability'), ideological ban, and contradicts at least one previous resolution (on free speech).
Not to mention the spelling mistakes...
11-10-2007, 19:16
Time to dump a few junkers here:
Elimination of Sin on Earth

A resolution to restrict civil freedoms in the interest of moral decency.

Category: Moral Decency

Strength: Mild

Proposed by: Arsenal Fanatics

Description: Throughout the history of the world, religion has had a drastic impact upon the people who live on Earth. One of the most important values that religion holds is the power to restrain from sinning. It was, in the past, impossible to target where sin originated, but now I have discovered how to eliminate it from its source. The roots of all evil in the world are women. There is countless evidence to back up this charge, starting in the Bible, and continuing through Helen of Troy, and other disrupting female figures in history. The world would be much better off with the elimination of those of the female gender. It is possible to continue humanity through cloning, so this issue won't greatly damage the human race. All it will do is to greatly improve our religious devotion to god.
Bloody Stupid, contradicts Rights of Minorities and Women, and it exalts religions which demonize women and demonizes religions which exalt women/treat women the same way it treats men. On, and it also wipes humankind off of the face of the Earth. Yeah, great proposal.:p

Someone either had a really messy breakup (talking severed limbs messy) or desperately needs to stick his cock into something other then his own hand...
Existing reality
11-10-2007, 20:26
Someone either had a really messy breakup (talking severed limbs messy) or desperately needs to stick his cock into something other then his own hand...
:D lol :p:rolleyes::):cool::D:confused:

Don't forget how much taxpayer money would be wasted on cloning:upyours:

Make Trade Fair

A resolution to reduce barriers to free trade and commerce.

Category: Free Trade

Strength: Strong

Proposed by: Bostallia

Description: Fair Trade is a growing, international movement which ensures that producers in poor countries get a fair deal. This means a fair price for their goods (one that covers the cost of production and guarantees a living income), long-term contracts which provide real security; and for many, support to gain the knowledge and skills that they need to develop their businesses and increase sales.

Fair Trade and the Make Trade Fair campaign
The Fair Trade movement has been one of the most powerful responses to the problems facing commodity producers. It gives consumers an opportunity to use their purchasing power to tilt the balance, however slightly, in favour of the poor. But Fair Trade alone can't address the crisis faced by the millions of small-scale farmers and producers whose livelihoods are threatened by low commodity prices and unfair competion from rich countries.

For more information go to

Great proposal! Wait, one problem. It has real world references!!!!:p
Law Abiding Criminals
11-10-2007, 21:32
A resolution to improve worldwide human and civil rights.

Category: Human Rights
Strength: Strong
Proposed by: New Melancholia

Description: Recent news suggests that many countries are closing their borders to refugees of war, claiming that their country cannot handle the extra influx of people.

This UN resolution would change the law, so that for every humanitarian war the country that declares the war becomes directly and solely responsible for housing those who are displaced by the war.

This should reduce the number of wars declared and make the country declaring it more accountable for their actions.

Approvals: 6 (Birdopia, Trentoli, WZ Forums, Weissborg, Auradian, Le Terre)

Status: Lacking Support (requires 107 more approvals)

Voting Ends: Sun Oct 14 2007

It wasn't any better when it was called Proposition 25, you know.

A proposal to repeal a previously passed resolution

Category: Repeal
Resolution: #223
Proposed by: Omigodtheykilledkenny

Description: UN Resolution #223: Max Barry Day (Category: Education and Creativity; Area of Effect: Educational) shall be struck out and rendered null and void.

Argument: These here fine United Nations,

Commending Resolution #223's laudable purpose, to recognize truly great men and their achievements;

Duly congratulating this resolution's intended honoree on his many titles from coed beauty pageants throughout the NS world;

Expressing its concern, however, that this resolution breaches the reasonable limits to which this body has traditionally held itself;

Chagrined that amidst the many serious problems the world faces today, including war, terrorism, poverty, oppression, corruption, pestilence, disease, famine, malnourishment, starvation, taxes, illiteracy, substandard education, substandard sex education, imperial measurements, necrophilia, space junk, nations not labeling chemicals correctly, shortages of computers for schoolchildren, invisible tree people, shortages of computers for invisible tree schoolchildren, rampant ecclesiastical self-defenestration, and reluctance to eradicate the Arctocephalinae, the United Nations would actually pass a resolution declaring an international holiday for some dude who started a Website suggests that this institution's priorities are somewhat out of whack;

Randomly kicking ambassadors in the nuts for even thinking this proposal was a good idea,

Hereby repeals Resolution #223: Max Barry Day.

Approvals: 10 (El Guerrero, Mallatarsland, The Kings Guard, Fioteria, Akimonad UN Mission, Mephras, South Lorenya, Erese, West Pacific, Randomman)

Status: Lacking Support (requires 103 more approvals)

Voting Ends: Sun Oct 14 2007

I admire the spirit, but somehow, I doubt that anyone except the Republic of Violent Lunacy will go for the part about kicking ambassadors in the nuts.

A resolution to reduce income inequality and increase basic welfare.

Category: Social Justice
Strength: Significant
Proposed by: Stalira

Description: The economic gap between the rich and poor in many UN menber nations is increasing. By attempting to level the playing field, the economy would have greater stability. Economic control would not be in the hands of the elite.

Approvals: 1 (Ventei)

Status: Lacking Support (requires 112 more approvals)

Voting Ends: Sun Oct 14 2007

I dare say that this proposal is another one of them category violations - that's right, the correct category is "game mechanics."
12-10-2007, 00:24
Oh happy day. More work for me, alas.
Not to mention the spelling mistakes...
I TOLD you not to mention those.
Someone either had a really messy breakup (talking severed limbs messy) or desperately needs to stick his cock into something other then his own hand...
He'll certainly have more time for searching, as the "Genocide=UN ejection" ruling was imposed. He won't be making any more proposals with that nation.
It wasn't any better when it was called Proposition 25, you know.Proposition 25 had branding. This one doesn't. Sadly, I think it's actually legal, apart from a mild case of Strength violations ... and it's utter inability to reach quorum.

I dare say that this proposal is another one of them category violations - that's right, the correct category is "game mechanics."
Not really. He never actually gets around to proposing anything. Rather than Game Mechanics, this one falls afoul of the Empty Rhetoric ruling.
12-10-2007, 00:37
Relaxing Gun Laws
A resolution to tighten or relax gun control laws.

Category: Gun Control
Decision: Tighten
Proposed by: Canadia ehe

Description: Recognizing: That all citizens should have a choice wether to carry a weapon.
Implying: that these weapons should be conceled.
Proposing: that the entire globe should be allowed to carry a concealed handgun in public places.
Implying: that it would be for there own protection against criminals.

What globe do they mean? Their use of "entire" is confusing, but I really don't think globes even need guns.

Car Emission Standards
A resolution to increase the quality of the world's environment, at the expense of industry.

Category: Environmental
Industry Affected: Automobile Manufacturing
Proposed by: Pusik XI

Description: The car emission standard must be raised to help the environment and conserve resources.
An annual emission test for all nations should be in place for testing.
All cars below the standard should be immediately disposed of.
New cars below the standard will not be allowed to be made.
Car prices should be reduced for affordable cars.

So you're saying that, in order to test emissions, we need to make an emissions test. Good thing you pointed that out for us. But how is this test supposed to be carried out?
What is the new standard supposed to be? And are people with cars that are over the standard just S.O.L. and left without a vehicle to drive?
And what does lowering car prices have to do with anything?
12-10-2007, 04:11
Proposition 25 had branding. This one doesn't. Sadly, I think it's actually legal, apart from a mild case of Strength violations ... and it's utter inability to reach quorum.
Does it contradict the Refugee Protection Act ( By my reckoning that has the UN accepting responsibility, so the nation declaring war can't.

Proposed by: Tri-State Pentoria

Description: UN Resolution #223: Max Barry Day (Category: Education and Creativity; Area of Effect: Educational) shall be struck out and rendered null and void.

Argument: REALIZING that Max Barry is a great person and did, indeed, create this game.

NOTING the fact that the rules clearly state:

"The second common mistake is to put forth a proposal which is not entirely within the NationStates world. UN proposals cannot address the rules or mechanics of the game, nor can they ask for new features. Proposals should also not address events, things, or people in the "Real World"."

PROVING that Proposal #223 is in clear violation of the rules that govern this world.(The same rules set forth by 'Max Barry')

COMPROMISING with the original proposal, it shall be perfectly acceptable for individual nations to celebrate a holiday of the same date and name.

BELIEVING that the original proposal, irregardless of rule breaking, will not further the UN's goal of bettering the world by creating holidays which are compulsory for nations in the UN to celebrate.
Metagaming, plus not as funny as Kenny's.
12-10-2007, 16:07
I admire the spirit, but somehow, I doubt that anyone except the Republic of Violent Lunacy will go for the part about kicking ambassadors in the nuts.

Psst, it's considered bad form to post a proposal that has it's own thread here.

Category: Human Rights

Strength: Strong

Proposed by: Sanctissima Trinitas

Description: To ban abortion in all its forms and for whatever reason in all parts of the world, and to guarantee incarceration for life for anyone involved in the procurement of an abortion, be it the physician and nurses, the mother, the male involved in procuring the pregnancy, counselors recommending abortion, anyone who knowingly provides transportation or money for the procedure, etc.Illegal, contradicts Abortion Legality Convention.

Category: Environmental

Industry Affected: Automobile Manufacturing

Proposed by: Great Siebbenburen

Description: Automobile manufacturers should be using environmental friendly engines, Cars that run on watermixtures.

Normal combustion engines producing CO2 wich causes smog.
They also run on gasoline wich is a product of Oil.

By accepting this resolution we can clean up the air and save some oil.
We can use the oil for other purposes. We already have a Resolution 33.
12-10-2007, 16:18
PROVING that Proposal #223 is in clear violation of the rules that govern this world.(The same rules set forth by 'Max Barry')I knew it! Max Barry is Hack! :eek:

You set up that whole [violet] thing just to make us look like fools! Didn't you?! Didn't you?!?
13-10-2007, 06:03
A resolution to tighten or relax gun control laws.

Category: Gun Control
Decision: Relax
Proposed by: Charleslabad

Description: Owing to the spiralling crime wave I bring forward a proposal to arm all tax payers and pay rewards for all criminals which are gunned down

Spiraling crime wave? That's news to the nations where crime is totally unknown, I'm sure.

A proposal to repeal a previously passed resolution

Category: Repeal
Resolution: #121
Proposed by: Project Quantum Leap

Description: UN Resolution #121: Adoption and IVF Rights (Category: Human Rights; Strength: Significant) shall be struck out and rendered null and void.

Argument: Individual nations should have the right to determine who is fit and worthy to adopt a child. This resolution is too permissive, and opens the door for children to be adopted by unfit parents.

For the love of children and a national sovereignty, the UN hereby repeals Resolution #121.

Illegal, uses NatSov as its only argument.

A proposal to repeal a previously passed resolution

Category: Repeal
Resolution: #40
Proposed by: Pusik XI

Description: UN Resolution #40: Banning the use of Landmines (Category: Global Disarmament; Strength: Strong) shall be struck out and rendered null and void.

Argument: Land mines are an old part of war that however is not to be considered a lethal weapon.

Necessary for the defense of several nations around the globe because of them being effective and not expensive to build.

Civilian losses will occur without the use of land mines and war in itself destroys farmland, and several strategic "choke points" could be closed in defense with land mines.

This UN Resolution REPEALS UN Resolution #40, Banning the use of Landmines.

Landmines aren't lethal? OK...

A resolution to develop industry around the world.

Category: Advancement of Industry
Area of Effect: Environmental Deregulation
Proposed by: King Krimson

Description: For the past 100 years Industry has been the scape goat for so called "Environmentalists" seeking nothing more then anarchy.

Although it is true that during the distant past industry was responsible for a significant amount of polluting due to the lack of technological ingenuity(we were using steam engines dammit)

But now more then a 100 years after the start of the Industrial Revolution we're in a new age of technology and moral self regulation.

It's time for the government to concentrate on more important matters (such as extending rights to all mechanized citizens) and stop wasting tax dollars regulating a system that's clearly capable of regulating itself.

RL reference, plus the fact that not all nations have reached their industrial age.
The Most Glorious Hack
13-10-2007, 07:01
I knew it! Max Barry is Hack! :eek:

You set up that whole [violet] thing just to make us look like fools! Didn't you?! Didn't you?!?
14-10-2007, 21:10
Category: Human Rights

Strength: Strong

Proposed by: Aeorae

Description: Make all crimes punishable by death in order to reduce crime and lower taxes going towards paying for prison inmates.Illegal, contradicts Fair Sentencing Act, and it probably shouldn't be in the Human Rights category too.

Category: Environmental

Industry Affected: All Businesses

Proposed by: The lepearchauns

Description: SEEING that the amount of pollution in the worlds lakes is ever increcing,
AND that individual countries will not act alone to stop this.
ALSO knowing that these lakes are a vital source of fresh water to both nature and man kind.

Pollution will be defined as any plant, animal, or substance introduced on purpose or accident by man.

I propose that each nation contribute to a task force by means of funding and man power to eradicate all forms of pollution in the worlds lakes.

This force will develop and utilize the latest tachnology for the romoval of all types of pollution.

They will also enforce new laws banning the further pollution of world lakes due to chemical dumping, sea water ballast tanks, the introduction of non-native species and, human ignorance.

They will work to control all non-native species and stop the spread of these if possible.

Pollution will be defined as any plant animal or substance introduced on purpose or accident by man.

With hope and effort by all nations, the worlds lakes will be clean, safe, drinkable, and full of native species for years to come.If I'm reading this right, if this were to pass the act of stocking a lake with fish would be considered pollution.
Existing reality
14-10-2007, 22:37
QI Tests

A resolution to promote funding and the development of education and the arts.

Category: Education and Creativity

Area of Effect: Educational

Proposed by: Salzare

Description: As of today, many rich children are in the best schools.Most of them, however, aren't much intelligent.
Many poor children are at terrible schools, with their intellects barely challenged.
So, I propose that only the intelligent children can be in the best schools.This will be enforced with Q.I tests.The intelligent shall be the new elite, and the idiots shall eat their dirt.

Ah, a proposal about making the intelligent the elite which relies on QI tests. First off, What's a QI test? Secondly, the irony should smack you in the head...:p
15-10-2007, 00:42
International Torture Trade

A resolution to slash worldwide military spending.

Category: Global Disarmament

Strength: Mild

Proposed by: Quintessence of Dust

Description: The United Nations,

Strongly reasserting its absolute stance against torture, as affirmed in several previous resolutions, and in general,

Concerned that certain devices used for torture can still be freely traded within and between nations,

Expressing its hope that by restricting the trade in such devices, an important further step towards effectively eliminating torture will be taken,

And regrettably recognising that many devices having otherwise legitimate applications can also be employed in acts of torture, and that trade in these devices cannot realistically be restricted:

1. Defines, for the purposes of this resolution:
- 'torture' as any act of violence or ill-treatment perpetrated against persons for the purposes of coercion, intimidation, punishment, interrogation or the obtaining of information or forced confession;
- 'torture equipment' as any device of no practical use other than in the administration of torture;

2. Prohibits the production, possession, transfer or use of torture equipment, including acting as a broker for such transfer or the rendering of technical assistance.

Approvals: 0

Status: Lacking Support (requires 113 more approvals)

Voting Ends: Wed Oct 17 2007As noble as the thought behind this resolution might be...
1) What about S&M toys? They're designed for what the author defines as torture, but the people those toys designed for actually enjoy it...
2) How much would this actually reduce torture? I can get pretty creative with a fist, a car battery and some jumper cables or a length of barbed wire and a salt shaker. Of course, all those objects fall outside this resolution.
15-10-2007, 02:27
International Wildlife Parks
A resolution to increase the quality of the world's environment, at the expense of industry.

Category: Environmental
Industry Affected: All Businesses
Proposed by: Churchians

Description: This is to have each nation to reserve at least 1% of its total land mass as a wildlife preserve; preferably more if possible. This land should have diverse ecosystems and be an area of study for ecologists, botanists and zoologists. Some of these reserved areas could even traverse borders making the preserve larger if bordering nations can bilaterally or multilaterally agree.

I'm pretty sure some nations do not have a nessisary 1% Unless the nation decieds to stuy architecture.

Indigenous Cultures Areas
A resolution to improve worldwide human and civil rights.

Category: Human Rights
Strength: Significant
Proposed by: Churchians

Description: This is to have at least 1% of a nation's land mass reserved for the use of indigenous cultures who are not willing to join the mass society of technological progress and have alternate lifestyles. More than 1% would even be better if available. This land would be reserved with the approval of the indigenous residents as areas to preserve alternative forms of knowledge and would be a great place for anthropologists and other scholars who study alternate societies to visit and share with the mass society any discoveries of interest and to offer to the indigenous the free passage to our societies for any of their scholars who wish to learn from us.

See above.

Hydrogen Cars Technology
A resolution to increase the quality of the world's environment, at the expense of industry.

Category: Environmental
Industry Affected: Automobile Manufacturing
Proposed by: Mars Redlands

Description: We finally have the technology to start using a cleaner automobilistic technology.

I suggest we, the united nations, in order to prevent a natural disaster and perhaps the end of humanity, Ban the production of new oil powered vehicles for civil uses, instead, civilian car makers will have to develop hydrogen cars instead and we shall start to develop hydrogen stations next to the oil ones, in 10 years, oil cars shall be totally i-legalized and oil stations shall only be used by the country's armed forces if necessary.

Assums nations can make hydrogen cars/only use gas powered ones/have cars.
15-10-2007, 05:07
As noble as the thought behind this resolution might be...
1) What about S&M toys? They're designed for what the author defines as torture, but the people those toys designed for actually enjoy it...
2) How much would this actually reduce torture? I can get pretty creative with a fist, a car battery and some jumper cables or a length of barbed wire and a salt shaker. Of course, all those objects fall outside this resolution.

This one has its own thread. I'm too tired to go find the link for you. These issues are addressed there.
15-10-2007, 05:43
I'm pretty sure some nations do not have a nessisary 1% Unless the nation decieds to stuy architecture.

My goodness, are you suggesting that a nation can not dedicate 1 portion out of 100 to some project because all portions are used up? The only possible nation that would fall under this category would perhaps be a city-state.... but even a city nation would be wise to have some kind of park.... besides the nations in nationstates are not physically described on any precise level so if you wanted to you could claim that your nation has all the possible ecosystems available within your borders, who can dispute that.... this roleplaying game allows fanciful elements of the imagination to take root.... Some have even designed fleets of varying warships. I don't think anyone is going to say how the designs do not reflect tactical realities of modern warfighting. I think you are nitpicking my proposal as silly or illegal.

Your argument that you use is an excellent argument to vote against the proposal in the first place and it can be debated if it even makes quorum. But claiming that the proposals are silly or illegal is unwarranted. You can have your country disagree that 1% dedication is too much effort, but claiming that having the idea is itself silly under the confines of the existing rules is unfortunate. :(
15-10-2007, 05:45
Repeal "Max Barry Day"

A proposal to repeal a previously passed resolution

Category: Repeal

Resolution: #223

Proposed by: Omigodtheykilledkenny

Description: UN Resolution #223: Max Barry Day (Category: Education and Creativity; Area of Effect: Educational) shall be struck out and rendered null and void.

Argument: These here fine United Nations,

Commending Resolution #223's laudable purpose, to recognize truly great men and their achievements;

Duly congratulating this resolution's intended honoree on his many titles from coed beauty pageants throughout the NS world;

Expressing its concern, however, that this resolution breaches the reasonable limits to which this body has traditionally held itself;

Chagrined that amidst the many serious problems the world faces today, including war, terrorism, poverty, oppression, corruption, pestilence, disease, famine, malnourishment, starvation, taxes, illiteracy, substandard education, substandard sex education, imperial measurements, necrophilia, space junk, nations not labeling chemicals correctly, shortages of computers for schoolchildren, invisible tree people, shortages of computers for invisible tree schoolchildren, rampant ecclesiastical self-defenestration, and reluctance to eradicate the Arctocephalinae, the United Nations would actually pass a resolution declaring an international holiday for some dude who started a Website suggests that this institution's priorities are somewhat out of whack;

Randomly kicking ambassadors in the nuts for even thinking this proposal was a good idea,

Hereby repeals Resolution #223: Max Barry Day.

Status: Quorum Reached: In Queue!

I'm sorry Kenny but as a mod said in your topic. your post has some illegal stuff in it
The Most Glorious Hack
15-10-2007, 05:48
I'm sorry Kenny but as a mod said in your topic. your post has some illegal stuff in itAgain, that Proposal already has its own thread. And the things I objected to were removed or edited.
15-10-2007, 11:04
This one has its own thread. I'm too tired to go find the link for you. These issues are addressed there.It does? There's nothing on the first two pages of threads that looks like it could be related to this proposal, and that's going back about two weeks.
15-10-2007, 11:39
It does? There's nothing on the first two pages of threads that looks like it could be related to this proposal, and that's going back about two weeks.
You might have to go back a month or so, I'm afraid.
15-10-2007, 13:03
It does? There's nothing on the first two pages of threads that looks like it could be related to this proposal, and that's going back about two weeks.Here you go:
15-10-2007, 16:59
Category: Education and Creativity

Area of Effect: Artistic

Proposed by: Marialia

Description: This act seeks to classify fanfiction as lawful fair use under copyright law in member nations, and as such, authors and publishers would not be able to sue fanfiction authors for copyright infringement.You know, I think the UN has better things to do with its time than worrying about fanfiction.

Category: Global Disarmament

Strength: Mild

Proposed by: Finsvenigor

The United Nations

DEFINING an intercontinental ballistic missile ("ICBM" collectively "ICBMs") as a land-based ballistic missile with a range in excess of 5,500 kilometers.

DISTRESSED, because often ICBMs are used primarily as a destructive weapon meaning, that on impact it shall cause wide physical damages on the target region, as well as losses of several military and civilian lives.

CONFIRMED, that the ICBMs may be used not only as a destructive weapon, but as a tool in delivering of humanitarian aid as well including, but not limited to:

1) Food Supplies
2) Clothing
3) Recreational Equipment

GUARANTEED, that once the supplies are delivered in the nose cone of the ICBM (which varies in model), they stay intact fairly undamaged.

FURTHER CONFIRMED, that the launch of single ICBM is much more safer to the pilots and more economically, than launching several aircraft fleets.

NOTING, that if a Nation's administration would be ashamed of delivering humanitarian aid for any personal or diplomatic reason, the ICBM may protect their anonymity.

DISTRESSED, that during the peacetime several Nations, which possesses one or more ICBMs, cannot use them on any other cause, but a destructive one, thus seeing, that this option may be a severe hit to the governmental budget, as the up keeping costs of the ICBMs usually are very high.

ASSURED, that by this act nations may not only help those in distress, but also help THEMSELVES by removing inappropriate targets in military budget spending.

REQUIRES, that at least once in a year a Nation, which possesses one or more ICBMs, should send an ICBM with humanitarian supplies to the location, they've selected.

APPROVING, that a nation, according to their pure discretion can launch as much humanitarian aid ICBMs, as they want.

ENCOURAGING, that in order to protect the in-flight ICBM from foreign nation's counter measures, modify the ICBMs external coloring and (according to the national technology level) emplace a radio transmitter to identify it as a humanitarian aid ICBM

FORBIDS, that by this way a nation may not send an ICBM, which will bring destruction upon impact.

Author: Finsvenigor Illegal, branding.
16-10-2007, 03:51
You know, I think the UN has better things to do with its time than worrying about fanfiction.

OOC for sure and no mistakin': oh, I don't know. As a fanfic author I could get to like that one :-)
16-10-2007, 04:20
Category: International Security

Strength: Mild

Proposed by: Mikelavista

Description: For the world is becoming a more dangerous place and each separate country has its own way of dealing with each of its own crisis. I propose that the U.N. create a international police force with the intent to help and protect people in times of crisis and despair. Their needs to be an multinational police force and this is the way to do it. Create a non-bias police force that serves in the best interest of human kind and not its own country. Based on the reality of Interpol and its success.Illegal, attempts to create an international police force and RL reference.
16-10-2007, 11:29
Here you go:, considering that the last reply was over a month ago, I think I'm kind of free of blame here.

Anyway, back on topic:Appeal to save Ozone layer

A resolution to increase the quality of the world's environment, at the expense of industry.

Category: Environmental

Industry Affected: All Businesses

Proposed by: Buena Suerta

Description: Force the automobile and greenhouse gas contributing industries to find new, more efficent ways to help save the environment. Find new, better, more enviromental replacements.

Approvals: 3 (Scott Tree, Jed Scott, Sugar Bay)

Status: Lacking Support (requires 109 more approvals)

Voting Ends: Fri Oct 19 2007 So... how does this work?
16-10-2007, 14:21
Illegal, attempts to create an international police force and RL reference.I was also going to post it because it doesn't seem to recognise other species.
16-10-2007, 22:21
Again, that Proposal already has its own thread. And the things I objected to were removed or edited.

the kicking of the nuts is still in there hack and a few other things one of the other mods singled out
17-10-2007, 00:53
Save the Earth

A resolution to increase the quality of the world's environment, at the expense of industry.

Category: Environmental

Industry Affected: All Businesses

Proposed by: Alessian peoples

Description: Humanity must unite to stop all polution which can be avoided and save the enviroment from its on coming onslaught Please for pitty shake

Approvals: 0

Status: Lacking Support (requires 112 more approvals)

Voting Ends: Fri Oct 19 2007

I dunno what a pitty shake is, but it sounds like it's made of pear byproducts.

And empty rhetoric, too. No implementation clause or anything.
17-10-2007, 02:20
the kicking of the nuts is still in there hack and a few other things one of the other mods singled out

1) This still has its own thread.

2) In said thread, the explanation that the kicking of the nuts was a descriptive phrase rather than an active command seemed to be accepted. If you want to be wrong about "a few other things" too, please do so in the sodding thread. Preferably after discovering what the Shift keys on your keyboard do.
17-10-2007, 02:39
Category: Human Rights
Strength: Significant
Proposed by: Machina Haruspex

Description: (1) The Nazi War Criminal Interagency Working Group served
the public interest by investigating and publicizing the
extent to which the United States and other nations used Nazi war criminals for
intelligence purposes following the Second World War;
(2) The United Nations should work with the international
intelligence community to expedite the release of information
regarding the use of Nazi war criminals as intelligence
operatives in the aftermath of the Second World War,
especially by the former Soviet Union; and
(3) information pertaining to Nazi war criminals should be
brought to light so that future generations can learn from
the Holocaust.
Illegal; RL references, wrong category, wrong strength (does it actually do anything?), RL references (I know, I said it once already, but there are so many of them!), stunningly inappropriate...
17-10-2007, 03:01
Category: Environmental

Industry Affected: Woodchipping

Proposed by: New Chalcedon

Description: We, the member states of the United Nations,

RECOGNIZING that this world is the only one that the human species has access to;

NOTING with concern the rapid rate of depletion of natural air-purification sources (forests);

RECALLING the environmental disasters to which formerly pristine wildernesses have been subjected in the search for short-term profit; and

DEPLORING the consequent destruction of irreplaceable natural habitats, along with the destruction of accompanying natural sources of medicine, food and sustainable timber;

REQUIRES member states to legislate in an effective fashion to safeguard vital environmental diversity;

REQUIRES member states to enforce plantation-based woodchipping instead of basing the industries upon unsustainable depletion of old-growth forests; and

COMMENDS such member states which already have such legislative programs in place.

For the prosperity, peace and security of succeeding generations, we must not ignore this pressing issue.Don't we already have a forest resolution already?

Category: Recreational Drug Use

Decision: Legalize

Proposed by: Bimsabum

Description: AFFIRMING that people have used marijuana as a medical treatment for thousands of years
and several studies confirm the analgesic effects of cannabinoids.

RECALLING also that Marijuana could improve the lives of thousands of seriously ill people,
e.g. with cancer pain.

RELUCTANTLY NOTICING in this context, that not all UN Member Nations have already legalized "soft" drugs like Marijuana like the Democratic States Of Bimsabum and other honorable members of the UN.

WISELY SUGGESTING that all UN Member Nations should at
least legalize Marijuana for medical purposes e.g. as painkiller or for the treatment of nausea, glaucoma and multiple sclerosis.

FINALLY CONCEDING that the use of drugs can also have negative effects and therefore suggesting that the dispensing of marijuana to patients should only be allowed under the supervision of a doctor and with the approval of the patient and the local authorities.Illegal, branding and contradiction of UN Drug Act.

Category: Moral Decency

Strength: Significant

Proposed by: Heart a gram

Description: If you leave your computer and not able to log on nation states for some certain days your nation should not get deleted after 30 days it is little more fairA. There's such a thing as Vacation mode which gives you 60 days to log back in before deletion.
B. Nations deleted for inactvity can be resurrected.
C. Illegal, game mechanics.

Category: Education and Creativity

Area of Effect: Educational

Proposed by: Canadian Rockies

Description: The Kingdom of Canadian Rockies would like to propose that all the people within the member states should have free access to the internet. This would allow free flow of information between every member state. It would also allow each member state to learn more about each other.Illegal, branding.
18-10-2007, 00:13
Category: Free Trade

Strength: Strong

Proposed by: Great Siebbenburen

Description: A resolution to create a free trade zone within the Taijitu region.
This way we stimulate other big companies to settle in Taijitu, creating more jobs and more tax income.

Also we create a better trade position in the world.Illegal, resolutions cannot target specific regions.

Category: The Furtherment of Democracy

Strength: Significant

Proposed by: Archadelphia

Description: The John F. Kennedy Democracy Act is proposed to the Great institution of the United Nations. This Act would reward nations,which show signs of halting their nations government monarchy or communist regimes. It also recognizes that it should be every nations goal to strive for becoming a Democratic state, in which it establishes good ties with other Democratic nations and non-Democratic nations to further advance the transition to a fully Democratic oriented world.

This Resolution would place strict economic embargoes on countries that shows aggression against furthering civil and religious rights.

This adoption of this Act will signify the global effort toward Democracy and the freedoms of all people no matter what ethnicity, religion, color, or gender. A world in which the majority can and will stand for the advancement of Civil Rights and the God given right for the pursuit of happiness. Illegal, RL reference.

Category: Moral Decency

Strength: Mild

Proposed by: Edumen

Moral is a way of destroy progress and economical power, I say less moral more money !!!!!You want to do what now?
[NS]The Wolf Guardians
18-10-2007, 00:56
I believe that middle one would be an ideological ban, too, wouldn't it?
18-10-2007, 15:15
Ok, so we've been posting a lot of proposals with branding violations and real life references . Just wondering if anyone who posts them here bothers telegramming the nations that submitted and try to give them a heads up.
Yeah I know if the Mods DEAT the proposal they send a tg as to why but hey why not at least try to let them benefit from our wisdom.

Just a thought.
18-10-2007, 16:34
Category: Repeal

Resolution: #4

Proposed by: Paxus Rome

Description: UN Resolution #4: UN taxation ban (Category: Social Justice; Strength: Significant) shall be struck out and rendered null and void.

Argument: There needs to be a checks and balances system. Since there is not the U.N. holds the power to bankrupt an individual nation without provocation. Also there are many nations that have struggling economies and can not take the strain of this tax burdon. Further it is a punishment to the citizens of said nations because they have to pay taxes to both their own nation and the U.N. in general. surely there is a better way for the U.N. to make money and not punish its members for simply being members.Oh look, it's an honest mistake violation.
18-10-2007, 23:03
Just wondering if anyone who posts them here bothers telegramming the nations that submitted and try to give them a heads up.

Almost every proposal that I delete is accompanied by one of the following telegrams:
UN proposal <name> has been deleted for <list of offenses> violations. Please read the Rules For UN Proposals ( in the UN Forum before posting any more proposals.

UN proposal <name> has been deleted for <Contradiction, Duplication> and/or <list of offenses> violations. Please read the list of Passed Resolutions ( and the Rules For UN Proposals ( in the UN Forum before posting any more proposals.

The links are even clicky, thanks to zOMG Speshul m0d Powahs. Sometimes I'll include additional information, such as abstruse points of Category or Empty Rhetoric violations, or pointing out that there is a three strike rule (for those with limited ability to learn from their mistakes.)

No nation gets a warning from me unless accompanied by one of more of these telegrams. Of course I don't usually bother when the nation is a UN multi and I'm gonna eject them anyway, but most everyone else gets 'em.

We're on the job (with one notable and damnable exception). It's covered.
18-10-2007, 23:17
OMG The UN is there to dish out its fair share of punishments and laws for us the UN members to abide by and then if we dont abide to the laws we get exactly that......punished!

If we didn't have the UN all of our Nations would be out of control and there would be war and drug abuse etc etc. all the time.
19-10-2007, 00:36
Category: International Security

Strength: Strong

Proposed by: Paxus Rome

Description: Goal: To reach, colonize, explore, and industrialize the final frontier.

Quite frankly the U.N. needs a space program. Many Earthly problems could be fixed by the colonization of other worlds. Overpopulation, pollution, and over filled prisons are just a few of the problems facing this world. with access to other astrological bodies at our deposal we could do anything.

-Civilian goals:
1. Colonize other worlds to stem overpopulation on Earth
2. Boost economy by opening mining, manufacturing, and agricultural industries on these other planets.
3. Make possible contact with extra terrestrials and if so set up trade and diplomatic relations with these peoples.
4. Set aside some of the more inhospitable planets as prison colonies to stem the over crowding of Earth prisons

-Military/ Science Goals:
1. Create the U.N.S.C. (United Nations Space Command)
2. Create a U.N.S.C. space fleet to protect Earth and its colonies from threats (astrological bodies, hostile extra terrestrials).
3. Explore known and unknown space in the name of science.
4. Dispose of toxic waste on the non-habitable planets. Illegal, attempts to create an UN military force.

Category: Human Rights

Strength: Significant

Proposed by: Amara Amasdon

Description: Far too many civil injustices occur each and every day in courts around the world. Frivolous lawsuits plague innocent homeowners and businessmen, who have done nothing wrong but earn enough money to become a target of an opportunist or those just lacking common sense.

Lawsuits on the basis of idiotic negligence on the part of the victim shall henceforth be dismissed in the courts of UN member nations, as they violate the civil liberties of those being sued.

Idiotic neglegence shall be defined as such:
1:Burning oneself with a hot beverage, such as coffee.
2:Injuring oneself while using a tool in a reckless or improper manner, such as without safety gear or for a purpose the tool is obviously not supposed to do.
3:Any injury incurred during the commission of a crime, such as cutting yourself on a broken pane of glass while burglarizing a home.
4: Injury do to an unsupervised child playing with a toy that is above their age level.
5: Injury done by a toy or tool due to "not having seen" warnings that come with the product.

This proposal will lower the tax burden on all citizens, it will make the jobs of Judges and Juries easier, and will help restore a bit of common sense to the world.illegal, plagurization.
19-10-2007, 03:24
All righty, right ... technically this is off topic, but it is a Silly Proposal * ...

There's a thread over in General ( about a new social networking site / game called Thotmarket, where you buy and sell shares in website clicks. Well, I pretty much cornered the market on a new IPO of NationStates forums, and I created one for the UN too. Thought I'd give you lot a chance to get in on the game (

Click the link, create an account, and buy some NSUN. If that's not a silly proposal, I'll eat my hat.

[* ... and I can get away with it, being an OMG BIASED MOD.]
19-10-2007, 05:15
I just bought 1000 shares of NSUN.
19-10-2007, 05:26
My fault, I know ...
There's a thread over in General ( about a new social networking site / game called Thotmarket

I only posted this in case the UN regulars weren't regular visitors to General. If you want to discuss it or brag about your winnings or anything, take it to General, please.

* stands contritely in the corner, self-punishment for promulgating spam *
19-10-2007, 23:15
Category: The Furtherment of Democracy

Strength: Significant

Proposed by: SMathurin

Description: This new department would be the voice and council for new and small nations like mine. Help and allow smaller nations to have a voice in the UNI was unaware that smaller nations didn't have a voice in the UN.

Category: Environmental

Industry Affected: Automobile Manufacturing

Proposed by: Lendenburg

Description: All fossil fuel energy use would be banned from all automobile products with the exception of anything not related to the consumer market. This would therby make other forms of "enviromentally friendly" energy more likely to be put in use.

Although this resolution would negatively impact Automobile Manufacturing industries, it would greatly improve the environments of member states.

NOTE* Use of Fossil Fuels for anything not related to the automobile consumer market would still be legal. Wow, a worse idea than the 100% hydrogen cars in 7 years proposal.

Category: Moral Decency

Strength: Significant

Proposed by: Project Quantum Leap

Description: Whereas animals cannot "consent" to sex, and as such we must protect these living creatures from molestation by those who would do them physical and emotional harm.

Let it be hereby resolved that sexual conduct with a member of a different species is hereby prohibited in all UN member nations.

Furthermore, we urge that member nations impose harsh penalties on anyone caught having intercourse outside their species.

True animal lovers don't love them "in that way."Not all UN member nation's populations are human.
20-10-2007, 03:29
Not all UN member nation's populations are human.

The quality of the proposal aside, I wonder if this actually makes it illegal.

The rules mention the great variety we have in the UN, but I don't recall them making it a requirement to acknowledge it. It is definitely bad form and poor etiquette not to do so; but unfortunately it seems like it is still legitimate. Furthermore, given that a great majority of players actually ignore the RP aspect of the game, it seems that acknowledging the different species of the UN would not improve the proposal's chance of passing.

It is clear the author doesn't know/care or simply forgot to acknowledge the different sentient species present in the UN. Does this really warrant deletion?

Let me be clear about this, I am not defending the proposal. I do not agree with ignoring the non human species in the UN. I am just sharing my thoughts on the matter. Perhaps taking a close look at the problem will help us figure out a solution.
20-10-2007, 05:06
The quality of the proposal aside, I wonder if this actually makes it illegal.n.

It doesn't. It makes it Silly, which is the other category here.

I happen to agree with you, Logopia, but the pro-nonhuman lobby has a very strong voice. Authors who ignore them do tend to get verbally pummeled.
20-10-2007, 05:42
Category: Human Rights

Strength: Significant

Proposed by: Tsuen Wan

Description: Adultism is discrimination and should be outlawed in every single country just like racism, sexism...etc. What the hell is adultism?
20-10-2007, 18:15
Category: Social Justice

Strength: Significant

Proposed by: Bimsabum

Affirming that sudden unemployment causes a lot of misery in the world, e.g. child poverty, homelessness, break-up of families...

We propose the Continued Payment of Wages law (CPW)consisting of the following articles:

§1 Protection against unlawful dismissal

Redundancies must be announced at least 6 months in advance

§2 Continued Payment of Wages

Employers must pay their former workers at least 70% of their last salary for at least 1 year

§2b Protection of children

The continued payment of wages increases 5% and extends 1 months for each child of a former employee


Employers violating §1 must pay 100% of the last salary for 1 year to their former employees

§3 Bankruptcies

The owner / owners of a bankrupt company are held responsible IN-PERSON for the payment of their former employees according to §1 and §2 of the CPW.

§4 UN Committee for the Continued Payment of Wages (UNCCPW)

The UN Committee for the Continued Payment of Wages (UNCCPW) shall be created. It will determine the fines that companies must pay for violating the CPW and is responsible for the allocation of the money to the fired employees. The board of the UNCCPW shall elected by all UN regional delegates in a democratic election.


If a company announces redundancies and its stock rises more than 3% within 3 weeks, it must pay a fine to the UNCCPW. Why should a company have to pay wages to people who no longer work for them?

Category: Repeal

Resolution: #109

Proposed by: D34N

Description: UN Resolution #109: Nuclear Armaments (Category: International Security; Strength: Mild) shall be struck out and rendered null and void.



NO NUKES!!!!!!!Is excessive use of Caps Lock and exclamation points a valid reason to delete a proposal?
21-10-2007, 05:46
Category: Repeal

Resolution: #56

Proposed by: Stassan

Description: UN Resolution #56: BioRights Declaration (Category: Human Rights; Strength: Significant) shall be struck out and rendered null and void.

Argument: GIVEN The ABOMINATION that cloning is and

GIVEN That genetically modified persons do NOT have the same DNA as a natural born person and

GIVEN That said modified persons can not be held to the same RESPONSABILIY that citizenship REQUIRES

The USSS (United Socialist States of Stassan) calls for the repeal of the "BioRights Declaration" as it is HARMFULL to the FREEDOM of the member nations of the United Nations to DECIDE what level of RESPONSIBILITY that the genetically engineered persons of their region can live up to and HARMFULL to the RIGHT of CHOICE of a member nation to ban rights it deems too IMPORTAINT to hand over to the unpredictable. The member nations have the RIGHT to decide on its own what level of citizenship they DARE to grant persons of unnatural birth.Illegal, branding.

Category: Human Rights

Strength: Strong

Proposed by: Verazon

Description: Islam is a religion inciting terrorism and violating democracy and freedom. Let's ban it to make the world a better place !!!I'm thinking Idealogical Ban, at the least a miscategorization since this would be taking away the right to be a muslim.

Category: Recreational Drug Use

Decision: Legalize

Proposed by: Del-mar-va

Description: This resolution will, if passed, legalize all drugs the UN deems not to be harmful to society. All drugs classified as depressants which have no conclusive evidence of linkage to crime will be allowed. Non-Violent Drug offenders fill prisons and cost tax payer millions of dollars across the globe. Legalization of these NVDs will also hamper international crime by destroying the black markets and those who thrive on them. Illegal, contradicts the UN Drug Act.

Category: Political Stability

Strength: Mild

Proposed by: Verazon

Description: 1.This resoultion, submitted by the Theocracy of Verazon, a republic based on the holy Christian tradition, seeks to give the president of a nation the power to deport whole minorities and groups of people in a country under a state of emergency situation. For example, sometimes the deporting of whole religious and political groups of people may create stability in an area previously infested by conflict. Illegal, branding.
22-10-2007, 02:49
Category: Education and Creativity
Area of Effect: Educational
Proposed by: Democronesia

Description: Recently a bill imposing "Max Barry Day" was enforced, this was promptly followed by the "Repeal "Max Barry Day"" bill. This was a contradictory repeal as it tells us that too much time and effort is spent honoring the creator of the webpage, but time and effort was then spent repealing the holiday. Some would say this is also a contradictory proposal but I believe time should be spent honoring this great, god-like man. So I propose we declare the original date set Max Barry Day.
I think this manages to create its own House of Cards violation by referencing legislation already deleted (i.e. the "original date"). That or it's tacitly including the entire previous resolution, and therefore has all that dross's metagaming violations as well. Either way, nuking it from orbit pour encourager les autres seems like a good idea.
23-10-2007, 00:11
Category: Global Disarmament

Strength: Significant

Proposed by: SAC SIOP

Description: Purpose:

The purpose of the Peace through Deterrence Act is to bring about global security through the assurance that no nation can gain an advantage over another in strategic weapons deployment.

Significant Terms:

Weapons of Mass Destruction- Chemical, Biological, Nuclear Weapons

ICBM- Intercontinental Ballistic Missile

IRBM- Intermediate Range Ballistic Missile

SLBM- Sea Launched Ballistic Missile


This treaty provides for global disarmament through a five part process that is outlined below.

1. Nations will dispose of all chemical and biological weapons over the next ten nation state years. Countries will be required to submit to UN inspections and will only be allowed to keep small amounts of their chemical and biological agents for research purposes (i.e. finding cures for deadly diseases). The amount they are allowed to keep will be determined by their current inventory. Each nation will be allowed to keep one percent of their inventory for research.

2. Nations who have IRBMs will be forced to reduce the number they have to fifty percent of their current inventory through dismantling them. Nations will be forced to remove their remaining IRBMs from their deployment bases and put them into storage. They will not be allowed to redeploy them unless they can prove to UN inspectors that there is a clear and present danger facing their nation and the only way to counter it is through redeployment of their IRBMs. Nations with IRBMs will also submit to UN inspections to ensure there could not be an accidental launch of an IRBM.

3. Nations who have ICBMs will have to submit to regular inspections by UN inspectors. UN inspectors will inspect ICBMs and their forward deployment bases to ensure there is no possibility of an accidental launch of an ICBM. Furthermore every ten NS year’s nations will be forced to phase out twenty five percent of their oldest ICBM force. Nations allowed to replace them with newer or upgraded ICBMS.

4. Nations with SLBMs will be required to reduce their force by ten percent of their current inventory. Furthermore nations will only be allowed to deploy twenty five percent of their remaining force at a time unless they can prove to UN inspectors that there is a clear and present danger that can only be stopped by deploying a larger portion of their SLBM force. Furthermore nations with SLBM forces will be forced to submit to UN inspections which will ensure that an accidental launch could not happen.

5. Nations that are members of the United Nations will be forced to comply with the terms stated above. Failure to do so will result in trade sanctions and possible military action if deemed necessary. Illegal, duplicates the UN Bio Agent Convention.

Category: Human Rights

Strength: Mild

Proposed by: Lendenburg

Description: This proposal states that certain eye colors cannot be segregated from one another.

This law would avoid the horrors of eye color discrimination in the future and even perhaps today.

This would, overall, mildly affect civil rights within the United Nations.

Please join against the stupid, but possible, eye color segregation and discrimination. Who the hell discriminates by eye color?

Category: Recreational Drug Use

Decision: Outlaw

Proposed by: The Graz

Description: NOTING the poor health consequences of being in the presence of tobacco smokers, and the inability of those said people to prevent those fumes from entering their system,
NOTING the fact that second-hand smoking, hereby defined as tobacco smoke inhaled from a foreign cigarette, is almost as dangerous as smoking an actual cigarette,
The United Nations will:
1. OUTLAW the smoking of tobacco in public places, hereby defined as property not privately owned.
2. OUTLAW the smoking of tobacco in the open air, hereby defined as land not enclosed by four walls and a roof.
3. ENSHIRNE the right of proprietors and property owners to regulate smoking of tobacco as they wish within their premeses.Illegal, contradicts UN Drug Act.

ategory: Recreational Drug Use

Decision: Legalize

Proposed by: The Graz

Description: NOTING that the Almighty Lord gave unto us FREE WILL to do as we will to our own body,
NOTING that an adult is legally allowed to determine the course of his own fate,
the United Nations will:
1. LEGALIZE the consumption of marijuana in private property, hereby defined as any property owned by an indivudual
2. ENSHRINE the right of proprietors o ban marijuana smoking on their property.
3. ENSHRINE the right of local governments to enforce laws against the smoking of marijuana in public domain.See previous.

Category: Political Stability

Strength: Significant

Proposed by: Nabindaar

Description: In the interest of global communications and unity,the following will be put into effect, while recognizing the importance that regional languages have:

1. A panel of the worlds leading linguists will be created with the intent to create a new, global language (GL).
a. This GL will be created by using the most common roots, grammatical rules, etc. of the world's languages in order to create a hybrid language recognizable at almost face value to any and all educated persons.
b. This panel would have seven (7) years to complete its task.

2. Once the GL has been completed, U.N. member nations would be required to teach it as a second language in schools starting as early as their school system would allow, while not taking the place of any other languages still taught there.

3. All major road signs, international documents, governmental meetings, instruction manuals, etc. will be written with the GL as the primary language.
a. Once each nation's literate population has a <90% literacy in regards to the GL, this section would be put into effect.You have to love clause 3a, if less than 90% of a nation's population can read the language, everything has to be written in it.:D

Category: International Security

Strength: Mild

Proposed by: Proprieters

Description: Nuclear power, or more specifically, nuclear weapons, has brought the inequality between nations of the world and the U.N. to Hypocrisy.

Those nations that are proficient in the manufacturing of nuclear weapons have much more influence than those nations that do not. Most of this influence is derived through fear of the event of using such weapons of mass destruction. But these weapons are never used due to the eminent reaction of nuclear winter, which would bring about the destruction of nearly all the world's population with the fall-out. It is foolish to have such authority due to the weapon that, if used, screw you over as well. And why the positive effects of the enrichment of uranium must be deprived of a nation because the nations that have used their uranium enriching programs to build weapons fear an adversary with the same destructive power they possess.
In the past, bans on nuclear weapons were enforced; but were met with treachery by the same nations that agreed to such a policy. As a result of every individual nation's irresponsibility to humanity, the problem is no longer getting rid of nuclear warheads, but giving them to nations. It is unfortunate that the U.N. must come to a weapon to assure every country has equal authority, but it will ensure we are truly united; under a blood-sealed pact ensuring that if one nation chooses to use such a weapon, all others will follow in suit.
This policy would ensure that:
• Nations wishing to join/remain in the U.N. would agree to this policy.
• The nation receiving the warhead did so understanding that it’s warhead, nor any other warhead will be used, it is merely to keep even perspective.
• The institution of nuclear war would be avoided, as all nations are equal in military aspect.

It only requires one (1) warhead of today’s capacity to induce nuclear winter. This policy would prevent such an end to humanity. Illegal, contradicts Nuclear Armaments, specifically the fact that Nuclear Armaments allows nations to not possess nukes if they so choose (and to think the anti-nuke people were so stridently opposed to my resolution, and in this case it's actually working in their favor :D).
St Edmundan Antarctic
23-10-2007, 13:37
Who the hell discriminates by eye color?
In all the wild & wonderful variety of NS? There's probably somebody who does so...

*(resists temptation to create a nation that discriminates thus...)*
The Most Glorious Hack
23-10-2007, 13:46
*(resists temptation to create a nation that discriminates thus...)*Blueeyeistan?
23-10-2007, 17:02
Category: Recreational Drug Use

Decision: Outlaw

Proposed by: Dahlsford

Description: This resolution would set out to establish international agreement on the annihilation of the World's cannabis stocks. This is to prevent social deterioration and health issues. Illegal, contradicts UN Drug Act.

Category: Recreational Drug Use

Decision: Promote

Proposed by: Weissborg

Description: On the passing of this resolution, every citizen of ever nation that belongs to the UN will be required to absorb the THC chemical at least once a month. The government will be required to give out vaporizors or brownies to those who are not able to afford the drug known as marijuana. This enforcement will be an effective means to preventing violence, as well as calming the population down so that they can feel groovy. Grooviness is key. Reduced stress will lead to a groovier population.See above.

Category: Social Justice

Strength: Mild

Proposed by: Pasong Tirad

Description: People of NationStates,

This Act is to further stabilize the powers on a nations will to create a Constitution.

Article 1
If a nation decides to create his/her own constitution that they shall have their own freedom over his/her constitution.

Article 2
Shows that every nation has their own freedom in designing their constitution.

Article 3
Provides every nation privacy with their own constitution away from the powers of The United Nations.

Article 4
Protects a nations constitution from destruction.

Article 5
Allows a nation to decide the public powers over his/her own constitution.

Article 6
Notices that the United Nations have no power over the constitution each nation creates.

Article 7
Realizing that the constitution one nation creates must pass through their own Supreme Court and gives powers to the Supreme Court to accept or deny the created constitution.

Article 8
Providing that the constitution will go through a nationwide voting before it will be final.

Article 9
Knowing that the constitution will have to be publicized before it's own nation before it goes through the voting stage.

Article 10
Showing that once it has went through being checked by the nations Supreme Court, being publicized and going through nationwide voting, the constitution will then be applied with the laws that are given through this act and will officially be the constitution of the nation before it is replaced with another.And how does a constitution qualify as Social Justice?

Category: Gambling

Legalize/Outlaw: Outlaw

Proposed by: Clints

Description: # We strongly condemn gambling in all its forms and manifestations, as it constitutes one of the most serious threats to family life and the accruing of personal wealth.

# We propose that the secretary general adopt a counter-gambling strategy and will consider it in the general assembly with a view to adopting it.

# We affirm that the targeting, by casinos and online gambling sites, of civilians cannot be justified or legitimised by any cause or grievance, and we declare that any action intended to incite illicit gambling, when the purpose of such an act, by its nature or context, is to intimidate a population or to compel an individual to place a bet or wager, or to abstain from not placing a bet or wager, cannot be justified on any grounds and constitutes an act of theft.

# We resolve to conclude a comprehensive convention on international gambling, including a legal definition of gambling, during the next session of the general assembly.

# We recognise that international co-operation to fight gambling should be conducted in conformity with international law, including the United Nations charter and relevant international conventions and protocols. States should adhere to the principles of good governance, respect for human rights, and the rule of law in the fight against gambling.

# We acknowledge the important role played by the United Nations in combating gambling and also stress the vital contribution of regional and bilateral co-operation, particularly at the practical level of law enforcement cooperation and technical exchange.

# We urge the international community, including the United Nations, to assist states in building regional and national capacity to fight gambling. We further invite the secretary general to strengthen continuously, in consultation with the general assembly and the security council, the capacities of the United Nations, its relevant funds, programmes and specialised and related agencies, to assist states in these endeavours.

# We commit to assist victims of gambling (i.e. the losers) around the world and to provide them and their families with support to cope with their loss and their grief.

# We call on the Security Council to consider ways to strengthen the verification, monitoring and enforcement by the council in its role in counter-gambling, and streamline its counter-gambling subsidiary bodies, including by consolidating states' reporting requirements."Secretary general," "charter," "Security Council?" Looks like someone's got us confused with that other UN.
23-10-2007, 23:30
Originally Posted by Gambling's Had It's Chips"Secretary general," "charter," "Security Council?" Looks like someone's got us confused with that other UN.

I'd be willing to take it down just for apostrophe abuse.
24-10-2007, 00:08
Category: Moral Decency

Strength: Strong

Proposed by: Statistia

Description: NOTING the recent decline in Moral Values around the world;

Furthermore, RECOGNIZING that this decline in Moral Values threatens Civilization as we know it.

CREATES the United Nations Commission on Moral Values (UNCMV) to standardize Moral Values throughout the world.

MANDATES that all UN member nations must pass laws to prohibit activities declared immoral by the UNCMV.

REQUIRES that all UN member nations adopt abstinence-only education programs in their schools and work to outlaw sex between all unmarried partners.

DEFINES marriage as an exclusive union between 1 man and 1 woman.

PROHIBITS all UN member nations from outlawing proper methods of child discipline or from promoting immoral activities.

STRONGLY URGES all UN members to be proactive in promoting moral values in their own nations and in rogue nations.Illegal, contradicts Marriage Protection Act.
24-10-2007, 04:39
The Opening Of The UN
A resolution to increase democratic freedoms.

Category: The Furtherment of Democracy
Strength: Strong
Proposed by: Democronesia

Description: What is needed in the democratic 'marketplace' of the world is more freedom. Freedom for you, freedom for me, freedom for all who grace it's hallowed halls. It is granted that restrictions are needed to control proposals deemed racist, sexist or inappropriate, but when it comes to a holiday in honour of Max Barry being made illegal surely we can realize the injustice and oppression? I am not asking to re-instate this proposal for fear of men in dark suits carting me off to some high-security prison somewhere, I only ask for a review of UN policies and a clearly laid out constitution. This is what I propose, along with the constitution I previously mentioned an inquest into the fairness of the UN rules. Any nations not sticking to this constitution should be nuked out of existence (or deleted).

Approvals: 0

Status: Lacking Support (requires 112 more approvals)

Voting Ends: Sat Oct 27 2007Geez, where do I start? Metagaming - mention of the rules - attempting to change the rules, Gameplay violation (deleting nations "not sticking to this constitution," which I can only assume is me, because I'm the perpetrator of the "injustice and oppression" that this illegal constitution and rules review seek to prevent). Format violation, written in essay form with little legislative impact on nations. Finally, the title makes no sense, unless we're talking making the UN more "open" to rulebreakers.
24-10-2007, 15:57
Category: International Security

Strength: Mild

Proposed by: Buena Suerta

Description: To create one united international police force for global security instead of each nation's personal army. The army will battle terrorists and other criminal or rebellions. Do I really need to say why this one illegal?
Pasong Tirad
25-10-2007, 14:41
So I have to repost my proposal? Under what?
St Edmundan Antarctic
25-10-2007, 16:57
So I have to repost my proposal? Under what?

If you just want to ensure that every nation that creates a constitution for itself does so in the way that you've specified then the correct category would probably be 'Furtherment of Democracy', although you might face arguments from nations that don't have a 'Supreme Court' and from nations that don't allow voting on anything else.

If you also want those constitutions' terms to take priority over UN resolutions in the event of any contradictions between them -- and it looked to me as though that might be what you intended, although I couldn't be 100% sure -- then you simply can't do this within the rules. Full stop.
25-10-2007, 16:59
So I have to repost my proposal? Under what?

I'd suggest starting a topic here in the forum for your proposal before you even think about submitting it again. That way you practically eliminate the chance of it being deleted.

Category: Political Stability

Strength: Strong

Proposed by: Jermatia

Description: This proposal proposes that the national religion for GATESVILLE becomes fundamentalist Christianity. All schools reference to the bible, no more evolution, better morales and laws. What about the Muslims and other religions you ask? They may worship their god within their homes but respect the Christianity. Now I don't want hateful feed back so if you disagree; just go against the proposal. Illegal, resolutions cannot target specific regions.

Category: Political Stability

Strength: Strong

Proposed by: Yoshytronics

Description: I propose that we burn all books in the world and eliminate written language from our world. This will prevent people from speaking badly about the government.It might stop them from writing bad things about the government, but they can still talk about it.

Category: Human Rights

Strength: Mild

Proposed by: Genaamden

Description: The United Nations, from hereon referred to as the UN, forbid the use of childsoldiers.

The UN regard childsoldiers as:

a)every human being under the age of 18, that is enlisted or has been forced to enlist in an army, a military group or an organisation using military means

b)every human being under the age of 18 employed, willingly or not willingly, by one or more person(s), organisation(s) or nation(s) for military purposes.

This motion is in correspondance with the Declaration of Childrens' Rights.The "Declaration of Childrens' Rights," what resolution number is that?
27-10-2007, 02:40
Right to childhood education

A resolution to promote funding and the development of education and the arts.

Category: Education and Creativity

Area of Effect: Educational

Proposed by: Sadistic Moles

Description: Every human being living in civilized culture has the right to education. Therefore, this resolution puts forward a proposal to the UN being that;

Section 1: The right to a childhood government schooling education for everyone from the ages of six to eighteen is mandatory for all UN nations that have not already done so.

Section 2: This education may take place in a any school that has passed the requirements of the UN. The requirements being: all students in a school must be divided into a class with no more than 25 minors per teacher, schools must pass annual tests to ensure they are appropriate for a learning environment, all teachers must be fully qualified to the UN standards.

Section 3: Adults who do not wish their children to attend government schooling have the choice to hire a private tutor; however these must have the full qualifications as a government school teacher and the government must be notified of all children receiving private tutoring to make sure they are receiving their entitled education.

Section 4: UN Member countries may choose, depending on their economy status, to allow students to stop schooling at the age of 15, providing they apply for an apprenticeship in a trade, such as carpenter or cabinet maker.

Approvals: 8 (ARC Captains, WZ Forums, Ventei, Ryan Ehredt, Inferian, Flying Circusland, Psycotia Island, Metheled)

Status: Lacking Support (requires 104 more approvals)

Voting Ends: Mon Oct 29 2007

The Holy Empire of James_xenoland has not approved this proposal. [Approve]
UN Educational Aid Act.
maybe even UN Educational Committee

Having said that, I should also add that we could never vote for someting like this. We would have major problems with sections 1, 2 and 4. Plus, section 3 is a non starter.
27-10-2007, 06:19
Category: Recreational Drug Use

Decision: Legalize

Proposed by: Mikey73084

Description: This proposal is for the good of everyone. Just because we make it legal does not mean everyone is going to do it. Also the people that are doing it wont ge in trouble and we will have a lower crime rateIllegal, contradicts UN Drug Act.

Category: International Security

Strength: Significant

Proposed by: Proprieters

Description: Nuclear power, or more specifically, nuclear weapons, has brought the inequality between nations of the world and the U.N. to Hypocrisy.

Those nations that are proficient in the manufacturing of nuclear weapons have much more influence than those nations that do not. Most of this influence is derived through fear of the event of using such weapons of mass destruction. But these weapons are never used due to the eminent reaction of nuclear winter, which would bring about the destruction of nearly all the world's population with the fall-out. It is foolish to have such authority due to the weapon that, if used, screw you over as well. And why the positive effects of the enrichment of uranium must be deprived of a nation because the nations that have used their uranium enriching programs to build weapons fear an adversary with the same destructive power they possess.
In the past, bans on nuclear weapons were enforced; but were met with treachery by the same nations that agreed to such a policy. As a result of every individual nation's irresponsibility to humanity, the problem is no longer getting rid of nuclear warheads, but giving them to nations. It is unfortunate that the U.N. must come to a weapon to assure every country has equal authority, but it will ensure we are truly united; under a blood-sealed pact ensuring that if one nation chooses to use such a weapon, all others will follow in suit.
This policy would ensure that:
• Nations wishing to join/remain in the U.N. would agree to this policy.
• The nation receiving the warhead did so understanding that it’s warhead, nor any other warhead will be used, it is merely to keep even perspective.
• The institution of nuclear war would be avoided, as all nations are equal in military aspect.

It only requires one (1) warhead of today’s capacity (100kt) to induce nuclear winter and dangerous effects caused by radiation. This policy would prevent such an end to humanity. Oh look, it's back again and it still contradicts my resolution.
27-10-2007, 07:11
Illegal, contradicts UN Drug Act.

Oh look, it's back again and it still contradicts my resolution.

not to mention it says nations that wish to join/remain in the UN must follow it. So it tries to kick people out.
27-10-2007, 16:14
Category: Free Trade

Strength: Strong

Proposed by: Frennierstan

Description: In order to stimulate the economic growth of all member states, I would like to propose a maximum tax rate of 15%-20%. The funds maintained in the private sector would be a great impetus to economic growth, debt reduction, and increased personal savings. Illegal, game mechanics.
Existing reality
27-10-2007, 21:27
Repeal "The Sex Industry Worker Act"

A proposal to repeal a previously passed resolution

Category: Repeal

Resolution: #91

Proposed by: Possibilita

Description: UN Resolution #91: The Sex Industry Worker Act (Category: Free Trade; Strength: Significant) shall be struck out and rendered null and void.

Argument: Prostitution and human trafficking go hand in hand - one leads to the other and vice versa, how can we let people believe that using a woman's body in such a way is acceptable? It is not only demeaning and disgusting but is dangerous both for the women themselves and for communities, who wants to live somewhere ruled by pimps and druggies?
You're kidding, right? Another one of these things?

Security Council Reform

A resolution to improve world security by boosting police and military budgets.

Category: International Security

Strength: Mild

Proposed by: The Meviathians

Description: The United Nations Security Council (UNSC) is the organ of the United Nations charged with maintenance of International Peace. It's powers, as outlined in the UN Charter, includes the authorization of military action against member or non-member nations. The UNSC currently have five (5) permanent members with veto powers. These are the United States, Russia, The United Kingdom, France and China. This resolution propose to remove the 5 permanent seats on the UNSC and replace them with rotating members whose membership are selected every 5 years through a democratic vote in the United Nations General Assembly.

1) RECOGNIZING that the current system of maintaining 5 permanent members goes against the democratic ideal;

2) NOTING that the 5 permanent members have abused their veto powers, and continue to abuse this powers to vote on global security issues in their own interests;

3) UNDERSTANDING that several of these permanent members had unfairly gained their "permanent" status through winning a world war fought more than 50 years ago, and that their status today no longer reflects the current geo-political situation.

This resolution propose to reform the Security Council by removing all 5 permanent nations and replacing them elected members, so that even non-nuclear countries may serve a term on the council, as long as they gain the support of the General Assembly.
What is this "UNSC" you speak of? Quite frankly, what the heck are the United States, Russia, the United Kingdom, France, and China?
27-10-2007, 23:57
I must admit, I've enjoyed reading some of these proposals. Some of them I feel like :headbang: can people be any more foolish? They do make for good entertainment for me though.
28-10-2007, 05:41
Category: International Security

Strength: Mild

Proposed by: A Steel Fisted Regime

Description: A significant threat to several nations has developed into a worldwide problem.

Airborne objects have been noted over several nations restricted airspace. Major complaints include Alien spacecraft, Flying camels, hippopotamuses and squids. This last point was initially met with scepticism but the squid have been noted to be gliding rather than flying.

Obviously these are serious issues. “No one wants camels or hippopotamuses flying overhead, there is a serous risk of high velocity manure…rocketing down your chimney or even on your head!” reported our international expert, who not only attended university but almost received a Batchelor of Arts! Plus he wears glasses and a lab coat. Well, a long white shirt. Well, a light-coloured t-shirt.

Squids are even more of a problem with their inky excretions. And aliens. I mean, they’re green. How can that be a good thing?

All of these have been noted around high drug-use areas; clubs, schools and parliament buildings make up 76% of sightings.

Obviously these are creatures out hunting the pot. So the solution we propose is threefold:

1) Set up one nation (our nation will volunteer) to have compulsory drug-use laws requiring at least two highs an hour. These should draw all these creatures to the one spot. This nation has a large air force to shoot down these threats. Nuclear missiles are recommended. Fighter jet pilots may be required to reach as many as seven highs an hour to lure these beasts within range and prevent their fleeing.

2) All drug use to be conducted inside (especially smoking, which would serve as a beacon to drug hunting aliens in their trippy-ships.

3) Blindfolds to be worn with all drug use outside the compulsory drug-use zone, and perhaps inside (debate is needed over whether blindfolds are a good idea for nuclear-armed fighter jet pilots when flying high and flying high). Because it is obvious that when it comes to flying enemies, if we can’t see them, they can’t see us.

Urgent action is neaded. Funding would be nice too.Flying hippos? I thought Sirocco's nation ceased to exist.

Category: Repeal

Resolution: #4

Proposed by: Uranium rich lands

Description: UN Resolution #4: UN taxation ban (Category: Social Justice; Strength: Significant) shall be struck out and rendered null and void.

Argument: For many, the world is a horrible place. For all it is a very dangerous one. Far to many of its members live off of less than one dollar a day. Women and children are beaten or slaughtered by the despotic regimes scattered across the face of the earth. Children born in to poverty face no future to speak of, no edgucation, and no chance to better their lives. The threat of nuclear weapons or other weapons of mass destructions being used by the very real organizations which feed off of these horrible lives is clear, and very present. Global Pandemics seem only a small mistake away.

It is obvious that the work of the United Nations, to help to fight these dangers and horror stories is one that should command the full support of all states. To limit the ability of the United Nations to collect funds by any means necessary is absurd, and dangerous. To put the important work of the UN at the will of the unreliable and too commonly politically motivated governments which control funds is ridiculous. I urge you to repeal this ban. "Far to many of its members live off of less than one dollar a day." And here you are wanting to make those people even poorer by allowing the UN to tax them.
28-10-2007, 15:31
Allow Citizens to Vote

A resolution to increase democratic freedoms.

Category: The Furtherment of Democracy

Strength: Significant

Proposed by: Instralianstan

Description: Many countries make voting compulsory. My nation doesn't. I believe it would benefit all UN members if all citizens had the freedom to vote or not vote. Passing this resolution would force UN members to (1)Allow citizens choices on who to vote for. (2)Make voting optional.

Approvals: 2 (DeathlyLlamas, The Duct Tape)

Status: Lacking Support (requires 109 more approvals)

Voting Ends: Wed Oct 31 2007
Mechanics and ideological ban, methinks, since it requires nations to allow voting?
29-10-2007, 04:27
Category: Human Rights

Strength: Strong

Proposed by: Norslavania

Description: The Republic of Norslavania proposes that laws be made that restrict the selling and consuming of certain food products that do not uphold the following food restriction laws:

1. the food may not be artificially enhanced in anyway without following procedures laid out by the Food Restriction Laws.

2. the use of artificial pesticides is strictly prohibited.

3. Corporate offices must submit a list of every chemical and/or substance that comes in contact or close proximity to the food they are manufacturing.

4. Foods may not contain substances deemed harmful by the UN Food Restriction Law.

Further more:

1. A UN representative must visit major food processing facilities in order to ensure that the Food Restriction Laws are carried out.

2. UN governments must endorse research in natural preservatives and/or pesticides that will protect the sellers of food products.

In closing, Food Restriction Laws must become mandatory in UN nations to ensure the individual citizen's health and well-being.

Illegal, branding.

Category: International Security

Strength: Strong

Proposed by: FerrariF50

Description: To further benefit the nations of the UN we propose to allow for the vetoing of future UN proposals by an elected delegate council consisting of the regional delegates of the ten most populous regions in the world.Illegal, game mechanics.

Category: Political Stability

Strength: Strong

Proposed by: FerrariF50

Description: To ensure political stability in our world, may I suggest that Rebulican candidates for president be not allowed to run and begin a was with Iran.Illegal, RL reference.

Category: Environmental

Industry Affected: All Businesses

Proposed by: Norslavania

Description: I propose that all Nuclear Power plants be put out of commission in UN nations.

Nuclear power plants are a danger to society as a whole for many reasons.

1. The fumes emitted from Nuclear Power Plants cause severe damage to the environment.

2. The danger of a catastrophic meltdown from these plants is very high.

3. The workers are subject to many dangers in the processing of nuclear material.

From these reasons one may see the dangers in using nuclear power plants which is why the UN should ban the use of them.Point 1 there just killed 20 catgirls.

Category: Environmental

Industry Affected: Uranium Mining

Proposed by: Instralianstan

Description: This resolution would significantly limit uranium mining. Passing this resolution would (1)Put a severe limit on uranium mining, (2)Ban the complete destruction of rainforests to allow room for uranium mining.

This resolution will help prevent deforestation and limit the amount of nuclear weapons nations can produce, thus reducing the chances of nuclear war. It is a win-win.

*Please note that when faced with the issue of destroying a rainforest to mine uranium you can still demolish PART of the rainforest and mine a little uranium.Looks like someone got the uranium mining issue.

Category: Human Rights

Strength: Strong

Proposed by: Diminutivia

Description: Recognizing the need for a limit on the file size of flags, the undersigned request a slight increase in the size of flags for purposes of detail.

NOTING that the current 10 KB flag size limit does not allow for the types of highly detailed flags that some countries are capable of creating to make their country look more professional.

UNDERSTANDING the need for such a limit, to prevent obscenly large, unsightly flags that can be a burden on the servers of NationStates, however

REQUESTING that the size limit be changed to 20 KB, and the width and height restrictions broadened to 200 x 100 pixels.Illegal, game mechanics.

Category: Moral Decency

Strength: Significant

Proposed by: Micktrim

Description: To Legalize Prostitution is a terrible idea it is morally wrong for one it will also cause a greater strain on hospitals due to an increase in std

in the proposel it said "a populace granted the freedom to make choices in life is a happier, more content and more productive society" this is a lie people do not become prostitutes to be happy they do it because they need help financely and they feel they have no other choice

With help and support these people can get jobs to help with the econamy

the sex Industry is dangerous for the woman and men who work in it

this would also increse the divorce rate as well

this would also increase human trafficing

this is why i think this should be repealed Illegal, not filed as a repeal.

Category: International Security

Strength: Strong

Proposed by: Cyranaeca

Description: This resolution hereby requires that all U.N members to contribute a portion of their armed forces to a single unified fighting force whose purpose is for peacekeeping and humantarian aid.


1. The portion that each U.N member offers is shall be based on population or size.

2.If a member nation fails to send their required quota of soldiers, they could take the alternative of sending supplies like weapons or any other form of aid like doctors or nurses.

3.This also validates that peacekeeping soldiers can shoot to kill any form of hostiles if threatened with guns or any other form of brute forceIllegal, creates a UN military.
30-10-2007, 06:25
Category: Education and Creativity

Area of Effect: Educational

Proposed by: Allied Governments

Description: The Confederacy of Allied Governments Hereby puts in a proposal for the construction of a joint-project Fusion Reactor Prototype. The purpose of this is to develop the clean, limitless, and powerful energy created by a Fusion reaction. This joint venture comes in three sections:

Section 1: All participating countries must provide either a large sum share (Along the lines of 1,000,000,000) or provide an equal amount of Materials required.

Section 2: All participating countries must provide the necessary labor and brainpower needed for this venture.

Section 3: A select participating country must provide the necessary space and room required to build this facility.

The requirements for this Fusion reactor are as follows: The project will be considered complete when it meets the following criteria:

A.) Capable of sustaining a reaction where the energy being used to maintain the Fusion reactor is less then the energy being created by the reaction itself (aka. Self-sustaining.)

B.) The Fusion reaction is sustainable for at least 48 continual hours.

C.) The production methods of creating a Fusion reactor is feasibly viable for economic commercial and industrial use.Illegal, branding.

Category: Recreational Drug Use

Decision: Promote

Proposed by: Latest night

Description: Being that the drinking of Asbach is the National Pastime of the Peoples of Greater Asbach, and that much good has resulted from such consumption, The Peoples of Greater Asbach hereby propose that all nations immediatly encourage the consumption of Asbach and other spirits. Medical authorities in Greater Asbach have confimed that the health benefits, both mental and physical, of Asbach consumption on the general population far outweigh any risks or potential side effects.

The Peoples of Asbach also wish the United Nations to recognize that only Asbach fermented and distilled in Greater Asbach will be able to bear the name "Asbach" so as to prevent the propogation of inferior and possibly harmful knock off spiritsIllegal, branding (Greater Asbach being the name the of author's region).
30-10-2007, 15:37
Category: Recreational Drug Use

Decision: Legalize

Proposed by: Berutica

Description: Proposal for the Permanent Legalization of Marijuana

The legalization of marijuana will benefit the worlds populations in many ways. It would end much of the organized crime because one of their major revenue sources would now be legal. It would also create jobs for poorer countries who depend on farming for income. Not only that but governments tax revenue would increase not only giving them more money to fight crime in their countries but costing them less because they would no longer have to wage a war on marijuana. Unlike legal drugs like alcohol, pot does not induce aggressive behavior, it is a social drug that's worst characteristic is that it causes laziness.

Another valid point is that our overcrowded prison system would decrease in population saving even yet more money and also creating room for the criminals we really need to worry about.

Lastly, lets face it, the world would be a better place if we could all get together and get HIGH!Illegal, contradicts UN Drug Act.
31-10-2007, 01:30
Category: Political Stability
Strength: Mild
Proposed by: Innes Lake

Description: In aide of smaller nations, whose smaller economies are feebly supported by their niche exports, it is proposed that the Second Friday of June, every year, becomes Cigar Friday.

This will help support struggling nations, and represents a vision of equality which we should all hold dear. It also encourages social bonding, and cultural diversity.
Illegal, RL references; what are these "Friday" and "June" things of which you speak?

Category: Education and Creativity
Area of Effect: Educational
Proposed by: The Alantic Borders

Description: This resolution will provide funding to governments who wish to privatize their educational system. In this way, citizens can choose what they believe should and needs be taught, to better adjust for their own societies. This will allow a broad scope of learning to be achieved and help prevent any chance of a international, politically bias educational system, of which the people did not choose. This is a fundamental element of freedom.

Section 1: Any country who wishes to privatize their educational system, will receive aid, based on the size of their system.

Section 2: The U.N. will not interfere on what subjects are taught, as long as what is taught, does not infringe on previous, present, or future U.N. Resolution.

Section 3: No one may be denied entrance into a school receiving funding, if they fall between the ages of 6-18 years of age.

Section 4: This is not mandating all nations to privatize their systems, ONLY those who choose to, on their own accord.

Section 5: The distribution of this funding will be decided on a need basis. Those who do not need funding will receive much less than those who do.
OK, I take it back, I love UNEAA.

Category: Political Stability
Strength: Strong
Proposed by: Paxus Rome

Description: Goal: To reach, colonize, explore, and industrialize the final frontier.

Quite frankly the U.N. needs a space program. Many Earthly problems could be fixed by the colonization of other worlds. Overpopulation, pollution, and over filled prisons are just a few of the problems facing this world. with access to other astrological bodies at our deposal we could do anything.

-Civilian goals:
1. Colonize other worlds to stem overpopulation on Earth
2. Boost economy by opening mining, manufacturing, and agricultural industries on these other planets.
3. Make possible contact with extra terrestrials and if so set up trade and diplomatic relations with these peoples.
4. Set aside some of the more inhospitable planets as prison colonies to stem the over crowding of Earth prisons

-Military/ Science Goals:
1. Create the U.N.S.C. (United Nations Space Command)
2. Create a U.N.S.C. space fleet to protect Earth and its colonies from threats (astrological bodies, hostile extra terrestrials).
3. Explore known and unknown space in the name of science.
4. Dispose of toxic waste on the non-habitable planets.
I explained to Paxus Rome (and the Latin scholar in me is going 'yuck!' just at the name) several days ago via TG that the UNSC was illegal, and he would do better to post a draft up here. So he stuck on the proposal list again. Sigh.

Category: Gun Control
Decision: Relax
Proposed by: Mormons of Monett

Description: If we were to do this then we would have people protect themselves and we would not be responsible for any deaths.
Some (probable) finger-trouble put two of this proposal on the queue. Sadly I can't see a good reason for nuking both of them :-)

Category: The Furtherment of Democracy
Strength: Strong
Proposed by: Todlandia

Description: Repeal this oppressive act that dictates to individual countries what it is their sovereign right to decide.
Illegal; needs to be in the Repeal category, and has national sovereignty as its only argument.

Category: Education and Creativity
Area of Effect: Educational
Proposed by: Fluffy love muffins

Description: Students Deemed by special councils to have exceptional potential in given fields will receive extra educational support to enhance their learning. This will take 3 form:

1) Financial aid for intelligent students who live in poor families.

2) Access to optional extra extended education

3) An organisation is to be se up to which said students will belong, so that they can communicate with similarly minded individuals. Possibly a union at higher levels of education.

Most of these changes should be funded by the governments of the corresponding state, but in cases where this is not possible, the UN membership will fund this programme to ensure a fair outcome for all.

This proposal is designed to strengthen the economy whilst at the same time increasing social mobility and general equality.
Illegal; can you say UNEAA?

Category: Education and Creativity
Area of Effect: Educational
Proposed by: Namabia

Description: Children need education and funding we cannot let them grow into crazy adults!So I propose a two organazations be made to help young children and teens help.

1.The organazations would be called Save a Child Program and Funding or S.C.P.F. and onther called S.T.P.T. Save a Teen program and Tax.

2.It would not be a tax but optional richer people are usually look down on these kids and teens sometimes with favor and somtimes not and if not they will be charged for children and teens are our future aren't they?

3.Children should be taught more education and should be respected.Teens though will be allowed to get tax money from S.T.P.T. Save a Teen Program and Tax.

4. Since children and teens are our future all N.S. nations will have a S.T.P.T.HQ and a S.C.P.F.HQ and little stations throughout the nation.

5.Finally all nations will give 10 percent funding to the S.T.P.T. and S.C.P.F.These organazations will help.Children are our future just remember that.
Aaaand again. Though give it its due, this is a more than averagely creative education proposal.

Category: International Security
Strength: Strong
Proposed by: The Alantic Borders

Description: This act will allow more freedom to nations to develop their military as they see fit to protect their borders and interest else where in the world. This will allow a nation to form and build their military without having to follow guidelines put in place by other nations. Thus, nations can in one sense, be sovereign.

Section 1: A nation may be free to build up their armed forces as they find necessary. A large force is still subject to U.N. Resolutions for their acts.

Section 2: No funding from the U.N. can be used to build up a nation's military force or to pay off the wages of their service members. It is allowed, however, for nations to lend or give money to another for military purposes. The selling, buying, giving, and receiving of armored vehicles, air craft, or weapons to/by a nation, is still subject to U.N. Resolutions that pertain to the acts.

Section 3: Nuclear, Chemical, and Biological Weapons are not allowed to be trafficked from their place of origin. As well, the development of these weapons are discouraged and are subject to U.N. Resolutions. Nations with the population of one billion or more are to cease development of nuclear, biological, and chemical weapons. This will allow much smaller nations, if attacked, to respond with the force necessary to defend themselves.

Section 4: Compliance of this Resolution, will be enforced/monitored by the creation of the U.N. International Security Committee. Violations will be punished by economic sanctions, international pressure, and possible U.N. supported coalitions.
Doesn't section 3 contradict something, Bob? It also attempts to apply selectively by size.
31-10-2007, 02:32
Illegal, RL references; what are these "Friday" and "June" things of which you speak?Does the phrase, "grasping at straws" mean anything to you?

Doesn't section 3 contradict something, Bob? It also attempts to apply selectively by size.
Personally, I'd be more worried about those "U.N. supported coalitions" in section 4, sounds to me like they're trying to form a UN military force.
St Edmundan Antarctic
31-10-2007, 11:24
Quite frankly the U.N. needs a space program. Many Earthly problems could be fixed by the colonization of other worlds. Overpopulation, pollution, and over filled prisons are just a few of the problems facing this world. with access to other astrological bodies at our deposal we could do anything.

Oh gods... :headbang:
Brutland and Norden
31-10-2007, 15:22
...with access to other astrological bodies at our deposal we could do anything.
You goin' to depose and kick us out of Sagittarius?? Then prepare to fight!!
31-10-2007, 16:54
Category: Repeal

Resolution: #226

Proposed by: AndrewStewart

Description: UN Resolution #226: Passport Standardisation Act (Category: Political Stability; Strength: Mild) shall be struck out and rendered null and void.

Argument: duh? cmon this is a dumb one.....I mean really? Is this it? This is not even valid....OK, you want to explain why it's not valid?

Category: Human Rights

Strength: Significant

Proposed by: Cool Funky Chicks

Description: In many parts of the world, children are used as soldiers by government armed forces and armed political groups. This resolution aims to establish stronger measures to end the use of child soldiers, and increase the severity of punishments for persons accused of the crime.
Children are used in armed conflict as a source of cheap, expendable labour, and are different from adult soldiers as they are eager to please and have not yet developed a sense of right and wrong, and thus are relatively easy to condition into obedient killing machines, unable to comprehend their actions.

The UN and all its member nations are strongly urged to comply with the following points of this proposal:

All persons below the age of 18 shall be prohibited from joining the armed forces of any country, whether by the government or any other armed political group. A child is defined as any persons under the age of 18. This applies to both international and internal armed conflicts.
(a) Children shall not be recruited into the armed forces by any government or armed political group.
(b) No government is allowed to legalise the use of children as soldiers.
(c) Children shall not be used to promote propaganda or for propaganda purposes by any government or armed political group.

The use of child soldiers is considered a war crime. All nations must ensure that all persons accused of the crime are investigated and prosecuted accordingly.

All nations must pressure countries using child soldiers to abandon the practice.
(a) Governments and armed political groups sanctions applied to them by the UN and the international shall have the following community if they continue to use children as soldiers:
(i)Arms embargoes shall be imposed on countries that use children as soldiers.
(ii) Restrictions shall be imposed on the flow of financial assistance to the parties concerned.
(iii)Government and insurgent leaders shall be excluded from any government structures and amnesty provisions.

All parties concerned shall be required to demobilise child soldiers and they shall provide assistance for the physical and psychological recovery and social reintegration of all child soldiers.
Illegal, duplicates [url=]Children in War[/quote]

Category: Human Rights

Strength: Mild

Proposed by: Lendenburg

Description: Although there is not a large significance of hair color discrimination right now within the states, that does not mean that it could happen tomorrow.

This approval will hear by put an end to the horrors of hair color discrimination and will ultimately prevent this kind of discrimination from happening again.

There will not be a significance of side effects along with this plan since it is only protecting civil rights in the area of hair color.Would this proposal's passing mean that gentlemen can no longer prefer blondes?

Category: Repeal

Resolution: #4

Proposed by: AndrewStewart

Description: UN Resolution #4: UN taxation ban (Category: Social Justice; Strength: Significant) shall be struck out and rendered null and void.

Argument: I need money for nukes and other military weapons, if i cant tax, then i cant get moneySomeone want to explain the function of the taxation ban to this guy?

Category: Gambling

Legalize/Outlaw: Legalize

Proposed by: The Alantic Borders

Description: This resolution will allow nations to decide for themselves whether or not to legalize or outlaw gambling. This will render the U.N. powerless to interfere with the laws regarding gambling and focus more attention on more important issues. Nations will then be rendered more control of their government and decide the moral or open policies which they will follow. This is detailed in the following two (2) articles.

Article I:
A nation will be responsible for passing and enforcing their own legislation regarding gambling:

Section 1: The U.N. cannot pass any resolutions pertaining to the act of gambling.

Section 2: What forms of gambling are legalized/outlawed are left up to the Nation's their selves.

Section 3: The punishment of people who fail to pay off their gambling debt is to be punished however their government sees fit. This is still subject to U.N. Resolutions past, present, and future, to the types of reasonable punishments allowed.

Article II: Nations may decide (though this is inferred in Article I, but just to clarify) to tax a percentage of winnings on their own accord:

Section 1: This may pertain to all forms of gambling or limited to certain types.

Section 2: The U.N. shall not receive any money gained through this taxation of gambling.Illegal, pure blocker.
31-10-2007, 17:09
Would this proposal's passing mean that gentlemen can no longer prefer blondes?Wasn't there also a "Stop Eye Color Discrimination" in the queue not too long ago? Same guy?
Hikari no Tenshi
31-10-2007, 18:03
A resolution to reduce barriers to free trade and commerce.

Category: Free Trade

Strength: Strong

Proposed by: Yoshytronics

Description: I propose that we eliminate all barriers preventing free trade in the world. A country should be able to buy and sell whatever products it wants and shouldn't be prevented from doing so due to the conditions under which the products were made. If a country wants to hurt its own environment, then that is that country's business. Why should a country decide what is right or wrong for another country to do? Any regulations that prevent completely free trade in this world should be removed because they are morally and fundamentally wrong and are not economically smart.Someone got click-happy and submitted it twice.
01-11-2007, 01:20
Wasn't there also a "Stop Eye Color Discrimination" in the queue not too long ago? Same guy?

Yup, same guy.

Category: Repeal

Resolution: #211

Proposed by: AndrewStewart

Description: UN Resolution #211: Establishment of ICPIN (Category: International Security; Strength: Mild) shall be struck out and rendered null and void.

Argument: Description: The United Nations,

Aware that criminal activities often span multiple jurisdictions,

Alarmed by the prospect of criminals attempting to cross national borders in order to escape justice,

Realizing that many nations employ multiple law enforcement agencies with differing mandates and fields of specialisation, which may not have direct correlations in other nations, making international cooperation between these agencies and others difficult,

Recognising the importance of international communication in tackling crime and apprehending criminals:

1. Promotes cooperation between member nations in the apprehension of criminals, particularly international fugitives, the suppression of criminal activities, and the sharing of intelligence concerning criminal activities and their perpetrators;

2. Further encourages member nations to negotiate reciprocal agreements with others to permit law enforcement agents to enter their nation and exercise power of arrest and detention;

3. Emphasises that the decision to grant such powers remains a national prerogative;

4. Requires member nations to maintain a Central National Office (CNO) to communicate between all law enforcement agencies and other relevant authorities under their jurisdiction, and to act as a point of first contact for other national and international organizations seeking to establish lines of communication;

5. Establishes the International Criminal Police Information Network (ICPIN) to promote effective communication between nations and their law enforcement agencies, and to facilitate international operations to suppress criminal activities, especially in the fields of:
- trafficking of persons, arms, drugs, stolen goods, illegal technologies and other illegal materials,
- international terrorism,
- organized crime,
- corruption and financial crime;

6. Encourages member nations, where appropriate, to use the ICPIN as means to issue alerts, exchange information and organize efforts to apprehend criminal fugitives;

7. Declares that the ICPIN shall:
- maintain regular contact with all CNOs,
- assist in the establishment and maintenance of the CNOs of nations requesting such aid,
- facilitate communications and cooperation between national law enforcement agencies,
- distribute information and alerts to all relevant CNOs about known or suspected fugitives or criminal activities,
- cooperate with other relevant international agencies, such as the ICSI,
- compile and maintain a database of known and suspected fugitives, international criminal organizations, and criminal activities spanning multiple jurisdictions;

8. Strongly emphasises that:
- ICPIN agents shall not have powers of arrest or detention, nor any authority to engage in police or military actions,
- any information provided shall only be disclosed with the express agreement of both the nation of origin and the ICPIN,
- nothing in this resolution shall require nations to aid in the apprehension of anyone they do not consider a criminal.

I dont believe this to be true. Pleas lets change this, the ICPN has too much power!!!?!?!!?!Plagurization of the resolution they want to repeal.
The Most Glorious Hack
01-11-2007, 07:27
Looks more like they just quoted what they wanted to Repeal, without realizing that the Repeal would link back. Less malice, more... ah... "unfamiliarity"...
02-11-2007, 05:08
A resolution to restrict political freedoms in the interest of law and order.

Category: Political Stability
Strength: Significant
Proposed by: The People of the D

Description: This resolution would limit the powers of the UN in order to ensure individual nations' rights and improve relations with non-UN nations. This proposal was made before and received much support; obviously, however, it did not pass, I am re-proposing it in hopes that it will gain more attention.

This Proposal would limit the UN's power in the following ways:

1. The UN cannot lawfully enter or invade any nation, UN or Non, without permission from said nation or just cause. Just cause in this case is that the nation in question is failing to follow UN protocol(UN nations only); or making itself a threat to the UN or any of it's nations.

2. The UN may not gather Intel or use any other surveillance techniques against any nation, UN or Non, with out just cause. Here, just cause is defined as a perceived threat against the UN or one of it's nations; or the suspicion of a UN nation failing to follow UN protocol.

3. The UN must recognize and allow all traditional and cultural acts within any Nation UN or Non; however, if a practice within a UN nation severely breeches UN protocol, the UN may make steps of stopping said action.

4. UN resolutions apply to UN nations and UN nations alone; furthermore, the UN must recognize the freedom of Non-UN nations to exercise their government however they see fit.
1 and 4 are just saying what the game mechanics mandate at the moment. 2 is either doing the same thing or, if your definition of "other surveillance techniques" is wide enough to include any monitoring information, contradicts whole swathes of UN legislation that (for example) monitor endangered species, water pollution and so on. 3 is either duplicating that resolution about cultural heritage of minorities or contradicting whole swathes of human rights legislation, again depending on your reading of it. Given that this is a resubmission, this guy needs to be pointed in the direction of the rules.
02-11-2007, 07:33
More Money !

A resolution to develop industry around the world.

Category: Advancement of Industry

Area of Effect: Environmental Deregulation

Proposed by: Edumen

Description: Less environment !
More Industry !

Protect the environment will only destroy our economy !!!

Approvals: 3 (Weissborg, Extremation, WZ Forums)

Status: Lacking Support (requires 108 more approvals)

Voting Ends: Sun Nov 4 2007

Bloody stupid
St Edmundan Antarctic
02-11-2007, 14:53
Multiple telegram
A resolution to reduce barriers to free trade and commerce.

Category: Free Trade
Strength: Mild
Proposed by: Panda-town

Description: Most nations find it a pain to have to write telegrams and then have to write them again just to say what they wanted to say again but with multiple telegram it could be different. This is how it works: You write your telegram to send to other nations, then you click on "send multiple telegram", then write down the nations to send it to. Ta da, write one telegram to lots of nations. PLEASE vote it in.

Approvals: 3 (Letonija, Extremation, Fruity Oat)

Status: Lacking Support (requires 108 more approvals)

Voting Ends: Mon Nov 5 2007

Illegal: Game Mechanics.
02-11-2007, 15:54
Save the Environment
A resolution to increase the quality of the world's environment, at the expense of industry.

Category: Environmental
Industry Affected: All Businesses
Proposed by: Rathful fire

Description: Lowers the pollution levels of each nation. Limits the amount of waste industries of that nation produce.

Approvals: 6 (Ventei, Peddlers Pub, Grand Cavvus Islands, TableStone, WZ Forums, Fruity Oat)

Status: Lacking Support (requires 105 more approvals)

Voting Ends: Sun Nov 4 2007

Lacks a means

Unique Currency
A resolution to reduce barriers to free trade and commerce.

Category: Free Trade
Strength: Strong
Proposed by: Farino

Description: A creation of a Unique Currency would bring:

a) Economic Stability to all Nations
b) Strenght to all Nation's Economy
c) Happiness to the World Citizens, because it wouldn't be necessary to change currencys.

Approvals: 2 (Weissborg, WZ Forums)

Status: Lacking Support (requires 109 more approvals)

Voting Ends: Sun Nov 4 2007

Wait, what?
02-11-2007, 16:20
Illegal: Game Mechanics.

Not to mention that that idea has been rejected multiple times.
St Edmundan Antarctic
02-11-2007, 18:03
Commerce Reform
A resolution to reduce barriers to free trade and commerce.

Category: Free Trade
Strength: Strong
Proposed by: Silver Colloids

Description: For too long have our currencies been subject to erratic, unstable booms and busts. For too long have irresponsible debtors side-stepped their debt by printing buckets full of helicopter money. For too long have our currencies been divorced from the forces of the truly free market. It's time to take back currency from the banking elite.

This proposal is the first part of a three-part plan to restore value to currency. It immediately compels all nations within the UN to switch from meaningless fiat money to a standard backed by a stable, fungible commodity like gold, saffron or orphans as soon as humanly possible.

The following two parts of our ambitious currency-reform program will legalize and support the foundation of privately backed currencies and compel all member-nations to dissolve any publicly funded reserve banks. In so doing, we will ensure stable, constant economic growth and prosperity.

Approvals: 5 (Psycotia Island, Weissborg, Anderya, WZ Forums, Fruity Oat)

Status: Lacking Support (requires 106 more approvals)

Voting Ends: Sun Nov 4 2007

Contradicts resolution #6?
03-11-2007, 00:28
Category: Political Stability

Strength: Significant

Proposed by: Ammeria

Description: I proposal the UN headquarters be moved to the capital of Ammeria, the city of Hisgrace. We feel that will service the World the best.Illegal, attempts to affect a specific nation.

Category: Human Rights

Strength: Strong

Proposed by: Weissborg

Description: This resolution would end all world hunger. Each nation, on the passing of this resolution, is required to pass a law that mandates that everyone must eat a snack every other hour. No more hunger!Doesn't Weissborg know that there's no such thing as a free lunch?

Category: Human Rights

Strength: Mild

Proposed by: Project Quantum Leap

Description: No UN member nation shall pass any law prohibiting the possession or consumption of refined, white sugar. Furthermore, governments shall not prohibit the free use of sugar in prepared foods or other edibles.

Refined Sugar has come under attack lately by the Dental Illuminati, many Diabetics Councils, and other anti-sugar extremists, and I believe it should be a fundamental right of all to choose for themselves whether to eat refined white sugar or not.Dental Illuminati?

Oh and illegal, wrong category.
03-11-2007, 16:27
Category: The Furtherment of Democracy

Strength: Mild

Proposed by: The Sunland Isles

Description: We, the people of the Holy Republic of the Sunland Isles, in order to create a democratic understanding around the globe, would like to propose a UN Commission on Democracy.

The function of this commission are as follows:

1. To evaluate the state of democracy around the world
2. To hold yearly summit on democracy
3. To help the democratic movements of UN member states around the globe suppresed by their governments
4. To enforce strong sanctions on non-complying member states

An endorsement for this resolution is a vote wor worldwide peace and democracy.Illegal, branding.

Category: Free Trade

Strength: Significant

Proposed by: Pugetania

Description: The Community of Pugetania would like to propose the following to the distinguished members of the United Nations. The proposal is for the planning, funding, and construction of a motorway or superhighway that would span every continent.

The motorway would allow rapid transport of raw materials and finished goods around the globe. In addition, it would offer a possible conduit for gas, oil and water pipelines, as well as communication and electric power cables. The World Superhighway would also allow for greater opportunities for motorists to partake in tourism visiting far-flung locales all from their own vehicles.

The superhighway would be linked with large-scale bridges and tunnels.

It is also important to add that this monumental and potentially costly endeavor would have many other benefits such as bringing peace and understanding to the nations as well as boosting the economies of all countries.Illegal, branding.
St Edmundan Antarctic
03-11-2007, 16:35
Uranium Mining Act
A resolution to slash worldwide military spending.

Category: Global Disarmament
Strength: Strong
Proposed by: The Alantic Borders

Description: This act will allow for the monitoring of uranium mining in all regions through out the world. The ever evolving threat of nuclear war and the use of nuclear weapons in general, monitoring uranium mining could help lower the threats. In this way, we can possibly prevent a large amount of enriched uranium for weapons to be produced, helping to lower the threat of the continuation of the production of these weapons. A

Article I
Uranium may not be shipped from its place of origin, unless the following sections are followed:

Section 1: Any Uranium being shipped has documentation showing its:
(a) Place of origin,
(b) Amount being shipped,
(c) The purpose of the shipment,
(d) Where it is to be shipped to,
(e) As well as the date it was mined.

Section 2: Proof must be shown and on hand, that the mined uranium is not to be enriched for anything other than peaceful use.

Section 3: The following areas are subject to U.N. inspection:
(a) Uranium Mines whose contents are to be shipped outside the region to:
(i) view the working conditions and to make sure it meets satisfactory levels,
(ii) see that the amount of uranium mined is the amount documented,
(b) Areas in which the Uranium may be enriched.
(c) Any Power Plants that uses imported uranium.

Section 4: These guidelines are only in place for uranium shipped outside its place of origin, so not to infringe on inner workings of independent sovereign nations.

Article II
The committee and the enforcement of this resolution is to be formed and carried out as follows:

Section 1: Three (3) counties/nations are elected to over see the inspections and enforcement of this resolution by the assembly every year and six (6) months.

Section 2: Enforcement of this resolution will be enforced by economic and political sanctions, international pressure, cut off from U.N. aid, and possible U.N. supported military acts.

Approvals: 6 (Peddlers Pub, WZ Forums, Sancte Michael, South Lorenya, Ellenburg, Ventei)
Status: Lacking Support (requires 105 more approvals)
Voting Ends: Mon Nov 5 2007

I haven't cross-checked the details against the existing resolutions on nuclear matters yet, but aren't both sections of Article II -- with their election of nations to do a job, and threat of UN-supported military acts, respectively -- illegal anyway?

Foundation for a better future
A resolution to promote funding and the development of education and the arts.

Category: Education and Creativity
Area of Effect: Educational
Proposed by: Moosen armed forces

Description: Kids today have a terrible work ethic. Making all schools boarding schools, kids will have the tough love for the future they deserve. This would allow less time on fashion and social life and more on bookwork. This will make nations stronger then ever in the near future.

Approvals: 2 (WZ Forums, Weissborg)
Status: Lacking Support (requires 109 more approvals)
Voting Ends: Mon Nov 5 2007

Illegal, for contradiction of the UN Educational Aid Act...
04-11-2007, 05:48
Category: Human Rights

Strength: Significant

Proposed by: Micktrim

Description: A worldwide minimum wage would stop large business taking advantage on poor countries and people

This in turn would lower world poverty and help countries because big business's would not leave countries to go and find cheaper labour

This would stop the inhumane conditions theese people who work in sweatshops working for hours and recieving a pitifull amount

This in turn is slavery and so it should be stoppedDoesn't the UN Fair Wage Convention cover this?

Category: The Furtherment of Democracy

Strength: Mild

Proposed by: The DOOP

Description: This proposal is aimed at giving UN nations immunity when on business. Diplomatic Immunity would relieve nations of the cumbersome laws of various nations abroad while us UN nations perform our daily businessWe've already got a diplomatic immunity resolution.

Category: Human Rights

Strength: Strong

Proposed by: Pudgey Wudgey

Description: STOP ABORTION!

It is wrong and immoral because the parents do not have a right to kill a baby.Illegal, contradicts Abortion Legality Convention, and miscatgorized.

Category: The Furtherment of Democracy

Strength: Significant

Proposed by: Distant Thought

Description: For too long the UN has sat simply repealing its old ways. Surely this cannot continue? If we as a UNITED Nation are to progress at all, we need to spend MORE time looking to the future, and LESS time looking at the past! Look for a better world now!Illegal, game mechanics.

Category: Human Rights

Strength: Strong

Proposed by: A Free Paradise

Description: Whereas religious beliefs are used to control people into acting a certain way.
Whereas science has been able to defeat every part of superstitious belief.
Whereas many people hold greatly varying religious beliefs, it is highly unlikely that one group is explictly correct, while the other's are all wrong.
Whereas, religion is a means to separate denizens of the world, for discrimination, or worse, genocide.

May it be resolved by the United Nations, that religion shall no longer be a permitted part of society.Illegal, idealogical ban (no religion=no theocracies).
Hikari no Tenshi
04-11-2007, 07:16
A proposal to repeal a previously passed resolution

Category: Repeal

Resolution: #4

Proposed by: AndrewStewart

Description: UN Resolution #4: UN taxation ban (Category: Social Justice; Strength: Significant) shall be struck out and rendered null and void.

Argument: I need money for nukes and other military weapons, if i cant tax, then i cant get money
I don't know all the reasons something should be considered illegal, but I'm pretty sure this fits at least one category. (Affecting one specific nation)
The Most Glorious Hack
04-11-2007, 09:55
More importantly, he apparently has no clue what UN Taxation Ban actually does...
05-11-2007, 01:02
Category: Education and Creativity

Area of Effect: Artistic

Proposed by: Rolamec

Description: International Day of Peace Resolution


We live in a game in which regions are invaded and defended every day; in which people become sworn enemies and hate each others; a virtual world in which peace is often forgotten by wars, invasions, and revolutions. Therefore, we propose the following be implemented by the respected members of the United Nations:

Article I.

Every July 10th shall be known as the International Day of Peace by the United Nations and her sovereign members. During this day we ask those to remember the wars that have come and gone in our history of the human race and respect those who have been lost. We also encourage people to stop invading and defending for this day and remember we live in a world in which peace should be our goal.

Article II.

Article One does not require nations to lower their defenses or to cancel their invasions. We simply ask that all nations do this to truly honor the people who have fallen over time due to wars. This resolution has no intention of making vulnerable any respected member of the United Nation by lowering their defenses.

Article III.

Due to national sovereignty, the passage of this resolution would not require all nations to adopt this proposal. Rather, the United Nations organization would recognize this day, and all nations would be encouraged to adopt this resolution through popular vote or legislature approval.


We hope to only recognize peace as our mission in life. We only desire to respect and honor the civilians and soldiers who have fallen in the past, present, and future. And we request the respected Members of the United Nations to endorse this resolution for passage and for peace.
Illegal, optionality.

Category: Education and Creativity

Area of Effect: Educational

Proposed by: Alba Scotland

Description: This resolution is to promote a healthy and non-discrimitive form of Religius Education among children in regular school education.

Rather than a focus on a nations own religion, it should be compulsory that at least 3 other religions are taught at some point during a childs school education.

This does not mean that other religions are required to be taught to the extent of ones own national religion. It would be to allow more understanding of different cultures and religions. It will lessen discrimination, racism and confusion among children.

This resolution would also make it simpler to allow foreign immigrants entering the education system to integrate into their new society.

I pledge for you to support this resolution.Illegal, contradicts UN Educational Aid Act.

Category: Environmental

Industry Affected: All Businesses

Proposed by: Oskil

Description: An act to establish and uphold a paperwork reduction movement. A paper-tax would be put on all busnesses who exceeded a quota of paper that they could use. the quota would be fair to how large the business was, obviously the large businesses could use more but would be fined more if they exceeded their limit. This would help encourage the preservation of forests as well as allow businesses to engage in more environmentally friendly methods of communication, such as computers and the Internet. Shouldn't this be filed under "Industry Affected: Woodchipping"?

Category: Political Stability

Strength: Strong

Proposed by: Milk Ranch

Description: Purpose:To help stabilize the UN Delegates of smaller reigons.
1)No nation, being in the UN, shall be allowed to switch regions without withdrawing from the UN.
2)No UN nation shall move to a region who has less than 1,000 nations.
3)When a nation switches regions they must ask there current UN delegate permission to switch reigons.Illegal, game mechanics, branding.

Category: International Security

Strength: Strong

Proposed by: Khablakistan

Description: This resolution would support the creation of an International Security Agency (INSA) that would oversee operations such as refugee protection, Red Cross convoy escort, and the arrest and detainment of international criminals until trial.

The Agency would pursue and detain criminals such as international drug lords, war criminals, and other international felons.

This security force would consist of volunteers from all UN member nations.Illegal, attempts to create a UN military/police.

Category: Human Rights

Strength: Mild

Proposed by: Fluffy love muffins

Description: People who persist in a state of obese body mass for five years are to be physically forced not to eat, unless they can provide a valid medical reason why this should not happen. People will also be taxed in the usual way, but also in proportion to their body fat - a fat tax, so to speak.

this will strengthen the economy because obese people are unproductive workers.

in effect, this bill takes away a persons right to willingly let themselves be obese. also, being morbidly obese will become an imprisonable offence.There's no chance in hell that this could be considered to be correctly categorized.

Category: Gun Control

Decision: Relax

Proposed by: Plata tierras

Description: I propose that every nation of the world be given an equal amount of nuclear weaponry and the core destruct button to every one else's nuclear weapons.
With this, the world will be forced to live in harmony.
Or we will all die a horrible burning deathIllegal, miscategorized and contradicts #109.

Category: Education and Creativity

Area of Effect: Educational

Proposed by: Armil

Description: The teachers are well under pay so most of the teachers quit.So, what do you suggest we do about it?
Law Abiding Criminals
05-11-2007, 15:30
A proposal to repeal a previously passed resolution

Category: Repeal
Resolution: #24
Proposed by: Distant Thought

Description: UN Resolution #24: Metric System (Category: Free Trade; Strength: Strong) shall be struck out and rendered null and void.

Argument: So, I should have to be forced in to using one system? Surely, a nation should have the right to choose its own method of measurements over this one? We should be able to measure in whatever we feel is necessary for our nations needs!

Approvals: 22 (Distant Thought, Slaabovia, South Lorenya, Extremation, Great Atlantea, Ellenburg, WZ Forums, Gryfoonistan, Flibbleites, Berutica, Compulsoria, NewTexas, New Hope UN, DeathlyLlamas, States of Stephenson, Scott Tree, Ternalaria, Oxymorontopia, Amaranthine Asphodel, Sancte Michael, Worldia555, Nick Butler)

Status: Lacking Support (requires 89 more approvals)

Voting Ends: Tue Nov 6 2007

Sorry, we need something a little better than "National Sovereignty."

A resolution to ban, legalize, or encourage recreational drugs.

Category: Recreational Drug Use
Decision: Legalize
Proposed by: Klic

Description: The following resolution acknowledges that the personal use of naturally occurring psychedelic substances holds significant spiritual and religious potential so as to be condoned by the United Nations. This course of action will implement the decriminalization of personal possession of such substances. This measure does not condone the trafficking, sale, or trade of such substances, nor does it condone any financially beneficial endeavor which utilizes said substances.

For the purposes of this act, naturally occurring psychedelic substances shall refer to any mind altering substance which has not been acted upon chemically for the purpose of changing the nature of said substance.

Approvals: 5 (Berutica, Anderya, WZ Forums, Vrijdenker, Baggenna)

Status: Lacking Support (requires 106 more approvals)

Voting Ends: Wed Nov 7 2007

Decriminalize all psychedelic drugs, eh? Is the intent to get us all so stoned that we don't notice that this contradicts the UN Drug Act?

A resolution to legalize or outlaw gambling.

Category: Gambling
Legalize/Outlaw: Legalize
Proposed by: Edumen

Description: Gambling = Dealers = Business = Money

It's, win, win, win !!!

Approvals: 3 (Anderya, WZ Forums, Ellenburg)

Status: Lacking Support (requires 108 more approvals)

Voting Ends: Wed Nov 7 2007

Is this a proposal or a poorly-thought-out sales pitch?
05-11-2007, 16:11
Decriminalize all psychedelic drugs, eh? Is the intent to get us all so stoned that we don't notice that this contradicts the UN Drug Act?

Psst, that one has it's own thread (
Law Abiding Criminals
05-11-2007, 18:51
Psst, that one has it's own thread (

The thread's not on the front page, so it's easy to miss. Or at least it's not on the front page for me.
St Edmundan Antarctic
05-11-2007, 20:17
Public saftey
A resolution to tighten or relax gun control laws.

Category: Gun Control
Decision: Relax
Proposed by: Wee Free peeps

Description: As a responsible Goverment duty is to the welfare of its citizans. The inablity of Police and public safty personnel to provide 24hr secirty to every citizan. It is the proposale of the Wee Free Peeps that. Every Adult person residing in a country have the right to purchase arms for the purpose of self defence after passing an apratie gun traing and provinding that they have not found guilty of a crime that loses this right

The act will mandate that

1 Each Country will use the accepted legal defiton of Adult for there country.

2 Arms for this purpuse are pistols rifles machine guns submachine guns swords knives brass knuckles etc.

3 Training will consist of a minimum of gun saftey the legalitys of self defences as articulated in the Countrys legal code Insurace needs and background checks

Approvals: 3 (Norwedenland, The Dark Lord Menrok, Ostrom)

Status: Lacking Support (requires 108 more approvals)

Voting Ends: Thu Nov 8 2007

Illegal: Branding.

No Bullshit!
A resolution to restrict civil freedoms in the interest of moral decency.

Category: Moral Decency
Strength: Strong
Proposed by: MattosLand

Description: ACKNOWLEDGING that many people say stupid things and they are absolutely stupid and useless.
CONSIDERING this is unacceptable

The United Nations hereby bans all bullshit, lies, stupid or idiotic remarks made by any civilian in member states.

Approvals: 0

Status: Lacking Support (requires 111 more approvals)

Voting Ends: Thu Nov 8 2007

Apart from the fact that this probably contradicts at least one existing resolution on the subject of Free Speech, how the heck would it be enforced? Wouldn't a Strength several levels above 'Strong' really be more appropriate?!?

Anti-Terrorism Act
A resolution to improve world security by boosting police and military budgets.

Category: International Security
Strength: Significant
Proposed by: Buun

Description: WHEREAS there is too much terrorism in the world, the UN needs to step up and create a task-force dedicated to stopping terror.
IN order to do so, every UN country must contribute with fifteen percent of their army or, if lacking a standing army, ten percent of their population, towards an Anti-Terrorism task-force.
THIS would significantly reduce not only foreign but also domestic crime as well as create stronger ties between nations of the UN.

Approvals: 5 (WZ Forums, Nick Butler, Norwedenland, The Dark Lord Menrok, Fluffy love muffins)

Status: Lacking Support (requires 106 more approvals)

Voting Ends: Thu Nov 8 2007

Illegal: Creates a UN Army, and Bloody Stupid (for the line "or, if lacking a standing army, ten percent of their population"...)!
06-11-2007, 00:12
Category: Political Stability

Strength: Significant

Proposed by: Panda-town

Description: If you ever wanted to meet other delegates without having to go through a lot of regions, or if you wanted to help make some rules, you can with "The Group of Delegates". It works like this:
1. Any delegates that want to come to join one group.
2. Delegates can come and go as they please.
3. Any nation that was a delegate, joined and now isn't a delegate isn't allowed in unless they become the delegate again.
4. The Group of Delegates can enter rules that the other delegates can vote on. If it passes in, like a proposal, it is voted on by UN members.
I hope you like it.
Panda-townIllegal, branding and it appears to be nothing more than A regional advertisement.
Mehrunes Dagone
06-11-2007, 02:20
Illegal: Game Mechanics.

That one already has approx. half the endorsements required. Silly regional delegates voting for that, guess they're not up to speed
06-11-2007, 16:33
Category: The Furtherment of Democracy

Strength: Strong

Proposed by: Proprieters

Description: Nuclear power, or more specifically, nuclear weapons, has brought the inequality between nations of the world and the U.N. to Hypocrisy.

Those nations that are proficient in the manufacturing of nuclear weapons have much more influence than those nations that do not. Most of this influence is derived through fear of the event of using such weapons of mass destruction. But these weapons are never used due to the eminent reaction of nuclear winter, which would bring about the destruction of nearly all the world's population with the fall-out. It is foolish to have such authority due to the weapon that, if used, screw you over as well. And why the positive effects of the enrichment of uranium must be deprived of a nation because the nations that have used their uranium enriching programs to build weapons fear an adversary with the same destructive power they possess.
In the past, bans on nuclear weapons were enforced; but were met with treachery by the same nations that agreed to such a policy. As a result of every individual nation's irresponsibility to humanity, the problem is no longer getting rid of nuclear warheads, but giving them to nations. It is unfortunate that the U.N. must come to a weapon to assure every country has equal authority, but it will ensure we are truly united; under a blood-sealed pact ensuring that if one nation chooses to use such a weapon, all others will follow in suit.
This policy would ensure that:
• Nations wishing to join/remain in the U.N. would agree to this policy.
• The nation receiving the warhead did so understanding that it’s warhead, nor any other warhead will be used, it is merely to keep even perspective.
• The institution of nuclear war would be avoided, as all nations are equal in military aspect.

It only requires one (1) warhead of today’s capacity (100kt) to induce nuclear winter and dangerous effects caused by radiation. This policy would prevent such an end to humanity. I do believe that this should be this proposal's third strike.

Category: International Security

Strength: Strong

Proposed by: Transcorporate

Description: Over the course of Nationstates history many rouge nations have gained the power to destroy the world with nuclear or other military force.
To increase world safety the UN Delegate for each region would be declared the only member of that region allowed to have nuclear weapons.
All UN member nations would be required to send their Nuclear Weapons, WMDs, Aircraft carriers, 50% of their air-force and navy, and 10% of their army to the UN Delegate.
This would give the UN Delegates enough strength to control all of the rouge nations around the globe and put the power to destroy the planet into less peoples hands.Oh noes! not the rouge nations. Also, illegal, contradicts #109.

Category: Free Trade

Strength: Strong

Proposed by: Frennierstan

Description: In order to stimulate economic development in all member nations, I propose that UN nations have a permanent maximum tax rate between 15-20%. By leaving more funds in the hands of citizens, it would stimulate consumer spending, expand savings, and reduce debt.Illegal game mechanics.

Category: Repeal

Resolution: #6

Proposed by: Narogam

Description: UN Resolution #6: End slavery (Category: Human Rights; Strength: Significant) shall be struck out and rendered null and void.

Argument: Although the country of Narogam agrees that enslavement of another human being is wrong, this resolution not only fails to define what is and is not slavery, but has also attached riders to itself. It is not the UN's right to change another country's culture and way of doing business by attaching such riders as:

Rider #1: Giving people the ability to leave his/her job, given two weeks' notice
Rider #2: The right to travel freely throughout their country.

Rider #1 is just another attempt to control business in a foreign country when business should be the concern only of the country and those directly involved. How a country runs its businesses, and under what laws business shall be run, is the sole responsibility and right of the country itself, not the UN. This rider also does not define what is meant by a job, or whether it is a government related job or a civilian job. This rider gives an individual who has received training for a government/military related job the ability to decide not to deliver on the individuals obligation to its country after government funds have been spent on his training. In essence, the individual robs the government of the taxpayers' money. Therefore, I propose that the definition is unclear.

Rider #2 is not only unrelated and therefore irrelevant in context with the topic and main purpose of said resolution, but also implies that a person is able to walk right into a government restricted area, therefore compromising the security of the nation as a whole, as spies/terrorists would therefore have the same right to do so.

This resolution is also focusing on emotional appeal rather than justice and equality. It is using the stereotype that all slavery includes torture, chains, and whips. Though I agree that such methods are barbaric, I disagree with the resolution using the emotions, rather than logic and reasoning, of human beings. It is not the business of the UN to make others feel a specific way about another's situation. Doing so, in effect, limits that person's right to express themselves in any way they choose, including the right to choose sides in the issue of slavery.

I also propose that the definition of slavery is completely unclear and based on Civil War-type slavery. This is a stereotype that is common. The definition of slavery in this resolution is the result of the author's own biased opinion and misguided views. The author of this resolution does not say what is slavery and what is not slavery, thus countries are at the mercy of the UN, as the UN can change its definition of slavery at any given time. It could be argued that this resolution implies that civilian jobs are in effect a form of slavery that must be abolished.

All in all, as the purpose of this resolution is unclear and motivated from personal bias, I move to repeal this resolution.Illegal, branding.

Category: Global Disarmament

Strength: Mild

Proposed by: Ureshii Bakane

Description: NOTING that nations and regions go to war daily

Hereby proposes the creation of a UN Military Approval Council (the members to be decided on if the proposal passes)

The purpose of the council would be to only allow just wars with just causes

What the council will do is
1. A UN member nation will first ask a council member for permission to go to war
2. The council member will put the request up in the council's regional chat
3. The council members will vote on approval of the request
4. The request can only pass with a 65% approval
5. The member requested will respond to the requesting with a yes or no answer

The council region will be named UN Military Council

The region will be password protected

This bill only applies to UN nations, non-UN nations have full right to invade or defend as they please

One must not ask permission to retaliate and destroy offending nations or regionsIllegal, attempts to create a committee staffed by real people, attempts to regulate forum activity.

Category: Global Disarmament

Strength: Significant

Proposed by: Ureshii Bakane

Description: In this proposal, privateering means all piracy made 'legal' by letters of marque

This proposal hereby outlaws all privateering from UN nations, this includes encouraged piracy, terrorist attacks, and naval sabotage

Privateering is just piracy, please end it

Do not follow the US, who did not illegalize privateering for years after the majority of the world didIllegal, RL reference.
St Edmundan Antarctic
06-11-2007, 16:45
Trade with un countrys
A resolution to reduce barriers to free trade and commerce.

Category: Free Trade
Strength: Strong
Proposed by: Pyrohn

Description: only un member countrys can trade with each other in order to build up the ecomnomy in these countrys. which would not only bring in money for these counrtys but help the people of these nations.

Approvals: 2 (Corporate Taiwan, WZ Forums)

Status: Lacking Support (requires 109 more approvals)

Voting Ends: Fri Nov 9 2007

This proposal definitely does NOT belong in the 'Free Trade' category (or anywhere else, either, apart from the rubbish bin)...
06-11-2007, 16:46
This proposal definitely does NOT belong in the 'Free Trade' category (or anywhere else, either, apart from the rubbish bin)...

I was too distracted by the lack of capital letters to notice that.

By the way, has anyone else noticed that there's a lot of illegal proposals that haven't been deleted by the mods lately?
06-11-2007, 17:19
Category: The Furtherment of Democracy
Strength: Strong

Description: Nuclear power, or more specifically, nuclear weapons, has brought the inequality between nations of the world and the U.N. to Hypocrisy.

Those nations that are proficient in the manufacturing of nuclear weapons have much more influence than those nations that do not. Most of this influence is derived through fear of the event of using such weapons of mass destruction. But these weapons are never used due to the eminent reaction of nuclear winter, which would bring about the destruction of nearly all the world's population with the fall-out. It is foolish to have such authority due to the weapon that, if used, screw you over as well. And why the positive effects of the enrichment of uranium must be deprived of a nation because the nations that have used their uranium enriching programs to build weapons fear an adversary with the same destructive power they possess.
In the past, bans on nuclear weapons were enforced; but were met with treachery by the same nations that agreed to such a policy. As a result of every individual nation's irresponsibility to humanity, the problem is no longer getting rid of nuclear warheads, but giving them to nations. It is unfortunate that the U.N. must come to a weapon to assure every country has equal authority, but it will ensure we are truly united; under a blood-sealed pact ensuring that if one nation chooses to use such a weapon, all others will follow in suit.
This policy would ensure that:
• Nations wishing to join/remain in the U.N. would agree to this policy.
• The nation receiving the warhead did so understanding that it’s warhead, nor any other warhead will be used, it is merely to keep even perspective.
• The institution of nuclear war would be avoided, as all nations are equal in military aspect.

It only requires one (1) warhead of today’s capacity (100kt) to induce nuclear winter and dangerous effects caused by radiation. This policy would prevent such an end to humanity.

I seriously doubt giving each UN member a nuclear warhead would increase democratic freedoms
06-11-2007, 22:04
I seriously doubt giving each UN member a nuclear warhead would increase democratic freedoms

ironically, there is a school of thought in international relations that believes in this.... but I prefer your view saying that we should err on the side of caution and not test out this view. :)
07-11-2007, 00:19
I seriously doubt giving each UN member a nuclear warhead would increase democratic freedoms

What's really annoying about that one is that it won't go away. It's been submitted three times in three different categories and every time it's had the same problem, it flies in the face of Nuclear Armaments.

Category: International Security

Strength: Strong

Proposed by: Zorilla

Description: Whereas, on Nov. 7, 2007, a rural farmer from Tallacinimundastien spotted a small star which moved like a planet.

Whereas, after reporting this to government officials, Scientists discovered a new comet on a possible collision course with our world, which has been termed “Comet Tallacinimundastien,” the first ever extra-wordly threat.

Whereas, Scientists agree that this comet, which is coincidentally about the size of Tallacinimundastien, will wreak havoc if allowed to collide with our world; Scientists do not agree on the comet’s mass, trajectory, composition, or velocity; nor do Scientists agree on the effect that any collision may have; Scientist project that the date of collision wildly ranges between Jan 1, 2008 and Friday, Oct. 13, 2013.

Whereas, this United Nations, recognizing that our species and the other life on our world may be faced with extreme devastation or eminent extinction, desires to preserve ourselves and our friends.

Nowtherefore, the UN mandates the following actions from its member states:

Article 1
To assign top scientists to a newly formed Scientific Committee dedicated to identifying extra-worldly threats, including Comet Tallacinimundastien, and dedicated to developing technological solutions to eliminate or reduce such extra-wordly threats.

Article 2
To deliver, whenever a genuine extra-wordly threat is identified, sufficient industrial and military resources, proportional to each Member States economy and military, to implement any technological solution promulgated by the Scientific Committee to neutralize such genuine extra-wordly threat, such as Comet Tallacinimundastien.

Article 3
To solicit, whenever a genuine extra-wordly threat is identified, non-member states to readily contribute to this unified effort to defeat extra-wordly threats, especially the perilous Comet Tallacinimundastien.

HERTOFORE, we set our hand and our seal to enact this supreme resolution. Couldn't we just fire an I.G.N.O.R.E. cannon at the comet?

Category: Recreational Drug Use

Decision: Legalize

Proposed by: Politicallystoned

Description: Marijuana should be legalized everywhere. Furthermore, anyone in prison for a marijuana related offense should be set free.Illegal, contradicts UN Drug Act.

Category: International Security

Strength: Significant

Proposed by: Good old Communism

Description: I, Good old Communism, propose that the UN puts funding into making video game development companies to make their games more violent for the following reasons:

1. Desensitisation in case of war
2. Willingness to use violence against enemies
3. Willingness to defend the UN and its allies

A video game is defined as a game for the PC, PS3, Xbox 360, Nintendo Wii, Nintendo DS or PlayStation Portable. The game must at least be of quality to be sold in nationwide stores in any country.

The violence must be increased in the following ways:

1. Every game must feature a dismemberment system to dismember limbs.
2. Every game must have an unrealistic amount of blood to make a normal amount seem small.
3. Must feature at least 1000 Nazis per level.Illegal, branding, miscategorization, & RL references.
07-11-2007, 05:39
Category: Education and Creativity

Area of Effect: Educational

Proposed by: Ulkland

Description: UNDERSTANDING that atheism and evolution are taught in schools and are sciences.

COMMENDING attempts to teach youth new scientific theories.

POINTING OUT that Creationism is, in fact, a science and has much evidence to supporting it.

MANDATES that all schools must teach both scientific theories in order that all youth may get the full education they deserve. Illegal, contradicts UN Educational Aid Act.

Category: The Furtherment of Democracy

Strength: Significant

Proposed by: Capitalsim

Description: Us, the undersigned, do hereby resolve to recognize the advancment of the atrocity of Communist Dictatorships, and will take nessesary steps to prevent its spread.
These Nessesary steps will include, but will not be limited to,

1. The Monitoring of Communist Parties
2. The Monitoring of Communist Nations by the United Nations
3. Immigrations, trades, etfc. barriers against Communist Nations from Socialist, Capitalist, and Democratic nations
4. The monitoring of Communist Propoganda by the United Nations
5. The creation of an International Day of Anti-Communism

The United Nations shall, if passed, proceed to move into effect, some of the above suggestions. Idealogical ban?
07-11-2007, 23:11
Originally Posted by Defeating Extra-Wordly Threats
Category: International Security
Strength: Strong
Proposed by: Zorilla

Since this is my first proposal, and since I have read the UN Policy, I have to ask why this was deleted. The comment "Can't we just fire the I.G.N.O.R.E. cannon?" isn't very helpful. Is there rules against humor (did you catch it)? plot? story? Issues are written this way, why not UN proposals?
08-11-2007, 02:26
We Do Things Differently Here :-)

Also, as I said in the thread you started, Article 2 sounds too much like forming a UN-lead military for comfort.
08-11-2007, 02:26
I'm glad the proposal got deleted, I was worried my new satellite was going to be shot down. I claim the "Comet". Mine. Ect.
08-11-2007, 05:35
I'm glad the proposal got deleted, I was worried my new satellite was going to be shot down. I claim the "Comet". Mine. Ect.

Let me be the first to buy anything you extract or produce from your comet!!! :)
St Edmundan Antarctic
09-11-2007, 12:41
Page 1...

Destroy obesity
A resolution to restrict civil freedoms in the interest of moral decency.

Category: Moral Decency
Strength: Strong
Proposed by: Turdcough

Description: All persons overweight by more than 3 stone (or equivelent) should be sent to a mandatory weight loss camp until they have lost their excess weight.

Approvals: 18 (QuillOmega0, Panda-town, WZ Forums, Nick Butler, Weissborg, Grand Cavvus Islands, Blue Block, Mukkina Faso, Chickenstate, Gataconn, Take the damn name, Grawrland, Hostile Psychotics, ShuHan, Cob ville, Zuper dogs scout, Avda, Achangel)
Status: Lacking Support (requires 95 more approvals)
Voting Ends: Fri Nov 9 2007

Silly? Offensive? Use of a non-metric unit contradicts Resolution #24? Contradicts the 'Fair Sentencing Act'?

(Douria's repeal of 'Ban Slavery' seems, despite its misplaced apostrophes, to be legal.)

The poverty provention plan
A resolution to promote funding and the development of education and the arts.

Category: Education and Creativity
Area of Effect: Educational
Proposed by: Blababa

Description: Recognizing the direct link between education and multilateral problems. These problems include: world poverty, disease, disease prevention, security, technology, and trade.

Proposing steps to educate the world to facilitate trade, economic growth, and population growth.

1. The establishment of a world educating community, that shares knowledge to facilitate economic growth around the world.

2. The construction of a mass media distribution to all countries to increase literacy rates, and prevent ill advised dictatorships.

3. The production of a technology sharing program that established countries share technology, expediting small countries to establish trade

4. The banishment on non intelligent disease prevention funds. This will get money from the countries that are given money to prevent diseases like aids and use that money to establish an economic position where intelligence levels are aware of the diseases.

Approvals: 15 (WZ Forums, Jabu Jabu, Fruity Oat, Black Empire, Chickenstate, Babachuuka, Duane Maurer, Psycotia Island, Gataconn, Mukkina Faso, Buffolo ruairi, Charlotte Ryberg, Weissborg, GenLily, The FARC-EP)
Status: Lacking Support (requires 98 more approvals)
Voting Ends: Sat Nov 10 2007

Probably miscategorised; certainly not very clear about how it's supposed to work...

Minimum Democratic Standards
A resolution to increase democratic freedoms.

Category: The Furtherment of Democracy
Strength: Strong
Proposed by: Free Hanover

Description: A Resolution to fix a minimum of democratic rights in all UN member societies.

ACKNOWLEDGING that all UN member nations agree in the democratic decisions as political way of introducing new laws, rights and duties, this resolution wants to enforce a minimum democratic standard in each member state.

All member nations install the minimum democratic rights that are defined below.

The minimum democratic rights do not effect the constitutional type of a nation. These rights do also agree with a monarchy or anarchy. If a dictatorship is the will of people the basic rights will enable that, too. The UN has not the right nor power to change a type of government.

Now the definition of Basic democratic rights.
1. The will of people is given by regularly voting.
2. This voting includes the set-up of a kind of parliament, soviet or council. This voting can include the choice of a prime minister or comparable but this shall be optional to every state.
3. The voting includes control instances for the three fundamental powers within any state (a) judgement, (b) executive i.e. police forces and / or army; and (c) law preparing and deciding organs. Voting deals independently with each of this organs.
4. Each voting must offer a choice between at least two candidates.
5. Any circumstances that obey temporary different government (e.g. war, catastrophes) enable a short time deviation of this democratic rights. Nevertheless, any non-democratic government has to re-introduce the minimum democratic standards as soon as possible.
6. The active right to vote has to obey human rights values, i.e. equal treatment of men and women. A minimum age of voting is legal.
7. The passive right to vote (to be elected) has to be open for public and has to be transparent. National limitation (e.g. candidate must be native inhabitant) are allowed as long as law restriction is (a) public known, and (b) changeable by majority in voting procedure.

Approvals: 19 (Free Hanover, Fearsome attack, Buffolo ruairi, Ostrom, Babachuuka, Gataconn, Trotskyist Britian, Misplaced States, Ellenburg, Orchistan, Peddlers Pub, WZ Forums, Worldia555, Yacare, Northern Clivonia, The FARC-EP, Planologenland, Sancte Michael, Birkstantinopal)
Status: Lacking Support (requires 94 more approvals)
Voting Ends: Sat Nov 10 2007

Illegal, ideological ban.

Universal Conscription Ban Act
A resolution to slash worldwide military spending.

Category: Global Disarmament
Strength: Significant
Proposed by: Teleprompter

Description: To the honorable member-states and delegates of the United Nations,

Acknowledging the threatening rhetoric of tyrants prepared to advance harmless and needless wars.

Seeking to prevent violence from occurring between nations which could be solved by non-military methods.

Promoting world peace between nations by rebuking those who strive to enable the military industrial complex of each of the world's multifarious nations.

1. BANNING the noxious practice of conscription for all member states of the United Nations.

2. AUTHORIZING that a special UN panel be convened to oversee that this resolution is not violated, and granting said commission the authority to intervene militarily in countries violating this accord.

3. DEMONSTRATING that peace is not the absence of war, but the presence of a proper state of mind, this resolution promotes peaceful behavior by the abolishment of conscription, the dreaded instrument of war-mongerers in every corner of the globe, any nation practicing conscription shall be subject to economic sanctions from the UN.

In the name of the peace makers of the world.

Approvals: 10 (South Lorenya, Ellenburg, Yacare, WZ Forums, Charlotte Ryberg, Jed Scott, Saoradh, Jabu Jabu, Roseariea, Babachuuka)
Status: Lacking Support (requires 103 more approvals)
Voting Ends: Sun Nov 11 2007

Illegal, because it tries to give a UN agency powers of military intervention.

Page 2...

Committee on World Hunger
A resolution to improve worldwide human and civil rights.

Category: Human Rights
Strength: Strong
Proposed by: Mikelavista

Description: The world is becoming a dangerous place every day.

Millions of people are starving to death because of dictators who abuse their power and take all sorts of humanitarian shipments.

This committee, if set up, would regulate the flow of humanitarian supplies to countries where the people need it. They would make sure that the food, clothing, medicine, and other types of air end up in the hands of the people and not some evil dictator.

If countries do not comply, they shall be punished in a matter befitting the situation.

ACT NOW and dont let millions of people die because they can't get food or medicine.

Please vote for the Committee on World Hunger.

Approvals: 8 (Peddlers Pub, Ellenburg, Northern Clivonia, WZ Forums, Jed Scott, Bataaf, Jabu Jabu, Babachuuka)
Status: Lacking Support (requires 105 more approvals)
Voting Ends: Sun Nov 11 2007

If this actually does anything then that would seem to be restricting the ability of dictators to steal/redirect relief shipments: Is that really 'Human Rights', or shoould it be classified as 'Moral Decency' instead?

Outlaw Heresy
A resolution to restrict political freedoms in the interest of law and order.

Category: Political Stability
Strength: Strong
Proposed by: AndrewStewart

Description: It is bad for every country, and my lawyers are demanding that we prosecute anyone we find doing this.

Approvals: 1 (WZ Forums)
Status: Lacking Support (requires 112 more approvals)
Voting Ends: Sun Nov 11 2007

Illegal for category (should be 'Moral Decency'), and for contradiction of at least one existing Human Rights resolution... and possibly, due to its reference to "my lawyers", for branding as well?

Repeal "Passport Standardisation Act"
A proposal to repeal a previously passed resolution

Category: Repeal
Resolution: #226
Proposed by: Loony Toon Land

Description: UN Resolution #226: Passport Standardisation Act (Category: Political Stability; Strength: Mild) shall be struck out and rendered null and void.

Argument: This act is a clear violation of human rights. People wanting to enter the country, but unable to becuase of passport issues, are denied the right to live a prosperous life. With the repeal of this law, people can enter the country and live much better and fruitfull lives.

Approvals: 8 (Loony Toon Land, Krankor, Nag Ehgoeg, WZ Forums, Project Quantum Leap, Oxymorontopia, Scott Tree, Jabu Jabu)
Status: Lacking Support (requires 105 more approvals)
Voting Ends: Sun Nov 11 2007

Based on a faulty argument: Repeal of the PSA would actually make it easier, not harder, for governments to keep people out of their nations on an arbitrary basis...

The Great Stability Act 1
A resolution to restrict political freedoms in the interest of law and order.

Category: Political Stability
Strength: Strong
Proposed by: The Utopian Republic

Description: This is an act to id everyone in the country in interest of safety and security by the following ways:

1)Any person who is considered the suspect of a crime such as murder or rape is required to give up DNA to assist the investigation. There is no need for the approval of a judge.

2) Any speech that is considered dangerous to society: racist/hate speech, anti government speech, or speech promoting violence or sedition is to be punished by a minimum fine of $1000 to a maximum of three years in jail.

3)If one is a suspect in an illegal substance transportation, that suspect must have all posessisons searched, and all phone records surrendered. If found guilty, the country handles it in the appropiate way.

4)The right to bear arms is protected; however, anyone convicted of a felony may not obtain any weapons. Any illegal firearms found is considered attemptive murder and is jailed.

This act is guareenteee to stop any crime and its extensions are only in effect for five years, unless the governments who follow it want to keep it in effect.

Approvals: 4 (WZ Forums, Norwedenland, Ureshii Bakane, Cucumba)
Status: Lacking Support (requires 109 more approvals)
Voting Ends: Sun Nov 11 2007

Ilegal, because it contradicts the 'Fair Sentencing Act' (and probably one or more Human Rights resolutions as well).

Repeal "End slavery"
A proposal to repeal a previously passed resolution

Category: Repeal
Resolution: #6
Proposed by: Alba Scotland

Description: UN Resolution #6: End slavery (Category: Human Rights; Strength: Significant) shall be struck out and rendered null and void.

Argument: Reasons for the repealing of UNITED NATIONS RESOLUTION #6 'END SLAVERY'.

1) The resolution fails to define what exactly slavery is. Could a parent be classified as a 'slavedriver' for making their child wash dishes? Without a classification of slavery, the resolution is too broad to be fully forced.

2) "The right to leave her or his job, given two weeks' notice." This also is too broad. It fails to mention any specifics for contracted workers, full-time workers, on-call workers, part-time workers etc. For a contracted worker to be able to double-cross their employer with just "two weeks notice" does not seem fair nor logical.

3) "The right to travel freely throughout their country". Does this mean that we should be allowing every Tom, Dick and Harry who happens to be in work into our Embassys, our Governmental Buildings and our Army/Naval/Air Force Barracks and Camps.

4) "The right to bodily safety from one's employer." This again appears to be too broad. Certain professions require physical contact between an employee and employer. Where does the resolution draw the line between normal contact and something that could be deemed to breach "bodily safety"?

5) "The outlawing of the selling or purchasing of people." Once again this is too broad to be fully implemented. This resolution would mean the end to jobs such as Sportsperson, Exotic Dancer, Prostitute, Builder, Plumber, Technician etc.

The resolution is too broad and should not have been passed in the first place. Alba Scotland does not support "slavery" as it would be defined by most people, but this resolution lacks significant detail as to what exactly "slavery" is.

Approvals: 5 (Extremation, Ellenburg, WZ Forums, Invicible Burninator, Cucumba)
Status: Lacking Support (requires 108 more approvals)
Voting Ends: Sun Nov 11 2007

Illegal, branding.

Page 3...

Repeal "End slavery"
A proposal to repeal a previously passed resolution

Category: Repeal
Resolution: #6
Proposed by: Roma Neptuni

Description: UN Resolution #6: End slavery (Category: Human Rights; Strength: Significant) shall be struck out and rendered null and void.

Argument: Understanding the inherent apprehensiveness to slavery and acknowliding that the practice does present some human rights issues:

This resolution clearly infringes on each and every nation's inherent right to institute and/or ban cultural or economnic practices they deem fit.

Further, it is every nation's right to determine on its own how to treat their populace, and if slavery is deemed fit in that nation, then the practice should be allowed.

Concluding, what others deem as right cannot be forced upon any nation unless they come to that conclusion on their own. That is a nations greatest right: a choice. It thereby goes against the spirit of the UN and its original intent to ban slavery, and, therefore, passage of this resolution will result in the repeal of the formerly passed resolution 'End Slavery'.

Approvals: 8 (Roma Neptuni, Extremation, Ellenburg, WZ Forums, Babachuuka, Invicible Burninator, Cucumba, Birkstantinopal)
Status: Lacking Support (requires 105 more approvals)
Voting Ends: Sun Nov 11 2007

Illegal, relies on NatSov as its only argument.

A resolution to improve worldwide human and civil rights.

Category: Human Rights
Strength: Mild
Proposed by: Tormentfull

Description: the people should be able to all have one day to go out and pick a car and get it for a dollar. that way they can just get a taste of what it feels like when you have money and can buy things....then possibley they will goaout and get a job so they can have money to buy gas so they can drive their new cars....peace for all.

Approvals: 2 (WZ Forums, Birkstantinopal)
Status: Lacking Support (requires 111 more approvals)
Voting Ends: Mon Nov 12 2007

Silly. And isn't the use of 'dollar' effectively a RL reference?

Legalize Class C drugs
A resolution to ban, legalize, or encourage recreational drugs.

Category: Recreational Drug Use
Decision: Legalize
Proposed by: St Michel de Britannia

Description: A motion to legalize the use of class C drugs in particular Cannabis for medical purposes and recreational use.
The selling of all Class C should be treated in the same way as alcohol and tobacco with need of a license to do so. This should also include the production of such drugs within a controlled environment.

Approvals: 3 (St Michel de Britannia, Birkstantinopal, Ellenburg)
Status: Lacking Support (requires 110 more approvals)
Voting Ends: Mon Nov 12 2007

Illegal, for a RL reference (i.e. the "Class C" concept) and for contradiction of the UN Drug Act.

Ban Religion
A resolution to restrict civil freedoms in the interest of moral decency.

Category: Moral Decency
Strength: Strong
Proposed by: St Michel de Britannia

Description: A motion to ban all religion which imposes itself on others.
Religion is a hinderence when it comes to important resolutions and social freedoms like abortion and Alcohol.

Approvals: 1 (St Michel de Britannia)
Status: Lacking Support (requires 112 more approvals)
Voting Ends: Mon Nov 12 2007

Illegal, as an attempted ideological ban.

Ban Hip Hop and Rap music
A resolution to restrict civil freedoms in the interest of moral decency.

Category: Moral Decency
Strength: Mild
Proposed by: St Michel de Britannia

Description: This music sends out a bad message to people and overall it is crap!

Approvals: 2 (St Michel de Britannia, Extremation)
Status: Lacking Support (requires 111 more approvals)
Voting Ends: Mon Nov 12 2007

Illegal for RL references? Or has the existence of 'Rap' and 'Hip Hop' within the NS multiverse actually been established?

And that's the complete list considered...
10-11-2007, 06:34
Category: Environmental

Industry Affected: Uranium Mining

Proposed by: Rijia

Description: The United Nations,

Emphasizing that our current methods of powering society have drastic negative effects on the environment,

Further emphasizing that our current methods of powering society are non-renewable,

Aware of a new substance called "Anti-Matter" which is believed to be very rich in energy,

Confirming that one drop of Anti-Matter has the energy necessary to power New York City for a full week,

Noting with regret that even a gram of Anti-Matter possesses extreme destructive power, (1g= power of 60 kiloton bomb, size of bomb dropped on Hiroshima.)


1. Calls upon the brightest scientists to begin research on the possible uses of this startling new renewable substance;

2. Further invites the brightest scientists to begin research on the safety methods involved with preventing Anti-Matter from becoming a potential terrorist weapon;

3. Requests member nations of the UN to provide funding for
this new international project.

4. Condemns the notion that Anti-Matter ever be used for non-peaceful purposes.Illegal, RL references.
10-11-2007, 17:51
Category: Human Rights

Strength: Strong

Proposed by: Perpetuating Liberty

Description: Rights of the Children:

In recognition of the basic needs of children throughout the world, and in sympathizing with the underprivileged, poverty stricken, and unequipped families to which many children are born into, we, the members of the United Nations, hereby pass a resolution to uphold these basic needs, aid and enable the families unable to give their children proper care, and prevent any child being brought into the world with a future of only pain and suffering.
The following are articles written applying to all minors everywhere, and are to be followed in all circumstances:

Defines: Child and minor to be synonymous terms, referring to a human being 18 years of age or younger.

Part I: Basic Rights:

Recognizing several basic freedoms that all children should be entitled to, and in recognizing that no matter how basic, some areas of the world do not uphold them, the UN hereby passes Part I of Rights of the Children, to give children everywhere the basic needs they deserve.

Article I: All decisions made that may affect a child shall be made in the best interest of the child.

Article II: All children shall have the right to live.

Article III: All children shall have the right to express their opinions in matters regarding decisions that may affect them.

Article IV: All children whose rights have been violated shall be immediately taken from the way of harm and helped by the government to be rehabilitated and placed in a safe environment to be raised in a proper manner.

Article V: Should the laws of a country provide better care for a child than this Constitution, those laws should take precedence.
Category: Human Rights

Strength: Strong

Proposed by: Perpetuating Liberty

Description: Rights of the Children:

Part II: Political Rights:

Seeing to the fact that human beings develop physically as well as mentally, the UN hereby grants Part II of Rights of the Children’s request for a child’s life to be enriched with freedoms essential to not only their physical but also mental development, for the benefit of their lives in the world of tomorrow.

Article I: All children shall have the right to a name.

Article II: All children shall have freedom of religion.

Article III: All children shall have freedom of speech.

Article IV: All children shall have the right to read this document to know what they are entitled to.

Article V: All children shall have the right to obtain information regarding their health and well-being. Category: Human Rights

Strength: Strong

Proposed by: Perpetuating Liberty

Description: Rights of the Children:

Part III: Lifestyle and Environmental Rights:

In caring for the lives of children and with respect to the needs of children to be provided in their early lifetimes, the UN passes Part III of Rights of the Children to ensure a safe environment to grow, learn, and play in, in the spirit of virtue and prestige, so that they may grow to be true and just leaders, and give themselves to making the world a better place to live for all mankind.

Article I: All children have the right to a proper guardian.

Defines: Proper Guardian as a caretaker who is lacking in criminal record or has been fully rehabilitated for past crimes, who is both physically and mentally able to provide care, and who is willing and ready at all times to adhere to the basic needs of the child to a reasonable extent.

Article II: All children shall have available proper shelter.

Defines: Proper Shelter as a sturdy and stable structure surrounding its occupant from all sides with at least one available way leading in or out, containing within a healthy internal environment.

Article III: All children shall have the right to a healthy lifestyle.

Defines: Healthy Lifestyle as a way to maintain a functioning, able, and healthy body and mind in growth and development.

Article IV: All children shall have the right to proper nutrition.

Defines: Proper Nutrition as a healthy diet containing all necessary proportions of foods while not exceeding a healthy amount of these.

Article V: All children shall have the right to proper rest.

Defines: Proper Rest as a full night’s sleep of at least 8 hours or more depending on the unique conditions of the child.

Article VI: All children shall have the right to a proper education.

Defines: Proper Education as the recommended amount of schooling time each week varying by nation, with proper instituted teachers, with teacher to student ratios exceeding no more than 1:21, with healthy school buildings and adequate funding.

Article VII: All children shall have the right to a proper environment.

Defines: Proper Environment as substance free, toxin free, safe, clean, and comfortable places in which the child resides, plays, goes to school, and spends their time.

Article VIII: All children shall have the right to fun.

Defines: Fun as a time in which a child can enjoy his/herself in a proper environment with toys and various safe and fun objects to play with, and in this time child derives enjoyment and pleasure.

Article IX: No child shall be forced to perform unreasonable labor.

Defines: Unreasonable Labor as physical work in which the child has a high risk of being injured, which requires work hours depriving them of above Articles, or physical work which requires the child to spend long periods of time in an unhealthy environment.

Article X: No child shall be the subject of abuse.

Defines: Abuse as verbal slander or physical beatings that may hurt the child’s mental and/or physical health.

Article XI: No child shall be taken from his/her environment.

Article XII: No child shall be the victim on sexual exploitation.

Article XIV: No child shall be forced to bear arms and/or participate in military combat.

Written in hopes of a brighter future for children, for our future lies within the hearts, minds, and soles of our young. You know, if you can't fit everything you want to do into one proposal, you're trying to do too much.
The Eternal Kawaii
10-11-2007, 17:57
Originally Posted by Defeating Extra-Wordly Threats
Category: International Security

I'm glad this got shot down. For a moment there we thought it was a proposal to limit the length of UNGA speeches.
10-11-2007, 22:20
Anti Gays-right

A resolution to improve worldwide human and civil rights.

Category: Human Rights

Strength: Strong

Proposed by: Roumanika

Description: We must euthanassiate theese sheeps without master. Like Juda. I know that they are humans, but we must build a Gay Nation, just for leaving us alone.

Approvals: 0

Status: Lacking Support (requires 113 more approvals)

Voting Ends: Tue Nov 13 2007 Wrong category I guess...
11-11-2007, 06:19
Wrong category I guess...

Try "Grossly Offensive."

Category: Political Stability

Strength: Significant

Proposed by: Transcorporate

Description: Noting that there are many democratic nations around the world which belive democracy is the only way.
This bill would counter them by recognizing that whatever the government type the people could always rebel and therefore they are always incharge, considering in most nations the police and military are also the people.
Also noting that some dictatorships might be Libratarian rahter than Totalitarian and even grant more individual freedoms to their people then democratic nations. Along with noting that each person in a democratic nation may vote for what benefits them rather than what benefits socity.
Stating that the United Nations will pass no resolution condeming, banning or interfering in any form of government including dictatorships, democracies, republics, theocracies, monarchies, empires or anarchies.
If the nations people wnat to have a different form of government they can get it for themselves.Illegal, pure blocker.
11-11-2007, 23:52
Category: Environmental

Industry Affected: Automobile Manufacturing

Proposed by: Ynahteb

Description: Cars are a gas gussling, environmental nightmare.
If we were to get rid of cars we would also be promoting better health for our citizens, just think of how many car accents people get into.
Who's to say we wont upgrade our public tranpertation, so it's not like we wont be able to get around.
And just think how much MONEY YOU WOULD SAVE with out having to buy Gas.
They Are WAY TO MUCH of a THREAT TO ARE ENVIRONMENT! "Carr accents," is that what people on TV are using when all you can hear is "beep?"

Category: Social Justice

Strength: Mild

Proposed by: Franz IV

Description: Considering that each individual holds the fundamental right to happiness

And considering the fact that happiness may take the form of wealth

No Government has the right to stipulate income taxes that exceed 50%

No Government has the right to tax over this percentage without a vital/urgent reason (such as a War scenario)

Income taxes of 100& should be outlawed, as they hold no social justice: by taking all the money from the rich, the rich become the poor the government is trying to help.
Illegal, game mechanics.

Category: Education and Creativity

Area of Effect: Educational

Proposed by: Shivydom

Description: Shivydom proposes the highest quality education for every child. All nations should seek this, for the children of our nations are our future.
Similiarities to the "No Child Left Behind Act" may be significant. But however, where that law went wrong, I suggest that we run schools 365 days year. So that way we can assure the educations of our children today!

What I propose is:
1) Schools that provide the assistance that they may require. In all areas.
2) Private tutors paid for through the expense of the Education system, not the parent.
3) A more hands on interactive learning center, to make learning a little more self-paced.

Shivydom believes this would greatly improve education, and would save on educators from striking. Illegal, branding and contradicts UN Educational Aid Act.

Category: Repeal

Resolution: #227

Proposed by: Shivydom

Description: UN Resolution #227: Air Pollution Convention (Category: Environmental; Industry Affected: All Businesses) shall be struck out and rendered null and void.

Argument: Shivydom, finds this resolution to be biased. As the Nation that wrote this resolution hasn't looked hard enough at its own.Illegal, branding.

Category: Repeal

Resolution: #14

Proposed by: Jakuhai

Description: UN Resolution #14: CHILD LABOR (Category: Human Rights; Strength: Strong) shall be struck out and rendered null and void.

Argument: Making children work is immoral and wrong. Children should get to play and have fun. Also, if they had to work from dawn to dusk, they wouldn't be able to go to school and get a proper education. And then, what if they didn't know how to do something and did it wrong? I have a few examples:

1)If a child that worked in a kitchen didn't know how to turn off an oven, a fire would be the cause of it!

2)And what if a child was a waiter and a vegitarian ordered a #7, and the child didn't know what it was? He might bring back the meatiest thing on the menu!

Understand what I mean? Making a child work could be the worst thing possible to do for our natons!Has the author actually read the resolution they want to repeal?

Category: Social Justice

Strength: Strong

Proposed by: The Utopian Republic

Description: This act will create a committee of Socialist States that will act together to reduce income inequality and increase social welfare.

These countries will act together by proposing more acts that will redistribute wealth more fairly and provide better care for citizens.

It is not Anti-Capitalists, however, some capitalist ideas may be sacrificed for the acheivement of this goal. All countries are welcomed to join, but Socialists countries are encouraged more to join.If you want to create an organization to do that, you don't need the UN's approval.

Category: Social Justice

Strength: Strong

Proposed by: Arunsey

Description: There are many people on the world who do not make a living wage that they can live a decent life with or have a decent home on.

This Resultion will attempt to establish a fair working wage in each nation that is a member of the UN and have each nation ensure that all workers are payed this wage.Illegal, duplicates the UN Fair Wage Convention.

Category: Repeal

Resolution: #10

Proposed by: St Michel de Britannia

Description: UN Resolution #10: Stop privacy intrusion (Category: Human Rights; Strength: Strong) shall be struck out and rendered null and void.

Argument: In society today worrying things can be communicated through the mail, using the internet or simply using the phone. Without Government intervention in sone of these areas society would be chaos. Living in a big brother state can have its advantages. Without a certain degree of privacy intrusion terrorism and other acts of violence like organised crime and gang culture could not be stopped at the source, and instead would go ahead unhindered and without the police or other government organisation's know about. In this respect this resolution is completely insane and could in real life circumstances potentially cost thousands of people their lives as a lack of communication has already.A repeal so nice, they submitted it twice.
12-11-2007, 04:54
Hurray for resolutions that are broad beyond all sanity...Global Goods Trading

A resolution to reduce barriers to free trade and commerce.

Category: Free Trade

Strength: Strong

Proposed by: Nomaida

Description: A worldwide law allowing the trade of all goods excluding firearms and explosives between all countries and regions of the world, allowing even the smallest nation to receive exotic fruits, or to import foreign cars and goods from all around the Globe.

Approvals: 1 (Jabu Jabu)

Status: Lacking Support (requires 112 more approvals)

Voting Ends: Thu Nov 15 2007 I'm pretty sure that passing this resolution would result in convoys full of child porn and heroin crossing borders... It would be an interesting social experiment I guess, but I doubt it'd do much good.
12-11-2007, 05:39
Hurray for resolutions that are broad beyond all sanity...I'm pretty sure that passing this resolution would result in convoys full of child porn and heroin crossing borders... It would be an interesting social experiment I guess, but I doubt it'd do much good.
Actually, trade in child porn is prohibited under Child Pornography Prohibition.

Category: Political Stability

Strength: Significant

Proposed by: NSDAR

Description: This resolution will prevent frivolous international laws from being past that affect a nations control of its own economy.

1. The resolution will directly target international socialism by destroying a nations control over another nations labor and energy output.

2. This resolution will bring back the economic autonomy of the state.

3. Only in time of when a nation is harming another nation
can economic laws be passed.

Although the main theme of this resolution is a nations economic autonomy we still believe that it is a nations responsibility not to harm another nation by pollution.

13-11-2007, 16:55
Category: Moral Decency

Strength: Strong

Proposed by: St Michel de Britannia

Description: Religion is the cause of all that is evil in this world. It has caused several wars and alround stinks. Religion should be outlawed for the safety of our people and to ban the lunatics who believe in this rubbish!Illegal, contradicts Religious Tolerance, and idealogical ban.
13-11-2007, 22:59
Max Barry Celebration Day
A resolution to promote funding and the development of education and the arts.

Category: Education and Creativity
Area of Effect: Educational
Proposed by: Waggi

Description: In November of 2002 a man named Max Barry created a website that lets users make thier own nations........This is where we stand today.

This Document declares that every November 30 will be honored as an international holiday called Max Barry Day, in honor of the man who made and created this whole website.

Approvals: 7 (Waggi, Yacare, WZ Forums, Great Atlantea, Chickenstate, Norwedenland, Misplaced States)

Status: Lacking Support (requires 106 more approvals)

Voting Ends: Fri Nov 16 2007Whoa, deja vu! :eek:

It must have been the date of the celebration day that made the first proposal illegal, 'cause that's all that's been changed.
14-11-2007, 06:18
Category: Education and Creativity

Area of Effect: Educational

Proposed by: Manchestery

Description: That all more powerful nations give money to more struggling notions that wud go towered educationLooks like the author's nation could use some "mony."

Category: Human Rights

Strength: Strong

Proposed by: Vacatti

Description: The purpose of this resolution is to send a strong message that political freedom is important, and that "fringe" and possibly "terrorist" groups must be given room for speech as long as it does not interfere with the security of a given nation.

No nation shall have the reserved right to close down or shut a political organization without the express permission of the United Nations Political Group Watch, whose sole purpose will be to monitor extremist and or fringe group for signs of acts against humanity in the effort to get across a point politically and or religously.

The point of this bill is to protect the free expression of political viewpoint without the hinderance of government oversight. The free expression of a viewpoint must be allowed to occur in an open setting, free from opression and or violence towards the group.

On the other hand, the group must agree not to engage in activities that would intentionally harm or degrade the integrity or national security of a given nation.

Nations who participate in the active closing of political groups must be given stringent fines or sanctions. The hinderance of political expression is a crime against humanity and futhermore, a crime against the Nations of the World.

The Nation of Vacatti is prepared to announce this resolution on the floor of the UN should it be approved. Illegal, branding.

Category: Moral Decency

Strength: Significant

Proposed by: Zimbawes

Description: The oppressed peoples of Zimbawes believes and im sure does many other brilliant dictatorships that anyone that is unmoral should be taken care offIllegal, branding and contradicting Fair Sentencing Act.

Category: Repeal

Resolution: #6

Proposed by: Zimbawes

Description: UN Resolution #6: End slavery (Category: Human Rights; Strength: Significant) shall be struck out and rendered null and void.

Argument: The Opressed Republic of Zimbawes needs slaves to exists Illegal, branding.

Category: Global Disarmament

Strength: Significant

Proposed by: Germanvilla

Description: WE need to get rid of nuclear weapons so we do not destroy the world. It is imperative that we do this. My people can not go to sleep at night because of the fear of nuclear war with the Council of Chiefs. We must abolish this weapons of mass destruction.Illegal, contradicts Nuclear Armaments.

Category: Moral Decency

Strength: Strong

Proposed by: THE PROUD YOUNG

Description: Do to the recent issue on prostitution and the resent abolishment of the middle class I propose that we have government regulated prostitution. This will prevent the spread of std's and violence. There will be a set price for everything and the "workers" will be paid a set rate, the pimps that they currently have will have to yield to government regulations and will become smaller managers.With this passed will be able to trade this workers with other nations when needed this will help out the over all economy because it will be bringing in new business. Another benefit is that this will bring back the middle class which will make the gap between rich and poor less. We will get the money to pay these employees by raising taxes for the rich.The reason I know that this will be very profitable for everyone is because we have already started to do this and it has paid off really big for us.Illegal, duplicates The Sex Industry Worker Act. (and funnily enough, the next proposal in the list is a repeal of The Sex Industry Worker Act)
14-11-2007, 16:12
Category: Environmental

Industry Affected: Automobile Manufacturing

Proposed by: Vacatti

Description: The Solar Energy Act will require the abolition of all diesel and gasoline using vehicles and transit services replacing them with solar powered alternatives. This would not only save our enviroment, but it would also lower the effects of global warming. Solar Power utilizes the power of one of our greatest resources, that being the sun, and it eliminates the usage of costly resources such as petroleum and other fuel products.Category: Environmental

Industry Affected: All Businesses

Proposed by: Vacatti

Description: The purpose of this act is to eliminate the need of a traditional power grid, and replace it with that of solar panels. A Traditional power grid causes tax payers in many countries a huge burden, and in some situations makes electricity an unaffordable commodity. By utilizing solar panels everyone will have the benefit of electricity in their own homes while taking a strain off the consumer. Power Grids and power plants also put a strain on our enviroment through ecological pollution. Solar Power is safe, user friendly, and effective.

I propose that all nations be required to implement solar power for homes, business, making the traditional power grids and power plants irrelevant, and useless, thus saving our enviorment from undue pollution. Gah! It's like Promotion of Solar Panels is back, only worse.

Category: Moral Decency

Strength: Strong

Proposed by: Vacatti

Description: This resolution would make abortions a crime except in the case of the life of the mother is in question.

This resolution would be binding for all member nations.Illegal. contradicts Abortion Legality Convention.
14-11-2007, 19:18
Delegate Protection Act

A resolution to improve world security by boosting police and military budgets.

Category: International Security

Strength: Strong

Proposed by: Vacatti

Description: This resolution would provide for the protection of all UN delegates physically and financially. Any nation who willfully kills another delegate will be subject to severe sanctioning and possibly banishment from the United Nations.

This resolution would create an agency that would oversee the protection of all delegates. And give a budget increase to current funds delegated to Delegate security, a boost of 36%
Meta-gaming. Game mechanics.
Genocide Act

A resolution to improve worldwide human and civil rights.

Category: Human Rights

Strength: Strong

Proposed by: Vacatti

Description: This resolution would make Genocide a crime worthy of invasion. If a nation commits an act of national genocide then they will be brought before the UN Security Council and promptly "invaded" by peace keepers who will find together, an alternative government or whatever the solution need be, to end the Genocide.

This resolution would effect every member nation as Genocide is abhorrent and should be avoided at all costs. Human life is a valuable commodity and must not be sacrificed for any political cause no matter how attractive or lucrative.
We don't have a Security Council and this appears to violate the No UN Army rule.
Annual ROCK the UN Concert

A resolution to promote funding and the development of education and the arts.

Category: Education and Creativity

Area of Effect: Artistic

Proposed by: Vacatti

Description: This resolution would set for annual rock concert performed by the top rock n' roll artists in order to raise money for charitable causes determined by the UN World Body.

ROCK the UN would be a concert that could accommodate 1,000,000 people in the physical audience, and a viewing audience of virtually the entire world.

A vote for this resolution is a vote for the worthy causes of the world.

Thanks, Vacatti
17-11-2007, 01:45
Category: Repeal

Resolution: #174

Proposed by: Genis-Vel

Description: UN Resolution #174: Orbital Space Safety Act (Category: Environmental; Industry Affected: All Businesses) shall be struck out and rendered null and void.

Argument: After reading through this for the first time I have concluded this is not a UN problem.
This is more of a problem for those nations who have had contact and are interacting with this area of space.
I am proposing that we instead make a sepreate union for those nations who have caused this problem and they fix this.
I am not a space concerned leader nor is my nation, but yes I am concerned with other nations space ships landing on my house, but I am not going to pay out so you can fix your own problems. I say this because the UN Resolution "urges all UN antions to work together to clean up unidentifiable and/or small debris currently in orbital space..." This is no issue of mine I am not helping I will leave the union before I am paying to protect my nation from UN members and there exploits gone wrong. This resolution also fails to bring into light just what are the responsibilites of UN nations who did not create this problem. Repeal this "SPACE SAFETY ACT".
Later Day.sApparently the people of Genis-Vel have never heard the expression "what goes up, must come down."

Category: Human Rights

Strength: Mild

Proposed by: Thracedon

Description: A motion to return the repealed resolution on sexual freedom. Sexual relations between a pair of consenting adults, of any gender, race or creed, should be regulated by no force outside their own will. Illegal, you cannot repeal a repeal.

Category: Moral Decency

Strength: Strong

Proposed by: Piedmont57769

Description: homosexuality is an atrocity, making it acceptable is a suicide attempt for all human kind. if we allow our people to believe that partnership among these heretics is okay children will cease to be born and STD statistics will soar to uncontrollable levels. what i am proposing ladies and gentlemen is that we strip homosexual individuals of their rights and punish them in public to show that we are not weak and that our only wish is the continuation of humankind.:rolleyes:
17-11-2007, 04:02
Illegal, you cannot repeal a repeal.
Technically, he's not. He's reintroducing it with a back reference. Since it actually is still on the books (though struck out), it's legal. Just really poor form is all.
17-11-2007, 04:10
Technically, he's not. He's reintroducing it with a back reference. Since it actually is still on the books (though struck out), it's legal. Just really poor form is all.It would be legal, were it not for that pesky Sexual Privacy Act, which the new proposal in part duplicates and in part contradicts.
17-11-2007, 06:54
Technically, he's not. He's reintroducing it with a back reference. Since it actually is still on the books (though struck out), it's legal. Just really poor form is all.

In that case, wouldn't that constitute a House of Cards violation?

ategory: Moral Decency

Strength: Mild

Proposed by: Amteris

Description: The proposal for a United Nations Endorsed act that creates Laws and Punishments for Political Parties,Countries,People that use Racist Language in order to discriminate against othersIllegal, contradicts Fair Sentencing Act.

Category: Environmental

Industry Affected: Automobile Manufacturing

Proposed by: Southern Hoen

Description: As the word is threatened by global warming, very few countries are doing anything about it. Many countries worry that by limiting pollution their economy will drop. There are many more pros then their are cons.


1. More types of fuel can be developed which can provide many more job opportunities, and make everyday life easier.

2. Natural habitats will not be harmed. Today there is an increasing demand for all natural, and non farm raised products, by preserving habitats people can get what they want.

3. Natural resources will be preserved, and crop production will increase due to the healthy clean water.

4. Companies will flourish, prices to package their products will decrease.

5. The shipping business can improve, by using Eco-friendly cars and other vehicles costs of fuel will decrease.

How will it work.

1. Every year mayor business will be forced to make a 5% cut back on emissions.

2. All cars must be hybrid.

3. Governments must put at least 15% of taxes into developing Eco-friendly products, such as cleaner fuel types, cleaner energies, Etc.

4. All NEW public areas should have Geothermal heating.

5. Power companies must begin to develop cleaner energy plants, such as geothermal, wind power, and hydro electric.

6. Restriction must be placed on the development of natural habitats, and the collection of natural resources.

7. Biodegradeable items, such as food scraps must be placed in compost bins.

8. All recyclable products must be placed in recycle bins, by not doing so both public, and private areas are subjected to a fine, the equivalent of 100 Dollars.

9. Rain barrels should be used to collect water flow from gutters, and use that water to flush toilets, clean clothes, and water plants.

Improving the word might sound like a very tough thing, and having business might suffer, BUT ITS EVEN MORE DIFFICULT TO BUILD A NEW EARTH.Illegal, Clause 8 contradicts Fair Sentencing Act, and by reading what this affects, it should probably be listed as "All Businesses."
17-11-2007, 16:12
I guess your nation wanted have some fun. . .I hope.
18-11-2007, 06:23
Category: Repeal

Resolution: #227

Proposed by: Manchestery

Description: UN Resolution #227: Air Pollution Convention (Category: Environmental; Industry Affected: All Businesses) shall be struck out and rendered null and void.

Argument: Globul Warming is not a relly thret rite naw. so we shud us the time afektivlyIt's time to play everybodies favorite game, "Count the Misspelled Words!"

Category: Human Rights

Strength: Strong

Proposed by: Atlantidum

Description: The trafficking of human beings is the recruitment, transportation, transfer, harboring or receipt of people for the purpose of exploitation. Trafficking involves a process of using illicit means such as: threat use of force, coercion, abduction, fraud, deception, the abuse of power or of a position of vulnerability or the giving or receiving of payments or benefits to achieve the consent of having control over another person, for the purpose of exploitation.
Exploitation includes forcing people into prostitution or other forms of sexual exploitation, forced labour or services, slavery or practices similar to slavery, servitude or the removal of organs. For children exploitation may include also, illicit international adoption, trafficking for early marriage, recruitment as child soldiers, for begging or for sports (such as child camel jockeys or football players), or for recruitment for religious cults.

So I call upon governments to:

a) Take all appropriate measures to eliminate demand for trafficked women and girls for all forms of exploitation;

b) Criminalize trafficking in persons, especially women and girls, in all its forms and to condemn and penalize traffickers and intermediaries, while ensuring protection and assistance to the victims of trafficking with full respect for their human rights; and

c) Adopt or strengthen and enforce legislative or other measures, such as educational, social and cultural measures, including through bilateral and multilateral cooperation, to deter exploiters and eliminate the demand that fosters trafficking of women and girls for all forms of exploitation;Don't we already have a resolution on human trafficking?

This next one I've got to go through clause by clause.
Category: Political Stability

Strength: Significant

Proposed by: The People of the D

Description: This resolution would limit the powers of the UN in order to ensure individual nations' rights and improve relations with non-UN nations.

This Proposal would limit the UN's power in the following ways:Oh look, it's a blocker, we're already into illegal territory.

1. The UN cannot lawfully enter or invade any nation, UN or Non, without permission from said nation or just cause. Just cause in this case is that the nation in question is failing to follow UN protocol(UN nations only); or making itself a threat to the UN or any of it's nations.The UN can't invade anyone anyway, we don't and can't have a military.

2. The UN may not gather Intel or use any other surveillance techniques against any nation, UN or Non, with out just cause. Here, just cause is defined as a perceived threat against the UN or one of it's nations; or the suspicion of a UN nation failing to follow UN protocol.I knew those Gnomes were up to something sneaky.

3. The UN must recognize and allow all traditional and cultural acts within any Nation UN or Non; however, if a practice within a UN nation severely breeches UN protocol, the UN may make steps of stopping said action.In other words, nations can do what they want, unless the UN says you can't. Isn't that pretty much the way it works already?

4. UN resolutions apply to UN nations and UN nations alone; furthermore, the UN must recognize the freedom of Non-UN nations to exercise their government however they see fit. Well of course they do, that's written into the code of the game.:rolleyes:

Category: Moral Decency

Strength: Mild

Proposed by: Cassanick

Description: The United Nations,

Acknowledging that many couples and individuals find it difficult to conceive a child in the traditional way, and resort to donated gametes (i.e. sperm and eggs).

Acknowledging that many young persons supplement their income by donating their gametes to these couples and individuals.

Noting that incest is condemned throughout the world.

Concerned that incest may unwittingly be committed by those conceived vis-a-vis gamete donations.

1. REQUIRES UN member nations to limit the amount of gamete donations a person can make to 8.

2. ADVISES member states to require persons conceived from gamete donations hoping to conceive a child to undergo testing to assure they are not related to their significant other.

3. SETS the minimum payment to those donating gametes at 100 US dollars or the regional equivalent thereof.

4. STRIVES to prevent crime against nature from occuring.You know, with the populations of some of the nations in the game, is this really a problem?

Category: Political Stability

Strength: Mild

Proposed by: Milk Ranch

Description: 1)On Feb. 29,2008-March 6,2008 there will be a Political Summit for all UN nations to Attend in Capit-al, Milk Ranch.
2)The Purpose of this is to futher peace and create healthy relationships between nations and regions.
3)To help promote Safety of all nations and to promote the universal well-being of all nations.Illegal, branding.
The Most Glorious Hack
18-11-2007, 07:35
It's time to play everybodies favorite game, "Count the Misspelled Words!"Wow... almost has to be intentional with that many...
19-11-2007, 01:34
Category: Education and Creativity

Area of Effect: Educational

Proposed by: Faxanavia

Description: SIGHTING the lack of proper uses of grammar and punctuation in many pieces of proposed UN legislation;

RECOGNIZING that the UN is a professional and noble institution, which should not be marred by such abhorrences
of language;

WE DO HEREBY RESOLVE that all peoples, nations, and other such governing bodies who are constrained by UN legislation, shall promote the teachings of the following:

-Succinct and clear use of grammar and punctuation in any and all official UN documentation.

-Correct and clear use of spelling in whichever language any and all UN documentation may appear in.

-Correct and clear use of capitalization in any and all official UN Documentation

With these actions, we will hope that such actions shall cease to be an unsightly blight upon otherwise important UN documentation.Gee, I wonder what this could be in response to.:rolleyes: Not that it matters as it's illegal.

Category: Education and Creativity

Area of Effect: Educational

Proposed by: Smythetoria

Description: We need to have more education for children. Our children are dying because they are DUMB!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We need more schools and a wider range of classes. This will keep our children from being complete IDIOTS!!!!!!!!!

Thank YouWon't someone please think of the children!

Category: Environmental

Industry Affected: Automobile Manufacturing

Proposed by: Shiloba

Description: Every nation in the world is in an environmental crisis. Global warming causes the climate to heat, and the planet is being destroyed. The aspect that contributes to this the most, is cars.

They're emissions are destroying the planet as we speak. The Republic of Shiloba thinks governments should supply (or at least sell) hybrid, and other energy efficient cars, just as much as ordinary cars.

Perhaps some nations could even offer citizens free cars. This may require funding, and it may be a hard job, but it is an investment for every single person on the globe. The actions we take now, may save generations in 100 years.

Nations need to take care of environment, care for other more, and fund to green research. Illegal, branding.

Category: Education and Creativity

Area of Effect: Educational

Proposed by: Paragus

Description: SEEING that the quality of grammar in United Nations members and non-members alike is on the decline (One need only read the "Repeal 'Rights of Minorities and Women'" proposal for an example.).

The Technocracy of Paragus PROPOSES a substantial increase in funding for education, particularly in the linguistic arts, for UN Member Nations.

CONSIDERING the different financial situation of each individual nation, the increase does not have to be immediate, but rather incremental over the next TEN YEARS, allowing each nation the autonomy they rightly deserve in the decision making process.

This proposal is also written in the hopes, should it be ratified by this great assembly of nations, that it will inspire Non-Member nations to do the same, and that our children, and their children's children will reap the benefits of a good quality education.Someone doesn't understand Glog's caveman status. Oh, and I almost didn't notice the branding in this one.

Category: Global Disarmament

Strength: Strong

Proposed by: The Soviets club

Description: This proposal is that lately in the past few months nations have been making too many military grade weopons, and it is good!!!!, i say that everybody should be given an amount of money to make more nuclear and military weopons.

So i propose this and i hope that u members and delagates from the United Nations will give this enough votes for this to become a resalution. Plus i think everyoune should be able to make weopons to protect their nation and their region. So please aprove this proposal.You want to give people money for weapons using a "Global Disarmament" proposal?
19-11-2007, 05:38
Originally Posted by More Education for Children
Category: Education and Creativity

Area of Effect: Educational

Proposed by: Smythetoria

Description: We need to have more education for children. Our children are dying because they are DUMB!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We need more schools and a wider range of classes. This will keep our children from being complete IDIOTS!!!!!!!!!

Thank You
So turning them into partial idiots is ok?
Law Abiding Criminals
19-11-2007, 19:28
A resolution to restrict political freedoms in the interest of law and order.

Category: Political Stability
Strength: Strong
Proposed by: Voyles

Description: To ensure that all nations are secure and are not in constant warfare we need to ensure all nations have a political police force. The job of this police force will be to keep peace and ensure the wishes of the government is carried out to the letter of the law.

Approvals: 4 (Voyles, WZ Forums, Weissborg, Mukkina Faso)

Status: Lacking Support (requires 109 more approvals)

Voting Ends: Wed Nov 21 2007

Because we all know that a regular police force isn't strong enough - it has to be a political police force.

A proposal to repeal a previously passed resolution

Category: Repeal
Resolution: #4
Proposed by: New Hope UN

Description: UN Resolution #4: UN taxation ban (Category: Social Justice; Strength: Significant) shall be struck out and rendered null and void.

Argument: This is a pointless resolution and should be struck down as such.

The UN can only raise taxes via resolution and thus they could only get tax raising power by resolution. They have no authority within our nations other than that from another resolution (which would be binding despite this resolution). Thus we do not need a resolution banning the UN from taxing us.

In fact, this resolution implies that they do have rights to interfere with individual nations without a resolution. Thus, it actually strengths the UN, and lessens individual nations right, the exact opposite of it's intention.

The UN has no authority other than it's resolution and this Resolution must go.

Approvals: 1 (New Hope UN)

Status: Lacking Support (requires 112 more approvals)

Voting Ends: Thu Nov 22 2007

Wait, what?
20-11-2007, 04:55
Category: Human Rights
Strength: Significant
Proposed by: Cassanick

Description: The United Nations

Acknowledging that its member nations differ in their definitions of the age of majority.

Respecting the set age of majority of its constituent states.

Protecting and enriching the rights of those serving in the military services of its member states.

Acknowledging that some activities associated with majority (e.g. consumption of alcohol and tobacco, gambling, voting, and car rental) are banned in some of its member states.

Acknowledging that the age of majority is defined differently in different nations, cultures, and religions.

Respecting the right of member states to not allow voting, consumption of alcohol and tobacco, gambling, car rental, or any other activity associated with the age of majority.

1. REQUIRES its member states to standardize their ages of majority at the age at which one is required or able to join the military.

2. REQUIRES its member states to permit all activities associated with majority that are already legal to be legal at the age of military service.

3. STRESSES that its member states will not be required to legalize any of the above mentioned activities, but only to standardize the ones that are legal at the age of military service.

4. STRESSES that its member states will not be forced to all have the same age of majority.
So not my fault.

Category: International Security
Strength: Significant
Proposed by: Davidwr99

Description: We need to have International Standardized Passports. This way it will be much harder if not impossible to Counterfeit a Passport. Also Every nation can have a database with every Passport carry person in it so as to be able to determine whether or not someone should be admitted into your country. This would make travel much easier and safer. It would also help to deter International terrorism.
Don't we have one of these already?

Category: Recreational Drug Use
Decision: Outlaw
Proposed by: Super awsomeland

Description: We need to take the drugs off the streets, and we can only do that by banning it from cities.we can not possibly stand for pot-heads running streets.
Illegal, contravenes UN Drug Act

Category: Free Trade
Strength: Strong
Proposed by: Nuceler Russians

Description: PROPOSING: To break the barriers preventing certain items from being traded and the to allow companies to manufacture want.

SUGGESTING: That Free Trade and reducing commerce limits would be extreamly good for a nation's economy.Also the furhterment of cmmerce would increase a nation's money very well.

EXPELLING: The barriers and limitations of commerce and trade through-out the world.

RECIGNIZING: That items that are ilegal in one nation could be traded to that nation and cause maney laws to be broken.However the economy will increase.

CONFIRMING: That drugs,weapons,supplies,etc. will all be avalible for trade.

DENIEING: All enviormental meathods wich might be attempted to use in the resulution.

CONCLUDING: That free trade and the furtherment of commerce will increase a nation's economy and possibly it's cival rights.

Nuceler Russians: Head Invader of The 2nd Generation Invading foce of The UnitedStates of America 2.

ROTFLMAO: At the catalogue of abysmal spelling mistakes.
NOTING: That this conflicts with multiple resolutions.
OBSERVING: The blatant branding.
CONCLUDES: That this is illegal.

Category: Political Stability
Strength: Significant
Proposed by: Crimson and Gold

Description: To ensure political stability in the event of a catastrophic event such as war, plague, or nuclear fallout.
To prevent anarchy from reigning supreme in a time of crisis.
To promote safe politics.
We the people of the United Nations resolve to establish the office of the Governor General to temporarily assume control of a nation within the Untied Nations, or to assume control of the Untied Nations itself in a time of Global Catastrophe.

On a National Level:
1. The Governor General will take part on the day to day politics of the nation in an effort to prepare for the unthinkable.
2. The Governor General will assume emergency control of the nation until a new leader is selected upon the leaders death.
3. The Governor General will be elected from among the people, to ensure the prevention of corruption in his/her selection.
4. The Governor General CAN NOT declare war.

On a Global Level within the UN:
1. The Governor General will make visits to the nations within the UN to familiarize himself/herself with the workings of the various nations.
2. The Governor General will be in charge of a Review Comitee in order to prevent corruption.
3. The Governor General will be elected by the regional delegates.
4. The Governor General CAN NOT declare war.
Illegal, game mechanics. I'm also slightly boggled by the idea of the Governor General personally visiting thousands of nations to see how they work. The jet lag must be a killer.

Category: Education and Creativity
Area of Effect: Educational
Proposed by: NSDAR

Description: The aim of the school must be to give the pupil, beginning with the first sign of intelligence, a grasp of the nation of the State (through the study of civic affairs). We demand the education of gifted children of poor parents, whatever their class or occupation, at the expense of the State.

It will be required that the State give proper education of gifted children in matters of politics and culture.

This act will ensure that our future is secure!
It will also conflict with UNEAA, as usual.
20-11-2007, 17:53
Category: Repeal

Resolution: #4

Proposed by: Waggi

Description: UN Resolution #4: UN taxation ban (Category: Social Justice; Strength: Significant) shall be struck out and rendered null and void.

Argument: This Resolution Lacks substance. If retained it has the possibility to be abused due to the lack of depth that is ill fitting with the ideals of the UN.

If a Taxation ban is required then another resolution can be passed with a better formulation of ideas. Just because the idea in itself is a good one doesn't mean that we should be happy with a substandard resolution on the issue.Substandard? How do you make it better than it is now?
21-11-2007, 01:24
Category: Repeal

Resolution: #90

Proposed by: Dasburgerstan

Description: UN Resolution #90: Tsunami Warning System (Category: International Security; Strength: Mild) shall be struck out and rendered null and void.

Argument: tectonc activities are very hard to predict. This means that it would be difficult to apply a warning system for earthquakes.

that is allSince when do we have to predict earthquakes to be able to predict tsunamis?

Category: Free Trade

Strength: Strong

Proposed by: Central roman africa

Description: 1)There is no need for passports
2)There are not taxes on other nations products
3)All nations must trade
4)Every product has a set price
5)Food transport is free
6)All company's are run by commities
7)There are set guidelines which all products have to meet:rolleyes:

Category: Repeal

Resolution: #19

Proposed by: The Master of Mankind

Description: UN Resolution #19: Religious Tolerance (Category: Human Rights; Strength: Significant) shall be struck out and rendered null and void.

Argument: Fellow members of the United Nations, I urge you to repeal this resolution.

The UN exists to prevent war and genocide, and to serve as a forum for communication between nations. It does not exist to "support and promote a greater understanding
of all religions and promote more tolerance of differences of religion." This resolution tacks on a meaningless duty that only forces the UN to spread itself so thin it becomes impotent.

Furthermore, we must recognize that there are clear differences between religions, and that not all religions are equal. Some form of Satanism that advocates torturing and killing thousands of people should not be tolerated and should not be considered in the same way as a peaceful religion.

Finally, it is not the duty of the UN to specifically oppose all wars fought in God's name. If Crusaders or Jihadis are waging a war to topple a genocidal regime, I contend that it is the duty of the UN to support these religious fighters.

PLEASE BE REASONABLE! REPEAL THIS RESOLUTION!Psst, forum formatting codes don't work in proposals.
21-11-2007, 17:41
Category: Human Rights

Strength: Significant

Proposed by: Foolands

Description: The author:

REALISES, that child labour should be defined as the forciful act upon children that they should do hard labour without being paid.

HOWEVER, reasonable payment for a child's services (with the child's agreement and, or parents' agreement) does not constitute child labour unless it is for illegal activities such as prostitution and drug trafficking.

HEREBY suggests that the United Nations allow children to work based on the suggestions above, so that the economy can be developed, and that children can gain experience should they choose to work. Illegal, contradicts Child Labor.

Category: Social Justice

Strength: Strong

Proposed by: Kyrsakastan

Description: All citizens of a UN member nationstate will have the same income tax percentage regardless of the citizens income.

That nationstate can decide the income tax percent.Illegal, contradicts Representation in Taxation.

Category: International Security

Strength: Strong

Proposed by: Rutherford Hayes

Description: We should encourage the breeding of bears and their use in warfare. It has always been proven that bears are better for policing than humans. This is due to their incredibly violent tendencies. They do not hesitate to kill their enemies.Stephen Colbert is screaming in terror at the thought of this.

Category: Human Rights

Strength: Strong

Proposed by: Torkaria

Description: Basic Argument:
Child labor is defined as the act of employing a child under a set work age to work for a corporation. Child Labor has been frowned upon as well have those who practiced it. The UN has done little to prevent it, however. It is a cruel act that shows a complete disrespect for human life. The children are paid below minimum wage and are often kept in basements and in-humane conditions. If passed, this resolution would ban child labor and penalize all who practice it. The details of the resolution are as follows:

Article 1: Penalties for Child Labor
Any companies who are found to be practicing child labor or are endorsing it will be subject to a fine and will be forced to go before a UN court. Also, if the child(ren) have been taken from a family without their consent, than the company who took these children must pay a set amount to the family in addition to the standard fine. If the child(ren) are wounded in any way, the company must pay for the medical bills. If they are unable to pay these fines than they will have to send a set amount of their GDP to a UN fine fund which will then distribute the money to the families of the worked children.

Article 2: Exceptions
A country may only use child labor under the following circumstances:

1. They have a special UN permit

2. They pay the children at or above minimum wage

3. The children and their families must agree to the employment

4. They either provide adequate housing and basic necessities or send the children back home after the work day was done

5. The level and hardship of the work is to be determined by a child's age and abilities
( for example, no 7 year old children hauling mining carts)

6. The children must be older than 10 years old

Any violation of the above rules will result in an immediate cancelation of the permit and the necessary fines and punishments will be implemented.
Illegal, duplicates/contradicts Child Labor.

Category: Repeal

Resolution: #21

Proposed by: Snyderland

Description: UN Resolution #21: Fair trial (Category: Human Rights; Strength: Mild) shall be struck out and rendered null and void.

Argument: In the intrest of national sovereignty, Snyderland proposes this resolution to repeal UN resolution #21, "Fair Trial".The UN should not override any system of justice already set up by UN members. Also, this resolution does not state what a "fair trial" is. Illegal, branding.

Category: Repeal

Resolution: #91

Proposed by: Pasong Tirad

Description: UN Resolution #91: The Sex Industry Worker Act (Category: Free Trade; Strength: Significant) shall be struck out and rendered null and void.

Argument: "1. DECLARES prostitution legal throughout the UN: any person who is mature ,and capable of making their own decisions may become a prostitute."

Whereas hundreds of Nations fight hard to stop prostitution everyday.

"2. EMPHASIZES that legalizing prostitution must coincide with regulation from the government, such as health and safety and other employment legislation, just like any other profession."

Whereas we must not help promote the legalization of prostitution to UN Nations.

"3. RECOMMENDS nations that want to limit prostitution to tackle the issue by its roots and create education and social programs that will give more choice to people who might want to become a prostitute."

Whereas we must not let people choose were they to be a prostitute or not.

"4. REQUESTS all nations to stimulate a clean and attractive working environment for prostitutes, and advises cooperation with the sex industry to renovate old "illegal" prostitution areas in towns and cities."

Whereas prostitution must stay illegal throughout UN nations even through all precautionary measures the said UN nation may or may not partake.

"5. CONDEMNS child abuse and slavery in accordance with earlier UN resolutions (End slavery, Child Labor, Outlaw Pedophilia, The Child Protection Act, Ban Trafficking in Persons, etc) and advises strong punishments against people involved with these despicable crimes that explicitly are not covered by legal prostitution."

Whereas, if prostitution were legal then the said UN Nation would not be able to handle the prostitution throughout his/her said UN Nation.

To summarize the repeal, proposing the destruction of prostitution in the sex businesses and industrial laws in the prostitution business. Illegal, includes new legislation in the repeal.
21-11-2007, 23:01
Originally Posted by Bears Are Awesome
Category: International Security

Strength: Strong

Proposed by: Rutherford Hayes

Description: We should encourage the breeding of bears and their use in warfare. It has always been proven that bears are better for policing than humans. This is due to their incredibly violent tendencies. They do not hesitate to kill their enemies.

ummm even if this were true, you do realize that you are encouraging potential enemies to take up a weapon that they may use against you? We strongly discourage any to follow the above suggestions. We know for a fact that this technique is not better, our multi-billion dollar and multi-generational military bear training industry can attest that it is far too expensive an industry to get into. The experts have spoken, please do not get into this very lucrative industry that does not work. (lol)
22-11-2007, 01:19
Category: Environmental

Industry Affected: All Businesses

Proposed by: Mandalakia

Description: It is well known that penguins are the favorite creature of 87% of the world population. Their extinction would bring to tears billions of metro sexual men, small children, and insignificant women. That is why we must save penguins. The water level is already rising and if 87% of the world begins to cry, the water will inundate us all.
This resolution will create a special team of scientists to aid and study penguins. These scientists will help to breed penguins in captivity and release them into the wild. Also created will be a team of quick response special weapons and tactics professionals (SWAT team) that will fly in to any area in which Penguin Harassment is reported and eliminate the criminals.
Please, People of planet Earth, we need to save ourselves and the only way is to save the penguins. Illegal, attempts to create a UN SWAT team (which should fall under the "No UN Army" rule).

Category: The Furtherment of Democracy

Strength: Significant

Proposed by: Warbler and Pecker

Description: The Constitutional Monarchy of Warbler and Pecker proposes the following UN bill in preparation for it to become an act.

It relates to the combined strength and will of the UN and its nations whilst ensuring guaranteed protection and ample support.

Under the current circumstances of international security it is deemed that certain nations are more at risk than others of unprovoked attacks and terrorist actions.

Act 1) The UN should enforce peace keeping initiatives upon all of its nations whereby every nation is obliged to supply at least 20% of its military in times of need where the UN sees justification for the need of peace keeping troops.

Act 2) Furthermore, when peace keeping troops are sent into a country it should follow that in the result of being fired upon the troops may return fire in a co-ordinated way regardless of who shot at them, resulting in the attackers attempting to retreat the UN will decide as to whether or not the said attacker is to be retained as a prisoner or to be shot. If the attackers choose to turn their backs upon the UN troops then UN troops may continue to shoot provided they do not shoot at vital spots, this means that they can kneecap those who were the first to engage them.

Act 3) If any UN nation should go to war with a non-UN nation then the UN will supply a task force of at least 5% of the total UN forces strength in support of this said UN nation, provided:

i) They have clear and honest justification for the War

ii) An impartial nation is in support of the act of war (this can be a Un nation).

iii) The UN nation has specifically asked for UN assistance.

Act 4) UN troops may fire first in any said situation provided it is deemed necessary if:

i)The situation appears hostile.

ii) They are in a volatile area.

iii) Later the incident is reviewed by a co-ordinated panel of the UN to ensure the action was justified accordingly.

Act 5) The UN may use nuclear weapons on certain targets when several UN nations are attacked by one rogue state in quick succession. This is to be the last resort possible; but under a majority vote of UN nations it will be deemed acceptable to allow this, especially upon extremely aggressive targets.

Act 6) Any nation, whether UN or not that is found to be committing Genocide or "Ethnic Cleansing" is to be immediately attacked by all UN nations in a co-ordinated effort whereby the culprits are to be tried under the correct war crimes acts. If found guilty the culprits are to be executed or locked away for life accordingly and that country is to be governed under international law by the UN nations that got involved. It is imperative for all nations to supply 1% of their country's income in a collective way so that the affected country can re-cooperate.

Thus completes the proposed bill for ensuring that UN nations have ample support and guaranteed support from each other.Illegal, branding, attempts to create a UN army, and probably more that I missed.
Iron Felix
22-11-2007, 18:32
Ban Space Territory Claims

A resolution to slash worldwide military spending.

Category: Global Disarmament

Strength: Significant

Proposed by: Yarallstupid

Description: The United Nations,

CONCERNED with the increasing claims of Space ownership by UN nations;

WORRIED with the possibility of wars being fought for the above reason;

NOTING that the terms that follow only apply to the Earth's orbit;

HEREBY declares that a limit of 5 kilometers of altitude is set to any UN nation airspace, being the area above defined as International Space.
A lot of FT nations won't be pleased with this. Also, would "earth" be an RL reference?
Industrial Aid

A resolution to develop industry around the world.

Category: Advancement of Industry

Area of Effect: Tort Reform

Proposed by: Peso_lover

Description: Recognizes: That not all nations and regions are equal in industrial terms.

Asks: That Regional members help other nations advance their industrial capabilities. Other more advanced, member nations will help other nations achieve modern industrial levels equal or greater to a standard set by the UN.

Result: All nations in a region will be close to or equal to each other in terms of industrial power.
Mentions regions. Game mechanics and meta-gaming.
Crime Overkill

A resolution to improve world security by boosting police and military budgets.

Category: International Security

Strength: Significant

Proposed by: Tspenguinland

Description: I am proposing to the UN that it be mandatory to have a defense budget requirement of 50 billion of whatever currency for all countries with populations over 300 million. This would make sure that criminals of all kinds will think about what they're about to do before they start any trouble, as well as keep terrorism and wars at a halt.
Game mechanics.
Establishment of the GI DCS

A resolution to reduce barriers to free trade and commerce.

Category: Free Trade

Strength: Mild

Proposed by: D Hael


ACCOUNTING THAT, a fiscal system akin to the Gold Standard holds countries responsible for currency factoring, and;

ADMITTING THAT, many fair nations necessitate an accountability to high inflation rates which a multi-lateral standard would stabilize immediately and with lasting effects, and;

ACCUSING THAT, too many nations reflect a spiraling trend towards debt to independent, economically powerful nations, and;

DULY NOTING THAT, a global credit standard still allows for nationally unique tender while unifying the international market and providing a facilitator for inflation on a multi-national level, therefore resolving;

May these United Nations here assembled provide a framework for a Global and International Digital Credit Standard, or D.C.S.. This calls for wealthy nations and poor alike to have a lateral fiscal medium to be used in large-scale transactions and the international market. In order to hold nations and corporations responsible for their wealth, this system must be created to instill overall stability to our domestic and foreign investments. The GI-D.C.S. mandates that all countries affixed to the U.N. immediately credit all circulating currency. This system will put D.C.S. exchange rates to a global mean, sequentially stabilizing the market within a D' Haelian One-Decade.
Global Climate Change Act

A resolution to increase the quality of the world's environment, at the expense of industry.

Category: Environmental

Industry Affected: All Businesses

Proposed by: Juntina

Description: Article 1:
(Basic Overview)

STATING that Global Climate Change is well, global, and that each and every UN member should take part as a planet to save the earth.

UNDERSTANDING that this will be a hard task and will take a while to find a solution.

DECLARING that this is a state of emergency for all countries. Therefore, all countries of the UN should be involved.

SUGGESTING that scientists from each and every nation should be put to work as a group to come up with alternative fuels, as well as groups to come around all nations and help promote recycling.

Article 2:
(What we will do)

IF this is all true, then all nations under this act will have to do the following:

HAVE recycling mandatory in there nations by the end of 2008.

CREATE financial support for all Thrift and Second Hand shops thought there nations to compile with recycling purposes.

Article 3:
(Some disturbing and intresting facts)

ONE plastic bottle, if recycled, can power a computer for up to 25 minutes.

BY recycling only half of your household waste, you can save around 2,400 pounds of carbon monoxide a year alone.

THE worst fire seasons in America have been happening in later years: 2000, 2002, 2004, 2005, and 2006.

Article 4:
(Final Statement)

ALTHOUGH some of these ideas may be extreme, global climate change is effecting and killing many of the species on this earth, and will most definitely hurt our species as well in the long run if global warming keeps going at these rapid rates as it is now.

GLOBAL climate change must be stopped, and if the most extreme measures can be used to stop it, then so be it.
America=RL reference.
Fact or Consensus Act

A resolution to promote funding and the development of education and the arts.

Category: Education and Creativity

Area of Effect: Educational

Proposed by: Allatoona

Description: The UN should not concern itself with scientific theories that are based off a concensus. It is irresponsible that the UN should make any resolution about something it is not sure about.

examples being: Gum getting rid of plaque, Global Warming, Clones having souls, etc...
Repeal "Ban Single-Hulled Tankers"

A proposal to repeal a previously passed resolution

Category: Repeal

Resolution: #11

Proposed by: New-Arizona

Description: UN Resolution #11: Ban Single-Hulled Tankers (Category: Environmental; Industry Affected: All Businesses) shall be struck out and rendered null and void.

Argument: Acknowledging that the environment is important

Stressing the point that economy is the basis of a good country

1 Demands a repeal of resolution 11 since it damages Automobile and other industy sectors, the basis of economy

2 Demands that the economy be strengthened and that the environment be helped another way
Article 2 attempts to introduce new legislation in a repeal.
Declaration of Vegetarianism

A resolution to increase the quality of the world's environment, at the expense of industry.

Category: Environmental

Industry Affected: All Businesses

Proposed by: Chom Sky

Description: The environmental impact of meat eating is unacceptable and can be ameliorated through the universal adoption of vegetarianism. According to the Worldwatch Institute, if one in ten meals was meatless enough land, water and energy would be freed to adequately feed 40 million people.
RL reference.
Human Population Control

A resolution to restrict civil freedoms in the interest of moral decency.

Category: Moral Decency

Strength: Strong

Proposed by: Bulleville

Description: Is it moral and ethical to allow those who have less financial resources to have as many children as they want?

The costs of raising a child in this world are increasing exponentially each year. Each child deserves to have a full and happy childhood, without having to compete against siblings if their parents lack the money to fully provide for all their children equal.

I propose that laws be created to limit the number of children people can have according to their annual income. We should divide the world's people into groups of the rich, the average and the poor. The rich may have up to 4 children, the average may have up to 2 children, and the poor may only have 1 child. If a family breaks these's laws, their youngest child will be taken and placed in foster care or in a government or privately funded orphanage. If a family's financial status changes for the better, they may ask for their children back. If it changes for the worse, the youngest child will be forcibly taken and placed in foster care.

The result: strong, happy families that don't have to go without. Also, in the long run, the human population will gradually decrease as the average person will only be having 2 children. This means we can stop creating new suburbs, and save rain forests or other natural treasures. These laws will be fair to all countries because the divides between rich, average and poor will be unique to each nation, but with emphasis on the average people making up at least 70% of the population.
Embargo against fascist regime

A resolution to improve worldwide human and civil rights.

Category: Human Rights

Strength: Strong

Proposed by: Barhar

Description: Since human rights are universial and all humans born equal in rights and dignity, we cannot stand how certain oppressive regimes treat their people and establish systems of exploitation, oppression and violence. Fascism is the nowadays nemesis of all free people around the globe, and it is not acceptable to support such states openly by freely trading with them. Those countries should be frowned upon and their regimes weakened by isolating them and hit them at their vital spot.

Thus the United Nations proclaim a trade embargo against all fascist regimes, to let their economical systems implode and collapse.
Silly. Also doesn't specify the extent of the embargo so I'll assume it includes medicine, thus contradicting earlier legislation.
Repeal "Air Pollution Convention"

A proposal to repeal a previously passed resolution

Category: Repeal

Resolution: #227

Proposed by: Cardinal Ximenez

Description: UN Resolution #227: Air Pollution Convention (Category: Environmental; Industry Affected: All Businesses) shall be struck out and rendered null and void.

Argument: I, Cardinal Ximenez of the Holy Spanish Inquisition, request that Resolution #227, "Air Pollution Convention", should be declared null and void. *TWO declarations*

The reasoning behind this request is that the United Nations Environmental Agency is a body that clearly interferes with the free running of sovereign governments, who are deemed to do whatever is best for their citizens and businesses. For instance, article 4 mandates "the creation and maintenance of monitoring stations in member nations". This could be clearly used by spies within the UN or second, I mean, third parties to access sensitive information about the monitored nation.

Furthermore, under the guise of "transboundary" air pollution, the clear intent of this resolution is to damage large businesses in UN nations. If the intention of this act is to monitor the aforesaid "transboundary" pollution, why must the monitoring stations be created within the borders of the states? Polluting industries may be so far away from other nation boundaries as to make these "transboundary" pollution negligible.

It is for this reason, I mean *TWO reasons* that Cardinal Ximenez requests this act to be repealed.

However, Cardinal Ximenez acknowledges that willing UN nations may act on their own interests towards nations which they consider to be harming their environment and their air quality. The UN, however, should not take such steps as to restrict their own members' freedom to do as they please within their own borders, even if it means damaging their livelihood.

So that's THREE reasons why this resolution should be declared void. Then I can continue burning what I want, when I want, who I want. Raise the stakes, fellow Cardinals!
Global warming is a myth

A resolution to develop industry around the world.

Category: Advancement of Industry

Area of Effect: Environmental Deregulation

Proposed by: Sinigaglio

Description: Automobile industry leaders upset about losing the nobel peace prize (Nominated for largest most wasteful vehicle ever--following their invention of the Hummer Limo) to Al Gore for his work on Global warming have gained popular support and petitioned the UN to declare that Global Warming is a myth and repeal all carbon emission regulation. CEO of Toyota-Dodge, Matsui Ford, was quoted in support of the resolution: "Even if we are wrong whats the worst that could happen? The whole world becomes a tropical paradise? Global warming is a ok in my book."
RL reference.
Repeal "End slavery"

A proposal to repeal a previously passed resolution

Category: Repeal

Resolution: #6

Proposed by: Randyworld

Description: UN Resolution #6: End slavery (Category: Human Rights; Strength: Significant) shall be struck out and rendered null and void.

Argument: The Home page of NationStates states:

NationStates is a free nation simulation game. Build a nation and run it according to your own warped political ideals. Create a Utopian paradise for society's less fortunate or a totalitarian corporate police state. Care for your people or deliberately oppress them. Join the United Nations or remain a rogue state. It's really up to you.

#1. Run it according to your own warped political ideals.

#2. Care for your people or deliberately oppress them.

#3. It's really up to you.

Every nation has the right to run their nation according to their own choices.

Just because the world in reality has adopted this, we don't have to.
Meta-gaming. RL reference.
The Most Glorious Hack
23-11-2007, 05:04
Also, would "earth" be an RL reference?Nope.
23-11-2007, 17:26
Category: Environmental

Industry Affected: All Businesses

Proposed by: Vacatti

Description: The purpose of this act is to remove the poisonous building material of Abestos from our homes and from our buildings so that the Children will not be at risk.

REALIZING that Abestos poisoning causes increased risk of lung cancer, brain cancer, thyroid cancer and problems in the adrenal glands and the thyroid glands causing increased risk of liver failure and lung collapse due to the exposure over a period of time to Abestos poisoning which can occur after being exposed to the abestos used in the lining of a home or business.

ESTABLISHING that something must be done to protect the people of the world.

RECOGNIZING the problem so that we can implement the solution.

REALIZING that if this goes uncorrected, we could be looking at one of the biggest percentages of lung cancer victims in the history of our world.

ESTABLISHING the necessity of other building products to assure the complete removal of Abestos from all buildings.

IMPLEMENTING sweeping changes, and requiring all business and homes to undergo significant renovation to remove poisonous abestos lining in the homes.

REALIZING that the individual governments will need to be provided with subsidies so that they can fund this massive undertaking

REQUIRING that all member nations adhere to this legislation strictly.

UNDERSTANDING that if this Act is not passed, we the United Nations are allowing our citizens to contract lung cancer and a variety of maladies that cause our healthcare to be the laughingstock of the entire world.

UNDERSTANDING that the failure to pass this legislation shows that we do not care for the safety and well being of the people of this world.I think they mean asbestos.

Category: Education and Creativity

Area of Effect: Educational

Proposed by: Uranium rich lands

Description: The purpose of this resolution is to encourage the use of technology in education, especially in under developed countries.

RECOGNIZING The use of the Internet can greatly increase opportunity for the worlds poor.

ASKING That each country make it tax deductible for a citizen to use money to donate to this important cause. I love the irony of typos in educational resolutions.
Iron Felix
23-11-2007, 18:10
Equal Wage Act

A resolution to reduce income inequality and increase basic welfare.

Category: Social Justice

Strength: Significant

Proposed by: Vacatti

Description: This Act proposes to ensure that people are paid the same wage, not discriminated upon because of gender or race.

RECOGNIZING the right to work of every individual human being regardless of race, gender, sexuality

REALIZING that every has the right to fair treatment in the workplace

RECOGNIZING that unfair wages creates a hostile and negative workplace enviroment for people across the globe.

ESTABLISHING that everyone should earn comparatively same wages based on the job catagory that they work in taking into account experience and work ethic.
Contradicts UN Fair Wage Convention.
23-11-2007, 19:17
<<Embargo against fascist regime>>


Silly. Also doesn't specify the extent of the embargo so I'll assume it includes medicine, thus contradicting earlier legislation.

It is sad that you do not comprehend the logic behind an embargo. Indeed embargos go for all ware exchange and trade in services, etc. What should be silly about it?

I have to assume that in your logic the UN itself and its members are unable to stop market activity and should not, in your eyes.

This may be your own point of view, but sadly the resolution has disappeared before voting ended. What has happened? If it was claimed illegal? And why was I not informed?

Yours sincerly, the free people of Barhar
Iron Felix
23-11-2007, 23:07
Children Illicit Drug Act

A resolution to ban, legalize, or encourage recreational drugs.

Category: Recreational Drug Use

Decision: Outlaw

Proposed by: Vacatti

Description: The purpose of this bill is to outlaw the usage of illicit drugs by children in the school setting.

RECOGNIZING that some nations have allowed for the free use of marijjuana, cocaine, lsd and various psychotropic and hallucinogenic drugs to be freely distributed.

REALIZING that children must never be allowed access to these drugs in a school setting.

RECOGNIZING the effects of psychotropic and hallucinogenic and drugs with the specific purpose of creating a "high" can cause death in most cases when given to children.

UNDERSTANDING that it is the duty of the United Nations to effectively outlaw the usage of drugs in a school enviroment where learning and the discovery of knowledge should take first precedence, not the exploration of illicit drug usage.

UNDERSTANDING that failure to pass this bill is equivalent to handing a death certificate to all the children of the world with the words Drug User written on it. That the usage of drugs by children must not occur on school property.

RECOGNIZING the right of parents to control home enviroments and that countries have allowed for drug usage in the home.

REALIZING that the purpose and scope of this bill is only to outlaw drugs within a school setting.
Contradicts UN Drug Act.
Workplace Drug Usage Act

A resolution to ban, legalize, or encourage recreational drugs.

Category: Recreational Drug Use

Decision: Outlaw

Proposed by: Vacatti

Description: The purpose of this act is to make readily apparent that the usage of drugs in a workplace must not occur because it creates a negative work enviroment, can cause death to other in a healthcare setting, and death to others in a law enforcement setting.

UNDERSTANDS the right that some countries have given to its citizens to use and utilize drugs freely as they please.

RECOGNIZES the effects of drugs in the workplace as a negative deterrent to workplace productivity. In the long term, workplace productivity determines profitability. And the inability to create a profit can and often results in bankruptcy which results in the closing of business in question.

UNDERSTANDING that in the following professions especially, drug usage could be lethal and must be outlawed

I. Healthcare Profession: Physcians, nurses, medial personnel cannot be allowed to use drugs. They are in constant contact with patients and must not be allowed to be under a psychological cloud when treating patients as it can create a risk of death or significant injury to the patient.

II. Law Enforcement Profession: Police officers, investigators, detectives, SWAT officers, and all members that are in the capacity to suspend rights of a citizen must not be under the usage of drugs while in the workplace. It can possibly even create a significant risk to life and limb.

III. Military Profession: Soldiers, Sailors, Marines, Officers, enlisted, all people in the military profession cannot be under drug effects while on the job as it can also create signficant risk of death or loss of limb.

REALIZING that there have been enough injuries while on the job because of the usage of recreational drugs while working.

REALIZING that employers must be held accountable for allowing drug usage while on the job. That significant penalties must be in place, including:

A. Fines
B. Arrest
C. Closure

In order to combat recreational drug usage while on the workplace. It is critical and important that we all grasp the dangers that this poses.

UNDERSTANDING that if the United Nations fails to pass this legislation, we are merely condoning workplace violence in the form of shootings, rapes, murders and assaults, that we are condoning a loss of productivity resulting in industry closures, unemployment, and loss of financial property. Condoning the loss of life due to workplace error. We must not be the ones that condone these things.
Contradicts UN Drug Act.
The Right to Education Act

A resolution to promote funding and the development of education and the arts.

Category: Education and Creativity

Area of Effect: Educational

Proposed by: Vacatti

Description: The purpose of this act is to ensure that every child can attend a school of his or her choosing. That every child has the right to attend a school free of governmental bias and cultural racism.

UNDERSTANDING the fundamental importance of education within our society. That every child deserves the ability to attend a school.

REALIZING that in the current situation, some countries do not provide education for their children. That some countries do not make education a priority, allowing special education students to fall in between the cracks.

ESTABLISHING that every nation must provide unbiased and complete education to every child that asks for it. That every nation must make education a top priority.

ESTABLISHING that every child deserves to attend a school that can provide a top quality foundation for life and that every child must be given top quality education.

ESTABLISHING that every country must provide an unbiased educational system portraying facts free from cultural and ethnical and political biases.

ESTABLISHING That every child must be prepared for life in the real world through hands on experience and quality testing.

URGING the passing of this legislation as it affirms the right to education by every child in this world. That every child has the right to the best education available

PROVIDING every nation that needs it, subsidies so that they can make education a top priority all the way from elementary school to the university years.

UNDERSTANDING that the instillment of educational motivation is critical in the early years of pre-adolescent education. And the education system must provide motivation for success through dynamic and hands on lessons that every cild can grasp based on his or her learning style.

URGING that this legislation be passed, so that we can see a generation rise forth of educated people that are able to make a significant difference in our world.

UNDERSTANDING that the children of today, are the leaders of our world tommorow. Our caregivers when we are feeble and old in assistive care facilities.
Contradicts UN Educational Aid Act.
End Slavery

A resolution to improve worldwide human and civil rights.

Category: Human Rights

Strength: Strong

Proposed by: Ingorland

Description: This resolution is inadequate for today’s times.

If a worker is paid weekly they should be allowed to give a weeks notice and the same if paid daily. The resolution is too specific on this issue.

The employer has rights as well, not to be used and abused by their employees. The resolution only recognises the employee.

Selling of people, what about sports people on contracts; what if they want to be sold they can earn money from it. They should have the freedom to choose. The resolution needs to recognise the modern working contract.

The resolution does not take account of slavery in marriage through arranged marriages.

The resolution does not cover slavery of children forced to work for little or nothing by their families.

Repeal UN Resolution #6, "End Slavery"

The Government of Ingorland advocates a new resolution reaffirming the rights of all people to be free from slavery. A resolution that encompasses all aspects of work, leisure and family life.

A new resolution, without infringing on a nations sovereignty and culture but recognising the modern requirements and changes of attitude, will lead to better human rights and a world with more freedom.

William Pitt.
Minister for Region and UN Affairs.
Grand Duchy of Ingorland.
Repeal "No Embargoes on Medicine"

A proposal to repeal a previously passed resolution

Category: Repeal

Resolution: #33

Proposed by: Barhar

Description: UN Resolution #33: No Embargoes on Medicine (Category: Human Rights; Strength: Significant) shall be struck out and rendered null and void.

Argument: This resolution interferes too strongly into internal affairs of every nation. If a seperatist group starts a rebellion and murders the innocent and is then attacked by the government it should not be supported by other nations to endanger the nations stability. There should either be a total acceptance of every nations integrity or none at all, no grey zones please.

Since such a non-embargo policy offends every nations integrity it should be repealed at once.
Illegal. NatSov can't be the sole argument in a repeal.
International Army

A resolution to improve world security by boosting police and military budgets.

Category: International Security

Strength: Strong

Proposed by: Torkaria

Description: In the interest of international security, I propose that and international army be made. This army would be funded by all the countries in the world. If a country could not afford to fund it, they would not have to. The army would comprise of soldiers and equipment from every country could is willing to take some of its national army and give it to the international army. This army would do the following things:

1) In the event of a terrorist attack, the International Army would work with world leaders and national armies to assist in finding and eliminating the terrorists.

2) If a war comes to light that threatens global security, the International Army will come and participate in that war.

3) If any national army request additional forces to fight a war that the International Army is not currently fighting in, than the International Army may send reinforcements to aid the national army.

4) If the International Army grows big enough, important politicians may be allowed to hire International Army members to escort them or to protect them.
Violates the "no UN army" rule.
Repeal "Rights and Duties of UN States"

A proposal to repeal a previously passed resolution

Category: Repeal

Resolution: #49

Proposed by: Barhar

Description: UN Resolution #49: Rights and Duties of UN States (Category: Political Stability; Strength: Significant) shall be struck out and rendered null and void.

Argument: These defined laws and responsibilities interfere with resolution #22, especially Section 1 Article 2. So either repeal this resolution here or #22, else we have a unsolvable paradoxon. So more likely repeal #22 instead.
How the heck does Rights and Duties of UN States interfere with Outlaw Pedophilia?
Repeal "Metric System "

A proposal to repeal a previously passed resolution

Category: Repeal

Resolution: #24

Proposed by: Aniane UN State

Description: UN Resolution #24: Metric System (Category: Free Trade; Strength: Strong) shall be struck out and rendered null and void.

Argument: We the People of Aniane and of our subject states concur that although the metric system although A fine system of measurement, we cannot force it upon anyone in the world.
Forcing things with such pointless significance onto the nations of the world is an Infringement and Abomination onto the rights of a Sovereign Nation.
This repeal recognizes that it is the right of the Individual nation to make such decisions as Systems as measurements for its people. This resolution also recognizes that it is the Right of nations to make such insignificant decisions for themselves

Flib, I'm sorry about gobbling up all of the silly/illegal proposals. I was bored.
Iron Felix
23-11-2007, 23:19
It is sad that you do not comprehend the logic behind an embargo. Indeed embargos go for all ware exchange and trade in services, etc. What should be silly about it?
What's silly and/or illegal about it is that you:
A. Targeted a specific political philosophy.
B. Could have avoided contradicting No Embargoes on Medicine by inserting the magic words "except where previous UN legislation still in effect forbids the employment of embargoes".

I have to assume that in your logic the UN itself and its members are unable to stop market activity and should not, in your eyes.
The UN is well capable of doing so, but you can't contradict existing legislation.

This may be your own point of view, but sadly the resolution has disappeared before voting ended. What has happened? If it was claimed illegal? And why was I not informed?
It may have just expired. When did you submit it?
23-11-2007, 23:38
It is sad that you do not comprehend the logic behind an embargo. Indeed embargos go for all ware exchange and trade in services, etc. What should be silly about it?

I have to assume that in your logic the UN itself and its members are unable to stop market activity and should not, in your eyes.

This may be your own point of view, but sadly the resolution has disappeared before voting ended. What has happened? If it was claimed illegal? And why was I not informed?

All Proposals have an expiration date if they do not get enough endorcements, they disappear.
Iron Felix
24-11-2007, 01:40
Repeal "End slavery"

A proposal to repeal a previously passed resolution

Category: Repeal

Resolution: #6

Proposed by: Ingorland

Description: UN Resolution #6: End slavery (Category: Human Rights; Strength: Significant) shall be struck out and rendered null and void.

Argument: This resolution is inadequate for today’s times.

If a worker is paid weekly they should be allowed to give a weeks notice and the same if paid daily. The resolution is too specific on this issue.

The employer has rights as well, not to be used and abused by their employees. The resolution only recognises the employee.

Selling of people, what about sports people on contracts; what if they want to be sold they can earn money from it. They should have the freedom to choose. The resolution needs to recognise the modern working contract.

The resolution does not take account of slavery in marriage through arranged marriages.

The resolution does not cover slavery of children forced to work for little or nothing by their families.

Repeal UN Resolution #6, "End Slavery"

The Government of Ingorland advocates a new resolution reaffirming the rights of all people to be free from slavery. A resolution that encompasses all aspects of work, leisure and family life.

A new resolution, without infringing on a nations sovereignty and culture but recognising the modern requirements and changes of attitude, will lead to better human rights and a world with more freedom.

William Pitt
Minister for Region and UN Affairs.
Submitted again. Still with branding.

Edit: Oops, my mistake, this time it's a repeal. Still branding though.
24-11-2007, 01:59
Flib, I'm sorry about gobbling up all of the silly/illegal proposals. I was bored.

Don't be, I couldn't post those then anyway, I was at work.

Category: Social Justice

Strength: Strong

Proposed by: NSDAR

Description: We demand that all people that are members of the State must be required to be physically fit in order for them to get suitable insurance.

1. This will protect from insurance fraud.

2. People who do not take care of themselves can not be fully covered.

3. Anyone with a history of drug abuse can only be covered as far as monthly check ups.

4. The disabled will be able to have good insurance.

5. All children under the age of 10 will be fully covered.

6. The only way a person with a history of drug abuse or a person of any similar history can gain full coverage back is by undergoing rehabilitation.

These reh-Ab facilities will be paid for by a special tax placed on doctors. This tax will be sufficient to pay for such facilities. After they are rehabilitated they will gain full coverage again.

7. People already having served one rehabilitation course will not be allowed to serve another.

8. If such people commit a crime there coverage will be taken away and strict penalties will be enforced.

!!!!!!!!!!VOTE YES!!!!!!VOTE YES!!!!!!VOTE YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!

(we firmly believe that there will be no rewards for people who do not want to work)

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!VOTE YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Can we make excessive use of exclamation marks a deletable offense, and I mean proposal and nation.:D
Iron Felix
24-11-2007, 05:17
Should military funding be cut

A resolution to slash worldwide military spending.

Category: Global Disarmament

Strength: Strong

Proposed by: New Found Canada

Description: Some countries say others with a focous on funding there army are getting to strong!

Option one:
NO more funding, Don't you understand? If other countries see we have almost no funding they will leave us alone and we won't be bothered! Make Sense!

Option two:
We nee to supply the money in a way to where other countries won't know but if they think were weak because they see we no funding, Bam, then we will of secretly have been funding and they go down

Option three:
Bring on the money, who cares if other countries know it will tell them to back off of our ass!
I'm not sure what to make of this.

A resolution to increase democratic freedoms.

Category: The Furtherment of Democracy

Strength: Mild

Proposed by: New Found Canada

Description: i typed two of these and i don't want to until tomarrow
Repeal "Stop privacy intrusion"

A proposal to repeal a previously passed resolution

Category: Repeal

Resolution: #10

Proposed by: Fahadia

Description: UN Resolution #10: Stop privacy intrusion (Category: Human Rights; Strength: Strong) shall be struck out and rendered null and void.

Argument: RECOGNIZING the fact that invasion of privacy is not something that the government should do, but

EMPHASIZING that protection from privacy intrusion is a MORAL PRINCIPLE created by OPINION of former autocratic leaders,

NOTING that other nations may have other views on privacy intrusion.

CONCLUDING that human laws should not be fiddled with by international alliancies or organizations consisting of multiple, loyal, nations.

POST SCRIPTING that privacy intrusion is a right that should be and only be resolved within an independent nationstate.

~Sultan-Prime Minister Al-Fahad
24-11-2007, 05:21
I'm not sure what to make of this.

Looks like someone doesn't know the difference between submitting an Issue and a UN Proposal.
Charlotte Ryberg
24-11-2007, 16:42
I saw that Adam proposal earlier. Funny though, but it isn't good for the voting floor until it has a meaning and purpose.
24-11-2007, 19:47
No School

A resolution to promote funding and the development of education and the arts.

Category: Education and Creativity

Area of Effect: Educational

Proposed by: Camzania

Description: Children are better of going to work from 10 years old to learn electricity education and al the things you learn in school

Approvals: 1 (Nellyphant)

Status: Lacking Support (requires 113 more approvals)

Voting Ends: Tue Nov 27 2007 Also, another one from that New Found Canada guy...Drugs should be outlawed!

A resolution to ban, legalize, or encourage recreational drugs.

Category: Recreational Drug Use

Decision: Outlaw

Proposed by: New Found Canada

Description: To many people are using drugs for recreation!

Option one:
I think drugs should be legal, i mean, holy crap its the 21rst freakin'' century, people are gonna use drugs. GET OVER IT!!!!

Option two:
No way! We can't have druggies running all over the place. If you tell to do something or ask them something they don't like Boom, you get punched. Bottom line drugs should be illegal!!!

Approvals: 1 (Nellyphant)

Status: Lacking Support (requires 113 more approvals)

Voting Ends: Tue Nov 27 2007
Charlotte Ryberg
24-11-2007, 20:00
There's more...

Should Gambaling be legal?

A resolution to legalize or outlaw gambling.

Category: Gambling

Legalize/Outlaw: Legalize

Proposed by: New Found Canada

Description: Feeling one:
Of course it should be legal, at least to anyone with half a brain!

Feeling two:
No way! Gambling? I think gambling is just plain wrong and very degrading!

Feeling three:
Gambling, it is a very complex matter. I think it should be legalized but, it should be outlawed until the age of twenty. Hey, its a thought!

Voting Ends: Mon Nov 26 2007

It is written like an issue.
25-11-2007, 00:41
It may have just expired. When did you submit it?

Just one and a half day ago. Older resolution drafts still existed so it was either eaten by a bug or a game admin? And nethertheless an inform about failed resoltions would be nice for the proposer.
25-11-2007, 06:46
Just one and a half day ago. Older resolution drafts still existed so it was either eaten by a bug or a game admin? And nethertheless an inform about failed resoltions would be nice for the proposer.

If a proposal is deleted by a mod they usually do send a TG saying why (and those instances where they don't send it, it's usually because they forget to).

Category: International Security

Strength: Strong

Proposed by: Kalderonia

Description: The proposal calls for the creation of an international agency to oversee the security of all member states and coordinates intelligence from around the world to neutralize and prosecute any potential terrorist threats to the global economy and political stability. An agency to neutralize potential threats? Sounds like a UN police and/or military force to me.
The Most Glorious Hack
25-11-2007, 07:36
If a proposal is deleted by a mod they usually do send a TG saying why (and those instances where they don't send it, it's usually because they forget to).Or are just whizzing through the list and not adding warnings anyway.
26-11-2007, 00:14
Category: Repeal

Resolution: #10

Proposed by: Ingorland

Description: UN Resolution #10: Stop privacy intrusion (Category: Human Rights; Strength: Strong) shall be struck out and rendered null and void.

Argument: This Resolution is too specific and restricts the human rights of potential victims of crimes and terrorism.

What about the human rights of the victim or potential victim, does this resolution mean more human rights for the criminal or terrorist and less for the majority of peace loving people of the world?

The resolution states, Serious Evidence must be present before privacy intrusion can occur to enable the gathering of further evidence. But there is no definition of what constitutes Serious Evidence.

Is it wrong for an officer of the law who overhears a face-to-face conversation about a shoplifting offence to use this as evidence without prior Judiciary approval?

Is not a certain amount of privacy intrusion necessary in the case of national security and terrorism, it maybe necessary to intrude on privacy with minimal evidence in such cases.

Repeal UN Resolution #10, "Stop privacy intrusion"

The Government and Peoples of Ingorland, advocate a new resolution, which protects the rights of privacy for the law abiding peoples of the world whilst also protecting there human rights to live without fear of the criminal or terrorist being free to act because of restrictive privacy laws.

A new resolution, without infringing on a nations sovereignty or culture but recognising the need to protect the human rights of victims of crimes and terrorism, will lead to improved human rights and a world with more freedom.

William Pitt.
Minister for Regional and UN Affairs. Illegal, branding.

Category: International Security

Strength: Mild

Proposed by: Western Tarakia

Description: The world police act would enable the UN to create a global police force that would have the power to move between countries to apprehend criminals that might other escape their the judicinal system in the country where the offense took place.

This world police force would have the power to arrest criminal for criminal offenses. However it would not have the power to arrest political immigration or hand prisinors back to a country where their human right may be abused.

If this proposal were introduced all member states would have to create and fund a UN prison and court where offenders would be sent and it would relieve pressure on overwhelmed police forces. Wouldn't it be nice if people had to pass a test on their knowledge of the proposal rules before they could submit a proposal?
Iron Felix
26-11-2007, 04:29
Marrige Act

A resolution to improve worldwide human and civil rights.

Category: Human Rights

Strength: Strong

Proposed by: Surailia

Description: NOW, THEREFORE, His Excellency, Charmian Gaultier by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, House of Commons of Surailia and the United Nations enacts as follows:

Definition: Marriage: (Marriage, for civil purposes, is the lawful union of two persons to the exclusion of all others)

(a) a personal body corporate is a body corporate that is not actively engaged in any financial, commercial or industrial business and that is controlled by an individual, or by a group of individuals who are connected by marriage, common-law partnership or any legal parent-child relationship or are connected indirectly by a combination of those relationships, whether or not the individuals through whom they are connected are members of the group; and

(b) a common-law partnership is a relationship between two persons who are cohabiting with each other in a conjugal relationship and have done so for a period of at least one year.

(1) All nations have recognized that the right to equality without discrimination requires that couples of the same sex and couples of the opposite sex have equal access to marriage for civil purposes, equal access to marriage for civil purposes would respect the right of couples of the same sex to equality without discrimination, and civil union, as an institution other than marriage, would not offer them that equal access and would violate their human dignity.

(1.1)For greater certainty, a marriage is not void or voidable by reason only that the spouses are of the same sex.

(2) No person shall marry another person if they are related lineally, or as brother or sister or half-brother or half-sister, including by adoption.

(3) Marriage requires the free and enlightened consent of two persons to be the spouse of each other.

(4) It is recognized that officials of religious groups are free to refuse to perform marriages that are not in accordance with their religious beliefs
26-11-2007, 05:25

Not to mention that whole contradiction of the Marriage Protection Act thing it's got going there.
26-11-2007, 16:46
Category: Education and Creativity

Area of Effect: Educational

Proposed by: New Found Canada

Description: I think kids could be able to have guns in school as a class. I mean if there were no laws every one the kids hate would be dead. So if there ever is guns in school the following statements should apply:

1:guns from home are strictly illegal; tp school
2:students may work up from a bb gun to a shotgun or 9mm
3:students may choose to go with pistols or rifles
4:class could only be held once a week
5:security shall be posted at all doors and a guard by the kid
6:if kid has record guns are not allowed

Thank you,
general cabotIllegal, branding.
Charlotte Ryberg
26-11-2007, 20:33
Illegal, branding.

Not just that, badly written and some undefined abbreviations.
27-11-2007, 05:28
Category: Moral Decency

Strength: Mild

Proposed by: Jesus freaks4062

Description: This Proposal is one that would make certain acts of indecency illeagle. Such as,

1. Public Nudity.

2. Relieving yourself in sight of the public.

3. Cussing/Use of Profane language in public.

4. Public Display of Affection.

Please have some decency we dont need people out in public doing these things in our childrens presence, we will only breed worse and worse generations if nothing is done.:rolleyes:

Category: International Security

Strength: Strong

Proposed by: North amenia

Description: all nation apart of the un will half to qaudruple their military budget,and stregth. Illegal, game mechanics.

Category: Gun Control

Decision: Tighten

Proposed by: North amenia

Description: the goverment has every right to control gun rights all civilians will hand in all guns Someone buy North amenia a shift key, and a dictionary, and a grammar book.
27-11-2007, 06:56
And logic?
28-11-2007, 00:05
Category: Repeal

Resolution: #62

Proposed by: Kockface

Description: UN Resolution #62: Female Genital Mutilation (Category: Human Rights; Strength: Strong) shall be struck out and rendered null and void.

Argument: The UN should not be allowed to pass any resolution condeming acts carried out in tradition. The UN can't ban baseball because of dangers of a 90mph pitch to the head, nor can they ban BBQ's because people can burn their hands, therefor they cannot ban FGM because some cultures consider it apart of who they are.Actually, the UN could ban baseball and barbecuing.

Category: International Security

Strength: Significant

Proposed by: Miroxia

Description: Small/poor countries being conqued, being annexed, not being able to defend themselves...why? Because of no milatary strength! Every country should have an army of at least 10,000 for defence purposes only! It would give poor countries being targeted to have a fighting chance! Countries should, at the very least, should have 10,000 army soldiers, 100 tanks, 80 air force planes and 500 jeeps. The point of this: give countries the armies they need: all nations must have at least 10,000 army soldiers, 100 tanks, 80 air force planes and 500 jeeps if this resolution is resolved. No less (unless murdered), but nations can have more than that if the wish! I honestly couldn't tell you if this is legal or not.:confused:

Category: Repeal

Resolution: #6

Proposed by: Ingorland

Description: UN Resolution #6: End slavery (Category: Human Rights; Strength: Significant) shall be struck out and rendered null and void.

Argument: This resolution is inadequate for today’s times.

If a worker is paid weekly they should be allowed to give a weeks notice and the same if paid daily. The resolution is too specific on this issue.

The employer has rights as well, not to be used and abused by their employees. The resolution only recognises the employee.

Selling of people, what about sports people on contracts; what if they want to be sold they can earn money from it. They should have the freedom to choose. The resolution needs to recognise the modern working contract.

The resolution does not take account of slavery in marriage through arranged marriages.

The resolution does not cover slavery of children forced to work for little or nothing by their families.

Repeal UN Resolution #6, "End Slavery"

The Government and Peoples of Ingorland advocate a new resolution reaffirming the rights of all people to be free from slavery. A resolution that encompasses all aspects of work, leisure and family life.

A new resolution, without infringing on a nations sovereignty and culture but recognising the modern requirements and changes of attitude, will lead to better human rights and a world with more freedom.

William Pitt.
Minister for Regional and UN Affairs.
The Grand Duchy of Ingorland. Illegal, branding.

Category: Repeal

Resolution: #10

Proposed by: Ingorland

Description: UN Resolution #10: Stop privacy intrusion (Category: Human Rights; Strength: Strong) shall be struck out and rendered null and void.

Argument: This Resolution is too specific and restricts the human rights of potential victims of crimes and terrorism.

What about the human rights of the victim or potential victim, does this resolution mean more human rights for the criminal or terrorist and less for the majority of peace loving people of the world?

The resolution states, Serious Evidence must be present before privacy intrusion can occur to enable the gathering of further evidence. But there is no definition of what constitutes Serious Evidence.

Is it wrong for an officer of the law who overhears a face-to-face conversation about a shoplifting offence to use this as evidence without prior Judiciary approval?

Is not a certain amount of privacy intrusion necessary in the case of national security and terrorism, it maybe necessary to intrude on privacy with minimal evidence in such cases.

Repeal UN Resolution #10, "Stop privacy intrusion"

The Government and Peoples of Ingorland, advocate a new resolution, which protects the rights of privacy for the law abiding peoples of the world whilst also protecting there human rights to live without fear of the criminal or terrorist being free to act because of restrictive privacy laws.

A new resolution, without infringing on a nations sovereignty or culture but recognising the need to protect the human rights of victims of crimes and terrorism, will lead to improved human rights and a world with more freedom.

William Pitt.
Minister for Regional and UN Affairs.
The Grand Duchy of Ingorland. Illegal, branding.
28-11-2007, 05:17
Category: Global Disarmament

Strength: Strong

Proposed by: Adari2

Description: although there are many devastating problems in the world
the few that i believe need to be tackled are
1)Nuclear weapons
2)gambling industry

1)now i believe that we need to first bring down
the nuclear juggernaut and end the use of nuclear weapons
too long people have died from radiation and atomic bombs
we need to give ourselves security against these weapons

now i know that some people think that to be kept
safe from nuclear weapons is to build nuclear weapons yourself

but if they are now where to be seen that solves the
problem all together and ends nuclear threats

2)the gambling industry is in many ways the entire economy for some nations and a job for others

to me it is a disgraceful thing to humans and image for our kids but even i thrive off of gambling

which i am not proud of but there are other ways
give up gambling for another economic resource
this is not how we should profit

by sqeezing the money from our citizens

3)this i will discuss seperatley
after this decision has been looked at
and voted onIllegal, contradicts Nuclear Armaments and tries to do three things two of which have nothing to do with Global Disarmament.

Category: Human Rights

Strength: Strong

Proposed by: Kanturrelic

Description: Health Benefits of Exercise and Physical Activity:

* Reduce the risk of premature death
* Reduce the risk of developing and/or dying from heart disease
* Reduce high blood pressure or the risk of developing high blood pressure
* Reduce high cholesterol or the risk of developing high cholesterol
* Reduce the risk of developing colon cancer and breast cancer
* Reduce the risk of developing diabetes
* Reduce or maintain body weight or body fat
* Build and maintain healthy muscles, bones, and joints
* Reduce depression and anxiety
* Improve psychological well-being
* Enhanced work, recreation, and sport performance

The frequency of exercise refers to the number of occasions per week that activity should be undertaken.

The accepted frequency, in order to achieve cardiorespiratory or "heart" fitness is 3 to 5 sessions per week. However, positive benefits have been shown to occur from as little as 2 sessions per week.

MAKE EXERCISE AND PHYSICAL ACTIVITY BE COMPULSORY! Forcing people to exercise is not Human Rights.
Texan Hotrodders
28-11-2007, 06:12
Illegal, contradicts Nuclear Armaments and tries to do three things two of which have nothing to do with Global Disarmament.

Forcing people to exercise is not Human Rights.

Sometimes, I just have to wonder if some proposal authors don't even have a vague conception of what rights are.
28-11-2007, 08:15
Category: International Security

Strength: Strong

Proposed by: Vashnoria

Description: Description: In the interest of the United Nations and the world at large, it is time for the UN to become more active in preserving basic human rights and morality. As of such with this resolution, the United Nations shall have at its disposal a coalition army that shall be established in order to insure nations give humanity its basic rights and morality.

COALITION ARMY shall be established to insure that basic human rights and morality shall be preserved

NATIONS that deny basic human rights and morality shall be consider enemies of humanity and the world at large and the UN shall have at its disposal an Army to use in order to insure the problem is corrected

SECURITY COUNCIL shall be established in order to determine when and if the army will be deployed. The Council will be made up of the ten most powerful nations. These nations shall be elected to a two year term, by all nations of the United Nations.

The Structure of the Army shall be as follow:

1 – Lord Commander of the United Nations Coalition Army
3 – Division Commanders
12 – Battalion Commanders

The Army shall be divided into three Divisions and each Division into four Battalions. Each of the Division shall be commanded by the Division Commander and the Battalions by a Battalion Commander. The overall command of the army shall be in the hands of the Lord Commander of the United Nations Coalition Army.

SUPPORT of the Army shall come from the United Nations. It is up to the United Nations to always have raised all three Divisions and two Battalions for each Division. In absence of the Lord Commander, than from the Division Commanders shall come a temporary Lord Commander who will also be expected to appoint a temporary Division Commander for his Division.

SIZE of the Army shall be at least 50,000 men for a Battalion and 200,000 men for a Division.

NATIONS shall be expected to provide back up for the Army if needed if the need arrives and also to provide at least one base that shall be set aside for the Army.

HEADQUARTERS of this Army shall be established, where ever the UN Security Council declares it so. Illegal, attempts to create a UN army, attempts to create a Security Council, committee rules violations.
29-11-2007, 01:55
Category: Gun Control

Decision: Relax

Proposed by: Rothskelend

Description: Description: DEFINING for the purposes of this resolution, "gun control" as any sort of regulation or restriction whose primary purpose is to act upon the sales and purchasing of military hardware including small arms resulting in the eventual disarmament of nations.

AWARE that member nations may wish purchase and supply their citizenry and military with firearms necessary for the defense of their populace and nation,

OBSERVING that trafficking of small arms or military hardware across borders leads to positive trade relations between nations,

NOTING that small arms or military hardware trafficking between nations may be the only way that said nations can control their populace and properly equip their military,

FURTHER NOTING that a well equipped military protects smaller nations from larger nations and serves as a deterrent to invasion from other nations,

CONCLUDING that a positive upkeep of the military and continued sales of firearms will improve all nations relations with one another,

THEREFORE HEREBY MANDATING all member nations to follow this resolution that is:

§1 ENACTING that nations put immediately into effect laws imposing a lack of tariffs and that restrictions for the firearms trade be automatically dropped

§2 DEFINING international firearm traffickers as any individuals who are caught involved in the international:

-Otherwise exchanging in any form

firearms are protected persons under this mandate and must not come under any injury,

§3 URGING member nations to consider imposing sanctions on nations who do not follow similar courses of action.

§4 ADVISING each member nation to consider imposing sanctions on nations who do follow similar courses of action, but fail to present their choice of correctional action as sufficient and fitting for the crime committed.

REITERATING, finally, that member nations who do carry out legal weapons trade will continue to be able to do so.Wouldn't clause 1 of this fit better under Free Trade? Oh, and it's a blatent plagurization of the resolution currently at vote.

Category: Environmental

Industry Affected: Automobile Manufacturing

Proposed by: New Found Canada

Description: Ban all the cars!
Please ban the cars. Cars are nothing but dirty smelly ugly metal death traps. if you ban the cars the effects of global warming will slow down and plus we will all be healthier.. Even if you don't ban cars you can restrict how many people use them.

Positive Effects:
1. people could be a lot more active and healthy
2. global warming would slow down

Negative Effects:
1. no gas money equals no money for economy
2. people would get around longer

Thanks from,
General Cabbott of the North Atlantic Army Illegal, branding (much to HotRodia's delight :D)

Category: Repeal

Resolution: #226


Description: UN Resolution #226: Passport Standardisation Act (Category: Political Stability; Strength: Mild) shall be struck out and rendered null and void.

Argument: Dis sucky and too feekin' draconian! We hafta repeal! Nuttin more need be sedd!! (If I vot for it earlier, I regret! Deeply!)Ugh, don't tell me we've got fallout from Glog's resolution.

Category: Political Stability

Strength: Strong


Description: It is hereby proposed that Politics be Stabilized by Requiring all Candidates for Any Office, be it in Nation States or the United States or Canada or Elsewhere, to Belt out Kazoo Tunes, Creatively Penned, to the (yet to be written) Lyrics to "Stabilization Station", a Wonderful New Song Lyric sure to Win and Oscar when Used in the Film "Stability".Illegal, RL references.
29-11-2007, 04:29
Category: Environmental

Industry Affected: Automobile Manufacturing


Description: This resolution, if passed, will outlaw the eating of cars.Did KNULLIFICATION watch the episode of M*A*S*H where Klinger tries to eat a jeep?

Category: Political Stability

Strength: Strong

Proposed by: Matlack

Description: This proposal will obviously pass.
This, if passed, will make the leader of the country of Solimaria the Absolute Monarch of the entire world. No, this proposal will obviously be deleted.
29-11-2007, 06:52
Category: Repeal

Resolution: #62

Proposed by: Transcorporate

Description: UN Resolution #62: Female Genital Mutilation (Category: Human Rights; Strength: Strong) shall be struck out and rendered null and void.

Argument: We the people of Transcorporate agree that women should not be forced to do this against their will, but this resolution does not give any provisions for women willingly doing this. It might be cultural or religious and the UN has no right to ban that. Yet we affirm that you have the right to follow your own religious and cultural path. I would also like to extend this to male genital mutilation including the males right to reject circumcision.Illegal, branding.
30-11-2007, 05:26
Category: Social Justice

Strength: Strong

Proposed by: Garbanzobeenia

Description: Nations who are banned from regions and falsely accused of inappropriate behavior have no representation or chance to defend against accusations. This enables absurd levels of corruption and abuse of power, and threatens the integrity of the Nation States as a whole.

1. There should be some level of due-process involved in UN Intelligence decisions. Members of UN intelligence should be able to gather information anonymously; however, they should not have the right to level penalties anonymously and without due process.

2. No penalties can be issued by UN Intelligence without a consensus of delegates.

3. A system of recourse for the accused to defend themselves must be established.

4. UN delegates who levy unlawful penalties and false accusations should be penalized accordingly. Sounds like a metagaming problem to me.

Category: International Security

Strength: Strong

Proposed by: Leocardia

Description: We are viewed to be a pro-NATO bully as our reputation of power remains low. Our inspectors are commonly rejected to enter countries who may not permit us in. However, even with evidence that such a nation is violating our UN Code of Human Rights, we still have no power over them because of our lack of UN Security Forces. This message they have viewed upon our famed name is an insult.

The UN Defense Act of 2007 Proposal requires that all UN Members to donate 1% of their armed forces (airforce, navy, and ground forces, respectively) as well as 5% of their military budget to keep up with the cost. The UN Armed Forces will be deployed to several nations that helplessly need military assistance to avoid hostile strikes against another nation.

This proposal also is will be in effect when nations avoid UN Inspectors, as well as disobeying the UN Codes of Human Rights, and other UN Laws that all members must abide. Disobeying laws or rejecting UN inspections will result to UN military presence, liberating the ways of laws by the UN.

The UN Armed Forces will be governed and commanded by the UN Security Council members, as well as the 10 elected body members. Each will command a body of UN soldiers and negociate peace with their peacekeeping armies.Oh God, another frakking UN army proposal.

Category: Human Rights

Strength: Mild

Proposed by: Surailia

Description: NOW, THEREFORE, His Excellency, Charmian Gaultier by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, House of Commons of Surailia and the United Nations enacts as follows:

Definition: Marriage: (Marriage, for civil purposes, is the lawful union of two persons to the exclusion of all others)

(a) a personal body corporate is a body corporate that is not actively engaged in any financial, commercial or industrial business and that is controlled by an individual, or by a group of individuals who are connected by marriage, common-law partnership or any legal parent-child relationship or are connected indirectly by a combination of those relationships, whether or not the individuals through whom they are connected are members of the group; and

(b) a common-law partnership is a relationship between two persons who are cohabiting with each other in a conjugal relationship and have done so for a period of at least one year.

(1) All nations have recognized that the right to equality without discrimination requires that couples of the same sex and couples of the opposite sex have equal access to marriage for civil purposes, equal access to marriage for civil purposes would respect the right of couples of the same sex to equality without discrimination, and civil union, as an institution other than marriage, would not offer them that equal access and would violate their human dignity.

(1.1)For greater certainty, a marriage is not void or voidable by reason only that the spouses are of the same sex.

(2) No person shall marry another person if they are related lineally, or as brother or sister or half-brother or half-sister, including by adoption.

(3) Marriage requires the free and enlightened consent of two persons to be the spouse of each other.

(4) It is recognized that officials of religious groups are free to refuse to perform marriages that are not in accordance with their religious beliefs Resubmitting does not make this any more legal.

Category: Human Rights

Strength: Strong

Proposed by: Jesus freaks4062

Description: Marrige is a sacred thing. A special bond between two people.

This is proposal to defend the long standing institution of marrige. Defined only as one man and one woman.

The marrige of two persons of the same sex, would be a destructive blow to the "family".

Two persons of the SAME SEX cannot have their own child.
If a homosexual couple were to adopt, the child they would raise would SUFFER.

The family has always consisted of a FATHER, MOTHER, and CHILDREN. If two of the SAME SEX adopt a child it will either live its life without a father, or without a mother.

DEFEND the family and support this bill that will, if passed ban all same sex marriges and thus save the institution of the family.Illegal, contradicts Marriage Protection Act, and miscategorized.
30-11-2007, 07:26
If you don't like it, then why don't you propose something we can all like.
30-11-2007, 15:42
If you don't like it, then why don't you propose something we can all like.

He did. And whether he likes it or not is immaterial to its legality.
30-11-2007, 16:51
Category: Human Rights

Strength: Strong

Proposed by: Holy land of jesus

Description: This has to stop; we've had enough," said Hilary Fisher, director of Amnesty's worldwide Stop Violence Against Women campaign. "In recent years, the assumption that justice is an unrealistic goal in conflict situations has been challenged. Prosecutions are the key."

Ad-hoc international tribunals have successfully prosecuted armed groups in Yugoslavia and Rwanda on the basis that rape is a war crime.

The International Criminal Court, which hears its first case (against the Democratic Republic of Congo) next year, will be crucial in spreading that message globally, says Fisher.

The court will recognize a broad spectrum of sexual-violence crimes — including rape, enforced prostitution, forced pregnancy and enforced sterilization — as crimes against humanity or as war crimes. But the court will step in only when national governments are unable or unwilling to prosecute.

Amnesty is therefore asking individual nations to publicly denounce gender-based violence, to instruct their militaries and security forces on the prohibition, and then enforce it.

Governments are called on to end impunity against prosecution for soldiers, in combat or in peacekeeping, who commit crimes of sexual violence. And it recommends they be subject to civilian, not military, jurisdiction. Is there anything in this that's not a RL reference?

Category: The Furtherment of Democracy

Strength: Strong

Proposed by: Crazy hell for war

Description: the people who are in communist state are suffering they less freedom and people every day in the street are stealing and people are homeless and they have to follow the leader in the nation and they only know one thing and that is work. every time they will only work but did not know what is rest. people who are working get little paid and little food and water. the nation also teach the people strong about their nation and police will anyhow shot people and everytime you done worng you will get canning and death sentence that all. every time when people are rich they give to the court and let them off! so the communist must end. the people has no freedom the leader in their country does't care at all about their living and the environment they live or work so COMMUNIST MUST END!! if the communist end the people will live in freedom and the law will be nicer and the nation will be free forever and as for communist party it also must end and stop promoting people about the lost of
communist so we must let the world now what is peace, freedom and justice!!! Illegal, Idealogical ban.

Category: Global Disarmament

Strength: Strong

Proposed by: Kerderan

Description: This resolution should be passed in order to reduce the global threat from Nuclear, Biological and Chemical weapons.

I. Nuclear Weapons
a) All UN members must reduce their amount of ICBM delivery systems to 10 or less.
b) No UN member may have nuclear warheads with greater explosive strength than 50MT
c) No UN member may have MIRV warheads
d) No UN member may have more than 100 strategic nuclear warheads
d.1) A strategic nuclear warhead is any warhead with a yield higher than 1kT
f) To clarify: This resolution does not limit the amount of airplane-based delivery systems nor the amount of tactical nuclear warheads.

II. Biological weapons
a) No UN member may possess biological weapons that have fatal effects
b) No UN member may use a biological weapon without having a cure and/or treatment for the weapon
c) All UN members must give out the medical information for treating and curing any biological weapons they invent if another country makes a diplomatic request for aquiring the information.

III. Chemical weapons
a) No UN members may use chemical weapons that cause permanent afflictions
a.1) Using such weapons is allowed, if they are used in a defensive war against an invading countryIllegal, duplicates/contradicts the bio weapons resolution.
Law Abiding Criminals
30-11-2007, 20:04
A resolution to reduce barriers to free trade and commerce.

Category: Free Trade
Strength: Significant
Proposed by: Camzania

Description: Trade should be free for all nations and cities say u needed a tv it sgould be free

Approvals: 12 (Weissborg, Birkstantinopal, WZ Forums, Nellyphant, More Dorrick, Servojsek, COMUNI, New Found Canada, Derbb, Mukkina Faso, Puffycane17, KNULLIFICATION)

Status: Lacking Support (requires 103 more approvals)

Voting Ends: Fri Nov 30 2007

I am just at a loss for what to say about this.

A resolution to restrict political freedoms in the interest of law and order.

Category: Political Stability
Strength: Strong
Proposed by: Camzania

Description: Voting should be decided from a hat and not worldwide so u get a extra 20% chance of becoming the president

Approvals: 5 (Sniggle, Super awsomeland, Derbb, WZ Forums, Architeuthis)

Status: Lacking Support (requires 110 more approvals)

Voting Ends: Sat Dec 1 2007

And again, speechless. Not sure how giving everyone an extra 20% really improves my chances...or how drawing from a hat gives me an extra 20%...or why I would really want to be the President...or why I'm pointing this out when this proposal probably just violates game mechanics anyway...

A resolution to tighten or relax gun control laws.

Category: Gun Control
Decision: Relax
Proposed by: Super awsomeland


Approvals: 13 (Super awsomeland, Krankor, Take the damn name, Derbb, Irel4nd, Hisnot3, WZ Forums, Ikeania, The Duct Tape, Crados, Nuceler Russians, Project Quantum Leap, Upper Urs)

Status: Lacking Support (requires 102 more approvals)

Voting Ends: Sat Dec 1 2007

I won't take away your Caps Lock key, either; you seem really attached to it.

A resolution to improve worldwide human and civil rights.

Category: Human Rights
Strength: Strong
Proposed by: Holy land of jesus

Description: If people want to kill they should have the choice because some people need to be killed for the sake of nations.
with certian people gone other people can be safe.

jack ripper

Approvals: 1 (WZ Forums)

Status: Lacking Support (requires 114 more approvals)

Voting Ends: Mon Dec 3 2007

Does "jack ripper" count as branding, or is this proposal just bloody stupid?

A resolution to promote funding and the development of education and the arts.

Category: Education and Creativity
Area of Effect: Educational
Proposed by: Puffycane17

Description: My Fellow Nations,

I come not to ask you but to demand that we allow the poor as much educaation as the rich. In areas such as history, caligaraphy, math, and upgraded technology.

Approvals: 3 (Puffycane17, Juggalo2, WZ Forums)

Status: Lacking Support (requires 112 more approvals)

Voting Ends: Mon Dec 3 2007

But not grammar. Definitely not grammar. And not common sense, or at least not enough to realize that this has pretty well already been done.

A resolution to improve world security by boosting police and military budgets.

Category: International Security
Strength: Mild
Proposed by: Peterandia

Description: A resolution to create UNATCO-United Nations Anti-Terrorist Coordination Office.

Given the great rise in international terrorism in our days and the menace it presents,it is felt that the U.N. as an organization based on the principle of peace and stability should encorage its members to fight terrorism and also take up a bit of fighting itself.

UNATCO will be an office of coordination,not an U.N. combat force,its headquarts shall be in the U.N. headquarters.
Its primary goal is to coordinate anti-terrorist actions amongst members.

UNATCO will:
1-On request of one or several members organize information networks in order to prevent terrorism.
2-Only have jurisdiction on Nations that make a request for so,however,once a nation autorizes its actions it will act,search and arrest based on international anti-terrorism laws.
3-Not enforce the law on any country, UNATCO is not a combat force or a police force but an advisatorial and coordination office, nevertheless,it will promote the special training of police and military officers of nations that request it.
4-If a nation fells the need,a special combat force may be assembled,however that force is not under that nation command and report before the U.N. itself,which may veto combat action on a nation.
5-Have the U.N. to provide the funding for the office so that even small and economicaly weak nations may call upon it for help.

The UNATCO Database Network:
It is the main part of unatco, this network will contain all information regarding international terrorists and both crime or terrorist organization, any nation law-enforcement agency may be connected to it by request.
UNATCO training department:
will ensure the trining of specialists in anti-terrorist actions to be employed both in their homelands and by UNATCO itself.
UNATCO Special Department:
A special force that may on request be used to help law enforcement agencies on counter-terrorism actions,this however requires U.N. General Secretary´s Approval.

Approvals: 1 (WZ Forums)

Status: Lacking Support (requires 114 more approvals)

Voting Ends: Mon Dec 3 2007

Wait a dadgum minute here - isn't this just a form of a UN army/police force/super-cool-team-of-ninjas? Sorry, but the UN doesn't get any of those, no matter how cool the ninjas are.

Apologies if someone nailed one of these down already.
30-11-2007, 22:38
Wait a dadgum minute here - isn't this just a form of a UN army/police force/super-cool-team-of-ninjas? Sorry, but the UN doesn't get any of those, no matter how cool the ninjas are.

Apologies if someone nailed one of these down already.

As far as I'm concerned, if anyone's going to use the acronym UNATCO it has to stand for United Nations Anti-Terrorism Coalition.
I wonder if anyone will get the reference.
01-12-2007, 07:28
Category: Free Trade

Strength: Strong


Description: This resolution hereby establishes that:


(2) Sverige region is the MEGA STATION FOR THE RELATION Category: The Furtherment of Democracy

Strength: Mild


Description: Snoogles !

Yes, Snoogles !

Sesame Snoogles !You know, if you want out of the UN all you have to do is click the "Resign" button.
01-12-2007, 10:40
You know, if you want out of the UN all you have to do is click the "Resign" button.

Maybe we just wanted to be banned instead
01-12-2007, 17:07
Category: Gun Control

Decision: Relax

Proposed by: Godzillland

Description: It has been said that an armed society is a polite society. This is true. What I, General Steven McReynolds, Director of Foreign Affairs, Godzilland, am proposing, is the allowance for the right to carry firearms to be used ONLY in the defence of others. Tomas Jefferson, of the USA once said that the surest way to increase crime is to disarm the people. With the recent rise in mercenary activities from Hampshire, I urge you to accept this proposal.Illegal, branding and RL references.
Charlotte Ryberg
01-12-2007, 17:59
International Holiday

Category: Advancement of Industry, Area of Effect: Protective Tariffs

Proposed by: Yohaven

Description: As the hard workers of our nations provide so much for our economies I find it is only fair that New Years Eve be given as a holiday to all citizens of all UN Member nations

Obviously, I shouldn't be told what holidays I should observe. There was a Max Barry day, then it was gone after a few days.

Unique Currency

Category: Free Trade, Strength: Significant

Proposed by: Farino

Description: A new Unique Currency would bring to countries' economy:

a) Stability;
b) Strenght.

A new Unique Currency would bring to citizens:

a) Facility (no currency exchange would be needed);
b) Economical Stability.

Once again, that is a proposal to change game mechanics (and it's got spelling mistakes!)
02-12-2007, 00:31
Category: Education and Creativity

Area of Effect: Cultural Heritage

Proposed by: Minndivia

Description: I found a country called East Penisland if you dont get it
its Penis land we feel that these should not be allowed to join the un Illegal, metagaming.
02-12-2007, 16:00
wow i dont like public nudity :fluffle: :eek:
Charlotte Ryberg
02-12-2007, 17:24
A Ban on Citizen Slavery

Category: The Furtherment of Democracy, Strength: Strong

Proposed by: The Weebs

Description: ALL Governments that deliberately enslave their citizens for either labor or enjoyment purposes must stop this abominable action.

ALL Citizens of a certain nation will not be subjected to slavery of any sort by the Federal Government.

ALL Governments that currently use slavery will be responsible for making up the labor and economic deficit caused by the absence of slaves.

NO Minority will be discriminated against in this manner.

For the Good of Democracy

Not absolutely silly, but not all nation governments are federal.

Gambling stuffz

Category: Gambling, Legalize/Outlaw: Outlaw

Proposed by: The Enternal Rose

Description: This proposal will force all U.N nations to legalize gambling to all ages,color,sex,gingers and/or Chuck Norris followers.

Says that: All of the above need to learn the proplems of gambling,forceing them to have every person or manbearpig to gamble once a month to give them the following: more spirt,courage,money(or not) luck,and brain size.

Contradictory and with RL references.

Electoral System

Category: The Furtherment of Democracy, Strength: Significant

Proposed by: Tiernanator

Description: Nations change you electoral system from the old First Past The Post system. Instead use the new modern and sophisticated Proportional representation system. Let your people have a true sense of freedom and right with this system. Let your smaller Political parties have more representation and cut out the "winner's bonus" of the F.P.T.P system. This will lead your countries to a more harmonious, democratic and free thinking nation!

Proposal to change game mechanics (illegal)

Down with the Nazis

Category: Human Rights, Strength: Mild

Proposed by: Vista Maxima

Description: Article I All Nazis shall either give up their practice or be jailed

Article II All people practicing the religion of Judaism can do so without any opposition

Article III Anyone who openly opposes the Jewish religion can and will be fined $50-$150

Totally illegal with RL references.
03-12-2007, 01:01
Category: Human Rights

Strength: Significant

Proposed by: Avenidius Lacrimosa

Description: This will be a resolution tackling the issue of religion and free religious worship here in the world.Great! What's it going to do?

Category: Social Justice

Strength: Strong

Proposed by: Frattastan

Description: We, the people of the United Nations,

Recognizing that the final objective of the Nations should be the creation of a society based on human dignity where, thanks to the science and technology, the humanity, free from the oppression of the need to survive, could reach the highest levels of knowledge,

Recognizing that reducing the income inequality should consent the lower classes to work together with the upper classes to the benefit of humanity,

Recognizing that the workers' committees, relocating the means of production to the lower classes should reduce income inequality,

Determine that :

1) Workers shall possess the right to form workers’ committees to defend their interests and democratically intervene in company life.

2) Decisions to form workers’ committees shall be taken by the workers in question, who shall approve the committees’ by-laws and shall elect their members by direct, secret ballot.

3) Coordinating committees may be created with a view to improving intervention in economic restructuring and to guaranteeing workers’ interests.

4) Committee members shall enjoy the legal protection accorded to trade union delegates.

5) Workers’ committees shall possess the right:
- To receive all the information needed to perform their tasks;
- To monitor the management of businesses;
- To participate in corporate restructuring processes, especially in relation to training actions or when working conditions are altered;
- To take part in drawing up labour legislation and economic and social plans that address their sector;
- To manage, or participate in the management of, businesses’ social activities;
- To promote the election of workers’ representatives to the management bodies of businesses that belong to the state or other public bodies, as laid down by law.
- To take control of company by approval of the two-thirds votes of the workers' and consenting only to workers to manage the company without no external intervention by the state or by the past employers. A compensation will be paid by the State to the employer. This almost sounds like they want to create unions.
Charlotte Ryberg
03-12-2007, 19:44
Repeal "UN Space Consortium"

Repealing Resolution: #50

Proposed by: Crazy hell for war

Description: UN Resolution #50: UN Space Consortium (Category: Free Trade; Strength: Significant) shall be struck out and rendered null and void.

Argument: why i hate it can give you 10 reason:

reason 1 earth is over populated and people soon will be homeless. so how? claim title to the Moon. but up to a point where nation can only take 2miles of the moon. so when we claim it we can build home and good news for researcher because on earth the news or the radio board cast around the world so the researcher are hopping mad because they cannot hear deep space and for telescope the earth and cloud so it block the researcher from trying to look at deep spacew claim the moon if not, the young at heart will lose their mood to go beyond technology and that why we have claim the moon

reason 2 earth is made of 2% of fresh water and moon have water that are fresh about 4% at least.which it means it about time to transport something back to the earth

reason 3 we can launch space ship and and rocket from the moon rather than launching on earth when there is something call gravity on earth we can even launch the whole part space station than building on low-earth orbit.

reason 4 war! when you go to war and it happen that the nation have some parts for the moon the nation cannot declare war on the moon only can open battlefield on earth
so that we can tell people how peaceful the moon is.

reason 5 we can build military base over there but like i said no war on moon!! and you can do military training
over there. now will that boost your military

all this will give our youngster an idea and dream to go beyond the solar system. in fact,crazy hell for war have already
prepare to go to mars and go to Jupiter to build space station.

To me the solar system and its planets are RL.

Bears for Police

Category: International Security, Strength: Mild

Proposed by: Rutherford Hayes

Description: It has already been proven that every bear in the universe is a bloodthirsty killer. This is amazing. Due to their lack of mercy they will make excellent police. Every delegate will agree.

I don't think I will. Not all nations think that all bears kill people.
04-12-2007, 00:41
Category: Advancement of Industry

Area of Effect: Environmental Deregulation

Proposed by: Crazy hell for war

Description: in 1945, the America drop 2 atomic bomb on japan. and it and the the year 2007 a new powerful bomb will be unleash
known as stellar bomb. stellar bomb are worst than atomic not just destroy city but able to tear the whole planet into pieces i talking the planet about the size of our sun. such destruction would cause the whole solar system to wipe out.

but the good thing is when we declare war on aliens. this could come in useful

and also when our sun is dying we can send this bomb into the sun and form a new sun so that we will not be extinct and earth will not die Illegal, RL references.
The Most Glorious Hack
04-12-2007, 08:48
To me the solar system and its planets are RL.To me, they aren't. It's still a stupid Repeal, but mentioning the planets and the moon are not a RL violation.

Especially when the Resolution being Repealed mentions them.
04-12-2007, 18:11
Category: Advancement of Industry

Area of Effect: Environmental Deregulation

Proposed by: Emphoriah

Description: What is Harding Juice? Good question.

It contains:
1. Milk
2. Decomposed bananas
3. Cocoa powder
4. Lots of sugar
5. Nuts

WARNING: Side effects may include scars, particularly around the eye area, an urge to procrastinate, extreme hyperness.:confused:

Category: Free Trade

Strength: Significant

Proposed by: Puffycane17

Description: i propose that we elimante all borders to create a united army and a one world currency.I can find three ways that this is illegal, how many can you find?

Category: Education and Creativity

Area of Effect: Cultural Heritage

Proposed by: Emphoriah

Description: Face it, Emma Hamilton is just not remembered enough. This act proposes for a golden statuette to be erected in trafalgar square next to Nelson's column.
This will promote pigeon activity in the area and a potential gathering of georgian prostitute wannabees and any other scarily dedicated to emma hamilton people.

<3Illegal, RL references.
Charlotte Ryberg
04-12-2007, 21:30
Ze forghein commerce act:

A world currency
A UN Army
Change of game mechanics.

Harding Juice Bonanza:

The UN isn't a cookery class!

MegaCorporation Decency Act

Category: Moral Decency, Strength: Significant

Proposed by: Communal Ownership

Description: This Act, if passed, will herby enact the following:
Section 1:
1. All national governments will hold megacorporations and big corporations liable for any immoral behaviors toward its citizens.
2. Government shall recognize the right of the people to sue any and all megacorporations if it is indeed jusitified
3. Government will affirm that megacorporations will be held at a moral standard (see section 2).
4. Government will pro-actively prosecute megacorporstions that are hurting the people or violate the moral standard.
Section 2:
1. Moral Standard should include the following:
a. No corporation shall force employees to engage in involutary acts or sign unwarranted contracts.
b. All corporation must honor their contracts to their employees.
c. No corporation shall pro-actively (without justification) force relocate people or pro-actively damaging the enviroment without reason.

Respectfully Submitted,
The Commonwealth of Communal Ownership

Yet more branding...
04-12-2007, 22:27
Ze forghein commerce act:

A world currency
A UN Army
Change of game mechanics.

Technically the world currency would be game mechanics, I was thinking of eliminating the borders to be a contradiction of Mutual Recognition of Borders as the third one.
05-12-2007, 05:08
Category: Political Stability

Strength: Strong

Proposed by: Randomman

Description: Regretfully recognizing that not all resolutions have been appropriate for the United Nations to implement,

Realizing that some resolutions infringe unfairly upon the governments of member nations,

Desiring that such occurrences not happen again,

Seeking a way to prevent these resolutions from being considered,

This resolution hereby proposes that a document be drafted and approved by the majority of member nations which clearly defines the limits of the power of the United Nations in the affairs of all member nations.Oh how I wish this were legal.

ategory: International Security

Strength: Significant

Proposed by: Cregatini

Description: This bill, if passed, would create the United Security Force,a an Alliance of all of the militarys of the United Nations. This force could be deployed anywhere around the world in a moments notice to enforce human rights, freedom, and international law. It would always be at DEFCON 5 and could deploy at a moments notice.Illegal, creates a UN army.

Category: The Furtherment of Democracy

Strength: Mild

Proposed by: Cylar

Description: I feel that there Should not be Dictators in the UN who wants corruption in the UN. The UN is here to make peace among unsavage nations not to destroy the peace and tranquility of the UN.Illegal, idealogical ban.

Category: International Security

Strength: Significant

Proposed by: BebbZland

Description: Deeply concerned about the level of Globalised crime,

Noting that it is still an issue despite crime fighting units across the world,

Welcoming the World Health Organisation and United Nation’s “Declaration on the Elimination of Violence against Women” created in 1993,

Deeply concerned over the value of smuggled weapons,

Reaffirming the problem of globalised crime that needs to be sorted out,

1. Supports all decisions made by the United Nations;

2. Endorses major crime fighting organisations in individual to keep crime under control;

3. Draws the attention of countries whose laws are not strict enough against crime and requests stricter policies;

a. Requests that they create stricter laws on this issue;

4. Expresses its appreciation to Non-Governmental Organisations and the U.N for creating laws to stop violence against women;

5. Expresses its hope that countries will enforce stricter laws to stop drug networks;

6. Reminds countries that weapon smuggling is a major financial problem that should be stopped;

a. This is not just an economical problem but also a problem due to what the weapons are used for;

7. Urges for action to be taken in individual countries to reduce crime rates.

8. Requests and Strongly affirms the need for the UN to give UN countries money that cannot provide sufficient military and police force spending.

a. This enables them to reduce crime in their respective countries and;

b. Makes countries more willing to cooperate with UN demands.

-The Democratic Republic of BebbZland. Illegal, RL references and branding,
05-12-2007, 23:14
Category: Human Rights

Strength: Mild

Proposed by: The Barfunkles

Description: I propose that We do not sign steve's dark book that leads us down the pathway to sinister ways. What?

Category: Repeal

Resolution: #109

Proposed by: Frattastan

Description: UN Resolution #109: Nuclear Armaments (Category: International Security; Strength: Mild) shall be struck out and rendered null and void.

Argument: The United Nations,

REALIZING that the doctrine of Mutual Assured Destruction is not valid due to :
- inexistent second-strike capability of some Nations
- high risk of a false positive
- developing nuclear capacity of terrorist groups and rogue states that don't apply the Mutual Assured Destruction

ACKNOWLEDGING that the nuclear proliferation is a form of terrorism against conventional armed states,

ACKNOWLDEGING that the failure of Mutual Assured Destruction will take the world to a nuclear war,

REALIZING that a nuclear weapons cause inhumane sufferings to the survivors of a nuclear conflict,

DECLARES that possessing nuclear weapons is a crime against peace and that shall be banned in all the UN members.Illegal, attempts to create new legislation.
06-12-2007, 06:55
Category: Repeal

Resolution: #69

Proposed by: The Chicken Gods

Description: UN Resolution #69: The Sexes Rights Law (Category: Social Justice; Strength: Significant) shall be struck out and rendered null and void.

Argument: This is the same idea as the resolution it repeals except it takes out, (Re-affirms and Re-states : Gay Rights, implemented by the Nation States United Nations on Sat May 3 2003.), and defines a marrage as a bond of a man and a woman. This resolution was for equality between the sexes as the title of the resolution says, not sexual rights. Re-afferming and Re-stating gay rights would go against the resolution to ban the Gay Rights resolution which was resolution #144 and was implemented Sat. Feb. 4 2006.Well, yeah. That's kind the whole idea of repealing and replacing a resolution.

Category: Recreational Drug Use

Decision: Legalize

Proposed by: Kraphol

Description: The nations of the U.N. need to be free, and this is the way to do it. By legalizing drugs, our nations will get higher population, and give our citizens more rights, which is just what they want. This will also make people more happy in our nations.
The People want their rights, and that is what this proposal will give them.Illegal, contradicts UN Drug Act.
06-12-2007, 15:39
A resolution to improve world security by boosting police and military budgets.

Category: International Security

Strength: Strong

Proposed by: Miko Liko

Description: This the Stellar Bomb I was given the idea by Crazy Hell For War. This is a super Atomic bomb that will blow up more then just bits of countrys but the whole planet. Don't think we'll use it on ourselves because that would be suicidal. We'll launch the Stellar Bomb on Aliens creating a better future. Protecting the world from aliens. A great way to protect the planet. It will be the ultimate in International Security. Atomic and Nuclear bombs will be left for war between Nations. Because we need to take a greater approach to international security/military.

Well, I'll ask Phantom, but I don't think he'll be very keen. He' s already got one, you see.
06-12-2007, 17:14
Category: International Security

Strength: Strong

Proposed by: Peterandia

Description: A resolution to create UNATCO-United Nations Anti-Terrorist Coordination Office.

Given the great rise in international terrorism in our days and the menace it presents,it is felt that the U.N. as an organization based on the principle of peace and stability should encorage its members to fight terrorism and also take up a bit of fighting itself.

UNATCO will be an office of coordination,not an U.N. combat force,its headquarts shall be in the U.N. headquarters.
Its primary goal is to coordinate anti-terrorist actions amongst members.

UNATCO will:
1-On request of one or several members organize information networks in order to prevent terrorism.
2-Only have jurisdiction on Nations that make a request for so,however,once a nation autorizes its actions it will act,search and arrest based on international anti-terrorism laws.
3-Not enforce the law on any country, UNATCO is not a combat force or a police force but an advisatorial and coordination office, nevertheless,it will promote the special training of police and military officers of nations that request it.
4-If a nation fells the need,a special combat force may be assembled,however that force is not under that nation command and report before the U.N. itself,which may veto combat action on a nation.
5-Have the U.N. to provide the funding for the office so that even small and economicaly weak nations may call upon it for help.

The UNATCO Database Network:
It is the main part of unatco, this network will contain all information regarding international terrorists and both crime or terrorist organization, any nation law-enforcement agency may be connected to it by request.
UNATCO training department:
will ensure the trining of specialists in anti-terrorist actions to be employed both in their homelands and by UNATCO itself.
UNATCO Special Department:
A special force that may on request be used to help law enforcement agencies on counter-terrorism actions,this however requires U.N. General Secretary´s Approval.Illegal, creates a UN military.
Leopold Butters Scotch
06-12-2007, 17:36
is this guy retarded?
This might be a puppet
06-12-2007, 18:46
is this guy retarded?

Which "guy" are you talking about?
Interactive Exponents
07-12-2007, 01:26
"Given the great rise in international terrorism in our days and the menace it presents,it is felt that the U.N. as an organization based on the principle of peace and stability should encorage its members to fight terrorism and also take up a bit of fighting itself." - Flibblies

There's no terrorism in my country :D
07-12-2007, 02:13
Category: Advancement of Industry

Area of Effect: Protective Tariffs

Proposed by: Gay Valley

Description: The Advancement Of Industry Within The United Nations is an important thing to improve relationships between member states of the UN and to increase the economies within the UN.

I Therefore Would Like To Propose The Following Laws Introduced -

1. A Quota (limit) of trade between a country within the UN to a business that is working with more than 10 countries outside of the UN.

2. A Tariff (or reduction of tax to citizens)for use of different industries in their nation (e.g. Lowering Tax in their country by 2% for the use of Uranium Mining)

3. A Fine Or Removal From The UN for breaking these laws.Illegal, attempts to remove people from the UN.

Category: Moral Decency

Strength: Strong

Proposed by: Beira Lusitana

Description: Organized religion,and its most preeminent leaders,christendom,the islam and judaism, has always been a burden to the civilized world.So,the civilized must take measured against this plague.
We shall get rid of such castrating moral from our society!

So,the UN declare:
1)All organized and oppressing religions which transmit weak and decadent values to our society shall be outlawed.
2)The following religions are considered weak and decadent:christianism in its various forms,islamism,judaism,budhism,all post-pagan religions.
3)Its preachers shall be arrested and executed imediatly.Anyone else find this idea grossly offensive?

Category: International Security

Strength: Strong

Proposed by: Gay Valley

Description: All government spending on Defence (e.g. Police + Military) should be increased by all members of the United Nations.

Police need more budgets so citizens of United Nations members can have more relaxed laws but also not fall victim to crimes. This will include - Strengthening Of Police Forces, Upgrade of weapons, Giving Police More Power, Extending Prison Sentences and Introducing the Death Penalty to the most severe of offenses (e.g. murder, rape, shoplifting etc.)

Military Forces need the money to; Upgrade Weaponry, Receive better living standards, Recruit more soldiers, Improve training facilities, and be able to get into schools and brainwash the young into joining the forces when they come of age.

This is all vital to defending your country and citizens, and improving your country.Illegal, contradicts Fair Sentencing Act.
07-12-2007, 10:53
"Given the great rise in international terrorism in our days and the menace it presents,it is felt that the U.N. as an organization based on the principle of peace and stability should encorage its members to fight terrorism and also take up a bit of fighting itself." - Flibblies

There's no terrorism in my country :D

fighting? where? BATTLE!!! Hooah!
07-12-2007, 17:56
Category: Repeal

Resolution: #230

Proposed by: Sanctissima Trinitas

Description: UN Resolution #230: Fairness and Equality Act (Category: Human Rights; Strength: Significant) shall be struck out and rendered null and void.

07-12-2007, 18:12
A resolution to promote funding and the development of education and the arts.

Category: Education and Creativity
Area of Effect: Artistic
Proposed by: Emphoriah

Description: RAP MUSIC IS ABYSMAL IT NEEDS TO BE BURNED!!!!!!!!!! it sends a negative immage of killing and stuff and mr fiddy! FIDDY!! WTF IS THAT!!! yes he is the worst of them all I CANT UNDERSTAND WHAT THE HELL HE IS MUMBLING!!!!!

Approvals: 3 (Emphoriah, Extremation, WZ Forums)

Status: Lacking Support (requires 112 more approvals)

Voting Ends: Mon Dec 10 2007 Have the admit, the title cracked me up, despite the RL references (50-Cent), and miscategorization (how does a resolution calling for censorship "promote funding and the development of education and the arts"?).

...At long last, the insta-repeals crop up!:

Repeal "Fairness and Equality Act"
A proposal to repeal a previously passed resolution

Category: Repeal
Resolution: #230
Proposed by: Burkesborough

Description: UN Resolution #230: Fairness and Equality Act (Category: Human Rights; Strength: Significant) shall be struck out and rendered null and void.

Argument: This act attempts to intervene and prevent democracy, often in the case of a small minority. In true democracy, the people decide through proper governmental processes what kind of discretion they choose. For instance, under this, an banker could be in legal trouble for refusing to hire an applicant who has a history of theft and holding up banks, if he also happened to be of a particular skin color, sexual disorientation, religious belief or any other of a number of theoretical minorities.

In summation:

-Discretion is a gift
-Discretion should not be tampered with
-Personal right of discretion based upon personal moral or religious values should not be a crime
-Discrimination is defined as "the recognition of qualities and differences among certain things or persons and making choices based on those qualities"
-Discrimination is there for a good thing when not misused

Approvals: 7 (Extremation, Ternalaria, NeuEuropa, Ellenburg, Compulsoria, Bradigan the Liborator, WZ Forums)

Status: Lacking Support (requires 108 more approvals)

Voting Ends: Sun Dec 9 2007 Someone seems to have missed the whole "unfair and unreasonable" deal.

Repeal "Fairness and Equality Act"
A proposal to repeal a previously passed resolution

Category: Repeal
Resolution: #230
Proposed by: Jebawe

Description: UN Resolution #230: Fairness and Equality Act (Category: Human Rights; Strength: Significant) shall be struck out and rendered null and void.

Argument: This resolution is an affront the the sovereignty of a nation's rule. By forcing member nations to follow these rules , the UN may alienate itself from certain individuals, who may not agree with the laws proposed. The Empire of Jebawe suggests that the decision to enforce these laws be repealed.

Approvals: 9 (Waggi, Emphoriah, WZ Forums, Latest night, Extremation, Ternalaria, NeuEuropa, Compulsoria, Bradigan the Liborator)

Status: Lacking Support (requires 106 more approvals)

Voting Ends: Sun Dec 9 2007 Invalid national sovereignty argument, plus branding.

Somehow I doubt that chanting the word repeal is going to be considered a valid argument.Somehow I doubt that chanting the word repeal is going to be considered anything besides spam.
08-12-2007, 01:32
Category: Global Disarmament

Strength: Strong

Proposed by: Aeron Land

Description: If we all gave up our weapons, and i mean everyone, then war would be a thing of the past. All country's should be able to solve their problems by talking to one another. Here is what i propose.

1- All nations disarm all thier weapons and give them to the UN itself
2- All men in the nation may sign up for the UN army.
3- Each nation have a selected representative to talk to other nations. the representative must have a majority of the vote. over 60% in order to become representative.
4-Only the UN itsself may have an army on order to make sure that no country begins to re-arm themselves.
5- All nations pledge to resolve their problems through negotiations and to never wage.
6-All Nations must give their army to the UN in order to secure peaceIllegal, creates a UN army, contradicts Nuclear Armaments, contradicts United Nations Security Act and probably more that I missed.
St Edmund
08-12-2007, 10:08
Illegal, creates a UN army, contradicts Nuclear Armaments, contradicts United Nations Security Act and probably more that I missed.
The clause that "Each nation to have an elected representative" could fall under the 'No ideological bans/enforcements' rule?

Chocolate must be legal
A resolution to ban, legalize, or encourage recreational drugs.

Category: Recreational Drug Use
Decision: Legalize
Proposed by: Mott Haven

Description: It is proposed that the Chocolate, including its mind-altering chemical components such as Theo-bromides, when such components are occurring in natural concentrations, be specifically exempted from any definition of recreational drugs that might otherwise include it by strict interpretation of the definition, as per the example of United Nations Resolution #229 which reads in part:

Description: DEFINING for the purposes of this resolution, a "recreational drug" as a chemical substance whose primary purpose is to act upon the central nervous system where it alters brain function, resulting in temporary or permanent changes in perception, mood, consciousness and/or behavior,

Approvals: 7 (Unified United Union, The Duct Tape, WZ Forums, Alpacadom, Vom53, Barhar, Auevia)
Status: Lacking Support (requires 108 more approvals)
Voting Ends: Mon Dec 10 2007
Illegal, attempts to amend an existing resolution (and would also amend or contradict the UN Drug Act, too).

Elimination of Abortion Act
A resolution to improve worldwide human and civil rights.

Category: Human Rights
Strength: Significant
Proposed by: Eucharistic Paradise

Description: Wherein certain laws are in place to allot for the violation of the most natural right of any individual.

Wherein all infingements upon life are to be deemed unjust and eliminated.

Wherein all people born or unborn have a right over thier own life and autonomy.

Wherein the father as well as mother has a right to govern the life of a child.

The resolution should be passed to completely eliminate the option of abortion of a child in all capacities.

Approvals: 1 (WZ Forums)
Status: Lacking Support (requires 114 more approvals)
Voting Ends: Tue Dec 11 2007
Illegal, contradicts an existing resolution.
(I'm not going to say that it's in the wrong category, because if one considers life to begin at conception rather than at birth then "the Rights of the Unborn" arguably would count as 'Human Rights'...)

Ban Emo Music
A resolution to restrict civil freedoms in the interest of moral decency.

Category: Moral Decency
Strength: Mild
Proposed by: Gs68

Description: As a result of the "emo" subculture, the rate of suicides and suicide attempts across the world have gone up, raising concern for the message that emo music conveys. Emo music also encourages the pathetic, disruptive act of craving for attention.

Also, emo fashion encourages men to dress angrodynously, wearing tight pants and eyeshadow. What is our world coming to when the difference between a man and a woman diminshes? What happened to masculinity?

Thus, I propose that emo music be banned in all UN nations. For our sake, and the sake of emo fans' well-being.

Approvals: 0
Status: Lacking Support (requires 115 more approvals)
Voting Ends: Tue Dec 11 2007

Illegal for RL reference?
"Think of the children!"
Iron Felix
09-12-2007, 00:08
Equality through education

A resolution to promote funding and the development of education and the arts.

Category: Education and Creativity

Area of Effect: Educational

Proposed by: Whateveryourbuzzis

Description: make education free, through this process everyone from all backgrounds have the opportunity to advance themselves in society and in the nation as well. this proposal can only help people and further society as the influx of new ideas will help to broaden not only the minds of people in education but as these people advance they will help whatever industry they choose to go into, thereby helping everyone.
Not illegal, but considering the category I find the grammar amusing.
End Use of Incendiaries

A resolution to slash worldwide military spending.

Category: Global Disarmament

Strength: Strong

Proposed by: Nuguay

Description: Incendiary weapons are weapons that are created for the purpose of starting fires. This inherently makes them weapons of terror. Although not as immediately dangerous as nuclear weapons and the like, Incendiary weapons can be devastating to the psyche of those affected.

Some of the terrible affects of Incendiary weapons have been documented:

-Uncontrollable fires that can spread to unintended areas causing considerable collateral damage.

-Psychological damage as people must witness their peers being burned alive.

-Certain Incendiaries, such as White Phosphorus, are well known to be toxic substances.

-Weapons created specifically for burning structures contributes to greenhouse gases in the atmosphere.

These conditions are reason enough to abolish the production and use of incendiary weapons by all UN sponsored nations. It is the duty of the UN to prevent conflict and at the very least make combat less damaging. This resolution will lessen the effects that conflicts take on the people sucked into them.
Contradicts United Nations Security Act.
Against ladies with moustache

A resolution to improve worldwide human and civil rights.

Category: Human Rights

Strength: Strong

Proposed by: Beira Lusitana

Description: One of the plagues that dwell in our international society is women with mustaches. These fiends horrorize the most sensible citizens and show a very bad reference to our children,which deserve to live in a world free of women with facial hair.
So,the United Nations decide:

1)All women with mustache and/or beard shall be arrested and their mustaches and/or beards cut off.

2)In case of resistance to the applying of the law, the criminals shall be executed without delay.
Offensive, just plain stupid and contradicts Fair Sentencing Act.
Repeal "UN taxation ban"

A proposal to repeal a previously passed resolution

Category: Repeal

Resolution: #4

Proposed by: Matlack

Description: UN Resolution #4: UN taxation ban (Category: Social Justice; Strength: Significant) shall be struck out and rendered null and void.

Argument: If the UN taxed everyone, imagine how the headquarters would look! Big screen TV's in every stall of every bathroom! You would never miss an episode of Family Guy!
Illegal, RL reference.
Thinking Big

A resolution to improve worldwide human and civil rights.

Category: Human Rights

Strength: Strong

Proposed by: Kevin268

Description: Hi all UN members and Regional un delegates.
i am submitting a proposal about the way people help out and the way human and civil rights is abused and we must crack down on this, we cannot take any more abuse,pain or lack of help from other regions and from inactive personnel from all nations if you create a nation or region for that matter you have to stay active unless cant and have to go on holiday or a personal matter but dont just put a puppet on a region help out that region to make it better make it a success and you never know it could all happend again with you mightbe owner a very high region with more than 1,000 nations like say The west pacific,the north and south pacific and from there everyone should help out.
I also believe in the way people behave outright should be all respected and not to insult,abuse there trust or invade,crash or hack very powerful delegates places for that matter and if proposal goes to vote by delegates to be put in place i think it would be a great way to start!
Meta-gaming. Probably a game mechanics violation in there too but I had to stop reading it.
09-12-2007, 01:44
Category: Moral Decency

Strength: Significant

Proposed by: Holy land of jesus

Description: stop cruse ing in front of kids it screws up their minds and they become little criminals wanting to kill.

sincerely holy land of JesusIllegal, branding.
Iron Felix
09-12-2007, 05:48
Repeal "Female Genital Mutilation"

A proposal to repeal a previously passed resolution

Category: Repeal

Resolution: #62

Proposed by: Liternalia

Description: UN Resolution #62: Female Genital Mutilation (Category: Human Rights; Strength: Strong) shall be struck out and rendered null and void.

Argument: Observing that both female genital mutilation and male genital mutilation are performed ritually due to the religious customs of some cultures,
It is discriminatory to condemn the practice of genital mutilation of females but not protect males also, despite differing consequences both are often committed against the will of the individual (child),
Recognising that this is a contentious issue and often male genital mutilation is accepted in most nations as opposed to female genital mutilation,

1. Condemns the practice of both female and male circumcision (Genital mutilation) of individuals under the age of 18;
3. Urges States to discourage genital mutilation after the age of 18;
2. Calls upon States to fund programmes educating citizens about the dangers of genital mutilation and the disregard for child rights it entails.
Attempts to introduce new legislation in a repeal.
Cool Hippies
09-12-2007, 07:00
Increase Democracy

A resolution to increase democratic freedoms.

Category: The Furtherment of Democracy

Strength: Strong

Proposed by: Mason Anthony Brown

Description: Dictatorships and communism are not good ways of running a nation. You need to let the citizens decide their leaders. Also, to ensure that there aren't corrupt governments, we need nation with democracy.

Ideological bans are not allowed:

Okay, so you hate capitalism. That's nice, but you can't ban it. Just like you can't ban communism, socialism, democracy, dictatorships, conservatives, liberals, Christians, atheist, or any other political, religious, or economic ideology. While it should go without saying, this is up to the Game Moderator's discretion. You may consider the banning of slavery an oppression of your "economic ideology", we do not.
10-12-2007, 00:39
Category: Recreational Drug Use

Decision: Outlaw

Proposed by: Mason Anthony Brown

Description: Drugs are harmful and should be outlawed. If there weren't any drugs, there would be less crime and more peace. Plus, our citizens would be healthier.Illegal, contradicts UN Drug Act.

Category: Repeal

Resolution: #226

Proposed by: MeloDavia

Description: UN Resolution #226: Passport Standardisation Act (Category: Political Stability; Strength: Mild) shall be struck out and rendered null and void.

Argument: The United Nations,

NOTING the potential security risks arising from being unable to accurately assess those entering and leaving a nation.

DESPITE these security risks, it is imperative that individual nations be allowed the sovereignty to create and maintain their own passports, without intervention of the United Nations.

1. Still defines a "Passport" as a travel document by the nation of which the person is a citizen, identifying the bearer as a national of that country,

2. Mandates that all citizens carry a Passport issued by a relevant nation, and not organized by the UN, in which they hold citizenship or other citizen status, when traveling abroad, except where deemed unnecessary through the existence of bilateral and multilateral border control agreement,

3. PERMITS issuing nations to allow children under the age of majority, or a specific age that is lower than that of the age of majority, in the issuing country to travel on the passport of one or both of their parents, as necessary under national law

4. DISBANDS the United Nations Commission for Passport Design and Control (UNCPDC)

5. CALLS UPON all nations to recognize the passports of nationals of United Nations member states, not through a centralized passport, but through the trust of membership of the UN.Illegal, contains new legislation.
10-12-2007, 00:55
Repeal "Fairness and Equality Act"
A proposal to repeal a previously passed resolution

Category: Repeal
Resolution: #230
Proposed by: Objective States

Description: UN Resolution #230: Fairness and Equality Act (Category: Human Rights; Strength: Significant) shall be struck out and rendered null and void.

Argument: Private non-violent discrimination is a human right.

It is an unwise irrational choice and almost never in one's best interest, but it is not the responsibility or right of a government or united body of nations to police personal decisions made on private property by citizens.

This resolution oversteps the bounds of the United Nations and violates fundamental principles of individual rights and national sovereignty.

Government discrimination is absolutely intolerable, as discrimination by the government (an agent of the people) is both unjust and unfair (due to the government's monopoly on the legal use of force and compulsion). In the private sector, anyone is free to make decisions as they see fit, with whatever justification, and suffer the consequences of those decisions.

Laissez-faire. Hands off the private citizenry and their personal decisions!

Approvals: 1 (Extremation)

Status: Lacking Support (requires 114 more approvals)

Voting Ends: Wed Dec 12 2007 At times I wonder whether some of these people advocating private-sector discrimination would actually favor repealing the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

(...Civil Rights Act! Why didn't I just use that title! Grrrr... (
10-12-2007, 06:53
Nuclear Power Reduction Act

A resolution to increase the quality of the world's environment, at the expense of industry.

Category: Environmental

Industry Affected: Uranium Mining

Proposed by: Ian Lives Here

Description: Nuclear power is bad for the environment. It is an inefficient form of energy.
This act proposes that in order to curb the use of this dangerous power source :
1. There should be a limit on what percentage of a nation's energy may be generated by nuclear power.
2. Severe fines must be implemented against any UN member that does not properly dispose of nuclear waste.
3. There should be a limit on the amount of uranium that can be mined in a year in all UN member nations

This act allows for any further penalties on nuclear power and is not limited to the above articles.

Approvals: 4 (Ian Lives Here, WZ Forums, Free Hanover, Ventei)

Status: Lacking Support (requires 111 more approvals)

Voting Ends: Wed Dec 12 2007

The Holy Empire of James_xenoland has not approved this proposal. [Approve]
First off. We're going to see some proof for the assertions made in the description, when?

1. OK, we'll keep ours at 99.9%.

2. "properly"? You mean in the ocean, the sun or maybe a neighboring country?

3. Set by whom?!

St Edmund
10-12-2007, 14:59
Equality through education
Not illegal, but considering the category I find the grammar amusing.
Doesn't it contradict the UN Educational Aid Act?
Iron Felix
10-12-2007, 17:48
Doesn't it contradict the UN Educational Aid Act?
Hmm...yes it does. I had to go back and read it again, but that "make education free" part sounds mandatory and probably means free as in "free beer", not free as in "free speech". It would contradict Article 6 of UNEAA which covers (among other things) financing.
11-12-2007, 00:00
Category: Recreational Drug Use

Decision: Promote

Proposed by: Leezerdemon8

Description: The U.N should ban drug use! Why? Simple really. Some or most of our nations today have high crime rates. Drug use is usually in high crime rate nations. If the U.N could ban drug use that could reduce our crime rates! Drug use include growing poppies, taking drugs, smuggling drugs, etc. Illegal, contradicts UN Drug Act.
Category: Environmental

Industry Affected: Automobile Manufacturing

Proposed by: Basketball 101

Description: We need to Use less gases that hurt the air and use gases like ethanol.
1. Ban CARS.
2. Use corn ethanol.
3. Be hippies and Ban buissinesses and Cars or anything that effects nature.If you ban cars, what are people supposed to use ethanol in?
Category: Repeal

Resolution: #19

Proposed by: Leezerdemon8

Description: UN Resolution #19: Religious Tolerance (Category: Human Rights; Strength: Significant) shall be struck out and rendered null and void.

Argument: I agree with you! If the U.N does that, we will have less wars fought in the name of god and religion!If you agree with it, why are you trying to repeal it?
11-12-2007, 01:46
If you ban cars, what are people supposed to use ethanol in?

Maybe we can drink it? it is a type of alcohol after all!
11-12-2007, 05:38
Category: Global Disarmament

Strength: Strong

Proposed by: Dragon Mercenary Force

Description: People are tired of Nuclear threats we should abolish them.And have global peaceIllegal, contradicts Nuclear Armaments.
11-12-2007, 11:17
I say that the U.N should ban drug use! Why? Simple really. These are the points.

1. Some or most of our nations have high crime rates. We can control this! How? By banning drug use! By banning it the crime rates will go lower! Drug use increases crimes like robberies, drug smuggling, violence etc.

2. Everyone usually says one little try won't get you addicted. Well don't trust them! Just because they do it doesn't mean you have to do it! This is a warning to everyone - once you try drugs once, you're hooked on it. When you're addicted you'll do ANYTHING to get more. Once you do anything just for more drugs, the consequences are unspeakable. You will destroy yourself and your family.

3. When people want to make money by selling drugs they usually smuggle them through customs. That is just wrong! Smuggling is against the law! If you smuggle it will include a death penalty, life in prison or a very long time behind bars. Nobody wants to go to prison, right? If you don't want to go to prison then may I suggest you do not take drugs, grow drugs, smuggle drugs or have anything to do with drugs!!!

These are the reasons why the U.N should ban the use of drugs. It's only for everyone's safety.
11-12-2007, 12:53
I say that the U.N should ban drug use! Why? Simple really. These are the points.This thread is for people to post silly and illegal proposals already submitted to the UN Proposal List and to note why they are silly or illegal. Mocking optional and reserved for the most egregious.

Were you to submit your (illegal) proposal (and I'm not suggesting you do so, it's not nice to intentionally annoy the mods and it puts them off their dinner), someone would post it here and tell you it contradicts the UN Drug Act. Were you to post your own proposal here, the irony would be noted.

If you are looking for a discussion about the recreational drug category, you should post your thread as a stand-alone in the UN forum, unless you want a real-life discussion, then you're looking for General.
11-12-2007, 17:55
Were you to submit your (illegal) proposal (and I'm not suggesting you do so, it's not nice to intentionally annoy the mods and it puts them off their dinner), someone would post it here and tell you it contradicts the UN Drug Act.

Actually they did submit it, and someone did post it here (

Category: International Security

Strength: Mild

Proposed by: The Philippiniada

Description: I propose that the militirization of the UN is mandatory for International Security, and protecting the interest of the UN in case a similar group that is hell bent for controlling and invading nations spring up, the UN will have enough force to counter its threat,

Every UN Member, in case the passing of this proposal, will have to donate $3 trillion dollars each, this will be used for researching, improving, and creating arms, and technologies that will only be seen by members of a council that will be created solely for the "UNITED NATIONS ARMY".

Every nation in the UN will be needed to donate to the UN 3000 Citizens each, this men and women will be the backbone of the "UNITED NATIONS ARMY",


1. peacekeeping efforts
2. threat to global security
3. threat to the UN
4. threat to the interest of the UNIllegal, creates a UN army.
11-12-2007, 18:25
Fellow ambassadors of the NSUN. We, The Armed Republic of Cinistra, have a most appalling question to ask you all. Are the NSUN a scam:eek:? Are all our efforts to make the world a better place to live really of any worth? Are all those glorious and dreadful resolutions annihilated? Why do we ask these questions you may ask.
The Most Glorious Nation of The Armed Republic of Cinistra have been a member of the NSUN for some weeks now, and we have strived to make the NS a better place to live, repelling resolutions more bureaucratic than a libertarian's worst nightmare! And for what?! For no reason at all, my friends (and foes, also). As we see it the NSUN lacks any legislative tool to implement its dreaded, boring ressolutions:upyours:. When Cinistra applied for membership in the NSUN we were readily accepted. We have now read thoroughly the information our friendly NSUN bureaucrats (i.e. the moderators) have been so nice to share with the users of the NSUN forums. They promptly state that the NSUN have both the legislative means as well as the means of power to make the result of the NSUN resolutions mandatory for its member states. Well, as far we see it, we have only their words for it. Of course as a country ruled by a dictator of the most despotic kind, we do of course not object to this autocratic way to make the NSUN member states to follow suit. Rather we cherish it:D. But even in Cinistra we do have an constitution (although its not of the liking of the snivelling so called democratic states of the world:sniper:) which grants people their rights (these chapters tends to be rather short:D) and the rights of the government (quite voluminous in fact:)). But here in the NSUN? Did we see a constitution? Did we see a chapter? Cinistra has indeed seen neither. Have you? Neither have we been compelled to sign a treaty of any kind. Have you? Nay, our friends and foes: as a consequence none of the resolutions made by industrious member states of the NSUN have any legislative foundations what so ever. They are all rendered struck null an void. The NSUN is nothing but a paper tiger. Thank you, our fellow ambassadors.
11-12-2007, 19:29

its just a game dude, with some limitations... more of a roleplaying suspension of disbelief setting not a pure legislative exercise. You seem to be wanting a genuine simulation. This aint the case. Sure, this is not the UN we all know from the real world, in some cases its better, in others, not so much.... but hey enjoy the ride. Maybe you could post the constitution of your nation in one of the forum threads.... maybe the NationStates thread, not here in the UN thread. Some would enjoy reading your constitution and may inspire them to write one up as well.... with enough people doing it, one may be inspired to write some kind of formal document of the game's UN as well...

dude, just be cool! there are much more important reasons to get upset than this game.
Iron Felix
11-12-2007, 19:35
a most appalling question :eek: :upyours: :D :D :)
Wow! That really was appalling. Thanks.
11-12-2007, 20:45
Actually they did submit it, and someone did post it here ( my eyes twice and call me Nancy. That'll teach me to only look on the last page of proposals. Let the self-mocking begin.
11-12-2007, 22:08
IMNSHO, the UN is much more complex than other political sims, in that you deal with real people, who may very well be...ahem...not like your goals very much, if at all. It could be more complex, but eh, you get what you paid for.

But it's time to submit an silly proposal, but one that I won't submit, obivously for good reasons:

International Security

APPLAUDING the UN in its previous resolutions concering international security,

STATING however that non-UN Nations may seek to disrupt international security,

DESIRING that there be a UN army to protect the all memberstates,

The Nationstates United Nations HEREBY,

1) SUGGEST that UN memberstates form military alliances to protect each other instead of actually relying on the UN itself,

2) PROHIBITS the UN from ever making a resolution about the UN Army ever again.

The hope: Fluffies see the first part of the proposal and vote FOR without seeing the blocker of #2 which would in fact end discussion about the UN Army. Despite the resolution being about UN armies and about how UN armies are good, it doesn't actually establish a UN Army, so everything is fine. Let ban UN armies by sneaking it through a rider.
12-12-2007, 05:38
Category: Human Rights

Strength: Strong

Proposed by: BigBunsofSteel

Description: The purpose of this act would be to make nudity compulsory worldwide. It is often true that the wearing of clothes inhibits a lot of things, much more than the eye can see.

RECOGNIZES the effect of public nudity to improve sexual intercourse between a couple. The ability to be naked all the time and anywhere creates a certain intimate atmosphere between partners.

RECOGNIZES the power of nudity in diplomacy, it breaks down communication barriers that normally would not be there. Consider someone that is extremely well endowed with a nice set of breasts or a man that is endowed with a big package. Both of these cause immediate diplomatic talking points that create for a truely divine atmosphere.

RECOGNIZES the ability to have a much better workplace enviroment when co-workers are not inhibited by restrictive dress codes, but are instead encouraged to do as the monkeys do. Ladies, that means FREESTYLIN!!

RECOGNIZES the inherent duty of every woman to indulge in nudity in order to beautify the world of all the ugliness caused by problems of war, famine, pestilence and disease. It is also necessary to encourage proper dialogue about women's issues such as Sexual Reproduction, etc.

REALIZES that the only way to truely have better sex is to live a nude lifestyle. And great sex is a good equation for positively happy couples worldwide. And happiness only serves to bring our world together in the common tie that binds.

REALIZES that if nudity were compulsory worldwide, then we would all have a common thread, something that binds us together. It would give us a common bond.

REALIZES that some people will abuse this act and engage in blantant sexual intercourse in public which is not condoned by this act.

REMINDS people that sexual intercourse should be confined to a private setting other than a public one because the right to view a sexual act is up to every individual

RECOGNIZES that the only way we are truely going to be able to teach our children how to understand their identity physically and anatomically is to have public nudity allowed. It is necessary in order for our children to be able to fully come to grips with their equipment.

REALIZES that this Act is highly unusual, but hopes that it will be taken seriously because people will

REALIZE that wearing clothes is a burden and has always been a burden. RECOGNIZING that our ancestors use to run around naked as can be, and they were perfectly fine that way.

UNDERSTANDING that a society without clothes minimizes workplace discrimination based on sex or on looks because without clothes, it's commando and you are what you are! When clothes are in the equation, people are unfairly expectted to dress in extravagant or expensive clothing from top end designers.

UNDERSTANDING that to be nude all the time is a considerable saving on buying clothes which only serve to repress an individuals true identity and sexuality.

REALIZING that if this isn't passed, then we are only suppressing our own sexuality and denying our children from exploring their own sexuality in a format where clothes will not serve to inhibit!Woe on those people living in frigid climates should this pass.

Category: Environmental

Industry Affected: All Businesses

Proposed by: Marine Corps 232

Description: I believe the use of solar power must be enforced.
It benefits all nations of the world.
1. It decreases pollution
2. It decreases bill payments, imagine if everyone ran on solar power. Everything would be much much better. bills would be cheaper, and you would save so much on electricity!
solar panels require little maintenance, last 25 years or longer and are completely safe.
Solar panels can stay out in practically any weather.They may be able to stay out in any weather, but how much use could they be when it's not sunny?

Category: Human Rights

Strength: Strong

Proposed by: Dinkerstan

Description: Stop invasions of one region to another.
Death to the raiders.Instant boot to the invaders.Illegal, metagaming.
The Most Glorious Hack
12-12-2007, 08:16

This is not the thread to discuss the fate and direction of the UN, nor is it the place to post fake Proposals. Honestly, the real ( ones ( are far worse anyway.
St Edmund
12-12-2007, 16:15
Guns for everyone
A resolution to tighten or relax gun control laws.

Category: Gun Control
Decision: Relax
Proposed by: Eternal Legacy

Description: To the right to bear arms.
For every nation the right to conceal a weapon,unless a person is a violent citizen with a violent background.

The right for gas stations,stores,and other commercial places to be able to arm their selves with a weapon only as a defense purpose.

Approvals: 4 (WZ Forums, Hades359, Wee Free peeps, NeuEuropa)

Status: Lacking Support (requires 111 more approvals)

Voting Ends: Fri Dec 14 2007

Gas stations, stores and other commercial places arming themselves, rather than having the people who work there armed?!?
Are these sapient commercial buildings? ;)
12-12-2007, 16:37
Gas stations, stores and other commerical places arming themselves, rather than having the people who work there armed?!?
Are these sapient places? ;)

Must be the latest in automation, replacing workers with AI.
13-12-2007, 02:12
Category: Human Rights

Strength: Strong

Proposed by: Mike Huckabee

Description: This United Nations has to realize that there is a holocaust of unborn children in the world and we cannot stand for it as a civilized world. I propose to the UN that we have a complete and total ban on all abortions through out the whole world. I also propose that we create a stronger adoption agency where parents who truly love children can take up children who were put up for adoption instead of being senselessly slaughtered in a cruel fashion at the hands of abortionists. Along side of this adoption agency, we can create a program to teach that the best birth control is abstinence and the proper use of safe sex if people choose so.Illegal, contradicts Abortion Legality Convention.

Category: Human Rights

Strength: Significant

Proposed by: Auevia

Description: HEREBY DEFINES Corporal Punishment as "the infliction of pain to punish or change the behaviour of an individual"

RECOGNIZES that some cultures may actively support corporal punishment and promote it's use.

REALIZES that it is generally felt by many individuals that corporal punishment has detrimental long-term effects on the punished offender.

WISHES to abolish the use of corporal punishment and educate disciplinarians of the dangers of corporal punishment and provide education in alternative methods of discipline and chastisement.


1. Enforces the complete abolition of corporal punishment on all individuals of every age, in the home, school, as a judicial punishment and in a care setting.

2. Endorses the establishment of an ad hoc committee to be named "UN Committee on Corporal Punishment" which will analyse all cases of corporal punishment and continue to aid governments in prosecuting those who use corporal punishment. The above said Committee will assist in the aim to educate in alternative forms of discipline.

3. Establishes and affirms the right to protection from corporal punishment as a fundamental human right.Illegal, contradicts Fair Sentencing Act.

Category: International Security

Strength: Strong

Proposed by: Crapooza

Description: Bringing to the UN for international approval of my weapon:

The new air force invention by my nation:

1. It can only go into invading regions because of its effects.

2. Has been dubbed the Firequake Bomb, because when it hits, it sends shock-waves into the air, that ignite the oxygen surrounding the bomb for a 8-kilometer radius, thus setting everything on fire. It literally vaporizes buildings within 3 kilometers of the epicenter, because the quake is so hot.

3. The heat from the explosion at the epicenter is what ignites the surrounding oxygen, thus setting everything on fire, and it ignites the oxygen in the shock-wave from the explosion, making it look like an expanding ring of fire.

4. Once the fire ring has subsided, it leaves a 16-km or 10 mile diameter of utterly destroyed material, and burning wreckage.

5. As a result, it is great for igniting over forests that surround heavily populated areas, or igniting the cities themselves.Since when do we approve weapons?

Category: Moral Decency

Strength: Significant

Proposed by: Stentia

Description: All un nations ban the use of the n word and smoking and all other tobacco productsIllegal, contradicts UN Drug Act.
13-12-2007, 03:26
I wasn't aware of a connection between 'the n word' and smoking. Unless they mean nicotine. But that's hardly what springs to mind when you say 'the n word'.
13-12-2007, 18:01
Category: Education and Creativity

Area of Effect: Educational

Proposed by: Tyveria

Description: hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjgfffffffffffffffffffffffdddddddddvhhhhhhhhhhh hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjgfffffffffffffffffffffffdddddddddvhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh hhhhhhhhhhhhjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjgfffffffffffffffffffffffdddddddddvhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh hjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjgfffffffffffffffffffffffdddddddddvhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhjjjjjjjjjj jjjjjjjjjjjgfffffffffffffffffffffffdddddddddvhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjj gfffffffffffffffffffffffdddddddddvhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjgffffffffff fffffffffffffdddddddddvhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjgfffffffffffffffffffff ffdddddddddvhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjgfffffffffffffffffffffffddddddddd vhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjgfffffffffffffffffffffffdddddddddvhhhhhhhhhh hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjgfffffffffffffffffffffffdddddddddvhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh hhhhhhhhhhhhhjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjgfffffffffffffffffffffffdddddddddvhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh hhjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjgfffffffffffffffffffffffdddddddddvhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhjjjjjjjjj jjjjjjjjjjjjgfffffffffffffffffffffffdddddddddvhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjj jgfffffffffffffffffffffffdddddddddvhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjgfffffffff ffffffffffffffdddddddddvhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjgffffffffffffffffffff fffdddddddddvhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjgfffffffffffffffffffffffdddddddd dvhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjgfffffffffffffffffffffffdddddddddvhhhhhhhhh hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjgfffffffffffffffffffffffdddddddddvhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh hhhhhhhhhhhhhhjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjgfffffffffffffffffffffffdddddddddvhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh hhhjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjgfffffffffffffffffffffffdddddddddvhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhjjjjjjjj jjjjjjjjjjjjjgfffffffffffffffffffffffdddddddddvhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjj jjgfffffffffffffffffffffffdddddddddvhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjgffffffff fffffffffffffffdddddddddvhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjgfffffffffffffffffff ffffdddddddddvhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjgfffffffffffffffffffffffddddddd ddvhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjgfffffffffffffffffffffffdddddddddvhhhhhhhh hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjgfffffffffffffffffffffffdddddddddvhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjgfffffffffffffffffffffffdddddddddv

Approvals: 0

Status: Lacking Support (requires 115 more approvals)

Voting Ends: Sun Dec 16 2007
I've never seen a page breaking proposal before (and I hope to never see one again).

Category: Political Stability

Strength: Strong

Proposed by: Mushadan

Description: The Queendom of Pravda Perestroika has taken over the Soviet Union and is kicking out everyone who fights her. We need help throwing her out of power. What can we do to stop her? She is being very un-just.

-The United Socialist States of MushadanIllegal, metagaming and branding.

Category: Environmental

Industry Affected: Uranium Mining

Proposed by: Fraux

Description: Let us begin with the deplorability of the horrors afflicted on creatures such as the majestic -- albeit fleeting, due to the torturous conditions -- walrus, narwhal, and unicorn. These increasingly rare subspecies have been dwindling due to the aggressive expansion of uranium miners, especially in south Antartica and the outlying regions. After witnessing these depravities firsthand in Fraux, We submit two proposals under the name of Animal Equality Act (hereby referred to as AEA):

(1) Animals should be allowed the same basic freedoms and respects as humans would if they were to be facing the same consequences: for example, shooting a Walrus would be akin to brotherly murder. To prevent exacerbation and exploitation of this act, as well as to retain the hunting industries, domestic and wild animals will be ranked on a tiering hierarchy: stronger, more valuable animals such as wildebeasts and walruses are placed higher on the tier (and will thus have harsher consequences), where as fairly common or worthless animals such as chipmunks will have fairly unchanged rights.

(2) Uranium Mining will be outlawed whenever it could possibly further endanger already threatened species.Category: Environmental

Industry Affected: Automobile Manufacturing

Proposed by: Fraux

Description: Description: Let us begin with the deplorability of the horrors afflicted on creatures such as the majestic --
albeit fleeting, due to the torturous conditions -- walrus, narwhal, and unicorn. These increasingly rare
subspecies have been dwindling due to the aggressive expansion of uranium miners, especially in south Antartica
and the outlying regions. After witnessing these depravities firsthand in Fraux, We submit two proposals
under the name of Animal Equality Act (hereby referred to as AEA):

(1) Animals should be allowed the same basic freedoms and
respects as humans would if they were to be facing the same consequences: for example, shooting a Walrus would be
akin to brotherly murder. To prevent exacerbation and exploitation of this act, as well as to retain the hunting
industries, domestic and wild animals will be ranked on a tiering hierarchy: stronger, more valuable animals such as
wildebeasts and walruses are placed higher on the tier (and will thus have harsher consequences), where as fairly
common or worthless animals such as chipmunks will have fairly unchanged rights.

(2) Uranium Mining will be outlawed whenever it could possibly further endanger already threatened species.A proposal so nice they submitted it twice, and both times it's branded.

Category: Education and Creativity

Area of Effect: Educational

Proposed by: Derebrim

Description: Should the government control the educational aspect of you're nation? This question generates a lot of commotion among many peaple but I firmly believe that a nations education could be further developed if the government had control over both the peaple teaching and the things being taught a lot more education could be accomplished wich promotes progress in the gainful directions.Looks like someone needs to go back to school and learn some spelling and the difference between "your" and "you're."

Category: Moral Decency

Strength: Significant

Proposed by: Divisonal France

Description: With the years I've grown up in, many people seem to be less, I don't know, "controlled". Kids are learning to swear at the ages of five. Parents are not controlling their child's leash on the world. Children are receiving cell phones at 4th and 5th grade! These phones aren't simple phones either, they can be Razrs and such. Children are also growing less respectful for adults and their peers. Bullying has become a problem. A teen recently committed suicide over a conversation on Myspace. Recent killings in Omaha Nebraska have lead people to wonder the respect for people these days. No one uses “Sir” and “Ma’am” Who's to blame? Us. The Adults.

1. Disciplinary Actions for those who display immoral behavior in public (cursing, assaulting, harassment and the like)
2. Crack down on beatings
3. Rehabilitation centers for children who have been abuses(verbally or physically)
4. School and City counselors designed to benefit the child's need.
a. Children are the future
5. Controlled school experience
a. Security systems, dress code etc.

If we make our children less "World viewed" we may catch ourselves by surprise rather then feeding them immoral views and dis-respect. Illegal, RL references.

Category: International Security

Strength: Strong

Proposed by: Agathor

Description: In light of the fact that there are strong hostile forces that are in opposition to everything that the UN stands for and the fact that many of the UN nations are unable to provide adequate defenses to support their own people. The UN should, for this reason, provide defense for any nation that is a member of the UN. To pay for this the UN can require each nation to pay an annual or monthly due to the UN to support this military force this fee can be based on the size of the military of that particular nation or in any other way that the UN members decide upon. The UN has always been a rather peaceful organization of nations but due to the threats of hostile nations the UN MUST protect its members and the citizens who so cherish their rights must be made able to defend these rights least they lose their freedom and equality.Illegal, no UN army rule.
Iron Felix
13-12-2007, 19:35
I've never seen a page breaking proposal before (and I hope to never see one again).
That thing really needs to be nuked along with the nation that submitted it.
13-12-2007, 19:52
We can always assume it was an attempt at creative art? It does have a certain abstract quality to it and it is properly categorized as "education and creativity". Just wondering if someone will be silly enough to endorse it? After all, we have seen many strange things here, what's one more?
Iron Felix
13-12-2007, 20:02
what's one more?
Well the problem is that this particular "one more" has the word "fuck" in the title and is breaking the page...
13-12-2007, 20:17
Well the problem is that this particular "one more" has the word "fuck" in the title and is breaking the page...

I meant someone endorsing the infantile proposal... I'm definitely not excusing the childishness of the fella who wastes our time with what you are pointing out. Just wondering out loud if someone would endorse such behavior.
13-12-2007, 21:41
That thing really needs to be nuked along with the nation that submitted it.It was reported via GHP early (as in o' dark thirty) this morning. Figure it'll evaporate in a cloud of radioactive dust when a mod shakes free from RL.
14-12-2007, 03:01
No tobaco
A resolution to restrict civil freedoms in the interest of moral decency.

Category: Moral Decency
Strength: Significant
Proposed by: Hungry martians

Description: no smokes cigaretes or anything that blows smoke and gives second hand smoking to someone.
"Anything that blows smoke"? Like, say, the wind?
14-12-2007, 03:58
Well the problem is that this particular "one more" has the word "fuck" in the title and is breaking the page...

Which made it a bitch to copy into this thread.
14-12-2007, 22:09
The Socialist Technocracy of Insequa doesn't use money - so to the UN, that appears as a 100% income tax.

Actually, in the game when a society doesn't rely on money, its income tax should be "unheard of", just as in anarchies.
15-12-2007, 06:19
Category: The Furtherment of Democracy

Strength: Mild

Proposed by: Leopold Butters Scotch

Description: -The right to recall anyone elected leader at anytime.

-The right for anyone to run for public office.

-The right for anyone to vote in any election.

This resolution will increase people to actively involve themselves in the government. Elections for president/leader will be held every 3 years. Parliamentary/senate elections will be held every 1 year. Anyone can try to run, and if they are backed by their party, can be the party leader for that election. only one party leader can be chosen for presidential elections, but the top five leaders in each party can run for parliamentary/senate elections.Illegal, idealogical ban.
The Most Glorious Hack
15-12-2007, 07:59
Actually, in the game when a society doesn't rely on money, its income tax should be "unheard of", just as in anarchies.Um... that's when the government has no money. A moneyless society would be a 100% tax rate.
16-12-2007, 03:37
In theory, a society without money will still have the barter system, and the barter system allows for the accumlation of wealth, meaning you can still get a tax rate, being people being forced to barter for items the government needs to run.
End Slavery!
A resolution to improve worldwide human and civil rights

Description: The scourge of slavery yet remains in these progressive times. People are bought and sold like cattle, unable to determine their destiny. Their families are split apart; they are allowed no possessions of their own. They are beaten, chained, and tortured.

Therefore, I propose that the following human rights be given to every peoples of this great world:

- The right to leave her or his job, given two weeks' notice.
- The right to own possessions.
- The right to travel freely throughout their country.
- The right to bodily safety from one's employer.
- The outlawing of the selling or purchasing of people.

Approvals: 5 (Sabrina The Wise, Dracoslyvannia, Porter Wagoner, South Lorenya, Veritas Liberalis)

Status: Lacking Support (requires 109 more approvals)

Voting Ends: Wed Dec 19 2007

Dupe of existing---Wait, no, entire plagrization of the existing resolution that is being repelaed. The irony would be heavy if this got to quorom.