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Revamped Earth V (First-Class Realism) Recruiting Thread - Page 7

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Alif Laam Miim
10-10-2006, 16:46
Actually, I posted that I moved troops into defensive fortifications in Alaska a couple RL weeks ago in preparation for a possible attack from Great Romeo (before he broke off alliances, I believe).

Besides, the Bering Strait was strategically important during the Cold War with the UFSR. The UFSR was originally going to invade Alaska via the Bering Straits should the "old school" Earth V cold war turn hot. And now Russia is under new leadership that isn't exactly on friendly or allied terms with Sharina, so Sharina is still mindful of an invasion of Alaska. If Great Romeo was a good ally (like Warta Endor or FOAM members) then Sharinan attention on a possible invasion route via Alaska would be significantly reduced than otherwise.



I say, we let Vineyard squander his troops and equipment in Uelen. After all, nations *DO* make colossal mistakes in RL history. Then this should be a lesson to Vineyard to research terrain and venues of attack before actually committing to one.

Ok, a few things.

The SIC postings about Uelen were ment to conceal it from nations that have no way of knowing that they are there. The 3 nations with satilites, including yourself, can easily find out as to what I have on the ground.

First off, I have 20,000 Eurofighters. Not all of them are in active service, they are typically stored away to be used as replacement craft for any losses taken. And yes, I do have that many. My nation has been in existance for a long time, and just because only certain numbers exist IRL, it does NOT mean that I cannot build more. That was directed not only to your shallow quipps on my fighters, but my bomber/transport numbers as well. THey exist due to the longitivity of my nation, and the internal resources and econemy of my nation. If I really have to spell out how my nation works again...

Also your prior 'fortification of alaska' is a godmod. Where is your proof? It would take quite some to construct able fortifications. lets see some evidence.

Will post more later, I have but a minute to type this.

Two points - USFR was stupid to target an "invasion" of Alaska - it's rather pointless. Bombing it to smithereens would be more strategically sound to destroy any infrastructure [especially with the oil....] than to occupy a devoid land. Besides that, Alaska is not a really good back door into America - even today it remains largely disconnected from the majority of American events. Unless Sharina has spent most of his Cold War years building up the infrastructure significantly [and I mean significant - the only real highways are from Anchorage to Fairbanks and down the Canadian coast to Juneau], there's no real reason to target an invasion of Alaska.

The same point for Uelen - there's no easy way in and there's definitely no viable way to exit it either. If Vineyard really does have 20,000 Typhoons [GUYS, EUROFIGHTER IS THE BRAND, NOT THE PLANE], I have yet to see an viable measures to account for transportation into this winter wonderland. Of course, you could avoid the problem by not going to Uelen, instead opting to use carrier and naval based positions, or even landing somewhere that has a decent level of military [or even civilian] infrastructure.

And a note about your comment: "Also your prior 'fortification of alaska' is a godmod. Where is your proof? It would take quite some to construct able fortifications. lets see some evidence." Sharina has been a member longer than Vineyard, both of whom are members longer than most other people. To say that Vineyard has a significantly improved economic and industrial capacity [and I mean significant - 20,000 Eurofighters in 3 years is a large number for any industry] and decry Sharina's fortifications in Alaska [according to the recollection of the previous Cold War] would be hypocritical.

And a note SIC versus IC when referring to units - paraphased to the best of my ability from an RP that I did a while back before I went on a terminal hiatus...

I'm not on for long, but Vineyard needs to solve the transportation game, because while Sharina might allow him to position troops without explaining how they got there, I don't think I could live with it - besides, using the same logic, Vineyard could just as easily move out as he moved in, and Sharina wouldn't be able to say anything about it, because he allowed the move-in; it would be hypocritical to allow someone to move in under dubious conditions and not allow the same person to move out under similar dubious conditions.

MORE IMPORTANTLY, I think we need to resolve this crisis with what old nations have and had, and what they still have because we're going to run into problems when the older states say that they've got uberized conditions/things/whatever compared the newer states. I'm not against it, but I think it's still important to make a standard, until we don't need a standard anymore [because it wouldn't exist]. And an FYI, not every nation is going to be a superpower - let's get that across right now. If we have thirty superpowers, this RP is going to lose realism very quickly.
10-10-2006, 17:38
Ok. Now that I have a good chunk of time, allow me to elaborate.

"10,000 ospreys strikes me as overkill" -and it is. That is, unless you want to move a collossal abount of supplies and men very quickly. I dont know if any of you have read the Report by the Pentagon in 1999 regarding Warfare in the 21st century, but the one tactic that they emphisize is Mobility and speed. Rapid deployment. Here are the facts.

The Empire literally emptied out mountains and converted them into massive oil storage facilities. This not only gve the Empire places where they could store Oil, but it gave them more enough stone with which to build such structures as the 'World Learning Center" and the Imperial palace, amungst other things.

So here we are, with a large quantity of oil. The current situation maintains that we cannot sustain on a feesible scale all of our aircraft for an extended period of time. This is where my deployment measures come in.

In the old Empire, 25,000 Typhoons were build. Minus 10,000 in wars and the fall of malta (I am being extreemly generous with these losses), plus those built during the disunification, PLUS those build in the unification, I figure the number to be around 20,000. Now, do note, that these are not activly deploied. A minimum of 10,000 remain in active duty. "Why!?" Well...

The Empire's Econemy is based entrely around itself. Surplus materials are stored away, used in a public works project. Materials that the Empire is short of are rationed, and if that doesnt curb demand, limited import will occur in exchange for manufactured goods and Industrial materials. For instance: Rubber. The DRC is a HUGE rubber source (Mabye not on paper, because in modern times, the DRC produces little of anything due to infighting and the lack of a central government. The DRC is, IRL, a failed government.) and most of the rubber it produces outstrips the Empires domestic and military demand. So, the Empire trades this Rubber for, lets say... Cloth with TG6R, just enough to meet Domestic. The rest of the Rubber is stored away for later use. "Well thats not how an econemy works..." Well, its how mine works.

On another note, when I say "Dry dock" I really have no other way of saying: "Storage that is above land and in a dry condition where I happen to keep quite a few Landing Craft for future use in a protective enviornment to avoid damaging enviornmental effects." I probably should have said that, but people would have questioned what I ment by it, bringing me into a vicious cycle.

Also, people have been questioning as to why i have chosen Uelen. Well, Uelen, despite the lack of development, happens to be a civilian center that will extract heavy civilian casuilties if attacked preemptivly, causing damage to the attacking nation's international political power and reputation. Also, Uelen does not have to have nice, shiny airfeilds in order to land troops. Ospreys can deal with that.

As to the aircraft in the area, I should've done more research when it came to auctual location. It showed up on a large world map I have above my computer, so i figured it to be a developed city. None-the-less, there is an active airfeild to the south, plus whatever Tenebricosis build.

"Why would you invade Alaska! Makes no sence! The strategical blah blah bhlah!" Your right. Posession of Alaska would render the Empire little more than a fishing and oil industry. Mabye even a lumber industry as well. But thats not the point. Now, do note that since Im saying this in ooc, this will probably effect what Sharina decides ICly. Its nothing more than a pretty bargining chip. Thats right. The lesser of 2 evils. If I round up and execure Sharina citizens in Alaska, and launch mobile missles towards canada from that location, he may see Alaska as a greater threat than Costa Rica. At the bargining table, I would offer an exchange- Alaska for the Safety and integrety of Costa Rica. Make sence now? Alas, now that I have revieled my strategy, I will have to back to the drawing board. Thanks for the questions, and your ruinous inquisitive nature! "Well, you didn't have to..." Yes, yes I did. I really didn't see any other way out of it. Experience taught me that once some of you guys get an idea into your head, your 'correct' no matter what, and wont take no for an answer.

One last thing. If Sharina had re-buil defences in Alaska, shouldnt Tenebricosis have build Airbases and military infastructure around the Uelen region? Would make sence, wouldn't it? Tik-for-tak. If Sharina has pre-build extencive fortifications in Alaska, then Tenebricosis should've--would've build counter measures around Uelen, as previously mentioned.

Just my 2 cents.
Alif Laam Miim
10-10-2006, 21:34
Should have, but Sharina has been in continued existance while Russia has gone under regime changes [three if I remember correctly]. Uelen wouldn't share as much of the same maintenance as the rest of the country. Of course, I don't know - I've been here since August 2006, and this world has been rolling since 2002. But as far as I can tell, there's no reason for me to believe that Uelen would have as effective an infrastructure as Sharina would have military installations in Alaska.

Of course, when speaking of bargaining chips, Alaska isn't particularly the best place in the world. For about 3 months out of the year, it's frozen. You probably still can use facitilies and limited infrastructure networks, but anything more is considerably hard. The tundra makes the terrain boggy and the few roads that exists are likely maintained as much as they need to maintain for civilian traffic. While Sharina might be concerned with an invasion in Alaska, all he has to do is wait until winter to strike back - just like the Russians have done.

And an FYI, a self-sustaining economy often kills itself. Of course, you're going the all-consuming route, but to have a country that never imports anything is going to a serious extreme of economic realism.

But if you can wing it all, good luck to you in your ventures.
The Great Sixth Reich
10-10-2006, 22:13
Ilyushin Il-78- actually its called the IL-76 Candid. And to my knowledge there is not tanker version of it. I'm willing to accept you have 500 in service. That still seems a little high to me but, acceptable considering a total of 500 having entered service in all countries. A link about the aircraft (
No. The Ilyushin Il-78 Midas, not the Ilyushin Il-76 Candid.

See here (
10-10-2006, 22:36
Should have, but Sharina has been in continued existance while Russia has gone under regime changes [three if I remember correctly]. Uelen wouldn't share as much of the same maintenance as the rest of the country. Of course, I don't know - I've been here since August 2006, and this world has been rolling since 2002. But as far as I can tell, there's no reason for me to believe that Uelen would have as effective an infrastructure as Sharina would have military installations in Alaska.

Of course, when speaking of bargaining chips, Alaska isn't particularly the best place in the world. For about 3 months out of the year, it's frozen. You probably still can use facitilies and limited infrastructure networks, but anything more is considerably hard. The tundra makes the terrain boggy and the few roads that exists are likely maintained as much as they need to maintain for civilian traffic. While Sharina might be concerned with an invasion in Alaska, all he has to do is wait until winter to strike back - just like the Russians have done.

And an FYI, a self-sustaining economy often kills itself. Of course, you're going the all-consuming route, but to have a country that never imports anything is going to a serious extreme of economic realism.

But if you can wing it all, good luck to you in your ventures.

Although true, there should be at least base remenants which I could at least build on. And yes, Alaska is a rather Desolate place, but Sharina has historically been... oh I dont know.. I would say paranoid, but 'scared shitless' of what I could do with American Territory would be another proper assesment. For instance: How many people know that I once owned Cuba? Of course, Sharina labled my nation a dangerous one and launched an unwarrented crusade against Cuba, resulting in me loosing the nation. What about South East Russia? I was kicked out of that too, for the very same reason. See, its a vicious cycle, if I take a territory even remotely close th Sharina, he claims that it is a hostile action against himself and invests everything he has to my eradication. So, if anything, my Invasion of Alaska will allow GR and myself to reinforce Costa Rica, if the Alaska plan does not yeild its desiered results.
10-10-2006, 23:20
Here's a few counter-points.

1. Sharina has held Alaska for over thirty years, providing it with ample time to construct a railroad and highway from Nome / Anchorage to Juneau to British Colombia to Washington + Idaho. In addition I believe I've RP'ed having a railroad in British Columbia linking Alaska to Washington way back in the old Earth V. I recall reading somewhere that in RL it would take 7 years to construct a railroad / highway such as this. It was how I transported my troops and such into Alaska to deter a possible UFSR invasion.

2. Sharina has been around (i.e. stable and not collapse) for quite a long time. This alone should give Sharina the time it needs to construct its substantial military. Not only this, but Sharina controls most of the heavy industry of the former US, plus all the rich resources of Canada (oil, diamonds, coal, uranium, etc.), plus farmland (1/2 of the Mid-West states), plus the metal and ores from the Rocky Mountains. This gives Sharina all the resources it needs to build its military (plenty of metal to build the ships, planes, tanks, etc. for instance).

Conversely, the Balkans doesn't have a massive industrial capacity like the US, but that is in real life. I have industrialized Latin America in Earth V, so thats even more provinces with factories and such considering I've controlled Latin America for decades. Therefore, Vineyard could have concievably have industrialized the Balkans further than they are in RL. However, I have roughly 3x more population than Vineyard, but far more strategic resources than he does. Thus by the same reasoning Vineyard gives, he can have 20,000 Eurofighter Typoons, I could easily have 60,000 F-22 Raptors (3x population, 20x resources). Yet I don't do that because its ridiclious and unrealistic.

3. Tenebricosis had threatened to invade Alaska at several points during the UFSR Cold War long ago (I forgot whether it was IC or OOC, though) so it would stand to reason that I would station troops, aircraft, and missile bases in Alaska to deter any possible invasion of it even if the invasion wasn't tactically and strategically sound. Besides, the RL US wouldn't allow Alaska to fall into USSR hands during the Cold War or a "hot war". All that oil, gold, and other resources in it, y'see. Plus a springboard for land-based invasion into Canada and eventually the Lower 48 States.

4. Russia has underwent multiple changes in regime after the collapse of Tenebricosis, so its economy + infrastructure would have been wrecked in addition to its military. Y'see, fighting civil wars does deplete military numbers and amount of equipment. Then Great Romeo recently annexed Russia, but that wouldn't have given Vineyard enough time to rebuild a railroad all the way into Uelen from Vladivotosk- he would be faced with the similiar obstacles as my Sharinan Alaska-Washington railroad link. I had the time to build it and already done so, whereas Vineyard would need several years just to rebuild or refurbish the railroad. The snow, ice, and harsh weather would most certainly have wrecked lots of that railroad if no maintainence is spent on it. Russia wouldn't focus on that railroad through 2 or 3 regime changes and civil wars. Lots more pressing issues like inside Russia, not some faraway outpost. If Great Romeo annexed Russia earlier, then Vineyard would have been able to refurbish the railroad in time for the upcoming war, but Great Romeo annexed Russia quite recently.

5. Sharina can very easily handle a Vineyardian + Great Romeo attack on Alaska and Costa Rica. In Costa Rica, I have far more naval assets than Great Romeo does so the blockade will be successful. Once I destroy Great Romeo's supply convoy, he loses 170,000 troops and 17,000 tanks, a large portion of his military. I don't need a Navy to attack Uelen and Vineyardian troops there as all I need is aircraft and cruise missiles. Once my air stuff annilihates the Uelen stuff, Vineyard loses a significant portion of his military. Thus, Great Romeo and Vineyard will lose their major offensive forces and would need MONTHS to mobilize a new one (take RL US deployment to Iraq as a baseline for comparison). In the months in-between, I'll build even MORE defenses and such, thus future invasions would be LESS effective.

6. Sharina has always hated Great Romeo IC'ly for "stealing" Costa Rica. Once Sharina annexes Costa Rica, it will remove the last barrier to Sharinan over-land transportation between its South American assets and North American assets. Costa Rica is strategically important, as its like a tiny rubber-band constricting flow of Sharinan stuff in the Americas. With Costa Rica annexed, Sharina does not have to rely on overseas or airborne shipping between South America and North America.

7. Sharina doesn't give a flying hoot about civilians in Uelen. The civilians gave up their right the minute they allowed massive military buildup and concentrations in Uelen. I am pretty sure Vineyard wouldn't show the "no attack civilians" courtesy to Sharinan civilians if I decided to place civilians in ALL my military bases, targets, and units. Hell, I could put SAM launchers on tops of my skycrapers everywhere in Sharina and claim "Civilian target! No attack!" while my SAM's blast the enemy aircraft with impunity. This doesn't and won't work.

Besides, Sharina IC'ly figures if civilians are in Uelen- the sacrifice of 10,000 Russian civilians to save millions of Sharinan civilians will be worth the sacrifice. 10,000 < 1,000,000+
11-10-2006, 00:39
This kinda makes me glad that I only control a small nation in the Caucasus region.
11-10-2006, 00:46
Hey- might I suggest we get someone else for Earth V to make decisions and act a a moderator? Yes, I know, we have two admins already- but Sharina and TG6R are both involved personally in a lot of actions/wars. TG6R has also been giving rulings less frequently and I think we can all agree having another person (maybe can be overruled by one/both admins of Earth V, so Sharina and TG6R have oversight) moderating would be a good thing, especially with all the recent concernes of military numbers and previous players and the like.

I think it would be a good idea to get someone else in here making rulings. Maybe I'm the only one or a minority, but I think this is something to seriously consider.
11-10-2006, 00:48
I agree. That would be a good idea. But whom?
11-10-2006, 00:52
Do you have an instant messaging program? Just thought I'd ask. :)

I don't know who, off the top of my head. We, in my opinion, need someone who either is an outsider of Earth V and would agree to come in as a mod (with lots of RP rexperience) or someone from Earth V with a lot of RP experience who everyone else could trust to be as unbiased as possible.

Or we could just give ALM an official title to go with his map-making and have him help make decisions. I'd go for that- he's demonstrated fairness in the stuff done with necessary work to take over a nation, has taken reasonable losses himself when essentially RPing with himself against Sistani elements (so he'd be fair in most situations, I think), and seems to be an experienced RPer.
11-10-2006, 02:26
I think it shoudl be a general rule that all conflicts recieve a presiding (nutural) moderator, to whom both sides can make an argument. After the Moderator has weighed both sides to the argument (Lets say 1 paragraph a piece), he/she can then effectivly hand own a judgement as to the result.

On another Note, Sharina's language seems as if the outcome of the conflict is definate, not 'up in the air'. Isnt this a bit inflexible for an Earth V moderator?
11-10-2006, 02:33
WE just need a moderator who has been proven to not take sides on an issue- ALM is one, as his actions against NPCs have proven and his handling OOCly of some military stuff with you.

We also need someone to more consistently rule on stuff regarding important things like who has what left over, etc, and I think ALM is active enough and has done enough for Earth V (Those amazing maps! Oh!) to get that privelege.

Plus, mods by proxy never works in my experience- it gets really hard to find a neutral person sometimes.
11-10-2006, 02:37
ALM is actually one of the few members of the RSA that the UCR really trusts. Sure Vineyard and Kopparbergs have been extremely helpful and we are grateful. It's just that we can't trust a Monarchy or a Empire fully. Of course we support them in every way. Arabica? I have no opinion on them. Haven't really talked to them.
11-10-2006, 02:56
I think it shoudl be a general rule that all conflicts recieve a presiding (nutural) moderator, to whom both sides can make an argument. After the Moderator has weighed both sides to the argument (Lets say 1 paragraph a piece), he/she can then effectivly hand own a judgement as to the result.

On another Note, Sharina's language seems as if the outcome of the conflict is definate, not 'up in the air'. Isnt this a bit inflexible for an Earth V moderator?

I support the motion to have a "delibration" mod to decide who is right and wrong if the primary mods are involved in a conflict.

I tend to avoid "up in the air" rulings as it can invariably lead to godmods or arguements. For example, the classic "Spearman kills tank" moment in Civiliation. If the spearman attack was RP'ed out plausibly and logically, then I might be inclined to accept that (like using tank traps or some such thing if the tank is isolated). If it was RP'ed out poorly, I'd say a definite "no way" as it takes skill to pull off such a victory.
11-10-2006, 03:13
I think it shoudl be a general rule that all conflicts recieve a presiding (nutural) moderator, to whom both sides can make an argument. After the Moderator has weighed both sides to the argument (Lets say 1 paragraph a piece), he/she can then effectivly hand own a judgement as to the result.

On another Note, Sharina's language seems as if the outcome of the conflict is definate, not 'up in the air'. Isnt this a bit inflexible for an Earth V moderator?

I support the motion to have a "delibration" mod to decide who is right and wrong if the primary mods are involved in a conflict.

I tend to avoid "up in the air" rulings as it can invariably lead to godmods or arguements. For example, the classic "Spearman kills tank" moment in Civiliation. If the spearman attack was RP'ed out plausibly and logically, then I might be inclined to accept that (like using tank traps or some such thing if the tank is isolated). If it was RP'ed out poorly, I'd say a definite "no way" as it takes skill to pull off such a victory.
United Earthlings
11-10-2006, 11:24
No. The Ilyushin Il-78 Midas, not the Ilyushin Il-76 Candid.

See here (

Learn something new everyday, thanks.

But, my main point still remains. Vineyard has 500 of those things and I find that highly unlikely.

The more and more I look at Vineyard's military declaration the more I feel like I'm looking at a NS military and not a Earth V military.

So, Vineyard the following equipment I have listed below that you use. The numbers you have of them I will be considering a GodMod. I have assigned a reasonable number to them that I think is more within reality. If, you continue to use the numbers you listed, I'll be considering it a GodMod and thereby will ignore it.

Agusta A129 Mangusta: 1,000 Max
Eurofighter Typhoon: 501 Max
V-22 Osprey: 820 Max
Antonov An-225: 55 Max
Ilyushin Il-78: 50 Max to 235 extreme Max
Beriev A-50: 48 Max
LPD San Giorgio Class Landing Platform Dock: 25 Max

Here's how I got those numbers so if you wish to debate them you may.

1. The real Italian Army only operates 60. However, evening tripling that number it still would only maintain 180. However, I understand you’re an Empire and base your military on numbers rather then quality. So 1,000 would be about what the US military in real life has of attack helicopters of the various models. Your economy and industrial base as you describe is from my reasoning about the same as the Real Life US. That is, if your economy hasn't tanked from being a closed one. Which is more then likely it would.

Modern European nations are dependent on each other to a good degree. They benefit each others economy. In fact Italy in RL trades with many nations. Import partners for Italy: Germany 17.2%, France 9.9%, Netherlands 5.7%, China 4.6%, Belgium 4.5%, Spain 4.2% (2005) and what they important- engineering products, chemicals, transport equipment, energy products, minerals and nonferrous metals, textiles and clothing; food, beverages, and tobacco.

I found some good ideas about your Autarky economy or as its also called the Closed economy. Autarky
The idea that a country should be self-sufficient and not take part in international trade. The experience of countries that have pursued this Utopian ideal by substituting domestic production for imports is an unhappy one. No country has been able to produce the full range of goods demanded by its population at competitive prices. Indeed, those that have tried to do so have condemned themselves to inefficiency and comparative poverty, compared with countries that engage in international trade.

Autarky and its Consequences (

2. Italy has ordered a total of 167 Eurofighter Typhoons. X3 of that number gives you the 501 number I came up with. A more reasonable number I think we all can agree on.

3. US military in real life only plans to acquire 410 x2 and you got 820. Again a much more reasonable number we all can agree on.

4. Only 55 smaller An-124 Condor have been built. The same number in my opinion should be applied to the larger more expensive An-225.

5. A good varied number based off the US Air Force numbers, which is what I based it on.

6. Russia only operates 16 of them x3 and you get your 48 An-50's. A nice good number in my opinion.

7. San Giorgio Class are not some simple landing craft you can just pull out of the water and place in a small storage area. These are massive amphibious transport dock ships weighing thousands of tons and are over 400 feet long. Considering the Italian Navy only has three in service, I think 25 is much more reasonable then 50 of those things.


I support the motion to have a "deliberation" mod to decide who is right and wrong if the primary mods are involved in a conflict.

I support this motion. In fact, we need to make sure this Mod will be active as possible. It would be kind of pointless to appoint a Mod and then never have them here.
11-10-2006, 12:12
Woah woah woah woah. Since when have we been basing military numbers off of Real Life numbers? The RL numbers reflect the economic and financial system of individual countries, not as one whole, plus large pertol reserves, resources, manufacturing capabilities, mutual support, development, USFR Military, etc..

Also, the defination of my Ecnoemy you procures operates under the presumption that I allow forign goods into the Empire. Which is not true.
United Earthlings
11-10-2006, 13:04
Woah woah woah woah. Since when have we been basing military numbers off of Real Life numbers? The RL numbers reflect the economic and financial system of individual countries, not as one whole, plus large pertol reserves, resources, manufacturing capabilities, mutual support, development, USFR Military, etc..

Also, the defination of my Ecnoemy you procures operates under the presumption that I allow forign goods into the Empire. Which is not true.

Since Earth V was revamped from my understanding. And I'm quoting.

"RL companies are allowed, and use of RL equipment is encouraged."
"NS militaries are not allowed."
"Q: Can I use whatever I want for my army?
A: No, you're limited to start with the equipment your nation's has in RL – or if you don't know anything about that, estimate the equipment. You can also buy equipment from other nations IN EARTH-V ONLY. You can also RP a research & development of a new product, but it must be in reasonable limits. Everything that exists in RL today, or could exist if anybody wanted to develop such thing is allowed – under the circumstance that you have the capacity to produce the things.
Look at i.e. Wikipedia to get an idea of what stuff your nation uses. You can also look at Globalsecurity if your nation is listed there.
You don't need to buy military equipment to start with. You're having all the stuff that your nations have in RL already."

and I think this statement says it the best. "Mission Statement: Since the founding of Earth V in 2004, Earth V strives to provide a realistic role-play (RP) simulation of NationStates (NS) nations with real-life territory in the modern-technology (MT) era, in addition maintaining a territory list recognized outside of Earth V."

A Realistic Role-Play, which in my opinion means our militaries should be to a high degree based off what our real life countries have. They have the same population, so to a degree they should have the same military stats.

As to your economy, you just validated what I stated it was. You do not import any products into your nation, which means you have a Closed (Autarky) economic system.

"The idea that a country should be self-sufficient and not take part in international trade." i.e. the exchange of materials and goods. Which you just clearly stated you do not.

"The experience of countries that have pursued this Utopian ideal by substituting domestic production for imports is an unhappy one. No country has been able to produce the full range of goods demanded by its population at competitive prices." As you so stated yourself, you try to produce everything locally, i.e. Domestic Production and in my opinion fail at it. You allow no Imports i.e., no goods to come into your country.

To see what type of economy you would have if you had a Autarky all you have to do is look at North Korea's. Massive military- which you seem to be heading towards and trying to produce everything locally. While I be the first to admit you have more resources at your disposal then North Korea you also have a lot more people to feed, cloth, house, provide healthcare for so on and so on.. So the principle applies in both cases.
Neuvo Rica
11-10-2006, 18:50
That's a good point. However, overall I've found these discussions regarding what we are and aren't allowed confusing. If someone could take a look at my military declarations and tell me if they're ok, it would clear things up quite a lot.
United Earthlings
11-10-2006, 21:56
That's a good point. However, overall I've found these discussions regarding what we are and aren't allowed confusing. If someone could take a look at my military declarations and tell me if they're ok, it would clear things up quite a lot.

Well since, I'm appointing myself czar(Mod) of the military fact books I took a look in it and overall I'm high impressed. You did a great job. But, as the perfection in me comes out it spotted a few errors it wants corrected before it drives him insane. :headbang:

First off, you might want to add what small arms you use. A general link to the US army would work if you don't feel like typing but right now all you got is.

Standard Assault Rifle:
Barrett M19

That's very unhelpful.

10700 Air Defense Systems
20,000 Artillery Systems
32,000 IFV/APCs

Specify what of how many do you have? Are they all the same type? What type of Artillery systems do you use? That information would be most helpful.

9 Mississippi Class CVGN
35 Amphibious Assault Vessels
36 Destroyers
39 Frigates
26 Missile Attack Vessels
11 Mine Warfare Vessels
33 SSK
49 SSN

I'm assuming the Mississippi Class CVGN is one of your own designs since I've never heard of it. Do you have a link about it. To the rest- what type (class) of ships are they? What type of Amphibious Ship are they>Wasp Class? Whidbey Island/Harpers Ferry Class? so on.... Same applies to the rest of the ships listed above. Are they all the same Class or do you use different classes?


Other then what I brought to your attention above, everything else looks great. You pass with an A- :D
12-10-2006, 00:39
Im not talking about building evetyghing locally! Im talking about nations having entire production centers, where infastructure prodjects would be concentrated, farming lands in choice locations, etc etc etc. When i say domestically, I mean within the nation, not in the local community/household! 2 different domestics.

" to start with the equipment your nation's has in RL" Im not exactly starting. Im picking up where I left off, only in a slightly diminished state. Again, you will argue that I was in a civil war, which is not true except for my middle east countries... which, by the way, I no longer posess. Think its too convenient? During the last days of my reign in the old empire, i had amassed most of the Empires armies in iraq, where they lived off of food stores (Not shops, but places where I STORE excess food) and logistical food imports. The generals first fought together, but then degenerated into unit-against-unit fighting for the last available food sources. needless to say, the entire thing degenerated in the Middle east (Which si the part that I did not RP. The Armies fates were presumebly death). This left the Empire with only 5 or 6 surviving battlegroups, 3 of which were incorperated into the new Empire, the other 3 being inAfrica, Madagascar, and the Iberian Peninsula. My 4th Battlegroup is the only 'raw' or new battlegroup formed since the old days. So... wait.

Does this mean I am starting over?

Territorially... kinda.

Militarily, no.

Although I did lose a lot of equiptment, I had RPed the existance of bases, store houses, missle silos, and oil facilities inside hollowed-out mountains in The heartlands.

However, i did start afresh (Mostly) with my navy. instead of having all the battleships and Carriers which served as an oil-sink, they had been based in Ascension. (Spelling..) Their fate is also unknown.

Also, my military is NOT an "NS" military. I built it with the approval of TG6R, and under the rules of Earth V. Sure, my Plane numbers may be a bit excessive, but most of them are shelved for replacement craft to shore-up losses. it would be difficult to keep most of them on active duty at any given time, and I realize this.
Alif Laam Miim
12-10-2006, 15:08
I think we need to decide very very soon. Because the IC stuff is starting to wind down because we can't decide what exactly our military does possess and can possess and will possess...

I'm still not convinced about Uelen, but I can see the logic about it. It comes to me as somewhat irrational, although with Sharina having explicitly given details about the modern infrastructure in Alaska, it now doesn't look too bad as a military target. But whatever it is that is decided, it needs to be a little decisive and uniform.
United Earthlings
12-10-2006, 17:34
Im not talking about building evetyghing locally! Im talking about nations having entire production centers, where infastructure prodjects would be concentrated, farming lands in choice locations, etc etc etc. When i say domestically, I mean within the nation, not in the local community/household! 2 different domestics.

" to start with the equipment your nation's has in RL" Im not exactly starting. Im picking up where I left off, only in a slightly diminished state. Again, you will argue that I was in a civil war, which is not true except for my middle east countries... which, by the way, I no longer posess. Think its too convenient? During the last days of my reign in the old empire, i had amassed most of the Empires armies in iraq, where they lived off of food stores (Not shops, but places where I STORE excess food) and logistical food imports. The generals first fought together, but then degenerated into unit-against-unit fighting for the last available food sources. needless to say, the entire thing degenerated in the Middle east (Which si the part that I did not RP. The Armies fates were presumebly death). This left the Empire with only 5 or 6 surviving battlegroups, 3 of which were incorperated into the new Empire, the other 3 being inAfrica, Madagascar, and the Iberian Peninsula. My 4th Battlegroup is the only 'raw' or new battlegroup formed since the old days. So... wait.

Does this mean I am starting over?

Territorially... kinda.

Militarily, no.

Although I did lose a lot of equiptment, I had RPed the existance of bases, store houses, missle silos, and oil facilities inside hollowed-out mountains in The heartlands.

However, i did start afresh (Mostly) with my navy. instead of having all the battleships and Carriers which served as an oil-sink, they had been based in Ascension. (Spelling..) Their fate is also unknown.

Also, my military is NOT an "NS" military. I built it with the approval of TG6R, and under the rules of Earth V. Sure, my Plane numbers may be a bit excessive, but most of them are shelved for replacement craft to shore-up losses. it would be difficult to keep most of them on active duty at any given time, and I realize this.

Two things and that should cover everything you said. A little excessive, a lot of your numbers seem more NS military then anything. In, fact your Earth V and my NS military fact book look very similar.

Does this mean I am starting over?

Territorially... kinda.

Militarily, no.

Territorially, yes and militarily yes. Your Empire died in my opinion. All that equipment you built, all those resources you stored. It was all gone when you rejoined Earth V my good friend. You've have had the same amount of time to build all that again as I have to build my nation.

Your formal nations have been through so much, it would be highly unlikely for anything of your past Empire to have survived, no matter how loyal you state your citizens are. Loyalty is one thing with a full stomach, it's another when you have to survive and someone wants what you got to and is willing to fight for it.
United Earthlings
12-10-2006, 17:49
I think we need to decide very very soon. Because the IC stuff is starting to wind down because we can't decide what exactly our military does possess and can possess and will possess...

I'm still not convinced about Uelen, but I can see the logic about it. It comes to me as somewhat irrational, although with Sharina having explicitly given details about the modern infrastructure in Alaska, it now doesn't look too bad as a military target. But whatever it is that is decided, it needs to be a little decisive and uniform.

I'm working towards that very goal. That's why I appointed my self (Mod) of just the Military Declarations. Following what I think are the guiding principles that I believe is at the heart of Earth V. I plan on going through everyone's to see if they maintain a sense of realism or have they become more NS based.

I plan to be fair and unbias to the best of my ability.
Neuvo Rica
12-10-2006, 20:13
Well since, I'm appointing myself czar(Mod) of the military fact books I took a look in it and overall I'm high impressed. You did a great job. But, as the perfection in me comes out it spotted a few errors it wants corrected before it drives him insane. :headbang:

First off, you might want to add what small arms you use. A general link to the US army would work if you don't feel like typing but right now all you got is.

I'll put a link to the US army, otherwise I'll change that.

That's very unhelpful.

What can I say, I'll make it helpful ;)

Specify what of how many do you have? Are they all the same type? What type of Artillery systems do you use? That information would be most helpful.

Fair enough, I'll change that. It's all pretty much the same as modern US stuff, just with a greater emphasis on southern stuff.

I'm assuming the Mississippi Class CVGN is one of your own designs since I've never heard of it. Do you have a link about it. To the rest- what type (class) of ships are they? What type of Amphibious Ship are they>Wasp Class? Whidbey Island/Harpers Ferry Class? so on.... Same applies to the rest of the ships listed above. Are they all the same Class or do you use different classes?

The Mississippi Class CVGN is pretty much just a JFK Class Carrier with fewer aircraft and more missiles. I'll try to get those generalised bits changes, and put up some stats as to the nature of my other indigenous ships. (Most of them are just variations on existing designs).
Alif Laam Miim
13-10-2006, 22:19
A reminder to all people!!!

1 - the map is not an ooc debate thread - if you've got ic claims, post there saying that you've started - and then finished - a military quest. I'm not angry or upset, but it's happened before and it gets dirty sometimes, so I'm sending it here before it gets any worse. So the discussion on whether a particular ic claim is valid or not [MC in Cote d'Ivoire] should belong here.

2 - I am not technically a mod. Yes, I run the map; yes, I do a lot of other stuff; and yes, I happen to be here often [if you've noticed, I'm also not here often]. However, until TG6R or Sharina say otherwise, I'm just an uber-sized members with a deep interest in making this damned RP work - and so should you!

3 - Please let me know if you're not going to be particularly active for a long and extended period - especially if you're just starting!!! Because we're starting to lose some players here. I will let you know the whole list of players on my red list at the end of the week. Furthermore, if you're not going to be active, don't apply to play here, because it spoils the atmosphere when there are sizteen players not participating in a world of 20 [not our case...].

4 - If you are a prospective player and you are deeply interested in joining this RP, please state it so!!! If you are absolutely new, apply anyway! Just you're new doesn't mean that you won't get in - but it will mean that you have to work at it [like everyone should and does]. If you are a new player with a lot of previous experience, it would seriously help TG6R and Sharina a lot if you post a "resume" of previous RPs. Any of the territory in the open box is FREE for the taking [just sell us your soul and make it damned well worth the price...i.e. rp a takeover...] while those not displayed in the open box are not open to claims [or at least normal initial claims].


6 - That said, I'm done making points for a while. I've got fun stuff to do...

EDIT >>>

I lied.

7 - Please use the OOC/IC Reference thread. I know that there are thousands of prized gems out there that have "EV" oozing all over them. So send them to me and let's make a reference thread work nicely, because it will only work if you contribute to it actively [I am not going to go looking for your claims and rps].

If you've lost it, the link is here:

8 - Sharina: the conference is here for your pleasure:
The Great Sixth Reich
14-10-2006, 02:17
As of now, ALM is a moderator, specifically the "Moderator of Maps."

As for Vineyard's situation, I'm concerned about Vineyard's current size... but it seems strange that Sharina has 10,000+ fighters compared to UE's suggested 501 for Vineyard.
Alif Laam Miim
14-10-2006, 05:07

referencing this post, what exactly am I paying for in paying $160mil?
14-10-2006, 05:24
Two things and that should cover everything you said. A little excessive, a lot of your numbers seem more NS military then anything. In, fact your Earth V and my NS military fact book look very similar.

Territorially, yes and militarily yes. Your Empire died in my opinion. All that equipment you built, all those resources you stored. It was all gone when you rejoined Earth V my good friend. You've have had the same amount of time to build all that again as I have to build my nation.

Your formal nations have been through so much, it would be highly unlikely for anything of your past Empire to have survived, no matter how loyal you state your citizens are. Loyalty is one thing with a full stomach, it's another when you have to survive and someone wants what you got to and is willing to fight for it.

Ok, I can understand the lack of Loyalty when the state was essentially disbanded year ago but, equiptment and resources just dont 'up and vanish'. You guys have already suggested that perhaps someone bought them, or that they were sold off, and here is my simple answer: Without buyers, there cannot be a sale. NONE of you RPed buying Vineyardian equiptment during my absence (I never 'quit' or 'rejoined' My last posting before my absence stated that I will try to check back, and that I was really busy, which was all true.) Do you really expect the following to happen?:

"Say, the Central Government kinda broke apart today. The general says that we are now the leaders of this provence."

"Wow. I guess we should burn our weapons now."

"Yea... and the tanks. That will be fun!"

"Awsome! Lets also blow up some Airplanes! Ive always wanted to be a pilot!"

"Ohhh! Want to set that Mountain Oil depot on fire!? That will make a lot of smoke!" *Giggles*

"Yea! Then it will basically pour fire out of the mountain, setting our country aflame! I like that notion!"

Please. :rolleyes:

"Your former nations have been through so much." Like what? The ONLY instance of my modern territory undergoing 'so much' was when GR, invaded the heartland, never RPed fighting any of my battle groups, let alone the Imperial Guard. When I rejoined, he saw his error, essentially giving me a sort of advantage. We both agreed that most of my men had barracaded themselves in the forts and supply depots, waiting for the right time to strike in conjunction with the TO's, while only a few tolken men were left outside the bases to give GR the naive impression that they were winning. GR even agrees to this.

Besides a few Infantry Divisions in Croatia and Bosnia, I had suffered no real losses, except for about 2 battlegroups lost in Former territories acquired by other nations (one conveniently by yourself), and the ENTIRE, yes the ENTIRE Imperial navy in Ascension. What are the odds of that? An entire navy just vanishing? Oh, that an the majority of the Empire's armies that perished in the desert wastes of the Middle east. Please, im being more than generous with my losses from my Old Empire.

ALSO, seeing how you appear to enjoy redundancy, only about 1/4 of my Eurofighters are in active service, with the other 3/4 being stored away, etc etc etc.

Also, unless TG6R appoints you to be such, UE is not a mod and will yeild no authority until given the priveledge. You cannot simply run around and dub yourself "Mod of This-an'-That!".

On that note, your annexation of Spain was wayyy too quick, especially your deployment of Spainish divisions to the Americas. Do you seriously think a peoples are about to forgive and forget, and enlist to join the army of their conquer? Mabye in olden times, pre-nationalism, but in todays world, that just does not happen in such a short time. Do you see my nation running around with greek, Syrian, Jordinian, Iraqi, or Kuwaiti troops yet? I wont be for some time in greece, while re-assimilation in the Middle-eastern countries will be much easier, seeing how the Empire ruled those countries for an extended period of time before.
14-10-2006, 06:48
Yeah, I know. I've seen your three posts and UE's two posts in the "complete thread".

But still... The population is almost 18 million - it's not a tiny island or something like that, and I still think that the RP for this country is thin and weak.

The thread is here (

Agreed, but it was MC thread and if the Mods have no problem with it then I'm fine with it. If, they think its not enough to complete it then he needs to add more. Send Sharina or TGSR a TG to look over it.

I haven't seen the Mods complain any, but then they might not have seen the thread yet. It's up to them.
OK. I think that a moderator should take a look in the thread and tell if it's enough to be recognized, or if it's to weak and thin.
If it's recognized, we will have a new standard for how much RP you need to do to get an invasion recognized. It's up to the mods to decide.
Persecution and Hatred
14-10-2006, 13:07
Ok, I can understand the lack of Loyalty when the state was essentially disbanded year ago but, equiptment and resources just dont 'up and vanish'. You guys have already suggested that perhaps someone bought them, or that they were sold off, and here is my simple answer: Without buyers, there cannot be a sale. NONE of you RPed buying Vineyardian equiptment during my absence (I never 'quit' or 'rejoined' My last posting before my absence stated that I will try to check back, and that I was really busy, which was all true.) Do you really expect the following to happen?:

"Say, the Central Government kinda broke apart today. The general says that we are now the leaders of this provence."

"Wow. I guess we should burn our weapons now."

"Yea... and the tanks. That will be fun!"

"Awsome! Lets also blow up some Airplanes! Ive always wanted to be a pilot!"

"Ohhh! Want to set that Mountain Oil depot on fire!? That will make a lot of smoke!" *Giggles*

"Yea! Then it will basically pour fire out of the mountain, setting our country aflame! I like that notion!"

Please. :rolleyes:

"Your former nations have been through so much." Like what? The ONLY instance of my modern territory undergoing 'so much' was when GR, invaded the heartland, never RPed fighting any of my battle groups, let alone the Imperial Guard. When I rejoined, he saw his error, essentially giving me a sort of advantage. We both agreed that most of my men had barracaded themselves in the forts and supply depots, waiting for the right time to strike in conjunction with the TO's, while only a few tolken men were left outside the bases to give GR the naive impression that they were winning. GR even agrees to this.

Besides a few Infantry Divisions in Croatia and Bosnia, I had suffered no real losses, except for about 2 battlegroups lost in Former territories acquired by other nations (one conveniently by yourself), and the ENTIRE, yes the ENTIRE Imperial navy in Ascension. What are the odds of that? An entire navy just vanishing? Oh, that an the majority of the Empire's armies that perished in the desert wastes of the Middle east. Please, im being more than generous with my losses from my Old Empire.

ALSO, seeing how you appear to enjoy redundancy, only about 1/4 of my Eurofighters are in active service, with the other 3/4 being stored away, etc etc etc.

Also, unless TG6R appoints you to be such, UE is not a mod and will yeild no authority until given the priveledge. You cannot simply run around and dub yourself "Mod of This-an'-That!".

On that note, your annexation of Spain was wayyy too quick, especially your deployment of Spainish divisions to the Americas. Do you seriously think a peoples are about to forgive and forget, and enlist to join the army of their conquer? Mabye in olden times, pre-nationalism, but in todays world, that just does not happen in such a short time. Do you see my nation running around with greek, Syrian, Jordinian, Iraqi, or Kuwaiti troops yet? I wont be for some time in greece, while re-assimilation in the Middle-eastern countries will be much easier, seeing how the Empire ruled those countries for an extended period of time before.

yeah you made some valid points there vineyard. an assimilation process should take atleast a decade before you can start conscripting different nationalities into the armed forces.

Most of my reserve guard at the moment are actually either South African, namibian or Zimbabwean in all my other territories. I plan to conscript other nationalities in 5-6 Earth V years.

(BTW I have left some of the Angolan cake for you. I took the bigger slice but you get the Icing :D )
United Earthlings
14-10-2006, 15:29
As of now, ALM is a moderator, specifically the "Moderator of Maps."

As for Vineyard's situation, I'm concerned about Vineyard's current size... but it seems strange that Sharina has 10,000+ fighters compared to UE's suggested 501 for Vineyard.

Not really, the United States as of today has over 3,000 fighter aircraft along and that's not including bombers, tankers so on. Sharina is also what triple the size of the current US? So 10,000 aircraft is not that far of a streched. Atleast he doesn't got 20,000 in active service. While the country Vineyard rules over has about the same number of aircraft as me, DP and tons of other players. I added it up and I got about 700 or so fighters. That's total throughout the Republic. Also, that 501 is not a fixed number, as Vineyard expands I'll be fine with him/her increasing their forces. More territory means more resources. When He/she gets Greece then I'm fine with him/her going to 800 Eurofighters then thousand or so when Vineyard nads other territory.


Ok, I can understand the lack of Loyalty when the state was essentially disbanded year ago but, equiptment and resources just dont 'up and vanish'. You guys have already suggested that perhaps someone bought them, or that they were sold off, and here is my simple answer: Without buyers, there cannot be a sale. NONE of you RPed buying Vineyardian equiptment during my absence (I never 'quit' or 'rejoined' My last posting before my absence stated that I will try to check back, and that I was really busy, which was all true.) Do you really expect the following to happen?:

"Say, the Central Government kinda broke apart today. The general says that we are now the leaders of this provence."

"Wow. I guess we should burn our weapons now."

"Yea... and the tanks. That will be fun!"

"Awsome! Lets also blow up some Airplanes! Ive always wanted to be a pilot!"

"Ohhh! Want to set that Mountain Oil depot on fire!? That will make a lot of smoke!" *Giggles*

"Yea! Then it will basically pour fire out of the mountain, setting our country aflame! I like that notion!"


"Your former nations have been through so much." Like what? The ONLY instance of my modern territory undergoing 'so much' was when GR, invaded the heartland, never RPed fighting any of my battle groups, let alone the Imperial Guard. When I rejoined, he saw his error, essentially giving me a sort of advantage. We both agreed that most of my men had barracaded themselves in the forts and supply depots, waiting for the right time to strike in conjunction with the TO's, while only a few tolken men were left outside the bases to give GR the naive impression that they were winning. GR even agrees to this.

Besides a few Infantry Divisions in Croatia and Bosnia, I had suffered no real losses, except for about 2 battlegroups lost in Former territories acquired by other nations (one conveniently by yourself), and the ENTIRE, yes the ENTIRE Imperial navy in Ascension. What are the odds of that? An entire navy just vanishing? Oh, that an the majority of the Empire's armies that perished in the desert wastes of the Middle east. Please, im being more than generous with my losses from my Old Empire.

ALSO, seeing how you appear to enjoy redundancy, only about 1/4 of my Eurofighters are in active service, with the other 3/4 being stored away, etc etc etc.

Also, unless TG6R appoints you to be such, UE is not a mod and will yeild no authority until given the priveledge. You cannot simply run around and dub yourself "Mod of This-an'-That!".

On that note, your annexation of Spain was wayyy too quick, especially your deployment of Spainish divisions to the Americas. Do you seriously think a peoples are about to forgive and forget, and enlist to join the army of their conquer? Mabye in olden times, pre-nationalism, but in todays world, that just does not happen in such a short time. Do you see my nation running around with greek, Syrian, Jordinian, Iraqi, or Kuwaiti troops yet? I wont be for some time in greece, while re-assimilation in the Middle-eastern countries will be much easier, seeing how the Empire ruled those countries for an extended period of time before

Oh, but they do just up and vanish. Greed is a powerfully motive. Just, because none of us Role played buying any of your equipment and their's good reason for that, doesn't mean there weren't other countries out their who wouldn't have bought it given the chance. You know, the ones not RP by anyone but agree to still have governments, an army so forth.

Like What?

Being invaded by the Reich, I'm sure he more then likely walked off with some goodies from your country
A nice long Civil War
a nice long period of anarchy after the Civil War ended where it was everyone for themself
being invaded again, this time by Great Romeo
Sistan taking over your Middle East holdings and then himself falling into collapse further destabilizing the region

I'd say your Navy was either sunk by Ascension or took over by him. I don't think you would want a rogue Navy hanging around your country would you? Besides, sense it's rogue that means its going to need fuel for the ships, food for the crewmen. So, did they become pirates? or just wait around eating, drinking, living in a parallel universe waiting for you to return?

It's only redundant if the person didn't hear you the first time, which you seem to have displayed. Ok, 1/4 of 20,000 is 5,000 Eurofighters. And how have you managed to acquire that many aircraft as much as Sharina, while not even coming close to the manpower, budget or resources to construct that many. Your only really major developed country you control is Italy. Yes, I know you've started programs in your other territories. Isn't it safe to say they would take about a decade before they got to where Italy is or USA or France or Spain or any other Western European country. BTW, with all due respect, if it's not active duty I'm not considering it as valid- sorry. 15,000 aircraft sitting somewhere in a warehouse either fully assembled or partially just to me seems a little weird and not based in reality. Not, a few hundred but 15,000 thousand. That's more then the entire active Air Force Sharina has. So, if you got 15,000 you can pull out of nowhere can we all do the same? Sharina gets say 100,000? I'll take 40,000. TGSR will take 50,000 or 60,000. Great Romeo will be able to make magically appear 80,000 aircraft. So on and so on. You want to go down that road, lets go but when this because NS don't get mad when I told you so.

Also, unless TG6R appoints you to be such, UE is not a mod and will yield no authority until given the privilege. You cannot simply run around and dub yourself "Mod of This-an'-That!".

Agreed, that's why it's called sarcasm. But, I will be going through everyone's military declaration to make sure were all fine with what each other has. We all saw what happened with Sistan and the Red Sea War. If a major war starts which one day it one, which is good this RP needs some action. We can all RP the war instead of arguing over you don't have that, yes I do. No you don't, Yes I do. I'm just trying to make this RP as great as possible and as fun as possible.

About the Spanish question you brought up, first I would like to state that I have not never ever officially annexed any country. The way I RP the Iberian Netherlands is a collection of alliances that basically runs as one nation. Ever nation in the Republic has its own government, maintains and raises its own army. However, every nation works towards collective defense. As, I stated during the RP when I sent troops into Spain is that before the collapse I had recruited town leaders, governors, army commanders so on to make the transition back to stability as quickly as possible. For, the most part I think in my mind it worked and would have worked. I ended the RP for my invasion of the Iberian Netherlands on 9-19-2006 and sent troops into South America on 9-25-2006. In game time that’s about or over a year depending if we consider 5 days to be a year or 7 days. I'm not sure.

Remember, I had the support of the majority of the people and left most of the army intact. Is, a year not enough time to train and equip only a small army? The core of the Spanish and Portugese armies were intact, and the civil infrastructure for the most part was fully operation.
14-10-2006, 16:09
Alive, yeah, just wanted to say that-
The Great Sixth Reich
14-10-2006, 17:12

referencing this post, what exactly am I paying for in paying $160mil?
Domestic (only) production rights for all H&K weapons.

Not really, the United States as of today has over 3,000 fighter aircraft along and that's not including bombers, tankers so on. Sharina is also what triple the size of the current US? So 10,000 aircraft is not that far of a streched. Atleast he doesn't got 20,000 in active service. While the country Vineyard rules over has about the same number of aircraft as me, DP and tons of other players. I added it up and I got about 700 or so fighters. That's total throughout the Republic. Also, that 501 is not a fixed number, as Vineyard expands I'll be fine with him/her increasing their forces. More territory means more resources. When He/she gets Greece then I'm fine with him/her going to 800 Eurofighters then thousand or so when Vineyard nads other territory.
Opps... I forgot Sharina had almost (GR Costa Rica and some islands) all of Central America and all of Canada.
14-10-2006, 17:43
I was looking this up, and was wondering if this: "NS militaries are not allowed" means we are not allowed to declare war on the other nations of Earth V? If this is untrue, then I would like to apply for a nation.. My population is under 14 million, and I didn't read anywhere about the smaller nations. If I am allowed to join then I request South Korea as the current owner is marked red, and I think I read somewhere that those in red were to be deleted.


Carloginian President
14-10-2006, 18:12
I would suggest you check out the Map Thread. The Link is on the First Page.
14-10-2006, 19:18
Not really, the United States as of today has over 3,000 fighter aircraft along and that's not including bombers, tankers so on. Sharina is also what triple the size of the current US? So 10,000 aircraft is not that far of a streched. Atleast he doesn't got 20,000 in active service. While the country Vineyard rules over has about the same number of aircraft as me, DP and tons of other players. I added it up and I got about 700 or so fighters. That's total throughout the Republic. Also, that 501 is not a fixed number, as Vineyard expands I'll be fine with him/her increasing their forces. More territory means more resources. When He/she gets Greece then I'm fine with him/her going to 800 Eurofighters then thousand or so when Vineyard nads other territory.


[QUOTE=United Earthlings;11807111]
Oh, but they do just up and vanish. Greed is a powerfully motive. Just, because none of us Role played buying any of your equipment and their's good reason for that, doesn't mean there weren't other countries out their who wouldn't have bought it given the chance. You know, the ones not RP by anyone but agree to still have governments, an army so forth.

Greed? The generals got greedy and sold their weapons to the small scattered nations of the globe, subsequently undermining their own power? Please. Not only did I RP the fact that the Generals took over the various provences, but that they maintained their corners of the Empire. They are not some uneducated brutes that one sees in modern-day warlords.

Like What?

Being invaded by the Reich, I'm sure he more then likely walked off with some goodies from your country
A nice long Civil War
a nice long period of anarchy after the Civil War ended where it was everyone for themself
being invaded again, this time by Great Romeo
Sistan taking over your Middle East holdings and then himself falling into collapse further destabilizing the region

1). The Reich never indaded me. And if he did, he pulled back when i reemerged. Lets ask him if he stole 'any goodies'.
2). The only Civil war was in the middle east, as I had RPed.
3). The generals took over a series of lands. "But they would fight eachother its a civil war!" Ok. What do I keep saying? Most of the Empires armies were sent to the Middle EAst. The Imperial Guard and another 2 Regional Defence battlegroups, known as the '1st battlegroup' and '2ed battlegroup" today, was under ONE general (The general of the Imperial Guard), and protected the Homelands of Croatia, Bosnia, Albania, and Slovenia. An Italian battlegroup, what is today known as the "3ed battlegroup" was left in Italy for its defence. They did not fight the Imperial Guard, although they were not exactly friendly either.

The rest of the Armies, the Armies of Angola, Zimbabwe, Zambia, Madagascar, Croatia, Albania, Bosnia, Slovenia, Italy, Spain, Portugal, Saudi Arabia, Itaq, kuwait, Syria, Jordan, and Oman had assembeled in one area for an offencive on Whitter. That is when the Empire collapsed. The generals of the Offencive group tried to push the attack, but broke down and began to fight amungst themselves over petty disputes, which would have been resolved by a higher order, but since there was not one, and since there was such a high concentration of armed forces in that one area, millions of people died in the infighting. The Middle east is the only location of the Empire that had undergone any significant loss.

I'd say your Navy was either sunk by Ascension or took over by him. I don't think you would want a rogue Navy hanging around your country would you? Besides, sense it's rogue that means its going to need fuel for the ships, food for the crewmen. So, did they become pirates? or just wait around eating, drinking, living in a parallel universe waiting for you to return?

Wow. That was almoast insulting. Either that, or it smacks of your own ignorance. As I keep saying, I no longer have ANY control of that navy. As to what Ascension is, it is not a player. I have begun to notice a trend. You make demands of me on an uneducated basis, and ignoring previous RPs concerning my fall. Lets form an educated opinion on my army before making any more accusations, mkay?

For starters, Ascension is not a player.

Population 1,450. Yea, im sure my navy was sunk/taken over by them. Good job.

What I RPed previously is thast the Sailors and Admirals of the fleet simply ran out of food and petrol, basically making the Island uninhabited, with about a hundred fighting navel vessels still there, abandoned. Note how I have made no attempt to recover the fleet.

It's only redundant if the person didn't hear you the first time, which you seem to have displayed. Ok, 1/4 of 20,000 is 5,000 Eurofighters. And how have you managed to acquire that many aircraft as much as Sharina, while not even coming close to the manpower, budget or resources to construct that many. Your only really major developed country you control is Italy. Yes, I know you've started programs in your other territories. Isn't it safe to say they would take about a decade before they got to where Italy is or USA or France or Spain or any other Western European country. BTW, with all due respect, if it's not active duty I'm not considering it as valid- sorry. 15,000 aircraft sitting somewhere in a warehouse either fully assembled or partially just to me seems a little weird and not based in reality. Not, a few hundred but 15,000 thousand. That's more then the entire active Air Force Sharina has. So, if you got 15,000 you can pull out of nowhere can we all do the same? Sharina gets say 100,000? I'll take 40,000. TGSR will take 50,000 or 60,000. Great Romeo will be able to make magically appear 80,000 aircraft. So on and so on. You want to go down that road, lets go but when this because NS don't get mad when I told you so.

The budget is used to account for manpower. The government owns everything, all corperations, land, industries, products, and resources in the Empire. This means that while we have a certain number of people filling agricultural production to meet Imperial Demands, the rest of the sunstancial population is plugged into various industries based on personal Intrest and qualifications. I have RPed this before, most recently being about initiating the draft when going to war against Sistan. This means that i can designate a certain number of factories towards one project, weather it be the manufacturing of tractor parts for the Agricultural Sector, or if its Microchips, cockpits, missles, of other components used to assemble a Typhoon Eurofighter. The upside of thsi system is that the Empire has the liberty to build anything, so long as it has the necessary materials. Of course, production takes time, time which the empire has had plenty of during the past 150+ EV years of its existance. The only downside to this syetem is that it severly criples forign buying power. I.E. One item costs 200M to TG6R to purchase. That same item will cost the Empire billions to purchase.

Agreed, that's why it's called sarcasm. But, I will be going through everyone's military declaration to make sure were all fine with what each other has. We all saw what happened with Sistan and the Red Sea War. If a major war starts which one day it one, which is good this RP needs some action. We can all RP the war instead of arguing over you don't have that, yes I do. No you don't, Yes I do. I'm just trying to make this RP as great as possible and as fun as possible.

About the Spanish question you brought up, first I would like to state that I have not never ever officially annexed any country. The way I RP the Iberian Netherlands is a collection of alliances that basically runs as one nation. Ever nation in the Republic has its own government, maintains and raises its own army. However, every nation works towards collective defense. As, I stated during the RP when I sent troops into Spain is that before the collapse I had recruited town leaders, governors, army commanders so on to make the transition back to stability as quickly as possible. For, the most part I think in my mind it worked and would have worked. I ended the RP for my invasion of the Iberian Netherlands on 9-19-2006 and sent troops into South America on 9-25-2006. In game time that’s about or over a year depending if we consider 5 days to be a year or 7 days. I'm not sure.

Remember, I had the support of the majority of the people and left most of the army intact. Is, a year not enough time to train and equip only a small army? The core of the Spanish and Portugese armies were intact, and the civil infrastructure for the most part was fully operation.

Support of the people? Thats just... too weird. Its border-ling god-mod. Ever hear of nationalism? Yea, its been in existance for the past 200+ years. Remember when napeoleon invaded Spain and Installed another government in spain? The Spainish tied up 200,000 of napoleons troops due to their insurgency, even after he conquered their nation. Perhaps a more modern example will suit you.. The Spainish civil war! The Republic against Franco. Franco won of course, but the Republic didnt simply throw in the towl and call ti the day. Their entire army was lost because they were fighting for democracy, their independence. Sure, you may claim to bring democracy to them, but remember, you just invaded them. How on earth do you expect to have their support, especially since you claim that Spain existed along RL paremeters? In short, if they wern't ruled by the Vineyardian Despot, they were ruled by a popular Democracy, as they are in Real Life. This is Earth V. When countries go rogue, they dont reset to Real Life bounds, they are effected by their past, as the world has been forever. Your ideology concerning Earth V is simple: Earth V's past only happened if the people led them into that history are still around. THis is reflected by your claims that Russia's military is the exact same size as that of Modern-day Russia, despite the fact that the Empire, FOAM, Tenebricosis, and now GR have all led russia at one time or another. That changes stuff. A lot. In Earth V, the entire Soviet thing sorta happened under tenebricosis, but its past reflects its modern-day infastructure and past. Like Russia, the Blakans states never underwent some of the RL events that has occured. For instance, it was, and has been, the seat of the Vineyardian Empire for the past 150+ years. That means that, despite your claims, Italy is hardly the only 'developed' stae in the Empire. The only undeveloped one is the DRC, which is still undergoing continuing improvement projects.
Military Command
14-10-2006, 19:20
I was looking this up, and was wondering if this: "NS militaries are not allowed" means we are not allowed to declare war on the other nations of Earth V? If this is untrue, then I would like to apply for a nation.. My population is under 14 million, and I didn't read anywhere about the smaller nations. If I am allowed to join then I request South Korea as the current owner is marked red, and I think I read somewhere that those in red were to be deleted.


Carloginian President

I am the current owner of the Republic of Korea whis is under the command of United Federation of Military Command.
Alif Laam Miim
14-10-2006, 21:53
I was looking this up, and was wondering if this: "NS militaries are not allowed" means we are not allowed to declare war on the other nations of Earth V? If this is untrue, then I would like to apply for a nation.. My population is under 14 million, and I didn't read anywhere about the smaller nations. If I am allowed to join then I request South Korea as the current owner is marked red, and I think I read somewhere that those in red were to be deleted.


Carloginian President

The current owner is not marked as red; in fact, the current owner is very much alive and running. In fact, I'm not exactly certain how you came to the conclusion that there was a red list out at the moment, as I haven't even posted one.

But on a positive note, thanks for submitting a claim request here!!!

If it means anything at the moment, there are several other countries available. Please look here for the full list:
United Earthlings
14-10-2006, 22:36
The current owner is not marked as red; in fact, the current owner is very much alive and running. In fact, I'm not exactly certain how you came to the conclusion that there was a red list out at the moment, as I haven't even posted one.

But on a positive note, thanks for submitting a claim request here!!!

If it means anything at the moment, there are several other countries available. Please look here for the full list:

TGSR hasn't keep up with the current claims as much as you have, on the main page of this thread there are claims that are way out of date. If, you look both Koreas are marked red. Yeah, I was just as confused when I first joined. It was very hard sorting out what was claimed and not. How many times did I ask if such and such was open? I don't even remember it was so many times.
Alif Laam Miim
14-10-2006, 22:39
TGSR hasn't keep up with the current claims as much as you have, on the main page of this thread there are claims that are way out of date. If, you look both Koreas are marked red. Yeah, I was just as confused when I first joined. It was very hard sorting out what was claimed and not. How many times did I ask if such and such was open? I don't even remember it was so many times.

If this is the case, then I think I should be asking TG6R to tear it down...

Please??? PRETTY PLEASE???
United Earthlings
14-10-2006, 22:44
If this is the case, then I think I should be asking TG6R to tear it down...

Please??? PRETTY PLEASE???

You forget the cherries :D
14-10-2006, 22:45

Honestly, I think we should let Vineyard get his military back, or at least the parts he wants. We should be about getting new members, not driving them off. He gives a more than reasonable explanation [excuse] and goes above and beyond explaining why and how he has his expectations.

No, it wouldn't cut in say AMW, but for here and other Earth style RPs it works, to be fair he should be able to say whatever he wants about his internal affairs. As long as they aren't supermen, or have a really funked up economy I really can't [or anybody else] have an expectation for him to follow my directions on his country.

So, as long as more third-party nations or the moderators object I think UE should throw in the towl and look for another, more constructive debate.

In my eyes, this just highlights the problem that for most nations they have a relativly un-defined country beyond how many tanks and square miles [kilometers]. Like how does France, who usually is protected by high tarrifs, compete with Japan, who happens to be in the same Empire.

Sorry for picking on you Military Command. ;)
Alif Laam Miim
14-10-2006, 22:56
You forget the cherries :D

I do raspberries...


mmm... syrup...
Alif Laam Miim
14-10-2006, 23:06
Domestic (only) production rights for all H&K weapons.

OY! That's a great bargain!!! Molto grazie!!! 谢谢, 谢谢, 谢谢!!! Merci beaucoup!!! DANKS!!!
Persecution and Hatred
14-10-2006, 23:16
When the USSR collapsed in 1991 Russia pretty much retained the majority of the soviet armed forces and Nuclear weapons. they were not proliferated throughout the former soviet republics. I therefore believe there would have been a dominant Vinyardian faction after the collapse of the empire that atleast controlled a large portion of the Vineyardian empire. Simple Darwinism on a nation based context (survival of the fittest)

As i have stated before the assimilation process for my newly aquired states will take up to a decade in earth V years and even then their will be some resentment over the occupation of their territory. Their is no such thing as Imperial solidarity it is an oxymoron. Colonies have a tendency to resent being ruled from over 10,000 miles away by an unrelated nation.

(In R.L. however Spain were the masters of the netherlands for a period of time in the 15th-16th centuries, and boy did the dutch hate the occupation by spain!!!! I wonder if U.E deliberatly parrelled this history replaced the governing country from Spain to the Netherlands, Much like my Boer republic is in a parrallel universe to R.L. South Africa.. hmmm very interesting:p )

anyways i digress...... I propose that cologinias stake a claim in Africa before its too late we could do with another African "based" country.

Benin and Togo are free as is much of southern west Africa at the moment. Have a talk with Kopperburgs before claiming though he may be up to some acivity down there.

(OMG West African adventure 2!!!!! welcome to the African theme park were Nations participate in fun activities like 3 week conquests of seemingly innocent African nations. other activities include SUBJEGATION and wait for it.... (game show host voice) IMPERIAL ASSIMILIATION...... The world is yours in Africa!!!!!! :D lol)
14-10-2006, 23:38
OY! That's a great bargain!!! Molto grazie!!! 谢谢, 谢谢, 谢谢!!! Merci beaucoup!!! DANKS!!!

Sweet, what language are the Asian looking characters?
Persecution and Hatred
15-10-2006, 00:11
Sweet, what language are the Asian looking characters?

Brilliant deduction moorington.:p

Id have a guess and say are the letters chinese, korean or japanese?
15-10-2006, 00:25
May I claim the country of Sweden?
15-10-2006, 00:49
Brilliant deduction moorington.:p

LOL, I know, I am as sharp as a spoon.

Yeah, I pwn-

The Great Sixth Reich
15-10-2006, 02:19
When the USSR collapsed in 1991 Russia pretty much retained the majority of the soviet armed forces and Nuclear weapons. they were not proliferated throughout the former soviet republics.
Not true.

Belarus (, Kazakhstan (, and the Ukraine ( all had several nuclear weapons for years. The Ukraine had 1,240 nuclear warheads!

OY! That's a great bargain!!! Molto grazie!!! 谢谢, 谢谢, 谢谢!!! Merci beaucoup!!! DANKS!!!
Why the Chinese Tse ( character?
Persecution and Hatred
15-10-2006, 04:37
yeh but they either eventually dismantled their arsenals or relinquished the warheads back to Russia by 1995.

anyways a big hello goes to a cologias and i wish another nationstate would base themselves in Africa its very beautiful:(
15-10-2006, 04:55
Apart from the Wars that seem to rage from north to south.
Persecution and Hatred
15-10-2006, 08:56
what are you insinuating about the cradle of humanity???

dont contradict yourself granate you have been expanding into iran likes there is no tommorow.:)
15-10-2006, 16:29
Hey! Atleast Iran can fight back effectively!
Heh... I guess I did contradict my own statement.
15-10-2006, 16:56
Why the Chinese Tse ( character?

Thanks, I guess those "Asian lookin' characters" can now be classified as "Tse, Asian lookin' Characters".

I am thinking as playing as a Afrikan power, mostly because the amount of rampant annexation by European and other imperial powers is no fun if there isn't someone you can pwn.
Alif Laam Miim
15-10-2006, 20:12
Molto grazie!!! 谢谢, 谢谢, 谢谢!!! Merci beaucoup!!! DANKS!!!

Intuition could not hae brought to the conclusion that those are all related?

In Mandrin, that "tse" [Cantonese] is pronounced "xie", which means, "thanks".

May I claim the country of Sweden?

My intuition is to say yes, but be careful - the last two players to play Sweden fell out because they weren't active. So be active!!! And be friendly!!!

I am thinking as playing as a Afrikan power, mostly because the amount of rampant annexation by European and other imperial powers is no fun if there isn't someone you can pwn.

It would be hard for Hong Kong to make a claim in Africa, but if you're patient, China may be open again...
Asian China
16-10-2006, 08:51
It would be hard for Hong Kong to make a claim in Africa, but if you're patient, China may be open again...
Then he has to be very patient. I'm going to leave Earth-V 2009. He he. :)

I can take care of Hong Kong while you're out travelling in the jungle...
16-10-2006, 15:27
I asked for membership into foam awhile ago, I haven't seen a response to
my post. Can someone please verify my FOAM membership?
Alif Laam Miim
16-10-2006, 16:43
It's good to see people coming back. Let's just hope that they stay.

Here's a preview for my red list, to be posted at the end of this week - this is only a warning.

Whittlesfield, since coming back, has not been very active - where are you?

DP has spent more time in the FT world than in EV or EII - are you going to abandon us?

Sel Appa - I've contacted you for a long time, and you haven't been doing anything worthwhile. What are you doing?

Arabicia - ditto. Where are you?

Rethan has suddenly stopped his Lithuania campaign. What's going on?

Bree Tonia hasn't done anything since Tashkent...and that wasn't much.

Brinkman Isle - I don't know where you are, but try to get in on EV more often.

H-Town Tejas has followed the way of Whittlesfield, both of whom threaten to follow the way of Vietnamexico.

If you are on this list, this is not my red list [although out of fairness, it ought to be...]. If you make absolutely no effort to get off this list, it will become my red list for this week, so the ultimate point, you have until Sunday 0000GMT to get on and tell us your intentions with EV. This is very nice of me, because I could just go the 48 hour business, but seeing as a lot of these people [not all] were particularly active at some point, I think it would be just to give them an opportunity. If you know of any way to get into contact with these people, PLEASE DO SO. I've already contacted a few, so the more the merrier.

If you are reading this and are on the list and I'm not online, IM me at the following addresses [if Ii'm online...]...

AIM - a12363278
Yahoo - daehanjeiguk
ICQ - 424992755 [I don't know how to work this one yet].
Alif Laam Miim
16-10-2006, 16:46
I asked for membership into foam awhile ago, I haven't seen a response to
my post. Can someone please verify my FOAM membership?

If you made the request in the OOC thread, I'd suggest two better places to go:

IC thread:

FOAM HQ thread:

If you've alrerady made the post in one of these threads, I'd strongly suggest making it very visible, like highlight it in red and make the font size "4". that's the best way to catch their attention.
United Earthlings
16-10-2006, 21:13
It's good to see people coming back. Let's just hope that they stay.

Here's a preview for my red list, to be posted at the end of this week - this is only a warning.

Whittlesfield, since coming back, has not been very active - where are you?

DP has spent more time in the FT world than in EV or EII - are you going to abandon us?

Sel Appa - I've contacted you for a long time, and you haven't been doing anything worthwhile. What are you doing?

Arabicia - ditto. Where are you?

Rethan has suddenly stopped his Lithuania campaign. What's going on?

Bree Tonia hasn't done anything since Tashkent...and that wasn't much.

Brinkman Isle - I don't know where you are, but try to get in on EV more often.

H-Town Tejas has followed the way of Whittlesfield, both of whom threaten to follow the way of Vietnamexico.

If you are on this list, this is not my red list [although out of fairness, it ought to be...]. If you make absolutely no effort to get off this list, it will become my red list for this week, so the ultimate point, you have until Sunday 0000GMT to get on and tell us your intentions with EV. This is very nice of me, because I could just go the 48 hour business, but seeing as a lot of these people [not all] were particularly active at some point, I think it would be just to give them an opportunity. If you know of any way to get into contact with these people, PLEASE DO SO. I've already contacted a few, so the more the merrier.

If you are reading this and are on the list and I'm not online, IM me at the following addresses [if Ii'm online...]...

AIM - a12363278
Yahoo - daehanjeiguk
ICQ - 424992755 [I don't know how to work this one yet].

I can answer for Brinkman- its slow and got side track by the problem arrising in Africa, but he's/she's posting in my South American thread. Don't worry, I plan to keep it running.

As for the rest, I havn't got a clue. I tried Whittlesfield but, never get any appies so I've just been considering him dead. As, for Dp I send him a message and see if I get a reply.
Alif Laam Miim
16-10-2006, 21:52
I have seen that, and I have noted that Brinkman Isle is off the list. But please, post in the other threads every once and a while...
Brinkman Isle
16-10-2006, 23:38
Aye but nothing in the world is of any concern at this point. Im not yet world police status...yet ;)
Sel Appa
17-10-2006, 00:00
I hear I will be kicked out if I didn't post, so here I am...I also heat there is lots of bickering and such. -_-

Also, I noticed on the first page it shows: "Ukraine, The". That is incorrect and somewhat offensive. Please rectify.
United Earthlings
17-10-2006, 00:23
Aye but nothing in the world is of any concern at this point. Im not yet world police status...yet ;)

Want it, I'm going to take a break from it. You try to do good and the rest of the world hates you for it. So forget that! :headbang:
United Earthlings
17-10-2006, 00:26
ooc: LOL, gotta love how those are SIC. SIC means this: Secret In Character. That means, thay if anyone else but the reciepient of the message claims to know anything about that, its godmoding.

You essentially declared war on ME, not vice versa. Sure, you may have declared war knowing that I was about to attack anyway, but IC'ly, there was no way you could have known that.

"But we could see your troop movements!" The only troop movement before you declared was a single division traveling on a dense jungle road deep in the heard of my African territory. And seeing how you lack satilites, there was no way you could have detected such.

Regent Windsor frowned as he read the public announcements from United Neatherlands and MC. They both claimed that the Empire had declared war on them! Bah. He pointed towards a certain phrase in MC;s argument and ordered an intelegence officer to find out how and why they thought the Empire declared war on them. Those fools. By declaring war on the Empire BEFORE the empire coulddeclare war on them, they should have incurred the wrath of the RSA. This was thr true test of the Empires supposed "Allies". Regent Windsor knew all too well that when it came to a nation returning the favor, they would either deny it, or reluctantly do so and commit very little towards war. The Empire was essentially on its own.

-Throughout the Empire-
Radios in public squares started to calmly repeat "Purging protocol 11, and 31. Purging Protocol 11 and 31..." Police officers accross the Empire began to round up all the citizens of Military Command and United Neatherlands, bound for two different camps in Croatia. These camps had not seen usage since the foam wars, and the red stain in the center square only betrayed its purpose, its purpose as an execution center. A lone sword stood in a glass case on a concrete pedestal in the center of the square. On it a golden plaque lay. On this plaque was written one word. Retribution.

OCC: Few things, yes I know what SIC means. If you read the first sentence I wrote and not bother to skip over it you would also know that I know. Second, for the third time, it’s the Iberian Netherlands. The United Netherlands was my old country. It had a rebirth. Third, I actually do have satellites and yes I agree I would not be able to see your troops and I haven't. Have I RP seeing them? Where as you all seem to have poured billions of dollars into satellite intelligence, just like the United States in real life I went the other route. HI, Human Intelligence. What good is a satellite if you don't know what's going on the ground your looking at. So IC, yes their was a way for me to know that. I agree I wouldn't know everything, but I would know something's up and by analyzing your past reactions towards me, my neighbors, friends, and allies it wouldn't be hard to put two and two together. Moving 20,000 troops is not exactly going to be quiet you know, nor should it be.

*I got a question then, when during World War Two when the Polish and later British and Americans broke the German Service's code and were reading it almost to the word and letter. Were they Godmolding then? You should know, no code is unbreakable given enough time and skill. Here's about that Operation Code Named Ultra ( So I say again, I won't have a complete picture but even you have to agree I would have bits and pieces, especially considering I'm a lot more reliant on Human Intelligence (

Fourth- I know it wasn't RP, but I never got around to it due to time constraints. If, you remember Sharina was threaten to attack me and included in such measures before and after tensions was the decrease in travel of my citizens. Since, tensions are still high with Sharina they are still in place. The only traveled really allowed was to our allies and maybe a country we share a border with. So that covers, France, Brazil, India and parts of Morocco. Other then that, I think the only foreign person I had in your country was my Ambassador whom before the declaration of war was recalled along with my Ambassador in the South Africa and the Kingdom of Kopparbergs. Furthermore, all my citizens visiting the Kingdom were urged to return for their safety. So, I have no idea who you just rounded up, because they weren't my citizens. As for MC- you have to ask him if he has citizens in your country. But, for mine- your country is not exactly on any of my citizens to visit list. It's nothing personnel, just IC your nation comes off well mean really.

I hope that explains everything very well and one last thing- I'm considering your 5,000 Eurofighters a GodMod. I can't for the life of me seeing you having that many and supporting them to any good enough. A 1,000 that I can see and understand.
Military Command
17-10-2006, 00:34
Vinyland I don't have all my Armies in France I only have Three Armies and what French Units are in my nation. I also have about 200,000 men on Franco-Italian Border which are right now Korean-Japanese Troops. With Russian and French Troops getting ready to move in after the Korean and Japanese Troops start the attack when I want too.
17-10-2006, 00:37
When the USSR collapsed in 1991 Russia pretty much retained the majority of the soviet armed forces and Nuclear weapons. they were not proliferated throughout the former soviet republics. I therefore believe there would have been a dominant Vinyardian faction after the collapse of the empire that atleast controlled a large portion of the Vineyardian empire. Simple Darwinism on a nation based context (survival of the fittest)

As i have stated before the assimilation process for my newly aquired states will take up to a decade in earth V years and even then their will be some resentment over the occupation of their territory. Their is no such thing as Imperial solidarity it is an oxymoron. Colonies have a tendency to resent being ruled from over 10,000 miles away by an unrelated nation.

(In R.L. however Spain were the masters of the netherlands for a period of time in the 15th-16th centuries, and boy did the dutch hate the occupation by spain!!!! I wonder if U.E deliberatly parrelled this history replaced the governing country from Spain to the Netherlands, Much like my Boer republic is in a parrallel universe to R.L. South Africa.. hmmm very interesting:p )

anyways i digress...... I propose that cologinias stake a claim in Africa before its too late we could do with another African "based" country.

Benin and Togo are free as is much of southern west Africa at the moment. Have a talk with Kopperburgs before claiming though he may be up to some acivity down there.

(OMG West African adventure 2!!!!! welcome to the African theme park were Nations participate in fun activities like 3 week conquests of seemingly innocent African nations. other activities include SUBJEGATION and wait for it.... (game show host voice) IMPERIAL ASSIMILIATION...... The world is yours in Africa!!!!!! :D lol)

Honestly, I think we should let Vineyard get his military back, or at least the parts he wants. We should be about getting new members, not driving them off. He gives a more than reasonable explanation [excuse] and goes above and beyond explaining why and how he has his expectations.

No, it wouldn't cut in say AMW, but for here and other Earth style RPs it works, to be fair he should be able to say whatever he wants about his internal affairs. As long as they aren't supermen, or have a really funked up economy I really can't [or anybody else] have an expectation for him to follow my directions on his country.

So, as long as more third-party nations or the moderators object I think UE should throw in the towl and look for another, more constructive debate.

In my eyes, this just highlights the problem that for most nations they have a relativly un-defined country beyond how many tanks and square miles [kilometers]. Like how does France, who usually is protected by high tarrifs, compete with Japan, who happens to be in the same Empire.

Sorry for picking on you Military Command. ;)

yeah you made some valid points there vineyard. an assimilation process should take atleast a decade before you can start conscripting different nationalities into the armed forces.

Most of my reserve guard at the moment are actually either South African, namibian or Zimbabwean in all my other territories. I plan to conscript other nationalities in 5-6 Earth V years.

(BTW I have left some of the Angolan cake for you. I took the bigger slice but you get the Icing :D )


ooc: thats the thing about Intel networks. You have to RP them being in place.

Did you RP 'breaking' my code? No.

Did you RP the acquisiton of 'Human Intelegence' in the Empire? No.

Not only this, but I already said that i was willing to overlook such godmods, and allow you to continue with your declaration.. unless you want to take it back.

As to rounding up your citizens- I had no way of knowing that you eveacuated all of them except your Ambassador. I thought you merely made the suggestion to your people. Consider your Ambassador under arrest then.

And yes, my nation does come accross as being mean. Intimidation is the name of my Empire's game. If an enemy knows full well the certain-death consequences of going to war with the Empire, it may well serve as a deterrant. I believe I was referred to as "The Bad-guy of Earth V" earlier.

And must we really go over this Eurofighter thing again? I happen to think your Spainish soldiers are a godmod, as do other people, but Im going to accept it because your internal policy is your own. Im sure you have some logical (ableit skewed) reason as to why they would fight for you this early. You seem to be alone in your accusations of my Fighters being a 'godmod' while people support my claims. Please, if you want to continue your pointless crusade against my Eurofighters, lets take this into the OOC forums... There I can cite the general consensus that my claims are logical and fair.


What will get you to stop your silyl crusade? Want me to cow my military, so it is more acceptable to your standards? Or do you cry foul because you want to level the playing felid, seeing how my nation has been around about 150 E-V years longer than yours?
I think only a mod ruling will get UE to finally stop. Anyone?

EDIT: Ohhh. TG6R seems to think that youa re only confused about how I am storing my 15,000 fighters. Allow me to explain.

The Empire of Vineyard takes advantage of the geology of the "heartlands' of the Empire, and hollows out mountains for Storage facilities, Military bases, and resource depots. Several such bases, combined with warehouses on surface bases, hold either disassembeled Eurofighters, or intact Eurofighters. Kept in a ontroled enviornment, with climate control, the Eurofighters often face very little degredation over time. The Empire employs a small force of janitors and mechanics and the like to clean out the Eurofighters year-round and to keep them in order; possibly even make repairs. But the majority of the repairs, etc, are done right before the fighters are re-comissioned.

Besides that... well. Hurumph. I dont comprehend your qualms.
17-10-2006, 00:42
Vinyland I don't have all my Armies in France I only have Three Armies and what French Units are in my nation. I also have about 200,000 men on Franco-Italian Border which are right now Korean-Japanese Troops. With Russian and French Troops getting ready to move in after the Korean and Japanese Troops start the attack when I want too. Ok. Im not pressuring you. I just misunderstood, thats all.
Military Command
17-10-2006, 00:47
Ok. Im not pressuring you. I just misunderstood, thats all.

Ok then.
United Earthlings
17-10-2006, 01:06


What will get you to stop your silyl crusade? Want me to cow my military, so it is more acceptable to your standards? Or do you cry foul because you want to level the playing felid, seeing how my nation has been around about 150 E-V years longer than yours?
I think only a mod ruling will get UE to finally stop. Anyone?

EDIT: Ohhh. TG6R seems to think that youa re only confused about how I am storing my 15,000 fighters. Allow me to explain.

The Empire of Vineyard takes advantage of the geology of the "heartlands' of the Empire, and hollows out mountains for Storage facilities, Military bases, and resource depots. Several such bases, combined with warehouses on surface bases, hold either disassembeled Eurofighters, or intact Eurofighters. Kept in a ontroled enviornment, with climate control, the Eurofighters often face very little degredation over time. The Empire employs a small force of janitors and mechanics and the like to clean out the Eurofighters year-round and to keep them in order; possibly even make repairs. But the majority of the repairs, etc, are done right before the fighters are re-comissioned.

Besides that... well. Hurumph. I dont comprehend your qualms.

A good explantion will stop it, so if others are fine with you having that many fighters just sitting around then I am too. I'm sorry it just seemed a little weird to me, but hey I'll get over it. 20,000 it is then. Would you like me to explain how I got the Spanish People to support me?
17-10-2006, 01:10
I would of hoped Vineyard would of noted The UCR's donation of weapons in the IC Thread, but oh well. I could always use them I guess.
17-10-2006, 01:10
A good explantion will stop it, so if others are fine with you having that many fighters just sitting around then I am too. I'm sorry it just seemed a little weird to me, but hey I'll get over it. 20,000 it is then. Would you like me to explain how I got the Spanish People to support me?

I would indeed.
17-10-2006, 01:12
I would of hoped Vineyard would of noted The UCR's donation of weapons in the IC Thread, but oh well. I could always use them I guess.

Oh! Didnt notice, im sorry!
Alif Laam Miim
17-10-2006, 03:49
I haven't seen TG6R oppose the idea, so I'm going to make provisions to invite the following people with the following the territories, provided they stay active long enough to stay in EV:

Carloginias: Sweden

United Earthlings
17-10-2006, 17:33
I would indeed.

Ok, expect a good post on it within a few days.
Dweladelfia prime
17-10-2006, 19:28
Hey Guys Im back. Sorry Ive been gone. been really busy with Sea Cadets.
Persecution and Hatred
17-10-2006, 23:26
(breaks down to a whimpering mass on the floor)

whys everyone gone gray on the map thread..... :( :confused:
Military Command
18-10-2006, 00:41
I would like to know if I can use the French Army Order of Battle from WWII but with current equipment as well as for my Japanese Army Order of Battle in WWII too? They would be all use current equipment.
18-10-2006, 03:40

I've been busy the past few days with lots of RL stuff, and I might be busy again in the next few days as well.

Could someone give me a summary of what has happened in the past few days if anything major has occurred?
18-10-2006, 03:43
War was averted on the African Continent between UE and Vineyard and Kopp. MC was going to help UE and Persecution was helping Vine and Kopp. And thats basically it.
Dweladelfia prime
18-10-2006, 03:50
War was averted on the African Continent between UE and Vineyard and Kopp. MC was going to help UE and Persecution was helping Vine and Kopp. And thats basically it.

Again in English please.
Dweladelfia prime
18-10-2006, 03:53
DP has spent more time in the FT world than in EV or EII - are you going to abandon us?

Naw Im still here.
18-10-2006, 11:58
(breaks down to a whimpering mass on the floor)

whys everyone gone gray on the map thread..... :( :confused:
Because the links to the factbooks are moved to this thread (
Alif Laam Miim
19-10-2006, 20:33
Because the links to the factbooks are moved to this thread (

absolutely correct!!!
Persecution and Hatred
19-10-2006, 20:58
well done it looks great;)
Persecution and Hatred
20-10-2006, 13:40
BTW if any Nationstate player is browsing over this Earth and checking out The ooc forum and if any of this has piqued your interest. t.g me and I will help you out (im not admin here but we welcome new "reliable" participants so im told.:D )

in relation to this any large (bigger than 150,000sq miles) territory from henceforth that i annex (bit drunk at the mo im slurring my words :D) will be divided into twos threes or quarters. (I.e. tanzania would hypothetically be divided into two three or four segments. at most id claim half of Tanzania, atleast id claim a quater of Tanzania upon confirmation of my r.p. top get that territory.

I put forward that once a nation reaches 5.3 Million sq km in total area that specific participant has to compromise some part of the next territory they Invade, annex, assimilate. It would be in the interest of both Earth V and interested pariticipants. (of course a compromise could be met if your state is under 5,3 million sq km, This would be most courteous of that nation if he chose to do so and kudos to you if you do...)

This is primarily to keep territory open for new participants. thus keeping an interest in this earth (this might creaet some headaches for poor ole alif laam miim but hopefully he will understand where im coming from...) and also making more pertinent (solid) (i.e a three post r.p. would become more "tenable" as only a quater or half of that massive country would be annexed.

(This is not so much as we got a lot of players in Earth V but because we have a lot of Empires in Earth V and they tend to take up a lot of space on this planet.. )

what do you guys think? we need more players and i for one will r.p smaller bits of territory from now on......

(sorry If i rambled too much. i hope i was relatively coherant.)
The Great Sixth Reich
20-10-2006, 22:04
(On a quick trip to Michigan... back on Monday)
Dweladelfia prime
20-10-2006, 22:34
BTW if any Nationstate player is browsing over this Earth and checking out The ooc forum and if any of this has piqued your interest. t.g me and I will help you out (im not admin here but we welcome new "reliable" participants so im told.:D )

in relation to this any large (bigger than 150,000sq miles) territory from henceforth that i annex (bit drunk at the mo im slurring my words :D) will be divided into twos threes or quarters. (I.e. tanzania would hypothetically be divided into two three or four segments. at most id claim half of Tanzania, atleast id claim a quater of Tanzania upon confirmation of my r.p. top get that territory.

I put forward that once a nation reaches 5.3 Million sq km in total area that specific participant has to compromise some part of the next territory they Invade, annex, assimilate. It would be in the interest of both Earth V and interested pariticipants. (of course a compromise could be met if your state is under 5,3 million sq km, This would be most courteous of that nation if he chose to do so and kudos to you if you do...)

This is primarily to keep territory open for new participants. thus keeping an interest in this earth (this might creaet some headaches for poor ole alif laam miim but hopefully he will understand where im coming from...) and also making more pertinent (solid) (i.e a three post r.p. would become more "tenable" as only a quater or half of that massive country would be annexed.

(This is not so much as we got a lot of players in Earth V but because we have a lot of Empires in Earth V and they tend to take up a lot of space on this planet.. )

what do you guys think? we need more players and i for one will r.p smaller bits of territory from now on......

(sorry If i rambled too much. i hope i was relatively coherant.)

I wouldnt reliy on somone who drinks so much they get drunk....... :(
Persecution and Hatred
20-10-2006, 22:46
;) heh heh dont worry i kept the keys to my WMDs in a safe place. :p Like i did with my car keys lol (not that I am trivialising neuclear war)

on a serious note i believe this is a good idea which you should take some consideration to dweladelf before annexing anymore land. ( Just for the interest for getting more participants. I Guese quality is always better than quantity but Diversity is interesting. )

also Resistance movements in Other nations colonies is another feasible idea if a participant wants to try and obtain that specific piece of land.

but no resistance in South Africa, as that my land. (pumps Shotgun whilst on the porch:p )

no offense intended dweladelf.

(btw i just had one beer, honestly)
Dweladelfia prime
20-10-2006, 23:04
;) heh heh dont worry i kept the keys to my WMDs in a safe place. :p Like i did with my car keys lol (not that I am trivialising neuclear war)

on a serious note i believe this is a good idea which you should take some consideration to dweladelf before annexing anymore land. ( Just for the interest for getting more participants. I Guese quality is always better than quantity but Diversity is interesting. )

also Resistance movements in Other nations colonies is another feasible idea if a participant wants to try and obtain that specific piece of land.

but no resistance in South Africa, as that my land. (pumps Shotgun whilst on the porch:p )

no offense intended dweladelf.

(btw i just had one beer, honestly)

hey i havnt anexed any more land. lol
Persecution and Hatred
21-10-2006, 00:41
nahs thats cool mate... Incidentally are you in earth II? I used to be in Earth 2 under the name Zeeeland and i new this guy called Kreynoria who now runs the alliance your currently in. What a remarkable coincidence eh? :)
Dweladelfia prime
21-10-2006, 01:18
21-10-2006, 01:27
Alive! Nothing to add, I just want to exist through school and start up a bigger nation when summer break happens.

Maybe a expansion of Ho Chi Minh City, and othersuch places of capitalism.
Alif Laam Miim
21-10-2006, 03:20
It's good to see people coming back. Let's just hope that they stay.

Here's a preview for my red list, to be posted at the end of this week - this is only a warning.

Whittlesfield, since coming back, has not been very active - where are you?

DP has spent more time in the FT world than in EV or EII - are you going to abandon us?

Sel Appa - I've contacted you for a long time, and you haven't been doing anything worthwhile. What are you doing?

Arabicia - ditto. Where are you?

Rethan has suddenly stopped his Lithuania campaign. What's going on?

Bree Tonia hasn't done anything since Tashkent...and that wasn't much.

Brinkman Isle - I don't know where you are, but try to get in on EV more often.

H-Town Tejas has followed the way of Whittlesfield, both of whom threaten to follow the way of Vietnamexico.

If you are on this list, this is not my red list [although out of fairness, it ought to be...]. If you make absolutely no effort to get off this list, it will become my red list for this week, so the ultimate point, you have until Sunday 0000GMT to get on and tell us your intentions with EV. This is very nice of me, because I could just go the 48 hour business, but seeing as a lot of these people [not all] were particularly active at some point, I think it would be just to give them an opportunity. If you know of any way to get into contact with these people, PLEASE DO SO. I've already contacted a few, so the more the merrier.

If you are reading this and are on the list and I'm not online, IM me at the following addresses [if Ii'm online...]...

AIM - a12363278
Yahoo - daehanjeiguk
ICQ - 424992755 [I don't know how to work this one yet].

The Red List - 48 hours worth of trying to prove that you're still in Earth V.

Sel Appa
H-Town Tejas

Two of the people are on this list again - I find it a troubling circumstance.

So I've sent TGs to most of the people on this Red List, and I've even IMed two people to come back, but as of the moment, I have not received any confirmation from these people. As such, in 48 hours, if I still have not gotten any word from them, I will void these countries' existences. And as a side note - to encourage people to come in to Earth V, I'm going to reserve these nations for ONE WEEK before any sort of IC conquests can take-over these territories. There's quite a few good picks in this list, and I'd love to see if anyone is willing to take the opportunity to take a grab at this. And of course, if these people come back in time before the 48 hours expires, they keep their territories.
Sel Appa
21-10-2006, 03:39
Hi guys...I think I'll start actually RPing now that I have a gameplan so to speak...tomiorrow. :)
21-10-2006, 18:35
I was thinking of incorporating Ho Chi Minh City and maybe another city into my collection of capitlistic city-state federation, but if I have to wait a week... That's fine..
Neuvo Rica
22-10-2006, 09:35
nahs thats cool mate... Incidentally are you in earth II? I used to be in Earth 2 under the name Zeeeland and i new this guy called Kreynoria who now runs the alliance your currently in. What a remarkable coincidence eh? :)

I remember you from EII.
Alif Laam Miim
23-10-2006, 17:08
H-Town Tejas

These people are hereafter marked void and null. They have lost all rights to their claims.

As I stated, new players will have a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to take claim to these territories through well-played rping, so they can get a good start in this world, as a lot of these territories are very very very nice. So after a week of non-activity, these territories will be opened up to the general public, after which, start tearing into the IC madness of conquests. And this, I remain adamant about - no infractions at all.

on another note, if any of these players do come back, they can have their territories reinstated, but they must prove that they are going to be active in the future(!!!) by doing a take-over RP like any other new person. I'm not TG6R or Sharina, but I'd like to think that they'd agree with this idea. If they don't, then theye can decide what actually goes on with this stuff...

Point of this post - byebye people marked in red.
Dweladelfia prime
23-10-2006, 17:12
Any Idea what happend to the form yesterday?
United Earthlings
23-10-2006, 20:22
Any Idea what happend to the form yesterday?

Yeah, it wasn't working. That's what happen to it. :D


H-Town Tejas

These people are hereafter marked void and null. They have lost all rights to their claims.

As I stated, new players will have a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to take claim to these territories through well-played rping, so they can get a good start in this world, as a lot of these territories are very very very nice. So after a week of non-activity, these territories will be opened up to the general public, after which, start tearing into the IC madness of conquests. And this, I remain adamant about - no infractions at all.

on another note, if any of these players do come back, they can have their territories reinstated, but they must prove that they are going to be active in the future(!!!) by doing a take-over RP like any other new person. I'm not TG6R or Sharina, but I'd like to think that they'd agree with this idea. If they don't, then theye can decide what actually goes on with this stuff...

Point of this post - byebye people marked in red.

Since, having your nation go red is becoming the trend. I'm going to have to try that one. I do like the color red after all. :D
23-10-2006, 23:48
i would like to join as the Nations of Mali and Muaritania?
Alif Laam Miim
24-10-2006, 01:02
i would like to join as the Nations of Mali and Muaritania?

That is very possible. I'd wait until TG6R gives the green light for this one, but just start a factbook and get involved actively, and there shouldn't be a problem for your entrance.

I will make a note of it in the map thread...
24-10-2006, 01:06
may I take Guinea?
Alif Laam Miim
24-10-2006, 01:28
may I take Guinea?

Ditto remarks on this - make up all the stuff and get active ASAP. If it's all being good and done, TG6R won't have any reason not to give the boot. At least that's my opinion of how TG6R would approach this...
24-10-2006, 02:12
a question.
A: what is the format fr the factbook?
B: How do i calculate population, budget, ect.
C: Where do you want the factbook posted?
I just need to know real quick so i can get my facts together
Alif Laam Miim
24-10-2006, 02:45
a question.
A: what is the format fr the factbook?
B: How do i calculate population, budget, ect.
C: Where do you want the factbook posted?
I just need to know real quick so i can get my facts together

A: no real format - just enough to get an idea of what kind of government exists. If you're looking for templates, there's plenty of options here:

B: That happens to be on the Map thread, the very first post in quotes [ended by "compiled by Kopparbergs" or something thereabout...]. It might seem confusing, but Kopparbergs is often more than happy to help you decipher your economy. Basically, the rules of thumbs -- initial claims are based on all RL conditions, except for economy. So starting in Guinea-Conarky, you'd have the population, the armed forces, et cetera of the original country, but you retain a modified version of your NS economy. The instructions for the economy calculator is evidently present in the first post of the map thread, but ask for help if you are still confused by it [don't worry - the only real person who isn't completely confused is Kopparbergs, and I don't even think that he was the compiler of the equation...]

C: The same post in A is the same post where you neatly deposit your factbook and any and all future Earth V relevant threads. It might seem very anal, but I think that it's useful to have one thread where absolutely all of the rp threads for this world are all collected together in one place as a reference. It makes inter-thread traffic easier to manage [and I know that I've been using it, since I don't bookmark every single thread in which I actively participate], and I like to think that people appreciate it and use it. But anyway, when you're done with getting a factbook up - it doesn't even have to be complete yet! - just post it in there and we'll get this running.

If you're still confused, just keep asking and eventually we'll iron out the confusion. But I'm hoping that this is comprehensive enough to give you a headstart on getting a great start to this absolutely fabulous RP!!! A heads-up, I'm a rather distant neighbor, and there's currently an RP out to current a Pan-African Coalition to protect Africa against foreign ambitions, save those that are already present and are mutually beneficial to the development of African interests. I'd strongly suggest joining in and reaping the benefits of having strong neighbors propel your state into the international scene [which is where the fun begins... you just missed a lot of the hell part too...]
The Great Sixth Reich
24-10-2006, 03:04
Ditto remarks on this - make up all the stuff and get active ASAP. If it's all being good and done, TG6R won't have any reason not to give the boot. At least that's my opinion of how TG6R would approach this...
Ummm.... That's the guy that keeps claiming and doesn't do anything... or is that someone else?

(Give me another day to get active, please :))
24-10-2006, 16:29
Welcome Maldorians and Candistan

I'm happy to see new players in Earth-V, and specially in my neighborhood. I'm so glad, that I decided to help to with your defense-budgets (ALM is right...):

Maldorians, Budget
NS-population: 853 million
RL-population: 9,690,222
Factor: 0.011
NS-Defense budget: $2,503,289 million
Earth-V Defense Budget: $28,438 million

Allowed military personnel:
2% = 193,804
3% reserve = 290,707

Candistan, Budget
NS-population: 605 million
RL-population: 14,894,217
Factor: 0.025
NS-Defense budget: $1,836,159 million
Earth-V Defense Budget: $45,204 million

Allowed military personnel:
2% = 297,884
3% reserve = 446,827


And here's my well-known (?) FAQ for new players in Earth-V:

FAQ for Earth V

Q: How big is my population?
A: It depends on what countries you have. Look at the CIA world fact book entries and add them together. In Earth-V we're using RL-based population.

Q: How big is my defense budget?
A: Look at your nation on nseconomy (, and follow these steps:
1) Divide your RL-population with your NS-population (i.e.: 32,000,000 / 540,000,000). The result is your ratio (in this example: 0.059).
2) Multiply your NS-defense budget with your ratio from step 1. I.e.: 3,508,281 million * 0.059 = 206,988 million. This is your defense budget in Earth V.

Q: How big is my army?
A: You're allowed to have 2% of your population active in the military. If you're in a war you can have an additional 3% (reserves) which makes 5% total. If you're playing a nation with war as "tradition" (think Korea) you can have 10% of your population.

Q: How good is my military
A: To see the quality of your military troops, you first have to divide your defense-budget in half (one half for logistics and to buy new stuff for, and the other half goes for the troops). Then you have to decide how much of your military should be troops and logistics, maybe 60-75% logistics? Calculate how many troops you have, and divide the budget for troops with this amount. About $200,000 dollars per troop is considered very elite.

Q: Can I use whatever I want for my army?
A: No, you're limited to start with the equipment your nation's has in RL – or if you don't know anything about that, estimate the equipment. You can also buy equipment from other nations IN EARTH-V ONLY. You can also RP a research & development of a new product, but it must be in reasonable limits. Everything that exists in RL today, or could exist if anybody wanted to develop such thing is allowed – under the circumstance that you have the capacity to produce the things.
Look at i.e. Wikipedia ( to get an idea of what stuff your nation uses. You can also look at these sites to find out your military equipment:
Globalsecurity (
Scramble on the web (Air force) (
Flysiden (in Danish, but it may help anyway. Ask me if it's something you don't understand) (
World Navies today (

You don't need to buy military equipment to start with. You're having all the stuff that your nations have in RL already.

Q: Can I invade another nation?
A: Yes, of course. But you MUST post your military stats in the military stats thread first. That's mandatory, otherwise you haven't got anything to invade with...

Q: Who's the boss?
A: The Great Sixth Reich (short form: TG6R) is the founder of Earth-V. He's the main boss.
Sharina is the second moderator in Earth-V.

Q: Do I have to move to a specific Earth-V region?
A: No, as there are no specific Earth-V regions you can stay in your region.

Another simpel example of calculation the defense-budget:
Let's say you have 1,000,000,000 NS-pop, and 100,000,000 RL-pop, let's also say that your NS-defense budget is 3,000,000 million USD.

1) Calculate the "budget-factor", take RL-population and divide it with your NS-population: 100,000,000 / 1,000,000,000 = 0.1. Your budget-factor is 0.1.

2) Take you defense-budget from thirdgeek and multiply it with your budget-factor. In this case: 3,000,000 million * 0.1 = 300,000 million. Your Earth-V defense-budget is 300,000 million (or 300 billion, or 0.3 trillion, or simple 3,000,000,000,000 USD).

The main OOC-thread where you makes your claim. (

The map-thread. Do NOT make your claim here... (

The main IC-thread where the RP takes place, or where links to RP's are posted. (

FAQ-author: The Kingdom of Kopparbergs.
24-10-2006, 17:16
Hiyas guys.

I'm back to full active status now, as I had a lot of RL stuff happening over the past 10 days. Now that I have all of that resolved, I'm able to get back into Earth V full time.

I need to know a few things.

1. What is the status of the impeding war in the Americas?

2. Were there any movements or stuff happening in Uelen, Costa Rica, or anywhere that concerns and directly involves Sharina?

3. ALM mentioned something about a conference, but I can't find the link to it. There must have been like 100 new posts since I was last around. Ugh.

4. Are there any serious mod actions that needs to be addressed?

5. Anything else I should be aware of?

Thanks! Hopefully, we can get stuff rolling now that I'm back.
24-10-2006, 18:39
Ok. Thanks Kopparbergs, ALM, and TG6R. I will make my factbook so when/if I get accepted I'll be ready.
24-10-2006, 18:42
Sorry, just one question. I read through the FAQ's and I don't know what the difference is between the nations in color and the lined/shaded nations? Thank you.
24-10-2006, 20:19
The Lands with lines are lands that have been recently or near recently been aquired by another Nation. Such as mine with Northwestern Iran, My nation is really located in the Caucasus with the States of Azerbaijan, Georgia, and Armenia making up my nation. Now Northwestern Iran is an area of land I am invading and assimilating.

So basically think of it like this:
Lines = Conquests/Aquisitions.
Fully Colored = Fully Assimilated.
The Great Sixth Reich
24-10-2006, 20:56
Ok. Thanks Kopparbergs, ALM, and TG6R. I will make my factbook so when/if I get accepted I'll be ready.
Accepted. Keep active and you'll be fine. :)
Alif Laam Miim
24-10-2006, 21:30
Hiyas guys.

I'm back to full active status now, as I had a lot of RL stuff happening over the past 10 days. Now that I have all of that resolved, I'm able to get back into Earth V full time.

I need to know a few things.

1. What is the status of the impeding war in the Americas?

2. Were there any movements or stuff happening in Uelen, Costa Rica, or anywhere that concerns and directly involves Sharina?

3. ALM mentioned something about a conference, but I can't find the link to it. There must have been like 100 new posts since I was last around. Ugh.

4. Are there any serious mod actions that needs to be addressed?

5. Anything else I should be aware of?

Thanks! Hopefully, we can get stuff rolling now that I'm back.

I'm not certain about much of the other stuff, but for that, the conference it here:

Striped territories are basically territories that either require an RP to acquire or are under the process of being acquired through an active RP [active being the key word here...]
24-10-2006, 21:35
I'm not certain about much of the other stuff, but for that, the conference it here:

Striped territories are basically territories that either require an RP to acquire or are under the process of being acquired through an active RP [active being the key word here...]

ok so can I start Claiming (Im gonna "unite" my tribes and conquer the nearest country)
24-10-2006, 21:39
After you have posted your Military's info that is.

A few good things to include are:
Numbers of Armored Vehicles such as Tanks and APCs
Numbers of Air-Craft, be they Transports or MiG Attack Craft.
Numbers of Small Arms are useful.
Numbers of Naval Units is especially useful.

If you can show that then you're basically set. More is better and I suggest you go for as much as you can.
Persecution and Hatred
24-10-2006, 23:45
I remember you from EII.

where you central asia in Earth II? It was a pretty good earth but then i couldnt log on to my account for some reason and then i couldnt be bothered setting up a puppet nation. so subsequently i got deleted and went "in communicado" for a bit. (try almost a year :D )
25-10-2006, 00:56
Serious Mod Actions That I think Should Be Addressed
1. War Moderators: We need this. We need this bad. In the event of a war, there needs to be someone moderating the damages and the like taken by both sides. I don't know how this would be- posting the overall results of certain actions, just proofing the posts of the people, whatever. But there needs to be a system in place so squabbling doesn't happen during wars.

What would be essential is that the person being the War Mod would not be involved- they need to be a non-biased source in the war. So, for instance, Sharina shouldn't moderate his own war, while anyone appointed should be as far removed from the war they're looking at as possible. We need some system set up though- I foresee that saving lots of time and effort if someone can quickly and decisively (and with no whining from the war participants) say what has or has not happened in a war. Think Earth 20, but nowhere near the level of work those mods do.

2. Seasons: Seriously, what season is it? This is damn important for military stuff, especially in northern and southern locales. If it's winter, there's ice and snow in Russia and it's hard to fight. You get the idea. There should be some kind of weather system set up, maybe 1 season per week? We start at spring right now? And in event of war, the season moves as fast as the war, so it's not 1 RL week to winter unless the war moved that fast. Adds realism.

3. Realism: In that vein, we should have realistic non-war events. Hurricanes, meteors, worldwide economic rules, that sort of thing. Nowhere near as complicated as Earth 20, but more than the nothing we have in place right now. There should be random events- a major economic downturn for a while for someone, student riots, a drought. I want bad things to happen in addition to good, but I don't want to shaft myself over and probably wouldn't enough to make it worthwhile. I think that applies to everyone. WE should have someone (I'm sounding old, but add another moderator position?) to handle realism and only realism. They'd randomly determine when hurricanes hit and where, when earthquakes happened, who got bad economic indicators one year, and all the rest. It would also enable NPC nations to actually, well, do something on the world stage as they'll have pestilence and privations and all the stuff that normally happens in the world.
25-10-2006, 01:01
Quite. We really need to finish that World Cup thing. It might be hard now considering that some of the Countries in it are no longer with us.
25-10-2006, 01:04
Yeah.... that kind of screwed up a lot of the brackets I had. I suppose that I'll just keep socrinating, but give automatic draws to people who would have played now-NPC nations.

EDIT- Do you have an IM client? It would make things a lot easier. :)
25-10-2006, 01:07
I do happen to have MSN. Why do you ask?
Dweladelfia prime
26-10-2006, 19:09
Hey guys. jus ltting ya know im still here. Waiting for somthing to happen so i can jump in.
26-10-2006, 19:14
my factbook for Guinea
26-10-2006, 20:38
Yea, about the ICMB thing. 3 ICBM's Each one leveling a block. The explosion guts a sky-scrapper, which then crashes onto another block. Thats 4 blocks. Just 4. Thousands of allied troops missing is REALLY far-fetched, unless you had a lot of them in 3 blocks in the center of Sistan-controled slums, and/or they were packed into those 4 blocks. Seeing how my people aimed to hit the enemy behind their lines, I only suspected that mabye a few allied soldiers would die, MABYE, from the collatterol damage caused by the sky-scraper thing, but whatever.
26-10-2006, 20:54
If you're that Admant about it, I'll lower the numbers. 3,000 sound fair, with 500 dead fair?
26-10-2006, 21:03
If you're that Admant about it, I'll lower the numbers. 3,000 sound fair, with 500 dead fair?

how does my factbook look?
26-10-2006, 21:06
I'd add some more stuff to it. Mostly I took mine from Kopps. I'll find you a link ...

Mostly thats what mine looks like. If you can replicate that, then your golden. Right now your good, I'd just like to see more stuff.
26-10-2006, 21:10
I'd add some more stuff to it. Mostly I took mine from Kopps. I'll find you a link ...

Mostly thats what mine looks like. If you can replicate that, then your golden. Right now your good, I'd just like to see more stuff.

alright. Thanks. I'll edit it once I finish playing Republic Commando.
*runs off*
Alif Laam Miim
27-10-2006, 01:15
I have been a big fan of the Earth roleplay series but never got into it. I would like to see if there are any territories open for me to RP. I would love one in Europe, but if there aren't any, I'll take any other open ones.



Please make such a request here!!!
27-10-2006, 17:10
I've talked to Carloginias (Sweden) via Telegrams, and he's not interested in Earth-V anymore...

Hi there!

Welcome to Earth-V! Glad to see new players here. Do you need help with anything to start roleplaying? Maybe with your budget or something else? Just tell me, or someone else, and we'll help you.

The Armed Republic of Carloginias
Received: 2 days ago
I didn't even know I was accepted into Earth V, so I joined AV. ^.^

The Armed Republic of Carloginias
Received: 12 hours ago I am not staying in Earth-V, as my time now is rather constricting. >.< My apologies.
27-10-2006, 17:17
I have been a big fan of the Earth roleplay series but never got into it. I would like to see if there are any territories open for me to RP. I would love one in Europe, but if there aren't any, I'll take any other open ones.


Hope you join us, and stay active!

Some examples of open countries in Europe:
Estonia (must do a RP to claim this)
Lithuania (must do a RP to claim this)

Look at the map and the list in the excellent MAP-thread (
Dweladelfia prime
27-10-2006, 17:25
Theres alot of african land to!
27-10-2006, 22:01
ok, I am annexing Senegal

Senegal annexation (
27-10-2006, 22:05
Gotta warn ya though.

Moving into Slovakia would be like inviting a rabid-bear for dinner. Either you constantly appease it with food, or it rips you apart without a second thought.
27-10-2006, 22:46
As I have Jordan completly under my control, I'm hereby claiming it. My troops has been there for months, since my counter attack against Sistan.
Alif Laam Miim
27-10-2006, 22:58
As I have Jordan completly under my control, I'm hereby claiming it. My troops has been there for months, since my counter attack against Sistan.

I will note Carloginias...
27-10-2006, 23:15
Well that little incident between Vineyard and I sure did shake things up a bit.
Alif Laam Miim
27-10-2006, 23:25
Well that little incident between Vineyard and I sure did shake things up a bit.

I'd say "shaking" but that's me...
27-10-2006, 23:27
After the UCR-Vineyardian Incident is in the past I would like to figure out a way to take over Lebanon. It's just sitting there, all alone surrounded by powerful empires. But thats just me.
Alif Laam Miim
28-10-2006, 00:14
(btw Aliff can you mention to TGSR to add the new link to the Factbooks to the first part of this earth thread. Thanks. (also many apologies for going all ooc on your ass in the maps and claiming thread... :) )

I'm noting it, so let's hope it gets noticed...

For your convenience, the Reference thread is presented here once again:
28-10-2006, 07:45

What anarchy do you speak off? There has been no evidence of such. In fact We have a number of diplomats in England and they report nothing of the likes! Britain would never, never allow itself to be ‘controlled’ by France! I believe your peacekeeping mission will run into the entire British Army and then…then you’ll have your war!
I think Brinkman Isle has a very good point here, MC.

The British Military is one of the most powerful in the world. I don't think you can manage to take it over, at least not without a world war. And remember that they're having nukes to defend themself with.

This one will surely not be easy...
United Earthlings
28-10-2006, 07:52
ok, I am annexing Senegal

Senegal annexation (

Actually, I brought up some issues that you need to address before you can claim Senegal. I posted it all in the main thread where you declared your invasion.

But, I relitterate it here. Short and to the point- your RP was very short, very rushed and left alot of things blank. I address all those points in the main thread.
28-10-2006, 08:10
Actually, I brought up some issues that you need to address before you can claim Senegal. I posted it all in the main thread where you declared your invasion.

But, I relitterate it here. Short and to the point- your RP was very short, very rushed and left alot of things blank. I address all those points in the main thread.
But he's not done yet.
I told him to post a link to the RP here, to tell the people of Earth-V that this is going on.
28-10-2006, 13:57
Hey. I just found out I've been marked red. Sorry about my inactivity, but life's been hell at the moment. It still will be for quite a while, but I'll try and make a few posts a week.

Again, very very sorry for the inactivity.
United Earthlings
28-10-2006, 14:17
But he's not done yet.
I told him to post a link to the RP here, to tell the people of Earth-V that this is going on.

Oh, good. I'm glad someone else realizes he's not done yet. In fact, I would say that RP was just gearing up.
28-10-2006, 15:48
Oh, good. I'm glad someone else realizes he's not done yet. In fact, I would say that RP was just gearing up.

NOPE. Maybe if you read my posts you would know that i was attacking the capital. So what. In africa if a capital is captured war can still go on.

(LIke in the American Revolution, the British took New York and Boston, etc yet the Yanks kept fighting)
United Earthlings
28-10-2006, 15:56
NOPE. Maybe if you read my posts you would know that i was attacking the capital. So what. In africa if a capital is captured war can still go on.

(LIke in the American Revolution, the British took New York and Boston, etc yet the Yanks kept fighting)

You got alot of reading to do. I addressed alot of your issues and their spread out among the various threads of Earth V. You need to read all of page 5 and 6 of you thread in you invasion of Senegal. That would be the most important one.

I'll be on for a little bit longer and then I'm getting off. If, you have any questions or comments. I'll be glad to address them.
The Great Sixth Reich
28-10-2006, 17:43
I'm noting it, so let's hope it gets noticed...

For your convenience, the Reference thread is presented here once again:
28-10-2006, 17:45
Oh, good. I'm glad someone else realizes he's not done yet. In fact, I would say that RP was just gearing up.
Maybe it is now the fun will begin - when you have more players active in one RP.

On a side note to you UE (and others in EATO), I really has nothing against you OOC, but IC it may be different.
This may be specially directed to DP who has proved earlier to have problems to see the difference between OOC and IC.
If we all remember we're here just to have fun, there will be no problems. At least not OOC-problems.
United Earthlings
29-10-2006, 02:19
Maybe it is now the fun will begin - when you have more players active in one RP.

On a side note to you UE (and others in EATO), I really has nothing against you OOC, but IC it may be different.
This may be specially directed to DP who has proved earlier to have problems to see the difference between OOC and IC.
If we all remember we're here just to have fun, there will be no problems. At least not OOC-problems.

If, you something against me occ you would of more then likely already called me an a$$hole. You haven't, you government just has. :D

Can't blame you though, even my own people hated my government and voted it out of power. I love these democracies, you can RP a change any time.
Alif Laam Miim
29-10-2006, 04:31
good grief, this world changes so fast sometimes, and when I'm here, nothing ever happens...........

and i want to sleep too...
The Great Sixth Reich
29-10-2006, 14:15
ALM: Remove [NS]Rethan from his red status. There's a reason behind his "inactivity."
29-10-2006, 17:40
Serious Mod Actions That I think Should Be Addressed
1. War Moderators: We need this. We need this bad. In the event of a war, there needs to be someone moderating the damages and the like taken by both sides. I don't know how this would be- posting the overall results of certain actions, just proofing the posts of the people, whatever. But there needs to be a system in place so squabbling doesn't happen during wars.

What would be essential is that the person being the War Mod would not be involved- they need to be a non-biased source in the war. So, for instance, Sharina shouldn't moderate his own war, while anyone appointed should be as far removed from the war they're looking at as possible. We need some system set up though- I foresee that saving lots of time and effort if someone can quickly and decisively (and with no whining from the war participants) say what has or has not happened in a war. Think Earth 20, but nowhere near the level of work those mods do.

2. Seasons: Seriously, what season is it? This is damn important for military stuff, especially in northern and southern locales. If it's winter, there's ice and snow in Russia and it's hard to fight. You get the idea. There should be some kind of weather system set up, maybe 1 season per week? We start at spring right now? And in event of war, the season moves as fast as the war, so it's not 1 RL week to winter unless the war moved that fast. Adds realism.

3. Realism: In that vein, we should have realistic non-war events. Hurricanes, meteors, worldwide economic rules, that sort of thing. Nowhere near as complicated as Earth 20, but more than the nothing we have in place right now. There should be random events- a major economic downturn for a while for someone, student riots, a drought. I want bad things to happen in addition to good, but I don't want to shaft myself over and probably wouldn't enough to make it worthwhile. I think that applies to everyone. WE should have someone (I'm sounding old, but add another moderator position?) to handle realism and only realism. They'd randomly determine when hurricanes hit and where, when earthquakes happened, who got bad economic indicators one year, and all the rest. It would also enable NPC nations to actually, well, do something on the world stage as they'll have pestilence and privations and all the stuff that normally happens in the world.

I think I deserve at least some kind of answer. It may have just gotten lost in the thread, but here are these points again. Granate agrees with them, having talked with him over an IM client. So now it's not just one eprson but two that have these points. Suggestions, if you will, to make Earth V a more enjoyable experience for all.
The Great Sixth Reich
29-10-2006, 20:16
I think I deserve at least some kind of answer. It may have just gotten lost in the thread, but here are these points again. Granate agrees with them, having talked with him over an IM client. So now it's not just one eprson but two that have these points. Suggestions, if you will, to make Earth V a more enjoyable experience for all.
I'll answer the last two right now:

Real world weather is used, just as the real year is used. It's that simple. Unless Earth V adopts a new time system, which there have been some mumbling about in the recent past.
29-10-2006, 21:42
I'll answer the last two right now:

Real world weather is used, just as the real year is used. It's that simple. Unless Earth adopts a new time system, which there have been some mumbling about in the recent past.

My vote lies with having a mod (or other nutural person) designated to preside over each and every war that occurs. Seeing how we have already discussed this, i will cut to the chase. This person could also distate what season it is anw what the weather is like in every conflict.

As to random events, Im all for it. It will certainly make Earth V a little more exciting.
29-10-2006, 21:54
Real world weather is used? I'm sorry, but that makes no sense whatsoever. We don't follow the real-world approach for in-game time and that's where the problem lies.

During a non-war event, time is sped up to allow developments economically aqnd politically in Earth V. That means years pass in much less time than RL. But, under the current system as described by you, weather does not change at the in-game pace, instead following the RL timeframe. Do you see where this is going? multiple years will be winter and winter only. Multiple years of in-game time will sit through the sweltering heat of summer.

That's just silly. There needs to be an in-game weather clock that makes more sense. I don't think the clock should be tied to the game years, as that means either really long years or really short seasons. But the weather should have an impact on wars and the like. LEt's say, for instance, a 1-week alternating calendar. This week is spring. If a war starts this week, then the war is fought for at least its beginning under spring weather. Next week, it would be summer if the war starts then. Seasons can change when the participants think a long enough time has passed, etc...

That makes invasions of Russia tricky based on weather and everyone can see when bad weather will start to come. That makes fighting in mountains idfficult. that makes slogging through African plains deadly during summer. That, in short, injects a much-needed dose of realism that Earth V simply does not have.

And you still have said nothing about events taking place- it's not in any way contained under the current rules and I think that we should have some kind of mod who just does realistic issues like protests, economic shocks, and all the rest. Impartiality would be needed and their nation would get issues just like all other nations. But we need something in place to add some entertainment in non-war ways.
29-10-2006, 22:44
Who'd of thunk it? Vineyard and Samtonia agreeing on something.

Everyone knows my opinion on this.
The Great Sixth Reich
30-10-2006, 01:02
Real world weather is used? I'm sorry, but that makes no sense whatsoever. We don't follow the real-world approach for in-game time and that's where the problem lies.
But that is where the problem lies, we currently do follow the real-world approach for in-game time with respect to the year, and seasons are a part of the year.

I see your point, however. Weather affects everything from space launches to warfare.

I'll see if I can create an online in-game weather calculator or something by next weekend. ;) (I'm not that great of a programmer, I'll warn you :))
30-10-2006, 01:15
Hmmm a program/clock to do this.

I might be able to do it, if I can accurately create this using Visual Basic.
Persecution and Hatred
30-10-2006, 11:28
Btw Candistan and Malodorians ure in da club. (que fifty cent music please...) nah seriously guys you can join the pact I let you in. Yay!!!!! :)
30-10-2006, 23:53
Hmmm, I need to find a copy of Visual Basic....
Dweladelfia prime
31-10-2006, 00:10
Btw Candistan and Malodorians ure in da club. (que fifty cent music please...) nah seriously guys you can join the pact I let you in. Yay!!!!! :)

No Ebonics please.......
The Great Sixth Reich
01-11-2006, 01:44
Hmmm, I need to find a copy of Visual Basic....
I'm writing mine in Java, in case you're wondering.
01-11-2006, 02:09
Do that if you want to. I can't seem to find my copy of Visual Basic :(
Persecution and Hatred
02-11-2006, 02:06
Sure, it would. Since for 1. Dakar was still under Senegal control and 2. I had forces their guarding it by the time DP arrived. I made a nice post in the occ thread addressing the issues that had come up in this IC thread the past day.

I highly recommand you read my post and address my issues or like Mals capture of Dakar, I will have to ignore it due to it being poorly RP.

Edit: Incase you people miss it in the occ thread. I'll have a IC post up later today, so go easy and give me a chance to respond to your actions. In other words- CHILL!

RP's are about telling a story! Remember that!

for the record U.E stop lecturing on the Senegal thread man. If you want to Insinuate that my R.Psa are below par thats your prerogative but mention your point once mate, I know you are trying to help and thats great but there is a very fine line between Helping and nagging. I got you point a copla posts back. J

BTW are you a moderator???? Im not sure if you are or not so can you clarify this please.

I will do my best to make an articulate R.P. for this war and I do appreciate constructive critism but just say so dude dont insinuate. And I will try to rectify....

Dweladelfia prime
02-11-2006, 02:58
for the record U.E stop lecturing on the Senegal thread man. If you want to Insinuate that my R.Psa are below par thats your prerogative but mention your point once mate, I know you are trying to help and thats great but there is a very fine line between Helping and nagging. I got you point a copla posts back. J

BTW are you a moderator???? Im not sure if you are or not so can you clarify this please.

I will do my best to make an articulate R.P. for this war and I do appreciate constructive critism but just say so dude dont insinuate. And I will try to rectify....


Hes not lecturing you. he's telling you about the many things that are wronge in your posts.
02-11-2006, 02:59
Hes not lecturing you. he's telling you about the many things that are wronge in your posts.

Is it me or ia there more ooc crap in MY annexation than IC stuff?
02-11-2006, 03:25
As of now, Military Incidents are gonna be few and very far between for me. Right now I am working on something that may surprise you with Samtonia. It should definately raise a few Eyebrows.
Persecution and Hatred
02-11-2006, 05:30
Much like many things wrong in your grammer dweladelf:D (I.e. Wronge)

Please elaborate on the "many things wrongeeeeeeeeeeeee lol" in my and i will fix them..... no worries mate.


ok that was a bit silly but can you guys be a bit more subtle and remeber that everyone once in awhile makes a bad R.P.

also I think people are getting too judgemental on this earth. (I.e. as soon as Maldorians Joined in he got Invaded as soon as he wanted more land because he was a relatively small country. I know this happens in real life where it is truely a survival of the fittest nations but come on fellas this doesnt have to be totally parallel to our earth. Give these guys some slack and give them a probationary period before suddenly deciding you are going to send 4 Russian "super carriers" her way because you dont like that nations policies... Puts a lot of people off from these earths....

right now im am going to quitely sob in the corner now cause nobody likes my R.Ps. boohoooooo
United Earthlings
02-11-2006, 06:07
for the record U.E stop lecturing on the Senegal thread man. If you want to Insinuate that my R.Psa are below par thats your prerogative but mention your point once mate, I know you are trying to help and thats great but there is a very fine line between Helping and nagging. I got you point a copla posts back. J

BTW are you a moderator???? Im not sure if you are or not so can you clarify this please.

I will do my best to make an articulate R.P. for this war and I do appreciate constructive critism but just say so dude dont insinuate. And I will try to rectify....


Didn't know I was lecturing and I'm sorry. You RP's are fine if you can understand them. That's why I asked you to please run your posts through a spell checker. It makes a huge difference. That goes for everyone, including me. Please run your posts through a spell checker. It's not hard and it makes a world of difference. And no, I am not a moderator and from my understand I was not telling you could or couldn't do something. I was just saying that if you don't explain it to where it makes sense then I'm going to have to ignore that post until in my opinion it's more in touch with reality. I've brought my objections to post and waited sometimes days for a return post addressing my issues. In most cases with the Senegal thread they have not been answered leaving me with only one course. To ignore that post.

Is it me or ia there more ooc crap in MY annexation than IC stuff?

Nope, its us. I tried to solve that problem by redirecting my OCC comments to the OCC thread I created. It's working, but not at 100%.

Much like many things wrong in your grammer dweladelf:D (I.e. Wronge)

Please elaborate on the "many things wrongeeeeeeeeeeeee lol" in my and i will fix them..... no worries mate.


ok that was a bit silly but can you guys be a bit more subtle and remeber that everyone once in awhile makes a bad R.P.

also I think people are getting too judgemental on this earth. (I.e. as soon as Maldorians Joined in he got Invaded as soon as he wanted more land because he was a relatively small country. I know this happens in real life where it is truely a survival of the fittest nations but come on fellas this doesnt have to be totally parallel to our earth. Give these guys some slack and give them a probationary period before suddenly deciding you are going to send 4 Russian "super carriers" her way because you dont like that nations policies... Puts a lot of people off from these earths....

right now im am going to quitely sob in the corner now cause nobody likes my R.Ps. boohoooooo

Here's a tissue- now cheer up. :)
BTW, what light? Even if I knew where it was I won't lead you to it. :D
I have elaborated and I get told I'm lecturing. What is this opposite day? :confused:
[Enter sarcasm]- If, the many words I used to explain my position are to much for you. I can draw them out in nice colors for you.[End Sarcasm]

I'm not against him invading any nation. He has to be aware though that invading some countries will have unforseen consequences. Actually, Guinea is a pretty good sized country. "this doesn’t have to be totally parallel to our earth" That's because it isn't. But, it's still based on a realistic world and invading a sovereign democratic nation would like in real life (Persian Gulf War)- (Invasion of Poland) lead some nations to support his invasion or others to be opposed to it. I gave him a chance to withdraw his forces peacefully. He choose not to, he has to live with that decision now.
Persecution and Hatred
02-11-2006, 10:49
Touche mon aime (with an air of sophistication.)

OCC: I hate to say this, but since this whole war started over Guinea invading Senegal we should all wait until we get a post from Maldorians no matter how long he takes. If, he drops out of Earth V then this war would have never started. So, I know I stated I would post an IC post, but I'm going to hold off on that until Maldorians gets one up and we here from him what he plans to do. If, he plans to agree to pull out of Senegal. War's over and I pull my forces out, as does DP. If, he doesn't pull out- then at least he still post what he plans to do or not to. So, guys if you continue this RP without him it's kind of pointless.

So, I suggest we wait and someone send a telegram to Maldorians to let him know he needs to come back or risk having his country go back to NPC. At which point if that happens this RP is non and voided. He, never invaded I never send troops and neither does DP. Without a action their can be no reaction. So, until Maldorians comes back I will do no more posts in here. So, if you continue you'll end up having to back track and more then likely delete most of your posts.

Yes, I know were supposed to direct all occ comments to the occ thread but, this was important and related to the IC part. So, sorry for breaking my own rule.

You all may know throw a fit. :D

I concur. From now on all my oocs belong here.
United Earthlings
03-11-2006, 14:02
Touche mon aime (with an air of sophistication.)

I concur. From now on all my oocs belong here.

I created an OCC thread for the war in Senegal. I'll dig up the link later.
Brinkman Isle
04-11-2006, 20:50
I would like to ask for a Mod’s help to conclude certain issues regarding Operation America.

Two nations (me and UE) completed a joint peacekeeping mission to secure peace in the disputed regions in South America. Because of troubles in Africa, UE’s forces pulled out to aid in that while mine (the majority) remained to continue peace keeping operations.

However, according to no plan or agreement from me, all nations became claimed by UE and DP. I would think that 4 nations that just went through hell and fought for independence and were working with my troops (the only ones remaining) to secure their independence would be somewhat angry when all of a sudden someone said they were under foreign rule (especially for someone [DP] that wasn’t even involved in the RP.

This is my main grievance, why would someone be able to claim a nation when they have had no part in the RP or in UE’s case should be able to claim a nation that’s whole purpose was to be free.

[I.e Waiting for a new player devoted to democracy to come and claim them]
Dweladelfia prime
04-11-2006, 21:07
I would like to ask for a Mod’s help to conclude certain issues regarding Operation America.

Two nations (me and UE) completed a joint peacekeeping mission to secure peace in the disputed regions in South America. Because of troubles in Africa, UE’s forces pulled out to aid in that while mine (the majority) remained to continue peace keeping operations.

However, according to no plan or agreement from me, all nations became claimed by UE and DP. I would think that 4 nations that just went through hell and fought for independence and were working with my troops (the only ones remaining) to secure their independence would be somewhat angry when all of a sudden someone said they were under foreign rule (especially for someone [DP] that wasn’t even involved in the RP.

This is my main grievance, why would someone be able to claim a nation when they have had no part in the RP or in UE’s case should be able to claim a nation that’s whole purpose was to be free.

[I.e Waiting for a new player devoted to democracy to come and claim them]

The onyl reason i wanst itn the rp is becasue sharnia would invade me if i was. No stop cpmplaining. The people of theose countrys chose to join my nation. Chill
04-11-2006, 21:14
Brinkman Isle wants Moderation because he feels that DP and UE did something they shouldn't.
DP doesn't want Moderation because he gains territory... hmmm

Can't say I see a problem there.
Dweladelfia prime
04-11-2006, 21:30
Brinkman Isle wants Moderation because he feels that DP and UE did something they shouldn't.
DP doesn't want Moderation because he gains territory... hmmm

Can't say I see a problem there.

two words. Butt out.
04-11-2006, 21:43
Five Words: Stop taking things so seriously.
Dweladelfia prime
04-11-2006, 21:53
Five Words: Stop taking things so seriously.

Im not you are.
04-11-2006, 21:53
I'm being sarcastic half the time in most of my posts that aren't IC.
Persecution and Hatred
05-11-2006, 09:13
has Maldorians got back to us relating to his bloody war thread yet? come on dude.... :D
United Earthlings
05-11-2006, 13:25
I would like to ask for a Mod’s help to conclude certain issues regarding Operation America.

Two nations (me and UE) completed a joint peacekeeping mission to secure peace in the disputed regions in South America. Because of troubles in Africa, UE’s forces pulled out to aid in that while mine (the majority) remained to continue peace keeping operations.

However, according to no plan or agreement from me, all nations became claimed by UE and DP. I would think that 4 nations that just went through hell and fought for independence and were working with my troops (the only ones remaining) to secure their independence would be somewhat angry when all of a sudden someone said they were under foreign rule (especially for someone [DP] that wasn’t even involved in the RP.

This is my main grievance, why would someone be able to claim a nation when they have had no part in the RP or in UE’s case should be able to claim a nation that’s whole purpose was to be free.

[I.e Waiting for a new player devoted to democracy to come and claim them]

I addressed all the issues you brought up in the main thread. In one big ass post, which took me over an hour to write. This post above, you got quite a few things wrong. All of which is addressed in the main thread.

As to your grievance, when I stated they would be free I meant IC their nation would be free as in they could elect their own governments and run their own country. Not, free as in I would leave all four countries open for someone elseo to claim whether they be new or already established.

You seem to be getting the two mixed up. I don't remember ever stating I would leave those countries open. If that was my goal, why would I have even started a RP sending forces to those countries. If, my goal was to let them remain open for other players I would have done nothing and let them be marked open. Man, Brinkman your confusion is confusing me.


has Maldorians got back to us relating to his bloody war thread yet? come on dude

Sadly, no he hasn't. In, fact I think it's safe to say he's never coming back. That, that really well. Their isn't a word to describe how I'm feeling. NEW GUYS- IF YOUR READING THIS- IF YOU CAN'T STAY ACTIVE FOR MORE THEN A FEW POSTS OR A WEEK. DON'T JOIN EARTH V!.

I feel better after my little rant. Now back to you.
Asian China
05-11-2006, 21:51
The onyl reason i wanst itn the rp is becasue sharnia would invade me if i was. No stop cpmplaining. The people of theose countrys chose to join my nation. Chill

OOC: Please use a spellchecker. I can hardly understand what you're trying to say.

What makes you think that Sharina (yes, that's the correct name) will think it's OK for you to claim these lands now? As soon as your troops makes a move towards these countries Sharina is going to declare war on you.
Dweladelfia prime
05-11-2006, 21:59
OOC: Please use a spellchecker. I can hardly understand what you're trying to say.

What makes you think that Sharina (yes, that's the correct name) will think it's OK for you to claim these lands now? As soon as your troops makes a move towards these countries Sharina is going to declare war on you.

Becasue he had no reason to invade me becasue these countrys chose to join my union. im not invading them. And dont opress your perfectionesit speeling thing on me. Its anoying. Dont try it. Itll just piss me off.
The Great Sixth Reich
05-11-2006, 22:34
Becasue he had no reason to invade me becasue these countrys chose to join my union. im not invading them. And dont opress your perfectionesit speeling thing on me. Its anoying. Dont try it. Itll just piss me off.
"It's a damn poor mind that can only think of one way to spell a word." -United States of America President Andrew Jackson ;)

But still, at least proofread it so it's comprehensible. Sometimes parts of your posts are not, e.g.:

And ICBMs can me intercepted.
05-11-2006, 22:44
Arn't you an 'Empire"?

I dont understand why the hell any nation would willingly join another. Lets take the Modern day world for instance. Why hasn't Kuwait, Guatamala, Panama, or even the Bahamas joined the Unites states? Why hasn't Georgia, Uzbekistan, Belarus, or Estonia joined Russia yet?

Ill tell you why. Nationalism, Self preservation, Power, and Representation. No nation with one ethnic group would willingly 'join' another nation dominated by another Nationality. If you were to walk up to.. lets say... San Marino's politicians, and ask them why havn't they joined Italy yet, and they will ,one, laugh in your face, and two, explain That they are their own region protecting their own rights, living their own lives, and doing so in a locolized basis, without mainstream Italy interfering in it.

Self preservation. "But Ill give them the right to vote..."

Yea. Ha. How often do you really expect their politicians, their peoples, and their skills to reach the higher echlons of government power, or participation for that matter? I dont think you guys give people enough credit.

Power. Why the fuck would any leader sell of his power, or give it up willingly to another nation? Are you saying that the President of...say.. Argentina got down on his knees and begged for you to allow yourselves to govern his people yourself? Do you seriously think that any leader will undermine his own power by asking an overlord to govern himself and his people?

And last of all. Representation. How great of an impact does Puerto Rico have on US politics? A very slight one. The people of Puerto Rico are (Ratio wise) lower-wage and class workers. And seeing how they are extreemly underrepresented, seeing how a puetro rican will never become the President, will never have the position of House majority leader, and will never lead the military... how well do you think their situation, their people their customs, and their way of life is represented in the government?

Undoubtedly, UE will take this oppertunity to shift focus to my nation, as he has the tendency to do so. And let me say this. The Empire is blind to Race/Culture/and Ethnic bacground. All are given the same education, and all are weighed, organized, and selected based on preformance scores, intrests, and work ethic. That, and all peoples of the Empire, with the exclusion of Croatia, was forcably subdued and assimilated into our superior way of life, government, econemy, and affairs.
05-11-2006, 22:56
Becasue he had no reason to invade me becasue these countrys chose to join my union. im not invading them. And dont opress your perfectionesit speeling thing on me. Its anoying. Dont try it. Itll just piss me off.

You were making fun of someone for not spelling correctly the other day.

My conclusion: You need to insult other people to make up for your shortcommings, so you can sleep better at night. You can't spell, so you make fun of other people's spelling. Your an idiot.
Dweladelfia prime
05-11-2006, 22:57
Arn't you an 'Empire"?

I dont understand why the hell any nation would willingly join another. Lets take the Modern day world for instance. Why hasn't Kuwait, Guatamala, Panama, or even the Bahamas joined the Unites states? Why hasn't Georgia, Uzbekistan, Belarus, or Estonia joined Russia yet?

Ill tell you why. Nationalism, Self preservation, Power, and Representation. No nation with one ethnic group would willingly 'join' another nation dominated by another Nationality. If you were to walk up to.. lets say... San Marino's politicians, and ask them why havn't they joined Italy yet, and they will ,one, laugh in your face, and two, explain That they are their own region protecting their own rights, living their own lives, and doing so in a locolized basis, without mainstream Italy interfering in it.

Self preservation. "But Ill give them the right to vote..."

Yea. Ha. How often do you really expect their politicians, their peoples, and their skills to reach the higher echlons of government power, or participation for that matter? I dont think you guys give people enough credit.

Power. Why the fuck would any leader sell of his power, or give it up willingly to another nation? Are you saying that the President of...say.. Argentina got down on his knees and begged for you to allow yourselves to govern his people yourself? Do you seriously think that any leader will undermine his own power by asking an overlord to govern himself and his people?

And last of all. Representation. How great of an impact does Puerto Rico have on US politics? A very slight one. The people of Puerto Rico are (Ratio wise) lower-wage and class workers. And seeing how they are extreemly underrepresented, seeing how a puetro rican will never become the President, will never have the position of House majority leader, and will never lead the military... how well do you think their situation, their people their customs, and their way of life is represented in the government?

Undoubtedly, UE will take this oppertunity to shift focus to my nation, as he has the tendency to do so. And let me say this. The Empire is blind to Race/Culture/and Ethnic bacground. All are given the same education, and all are weighed, organized, and selected based on preformance scores, intrests, and work ethic. That, and all peoples of the Empire, with the exclusion of Croatia, was forcably subdued and assimilated into our superior way of life, government, econemy, and affairs.

In essence. We arnt an empire. We are really a union of states that have come together under a banner (Emperor). And elest Senators.
Dweladelfia prime
05-11-2006, 22:58
You were making fun of someone for not spelling correctly the other day.

My conclusion: You need to insult other people to make up for your shortcommings, so you can sleep better at night. You can't spell, so you make fun of other people's spelling. Your an idiot.

That was a flame but thanks anyways. And I wasnt making fun of there spelling. I said No Ebonics. The world spelliing never came up. So your the idiot.
05-11-2006, 23:03
In essence. We arnt an empire. We are really a union of states that have come together under a banner (Emperor). And elest Senators.

My point remains. If a certain group elects its own senators, how much of an effect will this minority have on overlal govern,ment? As opposed to a government with only their senators.... I just dont see why they would 'join' your nation.
05-11-2006, 23:48
Wait- are you telling me Dweladeflina Prime got Argentina, Chile, Paraguay, and Uruguay?

If he did, its war with Sharina.
Brinkman Isle
06-11-2006, 01:25
Its in debate right now. (see Operation America)
The Great Sixth Reich
06-11-2006, 01:36
Vineyard, contact me on Skype, bitte.
United Earthlings
06-11-2006, 15:51
I dont understand why the hell any nation would willingly join another.

Undoubtedly, UE will take this oppertunity to shift focus to my nation, as he has the tendency to do so.

You got a few things wrong in you post. But, I'm not going to correct you. :D

I'm not surprised you don't understand. I'm not trying to be sarcastic or anyting but, you might want to study history a little more closely. Their are tons of reasons why another nation would join another. Some simple-some complex.

Nope, your nation- run it any dam way you please. Just, don't assume that because your nation runs a certain way the rest of us run our nations that way.

Wait- are you telling me Dweladeflina Prime got Argentina, Chile, Paraguay, and Uruguay?

If he did, its war with Sharina.

No, I got them. But, officially I'm only claiming Argentina (yes, I explain this in IC) and the Chilean Region of Magallanes y la Antártica. If, DP agrees to certain IC rules I set I'll forfeit my claim to Chile, Paraguay and Uruguay and allow DP to claim them. He must agree to these rules first, before he would be allowed to claim them. The rules and all the details set are here in this post.

BTW- you said if he sent troops into those countries it was war. He, hasn't done that. So, as I said before a lot has changed why you were gone and your IC reason for war against DP is no longer valid.
Alif Laam Miim
06-11-2006, 16:32
just an fyi, I still exist... it's just that my computer has decided to %$#^&%^& me out the biggest joke in its life. So it's under repair. I'm only on to say that I'm still alive, and that I maintain my interest to continue in NS. That said, I'll likely be returning by the week's end. In sum, don't bring the world to nuclear apocolypse before I come back...

and sorry about the map - I'll try to work on that ASAP [luckily, I've got it saved on a usb drive, but I don't have it with me, and I don't have the time to work on it anyways... besides, school is starting to $%#^%& me too...]

So yes, the Emirate is still here - just consider it a temporary withdrawal from international affairs, in order to better arrange the local government after having assimilated Asherton, CAP, Emirate mandates in Sistan, etc...

I'm personally hoping that I can come back by tomorrow, but that might be wishful thinking at this point...
Neuvo Rica
06-11-2006, 18:12
Wait- are you telling me Dweladeflina Prime got Argentina, Chile, Paraguay, and Uruguay?

If he did, its war with Sharina.

Did you say war?

Sounds like fun. Of course, we'll be staying neutral
Neuvo Rica
06-11-2006, 19:53

I havn't done much for a while, and so I'm planning on RPing my occupation of Western Sahara. Does anyone have any problems IC or OOC with that?
United Earthlings
06-11-2006, 20:37

I havn't done much for a while, and so I'm planning on RPing my occupation of Western Sahara. Does anyone have any problems IC or OOC with that?

I might, Western Sahara borders Morocco and if Kopps has a problem with it then I will. So, I would hold off that invasion until Kopps comes back. Also, P&H and Vineyard are obsessed with Africa and keeping it all to themselves. I already been declared on war twice by them. Once, for sending forces in Gabon and the other for the not so sure Senegal. But, hey if you want to expand your lands more power to you.

and becomes this is important I'm requoting it and bolding it so no one misses it.

just an fyi, I still exist... it's just that my computer has decided to %$#^&%^& me out the biggest joke in its life. So it's under repair. I'm only on to say that I'm still alive, and that I maintain my interest to continue in NS. That said, I'll likely be returning by the week's end. In sum, don't bring the world to nuclear apocolypse before I come back...

and sorry about the map - I'll try to work on that ASAP [luckily, I've got it saved on a usb drive, but I don't have it with me, and I don't have the time to work on it anyways... besides, school is starting to $%#^%& me too...]

So yes, the Emirate is still here - just consider it a temporary withdrawal from international affairs, in order to better arrange the local government after having assimilated Asherton, CAP, Emirate mandates in Sistan, etc...

I'm personally hoping that I can come back by tomorrow, but that might be wishful thinking at this point...
06-11-2006, 23:17
Hey guys whats going on?
06-11-2006, 23:31
Hey I'm still here just in case you're wondering. ALM, when you have the time could you take me off the 'red list'. I spoke with TGSR about my inactivity. Just in case you didn't know-and he says it's okay. (I think, but I could very well be mistaken. I get confused easy.)
07-11-2006, 00:09

I havn't done much for a while, and so I'm planning on RPing my occupation of Western Sahara. Does anyone have any problems IC or OOC with that?

Oh lol. I was about to set up talks to see if Western Sahara would like to join the CWAA since it doesnt exactly have a working government at the time(depending on how you view it) so I mean it would be kind of interesting to sdee what would happen between you trying to occupy it and me trying to persuade them to join the CWAA (which isn't one single nation, it's a group of cooperating independent states with one sort of military leader who dictates their decisions.)
Dweladelfia prime
07-11-2006, 02:11
Oh FYI. Im quiting E5. You all know my reasons. And Im leaving my land to Neuvo Rica. Since hes the only one whos actully been nice to me.
07-11-2006, 02:16
Buh Bye. Don't let the door hit you on the way out!
07-11-2006, 02:38
so what about senegal now? Since HE left i guess the biggest person opposing the PAC in a big way is nothing is very clear anymore...except for the fact that we wont need a translator to read his writing lol
Dweladelfia prime
07-11-2006, 02:46
Buh Bye. Don't let the door hit you on the way out!

See what I mean. And you call ME a jerk. Oh and grow some maturity.
Dweladelfia prime
07-11-2006, 02:48
so what about senegal now? Since HE left i guess the biggest person opposing the PAC in a big way is nothing is very clear anymore...except for the fact that we wont need a translator to read his writing lol

Dude your spelling and grammer is worse than mine. Dont talk. oh and Sengal is capitalized. Wont is spelt Won't, i is capitalized.
07-11-2006, 03:24
Oh FYI. Im quiting E5. You all know my reasons. And Im leaving my land to Neuvo Rica. Since hes the only one whos actully been nice to me.

I'd rather leave these lands open and unclaimed for any new players. Besides I don't accept land hand-overs without a good RP for it. This isn't "Risk" where you gain land at a mouse's click. You should WORK to gain new lands, just like in real life.
07-11-2006, 03:26
Dude your spelling and grammer is worse than mine. Dont talk. oh and Sengal is capitalized. Wont is spelt Won't, i is capitalized.

Its good to know someone with this kind of attitude and nit-picking has left Earth V. Candistan might have dyslexia or some kind of learning disability, hence the poor spelling or grammar.
Dweladelfia prime
07-11-2006, 03:44
Its good to know someone with this kind of attitude and nit-picking has left Earth V. Candistan might have dyslexia or some kind of learning disability, hence the poor spelling or grammar.

Then he shouldnt talk. And hes not have dyslexia. It would be way worse if he did. And who are you calling a nit picker. Your a bigger nit picker than me.
Dweladelfia prime
07-11-2006, 03:45
I'd rather leave these lands open and unclaimed for any new players. Besides I don't accept land hand-overs without a good RP for it. This isn't "Risk" where you gain land at a mouse's click. You should WORK to gain new lands, just like in real life.

To bad. Its not your choise. Its mine. I can do what I want with my land. Somtimes you dont get your own way. Deal with it.
07-11-2006, 03:51
Well, no. You've quit Earth V. Your land is now completely unclaimed and can be done with as the moderators of Earth V see fit. As an admin of Earth V, Sharina can do whatever he so chooses with the land.

And a question- if you quit, why are you still hanging around on this thread? If you're leaving leave; if you stay, then don't say you're leaving. You continuing to post just spams up this thread with pointless posts, since not being in Earth V means you have no say and no vested interest in what goes on anymore.
Dweladelfia prime
07-11-2006, 03:55
Well, no. You've quit Earth V. Your land is now completely unclaimed and can be done with as the moderators of Earth V see fit. As an admin of Earth V, Sharina can do whatever he so chooses with the land.

And a question- if you quit, why are you still hanging around on this thread? If you're leaving leave; if you stay, then don't say you're leaving. You continuing to post just spams up this thread with pointless posts, since not being in Earth V means you have no say and no vested interest in what goes on anymore.

It is my land I will give it to who I see fit. Deal with it. And I do not recognize Sharinia as a mod. He has shown to be to biased. I will wait for TG6R decision.
07-11-2006, 04:05
Again, life sucks. Deal with it. You left. Your lands are left up to what TGR6 and Sharina and possibly Samtonia to try and sort out. Please be a good sport and just leave. It will actually give us respect for you.
07-11-2006, 04:57
It is my land I will give it to who I see fit. Deal with it. And I do not recognize Sharinia as a mod. He has shown to be to biased. I will wait for TG6R decision.

I believe I speak on the behalf of all nations of Earth V.


Do you know what a hippocrit is? "No im not, u r!!!1!" Thats being immature. Realistically, thats being immature. You cannot tell people to 'brow up' or braade them for a 'lack of maturity' when you are alcking in that very same department.

Just get out of this thread. You are not welcome here, and your lands are no longer yours to give.

Good riddance.
07-11-2006, 04:57
It is my land I will give it to who I see fit. Deal with it. And I do not recognize Sharinia as a mod. He has shown to be to biased. I will wait for TG6R decision.

Umm. If I was biased, I'd be claiming all these lands already. Yet I am clearly stating that these lands shall become unclaimed so that new players may join up in South America at a future date. That is far more fair for everybody involved.
07-11-2006, 04:59
Dude your spelling and grammer is worse than mine. Dont talk. oh and Sengal is capitalized. Wont is spelt Won't, i is capitalized.

The "O" in "oh" Is supposed to be capitilized, and "Dont" is supposed to have a " ' " between the N and the T.

Grow up kid. Come back when you hit the age of 12, mabye we will take ya back.
07-11-2006, 05:35
Sharina- question. Is your IM contact the same? Just wondering because I haven't seen you on for a while.

(For that matter, the only person I've seen on with any regularity is Granate- I'm usually on when my computer is on, so everyone else, feel free to fire up your IM client and talk! To me! I'm samtheuberman on AIM and on MSN.

*Looks at Vineyard, who seems to be on NS at the same time I am a lot* :))
07-11-2006, 06:58
Hi. I'd like to have Brazil if possible cuz I always wanted to roleplay a South American nation in a realistic Earth. This Earth V looks like what the doctor ordered.
07-11-2006, 12:53
OOC: Ok, things has calmed down a bit here in RL, so I'll try to catch up with all the things happened here lately. Thank's for not attacking me while i was gone. ;)

Hope ALM will come back soon!
United Earthlings
07-11-2006, 14:00
OOC: Ok, things has calmed down a bit here in RL, so I'll try to catch up with all the things happened here lately. Thank's for not attacking me while i was gone. ;)

Hope ALM will come back soon!

Welcome back, man a lot happen and I was just off for a day. If, DP is really leaving that creates a lot of headaches. And here I was so hoping to take a break for awhile. Well, at least most players are coming back.

Hey, Sharina- you won the Cold War, again. LMAO, No hard feelings. The EATO alliance is gone. So, good I got no more commitments.

Kopps- when you have time I like to continue our discussions we were having before you left and I had put my RP of West Africa on hold. Hopefully, now with you back I can restart it and finish it up.
Military Command
07-11-2006, 18:06
Welcome back, man a lot happen and I was just off for a day. If, DP is really leaving that creates a lot of headaches. And here I was so hoping to take a break for awhile. Well, at least most players are coming back.

Hey, Sharina- you won the Cold War, again. LMAO, No hard feelings. The EATO alliance is gone. So, good I got no more commitments.

Kopps- when you have time I like to continue our discussions we were having before you left and I had put my RP of West Africa on hold. Hopefully, now with you back I can restart it and finish it up.

Sense when did EATO disband this is news to me. I have not heard anything about having it disbanded. So as much as I am pissed that you say that it is thought when you have not talked to anyone in the alliance about disbanding it.
Neuvo Rica
07-11-2006, 18:35
Oh FYI. Im quiting E5. You all know my reasons. And Im leaving my land to Neuvo Rica. Since hes the only one whos actully been nice to me.

I'd rather leave these lands open and unclaimed for any new players. Besides I don't accept land hand-overs without a good RP for it. This isn't "Risk" where you gain land at a mouse's click. You should WORK to gain new lands, just like in real life.

Because it would seem my plans for Western Sahara could possibly trigger world war III, I'd like to propose the following deal regarding DP's lands.

Basically, how about the majority of it is set aside for new players. I'd just like to lay claim to Haiti French Guyana and Suriname as something to RP for in the place of WS. Sound OK?
Alif Laam Miim
07-11-2006, 22:37
I have returned, and I am in the process of gathering my lost threads - so keep the sure-fire on hold until my country can actively participate once again...

And, any changes to the map, or will I witness as mass of mess there as well?
07-11-2006, 22:42
Theres a distinct Possibility
Dweladelfia prime
07-11-2006, 22:43
Theres a distinct Possibility

Oh btw take that out of your sig.
07-11-2006, 22:43
Free Country.
Dweladelfia prime
07-11-2006, 22:44
Free Country.

I'm not joking.
07-11-2006, 22:46
I will do it.... but all in due time.
Alif Laam Miim
07-11-2006, 22:48
Stop this - I did not come back to this Earth out of some divine-intervention that crashes my computer conveniently when I needed it most, to arrive to childish bickering. Please, Granate - at the least amend the signature so it's not as offensive; DP, stop giving them fodder with which to play...

Hi. I'd like to have Brazil if possible cuz I always wanted to roleplay a South American nation in a realistic Earth. This Earth V looks like what the doctor ordered.

I'd like to thank you for reading [or not...] the rules of making a first claim, and while I am currently trying to work things out, I believe that Brazil claimed by DP [unless there was some weird war... or whatever]. So anyways, take a look at the map to see what's potentially open [or not... - just keep it in mind until I can clear the clutter out of the map... which won't be until later this evening - way later...]
07-11-2006, 22:52
Mind you, DP has quit EV. Check back to the last page.
Also DP, thank ALM. I respect him, so I listen to him.
Alif Laam Miim
07-11-2006, 22:54
Mind you, DP has quit EV. Check back to the last page.
Also DP, thank ALM. I respect him, so I listen to him.

That being the case, Brazil is perhaps open... but just wait until I can clean it up - I've gtg work on other things now...
The Great Sixth Reich
07-11-2006, 23:01
It is my land I will give it to who I see fit. Deal with it. And I do not recognize Sharinia as a mod. He has shown to be to biased. I will wait for TG6R decision.
It is an official Earth V policy to have no hereditary land transfers, except perhaps if it is very nicely RPed.

(And if you've left this earth, you have to leave this thread unless you are conducting official business.)
Dweladelfia prime
07-11-2006, 23:03
Stop this - I did not come back to this Earth out of some divine-intervention that crashes my computer conveniently when I needed it most, to arrive to childish bickering. Please, Granate - at the least amend the signature so it's not as offensive; DP, stop giving them fodder with which to play...

I'd like to thank you for reading [or not...] the rules of making a first claim, and while I am currently trying to work things out, I believe that Brazil claimed by DP [unless there was some weird war... or whatever]. So anyways, take a look at the map to see what's potentially open [or not... - just keep it in mind until I can clear the clutter out of the map... which won't be until later this evening - way later...]

Thanks man.
Dweladelfia prime
07-11-2006, 23:04
It is an official Earth V policy to have no hereditary land transfers, except perhaps if it is very nicely RPed.

(And if you've left this earth, you have to leave this thread unless you are conducting official business.)

I was I was getting him to take that out of his sig.
Persecution and Hatred
08-11-2006, 04:06
Im back. hows this frackin war going people. (better yet. I will have a look now) sorry for bein away. :D
08-11-2006, 04:06
DP's gone. ALM's back. I am starting a new Project called "Due Course".

Thats about it actually.
Persecution and Hatred
08-11-2006, 04:09
Hi. I'd like to have Brazil if possible cuz I always wanted to roleplay a South American nation in a realistic Earth. This Earth V looks like what the doctor ordered.

I endorse Braskas claim in only the faint hope that he will be more sucessful than Brazils Predesessing regime. :)
Alif Laam Miim
08-11-2006, 06:01
ALM: Remove [NS]Rethan from his red status. There's a reason behind his "inactivity."

I will do so... I've not had an opportunity since having lost my comp and etc...

besides that, I'd appreciate a swifter response next time, because I had to look through three pages of ooc nonsense to figure out what Rethan was before [not nagging - but just a sigh of senseless frustration after the incurred burdens of returning after a week of absence...]. I will try to get things active with the map and the reference thread once again, and then my IC country...

[edit - so I'm stupid... after looking for the reference posts, I found the same exact info on Rethan on the map thread; yes, I am a genius, but I sometimes forget that...]
Alif Laam Miim
08-11-2006, 06:20
I'd like to know any kind of pertinent events that transpired in my absence, aside from those already plain and obvious... it seems that so much has happened and yet nothing's going on...
08-11-2006, 07:19
I endorse Braskas claim in only the faint hope that he will be more sucessful than Brazils Predesessing regime. :)
Well, If he will be active, that might be a solution. This was his second post in two years...
In his first post (made in december 2004) he asked for some land in Earth-II.

What do you say Braska? Will you be active here in Earth-V?
08-11-2006, 08:47
Well, If he will be active, that might be a solution. This was his second post in two years...
In his first post (made in december 2004) he asked for some land in Earth-II.

What do you say Braska? Will you be active here in Earth-V?

I'm a bigtime lurker as I really don't like most of the roleplays here at NS because they are so unrealistic and stupid. Superdreadnoughts, 30 inch cannons, 30 million man combat soldier armies, Supertanks weighing 100,000 pounds, aircraft going at mach 10, etc. Earth V seems to be the most promising roleplay that I've seen in the past few weeks I've come back to lurk in the forums and not using any of these NS pieces of crap.

Yes, I will be active in Earth V as it's the only roleplay that seems to appeal to me.
08-11-2006, 09:04
I'm a bigtime lurker as I really don't like most of the roleplays here at NS because they are so unrealistic and stupid. Superdreadnoughts, 30 inch cannons, 30 million man combat soldier armies, Supertanks weighing 100,000 pounds, aircraft going at mach 10, etc. Earth V seems to be the most promising roleplay that I've seen in the past few weeks I've come back to lurk in the forums and not using any of these NS pieces of crap.

Yes, I will be active in Earth V as it's the only roleplay that seems to appeal to me.
Ok, that sounds good. We're trying really hard to keep Earth-V as realistic as possible. I'm not the one who confirmes claimes here, but I hope The Great Sixth Reich and Sharina (who are the moderators here) approves your claim of Brasil.

As you may know a player (Dweladelphia Prime) just decided to quit Earth-V, and he controlled Brasil. I really don't know if we just can hand over the country to you without a roleplay, but TG6R and Sharina will inform you about that.

I think we should give Braska a try here. It's always fun with new players in Earth-V!
08-11-2006, 09:31
I miss Warta Endor, hope he'll come back soon!

And does someone know when Azaha will be back?
Neuvo Rica
08-11-2006, 09:40
Because it would seem my plans for Western Sahara could possibly trigger world war III, I'd like to propose the following deal regarding DP's lands.

Basically, how about the majority of it is set aside for new players. I'd just like to lay claim to Haiti French Guyana and Suriname as something to RP for in the place of WS. Sound OK?

RP For those territories coming up.
08-11-2006, 10:07
RP For those territories coming up.

OOC 1:

Expect a response from Sharina in regards to Haiti, as Sharina wants to annex the rest of the Caribbean islands. However, Sharina would gladly turn a blind eye to French Guyana and Suriname being annexed by the CSA in exchange for the Caribbean islands (Haiti included) being annexed by Sharina.


OOC 2:

I'm willing to give Braska a chance. After all, it *is* good to have fresh blood in Earth V, especially with Dweladelfina's departure. The fact that Braska wants realism is a bonus as well.
United Earthlings
08-11-2006, 15:18
OOC 1:

Expect a response from Sharina in regards to Haiti, as Sharina wants to annex the rest of the Caribbean islands. However, Sharina would gladly turn a blind eye to French Guyana and Suriname being annexed by the CSA in exchange for the Caribbean islands (Haiti included) being annexed by Sharina.


OOC 2:

I'm willing to give Braska a chance. After all, it *is* good to have fresh blood in Earth V, especially with Dweladelfina's departure. The fact that Braska wants realism is a bonus as well.

OCC: Expect a response from the Republic in regrades to both the Caribbean Islands and to French Guyana and Suriname. The republic doesn't want all the Caribbean Islands but, it will lay claim to some. Though most of it will be off the coast of Venezuela. Think of the Lesser Antilles, I get a RP up later today.

Second, I'll support Braska in his claim, I even sell him some military equipment for free to get him started. In, fact alot of DP eqiupment he would have access to. But, he better stay active.
United Earthlings
08-11-2006, 15:19
I miss Warta Endor, hope he'll come back soon!

And does someone know when Azaha will be back?

Azaha will be back soon, I think in 2-3 more weeks.
Neuvo Rica
08-11-2006, 15:49
OOC 1:

Expect a response from Sharina in regards to Haiti, as Sharina wants to annex the rest of the Caribbean islands. However, Sharina would gladly turn a blind eye to French Guyana and Suriname being annexed by the CSA in exchange for the Caribbean islands (Haiti included) being annexed by Sharina.

Ok, sounds like a deal.

@UE and Sharina: Howsabouts we RP our various expansions on the same thread?
United Earthlings
08-11-2006, 16:14
Ok, sounds like a deal.

@UE and Sharina: Howsabouts we RP our various expansions on the same thread?

OCC: I'm game, I'm hardly going to claim anything. As, I'm happy with the land I got. Just, that I think we should leave open a few countries for new players. That doesn't seem to be going to happen though. Vineyard is supporting Brinkman in invading the Formal lands of DP. Funny, thing is they think I'm out to grab them.