NationStates Jolt Archive

Revamped Earth V (First-Class Realism) Recruiting Thread - Page 12

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26-06-2007, 23:02
Holy shit you've all got to be kidding me? Bonuses? Stats? Calculators?

Fuck that, no really, it saps the fun out of RP, combative RP anyway, the only one I enjoy.

What has this earth come to where we need freaking calculators?
26-06-2007, 23:06
Holy shit you've all got to be kidding me? Bonuses? Stats? Calculators?

Fuck that, no really, it saps the fun out of RP, combative RP anyway, the only one I enjoy.

What has this earth come to where we need freaking calculators?

We have to the point where we have a war where each side keeps fighting the other because they don't beleive that what the other did is correct. Thus, the entire war has been going on since November, with only a few IC posts.

You find a way to make them play nice and we'll scrap the Calculator, I think.
27-06-2007, 02:46
If they can't play nice, they shouldn't be playing at all.
The Great Sixth Reich
27-06-2007, 23:46
If they can't play nice, they shouldn't be playing at all.
A number of active players here often distrust each other's calculations during battle; it would be impractical to kick out anyone who argues about losses. The calculator system is designed for those who want a quicker resolution of losses, without tediously debating details. Players versus player battles have traditionally had problems with loss calculations on Earth V.
28-06-2007, 14:34
Holy shit you've all got to be kidding me? Bonuses? Stats? Calculators?

Fuck that, no really, it saps the fun out of RP, combative RP anyway, the only one I enjoy.

What has this earth come to where we need freaking calculators?

Two things.

1. Do you have any better idea how to resolve wars quickly without IGNORE-fests or retcons? Resolving a major war in just a RL month instead of waiting 1/2 year thanks to bickering and arguing over losses? I'll take the 1 month resolution, thank you very much.

2. The problem with RP'ing wars is that 95% of the NS playerbase is too afraid to "lose" and consquently, those RP's die out because of that factor. When one side starts losing, that person loses the motivation to RP, and the RP ends up a dead-end RP that will be retconned.

Therefore, using this logic and string of actions, practically every player VS player conflict RP will never get resolved except that 1% - 5%.

3. If there is a way to have player VS player wars / conflict be successful, fun, enjoyable, and not end up as retcons or IGNORES then I'm all game for it.


I'd be more than glad to be the "bad guy" for Earth V, so that there will be a good RP atmosphere. Nothing interesting really gets done if everybody is everybody's best friend unless the people involved love exploration, development, non-war, etc. type of RP's. I do enjoy these various RP styles, but again, 99% of the rest of NS playerbase doesn't.
The Great Sixth Reich
29-06-2007, 06:10
I'd be more than glad to be the "bad guy" for Earth V, so that there will be a good RP atmosphere. Nothing interesting really gets done if everybody is everybody's best friend unless the people involved love exploration, development, non-war, etc. type of RP's. I do enjoy these various RP styles, but again, 99% of the rest of NS playerbase doesn't.
I thought that's why we have Vineyard here?

29-06-2007, 13:36
I thought that's why we have Vineyard here?


Heh. Well, I haven't seen Vineyard around for a couple RL months though. Besides, I'm far more threatening than Vineyard, given I dominate the Americas while Vineyard only dominates his little corner of Europe. <G>
The Great Sixth Reich
30-06-2007, 03:40
Once ALM and UE are done, we'll have an effective way to resolve those ugly disputes where no one wants to admit taking heavy losses. Until then, I would highly encourage an international conference or something of that sort.

(I'm actually very busy these months with schoolwork, but I do check every day, even though I may not post.)
United Earthlings
30-06-2007, 04:43
Repost (, if you could when you have time get back to me on those questions I asked about a week ago. Thanks...

Until then, I would highly encourage an international conference or something of that sort.

I would support this and to that end I worked up a post directed towards Sharina that if Sharina so chooses would get that ball rolling. I'm hoping if I have time, to being able to post it sometime during tomorrow.

Heh. Well, I haven't seen Vineyard around for a couple RL months though. Besides, I'm far more threatening than Vineyard, given I dominate the Americas while Vineyard only dominates his little corner of Europe.

If, you want I guess I could play the bad guy, though I prefer being the good guy and only being bad when no ones looking. :D While, I'm not as large as you Sharina, I do have a lot more countries (nations) hating me and a little bit more power then Vineyard. I'm only one of two members that have nations on almost every major continent (excluding Australia and Antarctica)-Military Command being the other one who has a global presence. We both have territories in Europe [our main ones (well the ones I first claimed as I consider most of my territories/nations as main one's)], in Asia, in South America and in Asia.

Still, we need more nations (members), but not just members but active members. An another active member taking over the remaining United States or a new South American Empire would greatly add to the Earth V community. China is there, but for the taking. Africa and Europe have pretty much been settled, but there are still a few minor countries open.
30-06-2007, 04:50
You don't even need to pick a powerhouse country. Look at me. I started out with three shitty Caucasian Countries and look at me now. I am a regional power and a nation who holds quite a bit of power in Central Asia and the Black Sea region.
The Great Sixth Reich
30-06-2007, 05:07
1. Could you elaborate more on what you mean by specially arranged. Does it have to be arranged with you or Sharina ahead of time or can we start the RP and just inform one of you of what were doing? Or does that mean the player will just have to put more posts up/more work into the RP for that nation verses a military type conquest.Yes. I would also expect more work involved in the RP, after it is approved.

2. Is there a minium number of posts that are needed/required? If, so what is the minium number you would like to see or have agreed upon? Also, does the size of the post matter? Can one say, post about 10 replies of nothing, but 1 to 2 sentences per each of those posts? As I've seen some people do just that, not here on Earth V mine you, but when we get new members you never know.
In order for it to get approved, all that's technically needed are the core information in an appropriate amount of posts (the number of posts depending on the size and power of the other side). Unnecessarily confining rules tend to get in the way of a good RP. However, on a case by case basis, RPs that obviously lacking in details may not be approved, even if it does contain the raw amount of details necessary (such as simply giving a list of cities being conquered, simply saying "the ___ Army conquered ____, with ___ causalities," et cetera).

Designating a war moderator is a good idea, this I have no problem with. However, it has been shown that waiting for a war mod to determine the losses will only end up delaying the war due to RL. Real Life overtakes everything. What we need to be able to do is use that standardized quantitative formula and have the own player or the opposite player calculate the losses of themselves or the person their playing against. The player will show how they calculated the losses in written form using that formula for all to see and any disagreements can be quickly hammered out. For example, one could argue-hey you failed to input the factor that I have Air Superiority which is a 60% disadvantage against your forces. Say, the other player then disagrees and says no you don't have Air Superiority. After a few posts of bickering, the players come to an agreement and both agree that Player 1 does indeed have Air Superiority, but only limited Air Superiority. So, instead of the 60% disadvantage-the more limited factor of 30% disadvantage would be use. There are other examples, I can use if need be, but I hope that kind of gives an idea of what I was trying to express.
Preferably, there would be an active moderator, but I see no problems with players calculating losses themselves using the formula. (In fact, that would probably be even better, in a number of cases.)
30-06-2007, 17:47
I would support this and to that end I worked up a post directed towards Sharina that if Sharina so chooses would get that ball rolling. I'm hoping if I have time, to being able to post it sometime during tomorrow.

Let me know when this gets up and rolling. I do want to do some kind of RP. Not being able to RP at all in Earth V is starting to test even my Vulcan-like patience.

If, you want I guess I could play the bad guy, though I prefer being the good guy and only being bad when no ones looking. :D While, I'm not as large as you Sharina, I do have a lot more countries (nations) hating me and a little bit more power then Vineyard. I'm only one of two members that have nations on almost every major continent (excluding Australia and Antarctica)-Military Command being the other one who has a global presence. We both have territories in Europe [our main ones (well the ones I first claimed as I consider most of my territories/nations as main one's)], in Asia, in South America and in Asia.

Still, we need more nations (members), but not just members but active members. An another active member taking over the remaining United States or a new South American Empire would greatly add to the Earth V community. China is there, but for the taking. Africa and Europe have pretty much been settled, but there are still a few minor countries open.

Hmm, thats an interesting idea. Or we could have two "bad guys" go at it- namely you and I, then see what happens afterwards? The guy who is less evil ends up being the good guy. This is just a thought of mine.

The problem is that we do need more active members. Do any of you know any ideas how to recruit more players or promise good fun RP for them?
United Earthlings
02-07-2007, 03:57
Let me know when this gets up and rolling. I do want to do some kind of RP. Not being able to RP at all in Earth V is starting to test even my Vulcan-like patience.

Ok, it's up. Just to let you know, I posted it in the main international incidents thread for Earth V.

Hmm, thats an interesting idea. Or we could have two "bad guys" go at it- namely you and I, then see what happens afterwards? The guy who is less evil ends up being the good guy. This is just a thought of mine.

The problem is that we do need more active members. Do any of you know any ideas how to recruit more players or promise good fun RP for them?

Also, an interesting thought. Two is always better then one, as they say one is the loneliest number and misery does love company. :rolleyes:

I'm willing to play the bad guy, however truth be told once I finish up my Roleplay for Bangladesh (finished the one for Sweden) I was hoping to take a break for about a month and just let my nations pretty much run by themselves as I've been in one roleplay after another for most of my time in the Earth V community. I was thinking of letting other players or new players take over for awhile because I did my part in bringing life into Earth V. What could I do, but claim more countries and I agree with you that a lot of these nations should be left open for new players.

As to the members problem, I have some ideas, but I don't know if their any good or not. Here are some I just thought of on the fly.

First off, we need to come up with a catchy catch phrase to draw people in. Something like, "Want a realistic RP set in the Modern World, then join us today in the Earth V community". That needs work, but we need a phrase that's short and catches the eye, but at the same time tells what Earth V is about in less then a sentence or two.
Second, we need to start up again what Kopps was doing. A separate thread just designed to draw people in and direct them to the main Recruiting Thread. That's how I first found out about Earth V was by seeing that thread by Kopps. That's what got me interested in Earth V. I'm sure you all have different experiences though, but something had to have grab your attention for you to join Earth V.
Last, we need to determine what type of members we want (our base) and set the message to appeal to them.

However, with all that said while Earth V needs members what it needs most of all is active members.

There are currently 15 members in Earth V. How many are active at any one time during a given week? I've counted excluding myself, around 3-5 members active during any given week on average. That should be clear while Earth V is not very active. 3 members, no wonder Earth V is slowly dying.

We get people joining all the time, but then they never do anything and end up being kicked for lack of activity.

For example, Marxikhan who claimed Cambodia, Laos, Vietnam back in May. Has anyone see him post anything in say the past month, because I haven't? He's pretty much the only one in the area which gives him so many different options to pursue and yet, he does nothing for whatever reasons. He seems to be going down the path like most members in Earth V, being kicked for lack of activity.

So, yes we need members, but active members. Just look how alive Earth V was when most of us were active. You had a major war brewing, nations not knowing what to do, but then we all got stuck and Earth V fell into disarray.

Those were interesting times and that was just with most of us the dedicated Earth V players being active not, any new members.

If that post was a little to long winded for you, I'm sorry. I like Earth V and like you it's pretty much the only RP I'm active in and like. If, Earth V dies I don't know what I'd do.
02-07-2007, 04:01
I don't post often because I'm involved in one RP and that RP is between me and Turkey. It's almost over, and I am working on the last few posts, but one thing has slowed me down.

It goes by the nickname WoW, and it is very addicting.
United Earthlings
02-07-2007, 04:16
I don't post often because I'm involved in one RP and that RP is between me and Turkey. It's almost over, and I am working on the last few posts, but one thing has slowed me down.

It goes by the nickname WoW, and it is very addicting.

Hence, your statement confirms what I stated above.

"How many members are active at any one time during a given week? I've counted excluding myself, around 3-5 members active during any given week on average. That should be clear while Earth V is not very active. 3 members, no wonder Earth V is slowly dying."
02-07-2007, 04:31
Well, I'd like to apply, regardless of how active this is. If it fails, I can always bail out and re-apply elsewhere.

Anyway, while I've barely got any roleplaying posts, I did at one time roleplay as Pushistymistan (I left because the UN was. . .unrealistic, to put a mild face on it). Does anyone have any reading material about the various nations in E5?
02-07-2007, 04:41
If something big happens that could possibly involve me, then I would do something. But not much is going on, so I don't have much to be active at. Someone give me a reason to strike fear into the world using everything my West African arsenal has to offer. Supervirus, anyone?
02-07-2007, 04:46
If something big happens that could possibly involve me, then I would do something. But not much is going on, so I don't have much to be active at. Someone give me a reason to strike fear into the world using everything my West African arsenal has to offer. Supervirus, anyone?

No. This is realism based earth.
New Brittonia
02-07-2007, 04:53
there are some red territories, may I claim them?
United Earthlings
02-07-2007, 05:00
If something big happens that could possibly involve me, then I would do something. But not much is going on, so I don't have much to be active at. Someone give me a reason to strike fear into the world using everything my West African arsenal has to offer. Supervirus, anyone?

Well, then make something happen. I started out little too you know. But, I roleplayed my way to greatness. Now look at me I have the respect and/or fear of many nations. I even caused three great nations to gang up on me.

And I started out with, World fear the power of the Benelux ( and it's liberal ways. As those three countries that make up the Benelux were for the most part my main nations. Sri Lanka and Venezuela being my other nations I first claimed.

But, guess what. I made something happen and made my mark on the world of Earth V. You have options, you just don't know how to use them.

We, all started out small and worked our way to where you see us today.
02-07-2007, 05:00
Same here.
The Great Sixth Reich
02-07-2007, 07:25
there are some red territories, may I claim them?
As long as you are referring to ALM's list (Anguillita Island, Antigua, Barbados, etc.) and not mine, yes...but obviously not all of them. Make a claim of about three nations (US states count as .5 of a nation, not-large islands generally count as .25), and I'll approve it.

Jeuna: See above.
02-07-2007, 07:45
Jeuna: See above.

Well, I think I know where to set up, but I'd like to familiarise myself with regional and international politics first, so I can formulate a proper foreign policy. As well, if it turns out that my concept is not feasible in the region I have in mind, then I'll know before I claim something.
The Great Sixth Reich
03-07-2007, 00:08
Well, I think I know where to set up, but I'd like to familiarise myself with regional and international politics first, so I can formulate a proper foreign policy. As well, if it turns out that my concept is not feasible in the region I have in mind, then I'll know before I claim something.
This thread ( and the links in the posts should be useful for you, especially the third post.
03-07-2007, 00:17
If that post was a little to long winded for you, I'm sorry. I like Earth V and like you it's pretty much the only RP I'm active in and like. If, Earth V dies I don't know what I'd do.

If worst comes to worst (hopefully won't happen), I'd always be more than happy to do some kind of RP with you. Perhaps our own RP or something, and play by our realistic expectations, not the standard NS wank in mainstream NS RP'ing.

I do have a couple of interesting RP possibilities for you if you're interested.
03-07-2007, 04:40
This thread ( and the links in the posts should be useful for you, especially the third post.

Thanks. (:
Alif Laam Miim
03-07-2007, 16:16
Well, I'm here for my weekly sojourn in NS.

As for the activity spur, if we're doing this war, then we need to resolve it quickly.

I'm going to finish working out the battle losses for the first strike [surprise? no...] that will reflect the absence of Sharina's fighters to Europe, and also make it clearer as to what the losses actually mean.

Then, we can get on with the other aspects, such as getting a calculator that will do this stuff for me [and anyone else, hopefully].
03-07-2007, 21:42
Well, I'm here for my weekly sojourn in NS.

As for the activity spur, if we're doing this war, then we need to resolve it quickly.

I'm going to finish working out the battle losses for the first strike [surprise? no...] that will reflect the absence of Sharina's fighters to Europe, and also make it clearer as to what the losses actually mean.

Then, we can get on with the other aspects, such as getting a calculator that will do this stuff for me [and anyone else, hopefully].

I want to finish this war by end of July by the latest if possible. We've delayed this for way too long. Plus this needs to finish ASAP so we can move on with new RP's and allow new players more leeway to start up their RP's and such.
03-07-2007, 21:57
I'd like to add something.

I have just gone over UE's secret IC message in the main IC thread for Earth V. I see only one problem with that secret IC message- the timing.

You see, Sharina has already inflicted damage, losses, and destruction on Republican holdings (which is being re-calculated as of now), so that means we've gone past the point of no return for diplomacy. If this message had come before Sharina sent out its bombers, fighters, Navy, etc. and before it inflicted casaulties upon the RUN's forces, then it's quite probable that Sharina might have enterained the thought of doing talks with the RUN to defuse the situation.

(posted this over in the war OOC thread as well)
The Great Sixth Reich
04-07-2007, 01:05
If UE accepts the modified losses, then that's all we need for the war to continue.
Alif Laam Miim
11-07-2007, 16:02
Well, the war can continue in other fronts. I'm hoping that it does as I start work on a war calculator over the next week. Also, I'm having internet problems on my laptop, so I'm using the family computer (which is ridiculously slow and lacks all of my bookmarks...) for NS stuff.

Hopefully, we can end this war by some mechanism that is as not painful as possible.
14-07-2007, 08:44

I haven't really been active on NS at all lately (the past few months) as Earth V is the only RP I'm really involved in and when it goes inactive or when I'm waiting a few days or even a week for people to post, I lose more RP'ing ambition.

So, yes, I am still around, but getting more frustrated by the month.
Persecution and Hatred
15-07-2007, 00:18

Could I "restart" my nation with only South Africa, New Zealand (I want New Zealand...:D) Java Island and Fiji?

I dont want all this land in Africa.... The land prices are just astronomical here :p

Besides my participation needs a little bit of rejuvination to say the least......
The Great Sixth Reich
15-07-2007, 09:16

Could I "restart" my nation with only South Africa, New Zealand (I want New Zealand...:D) Java Island and Fiji?

I dont want all this land in Africa.... The land prices are just astronomical here :p

Besides my participation needs a little bit of rejuvination to say the least......
Yes. Just start an RP (your old nation cannot be retroactively deleted, however; you either need to RP having your government officials exiled or something like that, or RP its collapse and start an entirely new nation), preferably one that involves a lot of other Earth V nations (such as Sharina!).

As for me, I'll try to start something on Thursday or Friday (I have midterms this week, so I am busy until then) involving other nations (most likely Sharina and ALM). I am hoping that ALM will have the calculator done by then, but if not, UE and Sharina can still continue the war (the calculator would probably be done or close to done by the time the next loss calculation is needed).
Persecution and Hatred
15-07-2007, 09:58
Good Idea;)

Heres my R.P

Heres the Synopsis guys...

The Afrikaans Rugby team is playing New Zealand in a crucial 3 test rugby match, Things go Awry for the South African Team as they lose the test and get killed in a bomb blast....

New Zealand and Foam Believe it was South African secret police.....

South Africa believe it was New Zealand protestors.. (with the Higher Echelons of government remaining ominously silent on the matter)

(Feel free to join in, South Africas in trouble either way)
Military Command
18-07-2007, 00:09
Does anyone know if Great Romeo is still in the game or not?
United Earthlings
18-07-2007, 05:51
Does anyone know if Great Romeo is still in the game or not?

As of July 13th he is, however his main account is not working and he is using the username Frigidaqua.

See link for last post-

With that said, I feel like to many players are doing the wack a mole game with Earth V. They pop in once a month or two then disapper not to be heard from again for a few weeks to months or never in some players cases that join Earth V then do nothing.

I''m looking at you Marxikhan, Zaheran and Moorington.

It's kind of hard to keep Earth V active when no ones around. :(
Alif Laam Miim
18-07-2007, 18:20
I have the war calculator; my problem now is to get the right cofactors to give me good numbers. Right now, my test numbers for Sharina's bomber strike say that Sharina hit .005% of his targets and UE inflicted casualties numbering at .017% - which hardly means anything to me. And I'm still figuring out how to get it to figure infrastructure damage and collateral.

I will try to get to get war on the road, but I have to warn you guys - Starting August 1, I will be on the move with my family, and I'll likely be out of contact for the next 2 weeks after that. So you REALLY need to figure out how we're going to continue this war without me; hopefully, I can post the warcalc [it's an XLS file] so that some other deeply interested unbiased moderator can plug and chug the numbers to give status reports in the meantime, but after August 1, it won't be me for a while.

That said, you guys can still be doing other stuff, since apparently there are no more qualms with the military figures [I still have the damages in $$$ to figure, but given input from various peoples, I'm now ignoring that aspect, leaving that to the individual players to determine]. If the military figures are acceptable, then you guys should be preparing for the next strike, which hopefully [as TG6R mentions] the warcalc will be fully operational. I say unfortunately again... I am only available on NS Tuesdays and Wednesdays [now more likely Wednesdays...], so you also should consider getting someone else to help moderate.
The Great Sixth Reich
18-07-2007, 23:44
hopefully, I can post the warcalc [it's an XLS file] so that some other deeply interested unbiased moderator can plug and chug the numbers to give status reports in the meantime
22-07-2007, 02:36
I have the war calculator; my problem now is to get the right cofactors to give me good numbers. Right now, my test numbers for Sharina's bomber strike say that Sharina hit .005% of his targets and UE inflicted casualties numbering at .017% - which hardly means anything to me. And I'm still figuring out how to get it to figure infrastructure damage and collateral.

I will try to get to get war on the road, but I have to warn you guys - Starting August 1, I will be on the move with my family, and I'll likely be out of contact for the next 2 weeks after that. So you REALLY need to figure out how we're going to continue this war without me; hopefully, I can post the warcalc [it's an XLS file] so that some other deeply interested unbiased moderator can plug and chug the numbers to give status reports in the meantime, but after August 1, it won't be me for a while.

That said, you guys can still be doing other stuff, since apparently there are no more qualms with the military figures [I still have the damages in $$$ to figure, but given input from various peoples, I'm now ignoring that aspect, leaving that to the individual players to determine]. If the military figures are acceptable, then you guys should be preparing for the next strike, which hopefully [as TG6R mentions] the warcalc will be fully operational. I say unfortunately again... I am only available on NS Tuesdays and Wednesdays [now more likely Wednesdays...], so you also should consider getting someone else to help moderate.

I'm glad we're finally moving in a direction.

That aside, if nobody else volunteers or is available to moderate the war, then I'm willing to moderate it. I am aware that there's a potential for bias and conflict as I'm one of the two main players in the war. However, I am extremely loath to metagame or mix OOC with IC- in fact, I have had some experience with mod'ing and war-gaming from E20 (which was banned from NS for silly reasons I won't get into). Plus I always strive to keep OOC + IC stuff from influencing each other in terms of gameplay and RP'ing with the exception of RL issues (absence, illness, etc.).

One more thing. I need to know how active or often the other Earth V'ers are going to be if I'm going to try to RP more. What I mean by that is if I start RP'ing with good and detailed RP posts that I'll invest my time into (instead of the silly n00bish 1 liners or 1 paragraph'ers posts), I don't want to end up wasting my time and effort if nobody else really cares or tries to be active.

Persecution and Hatred
22-07-2007, 03:02
Wouldnt mind if someone joined my R.P.

OMG its a freakin international incident that will probably lead to war with moi:p
The Great Sixth Reich
22-07-2007, 04:13
If anyone is wondering about Vineyard, he informed around a week ago that he will be active after the end of July.
22-07-2007, 06:54
Wouldnt mind if someone joined my R.P.

OMG its a freakin international incident that will probably lead to war with moi:p

Which RP? I'd be more than happy to take a look and see if Sharina can get involved somehow despite its isolationist policy (besides the whole brohaha with the RUN / UE).
The Great Sixth Reich
22-07-2007, 08:14
Which RP? I'd be more than happy to take a look and see if Sharina can get involved somehow despite its isolationist policy (besides the whole brohaha with the RUN / UE).
22-07-2007, 21:58
If anyone is wondering about Vineyard, he informed around a week ago that he will be active after the end of July.
Sounds good.
I've tried a couple of other earths, but they all died due to OOC-bickering or inactivity (AWOP, EFJ and SYAE). Now I decided to restrict my RP to general NS and Earth-V, it's not worth the effort to make a huge factbook, and then the earth dies...

Let's try to get EV going again. I'll try to come up with something in a couple of days.
Alif Laam Miim
25-07-2007, 17:51
What exactly are we doing with the war? I mean, I've got a calculator (and it's working to my expectations) - so what are we doing precisely? Nothing's going on. No one's making moves to attack, no one's debating diplomacy, no one's even done anything since Great Romeo issued its communication in April.
The Great Sixth Reich
25-07-2007, 19:57
What exactly are we doing with the war? I mean, I've got a calculator (and it's working to my expectations) - so what are we doing precisely? Nothing's going on. No one's making moves to attack, no one's debating diplomacy, no one's even done anything since Great Romeo issued its communication in April.
I think that UE was waiting for the calculator and perhaps the cost damage recalculation.

Now that we have a calculator, there's no reason for it to stall anymore except for lack of activity.
United Earthlings
27-07-2007, 18:57
I think that UE was waiting for the calculator and perhaps the cost damage recalculation.

Now that we have a calculator, there's no reason for it to stall anymore except for lack of activity.

Actually, I'm waiting because I'm stuck where I am at. I have made all the moves I can at the present time and as it's both Sharina's and Vineyard's move (turn) I can do nothing, but wait. Due to both Sharina and Vineyard not being here, this has resulted in a lack of activity. Which is out of my control.

As to the cost damage recalculation, as I told ALM- I'm ignoring that because determining a realistic damage assessment is impossible. Wars are expensive and this war is going to cost me, Sharina and if Vineyard is still in it a lot of money. Knowing that is enough for me, I don't need a calculation for every dollar amount spent. I'll figure that out after the war is over and won or lost.

That's it for now.
The Great Sixth Reich
10-08-2007, 01:12
What happened to
United Earthlings
11-08-2007, 03:45
What happened to

As I seem to be the only one active on a regular basis and furthermore am probably the only one that has any idea what is happening with the site, I guess I have the honor of answering your question.

Summary: Kopps, thanks to my prodding is moving the site to, however as you can clearly see he hasn't finish yet. You should of saw it two weeks ago, it looked even worse. That said it's still not working so that's a good sign. I think.:confused:

See here for more information-main post and the thread (

Glad, I could help... and Have a nice day/night. :)
The Great Sixth Reich
18-08-2007, 06:03
I should note that Vineyard is expected to post soon in the War thread; I'm just wondering what's taking him so long.
Alif Laam Miim
18-08-2007, 18:20
Just to say that moving season is still in order, and I will be available to make a few posts in the coming days... BUt not right now [first you pack, then you unpack]. So I will check out what's going on. Hopefully, I'll be able to post more often come next week, and definitely when the next semester starts.

Also... we NEED to post something about the war, or else this war is going to end up being a one-way street [to Hades]. I realize that I didn't post a link to the calculator, but I also realize that nothing has been done since I last came here.

Also, I'm considering making a website that will have the calculator on a page for all to use for quick battle summaries - to be used by an impartial person not involved in the war [hard to find these days, I suppose]. It would be great if I could talk to Kopparbergs about making it work, but it seems that the Dog days have taken their toll.



I will be doing a routine participation check for all participants starting September 1st. I realize that people are busy with summer [ironic, ain't it?], and some people have forum problems. I need people to sign up and make a post concerning their activity and their intentions with Earth V definitively by September 1st. Otherwise, I'm going to talk to TG6R and Sharina about what to do about the dwindling number of people actively posting for Earth V, especially of those participating in the war. Once I become more active, I will plan to force a move on this war, or else, I will find impartial, war-related ways to end this [this will hurt the people not spurring the conflict forward]. I really don't want to do it, partially because some of my absence has contributed to the stalls, but I find little reason why everyone [literally everyone] else should decide to stall waiting for someone else to make a move [it's not like chess, where the moves are done turn-based]. Real wars don't stall when the enemy doesn't send a reply [if you're America in WWII, you send nukes; not to encourage the use of nuclear weapons to end the war period, but just a suggestion]. So hopefully, by Monday, I will be able to participate actively once again. And again, apologies for the delays. And another again, please make your post by September 1st, even if you're already active!!!
The101st Airborne
18-08-2007, 20:06
I would like to join earth v
18-08-2007, 23:12
I just put a post into my assassination operation on the whereabouts of the sniper and spotter to show my activity is still with this.
19-08-2007, 05:20


"I wonder what's taking him so long?" -TGSR

Well, let me give you all a rundown of my life for the past few days.

6:00 AM, Wake up.

7:00 AM, Clock in at work.

12:00 PM, Eat.

3:30 PM, Clock out at work.

4:15 PM, Pick up little sister from work.

4:30 PM, Veg-out / Hang-out

6:00 PM, Eat.

7:00 PM, Do chores.

7:30 PM, Play WoW / hang-out

9:00 PM, Pass-out.

Every day. Until Now. I quit my job on Friday, now I find myself with ample time, a clear mind, and (Finally) plenty of energy.

Oh, and before you ask, I have been working on the Grounds/Moving crew at Union College to build up Kudos points with the Faculty there. Hard, physical labor. Suffice to say, I have an incredible tan.

Ok, and before you all lynch me in effigy, allow me to explain myself. I pay for WoW on a monthly basis. I felt compelled to play WoW with friends of mine, and/or (As many friends of mine IRL play WoW) hang-out with friends, maintaining the last vestiges of my social life.

Anyhoo, sorry for the (Major) delay. If someone would be so kind to point me in the right direction/give me a breifing on what happened while I was gone...
Alif Laam Miim
20-08-2007, 15:46
The right direction leads you right to where we left off about three hundred years ago [now I've figured out why the Hundred Years' War lasted so long! The English were waiting for the French to reply, and every once in a while, the French would answer in an astounding defeat/victory - more so the former than the latter].

To The101st Airborne: You're in the right thread to post a claim, but you need to take a look at the map and see what territories have not been taken. With the recent loss in interest by many of the former members, there will probably be a lot of room. So here's a link to the map thread - do not post your claim there, post it here. And TG6R and Sharina will get you going on to a better place in a hopefully better time [i.e. after this damned war is over].
Vanek Drury Brieres
20-08-2007, 17:26
I would like to have Israel, Gaza Strip, Jordan, West Bank, and Lebanon, as a new member. Also, who has Iraq?
The Great Sixth Reich
21-08-2007, 01:32
I would like to have Israel, Gaza Strip, Jordan, West Bank, and Lebanon, as a new member. Also, who has Iraq?
I believe that Kopparbergs and Vineyard (Iraq) have those territories.

(I should also note that the activity check may clear up more land than what is currently available.)
21-08-2007, 01:35
I don't want to sound like an ass, but I feel 101st Airborne shouldn't be allowed in. After looking at his flood of useless and meaningless threads on mainstream NS, he shows a minimal amount of RPing ability and would kind of waste territory. That's just my opinion, the EV Mods can look into it if they want and make their own decision.
The Great Sixth Reich
21-08-2007, 03:49
I would like to join earth v
Your application to join Earth V is not successful. You need to demonstrate significant improvement in your RP abilities (especially in regards to adhering to standard NS RP policies) if you ever decide to reapply.
United Earthlings
21-08-2007, 11:21
I will be doing a routine participation check for all participants starting September 1st. I realize that people are busy with summer [ironic, ain't it?], and some people have forum problems. I need people to sign up and make a post concerning their activity and their intentions with Earth V definitively by September 1st. Otherwise, I'm going to talk to TG6R and Sharina about what to do about the dwindling number of people actively posting for Earth V, especially of those participating in the war. Once I become more active, I will plan to force a move on this war, or else, I will find impartial, war-related ways to end this [this will hurt the people not spurring the conflict forward]. I really don't want to do it, partially because some of my absence has contributed to the stalls, but I find little reason why everyone [literally everyone] else should decide to stall waiting for someone else to make a move [it's not like chess, where the moves are done turn-based]. Real wars don't stall when the enemy doesn't send a reply [if you're America in WWII, you send nukes; not to encourage the use of nuclear weapons to end the war period, but just a suggestion]. So hopefully, by Monday, I will be able to participate actively once again. And again, apologies for the delays. And another again, please make your post by September 1st, even if you're already active!!!

I'm active, it's just that I don't have that much to do which leads to my inactivity if that makes any sense. Anyway, at the moment I'm slowly, but shirley finishing up my roleplay for Bangladesh and working with MC on his Korean War. After, those two roleplays are done, I'm going to let me nation sit on autopilot for a few weeks as I take a break to pursue other things. I'll be active, I just probably won't make any replies that involves my nation(s).
NS is not the real world, hence us having to use the I go, You go turn based system. In real wars, the war is real life and hence the war consumes people's time and not the other activities they might pursue or do. That said, history is full of examples of wars stalling when both sides make no reply (attack), yet are still officially at war as no treaty ending the war has been signed. Wars conducted before the Industrial Revolution are prime examples of this, with both sides retiring during the winter months to regroup and reorganize being a theme played out again and again. More modern examples are the Phoney War ( and the Cold War.


Anyhoo, sorry for the (Major) delay. If someone would be so kind to point me in the right direction/give me a breifing on what happened while I was gone...

That's easy, nothing happen. Welcome back, in any case.
21-08-2007, 15:26
I'm still here, surprisingly. Just bored with Earth V so no replies to anything that doesn't actively involve me.
Vanek Drury Brieres
21-08-2007, 16:45
What nations can I claim, as it looks the maps are inaccurate?
The Great Sixth Reich
21-08-2007, 18:59
What nations can I claim, as it looks the maps are inaccurate?
The maps should be accurate; it's the claims list on the front page that is inaccurate.

Take a look at Asia and South America, for examples of available land.
Vanek Drury Brieres
22-08-2007, 13:47
Oh. So, Gray is not claimed?
Vanek Drury Brieres
22-08-2007, 13:57
Then, I'll probably take Brazil.
The Great Sixth Reich
22-08-2007, 21:23
Then, I'll probably take Brazil.
That would be acceptable.
Vanek Drury Brieres
22-08-2007, 21:30
OK, factbook up tomorrow. Can't today.
Vanek Drury Brieres
23-08-2007, 14:32
Factbook (

So, where do I post my military stuff? And are Factbooks used for diplomacy and the like?
23-08-2007, 15:03
The ORBAT page is linked on the first post.
23-08-2007, 17:13
I will be doing a routine participation check for all participants starting September 1st. I realize that people are busy with summer [ironic, ain't it?], and some people have forum problems. I need people to sign up and make a post concerning their activity and their intentions with Earth V definitively by September 1st. Otherwise, I'm going to talk to TG6R and Sharina about what to do about the dwindling number of people actively posting for Earth V, especially of those participating in the war. Once I become more active, I will plan to force a move on this war, or else, I will find impartial, war-related ways to end this [this will hurt the people not spurring the conflict forward]. I really don't want to do it, partially because some of my absence has contributed to the stalls, but I find little reason why everyone [literally everyone] else should decide to stall waiting for someone else to make a move [it's not like chess, where the moves are done turn-based]. Real wars don't stall when the enemy doesn't send a reply [if you're America in WWII, you send nukes; not to encourage the use of nuclear weapons to end the war period, but just a suggestion]. So hopefully, by Monday, I will be able to participate actively once again. And again, apologies for the delays. And another again, please make your post by September 1st, even if you're already active!!!

Still active,but with no army to talk about my actions will be quite limited until I wrest control over a nation with a bigger population.
Vanek Drury Brieres
23-08-2007, 17:15
I will be doing a routine participation check for all participants starting September 1st. I realize that people are busy with summer [ironic, ain't it?], and some people have forum problems. I need people to sign up and make a post concerning their activity and their intentions with Earth V definitively by September 1st. Otherwise, I'm going to talk to TG6R and Sharina about what to do about the dwindling number of people actively posting for Earth V, especially of those participating in the war. Once I become more active, I will plan to force a move on this war, or else, I will find impartial, war-related ways to end this [this will hurt the people not spurring the conflict forward]. I really don't want to do it, partially because some of my absence has contributed to the stalls, but I find little reason why everyone [literally everyone] else should decide to stall waiting for someone else to make a move [it's not like chess, where the moves are done turn-based]. Real wars don't stall when the enemy doesn't send a reply [if you're America in WWII, you send nukes; not to encourage the use of nuclear weapons to end the war period, but just a suggestion]. So hopefully, by Monday, I will be able to participate actively once again. And again, apologies for the delays. And another again, please make your post by September 1st, even if you're already active!!!

I'm here (slightly obvious). I just want to expand and learn more about Earth V and "this war"
United Earthlings
24-08-2007, 14:30
Then, I'll probably take Brazil.

That would be acceptable.

I've entered Vanek into my records.


I'm here (slightly obvious). I just want to expand and learn more about Earth V and "this war"

They may be a little premature, because if I don't get a reply from Vineyard or Sharina concerning the war and their moves by Monday I'm officially going to end the war on my own accord. After, a few days of thinking about it I have already determined how I'm going to carry that out without causing conflict of interests.

However, if after reading that you still want to learn about the war I would suggest you consult the official war thread and OCC thread.

Click on the following links-IC Thread ( and OCC Thread (

Edit: I almost forgot, Welcome to Earth V.
Vanek Drury Brieres
24-08-2007, 15:27
Thank you United Earthlings. What records are you talking about?
United Earthlings
24-08-2007, 15:48
Thank you United Earthlings. What records are you talking about?

See the link "The Nations of Earth V" in my signature. The information in that thread explains it all.
Vanek Drury Brieres
24-08-2007, 15:56
OK, thanks.
Saint Lazare
03-09-2007, 17:49
Well, if you know my puppet Saint Lazare, you may already know the circumstances around my activity in coming school year.

As everyone in the Western World understands [or at least in America...], schools are starting, and of all the schools in the world, I go to one where classes are held on Labor Day. In the grand scheme of things, I've reviewed my schedule, and where I thought I had time, I've finally concluded that I'm going to be under as much pressure to do real life activities, school work, and work itself. That said, I'm considering withdrawing from NS [I'll still maintain my country for the one lovely chance that I can someday return]. It's still under tests, but!!! I've increasingly found little reason to continue RPing on Earth V, even as I've made numerous contributions to the community. I've been hoping that the war would continue and end someday, but at the rate that the participants are going, I feel that it will never end, and the only purpose for my participation is to make sure that it goes on.

That said, I'm testing the waters for one week - if I can continue on NS, then so be it. But if I can't, I assure you that this is one of the first things to go on my list. I'm hoping that some activity will cajole me to reconsider, but I hope that people will understand that I've got other issues to attend, and that waiting for a war does not rank very high on it.

That said, if I do choose to continue, then hopefully, we can bring some quick resolution to the war. Otherwise, my exit won't be the only one. In fact, it's probably a fair estimate that the majority of the participants are already on some other world, so I hope that we can do something about the war just because this world is under threat of dying itself. If I can't continue on Earth V, I do hope that the world does have some considerable success in the future. If anyone needs any information for Earth V - the maps, the country list, I can give it to you. I will still be around on TGs, so feel free to ask me anything. In the meantime, I'll be hoping that both real life and Earth V make a turn for the better.
The Great Sixth Reich
08-09-2007, 00:12
Well, if you know my puppet Saint Lazare, you may already know the circumstances around my activity in coming school year.

As everyone in the Western World understands [or at least in America...], schools are starting, and of all the schools in the world, I go to one where classes are held on Labor Day. In the grand scheme of things, I've reviewed my schedule, and where I thought I had time, I've finally concluded that I'm going to be under as much pressure to do real life activities, school work, and work itself. That said, I'm considering withdrawing from NS [I'll still maintain my country for the one lovely chance that I can someday return]. It's still under tests, but!!! I've increasingly found little reason to continue RPing on Earth V, even as I've made numerous contributions to the community. I've been hoping that the war would continue and end someday, but at the rate that the participants are going, I feel that it will never end, and the only purpose for my participation is to make sure that it goes on.

That said, I'm testing the waters for one week - if I can continue on NS, then so be it. But if I can't, I assure you that this is one of the first things to go on my list. I'm hoping that some activity will cajole me to reconsider, but I hope that people will understand that I've got other issues to attend, and that waiting for a war does not rank very high on it.

That said, if I do choose to continue, then hopefully, we can bring some quick resolution to the war. Otherwise, my exit won't be the only one. In fact, it's probably a fair estimate that the majority of the participants are already on some other world, so I hope that we can do something about the war just because this world is under threat of dying itself. If I can't continue on Earth V, I do hope that the world does have some considerable success in the future. If anyone needs any information for Earth V - the maps, the country list, I can give it to you. I will still be around on TGs, so feel free to ask me anything. In the meantime, I'll be hoping that both real life and Earth V make a turn for the better.
Since there are several Earth V members in [the North American system of] school, just checking for any relevant new posts during the school week and posting occasionally on weekends is perfectly acceptable activity during this busy time.

The war is almost over; I believe that Vineyard is just waiting for UE's conclusion.
United Earthlings
10-09-2007, 01:07
The war is almost over; I believe that Vineyard is just waiting for UE's conclusion.

Which, is about done. I've only got one more part to type up and then all that needs to be done is some proofreading and editing.
10-09-2007, 22:58
I'm still around, but not as much anymore (online, I mean). That has to do with starting back at college full time, plus a 2 hour morning and 2 hour afternoon train commute on a daily basis.

I'm still willing to RP in Earth V, but you do realize the Americas War has hung over Earth V like a wet blanket for almost a full RL year. We need to wrap this war up quickly, even if it means crazy or rushed losses... or forget this war.

We do need to revitalize the Earth V RP'ing, otherwise it'll continue to stangate until it really does die.
The Great Sixth Reich
21-09-2007, 20:33
Which, is about done. I've only got one more part to type up and then all that needs to be done is some proofreading and editing.
What's the status on the post? It's been 12 days since your last post, so I'm becoming a bit concerned since everyone is waiting for the end of the war.
United Earthlings
21-09-2007, 22:04
What's the status on the post? It's been 12 days since your last post, so I'm becoming a bit concerned since everyone is waiting for the end of the war.

I have finished proofreading it and editing it, all I have to do left is add the finishing touch and then I'll post it. Depending on how long it takes to add the finishing touch and how busy I am this weekend, I should have it posted by this upcoming Monday or Tuesday.
The Great Sixth Reich
30-09-2007, 03:43
The war is over. :)
30-09-2007, 20:12
The war is over. :)

The Great Sixth Reich
30-09-2007, 21:03
I should note that the upcoming weeks are tough times for me (and most likely Vineyard and GR) to post. Although Earth V may slow down due to the lack of (major) activity from these key players, that does not mean that others should just sit around and wait. Now that the war is over, it is the perfect time to start more RPs on Earth V!
Military Command
30-09-2007, 21:46
I know that the Korean Conflict is still going on just waiting for UE to post a reply about a few operations in play right now.
United Earthlings
01-10-2007, 21:39
I know that the Korean Conflict is still going on just waiting for UE to post a reply about a few operations in play right now.

I'm working on that post as we speak, you gave me a lot to reply to (not necessary a bad thing) so it might take me awhile [a week or two] to get a good reply up depending on how much time each day I have to devote to it. I'll send you a TG when I'm close to being done.
Alif Laam Miim
04-10-2007, 23:02
not entirely satisfied with the end... it sounds like my presentation that I just gave today: gets the point across, but in mushy details.

Anyway, if the major participants can tentatively agree to that conclusion, I suppose that that's all that matters. May I suggest for future reference that wars like this should be discussed thoroughly between all parties and a decisive winner chosen in advance by some other - more rapid - selection (like an online game of chess) and the subsequent RPs made to make a logical and entertaining exchange. Because this was utterly painful. If anyone wants an example about how we can make an example of this, I will be glad to demonstrate what I mean in private.

I think Azaha mentioned this and after seeing the mushiness of this war's conclusion, I am leaning to agree with him - the RPs tend to get more protracted when more is at stake. If the lot is already decided, then people tend to go with the flow (and any bitter ooc contest will hopefully disappear - thankfully, anything like this was kept to a minimum).


I'm officially on cool mode at school, and I'll probably be posting more frequently, but I can't guarantee that. We'll see.
04-10-2007, 23:05
I guess I'm still here, haven't had any real reason to post though.
Alif Laam Miim
04-10-2007, 23:06
If I stick around, I'd like to verify the status of the people in Earth V, to determine if the map is accurate.
United Earthlings
05-10-2007, 15:41
not entirely satisfied with the end... it sounds like my presentation that I just gave today: gets the point across, but in mushy details.

Mushy?-Are you sure that's the right word to use because it's meaning really doesn't seem to apply to what your trying to convey.

Mushy- adj; overly emotional or sentimental-Put another way, "gets the point across, but in (emotional or sentimental) details". Might, just be me, but that sentence makes hardly any sense.

With that said, be thankful it makes any sense at all as writing is not one of my strong points. You also have to take into account that it's had no feedback whatsoever at this point and is limited to my point of view (POV). Once, Sharina and Vineyard have their say I'm sure it will begin to make more sense as it's refined. If, you wish to add anything feel free to do so and I will edit it in if possible.

Anyway, if the major participants can tentatively agree to that conclusion, I suppose that that's all that matters. May I suggest for future reference that wars like this should be discussed thoroughly between all parties and a decisive winner chosen in advance by some other - more rapid - selection (like an online game of chess) and the subsequent RPs made to make a logical and entertaining exchange. Because this was utterly painful. If anyone wants an example about how we can make an example of this, I will be glad to demonstrate what I mean in private.

I agree on the first part, more discussion should have occurred before the war started. However, I disagree on the second part-while I'm not totally adverse to the idea of a already decided outcome- in my opinion an outcome decided in advance defeats the purpose in having a Roleplay. Besides, some conflict can be good and it just took us awhile, but we were working out the major bugs.

Off topic- I know of a place where you can play online games of chess, checkers, battleship so on if that's the route anyone decides to go. That said, I really haven't meet many people who can beat me at Chess and Checkers (I had some good teachers). So, I don't know how really fare that would be.

If I stick around, I'd like to verify the status of the people in Earth V, to determine if the map is accurate.

Well, from my limited checking the majority of the players are as per usual non-active. If, you wish to do it yourself just click on their name and it shows when they were last active in any thread in Nationstates. Some haven't posted anything in months.

Edit Update: Just to let everyone know, Azaha's nation has been deleted.
Vanek Drury Brieres
05-10-2007, 21:58
Waiting for something to happen. I am kinda busy, however.
05-10-2007, 22:14
I'm kind of stumped...I have no idea what to do now. Anyone have any ideas?
United Earthlings
05-10-2007, 23:21
I'm kind of stumped...I have no idea what to do now. Anyone have any ideas?

I have a few, but they don’t really included you guys. Both of your nation(s) are to put in mildly in the middle of nowhere.

Edit: Just checked, I share a land border or two with Brazil so that does include you VDB.
Atlantic Emirates
06-10-2007, 01:05
ill have brazil
06-10-2007, 01:16
I have a few, but they don’t really included you guys. Both of your nation(s) are to put in mildly in the middle of nowhere.

Edit: Just checked, I share a land border or two with Brazil so that does include you VDB.

Aw, damn. Sometimes I hate being in Sub-Saharan one's around here.
The Great Sixth Reich
07-10-2007, 15:50
I'm kind of stumped...I have no idea what to do now. Anyone have any ideas?
International terrorism? That tends to lead to things that leave to things and soon causes a war or conflict of some sort.
United Earthlings
08-10-2007, 20:55
ill have brazil

Sorry to tell you this, but it's already taken. If you liked a South America country or two at the moment; Chile, Peru, Bolivia and Suriname are open for claim. Furthermore, any help you need I'll be glad to supply. Food, military equipment, resources, so on... to get you started.

Aw, damn. Sometimes I hate being in Sub-Saharan one's around here.

Uh, that's not what my last experience operating on the Africa continent said.

One invades two little African nations and one get's their ass declared war on them by three nations at the same time. :headbang:-No ones around my ass- learned a nice lessen that day. [See Sarcasm]Screw Africa-those people are nuts! :rolleyes:

Here's a few ideas I've thought up for RPs you could do- 1. Invaded one of your neighbors that are NPC, that's always fun. Senegal and Guinea look nice and yummy. :D

2. MC has an RP going on to claim, Guinea and Sierra Leone. This ones risky, but would turn out to be a good RP if done right. Don't just sit there, he's annexing nations right in your backyard-subvert his control, support a rebellion to cause him headaches and try to claim the nations for yourself. The possibilities are almost endless.
The Great Sixth Reich
09-10-2007, 18:51
ill have brazil
Considering that all seven of your posts on NS are requests for land, you'll need to prove yourself more on NS before receiving land (at least here on Earth V).
Alif Laam Miim
09-10-2007, 20:49
Well, we still have the assassins in Djibouti story going on, a story delayed by my absence and the war; TG6R actually has sent agents to chase your guys.

If you need more international action, start up something on your own, and we'll figure it out.

As for Azaha, I'll note the change soon.

Once I get the time, I will need someone to RP something with me, and I'll looking for volunteers.
Alif Laam Miim
09-10-2007, 20:58
Mushy?-Are you sure that's the right word to use because it's meaning really doesn't seem to apply to what your trying to convey.

Mushy- adj; overly emotional or sentimental-Put another way, "gets the point across, but in (emotional or sentimental) details". Might, just be me, but that sentence makes hardly any sense.

With that said, be thankful it makes any sense at all as writing is not one of my strong points. You also have to take into account that it's had no feedback whatsoever at this point and is limited to my point of view (POV). Once, Sharina and Vineyard have their say I'm sure it will begin to make more sense as it's refined. If, you wish to add anything feel free to do so and I will edit it in if possible.

haha. The next thing we need is a thesaurus.

Anyway, the point of "mushy" was that it was mushed around .

Main Entry: mush
Function: [I]intransitive verb
Etymology: probably from French marchons, 1st plural imperative of marcher to move, march, from Middle French marchier -- more at MARCH
: to travel especially over snow with a sled drawn by dogs -- often used as a command to a dog team
- mush·er noun

Yes, it's inventing new words, but that's the glory about languages - it works if you understand it.

I agree on the first part, more discussion should have occurred before the war started. However, I disagree on the second part-while I'm not totally adverse to the idea of a already decided outcome- in my opinion an outcome decided in advance defeats the purpose in having a Roleplay. Besides, some conflict can be good and it just took us awhile, but we were working out the major bugs.

Off topic- I know of a place where you can play online games of chess, checkers, battleship so on if that's the route anyone decides to go. That said, I really haven't meet many people who can beat me at Chess and Checkers (I had some good teachers). So, I don't know how really fare that would be.

I know for certain that every single of my PvP conflicts will be resolved in advance by some other method than mutual agreement in RPs, because I find it much easier to RP towards a certain objective than it is to RP for a certain objective [the difference being in the prepositions used]. I'm pretty good at both, and while I doubt that I'll win every time, I find it much fairer and much more interactive than unilaterally making decisions at a whim about certain tactics to which few people will readily agree on first glance. But if you can find a better way that more people like that helps reduce the IC [and OOC in some way] tensions about the conduct of wars on EV, please offer them up.
09-10-2007, 21:07
United Earthlings
11-10-2007, 03:44
haha. The next thing we need is a thesaurus.

Anyway, the point of "mushy" was that it was mushed around [i.e. the dog-sleds].

Yes, it's inventing new words, but that's the glory about languages - it works if you understand it.

In all seriousness, from the looks of it yes we do need a thesaurus.

I understand it, but that doesn't mean I have to like it. In fact, I find it quite annoying some times with all these new words. I prefer to keep it simple whenever possible and see no purpose most of the time with 5 or 6 words meaning the same thing. Why not just say the original word, as 9 times out of 10 that's what works best when your quickly and easily trying to convey your thoughts. There is something to be said about simplicity.

That's why I like sign language the best-it filters out all the riff-raff and all that matters is on how to say what you mean the quickest. It's all about the Action-Action-Action. No, ands-thes and all those other filler words. Much less of a headache.

Anyway, I'm making an assumption here so correct me if I'm wrong, but from what I can gather you using the word mushy to replace rushed.

As for Azaha, I'll note the change soon.

Once I get the time, I will need someone to RP something with me, and I'll looking for volunteers.

I would volunteer, but I'm busy as we speak and I still want my break before I start any new roleplays. Once I finish that Korean roleplay with MC and mine for Bangladesh-I'm taking a break from starting any major roleplays for about a month or so.

While, your noting the change-a long time ago DP had claimed Brazil. You don't have it listed under his name, but I did add it in to My Nations of Earth V thread.
11-10-2007, 03:53
All of those suggestions sound good, but the one that caught me was the latter of UE's. I still need to finish the assassin one, since I have had towo snipers living as bums in Djibouti for the last eight months, but the African one sounded good.

Before I do anything on it, I need to know two things.

1. Am I in EATO? I remember it was in the works and waiting for Azaha's vote, but that got messed up when he got deleted.

2. If I am in EATO, is MC? I'm not too sure if the oether EATO members would take it well if the new guy on the block was starting shit with senior members of the alliance.
Military Command
11-10-2007, 05:31
All of those suggestions sound good, but the one that caught me was the latter of UE's. I still need to finish the assassin one, since I have had towo snipers living as bums in Djibouti for the last eight months, but the African one sounded good.

Before I do anything on it, I need to know two things.

1. Am I in EATO? I remember it was in the works and waiting for Azaha's vote, but that got messed up when he got deleted.

2. If I am in EATO, is MC? I'm not too sure if the oether EATO members would take it well if the new guy on the block was starting shit with senior members of the alliance.

Hello Candistan as far as I knew that you are a member of EATO. Yes I am one of the founding members of EATO. I have been in EATO for a better part of a year and I have been in EV for about year or longer too. So, I am not a new guy on the block unless you are talking about someone else?
United Earthlings
12-10-2007, 11:07
MC, you are correct about Candistan being in the alliance. I just never got around to adding him or anyone else new for that matter.

However, that really still doesn't change my opinion about what we discussed early about ending the alliance or at least me leaving it and signing alliances on individual basis tailored to each nation (member).

As to the new guy on the block, MC Candistan was referring to him[her]self. Remember, Candistan is joining the alliance vs me and you being the founding members. He's the new guy-hence the new guy on the block comment.

As for my position, I really don't have a problem with you starting shit with senior members. Hell, you tried to kill my king and took out what a helicopter, three police officers and lord knows how many civilians.

As a said, the roleplay could be risky, but if done right a good one. As ALM said, you two could decide the outcome in advance.
12-10-2007, 21:08
Hmmm, it seems my rp for Turkey is still unfinished, after nearly 9 Months. I can't really finish it without ALM's assistance as he is the JIHADI Player. And Unless he objects, I am going to start rping like Turkey is fully under UCR control.
Alif Laam Miim
17-10-2007, 21:12
Hmmm, it seems my rp for Turkey is still unfinished, after nearly 9 Months. I can't really finish it without ALM's assistance as he is the JIHADI Player. And Unless he objects, I am going to start rping like Turkey is fully under UCR control.

That's funny because I was waiting for you... unless things have changed. If so, I'll make things head towards a speedy finish, because I've probably forgotten what I was going to do anyway.

As for this note regarding attendance, I think TG6R said it best - even though my personal morals don't quite agree with me entirely.

Yeah, since the RSA no longer exists, by mutual agreement of its primary members, I believe that FOAM and EATO are the only legitimate alliances still in existence. That leaves some interesting plot development, if the parties mutually agree that the status quo resulted in that last war [which in all essence, it probably should].
The Great Sixth Reich
17-10-2007, 22:57
That's funny because I was waiting for you... unless things have changed. If so, I'll make things head towards a speedy finish, because I've probably forgotten what I was going to do anyway.

As for this note regarding attendance, I think TG6R said it best - even though my personal morals don't quite agree with me entirely.

Yeah, since the RSA no longer exists, by mutual agreement of its primary members, I believe that FOAM and EATO are the only legitimate alliances still in existence. That leaves some interesting plot development, if the parties mutually agree that the status quo resulted in that last war [which in all essence, it probably should].
BS still exists as well.

As for the spy RP, I'll post something this weekend.
Alif Laam Miim
24-10-2007, 21:41

Anyway, soon, I will start a new conquest, and if anyone wishes to oppose me, please feel free (in fact, I would encourage it, to avoid me wanking my own thread).
24-10-2007, 22:05
Hey guys...

I'm still here... I just graduated USMC bootcamp on the 19th, here home for a couple days. But here on the 29th I am heading to Marine Combat training... so I'll be gone for another 20 days, for straight field operations/training. THEN after that I go to my main MOS school, where I may have net access...

So, if I got kicked from here... I'll be back in about a month.
United Earthlings
26-10-2007, 17:39
Sadly, I got some bad news.

Kopparbergs nation has been deleted.
Alif Laam Miim
01-11-2007, 02:49
Yeah - Kopparbergs has been deleted. Hopefully, we can spur on some activity.
Alif Laam Miim
15-11-2007, 00:40
15-11-2007, 04:06
Yeah - Kopparbergs has been deleted. Hopefully, we can spur on some activity.

Would the grounds be right for my troops to "secure the borders?" He is after all my neighbor with the longest land border, and I think a possible siezing of some land to restore order would be a plausable course of action.
Alif Laam Miim
24-11-2007, 05:49
Would the grounds be right for my troops to "secure the borders?" He is after all my neighbor with the longest land border, and I think a possible siezing of some land to restore order would be a plausable course of action.

To sum up this:

Tread softly.
The Great Sixth Reich
24-11-2007, 18:26
Just about one more month until everyone can expect full activity from Vineyard, me, and GR. At that point (January 2nd), I'll do an activity check.
26-11-2007, 03:22
I would like to claim Sierra Leone, Guinea and Guneia Bissau.
27-11-2007, 01:15
I just wanted to post it up in herea as well, but I need someone to RP as the defenders in Niger and Southwest Algeria in my Operation: Mansa Musa thread. (It's located in the Relevant IC/OOC threads thread.)
The Great Sixth Reich
27-11-2007, 01:23
I would like to claim Sierra Leone, Guinea and Guneia Bissau.

Welcome to Earth V!

Here's the welcome post for a previous new player; much of the same information applies. (


Stupid question, but so many new players have come and gone I can't remember them all. Who, the [bleep] was WANDERJAR and what were his territories? :headbang: Has, Earth V always been this busy because it's either [Enter Sarcasm]good or annoying[End Sarcasm]. I can't decided which. I've gonna have to create me a thread of who claimed what when and what happen to them if this rate of joining and dropping out keeps out. That makes what now, 12-13? Soon, little of the players that were around when I joined will be gone. That number grows smaller every day, I can now count them on my fingers.

End of boring Rant.


Moved from IC thread-

[Enter Sarcasm]I don't know if that's a good thing or bad.[End Sarcasm] Still, it's good to have a peaceful neighbor watching your back. Since, I've never officially done this yet as I haven't gotten a chance to do it with your weird on off schedule.

Can we exchange Embassies, please? I've been trying to do that for ages. I know this is OCC, but better then nothing. Also, I want to trade. I've got lots of cheese and water to exchange. :D

Now, back to the RP. :D
Expect a response to this sometime soon, UE.
Military Command
27-11-2007, 02:12
Here are some links that I have that were in the Earth V IC but I put them in there own threads.

Expenanding of the United Citizens' Federation

United Citizens' Federation French and Japanese Imperial Guards

So, here they are.
27-11-2007, 02:42
Here are some links that I have that were in the Earth V IC but I put them in there own threads.

Expenanding of the United Citizens' Federation

United Citizens' Federation French and Japanese Imperial Guards

So, here they are.

Guinea and Sierra Leone have been claimed by Kansiov. Also, is it really that fair to say that these nations just want to give up their sovereignty and become colonies again after fighting so hard in the 60's and 70's to gain their independence?
Military Command
27-11-2007, 03:01
Guinea and Sierra Leone have been claimed by Kansiov. Also, is it really that fair to say that these nations just want to give up their sovereignty and become colonies again after fighting so hard in the 60's and 70's to gain their independence?

If you look at the everything there leaders were provided with a great deal from both the United Kingdom and France. I have also stated that they would be willing to be a self governing and also have reps in both Governing bodies of France and the UK. I have had the claims for sometime just now one has said anything or updated the map. So, if I am told by GR or ALM then I would be willing to give them up.
The Great Sixth Reich
28-11-2007, 23:25
If you look at the everything there leaders were provided with a great deal from both the United Kingdom and France. I have also stated that they would be willing to be a self governing and also have reps in both Governing bodies of France and the UK. I have had the claims for sometime just now one has said anything or updated the map. So, if I am told by GR or ALM then I would be willing to give them up.
Kansiov has control over its claimed territory, as Kansiov appeared on Earth V a day before your post (if it had been the other way around, this decision might have been different). Your RP was quite good, but unfortunately, the parts of it dealing with Kansiov's territory cannot happen.
United Earthlings
29-11-2007, 02:37
Just about one more month until everyone can expect full activity from Vineyard, me, and GR. At that point (January 2nd), I'll do an activity check.

That's good to hear. However, you might want to keep an eye out for Sharina. His/her? nation hasn't seen any activity in 40 days and at the conclusion of 60 days it will be deleted. That's not good.


Expect a response to this sometime soon, UE.

:confused:I'm assuming your referring to the part in that post about exchanging embassies, because that's a pretty good sized post. Not to mention that post is quite old [over six months] and I can't even remember when I made that post. Though I can tell it was before I created the Nations of Earth V thread, which was around 6-8 months ago.

Funny thing is, my records for my Earth V factbook shows I already have an embassy(embassies) with you and yet, I can't recall when I did that.:headbang:

I probably just got tired of waiting for you to responded, that I finally said the heck with it and just added you in. :D

So, yes I would love to finally be able to officially establish an embassy or in my case embassies with your fine nation. Not to mention, reopen up some trade links and I have a few business proposes for your civilian and defense industries.
29-11-2007, 03:00
Ha. I looked at my embassy page a few minutes ago, and it looks like it's still in pre-Burkina Faso information. I really need to update that sometime.
Military Command
29-11-2007, 03:00
Kansiov has control over its claimed territory, as Kansiov appeared on Earth V a day before your post (if it had been the other way around, this decision might have been different). Your RP was quite good, but unfortunately, the parts of it dealing with Kansiov's territory cannot happen.

The reason that I said something is that I have made a post in the IC on the dates that I stated in my other threads. That is why I was bring it up.

Here are the links that I got my outside thread.

These are the links for inside of the IC Earth V
United Earthlings
29-11-2007, 04:18
Ha. I looked at my embassy page a few minutes ago, and it looks like it's still in pre-Burkina Faso information. I really need to update that sometime.

I think we all do, your not even in my factbook. I don't even have an embassy with you and yet were allies. LMAO:headbang:
29-11-2007, 04:26
I think we all do, your not even in my factbook. I don't even have an embassy with you and yet were allies. LMAO:headbang:

I think I'll redo it once TG6R makes the activity check on January 2nd.
The Great Sixth Reich
02-12-2007, 18:01
The reason that I said something is that I have made a post in the IC on the dates that I stated in my other threads. That is why I was bring it up.

Here are the links that I got my outside thread.

These are the links for inside of the IC Earth V
If Kansiov goes inactive, your state can have its land.
03-12-2007, 03:53
Um what about our National GDP?
The Great Sixth Reich
04-12-2007, 03:18
Um what about our National GDP?
"1) Divide your RL-population with your NS-population (i.e.: 32,000,000 / 540,000,000). The result is your ratio (in this example: 0.059).
2) Multiply your NS-defense budget with your ratio from step 1. I.e.: 3,508,281 million * 0.059 = 206,988 million. This is your defense budget in Earth V."
The national GDP is the same as this, but instead of multiplying the ratio by the NS defense budget, multiply the ratio by the NS GDP.
04-12-2007, 10:10
Hey all.

I'm still lurking and around. Although I have been swamped with a lot of RL problems as of the past couple of months. For one thing, my college workload was much more than I thought it would be, and I'm having a couple of medical issues. I have gallstones and a ruptured blood vein in my right eye so that means plenty of doctor appointments, hospital stays, surgeries, etc.

So you can imagine, with all of that going on plus no recent TG's about any new exciting RP's in Earth V, my activity at NS has pretty much been non-existent. Besides, I can't really find the motivation to RP in NS other than Earth V because *ALL* the good RP's I'm in end up dieing out because of inactivity or players aren't into *real* RP'ing like characters, story, politics, etc.

Ah well. I'll always call Earth V my home on NS, and I'll always be around for whatever new and exciting RP's Earth V gets going. Please, I beg you, keep me updated via TG's and such if there's any Earth V activity and any interesting Earth V RP's I could participate in.
05-12-2007, 01:57
Hey all.

I'm still lurking and around. Although I have been swamped with a lot of RL problems as of the past couple of months. For one thing, my college workload was much more than I thought it would be, and I'm having a couple of medical issues. I have gallstones and a ruptured blood vein in my right eye so that means plenty of doctor appointments, hospital stays, surgeries, etc.

So you can imagine, with all of that going on plus no recent TG's about any new exciting RP's in Earth V, my activity at NS has pretty much been non-existent. Besides, I can't really find the motivation to RP in NS other than Earth V because *ALL* the good RP's I'm in end up dieing out because of inactivity or players aren't into *real* RP'ing like characters, story, politics, etc.

Ah well. I'll always call Earth V my home on NS, and I'll always be around for whatever new and exciting RP's Earth V gets going. Please, I beg you, keep me updated via TG's and such if there's any Earth V activity and any interesting Earth V RP's I could participate in.

At least you're still here. I hope you get well soon. From what you've said it sounds like it must be pretty miserable.
Alif Laam Miim
13-12-2007, 05:47
hey, its that time again - and im swamped with as much final exams as any one can imagine - so the best way to contact me is via TG or email (a12363278@whatever the hell aim likes to I'm still around. And UE, yes.
United Earthlings
13-12-2007, 06:15
hey, its that time again - and im swamped with as much final exams as any one can imagine - so the best way to contact me is via TG or email (a12363278@whatever the hell aim likes to I'm still around. And UE, yes.

Good luck with the exams.

and I got your telegram, so now all I have to do is get to work on writing up a reply. :(
16-12-2007, 01:15
Just a bump for awareness, but I still need someone to RP the Nigerien Army (From Niger, not Nigeria) in the Operation Mansa Musa thread.
United Earthlings
22-12-2007, 01:26
Just about one more month until everyone can expect full activity from Vineyard, me, and GR. At that point (January 2nd), I'll do an activity check.

Notice to All:

Just to let you all know, I'm leaving tomorrow for vacation and depending on the weather and other factors [Traffic]. I won't be back until the end of the first week of January [2008] or the beginning of the second week of January [2008].

So, GSR as I won't be here (active) on January 2nd if you could not kill my Republic [My nation] that would be great, thanks.

I hope you all have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year and whatever else holidays you might celebrate.

P.S. in case anyone starts to wonder-I'm going to Tennessee to visit family.
The Great Sixth Reich
06-01-2008, 02:39
Activity check!

All Earth V members: Respond as soon as possible to me (by either posting here, having a recent post on Earth V, or sending my nation a telegram), or risk losing your membership.

Active members:

The Great Sixth Reich
Great Romeo
Military Command
United Earthlings
Military Command
06-01-2008, 03:38
I am still here just waiting for UE to come back from his holiday break and I am going to try to end the Korean Conflict as soon as I can.
06-01-2008, 19:14
Just popping in to say I'm still around. I still need someone to RP the former Kopparbergs in Niger though...
06-01-2008, 20:03
I'm still here.
08-01-2008, 04:23
Meh, somehow I got on in time, but I doubt I'll be able to do anything seeing as how the activity here is limited to scarce.
Alif Laam Miim
08-01-2008, 04:24
lucky to show up this week, eh?

Not only am I here now, I'll likely be here for this entire week - but don't count on it.

Candi - I'll do Niger if you'll do Nigeria and Cameroon.
Alif Laam Miim
08-01-2008, 04:41
Meh, somehow I got on in time, but I doubt I'll be able to do anything seeing as how the activity here is limited to scarce.

Well, I'd offer some help, but I think once TG6R gets the attendance issue in order, it would be nice to have a little recruitment drive to add more members.

Also, I've found another map that might better suit us.
08-01-2008, 04:53
lucky to show up this week, eh?

Not only am I here now, I'll likely be here for this entire week - but don't count on it.

Candi - I'll do Niger if you'll do Nigeria and Cameroon.

That'd be great. The thread is Operation: Mansa Musa. I'm pretty sure I linked it in the Relevant Links Page, and if not I can search it up for you.
United Earthlings
09-01-2008, 03:04
I am still here just waiting for UE to come back from his holiday break and I am going to try to end the Korean Conflict as soon as I can.

Good news, your wait is over. :D

BTW, I have a hunch that if you check your thread a little more often the RP would probably be done by now. That's just my hunch, I could be wrong.

Also, I've found another map that might better suit us.

:rolleyes:UH OH, that can't be good. :DI still remember the last time you decided to fool with the map.:rolleyes:
Alif Laam Miim
09-01-2008, 04:42

Trust me, version 3.0 is going to be a blast! [not literally of course!]

A prototype of the map:
09-01-2008, 05:17
Hey, UE, can you check your EV storefront? I think I left an order in there a while ago for some planes.
09-01-2008, 22:56
You're breaking up countries into their individual Provinces/States/Regions/ect? Damn that will be hard for certain countries.
United Earthlings
10-01-2008, 07:58

Trust me, version 3.0 is going to be a blast! [not literally of course!]

A prototype of the map:

Sweet, I'm blue-Finally! I don't know how much longer I could of stand seeing purple.

Then again, all that green is making me envious. :pI'll have to see about changing that. :D Blue, is a much more relaxing color-wouldn't you all agree?


Hey, UE, can you check your EV storefront? I think I left an order in there a while ago for some planes.

Actually, believe it or not I've been aware of your order for some time. However, since I don't produce the planes in question you requested nor have an understanding with the nation (member) that does-I'm left in a pickle. I sadly can't confirm nor deny your order. Hence, it just sits there unanswered.

For what good it's worth, I sent Azaha a TG about your order about a week before I left for vacation. Well, I'm back from vacation and as you can see nothings changed.

I'm planning on doing a little reforming of my Earth V military as soon as I get a chance. Would some cheap F-16s hold you over until Azaha shows some sign of activity?


In Other News

Vineyard's nation has been deleted.

Today's announcement brought to you by RUNN. Your trusted news source for Earth V and beyond.

<Cue Commercials>
11-01-2008, 05:38
Sweet, I'm blue-Finally! I don't know how much longer I could of stand seeing purple.

Then again, all that green is making me envious. :pI'll have to see about changing that. :D Blue, is a much more relaxing color-wouldn't you all agree?


Actually, believe it or not I've been aware of your order for some time. However, since I don't produce the planes in question you requested nor have an understanding with the nation (member) that does-I'm left in a pickle. I sadly can't confirm nor deny your order. Hence, it just sits there unanswered.

For what good it's worth, I sent Azaha a TG about your order about a week before I left for vacation. Well, I'm back from vacation and as you can see nothings changed.

I'm planning on doing a little reforming of my Earth V military as soon as I get a chance. Would some cheap F-16s hold you over until Azaha shows some sign of activity?


In Other News

Vineyard's nation has been deleted.

Today's announcement brought to you by RUNN. Your trusted news source for Earth V and beyond.

<Cue Commercials>

I have to agree with you on the blue. It's always something nice to see after a hard days work.

As for the F-16's that's perfectly fine. Just name how many and the price and I'll probably be set.

That's a shame about Vineyard, though. We really have to get some more people in this who actually last more than a week. :(
Alif Laam Miim
12-01-2008, 01:53
At this point, I think it would be wise to assume that everyone not posting is not active, and hence the reason why I created a map of the people who have thusfar posted [although TG6R hasn't been back to update the list yet].
Alif Laam Miim
12-01-2008, 01:55
You're breaking up countries into their individual Provinces/States/Regions/ect? Damn that will be hard for certain countries.

Oh, I'm not separating anything. I'm just borrowing Wikipedia's maps for the improved use of making a better map that will allow me to divide the countries between different provinces/states/etc. Unfortunately, that still leaves a little sticker for me in Iran...
United Earthlings
12-01-2008, 02:26
I have to agree with you on the blue. It's always something nice to see after a hard days work.

As for the F-16's that's perfectly fine. Just name how many and the price and I'll probably be set.

That's a shame about Vineyard, though. We really have to get some more people in this who actually last more than a week. :(

I'm just happy I'm not purple anymore. :cool:
Well, I've got quite a few F-16s-over 100. Not, counting the F-2s(based on the F-16) I put into service. As for price, I haven't figured one out yet. What would you be willing to pay? BTW-that price would include support for the F-16s if you so desired it. Both the Netherlands and Belgium built their F-16s themselves and for a few other nations. So, the ability to build spare parts for them is not a problem. However, since I have acquired Sweden and it's fighter the Gripen it makes more sense to replace most if not all my single engine jet fighters in service with the Gripen.
Agreed, just to illustrate had bad it is. As far as I can remember you were the last person to join Earth V that has lasted more then a week I.E. by being active. I don't know what it is about Earth V, but it doesn't seem to be able to get active or keep active members for very long. Most of us are now at least 2 year members or longer.
Alif Laam Miim
12-01-2008, 02:43
I'm just happy I'm not purple anymore. :cool:
Well, I've got quite a few F-16s-over 100. Not, counting the F-2s(based on the F-16) I put into service. As for price, I haven't figured one out yet. What would you be willing to pay? BTW-that price would include support for the F-16s if you so desired it. Both the Netherlands and Belgium built their F-16s themselves and for a few other nations. So, the ability to build spare parts for them is not a problem. However, since I have acquired Sweden and it's fighter the Gripen it makes more sense to replace most if not all my single engine jet fighters in service with the Gripen.
Agreed, just to illustrate had bad it is. As far as I can remember you were the last person to join Earth V that has lasted more then a week I.E. by being active. I don't know what it is about Earth V, but it doesn't seem to be able to get active or keep active members for very long. Most of us are now at least 2 year members or longer.

That reminds me :headbang:
12-01-2008, 02:45
Well, on the F-16 issue, I guess taking 40 of them with 25 fitted for a ground attack role would be nice. Also, the support equipment would be appreciated. As for the member issue, I remember having a few more that lasted a while, but what ended up happening was the whole American War sort of stagnated the entire planet, and the members that were on NS just for EV sort of abandoned it. I recall a few months ago we had half the map filled and even further back when there was actually a lot of high profile stuff going on (When Asian China, South Africa, Brazil and the Central Asian place were here still here). It's a shame to see them all gone.
United Earthlings
12-01-2008, 02:55
That reminds me :headbang:

:rolleyes:First off, stop hitting yourself before I have to call the paramedics.:rolleyes:
Second, remind you of what? :confused:

Well, on the F-16 issue, I guess taking 40 of them with 25 fitted for a ground attack role would be nice. Also, the support equipment would be appreciated. As for the member issue, I remember having a few more that lasted a while, but what ended up happening was the whole American War sort of stagnated the entire planet, and the members that were on NS just for EV sort of abandoned it. I recall a few months ago we had half the map filled and even further back when there was actually a lot of high profile stuff going on (When Asian China, South Africa, Brazil and the Central Asian place were here still here). It's a shame to see them all gone.

Since, F-16s are a multirole fighter. Fitting them for ground attack is as easy as putting a target pod and the appropriate weapons on them.
Yes, it was indeed sad to see them go.
13-01-2008, 01:38
ALM, I am going to just assume that I have control of Istanbul and have had so for quite some time. Not to try and destroy the RP or anything, it's just been a long time going for that RP and I feel that it is not my best work anymore.

I would much rather work on my eventual unification of Iran, minus the areas you control of course, and other areas like Iraq and Central Asia.
Military Command
13-01-2008, 05:39
I would like to know what happen to my doing Sierra Leone and Ghana, Guinea, Hong Kong, British Indian Ocean Territory and Ireland? I did rps about them but I didn't hear anything about them, so I just what to know what is going on with them.
Alif Laam Miim
14-01-2008, 02:53
ALM, I am going to just assume that I have control of Istanbul and have had so for quite some time. Not to try and destroy the RP or anything, it's just been a long time going for that RP and I feel that it is not my best work anymore.

I would much rather work on my eventual unification of Iran, minus the areas you control of course, and other areas like Iraq and Central Asia.

I was under the impression that you controlled Istanbul [albeit the battered and bruised Istanbul...]. But good times carry through, eh?

I would like to know what happen to my doing Sierra Leone and Ghana, Guinea, Hong Kong, British Indian Ocean Territory and Ireland? I did rps about them but I didn't hear anything about them, so I just what to know what is going on with them.

This is new news. Stephen will carry more information as he gets it!...

Honestly, if you show me the RPs, with TG6R still holding the reins over who gets what in this age, you should be able to earn them. The key word is [show] me the RPs [and everyone else too...] - this is what happens when everyone goes away and no one is left to play with :(
14-01-2008, 03:16
ALM I think we need another Talk between our two nations. With Vineyard gone, the Middle East has lost another power figure and the vacuum could be devastating to the world.
United Earthlings
14-01-2008, 23:20
With Vineyard gone, the Middle East has lost another power figure and the vacuum could be devastating to the world.

Not really if you think about it, for it to be devastating their has to be conflict and as there is hardly anyone active in Earth V, the probability of that part of the world being attack is very low- almost non-existent you could say.

You'll also be happy to know I have no interest in that region and have no intention now or for the foreseeable future of invading any part of the Middle East. I'm more worried about Europe and South America and at the moment Northern Africa.
14-01-2008, 23:33
Not really if you think about it, for it to be devastating their has to be conflict and as there is hardly anyone active in Earth V, the probability of that part of the world being attack is very low- almost non-existent you could say.

You'll also be happy to know I have no interest in that region and have no intention now or for the foreseeable future of invading any part of the Middle East. I'm more worried about Europe and South America and at the moment Northern Africa.

What I was saying was that Local leaders and former Vineyardian Generals would begin to fight. Over what, who knows most;y oil and control of the area most likely, this could destabilize the entire region as a whole and allow for extremists groups such as JIHADI to return.

Also not to rain on you or anything, but an attempt to attack nearly any nation in the Middle East or Central Asia would be met with extreme prejudice. I consider much of this region in my sphere of influence, which started out rather small and has no blossomed into something quite different.
Military Command
15-01-2008, 07:11
I was under the impression that you controlled Istanbul [albeit the battered and bruised Istanbul...]. But good times carry through, eh?

This is new news. Stephen will carry more information as he gets it!...

Honestly, if you show me the RPs, with TG6R still holding the reins over who gets what in this age, you should be able to earn them. The key word is [show] me the RPs [and everyone else too...] - this is what happens when everyone goes away and no one is left to play with :(

Here are the links.
Alif Laam Miim
15-01-2008, 18:07
Reviewing the information that I have before me, I can accept Ghana as joining the UCF. However, I have not seen sufficient evidence to allow the British Indian Ocean Territory, Hong Kong, and Ireland - especially the latter two. If you invade Hong Kong, you might as well invade China [which is what you're doing, particularly the former Asian China regime that was present some time ago]. And your statements involving Ireland have been very minimal. If you could give these territories the same attention as which you gave to Ghana [which was well done, especially as a non-military take-over], you could potentially earn Ireland and BOST. Hong Kong, however, will have to be more thorough because of the nature of its state.

And BTW, if you're still fighting in North Korea, I find it difficult for you to invade China, now that it's probably been reunited in absence of either Asian China and UARCA. So invading Hong Kong might not be the best thing to do at the moment if you want to end North Korea anytime soon.
Alif Laam Miim
15-01-2008, 18:09
ALM I think we need another Talk between our two nations. With Vineyard gone, the Middle East has lost another power figure and the vacuum could be devastating to the world.

We could use the same thread: Brave New World (

If we get to talking again, we can decide how we want to arrange the power structure in the Middle East.
Alif Laam Miim
15-01-2008, 18:09
Activity check!

All Earth V members: Respond as soon as possible to me (by either posting here, having a recent post on Earth V, or sending my nation a telegram), or risk losing your membership.

Active members:

The Great Sixth Reich
Great Romeo
Military Command
United Earthlings

When is the cut-off date for this? And why am I not on it? :(
Military Command
15-01-2008, 20:12
Reviewing the information that I have before me, I can accept Ghana as joining the UCF. However, I have not seen sufficient evidence to allow the British Indian Ocean Territory, Hong Kong, and Ireland - especially the latter two. If you invade Hong Kong, you might as well invade China [which is what you're doing, particularly the former Asian China regime that was present some time ago]. And your statements involving Ireland have been very minimal. If you could give these territories the same attention as which you gave to Ghana [which was well done, especially as a non-military take-over], you could potentially earn Ireland and BOST. Hong Kong, however, will have to be more thorough because of the nature of its state.

And BTW, if you're still fighting in North Korea, I find it difficult for you to invade China, now that it's probably been reunited in absence of either Asian China and UARCA. So invading Hong Kong might not be the best thing to do at the moment if you want to end North Korea anytime soon.

Ok I will agree with you on the Hong Kong Front but for the most part the BOIT would not need more then Military Company to take them. Northern Ireland was in the UK and I am just using it for my starting point to an military launch point into Ireland and have been using the Irish Military to help do that with the forces that I have in Northern Ireland.

I would like to know what happen to my claim to Sierra Leone and Guinea as the Sierra Leone was going to be back part of the British Empire and Guinea is coming back in the French Empire. I know that rped them when I did Ghana rp. Just to let you know my two cents worth.
Tristan Providence
15-01-2008, 20:52
So what all is open here?
The Great Sixth Reich
15-01-2008, 21:47
So what all is open here?
Besides a temporary hold that I am placing on Vineyard's land, everything that is not colored on the most recent map (posted in post number 2898 in this thread) is available.


ALM, the list closes now (except for Vineyard, who receives a short extension until I hear back from him), and you are now on it.
Tristan Providence
15-01-2008, 23:32
May I lay claim to China, Kazakhstan and Taiwan. Under the Name of The Republic of Asia? Forgive me if one of the above was Vineyard's...
United Earthlings
15-01-2008, 23:52
What I was saying was that Local leaders and former Vineyardian Generals would begin to fight.

Good point, however I was thinking of conflict by other players [members]. Unless, you get someone to roleplay those leaders and generals it has little to no effect on the world.

Also not to rain on you or anything, but an attempt to attack nearly any nation in the Middle East or Central Asia would be met with extreme prejudice. I consider much of this region in my sphere of influence, which started out rather small and has no blossomed into something quite different.

Disclaimer: The following statement is made in jest and not to be taken seriously in anyway.

:rolleyes:Not to pick on you or anything, but if you ever want to feel some real extreme prejudice let me know and I'll be glad to park some Carrier Battle Groups off your coast. And it won't be water that will be raining down on you. :D:rolleyes:

2,967,457 active personnel vs 450,000. Yeah, I can see the prejudice you could give me. All 450,000 of it. :D:rolleyes:

See-here ( and here (

everything that is not colored on the most recent map (posted in post number 2898 in this thread) is available.

Actually, that's incorrect. ALM's new map is a prototype and hence a work in progress. I've alone already spotted a few errors.

:rolleyes:Don't tell anyone Sixth, but I've claimed Sweden, Argentina, Paraguay, Uruguay, the Falklands + those South Georgia Islands and a part of Chile.:rolleyes:

May I lay claim to China, Kazakhstan and Taiwan. Under the Name of The Republic of Asia? Forgive me if one of the above was Vineyard's...

FYI, China is divided into sub-regions and each one of those sub-regions counts as a whole claim of a country. As I think there are 4 sub-regions and depending on the agreement the max you'll be able to claim is 3 to 4 countries. If, you claim of all China that is all you would be able to do.

My best advance is either to claim what you can of China or claim some of the open US states. Each unclaim state counts as .5 countries so you'll be able to claim at least 6 states. By claiming China or part of the open US you get a good start by having a good industrial base plus access to some good military equipment which will allow you to then expand through force of arms into other territories. Of, course there are other ways to expand-but through force is the quickest.
Tristan Providence
16-01-2008, 00:00
Good point, however I was thinking of conflict by other players [members]. Unless, you get someone to roleplay those leaders and generals it has little to no effect on the world.

Disclaimer: The following statement is made in jest and not to be taken seriously in anyway.

:rolleyes:Not to pick on you or anything, but if you ever want to feel some real extreme prejudice let me know and I'll be glad to park some Carrier Battle Groups off your coast. And it won't be water that will be raining down on you. :D:rolleyes:

2,967,457 active personnel vs 450,000. Yeah, I can see the prejudice you could give me. All 450,000 of it. :D:rolleyes:

See-here ( and here (

Actually, that's incorrect. ALM's new map is a prototype and hence a work in progress. I've alone already spotted a few errors.

:rolleyes:Don't tell anyone Sixth, but I've claimed Sweden, Argentina, Paraguay, Uruguay, the Falklands + those South Georgia Islands and a part of Chile.:rolleyes:

FYI, China is divided into sub-regions and each one of those sub-regions counts as a whole claim of a country. As I think there are 4 sub-regions and depending on the agreement the max you'll be able to claim is 3 to 4 countries. If, you claim of all China that is all you would be able to do.

My best advance is either to claim what you can of China or claim some of the open US states. Each unclaim state counts as .5 countries so you'll be able to claim at least 6 states. By claiming China or part of the open US you get a good start by having a good industrial base plus access to some good military equipment which will allow you to then expand through force of arms into other territories. Of, course there are other ways to expand-but through force is the quickest.

Thank you! In that case I will claim all of China if possible. If not I'll claim 3 sections.
The Great Sixth Reich
16-01-2008, 03:28
Thank you! In that case I will claim all of China if possible. If not I'll claim 3 sections.
Just name which three sections you would like, and then you may have them. Here's ( the Earth V welcome post for new members.
Tristan Providence
16-01-2008, 03:57
Just name which three sections you would like, and then you may have them. Here's ( the Earth V welcome post for new members.

I will claim the North East, South East, and North West sections. And once I finish my factbook, I will be invading the South West section. So I would like to ask for someone to rp the southwest section. Btw, what would my population be iif I only have 3 sections of China? What part of the equipment do i have if I only have 3 sections?
Tristan Providence
16-01-2008, 04:24
Peoples Republic ( *Not finished*

Note: I was wondering if it was allowed to continue with the current government system that the RL nation currently had or not.
Tristan Providence
16-01-2008, 04:26
What is the current EV year?
United Earthlings
16-01-2008, 04:46
What is the current EV year?

Same year as it is in real life. 2008 AD
16-01-2008, 21:34
Peoples Republic ( *Not finished*

Note: I was wondering if it was allowed to continue with the current government system that the RL nation currently had or not.

You are, but you must take into account that a portion of your country was a former player as well, and a portion of it belonged to another. These two areas might not take a liking to returning back to the old regime, but you could.
The Great Sixth Reich
16-01-2008, 23:30
You are, but you must take into account that a portion of your country was a former player as well, and a portion of it belonged to another. These two areas might not take a liking to returning back to the old regime, but you could.
Exactly. Asian China was the last player to hold China; Tristan Providence could find some useful information by conducting a search for posts by Asian China in the IC thread.
United Earthlings
16-01-2008, 23:42

How are you doing in relation to this post?-Post #2875 (

I'm still waiting for a reply... or something...anything...:headbang:

:rolleyes:I'd even take some table scraps.:rolleyes:

Throw a guy a bone at least, PLEASE.
Tristan Providence
17-01-2008, 01:19
Exactly. Asian China was the last player to hold China; Tristan Providence could find some useful information by conducting a search for posts by Asian China in the IC thread.

It will be done. However I am having trouble calculating the number of forces I have as well as population. I also need to know what Provinces of China I have? I dont know how the sections are divided.
Tristan Providence
18-01-2008, 17:27
It will be done. However I am having trouble calculating the number of forces I have as well as population. I also need to know what Provinces of China I have? I dont know how the sections are divided.

We alive?
19-01-2008, 01:21
We alive?

Just be patient. It gets slow here...a lot.
21-01-2008, 00:48
*Fixed :D

I should have thrown that in the origional post :p
United Earthlings
21-01-2008, 00:48
Just be patient. It gets very very very very very-you get my point slow here...a lot.

*Fixed :D
21-01-2008, 02:00
I'm interested in partaking in this RP. Would it be possible to claim: Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Missouri, Mississippi, North Carolina, Oklahoma, Ohio, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, and Virginia as part of the Confederate States of America?
The Great Sixth Reich
21-01-2008, 04:31
I was not around a computer this weekend (seeing that more than one person noticed that I was not around is certainly reassuring about the activity on Earth V, although I won't disappear again without advanced notice if I can help it); I'll respond to all posts in full tomorrow. Especially you, UE; that post from me is way overdue.

It will be done. However I am having trouble calculating the number of forces I have as well as population. I also need to know what Provinces of China I have? I dont know how the sections are divided.
Unfortunately, you have a tricky situation on your hands by claiming three-quarters of China. To know the exact provinces, the best idea would be to check out one of the Earth V maps and come up with a rough estimate of what provinces are contained in those sections. Add the population of each province together to get the population.
Tristan Providence
21-01-2008, 06:00

List of Provinces Claimed by the Peoples Republic of China:

* Anhui (安徽)
* Fujian (福建)
* Gansu (甘肃)
* Guangdong (广东)
* Guizhou (贵州)
* Hainan (海南)
* Hebei (河北)
* Heilongjiang (黑龙江)
* Henan (河南)
* Hubei (湖北)
* Hunan (湖南)
* Jiangsu (江苏)
* Jiangxi (江西)
* Jilin (吉林)
* Liaoning (辽宁)
* Shaanxi (陕西)
* Shandong (山东)
* Shanxi (山西)
* Sichuan (四川)
* Taiwan (台湾)†
* Zhejiang (浙江)
* Guangxi (广西壮族自治区)
* Inner Mongolia (内蒙古自治区)
* Ningxia (宁夏回族自治区)
* Xinjiang (新疆维吾尔自治区)

Total Population Claimed: 1,273,931,888
Total Land Area Claimed: 8,416,086 Square Km

Provinces Not Claimed: Qinghai,
Tibet (Xizang) Autonomous Region, Yunnan Province

Land Area Not Claimed: 1,182,000 Square Km
Population Not Claimed: 47,920,000

This is the Land Claimed by the PRC, and the Land Not Claimed. The Land that has not been claimed will be invaded by the Red Army as soon as the stats of the Red Army are compiled.
The Great Sixth Reich
21-01-2008, 20:59
List of Provinces Claimed by the Peoples Republic of China:

You're almost done. Just remember to post your military declaration in this thread ( so that it is easy to find, even if it is in your factbook.
Tristan Providence
21-01-2008, 21:03
You're almost done. Just remember to post your military declaration in this thread ( so that it is easy to find, even if it is in your factbook.

Will do, Im working on my military right now.
21-01-2008, 21:11
I'm interested in partaking in this RP. Would it be possible to claim: Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Missouri, Mississippi, North Carolina, Oklahoma, Ohio, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, and Virginia as part of the Confederate States of America?

I wasn't sure if perhaps my post had been missed or if it was simply taking awhile to get around to acknowledging it, however I felt perhaps I should reiterate it.

(Sorry if that came across sounding...arse-ish...)
Blair Island
21-01-2008, 21:19
I would actually like to claim Finland.
United Earthlings
22-01-2008, 03:38
I'll respond to all posts in full tomorrow. Especially you, UE; that post from me is way overdue.

Thanks, to make it easier to keep track of, I was thinking about starting a new thread for the meeting. So as to prevent the posts from getting buried within the pages of the International Thread and thereby miss a reply.

If, you want to create that thread and then I just responded, that would be fine. That way, I'll know when you finally got around to responding to my message and vice-verse once I make my reply.

P.S. If you do decide to jump the gun ahead of me and create that thread, I'm fine with whatever title you choose.
The Great Sixth Reich
22-01-2008, 22:39
Thanks, to make it easier to keep track of, I was thinking about starting a new thread for the meeting. So as to prevent the posts from getting buried within the pages of the International Thread and thereby miss a reply.

If, you want to create that thread and then I just responded, that would be fine. That way, I'll know when you finally got around to responding to my message and vice-verse once I make my reply.

P.S. If you do decide to jump the gun ahead of me and create that thread, I'm fine with whatever title you choose.
Here ( is the thread.

I would actually like to claim Finland.
That is acceptable. Normally, it would be necessary for a new member to have spent extensive time on NS, but I can tell from your previous posts that you would be a fine addition to Earth V. Here is a sample welcome post (; be sure to pay addition to the military declaration part.

I'm interested in partaking in this RP. Would it be possible to claim: Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Missouri, Mississippi, North Carolina, Oklahoma, Ohio, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, and Virginia as part of the Confederate States of America?
What concerns me is that you used to be a member of Earth V (your nation is mentioned in the first post of this thread, in fact). As long as you remain active, you may claim six of those U.S. states (following the U.S. state = .5 of a country rule for a total of three countries, with Texas the only exception).
Great Romeo
23-01-2008, 00:49
A consolidation thread ( for the upcoming Vineyardian crisis.
Alif Laam Miim
23-01-2008, 18:08

List of Provinces Claimed by the Peoples Republic of China:

* Anhui (安徽)
* Fujian (福建)
* Gansu (甘肃)
* Guangdong (广东)
* Guizhou (贵州)
* Hainan (海南)
* Hebei (河北)
* Heilongjiang (黑龙江)
* Henan (河南)
* Hubei (湖北)
* Hunan (湖南)
* Jiangsu (江苏)
* Jiangxi (江西)
* Jilin (吉林)
* Liaoning (辽宁)
* Shaanxi (陕西)
* Shandong (山东)
* Shanxi (山西)
* Sichuan (四川)
* Taiwan (台湾)†
* Zhejiang (浙江)
* Guangxi (广西壮族自治区)
* Inner Mongolia (内蒙古自治区)
* Ningxia (宁夏回族自治区)
* Xinjiang (新疆维吾尔自治区)

Total Population Claimed: 1,273,931,888
Total Land Area Claimed: 8,416,086 Square Km

Provinces Not Claimed: Qinghai,
Tibet (Xizang) Autonomous Region, Yunnan Province

Land Area Not Claimed: 1,182,000 Square Km
Population Not Claimed: 47,920,000

This is the Land Claimed by the PRC, and the Land Not Claimed. The Land that has not been claimed will be invaded by the Red Army as soon as the stats of the Red Army are compiled.

Actually, we've already worked out a system that divides China into respective parts:

*2 - China is divided into the following territorial domains as follows: Northwest [Gansu, Ningxia, Qinghai, Xinjiang]; Northeast [Beijing, Heilongjiang, Henan, Jilin, Inner Mongolia, Liaoning, Shandong, Shanxi, Shaanxi, Tianjin]; Southwest [Xizang, Yunnan, Sichuan]; Southeast [Zhejiang, Guangxi, Anhui, Fujian, Guangdong, Guizhou, Hainan, Jiangsu, Jiangxi, Chongqing, Shanghai] [from the Earth V Map Thread]

From the way it looks like it, you've managed to get every territory, except that you've switched out Qinghai for Sichuan [Sichuan has more people than Qinghai...]. Aside from this, everything else is fine. I'm personally fine with you taking all of China, but I doubt TG6R allowed it. But doubtless, you'll have some time to fix that.

Anyway, sorry for this latest update. I'm glad that you've decided to hop abroad!

And welcome to all of the new folk too!

Wanderjar, welcome back; hopefully you stay for the winter :D

P.S. If you do decide to jump the gun ahead of me and create that thread, I'm fine with whatever title you choose.

Luckily, I found this thread as I logged... so consider it saved!
Tristan Providence
23-01-2008, 19:44

Announcement to the World

The Peoples Republic of China would like to announce to the world today, that the Chinese Provinces of Qinghai, and Yunnan as well as the Tibet (Xizang) Autonomous Region as of Thursday, January 24th, will be under annexation of the Peoples Republic of China, we hope that this will be a peaceful take over and no lives will be lost among the Chinese people. We hope that this will dawn a new and glorious day for the People of these areas as they become apart of the PRC.

Premier Tu Bai

OOC: I will need someone to rp the Resistance, if there is any of these provinces. I have military specs for each province, I will give that to the person who will be rping the Resistance.
The Great Sixth Reich
23-01-2008, 19:51

Announcement to the World

The Peoples Republic of China would like to announce to the world today, that the Chinese Provinces of Qinghai, and Yunnan as well as the Tibet (Xizang) Autonomous Region as of Thursday, January 24th, will be under annexation of the Peoples Republic of China, we hope that this will be a peaceful take over and no lives will be lost among the Chinese people. We hope that this will dawn a new and glorious day for the People of these areas as they become apart of the PRC.

Premier Tu Bai

OOC: I will need someone to rp the Resistance, if there is any of these provinces. I have military specs for each province, I will give that to the person who will be rping the Resistance.
That's a good start. But remember that IC posts are either directly in this ( thread or in a separate topic with a link to it in that thread.
23-01-2008, 20:19
Here ( is the thread.

That is acceptable. Normally, it would be necessary for a new member to have spent extensive time on NS, but I can tell from your previous posts that you would be a fine addition to Earth V. Here is a sample welcome post (; be sure to pay addition to the military declaration part.

What concerns me is that you used to be a member of Earth V (your nation is mentioned in the first post of this thread, in fact). As long as you remain active, you may claim six of those U.S. states (following the U.S. state = .5 of a country rule for a total of three countries, with Texas the only exception).

Understandible. I actually remember being part of this now. Alot of the problem was that I had conflicts with school and NS, and had to cut it. Well I don't have that problem now so I can devote time to both class and NS. I'll be active.
Tristan Providence
23-01-2008, 20:37
That's a good start. But remember that IC posts are either directly in this ( thread or in a separate topic with a link to it in that thread.

Woops sorry about that. Ill have a thread up soon, And a actual troop movement post up tomorrow. I still need someone to rp resistance however.
Tristan Providence
23-01-2008, 20:40
Operation Golden Fox (
Tristan Providence
26-01-2008, 01:53
Since no one has said that they will rp resistance, I guess I will.
The Great Sixth Reich
26-01-2008, 02:13
Since no one has said that they will rp resistance, I guess I will.
In most cases, that is what happens.
Tristan Providence
30-01-2008, 16:35
Ok... Um.... Ya.....
Alif Laam Miim
30-01-2008, 17:00
In most cases, that is what happens.

Echoing the sentiments of the previous speaker, in many cases though, it's much obliged to match the requests. But as far as I've read, you're doing fine. Very detailed and thorough too.
Alif Laam Miim
04-02-2008, 17:08
I presume that we're still alive somewhere in one of these threads...
Tristan Providence
04-02-2008, 21:13
I presume that we're still alive somewhere in one of these threads...

Yup, I am At least, I hope we are... I didn't want to put all that work in for nothing........
Tristan Providence
04-02-2008, 21:51
Alm, Tg.
United Earthlings
05-02-2008, 01:05
I presume that we're still alive somewhere in one of these threads...

You presume correctly.
The Great Sixth Reich
05-02-2008, 03:40
Notice: I'll have responses to all pressing matters tomorrow or the day after; I'm a bit busy now.
Muryan Endor
05-02-2008, 11:41
I was just wondering if I could join Earth V. I haven't got a lot of RPing experience with this nation but once everything gets started with the Armed Forces Competition I will RP more. If I'm still to "junior" to join I will wait till I've RPed a bit.
The Great Sixth Reich
05-02-2008, 20:43
I was just wondering if I could join Earth V. I haven't got a lot of RPing experience with this nation but once everything gets started with the Armed Forces Competition I will RP more. If I'm still to "junior" to join I will wait till I've RPed a bit.
I'll let you claim land equivalent to one country, if you are seriously about staying on Earth V.
Tristan Providence
06-02-2008, 02:56
Just posted in the NK conflict thread.
Muryan Endor
07-02-2008, 20:41
I'll let you claim land equivalent to one country, if you are seriously about staying on Earth V.

Thanks a lot! Can I perhaps claim India?
Tristan Providence
07-02-2008, 21:54
Thanks a lot! Can I perhaps claim India?

Well it would be like what I had to do with china. You could only claim a small portion of it.
07-02-2008, 22:11
Alright I am back, not under the greatest of circumstances but back none the less.
Muryan Endor
07-02-2008, 22:16
Well it would be like what I had to do with china. You could only claim a small portion of it.

Hmm, China was already divided in four parts while India is just one whole nation (I agree it is strange though...)
The Great Sixth Reich
07-02-2008, 22:33
Hmm, China was already divided in four parts while India is just one whole nation (I agree it is strange though...)
Claiming India would be cheating. :) But any other, moderate or small country, would be fine.
Tristan Providence
07-02-2008, 22:42
Hmm, China was already divided in four parts while India is just one whole nation (I agree it is strange though...)

Actually it wasn't. It was divided into provinces just like India is. :D But TG6R has spoken... sorry... :(
United Earthlings
08-02-2008, 01:38
Claiming India would be cheating. :)

:rolleyes:Yeah, because India is mine to claim. MUHHHHHHHHHHAAAAAAAA.:rolleyes:

On a more serious note, India really does need to be broken up into sections like China was. Both have over a billion people. I guess because Azaha has had it so long, if he is still active, it wasn't really a problem since he was hardly ever here.

But any other, moderate or small country, would be fine.

Sixth, since that guy who claimed Brazil hasn't been active in awhile, would you be willing to open that up for Muryan Endor? The same goes for the person who claimed or started to claim some of the open US states. Those two options give a new player an industrial base and a nice military to start expansion should they wish. If at all possible they need to be kept open if the previous person claiming them doesn't do anything with them and after over a week nothing is heard from them.

Just my two cents.
Tristan Providence
08-02-2008, 02:06
:rolleyes:Yeah, because India is mine to claim. MUHHHHHHHHHHAAAAAAAA.:rolleyes:

No! India is mine! MWMWMWMWMWHAHAHAHAH!!!! ;)
United Earthlings
08-02-2008, 02:55
No! India is mine! MWMWMWMWMWHAHAHAHAH!!!! ;)

Don't tell anyone, but I have already secretly taken over all of India.

The WORLD is my playground and the Indian Ocean my personal lake. :D

BTW, I have a Carrier Battlegroup and 30,000 troops sitting off the Chinese coast in Japan armed with Nuclear Weapons. I just thought you would like to know. MUHHHHHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! :D

I told you India was mine! ;)
Tristan Providence
08-02-2008, 04:44
Don't tell anyone, but I have already secretly taken over all of India.

The WORLD is my playground and the Indian Ocean my personal lake. :D

BTW, I have a Carrier Battlegroup and 30,000 troops sitting off the Chinese coast in Japan armed with Nuclear Weapons. I just thought you would like to know. MUHHHHHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! :D

I told you India was mine! ;)

I see you are prepared to go to war with Military command as well. Seeing as we both have a military alliance. haha 30,000? Cake walk for the PLA. And we have more nukes than you do! MWMWMWMHAHAHAHA! Actually in all seriousness im looking for diplomatic relations with most nations. Are you interested? :cool:
Alif Laam Miim
08-02-2008, 16:05
You people write too fast.

The problem with India now though is that Azaha used to own it. Now his nation has got DEAT, so it's officially unclaimed. Besides that, he never posted a reclaim during the TG6R mandated frame.

Speaking of which, there's a map update coming from somewhere sometime.

Anyway, TG6R, I will post that conference thread for the both of us.
Alif Laam Miim
08-02-2008, 16:20
Alright I am back, not under the greatest of circumstances but back none the less.

back to talk about our plans?
08-02-2008, 22:57
back to talk about our plans?

Oh yes. Iraq, Kuwait, and Syria look so ..... tempting.
Tristan Providence
08-02-2008, 23:11
PLAN Carrier Desgin ( Fear it.... More info. (
09-02-2008, 00:06
PLAN Carrier Desgin ( Fear it.... More info. (

I do hope you understand that you can not use that since it's not available the PRC in 2008. Here in Earth 5 you can only use Technology that is found in today's military.
United Earthlings
09-02-2008, 00:45
I see you are prepared to go to war with Military command as well. Seeing as we both have a military alliance. haha 30,000? Cake walk for the PLA. And we have more nukes than you do! MWMWMWMHAHAHAHA! Actually in all seriousness im looking for diplomatic relations with most nations. Are you interested? :cool:

I can always send more if 30,000 is not enough for you. How's 986,873 highly trained more. You may have more nukes, but at least are's work better and are more accurate to boot. Besides, I can always sit a 1,000 miles off your coast well out of range of your military and lob a few hundred warheads with no worries.

On the more serious note, I'd be happy to establish diplomatic relations with China.

PLAN Carrier Desgin ( Fear it.... More info. (

I'll be glad to fear it sometime in the next few years. "thus giving a completion (but not operational) timeline of around 2013 (if we accept that long lead items have already been ordered)."-taken from the article you linked to.

While we wait, I'll be glad to send 5 Charles De Gaulle Aircraft Carriers with a full air arm. That way, while I work on building my fear up you can get started right away. :D
Tristan Providence
09-02-2008, 03:08
I can always send more if 30,000 is not enough for you. How's 986,873 highly trained more. You may have more nukes, but at least are's work better and are more accurate to boot. Besides, I can always sit a 1,000 miles off your coast well out of range of your military and lob a few hundred warheads with no worries.

On the more serious note, I'd be happy to establish diplomatic relations with China.

I'll be glad to fear it sometime in the next few years. "thus giving a completion (but not operational) timeline of around 2013 (if we accept that long lead items have already been ordered)."-taken from the article you linked to.

While we wait, I'll be glad to send 5 Charles De Gaulle Aircraft Carriers with a full air arm. That way, while I work on building my fear up you can get started right away. :D

Yes, I kno, the carrier will not be operational for a few years. I'll have an embassy exchange thread up tomorrow for EV, so you can post a request there.
Military Command
09-02-2008, 03:42
I see you are prepared to go to war with Military command as well. Seeing as we both have a military alliance. haha 30,000? Cake walk for the PLA. And we have more nukes than you do! MWMWMWMHAHAHAHA! Actually in all seriousness im looking for diplomatic relations with most nations. Are you interested? :cool:

UE and I are allies and have been for awhile. So, that is why he has troops in Japan with my troops.
Alif Laam Miim
11-02-2008, 17:57
Granate, I'll wait for you to post in Brave New World - link in the Reference Thread [which is in my siggy]
Tristan Providence
11-02-2008, 21:51
Embassy Exchange (
Muryan Endor
12-02-2008, 11:52
After some research, I've decided to claim Texas. Texas has a strong industrial base, particularly a large Defense Industry. I was just wondering if I can use all the US Equipment or just equipment used by the Texas National Guard and units stationed in Texas.
Tristan Providence
12-02-2008, 16:22
After some research, I've decided to claim Texas. Texas has a strong industrial base, particularly a large Defense Industry. I was just wondering if I can use all the US Equipment or just equipment used by the Texas National Guard and units stationed in Texas.

Only Units stationed in texas.
14-02-2008, 04:28
Hey, has Earth V been fixed yet?


edit: I just read over the past few pages. Quite funny.

And what i mean by "Fix" is a complete re-vamping of the War rules, which are ridiculious. I think. Unless they have changed...
14-02-2008, 04:41
What I was saying was that Local leaders and former Vineyardian Generals would begin to fight. Over what, who knows most;y oil and control of the area most likely, this could destabilize the entire region as a whole and allow for extremists groups such as JIHADI to return.

Also not to rain on you or anything, but an attempt to attack nearly any nation in the Middle East or Central Asia would be met with extreme prejudice. I consider much of this region in my sphere of influence, which started out rather small and has no blossomed into something quite different.

Entirely accurate. The local commanders would either seek to become sovrign or would unify with a stronger general or partner with another. Depends. But I seriously doubt anyone could immediatly waltz into these territories unless you sit it out for awhile and let in-fighting weaken the divisional/battlegroup commands.

Also, where there is a lack of troops (I can't remember where) a lack of secirity could facilitate cicizen-groups or extreemist-groups (Even gangs!) that would divide and possibly fight amungst themselves because of the lack of security.
Tristan Providence
14-02-2008, 05:20
Ugh... Dual Enrolling in community college.... SUCKS! I'll have some posts up soon....
Muryan Endor
14-02-2008, 11:35
Only Units stationed in texas.

Doesn't really matter, almost every type of equipment used in the US Armed Forces is available in Texas. The only thing is that my navy will suck ass :p
Tristan Providence
14-02-2008, 16:15
Doesn't really matter, almost every type of equipment used in the US Armed Forces is available in Texas. The only thing is that my navy will suck ass :p

That is true, You will have a very strong land force and air force, not so much with the navy, but still, you can always seek external markets for naval products... Maybe... CHINA! :D
Muryan Endor
14-02-2008, 16:31
That is true, You will have a very strong land force and air force, not so much with the navy, but still, you can always seek external markets for naval products... Maybe... CHINA! :D

Chinese new vessels and planned vessels are pretty decent. But it would be kinda strange to have an "American" nation adopting Chinese Ships :p Perhaps I'll move east along the Gulf Coast to capture the navy yards of Louisiana and Mississippi. Then I can build LHD's and other medium vessels at last :D
Muryan Endor
14-02-2008, 16:40
ps. is it correct that the link to the map is down? I can't load the link...
Tristan Providence
14-02-2008, 21:01
ps. is it correct that the link to the map is down? I can't load the link...

The map isn't updated as of yet anyways.

You may be able to build LHDs, but I do not think they build DDGs or FFGs in Louisiana and Mississippi. But China can sell you some good FFGs. Its not like it matters, because there is no such thing as "America", in E5 anyways. Plus you have Sharnia right next to you. A small fleet is important. Check them out: FFG (, DDG ( I built a few of them to add onto my navy myself. Btw, check out my embassy exchange thread. (link on last page.)
Military Command
14-02-2008, 21:51
Muryan Endor

If you would like to have some naval forces I am the United Citizen's Federation and I have Japanese, French, British, and South Korean Navies and I could produce some major Naval Forces for your Texas Republic.
The Great Sixth Reich
14-02-2008, 21:57
Hey, has Earth V been fixed yet?


edit: I just read over the past few pages. Quite funny.

And what i mean by "Fix" is a complete re-vamping of the War rules, which are ridiculious. I think. Unless they have changed...
Lieber Herr Weinberg,


Mit besten Grüßen
United Earthlings
14-02-2008, 22:12
Hey, has Earth V been fixed yet?


edit: I just read over the past few pages. Quite funny.

And what i mean by "Fix" is a complete re-vamping of the War rules, which are ridiculious. I think. Unless they have changed...

There still unchanged since you were last here.

Chinese new vessels and planned vessels are pretty decent. But it would be kinda strange to have an "American" nation adopting Chinese Ships :p Perhaps I'll move east along the Gulf Coast to capture the navy yards of Louisiana and Mississippi. Then I can build LHD's and other medium vessels at last :D

So, adapt American. Pretty much everything America has in it's arsenal the Republic uses or has acquired. M1A2s-no problem, M-16s fine there. F-16s done. Arleigh Burke Class Guided Missile Destroyers-yep, I got tons of them. LHD Wasp Class Amphibious Assault Ships-I got 2 of them. Plus the ability to build my own LHDs. So on and so on and so on...

Besides, it's not like Sharina's going to sell you the stuff. :rolleyes:Remember, he's evil and wants all of North America for himself.:rolleyes:

ps. is it correct that the link to the map is down? I can't load the link...

No, the map no longer exists. ALM’s working on a new one and has yet to finish it.

Lieber Herr Weinberg,


Mit besten Grüßen

Yes? When did we get new rules? Please, don't tell me I missed the meeting. :rolleyes:Oh, god please don't tell me I miss the meeting.:rolleyes: :headbang:

Muryan Endor

If you would like to have some naval forces I am the United Citizen's Federation and I have Japanese, French, British, and South Korean Navies and I could produce some major Naval Forces for your Texas Republic.

:rolleyes:If you would like to have some naval forces I am the Republic and I American, American, American and European Navies. I can't produce some major Naval Forces for your Texas Republic.:rolleyes: :D
The Great Sixth Reich
14-02-2008, 22:41
Yes? When did we get new rules? Please, don't tell me I missed the meeting. :rolleyes:Oh, god please don't tell me I miss the meeting.:rolleyes: :headbang:
United Earthlings
14-02-2008, 23:46

Thanks for the reminder, I had totally forgotten about that.

However, not everything is fixed. That post and the ensuring debate solved most of the problems, but we still don't have a way of easily calculating losses and that was the main problem.

I still have some of the stuff I was working on for the calculator, but it's far from complete. I was only just getting started on it when most of the Earth V members become inactive and hence why I stopped working on it. I could start working on it again, but it would be at least a month, probably more before I could post anything of use.