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Do you have faith in God? - Page 21

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31-05-2006, 08:44
I will give you some simple proof:
(1.)The fact that by chance that a world like ours existed with the perfect condition meaning, gravity, coorect tempreature for life, distance from the sun, water, air is nearly impossible.
(2.) The fact that by chance humans evolved the way they did, with their amazing bodies and brains is nearly impossible.
(3.) The fact that by chance evolution how it did exisitsted and still exists in the way it did is nerly impossible.
The chances that these are thrue are the same as the chance that a computer with no instructions and no programming, would write the best composition for an opera/orchestra and longest one in the world.Your own proof is flawed. these things are "nearly" impossible, which means that they are, in fact, possible. They are merely not probable.
Given enough time, probability does line up.
eta: It is more likely that we evolved around the gravity, temperature, sun, water, and air conditions found on earth, not those changing to suit life. We only assume that life has to revolve around carbon and water because that is how we evolved. There are signs that this isn't true, even on our own planet (deep-sea trenches)

NB: Also there are supernatural phenomnons like NDE'S ( near death experience - agoo site).
Unexplainable miracles when there are prayers for them, immediate change of lifestyle I know one example when one really bad bad mafioso and atheist who did the worst things imaginable went to a prayer meeting with his wife to mock the priest who did it and when he went he felt enormous pressure on his head in a sudden and converted afterwards. There are much more but I can' t name them all.There are scientific theories behind things like near death experiences. It is almost 4 AM, so forgive me for not finding them right now.
31-05-2006, 08:44
okay...we'll start with the last sentence first. What you say is not "true", it is opinion. The two aren't even close to the same thing.
I am an atheist. I am a good person. I learned that lying, cheating, stealing, all of wrong. Not because a booming voice in the sky or some guy in Italy said it is. Not because a guy in the Middle East said it was bad 2000 years ago. I learned it is wrong because it hurts others. I learned to take some responsibility for my own actions and choices, to gain my morals from life experience, and worry about being a good person today, not to get a better life after I die, but to have a good life TODAY.
People have been claiming the downfall of civilization since civilization started. They cried it when Judaism started, Christianity started, the waltz was invented, Baroque became classical. You name it. It has yet to happen. Change isn't bad, and what you consider "good" and "traditional" today was, in fact, at one point, radical, liberal, and seen as "evil". Yes, even clothing, at one point, was a radically new idea.
You argue against yourself. You say you are arguing from a social stance, then use the example of capitalism, an economic structure.
I, similar to Ruffy, have lost several friends in a short period of time. I am different, however, in that I didn't believe in God even before they died. I stood by that belief. Does that mean that I'm a strong person? In the last year, I have lost 6 people of varying closeness, from a good friend, to someone on this forum, to friends parents. Not a single one made me waver in my lack of belief in a God.
Natural disasters have occured since the planet began. Without them, the world would be quite a different place. They are hardly a sign of the dreaded end times.

Well say what you want, just watch the news for the next 30 years or so and when you hear that priest, tell yourself again that you don believe in God, and three days after you will say to yourself: " I know now God exists". By the way i didn't say that atheist will go to hell or any of that nonesnens because in our religion( Roman Catholic) athesist who live a good life, no-pagan life will still be good persons, bu being Catholic is an advantage since we have sacraments which make you closer to God like reconciliation. Also my main piont was that the de-christianisation of the world is leaving a new generation( not all mind you, there are many good new peole) who are egoistic( like we all are - human nature) but because theydon't have any morals, values they can't fight thier egoistic side.
31-05-2006, 08:44
Straughn, to be fair, maypole's first point is fact, the probability of the universe being as it is is remarkably slim. However, this does NOT take in to account the repeated cycle of big bangs and big crunches that may span back to infinite regress which makes it considerably more likely.
31-05-2006, 08:45
I will give you some simple proof:
(1.)The fact that by chance that a world like ours existed with the perfect condition meaning, gravity, coorect tempreature for life, distance from the sun, water, air is nearly impossible.
(2.) The fact that by chance humans evolved the way they did, with their amazing bodies and brains is nearly impossible.
(3.) The fact that by chance evolution how it did exisitsted and still exists in the way it did is nerly impossible.
The chances that these are thrue are the same as the chance that a computer with no instructions and no programming, would write the best composition for an opera/orchestra and longest one in the world.

NB: Also there are supernatural phenomnons like NDE'S ( near death experience - agoo site).
Unexplainable miracles when there are prayers for them, immediate change of lifestyle I know one example when one really bad bad mafioso and atheist who did the worst things imaginable went to a prayer meeting with his wife to mock the priest who did it and when he went he felt enormous pressure on his head in a sudden and converted afterwards. There are much more but I can' t name them all.
Maypole, if you read even half of my posts here, you would realize that I am subtly warning you to prepare for the onslaught that will come your way.

you, My noob friend, are preaching to a Christian. while I do believe in God, I won't argue against you for you'll have your hands full without me. I will assist when I can but only when I can.
31-05-2006, 08:45



I thoght you were east coast!How close is Alaska to the east coast? :confused:

well.. yeah.. dont burn the woods down. oh and make anti oil protest signs and walk around just for the hell of it..Weird that you should mention the woods. That's on the next anecdote thread! :eek:
IL Ruffino
31-05-2006, 08:46
ew, ontopic debate, goodbye.

off to get high, make espresso so black it stains the cup, and watch infomertials till it's time for school.

31-05-2006, 08:47
Your own proof is flawed. these things are "nearly" impossible, which means that they are, in fact, possible. They are merely not probable.
Given enough time, probability does line up.

There are scientific theories behind things like near death experiences. It is almost 4 AM, so forgive me for not finding them right now.

Yes ,yes yes. Science. Always trying to find exuses with science. You can continue arguing but we have loads of evidince of God's existince. Be a skeptic if you want. Just the same as the world will be full of skeptics. Remeber this and only this: I don't write my opinions, I write clear facts, which when they will happen they will shock the world like it has never did before.
31-05-2006, 08:47
So, uh, yeah, seee you at the judgement day or whatever you said. Until then, there's always institutionalisation, buddy.
Sorry, but Judgement day will be postponed until Lucifer gives back the lawnmower he borrowed.

And if he says I haven't returned the power-drill yet you can tell him that I gave it to Belsesbub to pass it on, so Mr. Lightbringer can ask him where it is if he hasn't got it back yet.
IL Ruffino
31-05-2006, 08:49
How close is Alaska to the east coast? :confused:

Weird that you should mention the woods. That's on the next anecdote thread! :eek:
I thought you were in VA or something near the great lakes.. teh hell!

coo, i have a story or two for the woods :)
31-05-2006, 08:49
ew, ontopic debate, goodbye.

off to get high, make espresso so black it stains the cup, and watch infomertials till it's time for school.

Shock Coffee (
31-05-2006, 08:49
Yes ,yes yes. Science. Always trying to find exuses with science. You can continue arguing but we have loads of evidince of God's existince. Be a skeptic if you want. Just the same as the world will be full of skeptics. Remeber this and only this: I don't write my opinions, I write clear facts, which when they will happen they will shock the world like it has never did before.

Feel free to give us one piece of conclusive evidence. When it exists.
31-05-2006, 08:49
Yes ,yes yes. Science. Always trying to find exuses with science. You can continue arguing but we have loads of evidince of God's existince. Be a skeptic if you want. Just the same as the world will be full of skeptics. Remeber this and only this: I don't write my opinions, I write clear facts, which when they will happen they will shock the world like it has never did before.
Oh deary me!
This is such a big target I feel like I'm going to kick a puppy.
Since I don't condone kicking puppies, I'll go easy on you.
31-05-2006, 08:51
Straughn, to be fair, maypole's first point is fact, the probability of the universe being as it is is remarkably slim. However, this does NOT take in to account the repeated cycle of big bangs and big crunches that may span back to infinite regress which makes it considerably more likely.
I appreciate you elucidating, since you qualified it in a way that needed to happen in order to put some semblence of reason to it. I will however point this out:

I will give you some simple proof:
(1.)The fact that by chance that a world like ours existed with the perfect condition meaning, gravity, coorect tempreature for life, distance from the sun, water, air is nearly impossible.
(2.) The fact that by chance humans evolved the way they did, with their amazing bodies and brains is nearly impossible.
(3.) The fact that by chance evolution how it did exisitsted and still exists in the way it did is nerly impossible.
The chances that these are thrue are the same as the chance that a computer with no instructions and no programming, would write the best composition for an opera/orchestra and longest one in the world.
NOT ONE of those actually deals with the universe. The closest run is the barb at gravity, for which i doubt the person even has an idea of Higgs Boson OR scalar fielding ... so my point stands. I'm calling them out on it.

As is, cosmological probabilities are a whole F*CKING LOT more complicated than the average person can grasp, and certainly NOT someone who just as easily dismisses the work AND statistics it takes to substantiate the issue for sake of a self-serving disingenuity.
31-05-2006, 08:51
Weird that you should mention the woods. That's on the next anecdote thread! :eek:
ahh... Boy Scout Memories... :D
31-05-2006, 08:51
Well say what you want, just watch the news for the next 30 years or so and when you hear that priest, tell yourself again that you don believe in God, and three days after you will say to yourself: " I know now God exists". By the way i didn't say that atheist will go to hell or any of that nonesnens because in our religion( Roman Catholic) athesist who live a good life, no-pagan life will still be good persons, bu being Catholic is an advantage since we have sacraments which make you closer to God like reconciliation. Also my main piont was that the de-christianisation of the world is leaving a new generation( not all mind you, there are many good new peole) who are egoistic( like we all are - human nature) but because theydon't have any morals, values they can't fight thier egoistic side.
When I see tangible, scientific evidence, of Gods existance, then yes, I will believe. Untill then, it isn't going to happen. I can't bring myself to put faith in that which I can't prove.
Sorry, I took that whole "judgement day" thing as being a condemnation to hell, as it usually is.
Also, I have several problems with that final sentence about what your main point was.
firstly, most people in the world are not, and never have been, Christian.
second, just because the morals and values of others aren't the same as yours, this does not mean that they do not have any. They are just different. Morals and values are both highly subjective.
Estado Libre
31-05-2006, 08:51
The chances that these are thrue are the same as the chance that a computer with no instructions and no programming, would write the best composition for an opera/orchestra and longest one in the world.

The chances are no where near that low. I have done computer simulations of evolution that can make amazing solutions to problems in minutes (thousands of generations) so that is complete nonsense. Of course, I programmed the computer but evolution relies on an existing environment and living creatures which your example does not give.
31-05-2006, 08:52
Oh deary me!
This is such a big target I feel like I'm going to kick a puppy.
Since I don't condone kicking puppies, I'll go easy on you.
*hands you the turkey baster* (thanks Sarkhaan ;) )
You know what to do. You know when to do it.
31-05-2006, 08:53
Once more, on the whole I am in agreement with you. I do not believe in a deity and suchlike, so I do not argue against your points in that post. However, it must be considered that it is the way the universe turned out that allowed the world as we know it to take it's form, with it's rules of physics and suchlike that allow life. The probability of Earth is extremely low, but there are enough instances with the cycle of big bangs and big crunches and with the amount of planets/celestial bodies for life to exist as we know with reasonable probability.
31-05-2006, 08:54
*watches kill bill*

... [/random]
*watches The Greatest American Hero*
[/not random]
BTW, i never saw the second part. Is there a turkey baster murder? :eek:
IL Ruffino
31-05-2006, 08:55
Shock Coffee (
I'm buying so much shit from there! *twitch*
ahh... Boy Scout Memories... :D
I was in the boy scouts!

I remember teaching the other people how to roll joints.. :D
31-05-2006, 08:56
Yes ,yes yes. Science. Always trying to find exuses with science. You can continue arguing but we have loads of evidince of God's existince. Be a skeptic if you want. Just the same as the world will be full of skeptics. Remeber this and only this: I don't write my opinions, I write clear facts, which when they will happen they will shock the world like it has never did before.
excuses? hardly. Proof of God? doubtful.
Where is this proof? Place it in my hands. Let me smell it, feel it, taste it, hear it, see it. And not in that metaphysical sense. I mean let me hold it in my hands, as I can do with scientific evidence.
you DO write opinions. If you understood a thing about statistics, you wouldn't have posted that. And if you knew a thing about debating with statistics, you would have provided a credible link to them.

The fact is, if I roll a 6 sided die 200 times, there is a very slim chance that I would ever get that order of rolls. It probably would never happen. But the fact that goes with it is that IT DID.
31-05-2006, 08:56
The chances are no where near that low. I have done computer simulations of evolution that can make amazing solutions to problems in minutes (thousands of generations) so that is complete nonsense. Of course, I programmed the computer but evolution relies on an existing environment and living creatures which your example does not give.

Just to elaborate further, a common analogy regarding probability mentioned in the responses to the teleological argument is that if you place enough monkeys at typewriters, one shall type the Lord's Prayer.
31-05-2006, 08:56
Very little you say is true. You cannot state any of that as fact, since morality is completely subjective. While I personally share the belief about crumbling morality in society, and even attribute this to the demise of religion, I am extremely angry at your condemnation of abortion (which is at a stage where the foetuses are incapable of either feeling or conscious thought), homosexual marriage (like any true redneck Christian would condemn, before going off to watch lesbian porn), euthanasia (I mean, it's not like suffering without need is bad, right?) and legalised drugs (more regulation means safer, less addictive drugs, taxation, reduced stigma on seeking help and such like). Besides, alcohol is a DRUG, so when you drink wine/the blood of jesus or whatever you want to call it, you are taking DRUGS. Get over it.

Also, the judgement day will not come, and the only judging here is of the initial poster by you. Tell me, if God is the perfect, omnipotent and all-loving God that Christians claim him to be, why does suffering exist? Please state the free will defence just so I can have the pleasure of ripping it apart and debunking omniscience and omnipotence as a consequence if you insist upon free will's truth. You accuse the original poster of having a weak character, but I don't see that person using an imaginary figure as a crutch in life. If anybody here is pathetic, in both the old and modern meanings, it is you.

Also, three to five peopleclaimed the Virgin Mary appeared before them. Do they know what she looks and sound like? Thought not, so anything that appeared to them is likely to be deceptive in nature if, of course, the whole thing wasn't fabricated.

So, uh, yeah, seee you at the judgement day or whatever you said. Until then, there's always institutionalisation, buddy.

First of all lets make it clear, I DO NOT WATCH LESBIAN PORN. Secondly this point of suffering has a simple explanation. Suffering is what gets us closer to God, there will always be suffering and misjustice. Death is the final step towards God if you lived a good life. And on the Medjugorje thing before everyday phenonmenens happened like a Holy Host in the sky Swirling around, and everyday the Virgin Mary appeared on the site, and there are pictures of a woman in light with th veil and everything so if you search for them you will find evidence. And sorry if you share the belief of a crumbling society yuo woudn't agree with abortion, same-sex marraige and euthanasia you liar.
31-05-2006, 08:56
[QUOTE=IL Ruffino]
*watches The Greatest American Hero*
[/not random]
BTW, i never saw the second part. Is there a turkey baster murder? :eek:
Watches Wonder Woman

what... I like that series. :cool:
31-05-2006, 08:56
How sad, seeing the polls. Half don't believe in God. That means less morals and values as it is showing in our young society. No one cares about anything anymore. Everyone just wants to do what he wants, enjoy himself party and get money, and satisfy their lustful thoughts. Our Society is crumbling with all the damned technology we can create we are still going to crumble. No one cares about anything anymore. It is very easy to see, Abortion, Same-Sex marraige, Euthanasia, Legalised drugs(in a few countries), everyone marries and than divorces. All this damned liberalism is destroying the World.Alway sprotesting for their damned 'rights'. As we are seeing with these new 'rights' the world on a social stand(not economic social) is going backward, and don' tell me there is an increase in equality, because capitalism is not equality. I can't understand why this person because a friend o his died, Ok it is extremley hard for a person to swallow that. Ok yo get angry with God, and what you stay mad with him and become an atheist. I think his friend must be turning in her grave. If we agree wth you, no one should believe that God exists because everyone has a frien, relative that dies!!You have just shown us how immature you are and how weak your charachter is, with one blow you give up. It's a shame. Only on judgement day you will see who is right. Mind you , there are already sign, all these natural disasters, major events were predicted and more are still to come. Also to note is that in a Place called Medjugorje in the Balkans the Holy Mary appeared to some three-five visionaries and She told them that in their lifitmes they are about30-40 yeats old, an event will occeur in which all of us will be consious that HE Exists. Three days before this is to happen, a Priest will tell this to world. Mind you She also said that after this event occurs thier will be few time left to convert. If you want believe if not you'll find soon enough. I wrote this because of the realisation that people think that they are 'god',.
Think of me what you like, a crazed Christian, a priest, anything but what I say is true.
Hmm, so if I don't believe in God your way, I'm going to hell?

I don't believe in God the same way you do.
If you don't share my beliefs, God won't mind, or love you any less for it. That is my belief.
There is no "one true way".
IL Ruffino
31-05-2006, 08:57
[QUOTE=IL Ruffino]
*watches The Greatest American Hero*
[/not random]
BTW, i never saw the second part. Is there a turkey baster murder? :eek:
31-05-2006, 08:57
Once more, on the whole I am in agreement with you. I do not believe in a deity and suchlike, so I do not argue against your points in that post. However, it must be considered that it is the way the universe turned out that allowed the world as we know it to take it's form, with it's rules of physics and suchlike that allow life. The probability of Earth is extremely low, but there are enough instances with the cycle of big bangs and big crunches and with the amount of planets/celestial bodies for life to exist as we know with reasonable probability.
Actually the probability of the earth isn't that low. Check out Drake's Equation, and it's amendment this past year for a little better understanding.
Also consider the GHZ for certain mass galaxies.
As for the cycle of big bangs, i truly have NO reasonable measure to quantify it. But thanks to the Large Hadron Collider next year, we're gonna find out after we fire a semi-sustainable black hole on the surface of the earth (main target: expansion and Hierarchy Problem)
31-05-2006, 08:59
Actually the probability of the earth isn't that low. Check out Drake's Equation, and it's amendment this past year for a little better understanding.
there's a recent amendment?! How did I miss that?

by the way, beware the turkey baster...:D
31-05-2006, 09:00
First of all lets make it clear, I DO NOT WATCH LESBIAN PORN. Secondly this point of suffering has a simple explanation. Suffering is what gets us closer to God, there will always be suffering and misjustice. Death is the final step towards God if you lived a good life. And on the Medjugorje thing before everyday phenonmenens happened like a Holy Host in the sky Swirling around, and everyday the Virgin Mary appeared on the site, and there are pictures of a woman in light with th veil and everything so if you search for them you will find evidence. And sorry if you share the belief of a crumbling society yuo woudn't agree with abortion, same-sex marraige and euthanasia you liar.calm down Maypole. You're starting to ramble.

don't let your emotions get the better of you. else you will lose your temper, your dignity, your patience and who knows what else.
31-05-2006, 09:00
Your own proof is flawed. these things are "nearly" impossible, which means that they are, in fact, possible. They are merely not probable.
Given enough time, probability does line up.
eta: It is more likely that we evolved around the gravity, temperature, sun, water, and air conditions found on earth, not those changing to suit life. We only assume that life has to revolve around carbon and water because that is how we evolved. There are signs that this isn't true, even on our own planet (deep-sea trenches)Excellent!!!! Extremophiles!! WooT!
31-05-2006, 09:01
calm down Maypole. You're starting to ramble.

don't let your emotions get the better of you. else you will lose your temper, your dignity, your patience and who knows what else.
31-05-2006, 09:03
Excellent!!!! Extremophiles!! WooT!
I personally like my dice analogy, but sadly, I haven't taken stats recently, and its 4 AM, so I can't remember how to figure out the chances of 200 rolls of a 6 sided die coming out in a specific order.

nor do I have a good calculator near by...:(
31-05-2006, 09:04
there's a recent amendment?! How did I miss that?Discover carried it in the last couple months. I don't subscribe to that one though, since the artificial sweetner fiasco kinda "soured" me :p

by the way, beware the turkey baster...:DYes, a little knowledge can be a dangerous thing!
31-05-2006, 09:04
First of all lets make it clear, I DO NOT WATCH LESBIAN PORN. Secondly this point of suffering has a simple explanation. Suffering is what gets us closer to God, there will always be suffering and misjustice. Death is the final step towards God if you lived a good life. And on the Medjugorje thing before everyday phenonmenens happened like a Holy Host in the sky Swirling around, and everyday the Virgin Mary appeared on the site, and there are pictures of a woman in light with th veil and everything so if you search for them you will find evidence. And sorry if you share the belief of a crumbling society yuo woudn't agree with abortion, same-sex marraige and euthanasia you liar.
You don't watch lesbian porn? Man, you've really missed something then. ;)

Hmm, so if you have a life where you don't suffer you can't come closer to God?

I remember another phenomena like that, with photos of it sent in by a friend who is a syrian-orthodox, of the Virgin Mary appearing in the reflection of a window on a mall I think it was.

There's no doubt that the image formed resembles the iconic image (contour) of the Virgin, but to me, it is not proof of God.
However, for some it was proof of God, and some apparently got cured after watching it and praying.
If it worked for them, then it was a miracle and/or confirmation for God. For them.

Fine by me, I'm glad they got something out of it. I still don't consider it proof of God's existence. My beliefs doesn't work that way.
31-05-2006, 09:06
yep... the first posts had more structure to them. but now they are just run on sentences jumping from one thougth to another.

add the misspellings and... well rambling.

yes, I know it actually started several posts back, but I was in an educational tread about variations in evoultion. (X-Men) ;)
31-05-2006, 09:07
First of all lets make it clear, I DO NOT WATCH LESBIAN PORN. Secondly this point of suffering has a simple explanation. Suffering is what gets us closer to God, there will always be suffering and misjustice. Death is the final step towards God if you lived a good life. And on the Medjugorje thing before everyday phenonmenens happened like a Holy Host in the sky Swirling around, and everyday the Virgin Mary appeared on the site, and there are pictures of a woman in light with th veil and everything so if you search for them you will find evidence. And sorry if you share the belief of a crumbling society yuo woudn't agree with abortion, same-sex marraige and euthanasia you liar.

The point I was making with the lesbian porn point is that most homophobes have no basis for their homophobia, and are content with homsexuality when it suits them. The former point applies to you.

If suffering gets us closer to God, how comes suffering brings people further away from him, destroying faith like in the original poster's case? It is true that death and misjustice are almost certain, but an all-loving God would not permit this. You post the argument that it is a learning process, to enlighten us about God. Funny, since it seems to teach people he does not exist.

And don't tell me what I believe you bigoted cow, I speak the truth. Look at rising crime rates, that's proof enough that morality is crumbling for me. However, what is more moral, stopping a foetus from fully developing while it cannot feel, or bringing it into a life not worth living? That's my justification. The same argument is applicable to euthanasia with the needless suffering point. As for same-sex marriage, what is so unethical or immoral about it? If two guys or girls wanna cop off with each other, it's their business, not yours. You choose to think about what they do so if it offends you, you only have yourself to blame, you bigot. Shouldn't you love thy neighbour? It does not matter whether your neighbour is hetero, homo, bi, trans, pan or a, they're still a human being, and it is immoral to judge someone on that kind of basis. Besides, if God did not want homosexuality, he wouldn't have created the biological factors of homosexuality, would he? (Yes, I am aware that there are social factors too, the whole nature vs nurture thing is not somethign which I would pass over)
31-05-2006, 09:07
Discover carried it in the last couple months. I don't subscribe to that one though, since the artificial sweetner fiasco kinda "soured" me :phaha...okay, that one was bad, even for us:p

Yes, a little knowledge can be a dangerous thing!
ugh...she called me last night...left me a voice mail. "Hi. I just got a new phone, and yours is one of three numbers I remember. I told *new boy* that, and he got mad I don't remember his"
I laughed. still haven't called back
31-05-2006, 09:08
ew, ontopic debate, goodbye.

off to get high, make espresso so black it stains the cup, and watch infomertials till it's time for school.

Perhaps Cutty Sark'll have the beer, perhaps not. :)
31-05-2006, 09:08
yep... the first posts had more structure to them. but now they are just run on sentences jumping from one thougth to another.

add the misspellings and... well rambling.

yes, I know it actually started several posts back, but I was in an educational tread about variations in evoultion. (X-Men) ;)
haha...that was a bitter moment. I'd take it back if I actually cared.

by the way, if you're interested in variations in evolution, check out the upcoming computer game "Spore"
31-05-2006, 09:09
First of all i am a normal human being and i get angry like anyone else( probably going to get eaten for this but anyways). Thats why you don't have a strong character, faith, morals and values because to believe you have to touch, see, , taste smell, Whatever. I am not telling you to believe I am telliyng you THE FACTS OF LIFE WHICH HALF THE DAMNED WORLD DOESN'T BELIEVE BECAUSE OF OUR NEW STUPID, PATHETIC, MISHAPEN, DEFORMED LIBERAL VIEWS WHICH ARE DESTROYING THE WORLD!!!!!!!!!!( also going to get eaten for this one.) Also a reason why people don' believe is because of the Bilble 'stories'. For example Adam and Eve in the Genisi are just metaphorical and expalin something else, because there was never Noah who built a damned ship while the whole world flooded!! You cretins don't critisize the Church and its Beliefs which are true, if while at a religious lesson when you were oyung the thign on your mind was fun,fun,funf, and fun and never listened to it, if you ever attende and if their teachings were not good because the protestan, anglican whatever have some very differern views from the Roman Catholics and the Orthodox Church. I' ve noted another strange thing you knjow. NO ONE HAS WRITTEN TO SUPPORT MY STATEMENTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THIS SHOWS WHAT A CORRUPT SOCIETY we have!!
31-05-2006, 09:10
Yes ,yes yes. Science. Always trying to find exuses with science. You can continue arguing but we have loads of evidince of God's existince. Be a skeptic if you want. Just the same as the world will be full of skeptics. Remeber this and only this: I don't write my opinions, I write clear facts, which when they will happen they will shock the world like it has never did before.WTF?
Pretty full of your own self-importance, pretty empty of content.
Also pretty spotty on the accuracy - punctuated by the bolded.

A *D* range. Sloppy, sloppy. Perhaps you're good at extra credit.
31-05-2006, 09:11
I thought you were in VA or something near the great lakes.. teh hell!

coo, i have a story or two for the woods :)
*thinks mounds of Brokeback Mountain ref's*
31-05-2006, 09:12
Perhaps Cutty Sark'll have the beer, perhaps not. :) room is boiling. Don't tempt me:p
31-05-2006, 09:13
ahh... Boy Scout Memories... :D
What's blue and comes in brownies?
31-05-2006, 09:14
The chances are no where near that low. I have done computer simulations of evolution that can make amazing solutions to problems in minutes (thousands of generations) so that is complete nonsense. Of course, I programmed the computer but evolution relies on an existing environment and living creatures which your example does not give.Yeah!

The AVIDA program, for which i recommend Maypole give a DISCERNING amount of time to.
Estado Libre
31-05-2006, 09:14

No, that shows that you're incoherent. Even the Christians are distancing themselves from your rants.
31-05-2006, 09:15
I'm buying so much shit from there! *twitch*

I was in the boy scouts!

I remember teaching the other people how to roll joints.. :D
See "Be Prepared", by Tom Lehrer.
31-05-2006, 09:17
No, that shows that you're incoherent. Even the Christians are distancing themselves from your rants.
That's actually a predictible response to self-preserving entities avoiding a gravity-based implosion. There's no room in that particular parsec for anyone else's ego, it would appear. *nods solemly*
31-05-2006, 09:17
First of all i am a normal human being and i get angry like anyone else( probably going to get eaten for this but anyways). Thats why you don't have a strong character, faith, morals and values because to believe you have to touch, see, , taste smell, Whatever. I am not telling you to believe I am telliyng you THE FACTS OF LIFE WHICH HALF THE DAMNED WORLD DOESN'T BELIEVE BECAUSE OF OUR NEW STUPID, PATHETIC, MISHAPEN, DEFORMED LIBERAL VIEWS WHICH ARE DESTROYING THE WORLD!!!!!!!!!!( also going to get eaten for this one.) Also a reason why people don' believe is because of the Bilble 'stories'. For example Adam and Eve in the Genisi are just metaphorical and expalin something else, because there was never Noah who built a damned ship while the whole world flooded!! You cretins don't critisize the Church and its Beliefs which are true, if while at a religious lesson when you were oyung the thign on your mind was fun,fun,funf, and fun and never listened to it, if you ever attende and if their teachings were not good because the protestan, anglican whatever have some very differern views from the Roman Catholics and the Orthodox Church. I' ve noted another strange thing you knjow. NO ONE HAS WRITTEN TO SUPPORT MY STATEMENTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THIS SHOWS WHAT A CORRUPT SOCIETY we have!!

No, it shows that nobody agrees with you. While it isn't definite, it can be inferred that this is because you are wrong. Capiche?

They are not facts of life. Facts are true. Only that which is empirically proven can be claimed to be true, and every argument in favour of God such as the classical proofs have been torn to shreds. The bible is an amalgamation of contradictions and nonsensical statements. As for my liberal views destroying the world? Ah yes, everything I question some unjustified view, a kitten dies. Every time A mana penetrates another man, a country is nuked. Every time a black person gets a job, a terrorist strikes. Every time a female enters a male-dominated industry, a train derails. Yes, I can see where you're coming from.

And I was the one guy paying attention in religious studies, so nice job with the assumptions. Tell me, if the story of Adam and Eve was a metaphor/allegory, what can be learnt from it? Oh, that the word exists. Gee, nobody knew that. The bible and it's stories are works of fiction, either read for humour, read for escapism or used for toilet paper.
31-05-2006, 09:18
Just to elaborate further, a common analogy regarding probability mentioned in the responses to the teleological argument is that if you place enough monkeys at typewriters, one shall type the Lord's Prayer.
Yep, that was my simian reference earlier. *nods*
31-05-2006, 09:20
Watches Wonder Woman

what... I like that series. :cool:
Hey, Linda Carter was hot into her late 50's!!!!

Of course, my show has Connie Selleca ... and the intro has Stephanie Kramer! *grrrrooowl*
31-05-2006, 09:20
First of all i am a normal human being and i get angry like anyone else( probably going to get eaten for this but anyways).no one is denying you your anger, but anger make you miss points that should be addressed. reduces Tact and understanding. anger also leads to flaming. and flaming brings about mod action.
Thats why you don't have a strong character, faith, morals and values because to believe you have to touch, see, taste, smell, Whatever. I am not telling you to believe I am telliyng you THE FACTS OF LIFE WHICH HALF THE DAMNED WORLD DOESN'T BELIEVE BECAUSE OF OUR NEW STUPID, PATHETIC, MISHAPEN, DEFORMED LIBERAL VIEWS WHICH ARE DESTROYING THE WORLD!!!!!!!!!!( also going to get eaten for this one.)
Also a reason why people don' believe is because of the Bilble 'stories'. For example Adam and Eve in the Genisi are just metaphorical and expalin something else, because there was never Noah who built a damned ship while the whole world flooded!! You cretins don't critisize the Church and its Beliefs which are true, if while at a religious lesson when you were oyung the thign on your mind was fun,fun,funf, and fun and never listened to it, if you ever attende and if their teachings were not good because the protestan, anglican whatever have some very differern views from the Roman Catholics and the Orthodox Church. I' ve noted another strange thing you knjow. NO ONE HAS WRITTEN TO SUPPORT MY STATEMENTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THIS SHOWS WHAT A CORRUPT SOCIETY we have!!
I cannot support your statements, for I do not believe in them. This may show evidence of a corrupt society, or it can also show evidence of flaws in your thinking.

To me, posting things like Cretins, Liberal Views and other labels detracts from the grace and love that God wants us to spread.

we appear to have two different methods of witnessing. Your method does not appear to be compatable with mine, thus why I cannot support your views. Sorry.
31-05-2006, 09:20
The point I was making with the lesbian porn point is that most homophobes have no basis for their homophobia, and are content with homsexuality when it suits them. The former point applies to you.

If suffering gets us closer to God, how comes suffering brings people further away from him, destroying faith like in the original poster's case? It is true that death and misjustice are almost certain, but an all-loving God would not permit this. You post the argument that it is a learning process, to enlighten us about God. Funny, since it seems to teach people he does not exist.

And don't tell me what I believe you bigoted cow, I speak the truth. Look at rising crime rates, that's proof enough that morality is crumbling for me. However, what is more moral, stopping a foetus from fully developing while it cannot feel, or bringing it into a life not worth living? That's my justification. The same argument is applicable to euthanasia with the needless suffering point. As for same-sex marriage, what is so unethical or immoral about it? If two guys or girls wanna cop off with each other, it's their business, not yours. You choose to think about what they do so if it offends you, you only have yourself to blame, you bigot. Shouldn't you love thy neighbour? It does not matter whether your neighbour is hetero, homo, bi, trans, pan or a, they're still a human being, and it is immoral to judge someone on that kind of basis. Besides, if God did not want homosexuality, he wouldn't have created the biological factors of homosexuality, would he? (Yes, I am aware that there are social factors too, the whole nature vs nurture thing is not somethign which I would pass over)

First of all you........... i better not say what i have to say on my mind because you say then; He s a christian and he offends people. YES AND SO WHAT, AS IF YOU DON'T OFFEND PEOPLE LIKE YOU RE DOING RIGHT NOW. I am human. Everyone suffers , not if they look happy on the outside it means that they are happy mind you.
Yes homosexuality is a biological defect, but the fact is that topday 3/4 lets say1/2 of gays became gays because of their lustful thoughts, but also because WE, YES WE YOU BIGOT, allowed these gays so much rights that they spread their idease. And what happened? A GAY EXPLOSION!!! Yes now its fun to be gay and suck the others..... yeah what fun. You imbicile whats the fun in that!!!!!!!!!!!!! Those perverts, dirty people, how disgusting!!! The thing is that if you allow them marraige, more will increase, and also after marraige they would want to adopt children, why not in the loving care of TWO MONSTERS who will make him just like him, and then complain about the population decline!!!!! You cretins.
N/B Sorry about spelling and sorry about my anger but i can't just stand it.
31-05-2006, 09:21
First of all i am a normal human being and i get angry like anyone else( probably going to get eaten for this but anyways). Thats why you don't have a strong character, faith, morals and values because to believe you have to touch, see, , taste smell,
First of all, punctuation and paragraphs. They are your friend.
Second of all, do NOT be so presumptuous, or so self-righteous to think that because I base my thoughts off of that which can be proven that I do not have weak character, faith, or morals. Thus far, you have had 10 posts back and forth with me at most. You do not in any way know me, nor are you in any position to make such claims. It is called an ad hominem attack. You attack me, not the argument presented. It is a logical fallacy.
Sorry we can't be as perfect as you:rolleyes:
( also going to get eaten for this one.) Also a reason why people don' believe is because of the Bilble 'stories'. For example Adam and Eve in the Genisi are just metaphorical and expalin something else, because there was never Noah who built a damned ship while the whole world flooded!!
Actually, as I stated earlier in this thread, I have read 5 seperate translations of the bible. I have looked at it from a literary point of view, same as I would any other book, looking at messages, themes, style, etc. I know the book well, and have never once attacked the bible in a religious argument.
You cretins don't critisize the Church and its Beliefs which are true, if while at a religious lesson when you were oyung the thign on your mind was fun,fun,funf, and fun and never listened to it, if you ever attende and if their teachings were not good because the protestan, anglican whatever have some very differern views from the Roman Catholics and the Orthodox Church.
You mean different chuches have different views?!
Actually, I was raised Jewish. I chose, in 6th grade, to become a Bar Mitzvah. I was trained to do it all, and you know what? It didn't work for me. I hated it. I wasn't there for the fun, I assure you. I worked my ass off to learn a new language and culture, and finished it, only to realize I hated it.

And yes, I will criticize the Church. The Church is a creation of man, and is therefore falliable. The Church should not be what you argue for. The message, on the other hand, you MIGHT have a shot.

I' ve noted another strange thing you knjow. NO ONE HAS WRITTEN TO SUPPORT MY STATEMENTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THIS SHOWS WHAT A CORRUPT SOCIETY we have!!This shows nothing. [Edit: Appearently, he doesnt :)] The fact is, you have been on here for less than an hour, and the majority of posters are still sleeping.
31-05-2006, 09:22
no one is denying you your anger, but anger make you miss points that should be addressed. reduces Tact and understanding. anger also leads to flaming. and flaming brings about mod action. Ya know, it's *amazing* we've taken this thread this far w/out much mod involvement. Seriously.

I cannot support your statements, for I do not believe in them. This may show evidence of a corrupt society, or it can also show evidence of flaws in your thinking.

To me, posting things like Cretins, Liberal Views and other labels detracts from the grace and love that God wants us to spread.

we appear to have two different methods of witnessing. Your method does not appear to be compatable with mine, thus why I cannot support your views. Sorry.Awesome. *bows*
31-05-2006, 09:22
Hey, Linda Carter was hot into her late 50's!!!!

Of course, my show has Connie Selleca ... and the intro has Stephanie Kramer! *grrrrooowl*she was hotter in her early twenties. (btw, loved her in Sky High ;) )
"I did the best I could... what can anyone expect? I'm not Wonder Woman you know..."

I also got Debra Winger in a similar outfit.

and i'd rather watch Linda Carter in her outfit(s) any day...
IL Ruffino
31-05-2006, 09:22
Perhaps Cutty Sark'll have the beer, perhaps not. :)
beer would be nice.. i should get drunk.. but.. im high!

:rolleyes: :eek: ;)
31-05-2006, 09:23
No, that shows that you're incoherent. Even the Christians are distancing themselves from your rants.

Thats because they are now shameful of thier beliefs when they should be proud because people like YOU, YES YOU eat them alive if they post something, pro-lif,pro christian.
31-05-2006, 09:24
What's blue and comes in brownies?
you know... I once knew the answer to this one...
31-05-2006, 09:25
The ties that bind ....

How carefully I've shaped you in the solitude of days
How peaceful is my mind entwined in cord around my fingers
How sweet the days I've marked in knots I've tenderly caressed
So many times I've touched you, reached you, teased you
Now fingering these veins of hemp
Their hair upon my skin
And how gently, quickly you will sleep
Slip into my collection with its bristles, coils, intentions
Yet your words will be unfaithful before I set you free
Slip as life is bound to slip from this entropy disorder
Then tied and laid upon the floor in perfect symmetry
'Til the frayed edge of your lips on mine
Positioned, placed at ease once more
'Til this restlessness returns I turn and turn and turn again
31-05-2006, 09:25
N/B Sorry about spelling and sorry about my anger but i can't just stand it.
I'm not even going to address the gay issue right now...
I don't care how pissed you are getting. This forum does not tolerate personal attacks, such as calling someone else an idiot for disagreeing. I highly suggest you take a step back and breathe before you earn yourself mod actions.
31-05-2006, 09:25
no one is denying you your anger, but anger make you miss points that should be addressed. reduces Tact and understanding. anger also leads to flaming. and flaming brings about mod action.

I cannot support your statements, for I do not believe in them. This may show evidence of a corrupt society, or it can also show evidence of flaws in your thinking.

To me, posting things like Cretins, Liberal Views and other labels detracts from the grace and love that God wants us to spread.

we appear to have two different methods of witnessing. Your method does not appear to be compatable with mine, thus why I cannot support your views. Sorry.

Sorry my friend but even before i got angry you mocked my views. Punto e Basta.
31-05-2006, 09:25
you know... I once knew the answer to this one...
Mull over that anecdote a little ... ;)
31-05-2006, 09:26
First of all you........... i better not say what i have to say on my mind because you say then; He s a christian and he offends people. YES AND SO WHAT, AS IF YOU DON'T OFFEND PEOPLE LIKE YOU RE DOING RIGHT NOW. I am human. Everyone suffers , not if they look happy on the outside it means that they are happy mind you.
Yes homosexuality is a biological defect, but the fact is that topday 3/4 lets say1/2 of gays became gays because of their lustful thoughts, but also because WE, YES WE YOU BIGOT, allowed these gays so much rights that they spread their idease. And what happened? A GAY EXPLOSION!!! Yes now its fun to be gay and suck the others..... yeah what fun. You imbicile whats the fun in that!!!!!!!!!!!!! Those perverts, dirty people, how disgusting!!! The thing is that if you allow them marraige, more will increase, and also after marraige they would want to adopt children, why not in the loving care of TWO MONSTERS who will make him just like him, and then complain about the population decline!!!!! You cretins.
N/B Sorry about spelling and sorry about my anger but i can't just stand it.

I'd like to point out that almost all homosexuals had heterosexual parents, both biologically and those they were raised with. Homosexual carers does not equate homosexualities. Homosexuality does not make one a monster, intolerance would more suit that accusation, which you display on many levels. Also, if the population decreased, people would generally view that as good for the overpopulated world. If you need to, think of homosexuality as God's cure for overpopulation. Also, not all gays are perverts, and not all heteros are pure. Get over it.

As for lust? When you prove it is bad, I'll believe you. I'm lucky enough not to be affected by it.

Also, I find it funny that after spouting your hateful views that you call ME a bigot.
IL Ruffino
31-05-2006, 09:26
you know... I once knew the answer to this one...
dude... they have boy scouts in... hawii?!
31-05-2006, 09:27
Ya know, it's *amazing* we've taken this thread this far w/out much mod involvement. Seriously.It's looking like we might be getting some soon...*shrug*

Awesome. *bows*
I ditto that bow. JuNii, despite not having interacted with you much around here, you have my respect from this moment on.
31-05-2006, 09:28
I personally like my dice analogy, but sadly, I haven't taken stats recently, and its 4 AM, so I can't remember how to figure out the chances of 200 rolls of a 6 sided die coming out in a specific order.

nor do I have a good calculator near by...:(
That was actually a pretty GOOD analogy. *bows*
31-05-2006, 09:28
Sorry my friend but even before i got angry you mocked my views. Punto e Basta.
where and how did I mock your views.
31-05-2006, 09:29
Thats because they are now shameful of thier beliefs when they should be proud because people like YOU, YES YOU eat them alive if they post something, pro-lif,pro christian.

Christianity teaches tolerance, so it is in fact the opposite way around. Nice try, though.
Estado Libre
31-05-2006, 09:30
Yes homosexuality is a biological defect, but the fact is that topday 3/4 lets say1/2 of gays became gays because of their lustful thoughts, but also because WE, YES WE YOU BIGOT, allowed these gays so much rights that they spread their idease. And what happened? A GAY EXPLOSION!!! Yes now its fun to be gay and suck the others..... yeah what fun. You imbicile whats the fun in that!!!!!!!!!!!!! Those perverts, dirty people, how disgusting!!! The thing is that if you allow them marraige, more will increase, and also after marraige they would want to adopt children, why not in the loving care of TWO MONSTERS who will make him just like him, and then complain about the population decline!!!!! You cretins.

This is a joke, right? I can't accept that this is serious.
31-05-2006, 09:30
haha...okay, that one was bad, even for us:p
Quota, ya know. :)

ugh...she called me last night...left me a voice mail. "Hi. I just got a new phone, and yours is one of three numbers I remember. I told *new boy* that, and he got mad I don't remember his"
I laughed. still haven't called backProbably safer that way. She doesn't know where your beach is, does she? :eek:
31-05-2006, 09:32
dude... they have boy scouts in... hawii?!
yes... and these new fangled things called Plumbing... and homes not made of Grass! :D :D

sorry, but it's so funny when we went up to the Mainland and everyone is like... "so, you guys do nothing but surf right?"
then came the competition. and the look of surprise when I just dove head long into a field covered with Poison Oak. they thought I was stupid...

but people from Hawaii tend to be Immune to Posion Ivy/oak/sumac. and I knew I was. ;)
31-05-2006, 09:33
Quota, ya know. :)

Probably safer that way. She doesn't know where your beach is, does she? :eek: knows it...intimately *ahem*

31-05-2006, 09:34
Well after reflecting a bit it seems that nearly all of you want to hang me. Well, fine, do it if you wish.
First of all, I never said that I was perfect, far from it. You see the problem is here from defence of ourselves go to attack personally people. I apologise to all those I have offended. It was a moment's rage. The only person I will not apologise to is the one that first called me twice bigot and then after I called him by that name was stunned.
Secndly, I am not saying that people should totally agree with my views but it show that either all the Christians are in bed or that no one is there to defend his Church.
Thirdly, what the hell, has a black person got to do with a terrorist? Please clarify on that issue. I am not saying that defending animals is wrong, defending women is wron, but defending some of the gay rights, abortion and euthanasia are wrong.
You may not agree( as it seems) but I am not hoping to prove you wrong, I hope that God will in some 30 years time.
31-05-2006, 09:35
but the fact is that topday 3/4 lets say1/2 of gays became gays because of their lustful thoughts,
Let's say?
Fudging the #'s again? :p

Corny's gotta meet you. Hang around a while will you?
31-05-2006, 09:35 knows it...intimately *ahem*

Sand in the shorts, eh?
31-05-2006, 09:37
It's looking like we might be getting some soon...*shrug*

I ditto that bow. JuNii, despite not having interacted with you much around here, you have my respect from this moment on.
I usualy fight with CanuckHeaven in the poli threads but for religion, some of our beliefs actually jive. including Corny. however, when they go into areas that differ from mine, I back off until a time comes where I can give support.

the same for you Maypole. you are going where I cannot follow. thus I won't.
Estado Libre
31-05-2006, 09:37
defending some of the gay rights, abortion and euthanasia are wrong.
You may not agree( as it seems) but I am not hoping to prove you wrong, I hope that God will in some 30 years time.

In 30 years, we will know (assuming your right) but until then let's stick to modern morality instead of Dark Age morality.
31-05-2006, 09:38
she was hotter in her early twenties. (btw, loved her in Sky High ;) )
"I did the best I could... what can anyone expect? I'm not Wonder Woman you know..."

I also got Debra Winger in a similar outfit.

and i'd rather watch Linda Carter in her outfit(s) any day...
Good enough reasons never to leave the house! ...unless of course you're ACTUALLY meeting them. Or Kari Byron. :D
31-05-2006, 09:38
This is a joke, right? I can't accept that this is serious.

Yes it quite serious,or don't the liberals allow the expression of opinions anymore? I called them monsters metaphorically, sorry if I didn't state it out because it is horrible. Imagine this scenario: Two kids talking.
John: What's your father's name?
Jacke: Tony.
John: And your mother's?
Jacke: Paul

This example is enough to show that this piont is quite plausible.
31-05-2006, 09:40
Let's say?
Fudging the #'s again? :p

Corny's gotta meet you. Hang around a while will you?

Who is corny anyway? Well I Can talk to a gay what i can't stand are their practices.
31-05-2006, 09:40
Well after reflecting a bit it seems that nearly all of you want to hang me. Well, fine, do it if you wish.
First of all, I never said that I was perfect, far from it. You see the problem is here from defence of ourselves go to attack personally people. I apologise to all those I have offended. It was a moment's rage. The only person I will not apologise to is the one that first called me twice bigot and then after I called him by that name was stunned.
Secndly, I am not saying that people should totally agree with my views but it show that either all the Christians are in bed or that no one is there to defend his Church.
Thirdly, what the hell, has a black person got to do with a terrorist? Please clarify on that issue. I am not saying that defending animals is wrong, defending women is wron, but defending some of the gay rights, abortion and euthanasia are wrong.
You may not agree( as it seems) but I am not hoping to prove you wrong, I hope that God will in some 30 years time.

The black person thing was about your comment on liberal views. Those who sympathised with the black movement were condemned as liberals, which in my eyes is a testament to them.
Furthermore, I was not stunned when you called me a bigot, more amused at the blatant hypocrisy. Bigot is 'person intolerant of the ideas of other's. I am tolerant, which is why I often play Devil's Advocate, so to speak. I'm not intolerant of other views, I analyse them and mould my own accordingly. I just question any ideas without merit, such as faith and anti-homosexual views.

Oh, and I'll wait for the omnipotent all-loving God to judge me. Apart from he isn't all-loving as is shown by the problem of evil, or omnipotent as omnipotence means he must be capable of limiting himself, but when limited, is not omnipotent.

Also, I find it funny when people say God is 'ineffable', or indescribable. Isn't 'ineffable' a description?
31-05-2006, 09:41
In 30 years, we will know (assuming your right) but until then let's stick to modern morality instead of Dark Age morality.

It is not dark age morality, it is true morality, I just hope you convert and see what i mean.
31-05-2006, 09:41
First of all you........... i better not say what i have to say on my mind because you say then; He s a christian and he offends people. YES AND SO WHAT, AS IF YOU DON'T OFFEND PEOPLE LIKE YOU RE DOING RIGHT NOW. I am human. Everyone suffers , not if they look happy on the outside it means that they are happy mind you.
Yes homosexuality is a biological defect, but the fact is that topday 3/4 lets say1/2 of gays became gays because of their lustful thoughts, but also because WE, YES WE YOU BIGOT, allowed these gays so much rights that they spread their idease. And what happened? A GAY EXPLOSION!!! Yes now its fun to be gay and suck the others..... yeah what fun. You imbicile whats the fun in that!!!!!!!!!!!!! Those perverts, dirty people, how disgusting!!! The thing is that if you allow them marraige, more will increase, and also after marraige they would want to adopt children, why not in the loving care of TWO MONSTERS who will make him just like him, and then complain about the population decline!!!!! You cretins.
N/B Sorry about spelling and sorry about my anger but i can't just stand it.
To each his own, but you should take a good long look at your posts and those posted by sensible christians who are proud of their beliefs and feel comfortable with them.
See any difference?

I don't like playing ball on the other guy's court, but I'll say this. The God, and His son Jesus you claim to cherish so much probably weeps at your behaviour.
You've seemed to have missed the central message Jesus had with his teachings.

Be that as it may. In my eyes you're behaving more like God's accuser than God or Jesus, and that according to your own religion.

Hope you can look yourself in the mirror every morning. I wouldn't be able to if I held your views, but had my own set of morals and beliefs intact.
31-05-2006, 09:42
Well after reflecting a bit it seems that nearly all of you want to hang me. Not me, i barely even remember you! Perhaps you'd like to subscribe to Xislakilinia's Straughn Reference Newsletter? :p
31-05-2006, 09:42
Sand in the shorts, eh?
the shorts fell off when I dove off the dock...
31-05-2006, 09:43
Who is corny anyway? Well I Can talk to a gay what i can't stand are their practices.
Hahahahahahahaha!!!! *FLORT*

That's the best laugh i've gotten out of this WHOLE thread!!!

I hope you don't mind, i'm gonna TG him with this.
Ryan Hendrix
31-05-2006, 09:44
If there was a God, then this God hasn't been doing very good things to us has he.
I don't believe in God, I believe in good people and bad people. I wouldn't know where God will fit.
31-05-2006, 09:44
Well after reflecting a bit it seems that nearly all of you want to hang me. Well, fine, do it if you wish.
First of all, I never said that I was perfect, far from it. You see the problem is here from defence of ourselves go to attack personally people. I apologise to all those I have offended. It was a moment's rage. The only person I will not apologise to is the one that first called me twice bigot and then after I called him by that name was stunned.and that was what my warning was for when I quoted your first post. Here Religion and politics are hot topics and threads can quickly fan into flame wars.

Secndly, I am not saying that people should totally agree with my views but it show that either all the Christians are in bed or that no one is there to defend his Church.suspect in bed or at work. and as I suggested earlier, read the previous posts and you'll see where others made your mistakes.
Thirdly, what the hell, has a black person got to do with a terrorist? Please clarify on that issue. I am not saying that defending animals is wrong, defending women is wron, but defending some of the gay rights, abortion and euthanasia are wrong.and these are other hot topics. believe it or not, the people on now are nothing compared to the basting you would've recieved. and sorry, but I've always felt that Homosexuality, and Abortion were grey areas that is best left to the individual and God. it's not for me to dictate who sleeps with whom nor me to say when Life that God blesses someone with starts.
You may not agree( as it seems) but I am not hoping to prove you wrong, I hope that God will in some 30 years time.and I hope you stick around to find the proper manner to get your words as well as your faith across. there has been other people that have come and gone. and their standings were slowly lowered because they were nothing but "Fire & Brimstone" and less of the Peace, Love and Joy that is also there celebrating God. You have to find your balance and your way to witness. Just like I had to. and no, my faith and beliefs were never compromised.
31-05-2006, 09:46
Who is corny anyway? Well I Can talk to a gay what i can't stand are their practices.Corneliu.

and keep that though. Love the Sinner condemn the sin.
31-05-2006, 09:46
The black person thing was about your comment on liberal views. Those who sympathised with the black movement were condemned as liberals, which in my eyes is a testament to them.
Furthermore, I was not stunned when you called me a bigot, more amused at the blatant hypocrisy. Bigot is 'person intolerant of the ideas of other's. I am tolerant, which is why I often play Devil's Advocate, so to speak. I'm not intolerant of other views, I analyse them and mould my own accordingly. I just question any ideas without merit, such as faith and anti-homosexual views.

Oh, and I'll wait for the omnipotent all-loving God to judge me. Apart from he isn't all-loving as is shown by the problem of evil, or omnipotent as omnipotence means he must be capable of limiting himself, but when limited, is not omnipotent.

Also, I find it funny when people say God is 'ineffable', or indescribable. Isn't 'ineffable' a description?

Well, first of all I am not a rascist and not a liberal, because you are tring to give the impression that all non-liberals are rascist.
Secondly God is indecribable, only when we die we will know WHO He truly is. Besides, if you want to live your life live it, who will stop you. But what sense does life have if after 70-100 years you die and nothing. That is why I Call our religion sensible and with an aim because you don't die you just go on the other side.
Estado Libre
31-05-2006, 09:47
Yes it quite serious,or don't the liberals allow the expression of opinions anymore? I called them monsters metaphorically, sorry if I didn't state it out because it is horrible. Imagine this scenario: Two kids talking.
John: What's your father's name?
Jacke: Tony.
John: And your mother's?
Jacke: Paul

This example is enough to show that this piont is quite plausible.

It wasn't your points so much as your delivery that made me think it was a joke. I mean the "Yes now its fun to be gay and suck the others..... yeah what fun" seemed to be a satire of a fundamentalist Christian argument in my mind.

Nonetheless, the scenario you mention may seem horrible to you but not everyone agrees with you. Do you define what is moral?
31-05-2006, 09:47
believe it or not, the people on now are nothing compared to the basting you would've recieved.
or these ones are tired and biting their tongues ;)
31-05-2006, 09:49

and keep that though. Love the Sinner condemn the sin.
I must say, i'm impressed with your EXTREME restraint on this particular reply. Not even a smilie.
31-05-2006, 09:49
To each his own, but you should take a good long look at your posts and those posted by sensible christians who are proud of their beliefs and feel comfortable with them.
See any difference?

I don't like playing ball on the other guy's court, but I'll say this. The God, and His son Jesus you claim to cherish so much probably weeps at your behaviour.
You've seemed to have missed the central message Jesus had with his teachings.

Be that as it may. In my eyes you're behaving more like God's accuser than God or Jesus, and that according to your own religion.

Hope you can look yourself in the mirror every morning. I wouldn't be able to if I held your views, but had my own set of morals and beliefs intact.

Well, i knew someone would say that, always the same arguments, if a Christian does a mistak you eat him alive, but if someone not chritian makes a mistake you don't do taht to him do you?
31-05-2006, 09:50
the shorts fell off when I dove off the dock...
*thinks of Hungry Joe on Catch-22*
31-05-2006, 09:51
or these ones are tired and biting their tongues ;)
4am? I did that a night ago. :)
31-05-2006, 09:52
I must say, i'm impressed with your EXTREME restraint on this particular reply. Not even a smilie.
let's just say i remember Neo R... there was a point when she(?) actually started discussing things without flying off the handle...

then i sneezed and it was same ole, same ole. :D

and Maypole, Neo R posted almost like you did. it came across angry, defiant, and snobbish. that's why I was trying to get you to slow down.
31-05-2006, 09:52
Well, first of all I am not a rascist and not a liberal, because you are tring to give the impression that all non-liberals are rascist.
Secondly God is indecribable, only when we die we will know WHO He truly is. Besides, if you want to live your life live it, who will stop you. But what sense does life have if after 70-100 years you die and nothing. That is why I Call our religion sensible and with an aim because you don't die you just go on the other side.

I do not believe all non-liberals are racist. I was just using that as an example that liberal views are not destroying the world and can actually bolster society instead of become a hinderance to civilisation and morality. Was the slave trade moral? Most likely no. Did a liberally-slanted movement end it? Yes.

"But what sense does life have if after 70-100 years you die and nothing."

That's why people should endeavour to enjoy their lives instead of devoting it to a fictitious character. Also, why does life have to have an aim? Just because Christianity claims it does, does not make it sensible. Many things are completely without purpose and direction (I could make a joke about your posts but I shall refrain), some things in life are simply insignificant. We as humans are not the be-all and end-all, so a statement that we matter (which, by the way, was used to placate the masses) holds no water.
31-05-2006, 09:52
Well, i knew someone would say that, always the same arguments, if a Christian does a mistak you eat him alive, but if someone not chritian makes a mistake you don't do taht to him do you?
You can't fault someone ELSE for having standards. Especially ones that YOU should hold yourself up to if you intend to represent a similar faith.
31-05-2006, 09:53
Well, i knew someone would say that, always the same arguments, if a Christian does a mistak you eat him alive, but if someone not chritian makes a mistake you don't do taht to him do you?
welcome to NS forums. and if you want to see examples of what you say doesn't happen, all you need to do is look.
31-05-2006, 09:55
let's just say i remember Neo R... there was a point when she(?) actually started discussing things without flying off the handle...

then i sneezed and it was same ole, same ole. :D Ah ...
You know, of course, i don't really NEED to TG Corny about it, seeing as how it's very likely he'll reread this thread when he gets back on, to refute/argue whatever quotes him. That'll probably do it.
Nonetheless, i want to be the first bearer of sweet, sweet tidings.
31-05-2006, 09:56
Well, i knew someone would say that, always the same arguments, if a Christian does a mistak you eat him alive, but if someone not chritian makes a mistake you don't do taht to him do you?
On the contrary.
I argue with everyone I don't agree with. The way I argue is dependent on how they respond.

I've only been here a short while myself, but there are already several people, christians and non-christians, that I repsect, and inversely, both christians and non-christians I don't respect.
31-05-2006, 09:57
Not me, i barely even remember you! Perhaps you'd like to subscribe to Xislakilinia's Straughn Reference Newsletter? :p

Circulation 100. It's a tough fight with "Xislakilinia Swimsuit Expose" unfortunately. :D
31-05-2006, 09:57
It wasn't your points so much as your delivery that made me think it was a joke. I mean the "Yes now its fun to be gay and suck the others..... yeah what fun" seemed to be a satire of a fundamentalist Christian argument in my mind.

Nonetheless, the scenario you mention may seem horrible to you but not everyone agrees with you. Do you define what is moral?

Of course it is horrible, even some atheist think it is horrible, i have atheis friends. It is horrible because it is not natural to have two males or two females as parents. If you tell me that it is natural I would suggest that you take some time to reflect. Well you may call horrible an opinion which it is but you can't call unatural an opinion can you?
Alos interesting to mention is the vulgarity of the operations of the transexuals. How do they even allow it. It is totally sick and disgusting, which comes too show how liberal we have become.
By the way if you are surprised by my views you may want to note that I come from Malta, so I am sure we think different then from where you are from. Where do you come from anyway.
31-05-2006, 09:57
the shorts fell off when I dove off the dock...
yep... that happened to me too...

even happened when I went on a slip and slide... :p
31-05-2006, 09:57
4am? I did that a night ago. :)
4:55 AM, and the birds outside my window are now chirping, and the sun is rising. As such, I think it is time for sleep. I'll try to remember to TG you about the new thread some time today.

g'night children. Play nice;)
31-05-2006, 09:58
welcome to NS forums. and if you want to see examples of what you say doesn't happen, all you need to do is look.

Well that is because they don't go far enough in defending Christianity in your opinions , and I for you seemed to have gone far while the others for you didn't. A simple Response.
31-05-2006, 09:59
Of course it is horrible, even some atheist think it is horrible, i have atheis friends. It is horrible because it is not natural to have two males or two females as parents. If you tell me that it is natural I would suggest that you take some time to reflect. Well you may call horrible an opinion which it is but you can't call unatural an opinion can you?
Alos interesting to mention is the vulgarity of the operations of the transexuals. How do they even allow it. It is totally sick and disgusting, which comes too show how liberal we have become.
By the way if you are surprised by my views you may want to note that I come from Malta, so I am sure we think different then from where you are from. Where do you come from anyway.

If it is not natural, explain the presence of homosexuality in nature ¬_¬

I've been to Malta and my girlfriend is from there. She's a christian too, for the record. Far more tolerant and 'liberal' than you, to boot. For the record, I live in England. I know, not the capital of morality but I don't view my country with rose-tinted glasses.
31-05-2006, 10:00
I must say, i'm impressed with your EXTREME restraint on this particular reply. Not even a smilie.

Sorry but I am not used to talk in English, I usually talk Maltese so, you may understand why it is difficult for me to comprehend some of the language used.
31-05-2006, 10:01
I do not believe all non-liberals are racist. I was just using that as an example that liberal views are not destroying the world and can actually bolster society instead of become a hinderance to civilisation and morality. Was the slave trade moral? Most likely no. Did a liberally-slanted movement end it? Yes.

"But what sense does life have if after 70-100 years you die and nothing."

That's why people should endeavour to enjoy their lives instead of devoting it to a fictitious character. Also, why does life have to have an aim? Just because Christianity claims it does, does not make it sensible. Many things are completely without purpose and direction (I could make a joke about your posts but I shall refrain), some things in life are simply insignificant. We as humans are not the be-all and end-all, so a statement that we matter (which, by the way, was used to placate the masses) holds no water.

Yeah another problem always enjoy, another corrupt belief.
31-05-2006, 10:02
Sorry but I am not used to talk in English, I usually talk Maltese so, you may understand why it is difficult for me to comprehend some of the language used.
aHA! I THOUGHT some of your mistakes read familiar! I have a friend up at school from Malta who makes some of the same sentence structure errors.

sorry, I swear I'm going now...:p
IL Ruffino
31-05-2006, 10:02
4:55 AM, and the birds outside my window are now chirping, and the sun is rising. As such, I think it is time for sleep. I'll try to remember to TG you about the new thread some time today.

g'night children. Play nice;)
5am! An hour till i get a shower for school. thank Straughn (god) summer vacation starts friday..
31-05-2006, 10:03
Well, first of all I am not a rascist and not a liberal, because you are tring to give the impression that all non-liberals are rascist.
Secondly God is indecribable, only when we die we will know WHO He truly is. Besides, if you want to live your life live it, who will stop you. But what sense does life have if after 70-100 years you die and nothing. That is why I Call our religion sensible and with an aim because you don't die you just go on the other side.

Heaven is overrated. 72 virgins none a looker. White gowns a sucker for pasta stains and feathered wings don't work near the sun anyway.
31-05-2006, 10:04
If it is not natural, explain the presence of homosexuality in nature ¬_¬

I've been to Malta and my girlfriend is from there. She's a christian too, for the record. Far more tolerant and 'liberal' than you, to boot. For the record, I live in England. I know, not the capital of morality but I don't view my country with rose-tinted glasses.

Do not misquote me. The thing that I said was not natural was having gay parents, not homosexuality in itself to a piont.
31-05-2006, 10:04
Yeah another problem always enjoy, another corrupt belief.

Try not ignoring valid points, instead responding to them with valid points of your own. You haven't, which is why nobody here respects you. If you have any arguments against what I said, post them. Otherwise, you make yourself seem even more ignorant.
31-05-2006, 10:06
Of course it is horrible, even some atheist think it is horrible, i have atheis friends. It is horrible because it is not natural to have two males or two females as parents. If you tell me that it is natural I would suggest that you take some time to reflect. Well you may call horrible an opinion which it is but you can't call unatural an opinion can you?
Alos interesting to mention is the vulgarity of the operations of the transexuals. How do they even allow it. It is totally sick and disgusting, which comes too show how liberal we have become.
By the way if you are surprised by my views you may want to note that I come from Malta, so I am sure we think different then from where you are from. Where do you come from anyway.
Define natural.
Quite a lot of animal species have sex with partners of the same gender. It happens with apes, dolphins, wolves/dogs, cats, horses and a number of other species besides.
Furthermore, research has shown that humans "naturally" mostly is bisexual, not hetero.
That most people claim to be hetero is largely due to culture.

As for transexuals... *shrugs* What is the harm? If it bothers you, don't look.
They're not dangerous, any more than any other human is (and since that includes drunk english football hooligans that statement might be a bit ambigous.. ;)), and if they're not bothered by their own lifestyle then, again, what' is the harm?
Estado Libre
31-05-2006, 10:07
Of course it is horrible, even some atheist think it is horrible, i have atheis friends. It is horrible because it is not natural to have two males or two females as parents. If you tell me that it is natural I would suggest that you take some time to reflect. Well you may call horrible an opinion which it is but you can't call unatural an opinion can you?
Alos interesting to mention is the vulgarity of the operations of the transexuals. How do they even allow it. It is totally sick and disgusting, which comes too show how liberal we have become.

You missed the recent story about the gay storks, didn't you? So, homosexualiy is natural even if is horrible to you.

I am sure we think different then from where you are from. Where do you come from anyway.
I'm from the U.S.A. (Alaska, to be exact).
31-05-2006, 10:07
Well that is because they don't go far enough in defending Christianity in your opinions , and I for you seemed to have gone far while the others for you didn't. A simple Response.
everyone has their own methods of defending, witnessing, preaching as well as attacking other people's Ideals. To me, I find that an attack too harshly on other people's ideas and they won't listen to what you are saying and only see that you are attacking them. I witness too many misunderstandings that end up with those defending Christianity coming off like lunatics. that does not help us do God's work.

Didn't Jesus show the same consideration and understading he would show to his diciples, to those that persecuted him? did he not heal a Roman soldier comming to arrest him?

when confronted by the Elders, he didn't go into a rampage, but calmly answered their questions and challenged their viewpoints.

just some words of advice.
be at peace and be calm. present your side with minimal caps for caps make you seem like you're screaming, and that detracts from your arguments.

When you feel anger and fustration getting a hold of you, step away, go to another thread, do something else, anything until your mind is clear and you can think clearly.
31-05-2006, 10:08
Define natural.
Quite a lot of animal species have sex with partners of the same gender. It happens with apes, dolphins, wolves/dogs, cats, horses and a number of other species besides.

As for transexuals... *shrugs* What is the harm? If it bothers you, don't look.
They're not dangerous, any more than any other human is (and since that includes drunk english football hooligans that statement might be a bit ambigous.. ;)), and if they're not bothered by their own lifestyle then, again, what' is the harm?

To further these points, unnatural does not automatically equate evil. Besides, if our good friend Maypole hates anything unnatural, maybe she shouldn't be using things such as the internet, computers or electricity.
31-05-2006, 10:10
Heaven is overrated. 72 virgins none a looker. White gowns a sucker for pasta stains and feathered wings don't work near the sun anyway.
actually, that glue was man made. I think God uses the better stuff.

and as for the virgins. I know some pretty hot looking Virgins.

and trust me, when God speaks, it take a whole new level to the phase "Shout out the stains"
31-05-2006, 10:11
Try not ignoring valid points, instead responding to them with valid points of your own. You haven't, which is why nobody here respects you. If you have any arguments against what I said, post them. Otherwise, you make yourself seem even more ignorant.

I seem ignorant to you. That is an opinion. If you want to say I am ignorant go ahead. If you say I am stupid go ahead. If you believe it doesn't make you ignorant my dear friend. Even in my life I get this constant badgering, they call me disabled, stupid, a priest, ecc.... But I will always retain my beliefs and if doesn't seem that I have responded your pionts, well say what you want.
31-05-2006, 10:12
To further these points, unnatural does not automatically equate evil. Besides, if our good friend Maypole hates anything unnatural, maybe she shouldn't be using things such as the internet, computers or electricity.

Let's not forget antibiotics. An invention that resulted in our unnaturally high population size today. ;)
31-05-2006, 10:12
To further these points, unnatural does not automatically equate evil. Besides, if our good friend Maypole hates anything unnatural, maybe she shouldn't be using things such as the internet, computers or electricity.
Humph. Well, I might accept the use of fire, even if it makes people go all soft and weak, but this new-fangled thing called a wheel I will not accept!
It is an abomination in the eyes of the gods!
31-05-2006, 10:12
Try not ignoring valid points, instead responding to them with valid points of your own. You haven't, which is why nobody here respects you. If you have any arguments against what I said, post them. Otherwise, you make yourself seem even more ignorant.

I seem ignorant to you. That is an opinion. If you want to say I am ignorant go ahead. If you say I am stupid go ahead. If you believe it doesn't make you ignorant my dear friend. Even in my life I get this constant badgering, they call me disabled, stupid, a priest, ecc.... But I will always retain my beliefs and if doesn't seem that I have responded your pionts, well say what you want.
31-05-2006, 10:12
Try not ignoring valid points, instead responding to them with valid points of your own. You haven't, which is why nobody here respects you. If you have any arguments against what I said, post them. Otherwise, you make yourself seem even more ignorant.

I seem ignorant to you. That is an opinion. If you want to say I am ignorant go ahead. If you say I am stupid go ahead. If you believe it doesn't make you ignorant my dear friend. Even in my life I get this constant badgering, they call me disabled, stupid, a priest, ecc.... But I will always retain my beliefs and if doesn't seem that I have responded your pionts, well say what you want.
Estado Libre
31-05-2006, 10:13
To further these points, unnatural does not automatically equate evil. Besides, if our good friend Maypole hates anything unnatural, maybe she shouldn't be using things such as the internet, computers or electricity.

An interesting aside, how can anything humans do be unnatural since we are part of nature?
31-05-2006, 10:14
Try not ignoring valid points, instead responding to them with valid points of your own. You haven't, which is why nobody here respects you. If you have any arguments against what I said, post them. Otherwise, you make yourself seem even more ignorant.

I seem ignorant to you. That is an opinion. If you want to say I am ignorant go ahead. If you say I am stupid go ahead. If you believe it doesn't make you ignorant my dear friend. Even in my life I get this constant badgering, they call me disabled, stupid, a priest, ecc.... But I will always retain my beliefs and if doesn't seem that I have responded your pionts, well say what you want.
31-05-2006, 10:15
Sorry hit it three times, wasn't working.
Estado Libre
31-05-2006, 10:16
To further these points, unnatural does not automatically equate evil. Besides, if our good friend Maypole hates anything unnatural, maybe she shouldn't be using things such as the internet, computers or electricity.

An interesting aside, how can anything humans do be unnatural since we are part of nature?

When someone claims something is unnatural, they are usually assuming a divine plan in nature that humans can choose to follow or not.
31-05-2006, 10:18
I don't hate unatural things, I hate unatural things which are bad or when they are used badly. It is not part of the human nature ( Have to say this again) to have Two men or women as a married couple raising kids.
31-05-2006, 10:20
everyone has their own methods of defending, witnessing, preaching as well as attacking other people's Ideals. To me, I find that an attack too harshly on other people's ideas and they won't listen to what you are saying and only see that you are attacking them. I witness too many misunderstandings that end up with those defending Christianity coming off like lunatics. that does not help us do God's work.

Didn't Jesus show the same consideration and understading he would show to his diciples, to those that persecuted him? did he not heal a Roman soldier comming to arrest him?

when confronted by the Elders, he didn't go into a rampage, but calmly answered their questions and challenged their viewpoints.

just some words of advice.
be at peace and be calm. present your side with minimal caps for caps make you seem like you're screaming, and that detracts from your arguments.

When you feel anger and fustration getting a hold of you, step away, go to another thread, do something else, anything until your mind is clear and you can think clearly.

I'll try to take your advice and stay calm and not offend anyone.
31-05-2006, 10:20
An interesting aside, how can anything humans do be unnatural since we are part of nature?

When someone claims something is unnatural, they are usually assuming a divine plan in nature that humans can choose to follow or not.
or it can me a change from the norm. the first fish to crawl out of the sea can be viewed as unnatural.

the first time they witnessed a polywog transform into a frog can also be called Unnatural.

the real question is what form of beast is man?
we are not the smartest.
we are not the fastest.
we are not the strongest.
we are not the quickest at reproduction.

why did man succeed when other animals that share our characteristics, did not.
Estado Libre
31-05-2006, 10:20
I don't hate unatural things, I hate unatural things which are bad or when they are used badly. It is not part of the human nature ( Have to say this again) to have Two men or women as a married couple raising kids.

Gay storks make good parents

Four gay storks have proved they are as capable of raising a family as their heterosexual counterparts.

Staff at the zoo in Overloon, near Eindhoven, were unsure if the gay and lesbian storks would still have the same natural urge to raise offspring.

But after giving one egg to a pair of gay males to sit on, and another two eggs to a pair of lesbian storks, they say the gay storks took to parenthood straight away.

Zoo spokeswoman Esther Jansen said all three chicks had hatched successfully: "The gay storks look after the eggs and the chicks just as well as our heterosexual birds."
31-05-2006, 10:22
I seem ignorant to you. That is an opinion. If you want to say I am ignorant go ahead. If you say I am stupid go ahead. If you believe it doesn't make you ignorant my dear friend. Even in my life I get this constant badgering, they call me disabled, stupid, a priest, ecc.... But I will always retain my beliefs and if doesn't seem that I have responded your pionts, well say what you want.

You're ignorant and stupid.

And estado, while that is valid, it is an argument in response to Maypole's assertion that it is possible (that homosexual parents are unnatural).

edit to estado: very interesting story.

edit to maypole: Human nature is not perfect, else we would be Gods ourselves.
31-05-2006, 10:22
Gay storks make good parents

Four gay storks have proved they are as capable of raising a family as their heterosexual counterparts.

Staff at the zoo in Overloon, near Eindhoven, were unsure if the gay and lesbian storks would still have the same natural urge to raise offspring.

But after giving one egg to a pair of gay males to sit on, and another two eggs to a pair of lesbian storks, they say the gay storks took to parenthood straight away.

Zoo spokeswoman Esther Jansen said all three chicks had hatched successfully: "The gay storks look after the eggs and the chicks just as well as our heterosexual birds."

What the hell does it have to do with humans?? I've never seen wings on a human being, Have you??
Estado Libre
31-05-2006, 10:24
or it can me a change from the norm. the first fish to crawl out of the sea can be viewed as unnatural.

the first time they witnessed a polywog transform into a frog can also be called Unnatural.
Good point, but I would usually use the term abnormal instead of unnatural in those cases.

the real question is what form of beast is man?
we are not the smartest.
we are not the fastest.
we are not the strongest.
we are not the quickest at reproduction.

why did man succeed when other animals that share our characteristics, did not.The opposable thumb, language, intelligence, .... :)
31-05-2006, 10:24
Gay storks make good parents

Four gay storks have proved they are as capable of raising a family as their heterosexual counterparts.

Staff at the zoo in Overloon, near Eindhoven, were unsure if the gay and lesbian storks would still have the same natural urge to raise offspring.

But after giving one egg to a pair of gay males to sit on, and another two eggs to a pair of lesbian storks, they say the gay storks took to parenthood straight away.

Zoo spokeswoman Esther Jansen said all three chicks had hatched successfully: "The gay storks look after the eggs and the chicks just as well as our heterosexual birds."[Devil's advocate Hat]
unfortunatly, animals like storks lack the ability to affect their surroundings to the same degree as a human would. a stork needs only learn the basics. Fly, fish and what to avoid. humans go way beyond that. our viewpoints, experiences and values (moral and otherwise) can destroy mountains and lay waste to forrests. so the shaping of young viewpoints is more important to a Human than to a stork.[/DAH]

and I set this as an example on how to debate without ranting, maypole. it's not a perfect example but one you can use.

as for me, I'm off to bed. Night all.
31-05-2006, 10:24
You're ignorant and stupid.

And estado, while that is valid, it is an argument in response to Maypole's assertion that it is possible (that homosexual parents are unnatural).

Ok, I am ignorant and stupid, want to call me something else. Ok i am an animal, a monster, a svage catholic brute, a pervert, a paedophille a serail killer, a mentally disabled person, and I am the dumbest person in the World! I am so stupid, emm 2+2=9903903.94343. HAPPY NOW!!!!?!?!??!?!?
31-05-2006, 10:26
[Devil's advocate Hat]
unfortunatly, animals like storks lack the ability to affect their surroundings to the same degree as a human would. a stork needs only learn the basics. Fly, fish and what to avoid. humans go way beyond that. our viewpoints, experiences and values (moral and otherwise) can destroy mountains and lay waste to forrests. so the shaping of young viewpoints is more important to a Human than to a stork.[/DAH]

and I set this as an example on how to debate without ranting, maypole. it's not a perfect example but one you can use.

as for me, I'm off to bed. Night all.

Finally someone who is moderate and calm in his correct views, not making personal, spiteful attacks on me of the lowest kind.
31-05-2006, 10:26
actually, that glue was man made. I think God uses the better stuff.

and as for the virgins. I know some pretty hot looking Virgins.

and trust me, when God speaks, it take a whole new level to the phase "Shout out the stains"

Well you don't get any virgins in your Heaven anyway. Hah!
Estado Libre
31-05-2006, 10:26
What the hell does it have to do with humans?? I've never seen wings on a human being, Have you??

That was a response to "gay parenting" being unnatural. If gay storks make good parents, then gay parenting must be natural at least in part.
31-05-2006, 10:26
Ok, I am ignorant and stupid, want to call me something else. Ok i am an animal, a monster, a svage catholic brute, a pervert, a paedophille a serail killer, a mentally disabled person, and I am the dumbest person in the World! I am so stupid, emm 2+2=9903903.94343. HAPPY NOW!!!!?!?!??!?!?

Nope, you're still posting
31-05-2006, 10:27
Good point, but I would usually use the term abnormal instead of unnatural in those cases.

The opposable thumb, language, intelligence, .... :)don't chimpanzeese and Apes have opposable thumbs? yet they are stronger than humans.

All animals have a form of language that is more precise and effective then humans.

also Intelligence, but remember, we mesure Intelligence on a scale modled after our own Intelligence.

who's to say which species is truely smarter.
31-05-2006, 10:27
I don't hate unatural things, I hate unatural things which are bad or when they are used badly. It is not part of the human nature ( Have to say this again) to have Two men or women as a married couple raising kids.
A work colleague of mine is a lesbian. She and her girlfriend have two kids; a girl of 7 and a boy of 3.
Both of them seem to do fine with two mothers instead of a mom and a dad.

I'm sure they'll start to get traumatized once I start telling them how bad they should feel because their mothers live in an unnatural relationship. :rolleyes:
31-05-2006, 10:28
Ok, I am ignorant and stupid, want to call me something else. Ok i am an animal, a monster, a svage catholic brute, a pervert, a paedophille a serail killer, a mentally disabled person, and I am the dumbest person in the World! I am so stupid, emm 2+2=9903903.94343. HAPPY NOW!!!!?!?!??!?!?

31-05-2006, 10:29
Well you don't get any virgins in your Heaven anyway. Hah!
yes you do. Nuns for one.

children for others.

and yes there are those that wait for Marriage but never find the right person.
31-05-2006, 10:30
Ok, I am ignorant and stupid, want to call me something else. Ok i am an animal, a monster, a svage catholic brute, a pervert, a paedophille a serail killer, a mentally disabled person, and I am the dumbest person in the World! I am so stupid, emm 2+2=9903903.94343. HAPPY NOW!!!!?!?!??!?!?
oh and as I leave, you need to learn which posts don't deserve a reply. ;)
31-05-2006, 10:31
don't chimpanzeese and Apes have opposable thumbs? yet they are stronger than humans.

All animals have a form of language that is more precise and effective then humans.

also Intelligence, but remember, we mesure Intelligence on a scale modled after our own Intelligence.

who's to say which species is truely smarter.
Humans big advatage is telling stories (a key to developing the mind) and extelligence.

Extelligence means writing/drawing (and oral traditions/songs) knowledge onto something so it is available for everyone that can see the picture/read, not just those that meet the "teacher".
31-05-2006, 10:31
Circulation 100. It's a tough fight with "Xislakilinia Swimsuit Expose" unfortunately. :DGood point.
The closest thing i've got is the "Straughn's Butterscotch Bra" angle. And a wide variety of *at-the-least* heretical psychosexual abominations of the mind and soul.
But perhaps they'd be coupled in your centerfold? ;)
31-05-2006, 10:34
Nope, you're still posting

Alaq halqek ghax ha nitlef l-r gbin. Imbasta liberal and I Can't post, part of the liberal ideology I presume. You are showing how ignorant you are by constantly attacking me.
31-05-2006, 10:34
Sorry but I am not used to talk in English, I usually talk Maltese so, you may understand why it is difficult for me to comprehend some of the language used.
Oh, don't worry, i actually wasn't mocking you at all on that post. No kidding.
Estado Libre
31-05-2006, 10:36
don't chimpanzeese and Apes have opposable thumbs? yet they are stronger than humans.

True, some other creatures have opposable thumbs (e.g., the opossum).
Humans are different because they have all of these traits in one creature.

All animals have a form of language that is more precise and effective then humans.

It depends on how you define language. By my definition, I don't think any species has a language except the humans.

also Intelligence, but remember, we mesure Intelligence on a scale modled after our own Intelligence.

It depends on how you define intelligence again. :)
Helix Sorcerers
31-05-2006, 10:36
Hell Yes!

I Mean On The Original Post You Said You Couldn't Find A Reason For Her Death. Has Anything Gone Good For You Or Her Family Lately?
Basically What I'm Saying Is You Have To Look At The Bigger Picture.

I Can Say That I Believe In God And Loads Will Think I'm Putting My Faith In Something That's Not There But Since I Started Believeing Things Have Just Got Better And Where I Live I Have A Local Youth Group Run By The Reverand Of The Church and She's A Really Pleasent Lady And I'm just Saying If We All Believed We'd Make The World A Better Place And Then later If We Find Out Were Wrong Then We've Still Made The World A Better Place Havent We?

It's a Matter Of Opinion Really. I Believe You Might Not.

Helix Sorcerers
31-05-2006, 10:36
5am! An hour till i get a shower for school. thank Straughn (god) summer vacation starts friday..
HeyheyHEY! Woohoo!!!!
And as well, you should thank me every time before you shower, since i - WTF?!?!?!? :eek:
31-05-2006, 10:38
Alaq halqek ghax ha nitlef l-r gbin. Imbasta liberal and I Can't post, part of the liberal ideology I presume. You are showing how ignorant you are by constantly attacking me.

With you literally inviting me to call you ignorant and stupid, then flying off the handle when I do, surely you would expect sarcastic responses? And not wanting you to post is not due to my liberal views, in fact being opposed to them somewhat, but because I value intelligent conversation. All you do is insult people and try to enforce your unjustified and unjustifiable belief system on others with threats of judgement day and unsubstantiated claims of God.
31-05-2006, 10:39
Good point.
The closest thing i've got is the "Straughn's Butterscotch Bra" angle. And a wide variety of *at-the-least* heretical psychosexual abominations of the mind and soul.
But perhaps they'd be coupled in your centerfold? ;)
Er, do I want to know what this is? ;)
31-05-2006, 10:39
I'm from the U.S.A. (Alaska, to be exact).
Are you kidding? Another midnight sunner?
I'm in the Kenai/Soldotna area. You in Anchorage?
31-05-2006, 10:39
A work colleague of mine is a lesbian. She and her girlfriend have two kids; a girl of 7 and a boy of 3.
Both of them seem to do fine with two mothers instead of a mom and a dad.

I'm sure they'll start to get traumatized once I start telling them how bad they should feel because their mothers live in an unnatural relationship. :rolleyes:

Yes that what we must do, we must now make a law that makes it compulsory that all parents must be lesbian and gay. Wait what's the problem then? NO CHILDREN
Can you be more empty than that?
31-05-2006, 10:40
Er, do I want to know what this is? ;)
Well, you don't have to be TOO brave ... you can walk away if you want .... ;)
It's a thread Assis started after my inspiration, apparently.
31-05-2006, 10:42
Yes that what we must do, we must now make a law that makes it compulsory that all parents must be lesbian and gay. Wait what's the problem then? NO CHILDREN
Can you be more empty than that?

She never said a law for homosexual parents should be implemented. Furthermore, often homosexuals have children with sperm/egg donations and suchlike. Additionally, it is being researched how to merge two female egg cells together so the whole 'no children' thing won't be the case.
Estado Libre
31-05-2006, 10:43
I'm in the Kenai/Soldotna area. You in Anchorage?Why would you guess Anchorage? I'm really curious.
IL Ruffino
31-05-2006, 10:43
Good point.
The closest thing i've got is the "Straughn's Butterscotch Bra" angle. And a wide variety of *at-the-least* heretical psychosexual abominations of the mind and soul.
But perhaps they'd be coupled in your centerfold? ;)
i want newsletter!
31-05-2006, 10:44
Let's not forget antibiotics. An invention that resulted in our unnaturally high population size today. ;)
*catches whiff of amusing evil*
31-05-2006, 10:45
Why would you guess Anchorage? I'm really curious.
No e-tag, just that it's the hub, and statistically probable.
We've had one other poster i think from there - The Doors Corporation (IIRC) since i've been on, or at least that actually mentioned it.
31-05-2006, 10:45
With you literally inviting me to call you ignorant and stupid, then flying off the handle when I do, surely you would expect sarcastic responses? And not wanting you to post is not due to my liberal views, in fact being opposed to them somewhat, but because I value intelligent conversation. All you do is insult people and try to enforce your unjustified and unjustifiable belief system on others with threats of judgement day and unsubstantiated claims of God.

What i expect you to do is to realise that you trying to lose my temper to make me seem primitive and savage and so my arguments would look the same. And No i don't insult people always like you wrote. And if you don't think that this is an intelligent converstion don't post at all. Arguments my friend have led to some great ideas and creations. Maybe if you met me in person you would think differently of me than just a stupid, ignorant Catholic.
31-05-2006, 10:47
Gay storks make good parents

Four gay storks have proved they are as capable of raising a family as their heterosexual counterparts.

Staff at the zoo in Overloon, near Eindhoven, were unsure if the gay and lesbian storks would still have the same natural urge to raise offspring.

But after giving one egg to a pair of gay males to sit on, and another two eggs to a pair of lesbian storks, they say the gay storks took to parenthood straight away.

Zoo spokeswoman Esther Jansen said all three chicks had hatched successfully: "The gay storks look after the eggs and the chicks just as well as our heterosexual birds."
Oh yeah, i remember that. I also remember the hubbub the local churches put on about it, and how Jesus apparently cursed the wrong species and kingdom. *shakes head*
Estado Libre
31-05-2006, 10:47
No e-tag, just that it's the hub, and statistically probable.
We've had one other poster i think from there - The Doors Corporation (IIRC) since i've been on, or at least that actually mentioned it.

I actually am from Anchorage that's why I was surprised. :)
31-05-2006, 10:49
She never said a law for homosexual parents should be implemented. Furthermore, often homosexuals have children with sperm/egg donations and suchlike. Additionally, it is being researched how to merge two female egg cells together so the whole 'no children' thing won't be the case.

So you correct a wrong with another wrong damnit. You interfere genitically in the human body. How low can you go.
31-05-2006, 10:49
Yes that what we must do, we must now make a law that makes it compulsory that all parents must be lesbian and gay. Wait what's the problem then? NO CHILDREN
Can you be more empty than that?
I think you missed my point.

Homosexual parents can rasie kids just fine. That was the whole of the point.

A law that makes it compulsory to be homosexual to be allowed to have children would be even sillier than forbidding homosexuals to be parents.
Besides, there could still be children. Women are still capable of having babies you know.
Either they get a firend to act as stud (or two gays have a woman carry the child to term and then raise it), or they use artificial insemination.

However I did in no way advocate that heterosexuals should be forbidden to have babies.
31-05-2006, 10:53
Hell Yes!

I Mean On The Original Post You Said You Couldn't Find A Reason For Her Death. Has Anything Gone Good For You Or Her Family Lately?
Basically What I'm Saying Is You Have To Look At The Bigger Picture.

I Can Say That I Believe In God And Loads Will Think I'm Putting My Faith In Something That's Not There But Since I Started Believeing Things Have Just Got Better And Where I Live I Have A Local Youth Group Run By The Reverand Of The Church and She's A Really Pleasent Lady And I'm just Saying If We All Believed We'd Make The World A Better Place And Then later If We Find Out Were Wrong Then We've Still Made The World A Better Place Havent We?

It's a Matter Of Opinion Really. I Believe You Might Not.

Helix SorcerersRitlina, the Trilogy :p
31-05-2006, 10:53
So you correct a wrong with another wrong damnit. You interfere genitically in the human body. How low can you go.

Who is to say that is wrong? If two loving women in a relationship want a child, and genetics can do this, then I see nothing wrong with that.
31-05-2006, 10:53
What i expect you to do is to realise that you trying to lose my temper to make me seem primitive and savage and so my arguments would look the same. And No i don't insult people always like you wrote. And if you don't think that this is an intelligent converstion don't post at all. Arguments my friend have led to some great ideas and creations. Maybe if you met me in person you would think differently of me than just a stupid, ignorant Catholic.

I don't think all catholics are stupid/ignorant, but I also recognise that many stances you hold are contradictory to Catholic principles. Your arguments aren't savage or primitive, they just don't exist. You do insult people, if you know how to, read your own posts. Also, I am not trying to make you lose your temper, I am trying to make you realise how immensely idiotic your posts are, in hope you'll finally start applying either logic or tact when posting. Arguments have indeed led to great ideas and creations, like you say. However, since you completely omit reasoning, this one shall not. And I do believe this conversation is indeed unintelligent, as I held more reasoned arguments in my first year of school than you present in this thread.

EVERYONE has been telling you to use structure and logic in your arguments, yet you persist with rantings against liberals, homosexuals and non-christians, insulting anybody who disagrees and ignoring any and every point against you. That is not debate.
31-05-2006, 10:54
I think you missed my point.

Homosexual parents can rasie kids just fine. That was the whole of the point.

A law that makes it compulsory to be homosexual to be allowed to have children would be even sillier than forbidding homosexuals to be parents.
Besides, there could still be children. Women are still capable of having babies you know.
Either they get a firend to act as stud (or two gays have a woman carry the child to term and then raise it), or they use artificial insemination.

However I did in no way advocate that heterosexuals should be forbidden to have babies.

My God, we have gone back to square one. That is when I said that we have become immoral and now this, this dirt, these venemous ideas. Having Children From people who are not going to be parents. Is that how low you are ready to go for gay and lesbian couples to have children. Che Vergogna.
N.B. I said that the goverment should force gay parents satirically to point my point out.
The State of Georgia
31-05-2006, 10:56
Homosexuals should not be allowed to raise children; the child will be devoid of a moral influence.
31-05-2006, 10:57
I actually am from Anchorage that's why I was surprised. :)
My wife's up there. I might move there too after the summer, but i'm not so keen on it. There's not so much traffic down here - but a higher per capita preg rate (highest in the nation at more than one point!)

Regular haunts - Title Wave
Metro music
Bear Tooth Pub
Oh yeah, Dimond Center's shirt kiosk (down by Bosco's and Hot Topic) has a *killer* black t-shirt that has two flies copulating on it, and the caption reads:
"I Love You More Than Sh*t" :D
One of these days i'm gonna grab it, but not right away.
That, and i'm a little irked that Mammoth turned into what it turned into :(

How 'bout you?
31-05-2006, 10:57
Ritlina, the Trilogy :p

Ritlina, the Trilogy

A thrilling trilogy, full of action and adventure and fun for all the family!
31-05-2006, 10:58
Homosexuals should not be allowed to raise children; the child will be devoid of a moral influence.

Aw, dang it, I thought we were Troll free...
31-05-2006, 10:58
My God, we have gone back to square one. That is when I said that we have become immoral and now this, this dirt, these venemous ideas. Having Children From people who are not going to be parents. Is that how low you are ready to go for gay and lesbian couples to have children. Che Vergogna.
N.B. I said that the goverment should force gay parents satirically to point my point out.

Yet my satire about anal sex and nukes, black employment and bombs etc. Was lost on you...

These ideas are not venemous, they are inquisitive. You have no right to deem anything immoral, for you are not God. There is no logical reason to suppose homsexuality is immoral, and if you use the bible as a source of justification (which is questionable, as I debated yesterday against another person impervious to reason), it also preaches tolerance, making your hatred of homosexuals equally immoral.
31-05-2006, 10:58
i want newsletter!
Of course, since it's summer, it'll be reruns ... :(
31-05-2006, 10:59
I don't think all catholics are stupid/ignorant, but I also recognise that many stances you hold are contradictory to Catholic principles. Your arguments aren't savage or primitive, they just don't exist. You do insult people, if you know how to, read your own posts. Also, I am not trying to make you lose your temper, I am trying to make you realise how immensely idiotic your posts are, in hope you'll finally start applying either logic or tact when posting. Arguments have indeed led to great ideas and creations, like you say. However, since you completely omit reasoning, this one shall not. And I do believe this conversation is indeed unintelligent, as I held more reasoned arguments in my first year of school than you present in this thread.

EVERYONE has been telling you to use structure and logic in your arguments, yet you persist with rantings against liberals, homosexuals and non-christians, insulting anybody who disagrees and ignoring any and every point against you. That is not debate.

Thats my whole point or haven't you realised it????? Everyone is against me that is what I am saying that society's values and morals are dwindling. Mind you at least I am not carried by the wind in this new modern corrupt ideals. At least I have an Ideal for a better society. At least before I die I will be able to say, James you have stood firm in you beliefs no matter what others told you on it. I will have the privilage to tell that myself but more importantly and hopefully people will realise that beneath the aggresive manner in which I may write some of my posts, there is a message, that God does Exist, has existed and will always exist.
31-05-2006, 11:00
My God, we have gone back to square one. That is when I said that we have become immoral and now this, this dirt, these venemous ideas. Having Children From people who are not going to be parents. Is that how low you are ready to go for gay and lesbian couples to have children. Che Vergogna.
N.B. I said that the goverment should force gay parents satirically to point my point out.
I'm willing to go even further.

Besides, the practice of another woman carrying a child who is then raised by another couple is long established for heterosexual couples, usually when the woman is barren and can't concieve.

If you think this way of helping others and bring new life into the world is immoral, then that's your view.
31-05-2006, 11:00
Homosexuals should not be allowed to raise children; the child will be devoid of a moral influence.
Where you been all this time?
31-05-2006, 11:01
Homosexuals should not be allowed to raise children; the child will be devoid of a moral influence.

It seems the christinas are waking up.:rolleyes:
31-05-2006, 11:02
At least before I die I will be able to say, James you have stood firm in you beliefs no matter what others told you on it.
Funny, this is what I feel by following my beliefs.

Which of us is right? ;)
31-05-2006, 11:02
Ritlina, the Trilogy

A thrilling trilogy, full of action and adventure and fun for all the family!
I've heard talk of the series, and frankly, that might work out, seeing as how Highlander did AFTER the movie run. :(
31-05-2006, 11:03
Yet my satire about anal sex and nukes, black employment and bombs etc. Was lost on you...

These ideas are not venemous, they are inquisitive. You have no right to deem anything immoral, for you are not God. There is no logical reason to suppose homsexuality is immoral, and if you use the bible as a source of justification (which is questionable, as I debated yesterday against another person impervious to reason), it also preaches tolerance, making your hatred of homosexuals equally immoral.

Who said I hate gays? You don't even know me. I hate their practices and what they wish to introduce(along with some other people) like sam-sex marraige, chil adoption etc...
The State of Georgia
31-05-2006, 11:03
I'm willing to go even further.

Besides, the practice of another woman carrying a child who is then raised by another couple is long established for heterosexual couples, usually when the woman is barren and can't concieve.

If you think this way of helping others and bring new life into the world is immoral, then that's your view.

God does not want barren women to have children, that is why they were made so.
31-05-2006, 11:04
Thats my whole point or haven't you realised it????? Everyone is against me that is what I am saying that society's values and morals are dwindling. Mind you at least I am not carried by the wind in this new modern corrupt ideals. At least I have an Ideal for a better society. At least before I die I will be able to say, James you have stood firm in you beliefs no matter what others told you on it. I will have the privilage to tell that myself but more importantly and hopefully people will realise that beneath the aggresive manner in which I may write some of my posts, there is a message, that God does Exist, has existed and will always exist.

Hi James.
31-05-2006, 11:04
Thats my whole point or haven't you realised it????? Everyone is against me that is what I am saying that society's values and morals are dwindling. Mind you at least I am not carried by the wind in this new modern corrupt ideals. At least I have an Ideal for a better society. At least before I die I will be able to say, James you have stood firm in you beliefs no matter what others told you on it. I will have the privilage to tell that myself but more importantly and hopefully people will realise that beneath the aggresive manner in which I may write some of my posts, there is a message, that God does Exist, has existed and will always exist.

The first damn post I agreed with you about dwindling morality, then you accused me of being a liar so quit ranting about that crap, I'm sick of your bullshit, stop making a martyr out of yourself. Your old, traditional ideals are the ones that are corrupt and immoral, your ideas use hatred as currency. As for staying firm to your beliefs, if your beliefs are wrong (which, in your case, is pretty much certain), then you have done the world a misdeed, not a good deed. You say God exists, always existed and always will, but YOU HAVE NOT BACKED IT UP WITH EVIDENCE. That is what we've been telling you to do allalong. You claim God exists WITHOUT EVIDENCE. You claim homosexuality is wrong and immoral WITHOUT EVIDENCE. You state that life has a purpose WITHOUT EVIDENCE. NOTHING you say is evidenced, and nothign you say is of any note whatsoever apart from containing hate, bigotry and insults, being completely intolerant to ideas that aren't rooted in tradition but in logic.
31-05-2006, 11:04
Funny, this is what I feel by following my beliefs.

Which of us is right? ;)

Only when we die will we know 100%. For you hopefully you are right, and for me hopefully I am right.
31-05-2006, 11:05
Aw, dang it, I thought we were Troll free...
Hmmm ... what's in my toolkit?

*apply liberally* :p
Estado Libre
31-05-2006, 11:05
Regular haunts - Title Wave

Title Wave and some of the internet cafes are interesting to hang out at. You can meet some strange people. Well, you can do that anywhere. :)
31-05-2006, 11:05
God does not want barren women to have children, that is why they were made so.

Well, since 'God' supposedly made everything, he would have supplied them with the means to so must have intended it. Nice try, you just got beaten with your own logic.
31-05-2006, 11:06
Homosexuals should not be allowed to raise children; the child will be devoid of a moral influence.
As I said in another post, I know two kids raised by a pair of lesbians, and they seem to do fine.
They certianly have morals that fits with the moral standards of both society in general and much of christianity.
The State of Georgia
31-05-2006, 11:07
The first damn post I agreed with you about dwindling morality, then you accused me of being a liar so quit ranting about that crap, I'm sick of your bullshit, stop making a martyr out of yourself. Your old, traditional ideals are the ones that are corrupt and immoral, your ideas use hatred as currency. As for staying firm to your beliefs, if your beliefs are wrong (which, in your case, is pretty much certain), then you have done the world a misdeed, not a good deed. You say God exists, always existed and always will, but YOU HAVE NOT BACKED IT UP WITH EVIDENCE. That is what we've been telling you to do allalong. You claim God exists WITHOUT EVIDENCE. You claim homosexuality is wrong and immoral WITHOUT EVIDENCE. You state that life has a purpose WITHOUT EVIDENCE. NOTHING you say is evidenced, and nothign you say is of any note whatsoever apart from containing hate, bigotry and insults, being completely intolerant to ideas that aren't rooted in tradition but in logic.

You want evidence? Read the Bible.
31-05-2006, 11:08
The first damn post I agreed with you about dwindling morality, then you accused me of being a liar so quit ranting about that crap, I'm sick of your bullshit, stop making a martyr out of yourself. Your old, traditional ideals are the ones that are corrupt and immoral, your ideas use hatred as currency. As for staying firm to your beliefs, if your beliefs are wrong (which, in your case, is pretty much certain), then you have done the world a misdeed, not a good deed. You say God exists, always existed and always will, but YOU HAVE NOT BACKED IT UP WITH EVIDENCE. That is what we've been telling you to do allalong. You claim God exists WITHOUT EVIDENCE. You claim homosexuality is wrong and immoral WITHOUT EVIDENCE. You state that life has a purpose WITHOUT EVIDENCE. NOTHING you say is evidenced, and nothign you say is of any note whatsoever apart from containing hate, bigotry and insults, being completely intolerant to ideas that aren't rooted in tradition but in logic.

It seems that you havent read my post on the evidence that God exists. BUT, HOW THE HELL DO YOU SAY THAT SAME-SEX MARRAIGE IS MORAL?? IN THE BIBLE: " A MAN AND A WOMAN HE MADE THEM" and what the hell do i care if you don't belief in God and belief in a load of crap, you're not doing me any favours.
The State of Georgia
31-05-2006, 11:08
Well, since 'God' supposedly made everything, he would have supplied them with the means to so must have intended it. Nice try, you just got beaten with your own logic.

God provided the means and the free will, but Satan to provided the evil to tempt people to use the means against the will of God.
31-05-2006, 11:08
Title Wave and some of the internet cafes are interesting to hang out at. You can meet some strange people. Well, you can do that anywhere. :)
Whatever do you mean?
*takes LONG, HARD look around NS Forums*

I met Chuck Palahniuk (Fight Club) over at Title Wave. He's even more perverted in person than he is in his lit.
He was touring for "Haunted".

Oh yeah, i should mention 'koot's but that kinda goes w/out saying.
BTW, if you're past the Outback Steakhouse on C and not far from Tudor, try their Steak Sauvignon. Outstanding (if you're into steak), reasonable price. *nods emphatically*

So did ya catch the tax guy on the corner over there by Arby's?
The State of Georgia
31-05-2006, 11:09
As I said in another post, I know two kids raised by a pair of lesbians, and they seem to do fine.
They certianly have morals that fits with the moral standards of both society in general and much of christianity.

Do they understand homosexuality is wrong though?
31-05-2006, 11:09
God does not want barren women to have children, that is why they were made so.
It must be nice to know God's intentions so clearly.

I hope you will forgive me if I'm in my ignorance try to help those that can be helped.
31-05-2006, 11:10
Stupid question really! Of course not.
31-05-2006, 11:10
Do they understand homosexuality is wrong though?
They have a fairly clear concept of what homosexuality is, and isn't, yes.
31-05-2006, 11:11
It must be nice to know God's intentions so clearly.

I hope you will forgive me if I'm in my ignorance try to help those that can be helped.

Yes very nice indeed, and he didn't tell you that you are ignorant.
31-05-2006, 11:11
You want evidence? Read the Bible.
You want counter-evidence? Read the Bible. ;)
31-05-2006, 11:12
You want evidence? Read the Bible.

The bible is man-made and false. We discussed this yesterday

It seems that you havent read my post on the evidence that God exists. BUT, HOW THE HELL DO YOU SAY THAT SAME-SEX MARRAIGE IS MORAL?? IN THE BIBLE: " A MAN AND A WOMAN HE MADE THEM" and what the hell do i care if you don't belief in God and belief in a load of crap, you're not doing me any favours.

You are the one who believes in a load of crap. Prove the bible's validity and I'll accept it as a source. However, it seems as fictional as the Mr. Men books. As I said yesterday, if no justification is required for belief, I'll read the Da Vinci Code and believe that Jesus had sex with Mary Magdelene.
Additionally, I read your post on proof of God, you didn't provide any proof.
31-05-2006, 11:12
It seems that you havent read my post on the evidence that God exists. BUT, HOW THE HELL DO YOU SAY THAT SAME-SEX MARRAIGE IS MORAL?? IN THE BIBLE: " A MAN AND A WOMAN HE MADE THEM" and what the hell do i care if you don't belief in God and belief in a load of crap, you're not doing me any favours.

This may come as a surprise to you, but there are those who believe the Bible is a fictional piece of hokum, and don't follow the lessons of a mysterious sky-god that are set in them. There are people who don't like being prejudiced and such, and actually believe things like gay marriage and child adoption are good things.
31-05-2006, 11:13
God provided the means and the free will, but Satan to provided the evil to tempt people to use the means against the will of God.

God created Satan. Nice job.
31-05-2006, 11:13
Well, i gots IRL issues, so i'm off momentarily.
Perhaps we'll get the newsletter goin'.
Also, Estado Libre, feel free to TG me if it suits your fancy.
Night y'all, have a good collective dentiloquy. :)
31-05-2006, 11:13
Do they understand homosexuality is wrong though?
Who says it is wrong? - Please don't reply with some gobbledegook about a non-existent supernatural being.
The State of Georgia
31-05-2006, 11:15
Genesis 19. In the story of Sodom and Gomorrah, the "men" of Sodom demand to "know" the angelic visitors of Lot (v.5, KJV). Attempts to describe the request as merely a desire to get acquainted with the strangers does not fit the context. Other biblical passages link Sodom with sexual immorality and perversion (2 Peter 2:6-7; Jude 7).

Leviticus 18:22. The specific command that a man is not to "lie with a man as one lies with a woman; [for] that is detestable" is sometimes attacked by pro-homosexual scholars who argue that Christians are no longer under the Mosaic Law. But there is a sharp distinction between the dietary or ceremonial laws abolished in the New Testament (Mark 7:19; Hebrews 10:8-10) and the moral laws reinforced in the New Testament. They are still applicable today. Breaking the ceremonial laws resulted in temporary uncleanness; breaking the moral laws meant severe punishment or even death (Leviticus 11 and 24).

Romans 1:26, 27. This New Testament passage is the most pointed and clear condemnation of homosexuality (among men or women) in the Bible. "Women exchanged natural relations for unnatural ones. . . . Men also abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamed with lust for one another. Men committed indecent acts with other men, and received in themselves the due penalty for their perversion." Some pro-homosexual scholars claim that Paul’s statements were addressed to first-century believers and thus are not applicable today. But God’s moral laws do not change.

1 Corinthians 6:9-10. God’s inclusion of homosexual conduct with other specific sexual and social sins is clear from Paul’s first letter to the Corinthian church: "Do not be deceived: Neither the sexually immoral nor idolaters nor adulterers nor male prostitutes nor homosexual offenders, nor thieves nor the greedy nor drunkards nor slanderers nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God." Some defenders of the homosexual lifestyle have tried to explain away the terms "male prostitutes" and "homosexual offenders" by claiming that they refer to general immoral behavior rather than homosexual practice. But such a meaning of the Greek cannot be found in first-century literature and the translation would result in needless redundancy, for Paul began his list with "the sexually immoral." The two words refer to the sins of passive and active homosexual behavior.
Estado Libre
31-05-2006, 11:15
try their Steak Sauvignon. Outstanding (if you're into steak), reasonable price. *nods emphatically*

Actually, I'm vegan so I avoid steak. :p
The State of Georgia
31-05-2006, 11:16
Who says it is wrong? - Please don't reply with some gobbledegook about a non-existent supernatural being.

I won't; I will say God says it's wrong though.
31-05-2006, 11:17
Genesis 19. In the story of Sodom and Gomorrah, the "men" of Sodom demand to "know" the angelic visitors of Lot (v.5, KJV). Attempts to describe the request as merely a desire to get acquainted with the strangers does not fit the context. Other biblical passages link Sodom with sexual immorality and perversion (2 Peter 2:6-7; Jude 7).

Leviticus 18:22. The specific command that a man is not to "lie with a man as one lies with a woman; [for] that is detestable" is sometimes attacked by pro-homosexual scholars who argue that Christians are no longer under the Mosaic Law. But there is a sharp distinction between the dietary or ceremonial laws abolished in the New Testament (Mark 7:19; Hebrews 10:8-10) and the moral laws reinforced in the New Testament. They are still applicable today. Breaking the ceremonial laws resulted in temporary uncleanness; breaking the moral laws meant severe punishment or even death (Leviticus 11 and 24).

Romans 1:26, 27. This New Testament passage is the most pointed and clear condemnation of homosexuality (among men or women) in the Bible. "Women exchanged natural relations for unnatural ones. . . . Men also abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamed with lust for one another. Men committed indecent acts with other men, and received in themselves the due penalty for their perversion." Some pro-homosexual scholars claim that Paul’s statements were addressed to first-century believers and thus are not applicable today. But God’s moral laws do not change.

1 Corinthians 6:9-10. God’s inclusion of homosexual conduct with other specific sexual and social sins is clear from Paul’s first letter to the Corinthian church: "Do not be deceived: Neither the sexually immoral nor idolaters nor adulterers nor male prostitutes nor homosexual offenders, nor thieves nor the greedy nor drunkards nor slanderers nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God." Some defenders of the homosexual lifestyle have tried to explain away the terms "male prostitutes" and "homosexual offenders" by claiming that they refer to general immoral behavior rather than homosexual practice. But such a meaning of the Greek cannot be found in first-century literature and the translation would result in needless redundancy, for Paul began his list with "the sexually immoral." The two words refer to the sins of passive and active homosexual behavior.

If God created the world, he created homosexuality. get over it. The bible is not a valid source, it has no empirical evidence. Me and you discussed this yesterday, so please shut up. Anything in the bible claiming it's own truth should be disregarded as it is a work of fiction.
The State of Georgia
31-05-2006, 11:17
The bible is man-made and false. We discussed this yesterday

You are the one who believes in a load of crap. Prove the bible's validity and I'll accept it as a source. However, it seems as fictional as the Mr. Men books. As I said yesterday, if no justification is required for belief, I'll read the Da Vinci Code and believe that Jesus had sex with Mary Magdelene.
Additionally, I read your post on proof of God, you didn't provide any proof.

Jesus was celibate and lived a sinless life on Earth.
31-05-2006, 11:18
I won't; I will say God says it's wrong though.

Well, fortunately, those of us who don't believe in this 'God' are okay with homosexual marriage and child adoption and other such things.
The State of Georgia
31-05-2006, 11:18
If God created the world, he created homosexuality. get over it. The bible is not a valid source, it has no empirical evidence. Me and you discussed this yesterday, so please shut up. Anything in the bible claiming it's own truth should be disregarded as it is a work of fiction.

God created free will; he did not create sin.
31-05-2006, 11:18
I won't; I will say God says it's wrong though.

Something without existence cannot speak. Stop using ;his word' as proof he exists and proof of his intentions, as that requires his existence to be fulfilled, which has not been proven.
31-05-2006, 11:19
God created free will; he did not create sin.

Being omniscient, before creating free will he would have been aware it led to sin, thus he willingly created sin.
The State of Georgia
31-05-2006, 11:19
Well, fortunately, those of us who don't believe in this 'God' are okay with homosexual marriage and child adoption and other such things.

Satan has got to you...
31-05-2006, 11:19
Yes very nice indeed, and he didn't tell you that you are ignorant.
No he didn't, but arguably it was implied.
Refer: <<Originally Posted by The State of Georgia
God does not want barren women to have children, that is why they were made so.>>

This was in response to my post about a male-female couple where the woman is barren throughout the ages usually has solved the problem by letting another woman carry a child for them, which the childless couple then will raise as their own.

However, according to State of Georgia's post I, by supporting this, goes against God's plan.
With me so far?

Since I don't claim to understand God, my actions of going against God would be made in ignorance of Her purpose.

Since I doubt that State of Georgia knows God's mind any better than me, no matter what he claims, my claim of "in my ignorance continuing to try and make people happy" is a sarcastic jibe to him/her.

I hope that clarifies matters.
31-05-2006, 11:20
The bible is man-made and false. We discussed this yesterday

You are the one who believes in a load of crap. Prove the bible's validity and I'll accept it as a source. However, it seems as fictional as the Mr. Men books. As I said yesterday, if no justification is required for belief, I'll read the Da Vinci Code and believe that Jesus had sex with Mary Magdelene.
Additionally, I read your post on proof of God, you didn't provide any proof.

I justified what I said. Plain and simple. No one told you not to read the Da Vinci Code or see the film. The wrong happens when you beleive it.
You seem to think that you are the first atheist I met. I've met loads of them ( a sign of de-morilisation) and all of them bring up the piont of the Bible, no scientific evidence bla,bla,bla. If you just take 5 minutes to search on the internet and search on miracles and so jsut tell me if they is any scientific explanation to them. If their is tell me, it would be interisting to see what you come up with.
31-05-2006, 11:20
Jesus was celibate and lived a sinless life on Earth.

Really? Because the Da Vinci Code says otherwise, and that book has equal merit to the bible in regards to factuality of content.
The State of Georgia
31-05-2006, 11:20
Being omniscient, before creating free will he would have been aware it led to sin, thus he willingly created sin.

Life is a test to see who is good and who is evil; you make your own life; God being His normal kind Self gave us the Bible as a kind of 'guide book' to help us make the right decisions.
31-05-2006, 11:20
Actually, I'm vegan so I avoid steak. :p
M'kay, i had a strange suspicion, really, so i'd included the parenthetical.
Well, there's some killer nachos at the bear tooth. Actually, MOST of their food - and beer - is pretty good.
And the flicks aren't bad either!
31-05-2006, 11:21
Satan has got to you...

I don't believe in this 'Satan' you speak of. The only things that has got to me are my exams and the Student Loans Company.
The State of Georgia
31-05-2006, 11:21
Really? Because the Da Vinci Code says otherwise, and that book has equal merit to the bible in regards to factuality of content.

That is where you are wrong; a fundamental stumbling block. The Bible is the absolute truth provided by God.
The State of Georgia
31-05-2006, 11:22
I don't believe in this 'Satan' you speak of. The only things that has got to me are my exams and the Student Loans Company.

It doesn't matter whether you believe or not; Satan is still there eating away at your soul.
31-05-2006, 11:23
The Bible is the absolute truth provided by God.
31-05-2006, 11:23
Genesis 19. In the story of Sodom and Gomorrah, the "men" of Sodom demand to "know" the angelic visitors of Lot (v.5, KJV). Attempts to describe the request as merely a desire to get acquainted with the strangers does not fit the context. Other biblical passages link Sodom with sexual immorality and perversion (2 Peter 2:6-7; Jude 7).

Leviticus 18:22. The specific command that a man is not to "lie with a man as one lies with a woman; [for] that is detestable" is sometimes attacked by pro-homosexual scholars who argue that Christians are no longer under the Mosaic Law. But there is a sharp distinction between the dietary or ceremonial laws abolished in the New Testament (Mark 7:19; Hebrews 10:8-10) and the moral laws reinforced in the New Testament. They are still applicable today. Breaking the ceremonial laws resulted in temporary uncleanness; breaking the moral laws meant severe punishment or even death (Leviticus 11 and 24).

Romans 1:26, 27. This New Testament passage is the most pointed and clear condemnation of homosexuality (among men or women) in the Bible. "Women exchanged natural relations for unnatural ones. . . . Men also abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamed with lust for one another. Men committed indecent acts with other men, and received in themselves the due penalty for their perversion." Some pro-homosexual scholars claim that Paul’s statements were addressed to first-century believers and thus are not applicable today. But God’s moral laws do not change.

1 Corinthians 6:9-10. God’s inclusion of homosexual conduct with other specific sexual and social sins is clear from Paul’s first letter to the Corinthian church: "Do not be deceived: Neither the sexually immoral nor idolaters nor adulterers nor male prostitutes nor homosexual offenders, nor thieves nor the greedy nor drunkards nor slanderers nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God." Some defenders of the homosexual lifestyle have tried to explain away the terms "male prostitutes" and "homosexual offenders" by claiming that they refer to general immoral behavior rather than homosexual practice. But such a meaning of the Greek cannot be found in first-century literature and the translation would result in needless redundancy, for Paul began his list with "the sexually immoral." The two words refer to the sins of passive and active homosexual behavior.

But, what if you're not a Christian?
31-05-2006, 11:24
No he didn't, but arguably it was implied.
Refer: <<Originally Posted by The State of Georgia
God does not want barren women to have children, that is why they were made so.>>

This was in response to my post about a male-female couple where the woman is barren throughout the ages usually has solved the problem by letting another woman carry a child for them, which the childless couple then will raise as their own.

However, according to State of Georgia's post I, by supporting this, goes against God's plan.
With me so far?

Since I don't claim to understand God, my actions of going against God would be made in ignorance of Her purpose.

Since I doubt that State of Georgia knows God's mind any better than me, no matter what he claims, my claim of "in my ignorance continuing to try and make people happy" is a sarcastic jibe to him/her.

I hope that clarifies matters.

First of all I applaud you that you don't go low like somone around here to justify your opinion. My hands to that. Secondly, You have the right to believe what you want.( even though some of it is mistaken(my opinion)) You go against God's will only if you live a pagan life. Also was scrolling through some earlier posts, my nation is named after a Shop where i live not after some greek bonzo.
The State of Georgia
31-05-2006, 11:24
It's still the truth.
31-05-2006, 11:24
Really? Because the Da Vinci Code says otherwise, and that book has equal merit to the bible in regards to factuality of content.

Even the author says its fiction.
Estado Libre
31-05-2006, 11:24
M'kay, i had a strange suspicion, really, so i'd included the parenthetical.

Great! You're forcing me to to believe in psychics. :eek:
31-05-2006, 11:25
It doesn't matter whether you believe or not; Satan is still there eating away at your soul.
31-05-2006, 11:26
It doesn't matter whether you believe or not; Satan is still there eating away at your soul.

Do I look like I care? I mean honestly, I don't. I don't believe in your fictional characters or their novel, nor any of your prejudices or biases. I'm my own man, an atheist. When I die, I'm just going to decompose in the ground. No Heaven, no Hell, no Purgatory. Just the dirt and the maggots.
31-05-2006, 11:26
I justified what I said. Plain and simple. No one told you not to read the Da Vinci Code or see the film. The wrong happens when you beleive it.
You seem to think that you are the first atheist I met. I've met loads of them ( a sign of de-morilisation) and all of them bring up the piont of the Bible, no scientific evidence bla,bla,bla. If you just take 5 minutes to search on the internet and search on miracles and so jsut tell me if they is any scientific explanation to them. If their is tell me, it would be interisting to see what you come up with.

The wrong happens when you believe the Bible. The Bible is full of lies. And I've studied miracles, the bible and the philosophy of religion, and there is no proof that miracles are real, that te occurences in the bible are real or that God is real, so don't give me that rubbish. Nobody told you to read the Bible, but you did and you Believe it's lies. If you say the Bible is true, then since it is as valid as the Da Vinci code, you should also believe that book, which said Jesus copped off with Mary.

Life is a test to see who is good and who is evil; you make your own life; God being His normal kind Self gave us the Bible as a kind of 'guide book' to help us make the right decisions.

Nice job ignoring my point on imniscience and the undisputable fact that if he created Earth and free will, he created sin. Christians claim the Bible is a guide book, but Jew's claim the Qu'ran is a guide book from God too, and I don't see you reading that. Also, would a kind God drown everything excluding 2 of each species just to kill a handful of sinful humans? No. Would he smite his enemies or convert them? The latter, but God kills them. God is not kind. He is not Omniscient. He is not omnipotent. He is not Omnipresent (Hell is defined as a place without God). He does not exist.
31-05-2006, 11:26
Great! You're forcing me to to believe in psychics. :eek:
Well, that's a peer-review kind of issue ... and we've gotta have some kind of control group :p

I'm goin' nightie. The sun always gets me up early now (6.30 or so). Talk to ya later. *bows*
31-05-2006, 11:27
That is where you are wrong; a fundamental stumbling block. The Bible is the absolute truth provided by God.
That is arguable, but for the sake of argument, ok.
But what if you believe in another God?
31-05-2006, 11:29
Do I look like I care? I mean honestly, I don't. I don't believe in your fictional characters or their novel, nor any of your prejudices or biases. I'm my own man, an atheist. When I die, I'm just going to decompose in the ground. No Heaven, no Hell, no Purgatory. Just the dirt and the maggots.
But the maggots will love you and sing your praise for providing some nice fertilizer! ;)
The State of Georgia
31-05-2006, 11:29
Do I look like I care? I mean honestly, I don't. I don't believe in your fictional characters or their novel, nor any of your prejudices or biases. I'm my own man, an atheist. When I die, I'm just going to decompose in the ground. No Heaven, no Hell, no Purgatory. Just the dirt and the maggots.

If you carry on the way your are going, you'll be consumed in Hell's eternal fires. Repent and accept Jesus before it is too late.
31-05-2006, 11:30
The wrong happens when you believe the Bible. The Bible is full of lies. And I've studied miracles, the bible and the philosophy of religion, and there is no proof that miracles are real, that te occurences in the bible are real or that God is real, so don't give me that rubbish. Nobody told you to read the Bible, but you did and you Believe it's lies. If you say the Bible is true, then since it is as valid as the Da Vinci code, you should also believe that book, which said Jesus copped off with Mary.

Nice job ignoring my point on imniscience and the undisputable fact that if he created Earth and free will, he created sin. Christians claim the Bible is a guide book, but Jew's claim the Qu'ran is a guide book from God too, and I don't see you reading that. Also, would a kind God drown everything excluding 2 of each species just to kill a handful of sinful humans? No. Would he smite his enemies or convert them? The latter, but God kills them. God is not kind. He is not Omniscient. He is not omnipotent. He is not Omnipresent (Hell is defined as a place without God). He does not exist.

You studied miracles you say and yo don't believe them? You must really be a bloody atheist. I pray to God that a miracle happens to you of enormous proportions maybe you'll start seeing some sense.
31-05-2006, 11:31
If you carry on the way your are going, you'll be consumed in Hell's eternal fires. Repent and accept Jesus before it is too late.

I'm going to go with 'No' here. Like I said, just because you believe some book that says there's a Heaven and Hell, doesn't mean I have to. Like I said, maggots and dirt. That's the end.
The State of Georgia
31-05-2006, 11:31
That is arguable, but for the sake of argument, ok.
But what if you believe in another God?

The only true God, is the God of Christianity, all others are idols. Of course our Jewish cousins worship the same Father, but they too if they do not accept Jesus Christ as the Messiah will go to Hell.
31-05-2006, 11:31
If you carry on the way your are going, you'll be consumed in Hell's eternal fires. Repent and accept Jesus before it is too late.

Im sorry, but..are you serious?
31-05-2006, 11:32
If you carry on the way your are going, you'll be consumed in Hell's eternal fires. Repent and accept Jesus before it is too late.

I Agree with most of your pionts but we cannot judge if he goes to hell or not. Only God can judge and you should know that, my friend.
The State of Georgia
31-05-2006, 11:32
I'm going to go with 'No' here. Like I said, just because you believe some book that says there's a Heaven and Hell, doesn't mean I have to. Like I said, maggots and dirt. That's the end.

You don't have to, but heed my words of warning, this conversation may come back to haunt you on Judgement Day.
31-05-2006, 11:33
You don't have to, but heed my words of warning, this conversation may come back to haunt you on Judgement Day. MUST be joking.
31-05-2006, 11:34
You don't have to, but heed my words of warning, this conversation may come back to haunt you on Judgement Day.

Like I said, I don't believe in your magical sky-god. Should, however, something happen on this mythical 'Judgement Day', I will happily tell God to go to Hell, and leave me be.
31-05-2006, 11:35
The only true God, is the God of Christianity, all others are idols. Of course our Jewish cousins worship the same Father, but they too if they do not accept Jesus Christ as the Messiah will go to Hell.

Sorry, but that is not written in the Bible for Gods sake, you are losing all the valid pionts you made before.
Just for information that guy who wrote that jews believe that the Qu'Ran is a guide book, he should check his brain it is calle the Torah, the same guy who suppposedly knows the bible and studied miracles. Don't Make us laugh.