NationStates Jolt Archive

Modern World Opening To New Members! - Page 7

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The Estenlands
02-02-2006, 00:26
Just to clarify, with the placement of Spyr and so on in the Lyong region, are they just sharing a border with China and Dra-pol, or with Russia also? Does anyone want to post that map that we used to have?

Tsar Wingert teh Great.
AMW China
02-02-2006, 00:57
Back when we had an active Vietnam player, China was in the process of settling border disputes, but the player left before it was concluded.

I suppose this could be interpreted ICly as Vietnam walking away from the table in protest at Chinese occupation of the Spratlys.
Beth Gellert
02-02-2006, 11:35
I don't think I even remember the Vietnam player...
Ah well, a possible brief interruption in quarter of a century of Portmeirion backing the Vietnamese revolution. If Vietnam is invaded, the attackers will find themselves fighting the shortest and tallest nations on earth at once, which provides a certain novelty value :)
02-02-2006, 15:59
I think that what is being referenced there is my history, more than anything. Since I represent a nation that has teh Soviet Union very much in their history, naturally I assumed a more or less normal relationship with former Soviet nations, and it would serve as a bit of a shock to me if I suddenly had to account for some of the former nations being isolationist.
That being said, I am quite pleased with having a Royalist who has a history that parralels my own a little, seeing as we both somehow gained our freedom from Soviet oppression.

So, have you heard of teh Holy League?

Tsar Wingert the Great.

Well, that was always going to change if AMW ever expected to turn NPC nations into players, I suppose.
For what it matters, Depkazia hasn't bordered Russian territory post-USSR until the annexation of Kazakhstan, which must be a relatively recent thing by most measures.

As to gaining freedom from the USSR, well, for Depkazia that only happened when the USSR dissolved and the Depkazi Soviet Socialist Republic became the People's Popular Atheist Labour Republic under Chokareff, who has ruled ever since, and just this year dropped the People's Popular Atheist Labour Republic title. We didn't so much gain independence ourselves, it just happened when Moscow stopped administering Depkazi affairs :)

Most of the isolationism was during a period in which, as I understand it, Russia was under Putin and any post-Soviet leadership that came before him (sorry, I don't know if he was the first), and we were hidden away behind an independent Kazakhstan. So it's not like we've had much time to in any way concern Wingert until right now, I'd think. Of course, we're now mildly terrified of Russia, after Kazakhstan was annexed!
The Estenlands
02-02-2006, 16:07
Well, that was always going to change if AMW ever expected to turn NPC nations into players, I suppose.
For what it matters, Depkazia hasn't bordered Russian territory post-USSR until the annexation of Kazakhstan, which must be a relatively recent thing by most measures.

As to gaining freedom from the USSR, well, for Depkazia that only happened when the USSR dissolved and the Depkazi Soviet Socialist Republic became the People's Popular Atheist Labour Republic under Chokareff, who has ruled ever since, and just this year dropped the People's Popular Atheist Labour Republic title. We didn't so much gain independence ourselves, it just happened when Moscow stopped administering Depkazi affairs :)

Most of the isolationism was during a period in which, as I understand it, Russia was under Putin and any post-Soviet leadership that came before him (sorry, I don't know if he was the first), and we were hidden away behind an independent Kazakhstan. So it's not like we've had much time to in any way concern Wingert until right now, I'd think. Of course, we're now mildly terrified of Russia, after Kazakhstan was annexed!

There is no need to be terrified we are your friends. Do you want some candy. Get in the car!

Tsar Wingert the Great.
02-02-2006, 16:18
Ha, I'm not falling for that one! I just died like that in some on-line game of life that I've... just forgotten the name of. Hehe. Right, I should have left a few minutes ago.
08-02-2006, 01:48
Sorry for being gone so long! I seem to lose the track of time. I have looked over all the pages (and pages) of info and it seems like only a few things happened. So I still have New Switzerland?
Nova Gaul
09-02-2006, 10:11
::A man steps from the shadows, adjacent to the running car, smoking a cigarette and producing a .45::

Depkazia, ::the gun clicks loaded:: the man told you to get in the car, now hop in! Dont worry, kid, its all on the up and up from here out!

::gun levels, drag of the cigarette::

Abream, New Switzerland? What happened to Old Switzerland. Who are you exactly, and what is your purposal for Switzerland in AMW.

Of course, please be specific.
09-02-2006, 20:38
Abream, New Switzerland? What happened to Old Switzerland. Who are you exactly, and what is your purposal for Switzerland in AMW.

Of course, please be specific.


It isn't a proposal (purposal?), Abream made a claim a few weeks ago for Liechenstein and Switzerland as a relativly right wing goverment. odd, Abream disappeared for a while but I think it was accepted.
Lunatic Retard Robots
10-02-2006, 02:54
Hey BG, do you occupy Pondicherry? If not...mind if they become part of the INU? Its going to be tough justifying their existance as independent territories through the Indo-Bedgellen War, though. Mahe I could see, but on the reverse coast I admit is going to be a bit farfetched.

Its a tenative idea to begin with, so what are your thoughts? (All of you for that matter, but seeing as they lie essentially on the Igovian coast BG's descision is the most important). Perhaps they were re-negotiated during the early days of the Chivo Commonwealth?

Eh, sorry if this comes across as blatant territorial ambition.
Beth Gellert
10-02-2006, 03:19
No, we don't occupy it. We officially call it Puduchery, already, too, having hastened the name-change on our end when France suffered the restoration.

The Principality didn't take it initially because it was still French when British India gained independence in its various forms. Probably the Principality would, though, have stood in the way of negotiations between the French Republic and INU on joining it to the latter, and stopped short of invading because it was better to address bigger prizes that had been longer neglected by Europe.

The First Commonwealth... probably left it alone for similar reasons. The Second... would certainly have offered it a Regional or State Senate, as with the Andaman and Nicobars, but was refused, and left the matter alone.

It could have joined the INU in the last decade, decade and a half, then. If the government saw it as the only way to keep some power, maybe so... joining the INU would be a reasonable protection against intervention by the Commonwealth on behalf of public opinion if it went against the government. Otherwise -retaining power or aligning with the likes of the French- would lead to eventual public resentment and, accordingly, Commonwealth intervention on behalf of that public. I doubt that the people would pick the remote INU over the local Commonwealth or continued autonomy, but, given the alternative probability of overthrow, the government might have gone for it.

But that's just my wine-fed off-the-to-of-my-head assessment =)
Lunatic Retard Robots
10-02-2006, 03:27
If it was an effort to retain power over local affairs, well, their governments would probably be largely out of luck, since Mumbai would have doubtless stamped-out their representative system and replaced it with a direct system rather quickly.

In light of your assessment, BG, it does seem rather unlikely that they would have picked the INU over the Commonwealth.

I'm now planning a prolonged campaign against Rajasthan, aimed at bullying the Sultan into re-joining the INU or outright invading it, whichever comes first. Granted, it will cause a lot of tension with North Hindustan, which the INU most definately cannot hope to invade successfully, and perhaps put Mumbai's dream of "recovering" the non-Commonwealth territories further off.

By the way, it would really be nice if I could find someone to play North Hindustan...
Beth Gellert
10-02-2006, 03:39
Well, it (Pondicherry) hasn't joined the Commonwealth for one reason or another, that much is known. I don't know that the government would really be majorly repressive by your/most people's standards, just those of correct people, like me ;)

Ah well, anyway, may as well leave them be, for now, until perhaps someone comes along with a good idea. Goa works okay with the Roiks, maybe Pondi will have a role to play in Nicobarese troublemaking or something.

Anyhoo, yeah, we should get more into arguing with the rest of India, eh. Regressive corrupt so and sos. [Prints up some posters on Bihari throwbacks to the 1st Commonwealth and strengthens the border artillery]
10-02-2006, 12:12
Why not have Pondicherry as a French colony, or perhaps being run a bit like that Plantation in Apocalypse Now Redux- ie, the locals consider themselves French, but maybe want nothing to do with the Restoration?
Beth Gellert
10-02-2006, 14:33
That kinda makes sense. Either the locals or the government/state were loyal to France until the restoration... hm. It'd be good if we had a second French player, perhaps running a government in exile from Pondicherry.
Oh well, it's a small place, not really a pressing issue, I suppose.
10-02-2006, 21:07
::gun levels, drag of the cigarette::

Abream, New Switzerland? What happened to Old Switzerland. Who are you exactly, and what is your purposal for Switzerland in AMW.

Of course, please be specific.

Queen Brigit Muson settled herself comftorably in a lush velvet armchair to recieve the questions that had been pressed upon her country. Macom Villinus, the Prime Miniser, was attanding other affairs in the government at the time. The faintest sign of a frown played across her marble face.
"Old Switzerland...I must beg your pardon, but I know of no Old Switzerland. As you can see, my claims were not disputed-"
"-and I had no reason to belive otherwise. To the best of my knowledge, no others showed intrest Switzerland and/or Lichenstein, making my claim better suited to the task of governing this fair country. As of plans for the future," she pauses to gather her thoughts, "our prosperous and stable economy is doing just fine without major government intervention. We are an adamantly neutral country, and wish to remain so. Banking policies and such demand it. It you have had enough time to read the first hyperlink, that should detail the the formation and new members of the government. The second is just to further establish my claim, and isn't as important."
"Jaques Pierre-" (sigh)
She took a sip from the deep red drink that stood on one of the end tables placed at one side of the armchair.
"Does that answer your questions, Mr. Gaul? If you'll excuse me..." two guards escort the figure out of the room.
11-02-2006, 03:52
Sorry, but I'm objecting to your claims on the grounds that I've never heard of you, and you simply vanished for ages.

Besides, "New Switzerland"? Is it an overseas colony of Switzerland or something?

You can't just make posts in the main forums saying you're part of AMW and then saying no-one objected because we didn't see them... part of the AMW thing is to post links to RPs that you're starting so everyone can get involved, instead of leaving us to search for a username of someone we may or may not even know about.
11-02-2006, 12:27
On the French Pondicherry thing if it were governed by a break away group of republicans of a socialist i would imagine that it would liekly get along fairly well with its sub coninential neighbours, yes the Igovians would likely still look down on them, but keeping them around would be a good way to stick a finger up at the bourbons and porvide a possible starting point to bring europe back into line with a more... compatable outlook.
Maybe it coudl even become a sort of haven for republican/anit monarchist/socialist/democratic exiles from all of the newly restored european and asia monarchies...

As to Swtizerland, for a while we did the swiss beign ruled by one huge corperate entity (Swiss corp) who did have actualy interaction with other AMW players for a week or two...
I could see the corperation morphing into some form of monarchy but from hsitory the Swiss have always been more than a little freicely republican...
12-02-2006, 00:45
Sorry, but I'm objecting to your claims on the grounds that I've never heard of you, and you simply vanished for ages.

Besides, "New Switzerland"? Is it an overseas colony of Switzerland or something?

You can't just make posts in the main forums saying you're part of AMW and then saying no-one objected because we didn't see them... part of the AMW thing is to post links to RPs that you're starting so everyone can get involved, instead of leaving us to search for a username of someone we may or may not even know about.

Complete Edit:

My view is that Abream applied along the guidelines. We said yes, Abream comes back and asks if the position is still open, since Abream suspects (as would I) that no one would care about a country that is of no consequence and if he/she disappears for a little bit, who cares? We should have more important things on our agenda than questioning the credibility of a claim that includes the second (after Denamark) smallest independent goverment and the tag along country of Liechenstein. This just makes us look like control freaks, I wouldn't start by acting like I knew what you thought of control freaks but un-proffessional would be one adjective I would use.

In all due respect,
Your 2nd Language Friend (who only knows English)
The Crooked Beat
12-02-2006, 00:51
No, see, I'm afraid that I don't get your point...
12-02-2006, 01:33
I'm not sure I follow either, Moorington.

Are you sure English is your first language? I'm not trying to be rude here, but a lot of your posts seem to be quite difficult to follow, and they just seem to suggest a Non-English Speaking Background to me (Not that there's anything wrong with that... anything I posted in French, for example, would most likely be largely unintelligible.)
12-02-2006, 01:40
What my estemed colleague was trying to say (if i read it right if not feel free to slap me with fish) is:
Morrington assumed from the threads that Abream was already part of AMW, and has already interacted with the posts in question. Since the claim is so realatively unimportant why get all bothered about it?
12-02-2006, 01:56
Ah... even so, I don't think there are any "Unimportant" claims in AMW.

It's just not appropriate to just "Decide" you want a claim, not actually tell anyone, then start RPing and claim that the fact that no-one besides Moorington noticed or objected means you're in.

The whole point of AMW is to have rich RPing experiences, and we can't have that if we've got Nations-even small ones- run by people who just can't be bothered to contribute (East Islandia, I'm looking at you), or simply can't or won't abide by the rules, so to speak.

Besides, Switzerland is a statregic nation, so it should be run by someone who actually cares about it and can do a good job of it, too.
12-02-2006, 02:31
What my estemed colleague was trying to say (if i read it right if not feel free to slap me with fish) is:
Morrington assumed from the threads that Abream was already part of AMW, and has already interacted with the posts in question. Since the claim is so realatively unimportant why get all bothered about it?

The only fish I am slapping to you is very well done halibut with a side dish of caviar. Which means you somehow dechipered my post! Brilliant!
12-02-2006, 05:52
It's just not appropriate to just "Decide" you want a claim, not actually tell anyone, then start RPing and claim that the fact that no-one besides Moorington noticed or objected means you're in.


Are we on the same page? Saying ony Moorington noticed wouldn't be the choice of words I'd use. I heard through the grapevine AMW was starting up, and posted my claim. After that, I started a news thread to show my continued interest. It had 35 veiws after all, and my "claim" thread had 41 views. I supose that might have been a small hint.

I posted in my signature I was New Switzerland, too.
I am in AMW as New Switzerland, see my Factbook.

Here's my basic, origional claim:
Can I be a nation???????
Can I be Switzerland? Switzerland for the most part has been a neutral nation and can I win the latest elections? The capitalistic, dead center party, called the Mysic Party.
Of course, the Mystic party deal was switched around a bit in favor of Dual Economic Freedom Party, but there it is.
Claim Number Two:
Hello, I Abream have expressed interest in Switzerland and wish to take Liechtenstein and Switzerland itself under just Switzerland. Since as some of you may or may not know Switzerland and Liechtenstein have become more and more inter-bound after the fall of Lichienstein's first "partner" Austria after WWII. In this fictional setting Liechtenstein and Switzerland's Royal Family become in laws and make a union. Their party, The Dual Economic Freedom Party, is firmly entrenched and has a majority in their basic republic country.

After that, I was told to do poplation, government, and RP exp. You can see by my post count, well, 0 RP exp. All of the other requests are included in my other claim thread.

...And more population count.
Excuse me, I am sorry, this then goes in conjuction with my previous post.

Lichtienstien POP-33,717
Switzerland POP-7,489,370

New Switzerland- 7523087

I'm afraid to say RP samples, suggested after that, was strictly contained to my news and claim threads. Also, of course, what I'm writing now.

What happened was my claim was buried, and/or the news threads were not advertised enough. That was my fault, I admit.
Soooo... can I still have Switzerland?... Again?
12-02-2006, 07:43
Ah, that makes more sense, thank you Abream.

The thing is, putting something in your sig doesn't mean people will see it or pay any attention to it... I don't pay any attention to people's sigs, since most of them are either obscure or nonsensical.

If 41 people viewed your thread on the forums, that could be ANY 41 people out of the thousands on Jolt- not necessarily 41 AMW members, so from an AMW perspective, no-one except Moorington saw your threads.

Perhaps you'd be kind enough to collate all the important info here in this thread so we can all have a look and give your claim the proper discussion and attention that any AMW application deserves?
12-02-2006, 17:53
The thing is, putting something in your sig doesn't mean people will see it or pay any attention to it... I don't pay any attention to people's sigs, since most of them are either obscure or nonsensical.

As in "Either you're babbling, or you just told me in Cherokee that my scrotum is many coloured."?
12-02-2006, 21:38
Hey, I never said my sig was any less obscure or nonsensical than anyone else's! ;-)

For the record, though, the quote comes from the TV show "Duckman"... whenever confronted by an attractive woman, Duckman's rational brain shuts down and he says something along the lines of "Hummana Hummana Ha Wa!" (Much like Quagmire's "Giggity Giggity Giggity Goo!" from Family Guy), to which Cornfed responds with (the first time the phrase is used) "Either you're babbling, or you just told me in Cherokee that my scrotum is many coloured."

Other characters have replied with things like "Duckman, I didn't know you spoke Cherokee!", or "Very perceptive, Duckman..." depending on the situation.

I could make some sort of comment about irony and comment on the very nature of signature lines being a metaphor for something, but I'd be lying if I said I'd picked that particular sig line for any reason other than I thought that it sounded cool. ;-)
13-02-2006, 00:07
Without further ado:

Long Nation Name: The Dual Economic Monarchies of Switzerland
Nation Name: New Switzerland
Short Nation Name: Switzerland

Currency: Swiss Franc
Abbr.: CHF

Royalty: (Unofficial) Queen Brigit Munson
Prime Minister: Macom Villinus
Secretary of Defence: Mr. Joseph O'Riley
Secretary of State: Mr. Maxell Lee
Parliament Majority Leader: Mr. Mark Tolen
Major General: Gen. Will Mc'All

Political Party: The Dual Economic Party
The largest banking orginization in Switzerland, the UBS, was without leadership as it's chairman, Marcel Ospel, recently passed away. His replacenment, Brigit Munson, inherited enormous bearucratical and fnancial power. Real Queen in everything but offical title, she resides in several large estates liberally planted throughout the country side.
The two countries of Liechtenstein and Switzerland enjoy a union within the Royal Families. That is a good excuse for it, but in reality the government itself was already intertwined. Liechtenstein enjoys representation in the Parliament, but the military is still left to Switzerland. The Dual Economic Monarchies are a republic with 5 states in Switzerland, and 2 in Liechtenstein.

The Royal Family has some power, since they were responsible for the union of the two, but not more than the politically designated head, Macom Villinus.

Population of Switzerland:
Population of Liechtenstein:
Population of New Switzerland:

Here's my news thread: not important, but I'm putting it all out there:
13-02-2006, 23:33

Cool, well lets get some "veteran" members here to proccess your claim. Also, do most nations have the equipment which mimicks RL US's military's "internet" connection program? Does anybody know much about that?
14-02-2006, 11:18
While i still have my doubts about the Swiss ever entertainign a monarchy without soem serious historical revisionism i here by give my approval for Abream's claim to Switzerland for what it is worth.

Morrington: do you mean the Joint Tactical Information Distribution System (JTIDS) and the NATO Link 16 aircraft datalink? or are we talking about US troops searching google and visiting ebaums world through thier land warrior sets?

If its JTIDS and link 16 then in RL just about everyone in NATO has or is in the process of getting it and in AMW then the UK, UE, China and russia defiantly have soem sort of high speed data links system, the French probabaly have soem sort of system and i suspect that the Holy league are working on intgrating the various russian and french systems. As for LRR and BG i would assume they have some sort of system, the African Commonwealth has Link 16 on its Grippens but i'm not sure about the rest of thier aircraft and Strathdonia has Link 16 on its Mirages, jaguars and hawks (i'm not sure about the Elian supplied helos).
African Commonwealth
14-02-2006, 15:43
Well, the Commonwealth acquired Link 16-carrying Gripen before the tension with NATO arose, and as such it is amenable to copy it and create some sort of ANP-wide military internet support based on it. But of course, as with everything else, financial constraints slow this project.
14-02-2006, 17:56

So pretty much any NATO country, so who "controls" the system? Some independent company, a branch of NATO, or the US? I am suddenly all curious about this after reading an interesting article in the Wall Street Journal about some Europeans going agaisnt the "American Net" and setting up their own root commands. China (in RL) has already gotten it's own up and running but obviously it isn't getting much popularity with Google not operating on it. Anyhow, back to the subject, who controls NATOs operating system.
15-02-2006, 01:13
Maybe no one Nation controls in the internet/ComNets?

Roycelandia has a fairly high-tech computer and communications network, but I don't think we'd be controlling the NATO communications system, since all the soldiers would do would involve surfing the net, playing CounterStrike, looking up porn, and trying to hack into the Lusakan mainframe... ;-)
15-02-2006, 14:20
So pretty much any NATO country, so who "controls" the system? Some independent company, a branch of NATO, or the US? I am suddenly all curious about this after reading an interesting article in the Wall Street Journal about some Europeans going agaisnt the "American Net" and setting up their own root commands. China (in RL) has already gotten it's own up and running but obviously it isn't getting much popularity with Google not operating on it. Anyhow, back to the subject, who controls NATOs operating system.

Link 16 and the JTIDS are not strictly speaking the internet, just a fairly open standardsied set of communications protcols and hardware designed to shunt large amounts of voice and data about the battlespace. So it isn't really "controlled" in the way the "internet" is, probaably each nation keeps its own list of units/destiantions etc with an overall repository located at NATO HQ in belgium (i think thats where it is). it should be pointed out that NATO does actually have a number of units that are crewed funded by the alliance as a whole, priamrily the NATO E-3Sentrys but also soon to include the A320 ground sensor plaform.

Yes my answer is very wooley but exact details of how the system works are understandably kept quite secret. But i suppose the prime point is that military info networks are not the same as the internet in any shape or form. You can't surf the internet from a link 16 enabled fighter, basically a fighter's link 16 box acts to receive target info from either another fighter, ground station or AWACs bird and pass it to the fighter's targeting system for processing and display (ideally allowing a fighter to target and engage enemy forces without using it's own sensors). Exactly what the likes of Link 16 can do is often very confusing with soem sources claiming that targeting of an already launched weapon can actually be passed over to another unit.

As for Strathdonian use the systems codes etc are all pretty much internalised but can be opened to allied nations if required (primarily the UK) and i imagine that msot RL nations are the same, ie msot of the time they use thier own codes but in the event of joint ops they use a set of alliance wide codes.

sheez thats a bit of a shotgun post isn't it.
15-02-2006, 14:24
Maybe no one Nation controls in the internet/ComNets?

Roycelandia has a fairly high-tech computer and communications network, but I don't think we'd be controlling the NATO communications system, since all the soldiers would do would involve surfing the net, playing CounterStrike, looking up porn, and trying to hack into the Lusakan mainframe... ;-)

it could be worse, you could have Crookfur troops all of whom have PBAs (personal battle feild assistants), basically a very rugged military pocket pc, mainly designed for maps, ballistic calcs and voice coms, but they do actually coem with games and digital music capabilities to keep the troops entertained during down periods, they probabaly have to have soem kind of command level oevrride so that the officers can turn the games off when required, very important if theya re playing the games through thier Helment mounted displays... (or the techno goggles which ever exact method i end up using).
The Macabees
15-02-2006, 16:42
I've been trying to figure out where to take Spain, and I think I have something down, although it will be nothing spectacular like some of the other things that go around here. For the record, what's the German position towards Spain, especially after the two Bourbon dynasties signing the Pact Familie [which is sorta unconstitutional since it would be Las Cortes which would sign an alliance, not the military or the king..but that should play into the roleplay]?

That said, does anybody have the link to the other thread?
15-02-2006, 18:44
The Estenlands
21-02-2006, 21:21
BUMP for Quinntonian.
Tsar Wingert the Great.
26-02-2006, 17:31
Ok, I need one more approval to be officially "in". So, please look over my earlier post, veteran members, if you haven't seen it. If you have and don't like it, tell me why and I'll revise it.
Yugo Slavia
26-02-2006, 19:48
So, are we giving the Swiss bid a proper chance then?

*Just wants to sell them a few dozen Novi Avions*
26-02-2006, 22:38
Ok, I need one more approval to be officially "in". So, please look over my earlier post, veteran members, if you haven't seen it. If you have and don't like it, tell me why and I'll revise it.

Cool, well another European member is great to have around!
Armandian Cheese
26-02-2006, 22:40
Well, he seems decent enough, and he's certainly determined. I don't see why not. If he turns out to be terrible, it's not that big a deal, since Switzerland isn't exactly a major world power anyhow. *STAMP*
26-02-2006, 23:23
Yeah, well I never got my 3 stamps (or even one) and Austria
isn't exactly a major world power anyhow.
27-02-2006, 15:26

New thread updated, slightly. Abream in, maps linked, other things, blah blah.
28-02-2006, 20:44
Hey, this is mostly for the attention of Estenlands and/or Armandian Cheese, not to the exclusion of anyone else. I was thinking about Depkazia's roots and its relation to Russia and the USSR, and wondering if I could work in a more reasonable history, so I'd like to see if it makes sense and is more workable for the Russias than having a former USSR-member all but drop off the face of the earth for nearly two decades after independence.

In AMW, the USSR started to collapse slightly sooner than in reality, because of the Ukraine's rebellion and other outside pressures, I gather, right? But some have wanted/needed it to persist to the end for the sake of their histories/relations. Well, I was thinking, to answer where Chokareff came from and why Depkazia dropped off the face of the earth: how about if Chokareff is the son of a former high-ranking Soviet official, who probably was part of the old guard of the Communist Party, who would have taken part in any AMW-manifestation of the failed coup attempt, and who, even after that, tried to preserve the USSR when it was falling apart?...

I would like to propose that Chokareff's father, with the support of loyal, like-minded, or corrupt bribed officers, preserved the USSR in Mid Asia after the Estenlands, Baltic Republics, and whatever else started to take independence and the war of laws was under way.

This would mean that, in the late 1980s or whenever AMW's USSR broke-up, the Depkazi SSR and Kazakh SSR under the junta of "Chokareff-Snr" contested the Russian Federation's claim to be the successor to the USSR by insisting that they in fact still constituted the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, all be it in greatly reduced form. With almost four million square kilometres of territory and at the time close to fifty million people, Chokareff's father and his associates perhaps actually intended to regroup and launch another coup in Russia or other former Soviet Republics, having with them loyal soldiers from Russia and elsewhere.

However, nationalism and Islamic influence, pressure applied by the Russian Federation, and the collapse of Soviet-bloc markets towards which the Kazakh and Depkazi economies were geared conspired to create insurmountable problems. The reduced USSR would, though, endure until the last month of 1991, breaking apart then at the time of the real USSR's final dissolution. That way, any other AMW nations that desire it could have maintained relations with the reduced USSR in Mid Asia until its proper demise. Between the 10th and 16th of December, 1991, the Republic of Kazakhstan would be proclaimed and declared independent just as in reality, leaving only the Depkazi Soviet Socialist Republic, thus making the Union part of the USSR's title obsolete.

Chokareff's father would lose his control in Kazakhstan, Soviet Army forces would be disbanding and settling down or withdrawing to return home, and Chokareff would rise in the Depkazi SSR to over-throw his flailing father and create the Depkazi People's Popular Atheist Labour Republic, which lasts until the start of 2006 when he finally dissolves the successor to the Supreme Soviet and opens the nation to foreign interest.

This explains Chokareff's (widely ignored) claim to Kazakh territory, as he, like the Russian Federation until its replacement by whatever form of Russia Putin ran, claims to be the legitimate successor to the USSR. I'm not sure if this may annoy the Russian players by looking like sticking my nose in to Kazakhstan, but it's not as if their annexation would be without contention in reality- noting the nearly 2 to 1 bias towards Kazakhs over Russians in the first multi-party elections in reality it seems unlikely that they'd actually be widely accepting of the Russian authority, not to mention the Islamic factor that also troubled the Depkazi Atheist state, so I'm hopeful that nobody's plans would be much upset by a little Depkazi interest and history that might be a small problem by contrast, it just sets up a bit of background in relation to Chokareff's seemingly irrational anti-Russian ravings.

I'm hoping it'll allow me to do a few more things with Depkazia, and anchor my country and its leader to the development of AMW. Basically the change is just the brief holding-out of the USSR in Central Asia until its real-life collapse date of December 1991, and shouldn't mean too much different for the rest of the former Soviet bloc, I hope?
Armandian Cheese
28-02-2006, 22:13
Well, Estenlands will still have to comment, but overall I think it's a good idea. (Oh, and the ratio isn't two to one Kazaqs per Russians...Not anymore, anyhow...A policy of cheap housing, loans, and blatant nationalist propaganda ensured a flood of Russian immigration.)
28-02-2006, 22:21
Oh, no, the population ratio wasn't such (at the time of those late-Soviet era elections), so far as I know, but the results of the elections were in that range. Presumably a lot of Russians in Kazakhstan felt or feel more Kazakhstani (if not exactly Kazakh) than Russian. Such repopulation policies were started generations ago, the USSR calling for the colonisation of what it called virgin land, so they're not a post-Soviet innovation.
28-02-2006, 22:25
Oh, also, just for curiosity, I've come up with a new Depkazi flag. This would be similar to the banner of the Depkazi Soviet Socialist Republic, which would have a golden hammer and sickle under a single gold-outline red-centred five-point star in place of the white crescent and four white stars of the independent state.

There we go.
28-02-2006, 22:50

Cool flag!
02-03-2006, 21:45
Can anyone give me the IC Thread? It might be mentioned in previous AMW posts, but as there are, well, a lot, I can't look through them all. :) Right?
03-03-2006, 09:50
Any particular IC thread or do you mean the other dicussion thread?
12-03-2006, 20:47
The other discussion thread, please.
13-03-2006, 01:48
Cool flag!

Thank you, I am quite happy with it, after about four previous designs that just didn't work. Hopefully it will help to support the perception of a confused and confusing Depkazia, unsure of whether it is a successor to the USSR, a confederation of tribesmen and regionally minority ethnicities, or a new Islamic state with an uncomfortable Orthodox legacy, hence the *cough* 'need' for a character like Tchokareff.
Anak Pawis
13-03-2006, 08:59
Ola. Sorry for barging in on the Filipino Funkiness thread. Been searching for anything related to Philippine affairs and rp there.

So... may I join? :p
14-03-2006, 18:43
Ola. Sorry for barging in on the Filipino Funkiness thread. Been searching for anything related to Philippine affairs and rp there.

So... may I join? :p

Looks at the post, turns his head around, sees no one else. Slowly backs back into a bunker whispering to himself about another noob getting his/her head hurt......

Out of Context:
Hey dude, you going to get a very very negative reply. Remeber, no smilies unless in certain situations, make sure to keep spelling okay just don't ask me to help, and get some kind of goverment worked out, and last but not least get so much info on the RP before asking that you don't ask for a item that is highly contested between uno and duos world powers. Yes, I am talking about the Philippines, try somewhere else, anywhere. Like Indonesia (I think).
AMW China
15-03-2006, 06:03
From what I saw in the Filipino thread, I think you have potential as an RPer and I will be willing to endorse you.

Just do some research first, ask questions, and welcome to AMW.
African Commonwealth
15-03-2006, 11:17
Anak>> I think, what AMW needs more than anything right now, is committed players - We've had a lot of people who have done all they need to become full members, then have maybe one RP(at most), and then disappear offline. If you only want to play something that has to do with the Philippines, I think you're better off in another group.

I hope I didn't come off too harsh, heh. If you fulfill requirements(do the research, outline a reasonable government and recent history for the nation(s) you'd like to claim; and provide us with RP samples from earlier play on NS), I will of course consider sponsoring you!
Nova Gaul
15-03-2006, 23:30
I concur completely with NA.

That said, I think we need some players here. Im thinking of two, or possibly one that can fulfill two tasks.

First of all, AC is a bit stretched at the minute, and his stretching is really beginning to affect the Filipino situation. Ergo, if Anak can hack it, Id like to give him a shot at it, because we need to have something going on in that regard.

To Anak, you will pretty much have to take the Philippines at this point as is, which is to say with El Presidente Aznar and the current political climate etc. I think you deserve a shot at it, so why dont you do a post, only this time as a national leader, and incorporating into that post the current situation and players in the theatre, this incorporation will show you have done sufficent research. If you make the cut, so be it. Just go ahead and use this thread, you can cut and copy to the other if all goes well. I encourage you to do well, as a good first post in this matter will do you yards of good.

And the other thing is Rajasthan. I mean, I love the Sultan, but its a bit much even for me to do two nations with alot of agendas simultaneously. I want to get Depzekia (who has proven himself more than adequate, and should be given a larger venue for displaying his abilites) more in on this, perhaps moving the defence over to him OOCly, as I like his stuff, and its in his neighborhood to boot. Not to worry, in the mean time I shall not shirk my duties, but Indochine is coming up ere long, and that will be WAY too much for me. Au revoir.
18-03-2006, 18:41
Does anyone have a list of semi- to active RPs occuring in AMW? I ould like to further Austria's interests but I am severly handicapped when I don't even know that they are happining.
18-03-2006, 18:46
You can track a lot of them doing by searching under a user's name, but I agree we need a standard repository of AMW threads that we can all find...
Lunatic Retard Robots
19-03-2006, 01:53

A bit on Indian history. It only goes up to 1969 as it is now but I'll have everything to today done soon.
19-03-2006, 08:54
Well, the new home thread (, since it lists all nations (or will do, when it's up to date) now includes links to home pages for each nation that presents one (so far the United African Republic, Austria, Yugoslavia), and, in those threads, players can link to all active or important historic threads involving their nation, so that's a good resource to start with.

If anyone else has home-page threads like that, submit a link to it and I'll attach it to your nation's name in the listings.
Andaman and Nicobar
22-03-2006, 21:25
Hello, everyone. I'm not sure where to start this, but, as you know, ISAN hasn't been very active for a long time, though there's currently a slow-paced RP happening. I think that, perhaps, I just haven't wanted to let the nation die because it has been so long, and perhaps even because it's creeping, after something like three years, into the top reaches of the UN rankings and I'd like to see it go further. Trimming any other crap I was thinking of saying, I think the current family of events will be the conclusion for Andaman and Nicobar in active roleplay. I should have held my hands up back when we joined AMW, but BG went so ISAN followed, tied by history. I can keep the nation alive, at least for a while, just by logging in to see if we're scaring the top of the UN rankings and to answer the odd issue, so A&N may stay around at first, anyway. We'll see. Infernal nostalgia!

The clash between Incorporation and Crown will be seen-through in coming days and weeks, and if the French or others carry-out their warlike plans in Asia then I am prepared to see the islands and their struggle become a front, even if it means them being battered (they're not as small as you think: twice the size of French Polynesia, almost the size of Cyprus, 2/3rds of the Falklands, spread over a large area, so enough space for a scrap). That doesn't have to happen, I'm just saying that it's okay.

Then A&N will be out, the islands a wasteland, royalist vassal, Commonwealth state, or reverted to non-player control. I'll log on to keep the nation alive, for how long I don't know, but if a seal isn't put on the RPing I'll probably keep bringing up one half-hearted attempt every couple of months, which doesn't seem worthwhile.
African Commonwealth
22-03-2006, 21:40
Go Royce! ^.^ It's driving me crazy that a thread can progress for weeks before I find it.. Most of the time when I check a thread, it's because of hearsay or chance..
23-03-2006, 04:35
It's amazing how many AMW threads I miss out on because they're not publicised... didn't we agree they all had to go in the Invision Forums anyway?
Beth Gellert
23-03-2006, 06:08
Seems unlikely, since probably only a minority of AMWers are on the off-site forum, a co-founder not amongst them.

Anyway, yeah, a perfectly reasonable solution to this, already in effect with players who aren't complaining but are acting, has just been proposed a couple of posts ago, so... er... yeah.
23-03-2006, 08:36
As Audre Lorde put it, "A Revolution is not a one-time Event.", indeed it's a perpetual motion.

Therefore, I've decided to make the Neo-Anarchan intro thread a thread about ongoing events in Neo-Anarchos, for ease of your browsing, and to collect my thoughts. Today or tomorrow the thread will receive a huge-ass update about the consumption/liberation of Suriname, and what is going on in the country as of late..

Therefore, here is your one-stop link for all things Anarchy:

¡Viva la Revolucíon! ¡Viva la libertad! (

Also, a detailed thread about the Neo-Anarchan special forces:

Revolutionary and special? I'll be damned. (
Walmington on Sea
24-03-2006, 18:20
Evening, all.

I was asked once before -by your friend and mine, LRR- whether Walmington on Sea might like to join AMW. I had to confess that, actually, I'm already here. One or two others already knew that (though any of them may very well have forgotten since then), but, on the basis of that pre-existing membership with another well-established state I... oh, screw it, Iansisle/Mannicagua knew because, before AMW, I once posted in one of WoS's threads as Dra-pol, before using it to co-found AMW, and I'll probably only end up accidentally doing it again, so may as well just tell you.

Anyway, I know that Dra-pol has been a bit inactive lately, which was partly why I did the whole Neo-Suloist thing, so as to explain the new period of introspection and paranoid isolation, and likewise WoS has been quiet, but -completely ignoring the implication of that information- I am thinking of moving WoS to AMW, pending community approval and possibly a bit more chin-stroking and contemplation on my part.

To anyone worried about a conflict of interests, well, I can tell you that I intend to get Hotan -eventually- back into power in Da'Khiem, and though there may be Hotanite reform in the offing, there's not much chance of the CPRD and WoS ever helping eachother out: when I initially created Dra-pol I was just going to use it as something for Walmington to kick around a bit in the badly under-imperialised Orient :) Now I'm afraid that Dra-pol would kick the living tar out of any forces Walmington sent near it.

Walmington's RPing glory days, such as they were, passed a lonnng time ago, and were based a lot on a few quirky characters in charge of virtually a second British empire, that happened to be best chums with the first British Empire. There's not much chance that I'm ever going to rebuild what we had, so I thought that I might forget about the grand empire and the huge lines of battle on the high seas, and go back to running the little community of harmless eccentrics that we used to be.

Formerly, WoS was a North Atlantic island a little smaller than the UK, populated by fifty million souls stuck in nothing later than the 1950s. Now, there's no suitable North Atlantic islands left, unless I horribly warped TBF's relationship with Ireland, so that's pretty much right out. I thought that New Zealand might be nice. About UK size, some basically temperate areas, four million people, real-world Anglo-Saxon connection, seems right, to me. Remote enough that nobody's going to mind if I have a quiet spell or get distracted by a flash of insipriation Re. Dra-pol (those have been lacking, of late, which really is why more progress hasn't been made with the counter-coup).

If I do turn New Zealand into Walmington on Sea, it will be a constitutional monarchy related to the British crown (and, by extension, what's left of the Geletian one). It will be proudly Protestant, of course, and by proudly Protestant I mean that -with the exception of one small island, for which I may use one of the dependent areas- its mothers and fathers will have a fit if their daughter brings home a Catholic boy, but otherwise consider that God is an optional extra at regular cake-based church events.

Though maintaining a local monarchy, Walmingtonians probably answer the question, "Whom do you suppose is the most important person on earth?" by saying, as if it were obvious, "Why, the Queen of England, wouldn't you say?". They'll be industrious little beavers, but probably a bit flustered by the pace of the world market, and they may be convinced to buy Roycelandian since the UK stopped making all the standard Walmingtonian defence equipment.

Significantly, now, I'd like to go back to playing WoS as the plucky no-hoper that it was originally supposed to be under threat from Nazi Germany and later Uncle Joe. Now, lacking Nazis and Stalin, I'm actually hopeful that the Holy League might take exception to WoS's insistance that its little king is head of the national church and that the Catholic minority is currently having a rough time of it, and leave us with the constant threat of invasion lingering in the air. If either the Soviets, Chinese, or any other such bigshots also feel like menacing the islands a little bit it'd really help, so long as nobody nukes us off the map :)

I had more, but this is already dragging on. Are there any initial opinions or objections? I know that we could do with one or two new -really new- players, but it doesn't seem to be happening very fast, so I thought perhaps this would be okay. I'll make another post, later, incase anybody would like to know a bit about how WoS will relate to other AMW nations before they decide whether it seems fair.

Now I frown at the submit button for a minute and decide if this is really a good idea, ha!
24-03-2006, 20:38
Well Walmington-on-Sea wouldn't be alone on the staunchly protestant issue, there is always little old Strathdonia but then they practice a slightly more paranoid west of scotland/northern ireland strand of pope hating...

Strathdonia will liekly try to sell you cheap aircraft both homebiult and second hand but some of it might be a bit too modern. Diplomatic ties would liekly be quite good between the two antions with a general concensus on msot issues but little or no real influence on each other due to distance in between.

Of course any new Ally in the pacific region would be good particualrly if we could get you talking to the INU :)
Walmington on Sea
24-03-2006, 23:15
Well! In the mentioned text about Walmingtonian relation to other nations, Strathdonia was amongst the first that came to mind. I know, sounds like a funny thing to say, eh ;)

Potential foreign relations, incase it makes anyone more able to decide whether they mind WoS sitting in...

I'd say that, to start off with, this WoS would be suicidally loyal to the UK, and would to a large degree base its diplomatic stance towards other nations on what London seemed to think. In the old history, I had it that, when only a few years old, WoS harboured British ships on piracy missions against then-mighty Spain, and things like that, so, if based in NZ, it would probably have tried to meddle in the Philippines et cetera in the distant past.

Its people would be admiring of the Roycelandian Empire though potentially a bit put-off if they ever actually went to Roycelandia.

Walmington would probably want friendly relations with the Indian National Union, but would be worried over growing Soviet influence in across the region after what happened to the Geletian Principality. Still, there are fears that reports on the ammount of tea in China may be exaggerated, and it has to be bought from somewhere...

In Africa, wealthy Walmies would probably spend a lot of time on Roycelandian safari, but it's likely that the nation's favourite African state would be Strathdonia, at least for now.

The native-lead African states like the UAR would have been viewed surprisingly positively, perhaps as the brave little-guy. Now, though, it's hard to imagine public opinion or government policy coming down against the UK, unless London ends up co-operating too closely with the Holy League, in which case WoS may fall into crisis.

Quinntonia is hard to place, in relation to WoS. We're not going to look at them like Dra-pol does, but in my prior history, Walmington never forgave the US for the revolution, and refused to have anything to do with, "the rebel colonies". Possibly Quinntonia would have a better chance of reconcilliation with WoS.

Dra-pol, for what it matters, would be regarded as a curious hermit kingdom that somebody should disarm so that people could have exotic holidays there.
AMW China
25-03-2006, 02:18
Sounds very very much like RL New Zealand in the 60s and 70s (with all the anti-US protests and so forth). It's good to finally have someone downunder for once.

I'll give you a stamp of approval.
Lunatic Retard Robots
25-03-2006, 05:58
Sounds excellent! My stamp of approval for sure...although I think it rather goes without saying that this is good.
Quinntonian Dra-pol
25-03-2006, 18:39
I would say yes, go ahead. I hope that the Quinntonians have more luck improving relations than the RL US.
Walmington on Sea
25-03-2006, 20:51
All right, I think that I'll give it a go, then! Hopefully being Walmingtonian again will help me to clear the cobwebs out of my head's Dra-pol draw and eventually I'll find my inspiration... socks... or at least over-extend a quite useless metaphor or two along the way.

Well, I think that amongst my first actions with WoS will be to invite the likes of Strathdonia to send arms merchant types down to the Norbray proving grounds (formerly South NZ, heh) along with probably Roycelandian, British, maybe Hindustani firms, to decide what Walmington's going to buy, and what it's going to start producing at home under a different name. Want to make sure that's all done before sectarian violence sweeps Walmingtonian Polynesia!

And yes, at the moment, I expect that Quinntonia can place at least a few missionaries in Walmingtonian territory without them ending up headless or crucified along the beaches :) Uhm, unless maybe one of them sounds a bit Catholic.
26-03-2006, 09:12
Naturally I'll add my Big Rubber Stamp Of Approval to WoS taking over NZ (Did I mention I'm from NZ originally myself?)

WoS can look forward to some very lucrative trade deals with Roycelandia (who will be VERY keen to acquire Meat, Dairy Products, and so on from NZ)

Where is Walmington Polynesia? French Polynesia is part of the Roycelandian Empire in AMW (a gift from France), but there are plenty of other Pacific Islands to become part of Walmington... ;-)
Walmington on Sea
26-03-2006, 14:25
Tokelau and the Cook Islands ;)

Actually, Tokelau specifically, so it's not the most impressive Polynesian territory, while the Cook Islands shall become the Wendsleybury Islands, after a famous and ill-fated Walmingtonian navigator... but... we'll make a radically disproportionate fuss over our empire, even if the whole thing contains less than thirty thousand people on a few hundred square kilometres of islands.
27-03-2006, 01:59
Tis not the size, it's how you regard it!

Roycelandia will look very fondly upon anyone with their own Empire (note our very close relationship with France), even if it is a tiny one.

Imperialism loves company, as they say!
Walmington on Sea
27-03-2006, 05:38
I've resolved to make all but the two main islands and Southend (AKA Stewart Island) a dependency of those... this means, essentially, just adding into the empire the sub-antarctic islands and a couple off the east coast. The population eaten by them, from the mainland, is a few hundred in total, almost all on one island, so that's no biggie... but I've now had the idea of advertising for colonials :) I'll get the Henry Wayne Company to talk-up Chatham and Campbell et cetera and maybe making something out of colonisation attempts. In reality, one of 'em briefly had the same legal status as Canada and Australia in the British sphere, so it has to be worth a try.
African Commonwealth
27-03-2006, 07:48
Yes, I will of course approve WoS, seems like a great idea to have a consistant player for a strategically important nation like NZ.

Did I mention I live on Zealand? :) (The "New" bit must have been thought up by some Dane or other.)
Nova Gaul
27-03-2006, 22:33
Excellent, he has my stamp of approval. Oh, and FYI y'all, Indochine, not the bad movie, will be making its debut on AMW tonight.

au revoir
21-04-2006, 18:49
Finally got someone in New Zealand (or Zealand)! Austria never fully got in the "Imperial" section but it almost go through the door when I tried buying off a few islands (see the forums for more) from some one or another but it never worked. Anyhow good description, makes me actually want to make on for my country.... Oh well, the inspiration left ;) .
United Elias
22-04-2006, 16:21
WoS has my approval for sure. BTW guys, I'll be around again, if anyone noticed my few weeks of relative absence ;)
Walmington on Sea
02-05-2006, 02:29
Thanks for the vote of confidence, UE, and welcome back.

However, I now have to update everyone on radical changes.

The British Federation has long been one of our on-again off-again participants, though competent when available, and of course in a very important role. Unfortunately, frustrations having already been expressed by players involved in a few threads requiring British involvement, TBF's account was deleted for inactivity just a few days ago.

Obviously, we needed someone to take the role, and I was nominated, presumably since WoS is the most British-like nation left in AMW (a strong challenge from Roycelandia, but pipped at the post for being just a little too much the work of a ruddy colonial ;) I jest!), but at first I was inclined to... decline. However, another nod or two from other players in my direction and, well, I just can't say no (and that's how Dra-pol was born... no, er, never mind).

After some discussions on the AMW regional HQ, which I realise that some players based in other regions may not have witnessed, it appears that I am to take-over the role of the British.

Now, being AMW, and being Walmington on Sea, things were never going to be that simple. I don't really want to take the UK and fill-in with somebody else's nation/the nation in which I have to endure every blasted day, and I'd already begun to introduce the character of WoS into AMW.

So, having approval so far, from a number of key players, though pending notes of possible revision from any others, there will be some changes. Hopefully they will be largely in keeping with the histories and relations of other AMW states.

The UK of GB and NI is no more. The British Isles, and by association the British people, persist. The name Walmington(ian) will still be applicable, however, and -noting that a fictional monarch (QEIII) already sits on Britain's AMW throne- I mean to explain this by declaring that the House of Windsor is nothing to AMW: all hail the House of Walmington!

QEIII will pass-on, when I start RPing in this new capacity, to be succeeded by King Godfrey Walmington III (if we can change one monarch, I think we can mess with the others, it also helps perhaps to explain from whence sprang the Llewellyn mob). The Tory government will fall, partly for social reasons with a lot of people spoiled by BID taking offence to more free-market economics reimposed upon them, and partly by losing some key supporters over their less clear and firm stance on Catholic strength across the Channel.

The main change, then, is that you can call us British, or you can call us Walmingtonian. The nation will, in some ways, move backwards, reacting to modernist reforms that have birthed displeasing things such as the word -and condition of being- chav, some disasterous public service, and a measure of global insignificance and conformity. It'll please the tourists to see the British isles turning 'quaint' once more.

Significant alterations include the turning of Scotland to Norbray -though it shall be populated by Scots- and of Ireland to Newry -home to suspiciously Irish-ish people- and the incorporation of all Newry/Ireland under British/Walmingtonian rule. WoS will be much more attached to its Protestantism, and 'the troubles' in Newry are likely to be exaggerated beyond those suffered even in Ireland's recent past.

One final item is that, I think, initially, New Zealand is going to be still part of the Empire, and a lot more Walmingtonian/British than in reality. This may be simply to accommodate up-coming RPs, and may end with anything from the conquest of NZ to its politicall-attained independence and return to NPC control. Initially, then, there'll be some sixty-eight million of us, with four million half a world away, six million squabbling amongst themselves, and the rest learning how to skewer a Papist soldier on a sharpened broom handle.

For those interested, the Whigs are clearly left of the Tories, but perhaps slightly less far so than Bull's BID Party, or at least in some ways more socially conservative (on the face of it- actually they're likely to be a lot of drunken bounders). They remain terrified of the big bad Holy League, will mix real and TBF-origin British technology with distinctly Walmingtonian old-fashioned gear, support Strathdonia and the Indian National Union, consider United Elias undeniably important, have utterly failed to grasp the degree of China's rise, have mixed feelings about Quinntonia and aren't set to any one opinion of the US, fear the spread of Sovietism, and are horrified by Roycelandia's association with France.

...Still, on some level, they'd quite like to have the Empire back.
United Arab Republic
17-05-2006, 17:03
Hi, just to introduce myself: I am a friend of UE, and haven’t been on NS for quite a while, as I really didn’t find the general level of RPing very convincing (i.e my 100 million troops invade your nation of 6 billion people etc). However, having heard about AMW, I would be very interested to join. UE told me that the player for Syria & Lebanon, Al Khals has disappeared, as has his predecessor, Sabir. I have taken the opportunity to go back through some old threads and combined with an email from UE briefing me about AMW in detail, I feel fully prepared to take on this role.

So as not to create IC discontinuity the United Arab Republic would emerge following the death (which is mentioned as being imminent) of the old Sabiri leader, Fayiz Sabir who executed his son and heir apparent for treason leaving a power vacuum. This would allow a new leadership to takeover (probably not through an immediate revolution but gradually) and would rename the state the United Arab Republic, given that with Sabir’s death the name is deemed no longer appropriate. Broadly it would be quite similar to the previous regime, namely autocratic, friendly towards UE, even at times sycophantic towards its big neighbour). However, it would differ in that the new leadership would be less reactionary and more visionary, embarking on ambitious projects to improve social and economic conditions. Whilst I haven’t completely decided, the new regime is likely to still maintain the same basic structure of government but attempt to gradually become more constitutional, representative and open (similar to Gorbachev’s perestroika and glasnost programs, reform designed to improve the current system without completely replacing it). Of course it may also be equally despotic, short-sighted and corrupt, we shall have to see. In terms of foreign policy, the UAR will be somewhat Nasserist, believing strongly in Arab unity, being ostensibly pragmatic towards the other world powers, identifying itself as a regional power but knowing it is not, nor ever will be, a world power.
Nova Gaul
17-05-2006, 18:27
Seems like you know youre stuff, and if youre a fried of UE, so much the better.

I say its good to have you, welcome aboard.

If I may offer a suggestion in hopes that you far excel your bold! This isnt the real world, thank God, and in AMW if a nations to exist it has to assert itself.

I look forward to seeing what this burgeoning new regime does.
United Elias
17-05-2006, 19:27
Just to say that UAR is indeed a friend of mine, and it is my pleasure to welcome him to AMW. NG is right, but of course if you are too bold, we will have no hesitation in driving your tinpot little regime into the sea :D
United Arab Republic
19-05-2006, 15:36
Thanks NG and UE. So does this mean I am accepted?
20-05-2006, 01:53
I wouldn't be able to decide but if you do Austrian buisness investors have been worried of the lack of exporters for oil and would be willing to move over to the new republic. Not all of course but some serious multi-billion Mark deals.
The Macabees
20-05-2006, 01:58
Wait, so who is currently supplying the Holy League with petroleum? Are we surviving on North Sea sources [which we will have to secure soon], or from where? With the Chinese embargoing Holy League goods, obviously Chinese oil [Spratley Islands?] is not an option. I'm assuming that most of it comes from United Elias, but I'd venture to say that this is an extremely... dangerous... situation if so.
20-05-2006, 02:09
Russian, Kazakh, and now potentially Depkazi oil, in a large part, I'd say. Now might be a good time for Tchokareff to start talking about his (/his friends') trouble with Azeri nationalists and the totally real and proven Azerbaijani plan to restart hostilities with the oldest Christian nation on earth, and their... conspiracy to prevent a Depkazi conversion away from Islam, and by the way who wants to provide the capital for a new oil rig and security in disputed Caspian waters? What? I didn't say anything!
Nova Gaul
20-05-2006, 02:51
We jet our 'black junk' from Russia mainly, my brother, and Roycelandia is a big seller to the HL too. Besides, Id say United Elias hasnt cut off all sales after all we would still sel them natural gas from Algeria, which has the worlds second largest supply...oohh and I bet were practically squeezing Nigeria dry.

Oh yes as Edmund said Depkazia too, and quite right Dep...I made a post on the COngress thread assuring you a nice jaunt into Azerbaijan. And dont worry, were the Holy League...I'd say Azer. lost its faith a while ago, or theyd have joined us wouldnt they? Moreover, I dreadfully fear the a 'coup' has just taken 'place' in Azerbaijan putting a 'crazy nationalist' in power.

Well, what can you do but invade and ocuupy them. I mean, after all, jeez, we cant loose our manners can we?
20-05-2006, 03:27
The HL is potentially in a bad position for oil long-term: the capitalist-democrats et al have Hudecia/Canada for heavy crude well into the next century, and the Progs have Neo-Anarchos/Venezuela for exactly the same, but Roycelandia has probably less oil than even Walmington alone, which also is looking into Malaya (again with twice the Sudan's known reserves).

In the short term, Russia and Nigeria are pretty good sources, except that one is so massive and harsh in climate that development is probably leading to greater costs than everyone else is getting from United Elias and their own various minor reserves, and undeniable closeness to instability in the other leaves sources in constant danger. Canada and Venezeula are the long-term future, and we've got absolutely no look-in, there, unless someone wants to get bogged-down and out-numbered in the Venezuelan jungle.

This has been a seriously slanted Situation as Samarqand Would Like You to Perceive It report from the formative Depkazi Khaganate, which is preparing a ridiculous amphibious assault on Baku in order to squeeze every drop of light-crude that the HL can reach, unless someone convinces Turkmenbashi that it might be possible to co-operate with the Russians rather than spend all his potential development funds on a battleship that can't leave the isolated Caspian Sea!

Well, I think that I've finally tired Tchokareff out, and can go to bed at last.
20-05-2006, 03:57
Depkazia, The Roycelandian Empire is a large and Diverse place, quite a lot of which contains Oil, notably:

Cuba (and many other places in the Carribbean!)
The Sudan
Southern Algeria
Roycelandian Guyana
Roycelandian Nigeria

So yeah, whilst we don't have the massive reserves UE does, we've still got quite a bit indeed!
20-05-2006, 16:07
OOC: Is there anything open here? I am a new nation but not new to NS RP, and I would like to join this...
Armandian Cheese
21-05-2006, 06:51
There is plenty open. Give us your top three.
Nova Boozia
21-05-2006, 10:50
I, being pissed off with the huge number of PMTs pretenting to be MT, would like to shift my MT nation here and keep my other rp strictly PMT and FT. Since my MT nation already is in Germany, is it open? Also, by RL equipment, you mean no inventing new stuff within modern limits?
United Arab Republic
21-05-2006, 12:20
Thanks NG and UE. So does this mean I am accepted?

Walmington on Sea
21-05-2006, 14:49
Yes, UAR, I think that you're in, since I've heard no objections. Welcome!

Nova Boozia, we have our own systems: Walmington being essentially Britain, we have Type 23 frigates as in reality; we also have a version of the Type 45 Daring Class destroyers that are under construction/planned in reality but marginally different because of different conditions for co-operation on such things as the PAAMS air defence system; and we have a battleship unlike any existing plans in reality (built within realistic parameters, not an NS-style SD).

Germany was claimed, by a potentially significant player in AMW, but I'm not 100% sure if he's even still around *looks for help on this*
21-05-2006, 15:44
Wait, so who is currently supplying the Holy League with petroleum? Are we surviving on North Sea sources [which we will have to secure soon], or from where? With the Chinese embargoing Holy League goods, obviously Chinese oil [Spratley Islands?] is not an option. I'm assuming that most of it comes from United Elias, but I'd venture to say that this is an extremely... dangerous... situation if so.

That's what the Austrian investos, corporations, people, and government think.

So without further ado!

Dollor Diplomacy! I want to give thank to Armandian Cheese for the name, dollor diplomacy!
Armandian Cheese
22-05-2006, 04:14
Germany is indeed open as Xiaguo's short lived regime got deleted for inactivity.
Nova Boozia
22-05-2006, 07:46
So, what do I have to do to enter?
United Arab Republic
22-05-2006, 17:15
Ok guys, here is the UAR's AMW debut :D
The Macabees
22-05-2006, 17:27
So, what do I have to do to enter?

You have to put up a claim and link to some of your other roleplays.
The Macabees
27-05-2006, 19:13
28-05-2006, 22:28
I probably wont be allowed to join this, but what the hell.
If im allowed in could i be allowed to claim Mexico and Gautemala please?
Examples of my roleplaying can be found in:-
A Passion Play :- (Minor Player)
Lone Alliance-Kravania War : - (Me and willink staged a seperate assault on one of Kravanias allies, reopening an old wound from back when i was a 30 million nation, was going quite well until Roach Busters dumped a massive force on us, 100+ divisions to the allied eighteen-nineteen)

A quick question, can you use RL tech from any nation or is it somehow limited to the tech available to the countries you control?
Yugo Slavia
29-05-2006, 00:36
Well, neither exactly. In theory, if you claimed Mexico and Guatemala and were accepted, that nation could be almost anything, with a different history and culture (so long as it doesn't ruin anyone else's history). It's economy could be better or worse than that of the real nations it covers, though we try to be reasonable based on resources and alliances and so forth. As such you could with such a nation potentially support a domestic arms industry producing weapons you make-up yourself, so long as they're inarguably within modern tech limits.

Otherwise your nation can negotiate with others to buy from them, though you couldn't just say that your nation has F-22s and B-2s and M-16s unless Quinntonia (aka the USQ, the nation that makes them in AMW) agrees to provide them or the means to make them.

That probably sounds more complicated than it is...
29-05-2006, 10:59
Tech wise if you can find an RL bit of equippment that you can justify gettign hold of then by any means feel free to use it.
A Claim for mexico would be a bit interesting a tthe moment as IIRC the USQ (USA) was making a lot of noise over a union of some sort.
29-05-2006, 19:05
What happens i if i want to buy things from an NPC like Fabrique Nationale which is Belgian?
Beth Gellert
29-05-2006, 19:21
That's probably fine, as a general rule, yes.
29-05-2006, 21:08
This post hopefully will be the "big mother post" for all the threads in the AMW community since after hearing many posts and making another one it has come to naught. So.... Anybody feelin that they need some threads available to the wider AMW community please post.
The Macabees
29-05-2006, 21:28
Moorington, Spain and Austria recently developed the ASCOD IFV [the Pizarro in Spain]. Since there wasn't exactly a NATO for Spain how do you want to go upon the developement of the vehicle. Pretend it was just coincidence that the two designs were roughly similar [I can always make mine slightly different]?
29-05-2006, 21:50
We can always consider it a secret project so the unveiling accurred right around the time of Spanish-Austrian-Holy League diplomacy.

To -of course- assure the the world Austrian strength in a definite non-military way and to show the world how far he scales would be tipped if Austria decided to join the League.

So the basic line is that either we consider the changes that have occured which include the Austrian Ulan to be fitted with more stuff and better engines as the orignal model and the RL model the Spanish one. Or the secret project idea is pretty good (see above).
The Macabees
29-05-2006, 21:54
I guess we could work with the 'secret' developement, although I would venture to say that the two variants would need some changing. I'm certainly going to change things around with the current Pizarro, and I could always role play as if that was the original Spanish version.
29-05-2006, 22:10
How exactly do i get approved to join AMW?
The Macabees
29-05-2006, 22:20
How exactly do i get approved to join AMW?

You have to be approved by two members, IIRC. Have you put up a history for Mexico? That would certainly be needed.
03-06-2006, 19:32
Ahhh! Wel this is akward, I have seemed to misplaced the thread which lead to the Yugoslavian invasion of Austria. Yugo; could you re-give it? This is really pathetic but I read the thread (everything works) but didn't post. Sadly I had to go do some things came back and well.... No more thread (or telegram).
The Macabees
03-06-2006, 19:42
There is a Mexican history on the other thread, if others want to read it over. Spizania wants to wait for the older AMW players to get around to it - since they know the AMW history more than I do [who he speaks to regularly on IRC].
03-06-2006, 19:42
Found it!
Armandian Cheese
05-06-2006, 04:29
Erm, Mexico was annexed by Quinntonia, a while ago.
Walmington on Sea
05-06-2006, 04:54
No it wasn't. That's ridiculous.
Armandian Cheese
05-06-2006, 05:21
Erm, actually...Yes, yes it was. Despite the impression I may make with some of my posts, I'm not that stupid. It was done a while back, right after Jesse Obed's death.
One of his great legacies was a project that was begun with the Mexican political and religious leaders almost a decade ago. He was laying the groundwork for what he hoped would be the peaceful union of our two nations into a single, God-fearing state. This, he hoped would bring to bear the vast economic and social resources at Quinntonian disposal on the rampant problems in Quinntonia’s southern neighbour and by far most popular mission field. Various Christian leaders in Mexico and President Quesada himself have taken this up. We have worked long and hard to come to the people with this proposal. This is Jesse Obed’s legacy. This is his greatest wish, and I will now read a statement that was prepared by him only three weeks ago,

As you must already know, I have been in talks with the government of the great nation of Mexico. They have finally agreed that what is best for the future of both nations is a great unification that will be implemented in gradual stages, over the next ten years. This will see our economic prosperity rise to unprecedented levels, after an initial evening out period, and will also provide us with great defensive advantages that will become apperent over time. At first, both nations will retain their sovereignty, but will begin the process of becoming one body, with eventual control placed in the hands of a unified Parliament and the Council of Bishops. AS a show of good faith on our part, we are now going to allow Mexican Bishops enter the Council of Bishops, with a one third vote, giving them considerable voice in our nation. This will rise in importance after the election that will be called, to one vote for every two Bishops, and in three years time, there will be a one for one vote ratio, allowing Mexico control of one fifth of the Council. How this will be implemented will be thus; an election will be called immediately, and attached to that election will be a Quinntonian referendum asking the people their will in this matter. This will have a similar counter-part in Mexico, the referendum at least. If a majority of both Mexicans and Quinntonians want to see a unified state rise out of these two disparate states, then it will take place, beginning with the process that has been detailed by our governments. However, no matter what, Mexican Bishops will now have the first grade of influence in The Council, representing our high esteem for them. I suggest there be two major issues in the upcoming election, and the ever-present threat of Dra-pol, Quinntonian-Mexican unification.
Thank you, Your Servant in Christ, Jesse.

There were tears in everyone’s eyes as the letter was read, and at many points, Vanessa Moerike was so overcome with emotion that she could not continue reading, needing a few moments to compose herself. At the end of the letter, she declared an election immediately, with 60 days to the election date, and President Vicente FOX Quesada declared the same thing for Mexico, not the election, but rather the referendum. Vanessa Moerike then left the podium, yielding to Bishop Robert Schultz. He began, “In a closed meeting of the Council of Bishops today, we have made our final vote about the Mexico issue, and I feel that you should all know the results. There was a 93% majority asking for Mexican unification and the acceptance of the Mexican Bishops. The Mexican Bishops were then asked to vote, and they voted 97% in favour. With this, you will most likely be hearing a lot about this issue in the next 60 days, the Council has officially declared this issue aidiophera. That means it is neither upheld nor condemned by Scripture. This is not a matter of faith, but of conscience, I am asking that Pastors and Priests across the nation keep their pulpits reserved for the preaching of the Gospel on this issue, and let the people decide, though it is Pastor’s prerogative if they wish to do so. This is Jesse Obed’s greatest legacy, and I venture that since the Quinntonian Revolution and up to WWI and II and the Dra-poel conflict, this will be the most drastically important thing to happen to Quinntonia ever. Please consider your consciences before you vote. Thank you.”

Then Bishop Gerald Westgaard goes to the podium, “I also have an announcement to make, though Puerto Rico and Quinntonian Dra-pol are protectorates, and they don’t normally have as many privileges, in this referendum and election, they will be accorded full voting status, and may enter the polls when the campaign is over, just like any other Quinntonian citizen. They will also retain these rights and be recognised from this day forth as Quinntonian citizens in full! Thank you.”

Vicente FOX Quesada steps forward and says simply, “I should say that I am very pleased with this vote and hope that it is successful, and will do everything in my moral power to make it so. The Mexican referendum will take place a full ten days before the Quinntonia election, allowing Quinntonians time to consider their response before they go to the polls. I hope and pray to God Jesus that in two months time, I will be on my way to becoming both citizen of Mexico, and of Quinntonia!”

All from this ( thread, page 4.
Walmington on Sea
05-06-2006, 06:08
That's a bit epic, isn' it? I mean, that big a claim to begin with wouldn't have stood, since the US alone means superpower status, and then after that it just kinda happened without opposition?
Armandian Cheese
05-06-2006, 06:18
Well, it's Quinntonia. He and you (you are Dra-Pol, right...?) are essentially the de facto leaders of AMW, Besides, Quinnt had earned it. Unlike many of us, he hadn't expanded much since the beginning, and if BG was allowed to annex Jhakarta and West Bengal, I don't see why Quinnt can't annex Mexico. Obviously we wouldn't allow any random newbie to go around annexing states, but a seasoned veteran willing to make an interesting RP out of it should be allowed to do so.
Walmington on Sea
05-06-2006, 06:22
Well, Jharkhand and West Bengal were just parts of a single country, and were formally part of LRR's claim, and well, when Dra-pol tried to annex something we sure as hell knew about it :)

This just seems a bit... is it really going to stand? Q. hasn't really been around much since it happened and... I just don't know what everyone else thinks. *Looks around*
AMW China
05-06-2006, 06:59
Realistically, I'd say that's what RL Mexico would do, but it's not the best RPing etiqutte.
Armandian Cheese
05-06-2006, 07:07
Well, let's discuss it with him once he returns on the tenth.
05-06-2006, 09:51
Oh right, that doesnt really make any sense that noone contested it, well then i think il look for another country unless you are willing to let me have the country anyway
05-06-2006, 16:41
I think we're going to have to discuss that with Quinn- I mean, if Roycelandia is on the brink of war over the peaceful (relatively) incorporation of the Philippines as a Commonwealth, then it really doesn't seem... appropriate for the USQ to just wave a magic wand and declare Mexico part of the USQ.

Mexico is a big place, and not all of them will want to join the USQ. I mean, if there's Central American Annexation going on, you'd think Roycelandia would want to be consulted first- maybe even get in on the action, so to speak.

Neo-Anarchos might also have something to say about it, too, for that matter...
The Macabees
05-06-2006, 18:00
See the other thread for problems I have with your México history anyways.
09-06-2006, 14:47
Well the Mexico boat has sunk, do you want to consider Argentina?
Walmington on Sea
09-06-2006, 15:23
Argentina's going! :)
Nova Gaul
13-06-2006, 18:26
And what on earth is wrong with Peru?

As well, I say Canada is up for grabs again. R.I.P. Hudecia.

And S.Africa, now theres a place to be in ever a one there was.
Quinntonian Dra-pol
14-06-2006, 07:50
Well, I should mention that I have been dropping occasional posts about the takeover since mid 2004, and even the last posts have been up since Christmas, I think, on the most public thread that I could put it, aside from this one, the Jesse Obed, death saga.
At every step I stopped to wait for people to object and since no one has, I am planning on moving forward with it.
Since we have begun, other nations have increased by hundreds of millions of people and in some cases annexed many nations.
I have never don this. I just sat back on my original claim. In about mid-2004, I decided that I would annex Mexico, I can’t even remember if AMW was up then, and started posting about it. I must admit, though, it was LRR and BG’s constantly changing and expanding claims that emboldened me. Not that I disagree with them, I am just citing precedent.

So, I am going to begin posting as though this has been the reality since the election in Quinntonia. I am not invading, it is by popular support, and I believe that I have been more than realistic in this RP, in fact, the length of time that I spent both IC and IRL probably mark this as the most realistic annexation in AMW.

Not that I am trying to be an imperialistic bastard or anything, just defending my case.

Man, it is good to be back.

14-06-2006, 15:36
Well if it counts -but is doesn't- I don't object. I just wonder how much boost the Catholic Party is going to get with a couple hundred thousand more followers.
Quinntonian Dra-pol
14-06-2006, 21:56
Well if it counts -but is doesn't- I don't object. I just wonder how much boost the Catholic Party is going to get with a couple hundred thousand more followers.

I don't see why it wouldn't count. I mean, it has been done by other nations that very much approach the power of Quinntonia. I would just say that it is damn late to start complaining about it now. This is a long time after the deal was made. I don’t know that it makes me that much more powerful, anyways, it is not like I am annexing Britain or Germany or something that is already a major military power.

I am pretty surprised that Walmington, of all people would not remember this, I think at the middle of 2005 I even TGed him and asked him what he thought about annexing Mexico. His answer was something like, “It would be more realistic than Canada.” Not a ringing endorsement, I realise, but he never said that it was dumb.

And it is not like it was hidden by any means, I guess it does go to show me how little my threads about Quinntonia are actually read, though.

And Moorington, check the attitude, Walmington and I founded this group that you are acting all high and mighty about.

The Macabees
14-06-2006, 22:42
Uh oh, I fear that I might be in Spain until August 22nd, which will tie up this roleplay as I will not be able to post. I realise this creates a huge problem.
14-06-2006, 22:47
Uh oh, I fear that I might be in Spain until August 22nd, which will tie up this roleplay as I will not be able to post. I realise this creates a huge problem.
Do they lack internet in Spain?

how uncivillizied, I assume they dont have air-conditioners in every home, and fancy cars, and like, no tv's or something, and no showers, and no food prbly
The Macabees
14-06-2006, 22:51
No, but I lack a computer there. <_<
Armandian Cheese
14-06-2006, 22:55
Oy gevalt. You're in the middle of a world war, man! Get a computer!
The Macabees
14-06-2006, 22:58
I will probably be in Madrid a lot, looking into the national archives on Spanish armoured operations post-war, and before Franco's death, so maybe I can get a computer at an internet café for long enough to post once in a while.
14-06-2006, 23:02
I will probably be in Madrid a lot, looking into the national archives on Spanish armoured operations post-war, and before Franco's death, so maybe I can get a computer at an internet café for long enough to post once in a while.
maybe a laptop

if you already have one (or a friend of yours)

dont buy a laptop just to go on a forum
Quinntonian Dra-pol
15-06-2006, 09:36
Dude! At least when I took my months long hiatus, I made sure that nothing major was going on! And YOU STARTED THIS WAR! Didn't you realise that you were going to have to leave?

You need to figure out what you are going to be doing, man. I would hate to be, like, EVERYONE in NS. You may have started WW3.

Oh, I finally get back to the most active AMW that has been since a long damn time, like the last major Bonstock situation, or even the Dra-poel wars, and the main antagonist wants to ditch?

I realise that with my extended absense, I really can't complain, but my goodness. I just spent the last 4 hours finding and updating my Navy Factbook stuff, all for naught.

Please, I beg of you, tell me that you have some way of accessing internet there after all.

Nova Gaul
15-06-2006, 10:00
Yes please Mac, I mean come on man. I am going to do research in France all summer, in a dusty library in the BFE section of Champagne, and will have time to devote to this. Oy gevault indeed.

Well when do you leave. And to the rest of AMW, mes amis, dont fret. If he cant play Spain, someone will be found to. Although I find it in very poor taste to be ditched by a friend like this. I know when I am going to do research months, plural, and several prior at the least. And the French finally jump onto your Iberian unity wagon, come one man, you have to post, arrrghhhhh! Puton bleu!
15-06-2006, 15:33
I don't see why it wouldn't count........

And it is not like it was hidden by any means, I guess it does go to show me how little my threads about Quinntonia are actually read, though......

And Moorington, check the attitude, Walmington and I founded this group that you are acting all high and mighty about.

Whoa! What I meant was my opinion was worth next to nothing, Heavans! I wouldn't even try to tell you if the annexation of Mexico is right or not -even though I do think it is right for Quintonnia to annex Mexico-.

I'm sorry for the misunderstanding but I think that anyone with two thoughts to rub together in their heads would be smarter than to just stand up to you and say "nope" for no other reason tha to be cranky.

Contrary to popular belief; I am not that stupid, rude, or that cranky.

Boy I feel like a jerk,
Walmington on Sea
15-06-2006, 15:37
Ah, there it is, I saw that the other night and wanted to remember to say that I felt it was a misunderstanding. I don't think that Moorington was trying to over-step his bounds or anything, far from it, he was being humble and saying that, as a relatively junior member of the community, his opinion may not carry much weight. He was actually on Q's side.

Don't worry about it, M., just a misunderstanding I'm sure :)
The Macabees
15-06-2006, 15:46
Dude! At least when I took my months long hiatus, I made sure that nothing major was going on! And YOU STARTED THIS WAR! Didn't you realise that you were going to have to leave?

To be honest, no. :p I actually made my decision yesterday, and now it's pending a few monetary questions. And, I know I will be able to post - all I need to do is pay 90 cents at an internet café for two hours; but the current pace of the war might be too fast. I barely have time to put in a post in that naval battle! A post a day is certainly not going to be possible - I'm not sure how willing my uncle will be to let me use his laptop, given that he only gets around 7 hours of dial-up a month because he's like that. :p
Quinntonian Dra-pol
15-06-2006, 22:44
I do apolagise, I must have mis-interpreted your comments.
Anyhoo, it is only becaise your RP is so interesting taht everyone is mad that you are going to leave. You shoudl take it as a complement.

The Austrian Federacy
18-06-2006, 19:42
No sweat,

Little post - moved from news thread, since I know all of you guys read it -

Now not to many people realy care about our little bit of Africa but obviously our Chancellor does. In his speech today - see bottom of article for exerpt and news thread for ful speech - he has increased the troop presence double. While most people would think this cruel, I highly doubt anything inhuman will come out of this. Only a little boost to the lagging economy and maybe a rise in some undersiable buisness ventures and increase in birth rates. Nothing I would consider horriably wrong......

[QUOTE=Maxen Speech]
......boosting of Austrian forces on the Mauritas from 2,000 personnel up to 5,000 which includes 20 Leopard's from Spain, 40 of the older 80 and 100 milimeter models of the Dpkz (240 men), a shipment of ultra-heavy 250 millimeter shore cannons (5) and people to man them (50 men) and 2400 "newbies" fresh from the recruitment offices. 10 men are on leave and/or unable to travel.
AMW China
20-06-2006, 08:47
Hey Quin/Wingert, do you have a rough overview of Russian military forces? Kinda hard to know what I'm up against if WW3 does break out.
25-06-2006, 06:29
25-06-2006, 19:35

:Blink: :Blink:

Ummm- hello there.

I know I shouldn't encourage the "transitionals" but I wanted to blink at someone.

Anyhow- even though it has been posted a couple times (I havn't tried finding it) but does anyone have a list of NPC Nations? Just wondering, and to make it easier for people to understand what is open (When you scroll down and see all those territories taken you can get a little discouraged) and to be more eager when trying to join.

Mostly just cause, regardless of the more emotionally deeper reasons (not that the above are really deep anyhow).
United Elias
01-07-2006, 20:18
I would like to firmly protest the recent acceptance of Spizania to RP on behalf of Morocco, which I have been RPing for some time and have invested considerable time and effort into researching (including making a detailed military order of battle). I was not given the opportunity to veto this, which is somewhat out of order given the situation. There are many countries that are NPC in AMW and it is my understanding that Morocco was not Spizania's first choice. There are also several players in AMW which RP for more than one nation, and to my knowledge there has been any significant opposition to this, and none have had their responsibilities arbitrarily removed.
Armandian Cheese
02-07-2006, 01:28
Sorry UE, but we all figured you had gone on one of your random, several month long dissappearances. :)

I would think it'd be better to have Spizania RP Morocco, simply because it's better to have more variety in the Muslim world. No offense, but your power base is huge as it is, and having more people in that region can only make RP more varied and interesting.

You mention several other people who RP two nations, and that's true, but none of those people use one nation to prop up another. USQ and Tsarist Russia are often at odds, my Philippines and Nigeria have no relations at all, etc etc.

Oh yeah, and welcome back!
02-07-2006, 04:55
Perhaps it's time to re-evaluate how we admit new members into AMW?

I mean, I really enjoy playing here, but increasingly the posting is becoming more erratic (as all and sundry disappear off on holiday for weeks or months on end, or for no readily apparent reason), and some of the new players are still learning the dynamics of AMW, who is allied to whom, and so on.

Perhaps we should therefore add a "Basic understanding of AMW's Geo-politics" to the entry requirements? It doesn't have to extend to an in-depth knowledge of the 1923 Quinntonian-Roycelandian treaty guaranteeing right of access to the Panama Canal in exchange for protecting the Eastern approach (which comes into Roycelandian Territorial Waters), but just a basic awareness of who's who, which Nations do what, and so on...
Lunatic Retard Robots
02-07-2006, 05:38
I have to agree with UE here. He worked out a wonderful background for Morocco all that time ago, and now Spizania seems to have thrown it all out the window in order to get ahold of European AFV upgrades. Its ridiculous. So I think we should put the breaks on Morocco for the time being until Spizania either acknowledges UE's past (and quite heavy) involvement in the kingdom or works out a history where Morocco and United Elias suffered some kind of split. That UE wields massive, almost exclusive, influence in the Middle East is exactly why Morocco is likely to be bound in some way to Baghdad, either now or in the past, and to ignore that would be unrealistic.

I'm sorry to have not raised objections earlier. UE doesn't post much, but when he does, it is worth the wait. I'd like to see a response in Winds of Change, though... :\

Royce has a good idea in that new players shouldn't just jump right into RPs without being introduced to AMW history and politics. It would be a mistake, and one that we appear to have already made in several instances...
United Elias
02-07-2006, 11:45
Winds of change, oh yeah, I'll get to that soon! Juts so everyone knows, I will from now on be posting more regularly after admittedly a period of passivity. However, even during periods when I don't have time to browse the forums, I always log on to check my telegrams in case there is something urgent that needs a response.

I think that the idea of Morocco choosing the holy League over UE is quite absurd. The kingdom of Morocco in its current form would never abandon a long time ally, who had given it significant support and who was ideologically similar to jump into bed with the former North African colonialists. I have no objection to Spizania joining AMW but I do not think that it was appropriate for him to take Morocco when there are so many other nations available that would be more suitable.
Beth Gellert
02-07-2006, 17:09
Well, since Morocco wasn't part of UE's original claim, and yet there was no real opportunity for anyone else to stop what -judging by these last few posts- appears to be a pretty direct take-over, I think we'd be setting a pretty dodgey precident that should mean me controlling Libya, Vietnam, et cetera, as Soviet satellites even if new players turn up wanting to take them. Bear wider context in mind.

I would agree with the impropriety of Morocco's history being rewritten if that has indeed happened, but I say that Spizania should simply have to, well, do more or less as Royce suggests and learn the mechanics of Morocco's modern relationship with United Elias. And, if (s)he doesn't want to, then another nation would be better, after all.
04-07-2006, 01:55
Well I know next to nothing about my southern Muslims so I will stay un-invlved beyond contributing something to Roycelandia's proposal of some kind of Geo-poitical know-how thread.
05-08-2006, 21:09
OOC: Can I RP a sepratist movement in the caucaus region of russia
05-08-2006, 21:11

He joined up, just to post that....people never fail to amaze me.
06-08-2006, 17:12
OOC: Can I RP a sepratist movement in the caucaus region of russia

Ich think not, Estenlands or Armandian Cheese (whoever is controlling Russia at the moment) are both pretty tight at RPs and would probabaly [please don't be offended] maul any rebellion like a couger going at a housecat. Their whole state is also based around dedicated local populances always sacrificing for the Tsar, I wouldn'tthink they're going to wake up one day and say "let's overthrow the Tsar!".

If anything the only real way to do that would be getting Chinese help, but then you would be so Chinese influenced AMW China [a real player] would might as well roleplay the insurgency for you.

How about looking for Denamark? Or Hungry? As the Austrian player I am always looking for more people to fill out those Balkand holes that have only been somewhat filled (At the moment there is me [Austria], Yugo Slavia [Yugoslavia], and some new guy [Greece and Macedonia I think]. That still leaves a lot, Italy is also open for grabs but has a lot of "baggage".
Armandian Cheese
06-08-2006, 19:56
Ich think not, Estenlands or Armandian Cheese (whoever is controlling Russia at the moment) are both pretty tight RPs and would probabaly [please don't be offended] maul any rebellion like a couger going at a housecat.


(And Estenlands is in charge over there as of now.)
08-08-2006, 01:39
Well, then your really dead, Armadian was sometimes hindered with dual orders popping in from Estenlands every now and again, but with only a mono-power it will be much... quicker.
23-09-2006, 16:43
OOC: A Few Questions:

1- Do you still accept nations?
2- Where can I reach the offsite forum?
3- If you do accept new nations where should I post my "CV"?

23-09-2006, 17:11
OOC: A Few Questions:

1- Do you still accept nations?
2- Where can I reach the offsite forum?
3- If you do accept new nations where should I post my "CV"?


1.) That would be a "Ja".


3.) Make another thread and then post the hyperlink to here.
23-09-2006, 17:30
OOC: One final question should I post the new nation thread in the international incidents forum or in another forum? And should I list RP referances or do the admins research it?
23-09-2006, 17:51
OOC: One final question should I post the new nation thread in the international incidents forum or in another forum? And should I list RP referances or do the admins research it?

International Incidents, now, you arn't accepted-accepted, the thread you will be posting up will make up our (not mine persay, more like Quintonnia's and Walmington's) minds about are you really cut out for AMW.
23-09-2006, 18:16
Im deploying these, fear me!
23-09-2006, 18:57

This is the link to my country. I hope I covered everything
23-09-2006, 19:27

This is the link to my country. I hope I covered everything

Yes, in a very bare bones, un-organized matter. Maybe look up sme stuff on wikipedia ( CIA World Factbook (
21-10-2006, 20:54
Changes of Interest, Capital, and Ideals:
Article Found In: The Independent, Finance B1 and B4

Austrian corporations, even subtracting my bias for them, have been some of the best and most productive companies in Europe. They have no transformed, that is too much of a strong word, more like gave Europe a wake up all to what a real business does. It seems, it has finally thrown in the rag.

Gizatte, and Rearden Materials' latest investor meetings have brought an interesting variable to the forefront. Niger. While more of a hot topic than let us say Cameroon or Mauritius. Niger has a bigger foundation and population to which base new investments off of.

Ask any regional manager from Stille Incorporated, Gizatte, AMW, or Rearden and you will get the same two answers when you ask the two questions: "What is the drawback of Mauritius, Cameroon?"

It will always be population, and then infrastructure. Mauritius have been mostly tapped out. Its modest land mass and population mean the only increase in productivity will come more from increasing workers personal productivity than by building more factories or better roads.

Cameroon, on the other hand, is almost the opposite. Where it has too many people, it does not have enough of anything. Almost single-handily, Stille Incorporated had to supply its regional headquarters with electricity, water, and sewage treatment. Having to manufacture all of the power lines and pipes, install them, and re-furbish the power plant, water treatment, and water pump stations.

Niger, has more of both. It also already has a more forward thinking populace, already associated with the Tsar Wingert and his Czarist Russia. Few others have attacked communism on that scale.

Shifting back the focus to European affairs. In 2004, Germany's anti-trust commission sent three individual 100-page reports to Gizatte, Fokker Aeroplanbau, and AMW on their "monopoly" tactics. The three banded their anti-anti-trust committee and promptly sent back a 600-page report to the German government explaining themselves and declaring that the board was being un-fair by trying to protect BWW and Airbus. The situation has deteriorated since and it seems the corporations are giving the German government, and the branches in Britain a good swift kick and leaving.

Austrian Investors Increase Investments Abroad:
By: The Independent, Finance B9

Austrian investors have increased their funding of Niger resident companies by 100% this month. From a low of 1.000 SM (Silvarian Marks, or around 10.000USD) a quarter to a all time high of 1.000.000SM.

Rearden Materials Listed on Highest Capitalization List:
By: The Independent, Finance B9

The most highly sought after and closest brotherhood accepts a new member today. Interestingly, Rearden did not seek this membership, which some say exclude not politically "safe" companies, instead it was hinted at in May and finally given. It will not affect it in any large amount, but will now make the membership to 10.

Capital Groups Formed:
By: Wein Times, Finance B9
With more and more smaller investors wanting to make it "big" a spree of new groups of investors and managers are making their own capital groups..... One, Wein Capital, is actually based in our beautiful city of Wein!
Fleur de Liles
11-11-2006, 00:09
The duke of Orleans is suddenly awakened in the middle of the night. It is the same dream again. Why does it contintually torment me? He wonders. This was the same dream he had had for every night for the last 4 months. It was always the same. A great man with a face shining of fire was thrown down from his throne and trampled by pigs. Some nights Orleans was a pig and other nights he was a silent obversor. The dream always ended with the image of a snarling pigs face. Orleans was tired of pigs and began to hate them. He also began to hate himself because of his weakness and failure to help the great man. Orleans was tired of being tormented, nothing he did could stop the dreams. Not the gralic he had a servant pour over his eyes when he slept, not the dead hogs toe he fastened around his neck. It had even got so bad he violated his honor and went to a witch to cure him. That did not work either, he was doomed by the pigs for they wanted his soul.

But wait! Tonight's dream was different. Realization slowly began to settle on the young dukes mind. He remembered a woman with a shining face like the great man. She had descended onto the herd of pigs and scattered them long enough to reach into the mans arms and take out a small form that was safetly hidden inside his arms. The pigs had summoned boars with swords and were advancing upon the great woman. But what? She was staring them down and the boars looked ashamed. She walked right past them and into the darkness. She set down the small form and it became a boy around ten years old and he walked by her side.

Then Orleans began to see his body, it thickened into reality. This time he would act. He was determined to kill the pigs and a giant flaming sword appeared in his hands. He rushed to the herd of boards and slew them all. But lo! The pigs had disappeared, but it was only a matter of time before they came back. He knelt down and reached fo the great man's hand and cupped his head with the other. The great man whispered something that Orleans could not hear. He leaned in closer and the great man said, "The people need you. She will not understand but take my son whom I have hidden and do your duty." With those last words the great man breathed his last breath and his giant form was still. Orleans wondered what son the great man was talking about and looked around him. With a start Orleans noticed a small boy next to him. How could he have managed to not notice him before? The plainly dressed boy's lip was shaking and it looked like he was about to cry. But the small boy bravely stifled his tears and was trying his best to look brave. Then the boy suddenly took Orleans hand and said, "something has happened to my dad hasn't it?" and looked straight up into Orleans eyes with his soft brown eyes.

With a start Orleans came of the dream vision which had so feverishly gripped him once more. Those eyes look familiar he thought. As Orleans wondered this, his door began to open and a small boy came into the room and said, "Something terrible has happened to the King." As the light light streamed from the well lit hallway, Orleans recognized the boy. It was only his servant boy.

Orleans jumped out of bed in his nightingown and grabbed his sword. Images from his dream began to flash in his mind. He told the servant boy to stay in his room for it was dangerous outside. Orleans locked the door behind him and rushed to the king's floor, over 3 floors away. He could hear sounds of armour rattling and saw servants paniked looks and nervous faces. As Orleans ran he could hear fragments of servants frantic talk. "....rebelled against the King... whole countryside on fire..." This onyl stealed Orleans resolve and he vowed to scatter the pigs or die trying. Orleans raced flight after flight of stairs and pondered the significance of the dream. Take my son and do your duty What did it all mean? Orleans wondered.

As Orleans drew near to the King's residence he noticed it was eerily quiet and the sounds of a household in the midst of feverish activity died to a mutted hum. Orleans looked down the hallway and discovered some of the King's Garde Suisse lying on the floor with blood just starting to pool on the floor. As a veteran of many battles fighting beside the King, Orleans knew these men had died very recently and quickly. Orleans knew the men were dangerous if they were able to kill so quickly and effectively. As Orleans continued to run down the hall his mind feverishly churning as he wondered what sight would wait him at the other side of the door at the end of the hallway. The door grew in size and loomed in his imagination. Was the King alive or dead? Orleans asked himself over and over as time slowed to a snails pace. Familiar hate began boil and his insides churned within him and hate seeped into every hidden crack and crevance within him. He was on fire with hate it made him powerful, it gave him life. Orleans began to count the paces to the door. suddenly he heard a blood churtling scream, the sound that a man only makes when he is dying. Orleans gave a final burst of speed and threw open the door to the King's chambers.

In that split second Orleans remembered why people feared the King. The carnage of enemies surrounded the great man as blood covered the suite. One man dressed in black lay drapped over the bed railing. Another was sitting in the corner holding his unattached head in his lap. Orleans noticed a strange pattern of blood on the floor and looked up. A man's learing grimace met his eyes and his body was hanging from the chandeliers. The body just hung there swaying as the chalendier continued to rock back and forth. The blood dripped down onto the floor and continued the line pattern. The fourth and final body was hanging halfway out of the window, the bars forced to the side due to the tremendous impact of the blow. The body twitched and moaned.

Then Orleans heart stopped and his heart jumped into his throat. His hate immediately dissiapated and he saw his king lying gently on the bed. Orleans went to him and saw it was fatal. The King's chest had two deep diagonal cuts running from his left shoulder to the bottom of his rib cage. His ribs jutted grotesquely from his chest in an unnatural manner. There was no recovery, the king would be dead within the hour if he was not dead already. All the hate came pouring back and bringing with it immense grief and agony. Tears came to his eyes as he sat on the bed and craddled the king head in his hands. The kings eyes opened and his brown eyes looked deep into his friends. He tried to speak but instead coughed up blood. He tried a second time and succeeded.

"My friend, you were there during the first rebellion when we crushed the seditious Gardes Francais Divisions. We defeated the parlemont and lawyers. We have done much together, you and we(royal). We have led France far beyond her borders and conquered many new kingdoms. But wha good did this do the people of France? Nothing! Our accomplishment was the shedding and staining of the blood of Frenchmen on foreign soil. This sacrifice was for nothing. France does not need anymore of this ever again. If France was like Roycelandia we would live in peace. Orleans our friend, our son Peter is contaminated with our arrogance and those who will replace ourself will be filled with as much anger as ever. This cycle must stop. There is a secret child, birthed by a noble mother, who is uncontaminated. Take him and restore France to her people. Jillesepone will not understand, she has always had a mind of her own. She may cause you trouble but you must persevere. The pure boy is none other than your servant boy and swear to me that you will do these things!"

Confusion swirled through Orleans as he tried to understand everything the King had said. But he obeyed and swore on his life and he would fulfill the King's wishes. The King appeared satisfied and closed his eyes. Orleans hears the march of guards and the Swiss commander enters the room, flanked by his guards. The commander rushes to the King's side with horror and fear in his eyes for letting the unthinkable happen to his liege. The king turns his head, spits out more blood, and tells the commander to obey Orleans completely and without hestistancy. The King finishes, looks into Orleans eyes and dies. Grief mounts within Orleans and threatens to overwhelm him. But he controlls it because he realizes that the much work will have to be done very quickly or else all is lost. He asks the commander the status of the situation. He replies that the countryside is on fire and Burgundian troops are marching here immediately. Jillesepone had left with Peter and her whereabouts were currently unknown.

------Here ends Orleans account of the death of a king.
AMW China
11-11-2006, 00:17
nice, might be best to start your own thread, this one gets very cluttered.
Quinntonian Dra-pol
14-11-2006, 02:32
That was really good, I liked it quite a bit. Perhaps a bit disjionted, may want to do some proofreading (who am I to talk?) but really good ith neat imagery.

Fleur de Liles
14-11-2006, 19:24
Thanks for your comments. I am always open to improvement.
Quinntonian Dra-pol
14-11-2006, 20:06
With the spelling mistakes in my above post, I think you can safely take everything I have to say about proofreading with a grain of salt. LOL!

14-11-2006, 20:40
Who is currently incharge of Spain, since Mac isnt posting any more? I want to make some strategic maneuvres.
Nova Gaul
14-11-2006, 21:19
Spiz, dont quote me on it yet, but I think you could very well soon step in and play Spain if you would like soon. TG Mac and ask.
14-11-2006, 22:03
Ive spoken to Mac On IRC and he said "go for it", so i believe i am now in temporary command of HL Forces Iberia and North West Africa.
Nova Gaul
14-11-2006, 22:05
Okay then, lets finish the Timeline and we can resume. Caveat, please make sure this goes with the other AMW members.

And BTW, Lilies, please think about playing the Czeh Republic, its a great place to start with only bigger and better things fro there on out.
Yugo Slavia
15-11-2006, 02:46
Never mind the Czech Republic, socialist Czechoslovakia would have a keen local ally ;)

(Actually, any Slavic state that doesn't bow to the Tsar would probably find friends in the south.)

What? Oh, that's right. Mwahaha *reactivates JNA brigades* *dusts-off Aidarov's uniform*
Quinntonian Dra-pol
15-11-2006, 03:36
They are all coming back?!?
Hmmm. This could be good.

15-11-2006, 13:15
Amazing! I have Forum Access for the first time in... months!

Nova Gaul
15-11-2006, 19:11
Good God Royce its about time! Welcome back!
16-11-2006, 00:21
It's just a shame the boards are so freaking slow now...
16-11-2006, 00:52

Yeah, I've been having fun while you were gone (as you saw).

Good to Roycelandia back on, my days were feeling so dull without a good "Either your babbling, or you told me in Cheeroke my scrotum is many colored."

Who doesn't like a sig like that?
04-12-2006, 04:12
May I claim the areas in the this map ( labeled as Buristan?
Quinntonian Dra-pol
04-12-2006, 04:42
May I claim the areas in the this map ( labeled as Buristan?

What you need to do is read the forst page and see the rules for jioning.
Does anyone have the link for the timeline thread?

04-12-2006, 05:46
Name: The United Republic of Buristan
Territories: Parts of Russia(Most of Dagestan), Most of Azerbyjan, some of Georgia, and some of Armenia
AMW China
04-12-2006, 09:54
Russia is taken and I think the Combine has some of those territories, but most of the middle east is open and needing a player.
04-12-2006, 11:37
Yeah, I've been having fun while you were gone (as you saw).

Good to Roycelandia back on, my days were feeling so dull without a good "Either your babbling, or you told me in Cheeroke my scrotum is many colored."

Who doesn't like a sig like that?

I wish I could claim credit for it as an Roycelandia Original Signature Line, but alas, it's actually a quote from the TV series "Duckman"...
Quinntonian Dra-pol
05-12-2006, 02:07
I wish I could claim credit for it as an Roycelandia Original Signature Line, but alas, it's actually a quote from the TV series "Duckman"...

Yeah, quoting the pig, what was his name. Man that was a funny show. You are a man of taste and refinement.

05-12-2006, 02:26
Name: The United Republic of Buristan
Territories: Parts of Russia(Most of Dagestan), Most of Azerbyjan, some of Georgia, and some of Armenia

Have you considered being a mountain enclave people, like you previously wrote about, but instead of in Russia in South America?
05-12-2006, 04:49
Have you considered being a mountain enclave people, like you previously wrote about, but instead of in Russia in South America?

Not gonna happen. And last I checked, the only parts of my claims that were claimed were the parts in Dagestan, Russia.
05-12-2006, 13:40
Yeah, quoting the pig, what was his name. Man that was a funny show. You are a man of taste and refinement.

Why thank you! It's always nice to have one's tastes held in such high esteem by others...

The pig's name was Cornfed, IIRC.

Other Animated shows I heartily reccommend include Dilbert, The Critic, Harvey Birdman: Attorney At Law, and Futurama...
06-12-2006, 05:30
*poke poke prod prod*
AMW China
06-12-2006, 06:16
*poke poke prod prod*

Well, I had a look through your history thread and I think you have the RPing skill to do well in AMW.

If you do go for your suggested claim, are you going to dispute the claim of Dagestan with Russia ICly? (much like Depkazia's claims over Xinjiang and Kazahkstan)

Also, what are your plans for Buristan? From what Depkazia and the Combine have said, the Caspian sea is a bit of a hotspot.
06-12-2006, 06:41
But, aren't Armenia, Georgia, and Azerbaijan part of the Armandian Combine?

Personally I would prefer to see another nation in there, even if it is only a small one, so that the rest of us can push it around or compete for its affection in pursuit of its petrochemical wealth and significant strategic location (it would be more realistic for Tchokareff to have launched raids on Buristani shipping and rigs than Combine ones!)... but that's easy to say when the claim doesn't fall in the middle of my nation :)
The Estenlands
06-12-2006, 20:07
Now, I think we need to figure out what the Combines claim is, I am sure unwilling to give up mine, but I am sure we can work something out for middle ground.
In the meantime, we have quite a lot a free area that is up for grabs, perhaps you would want to investigaet and control some of that?
There is openings in South America, Europe, Middle East, etc. Look around. You know, I think this Christmas I will attempt to make an update of all claims for AMW.

Tsar Wingert the Great.
Nova Gaul
06-12-2006, 20:21
Seconded! Shall this be our New Years resolution?
07-12-2006, 02:11
I would like to be in the Caspiian, but if nothing is worked out, I could write up a new history in the middle east. It would take some time though, I am busy right now with my last week of school before finals, but I may be able to make something by the end of break. Also, can anyone give me a crash course in language creating, I wish to make Buristanian (working name) an actual language. As for how I will play it, I think that I am going to keep with the history, a commercial culture, that desires to mantain its uniqueness, and is willing to fight for its liberties
07-12-2006, 03:19
Not that I plan on being very militaristic. Mostly I plan on making as much dinero as possible, using my oil and natural gas resources. I also hope on making a name for myself (as an RPer) known throughout NS for quality
Armandian Cheese
07-12-2006, 03:48
Sorry Buristan, but my nation's history, energy reserves, and geopolitics would all be disrupted by such a claim. All of the ME except for Syria is open, however...
07-12-2006, 04:03
Sorry Buristan, but my nation's history, energy reserves, and geopolitics would all be disrupted by such a claim. All of the ME except for Syria is open, however...

I guess it is alright, I will just go and re-write the history, depending on where I choose to claim
Fleur de Liles
07-12-2006, 04:33
Maybe you could play Hungary in the Austria Czech RP.
07-12-2006, 04:39
Maybe you could play Hungary in the Austria Czech RP.

No. I don't know enough about Central Europe. But if it is just as a stand in for the RP, I could use some experience.
Fleur de Liles
07-12-2006, 04:48
It would probably be up to you. There could be alot you could do with Hungary which is currently being invaded but also in danger from the wolf to the south, Yugoslavia. It is an interesting country to take.
07-12-2006, 04:57
I would not mind taking on the country, if only for a short period, on two conditions.

Quintonnia/Quintonnian Dra-Pol/Dra-Pol would give me a crash course on military strategy, explaining to me what I did right and wrong throughout the RP (didn't plan on getting in a major conflict this early)
I would be able to not make an official claim to Hungary
Quinntonian Dra-pol
07-12-2006, 05:31
I would be willing to critique, and though I pride myself on my eye for realism, there are far better writers and RPers here than I. WE could all walk you through it. If you take Hungary for now, perhaps you could do what Fluer is right now, he is running Czech Rep. during a current RP and then he will be taking a more prestigious claim. It is a good way to get some experience.

07-12-2006, 05:41
I would be willing to critique, and though I pride myself on my eye for realism, there are far better writers and RPers here than I. WE could all walk you through it. If you take Hungary for now, perhaps you could do what Fluer is right now, he is running Czech Rep. during a current RP and then he will be taking a more prestigious claim. It is a good way to get some experience.


Then I will accept the position
07-12-2006, 06:16
Jeeze! The Forums are slow today. Welcome aboard. I thought I'd clarify something; Quinntonia/QDra-Pol isn't the same as Dra-Pol, who is a retired member of AMW also known as Walmington on Sea. There's some history there, Dra-Pol being a DPRK-like state that the USQ (United States of Quinntonia) took a portion of. But yeah, WoS/Dra-Pol is retired now, making Quinn and Spyr our longest standing members.
Quinntonian Dra-pol
07-12-2006, 19:56
Jeeze! The Forums are slow today. Welcome aboard. I thought I'd clarify something; Quinntonia/QDra-Pol isn't the same as Dra-Pol, who is a retired member of AMW also known as Walmington on Sea. There's some history there, Dra-Pol being a DPRK-like state that the USQ (United States of Quinntonia) took a portion of. But yeah, WoS/Dra-Pol is retired now, making Quinn and Spyr our longest standing members.

Wow, yeah that is right. I remember when Dra-pol and I started this whole thing, and even when Spyr and Lyong in general started to get involved. Man, that was a lot of RP ago.

08-12-2006, 03:54
A few questions before I make a post (expect my first on saturday, and quality posts next week friday, my first day of break):

AM I allowed to use the units that I have bought outside of AMW
WHERE is the thread
08-12-2006, 04:40
You can't buy units outside of AMW, we just don't 'count' them as the real deal. (Besides, the actual realness in general of the assorted storefronts is disputable at best).

Good to see you jumping aboard Buristan, it's always encouraging to my personnel view of the forum's 'healthiness' to see someone who is ready to go, and doesn't stomp around and complain when it doesn't go his direction. Since lets face it, that is my job.

Anyhow, before I start rambling on for a exceedingly long time, I'll post some vital threads so as Hungary you can know what is happening, and some inspiration for your factbook. Altering or adding anything you did not add, or lacking that a read and review for my thread.

Czech Republic Factbook and Diplomacy Thread (

Austrian look alike (

African war, kind a complicated. (

War you are in, Austrian imperialism and the whatnot. (

Some other also, I am just lacking the motivation to include more.
Fleur de Liles
14-12-2006, 19:46
Its been a week and this guy has not posted anything yet. Has he disappeared? Perhaps we should give Hungary to Quinntopia now. Then we can get the Austria-Hungary war going. Unfortunately I will likely not have much access to a computer until just after Christmas and then I might be going back to work in early January. But we should at least get this war started soon.
16-12-2006, 04:00
Its been a week and this guy has not posted anything yet. Has he disappeared? Perhaps we should give Hungary to Quinntopia now. Then we can get the Austria-Hungary war going. Unfortunately I will likely not have much access to a computer until just after Christmas and then I might be going back to work in early January. But we should at least get this war started soon.

I concur, I don't feel that his post of sending up some fighters to meet mine was hardly one at all. Post<8 lines is almost worthless.
16-12-2006, 21:44
Hey my name is Vecron and I am here to place a claim on Italy. I have been talking to Quinntonia and he has asked me to step in, and I am really excited to get started. Of course, I will be open for suggestions and stuff, and I am not that experienced at free-from RPing, but with Nova Gaul and company to help, I should be all right.

My idea is to basically take Italy from right where it is and go from there. I am going to maintain the culture and history that you guys have put together, and see how it goes. So, here is my formal claim:
I will base my military numbers on this stuff left by Roma.

I want Italy, and all territories currently in RL controlled and claimed by that nation.
My population would be: 58,133,509

I realize that parts of Sicily have been claimed and annexed by France, I would want them back. That is not to say that they could not remain as a Kingdom ruled by whomever, but that they would be a province in the Roman Empire and answerable only to me, not Versailles. But me and France could work that out.

Quinntonia is going to help me work out the details of my factbook and I should have it up in the next day or two.
17-12-2006, 01:34
Sounds cool, I look forward to fully seeing how much you can wring out of Italy.

Of course I have Trieste, and most of the surrounding area. It is under the jurisdiction of a military administrator and is not one of the actual states of Austria, it has the same administration capabilities format as the Mauritius and Austria is slow to give up. (Austria as in Drekclser.)

Regardless, if your the guy Quinntopia mentioned then you can jump in on the action ASAP.
Nova Gaul
17-12-2006, 20:17
Andiamo signori!

I have read your NS board site and everything looks very sound. You have my approval. I notice there are a few things we need to hammer out so to speak, feel free to TG me so we can "Chew the fat."

Welcome aboard
Fleur de Liles
03-01-2007, 05:23
Bump for new members
06-01-2007, 01:13
Bump, would anyone RP as Cyprus if I annexed it. Yugoslavia, see telegram
The Gupta Dynasty
06-01-2007, 01:15
Bump, would anyone RP as Cyprus if I annexed it. Yugoslavia, see telegram

Don't even try it. My advice. Don't even try it.
Yugo Slavia
06-01-2007, 06:04
Yeah, given the presence of two British military bases on Cyprus I think that attacking it would be a very bad idea indeed!
AMW China
06-01-2007, 08:15
Bump, would anyone RP as Cyprus if I annexed it. Yugoslavia, see telegram

I wouldn't mind actually.
06-01-2007, 10:16
Yeah, given the presence of two British military bases on Cyprus I think that attacking it would be a very bad idea indeed!

And further considering the Roycelandian, Australasian, and Quinntonian Fleets in the area... invading Cyprus would be very bad indeed.
The Gupta Dynasty
06-01-2007, 17:07
And further considering the Roycelandian, Australasian, and Quinntonian Fleets in the area... invading Cyprus would be very bad indeed.

And if I may - that the Ottomans have a serious prescence regarding the Turks on the island (I RP'ed this somewhere - Yugo replied to the thread as Lavregeria, I believe).
06-01-2007, 22:08
Would there be this much resistance to a plebisicte
Fleur de Liles
15-01-2007, 02:08
I would like to take over the reigns of Germany and am posting here to give anyone a chance to make any additional comments before I take it over. My factbook is located here. ( You can comment on it here or in the other thread. If no one has any objections I will take control of Germany in a weeks time.
15-01-2007, 06:26
Communist Rebels in Cyprus (

Read the post.
Fleur de Liles
09-03-2007, 04:02
Join AMW everyone! We are going to have a world war pretty soon. Its not too late to join forces against the Holy League and the Soviets. Join today!
26-10-2007, 18:24
*Digging out the thread* *Heeding the call*

Even though I'm a beginner in II, I've been playing NS for quite some time now, and AMW sounds just like what I was looking for (and building my military up for). Anyhow, I've got some questions:

1. Do I have to join the NS-region as well as the II-region if accepted?
2. Is this the right place to put an application anyway? ;)
3. Do I also have to take budgets, GDPs and so on from the RL-nations I'm claiming?
4. How important is the - more or less - correct "technical" use of RL-weapons? So, do I have to know much about current weapons technology? (If so, that's fine and a big plus for your region to me ;) ).
5. Is there a map available, and/or an overview on current alliances, wars, etc.?
6. Are the lands of France and the BeNeLux-countries already occupied?

Thanks in advance and hoping to applicate correctly,

The federal Republic of Cassanos
Fleur de Liles
26-10-2007, 21:38
Yeah this is the right place to put in an application.

Many of your questions can be asked by reading the first post. But I will help you out a little.

France is already occupied. Although BG might be willing to let Tolgary (Belgium, Holland, Luxembourg) if you wanted. Although I (Germany) may invade you if you start causing trouble.

You should read several pages before this one to get a better feeling for AMW. But basically we have Holy League, Soviet, and NATO powers. Everything is based on RL numbers and technology, with several exceptions.

Does that help answer your questions?
27-10-2007, 13:12
Hey, nice to see a new person interested.

Indeed, Benelux in AMW is the Grand Duchy of Tulgary, partly inspired by the real nations it covers. As Fleur says, though, I'd be quite willing to discuss some sort of handover, a it isn't my major concern anyway.

At the moment it is a dictatorship ruled by a more than 100 year old Archduke Basilius, a Catholic imperialist who helped to found the Holy League by sponsoring Restorationist conspirators from France. Tulgary is a minor player in the war in Africa, with its forces supporting the French in hopes of one day making a colony of Senegal (unfortunately for Tulgary, Senegal is hosting at the moment an Indian Soviet Marine detachment).

However, the Archduke could pop his clogs at any moment, and the nation is bitterly divided between royalist Catholics and mostly pro-market and more liberal Protestants, the former concentrated in what would be Belgium and Luxembourg, the latter in what would be the Netherlands. Many Catholics at the moment believe that they shouldn't even be in Africa but should be working on converting Protestants at home and preparing for war with Germany, their traditional enemy.

At the moment Tulgary is a middle-income nation. Not poor, but not exactly aggressively modern, either. The Catholic elite prefer to keep things simple and prevent people from getting any funny liberal ideas, especially as the Protestant population was traditionally mercantile and progress-driven.

If you want to take Tulgary you could have it as it is, or you could start by playing the death of the Archduke and some sort of revolution, be it violent or peaceful, that changes the character of the nation to fit your vision, including renaming it if you so desire.
28-10-2007, 01:27
Hey there, Britain here.

A quick run-down of AMW's politics seems in order, so here we go. There are three major power blocs, which I'll explain below, but in a general sense they're anarcho-communist/neo-marxist/general leftists, catholic royalists and liberal-market republics. Britain is one of the latter, as is the USQ (USA+Mexico, basically), while France leads the Catholics and the two Indias lead the first.

Superpowers are, in a general sense, the United States and the Indian Soviet Commonwealth, of which the US is the stronger power but the ISC is the more active and populous. Both have sort of 'vassal states' of varying degrees of independence.

So, the factions:

The Holy League is our imperialist bugbear. It was founded in the post-WWII chaos by the aforementioned Grand Duke of Tulgary, but is led by the pro-interventionist French King Louis Auguste I. All states of the League are either absolute monarchies or sham-republics led by an autocrat, and they generally don't have the best record with human rights. France is currently embroiled in Africa, while Britain tries to extract them, rebuild the damage they did, and broker a peace with the...

Progressive Bloc, made up of the two Indias, Dra-Pol (RL North Korea, essentially), the now defunct Armandian Combine, and the People's Republics of Spyr and Sujava. Of the three powers, the Progressives are the most interventionist, having gone through a recent anschluss-fest near their own borders. The Indias seem poised to invade Africa in response to French imperialism, and it remains to be seen whether they will come as liberators, or more empire builders.

Lastly there is NATO, which occupies the middle of the political spectrum. Although the smallest of the three blocs, containing only the USQ, Roycelandia (on hiatus), Britain, Germany and Japan (also on hiatus, thus giving an alliance of three), it is arguably the most militarily powerful. The USQ retains its RL counterpart's military dominance, although not by so great a margin as in reality, and it is supported by Germany's two carrier battlegroups and Britain's rather expanded Royal Navy. In terms of force projection, you can't beat NATO.

If you were to go for Benelux, you'd start out as a League nation of some historical import, and any revolution would probably provoke an invasion from the League. If you were to go NATO, though, Britain and Germany would certainly endeavour to protect your republic.

Now, there's also nations like Brazil, Canada (Hudecia, with lots of history) and Scandanavia, as well as places like Egypt, most of southern Africa, and other former United Elias states (consult LRR or Spyr for info about these).

We do request that you post a sample of RP for review, or find one of our current members to vouch for you. If you haven't had prior dealings with one of us, please post an RP sample. We're not that harsh, but we do have standards.
Fleur de Liles
28-10-2007, 03:00
Its hard to say what NG (France) will do. If the monarch died and parliament took over he may not invade because he is trying to get NATO support for the war and is exuding a democratic friendly face, at least for the time being. So he probably would not outright invade you.

But anyway, as Gurg says please post a sample of your writing so we can look at it.
28-10-2007, 21:24
I am sorry that it has taken me so long to answer you, but several private matters had me occupied over the last couple of days.

First of all, thank you all for your answers, especially for the information on the overall political situation.
Though I'm of course willing to read earlier threads, it's much easier this way, and time-saving as well.

Concerning the matter of territory: The BeNeLux-Countries would be fine, though I've shaped my would-be military for a larger population of about 50-120 million. Besides, there is the matter of defence, and these countries on their own have the problem of no real natural boundaries, as the biggest rivers (Rhine and Maas) run through them, not on their borders.
If possible (and if you choose to accept me), I'd like to occupy the territory of RL-Poland and Kaliningrad, but if these should be occupied already, that is no problem for me.
As I said before, i am interested in serious RPing, preferably with some warring and technological accuracy (but no techno-ganking either).
As far as I can say, I am also okay with losing, if the game develops in this direction.

Maybe it would be best to define some of my nation's characteristics now:
Cassanos is planned as a federal republic. It's definetly democratic and capitalist, though probably with a strong "green" influence (no nuclear power plants etc.). The RL-nations best comparable are probably Germany, the Netherlands or Sweden.
The main language is English.
Thus, it woul most likely seek to be included in the NATO.
The Cassanotian army is planned as prefering quality over quantity, the army I planned for the aforementioned population consists of 9 active divisions with about 5 reserve divisions, with a total of about 650.000 soldiers in all branches. It is equipped with modern (though real) western equipment (except for the SAM-systems, which are Russian), with some slight adjustments (see below).

This leads me to yet another questions: It is said that only RL-equipment is accepted. Does this include the possibilty to upgrade or modify this equipment within realistic boundaries? Nothing big, the greates changes I made were the overall use of the SN 15,5mm-HMG instead of 12,7mm, or a belt-fed 40mm-gun for the CV9040-IFV instead of the RL-magazine-fed one.
Are changes like these tolerated?

Finally, concerning the sample of my writing: Could you specify this? Should I write a piece of battle-RP, politcal planning in high government, a journalist's story or...? Or maybe a little of all?

Oh, and one last thing: You may have noticed that before, English is not my mother tongue, I am actually from Germany. I think that my English is sufficient, but if that's a problem, please say so.

Thanks again,


/EDIT: I do have some experience in RPG, but these have been pen and paper and live action. I've also been doing drama for quite some time now, but I don't think that this alone qualifies me for AMW ;).
Fleur de Liles
29-10-2007, 03:25
The subject of sample of your writing could be whatever you wanted. Be creative. Do whatever you want. All the ideas you mentioned could work.

Considering that RL Poland currently has just over 200,000 active troops it appears you are over estimating the ability of Poland unless you cut back on the quality of your armed forces. Small changes such as belt clips are allowed, although if someone has a problem with it you may have to reconsider the change.

Poland is a huge, rich, technologically developed country with a very significant military. We do not normally give away such important nations to beginner nations. Although perhaps we would consider it if you wrote us something really good.

But yeah if you wanted to be Poland and were a liberal democracy you can count on NATO to support you.

You speak German eh? Perhaps you could help me with my German so when I add some German for style it makes sense.
29-10-2007, 05:15
To be fair, I started off as Australasia, which was a 1st world regional power. It all depends on your writing skills, really, and whether or not your 'claim' is approved. Generally I leave that sort of thing to our resident luminaries (LRR, Spyr, Dra-Pol, Quinntonian Dra-Pol). Fleur, it's fair to say, took a pretty roundabout way to getting his claim, starting as Czechoslovakia and then moving 'up' in the world to Germany.

Your writing is as good as most of ours', don't sweat it. We're really just trying to make sure that you stick to the realm of plausibility, we don't demand novelist-quality writing or anything like that.
29-10-2007, 09:23
I don't think that Poland would be too big a claim, we do need new players. Depkazia came in with almost 45 million people (and now has something like double that), and some of us originals had even more than that when we started out. Cassanos will be restricted by the proximity of a likely hostile Tsarist Empire, so won't be able to go on any crazy rampages without doing some good work first.

I have the impression that this guy deserves a go. If he hasn't really much sample stuff to offer just yet perhaps we should let him in for a sort of trial period to see if we all get along well enough (as if we do, anyway!).

You can make changes to equipment, yes, it just has to be pretty damn close to modern tech levels. We don't go for rail guns and orbital artillery like some supposedly modern players do, but my nation builds its own weapons and I just try to detail them as much as possible so that people can see they're modern and not over-stepping the bounds of reality in any significant fashion.

I assume that Kaliningrad is under Tsarist control, is it not? Perhaps, though, Cassanos could start out with Poland and, if he sticks around, acquire a little more territory, such as Slovakia or even some part of Scandinavia?

Poland has what, about 38.5 million people? if Slovakia were later joined to it that could rise to 44 million or so. And if Cassanos perhaps is a little different, a little more modern than Poland, that's enough people to make it reasonably strong without being ready to conquer its major neighbours such as the Russias or Germany!

One other thing is that you'll have to accept some historical influences upon your part of the world. You don't have to copy Poland's history, but a lot of things that happened to Poland will have to be partly worked in somehow. WWII happened in AMW, but it was somewhat different, and the USSR existed, too, but began to break apart a couple of years earlier than in reality. Possibly Cassanos could have thrown-off Soviet influence earlier, when the Estenlands (Ukraine) was in revolt, and while Estenlands went Feudal, Cassanos chose another direction and went capitalist. Or something, er, that can be worked out, I'm sure.
Fleur de Liles
29-10-2007, 18:26
Yeah my situation was unique because I had zero RPing and NS experience before joining AMW. I do not see any problems giving him Poland and I bow to the greater experience of other players but I would like to see a sample of his writing even though it may not be strictly necessary.

I know I should be happy to get a powerful ally with Poland (and I am) and AMW does need new players but a quick sample would be helpful, not only for us to gauge his abilities, but also for him to start his nation. If you did a sample of the political situation in Poland and how they want to get into NATO it would be a good start to your country. Or you could do something with your newly elected leader and relations with Germany, your greatest trading partner and most certainly your greatest ally. This could include a bit of your history, although when you do your history be tentative on your dates as BG already stated.

Concerning your history, perhaps you could do something like Germany. I built my history based on a strong relationship with the USQ (United States of Quinntonia), a theocracy. I figured that Germany would be almost identical in RL but the fact that the USQ is much different in AMW would make Germany very different. Germany is also a theocracy, with the church having the role of the senate. The entire country, except for 5% of our Islamic population, takes the sabbath day off every Sunday and tithes 10%, before taxes, to the church. Like Quinntopia I based my country on the assumption that all German Christians are committed to their faith, although unlike Quinntopia, the German rulers are much less altruistic, as becomes more and more known.

So if you wanted you could follow the example of your greatest trading partner and greatest ally, and become a theocracy. It would make sense but it is entirely up to you and you could follow Britain's example and go with your original idea.

But yeah if you wanted to expand to Slovakia you are more than welcome to do so in the future, although I have another claim to the Czech Republic, Austria, and part of Hungary, which I may decide to consolidate in the future.
29-10-2007, 19:02
Hello again. I have prepared one small sample of RPing by now, in a „political setting“. Since there was no overall setiting present, this of course is just an example, and therefore not that long. I hope that this is alright.
I could also write a sample in a military setting if you like for tomorrow. But first, some small things (again):
To Fleur de Liles: Sure, I can do some translating (English-German or vice versa) for you, no problem at all.
Once again about territory: Since Germany, if I‘m getting this correctly, has about 30-40 divisions, I thought that about 10-15 divisions (max) would be okay for Cassanos/Poland.
Besides, the current Polish army strength is that of a peacetime army, the cold war figures were higher as well. It might also be possible that the population is slightly bigger, if Poland didn’t suffer that much in WWII, but this wouldn’t be very significant anyway, I guess.
However, the figures for the Cassanotian military personnel included a strong navy, but a nation which has only access to the Baltic Sea wouldn’t need or use this, which would reduce the number of soldiers significantly. Besides. Who is in control of Denmark? This would be of the greatest strategic importance, just as possible territorial claims to the Tsarists...
However, I’m also content with the BeNeLux, if you will have me at all.
So, here we go with the RPing (a little nervously ;-) ). Note: due to simplicity, Cassanos is not included in the NATO in this, other nations’ reactions aren’t mentioned as well, simply because I don’t have that much time right now. I hope that it's okay even though it's not as realistic as I wanted to have it (especially the end):

The ministry for foreign relations, city of Gondolin, Cassanos
4:15 a.m.
Andrew Young felt tired. He hadn’t been able to sleep longer than one hour at best since the Kaliningrad crisis had broken out three days ago. As the head of the 4th bureau, responsible for „Foreign Relations/North-East“, he was responsible for handling the evolving conflict with the Tsarist empire. He had just returned to his office from a report to the minister for foreign relations, Ian Stormgood, and yearned for short break, or better still, an hour or two of sleep. However, the latter was not an option for now. Thus Andrew just took another sip and reflected the latest events in the turbulent relations between Cassanos and the mighty Tsarist empire to the east. The exclave of Kaliningrad had always been an issue between the two countries even before Cassanos broke away from the former Soviet Union’s alliance in 1978 (OOC: To be sure, all dates and events are purely theoretical). Since the „soft revolution“ and the following reorientation of Cassanotian foreign and domestic politics, the Kaliningrad issue had heated up several times, though never as much as now.
The old City of Kaliningrad, former Königsberg, with it’s large Cassanotian minority, had always been part of Cassanos’s or it’s predecessors’ territorial interests, though not as much as the now lost areas behind the river Bug, still an open wound in the eyes of most radical and even many moderate Cassanotian citizens.
The matter of Kaliningrad had repeatedly come up, mostly used as a populist topic for right-wing politicians. But the current situation was entirely different. The center/left-coalition which governed Cassanos for five years now had deliberately never shown any particular interest in changing the status quo in Kaliningrad, which was much to Cassanos’s favour anyway, since many citizens of the exclave worked in the wealthier and more liberal Cassanos.
It had been like this since the great economical surge of he late eighties, when Cassanos definetely managed proceeding to a modern, western society. Until now. Three days ago, The Tsarist government expelled all Cassanotian citizens from the Kaliningrad area, giving even those who lived and worked there no more than 10 days to leave the exclave. At the same time, travel restrictions were tightened severely, and intelligance reports indicated a sudden increase in both personnel and material in Kaliningrad’s military bases.
Three days of frantic diplomacy had followed the Tsarist announcements, as the startled Cassanotian government tried to find out the reasons for them. So far, to no avail.
All attempts of contacting the Tsarist State Department, the Head of State’s office or any other high-level officials had been answered only with a polite, but cool statement about „matters of national security“ and other empty phrases.
What are the Tsarists doing? Andres asked himself for about the hundredth time in the last hour. There is no political incentive for them in this... He had asked the same question to his staff over and over again, but even these people, some originating in the Tsarist empire, could give him nothing better than wild guesses ranging from „a war is imminent within two hours“ over „a militarist coup has taken over the Tsarist government“ to „this is just some showing off for the public“.
Andrew was beginning to become desperate, he couldn’t give his boss the answers that he needed for the Prime Minister, and most importantly, the public. In a meeting yesterday, Andrew had experienced the usually cool and reasonable PM’s wrath, as she asked what she was supposed to tell the people.
The government needed to appear strong, calm and informed, but at the moment, the media grew more and more critical with each statement othat the government was „considering all options“ and „protested against this rude behaviour“. Fortunately they had managed to keep the fact that all of these protests had gone more or less unanswered secret until now.
Strangely, the Tsarist media only mentioned the Kaliningrad crisis shortly, if at all. If this was supposed to be a propaganda measure, why keep it secret?
Andrew hoped that they would find the answer soon, because the tension on the border grew hour by hour. The Cassanotian military had silently moved some units closer to the border, but not enough – hopefully! – to be a thread to Kaliningrad. I hope that the Tsarists see it like this as well, Andrew thought grimly.
His phone rang. „Yes?“ „Mister Young, there has been a message from the Tsarists. Not publicly, only to the government. You should come at once“, he heard the minister’s voice.


Phew, that's it. I'm awaiting your judgement.


/Edit: I only read Fleur de Lile's posting now, and I'd already written the above fictional posting. But I think that it should suffice to judge my writing.

-Cassanos, hoping to ally with Germany soon :)
The Crooked Beat
29-10-2007, 23:09
Indeed, everything looks pretty good to start out with.

I can certainly see the case for Poland having a large military. Tsarist Russia is right on the border, and Wingert has already proven himself a militant expansionist and an authoritarian. Doubtless the Poles, or whoever lives in Poland, will want to avoid the fate of the Baltic Republics and Lavrageria, which were all taken-over by the Tsarists with great loss of life. Maybe Cassanos could even revive Pilsudski's Promethean ideas and fund rebel groups in Tsarist-occupied territories...

But anyway, it looks like a good claim, with a lot of potential. Slovakia might reasonably be added as well. Of course, there is always Scandinavia, and Denmark is, I believe, without a player at the moment. With Denmark you'd still get to meddle in Baltic affairs without the Russians being right there to invade you.

Kaliningrad...that might be a little hard to justify as far as Moscow is concerned. It seems likely that Tsar Wingert would throw a fit if somebody came in and tried to take Russian territory, Poland, a traditional enemy of Russia, especially. Of course, until recently Russia and Kaliningrad were quite separate geographically, and perhaps a case could be made for Poland having occupied it before then.
Fleur de Liles
30-10-2007, 00:58
Yeah okay fine, it would make perfect sense for Poland could have a large military. In AMW things are much more militarized and is the main reason Germany does have a larger army in AMW than in RL. Germany has only a slightly larger than life land army but has significantly greater naval and aeronautical power than in RL. The same could be true for Poland. In fact I recommend you build a strong navy and airforce so that you can participate overseas RPs and are not limited to regional politics. Besides regional politics is boring when you have a five hundred pound guerrilla next door.

As for population your population is exactly, not one person less, not one person more, in AMW than in RL. It is the constant that AMW was built on. People like QUinntopia and Dra-pol were annoyed by people having armies in the billions fighting other billion strong armies using ridiculous technology. Although we do allow people to adjust their population growth rates, so long as the total population is constant with RL figures.

In AMW we are sticklers for realism and I think you would agree this makes for better RP.

Anyway your sample was good and you exhibit lots of signs of potential. However, and I hope you don't mind, I will nitpick a little. Besides some possible formatting improvements, it is important to say only what your not doing to do and infer what other people are going to do as little as possible. It was a good sample piece but in a real RP do not say that what other nations are going to do until they say what they are going to do. For example, do not say that the Tsarists are kicking you out of Kaliningrad unless Wingert first posts saying that the Tsarists are doing it. Same goes for what the Tsarist media is saying. Everything and everyone in someone else's country is their intellectual property and be careful about respecting that. For example, I will not say that people in Tsarist occupied territories are unhappy. I can however suggest that they are unhappy.

As for NATO, the NATO thread is here:

Given that the USQ is currently in hiatus, the summit is current also in hiatus. That means that Poland/Cassanos is not officially in NATO right now. But Poland can be an applicant country just lacking official status.

Anyway you should join the "A Modern World" forum in Nationstates. Then TG me and we can talk a bit out what you want to do.

Also you should throw together a factbook book and post it. An example factbook is mine. Found here (

Hope this helps.
30-10-2007, 16:48
It does, thank you.

I chose Kaliningrad and the Tsarists only because they seemed to make for a nice topic, but since I don't know much about thre Tsarist Empire at the moment, I just took them as a hypothetical enemy, because the country lies nearby.
Besides, not mentionig what other nations do before they do it themselves has been one of the first rules I read about, and I wouldn't do it deliberately. I wrote this sample as part of a scenario, not as a starter.
Concerning the form, I see now that I used to few paragraphs etc., btu I'm working on it.
As I said, If you will have me, I'd be honored to participate.

And again, a few questions that arose:

1. If I don't use domestic weapon systems (which I don't intend to), do I buy (or have bought) from the countries which produce these in RL?
For example, I wanted to use the Leopard 2A6 HEL as my Main Battle Tank and the CV9040 as my IFV. Do I have to buy these or the licenses to build them from Germany or Sweden respectively?

2. As far as I see it, Cassanos is not (fully) part of the NATO. In this case, would NATO-countries still have sold weapons to Cassanos (as a friendly, democratic and capitalist country)?
If not, I obviously can't use the weapons I planned with, but probably Soviet/Russian systems.
I intended to start after or during a period of upgrading the cassanotian forces, from former Eastern to Western weapons standards (calibery, vehicles, aricraft and so on).
So, is it possible that Cassanos purchased western weapons since, let's say, the early nineties? This would probably mean that active units and maybe the ready reserve are already on wester standards, while reserve units are still equipped with Soviet/Russian systems.
Anyway, this would make supply and logistics harder, especially because I intended to have an army focusing on standardisation, but it makes also for some interesting possibilities and problems.

3. Can I already apply for NATO (IC) in the mentioned thread, or does the meeting have to be officially opened before?

4. If my claim goes through: Am I bound to actual languages and names from my territory, or can I choose freely? Since I don't speak any Polish, I intent the Cassanotian language as English, I think that this is okay, but what about names for - let's say - ships or people?

Fleur de Liles
30-10-2007, 19:16
Yeah okay my bad I just wanted to make sure you were aware of the rules.

You can do whatever you want although I think it would make sense for you to have begun the standardization in the nineties and now having most or all of your equipment as modernized western stuff with some old mothballed Russian equipment. I will give you as many Leopard II's as you want and you do not need to use the CV9040 as your IFV. The Puma is better and I will sell you as many of those as you can afford. (No Vecron you can't have any of them)

So basically you can skip the period of upgrading and write that period of upgrading into your history.

The NATO meeting is not officially opened yet, everyone is just getting together.

I do not think you should start with Slovakia, although you can acquire it later because we did a RP earlier where the Czech Republic and Austria were going to invade Slovakia together. They would not have done so if it was attached to a huge country like Poland. But anyway in that RP they did not invade Slovakia, instead the Czechs betrayed their allies...but anyway thats not important for the time being.

For your country you can do whatever you want. Although I personally think it would be cool to keep Polish as their official language and use Polish names for your ships, places, etc. As course you would continue to write in English but just add Polish for style.

So you should now write a short history for your nation and factbook. You can look at my example factbook but basically your factbook should include all your military at a bare minimum. After you finished your factbook and posted it, wait a few day for people to critique it and after you adjust it then your officially a part of AMW. Trust me, its better to give people a chance to critique your military now because it reduces the arguments that may result later.
30-10-2007, 23:35
Alright, thank you. I think I'll get to work as soon as I can. Besides, I really don't mind that you correct, me, on the contrary.

Concerning the IFVs: I depliberately chose the CV9040 because it suits my need better. It can carry 8 instead of six or seven infantrymen, has a more powerful main armament (important as many IFVs are protected against up to 30mm-guns by now, most importantly the Puma itself).
Besides, it's far lighter, and can easier be carried in the Airbus A-400M (if they are allowed, being not actually in use today). All this while having a basic frontal protection against 23mm-ammo.

Don't get me wrong, I very much appreciate your offer and will gladly accept the Leopard IIs, but I've already based most of my military on this family (self-propelled AA-guns, reconnaissance vehicles, command vehicles and so on) due to the principle of standardisation, thus making supply easier and saving money).

I think I'll be using western equipment mostly for active units (8-9 divisions in total, 6 mechanized, 1 airborne, 1 light infantry, 1-2 marine infantry brigade(s)) and ready reserve units (about 2 divisions and 4-8 independent brigades), while using the older soviet material for the reserve.

Oh, and is it possible to adjust the GPD a little, thus reflecting, the earlier and (in my version) more thoroughly transiion to capitalism, which also resulted in less corruption?

Getting to work,

-Cassanos (I'll probably be able to post my factbook within two days, I can't be sure because I'm having a premiere on thursday)

P.S.: Oh, can I get a rough timeline anywhere? covering the Cold War and after? Thanks in advance.
Fleur de Liles
31-10-2007, 04:33
Good. You can work your military however you want and AMW encourages ingenuity and creativity. However you work your military is fine so long as you do not make claims on others coveted technology without their approval. I am thick skinned and you are free to choose whatever technology you want best. For the most part the tech is real although we have gone for some military plans in the works. For example, I claimed to already have the Airbus and Puma which are not yet out. You can have the Airbus, either Germany or Britain can sell it to you.

I won't waste your time talking about all the advantages of the Puma, of which there are many, although I kinda of want to begin a debate over it. Okay fine I will waste your time (I simply could not resist) but feel fine to disregard the following. The Puma is a superb top of the infantry fighting vehicle and second to none. It is lightweight and can be carried on the Airbus. Its smaller gun size is outweighed by the vast quantity of rounds that be fired very quickly. It is extremely flexible and can fire APFSDS's or Eurospike Spike LR missile launchers to knock out IFV, APC, tanks, bunkers, or whatever stands in its way. It can fire KETF's to knock out a bunch of land targets. It is designed with the ability to include additional pieces of armour, making it virtually immune to anti tank weaponry. Side vents reduce thermal imagery. The Puma is hunter-capable and anything it can't knock down it make sure that others do. It can keep pace with MBTs, even the quick Leopard II. It can be easily upgraded in the future and will remain the IFV to beat for years to come.

But its high cost should be considered. Despite its many advantages over C90, it is twice expensive.

So why did I basically regurgitate the wikipedia article on the Puma? Because I am excited and cannot resist the chance to peddle German products. Whatever the case you can freely take or disregard my comments as wanted.

As for GDP, it is always good to base your numbers on the CIA factbook ( But I altered the GDP numbers for Germany and you are welcome to increase it as well.

AMW's history (I have not included the German history although it can be found, in part on the offsite forum):

If you have any other questions feel free to ask. Otherwise I'll wait for the factbook.
31-10-2007, 06:54
The only Polish things you need to use are the physical geography, climate, natural resources, the size of the population, and some of the history.

Tens of millions of Indians have a fictional Celtic language as their first tongue, and part of the city of Raipur, where the Soviet capital is based, has the name Portmeirion, in reality a place in Wales.

You can alter the GDP and what not to some degree, yes. We all agree, I think, that AMW has all the genuine superpowers that it's going to be able to support, but owing to the slightly different history, Cassanos' economy may have a couple of years' growth on Poland's.
I'm not the only one who can speak on this, and maybe others will have some particular input as well, but I don't think that you ought to be quite caught up to real-life France, Germany, and the UK et cetera in purchasing power parity terms, but perhaps up there with the likes of the Czech Republic at least (and of course more than three times the size) rather than down amongst the South Africas and Argentinas of the world as RL Poland. I might perhaps expect the government to be touting a trillion dollar economy for Cassanos before 2020 if you re-elect us! at a stretch. Details of course are largely up to you.
AMW China
31-10-2007, 08:54
Yes, AMW is a very flexible place with most things, except maybe technology.

China for example, is within a decade of becoming the world's largest economy, is a democracy, and has absorbed Taiwan.