ooc 1900 Alternate history RP military thread - Page 3
07-10-2005, 16:52
Bear in mind we have been at war for some time against rebels and in action in Spain. Therefore our army is already fairly oversized, but on the plus side it does have some decent combat experience.
In addition to my Ground Forces I posted above, I add two more things.
1. I'm going to raise anywhere between 1 - 5 divisions, then station them either next to Hong Kong to seriously hamper any British or LTA backed invasion through Hong Kong... Or I'll supplement my 10 divisions guarding the Chinese coastlines (which includes the Hong Kong border).
2. The border between China and Hong Kong will be fortified with barbed wire, trenches, bunkers, and the works. This is to be done so to further hinder any LTA invasion of China from Hong Kong.
Basically, I'm gearing up for a defensive war, which can easily drain the LTA of manpower and resources should the LTA declare war aganist China. Think RL WW-1 meatgrinder, but in an Asian setting.
Lesser Ribena
07-10-2005, 18:41
British forces: GB, I believe you already have my naval strength.
I posted a thing about tank pbrigades a while back, that still stands with another 10 brigades added to the strength and newer tanks introduced (sorry I don't have time to research which ones yet).
The army will probably only increase in size a small amount from my last post to mainatin a small and highly trained unit.
The militia I posted a short while ago.
The Royal Flying Corps, I am afraid that I do not yet have any data for.
Galveston Bay
07-10-2005, 18:47
France, is your fleet posted somewhere? I cannot find it and that was after a significant search.
Please, everyone, repost your naval, air and ground forces in this thread.
France, is your fleet posted somewhere? I cannot find it and that was after a significant search.
Please, everyone, repost your naval, air and ground forces in this thread.
Here's my stuff.
Ground Forces:
Naval Forces:
Air Force:
Hope this is what you need, GB.
Argentine Airforce
The Argentina Airforce has roughly observational/combat 120 planes of Japanese design and that's about it.
Argentine Naval Force:
3 Satsuma-Class Semi-Drednaught Battleships Buenos Aires, La Plata, Rawson (Stats incomplete) 2 double 12", 2 double 10" / about 28 knots
2 Republica-Class Light Crusers Republica, Tierra del Fuego 3 double 6", 6 3", 4 13mm AA, 8 21" TT / 4,800 tons / 32 knots
4 Antartica-Class Light Crusers Mendoza, Antartica, Neuquén, Santa Cruz 2 double 6", 6 3", 8 13mm AA, 6 21" TT / 5,650 tons / 37 knots
10 total
Galveston Bay
07-10-2005, 19:46
The main war thread has been set up....
and first blood has been drawn. American and British navy versus Russian and French navy off Gibraltar.
How many men could I, Bolivia, realisticly conscript into my military durring wartime?
Vas Pokhoronim
07-10-2005, 21:03
Petrograd Military District. Headquarters, Petrograd
1st, 18th, and 22nd Army Corps; 6th Field Gendarme Squadron; 1st Railway Regiment; Medved Disciplinary Battalion; Petrograd Fortress, Sveaborg Fortress; Commandants of Petrograd, Peterhof, Krasnoe-Selo, Gatchina, Tsarskoe-Selo, Helsingfors; Kronstadt, Petrograd, Sveaborg, and Viborg Fortresses; Petrograd Local Brigade, Archangel Local Brigade.
Vilna Military District. Headquarters, Vilna
2nd Army Corps, 3rd, and 4th Army Corps; 1st Field Gendarme Squadron, 1st Railway Brigade (less 4th Railway Battalion), Bobruisk Disciplinary Battalion; Commandants of Dvinsk, Ust-Dvinsk, and Kovno; Kovno and Ust-Dvinsk Fortresses; Vilna Local Brigade, Minsk Local Brigade.
Warsaw Military District. Headquarters, Warsaw.
14th and 15th Army Corps; 2nd Field Gendarme Squadron, 4th Railway Battalion; Warsaw, Novogeorgievsk, Brest-Litovsk, Ivanogorod, Osowiec, and Lomza Fortresses, Commandant of Warsaw, Warsaw Local Brigade.
Kiev Military District. Headquarters, Kiev
10th Army Corps (stationed in Anatolia at Turkish request), 11th and 12th Army Corps; 3rd Field Gendarme Squadorn; 3rd Cavalry Replacement Brigade, 2nd Railway Brigade, Dubno Disciplinary Battalion; Kiev Fortress, Kiev Local Brigade, Poltava Local Brigade, Kharkov Local Brigade.
Odessa Military District. Headquarters, Odessa
7th Army Corps and 8th Army Corps, 4th Field Gendarme Squadron, 2nd Aviation Company, Kherson Disciplinary Battalion; Commandants of Ochakov and Sevastopol; Sevastopol, Kerch, Ochakov, and Bender Fortresses; Odessa Local Brigade.
Moscow Military District. Headquarters, Moscow [Moskovskii Voennyi Okrug.]
Guards Corps, 13th Army Corps and 17th Army Corps, 1st Cavalry Replacement Brigade, 2nd Cavalry Replacement Brigade, Voronezh Disciplinary Battalion; Commandant of Moscow (headquarters, Neglinaya); Moscow Local Brigade, Smolensk Local Brigade, Yaroslavl Local Brigade, Tambov Local Brigade.
Kazan Military District. Headquarters, Kazan
24th Army Corps; Orenburg Disciplinary Detachment; Kazan Local Brigade, Saratov Local Brigade, Perm Local Brigade, Orenburg Local Brigade, Orenburg Cossack Local Brigade, Ural Region Local Brigade, Turgai Local Brigade.
Caucasus Military District. Headquarters, Tiflis
1st Caucasus Corps (stationed in Anatolia at Turkish request); 5th Field Gendarme Squadron; 1st Caucasus Railway Battalion, 2nd Caucasus Railway Battalion, Yekaterinograd Disciplinary Battalion
Mikhailovsk (Batum), and Aleksandropol Fortresses; Commandant of Tiflis; Vladikavkaz Local Brigade, Tiflis Local Brigade.
Turkestan Military District. Headquarters, Tashkent
16th Army Corps (originally stationed in Kazan District), 1st and 2nd Turkestan Corps, 2nd Caucasus Corps (originally stationed in Caucasus District, 23rd and 19th Army Corps (originally stationed in Warsaw District); 6th Turkestan Rifle Brigade, Siberian Cossack Brigade, Kuban Cossack Half-Regiment (originally stationed in Warsaw District)
Kushka, Tashkent, Samarkand, Skobelev, Termez, and Kerki Fortresses; Forces in the Semireche Region [Voiska Semirechenskoi Oblasti], Amu-Darya Flotilla.
Omsk Military District. Headquarters, Omsk
11th Siberian Rifle Division, 4th Siberian Sapper Battalion, 3rd Siberian Cossack Regiment, Omsk Disciplinary Company, Omsk Local Brigade.
Irkutsk Military District. Headquarters, Irkutsk
2nd and 3rd Siberian Corps, 1st Siberian Railway Battalion, Verkhneudinsk Disciplinary Battalion, Irkutsk Local Brigade.
Amur Military District (Far East). Headquarters, Khaborovsk
Grenadier Corps, 25th and 5th Army Corps (originally stationed in Moscow District), 6th Army Corps (originally stationed in Warsaw District), 9th and 21st Army Corps (originally stationed in Kiev District), 20th Army Corps (originally stationed in Vilna District) , 3rd Caucasus Corps (originally stationed in Caucasus Military District), 1st, 4th, and 5th Siberian Corps; 3rd Aviation Company (originally stationed in Kiev District), 1st Aviation Company (originally stationed in Petrograd), Guards Aviation Company (originally stationed in Moscow District); 2nd Siberian Railway Battalion, Anuchino Disciplinary Battalion.
Vladivostok Fortress, Nikolaevsk Fortress, Military Governor of the Amur Region, Military Governor of the Maritime Region.
All of the Union's 20 Armored Brigades (1,000 tanks) are stationed here
Other Forces
The above does not include irregular forces, such as the Cossack Regiments (LOTS, if 1914 numbers are what we're going by, which for Cossacks I doubt), Fortress Garrisons, and certain elite formations. Also, there are four Marine Battalions listed for 1914, and two Corps stationed in Anatolia at Turkish request, which may or may not have been included in the above.
Red Fleet (Casualties already listed)
Mediterranean Squadron
2 Nikoleyev class battleships (Paris Commune, Volya), damaged
6 Provorny class light cruisers (Provorny, Obraztsovy, Odarenny, Otvazhny, Steregushchy, Reshitelny), damaged
18 destroyers,9 damaged
10 submarines
Pacific Squadron
4 Gangut class battleships (Gangut, Petropavlovsk, Poltava, Sevastapol)
3 Markarov class battle cruisers (Markarov, Stark, Rozhdestvenski)
14 Diana class light cruisers (Diana, Rurik, Pallada, Aurore, Variag, Askold, Boyarin, Novik)
10 Ognevoy class light cruisers (Ognevoy, Slavny, Stroyny, Smyshleny, Smely, Sovremenny, Bezuprechnyy, Bezboyaznenny, Besstrashnyy, Bezuderzhannyy)
30 destroyers (6 squadrons)
60 submarines
Galveston Bay
07-10-2005, 21:56
another battle at sea... Japan and the US versus the French Pacific Fleet..
I gamed out the two battles that occur practically at the start of the war but the rest of July will see attrition at sea as Pact submarines attack LTA shipping and LTA cruisers sweep the seas of Pact shipping. All Pact colonies outside of Eurasia will be isolated by the end of July while Pact submarines will sink a number of LTA merchant ships.
However, submarine and anti submarine tactics are in their infancy, so nobody is terrifically effective just yet.
Land campaigns and some land battles will be resolved after the sea campaign is dealt with.
Then I will post some economic stuff.
Union Defense Force
Ground Forces:
Seven regiments:
5 Infantry Regiments (3500 troops)
3 Artillery Regiments (detached sections among the Infantry)
2 Regiments (Cape Town Rifles and Natal Natives) are currently in Yugoslavia, acting as peackeepers.
Reserves (Active Citizen Force):
300,000 troops (some units called up for basic training and outfitting)
Naval Forces:
First Squadron (based at Cape Town):
2 Light Cruisers
5 Destroyers
3 Minesweepers
Second Squadron (based at Durban):
2 Light Cruisers
5 Destroyers
3 Minesweepers
Air Forces:
First Aerial Squadron (based at Bloemfontein):
100 SN5 fighters & pilots (40 British-trained, 60 new cadets)
Independent Macedonia
07-10-2005, 22:42
For planes we only have a wing of light attack planes and fighters, of german and russian construction.
We have a few russian made tanks, and enough armored cars for a division(of Russian design) and one seperate brigade.
unit placement
Italian Border
1st(has the 1st Armored Recon Brigade attached to it),2nd,3rd,5th,10th Infantry Divisions
11th Armored Recon Division
1st Mountain Division
1st Volci Brigade(basically stosstruppen of WWI)
100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 111, 112, 113, 114, 115 R Infantry Divisions
(200,000 men in total on Italian border, no orders exist to cross it)
Albanian border
4thID, 0thID, and 108thID
(30,000 men)
6thID,and 7thID reorganizing in Split
(14,000 men)
9thID in Sarajevo
(10,000 men)
NOTE: Entire Yugoslavic fleet is based in Split, and right now they are ordered to remain their until further orders.
1 Danae Class Light Cruiser(FRYN Sarajevo)
5 W Class Destroyers (FRYN Macedonia, Bosnia, Croatia, Slovenia, Serbia)
1 Pangbourne Class Minesweeper (FRYN Doce)
25 Torpedo Boats
NOTE: Currently flying cover for the Split naval base and scouting in the Adriatic.
72 Light attack planes and Fighters of Russian and German design, organized into one wing
Galveston Bay
07-10-2005, 23:09
another battle at sea... Japan and the US versus the French Pacific Fleet..
I gamed out the two battles that occur practically at the start of the war but the rest of July will see attrition at sea as Pact submarines attack LTA shipping and LTA cruisers sweep the seas of Pact shipping. All Pact colonies outside of Eurasia will be isolated by the end of July while Pact submarines will sink a number of LTA merchant ships.
However, submarine and anti submarine tactics are in their infancy, so nobody is terrifically effective just yet.
Land campaigns and some land battles will be resolved after the sea campaign is dealt with.
Then I will post some economic stuff.
well, things change quickly in this RP... the Russians sortie in the Pacific and another big battle will occur.
I also need to know if Germany is really going to try and slip transports to the Azores, Madeira and Brazil
Then I can start resolving attrition combat at sea and move on to everything else.
Ottoman Khaif
07-10-2005, 23:18
The Ottoman Arm forces
As of Wartime standing as of late 1924 to early 1925
The Ottoman Army- A Single Army Crops can be at 10,000 troops at its lowest and 20,000 troop at max.
Army Core as of 1924, the standing army
300,000 troops (100 percent fully trained)
Number of Army corps: 60 Army corps at the moment.
400,000 Reservist corps (only call to duty in times of war, well trained)" They are on duty."
Total number of Troops in the standing wartime army, 700,000 troops
Note: Each Army Core is assign a battalion of Amour cars, battalion of artillery and a Machine gun battalion.
Deployments of the Ottoman Army Corps
10 Army Corps Station in Egypt
12 Army Corps Station in Iran
10 Army Corps Station in Arabia
8 Army Corps Station in Syria/Lebanon
8 Army Corps Station in Iraq
12 Army Corps Station in Asia Minor
Ottoman Marine Corps-100,000 troops(well trained)
Ten Divisions-10,000 each
Three Divisions Station in Asia Minor
Five Divisions Station in Egypt
Two Divions station in Syria/Lebanon
Note: The Ottoman Government has order all arm factories to build up in ammos and weapons, the Ottoman government has began stocking ammo and other items needed to defend the empire.
Ottoman Air Core
120 Scout Planes( mainly made of German build planes)
100 SE5a scout/fighter aircraft(British builded)
The Navy as of early 1924 to late 1926
1 Dreadnought class battleships (built by the British, by 1911.set to be scapped by 1926)
1 Dreadnought class battleships (built by the British, by 1911, made a training ship by 1920, re commission by 1924 set to be scapped by 1926)
1 CAIO DUILIO CLASS Battleship(build by the Italians in 1922)
2 Conti di Cavour Battlecruiser( build by the Italians in 1922)
Vittorio Emanuele class carrier( build by the Italians in 1907, rebuild as a Carrier in the 1910s and sold to Ottoman Navy by 1923)
4 Hawkins Class Heavy Cruisers(Build by the British, 1921)
6 Cruisers (build by the Germans, by 1915, set to be scapped by 1926)
Light Cruisers
8 Light Cruisers (build by the Germans, by 1915,set to be scapped by 1926)
6 Town Class Light Cruisers (Build by the British, 1922)
10 Danae Class Light Cruisers (Build by the British, 1922)
8 Destoryers(build by the Germans, by 1915,set to be scapped by 1926)
20 W Class Destroyers(Build by the British in 1921)
20 Destoryers(Build by the Italians in 1922)
Torpedo Boats
30 Torpedo Boats (build by the Germans, by 1915,set to be scapped by 1926)
40 U-boats(made by the Germans in 1924.)
Note: all ships that are set to be scapped has been postpone intill the war is over, the Ottoman Naval Command feels that they need this ships for anything that may happen.
Galveston Bay
08-10-2005, 00:21
the Japanese and Russians fight it out at Tsushima
battles are getting really complicated.. and the posts for one are getting longer.
How many men could I, Bolivia, realisticly conscript into my military durring wartime?
Well, how many?
Galveston Bay
08-10-2005, 00:36
Well, how many?
maximum manpower -- 10% of total population, however GNP is an issue... no more than one third is available for the war. Figure an infantry division just existing costs about $1 million a year, to fight costs about $5 million a year.. in 1924 dollars.
Things like tanks, ships, and aircraft are even more expensive. My basic feeling on this is that it is case by case. In your case Bolivia, you can't fight a major war for more than 6 months without someone giving you money to stay afloat economically.
08-10-2005, 01:47
OOC: GB, you forgot to list me in the Great War thread. Anyways, here is what I could find on the Italian army and navy, if that is what has kept me from being added to the list.
Italian Navy as of 1924
Note: I have omitted (purposefully) all vessels Italy historically bought from other nations, as I did not buy them. Also, all vessels captured in WWI or otherwise acquired historically are not included. This means that Italy is short a few cruisers and subs compared to our time. It's at least 14 ships, 6 being cruisers, 8 being subs. These will not be filled in for. Also, I have not taken into account losses (or gains) from our WWI, so things can still change.
Battleships x6
Dante Alighieri class
Dante Alighieri
Conte di Cavour class
Conte di Cavour
Giulio Cesare
Leonardo da Vinci
Caio Dullio class
Caio Dullio
Andrea Doria
Carriers x1
Vittorio Emanuele class (This is not historical, and is an early battleship conversion. I'd expect it to carry maybe 15 planes. I think I had it be a Regina Elena conversion, can't remember.)
Vittorio Emanuele
Unnamed class (Another ahistorical class. These are probably just having their keels laid, if even that.)
2x ships
Cruisers x10
Pisa Class
San Giorgio Class
San Giorgio
San Marco
Campania Class Protected Cruisers (These ships were later designated gunboats)
Quarto Scout Cruiser
Bixio Class Scout Cruisers
Nino Bixio
Destroyers x49 (If I counted correctly)
Soldati Alpino Class
Indomito Class
Ardito Class
Audace Class
Pilo Class
Pilade Bronzetti
Giuseppe Cesare Abba
Giuseppe Missori
Rosolino Pilo
Antonio Mosto
Ippolito Nievo
Francesco Nullo
Simone Schiaffino
Sirtori Class
Giuseppe Sirtori
Giovanni Acerbi
Vincenzo Giordano Orsini
Francesco Stucco
La Masa Class
Giuseppe La Masa
Angelo Bassini
Agostino Bertani
Benedetto Cairoli
Giacinto Carini
Nicola Fabrizi
Giuseppe La Farina
Giacomo Medici
Generale Class
Generale Antonio Cantore
Generale Antonino Cascino
Generale Antonio Chinotto
Generale Carlo Montanari
Generale Achille Papa
Generale Marcello Prestinari
Palestro Class
San Martino
Curtatone Class
Submarines x 35
F Class
F1 to F17 (Actually, it's F1 to F21, but four of the vessels were scrapped historically. F1 to F17 is easier to type)
N Class
N1 to N6
X 2 Class Coastal Submarine Minelayers
Micca Class
Pietro Micca
Angelo Emo
Luigi Galvani
Lorenzo Marcello
Lazzaro Mocenigo
Provana Class
Andrea Provana
Agostino Barbarigo
Giacomo Nani
Sebastiano Veniero
As Italy doesn't care about the Atlantic at this point, seeing as how America and Britain probably own that, the Italian navy is concentrated in the Med.
Italian Army
I haven't founded any list of divisions that I can copy & paste, but I believe the Italian army fielded something like 1 or 2 million soldiers. I'll get a concrete answer in a bit.
Italian Air Force
Uhh....I'll get back to y'all on this one.
OOC: Fluff, check your TGs
After the reorginazation of the First Great War, France now has 900,000 men organized in 10 armies of 90,000 men each, plus colinial garrisons and colonial troops.
(The numbers are WW1, the orginization is mine.)
Italian Border: 3rd, 5th, 2nd, 6th, and 9th Armies
Paris: Army of Paris (1st Army)
Belgium/Burgundy Border: None
Channel/Atlantic Coast: 4th, 7th, and 8th Armies
North Africa: 10th Army, plus African Colonial Army of 50,000 men
Vietnam: 30,000 man garrison, plus whatever commonwealth troops Vietnam has.
More troops being raised.
The Fleet currently has the Following in Atlantic Ports:
two battleships (Courbet, Paris, both damaged. [b]Secret IC:[/n] Currently being converted to carriers.)
a carrier (Bearn, with a squadron of fighters and a squadron fo torpedo planes)
two squadrons of destroyers
six cruisers (Leon Gambetta, Jules Ferry, Victor Hugo, Duquesne, Tourville )
twenty submarines
In the Med:
Three battleships (Bretange, Lorraine, Provence)
One carrier (Normandie, carrying a fighter/recon squadron and two torpedo sqadrons)
Seven Cruisers ([i]Jules Michelet, Ernest Renan, Edgar Quinet, Duguay Trouin, Lamotte-Picquet, Primaguet, Waldeck-Rousseau)
Thirty destroyers
Twenty submarines
Airforce: Working on it. Hard to find numbers...
Of the council of clan
08-10-2005, 05:39
Parthini']By order of the Hamburg High Command, the French, Union, Worker's Republic, Chinese, Spanish, Brazilian, and Yugoslavian Armies will be equipped with the following weapons.
Standard Weapon: Gewehr 43
Caliber: 7.92 x 57 mm Mauser
Muzzle velocity: 775 m/s (2,328 ft/s)
Action: Gas operated
Overall length: 1130 mm
Barrel length: 546 mm
20 years too early on that one there. 43 stood for 1943
08-10-2005, 05:46
I've been using Gewehr 43's for a couple of years now. I posted back a while ago. I think it was before the Danish invasion. If you want, I can change the name...
France begins placing anti-aircraft guns along the coast and begins building cement bunkers covering all feasible alnding beaches, including large gun casements. Barbed wire, steel, and concrete are poured into the construction of massive shore defenses. Mines are used liberally along exposed stretches. The called for defenses are supposed to Stretch from Belguim to Spain. However, in some areas it will most likely by only a a machine-gun post or three until construction can get to them.
Galveston Bay
08-10-2005, 08:08
We are about to deal with the ground campaigns.... some things to remember.
The major powers have tanks, flamethrowers, infiltration tactics, and a lot more firepower at the squad and platoon level than ever before. However, there are still no tactical radios, which means that forward elements cannot communicate quickly with reserves and headquarters. This was the major problem of the historical First World War, and why advances generally bogged down after penetrating the enemy position. In addition, battlefield mobility is still very limited as there are no armored personnel carriers and even trucks are not four wheel drive. Artillery support is rigid, as there is limited ability to talk to your artillery once you move out of your positions and away from field telephones.
Aircraft rarely carry radios, except for larger multi engined aircraft at the sacrifice of payload. Voice radio is rare, and is limited to the AM band.
All electronics are fragile, and radar is an interesting but possibily far fetched idea.
However, there are ways around some of this. Armies plan battles as carefully as possible (side effect is that initiative is somewhat stifled). Dedicated armored vehicles can be equipped with radios (at the expense of weapons), and if a breakthrough does occur, and the elements are in place, it is possible to drive deep into the enemy rear.
Important thing to remember though is that even during World War II (the historic one), most of the times armies advanced very slowly, with gains measured in a mile or less a day until finally a breakthrough is acheived and some rapid gains were made. Then the enemy stabilized the front at about the point the advancing side reached the end of its supply tether. For heavily motorized armies this might be about 400 miles, for less motorized armies this might be only a couple hundred miles.
Nobody at this point as reached the level of mechanization that was found in the US and British Armies in World War II. The British and Americans are getting there, but everyone else has a horse for about every 4 or 5 soldiers, and a truck for every 10 to 100 soldiers or even worse. The British and Americans are only getting there because the US makes more automobiles than everyone else put together and then some.
So supply lines aren't going to stretch very far from railroad lines or seaports.
Italy is going to be very tough to conquer by the way. Look at the World War II Italian campaign and the World War I campaign in the mountains between the Italians and Austrian/German armies. Italy is mainly hills and mountains, with only the Po River valley being relatively broad and flat, and the rest of the country is a spine of mountains with relatively narrow coastal plains on each side. Plus the Alps are impassable to armies coming in from the north except for three relatively easily defended passes (two of which run through Switzerland). The East and West are a narrow coastal plain along the French border and an even narrower coastal plain along the Yugoslav border. The areas that aren't impassable are rugged mountain passes. Mountain fighting has historically always been costly, and it will be here. By the way, in World War I at times the Italians and Austrians were losing men by the thousands to avalanches. They lost them by the tens of thousands to falls, hypothermia, and frostbite.
Hannibal only crossed with a few thousand men by the way, not hundreds of thousands. There simply isn't enough room to deploy more than about a couple of dozen divisions on the assault on either front that is being planned for. The narrow roads will prevent supplying more than this, and the attrition rate is going to be awful. Think of some of the worst battles of World War II and World War I, and you have a picture of what casaulties will be like.
Now the Pact has the advantage of relatively endless supplies of men, so eventually they will chew through the Italian defenses and make their way to the Po Valley. But it isn't going to be fast, and during winter you can expect things to be even worse.
As far as the Zeppelins go, keep in mind that the Italians have fighters too, and anti aircraft guns, and mountain flying is damned tricky, especially without navigation aids.
I live near mountains, and every year at least a couple of private planes crash around here. And they have GPS and radio navigation systems. Losses flying over the Himalayas during World War II extremely heavy, and this is an analagous situation.
Of the council of clan
08-10-2005, 14:39
Parthini']I've been using Gewehr 43's for a couple of years now. I posted back a while ago. I think it was before the Danish invasion. If you want, I can change the name...
Its not the name its using a weapon or something similar that hasn't been developed.
Historically Germany only used rifles to support the Machine gun and move the machine gun forward, they considered the Mauser K98 more than adequate for the task and never considered developing a gas-operated semi-auto till after facing the American M-1 Garand(that wasn't adopted/invented till 1936) and the Soviet Tokerav 1940, SO AGAIN I REMIND YOU THAT SEMI-AUTO RIFLES ARE AT LEAST 10 YEARS FROM NOW. Granted the decision comes down to the war moderator but using the PPsH as well? SubMachine guns weren't developed till 1919-1921 timeframe(thompsons) I've tried to equip my army more the historically accurate era weapons, BAR, Thompson, etc.
08-10-2005, 15:32
I understand that I am being a bit far in my research, but we 1. Had WWI early 2. Had no Versailles Treaty and 3. had a nasty Civil War, so my development has been much quicker that in RL. I will find something new if the War Moderator wishes, but like I said, have been using these for a couple of years now.
Independent Macedonia
08-10-2005, 15:52
OOC:Whatever the final decision is, will be what we make
IC: The Yugoslav arms industry has made it clear that they will switch from making the nagants to making the German specified weapons and ammo. The older weapons will be phased out, though ammo will still be made on a limited run until the last weapons are phased out.
08-10-2005, 18:42
OOC: I've reposted this, having discovered more information, etc. etc. The air force
Italian Navy as of 1924
Note: I have omitted (purposefully) all vessels Italy historically bought from other nations, as I did not buy them. Also, all vessels captured in WWI or otherwise acquired historically are not included. This means that Italy is short a few cruisers and subs compared to our time. It's at least 14 ships, 6 being cruisers, 8 being subs. These will not be filled in for. Also, I have not taken into account losses (or gains) from our WWI, so things can still change.
Battleships x6
Dante Alighieri class
Dante Alighieri
Conte di Cavour class
Conte di Cavour
Giulio Cesare
Leonardo da Vinci
Caio Dullio class
Caio Dullio
Andrea Doria
Carriers x1
Vittorio Emanuele class (This is not historical, and is an early battleship conversion. I'd expect it to carry maybe 15 planes. I think I had it be a Regina Elena conversion, can't remember.)
Vittorio Emanuele
Unnamed class (Another ahistorical class. These are probably just having their keels laid, if even that.)
2x ships
Cruisers x10
Pisa Class
San Giorgio Class
San Giorgio
San Marco
Campania Class Protected Cruisers (These ships were later designated gunboats)
Quarto Scout Cruiser
Bixio Class Scout Cruisers
Nino Bixio
Destroyers x49 (If I counted correctly)
Soldati Alpino Class
Indomito Class
Ardito Class
Audace Class
Pilo Class
Pilade Bronzetti
Giuseppe Cesare Abba
Giuseppe Missori
Rosolino Pilo
Antonio Mosto
Ippolito Nievo
Francesco Nullo
Simone Schiaffino
Sirtori Class
Giuseppe Sirtori
Giovanni Acerbi
Vincenzo Giordano Orsini
Francesco Stucco
La Masa Class
Giuseppe La Masa
Angelo Bassini
Agostino Bertani
Benedetto Cairoli
Giacinto Carini
Nicola Fabrizi
Giuseppe La Farina
Giacomo Medici
Generale Class
Generale Antonio Cantore
Generale Antonino Cascino
Generale Antonio Chinotto
Generale Carlo Montanari
Generale Achille Papa
Generale Marcello Prestinari
Palestro Class
San Martino
Curtatone Class
Submarines x 35
F Class
F1 to F17 (Actually, it's F1 to F21, but four of the vessels were scrapped historically. F1 to F17 is easier to type)
N Class
N1 to N6
X 2 Class Coastal Submarine Minelayers
Micca Class
Pietro Micca
Angelo Emo
Luigi Galvani
Lorenzo Marcello
Lazzaro Mocenigo
Provana Class
Andrea Provana
Agostino Barbarigo
Giacomo Nani
Sebastiano Veniero
As Italy doesn't care about the Atlantic at this point, seeing as how America and Britain probably own that, the Italian navy is concentrated in the Med.
Italian Army
I haven't founded any list of divisions that I can copy & paste, but I believe the Italian army fielded something like 1 or 2 million soldiers. I'll get a concrete answer in a bit.
Italian Air Force
OOC: From what information I've been able to discover--which concerns only bombers--much of Italy's focus is going to be on bombers. Even before the historical WWI, Italy was amongst the first to get bombers. This list assumes that Italy will develop and build all of its bombers just as before, and has them in numbers comparable to WWI. Also, some Italian aircraft have confusing designations. The Ca.1 is a good example; it was a Ca.32. It doesn't say, however, what I currently have in my inventory.
Ca.36M Bomber
This aircraft is a modified Ca.3, and was just put into service in 1923. Between 1923 and 1927, 153 of them were built.
Ca.32 Bomber
Between 1915 and 1916, 166 of these aircraft were built.
Caproni Ca.4 Bomber
41 built with a 750 HP engine, with 12 powered by a 1,200 HP engine. The 12, according to Wikipedia, were amongst the best heavy bombers of the period.
Ca.5 Bomber
According to Wikipedia, 659 of these were built. These were the last of the Ca.# line.
Fiat B.R.1
Introduced in 1924. 150 were built, and it is a light bomber.
Ansaldo SVA A1 Balilla
Around 166 of these were built. They suck.
Ansaldo SVA 3
The SVA 3 is a better Ansaldo SVA 1. Not to be confused with the Ansaldo SVA A1 Balilla.
Other Aircraft
Ansaldo SVA 5
Another Ansaldo SVA. One of the best bomber and recon planes of WWI, according to the website I am reading. 2000 were built, but I have no info on how this 2000 was divided.
Piaggio P.8
An unusual aircraft, designed to be stored in a submarine hangar. I'm guessing that this submarine was never built. This plane was introduced in 1923, and was intended to be a recon bird. I'm assuming few of these were built.
Of the council of clan
08-10-2005, 20:26
Parthini']I understand that I am being a bit far in my research, but we 1. Had WWI early 2. Had no Versailles Treaty and 3. had a nasty Civil War, so my development has been much quicker that in RL. I will find something new if the War Moderator wishes, but like I said, have been using these for a couple of years now.
The United States was NOT handicapped by the Treaty of Versailles and didn't adopt a semi-auto rifle till 1936. It's not just development of technology but the doctirne of the armies that invented it. And like I said the G43 was developed in RESPONSE to already developed weapons(btw as far as rifles went it wasn't really all that good)
08-10-2005, 20:28
Well then what are you complaining about :p
Whatever, bring it to the war mod and if he has a problem, then I'll change it.
08-10-2005, 21:37
After discussion with my comrades, we have decided that the Gewehr 43 is not worth fighting about and is too developed. Therefore, the Gewehr 43 is hereby exchanged for the Karabiner 98k. Consider this a declaration that all Gewehr 43s are now Karabiner 98ks.
08-10-2005, 21:54
By order of the Hamburg High Command, the French, Union, Worker's Republic, Chinese, Spanish, Brazilian, and Yugoslavian Armies will be equipped with the following weapons.
Standard Weapon: Karabiner 98k
Type: Long Rifle
Calibre: 7.92 mm Mauser
Barrel length: 600 mm
Ammunition: 7.92 x 57 mm
Magazine: 5 rounds blind magazine
Action: Bolt-Action
Length: 1110 mm
Weight: 3.7 to 4.1 kg
Rate of fire: approx 15 round/min
Muzzle velocity: 745 m/s
Effective range: 500m
Side Arm: Walther P38
Calibre: 9 mm
Barrel length: 125 mm
Ammunition: 9 mm Parabellum
Magazine: 8
Action: double action
Length: 216 mm
Weight: 0.8 kg (unloaded)
Support Rifle (NCOs): MAS-24
Calibre: 7.92 mm
Ammunition: 7.92 x 57 mm
Barrel Length: 590 mm
Magazine: 10 round
Action: Gas Operated, Rotating Bolt
Length: 1116 mm
Weight: 4.31 kg
Stosstruppen Assault Weapon (Marines, Paratroopers): Pistolet-pulemet (PPSH)
Calibre: 7.92
Barrel length: 10.5 in (266 mm)
Ammunition: 7.62 x 25 mm TT
Magazine: 35 box, 71 drum
Action: blowback, open bolt
Length: 33 in (838 mm)
Weight: 8 lb (3.64 kg)
Rate of fire: 900 round/min
Muzzle velocity: 1500 ft/s (460 m/s)
Light Machine Gun: MAS-22 Fusil Automatique De Peloton (FAD)
Caliber: 7.5mm
Barrel Length: 610mm
Ammunition: 7.5 millimeter Mauser
Magazine: 30 rounds
Action: Gas Operated, Open Bolt
Length: 1214mm
Weight: 19 lbs.
ROF: 650 Rounds Per Minute
Muzzle Velocity: 2640 feet per second
Medium Machine Gun: MG-34
Caliber: 7.92 mm
Load: continuous belt feed (50 or 200 round strips) or 75 round beltless saddle drum
Action: selective fire, air cooled
Rate of fire: 800 to 900 round/min
Weight: 12.1 kg (26.7 lb)
Weight with tripod: 19.2 kg (42.3 lb)
Heavy Machine Gun: Hotchkiss
Calibre: 7.5 mm
Barrel length: 800 mm
Ammunition: 8 x 52 mm R Lebel
Magazine: 30 round strip, 249 round belt
Action: gas actuation
Length: 1390 mm
Weight: 23 kg, 40 kg with stand
Rate of fire: 600 round/min
Muzzle velocity: 701 m/s
These reforms are to take place by February 2, 1926. In the meantime, all rifles will be standardized to 7.92mm bullets.
Hamburg High Command
Current French Aircraft
NiD 481
150 in use. More planned.
200 in use. More planned.
100 in use. More planned.
Breguet 19
150 in use. More planned.
Torpedo Bomber:
F.60 Torpedo Bomber
210, currently land-based. A carrier version is entering production.
Bleriot 127 Multipurpose Bomber
250 in use. More being constructed.
Potez 25 Light Bomber-Reconnaissance aircraft
200 in use. More being built.
1110 planes total.
Also in use are seventy transport planes and forty flying boats.
A heavier bomber is also being designed.
08-10-2005, 23:58
Current French Aircraft
NiD 481
Breguet 19
Torpedo Bomber:
F.60 Torpedo Bomber
Bleriot 127 Multipurpose Bomber
Potez 25 Light Bomber-Reconnaissance aircraft
Assume we have the same aircraft as France is our supplier of aircraft. We will obviously have less in numbers than the French air force of course.
Galveston Bay
09-10-2005, 00:10
a brief intermission...
real life is being a problem at the moment... I have a child in the hospital unexpectedly with asthma problems, and another one who has a birthday today... so I will have to postpone things until Monday most likely.
Remember please that these are month long turns, and the stream of orders I have been sent are in many cases going to take weeks or even months to occur, so do not expect immediate results.
Some nations are also trying to send troops to various places. Remember that this will definitely result in naval combat, and the risk of serious losses are high or even very high.
I have also had an idea about how to resolve some of the complicated economics involved, and I will post it monday. Its very clear cut, easy to use, and based on the World In Flames and Third Reich table top wargames, both of which were award winning, extremely thorough looks at World War II and World in Flames also has a World War I variant (all of which I have)
09-10-2005, 00:46
From Ministry of Defence, Sofia.
Bulgaria is starting to draft soldiers into the Armed Forces due to the Great War, but has not competely declared war on anyone yet...
Galveston, I hope your kid recovers from asthma. Take all the time you need- your kids and their health are far more important than NS and games.
Please let me know how your kid is doing. :)
real life is being a problem at the moment... I have a child in the hospital unexpectedly with asthma problems, and another one who has a birthday today... so I will have to postpone things until Monday most likely.
Family always trumps NS. I hope your kid is alright.
Yes, family comes before NS! GB, I hope your kid will be alright. He (or she) will be in my thoughts.
09-10-2005, 11:54
The debate in Parliament for the appropriation of funds from the war effort has just finished and the following military expansion has been announced:
Increase of 5 Divisions (50,000 men) to the Interior Army. Men to be drawn from the reserves army. - 9 months
Increase of tank numbers to 800 Panzer II tanks. - 1 year
Development of platoon level radio will be given a higher priority. -n/a
Tactical emphasis on co-ordination between artillery and infantry will be the focus of training exercises. - n/a
Heavy fortifications will be constructed on possible landing sights along the coastline. Fortification will include dual 18inch Naval guns emplaced in heavy concrete fortifications at defensible areas. The housings of the guns will be covered with camoflauge and protected by lines of trenches and machine gun nests. They will be manned by the men drawn from the regular army. - 3 years (though every day the defences will increase in strength, construction on other coastal defences has already been completed.)
All army units will be equipped with the latest French Model weaponry. - 1 year
The creation of 3 Mechanised Divisions of 8,000 men each will be undertaken and equipped fully with motorised transport and battalion level artillery will be drawn by motorised transports. - 2 years
HIGHEST PRIORITY - The already announced increase in torpedo boat and submarine production will be further stepped up, with the goal of 800 submarines and 1,500 torpedo boats to be made ready. - 5 years
12 destroyers to be put under construction, along with 5 cruisers. - 8 years
Both of our battleships (ooc: yes we probably only have about 2 battleships), will be refitted to carry aircraft and be refitted to be made seaworthy. - 8 years
Air Corps:
The Air Corps will increase its fighter aircraft with the addition of 900 French built GL-22 fighter aircraft, 450 F.60 Torpedo Bomberss and 300 Bleriot 127 Multipurpose Bombers. A sector command structure will be implemented, as soon as sightings of enemy aircraft are confirmed, their relative sector will be reported to a unified command at sector headquarters so a squadron can be scrambled (ooc: think the British system in WWII during the Battle of Britain). - 2 years
2,500 new pilots are to be sent for training with French air units in France in the use of their machines. - 2 years
An Observer Corps will be created to both research into new observation techniques and to use existing techniques to spot and report incoming aircraft. - 6 months
All civilians and military personnel will be equipped with gas masks.
Rationing will be implemented when and where it is neccesary.
Air Raid Protection Corps to be established to help deal with possible bomb damage in major civilian areas.
Women will be given roles flying both combat and non-combat roles in the air corps.
Women will be allowed to participate in combat roles in the Naval Arm.
All units will be non-segregated and multi-ethnic (ooc: historically one of the great strengths of the Brazilian Army).
Some of the socialist agenda will be postponed to focus the country's economy on the war effort, however, many of the socialist ideas have now been ingrained anyway into the nations conscience.
The rebels are withering from renewed military offensives and the cutting off of funds and arms from the USA. Eventually this will free up men for other areas of the country.
Galveston Bay
09-10-2005, 16:36
Brazil, there a major problems with your plans.. check the main war thread and your news thread
Lesser Ribena
09-10-2005, 19:07
British Aircraft Currently in service:
Fairey Fawn - almost brand new fighter but with good aerobatics and a small turning circle, 200 in use 350 more planned.
Avro Aldershot - Extremely heavy bomber with 2000lb of bombs carried. BAse don a triplane design. 30 in service and 50 more planned.
Vickers Virginia - Night bomber with a 3000lb bomb capacity. Around 80 in service, 100 more planned.
HANDLEY PAGE H.P.24 HYDERABAD - A heavy bomber with almost 1500lbs of bombs, a 850km range and 3 MGs to defend itself with. Around 100 in useage and 150 more planned
Navy Aircraft:
Blckburn Dart - Torpedo bomber capable of carrier launch and landing. 120 in service and 100 planned.
Supermarine Southamptons - An extremely reliable reconaissance aircraft with a good range and a hefty speed. One of the first metal planes and packing a couple of MGs. Almsot 50 in useage, more than 50 more planned.
Parnall Plover - A good carrier based fighter though with a fairly short range due to a wuick speed. Around 150 in useage, more than 200 more planned to equip the next generation of carriers.
Troop Transport:
Vickers Vernon - With space for 12 passengers and a massive wingspan, a stable transport vehicle experiments have been made for adaption to paratrooper useage. Around 50 already in service, with plans for another 100 by next year.
Colonial useage: Many colonies make do with older aircraft and the follwoing seem to be fairly reliable: SE5A, Sopwith Camels etc. (Basically WWI era planes).
Money and personnel are poured into the development of the Fairey Long Range Monoplane and prototypes are planned for late this year.
Lesser Ribena
09-10-2005, 19:08
Oh I forgot to add:
Stats are available from this site (http://www.britishaircraft.co.uk/aircraft.html)
Deoes anyone know where I can find reliable numbers for the French Airforce in WW1? I haven't been able to find anything. So until then, assume lots of planes.
Galveston Bay
09-10-2005, 20:11
Deoes anyone know where I can find reliable numbers for the French Airforce in WW1? I haven't been able to find anything. So until then, assume lots of planes.
I am still working on that.. I used to have a great book with stats like that but I loaned it out and never saw it again (sigh), so I am digging through all my games and other source materials to see what I can find.
09-10-2005, 20:18
Do you have something for the German Airforce and/or the early Soviet Airforce?
I am still working on that.. I used to have a great book with stats like that but I loaned it out and never saw it again (sigh), so I am digging through all my games and other source materials to see what I can find.
Thanks GB.
Lesser Ribena
09-10-2005, 21:39
British Tank Corps:
Vickers Mark I and Mark II tanks
link: http://mailer.fsu.edu/~akirk/tanks/GreatBritain/BritishMediumTanks.html
Vickers A1E1 Independent (never produced historically, but will be now)
Mark VIII "Liberty" Tank (leftover from WWI era)
link: http://mailer.fsu.edu/~akirk/tanks/GreatBritain/BritishHeavyTanks.html
I have no real idea of numbers, but they should be similar to my last post on tanks just with updated models.
Tanks Currently in use by The French Army
Char 2C Heavy Tank
Currently 100 in use.
FT-20 (OOC: FT-17)
Two versions currently in use: one with a hotchkiss 1923 machinegun in the turret and another with a 37mm gun.
MG Version: 200 in use
37mm Gun Version: 150 in use
Total: 450 Tanks
10-10-2005, 00:04
- "BC-01" Gewapend Voetvolk Steun en Vervoer Wagen
Image (http://www.spitcrazy.com/Bren-gun-carrier.jpg)
Length: 3.75 m
Width 2.10 m
Height: 1.6 m
Suspension: Horstmann
Speed: 30 km/h road, 13 km/h off-road
Range: 200 km
Primary armament: Browning M1917 Light-Machinegun or .55 Anti-Tank Rifle
Secondary armament: N/A
Maximum armour: 8 mm
Power plant: 8 Cylinder, Water-Cooled, Diesel Powered Engine (60 bhp)
Crew: 2-5
Purpose: To carry infantry across ground denied by small-arms fire
Time required for initial testing & development: 6 months
OCC: I'd imagine this would be plausible for the Belgian Military to create at this time. After all, it is a relatively simple design (essintially a metal box with tracks), uses already exsisting technology and it's production would be motivated by the High Command's fear of a invasion by the Warsaw Pact (I don't think the LTA would bother Belgium much as of this moment).
Any comments?
French Armored Car
Puegot 18
The French military currently uses this as an infantry support vehicle, command car, or scout car. Most are armed with machine guns, although some carry a 37mm gun in it's place. Currently 2700 in use by the French armies. More are being built.
China has begun research and development of a promising application of automobile and weapons technologies to create an extremely mobile vehicle with the benefits of speed and mobility, without the disadvantages of break-downs and extreme necessity for oil.
Thus, the Cycle Corps is born.
Shu Class Attack Tricycle
Weapon: 12.7mm machine Gun
Armor: None.
Propulsion: Human driven.
Top Speed: 15 miles per hour.
Crew: 1.
The Shu class Tricycle is the first in Chinese efforts to create an weapons platform that can have higher mobility than standard combat vehicles, have a higher potential for firepower than a single infantryman, while being able to be mass produced in great quantities.
Research is being undertaken on motorized versions, a bicycle version, and modifications to create a more efficient "-cycle" chassis.
Wu Class Flamethrower Tricycle
Weapon: One Flamethrower.
Armor: None.
Propulsion: Human driven.
Top Speed: 15 miles per hour.
Crew: 1.
China has developed a counterpart to the Shu, with knowledge gained from the Germans regarding bunkers and flamethrowers. China has produced a tricycle capable of mounting a flamethrower, but work is being done in improvement of the Wu to a bicycle or motorized motorcycle version.
Wei Class Heavy Assault Tricycle
Weapon: Side-car with a soldier wielding various anti-armor weapons.
Armor: None.
Propulsion: Human driven.
Top Speed: 15 miles per hour.
Crew: 2.
The driver propels the bike, while the second soldier will be stationed in the side car, wielding a mortar, an elephant gun, spring-loaded grenade launcher, anti-tank rifle, or other anti-armor weapons to engage hard targets such as tanks or motorized vehicles. Work is being done to improve this to a bicycle or a motorized bike version.
10-10-2005, 00:30
Union Armor
1300 T-22
Length 4.88 m
Width 2.41 m
Height 2.08 m
Weight 10.3 t
Suspension leaf spring
Speed 30 km/h road
Range 150-225 km
Primary armament 45 mm gun (from 1933 on)
Secondary armament 1 or 2 x 7.62 mm MG
Maximum armour 15 mm
Power plant gasoline GAZ T-26
hp ( kW)
Crew 3
300 OT-22
Flamethrower Varient
Range 25 m
10 sec burst
2500 Ehrhardt Strassenpanzerwagen
Armament 6 x 7,92mm
Turrets 1
Armor 6-18 mm
Speed 60 km/h
Crew 7
Weight 4.3 Tons
Engine 40 hp
Wheels 4
3000 Trucks
5000 Horse Carts
(OOC: That is a total guess on the number of supply stuff)
Independent Macedonia
10-10-2005, 00:38
Yugoslavian Armored forces
28x FT-20 tanks
188x Austin Putilov Russian Armored Cars
20x Skoda PA-II "Zelva" ACs
10x KH-70 tanks
Almost all of these, except for 64 of the armored cars, are in the 11th Armored Cavalry division. The extra 64 armored cars are in the 11th seperate Armored Recon Brigade and attached to the 1st Infantry Division.
The 11th Armored Cavalry Division is under the command of Commander Julije Fritz.
Galveston Bay
10-10-2005, 01:32
- "BC-01" Gewapend Voetvolk Steun en Vervoer Wagen
Image (http://www.spitcrazy.com/Bren-gun-carrier.jpg)
Length: 3.75 m
Width 2.10 m
Height: 1.6 m
Suspension: Horstmann
Speed: 30 km/h road, 13 km/h off-road
Range: 200 km
Primary armament: Browning M1917 Light-Machinegun or .55 Anti-Tank Rifle
Secondary armament: N/A
Maximum armour: 8 mm
Power plant: 8 Cylinder, Water-Cooled, Diesel Powered Engine (60 bhp)
Crew: 2-5
Purpose: To carry infantry across ground denied by small-arms fire
Time required for initial testing & development: 6 months
OCC: I'd imagine this would be plausible for the Belgian Military to create at this time. After all, it is a relatively simple design (essintially a metal box with tracks), uses already exsisting technology and it's production would be motivated by the High Command's fear of a invasion by the Warsaw Pact (I don't think the LTA would bother Belgium much as of this moment).
Any comments?
the Bren Gun Carrier is perfectly reasonable at this point however doesn't show up until 1936 according to history.... let me think about that, as well as some of the other vehicles that are turning up. I know they are cool, but mechanized warfare has only seen one demonstration, a year ago. In Denmark.
Germany and some of the other players are putting forward 1930s designs for the most part in armored vehicles. The problem I have is that they seem too soon. On the other hand, we have not had the deliberate underfunding of military forces that occured post World War I that happened historically.
I want an opinion on Vas on this.
Galveston Bay
10-10-2005, 01:33
British Tank Corps:
Vickers Mark I and Mark II tanks
link: http://mailer.fsu.edu/~akirk/tanks/GreatBritain/BritishMediumTanks.html
Vickers A1E1 Independent (never produced historically, but will be now)
Mark VIII "Liberty" Tank (leftover from WWI era)
link: http://mailer.fsu.edu/~akirk/tanks/GreatBritain/BritishHeavyTanks.html
I have no real idea of numbers, but they should be similar to my last post on tanks just with updated models.
Now these are more like what we should be seeing people.
Galveston Bay
10-10-2005, 01:44
The US asks Britian for permission for Ford, Cadallac and GM to build the Vickers Mk II as the M6 Stuart equipped with a bigger more powerful American engine and armed with two .50 caliber machineguns (one turret, one hull) and the M7 Buford with a turret .50 caliber machine gun and a hull mounted 75 mm gun. Both tanks would be capable of 20 MPH but retain the relatively thin armor.
Plans are to equip 10 mechanized cavalry regiments with these, along with new Cadallac and Studbaker 4 x 4 trucks.
The US also plans to build an improved version of the MkVIII heavy tank. This tank, the M8 Grant would have a 75 mm gun (hull mounted), a turret with a 50 caliber machine gun, and also a 50 caliber machine sponson mounted on each side. The Grant would also have improved engines and transmissions and would be capable of 9 mph with 25 mm of armor.
(the 75 mm gun is essentially the French 75 that the US has been building under license for some time. Oddly enough, the fees are actually being placed in the bank for payment to France after the war ends. At least for now. )
the Bren Gun Carrier is perfectly reasonable at this point however doesn't show up until 1936 according to history.... let me think about that, as well as some of the other vehicles that are turning up. I know they are cool, but mechanized warfare has only seen one demonstration, a year ago. In Denmark.
Germany and some of the other players are putting forward 1930s designs for the most part in armored vehicles. The problem I have is that they seem too soon. On the other hand, we have not had the deliberate underfunding of military forces that occured post World War I that happened historically.
I want an opinion on Vas on this.
GB, I'm leaning towards the early 1930's designs. Keep in mind, there has been no Versailles Treaty or various arms reducing / limiting conference in post-Great War (our timeline) as it did in RL. The only limitation conference was the Washington Naval Treaty, but it had just been dissolved.
Also during war-time, military technologies surge forward- look at our RL WW2 for example. At the start of the war, we had conventional prop planes, and at the war's end, we had our first cruise missiles (V2 rockets), first jet fighters and bombers (the Meteor, Nazi Comet, Memersechitts, etc.), upgrades from weak Panzer 1 to the Panzer 4's and Tiger 2's, the introduction of aircraft carriers, etc.
So I expect that this WW2 will accelerate technology from 1920's level to 1930's level easily, the same way our RL WW2 did accelerate 1930's tech to late 1940's or even 1950's tech (jets and missiles).
I'd like to point out that both of my designs were historically released at the end of the 1910s.
10-10-2005, 03:25
We used early tanks during the Civil War in Germany, and have been using them ever since. Denmark and Cadiz also proved a lot for us. The T-26 was only made in '31, and I figured with all of the development and the lack of paying attention to the sea, I had a lot more stuff to put into Tanks. I also figured the combination of Russia and Germany helped.
Don't worry. My planes and ships are going to suck. Oh wait, they already do...
Also, do I have too many trucks? This is for Russia and Germany.
100,000 of Argentina's reserves are being mobilized for action.
OOC: Updated post of Army forces later tomorrow.
China has begun research and development of a promising application of automobile and weapons technologies to create an extremely mobile vehicle with the benefits of speed and mobility, without the disadvantages of break-downs and extreme necessity for oil.
Thus, the Cycle Corps is born.
This is a joke right? If not then lol :D
Of the council of clan
10-10-2005, 16:48
Only the chinese.................
Galveston Bay
10-10-2005, 16:54
ok, I will accept any design that saw service in 1932 at this point for armor, vehicles, weapons, aircraft and ships. From now on, 1933 designs can come out in 1926, 1934 designs in 1927, etc...
Which I still think is pushing it a bit, but I can live with it.
Of the council of clan
10-10-2005, 16:57
In that case............... I'd like to license the Douglas DC-2
Of the council of clan
10-10-2005, 17:26
Japanese Naval Aircraft
Nakajima type 91
Mitsubishi B2M
Dive Bomber(not quite sure of the year on this one)
Aachi D1A1 (i've got the A2 coming out in 34 but I can't find when the A1 came out)
Galveston Bay
10-10-2005, 17:40
Use these sources for you military please (as far as size goes), this is for army and air forces
Italian Air Force
It has to defend the Riveria region (roughly 30 miles wide at the border), the Savoie area (10 mile wide pass), Brenner pass area (10 miles wide), Lenz pass area (30 miles wide), and Gorizia area (including Trieste) which is 60 miles wide.
The rest of the Italian border is impassable to anything but minor military operations (the Alps are very rugged) and a large chunk of the border is Switzerland .
Italy, your army should look like the army listed in the source, minus a lot of the tanks of course, which can be raised after 1 year. Figure you half one quarter of the tank units listed in the order of battle in the source.
Feel free to use this source a lot
It’s for 1940, so make the following adjustments. Use the correct aircraft (not the ones listed unless they are in service in 1932 or earlier). Your air strength should start at about half this in size, and can increase to this size in 2 years (3/4 in 1926, listed strength by 1927). Italy, your Air force should be half the size listed in your source, and increases at the same rate as the French Air Force does.
France, your army should look a lot like the army in your source as well, with the some adjustments in tank units as Italy has.
Figure tank units double each year beginning January 1925.
Does this mean I can use my Divebomber and Tank, GB?
Galveston Bay
10-10-2005, 18:49
British, Indian, South African, Australian and Canadian Ground Forces can be found here
Other armed forces can be found here... some of the sublinks work, some don't but its pretty good overall
Spain for example is given in excellent detail
Assume you only have one quarter to one half of the tank strength indicated, and any armored divisions are simply a collection of armored brigades and are not the combined arms divisions we think of. Tank units in excess to what you should have that are listed should either be motorized light artillery (towed 75 mm guns with trucks) or horse cavalry or armored cars
Air Forces should be half the strength listed, but can grow each year by 50% until they reach their 1940 strength listed (with exceptions for USA, UK, Germany, Russia, which can get to their 1944 strengths after 4 years)
Galveston Bay
10-10-2005, 19:25
if it is based on a pre 1932 design you can use any historical vehicle or aircraft or weapon. post a link showing where you got it however.
As promised, the Reserve Forces Argentina has activated.
Activated Reserve
1st Provincial Guard Infantry Divsion: (11,000 men)
51st Reserve Infantry Regement (5,000 men)
107th Reserve Mounted Infantry Regement (5,000 men)
301st Reserve Artillery Battalion (1,000)
2nd Provincial Guard Infantry Division: (11,000 men)
110th Reserve Mounted Infantry Regement (5,000 men)
54th Reserve Infantry Regement (5,000 men)
302nd Artillery Battalion (1,000)
3rd Provincial Guard Infantry Division: (11,000 men)
55th Reserve Infantry Regement (5,000 men)
108th Reserve Mounted Infantry Regement (5,000 men)
303rd Artillery Battalion (1,000)
4th Provincial Guard Infantry Division: (11,000 men)
57th Reserve Infantry Regement (5,000 men)
58th Reserve Infantry Regement (5,000 men)
304th Artillery Battalion (1,000)
5th Provincial Guard Cavalry Division: (13,000 men)
101st Reserve Cavalry Regement (4,000 men)
102nd Reserve Cavalry Regement (4,000 men)
106th Reserve Mounted Infantry Regement (4,000 men)
305th Artillery Battalion (1,000)
6th Provincial Guard Cavalry Division: (10,000 men)
104th Reserve Cavalry Regement (4,500 men)
105th Reserve Mounted Infantry Regement (4,500 men)
306th Artillery Battalion (1,000)
7th Provincial Guard Infantry Division: (11,000 men)
59th Reserve Infantry Regement (5,000 men)
60th Reserve Infantry Regement (5,000 men)
307th Artillery Battalion (1,000)
8th Provincial Guard Infantry Division: (11,000 men)
61st Reserve Infantry Regement (5,000 men)
109th Reserve Mounted Infantry Regement (5,000 men)
308th Artillery Battalion (1,000)
9th Provincial Guard Infantry Division: (11,000 men)
53rd Reserve Infantry Regement (5,000 men)
309th Artillery Battalion (1,000)
62nd Reserve Infantry Regement (5,000 men)
10th Provincial Guard Infantry Division: (11,000 men)
56th Reserve Infantry Regement (5,000 men)
52nd Reserve Infantry Regement (5,000 men)
310th Artillery Battalion (1,000)
Lesser Ribena
10-10-2005, 20:35
Since we have jumped to 1932 tech, I shall have:
Light Tanks:
Vickers 6 Ton, a revolutionary design fairly quick (22mph) and with a couple of MGs as armament. Design features included a fireproof wall between the engine and fighting compartment and a laryngaphone communications system.
Vickers Light Amphibious Tanks A4E11, A4E12,
Experimental tanks for amphibious use developed in 1931. More of a tankette than a light tank. Flotation was achieved via balsa wood and propulsion by propeller. Steering was achieved by use of a rudder. The British Army will adopt these units and a trial production run has begun.
Medium Tanks:
Medium Tank Mark III, only prototypes built but with the war on it's way a few will be rushed into production.
Royal Flying Corps:
Hawker Demon - A fast (182mph) biplane fighter, brand new only prototypes available as yet.
Hawker Fury - Another brand new and even faster aircraft (297mph) sam eproduction status as above.
The previously referred to long range monoplane will be in production and around 30 will be with the RFC mainly for long range journeys and limited cargo carrying capabilities. Shows promise as a long (5000km+) range potential bomber.
This is, of course, in addition to previous posts.
Galveston Bay
10-10-2005, 20:59
The US asks Britian for permission for Ford, Cadallac and GM to build the Vickers Mk II as the M6 Stuart equipped with a bigger more powerful American engine and armed with two .50 caliber machineguns (one turret, one hull) and the M7 Buford with a turret .50 caliber machine gun and a hull mounted 75 mm gun. Both tanks would be capable of 20 MPH but retain the relatively thin armor.
Plans are to equip 10 mechanized cavalry regiments with these, along with new Cadallac and Studbaker 4 x 4 trucks.
The US also plans to build an improved version of the MkVIII heavy tank. This tank, the M8 Grant would have a 75 mm gun (hull mounted), a turret with a 50 caliber machine gun, and also a 50 caliber machine sponson mounted on each side. The Grant would also have improved engines and transmissions and would be capable of 9 mph with 25 mm of armor.
(the 75 mm gun is essentially the French 75 that the US has been building under license for some time. Oddly enough, the fees are actually being placed in the bank for payment to France after the war ends. At least for now. )
After a competition, the US Army cancels its plans for the M6, M7 and M8, and instead orderes 6000 T3 medium tanks, which are soon given the name of M9 Sherman.
the somewhat erratic inventor Christie submits some designs, and although they have severe reliability problems, they are interesting enough for further interest to be shown. The British are also invited to examine these designs.
The M10 Scout Tank http://www.geocities.com/firefly1002000/christanks.html#m1928.html
And the M11 Cruiser tank
The US Army plans to form 60 armored battalions to be equipped with the
new M9 Shermans, and a new branch is formed, the US Armored Corps.
The armored battalions will be assigned to 10 mechanized cavalry regiments (each with 1 battalion armor, 2 battalions of truck mobile infantry, plus a battery of towed guns), or assigned to Corps headquarters to be used to reinforce infantry divisions needing them.
After further consideration the M8 Grant is converted into an infantry carrier with its turret and heavy gun removed, and the sponson mounted machine guns kept. This vehicle, able to carry a squad of infantry, will be used in assault operations, and organized into battalions and also assigned to Corps. One battalion of 60 vehicles will be able to mechanize an entire battalion of infantry for assaulting heavily defended positions. Its slow speed is not considered a problem for that mission. 3,000 of these vehicles are ordered.
Lesser Ribena
10-10-2005, 21:01
Oh I almost forgot:
Britain approves US intentions to improve several tank designs on the condition that several hundred of each new model are made available to Britain for inclusion in her forces.
Oh and for the record, I hav ebegun several lend-lease schemes with LTA members: Italy has requested trucks and other motorised transport, Japan has requested several tank models.
In the lend-lease scheme repayments will not have to be made until after peace has been declared and until then interest on the loans will only match interest rates (meaning that, in effect, you will not end up paying any more than when you started). Initial dispatches of both requests will be made within the month with shipments continuing after that date.
Galveston Bay
10-10-2005, 21:08
The US Navy and Army Air Corps also begin placing large orders..
New US Military Aircraft
The US Army immediately orders 1,000 Curtis P6 Hawk fighters, and the Navy and Army both order 1,000 P12 / F4B Eagle fighters.
A new design, the P26 Peashooter is ordered for immediate testing, if successful, similar orders can be expected for this aircraft as well.
The Army also orders 200 Boeing B-9 bombers and orders testing to be hurried for the Martin B10, still being designed.
The Navy and Army also order 1,000 A-8 Strike attack / torpedo bombers
The Army also orders 500 Ford Trimotors, which are just entering commercial service to be the basic transport for the Army, and the Navy orders 100 as well.
The Navy and Army order 650 Douglas seaplanes to replace its aging fleet of Curtis seaplanes and for the Army to use as well as a basic transport and liaison aircraft, and for service with seaplane tenders and as a rescue aircraft.
In addition, 1000 Consolidated PTY-2 is also ordered as the standard patrol plane to replace all existing patrol planes in service.
these new aircraft and armored vehicles will not hit the front line for 9 months, and initially in small numbers but the full order should be in service within 24 months.
ooc: GB did you get my TG?
ic: Colombia's design for a tank will be posted shortly.
Galveston Bay
10-10-2005, 21:38
In that case............... I'd like to license the Douglas DC-2
alas, too soon for both the DC2 and PBY
Galveston Bay
10-10-2005, 21:45
Does this mean I can use my Divebomber and Tank, GB?
Independent Macedonia
10-10-2005, 22:38
OOC: I shaved off some of my divisions so that i could have the armored unit feasibly. I should have 30 active infantry and cavalry divisions, but instead i have 12 active divisions
Seperate Brigades:
1st Volci Brigade-Italian Border
11th Armored Recon Brigade-Attached to 1st Infantry Division, Equipment: 64x Austin Putilov ACs
Air Units:
1st Combat Air Wing - Italian border(all of these would have been bought since we can't make any at this time 8x JU-52s, 64X light attack/fighters(still looking for a plane for this role)
1st Recon Air wing - Split 15x IKARUS Mali Branderburgs
Prof. infantry Divisions:
1st Infantry Division- Italian Border
2nd ID-Italian Border
3rd ID-Italian Border
4th ID-Albanian Border
5th ID-Italian Border
6th ID-Split
7th ID-Defending Coastal Regions
8th ID-Albanian Border
9th ID-Sarajevo
10th ID-Italian Border
11th Armored Recon Division-Italian Border-Commander Julije Fritz Equipment: 28x FT17s, 124x Austins http://derela.republika.pl/austin.htm#paint, 20x Skoda PA-II "Zelva" ACs and 10x KH-70 tanks
1st Mountain- Italian border
Reserve Infantry Divisions mobilized for the war
12th Inf. Italian Border
13th Inf. Italian Border
14th Inf. Italian Border
15th Inf. Italian Border
16th Inf. Italian Border
17th Inf. Italian Border
18th Inf. Italian Border
19th Inf. Italian Border
20th Inf. Italian Border
21th Inf. Italian Border
22th Inf. Italian Border
23th Inf. Italian Border
24th Inf. Italian Border
25th Inf. Italian Border
Reserve Divisions not mobilized for war:
26th Inf.
27th Inf.
28th Inf.
29th Inf.
30th Inf.
Navy: In Split
1 Danae Class Light Cruiser(FRYN Sarajevo)
5 W Class Destroyers (FRYN Macedonia, Bosnia, Croatia, Slovenia, Serbia)
1 Pangbourne Class Minesweeper (FRYN Doce)
25 Torpedo Boats
France has begun working on new tanks designs nad expects to have some working prototypes by next year, along with the newest tank that they plan to put into production next year. It will be designated the FT-25.
Ottoman Khaif
10-10-2005, 23:09
GB-I was wondering, what's the state of my army in terms of training and skill?
125,000 Infantry
1st Infantry Division (15,000)
1st Infantry Regiment (5,000)
2nd Infantry Regiment (4,500)
1st Artillery Regiment (4,500)
2nd Infantry Division (15,000)
3rd Infantry Regiment (6,000)
1st Calvary Regiment (3,000)
2nd Artillery Regiment (6,000)
3rd Artillery Division (15,000)
4th Infantry Regiment (6,000)
3rd Artillery Regiment (4,500)
4th Artillery Regiment (4,500)
4th Infantry Division (15,000)
6th Infantry Regiment (5,500)
8th Infantry Regiment (5,500)
5th Artillery Regiment (4,000)
5th Infantry Division (15,000)
5th Infantry Regiment (5,000)
7th Infantry Regiment (5,000)
6th Artillery Regiment (5,000)
6th Calvary Division (15,000)
9th Infantry Regiment (7,000)
2nd Calvary Regiment (5,000)
3rd Calvary Regiment (3,000)
7th Calvary Division (15,000)
10th Infantry Regiment (6,000)
4th Calvary Regiment (4,500)
5th Calvary Regiment (4,500)
8th Engineer Division (15,000)
1st Combat Engineer Regiment (5,000)
2nd Combat Engineer Regiment (5,000)
3rd Combat Engineer Regiment (5,000)
1st Colombian Republican Guard (5,000)
1st Republican Battalion (1,000)
2nd Republican Battalion (1,000)
3rd Republican Battalion (1,000)
4th Republican Battalion (1,000)
5th Republican Battalion (1,000)
280,000 reserves (19 Divisions) - ACTIVATED
5 - MkI (50 planned)
5 - MkII (100 Planned)
5 - MkIII (50 Planned)
14,500 army air corps
100 JN4 Jenny Aircraft
75 Bristol Scout Aircraft
25 C-9 Mono-Plane Fighters
30 TC1A Fighters
28 TC1B Bombers
20 TC1C Fighters
4 TC2A Pursuit Aircraft (250 Planned)
25 P-1 Pursuit Aircraft
1 DB-4A Dive Bomber (200 Planned)
1 TB-4A Torpedo Bomber (150 Planned)
2 Battlecruisers
2 Light Carriers
4 Heavy Cruisers
20 Destroyers
4 Submarines
10 Torpedo Boats
10-10-2005, 23:35
Well, turns out my school's firewall BLOCKED my site with all of the data on the German Army. So, in the meantime, I will work on the Soviet Army, using data from the Polish-Soviet War of 1920.
Galveston Bay
11-10-2005, 00:21
GB-I was wondering, what's the state of my army in terms of training and skill?
if the British, Germans are a 10 (on a 1 - 10 scale of efficiency and training), the Turks would be a 6
other armies
British, German regulars 10
French regular units, US regulars, US Marines, UK and other British Dominion regulars 9
all French pre mobilized units, German Landwehr, British and British Dominion territorial, Italian elite, Spanish elite, Brazilian elite, are an 8
All German and French conscripts, Italian and Russian regulars, Japanese Regulars, Chinese regulars, Colombian and Argentine regulars, Spanish regulars, Swiss and Swedish and Belgium reserves, US National Guard, are at a 7
All other European army ground units are a 6, as are Russian, Japanese and Chinese conscripts
all other armies are at a 5 or less
the armies that rank higher on this scale have a lot of institutional experience, effective doctrine, a lot of very experienced sergeants, and officers are promoted more by merit than by connection.
The Navies rank as follows
British Royal Navy is a 10
USN, Japanese are at a 9
Germans, French, Canadians, Australians, New Zealanders, South Africans are at a 8
Russians, Italians, Dutch, are at a 7
Colombians, Chileans, Argentines are at a 6
all other navies are at a 5
The higher scoring navies once again have effective doctrine, tradition and experience, spend more time at sea even in peacetime, conduct realistic training, and have a lot of long serving petty officers and career officers.
Based on information from several books by James Dunnigan and others. Rankings are only valid at the start of the war, and will change.
11-10-2005, 00:47
Belgian Army in 1924
Total Numbers:
- 30,000 Regular Infantry; 100,000 Infantry Reserves
- 70,000 Motorized Infantry ( Either Truck or Motorcycle Transported)
Mobilisation Method: Reserve System
By a reorganization of 16 December 1913, divisions were to be composed of three or four brigades of infantry with artillery. Each brigade had an active regiment which in wartime would double its companies to provide a second regiment. In peacetime, these second regiments were represented only by reserve cadres.
Divisions were both numbered and named, where the name was the name of the district where the division was raised. Most accounts simply use their numbers, however.
Order of Battle
Standing Army
1re Division d’armée. État-major — Gand.
2e brigade mixte — Gand.
2e régiment de ligne. (22e régiment de ligne). Artillerie de la 2e brigade mixte.
3e brigade mixte— Ostende.
3e régiment de ligne. (23e régiment de ligne). Artillerie de la 3e brigade mixte.
4e brigade mixte — Bruges.
4e régiment de ligne. (24e régiment de ligne). Artillerie de la 4e brigade mixte.
Artillerie divisionnaire — Gand.
1er régiment.
Cavalerie divisionnaire — Bruges.
3e régiment de lanciers.
Bataillon de genie divisionnaire.
Dépôt de la 1re division.
Compagnie de dépôt (infanterie).
Compagnie de dépôt (corps de transports).
Batterie de dépôt (artillerie).
Corps de transports.
1re compagnie.
2e compagnie.
3e compagnie.
4e compagnie.
5e compagnie.
6e compagnie.
2e Division d’armée. État-major — Anvers.
5e brigade mixte — Anvers.
5e régiment de ligne. (25e régiment de ligne). Artillerie de la 5e brigade mixte.
6e brigade mixte — Anvers.
6e régiment de ligne. (26e régiment de ligne). Artillerie de la 6e brigade mixte.
7e brigade mixte — Anvers.
7e régiment de ligne. (27e régiment de ligne). Artillerie de la 7e brigade mixte.
Artillerie divisionnaire — Lierre.
2e régiment.
Cavalerie divisionnaire — Louvain.
(provisiorement) 4e régiment de chasseurs à cheval.
Bataillon de genie divisionnaire.
Dépôt de la 2e division.
Compagnie de dépôt (infanterie).
Compagnie de dépôt (corps de transports).
Batterie de dépôt (artillerie).
Corps de transports.
1re compagnie.
2e compagnie.
3e compagnie.
4e compagnie.
5e compagnie.
6e compagnie.
7e compagnie.
3e Division d’armée. État-major — Liège.
9e brigade mixte — Bruxelles.
9e régiment de ligne. (29e régiment de ligne). Artillerie de la 9e brigade mixte.
11e brigade mixte — Hasselt.
11e régiment de ligne. (31e régiment de ligne). Artillerie de la 11e brigade mixte.
12e brigade mixte — Liège.
12e régiment de ligne. (32e régiment de ligne). Artillerie de la 12e brigade mixte.
14e brigade mixte - Liège.
14e régiment de ligne. (34e régiment de ligne). Artillerie de la 14e brigade mixte.
Cavalerie divisionnaire — Liège.
2e régiment de lanciers.
Bataillon de genie divisionnaire.
Artillerie divisionnaire — Liège.
3e régiment.
Dépôt de la 3e division.
Compagnie de dépôt (infanterie).
Compagnie de dépôt (corps de transports).
Batterie de dépôt (artillerie).
Corps de transports.
1re compagnie.
2e compagnie.
3e compagnie.
4e compagnie.
5e compagnie.
6e compagnie.
7e compagnie.
4e Division d’armée. État-major — Namur.
8e brigade mixte — Laeken.
8e régiment de ligne. (28e régiment de ligne). Artillerie de la 8e brigade mixte.
10e brigade mixte — Namur.
10e régiment de ligne. (30e régiment de ligne). Artillerie de la 10e brigade mixte.
13e brigade mixte — Namur.
13e régiment de ligne. (33e régiment de ligne). Artillerie de la 13e brigade mixte.
15e brigade mixte — Charleroi.
1er régiment de chasseurs à pied. (4e régiment de chasseurs à pied). Artillerie de la 15e brigade mixte.
Artillerie divisionnaire — Tirlemont.
4e régiment.
Cavalerie divisionnaire — Namur.
1er régiment de lanciers.
Bataillon de genie divisionnaire.
Dépôt de la 4e division.
Compagnie de dépôt (infanterie).
Compagnie de dépôt (corps de transports).
Batterie de dépôt (artillerie).
Corps de transports.
1re compagnie.
2e compagnie.
3e compagnie.
4e compagnie.
5e compagnie.
6e compagnie.
7e compagnie.
5e Division d’armée. État-major — Mons.
1re brigade mixte — Gand.
1er régiment de ligne. (21er régiment de ligne). Artillerie de la 1re brigade mixte.
16e brigade mixte — Mons.
2e régiment de chasseurs à pied. (5e régiment de chasseurs à pied). Artillerie de la 16e brigade mixte.
17e brigade mixte — Tournai.
3e régiment de chasseurs à pied. (6e régiment de chaseurs à pied). Artillerie de la 17e brigade mixte.
Cavalerie divisionnaire — Mons.
2e régiment de chasseurs à cheval.
Artillerie divisionnaire — Louvain.
5e régiment.
Bataillon de genie divisionnaire.
Dépôt de la 5e division.
Compagnie de dépôt (infanterie).
Compagnie de dépôt (corps de transports).
Batterie de dépôt (artillerie).
Corps de transports.
1re compagnie.
2e compagnie.
3e compagnie.
4e compagnie.
5e compagnie.
6e compagnie.
6e Division d’armée. État-major — Bruxelles.
18e brigade mixte — Bruxelles.
Régiment de grenadiers. (2e régiment de grenadiers). Artillerie de la 18e brigade mixte.
l9e brigade mixte — Bruxelles.
1er régiment de carabiniers. (3e régiment de carabiniers). Artillerie de la l9e brigade mixte.
20e brigade mixte — Bruxelles.
2e régiment de carabiniers. (4e régiment de carabiniers). Artillerie de la 20e brigade mixte.
Artillerie divisionnaire — Bruxelles.
6e régiment.
Cavalerie divisionnaire — Tournai.
1er régiment de chasseurs à cheval.
Batallion de genie divisionnaire.
Dépôt de la 6e division.
Compagnie de dépôt (infanterie).
Compagnie de dépôt (corps de transports).
Batterie de dépôt (artillerie).
Dépôt de la cavalerie divisionnaire.
Escadron de dépôt.
Corps de transports.
1re compagnie.
2e compagnie.
3e compagnie.
4e compagnie.
5e compagnie.
6e compagnie.
7e compagnie.
Division de cavalerie. État-major — Bruxelles.
1re brigade — Bruxelles.
1er régiment de guides. 2e régiment de guides.
2e brigade — Gand.
4e régiment de lanciers. 5e régiment de lanciers. 4e régiment de chasseurs à cheval.
Bataillon de carabiniers cyclistes — Bruxelles.
Artillerie à cheval — Groupe d’artillerie à cheval.
Dépôt de la division de cavalerie.
Escadron de dépôt.
Compagnie de dépôt (infanterie).
Batterie de dépôt.
Reserve Units
1er régiment de ligne. État-major — Gand.
1er bataillon actif — Gand. 2e bataillon actif — Termonde.
3e bataillon actif — Gand. 4e bataillon actif — Gand.
5e bataillon de forteresse — Gand. 6e bataillon de forteresse — Gand.
Dépôt — Termonde. École régimentaire — Ath.
2e régiment de ligne. État-major — Gand.
1er bataillon actif — Gand. 2e bataillon actif — Gand.
3e bataillon actif — Gand. 4e bataillon actif — Gand.
5e bataillon de forteresse — Gand. 6e bataillon de forteresse — Gand.
Dépôt — Termonde. École régimentaire — Courtrai.
3e régiment de ligne. État-major — Ostende.
1er bataillon actif — Ypres. 2e bataillon actif — Ostende.
3e bataillon actif — Ostende. 4e bataillon actif — Ostende.
5e bataillon de forteresse — Ostende. 6e bataillon de forteresse — Ostende (1re compagnie — Ypres).
Dépôt — Saint-Nicolas. École régimentaire — Ypres.
4e régiment de ligne. État-major — Bruges.
1er bataillon actif — Bruges. 2e bataillon actif — Bruges.
3e bataillon actif — Bruges. 4e bataillon actif — Bruges.
5e bataillon de forteresse — Bruges. 6e bataillon de forteresse — Bruges.
Dépôt — Saint-Nicolas. École régimentaire — Menin.
5e régiment de ligne. État-major — camp de Beverloo.
1er bataillon actif — camp de Beverloo. 2e bataillon actif — camp de Beverloo.
3e bataillon actif — camp de Beverloo. 4e bataillon actif — camp de Beverloo.
5e bataillon de forteresse — Anvers. 6e bataillon de forteresse — Anvers.
Dépôt — Saint-Bernard. École régimentaire — Audenarde.
6e régiment de ligne. État-major — Anvers.
1er bataillon actif — Anvers. 2e bataillon actif — Anvers.
3e bataillon actif — Anvers. 4e bataillon actif — Anvers.
5e bataillon de forteresse — Anvers. 6e bataillon de forteresse — Anvers.
Dépôt — Saint-Bernard. École régimentaire — Ath.
7e régiment de ligne. État-major — Anvers.
1er bataillon actif — Anvers. 2e bataillon actif — Anvers.
3e bataillon actif — Anvers. 4e bataillon actif — Anvers.
5e bataillon de forteresse — Anvers. 6e bataillon de forteresse — Anvers.
Dépôt — Saint-Bernard. École régimentaire — Philippeville.
8e régiment de ligne. État-major — Anvers.
1er bataillon actif — Anvers. 2e bataillon actif — Anvers.
3e bataillon actif — Anvers. 4e bataillon actif — Anvers.
5e bataillon de forteresse — Anvers. 6e bataillon de forteresse — Anvers.
Dépôt — Saint-Bernard. École régimentaire — Mariembourg.
9e régiment de ligne. État-major — Bruxelles.
1er bataillon actif — Bruxelles. 2e bataillon actif — Bruxelles.
3e bataillon actif — Bruxelles. 4e bataillon actif — Bruxelles.
5e bataillon de forteresse — Bruxelles. 6e bataillon de forteresse — Bruxelles.
Dépôt — Contich. École régimentaire — Bouillon.
10e régiment de ligne. État-major — Arlon.
1er bataillon actif — Louvain. 2e bataillon actif — Arlon.
3e bataillon actif — Arlon. 4e bataillon actif — Arlon.
5e bataillon de forteresse — Arlon (2e compagnie — Louvain).
6e bataillon de forteresse — Arlon (4e compagnie — Louvain).
Dépôt — Contich. École régimentaire — Arlon.
11e régiment de ligne. État-major — Hasselt.
1er bataillon actif — Hasselt. 2e bataillon actif — Vilvorde.
3e bataillon actif — Hasselt. 4e bataillon actif — Hasselt.
5e bataillon de forteresse — Hasselt. 6e bataillon de forteresse — Hasselt (3e compagnie — Vilvorde).
Dépôt — Lierre. École régimentaire — Ath.
12e régiment de ligne. État-major — Liège.
1er bataillon actif — Verviers. 2e bataillon actif — Liège.
3e bataillon actif — Liège. 4e bataillon actif — Liège.
5e bataillon de forteresse — Liège.
6e bataillon de forteresse — Liège (1re compagnie — Verviers).
Dépôt — Lierre. École régimentaire — Bouillon.
13e régiment de ligne. État-major — Namur.
1er bataillon actif — Namur. 2e bataillon actif — Namur.
3e bataillon actif — Namur. 4e bataillon actif — Namur.
5e bataillon de forteresse — Namur. 6e bataillon de forteresse — Namur.
Dépôt — Namur. École régimentaire — Dinant.
14e régiment de ligne. État-major — Liège.
1er bataillon actif — Liège. 2e bataillon actif — Liège.
3e bataillon actif — Liège. 4e bataillon actif — Liège.
5e bataillon de forteresse — Liège. 6e bataillon de forteresse — Liège.
Dépôt — Liège. École régimentaire — Diest.
1er régiment de chasseurs à pied. État-major — Charleroi.
1er bataillon actif — Charleroi. 2e bataillon actif — Charleroi.
3e bataillon actif — Charleroi. 4e bataillon actif — Charleroi.
5e bataillon de forteresse — Charleroi (4e compagnie — Huy).
6e bataillon de forteresse — Charleroi.
Dépôt — Diest. École régimentaire — Huy.
2e régiment de chasseurs à pied. État-major — Mons.
1er bataillon actif — Mons. 2e bataillon actif — Mons.
3e bataillon actif — Mons. 4e bataillon actif — Mons.
5e bataillon de forteresse — Mons. 6e bataillon de forteresse — Mons.
Dépôt — Diest. École régimentaire — Saint-Trond.
3e régiment de chasseurs à pied. État-major — Tournai.
1er bataillon actif — Tournai. 2e bataillon actif — Tournai.
3e bataillon actif — Bruxelles. 4e bataillon actif — Bruxelles.
5e bataillon de forteresse — Tournai (3e compagnie — Bruxelles).
6e bataillon de forteresse — Bruxelles.
Dépôt — Malines. École régimentaire — Menin.
Régiment de grenadiers. État-major — Bruxelles.
1er bataillon actif — Bruxelles. 2e bataillon actif — Bruxelles.
3e bataillon actif — Bruxelles. 4e bataillon actif — Bruxelles.
5e bataillon de forteresse — Bruxelles. 6e bataillon de forteresse — Bruxelles.
Dépôt — Malines. École régimentaire — Nivelles.
Régiment de carabiniers. État-major — Bruxelles.
1er bataillon actif — Bruxelles. 2e bataillon actif — Bruxelles.
3e bataillon actif — Bruxelles. 4e bataillon actif — Bruxelles.
5e bataillon cycliste — Bruxelles.
6e bataillon de forteresse — Bruxelles. 7e bataillon de forteresse — Bruxelles.
Dépôt — Malines. École régimentaire — Wavre.
1er régiment d’artillerie. État-major — Gand.
1er groupe — Gand.
1re batterie montée active.
2e batterie montée active.
3e batterie montée active.
2e groupe — Gand.
4e batterie montée active.
5e batterie montée active.
6e batterie montée active.
1re batterie de reserve — Gand.
2e batterie de reserve — Gand.
Dépôt — Gand.
2e régiment d’artillerie. État-major — Malines.
1er groupe — Malines.
7e batterie montée active.
8e batterie montée active.
9e batterie montée active.
2e groupe — Brasschaet.
10e batterie montée active.
11e batterie montée active.
12e batterie montée active.
3e batterie de reserve — Malines.
1re batterie de munitions — Malines.
3e régiment d’artillerie. État-major — Malines.
1er groupe — Malines.
13e batterie montée active.
14e batterie montée active.
15e batterie montée active.
2e groupe — Malines.
16e batterie montée active.
17e batterie montée active.
18e batterie montée active.
4e batterie de reserve — Malines.
5e batterie de reserve — Malines.
Dépôt — Malines.
4e régiment d’artillerie. État-major — Anvers.
1er groupe — Anvers.
19e batterie montée active.
20e batterie montée active.
21e batterie montée active.
2e groupe — Anvers.
22e batterie montée active.
23e batterie montée active.
24e batterie montée active.
6e batterie de reserve — Anvers.
2e batterie de munitions — Anvers.
5e régiment d’artillerie. État-major — Louvain.
1er groupe — Louvain.
25e batterie montée active.
26e batterie montée active.
27e batterie montée active.
2e groupe — Louvain.
28e batterie montée active.
29e batterie montée active.
30e batterie montée active.
7e batterie de reserve — Louvain.
8e batterie de reserve — Louvain.
Dépôt — Louvain.
6e régiment d’artillerie. État-major — Tirlemont.
1er groupe — Tirlemont.
31e batterie montée active.
32e batterie montée active.
33e batterie montée active.
2e groupe — Louvain.
34e batterie montée active.
35e batterie montée active.
36e batterie montée active.
9e batterie de reserve — Tirlemont.
3e batterie de munitions — Tirlemont.
7e régiment d’artillerie. État-major — Bruxelles.
1er groupe — Bruxelles.
37e batterie montée active.
38e batterie montée active.
39e batterie montée active.
2e groupe — Bruxelles.
40e batterie montée active.
41e batterie montée active.
42e batterie montée active.
10e batterie de reserve — Bruxelles.
11e batterie de reserve — Bruxelles.
Dépôt — Bruxelles.
8e régiment d’artillerie. État-major — Louvain.
1er groupe — Louvain.
43e batterie montée active.
44e batterie montée active.
45e batterie montée active.
2e groupe — Charleroi.
46e batterie montée active.
47e batterie montée active.
48e batterie montée active.
12e batterie de reserve — Louvain.
4e batterie de munitions — Louvain.
Standard Equipment
SAFN- Model 1922 Self-Loading Rifle (http://forums.jolt.co.uk/showpost.php?p=9654671&postcount=342)
Browning M1910 Semi-Automatic Pistol (http://world.guns.ru/handguns/hg95-e.htm)
75mm Field Gun (http://randy.knight.name/2005/6/21/46.aspx)
Updated Uniform (http://img300.imageshack.us/img300/7956/belgium5ve.png)
Model 1918 BAR Light Machine-gun (http://world.guns.ru/machine/mg36-e.htm)
M1917 .30 Caliber Water-Cooled Machine-gun (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Browning_Model_1917_machine_gun)
*More to come
The Real ALM
11-10-2005, 01:48
Korean Armed Forces:
C-in-C: Our Majesty Emperor Gang
Total Forces Mobilized: 591,000 Able-bodied men (Half reserve)
147,750 Active Personnel, divided into Regiments of 5,000 men each. They are divided into Militia and Regulars. Regular infantry and cav regiments will usually have some level of mechanization and the most recent Korean weapons. One regiment (the 12th) has some tanks, though not many. Militia are usually equipped with leftover locally made Scwarzlose Machineguns and old Mannlichers, and still rely on horses to move things.
1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th- Regular Infantry Regiments-5,000 each.
5th, 6th, 8th, 9th- Militia Infantry Regiments-5,000 each.
10th, 11th, 12th, 13th- Regular Cavalry Regiments-5,000 men and horses.
14th, 15th, 16th, 17th- Militia Cavalry Regiments-5,000 men and horses.
18th, 19th, 20th, 21st- Supply Regiments, mixed regulars and militia, 5,000 men each.
22nd Air Unit- 5,000 men, trained as pilots to varying degrees, but mainly ground based right now (treated as dismounted cav). About 100 Curtiss Jennys are in their service.
23rd, 24th, 25th, 26th, 27th, 28th, 29th Guard Regiments- 5,000 men each. Composed of a mix of militia and regulars for pure homeland defense, can be called to aid their comrades in battle. Man coastal defenses, etc.
OOC: If this ain't kosher, let me know.
147,750 active Personnel. A mix of hired contractors, sailors, and Marine Infantry working with the Guard Regiments to defend the coasts.
About 4-5 ships exist in the Korean Navy, remnants of Austria's Navy. The rest of Korea's Ships, if any, are modified civil vessels used like Coast Guard Cutters, armed with light guns and machine guns. About 50,000 are sailors.
There are
OOC: TBC-BTW, I am ND, Jolt just threw me a curveball.
Colombia would like to know if the Belgians would be willing to supply the Colombian Armed Forces with the SAFN- Model 1922 Self-Loading Rifle. We are willing to pay graciously.
Here's my military stuff.
The Military of Greater Imperial China:
Ground Forces:
Naval Forces:
Air Force:
I shall keep reposting this as I add new military equipment and data, as this is what an effective military compliation should be- each nation / player should compose their military post like what I do here, with links to each individual post of that nation's military (Navy stats post, Army stats post, and so forth.
Of the council of clan
11-10-2005, 04:26
Amagi Class Fast Battleship
250m length
30.8m Beam
9.5m draft
44,000 fully loaded
Armament: 9x16" guns in three triple turrets, 12x5" DP in 6 double Turrets, (not sure on exact number of AA 25mm and 40mm such) 8x24" Torpedo Tubes
Speed 33 Knots (all oil burning not the coal/oil mix)
Galveston Bay
11-10-2005, 19:11
GB Thoughts?
250m length
30.8m Beam
9.5m draft
44,000 fully loaded
Armament: 9x16" guns in three triple turrets, 12x5.5"DP in 6 double turrets
12x6"DP in 4 triple turrets 8x24" Torpedo Tubes
Speed 33 Knots (all oil burning not the coal/oil mix)
perfectly acceptable, and you would have them in service now except for the Washington Naval Treaty. Each one will take 36 months to build. My suggestion is to reorganize the secondary armament however into 12 x 5 inch DP, and drop the 6 inch guns entirely and uparmor the ship instead to so that equal to the armor of the planned American North Carolina class ships. Secondary 6 and 5.5 inch guns are too heavy and have to slow a rate of fire for AA work, and unneccessary as a secondary armament at this point.
Ottoman Khaif
11-10-2005, 23:51
The Ottoman Arm forces
As of Wartime standing as of late 1924 to early 1925
The Ottoman Government has draft about 300,000 men to join the Army. The Ottoman General Staff states that these 10 new war time divisions will be ready for combat by Nov of 1924. The Ottoman Government is doing this to have enough troops to defend the Empire from attack and to put down any rebellion in the empire.
The Ottoman Army- A Single Army Crops can be at 10,000 troops at its lowest and 20,000 troop at max.
Army Core as of 1924, the standing army
300,000 troops (100 percent fully trained)
Number of Army corps: 70 Army corps at the moment.
400,000 Reservist corps (only call to duty in times of war, well trained)" They are on duty."
300,000 Drafted Troops(semi train corps of the army, on duty)
Total number of Troops in the standing wartime army, 1 million troops
Note: Each Army Core is assign a battalion of Amour cars, battalion of artillery and a Machine gun battalion.
Deployments of the Ottoman Army Corps
10 Army Corps Station in Egypt
14 Army Corps Station in Iran
10 Army Corps Station in Arabia
10 Army Corps Station in Syria/Lebanon
10 Army Corps Station in Iraq
16 Army Corps Station in Asia Minor
Ottoman Marine Corps-100,000 troops(well trained)
Ten Divisions-10,000 each
Three Divisions Station in Asia Minor
Five Divisions Station in Egypt
Two Divions station in Syria/Lebanon
Note: The Ottoman Government has order all arm factories to build up in ammos and weapons, the Ottoman government has began stocking ammo and other items needed to defend the empire.
Ottoman Air Core
120 Scout Planes( mainly made of German build planes)
100 SE5a scout/fighter aircraft(British builded)
The Navy as of early 1924 to late 1926
1 Dreadnought class battleships (built by the British, by 1911.set to be scapped by 1926)
1 Dreadnought class battleships (built by the British, by 1911, made a training ship by 1920, re commission by 1924 set to be scapped by 1926)
1 CAIO DUILIO CLASS Battleship(build by the Italians in 1922)
2 Conti di Cavour Battlecruiser( build by the Italians in 1922)
Vittorio Emanuele class carrier( build by the Italians in 1907, rebuild as a Carrier in the 1910s and sold to Ottoman Navy by 1923)
4 Hawkins Class Heavy Cruisers(Build by the British, 1921)
6 Cruisers (build by the Germans, by 1915, set to be scapped by 1926)
Light Cruisers
8 Light Cruisers (build by the Germans, by 1915,set to be scapped by 1926)
6 Town Class Light Cruisers (Build by the British, 1922)
10 Danae Class Light Cruisers (Build by the British, 1922)
8 Destoryers(build by the Germans, by 1915,set to be scapped by 1926)
20 W Class Destroyers(Build by the British in 1921)
20 Destoryers(Build by the Italians in 1922)
Torpedo Boats
30 Torpedo Boats (build by the Germans, by 1915,set to be scapped by 1926)
40 U-boats(made by the Germans in 1924.)
Note: all ships that are set to be scapped has been postpone intill the war is over, the Ottoman Naval Command feels that they need this ships for anything that may happen.
Galveston Bay
12-10-2005, 00:10
Fighters should look and perform like these aircraft (incidently, metric is used so Americans will have to do conversions)
Russian Aircraft
Standard fighter plane
Polikparkov I-5
New fighter plane (joint Russian / German, built by Heinkel)
Heinkel I-7
New US Navy fighter bomber
F11C Goshawk
Standard French Fighter
Dewoitine D.27
Standard German Fighter
Fokker D XVII
New German / Russian fighter
military aircraft data base
by the way Fluffywuffy, the aircraft listed on that source link I provided are mid 1930s designs, so those aren't what you have. I will see what I can find, although I would appreciate any research you do on that
Italian aircraft can be found here
Independent Macedonia
12-10-2005, 00:47
can i start having the IK-2 then GB? It is similar to the PZ.7, i have already started developement on it(about last year) if not i will just wait 3 more years and have it come out then. http://www.simviation.com/fsdcbainik2.htm
Galveston Bay
12-10-2005, 00:56
can i start having the IK-2 then GB? It is similar to the PZ.7, i have already started developement on it(about last year) if not i will just wait 3 more years and have it come out then. http://www.simviation.com/fsdcbainik2.htm
please wait 3 more years as I noticed that the IK-2 didn't enter service until 1939, meaning its development began 1935, which makes it 3 years away at this point. We start letting 1935 aircraft in and all of a sudden we are going to have American P36 Hawks, ME109As, and Hurricanes flying around
12-10-2005, 01:10
by the way Fluffywuffy, the aircraft listed on that source link I provided are mid 1930s designs, so those aren't what you have. I will see what I can find, although I would appreciate any research you do on that
Italian aircraft can be found here
I know. I didn't have time when I began that post a while ago, and I barely started it, but I was aware that the Italian aircraft listed were not the right ones. While I am hard pressed for time for various reasons at the moment, I will update that post as much as I can at the moment. I'm assuming that the army is the most important at the moment.
Also, just to remind everyone, I am going to be moving shortly, in one of two ways. First way: my dad will get his Ohio job, and I will move there. Which means I will probably not have Internet access for a little while. Second way: our previously laid plans will continue, and we will move one county over. Same stuff applies. Or, worse, we get a combination: we move to the next county, and then move immediatly to Ohio. Finally, worst yet, the end of the month comes and my dad doesn't get the Ohio job AND our house in the next county is not completed. That means we will be homeless.
If any of the above happens, and any important decisions must be made while I am gone, I leave the decisions to both Galveston Bay and Lesser Risbenia (sp?) to decide. I will return so long as I end up with Internet access, which is likely, unless I end up homeless. It may take a few weeks, however.
12-10-2005, 01:16
Colombia would like to know if the Belgians would be willing to supply the Colombian Armed Forces with the SAFN- Model 1922 Self-Loading Rifle. We are willing to pay graciously.
TO: Bogota, Columbia
FROM: Herstal, Belgium
Dear Sir(s):
At this time, the SAFN- Model 1922 Self-Loading Rifle has been restricted to use only by the Belgian Government and her allies (none of which exsist). Furthermore, because of the threat of war with the Warsaw Pact, the Belgian Government is unable to ship supplies anywhere besides it's colonies in the African Congo and must use all avalible rifles to supply the Belgian Army in the event of war.
However, once hostilities have subsided and the Belgian economy is once again able to export products via seaways, we will consider marketing the Armament in question.
We thank you for your interest as to our products, but I'm afraid we are unable to provide them at this time.
Claude Vijin
Human Reasources Department
Fabrique Nationale Firearms Corporation LLC
Thanks for the fighter link GB. I was wondering about that...Oh well, in a few years loOk out for the D.501!
Of the council of clan
12-10-2005, 03:21
I know. I didn't have time when I began that post a while ago, and I barely started it, but I was aware that the Italian aircraft listed were not the right ones. While I am hard pressed for time for various reasons at the moment, I will update that post as much as I can at the moment. I'm assuming that the army is the most important at the moment.
Also, just to remind everyone, I am going to be moving shortly, in one of two ways. First way: my dad will get his Ohio job, and I will move there. Which means I will probably not have Internet access for a little while. Second way: our previously laid plans will continue, and we will move one county over. Same stuff applies. Or, worse, we get a combination: we move to the next county, and then move immediatly to Ohio. Finally, worst yet, the end of the month comes and my dad doesn't get the Ohio job AND our house in the next county is not completed. That means we will be homeless.
If any of the above happens, and any important decisions must be made while I am gone, I leave the decisions to both Galveston Bay and Lesser Risbenia (sp?) to decide. I will return so long as I end up with Internet access, which is likely, unless I end up homeless. It may take a few weeks, however.
OOC: Ohio eh? What part?
France has unveiled three new designs that it plans to put into production next year.
THe first is the FT-25 tank, a new design based on the T-26.
The FT-25 is a 14-ton tank, with a top speed of 40 kilometers per hour. It has a 47mm gun in the turret, along with a 7.5mm machine gun. The driver is situated on the left-hand side of the hull, with a machine-gunner operating another 7.5mm machine gun on the right-hand side. The turret contains a commander, a gunner, and a loader. The front armor is .6 inches thick, with the sides rear at .5 inches.
The next is the Batterie Mobile D'Artillerie or BMA, an assault gun designed for taking out hard targets. It weighs 17 tons. It is armed with a 75mm hull gun and single 7.5mm machine gun mounted in the hull. Their are four crew: a gunner, a loader, a driver, and a commander. It's armor is .5 inches thick and ahs atops speed of 35 kilometers per hour.
Finally, there is the Armored Carrier, a small armored troop carrier armed with two 7.5mm machine guns. It can carry a squad of troops and tow a light artillery piece. It's top speed is 45 kilometers per hour. It's armor is .4 inches.
The French army is also planning on introducing motorcycles into the army as as a scout unit.
Galveston Bay
15-10-2005, 07:31
Italian front begins
Galveston Bay
17-10-2005, 05:02
how building will be handled
Economic resources available per turn
LTA nations
USA 34 (in other words, 204 a year)
UK 15 (includes resources from British Empire)
Canada 2
South Africa 2
Japan 7
India 2
Australia 2
Colombia 3
Italy 10
Ecuador 1
Pact nations
Germany 16
Russia 17
Czechslovakia 2
Yugoslavia 3
France 12
Spain 4
Other nations
China 7
Korea 2
Netherlands 3
Belgium 3
Burgundy 3
Norway 2
Sweden 4
Costs of Units / turns (each turn is 2 months)
Light surface ships (5 cruisers or 20 destroyers or 50 smaller vessels) 1 / turn for 8 turns
Submarines (represents 20 submarines) 1 / turn for 6 turns
Capital ships (2 battleships or battlecruisers) 1 / turn for 12 turns (10 turns for US, UK, Germany)
Carriers (2 carriers or 4 smaller carriers or 10 escort type carriers, includes their airgroups)
1 / turn for 12 turns (10 turns for
US, UK, Germany)
Merchant shipping / amphibious shipping (500,000 tons) 1 / turn for 5 turns (4 turns for US)
Fighter (represents 1,000 aircraft) 1 / turn for 4 turns (3 turns US, Germany)
Bombers (represents 1,000 aircraft) 1 / turn for 5 turns (4 turns US, UK)
Maritime bombers & fighters (1,000 aircraft) 1 / turn for 5 turns (4 turns for US, Japan, UK)
Transport aircraft (US, Germany, UK, France, Russia only) 1 / turn for 5 turns (4 turns US, UK)
Garrison troops (includes fortifications) 1 / turn for 3 turns
Infantry corps (represents 2 –10 divisions depending on quality of army) 1 / turn for 2 turns
Mechanized corps (represents 3 divisions) 1 / turn for 4 turns
Horse cavalry corps 1 / turn for 2 turns
Alpine corps 1 / turn for 3 turns
Amphibious troops (marines and assault craft) 1 / turn for 6 turns
Factories (economic development, increases resource points available) 2 / turn for 6 turns
Repair damaged warships (includes carriers) 1 / turn for 2 turns (1 turn US)
Fortifications 1 / turn for 2 turns
Headquarters units (allows reorganized of disorganized units) 1 / turn for 6 turns
Tell me at the start of the year how you plan to spend your points, and how much you plan to leave in reserve to replace losses, repair ships etc and for contingencies.
In other words, each Monday. I would prefer you post that in the economics thread. This should not be telegrammed as to ensure everyone is comfortable that no funny business is going on.
If nothing is received, I will assume everything is held in reserve for contingencies.
This is from the game "World in Flames" and yes, the US does have a substantial industrial advantage.
OOC: How many points would Argentina have. I'd assume 2, more than Ecuador but less than Colombia.
Galveston Bay
17-10-2005, 08:02
OOC: How many points would Argentina have. I'd assume 2, more than Ecuador but less than Colombia.
Brazil, Chile and Argentina all have 2 points each. The US assure Chile that it has not been forgotten, and points will be allocated to it for 1926. The US has already built it 3 light ship counters (the 9 cruisers and 10 destroyers promised it back in 1923, which when combined with its existing navy gives Chile 4 light ship counters... enough to handle its missions).
Chile has 1 mountain corps, 1 cavalry corps, while Argentina can mobilize up to the strength you have indicated, and Brazil can as well. Brazil is still fighting a partisan campaign however, because even though support dried up for the rebels, there are still a lot of them to deal with.
OOC: Okay, here's what I think I have, according to the game rules:
Infantry Corps X1 @ South Africa
Infantry Corps X1 @ Buenos Aires (Converting to Mechanized: To be finished in March 1926)
Garrison Unit X1 @ Brazilian Border
Joint Argentine, Zion Corps X1 @ Unformed (To be built in 1926)
*3 Satsuma-Class Semi-Drednaught Battleships Buenos Aires (South Africa), La Plata (Home Fleet), Rawson (South Africa) (Stats incomplete) 2 double 12", 2 double 10"/ about 28 knots
*2 Republica-Class Light Crusers Republica, Tierra del Fuego (All South Africa) 3 double 6", 6 3",4 13mm AA, 8 21" TT / 4,800 tons / 32 knots
*4 Antartica-Class Light Crusers Mendoza, Antartica, Neuquén, Santa Cruz (All home fleet) 2 double 6", 4 3", 8 13mm AA, 6 21" TT / 5,650 tons / 37 knots
*2 Republica-Class Light Crusers La Pampa, Entre Rios (Under construction) 3 double 6", 6 3", 4 13mm AA, 8 21" TT / 4,800 tons / 32 knots (Due to be completed by July 1926)
(Home Fleet) 5 total - slowest speed 31 knots
(South Africa) 5 total - slowest speed 27 knots
(Under construction) 12 total - speed 32 knots (Due to be completed by July 1926)
OOC: I've taken the liberty of dividing up what smaller vessels I'm constructing. I hope that's OK.
Of the council of clan
20-10-2005, 16:32
OOC: Just curious GB, So i've wiped out the entire Russian Pacific Fleet or does he still have subs and destroyers left?
I know you said some of his subs are interned?
Galveston Bay
20-10-2005, 16:41
OOC: Just curious GB, So i've wiped out the entire Russian Pacific Fleet or does he still have subs and destroyers left?
I know you said some of his subs are interned?
the Pacific fleet at this point consists of 1 destroyer and some minesweepers and patrol craft at Vladivostok, and 20 submarines that are in Chinese ports and under international law are supposed to be interned.
I guess I'll post up my Chinese forces as per request from GB.
10 Corps
5 Garrisons
1 Alpine Corps
2 Capital Ships
15 Light Ship Counters
1 Fighter
1 Bomber
1 Maritime Bomber
1 HQ Unit
1 Sub (Supposedly the 20 interned Russian subs)
I think thats about it- I may miss something else, but I think I got most if not all of it.
Galveston Bay
25-10-2005, 06:53
As 1925 comes to a close, the USAAF orders the B10B bomber in large numbers, along with the large numbers of Boeing P26 fighters for both the USAAF and the Navy. In addition, the Curtis company begins early testing of the P36 Hawk, a low wing monoplane with retracable landing gear and significantly faster then both the P26 and B10. The Navy and Marines also order hundreds of Grumman F3F biplane fighters, which have an enclosed cockpit and a speed of 250 mph and are extremely durable. The US Navy and Army also order hundreds of A16 attack bombers, with a speed of 200 mph and able to carry a 500 pound bomb with a combat radius of 300 miles.
Hey GB, quick question, in the World War thread you gave me a military of two corps however, for my self-created military, I gave myself three light infantry corps and one mechanized corps. I was wondering if the discrepency is because its obviously impossible for you tokeept keep track of everyone's military, because you don't think Hungary could realistically field an army that size (though my numbers were based off the Hungarian military during RL WWII) or (more likely) both. If you could tell me why that would be very much appreciated. I'll shut up for you now.
OOC: GB, check your telegrams relating to the mysterious Argentine Corps in Europe.
The French are also upgrading their airforce, putting the D.510 fighter plane into production. The D.510 is an all metal construction monoplane with a maximum speed of 250 miles per hour. It is armed with two machine guns and two 20mm cannon. Along with the D.510, the Amiot 143 bomber will also be produced. The Amiot 143 has a maximum range of 720 miles and can carry up to 1600 kg of bombs. Although it is not very manuverable it is very durable and is reported to be a favorite among the test pilots. They are also putting the Breguet 693 into production as an attack aircraft.
Argentine Army
I Infantry Corps: Occupation Duty, Madagascar - Southern African Theater
II Infantry Corps: Garrison Duty, Brazilian Border - Under Direct Command of Argentina. Fortifications near Brazilian Border under construction.
III Mechanized Corps: In process of being converted to Mechanized - To be transfered to Japanese Theater starting in March/April 1926
(I New Zion Infantry Corps): Not technically part of Argentine Military, but still staffed with Argentine troops and supplied by the Argentine government - Will be deployed in the Indian Theater starting in July/August 1926
Argentine Naval Force:
*3 Satsuma-Class Semi-Drednaught Battleships Buenos Aires (South Africa), La Plata (Home Fleet), Rawson (South Africa) (Stats incomplete) 2 double 12", 2 double 10"/ about 28 knots
*2 Republica-Class Light Crusers Republica, Tierra del Fuego (All South Africa) 3 double 6", 6 3",4 13mm AA, 8 21" TT / 4,800 tons / 32 knots
*4 Antartica-Class Light Crusers Mendoza, Antartica, Neuquén, Santa Cruz (All home fleet) 2 double 6", 4 3", 8 13mm AA, 6 21" TT / 5,650 tons / 37 knots
*2 Republica-Class Light Crusers La Pampa, Entre Rios (Under construction) 3 double 6", 6 3", 4 13mm AA, 8 21" TT / 4,800 tons / 32 knots (Due to be completed by November 1926)
(Home Fleet) 5 total - slowest speed 31 knots
(South Africa) 5 total - slowest speed 27 knots
(Under construction) 12 total - speed 32 knots (Due to be completed by November 1926)
Galveston Bay
26-10-2005, 18:23
Hey GB, quick question, in the World War thread you gave me a military of two corps however, for my self-created military, I gave myself three light infantry corps and one mechanized corps. I was wondering if the discrepency is because its obviously impossible for you tokeept keep track of everyone's military, because you don't think Hungary could realistically field an army that size (though my numbers were based off the Hungarian military during RL WWII) or (more likely) both. If you could tell me why that would be very much appreciated. I'll shut up for you now.
keeping track of multiple threads is the principal issue and I have been concentrating more on the main belligerents....however the Hungarians ended up breaking up their mechanized corps fairly soon after it was created. My suggestion, 2 infantry and 1 mechanized corps.
27-10-2005, 17:10
Bulgaria's New Military arraignment will supplement what was already there in the early 1920s with a new corp of soldiers preparing for any front and possible advancements are in the works with what we have internally with a stronger military organization and a new merchantile scheme in the seas could be a future development for the Navy as well as some of the "Sofia air show craft"...
Ottoman Khaif
28-10-2005, 00:59
The Navy as of early 1924 to late 1926
1 Dreadnought class battleships (built by the British, by 1911.set to be scapped by 1926)
1 Dreadnought class battleships (built by the British, by 1911, made a training ship by 1920, re commission by 1924 set to be scapped by 1926)
1 CAIO DUILIO CLASS Battleship(build by the Italians in 1922)
2 Conti di Cavour Battlecruiser( build by the Italians in 1922)
Vittorio Emanuele class carrier( build by the Italians in 1907, rebuild as a Carrier in the 1910s and sold to Ottoman Navy by 1923)
4 Hawkins Class Heavy Cruisers(Build by the British, 1921)
6 Cruisers (build by the Germans, by 1915, set to be scapped by 1926)
Light Cruisers
8 Light Cruisers (build by the Germans, by 1915,set to be scapped by 1926)
6 Town Class Light Cruisers (Build by the British, 1922)
10 Danae Class Light Cruisers (Build by the British, 1922)
8 Destoryers(build by the Germans, by 1915,set to be scapped by 1926)
20 W Class Destroyers(Build by the British in 1921)
20 Destoryers(Build by the Italians in 1922)
Torpedo Boats
30 Torpedo Boats (build by the Germans, by 1915,set to be scapped by 1926)
40 U-boats(made by the Germans in 1924.)
Of the council of clan
03-11-2005, 05:32
OOC: Space for future jap navy
Once again I wish to lodge complaint about the system currently in use. I do not understand why the divisonal level system used before is unable to be used in this war.
The system we are using currently does not allow for tactics, technology, or leadership. It's all number-crunching. I'd rather have a system where things like surprise attacks, flanking, feints, and guerilla warfare are viable options instead of one where you must simply pound yourself against the enemy and hope that you get lucky rolls.
Independent Macedonia
04-11-2005, 00:16
i must agree once again, the point system is beyond belief in its ineffectiveness. And don't think that it is too much to ask that we start using strategy and tactics. We pact members almost always include our strategy and tactics in our posts and TM, but you ignore that and instead use number masses and lack of strategy to come up with a result. How would the USA of lost Vietnam in this system? How would the Russians of lost 2 tank divisions to one Finish mountain division? How would Pearl Harbor of taken place? These things are impossible in your system, which is VERY ahistorical and unrealistic, the whole thing about this is to have a realistic redo of history, not some number crunching turn based strategy game where China can over come the USA in industry in 3 years and tanks take only minor penalties in jungles. I dare to say that we need a change in the system.
Independent Macedonia
04-11-2005, 01:11
it was(is) already made....we have used it up until now.
Yeah? To handle an entire world war?
Independent Macedonia
04-11-2005, 03:20
We did it the first time! i know it is a bigger war but we could easily keep up with these things on our own, give posts as proof when needed, then GB doesn't have to keep track of EVERYTHING and then we are totally screwed out of the war making process.
Vas Pokhoronim
04-11-2005, 07:17
While I agree that there are some rather unsatisfactory aspects about the "number-crunching" system currently in use for the world war, and that there should be some provisions made for things like cunning plans and the quality of commanders, the system in use is mostly objective, and if anything, if cunning were taken into account during battles, the outcomes would likely be even more weighted in Galveston Bay's favor . . .
Galveston Bay
04-11-2005, 08:15
In addition, a divisional level system is simply too massively unwieldy for the fighting on the main fronts. Consider this, there are roughly 20 Allied and 20 Pact corps in France, and each corps has 3 divisions plus attachments. To resolve that would be much, much slower than the current system.
I am using this system as its the best compromise of fairness, playability, and accuracy. Incidently, there are rules that allow for Pearl Harbor style attacks, it just hasn't come up much. For the nations that have weak combat units, what do you expect? Its accurate, your armies have less artillery, heavy weapons, logisitical support and staff to handle operations. Incidently, if the Finns were around at the moment, they would have 4 x 7 point winter trained infantry corps (which is damn good for a country that size).
I for one have been using a lot of strategy as the US player, and has the overall commander of LTA forces. We decided to use the fact that the Pact had concentrated most of its military power against the Italians in a costly attack on Italy, and committed just enough Allied troops to keep the Pact from winning. Then the Allies took advantage of the fact that Portugal was nervous about Spain to land an entire army there to overrun the country and then took advantage of Pact decisions that ultimately threw away their fleet to land in France with as much force as they could muster. That is strategy.
The Allies have kept to their strategy in India and Southeast Asia as well.
Although things aren't working as well as I hoped in India at the moment.
The Great War was a lot easier. It only had really two fronts, the units were all infantry, and not much happened for long periods of time. This is a completely different and much more complicated war, and so I had to come up with a new system to simulate it.
Smaller wars are handled differently, and a divisional or even brigade level system will be used in those situations. Its just not feasable for this war.
Independent Macedonia
04-11-2005, 13:47
We know a system like that can't be implemented right now, we are speaking for the future so that we don't get sucked into such mediocre combat. There is no fun in this system, no use of smarts over number, just mass units and the roll of the die. Hope my input is taken as i mean it, i am not trying to cause problems but to merely bring it to your attention that many people(all of the pact...except for maybe china because they can become stronger than the usa in this system) are very tired of this system we are using. Hopefully after this war we can move forward and fight wars as they should be fought.
The La Plata is converted into a training ship (it retains it's statistics, but is mearly reclassified a training ship, and is staffed by new recruits)
*2 Satsuma-Class Semi-Drednaught Battleships Buenos Aires (South Africa), Rawson (South Africa) (Stats incomplete) 2 double 12", 2 double 10"/ about 28 knots
*1 Satsuma-Class Training Ship La Plata (Home Fleet)
*4 Republica-Class Light Crusers Republica, Tierra del Fuego, La Pampa, Entre Rios (R + TF @ South Africa, LP + ER @ Home Fleet) 3 double 6", 6 3",4 13mm AA, 8 21" TT / 4,800 tons / 32 knots
*4 Antartica-Class Light Crusers Mendoza, Antartica, Neuquén, Santa Cruz (All home fleet) 2 double 6", 4 3", 8 13mm AA, 6 21" TT / 5,650 tons / 37 knots
(Home Fleet) 5 total - slowest speed 31 knots
(South Africa) 5 total - slowest speed 27 knots
(Under construction) 12 total - speed 32 knots
In light of peace in Europe and the rest of world, and the eventual shifting of the economy from war-time to peace-time, the following changes will be made in the Union Defense Force:
The II Infantry Corp (Inheemse Korp) will disbanded gradually, beginning four months after the formal conclusion of hostilities with the Warsaw Pact. The remaining I Mechanized Corp (Zuid Afrika Korp) will be relegated to a reserve unit based on the Swiss militia system, with a cadre of several battalions to faciliate the speedy equipping and training of new troops, and to continue the upkeep of equipment and bases.
The air units currently slated for production will be completed, and the planes kept to equip a reserve cadre of pilots for the Royal South African Air Reserve.
The South African Naval Service's four light cruisers will be scrapped, and new vessels purchased from Britain or another nation. The twenty submarines currently operated by the SANS will remain in operation, and a naval air unit wil be established as well.
Once these reforms are completed, the Union economy will return to a fully peace-time focus, continuing to build infastructure and industrial capacity.
Revised Union Defense Force
Royal South African Army:
2-3 Battalions of officer and specialist cadre
Equipment (weapons, uniforms, vehicles) for a mechanized corp
Equipment (weapons, uniforms) for an infantry corp
Royal South African Naval Service:
1x Capital Ship unit (carriers)
1x Light Ship unit
1x Naval Air unit
Royal South African Air Reserve:
4-5 Squadrons of pilots as a training cadre
1x Fighter unit
1x Bomber unit
*These changes are dependent on two factors, 1) Peace in between the LTA and the Pact, and 2) purchase of surplus ships from Great Britain. The first is pretty much guaranteed right now, and I've sent a TG to Ribena about the latter issue. Thanks again to GB for the assistance
Ottoman Khaif
09-11-2005, 02:00
The Ottoman Arm forces
As of 1926
The Ottoman Army- A Single Army Divison can be at 10,000 troops at its lowest and 20,000 troop at max.
Army Core as of 1926, the standing army
300,000 troops (100 percent fully trained)
Number of Army corps: 60 Army Divison at the moment.
300,000 Reservist Divison (only call to duty in times of war, well trained)" They are on duty."
Total number of Troops in the standing peacetime army, 600,000 troops(including supply soilders)
Note: Each Army Core is assign 9 battalions of infantry, 4 battalions of artillery, plus a machine gun and armored car battalion
Deployments of the Ottoman Army Divison
10 Army Divisons Station in Egypt
10 Army Divisons Station in Iran
10 Army Divisons Station in Arabia
10 Army Divisons Station in Syria/Lebanon and TransJordan
10 Army Divisons Station in Iraq
10 Army DivisonsStation in Asia Minor
Ottoman Marine Corps-100,000 troops(well trained)
Ten Divisions-10,000 each
Three Divisions Station in Asia Minor
Five Divisions Station in Egypt
Two Divions station in Syria/Lebanon
Ottoman Air Core
Made of mostly German Made planes
One Fighter Unit
The Navy as of early 1924 to late 1926
1 CAIO DUILIO CLASS Battleship(build by the Italians in 1922)
2 Conti di Cavour Battlecruiser( build by the Italians in 1922)
Vittorio Emanuele class carrier( build by the Italians in 1907, rebuild as a Carrier in the 1910s and sold to Ottoman Navy by 1923)
4 Hawkins Class Heavy Cruisers(Build by the British, 1921)
Light Cruisers
6 Town Class Light Cruisers (Build by the British, 1922)
10 Danae Class Light Cruisers (Build by the British, 1922)
20 W Class Destroyers(Build by the British in 1921)
20 Destoryers(Build by the Italians in 1922)
40 U-boats(made by the Germans in 1924.)
Note: all the ships from the 1924, that were set to scapped have already sold off to the scap yards to reduce to scap metal and reused in the econ.
Galveston Bay
09-11-2005, 02:24
The Ottoman Arm forces
As of 1926
The Ottoman Army- A Single Army Crops can be at 10,000 troops at its lowest and 20,000 troop at max.
Army Core as of 1926, the standing army
300,000 troops (100 percent fully trained)
Number of Army corps: 60 Army corps at the moment.
300,000 Reservist corps (only call to duty in times of war, well trained)" They are on duty."
Total number of Troops in the standing peacetime army, 300,000 troops
Note: Each Army Core is assign a battalion of Amour cars, battalion of artillery and a Machine gun battalion. to .
I would be eternally grateful if you called a formation of 10-20,000 men a DIVISION. A corps is a group of 2-5 divisions, usually around 60,000 - 80,000 men. In addition, experience from both Great Wars (and you fought in one and certainly had witnesses at the recent one) calls for a formation of 10-20,000 men to have 9 battalions of infantry, 4 battalions of artillery, plus a machine gun and armored car battalion, and a strength of 20,000 men. That is what your military advisors recommend (which would give you 5 point infantry corps instead of 3 and 4 point infantry corps. Give them enough trucks and they become motorized infantry (6 point corps) and add some tanks and trucks for all of the infantry and they become mechanized infantry (7 point corps). Of course that starts getting expensive pretty quickly.
You also need about 1 support person for every person in a division, so your army should really be closer to 600,000
Independent Macedonia
09-11-2005, 02:29
Yugoslavia has chosen to change the military for the peace time and peacekeeping mission it will engage in.
3x4point Infantry corps(1 at pola and 2 in Sarajevo before) will be reorganized into Reserve divisions located in Sarajevo, Beograd(will actually be stationed just outside of Beograd until the 2 infantry corps are done upgrading), and Skopje.
1x5 point Alpine corps will be deactivated and it's members given jobs in public works projects being undertaken or in the arms industry as they request.
1x5 point Alpine corps will remain on the Macedonia/Albania/Greek border on active status.
1x5 point Infantry corps(located at pola before) will be headquartered in Zagreb and be in position to defend the Italian border.
2x5point Infantry corps in Beograd will be upgraded to Mechanized corps(i think they are already 2x6 Motorized now)
This will bring out interim strength to:
3x4 point*Reserve infantry divisions(General Kosic/Sarajevo, General Cincar-Markovic/Beograd, General Jankovic/Skopje)
1x5 point Alpine Corps(General Leon Rupnik/Macedon,Greek,Albanian border)
1x5 point Infantry Corps(Mj. General Kukavicic/Zagreb)
2x7 point Mech Corps(Mj. General Julije Fritz/Beograd and Lt. General Nedeljkovic/Beograd)
1x HQ unit(located in Sarajevo)
1 light ship in Split(Admiral Kosovic in command)
*(maybe 3 point since GB said that reserve corps are 2 under the norm and i think i my norm is 5)
Ottoman Khaif
09-11-2005, 02:36
I would be eternally grateful if you called a formation of 10-20,000 men a DIVISION. A corps is a group of 2-5 divisions, usually around 60,000 - 80,000 men. In addition, experience from both Great Wars (and you fought in one and certainly had witnesses at the recent one) calls for a formation of 10-20,000 men to have 9 battalions of infantry, 4 battalions of artillery, plus a machine gun and armored car battalion, and a strength of 20,000 men. That is what your military advisors recommend (which would give you 5 point infantry corps instead of 3 and 4 point infantry corps. Give them enough trucks and they become motorized infantry (6 point corps) and add some tanks and trucks for all of the infantry and they become mechanized infantry (7 point corps). Of course that starts getting expensive pretty quickly.
You also need about 1 support person for every person in a division, so your army should really be closer to 600,000
Alright I did what you told, I have already began motorizing at least 10 division so far and plan to do another 10 next year..so I am slowly but surely motorizing my army.
09-11-2005, 03:56
Sweden, after watching the recent war is implementing a few changes in her military.
Much larger amount of artillery are to be added, mostly 105mm and 155mm guns. Every division will have a very large compliment of guns, with even more assigned at the corp level. At the lower levels, sqaud, platoon exc large amounts of mortars are to be added. Every sqaud will have its own light mortar. Every squad will also have its own machine gun. On top of that every battalion will have heavy weapon platoons where heavier machine guns and heavier mortars along with AT weaponry and other heavy weapons will be used. There will also be a machine gun battalion, anti-aircraft battalion (which can always also be used against ground targets if needed) and an armored car/tank battalion in each division. (Along with the multple arty battalions).
Hmmm..anything else to increase my firepower and qaulity?
09-11-2005, 04:48
Consider this a promise for the Union (I am going to resume my military duties) to revert back to peacetime forces. I just don't have time this week. I'll do it by Saturday at the latest.
Unless VP does it.
Galveston Bay
09-11-2005, 04:56
Alright I did what you told, I have already began motorizing at least 10 division so far and plan to do another 10 next year..so I am slowly but surely motorizing my army.
just remember you will have to put aside points for that.
Current Argentine Army:
I Infantry Corps: Occupation Duty, Madagascar
II Infantry Corps: Garrison Duty, Brazilian Border
III Mechanized Corps: Occupation Duty, Madagascar-
I New Zion Infantry Corps: Not technically part of Argentine Military, but still staffed with 2 Divisions of Argentine troops and supplied by the Argentine government
Current Argentine Navy:
2 Satsuma-Class Semi-Drednaught Battleships Buenos Aires, Rawson (Stats incomplete) 2 double 12", 2 double 10" / about 28 knots
Home Fleet:
1 Satsuma-Class Semi-Drednaught Training Ship La Plata (renamed Sanfuentes)
Home Fleet:
2 Republica-Class Light Crusers Republica, Tierra del Fuego 3 double 6", 4 13mm AA, 8 21" TT / 4,800 tons / 32 knots
4 Antartica-Class Light Crusers Mendoza, Antartica, Neuquén, Santa Cruz 2 double 6", 8 13mm AA, 6 21" TT / 5,650 tons / 37 knots
2 Republica-Class Light Crusers La Pampa, Entre Rios 3 double 6", 4 13mm AA, 8 21" TT / 4,800 tons / 32 knots (Construction - Oct. 1926)
10 total - average speed 31 knots
4 - Madagascar
6 - Home Fleet
12 Destroyers - Average Speed 32 knots (Construction - Oct. 1926)
Pending New Zion Approval
-I New Zion Corps Renamed "New Zion Security Corps", and reduced by 4/5th strength to 1 Zion Division. Remaining divisions renamed "New Zion Reserve". 2 Argentine Divisions decomissioned.
-III Mechanized Corps, 3/4 Divisions: I Infantry Corps, 2 Antartica-Class Light Crusers Antartica, Santa Cruz, 1 Satsuma-Class Semi-Drednaught Battleship Buenos Aires returned to Argentina.
-1 Division of I Infantry Corps remains, designated 1st Madagascar Provincial Guard Division (~25,000 men)
-Commissioning of 2 Light Crusers, 12 destroyers, as mentioned above.
-Mothballing of 6 original Home Fleet destroyers, 1 Satsuma-Class Semi-Drednaught Battleship Buenos Aires
-2 Antartica-Class Light Crusers Antartica, Santa Cruz converted into training ships. Renamed Roca, Pena
-Native Madagascar residents begin training with 1st Madagascar Provincial Guard Division, integrating within its number. Formation of 2nd Madagascar Provincial Guard Division, using integrating units of the 1st. This unit will act as a reserve. (OOC: Will probubly be 1/2-3/4 strength until sufficient recruitment is made.)
-Decommissioning of II Infantry Corps, remaining Divisions of 1st Infantry Corps. All divisions of I and II Corps are made into Reserve units.
-Non-wartime economic codes take effect. (OOC: For purposes of gameplay, simply consider Argentina's government using the free market to make themselves the target consumer until this point, first 1/2 hit to economics)
-4 newly commissioned destroyers relieve older destroyers in Madagascar.
-Upon returning home, 4 older destroyers are mothballed
Argentina's Military in July 1927 (projected)
Active Army
1st Madagascar Provincial Guard Division
1st Mechanized Infantry Division
2nd Mechanized Infantry Division
3rd Mechanized Infantry Division
4th Mechanized Infantry Division
Reserve Army
2nd Madagascar Provincial Guard Division
1st Provincial Guard Division
2nd Provincial Guard Division
3rd Provincial Guard Division
4th Provincial Guard Division
5th Provincial Guard Division
6th Provincial Guard Division
7th Provincial Guard Division
8th Provincial Guard Division
9th Provincial Guard Division
10th Provincial Guard Division
Active Navy
- 1 Satsuma-Class Semi-Drednaught Battleships Rawson
- 2 Antartica-Class Light Crusers Mendoza, Neuquén
- 4 Destroyers
- 1 Satsuma-Class Training Battleship Sanfuentes (Still fully armed, but not as heavily maintained)
- 4 Republica-Class Light Crusers Republica, Tierra del Fuego, La Pampa, Entre Rios
- 2 Antartica-Class Training Crusers Roca, Pena (Still fully armed, but not as heavily maintained)
- 8 Destroyers
Mothballed Navy
- 1 Satsuma-Class Semi-Drednaught
- None
- 10 Destroyers (2 slated for scraping each year from 1927 through 1931)
Neutral, and as pictured, Stockholm is a fortified hex, and has an 8 point garrison unit, plus the Swedes have 6 point infantry corps at Gothenburg, Karlskrona, Malmoe, Norrkoping, plus 1 fighter unit Stockholm, 2 coast defense battleships, 4 light cruisers, 20 destroyers, 10 submarines at Karlskrona. The Swedes have 2 shipping units. All Swedish units are considered mountain units as far as winter effects are concerned."
Thats a qoute of what I had during the Great War. By 29 I would like to upgrade all my inf to armored cav and I'll have 1 shipping unit and 1 light ship built by the end 27. Other than that no real changes, except for the reforms I posted above which don't affect the number I have, but might affect the point qaulity.
Other than that I have a question...can I upgrade a garrison to inf than upwards, and if so does that take away from the point quality or not?
Independent Macedonia
11-11-2005, 01:47
I will keep my active military at my planned 1927 levels, and drop the reserve infantry planned at Beograd.
New Military plan
2x4 point*Reserve infantry divisions(Cincar-Markovic/Sarajevo, General Jankovic/Skopje)
1x5 point Alpine Corps(General Leon Rupnik/Macedon,Greek,Albanian border)
1x5 point Infantry Corps(Mj. General Kukavicic/Zagreb)
2x7 point Mech Corps(Mj. General Julije Fritz/Beograd and Lt. General Nedeljkovic/Beograd)
1x HQ unit(located in Sarajevo)
*(maybe 3 point since GB said that reserve corps are 2 under the norm and i think i my norm is 5)
1 Light ship in Split
Galveston Bay
11-11-2005, 02:02
Neutral, and as pictured, Stockholm is a fortified hex, and has an 8 point garrison unit, plus the Swedes have 6 point infantry corps at Gothenburg, Karlskrona, Malmoe, Norrkoping, plus 1 fighter unit Stockholm, 2 coast defense battleships, 4 light cruisers, 20 destroyers, 10 submarines at Karlskrona. The Swedes have 2 shipping units. All Swedish units are considered mountain units as far as winter effects are concerned."
Thats a qoute of what I had during the Great War. By 29 I would like to upgrade all my inf to armored cav and I'll have 1 shipping unit and 1 light ship built by the end 27. Other than that no real changes, except for the reforms I posted above which don't affect the number I have, but might affect the point qaulity.
Other than that I have a question...can I upgrade a garrison to inf than upwards, and if so does that take away from the point quality or not?
garrison units are a mix of anti aircraft, security and infantry troops, and if you convert it to infantry, you are basically retraining the men and changing the organization. In this case it would become a 7 point infantry or 8 point motorized infantry.
Your Army recommends against converting to armored cavalry as a lot of Sweden is forest, and they would lose the winterized edge they now have (as would be road bound). Motorized infantry is ok, as they simply can get out of the trucks without losing signficant combat strength and would remain winterized. In addition, in order to keep them modern, you will end up paying more points in the long run for not much of an advantage in combat power.
You can add an anti aircraft unit to your army without much trouble though, and that is definitely requested.
Hmm...would making them mech have the same disadvantage as armored cav?
And would the reforms bring up the point values any? If not what could I do other than upgrading to bring up point values.
Galveston Bay
11-11-2005, 02:09
- 1 Satsuma-Class Training Battleship Sanfuentes (Still fully armed, but not as heavily maintained)
- 4 Republica-Class Light Crusers Republica, Tierra del Fuego, La Pampa, Entre Rios
- 2 Antartica-Class Training Crusers Roca, Pena (Still fully armed, but not as heavily maintained)
- 8 Destroyers
[b]Mothballed Navy
- 1 Satsuma-Class Semi-Drednaught
- None
- 10 Destroyers (2 slated for scraping each year from 1927 through 1931)
Your Navy wants to get rid of all 3 Semi Dreadnoughts and get a couple of US or Japanese style heavy cruisers, and a couple of US or British style light cruisers. They dream of getting a carrier too, but would settle for a pair of light cruisers converted into British style anti aircraft cruisers.
I would like the French regulars to be Armored Cavalry, with the reserves being mechanized. Is that possible? And how many men in an armored cavalry corps? I need to plan out how many corps my army actually has, as I am limited to 500,000 men.
Galveston Bay
11-11-2005, 02:12
I would like the French regulars to be Armored Cavalry, with the reserves being mechanized. Is that possible? And how many men in an armored cavalry corps? I need to plan out how many corps my army actually has, as I am limited to 500,000 men.
in peace time a corps is 60,000 men (this will be updated soon). All tech level 6 (which you are) corps are 3 divisions. Typically an armored cavalry corps is 2 armored cavalry divisions and 1 mechanized division, plus a recon regiment, some artillery, some engineers and lots of trucks for the supply column.
I'll be continuing with my planned builds for 1926, and after that put money into building more infastructure and more industrial capacity (read: more factories). That will get my reserve air units completed, and the factories, etc.
Galveston Bay
11-11-2005, 02:16
Hmm...would making them mech have the same disadvantage as armored cav?
And would the reforms bring up the point values any? If not what could I do other than upgrading to bring up point values.
yes, mechanized and armored cavalry units have the same disadvantages and advantages in this respect (armored cavalry simply has a higher proportion of tanks).
I am pondering the other question you have.
in peace time a corps is 60,000 men (this will be updated soon). All tech level 6 (which you are) corps are 3 divisions. Typically an armored cavalry corps is 2 armored cavalry divisions and 1 mechanized division, plus a recon regiment, some artillery, some engineers and lots of trucks for the supply column.
Thanks. The French active army (regulars) will be made up of 3 Armored Cavalry Corps and 2 Mechanized Corps, plus an HQ. The reserves are made up of two more Armored Cav corps and another Mechanized Corps, plus garrisons at Brest, Paris, Calais, and Marsellies.
The Air force is concentrating on getting brand-new fighters into the air and are shooting for at least one fihgter group and one dive-bomber group by 1929. (One bomber counter and two fighter counters)
The navy is concentrating on fast, heavily armed, light ships. To make up for lack of big guns, the French are going to go crazy with torpedoes. (A few light ship counters and some destroyer counters).
If this isn't feasible, please let me know and give me an idea of what I can do. Oh, and the French news thread has information on military reforms. Specifically, this post. (http://forums.jolt.co.uk/showpost.php?p=9908639&postcount=155)
Total Losses:
16 infantry
1 amphib
1 cavalry
2 fighter
1 shipping
1 naval air
5 capital ships
7 light ships
5 submarines
1 mech
22 inf
1 zeppelin
4 capital ship
6 light ships
5 submarines
2 alpine
7 fighters
2 bombers
1 armored
1 mech
(Note: Does NOT include 500,000 POW’s and 300,000 casualties from when France collapsed. Also doesn’t include when France scuttled the Med fleet)
3 capital ships
1 carrier4 light ships
14 infantry
1 cavalry
2 arty
5 fighter
2 bomber
2 submarine
1 garrison
1 flak
3 mech
1 HQ
1 light ship
1 submarine
6 infantry
1 fighter
1 bomber
2 garrison
1 HQ
1 mech
1 mech
3 infantry
3 infantry
1 HQ
2 capital ships
2 light ships
5 shipping units
1 cavalry
3 mech
1 amphib
1 fighter
2 bomber
4 capital ships
7 light ships
1 light carrier
2 mech
1 fighter
1 cavalry
1 mech
5 infantry
1 capital ship
2 light ships
1 shipping
32 infantry
2 fighter
2 artillery
(Plus at least half a million in civilian casualties.)
1 carrier
1 capital ship
2 light ships
2 shipping
2 infantry
2 amphib
1 capital ship
1 infantry
1 amphib
1 light ships/cap(the Repulse plus the 10 destroyers…didn’t know how to put it)
1 cavalry shattered
1 cavalry destroyed
4 infantry
1 garrison
1 HQ
2 infantry
NOTE: Does NOT include the tens of thousands of extra casualties from everyday skirmishing exc. Didn’t include when units were shattered for major nations. Other than that, if I missed anything sorry, 33 pages is a lot so bite me.
To my knowledge, Romania has four infantry corps. If possible, Romania would like to see at least 2 of those motorised by 1929. Also, I need to know what Romania's fleet is. If any mods who know what it is coudl contact me, that'd be great.
Your Navy wants to get rid of all 3 Semi Dreadnoughts and get a couple of US or Japanese style heavy cruisers, and a couple of US or British style light cruisers. They dream of getting a carrier too, but would settle for a pair of light cruisers converted into British style anti aircraft cruisers.
My navy has the promise of Japan that they will be recieving at least one "Fast Battleship" a Haruna Class, that will fill the role of Heavy Cruser nicely. Their plan of having a carrier may yet come true, and the idea of anti-aircraft style cruisers is a well thought out idea, that the administration had not thought of before.
Although the Rawson and Sanfuentes are old and fairly out of date, current plans have the Rawson scrapped in 1929 when the gift of the Haruna is recieved from Japan and the Sanfuentes continuing service as a training vessel until an indetermined time.
Argentina will begin to discuss with Japan and Great Britain, the possiblity of upgrading their fleet.
Galveston Bay
11-11-2005, 07:24
Total Losses:
16 infantry
1 amphib
1 cavalry
2 fighter
1 shipping
1 naval air
5 capital ships
7 light ships
5 submarines
1 mech
2 million casualties (500,000 dead or missing presumed dead)
22 inf
1 zeppelin
4 capital ship
6 light ships
5 submarines
2 alpine
7 fighters
2 bombers
1 armored
1 mech
2.8 million casualties (560,000 dead or missing and presumed dead)
(Note: Does NOT include 500,000 POW’s and 300,000 casualties from when France collapsed. Also doesn’t include when France scuttled the Med fleet)
3 capital ships
1 carrier4 light ships
14 infantry
1 cavalry
2 arty
5 fighter
2 bomber
2 submarine
1 garrison
1 flak
3 mech
1 HQ
3 million casualties(including civilian)(525,000 dead or missing presumed dead)
1 light ship
1 submarine
6 infantry
1 fighter
1 bomber
2 garrison
1 HQ
1 million casualties (250,000 dead) plus 400,000 civilian casualties (150,000 dead)
1 mech
100,000 casualties (15,000 dead or missing presumed dead)
1 mech
3 infantry
400,000 casualties (150,000 dead or missing presumed dead)
3 infantry
1 HQ
400.000 casualties (100,000 dead or missing presumed dead)
2 capital ships
2 light ships
2 shipping units
1 cavalry
3 mech
1 amphib
1 fighter
2 bomber
600,000 casualties (100,000 dead or missing and presumed dead)
4 capital ships
6 light ships
1 light carrier
2 mech
1 fighter
3 shipping units
350,000 casualties (100,000 dead or missing presumed dead)
1 cavalry
1 mech
5 infantry
600,000 (225,000 dead or missing presumed dead)
1 capital ship
2 light ships
1 shipping
32 infantry
2 fighter
2 artillery
(Plus at least half a million in civilian casualties.)
4 million casualties (including civilian)(850,000 dead or missing presumed dead)
1 carrier
1 capital ship
2 light ships
2 shipping
2 infantry
2 amphib
300,000 casualties (165,000 dead or missing presumed dead)
1 capital ship
1 infantry
103,000 casualties (45,000 dead or missing presumed dead)
1 amphib
1 light ship
110,000 casualties (23,000 dead or missing presumed dead)
1 light ships/cap(the Repulse plus the 10 destroyers…didn’t know how to put it)
1 cavalry shattered
1 cavalry destroyed (same corps)
135,000 casualties (30,000 dead or missing presumed dead)
4 infantry
1 garrison
800,000 casaulties (including civilian)(100,000 dead or missing presumed dead)
1 HQ
2 infantry
500,000 casualties (including civilian)(150,000 dead or missing and presumed dead)
200,000 civilian (50,000 dead)
NOTE: Does NOT include the tens of thousands of extra casualties from everyday skirmishing exc. Didn’t include when units were shattered for major nations. Other than that, if I missed anything sorry, 33 pages is a lot so bite me.
casualties indicated... roughly 6-8 million dead, although I haven't sat down and added it all up yet. Plus the Flu deaths.
by the way, thanks Alt Aus
I would like the following to be built (or utilized as a standing army) using my war-time economy. My reasoning to extend my war-time economy for a small period of time is so that China will be able to develop a standing army and solid defenses, something it never had up to this point. China is not going to build offensive weapons or military, as it only needs to build a good, strong, and solid defensive military (hence the high numbers of garrison units).
1. 2 Garrisons per every city with industry in it (Canton, Shanghai, Peking, Tienstin, Mukden, Lanchow, and Kunming) which should be 14 garrisons total.
2. 6 Fighters total (3 stationed in Canton and 3 in Shanghai)
3. 5 HQ units (1 in Canton, Shanghai, Kunming, Peking, and Mukden)
4. Repairs to my two damaged Chinese battleships.
5. Reparations as per the treaty conditions.
After these are built, I would like to pour all remaining points into economic and industrial development. I believe I have 3 factories already under construction, so these should be added to my peacetime industry rating once China reverts back to its peacetime economy.
Once I get my industry to around 10, I'd like to focus all research on aircraft and aerospace based fields exclusively. For instance, develop 4 engine bombers, long range fighters, carrier technology, heliocopters, and eventually jet planes.
Please inform me whether all this would be possible or not. To be honest, I'm getting more confused with the point system every time it goes through a revision.
Planned Armed Forces:
2 Motorized Corps
1 Infantry
1 Fighter
1 Garrison Corps (Budapest)
Vas Pokhoronim
14-11-2005, 17:03
Subject to Edit until leap forward finalized.
Total Forces Deployed
Regular Troops
6 x 12 point armored cavalry corps
14 x 11 point armored cavalry corps
5 x 6 point alpine corps
1 x 6 point amphibious corps
2 x 5 point paratrooper corps
8 HQ
3 theater supply units
2 railroad siege artillery units
2 antitank
10 bomber units
10 fighter units
1 naval air unit
3 air transport units
4 light ships
11 submarines
1 shipping unit
Stationary Units
1 x 11 point garrison (Vladivostok)
1 x 9 point garrison (Hamburg)
3 coast defense artillery (Vladivostok, Bremen, Kiel)
1 x 6 point flak unit (Vladivostok)
3 x 4 point flak unit (Bremen, Hamburg, Kiel)
4 new garrisons (Bremen, Dusseldorf, Essen, Nikolayevsk)
I'll be placing the non-stationary units later.
And, just so we're all clear on everything, those point values for military units are from the Second Great War, adjusted for Tactical Voice Radio (+1); the Armored Cavalry consist of the twenty best Infantry units of both the German and Russian Armies, upgraded to Armored cavalry (+3) at a cost of 40 production pints, which will be figured into the Second Union's Five Year Plan.
2 Mechanized Corps
1 Fighter Unit
1 Fortification (Budapest)
2 Infantry Corps
Military Forces of France as of 1932
1 HQ
2 Armored Cavalry Corps
1 Mechanized Corps
1 Alpine Corps
1 Fighter Unit (D.501 fighter)
1 Bomber unit (LN 40 Dive Bomber)
1 Maritime Bomber Unit (LN 40.b-Modified to carry torpedoes)
5 cruisers-La Galissonnière Class, Tech Level 6, modernized (Firepower 2, Protection 2, Speed 6, Range 2)
20 destroyers-Tech Level 6, modernized
2 Coastal artillery Units-Calais, Brest
3 Pilots
4 Garrisons
1 Mechanized Corps
1 Armored Cavalry Corps
1 Fighter Unit
1 Bomber Unit
20 Submarines- Tech Level 5
South African Military in 1932 (assuming everything is completed):
1x Mechanized Corp (organized on Swiss model)
4x Light Carriers
5x Cruisers
20x Destroyers
20x Submarines
Air Force
1x Fighter Unit (1,000 planes)
1x Bomber Unit (1,000 planes)
Galveston Bay
15-11-2005, 00:49
South African Military in 1932 (assuming everything is completed):
1x Mechanized Corp (organized on Swiss model)
4x Light Carriers
5x Cruisers
20x Destroyers
20x Submarines
Air Force
1x Fighter Unit (1,000 planes)
1x Bomber Unit (1,000 planes)
air units depend on type... what kind of fighters, what kind of bombers... plus you will need 2 pilots, which cost seperately. Navy may be a little large, you are looking at 18,000 crew plus you will need about 2 times that number of shore personnel (call it 60,000), which is a lot of full time military for South Africa. Air Force of 500 planes only needs about 5,000 men, so you are good there if it remains part of the Army or Navy (to share support people and bases).
Army is totally fine though. Until you have to replace all of your obsolete armored vehicles in a few years or less.
Galveston Bay
15-11-2005, 00:51
after PostWar adjustments and taking into account new rules and lessons learned.
1931 US Navy
6 tech level 6 fleet carriers: Lexington, Saratoga, Enterprise, Yorktown, Wasp, Hornet (all are 100 aircraft, protection 3, speed 6, range 6)
4 tech level 6 (modernized) light carriers:, Theodore Roosevelt, William McKinley, George Washington, Abraham Lincoln (4 x 55 aircraft, protection 1, speed 5, range 5, 4 x 55 aircraft, protection 1, speed 6, range 6)
6 tech level 6 Fast battleships: North Carolina, Washington, South Dakota, Alabama, Massachusetts, Indiana (firepower 5, protection 6, speed 5, range 5)
3 tech 6(modernized) (16 inch) Battleships: Colorado, Maryland, West Virginia (firepower 5, protection 6, speed 3, range 5)
5 tech 6 (modernized)(14 inch) battleships Tennessee, New Mexico, Mississippi, Idaho, Pennsylvania ( firepower 4, protection 6, speed 3, and range 5)
15 tech level 6 Heavy cruisers (all are firepower 1, protection 2, speed 6, range 6)
Chester, Pensacola, Salt Lake City, Houston, Northhampton, Chicago, Augusta, Quincy, Portland, Astoria, Tuscaloosa, Vincennes, Indianapolis, Newport News, Salem
Light cruisers
15 Tech level 6 (modernized) Omaha class (firepower 1, protection 2, speed 6, range 6) Omaha, Milwaukee, Cincinnati, Marblehead, Trenton, Detroit, Concord, Richmond, Memphis, Luzon, Mindanao, Paney, Cebu, Samar, Guam
5 tech level 6 Brooklyn class (firepower 1, protection 1, speed 7, range 6) Brooklyn, Philadelphia, Savannah, Nashville, Boise,
The US Navy scrapped or used as targets 17 other cruisers
140 tech level 6 (modernized) destroyers are retained for the active fleet, (14 light ships)
200 tech level 5 destroyers (laid up)(20 light ships)
all other destroyers and all subchasers have been scrapped.
80 tech level 6 (modernized) submarines
Transport and shipping
4 transport units (all others have been released back to merchant marine service),
16 shipping units (8 million tons) commercial fleet, plus 10 liner units (in civilian service)
2 amphibious units (1 active, 1 laid up)
US Naval Aviation
5 PBY, 5 carrier fighter units (F3F), 5 carrier bomber units (2 torpedo, 3 dive bomber), 10 naval aviation pilots (includes USMC)
Naval reserve: 3 carrier pilots
Marine Corps
1 Amphibious corps
US Army Air Force
1 heavy bomber unit (B17A), 1 Air transport unit (DC2), 1 fighter unit (P36), 4 fighter units (P26), 2 bomber units (A12), 3 bomber units (B10), 12 pilots
US Army Air National Guard
1 Air Transport unit (DC2), 5 fighter units (P26), 5 bomber units (A12), 14 pilots
US Army
3 garrison units (Pearl Harbor, Panama, Truk), 1 armored corps (2 divisions), 2 mechanized corps (2 divisions each), 2 motorized infantry corps (2 divisions each), 1 mountain corps (2 divisions), 2 field artillery units, 4 coast defense units (Manila, Pearl Harbor, Truk, Panama), 3 flak units (Pearl Harbor, Truk, Panama)
US Army National Guard / Reserve
5 headquarters units, 7 motorized infantry corps (2 divisions each), 4 mechanized corps (2 divisions each), 1 armored corps (2 divisions), 4 field artillery units, 6 garrison units (3 each coast), 1 garrison unit (Manila), 7 coast artillery units (3 each coast plus Manila), 7 flak units (3 each coast plus Manila)
The Navy and Army Air Force have priority as far as spending goes, with the Army and Marines forced to continue to use wartime equipment until it wears out. This will force Congress to spend some money soon to modernize and replace with new weapons and vehicles.
air units depend on type... what kind of fighters, what kind of bombers... plus you will need 2 pilots, which cost seperately. Navy may be a little large, you are looking at 18,000 crew plus you will need about 2 times that number of shore personnel (call it 60,000), which is a lot of full time military for South Africa. Air Force of 500 planes only needs about 5,000 men, so you are good there if it remains part of the Army or Navy (to share support people and bases).
Army is totally fine though. Until you have to replace all of your obsolete armored vehicles in a few years or less.
Thanks for the help. How about this:
1x Mechanized Corp (organized on Swiss model)
2x Light Carriers
5x Cruisers
20x Destroyers
20x Submarines
1x Naval Air Unit (500 Gloster Gladiator fighters)
Air Force
1x Fighter Unit (500 Hawker Fury fighters)
I took out the bombers, for two reasons. Carpet bombing isn't really Boer style, and frankly, the South African Air Force isn't likely to be fighting any technologically equal nations unless we're doing so in support of the LTA.
I don't know if the fighter designs are too advanced or whatever, as I just did some research to see what fighter aircraft the UDF historically had in the early thirties.
Independent Macedonia
15-11-2005, 01:57
the Hawker Fury seems fine, my nation uses a comparable fighter and i think we are the same tech level etc. I doubt there would be a problem with it's usage.
15-11-2005, 02:27
After digging through the war thread, I have found that I had, towards the end of the war, the following:
Battleships: Conte Di Cavour, Giulio Caseare
Carrier: Vittorio Emanuele
Light cruisers: Basilicata, Campania, Quarto, Nino Bixio, Marsala, Pisa, Arnalfi (x7)
30 destroyers
50 submarines
At least 4x Infantry corps
1 HQ (maybe more, or less)
Mech/motorized units?
1 Alpine corps?
2 garrison units?
Air Force
Unknown--one fighter and one bomber?
Carrier aircraft (as I have a carrier; guess I'll have to remove this from my build, as I forgot about it)
Well, assuming I have the points in 1926 to both repair everything and do this, this is what I want 1932 to look like: (If not, I will change my build around so I can get most of this)
Battleships: Conte Di Cavour, Giulio Caseare
Carrier: Italia (fleet carrier)
Light cruisers: Basilicata, Campania, Quarto, Nino Bixio, Marsala, Pisa, Arnalfi (x7)
30 destroyers
30 submarines
1x HQ
2x Mechanized Infantry
1x Alpine corps
1x field artillery
Air Force
1x bomber (Savoia-Marchetti S.73--no real clue on this one)
1x fighter (Fiat CR.32--I think this is a pretty good fighter. Note that Italy will be taking a different path as far as military aircraft goes in the future--no Mussolini to screw Italy over)
Galveston Bay
15-11-2005, 05:41
After digging through the war thread, I have found that I had, towards the end of the war, the following:
I would recommend 6 reserve infantry corps at least, possibly 8. Its why Italy survived long enough to be rescued during the 2nd Great War. You might consider rebuilding those border fortifications too
Those border fortifications were also absolutely critical for Italian survival during the war.
Independent Macedonia
15-11-2005, 07:00
thanks for being so optimistic in the hope for peace there GB :P
Is this a reasonable peace-time standing army for China?
14 Garrisons
6 Fighters
5 HQ units
I won't expand any more than that unless World War 3 happens.
Galveston Bay
15-11-2005, 07:20
Is this a reasonable peace-time standing army for China?
14 Garrisons
6 Fighters
5 HQ units
I won't expand any more than that unless World War 3 happens.
Galveston Bay
15-11-2005, 07:58
Some of the neutrals and smaller LTA states rearm 1927 -1931
1932 forces
the Netherlands
Dutch East Indies
1 battleship Rotterdam (attack 5, defense 5, speed 6, range 2), Light cruisers Sumatra, Java (attack 1, defense 1, speed 7, range 2), 1 tech level 6 light ship unit (10 destroyers), 1 tech level 6 submarine unit, 1 garrison unit (Batavia), 1 fighter unit (Fokker DXVIII), 1 maritime bomber unit (mixed B10/A12/Swordfish), 2 pilots
Home Forces
1 Infantry corps, 1 fighter unit (Fokker DXVIII), 1 pilot, battleship Amsterdam (Rotterdam class), light cruisers De Ruyter, Tromp (attack 1, defense 1, speed 6 , range 6), 1 tech level 6 light ship unit (10 destroyers), 1 tech level 6 submarine unit (10 submarines), plus 3 reserve garrison units, 2 shipping units
1 garrison unit, 1 flak unit, 1 fighter (P26), 1 pilot, plus 2 reserve garrison units, 1 reserve cavalry corps
1 mountain corps, 1 fighter unit (P26), 1 pilot, plus 2 reserve garrison units,
1 tech level 5 light ship (10 destroyers), 1 tech level 5 submarine unit (10 submarines), plus 1 reserve garrison unit (Oslo), plus 3 shipping units
1 reserve garrison unit
3 reserve infantry corps, 1 fortification (Metz),
1 tech level 6 light ship (4 destroyers, 12 corvettes), 1 reserve motorized infantry corps, 1 reserve pilot,
Lesser Ribena
15-11-2005, 16:48
My military by end 1932 (from what I gather from my posted build schedule and also the GWII thread).
The Army
Units listed here are regular units that are long service (ie. more than the 7 year minimum) regular servicemen with a full time training system
1 HQ unit
2 9 point mechanized corps
2 8 point armored cavalry corps
1 field artillery unit
1 8 point amphibious unit
The Royal Navy
All of these that follow are top of the range vessels (ie. last 10 years) and excess vessels have been scrapped and/or used as target practice.
4 modernised Queen Elizabeth class battleships (which become 4 attack, 5 defense, 4 speed and range 5), HMS Queen Elizabeth, HMS Warspite, HMS Barham, HMS Valiant,
modernised HMS Hood (which becomes 4 attack, 5 defense, 7 speed and range 6), HMS Hood
2 Modernised Nelson class battleships (which become 5 attack, 6 defense, 3 speed and 5 range), HMS Nelson, HMS Rodney
5 King George V class battleships (4 attack, protection 5, speed 6 and range 5). HMS King George V, HMS Prince of Wales, HMS Duke of York, HMS Anson, HMS Howe
3 Tech 6 Fleet carrier protection 2, speed 6, range 6, (80 – 100 aircraft), HMS Hermes, HMS Eagle, HMS Vindictive,
4 Tech 6 Light carriers protection 1, speed 6, range 6, (40 -55 aircraft), HMS Courageous, HMS Glorious, HMS Furious, HMS Argus
8 Tech 6 submarine units (80 submarines total), attack 1, protection 0, speed 3, range 5,
14 Tech 6 Light ship (140 destroyers ) attack 1, defense 1, speed 7, range 4
10 Tech 6 heavy cruiser attack 1, defense 2, speed 7, range 6, HMS Hawkins, HMS Vindictive, HMS Raleigh, HMS Frobisher, HMS Effingham, HMS Caroline, HMS Cambrian, HMS Centaur, HMS Caledon, HMS Ceres, HMS Carlisle,
25 Tech 6 light cruiser attack 1, defense 1, speed 7 range 6, HMS Bristol, HMS Chatham, HMS Weymouth, HMS Birkinhead, HMS Birmingham, HMS Manchester, HMS Glasgow, HMS Edinburgh, HMS Falmouth, HMS Nottingham, HMS Derby, HMS Yarmouth, HMS Dartmouth, HMS Chester, HMS Dublin, HMS Gloucester, HMS Chicester, HMS Liverpool, HMS Belfast, HMS Lowestoft, HMS Newcastle, HMS Southampton, HMS Oxford, HMS Warwick, HMS LEicester, HMS Cambridges, HMSKilmarnock, HMS Stafford.
Fleet Air Arm
5 carrier fighter units
5 carrier bomber units (2 torpedo, 3 dive bomber)
10 naval aviation pilots
The Royal Airforce
2 UK bomber unit (Handley Page Heyfords)
3 bombers (Handley Page Hampdens)
2 UK fighters (Hawker Demons)
3 fighters (Hawker Hurricanes)
1 air transports (double engined)
13 pilot units
RAF Reserve
3 pilot units
The Army Reserves
Mostly territorial army units (30 days training per year), old yeomanry cavalry units which are now mechanised and ex-servicemen who are still on the reserves list.
2 8 point mechanised corps
1 HQ unit
1 field artillery unit
2 5 point garrison units (London, Dover)
The Merchant Navy
35 merchant shipping units
10 Tech 6 Ocean Liners (represents 20 Queen Mary sized ocean liners). Protection 2, range 5, speed 6,
Other Defences
3 Flak artillery attack strength 1, defense strength 3 (London, Dover, Scapa Flow)
2 Coast artillery (Dover, Scapa Flow)
2 Fortifications (Dover, Scapa Flow)
15-11-2005, 17:41
The Kingdom will reduce forces to 150,000 combined in the Army, National Guard, Navy, and so on...move into a peacetime situation as well as modernize yet again...
Galveston Bay
15-11-2005, 19:14
My military by end 1932 (from what I gather from my posted build schedule and also the GWII thread).
The Army
Units listed here are regular units that are long service (ie. more than the 7 year minimum) regular servicemen with a full time training system
2 5 point garrison units (London, Dover)
2 HQ units
4 8 point mechanized corps
3 9 point mechanized corps
3 7 point armored cavalry corps
2 field artillery units
1 8 point amphibious unit)
This is a lot larger than the traditional British Army, its around 22 divisions, which is pretty high. Especially for the British who don't like large standing armies. Half this size would seem more appropriate and possibly even a quarter this size.
The Royal Navy
All of these that follow are top of the range vessels (ie. last 10 years) and excess vessels have been scrapped and/or used as target practice.
1 Tech 6 Super battleship attack 6, protection 8, speed 5, range 5,(18 inch guns)
4 Tech 6 Fleet carrier protection 2, speed 6, range 6, (80 – 100 aircraft)
4 Tech 6 Light carriers protection 1, speed 6, range 6, (40 -55 aircraft)
6 Tech 6 Battleship attack 4, protection 7, speed 4, range 5 (14 inch guns)
6 Tech 6 Battleship attack 5, protection 8, speed 6, range 7 (16 inch guns)
8 Tech 6 submarine units (80 submarines total), attack 1, protection 0, speed 3, range 5,
14 Tech 6 Light ship (140 destroyers ) attack 1, defense 1, speed 7, range 4
12 Tech 6 heavy cruiser attack 1, defense 2, speed 7, range 6
25 Tech 6 light cruiser attack 1, defense 1, speed 7 range 6)
I will need names for all of these ships. Also, building 13 battleships in 5 years is a lot even for Britian. Perhaps moderinizing the surviving 4 Queen Elizabeths (which become 4 attack, 5 defense, 4 speed and range 5), the Hood (which becomes 4 attack, 5 defense, 7 speed and range 6), and the 2 Nelsons (which become 5 attack, 6 defense, 3 speed and 5 range) would be more reasonable, along with 5 King George V class (which are 4 attack, protection 5, speed 6 and range 5). Getting rid of the Renown is very reasonable though.
The Merchant Navy
18 merchant shipping units
8 Tech 6 Ocean Liners (represents 16 Queen Mary sized ocean liners). Protection 2, range 5, speed 6, )
Not enough shipping, historically the British had closer to 40 shipping units (including the ocean liners)
Galveston Bay
15-11-2005, 19:17
*pokes Venezeula*
Venezuela has a national guard consisting of 1 infantry corps (reserve unit) but depends more on the fact that the US is quaranteeing its neutrality.
At this point though,as 6 years have passed, and assuming Colombia continued working on peaceful unification, I am inclined to go with Venezuela joining Colombia, however, need Vas and or Sharina opinion.
Venezuela has a national guard consisting of 1 infantry corps (reserve unit) but depends more on the fact that the US is quaranteeing its neutrality.
At this point though,as 6 years have passed, and assuming Colombia continued working on peaceful unification, I am inclined to go with Venezuela joining Colombia, however, need Vas and or Sharina opinion.
I sure did. If you look at each year of my point allocation, I gave them atleast 4 points a year for 6 years... *cough* thats like 24, plus the 6 I gave them before in 1925... a whopping 30 points..
Galveston Bay
15-11-2005, 19:54
when it gets here, reflects 1932 US builds
US Military Forces 1933
after PostWar adjustments and taking into account new rules and lessons learned.
US Navy
6 tech level 6 fleet carriers: Lexington, Saratoga, Enterprise, Yorktown, Wasp, Hornet (all are 100 aircraft, protection 3, speed 6, range 6)
4 tech level 6 (modernized) light carriers:, Theodore Roosevelt, William McKinley, George Washington, Abraham Lincoln (4 x 55 aircraft, protection 1, speed 5, range 5, 4 x 55 aircraft, protection 1, speed 6, range 6)
6 tech level 6 Fast battleships: North Carolina, Washington, South Dakota, Alabama, Massachusetts, Indiana (firepower 5, protection 6, speed 5, range 5)
3 tech 6(modernized) (16 inch) Battleships: Colorado, Maryland, West Virginia (firepower 5, protection 6, speed 3, range 5)
5 tech 6 (modernized)(14 inch) battleships Tennessee, New Mexico, Mississippi, Idaho, Pennsylvania ( firepower 4, protection 6, speed 3, and range 5)
15 tech level 6 Heavy cruisers (all are firepower 1, protection 2, speed 6, range 6)
Chester, Pensacola, Salt Lake City, Houston, Northhampton, Chicago, Augusta, Quincy, Portland, Astoria, Tuscaloosa, Vincennes, Indianapolis, Newport News, Salem
Light cruisers
15 Tech level 6 (modernized) Omaha class (firepower 1, protection 2, speed 6, range 6) Omaha, Milwaukee, Cincinnati, Marblehead, Trenton, Detroit, Concord, Richmond, Memphis, Luzon, Mindanao, Paney, Cebu, Samar, Guam
5 tech level 6 Brooklyn class (firepower 1, protection 1, speed 7, range 6) Brooklyn, Philadelphia, Savannah, Nashville, Boise,
140 tech level 6 (modernized) destroyers are retained for the active fleet, (14 light ships), 10 tech level 6 destroyers
200 tech level 5 destroyers (laid up)(20 light ships)
all other destroyers and all subchasers have been scrapped.
70 tech level 6 (modernized) submarines, 10 tech level 6 submarines, plus 10 tech level 6 (modernized) submarines laid up
Transport and shipping
4 transport units (all others have been released back to merchant marine service),
16 shipping units (8 million tons) commercial fleet, plus 10 liner units (in civilian service)
2 amphibious shipping units (1 active, 1 laid up)
US Naval Aviation
5 PBY, 5 carrier fighter units (Buffalos), 5 carrier bomber units (2 Devastator torpedo bombers, 3 Vindicator dive bombers), 15 naval aviation pilots (includes USMC)
Naval reserve: 3 carrier pilots
Marine Corps
1 Amphibious corps
US Army Air Force
1 heavy bomber unit (B17A), 1 Air transport unit (DC2), 5 fighter units (P36), 1 bomber units (A12), 4 bomber units (B10), 12 pilots
US Army Air National Guard
1 Air Transport unit (DC2), 5 fighter units (P26), 5 bomber units (A12), 14 pilots
US Army
3 garrison units (Pearl Harbor, Panama, Truk), 1 armored corps (2 divisions), 2 mechanized corps (2 divisions each), 2 motorized infantry corps (2 divisions each), 1 mountain corps (2 divisions), 2 field artillery units, 4 coast defense units (Manila, Pearl Harbor, Truk, Panama), 3 flak units (Pearl Harbor, Truk, Panama)
US Army National Guard / Reserve
5 headquarters units, 7 motorized infantry corps (2 divisions each), 4 mechanized corps (2 divisions each), 1 armored corps (2 divisions), 4 field artillery units, 6 garrison units (3 each coast), 1 garrison unit (Manila), 7 coast artillery units (3 each coast plus Manila), 7 flak units (3 each coast plus Manila)
Far East and the Pacific
US Army Philippines Defense Force
1 garrison unit (Manila, Philippine National Guard), 1 coast artillery unit (Manila Bay), 1 Flak unit (Manila Bay, Philippine National Guard), 1 P36 fighter unit, 1 pilot,
US Army Western Pacific
1 Garrison unit (Truk), 1 coast defense artillery (Truk), 1 flak unit (Truk)
US 7th Fleet (Based at Cavite and Subic Bay, Philippines)
1 naval air unit (PBY), 1 pilot, 30 S class submarines (modernized tech level 6),
Battleships Tennessee, New Mexico, Light cruisers Omaha, Milwaukee, 20 destroyers (tech 6 modernized)
US Army Hawaii
1 garrison unit (Oahu), 1 coast defense artillery (Oahu), 1 flak unit (Oahu), 1 fighter unit (P36),
US 5th Fleet (Pearl Harbor)
Heavy cruisers Chester, Pensacola, Salt Lake City, Light cruisers Paney, Cebu, Samar, 30 destroyers (tech level 6 modernized), 30 S class submarines, 1 naval air unit (PBY), 1 pilot
US 3rd Fleet (Long Beach/San Pedro)
Battleships North Carolina, Washington, South Dakota, Alabama, Massachusetts, Indiana, 30 destroyers (tech level 6 modernized)
US 1st Fleet (San Diego)
Fleet Carriers Lexington, Saratoga, Enterprise, Yorktown, Wasp, Hornet, heavy cruisers Houston, Northhampton, Chicago, Augusta, Quincy, Portland, Astoria, Tuscaloosa, Vincennes, Indianapolis, light cruisers Cincinnati, Marblehead, Trenton, Detroit, Concord, Richmond, Memphis, Luzon, Guam, Mindanao, 30 destroyers (modernized tech level 6), plus 3 carrier fighter units (Buffalo), 2 Carrier dive bomber units (Vindicator), 1 Carrier torpedo bomber unit (Devastator), 6 carrier pilot units,
Western Sea Frontier (West Coast)
2 naval air units (PBY), 1 Marine carrier fighter unit (Buffalo), 1 Marine dive bomber unit (Vindicator), 1 Marine Amphibious Corps, 1 Amphibious shipping unit, 2 transport units,
US Coast Guard vessels patrol US Marshal, Marianas, and Palau Islands as well as American Polynesia. No significant garrisons other than a few navy and coast guard shore parties, and minor naval stations at Kwajalein, Guam, Palau, and Tahiti
US East Coast, Atlantic and Caribbean
Eastern Sea Frontier (East Coast and Gulf Coast)
1 naval air unit (PBY), 10 tech level 6 destroyers, 10 tech 6 submarines, 2 transport shipping units
US 6th Fleet (Casablanca)
Battleships Mississippi, Idaho, Pennsylvania, 10 destroyers (tech level 6 modernized), 10 S type submarines (tech 6 modernized)
US 2nd Fleet (Norfolk)
Carriers Theodore Roosevelt, William McKinley, George Washington, Abraham Lincoln Battleships Colorado, Maryland, West Virginia, Heavy cruisers Newport News, Salem, light cruisers Brooklyn, Philadelphia, Savannah, Nashville, Boise, 30 destroyers (tech 6 modernized), 1 carrier fighter unit (Buffalo), 1 carrier torpedo bomber unit (Devastator), 2 carrier pilots,
US Army Panama
1 Garrison unit, 1 flak unit, 1 coast defense unit (all at Panama)
US Army Home Forces
US Army Air Force
1 heavy bomber unit (B17A), 1 Air transport unit (DC2), 3 fighter units (P36), 1 bomber units (A12), 4 bomber units (B10), 12 pilots
US Army Air National Guard
1 Air Transport unit (DC2), 5 fighter units (P26), 5 bomber units (A12), 14 pilots
US Army
1 armored corps (2 divisions), 2 mechanized corps (2 divisions each), 2 motorized infantry corps (2 divisions each), 1 mountain corps (2 divisions), 2 field artillery units,
US Army National Guard / Reserve
5 headquarters units, 7 motorized infantry corps (2 divisions each), 4 mechanized corps (2 divisions each), 1 armored corps (2 divisions), 4 field artillery units, 6 garrison units (3 each coast), 6 coast artillery units (3 each coast), 6 flak units (3 each coast)(defended areas are San Francisco, Los Angeles and Seattle on West Coast, Chesapeake Bay, New York City and Delaware Bay on East Coast)
15-11-2005, 22:41
I would recommend 6 reserve infantry corps at least, possibly 8. Its why Italy survived long enough to be rescued during the 2nd Great War. You might consider rebuilding those border fortifications too
Those border fortifications were also absolutely critical for Italian survival during the war.
I'll change everything around to get 6 reserve infantry corps and border fortifications. I assume that each hex costs points to reinforce, and that the white lines mean it cannot be passed. That makes 6 hexes to fortify. If it is the other way around, it is 7.
Independent Macedonia
15-11-2005, 22:49
3x4 point*Reserve infantry divisions(General Kosic/Sarajevo, General Cincar-Markovic/Beograd, General Jankovic/Skopje)
1x5 point Alpine Corps(General Leon Rupnik/Macedon,Greek,Albanian border)
1x5 point Infantry Corps(Mj. General Kukavicic/Zagreb)
2x7 point Mech Corps(Mj. General Julije Fritz/Beograd and Lt. General Jovanovic/Beograd)
1x HQ unit(located in Sarajevo)
*(maybe 3 point since GB said that reserve corps are 2 under the norm and i think i my norm is 5)
Navy: (Admiral Kosovic in command of Yugoslav Home defence fleet)
1 Danae Class Light Cruiser(FRYN Sarajevo)
5 W Class Destroyers (FRYN Macedonia, Bosnia, Croatia, Slovenia, Serbia)
1 Pangbourne Class Minesweeper (FRYN Doce)
25 Torpedo Boats
Airforce: (Air Marshal Dusen Simovic is in command of entire airforce)
500 Fighters[IK-2](Air Marshal Petrovic)
Pilot Corp
Union Defense Force 1932
1x 7 point Mechanized Corp (organized on Swiss model)
2x Light Carriers
1x Naval Air Unit (500 Gloster Gladiator fighters)
5x Cruisers
10x Destroyers
20x Submarines
Air Force
1x Fighter Unit (500 Hawker Fury fighters)
The Navy will be divided into two squadrons, stationed at Simonstown and Durban. The Air Force will be based at Tempe, outside of Bloemfontein. The Army's main base of operations will be Pietersburg, though it will be a smaller facility, given the Army's lack of large standing forces.
16-11-2005, 01:13
Well, after hearing suggestions, changing my build around, and looking through the war thread again, this is what I've come up with for the 1932 military for Italy
Battleships: Conte Di Cavour, Giulio Caseare (upgraded to tech level 6)
Carriers: Italia (fleet carrier, tech 6), Roma (fleet carrier, tech 6), Garibaldismo (fleet carrier, tech 6)
Light cruisers: Basilicata, Campania, Quarto, Nino Bixio, Marsala, Pisa, Arnalfi (x7)
30 destroyers
30 submarines
1x HQ
1x Mechanized Infantry (Yugoslav border)
1x Alpine corps (German border)
1x field artillery (stationed on the German border)
8x infantry corps (I guess 3 of these would be active, one in Rome , one on the German border, and one on the French border. The rest are reserves)
3x garison unit (stationed in Libya, Tunisia, Djoubiti)
Air Force
1x bomber (Savoia-Marchetti S.73)
1x fighter (Fiat CR.32)
3x carrier aircraft (I guess a navalized Fiat CR.32)
5x pilots
Ottoman Khaif
16-11-2005, 01:48
The MEU Arm forces
As of 1932
The MEU- A Single Army Division can be at 10,000 troops at its lowest and 20,000 troop at max.
Army Core as of 1926, the standing army
300,000 troops (100 percent fully trained)
Number of Army corps: 60 Army Division at the moment.
300,000 Reservist Division (only call to duty in times of war, well trained)" They are on duty."
Total number of Troops in the standing peacetime army, 600,000 troops(including supply soldiers)
Note: Each Army Core is assign 9 battalions of infantry, 4 battalions of artillery, plus a machine gun and armored car battalion
MEU forces
Egypt - 1 MEU Mech corps (Suez), 1 MEU infantry corps (Suez), 1 MEU Mech corps (Alexandria,), 1 fighter unit(Alexandria)
Persia -2 MEU Mech corps (Tehran, Bandar Shapur)
Iraq – 1 MEU Mech corps (Basra), 1 MEU garrison unit (Baghdad)
Arabia – 1 MEU Cavalry corps (Riyadh)
Syria – 1 MEU Mech corps (Damascus), 1 MEU Cavalry corps (Damascus), 1 fighter unit(Damascus) 2 Field artillery units(Damascus)
Home Forces – 1 MEU Mech corps, 1 MEU Amphibious unit, 1 fighter unit, (Istanbul), 1 MEU garrison (Gallipolli), 1 MEU Alpine corps (Ezrurum),
Ottoman Air Core
Made of mostly German Made planes
Three Fighter Unit
Two Air Force pliots
One pilot for domestic airlines
The Navy as of early 1932
1 CAIO DUILIO CLASS Battleship(build by the Italians in 1922)
2 Conti di Cavour Battlecruiser( build by the Italians in 1922)
2 Battleships(being build by the Germans, will be competed by 1934)
4 Battlecruisers(being build by the Germans,will be competed by 1934)
2 "Taiho class"Fleet carriers( building by Japan per agreement of the Alliance, will be competed by 1935)
3 light carriers(builded by Japan per agreement of the Alliance, by 1931)
1 training carrier(builded by Japan per agreement of the Alliance, by 1931)
4 Hawkins Class Heavy Cruisers(Build by the British, 1921)
6 Cruisers(being build by the Germans,will be competed by 1933)
Light Cruisers
6 Town Class Light Cruisers (Build by the British, 1922)
10 Danae Class Light Cruisers (Build by the British, 1922)
10 Destoryers(being build by the Germans,will be competed by 1933)
20 W Class Destroyers(Build by the British in 1921)
20 Destroyers(Build by the Italians in 1922)
40 U-boats(made by the Germans in 1924.)
Note- I had to dig up my arm forces posting from the WW2, yet I follow GB advice on how to impove my non mech army, just giving me a five point inf mech, at this moment I upgrading a number of units to mech, yet I am not sure if I did this right.
Venezuela has a national guard consisting of 1 infantry corps (reserve unit) but depends more on the fact that the US is quaranteeing its neutrality.
At this point though,as 6 years have passed, and assuming Colombia continued working on peaceful unification, I am inclined to go with Venezuela joining Colombia, however, need Vas and or Sharina opinion.
I approve Venzeula joining Colombia- after all, if the German-Russian union could occur, then the Venezeila / Colombia reunification could happen as well.
Vas Pokhoronim
16-11-2005, 03:10
I'm sure this can't be right, but I imagine someone will come along to correct me.
Red Army
4 armored cavalry
4 mechanized infantry
12 infantry
4 alpine corps
4 marine corps
4 airborne corps
8 HQ
20 infantry
3 theater supply units
2 railroad siege artillery units
2 antitank
1 katyusha
Stationary Units
6 garrisons (1 each at Vladivostok, Hamburg, Bremen, Dusseldorf, Essen, Nikolayevsk)
3 coast defense artillery (Vladivostok, Bremen, Kiel)
4 flak artillery (Vladivostok, Bremen, Hamburg, Kiel)
Red Airforce
10 bomber wings
10 fighter wings
4 naval air wings
Red Fleet
4 light ships
12 submarines
Commercial Services
30 shipping units
2 single-engine air transport units
8 twin-engine air transport units
Galveston Bay
16-11-2005, 04:54
I'm sure this can't be right, but I imagine someone will come along to correct me.
Red Army
4 armored cavalry
4 mechanized infantry
12 infantry
20 infantry (reserves)
4 alpine corps
4 marine corps
4 airborne corps
8 HQ
3 theater supply units
2 railroad siege artillery units
2 antitank
1 katyusha
6 garrisons (1 each at Vladivostok, Hamburg, Bremen, Dusseldorf, Essen, Nikolayevsk)
3 coast defense artillery (Vladivostok, Bremen, Kiel)
4 flak artillery (Vladivostok, Bremen, Hamburg, Kiel)
Red Airforce
10 bomber wings
10 fighter wings
4 naval air wings
Red Fleet
4 light ships
12 submarines
Commercial Services
30 shipping units
2 single-engine air transport units
8 twin-engine air transport units
I would suggest making the HQs and theater supply units as reserve units. You don't really need them until you go to war anyway. Single engined air transport units are basically glorified mail planes, but do not have the capability to carry paratroops in sufficient numbers to be useful in that role, nor do they have the range to carry out deep penetration air drops of special forces.
French Military ORBAT
Regular Army/Airforce Units
1 Marine Corp (Brest)
1 Mechanized Corp (Spanish Border)
1 Mechanized Corp (Burgundy-Belgium Border)
1 Mechanized Corp (Paris)
1 Alpine Corp (Italian Border)
1 Fighter Unit (Brest)
1 Fighter Unit (Marseilles)
1 Flak Artillery (Calais)
1 Flak Artillery (Brest)
1 Coastal Artillery (Brest)
1 Pilot (Brest)
1 Pilot (Marseilles)
Total Active Army/Airforce
3xMechanized Corps
1xAlpine Corps
1xMarine Corps
2x Pilots
2xFlak Artillery
1xCoastal Artillery
Reserve Army/Airforce Units
2 Motorised Corps (Paris)
1 Motorised Corp (Vichy)
1 Flak Artillery (Paris)
1 Mechanized Corp (Vichy)
1 Bomber Unit (Paris)
1 Bomber Unit (Marseilles)
1 Pilot (Paris)
1 Pilot (Marseilles)
1 Transport-No pilot (Paris)
1 Coastal Artillery (Calais)
1 HQ Unit (Paris)
Reserve Army/Ariforce
3xMotorised Corps
1xMechanized Corps
1xFlak Artilery
1xCoastal Artillery
Active Navy
10 Destroyers (Brest)
5 Cruisers (Marseilles)
10 Destroyers (Marseilles)
20 submarines-tech level 5 (Brest)
Active Romanian Army 1932
2 Motorised Corps
1 Fighter Unit
1 Pilot
Reserve Romanian Army 1932
2 Motorised Corp
Romanian Navy
Lesser Ribena
16-11-2005, 11:22
This is a lot larger than the traditional British Army, its around 22 divisions, which is pretty high. Especially for the British who don't like large standing armies. Half this size would seem more appropriate and possibly even a quarter this size.
I will need names for all of these ships. Also, building 13 battleships in 5 years is a lot even for Britian. Perhaps moderinizing the surviving 4 Queen Elizabeths (which become 4 attack, 5 defense, 4 speed and range 5), the Hood (which becomes 4 attack, 5 defense, 7 speed and range 6), and the 2 Nelsons (which become 5 attack, 6 defense, 3 speed and 5 range) would be more reasonable, along with 5 King George V class (which are 4 attack, protection 5, speed 6 and range 5). Getting rid of the Renown is very reasonable though.
Not enough shipping, historically the British had closer to 40 shipping units (including the ocean liners)
Thanks for these points GB, I understand about the army and I will disband some of the less trained units. It's still very much a work in progress and I was basing it on my strength at the end of the war so it's higher than it should be. I'll make some cuts in an edit.
As to the ships, I couldn't find any resent numbers for them on the thread so a lot of it was just an educated guess, i'll reduce the number of battleships but i'd like to maintain my current number of cruisers and destroyers. Is that possible? I wil also add names for you, probably be based off some older ships to avoid any confusion with contemporary vessels.
Finally I will go back and edit my shipping units up a bit, I guess I was underestimating the number of shipping units Britain had.
Argentina's Military in 1932
Active Army
1st Madagascar Provincial Guard Division
1st Mechanized Infantry Division
2nd Mechanized Infantry Division
3rd Mechanized Infantry Division
4th Mechanized Infantry Division
Reserve Army
2nd Madagascar Provincial Guard Division
1st Provincial Guard Division
2nd Provincial Guard Division
3rd Provincial Guard Division
4th Provincial Guard Division
5th Provincial Guard Division
6th Provincial Guard Division
7th Provincial Guard Division
8th Provincial Guard Division
9th Provincial Guard Division
10th Provincial Guard Division
Active Navy
- 1 Haruna-Class "Fast" Battleship (Tech 5) Buenos Aires
- 2 Antartica-Class (Tech 5) Light Crusers Mendoza, Neuquén
- 4 Destroyers (Tech 5)
- 2 Taiho-Class Fleet Carriers (Tech 6) (minus armored flight deck, Radar fire controled AA) - Viedma, Mar del Plata
- 1 Satsuma-Class Training Battleship (Tech 4) Sanfuentes (Still fully armed, but not as heavily maintained)
- 4 Republica-Class (Tech 5) Light Crusers Republica, Tierra del Fuego, La Pampa, Entre Rios
- 2 Antartica-Class Training Crusers (Tech 5) Roca, Pena (Still fully armed, but not as heavily maintained)
- 8 Destroyers (Tech 5)
Mothballed Navy
- 2 Satsuma-Class (Tech 4) Semi-Drednaught (One slated to be scrapped in 1935, one in 1940)
- None
- None
4 Counters
National Airlines:
1 Counter
Active Romanian Army 1932
2 Motorised Corps
1 Fighter Unit
1 Pilot
Reserve Romanian Army 1932
2 Motorised Corps
Romanian Navy
10 Destroyers (1 Light Ship Counter)
Civilian Craft
1 Shipping Counter
Galveston Bay
19-11-2005, 00:06
looks good, also substainable. But you can probably afford a couple of reserve infantry corps as well.
I'll probably build a couple over the next couple years, all my money during the 1927-1932 downtime was spent upgrading my units , building my planes, training pilots, and building new industry. Doing some research to figure out what kind of fighters I owuld be likely to have. I'm thinking maybe the IAR 80, or something simlar to the PZL P.11
Independent Macedonia
19-11-2005, 04:03
Romania, if you want something like the PZL P.11 we can license the IK-2 to you.
Also, GB when do you think i can expect the IK-3? I was expecting developement to be completed by 1930 but with the war ending i think that may have been pushed back a few years, maybe 1933?
China's Military as of 1932:
*14 Garrison Corps.
2 each in Peking, Shanghai, Canton, Tienstin, Mukden, Kunming, and Lanchow.
6 Fighter Units.
3 each in Shanghai and Canton.
1 Land Bomber unit.
1 Maritime Bomber unit.
Both in Canton.
4 Merchant Marine.
4 in Canton.
2 Capital Counters
15 Light Ship Counters
Roughly half in Shanghai and the other half in Canton.
5 HQ Units.
1 each in Shanghai, Canton, Kunming, Peking, and Mukden.
* = I'm willing to cut down from 14 garrisons (if thats too much) to 7 garrisons as long as I'm allowed to maintain at least one garrison unit in EVERY Chinese city that contributes industrial output (or points).
China's Income for 1932:
26 points from native industry.
2 points from China's 4 shipping units (2 million tons of shipping).
China's Economy Mode: National Effort, multiplies China's 28 points by a factor of 2 to a total of 56 points.
China's Builds for 1932:
15 merchant Marine Units at 3 points each for a total of 45 points.
2 Pilots at 2 points each for a total of 4 points.
1 National Airline for 3 points. (Assign Pilot #1 to this)
1 International Airline for 4 points. (Assign Pilot #2 to this)
Total Expenditures: 56 points.
Is this better for all concerned? Please let me know. :)
19-11-2005, 12:24
The Algerian Guard (Al Haras Al Jazaery/La Garde Algérienne): Garrison Unit
Algiers Division(Commander):
30,000 men
Oran Division:
10,000 men
Sahara Divison:
20,000 men
The Algerian anti-aircraft division attached to the Algerian Guard
Algerian Airforce (Al Quwat Al Jaweya Al Jazaerya/L'Armée de l'air Algérienne):
Algerian Fighter Squad (P26-"peashooter"):
500 planes stationed at small airfields along the north coast
1 pilot
Reserve Force:
2 reserve garrison units, 1 reserve cavalry corps
Scheduled builds:
1934-1935 Infantry Unit
1935-1936 Field Artillary
1x Marine Unit (replaced old I Mechanized Corp) (60,000 men)
2x Infantry Corp (reserve, organized on Swiss militia system)
2x Tech 5 Light Ship (5 light cruisers, 10 destroyers)
1x Tech 5 Capital Ship (2x light carriers)
1x Naval Air Unit (Hawker Furies)
1x Pilot Unit
Air Force
1x Fighter Unit (500 Gloster Gladiators)
1x Bomber Unit
3x Pilot Units (2 active, 1 reserve)
OOC: Ship's names:
Carriers: HMSAS Voortrekker, HMSAS Riebeeck
Cruisers: HMSAS Durban, HMSAS Capetown, HMSAS Drakensberg, HMSAS Rorke's Drift, HMSAS Transvaal
Here's the final revision of China's peace-time standing army.
7 Garrisons.
1 in Canton, Kunming, Lanchow, Mukden, Peking, Shanghai, and Tienstin.
6 Fighter Units.
3 each in Canton and Shanghai.
2 Capital Ship Counters.
1 each in Canton and Shanghai.
15 Light Ship Counters.
8 in Canton and 7 in Shanghai.
Is this do-able and plausible?
20-11-2005, 15:53
I've changed everything around again, including my build, and found I can add some more stuff. I've also added another section, to tell what Italy's build plans are.
1932 Military
Battleships: Conte Di Cavour, Giulio Caseare (upgraded to tech level 6)
Carriers: Italia (fleet carrier, tech 6), Roma (fleet carrier, tech 6), Garibaldismo (fleet carrier, tech 6)
Light cruisers: Basilicata, Campania, Quarto, Nino Bixio, Marsala, Pisa, Arnalfi (x7)
30 destroyers
30 submarines
4 million tons of shipping
1x HQ
1x Mechanized Infantry (Yugoslav border)
1x Alpine corps (German border)
1x field artillery (stationed on the German border)
8x infantry corps (I guess 3 of these would be active, two on the German border, one on the French border. The rest are reserves)
3x garison unit (stationed in Libya, Tunisia, Djoubiti)
Air Force
1x four engined bomber (no real Italian aircraft of the type existed, to my knowledge, at this time period)
1x fighter (Fiat CR.32)
3x carrier aircraft (I guess a navalized Fiat CR.32)
5x pilots
1937 Military
Battleships: Conte Di Cavour, Giulio Caseare (upgraded to tech level 6)
Carriers: Italia (fleet carrier, tech 6), Roma (fleet carrier, tech 6), Garibaldismo (fleet carrier, tech 6)
Heavy cruisers: 7x (no names yet)
30 destroyers (rebuilt)
30 submarines (also rebuilt)
20 million tons of shipping
1x HQ
1x Mechanized Infantry (Yugoslav border)
1x Alpine corps (German border)
1x field artillery (stationed on the German border)
8x motorized corps (I guess 3 of these would be active, two on the German border, one on the French border. The rest are reserves)
3x garison unit (stationed in Libya, Tunisia, Djoubiti)
Air Force
1x four engined bomber (no real Italian aircraft of the type existed, to my knowledge, at this time period)
1x fighter (Fiat CR.32)
3x carrier aircraft (I guess a navalized Fiat CR.32)
5x pilots
20-11-2005, 17:41
OOC: Could someone tell me what situation the Vietnamese military was in after it was given it's independance.
Vas Pokhoronim
20-11-2005, 17:58
OOC: Could someone tell me what situation the Vietnamese military was in after it was given it's independance.
Check with Galveston Bay. Vietnam might not have a standing army at all. If it does, it's probably a garrison or two.
Check with Galveston Bay. Vietnam might not have a standing army at all. If it does, it's probably a garrison or two.
Personally, I think 1 garrison should be OK for Vietnam to have as a peace-time army. Look at Siam. :)
Galveston Bay
21-11-2005, 07:54
Check with Galveston Bay. Vietnam might not have a standing army at all. If it does, it's probably a garrison or two.
Vietnam will have to start from scratch.. it starts with no military
Galveston Bay
21-11-2005, 08:49
when it gets here, reflects 1932 US builds
US Military Forces 1934
after PostWar adjustments and taking into account new rules and lessons learned.
US Navy
6 tech level 6 fleet carriers: Lexington, Saratoga, Enterprise, Yorktown, Wasp, Hornet (all are 100 aircraft, protection 3, speed 6, range 6)
4 tech level 6 (modernized) light carriers:, Theodore Roosevelt, William McKinley, George Washington, Abraham Lincoln (4 x 55 aircraft, protection 1, speed 5, range 5, 4 x 55 aircraft, protection 1, speed 6, range 6)
4 tech level 6 Fast battleships: North Carolina, Washington, South Dakota, Alabama, (firepower 5, protection 6, speed 5, range 6)
3 tech 6(modernized) (16 inch) Battleships: Colorado, Maryland, West Virginia (firepower 5, protection 6, speed 3, range 5)
5 tech 6 (modernized)(14 inch) battleships Tennessee, New Mexico, Mississippi, Idaho, Pennsylvania ( firepower 4, protection 6, speed 3, and range 5)
15 tech level 6 Heavy cruisers (all are firepower 1, protection 2, speed 6, range 6)
Chester, Pensacola, Salt Lake City, Houston, Northhampton, Chicago, Augusta, Quincy, Portland, Astoria, Tuscaloosa, Vincennes, Indianapolis, Newport News, Salem, Vincennes, Wichita, Baltimore
Light cruisers
15 Tech level 6 (modernized) Omaha class (firepower 1, protection 2, speed 6, range 6) Omaha, Milwaukee, Cincinnati, Marblehead, Trenton, Detroit, Concord, Richmond, Memphis, Luzon, Mindanao, Paney, Cebu, Samar, Guam
5 tech level 6 Brooklyn class (firepower 1, protection 1, speed 7, range 6) Brooklyn, Philadelphia, Savannah, Nashville, Boise,
2 tech level 6 Atlanta class (firepower 1, protection 1, speed 7, range 6), Atlanta, Juneau
140 tech level 5 destroyers, (14 light ships), 40 tech level 6 destroyers (4 light ships)
200 tech level 5 destroyers (laid up)(20 light ships)
all other destroyers and all subchasers have been scrapped.
70 tech level 5 submarines, plus 10 tech level 5 submarines laid up
10 tech level 6 submarines
Transport and shipping
6 transport units (all others have been released back to merchant marine service)(converted from shipping units)
26 shipping units (13 million tons) commercial fleet, plus 3 liner units (in civilian service)
US Naval Aviation
5 PBY, 5 carrier fighter units (Buffalos), 5 carrier bomber units (2 Devastator torpedo bombers, 3 Vindicator dive bombers), 15 naval aviation pilots (includes USMC)
Naval reserve: 3 carrier pilots
Marine Corps
1 Amphibious corps
US Army Air Force
1 heavy bomber unit (B17A), 1 Air transport unit (DC2), 5 fighter units (P36), 1 bomber units (A12), 4 bomber units (B10), 12 pilots
US Army Air National Guard
1 Air Transport unit (DC2), 5 fighter units (P26), 5 bomber units (A12), 14 pilots
US Army
3 garrison units (Pearl Harbor, Panama, Truk), 1 armored corps (2 divisions), 2 mechanized corps (2 divisions each), 2 motorized infantry corps (2 divisions each), 1 mountain corps (2 divisions), 2 field artillery units, 4 coast defense units (Manila, Pearl Harbor, Truk, Panama), 3 flak units (Pearl Harbor, Truk, Panama)
US Army National Guard / Reserve
5 headquarters units, 7 motorized infantry corps (2 divisions each), 4 mechanized corps (2 divisions each), 1 armored corps (2 divisions), 4 field artillery units, 6 garrison units (3 each coast), 1 garrison unit (Manila), 7 coast artillery units (3 each coast plus Manila), 7 flak units (3 each coast plus Manila)
Far East and the Pacific
US Army Philippines Defense Force
1 garrison unit (Manila, Philippine National Guard), 1 coast artillery unit (Manila Bay), 1 Flak unit (Manila Bay, Philippine National Guard), 1 P36 fighter unit, 1 pilot,
US Army Western Pacific
1 Garrison unit (Truk), 1 coast defense artillery (Truk), 1 flak unit (Truk)
US 7th Fleet (Based at Cavite and Subic Bay, Philippines)
1 naval air unit (PBY), 1 pilot, 30 S class submarines (tech level 5),
Battleships Tennessee, New Mexico, Light cruisers Omaha, Milwaukee, 20 destroyers (tech 5)
US Army Hawaii
1 garrison unit (Oahu), 1 coast defense artillery (Oahu), 1 flak unit (Oahu), 1 fighter unit (P36),
US 5th Fleet (Pearl Harbor)
Heavy cruisers Chester, Pensacola, Salt Lake City, Light cruisers Paney, Cebu, Samar, 30 destroyers (tech level 5), 30 S class submarines, 1 naval air unit (PBY), 1 pilot
US 3rd Fleet (Long Beach/San Pedro)
Battleships North Carolina, Washington, South Dakota, Indiana, 30 destroyers (tech level 5)
US 1st Fleet (San Diego)
Fleet Carriers Lexington, Saratoga, Enterprise, Yorktown, Wasp, Hornet, heavy cruisers Houston, Northhampton, Chicago, Augusta, Quincy, Portland, Astoria, Tuscaloosa, Vincennes, Indianapolis, light cruisers Cincinnati, Marblehead, Trenton, Detroit, Concord, Richmond, Memphis, Luzon, Guam, Mindanao, 30 destroyers (tech level 5), plus 3 carrier fighter units (Buffalo), 2 Carrier dive bomber units (Vindicator), 1 Carrier torpedo bomber unit (Devastator), 6 carrier pilot units,
Western Sea Frontier (West Coast)
2 naval air units (PBY), 1 Marine carrier fighter unit (Buffalo), 1 Marine dive bomber unit (Vindicator), 1 Marine Amphibious Corps, 1 Amphibious shipping unit, 3 transport units, 10 tech level 6 submarines
US Coast Guard vessels patrol US Marshal, Marianas, and Palau Islands as well as American Polynesia. No significant garrisons other than a few navy and coast guard shore parties, and minor naval stations at Kwajalein, Guam, Palau, and Tahiti
US East Coast, Atlantic and Caribbean
Eastern Sea Frontier (East Coast and Gulf Coast)
1 naval air unit (PBY), heavy cruisers Vincennes, Wichita, Baltimore, Light cruisers Atlanta, Juneau, 40 tech level 6 destroyers, 3 transport shipping units
US 6th Fleet (Casablanca)
Battleships Mississippi, Idaho, Pennsylvania, 10 destroyers (tech level 5), 10 S type submarines (tech 5)
US 2nd Fleet (Norfolk)
Carriers Theodore Roosevelt, William McKinley, George Washington, Abraham Lincoln Battleships Colorado, Maryland, West Virginia, Heavy cruisers Newport News, Salem, light cruisers Brooklyn, Philadelphia, Savannah, Nashville, Boise, 30 destroyers (tech 5), 1 carrier fighter unit (Buffalo), 1 carrier torpedo bomber unit (Devastator), 2 carrier pilots,
US Army Panama
1 Garrison unit, 1 flak unit, 1 coast defense unit (all at Panama)
US Army Home Forces
US Army Air Force
1 heavy bomber unit (B17A), 1 Air transport unit (DC3), 3 fighter units (P36), 3 bomber units (A20), 2 bomber units (B10), 12 pilots
US Army Air National Guard
1 Air Transport unit (DC3), 5 fighter units (P36), 5 bomber units (A20), 11 pilots
available as a reserve also 1 DC3 (airline), 1 China Clipper (international airline), 2 pilots
US Army
1 armored corps (2 divisions), 2 mechanized corps (2 divisions each), 2 motorized infantry corps (2 divisions each), 1 mountain corps (2 divisions), 2 field artillery units,
US Army National Guard / Reserve
5 headquarters units, 7 motorized infantry corps (2 divisions each), 4 mechanized corps (2 divisions each), 1 armored corps (2 divisions), 4 field artillery units, 6 garrison units (3 each coast), 6 coast artillery units (3 each coast), 6 flak units (3 each coast)(defended areas are San Francisco, Los Angeles and Seattle on West Coast, Chesapeake Bay, New York City and Delaware Bay on East Coast)
plus battleships Indiana, Massachusetts, Carrier Ranger, 10 destroyers, 30 submarines under construction
Important issue.
This is about tech levels, advancement, and catch-up.
Colombian & Venezuelan Military as of 1932
1 x Mechanized Corp (Bogota)
1 x Alpine Corp (Cali)
1 x Infantry Corp (Caracas)
1 x Garrison (Bogota)
1 x Garrison (Caracas)
1 x Garrison (Panama)
1 x Garrison (Cayenne)
2 x Airtransports (Airline Service)
8 x Fighters (4 in Colombia, 2 in Venezuela, 1 in Panama, 1 in Cayenne)
10 x Pilots
1 x Battlecruiser
4 x Heavy Cruiser
20 x Destroyers
4 x Submarines
The Lightning Star
22-11-2005, 01:19
Revised Military of the Federated States of India as of 1932
x1 Infantry Corp (Peshawar)
x1 Infantry Corp (Naini Tal)
x1 Infantry Corp (Poona)
x1 Infantry Corp (Bombay)
x1 Mechanized Infantry Corp (Calcutta)
x1 Mechanized Infantry Corp (Madras)
x1 HQ Corp (Delhi)
x3 Bomber (Martin B10)
x1 Fighter (Hawker Hurricane)
x4 Pilot
x6 Battlecruisers (from 1901)
x10 Corvettes (from 1984-1900)
I'm basing my army stats on This (http://web.archive.org/web/20030407000242/home.adelphia.net/~dryan67/orders/india.html), as well as stats Galveston gave me for the Indian Army after the end of the war.
Galveston Bay
22-11-2005, 01:38
Military of the Federated States of India as of 1932
x1 Garrison Corp (Peshawar)
x1 Garrison Corp (Naini Tal)
x1 Garrison Corp (Poona)
x1 Garrison Corp (Bombay)
x1 Infantry Corp (Delhi)
x6 Battlecruisers (from 1901)
x10 Corvettes (from 1984-1900)
I'm basing my army stats on This (http://web.archive.org/web/20030407000242/home.adelphia.net/~dryan67/orders/india.html), just adding an extra Infantry Corp.
you probably mean light cruisers or destroyers... battlecruisers are obsolete at this point
The Lightning Star
22-11-2005, 01:43
you probably mean light cruisers or destroyers... battlecruisers are obsolete at this point
No no no, the U.K. Gave me Battlecruisers (http://forums2.jolt.co.uk/showpost.php?p=9754876&postcount=31), und I haven't had much time to upgrade my navy (I'm trying to get it updated, look on the India thread)
Galveston Bay
22-11-2005, 02:24
No no no, the U.K. Gave me Battlecruisers (http://forums2.jolt.co.uk/showpost.php?p=9754876&postcount=31), und I haven't had much time to upgrade my navy (I'm trying to get it updated, look on the India thread)
those are actually incredibly obsoleter armored cruisers, capable of 12 - 16 knots, poorly armored and meat on the table for a submarine (3 were sunk historically in less than an hour by the U-9 in 1914), or a tech level 6 heavy cruiser. Your Admiralty wants to scrap them and get real warships as soon as a possible.
Battle cruisers are bigger, as badly armored, but faster, bigger guns, but terribly vulnerable to heavy caliber guns and aircraft bombs and torpedoes. All of those have been sunk, or upgraded or scrapped.
The Lightning Star
22-11-2005, 02:27
those are actually incredibly obsoleter armored cruisers, capable of 12 - 16 knots, poorly armored and meat on the table for a submarine (3 were sunk historically in less than an hour by the U-9 in 1914), or a tech level 6 heavy cruiser. Your Admiralty wants to scrap them and get real warships as soon as a possible.
Battle cruisers are bigger, as badly armored, but faster, bigger guns, but terribly vulnerable to heavy caliber guns and aircraft bombs and torpedoes. All of those have been sunk, or upgraded or scrapped.
I will scrap them as soon as possible. However, a horrible defence is better than no defence. Italy is in the process of giving me some real ships, and I've asked for more assistance from the LTA as well.
22-11-2005, 02:35
I will scrap them as soon as possible. However, a horrible defence is better than no defence. Italy is in the process of giving me some real ships, and I've asked for more assistance from the LTA as well.
Yep. The 7 old light cruisers of mine (Basilicata, Campania, Quarto, Nino Bixio, Marsala, Pisa, Arnalfi) are being given to India in 1937. Depending on how I spend my post-1937 points, I could perhaps give more. I've cut down to normal levels of spending (thinking that, at some point, people are going to stop wanting to pay higher taxes in order to fund what is basically foriegn aid), and minus education spending (and lack of spending for the industrial slack), I've got 45 points to play with, plus 10 points of free research IIRC.
Lesser Ribena
22-11-2005, 16:27
The Army
Units listed here are regular units that are long service (ie. more than the 7 year minimum) regular servicemen with a full time training system
1 HQ unit
2 9 point mechanized corps
2 8 point armored cavalry corps
1 field artillery unit
1 8 point amphibious unit
The Royal Navy
All of these that follow are top of the range vessels (ie. last 10 years) and excess vessels have been scrapped and/or used as target practice.
4 modernised Queen Elizabeth class battleships (which become 4 attack, 5 defense, 4 speed and range 5), HMS Queen Elizabeth, HMS Warspite, HMS Barham, HMS Valiant,
modernised HMS Hood (which becomes 4 attack, 5 defense, 7 speed and range 6), HMS Hood
2 Modernised Nelson class battleships (which become 5 attack, 6 defense, 3 speed and 5 range), HMS Nelson, HMS Rodney
5 King George V class battleships (4 attack, protection 5, speed 6 and range 5). HMS King George V, HMS Prince of Wales, HMS Duke of York, HMS Anson, HMS Howe
3 Tech 6 Fleet carrier protection 2, speed 6, range 6, (80 – 100 aircraft), HMS Hermes, HMS Eagle, HMS Vindictive,
4 Tech 6 Light carriers protection 1, speed 6, range 6, (40 -55 aircraft), HMS Courageous, HMS Glorious, HMS Furious, HMS Argus
8 Tech 6 submarine units (80 submarines total), attack 1, protection 0, speed 3, range 5,
14 Tech 6 Light ship (140 destroyers ) attack 1, defense 1, speed 7, range 4
10 Tech 6 heavy cruiser attack 1, defense 2, speed 7, range 6, HMS Hawkins, HMS Vindictive, HMS Raleigh, HMS Frobisher, HMS Effingham, HMS Caroline, HMS Cambrian, HMS Centaur, HMS Caledon, HMS Ceres, HMS Carlisle,
25 Tech 6 light cruiser attack 1, defense 1, speed 7 range 6, HMS Bristol, HMS Chatham, HMS Weymouth, HMS Birkinhead, HMS Birmingham, HMS Manchester, HMS Glasgow, HMS Edinburgh, HMS Falmouth, HMS Nottingham, HMS Derby, HMS Yarmouth, HMS Dartmouth, HMS Chester, HMS Dublin, HMS Gloucester, HMS Chicester, HMS Liverpool, HMS Belfast, HMS Lowestoft, HMS Newcastle, HMS Southampton, HMS Oxford, HMS Warwick, HMS Leicester, HMS Cambridges, HMS Kilmarnock, HMS Stafford.
Fleet Air Arm
5 carrier fighter units
3 carrier bomber units 2 torpedo Fairey Swordfish
2 carrier bomber units dive bomber
10 naval aviation pilots
The Royal Airforce
2 bombers (Bristol Blenheims)
3 bombers (Handley Page Hampdens)
5 fighters (Hawker Hurricanes)
1 air transports (double engined HANDLEY PAGE HARROW/SPARROW )
11 pilot units
RAF Reserve
3 pilot units
The Army Reserves
Mostly territorial army units (30 days training per year), old yeomanry cavalry units which are now mechanised and ex-servicemen who are still on the reserves list.
2 8 point mechanised corps
1 HQ unit
1 field artillery unit
2 5 point garrison units (London, Dover)
The Merchant Navy
35 merchant shipping units
10 Tech 6 Ocean Liners (represents 20 Queen Mary sized ocean liners). Protection 2, range 5, speed 6,
Civilian Aerospace
1 domestic airline
1 international airline
2 pilot units
Other Defences
3 Flak artillery attack strength 1, defense strength 3 (London, Dover, Scapa Flow)
2 Coast artillery (Dover, Scapa Flow)
2 Fortifications (Dover, Scapa Flow)
Mexican Armed Forces 1932
This is the reformed structure that Mexico’s army now takes. The economy has stabilised after the civil war, allowing a stronger army and navy than immediately after the rebellion. As well as this, the Guardia Rural has recently been formed, essentially a militia designed to keep order throughout the country, as well as providing a trained defensive force should Mexico be attacked. Mexico also has an air force, although this is only in its infancy and is mainly used for reconnaissance missions.
The army is expected to be sized down and given extensive retraining; hopefully meaning it will be as professional as the European armies. With the formation of the Guardia Rural, the principle job of the army will be attack as opposed to defence. Because of this a motor division will be created by 1922, equipped with enough trucks for 5,000 men. As well as this, an extra cavalry division is to be created. So in total the army will include:
5 Infantry Divisions (50,000 men total)
3 Cavalry Divisions (15,000 men total)
1 Motorised Division (5,000 men total)
In a situation of war, an extra 100,000 conscripted men can be called to arms as a part of the reservists scheme, as well as the 155,000 men in the rural defence force.
The navy is being increased slightly in size, mainly concentrating on defensive tactics in order to protect Mexico’s coastlines from attack.
2 x Destroyer
MNS Aztec + Conquistador
Displacement: 742 tons
Length: 293 ft
Beam: 26 ft
Speed: 29.5 knots
Complement: 86 officers and enlisted
Armament: 5 3-inch guns, 6 18-inch torpedo tubes
4 x Torpedo Boat
MNS: Itzcoatl + Moctezuma + Tizoc + Acamapichtli + Axayacatl
Length: 75 ft
Beam: 21 ft
Speed: 35 knots
Complement: 35 officers and enlisted
Armament: 2 18-inch torpedo tubes, 2 machine guns
12 x Gunboat
MNS: Vera Cruz + Yucatan + Panuco + Yaqui + Balsas + Usumacinta + Rio Grande + Sonora + Morelos + Querétaro + Oaxaca + Tabasco
Displacement: 400 tons
Length: 150 ft
Beam: 25 ft
Speed: 12.5 knots
Complement: 50 officers and enlisted
Armament: 4 2.5-inch guns
The navy is split into two fleets, a Caribbean fleet and a Pacific fleet. Both fleets consist of 1 cruiser, 2 torpedo boats and 6 gunboats.
Guardia Rural (Rural Defence Force)
The Rural Defence Force (Guardia Rural) will augment the military presence in the countryside, as well as being the first line of Defence should the country be endangered. It will be composed entirely of volunteers, who will receive a small salary for being part of the force, as well as basic military training. Each province will be responsible for the training and equipping of its Guardia Rural, although certain guidelines must be followed. All volunteers will enlist for a three-year period, after this they may stay on till the age of 50.
Every region is required to maintain a force of 5,000 volunteers. If Mexico is invaded, or declares war then the number will rise to 10,000 in each region, to free up more regular soldiers from defending. As there are 31 provinces in peacetime we maintain a force of 155,000 volunteers, rising to 330,000 when war is declared.
31 Infantry Brigades (155,000 men total)
Galveston Bay
23-11-2005, 07:02
Mexican Armed Forces 1932
This is the reformed structure that Mexico’s army now takes. The economy has stabilised after the civil war, allowing a stronger army and navy than immediately after the rebellion. As well as this, the Guardia Rural has recently been formed, essentially a militia designed to keep order throughout the country, as well as providing a trained defensive force should Mexico be attacked. Mexico also has an air force, although this is only in its infancy and is mainly used for reconnaissance missions.
The army is expected to be sized down and given extensive retraining; hopefully meaning it will be as professional as the European armies. With the formation of the Guardia Rural, the principle job of the army will be attack as opposed to defence. Because of this a motor division will be created by 1922, equipped with enough trucks for 5,000 men. As well as this, an extra cavalry division is to be created. So in total the army will include:
5 Infantry Divisions (50,000 men total)
3 Cavalry Divisions (15,000 men total)
1 Motorised Division (5,000 men total)
In a situation of war, an extra 100,000 conscripted men can be called to arms as a part of the reservists scheme, as well as the 155,000 men in the rural defence force.
The navy is being increased slightly in size, mainly concentrating on defensive tactics in order to protect Mexico’s coastlines from attack.
2 x Destroyer
MNS Aztec + Conquistador
Displacement: 742 tons
Length: 293 ft
Beam: 26 ft
Speed: 29.5 knots
Complement: 86 officers and enlisted
Armament: 5 3-inch guns, 6 18-inch torpedo tubes
4 x Torpedo Boat
MNS: Itzcoatl + Moctezuma + Tizoc + Acamapichtli + Axayacatl
Length: 75 ft
Beam: 21 ft
Speed: 35 knots
Complement: 35 officers and enlisted
Armament: 2 18-inch torpedo tubes, 2 machine guns
12 x Gunboat
MNS: Vera Cruz + Yucatan + Panuco + Yaqui + Balsas + Usumacinta + Rio Grande + Sonora + Morelos + Querétaro + Oaxaca + Tabasco
Displacement: 400 tons
Length: 150 ft
Beam: 25 ft
Speed: 12.5 knots
Complement: 50 officers and enlisted
Armament: 4 2.5-inch guns
The navy is split into two fleets, a Caribbean fleet and a Pacific fleet. Both fleets consist of 1 destroyer, 2 torpedo boats and 6 gunboats.
Guardia Rural (Rural Defence Force)
The Rural Defence Force (Guardia Rural) will augment the military presence in the countryside, as well as being the first line of Defence should the country be endangered. It will be composed entirely of volunteers, who will receive a small salary for being part of the force, as well as basic military training. Each province will be responsible for the training and equipping of its Guardia Rural, although certain guidelines must be followed. All volunteers will enlist for a three-year period, after this they may stay on till the age of 50.
Every region is required to maintain a force of 5,000 volunteers. If Mexico is invaded, or declares war then the number will rise to 10,000 in each region, to free up more regular soldiers from defending. As there are 31 provinces in peacetime we maintain a force of 155,000 volunteers, rising to 330,000 when war is declared.
31 Infantry Divisions (155,000 men total)
that is about right, except the 31 infantry divisions would actually be brigades.
Ottoman Khaif
28-11-2005, 05:15
The MEU Arm forces
As of 1933
The MEU- A Single Army Division can be at 10,000 troops at its lowest and 20,000 troop at max.
Army Core as of 1926, the standing army
300,000 troops (100 percent fully trained)
Number of Army corps: 60 Army Division at the moment.
300,000 Reservist Division (only call to duty in times of war, well trained)" They are on duty."
Total number of Troops in the standing peacetime army, 600,000 troops(including supply soldiers)
Note: Each Army Core is assign 9 battalions of infantry, 4 battalions of artillery, plus a machine gun and armored car battalion
MEU forces
Egypt - 1 MEU Mech corps (Suez), 1 MEU infantry corps (Suez), 1 MEU Mech corps (Alexandria,), 1 fighter unit(Alexandria)
Persia -2 MEU Mech corps (Tehran, Bandar Shapur)
Iraq – 1 MEU Mech corps (Basra), 1 MEU garrison unit (Baghdad),1 MEU armored corps" reserve"(Baghdad)
Arabia – 1 MEU Cavalry corps (Riyadh)
Syria – 1 MEU Mech corps (Damascus), 1 MEU Cavalry corps "reserve"( (Damascus), 1 fighter unit(Damascus) 2 Field artillery units "reserve"((Damascus)
Home Forces – 1 MEU Mech corps, 1 MEU Amphibious unit"reserve" ,1 fighter unit, (Istanbul), 1 MEU garrison (Gallipolli), 1 MEU Alpine corps (Ezrurum) "reserve", Flak artillery(Istanbul),Coast artillery(Gallipolli)
MEU Air Core
Made of mostly German Made planes
Three Fighter Unit
Two Air Force pliots
One pilot for domestic airlines
one domestic airlines
The Navy as of early 1932
1 CAIO DUILIO CLASS Battleship(build by the Italians in 1922)
2 Conti di Cavour Battlecruiser( build by the Italians in 1922)"reserve"
2 Battleships(being build by the Germans, will be competed by 1934)
4 Battlecruisers(being build by the Germans,will be competed by 1934)
2 "Taiho class"Fleet carriers( building by Japan per agreement of the Alliance, will be competed by 1935)
3 light carriers(builded by Japan per agreement of the Alliance, by 1931)
1 training carrier(builded by Japan per agreement of the Alliance, by 1931)
4 Hawkins Class Heavy Cruisers(Build by the British, 1921)"reserve"
6 Cruisers(being build by the Germans,will be competed by 1933)
Light Cruisers
6 Town Class Light Cruisers (Build by the British, 1922)"reserve"
10 Danae Class Light Cruisers (Build by the British, 1922)
20 W Class Destroyers(Build by the British in 1921)"reserve"
20 Destroyers(Build by the Italians in 1922)
10 Destoryers(being build by the Germans,will be competed by 1933)
40 U-boats(made by the Germans in 1924.) "reserve"
Cargo shipping units
four shipping units
Galveston Bay
28-11-2005, 05:27
The Red Fleet will be commencing the construction of six new capital warships in 1932. The Karl Marx-class "superbattleship" is armed with 9 450mm main guns, and hundreds of smaller weapons, ranging in size from 7.62mm to 150mm. Additionally, the new ships will also carry six aircraft which can be launched from catapults. Apparently, the new designs are the Union's answer to Guozu-class battleships of the Chinese Imperial Navy.
They are slated to be completed in 1938, barring incident.
are you basing the ship on a historical design? (please say yes, it makes life easier for me)
are you basing the ship on a historical design? (please say yes, it makes life easier for me)
Hmm. This could be somewhat problematic as there was only one type of super-battleship historically, the Yamato class. The second, third, fourth, and so on nations that build super-battleships will have their own flavor or design, similiar to the differences between German battleships and the US Iowa class battleships.
I don't see a problem with historical models, except in the case of the Yamato, there's only one model of super-battleship in RL history. If there were more than 2, 3, 4 super-battleship types then this wouldn't be a problem.
Vas Pokhoronim
28-11-2005, 05:55
are you basing the ship on a historical design? (please say yes, it makes life easier for me)
The Yamato, I would assume. As far as I know that's the only battleship with 18-inch (450mm) guns that ever saw service.
It's got one less plane, just because we like even numbers. Any other modifications to the design are likely cosmetic, though better electronics and armor would be welcome.
Of the council of clan
28-11-2005, 14:14
OOC: ::cough:: http://www.combinedfleet.com/furashita/furamain.htm
now these ships didn't actually get built. But this should allow greater flexability
Vas Pokhoronim
28-11-2005, 15:23
OOC: ::cough:: http://www.combinedfleet.com/furashita/furamain.htm
now these ships didn't actually get built. But this should allow greater flexability
The Satsuma-class, then. 508mm guns. Ho, ho.
New Shiron
28-11-2005, 17:01
OOC: ::cough:: http://www.combinedfleet.com/furashita/furamain.htm
now these ships didn't actually get built. But this should allow greater flexability
ships from that web site are acceptable under the following conditions:
you must be tech level 6
you must build ships in sequence (no Satsuma without a Yamato, no Yamato without a Nagato for example).
it takes roughly 1 year per 15,000 tons of displacement (minimum 2 years) to build these things
I have been following that site for years... warning though, some designs are not a good idea to build. Buyer beware.
the Dutch Ijsselmeer design on that website is what the Dutch are using for their Battlecruisers Rotterdam and Amsterdam, one of which is in the Dutch East Indies (along with a couple of light cruisers and some destroyers and submarines).
1x Mechanzied Infantry Corp (Tech 5)
2x Tech 5 Light Ship (5 light cruisers, 10 destroyers)
Air Force
1x Fighter Unit (500 Gloster Gladiators)
1x Pilot Unit
The Union Defense force has been greatly scaled down to reflect South Africa's inability to afford a larger force at this time.
OOC: Cruisers' names: HMSAS Durban, HMSAS Capetown, HMSAS Drakensberg, HMSAS Rorke's Drift, HMSAS Transvaal
I watched Shootout on the History Channel and was reminded of a game franchise called "Call of Duty". This leads me to propose two major ideas for E20.
1. Hero Units
2. RP out platoon or squad battles at critical missions (take a town, capture enemy position, etc.)
What I propose by Hero Units is that there's one or two "units" that become able to do extraordinary feats- some examples of Heroic stuff in RL include Otto Skorzeny, the Red Baron, Doolittle, etc. These Heroic units should be difficult to destroy, and become able to beat incredible odds like 2 to 1, 3 to 1, and so on. However, there should be an extremely limited number of heroic units.
What I mean by idea #2, is that we are able to RP out squad or platoon level battles at critical missions. For example, like in the Call of Duty games, you are given an objective or goal, and then you (and in some missions, fellow soldiers in squad or platoon) try to achieve these goals. Some missions could include taking a critical supply route, capturing enemy artillery or bunkers, take out fortifications, etc.
I believe that woulod be exciting to RP out, and much more interesting to read and become a tangible piece of history than a simple "One 10-point American Infantry defeats an 8-point German garrison" that was going on all the time in Great War 2.
Share your ideas, feedback, and suggestions please. :)
I watched Shootout on the History Channel and was reminded of a game franchise called "Call of Duty". This leads me to propose two major ideas for E20.
1. Hero Units
2. RP out platoon or squad battles at critical missions (take a town, capture enemy position, etc.)
What I propose by Hero Units is that there's one or two "units" that become able to do extraordinary feats- some examples of Heroic stuff in RL include Otto Skorzeny, the Red Baron, Doolittle, etc. These Heroic units should be difficult to destroy, and become able to beat incredible odds like 2 to 1, 3 to 1, and so on. However, there should be an extremely limited number of heroic units.
What I mean by idea #2, is that we are able to RP out squad or platoon level battles at critical missions. For example, like in the Call of Duty games, you are given an objective or goal, and then you (and in some missions, fellow soldiers in squad or platoon) try to achieve these goals. Some missions could include taking a critical supply route, capturing enemy artillery or bunkers, take out fortifications, etc.
I believe that woulod be exciting to RP out, and much more interesting to read and become a tangible piece of history than a simple "One 10-point American Infantry defeats an 8-point German garrison" that was going on all the time in Great War 2.
Share your ideas, feedback, and suggestions please. :)
It sounds like a good idea but at the apce we move during wartime it could be very time consuming. The war might be over by the time we finish RPing one battle!
It sounds like a good idea but at the apce we move during wartime it could be very time consuming. The war might be over by the time we finish RPing one battle!
Then we can slow down time. ;)
Galveston Bay
30-11-2005, 05:08
Then we can slow down time. ;)
you do remember the complaints that the 2nd Great War was taking forever right?
you do remember the complaints that the 2nd Great War was taking forever right?
Yeah, but still. We do need some exciting war RP to help motivation and morale. If we can have even just one or two of these going on, it will do wonders for E20.
Galveston Bay
30-11-2005, 05:25
Yeah, but still. We do need some exciting war RP to help motivation and morale. If we can have even just one or two of these going on, it will do wonders for E20.
its my job as war moderator to determine the overall action... but there is no reason whatsoever you guys can't supply things like that. I have enough to do though, so that is up to you guys to supply at the appropriate times.
And I would have much preferred to write the less involved nuts and bolts description of the action, but it was essentially demanded because entirely too many players were complaining they didn't understand why things were happening the way they were happening.
Independent Macedonia
30-11-2005, 06:25
I hate the idea of hero units if i understand your term correctly
(a person or unit more powerful than others). That would be a grave mistake, i mean probably the greatest ace of the second world war died in 1942 i believe(Had a french looking last name, get back to you on that though, he was the master of the deflection shot and had in the three digits of kills against the western allies.) Many people just get lucky, people consider the DAK to be elite, but they were just regular guys who got lucky that the Brits underestimated them at first and had supply problems.
I would rather see the RP of heros of nations rather than the actual creation of them as unit, i mean i have given all my units generals for this very reason, so that i can easily RP them becoming veterans, hero's, etc.
As for small unit battles, i wouldn't mind that if it was in a small unit conflict, but not a war....
I hate the idea of hero units if i understand your term correctly
(a person or unit more powerful than others). That would be a grave mistake, i mean probably the greatest ace of the second world war died in 1942 i believe(Had a french looking last name, get back to you on that though, he was the master of the deflection shot and had in the three digits of kills against the western allies.) Many people just get lucky, people consider the DAK to be elite, but they were just regular guys who got lucky that the Brits underestimated them at first and had supply problems.
I would rather see the RP of heros of nations rather than the actual creation of them as unit, i mean i have given all my units generals for this very reason, so that i can easily RP them becoming veterans, hero's, etc.
As for small unit battles, i wouldn't mind that if it was in a small unit conflict, but not a war....
To clarify...
The heroes I had in mind are people who change or make history. Or an highly trained elite force or an unit that consistently does epic feats.
Some examples of heroic "units" include Doolittle's unit that bombed Tokyo, the Big Red One (USA's heroic infantry division), the SS elite panzerkampfwagens, the Red Baron (and his plane), Otto Skorzeny and his elite special forces operations, and so on.
Heroic units or people in war *does* make a difference. Without Dolittle, the USA would have never gained the morale boost from bombing Tokyo in revenge for Pearl Harbor. Without the Big Red One, quite a number of missions aganist Germany would have fizzled out, meaning a harder and bloodier victory for the Allies. Without the SS elite infantry, Germany wouldn't have held on for as long as it did. Without Otto Skorzeny, I believe that Benito Mussolini wouldn't have been returned to power in Italy. The list goes on.
Heroes *do* make history through their efforts- no matter whether it was a surprise victory, or a valiant defeat aganist 10 vs 1 odds, delay the enemy long enough for reinforcements to arrive, and so on.
The small scale battles I had in mind are based off this show I just watched tonight.
We do need to have some significant battles that have an historical (not necessarily RL history) feel and flavor to it. I want to have occassional battles RP'ed out similiar to what the TV show in the link above is about. Without these critical battles or small scale actions that enable great things to happen (a squad taking out a particular fort that holds up an military advance), the feeling of "History being made" isn't there.
Seriously, does the following feel like you're actually making history?
"8-point Yugoslav Mechanized Infantry defeats a 5-point Italian garrison in Trieste. Yugoslavia captures Trieste from Italy."
Where's the story in that? Where's the human element in that? Where's the "history being made" in that? Where's the "Wow! That battle was important!" factor? Where's the epic feel?
None, I can assure you.
All I'm asking is that for the players who are willing to write up detailed battle scenes are allowed to do so, and be credited for victory or defeat based on the tactics and strategies the player uses in his RP instead of numbers or mathematical formulas (or dice rolls). In real warfare, we don't use math or dice rolls to determine victory or defeat- its done through tactics, strategy, and most importantly of all, the human element.
Players don't have to RP these small scale battles, but those are some of us that may be interested in doing so- myself included, so that we can introduce the human element to E20, making it more realistic and more "history-making" feel.
Of the council of clan
30-11-2005, 10:39
.........elite infantry division
then what about the 82nd Airborne, 101st Airborne, 28th Infantry, 10th Mountain and the list goes on. Big Red One was not the ONLY division that performed heroic actions, they didn't have special training that set them apart from the rest. They were placed in tough circumstances and performed. I think what you are thinking of was the Ranger Battalions. there were 6 I believe, well at least 6. Now THEY are an elite Unit. And actually Big Red One was poorly led at the begining of the war till patton sacked their commander and second in command(one of those two guys was Teddy Roosevelt JR.) during the Sicily Campaign. Just because they market it like that for a video game, doesn't make it so. Lots of American Units performed Heroically, I think you need to reevaluate your position.
Skornesky, yes, Rangers yes, Royal Marine Commando's Yes. British SAS yes.
Lesser Ribena
30-11-2005, 20:40
Heroic units or people in war *does* make a difference. Without Dolittle, the USA would have never gained the morale boost from bombing Tokyo in revenge for Pearl Harbor. Without the Big Red One, quite a number of missions aganist Germany would have fizzled out, meaning a harder and bloodier victory for the Allies. Without the SS elite infantry, Germany wouldn't have held on for as long as it did. Without Otto Skorzeny, I believe that Benito Mussolini wouldn't have been returned to power in Italy. The list goes on.
I'm against this plan. Whilst it would add character to the game, I don't feel it's very realistic and only complicates the system. For example these hero units could effectively win the game for a country by smashing enemy units or whatever.
Elite units are already catered for in the system with the varying qualities of the military units. For example the US had a high quality 10 point unit in the last war whilst average units were 8 points. The random roll system used in war also reflects units that heroicly fight to the last man or whatever.
I'm for less complicity not more.
Galveston Bay
30-11-2005, 21:10
I'm against this plan. Whilst it would add character to the game, I don't feel it's very realistic and only complicates the system. For example these hero units could effectively win the game for a country by smashing enemy units or whatever.
Elite units are already catered for in the system with the varying qualities of the military units. For example the US had a high quality 10 point unit in the last war whilst average units were 8 points. The random roll system used in war also reflects units that heroicly fight to the last man or whatever.
I'm for less complicity not more.
as war moderator I try to factor in occasional bits of daring do, elite units and important personages, and all armies had at least one relatively elite unit in it last war. Hero units and personages would add even more complications and would essentially be offset by hero units and personages on the other side. The Nazis had Skorzeny and Rudel, the US had Dolittle and Audie Murphy.
I really want to introduce a human element. I feel that the numbers and dice rolls de-sensitized the human perpsective, suffering, courage, failures, victories, and so forth that always happens during war.
I know its going to add a whole new level of complexity, but I have an idea how to solve this.
Each nation gets one or two hero units that basically have double the offense and defense as regular units. For example...
Normal Infantry = 3 attack, 4 defense.
Heroic Infantry = 5 - 6 attack, 6 - 8 defense.
Normal Battleship = 6 attack, 5 defense.
Heroic Battleship = 10 - 12 attack, 7 - 9 defense.
And so on.
To offset this advantage, each nation can only have one heroic unit (one of each of the three types- Ground, Sea, and Air), and can only gain them through battles. If an unit wins three consecutive battles (or wins 3 times without being defeated), then it gains the option for a promotion to heroic status if the player wants that unit to be promoted. Then that unit becomes a Heroic version. If another non-heroic unit wins 3 battles, it can't be promoted to heroic status because the player already has one. If the Heroic unit is killed, the player can get a new one- but will have to go through the process all over again.
Hopefully this is a simple way to implement heroic units. Besides, this would allow E20 players to have and RP their own heroes like their own Dolittles, Skorzenys, Red Barons, etc.
Galveston Bay
30-11-2005, 22:23
when it gets here, reflects 1932 US builds
US Military Forces 1934
after PostWar adjustments and taking into account new rules and lessons learned.
US Navy
6 tech level 6 fleet carriers: Lexington, Saratoga, Enterprise, Yorktown, Wasp, Hornet (all are 100 aircraft, protection 3, speed 6, range 6)
4 tech level 6 (modernized) light carriers:, Theodore Roosevelt, William McKinley, George Washington, Abraham Lincoln (4 x 55 aircraft, protection 1, speed 5, range 5, 4 x 55 aircraft, protection 1, speed 6, range 6)
4 tech level 6 Fast battleships: North Carolina, Washington, South Dakota, Alabama, (firepower 5, protection 6, speed 5, range 6)
3 tech 6(modernized) (16 inch) Battleships: Colorado, Maryland, West Virginia (firepower 5, protection 6, speed 3, range 5)
5 tech 6 (modernized)(14 inch) battleships Tennessee, New Mexico, Mississippi, Idaho, Pennsylvania ( firepower 4, protection 6, speed 3, and range 5)
15 tech level 6 Heavy cruisers (all are firepower 1, protection 2, speed 6, range 6)
Chester, Pensacola, Salt Lake City, Houston, Northhampton, Chicago, Augusta, Quincy, Portland, Astoria, Tuscaloosa, Vincennes, Indianapolis, Newport News, Salem, Vincennes, Wichita, Baltimore
Light cruisers
15 Tech level 6 (modernized) Omaha class (firepower 1, protection 2, speed 6, range 6) Omaha, Milwaukee, Cincinnati, Marblehead, Trenton, Detroit, Concord, Richmond, Memphis, Luzon, Mindanao, Paney, Cebu, Samar, Guam
5 tech level 6 Brooklyn class (firepower 1, protection 1, speed 7, range 6) Brooklyn, Philadelphia, Savannah, Nashville, Boise,
2 tech level 6 Atlanta class (firepower 1, protection 1, speed 7, range 6), Atlanta, Juneau
140 tech level 5 destroyers, (14 light ships), 40 tech level 6 destroyers (4 light ships)
200 tech level 5 destroyers (laid up)(20 light ships)
all other destroyers and all subchasers have been scrapped.
70 tech level 5 submarines, plus 10 tech level 5 submarines laid up
10 tech level 6 submarines
Transport and shipping
6 transport units (all others have been released back to merchant marine service)(converted from shipping units)
26 shipping units (13 million tons) commercial fleet, plus 3 liner units (in civilian service)
US Naval Aviation
5 PBY, 5 carrier fighter units (Buffalos), 5 carrier bomber units (2 Devastator torpedo bombers, 3 Vindicator dive bombers), 15 naval aviation pilots (includes USMC)
Naval reserve: 3 carrier pilots
Marine Corps
1 Amphibious corps
US Army Air Force
1 heavy bomber unit (B17A), 1 Air transport unit (DC2), 5 fighter units (P36), 1 bomber units (A12), 4 bomber units (B10), 12 pilots
US Army Air National Guard
1 Air Transport unit (DC2), 5 fighter units (P26), 5 bomber units (A12), 14 pilots
US Army
3 garrison units (Pearl Harbor, Panama, Truk), 1 armored corps (2 divisions), 2 mechanized corps (2 divisions each), 2 motorized infantry corps (2 divisions each), 1 mountain corps (2 divisions), 2 field artillery units, 4 coast defense units (Manila, Pearl Harbor, Truk, Panama), 3 flak units (Pearl Harbor, Truk, Panama)
US Army National Guard / Reserve
5 headquarters units, 7 motorized infantry corps (2 divisions each), 4 mechanized corps (2 divisions each), 1 armored corps (2 divisions), 4 field artillery units, 6 garrison units (3 each coast), 1 garrison unit (Manila), 7 coast artillery units (3 each coast plus Manila), 7 flak units (3 each coast plus Manila)
maintenance costs 110.5 points
maintenance costs 119.5 points
Whoa. Thats a crapload of points! :eek:
01-12-2005, 00:22
None of us are stopping you from dictating the little things about your battles and then making the leaders of those units heros. We all did it a little bit but frankly, most of us have rather full lives that take up too much our time. A lot of us used to roleplay some stuff, but that was back in the Summer so I had a ton of time. If you want to add stories, by all means go for it. I love to read them. Hell, I love to write them, but most of us are just doing this to enjoy ourselves and vent a little anger after a day with the idiot boss, the boy/girlfriend, or the stupid teacher.
That and I seem to remember a lot of you were complaining about how you didn't like how this was becoming too much like a video game :p
Galveston Bay
01-12-2005, 00:58
Whoa. Thats a crapload of points! :eek:
big air forces are expensive, so are large mechanized armies and big navies
Independent Macedonia
01-12-2005, 01:39
Am i the only person that thinks Skorzeny was overated? A Nazi thug, i liked the Brandenburgers better, and Rudolf Witzig, now there was an officer. Anyway, as i have said, RP is so much better than actually having units etc, you are the person that wants less complex things and wants more RP, so just do that.
Galveston Bay
01-12-2005, 01:58
Am i the only person that thinks Skorzeny was overated? A Nazi thug, i liked the Brandenburgers better, and Rudolf Witzig, now there was an officer. Anyway, as i have said, RP is so much better than actually having units etc, you are the person that wants less complex things and wants more RP, so just do that.
I agree, Skorzeny was overrated.... the British did Special Operations generally better anyway (during World War II). Although the planner for the operation that took out Eban Emmaul has a lot to be proud of. (his name escapes me).
Sharina, and anyone else... feel free to create IC threads RPing action that is occuring... it certainly would add more color, and would be welcome.
By the way, the US 1st Infantry Division was damned good, but the US 3rd Infantry Division fought longer, so more action continually, and its members earned more medals than any other division in the US Army or Marine Corps. Its battle honors (North Africa, Salerno, Anzio, Monte Cassino, Rome, Southern France, Vosges, Southern Germany) are also as impressive.
Vas Pokhoronim
01-12-2005, 02:11
I do want to say that "Hero Units," as such, are likely to make E20 more like a board game, rather than less like one.
A lot of the "number crunching" of the last War was specifically due to my constant insistence that I know exactly on what basis the WarMod was making his decisions. He would, I'm sure, have been happier to just write narratives of the battles, but the output seemed arbitrary in the absence of information regarding the input.
And you'll notice the Pact started doing a lot better once I had access to the same map, and to the numbers. By then it was too late to win, but still.
As far as unorthodox tactics and legendary individuals are concerned, I definitely think they should have a place in E20. I believe the precedent, in fact, ought to be my moderation of the Brazilian Civil War (see link in Main Post), where the US-backed (and GB-controlled) rebels tried a lot of highly unorthodox tactics, many of which backfired. Repeated and spectacularly failed assassination attempts on General Os, for example, enhanced his his stature considerably and lost the rebellion a lot of popular support. Conversely, the Government troops in Manaus tried a complicated sortie and ambush and lost the entire district, and most of an army, to numerically inferior forces as a result. The commanding general (I forget who - Miranda? Felix?) was prevented from committing suicide only by the direct intervention of the President himself.
These kinds of things really ought to be taken into account. But I don't think making "hero units" is really the best option for doing that.
Independent Macedonia
01-12-2005, 03:01
I agree, Skorzeny was overrated.... the British did Special Operations generally better anyway (during World War II). Although the planner for the operation that took out Eban Emmaul has a lot to be proud of. (his name escapes me).
Sharina, and anyone else... feel free to create IC threads RPing action that is occuring... it certainly would add more color, and would be welcome.
By the way, the US 1st Infantry Division was damned good, but the US 3rd Infantry Division fought longer, so more action continually, and its members earned more medals than any other division in the US Army or Marine Corps. Its battle honors (North Africa, Salerno, Anzio, Monte Cassino, Rome, Southern France, Vosges, Southern Germany) are also as impressive.
Rudolf Witzig, one of the people i mentioned, was the leader of the attack on Eben Emael. I just love the recounting of that attack in the book, "Kommando" by James Lucas. The SS was terrible at planning anything if you ever saw what actually happened to justify the war with Poland. Heydrich read too many spy novels is what the problem was.
Galveston Bay
01-12-2005, 03:05
Rudolf Witzig, one of the people i mentioned, was the leader of the attack on Eben Emael. I just love the recounting of that attack in the book, "Kommando" by James Lucas. The SS was terrible at planning anything if you ever saw what actually happened to justify the war with Poland. Heydrich read too many spy novels is what the problem was.
James Lucas is a good source, its been a few years since I read that one, but its a good one. His look at German battlegroups during the war is also excellent.
Galveston Bay
01-12-2005, 03:46
principal US aircraft 1933
Shipboard fighter Brewster Buffalo
Shipboard torpedo bomber: Devestator
Shipboard dive bomber: Vindicator
Army fighter: P36 Hawk
Army light bomber: A20 Havoc (entering service, replacing A12 Strike)
Army medium bomber: Martin B10
Army heavy bomber: Boeing B17A
Army transport plane: Douglas DC2
Navy Flying boat: PBY Catalina
Navy Scout Float planes: Seagull and Duck
under development:
Grumman F4F Wildcat (replace Buffalo), Douglas Dauntless (replace Vindicator), P38 Lightning (high altitude interceptor and photo plane), P39 Aerocobra (low altitude ground attack), P40 Warhawk (general purpose fighter), B25 Mitchell (medium bomber), B24 Liberator (long range bomber and patrol plane for Navy and Army), DC3 (replace DC2), .. all expected to enter service sometime in 1935-36. Also under development is a Bell helicopter design.
Army now has Grant tanks (75 mm gun in hull, 37 mm gun in turret), Halftracks, and Stuart tanks (light tank with 37 mm gun). Neither tank is ideal, but they are faster, heavier armored and more reliable than tanks used during the 2nd Great War.
(incidently, the Russians have BT5s now, which is better than the Panzer Mk III, and should be developing the KV1 about now, which is the most heavily armored tank around and has a 76 mm gun).
as a ref, I recommend the Union start looking at the Hetzer and SU76, both are well within capabilities at this point. Also the Union should be looking at the Me110, Me109, JU87, Do17, and Ju52 from Germany, and the SU2, SB2, and Mig 3 from the Russians, plus the AN22 (Russian) and Condor (German).
Also, the Union probably should have the I16 as its principal fighter, along with the HE111 (principal bomber) and Germany built a number of really interesting flying boats.
the British, French and Yugoslav players are on target with their aircraft, and I would suggest to the Yugoslavs they shop for Czech tanks.. the T38 (Czech tank) is pretty good for its day. France also builds damn good tanks.
the armored division by the way is a proven concept, as is the mechanized division. Just a bit expensive to maintain. Only the US is still building routinely 4x4 trucks (Detroit has a huge advantage there with economies of scale), although the Germans can build them too, and also has halftracks, as do the French (just aren't as reliable as US designs).
All tech level 6 armies now routinely use voice radio, and the dawn of electronic warfare has come and tactics are being developed.
Radar is now small enough to be found on capital ships (cruisers, carriers and battleships), and all tech level 6 nations have a framework of radar stations for air defense. In other words, ground based air search radar is available, but gunnery and surface search radar is still being developed, and airborne radar is still too bulky for use yet.
The British (and now the Americans) have ASDIC, also known as Sonar. Tactics have not yet been developed very well.
The Germans and Americans are playing with multiple stage rockets, but they are far from being a weapon.
Nerve gas, and NBC warfare suits are also now available to tech level 6 armies. No one has used gas yet though, so the equipment is not widespread. The capability to rapidly equip troops and train them is there however.
Vas Pokhoronim
01-12-2005, 03:56
(incidently, the Russians have BT5s now, which is better than the Panzer Mk III, and should be developing the KV1 about now, which is the most heavily armored tank around and has a 76 mm gun).
as a ref, I recommend the Union start looking at the Hetzer and SU76, both are well within capabilities at this point. Also the Union should be looking at the Me110, Me109, JU87, Do17, and Ju52 from Germany, and the SU2, SB2, and Mig 3 from the Russians, plus the AN22 (Russian) and Condor (German).
Also, the Union probably should have the I16 as its principal fighter, along with the HE111 (principal bomber) and Germany built a number of really interesting flying boats.
I was figuring on replacing the Panzer Mk-IIIs with T-34s next year, but I wasn't expecting sweet things like the Ju-87 or the MiG-3 till '38-'39. I'm not familiar with the KV1, SU76, or Hetzers.
But I do think I have good reason to expect the V-2 several years before anything comparable on the American side.
Incidentally, the Warsaw Pact specifically provides for the sharing of all military technologies and production licenses. Because of that, I think all our "military applications" research points should henceforth be pooled.
Independent Macedonia
01-12-2005, 04:46
Well the KV-1 is a grand 'ole tank but i think maybe you should just wait for the IS series(IS-1 historically fought in 1942). Russian fighters weren't really up to par until the end of the war, and the FW-190D to me is one of the best planes of the war, and with non-sucky construction techniques and conditions i think it would be even better in our timeline. But back to the present, ME-109E's and F's would be good for now, the ME-110 was a poor fighter, makes a better night fighter and bomber slayer but it is still pretty poor at that role.
As for my own nation the IK-2 will be a great addition to the JAF, but as to my mechanized divisions i can find no record of this T38 so i was thinking i would use one of my favorite czech models, the LTvz35 medium tank as the MBT, the Marder 2 as the tank hunter, and SdKfz 222 as the armored car.
Just wondering if these contracts would automatically go through, and my maintinence would take care of the cost, with upgrades being finish for the ground units by about 1935? Any suggestions or changes to my plans are greatly welcomed.
Galveston Bay
01-12-2005, 05:07
the Germans used the Czech LVtz 38 widely during the invasions of France and the Soviet Union. The KV1 was used by the Soviets in large numbers during the Winter War with Finland (slow but powerful and only an 88 could knock one out, its the direct ancestor of the IS series).
the PZ MkIII is not a good tank compared to any of the Russian ones, especially compared to the BT5 (which was around at the same time... 50 mm gun, faster, more reliable, better armor)
Goddard invented the multi stage rocket, and the US could have beaten the Germans in this field, but never placed any significant funding in that direction until postwar. Probably won't in this timeline either unless the Union starts doeing something with them on a noticable level.
Galveston Bay
01-12-2005, 05:15
Just wondering if these contracts would automatically go through, and my maintinence would take care of the cost, with upgrades being finish for the ground units by about 1935? Any suggestions or changes to my plans are greatly welcomed.
yes, maintenance automatically upgrades forces with the latest equipment available (which is why airplanes and mechanized forces are so expensive). By the way, Yugoslavia reaches tech level 6 this year, as does Australia.
Galveston Bay
01-12-2005, 05:16
I was figuring on replacing the Panzer Mk-IIIs with T-34s next year, but I wasn't expecting sweet things like the Ju-87 or the MiG-3 till '38-'39. I'm not familiar with the KV1, SU76, or Hetzers.
But I do think I have good reason to expect the V-2 several years before anything comparable on the American side.
Incidentally, the Warsaw Pact specifically provides for the sharing of all military technologies and production licenses. Because of that, I think all our "military applications" research points should henceforth be pooled.
all of those aircraft were developed late 38, so should be available in this timeline by 1935 for frontline service.
French Aircraft:
Fighter/Interceptor: D.510
Dive Bomber: LN.411 Divebomber
Torpedo/Naval Bomber: Modified LN.411 Bomber
Plans are currently in place to phase out the D.510 within the next two years. Two principle designs are to be produced: the long-range D.520, which is currently on the drawing boar. A prototype is expected to fly wthin the year. The other design is the shhorter-ranged Bloch MB.152. Plans are also being drawn up for new torpedo bombers [OOC: THe French have none. -_-; I'll have to base a desigin off of the LN.411]
French Tanks:
Light Tank(s):
R-35 and R-40 Light Tanks
The R-35 and R-40 are essentially the same tank. The R-35 and R-40 both have a crew of two. The R-35 has a either short-barreled 37mm gun or two 7.62mm machine guns.
The R-40 is a planned variant with a long-barreled 37mm gun.
AMR 35
This light tank carries either a 7.62mm machine gun, a 12.5mm heavy machine gun, or a 25mm anti-tank gun.
Medium Tank(s):
SOMUA S-35 Medium Tank
This is considered one of the best tanks in the world. It has sloped, cast metal armor and a 47mm gun. Initial flaws of the design included too few crew and no radio. The design has been expanded to include a loader and a radio operator, leaving the crew capacity at four.
Heavy Tank(s):
Char B1-bis
This behemoth of a tank is hampered only by it's slow speed. it is heavily armored and armed, with a 47mm turret gun, a 7.62mm machine gun, and 75mm gun. It is one of the most powerful and heavily armored tanks in the world.
A unarmed, armored hauler. Used mainly for towing supplies
P107a Half-track
An upgraded version of the P107, this version has armored plate and a single machine gun.
Panhard Schneider Kegresse AMC P-16
Armored car. Armed with machine guns.
Galveston Bay
01-12-2005, 06:47
French Aircraft:
Armored car. Armed with machine guns.
very acceptable, I suggest you look at a twin engined light bomber the French developed ( I forget the exact designation), it has the right load capacity, and has good speed and range. (although not well armored or armed)
Independent Macedonia
01-12-2005, 07:07
Jugoslavija Armed Forces *denotes reserve unit
Military: Annual upkeep 7 points
Name Leader Location
1st Jugoslavija Army
1st Alpine Corps* General Leon Rupnik Macedon,Greek,Albanian border
-1st Alpine Division
-2nd Alpine Division
-3rd Alpine Division
1st Infantry Corps* Mj. General Kukavicic Italian Border
-1st Infantry Division
-2nd Infantry Division
-3rd Infantry Division
1st Mech Corps Lt. General Julije Fritz Beograd
-7th Mechanized Division
-8th Mechanized Division
-9th Mechanized Division
2nd Mech Corps Lt. General Arsa Jovanovic Sarajevo
-10th Mechanized Division
-11th Mechanized Division
-12th Mechanized Division
1st Army Command Field Marshal Cincar-Mackovic Sarajevo
Navy: Admiral Kosovic - undergoing modernization
1 Pangbourne Class Minesweeper (FRYN Doce)
Jugoslavija Airforce-JAF-(Air Marshal Dusen Simovic is in command of entire airforce)
1st Air Fleet-500 Fighters[IK-3](Air Marshal Petrovic)-Located in Petrovec
Italian Border-Rupnik Line
Standard Machine Gun: MG-34 picture (http://world.guns.ru/machine/mg34_tr.jpg)
Standard Service Rifle: Mauser K98k rifle picture (http://world.guns.ru/rifle/mauser_k98_r.jpg)
Standard Service Pistol: Luger 9mm Para. picture (http://www.marstar.ca/usedguns/alex-deals/images/pistols-p/Luger-Erfurt-7145.jpg)
Standard Submachine gun: Degtyarov PPD-40 submachine gun picture (http://world.guns.ru/smg/ppd1.jpg)
Standard Tank: LTvz.38 Medium tank picture (http://combat1.cool.ne.jp/38tA.jpg)
Standard Tank Hunter: Marder 2 picture (http://klub.chip.pl/krzemek/marder2/marder2_03.jpg)
Standard Armored car: SdKfz 222 picture (http://wilk.wpk.p.lodz.pl/~whatfor/aa4/sdkfz_222_kol_bt.jpg)
Standard Fighter: IK-3 picture (http://www.letletlet-warplanes.com/ik3-2.jpg)
01-12-2005, 07:10
The Kingdom of Bulgaria is willing to accept anything (the equipment has to be serviciable and worthwhile) that any nation is willing to spare for us to help develop and refine our military and to bring us into par with similar nations in the tech level (5th Level Nation) while still being within reasonable peacetime limits...
Independent Macedonia
01-12-2005, 07:18
Yugoslavia will have twenty thousand Mosin-Nagant rifles, and several hundred IK-2 fighters that would have been going to waste, but Yugoslavia will pledge to equip Bulgaria with such weapons. Though Yugoslavia would like to have a non-aggression pact signed between Bulgaria and the Warsaw Pact, so that such weapons will never come to bare against Yugoslavia or her allies. Also outdated Skoda Armored cars and FT-17 tanks(not many) are available if you want to train a mechanized unit. We can't really suggest going to war with such vehicles as a high-powered rifle could injure such vehicles today.
Our offer stands.