NationStates Jolt Archive

Galactic Alliance - Page 4

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10-08-2003, 05:23
i cant make u guys admins, cuz it uses my pword, but i can make u mods
10-08-2003, 05:23
Let the Universe burn :twisted:

10-08-2003, 05:27
10-08-2003, 06:03
bumpity bump
10-08-2003, 06:10
"Sir the forums dieing"
"Fire the BUMP CANNON"
"I'm giving her all shes got captain"

yes i am insane but i like it

NOOOOOOOO you beat me to the bump.
10-08-2003, 06:37
lmao bumpage.

dude intergalactic hell you have juiced up this alliance both with your presense AND awsome tizite uber mega forums :) :) :)
10-08-2003, 06:39
Okay, I think this Alliance is really getting rolling. So, who do we conquer first? :lol:
10-08-2003, 06:40
Bonstock :D
10-08-2003, 06:42
He's got what, one Imperial Star Destroyer? it's not even worth going after. And his other ships are my design, I'd rather not kill them just yet. I say we give him a bit to grow, then smash him.
10-08-2003, 06:44
eh, if he pisses me off one more time, its going to be me and him, unless of course he brings his allies in, then its the GA vs bonstock and like a june nation here and a may nation there...
10-08-2003, 06:45
hey, if you start it the GA can't do squat. (Article 7)
10-08-2003, 06:50
*note* i said next time HE pisses me off, he would of started it :)
10-08-2003, 06:52
I'm not so sure about that. I've seen wars started over some really stupid things that aren't really a reason for war. (One country accidentally wrote 'there" instead of "their", and that started a war). Unless there's a reason, I, and the rest of the GA, will just sit back and laugh. :lol:
10-08-2003, 06:56
lol...i doubt ill do it anyways
ill start this RP threat


lol Sorry bout that, i thought they were international kypton
10-08-2003, 06:58
Okay, I think we've reached the limit. Let's leave Bonstock alone. We're about to hijack this thread again.
10-08-2003, 07:01
10-08-2003, 07:42
bump for new members?

we got awsome forums, news, rosters, tech listings, allies and enemies, and most of all, brotherhood :)

Join today!
10-08-2003, 07:43
There is a new person joining soon (we've been negotiating over TG)

And we have to get Jimathon to post the tech on his Ministar Engines and his cloak. That way you can post them underneath our tech at the web-site
10-08-2003, 07:47
I'm game. I'll need to meet with Valinon first, though.
10-08-2003, 07:48
have you read and agree to the constitution? (It's just a formality)
10-08-2003, 07:54
w00t for 2 new members..
10-08-2003, 07:55
Yes... I'll read it.

And agreed to it.
10-08-2003, 07:59
Excellent, welcome to the Galactic Alliance.

Ped, who's the second new member?
10-08-2003, 08:00
I Need The Ministar For One Of My Older Ships Which I'm Updating!
10-08-2003, 08:02
I'll send over the plans so you can have them installed. *Sends plans for the Ministar*

Now remember, this is very powerful, use with caution.

P.S. How's the planet I gave you turning out?
10-08-2003, 08:03
I'll send over the plans so you can have them installed. *Sends plans for the Ministar*

Now remember, this is very powerful, use with caution.

Wanna See It

Go To Nationstaes And Look For It Now!
10-08-2003, 08:04
10-08-2003, 08:04
Just a sugestion but could i maybe be given access to the site so i could fix stuff up make it look better etc as im good with html and other things an example of my work is my site (

P.S on the site it says technolodgy, technolodgy isnt a word technology is tho
10-08-2003, 08:06

My Ship

You Like?
10-08-2003, 08:09
ok, 1. Geocities isnt HTML.
2. We dont need a mega uber site. The more space it takes up, the less people can look at it.
3. No, im not giving you access.
4. Im wetahded, i cant thpell :)

hey, i still need the plans for any tech you wanna donate.

And klonar, the 2nd is that guy your talking to.
10-08-2003, 08:11
just like to announce dont expect me doing much for a while. im in a civil war now :D
10-08-2003, 08:18
The guy i was talking to is the guy who just applied. And I just gave you the Beam Cannon tech
10-08-2003, 08:21
oh, never mind :)
10-08-2003, 08:21
ok, 1. Geocities isnt HTML.
2. We dont need a mega uber site. The more space it takes up, the less people can look at it.
3. No, im not giving you access.
4. Im wetahded, i cant thpell :)

hey, i still need the plans for any tech you wanna donate.

And klonar, the 2nd is that guy your talking to.

OK i might incorparate some GA technologie into my next ship
10-08-2003, 08:22
Go right ahead (that's kinda the point of the GA)
10-08-2003, 08:24
The guy i was talking to is the guy who just applied. And I just gave you the Beam Cannon tech

?? i already updated the site with your beam cannon tech.
10-08-2003, 08:25
I know, yet a few posts ago you told me to post the stats of any tech that I was gonna donate. That's why I said that i had alreadynposted the Beam cannon stats.
10-08-2003, 09:03
*Fealing very neglected :? * Well fine guess I take my tech else where.
10-08-2003, 10:08
nooo what is your tech? you have to do it in a format like this


It utilizes astro logiphyism and sunlight to manipulate ions to interupt radio waves that cause malfunction in blah blah blah. Usually mounted on a thing, it uses such an such to power and discharge blah blah blah.
10-08-2003, 13:27
Why would I share tech with an alliance I am not a part of?
10-08-2003, 20:40
question if your not part of alliance WHY ARE YOU POSTING HERE!!!!!!

anger gone now :D
10-08-2003, 20:44
i recomend we kill diminix
10-08-2003, 20:47
why kill him?
10-08-2003, 20:50
he and FiK have this thing called selective flaming against me, i would say FiK the dick, but diwmwit diminix is smaller
10-08-2003, 21:15
Sorry, they have to start the war if the Alliance is allowed to help. (Article 7). But, if you want, I could have an Orion go have a little, um, talk with Dimnix.
10-08-2003, 21:16
na nvm, i am targeting wolf kingdom instead.
11-08-2003, 00:46
yes that will work well considering if you attack there is going to be automaticlly 10 countries against you.
11-08-2003, 00:59
somtaaws not part of the alliance? :( Noooo i want him in!
11-08-2003, 01:01
Did he ever apply?
11-08-2003, 01:04
im pretty sure he did..
11-08-2003, 01:07
If so, I missed it. Please apply again. (I'm sure you'll get in)
11-08-2003, 01:14
I want him in baaad i like somtaaw, hes my dealer of cocai- erm i mean warships. Yes, warships

11-08-2003, 01:14
He needs to apply first.
11-08-2003, 01:51
"fire the bump cannon"
"it died captain"
"WHAT!!!!!" turns into godzilla and goes on a rampage in france killing everything and not caring.

The world just claps and parties.
"oops i lied it does work"
11-08-2003, 01:59
Okay, new law for this thread. There is to be no France bashing (meant seriously or not). This is not because I'm french (I'm not), but because I don't like seeing them take all this **** over nothing.
11-08-2003, 02:20
ok ill bash the usa then. more fun cause then everyone here will get pissed
11-08-2003, 02:22
Go ahead, I'll most likely agree with you.

Bush is an idiot who was never elected by the people (damn electoral college)
His war on iraq was for oil and cause his daddy told him to.
His I.Q. is 91, that's 9 below average. If he learned everything that he possibly could (that's what I.Q. measures, how smart you could be), he'd still be dumber than the average person.
11-08-2003, 02:25
i like bush. why cause he beat up iraq. never liked them anyway. anyways
bush iq is like 2. hes the stupid friend taht everyoen tells him waht to do. he listens to daddy cause daddy's sore he iddnt kill saddam so he has his son do it. so instead of everyone being pissed at bush other then how he was elected. i say get pissed at his father. plus gore wouldnt have been any better anyway.......................think of what gore would have done after sept 11.
11-08-2003, 02:29
Bush senior has an I.Q. of 98, he is also below average mentally. And while Gore also wouldn't have been the best pres. to have after 9/11, at least he would have been the president that the people chose, and had the intelligence to tie his own shoes without daddy there.
11-08-2003, 02:30
Okay, we're off topic. Back to GA stuff.
11-08-2003, 02:46
Okay, the GA fleet has grown. We now have a large and varied fleet, but who knows how good we are with it? I'd like to propose a war-game, the GA Fleet versus the individual fleets of the Alliance. This way everybody gets valuable experience, and we can see if the fleet we have is good or not.
11-08-2003, 03:29
Okay, the GA fleet has grown. We now have a large and varied fleet, but who knows how good we are with it? I'd like to propose a war-game, the GA Fleet versus the individual fleets of the Alliance. This way everybody gets valuable experience, and we can see if the fleet we have is good or not.

As an Observer-

We more or less had a War Game trying to get my ships back.
11-08-2003, 03:31
Ah, but that wasn't an official wargame, was it? And this one will have the full Alliance fleet in use. Plus, this will be sepcifically to test out our ships capabilities.
11-08-2003, 03:58
Any thoughts on this? Hello? Echo...echo...echo

Seriously, anybody want to do this?
11-08-2003, 04:00
im busy with rpu for a while, maybe later
11-08-2003, 06:11
So nobody else wants to be part of the war game?
11-08-2003, 06:43
ill be but im ON YOUR TEAM THIS TIME
11-08-2003, 06:49
You guys want to know how i beat you? Two things.

1) You both focussed way to much on the Colossus. The Colossus equals about 5 orions. I had 15 other orions there, that's the power of 3 Colossus's. Instead of attacking them, you attacked the big ship, and let them blow you away, unhindered.

2) You two didn't communicate. What looked like you running away wasn't, but Jimathon thought it was, so then he ran away, cause he thought you were out.

If you hadn't made those mistakes you two would have slaughtered me. You almost had me actually, but because of some stuff about the Colossus that was stated in a different thread, which you didn't moniter, your attack failed, and that then led to mistake number 1.

So, about this war game. it will be everybody (that includes me) vs. the Alliance fleet. We'll either have some unbiased person controlling that fleet, or we'll take turns. Or we'll all work together at running that fleet while running our own fleets. (Split personality anyone)
11-08-2003, 07:54
I was asked to Join by Klonor.

But before I do so I would like to ask a question.

First off I am runing a shipyard/store in this systems astroide belt what is this alliances out look on that? I meen the ships I make and sell there cant be considered part of the alliance.

Second off I dont have much in the way of owned areas othere then some stations, astroide colonys and Arrora shipyards. However I do have servral mining ships all over the wester spiral arm.

I have't formaly joined because no one replyed to this.
11-08-2003, 07:58
You guys want to know how i beat you? Two things.

1) You both focussed way to much on the Colossus. The Colossus equals about 5 orions. I had 15 other orions there, that's the power of 3 Colossus's. Instead of attacking them, you attacked the big ship, and let them blow you away, unhindered.

2) You two didn't communicate. What looked like you running away wasn't, but Jimathon thought it was, so then he ran away, cause he thought you were out.

If you hadn't made those mistakes you two would have slaughtered me. You almost had me actually, but because of some stuff about the Colossus that was stated in a different thread, which you didn't moniter, your attack failed, and that then led to mistake number 1.

So, about this war game. it will be everybody (that includes me) vs. the Alliance fleet. We'll either have some unbiased person controlling that fleet, or we'll take turns. Or we'll all work together at running that fleet while running our own fleets. (Split personality anyone)

11-08-2003, 07:58
I have't formaly joined because no one replyed to this.

Sorry, there is a 10 page gap which I haven't read, that must be in it.

The shipyard/store is yours. What you make there is yours. What the Alliance would like is that in addition to you making your own things, you also make Alliance ships (Auroras, Hecates, etc.) You will be recompensated for them, and we will supply the materials.

As to you not owning any territory, that's fine. One member here is living on a planet that I'm loaning him. it doesn't really make a difference.

As for the mining ships, they are also yours and under your control. it'd be nice if you let Alliance people use them, but you don't have to.

Does that cover everything?
11-08-2003, 08:16
Yes it dose.

Formal applactiont to join the GA:
Nation: Somtaaw

Location: Sol system with intrest spread thru out the western arm.

Will allow use of Arrora shipyards and Chimera training Station
Most of my people live at those two locations.

And considering this tech was developed after I applied to join I will make Somtaaw "Sentinel" Defense Pod's and there shield tech avable to all members.
11-08-2003, 08:20
Excellent. Welcome to the Alliance. For the tech you have to post it's specs (the shield works by ionizing the protons to make......) for it to be part of the Alliance. I'll add you to the roster. Would you like to participate in the wargame? it's described in depth on the previous page.
11-08-2003, 08:20
do you know the format of telling it? just type this

Defense pod

This pod uses ministar engines and tungsten and 4 turrets on each side of it to shoot at incoming missles. Adaptable with the GUARD system, it can use it to track incoming missles and fly to engage them. Uttilizing the sun for energy blah blah blah
11-08-2003, 08:25

Yo, I think this is what Klonor meant when he said 'Post in the Alliance Thread.' Basically, I need help. Either I get it, or I do something unreasonable.
11-08-2003, 08:31
Could you provide a brief summary of what's going on?
11-08-2003, 08:33
Tor Yvresse and allies launched a completely unprovoked attack on me. I tried to negotiate (still am) but Tor refuses even to reply.
11-08-2003, 08:34
Okay, as per Article 7 all Alliance members are required to help. Whaddya need?
11-08-2003, 08:35
Basically, any assistance you can give. Read the thread, and you'll see.
11-08-2003, 08:36
To tell you the truth it's not a very high tech shield compared to the othere nations stuff first shield developed, other then the Defence field frigate wich just used a very powerful magnetic field to repell bullets and missiles only worked 85% of the time. I'll give you the back story on them and see what else I can dig up that's beliveable.

The Sentinel has the dubious distinction of being the smallest manned craft currently serving in any Hiigaran fleet. Microships were developed by Somtaaw engineers to function purely as remote drone craft, like the Swarmer attack drone or the Leech breaching pod; the Sentinel was originally intended as an advanced mobile sensor platform. Unfortunately, as more and more design features were added to the Sentinel's specs, it quickly outpaced the control capability of even the most advanced AI. The final breaking point came when energy scientists came up with a compact force-field generator and added it to the Sentinel's systems. Flight AI's were unable to cope with the distortions created by the polarized gravity fields, and this finally had tragic results during a live test, when drone Sentinels created a full strength field and slipped out of position, slicing a Dervish frigate in half with a loss of all hands.
The Sentinel project would have been cancelled at this point if not for the efforts of a certain Aart ne Somtaaw, a rather vertically challenged junior member of the engineering team. After installing a rudimentary cockpit into the prototype and donning the lightest vacc suit he could find, Aart put the Sentinel through a punishing set of trials, using all the Sentinel's advanced systems and proving that powerful guns, long range sensors and a field generator could all function in one very small craft.

As a reward, Aart was put in charge of assembling the first Sentinel Squadron. Dubbed the War Dwarves by the rest of the fleet, these small pilots have one of the most dangerous and unglamorous jobs in the fleet: standing guard in tiny cans of plasteel, keeping an eye out for incoming threats and protecting thousands of their Kiith mates aboard the larger ships of the fleet.
11-08-2003, 08:40
Still haven't told us how the shield works.
11-08-2003, 09:37
Like most shields the Defence pod creats a localized zone of highly focused spatial distortion within which an energetic gravaton field is maintained. The field is highly resistive to impact due to mechanical incursions ranging from small parpiculate mater to large scale solid and energy weapons how ever ships with the proper Id signuature can pass freely thru the field because of the way the incursion is blocked. The way it dose this is by concetrating the energy of the field at the incuresion point how ever any ship pasing thru the field will still encounter some restence. The field energy it's self comes from the pods drive system, drive plasma is dervited to the shield system thus not alloing for high speed flight during shield operations.

The field it self derives it's shape from the formation that the pods take up. This modular design allows for the changing of formation to keep as much of the ship coverd as posable and even allows for multipal layers of shields to be depoyed. Should a section fail due to prolonged attack the formation can be shifted to presens an undamaged section of the shield to the hostile target.

Also the pods small weapons system doubles as a missile point defence system.

Some may think that a pods drive system could not hold the pod in place under constant assualt but part of the system that forms the shield also links all the pods together in place making it as if it was one solid structure linked to 12 drive systems. As in all somtaaw craft the pods use third generation SSFT (self stuatning fussion torch) drives, making refuling the craft a thing of the past as long as the drives are runing.
11-08-2003, 09:38
Okay, pedaphiliac will have that on the site at the next update. And that's some pretty good techno mumbo.
11-08-2003, 09:41
The Dominion of Assington would like to apply for a membership with the Galactic Alliance.
11-08-2003, 09:42
Do you agree to the Constitution? (It's on page 1)
11-08-2003, 09:49
11-08-2003, 09:49
Thank you :D I am quite suprised my self.
11-08-2003, 09:50
You are hereby inducted into the Galactic Alliance! Welcome! Our web-site is and if you need to buy any ships, feel free to stop by my store at

*Note* You get a major GA discount
11-08-2003, 09:58
I suppose I should make my ships avable to all of the GA as well, well they have always been avable to you just probly not known.
11-08-2003, 10:00
Hey, stop stealing my business! :D So that's what you're selling in that thread. I've seen it a lot, just never read it (not sure why). Nice ships.
11-08-2003, 10:12
I like them and Pedaphiliac seams to as well. Dont worry my ships wold be hard pressed to go up aganced to some of yours... well untill I get the new armor put on them I finaly got enough to outfit my fleet with it. and a well aimed shot from one of my "mining" ships might give you Colossus
a beating it would't soon forget.
11-08-2003, 10:13
Bring it on baby!
11-08-2003, 10:20
Just ask Comdidia or Jimathon, the Colossus takes a lickin and then blows the crap out of you!
11-08-2003, 10:31
Ever seen a Siege Cannon? Costly buggers butworth it for the most part. More then once the last words from a pirate fleet captin was "Oh fuc......." plus with the range of 900,000 km and an after shot blast wave it cand so some major damage.
11-08-2003, 10:32
Hmm. I'm developing Dark Legionares. I'll put a battalion at the disposal of the legion, but I need to know how you all feel about vampires...
11-08-2003, 10:33
I love 'em
11-08-2003, 10:34
hey klonar, i just bought my main fighter wings from you

sorry somtaaw, youve got slim pickens for fighters.

Otherwise, my whole fleet i bought from somtaaw:

Space Munitions:
400 Leech Breaching Drones
500 Defense Pods

1st Division

5 Kushan "Vengeance" Assault Frigate
2 Kushan "Firelance" Ion Cannon Frigate
2 Somtaaw "Dervish" Multi-Beam Frigate
1 Dreadnought ( Archangel )
1 Hiigaran Battlecruiser ( Matriarch )
1 Kushan "Imperator" Carrier ( Mom )
25 Somtaaw "Acolyte" Heavy Fighters
25 Kushan "Thunderbolt" Attack Bombers
1 Hiigaran Carrier ( Shadowlight )
25 Somtaaw "Avenger" Corvettes

1st Strike Wing

40 Apollo Space Superiority Fighter
50 Ulysses Space Superiority Fighter
30 Valkyrie Bomber Interceptor
40 Perseus Bomber Interceptor
20 Hercules Heavy Assault Fighter
30 Hercules Mark II Heavy Assault Fighter
10 Athena Light Bomber the "Lightning Bomber"
50 Medusa Strike Bomber
30 Boanerges Elite Bomber

2nd Hiigarian Division

5 Kushan "Firelance" Ion Cannon Frigate
2 Hiigaran Flak Frigate
2 Hiigaran Ion Cannon Frigate
3 Hiigaran Defense Field Frigate
4 Hiigaran Torpedo Frigate
1 "Deacon" Destroyer ( October Sky )
1 "Avatar" Heavy Cruiser ( Crimson )
1 Hiigaran Destroyer ( Kliene )
1 Hiigaran Carrier ( Enfield )
25 Hiigaran Interceptors
25 Hiigaran Bombers
Somtaaw "Shaman" Carrier ( Arcadian )
15 Hiigaran Pulsar Gunship
10 Hiigaran Gunship

2nd Strike Team

40 Apollo Space Superiority Fighter
50 Ulysses Space Superiority Fighter
30 Valkyrie Bomber Interceptor
40 Perseus Bomber Interceptor
20 Hercules Heavy Assault Fighter
30 Hercules Mark II Heavy Assault Fighter
10 Athena Light Bomber the "Lightning Bomber"
50 Medusa Strike Bomber
30 Boanerges Elite Bomber

3rd Frigate Division

100 Kushan "Arrow" Scout
50 Kushan "Blade Mk.5" Interceptor
25 Somtaaw "Acolyte" Heavy Fighter
20 Kushan "Thunderbolt" Attack Bomber
5 Kushan "Vengeance" Assault Frigate
5 Kushan "Firelance" Ion Cannon Frigate
3 Kushan "Matriarch" Support Frigate
5 Kushan "Puppeteer" Drone Frigate
2 Somtaaw "Minion" Heavy Tug
2 Somtaaw "Dervish" Multi-Beam Frigate
4 Somtaaw "Hive" Advanced Drone Frigate
2 Hiigaran Torpedo Frigate
4 Hiigaran Torpedo Frigate
3 Hiigaran Marine Frigate
2 Hiigaran Ion Cannon Frigate
4 Hiigaran Flak Frigate

3rd Strike Team

40 Apollo Space Superiority Fighter
50 Ulysses Space Superiority Fighter
30 Valkyrie Bomber Interceptor
40 Perseus Bomber Interceptor
20 Hercules Heavy Assault Fighter
30 Hercules Mark II Heavy Assault Fighter
10 Athena Light Bomber the "Lightning Bomber"
50 Medusa Strike Bomber
30 Boanerges Elite Bomber
11-08-2003, 10:36
Ever seen a Siege Cannon? Costly buggers butworth it for the most part. More then once the last words from a pirate fleet captin was "Oh fuc......." plus with the range of 900,000 km and an after shot blast wave it cand so some major damage.

Ever see a Beam Cannon? Often the last words out of a pirates mouth are "hey, got any cookies over there?" But when they're attacking one of my ships it's "Whoa, pretty" then they're dead.

Here's a picture of a light Beam Cannon

And the Colossus has 12 Heavy Beam Cannons. So there! (Insert

emoticon with tounge out)
11-08-2003, 10:36
I have no preff ground and planet ops are not my fortai. I can bombard but that's it.
11-08-2003, 10:37
Nice, sadly I use mostly Star Wars and Dune tech for my space fleet. And when we've sent those legionarres through their paces, we'll give some over.
11-08-2003, 10:39
While i approve of the Dune tech (I love that book), I'm not really all for the SW tech (even though I really love SW). it seems pretty unoriginal (no offense) and it's not that Strong. I worked it out (I am a HUGE Sar Wars fan, even if I don't approve of it here) and one ISD has about the firepower of a Deimos corvette. but i'm not gonna say anything else. I already got one person to withdraw from the Alliance by opening my big mouth.
11-08-2003, 10:40
dont remind me. it took a freaking kamikaze ship and engine exploding and still owned
11-08-2003, 10:41
What, the Colossus? yeah, it does kick ***.
11-08-2003, 10:44
im working on secret weapon to help destroy that colossus.
11-08-2003, 10:44
HEY! We're allies, remember? And didn't you read the resons for why you lost?
11-08-2003, 10:45
yeah but still jsut in case i like to have a top secret weapon. im paranoid waht can i say
11-08-2003, 10:47
Oooookay. Moving on.

pedaphiliac, I've got some pretty good capital ships to. And don't forget, you get a major GA discount.
11-08-2003, 10:48
I'am not chalanging you or any thing I was just saying the thing is a powerfull weapon. My mineing ships wouldn't stand a chance in a full fleet on fleet battle.
11-08-2003, 10:49
im happy i build everything myself then that way i know its full proof.
11-08-2003, 10:50
I know, I'm not serious. I just like showing that pic.
11-08-2003, 10:50
im happy i build everything myself then that way i know its full proof.

you spelt "fool" wrong
11-08-2003, 10:53
All tho I got weapons just like that beam one as well.
11-08-2003, 10:53
And here's the Dark Legion. While most of my highly trained (note: for most Stormtroopers this means that they can hit the broadside of a barn, for mine this means that Princess Leia is lying dead in the death star) army consists of humans, the Dark Legion uses those other inhabitants of Roania... Vampires.

Armed with disintegrator rifles:

and beamswords:

and clothed in such a way that all who see them become siezed with fear...

They are the true symbol of Roanian military might.
11-08-2003, 10:55
i mean full proof not fool proof cause a fool could still make my ship blow up if he was on board.
11-08-2003, 10:56
All tho I got weapons just like that beam one as well.

that was a light Beam Cannon. You don't even want to see a heavy one. And of course you have Beam Weapons, I gave you the tech
11-08-2003, 10:57
Never under estamate the power of fools in large numbers/ high places.

Make somthing fool proof and some one will make a beter fool.
11-08-2003, 10:58
shhhhhhhhhhh dont tell them about my genetic research of fool army
11-08-2003, 10:59
Never under estamate the power of fools in large numbers/ high places.

Make somthing fool proof and some one will make a beter fool.

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

I actually already knew those two lines, but they're still hilarious.

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
11-08-2003, 11:01
How many men can I put you down for?
11-08-2003, 11:01
Um no I had beam weapons for a long time we call them Ion cannons altho they do more then short out systems like starwars. An I have seen a Heavy beam weapon befor as well.
11-08-2003, 11:02
Beam Cannons and Ion cannons are two very different things. And where have you seen a Heavy Beam Cannon?
11-08-2003, 11:02
my ion cannons are like star wars. but my mounted ship ion cannons and orbital ones are like from c&c
11-08-2003, 11:06
Realy how so? And around some one else was sporten freespace stuff a long time ago and a few images, happend befor the time of mods.
11-08-2003, 11:07
but how did he get a heavy image? There are none on any of the web-sites, and i don't know of any way to get it out of the game.
11-08-2003, 11:08
Please se the tech section at the web-site to see how the Beam Cannons work, i don't feel like writing it all down (again)
11-08-2003, 11:12
And don't you feel like expanding your fleet right now? Well, step on over to the Klonor Store! All your battleships needs! And at great GA discounts! visit us at
11-08-2003, 11:14
"scotty fire our newest weapon. the store killer"
"you just made that up didnt you?"
"why dont you build it before we use it?"
"fine fien leave me alone" runs off and cries.
"he shouldve just unleashed fredzilla"
11-08-2003, 11:15
AH that thing yeah I decide to go with a on board power supply. :lol: Other then power ratings(yours being higher not sure) I think my weapon has mass to it's shots giving it some solid punch as well as energy.
11-08-2003, 11:15

Anyways, since my fleet is all matched and beutiful, and i dont like your bigger ships (sorry) ill stick to somtaaw

My army pwnz0rz

My colonial Marines are armed with Pulse rifles chambered for 10mm explosive tipped light armor piercing rounds. Standard clip holds 50. Extended clip holds 150.

Secondary weapon is an HK USP 10mm (What can I say, GREAT UBER MEGA AWSOME pistol, the best in the world right now :))

Squad weapon is my M7 "smartgun" 10mm explosive shrapnel tipped (It explodes on contact into about 10 fragments) with selective fire of 1 shot, 3 shot, and fully auto.

M447 incinderary..not to complicated..super condensed napalm with ignition on the front.

just a few pics of my rines in action

11-08-2003, 11:17

oh and one more thing *drools* must buy weapons from him
11-08-2003, 11:19
Night all and thanks :lol:
11-08-2003, 11:19
AH that thing yeah I decide to go with a on board power supply. :lol: Other then power ratings(yours being higher not sure) I think my weapon has mass to it's shots giving it some solid punch as well as energy.

I have an onboard power supply. if you noticed, it said any energy charges it up, including that which is produced by my engines. Or by the light bulbs. It's all good. And you want some solid punch? I've got a great example of some. it's part of the opening video of FS2, it's the Lucifer using one cannon to just blast a whole straight through an orion. it's an amazing shot. The Beam actually comes out the other side of the orion. To bad i can't show it to you. Ha Ha, you can't see it! And ped, I've got some new ships. Have you seen those?
11-08-2003, 11:19
I would like to be a member. :)
11-08-2003, 11:20
Excellent. Are you a space nation, and do you agre to the constitution?
11-08-2003, 11:20
I have uber surplus. I could supply 1 million troops with my pulse rifles, 200,000 with my M7 smartgun, and 10,000 with my incinderary, i dont have anymore pistols, but they are all over the place, The Besenji has them. (he put them on his shop after i posted info on his thread and demanded he make them and everyone got in a frenzy about them)

or else, after that because we have to make em

11-08-2003, 11:26
bump, wouldnt want our glorius thread to go to page 2, would i?
11-08-2003, 11:29
For once we agree.

(Yo, Klonor. We don't really fight. If we fought, considering our massive alliances the entire planet would be destroyed.)
11-08-2003, 11:30
I know you don't really fight. if you did i'd be threatening with something more than a time-out. Maybe a timed Harbinger?
11-08-2003, 11:31
Oh ****. i think we just lost another member. Go check out the Shahri War Fleet thread.
11-08-2003, 11:32
Natch. Now that every one is off, maybe we can talk about the Dark Legion, and not about the space ships? They're useless with out infantry to back them up.
11-08-2003, 11:35
I've got infantry up the wazoo.

Here, take a gander:

Standard infantry

Katarns Commandos (the Elite)

Heavy Weapons Support

I've got more. I don't think I've neglected any major part of my armed forces. And if i have, don't tell anyone.
11-08-2003, 11:45
Yes. But the Dark Legion consists of vampires, so every one they kill gets up as a ghoul and kills their former comrades.
11-08-2003, 11:48
But (2 things)

1) We're allies

2) The MBC will make sure they don't get withing 100 feet of my guys.
11-08-2003, 11:53
Just selling them. I'm hurt. Nah, a battalion is at your disposal.
11-08-2003, 11:58
your standard infantry makes me horny


IC: They are awsome.
11-08-2003, 13:17
bump to the top

Zieg Heil!
11-08-2003, 13:27
Yes. But the Dark Legion consists of vampires, so every one they kill gets up as a ghoul and kills their former comrades.

Im a Vampire nation with a few humans living in the parts with sky left (see operation freedom)
11-08-2003, 22:35
And bump once more. Anybody willing to participate in the wargames besides Comdidia?
11-08-2003, 23:06
ok people come on someone else join. Otherwise i'll summon the fredzilla on you all
11-08-2003, 23:40
Fredzilla! yay! Can we have him fight the Sacrlet Pimp?
11-08-2003, 23:44
sure why not. oh and btw this just in

recent testing of the new zilla virus has proved to make things like godzilla. plans for future? massive army of godzilla like things since they never die in movies. :lol:
12-08-2003, 01:39
bump to the top!
12-08-2003, 01:42
no offence, but i dint make the board for every1 to talk here, every1 register there
12-08-2003, 01:43
eh, this is the place where peeps sign up...
12-08-2003, 01:44
i know, but 750 of these posts could be at the board
12-08-2003, 01:51
your gay, right?
12-08-2003, 01:54
yes, edit thatpost, i dont want people knowing
12-08-2003, 01:55
ok people come on someone else join. Otherwise i'll summon the fredzilla on you all

OOC: I'd consider it, but I'm not about to be forced to share my tech: I actually devise most of it myself.
12-08-2003, 01:57
, it isnt really mandatory from my understanding
12-08-2003, 02:02
i lobbied for a change in article..7 i think it is..

go read the forums..
12-08-2003, 02:04
, it isnt really mandatory from my understanding

OOC: I mean new tech I develope afterwards; I like maintaining my overwhelming tecnological edge :twisted: :wink:
12-08-2003, 02:06
well then, become a member and vote for the change :)
12-08-2003, 02:19
12-08-2003, 03:04
bumpity fuggin bump
12-08-2003, 03:10
The point of the Alliance is to share technology and protection. If you don't want to share future developments, then don't join.
12-08-2003, 04:34
thats not the whole point, any alliance is for protection and brother hood.
12-08-2003, 04:41
I mentioned the protection thing, It's right after where I say about sharing technology.
12-08-2003, 04:48
yea, but some people need to make money off of it, how do you make money when 30 other people have it?
12-08-2003, 04:57
What you do is sell the finished product. many people have my Beam cannon tech, yet they still buy my ships because they're already made.
12-08-2003, 06:27
Okay, why the **** can't I post on the GA forum? Whenever I try to post or start a new topic it says I don't have authorization. I am quite ****** off.
12-08-2003, 06:38
registered? Might have something to do with IH binded you to me or something, whever i change my avatar, you have it.
12-08-2003, 06:43
Okay, bad news for the Alliance. The Mindset have suffered a major disaster, and thus their Jump-node network is shattered, and there will be no more updates.

The Klonor Empire is going to maintain the jump-nodes in our systems, as well as the jump-diverters.

We ask that all other members of the Alliance also work to maintain their jump-nodes, and the diverters.

While none of us have the technology or knowledge to completely maintain the network, we can at least keep our own sections operational. Hopefully the Mindset will one day recover enough to restore the entire network, or we shall advance enough to be able to repair the whole thing.

Until then, we will supply any member nations that have been cut-off from the remainder of the network with our FTL space drives. While slower than the Jump-nodes (which have a speed of 1 ly per minute), our FTL drives can still propel crafts at speeds up to 1 ly an hour.

Any ideas on how we can get the full network operating again will be greatly appreciated. Until then, let's make sure that we keep ours going.
12-08-2003, 06:48
massive aid shipments to the mindset after our space station is complete?

OOC: SHIT this is REALLY bad...
12-08-2003, 06:49
NO NO NO! Big no no! The Mindset has commanded no aid shipments. They want to help themselves, and want to learn a lesson from their failed experiment (it was a new weapon gone awry that caused the disaster)

OOC: I think he got tired of updating the map and wants to take a rest.

go here for the thread
12-08-2003, 06:51
ok im a little confused about jump nodes and such.......please explain it to me. (dont pay much attention about mind set where is this?)
12-08-2003, 06:52
You don't know about the Mindset, their jump-nodes, and their jump-node map?
12-08-2003, 06:56
ive looked at it. just no clue about jump nodes and such..................
12-08-2003, 06:58
Jump nodes a anomalies in certain systems, created by the energy and gravity of the systems star. What it does is open a kind of wormhole, a tunnel through space, between it and other jump-nodes. Each node connects to a few others. The Mindset mapped these nodes, and stabilised them so that they could be used safely. They also put in Jump-diverters, which bend the wormhole path so the jump-node can connect to a node that it wasn't connected to before. The travel through a jump-node is usually 1 ly per minute.
12-08-2003, 07:00
ahhh ok. well if i have any ill taek care of em.
12-08-2003, 07:00
if you own any star systems, go to the Mindset map and chek if it has a jump-node
12-08-2003, 07:01
too bad my system is made up sicne all of his were taken :(
12-08-2003, 07:04
You do know that when he was updating the map he allowed you to make up systems, don't you?

Oh well, I guess that means that you already have FTL ships, so you wont be to badly effected by Mindsets collapse.
12-08-2003, 07:05
well i only got involved on page liike 45 or so and i dont read 44 pages
12-08-2003, 07:07
Okay. (read above post).
12-08-2003, 07:17
ATTENTION: Im getting close to a new system to call home. The past few systems have barely anybody inhabiting them. Hopefully i will extend the reach of humans in space :)
12-08-2003, 07:22
12-08-2003, 07:23
my one colony (which is goign to be a puppet) is like really far out there lol in like deadplanetville
12-08-2003, 07:46
fire the bump cannan

that was close, 3rd from the bottom of the page

12-08-2003, 08:22
"captain they stole our bump cannon!"
"We have fired everything but the ignore and bump cannon"
"good" all the cannons hit him including the newly designed dumbfy cannon turnign his people into complete idiots who jump into a pit of spikes.

mwhahahaahh bump
12-08-2003, 08:24
shit, captain weve been bumped

Hail comdida, tell him we surrender :lol:
12-08-2003, 08:56
all fear my awsomeness bump power of doom mwhahaahahahaha heres da bump cannon

two reasons why my country is so messed up :)
12-08-2003, 09:10
12-08-2003, 09:34
Glad I never found a use for those jump nodes, how ever our system is't terably fast but it is very reliable and can put a ship withen 5 meaters of it desanated target.
12-08-2003, 09:42
The Alliance would greatly appreciate you sharing your FTL engines with those nations who were dependant upon the Jump-nodes. Many of our members may be stranded with no way of contacting us.
12-08-2003, 10:21
If locations are given we will send ships to bring them Transcevers so that they may remain in contact with Us how ever supplying them all with Hyperdrives cores for all of there ships will be past our capibiltys. We can supply them with 3 or so each they dont have the range of the ones in our Command or MS class ships but they are on par with Battlecruisers or if they would like we can proivide them with 1 our second gen carriers or destroyers.
12-08-2003, 11:09
now is as good a time to announce:

Gravitic Propulsion Drive:
The Gravitic Propulsion Drive (GPD) is composed of several major components. The first component is a part of the engine itself, but, is the vessel's fusion reactor. High energy plasma from the fusion reactor is channeled into the second major component, the Matter/Energy Converter. The Matter/Energy Converter (MEC) constructs elementary graviton particles from the stream of high energy plasma, which are then accelerated and compressed into a jet of coherent gravitic energy. The third major component of the GPD is the magnetic constriction chamber (MCC). This long chamber is similar to a Rail Gun, in that a series of opposing magnets accelerate the gravitons out the bow of the ship in a focused beam. The graviton beam literally punches a "wormhole", or vortex, into the spacetime continuum, and the spacecraft emitting the graviton beam is pulled through the tunneling phenemon. The first GPD was developed in conjunction with the first FTL probe in 2380. Early GPDs were huge, bulky devices that utilized a long metal boom, that took up the bulk of a Lightship's mass. Modern Gravitic Propulsion Drives utilize the graviton beam, allowing the engine to be mush smaller. Whenever a vessel prepares to tunnel through superspace, the spacecraft's GPD doors are opened, and the GPD engine is activated. The graviton beam erupts from the bow of the ship from its magnetic constriction chamber, bending space in on itself in a nightmarish vortex of compressed gravitic energy, and the vessel is shot through the aperture and hurtled along in excess of 230 billion kilometers an hour. The GPD Drive must remain active throughout the entire FTL event, should the system go off-line or become damaged while within the vortex, the spacecraft would be "dumped" back into normal space. Normally a vessel would be dumped back into the void unharmed, but, spacecraft have been known to be dumped back into realspace in dangerous situations, precariously close to a star, blackhole, or ion storm. For this reason, the GPD engine system is the single most critical technology carried by interstellar spacecraft.
12-08-2003, 11:16
Impresive. Oh BTW I do have a small ground force or if you like a very over powerd boarding force concesting of mobile arti.
12-08-2003, 13:35
12-08-2003, 16:10
note thing i think. i wont be around most of today and tomorrow. going to cousins house to help them with all the fun work.......(painting,power washing deck,mowing lawn etc.) So nobody declare war on me.
12-08-2003, 16:25
now is as good a time to announce:

Gravitic Propulsion Drive:


And a quote:

"Gravimetric Drive - A generator that uses energy fields to bend super strings, to produce artificial gravity fields that can be used to propel a ship through space. Also known as a Gravitetic Propulsion System, or a Gravity Engine."

Shut up if you don't bother to look at the facts first.
12-08-2003, 17:38
So how is everybody?
12-08-2003, 17:47
We're in a bit of a crises right now. And (regarding a previous post) I was thinking more along the lines of giving them FTL technology. You don't have to (Article 3 or 4) but it'd be a great help to keping the Alliance together.
12-08-2003, 17:59
We're in a bit of a crises right now. And (regarding a previous post) I was thinking more along the lines of giving them FTL technology. You don't have to (Article 3 or 4) but it'd be a great help to keping the Alliance together. I have hyperdrive engine, but I cant tell you how it works because I bought it.
12-08-2003, 18:00
I was talking to a different person, but it's good that you have FTL flight without the jump-nodes.
12-08-2003, 21:03
big news guys, Turkestan is under attack by Drum Gods
12-08-2003, 21:11
Is Turk An Ally? If Yes Whats The Link!
12-08-2003, 23:59

LoA-I dont think hes an ally...

Everyone else- Bump
13-08-2003, 00:03
13-08-2003, 00:13
IH Why Did You ban Me? I Can't Login
13-08-2003, 00:15
I Will Quit This Alliance, Cancel Deal With Klonor/Jimathon If I Don't Be Given Back My Forum Account! Soo Stop It IH
13-08-2003, 00:54
I Will Quit This Alliance, Cancel Deal With Klonor/Jimathon If I Don't Be Given Back My Forum Account! Soo Stop It IH HI can do that?
13-08-2003, 02:19
He Freakin Banned Me He's The Mod
13-08-2003, 02:33
I said I could geve them 3 drives each to fit on there ships that is just a stop gap untill eather the nodes are back up or they can start building them yes plans will be included. I have no clue how ours works eather ours was in the ship we were first sent in to exile in we late built our own verson of it by copying it and powereing it up it workd but the power rating was much lower and the smaller we made them the shorter there range became.
13-08-2003, 02:55
LoA..calm down. the forums arent the alliance...

IH, unban him if you did
13-08-2003, 03:01
Are you still accepting members?
13-08-2003, 03:34
i did not ban him, i gave him a warning, 5 hours, i will remove it when he apologizes fro hacking it
13-08-2003, 04:14
I presume it had somthing to do with the Post ranking thing?
13-08-2003, 04:14
no, he hacked in and changed his title
13-08-2003, 04:24
That's what I was speaking of I just assumed it was a post ranking thing like most forums have. Ie Powerebroker.
13-08-2003, 04:43
I Didn't Hack In I Just Went Into My Controls And CHanged Title!
13-08-2003, 04:44
I Don't Care I Will Leave If He Plays Around! :x I Just Am Smart Unlike Him Who Thinks Everything Is HAcking! :x I Am Not Happy!!!
13-08-2003, 04:49
I know what hacking is, i have been arrested for it 3 times. I have removed the ban, there will be no messing with that
13-08-2003, 04:52
I did't see any such seting but eveery one seemed to have there own so what was the big deal?
13-08-2003, 04:52
Well Good For You And Apologize For A False Accuszation!
13-08-2003, 04:53
IH, LoA, grow up. LoA didn't mean to tread on your tows, so let it go. And I think I'm banned to, it keeps saying that i don't have authorization.

Josephland, we are still accepting members, you are welcome to join. Have you read and agree to the constitution?
13-08-2003, 04:56
i fixed the board
13-08-2003, 04:59
Thank you. See, everything can be worked out easily. Does anybody else have FTL ships that we could give to nations with only jump-node ships?
13-08-2003, 05:01
Could You Put Them On My Space Fkeet?
13-08-2003, 05:39
Depends what size of ship.
13-08-2003, 12:46
Thank you. See, everything can be worked out easily. Does anybody else have FTL ships that we could give to nations with only jump-node ships?

OOC: What do you mean by jump-node ships?
13-08-2003, 16:03
Pedaphiliac: STFU yourself. You gaddamn peelo(=basicly a noob) . If you can't talk like a grown adult, don't talk.
13-08-2003, 19:24
Jump-nodes are freaks of nature. They occur close to stars (due to it's gravity and energy) and create a type of wormhole (for lack of a better word) through space, connecting to a different jump-node. Each would only connect to 3 or 4, but they'd connect to others, and we'd have a galazy spanning network. The Mindset have maintained them for some time, and people have become dependant upon them. With the Mindset collapsing, they're not going to be keeping them up and running. The Klonor Empire (That's me!) will be keeping our jump-nodes active, but that's not all of them. Jump-ships (designed for use on the network) are now useless for galactic travel, and I'm trying to find out if any nations here have regular FTL ships that they can give to non-FTL ships, so that we can keep inter-steller movement going.
13-08-2003, 19:30
Pedaphiliac: STFU yourself. You gaddamn peelo(=basicly a noob) . If you can't talk like a grown adult, don't talk.

And if you're not a GA member than get the **** off our thread.
13-08-2003, 19:34
Torakan, would you like to be a member of the GA?
13-08-2003, 19:37
I have a few surplus FTL frieghters and colony ships. Anyone want those?
13-08-2003, 19:46
I'm Moving Augest 20th So I'll Need Them
13-08-2003, 20:17
So, what happened while was gone?
13-08-2003, 21:26
BIG crises. The Mindset jumpnode network is gone. I'm maintaining all the nodes in my territory, and I ask that other members do so as well, but the network as a whole is down.
13-08-2003, 21:31
And why am I still not allowed to post in the forum?
14-08-2003, 04:11
Jump-nodes are freaks of nature. They occur close to stars (due to it's gravity and energy) and create a type of wormhole (for lack of a better word) through space, connecting to a different jump-node. Each would only connect to 3 or 4, but they'd connect to others, and we'd have a galazy spanning network. The Mindset have maintained them for some time, and people have become dependant upon them. With the Mindset collapsing, they're not going to be keeping them up and running. The Klonor Empire (That's me!) will be keeping our jump-nodes active, but that's not all of them. Jump-ships (designed for use on the network) are now useless for galactic travel, and I'm trying to find out if any nations here have regular FTL ships that they can give to non-FTL ships, so that we can keep inter-steller movement going.

We have quite a few FTL ships now that we have finally developed the drives. Any particular class that guy wanted?

Torakan, would you like to be a member of the GA?

Yes I would, Thankyou
14-08-2003, 05:29
I think he mainly needed the tech, so he could adapt his own ships. (But I don't know, since I'm not him)

And we would love to have you. Welcome aboard!
14-08-2003, 06:26
So, any ideas on how we're going to get through the jump network collapsing?
14-08-2003, 07:59
That's what I get for not refresing before replying.
14-08-2003, 08:00
Didn't I just say that? YOU HAVE STOLEN MY INFO! PREPARE TO DIE!!!!!!!!
14-08-2003, 09:01
Hey, no biggie.
14-08-2003, 09:03
So which of you are need of Jump drives, I am sure there must be some one.
14-08-2003, 09:09
No, the jump-drives don't work anymore. We need non jump-drive FTL travel.
14-08-2003, 09:16
I was speaking of my hyperdrives, I never much liked those Gates very much predictable fixed exit points and way to many hostile nations had them.
14-08-2003, 09:21
Ah. Gotcha. That's what I'm trying to find out. I myself have both jump-ships and independant FTL ships. So do many others in the Alliance. I just don't know who doesn't.
14-08-2003, 09:23
What's the range of you none gate craft? Like max jump range.