The Lands of Arterus - Page 4
The Royal Code
25-04-2006, 20:41
After the month-long assessement, the 1st Army advisors deemed the region 'stable enough' for the Royal Expeditionary Force to handle and maintian itself.
Colonel Powers was both pleased and displeased by this news. Though he would be at more risk for responsibility if a successful enemy invasion were to occur, if the REF managed to stabalize its relations with the other nations, Colonel Powers would return home a hero of the Alliance.
25-04-2006, 23:29
Errikland has claimed the unclaimed inland land up to two hundred miles from our current border. We have already claimed the land to the north up to the little penninsula, but it has yet to be added to the map.
The Kraven Corporation
25-04-2006, 23:33
OOC: Diplomacy Thread Here:
Chicken n waffles
25-04-2006, 23:46
The Republic of Chicken n Waffles claims the land highlighted in yellow.
Greater Chinese Region
25-04-2006, 23:52
The GCR, seeking a foothold on the main northern island, expanded into this region.
The Kraven Corporation
25-04-2006, 23:53
The Supreme State's News Network
The News Today, The Glorious forces of Kraven continue to reinforce key areas, the 5th 18th and 201st Sturmpanzer Battalions to the Kraven Mainland, supporting these three new Battalions are Two legions of Kravens Sardaukar Terror Troopers, these weapons of shock and awe will ensure Kravens Dominance in this region to be absolute.
Today, Kraven has held Diplomatic talks off the coast of Kraven held Zukariaa, all nations in Arterus have been invited to attend, The Area Command hopes that some agreement can be reached and that an Un-necessary War can be avoided...
In Further news, two Spies working for an as of yet unknown organisation were caught by our Glorious Capitol Police while attempting to infiltrate one of the many Supreme State's facilities, they will be tried for Crimes of Thought and executed in the morning...
that is all from todays New Cast...
25-04-2006, 23:59
The Republic of Chicken n Waffles claims the land highlighted in yellow.
I'm sorry, but that land is currently being held by my troops and has already been annexed by Intermania.
Chicken n waffles
26-04-2006, 00:06
*curses underbreath*
The Republic of Chicken n Waffles claims:
and challenges Intermania to a game of Rock Paper Scissors for the other land cliam.
26-04-2006, 00:09
*curses underbreath*
The Republic of Chicken n Waffles claims:
and challenges Intermania to a game of Rock Paper Scissors for the other land cliam.
The Intermanian government refuses the jestful offer.
Is the land where I put my name taken?
26-04-2006, 00:14
Part of land NY of Kubra claimed by me, covering that entire southern harbor and about 100 miles thick for the remainder of the Kubran border.
If I where to help build the tunnels I would want some kind of gaurentee to my safty from invasion through them. You see nothing is foolproof. Even a lightbulb gives out after too much use. Still, we continue to produce and buy them. This tunnel system can not be completely safe. There is always risks with everything.
I assume that every nation would get some sort of "cutoff points" where their borders would be on the surface. Perhaps six inch thick solid steel doors that can be closed by the leaders of the country whose border it is.
That would make sense. Oooh, that's a good one. Let's do that.
26-04-2006, 00:17
You see nothing is foolproof. Even a lightbulb gives out after too much use. Still, we continue to produce and buy them. This tunnel system can not be completely safe. There is always risks with everything.
I understand, but do not want to open up my borders to anybody. I guess overall tunnels are easier to control than open boarders because they have to go through that point.
Vehichles could burn, and I wou ld assume that we would use the tunnel for pipelines as well to save money.
I am currently setting up airports of varying in all of my cities for intercity transportation. What happens if a subway catches fire, hm?
Not all errors can be fixed completely. I agree the tunnels should also be used for pipelines, though.
To: nations involved in the Underground Road System
I would be willing to commit special forces to patrol border checkpoints,they could be used for the time being until we can create an actual border guard force. I'm sure each nation need only use their own police forces to guard these borders.
26-04-2006, 00:23
What happens if a subway catches fire, hm?
Not all errors can be fixed completely. I agree the tunnels should also be used for pipelines, though.
I'm not saying no to the tunnels because of the risk of fires. I just want to make sure we come up with a solution to the problem before it happens.
I'm not saying no to the tunnels because of the fires, I just want to make sure we come up with a solution to the problem before it happens. True and I think I have the solution.
Pipes full of water can be set up above the main tunnel. When a fire breaks out, emergency hoses can be taken out from areas along the side of the main tunnel. They can be set up using magnets hooked up to the pipe and hose. Because the tunnel as well as the pipes well be below sea level for the most part, pipes will end in the ocean. Using the pressure of the sea, the water will be pushed out the pipes. Also fire extinguishers can also be set up in appropriate locations.
26-04-2006, 00:28
Is the land where I put my name taken?
I've claimed part of it, but I believe the rest is free.
26-04-2006, 00:30
MY science advisor was telling me of a system that uses a gas called Halon to put out fires. Could this perhaps be a good solution?
MY science advisor was telling me of a system that uses a gas called Halon to put out fires. Could this perhaps be a good solution? This could help. How would we get it to the fires?
26-04-2006, 00:37
OOC-Updated the map.
26-04-2006, 00:40
This could help. How would we get it to the fires?
We could have sections where we could close gates and release the gas to put out the fires.
We could have sections where we could close gates and release the gas to put out the fires. Hm, that sounds like a good idea.
26-04-2006, 00:44
OOC: tunnels really don't seem worth it with all your confusment. It's an island continent, a lot quicker to sail around or to just fly. :/
26-04-2006, 00:46
Now that the peninsula is officialy mine I am begingin the fortification of my borders. Every 30 miles there will be a small fort armed with SAM missles, Howitzers, 10 tanks, and 200 soldiers. Every 500 miles there will be a larger outpost with 5,000 soldiers Sam missles, 35 tanks, and apache attack helicopters. Each outpost will be outfitted with radar, and satalite uplinks.
The Kraven Corporation
26-04-2006, 00:51
OOC: I think a lot of people are also missing the point that, your are basicaly Inviting Kraven to invade your lands, as soon as we seize a nation who you are connected to, we have our own transport network to launch invasions all across Arterus, without warning.... but I didn't say this... and I wasn't here... >_>
OOC: I think a lot of people are also missing the point that, your are basicaly Inviting Kraven to invade your lands, as soon as we seize a nation who you are connected to, we have our own transport network to launch invasions all across Arterus, without warning.... but I didn't say this... and I wasn't here... >_> As I said, any nation who uses this for ill means will have their tunnel entrance cut off. I'm not saying how, I'm just saying even if the place is flooded by hostile forces I can still block off the entrace. I'll only do it on my side, but I intend to let the nations who join the project in on how this will work.
26-04-2006, 01:05
Now that the peninsula is officialy mine I am begingin the fortification of my borders. Every 30 miles there will be a small fort armed with SAM missles, Howitzers, 10 tanks, and 200 soldiers. Every 500 miles there will be a larger outpost with 5,000 soldiers Sam missles, 35 tanks, and apache attack helicopters. Each outpost will be outfitted with radar, and satalite uplinks.
All of that needs lots of supplies. Would you like to have the same arms deal that I have given the GCR? It involves dealing directly with the Errikan arms manufacturers, who can supply you with whatever you want. These private companies can mass produce weaponry and supplies quickly and cheaply, and can build most anything you desire.
The best part is that, once you agree to the deal, you no longer need to deal with the Errikan government but directly with the manufacturers.
The same deal is offered with the Errikan oil companies.
26-04-2006, 01:06
All of that needs lots of supplies. Would you like to have the same arms deal that I have given the GCR? It involves dealing directly with the Errikan arms manufacturers, who can supply you with whatever you want. These private companies can mass produce weaponry and supplies quickly and cheaply, and can build most anything you desire.
The best part is that, once you agree to the deal, you no longer need to deal with the Errikan government but directly with the manufacturers.
The same deal is offered with the Errikan oil companies.
My Government would love to have this deal.
**Breaking News**
Surveyers in the newly aquired penninsula made a great discovery. A large oil field that could power the nation for centuries has been fount. Contractors and engineers were imediatly sent out to began planning oil rig locations.
The Royal Code
26-04-2006, 01:09
Colonel Powers reviewed the map of the area. "Hmm, " he said to his advisors, "...could be useful. Captain, take your brigade across the channel and take the land that stretches from here...
The Royal Code has sent a light armored brigade across the channel to claim land north of the Vampiracy."
Aye, sir.
Does anyone here produce SAM launchers or any other type of anti-air weaponry? If so, I would liek to buy all you can sell me.
26-04-2006, 01:11
My country produces SAM missles, but in very small quantity, just enough for out needs.
26-04-2006, 01:15
Jaredcohenian troops quickly annexed the small bit of land that The Royal Code didn't claim, southwest of its new claim.
My country produces SAM missles, but in very small quantity, just enough for out needs. Quite understandable
Kubra has recently got into producing anti-air weaponry, but all we have are miniguns.
26-04-2006, 01:36
Does anyone here produce SAM launchers or any other type of anti-air weaponry? If so, I would liek to buy all you can sell me.
I'm sure that my companies could, if there was proper economic incentive.
I'm sure that my companies could, if there was proper economic incentive. Heh, name your price.
26-04-2006, 01:43
Jaredcohenia does produce its own line of anti-air missles (the Promethius), they're deployed along the Jaredcohenian/Kubran border. However, you can't touch it~
26-04-2006, 01:44
Heh, name your price.
If you were to make the arms deal I offered, then you would not need to deal with me and go right to my companies. Best possible deal, plus you wouldn't need to come around asking everyone anytime you wanted something.
Jaredcohenia does produce its own line of anti-air missles (the Promethius), they're deployed along the Jaredcohenian/Kubran border. However, you can't touch it~ Does poking it and running like a wierd spongebob wannabe count?
26-04-2006, 01:45
OOC: Kubra you have any sort of IM?
OOC: Kubra you have any sort of IM? OOC: Well, I have msn messenger.
26-04-2006, 01:48
OOC: telegram it to me
West Corinthia
26-04-2006, 02:09
OOC: Could I claim that little peninsula below Kraven? Not even all of it I just want the lower part up to where it bottlenecks.
26-04-2006, 02:14
In an attempt to boost the tourist industry in the land of Intermania a large area of land has been sold to the Super Dude Ranch. For a daily fee city folk will be able to come out and see what it's like on a ranch. There will also be guided hunting trips for the local deer and pigs.
Blaglug is instituding a no fly zone over the straight in the northern most part of the Arterus.
Any aircraft operating in the no fly zone without BAF clearance and permission will be shot down.
The first patrol is on its way to the NFZ now.
26-04-2006, 02:25
Blaglug is instituding a no fly zone over the straight in the northern most part of the Arterus.
Any aircraft operating in the no fly zone without BAF clearance and permission will be shot down.
The first patrol is on its way to the NFZ now.
Can you show us on the map so we know exactly where it is?
The Royal Code
26-04-2006, 02:26
Stay away from Royal Alliance territories. Show respect for international boarders. You are still expected to operate with professionalism.
26-04-2006, 02:29
200 of our new Light Costal water cruisers are now laying sonar buoies off of our coast in order to keep track of navel activity, after they are done laying the grid they will be on permanent patrol.
The Royal Code
26-04-2006, 02:35
Battle group Alpha has been summoned to the area to assist the Intermanians with naval operations. The Royal Navy's Alpha group consists of 1 carrier, 7 destroyers, 14 cruisers, 12 supply and medical frigates, 13-sub surface vessals, and 1 heavy cruiser, all led by Admiral Winter.
ETA 1 ns month.
26-04-2006, 02:42
OOC: Intermania and TRC, how did you amass so many ships so quickly? both of you combined are not 20 mill...
26-04-2006, 02:42
OOC:The Light Costal Cruiser is basically a large patrol boat with no armor with a small 5 in. deck gun and 2 50 cal. anti missle guns and a crew of 15.
The gold rush had finally started to take full swing. Miners were popping out of the woodworks. They would come back with varied amounts of gold. Some people had little, others had quite a bit. Some people were even carrying silver, quartz gems, and other coloured gemstones like emeralds.
The Royal Code
26-04-2006, 02:43
OOC>The majority of my nation's military is naval. A fleet that size doesnt take up that much population, not with the downsizing the navy's done. Plus my Fleets have been sitting in dock for a long time, unused and untouched during my civil war.
OOC>The majority of my nation's military is naval. A fleet that size doesnt take up that much population, not with the downsizing the navy's done. OOC: The majority of my army is infantry. I have a small airforce and a very tiny navy. My whole navy is just 15 subs.
26-04-2006, 02:45
OOC: Those ships make up the bulk of my navy, I have no large ships for long distance fighting these ships are cheap and can be built quickly.
26-04-2006, 02:46
OOC: You're sending 54 ships to aid another nation...just to AID. It seems like a lot, and I'm not sure but I think it is a godmode.
Secret IC:
"Send 20 subs to the Intermanian waters...just to patrol the area."
The Royal Code
26-04-2006, 02:47
OOC: Those ships make up the bulk of my navy, I have no large ships for long distance fighting these ships are cheap and can be built quickly.
TRC reccomends that Intemania work together with the Royal Navy since the Royal navy lacks smaller vessals in this region. We woud make a more effective force if we combine our two good aspects.
The Royal Code
26-04-2006, 02:50
[QUOTE=Jaredcohenia]OOC: You're sending 54 ships to aid another nation...just to AID. It seems like a lot, and I'm not sure but I think it is a godmode.
OOC: Godmode? I havent taken control of anyone elses stuff, i'm sending in a fleet to keep my waters safe. My interest, and the interest of my allies only. I should have been more specific but, the islands i occupied yesterday are going to house this fleet. They have been moved to this region, and will spend much time in port.
There are alot of Royal Alliance nations in the area, and since i'm the navy guy among us, i'm gunna have to pick up their slack.
26-04-2006, 02:50
Intermania agrees with you, we will also give you ships safe harbor in the bay of the sun. Remeber that my ships are meant purely for defenseive purposes only.
26-04-2006, 02:51
"Oberstkampf, Blaglug has instigated a no-fly zone over international waters?"
The Obertkampf Furher almost laughed as he was told this by a Kriegsmarine private, for it was an incredibly silly idea. A no-fly zone over international waters, indeed.
"Well, launch a couple wings of Axims and send them to the NFZ, take out whatever air assets they've got in the sky, Blaglug is a paper tiger compared to us. If they don't enforce their own no-fly zone, we show to the world Blaglug's weakness."
The private laughed as well. He saluted the Oberstkampf and left the room.
Half an hour later, hundreds of service techs continued to bustle around the airbase in Northern Kraven Arterus, preparing twenty-eight Axim air superiority fighters for an incursion into the Blaglug no-fly zone. Their pilots gave the thumbs-up to the air crews, who cleared off of the runways. The first signal was given, and the first wing of Axims cruised off of the runways. They climbed in altitude up to 40,000 feet, and they hit their maximum speed of Mach 3. The second wing followed soon after. It was a two hour trip into the NFZ, and when they hit the outer edges of it they were prepared for anything or nothing, respectively..
Who's in the Royal Alliance?
The Royal Code
26-04-2006, 02:51
As are my own. I have absolutely no interest in attacking anyone. I'm here for economics.
26-04-2006, 02:52
OOC: You're a small nation with that big a navy? I think that is kinda weird.
26-04-2006, 02:54
Who's in the Royal Alliance?
Intermania, TRC, Jims Mind, Vampiracy, and Chicken n waffles.
OOC: You're a small nation with that big a navy? I think that is kinda weird. Well some people donate ships. Someone gave me my entire navy.
Plus, as he said, the ships he uses are cheap and easy to make.
Intermania, TRC, Jims Mind, Vampiracy, and Chicken n waffles. OOC: Royal alliance? MAy I ask what the royal alliance is?
The Royal Code
26-04-2006, 02:58
My ships are hardly cheap. Expensive for sure. Easy to make? only because we have multiple construction facilites. These ships are getting older, but are still combat effective to the most extent. Battle Group Alpha only has a total crew of 8,090 thanks to downsizing. That's hardly a fleet by post wwii comparison.
OOC: Royal alliance? MAy I ask what the royal alliance is?
Its a economical and military alliance between 23 nations, i founded it.
26-04-2006, 02:59
OOC: Royal alliance? MAy I ask what the royal alliance is?
It's a region/aliance
Battle Group Alpha only has a total crew of 8,090 thanks to downsizing. That's hardly a fleet by post wwii comparison. OOC: Have you been skele-crewing?
Skele-crewing is a temr used on a game called navy field, a massive multiplayer online tactics simulation game. You like, command a ship into battle. Skele-crewing is where you have a very small crew so the ship is light enough for you load on huge amounts of shells, torpedoes, and better guns.
The Royal Code
26-04-2006, 03:02
OOC: Nay, its downsizing. For example, rather than having a manned crew of 10 people manage each screw on each ship, 1 man can do it thanks to technological assistance.
lol, satisfied with my battle group everyone?
My ships are hardly cheap. Expensive for sure. Easy to make? only because we have multiple construction facilites. These ships are getting older, but are still combat effective to the most extent. Battle Group Alpha only has a total crew of 8,090 thanks to downsizing. That's hardly a fleet by post wwii comparison.
Its a economical and military alliance between 23 nations, i founded it. Oop-s, wrong post. Intermania said they had the cheap ships, didn't they?
It was the first six hours of the NFZ. Near nightfall.
Lt. Major James Fie was head of the first squadron.
A few minutes had gone by without any conversation. Then a voice came over the comm.
"Sir? Un identified targets flying towards the NFZ. Issue a warning?"
"Yes, we have to follow the rules and this is one of them."
"Yes, Sir."
"Attention unidentified aircraft. You are approaching a No-Fly-Zone. Turn back now or you will be fired upon. I repeat, unidentified aircraft. You are approaching a No-Fly-Zone. Turn back now or you will be fired upon."
26-04-2006, 03:06
Oop-s, wrong post. Intermania said they had the cheap ships, didn't they?
Yes we do, they can be built in less than a week, there are very few amenities on board, each man doesn't even have his own bunk they have to hot bunk.
It was the first six hours of the NFZ. Near nightfall.
Lt. Major James Fie was head of the first squadron.
A few minutes had gone by without any conversation. Then a voice came over the comm.
"Sir? Un identified targets flying towards the NFZ. Issue a warning?"
"Yes, we have to follow the rules and this is one of them."
"Yes, Sir."
"Attention unidentified aircraft. You are approaching a No-Fly-Zone. Turn back now or you will be fired upon. I repeat, unidentified aircraft. You are approaching a No-Fly-Zone. Turn back now or you will be fired upon." As gold was being brought in, fish were being cooked by street vendors everywhere. Seafoods of all kind were served in the new restaurants in the new city in the northern part of the region. The city wasn't done yet, but business had already started up.
Down in the city in the southern part constructio nwas stil lgoing on too. Still, it was more near completion than the north area. In the southern part, fruits were being served along side the rich beef produced by the area. That marked a new beginning in the Kubra food industry.
@Intermania, what do you say to the Alliance I proposed with you in the AMAP topic?
26-04-2006, 03:11
The wing leader for Blue Wing sent back, "We do not respect your no-fly zones, paper tiger." and cut off communications. He sent through the encrypted radio channels, "Destroy them."
The wings, continuing to cruise at Mach 3, opened their weapons bays to reveal several types of missiles. The first used in this air battle would be the "Centurian" BVRAAM. They dropped out of the weapons bays and shot forward, accelerating to Mach 6 instantly. They targetted the Blaglugian fighters in the no-fly zone, and they peeled off and decelerated to dogfighting velocities. The second wing of fighters were a few minutes away, waiting for the signal to unload their BVRAAMs on the Blaglugians as well..
26-04-2006, 03:12
@Intermania, what do you say to the Alliance I proposed with you in the AMAP topic?
OOC: What Alliance I havn't seen it. could you point me to it, thanks.
The Royal Code
26-04-2006, 03:14
OOC: oh snap! shots fired in anger! -gandalf- so it begins...
The digging was still going on in the underground. Progress was being made, but slowly. Rocks had obstructued much. Of course, once they had found a deposit of iron. The area was being used as a mine and would not be used for the tunnels until the iron was gone.
Sappers were also creating foxholes, as well as trenches and moderately deep tunnels to hide soldiers in. The construciton of these were going on at firebases in the area and along the border.
26-04-2006, 03:18
After hearing the news of the Blaglugian fighters being fired upon down all Intermania military personel are now on high alert in case of the outbreak od hostilities.
26-04-2006, 03:22
After hearing the news of the Blaglugian fighters being shot down all Intermania military personel are now on high alert in case of the outbreak od hostilities.
1) We don't know if anyone has been shot down
2) You wouldn't know even if they were, at least not for a while.
The Royal Code
26-04-2006, 03:23
OOC: Hey, now that you're back, update the map. At least 2 of us have expanded.
26-04-2006, 03:23
1) We don't know if anyone has been shot down
2) You wouldn't know even if they were, at least not for a while.
ooc:I fixed the shot down part, but for the hostilities part, you don't know where I have spies.
"We do not respect your no-fly zones, paper tiger."
It rang in clear as a bell.
"Copy that Sir?"
"That's what I expected. Lets go."
Encrypted, the Lt. Major issued an order.
"Carrier Alcatraz. Launch OCA."
"Yes, Sir."
He had been given authority to issue orders for a Captain (Naval upper rank) to follow.
So it begins.
"SIR! Incoming missles. Hypersonic."
Echo was one of the evasive manuvers. Countermeasures were deployed as the Squadron scattered. The Lt. Major heard something scream past his aircraft and explode.
"Team check in, Alpha 1."
"Alpha 2."
"Alpha 3."
"Alpha 4."
"Alpha 5."
"Alpha 6."
"Alpha 7."
"Alpha 8. Do you respond?" they heard nothing but static.
"Alpha 8. DO YOU COPY?"
Whispering to himself, he said, "Bastards."
AHMRAAMs were fired at the targets. The dogfight had begun.
Unaware of the new hostilities going on, military personnel and civilians went about their business. The Prime Fuhrerminister had also seen the increase of income from the food industry. The new fishing and beef industry gave good income to Kubra. The Prime Fuhrerminister sat in his study, thinking of making a festival dedicated to the beef industry.
26-04-2006, 03:31
A Jaredcohenian fighter pilot heard an explosion, he hoped in his F19 and flew into the direction of the explosions.
"What is going on here?" he yelled into his radio. "This no-fly zone was to be enforced for safety measures..."
OCC @ Kubra
The NFZ is in that "bay" between you and Kraven.
The Royal Code
26-04-2006, 03:33
Royal Army personnel, short on anti-aircraft weaponry, packed up all valuable gear, and took cover in the earthworks systems. All 4 islands were put on full alert. Royal Code skies would be inseccure until Battle Group Alpha arrived...
OCC @ Kubra
The NFZ is in that "bay" between you and Kraven. OOC: The fishermen and people in the general area to see the explosions have not reported what's going on. Though they soon will.
Royal Army personnel, short on anti-aircraft weaponry, packed up all valuable gear, and took cover in the earthworks systems. All 4 islands were put on full alert. Royal Code skies would be inseccure until Battle Group Alpha arrived... OOC: Oh good, does that mean you've joined the tunnel project?
26-04-2006, 03:37
Smoke was appearing from the sky off the Jaredcohenian fortified territories. The stationed troops were confused as to what was going on, and there was no response from the fighter pilot. Antiair missles moved to the southern coast, prepping to see if fighters flew over.
The Royal Code
26-04-2006, 03:40
OOC: Oh good, does that mean you've joined the tunnel project?
OOC: Well yes and no, mine's not tecnically 'underground' its 'below ground level' i guess you could say. In a previous post i mentioned it. Its a man-made continuous netork of anti-tank ruts, trenches, pits, rocks, sand, etc, designed to repel enemies, and harbor allies, its a 1 way working earthworks system.
My senior commanders have discussed tunnels, and are still in the midst of reaching a full decision. If we decide to, could TRC get some of your design layouts?
26-04-2006, 03:40
OOC: Oh good, does that mean you've joined the tunnel project?
Speaking of the tunnel project, I will participate in the project, but the tunnels may only enter my country in two spots, this is so that I can keep control of them better.
I want to enter a full nation-nation alliance with you. (It's not for the land trust me)
I want to make up for my wrongs against you and the Royal Alliance.
Fishermen had landed back on shore with their ctches and hurried for their phones. All around the coastal area, everyone was picking up their phones. They were eager to report what was going on, as well as help their ally get help.
"sir, we've recieved a huge amount of reports that there's some fighting going on in the skies near the bay", a messenger told the Fuhrerminster.
"Well, we can't have that", He replied. "is our airfield nearly ready"?
"The planes and helicopters are battle ready, but the concrete for the airstrips are stil ldrying", said the messenger. "We can only send choppers",
"no point putting choppers against jets", the Fuhrerminister said. "We must wait for the airstrips to dry."
26-04-2006, 03:43
Various Arterus Errikan News
" . . . With the Errikan population of the colony nearing four million, Governor Talbot and General Roberts have announced the construction of an army Comitatus in Urbs Insula, as well as the addition of recuitment offices all across the colony . . . this new development, which Roberts says is part of the general defense plan, allows the recruiting and training of troops in the colony itself . . . previously, all troops had to be brought in from Errikland's mainland facilities, and Roberts claims this move will allow for far more efficient defense, which is key to his plan . . ."
" . . . but oil isn't the only business that thrives in the northern isles. Major mining has been opened up after the discovery of gold in the area. Mark Klineman, mining engineer, said to reporters, 'We have definitely struck something. Though the true level of gold in this region remains to be seen, there is most certainly a considerable amount, and we intend to tap that . . .' . . . with the recent market shifts solidifying gold as the most valuable substance in the world by far, the profits of this venture could be astronomical . . . Fishing has been a major industry throughout all of Errikan Arterus, and this region is no exception . . ."
" . . . The Kraven Corporation has opened negotiations . . . 'Peace in this region is my number one concern,' Governor Talbot said to reporters, 'And we have sent our best diplomat, Larry Woodsworth, to negotiate with them . . . Woodsworth is the finest Errikan diplomat in our region, and we are confident that he can handle the negotiations well . . .' . . . Meanwhile, Kraven continues to enslave and abuse the natives in mass quantites, and shows no sign of stopping . . . No Kraven official was willing to be interviewed . . ."
"Riots have taken place in the Errikan territory on the continent of Arterus . . . led again by Muslim migrants, who rally against the Errikan government . . . [calling it] 'the protector of Christians, [Jews] and other infidels,' and 'the oppressors of truth' . . . they have also rallied native populations, spreading word that the Errikan government has been commiting genocide against [them] . . . three of the four riots were put down by the military. The other was [stopped] by citizens, who fired at the rioting Musilms and locals with their private firearms . . . 'We do not encorage people to take matters into their own hands,' commented Norman Willis, chief of police. The Emperor, who offered his commentary on the situation, refutably praised the citizens who stopped the riots . . . Errikland has nearly no laws restricting weapon ownership for non-Muslim Errikan citizens . . . "
26-04-2006, 03:44
I agree to a full nation-nation alliance.
26-04-2006, 03:44
Admiral-Bell will take the remaining gray in the northernmost island. We would like to share a border with Kraven if possible. We are sending 2 carier, 2 dreadnaught, and 5 Battleship groups with 50,000 troops.
Speaking of the tunnel project, I will participate in the project, but the tunnels may only enter my country in two spots, this is so that I can keep control of them better. Well then I can tell oyu what countermeasures I plan to take in case land is taken by a hostile nation that would wish to use the tunnel system for evil.
I plan to set up TNT inside the walls of the tunnel entrances and border gates undergorund. Should my land be taken, they are detonated with remote detonators. The walls cave in, as well as the roof. Thus, the tunnel gets blocked. It's not much, but it can obstruct the enemy for a short time.
26-04-2006, 03:49
Well then I can tell oyu what countermeasures I plan to take in case land is taken by a hostile nation that would wish to use the tunnel system for evil.
I plan to set up TNT inside the walls of the tunnel entrances and border gates undergorund. Should my land be taken, they are detonated with remote detonators. The walls cave in, as well as the roof. Thus, the tunnel gets blocked. It's not much, but it can obstruct the enemy for a short time.
I have an idea to add to the plan, since the tunnels are under sea level flood the tunnels with water trapping and killing the invading army.
Thank you.
@ Royal Guard.
President Johnny Smooth issued this statement in response to recent events.
"I would like to issue a full apology to the Royal Guard for our actions towards them. They were agressive, wrong, and created a rift between otherwise would-be friendly nations. I am trul sorry for my nation and for the part I played into these actions."
I have an idea to add to the plan, since the tunnels are under sea level flood the tunnels with water trapping and killing the invading army. --SECRET--
Oooh, that's good. Oh, I have another idea. We can design a lock using the best alloy we can make. We can make the doors of the same material. That way a hostile force will be obstructed further.
Hmm, we'll have good security plans when this day is done.
26-04-2006, 03:55
OOC: discuss the tunnels in another topic, stop spamming this one.
OOC: discuss the tunnels in another topic, stop spamming this one. OOC: will do
26-04-2006, 03:58
OOC: discuss the tunnels in another topic, stop spamming this one.
OOC: How are the tunnels any different than the NFZ?
26-04-2006, 03:58
OOC: discuss the tunnels in another topic, stop spamming this one.
OOC-Thats my job. And seeing that it has to do with Arterus, they can keep it going, if they want.
OCC: I meant Royal Code not Royal Guard. Damn, I am not doing hot with names today.
The Royal Code
26-04-2006, 04:01
Your statement was reviewed in good tone. Thanks. I assume i can put my troops at ease then?
26-04-2006, 04:04
Zukariaa']OOC-Thats my job. And seeing that it has to do with Arterus, they can keep it going, if they want.
OOC: i try to act like zuka and be cool telling people not to spam (cuz theres a new post about it every 10 seconds D: like my ooc adventures yesterday) but it no worky :(
Intermania, I made two posts about the opposed to your 50 (exajuration) you made about the tunnel
26-04-2006, 04:10
OOC: i try to act like zuka and be cool telling people not to spam (cuz theres a new post about it every 10 seconds D: like my ooc adventures yesterday) but it no worky :(
Intermania, I made two posts about the opposed to your 50 (exajuration) you made about the tunnel
OOC: what do the amount of posts have to do with if it applies to the topic or not?
Yes. I never intended to agress against you anyway.
Frenzian Military Headquarters,Freedom City,Frenzia
''General Howe,I just got an e-mail from the colony,I think you should read this;
To:General Howe
From:General Edwards,Colony Task Force Commander
A report came in stating that Baglug had enforced a no fly zone over the bay.Reports from fishermen have just come in stating that Baglug aircraft may have been shot down by an unknown aircraft.Reports also state that there may be a dogfight occurring right now.I'm asking check the satellite and find out whats going on.For the time being I think the Defense Alert should be raised.We have completed building of our airfields and base so we are operational if need be.
The General took a seat,he pressed the intercom button and spoke,his voice ringing in the secretary's headset.
''Get me a satellite up link over grid ******.I also want pictures of the aircraft in the area.
In about 10 minutes the General had seated himself in a chair in the situation room waiting for the uplink.The secretary saluted him,handed him pictures and left.He looked over the pictures
13:30 Baglug aircraft enter the no fly zone.
15:48 Unidentified aircraft enter the airspace.
15:49 Missiles streak towards the Baglugian aircraft,they break formation and it looks like one is hit but its not clear.
He grabbed a zoomed in picture of the unidentified aircraft and sent it to be looked at.
15 Minutes Later
A man walked into the situation room,saluted General Howe and handed him a quickly joted report.
''The aircraft are Axim air superiority fighters,Whyticain,28 of them,one group ahead of the other.''
''Very good,send the report to the colony,If enough nations join in we fight, we can,if not it won't work.United we stand,divided we fall,simple as that.''
The man saluted the General and left.
Reformed Sparta
26-04-2006, 06:10
OOC: Is it all right if I make a small claim in Arterus? If so, I'll take a little chunk of that bulge to the west of Jims Min, or some of the land between it and chicken n waffles if the bulgey(is that even a word?) area is taken.
General Howe announced today that he would be sending two carrier battle groups and a submarine group to the colony.This desicion was made when the Frenzia received it's new naval ships after having it's old navy decimated by Raven corps,Kraven and New Nick.When asked about the NFZ incident he refused to comment.
The Royal Code
26-04-2006, 21:07
At noon today, Battle Group Alpha finally arrived after being over a week late. The larger ships were docked in the new naval facilities that were built prior, and the smaller ships began to set up routine patrol routes.
On board the RNS Domination, the fleet's quad-annual boxing tournament was just entering the quarter finals. Finalists from all over the fleet all awaited to face the brutal 1st Class Petty Officer Baker, the 250lb beast who had never lost a match to date.
Meanwhile on the largest Royal Code-held island, Colonel Powers recieved his notice from Major Floyd, that the perimeter construction was complete, and that more units of Royal Artillery and anit-aircraft were en route. Major Floyd made the statement that, " ... it would take an army of a substantial, and at least, a 7 digit figure to breach this defense, with or without a naval bombardment." It was a nice thing for Powers to read, but he was sketchy on its accuracy. "I pray he doesnt have to prove himself."
26-04-2006, 21:19
Updated Map.
The Royal Code
26-04-2006, 22:43
bump anyone?
The Andromedan
26-04-2006, 22:54
The Andromedan's Grand Line Fleet has arrived. Troops strom the grounds only to find an empty beachhead. No vigilantes or attakcers were present to attack the cargo hold of extermely violent criminals. Transport boats arrive from the horizon carrying bulldozers and machinery. The barracks for the guards had already been built by the first criminal defense brigade. Now the greuling task of finishing the prison commences...
The Andromedan
26-04-2006, 22:55
OCC: I'm just going to say that the first landing squad had already completed the ports and docks needed for the security flagships to dock in. But an airfield is yet to be finished, and of course, the actual prison...
27-04-2006, 00:04
"Errikan forces have taken more territory today, annexing further inland and north on the northern Aterian continent . . . When asked about the descision to stop where they did, General Roberts said this: 'We have allowed for a buffer region between our territory and that of Kraven . . . fear that additional border will impair the facilitation of peace . . . we shall hope to agree with them to leave the region neutral . . . possibly being assigned to natives fleeing imperial rule.'"
(OOC: Definately leave the buffer region between me and Kraven: ( )
EDIT: OOC: In case you can't really see the buffer zone, it is a small region between my territory and Kraven's, following the shape of their border exactly between the western and eastern coasts.
The Kraven Corporation
27-04-2006, 00:11
The Supreme State's Public Announcement
The Border between Errikland and Kraven in The North has been reinforced with two more battalions of Capitol Police and one legion of Sardaukar, The Buffer zone has now been classified as a De-militarized Zone, all Kraven forces remain on watch, and Patrols along the Border are being carried out at regular intervals, any forces entering the DMZ will be shot upon without question.
Any Personel found to be within 75km's of the Kraven Border will be shot without hesitiation and purged with extreme Prejudice.
The High Command
27-04-2006, 00:43
"Leader, one Blaglugian fighter is down, they're responding." said the comm officer of the AWACS jet cruising in hundreds of kilometers from the warzone.
"Roger, all ECMs activate, Wing 2 is to come over the top and unload on their heads."
"Roger!" rang across the radio waves.
The missiles streaked by, missing planes outright, and one Axim was hit in the wing. It streaked down, the Capitol Police pilot attempting to remain in control of his jet until the very end. The 13 remaining Axims of Wing 1 responded with "Stalker" short ranged AtA missiles, and now they were within dogfight range. They fired their 30mm Vulcan cannons, spraying lead everywhere across the skies, aiming to knock out as many Blaglugian fighters as possible before the mission was called off.
Wing 2 came in high over the Blaglugian's heads, and they began a steep dive, unloading their "Centurian" BVRAAMs. Stealth was damned in this mission, as it was unnecessary for this. This was a sheer show of force against the Blaglugian air force..
27-04-2006, 00:53
To the citizens of what was once Zukariaa's colony in Arterus, things were looking like war was going to come to the area. The coastline was suddenly being reinforced with naval ships, pillboxes, gun towers, artillery cannons, and soldiers. They were suddenly herded into the largest city in the territory by Capitol Police. Any resistance was met with pain.
And then the leaders in the area declared Total Marshal Law. The average citizen could only be left to guess what was happening.
"I Got your six, Jack."
He flew in behind the bogey, taking a few cannon hits to the wing. "Damn." Before he could fire a shot, the fighter dived out of the way.
"Son of a bi..."
Instinctivly he dived to the left, barley avoiding the missle behind him and the missle above.
Two of his wingmen weren't as lucky. Alpha 6 and Alpha 3 got hit in the wing and limped off to a friendly airfield to get help."
"Alpha 1, this is the Alcatraz. We are launching LRSAMs and launching more aircraft. Beta Squadron is coming to help and Alcatraz 1 has just arrived into the NFZ, firing missles at the targets."
"10-4." He said, launching another missle at the plane in front of him.
"We've all recieved war that some other nations are sending support aircraft."
"Copy that, Sir. Can't talk now."
"I understand. Over and out."
The Royal Code
27-04-2006, 01:10
---unsecure channel message to blaglugian naval forces---
"Breaker, breaker, Alcatraz, this is Royal Naval Service Domination we're picking up lots of radar activity, what's going on over there? over."
"Kraven aircraft have entered the NFZ we set up to protect all friendly nations form the threat. We are getting our asses handed to us, though we believe we took down one of their fighters. Assistance would be welcome."
The Royal Code
27-04-2006, 01:56
-to bluglugian forces-
"The Domination is ready, willing, able, and can be put on general quarters if need be. What is the action zone and your requested assisstance? Over."
"The NFZ, near Kubra in the northern straight. AAA and Air support would be greatly appreciated. Over."
OCC: Something else.
The President of Blaglug wishes to establish an Alliance between Blaglug and the Royal Code.
The Royal Code
27-04-2006, 02:13
"The NFZ, near Kubra in the northern straight. AAA and Air support would be greatly appreciated. Over."
OCC: Something else.
The President of Blaglug wishes to establish an Alliance between Blaglug and the Royal Code.
OOC, to make things faster, if you have AIM we could save alot of time. IronFox102
27-04-2006, 02:55
I want the land between intermania and kraven....i dont want to touch kraven so but iw ant to extend all the way NORTH to SOUTH along intermania.
Royal Italy
27-04-2006, 02:56
The nation of Italy would like to claim lands on Arterus if able to. We wish to create a land of ''New Italy'' or something similar.
Secret Message to Allies of Blaglug and Vampiracy.
Blaglug is setting up a joint air force base on the southern part of Vampiracy's penninsula. It will help us control Kraven movements into and out of the straight. Thank you.
The Royal Code
27-04-2006, 03:12
To the Vampiracy, we shall start our tunnel connections projects underneath the channel, 4 tunnels, evenly spaced, beggining with construction on the northern-most one.
Royal Engineers began marking the dig site, and called in for the necessary equipment from the homeland.
Greater Chinese Region
27-04-2006, 03:40
As rumors of hostilities between Bluglug and Kraven spread, the Premier ordered a heightened military stance in Northern Arterus. The carrier groups stationed in the south abruptly turned and headed for the northernmost territory of Liantao Special Administrative Region. 100,000 soldiers, 5,000 tanks, 10,000 APCs, and 5,000 MLRS artillery were loaded onto ships and escorted to the shore of the main island. Once there, there orders were to fortify the border and construct SAM sites throughout the territory.
When the news of the dogfights going on, the defense of the borders was sped up. The coastal anti-ship guns that were only lazily worked on were suddenly being constructed at top speed. Orders for anti-air gatling guns were sent to all weapon companies. The military was also pressuring for better anti-air weaponry to be put into production. Stinger production began, but it would be a while before the 1st shipment came. The cement airstrips were dry, but the planes were not launched. The economy was strengthening, but it needed more.
27-04-2006, 12:40
Updated the Map.
Frenzian Military Headquarters,Freedom City, Frenzia
General Howe continued to look at the pictures,a man kept bringing more in un till an up link was established.General Howe sat watching the dogfight going on,the Baglugians were losing.
''Don't bother,sit down and watch.''The General said as three men came to the door,stood at attention,saluted and waited to be allowed to enter.
The three men,General Adkins,Commander of the Air Force,General Robertson,Commander of the Army and Admiral Jenkins,Commander of the Navy sat down watching the screen.In the Colony Military Headquarters The colony's top military officials sat in front of a camera,their faces shown on screens to the left and right of the screen with the up link on it.Another man stood at the door and saluted.
''Don't worry just come in.''The General turned to see who it was.
The man handed him photos of fighters screaming over the Kraven ship.He flipped through them and found a zoomed in photo of the fighters and sent it to be analized.He sent another man who was standing guard at the door to get a satellite up link so they could find out what was going on over the Kraven ship.
''Sir,do we send help.''The General of the Air Force asked,not taking his eyes of the screen.
''We can't fight Kraven alone,so we need to unite.''General Howe grabbed a piece of paper wrote;
To All Nations with Colonies in Arterus (Except Kraven held colonies)
After what has been going on these past few days we in Frenzia would like to know what you would do if Frenzia attacked Kraven,would you help,stay neutral,or flee the region.This is not saying we are going too, we just want to know your stance.
27-04-2006, 17:42
--secret message--
To Freznian Government
The colonies of Intermania would fully back any conflict with the Kraven Threat.
The Royal Code
27-04-2006, 21:16
-private message to Jaredcohenia-
Cooridnates, depth, distance, etc, of our tunnel build plans are being wired to you now.
-priavte to Frenzia-
Colonel Powers of the Royal Expeditionary Force has deemed it a logical choice to take measures towards ending the Kraven threat. He has applied for assistance from the 1st Royal Army, and Naval Battle Groups Echo and Victor. END.
General Howe sat still watching the dogfight when a man entered and handed him two papers.
''We have support from two nations,and with GAPTS attacking this could work out.Keep waiting,if one more nation supports us we will vote.''
The Royal Code
27-04-2006, 22:42
Back in the homeland, Fort Crowly and Fort Saxon, bases of operations for the 1st Army were being roused. Every soldier taken accounted for and assembling for unit inspection.
At Jackson Naval Base, Battle Groups Echo and Victor were being called up. The ships beginning to make their way down the Royal River out Beth Harbor to pick up the 1st Army.
At Carlyle Air Force Base, the small 8th Air Force was also getting to their stations. Formations were being assembled, the men being accounted for.
All over the nation, the papers that morning read 'ALLIANCE AT WAR'
The soldiers knew the challenges that lied ahead, and not one of them regretted their position in the Royal Service. They were itching for a good fight. Before long, they would be in the Arterus islands, were they would write their own destiny.
27-04-2006, 22:52
The best border defenses yet had been established on the edge of the region that Kraven called the DMZ. The cost was outragous, totalling the equivalent of the enitre original budget of the defense project.
27-04-2006, 23:27
Where I'll be posting all things dealing with Arterus concerning me.]
[Secret IC]
To: All Alliance Nations
From: Unidentified Transmission Source
Re: Kraven Threat
It is clear Kraven is a threat that cannot be allowed to continue unabated- Samtonia is willing to combat this threat. Let the alliance move first, Samtonia will follow in your wake.
Construction of the joint air force base was going smoothly. Runway L1 was to open any time now.
28-04-2006, 00:51
Errikan fencing is quite different from other fencing. The swords, for one, are more akin to small, blunted longwords than fencing swords, and, depending upon the match, shields are sometimes used. Also, it is full contact, and a bit more flexible than other fencing. The goal is to strike a killing blow, whether it be a swipe against your opponent's facemask or a thrust into the torso.
This was what the Emperor was doing when the news arrived of the meeting with Kraven.
The blue fighter swung his sword downward, but the green fighter blocked it, pushing it back up and coming in under while his opponent staggered. The blue fighter recovered, swinging his sword down to block and kicking at the green fighter with his left leg. He struck the green fighter in the right shoulder, sending him backwards. The blue fighter tried to strike the killing blow, but the green fighter regained his footing and blocked his blow, bringing his right leg up into the blue's ribs. Blue fell back, and Green pursued, slashing this way and that. Blue tried to hold it back, but was clearly worn out. He blocked one last attack before making a final attempt at victory with a thrust at Green's face. He dodegded the attack, striking Blue's forearm with his sword. Blue recoiled as best he could, and Green siezed Blue's sword from his hand, pivoting quickly and hitting him across the head with both of his swords. Blue fell to the ground, and Green stood victorious.
"Sir," an officer came running into the room. The fighting paused, and the green fighter pulled his headpiece off. It was the Emperor.
"What do you have to report?"
"Here is the report on the negotiations with Kraven," he said, handing him a file. Strange, he hadn't expected them back this early. This couldn't be good.
28-04-2006, 01:33
"Damn," the Emperor swore as he hurried to change, "That treaty was the only real chance for peace in this region." He reached his closet, where his standard black suits hung. He quickly changed from his fencing armor into the nearest suit.
"I want Roberts," he said to the messanger as he left his room, "And get me Talbot and our other major leaders as well. We need an emergency meeting."
The Royal Code
28-04-2006, 01:48
Where I'll be posting all things dealing with Arterus concerning me.]
[Secret IC]
*secret RE*
While honored by the guesture, we lack manpower. We simply dont have the raw numbers to lead the main attack. We are better suited for diversionary attacks, flank attacks, and/or part of a overall larger, more effective force. I believe that all the involved nations should attack at once, in as many key places at once. If we can bypass main armies, we can get behind the main groups and surround them. And on top of that, the RA is being rather sluggish to raise its armies.
28-04-2006, 02:02
"Oberst, the negotiations with Errikland have failed, we have been ordered to begin the assault."
"Yes...All Basilisk Earthshakers are to move into their firing positions and fire Earthshaker shells off at the Errik fortifications. Get the fixed artillery firing, use the 30" anti-fort guns on their fortifications. 25" shells are to be used against their troop encampments and the like. Send the orders across to the other three forts, get four Legions ready to move in three hours. Get fifteen wings of Axims, five wings of Vanguards, and two wings of Firebirds ready for launch. Send a comm to the Questarian task force, I believe the flagship is WSS Hood, tell them to launch an assault on the main Errikland controlled island. They have two legions of Centurians and a legion of Sturmpanzer Mechanized with them."
"Yes, sir." the officer saluted and left the room.
In the four Whyatican Festungs, spaced 100 kilometers apart from each other, their respective garrisons of one hundred thousand Capitol Police armed and got into formation for their drive into the Errikland territory. The first wave of fire was from over four hundred Basilisk Earthshaker self-propelled guns. They fired their 205mm Earthshaker rounds across the border and at Errikland fortified spots, and if they hit the results would be devastating. Heavier fortifications were targetted by the dual 30" static guns and fired upon, while troop encampments and other static positions were targetted with 25" static guns and fired on.
As the shells shot across the border to their targets, the 101st, 109th, 185th, and 187th Sturmpanzer Mechanized Legions left the Festungs, in Chimera APCs. They followed a massive armoured drive of two Imperator class ultraheavy battle tanks, ten Emperor class superheavy battle tanks, 500 Leman Russ main battle tanks, and 300 Diablo light battle tanks. The Basilisk Earthshakers followed up, waiting until the word was given to unload another round. They crossed the border quickly, waiting for the first signs of Errik resistance..
Aircraft began launching from the secret joint air base. Their purpose is classified.
28-04-2006, 02:13
"I am certain that our current border defenses could not be overwhelmed in anything less than a couple weeks at any point on which we border Kraven, regardless of what they throw at us."
General Roberts had returned from the borderlands no more than a couple days ago, and was now called into this meeting. He continually assured the Emperor that the defenses were sturdy.
"After the first day of siege, we could be certain that everyone else would be involved, and Kraven would have enough on its plate handling the attacks on their own territory. They would probably have to pull their forces out to defend their territory."
"What kind of numbers of people are we talking about here?" asked Governor Talbot.
"The Kraven Corporation themselves directly control over 2 billion people, and their three puppet states in the area have about another billion. If you consider that they may field about five percent of this number, that means that their total military forces could amount to around 173,950,000. Of course, five percent is an awfully high percent. But we are dealing with Kraven, so lets assume that's their number. Also, Kraven is occupied in many other conflicts across the world, which would probably soak up most of the actual forces of the Kraven Corporation, leaving a more realistic number around 68,250,000, assuming that they recruit five percent and the subject states have no military occupied anywhere else in the world, which is highly unlikely."
"How much of this do you expect to be capitol police?" asked one official.
"I have no way of knowing what percentage of their army is made up of capitol police. However, I assure you that my guns, which will drill through the Kraven tanks, will have no trouble disposing of the capitol police."
"Still let us hope that it does not come to war, my friends," Christian interjected, "After all, whether it be 174 million or 68 million, that is still a lot of people. And, even in the best of circumstances, a man still reqires being shot to die. Ammunition alone is going to cost many credits. This shall turn out to be a costly war indeed.
"Oh, General Roberts?"
"Yes, sir?"
"I want you to continue the fortification. I want any particular point to be able to survive at least a month of full out attack by the entire force of all Kravenian armies without any support from the outside."
(Kraven, Z, W, & D: 3,479,000,000; Z, W, & D: 1,365,000,000)
Frenzian Military Headquarters,Freedom City, Frenzia
General Howe continued to look at the pictures,a man kept bringing more in un till an up link was established.General Howe sat watching the dogfight going on,the Baglugians were losing.
''Don't bother,sit down and watch.''The General said as three men came to the door,stood at attention,saluted and waited to be allowed to enter.
The three men,General Adkins,Commander of the Air Force,General Robertson,Commander of the Army and Admiral Jenkins,Commander of the Navy sat down watching the screen.In the Colony Military Headquarters The colony's top military officials sat in front of a camera,their faces shown on screens to the left and right of the screen with the up link on it.Another man stood at the door and saluted.
''Don't worry just come in.''The General turned to see who it was.
The man handed him photos of fighters screaming over the Kraven ship.He flipped through them and found a zoomed in photo of the fighters and sent it to be analized.He sent another man who was standing guard at the door to get a satellite up link so they could find out what was going on over the Kraven ship.
''Sir,do we send help.''The General of the Air Force asked,not taking his eyes of the screen.
''We can't fight Kraven alone,so we need to unite.''General Howe grabbed a piece of paper wrote;
To All Nations with Colonies in Arterus (Except Kraven held colonies)
After what has been going on these past few days we in Frenzia would like to know what you would do if Frenzia attacked Kraven,would you help,stay neutral,or flee the region.This is not saying we are going too, we just want to know your stance. We would help, and would give our own blood to defend your people.
28-04-2006, 02:24
"Oberst, the negotiations with Errikland have failed, we have been ordered to begin the assault."
"Yes...All Basilisk Earthshakers are to move into their firing positions and fire Earthshaker shells off at the Errik fortifications. Get the fixed artillery firing, use the 30" anti-fort guns on their fortifications. 25" shells are to be used against their troop encampments and the like. Send the orders across to the other three forts, get four Legions ready to move in three hours. Get fifteen wings of Axims, five wings of Vanguards, and two wings of Firebirds ready for launch. Send a comm to the Questarian task force, I believe the flagship is WSS Hood, tell them to launch an assault on the main Errikland controlled island. They have two legions of Centurians and a legion of Sturmpanzer Mechanized with them."
"Yes, sir." the officer saluted and left the room.
In the four Whyatican Festungs, spaced 100 kilometers apart from each other, their respective garrisons of one hundred thousand Capitol Police armed and got into formation for their drive into the Errikland territory. The first wave of fire was from over four hundred Basilisk Earthshaker self-propelled guns. They fired their 205mm Earthshaker rounds across the border and at Errikland fortified spots, and if they hit the results would be devastating. Heavier fortifications were targetted by the dual 30" static guns and fired upon, while troop encampments and other static positions were targetted with 25" static guns and fired on.
As the shells shot across the border to their targets, the 101st, 109th, 185th, and 187th Sturmpanzer Mechanized Legions left the Festungs, in Chimera APCs. They followed a massive armoured drive of two Imperator class ultraheavy battle tanks, ten Emperor class superheavy battle tanks, 500 Leman Russ main battle tanks, and 300 Diablo light battle tanks. The Basilisk Earthshakers followed up, waiting until the word was given to unload another round. They crossed the border quickly, waiting for the first signs of Errik resistance..
(OOC: It is not "fortified spots" it is a continual wall of incredibly fortified bunkers)
"We are coming under fire!"
The shells pounded the area around the bunkers they had been aimed at, several striking the fortifications themselves. They held strong, though they took some damage.
They quickly returned fire, the armor-piercing machine guns raining death at the enemy. Missles were launched, and high explosive shells from artillery in rear bunkers plummeted towards their targets.
Official message:
From: Grand Emperor Christian Michael Victor, Sovereign of the Errikan people
To: AMAP Nations
I have been attacked by Kraven forces! They are currently pounding my border, though I imagine my forces can hold for quite some time, we can't last forever. Now we need to band together and fight off this menace!
Grand Emperor Christian Michael Victor, Sovereign of the Errikan people
28-04-2006, 02:30
(OOC: It is not "fortified spots" it is a continual wall of incredibly fortified bunkers)
"We are coming under fire!"
The shells pounded the area around the bunkers they had been aimed at, several striking the fortifications themselves. They held strong, though they took some damage.
They quickly returned fire, the armor-piercing machine guns raining death at the enemy. Missles were launched, and high explosive shells from artillery in rear bunkers plummeted towards their targets.
Official message:
From: Grand Emperor Christian Michael Victor, Sovereign of the Errikan people
To: AMAP Nations
I have been attacked by Kraven forces! They are currently pounding my border, though I imagine my forces can hold for quite some time, we can't last forever. Now we need to band together and fight off this menace!
Grand Emperor Christian Michael Victor, Sovereign of the Errikan people
OOC:Do you have AIM or MSN?
28-04-2006, 02:32
OOC:Do you have AIM or MSN?
28-04-2006, 02:36
We would help, and would give our own blood to defend your people.
We could use something like that right now (note the major attack on our border by Kraven)
OOC (secret): Try to hold out longer, we have help on the way.
After reading the message, the Prime Fuhrerminister slumped into his chair, deep in thought. Although he did not know the exact military strength of every country involved in Arterus, he guessed that everyone in AMAP combine probably had more military strength than Kraven. Although, numbers weren't everything. The Soviet Union was an example of a country with huge numbers. Of course, they were so ill equipped that even when they won they still took the most casualties. Although, everyones armies were probably Well-equipped. In fact, Alvin had a confident feeling that Kraven could be beaten.
From: Alvin L'Hirondelle, Prime Fuhrerminister of Kubra
To: Errikland
We would be mroe than willing to send you any aid we can. Although our army is small, only 10 million storng. That is small, compared ot the large armies of Kraven and Jaredcohenia. Still, we are more than willing to help.
28-04-2006, 02:43
OOC (secret): Try to hold out longer, we have help on the way.
OOC: (secret) will do.
28-04-2006, 02:44
After reading the message, the Prime Fuhrerminister slumped into his chair, deep in thought. Although he did not know the exact military strength of every country involved in Arterus, he guessed that everyone in AMAP combine probably had more military strength than Kraven. Although, numbers weren't everything. The Soviet Union was an example of a country with huge numbers. Of course, they were so ill equipped that even when they won they still took the most casualties. Although, everyones armies were probably Well-equipped. In fact, Alvin had a confident feeling that Kraven could be beaten.
From: Alvin L'Hirondelle, Prime Fuhrerminister of Kubra
To: Errikland
We would be mroe than willing to send you any aid we can. Although our army is small, only 10 million storng. That is small, compared ot the large armies of Kraven and Jaredcohenia. Still, we are more than willing to help.
OOC:10 million is FAR too much for a 26 million nation. Ignored!
28-04-2006, 02:47
After reading the message, the Prime Fuhrerminister slumped into his chair, deep in thought. Although he did not know the exact military strength of every country involved in Arterus, he guessed that everyone in AMAP combine probably had more military strength than Kraven. Although, numbers weren't everything. The Soviet Union was an example of a country with huge numbers. Of course, they were so ill equipped that even when they won they still took the most casualties. Although, everyones armies were probably Well-equipped. In fact, Alvin had a confident feeling that Kraven could be beaten.
From: Alvin L'Hirondelle, Prime Fuhrerminister of Kubra
To: Errikland
We would be mroe than willing to send you any aid we can. Although our army is small, only 10 million storng. That is small, compared ot the large armies of Kraven and Jaredcohenia. Still, we are more than willing to help.
Official message:
From: Grand Emperor Christian Michael Victor, Sovereign of the Errikan people
To: Alvin L'Hirondelle, Prime Fuhrerminister of Kubra
We thank you for your support, and request that you please be swift.
Grand Emperor Christian Michael Victor, Sovereign of the Errikan people
The Royal Code
28-04-2006, 02:47
OOC: Hmm, he's right, 10 mil's too much for a 20-some odd mil nation.
OOC:10 million is FAR too much for a 26 million nation. Ignored! OOC: Is it? Ugh, I'm not really experience with this sort of stuff. So how would be the average, so I can fix the number?
OOC: Hmm, he's right, 10 mil's too much for a 20-some odd mil nation. OOC: I know, and I'm not even sure how much would be appropriate. Would 5 mil be around the max?
28-04-2006, 02:50
OOC:2% of your population is an accepted percent for your entire military. It's up to you how you want to split that 2% up.
28-04-2006, 02:51
OOC:10 million is FAR too much for a 26 million nation. Ignored!
OOC: Don't ignore it at this point. If, after the first week or two, he doesn't start having the problems that one would naturally have when having half their population employed in the military, then ignore their actions.
OOC:2% of your population is an accepted percent for your entire military. It's up to you how you want to split that 2% up. OOC: Thanks, so my army is now 520,000.
The Royal Code
28-04-2006, 02:53
5% is considered the 'max' amount for a military.
28-04-2006, 02:53
OOC:2% of your population is an accepted percent for your entire military. It's up to you how you want to split that 2% up.
OOC: 2-5%, I believe. 5% is the militaristic fringe, though.
The Royal Code
28-04-2006, 02:55
OOC: But for smaller nations, like his and mine, 5% is easier to pull around. Since our forces are smaller, they're easier to supply and maintain.
OOC: 2-5%, I believe. 5% is the militaristic fringe, though. OOC: Ok, then I'll do 3%. My army is now 780,000 people.
28-04-2006, 02:56
OOC-I just want to point out that the Supreme State's total population [the Supreme State includes the slave states] is 11,061,000,000 as of today. I just felt like pointing that out. :p
Oh, and Whyatica, I TG'd you.
28-04-2006, 02:58
OOC: Thanks, so my army is now 520,000.
Perfectly reasonable.
Zukariaa']OOC-I just want to point out that the Supreme State's total population [the Supreme State includes the slave states] is 11,061,000,000 as of today. I just felt like pointing that out. :p
Oh, and Whyatica, I TG'd you. OOC: At 5% that would be an army of 553.05 mil.... Yeesh, then this is kind of hopeless.
Still, a good rp only comes once in a while.
28-04-2006, 03:01
OOC: At 5% that would be an army of 553.05 mil.... Yeesh, then this is kind of hopeless.
Still, a good rp only comes once in a while.
OOC: Please, hopeless? I have way more bullets than that! :p
Also, there are plenty of people that hate Kraven. Get them to help.
As another point, as I believe I mentioned, Kraven has forces tied up in conflicts all over the place. They can't devote all 553.05 million people here.
Fourthly, who says we have to kill the entire Kraven army? I'm hoping that we have some fun with a good fight then sign a treaty that gives whoever gains the upper hand some good stuff at the expense of the other side.
Stop complaining. give me your MSN. Further discussion on the War in the War of Arterus thread.
100 Various supply and transport ships escorted by 4 groups left the Frenzian port to the colony carrying various supplies and men.General Howe issued a statement saying that they were only supplies for building more mines and oil fields.
Upon the Kubran-arterusian coast in one of the ports, a Principe De Asterius class aircraft carrier was loaded with aircraft, as well as men. The crew of 1,000 went aobut their duties, as they would any day. In fact, it really was just an ordinary day. The 2 squads of F-35s were below deck, while the remaining aircraft space (9) was taken up by blackhawk helicopters. 1,000 soldiers were loaded on to the ship. Meanwhile on the Virginai class, another 1,000 men were loaded. They would be taken b helicopter and boat to Errikan territory in Arterus to back their efforts against Kraven. Most mean went about the day like it was ordinary, talking aobut the weather and complaining about the food. One of the squads had a good reason, they had recently found that the chef had spat in their soup. It was obvious to everyone that they would no longer be going to that coastal seafood restaurant.
Everything about these battles/war should now go in the war thread.
OOC: Please, hopeless? I have way more bullets than that! :p
Also, there are plenty of people that hate Kraven. Get them to help.
As another point, as I believe I mentioned, Kraven has forces tied up in conflicts all over the place. They can't devote all 553.05 million people here.
Fourthly, who says we have to kill the entire Kraven army? I'm hoping that we have some fun with a good fight then sign a treaty that gives whoever gains the upper hand some good stuff at the expense of the other side. OOC: 1. I'm sure you have, but so do they.
2. Well, can't argue with that.
IC I hate Kraven, but I think it's cool on how he's made such a name for himself. Kraven, congratulations on becoming so popular.
3. Haha, you give a good point there. Still, how much would they be able to use against us?
4. True, but they'll no doubt have a large army attacking. In fact, my prediction is if we do win, they'll have lost around half of the attacking army. Considering their size, they should be able to attack us with quite a large army.
Of course, that's just a vague prediction. In fact, they could only loss 1 quarter.
Stop complaining. give me your MSN. Further discussion on the War in the War of Arterus thread. OOC: MSN? I have MSN!
How many times to I have to say this?
War thread.
Kubra TG men your msn OOC: Right away
The Royal Code
28-04-2006, 03:28
OOC: When your soldiers have bulletproof skin, then you too can make a name for yourselves :dodgy::headbang:
OOC: Last I checked, the Supreme State does not combine populations when making their military. And it is hopeless to put a percent on the CP, anyway, since according to Whyatica the CP do not count as the population.
Besides, although Kraven is a highly respected RPer, combining populations is known as a puppet wank, and many people don't go for that. Even if it is different people controlling it. If I were you I'd just ask Kraven himself.
28-04-2006, 03:34
We don't generally combine our populations.
ICly what's mine is Kraven's and what's Kraven's is Kraven's. Our populations are combined in moments when we speak as the Supreme State of the Kraven Corporation, but if we aren't we're generally split into our various sections. The Capitol Police are not humans according to some Kahanistani and Xirniumite scientists, but some argue they should be counted in the population.
Technically Kraven controls the entire Supreme State, although I generally control MY navy, MY airforce, and MY army and not HIS. Although in situations like now where Kraven is away, I control the entire Supreme State military, being second in command.
28-04-2006, 21:09
-Big Fat Bump-
Why does it have to be big and fat? :P :mp5: :sniper:
28-04-2006, 22:30
Because.. well, actually, I don't know. Maybe its because it was back on page 7.
28-04-2006, 22:53
The Royal Code
28-04-2006, 22:59
My nation's first air strikes have begun, post is in the war thread.
The Royal Code
29-04-2006, 03:04
-moments after the first Royal Navy aircraft reached northern Kraven territory-
With the arrival of the other two battle groups, the 1st Army had also arrived. In a very detailed landing party system, the entire army of over 190,000 was unloaded, directed inland by the beachmasters, and squared away. A command center for the 1st Army was built and the first meeting of Royal Officers was called.
For the first time, Colonel Powers was outranked here on his colony.
When he entered the small command post tent, he saw none other than General Hayden himself. Colonel Powers came to attention at the door flap and saluted.
The General saluted him back, and they both dropped their arms and shook hands.
"I take it you have some news to report Colonel?" Hayden said.
"Yes sir, as you probobly saw the battle groups launched their first strike. They're stll on-mission so we havent heard from them yet."
"I understand, so what's the ground situation here?" Hayden asked.
"Eleven thousand infantry, another thousand engineering personnel working on our tunnels to Vampiracy, my men are armed to the teeth sir."
"But with only minimal armor i've noticed. Its a good thing i've shown up."
"Yes sir." Powers replied.
"Well the first army is going to be placed under your command during offensive action, but for now i'll be keeping my wing over them. News from back home says that some of the Royal Alliance nations are raising armies. What allies have you gotten us here Colonel?"
He thought for a moment and responded, "Actually sir, we have a whole score of allies here. Talks have been going on for some time on these anti-kraven alliances, but it seems we finally have the means to push them out."
"And we, army of the royal code, having only a small part in that role?"
"As according to our army size, General."
"As it should be, very well. I'll be getting in touch with some of these other leaders before long. Now if you'll excuse me, i'll be going."
"Yes sir."
And that was that. The general was here, his troopers were ready to fight harder than they had ever fought before. Moral was at its peak. The men knew the challenges that lied ahead, and they were eager to get in on the action. They werent about to sit back and watch the navy have all the fun.
*VMB Veras*
Veragon seemed to be very busy recently. Where at one time the Veragon military had little to do but train it was now fighting two seperate wars. The battle for Lordis had claimed over a thousand lives already and all of five brigade was there, starting to put a strain on the small nations offensive capabilities.
With the full support of the region however, it was getting ready to send more of its soldiers marching forth into war. The situation was still unknown, and it would take some time for the army to figure out the Arterus situation, but they knew their allies were at war, and they would not abandon them.
As the first jump companies boarded their C-130s, the main fighting force and its helicopters were boarding naval auxilaries, a series of merchantships that double as troopships in times of war.
Fighter squadrons were ready to launch, but they needed refueling aircraft to make the flight and the ministry of defence wanted to procure AWACS craft to provide superior EW cover than the EW pods that were simply mounted onto the wings. Some fighters were being folded up and shipped on cargo aircraft, to be launched from allied airstrips in theater, and the army's entire 5.56mm stockpile, now obsolete, was being shipped for use by the allies.
29-04-2006, 03:34
--secret message to Kraven--
Intermania will grant you all of our resources for protection during this war. We believe that the NFZ was illegally initiated.WE only wish to stay a seperate country.
29-04-2006, 03:37
--secret message to Kraven--
Jims Mind will grant you all of our resources for protection during this war. We believe that the NFZ was illegally initiated.WE only wish to stay a seperate country. You also have full and total access to our northern bay where we keep out nucular submarine projects.
--secret message to Kraven--
Jims Mind will grant you all of our resources for protection during this war. We believe that the NFZ was illegally initiated.WE only wish to stay a seperate country. You also have full and total access to our northern bay where we keep out nucular submarine projects. OOC: Oooh, now hwo will rp eavesdropping on the conversation?
29-04-2006, 05:53
OOC: All of these military things should be on the War thread, not this one.
OOC: All of these military things should be on the War thread, not this one. OOC: YEs, we should all know.
OOC: Hmm, well now that KRaven has ben nuked to smithereens by AMF, I think some land liberation is in order!
"Sir, what sohuld be done about the slave states", the messenger asked. They had bought a weaker air conditioner, so the ocld wasn't affecting their minds.
"Well, we should send KSO (Kubran secret operations) agents to see what has become of the countries", Alvin said. "Perhaps the Kraven hold on the area has been released, we shall see what the agents can discover".
Then the order was sent. 2 motor boats carrying agents disguised as civilians owuld be sent to Kraven held Zukaaria.. They would not be heavily armed, they would only be given fake poison needle pens. These pens were meant to shoot harmless needles. The purpose was to make the enemy think they were poisoned. No civilian or military casualties were to be inflicted, they would just see what was oging on there. They were also given radiation suits, just in case.
29-04-2006, 06:08
OOC: I'm trying to make some sort of record: who took my arms/oil deal besides the Greater Chinese Region?
OOC: I'm trying to make some sort of record: who took my arms/oil deal besides the Greater Chinese Region? OOC: not me
29-04-2006, 15:08
OOC: Hmm, well now that KRaven has ben nuked to smithereens by AMF, I think some land liberation is in order!
"Sir, what sohuld be done about the slave states", the messenger asked. They had bought a weaker air conditioner, so the ocld wasn't affecting their minds.
"Well, we should send KSO (Kubran secret operations) agents to see what has become of the countries", Alvin said. "Perhaps the Kraven hold on the area has been released, we shall see what the agents can discover".
Then the order was sent. 2 motor boats carrying agents disguised as civilians owuld be sent to Kraven held Zukaaria.. They would not be heavily armed, they would only be given fake poison needle pens. These pens were meant to shoot harmless needles. The purpose was to make the enemy think they were poisoned. No civilian or military casualties were to be inflicted, they would just see what was oging on there. They were also given radiation suits, just in case.
OOC-Kraven's hold still exists. AMF nuked a place that wasn't even held by Kraven anymore. It was freed Kraven lands. You're going to be noticed if you try this, so don't.
You do thant and we find out about it your dead. You know that right? Because the invasion has started.
To continue my anger:
I swear I will freaking wipe you off the map if I find out. If any of us find out. Which, BTW, we will. It is only a matter of time before my patrols see odd things on your borders. So, OCCly I'd recomend you knock it off.
30-04-2006, 14:26
OOC-heh, more oil and junk for us. Let him do it. No skin off our backs if hes destroyed.
30-04-2006, 19:32
Weekends are so slow. -_-
The Parthians
30-04-2006, 19:39
OOC: So who all is allied against Kraven here?
Zukariaa']OOC-Kraven's hold still exists. AMF nuked a place that wasn't even held by Kraven anymore. It was freed Kraven lands. You're going to be noticed if you try this, so don't. OOC: Well, every government needs a farce. I noticed this too late, but that doesn't mean I can;t continue. I say, on with the misinterpretation of evidence!
But wait, the place wasn't even held by Kraven? Well, that gave me a small giggle.
The Royal Code
01-05-2006, 20:49
01-05-2006, 21:02
Arterus is pretty much out of expansion land. I guess I could make a third section, to the south. People would have to slow down on the expanding so that it lasts longer, however. There is a couple thousand miles in North Arterus and about 100 in Southern.
02-05-2006, 05:05
Secret message:
From: Grand Emperor Christian Michael Victor, Sovereign of the Errikan people
To: Roman Greece
We are in great need to ship troops to reinforce our lines in the war effort against Kraven. However, they maintain a strict bloackade that restricts us from doing so. Thus, we need to move our armies through your territory in order to reinforce our lines. Please allow us to do so, and soon, as this is vital to the war.
Grand Emperor Christian Michael Victor, Sovereign of the Errikan people
02-05-2006, 12:48
Again, what do you guys think of a third section?
02-05-2006, 22:26
Zukariaa']Again, what do you guys think of a third section?
You should probably wait for the war to be over.
02-05-2006, 22:34
I was thinking another part would put a nice twist on things. I'll wait for what the others think. Get a majority out of it.
Zukariaa']I was thinking another part would put a nice twist on things. I'll wait for what the others think. Get a majority out of it. OOC: Ok, I think that's a great idea.
03-05-2006, 01:15
Various Arterus Errikan news
" . . . reportedly, Weapson manufacturing plants have been operating at full capacity for the past month to meet demands by the military, and are quite overwhelmed. CEO Eric Patton offered no comment."
" . . . despite the war raging in the south, the Errikan territory in the northern islands of Arterus have never seen better days. Oil is being refined and pumped out twenty four seven, and the mining industry is employing thousands of Errikan workers. Though those industries, along with fishing, are the biggest of these islands, other industries are expanding as well. Agriculture and lumebr are the two runners up . . . New large corporations have begin to open plants in these islands, most notably Weapson, the largest military supply manufacturer and supplier in the nation. They say that they plan to 'invest further in the situation' especially with the growing war in southern Arterus . . ."
" . . . the unrest and emigration of native peoples is reportedly at an all time low this week. Though the reasons are not conclusively known, some speculate that is is due to the ongoing war with Kraven, who are known far and wide as the greatest oppressors of natives. Others argue that this theory is false, such as Tad Simmons who says: 'Arterus is a very large place with many, many different groups of natives. They do not all even share a common language. Who is to say that atrocities perpetrated upon one group would effect another?' . . . Supporters of this theory claim that the cultures of the native groups are all quite similar, and that many natives fled oppression by the Kravenites into territory occupied by other natives and communicated their story. Such stories, they claim, would spread like wildfire . . . they cite the false rumors that spread amoungst the natives of Errikan oppression of natives spreading . . ."
" . . . the police are now cracking down on natives caught sneaking into Errikan territory . . . had this to say, 'These people being savages does not put them above the immigration laws' . . . For foreigners not farmilliar with Errikan law, Errikan immigration laws are [amoung the strictest known] . . ."
" . . . Are there diamonds in Arterus? . . . Mining officials in Insula have dissuaded such rumors, saying that their operations are strictly limited to non-prescious metals, though many are not convinced . . . "
03-05-2006, 04:33
" . . . bump . . . "
03-05-2006, 21:31
04-05-2006, 01:24
" . . . bump . . . "
" . . . we cannot allow this to continue! Soon everyone will have to know that. . . bump . . ."
07-05-2006, 21:16
Hey I just found out about this, are there any colonies left?
07-05-2006, 21:27
There is a little bit of land.
You should look on the first page to see what is left.
07-05-2006, 21:42
That light grey area surrounded by New Italy, Errikland, Kraven, and Intermainia doesn't seem to be taken.
07-05-2006, 21:53
I realize this.
Would you like to claim some land? You will have to RP your colonization. Also, you might want to put some land between yourself and Kraven. We could strike at any time. ;)
07-05-2006, 23:59
OOC: Are there hostile natives/tribes in the land I wish to colonize?
08-05-2006, 00:13
OOC: Are there hostile natives/tribes in the land I wish to colonize? OOC: Depends, some tribes can be quite submissive.
08-05-2006, 00:33
With permission from our friends of Errikland, our troops safely marched to the uncolonized land in northern Arterus. We offered the natives to join us and prosper under equality.The poor will be given a chance to become citizens, with an education and employment for the new jobs that will be made. However, there is the situation about our policy about following the State's religion. Those who remain hostile will, sadly, have to be moved to the buffer space we will leave between us and Kraven; force will be taken, but only if there is no other alternative.
Head of State - Kurt Yager
Head of Government - Wilhelm Miklas
Foreign Minister - Egon Berger-Waldenegg
Minister of Security - Fritz Thyssen
Chief of the Army - Julius Raab
OOC: This includes the little grey spot above Errikland.
08-05-2006, 00:44
OOC-There would be considerable uprising. That's basically the last of the land that they have, they wont just join up. They'll fight. Most of them, anyways.
OOC: someone should make a puppet account to represent the natives.
08-05-2006, 00:51
OOC: I dont want to take it all at once. I'll leave some land so they can adjust to the change. I might be willing to nagotiate for peace terms.
09-05-2006, 00:18
As the troops marched into the new land, the Chief of the Army, Julius Raab, gave a speech:
" Comrades, march on with pride as you are helping your nation. We travel to an uncolonized land in Arterus, but do not fear the natives, make them love you. Show them that no harm will come and good things are soon to follow."
Kurt Yager added:
"You are doing a great service to your nation and will not be forgoten. Every last one of you will be rewarded, and those unlucky enough to not be able to return, your families will be well taken care of."
They marched into the brown section.
10-05-2006, 00:39
11-05-2006, 00:08
11-05-2006, 03:25
I've got it covered. I'll update the map some time soon.
14-05-2006, 18:07
Highly Encrypted Message
To:Obersturmbann furher Corrol
From:The Kraven High Command
Harvest all uranium deposits until exhausted. You have your orders, carry them out.
The High Command
Corrol whiped some sweat from his forehead. He knew exactly what this meant. He grabbed the speaker next to him,"Sturmkreig Furher Davro, I need you to release to any facilities of any type that hold any uranium ore to hand it over immedietly. This is extremely important and needs to be taken care of immedietly.""
"Yes, sir," came the reply.
Within the hour, every mining center or factory in Zukariaa that had uranium ore in it's possesion had handed it over. Only those high up knew what was happening, but they were orders from the High Command itself. They had no choice. The same exact thing was happening in every Kraven-held territory. Nuclear weapons were dismantled, mining centers were torn apart, factories were stripped. Anything with even a hint of uranium was taken.
Arterus's huge amounts of resources were coming to use as the country side was stripped uranium, especially in the East, where it came in huge quantities.
In every Kraven Slave State, uranium was taken. In every Kraven territory, in every part of the world, uranium was taken. Everywhere that Kraven had a hold was stripped of any quantity of uranium it had.
The amounts of uranium being collected was remarkable. It was something that had probably never happened on such a large scale. Tons and tons of it was being collected.
Corrol sent a message back to the High Command a few hours later, amazed at how much resources could call upon.
Overlords, all is going as planned. The urainium is being collected in very large quantities. Things are looking to go well.
14-05-2006, 19:32
Clank. Clank. Clank.
The noise was heard all day, and then there was the occasional gun shot. He knew that the uranium that he was gathering was doing something to him. He didn't care. He wanted to fulfill his quota for the day. Suddenly a large chunk of it came off of the rock wall. He picked it up and carried it to turn it in.
"Yes, worker. Very good. You have much more work to do, and it is late!"
He went back to his spot, passing several others who were also turning in their claims. At the rate things were going, the mines would produce tons of uranium. He, who could not remember his name, only hoped he would be done working soon. He felt as if he would pass out soon.
The same thing was happening in hundreds of mines in every territory held by Kraven. Ton upon ton of uranium was being produced. The workers could only guess what it was going to be used for.
15-05-2006, 02:31
The tourism market in Ianus was failing, people were afraid to go there because of the war going on nearby.
"Well...that's the last of it." Arterusian gold and silver was being shipped on military planes, meant to be heading for the Errikan/Kraven boarder. There was no point being here.
"Pity." said a rich tourist, watching other nations destroy each other with their bombs. "At least we'll have Mobiaz." (The only Jaredcohenian resort island)
All cruise ships are to be gone by next week. The Jaredcohenian tourism market in Ianus is gone.
15-05-2006, 02:36
OOC-Does that mean you don't control any of that land that you had before?
15-05-2006, 02:39
OOC: Well, I'd like to keep one island. My claim that is nowhere near my other claims. North of Blue Dorado.
15-05-2006, 04:40
OOC-updated the map. You kind of gave Kraven land. :P
Whyatica will post about the take over of that land later.
The Governer of Kubran-Arterus dozed lazily on his faux fur blanket on one of the most lucious tourist beaches of Kubran-Arterus. He wore expensive shades with the frame studded with jewels. He ordered a nearby tourist to fetch him a drink. The tourist scurried away to fetch him one. People who went agsinst him had a nast habit of being thrown in jail.
Meanwhile, a citizen of Kubran Arterus had narrowly escaped a group of corrupt policemen. He had recently borken out of jail using spongey bread, a bench, and a jug of water. He had tipped the bench towards the brick wall, pured the water down it, then absorbed it with the spongey bread. He would wring the bread to refill the jug, then he would repeat. Soon, the mortar had dissolved. He walked out of the wall, not bothering to run due ot the guards were fast asleep. Apparently they had not been trained for the position, but were appointed by corrupt officials. Someone needed to tell the Kubran governemnt back in the homeland what was going on, that someone could be him.
15-05-2006, 05:09
Zukariaa']OOC-updated the map. You kind of gave Kraven land. :P
Whyatica will post about the take over of that land later.
OOC: Noticed just one problem. You did not give Albu-querque their coast in the east (it is visible in their post)
15-05-2006, 05:46
OOC-I'll fix it next time I update.
15-05-2006, 05:47
Zukariaa']OOC-I'll fix it next time I update.
Thank you.
15-05-2006, 23:54
16-05-2006, 00:40
OOC: Woot! I got a colony now.
OOC: Woot! I got a colony now. OOC: Woot! I got corrupt officals running Kubran Arterus now.
well if you ever need anything just say so.