The Lands of Arterus
18-04-2006, 02:52
The Zukariaan Times!
New Lands Dicovered!!
A few days ago, a small group of ships on their way to ship supplies to Danteri for the war effort there ran into a storm. The storm,"Damaged and almost destroyed one of the boats, and sent us off course!" says sailor Jeremy Arterus. He ordered his ships to come ashore on a small island chain to the north, believing to find a country that would let them repair the ship that was damaged. They instead found a large island chain, and in the distance they saw hundreds of miles of land. It was an entire continent that had not been discovered, some way or some how.
Earlier today, the Emperor said that the Zukariaan military would sieze this land for expansionist reasons. Many citizens see this as an oppurtunity to shape a new world, and are packing up and heading to the island chain called "The Arterus Islands" after the man who discovered them. The continent has been dubbed "Arterus" as well.
As of now, the Zukariaan military has siezed a large island chain. There is much land that hasn't been.. will your country stake a claim?
The Current Map of Arterus:
I will update as people take land, and new land will be discovered. All you have to do is say which land you wish to take, post a thread about it, and I'll slowly have your country fill the land you wanted. Whos first?
18-04-2006, 03:37
No takers? Really? Free land?
18-04-2006, 03:38
OOC: Natives? If so, Pythogria wil lprotect them. If not... IT'S OURS!
Roman Greece
18-04-2006, 03:39
Roman Greece would like some of this land. Nice job finding the land too. Also, how is Emperor Zuka doing?
18-04-2006, 03:46
Well, yeah, there are natives. Their are very few of them and we can always set aside an island for them. :rolleyes:
The Emperor is doing good, as is Michelle, Roman Greece. What area would you like? (it can't be gigantic)
18-04-2006, 03:49
Zukariaa']Well, yeah, there are natives. Their are very few of them and we can always set aside an island for them. :rolleyes:
The Emperor is doing good, as is Michelle, Roman Greece. What area would you like? (it can't be gigantic)
Pythogria opposes this attempt at unfair colonization. Do not take this as a military threat, but we believe that the natives should have a choice as to who gets their land. If they want to give it over though, we'll gladly take some.
Think I could have that small one in the southeastern corner? I could use more airbases spread around the world, and that place looks perfect for a combined naval/airbase.
Also: If the natives will not give the land up, we will not take it.
Roman Greece
18-04-2006, 03:55
Thanks for saying Michelle is doing good. I would like a piece of land in the mainland, not that big but a good size.
18-04-2006, 03:56
The Grand Shadow Empire of Deatharon would like to take some land perferably on one of the larger Islands. If we find natives we will Oppressive to them or The Empire will exterminate them if they resist Imperial Rule.
18-04-2006, 03:57
The Grand Shadow Empire of Deatharon would like to take some land perferably on one of the larger Islands. If we find natives we will oppresse them or exterminate them if they resist Imperial Rule.
OOC: OOc means out-of-character. I take it thats in-character.
Pythogria warns you, that if you do, that is a breach of human rights. Attack them, and we will defend them.
18-04-2006, 03:58
The only natives we have found so far have agreed to be moved to a different area.
OOC-Cravan, do you mean the VERY most Northern island?
Alright, Roman Greece, just make a topic about your colonization of the area and I'll update the map.
Roman Greece
18-04-2006, 04:01
OOC-Should I create a new thread or do it all on this one? Just to know before I begin.
18-04-2006, 04:11
OOC-it'll be easier to just do it in this thread. And what color would you like to be on the map?
18-04-2006, 04:12
"Zukariaa is seizing random islands, eh?" The Prime Minister sifted through the dossiers on each of the diplomats for the Danteri Conflict peace conference. The Zukariaans and Solorielites had, in PM Daurandel's view, succeeded in making that conflict even worse than it had been. An impressive feat, considering. "I thought we'd all gotten over that."
"It remains to be seen if there's any of the traditional mistreatment of the indigenous peoples. We might push this on their diplomats here after the conference." The Duke was accross the table, staring into a laptop computer. "Hm. Pythogria is looking very protective of the natives, that's good."
"Certainly an active and combative nation, aren't they?" Daurandel said, idly drawing a mustache on one of the Oompli delegates' photo. "You know, I don't see what would be wrong with a bit of neo-colonialism ourselves. We have, after all, hundreds of years of other empires' experiences to learn from, and unclaimed land is nigh-impossible to come accross."
"Ah, more political experimentation." He slung his feet up onto the table. "Well, why not?"
Gwazzaria has laid 'protective claim' over the southwestern island north of Zukariaa's claim, stating that it will seek to preserve any indigenous peoples in that area against uninvinited colonialism. A small group of anthropologists, linguists, and other professionals are being sent to that island.
"Zukariaa is seizing random islands, eh?" The Prime Minister sifted through the dossiers on each of the diplomats for the Danteri Conflict peace conference. The Zukariaans and Solorielites had, in PM Daurandel's view, succeeded in making that conflict even worse than it had been. An impressive feat, considering. "I thought we'd all gotten over that."
"It remains to be seen if there's any of the traditional mistreatment of the indigenous peoples. We might push this on their diplomats here after the conference." The Duke was accross the table, staring into a laptop computer. "Hm. Pythogria is looking very protective of the natives, that's good."
"Certainly an active and combative nation, aren't they?" Daurandel said, idly drawing a mustache on one of the Oompli delegates' photo. "You know, I don't see what would be wrong with a bit of neo-colonialism ourselves. We have, after all, hundreds of years of other empires' experiences to learn from, and unclaimed land is nigh-impossible to come accross."
"Ah, more political experimentation." He slung his feet up onto the table. "Well, why not?"
Gwazzaria has laid 'protective claim' over the southeastern-most island, stating that it will seek to preserve any indigenous peoples in that area against uninvinited colonialism. A small group of anthropologists, linguists, and other professionals are being sent to that island.
Too late, my friend. Check post #7.
I meant that island, Zukariaa.
18-04-2006, 04:18
Oh, misread it. XD
What color do you want to be when I update? And can you post a little RP of the colonization?
Gwazzaria, just change te island you protect and all is good.
(OOC: No problems.)
A fairly dark shade of green, if possible.
A small fleet of cruisers pulled into the bay of the new island, which still needed a name. It was decided that the military forces sent to secure the island would try to ask the locals what they called this island.
In the meantime, building materials were brought in from cargo ships to begin immediate construction of a reinforced complex.
18-04-2006, 04:26
Pythogria warns you, that if you do, that is a breach of human rights. Attack them, and we will defend them.
I meant this out of character. Seems I have do this the hard way...
The Grand Shadow Emperor Alfonso received word of Pythogria's claims to threaten Imperial interest in Arterus. The Emperor gave orders to announce Imperial intentions.
Imperial Shadow Proclamation:
To: Nations of the world
From: The Imperial Shadow Warlord Boris Griswald
Subject: Colonization
The Grand Shadow Empire of Deatharon annouces intentions of laying claim to the parts of the northern Island chain. In the center of the Arterus land mass any attempts to halt Imperial colonization will be seen as an act of war against the Grand Shadow Empire of Deatharon.
Imperial Shadow Warlord Boris Griswald
18-04-2006, 04:29
"Idiots... We can't defeat them... Advisor, could we evacuate the natives? Perhaps to that island chain down near Imperoc?"
"Yes, sir, possibly."
"Do so. Evacuate as many as you can."
OOC: Would you allow me to do this covertly?
18-04-2006, 04:33
OOC: Allrighty, changed it to the one just north of Zukariaa's.
18-04-2006, 04:36
"Idiots... We can't defeat them... Advisor, could we evacuate the natives? Perhaps to that island chain down near Imperoc?"
"Yes, sir, possibly."
"Do so. Evacuate as many as you can."
OOC: Would you allow me to do this covertly?
OOC: Sure, If you do not mind trying to dodge the Imperial Naval patrols that will be near my territorial claim...
18-04-2006, 04:37
OOC: Sure, If you do not mind trying to dodge the Imperial Naval patrols that will be near my territorial claim...
OOC: How frequent are they?
18-04-2006, 04:47
OOC: They are mostly done during night hours, So not to many if this is a daytime operation.
18-04-2006, 04:52
OOC: They are mostly done during night hours, So not to many if this is a daytime operation.
OOC: So it's possible. Ah. Oh, and you would not know an of the stuff in the IC part of this.
A Pythogrian high-speed transport sped up to the beach, with no patrols around. Troops landed, and talked to the natives in their own language.
"Everyone, calm down. We are here to take you from this place. An enemy, Deatharon, has decided to take your island from you. They will kill you if you resist."
"They are armed, with things similar to this."
A soldier fired rounds in the air.
"We will not harm you. I swear this on the Empire's honor. Come with us, and we will give you not only one of our islands, but seven. More if you need them. These islands are almost exactly the same as this one. Will you accept, and save yourselves?"
He allowed the natives to debate the issue.
18-04-2006, 04:57
Is everything as wanted?
Good to see that things are happening! Awsome!
General Jacob Johnson looked on as the frighters came in, unloaded supplies, and left all day. A town was being built on the shore of the main island in the chain. People were already arriving, examining the amazingly fertile soil, some were even panning for gold in one of the rivers. A man had already struck oil on his claimed property. The land was amazing, and the to think that this entire continent had never been found was incredible in itself..
18-04-2006, 05:11
Gwazzaria has openly begun undertaking a policy of 'cooperative colonialism', basically developmental aid to the indigenous people while moving in Gwazzarians. Construction of a few buildings is beginning, and a small fleet of ships has been dispatched to provide security for the island.
Thusfar, Gwazzarian activity has been minimal compared to on other islands.
18-04-2006, 05:12
OOC: I know it takes a long time to gather a force like this, Using fluid time consider this a month after the proclamation...
The 5th Imperial Shadow Fleet was on its way to the claimed territory with orders to take the chain of Islands. They had just departed from home port and heading to their destination. The Fleet possessed several troop transport ships that contained an entire Legion of 200,000 Shadow Legionaries with orders to land and occupy the area. It will be a massive operation that would require a possible suppression of the natives. The Imperial Destroyers and Imperial Cruisers had their main batteries prepped and ready to go...
Naval Combat Elements:
20 Destroyers
18 Cruisers
2 Aircraft Carriers
15 Submarines
4 Battleships
Land Combat Elements:
To be figured soon...
18-04-2006, 05:25
OOC-note that you do not have to keep to current borders! You can expand further if you want.
The force in the islands is as follows:
3 Zukariaan Destroyers
5 Cruisers
5 Aircraft Carriers
15 Battleships
200 Zukariaan Fighter-Bombers station on the aircraft carriers
Ground forces:
5,000 Zukariaan soldiers
Naval facilities were being built, and the airfield on the island was almost completed. Several more ships had come to be stationed here, including two more cruisers and the INS Impregnable, her massive size taking up a large area of the harbor. The locals had been given supplies, and soldiers in the area were helping them adjust. They were allowed to keep their culture and language, and some officers actually knew a slight variation in their language to allow for communication.
Upon the airfield's completion, F-80 fighters were stationed there. Also being shipped to the island was a single defense tower from the Divine Shield project, giving the island great protection against air attack.
The fortification process of the island was going smoothly, and everything was on schedule.
"My lord, we have received reports that Zukariaa has seized unclaimed land," a military general reported to Emperor of Demoras, Jered Kane. "They are currently giving sections of territory away to those who request it." This piqued the emperor's attention.
"Then we shall lay claim on it," Emperor Kane said. "Send a message to the lords of Zukariaa." The general bowed, and left.
"To Whom It May Concern,
Emperor Jered Kane, Lord of the Empire of Demoras, wishes to accept the offer of laying claim to previously undiscovered land.
- General Duke Cryus"
OOC: I'll take that chunk northwest of Deatharon's territory. Color it dark red.
18-04-2006, 05:31
"My lord, we have received reports that Zukariaa has seized unclaimed land," a military general reported to Emperor of Demoras, Jered Kane. "They are currently giving sections of territory away to those who request it." This piqued the emperor's attention.
"Then we shall lay claim on it," Emperor Kane said.
"One more thing, sir," the general continued. "We have also heard that Pythogria is defending the surrounding territories from forced colonization." The emperor pondered this.
"Then we shall do things covertly. Send a message to the lords of Zukariaa." The general bowed, and left.
"To Whom It May Concern,
Emperor Jered Kane, Lord of the Empire of Demoras, wishes to accept the offer of laying claim to previously undiscovered land.
We will also provide military support for other nations opposing Pythogria's claim of protection for the natives of said land.
- General Duke Cryus"
OOC: I'll take that chunk northwest of Deatharon's territory.
OOC: I have no armies there. My evacuation is covert. You wouldn't know.
OOC: I have no armies there. My evacuation is covert. You wouldn't know.
OOC: D'oh! Sorry.
I'll go change it.
18-04-2006, 05:35
D'oh! Sorry.
I'll go change it.
OOC: No problem.
18-04-2006, 05:36
The 5th Imperial Shadow Fleet finally arrived at the northern Island chain. The Troop transport vessels headed to unload their hulls of the men, tanks, arms, and ammunition crates. The colonization process would be grand indeed as the Shadow Legionaries prepared to begin occupying the Island chain. They had brought enough equipment begin building several military bases on the Islands. They would then begin flying in cargo items from the Imperial Luftwaffe. The Empire had plans to expand further but first Imperial interests had to be secure.
18-04-2006, 05:36
OOC: Can someone RP the natives?
18-04-2006, 05:39
OOC-I could. What do you need?
Rear Admiral Petethol watched with curiosity as the live satellite feed broadcasted images of the Deatharon landing forces.
"How quickly would we be able to get a firing solution on them?", he asked.
"Within five seconds, sir. GPS would have the rounds almost on top of them."
"Good to know. I don't plan on attacking but... You never know."
The Impregnable continued to sit in silence, her low profile making her extremely hard to detect, considering she was as large as she was.
18-04-2006, 05:40
Zukariaa']OOC-I could. What do you need?
OOC: I asked them to leave the island for their own safety. It's in one of my earlier posts.
18-04-2006, 05:41
OOC: Natives being enslaved or sneaked away covertly pending how active and successful Pythgoria's raids have been..
18-04-2006, 05:42
OOC: Natives being enslaved or sneaked away covertly pending how active and successful Pythgoria's raids have been..
OOC: Also, just to clarify, I will not be coming when you have troops there. In esscence, it's effectively impossible for you to find me anyway. The guys there are Black Ops agents, untracable.
18-04-2006, 05:44
Chief Jarbla Gota limped towards the soldier and slowly started to talk, making hand gestures to help. He tried to communicate that where they were was there land, and that they would not leave without a fight. His ragged clothes and walking stick did not indicate a man of war, however.
18-04-2006, 05:47
Zukariaa']Chief Jarbla Gota limped towards the soldier and slowly started to talk, making hand gestures to help. He tried to communicate that where they were was there land, and that they would not leave without a fight. His ragged clothes and walking stick did not indicate a man of war, however.
The soldier replied, "I know that you wish to fight for your land. And we support that. If Pythogria could, we would help you. But we cannot. They are uch larger than us, and we are, in the end, weaker. These people want you to work for no pay. And we can not stop them. Should yo ucome top our islands, you wil lbe free. None of our soldiers, citizens, or police will ever come to you. If they do you may kill them. I do not mean to order you around. If you truly wish to stay, then so be it. But we cannot help you if you do."
18-04-2006, 05:48
OOC: Are you referring to Pythrogia's black ops agents or my Legion that landed?
OOC: I believe to Pyth's agents.
18-04-2006, 07:47
OOC: Thanks for the information Cravan.
Greater Chinese Region
18-04-2006, 09:50
OOC: I'd like to get in on this too...I'd like the little island to the north...color it red plz. :p
IC: "Sir, the scout choppers have reported in, the beachhead is clear", shouted the radio operator aboard the Guangzhou-class DDG, the Liberation.
Too quiet. HQ reports said there would be other forces here. Admiral Zhang turned to the radar operator. "Any readings? We don't want any suprises, definately not right now."
"Nothing as far as I can tell, sir." The sailor stared intently at the display. "Nope, nothing."
That was all the assurance the admiral needed. "Prepare for amphibious landing!"
Withing moments, the order was sent to the other ships in the fleet. The two large landing ships, the Luting-class Wave and Elan, turned toward the beach and began steaming towards it. The Jiangwei-class frigates Blade and Flame raced to the flanks of the landing ships, providing point defense aganist any possible ground attacks. Meanwhile the Liberation positioned itself behind them, its AAM batteries scanning the skies.
"Move, move, move!" A kilometer from shore, the bay doors of the Wave and the Elan opened. Type-77 ambiphous APCs rolled out, their propellers whirring at full speed and machine guns at the ready. Within minutes, GCR marines had established a beachhead.
Once all of the landing force had reached the shore, a lieutenant made an annoucement to the frightened natives, who had come out of their houses to see what was going on. "This island is now claimed as soverign territory of the Greater Chinese Region. We do not want to hurt anyone. No one will be harmed".
While this was going on, Admiral Zhang was on the phone with the Premier.
"Admiral, I trust that you will not disappoint me. As you are well aware, we cannot afford any embarrassment in the international arena. Exercise restraint while dealing with the natives. Their cooperation is critical to the success of our plans. We need room for our population to expand, and any attack on our settlements will not be tolerated. Do I make myself clear?"
Zhang gulped. "Y..Yes, sir."
"Good. You will recieve additional reinforcements: a couple brigades worth. However, don't count on any more support. We are stretched thin as it is. Don't make me regret choosing you for this operation."
Greater Chinese Region
18-04-2006, 10:35
-Incoming Transmission:
FROM: Premier Zhou of the Greater Chinese Region
TO: Nations of the World
As of 2:24 this morning, Greater Chinese Region forces have claimed the northern-most island in the Arterus region. The island, whose name is now Liantao Island, is the soverign territory of the GCR. Any interference in our affairs will be dealt with accordingly. Likewise, the GCR is not interested in involving itself in any disputes between any nations with claims in Arterus as long as there is no threat to us. We, as always, work for peace and stability. We hope that any conflicts can be avoided.
-End Transmission
18-04-2006, 12:38
The Chief pondered, talked with his people, and then came back, agreeing to come with the Pythogrians.
OOC-this is doing pretty good.:p
Greater Chinese Region
18-04-2006, 19:59
-Incoming Transmission:
FROM: Ministry of Defense
TO: Admiral Calvin Zhang
We were able to free up some of our naval forces, so there will be additional naval units en route to Liantao Island as well as ground forces. Therefore, your current force strength at Liantao should be:
3 Guangzhou-class DDGs
1 Lanzhou-class AEGIS destroyer
5 Jiangwei-class frigrates
2 Han-class SSKs
2 Luting-class Large Landing Ships
1 Qiandaohu-class Replenishment Ship
3 Infantry divisions
2 Armored divisions
Aircraft including 20 Su-27s and 50 J-10s will be avaliable once a suitable airfield is constructed.
-End Transmission
The Aeson
18-04-2006, 20:33
Empress Chandra has laid claim to the southernmost peninsula, and colonists, troops to protect them, and missionaries are already headed there.
OOC: If that's all right.
A final military roster of the naval and air forces (I don't want to draw up a number for ground troops, yet) at the island known as Desanna by the natives (so we have adopted this name) is as follows:
3x Dawson-class DD
2x Hughes-class CC
1x Imperial-class BB
1x Triton-class SDN (INS Impregnable)
Plus an airfield with:
24x F-80 Phoenixes
12x F/A-74 Eagles
36x F-56 Vipers
The commander of the naval forces in the area is Rear Admiral James Petethol.
OOC: And a few scouts which I was never bothered to name along with a couple transports. There's also a few helicopters around, but I don't feel like putting an exact number right now. It may not look like alot, but it'd be suicide to attack this place with anything less than a sector fleet. Especially once I get Divine Shield installed.
18-04-2006, 20:45
Zukariaa']The Chief pondered, talked with his people, and then came back, agreeing to come with the Pythogrians.
OOC-this is doing pretty good.:p
"Thank you. Now, t oleave, you must board our ships. Follow me."
The soldier began to walk towards the ships.
18-04-2006, 21:55
OOC-Update! Is it how everyone wanted?
The people quickly packed their possesions and began moving out with the Pythogrians.
As the threat of colonization increases, the natives have begun to ban together and take land for themselves. Out of this, the Kokar Nation arose. 100,000s of Natives are taking land as more and more countries do the same. The leader of all of this is Kokar Blunza-Ko.
OOC-the land that they take is conquerable if anyone decides to go to war with them.
The first of the northern expantions has begun. The Zukariaans have claimed a small amount of land on the mainland so far. There were no natives because all of them in the area had moved to Kokar.
OOC-I just noticed the typo for The Aeson. I'll fix it when I update next time.
18-04-2006, 21:58
Zukariaa']OOC-Update! Is it how everyone wanted?
The people quickly packed their possesions and began moving out with the Pythogrians.
As the threat of colonization increases, the natives have begun to ban together and take land for themselves. Out of this, the Kokar Nation arose. 100,000s of Natives are taking land as more and more countries do the same. The leader of all of this is Kokar Blunza-Ko.
OOC-the land that they take is conquerable if anyone decides to go to war with them.
The first of the northern expantions has begun. The Zukariaans have claimed a small amount of land on the mainland so far. There were no natives because all of them in the area had moved to Kokar.
Speeding back to Pythogria,m the captaion smiled. All the natives saved, nobody dead.
Zukariaa']OOC-I just noticed the typo for The Aeson. I'll fix it when I update next time.
OOC: Slight typo, for me, too. It's Cravan, with an A. Not Craven with an E.
18-04-2006, 22:03
OOC: Slight typo, for me, too. It's Cravan, with an A. Not Craven with an E.
Geez.. Sorry. I'll fix it next time around. V_V
You didn't run into any problems at all?
18-04-2006, 22:06
Zukariaa']Geez.. Sorry. I'll fix it next time around. V_V
You didn't run into any problems at all?
OOC :You never told me I would. I came in a few boats, got the natives on, and left. There's still natives on other islands.
18-04-2006, 22:13
OOC-Well, I figured you or Deatharon would make it interesting. V_V
Its alright, though.
Greater Chinese Region
18-04-2006, 22:23
What had started out as an almost-deserted lump of rock had become a bustling, busy province of the GCR. Soldiers wandered through the streets, but other than that there was not much different from home. The industrious GCR citizens, upon hearing the promise of new land, quickly packed their bags and headed towards a new future. Towns had sprung up, surrounding the provincial capital of Daoxing.
The furtile soil and abundant resources didn't hurt, either. Mining complexes were erected throughout Liantao, and the natives worked to mine the earth of oil and precious metals. Although making less than GCR citizens, they still enjoyed a better quality of life than before. All in all, life was good.
Cravan's government had decided to use the island strictly as a military base, since other colonies which had been established in the past had flopped. The locals were treated with the utmost respect, and trade between the Cravanians based on the island and the natives was common, and modern facilities were already being put in place, in exchange for being allowed to use the island.
The majority of the island was left untouched by Cravanians, allowing the natives to live apart from the Cravanians if they so wished. They also watched in awe as a massive tower was erected in the center of the lush landscape, a part of the Project Divine Shield defense network.
All was progressing as usual, and everything was on schedule.
IC: Seven military gunships floated into their newly claimed territory in the Lands of Arterus. General Cryus was among the first platoon to land at the shore.
"Commodore," Gen. Cryus spoke into his walkie-talkie.
"Copy," the commodore of the Dark Shadow replied.
"We shall secure the beach. Deadly force is authorized, but only in self-defense. We are perilously close to Deatharon territory, and it would be foolish to make enemies with them."
"Understood, General. Commodore Felar out." Gen. Cryus pointed to two soldiers.
"You two, secure the perimeter." The two soldiers nodded, and walked off.
Petethol sat on the bridge, a live feed from a satellite overhead giving him a bird's eye view of the landing by Demorasian forces.
"Just as long as they don't begin a slaughter, we're fine.", he said to nobody in particular.
"But, sir. What if they do start to slaughter the natives?"
"Simple. We blow them to bits. No natives in this area will be killed unless lives are in extreme danger. Period."
"Aye, sir."
The Impregnable continued to sit motionless, her guns ready to intervene in any conflict within about 600 miles of her current position.
Petethol sat on the bridge, a live feed from a satellite overhead giving him a bird's eye view of the landing by Demorasian forces.
"Just as long as they don't begin a slaughter, we're fine.", he said to nobody in particular.
"But, sir. What if they do start to slaughter the natives?"
"Simple. We blow them to bits. No natives in this area will be killed unless lives are in extreme danger. Period."
"Aye, sir."
The Impregnable continued to sit motionless, her guns ready to intervene in any conflict within about 600 miles of her current position.
"General, our satellite feed has revealed gunships approximately one thousand miles southeast of our position. Their hulls bare the Cravan flag," Commodore Felar reported.
"Understood, Commodore," General Cryus said. "They're probably here to protect the natives. Go to level four alert. If they fire on us with aircraft, be prepared to return fire. We are out of range of their long guns, but prepare for that as well."
"Yes, sir."
Roman Greece
18-04-2006, 22:54
OOC-Sorry for my lateness, internet's still acting funny. Also, is this a ok post?
Demetrios Askiates was appointed the head of Roman Greece's operation in these lands. He had several groups of soldiers check the land, before getting people to settle.
When he did get people to settle, he founded Demetrianople (the capital of this new province) and began the building of a small Greek Orthodox Church, schools and other things.
Settlers from Roman Greece were allowed to come, not a lot but some.
Demetrios said ''Treat any natives well. No oppression is allowed.''
"General, our satellite feed has shown gunships aiming at our fleet. Their hulls bare the Cravan flag," Commodore Felar reported.
"Understood, Commodore," General Cryus said. "They're probably here to protect the natives. Go to level four alert. If they fire on us, be prepared to fire back."
"Yes, sir."
OOC: I'm not aiming at you just yet, but I'll go with it anyway. Besides, if the scale of that map is right, you are out of range of anything I have there except aircraft and cruise missiles. My main guns only have a range of about 600 miles.
OOC: I'm not aiming at you just yet, but I'll go with it anyway. Besides, if the scale of that map is right, you are out of range of anything I have there except aircraft and cruise missiles. My main guns only have a range of about 600 miles.
OOC: Oh.
I'll take another look at the map and adjust accordingly.
18-04-2006, 23:03
OOC-Sorry for my lateness, internet's still acting funny. Also, is this a ok post?
Demetrios Askiates was appointed the head of Roman Greece's operation in these lands. He had several groups of soldiers check the land, before getting people to settle.
When he did get people to settle, he founded Demetrianople (the capital of this new province) and began the building of a small Greek Orthodox Church, schools and other things.
Settlers from Roman Greece were allowed to come, not a lot but some.
Demetrios said ''Treat any natives well. No oppression is allowed.''
Yeah, its good. Let me know if you want to expand further.
Roman Greece
18-04-2006, 23:13
OOC-Sure, I'll go further but no war. Also, I may consider giving this land independence and create a puppet nation of it.
IC- Demetrianople became a booming city, with many schools, hospitals and other things. A bishop (I think this is how it works) was appointed to manage Orthodox affairs in the new province. Demetrios became Governor of Roman Greek Arterus (sometimes called New Roman Greece). In the Grand Hall, where ministers meet, Demetrios discussed the future. He planned for the land to be prosperous.
Other cities like Byzantinus, Julianople, and others were built. Things seemed to be going well so far.
18-04-2006, 23:30
OOC-Ok, but I wont expand you a lot. You currently hold the most land in Arterus.
Roman Greece
18-04-2006, 23:34
OOC-Thanks for telling me that.
IC-Emperor Lucas and Demetrios Askiates met to discuss independence for Roman Greek Arterus. After some meetings, it was announced ''Roman Greek Arterus shall become a independent nation but with ties to Roman Greece.''
Demetrianople became the capital of Roman Greek Arterus and Demetrios met with ministers to determine the government.
Roman Greek Arterus
18-04-2006, 23:43
OOC-This is Roman Greece still but as a Independent Roman Greek Arterus.
IC- Demetrios Askiates became first leader of Roman Greek Arterus. He was a single parent, raising one daughter named Svetlana (the same name as the Empress Svetlana, who passed away). He lived in the Demetrian Palace in Demetrianople's Palaeologus Square. Demetrios' parents and family congratulated him for his achievements. The RGA government would be a one party state, under Demetrios Askiates until a government type could be chosen. Orthodox Christianity was given the title of ''State Faith of Roman Greek Arterus'' but all religions and Christian denominations (such as Catholics and Presbyterians) were respected regardless.
Demetrios' first plan was to open diplomacy with other nations, perhaps the ones with land in Arterus (OOC-If anyone wants diplomatic relations with Roman Greek Arterus, just ask)
18-04-2006, 23:51
General Johnson was happy with the expansion so far, but the Kukar Nation had halted their advance into the center of Arterus's mainland. It had spread like wildfire, and its land had blocked the expansion from moving eastward. They would just have to find another way.
So far, the Kukar Nation had attacked a few times, and the Zukariaans had increased military forces in the area. Not very many men had died, though.
Roman Greek Arterus
18-04-2006, 23:56
Roman Greek Arterus chose a new government. It would be a Roman Republic government, with Demetrios as Consul Demetrios. The Grand Senate building was built in Demetrianople. The building had many mosaics and was influenced by Roman architecture. The Constitution of Roman Greek Arterus was also created. It stated things like the state of government or the state of Orthodox Christianity as the state faith (with all religions and denominations respected).
Demetrios began to live his new life in Roman Greek Arterus. He enrolled his daughter in a school in Demetrianople and began running the country as the Consul of Roman Greek Arterus.
18-04-2006, 23:57
The Shadow Legionaries after gathering supplies had begun hunting down the various natives that had failed to leave the Island Chain. The Shadow Legionaries systematically rounded up the natives and forced them to go to several work camps across the Island Chain were they were condemned to live on their reservations forced to build homes and other useful shelters for the coming Imperial citizens. The natives were enslaved and were regularly beaten or shot if they failed to follow the orders of the Deatharonian masters. Those that resisted were executed and their women raped and killed. The children were never harmed under any circumstances. The Shadow Emperor Alfonso Von Antheron named a young ambitious nobleman Xavier Galick. The new baron of the Galick Barony. (Deatharon Island Chain)
The new Baron Xavier Galick once in power of his new territory decided to expand his territorial holdings. The native slave force had successfully built the needed military bases, and airfields to launch a decent attack on the main part of the continent. (The isthmus near the Kukar)
A small flotilla of five destroyers and three cruisers with roughly 5,000 Shadow Legionaries to land and claim the area. The current objective is to gain a presence near the Kukar nation for possible conquest. The Imperial Strategic Command gave the go ahead and the Fleet was off a message was sent to all nearby nations.
Imperial Shadow Proclamation
To: All local nations.
From: The Grand Shadow Emperor Alfonso Von Antheron
Subject: Colonization
The Grand Shadow Empire of Deatharon has henceforth declared that the isthmus near the Kukar nation is henceforth part of the Galick Barony. This claim upon the Isthmus has been given full Imperial authority by the Imperial Strategic Command, and the Imperial Shadow Archducal council.
The Grand Shadow Emperor Alfonso Von Antheron I, The Supreme Divine Imperial Sovereign Liege Lord of Deatharon. The Imperial Archduke of the Archduchy of Death Hold. The living God of Deatharon.
To: All local nations.
From: The Grand Shadow Emperor Alfonso Von Antheron
Subject: Colonization
The Grand Shadow Empire of Deatharon has henceforth declared that the isthmus near the Kukar nation is henceforth part of the Galick Barony. This claim upon the Isthmus has been given full Imperial authority by the Imperial Strategic Command, and the Imperial Shadow Archducal council.
The Grand Shadow Emperor Alfonso Von Antheron I, The Supreme Imperial Sovereign Liege Lord of Deatharon. The Imperial Archduke of the Archduchy of Death Hold.
To: The Grand Shadow Emperor Alfonso Von Antheron
From: Emperor Matthew Craven I
Please note that we will be watching you very closely. Slip up, and it is you who will suffer the consequences. This is not a threat. It is a warning. A hostile warning.
With reqards,
Emperor Craven
Imperial High Command handed down orders to the forces in the area that if unnecessary hostile action be taken upon the locals, Cravanian forces were to intervene.
Roman Greek Arterus
19-04-2006, 00:11
OOC-Roman Greek Arterus is looking to open diplomacy with other nations. Anyone interested?
Roman Greek Arterus
19-04-2006, 00:13
OOC-Thanks, Cravan. If you want to, you can send a letter of diplomacy or something to the Consul, Demetrios Askiates. He is a Consul because the government is based on the Roman Republic model.
Official Imperial Communique
To the newly formed nation of Roman Greek Arterus
Because of the proximity of our military base to your nation, we are interested in opening up trade and other such diplomatic agreements with your nation. If you are interested, please respond.
Roman Greek Arterus
19-04-2006, 00:19
Roman Greek Arterus accepts opening diplomatic relations with the nation and people of Cravan. Perhaps we could hold a diplomatic meeting in Demetrianople, our capital?
Of course. We will send an envoy immediately. They will land at our airfield, and be ferried over by helicopter.
19-04-2006, 00:24
OOC-Update! Thats about all.
Yes, new land was discovered.
Roman Greek Arterus
19-04-2006, 00:26
Demetrios Askiates was in his office, working on notes. On his desk, was a picture of him and his daughter, along with his books, notes and so on. He accessed his files and noticed the news of a Cravan envoy. Roman Greek Arterus wanted to have a meeting with the envoy from Cravan. Demetrios finished his notes and then went to prepare for the arrival of the envoy. He dressed in his Roman Greek military uniform and attended the military parade. Afterwards, he went to his palace and waited for the envoy to arrive.
The airport was ready for the arrival of Cravan's envoy. It seemed that diplomatic plans were coming together for Roman Greek Arterus.
OOC-You can send the envoy when ready.
Roman Greek Arterus
19-04-2006, 00:27
OOC-Can I take the rest of that island to the north of my nation?
The Blackhawk slowly lowered itself onto the tarmac, and out jumped a fairly tall man in a blue suit. He adjusted his tie, and tried to fix his hair while escaping the rotor wash.
The helicopter took off and flew back to the base while the envoy approached some men waiting at the airport.
Roman Greek Arterus
19-04-2006, 00:31
A offical came to the Cravan man and said ''Greetings. I am Juliet De Witt. You must be the Cravan envoy. Welcome to Roman Greek Arterus.'' Juliet escorted the man to a limo which drove to the Demetrian Palace. ''Our nation is just developing. Consul Askiates hopes to discuss diplomacy between us and your nation.'' Juliet said to the Cravan envoy.
"Thank you. My name is Kyle Frederickson. I hope we can come to an agreement that can benefit us both."
19-04-2006, 00:34
OOC-Can I take the rest of that island to the north of my nation?
Roman Greek Arterus
19-04-2006, 00:35
The limo came up at the Palace. ''Mr. Frederickson, I hope we can come to an agreement too.'' Juliet said. She led him to the meeting room, where several officals and Demetrios were discussing things. Demetrios' daughter was also there, Demetrios wanted to show her what his career was like. ''You must be the envoy. I am Consul Demetrios Askiates.'' Demetrios said. Demetrios read through his notes. ''What things does Cravan want with Roman Greek Arterus?'' Demetrios asked.
Roman Greek Arterus
19-04-2006, 00:37
OOC-Thanks, Zukaria.
IC-Roman Greek Arterus sent soldiers to claim the rest of the island to its north. The island was fully settled and would be fully developed. It was added to the nation of Roman Greek Arterus.
OOC: Would it be alright if a small war broke out on the mainland between me and another nation? We'll start it in a seperate thread.
"Well, we wish to get some trade going between our nations. We are very close to one another now that we have our base just to the south, so trade could prove beneficial. Especially since you are still a developing nation."
Roman Greek Arterus
19-04-2006, 00:45
OOC-I guess it would be alright but Roman Greek Arterus would be neutral.
Demetrios discussed with some of his officals and said ''Trade between us would be appreciated. Consider it approved.'' Then he said ''Perhaps a military alliance, to help in our defense?''
OOC: It'll be a resource war with a Kraven slave state on the continent, if that's still okay...
"Of course, a military alliance could be beneficial."
19-04-2006, 00:51
OOC-Kraven? They don't have any land.
It would be ok.
Zukariaa']OOC-Kraven? They don't have any land.
It would be ok.
OOC- That's essentially the whole point. The Corporation's war machine is hungry for resources, and this area is pretty much untouched.
And thanks. It's a one on one, so other nations here shouldn't be affected.
19-04-2006, 00:54
OOC-Oh, ok. Good luck.
Roman Greek Arterus
19-04-2006, 00:58
OOC-I see. Go ahead then. RGA will be neutral.
IC-''Agreed. Shall we sign one?'' Demetrios replied.
Roman Greek Arterus
19-04-2006, 01:01
In Demetrianople, the building of the University of John Chrysostom was completed. John Chrysostom, an Archbishop of Constantinople, was a well respected figure in Roman Greek Arterus. Also finished was the building of the Cathedral of the Twelve Apostles, the statue of the Betrayal of Christ, and other projects. Demetrios Askiates' plans and so on were called ''Demetrianism''
"Well of course. We shall sign it immediately."
Roman Greek Arterus
19-04-2006, 01:03
Demetrios signed a treaty and gave it to Kyle. ''You may sign it now.'' he said.
Kyle signed it, and gleefully returned it.
Roman Greek Arterus
19-04-2006, 01:11
Demetrios' officals read the treaty while Demetrios said ''Perhaps that treaty could guarantee everything from embassy exchanges to military defense?'' Then he turned to his daughter and explained what they were doing. Then he turned back to Kyle and said ''Any other buisness?''
The Aeson
19-04-2006, 01:21
The SotG Aegir was just recently out of the shipyard after sustaining damage in a battle against pirates. Currently it was running escort duty for a trade ship heading towards the Cravan island. The captain of the trade ship go on the radio.
"Permission to dock for me and my escort requested. We're carrying stone, wood and a bunch of sailors who haven't seen a bar in weeks. We'd like to discuss opening up trade."
"Come on in.", Rear Admiral Petethol said over the radio. "Be forwarned, there ain't alot of women or bars here, either."
19-04-2006, 01:33
Zukariaa would also like to open up trade with other countries in the area.
19-04-2006, 01:33
To: The Grand Shadow Emperor Alfonso Von Antheron
From: Emperor Matthew Craven I
Please note that we will be watching you very closely. Slip up, and it is you who will suffer the consequences. This is not a threat. It is a warning. A hostile warning.
With reqards,
Emperor Craven
Imperial High Command handed down orders to the forces in the area that if unnecessary hostile action be taken upon the locals, Cravanian forces were to intervene.
Imperial Shadow Proclamation
To: Emperor Craven
From: The Imperial Shadow Warlord Boris Griswald
Subject: Imperial Response
The Grand Shadow Empire of Deatharon will not accept your overt posturing of threats against the Grand Shadow Emperor. The Grand Shadow Empire of Deatharon has this to say, all Cravanians are henceforth banish from The Grand Shadow Empire's territory, Waters, and Airspace. This is includes both civilian, and military shipping, and aircraft. If we intercept any said ships or aircraft or civilians they will be eliminated without any warning.
We would also like to announce you to are also being watched, If you try to carry out any said threat against the Galick Barony. The Imperial Shadow Military will respond in kind with lethal force.
Imperial Shadow Warlord Boris Griswald
The Imperial Strategic Command had been gathered to look at their spy satellite intelligence upon Cravanian holdings in the area. The Command deemed that the Grand Imperial Luftwaffe should add the area for possible bombing targets of specific military areas including the one that were under construction.
Roman Greek Arterus
19-04-2006, 01:39
Zukariaa, Roman Greek Arterus would like to open trade with your nation.
19-04-2006, 01:45
Zukariaa, Roman Greek Arterus would like to open trade with your nation.
Than it is! Zukariaa and Roman Greece Arterus have now opened trade routes.
Imperial Shadow Proclamation
To: Emperor Craven
From: The Imperial Shadow Warlord Boris Griswald
Subject: Imperial Response
The Grand Shadow Empire of Deatharon will not accept your overt posturing of threats against the Grand Shadow Emperor. The Grand Shadow Empire of Deatharon has this to say, all Cravanians are henceforth banish from The Grand Shadow Empire's territory, Waters, and Airspace. This is includes both civilian, and military shipping, and aircraft. If we intercept any said ships or aircraft or civilians they will be eliminated without any warning.
We would also like to announce you to are also being watched, If you try to carry out any said threat against the Galick Barony. The Imperial Shadow Military will respond in kind with lethal force.
Imperial Shadow Warlord Boris Griswald
The Imperial Strategic Command had been gathered to look at their spy satellite intelligence upon Cravanian holdings in the area. The Command deemed that the Grand Imperial Luftwaffe should add the area for possible bombing targets of specific military areas including the one that were under construction.
Rear Admiral Petethol contacted the local Deatharonian force.
I wouldn't have it any other way, boys.
Roman Greek Arterus
19-04-2006, 01:58
Thanks, Zukariaa
19-04-2006, 02:12
OOC-No problem.
As the Deatharon forces moved in and took the isthmus, the Kukar Nation blocked its way. They prepared to fight to the death to defend their home.
Roman Greek Arterus
19-04-2006, 02:13
OOC-How's Zuka and Michelle doing? Just want to know.
19-04-2006, 02:15
OOC-Fine, they had a baby boy recently! Zuka IX of Zukariaa. Future emperor.
Roman Greek Arterus
19-04-2006, 02:18
OOC-That's great! Roman Greece and Roman Greek Arterus wish the child well and his parents. Also, perhaps you want to do a diplomacy RP set in your nation between Zukariaa and RGA?
19-04-2006, 02:20
OOC-sure, just send some diplomats over. Note that you wont be meeting with fellow diplomats.. we shoot political activists in Zukariaa, so you'll be meeting with General Johnson. Military has the say in law. :mp5:
Roman Greek Arterus
19-04-2006, 02:22
OOC-Fine with me. Also, if I could meet Zuka and Michelle, Roman Greece would like to get to see the girl who became Zukariaan Empress.
IC-Constantine Ducas was the diplomat send to Zukariaa. He landed in the airport and waited to be greeted by the Zukariaans. ''I wonder how Michelle is doing. She was from my homeland.'' Constantine thought as he waited.
19-04-2006, 02:34
OOC-I guess we'll have a coincidence. :p
IC-Emperor Zuka was on one of his many vacations with Michelle, this one was to the new lands to the far west. Michelle was holding baby Zuka while the limo started to leave the airport where they had just arrived.
A pair of Zukariaan soldiers arrived to escort Constantine Ducas soon after his arrival.
Roman Greek Arterus
19-04-2006, 02:37
OOC-Ok with me.
IC-Constantine saw Michelle and went to her, saying ''Greetings, Empress Michelle. I am Constantine Ducas from Roman Greek Arterus, a nation with ties with your homeland, Roman Greece.'' ''I see you have a son. That's great news.'' Constantine said. He wanted to learn how Michelle was doing.
19-04-2006, 02:38
As the Deatharon forces moved in and took the isthmus, the Kukar Nation blocked its way. They prepared to fight to the death to defend their home.
The Imperial Commodore Francis Randolph received a report that the Kukar barbarians were halting Imperial Shadow forces. The Imperial Commodore decided to give the natives a warning. The Main guns of the Cruisers fired a volley above the Kukar defenders hoping to disperse them from the area in fright. If this failed the Shadow Legionaries would be forced to hold their ground against the savages until the Luftwaffe came with air support.
The Imperial Shadow Legionaries used loud speakers to convey their orders to the Kukar natives. ..."The Grand Shadow Empire has claimed this land and is the officially recognized owner of this land. If you wish to stay or have a complaint send a representative of your nation to discuss a peace agreement." ...
19-04-2006, 02:41
"Hello, Ducas! Its a pleasure!" she said, smiling. She slowly rocked the baby in her arms,"This is Zuka, my husband, Emperor of Zukariaa."
Two soldiers suddenlt straightened tall, at attention.
"At ease. We wont be long." Zuka said. The two soldiers walked off,"Nice to meet you, sir. Your.. a diplomat, I see."
"Don't mind him, you arn't a citizen, you wont be shot." she said, not realizing how it sounded.
Roman Greek Arterus
19-04-2006, 02:44
''It is my pleasure to see the Roman Greek girl who became Empress.'' Constantine said. He turned to Zuka and said ''Peace be to you, Emperor Zuka.'' He looked at Michelle and said ''Shot? What are you saying?'' He did not know what Michelle knew about Zuka's policies. ''Empress, your parents wish you well for your marriage and your new child.'' Constantine said. ''Now, shall we discuss diplomacy?'' Constantine said.
19-04-2006, 02:45
The Imperial Commodore Francis Randolph received a report that the Kukar barbarians were halting Imperial Shadow forces. The Imperial Commodore decided to give the natives a warning. The Main guns of the Cruisers fired a volley above the Kukar defenders hoping to disperse them from the area in fright. If this failed the Shadow Legionaries would be forced to hold their ground against the savages until the Luftwaffe came with air support.
The Imperial Shadow Legionaries used loud speakers to convey their orders to the Kukar natives. ..."The Grand Shadow Empire has claimed this land and is the officially recognized owner of this land. If you wish to stay or have a complaint send a representative of your nation to discuss a peace agreement." ...
The Chieftains did not understand the strange language the invaders were speaking. A few dozen men had been killed by their strange floating metal machines. He yelled, screaming his warcry. Thousands of swords and bows readied.
OOC-They arn't going to do much with low tech junk, bu theres a lot of them.. if that matters..
Roman Greek Arterus
19-04-2006, 02:45
OOC-Can I go into the Kukar lands if they are conquerable?
19-04-2006, 02:49
Michelle giggled,"Did you not know? The military is the ruling power in Zukariaa. polotics really have no place there.. nor do diplomats."
Zuka smirked,"Political activists are shot or hung in Zukariaa. Anyways, what do you want to talk about?"
Roman Greek Arterus
19-04-2006, 02:50
''Thank you, Empress for your info. I must have forgotten.'' Constantine said. ''Emperor, perhaps a renewal of our alliance?'' Constantine said.
OOC-Can I go into the Kukar lands?
19-04-2006, 02:50
OOC-Can I go into the Kukar lands if they are conquerable?
If you want to fight.
Roman Greek Arterus
19-04-2006, 02:50
OOC-Fight against the Kukar nation? Or other nations? Or both?
19-04-2006, 02:53
''Thank you, Empress for your info. I must have forgotten.'' Constantine said. ''Emperor, perhaps a renewal of our alliance?'' Constantine said.
OOC-Can I go into the Kukar lands?
"Yes, yes." Zuka said,"I don't remember it ever being stopped, but sure. Its done. Soldier!" he pointed at one of the soldiers,"Tell General Johnson of this. That no harm is to come to any Roman Greece, or Roman Greek Arterus citizens."
The soldier nodded and ran off.
19-04-2006, 02:54
OOC-Fight against the Kukar nation? Or other nations? Or both?
OOC-The Kukar Nation and possibly Deatharon, if he keeps doing what hes doing.
Greater Chinese Region
19-04-2006, 02:55
As the population expanded in Liantao Island, so did its borders. After seeing the unexpectedly large influx of immigrants from the mainland, GCR marines occupied the island to the east and named it Dongtao Island. It was decided that henceforth all territories claimed by GCR in Arterus would be part of the Liantao province, with the provincial capital still on Liantao Island.
Expeditions on Dongtao proved even more rewarding than on Liantao. In addition to fertile farmland (now the norm here), there were rich gold deposits. GCR forces quickly claimed them for the government and the natives, like on Liantao, were invited to work in them.
With both islands under the control of the GCR, trade flourished between them. Because of a relative scarcity of manufacturing on the islands, clothes, machinery, and most of all weapons were shipped from the mainland. In return, freighters laden with newfound riches steamed towards home. Of course, the sea lanes were heavily patroled by the GCR navy...
Roman Greek Arterus
19-04-2006, 02:57
OOC-I've not really RP'ed a war before by the way but with all respect, I hope I only fight the Kukar nation, I want foreign relations to not be strained.
IC-''Thank you for giving Roman Greek and Roman Greek Arterus citizens protection.'' Constantine said. ''Emperor, with all respect, does your nation shoot foreign women and children?'' Constantine said nervously, thinking that he could be killed. ''Also, thanks for renewing the alliance.'' Constantine said.
''Empress, how's life in Zukariaa? Do you miss Roman Greece?'' Constantine asked Michelle, hoping to learn about her new life.
Greater Chinese Region
19-04-2006, 03:01
-Incoming Transmission:
TO: Demetrios Askiates, Consul of Roman Greek Arterus
FROM: Premier Zhou of the Greater Chinese Region
The Greater Chinese Region would like to establish diplomatic relations with your nation. Diplomacy is an effective way to avoid military conflicts, and we believe that cooperation between our two nations would be mutually benefitial.
We await your response.
-End Transmission
Roman Greek Arterus
19-04-2006, 03:03
From Demetrios Askiates, Consul of Roman Greek Arterus
To Premier Zhou of Greater Chinese Region
RGA accepts opening diplomatic relations with your nation. Perhaps an alliance? Trade agreement? Military defense? What things does your nation seek?
19-04-2006, 03:04
Contested Area...
The Imperial Shadow Legionaries all 5,000 of them ready for the enemy to charge. The machine guns were put up front ready to rain a hail of death upon the charging barbarians. The long-range artillery from the destroyers started to launch cruise missiles and their main guns upon the enemy. An armored division of 100 M-1 Abram Tanks were heading to give support to their fellow Legionaries. They would give fire support behind the front line. The Imperial Shadow Legionaries Infantry was armed with standard M-16 A2 rifles and M-1A1 carbines. They would send a hail of fire into the enemy with their machine guns support.
On Galick Barony....
The Grand Imperial Luftwaffe had prepped their bombers and fighters to begin a strike upon the enemy with napalm bombs. The hope was to litter the ground with the thousands of barbarians. They could not hold against the might of the Grand Shadow Empire and the Imperial Shadow Military was going to show them.
OOC: That might against 5,000 Legionaries armed with modern day weaponry. They do however posses decent airs support and have the sea under their control.
Greater Chinese Region
19-04-2006, 03:10
-Incoming Transmission :
FROM: Premier Zhou of the Greater Chinese Region
TO: Demetrios Askiates, Consul of Roman Greek Arterus
Trade agreements are definately a high priority for us. As for military defense, a mutual defense agreement could serve both our interests. The world is not a friendly place, and we need all the help we can get.
I look forward to hearing from you.
-End Transmission
Roman Greek Arterus
19-04-2006, 03:11
To: Premier Zhou of the GCR
Demetrios is currently looking for a spouse but he can negotiate diplomacy with you in a meeting in our capital, Demetrianople. Trade and military agreements can be accepted.
19-04-2006, 03:19
OOC-I've not really RP'ed a war before by the way but with all respect, I hope I only fight the Kukar nation, I want foreign relations to not be strained.
IC-''Thank you for giving Roman Greek and Roman Greek Arterus citizens protection.'' Constantine said. ''Emperor, with all respect, does your nation shoot foreign women and children?'' Constantine said nervously, thinking that he could be killed. ''Also, thanks for renewing the alliance.'' Constantine said.
''Empress, how's life in Zukariaa? Do you miss Roman Greece?'' Constantine asked Michelle, hoping to learn about her new life.
OOC-depends on what Deatharon does when you try to conqueor Kukar land.
Zuka laughed,"Only in war, when we have no choice. It has been done twice: During our war with Demoras 500 years ago, and in our current war, where we have sent children to war.."
"Nevermind that!" Michelle said,"I am very happy with life in Zukariaa, and Zuka treats me very well." she stopped for a moment,"I do miss Roman Greece?! Of course! Do you have any news for me?"
The natives ran on without fear as hundreds of them were gunend down. They continued until they reached the enemies like a swarm, hopping over dead comrades, covered in blood. They continued to fight even when they were shot down by the Deatharon soldiers. They continued to fight until the last of them was killed. 7,000 natives were shot down. Lives ended for the sake of a home. The people of the Kukar Nation began troubled and angered. They would fight on.
19-04-2006, 03:22
Dr. Sigurdsson was really very happy with the way things had been going. He wished that Gwazzaria had enough power and influence to oppose the nations such as Deatharon, but they had safely secured a moderately large island.
Water treatment facilities, a port, relatively large clinic, and tenement were the beginnings of the Gwazzarian settlement. They'd been working very closely with the aboriginals, and were trying to learn the ins and outs of local politics before doing too much more than a simple port-town. Hopefully they could settle any long-standing disputes and unify this island into a protectorate nation.
OOC: Hey Zukariaa, are you going to get anymore indepth with the native culture? Or should we all write it up as however we'd like for our area, seeing as they're pretty distinct landmasses?
Greater Chinese Region
19-04-2006, 03:23
-Incoming Transmission:
TO: Roman Greek Arterus
FROM: Premier Zhou of the Greater Chinese Region
The Greater Chinese Region is eager to arrange a diplomatic trip to your nation. Would a meeting two weeks from today fit Demetrio's schedule? Ambassador Lu will be ready to initiate talks with your diplomats.
We thank you for your quick replies and are eager to establish diplomatic relations with your nation.
-End Transmission
Roman Greek Arterus
19-04-2006, 03:23
''Michelle, Empress Svetlana passed away. You did miss her funeral. Also, other things have happened.'' Constantine said. ''It is good Zuka treats you well.'' Constantine said. ''I see. I don't know if children should be sent into war though.'' Constantine told Zuka. ''It's good you miss Roman Greece. Your parents sometimes miss you too.'' Constantine said to Michelle.
OOC-Can I invade Kukar land then?
Field Marshal Ferdinand Askiates was the brother of Demetrios Askiates. He became a well known field marshal, assigned to take Kukar land. ''No native women or children shall be harmed!'' Ferdinand said. His troops began marching, hoping to peacefully interact with the natives. The Kukar lands conquered would be administrated by Demetrios Askiates. Ferdinand could tell that the natives would meet him soon.
Roman Greek Arterus
19-04-2006, 03:25
To: Premier Zhou
You are most welcome. Whenever you are ready, you may send your ambassadors to RGA to begin negotiations. We hope that diplomatic relations can be established.
Roman Greek Arterus
19-04-2006, 03:28
OOC-I have begun to send armies to Kukar lands, if ok with everyone.
19-04-2006, 03:36
OOC: Hey Zukariaa, are you going to get anymore indepth with the native culture? Or should we all write it up as however we'd like for our area, seeing as they're pretty distinct landmasses?
OOC-You can write them up for your own areas.
Michelle looked down,"Thats bad.."
Zuka said,"Yes, well, it is sometimes necassary."
OOC-go ahead RGA.
Roman Greek Arterus
19-04-2006, 03:39
''It is bad, Emperor Lucas is still in mourning.'' Constantine said. ''It would be neccesary for your nation.'' he said to Zuka.
Ferdinand and some officers and soldiers went into a Kukar village. ''Hello there! We are from Roman Greek Arterus! May we speak with your leader?'' a offical said. Ferdinand wanted to use the shield of peace before the sword of war.
OOC-Thanks, Zukariaa.
19-04-2006, 03:40
OOC: Same here, I am sending Imperial Shadow Legionaries and Luftwaffe bombers to begin my invasion into Kukar.
The Legionaries were angry 105 Legionaries were killed and the Regiment wanted revenge. They advanced without orders deeper into Kukar destroying every village and barbarian in sight in retaliation.
The Luftwaffe unofficially supported the attack by sending fighter and bomber support to the advancing Imperial Legionaries. The Naval vessels stayed to secure the area and offer long range cruise missile support. The situation was getting out of hand even for the Imperial military. The Baron tried to stop the advance but the orders were unfortunately lost...
Roman Greek Arterus
19-04-2006, 03:42
OOC-Deatharon, I hope our armies won't fight each other. My forces will not intrude in your areas.
Greater Chinese Region
19-04-2006, 03:44
Eric Lu ran across the pavement, flanked by GCRN Special Duties Unit soldiers. The Blackhawk touched down on the helipad, its twin rotors still whirring. Hands reached down and helped Eric onto the helicopter and the soldiers leapt in after him. After making sure everybody was inside, the pilot increased power to the rotors and the Blackhawk lifted off, Daoxing Airport quickly disappearing from view.
"Hang on tight, Ambassador. We are only half an hour to Demetrianople."
19-04-2006, 03:45
The Chieftain did not understand what the RGA man was saying, and tried to tell him that they did not want them there through sign. Two men came up behind him with swords.
"Well, is there anything else?" Michelle asked Constantine.
Roman Greek Arterus
19-04-2006, 03:46
In Demetrianople, Demetrios Askiates decided to wait at the airport. His daughter, Svetlana was with him, as well as some Republican Guards. He spent the time waiting for Eric Lu to come by explaining to his daughter his career and why they were at the airport. Demetrianople was bustling with people, it was a booming capital.
Roman Greek Arterus
19-04-2006, 03:49
A man trained in Kukar tongue said ''We mean no harm. Look, we have children and women with us. If we meant harm, no innocent women or children would be here.'' Ferdinand eyed the men with swords, if they attack, the soldiers would strike. A Orthodox chaplin came forward and said ''We come in peace. I am a clergyman. Clergymen do not fight.'' He was holding his crucifix necklace tightly, hoping for God's mercy if they killed him. Ferdinand would evacuate the women and children if they attacked. Actually, only his wife and daughter (Ferdinand's son had died some time ago) were with the RGA men.
''I am trying to remember. Emperor Lucas gave RGA independence. Demetrios Askiates, now Consul is a single parent, by the way. He raises a daughter, Svetlana.'' Constantine said. ''Also, Demetrios' brother, Ferdinand is mourning the death of his son. He now only has a daughter. His children, I believe were twins.'' Constantine stated.
19-04-2006, 04:00
The Chieftain did not believe the man, for they often employed women and young boys in war. One man with a sword began running full-on at the DGA soldiers.
"Wow! A lot has happened since I have left. I am glad to have gotten such information, and also saddened by much of it." she said, looking at the baby again.
19-04-2006, 04:01
OOC: Roman Greece, How do plan to avoid my advancing troops that are heading to mop up this Barbarian nation? The Regiment is trying to commit a massive ethnic cleansing. That is probably killing god know how many people. They have sort of gone rogue and are committing the atrocities.
OOC: Roman Greece, How do plan to avoid my advancing troops that are heading to mop up this Barbarian nation? The Regiment is trying to commit a massive ethnic cleansing. That is probably killing god know how many people. They have sort of gone rogue and are committing the atrocities.
OOC: And I can't stop you since now I'm about to get involved in a war in this area. Although I don't know this ICly, I wanna keep my forces open for when they arrive.
The Aeson
19-04-2006, 04:17
"Come on in.", Rear Admiral Petethol said over the radio. "Be forwarned, there ain't alot of women or bars here, either."
"Got to be more than there are on the open sea! Bring 'er on in boys!" The two ships sailed into the docks.
"Got to be more than there are on the open sea! Bring 'er on in boys!" The two ships sailed into the docks.
"Welcome to Desanna, boys!"
OOC Note: Your ships have just entered a future war zone, just so you know.
The Aeson
19-04-2006, 04:28
"Welcome to Desanna, boys!"
OOC Note: Your ships have just entered a future war zone, just so you know.
OOC: Well, we won't hang arround too long. Who are you going to war with anyways?
IC: The commander of the Aegir, while his men poured ashore to search for what merriment they could find, was busy sketching the harbor, the docks, and as much of the settlement as he could see. It was an old habit of his, and one bound to become vital one day.
Greater Chinese Region
19-04-2006, 04:32
The GCR Blackhawk touched down on the asphalt in Demetrianople. Eric stepped off and the GCR SDU soldiers disembarked after him. He looked around, taking in the sights of the busy city. Nice place, he thought. He walked towards Demetrios with a smile.
OOC: Well, we won't hang arround too long. Who are you going to war with anyways?
IC: The commander of the Aegir, while his men poured ashore to search for what merriment they could find, was busy sketching the harbor, the docks, and as much of the settlement as he could see. It was an old habit of his, and one bound to become vital one day.
(I'm gonna describe the scene through his eyes if you don't mind.)
What he saw wasn't a very thrilling sight for a sailor. The most modern thing on the island was the high security military base. The docks, filled with mostly patrol boats and other military craft, showed this island wasn't filled with many civilians. The civilian buildings in the area were simple thatch roof houses, with natives walking around and doing trade with Cravanian military personnel. Beautiful beaches and plant life covered the place. But sailors wanted bars and women. Not beaches.
What he did see that caught his eye was a massive tower rising from the jungles in the distance. It didn't look like anything more than an overly tall radar tower, but he had no idea what it was.
The Aeson
19-04-2006, 05:01
(I'm gonna describe the scene through his eyes if you don't mind.)
What he saw wasn't a very thrilling sight for a sailor. The most modern thing on the island was the high security military base. The docks, filled with mostly patrol boats and other military craft, showed this island wasn't filled with many civilians. The civilian buildings in the area were simple thatch roof houses, with natives walking around and doing trade with Cravanian military personnel. Beautiful beaches and plant life covered the place. But sailors wanted bars and women. Not beaches.
What he did see that caught his eye was a massive tower rising from the jungles in the distance. It didn't look like anything more than an overly tall radar tower, but he had no idea what it was.
OOC: Just so you know, if you want it to be secret don't make it a public announcement.
IC: Then he thought, this project of Cravan, I've heard of, Holy Shield or whatever, it was supposed to involve towers. Could they have constructed a tower here? He marked it on his map.
Greater Chinese Region
19-04-2006, 05:35
-Incoming Transmission:
TO: Zukariaa
FROM: Premier Zhou of the Greater Chinese Region
The Greater Chinese Region would like to establish diplomatic and trade ties with Zukariaa. Maybe we can arrange a meeting in a few weeks? Our ambassador is currently occupied.
-End Transmission
OOC: Just so you know, if you want it to be secret don't make it a public announcement.
IC: Then he thought, this project of Cravan, I've heard of, Holy Shield or whatever, it was supposed to involve towers. Could they have constructed a tower here? He marked it on his map.
OOC: If I want what to be a secret? There's nothing in that post I need to keep secret.
OOC: If I want what to be a secret? There's nothing in that post I need to keep secret.
OOC: Divine Shield. It's perfectly logical that the captain would know what it was. I just meant to make that clear.
OOC: Divine Shield. It's perfectly logical that the captain would know what it was. I just meant to make that clear.
OOC: The stats for it are secret, but the system itself is very well known when it came into full service a few weeks ago.
Imperial Shadow Proclamation
To: All local nations.
From: The Grand Shadow Emperor Alfonso Von Antheron
Subject: Colonization
The Grand Shadow Empire of Deatharon has henceforth declared that the isthmus near the Kukar nation is henceforth part of the Galick Barony. This claim upon the Isthmus has been given full Imperial authority by the Imperial Strategic Command, and the Imperial Shadow Archducal council.
The Grand Shadow Emperor Alfonso Von Antheron I, The Supreme Imperial Sovereign Liege Lord of Deatharon. The Imperial Archduke of the Archduchy of Death Hold.
To: The Grand Shadow Emperor Alfonso Von Antheron
From: High Emperor Jered Kane of the Demoras Empire
Subject: Re: Colonization
The Empire of Demoras will agree to your terms, and so long as no hostilities are shown from either side, you shall have clear passage throughout our sea and air passages. We are also willing to lend any civilian and/or military support, as well as political sanctuary, should you require it in the near or distant future. If you wish, we are also open for alliance negotiation.
However, should you attempt to invade our lands, or attack our vessels, we will retaliate.
Lord Jered Kane, Sovereign of the Empire of Demoras
In the few months that the Demoras influence had been in the Arterus islands, the section of land that Demoras had claimed had quickly become a prospering city. Although it was not so much a city as a massive extention of the military's resources. Mortar launcher and missile turrets were dotted all along the territory. Protective bunkers for soldiers had been set along the perimeter. Life signs and motion detectors were dotted everywhere. No one could sneak into this makeshift fortress. And if they showed any signs of hostility, they would never survive.
19-04-2006, 12:40
-Incoming Transmission:
TO: Zukariaa
FROM: Premier Zhou of the Greater Chinese Region
The Greater Chinese Region would like to establish diplomatic and trade ties with Zukariaa. Maybe we can arrange a meeting in a few weeks? Our ambassador is currently occupied.
-End Transmission
To: Premier Zhou of the Greater Chinese Region
From: General Johnson
We agree. It would be beneficial to us all if we were to open trade. We hope to greet your ambassador soon.
19-04-2006, 21:30
Roman Greek Arterus
19-04-2006, 22:30
OOC-Sorry for late reply. My internet is still being fixed up.
Demetrios looked at Eric and said ''You must be Eric Lu. I am Consul Demetrios Askiates. This is Demetrianople.'' Demetrios had Eric escorted to the Demetrian Palace. When they got there, Demetrios said ''What agreements would your nation like with us?''
OOC-Deatharon, thanks for updating me. If I could at least get some land, I am fine with it. I don't want our nations at war and they are RGA troops, not RG troops.
Ferdinand's daughter screamed ''Father, do something!'' Ferdinand grabbed his pistol and shot the man in the head. The Orthodox bishop stood and said ''Kukars! We come in peace!'' The RGA men tried to say ''We come in peace!'' Ferdinand thought ''If they attack any of us, we will fight back.'' Ferdinand's wife and his daughter were in fear, a soldier was helping them. Ferdinand tried again ''Please, accept our peace. WE MEAN NO HARM!''
''Knowledge is Power.'' Constantine said. ''May I hold the baby if it is ok with you? I would like to if I could.'' Constantine then said.
Meanwhile, some Kukar lands that were seized by RGA troops were being prepared for settlement.
19-04-2006, 22:49
The Kukar Chieftain didn't understand any of the RGA men who were, to them, screaming at them. He again tried to tell them to leave.
Michelle said,"Sure, be careful with his head!" as she handed the baby to him.
Roman Greek Arterus
19-04-2006, 22:54
The Orthodox bishop came forward and spoke in clear Kukar ''Listen to me, chieftain. We come in peace. I come in peace. We come to discuss things like diplomacy and trade, I believe, I can't remember really. We have soldiers here as guards. The women and children are here because they are our leader's (in this case, Ferdinand's) wife and daughter. I am but a clergyman of the Orthodox Church of Roman Greek Arterus. I ask you, accept our peace callings. We don't wish to hurt you. We know of those people who have hurt you, killed your families and burned your property down but we are not like that.'' The Orthodox bishop uttered a prayer and then stepped away, the RGA group waiting for a reply.
OOC-The bishop speaks Kukar so the chieftain should understand, some of the RGA men in previous posts spoke in Kukar.
Constantine took the baby carefully and said ''Hello there, I'm Constantine. Your mother comes from my nation.'' He played with the baby for a while before giving him back to Michelle. ''Take care of the miracle God gave you.'' Constantine said to Michelle.
Greater Chinese Region
19-04-2006, 23:02
Eric thanked Demetrios for his hospitality and said, "We would like to set up trade agreements, and perhaps a mutual defense treaty if possible."
Roman Greek Arterus
19-04-2006, 23:03
Demetrios nodded and said ''That would be fine with RGA.'' He signed a treaty and handed it to Eric to be signed. ''Any other business?'' he asked before talking to a senator and his daughter.
19-04-2006, 23:04
The Cheiftain replied,"We cannot trust outsiders. They have destroyed much land, and are attacking us in the North. If you really are our allies, you will help us!"
Michelle took the baby and said,"We do every day."
The Aeson
19-04-2006, 23:04
Demetrios nodded and said ''That would be fine with RGA.'' He signed a treaty and handed it to Eric to be signed. ''Any other business?'' he asked before talking to a senator and his daughter.
OOC: RGA check telegrams.
Roman Greek Arterus
19-04-2006, 23:04
OOC-I did. I replied to yours.
The Aeson
19-04-2006, 23:05
OOC-I did. I replied to yours.
OOC: There's a new one. About the possibility of a small war.
Roman Greek Arterus
19-04-2006, 23:07
Ferdinand looked at the chieftain and said ''We look for trade, we are neutral in this conflict of yours.'' Then he asked the Orthodox bishop to help his family and lined up the soldiers. ''If no trade can be done, we shall leave.''
Meanwhile, several Kukar lands to the south were seized by RGA soldiers, they were to be settled, this was an idea.
OOC-Can I get southern Kukar lands? If Deatharon takes the north, perhaps I could get the south. The south lands would be good to claim.
''God bless you and Zukariaa.'' Constantine said. ''What happened to Zuka?'' Constantine inquired.
Roman Greek Arterus
19-04-2006, 23:08
OOC-I'll reply to your telegram soon. Also, if we have a small war, Roman Greece (the one who gave RGA independence) is neutral.
The Aeson
19-04-2006, 23:10
OOC-I'll reply to your telegram soon. Also, if we have a small war, Roman Greece (the one who gave RGA independence) is neutral.
OOC: Well that's the gist of the telegram, so don't bother replying now. I'll TG you with the details of my idea soon.
Roman Greek Arterus
19-04-2006, 23:11
OOC-That's fine with me. I'll check it all out soon.
19-04-2006, 23:40
OOC-Well, you'll have to fight for it.
The Cheiftain cackled and said,"Then go! We don't want you!"
Michelle looked confused,"Zuka is right next to me.."
Roman Greek Arterus
19-04-2006, 23:49
OOC-I can if I need to, I guess but I want Kukar lands not claimed or anything by anyone.
Ferdinand and his group left. They went to the island held by the Kukars (that island in Kukar territory) and went to see if these Kukars here were more peaceful and so on.
''Sorry, my mind slipped.'' Constantine said. ''Zuka, any other business?'' he asked.
19-04-2006, 23:54
OOC-well, anything in yellow is Kukar land. There not anything thats considered Kukar land if its not yellow. You'll get the same reply pretty much from all Kukar.
Zuka said,"Not that I can think of."
Roman Greek Arterus
19-04-2006, 23:57
OOC-Perhaps if Ferdinand's wife or daughter was attacked by Kukars, Ferdinand would abandon peace and fight, it's just an idea I thought of.
''Perhaps a cultural exchange?'' Constantine asked.
20-04-2006, 00:07
The Kukar Cheiftain that the RGA men met acted much more hostile. They bared their sworeds and screamed in Kukar,"Leave or we will drive our axes into your chests!!!"
Zuka looked sad,"Much of our culture has changed in the last year. We abandoned our ways for the more modern lifestyle. If you were to go to Zuka City, you would see towering skyscrapers where there once beautiful castles. It is a change for the better, though. Especially with the war we are having in Danteri."
Roman Greek Arterus
20-04-2006, 00:13
Some soldiers were told to guard Ferdinand's family. The bishop prayed and blessed the soldiers and then Ferdinand said ''Soldiers, do not harm any women or children!'' Then when the Kukars were attacking, the soldiers shot them with their guns. Artillery blasted and tanks charged forth. The bishop could be seen praying but also fighting the Kukars who attacked him. Meanwhile, the Kukars were aiming for Ferdinand's wife and daughter, so their guards were trying their best to fight but more Kukars were coming.
''Michelle, did you try to bring your old life to this land? It is a nice change, I am sure.'' Constantine said.
The Aeson
20-04-2006, 00:17
Some soldiers were told to guard Ferdinand's family. The bishop prayed and blessed the soldiers and then Ferdinand said ''Soldiers, do not harm any women or children!'' Then when the Kukars were attacking, the soldiers shot them with their guns. Artillery blasted and tanks charged forth. The bishop could be seen praying but also fighting the Kukars who attacked him. Meanwhile, the Kukars were aiming for Ferdinand's wife and daughter, so their guards were trying their best to fight but more Kukars were coming.
''Michelle, did you try to bring your old life to this land? It is a nice change, I am sure.'' Constantine said.
OOC: It's started.
20-04-2006, 00:20
OOC-you can continue your killing of the Kukar, I guess.
Michelle looked puzzled,"How do you mean?"
Roman Greek Arterus
20-04-2006, 00:22
OOC-Aeson, I posted on our thread. Also, you said I would have to fight the Kukar, so I am.
IC-Ferdinand's troops began expanding, taking Kukar lands. Ferdinand's armies did not attack women or children, those who did faced punishment. Settlers were preparing to come as well.
Roman Greek Arterus
20-04-2006, 00:23
''Michelle, I meant did you mix Zukariaan culture with our nation's.'' Constantine said.
20-04-2006, 00:28
"Oh, no. There was something happened in Zukariaa, and they decided to stop the old ways. They basically had a revolution in culture." she replied.
Roman Greek Arterus
20-04-2006, 00:29
''That's interesting to hear.'' Constantine said. ''Michelle, how is life for you here?'' he asked.
20-04-2006, 00:33
"All is well, for now." she replied.
Roman Greek Arterus
20-04-2006, 00:36
''For now? Is something wrong?'' Constantine asked.
20-04-2006, 00:54
"Oh, no! I meant that things are good for the time being. You never know when something might happen." she replied.
20-04-2006, 00:54
OOC:If I win in my war with Cravan, I'm going to expand onto the peninsula due west of the Cravanian island, is that okay with everyone?
20-04-2006, 00:59
OOC-yeah, its fine.
Roman Greek Arterus
20-04-2006, 01:00
''That's a relief. I understand your statement.'' Constantine said.
Meanwhile, Ferdinand's held territories were discussed about in a meeting. There was a idea to have them all established as an independent nation- Roman Greek Kukaria.
The Aeson
20-04-2006, 01:06
OOC:If I win in my war with Cravan, I'm going to expand onto the peninsula due west of the Cravanian island, is that okay with everyone?
Just be aware that there might be a naval war going on there between me and Roman Greek Arterus.
20-04-2006, 01:14
OOC-you want to make that little island its own country?
Zuka looked at the man and said,"Is there anything else that you need, sir?"
Roman Greek Arterus
20-04-2006, 01:18
OOC- I guess but if I can get other lands too, that would be good.
IC- ''I don't really know. But perhaps a cultural exchange?'' Constantine said.
20-04-2006, 01:24
"Well? What do you propose?"
Blue Dorado
20-04-2006, 01:24
i would like some of the land to the right of the greater chinese region in the small island area. That would be very nice if you dont mind thank you.
Roman Greek Arterus
20-04-2006, 01:27
''We exchange some of our cultures. For example, perhaps the Orthodox Church could open parishes in Zukariaa.'' Constantine said.
Novus Romus
20-04-2006, 01:36
Novus Romus would like to claim the land under Roman Greece. Perhaps something can be worked out.
Roman Greek Arterus
20-04-2006, 01:38
RGA owns the land above your claims. Perhaps something could be worked out.
20-04-2006, 01:38
The Democratic Republic of Errikland would like to claim the island to the northeast of Craven Held Island, near the center vertically and near the right edge horizontally, with the large harbor in the north (on the south coast of the isle). I hope that you know which island I'm talking about.
EDIT: On top of that, there is a large island to the left of the one I intend to claim, and, on the coast nearest to "my" isle, there is a peninsula, off of which there is another island, which I would like to claim as well.
Novus Romus
20-04-2006, 01:40
Novus Romus would only use this land to further it's economy. Armies would only be stationed for defense, and nothing more.
20-04-2006, 01:42
OOC-Blue Dorado, just RP the colinization, same for Novus Romus.
Errikland, not sure exactly which one you mean..
Zuka said,"Of course, and we could open some Churchs in RGA?"
Novus Romus
20-04-2006, 01:44
I'm not? My fault.
Roman Greek Arterus
20-04-2006, 01:47
''What denomination are you, Zuka?'' Constantine said for Orthodox Christianity (Greek, Russian, etc) was RGA's state faith.
20-04-2006, 01:48
OOC: Jaredcohenia would like to make a claim towards the most north western island, if possible? It would be used mainly for tourism, and a military base would be installed there purely for defensive measures.
editted: forgot compass directions XD
20-04-2006, 02:09
OOC-Ok, everyone who claims land needs to RP!!
Zuka replied,"We are a Christian nation. No particular type, but other religions are banned from the country."
Novus Romus
20-04-2006, 02:19
Now, I'm retarded. How would we go about RPing this?
Roman Greek Arterus
20-04-2006, 02:20
''RGA has Orthodox Christianity as the state faith.'' Constantine said. ''Why are other faiths banned?'' he asked.
20-04-2006, 02:23
OOC-Novus Romus, just RP how your nations colonization of the land you got.
Zuka laughed,"Because other faiths are wrong, of course!"
Michelle continued to play with the baby.
20-04-2006, 02:24
OOC: I made a post about the discovery of the island, check it out :O
20-04-2006, 02:30
OOC-Good, its yours.
Novus Romus
20-04-2006, 02:30
Novus Romus would take precautions as it colonized it's new lands. This was, afterall, the first time Novus Romus had done such a thing. Caesar Espatus made it a strong point that NR was using this land only to further economic prosperity. The armies he had stationed there would only be used for defense, for he had no idea how other nations would react.
Roman Greek Arterus
20-04-2006, 02:38
''That is why? Interesting.'' Constantine said. ''Zuka, how is life in Zukariaa?'' he asked.
OOC-Can I make that island of the Kukars I talked about into its own nation?
Greater Chinese Region
20-04-2006, 02:40
"Great." Eric signed the treaty and passed it back to Demetrios. "Now you'll have to excuse me, I have another meeting I have to attend. I wish the best to both our nations. He rose from his seat, thanked his hosts again, and strode towards his Blackhawk, GCR SDU soldiers in tow.
Roman Greek Arterus
20-04-2006, 02:42
Demetrios nodded and as Eric left, began to think about how his daughter was doing, she had been missing for some time.
Greater Chinese Region
20-04-2006, 02:48
Back in the GCR homeland, popular support was mounting for new expansion into Arterus. The first two occupations turned out more successful than anyone could have hoped for. Since the GCR was a relatively new country, difficulties were expected, but none materialized. Even the natives were cooperative, eager to partake in the GCR lifestyle.
With such enthusiasm from the people, the Premier, after meeting with his advisors, decided to expand south and occupy part of the large island to the south. Some disagreed, arguing that the military was stretched thin as it is. However, such comments were brushed aside as fearmongering; besides, it was reasoned, the increased trade and land would allow to expand the military.
So it was decreed. Two weeks later, GCR marines streamed across the channel and occupied approximately 2,000 square miles of territory. The newly gained land was added to Liantao Province, following the example set during the expansion into Dongtao Island. Once there, settlers were given free land in an effort to increase immigration there. It worked, and large numbers of families relocated their homes, and their lives, at the new edge of the GCR nation.
20-04-2006, 02:56
The unification of the local nations wasn't going too well. There were a lot of land disputes to work out, rabid nationalists clinging to their sovereignity, and old cultural divides. This was the problem that other colonialists had run into - trying to artificially unify disparate groups into a new people.
Thankfully, modern technology was a good persuader. Supplying advanced knowledge and goods to those who agreed to work alongside their neighbors in peace had met with some success. The western coast of the island was pretty well unified at this point.
However, many were showing concerns about reports of what was happening on land, and wondering about the Zukariaans on the neighboring isle. Some on the southern shore had just sent some diplomats to see if they might have a more lucrative offer for them.
20-04-2006, 02:59
After the recent discovery of Iania, tourists have been flocking in. The lack of beaches in Jaredcohenia made this a perfect spot for tourists. How, in 5 hours, did this island become a beach paradise? A cruise ship that was sailing the world docked here, and many cruisers have put their towels on the sand and their bathing suits on for a bit of fun on this island.
20-04-2006, 03:01
Official Errikan Press conference, outside the Imperial Palace
Emperor Christian Victor stood proudly at the podium as the news cameras rolled, delivering his message live to the nation.
"Citizens of our nation," he began, "Not a week since its conception, our great nation has doubled in size, and already begun involvement in the world stage . . ." For many minutes he continued with a dramatic, stirring speech in which he declared the annexation of the two islands in this newly discovered region. He stirred up a deep nationalism within his people, and by the end of his speech was met with standing ovations. It was clear his meaning: he would lead his people to become one of the greatest imperial powers in the world.
(OOC: I already described which islands I am annexing in my previous post)
It was not twelve hours before Errikan forces landed and offically took control of the isles.
Roman Greek Arterus
20-04-2006, 03:01
OOC-Zukariaa, can I make that island of the Kukars I talked about into its own nation? I may want to add other Kukar lands if able to.
20-04-2006, 03:02
Official International Statement of the Supreme State of the Kraven Corporation
We of the Supreme State of the Kraven Corporation officially lay claim to the peninsula due west of the Cravanian Islands and will soon be landing troops there to enforce our Order and Civil Doctrines upon the populace. Any nation attempting military action on Kraven Sovereign Territory will feel the Fist of Kraven. Our official claim stretches from the 'heel' of the peninsula to the bottom of it.
Oberststadt Furher Solomon
OOC:Put the lands as "Whyatica" on the map, not TKC.
20-04-2006, 03:05
OOC-Updated the map, GCR, I will give you half of that island for now. Not 2000 miles of it. Everyone check the map to see if it is satisfactory for now.
Roman Greek Arterus
20-04-2006, 03:07
OOC-The map seems good. Also, am I able to claim any more Kukar lands? I will soon create Roman Greek Kukaria as an independent nation, I'm considering it.
20-04-2006, 03:10
OOC: I'm happy with it.
Roman Greek Kukaria
20-04-2006, 03:21
Field Marshal Ferdinand declared the creation of Roman Greek Kukaria. He had authority from RGA and honored ties from RG. He decided to establish a Grand Duchy, with him as Megas Doux. The Kukars were given full rights and he and his family live in Trinitarianople (may change). RGK is independent from RGA, however both RGK and RGA are independent states.
Roman Greek Kukaria
20-04-2006, 03:37
OOC-Can Roman Greek Kukaria expand further?
20-04-2006, 03:41
As the Whyatican Navy pounded the Cravanian-held island with napalm and shells, a second assault force left the fleet and sailed due west of the Cravanian island for a few hours, where they encountered the newly-claimed Whyatican peninsula. Amphibious assault ships escorted by submarines, aircraft carriers, some destroyers, cruisers, battleships, and even a Zealous class Super-Dreadnaught completed the force. Initial aerial surveys showed no immediate nations claiming this area, and scattered local resistance, so the landing began.
Hundreds of Capitol Police unloaded off of dropships, scanning the area carefully for any ambushes, and they began to clear out jungle and forest and began to build their initial camp. The force claiming this peninsula would be four Brigades of Capitol Police, or 400,000 soldiers..
20-04-2006, 03:42
OOC-yes, you can always expand, you just have to fight.
Roman Greek Kukaria
20-04-2006, 03:48
OOC-Fine with me, at least for now. Also, can I ally with some Kukars?
Ferdinand decided to have a plan, he would try to boost relations with friendly Kukars. Meanwhile, his armies expanded, taking many lands. Megas Doux Ferdinand also heard of his wife's future child, she was to have a child in some time II will post on it in later time)
Ferdinand's armies conquered many lands, expanding (please update the map for RGK) into new lands. The Kukars were treated well. Also, there was a clergyman known as Gregorius Kukarius, for his Kukar heritage. The RGK Church decided to use Kukar as a ecclastical language.
Trinitarianople became a bustling city, it became RGK's capital. Ferdinand contacted his brother, Consul Demetrios of RGA of how things were doing, and later to give support to his brother for his daughter's kidnapping.
It seemed that RGK would be established and be a prosperous nation.
20-04-2006, 03:57
Roman Greek Kukaria
20-04-2006, 04:01
OOC-Please update the map, I want RGK to expand.
20-04-2006, 04:23
OOC-I did, but you have to give me a while dude XD
20-04-2006, 04:27
OOC: Just one comment on the map. I annexed two islands, and yet only one is colored my color. The other is the little isle off the peninsula (which is owned by the Greater Chinese Region) to the west of my isle that is properly labeled.
Other than that, however, it is a great map!
:sniper: (I always wanted to use that)
20-04-2006, 04:33
It will be fixed tomorrow.
OOC: How do I claim more land? Just RP that I'm taking over uninhabited territory?
20-04-2006, 05:27
The Dictator's D-Type Samson t-copter landed on the island to the northwest of Iania. "I want this island as an airbase...who knows. I think I like this continent."
It wasn't three hours before a larger A-Type Samson t-copter landed, in it several MX-500 Dervishes (small Jeeps) and a few Humbugs (Humvees) unloaded. A small military base was set up, trees were being cut down, concrete was being poured...finally a landing strip was made. Four F-19 Poultergeists, 4 B-58 Valentines, and 2 B-500 Strato Destroyers flew in to be stationed at the base, as well as 5 Prometheus AIM-9RR Mobile Missle Platforms (anti airs), 2 Preacher PK-772 artilleries, and 1 Ajax T-500 Battlestation (giant tank thats really damn slow). For self defence means, of course.
Later in the night, Jaredcohenians claimed the jutting peninsula to the south. (the one that points toward the north, the really long one. just that part though ONLY THE PENINSULA :s)
Greater Chinese Region
20-04-2006, 07:19
OOC: Map looks great to me (You gave a bit more than 2K square miles tho...but plz dont change it!:D )
Eric Wang opened up his laptop and checked his laptop. "Hmm..Zukariaa. Pilot, make a heading towards Zukariaan territory. And stay in friendly airspace if you can. We don't need any international incidents."
"Roger that." The Blackhawk banked left and accelerated. Within moments it disappeared behind clouds, heading towards their next destination.
Greater Chinese Region
20-04-2006, 07:26
-Incoming Transmission:
TO: Errikland
FROM: Premier Zhou of the Greater Chinese Region
We would like to open diplomatic, trade, and possibly military relations with your country. Due to our proximity, we believe that positive relations between us are critical in maintaining regional stability.
We eagerly await your response.
-End Transmission
Greater Chinese Region
20-04-2006, 07:32
-Incoming Transmission:
TO: Zukariaa
FROM: Premier Zhou of the Greater Chinese Region
Our ambassador has finished his business and is now heading towards your territory. I hope that we will be able to have constructive talks.
-End Transmission
20-04-2006, 12:43
OOC-Demoras, just RP taking over land.
To: Premier Zhou of the Greater Chinese Region
From: General Johnson
I will be awaiting your arrival.
Greater Chinese Region
20-04-2006, 17:50
The GCR Blackhawk touched down in the Zukariaan capital. Eric jumped out, followed by his bodyguards. "All right, we should be done soon. Keep the Blackhawk warmed up." "Yes sir."
20-04-2006, 21:15
General Johnson with two guards to greet Eric. When they met up, he said,"Hello, should we get started?"
Greater Chinese Region
20-04-2006, 23:00
"Nice to meet you", said Eric. "We would like to set up trade agreements between our countries. Also, perhaps we could create a military alliance between our two nations?"
20-04-2006, 23:06
"Sounds agreeable." replied General Johnson,"Anything else?"