Draconis Nightcrawlis
02-11-2004, 16:18
OOC: Yay
Now 2,000 replies :D
15-11-2004, 16:00
Kasandral looked at Michael, hordes of different thoughts running through her head. Suddenly, tears began trickling down her cheeks, and she smiled.
"Yes....Yes...I will!" She embraced him, tears still falling, but still smiling.
Crazed Marines
15-11-2004, 23:03
Mike looked really relieved. He then took Kasandra in his embrace and just held her for the whole trip.
16-11-2004, 23:16
OOC: Okay..now to the sequel.
Outer Heaven MK II
01-09-2005, 16:54
Kartion looked down at the datapad he was holding. It'd been a couple of weeks since the defeat of Tak'a-Tamen. Kartion had been happy for the young Daniel Masaki, he'd defeated the Sith Lord, and was turning into a fine Jedi.
And yet I sculpted him into the tool that could quite possibly killed my father...
Kartion deactivated the datapad, and cast it aside, his eyes burning. It shattered against the wall, turning into fizzling fragments. He ran his fingers through his hair.
The saying holds true...once a Sith, always a Sith. 'Once you go down the Dark Path, forever it will dominate your destiny'.
Feeling the Saber Staff in his holster, he sighed.
I never was a true Jedi...my heritage could quite possibly be that of a Sith Lord. I suffered too much as a child...
Standing up, Kartion looked at the duffel bag behind him.
It's time I wrapped up this act...
"E Z!" Kartion shouted. The droid walked in.
"Yes Master Elesto?" She asked. E Z was holding some cleaning tools, and looked at him with her soft eyes. Kartion sighed.
"Take my duffel bag to my ship, and wait in the co-pilot's seat. We have a new mission..."
Holding out the duffel bag for E Z, he sighed. E Z took it, bowed, and scuttled off. Kartion sat on the floor, cross-legged, and closed his eyes. His mind's eye ran through the Academy, going through corridors and rooms, until it ended up in a Hangar Bay, containing a Crimson Blockade Runner. Keeping the Cargo Hold of the ship in mind, he returned to his room, and focused on all the works of arts, his Lightsabers, everything that was his. His face contorting, everything around him began to turn ghostly. After a few moments, it vanished, now in the ship's Cargo Hold.
Kartion opened his eyes, and stood up. He had one last thing to do. Strolling into Daniel's Room, he picked up the Datapad on his desk, and opened up the notepad function.Fingers running feverenly, Kartion quickly punched in the message he wanted to leave, and then set it on the bed. Gathering his cloak up, he left Daniel's room, and went into the hallway, no doubt Daniel would have sensed the teleporkenesis. Jogging, Kartion slipping through hallways, mindful of his surroundings, keeping out of sight. He spotted Daniel nearby, and sighed.
Goodbye, little dude...
Slipping away, he reached the Hangar Bay. Vaulting up the ramp, he went into the cockpit, and closed up the ramp, and powered up the engines. E Z sat quietly. She knew that Kartion never took her on Missions, and she could tell something important was happening, but not something she'd interfere with.
The Corellian Corvette's engines blazed, and it began to lift up off the floor. Landing Gear retracting, Kartion pushed the throttle forward, and the ship shot out of the Hangar, and into space.
Back in Daniel's room, the screen was still lit up, a blinking square at the end of the message left:
Daniel, by the time you'll be reading this, I'll be long gone. I'm sorry, but this has to be done, for both our sakes. You have no idea how proud I am of you Daniel. In such little time, you have turned into a true Jedi, and I am honoured to have been able to guide you along your path.
This isn't because of you, it's because of me. My path does not lie here at the Academy, or in the Jedi Order. I wish I could tell you now why, but I can't, the time isn't right. It'll never be right. But I have learnt something shocking, something that I now need to confirm, to see where my path does indeed lie.
Suffice to say, I don't think I'll be coming back. I am pursuing my destiny, and I can tell you now our paths are intertwined. However, we will not meet again until the time is right. Do not go looking for me, you won't find me I'm afraid. The Force will guide us, and will eventually make us collide. However, whether we will be friend or foe, I cannot say.
Give all the best to your Father from me, and may the Force be with you little dude.