NationStates Jolt Archive

The Lost world of Om (Story Thread, Closed, unless you sign up in the OOC Thread.) - Page 2

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21-01-2007, 18:55
The man yawned, stretched, and woke up.
He looked down.

"Oh my." was all he said.

He stood up.

"Guess I better take care of this." he said.

He closed his eyes, The Mold lifted itself off him, and attacjed itself to a nearby moss pile. It became Lichen.

"Ros, Magi-master of Earth." he said by way of introduction.

Michael paused for a moment...

perhaps I should shoot him in the face

He holstered the weapon and produced the jar once again


He popped one in his mouth and then spit the pit back over his shoulder...that did originally have purpose, but no longer.

He moved towards the words again but left his arm outstretched ever so slightly to indicate the offer of a mediteranian delight was still on the table.

Before he started to read he spoke almost as an after thought
"Michael, Michael Grey, curiousity procurement aficionado of earth. That young man there is Johnny. I have no idea what he does or where he is from through no fault of his own though, he has been busy and I have failed to inquire."

This was becoming a regular party, no times for drinks yet however as abosolutely nothing productive has as of yet occured...well productive to me anyway.

Now what do those words say
21-01-2007, 18:56
"HA! In your face, being of Nothing," spat Beckenbauer as he fired off a few rounds in celebration. "The New Man triumphs once more." He had to dial down his visual receptors to avoid being blinded by the light, but soon was able to make out the details of the scenery.
"Look!" he pointed at the city, "Buildings! Perhaps we have found the mythical lair of the Bolshevik."

The Gates were open, torn off their hinges. Blood decorated the walls, the streets, as dead bodies lay everywhere.
21-01-2007, 18:58
"Victory through immediate action!"

Without bothering to hit ground effect, Svetranova gunned her anti-grav drive and sped towards the city at an even 50 feet above the ground.
21-01-2007, 19:00
Michael paused for a moment...

perhaps I should shoot him in the face

He holstered the weapon and produced the jar once again


He popped one in his mouth and then spit the pit back over his shoulder...that did originally have purpose, but no longer.

He moved towards the words again but left his arm outstretched ever so slightly to indicate the offer of a mediteranian delight was still on the table.

Before he started to read he spoke almost as an after thought
"Michael, Michael Grey, curiousity procurement aficionado of earth. That young man there is Johnny. I have no idea what he does or where he is from through no fault of his own though, he has been busy and I have failed to inquire."

This was becoming a regular party, no times for drinks yet however as abosolutely nothing productive has as of yet occured...well productive to me anyway.

Now what do those words say

Ros looked at the words, after taking an olive, eating it seed and all.

Then his Jaw dropped open, he ran from Plaque to plaque, reading to words.

He came back.

"You can read them too. They are written in Omnirunes, which change to reflect the written language the reader reads best. Just approach them.

This is the the uppermost section of The library of Creation. ALL knowledge of this Creation is contianed in the Library. You can read as much as you want, and learn everything. But you will not remember anymore than what you knew coming in. there is no way around this." Ros said.
21-01-2007, 19:02
The Gates were open, torn off their hinges. Blood decorated the walls, the streets, as dead bodies lay everywhere.

OOC: Quoted for Skgorria and Atopiana to find amidst all the Time warpage.
21-01-2007, 19:08
"They're all dead," said Svetranova, a trace of disappointment lingering in her voice as she came to a halt in the center of the town...
21-01-2007, 19:10
They heard a quiet sobbing somewhere.
21-01-2007, 19:27
"Silly construct." Maxim commented as he flicked the switch to the upgraded flashlight, turning it to the weapon function's full strength at the same time and the beam upon the statue.

While full force would burn out the capacitor, it would also quite likely either rip a fairly large hole in or outright shatter the statue as it was calibrated for heavy armour/

"Thank you. May you enjoy your boulder." Zeri commented as he walked away for a few minutes and found a patch of bare earth to sit upon so he could focus and restore himself.
21-01-2007, 19:32
"Silly construct." Maxim commented as he flicked the switch to the upgraded flashlight, turning it to the weapon function's full strength at the same time and the beam upon the statue.

While full force would burn out the capacitor, it would also quite likely either rip a fairly large hole in or outright shatter the statue as it was calibrated for heavy armour/

"Thank you. May you enjoy your boulder." Zeri commented as he walked away for a few minutes and found a patch of bare earth to sit upon so he could focus and restore himself.

The entire room began to glow, and the heat began to rise. The statue WAS the trap. It stepped on a switch, and the stone slid off the walls, and captured all of the light. The Statue itself began to emit light.
Soon Maxim would Burn to death.


And the dragon did enjoy its boulder.
Trinity Blood
21-01-2007, 20:06
OOC: I draw from D&D and my own design, but your pretty much correct.

You CAN make friends, but they won't come with you, and if you don't act quickly, you'll have to explain yourself to their parents.

"Personally, ma'am," said the 'pack-mule' Ensign with the supplies, "I would pefer cold. Its far easier to defrost someone with our supplies than to heal burns."

Astharoshe nodded acknowledgement and began to lead the way, unkowingly, towards the Frost Dragons.


The wall rearranged itself, into an opening.

A Scroll of parchment sat in a glass case.

"Okay," said the puzzle expert as he adjusted the positioning of his plasma rifle, "I hope this won't set off anything bad."

He smashed the glass with the butt of his weapon and removed the scroll. Opening it, he began to study the contents.
Demon 666
21-01-2007, 20:13
At the top, he found the mountain connected to the Crystal roof. the Crystal roof was bright, but not blinding. It glowed, and was producing the daylight effect.

Not too far away, he could see a young woman camping.

The young woman turned around- to many it would have looked like a man had fallen out of the sky.
Nekaru sighed, and asked what the heck this place was, and what was its connection to the Temple thing.
21-01-2007, 20:14
"Personally, ma'am," said the 'pack-mule' Ensign with the supplies, "I would pefer cold. Its far easier to defrost someone with our supplies than to heal burns."

Astharoshe nodded acknowledgement and began to lead the way, unkowingly, towards the Frost Dragons.

"Okay," said the puzzle expert as he adjusted the positioning of his plasma rifle, "I hope this won't set off anything bad."

He smashed the glass with the butt of his weapon and removed the scroll. Opening it, he began to study the contents.
It was just a little frost dragon, it was laying on a snowbank.

RCO: It contained the secret to the Mind Blast, a powerful Psionic attack. Since the Methusulah already had the basics of Psionic powers, a little study and pracitce would exapnd them. The Mind Blast was a powerful attack that destroyed the conciousness of an enemy, if successful.

On the back was written "Beware that which is easily obtained."
21-01-2007, 20:26
The young woman turned around- to many it would have looked like a man had fallen out of the sky.
Nekaru sighed, and asked what the heck this place was, and what was its connection to the Temple thing.

The Woman turned without even turning, spoke.

"Hello Nekaru. This is the inside outside. Basicly, a Gigantic Cave inside Om. The Crystal serves as a light source. There is a city not too far away." She said.

Then she stood.

"Its connection is, that it is the only thing seperating The two halves of the Temple." She said.

She turned.

"I am Kado, Magi-mistress of Sky powers. The Invisible Stalker that you befriended told me about you, he asked me to help you. He's bound to the Outer Temple, where you found him. Gave me The gun you found. I could understand him. Its a pleasure to meet you. I hear you are an expert at air control. I heard of another, who fought The Shadowlord some time back. He was named Tenarius. Do you know him?" she asked.
Trinity Blood
21-01-2007, 20:33
It was just a little frost dragon, it was laying on a snowbank.

"Ahh," exclaimed the Ensign who had fainted earlier, "how cute!"

Noticing the snow, the Duchess indicated that the other survivors hold back the woman before she rushed up and grabbed the young dragon in an embrace.

Kneeling so she was as close as she could get to the dragon's current eye level, Astharoshe said, "Hello there, little one. Would you mind if we used some of that snow to clean up a little?"

RCO: It contained the secret to the Mind Blast, a powerful Psionic attack. Since the Methusulah already had the basics of Psionic powers, a little study and pracitce would exapnd them. The Mind Blast was a powerful attack that destroyed the conciousness of an enemy, if successful.

On the back was written "Beware that which is easily obtained."

Chuckling when he found what was on the back, the puzzle expert said, "I knew that was a bit too easy. Still, this would make for a useful prize later."

With that, he carefully secured it in his pack.

"Great," grunted Frost, "all that work was for nothing. How the HELL are we supposed to get out of this pit?"
Demon 666
21-01-2007, 20:34
Nekaru blinked quietly, then laughed softly.
"It's been a while since anyone's called me that. I am Tenarius- just a lot older. I would figure you notice the fact that we have the same eyes."
He smiled, a smile that was all cold and icy. Then he sat down.
"At any rate, where am I supposed to beheading? The city?
21-01-2007, 20:46
The smells, sights and sounds of death and destruction ovewhelmed Beckenbauer's receptors:
Categorising...Matches Found:
Slaughter of Ichbar IV
Incursion Against New Rheinland
Last Stand Of 7th Division
Ghetto Purges #3, #12 and #47
Conclusion: massacre

Noting that there was a sobbing noise, Beckenbauer tuned his audio receptors and attempted to locate the source.
21-01-2007, 20:47
"Ahh," exclaimed the Ensign who had fainted earlier, "how cute!"

Noticing the snow, the Duchess indicated that the other survivors hold back the woman before she rushed up and grabbed the young dragon in an embrace.

Kneeling so she was as close as she could get to the dragon's current eye level, Astharoshe said, "Hello there, little one. Would you mind if we used some of that snow to clean up a little?"

Chuckling when he found what was on the back, the puzzle expert said, "I knew that was a bit too easy. Still, this would make for a useful prize later."

With that, he carefully secured it in his pack.

"Great," grunted Frost, "all that work was for nothing. How the HELL are we supposed to get out of this pit?"

"Go ahead. I don't mind, but mommy says to be careful of what I give to strange beings. But I don't think a little snow would be too bad." It said. It jumped off the snow bank.


"What's wrong with the door? I mean, sure we're two strange people who came out of nowhere, but that doesn't mean anything." Asked Stellae and Chron, The Magi-masters of Time and Space.

"Technicly dear, we did not come out of nowhere, as that would imply affiliation with Kajeenith. We do not follow him, and are trying to kill him. You should know we came from antoher part of the temple. we've been standing here all along, waiting for you to bring down the wall." Chron said. He pulled a cup of tea out of thin air, and started drinking it.

"Whatever, anyways, that scroll isn't the easy part. You had to solve a puzzle. Its referring to things you might find later on." Stellae said.
21-01-2007, 20:53
Nekaru blinked quietly, then laughed softly.
"It's been a while since anyone's called me that. I am Tenarius- just a lot older. I would figure you notice the fact that we have the same eyes."
He smiled, a smile that was all cold and icy. Then he sat down.
"At any rate, where am I supposed to beheading? The city?

"I thought, well, never mind what I thought. But yes, the city contains the way to The Depths of Om."

She began walking towards the city.
21-01-2007, 20:55
"Sir? What is it?"

Suit, amplify and direction find that noise.
Already done, pinged the suit, follow the reticule on your HuD, darling.

Descending from her lofty position, Svetranova flew straight to the source of the sobbing...
21-01-2007, 21:00
The smells, sights and sounds of death and destruction ovewhelmed Beckenbauer's receptors:
Categorising...Matches Found:
Slaughter of Ichbar IV
Incursion Against New Rheinland
Last Stand Of 7th Division
Ghetto Purges #3, #12 and #47
Conclusion: massacre

Noting that there was a sobbing noise, Beckenbauer tuned his audio receptors and attempted to locate the source.

It came from a dying man. He was not too far away.

He noticed the two.

"Go back, Please, Flee from this world. They came, they were overwhelming. Horrible creatures that had been given a great destructive power. Their leader, he, he was so filled with Hate. No regard for any form of life. Flee while you still can.

I regret only that I did not die in battle. I lived an honorable life, fighting the concept of Communism, and purging Bolshevisim from this world. We had almost succeeded." With that, the man died.
21-01-2007, 21:07
Sacrifice for a cause, against Bolshevism no less!
Raising his sword and extending his arm in a salute, Beckenabuer offered a farewell for the man.
"Honour this man, he gave his life fighting the Bolsheviks. Hail the victorious dead!" He turned to the Atopian,
"The presence of Bolshevism is now confirmed, and this worries me. I would have your thoughts," he asked.
21-01-2007, 21:25
"Victory in death, for he did not let Bolshevism triumph without a fight!"

The big suit saluted, its right arm at 45 degrees from the ground.

"My opinion, sir, is that we hunt down the Bolshevik swine and crush them like the enemies of humanity that they are - or die trying!"
21-01-2007, 21:44
"Sounds words my dear, now let us follow them through" agreed Beckenbauer, turning a full circle to take in his surroundings.
"Hello?" he called, "Any Bolsheviks or Jews here?"
21-01-2007, 21:45
"Allow me, sir. Go to active scanning, full power! That'll tell us if there's anything alive within ten kilometres of our position, sir."
Demon 666
21-01-2007, 22:07
"I thought, well, never mind what I thought. But yes, the city contains the way to The Depths of Om."

She began walking towards the city.

Nekaru decided to follow her. It's not like he had anywhere better to go.
Trinity Blood
21-01-2007, 22:20
"Go ahead. I don't mind, but mommy says to be careful of what I give to strange beings. But I don't think a little snow would be too bad." It said. It jumped off the snow bank.

"Thank-you, little one," replied the Duchess with a kindly smile she usally reserved for her closest, most trusted friends as the suriving Ensigns began to set up a privacy booth and equipment to melt water, "I assure you, we mean you now harm. What's your name? I'm Astharoshe."

She noted what the Ensigns were doing. She noted they weren't setting up the portable sonic shower and knew it was most likely due to that it not only take too long but was intended to be used more for long-term, say over-night, camping.

Grabbing a pack of beef jerky, she opened it and took out a piece. Taking a bite of it to show it was food, she offered the little dragon one for himself to sample.

"Try this," she said, "its meat that was dried so it would last for a long time and still be safe to eat."


"What's wrong with the door? I mean, sure we're two strange people who came out of nowhere, but that doesn't mean anything." Asked Stellae and Chron, The Magi-masters of Time and Space.

"Technicly dear, we did not come out of nowhere, as that would imply affiliation with Kajeenith. We do not follow him, and are trying to kill him. You should know we came from antoher part of the temple. we've been standing here all along, waiting for you to bring down the wall." Chron said. He pulled a cup of tea out of thin air, and started drinking it.

"Whatever, anyways, that scroll isn't the easy part. You had to solve a puzzle. Its referring to things you might find later on." Stellae said.

"Interesting," said the puzzle master (OOC: Lol, I'm just going to call him that from now on) as he raised an eyebrow at the sudden appearance of the two, "judging from what I can sense of you, you are Ri-anese, correct?"

Frost and the others, excluding one, jumped a little at the sudden appearance of Chron and Stellae. The one who didn't move a muscle, appeared as if had been expecting them almost, was Isaak Fernando von Kämpfer.
21-01-2007, 22:29
Ros looked at the words, after taking an olive, eating it seed and all.

Then his Jaw dropped open, he ran from Plaque to plaque, reading to words.

He came back.

"You can read them too. They are written in Omnirunes, which change to reflect the written language the reader reads best. Just approach them.

This is the the uppermost section of The library of Creation. ALL knowledge of this Creation is contianed in the Library. You can read as much as you want, and learn everything. But you will not remember anymore than what you knew coming in. there is no way around this." Ros said.

"Well then, reading them would be essentially pointless wouldnt it?"
Michael said as he eyed the words.

I should have shot him in the face

He considered what the man had more then what you knew coming in... That is really a subjective statement, one could suppose I knew nothign coming in...this would be incorrect, I infact knew a great many things coming in, most of which I didnt know I If this be magic as it would appear...then for all intense and purpose it should reveal to me what I did already know and the revealing of that would give clearity not previously extra knowledge directly...but certainly understanding...or this is all popicock and I will shoot him in the face.

Michael walked over to the columns and began to read.
21-01-2007, 23:28
Atopiana and Skgorria:

Silence greeted them. All the Blood was going down towards a lane.

Darkness came.

THAT was when they finally heard something.

"Hiss, Hiss. Two little Soldiers out in the darkness, along came the Ministry and then there were none." Said a male voice.

There were seven pairs of eyes staring at them out of the darkness. That was all that could be seen. Their eyes were white slits.

A Female Voice spoke.

"Defeat a Void dragon and you think your powerful. Brother Id would be amused."

Another Male Voice spoke.

"What brings you to the city? Come to revel in the blood of the fallen? They were all Guilty. Guilty of the worst sin of all. They had to be slaughtered like the animals they were. You are guilty of the same sin. You too will meet your end."

Seven voices laughed. The eyes were gone, but the darkness was not.

The Voices sounded all around them, making it impossible to tell where they were. Radar, Lidar, and all other forms of detection would only detect the buildings, and the dead.

OOC: Say Hello To the Ministry of Shadow. Born of the Night itself, they are one with darkness. They are the children of Shadowlord, a great fiend of darkness. Really, they have no political Affiliation, but for the purposes of irritating the two of you, they will be Colored red, if you know what I mean. They have the power of fear, and become what you fear.
21-01-2007, 23:29
OOC: Johnny can see Michael just fine as I am not using the sight slipping effect, on him or in an area capacity.

His memory is all that is effected, and given that I assume he is of high intelliegence(and not already prone to memory problems) he should be fine as long as they are together with remembering Michael...though letting him leave his sight might make it more diffcult...or he might keep forgetting his name.

He saw the man with mold all over his body and winced silently to himself....
poor bastard.But he isnt dead?

He raised his hand to tap Johnny's shoulder with his other he placed his fingers to his lips...

What kind of person just lays down in the open in this place?

He didnt speak but simply moved quietly to the where the words were, he didnt not touch the man or the walls...

This still felt bad...but the thought of being covered in mold can spoil one's mood.

He produced his weapon, and dialed it down to subsonic so it wouldnt make any noise when he shot the man...he leveled it at the man as he approached the words...he wouldnt shoot the man as long as nothing odd happened...and a tap in the shoulder wouldNT kill him.

He really wanted another olive...

The man yawned, stretched, and woke up.
He looked down.

"Oh my." was all he said.

He stood up.

"Guess I better take care of this." he said.

He closed his eyes, The Mold lifted itself off him, and attacjed itself to a nearby moss pile. It became Lichen.

"Ros, Magi-master of Earth." he said by way of introduction.

Michael paused for a moment...

perhaps I should shoot him in the face

He holstered the weapon and produced the jar once again


He popped one in his mouth and then spit the pit back over his shoulder...that did originally have purpose, but no longer.

He moved towards the words again but left his arm outstretched ever so slightly to indicate the offer of a mediteranian delight was still on the table.

Before he started to read he spoke almost as an after thought
"Michael, Michael Grey, curiousity procurement aficionado of earth. That young man there is Johnny. I have no idea what he does or where he is from through no fault of his own though, he has been busy and I have failed to inquire."

This was becoming a regular party, no times for drinks yet however as abosolutely nothing productive has as of yet occured...well productive to me anyway.

Now what do those words say

Ros looked at the words, after taking an olive, eating it seed and all.

Then his Jaw dropped open, he ran from Plaque to plaque, reading to words.

He came back.

"You can read them too. They are written in Omnirunes, which change to reflect the written language the reader reads best. Just approach them.

This is the the uppermost section of The library of Creation. ALL knowledge of this Creation is contianed in the Library. You can read as much as you want, and learn everything. But you will not remember anymore than what you knew coming in. there is no way around this." Ros said.

Johnny was puzzled obviously this companion seemed to know what he was doing but it looked like the man, who ever it was, needed help rather than and was about to tap him on the shoulder and talk about this a bit more. However the man awoke and dealt with the moss in a way that most confused, he had heard of magic, but never seen it. Either way he still hadn't decided whether he was awake or not

"Johnny will do just fine for now, nice to meet you." he told the Magi-master as he started and noticed Ros run around to the plaques and reading them, Ros however seemed to know. He went up to Ros and asked a simple question, yet one that most likely would require a complex answer.

"What is this place?"
21-01-2007, 23:34
Nekaru decided to follow her. It's not like he had anywhere better to go.

The City was full of people, and signs. Bots flew about, some advertising, some as security.

"Welcome to the City of Eternity. Home of the five minute Plastic Surgery Store, now with Drive through surgeries. Improve what nature gave you today!" a bot said. It flew off.

Kado gave it a look that would've killed most people, had she the power to kill with looks. She had the steriotypical Hot Blonde Body, what did she need to improve? then she looked at Nekaru, surely it wasn't referring to him.

"Any ideas?" she asked.
21-01-2007, 23:46
"Thank-you, little one," replied the Duchess with a kindly smile she usally reserved for her closest, most trusted friends as the suriving Ensigns began to set up a privacy booth and equipment to melt water, "I assure you, we mean you now harm. What's your name? I'm Astharoshe."

She noted what the Ensigns were doing. She noted they weren't setting up the portable sonic shower and knew it was most likely due to that it not only take too long but was intended to be used more for long-term, say over-night, camping.

Grabbing a pack of beef jerky, she opened it and took out a piece. Taking a bite of it to show it was food, she offered the little dragon one for himself to sample.

"Try this," she said, "its meat that was dried so it would last for a long time and still be safe to eat."

"Interesting," said the puzzle master (OOC: Lol, I'm just going to call him that from now on) as he raised an eyebrow at the sudden appearance of the two, "judging from what I can sense of you, you are Ri-anese, correct?"

Frost and the others, excluding one, jumped a little at the sudden appearance of Chron and Stellae. The one who didn't move a muscle, appeared as if had been expecting them almost, was Isaak Fernando von Kämpfer.
The Ice dragon tried some. It enjoyed it.

"My name is Xxxxyx. Pronounced Zi zick, but written x,x,x,x,y,x. Strange I know, but not as strange as what's behind the snow drift." said xxxxyx.

"Well, at least for this lifetime anyway. Last life we were actually from The nation of Warhaven." Chron said.

He looked through the door.

"Listen, I can only stall time for so long, and if we don't get to the Inside outside soon, we're all going to be crushed to death by the Temple." Chron said.
21-01-2007, 23:53
Skibereen And Bazalonia:

"Of course its pointless, but it does remind you of what you know, and provides great insight and clarity on that knowledge. As for what this place is, This is The Temple of Om. It came into existence five seconds after Creation began. At least as far as we can tell. It's actually in a Seperate Time Space Continuum, partially connected to the main one. For every second that passes in here, two pass in the main one. Its also a bridge, a pathway between all parts and sides of Creation. Its also the doorway outside of Creation, out of Reality, and into other Realities." Ros said.
Demon 666
22-01-2007, 00:11
Nekaru was flat-out bored and resisted the tempation of burning the bot.
After some wandering, he wandered into a bar. Nekaru sat down, and observed that Kado was just there. He quaffed an ale, smiled and posed the question he had had a problem with
"I'm interested in three things: getting out, killing Id and finding immortality. Its the Gate I'm after, not some city. So you got any tips on stuff like that?"
22-01-2007, 00:17
"Though it is useful while we are here." said Johnathon in a tone that you could not be certain if it was a statement, or sort of rhetorical question or a proper question.

Johnny read a couple of the plaques but he felt like there was something in this Temple that he needed to find, and that it was time sensitive.

"Let's go." he said ensureing that both guns where loaded and by his side, he started to continue to walk down the passage way.
22-01-2007, 00:24
Nekaru was flat-out bored and resisted the tempation of burning the bot.
After some wandering, he wandered into a bar. Nekaru sat down, and observed that Kado was just there. He quaffed an ale, smiled and posed the question he had had a problem with
"I'm interested in three things: getting out, killing Id and finding immortality. Its the Gate I'm after, not some city. So you got any tips on stuff like that?"

OOC: Don't worry, he's going to come accross the Plaque of the Elixer of Immortality, should he defeat Id under one of two diffrent possible circumstances.


"the gate probably lies in the depths, at the core of Om itself. We'll proabably run accross ID getting to the core. The real question is, where is the entrance to the depths of Om." Kado said.

"I know where you go, but I'd rather die than go back there. There's a cave, head southward and you'll find it, in The big Park. I wouldn't go there though, something mean guards it. I only caught a flash of it when I was there little while ago, but the thing had five heads, the upper torso of a woman, with six hands, three on each side, and the lower torso of a Black widow. Trust me, don't go there, you'll only die." A nearby senile old man said. He WAS drunk, but the way he spoke, it sounded like he knew what he was talking about.
22-01-2007, 00:28
They came to a walled city.

Men armed with Phaser pistols were standing outside as guards. They were looking at Frederick, surprised to see someone come from the mountain.

"Hullo up there!" He called as he waved to the guards. "May I come in?" he asked, a little too cheerfully.
22-01-2007, 00:30
"Though it is useful while we are here." said Johnathon in a tone that you could not be certain if it was a statement, or sort of rhetorical question or a proper question.

Johnny read a couple of the plaques but he felt like there was something in this Temple that he needed to find, and that it was time sensitive.

"Let's go." he said ensureing that both guns where loaded and by his side, he started to continue to walk down the passage way.

Down the passageway, they found a door to the inside outside blocked by a large black dragon.

Ros strode up to it.

"Get the Hell out of our way." he shouted while smacking it on the snout.

Now it was a large Angry black dragon. It stood up, and let out a blood curdling roar.

Ros knew many things, but was noted for his random acts of stupidity.

"Whoops." he said.
It ate him whole, and alive. Then it turned on Jonathan and mr. Grey. It spat Acid at them both.
22-01-2007, 00:32
"Hullo up there!" He called as he waved to the guards. "May I come in?" he asked, a little too cheerfully.

They looked at Xithal.

"Keep your pet under control?" they asked.

Xithal growled at the pet remark. But he stood close to Frederick. He wouldn't eat anyone.
Demon 666
22-01-2007, 00:33
"Cheh. Some drunk loser. But he might be right."
Hands slammed on the ground as once again air lifted Nekaru up. He didn't know if there would be a cave or not, but he might as well. And the creature described, it did sound like something that would burn easily.
After a while, he thudded back on the ground in a park.
OOC: Is Stalker still around?
22-01-2007, 00:45
"Cheh. Some drunk loser. But he might be right."
Hands slammed on the ground as once again air lifted Nekaru up. He didn't know if there would be a cave or not, but he might as well. And the creature described, it did sound like something that would burn easily.
After a while, he thudded back on the ground in a park.
OOC: Is Stalker still around?

OOC: He can only go so far, so I traded him in for Kado. She's easier to look at.


There was a cave alright. It appeared to be unguarded. But something didn't feel right.

Kado looked all around her.

"Somethings here." But niether of them could actually detect it.
22-01-2007, 01:10
The Brigadier's 200 million candlewatt searchlight slammed on, its beam piercing the darkness with ease. Then, the flamethrower's pilot light hissed into existence - a menacing, dull flicker.

"I dread nought and fear less!" yelled Svetranova, "For I am the New Fascist Woman and none shall defeat me! Come, you cowards, come and face me if you dare to die!"
22-01-2007, 01:31
The Brigadier's 200 million candlewatt searchlight slammed on, its beam piercing the darkness with ease. Then, the flamethrower's pilot light hissed into existence - a menacing, dull flicker.

"I dread nought and fear less!" yelled Svetranova, "For I am the New Fascist Woman and none shall defeat me! Come, you cowards, come and face me if you dare to die!"

"Do you really think you can stand against the powers of night?"

She noticed that the light of the the searchlight, and the flamethrower was activly supressed by the darkness, cutting out the visiblity. The Flamethrowere was still lit, but there was no light from it. Niether was there any light from the searchlight, though it too was still on.

She felt a hand touch her, for a brief moment, then it was gone.
22-01-2007, 02:08
Nekaru sent a blast of flame for a few quick seconds, then quickly extinguished it.
Drawing both lightsabers, he charged into the cave.

"Where's the rush?" asked a woman in black robes.

She was blocking The only way forward.
Demon 666
22-01-2007, 02:10
OOC: He can only go so far, so I traded him in for Kado. She's easier to look at.


There was a cave alright. It appeared to be unguarded. But something didn't feel right.

Kado looked all around her.

"Somethings here." But niether of them could actually detect it.
Nekaru sent a blast of flame for a few quick seconds, then quickly extinguished it.
Drawing both lightsabers, he charged into the cave.
22-01-2007, 02:12
OOC: Stupid time warp. Look at post 293
Demon 666
22-01-2007, 02:33
OOC: Yeah. stupid jolt.
Nekaru quietly closed his eyes, and then looked her in her eyes. He knew that someone who survivied his fire attack was going to be quite annoying.
"Who are you? And why are you blocking the way?"
22-01-2007, 02:41
OOC: Yeah. stupid jolt.
Nekaru quietly closed his eyes, and then looked her in her eyes. He knew that someone who survivied his fire attack was going to be quite annoying.
"Who are you? And why are you blocking the way?"

"The Dark Priestess. Because I'm going to kill you, or your going to kill me. Its the only way you'll pass."

OOC: She is Guardian of The Depths of Om. One of them.
Demon 666
22-01-2007, 02:54
"If that's so, then...."
Immeadiately, the Priestess was transported to a foreign world. All she had time to see was that here, the sky was red before the effects of Nekaru's illusion began.
Pain, unbearable pain seemed to hit her from every pore in her body. And the pain seemed to go on for hours, if not days. Days upon days in endless pain, designed to crush her mind and will.
22-01-2007, 02:56
"If that's so, then...."
Immeadiately, the Priestess was transported to a foreign world. All she had time to see was that here, the sky was red before the effects of Nekaru's illusion began.
Pain, unbearable pain seemed to hit her from every pore in her body. And the pain seemed to go on for hours, if not days. Days upon days in endless pain, designed to crush her mind and will.

"Oh! Yes! More! More little man MORE!" She screamed in delight, hugging him close to her body. Nekaru was in for a shock. She was from a species that was not human, and they had absolutly no concept of pain, yet did things that most humans would consider to be very painful. She just had a human form. Also, There was no diffrence between fighting and sex, they were the same thing. So reproduction was a very violent affair.

She returned the pain through her hands, the same amount she felt and more, and she was begging for more pain. Her hands were gripping him extremly tight. Infact they were squeezing.
Demon 666
22-01-2007, 03:08
OOC: I'venever figured what he is exactly, but Nekaru/Tenarius isn't quite human, either- I sort of figured that he's been around for a long time would tip you off.
Nekaru waved his hand, and air slammed the Priestess and pinned her there.
"You.... little.... bitch....."
All the same, Nekaru was relieved. He had used his ultimate illusion, an illusion which had no effect on anyone with his eyes. If he had used any ofhis lesser illusion abilities.... well, it would have been bad.
"You're going to die, now!!"
And Nekaru closed his hand as the air crushed the Priestess.
22-01-2007, 03:14
OOC: I'venever figured what he is exactly, but Nekaru/Tenarius isn't quite human, either- I sort of figured that he's been around for a long time would tip you off.
Nekaru waved his hand, and air slammed the Priestess and pinned her there.
"You.... little.... bitch....."
All the same, Nekaru was relieved. He had used his ultimate illusion, an illusion which had no effect on anyone with his eyes. If he had used any ofhis lesser illusion abilities.... well, it would have been bad.
"You're going to die, now!!"
And Nekaru closed his hand as the air crushed the Priestess.

When she had been removed from him, she had six arms. She started with two.

"Oh a dirty talker. I like it." she said.

She burned away the air with fire, which ate the air.

She punched him with all three fists on her right side, followed by her left.

Her hair had seperated into four groupings, and she now had eight legs. What in the hell was she?

She grabbed him and kissed him on the neck and cheek, and bit him, hard, her venemous fangs sinking onto his flesh. Then she licked him, while grabbing his rear. All six hands had him pinned to her, and four of her legs were wrapped around him.
22-01-2007, 03:39
OOC: What do you mean, "felt a hand touch her" - she's inside 30cm of layered armoured shell, there's no way she's feeling any outside stimuli not relayed to her by the Brigadier's auto-senses. :p


Svetranova gaped, inside the Brigadier's armoured hull. Two hundred million candlewatts and no illumination, she thought, impossible!

Undeterred, she switched all her HuD screens to infra-red and night vision. There may be no light, but she could at least see...

"Come, then, foul denizens of the dark, and stand against the wrath of the Fasces!"

As her Brigadier's speakers boomed this message out, she raised the huge bulk of the armoured suit to 100 feet, and hovered, her AI-slaved weapons twitching as they scanned anomalies, ready to open fire in all directions in under a millisecond. Huge, powered hands clenched and unclenched before the 50mm railgun was exposed, leaving only the left to grasp at the very air as if to crush it.
22-01-2007, 03:47
OOC: What do you mean, "felt a hand touch her" - she's inside 30cm of layered armoured shell, there's no way she's feeling any outside stimuli not relayed to her by the Brigadier's auto-senses. :p


Svetranova gaped, inside the Brigadier's armoured hull. Two hundred million candlewatts and no illumination, she thought, impossible!

Undeterred, she switched all her HuD screens to infra-red and night vision. There may be no light, but she could at least see...

"Come, then, foul denizens of the dark, and stand against the wrath of the Fasces!"

As her Brigadier's speakers boomed this message out, she raised the huge bulk of the armoured suit to 100 feet, and hovered, her AI-slaved weapons twitching as they scanned anomalies, ready to open fire in all directions in under a millisecond. Huge, powered hands clenched and unclenched before the 50mm railgun was exposed, leaving only the left to grasp at the very air as if to crush it.

"hahahahaha!" The voices were laughing at her, trailing away.
22-01-2007, 03:55
Keying her console, she opened a secure and encrypted comms-link to the Storm-General.

"Sir, I'm not sure these... things... are attacking. Perhaps we should move on, try and evade them? They don't appear to be capable of harming us."

Then, to the outside, she bellowed, "Yes! Flee like the whipped dogs you are, cowardly scum!"
22-01-2007, 04:08
He wasn't that far away. His robes had Symbols on them, Scientific, and Magical. They blended into the Symbols of Magiscience, the marriage of the two paths of Knowledge. He was unconcious. He was laying on an Alter to the Incarnations of the Multiverse. Though its true the Incarnations had no one particular form, these statues still managed to capture each incarnation truely. He was laying on the Alter to Beldragos. Though, how he managed to get there was unclear.

Morganna approached the unconscious man and examined him. Unconsciousness was not a normal state of existence. Sleep on the other hand was. She sent a pulse of psionic energy through the unconscious form, searching for anything that might be wrong with the man. Upon finding anything, she quickly repaired the possible damage, both physical and metaphysical. The last thing she did was send a stimulus into his mind to awaken him. She stepped back and waited for him to awaken.


Just a quick reply while I read the pages and pages that were submitted while I slept. Hopefully there will be another to reply to once I catch up.
22-01-2007, 04:10
Keying her console, she opened a secure and encrypted comms-link to the Storm-General.

"Sir, I'm not sure these... things... are attacking. Perhaps we should move on, try and evade them? They don't appear to be capable of harming us."

Then, to the outside, she bellowed, "Yes! Flee like the whipped dogs you are, cowardly scum!"

"It is you who are the cowards, unwilling to follow to a more suitable battleground."
22-01-2007, 04:13
Morganna approached the unconscious man and examined him. Unconsciousness was not a normal state of existence. Sleep on the other hand was. She sent a pulse of psionic energy through the unconscious form, searching for anything that might be wrong with the man. Upon finding anything, she quickly repaired the possible damage, both physical and metaphysical. The last thing she did was send a stimulus into his mind to awaken him. She stepped back and waited for him to awaken.


Just a quick reply while I read the pages and pages that were submitted while I slept. Hopefully there will be another to reply to once I catch up.

Rhere was nothing wrong with him, his spirit was just trying to awaken.

His eyes fluttered open, he sat up, an act that casued him to no longer be on the alter. He did not fall, just hovered next to the alter.

"I, I thought I was, I still am, aren't I?" he asked himself. Noticing Morganna he turned.

"Hi, I don't know if I'm Geoarty, or Xos, or both." he said. Xos, that Xos from the white tower?
22-01-2007, 04:48
"I don't know either who you are supposed to be. Can you walk? We need to keep moving because I can sense an impending doom if we stay here."
The Solarin League
22-01-2007, 05:03
They came, to the crest of a hill.

A Structure went from floor to ceiling. Quis went to a nearby river that flowed into the building, and put his hand in the water.

"That's a city." he said a moment later.

"Well then, let's go see what there is to see." As he walked, T'leen began singing. Solari classical music tended towards the latter decades of Earths 20th century, and was generally classed as "Heavy Metal" or "Hard Rock." Which is why a tapping rhythm on high hats and an eerie keyboard melody began emanating from his armors speakers, and a voice began belting out the lyrics. "On a foreign field he lay, lonely soldier unknown grave, on his dieing words he prays tell the world of Paschendale. Relive all that he';s been through, last communion of his soul, rust your bullets with his tears, let me tellya bout his years. Layin low in a blood filled trench, kill time till my very own death, on my face I feel the falling rain never see my friends again. In the smoke and the mud and lead, smell the fear and the feeling of dread, soon be time tio go over the wall, rapid fire and the end of us all. Whistles shouts and more guns fire, lifeless bodies hang on barbed wire, battlefield nothing but a bloody tomb, be reunited with my dead friends soon. Many soldiers eighteen years, drown in mud no more tears, surely a war no one can win, killing time about to begin..."
22-01-2007, 05:28
"I don't know either who you are supposed to be. Can you walk? We need to keep moving because I can sense an impending doom if we stay here."

Xos walked, he walked at a normal pace, but most would fnd it fast.

A large incorpreal Snake hissed at Morganna. It was long, and appeared as a blue outline. It had three elongated heads. It was a Jahi, and it only desired to live again. This was no normal Jahi. Kajeenith made and left this one. It tried to bite Morganna, being just as incorpreal as she was. It was using a Psychic Venom to shut down her mind.

"Jahi!" Geoarty called. he had little he could use against a Jahi.
22-01-2007, 05:30
"Well then, let's go see what there is to see." As he walked, T'leen began singing. Solari classical music tended towards the latter decades of Earths 20th century, and was generally classed as "Heavy Metal" or "Hard Rock." Which is why a tapping rhythm on high hats and an eerie keyboard melody began emanating from his armors speakers, and a voice began belting out the lyrics. "On a foreign field he lay, lonely soldier unknown grave, on his dieing words he prays tell the world of Paschendale. Relive all that he';s been through, last communion of his soul, rust your bullets with his tears, let me tellya bout his years. Layin low in a blood filled trench, kill time till my very own death, on my face I feel the falling rain never see my friends again. In the smoke and the mud and lead, smell the fear and the feeling of dread, soon be time tio go over the wall, rapid fire and the end of us all. Whistles shouts and more guns fire, lifeless bodies hang on barbed wire, battlefield nothing but a bloody tomb, be reunited with my dead friends soon. Many soldiers eighteen years, drown in mud no more tears, surely a war no one can win, killing time about to begin..."

The reached the gates they were thrown open, and peole seemed to b going about their business. It was a big market on the other side.

Quis looked left, Quis looked Right. Quis had no idea where to go.
22-01-2007, 06:17
Morganna was carefully scanning the hall ahead, using her newly attunes senses making sure there were no traps they might trigger. Suddenly from behind, she felt a hiss as something at the edge of her awareness lunged toward her. Instinctively she dodged aside and threw up a defensive Psi Shield. The power, one of the ones associated with the Anti-Psi ability, would create a shield of Anti-Psi between her and her attacker.

Morganna stood with one hand outstretched toward the immaterial snake. As the ghostly reptile struck rapidly and repeatedly, a faint bubble of energy flashed, intervening between her and the aggressive attacker.

Morganna then used another aspect of her mind, one devoted to offensive attacks to establish a connection with the snake, a line of communication that would allow her to talk to it. She did not have any desire to destroy the creature, only to pass. She began sending emotions of calmness and comfort to cause the creature to stop attacking.

“Please, I only want to pass. I do not want to harm you. Of you don’t stop, I will be forced to act in my best interest.”

Morganna activated her Neutralize power just in case she needed to erase the entity from existence but held back just in case it understood her and left.
22-01-2007, 06:28
Morganna was carefully scanning the hall ahead, using her newly attunes senses making sure there were no traps they might trigger. Suddenly from behind, she felt a hiss as something at the edge of her awareness lunged toward her. Instinctively she dodged aside and threw up a defensive Psi Shield. The power, one of the ones associated with the Anti-Psi ability, would create a shield of Anti-Psi between her and her attacker.

Morganna stood with one hand outstretched toward the immaterial snake. As the ghostly reptile struck rapidly and repeatedly, a faint bubble of energy flashed, intervening between her and the aggressive attacker.

Morganna then used another aspect of her mind, one devoted to offensive attacks to establish a connection with the snake, a line of communication that would allow her to talk to it. She did not have any desire to destroy the creature, only to pass. She began sending emotions of calmness and comfort to cause the creature to stop attacking.

“Please, I only want to pass. I do not want to harm you. Of you don’t stop, I will be forced to act in my best interest.”

Morganna activated her Neutralize power just in case she needed to erase the entity from existence but held back just in case it understood her and left.

The Jahi hissed.

"I was once a normal human. I wanted to get the ring of Ariset from the Jewelers, but Kajeenith took me instead, and turned me into this. Guis niether of us get what we want."

The snake hissed, and appeared to spit. It was like a great claw was dragged throughout the room. The floors and ceiling were broken. It used a void magic spell, called Claws of Uncreation. They dissolved the bonds of Solid things, and weakened the energy of incorpreal things, dealing a good amount of damage either way.
22-01-2007, 06:40
As soon as the snake creature showed it was going to resist, she tried to erase it. The sudden attack of the creature caused her to have to change her attack. She used her psionic abilities to cause the two entities to switch places, placing the snake in the path of its own attack.

Morganna then ported back beyond the range of the Claws, bringing the sorcerer with her. They stood watching the mess the snake created from a safe distance.
22-01-2007, 06:48
As soon as the snake creature showed it was going to resist, she tried to erase it. The sudden attack of the creature caused her to have to change her attack. She used her psionic abilities to cause the two entities to switch places, placing the snake in the path of its own attack.

Morganna then ported back beyond the range of the Claws, bringing the sorcerer with her. They stood watching the mess the snake created from a safe distance.

The snake ceased to be.

"Sorry I couldn't help. There just isn't much I can do against Psionics." Geoarty said.

His mind twitched. He was the same person, but with the added experience of a very old man.

"Yes there was, why didn't I use the Magic to Psi spells I learned in the Dual Reality? Its so simple, cast Merky's scary thoughts and its done for. It'll be trapped in its own mind, as an incorpreal being, it'll just be a harmless spot of thought." Xos said.

Geoarty WAS Xos, Reincarnated. Morganna could see and feel the two seperate parts of the same man slowly coming together.

The hall decended in a very straightforward manner. No tricks, no puzzles, no traps. They came out of a building, in a very large city.

A group of people saw them emerge, and Knelt before them.

"Our prayers have been answered! A Ghost woman who can open the door! we bow to your mighty mind powers." said a young child who was appearently very intelligent for his age.

"Wait, what?" asked Xos.

"The door to the city accidently closed and locked behind us. We aren't big enough or strong enough to force it open, and there's a simple Thought Lock on the otherside. There's no security to it, and entirely automated. It keeps the Temple things out. We asked the Man of the Temple, Mr. Om to send us some help. He said he knew just the person to send." said the young boy.

Xos looked at morganna, and shrugged.

"Well, Please?" he asked.

The wall was easily passed through. She only had to think open to the Lock and it would open.
22-01-2007, 07:00
Morganna looked the child over carefully from his feet to the top of his messy hair. His giant anime eyes were tearing up with hope and excitement. She had to open the door for such a cute child. She walked over to the kid and knelt down to look him in the face.

“Don’t worry, I have spoken to Om and I will help you.”

Morganna stood and reached out and mussed his hair before approaching the door. She sent a simple thought probe to see what the door would do.
22-01-2007, 07:01
Morganna looked the child over carefully from his feet to the top of his messy hair. His giant anime eyes were tearing up with hope and excitement. She had to open the door for such a cute child. She walked over to the kid and knelt down to look him in the face.

“Don’t worry, I have spoken to Om and I will help you.”

Morganna stood and reached out and mussed his hair before approaching the door. She sent a simple thought probe to see what the door would do.

The door would slide open of course. There were a few parents on the outside trying very hard to pry open the door. It was sound proof, so no sound would travel through. The Kids had no idea.
22-01-2007, 07:01
Down the passageway, they found a door to the inside outside blocked by a large black dragon.

Ros strode up to it.

"Get the Hell out of our way." he shouted while smacking it on the snout.

Now it was a large Angry black dragon. It stood up, and let out a blood curdling roar.

Ros knew many things, but was noted for his random acts of stupidity.

"Whoops." he said.
It ate him whole, and alive. Then it turned on Jonathan and mr. Grey. It spat Acid at them both.

Johnathon pushed Mr Grey away from the acid and used the push to propel himself away from the Dragon. "Give me a boost." He said as he started running towards Mr Grey and the Dragon
22-01-2007, 07:07
Johnathon pushed Mr Grey away from the acid and used the push to propel himself away from the Dragon. "Give me a boost." He said as he started running towards Mr Grey and the Dragon

The dragon saw Jonathan running towards him. It clutched its stomach for a moment. appearently Ros wasn't being Digested easily. Then it lunged at Jonathan, to snap him in half with its Jaws.
22-01-2007, 07:10
Morganna opened the door and exited, the children following.

She looked around to see where Om wanted her to go next.
22-01-2007, 07:11
Morganna opened the door and exited, the children following.

She looked around to see where Om wanted her to go next.

The signs were not so obvious in the city, what with all the signs and everything. Flying cars buzzed the pedastrians.

"I suggust we go there." said Xos, who was pointing a a sign that said Tourist Center.

"Great place to stop and get a map." he said.
22-01-2007, 07:18
"True and very logcial. I should have seen that."

Morganna and Xos picked up one of the maps and examoned it for their next destination. She also tried to get a "feel" of the way Om wanted her to travel.
22-01-2007, 07:22
"True and very logcial. I should have seen that."

Morganna and Xos picked up one of the maps and examoned it for their next destination. She also tried to get a "feel" of the way Om wanted her to travel.

She got a feeling of weariness from Xos/Geoarty. It probably explained why he pointed at the hotels.

"I'd kinda like to tour their bedroom facilities." he said.

He yawned.

"Very Good sir." said the Information assistant. She hailed a winged taxi, and had him taken to the Hotel Royale. He walked up to the check in desk.

"Ahh yes, we've been expecting you. A Mr. Xos Magi-master, and a Morganna Arisbane. We recieved reservations from your assistant, Mr. Om. He booked Adjoining Penthouse suites, and already payed for a night's stay with all the Luxieries. Here are your keys, the bellhop will escort you up.

Once shown to his Room, Xos promptly fell asleep. Morganna could hear him snore. The map was on a Table.
22-01-2007, 07:43
Morganna sighed hearing the heavy snores of Xos through even the thick penthouse walls. She knew she couldn’t go further without her companion but she still felt the pressure that doom was fast approaching if she didn’t do anything. She called room service and asked if they had any spell tomes. If she had to wait until her flesh and blood companion was rested, she might as well study up on the way they do magic down here so she could counter it easier. Perhaps she might even learn a few new tricks.

When Room service returned her request they informed her all the magical history was available through the computer panel located near the door. She smiled and walked over to the panel.

Merging herself literally with the entire computer system of the hotel, she accessed every file in the mainframe as well as many more outside the immediate network. By the time Xos woke up, she had worked her way through most of Om’s magical history and ways to counter the known spells.
22-01-2007, 07:53
Morganna sighed hearing the heavy snores of Xos through even the thick penthouse walls. She knew she couldn’t go further without her companion but she still felt the pressure that doom was fast approaching if she didn’t do anything. She called room service and asked if they had any spell tomes. If she had to wait until her flesh and blood companion was rested, she might as well study up on the way they do magic down here so she could counter it easier. Perhaps she might even learn a few new tricks.

When Room service returned her request they informed her all the magical history was available through the computer panel located near the door. She smiled and walked over to the panel.

Merging herself literally with the entire computer system of the hotel, she accessed every file in the mainframe as well as many more outside the immediate network. By the time Xos woke up, she had worked her way through most of Om’s magical history and ways to counter the known spells.

Eventually Xos stopped snoring, and went downstairs for the free breakfast.

Then he went for a Full body Massage.

Then Room Service told him a Mr. Om was waiting for him and Ms. Arisbane in Confrence room C. A message of the same intent relayed to Morganna.
22-01-2007, 08:00
Using the map of the hotel posted on their net, Morganna transfered herself to the computer panel in Conference Room C and entered the room. She conjured herself a PK body with her photonic illusion overlayed for Xos' sake when he showed up.
The Solarin League
22-01-2007, 08:53
The reached the gates they were thrown open, and peole seemed to b going about their business. It was a big market on the other side.

Quis looked left, Quis looked Right. Quis had no idea where to go.

"Let's go. Keep your ears open for anything that might be useful, in a practical sense. Don't go haring off after any old thing that catches your eye. If you hear us mentioned, or anyone seems threatening, do something about it." He set his suit mikes to record the locals, and try and pick out anything relating to the pair. It was obvious that T'leen was rather conspicuous in his armor, and with his great size, but damned if he was going to take it off.
22-01-2007, 09:22
They looked at Xithal.

"Keep your pet under control?" they asked.

Xithal growled at the pet remark. But he stood close to Frederick. He wouldn't eat anyone.

"Why, do you think me an irresponsible owner?" called up Frederick, with feigned incredulity.

Turning to Xithal, he whispered so the guards could not hear him. "Play along. It's less hassle for both of us if we humour him."
Demon 666
22-01-2007, 12:25
When she had been removed from him, she had six arms. She started with two.

"Oh a dirty talker. I like it." she said.

She burned away the air with fire, which ate the air.

She punched him with all three fists on her right side, followed by her left.

Her hair had seperated into four groupings, and she now had eight legs. What in the hell was she?

She grabbed him and kissed him on the neck and cheek, and bit him, hard, her venemous fangs sinking onto his flesh. Then she licked him, while grabbing his rear. All six hands had him pinned to her, and four of her legs were wrapped around him.
It was at that moment that she realized that what she holding suddenly lost its substance- it was another illusion.
"You're too slow for my eyes."
And that was all she realized before Nekaru, who was standing behind her, did a cross-slash on her back, intending to cut her in two.
22-01-2007, 14:02
Beckenbauer instantly compensated for the coming darkness by switching to nocto-vision, giving him perfect vision in the dark.

For the Voices, there was no compensation.

"Show yourselves, only the weak hide!" he demmanded, feeling something beginning to tug at his fragile sanity.

He saw a flicker of blonde hair, a memory once forgotten, a time best left...
"Svetlanka?" the mech whispered.
Trinity Blood
22-01-2007, 16:33
The Ice dragon tried some. It enjoyed it.

"My name is Xxxxyx. Pronounced Zi zick, but written x,x,x,x,y,x. Strange I know, but not as strange as what's behind the snow drift." said xxxxyx.

"Pleasure to meet you, Xxxxyx," replied the Duchess as she offered the little Dragon some more jerky, "if you don't mind, what's behind the snow drift and why is it so strange?"

She sensed rather than saw the surviving Ensigns had cleaned themselves up as best they could under the circumstances and were putting the equipment they had set up away. They would finish up with the portable sonic shower later when they set up camp for the 'night'.

"Well, at least for this lifetime anyway. Last life we were actually from The nation of Warhaven." Chron said.

He looked through the door.

"Listen, I can only stall time for so long, and if we don't get to the Inside outside soon, we're all going to be crushed to death by the Temple." Chron said.

"Lead the way then, my good man," said Frost gesturing towards the open door.
22-01-2007, 20:45
"Um, no, sir, my name's Svetranova, sir."
22-01-2007, 22:47
Using the map of the hotel posted on their net, Morganna transfered herself to the computer panel in Conference Room C and entered the room. She conjured herself a PK body with her photonic illusion overlayed for Xos' sake when he showed up.

Xos was in the room staring at a heavily wounded man.

"You must hurry. To reach the depths, look for that which does not belong. Go, take the waiting limo, it will take you to The Palace. The entrance to the depths lies within." Lord Om said.

He faded away.

"I'll race you." he said. He teleported downstairs into the limo.

One Limo ride later. He walked ever so calmly into the building.
22-01-2007, 22:50
"Let's go. Keep your ears open for anything that might be useful, in a practical sense. Don't go haring off after any old thing that catches your eye. If you hear us mentioned, or anyone seems threatening, do something about it." He set his suit mikes to record the locals, and try and pick out anything relating to the pair. It was obvious that T'leen was rather conspicuous in his armor, and with his great size, but damned if he was going to take it off.

People idly wondered where they came from, but nothing of import.

Quis was walking along the stream, following it.

"It goes into the depths. I can become water, no problem, but, you. Maybe there is an entrance." he said.
22-01-2007, 23:05
"Why, do you think me an irresponsible owner?" called up Frederick, with feigned incredulity.

Turning to Xithal, he whispered so the guards could not hear him. "Play along. It's less hassle for both of us if we humour him."

"Hmmph, not EVERYONE can control a dragon."

"Just ignore him, you can pass." said a very finely dressed man.

"LORD OM!" Both men said in shock.

"Come, enjoy my fine city. If you get a chance, you should probably stop off in the Mythic Creature's pet shop They have some real intresting things in their basement." he said. He walked off and disappeared.

The way he spoke about the pet shop, maybe there was a reason behind it. The way to the Depths?
22-01-2007, 23:16
It was at that moment that she realized that what she holding suddenly lost its substance- it was another illusion.
"You're too slow for my eyes."
And that was all she realized before Nekaru, who was standing behind her, did a cross-slash on her back, intending to cut her in two.

"Oh, you wanna play rough, then lets play rough." she said. Great light shone from her eyes, and she melted. The puddle shone greatly. Eight spidery legs grabbed the ground, then a monster crawled out of the spot where she was.

It had the body of a Black Widow. But instead of a head, it had the upper Torso of a woman. She had six arms, four of which weilded weapons, two of which continously twisting and turning and weaving magic. Her human torso was all scaly, and her fingers were clawed. Her mouth had fangs, and her eyes were like snakes, but no hair had she, instead four sinewy necks extended from her head, into four smaller scaled heads. The Fourth head hissed, and time disrupted, taking away Nekaru's ability to foretell his opponets moves.

The third head hissed. A Poisonous arrow shot out at Nekaru.

The second head hissed. Lightning shot at him.

The First head hissed, Nekaru was mired by Quicksand.

Then the primary head hissed "Kisssssss me."

The upper left hand weilded a bow. It flashed, and an energy bolt shot at Nekaru. The upper right weilded a spear it jabbed at Nekaru.

The Lower left weilded a shield. It moved to block his attacks.

The Lower right weilded a Sword. It went to Verticly slice him.

The Middle left and right tied an invisible knot, and Nekaru's viens and arteries became clogged.

The body hit the ground, and caused a minor quake.

Kado cast Wind of Regeneration on Nekaru, which removed the Clogs in his Veins and Arteries, as well healed him somewhat.
22-01-2007, 23:21
"Pleasure to meet you, Xxxxyx," replied the Duchess as she offered the little Dragon some more jerky, "if you don't mind, what's behind the snow drift and why is it so strange?"

She sensed rather than saw the surviving Ensigns had cleaned themselves up as best they could under the circumstances and were putting the equipment they had set up away. They would finish up with the portable sonic shower later when they set up camp for the 'night'.

"Lead the way then, my good man," said Frost gesturing towards the open door.


"The City of Om. Mommy says it covers most of the inside outside. there's one billion people there, with hotels, Shops, EVERYTHING. I wanna go there, but can't become adopt human form yet." The little dragon said. It uncovered the door. She could plainly see the city.

"See? cool huh?"


They lead them downwards and downwards. They came out inside the city of Om.

A Hotel was not too far away.
22-01-2007, 23:43


"So, ou really want to fight! Then you shall curse the same decision." The said.

The Eyes appeared, all around them, and leaped to the sky. Laughing. Even the nightvision was cut off. They could hear the buildings crumbling and cracking. the Ministry was laughing.

Then Light, but oh what a sight! All the Flags and symbols of Atopiana and Skgorria were burning!

They were in the middle of a great arena, decorated with all the symbols of communism.

Seven great machines landed around them.

The first to land looked like Karl Marx. He stood at 25 FT.

The Second to Land looked like Vladimir Lenin, and he stood the same heighth.

The Third looked like General Stalin

The Fourth looked like Mao Zedong.

The Fifth looked like Leon Trotsky

The Sixth looked like Mikhail Gorbachev

The Seventh looked like Fidel Castro

All seven were dressed in the uniform of a Russian General. All seven had surrounded the two. They were all 25 ft. Tall.

All seven opened fire, with .60 caliber Machine guns loaded with Armor Piercing rounds.
23-01-2007, 00:11
The change in location had left Beckenbauer disorientated, but even that was minor compared to the shock of seeing the symbols of Skgorria on fire.
"The triskele! The runes! The swastika!" Beckenbauer despaired as he saw representations of all he had struggled, and died for several times, over the millenia. Battle standards of proud SS divisions were shrouded in flames along with those of the Army and Air Force. A small part of him thought it was rather ironic to see the standard of 5th SS "Zionbane" on fire, as the standard depicted a burning Star of David.
What am I to do? he moaned inside his head, all...gone. All of it. I am done.

This reverie was interrupted by his noticing the appearance of several large figures, and he accessed his TacDat.
Identify targets
1. - Karl Marx, arch-fiend of the Communists, the snake from which all spawned
2. - Vladmir Lenin, principal founder of Soviet Union. Also responsible for the reconquest of Skgorria and the Brzno region
3. - Josef Stalin, strongest of Soviet leaders. Responsible for purges during post-war Skgorria.
4. - Mao Zedong, guerilla warfare theorist and founder of the People's Republic of China.
5. - Leon Trotsky, theorist and revolutionary.
6. - Mikhail Gorbachev, last Soviet leader.
7. - Fidel Castro, Cuban communist leader.
Course of action: terminate
At 16ft tall, Beckenbauer was still smaller than the apparitions but not as much as if he were a normal human. The onslaught of .60 calibre bullets made him jolt and stumble backwards a step, but the armour shrugged the bullets off as Beckenbauer formulated a course of action.
"False idols of corruption!" he bellowed, "you are long dead. Die once more!" Beckenabuer made a power-assisted jump as he leapt at Stalin, aiming to catch him in the torso with his outstreched chainsabre. Using his peripheral vision, he fired off a few bursts with his plasma weapon at the other monstrosities.
23-01-2007, 00:17

The Gear backflipped, aiming to kick Beckenbauer.
Demon 666
23-01-2007, 00:24
The attacks were blocked by Nekaru's shield of air, and Nekaru moved a hand forward.
A large, invisible hand slammed the Priestess backward for a few feet. It was enough.
And Nekaru waved his hands. The air reacted by slicing the rock above the Priestess, cutting it free from the cave ceiling.
Tons of tons of rock descended on the Priestess even as Nekaru backflipped in order to avoid getting hit by the debris.
23-01-2007, 01:09
The dragon saw Jonathan running towards him. It clutched its stomach for a moment. appearently Ros wasn't being Digested easily. Then it lunged at Jonathan, to snap him in half with its Jaws.

"Oh balls..." Michael sighed.
He dropped to one knee and braced his back to accept the boot of the young man on his shoulder.

With his left hand he produced a long knife and with his right he produced his needler.

He thumbed the dial back up to full, aimed and fired four quick rounds into the mouth of the oncoming reptile.

The needler darts were small as far as caliber went, 4.5mm in diameter with a near needle tip, PELE style rounds....old fashioned yes...but effective none the less...if this thing did bleed and could die it would not like the darts as they pierced flesh, tooth, and bone only to fragment violently after penetration. Not exactly explode, but close enough to it, PELE were safer to carry then HESH or poison.

His back was to Johnny so he wasnt sure when the boot would come ...if I did his disappearing act now the boy might trip right over him into the mouth of that thing...not that I care...but having a bit of help seems like a good idea...

He calculated in his mind the probable depth of the tissue and thickness of the bone based on the shape of the animals head and comparatively to reptiles he had studied before....there was a chance a round might reach it's brain if it were to hit just right....but just right never actually happens....

I hope Johnny does better with the big ones.
23-01-2007, 01:29
The attacks were blocked by Nekaru's shield of air, and Nekaru moved a hand forward.
A large, invisible hand slammed the Priestess backward for a few feet. It was enough.
And Nekaru waved his hands. The air reacted by slicing the rock above the Priestess, cutting it free from the cave ceiling.
Tons of tons of rock descended on the Priestess even as Nekaru backflipped in order to avoid getting hit by the debris.

The Shield expanded into a water proof dome, because in addition to the tons and tones of rock, a small ocean only about the size of The mediteranian sea came crashing down. it washed towards Nexaru, overpowering his air shield. Kado leaped on Nekaru, embraced him, and turned them both into air elementals, and thus removed most of the water's effects. They were washed down into the depths of om.

Mysteriously, a Crystal Collumn kept the water from entering the city, and sealed the hole.

OOC: The cave she was in only had about half a ton of rock, and you said tons and tons, so it had to be the ceiling of the Inside Outside. I never expected that. You'll face part 2 in a few posts.
23-01-2007, 01:35

OOC: I'll post a response when Bazalonia does, so as to get a complete idea of what's going to happen.
23-01-2007, 01:37
"Hmmph, not EVERYONE can control a dragon."

"Just ignore him, you can pass." said a very finely dressed man.

"LORD OM!" Both men said in shock.

"Come, enjoy my fine city. If you get a chance, you should probably stop off in the Mythic Creature's pet shop They have some real intresting things in their basement." he said. He walked off and disappeared.

The way he spoke about the pet shop, maybe there was a reason behind it. The way to the Depths?

"Well, I thank you for your hospitality, gentlemen." remarked Frederick as he walked past the exasperated guards.

Of course, he didn't intend to go straight for the 'pet store', as the fine Mr. Om suggested, but set out in search of someone to sponsor him to delve deeper - he hadn't prepared for a temple this deep and needed to pick up a better bag and considerably more supplies. That, and he wanted to get some more assorted paraphernalia in case of more problems.
23-01-2007, 01:40
"Well, I thank you for your hospitality, gentlemen." remarked Frederick as he walked past the exasperated guards.

Of course, he didn't intend to go straight for the 'pet store', as the fine Mr. Om suggested, but set out in search of someone to sponsor him to delve deeper - he hadn't prepared for a temple this deep and needed to pick up a better bag and considerably more supplies. That, and he wanted to get some more assorted paraphernalia in case of more problems.

He actually saw Lord OM going into a bank.
23-01-2007, 01:42
The boot was placed perfectly on Michael's shoulder and he used it to leap high into the air, time dragged on slowly, it seemed to anyway as the dragon made a snap at Johnny and would have got him if he had not been ready to use the dragon's snout to lift himself over the top of dragon which he also managed to use as a sort of vault and twist him around he he landed on the dragons back. His waist was level with the appendages that it slaped where Ros most likely where.

He didn't even try to fire a round at the beast or stab it, the armour of scales seemed to indicate that was a bad idea however the aim was three fold, try and tire the dragon out my making it expend energy getting rid of him,secondly Ros could very well be alive as he was swallowed whole and with the stomach pains Ros could very well be alive and fighting, and thirdly give Michael a chance to enter the fray - it was time to see how effective he was in a fight.

The position he chose would make it hard for the appendages to do anything to him the dragon would need to attempt to throw Johnathon off. He grabbed onto what he could hold and used hiss legs to straddle the dragon. He was going to be in for one heck of a ride.
23-01-2007, 01:49
The boot was placed perfectly on Michael's shoulder and he used it to leap high into the air, time dragged on slowly, it seemed to anyway as the dragon made a snap at Johnny and would have got him if he had not been ready to use the dragon's snout to lift himself over the top of dragon which he also managed to use as a sort of vault and twist him around he he landed on the dragons back. His waist was level with the appendages that it slaped where Ros most likely where.

He didn't even try to fire a round at the beast or stab it, the armour of scales seemed to indicate that was a bad idea however the aim was three fold, try and tire the dragon out my making it expend energy getting rid of him,secondly Ros could very well be alive as he was swallowed whole and with the stomach pains Ros could very well be alive and fighting, and thirdly give Michael a chance to enter the fray - it was time to see how effective he was in a fight.

The position he chose would make it hard for the appendages to do anything to him the dragon would need to attempt to throw Johnathon off. He grabbed onto what he could hold and used hiss legs to straddle the dragon. He was going to be in for one heck of a ride.

The Dragon actually clutched its chest.

"Damn heartburn. why do mages always have to be so hard to swallow?" It muttered in Common, using the English varient.

It turned its head around, stared at Jonathan for a second, then went back to mr. Grey. Since Mr. Grey was crouched on the ground, and most likely shocked that it spoke, the Dragon shot a line of its most Corrosive Acid straight at Mr. Grey. It hissed as it sizzled through the air. As it even ate through the stone. Imagin what it was going to do to Mr. Grey.
23-01-2007, 02:29
Things where obviously not going to plan, the dragon ignored him and went for Michael... and according the the dragons wizrds always gave him heartburn.

If it where true, the wizard was already dead , if not it was trying to bluff, normally a speaking animal even one with inteligence didn't phase John what did was these blasted scales.

That gave him an idea. Michael drew his pistol and leaped forward, the movement of the dragon prevent a decent shot from distance with all the movement but a close-blank range shot at a perceived Weak spot at the base of what is the dragons neck.
23-01-2007, 02:43
OOC: I'll post a response when Bazalonia does, so as to get a complete idea of what's going to happen.

OOC: Him and I seem to be onthe same ok.
Demon 666
23-01-2007, 03:28
The Shield expanded into a water proof dome, because in addition to the tons and tones of rock, a small ocean only about the size of The mediteranian sea came crashing down. it washed towards Nexaru, overpowering his air shield. Kado leaped on Nekaru, embraced him, and turned them both into air elementals, and thus removed most of the water's effects. They were washed down into the depths of om.

Mysteriously, a Crystal Collumn kept the water from entering the city, and sealed the hole.

OOC: The cave she was in only had about half a ton of rock, and you said tons and tons, so it had to be the ceiling of the Inside Outside. I never expected that. You'll face part 2 in a few posts.
Hold on.
1. Did I kill her?
2. If I didn't, did I just get past her?
3. Did you not expect I would try something like that? If not, what did you not expect?
23-01-2007, 03:33
He actually saw Lord OM going into a bank.

"Well, I suppose the namesake of this city is no worse than any other sponsor."

Frederick followed the noble into the bank, taking a second to ensure that the goggles sitting on his forehead did not give the impression of a foolhardy young wannabe and instead that of a hardened explorer.

That being said, he didn't have the hairstyle to be pushed into ridiculous positions, anyway.
Trinity Blood
23-01-2007, 05:35

"The City of Om. Mommy says it covers most of the inside outside. there's one billion people there, with hotels, Shops, EVERYTHING. I wanna go there, but can't become adopt human form yet." The little dragon said. It uncovered the door. She could plainly see the city.

"See? cool huh?"

One of the Ensigns let out a well deserved wolf whistle at the sight.

"Impressive," said Astharoshe, "this planet is certainly full of surprises," turning back to the dragon, she added, "I take it you won't be joining us on our little adventure, Xxxxyx. Still, would you mind directing us to one who could act as our guide?"


They lead them downwards and downwards. They came out inside the city of Om.

A Hotel was not too far away.

Isaak Fernando von Kämpfer remained his usual apparently emotionless self while Frost gazed around with interest as he took in the sights.

"Goodie," exclaimed the RCO 'pack mule', "a hotel," he glanced at the others as they all stared at him, "uhm...we could get a room and use it as our base of operations while we're here."

"Nice save," chuckled Frost.
23-01-2007, 05:41
Things where obviously not going to plan, the dragon ignored him and went for Michael... and according the the dragons wizrds always gave him heartburn.

If it where true, the wizard was already dead , if not it was trying to bluff, normally a speaking animal even one with inteligence didn't phase John what did was these blasted scales.

That gave him an idea. Michael drew his pistol and leaped forward, the movement of the dragon prevent a decent shot from distance with all the movement but a close-blank range shot at a perceived Weak spot at the base of what is the dragons neck.

Jonathan heard a muffled voice shouting from inside the dragon.

"Stop shooting at me."

Ros, was still alive.

Blood spurted from the neck. It started to throw up.

It threw up Ros, who was covered in Bile, Acid, and stomach Acid. He had also become stone.

The Rocky flesh exploded off of Ros. He pointed at the Dragon.

"I said get out of my Way." he said. He pointed down the hall the way they came, the dragon went flying, as though hurled by tremendous force. It crashed on the floor. Its soft underside could be seen. Mr. Grey and Jonathan could see its heart beating. they had one shot.
23-01-2007, 05:45
Hold on.
1. Did I kill her?
2. If I didn't, did I just get past her?
3. Did you not expect I would try something like that? If not, what did you not expect?

1 no, just washed the spider down the drain.

2 no, just got washed down after her.

3 To skillfully dodge her attacks in a flashy way and use the air to cause a fire and burn her.
23-01-2007, 05:56
"Well, I suppose the namesake of this city is no worse than any other sponsor."

Frederick followed the noble into the bank, taking a second to ensure that the goggles sitting on his forehead did not give the impression of a foolhardy young wannabe and instead that of a hardened explorer.

That being said, he didn't have the hairstyle to be pushed into ridiculous positions, anyway.

Ahh, but inside was no bank, and the doors were gone, he was sealed in.

Lord Om hovered in the center of the area. Lord Om was not human. Lord Om was also greviously wounded.

"Ahh yes. you. Be needing some equipment? Possibly a nice rest? a hot meal. I know where your going. And if you expect to succeed in finding the treasures that fill the cracks and crevices of my Planetery body, you will fight and chase off me, he who is causing my wound, so that I may heal. The mad God himself. You might wonder what the hell I am, I answer you truthfully, I am the spirit of the world of Om, ruler of The peaceful Omians. I will give you all the equipment you want, if you just promise to try and get rid of him, before it is too late, and I die, taking the world and all those in it with me."

Xithal was doing the Draconic equivalent of a kneel.

"ahh yes good Xithal. I understand, and I grant you your wish."

Om threw a bolt of energy frederick could not dodge at him. Frederick found he could understand Draconic, both spoken and written. Xithal gained similar mastery over Common.

Xithal had also become a young Gold Dragon.

"Thank you master Om." Xithal said in Common.

Xithal stretched his new wings, and yawned a great cone of fire.

"Now, what is it you feel you need, Frederick." Om said.
23-01-2007, 06:03
One of the Ensigns let out a well deserved wolf whistle at the sight.

"Impressive," said Astharoshe, "this planet is certainly full of surprises," turning back to the dragon, she added, "I take it you won't be joining us on our little adventure, Xxxxyx. Still, would you mind directing us to one who could act as our guide?"

Isaak Fernando von Kämpfer remained his usual apparently emotionless self while Frost gazed around with interest as he took in the sights.

"Goodie," exclaimed the RCO 'pack mule', "a hotel," he glanced at the others as they all stared at him, "uhm...we could get a room and use it as our base of operations while we're here."

"Nice save," chuckled Frost.

"I dunno, maybe Lord Om, The worldspirit will help you." xxxyx. He was hidden from the view of the city folks.

A stern young woman with white scales growing in her skin glared at them.

"Ahem. you should be going now." She said in a tone that indicated there was more truth to that then was spoken. Everyone got a feeling of grave mortal Danger, which was confirmed when Xxxxyx nuzzled the young woman like she was his mother. Which she was, in a human form. She pointed at the outside world. wings sprouted from her back.

"OUT!" she ordered. Cold air shot out from her mouth.

She was pointing straight at a hotel.


The Two lead them to the Hotel.

OOC: Both are branches of the Hotel Royale.:D
Why aren't you on messenger? I got your TG, I added you to messenger. I even called you by nation.
Trinity Blood
23-01-2007, 06:10
"I dunno, maybe Lord Om, The worldspirit will help you." xxxyx. He was hidden from the view of the city folks.

A stern young woman with white scales growing in her skin glared at them.

"Ahem. you should be going now." She said in a tone that indicated there was more truth to that then was spoken. Everyone got a feeling of grave mortal Danger, which was confirmed when Xxxxyx nuzzled the young woman like she was his mother. Which she was, in a human form. She pointed at the outside world. wings sprouted from her back.

"OUT!" she ordered. Cold air shot out from her mouth.

She was pointing straight at a hotel.

"One moment, please," said the Duchess as she reached out and put the rest of the pack of beef jerky next to Xxxxyx, "Enjoy, little one. Until we meet again."

With a sincere smile at Xxxxyx, she nodded in polite acknowledgement of his mother before leading the remaining Ensigns that hadn't already bolted when Xxxxyx's mother scared the pants off them.


The Two lead them to the Hotel.

"So," asked the puzzle master, "how are we to get a room? I don't know about the rest of you, but money isn't exactly part of my field kit."

OOC: Both are branches of the Hotel Royale.:D
Why aren't you on messenger? I got your TG, I added you to messenger. I even called you by nation.

OOC: Lol, its a little after midnight here and I've barely only got a few hours of sleep from last night. Still, I'll get back on.
23-01-2007, 06:17
"One moment, please," said the Duchess as she reached out and put the rest of the pack of beef jerky next to Xxxxyx, "Enoy, little one. Until we meet again."

With a sincere smile at Xxxxyx, she nodded in polite acknowledgement of his mother before leading the remaining Ensigns that hadn't already bolted when Xxxxyx's mother scared the pants off them.

OOC: Lol, its a little after midnight here and I've barely only got a few hours of sleep from last night. Still, I'll get back on.
There were alot of buildings about. There were alot of people about.


Chron and Stellae checked them into the Hotel.
23-01-2007, 06:28
Jonathan heard a muffled voice shouting from inside the dragon.

"Stop shooting at me."

Ros, was still alive.

Blood spurted from the neck. It started to throw up.

It threw up Ros, who was covered in Bile, Acid, and stomach Acid. He had also become stone.

The Rocky flesh exploded off of Ros. He pointed at the Dragon.

"I said get out of my Way." he said. He pointed down the hall the way they came, the dragon went flying, as though hurled by tremendous force. It crashed on the floor. Its soft underside could be seen. Mr. Grey and Jonathan could see its heart beating. they had one shot.

The blood from the neck squirted Johnathon in the face who simply wiped it away. The voice was a bit of a surprise but not much of one and caused a smile. "For an inteligent being your not very smart" Johnathon taunted as it spewed up the wizard. And as the dragon flew as if being thrown Johnny found himself without support and barely had enough time to brace himself for the fall.

Johnathon looked back at the dragon... It was morale decision time, take it out now while it is vulnerable, or potentially leave it to die agonizing death or let it live to come and bite your behind later.

He slowly aimed the gun with the laser sight on and pulled the trigger it was best for the safety of everyone for it to be taken out of the equation now.
23-01-2007, 06:35
The blood from the neck squirted Johnathon in the face who simply wiped it away. The voice was a bit of a surprise but not much of one and caused a smile. "For an inteligent being your not very smart" Johnathon taunted as it spewed up the wizard. And as the dragon flew as if being thrown Johnny found himself without support and barely had enough time to brace himself for the fall.

Johnathon looked back at the dragon... It was morale decision time, take it out now while it is vulnerable, or potentially leave it to die agonizing death or let it live to come and bite your behind later.

He slowly aimed the gun with the laser sight on and pulled the trigger it was best for the safety of everyone for it to be taken out of the equation now.

The dragon died. Its spirit flew into Johnathan's gun. It began to glow with the power of the spirit of a Dragon. Since it was a Black Dragon, every Bullet fired from that gun, would be ten times stronger. It would also have the effect of Acid. It became 3 times as accurate, and ten times per day, it could fire Acid.

Once per month, he could summon a Black Dragon to aid him in any way, even carry him, for 24 hours, but only with the Gun.

Ros clapped.

" A Black Dragon gun, good job, good job. Not an easy thing to come accross." he said. He stepped through the door, and into the city.
23-01-2007, 07:10
(OOC: Paradigm shift.

- Frederick's original goals have now decreased in importance.
- Stopping the Mad God has become a goal, and increased in importance.)

Frederick was staggered by the bolt of energy, stunned by the divine energies that flowed through him. As he recovered, he came to the realisation that by divine boon he had suddenly been imprinted with the knowledge of the language that the White Dragon had called 'Draconic'.

It's as if I had known it my entire life...

Turning to look beside him, he jumped slightly as he noticed that his travelling companion had just doubled in size and turned into a true dragon.

He had been taken aback by this display of divinity and his thoughts on acquiring supplies were momentarily forgotten.

"I never even suspected... Can you tell me of this Mad God who is threatening the existence of you and everybody on this world?"
23-01-2007, 07:36
(OOC: Paradigm shift.

- Frederick's original goals have now decreased in importance.
- Stopping the Mad God has become a goal, and increased in importance.)

Frederick was staggered by the bolt of energy, stunned by the divine energies that flowed through him. As he recovered, he came to the realisation that by divine boon he had suddenly been imprinted with the knowledge of the language that the White Dragon had called 'Draconic'.

It's as if I had known it my entire life...

Turning to look beside him, he jumped slightly as he noticed that his travelling companion had just doubled in size and turned into a true dragon.

He had been taken aback by this display of divinity and his thoughts on acquiring supplies were momentarily forgotten.

"I never even suspected... Can you tell me of this Mad God who is threatening the existence of you and everybody on this world?"

"His name, is Kajeenith. He is master of the void, but I personally, know nothing." Om said.

A Flash, and there he was Kajeenith. He looked at Frederick and Xithal with so much hatred, it was as if Love never existed.

Xithal cowered terror.

"So, you want to know more about me? How sickeningly sweet. And why should you know more, who in the hell or what in the hell gives you the right to have an intelligence, Mortal?" Kajeenith spat. The way he said Mortal, made it sound like an insult.

Om gasped in Agony and pain.
23-01-2007, 10:24
Xos was in the room staring at a heavily wounded man.

"You must hurry. To reach the depths, look for that which does not belong. Go, take the waiting limo, it will take you to The Palace. The entrance to the depths lies within." Lord Om said.

He faded away.

"I'll race you." he said. He teleported downstairs into the limo.

One Limo ride later. He walked ever so calmly into the building.

Morganna again merged into the computer system and emailed herself as a self opening file that would not trigger any defences to the palace. About .3 seconds later she stepped out of the electrical system and awaited Xos just inside the front doors. While she waited for the limo to drive there, she carefully sent a probs towards the described deepest depths of the palace. She would scout the best she could while she waited for the slow traveling car to make it there, delayed by traffic lights.
23-01-2007, 11:24
"His name, is Kajeenith. He is master of the void, but I personally, know nothing." Om said.

A Flash, and there he was Kajeenith. He looked at Frederick and Xithal with so much hatred, it was as if Love never existed.

Xithal cowered terror.

"So, you want to know more about me? How sickeningly sweet. And why should you know more, who in the hell or what in the hell gives you the right to have an intelligence, Mortal?" Kajeenith spat. The way he said Mortal, made it sound like an insult.

Om gasped in Agony and pain.

(OOC: New Goal - Exact vengeance upon Kajeenith)

The agony of the intense, unrestrained hatred burned through Frederick's body, every pore burning with pain. It even struck at his very soul, his inner essence flailing in agony at the unfettered, uncontrollable hate of this fierce deity.

Though every inch of his being burned as if it were thrown into the fires of a thousand suns, he gritted his teeth and spat in the mad god's face.

"Because I defy you, Kajeenith. Even if you strike me down, even if you cast me into the nine hells, even if I have to brave the horrors beyond the planes themselves, I will defy you."

The Righteous could draw upon their faith, and the Mighty could draw upon their steel, but no. Frederick Percival Orwell had nothing. He had never believed in any gods. He had never possessed any illusions of strength. But gods be damned if he was going to stand by and allow Kajeenith to succeed.

Frederick felt as though he had found purpose. Even as the hate burned his body and spirit, he fought on, the pain subsiding into the background.
23-01-2007, 16:25
The dragon died. Its spirit flew into Johnathan's gun. It began to glow with the power of the spirit of a Dragon. Since it was a Black Dragon, every Bullet fired from that gun, would be ten times stronger. It would also have the effect of Acid. It became 3 times as accurate, and ten times per day, it could fire Acid.

Once per month, he could summon a Black Dragon to aid him in any way, even carry him, for 24 hours, but only with the Gun.

Ros clapped.

" A Black Dragon gun, good job, good job. Not an easy thing to come accross." he said. He stepped through the door, and into the city.

Michael rolled out of the way of the acid splatter...predictable since the dragon had just done it to the wall.

As he stood up he looked at his gun.
This thing will drop a cape buffalo with one round on full power...pass straight through...if the PELE rounds didnt burst inside....and that hing didnt even flinch....I should have brought a rifle.... He turned around and started to open his bottle of whiskey.

Clearly Johnny had things in hand.

He watched the boy prepare to shoot the beast and suddenly ....the old man popped out.

He holstered his weapon.

Johhny finished what was a messy endevour....

Dragon gun

He looked at Johnny and shrugged his shoulders "Go figure...drink?"
He took a swallow from the bottle and extended to Johnny.
"Well, off we go. Nice shooting by the way."
Trinity Blood
23-01-2007, 17:39
There were alot of buildings about. There were alot of people about.

"Hmm," thought the Duchess as she studied the faces of the locals judging any threat potential, "with this many people around, we need to stick together."

Aloud, she told her surviving Ensigns, "Now, don't go wondering off on your own just yet. We don't know the score around here and should stick together for the time being."

All the Ensigns nodded their heads in agreement. The one who had fainted before they met the dragon was looking around for a place where they could finish cleaning up and perhaps get their clothing cleaned as well.


Chron and Stellae checked them into the Hotel.

Once situated in their rooms, the group met in Frost's room to plan.

"Alright," began Frost, "first we need to find a medical facility to take care of his arm," he indicated the man with the improvised sling.
The Solarin League
23-01-2007, 18:47
People idly wondered where they came from, but nothing of import.

Quis was walking along the stream, following it.

"It goes into the depths. I can become water, no problem, but, you. Maybe there is an entrance." he said.

"If down is the way out then let's go. I'll follow you."
23-01-2007, 21:13
Morganna again merged into the computer system and emailed herself as a self opening file that would not trigger any defences to the palace. About .3 seconds later she stepped out of the electrical system and awaited Xos just inside the front doors. While she waited for the limo to drive there, she carefully sent a probs towards the described deepest depths of the palace. She would scout the best she could while she waited for the slow traveling car to make it there, delayed by traffic lights.

There was nothing abnormal about the palace depths.

Xos looked around, and lead Morganna downstairs.

He opened doors, peaked through walls, and found a rickety wooden forgetten old door. He opened and found the way to the depths of Om He walked through, and promptly sank to his knees, and fell asleep.

Morganna could feel a powerful mind keeping him asleep, feeding on his mind.
23-01-2007, 21:23
(OOC: New Goal - Exact vengeance upon Kajeenith)

The agony of the intense, unrestrained hatred burned through Frederick's body, every pore burning with pain. It even struck at his very soul, his inner essence flailing in agony at the unfettered, uncontrollable hate of this fierce deity.

Though every inch of his being burned as if it were thrown into the fires of a thousand suns, he gritted his teeth and spat in the mad god's face.

"Because I defy you, Kajeenith. Even if you strike me down, even if you cast me into the nine hells, even if I have to brave the horrors beyond the planes themselves, I will defy you."

The Righteous could draw upon their faith, and the Mighty could draw upon their steel, but no. Frederick Percival Orwell had nothing. He had never believed in any gods. He had never possessed any illusions of strength. But gods be damned if he was going to stand by and allow Kajeenith to succeed.

Frederick felt as though he had found purpose. Even as the hate burned his body and spirit, he fought on, the pain subsiding into the background.

Kajeenith laughed.

Then he used the Agony Matrix on both Frederick and Xithal. Then he was gone.

Fortunatly, it only lasted a few seconds.

Xithal hissed in pain.

Om spelled open a doorway, it lead to the depths of Om.

OOC: Agony Matrix, ripped directly from The superman series. It was doomday's special ability, one of them.

Imagine the worst pain you've ever felt, Physical, Emotional, or otherwise. Now imagine that pain continuing forever, each second being as though the pain was brand new. Your nerves won't dull, that's part of the matrix, just an eternity of pain.

For each second that passes, that is what the Agony Matrix is.

It lasted for three seconds.
23-01-2007, 21:34
"Hmm," thought the Duchess as she studied the faces of the locals judging any threat potential, "with this many people around, we need to stick together."

Aloud, she told her surviving Ensigns, "Now, don't go wondering off on your own just yet. We don't know the score around here and should stick together for the time being."

All the Ensigns nodded their heads in agreement. The one who had fainted before they met the dragon was looking around for a place where they could finish cleaning up and perhaps get their clothing cleaned as well.

Once situated in their rooms, the group met in Frost's room to plan.

"Alright," began Frost, "first we need to find a medical facility to take care of his arm," he indicated the man with the improvised sling.

Imperial: There was that hotel. The Duchess got a feeling they already had rooms waiting for them there.

The Hotel Royale was a FULL service hotel.

Stellae smiled.

"Done." she said.

She opened a gateway. Out stepped Khalan, She had finally regaind conciousness.

"His arm's hurt." Stellae said.

Khalan sat the young man down.

"A rather crude splint, but all things considered, acceptable." She said.

She used one spell to properly set the bones in place, then used another to speed up the healing process. When she was done, his arm was good as new.

Then she disappeared.

"Now, to the core." Stellae said.
23-01-2007, 21:35
"Hmm," thought the Duchess as she studied the faces of the locals judging any threat potential, "with this many people around, we need to stick together."

Aloud, she told her surviving Ensigns, "Now, don't go wondering off on your own just yet. We don't know the score around here and should stick together for the time being."

All the Ensigns nodded their heads in agreement. The one who had fainted before they met the dragon was looking around for a place where they could finish cleaning up and perhaps get their clothing cleaned as well.

Once situated in their rooms, the group met in Frost's room to plan.

"Alright," began Frost, "first we need to find a medical facility to take care of his arm," he indicated the man with the improvised sling.

Imperial: There was that hotel. The Duchess got a feeling they already had rooms waiting for them there.

The Hotel Royale was a FULL service hotel.

Stellae smiled.

"Done." she said.

She opened a gateway. Out stepped Khalan, She had finally regaind conciousness.

"His arm's hurt." Stellae said.

Khalan sat the young man down.

"A rather crude splint, but all things considered, acceptable." She said.

She used one spell to properly set the bones in place, then used another to speed up the healing process. When she was done, his arm was good as new.

Then she disappeared.

"Now, to the core." Stellae said.
Trinity Blood
23-01-2007, 21:50
Imperial: There was that hotel. The Duchess got a feeling they already had rooms waiting for them there.

The Hotel Royale was a FULL service hotel.

With a scowl at having to operate in such a state in public, as it tarnished her image and that of the Empire, she hesitated before entering the lobby. Deciding to keep some semblance of her self-respect, she sent one of the Ensigns to the front desk to aquire rooms. They would worry about how they were going to pay later.

Stellae smiled.

"Done." she said.

She opened a gateway. Out stepped Khalan, She had finally regaind conciousness.

"His arm's hurt." Stellae said.

Khalan sat the young man down.

"A rather crude splint, but all things considered, acceptable." She said.

She used one spell to properly set the bones in place, then used another to speed up the healing process. When she was done, his arm was good as new.

Then she disappeared.

"Now, to the core." Stellae said.

"Thanks," said the man to Khalan before she left.

"The core?" asked Fury as the formerly injured Methuselah treated by Khalan removed the splint and packed it away as a 'momento'.
23-01-2007, 21:54
"If down is the way out then let's go. I'll follow you."

Quis walked to a building that the streem flowed into. He opened the door.

"HEY! You can't come in here!" said an angry fat red faced man.

Then he kneeled.

"My apologies Lord Om, I had no idea they were with you."

Lord Om smiled. He walked opened a metal door and gestured. Inside was a waterfall, and a path that wound down around it. A waterwheel used the waterfall as energy. It wasn't the main purpose of the building, but it was self-suffecient.

Quis nodded.

"See you at the bottom." he said.

And jumped, becoming one with the water.
23-01-2007, 22:09
Although momentarily confused by the sudden changes in surroundings, Svetranova's Psi-War defence training shrugged off the laughter, the burning flags, and the strange laughter. The appearance of the robotic ancient enemies, however, was just bizzarre.

She laughed as the machine-gun rounds whined off her Brigadier's layered composite armoured shell. "Haha! How feeble! Is this the best you can do?"

Together with her AI, she began targeting her enemies, flying back and up to increase her options.

Her 50mm Railgun boomed, sending a DU round towards the Stalin. The twin masers burned their way into robo-Lening as her frontal lasers blazed away at Mao. Eight HESH rockets burned towards Trotsky as her 25mm gauss DU AP chainguns chattered...
23-01-2007, 22:50
Kajeenith laughed.

Then he used the Agony Matrix on both Frederick and Xithal. Then he was gone.

Fortunatly, it only lasted a few seconds.

Xithal hissed in pain.

Om spelled open a doorway, it lead to the depths of Om.

OOC: Agony Matrix, ripped directly from The superman series. It was doomday's special ability, one of them.

Imagine the worst pain you've ever felt, Physical, Emotional, or otherwise. Now imagine that pain continuing forever, each second being as though the pain was brand new. Your nerves won't dull, that's part of the matrix, just an eternity of pain.

For each second that passes, that is what the Agony Matrix is.

It lasted for three seconds.

Willing away the pain for the split second before Kajeenith disappeared to whatever other errands he had to run, Frederick collapsed, writhing on the floor in pain.

As soon as it stopped and he recovered, he stood and looked into the portal, then back to where Kajeenith had been standing, and finally at Lord Om.

"If we're trying to destroy a god, I'll need more than just myself and Xithal here. You saw how he stopped us with so little effort."

He paused for a moment to think about what he would need.

"Have you got a map?"
Demon 666
23-01-2007, 23:33
The Shield expanded into a water proof dome, because in addition to the tons and tones of rock, a small ocean only about the size of The mediteranian sea came crashing down. it washed towards Nexaru, overpowering his air shield. Kado leaped on Nekaru, embraced him, and turned them both into air elementals, and thus removed most of the water's effects. They were washed down into the depths of om.

Mysteriously, a Crystal Collumn kept the water from entering the city, and sealed the hole.

OOC: The cave she was in only had about half a ton of rock, and you said tons and tons, so it had to be the ceiling of the Inside Outside. I never expected that. You'll face part 2 in a few posts.
And with that, Nekaru found himself, where, he didn't know.
"Is she dead?"
23-01-2007, 23:57
The kick landed straight in Beckenbauer's chest, sending him flying into the air.
"Toss!" the Skgorrian cursed, before realising something. He switched his rockets boots on and began to climb to a height of roughly 40ft, then angled them for a dive and aimed at Gorbachev.
"SPlawwarg!" he screamed in a mindless rage, chainsabre extended as he crashed towards the relic, firing as he flew/
24-01-2007, 03:05
With a scowl at having to operate in such a state in public, as it tarnished her image and that of the Empire, she hesitated before entering the lobby. Deciding to keep some semblance of her self-respect, she sent one of the Ensigns to the front desk to aquire rooms. They would worry about how they were going to pay later.

"Thanks," said the man to Khalan before she left.

"The core?" asked Fury as the formerly injured Methuselah treated by Khalan removed the splint and packed it away as a 'momento'.

Imperial: The ensign discovered they were expected, and had rooms waiting for them. He was given the keys.


"Of course, that's where The Gate of Divinity lies. In the Core of Om." Stellae said.
24-01-2007, 03:11
The entire room began to glow, and the heat began to rise. The statue WAS the trap. It stepped on a switch, and the stone slid off the walls, and captured all of the light. The Statue itself began to emit light.
Soon Maxim would Burn to death.


And the dragon did enjoy its boulder.

Looking at the reflective surfaces, Maxim looked around before reaching for one of the bags carried by the Igorim. Finding out that they had indeed been packed, he pulled out a set of six cylinders.

He passed them to two of the Igorim with the instruction to throw them into the room. On the third bounce of each cylinder it burst apart as it sprayed highly compressed white paint over much of the room, and with six of them the amount of paint coating all the surfaces would approach absolute.

They'd been designed as a rapid method of cleaning up after messes, like when an Igorim upset a couple oil drums or got themselves splattered.


Zeri had spent a fair number of hours concentrating and focusing to restore his internal energies. Standing after his almost trance, he stretched a few times and headed off in the direction the dragon had indicated lead further into Om.

ooc: Apologies for absence, work was taking up much time.
The Solarin League
24-01-2007, 03:18
Quis walked to a building that the stream flowed into. He opened the door.

"HEY! You can't come in here!" said an angry fat red faced man.

Then he knelt.

"My apologies Lord Om, I had no idea they were with you."

Lord Om smiled. He walked opened a metal door and gestured. Inside was a waterfall, and a path that wound down around it. A waterwheel used the waterfall as energy. It wasn't the main purpose of the building, but it was self-sufficient.

Quis nodded.

"See you at the bottom." he said.

And jumped, becoming one with the water.

"Time to play fast and loose with physics. Fun stuff." T'leen jumped, accelerating his fall well past terminal velocity with his suits AG system, before coming to a sudden, and terrifying, halt just a meter from the ground as his bounce pack caught his fall and reversed it. "And this, boys and girls, is why altering the laws of physics in a limited area is a very bad idea." As he spoke there was a minor explosion around his suit, slightly scorching the walls. "I hate that part..."
24-01-2007, 03:22


Gorbachev Aimed his fist and swng with all his might, assisted by Rockets in his arm.

Stalin had holes in him, and he didn't like that. He leaped high into the night. Nanites acting as his Blood stream began to repair the holes.

Lenin had armor against energy weapons, and so the Masers were having a touch time tearing through. He rushed the Brigander, with a giant Lightsabre pointed straight at the Cockpit.

Trotsky turned in place and bored out a big hole in the ground, Rocks and Debries flying towards Beckenbaur.

Mao was weak against Lasers, and was heavily damaged.

Castro got on his hands and knees. A giant Cuban Missle came out of his back. It aimed at Brigander, and fired.

Marx's Energy levels read at astoundingly high levels.

Twin balls of energy appeared in his hands. He shot 50 Gigavolts of electricty at Brigandir, and 50 at Beckenbaur.

Then all seven grouped together, and interconnected energy systems, and began generating huge amounts of Radioactivity.

Marx opened his chest cavity, and took out a little star.

He threw it towards them but if it missed, that was ok. It was only a 1 Kiloton Baby A-Bomb.

The seven seperated.

If any cared to notice they seemed very well armored in the stomach region.
24-01-2007, 03:24
Willing away the pain for the split second before Kajeenith disappeared to whatever other errands he had to run, Frederick collapsed, writhing on the floor in pain.

As soon as it stopped and he recovered, he stood and looked into the portal, then back to where Kajeenith had been standing, and finally at Lord Om.

"If we're trying to destroy a god, I'll need more than just myself and Xithal here. You saw how he stopped us with so little effort."

He paused for a moment to think about what he would need.

"Have you got a map?"

Khalan walked out of the gateway, followed by Ray.

"We do. Don't worry, we've fought him more times than we care to mention. We know how to defeat Kajeenith. Hurry up." Khalan said while she looked at Om. She was worried about Om's wounds.
24-01-2007, 03:27
(OOC: Who's Khalan and Ray?)
24-01-2007, 03:29
And with that, Nekaru found himself, where, he didn't know.
"Is she dead?"

"Boy I hope so." Kado said. It seemed the rocks sealed the way they came.

She turned them back. Then she let go of Nekaru.

"Sorry for being so forward." She said.

She looked around. there was a set of stairs going down, and a room to the right. In that room, was a plain looking longsword.
24-01-2007, 03:32
Looking at the reflective surfaces, Maxim looked around before reaching for one of the bags carried by the Igorim. Finding out that they had indeed been packed, he pulled out a set of six cylinders.

He passed them to two of the Igorim with the instruction to throw them into the room. On the third bounce of each cylinder it burst apart as it sprayed highly compressed white paint over much of the room, and with six of them the amount of paint coating all the surfaces would approach absolute.

They'd been designed as a rapid method of cleaning up after messes, like when an Igorim upset a couple oil drums or got themselves splattered.


Zeri had spent a fair number of hours concentrating and focusing to restore his internal energies. Standing after his almost trance, he stretched a few times and headed off in the direction the dragon had indicated lead further into Om.

ooc: Apologies for absence, work was taking up much time.

The stone Giant stomped, punched and kicked everyone as they tried to paint.

The heat kept rising. It was now currently 150 Degrees Farenheight, and the room was glowing on its own.
24-01-2007, 03:35
"Time to play fast and loose with physics. Fun stuff." T'leen jumped, accelerating his fall well past terminal velocity with his suits AG system, before coming to a sudden, and terrifying, halt just a meter from the ground as his bounce pack caught his fall and reversed it. "And this, boys and girls, is why altering the laws of physics in a limited area is a very bad idea." As he spoke there was a minor explosion around his suit, slightly scorching the walls. "I hate that part..."

Quis made it out fine, still being water. He turned back to human.

Then he leaped backwards out of the water, shielding himself with Ice.

A Roar filled the cave.

A water dragon, woken by the explosien, stood up from the depths. It was not very happy. It immediatly decided T'leen must have done it, and Moved to Bite him.
24-01-2007, 03:36
(OOC: Who's Khalan and Ray?)

OOC: Magi-masters of Healing and fire.
Demon 666
24-01-2007, 03:39
Quis made it out fine, still being water. He turned back to human.

Then he leaped backwards out of the water, shielding himself with Ice.

A Roar filled the cave.

A water dragon, woken by the explosien, stood up from the depths. It was not very happy. It immediatly decided Nekaru must have done it, and Moved to Bite him.
Hold on- it's attacking me? Does that mean I'm very close to Quis?
24-01-2007, 03:45
Hold on- it's attacking me? Does that mean I'm very close to Quis?
Well, yes. You can say you heard the explosien, but I had the wrong name in mind, sorry.
The Solarin League
24-01-2007, 03:51
Quis made it out fine, still being water. He turned back to human.

Then he leaped backwards out of the water, shielding himself with Ice.

A Roar filled the cave.

A water dragon, woken by the explosion, stood up from the depths. It was not very happy. It immediately decided Nekaru must have done it, and Moved to Bite him.

"Fucking Cockass!" His hook sunk deep into the jaw of the dragon as it approached, and powerful current once more flowed through his armor, arcing directly into the beast. It likely wouldn't suffice to kill it, but it would hopefully knock it back on its heels. Armored as he was in a combat suit, he had the strength of a titan, in the most literal sense. Even if the dragon attempted to pull its head back, it would have to contend with the gravity clamps latching him to the floor, and his own highly augmented muscles. His right hand scrabbled at his waist for his boma knife, attempting to draw and bleed the beast out.
24-01-2007, 04:01
"Fucking Cockass!" His hook sunk deep into the jaw of the dragon as it approached, and powerful current once more flowed through his armor, arcing directly into the beast. It likely wouldn't suffice to kill it, but it would hopefully knock it back on its heels. Armored as he was in a combat suit, he had the strength of a titan, in the most literal sense. Even if the dragon attempted to pull its head back, it would have to contend with the gravity clamps latching him to the floor, and his own highly augmented muscles. His right hand scrabbled at his waist for his boma knife, attempting to draw and bleed the beast out.

The Dragon summoned a Blizzard. It got really cold, really fast.
24-01-2007, 04:02
Khalan walked out of the gateway, followed by Ray.

"We do. Don't worry, we've fought him more times than we care to mention. We know how to defeat Kajeenith. Hurry up." Khalan said while she looked at Om. She was worried about Om's wounds.

It did not take much to tell that the situation was urgent.

"Lead on."

Frederick followed the magi into the gateway. He already knew what his wish would be.

If that didn't work, well... he also had other ideas. All of them should work.
Trinity Blood
24-01-2007, 04:08
Imperial: The ensign discovered they were expected, and had rooms waiting for them. He was given the keys.

OOC: Actually, it was a she, but meh.

IC: The Ensign accepted the keys and returned to the others. They left the lobby and went to their rooms and prepared to take nice, long hot showers.


"Of course, that's where The Gate of Divinity lies. In the Core of Om." Stellae said.

"Whatever," said Frost with a dismissive wave of the hand, "if it doesn't apply to our mission here, I don't see why I should care. However," he continued slyly, "I don't see why our respective goals should be mutually exclusive. You get what I'm saying?"
Demon 666
24-01-2007, 04:09
Nekaru stopped. He had just heard a really loud noise, an explosion from some direction.
"Someone's over there."
Immeadiately, he waved his hands, and he surfed the air to where he thought the explosion was.
The air was growing colder, and aftera while, Nekaru ran into, well, a very big blue dragon.
"Geez, a crazy spider lady, and now this?"
The Solarin League
24-01-2007, 04:09
The Dragon summoned a Blizzard. It got really cold, really fast.

T'leen was unconcerned. He was encased in climate controlled armor. He hadn't dried out on the desert island, and he wasn't going to freeze now. His boma knife came up and across the dragons throat, hacking through flesh and scale, seeking the great vein.
24-01-2007, 04:10
It did not take much to tell that the situation was urgent.

"Lead on."

Frederick followed the magi into the gateway. He already knew what his wish would be.

If that didn't work, well... he also had other ideas. All of them should work.

They were in a deep dark area. Ray conjured the light of a star in the palm of his hand. It lit the area very nicley.

"Well, this is going to be unpleasant." he said. Then he and Khalan leaped back.

Xithal let out a roar.


Because they were face to face with fifty well armed women.

"You will FAIL!" their leader yelled. She was a woman with Purle hair. Each of these women had a unique color of hair, that matched their eyes.

Their She pointewd her spear at them, and Xithal shot them with a great gout of Flame. Ray partioned off a group with a ring of fire. Khalan's hands began to glow green, and a wall of bones partitioned off another group. The rest concerned themselves with Xithal

The leader herself pushed a button on her staff, and it became a sword. an entire suit of armor covered her from head to toe, and it looked strong.

Jet wings shot out of her back, and she Flew straight at Frederick, sword swinging for his neck.
24-01-2007, 04:15
OOC: Actually, it was a she, but meh.

IC: The Ensign accepted the keys and returned to the others. They left the lobby and went to their rooms and prepared to take nice, long hot showers.

"Whatever," said Frost with a dismissive wave of the hand, "if it doesn't apply to our mission here, I don't see why I should care. However," he continued slyly, "I don't see why our respective goals should be mutually exclusive. You get what I'm saying?"

Imperial: and they were left, undisturbed.


"The Gate of Divinity, is the greatest of treasures. When you walk through it, you get anything you want. anything. If you want to be the Blood god, you WILL be the Blood God. If you want to rule your nation, you will find, you rule your nation.

If you want to live in a world where Ice cream falls from the sky, it will happen. If you want a sword able to destroy stars, such as the Mythic Starbreaker, it will be given to you. Only your imagination limits you. we seek the single greatest weapon against the Void, The sword of Recognition." Chron said.
24-01-2007, 04:17
Nekaru stopped. He had just heard a really loud noise, an explosion from some direction.
"Someone's over there."
Immeadiately, he waved his hands, and he surfed the air to where he thought the explosion was.
The air was growing colder, and aftera while, Nekaru ran into, well, a very big blue dragon.
"Geez, a crazy spider lady, and now this?"

OOC: The Solarian League and Demon 666 are now offically declared to be a single party.

Kado recognised Quis. She ran over to him.

Then she dispelled the Blizzard.
24-01-2007, 04:18
T'leen was unconcerned. He was encased in climate controlled armor. He hadn't dried out on the desert island, and he wasn't going to freeze now. His boma knife came up and across the dragons throat, hacking through flesh and scale, seeking the great vein.

Upset its Blizzard was dispelled, it tried to Claw T'leen.
The Solarin League
24-01-2007, 04:24
Upset its Blizzard was dispelled, it tried to Claw T'leen.

T'leen responded by seizing its claws in one of his lower hands, and hauling on it, hard. He simultaneously hauled on his hook, cruelly slicing the flesh of its jaw as he pulled. "You had best unfuck yourself right now, or I will cut off your head and shit down your NECK!"
24-01-2007, 04:28
T'leen responded by seizing its claws in one of his lower hands, and hauling on it, hard. He simultaneously hauled on his hook, cruelly slicing the flesh of its jaw as he pulled. "You had best unfuck yourself right now, or I will cut off your head and shit down your NECK!"

The Dragon shapeshifted. The now human man removed the hook from his Jaw, the Shapeshited again back into a dragon. It incased t'leen in Frozen Carbonite.
The Solarin League
24-01-2007, 04:32
The Dragon shapeshifted. The now human man removed the hook from his Jaw, the Shapeshited again back into a dragon. It incased t'leen in Frozen Carbonite.

OOC: I'd just like to note that the hook is kindof attaced to T'leens arm, thus meaning you have to at least match his strength to be able to pull it out. On that note. Carbonite? What is this, star wars?
24-01-2007, 04:38
They were in a deep dark area. Ray conjured the light of a star in the palm of his hand. It lit the area very nicley.

"Well, this is going to be unpleasant." he said. Then he and Khalan leaped back.

Xithal let out a roar.


Because they were face to face with fifty well armed women.

"You will FAIL!" their leader yelled. She was a woman with Purle hair. Each of these women had a unique color of hair, that matched their eyes.

Their She pointewd her spear at them, and Xithal shot them with a great gout of Flame. Ray partioned off a group with a ring of fire. Khalan's hands began to glow green, and a wall of bones partitioned off another group. The rest concerned themselves with Xithal

The leader herself pushed a button on her staff, and it became a sword. an entire suit of armor covered her from head to toe, and it looked strong.

Jet wings shot out of her back, and she Flew straight at Frederick, sword swinging for his neck.

Frederick rolled forwards, barely avoiding the insane purple-haired woman's sword. He knew that he couldn't compete with her right this instant, but watched for an opportunity all the same.

He didn't bother to unsling his rifle - it would only slow him down. Instead, he concentrated on keeping her focussed on him, delivering a selection of choice insults to make her angry. He was always moving just out of reach,

"My, I think that one almost split a hair!"

"Didn't your mother tell you not to run with scissors?"

"I think I felt a breeze."

He also did his best to annoy more of the belligerent women, delivering quick kicks as he moved by.

He aimed to taunt them all into a group, moving deftly and exploiting his speed, honed from years of running from big, heavy, speed enhanced people.
24-01-2007, 04:45
OOC: I'd just like to note that the hook is kindof attaced to T'leens arm, thus meaning you have to at least match his strength to be able to pull it out. On that note. Carbonite? What is this, star wars?
And I'd just like to note he tore his own flesh. this one is note sane.

As for Carbonite, what's wrong with carbonite? Your the one with the impenitrable suit, it shouldn't scare you. Surely you can escape.
24-01-2007, 04:47
Frederick rolled forwards, barely avoiding the insane purple-haired woman's sword. He knew that he couldn't compete with her right this instant, but watched for an opportunity all the same.

He didn't bother to unsling his rifle - it would only slow him down. Instead, he concentrated on keeping her focussed on him, delivering a selection of choice insults to make her angry. He was always moving just out of reach,

"My, I think that one almost split a hair!"

"Didn't your mother tell you not to run with scissors?"

"I think I felt a breeze."

He also did his best to annoy more of the belligerent women, delivering quick kicks as he moved by.

He aimed to taunt them all into a group, moving deftly and exploiting his speed, honed from years of running from big, heavy, speed enhanced people.

She kneeled down, her sword shifted into a Rocket Launcher. It launched a ball of Explosive energy at Frederick.
The Solarin League
24-01-2007, 04:50
And I'd just like to note he tore his own flesh. this one is note sane.

As for Carbonite, what's wrong with carbonite? Your the one with the impenitrable suit, it shouldn't scare you. Surely you can escape.

Impenetrable. Not Unlockupable.

As long as we establish that he is batshit nuts, and that there is logic to it, I'm cool.


T'leen was quite solidly frozen, lacking the leverage to break the carbonite, or the ability to activate any weapons capable of performing the task for him.
24-01-2007, 04:57
Impenetrable. Not Unlockupable.

As long as we establish that he is batshit nuts, and that there is logic to it, I'm cool.


T'leen was quite solidly frozen, lacking the leverage to break the carbonite, or the ability to activate any weapons capable of performing the task for him.

Kado pinned it against the wall with 10,000 Gigavolts of lightning.

Quis meanwhile, liquidated the Carbonite enough to the point T'leen could smash his way through.

Its underside was soft, and very vulnerable.
24-01-2007, 05:03
"Why you-"

Frederick leaped aside just in time to avoid the explosive sphere. Unshouldering his rifle, he took aim and returned fire with a bullet aimed at her hand.

Reshouldering his rifle, he watched for the next attack.
24-01-2007, 06:13
As the two Igorim were tossing the six cylinders around the room, and the paint coating just about everything, the glow was vastly muted if not obscured completely.

Meanwhile Maxim had looked around for the exit and if it came to it, there was always the way in as the way out.


As Zeri got use to maintaining his levels closer to what would have once be considered the proper level for him before his fall from grace, he picked up speed as he continued looking for the entrance deeper into the world. While it might have normally presented a greater difficult to search with the increase in speed, his senses had also increased to match.
24-01-2007, 06:38
"Why you-"

Frederick leaped aside just in time to avoid the explosive sphere. Unshouldering his rifle, he took aim and returned fire with a bullet aimed at her hand.

Reshouldering his rifle, he watched for the next attack.

The woman, seeing him unshoulder his gun, hid behind her shield.

Then she lobbed a grenade back at him.
24-01-2007, 06:45
Frederick dived out of the way of the grenade, yelling to her as the small object exploded.

"Do stop that. It's getting rather annoying."

While his manner showed it was not as easy than his words might suggest, the grenade's detonation did provide for some cover.
The Solarin League
24-01-2007, 06:51
Kado pinned it against the wall with 10,000 Gigavolts of lightning.

Quis meanwhile, liquidated the Carbonite enough to the point T'leen could smash his way through.

Its underside was soft, and very vulnerable.

"Jesus H Christ!" T'leen shattered the weakened carbonite, and immediately ripped off an entire magazine at the Dragons head, sending a dozen 12mm shells through the air with the malignant crack of hypersonic rounds.
24-01-2007, 06:51
As the two Igorim were tossing the six cylinders around the room, and the paint coating just about everything, the glow was vastly muted if not obscured completely.

Meanwhile Maxim had looked around for the exit and if it came to it, there was always the way in as the way out.


As Zeri got use to maintaining his levels closer to what would have once be considered the proper level for him before his fall from grace, he picked up speed as he continued looking for the entrance deeper into the world. While it might have normally presented a greater difficult to search with the increase in speed, his senses had also increased to match.

There was a stairway down in the middle of the floor. A cool breeze was blowing upwards.

He could see a massive hammer laying on an Alter. On its side was inscribed the word "Worldbreaker."


A man in a Black suit of armor came from around a tree. His suit burned with the power of the Void. It looked like Black Fire, but it absorbed, everything.

He charged at Zeri, with a very sharp sword. He went to cleave Zeri in half.

"I am General Blackfire, second only to Kajeenith. Cursed and Fallen being, you will meet your end here." General Blackfire said.
24-01-2007, 06:54
"Jesus H Christ!" T'leen shattered the weakened carbonite, and immediately ripped off an entire magazine at the Dragons head, sending a dozen 12mm shells through the air with the malignant crack of hypersonic rounds.

It gave a cry, and died. Its spirit was headed for T'leen.

OOC: You get the dragon powers. Your choice. Do you want them to power a weapon, or do you want to become half dragon and absorb the spirit of the dragon?
24-01-2007, 07:29
"Interesting. Even if it has no other purpose, it'd make a great meat tenderizer." Maxim thought as he noticed the hammer, and as he really liked meat it was valuable for that reason alone. Sending the majority of Igorim toward the passage, with one of the two who'd been assigned to paint detail had gotten squished, he took a couple with him to get the hammer.

They were to provide the muscle if it turned out that it's weight was on with it's size. Maxim then tried to shift it so he could get a verdict on if it could be lifted or not.


Matzerius sidestepped, part of his shirt being cut as well as a few feathers being sliced in half.

"Fallen I am, cursed I am not." He commented as he watched Blackfire, "And what is the reason for your confidence, or even your presence here?"
24-01-2007, 07:33
Frederick dived out of the way of the grenade, yelling to her as the small object exploded.

"Do stop that. It's getting rather annoying."

While his manner showed it was not as easy than his words might suggest, the grenade's detonation did provide for some cover.

Surprisingly, she complied, and stopped throwing grenades at him.

Some of her comrades had fallen, and so she picked them up to. She combined them and transformed them into an old fashioned Tommygun.

She fired it at him, giggling as the gun shot.
24-01-2007, 07:36
"Interesting. Even if it has no other purpose, it'd make a great meat tenderizer." Maxim thought as he noticed the hammer, and as he really liked meat it was valuable for that reason alone. Sending the majority of Igorim toward the passage, with one of the two who'd been assigned to paint detail had gotten squished, he took a couple with him to get the hammer.

They were to provide the muscle if it turned out that it's weight was on with it's size. Maxim then tried to shift it so he could get a verdict on if it could be lifted or not.


Matzerius sidestepped, part of his shirt being cut as well as a few feathers being sliced in half.

"Fallen I am, cursed I am not." He commented as he watched Blackfire, "And what is the reason for your confidence, or even your presence here?"

It was heavy, but maxim would be able to swing it and heft it on his own.
He could feel it, this thing was powerful enough to break many, many things, and even cause earthquakes. If he swung it hard enough, he could even cause Tectonic Plate activity. There was another stair leading down.


General blackflame turned midstep, swinging his blade to slce through Zeri's belly.
"To stop all of you from reaching it."
24-01-2007, 07:38
(OOC: Say, what of mine?)
24-01-2007, 07:39
(OOC: Say, what of mine?)

OOC: The forums are playing time warp again.
24-01-2007, 07:41
The dragon died. Its spirit flew into Johnathan's gun. It began to glow with the power of the spirit of a Dragon. Since it was a Black Dragon, every Bullet fired from that gun, would be ten times stronger. It would also have the effect of Acid. It became 3 times as accurate, and ten times per day, it could fire Acid.

Once per month, he could summon a Black Dragon to aid him in any way, even carry him, for 24 hours, but only with the Gun.

Ros clapped.

" A Black Dragon gun, good job, good job. Not an easy thing to come accross." he said. He stepped through the door, and into the city.

Johnathon looked as he gun in a way that he didn't understand, taking the clip out, he did a test fire and everything seemed to work so he put the clip back in and followed Ros into the Inside Outside.
24-01-2007, 07:42
Finding it heavy but still comfortably liftable, Maxim picked it up and swung it over a shoulder. Walking somewhat lopsidely as he wasn't the strongest of people on the physical scale, he headed down the stairs after the Igorim who'd been carting his stuff.

With the fact that it was somewhat heavier than a sledgehammer, he decided to treat it as such.
24-01-2007, 07:43
Johnathon looked as he gun in a way that he didn't understand, taking the clip out, he did a test fire and everything seemed to work so he put the clip back in and followed Ros into the Inside Outside.

The city seemed to be everywhere, but Ros knew where he was going, right?

He lead them for quite a ways. News reports were coming in of the destruction in the Eastren Hemisphere, where a fight was taking place among some giant mechs, following a massacre there.

He walked to a tree, and put a hand to it.

"Yes, this way." he said. He walked to an excivation sight, where an underground cavern had been uncovered. He lead them into the cavern.
The Solarin League
24-01-2007, 07:48
It gave a cry, and died. Its spirit was headed for T'leen.

OOC: You get the dragon powers. Your choice. Do you want them to power a weapon, or do you want to become half dragon and absorb the spirit of the dragon?

OOC: We're gonna go with Half-Dragon. So much more..unique. And less projectile dominated. I'll let you decide how that manifests, as if it was me we'd be having a Half Dragon in a busted ass suit of armor, with hugeass wings and shit. Since the only half dragon rules with which I am familiar are the ones from 3ED.
24-01-2007, 07:49
Finding it heavy but still comfortably liftable, Maxim picked it up and swung it over a shoulder. Walking somewhat lopsidely as he wasn't the strongest of people on the physical scale, he headed down the stairs after the Igorim who'd been carting his stuff.

With the fact that it was somewhat heavier than a sledgehammer, he decided to treat it as such.

The stairs lead down to a natural cave. Lava flowed like a river beside him. It lead down, and to two diffrent caves. One Straight, one left.


General blackflame turned midstep, swinging his blade to slce through Zeri's belly.
"To stop all of you from reaching it."
24-01-2007, 07:58
OOC: We're gonna go with Half-Dragon. So much more..unique. And less projectile dominated. I'll let you decide how that manifests, as if it was me we'd be having a Half Dragon in a busted ass suit of armor, with hugeass wings and shit. Since the only half dragon rules with which I am familiar are the ones from 3ED.

The Dragon's spirit merged with T'leen's. t'leen found he was diffrent, he was, half-dragon. He could breath cold. He could fly on his own, he had claws, he had hard skin, and in some places, Dragon scales. He also had a tail. his wings were beautiful. But they didn't manifest. T'leen new he could though, at will. For now, he just had the hardend skin and scales.

OOC: You can have a full human form, to blend in with normal society. You can have a half dragon form for intimidation, as well as its unique advantages. With time and practice, you can become FULL dragon.
24-01-2007, 08:00
"Left or right. Well people always tell me I'm not in my right mind, so I guess it's off to the left." Maxim commented to himself and the hammer as he headed down the passageway to the left.


Zeri sent an extra bit of energy for increased speed as he back-stepped from Blackflame. He flash-stepped back another distance from the general. "Reaching what. I do not believe what I seek is what you seek to guard."

ooc: Blackfire or Blackflame?
The Solarin League
24-01-2007, 08:02
The Dragon's spirit merged with T'leen's. t'leen found he was diffrent, he was, half-dragon. He could breath cold. He could fly on his own, he had claws, he had hard skin, and in some places, Dragon scales. He also had a tail. his wings were beautiful. But they didn't manifest. T'leen new he could though, at will. For now, he just had the hardend skin and scales.

OOC: You can have a full human form, to blend in with normal society. You can have a half dragon form for intimidation, as well as its unique advantages. With time and practice, you can become FULL dragon.

OOC: He'll never exactly blend in, but it should make him stand out less. Or just as much as usual. Whatever it is he does when he's himself.


"Can anyone explain exactly what/why just happened there? And why I suddenly feel all pubescent again?"
24-01-2007, 08:07
Morganna immediately set up a Mind Blank defense behind one of her virtual minds. The outward appearance to a Psi would be an area of normal background psionic activity. She then carefully sent a probe to analyze Xos’ aura. After determining what was exactly happening to him, she discretely did an Aural Trace upon the source of the feeding. There was nothing she could do to help Xos at the moment that wouldn’t reveal her presence to the group mind behind the attack. Carefully masking her presence and her power signature, she dropped all sign of her image and body projection so she would be basically undetectable to normal conventional sentries. She wanted to get to the source of the attack before it knew she was even there.

Willing herself to appear a short distance away, she followed the trace until she was close to the attacker. She had to act fast before Xos suffered anything serious.
24-01-2007, 08:08
Surprisingly, she complied, and stopped throwing grenades at him.

Some of her comrades had fallen, and so she picked them up to. She combined them and transformed them into an old fashioned Tommygun.

She fired it at him, giggling as the gun shot.

(OOC: Leeet's do the tiiiime warp agaaain!)

At this he could only raise an eyebrow, before ducking behind the nearest cover. He took out his rifle and pulled on the bolt, ejecting the empty cartridge.

I need to find a way to get close to her... I wonder if she speaks draconic?

Popping his head out from cover, he called out to her. "<Fish Stand Green Potato Is!>" It was absolute nonsense, of course, but it certainly sounded imposing enough in common.
24-01-2007, 08:13
"Left or right. Well people always tell me I'm not in my right mind, so I guess it's off to the left." Maxim commented to himself and the hammer as he headed down the passageway to the left.


Zeri sent an extra bit of energy for increased speed as he back-stepped from Blackflame. He flash-stepped back another distance from the general. "Reaching what. I do not believe what I seek is what you seek to guard."

ooc: Blackfire or Blackflame?

And down to the left, he found a very beautiful woman.
She seemed lost.

"You know very well what. The greatest of all Om's treasures. The one treasure through which all opther treasures are obtained. The one thing that can restore you without atonement, the one thing that can grant you anything you wish. The Gate of Divinity." General Blackfire said.

He used The powers of the Void to absorb some of Zeri's powers.
24-01-2007, 08:15
OOC: He'll never exactly blend in, but it should make him stand out less. Or just as much as usual. Whatever it is he does when he's himself.


"Can anyone explain exactly what/why just happened there? And why I suddenly feel all pubescent again?"

"For the first question, The Dragon's spirit merged with yours, granting you its power. For the second question, why gaining new powers would make you feel pubescent again is entirely beyond me." Quis said.
24-01-2007, 08:18
Morganna immediately set up a Mind Blank defense behind one of her virtual minds. The outward appearance to a Psi would be an area of normal background psionic activity. She then carefully sent a probe to analyze Xos’ aura. After determining what was exactly happening to him, she discretely did an Aural Trace upon the source of the feeding. There was nothing she could do to help Xos at the moment that wouldn’t reveal her presence to the group mind behind the attack. Carefully masking her presence and her power signature, she dropped all sign of her image and body projection so she would be basically undetectable to normal conventional sentries. She wanted to get to the source of the attack before it knew she was even there.

Willing herself to appear a short distance away, she followed the trace until she was close to the attacker. She had to act fast before Xos suffered anything serious.

The attack was coming some ways ahead. A giant brain sat in a pool of cerebral fluid.

It was The Elder Brain of the Mindflayers. If it was here, then obviously they were somewhere near.
24-01-2007, 08:21
(OOC: Leeet's do the tiiiime warp agaaain!)

At this he could only raise an eyebrow, before ducking behind the nearest cover. He took out his rifle and pulled on the bolt, ejecting the empty cartridge.

I need to find a way to get close to her... I wonder if she speaks draconic?

Popping his head out from cover, he called out to her. "<Fish Stand Green Potato Is!>" It was absolute nonsense, of course, but it certainly sounded imposing enough in common.

"< Bird Sit Yellow Butter Not>" She called back.

She was running through the crowd to get to him, swinging the gun every which way, STILL firing, and still Giggling like a schoolgirl.
The Solarin League
24-01-2007, 08:26
"For the first question, The Dragon's spirit merged with yours, granting you its power. For the second question, why gaining new powers would make you feel pubescent again is entirely beyond me." Quis said.

"Well, that would be answering that then. The whole "scales that didn't used to be there" thing might have something to do with it. I miss having things make sense... And I'm busy trying to figure out exactly how it's gonna look when I finally take this shit off, and I have mucous on some skin, and then scales elsewhere. Fucking shit."
Trinity Blood
24-01-2007, 08:27
Imperial: and they were left, undisturbed.

Though each made sure the proper hotel service was contacted to pick up, clean, and return their clothing.


"The Gate of Divinity, is the greatest of treasures. When you walk through it, you get anything you want. anything. If you want to be the Blood god, you WILL be the Blood God. If you want to rule your nation, you will find, you rule your nation.

If you want to live in a world where Ice cream falls from the sky, it will happen. If you want a sword able to destroy stars, such as the Mythic Starbreaker, it will be given to you. Only your imagination limits you. we seek the single greatest weapon against the Void, The sword of Recognition." Chron said.

"Whatever," shrugged Frost, "personally, I think we would prefer to take control of Trinity Blood the old fashioned way, through blood, sweat, and tears. Just stepping into an alternate reality where we already do rule would defeat the purpose."

"Agreed," said the puzzle master.
24-01-2007, 08:29
"Well, that would be answering that then. The whole "scales that didn't used to be there" thing might have something to do with it. I miss having things make sense... And I'm busy trying to figure out exactly how it's gonna look when I finally take this shit off, and I have mucous on some skin, and then scales elsewhere. Fucking shit."

"Well, take it off. You can always put it back on."
24-01-2007, 08:30
Though each made sure the proper hotel service was contacted to pick up, clean, and return their clothing.

"Whatever," shrugged Frost, "personally, I think we would prefer to take control of Trinity Blood the old fashioned way, through blood, sweat, and tears. Just stepping into an alternate reality where we already do rule would defeat the purpose."

"Agreed," said the puzzle master.
The mens clothes accidently got switched with the women's clothing, but other than that, it was Clean.

"No, it would alter this one. Either way, we need to get going. Tomorrow."
The Solarin League
24-01-2007, 08:36
"Well, take it off. You can always put it back on."

"Only if you wanna see me dangling free. Which I hope none of you do. I'll figure it out when there aren't a bunch of people around that might get jealous."
24-01-2007, 08:53
Morganna stopped when she saw the vat with the huge brain floating inside. The only sound she could detect was the bubbling of the fluid being oxygenated. She carefully looked around to see if she could get an idea what to do. Her attack would have to be quick and debilitating.

She suddenly had an idea.

Slowly approaching the tank and keeping her defenses up so she would appear as if she was not there and keeping a secondary virtual mind behind the first whose duty was only to empower a mind shield, she charged her carefully hidden energy for a two pronged attack. Moving above the tank, she suddenly released her Psychokinetic ability of Cryokinesis to lower the fluid temperature as low as she could around the brain, followed immediately by an Electrokinesis lightning attack.

The low temperature fluid would work against the brain in two ways. The first would obviously be the freezing of the brain tissue which required a constant warm temperature and a source of oxygen to prevent necrosis. The second effect was lowering the electrical resistance of the fluid, allowing the lightning to fully affect it as if it were a fire burning every millimeter of the exposed surface area.

She would lobotomize the damn thing.

Just in case the first attack didn’t finish it off, she was prepared for an assault.
Trinity Blood
24-01-2007, 08:54
The mens clothes accidently got switched with the women's clothing, but other than that, it was Clean.

The switch caused a few laughs amoung the Ensigns, but the Duchess refused to come out of her room until they delivered hers to her room. It took them a few minutes to sort everything out.

OOC: Lol, expected me to have them cross-dress, eh? Maybe another time, Ri.

"No, it would alter this one. Either way, we need to get going. Tomorrow."

"I don't really care," sighed Frost, "the chains of fate have already been set. Who are we to mess with them?

"Still, we'll leave as soon as we can in the morning. After breakfast of course."
24-01-2007, 09:08
(OOC: 'Goblin' is supposed to be opposite of 'Dragon', given that they are small, cowardly, weak and subservient.

Goblin > Dragon, Water > Fire, You > Me, Later > Now

A bit contrived, but it's the best opposites play I can come up with.)

Damnation. She knows draconic. This makes things harder.

Puzzling over it for a bit, he came up with another seemingly inane sentence.

"<Goblin Water You Later!>" he called from behind his refuge, ready to fire if his ploy didn't work.
Demon 666
24-01-2007, 11:35
And T'leen turned around to find a red-robed figure with red eyes who appeared as if he was standing in mid-air.
"Congratulations, you look even more like a reptile than before. Plenty to be jealous about.
So, why are you down here?"
24-01-2007, 18:05
Stalin had holes in him, and he didn't like that. He leaped high into the night. Nanites acting as his Blood stream began to repair the holes.

Lenin had armor against energy weapons, and so the Masers were having a touch time tearing through. He rushed the Brigander, with a giant Lightsabre pointed straight at the Cockpit.

Trotsky turned in place and bored out a big hole in the ground, Rocks and Debries flying towards Beckenbaur.

Mao was weak against Lasers, and was heavily damaged.

Castro got on his hands and knees. A giant Cuban Missle came out of his back. It aimed at Brigander, and fired.

Marx's Energy levels read at astoundingly high levels.

Twin balls of energy appeared in his hands. He shot 50 Gigavolts of electricty at Brigandir, and 50 at Beckenbaur.

Then all seven grouped together, and interconnected energy systems, and began generating huge amounts of Radioactivity.

Marx opened his chest cavity, and took out a little star.

He threw it towards them but if it missed, that was ok. It was only a 1 Kiloton Baby A-Bomb.

Particle shield!
Already up, Lucie.

The point-defence autoroutine kicked in, and the top-mount 25mm chainguns tore apart the rocket launched by the giant Castro in mid-air. Gliding aside, dodging the lightsabre, Svetranova grabbed for the Lenin with her left hand, and put fired railgun rounds towards its head at point-blank range.

Meanwhile, the quantum impeller blasted at the Marx robot's bomb...
The Solarin League
24-01-2007, 19:20
And T'leen turned around to find a red-robed figure with red eyes who appeared as if he was standing in mid-air.
"Congratulations, you look even more like a reptile than before. Plenty to be jealous about.
So, why are you down here?"

OOC: He's kindof encased in a full suit of powered armor. The basic appearance at the moment is that of a Demon. And before, he looked like an amphibian, not a reptile.


"Your ignorance does you credit. I am here because I was not given a choice. Why are you here?"
24-01-2007, 19:21
"Only if you wanna see me dangling free. Which I hope none of you do. I'll figure it out when there aren't a bunch of people around that might get jealous."

Kado smiled entiely too much at the thought of Dangling free, then she blushed and turned away.

"either way, we should get going. Standing around here accomplishes little." Quis said.

He looked around and found that the caverns lead deeper. He could feel power from below. Kado could feel it too.

All the Magi-masters could feel it. They were close to a great treasure of Om. Even the non-magic people could feel a great unrestrained energy coming from below. It was as though a great power had just been turned on.

"The Zohar Reactor?" Kado asked no one in particular.
"Could be." Quis said.
24-01-2007, 19:29
Morganna stopped when she saw the vat with the huge brain floating inside. The only sound she could detect was the bubbling of the fluid being oxygenated. She carefully looked around to see if she could get an idea what to do. Her attack would have to be quick and debilitating.

She suddenly had an idea.

Slowly approaching the tank and keeping her defenses up so she would appear as if she was not there and keeping a secondary virtual mind behind the first whose duty was only to empower a mind shield, she charged her carefully hidden energy for a two pronged attack. Moving above the tank, she suddenly released her Psychokinetic ability of Cryokinesis to lower the fluid temperature as low as she could around the brain, followed immediately by an Electrokinesis lightning attack.

The low temperature fluid would work against the brain in two ways. The first would obviously be the freezing of the brain tissue which required a constant warm temperature and a source of oxygen to prevent necrosis. The second effect was lowering the electrical resistance of the fluid, allowing the lightning to fully affect it as if it were a fire burning every millimeter of the exposed surface area.

She would lobotomize the damn thing.

Just in case the first attack didn’t finish it off, she was prepared for an assault.

The Illusion of The Elder brain faded away, leaving a dead Mind flayer in its place.

A Couple of other Mindflayer grabbed Xos.

One, a Mindflayer mage, casued the air around Morganna to explode, the other used a Mind Blast against her.

The Mindflayer mage teleported Xos away.

"We've got your boyfriend. You don't like it old woman, then come get some." they hissed.
24-01-2007, 19:35
The switch caused a few laughs amoung the Ensigns, but the Duchess refused to come out of her room until they delivered hers to her room. It took them a few minutes to sort everything out.

OOC: Lol, expected me to have them cross-dress, eh? Maybe another time, Ri.

"I don't really care," sighed Frost, "the chains of fate have already been set. Who are we to mess with them?

"Still, we'll leave as soon as we can in the morning. After breakfast of course."

OOC: Just a harmless joke.

Well, there were plenty of things to do in the hotel, it was Full Service. The Manager apologised profusly about the switch. They did have their rooms for a full night. why not rest up, then continue on, possibly take a swim. There were lots of things they COULD do.

RCO: like at the other Hotel Royales, there was plenty to do.

OOC: Your not going to be allowed to leave. You'll find out when you all settle down for a rest. Your Depths of Om challenge takes place in your sleep.
24-01-2007, 19:38
(OOC: 'Goblin' is supposed to be opposite of 'Dragon', given that they are small, cowardly, weak and subservient.

Goblin > Dragon, Water > Fire, You > Me, Later > Now

A bit contrived, but it's the best opposites play I can come up with.)

Damnation. She knows draconic. This makes things harder.

Puzzling over it for a bit, he came up with another seemingly inane sentence.

"<Goblin Water You Later!>" he called from behind his refuge, ready to fire if his ploy didn't work.

"Sigmund Alpha Delta Six!" She called. The remaining 20 fighters immediatly used explosives on the wall, to bring down EVERYTHING.
24-01-2007, 19:46


Kado and Quis, they both stared downward.

"The Zohar Reactor." The said. They both started going to it. If Nekaru and T'leen didn't follow. Oh well then.
The Solarin League
24-01-2007, 19:52
Kado smiled entiely too much at the thought of Dangling free, then she blushed and turned away.

"either way, we should get going. Standing around here accomplishes little." Quis said.

He looked around and found that the caverns lead deeper. He could feel power from below. Kado could feel it too.

All the Magi-masters could feel it. They were close to a great treasure of Om. Even the non-magic people could feel a great unrestrained energy coming from below. It was as though a great power had just been turned on.

"The Zohar Reactor?" Kado asked no one in particular.
"Could be." Quis said.

"Then let's go. I'll lead off and play tank, while you kill anything I can't beat or stab into submission. Sound good?"
24-01-2007, 20:00
"Then let's go. I'll lead off and play tank, while you kill anything I can't beat or stab into submission. Sound good?"

OOC: Taken with the previous post... Demon, get ready for your favorite playmate, Id, the Demon of Elru. He got stronger. So did you. When you battle before The Alter of The Zohar Reactor, the ultimate energy source, home of The Waveform existence, well, this IS going to be intresting.

IC: They nod and let him take the lead.

They stop before a great stone door.

"The Zohar reactor." is all it says.
24-01-2007, 20:14
OOC: I was actually serious about maybe doing it another time. Already got it set up for CW's character to do it in a thread. TBH, its actually, if done correctly, a bad disguise idea.

Of course, they did none of those things. They were here on a specific mission and, as such, it was business before pleasure. Thus, the met up in the lobby before heading out to find a guide.

Unlike the Imperials, the RCO group were not as strict about following their mission. As such, some went off to explore the hotel while Frost and Isaak talked a few hours before both nodded off across the table from each other while planning what to do next.

OOC: *Snickers* Now this ought to be interesting for the RCO gang.

Imperial: They actually saw the last Magi-master, Agrinja, sitting in the lobby. He seemed to be waiting for them.

There were plenty of games, sports, gambling, and shows. There were also lounges were one could just sit and read, and there was plenty of reading material.
Trinity Blood
24-01-2007, 20:15
OOC: Just a harmless joke.

OOC: I was actually serious about maybe doing it another time. Already got it set up for CW's character to do it in a thread. TBH, its actually, if done correctly, not a bad disguise idea.

Well, there were plenty of things to do in the hotel, it was Full Service. The Manager apologised profusly about the switch. They did have their rooms for a full night. why not rest up, then continue on, possibly take a swim. There were lots of things they COULD do.

Of course, they did none of those things. They were here on a specific mission and, as such, it was business before pleasure. Thus, the met up in the lobby before heading out to find a guide.

RCO: like at the other Hotel Royales, there was plenty to do.

Unlike the Imperials, the RCO group were not as strict about following their mission. As such, some went off to explore the hotel while Frost and Isaak talked a few hours before both nodded off across the table from each other while planning what to do next.

OOC: Your not going to be allowed to leave. You'll find out when you all settle down for a rest. Your Depths of Om challenge takes place in your sleep.

OOC: *Snickers* Now this ought to be interesting for the RCO gang.
The Solarin League
24-01-2007, 20:17
OOC: Taken with the previous post... Demon, get ready for your favorite playmate, Id, the Demon of Elru. He got stronger. So did you. When you battle before The Alter of The Zohar Reactor, the ultimate energy source, home of The Waveform existence, well, this IS going to be intresting.

IC: They nod and let him take the lead.

They stop before a great stone door.

"The Zohar reactor." is all it says.

"Ok. How do we open it?" He's obviously expecting something convoluted, and excessively NOT just breaking it open, turning a key, or hacking it into worthless shards. "Where's the knob?" Getting no response, he decided to go about it the old fashioned way. He unlimbered the shield from his back, keeping in mind what had happened to the altar it had rested upon when said altar was love tapped. Always preferring an exercise in overkill, he hauled back his arm, and slammed it into the door as hard as he could, reducing a fair portion of the impact site to stone dust, and shattering the remainder into many decent sized fragments. As it collapsed he charged through, expecting the obligatory guardian of such a place to be waiting as soon as he entered.

OOC: Screw opening it, he has no idea what's on the other side, and is going to go through hot and rocking.
24-01-2007, 21:14
The Solarin League & Demon 666
On the other side, was a massive base, that was bigger around than the Pentagon, on top of it was a Pillar, larger than the Empire State Building. Quis and the others were at the top of the piller.

"The Zohar Reactor." The two Magi-masters said.

The Energy in the room was unmeasurable, it was so great.

T'leen felt like he could do anything he set his mind t, even create a new star.

"Then, its here, below." said Quis.

"Yes." Kado said. they realised suddenly, not everyone knew what was going on.

"The Zohar reactor is the single greatest energy source ever created. It houses The Waveform existence, which powers the Reactor. The Reactor powers two things, and two things only. Razael's Tree, and The Gate of Divinity.

Razael's Tree takes all of the Reactor's energy, and can work only off that.

But, if we shut it down, then it can power the Gate. But the Zohar Reactor, it can only partially power the gate. We need one other thing to power the Gate. The other side of the Greater balance. We need The Void. But it seems, that maybe it's already powered, if Kajeenith is below. With the Gate powered, he can have anything he wishes. We must get to the Gate, NOW. Before he wishes all things that exist, to not exist." Quis said.

"If only it were that easy." said an unwelcome voice.

Quis, and Kado stood in front of T'leen.

He was here. The Demon of elru. He seemed much, much stronger.

"Heh, Even when feeding off Zohar, you puny mages aren't strong." he said.

He looked at t'leen, and laughed.

"You must be the weakest of them all, if you hide in a suit, Half-dragon. But your not even a real half dragon. You had to kill to gain your half-dragon powers." He said.

He turned to Nekaru.

"Well, Well, Well. If it isn't my old Friend Tenarius. Its been too long. My fists have been aching to pound your skull in again. I'm touched you remembered me earlier. I felt my Statue being demolished. So, you really want a piece of me that badly? then below, in the center of the Base, I'll wait for you. If your really THAT Anxious for a beating, then come get some." Id said. He disappeared.

Quis and Kado waited to see what Nekaru would do.
24-01-2007, 21:37
OOC - Ri-An, I don't know if you've spotted it, but I've had Svetranova respond to the latest round of Mecha-Commie assault...

She switched on her particle shield,
She sidestepped the lightsabre, grabbed the arm with her suit's left hand then fire her right-hand's railgun three times at that mech's head,
Her point-defence chainguns shot down the rocket,
The electricity's hit and shorted out 43% of the internal systems;
The A-bomb got shot at with the Quantum Impeller.
24-01-2007, 21:41
OOC - Ri-An, I don't know if you've spotted it, but I've had Svetranova respond to the latest round of Mecha-Commie assault...

She switched on her particle shield,
She sidestepped the lightsabre, grabbed the arm with her suit's left hand then fire her right-hand's railgun three times at that mech's head,
Her point-defence chainguns shot down the rocket,
The electricity's hit and shorted out 43% of the internal systems;
The A-bomb got shot at with the Quantum Impeller.

Waiting for Skgorria. I want a complete ppic of the battle before I reply.
24-01-2007, 21:49
Seeing Gorbachev's fist coming swinging towards him, Beckenbauer angled his chainsabre with the intent to stab through the fist. It was a somewhat risky strategy, as the sword might get stuck in the fist and he would be unable to retrieve it. But he was a Nazi who was thousands of years old, and such thoughts only came to his mind occasionaly. At this point, his thoughts read along the lines of

So deep was he immersed in trying to attack Gorbachev he failed to notice the electricity attack, but his suit would tell him that his rocket motors were about to give in, and that a large portion of his sensor suite had ceased to function.
Demon 666
24-01-2007, 22:05
"Heh heh heh heh he he he........"
Nekaru grinned, very slightly. Then he clapped his hands.
There was a huge gust of wind as it surrounded everyone. Throughout the din, one could only hear Nekaru shout.
"You're going to prove my existence, Id! You're going to prove that I"M ALIVE!"
He started to head down to the base, and then stopped.
"Well, what about you guys? You following?"
24-01-2007, 22:37
"Sigmund Alpha Delta Six!" She called. The remaining 20 fighters immediatly used explosives on the wall, to bring down EVERYTHING.

"Aww crap."

Frederick immediately looked for the exit from this room as the ceiling began to fall.
The Solarin League
24-01-2007, 22:46
The Solarin League & Demon 666
On the other side, was a massive base, that was bigger around than the Pentagon, on top of it was a Pillar, larger than the Empire State Building. Quis and the others were at the top of the piller.

"The Zohar Reactor." The two Magi-masters said.

The Energy in the room was unmeasurable, it was so great.

T'leen felt like he could do anything he set his mind t, even create a new star.

"Then, its here, below." said Quis.

"Yes." Kado said. they realised suddenly, not everyone knew what was going on.

"The Zohar reactor is the single greatest energy source ever created. It houses The Waveform existence, which powers the Reactor. The Reactor powers two things, and two things only. Razael's Tree, and The Gate of Divinity.

Razael's Tree takes all of the Reactor's energy, and can work only off that.

But, if we shut it down, then it can power the Gate. But the Zohar Reactor, it can only partially power the gate. We need one other thing to power the Gate. The other side of the Greater balance. We need The Void. But it seems, that maybe it's already powered, if Kajeenith is below. With the Gate powered, he can have anything he wishes. We must get to the Gate, NOW. Before he wishes all things that exist, to not exist." Quis said.

"If only it were that easy." said an unwelcome voice.

Quis, and Kado stood in front of T'leen.

He was here. The Demon of elru. He seemed much, much stronger.

"Heh, Even when feeding off Zohar, you puny mages aren't strong." he said.

He looked at t'leen, and laughed.

"You must be the weakest of them all, if you hide in a suit, Half-dragon. But your not even a real half dragon. You had to kill to gain your half-dragon powers." He said.

He turned to Nekaru.

"Well, Well, Well. If it isn't my old Friend Tenarius. Its been too long. My fists have been aching to pound your skull in again. I'm touched you remembered me earlier. I felt my Statue being demolished. So, you really want a piece of me that badly? then below, in the center of the Base, I'll wait for you. If your really THAT Anxious for a beating, then come get some." Id said. He disappeared.

Quis and Kado waited to see what Nekaru would do.

"Fuck this!" T'leen looked around for a moment, before running to the edge and plummeting straight to the ground, drawing his myriad armament as he went. He was tired of all this bullshit. Somebody was gonna bleed. "Living and dieing laughing and crying, once you have seen it you will never be the same, life in the fast lane is just how it seems, it's hard and it's heavy, it's scary and mean! Bitch! This ain't it!" He landed with a massive thud, leaving a crater almost 3 feet deep. His bounce pak didn't even slow his fall this time, and he hit the ground moving at well over the speed of sound. "Now, let's see what this is all about then, shall we? Jump in the Fire!"
24-01-2007, 23:43
OOC - Ri-An, I don't know if you've spotted it, but I've had Svetranova respond to the latest round of Mecha-Commie assault...

She switched on her particle shield,
She sidestepped the lightsabre, grabbed the arm with her suit's left hand then fire her right-hand's railgun three times at that mech's head,
Her point-defence chainguns shot down the rocket,
The electricity's hit and shorted out 43% of the internal systems;
The A-bomb got shot at with the Quantum Impeller.

Seeing Gorbachev's fist coming swinging towards him, Beckenbauer angled his chainsabre with the intent to stab through the fist. It was a somewhat risky strategy, as the sword might get stuck in the fist and he would be unable to retrieve it. But he was a Nazi who was thousands of years old, and such thoughts only came to his mind occasionaly. At this point, his thoughts read along the lines of

So deep was he immersed in trying to attack Gorbachev he failed to notice the electricity attack, but his suit would tell him that his rocket motors were about to give in, and that a large portion of his sensor suite had ceased to function.

Lenin bot exploded. A Black Shadow hung in mid air, its eyes glowering at the two Nazis.
Then it sank into the Shadows surrounding the arena.

The a-bomb was averted.

Beckenbauer's sword got stuck in Gorbachev's hand.

Marx embraced Svetranova's armor. Then Marx self destructed.

The rest did similar actions, on both Svetranova and Beckenbaur, leaving only Castro.

The six shadows from the other Mechs shot into Castrobot.

Then Castrobot changed, and shifted, and became a giant man, whose flesh was as black as the depths of space. it was impossible to tell where flesh stopped, and clothes of the same blackness began. Even the hair was as Black. The only white was the eyes.

Then the Shadow blew a hole in the ground, and fled laughing.
24-01-2007, 23:48
"Aww crap."

Frederick immediately looked for the exit from this room as the ceiling began to fall.

There was a cave opening to the right. But that didn't matter. Xithal grabbed Frederick in his jaws and leaped through the door. Fred found that he was uninjured by Xithal's Jaws, though it might be uncomfortable.

A little trail of Lava pooled just on the otherside of the cave in. Ray and Khalan sprang up from the Lava.

Then they froze in place. They could feel it, the energy from The Zohar Reactor.
24-01-2007, 23:51
Inside the Brigadier, the damaged inertial dampeners still managed to protect Svetranova from the worst of the blasts.

When the dust cleared, she flicked the reserve power switch and queried her AI...

Four chainguns inoperable; flamethrower inoperable; sensor package 43 inoperable; laser, top, left, inoperable; sensor packages 12, 15 and 34 operating at 50% or less efficiency; maser, bottom, centre, 7% power loss; electrostatic shock shell destroyed; main reactor at 64% power and stabilised; secondary reactor, right, at 23% power and shutting down; internal systems at 87% and increasing. Self-repair routines engaged.
Can we still fight?
Then there is no problem.
24-01-2007, 23:52
The city seemed to be everywhere, but Ros knew where he was going, right?

He lead them for quite a ways. News reports were coming in of the destruction in the Eastren Hemisphere, where a fight was taking place among some giant mechs, following a massacre there.

He walked to a tree, and put a hand to it.

"Yes, this way." he said. He walked to an excivation sight, where an underground cavern had been uncovered. He lead them into the cavern.

"We going to help?" asked Johnathon indicating the news story. Johnathon was uncomfortable, for many reasons. First and most obvious, was the fact that he was wearing military fatigues in a city, he never wore military fatigues in a city, he stood out like a single tree in a desert and especially as since he was in his "work" minset that irked him no end.

In addition to this was the fact that he had no idea what he was meant to be doing. He had no known orders and for all he knows he could be hanging out with the enemy. Though to be fair his intuition did tell him that he could at least trust thes guys upto a point that they were no where near approaching.

And Michael did give him the boost, though he didn't give him much of an option. However as they entered the cavern Johnathon, all of his senses alert to detect any sudden or slow change that could indicate anything about what was ahead
25-01-2007, 00:01
The destructive embraces of the Communist robots had now all but destroyed Beckenbauer's flight capabilities and his plasma weapon was ruined beyond repair.

The appearance of the giant man confused Beckenbauer somewhat, but soon his anger returned.
"Abomination!" he hissed, "it's a Black!". Centuries of tales about the mythical Black man, one of the great enemies of the Skgorrian race. Whilst Beckenbauer had lived through the last days of black people on the original Earth, his mind was so distorted he could not recall them. All he had was propaganda and hatred - hatred towards Filth Made Flesh, to quote one especially nasty poster.

"I will cut you down and burn you, vile fiend!" screamed Beckenbauer, charging towards the dark figure, brandishing his chain sabre angrily. As the apparition disappeared down a hole, Beckenbauer dived after it and into the hole.
25-01-2007, 00:02


Nekaru found he was alone. Everyone else was at the bottom.

At the bottom, after everyone is together....

They found a set of stairs going up.

At the top of the Base, they found a pathway.

The energy levels were INTENSE.

Then they found that the Colloumn and the Base DID NOT TOUCH!

Quis and Kado walked with intrepidation. The Column set down around them.

It was as a giant arena.

Id stood in the center, waiting for Nekaru.

Quis and Kado stepped aside.

"T'leen, this is his fight, and his alone to deal with. A Rivalry that spans years. Were the three of us to interfere, it would lessen his victory. we will watch." Quis said.

Kado and Quis put protective spells on themselves and T'leen.

"Well, now that you have mommy and daddy's permission little boy, why don't you come over and play?" Id called insultingly.

Thunder rolled, and The Void expanded from Id, filling the area.
25-01-2007, 00:04
"Sir! Wait for me!"

While not racist - few Atopians were - Svetranova was a soldier, and where her CO goes, she follows.

Gunning her limping Brigadier's engines, she dived into the hole...
25-01-2007, 00:09


The Shadowlord fled further down into Om, laughing. But Beckenbauer wasn't alone.

From the world of Mirroden, came Rust monsters. Creatures that magicly rusted metal instantly by touch, and dined upon it. For a man made of metal, and a woman inside metal armor. this was a dangerous propostion.

They were no larger than footballs. They blew rust at Beckenbauer. Some went after Svetranova. Afterwards they launched themselves at the two to attachthemselves at the rust spots, and eat them.
25-01-2007, 00:15
Confused at first, Svetranova began to laugh as she realised what was happening. Her last few chainguns - the only exposed metal on the Brigadier's surface - blinked black on her damage indicator as they were destroyed.

As for the rest, the ceramic/plastic-composites that made up her Brigadier's outer shells and most of its exterior weapons systems simply... sat there.

"Cute," she laughed, "I think I'll call you," she said, picking one up by the scruff of its neck, "Rusty."
25-01-2007, 00:22
Beckenbauer stood there as the little beasts began to eat his outer armour. Whilst his inner armour that provided the real protection was a complex mixture of ceramics, the outer layer was a type of metal used during the first Ubersoldaten that he kept just for show, and to remind all Skgorrians just how old he was.
"These things offend me," he spat as one began to munch on his left arm. He could feel rage and irritation building up, how disgusted he was at these things...
"Argh fine!" Beckenbauer screamed, dropping his sword and tearing his arm off. "Have the damned arm, devilspawn!" he shouted as he threw the arm towards the small beasts. He then picked up his sword and started swiping at the monsters.
Demon 666
25-01-2007, 00:22
Oddly enough, Nekaru did not respond to Id's taunt. Rather, he was standing there completely silent, with his eyes closed.
Then his eyes opened and for several seconds, his hands moved very strangely, almost like a rushing spiders, so fast did his fingers move.
When they stopped, Nekaru smiled and he jumped into the arena.
"This is it, old demon. You've already lost by seeing me."
25-01-2007, 00:25
"We going to help?" asked Johnathon indicating the news story. Johnathon was uncomfortable, for many reasons. First and most obvious, was the fact that he was wearing military fatigues in a city, he never wore military fatigues in a city, he stood out like a single tree in a desert and especially as since he was in his "work" minset that irked him no end.

In addition to this was the fact that he had no idea what he was meant to be doing. He had no known orders and for all he knows he could be hanging out with the enemy. Though to be fair his intuition did tell him that he could at least trust thes guys upto a point that they were no where near approaching.

And Michael did give him the boost, though he didn't give him much of an option. However as they entered the cavern Johnathon, all of his senses alert to detect any sudden or slow change that could indicate anything about what was ahead

Ros, lead them deep into the Cave.

"I know who did it. I know where he is. If we don't stop him, We'll all Die. Can't you feel it? The Zohar Reactor has been activated. That means he's going for the Gate of Divinity. He can wish for the end of ALL THINGS!" Ros said.

After a few small caves. The walls closed behind them. They came face to face with a creature, that could not be descrived, verbally or written, by any language.

"I am The Gatekeeper, Guardian of the depths. I will kill any mortal who ventures to the Gate, unless they can prove their might."

The Gatekeeper shot a ball of lightning at them.

Ros palled a wall of stone from the ground, and stopped it.

"IT desn't matter where you aim, just aim and shoot!" he said.

Then he shot The Gatekeeper with Great Granite Spikes.
25-01-2007, 00:26
"Sir," gasped Svetranova, "your arm!"

Batting aside the small creatures, she grabbed the arm from where it lay and placed it inside a storage locker mounted to the rear of her Brigadier.

"Naughty things," she said, "making the Storm-General all... disturbed... like that."
25-01-2007, 00:31


Satisfied, they all scattered off, except Rusty, who was just fine in her arms.

The Rust monsters walked by a wall, and accidently tripped a switch. The floor opened, and out came two RBFG's. (Really Big ******* Gun)

They could each only carry one.

One fired a ball of Green Energy that exploded like a missle, over a wide area.

The Other one Fired a great swarm of smaller shots that overwhlemed multiple targets.
25-01-2007, 00:33
Oddly enough, Nekaru did not respond to Id's taunt. Rather, he was standing there completely silent, with his eyes closed.
Then his eyes opened and for several seconds, his hands moved very strangely, almost like a rushing spiders, so fast did his fingers move.
When they stopped, Nekaru smiled and he jumped into the arena.
"This is it, old demon. You've already lost by seeing me."

"I'm not where I am. This is a time distorted image." The Image disappeared.

Time stopped. There was no fortelling future attacks.

Id appeared behind Nekaru and punched him hard enough to level a city block.
25-01-2007, 00:36
"Hm," mused Svetranova from within the suit, as she placed Rusty on the top (next to a twisted and shattered Chaingun in case it was feeling hungry), "guns. I think I'll take that one that's glowing green. Might be more useful in this den of Communist iniquity!"
25-01-2007, 00:41
Beckenbauer was very suprised at the appearance of the two guns.
"Be careful, they may be booby trapped. If only we had some Inferiors to test them for us," sighed the Skgorrian as he pressed a button on the grip of his chainsabre. He then pressed it against the barrel of the other weapons and picked it up - the chainsabre was now fixed to the gun and he now had a bayonet. A ceramic composite nanobladed chainsaw bayonet, but a bayonet nonetheless.
"Let's hunt some Black" Beckenbauer commanded as he strode on, ridiculously huge weapon in his one hand.
25-01-2007, 00:55


Further on down, Something happened, a Great White Flash, and they were in Paradise, Paradise as they saw it.

OOC: In otherwords, until Everyone catches up, I can't take you any further.
25-01-2007, 01:14
OOC: In otherwords, until Everyone catches up, I can't take you any further.

OOC: Glee! No-nonsense Fascism has its good points! :D

"It's beautiful... one people, one state! All in the state, none outside the state! Such... glory!"
25-01-2007, 01:21
Row after row of uniformed figures stood ahead of Beckenbauer, tightly ranked and standing in order. All blonde haired and blue eyed, their piercing gazes directed at the figure who stood on a massive stage in front of an honour guard.
"Ours is the hour, ours is the glory!" the figure cried. He radiated control, order. All who looked at him could not be help but be mesmerised by his words. "We have won, our struggle against the enemy without is over - Sieg Heil Skgorria!"
"Sieg Heil Skgorria!" screamed the millions-strong crowd, raising their right arm in salute. Beckenbauer raised his as well.
"It's...beautiful" he whispered
25-01-2007, 02:14
There was a cave opening to the right. But that didn't matter. Xithal grabbed Frederick in his jaws and leaped through the door. Fred found that he was uninjured by Xithal's Jaws, though it might be uncomfortable.

A little trail of Lava pooled just on the otherside of the cave in. Ray and Khalan sprang up from the Lava.

Then they froze in place. They could feel it, the energy from The Zohar Reactor.

"Thanks, Xithal. I owe you one."

Noticing the stunned magi, he stared at them for a moment before asking "What's wrong?"
Demon 666
25-01-2007, 02:36
"I'm not where I am. This is a time distorted image." The Image disappeared.

Time stopped. There was no fortelling future attacks.

Id appeared behind Nekaru and punched him hard enough to level a city block.The punch destroyed Nekaru's air barrier, but it completely shielded Nekaru from harm.
"You're pathetic."
And Nekaru stabbed backwards with the lightsabers.
25-01-2007, 03:39
"Thanks, Xithal. I owe you one."

Noticing the stunned magi, he stared at them for a moment before asking "What's wrong?"

"The Zohar reactor. Its, Active. Its on this world. Its almost too late. Kajeenith Activated the Gate. Less Talk more movement." They said. They took off in a full run, and for robed mages, they sure could move.
25-01-2007, 03:41
The punch destroyed Nekaru's air barrier, but it completely shielded Nekaru from harm.
"You're pathetic."
And Nekaru stabbed backwards with the lightsabers.

"And your stupid. Every wound doubles my strength." Id said, Delivering a Kick that was incredibly strong.
25-01-2007, 04:26
"The Zohar reactor. Its, Active. Its on this world. Its almost too late. Kajeenith Activated the Gate. Less Talk more movement." They said. They took off in a full run, and for robed mages, they sure could move.

"Xithal, could you carry us all there? I think this is urgent." asked Frederick. He had seen Xithal move during the battle - he was at least twice as fast as Frederick, if not faster, despite his larger and bulkier size.
25-01-2007, 05:42
The Illusion of The Elder brain faded away, leaving a dead Mind flayer in its place.

A Couple of other Mindflayer grabbed Xos.

One, a Mindflayer mage, casued the air around Morganna to explode, the other used a Mind Blast against her.

The Mindflayer mage teleported Xos away.

"We've got your boyfriend. You don't like it old woman, then come get some." they hissed.

The air crackled around the immaterial Morganna. Her secondary defense flared into existence and she was glad she took the precaution to set it up. Sometimes instinct works better than precaution and when she placed the Mind Shield, it was in response to her instincts telling her to do so.

Her Shield was battered by the attack but it was only a mindflayer after all. It was a meatbag that thought they were better than their betters. Even a Childer would be able to resist the attack.

“Hehehehehehehehehehe. You are way beyond your class here. You have way more weaknesses than I do and far fewer strengths. You are not even a flash in the face of the sun, but you never get out to see the thing, right? Perhaps you should get some sun; it might be healthy for your complexion.”

Morganna reached out with one of her virtual minds and locked upon the two foolish mindflayers. She activated her Exo-teleportation and willed them to a brighter place, low orbit around Om. Below them would be the clouds and above, nothing but the single star warming the world below.

“By the way, the meatbag isn’t my boyfriend. It’s too bad you will never see why Om wanted me to escort him.” She hit both with a sleep so they could not do anything but gasp for air as they lost consciousness.

Morganna executed an Aural Trace to locate Xos and scanned the area. Finding several mindflayers in the area she simply decided to switch into Combat mode and take out the whole damn bunch. She opened several Virtual Minds, each running defenses or prepairing offensive measures. They will see what a Ta’Nar is like in battle instead of just tossing about a few parlor tricks.


For the record, she dropped her Mind Blank because she doesn’t care if they know where she is. She has Psi -Shield, Psi-Block, Psi-Static, Psi-Distortion, and Psionic Resistance abilities activated.
25-01-2007, 06:00
"Xithal, could you carry us all there? I think this is urgent." asked Frederick. He had seen Xithal move during the battle - he was at least twice as fast as Frederick, if not faster, despite his larger and bulkier size.

"I'm not that old yet." said Xithal.

Khalan and ray twisted and turned, cavern after cavern. Then they came face to face with the Zohar Reactor.
25-01-2007, 06:13
The air crackled around the immaterial Morganna. Her secondary defense flared into existence and she was glad she took the precaution to set it up. Sometimes instinct works better than precaution and when she placed the Mind Shield, it was in response to her instincts telling her to do so.

Her Shield was battered by the attack but it was only a mindflayer after all. It was a meatbag that thought they were better than their betters. Even a Childer would be able to resist the attack.

“Hehehehehehehehehehe. You are way beyond your class here. You have way more weaknesses than I do and far fewer strengths. You are not even a flash in the face of the sun, but you never get out to see the thing, right? Perhaps you should get some sun; it might be healthy for your complexion.”

Morganna reached out with one of her virtual minds and locked upon the two foolish mindflayers. She activated her Exo-teleportation and willed them to a brighter place, low orbit around Om. Below them would be the clouds and above, nothing but the single star warming the world below.

“By the way, the meatbag isn’t my boyfriend. It’s too bad you will never see why Om wanted me to escort him.” She hit both with a sleep so they could not do anything but gasp for air as they lost consciousness.

Morganna executed an Aural Trace to locate Xos and scanned the area. Finding several mindflayers in the area she simply decided to switch into Combat mode and take out the whole damn bunch. She opened several Virtual Minds, each running defenses or prepairing offensive measures. They will see what a Ta’Nar is like in battle instead of just tossing about a few parlor tricks.


For the record, she dropped her Mind Blank because she doesn’t care if they know where she is. She has Psi -Shield, Psi-Block, Psi-Static, Psi-Distortion, and Psionic Resistance abilities activated.

Morganna found herself before the real Elder Brain. It had just as many Defenses up as she did.

Xos was on a Table. They were going to insert a Larva in his brain to make Xos undergo Ceremorphosis. They had saws and other impliments.

Here's how it will go. This battle will last five posts. Elder Brain has both Psionics, and due to the meddling of a certain Diety, Magic. Its a Fleshy version of Morganna. He isn't just an Elder Brain, He's a God Brain, because he's very ancient, and has consumed so many brains, as to have nearly limitless powers.

Since I have little experience with Psionics, I will let you take that part, BUT you must make the battle impressive.

After each post, I will post a bit of Xos's struggle to escape, and the Mindflayers struggling to keep him down to undergo Ceremorphosis. Ok? Go. This next one will be your first post.
25-01-2007, 06:15
Ros, lead them deep into the Cave.

"I know who did it. I know where he is. If we don't stop him, We'll all Die. Can't you feel it? The Zohar Reactor has been activated. That means he's going for the Gate of Divinity. He can wish for the end of ALL THINGS!" Ros said.

After a few small caves. The walls closed behind them. They came face to face with a creature, that could not be descrived, verbally or written, by any language.

"I am The Gatekeeper, Guardian of the depths. I will kill any mortal who ventures to the Gate, unless they can prove their might."

The Gatekeeper shot a ball of lightning at them.

Ros palled a wall of stone from the ground, and stopped it.

"IT desn't matter where you aim, just aim and shoot!" he said.

Then he shot The Gatekeeper with Great Granite Spikes.

Johnathon was clear, this was a life and death situation, that... Gatekeeper... was trying to kill them. The response was simple and automatic... try and kill it back.

Johnathon shot a round at the gatekeeper until he needed to put another clip into his gun. next time he fired a glob of acid instead of a bullet emerged out of the gun and headed for the Gatekeeper.
25-01-2007, 06:17
Johnathon was clear, this was a life and death situation, that... Gatekeeper... was trying to kill them. The response was simple and automatic... try and kill it back.

Johnathon shot a round at the gatekeeper until he needed to put another clip into his gun. next time he fired a glob of acid instead of a bullet emerged out of the gun and headed for the Gatekeeper.

Ros had horribly sharp Vines spring up around Gatekeeper.

"Remember!" The Gatekeeper said.

Ros tried to remember, but had forgotten most of what he learned.

"Unless you Remember, you'll never be strong again." Gatekeeper said.

Gatekeeper picked up and threw three stones, weighing 15 metric tones each at Johnathan. They were no bigger than his head though. Magic had been applied to them.

Gatekeeper absorbed the damage and continued, wounded though he was.
25-01-2007, 06:44
"I'm not that old yet." said Xithal.

Khalan and ray twisted and turned, cavern after cavern. Then they came face to face with the Zohar Reactor.

(OOC: Actually, I did the numbers - Accounting for 25 strength, quadraped and large size means that even all three of them is less than even light load. Even at young age a gold dragon is capable of moving at 60' a round.)

Frederick arrived behind the two Magi panting horribly, and looked up at the reactor.

"Th-That's the reactor?" he exclaimed, half in wonder and half in breathlessness.
25-01-2007, 06:47
Ros had horribly sharp Vines spring up around Gatekeeper.

"Remember!" The Gatekeeper said.

Ros tried to remember, but had forgotten most of what he learned.

"Unless you Remember, you'll never be strong again." Gatekeeper said.

Gatekeeper picked up and threw three stones, weighing 15 metric tones each at Johnathan. They were no bigger than his head though. Magic had been applied to them.

Gatekeeper absorbed the damage and continued, wounded though he was.

"****" was the word that came out of Johnathon mouth, while the stones that where coming towards him where small football sized (though even then they would be painful) he managed to gauge from their flight that the rocs where deceptively heavy, he needed to get in between them as he did not have enough time to fully escape the volly. The stones passed one of them brushed his fatigues as he passed.

The bullets where ineffective, he needed help, the Gun. It was said to be able to call a Black Dragon at will for 24 hours. He sure could use the help facing this Gatekeeper and what ever was instore, this by no means was the final battle it was just a block to it. Holding the gun in both hands he called forth on the spirit of the gun to aid in his fight... The gun glowed green once again and a Full Dragon appeared, he gave it one single and simple command.

"Attack" pointing, using an open palm point, at the Gate Keeper.
25-01-2007, 07:04
OOC: Its your dragon, you RP it.


The Gatekeeper continued his conversation with Ros.

"Remember the other Realties man." Gatekeeper said.

It shot 100 Gigavolts of Electricty at Johnathan. Johnathan would barely have the warning to move.
25-01-2007, 07:07
(OOC: Actually, I did the numbers - Accounting for 25 strength, quadraped and large size means that even all three of them is less than even light load. Even at young age a gold dragon is capable of moving at 60' a round.)

Frederick arrived behind the two Magi panting horribly, and looked up at the reactor.

"Th-That's the reactor?" he exclaimed, half in wonder and half in breathlessness.

Khalan and Ray Caressed and hugged the Reactor like a loved one.

"there is a battle raging inside." they said.

Xithal felt super strong.

Even Frederick could feel the massive power of The Zohar Reactor.
25-01-2007, 07:23
"And who might you be?" Maxim commented as he looked at the woman. She looked like a lab assistant that a fellow mad boy had once had before she'd accidentally blown herself up.


"I do not wish to seek atonement." Zeri commented as he'd accepted the fact of the fall and sought neither atonement nor revenge nor restoration.

"Nor do I seek the Gate. My goals and desires are different from one such as yourself that has accepted nothingness." He added as he felt Blackfire attempt to filch some of his energy, and smiled at the self-destructiveness contained within that action. When thesis and antithesis met, in this instant the intrinsic creationist abilities of an angel, fallen or otherwise, and the nihilistic properties of the void, chaos would likely be the least of the worries the area would have to worry about.
25-01-2007, 07:23
"Is there anything we can do about it?"

Frederick kept his distance. He didn't want to accidentally break it or anything.
Demon 666
25-01-2007, 07:26
"And your stupid. Every wound doubles my strength." Id said, Delivering a Kick that was incredibly strong.

Nekaru easily dodged it and once again slashed with the sabers.
This time it was for the legs, and nothing could block them.
25-01-2007, 07:26
"Is there anything we can do about it?"

Frederick kept his distance. He didn't want to accidentally break it or anything.

"No. you can touch the Reactor though, its quite sturdy."