NationStates Jolt Archive

E20 The Twilight War 2.0 (closed)

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Galveston Bay
28-06-2006, 04:01
Events January 12 – 19, 1964

What really happened
In 1963 a cabal of conservative Congressmen and Senators, the Secretary of Defense, a number of corporate leaders and several members of the Joint Chiefs, including the Chairman, decide that Kennedy cannot be trusted to deal with the Chinese when he announces in a cabinet meeting that instead of launching a preemptive strike the US will instead up the ante of the arms race and work on breaking China and the SCT economically.

Kennedy’s statements that after all the Chinese are a democracy and the Chinese people can eventually be trusted to see reason are taken as dangerously naïve by the cabal. The potential that LBJ, who many consider an idiot, is likely to win the 1964 election is viewed as even more reason to act.

On January 12, Congress goes back into session and the Cabal engineers the election of Strom Thurmond as President Pro Tem of the Senate, placing him 3rd in the Presidential succession after the Vice President and Speaker of the House. Elements of the CIA, much of which has been co-opted, are given the task of eliminating the Speaker and the Vice President, while several key Army and Marine units have new commanders loyal to the Cabal placed in charge.

Policy debates continue in Washington for the next 3 days, but its just cover for the Cabal as it prepares to act. On Sunday January 15, Kennedy is at Camp David, enjoying a weekend away from the White House and talking with the Secretary of State regarding options to defuse the situation with China. The Cabal is ready to act and does, as the Marine guards, all loyal to their commander who is loyal to the Cabal, eliminate the Secret Service contingent and those Marines who fail to see their duty. At the same time, assassins kill the Speaker of the House at his home, along with his wife and family, while the Vice President is killed when his aircraft is destroyed over the Gulf of Mexico by a bomb.

Acting in Kennedy’s name, the Secretary of Defense orders the US Military to Defcon 3 and federalizes the Reserves and National Guard and calls them to active duty. Kennedy and the Secretary of State remain in custody for now and in seclusion at Camp David.

By Monday morning key advisors at the White House have discovered the death of the Speaker and Vice President, but are ordered to keep things quiet and given the cover story that it is a plot by the SCT to eliminate American leadership as they are going to launch an invasion of Siberia and the Middle East. Although a thin story, it is plausible enough for the Cabal to buy some time. Meanwhile, Marines from the Marine Barracks in DC are called in to “protect” the White House, while the US Army’s 3rd Infantry Regiment secures the Capitol and the Pentagon.

The Press begins to pick up on what is going on, and the Cabal takes action against several who are on to things. The story is unbelievable however, and because of that, valuable time is lost.

By Tuesday, January 17, the Cabal releases the story regarding the death of the Vice President and the Speaker of the House. The shock of the events prevents initial careful analysis of the cover story, and although many Americans are a bit shocked that Kennedy isn’t the one releasing the story and addressing the nation, the cover story of National Security is enough to buy some more time.

SAC is ordered to full scale readiness to launch an attack against military and leadership targets in the SCT. This does not get out into the media and is initially hidden in the events of the day. However, by Tuesday evening SCT satellites and signals intelligence are picking up very alarming information indicating that the US might very well be about to launch a massive nuclear strike. This takes some time to reach SCT leaders, but by Wednesday morning in Tokyo, Beijing, Hanoi and elsewhere in the SCT, government leaders are aware that something dangerous is happening in the United States.

The British and FNS intelligence agencies begin to pick up on what is going on and alert their governments that Kennedy might not be running things.

On Wednesday, January 18 this becomes obvious. The Press suddenly realizes that the Army and Marines are now obviously guarding the Capitol and the White House and also realizes that they have not been able to reach their reporters at Camp David since Monday morning. Some of the more astute reporters who have pieced together the whole story are then eliminated by rogue elements of the CIA. A series of bomb blasts in Washington eliminates the Treasury Department wing housing he Secret Service, throwing that organization into chaos as the Secret Service staff at the White House are arrested or eliminated by Marines and special CIA operatives. The entire White House press corps is also arrested and sequestered. A press release at noon is handed to the media (through direct means to the various networks and wire services) while another bomb destroys NBC studios just before Chet Huntley is about to break the story of a coup attempt.

The news that President Kennedy has taken ill and been replaced shocks the country, which is already confused by the events of the last few days. The media is in confusion as well as they struggle to figure out what is really going on. Several key corporate officers and newspaper owners are also quietly arrested during the day and sequestered as well.

Based on the classic Cold War novel “Seven Days in May” which is also available as a movie with Burt Lancaster and Kirk Douglas, and a newer version done by HBO a few years ago.

At this point, few intelligence agencies would know much more than what is reported in the news. The British, Canadians and FNS have a pretty good idea though, and to a lesser extent the SCT and Scandic intelligence agencies know enough to be really, really alarmed now.

January 20, 1964
The Day the Markets crashed

By morning on January 20, the Asian markets begin to react to increasing worries over the US, and begin dumping US dollars and US bonds. In addition, the price of oil shoots up as investors worry about the situation in the Middle East, where fighting is breaking out in Arabia and Iraq.

Over the next 24 hours the situation worsens.

When the European markets open, they react to the Asian markets and initially begin buying up US dollars and bonds, well aware that a collapse in price will trigger further catastrophe. The American markets open a few hours later, and they follow the European lead. However, the price of oil continues to rocket upwards, having built up momentum.

Then the announcement from Washington comes out, and this completely unsettles everything. The markets are still open in Europe, and panic selling of US bonds and dollars begins. This in turn triggers panic selling in the Stock Markets as investors hurry to get the money they need to deal with the collapsing bond markets.

In the US, its even worse, and concerned about a run on the banks, the Federal Reserve orders a bank holiday after the bombing of the Treasury Department and apparent death of the Secretary of the Treasury. The FEC then orders the NY and Chicago exchanges to close as well.

By the early morning hours of the 21st, the Asian markets wake up to a full scale financial melt down, and stocks begin to plummet and investors hurry to sell so that they have the funds to deal with the crisis.

Within a few hours the financial leaders in Asia are begging the government to shut down the markets and order a bank holiday, and financial leaders in Europe are urging the same before their markets open. Soon after, world wide, governments take action to halt the collapse before it worsens further with a few exceptions.

Meanwhile, the USAE is on Defcon 2, the UIR and the Philippines begin panic evacuations as the financial world melts down.

January 21st, 1964
A Kennedy advisor manages to reach a friend outside of Camp David who then contacts Governor Tawles of Maryland, an a solid administration supporter, and the governor then contacts his old friend the commander of the Maryland National Guard, who also commands the 29th Infantry Division (Virginia and Maryland National Guard). General Rawford, although elderly (age 88) is a decorated hero of both the 2nd and 3rd Great Wars, and held in very high esteem throughout the US Army and throughout the National Guard and also importantly by the commander of the Maryland Air National Guard, the key defender of the District of Colombia area.

Very quickly the General begins talking to fellow National Guard commanders around the country, who begin talking to reserve commanders and some of the regulars. Word of what is going on also leaks into many NORAD commands a particularly critical element, as Admiral Heinlein wears that hat in addition to his role as commander of US Space Forces and the Alliance Space Force, and he is not part of the Cabal.

By morning, elements of the 29th Infantry have surrounded Camp David and they launch an assault. In the brief but fierce fight, the company sized Marine detachment is overwhelmed by a brigade of mechanized infantry and President Kennedy is freed.

Meanwhile, at 1500 hours (DC time), NORAD closes down the Washington DC airspace to ALL air traffic, preventing further reinforcement of the brigade of the 82nd Airborne and Rangers already in place, and suddenly the media begins to pick up at last that a civil war is about to break out.

SCT intelligence confirms that both Lemay and Thurmond are dangerously paranoid and very likely to attack the SCT without necessarily waiting for provocation. I figure that Thurmond, the old racist, would be as fiercely anti Chinese in this universe as he was historically anti communist in RL.

January 21
1700 hours
Fighting breaks out in Washington DC as elements of the 29th Infantry Division move on the Pentagon and White House and are met by elements of the 82nd Airborne Division, Rangers, and Marine Detachment, Washington DC.

Several small detachments of Cabal controlled troops attack and seize the various embassies of the SCT nations, and any resistance is met with deadly force. Particularly vicious fighting occurs at the USAE Embassy, which is eventually ended by paratroopers storming the building and rooting out the defenders room by room.

Meanwhile, the commander of US Forces in Australia contacts his Australian theater of operations commander and indicates he will not act unless the Australians go to war.

2300 Hours January 21, 1964
Strom Thurmond and Curtis Lemay realize the jig is up. Information comes in that the commander of the 1st Brigade/82nd Airborne is in talks with General Rawford, and the PA NG, the 28th Infantry Division is on the move from the north, the 30th Carolina NG has surrounded Fort Bragg, assisted by the Green Berets and 2nd Marine Division, and the 38th Division from the Midwest was securing National Command bunkers in the Federal Relocation arc in West Virginia, western Maryland, western Virginia, along with the 3rd Armored Division from New Jersey, which was securing Federal facilities in Deleware and Pennsylvania.

Although SAC had been isolated from news, already 2 bomb wings had been contacted by National Guard authorities and were no longer answering. The time to act was now.

The codes were realeased and orders sent to SAC and the US Navy Polaris submarines.
Galveston Bay
28-06-2006, 04:07
Timeline of Events – The Twilight War

August 1961 – Siberian Crisis
USEA and the CSPS attempt to separate Siberia and portions of Caucasian Russia from Russia. The Oceanic Alliance goes on full nuclear alert and threatens war. USEA admits culpability and the crisis eventually eases. Russia then crushes the Siberian rebels and manages to get a political solution in Caucasian Russia over the next year. The Oceanic Alliance begins talks to massively expand, while the United States builds over the next 2 years hundreds of ICBMs and shifts its navy so that the bulk of it is in the Pacific. The Philippines essentially begins withdrawing from its alliance with the United States, and the final collapse of the alliance between the US and Japan occurs.

1962 – The Arms Race heats up
The US completes its missile build up. China begins secret plans for its own.

1963 – Arms Race heats up further
China begins a massive expansion of its nuclear arsenal. Meanwhile, hawks in the US demand the US prevent the Chinese from completing its nuclear program while the US still has superiority.

Meanwhile, in the Middle East, tensions rise due a coup in the Arabian Federation, especially when the USEA and Japan propose to intervene in the area. Germany offers support to its allies, while SCT pressure continues. Fears increase in parts of the US government that the SCT may be planning an invasion of the Middle East to secure its oil supplies. Rebellion also breaks out in the Sudan but is quickly put down.

Countdown to the Twilight War
January 12, 1964
The CIA releases satellite photos of continued Chinese expansion of their nuclear forces at the rate of nearly 2 missiles and silos being completed a day. Emergency meetings occur in Washington. Meanwhile, fighting continues in the Arab Federation and continued fears of prospective SCT intervention. Even worse from the US point of view is an signals intercept indicating that the USEA is attempting to influence events in Mexico, which is threatening to nationalize US oil corporation holdings in Mexico.

January 15
Reports in the media of sharp disagreement in the government between the White House and the Senate, which is dominated by Conservative and Right Wing Democrats and Republicans. The specifics aren't known, but reports are that an open break is in progress.

January 16
The US Military is ordered to Defcon 3, and pictures of the Chinese missile build up are released to the press world wide.

January 17
The US Navy sorties, with the entire fleet going to sea. Air Defense command goes on high alert, as does elements of the US Army. US forces in the Congo are brought home in a hurried airlift.

The Vice President is killed in a car accident, and the Speaker of the House has a stroke. At least according to media reports. US Army forces in the District of Colombia go on high alert. A bomb levels the Treasury Department, including the headquarters of the US Secret Service. President Kennedy is not seen that day.

British intelligence and FNS intelligence pick up rumors of a coup attempt. Other intelligence services only determine that something odd is going on.

January 18
What has all the appearance of a military coup happens in Washington DC as troops secure critical public buildings and leaders. President Kenney is replaced in what appears to be a constitutional, albeit highly irregular manner, and Strom Thurmond declares himself President according to the Constitution. Martial law is declared in the US, and the US military goes to full alert.

Nations around the world become increasingly nervous as the US government, long considered one of the worlds most stable political systems, seems to be going insane.

January 20, 1964
The Day the Markets crashed. A global financial panic breaks out as investors suddenly realize the US, a key factor in the global economic system, is dangerously unstable. A financial meltdown occurs, inflicting staggering losses on economies world wide as stock and bond markets go into free fall, banks are flooded with panicking depositors, and many loans collapse into default. Meanwhile, the USEA goes on military alert but China fails to do so in spite of warnings from its military that the situation is very dangerous. Meanwhile, the USAE is on Defcon 2, the UIR and the Philippines begin panic evacuations as the financial world melts down.

January 21st, 1964
Loyal troops rescue Kennedy and a civil war breaks out in Washington DC as the governors of nearby states support Kennedy, and the commanders loyal to the coup plotters support the coup. Eventually, the commander of NORAD, Robert A. Heinlein, sides with Kennedy, preventing further reinforcement of rebel troops in DC, and the coup is doomed. Rebel troops attack SCT Embassies under orders and seize them by force. Thormund and his supporters realize they have failed to secure the country, but decide to deal with China and its stooge the USEA once and for all. US forces in Australia place themselves under Australian command to lessen Australian concerns.

January 22, 1964
The United States launches a massive nuclear strike against China and the USEA, destroying their military forces, nuclear forces, and a great deal of both countries as well. Mercifully, only a portion of the US nuclear arsenal is used, but that turns out to be enough to kill tens of millions. It will take months for the true extent of the damage to be learned by the world.

timeline January 23 - February 20 here
Galveston Bay
28-06-2006, 04:10
The SCT and Scandic Union quickly pick up on the evacuation in progress in many US cities, and more importantly, the mass take off of nearly every B52 and B58 that will fly, as well as increased alert status around the board.

Only US forces in Australia are remaining on a lower alert level. The Navy is closing in on SCT naval forces and merchant shipping in the Indian Ocean and Pacific, as well as in the Atlantic, Persian Gulf, and Mediterranean Sea.

The US Coast Guard is seizing all SCT shipping in US harbors, by force as needed.

The SCT High Commands are convinced the Americans are going to attack.
28-06-2006, 04:31
(OOC: I'm gonna feel like a jackass if I'm posting to ssoon like evryone did in the other thread, but...)

IC: In Sotckholm, both the civilian government and the military are in a frenzy over reports coming in from America and worldwide. Both the civilian government and military have become convinced that nuclear war is inevitable and have ordered military forces to Defcon 4, a move which the rest of the CSPS quickly follows. Scandic embassies and consulates in all SCT nations and America are shut down and all non-essential personal begin evactuation. A few essential personel remain to retain links to the governments in question, but the personal leave for the countryside while requests are put in with the home governments about possible nuclear shelters for them.

It is deemed to late to get Scandic citizens out of America and China, but as many as possible are warned anyway in the hope that a few might get out, though most have already put two and two together on their own.

The Scandic and Polish navies both sortie. While units from both armies, Azerbaijan and the CAR move closer to the Russian border and prepare to set up refugee camps to prepare for the possibility of Chinese retaliation on Russia and the resulting refugee swarm it would create.

In Scandinavia the military high command and government begind preparations to disperse in case the war spread to them, and the military begins issuing orders in conjuction with othe CSPS nations setting into motion a contigency plan based on what was believed to be about to happen. Many pray that Scandinavia will be kept safe through this crisis.
Galveston Bay
28-06-2006, 04:46
Kennedy contacts the Scandic Union by telephone and explains that he doesn't have control of his nuclear forces, but that the traitors are following a warplan that is aimed entirely at the SCT. However, a few hundred missiles will remain available even after the exchange, along with a lot of the bombers, and the US will continue to honor its commitment to Russia no matter what happens.
28-06-2006, 04:53
(Uhh I know this is a stupid question, but am I apart of this SCT stuff. Because I doubt that the US has a nuclear exchange to launch missles in locations where it's own troops are. As in with the earlier plans they would have Subric Bay with US troops in them, and therefore not have a missle launch plan for the UIP. It's only been a year since frayed nerves were in part.)

The highly devout nation of the Philippines sets a day of prayer. Thousands and then millions crowd churches in rural areas, smaller towns, and even in the cities with the few remaining. The nation itself seems to be one in large prayer. Priests take confessions and give absolution, even offering to the few American Catholics who are stuck on the island. The men of 1st corp, their drill sergeants quiet for once, sit and watch as they wait. Nothing to do now, but wait. Air command and Civil Defense are all that can help now. The populations are being put away in safety. Now all that can be done is wait.
Galveston Bay
28-06-2006, 06:06
0052 Hours, January 22, 1964 (Washington time), 1252 hours January 22 Beijing time, 0652 Stockholm, 0552 London (ZULU time)

SCT tracking stations pick up several objects leaving Yankee Station and several X20s and headed toward China and the USAE. With less then 2 minutes to respond, warnings barely reach the central air defense command centers when the weapons detonate at 100,000 feet over several locations over China and the USAE.

Instantly EMP fries every integrated circuit from Mongolia to Saigon and from Korea to Qinghai province is destroyed. Most radars are knocked out, as are most tracking stations, and radio communication becomes extremely difficult at best. In short, nearly all civilian communications and most of the military communications system is out of action. Power goes out in nearly all of China as well, as many power plants suffer serious damage to their electrical transmission systems.

(ooc: any production center that is not EMP protected is also considered damaged at this point, and the airline industry is effectively destroyed as commercial aircraft are not EMP hardened).

Other missiles detonate in space, destroying SCT spacecraft and satellites. These weapons are much lower yield, but chunks of the rest of the worlds satellite networks are down as well.

However, the EMP effects range is underestimated, and 3 X20s and Yankee Station lose their power (which dooms their crews).

Even as this occurs, the USS Ethen Allen launches 18 Polaris missiles from its station 300 miles west of Okinawa. At the same time, the USS Nathanial Greene launches its 18 Polaris missiles and the USS Robert E. Lee launches 12 Polaris missiles of its own (both are 400 miles west of Taiwan, just east of the Philippines)

In 8 minutes, targets on the Chinese coast will be hit.
Galveston Bay
28-06-2006, 06:22
Even as this occurs, 300 Minuteman III missiles launch from bases in the Western US. They will reach their targets in 30 minutes.

While the missiles fly, US bombers are over the Arctic, refueling from tankers before heading south over Russia bound for China, or west from over the Pacific toward the USAE and southern China. They will reach their targets in 12 hours, and as yet have not been picked up by SCT radar. 2 Bomb Wings, operating out of the US East Coast, are loaded with anti ship missiles, and they are over Canada heading for the western Pacific.

Meanwhile, the 7th Fleet, reinforced to 4 carriers, begins launching air strikes at SCT naval and merchant ships in the Western Pacific, while the 1st and 3rd Fleet does the same in the Central and Southern Pacific, and US submarines begin attacking SCT warships and merchant shipping anywhere it can be found. Conventional and tactical nuclear weapons are both used.

although the SCT does know US bombers took off from satellites before they were knocked out.

In Washington DC, the 29th Infantry, joined by elements of the 82nd Airborne sweep through the Pentagon, while the 29th, joined by elements of the 28th head toward the White House and Capitol, determined to find Thurmond and Lemay.
Galveston Bay
28-06-2006, 06:27
China and USAE... I need to know at what point you intend to launch your missiles, and what their targets are (military or cities). A telegram from the US is sent telling the SCT governments that if American cities are deliberately targetted, the US still has 700 missiles and a large force of bombers available to hit Chinese and USAE and any other SCT power which uses a nuclear weapon.

Not even China can survive the destruction of its 650 largest cities.

In the US, the evacuations continue while full civil defense measures go into effect. The US Army and Marine Corps scatters into rural areas so that it will be available for post strike recovery and defense work, while the remainder of the Air Force scatters or in the case of fighter units, prepares to intercept any SCT bombers. TAC fighter units become part of NORAD for the duration.
28-06-2006, 06:29
The Nigerian government issues a recall of it's diplomatic staff from the United States and orders all shipping away from American ports, somewhat belatedly. However, it is hoped osmething will be salvaged.
28-06-2006, 06:35
China chooses not to launch as there is no point in a counter-attack, given that if China does, the entirety of China will die.
28-06-2006, 06:37
South American citizens bunker down while rapid-reaction task groups prepare themselves to escort radiation cleanup crews already beginning to assemble in Bogota.

The Panama Canal is seized and shutdown. All persons are evacuated including any american personel.
Galveston Bay
28-06-2006, 06:44
As the missiles are launched, of the 48 Polaris missiles launched, 6 malfunction or fail to seperate and tumble off course landing in the sea and sinking to the bottom. Another 5 tumble as they reenter, or suffer failure of their MIRV seperation systems. Of the 37 that remain, each deploys 3 MIRVs, aimed at 19 Mirage V airbases and 10 Kirin Airbases, and 2 Mirage G airbases, plus 6 USAE fighter bases.

meanwhile over the North Pole...

Of the 300 ICBMs launched, 288 successfully reach space. Of these, 250 more complete successful burns and go ballistic falling toward China.

Kennedy recieves the de facto Chinese surrender and can only watch helplessly as the attack continues

In China, the little information available, which comes via Scandic Union satellites, indicates that the ICBMs are heading toward ground forces and the rest of the air force.

Chinese military commanders ignore orders not to fire, and when pressed, hang up the phone. Under no conditions will they accept this. They frantically order their missiles to fuel, painfully aware that the US can hit them with a second wave of missiles before they finish.

This is picked up by US satellites, and word of this reaches SAC soon after. An hour after the first wave of missiles is launched, a second wave is launched. This time aimed at Chinese ICBM silos.
Galveston Bay
28-06-2006, 07:29
In China and the USAE, nuclear weapons explode by the hundreds as army units, bases, air bases, missile bases, nuclear seperation facilities, rocket factories and oil facilities are hit by Minuteman and Polaris missiles. Although cities aren't intentionally targetted, several are severely damaged anyway because of their proximity to military targets.

In 4 hours, China and the USAE cease to be military powers.

Around the same time, US Army troops capture Curtis Lemay and Strom Thurmond, as well as several other traitors including the Secretary of Defense.

Noon Washington DC, January 23
All are given short trials, convicted of treason by summary court martial and placed on a plane en route to the International Court in the Hague for trial as war criminals.

Meanwhile, in East Asia, clouds of radioactive dust begin drifting downwind to the east. Japan, Korea, Taiwan, the Philippines, and US Oceania are all in the fall out pattern.

The US 7th Fleet retires to the east at high speed, warning all shipping to do the same.

Meanwhile, recall orders are received by the Bombers, which turn around and head for home (and preventing a holocaust on Chinese cities and nuclear power plants)
28-06-2006, 07:42
The Government of France is stunned by what has just happened and issues a worldwide condemnation on the United States Government' actions and suspends its membership in the Oceanic Alliance indefinantely, meanwhile a statement of solidarity is issued to the Asians.

It is reported aswell that the visiting French President's plane has gone missing over the Tibet region, however no further details are released.

In addition a massive civil defence drill is made throughout France, all major Media have been put under government control to coordinate, the PRime Minister issues a statement calling for calm.
28-06-2006, 08:28
The USEA offers a similar message of SUrrender as it's limited nuclear forces have no chance of reaching the Unied States to do any sort of damage.

When the Nuclear Wepaon are detected mass evacuations of people from cities are ordered but it is too late. The government, evacuated to various secure military bases and bunkers is destroyed and no one is giving any orders.

Total destruction of USEA military command infrastructure has also been achieved what surviving forces are left simply give up and abandon their now useless positions to run. Many survivng civilians flee to the mounatians and sparsely popoulated areas of Laos, Cambodia and Northern Thailand where few weapons hit.
The USEA fleets are however completely intact as they put to sea before the situation worsened, with no radio contact with the mainland and all the communications satelites knocked out. The admirals in charge of both fleets manage to make contact with each other to decide on their course of action.
Admiral Quy An Quang urges them to sail to the nearest Ameican bases in the region and lay waste to them in revenge for the atrocities commited, he is however shouted down by Admiral Xue Wu Zhou who direct the fleets to begin treating Survivors in Saigon and Bangkok for radiation sickness.
However Admiral Quy An Quang disobeys the orders and escapes with the SSNs 'Vinh' and 'Phongsali', the SSBN 'Veng Shi', two destroyers and and the 'Zhao Tou' Light Missile Cruiser, the ships are last seen sailing east after damaging an ASW frigate trying to stop them.

Most of the Merchant fleet is also saved from the blasts either in foreign ports or at sea.
Galveston Bay
28-06-2006, 08:34
Over the next 24 hours, US submarines intercept and destroy the USAE warships, although not without loss.

does the SSBN launch or attempt to launch? If so, what are the targets? Civilian or military?

The US has nearly 20 SSNs in the area with orders to shoot still in effect
28-06-2006, 08:39
Nigeria also issues a blistering condemnation of the total and unprovoked attack against the people of Asia. Nigeria withdraws all trade from the United States and officially recalls it's diplomatic staff indefinately.
28-06-2006, 08:42
Over the next 24 hours, US submarines intercept and destroy the USAE warships, although not without loss.

does the SSBN launch or attempt to launch? If so, what are the targets? Civilian or military?

The US has nearly 20 SSNs in the area with orders to shoot still in effect

If the rest of the warship are attacked the submarine will attempt to launch missiles at al the major US military bases in the area. However the missiles in the Veng Shi have conventional high explosive and FAB warheads instead of nuclear
Warta Endor
28-06-2006, 10:44
The UIR Government is completly shocked by the events in the US. For the sake of the country, the government (with their aides) is spread over the country to prevent the knockout of the entire system in one blow. The Whole of Afghanistan is alerted and civilians flee to bunkers.

The Military also issue the order that any attack on UIR shipping in the Persian Gulf will be result in a declaration of war and retaliation (basicly, the airforce attacks US shipping).

ooc. god, this sucks. I think this is the end of E20.
28-06-2006, 10:49
In protest over the actions, all Mexican diplomatic staff have been recalled from the US. Mexico is considering its membership of the OA. However, Mexico is also considering pressing charges against the reminants of the Chinese state for compensation, as northern Mexico has become too risky to live in with the rising radiation.

Meanwhile, thousands of Mexicans are being evacuated from northern settlements, and relocated to the Yucatan for the time being. The Government has funded several emergency homes to be set up for the people, and convoys of lorries and trucks are transporting their belongings.
Lesser Ribena
28-06-2006, 11:02
The British parliament is in uproar over the events in the US and Asia. It votes almsot unanimously to suspend its membership in the OA, as details of the damage to China come pouring in pledges of aid for rebuilding from the British budget are made and any extra food can be shipped to Asia.
28-06-2006, 14:46
The British parliament is in uproar over the events in the US and Asia. It votes almsot unanimously to suspend its membership in the OA, as details of the damage to China come pouring in pledges of aid for rebuilding from the British budget are made and any extra food can be shipped to Asia.

Having finally located a satellite still operational in the network, Admiral Xue We Zhou now, having declared himself the defacto leader of the Indochinese suviviors in the absense of all government and command structure, boradcasts a message condemning the cowardly American attack and pleading for help from other countries. Many Indochinese are shocked at what barbarity the Americans are capable of, once close allies and who have always been though of warmly by the Indochinese people, even in the midst of growing tensionsthe seemingly randomness and brutality of the attack leave millions shocked in horror.

Meanwhile leading Buddhist monasteries have begun massive internal aid orperations to help the wounded and homeless. The Abbot of the Shin Ka Saigon Mayahana Buddist temple has effectively taken control of the recovery operations in the city. Similar stories are taking place in Vientiane, Hanoi and all over the country.

(They are going to get you back for this....)
28-06-2006, 14:52
The Scandic government working with other CSPS members begins preparations for masive aid shipments of food and other essential goods for both China and the USEA. Scandic satellites over the area begin providing data to China and the USEA in an effort to help them piece together what is going on, and to give them some warning in the case of another American attack.
The Lightning Star
28-06-2006, 16:24
In Pakistan, the military thinks it sees its chance to try and overthrow the government, due to the annihilation of China and the USEA. 1 of the 3 corps stationed in Agra attempts to overthrow the President. However, the vast majority of the military stands by its president, and do not want to see a military Junta in power, for fear of being nuked by the United States. After a 3 hour-battle, the insurrectionist forces are defeated, and their leaders hauled off to jail.

The President takes action as well. He orders that all Diplomatic staff in Washington evacuate immediately, and that all American citizens be expelled from the country and their property seized by the government. He also orders all military forces to be put on the highest alert. He also issues a statement stating that Pakistan grieves for China and the USEA
Warta Endor
28-06-2006, 16:50
The UIR congratulates Pakistan on its defeat of the rebel forces. Help is gathered for China and USEA. Eventhough it is a little, the UIR hopes that China and USEA appreciate the help.
Galveston Bay
28-06-2006, 17:18
let this thread lie for today, as I still have to figure out damage, and its only been about 36 hours since the attack. At this point, the governments of China and the USAE have either been destroyed, or are huddled in bunkers and do not have reliable communications with much of their nation, and limited communications capability to the outside world.

Civilian aircraft are knocked out, military aircraft are mostly destroyed (a few survive, but not as organized units), no organized bodies of troops are available to restore order and most civilians are either fleeing or huddled in shelters.

At this point, Fall out is still a deadly danger, and the exact patterns still havent been figured out by me yet, so needless to say, I need this to pause while I figure out what happens next.

This is pretty complex stuff after all.
28-06-2006, 17:47
The UIP gets a short amount of fallout in the northern islands. THankfully a northern-easterly wind sends most of it away from the majority of the islands.

The Filipino Embassy in the US retracts itself as the merchant ships return from United States soil. Reports start coming in of the closing down of the two marine bases in the Philippines. Filipino Marines seize the bases, which with the intermingling of United States and Filipino troops for evacuations is done without any bloodshed. US troops are then prepped to be returned home. In the wake of the Chinese assault, it proves a small matter to the world community, but states the UIP's new stance on America. The American Influence on the Philippines dies in a night.

(Ergo I am moving my shipping out of the US.)
Galveston Bay
28-06-2006, 21:10
The Day After – Indochina

The USAE was hit by 6 Polaris and 50 Minuteman missiles aimed at 56 nuclear targets. Each was hit by a 300 kiloton airburst detonation. This mercifully reduces fallout to neighboring countries. A total of 50.4 megatons hit the USAE.

9 brigade sized, 10 division sized, and 3 corps sized units were targeted at various army and marine bases. In addition, 28 air units were targeted, as were the naval bases and / or port facilities at Haiphong, Danang, CamRanh Bay and Bangkok.

Immediate civilian and military casualties were 3.5 million, of which nearly all died within 24 hours from burns or radiation or died instantly.

Fallout was particularly severe in the Red River valley between Hanoi and Haiphong, the area near Saigon, and around Bangkok were a number of air and army bases were located.

Food production in Vietnam is halved for this year, reduced by 20% in Cambodia and Thailand but not seriously affected in Laos. EMP and blast effects have destroyed 16 production centers (4 each Haiphong, Bangkok, Cam Ran Bay, and Danang), and damaged to the point were repairs are required for an additional 56 production centers. All nuclear plants are considered damaged, as EMP effects forced emergency shut downs and repairs (6 points each) are needed to restart them. The national airlines are destroyed, and the tourist industry is finished and both will have to be rebuilt.

In addition, 10 merchant shipping units were destroyed in either USAE or Chinese ports.

At this time, the USAE has no central government. A de facto President exists, but he doesn’t have communications with local or regional leaders. Government at the local level still exists in many places, except for the 4 cities that were destroyed.

Radiation will kill or cause the early death of another 3 million this year, and population growth is reduced to 1% for the next 10 years due to high death rates from cancer, burns, and other radiation caused affects.

Hanoi and Saigon were not attacked directly, but due to fall out not suitable as places of government. The best place to control the country at this point is Pnomh Penh.

At this time, 20 million people will be facing food shortages by March, and famine by July.

(figure 1 point will feed 500,000 people for purposes of game play)

Due to panic, disruption, and chaos, production of any kind will not restart until April 1, and only those production centers that aren’t damaged.
28-06-2006, 21:24
The UIP prepares to send large shipments of food towards the effected areas. Seeing as the SOuthern Hemisphere is largely unhurt by fallout and with a new program of electrical outlets into the rural areas of the Philippines, crops are on a higher yield, leaving the country as one of the few with an actual increase in food production. (As yes it would be true.)
28-06-2006, 21:35
(Announced in UN, but I'll post here for reference)

Russia has provided essentially unlimited resource support (coal, natural gas, oil) to China, and in addition, some border districts may be able to share wasted Russian Hydropower. Russian Army units (ironically stationed in Siberia to prevent SCT attack) can establish refugee/decontamination camps on either side of the border if China wishes. The same would apply to the USEA if distance was not an issue.
28-06-2006, 21:48
(Announced in UN, but I'll post here for reference)

Russia has provided essentially unlimited resource support (coal, natural gas, oil) to China, and in addition, some border districts may be able to share wasted Russian Hydropower. Russian Army units (ironically stationed in Siberia to prevent SCT attack) can establish refugee/decontamination camps on either side of the border if China wishes. The same would apply to the USEA if distance was not an issue.

The USEA gratefully accepts this offer and reports that many of the railways leading south are still operational. Indochina will remain forever indebted to the Russian people, who still offer help even though all the wrongs that we have done to them.
28-06-2006, 21:50
(Announced in UN, but I'll post here for reference)

Russia has provided essentially unlimited resource support (coal, natural gas, oil) to China, and in addition, some border districts may be able to share wasted Russian Hydropower. Russian Army units (ironically stationed in Siberia to prevent SCT attack) can establish refugee/decontamination camps on either side of the border if China wishes. The same would apply to the USEA if distance was not an issue.

China will accept any and all aid. We are grateful for the Russian aid, and it is quite ironic that the Russians, a people who nuked China in World War Three would support China when China has been attacked by nuclear weapons again. Such irony, but a good one at that.
28-06-2006, 21:58
The Philippines has returned it's shipping from the United States. Once they are in we can ship food to China to feed the many displaced and injured. Medical equipment we stored for our own country should we have been attacked will be sent as well. Oil that is owed China due to duty will be stockpiled currently and sent in one huge shipment for short term advantages. Mostly we will send food.
Galveston Bay
28-06-2006, 22:01
On January 24, very high levels of fallout are detected approaching Korea and Japan. (Korea isn't available at the moment as a player so assume appropriate measures are taken).

Korea immediately orders anyone not already in shelters to take shelter and shuts down commerce and travel. Fallout continues to aflict both nations for the next 2 weeks.

game effect: production, already hit by the Crash of 64, is reduced by another 6%, commerce by another 10% and no tourism to either Japan or Korea this year. Death rates will increase for the next ten years, reducing population growth to 1% or half of that if population growth is below 1%.

1% of the population of Japan and Korea will die this year due to radiation exposure or vulnerability because of chronic health conditions. Due to excellent public health and civil defense systems, both nations will escape relatively lightly.

Similar casualties will result in the US Pacific Island Territories of the Marianas and Caroline Islands.
Galveston Bay
28-06-2006, 23:22
The Day After – China
The bulk of the American nuclear strike fell on China.

The US hit 65 corps sized, 30 brigade sized units at their bases or deployment areas with 225 x 200 kiloton warheads. Another 72 air units and their bases were hit by 72 x 300 kiloton warheads. In addition, 300 operational or nearly operational missile silos were hit by 300 x 300 kiloton warheads. In all, China was hit by 297 airburst and 300 ground bursts, all in the 200 – 300 kiloton range. In all 156.6 megatons was used against China.

As location was not specified, I am using the actual RL location of the RL Chinese missile fields, along with actual real life Chinese military airfields and army bases unless otherwise specified. .

More lightly populated areas were assumed to see the first missiles, and so ICBM fields are assumed to be concentrated mainly in the western part of China.

Unlike in the USAE, considerably more fall out was generated because many more detonations occurred and far more of them were ground bursts. Within a week, nearly half the population of China (between Beijing and Shanghai) is within the fallout pattern, as is much of Korea and southern Japan.

Immediate casualties were 40 million civilian and military, with nearly of these dying within 24 hours or killed immediately. Although no cities were specifically targeted, a number of military airfields were located either inside a city or just outside of one. Fuzhou, Shanghai, Hong Kong, Zhangzhou and Xingnig therefore took direct hits, and a number of other cities took serious damage. As a result, 200 industrial centers were destroyed by blast, fire or EMP. Another 300 industrial centers were damaged, as were all 20 nuclear power plants due to EMP (each will require 6 points to repair). The airline and tourist industries have been destroyed as well.

Incidently, EMP damage, unlike regular war damage, only requires 6 points to repair instead of 12

Food production in China is reduced by 70% this year due to contamination and dislocation. This means nearly 400 million people will be suffering food shortages by April and famine will appear by June. Radiation and disease will kill nearly 50 million of these people before then, but real starvation will occur on a massive scale by summer and claim nearly 40% of these people within a year. Within weeks of the attack, people will start to realize what is going to happen, and panic migration will begin to the area south of the Yellow River and north of the Great Wall.

The Chinese government survived for the most part, but within central China, local and regional authority will collapse within weeks of the attack. As the migration begins, it will overwhelm other governments as well. As nearly the entire army was destroyed, the Chinese government has no means to keep order.
28-06-2006, 23:25
The Philippines sends a memorendum to the world community to state that this event should be called the Asian Holocaust. It also demands that the United States take it's surplus food supplies to feed the Chinese population.
Galveston Bay
28-06-2006, 23:32
The scope of the catastrophe in China will not be immediately clear. The huge territory involved, the complete disruption in communication and transportation, and simple safety will prevent any kind of real assessment for weeks. Not until the UN is able to send teams during the spring will the overwhelming nature of the holocaust become really apparent.

Even the Chinese government has no idea how widespread the damage is. All it knows is that it can barely reach anyone outside of the capital, and only occasionally reach provincial capitals and the outside world.

incidently, specific effects like the panic migration are based on the game Twilight 2000, which is THE after Holocaust role playing game, and they did extensive, (really, really extensive) research on the topic.
28-06-2006, 23:35
Nuclear weapons were used in at least 200 nuclear weapons. A title of an Asian Holocaust would be perfectly justifiable at this moment. We don't need to know that it was exactly 50 million people to know that it was a mass amount of death. Send that many Nuclear warheads to a country and it's gonna kill a ton of people.

As for the food shortages. THat's a "Duh" moment as well. So to demand them now before it becomes a major concern is the prudent thing to do. Therefore I don't even know where you are arguing that I am too early.
28-06-2006, 23:41
Refugee and decontamination camps begin springing up in Kashgaria set up by the Kashgaria government with heavy Scandic assistance. Teams of Scandic personal prepare to cross over into China to set up similar camps in China and try to put back together some of China's health system in the western regions first. Huge shipments of food, mostly from the Ukraine, begin making their way across the CAR and Kashgaria on their way to China, although in no way is it enough. Medical supplies and other essentials follow right behind hte food shipments.

The Chinese government, or what officials that can be reached, are asked if the Scandic Union and the CSPS can move in limited amounts of troops into western China to help keep order and help distribute aid more efficiently.
28-06-2006, 23:42
Does any country have a large amount of radiation suits for more effective means of protecting helping workers? THe UIP finds itself in short supply.
Galveston Bay
28-06-2006, 23:48
Nuclear weapons were used in at least 200 nuclear weapons. A title of an Asian Holocaust would be perfectly justifiable at this moment. We don't need to know that it was exactly 50 million people to know that it was a mass amount of death. Send that many Nuclear warheads to a country and it's gonna kill a ton of people.

As for the food shortages. THat's a "Duh" moment as well. So to demand them now before it becomes a major concern is the prudent thing to do. Therefore I don't even know where you are arguing that I am too early.

tone down the caustic attitude, I haven't accused you of anything
28-06-2006, 23:53
OOC: SOrry, but having Ottoman with his snippy attitude, and then having to deal with more different math is getting on my nerves. Half the reason I am getting off now. Well that and I gotta catch the bus. Now I redid my math for my economics and hopefully will not have any more arguments. And I have furnished a map of currents for the whole fallout in the Pacific. Just as a helpful tool.
29-06-2006, 00:06
Does any country have a large amount of radiation suits for more effective means of protecting helping workers? THe UIP finds itself in short supply.

OOC: Doubt anybody has enough for themselves.
New Dornalia
29-06-2006, 01:35
On January 24, very high levels of fallout are detected approaching Korea and Japan. (Korea isn't available at the moment as a player so assume appropriate measures are taken).

Korea immediately orders anyone not already in shelters to take shelter and shuts down commerce and travel. Fallout continues to aflict both nations for the next 2 weeks.

game effect: production, already hit by the Crash of 64, is reduced by another 6%, commerce by another 10% and no tourism to either Japan or Korea this year. Death rates will increase for the next ten years, reducing population growth to 1% or half of that if population growth is below 1%.

1% of the population of Japan and Korea will die this year due to radiation exposure or vulnerability because of chronic health conditions. Due to excellent public health and civil defense systems, both nations will escape relatively lightly.

Korea urges its population to stay calm, and the Korean healthcare system tries to rush emergency aid to the victims of fallout. Buddhists, Christians, and other groups begin to hold prayer meetings in their respective bunkers/shelters. As Korea had allocated civil defense funds, emergency rations are distributed, and everybody fears for the worst.

In the meantime, the Kim Government (or what's left of it) tries to send missives through whatever means pleading for assistance, as far sighted leaders see it is suicide to try and continue the war. Ferries to Vladivostok become suddenly full, as many try to escape, and a state of emergency is declared all across Korea.
Galveston Bay
29-06-2006, 02:18
Blast blows nuclear radiation to extremely high altitudes as well as lower atmosphere. So you get local fall out (usually within 100 miles downwind for the size of weapons used during the war) and long term fall out, which is determined by the winds at high altitudes.

The pattern used can be found here
page 21

radiation particles will circle the northern hemisphere for the next few years and gradually fall everywhere. This will up the cancer rate world wide but not enough to factor into game terms (death rate increases somewhat, but not at a high enough percentage to noticably effect population growth).

However, it will likely stimulate cancer research when funding is available.

The Tropical High Pressure Belt will keep high altitude radiation from crossing over to equator to any significant degree. However some radiation will be trapped in the area between the Tropic of Cancer and the Equator and that means the Philippines and Miconesia will get some fall out.

The Monsoonal winds are whats really critical in Southeast Asia,

Which means Burma will get some fallout from Indochina but most of the actual damage occured further east, so most of these will fall on thinly populated areas. Which is tough on the relatively primative peoples of that region, but Rangoon and most of the settled areas suffer lightly.

Pakistan and Ceylon are far enough east were little will reach it, but some problems will occur in the Andaman and Nicobar islands.

The ocean currents generally flow as follows
page 28, so mercifully, the Pacific will remain uncontiminated for the most part except for the coastal waters of China and Indochina (from river runoff) and in the East China Sea and Sea of Japan. Fishing will suffer a little, but more because of other problems then from fall out.

Indonesia will escape lightly, and Australasians as well.

North America will get fall out first, within days, and then Europe and Russia.
Enough to be noticed, and to cause local situations when storms bring down heavy concentrations, but not beyond the capability of NBC military units to clean up.

However, milk will not be safe to drink without signficant precautions for much of the year (cows in barns etc). This will cost the US 5 points of economic production, with France, Britian losing 2 points each, and the Russians, Ukranians and Central Asians losing 1 point each. (reason is they all have significant export industries in cheese, milk and various associated products)

Crops outside of Asia are unaffected as its winter and nothing is showing above ground to any signficant degree except in California, and vegatables can be cleaned easily enough.
Galveston Bay
29-06-2006, 02:47
remainder of January and February 1964
In the United States, the Army and National Guard secure all SAC bases, as well as the CIA headquarters. All CIA personnel world wide are summoned home (a few flee at this point and attempt to dissappear).

SCT Diplomatic personnel are escorted to Canada. The US evacuates all military personnel from Morocco, Russia, and eventually Australia. Equipment is left behind in Australia and Russia (all of the prepositioned equipment) and the aircraft are as well in Australia (the US feels Australia may need them eventually if Pakistan gets pushy)

To assist the members of its alliance with home tensions, the US withdraws formerly from the Oceanic Alliance.

Thorough investigations begin to determine how deep the Cabal went in the government and military. A number of Generals, Colonels, Bueracrats and elected officials are arrested. This effectively guts SAC of its senior leadership but that is acceptable. Army troops also occupy the missile bases.

All codes are changed.

The US remains under martial law, and Kennedy announces that the state of war continues to exist at the present time. More to ensure domestic control then anything else. Nations that retain diplomatic relations are informed of the reason.
29-06-2006, 03:12
Russia offers to send a Special Forces unit of Paratroops, trained in counter-insurgency, with experience from Siberia, to help in hunting down remaining Cabal members.

(OOC: Probably too late, but we can at least say we did something)
Galveston Bay
29-06-2006, 03:15
The US politiely refuses all offers of froreign troops as it would more likely incite further problems.

The Left in the US begins to pick up on the scope of the horror in China and Indonchina. (ooc fruther problems to come)
29-06-2006, 05:37
Several aid packages are being prepared for each country affected. FNS promises that it will do whatever it can for the people of Asia.

South America offers full military assistance in cleaning up both the mess and any unrest. We wish only to help; any previous resentment has been swept off the table.

On another topic, the FNS will NOT place an embargo upon the United States. The President of South America goes before the numerous television cameras, informing the South American population of the Cabal and the attempts of Kennedy to prevent the action. It is because of Kennedy that the entire world was not destroyed. He reminds the people how lucky they are, but they must show compassion to their brothers and sisters across the Pacific.
29-06-2006, 11:26
Refugee and decontamination camps begin springing up in Kashgaria set up by the Kashgaria government with heavy Scandic assistance. Teams of Scandic personal prepare to cross over into China to set up similar camps in China and try to put back together some of China's health system in the western regions first. Huge shipments of food, mostly from the Ukraine, begin making their way across the CAR and Kashgaria on their way to China, although in no way is it enough. Medical supplies and other essentials follow right behind hte food shipments.

The Chinese government, or what officials that can be reached, are asked if the Scandic Union and the CSPS can move in limited amounts of troops into western China to help keep order and help distribute aid more efficiently.

China accepts the CSPS aid, economic, food, and military.



China goes on National Effort for the rest of 1964 as it's necessary to milk as much production out of its remaining factories to clean up, repair cities, set up new farms, rebuild social services, repair nuclear power plants, etc.

I'm still overwhelmed so I don't know how much production I will have for 1964, starting in April, plus the economic crash, plus the need to provide food, plus other things.

A population loss of 100 million in the nuclear holocaust, I believe- part from the radiation and nuclear stuff, then the other part from disease and starvation, so China's population goes down to 500 million, correct?

Also, most of my Regular Infantry (1 corps per city) and Special Forces (1 brigade per city) were based in the cities themselves but most of my "heavies" were located outside of the cities (tanks, artillery, planes, etc.). So I should have these Regular Infantry and Special Forces mostly intact for policing actions and restoring order.

Unless the US nuked entire cities just to kill regular infantry units and several thousand special forces troops?
29-06-2006, 13:11
France tries to contact what's left of the Chinese government to try to obtain permission to mount a search and rescue operation to attempt to locate the French Presidential Aircraft that Disappeared over the Tibet Region (OOC: due to the EMP). Also an aid package of 64.3 points have been raised by the French and Balkan Nations to Asia which will arrive after the scope of the crisis has been determined and priorities are set.
29-06-2006, 14:16
France tries to contact what's left of the Chinese government to try to obtain permission to mount a search and rescue operation to attempt to locate the French Presidential Aircraft that Disappeared over the Tibet Region (OOC: due to the EMP). Also an aid package of 64.3 points have been raised by the French and Balkan Nations to Asia which will arrive after the scope of the crisis has been determined and priorities are set.

Permission is granted by China.
New Dornalia
29-06-2006, 15:03
Several aid packages are being prepared for each country affected. FNS promises that it will do whatever it can for the people of Asia.

South America offers full military assistance in cleaning up both the mess and any unrest. We wish only to help; any previous resentment has been swept off the table.

On another topic, the FNS will NOT place an embargo upon the United States. The President of South America goes before the numerous television cameras, informing the South American population of the Cabal and the attempts of Kennedy to prevent the action. It is because of Kennedy that the entire world was not destroyed. He reminds the people how lucky they are, but they must show compassion to their brothers and sisters across the Pacific.

OOC: Do the FNS plans include me?


Kim's Government, informed of the true nature of the American Attack by media sources and Korean diplomats in Canada, assures the people of Korea that everything is under control and that a cabal of ultranationalists started the war, not Kennedy. However, such assurances, as somewhat comforting as they can be, still do not assuage all Korean anxieties.
29-06-2006, 16:13
The Handpicked Airborne Division is sent en route to the Tibet along with a transport Helicopter and the Dornier Aerial Transport.
29-06-2006, 16:26
China's priorities:

1. Restore communications.
2. Restore nuclear and electric generation (needs power / electricty).
3. Mass soldiers in Chinese cities and suppress any riots, warlords, looting, etc.
4. Rebuild factories.
5. Set aside 24 points to continue research Very Heavy Rockets and Lunar Missions on Hainan Dao (so China can land on the moon as a powerful pyschological morale booster),
29-06-2006, 16:28
So how badly and where was USA attacked?
29-06-2006, 16:37
So how badly and where was USA attacked?

The US didn't get attacked at all as far as I know.
29-06-2006, 16:38
Its just sort of in civil war? Well that's good that it didn't get attacked. Means I don't have to worry so much.
29-06-2006, 16:58
Its just sort of in civil war? Well that's good that it didn't get attacked. Means I don't have to worry so much.

The US might have a civil war soon with "Left Wing" fighting "Right Wing" I think.
29-06-2006, 17:00
Ah ok, I'll have to keep an eye out on my northern neighbours.
Galveston Bay
29-06-2006, 17:01
The costs of famine relief
29-06-2006, 17:19
A Central Asian H.Q. unit begins moving into Western China to help cooridinate relief efforts. The CSPS improved comm net is opened up for use for whoever can connect into it in both China and the USEA to help both nations re-establish commincations.
Galveston Bay
29-06-2006, 19:55
Aid to China and the USAE
(will be updated as I have time to read it and can find it. If I haven't posted something you have done by tomorrow night, let me know by TG)

Central Asia -- 1 HQ unit,
Italy - 1 HQ unit
UK -- 60 points in relief aid
China - 50 points
French and French allied aid - 64 points, plus 1 helicopter unit, 1 transport unit (worth another 7 points)
US Aid - 180 points worth (see below)
Russia - 1 HQ unit (wroth 10 points)
Poland - 10 points
FNS - 70 points


A total of 700 points at least is needed, with military assistance providing point equivilants. That is for China alone. The USAE will need assistance too, and so might other areas of the world as the year moves along.

It will take various lengths of time for military units to reach the area. European units must go by rail or sea (sea is better) and that takes a month including prep time. Units from neighboring nations take 2 weeks including prep time, depending on planned deployment area. Units from the Americas would take a month as well.

Once there, the HQ units (which have engineer units as part of their function) will be getting ports operational and building airfields, since every military airfield of note in China consists of a very large radioactive crater, and some of the civilian airports got hit as well if they bordered military bases. Shanghai and Hong Kong are not operational as ports, and actually those cities, along with a number of others, burn for 2 or more weeks. Taiwan got hit hard as well and the situation there is particularly dire because most farmland is right next to military bases.

The USAE has the port of Saigon available, and supplies can be sent up the Mekong River to Cambodia. No other major ports are operational, although Cam Ran Bay has many miles of beaches, and so does Danang and Haiphong, and HQ units can use those as ports.
29-06-2006, 20:12
France+Yugoslavia+Albania-Kosovo= 64.3 points

EDIT: France Has Sent The Elite Airborne division, One Helicopter Transport and One Dornier Air Transport is sent to Search and Rescue for the French President, After he is found -dead or alive- these can participate in the aid project.
Galveston Bay
29-06-2006, 20:36
The US responds massively. A note is sent to the UN telling it that interference will not be tolerated, and protests or complaints will be ignored. The US states it will remain in China until the end of 1964 and will then withdraw. The US intends to provide relief operations and has the unique capability to provide massive air and sealift support. As China has surrendered to the United States, and the US is responsible for its current situation, the US will step in to assist the Chinese people who are victims of the United States. 2 Amphibious groups, 4 transport groups will bring ashore 2 HQ units, 2 Air Cavalry Divisions, 2 Marine Divisions, and 3 Special Forces Groups will be brought in by airlift. The entire Military Airlift Command, 19 air transport units in all, plus 5 cargo helicopter units will provide support.

In addition, 50 points of aid will be provided.

The entire Pacific Fleet (with 12 carrier groups, and a lot more escort ships and submarines) steams across the Pacific, arriving off the coast of China on March 1. US troops will secure Taiwan, and the port of Fuzhou, and provide relief assistance in Taiwan, as well as Fujian and Zhejiang proviences.

Total US aid will work out to 180 points. If additional troops are needed, another 6 mechanized divisions and 1 air cavalry division are available.
Galveston Bay
29-06-2006, 20:55
In China, the reaction of what is essentially a massive US invasion is mixed. Most refugees are too desperate to care who provides them with food and medical care. Local Government leaders are outraged, but as the entire Chinese Army has been destroyed, feel that the best bet is to play along and hope the Americans go away eventually. After they do something to keep local governments from being swamped by refugees however.

Surviving legislators in Beijing are also outraged, but realize that essentially China surrendered, and lacks any kind of ability to kick the Americans out anyway. Some on the Left are extremely critical of the proposal to continue space research when hundreds of millions of people are facing starvation and such efforts can wait until some kind of stability can be restored.

The surviving Press, when it isn't ranting at the Americans, rants at the government for allowing events to come to pass, and for wasting money on space as well.

the price of democracy is criticism

Meanwhile, in the US, the Kennedy Administration releases aerial photographs, satallite images, and ground level pictures of the devastation. This provides the political support needed for the intervention, but the long term price and cost will come home to roost (ooc, although not this year)
29-06-2006, 23:12

What Indochinese officials can speak to the world announce that under no circumstances will US troops be allowed on Indochinese soil.
Remaining, air, land and sea forces will resist all atemepts by American forces to reach Indochina. Monatary aid is acceptable, but after the atrocities commited no Ameican desreves to even see the shores of Asia.
29-06-2006, 23:22
The UIP Army offers to send it's 3 Parachute Units and 3 Marine Units to help feed the populace of Indochina. (As that's probably all I can furnish with radiation suits.)
29-06-2006, 23:27
ooc: Just to make sure I follow, are radiation effects on Australia are negligable in game terms? I believe the Solomons and New Guinea are fairly close to the wind patterns that may touch Indonesia and Malayasia...
Galveston Bay
29-06-2006, 23:31
ooc: Just to make sure I follow, are radiation effects on Australia are negligable in game terms? I believe the Solomons and New Guinea are fairly close to the wind patterns that may touch Indonesia and Malayasia...

Solomons and Papua are too far east, and western New Guinea is going to get a little, but not enough to raise the death rate because the densly populated inland highlands have high death rates already, and cancer isn't usually a problem anyway (a couple of million people live in those highlands, a fact not realized until the 1970s in real life, and just now realized in this timeline)
Galveston Bay
29-06-2006, 23:33
What Indochinese officials can speak to the world announce that under no circumstances will US troops be allowed on Indochinese soil.
Remaining, air, land and sea forces will resist all atemepts by American forces to reach Indochina. Monatary aid is acceptable, but after the atrocities commited no Ameican desreves to even see the shores of Asia.

The US government informs the USAE government that any hostile action on its part that attempts to interfere with US operations in China will be treated as a continuance of the war. Either there is a cease fire in place, OR the fighting continues. The USAE is informed that has to make that choice.

this is passed through the Philippines and Australia
Galveston Bay
29-06-2006, 23:34
The UIP Army offers to send it's 3 Parachute Units and 3 Marine Units to help feed the populace of Indochina. (As that's probably all I can furnish with radiation suits.)

tech level 7 military units all have NBC gear, although in tropical conditions such gear cannot be worn long. Hours at most. NBC gear hasn't really improved much since then either. It won't until tech level 9 (RL no one has really useful gear like this even now, exhaustion sets in very, very quickly, especially in hot climates)
29-06-2006, 23:37
A message is sent to the US through old lines. "Has the US not seen enough bloodshed. THis has never been a war, it was simply a massacre. We recommend through our shared history that the US back down on this issue. HOw much more tarnish does the US wish to put upon it's name? Half the nations are already preparing to embargo the US, and the other half are thinking about it. As a fellow Catholic, what do you want history to remember you as Mr. Kennedy? If you back down, it will be seen that it was a bare few who made this tragedy. If you instead continue violence, then you will show that the American people have lost the love of GOd, and what will your future be? "

(Seriously the US is losing allies left and right, Kennedy wasn't a stupid man. He'd realize when it was time to back down.)
29-06-2006, 23:37
The US government informs the USEA government that any hostile action on its part that attempts to interfere with US operations in China will be treated as a continuance of the war. Either there is a cease fire in place, OR the fighting continues. The USEA is informed that has to make that choice.

this is passed through the Philippines and Australia

OOC: You didn't read properly, I said nothing about China. Only that US troops will not be allowed into Indochina without resistance.

Oh and it is USEA not USAE
Galveston Bay
30-06-2006, 00:00
A message is sent to the US through old lines. "Has the US not seen enough bloodshed. THis has never been a war, it was simply a massacre. We recommend through our shared history that the US back down on this issue. HOw much more tarnish does the US wish to put upon it's name? Half the nations are already preparing to embargo the US, and the other half are thinking about it. As a fellow Catholic, what do you want history to remember you as Mr. Kennedy? If you back down, it will be seen that it was a bare few who made this tragedy. If you instead continue violence, then you will show that the American people have lost the love of GOd, and what will your future be? "

(Seriously the US is losing allies left and right, Kennedy wasn't a stupid man. He'd realize when it was time to back down.)

the US realizes this, and also realizes that nothing it does at this point will change that. However, it also doesn't care about Filipino opinion, which before the war changed sides (ooc, there is history you don't know about. France changed sides once when it was allied with the US on the eve of the 2nd Great War in this RP. The US has no patience as a nation for allies who change sides)

In addition, the FNS is backing the US, which weakens your arguement
30-06-2006, 00:02
SO the US gets away with it totally. Ok then.
Galveston Bay
30-06-2006, 00:02
OOC: You didn't read properly, I said nothing about China. Only that US troops will not be allowed into Indochina without resistance.

Oh and it is USEA not USAE

I read it right. The US, which had made no plans to interfere in Indochina was annoyed by what it feels is baseless USAE arrogance after its entire military got destroyed and wanted to make a point. Remember, IC is not the same as OOC
Galveston Bay
30-06-2006, 00:06
SO the US gets away with it totally. Ok then.

OK, I am getting annoyed by your continueing to post marginally relevent posts in IC threads. Post things like this in the Main thread, that is what its for. Your OOC post is relevent in that thread. IC threads are meant for history, background, RP, and game activities like combat results, moves etc.

Your new, and I am trying to be patient. If you don't agree with a ruling, or what a PC or NPC country is doing, you can do so. But do it in the main thread, or the economcs thread, or the military thread so we don't clutter up IC threads with arguments and long detailed explanations.
30-06-2006, 00:07
I read it right. The US, which had made no plans to interfere in Indochina was annoyed by what it feels is baseless USEA arrogance after its entire military got destroyed and wanted to make a point. Remember, IC is not the same as OOC

Indochina still has it's fleets and a third of it's airforce.

Where did I confuse IC and OOC?
Galveston Bay
30-06-2006, 00:10
Indochina still has it's fleets and a third of it's airforce.

Where did I confuse IC and OOC?

you didn't read it right was your statement. I did read it, but you said that as an ooc statement.

Remember the US is feeling guilty, but its still a superpower, and wary of Indochinese intentions and aware that it has some air strength and possibly nuclear weapons. A large element of "lets make sure they aren't a threat if they threaten us" and "Haven't those people learned their lesson yet" is going to be in the psychology of the moment too.
30-06-2006, 00:11
Solomons and Papua are too far east, and western New Guinea is going to get a little, but not enough to raise the death rate because the densly populated inland highlands have high death rates already, and cancer isn't usually a problem anyway (a couple of million people live in those highlands, a fact not realized until the 1970s in real life, and just now realized in this timeline)

I suppose then I dont know about those people even with the extra industrialization poured into the region right after the 3rd World War? I know the area around Port Moresby was concentrated on, but would any of those points for infastructure have bled over?

(just begging for extra population here... :) )
Galveston Bay
30-06-2006, 00:15
I suppose then I dont know about those people even with the extra industrialization poured into the region right after the 3rd World War? I know the area around Port Moresby was concentrated on, but would any of those points for infastructure have bled over?

(just begging for extra population here... :) )

actually you should get a population bump of about 2 million. Although you will have to provide services to the New Guinea mountains (some of the worst terrain on the planet). Including airports, roads and rural electrification at some point. Have to think about that one, as such services do not exist today in real life.

You are going to start getting refugees next year in all likelihood (or at least requests to emigrate.. mostly from Southeast Asia and China)
30-06-2006, 00:17
OOC: Ok that's a question that specifically needs to be addressed because of this. Especcially for the Philippines, Indonesia, and Australia. How will the immigration be handled for those out of the majority of the radiation leaks. (Aka the major SOuthern Hemisphere countries.)
30-06-2006, 00:21
actually you should get a population bump of about 2 million. Although you will have to provide services to the New Guinea mountains (some of the worst terrain on the planet). Including airports, roads and rural electrification at some point. Have to think about that one, as such services do not exist today in real life.

You are going to start getting refugees next year in all likelihood (or at least requests to emigrate.. mostly from Southeast Asia and China)

ooc: that is acceptable on sooo many levels. Except that the present PM was in favor of White Australia. The policy is extent in E20 now, but he may have to go...

anyway. some roads and airports exist and rural electrification for the region will have to come next year. My budget redlined by 0.25 points after the economic collapse (which I just said was covered by increased taxes from rescinded tax cuts over the past 2 years. hope that is acceptable)

IC: Australia offers its 1 HQ unit to the USEA for recovery operations. Should that nation not accept the offer, China will receive it instead. There is no room in the budget for aid this year but 2 light marine brigades are avaliable to China for recovery ops on Formosa should they be accepted.
30-06-2006, 00:23
you didn't read it right was your statement. I did read it, but you said that as an ooc statement.

Remember the US is feeling guilty, but its still a superpower, and wary of Indochinese intentions and aware that it has some air strength and possibly nuclear weapons. A large element of "lets make sure they aren't a threat if they threaten us" and "Haven't those people learned their lesson yet" is going to be in the psychology of the moment too.

OOC: Eh?

The Indochinese statement was not OOC.

Also you have to take into account that the Indochinese have learned a very big lesson, the hard way. Don't trust the Americans.
30-06-2006, 00:25
ooc: that is acceptable on sooo many levels. Except that the present PM was in favor of White Australia. The policy is extent in E20 now, but he may have to go...

anyway. some roads and airports exist and rural electrification for the region will have to come next year. My budget redlined by 0.25 points after the economic collapse (which I just said was covered by increased taxes from rescinded tax cuts over the past 2 years. hope that is acceptable)

IC: Australia offers its 1 HQ unit to the USEA for recovery operations. Should that nation not accept the offer, China will receive it instead. There is no room in the budget for aid this year but 2 light marine brigades are avaliable to China for recovery ops on Formosa should they be accepted.

China is much more in need of this kind of aid then Indochina, it would be best if it were to be taken there.
Galveston Bay
30-06-2006, 00:29
OOC: Ok that's a question that specifically needs to be addressed because of this. Especcially for the Philippines, Indonesia, and Australia. How will the immigration be handled for those out of the majority of the radiation leaks. (Aka the major SOuthern Hemisphere countries.)

answer requires study, and also depends on what happens this year in Indochina and China. Based on history of Indochinese emigration 1975-2000, it could be millions. But it could be less or more. Distance is a factor, and the actions of potential receiving nations make a difference as well.
Galveston Bay
30-06-2006, 00:33
OOC: Eh?

The Indochinese statement was not OOC.

Also you have to take into account that the Indochinese have learned a very big lesson, the hard way. Don't trust the Americans.

I understand, and I would certainly be saying what you are if I were the Indochinese at this point. Yes, if I were East Asian, I wouldn't trust the Americans at all. On the other hand, the US inflicted huge damage to Japan in RL and they are close allies now. Not on the scale, but certainly wiped out the Japanese economy, military and killed millions of Japanese at little comparative cost to themselves. As the US did that actual thing to Japan in the RP, and Japan was an ally for a time, its hoping at least to lesson Chinese long term hatred of the US by stepping in. And try to stop further loss of life caused by the actions of its military and a near revolution.
30-06-2006, 00:50
OOC: Well yes, but also remember that the reason the Japanese did get a positive thought of the Americans despite the war was that they never really surrendered before. IN Japanese culture surrender is the worst possible thing. THey expected to be mistreated by the Americans in the same way they mistreated those who surrendered. In contrast they were shocked that the way the US actually treated them was considered quite lenient to the Japanese eye. But whether the US can pull that off after what they just did is left to reason. If they SCT hated the US before they'll probably loath the US now. Now enough of OOC stuff.

IC: The pilots of the C-82's prep themselves to carry the first contingent of Filipino parachute troops into the Indochinese landmass. THey all complain as they put themselves into their suits. The Southern Hemisphere, unlike the northern, is in the middle of the summer, and the soldiers of the army are roasting in their suits. Most are only allowed to carry minimal ammunition. THe soldiers are instead lain down with more than their fair share of water. The heat inside the suits will get unbearable without them.

The amphibious boats prepared to upload the 1st Marine units. The marines are less likely to complain as their rigid officers stand to wait to be sent. They all appear grim. Videos of what nuclear war can do have been shown to all, but now they'll see it first hand. Most of the young man gulp as they think about what their next goal will be.

(The C82 is what carries parachute troops right?)
30-06-2006, 01:16
OOC: Do the FNS plans include me?


Kim's Government, informed of the true nature of the American Attack by media sources and Korean diplomats in Canada, assures the people of Korea that everything is under control and that a cabal of ultranationalists started the war, not Kennedy. However, such assurances, as somewhat comforting as they can be, still do not assuage all Korean anxieties.

A diplomat is sent to the Korean Embassy in Bogota asking what the Korean People need. We can offer $70 Billion (70 points) in aid this year, and possibly an HQ unit the next. We can also send military forces to help in maintaining control.

Contact with the Chinese government is sought asking for permission to send South American soldiers to help the Chinese along with the $131 Billion worth of aid (Again, 131 points).
30-06-2006, 01:26
China gratefully accepts any and all FNS aid, and are happy that our friends in the FNS are supportive of China in its time of crisis, very much like what the FNS did for China just after World War Three.
30-06-2006, 01:32
The Philippines wonders if China would mind if the army sends any of it's own soldiers to help in the current crisis. The men of the light division could be prepped rather quickly.
30-06-2006, 01:46
The Philippines wonders if China would mind if the army sends any of it's own soldiers to help in the current crisis. The men of the light division could be prepped rather quickly.

China welcomes any and all assistance.
30-06-2006, 01:50
The 1st Division was thankfully left in battalion form as it helped evacuate the cities. NOw the police are fully capable of getting the populace back into the cities. The problem being that most of the transports are being used to get the marine and parachute divisions into Indochina. The 1st takes a handful of days to get organized, and then finds that once it is, that the transports are not available. THe ordinance department spends a day getting old liners, and ships that can make it across the sea together. The second marine unit is already headed for Indochina by the time the first companies of the 1st are loaded onto boats.
New Dornalia
30-06-2006, 02:27
A diplomat is sent to the Korean Embassy in Bogota asking what the Korean People need. We can offer $70 Billion (70 points) in aid this year, and possibly an HQ unit the next. We can also send military forces to help in maintaining control.

Contact with the Chinese government is sought asking for permission to send South American soldiers to help the Chinese along with the $131 Billion worth of aid (Again, 131 points).

The Kim Government replies that the 70 billion US Dollars may be needed to get things up and running. Otherwise, that might be fine. Also, in the event of extended aid missions to the devastated areas, the FNS is welcome to use Korean facilities at Inchon, Pusan and Hamhung.

Korea also contacts the Chinese (via their respective UN Ambassadors), and offers the use of its Rapid Reaction Force to restore order and provide aid.
30-06-2006, 02:48
EHC (Eastern Homeland Command-or Siberia) can send its Secondary Command Group (HQ Unit) to Ulanbatar to help direct relief efforts. In addition, if France and China agree, an RA-12 (as RC-135) can be sent to aid in searching for the French President.
30-06-2006, 03:14
Kashgaria and the CAR are both opening up to Chinese refugees. The first shipments of food from the CSPS start crossing over from Kashgaria into Western China.

(Poland is providing 10 points, more CSPS aid depends heavily on how Europe, specifically France, Britian and Russia act in the upcoming days.)
Galveston Bay
30-06-2006, 06:00
Aid to China and the USAE
(will be updated as I have time to read it and can find it. If I haven't posted something you have done by tomorrow night, let me know by TG)

Central Asia -- 1 HQ unit,
Italy - 1 HQ unit
UK -- 60 points in relief aid
China - 50 points
French and French allied aid - 64 points, plus 1 helicopter unit, 1 transport unit (worth another 7 points)
US Aid - 180 points worth (see below)
Russia - 1 HQ unit (wroth 10 points)
Poland - 10 points
FNS - 70 points


A total of 700 points at least is needed, with military assistance providing point equivilants. That is for China alone. The USAE will need assistance too, and so might other areas of the world as the year moves along.

It will take various lengths of time for military units to reach the area. European units must go by rail or sea (sea is better) and that takes a month including prep time. Units from neighboring nations take 2 weeks including prep time, depending on planned deployment area. Units from the Americas would take a month as well.

Once there, the HQ units (which have engineer units as part of their function) will be getting ports operational and building airfields, since every military airfield of note in China consists of a very large radioactive crater, and some of the civilian airports got hit as well if they bordered military bases. Shanghai and Hong Kong are not operational as ports, and actually those cities, along with a number of others, burn for 2 or more weeks. Taiwan got hit hard as well and the situation there is particularly dire because most farmland is right next to military bases.

The USAE has the port of Saigon available, and supplies can be sent up the Mekong River to Cambodia. No other major ports are operational, although Cam Ran Bay has many miles of beaches, and so does Danang and Haiphong, and HQ units can use those as ports.

current update, I am sure I missed some
Galveston Bay
30-06-2006, 06:07
On January 24, very high levels of fallout are detected approaching Korea and Japan. (Korea isn't available at the moment as a player so assume appropriate measures are taken).

Korea immediately orders anyone not already in shelters to take shelter and shuts down commerce and travel. Fallout continues to aflict both nations for the next 2 weeks.

game effect: production, already hit by the Crash of 64, is reduced by another 6%, commerce by another 10% and no tourism to either Japan or Korea this year. Death rates will increase for the next ten years, reducing population growth to 1% or half of that if population growth is below 1%.

1% of the population of Japan and Korea will die this year due to radiation exposure or vulnerability because of chronic health conditions. Due to excellent public health and civil defense systems, both nations will escape relatively lightly.

Similar casualties will result in the US Pacific Island Territories of the Marianas and Caroline Islands.

although Korea has pledged 70 points, does it have that many to spend?

Korean economic advisors, and disaster planners pour over reports and ask the government if massive assistance to China is possible on the scale promised.

Korea also has access to Manchurian weather data, and it is already noticable (several degrees) colder this winter. Rain and snow is already much lighter then normal. The University of Seoul reports confidentially to the Crown that very likely Korea will see a serious drought this summer, perhaps even severe crop failures.

no one else is going to be able to predict this just yet because they aren't as close to the dust clouds. The Americans and Japanese will begin to figure out the situation next, but not unitl sometime in April when it becomes apparent that winter lasts well into early April in much of the northern hemisphere, and the Scandics, followed by the remainder of Europe and the Russians will discover it shortly after that.

Experts start looking at weather data from 1816 with growing concern

The US sends an expedition to Greenland to look at ice cores more urgently by April
30-06-2006, 07:49
GB wrong.

70 Points to USAE alone, plus 131 or 151 to China (Its in a different thread)
Galveston Bay
30-06-2006, 08:21
GB wrong.

70 Points to USAE alone, plus 131 or 151 to China (Its in a different thread)

I will fix it tomorrow after I read through the various threads further

which thread would be helpful though
30-06-2006, 08:42
(Does this effect the SOuthern Hemisphere's summer at all? Is it 102 degrees instead of 120?)
30-06-2006, 10:21
China approves and welcomes the Russian and Korean offers of aid.
30-06-2006, 13:20
You missed me. I sent .75 points to CHina (Like that helps much.) And also 3 Parachute Units to USEA and 2 Marine Units to USEA. Also sending a Light Division to China and Probably my Third Marine Unit to China as well.
New Dornalia
01-07-2006, 03:35
Korea also has access to Manchurian weather data, and it is already noticable (several degrees) colder this winter. Rain and snow is already much lighter then normal. The University of Seoul reports confidentially to the Crown that very likely Korea will see a serious drought this summer, perhaps even severe crop failures.

The Kim Government refuses to release the data, afraid of inducing panic in an already anxious populace. Still, with a cooler winter than usual and little rain and snow, the people are noticing something's up.

Shanghai and Hong Kong are not operational as ports, and actually those cities, along with a number of others, burn for 2 or more weeks. Taiwan got hit hard as well and the situation there is particularly dire because most farmland is right next to military bases.

The USAE has the port of Saigon available, and supplies can be sent up the Mekong River to Cambodia. No other major ports are operational, although Cam Ran Bay has many miles of beaches, and so does Danang and Haiphong, and HQ units can use those as ports.

The Rapid Reaction Force, meanwhile, is mobilized by Imperial Decree and sent into South-Central Manchuria to begin fixing things up.

IKA Rapid Reaction Force (Active):
1 Infantry Corps- .5 points
1 Transport Group-.25 points
1 Parachute Brigade unit- .75 pts (standard .25 matenance plus .5 extra elite training cost)
2 units of Transport helicopters (Ht-5)-.5 points
1 HQ Unit-1 pt
Galveston Bay
01-07-2006, 09:00
(Does this effect the SOuthern Hemisphere's summer at all? Is it 102 degrees instead of 120?)

high altitude dust doesn't cross between the northern and southern hemipsheres because of the tropical convergence zone, and because the jet streams don't dip into each others hemisphere.

You got some radiation because of that, but won't get much cooling

there is a chance the monsoons might be affected, I have to read up on that
01-07-2006, 16:09
Australian Aid Contribution is 1 HQ Unit to China. Redlining budget prevents anything else in 1964, and the nation sends its apologies for not being able to do more.
Galveston Bay
01-07-2006, 23:14
War explodes into Europe on February 19 as Russian forces attack the Ukraine. Heavy fighting in the air occurs over the Ukraine, and in the Black Sea, and naval forces move to engage one another.

Rioting breaks out in northern Kazakstan as ethnic Russians (ooc which make up 45% of the entire population of Kazakstan and dominate the northern part of that region) rise up, seizing police stations. Portions of the Central Asian Army and Air Force rebel against the government as well (those predominantly ethnic Russian).

Rioting also breaks out in Petrograd, and in the southern Karallia. Belorussia declares its neutrality, and informs Russia and Poland and the Scandic Union that if attacked by Poland or the Scandic Union it will side with Russia, and if attacked by Russia will side with Poland and the Scandic Union.

Armenia & Georgia declare their neutrality, but indicate that if fighting occurs in the Caucasus, they will side with Russia. Chechzian and other minorities decide to wait for developments.

Rioting also breaks out in Moldavia, which demands seperation from the Ukraine and reunification with Rumania.

Meanwhile, fighting continues in Greece as CSPS forces attempt to tighten the seiges of Istanbul and Adrianople, secure Crete and mop up remaining Greek resistance in the Aegean Islands.

Greece formerly requests military aid from Rumania and France to save their country.
01-07-2006, 23:17
War explodes into Europe on February 19 as Russian forces attack the Ukraine. Heavy fighting in the air occurs over the Ukraine, and in the Black Sea, and naval forces move to engage one another.

Rioting breaks out in northern Kazakstan as ethnic Russians (ooc which make up 45% of the entire population of Kazakstan and dominate the northern part of that region) rise up, seizing police stations. Portions of the Central Asian Army and Air Force rebel against the government as well (those predominantly ethnic Russian).

Rioting also breaks out in Petrograd, and in the southern Karallia. Belorussia declares its neutrality, and informs Russia and Poland and the Scandic Union that if attacked by Poland or the Scandic Union it will side with Russia, and if attacked by Russia will side with Poland and the Scandic Union.

Armenia & Georgia declare their neutrality, but indicate that if fighting occurs in the Caucasus, they will side with Russia. Chechzian and other minorities decide to wait for developments.

shit. The world so does not need this right now.

IC: Australasia issues a plea to all warring nations (including Turkey and Greece) to stand down to prevent further tragedies in this terrible year.
01-07-2006, 23:18
Greece formerly requests military aid from Rumania and France to save their country.

Wouldnt they ask Italy too, what with the history of assistance there?
Galveston Bay
01-07-2006, 23:20
Meanwhile, intelligence and satellite reports show Egyptian forces moving into Syria in great strength, and clear indications that Egpt has readied its nuclear forces for action.

French forces are moving into Yugoslavia in substantial strength and a sizeable French fleet has assembled south of Greece.
Galveston Bay
01-07-2006, 23:21
Wouldnt they ask Italy too, what with the history of assistance there?

yes it would, but has had no indication yet that such help is likely to come
02-07-2006, 03:13
In late February as tensions explode across Europe and key Nigerian allies gear for war, the Nigerian military decides that the civilians have dithered enough. On February 19th the military, under the leadership of General Aguiyi-Ironsi, siezes control in Abuja. Infantry units storm the Presidental palace and parliament, placing the politicians under house arrest.

General Aguiyi-Ironsi declares himself temporary head of state until the economic and military crises are abated. He proceeds to order the military to full mobilization and announces Nigeria's support for Germany in the war against Turkey. In other words, war has been declared.

Messages are sent to Germany requesting assistance in transporting troops to the warzone. The Light Division is ordered onto the C123 transports for transport to Germany. The rest of the military is ordered to standby.

Nigeria's small navy (four destroyers, a light missile cruiser, and fleet carrier without aircrew) are ordered to rendevous with the German fleet in the Mediterranean for the time being.

Nigeria is at war.
Galveston Bay
02-07-2006, 07:26
Rioting occurs in Western Europe as students and other young people protest the US nuclear strikes on East Asia, the Scandic Union and its allies attack on Greece, the Russian involvement. Along with general fear of the whole situation world wide.

Massive protests become violent as the US and Scandic Union Embassies are nearly stormed and riot police are forced to arrest thousands and then tens of thousands.

Meanwhile, critics hate the new movie "Dr Strangelove". Although they admit its brilliant, the humor and satire is lost to most after the events of the year. The movie quickly flops.
02-07-2006, 14:33
Rioting also breaks out in Moldavia, which demands seperation from the Ukraine and reunification with Rumania.

OOC:When did the Moldovians get seperated?
02-07-2006, 16:30
War explodes into Europe on February 19 as Russian forces attack the Ukraine. Heavy fighting in the air occurs over the Ukraine, and in the Black Sea, and naval forces move to engage one another.

Rioting breaks out in northern Kazakstan as ethnic Russians (ooc which make up 45% of the entire population of Kazakstan and dominate the northern part of that region) rise up, seizing police stations. Portions of the Central Asian Army and Air Force rebel against the government as well (those predominantly ethnic Russian).

Rioting also breaks out in Petrograd, and in the southern Karallia. Belorussia declares its neutrality, and informs Russia and Poland and the Scandic Union that if attacked by Poland or the Scandic Union it will side with Russia, and if attacked by Russia will side with Poland and the Scandic Union.

Armenia & Georgia declare their neutrality, but indicate that if fighting occurs in the Caucasus, they will side with Russia. Chechzian and other minorities decide to wait for developments.

Rioting also breaks out in Moldavia, which demands seperation from the Ukraine and reunification with Rumania.

Meanwhile, fighting continues in Greece as CSPS forces attempt to tighten the seiges of Istanbul and Adrianople, secure Crete and mop up remaining Greek resistance in the Aegean Islands.

Greece formerly requests military aid from Rumania and France to save their country.

Russia is given 12 hours to stop the attacks on the Ukraine or the rest of the CSPS will be forced to declare war on Russia. The world is informed of the Russian involvement in Northern CAR, inciting revolt among the populace and even some military units, whch in and of itself could be considered an act of war.

At teh same time every nation in teh CSPS begins a diplomatic offensive to every nation in the world, but especially Russia, informing them that at any time the CSPS is willing to accept a ceasefire with Russia so that peace can be brought about, the CSPS is just waiting for Russia to say it wants a cease fire and peace. The CSPS does not wish war with Russia, but will not shy away from one either. Russia has the oppurtunity to end this war at any time it wishes, it is up to Russia how long this war will last, and the CSPS makes sure that gets out to the public.
02-07-2006, 16:34
Meanwhile, intelligence and satellite reports show Egyptian forces moving into Syria in great strength, and clear indications that Egpt has readied its nuclear forces for action.

French forces are moving into Yugoslavia in substantial strength and a sizeable French fleet has assembled south of Greece.

Turkish forces at Samsun and Ankara starts moving south in case of an Egyptian move over the border. Turkeys nuclear forces are mobilized in response to the Egyptian nuclear mobilization.
02-07-2006, 17:41
Russia is given 12 hours to stop the attacks on the Ukraine or the rest of the CSPS will be forced to declare war on Russia. The world is informed of the Russian involvement in Northern CAR, inciting revolt among the populace and even some military units, whch in and of itself could be considered an act of war.

At teh same time every nation in teh CSPS begins a diplomatic offensive to every nation in the world, but especially Russia, informing them that at any time the CSPS is willing to accept a ceasefire with Russia so that peace can be brought about, the CSPS is just waiting for Russia to say it wants a cease fire and peace. The CSPS does not wish war with Russia, but will not shy away from one either. Russia has the oppurtunity to end this war at any time it wishes, it is up to Russia how long this war will last, and the CSPS makes sure that gets out to the public.

The CSPS is reminded that France has no intention of getting into their quarrel with Russia on Alleged Intel, we are responding to the aggression of Turkey and Ukraine, if the rest of the CSPS wishes to stand with the invaders in this offensive act then we have no choice but to stand with Greece against them. Withdraw NOW from Greece and restore the peace which you have forsaken.
Galveston Bay
02-07-2006, 17:44
OOC:When did the Moldovians get seperated?

I honestly don't remember, but I think after the 1st Great War
02-07-2006, 17:46
OOC: Oh no no, I was Romania at the time and I GAINED Besserabia at the time not lost it, one of the conditions of my entry to the war that was.

EDIT: No wait that was Transylvania, but I still got Besserabia by agreement from the Russians...

Russian Agreement from my old Romanian thread, just before I ticked the Russian player by trying to buy American submarines:

Okay, here's the offer:

Russia will transfer Bessarabian sovereignty to Romania on the following conditions:

1) That the current government retains the same autonomy from Bucharest as it has from Moscow. Any changes made within Bessarabia's government should come democratically from within.

2) That workers' rights and properties presently existing under the Bessarabian Socialist government not be interfered with by Bucharest.

3) That Bucharest solemnly pledge not to interfere in any Romanian territory with the lawful political activities of any socialist party. Obviously, terrorism is not a lawful political activity, but peaceful demonstrations and participating in free and fair elections are.

4) That the Union, Romania, Germany, and Yugoslavia enter into a permanent Collective Security Agreement that will take precedence over any other military treaties that the signatory states may contract individually.

5) In return, both Russia and Germany will continue to provide assistance in Romania's modernization and industrialization. Russia particularly can help with agricultural modernization and the development of the transportation and enegy sectors.

Formal Document:

As of 12 III 1922, Full and Total Sovereignty of the Former Union Autonomous Nationality of Bessarabia shall be transferred to the United Kingdom of Romania, under the following Charter:

I) That the current government retains the same autonomy from Bucharest as it has from Moscow. Any changes made within Bessarabia's government shall come democratically from within.

II) That workers' rights and properties presently existing under the Bessarabian Socialist Government not be interfered with by Bucharest.

III) That Bucharest solemnly pledge to maintain fair treatment of the socialist parties in Romania without any discrimination. As well as respecting their rights, as citizens of the United Kingdom of Romania, to organize and protest as well as the participation in free and fair elections among other rights guaranteed by the Romanian constitution, which are forfeited and nullified should the parties in question participate in major unlawful acts against the Kingdom and its people this includes terrorism, treason and espionage.
The Union, in turn, pledges to forswear any interference or attempt to influence Romania's internal affairs, nor shall the Union object in principle to any Romanian foreign policy initiative that does not self-evidently violate the principle of non-aggression between the signatory Powers outlined in Articles (IV) and (V).
[OoC: This means you can have your submarines, and your military alliance with Hungary, and whatever economic deals with the West you feel like making. Really, it's fair, I might just want to occasionally be reassured that you're not going to be a threat]

IV) That the Union, Romania, and Germany enter into a permanent Non-Aggression Pact that will take precedence over any other military treaties that the signatory states may contract individually.

V) The presence of foreign troops on Romanian soil is herewith declared illegal, excepting:
V.i) In the event of an invasion, Romania's allies may come to assist in the defense of Romanian territory.
V.ii) Union forces may be allowed to move through Romanian territory in support of Yugoslavia, if:
V.ii.1) A suitable cause is present which the Romanians are informed of. The Romanian legislature alone shall decide for itself what satisfies this requirement.
V.ii.2) Yugoslavia has formally requested the assistance of Union forces.
V.ii.3) No millitary operations are launched from Romanian territory.
V.ii.4) If a millitary operation is launched against Union forces while on Romanian territory then compensation is required.
V.iii) [Under negotiation] The Workers' and Peasants' Red Fleet may retain repair and refueling rights at the Constanta Naval Base (at least in extremis). However, this base, and all other state property of the Union of Social-Democratic Republics presently within Romania's borders, shall be transferred to the ownership of the Romanian Government.

VI) The signatory Powers agree to cultivate further peaceful commercial and diplomatic links with one another, to the common good and prosperity of all.
Galveston Bay
02-07-2006, 18:18
OOC: Oh no no, I was Romania at the time and I GAINED Besserabia at the time not lost it, one of the conditions of my entry to the war that was.

EDIT: No wait that was Transylvania, but I still got Besserabia by agreement from the Russians...

Russian Agreement from my old Romanian thread, just before I ticked the Russian player by trying to buy American submarines:

Formal Document:

I will accept that..assume that Besserabia isn't part of the Ukraine and any Rumanian rioting is simply generally anti war identical to what is going on in the rest of Europe
New Dornalia
03-07-2006, 00:45
Korean Register Special Report (OOC: Crossposted from My n/d thread. Basically, say hello to national effort.)

Imperial Decree #34 issued, Government to initiate "National Effort to save the nation"

Citing "climactic data recently released to us by the University of Seoul" and the "present continuing economic and physical/social health emergency," Emperor Geon has issued a nationwide Imperial Decree, ordering the emergency release of government funds and aid recieved from the FNS to aid in domestic economic recovery and to provide help to the Chinese and the USEA, so damaged by recent war.

"It was a tough decision, but after an emergency meeting with the Speaker, scientists and economists, top business leaders and Congressmen, we decided that we must release funds into the economy for the duration of the Emergency to keep our economy alive. Failure to do so will no doubt result in chaos," said the Emperor in a statement discussing the new Decree.

Due to Emergency conditions, we cannot discuss more.
03-07-2006, 17:51
Russia is given 12 hours to stop the attacks on the Ukraine or the rest of the CSPS will be forced to declare war on Russia. The world is informed of the Russian involvement in Northern CAR, inciting revolt among the populace and even some military units, whch in and of itself could be considered an act of war.

OOC: I'm assuming that Rusia didn't listen since he's away and based on what I've seen of the orders he's left behind.

IC: When the 12 hour mark came a passed teh Scandic Union delivered its Declaration of War to Russia, quickly followed by Poland. The CAR, angered by the fact that Russia was atively funding and encouraging rebbelion in the CAR while much of the CAR military was away conducting relief in China, also declares followed by the rest of the CSPS minus N Cyprus. Although, quietly, Azerbaijan and Kashgaria both state they will not invade Russia, but Kashgaria promises to help defend the CAR and Azerbajain pledges limited air support.

Along with the declarations come messages stating that at any moment the CSPS is willing to accept peace with Russia, all Russia has to do is request a ceasefire. Russia is asked to consider this fact, and is asked to accept peace.
Galveston Bay
03-07-2006, 18:09
anyone know where I can find the Syrian armed forces?

Incidently, looking over the Azerbaijan and Kashgaria military, they seem more likely to pursue non belligerency while providing economic support to theTurks and associated allies (as they have a defense force and no significant offensive military power).

I am going to post exactly what I was sent so there is no confusion about why things are occuring

This will occur 24 hours after fighting between Russia and the Ukraine breaks out

At dawn after all Egyptian forces are in place, President Nasser will claim that Turkish forces opened fire on Egyptian/Syrian forces. 4 Elite Trained Armored Divisions will lead the "counterinvasion" through southern Turkey followed by the main force of 2 Elite Trained Armored Brigades and 1 Elite Trained Mechanized Division. At the same time, 2 Elite Trained Mountain Infantry Brigades will drive into eastern Turkey to secure the Tigris. A Gunship and Cargo Helicopter will be providing support for the invasion force as well as 2 Dassault Mirage III's with Elite Pilots providing air superiority. As the land forces progress, my amphibious assault group (escorted by my Heavy Carrier Battlegroup and Heavy Missile Cruiser) will unload an Elite Trained Light Infantry Division on Crete.

The main attack will be nuclear. Initially, the only strikes will be two ICBM strikes on the capital and single strikes on Izmir, Adana, Bursa, and Gaziantep. If the Turks launch any nuclear strikes, the original plan to devastate Turkey through all nuclear attacks will be put into effect without regards to Egyptian forces already in Turkey. If the SU launches nuclear missiles, two ICBMs will be launched at Stockholm, two on Oslo, and two on Goteborg. The rest will be used as neccessary on enemy forces or if other countries declare war.

Now, the Scandics would be able to detect the Egyptians fueling their missiles, but intent isn't necessarily certain. So a reasonable guess would be that the Scandics go on nuclear alert, and will be able to launch on warning as the Scandics have solid fueled missiles.

I will need specific orders regarding any Scandic counterstrike.
03-07-2006, 18:26
OOC: Koryan out of his mind?? Wow.....

Orders coming, GB I would like to talk to you if possible.

As for Azerbaijan and Kashgaria, your right, if you read the orders I sent they really aren't involving tehmselves, just providing some limited air support.

EDIT: Koryan, you realize you will not have a nation in a couple rl days if you do this?
03-07-2006, 18:29
Good Heavens!:eek: This will no doubt contaminate most of Eastern Mediteranian! Not to mention the EMP pulse and just when I thought Europe was going to recover relatively unharmed...
03-07-2006, 18:32
OOC: GB check tgs,

Abassia, I was really hoping to have a fun war, kind of like the old days.
Galveston Bay
03-07-2006, 18:33
This is what is known

US, Scandic, British and Russian early warning satellites pick up missile plumes from Egypt. Even as warnings are flashed to air defense commanders in those nations, 6 liquid fueled ICBMs move across the sky toward Turkey. The Turks have a bare 6 minutes to respond, barely enough time to call the Turkish President when the first detonations begin.

3 of the missiles fail for various reasons, but 1 lands directly on Ankara, which is destroyed by a 1 megaton airburst over the heart of the city. Izmer is spared as the missile goes off course and lands 30 miles offshore, but utterly destroys 1 Ukrainian missile cruiser and 20 corvettes that were in the area heading to or from port. The third missiles successfully lands 15 miles north of Bursa, but doing little direct damage to the city.

Communications from the Turkish government and Turkish high command immediately cease.
03-07-2006, 18:37
OOC: Abbassia, LR check tg's

GB, you really need to get MSN or soemthing during times like this.
Galveston Bay
03-07-2006, 18:55
OOC: Abbassia, LR check tg's

GB, you really need to get MSN or soemthing during times like this.

hard to do that while at work

I will be handling all of the nuclear strikes today. Conventional fighting will be handled after that as nuclear strikes will directly impact what is available to conduct conventional fighting.

However, Scandic Union is aware that the Russians have paratroopers ready to send somewhere, but the weather is bad over the Karallia, so any operation planned there is impossible at the moment (as in the last 48 hours). However, air fighting over the Ukraine is very intense, and losses to both sides are heavy. Exactly how heavy isn't clear as both sides are making claims that if true would essentially have eliminated them both and both are still clearly fighting.

Bombers launched from the Scandic Union against Egypt will take 6 hours to reach their targets, plus another 2 hours to coordinate the mission based on orders received. Missiles of course will take only about 20 minutes, however, another 30 minutes is needed to program them for targets as Scandic missiles were not originally aimed there.

Egyptian missiles obviously can hit their intended targets in the Scandic Union in 20 minutes if launched, but are older and reliability has already been demonstrated.
03-07-2006, 19:02
GB, clarified orders have just been tged.(As in, no Scandic bombers)
03-07-2006, 20:30
Immediately after the final missile's detonation in Turkey, President Nasser and the Egyptian government secretly board civilian ships (aka Merchant Transports) and head south on the Red Sea towards the Indian Ocean. Before leaving, he dispatches a message to the Scandic embassy:

"Turkish imperialism has been halted in the region. We just hope that a similiar exchange of deadly weapons will not have to take place between our distant nations. We have not plans to claim Turkish territory as our own or pursue further attacks against the Turkish Alliance or any other nation unless provoked."

A second message from the Egyptian ambassador to Greece is delivered:

"Your nation is safe from further aggression. We believe that the Turkish government was eliminated in our initial attack preventing further military encroachment into your land. We trust that you will treat their POWs with respect and in accordance with the conduct of war."

All Egyptian forces will be on patrol for enemy missiles or bombers. The AL satellites will do their best to find any approaching enemy forces as well. Egyptian forces in southern Turkey will be ordered to return to Syria.
Galveston Bay
03-07-2006, 20:39
as the government leaves, the Egyptain High Command prepares for possible Scandic retaliation. Air defense forces go on full alert, airborne radar aircraft patrol the skies, and fighters are ordered to cease operations (the few that have been launched) and prepare to intercept possible bomber strikes from the Ukraine, Turkey or even the Scandic Union.

Meanwhile, tensions in Europe are on a razors edge as fighting continues between Russia and the Ukraine, and the world watches to see what the British, French, Germans and Scandic Union will do.

is anyone flying over or entering Belorussia?

only about an hour has passed since the destruction of Ankare, I am still getting clarification on some instructions from a couple of people.
03-07-2006, 20:46
OOC: This is Crazy! Not one sane leader would order a nuclear strike after such a short while after the American-Chinese Exchange especially at an area so-close to their home country, I mean think of the factors and consequences:

1-A quarter of the world's economy has already gone down the drain along with a large amount of the savings of every person on earth, another strike would no doubt make things much worse.

2-The Radiation will no doubt reach Egypt along with the EMP blast as observations Asia had shown eliminating any tactical or strategic advantages, I'd assume that he majority of he Egyptian General Staff has seen this data so why would they allow their own nation to be harmed because of some mad president.

3-Gaziantep is right next to Syria and Syria has a historical claim on the city, so I don't think the pro-Arab league political factions are just going to sit while Nassar utterly destroys the alliance.

4-Izmir is practicaly in the middle of the Aegean Conflict so it will most likely affect non-turkish elements aswell, like the Greek, The French, The British, Cyprus. Also the blast will affect all surrounding nations (practicly all the alliances in the world who haven't been nuked yet) so I cannot see the members of the Egyptian government, millitary, political system and populace risking war with the whole of Europe.

I present my case towards the mods that it is impossible for a nation whcih has a complex millitary system run by competent millitary, political and diplomatic advisors and where there is no sense of uneducated fanaticisim to voluntaraly launch a nuclear strike just a few miles from its ally or other major powers who have not shown any sign of aggression towards Egypt.

Not event the American Cabal would launch a nuclear strike on Canada or Mexico, A target millions of miles away is different than a target right on your doorsteps.

Of course if the mods rule that this is valid then I will adhear...
03-07-2006, 21:18
as the government leaves, the Egyptain High Command prepares for possible Scandic retaliation. Air defense forces go on full alert, airborne radar aircraft patrol the skies, and fighters are ordered to cease operations (the few that have been launched) and prepare to intercept possible bomber strikes from the Ukraine, Turkey or even the Scandic Union.

Meanwhile, tensions in Europe are on a razors edge as fighting continues between Russia and the Ukraine, and the world watches to see what the British, French, Germans and Scandic Union will do.

is anyone flying over or entering Belorussia?

only about an hour has passed since the destruction of Ankare, I am still getting clarification on some instructions from a couple of people.

Belarus is being avoied.

I would just like to point out, Egypt has no fighters available for defense in Egypt as his only 2 fighter units(Mirage III's) were sent to conduct air superiority missions over Southern Turkey and there is no way in hell they could have gotten abck from those missions and moved to Egypt to provide air defense.

Abbassia, check tg's, and in my extremely biased opinion I agree, but again my opinion on this issue is biased.
03-07-2006, 21:44
OOC: Abbassia, this is as if during the Cold War the U.S. government was informed that Soviet missile and bomber forces were out for repair and the Soviet Army was fighting a war with China. Do you really think a single person (besides the hippies camped out in front of the White House) would have even remember the "no first strike" policy? And why would Egypt be concerned about radiation spreading throughout Europe and the Middle East? Four bombs was used in mountain-filled Turkey with mountains in many of the nearby areas. It's either a few hundred thousand deaths or a few million deaths with guaranteed large-scale radiation spreading throughout Europe, the Middle East, and North Africa.

Also, the Egyptian government wouldn't be sure of Scandic response. The SU has much more targets to hit than Egypt and plus, only six missiles were used and only three nukes were detonated. That leaves Egypt with plenty of nuclear missiles to respond to a Scandic attack if needed.
Galveston Bay
03-07-2006, 21:52
Belarus is being avoied.

I would just like to point out, Egypt has no fighters available for defense in Egypt as his only 2 fighter units(Mirage III's) were sent to conduct air superiority missions over Southern Turkey and there is no way in hell they could have gotten abck from those missions and moved to Egypt to provide air defense.

Abbassia, check tg's, and in my extremely biased opinion I agree, but again my opinion on this issue is biased.

events will reflect actual military realities and difficulties, plus the continued flood of orders I am getting (chuckle)
03-07-2006, 21:52
And why would Egypt be concerned about radiation spreading throughout Europe and the Middle East? Four bombs was used in mountain-filled Turkey with mountains in many of the nearby areas. It's either a few hundred thousand deaths or a few million deaths with guaranteed large-scale radiation spreading throughout Europe, the Middle East, and North Africa.

OOC: But you don't know that, no one knows that for certain
Galveston Bay
03-07-2006, 22:00
OOC: This is Crazy! Not one sane leader would order a nuclear strike after such a short while after the American-Chinese Exchange especially at an area so-close to their home country, I mean think of the factors and consequences:

Of course if the mods rule that this is valid then I will adhear...

I considered all of that very carefully believe me. Some of the consequences you mention however aren't clear as of yet (weather and long term effects). Its only been about a month and communications out of China and Indochina are still extremely limited. EMP will actually be localized as will fallout (mostly... some is going somewhere, although I have to figure out where, but its mostly relatively limited as to intensity. More serious is the smoke from burning Ankarra, which is going to add into the hundreds of fires that burned in China and Indochina, although to what degree would be unknown).

Luckily some of the missiles failed, which in this case saved Gaziantep

The massive EMP effects in China occured because the Americans detonated multimegaton nuclear weapons at 100,000 feet to intentionally EMP as large an area as possible contigent with followup operations. In this case, blasts were relatively low altitude (10,000 feet), optimum height to maximize blast and thermal effects, but EMP is limited pretty much to the 50 mile area around the target itself.

But yes, its an insane risk. However in Koryan's defense, Nasser historically took some pretty insane risks (look how blockading Israeli access to the Red Sea turned out for him in 1967... he ended up losing his army, air force and the Sinai)

which ultimately is why I find it plausible
03-07-2006, 22:03
But yes, its an insane risk. However in Koryan's defense, Nasser historically took some pretty insane risks (look how blockading Israeli access to the Red Sea turned out for him in 1967... he ended up losing his army, air force and the Sinai)

which ultimately is why I find it plausible

OOC: In fact, 1/3 of Nasser's army (including the most elite units) was still fighting in the Arab Socialist wars in RL. I actually waited a whole month after they got back. Second of all, taking on the CSPS is a lot riskier than taking on Israel, Britain, and the US, even with Soviet backing.
03-07-2006, 22:10
OOC: But then there is the Israeli hatered that fueled Nasser and many Arabs which is in no way could be equivelent to Egyptian feelings towards Turkey, SU influence has always been kept in check by German Prescence and the only serious incident between the two nations was when the Egyptians built up their nuclear arsenal.

In addition, There has been no incidents that would warrent a "Pre-emptive" nuclear strike since there aren't any hard intel that show the Nuclear weaponry are to be used in the Aegean as Koryan claims, so why would the Egyptian High command commit to such a thing and risk retaliation, the whole Aegean Matter could have passed without Egypt being effected.
03-07-2006, 22:13
OOC: not entirely true, I warned the Egyptians I would take out Aswan if they moved on Turkey while Turkey was involved in Greece, they just didn't listen.
03-07-2006, 22:16
In addition, There has been no incidents that would warrent a "Pre-emptive" nuclear strike since there aren't any hard intel that show the Nuclear weaponry are to be used in the Aegean as Koryan claims, so why would the Egyptian High command commit to such a thing and risk retaliation, the whole Aegean Matter could have passed without Egypt being effected.

OOC: Do you seriously think Turkey wouldn't have used nukes as Arab forces rolled into the country? Even tactical nuclear weapons? Turkey had no hope against Greece and Egypt, as well as potential British/French intervention. Plus, it's one of those situations like the invasion of Japan at the end of WW2. Egyptian casulty count is at 0 right now and the only country Egypt is officially at war with right now is decapitated and potentially out of the war for good.
03-07-2006, 22:18
OOC: And why did the Arabs invade? You invaded then pulled back the very next post, your not making any sense.
03-07-2006, 22:18
OOC: not entirely true, I warned the Egyptians I would take out Aswan if they moved on Turkey while Turkey was involved in Greece, they just didn't listen.

But the British covered them with their nuclear Umbrella...
03-07-2006, 22:23
Safehaven, I didn't expect to Turkey to be disabled that quickly. I expected a Turkish counter-invasion by those two units you moved to the border and possibly a couple nuclear missiles in response. The Egyptian forces was going to engage any surviving Turkish forces near Syria to prevent an invasion. Since the Turkish High Command is disabled, Turkish forces probably aren't going to invade Syria.

And shouldn't we move OOC stuff to the main E20 thread so we don't crowd this one up?
Galveston Bay
03-07-2006, 23:06
And shouldn't we move OOC stuff to the main E20 thread so we don't crowd this one up?

that would be great

by the way, there is a lot of hatred of the Turks in RL in this RP, although not enough to by itself justify the strikes. It does however remove Turkey as an actor in the region pretty soon though. The Egyptians figured they were safe behind the British nuclear umbrella and that the Scandics have bigger things to worry about from Germany and Russia.
Galveston Bay
04-07-2006, 20:24
Timeline of Events – The Twilight War

August 1961 – Siberian Crisis
USEA and the CSPS attempt to separate Siberia and portions of Caucasian Russia from Russia. The Oceanic Alliance goes on full nuclear alert and threatens war. USEA admits culpability and the crisis eventually eases. Russia then crushes the Siberian rebels and manages to get a political solution in Caucasian Russia over the next year. The Oceanic Alliance begins talks to massively expand, while the United States builds over the next 2 years hundreds of ICBMs and shifts its navy so that the bulk of it is in the Pacific. The Philippines essentially begins withdrawing from its alliance with the United States, and the final collapse of the alliance between the US and Japan occurs.

1962 – The Arms Race heats up
The US completes its missile build up. China begins secret plans for its own.

1963 – Arms Race heats up further
China begins a massive expansion of its nuclear arsenal. Meanwhile, hawks in the US demand the US prevent the Chinese from completing its nuclear program while the US still has superiority.

Meanwhile, in the Middle East, tensions rise due a coup in the Arabian Federation, especially when the USEA and Japan propose to intervene in the area. Germany offers support to its allies, while SCT pressure continues. Fears increase in parts of the US government that the SCT may be planning an invasion of the Middle East to secure its oil supplies. Rebellion also breaks out in the Sudan but is quickly put down.

Countdown to the Twilight War
January 12, 1964
The CIA releases satellite photos of continued Chinese expansion of their nuclear forces at the rate of nearly 2 missiles and silos being completed a day. Emergency meetings occur in Washington. Meanwhile, fighting continues in the Arab Federation and continued fears of prospective SCT intervention. Even worse from the US point of view is an signals intercept indicating that the USEA is attempting to influence events in Mexico, which is threatening to nationalize US oil corporation holdings in Mexico.

January 15
Reports in the media of sharp disagreement in the government between the White House and the Senate, which is dominated by Conservative and Right Wing Democrats and Republicans. The specifics aren't known, but reports are that an open break is in progress.

January 16
The US Military is ordered to Defcon 3, and pictures of the Chinese missile build up are released to the press world wide.

January 17
The US Navy sorties, with the entire fleet going to sea. Air Defense command goes on high alert, as does elements of the US Army. US forces in the Congo are brought home in a hurried airlift.

The Vice President is killed in a car accident, and the Speaker of the House has a stroke. At least according to media reports. US Army forces in the District of Colombia go on high alert. A bomb levels the Treasury Department, including the headquarters of the US Secret Service. President Kennedy is not seen that day.

British intelligence and FNS intelligence pick up rumors of a coup attempt. Other intelligence services only determine that something odd is going on.

January 18
What has all the appearance of a military coup happens in Washington DC as troops secure critical public buildings and leaders. President Kenney is replaced in what appears to be a constitutional, albeit highly irregular manner, and Strom Thurmond declares himself President according to the Constitution. Martial law is declared in the US, and the US military goes to full alert.

Nations around the world become increasingly nervous as the US government, long considered one of the worlds most stable political systems, seems to be going insane.

January 20, 1964
The Day the Markets crashed. A global financial panic breaks out as investors suddenly realize the US, a key factor in the global economic system, is dangerously unstable. A financial meltdown occurs, inflicting staggering losses on economies world wide as stock and bond markets go into free fall, banks are flooded with panicking depositors, and many loans collapse into default. Meanwhile, the USEA goes on military alert but China fails to do so in spite of warnings from its military that the situation is very dangerous. Meanwhile, the USAE is on Defcon 2, the UIR and the Philippines begin panic evacuations as the financial world melts down.

January 21st, 1964
Loyal troops rescue Kennedy and a civil war breaks out in Washington DC as the governors of nearby states support Kennedy, and the commanders loyal to the coup plotters support the coup. Eventually, the commander of NORAD, Robert A. Heinlein, sides with Kennedy, preventing further reinforcement of rebel troops in DC, and the coup is doomed. Rebel troops attack SCT Embassies under orders and seize them by force. Thormund and his supporters realize they have failed to secure the country, but decide to deal with China and its stooge the USEA once and for all. US forces in Australia place themselves under Australian command to lessen Australian concerns.

January 22, 1964
The United States launches a massive nuclear strike against China and the USEA, destroying their military forces, nuclear forces, and a great deal of both countries as well. Mercifully, only a portion of the US nuclear arsenal is used, but that turns out to be enough to kill tens of millions. It will take months for the true extent of the damage to be learned by the world.

timeline in progress
Galveston Bay
04-07-2006, 21:42
January 23, 1964
CSPS forces, specifically military forces from Turkey, the Ukraine and the Scandic Union launch an invasion of Greece. Meanwhile, the UN and the world is outraged at the unprovoked US attack on China and the USEA, as is a great deal of the American people. The Crash of 64 however continues to worsen as the financial markets realize that ¼ of the Worlds GNP has just been effectively destroyed. A number of nations immediately break off relations with the US or cancel alliances. In the US, Kennedy begins to put the pieces back together and starts by ensuring he has control of all US nuclear forces. The Philippines demands an immediate pull out and seizes US bases there, but allows US personnel to leave.

Meanwhile, fighting in the Arab Federation comes to an end.

January 24 – February 18, 1964
Fighting continues in Greece, with the Greeks suffering defeat after defeat. The US withdraws from the UN, while the UN spends part of its time castigating the US further, and part of its time trying to stop the war in the Aegean. Russia and Germany, who have mobilized already, shift some forces around. A number of nations begin plans to assist the battered Chinese and USEA, and a UN team assembles to begin a survey of the Holocaust, as the destruction of China and the USEA is now being called by the world press. France and Britain go on a war footing and make increasingly strident demands for the CSPS to withdraw from Greece. The Greeks continue to scream for help.

Meanwhile, the US pulls its military forces out of Australia, the Mediterranean Sea and Great Britain. Bases are handed over to allies, as is considerable amount of equipment. Plans for US pullout of Morocco, Russia and everywhere outside of the Western Hemisphere except for its possessions in the Pacific continue.

An emergency space mission to rescue stranded OA astronauts marooned in space by the fighting fails to find survivors.

The CSPS calls for a cease fire and Greek acceptance of terms. The Greeks refuse.

February 19, 1964
Russia, fed up with continued CSPS aggression against Greece, declares it is honoring its treaty commitments and launches a massive air attack against the Ukraine. Fighting quickly explodes in the air over the Ukraine and Karellia. Fighting expands into the Black Sea as well. Meanwhile, pro Russian demonstrators demand return of Russian rule to Kazakstan and Petrograd, forcing massive police action to contain the situation.

At the same time, French and Yugoslav troops enter Greece as allies, and fighting breaks out in the Aegean between CSPS and those forces. Also at the same time, the British Royal Navy begins hostilities against CSPS forces in the Aegean. CSPS forces then begin hostilities against the Royal Navy as per war plan and the fighting is now in the North Sea, Atlantic and Arctic.

February 20, 1964
Egypt launches a surprise attack against Turkey out of Syria, along with Syrian forces, and in a stunning turn of events, launches a nuclear strike against Turkey as well. Turkey after a few hours delay launches a strike against Egypt. Fighting continues in the Aegean and elsewhere between conventional forces of the CSPS and a de facto alliance of Russia, Great Britain, France, Yugoslavia, Greece, Egypt and Syria. Meanwhile, Germany has declared its neutrality, in spite of the presence of a large army and air force in the Middle East. The Americans ignore events in Europe and are assembling a massive fleet and army in the Pacific and on the US West Coast.

That is where we are at this moment.. other events, like aid to China etc, are planned, but haven’t actually started yet for the most part. Central Asian forces are entering China, but not much else, as they are en route or getting ready to be en route. Russian forces have occupied Mongolia, which suffered lightly as far as its capital is concerned but much of the hinterland was heavily hit as large numbers of Chinese ground and air forces had been stationed there before the nuclear strike.
04-07-2006, 22:07
Japan offers to send 4 Light Infantry Divisions, 3 Mechanized Infantry and 1 Armored Division to China to help them in their time of need

EDIT- and a HQ unit
Galveston Bay
04-07-2006, 22:51
Japan offers to send 4 Light Infantry Divisions, 3 Mechanized Infantry and 1 Armored Division to China to help them in their time of need

EDIT- and a HQ unit

best place to land would be in the Port Arthur area, as that city was not directly targeted. Its also within easy reach of your shipping, and extremely thorough maps still exist of the area in the Japanese archives (from other wars)
Galveston Bay
04-07-2006, 22:54
February 20, late afternoon in the eastern Mediterranean

After a couple of hours confusion, the Turks launch a counterstrike at Egypt. Initially the Turks had no idea who hit them, as the capital, where that information was readily available, was destroyed and senior military leaders had to sort out a new chain of command, get information from the Scandic Union regarding responsibility, and generate an attack plan. In the first few minutes, many Turks assumed the Greeks had somehow done it, or perhaps the Russians or another of Greeks defenders, or even the Americans, who had already proven they were willing to use nuclear weapons. The fact that no diplomatic warning indicating how seriously the Egyptians were willing to respond also created considerable confusion.

The skirmishing in southern Turkey had been serious, but nothing decisive had occured yet, and frankly, the Turks had been caught completely by surprise.

But they were ready now.

The Turks send 3 wings of bombers, 90 in all, south, escorted by 4 fighter wings of Mig 25s, and every tanker they can scrape up or borrow. Flying over eastern Cyrpus and then south, they head toward Egypt. The French, with a carrier group in the area, are too far west to intercept them on the way south, but that will not be the case on the way back home. However, the British, which have entered the war, do not know where the Turks are heading (although they can guess) but have orders to engage and do so. British Lightning Fighters and Turkish Migs fight over the skies of Turkey. It becomes clear neither is ideal as an air superiority fighter. However, the engagement forces 2 wings of Migs to return home and the British fighters are forced to as well, having exhausted their fuel and downed a dozen aircraft from each side.

A wing of Egyptian Mirages out of Palestine is hurriedly vectored by AEW aircraft as it passes south of Cyprus. Another fight develops, and another wing of Migs is forced to return home out of fuel, as do the Eygptian fighters. Another 10 Migs and 7 Mirages fall as well.

In Egypt a clear picture is developing of the inbound Turkish strike and the profile indicates (as does common sense) that is likely a nuclear attack. The Egyptian missile commanders have clear orders regarding this contigency. They are to launch. Even as Turkish bombers clear the coast and begin striking targets, the missiles are launched. However, the Turkish attack is preceded by a wave of air launch missiles (Hound Dog / Kelt type) which are much faster then the bombers and begin detonating over the Eygptian missile fields in hopes of knocking them out before they launch or as they launch.

Within an hour the Turkish bombers have completed their mission and are returning home. Assuming there is one to return to. The crews are uncertain. Over half the Egyptian missiles manage to launch, and some of them may still be working if they cleared the EMP and blast range of the Kelts quickly enough.

a useful map
New Dornalia
04-07-2006, 22:56
best place to land would be in the Port Arthur area, as that city was not directly targeted. Its also within easy reach of your shipping, and extremely thorough maps still exist of the area in the Japanese archives (from other wars)

What of my Rapid Reaction Force?
Galveston Bay
04-07-2006, 23:23
What of my Rapid Reaction Force?

southern Manchuria including Shenyang would be most logical deployment area using rail lines and roads out of Korea. Considerable efforts by the engineers will be the initial main focus to get roads and rail lines operational again, as well as securing nuclear power plants to ensure they are safely SCRAMed to prevent failure.
New Dornalia
04-07-2006, 23:34
southern Manchuria including Shenyang would be most logical deployment area using rail lines and roads out of Korea. Considerable efforts by the engineers will be the initial main focus to get roads and rail lines operational again, as well as securing nuclear power plants to ensure they are safely SCRAMed to prevent failure.

I did say they entered South Central Manchuria, so Shenyang would be probably where they are now.
Galveston Bay
05-07-2006, 00:05
Around the globe air defense commanders watch as more ICBMs launch out of Egypt. They also watch the dozens of nuclear detonations march across parts of the cradle of civilization.

Alexandria, Port Said and Suez city are all vaporized by 5 megaton blasts that utterly destroy the naval bases and portions of the Egyptian navy, and also the city founded by Alexander the Great, home of the famed library of antiquity, where Caeser met Cleopatra.

But the destruction of Egypt had only just begun. A massive fireball completely erased the Aswan Dam, and vaporized billions of gallons of water that rose above the desert along with vast amounts of dust. Soon this fall out would be drifting north as the prevailing wind patterns of the area come off the Sahara, and blow it north toward the Mediterranean Sea.

Massive explosions also create a vast dust storm
and radioactive steam and dust begin to cover everything north of the dam

But this was minor to what was happening on the Nile. The sudden destruction of the dam releases 155 km3 of water in a sudden rush. A massive wave 111 feet tall. Moving at hundreds of miles an hour, the wave completely destroys everything on the river and along its banks up to 1 mile inland from Aswan to the ancient site of Heriakanopolis. There, much of the overwhelming force of the wave is spent as the river curves. But not all.

The Nile begins to rise hurriedly and without precendent as the flood hurries down river toward the Mediterranean Sea. Levees are easily overwhelmed, drainage and irrigation ditches are swallowed up as the river floods. Within a few hours, Luxor, Cairo and the entire delta are underwater, dozens of feet deep. Few are able to escape in time and almost no one escapes the Nile Delta.

The Pyramids and the Valley of the Kings survive, as they are above the flood plains of even the highest floods of antiquity. Some water reaches them, but not enough to destroy them.

But they act as gravestones for Egypt. Nearly 26 million were dead.

Bodies would litter the coasts of the Mediterranean for many days to come.
05-07-2006, 00:21
How long would it take the German Army in the area to gain knowledge of this?
Galveston Bay
05-07-2006, 00:25
Parthini']How long would it take the German Army in the area to gain knowledge of this?

Word quickly gets out military forces in the region regarding the events in Egypt (as far as the nuclear strike go.. the extent of the catastrophe along the Nile isn't known as its still happening.

the other shoe hasn't dropped yet.. Egypt got some missiles off
05-07-2006, 00:50
Around the globe air defense commanders watch as more ICBMs launch out of Egypt. They also watch the dozens of nuclear detonations march across parts of the cradle of civilization.

Alexandria, Port Said and Suez city are all vaporized by 5 megaton blasts that utterly destroy the naval bases and portions of the Egyptian navy, and also the city founded by Alexander the Great, home of the famed library of antiquity, where Caeser met Cleopatra.

But the destruction of Egypt had only just begun. A massive fireball completely erased the Aswan Dam, and vaporized billions of gallons of water that rose above the desert along with vast amounts of dust. Soon this fall out would be drifting north as the prevailing wind patterns of the area come off the Sahara, and blow it north toward the Mediterranean Sea.

Massive explosions also create a vast dust storm
and radioactive steam and dust begin to cover everything north of the dam

But this was minor to what was happening on the Nile. The sudden destruction of the dam releases 155 km3 of water in a sudden rush. A massive wave 111 feet tall. Moving at hundreds of miles an hour, the wave completely destroys everything on the river and along its banks up to 1 mile inland from Aswan to the ancient site of Heriakanopolis. There, much of the overwhelming force of the wave is spent as the river curves. But not all.

The Nile begins to rise hurriedly and without precendent as the flood hurries down river toward the Mediterranean Sea. Levees are easily overwhelmed, drainage and irrigation ditches are swallowed up as the river floods. Within a few hours, Luxor, Cairo and the entire delta are underwater, dozens of feet deep. Few are able to escape in time and almost no one escapes the Nile Delta.

The Pyramids and the Valley of the Kings survive, as they are above the flood plains of even the highest floods of antiquity. Some water reaches them, but not enough to destroy them.

But they act as gravestones for Egypt. Nearly 26 million were dead.

Bodies would litter the coasts of the Mediterranean for many days to come.

My god- makes China look like a cakewalk in comparison.
05-07-2006, 01:41
OOC: So when will we know the extent of the flooding? I'm just trying to figure out when to ask the Egyptians to surrender and then move into what is left of Egypt.
05-07-2006, 02:10
Parthini']OOC: So when will we know the extent of the flooding? I'm just trying to figure out when to ask the Egyptians to surrender and then move into what is left of Egypt.

OOC: Uh, there are like 6 major cities left in Egypt and the government's on a boat headed somewhere far away. I don't think we're going to get an official surrender.
05-07-2006, 02:17
OOC: I'm not talking about a surrender of Egypt. I'm talking about the Egyptian Army in Syria that is stranded and surrounded.
Galveston Bay
05-07-2006, 02:20
OOC: Uh, there are like 6 major cities left in Egypt and the government's on a boat headed somewhere far away. I don't think we're going to get an official surrender.

my guess at this point, as soon as they figure out what happened to the Nile Valley, someone is going to want to shoot Nasser and some general will take charge to save whats left of the country. By the way, 20 missiles got off the ground, and another 20 almost did before the Turkish air launched missiles hit and took them out. Waiting on Safehaven to resolve the counter attack.

You could always play Palestine or another country at this point (my recommendation)
Galveston Bay
05-07-2006, 02:22
Parthini']OOC: So when will we know the extent of the flooding? I'm just trying to figure out when to ask the Egyptians to surrender and then move into what is left of Egypt.

On February 21, assuming nothing else hits them, the Egyptian army will ask for a UN brokered Cease Fire and UN protection. They will accept German protection. However, we don't know how the British are going to react when they notice the Suez Canal just got nuked.
The Lightning Star
05-07-2006, 02:25

Pakistan offers secret assylum to General Nasser and any who wish to go with him.
05-07-2006, 02:33
Fieldmarschall Rommel, after hearing the full effects of the Turkish attack and the Egyptian retaliation offers one last chance for the Egyptian forces to surrender to the German Army. He reminds them that it is not an act of agression, rather it is an attempt on Germany's part to save more Egyptians from doom. He hopes that together with Germany, the remaining UAR forces will be able to salvage the remnants of Egypt and rebuild it to the fullest extent.

Meanwhile, the Army in the Negev and the army from Damman connect up and move into Palestine and the Sinai. German forces inform remaining Egyptians that Germany will begin administration of Palestine and the rest of Egypt. The Sudan is informed that since it has not sustained any damage, that it will retain control of its own government with the assistance of Germany, should the need warrant.

The Palestinian and Egyptian people are informed that Germany is not belligerent in its intentions. Rather, the German forces are there to protect the remaining Egyptian people. Engineers begin reconstruction of the Suez so that trade can be reestablished.

The German Navy begins a manhunt for Nassar and the remaining Egyptian bueraucrats.

Saddam and the other Arab nations are informed that Germany will handle the administration of Egypt and Palestine and their assistance is welcome.

Germany reiterates that any outside interference in the Middle East will bring the wrath of Germany onto the offending nation.
05-07-2006, 02:59
Japan equips all troops in NBC suits
05-07-2006, 03:54
GB, Palestine's gone. After the PLO incidents, a plebcite was held and luckily the country got split up between Syria, Transjordan, Egypt and the UN (Jerusalem). Egypt currently owns the southern half of Palestine meaning Gaza's probably going to be the temporary capital of German-occupied Egypt since it's my first or second largest Egyptian city. I'm not going to abandon Egypt. I created the mess and I'll clean it up, even if it takes 30 years just to rebuild Cairo.

Parthini, Sudan's not involved (they're in a civil war and they were never really involved in the Egyptian-Turkish conflicts anyway). Since the Nile flows north and the major winds blows north and west, Sudan probably won't get any damage from the blasts.

Damn, this did not turn out as well as planned. 184% of Egypt's population (not sure how that happened) died in the Turkish attacks on the Suez and Nile. If I would have followed through with my original plan (see how the initial plan went and then take out remaining military targets before switching to conventional means) then it probably wouldn't have went so bad. Unfortunatly I got overconfident after hours passed without word from Turkish administration or military command so I left Turkey alone and turned my attention to trying to avoid a war with the SU. That'll go down as either the first or second dumbest decision in E20 history.

Edit: Oh and Lightning Star, are you sure you want to do that? The manhunt for the former Egyptian government will be as big as the hunt for bin Laden. It'll probably be one of the only times Germany and the SU will actually work together now adays.
05-07-2006, 04:07
OOC: Just got 5 minutes to skim this thread, huge party for the 4th, probaly won't be responding till midday tommorrow, but...holy shit, 26 mill.
05-07-2006, 09:02
The French inform the Turkish pilots that they are to be granted safe passage back home or what's left of it. But if any hostile intent is shown they will be shot down.

A 10 minutes silence is held on board the French Fleet while the French Government is contacted on directions on what to do.

OOC: so what happens now? Do The Turkish withdraw back from Greece?
Lesser Ribena
05-07-2006, 10:27
Not knowing German forces are planning the same, Britain begins to move troops into Egypt in the interests of restoring peace. The mechanised division on Cyprus and its AA attachments will move to the Sinai penisula and secure the Suez Canal Zone whilst engineering equipment begins to mobilise for the long and hard process of rebuilding it.

In light of the civil war still raging in the Sudan and utter devastation of the historical heritage of Egypt, Britain suggests that it be allowed a UN mandate over the territory to provide aid to the people and to begin rebuilding. Britain's case is based on the traditional ties between Egypt and Britain, the fact that Egypt was joint ruled by Egyptians and Britons until 40 years ago and thet many of the Suez Canal engineers were from Britain (and France as well). In the interests of world trade the Suez Canal must be rebuilt as soon as possible and the people of Egypt cared for, Britain has the resources (aid recalled from China) to cater for these needs and hopes to be granted the mandate soon so that aid can be pumped into the area.

The Egyptian people will probably be happy with this, especially as UK fighters tried to prevent Turkish aircraft crossing into Egypt and given the history between the two nations. Britain guarantees that Egypt will remain a sovereign territory and that a democratically elected government will be put into power within several months of the start fo British sponsored rebuilding.
Middle Snu
05-07-2006, 11:11
Italy takes all appropriate measures to mitigate radiation damage from the Turkish strike.

Italy supports Great Britain's suggestion of a UN mandate over Egypt, but asks both Egyptian and British authorities to allow Italians to assist in disaster-relief.

Also, Italian troops are moved to the Italian-Egyptian border (in modern-day Libya.) 2 mechanized corps, 2 infantry corps, 1 HQ, 3 parachute brigades, and 3 c141 starlifters are brought into position, waiting for permission to assist in relief efforts.

EDIT: The HQ unit sent to China is withdrawn, with the explanation that there are troubles closer to home to deal with.
05-07-2006, 15:47
Syria's military is as follows (if it matters anymore). Units are marked elite because Syria was one of the few allowed to keep elite status. If this benefit has passed then they are highly trained. I'd put Koryan in charge of their orders for now, but first GB should rule on their entry. They've never liked Turkey, and with the Egyptian army marching through Syria, now isn't the best time to raise protests.

2 Garrison Units
1 HQ Corps
1 Mirage IIIC (elite)
1 Mirage IIIE (elite)
1 Beriev Be-6
1 Armored Division (elite)
1 Mech. Infantry Division (elite)
1 Mech Artillery Division (elite)
1 Mech Flak Division (elite)
2 Infantry Divisions (Highly Trained)
1 Ht-3S ASW Heli Unit
1 Do-337 Unit (elite)
40 Coastal Patrol Boats
1 Ht-80 Cargo Plane Unit
1 Heavy Missile Cruiser
2 ASW Destroyers
4 Frigates
1 AA Cruiser


Russia would agree to a ceasefire if all CSPS forces withdraw from Greece immediately, and agree to pay reparations to Greece. Russia also denies any involvement in the events in the Central Asian Republics. Like the independence protestors in Belarus, they appear to be motivated purely out of self interest.
05-07-2006, 16:49
Japan proposes a peace conference to be held in Kyoto, and all parties as well as neutral sides are invited.

EDIT: The Japanese Fleet minus the Submarines escorts the Japanese troops to Lushun (Port Arthur) and lands them to begin disaster relief in the affected areas. 4 Transport Helicopter Units are sent to help with food.

In Japan the 4 Parachute Brigades are sent to the Japanese missile fields and are ordered to ensure to missiles are accidentaly launched, and emergency units are sent to southern Honshu and Kyushu to address the larger amounts of radiation posioning going on. Some people are evacuated to Northern Honshu and Hokkaido
05-07-2006, 17:01
OOC: Well, the Syrians should be demobilizing, since I told them to do so. As for the Egyptian Army, well, it's now the Imperial Egyptian Army under command of the German Fieldmarschall.

Who got there first?

IC: Hearing word of the British movements in the region, Germany is alarmed. The Fieldmarschall insists that Germany, since it has vital interests and the ties that STILL remain between Egypt and Germany, which are more prevalent and uptodate than British ties. A reminder is also sent that Germany has remained neutral and if Egypt were to be under Germany, than Egypt would have no more risk of being attacked, something the British, even with their mighty navy, would not be able to guarentee.

Germany insists that it be given the mandate over Egypt and Palestine. The Sudan, in the midst of a Civil War, however, is still need of protection, and considering British ties, and a substantial lack of German ties, would be more appropriate.
05-07-2006, 17:14
On a more technical note, what units are part of the Sudanese Army, or did the entire UAR Army surrender to me? And which were killed in the attack?

This is the military he had but I don't know whose what are. I'm also assuming that by them surrendering to me, I have control of the Egyptian Army?

United Republics Military (As of Jan, 1964)
4 Elite Trained Garrison Units
4 Elite Trained Mountain Infantry Brigades
4 Elite Trained Armored Divisions
4 Elite Pilots
2 Elite Trained Armored Brigades
2 Elite Trained Flak Brigades
2 Dassault Mirage III
2 HQ’s
1 Elite Trained Light Infantry Divisions
1 Elite Trained Mechanized Divisions
1 Heavy Carrier Battlegroup
1 Heavy Missile Cruiser
1 Transport Group
1 Amphibious Assault Group
1 E-1 Tracer
1 Gunship
1 Cargo Helicopter
Intelligence Agency
National Air Defense Network
Civil Defense
30 Missile Silos
50 Atlas-Type ICBM’s
05-07-2006, 17:26
Parthini']On a more technical note, what units are part of the Sudanese Army, or did the entire UAR Army surrender to me? And which were killed in the attack?

This is the military he had but I don't know whose what are. I'm also assuming that by them surrendering to me, I have control of the Egyptian Army?

United Republics Military (As of Jan, 1964)
4 Elite Trained Garrison Units
4 Elite Trained Mountain Infantry Brigades
4 Elite Trained Armored Divisions
4 Elite Pilots
2 Elite Trained Armored Brigades
2 Elite Trained Flak Brigades
2 Dassault Mirage III
2 HQ’s
1 Elite Trained Light Infantry Divisions
1 Elite Trained Mechanized Divisions
1 Heavy Carrier Battlegroup
1 Heavy Missile Cruiser
1 Transport Group
1 Amphibious Assault Group
1 E-1 Tracer
1 Gunship
1 Cargo Helicopter
Intelligence Agency
National Air Defense Network
Civil Defense
30 Missile Silos
50 Atlas-Type ICBM’s

Figure most of the Egyptian Army is dead as a result of the Radiated water, the navy is probably intact as is mos tof the Air Force but they're not well supplied and in chaos as a reult of the attack.
05-07-2006, 17:31
OOC: Most of the army is probaly ok being as how they were in Syria and I spared tehm for you, though if the SU gets hit hard that might change. The airforce is fine, except for about a dozen downed Mirage's, and is also in Syria. GB said the navy took losses when the first wave of nukes came in(Port Said, Alexandria) and any military units in Egypt have probaly been wiped out.
05-07-2006, 17:47
So assume, the Navy and the Garrisons are gone, and that's it, I guess?
Galveston Bay
05-07-2006, 17:51
Turkish and Scandic Union damage

Phase 1
Early morning hours February 20
Egypt launches 6 2nd generation liquid fueled ICBMs, each with 1 x 1 megaton warhead at Turkey.

Ankara is utterly destroyed by an airburst at 10,000 feet centered over the new, Yenişehir section of the city where the government buildings are located. Of the over 3 million inhabitants, just over 2 million dead instantly or shortly after because of radiation, burns or blast injuries or were caught in the firestorm that burned out the older section of the city and much of its suburbs. The entire Turkish government was wiped out in an instant, with only a few surviving legislators who happened to be in their home districts and the Defense Minister who was visiting the front at Crete surviving.

Another missile lands in the Mediterranean near Izmer (Smyrna), missing the city by 30 miles but vaporizing an Ukrainian missile cruiser and 20 Ukrainian corvettes as well as a number of merchant and supply ships. The third missile that successfully survived launch and reentry missed the city of Bursa by 15 miles, detonating over some farmland to the northeast. Luckily a mountain shielded the city and its environs from the effects of the blast.

In all, 2,100,000 people died in this first attack.

Phase 2
Late afternoon February 20
After the destruction of Egypt, 3 Turkish bomber groups are returning to their bases. This time, the French are in position to intercept, as is another Egyptian fighter wing, while the Turkish fighters are low on fuel. The Turks manage to shoot down 30 Egyptian fighters but also lose 30 as well and another 20 are forced to ditch near the Cyprus as fuel is exhausted. Meanwhile, the French down 30 Tu22s before breaking off after exhausting their fuel.

But even before this happens, the Egyptians manage to launch all of their missiles before the bombers hit. 20 of them were destroyed by EMP or blast and fail to even reach the upper atmosphere. Of the 20 that remained, 6 were aimed at the Scandic Union, 2 at Baku, 2 at Turkish bases in eastern Cyprus and the remainder aimed at Izmer, Buris, and the 3 Turkish bomber bases. Both missiles hit Cyprus, utterly destroying the cities of Famagusta and Kyrenia due to their proximity to major airfields. Caught on the ground are 3 wings of Mig 25s that had just landed to refuel after escorting the Turkish bomber strike. Also killed were over 300,000 Turkish Cypriotes. Izmer was not lucky a second time. Both missiles hit the city, utterly destroying it and the critical logistics and naval facilities supporting the CSPS offensive against Greece. The twin blasts also killed nearly all of the 2.5 million residents of the city, as well as destroying 2 Ukrainian Mig 25 units and an amphibious group that happened to be in port refueling, along with 10 Ukrainian destroyers and another missile cruiser.

Of the 6 missiles aimed at the Scandic Union, 3 survived reentry and hit the cities of Gotland, Stockholm and Oslo. However, the warheads failed to detonate at Gothenburg and Stockholm due to EMP damage suffered during launch, and although a serious contamination problem existed in several square blocks of both cities, only a few dozen people were actually killed by radiation (although cancer deaths will double in both cities for the next three decades). However Oslo was less fortunate. A 1 megaton explosion at 10,000 feet destroyed the city, killing all 500,000 of its residents and utterly destroying a garrison unit that protected the city, as well as the naval base located there, along with a pair of Scandic SSNs that happened to be in port rearming, a number of support ships, and a wing of Tu22 bombers arming for an anti shipping strike in the North Sea. A winter storm that happened to be in the area blows nearly all of the fallout southeast across the border in the direction of Norrkoping, contaminating farmland up to 200 miles southeast of Oslo.
Galveston Bay
05-07-2006, 17:55
Meanwhile, from February 19 - 20 conventional fighting has been occuring in the following places

North Sea
British naval and air forces versus CSPS naval and air forces

Novgorad area and Karellia
Russian ground and air forces versus Scandic Union ground and air forces

Ukraine / Russian border area
Russian air and ground forces versus Ukranian and Polish ground and air forces

French, Yugoslav and Greek ground and air forces versus Ukranian, Scandic and Turkish ground and air forces

Aegean islands and sea
Greek, French and British ground, air and naval forces versus Ukranian and Turkish ground, naval and air forces

Turkish / Syrian border
Syrian and Egyptian ground and air forces versus Turkish ground and air forces (that fighting has since stopped)

I haven't resolved the conventional fighting yet, but assume losses are heavy on all sides
05-07-2006, 18:07
The French inform the Turkish pilots that they are to be granted safe passage back home or what's left of it. But if any hostile intent is shown they will be shot down.

A 10 minutes silence is held on board the French Fleet while the French Government is contacted on directions on what to do.

OOC: so what happens now? Do The Turkish withdraw back from Greece?

OOC: GB, don't think the French are intercepting my bombers.
05-07-2006, 18:12
Following the strike on the SU and the Aegean, German/Egyptian Units are ordered not to move past the Sinai. Palestine and the Sinai are to remain under German Administration but fearing Scandic retaliation, Germans are ordered to not enter Egypt.
Galveston Bay
05-07-2006, 18:36
OOC: GB, don't think the French are intercepting my bombers.

I had orders from him to do that. They couldn't physically do it in time to stop the strike but could have reached an intercept position on the way back

His carrier has AEW aircraft, and with tanker support from buddy packs (which is doable at this tech level) could stretch the range of his fighters to intercept bombers returning home.
05-07-2006, 18:41
OOC: Oh too Bad, assume orders didn't reach in time, actually forgot to send orders to GB -RL Errands can let you forget sometimes- but after rethinking I should really shoot them down.
Galveston Bay
05-07-2006, 18:42
Turkey, on February 22, manages to reestablish an interim government and struggles to determine if regaining Istanbul was worth the loss of the 2 largest cities in Turkey. After some consideration, the government decides to see what its principal allies are wanting to do.

However, the Turks are forced to cease offensive operations in Greece, and pull back from western Thrace. Troops are urgently needed at home to assist with disaster relief in Ankara and Izmer.

Meanwhile, in Cyprus, the British commander asks his government to reconsider orders sending the garrison to Egypt and goes ahead and occupies Turkish Cyprus to begin disaster relief and to prevent the Greeks from slaughtering the survivors.

Italin forces cross the Libyan / Egyptian border. The few Egyptian troops in the area surrender immediately and the Italians occupy Mersa Metruh and El Alamain without incident. However, fallout from the Nile Valley and Alexandria makes further movement east too risky to consider at this time.
05-07-2006, 18:48
OOC: Scratch that. I'm going to send you detailed orders on yahoo.
05-07-2006, 18:58
Turkey, on February 22, manages to reestablish an interim government and struggles to determine if regaining Istanbul was worth the loss of the 2 largest cities in Turkey. After some consideration, the government decides to see what its principal allies are wanting to do.

However, the Turks are forced to cease offensive operations in Greece, and pull back from western Thrace. Troops are urgently needed at home to assist with disaster relief in Ankara and Izmer.

Meanwhile, in Cyprus, the British commander asks his government to reconsider orders sending the garrison to Egypt and goes ahead and occupies Turkish Cyprus to begin disaster relief and to prevent the Greeks from slaughtering the survivors.

Italin forces cross the Libyan / Egyptian border. The few Egyptian troops in the area surrender immediately and the Italians occupy Mersa Metruh and El Alamain without incident. However, fallout from the Nile Valley and Alexandria makes further movement east too risky to consider at this time.

OOC: Send the HQ and armored division that had been heading to the border from Ankara back to Ankara to oversee things. Send a mech division from Samnsun to Izmir to help with relief.

IC: Greece is contacted and asked to accept an immediate ceasefire.

OOC: Further actions depend on how the conventional fighting went.
Galveston Bay
05-07-2006, 19:00
Shortly after the destruction of Oslo, 2 third generation solid rocket fueled ICBMs launch from the Scandic Union and arc over Europe and the Mediterranean Sea. 1 targets the Egyptian surface fleet, and 5 x 300 kiloton warheads blanket the area, utterly destroying the entire surface fleet. The other hits Cairo, and utterly destroys the flooded city. The 3 Pyramids, which are nearby, a damaged, with the smallest and closest being the worst damage. Eventually experts will determine that 30% of the surface area of the smallest, and 20% of the surface area of the other 2 were removed. The shock also collapses the chambers, filling them with rubble.

Radiation from this strike, and the others earlier in the day, begins making its way over the Mediterranean, forcing shipping to hurry west, including the British and French fleets.
Lesser Ribena
05-07-2006, 19:15
Meanwhile, in Cyprus, the British commander asks his government to reconsider orders sending the garrison to Egypt and goes ahead and occupies Turkish Cyprus to begin disaster relief and to prevent the Greeks from slaughtering the survivors.

The Cyprus garrison will move out from the base areas to secure the entire island and offer whatever help they can to affected civilians whilst maintaining law and order and keeping vorder crossings closed to all traffic. A TA division is dispatched to occupy the Suez canal zone instead (if it can get through the radiaton). Though they are not to waste British lives occupying radiation zones in a country which has basically ceased to exist (though the Canal Zone is very high on the list of priorities).
05-07-2006, 19:30

Does China still have the 4 units of Mirage V's that I put in storage (I was replacing 4 Mirage V units with the new Mirage G models)?
Galveston Bay
05-07-2006, 19:54

Does China still have the 4 units of Mirage V's that I put in storage (I was replacing 4 Mirage V units with the new Mirage G models)?

yes, but no surviving pilot units to man them
05-07-2006, 20:52
Japan quietly sends 4 units of Mirage V's to the SU for 12 points and uses those points to purchse 4 Mirage G units.

In China, the Japanese troops begin unloading and find chinese guides to direct them to the most needed areas. 1 Light Infantry Division is lef tin the city.

Meanwhile, riots and protests break out in Japan and the Diet declares martial law to restore order
05-07-2006, 21:09
Japan quietly sends 4 units of Mirage V's to the SU for 12 points and uses those points to purchse 4 Mirage G units.

In China, the Japanese troops begin unloading and find chinese guides to direct them to the most needed areas. 1 Light Infantry Division is lef tin the city.

Meanwhile, riots and protests break out in Japan and the Diet declares martial law to restore order

Actually, you'd have to purchase the Mirage G's from China as China is apparently the only one licensed to build these.
05-07-2006, 21:24
Actually, you'd have to purchase the Mirage G's from China as China is apparently the only one licensed to build these.

Do you have the industrial capacity to build them for next year, or should I just build my F-1's?

Also, are Harbin and Shenyang radiated?
05-07-2006, 21:42
The Arab Federation offers aid to Eygpt and the SCT nations that were attacked, though is unspecific on the amount. (I just got back so it might be a while till I figure out my economy)
05-07-2006, 22:10
Actually, you'd have to purchase the Mirage G's from China as China is apparently the only one licensed to build these.

Which is a good thing. Buying our stuff helps us get back on our feet.
05-07-2006, 22:13
Not to be a dick but I could see the factory being destroyed at the moment.
05-07-2006, 22:13
Do you have the industrial capacity to build them for next year, or should I just build my F-1's?

Also, are Harbin and Shenyang radiated?

Harbin and Shenyang apparently weren't hit by nukes, so they should be fine. Besides, I still do have a significant amount of factories still intact so I can build things if I didn't have to do the whole "feeding" thing. The factories can still churn out metal, aluminum, rubber, machines, etc. I believe.
05-07-2006, 22:17
Not to be a dick but I could see the factory being destroyed at the moment.

Simple retooling of factories, besides I still have quite a few still intact, which means I'm able to transfer some metal or aluminum created in the intact factories, then move them to new factories for assembly into aircraft or automobiles or whatever. Besides, I don't think my automobile factories were nuked- I can retool the factories to produce other things.

The US apparently nuked only military bases and ICBM silos.
Galveston Bay
05-07-2006, 22:51
High Intensity Warfare
The CSPS versus various nations February 19 – 21

The warring powers discover that the new weapons and surveillance systems developed since the Third Great War have made warfare much more intense and faster then ever before.

North Sea, Atlantic Ocean and surrounding area
Upon learning that the British have joined in with the Greeks, Scandic and Polish commanders begin military operations in accordance with orders.

Polish forces
2 destroyer squadrons, 1 nuclear heavy missile cruiser, 1 nuclear AA cruiser, 4 SSN

Scandic forces
2 nuclear anti-aircraft cruiser, 1 nuclear heavy missile cruiser, 4 destroyer squadrons, 5 SSN, 3 SSBN, 2 Tu22, 2 Mirage V, 2 Mig 25

Royal Naval Forces
Home Fleet
2 Nuclear Powered heavy carriers, HMS Sovereign, HMS Duke of Edinburgh(heavy air wings)
1 Nuclear Powered light carrier, HMS Duke of Gloucester (ASW airwing)
2 Nuclear Powered Heavy Missile Cruisers (HMS Assurance, HMS Audacious)
1 Nuclear Powered Light Missile Cruiser (HMS Bastion)
1 Nuclear Powered AA Cruiser (HMS Careful)
4 Nuclear Powered Escort Cruisers (HMS Dangerous, HMS Defiant, HMS Dauntless, HMS Defence)
8 nuclear powered destroyers,
4 ASW Frigates
1 amphibious assault group

Atlantic Fleet
1 Nuclear Powered Fleet carrier (HMS Earl of Wessex) (standard airwing)
1 Nuclear Powered Fleet Carrier (HMS Prince of Wales) (light airwing)
1 Nuclear Powered light carrier (HMS Duke of Kent) (ASW airwing)
1 Nuclear Powered Light Missile Cruiser (HMS Bulwark)
1 Nuclear Powered AA Cruiser (HMS Confounder)
2 Nuclear Powered Escort Cruisers (HMS Devestation, HMS Disdain)
6 Nuclear Powered Destroyers,
2 ASW Frigates

Submarine fleet (SSNs in the Atlantic covering the SSBNs as escorts)
10 nuclear attack subs, 5 nuclear ballistics subs, 5 large nuclear ballistics subs.

The British have organized their forces into 3 carrier groups operating west of Norway and 3 carrier groups covering the G-I-UK gap. American patrol planes and SSNs provide coverage for the G-I-UK gap in spite of the official rift between the governments, and provide ASW information and intelligence.

The Scandics launch a full scale strike against the Sovereign carrier battlegroup with 2 Tu22 wings, escorted by fighters on the evening of February 19. The attack occurs just before nightfall, and Polish and Scandic SSNs are vectored in to attack. In theory this will keep the RN off balance and prevent them from attack Scandic SSBNs.

The Sovereign is also covered by the air wing from the Duke of Edinburgh as well. The Scandic air attack nearly fails, as RN fighters shoot down 100 Scandic Mig25s, which find themselves ill designed for the air superiority mission they are being used for, and forcing the Mirage Vs to jettison their bombs and engage the RN fighters. Although the RN lose 20 fighters, they still have sufficient left over to fight it out with the Mirages, and the Mirage turns out to be an excellent air superiority fighter, badly mauling both air wings and accounting for 40 British aircraft at the cost of 20 of their own. However, the Tu22s manage to get through and launch missile attacks, leaving the Sovereign a burning wreck as 10 air launched Kelt missiles with large high explosive warheads smash into her flight decks. She goes down a few hours later, taking 1,000 men with her. Also that night, a Scandic submarine manages to torpedo the heavy cruiser Assurance, breaking her back, and she goes down just before dawn. RN ASW efforts however are very effective in reply, sinking 2 Scandic and 1 Polish SSN, including the attacker of the Assurance.

The RN pulls back to within fighter range of the UK shortly after that, and RN commanders want to know why the RAF hasn’t built any Maritime patrol aircraft. Also plans for Aegis type cruisers suddenly become more urgent (tech level 8 before one can be built though)

On February 20, even as events are unfolding in the Mediterranean, the British launch a counterattack at a Polish task group escorting some tankers and freighters running for the Kattegat. 2 B57 wings with air launched missiles and bombs, escorted by a BAC Lightning wing attack the Polish convoy of 1 escort cruiser and 2 destroyers, along with 10 large merchant ships. The RN manages to sink the Polish cruiser but lose 30 B57s to very effective SAMs.

Elsewhere, the Americans spot a Scandic SSBN with one of their SSNs, and provide the information to the RN, which manages to find and sink it.

American help would be very difficult for the Scandics to determine, but they will eventually figure it out after about a week. Officially and actually, the Americans haven’t fired on anyone however. Although the 6th Fleet has left the Med, the US 2nd Fleet is very active in the Atlantic at the moment, especially US SSNs who are looking for Boomers (missile submarines) as the Kennedy Administration has concerns the Scandics might honor their alliance with China at some point.

Losses – RN
1 heavy carrier, 1 heavy carrier air wing (survivors of both form the other which is intact), 1 nuclear heavy cruiser, 1 B57 wing, 1 pilot unit
Losses – Scandic Union
2 Mig 25 wings, 2 SSN, 1 SSBN, 1 pilot unit
Losses – Poland
1 SSN, 1 nuclear escort cruiser

essentially, at this tech level, anti ship missiles can swamp the air defenses of a single task group unless the bombers that launch them are shot down first. The remedy is operating as a 4 carrier task force (which is what the Americans would do in this case), or develop long range carrier interceptors like the F14 to shoot the enemy down far away from the carriers, or build Aegis type ships at tech level 8 that can handle a large missile attack like this.

Maritime patrol aircraft wouldn't have helped in this situation off Norway, but would have made it possible to increase the chances of getting the Scandic SSBNs. In addition, the RN doesn't have enough SSNs and couldn't cover its missile subs and go after enemy missile subs and surface ships and SSNs at the same time. However, ASW was very effective anyway, helicopters with dipping sonar and sonar buoys making a huge difference in hunting SSNs.
Galveston Bay
05-07-2006, 23:00
Simple retooling of factories, besides I still have quite a few still intact, which means I'm able to transfer some metal or aluminum created in the intact factories, then move them to new factories for assembly into aircraft or automobiles or whatever. Besides, I don't think my automobile factories were nuked- I can retool the factories to produce other things.

The US apparently nuked only military bases and ICBM silos.

some collaterial damage was inflicted on just about every major city in China because China had a lot of its army units in cities (as per your instructions). Main thing though is nobody is producing anything until April, and priority would other things besides jet fighters. No reason the Japanese couldn't build them under license though.
Galveston Bay
05-07-2006, 23:23
Battle in the Aegean and Eastern Mediterranean Sea
The British and French initiate hostilities in this theater on February 19.

Ukranian naval forces
10 destroyers, 5 nuclear attack subs, 40 corvettes, 2 nuclear power AA cruisers, 2 nuclear power heavy missile cruisers plus 4 Mig 25 wings to provide air cover

Turkish naval forces
2 destroyer squadrons, 1 nuclear AA cruiser, 1 amphib group

RN Mediterranean Fleet
1 Nuclear Powered Fleet carrier (HMS Duke of York) (standard airwing)
1 Nuclear Powered Heavy Missile Cruiser (HMS Adamant)
1 Nuclear Powered Light Missile Cruiser (HMS Brilliant)
1 Nuclear Powered AA Cruiser (HMS Conqueror)
1 Nuclear Powered Escort Cruiser (HMS Dextrous)
6 Nuclear Powered Destroyers,
2 ASW Frigates
80 missile boats, 2 groups of 40. (at Malta and out of range)

Organized as 1 large carrier battlegroup

Supported also by 1 Lightning fighter wing out of western Cyprus

1 CVN+Light Airwing
1 Heavy Cruiser
2 Light Cruisers
4 Destroyers+ 1 ASW Helicopter
3 Nuclear Submarine

organized as 1 large carrier battlegroup

Facing a serious disadvantage, the Turks and Ukrainians elect to call off a planned amphibious operation, and focus on covering supply ships providing needed logistical support to its forces on Crete. The French spend the 19th moving into position, and then most of the 20th doing the same, and operate against the Turkish nuclear attack on Egypt. British fighters in Cyprus do the same and the Egyptian nuclear strikes account for 2 Polish AA cruisers and 40 corvettes, along with 1 Tu22 wing at Izmer.

The RN carrier group spends the 19th and 20th sanitizing the area between Malta and Cyprus of enemy submarines, although not without cost. In fierce battles, the Ukranians sink the cruiser Dextrous and 2 frigates at the cost of 3 SSNs sunk and the other 2 forced to retire into the Aegean out of position. The British move up their missile boats from Malta to Cyprus, placing them in position to enter the Aegean where small size and speed will be useful.

Turkish forces in Crete find themselves essentially cut out of supply and cease offensive operations and hope someone saves them.
New Dornalia
06-07-2006, 00:12
Kim's Government issues a statement lamenting the events in Europe-it is all it wishes or it can do.

In Korea, meanwhile, a new force is growing, capitalizing on popular fears. Perhaps it also takes advantage of the bombing in Egypt, and its apocalyptic nature.

It is named the Unification Church, and it is led by Sun Myung Moon.

Broadcasting over the Korean airwaves, he preaches a message of apocalypse and urges the Korean people to begin joining him, proclaiming he is the only way out. Korea's Government tries to censor the Mad Monk, as the government and mainstream Christians and Buddhists call him, but Moon defies the government, inviting the intervention of NKPA agents as he tries to broadcast.
06-07-2006, 00:19
Ukranian naval forces
10 destroyers, 5 nuclear attack subs, 40 corvettes, 2 nuclear power AA cruisers, 2 nuclear power heavy missile cruisers plus 4 Mig 25 wings to provide air cover

Turkish naval forces
2 destroyer squadrons, 1 nuclear AA cruiser, 1 amphib group

RN Mediterranean Fleet
1 Nuclear Powered Fleet carrier (HMS Duke of York) (standard airwing)
1 Nuclear Powered Heavy Missile Cruiser (HMS Adamant)
1 Nuclear Powered Light Missile Cruiser (HMS Brilliant)
1 Nuclear Powered AA Cruiser (HMS Conqueror)
1 Nuclear Powered Escort Cruiser (HMS Dextrous)
6 Nuclear Powered Destroyers,
2 ASW Frigates
80 missile boats, 2 groups of 40. (at Malta and out of range)

Bold emphasis = mine.

I thought nuclear destroyers were imposible to build until higher tech levels with pebblehead nuclear reactors or something, owing to size limitations?
Galveston Bay
06-07-2006, 01:04
Russia versus the CSPS February 19–21

Fire in the East
Northern Front Russia versus Scandic Union and Poland
Russian forces
Pskov – 1 AA brigade, 1 mechanized division,
Tver – 1 armored corps
Novgorod – 1 infantry corps, 1 armored brigade, 1 garrison unit, 1 Yak 25 wing
Archangel – 1 light infantry division, 1 mountain brigade (1 helicopter unit added)
Smolensk – 1 mechanized infantry division , 1 Yak 28 wing

Scandic Union invasion force – 1 HQ, 2 armored divisions, 2 mechanized artillery groups, and 1 mechanized division organized as the 1st Army, with 2 helicopter gunship units as support plus 1 Mirage V, 1 Tu 16, 2 Tu22

Polish invasion force
2 airborne brigades and 2 transport helicopter units plus 1 infantry corps moving on Pskov, with 2 Mig 25, 2 Tu 16 units in support

4 Mig 25, 4 Tu 22 units hitting Russian airbases (2 at each) at Novgorad and Smolensk
2 Tu22 held back as a reserve (until air superiority is gained)

The Scandics and Poles launch a massive attack across the border. Heavily outnumbered, the Russian plan is swiftly scrapped to deal with the new reality. Heavy air strikes swiftly knock out most of the Russian airbases in this sector, forcing the Russian fighters to withdraw. However, fighting in the air is fierce, and 1 Russian Yak 28 and 1 Polish Mig 25 and 1 Polish Tu22 units are destroyed in the fighting. However, within 48 hours, the CSPS has air superiority over the area.

Russian air defenses are thick however, and SAMs destroy 1 Polish and 2 Scandic Tu22 units and 1 Scandic Tu 16 unit. However not thick enough to prevent the effective destruction of the Novgorod garrison command and air defense brigade at Pskov. Facing heavy odds, the Russians chose to withdraw in a delaying action against the Scandics and Poles and avoid decisive action.

Facing the Poles – 1 armored corps, 2 mechanized divisions,
Facing the Scandics – 1 infantry corps, 1 armored brigade

However, the Scandics are hit in Karellia by deep penetration raids by Russian mountain troops operating in the north which cut the rail lines leading from Murmansk to Petrograd and to Archangel. The Scandics are forced to shift Mirage V unit to cover that area.

Although neither city has fallen yet, both Pskov and Novgorod are in trouble.

The Russians are being overwhelmed by numbers, and a number of Scandic air attacks weren't very effective due to poor weather and fierce air defenses. Weather losses are also factored into air losses, and they have been high. This is after all the Russian Winter and flying conditions are miserable. Scandic and Polish commanders look into the need for Wild Weasel aircraft for defense suppression in the future, while the Russians look into getting a better air superiority fighter. The Scandics find once again that the Mig 25 isn't a good air superiority fighter.

Incidently, as it hasn't come up before and no one would really know this, interceptors are halved when facing an air superiority fighter because they lack manueverability. Air superiority fighters on the other hand are halved against bombers because they lack the intensive radar systems and high speed dash capability an interceptor has. This is the first really big war since the Third Great War involving large numbers of aircraft, and a lot of lessons are being learned the hard way.

Incidently, neither side has any where near the unit density to have a continuous front, which could be a problem very soon.

losses -- Scandic Union
1 Tu16 unit, 2 Tu 22 units, 2 pilot units
losses - Poles
1 Mig 25 unit, 1 Tu 22 unit, 1 pilot unit
losses -- Russians
1 garrison unit, 1 air defense brigade, 1 Mig 25 unit, all production centers in Novgorod, Tiver and Pskov are considered damaged.

Significant ground casualties have been suffered but not enough to threaten the destruction of any units at the moment.
Galveston Bay
06-07-2006, 01:06
Bold emphasis = mine.

I thought nuclear destroyers were imposible to build until higher tech levels with pebblehead nuclear reactors or something, owing to size limitations?

Only destroyers can be nuclear powered (double cost and construction time).
06-07-2006, 01:52
In response to Parth's question, here are the current Republican forces:

Remaining Egyptian Forces
4 Elite Trained Armored Divisions - Syria
2 Elite Trained Armored Brigades – Syria
2 Elite Trained Mountain Infantry Brigades – Syria
2 Dassault Mirage III’s – Syria (Not at full strength)
2 Elite Pilots - Syria
1 Elite Trained Mechanized Division – Syria
1 Elite Trained Garrison Unit – Gaza
1 Elite Trained Light Infantry Division – Crete?
1 Gunship - Syria
1 Cargo Helicopter - Syria
1 Heavy Carrier Battlegroup - Mediterranean
1 Heavy Missile Cruiser - Mediterranean
1 Amphibious Assault Group – Mediterranean
1 E-1 Tracer? (Not sure where it was during the nuclear strikes)

Sudanese Forces
1 Elite Trained Garrison – Khartoum
2 Elite Trained Mountain Infantry Brigades – Congolese Border
Chemical Weapons (2 Mustard, 1 Phosgene, 1 Sarin) - Khartoum

Total Losses
2 Elite Garrison Units (Cairo and Alexandria)
2 Elite Flak Brigades (Cairo and Alexandria)
2 Elite Pilots (Cairo)
2 HQ’s (Cairo and Suez)
1 Transport Group (Alexandria)
Egyptian Chemical Weapons Stockpile (Suez)
Some Mirage III’s (Engagements with Enemy Aircraft)

Also, here are important cities you guys might need to know about for the Italian/British/German scramble or whatever's going on:
Gaza - 2 Production Centers
Negev Desert - German Military Base
Siwah - Nuclear Power Plant
Al Kharijah - Nuclear Power Plant
Galveston Bay
06-07-2006, 02:01
1 Elite Trained Light Infantry Division – Crete?
1 Heavy Carrier Battlegroup - Mediterranean
1 Heavy Missile Cruiser - Mediterranean
1 Amphibious Assault Group – Mediterranean
1 E-1 Tracer? (Not sure where it was during the nuclear strikes)

elite infantry division never made it to Crete, as it and the entire surface fleet got nuked at sea.

Siwah - Nuclear Power Plant
Al Kharijah - Nuclear Power Plant

The Turks, the vengeful bastards, would have nuked both nuclear power plants as a priority as well (ooc he was very bloody minded in his orders, he even nuked Cairo after it had already been flooded after all)

I forgot they where there, but the Turks would have known about them and he had sufficient bombs to spare.
Galveston Bay
06-07-2006, 02:05
US secretly and very very covertly offers to provide the Russians with aircraft and ammunition if the war continues (it can fly it over the Pole)

Aid to China of course will suffer, but Russia is a friend

US isn't going to go quietly into the night if it can help it, after all at least it only nuked military targets. The CSPS went for anniliation of an entire people

Granted of course, the US killed a hell of a lot more people

Besides, giving away airplanes will cut US military expenses next year
06-07-2006, 02:15
elite infantry division never made it to Crete, as it and the entire surface fleet got nuked at sea.

The Turks, the vengeful bastards, would have nuked both nuclear power plants as a priority as well (ooc he was very bloody minded in his orders, he even nuked Cairo after it had already been flooded after all)

I forgot they where there, but the Turks would have known about them and he had sufficient bombs to spare.

OOC: Ya, Everything not flooded got nuked, made sure of it(Except palestine, they should be very thankfull the Germans like them), I warned you.

Anyway, damn good thing the CSPS is based on the MiG 25...
06-07-2006, 02:17
Russia, seeing the damage advanced MiGs have been doing in Russia, prepares to make purchases if things continue to go south. Russia's planned Air Force modernization for 1964 has been delayed due to budgetary woes, but bringing modern forces to the front is a priority. Actual US intervention is not asked for at this point. (Like in the first Gulf War, where the US avoided Israeli involvement for fear of destroying the coalition)

OOCly, how much would the units cost (both air and ground, we'll buy desert storage units as its faster) I've actually not yet posted my 64 build, so I'll put it up when this info comes in.
06-07-2006, 02:45
SIC: The Kaiserin, using her full Imperial Powers not subject to anything, elects to offer 4 Imperial Guard Paratroopers and their respective DO 500 Transport Units to the British Armed Forces.

While many in the Reichstag debate the move, the legality of it is not questioned. However, messages are sent to the CSPS that the Reichswehr has no intentions of initiating hostilities with the CSPS.

ooc: basically, the Imperial Guard are like Mercinaries, and their actions are not sanctioned by the Reichstag.
06-07-2006, 02:56
Offers are also made to Russia and other Coalition members to sell the Desert Storage fleet being held in Arabia. Offers of .5 points a unit are made.

Next year, should the hostilities continue, Germany offers to build Panavia Tornadoes for Russia.
06-07-2006, 03:20
[QUOTE=Galveston Bay]
Polish forces
2 destroyer squadrons, 1 nuclear heavy missile cruiser, 1 nuclear AA cruiser, 4 SSN

OOC:The Poles also have a CVAN with a heavy air group(Finished building in 63), and 3 destroyer sqauds instead of 2.(Note: they all have ASW helo's)
06-07-2006, 03:23
Parthini']Offers are also made to Russia and other Coalition members to sell the Desert Storage fleet being held in Arabia. Offers of .5 points a unit are made.

Next year, should the hostilities continue, Germany offers to build Panavia Tornadoes for Russia.

OOC: Be tough getting them there, have to take a very big roundabout route seeing as how Russia is ringed with CSPS nations and I don't think the SCT will let them through. Just remember I spared Palestine and Syria for you.
Galveston Bay
06-07-2006, 03:27
Russia, seeing the damage advanced MiGs have been doing in Russia, prepares to make purchases if things continue to go south. Russia's planned Air Force modernization for 1964 has been delayed due to budgetary woes, but bringing modern forces to the front is a priority. Actual US intervention is not asked for at this point. (Like in the first Gulf War, where the US avoided Israeli involvement for fear of destroying the coalition)

OOCly, how much would the units cost (both air and ground, we'll buy desert storage units as its faster) I've actually not yet posted my 64 build, so I'll put it up when this info comes in.

Russian general staff figures out the following... using the US equipment stored in the Urals (which the US has already said belongs to Russia now), the Russian Army could raise 1 mechanized corps and 2 flak brigades by scrapping 2 garrison units. Cadres from active forces and trained reasonably fit reservists would man them (will take about 1 month, but its very doable very quickly). Taking the crews out of AD1s and Su5s to use for manning new aircraft would be helpful. In addition, training 3 pilot units would give the Russians an air cavalry division in 6 months, or the helicopters could be used to replace losses. Also sufficient equipment is available to equip one full light infantry division by scrapping another garrison unit and using cadres from existing light and mountain units. This would add a light infantry division and flak brigade to the Order of Battle at the cost of another garrison unit.

In addition, inspecting the stocks will find a substantial stockpile of US tactical nuclear weapons.

The US government privately tells the Russian government that it can provide 4 F4G fighter wings. Transfer could take place in Alaska, and then the planes with US tanker support could fly over the Pole to the northern reaches of Russsia out of enemy strike range. The US can also provide 2 wings worth of F8 Crusaders.

the US didn't just kill 100 million Chinese to let the CSPS cripple Russia after all
Galveston Bay
06-07-2006, 03:27
OOC: Be tough getting them there, have to take a very big roundabout route seeing as how Russia is ringed with CSPS nations and I don't think the SCT will let them through. Just remember I spared Palestine and Syria for you.

he has a point about that
06-07-2006, 03:31
In addition, inspecting the stocks will find a substantial stockpile of US tactical nuclear weapons.

the US didn't just kill 100 million Chinese to let the CSPS cripple Russia after all

Do I know about those tac nukes? If not how long till I find out?

And I didn't get myself nuked and wipe out one of the worlds oldest civilizations to lose this war for nothing.
Galveston Bay
06-07-2006, 03:36
Do I know about those tac nukes? If not how long till I find out?

And I didn't get myself nuked and wipe out one of the worlds oldest civilizations to lose this war for nothing.

suspect yes, but wouldn't know for sure. Satellite recon is iffy too because of weather conditions and predictability, and the site is out of range of recon aircraft

by the way, to everyone ... what is it with you people and launching wars in the winter? Just about every time too (chuckle)
06-07-2006, 03:42
Hey now, you started this thing, I just saw to it that it didn't end.
06-07-2006, 04:34
China secretly agrees to sell its Mirage V's (4 units) to the CSPS in exchange for more food aid considering several nations have chosen to either reduce or abandon aid to China. In addition, China is selling the blueprints of the Mirage V's to the CSPS for more food and the opporunity for the remaining Chinese military personnel to act as observers in the ongoing CSPS war in hopes of gaining much needed war experience. China and CSPS also agree to share aircraft tech, improvements, tweaks, enhancements, war experience, etc.



China is essentially forced to do this owing to the US, UK, Italy, FNS, and France reducing aid (UK eliminated its contribution). So China has a perfectly legimitate reason to do this. Besides, the Mirage V's have no pilots to pilot them in China anyway.
06-07-2006, 04:47
The planes are given top traffic priority, every effort is made to get them into the hands of the various CSPS airforces as soon as possible.(Sam goes for Japan, who gets the planes is still up in the air depending on whats going on with the rest of the war)
Galveston Bay
06-07-2006, 05:39
China secretly agrees to sell its Mirage V's (4 units) to the CSPS in exchange for more food aid considering several nations have chosen to either reduce or abandon aid to China. In addition, China is selling the blueprints of the Mirage V's to the CSPS for more food and the opporunity for the remaining Chinese military personnel to act as observers in the ongoing CSPS war in hopes of gaining much needed war experience. China and CSPS also agree to share aircraft tech, improvements, tweaks, enhancements, war experience, etc.



China is essentially forced to do this owing to the US, UK, Italy, FNS, and France reducing aid (UK eliminated its contribution). So China has a perfectly legimitate reason to do this. Besides, the Mirage V's have no pilots to pilot them in China anyway.

actually, no one except the Russians and Central Asians from the east and north, or the Japanese and Koreans from the south, have actually reached you yet. Some token assistance from the Philippines has reached Indochina, but even the Australians aren't there yet either.

Americans are still crossing the Pacific for that matter and no one really knows what they are doing as they haven't announced anything, although several nations notice the rather large fleet steaming west and worry a bit.
Galveston Bay
06-07-2006, 05:40
Ukraine February 19 - 21
The Russians find themselves massively outnumbered when Germany fails to intervene on the side of Greece, and quickly decide to fight a delaying action there as further north.

However, they have 2 infantry corps right on the border and are not in position to pull back quickly. They are ordered to hold in place as long as possible to buy time. Meanwhile, the rest of the army is concentrated to deal with the Central Asian Republic, and all aircraft are shifted east as well. The Navy is ordered to hold itself at Rostov to assist in defending the port, except for the missile boats which retire south and the SSKs which begin attacking shipping off the coast of Odessa and Sevastapol.

The Russian 2nd Infantry corps fights a holding action gradually retreating toward Rostov, which is pounded by Ukrainian aircraft (and all production centers are damaged). In 2 days of fighting the corps is wrecked, and the survivors retreat, with Ukrainian forces right behind. Overwhelmed by 2 armored divisions, 2 mechanized divisions, 1 artillery group, 1 flak group and 2 attack helicopter units (Uke 1st Army) , the Russians are overwhelmed and the Russians are forced to scuttle 2 frigates and 1 cruiser, and the flak brigade is evacuated before the Ukrainians reach the city. Further north, the Ukrainians assault Bryansk, which is overwhelmed by 3 armored divisions, 2 mechanized divisions, 1 artillery group, 1 flak group, 1 infantry corps and 1 HQ unit, and that force (the Uke 3rd Army) then drives on Orel. In the center, out of Kharkov, the Ukrainians drive due east toward Voronezh with 4 armored divisions, 3 mechanized divisions, 2 artillery groups, 1 flak group, 1 HQ, and 2 attach helicopter units (Uke 2nd Army).

The huge distances however prevent any decisive penetration in the center however.

Russian losses: 1 infantry corps, 1 garrison unit
Ukrainian losses: no units
Galveston Bay
06-07-2006, 05:54
Meanwhile, the Russians shift sizeable forces to deal with the Central Asians, while the Central Asians shift forces to deal with the Russians. The CAR Air Force attacks, but finds that most of the Russian Air Force that isn't fighting near Novgorod has been shifted to face it. They suffer heavy losses and are repulsed, and Russian bombers then hit their airfields, forcing them to retreat south. The Central Asians have crossed the border, but are a long way from anywhere important yet.

Russian losses: 1 Yak 35, 1 AH1, 1 pilot
Central Asian losses; 2 Mig 25, 1 Tu22, 1 helicopter gunship, 3 pilots
Galveston Bay
06-07-2006, 07:10
In Greece, fighting heats up as Yugoslav and French forces enter the war.

For now, the fighting is intense but inconclusive (ooc, in other words, it will take longer then 3 days to start inflict unit sized losses).

The Greeks continue to hold out in Adrianople and Istanbul as CSPS forces are forced to screen them in order to meet the Franco-Yugoslav-Greek offensive

France, the Greeks want 4 planes to put their 4 pilot units into
06-07-2006, 07:15
Germany offers the same planes to other Coaltion forces (Greece).
Galveston Bay
06-07-2006, 07:16
Parthini']Germany offers the same planes to other Coaltion forces (Greece).

Greece can't afford to buy, but hopes one of its allies will buy them for it
06-07-2006, 07:31
China secretly agrees to sell its Mirage V's (4 units) to the CSPS in exchange for more food aid considering several nations have chosen to either reduce or abandon aid to China. In addition, China is selling the blueprints of the Mirage V's to the CSPS for more food and the opporunity for the remaining Chinese military personnel to act as observers in the ongoing CSPS war in hopes of gaining much needed war experience. China and CSPS also agree to share aircraft tech, improvements, tweaks, enhancements, war experience, etc.



China is essentially forced to do this owing to the US, UK, Italy, FNS, and France reducing aid (UK eliminated its contribution). So China has a perfectly legimitate reason to do this. Besides, the Mirage V's have no pilots to pilot them in China anyway.

Yeah, that's really going to convince more people to give you aid.
Lesser Ribena
06-07-2006, 09:46
The RAF cites budget considerations as the reason for the lack of marine strike aircraft, but promises to build some asap with money raised from teh cutting of Chinese aid. The RN rethinks its strategy in the North Sea (OOC: TG GB) and the Royal Family lead the country in a few moments silence to remember the brave men who went down with HMS Sovereign, the public is outraged at the loss of so many lives at once and the conservative is forced to call a coalition government with the Liberals and Labour to ensure they have control of parliament.
06-07-2006, 10:00
Yeah, that's really going to convince more people to give you aid.

OOC: Don't forget Parth, that that is secret and we do not know about it

IC: The Chinese are informed of another Cut of 20 points of aid due to worsening situation in Europe emphasising the continuing insolence of the CSPS who continue in their Illegal war even after Asian and Middle Eastern Nuclear Exchange.
Lesser Ribena
06-07-2006, 10:22
The RAF funnels funds released by the government into aircraft building programs and pilot training. Purchases include Su24 maritime bombers and F14A long range fighters. The RAF also allows the call up of RAF reserves from teh merchant air force, which has been suffering due to wars recently anyway. That releases 5 pilot units to man new aircraft (as new pilots will be in training for a year). The RAF also states that B57 pilots will transfer to newer aircraft once built so that they can have an impact on this war as soon as possible.
06-07-2006, 15:53
Due to increasing hostilities and danger in Eastern Europe, the Rumanian Army as been fully mobolised. The government issues a statement stating that this is a purely defensive move, and that no one is being threatened.

MiG25 patrols are increased over Rumanian airspace. Any beligerent aircraft that enter Rumanian airspace will be forced to land and interned until they can be returned to their native countries.
Galveston Bay
06-07-2006, 16:00
Poland and the Ukraine look seriously and hard at the Mig23 to replace the bulk of their Mig 25 force. Meanwhile, the Air Ministry in the UK points out that the F14 isn't available yet, but the Mirage F1 and the F4G both are, and the Tornado is a home grown aircraft, while obtaining Su24s might be difficult.

Russian Air Force looks at getting Su24s to replace its Su5s
Lesser Ribena
06-07-2006, 16:38
The RAF replaces the order for F14As with one for Tornadoes and that for SU24s with one for Hawker Siddeley Nimrods (presuming their long range and naval strike 6 makes them just as good?)
06-07-2006, 16:41
OOC: Will update for various posts as I can work through it.

IC: Russia proposes that new built planes could, with permission from either Canada or the United States, fly Su-24s (or whatever you need) to the UK through Canada or the United States, although substantial refueling capability from either nation may prove neccessary. In addition, Russia does not have a surplus of pilots at the moment, but if Canadian, American, or British pilots were available, they would be welcome to help. (Like in RL WWII, when women flew new planes from the US to Europe because they needed all the men at the front)

(OOC: Unsure if I know this yet, but this is my response to the FNS's Kfir sales to the CSPS. If I don't know yet, when I do this is the reaction)

Russia, amazed to see the FNS supporting the enemies of so many former and present OA members, immediately cancels any plans for a peace conference in Caracas, the neutrality of the site lost. In addition, Russia's ambassador leaves and sets up a temporary office in El Salvador (which falls under his watch as well).

Meanwhile, Russian generals in charge of distributing American equipment from bases eye the tactical nukes, seeing the immense outnumbering on the front. However, they are not yet allowed to use any. However, as mobilzation begins to kick in to gear, several units are reorganized. Two garrisons become 1 mechanized corps and 2 flak brigades, and will be ready by late March.

The Duma, still trying to produce a coherent budget, are astounded at the shortfall (from damage and the crash, only had 21 points after maintenance and such), and cut non-essential social programs (to level III)
Galveston Bay
06-07-2006, 17:54
Canada decides to actively support the Russians and British and will begin sending forces to help once a port of some kind is available (the Russian Pacific ports won't be open until March at the earliest because of ice while obviously the Black Sea is out). However, an air expeditionary force can be sent. In the US, several hundred USAF, USMC and USN pilots "volunteer" to join the Russian Air Force after the US Military makes some budget cuts and some reductions in force. They will man surplus USAF and USMC fighters and other aircraft.

we haven't had the Flying Tigers yet.. now we will. Essentially the US government is very unofficially and deniably providing support to Russia that will work politically. The US will send 4 F4G fighter units, 1 tanker unit and 1 F105 Wild Weasal unit to Russia in March, and 2 more F105 Wild Weasel and 2 F105 strike units in April. An airlift of 12 air transport units will be operating over the Poles to support the Canadians and US volunteers. US pilots will also fly 4 units of F105s to Russia and transfer them to Russia. (giving the Russians 4 bombers).

Which of course means aid to China will suffer.

The US will also transfer to Canada 2 units worth of F105s, which can be fitted out for anti shipping missions.

by the way, the Nimrod is a maritime patrol aircraft, Ribenia, what you want are both maritime patrol aircraft and bombers with a good air combat rating for anti shipping strikes in defended air space.. like the Tornado

Safehaven, you want the Mig23 for immediate service and the Poles and Ukranians make it
06-07-2006, 18:06
OOC: How long will it take for new air units(MiG 23's) to be produced assuming the pilots are ready and waiting?


GB, I need to know whats left of the Turk airforce for my next set of orders.
Galveston Bay
06-07-2006, 18:27
today and tomorrow I will be updating everyones armed forces so that this weekend I can game the war up to hopefully at least June and preferably July

So that eventually, 1964 will end

Apparently no more nuclear attacks are imminent, at least for the moment

As I update, I will post the new information, so people can give me specific plans for the Spring and Summer campaigns.

At this point, no one can loan the Russians points, because until at least March and probably not until April they havent got a port.. Russian Pacific ports don't become ice free until then (at least enough for navigation).

Loaning Central Asia points is also difficult until either the CSPS links up with the Central Asians OR Pakistan is willing to let points go through it. However, the CSPS cannot loan points through Pakistan because its shipping doesn't have access to the Atlantic and without that, can't get to Pakistan or anywhere else in Asia either. Since after all, the Suez Canal is a pair of glowing craters with a ditch between them and the British and French own the Mediterranean at the moment anyway.

Although the Scandics and Poles are contesting the North Sea, unless they smash the British and French Navies, they aren't going anywhere beyond that.

The Oman / Arab Federation situation is heating up, but no fighting has started. If it does, it will be incorporated as part of the Twilight War as yet another front

Incidently, air transport units can carry economic points (see previous post on how aid works for China) but at 50% of that level because the special conditions for aid work don't apply in this case. Naturally, air transport units can be intercepted if enemy fighters can reach them.
06-07-2006, 18:33
The Philippines is totally embroiled in helping it's CHinese and USEA allies and therefore hasn't the resources to help anyone else.
06-07-2006, 18:41
The South American Ambassador approaches the British Government in Secrecy; The FNS is willing to send four M-121Gs (Equivelent to F4G) wings to Britain to be used by them. If any are lost we would expect your nation to replace them at a much later time, but they are there for your use.

If you so decide to make use of them, then we shall change the controls to English.

Another offer is made to the Russian Government regarding Kfir fighters.

No mention is made to the Scandic sale as the FNS government is unaware of the Sale at the moment by AAI (Argentine Aircraft Industries... A play on IAI, Israeli Aircraft Industries)
06-07-2006, 18:55
The South American Ambassador approaches the British Government in Secrecy; The FNS is willing to send four M-121Gs (Equivelent to F4G) wings to Britain to be used by them. If any are lost we would expect your nation to replace them at a much later time, but they are there for your use.

If you so decide to make use of them, then we shall change the controls to English.

Another offer is made to the Russian Government regarding Kfir fighters.

No mention is made to the Scandic sale as the FNS government is unaware of the Sale at the moment by AAI (Argentine Aircraft Industries... A play on IAI, Israeli Aircraft Industries)

OOC: I'm glad to see I have such loyal allies.
Lesser Ribena
06-07-2006, 19:11
Britain welcomes the FNS M-121Gs and would be able to supply enough pilots for them (rope in airline pilots). Any damage would of course be paid for after the war and indeed Britain would gladly reimburse the FNS for the loan in full afterwards and even with interest. Britain does not forget her allies.
06-07-2006, 20:25
The South American Ambassador approaches the British Government in Secrecy; The FNS is willing to send four M-121Gs (Equivelent to F4G) wings to Britain to be used by them. If any are lost we would expect your nation to replace them at a much later time, but they are there for your use.

If you so decide to make use of them, then we shall change the controls to English.

Another offer is made to the Russian Government regarding Kfir fighters.

No mention is made to the Scandic sale as the FNS government is unaware of the Sale at the moment by AAI (Argentine Aircraft Industries... A play on IAI, Israeli Aircraft Industries)

The Scandic Union is disgusted when it heard about this. Not only where their allies in the FNS, an alliance that had lasted decades, not only where they willing to sell weaponry to the Russians, but they were GIVING the British aircraft for free.

The SU is pulling out of the Caracas conference, the amabassador to the FNS, what had been considered a very high position, hands the FNS government a an intel report(Hard intel) showing that the Brits were seriously considering a major pre-emptive nuclear strike on the SU, and a thankyou note telling the FNS government how thankfull the SU was to have allies that helped our enemies as they planned the extermination of our nation. The ambassador was also to inform the FNS that the SU see the alliance shared by both nations for decades as defucnt, the FNS had proven how "loyal" it was to its "Allies".
Galveston Bay
06-07-2006, 20:56
The Beatles, a popular music group in both North America and the UK are still at the height of their popularity. John Lennon begins writing a song with the lyrics.. "All We are Saying, is give Peace a chance..." after learning of the failure of the Caracas Conference.


In light of the outbreak of war in Europe, the UN announces that delegations and representatives will be flying on Aer Lingus flights from now on, and those flights will be considered diplomatic flights. The UN presses the belligerent nations not to shoot them down.

(Aer Lingus is the Irish national airline)


The United States begins rationing of rubber, gasoline, and specific metals like chromium. Rationing of specific commodities like sugar also begins.


The price of silk skyrockets. China and Japan are the principal suppliers and Chinese output has halted and so has Japanese output temporarily.


Peace groups in many countries that have led the boycott on American goods extends boycotts to goods from the Scandic Union and Turkey. Planned boycotts on Egyptian goods are quickly determined to be irrelevent.


The Pope receives a request from the Filipino government to excommunicate President Joseph Kennedy. The Papal authorities politely refuse after some consideration when it is realized that nearly 1/3 of the Church budget comes from American donations. (OOC: Another 1/4 comes from Germany, which is why Hitler never got excommunicated either in real life)


The authorities of the Greek and Russian Orthodox Church call for a crusade against the Turks. The Coptic Churchs of Palestine and Ethiopia call for one as well. The Egyptian Coptic Church has essentially ceased to exist as nearly all of that faith died in the Egyptian holocaust

Not that it will make a difference, but it would occur

The first limited aid begins to reach China and Indochina, but distrubution is hamstrung by destruction of airports, port facilities, clogged roads, shattered rail yards and a basic lack of communications in much of both countries. EMP has destroyed telephone and radio communications facilities as well as television stations. The first UN teams begin surveying the country and determine that China has been essentially knocked from Tech Level 7.5 to Tech level 5. With some work, it will hopefully regain its level of technology, but not this year.

Emergency food supplies begin to be exhausted in Chinese and Indochinese fallout and bomb shelters, and people begin to scavange for food by March 1. Communications between the National Government in Beijing (which was left mostly undamaged) and the countryside and other cities is still sporadic, and some areas like Tibet and the other mountainous and desert regions are still out of immediate contact and must rely on messengers.

Bodies from Egypt wash up on the shores of Greece, Cyprus, Syria, Palestine, Libya and Sicily for nearly 3 weeks after the Aswan flood. Local health authorities are forced to burn them on the beaches due to the sheer numbers involved.

Weather continues to be colder and drier then usual in the Northern Hemisphere north of the Tropic of Cancer. Most of the radioactive fallout has reached the ground by the middle of February from the destruction of China and Indochina. Then fallout from Egypt contiminates significant amounts of land in Cyprus and also drifts to Crete and some of the Greek islands and southern Greece. Some also drifts east into Arabia, reaching as far as the Persian Gulf.

Cancer deaths in those areas will increase significantly, and Western Arabia, Turkey, Greece, and the Saudi Arabian part of the Arab Federation will have population growth at a maximum of 1% for 10 years.


Fall out from Izmer and Ankara blankets much of Turkey, causing similar health effects listed above.
06-07-2006, 21:06
THe light division lands in rudimentary craft onto the CHinese shores, Filipino newspapermen have tagged along for the ride with the units to try to get the stories to the mainland. At the moment they have the simple duty to Chronicle the events for pay. More sophisticated newsmen are afraid leftover EMP or some other field will destroy their equipment. A few rumors and hearsay of what leftover fallout does has spread through the nation. THe newspapermen borrow a few radiation suits from soldiers who have been left behind due to ailments or training. (No unit has 100% of it's men. It's normally considered a good unit if it's got 95%)

Orders have been issued to soldiers of the light division in China to not get into scuffles with United States troops. Tension can be seen as high, and in their own language, "No soldier of the UIP should give the bastards any excuse to launch warheads at us." Showing that the Philippines believes that the US would still launch nukes if one or two soldiers got drunk and got into a barfight with US troops.

(And it wasn't the Filipino government, it was the Philippine Branch of the Catholic CHurch. Aka the Bishops, Cardinals, and Priests of the Philippines.)
06-07-2006, 21:11
OOC: Whatever happened to the NIgerian troops sent to Britain?
New Dornalia
06-07-2006, 21:23
The first limited aid begins to reach China and Indochina, but distrubution is hamstrung by destruction of airports, port facilities, clogged roads, shattered rail yards and a basic lack of communications in much of both countries. EMP has destroyed telephone and radio communications facilities as well as television stations. The first UN teams begin surveying the country and determine that China has been essentially knocked from Tech Level 7.5 to Tech level 5. With some work, it will hopefully regain its level of technology, but not this year

The Koreans enter Shenyang, and are horrified by the level of violence, chaos, and overall damage in the countryside. The Engineering units with the Korean Army's RRF HQ attempt to begin fixing things, and the RRF's men try to act as peacekeepers (with orders not to shoot unless fired upon), but many soldiers, though NBC-equipped, still find themselves vomiting from the sheer ugliness of it all. The Korean newsmen with the soldiers report conditions so grim, the nastier bits are edited by the Kim Government and at times, not broadcasted at all.