40K RP Sign-Up (FT, open) - Page 3
Krow Liliowych
19-06-2006, 17:58
@reefered-up monkeys:
if you are really familliar with the 40K universe, you might be just in time to join. the closed RP has just started, and if everyone agrees, there might be enough room for one more
Krow Liliowych
19-06-2006, 17:59
does that mean you have cleared the LZ?
Chimps on Marijuana
19-06-2006, 18:01
doesn't matter, I'm not sure what you're meant to do with THIS kind of 40K anyway coz I'm new. I'll just sit here and stroke my 3,000 point elite squad. I always thrach my mates. :D
Old Atlantia
19-06-2006, 18:02
Is the Hive occupied or in ruins? Im not clear exactly with whats going on with the humans...
19-06-2006, 18:03
does that mean you have cleared the LZ?
@Monkeys with Wacky Weed (I know that name isn't correct, but your national title is hilarious!) I have no problem with one more :)
Yes. There is a Landing zone, and we are deployed into the Citadel. I'm about to do another IC about a Battalion securing the smaller settlement to the North of the Citadel.
19-06-2006, 18:04
Is the Hive occupied or in ruins? Im not clear exactly with whats going on with the humans...
No, since the taint hasn't spread here in full force yet, the city would be quiet, but not in ruins. Imagine a city that is in complete fear that it is going to be attacked by demons from hell at any moment.
Krow Liliowych
19-06-2006, 18:05
but you landed just north of the citidel...:headbang:
Krow Liliowych
19-06-2006, 18:08
here's the force deployment as I understand it:
LINK (http://www.geocities.com/the_fall_of_caladan/index.html?1150736878171)
19-06-2006, 18:09
but you landed just north of the citidel...:headbang:
.....yes....and the supplies are moved into the Citadel. Sure, we initially landed there, but all Imperial Citadels have a "Star port" if you will. Now supply ships land there. I'm not sure what you're trying to get at mate.
Krow Liliowych
19-06-2006, 18:11
There is a Landing zone, and we are deployed into the Citadel. I'm about to do another IC about a Battalion securing the smaller settlement to the North of the Citadel.
the LZ is in the same spot as where you are proposing the smaller settlement is...is it not?
also, are the ruins inside of the citidel/hive city? If not, where are they?
Krow Liliowych
19-06-2006, 18:13
oh! Wait, are you talking about zone 122?
Krow Liliowych
19-06-2006, 18:20
hello? did everyone just dissappear...
Old Atlantia
19-06-2006, 18:23
posted, Exodians. Feel free to kill the whole slave crew... there is like a hundred of them... and around thirty Ork guards.
The Exodians
19-06-2006, 18:27
Oh, killing little Grots sounds like fun...
I'll write up the awakening post when I get back, but I have to go for a bit now. (Won't be long, I'll be back within a few hours - I think.)
Edit: That, and Jolt is acting weird for me now. Quite the timing to do so...:mad:
31337 soup
19-06-2006, 19:23
here's the force deployment as I understand it:
LINK (http://www.geocities.com/the_fall_of_caladan/index.html?1150736878171)
i have 2 platoons in 111. Just to let you know.
Krow Liliowych
19-06-2006, 20:52
like this (http://www.geocities.com/the_fall_of_caladan/index.html?1150746685683)?
Old Atlantia
19-06-2006, 21:04
What is at grid 126?
Krow Liliowych
19-06-2006, 21:10
the citidel that the IG players keep ranting about:D
Krow Liliowych
19-06-2006, 21:10
if you look at the blank map you can see it better. the IG symbol kind of obscures the bottom of it.
Krow Liliowych
19-06-2006, 21:11
the small settlement to the north of the citidel to which you keep refering...Is it in zone 122 perchance?
Old Atlantia
19-06-2006, 21:18
Okay, so the Hive and the Citadel are two different places?
19-06-2006, 21:45
@ Atlantia: Yes, they are.
@Everyone: Who is rp'ing the chaos cultists and why are they imaginative ghosts at this point?
Krow Liliowych
19-06-2006, 22:17
So far I can only secretly converse with The Exodians, soup, LNI, Old Atlantia, and Undershi. The rest of you either need to e-mail me @ vishamon@gmail.com or add me to MSN messenger, and then IM me.
Old Atlantia
19-06-2006, 22:34
Sent you my email, Krow. Also- i think you should RP as chaos along w/ Chronosia since u're on more. Plus, being only GM's gotta be dull.
Krow Liliowych
19-06-2006, 22:39
Oh, I've kept my Tzeentchan force, they're just not doing anything overt at the moment ::develish laugh:: I will control any chaos cultists found on the planet, as my initial IC post indicates that they are 'in cahoots' with the Tzeentchan forces.
The foolish servants of the Corpse-God think to weaken our grip on Caladan.
Old Atlantia
19-06-2006, 22:45
Would anyone be interested in doing a simultaneous Warhammer past-tech RP? I dont know much about it but I was poking around the website and it looked kinda cool... in a very geeky way.
Krow Liliowych
19-06-2006, 22:48
what, WFB?
I'm all about WFB. I have 2,000 points of Orcs&Goblins.
Old Atlantia
19-06-2006, 22:53
Krow Liliowych
19-06-2006, 22:54
sorry, Warhammer Fantasy Battles
-the official name of the past-tech Warhammer game
Old Atlantia
19-06-2006, 22:56
Well, what about it? Anyone else up for a "WFB" game as well? If not, Krow, I'll do a short fantasy skirmish RP w/ ya right now to kill time.... I'm studying for exams and stuck at my desk.... so Im up for anything.
Krow Liliowych
19-06-2006, 22:57
you're not done with finals yet?
oh, I'm sorry:(
Old Atlantia
19-06-2006, 23:00
Yeah... it sucks- in fact, it's wat drove me to pick up RPing again. So... you up for a little Fantasy tech battle? It could just be a prelude, if more people are interested. If not, it'll just be a short fight.
Krow Liliowych
19-06-2006, 23:02
I've only got like ten minutes, so it would probably not be very successful...
Old Atlantia
19-06-2006, 23:05
lol, oh well...
Krow Liliowych
19-06-2006, 23:07
I forget. Do you actually play 40K, or are you just RPing
Old Atlantia
19-06-2006, 23:09
Just RPing, I used to play Dawn of War video game... but that's it
19-06-2006, 23:17
Just RPing, I used to play Dawn of War video game... but that's it
I'm impressed! You've done extremely well for someone who doesn't play. Then again, I don't play the table top game anyway. I only read the books and I used to attept to send stories to Inferno, but the one that was actually accepted had to be turned down because the magazine died.....just my luck.:(
I was invited by Black Library to compete in a competiton for the right to write novels, but i haven't participated in them yet. I was going to use this RP for inspiration actually. :)
Old Atlantia
19-06-2006, 23:20
Thnx alot... Im sorta just making stuff up as i go though... lol
19-06-2006, 23:26
Thnx alot... Im sorta just making stuff up as i go though... lol
Well keep it up! Also, i'll do a Warhammer Fantasy Battle RP. Gotta love those Chaos Norse men lol
(I'm not as familiar with warhammer as i am with 40k, so you'll all have to help me out. I know that the North men worship Demons, and Chaos, but thats about it. I've read Valnir's Bane)
Old Atlantia
19-06-2006, 23:44
I know nuthing about WFB... just what Ive read on the website. Im interested in being the Empire w/ Dwarf mercs... praps I can defend a town from your chaos beast guys?
19-06-2006, 23:46
why don't we concentrate on the rp at hand, shall we? I'd like to see this one through before we begin planning another. So, how about it?
19-06-2006, 23:48
I know nuthing about WFB... just what Ive read on the website. Im interested in being the Empire w/ Dwarf mercs... praps I can defend a town from your chaos beast guys?
Works for me! Let me read a little bit about it first though. Maybe after this RP ends (which i'm sure wont be for a few weeks but still...) we can have a WFB RP.
Old Atlantia
19-06-2006, 23:50
I was just looking for a short skirmish to kill time while I study.... not to detract from the current RP
20-06-2006, 00:09
I was just looking for a short skirmish to kill time while I study.... not to detract from the current RP
I know, i'm just thinking ahead ;)
Liberated New Ireland
20-06-2006, 00:52
Hey, Boyz, da boss is back.
Liberated New Ireland
20-06-2006, 00:53
Uh, Wanderjar, what sector were the ruins you mentioned in?
Also, everyone in the 22nd Armagh has fought 'nids before...
Old Atlantia
20-06-2006, 00:58
If u kids want a skirmish, send some forces to check out the town the Orks took ((Grid 27 I think)). You can free the humie slaves there too...
20-06-2006, 00:59
Uh, Wanderjar, what sector were the ruins you mentioned in?
Also, everyone in the 22nd Armagh has fought 'nids before...
I'm not sure, they looked like ruins to me, but their North of Grid Point 88.
Liberated New Ireland
20-06-2006, 01:00
The one in the mountains, gotcha.
This still open for new players?
Liberated New Ireland
20-06-2006, 01:04
This still open for new players?
Only if you want to be Guard.
20-06-2006, 01:04
This still open for new players?
Depends on what you want to play as....we've had some no shows on the Chaos side....
Old Atlantia
20-06-2006, 01:05
Actually, Krow and Chronosia are both active Chaos- they just have yet to post. We need a good Space Marine chapter though...
The World Soviet Party
20-06-2006, 01:05
Can I be a lone Imperial Guard from Argentum Prime's 1st?
He kinda' got confused and boarded the wrong ship =p
I'd like to play as Tau. And I have a friend who might be interested in Imp Guard or Marines.
31337 soup
20-06-2006, 01:07
i feel left out of the RP.
Old Atlantia
20-06-2006, 01:07
You'll hafta wait fro Krow... I think we got the Tau covered....
20-06-2006, 01:08
Can I be a lone Imperial Guard from Argentum Prime's 1st?
He kinda' got confused and boarded the wrong ship =p
How about a normal Imperial Guardsmen in my Regiment? Since my Regiment went straight from another Warzone to this place. You might want to go back to about Page 30-34 and find a link to the Prelude and read it. It kinda introduces SOME of the characters.
Prelude Link: http://forums.jolt.co.uk/showthread.php?t=488198
20-06-2006, 01:09
:eek: what about MY post! AH! *falls out of chair in disbelief*
"Fifteen Hours" - A good book about the IG, I recommend it to anyone who happens to have the cash and the time.
Wow, i've been talking about that book and a few others all through out this RP, its funny you bring it up. I loved that book man.
Liberated New Ireland
20-06-2006, 01:12
i feel left out of the RP.
...Why haven't you posted?
31337 soup
20-06-2006, 01:13
...Why haven't you posted?
Err.. i have. just nothing for me to realy do. No orders form the big man.
20-06-2006, 01:13
You'll hafta wait fro Krow... I think we got the Tau covered....
Yeah, he makes the final decision anyway. I was just curious what you had in mind ;)
20-06-2006, 01:13
Err.. i have. just nothing for me to realy do. No orders form the big man.
Ooo! ooo! THat's me! I'm the big man!
hmmm....what was your unit again?
*Writes up orders for suicide charge into Ork Camp*
Old Atlantia
20-06-2006, 01:14
Kilani what we really need are as follows: Eldar, Dark Eldar, Space Marines... apply as one of those and Krow'll probly let you in.
The World Soviet Party
20-06-2006, 01:15
How about a normal Imperial Guardsmen in my Regiment? Since my Regiment went straight from another Warzone to this place. You might want to go back to about Page 30-34 and find a link to the Prelude and read it. It kinda introduces SOME of the characters.
Ok, I will, I must say so, that I have little to none knowledge of the WH40K Universe.
And about your offer, Ok, I'll be a common soldier in your squad =p
31337 soup
20-06-2006, 01:17
Ooo! ooo! THat's me! I'm the big man!
hmmm....what was your unit again?
*Writes up orders for suicide charge into Ork Camp*
suicide orders are our speciality. And were Deathworld Alpha. comanded by captain Zins.
Liberated New Ireland
20-06-2006, 01:18
Hey, get his company to back up the First.
Edit: that was at Wanderjar.
The World Soviet Party
20-06-2006, 01:19
Say, I read most of the RP thread, including the preclude, but can anyone give me a brief synopsis on how things are so far?
31337 soup
20-06-2006, 01:20
Say, I read most of the RP thread, including the preclude, but can anyone give me a brief synopsis on how things are so far?
no ones died. Best war ever.
Liberated New Ireland
20-06-2006, 01:21
no ones died. Best war ever.
*Ahem* did you read the prelude?
Old Atlantia
20-06-2006, 01:22
he means in the real RP. Fantastic ending to the prelude, BTW LNI.
Liberated New Ireland
20-06-2006, 01:23
he means in the real RP. Fantastic ending to the prelude, BTW LNI.
Thanks. I do what I can.
31337 soup
20-06-2006, 01:25
*Ahem* did you read the prelude?
Yes prelude was awsome,
Liberated New Ireland
20-06-2006, 01:28
Yes prelude was awsome,
Ah, good. Glad you like it.
Wanderjar, after much squinting, I've figured out that the ruins are at Sector 89. What can I expect to run into there?
Liberated New Ireland
20-06-2006, 01:33
((Since your char was in the 22nd Armagh, you wouldnt be here. Wait for Krow to admit you then post in the main thread))
Oh, he's not admitted yet?
Then, you should wait 'til Krow let's you in.
The World Soviet Party
20-06-2006, 01:36
Ok, I'll wait.
*Sits down and waits*
Liberated New Ireland
20-06-2006, 01:38
Ok, I'll wait.
*Sits down and waits*
Holding your breath will help.
Old Atlantia
20-06-2006, 01:40
WanderJar, tell Soup's platoon to do something... I think that's what he's waiting for.
31337 soup
20-06-2006, 01:41
oh no im not waiting for anything.
*stands up, dust falls off in layers.*
Wow that was alot of dust.
Liberated New Ireland
20-06-2006, 01:45
oh no im not waiting for anything.
*stands up, dust falls off in layers.*
Wow that was alot of dust.
WTF? Waiter! There's dust in my Soup!
31337 soup
20-06-2006, 01:47
WTF? Waiter! There's dust in my Soup!
Your soup, so what am i your property now. that you can just go around ordering me around. i am a person too you know.
Old Atlantia
20-06-2006, 01:47
Liberated New Ireland
20-06-2006, 01:49
Your soup, so what am i your property now. that you can just go around ordering me around. i am a person too you know.
Shut up! Waiter! My Soup is talking, and getting ideas above its position!
I demand this Soup be oppressed immediately!
Old Atlantia
20-06-2006, 01:50
LNI, cant you order Soup around so he gets to see some action... or walking- which is all this RP has entailed thus far.
Liberated New Ireland
20-06-2006, 01:51
LNI, cant you order Soup around so he gets to see some action... or walking- which is all this RP has entailed thus far.
No. I'm a platoon, he's a company...
Where's Wanderjar at?
31337 soup
20-06-2006, 01:52
Don't make me angry! i could do some serious damage. like spilling onto your pants, or uh.. burning your tounge, yeah so watch out.... or else. cause im wanted in 14 states. and 3 provinces of canada. ( lots of people have colds today.)
Liberated New Ireland
20-06-2006, 01:54
Don't make me angry! i could do some serious damage. like spilling onto your pants, or uh.. burning your tounge, yeah so watch out.... or else. cause im wanted in 14 states. and 3 provinces of canada. ( lots of people have colds today.)
Yeah, you're gonna be busy when bird flu finally gets here....
And, don't worry, my tongue is already burnt (damn that DUNKIN DONUTS coffee....)
31337 soup
20-06-2006, 02:01
Yeah, you're gonna be busy when bird flu finally gets here....
And, don't worry, my tongue is already burnt (damn that DUNKIN DONUTS coffee....)
Coffee! you cheated on me with coffee, YOU... Got what you diserved is what you got!
Liberated New Ireland
20-06-2006, 02:02
Coffee! you cheated on me with coffee, YOU... Got what you diserved is what you got!
Of course I cheated with Coffee. I felt I deserved an upgrade...
31337 soup
20-06-2006, 02:10
Of course I cheated with Coffee. I felt I deserved an upgrade...
Fine then have fun with your new pal.
*jumps off table, bowl shatters. Soup dies*
Liberated New Ireland
20-06-2006, 02:12
Fine then have fun with your new pal.
*jumps off table, bowl shatters. Soup dies*
NO!!! Soup, why?! Parque?!?!?!
*sniff* You were the best thing that ever happened to me... *sobbing*
20-06-2006, 02:18
Posted my landing, feel free to post whatever (if any) losses/injuries the spores caused.
31337 soup
20-06-2006, 02:19
*man slips on soup and dies of bordom while waiting for someone else to post in the rp thread.*
Old Atlantia
20-06-2006, 02:22
Ularious, wanna have a brief skirmish while these 'umies are getting their act together?
31337 soup
20-06-2006, 02:23
Posted my landing, feel free to post whatever (if any) losses/injuries the spores caused.
Erm, i don't know any effects of the spores nor their size.
20-06-2006, 03:29
Ularious, wanna have a brief skirmish while these 'umies are getting their act together?
hmm skirmish, I think I can manage that, but I've got some stuff to do right now, so maybe in an hour? I can send a Litor, a handful of Warriors and maybe a few 'gaunts for a bit of a scout and they can run into your Orks.
To answer your question, a Mycetic Spore is much like a drop-pod, they contain living Tyranids, now most of my forces are in the forest, as per instruction but others would be smaller one's filled with Gaunts or Rippers, just a bit of RP fluff so you guys all know I'm here.
20-06-2006, 06:41
I'm prolly not gunna be in this RP other things have come up but in response to Chronosia. I model my companies different I have Legions and back in the days of the Heresy some of the companies could easily number 300+ like my Company in the United States Army.
And chronosia are you gonna reply to the Ecclesiarchy's Heresey thread?
Here's a link:http://forums.jolt.co.uk/showthread.php?t=485972&page=2
United Vale Empire
20-06-2006, 09:48
Sorry to break the news guys, but if you haven't already guessed, I'm not going to roleplay on this one. Mainly for two reasons.
Firstly, I felt like it was running away a little. I enjoy my role playing, as in developing my characters and making them near tangible, then enjoying putting them in horrible situations. I felt with our little RP of the Wargames that when two of my men came in to film the situation for some roleplay situations i could use between my characters, i had about 60 different people watching me land.... *shrugs* i feel that it could end up as, my 900000000000000 million orks tyranid inbred hybrids eats your 6 man squad. The end. Of course, it probably wouldn't have happened to end up that way, but i saw the potential.
Secondly, because I've lost my job, my long term girlfriend, my home and any sort of easy internet access.
Sorry to have let you guys down.
But it certainly was fun planning it ;). Hope to come in as reinforcements as soon as i can!
20-06-2006, 14:37
Secondly, because I've lost my job, my long term girlfriend, my home and any sort of easy internet access.
Sorry to have let you guys down.
But it certainly was fun planning it ;). Hope to come in as reinforcements as soon as i can!
Damn dude, I am really sorry to hear that. I hope everything works out for you and to see you back soon.
And you didn't let us down, we had a hell of a time with the OOC thread ;)
20-06-2006, 14:39
Sorry I was away last night, I was a tad busy.
Krow Liliowych
20-06-2006, 15:49
ok i'm back ::sees the IC thread:: Holy crap! lots of stuff happened! oh, and btw Old Atlantia, your finals woes have nothing on UVE.
Hey, any room for more Imp Guard or Space Marines?
Krow Liliowych
20-06-2006, 16:38
our space marines players seem to have bailed, so post your proposed force on the army list thread, and I'll let you know if I approve
LINK (http://forums.jolt.co.uk/showthread.php?t=488142)
Krow Liliowych
20-06-2006, 16:44
map update (http://www.geocities.com/the_fall_of_caladan/index.html)
The World Soviet Party
20-06-2006, 16:45
So, can I play?
Krow Liliowych
20-06-2006, 17:30
as long as you plan on RPing a member of the platoon, and not a new force
31337 soup
20-06-2006, 23:14
* twiddles thumbs*
So empty
Liberated New Ireland
20-06-2006, 23:20
Secondly, because I've lost my job, my long term girlfriend, my home and any sort of easy internet access.
*feels sad*
21-06-2006, 00:34
Secondly, because I've lost my job, my long term girlfriend, my home and any sort of easy internet access.
Indeed, sounds quite rough indeed, you have my sympathy.
21-06-2006, 00:48
he doesn't need sympathy! he needs a beer! *hands one over*
21-06-2006, 00:50
Thinking of how to get involved....
Old Atlantia
21-06-2006, 00:52
Cant you Chaos guys just invade for the hell of it? Plus, I think there's cultists on the planet
21-06-2006, 00:57
Thinking of how to get involved....
My men ran into a plague when they landed. You could have cultists trying to spread it, and my men just found you testing area...one idea to throw out there.
21-06-2006, 01:29
I suppose you could have some Chaos captain who has a grudge against someone, maybe a Tau commander for a painful loss or something? Maybe just called in to support the heretics?
21-06-2006, 01:33
We are the sons of Perturabo! Men of Iron! We are not lackeys and lapdogs! :P
Old Atlantia
21-06-2006, 01:40
So can't you guys just invade? :) That's what Chaos does right?
21-06-2006, 01:43
Everything is just a means to an end....Have Abaddon and Ahriman taught you nothing? :D
Krow Liliowych
21-06-2006, 01:44
You may be intrested in the thrill of a well-planned out seige, no?
If not, the Thousand Sons care not with whom they ally themselves...
21-06-2006, 01:47
Come then, sons of Magnus; beg us for our aid :D
Old Atlantia
21-06-2006, 01:47
I iz just a simple ork... i dunno 'bout your god-tings... I know a good waaghhh do... dis iz gonna be a goodun.
21-06-2006, 01:48
I iz just a simple ork... i dunno 'bout your god-tings... I know a good waaghhh do... dis iz gonna be a goodun.
Gork n' Mork luvz ya; everyone elz tinks uz a git
Old Atlantia
21-06-2006, 01:50
So when is the legendary Chronosia going to join the RP? Ive been waiting to fight the king of Chaos for quite bit...
21-06-2006, 01:51
I'm thinking of how best to enter; and how awesome I want to make it :D
Old Atlantia
21-06-2006, 01:52
Well, if it helps, my Warcheif killed Bloodthirster a while back while kicking some kaos boy azz... you could want some revenge....
Krow Liliowych
21-06-2006, 01:54
I'm writing a post that will concern you, so please hold of on your IC post for around 10 minutes
31337 soup
21-06-2006, 02:00
I make a spectacular post and none cares. :(
Old Atlantia
21-06-2006, 02:01
'twas pretty good. Your IG friends havent been on all day is all.
31337 soup
21-06-2006, 02:04
'twas pretty good. Your IG friends havent been on all day is all.
I wrote and posted that at 3 in the morning.
Old Atlantia
21-06-2006, 02:05
Just remind WanderJar....
Krow Liliowych
21-06-2006, 02:15
::Posts and runs::
later all;)
Liberated New Ireland
21-06-2006, 02:58
'twas pretty good. Your IG friends havent been on all day is all.
I've been on for awhile. I just have nothing to post.
Old Atlantia
21-06-2006, 03:07
WanderJar should reply to Soup's post
21-06-2006, 03:10
WanderJar should reply to Soup's post
I'm sorry...i've been away at a family thing. My cousin had a soccer tryout and he wanted me there.
Old Atlantia
21-06-2006, 03:10
he got attack by Tyranids and requested backup...
21-06-2006, 03:16
he got attack by Tyranids and requested backup...
I responded. I hope this works....
21-06-2006, 03:21
he got attack by Tyranids and requested backup...
...And that is what I love about the IoM, backup requested and it always comes too late to have maximum effect, sometimes it even doesn't come at all. ;)
Old Atlantia
21-06-2006, 03:23
Uldarious- post your 'Nids closer to the Ork camp and we can have a skirmish... in order for my boyz to get to you we'd hafta go through Necrons first. The Orks are getting ready to attack now that their Fort is built, so they'll be a lot of tanks and troops running helter skelter outside the wall.
21-06-2006, 03:30
...And that is what I love about the IoM, backup requested and it always comes too late to have maximum effect, sometimes it even doesn't come at all. ;)
And you haven't dealt with me before....I never leave a man behind who can be saved. You'll see how I plan to do it in my post.
Liberated New Ireland
21-06-2006, 03:43
Hey, Wanderjar, how many ships do you have in the Halo RP?
21-06-2006, 03:49
Hey, Wanderjar, how many ships do you have in the Halo RP?
I have two Destroyers and two Frigates. I was kinda under the impression that 1010102 put you under my command (seems to be a pattern here ;) ).
Anyway, i've been writing like you were one of my officers, and those ships of yours are also mine, i'm just not in direct command of them.
Liberated New Ireland
21-06-2006, 03:50
I have two Destroyers and two Frigates. I was kinda under the impression that 1010102 put you under my command (seems to be a pattern here ;) ).
Anyway, i've been writing like you were one of my officers, and those ships of yours are also mine, i'm just not in direct command of them.
Right. I thought you just had one ship.
Is it just me, or is 1010102 going overkill on us?
21-06-2006, 03:52
Is it just me, or is 1010102 going overkill on us?
No in the realism sense. He is only doing things realistically. In the RPing fairness sense? YES!!!!
21-06-2006, 03:57
And you haven't dealt with me before....I never leave a man behind who can be saved. You'll see how I plan to do it in my post.
How very noble, commander like you must be one-in-a-million, but you seem to have a bit of a Chaos problem too.
By the way are those Thunderhawks aren't targetting my main Tyranid group are they? (grid point 37-39 area) 'cause spores are still falling down and hive ships are still around that area, or do you mean the small group that was attacking the troops at point 111?
post your 'Nids closer to the Ork camp and we can have a skirmish... in order for my boyz to get to you we'd hafta go through Necrons first. The Orks are getting ready to attack now that their Fort is built, so they'll be a lot of tanks and troops running helter skelter outside the wall.
Thus the point of the Lictor, Scarred One and four dozen 'gaunts, heading up, for a bit O' skirmish fun, while the main body of my 'nids gets together, they should be able to slink around the Necrons and becuae it's a small group it should be nice and swift.
You get your skirmish and Lictor fight while by the end of it all my 'Nids will be brought together ready to rock n' roll in the south.
Unless of course you'd want to have a go with my Broodlord and his gang, I suppose I could come up for a reason for them to head north, although I had planned on most of my forces going in the one direction.
In any case I got things to do right now, I'll be posting later.
Old Atlantia
21-06-2006, 03:59
K, just post them coming in the general area of my camp.
21-06-2006, 04:00
How very noble, commander like you must be one-in-a-million, but you seem to have a bit of a Chaos problem too.
By the way are those Thunderhawks aren't targetting my main Tyranid group are they? (grid point 37-39 area) 'cause spores are still falling down and hive ships are still around that area, or do you mean the small group that was attacking the troops at point 111?
:) Thanks for the compliment (assuming that was a compliment...and you weren't being sarcastic! :eek: )
But we were bombing the one that was assaulting that small group of Guardsmen.
Liberated New Ireland
21-06-2006, 04:03
How very noble, commander like you must be one-in-a-million
Well, there must be a lot of commanders like him, considering the size of the IG.
21-06-2006, 04:23
Well, there must be a lot of commanders like him, considering the size of the IG.
Well, if Commanders like me are 1-1,000,000....then there are around 500,000 commanders like me ;)
The Exodians
21-06-2006, 07:43
Well, the Tyranids could walk straight past the Necrons for all they care, as long as they're not attacking. Tyranids have no souls, so are not interesting to them as prey.
Did Krow ever tell you that all IG that has had contact with Chaos is executed after their mission, including officers? I thought you might want to know.;)
21-06-2006, 15:32
Did Krow ever tell you that all IG that has had contact with Chaos is executed after their mission, including officers? I thought you might want to know.;)
Uh....no they arent....where did you hear that?
I'm afraid you're mistaken my friend ;)
If that was the case, Gothic Sector would be devoid of soldiers :p
The Dark Angels will deal with Chaos, as soon as my army gets approved...
The Dark Angels will deal with Chaos, as soon as my army gets approved...
whoops, sorry...forgot to log my brother out of his account
21-06-2006, 15:55
whoops, sorry...forgot to log my brother out of his account
ph33r my mad f0rum skillz! =P
The World Soviet Party
21-06-2006, 16:41
as long as you plan on RPing a member of the platoon, and not a new force
Ok, I have no problem with that =p
So, what thread should I head to?
21-06-2006, 16:53
Ok, I have no problem with that =p
So, what thread should I head to?
Fall of Caladan IC
The World Soviet Party
21-06-2006, 17:01
Ok, posted, excuse the short post, but Im trying to get my berings straight =p
Krow Liliowych
21-06-2006, 17:15
Assuming that your force would be working with the IG, it's a bit big... The number of IG to enemies is already a little favorable towards the IG, so maybe your Dark Angels could be scaled down a little?
Please keep stuff like your conversation about the Halo RP out of this thread. It's full enough with related conversations as it is. If you want to have such conversations in this thread, then I will move all stuff related to this RP into the OOC thread that I set up when I started the RP itself (a thread which has been widely ignored)
21-06-2006, 17:32
There we go; posted. A mediocre effort for now
21-06-2006, 17:46
Please keep stuff like your conversation about the Halo RP out of this thread. It's full enough with related conversations as it is. If you want to have such conversations in this thread, then I will move all stuff related to this RP into the OOC thread that I set up when I started the RP itself (a thread which has been widely ignored)
Sorry Krow
won't happen again.
Old Atlantia
21-06-2006, 17:48
...a mediocre effort for you is a fantastic effort for the rest of us- nice post.
Ur fansy writin' skillz aint gunna help u dough... stupid 'umie...
21-06-2006, 17:48
There we go; posted. A mediocre effort for now
Mediocre? You're too modest. Good job for a short post bud!
Krow Liliowych
21-06-2006, 18:20
Map Update! (http://www.geocities.com/the_fall_of_caladan/index.html)
Assuming that your force would be working with the IG, it's a bit big... The number of IG to enemies is already a little favorable towards the IG, so maybe your Dark Angels could be scaled down a little?
Roger that. Scaled down.
Krow Liliowych
21-06-2006, 18:48
Roger that. Scaled down.
good. Try to get one of the IG guys to intro you into the RP
21-06-2006, 18:55
got them eating out of the palm of your hand there Chron. But I won't be outdone by some half-wit chaos knight! *makes the charge of the light brigade into the Chaos line*
21-06-2006, 19:00
got them eating out of the palm of your hand there Chron. But I won't be outdone by some half-wit chaos knight! *makes the charge of the light brigade into the Chaos line*
*While Thras charges, Wanderjar fires Earthshaker rounds*
Incase you don't remember, the charge of the light brigade didn't go so well....these Earthshakers may help a mite.
Krow Liliowych
21-06-2006, 19:01
@Wanderjar&The World Soviet Party:
Posted regarding the ruins
The World Soviet Party
21-06-2006, 19:03
@Wanderjar&The World Soviet Party:
Posted regarding the ruins
Got it, so I think I'll have to start shooting or I'll be a dead Guard... O_o
21-06-2006, 19:04
Incase you don't remember, the charge of the light brigade didn't go so well
Yea, I know. That was the joke...
21-06-2006, 19:13
Yea, I know. That was the joke...
I know, what I said was supposed to be another joke ;)
Its hard to show emotion over a forum.
21-06-2006, 19:17
Its hard to show emotion over a forum.
Indeed, its pretty easy to do sarcasm; then when someone adds to that original sarcasm (like you did, which isn't a bad thing) it sometimes comes out as if that person who added the stuff was an idiot who didnt get it. Know what I mean? heh.
Krow Liliowych
21-06-2006, 19:26
Am I to assume that those are Frag Granades?
Krow Liliowych
21-06-2006, 19:29
Krow, RP the grenades going off if you will, i'm not sure I'm allowed to do that since that would be controlling your forces)
correct, that would be godmod, calling damage
The World Soviet Party
21-06-2006, 19:29
Am I to assume that those are Frag Granades?
@ Wanderjar & Krow
Am I to assume that Jacobs and I are still inside?
Krow Liliowych
21-06-2006, 19:33
As they exited the building, other guardsmen from the Platoon ran up to help them out
this indicates that they all got out, otherwise you'd be throwing grenades at eachother:p
Old Atlantia
21-06-2006, 19:39
Krow, I'd like my Orks! ta run into some of your cultists- just to show off how brutal the greenskins are... Where should I do that? Could you provide me with some chaos crazies?
Krow Liliowych
21-06-2006, 19:50
Fall of Medusa V registration begins today!
This has been a public service announcement brought to you by the citizens of Krow Liliowych
21-06-2006, 19:51
@ Wanderjar & Krow
Am I to assume that Jacobs and I are still inside?
@Krow: Frags....i love frags!
@World Soviets: Yes, all of my squad made it out, spare one, who was killed. I'll announce the soldier as soon as i find my squad roster. *Rumages about desk*
21-06-2006, 19:53
Fall of Medusa V registration begins today!
This has been a public service announcement brought to you by the citizens of Krow Liliowych
Indeed it does! *Wishes he had his Chaos Marines*
Yes, I am a Chaos man. I love my Iron Warriors. Almost as much as my Guardsmen.
Iron Within! Iron Without!
The Exodians
21-06-2006, 19:55
@Old Atlantia:
Perhaps you could have a bunch of Orks go from 26 to 23 as the big boss demands to see that 'skelly-thing', and then (as the Necrons will be gone by then) continue to raze 30 as they have nothing better to do. (30 is a small village IIRC)
21-06-2006, 19:55
;) Indeed, its pretty easy to do sarcasm; then when someone adds to that original sarcasm (like you did, which isn't a bad thing) it sometimes comes out as if that person who added the stuff was an idiot who didnt get it. Know what I mean? heh.
lol, aye, i do
eh, i tried to be funny....and it backfired. Oh well ;)
Old Atlantia
21-06-2006, 19:57
Good Idea, Exodians. I just need to know from Krow if they'll be normal humans or cultists...
Krow Liliowych
21-06-2006, 20:04
"Oh its much worse than that. Their conducting rituals. They'll probably try to summon a demon. This is going to be," he said with frustration, "real fun."
good guess...But, they summoned eight of them ;) Sucks to be you:p
21-06-2006, 20:09
good guess...But, they summoned eight of them ;) Sucks to be you:p
Man i'm good! I guess reading all those 40k books have come in handy after all ;)
Krow Liliowych
21-06-2006, 20:41
Thugs get lonely too
The Exodians
21-06-2006, 20:50
He stood in front of the huge spore. It's body have covered in dirt. There was no sign of life around it. he motioned to one of the men next to them, removing him from the mass vandilization of the spore.
He returned the headset to the man and drew hs knife, carving: 'Property of the Throne.' and dating it.
I don't know if that's a very good idea. The full name of a spore is Spore Mine, which might explain why it's not a good idea. ;)
Liberated New Ireland
22-06-2006, 01:41
Damn, I go away for a few hours of Trigun, and you guys have been summoning demons and shit... without me. :(
22-06-2006, 01:46
Damn, I go away for a few hours of Trigun, and you guys have been summoning demons and shit... without me. :(
We still love you LNI
Liberated New Ireland
22-06-2006, 01:50
We still love you LNI
Aww... thanks.:fluffle:
Liberated New Ireland
22-06-2006, 01:55
(From the Fall of Caladan)
I know he did, but he has alot of influence with the officers in charge, because of his experiance, and time in service. In the US Army, if a Sergeant does something like this, there is nothing wrong with it. If a Lieutenant makes a big deal out of it, he's usually yelled at. Mikil did nothing wrong. Trust me mate, i thought about what i was writing
regardless, sorry about that.
Are you actually in the Army?
22-06-2006, 01:57
Are you actually in the Army?
I'm a military historian :)
but not actually in the army.
An Amatuer, but I know more than most of my teachers lol. We have interesting and fun conversations all the time. But as I said, I prefer military history.
Krow Liliowych
22-06-2006, 15:35
where exactly is this building that Alex has found on his map?
Krow Liliowych
22-06-2006, 15:38
also, you really don't need to quote a post if it is the previous post...it's kind of obvious which one you're answering to...
22-06-2006, 15:39
where exactly is this building that Alex has found on his map?
I'm not sure, I'm not Alex lol
Krow Liliowych
22-06-2006, 15:41
<snip>a pack of screamers devoured them before floting serenely out of the temple, alshing out with their ray-like tails as they conducted fly-by attacks over the remaining guardsmen.
Have the screamers really not done any damage to your guardsmen? Are they wearing eight suits of carapace armor each or something?:p
22-06-2006, 15:43
Have the screamers really not done any damage to your guardsmen? Are they wearing eight suits of carapace armor each or something?:p
I'm waiting for my LT to post something about that. I'm commanding the Regiment and a squad, i'm not worrying about RPing the casulties in this company, since that's LNI's job :)
Krow Liliowych
22-06-2006, 15:46
oh, I thought only your squad was in the ruins:p
Are your marines landing int the ruins themselves, or are they landing in the surrounding mountains?
Krow Liliowych
22-06-2006, 15:55
@Old Atlantia:
Did you get my e-mail?
Old Atlantia
22-06-2006, 16:53
I did, and Ill be sure to do so ASAP
The World Soviet Party
22-06-2006, 17:28
I just made it up =p, I figured out we needed some sort of cover.
oh, I thought only your squad was in the ruins:p
Are your marines landing int the ruins themselves, or are they landing in the surrounding mountains?
The ruins.
Krow Liliowych
22-06-2006, 20:18
I just made it up =p, I figured out we needed some sort of cover.
WHAT!??!?!?!?!?!? Ok, well, then maybe they are going to head through the montains to the east to go to zone 122?
You have seen the map, right? If not, there is a link at the top of the first page of the IC thread which reads "Official Website". The map is located there.
Liberated New Ireland
22-06-2006, 21:17
I'm waiting for my LT to post something about that. I'm commanding the Regiment and a squad, i'm not worrying about RPing the casulties in this company, since that's LNI's job :)
Well, casualties will get tallied at the end of the fight. But I have no idea how powerful the screamers are or anything. But Wanderjar could RP some casualties...
Sorry for any typing mistakes, my eyes are glued to my TV. Brazil is destroying Japan....
Liberated New Ireland
22-06-2006, 21:21
I'm a military historian :)
but not actually in the army.
An Amatuer, but I know more than most of my teachers lol. We have interesting and fun conversations all the time. But as I said, I prefer military history.
Well, if I understand what your saying, I know just about as much as you do... and I've never read anything about it being alright for an NCO to ignore the chain of command. What's your source?
Liberated New Ireland
22-06-2006, 21:51
Sorry for any typing mistakes, my eyes are glued to my TV. Brazil is destroying Japan....
Correction: I was watching Brazil destroy Japan. 4-1. Ouch!
22-06-2006, 22:46
Well, if I understand what your saying, I know just about as much as you do... and I've never read anything about it being alright for an NCO to ignore the chain of command. What's your source?
Not necessarily ignore the chain of command, but in the United States Army, a Lieutenant is basically thought to know absolutley nothing. He is essentially being guided by an NCO. The NCO gives the Lieutenant advice, and its a good idea for the Lieutenant to take it. However, he doesn't have to. And I just realized my mistake. My character isn't the platoon sergeant, where that is the rule. Since my character is only a squad sergeant, I was in the wrong, my bad. A Staff Sergeant can do that, not a Sergeant. Again, I apologize, I just realized the error.
If you're wondering what I'm talking about, it boils down to this: A Staff Sergeant runs the platoon, and some literally control every aspect of it. A Lieutenant is a college kid who knows absolutley nothing, and is expected to understand that. A staff Sergeant generally has 20 years in the Army, and knows more than the LT. If the Sergeant sees something that needs to be done, he can do it. But my mistake, had I been the Platoon Sergeant, was in going straight to Battalion, instead of just to company, then having my Captain contact the Lieutenant Colonel.
Liberated New Ireland
22-06-2006, 22:48
Not necessarily ignore the chain of command, but in the United States Army, a Lieutenant is basically thought to know absolutley nothing. He is essentially being guided by an NCO. The NCO gives the Lieutenant advice, and its a good idea for the Lieutenant to take it. However, he doesn't have to. And I just realized my mistake. My character isn't the platoon sergeant, where that is the rule. Since my character is only a squad sergeant, I was in the wrong, my bad. A Staff Sergeant can do that, not a Sergeant. Again, I apologize, I just realized the error.
It's fine. And Skelter has a lot more influence than our modern-day sniper bait lieutenants.
BTW, are you going to join the Army?
EDIT: More about Skelter: Just like the rest of the men in his Regiment, he was drafted a few weeks before a major Tyranid invasion on Armagh. He started out a private, and rose through the ranks as the NCOs and officers of his platoon were killed. So his men kind of look up to him, and see him as a sergeant, not a lieutenant.
22-06-2006, 22:51
It's fine. And Skelter has a lot more influence than our modern-day sniper bait lieutenants.
BTW, are you going to join the Army?
Yeah man :)
I'm shooting for West Point
Liberated New Ireland
22-06-2006, 22:52
Yeah man :)
I'm shooting for West Point
West Point? You mean like, officer school?
In a little over a year, I'm gonna enlist. Infantry, all the way.
22-06-2006, 22:52
It's fine. And Skelter has a lot more influence than our modern-day sniper bait lieutenants.
BTW, are you going to join the Army?
EDIT: More about Skelter: Just like the rest of the men in his Regiment, he was drafted a few weeks before a major Tyranid invasion on Armagh. He started out a private, and rose through the ranks as the NCOs and officers of his platoon were killed. So his men kind of look up to him, and see him as a sergeant, not a lieutenant.
Yeah, thats one other thing i forgot about in the 40k universe. Their officers, aside from Commissars, aren't college graduates. Their the guys who have survived several Campaigns. :)
again proving you were right
22-06-2006, 22:53
West Point? You mean like, officer school?
In a little over a year, I'm gonna enlist. Infantry, all the way.
Hell yeah man, another Infantry man! I knew I liked you :)
Yeah, West Point is one of our Officer schools, its the best!
Are you from the US?
Liberated New Ireland
22-06-2006, 22:56
Hell yeah man, another Infantry man! I knew I liked you :)
Yeah, West Point is one of our Officer schools, its the best!
Are you from the US?
Yeah, I grew up in Jersey, and moved to DC a few years ago. You?
22-06-2006, 23:00
Yeah, I grew up in Jersey, and moved to DC a few years ago. You?
Florida man :)
Liberated New Ireland
22-06-2006, 23:01
Florida man :)
Hehe, I was born in Pensacola, Florida. (Both my parents used to be in the Navy, so we used to move around a lot.)
22-06-2006, 23:17
Hehe, I was born in Pensacola, Florida. (Both my parents used to be in the Navy, so we used to move around a lot.)
I'm originally from Tampa, but I moved to a small town on the East Coast.
23-06-2006, 00:18
Uh guys, I like talking about these things as much as the next man but shouldn't this sorta thing be done in PMs?
Liberated New Ireland
23-06-2006, 00:19
Uh guys, I like talking about these things as much as the next man but shouldn't this sorta thing be done in PMs?
Why, are we bothering you?
Liberated New Ireland
23-06-2006, 00:36
...Where the hell is everyone?
23-06-2006, 00:37
...Where the hell is everyone?
*Pokes LNI on the shoulder*
Right here! :)
The World Soviet Party
23-06-2006, 00:38
So... who's gonna lead the retreat?
Liberated New Ireland
23-06-2006, 00:39
*Pokes LNI on the shoulder*
Right here! :)
*jumps* Holy crap, where'd you come from?!
I'm just saying, no one's around to post in the Fall of Caladan.
Liberated New Ireland
23-06-2006, 00:41
So... who's gonna lead the retreat?
Well, according to the post I made, the Ratling snipers will start the retreat, then cover us as we fall back. Your squad is going to be the last one to hold the line.
23-06-2006, 00:43
Well, according to the post I made, the Ratling snipers will start the retreat, then cover us as we fall back. Your squad is going to be the last one to hold the line.
The World Soviet Party
23-06-2006, 00:44
Ok, s, who leads the Ratling snipers?
Liberated New Ireland
23-06-2006, 00:46
Ok, s, who leads the Ratling snipers?
S? who's S? Anyway, the Ratlings are lead by Sergeants Rack and Grout. I'll post their retreat if you want me to...
23-06-2006, 00:47
Why, are we bothering you?
Oh no, I don't mind at all. It's just Krow didn't seem to like getting off-topic last time, but I guess that could of just been because it was a different RP.
The World Soviet Party
23-06-2006, 00:49
S? who's S? Anyway, the Ratlings are lead by Sergeants Rack and Grout. I'll post their retreat if you want me to...
I meant to say "so" =p, and yes, I'd be great for you to RP the retreat.
Liberated New Ireland
23-06-2006, 01:02
You happy now, WSP?
The World Soviet Party
23-06-2006, 01:05
You happy now, WSP?
I am Comrade, I am.
*Hugs LNI in a manly, non-gay way*
Liberated New Ireland
23-06-2006, 01:07
I am Comrade, I am.
*Hugs LNI in a manly, non-gay way*
Go team. *slaps WSP on the rear, in a manly, non-gay way*
23-06-2006, 01:09
Go team. *slaps WSP on the rear, in a manly, non-gay way*
eek! You know what that means??
FLUFFLES!!!! :fluffle: :fluffle: :fluffle: :fluffle: :fluffle: :fluffle: :fluffle: :fluffle: :fluffle:
Liberated New Ireland
23-06-2006, 01:10
eek! You know what that means??
FLUFFLES!!!! :fluffle: :fluffle: :fluffle: :fluffle: :fluffle: :fluffle: :fluffle: :fluffle: :fluffle:
Are they fluffling in a manly, not-gay way?
If so, I'm all in.
23-06-2006, 01:12
Are they fluffling in a manly, not-gay way?
If so, I'm all in.
My friend, I don't think thats possible....what ever!
:fluffle: :fluffle: :fluffle: :fluffle: :fluffle: :fluffle: :fluffle: :fluffle:
Liberated New Ireland
23-06-2006, 01:18
Okay, that's enough fluffling for a lifetime. Get Sergeant Mikil to retreat, then I can tally our platoon losses. And, hopefully, get some more orders.
Liberated New Ireland
23-06-2006, 01:36
Ok, Wanderjar, answer my IC question, then I'll make the last post until Krow or someone else comes on.
Liberated New Ireland
23-06-2006, 01:40
Have the screamers really not done any damage to your guardsmen? Are they wearing eight suits of carapace armor each or something?:p
Ironically enough, ten of my soldiers have carapace armor...
The World Soviet Party
23-06-2006, 02:08
Anyone here interested in charging at them, Chaos dudes?
Or better yet, have them charge at us while we do a daring last stand on the crumbled building =D
23-06-2006, 02:47
Anyone here interested in charging at them, Chaos dudes?
Or better yet, have them charge at us while we do a daring last stand on the crumbled building =D
Actually, I'm quite fond of keeping the rest of my men ALIVE. lol
And to the last stand....I think the Astartes can take a bunch of naked lunatics
Liberated New Ireland
23-06-2006, 02:52
Actually, I'm quite fond of keeping the rest of my men ALIVE. lol
And to the last stand....I think the Astartes can take a bunch of naked lunatics
There aren't any naked lunatics, there are eight demons runnin' around out there...
Liberated New Ireland
23-06-2006, 02:57
I think I'm going to order a charge, just because WSP thinks it's a bad idea...
The World Soviet Party
23-06-2006, 03:01
I think I'm going to order a charge, just because WSP thinks it's a bad idea...
Well, thank you, its nice to see that my opinions are taken into consideration, may I suggest we send in the ratlings first?
Maybe the demons will eat the lot of them and be too full when we come out :rolleyes:
Liberated New Ireland
23-06-2006, 03:04
Well, thank you, its nice to see that my opinions are taken into consideration, may I suggest we send in the ratlings first?
Maybe the demons will eat the lot of them and be too full when we come out :rolleyes:
Nah, the ratlings are pretty boney. They're like the appetizer...
Anyway, Wanderjar, should we RP their escape, without giving Krow a chance to RP what the demons do?
23-06-2006, 03:08
There aren't any naked lunatics, there are eight demons runnin' around out there...
Old Atlantia
23-06-2006, 03:08
you feel-good pansies... I woulda had alot more guts if I was in charge of the ole IG... send in waves of men just to use up the enemy's ammo :). No need for crying over lost soldiers... there's always more to be drafted.
I s'pose that's way Im the orks...
Liberated New Ireland
23-06-2006, 03:10
you feel-good pansies... I woulda had alot more guts if I was in charge of the ole IG... send in waves of men just to use up the enemy's ammo :). No need for crying over lost soldiers... there's always more to be drafted.
I s'pose that's way Im the orks...
damn orks. yah kill 'em, and twenty more are there to replace 'em...
The World Soviet Party
23-06-2006, 03:12
damn orks. yah kill 'em, and twenty more are there to replace 'em...
Pffft... That's what Machine Guns are for!
23-06-2006, 03:12
Nah, the ratlings are pretty boney. They're like the appetizer...
Anyway, Wanderjar, should we RP their escape, without giving Krow a chance to RP what the demons do?
Ok then, the thunderhawks are enroute, but they'll arrive after Krow says what the demons do.
Liberated New Ireland
23-06-2006, 03:17
Ok then, the thunderhawks are enroute, but they'll arrive after Krow says what the demons do.
Alright. You should make a post of the Thunderhawk pilots enroute.
And, WSP, machineguns won't help, since orks come from dead orks.
The World Soviet Party
23-06-2006, 03:20
Alright. You should make a post of the Thunderhawk pilots enroute.
And, WSP, machineguns won't help, since orks come from dead orks.
Then lets nuke em' back to the Stone Age, if that doesnt work, a good ol' napalm strike might...