(E20) NPC Diplomacy and Economic Thread - Page 2
Galveston Bay
16-05-2006, 04:56
Parthini']Yeah, that's why I said make :p
I knew they never would join willingly, which was why only Baghdad joined the AF. Oh well.
if that occurs, expect a major military problem in the region.
Galveston Bay
16-05-2006, 06:51
here is the main thing concerning Basra.
Basra consists of what is the Shiite region of Iraq, which in our history, at this time, is on the verge of fighting a civil war with the Baghdad region (Sunnis). Now this is because of centuries old problems going back to the 14th Century.
A political relationship between Basra and the other Arab countries is one thing, but I cannot see circumstances where Basra would be willing to allow itself to be absorbed by a Sunni majority without armed struggle. If an armed struggle occurs, the Shiites of this area would appeal for help from the Shiittes in neighboring UIR.
By the way, the substantial Shitte populations in the other Gulf States are a late development, dating back only since they became rich in the 1970s. Prior to that, they did not have a substantial expatriate/guest worker population (and believe me, that is what the Kuwaitis, Emerites, Saudis etc consider anyone who isn't a native, even coreligionists).
So in my view, it is unrealistic to say that Basra will allow itself to be taken over.
In addition, German intelligence would know that German troops entering without invitation any nation would be illegal under the UN Charter. It would also destablize the oil pricing structure and trigger another recession. Perhaps worse.
16-05-2006, 08:21
Did Romania and Algeria agree to my offer?
Galveston Bay
16-05-2006, 09:00
Did Romania and Algeria agree to my offer?
they both have pipelines to their export facilities... Algerian pipeline built by US prior to Third Great War, while the Rumanian one dates back to the 1910s. However, Algeria would consider France a major customer (after all, its right across the Med).
Algeria probably would be interested in friendlier ties with France though
16-05-2006, 13:07
France would welcome these friendly relations.
As a gesture of goodwill to the international community, France announces that it is droping all loans by all forign nations
16-05-2006, 18:50
Yeah, it was a joke... I have no intention of invading Basra and Neither does the AF.
I (pretty much) understand the politics of the region.
Okay guys, no one's invading no one. The Arab Federation is surrounded by me and the UIR, both of which could remove the AF from existance. Besides, I think Parthini was just joking around in the first place.
Galveston Bay
17-05-2006, 05:40
Kennedy, an Irish American, makes a visit to the UN and then to the Irish Republic, and offers substantial economic aid (in the form of building nuclear power plants) for Ireland, as well as offering it the opportunity to join in with the Alliance Space Program (ooc so it can get some satellites and improve its tech level)
Jack Kennedy was very popular in Ireland, so its reasonable to assume Joe Kennedy would be
17-05-2006, 20:08
OOC: If you ever come to Boston, the Kennedy library has this whole exhibit on his trip there, really interesting. Its there for another year or so.
Regardless of Basra's fate in the AL, Syria will continue to offer air coverage through ALSA if they so wish.
25-05-2006, 03:50
ok im really confused... what is goin on with portugal.
25-05-2006, 03:51
also finals are over schools out so i will be on here quite a lot... is chatzy sitting on the pot or what
OOC: What's the situation in Mozambique, i.e. how are doing as a newly independent state?
No, I don't have any evil plans. At least not concerning Mozambique. For the moment.
Galveston Bay
25-05-2006, 21:20
OOC: What's the situation in Mozambique, i.e. how are doing as a newly independent state?
No, I don't have any evil plans. At least not concerning Mozambique. For the moment.
My guess, it would be messy. The few people trained to actual run a country are overwhelmingly outnumbered by those who aren't and corruption, military strong men, tribalism would be problems. Unlike the rest of Africa, Mozambique hasn't had the advantage of significant foreign aid to develop its industry or economy either.
25-05-2006, 22:11
My guess, it would be messy. The few people trained to actual run a country are overwhelmingly outnumbered by those who aren't and corruption, military strong men, tribalism would be problems. Unlike the rest of Africa, Mozambique hasn't had the advantage of significant foreign aid to develop its industry or economy either.
OOC: Exactly the kind of thing we emphesised during the Belgian Congo disscusions, good thing the Congo is under US guidance so this won't happen.
And You all thought that France was imperialistic...
25-05-2006, 22:42
OOC: As a former French colony, I think its safe to assume we'd view France as imperialistic. But its good (well not good, but you know what I mean) that somewhere in Africa isn't extremely happy, from a realism point of view. If a new cold war of sorts starts up, it will be interesting to see everybody bring in pro-their side dicators like in RL.
Nigeria begins pressuring Benin and Niger to join Nigeria for greater economic and military prosperity. It is noted that their social services are provided for by the Nigerians.
Galveston Bay
26-05-2006, 07:00
The historic abrupt withdrawal of the colonial powers and the Cold War brought disaster to a lot of Africa, along with well intentioned but poorly thought out UN development projects. The Africans were left with a very small number of skilled administrators, massive poverty, poorly developed economies still devoted to extraction instead of production, endemic tribal warfare... the list is endless.
The amazing thing is how well some of the African nations held together, not how many have had nearly 40 years of chaos.
In this RP, a lot of that was headed off by early industralization, and some massive directed aid. That occured because the LTA wanted to broaden its economic base in the face of a massive Warsaw Pact that it had to compete with for nearly 20 years. It was also helped by the fact that the US had plenty of money to spend because the US didn't have to face any serious military competition for about 10 years after the Third Great War.
Mozambique however got left out of that. Angola got annexed (essentially) by South Africa, but it too is still mostly an extractive economy. A few other places in Africa still have that problem as well, and some are facing a demographic time bomb that will eventually detonate. Specific examples include Burundi, Rwanda, Uganda and the Sudan. However, it appears some real steps are being taken in those countries in this RP, so it MIGHT head off the historic tribal slaughters.
My guess is that Benin and Niger will bow to Nigerian pressure by the way, especially if some bribes are paid to local leaders.
Agents of the Nigerian FID begin using cash, mostly US Dollars, to bribe officials and influence Nigerean and Benin decision making. (Expect to see this reflected in next years budget.)
26-05-2006, 07:31
Agents of the Nigerian FID begin using cash, mostly US Dollars, to bribe officials and influence Nigerean and Benin decision making. (Expect to see this reflected in next years budget.)
My guess would then to see results later on next year ;)
Lesser Ribena
26-05-2006, 18:03
Regarding Nigeria and Niger:
To avoid confusion the adjective (ie reference to ownership or people from the nation) for Nigeria is Nigerian and Niger is Nigerien, though there is an alternative (which is usually frowned upon by purists) of Nigerois.
Not that it makes much difference, just thought i'd bring it up in case it's needed...
28-05-2006, 09:35
Communique to the the Syrian Government
Upon hearing the recent political troubles within your legislative branches, we on behalf of the whole SCT would like to say that we are here if you would ever need us.
We would not be so presumptous to try and force or entice you to seek memebrship within our ranks with promises of technology and what we can offer as economic allies. What the SCT has to offer is plain and open and needs no introduction or salesmanship to dress it up. We leave it up to your due and democratic process to decide whether what Asia offers is right for Syria and we hope that whatever the desicion that is made will be the right one for the Syrian people.
Yen Mai Tuyet,
Prime Minister of the USEA.
28-05-2006, 12:00
Transmission to the His majesty's Government of Syria:
Greetings from an old nation to a youthful but equally capable nation, we on behalf of the European Economic Comunity would like to inform you how we value our ever-growing long-standing friendship, which as it grows extends the possibilities even further.
We know there has been recent road bumps along the way, but it would be a sign of true friendship if we overcame them as true friends do and continue to proceed in our dealings in the way of gentlemen and friends.
We have heard of the overtures by the Seoul Treaty, but either way you decide we shall respect your decision and maintain our friendship, of course one path could prove more advantageous than the other. After all, is it not that Europe is much closer than Asia?
We wish for both our welefare and Prosperity.
The French Foriegn Office
Any results on Benin/Niger yet?
29-05-2006, 00:40
Any results on Benin/Niger yet?
In Benin and Niger the various leaders suddenly recieve a lot of unknown requests to join Nigeria. They immediately call for a plebicide and both nations agree to merge with Nigeria. The voter turnout is rather small with only 30% voting in either, and very little is heard from those who oppose the unions.
Those who were in power in Benin and Niger suddenly decide they want to retire in the South Pacific, and begin withdrawing large sums of money from their Swiss Bank accounts.
Benin and Niger are both welcomed in to the fold with great fanfare and impressive looking military parades.
OOC: What kind of resources/economic stuff do I get from them?
30-05-2006, 22:49
Seeking to repair frayed relations with many Eastern European nations, Assistant Russian Foriegn Ministers make diplomatic trips to Greece, Romania, and Albania, along with Bulgaria (dealt with in the appropriate thread)
In all nations, they ask to increase international sporting competition via games between the respective nations, held more often than usually scheduled.
Information about the latest Russian military designs (Yakolev and Sukhoi planes, various land designs) are provided, along with offers of discounted prices for the various nations talked to.
31-05-2006, 21:01
Germany Petitions the Spanish Government to allow Germany to lease a naval base in the Balearic Isles. The base will be used as a midpoint between the Middle East and Germany.
31-05-2006, 21:11
THe Philippines wonders if it can seek common relations with the world at view. If that makes any sense. To get our foreign relations reconnected as it were. And to put itself as an informal mediator should the need arise as a complete neutral party.
31-05-2006, 23:08
The Luftwaffe approaches the Arab League Defense Force. They state that they have a lot of extra planes in desert Storage and Germany has little use for most of them (I want to keep a few others). The Luftwaffe announces that it is willing to sell *a lot* for 10 points to the Arab League for distribution and allowing some of the smaller members like Jordan and Western Arabia to create an air force.
31-05-2006, 23:18
Seeking to repair frayed relations with many Eastern European nations, Assistant Russian Foriegn Ministers make diplomatic trips to Greece, Romania, and Albania, along with Bulgaria (dealt with in the appropriate thread)
In all nations, they ask to increase international sporting competition via games between the respective nations, held more often than usually scheduled.
Information about the latest Russian military designs (Yakolev and Sukhoi planes, various land designs) are provided, along with offers of discounted prices for the various nations talked to.
The Eastern Europeans are happy to improve relations with Russia. They also are grateful for the designs but tell the ministers that they already have planes (Greece, German; Albania and Yugo, French) Rumania, however poses some interest.
OOC: Does anyone see any problem with Spain allowing Germany the base? They are EEC allies, and it's nothing extreme (A carrier group and a cruiser)
01-06-2006, 07:50
I think he is still around, try his thread, oh could you do me a favour and try to contact him on AIM to help him with his economy since 1956, I would do it but I having a bit of trouble lately.
News in the Middle East
Most of these events should have already had happened. We've pretty much ignored RL Middle Eastern politics up until now so the E20 Middle East is almost a decade behind the RL Middle East at this point The dates besides the events are the RL dates. The 50's dates we'll have to push forward (so the UR formation and Qassim coup will happen in 1961, the assassination attempt in 1962, and then we're back on track in 1963). I think we can probably work it all out.
1952 - King Abdullah of Jordan is assassinated in Palestine - King Hussein rises to the throne (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/King_Hussein)
-I think GB already confirmed this a while ago. Just making sure.
1958 - Egypt and Syria Merge (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_Arab_Republic)
-Probably even more realistic in E20. Egypt and Syria have been doing a lot more cooperation and Turkey has pretty much taken the place of Israel.
1958 - Military Coup in the Arab Federation - Qassim takes power (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abdul_Karim_Qassim)
-The Saudi's have been kicked out and the Rashidi's weren't allowed to take power. I guess that paves the way for some leaders from Baghdad.
1959 - Saddam Hussein tries to Assassinate Qassim - Fails, is sentenced to death, but flees to Egypt (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Saddam_hussein)
-The UR will fund him/set up the plot in this timeline, although the US can join in if GB wants
1961 - Kuwait becomes independent from Britain (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_Kuwait)
-I'm not sure if LR has given full independence to Kuwait yet or if it's still a British puppet. This event is pretty much his call.
1961 - First Trouble between Arab Federation and Kuwait brews over borders and sea access.
-Probably won't happen in E20 since the addition of Saudi Arabia to Iraq gives it plenty of coastline and sea access.
1962 - Civil War in Yemen (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/North_Yemen_Civil_War)
-Like Kuwait, I'm not sure if Yemen is fully independent or still a British puppet. If it is, this probably won't happen or it will be crushed easily by Britain.
1963 - Arab Socialist Coup in Arab Federation - Falls Apart after 8 months (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Saddam_hussein)
-Considering that Egypt and Syria would both be able to support this coup instead of fighting with Israel, I'm not sure whether it would fall apart. However, I read up on it and it turns out that the leaders of this coup actually didn't get along and had completely different ideas on how the government should be run.
1963 - Morocco invades Algeria (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sand_War)
-US backed Morocco versus Arab League backed Algeria. That won't end well.
1964 - Dhofar rebels from Oman but is crushed (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dhofar_War)
-Same as Yemen and Kuwait, it may be a British puppet still so the rebels will probably get slaughtered by UK forces.
For simplicity, should Hussein take control of the Arab Federation or the Sunni Republic? Technically it should be the Arab Federation (due to Baghdad and eastern Iraq), but the Sunni Republic would be a lot easier to take control of and is closer to Socialist aid (Syria and Egypt).
OOC: In short, all hell breaks loose in the Middle East and the Arab Socialists/Ba'aths will finish their conquest of the Middle East. This will set the stage for the huge Iran-Iraq/AF-UIR War in 1980.
03-06-2006, 05:53
OOC: Well, technically, Saddam could take power in Baghdad without affecting the rest of the Arab Federation. The AF is more like the Holy Roman Empire than the United States, but certainly Saddam could take power and then become Grand Emir, and then consolodate power and make the Central Government more powerful, or something.
Either way, expect German involvement if things get too messy.
Galveston Bay
03-06-2006, 07:31
in this timeline Morocco and Algeria have been partners and allies since the 2nd Great War, and both have defense treaties with the US, so an Algerian/Moroccan war is unlikely.
03-06-2006, 11:06
And I would think Morocco would be dependant on Algerian oil and gas
03-06-2006, 15:13
OOC: Belarus doesnt become independent until the year change, but I'm posting info about it now. So technically this post is from the future (Monday)
In a ceremony in Minsk, Russian Prime Minister Alexei Romanov handed power over to the Prime Minister of the provisional Belarussian government, Mikoyla Abramcyk. Until elections in 1964, the Belarussian members of the Duma will form a provisional Ruling Council.
Free Belarus members form a large portion of the council, but they now lack a platform, and will likely split up among other groups. United Belarus (formerly United Russia) and Christian Belarus (formerly Christian Russia) merged to form the Conservative Belarus Party, the second largest bloc. The other major group is the National Socialist Belarussian Workers Party (NSBW), the Socialist Party of Russia, and the Union of Workers Party.
In the formal transfer of power ceremony, where the new flag of Belarus was first unfurled, Prime Minister gave a speech encouraging "cooperation between our two peoples," and ensuring "Belarus' newfound freedom will not be compromised by any nation."
The Commander of the 2nd Infantry Corps participated in a formal transfer of power ceremony putting the Belarussian Defense Force in charge of its own defense. His Corps then prepared to withdraw to Voronezh.
Russia will finance the foundations of the BDF, including a small air force and army.
South Africa contacts the Mozambican government about South African companies contracting Mozambican labor for South African industry. The South African government is also willing to provide Mozambique with excess South African energy production.
OOC: Essentially I'll build a couple of production centers for Mozambique in exchange for some of the resulting points and provide a natural gas point to fuel the industry.
03-06-2006, 18:06
The Scandic Union would like to congratualate Belarus on achieving its independence unlike the people of Siberia and the Caucases. The SU would like to welcome Belarus to the world stage and offers Belarus its help, in any matters, to make the transition into independence easy and as profitable for the Belarrusian people as possible.
The Scandic Union is also inviting Belarus into the CSPS as a full member, and along with it offering Belarus all the benefits of joining. Belarus should expect huge amounts of aid(At least 40 points worth from the CSPS though most likely much more this year alone), nuclear power plant technology and the plants themselves, cutting edge military and civilian technologies, a modern, cutting edge military, gauranteed protection from any threat, and the ability to send a man into space THIS year among other things.
OOC: This is on top of the "aid" me and Poland have been giving the Belarrusiian people for years under the table, pretty large amounts of it, and the massive amount of support we've voiced for their independence. Don't know why'd they'd say no.
China thereby recongizes the nation of Belarus as an independent nation and China makes it clear that it would like to open diplomatic and economic ties with Belarus. In addition, China expresses an interest in exchanging embassies with Belarus.
The Ukraine recognizes Belarus, and immediately promises foreign aid as soon as possible, so that this newly freed nation may join prosperity and liberty together.
New Dornalia
03-06-2006, 19:04
Korea also recognizes the new nation of Belarus, and also expresses interest in an embassy exchange.
Galveston Bay
03-06-2006, 19:07
Belarus is most likely to accept diplomatic exchanges etc from everyone. Most likely it will take a neutral stance between the Russian and the Scandics however. Belarussians don't like Poles (for historical reasons) but sufficient aid by both sides has come in to make them reasonably friendly but unwilling to commit to either side.
If there are no objections to the majority of the timeline, Egypt will begin providing full support to Arab Socialists/Nasserites in any country that they haven't already taken power. Secretly, Egyptian promises to give Saddam anything he needs to secure control over the Arab Federation and reunite Mesopotamia (conquer the Sunni Republic).
Egypt will also send aid to Arab Socialists in Yemen (to get the civil war going). I have a couple questions for GB in the military thread about sending aid.
03-06-2006, 20:38
The USEA fully recognizes Belarus as a soverign nation and asks if diplomatic ties can be established.
South Africa recognizes the Belarussian government, and welcomes the new state to the world community of nations.
South Africa also finances two production centers in Mozambique, for the manufacture of South African goods.
04-06-2006, 09:49
Belarus is approached by French officials regarding possible investment in both Military and Domestic aspects.
04-06-2006, 15:16
On Belarus: I posted that before this crisis got huge. It actually happens in January. As such Belarus is still, for the time being, Russian. When they do get independence, they will not have any military capability, until Russian funded equipment (budgeted for 1962) arrives. The Infantry Corps in Minsk has prepared to withdraw, but has not yet moved.
09-06-2006, 22:50
Japan sends the folowing proposal to Indonesia and Malaysia:
Japan will provide 12 points for 2 years to build a merchant marine fleet for each nation ( I don't know their recent builds, I don't think they've been done), and construct 3 7.5 Frigate Units for each nation, and can be payed back over the course of 5 years.
OOC: I can do Malaysian and indonesian builds because I don't think anyone's doing it as long as I get an estimate as to their economies
10-06-2006, 07:18
Germany welcomes Belarus into the International community and pledges economic and military aid to Belarus.
More quietly, Germany makes references to Belarus' potential as a good member of the EEC, reminding them of the neutral stance the EEC has taken so far.
15-06-2006, 22:22
OOC: I'm considering having Belgium, the Netherlands and Burgundy merge in like 5-10 years, since they have a lot in common, politically and socially, not to mention historically.
Does anyone see any problems with that?
15-06-2006, 22:30
I don't see them merging, not much in common, a lot of differences they have different histories.
I agree with Safehaven2. The three countries have different histories, cultures, and ethnic/linguistic groups. Coming closer together economically (like Benelux in RL) could definitely happen, but not a true political merger.
15-06-2006, 23:42
Belgium rebelled in RL when it was forced to join the Netherlands after the Napoleonic Wars, it seems highly unlikely
15-06-2006, 23:59
Forgot about Benelux...
Perhaps that should happen.
IC: The nations of Burgundy, Belgium and the Netherlands recently signed a treaty of cooperation, both inside and outside of the EEC. Called Benebur, the treaty made official the many economic unifications between the three countries.
Many in the EEC praise this effort of unity in the troubling times of disunity.
Galveston Bay
16-06-2006, 00:02
Parthini']OOC: I'm considering having Belgium, the Netherlands and Burgundy merge in like 5-10 years, since they have a lot in common, politically and socially, not to mention historically.
Does anyone see any problems with that?
they haven't in real life, with a lot more motiviation
Galveston Bay
16-06-2006, 00:03
Parthini']Forgot about Benelux...
Perhaps that should happen.
IC: The nations of Burgundy, Belgium and the Netherlands recently signed a treaty of cooperation, both inside and outside of the EEC. Called Benebur, the treaty made official the many economic unifications between the three countries.
Many in the EEC praise this effort of unity in the troubling times of disunity.
thats reasonable
17-06-2006, 21:50
Turkish Cyprus is offered membership into the CSPS.
Part of the offer includes a large amount of aid up front.
17-06-2006, 22:12
Turkish Cyprus accepts, and is glad to join its brethern in a grand alliance.
At word of this offer, Greek Cyprus contacts the EEC about possible membership.
17-06-2006, 23:54
Japan sends the folowing proposal to Indonesia and Malaysia:
Japan will provide 12 points for 2 years to build a merchant marine fleet for each nation ( I don't know their recent builds, I don't think they've been done), and construct 3 7.5 Frigate Units for each nation, and can be payed back over the course of 5 years.
OOC: I can do Malaysian and indonesian builds because I don't think anyone's doing it as long as I get an estimate as to their economies
18-06-2006, 01:50
The two nations accept the offer to build fleets, but decline the offer for a navy. They both are Commonwealth and get their defense from the Commonwealth.
OOC: If you want to do it, I think it would be prudent to ask Cylea. Since that place is kinda his sphere of influence, I think he should do it, unless he says it's ok for you to do it.
18-06-2006, 01:56
Speaking of which, I think we should be doing the NPC builds. I will do Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Switzerland and Rumania's builds, if no one cares. Safehaven 2 does his alliance's builds, and LR does Commonwealth Builds, and GB does OA builds. I believe Abbassia does Yugoslavia and Albania's builds
However, there are still several others, I think. Are there any NPC's left that people want to do builds for?
Galveston Bay
18-06-2006, 02:03
Parthini']Speaking of which, I think we should be doing the NPC builds. I will do Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Switzerland and Rumania's builds, if no one cares. Safehaven 2 does his alliance's builds, and LR does Commonwealth Builds, and GB does OA builds. I believe Abbassia does Yugoslavia and Albania's builds
However, there are still several others, I think. Are there any NPC's left that people want to do builds for?
thats ok with me, but my suggestion is that they not have merchant fleets (except Rumania to an extent), and rely on tourism and their own production.
18-06-2006, 02:07
Well, considering none of them but Rumania CAN have a merchant fleet...
Parthini']However, there are still several others, I think. Are there any NPC's left that people want to do builds for?
If there are any Arab builds that GB or LR aren't doing, I could take care of them.
Also, since Ethiopia had a tiny military in the 50's but a pop. of 20 million, I've been having them slowly build a force that might actually be able to defend their country without my help. They also bought their first air unit in '62, starting the Imperial Air Force. Their neighbors might feel threatened by all this considering the droughts and natural disasters that happen to Ethiopia. Ethiopia could really use some more fertile farmland in East Africa or maybe a fish-filled Somalian coastline and (theoretically) if Britain or Italy are more concerned with Eurasia - well, you get the picture.
If there are any Arab builds that GB or LR aren't doing, I could take care of them.
Also, since Ethiopia had a tiny military in the 50's but a pop. of 20 million, I've been having them slowly build a force that might actually be able to defend their country without my help. They also bought their first air unit in '62, starting the Imperial Air Force. Their neighbors might feel threatened by all this considering the droughts and natural disasters that happen to Ethiopia. Ethiopia could really use some more fertile farmland in East Africa or maybe a fish-filled Somalian coastline and (theoretically) if Britain or Italy are more concerned with Eurasia - well, you get the picture.
If Ethiopia trys anything, Nigeria will most likely step in to stop their imperialist expansionism.
Galveston Bay
18-06-2006, 07:36
Parthini']Well, considering none of them but Rumania CAN have a merchant fleet...
weirder things have been attempted in this RP.. (chuckle)
Galveston Bay
18-06-2006, 07:37
If Ethiopia trys anything, Nigeria will most likely step in to stop their imperialist expansionism.
thats not as easy as you might think.. the geography is formidable to say the least
thats not as easy as you might think.. the geography is formidable to say the least
OOC: True. But I can at least give assistance to the countries under attack in the form of money.
Parthini']The two nations accept the offer to build fleets, but decline the offer for a navy. They both are Commonwealth and get their defense from the Commonwealth.
OOC: If you want to do it, I think it would be prudent to ask Cylea. Since that place is kinda his sphere of influence, I think he should do it, unless he says it's ok for you to do it.
ooc: thanks Parthini, I tend to agree. ;)
I can post builds for 1962 soon if nobody minds, but if you are really interested in extreme accuracy I suggest somebody give me some hints as to what their economic and population status are. The last numbers I have are for the mid 1950s...
Galveston Bay
20-06-2006, 04:52
ooc: thanks Parthini, I tend to agree. ;)
I can post builds for 1962 soon if nobody minds, but if you are really interested in extreme accuracy I suggest somebody give me some hints as to what their economic and population status are. The last numbers I have are for the mid 1950s...
use those, and give them a population increase of 2% a year
Galveston Bay
20-06-2006, 04:54
Parthini']The two nations accept the offer to build fleets, but decline the offer for a navy. They both are Commonwealth and get their defense from the Commonwealth.
OOC: If you want to do it, I think it would be prudent to ask Cylea. Since that place is kinda his sphere of influence, I think he should do it, unless he says it's ok for you to do it.
probably Singapore isn't too happy about the Kra Canal either (cuts into their business)
23-06-2006, 21:39
Basra is given an invitation by the USEA to join the SCT.
Basra can keep it's Arab Leauge membership if it so wishes. Also if Basra does not wish to become military involved in the SCT then it become an economic member only.
23-06-2006, 21:44
Wait I thought we only did Population hikes every 10 years like the census works.
The Lightning Star
23-06-2006, 21:57
Wait I thought we only did Population hikes every 10 years like the census works.
So did I.
Galveston Bay
23-06-2006, 22:05
So did I.
take the figures between the census and figure out your growth rates.
For the Philippines, half it as population growth has substantially decreased because of earlier industralization and greater social services. India keep the same rate for now
23-06-2006, 22:21
Which means I have only 500,000 grow every year since 1961 in difference to 700,000. THat's still another million or two for the past 3 years or so.
24-06-2006, 04:40
A major CSPS naval and air base is being constructed in North Cyprus, the newest CSPS member. A small amount of Turkish troops and CSPS aircraft will now call the place home, and a naval facility big enough to service the newest cruisers in CSPS navies and to handle loading and unloading large amounts of men and equipment is also being built. Funding is being provided by the SU.(If I remember correctly, 1 point to fortify North Cyprus as a whole against land, sea and air. As for actual base construction and all the facilities call it another point? I'll get exact troop deployments in the CSPS thread later.)
24-06-2006, 16:55
France criticises the increase in military activity on the northern part of the Island of Cyprus, especially since that the Island's harmony and stability between the two portions might be in jeopardy in cause of this action.
24-06-2006, 17:09
France has no room to critizice other nations regarding harmony and stability after it just scrapped the peace treaty which ended the bloodiest war Earth has ever seen, to do so is simply hypocritical.
Galveston Bay
24-06-2006, 18:21
France has no room to critizice other nations regarding harmony and stability after it just scrapped the peace treaty which ended the bloodiest war Earth has ever seen, to do so is simply hypocritical.
The Greeks are probably hopping mad about this, and doesn't the UK still have troops on Cyprus?
Lesser Ribena
24-06-2006, 18:30
Britain maintains a battalion or so of troops in the central dividing zone of the island (not large enough to be noted usually). As soon as MI6 gets news of this though the 2nd flak artillery group and 4th mechanised division (from which the battalion was drawn) are dispatched to the area via air transport from Colchester barracks. Also following will be a unit of BAC lightnings (ready now) and Harriers (when built).
24-06-2006, 18:31
OOC: I think the Brits still have a base somewhere on Cyprus. EDIT: NM, already answered.
Anyway, were the costs correct?
Lesser Ribena
24-06-2006, 20:34
OOC: I believe so, that's what it cost me and Parthini to turn Heligoland into a space/navy/airforce base.
IC: The Republic of Southern Cyprus steps up its military exercises and begins to make plans for possible near future engagements. Britain makes a strong public statement of solidarity with Commonwealth members, many politicians question whether Northern Cyrpus should be suspended from the Commonwealth for such a radical move, though such events seem unlikely given precedents in that many Commonwealth nations have international bases. The British Mediterranean Fleet shifts focus from Gibralter and Suez to exercises outside of the naval base at the Dhekelia Sovereign Base Area.
24-06-2006, 22:39
The CSPS realeases a statement proclaiming its wonder at this harsh reaction by Britian. The construction of the N Cyprus facility is in no way offensive, and in no way pointed at S Cyprus, Britian or any other Commonwealth or OA members. If the CSPS had wanted to make a move on S Cyprus it could have done so much more efficiently and quickly without ever needing to construct the facility it is constructing on N Cyprus. Most of what is being constructed are simple fortifications to defend N Cyprus, things that could in no way threaten S Cyprus or British forces patrolling the border. No permaneant naval presence will be stationed on the island except for any vessels N Cyprus might own, and the air presence will be minor and entirely defensive.(The Mig25 has no strike capability). And as for the number of troops, S Cyprus on its own matches the amount of ground forces that will be present with the two brigades S Cyprus maintains.(Not mentioned is the fact that two brigades seems a bit excessive for a nation with less than half a million people on top of the entire British division being stationed there)
Galveston Bay
24-06-2006, 22:51
the Greeks are stil unamused. British, Turkish and Scandic intelligence will pick up warnings of action to come.
As soon as I find the last time Greece was updated, figure out its current military and come up with a realistic plan they would be likely to come up with.
Figure in 1964 something will happen, but don't react to Greece yet, because I don't know what they have or can do yet.
Galveston Bay
24-06-2006, 22:53
the Greeks are stil unamused. British, Turkish and Scandic intelligence will pick up warnings of action to come.
As soon as I find the last time Greece was updated, figure out its current military and come up with a realistic plan they would be likely to come up with.
Figure in 1964 something will happen, but don't react to Greece yet, because I don't know what they have or can do yet.
The US 6th Fleet will cover the usual patrol areas for the British in the Western and Central Med that the British are leaving uncovered to deal with the increased patrol activity they have in the Eastern Med.
the Greeks are stil unamused. British, Turkish and Scandic intelligence will pick up warnings of action to come.
As soon as I find the last time Greece was updated, figure out its current military and come up with a realistic plan they would be likely to come up with.
Figure in 1964 something will happen, but don't react to Greece yet, because I don't know what they have or can do yet.
I thought Greece was a PC now? I remember someone saying he wants to play Greece?
Galveston Bay
25-06-2006, 02:40
I thought Greece was a PC now? I remember someone saying he wants to play Greece?
inactive (sigh) for several weeks
Galveston Bay
25-06-2006, 07:39
Greek reaction
25-06-2006, 11:13
The French Government issues a statement calling for the reduction of the millitary activity on Cyprus Island.
25-06-2006, 12:01
Basra is given an invitation by the USEA to join the SCT.
Basra can keep it's Arab Leauge membership if it so wishes. Also if Basra does not wish to become military involved in the SCT then it become an economic member only.
25-06-2006, 14:20
Two units of Mig 25's that were headed to be placed into desert storage are being gifted to Turkey in response to the massive Greek buildup.
Lesser Ribena
25-06-2006, 14:43
The CSPS realeases a statement proclaiming its wonder at this harsh reaction by Britian. The construction of the N Cyprus facility is in no way offensive, and in no way pointed at S Cyprus, Britian or any other Commonwealth or OA members. If the CSPS had wanted to make a move on S Cyprus it could have done so much more efficiently and quickly without ever needing to construct the facility it is constructing on N Cyprus. Most of what is being constructed are simple fortifications to defend N Cyprus, things that could in no way threaten S Cyprus or British forces patrolling the border. No permaneant naval presence will be stationed on the island except for any vessels N Cyprus might own, and the air presence will be minor and entirely defensive.(The Mig25 has no strike capability). And as for the number of troops, S Cyprus on its own matches the amount of ground forces that will be present with the two brigades S Cyprus maintains.(Not mentioned is the fact that two brigades seems a bit excessive for a nation with less than half a million people on top of the entire British division being stationed there)
Britain remains on the defensive regarding the policy used in this instance. Stating that since the disturbances in the Turko-Greek War and the partition by the British governer of the time Britain has maintained a policing force in the disputed region which divides the centre of the island. The border has always been heavily patrolled to stop any insurgencies or illegal immigration that might occur and the only two crossing points being Heraklion and the British base area. The official line is that the reinforcing division is part of a wargames exercise being played out with the military of Southern Cyprus, involving sea, land and air exercises. Though the British patrols through the central area are stepped up and checks on immigration made more thorough. This is done ostentatiously so that Northern troops notice it (The Northern Cypriot Army being a mountain brigade held in reserve).
Britain thanks the Admiral of the 6th US Fleet for covering the patrols left by the wargames.
In addition the Southern Cypriot Republic permits the Greek government to station forces on its soil (just to make that official).
25-06-2006, 18:16
A plan to expand Turkey's military to match the large Greek expansion is put together, although it would have to wait untill 1965. The plan is kept a secret, but it is made sure that Greece finds out about it.
25-06-2006, 18:21
Some Secret...:rolleyes:
So I guess Greece tells the rest of the EEC, no?
25-06-2006, 18:40
OOC: Greece isn't in the EEC, but I wouldn't be surprised if someone got wind of it.
25-06-2006, 19:37
Basra is given an invitation by the USEA to join the SCT.
Basra can keep it's Arab Leauge membership if it so wishes. Also if Basra does not wish to become military involved in the SCT then it become an economic member only.
Bump yet again...
25-06-2006, 20:09
OOC: Greece isn't in the EEC, but I wouldn't be surprised if someone got wind of it.
At least not yet, probably will be after this for strategic reasons, but still they are buddies with Germany who is in the EEC.
26-06-2006, 05:39
Bump yet again...
That's difficult. While the benefits are there, there are many risks (getting caught in a war).
I would like some input from GB and others. That an I'm really tired...
26-06-2006, 07:01
A reminder that there is A french Base and treaty with the Basrans and the UIR, not sure how would this affect but just pointing it out.
26-06-2006, 07:41
A reminder that there is A french Base and treaty with the Basrans and the UIR, not sure how would this affect but just pointing it out.
In no way whatsoever. SCT nations are free to make military defense pacts with whomever they wish.
However Basra does not have to accept SCT military roles if it does not want to, and can be admitted on an economic status only.
The UIR is of course already a member of the SCT.
Eska Aria
26-06-2006, 07:58
A plan to expand Turkey's military to match the large Greek expansion is put together, although it would have to wait untill 1965. The plan is kept a secret, but it is made sure that Greece finds out about it.
This makes little sense to me as we just did a reformation/downsizing of over half our infantry divisions. But oh well, you can consider this information shared with the EEC and Russia.
26-06-2006, 11:54
Oh I think that was based on the NPC response GB had planned for you (Check your news thread).
The Lightning Star
26-06-2006, 23:08
The government of Pakistan contacts the government of Portugal concerning the status of Goa. Pakistan offers a plan whereby Goa shall be handed over to the Republic of Pakistan in 10 years. When Goa is handed over, it shall be a Special Administrative Region; it responsible for all issues except acts of state like diplomatic relations and national defence: consequently, it will have it's own judiciaries and courts of final appeal, it's own legislature, immigration policies, currencies and extradition processes. The pre-existing legal systems, namely Portuguese law, will be preserved except consequential to establishment of courts of final appeal.
It will empowered to contract a wide range of agreements with other countries and territories such as mutual abolition of visa requirement, mutual legal aid, air services, extradition, handling of double taxation and others. In diplomatic talks involving it, the SAR concerned may send officials to be part of the Pakistani delegation.
The Pakistani Army shall be garrisoned in the SAR. The garrison and its members must obey all SAR laws as well as national laws applicable to them. They will not participate in the governance of the SAR but the SAR may send for them in times of emergency such as natural disasters. According to the basic laws, defence is the responsibility of the Central Government. There shall be no law providing for enrollment Goa residents in the forces during ordinary times.
The SAR shall issue passports on its own, only to its permanent residents who are concurrently nationals of the Republic, that is, Pakistani nationals satisfying one of the following conditions:
born in the SAR;
born anywhere while either parent was a permanent resident of the SAR;
resided continuously for seven or more years in the SAR.
Apart from affording the holder consular protection by the Republic of Pakistan, these passports shall also specify that the holder has right of abode in the issuing SAR.
27-06-2006, 09:46
I forgot to mention but in 1963 I increased millitary spending for Yugoslavia for training so their millitaries should be:
2 Expert Pilots
2 Mirage IIIC Fighters
1 Highly Trained Infantry Corps
1 Highly Trained Armored Divison (AMX-30)
1 Heavy Missile Cruiser
Albania and Kosovo:
3 Mountain Brigades <Highly Trained>
1 Flak Group
1 Destroyer
Which are put on high alert...
Lesser Ribena
30-06-2006, 12:09
The African states begin to look to their neighbours more and more for trade in these difficult times. Several economic blocs spring up:
East African Community (EAC)- Uganda, Tanzania, Kenya, Rwanda, Burundi
This community gets off to a good start with all nations used to working with one another to solve recent problems in Rwanda. Trade between them is greatly improved as tariffs and other taxes are dropped on exports. Princibly agricultural goods and products are traded to help to mitigate the results of the year without a summer. With the national governments cooperating more and more and a common language (English) being widespread and almost universally understood there are some who would speculate on a merger between the nations into a federal republic with each nation becoming a state in that republic and governing domestic policy whilst a national government governs foreign policy.
Central African Customs and Economic Union (CACEU)- Gabon, Congo, Equatorial Guinea, Central African Republic, Chad.
The Union lowers tariffs in the region, but gets off to a rocky start when Chad threatens to pull out over issues with a new universal currency to supercede the old ones. Though it is forced to comply compare with the alternative of being isolated and unable to trade effectively.
Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS)- Niger, Burkina, Togo, Ghana, Ivory Coast, Liberia, Sierra Leone, Guinea, Mali, Mauritania, Senegal , Gambia, Guinea-Bissau,
Again the community sets out to lower tarriffs and promote inter-regional trade, but progress is slowed by conflict between Anglophonic and Francophonic nations. Eventually some issues are agreed upon but a single currency remains out of reach and a lot of trade remains tariffed (agricultural trade the only real improvement).
OOC: Based on historical precedents speeded up slightly due to present situation. EAC is likely to evolve into the Federal Republic of East Africa (FREA) by 1968 to improve the power of East African states (they usually cooperated historically as well).
Lesser Ribena
30-06-2006, 12:43
Several trade associations are also founded:
CIPEC (Intergovernmental Council of Copper Producing Countries)
Members: Congo (Zaire), Uganda, South Africa (including Zambia) and FNS are invited (awaiting player decision)
Importance: Will control ~60% of production and ~85% of exportable copper, seeks to maintain (or increase) prices to provide a guaranteed resource income.
IBA (International Bauxite Association)
Members: Guinea-Bissau, Ghana, Algeria, Yugoslavia (or whatever in this RP), Britain (on account of West Indies) and Australia invited.
Importance: controls 80% of exports, seeks an increase in base cost and wages.
ITC (International Tin Council)
Members: Zaire; Indonesia, Australia, FNS, Thailand, Nigeria invited
Importance: Possibly controls 85% of exports, seeks to maintain prices.
UPEB (Union of Banana Producing Countries)
Members: Britain (West Indies), Guatamala, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Gabon, Brazil; FNS is invited
Importance: 92% of exports controlled, seeks to increase popularity of bananas and maintain their export value
Cafe Mondial
Members: Ivory Coast; FNS, Indonesia, South Africa (Angola) invited
Importance: Controls 95% of exports, seeks a better deal for producers
COPAL (Cocoa Producers Alliance)
Members: Ghana, Togo, Ivory Coast; Nigeria invited
Importance: Controls 100% of Cocoa exports, maintain prices and build up stockpiles to supplement in times of need.
ANRPC (Association fo Natural Rubber Producing Countries)
Members: Malaysia, Sri Lanka; USEA, Indonesia invited,
Importance: controls 98% of exports, maintain current prices
Mercury Producers Cartel
Members: Algeria, Mexico, Canada, Nigeria invited
Importance: Holds vast majority of Mercury production, seeks to increase prices
Phosphate Producers Cartel
Members: FNS, Egypt, Algeria, Morocco, Tunisia invited
Importance: Hodls 60% of exports, seeks a rapid increase of price to more profitable levels
OOC: I suggest the above act as a growth percentage addition (0.5%?) not cumulative with each other and not during depressions when prices are low. In RL they were very important and many managed to produce up to sixfold increase in prices sometimes experiencing greater growth than the OPEC nations (which are already covered?).
Will China be able to be involved in any of these cartels? China needs all the help it can get, especially economically.
Lesser Ribena
30-06-2006, 13:52
Smaller and less improtant cartels existed for those producing Chromium, Tungsten, Cobalt, Manganese and Tantalum. I don't know if China produces any of those?
Reminder of OPEC members who might be in for similar advantages:
Indonesia, UIR, Iraq, Arabia (now part of Iraq), Libya, Algeria, FNS, Kuwait, Oman and territories, Nigeria, Gabon.
Still very much a discussion point yet though. I need input from economy mods as to possible advantages of the system and discussion from everyone else would be helpful too.
30-06-2006, 14:54
Wouldn't most of the stuff for Indonesia be similar to the Philippines? In relation to crops. I mean their weather and crop types are pretty similar.
Smaller and less improtant cartels existed for those producing Chromium, Tungsten, Cobalt, Manganese and Tantalum. I don't know if China produces any of those?
Reminder of OPEC members who might be in for similar advantages:
Indonesia, UIR, Iraq, Arabia (now part of Iraq), Libya, Algeria, FNS, Kuwait, Oman and territories, Nigeria, Gabon.
Still very much a discussion point yet though. I need input from economy mods as to possible advantages of the system and discussion from everyone else would be helpful too.
Here's China's natural resources (includes both China and Mongolia as its essentially one nation in E20)...
China's natural resources:
coal, iron ore, petroleum, natural gas, mercury, tin, tungsten, antimony, manganese, molybdenum, vanadium, magnetite, aluminum, lead, zinc, uranium, hydropower potential (world's largest)
Mongolia's natural resources:
oil, coal, copper, molybdenum, tungsten, phosphates, tin, nickel, zinc, fluorspar, gold, silver, iron
30-06-2006, 15:38
Wouldn't I be in OPEC? Or can I join?
30-06-2006, 16:10
I found the Philippines Natural Resources as well.
timber, petroleum, nickel, cobalt, silver, gold, salt, copper
Galveston Bay
30-06-2006, 16:26
busy today, but I will look at this stuff probably tomorrow
Canada and Russia could easily be major players in some of these cartels, and so could South Africa, Nigeria, and even Brazil. The US has a lot of these resources too, just not enough surplus to export.
Mexico is also resource rich
Wouldn't I be in OPEC? Or can I join?
We haven't formed OPEC yet since it would have little or no power in this game. Most people get their oil from their own countries or sworn allies so an oil embargo by OPEC would do pretty much nothing.
We haven't formed OPEC yet since it would have little or no power in this game. Most people get their oil from their own countries or sworn allies so an oil embargo by OPEC would do pretty much nothing.
Until the various nations "home oil" starts to dry up. ;)
Lesser Ribena
30-06-2006, 17:18
Philippine copper deposits are amongst the largest in the world, so I don't know why you weren't in the historical CIPEC but perhaps you could be in the E20 one. Depends on how this works out really.
Though the real thing isn't just that you have deposits it's the requirement to have exportable deposits (otherwise a production quota will just harm you and do nothing to prices). That's why historically the USA, China and Russia weren't large players, though their resource deposits were large so were their demands and they just had little exportable wealth. The major cartel members are those who have phenominally large deposits (FNS, South Africa) or else moderate sized deposits but with no need for their use (Ghana, Togo etc). Other concerns are who finances resource extraction, eg Mexico wasn't in OPEC as most of the oil extraction was performed by US contractors and it all went to the US as exports, Mexico had no way to implement production quotas. Though with recent nationalisation and future diversification of exports Mexico could perhaps apply for membership.
FNS will join every group it has been invited to.
02-07-2006, 00:26
Upon the request of CAEO countries, Mexican troops and police will be deployed to Guatemala and El Salavadore to help the local authorities after recent riots over the economic crash. The Mexican Gov't has already begun to send large quantities of food packages, and vaccines against a variety of diseases. Due to the virtual collapse of the Pan-American Treaty due to current problems in USA, CAEO countries have been hurrying through a membership application for Mexico to join the alliance, which currently only deals with economic matters.
Galveston Bay
02-07-2006, 00:31
Upon the request of CAEO countries, Mexican troops and police will be deployed to Guatemala and El Salavadore to help the local authorities after recent riots over the economic crash. The Mexican Gov't has already begun to send large quantities of food packages, and vaccines against a variety of diseases. Due to the virtual collapse of the Pan-American Treaty due to current problems in USA, CAEO countries have been hurrying through a membership application for Mexico to join the alliance, which currently only deals with economic matters.
Those countries deny such a request took place and request FNS assistance in ensuring Mexico minds its manners.
NPC countries are handled by the mods, you indicate what you want to do, and then its resolved. As the Central American countries have some military forces, they would be able to handle their rioting situations, and they tend to look toward the FNS for leadership, not Mexico.
02-07-2006, 00:33
That's not what the NPC descriptions say...they say they rely on the US, but no-one can rely on the US now.
Galveston Bay
02-07-2006, 04:49
That's not what the NPC descriptions say...they say they rely on the US, but no-one can rely on the US now.
did one of the referees SAY they invited you? If not, they didn't invite you and are going to seek help. NPCs is this game are handled by Parthini or myself, or Malkyer, Safehaven or Sharina if conflicts of interest occur.
you really need to read more of the threads to know the history of this RP, and the rules
FNS pledges support to any Central American State that belligerance will not be tolerated. All nations in Central America can handle their own domestic issues and do not need their sovereignty violated.
As long as the FNS is around, Central America will be independant.
02-07-2006, 11:29
This was just an RP to get me to join the economic alliance CAEO, and I was not invading. Now that Mexico's most important trading partner is in turmoil, and the most important trading partners of the Central American countries too, its just realistic that they would seek help with each other. Central America has a long history of co-operation, so I think what I did was reasonable. Plus from what I've read, they only have a coast guard. So that's why I'm deploying my police there.
04-07-2006, 13:37
Mexican police and volunteers are deployed to major cities and other crisis areas in Central America upon the request of the CAEO. The decision to send troops was reversed by the Mexican Gov't to prevent accusations of invasion.
Mexico has also formally joined the CAEO, and a meeting will be held after the OA meeting, where a CAEO official will be part of the Mexican entourage. Both meetings will be hosted by Mexico in Mexico City.
The Federation of South American States demands to hear from the Central American Governments regarding this invitation. Otherwise we demand that Mexico pull any and all of their people out of Central America, again, unless they were invited, which we have not seen.
05-07-2006, 10:51
Umm, how exactly can you here from them if they're a NPC? Sorry i don't mean to sound sarcastic, I genuinely don't know...and btw, we're allies, so why all the bad vibes?
05-07-2006, 16:02
OOC: NPC mods will post reactions. The bad vibes are because this is an invasion in all but name.
05-07-2006, 16:44
Japan sends forward messages to the Indonesia and Malaysian governments to join the SCT at least as junior members now that Australia has joined the SCT as a junior member
In an unprecedenteted move, the South American Government formally invites the Brazillian Nation to join into the Federation with her South American counterparts. Economic prosperity is promised, along with a duel language system much along the lines of Quebec in Canada (Although we'll try to keep them a bit happier than the Quebecois). Further details would be ironed out, but the SA government is eager to hear Brazil's response.
In the meantime, the government contacts the United States to reaffirm their treaty of friendship, mutual defense, and economic aid. FNS continues to pledge support to the Alliance Space Force, and the United States militarily.
Hugo Hamraz, President of FNS gives a phone call to Kennedy to discuss the Brazil situation.
Galveston Bay
05-07-2006, 19:57
Brazil, citing its differences in culture and language says no to the FNS, but is willing to sign a formal defense and trade pact.
Meanwhile, a number of neutral nations begin working on a formal effort to ban or at least severely limit nuclear weapons and delivery systems
as soon as I write something up
Galveston Bay
05-07-2006, 19:58
Japan sends forward messages to the Indonesia and Malaysian governments to join the SCT at least as junior members now that Australia has joined the SCT as a junior member
Both say no for the moment, as they wait to see how events will play out. To say the least both are nervous about the world situation
Indonesia is unsure as to what it wants to do, while Malaysia starts by approaching the British about assisting it with security as it is worried about a potential flood of refugees from the USEA
Brazil, citing its differences in culture and language says no to the FNS, but is willing to sign a formal defense and trade pact.
Meanwhile, a number of neutral nations begin working on a formal effort to ban or at least severely limit nuclear weapons and delivery systems
as soon as I write something up
The FNS understands Brazil's position, stating that the offer is always open. However, we welcome a defense and trade pact.
05-07-2006, 21:54
After finalizing its bloody civil war and finding itself without its old supporter, Yemen begins talks with Saddam and the old Arab Federation. Yemen looks to seek unity with the AF for many reasons, not excluding political similarities and the hope for protection.
Parthini']After finalizing its bloody civil war and finding itself without its old supporter, Yemen begins talks with Saddam and the old Arab Federation. Yemen looks to seek unity with the AF for many reasons, not excluding political similarities and the hope for protection.
Saddam eagerly begins negotiations into the procces and tries to finalize the the union as soon as possible.
Japan sends forward messages to the Indonesia and Malaysian governments to join the SCT at least as junior members now that Australia has joined the SCT as a junior member
ooc: ahem. I might point out that negotiations concerning that take place in late march according to my application post (fluid time, if I understand that correctly) with actual junior membership not being active until 1965...
additionally, Australasia still considers both those nations as its sphere of influence, and requests that should any invitation for SCT membership be given to them, that it come from Canberra if possible.
Galveston Bay
06-07-2006, 02:07
Parthini']After finalizing its bloody civil war and finding itself without its old supporter, Yemen begins talks with Saddam and the old Arab Federation. Yemen looks to seek unity with the AF for many reasons, not excluding political similarities and the hope for protection.
Oman dusts off plans to see how quickly it can take over Yemen if it wants (Oman considers Western Arabia and Yemen in its sphere of influence after all)
Oman dusts off plans to see how quickly it can take over Yemen if it wants (Oman considers Western Arabia and Yemen in its sphere of influence after all)
Oman is quietly informed that interference with Arab Federation affairs, or for that matter Yemenite affairs would not be looked on favorably in the Arab Federation Government.
Meanwhile the Arab Federation begins pressing Yemen for a merger while moving several combat units towards both the Oman and Yemen border to 'end rebel activities' in that area.
06-07-2006, 03:09
Oman dusts off plans to see how quickly it can take over Yemen if it wants (Oman considers Western Arabia and Yemen in its sphere of influence after all)
While the Omanis may think that, the old government that agreed with the fell a few months ago and the new people want to be under the AF's covers.
Now, what Oman thinks is a different story.
Galveston Bay
06-07-2006, 03:16
Oman is quietly informed that interference with Arab Federation affairs, or for that matter Yemenite affairs would not be looked on favorably in the Arab Federation Government.
Meanwhile the Arab Federation begins pressing Yemen for a merger while moving several combat units towards both the Oman and Yemen border to 'end rebel activities' in that area.
the Omanis do several things...
1. Mobilize their forces
2. Ask the British to come to their assistance under the terms of their defense treaty
3. Indicate that if the Arab Federation continues to move its forces it will be war.
4. Immediately shift the bulk of their forces into their northern proviences (what in real life is the UAE)
5. Tell Western Arabia that if it helps, it gets Yemen, and Oman and Western Arabia can split the southern part of the Arab Federation between them (real life Saudi Arabia less the western part)
6. Tells the Kurds that if they help, Oman will help it get more chunks of the oil producing region of central Iraq (more Arab Federation territory)
7. Tells the Arab Federation war will be to until one or the other is destroyed, and asks if the Arab Federation really feels that it can pull this off without Egyptian or Syrian support.
8. Tells the UIR and Pakistan that the Arab Federation is threatening to make war on the holy places of Islam (ooc, which isn't proven, but what the hell).
the Sultan of Oman and his son, the real life current one, were both smart bastards
incidently, don't let the Germans forget that the Omanis are technically in the British Commonwealth, and would the Germans really want to get dragged into fighting in Europe with everything else going on? An almost certain result if the British support the Omanis and the Germans support the Arab Federation.
the Omanis do several things...
7. Tells the Arab Federation war will be to until one or the other is destroyed, and asks if the Arab Federation really feels that it can pull this off without Egyptian or Syrian support.
What Egypt?
ooc: you evil SOB :)
the Omanis do several things...
1. Mobilize their forces
2. Ask the British to come to their assistance under the terms of their defense treaty
3. Indicate that if the Arab Federation continues to move its forces it will be war.
4. Immediately shift the bulk of their forces into their northern proviences (what in real life is the UAE)
5. Tell Western Arabia that if it helps, it gets Yemen, and Oman and Western Arabia can split the southern part of the Arab Federation between them (real life Saudi Arabia less the western part)
6. Tells the Kurds that if they help, Oman will help it get more chunks of the oil producing region of central Iraq (more Arab Federation territory)
7. Tells the Arab Federation war will be to until one or the other is destroyed, and asks if the Arab Federation really feels that it can pull this off without Egyptian or Syrian support.
8. Tells the UIR and Pakistan that the Arab Federation is threatening to make war on the holy places of Islam (ooc, which isn't proven, but what the hell).
The Arab Federation is extremely alarmed by the outrageous and unprovoked actions of the Omani government. The Arab Federation has yet to do any provocative act other than politely ask the Omani government to stay out of a purely Yemen-Arabian affair. The troops the Arab Federation points out are not only no where near the Western Arabian border as the Oman’s claim but the bulk remains spread out across the country, and the increase was hardly larger than any other that the nation has seen as it battles what remains of the insurgency.
The Arab Federation is also willing to bring this issue before the UN considering the Omani government just challenged the Arab Federation to a duel to the death for no reason other than a polite ‘mind your own business.’ The Arab Federation is not willing to admit that the long planned for offensive in the east was a mistake since the Arab Government made NO provocative move other than an extremely minor move of troops in the east, none of which are armored.
Galveston Bay
06-07-2006, 05:36
meanwhile, the Kurds, realizing that the Turks are finished, quietly indicates interest to the Omanis, as do the Western Arabians, who don't much like the Arab Federation in principal or specifically (ooc that long history of tribal rivalries coming into play here).
Western Arabia quietly then asks Morocco and Algeria for help, particularly assistance with air units.
Lesser Ribena
06-07-2006, 09:59
Britain publically announces support of the Omanis through the Commonwealth and states that Britain and the Commonwealth are compelled to come to Omans aid if attacked under the terms of the Commonwealth Mututal Defence Treaty.
It is made sure that the Arab Federation knows this and that Britain will definately come to the aid of Oman, war in Europe or not, and that many Commonwealth nations will likely follow (Thinking of most of Africa, wanting to get troops some active service, having a sizeable muslim population and being bound by the mutual defence treaty).
Lesser Ribena
06-07-2006, 10:29
Britain states its desire for closer ties to Australasia and pushes for a more permenent alliance with the nation, especially as it hars of negotiations to get into the SCT. A full military alliance would benefit both nations and Australia would be amply protected by Royal Navy vessels in the Pacific and other Commonwealth nations would help as well. Under the conditions of teh alliance Australasia would be under no compulsion to join the present war in Europe against the agressive CSPS forces. A similar offer is made to Canada to reassure it since the US has withdrawn into isolationism.
06-07-2006, 23:51
The Yemenite Provisionary council in discussions with Saddam and completely ignoring Omani threats formally asks to join the Arab Federation. At the same time, plans are made to mobilize the Yemenite Army.
Fieldmarschall Manfred Rommel views the situation with certain unease. Germany has vital interests in Palestine, but an occupation by a German Government would seem imperialistic.
Thus, he approaches King Hussein of Jordan about the possibility of a merger. King Hussein would gain control of Palestine, the Sinai and partial control of the Suez. In exchange he would have to sign a treaty of alliance with Germany and become very close with it.
07-07-2006, 01:52
OOC: Excluding the Syrian part, correct?
Galveston Bay
07-07-2006, 05:03
Parthini']The Yemenite Provisionary council in discussions with Saddam and completely ignoring Omani threats formally asks to join the Arab Federation. At the same time, plans are made to mobilize the Yemenite Army. .
I will add the Omani intervention into Yemen as part of the excitement this weekend.. figure it will be within hours of learning of Yemeni actions
historically by the way, Oman ran part of Yemen as a client state for most of the 60s-90s
Parthini']The Yemenite Provisionary council in discussions with Saddam and completely ignoring Omani threats formally asks to join the Arab Federation. At the same time, plans are made to mobilize the Yemenite Army.
The Arab Federation immediatly accepts the offer and military planners begin transfering from Arab Federation proper to Yemen to help organize a united strategy.
08-07-2006, 23:15
OOC: NPC mods will post reactions. The bad vibes are because this is an invasion in all but name.
No it isn't! That's the point!
09-07-2006, 03:51
Sending troops into a country that doesn't want them there, and didn't ask for them?
09-07-2006, 14:59
Read the posts. Firstly, I responded to an offer, and secondly, I did not send troops there.
09-07-2006, 15:00
Mexican police and volunteers are deployed to major cities and other crisis areas in Central America upon the request of the CAEO. The decision to send troops was reversed by the Mexican Gov't to prevent accusations of invasion.
Mexico has also formally joined the CAEO, and a meeting will be held after the OA meeting, where a CAEO official will be part of the Mexican entourage. Both meetings will be hosted by Mexico in Mexico City.
Galveston Bay
10-07-2006, 07:26
reading over US posts will determine that the troops that were on the Mexican border exercising have since loaded up and gone to China. Although the US is still on a war footing for various reasons.
10-07-2006, 16:53
Its the FNS troops I'm worried about.
Australia pushes Indonesia and Malaysia to cut ties with Pakistan in the wake of that nation's declaration of war on Britain. However, they are also encouraged to stay out of the war themselves, with the Aussie 2nd Fleet being deployed to the region in early April to assist in their defense should the worst come to pass.
Lesser Ribena
16-07-2006, 11:46
East Africa
Following on from the success of the East African Community, Uganda, Tanzania, Kenya, Rwanda and Burundi announce their intentions of joining together and forming a new nation. It is thought that the Federated States of East Africa (FSEA) will come into being some time in the next 2 years and that each nation will act as a state in the new nation, making their own laws and governing domestic policy whilst acting as a unified East Africa for foreign affairs and defence purposes. A 2 house governmental system is selected and preparations for elections begin, in the mean time the Prime Ministers of all 5 countries meet together and collectively decide to keep close ties with Britain and several targets are made including the continual economic and industrial expansion of the region and bettering defence capabilities. Discussions begin with British defence companies for several items of equipment with which to equip a new FSEA armed forces, to be composed of soldiers from the old national armies, organised by state (country) of origin.
OOC: A perfectly reasonable step to provide better defence capabilities at this time, especially given the success of the EAC.
East African Community (EAC)- Uganda, Tanzania, Kenya, Rwanda, Burundi
This community gets off to a good start with all nations used to working with one another to solve recent problems in Rwanda. Trade between them is greatly improved as tariffs and other taxes are dropped on exports. Princibly agricultural goods and products are traded to help to mitigate the results of the year without a summer. With the national governments cooperating more and more and a common language (English) being widespread and almost universally understood there are some who would speculate on a merger between the nations into a federal republic with each nation becoming a state in that republic and governing domestic policy whilst a national government governs foreign policy.
The other two African economics unions:
Central African Customs and Economic Union (CACEU)
Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS)
make further steps towards cooperation introducing single currencies in their regions.
The Arab Federation sends an invitation to all major Islamic nations in the Middle East, North Africa and the Horn of Africa including, but not limited to: Kurdistan, Northern Yemen, Syria, Lebanon, Basra, Western Arabia, UIR, Pakistan, Jordon, Egypt, Sudan, Eritrea, Somalia, Djibouti, Libya, Tunisia, Algeria and Morocco. The only nation not specifically invited is Oman which are seen by the Arab Federation Government as an aggressor states.
This invitation calls for a meeting in Riyadh to discuss the future of Islam in the Middle East and Africa and calls for an alliance between the nations invited and extends the possibility of the Islamic Southeastern Asian nations being invited to join as well. This would be a completely economical alliance with no demands of mutual defense though it does not specifically address that issue in detail, leaving a possibility of that being added in at a later point.
Since this is both a political and religious conference, nations are invited to send their top religious leaders for a conference on Islamic unity that the Arab Federation government and religious leaders are calling as well to take place at the same time.
Galveston Bay
16-07-2006, 23:50
Morocco, Northern Yemen and Western Arabia will not attend unless Oman does, Algeria, Tunisia, and Kurdistan will attend. Somalia is waiting to see if the British are ok with it, and South Yemen will attend.
don't believe Lebanon exists, think its part of Syria. Libya is part of Italy. Sudan will come, but no government of Egypt currently exists.
I think Djibouti is either British owned or Ethopian owned, but I have lost track.
17-07-2006, 06:42
Jordan will attend.
In the wake of the economic crash and the wars in in Europe, Nigeria begins campainging for a West African Federation, with Nigeria as the capital province. It wil essentially be an extension of the ECOWAS, combining all countries into a federation. Chad is also invited. Nigeria believes this will allow for better economic and miltiary security.
Lesser Ribena
18-07-2006, 21:40
Try making the move as an extension of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) who have:
Niger, Burkina, Togo, Ghana, Ivory Coast, Liberia, Sierra Leone, Guinea, Mali, Mauritania, Senegal , Gambia, Guinea-Bissau,
Plus Nigeria would make a pretty big federation and they already have the economic ties. A collection of crises such as this would act as a fair enough catalyst for a federation, Central Africa and East Africa were planning such a move anyway.
Try making the move as an extension of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) who have:
Niger, Burkina, Togo, Ghana, Ivory Coast, Liberia, Sierra Leone, Guinea, Mali, Mauritania, Senegal , Gambia, Guinea-Bissau,
Plus Nigeria would make a pretty big federation and they already have the economic ties. A collection of crises such as this would act as a fair enough catalyst for a federation, Central Africa and East Africa were planning such a move anyway.
Niger and Benin are already a part of Nigeria anyway. Thanks for the advice.
Morocco, Northern Yemen and Western Arabia will not attend unless Oman does, Algeria, Tunisia, and Kurdistan will attend. Somalia is waiting to see if the British are ok with it, and South Yemen will attend.
don't believe Lebanon exists, think its part of Syria. Libya is part of Italy. Sudan will come, but no government of Egypt currently exists.
I think Djibouti is either British owned or Ethopian owned, but I have lost track.
ooc: Didn't Southern Yemen join with me, which sparked the whole Yemen-Oman war?
The Arab Federation grudgingly allows Oman to participate. The main theme of the conference is Islamic Unity with the Arab Federation calling on a pan-Islamic conference every three years to foster Islamic unity an to help guide the faithful in these times of trouble. Another main point calls for the creation of a Islamic world orginization (similar to the RL Arab Federation) with mutual non-aggression pacts, economic aid to member nations in need, lowering tarrifs between charter members, etc.
Galveston Bay
19-07-2006, 18:46
ooc: Didn't Southern Yemen join with me, which sparked the whole Yemen-Oman war? .
Yemen was unified until the little Yemen-Oman war. The North Yemenis form North Yemen, which is a conservative Islamic State ruled by a King. The South Yemenis are a socialist type Republic (well in theory anyway, probably ends up being a dictatorship)
Galveston Bay
19-07-2006, 22:28
In 1965, as Canada breaks apart over political differences caused by the war (and death of nearly 50,000 Canadians), recriminations over its previous ties to the US, and regional differences inflamed by the Depression and Nuclear Autumn, Newfoundland requests that it join the United Kingdom with the same status as Wales or Scotland.
The remaining Canadian Maritimes join New England, British Columbia joins Columbia along with the Yukon, Quebec declares its independence as a French speaking Republic, and the remainder of Canada joins with the US Midwest and Plains states in forming the Republic of Huron (Great Lakes Republic writ large)
Galveston Bay
19-07-2006, 22:30
Meanwhile, Puerto Rico declares its independence, signs a military and economic pact with Dixie and seeks one with the FNS, and it, along with Cuba and the Dominican Republic form a trade and economic union, as well as military alliance.
The three island nations also approach the other Caribbean nations regarding such an agreement
British were forming one, and they want in on it too, but remain apart as well.
FNS will sign with the agreement with Puerto Rico.
19-07-2006, 23:09
Mexico (United States of Central America in 1970) would like to sign an economic pact with Puerto Rica.
20-07-2006, 02:21
1 December 1964 - the new Dixie States Embassy, Sofia.
The Kingdom of Bulgaria now officially recognizes and whole-heartedly accepts Puerto Rico, Columbia, New England, Dixie, Texas, Colorado, Deseret, Huron, Quebec, Rocky Mountain States as partners in the world community and the Kingdom will hope to have harmonious and productive relations with all of the new nations as well...
The Arab Federation officially invites the surviving/intern governments of Egypt and Sudan to a conference about the possibility of a merger.
In the wake of the economic crash and the wars in in Europe, Nigeria begins campainging for a West African Federation, with Nigeria as the capital province. It wil essentially be an extension of the ECOWAS, combining all countries into a federation. Chad is also invited. Nigeria believes this will allow for better economic and miltiary security.
Galveston Bay
21-07-2006, 07:10
problem with all of the nations bordering the Sahara is that they are partly Berber and partly Black African. Which lends itself to conflict. Chad included, but most importantly the Sudan, which is still having a civil war, although its a low grade one so far as I havent' gotten around to it, and neither has Lesser Ribenia
Lesser Ribena
21-07-2006, 09:06
I'll get working on the Sudan civil war today. Probably have a few initial postings made by this afternoon, likely to be a very long drawn out war. Check out how long teh 1st Sudan Civil War lasted (1955-72). This war will probably be based heavily on that, with the South wanting greater autonomy or even secession from the North.
Middle Snu
21-07-2006, 13:06
Somalia is waiting to see if the British are ok with it
Somalia is an Italian colony.
The Arab Federation officially invites the surviving/intern governments of Egypt and Sudan to a conference about the possibility of a merger.
bump (Though I know some is dependent on the outcome of the Sudanese Civil War)
Galveston Bay
21-07-2006, 17:01
Somalia is an Italian colony.
ok, Somalia is waiting to see if the Italians are ok with it...(chuckle)
23-07-2006, 11:13
Aid is announced to be resumed to West Africa, although due to economic pressures throughout the world level III social services will be provided rather than level IV social services although this is expected to change.
24-07-2006, 15:11
The UIR and France offer to construct an air base in Kurdistan. The base would have:
1 French F1
1 French Expert Pilot
1 French Garrison Unit
1 UIR F1
1 UIR Expert Pilot
1 UIR Flak Unit
1 UIR Garrison Unit
Kurdistan is invited to place some of their units there as well
The FNS government asks whichever new American Government who is responsible for the B52G, if the FNS could buy two wings of said aircraft in 1968.
Motions are made towards Columbia in 1968/69 to purchase F-15's.
25-07-2006, 13:22
1966: The Republic of India formally recognizes all of the New North American States and asks the relevant organizations in Texas if India could purchase a wing of F4G Phantoms.
1968: The Government of India asks the relevant organizations in Texas if it could purchase a wing of B1 Lancer strategic bombers.
Galveston Bay
25-07-2006, 16:10
The FNS government asks whichever new American Government who is responsible for the B52G, if the FNS could buy two wings of said aircraft in 1968.
Motions are made towards Columbia in 1968/69 to purchase F-15's.
The FNS government learns that an informal agreement exists between the North American nations that they will not sell strategic bombers or missiles to any nation not part of NORAD. Discussions regarding the F15 continue, but first priority is ensuring North American nations have them in sufficient quantities.
25-07-2006, 18:12
Burma and Ceylon wish to enter into talks with India to discuss a regional trade policy, as well as environmental matters. The Twilight War has raised awareness regarding acid rain and other pollution factors affected by wind, and a massively industralized India in the future concerns more far sighted leaders in those 2 nations.
(Jan. 1970) India will agree to hold talks with officials from Burma and Ceylon in Kolkata in February regarding regional trade, development, and environmental concerns.
25-07-2006, 18:39
The Philippines congratulates Puerto Rican Independence, holding a day of celebration for the freedom of all the former Spanish Colonies/ US territories in their independence. Though seperated by a huge ocean, the Filipino people wish to show their respect and care of Puerto Rico.
The Philippines government recognizes the new state of Puerto Rico along with any other new nations in the Caribean. A day of blessing is held for it.
The UIP government takes a few weeks longer to formally recognize the new countries that sprung up in the former United States. Hopefully peace shall be easier in seperate than in one huge mass.
One a personal note, President Ramirez leaves the office of President in ill health. THe stress of the presidency has worn thing on him. He sends a notice to the new Puerto Rican government to be allowed to immigrate back to the homeland of his mother. He wishes to die with what remains of his mother's family. It's reported that the Federalist has been diagnosed with stress related illness, and it may cut his time short.
On an excursion, he goes to the new island nation ahead of his citizienship approval to visit his mother's grave.
Nigeria continues to campaign for a Federation of West Africa, putting pressure on it's smaller neighbors.
What are the chances that Egypt would like to join the Arab Federation.
27-07-2006, 23:18
On January 1st 1965, the countries of Mexico, Guatemala, and El Salvador joined to become the United States of Central America. The nations will be represented in a fair split between the three countries based on population. The capital will be in Villahermosa, but all other province and state capitals will remain the same.
The other nations in Central America initially showed little interest in this venture, with Costa Rica citing the fact it wishes to remain isolationist, only looking out for Costa Ricans. According to many Mexican Political Analysts, Costa Rica is fast becoming the 'Switzerland of the Americas'. Honduras showed much initial hostility to such an agreement as they believed they would have little say and power, but it is believed that since the unveiling of the new coins, the Honduran public has been won round by the fact that one of the coins includes an image of Francisco Morazán Quesada, a former President of the the former Federal States of Central America, who is a national hero in Honduras. This, however, could be a factor of the Costa Rican opposition as Morazán was executed in Costa Rica after declaring that every able bodied Costa Rican male would be subject to compulsory service in the new Central American armed forces. Nicaragua is following Honduras, and has now shown an interest in joining. It is believed Honduras will join in 1967, with Nicaragua following in 1969. Both countries are currently receiving aid from EUC to help with integration.
The Lightning Star
28-07-2006, 04:11
OOC: Seeing how SU put me in charge of Kashmirs builds...
The Constitutional Monarchy of Kashmir asks the nations of the world to send aid to our fledgling nation, so that we may build up our industry.
28-07-2006, 04:24
OOC: Seeing how SU put me in charge of Kashmirs builds...
The Constitutional Monarchy of Kashmir asks the nations of the world to send aid to our fledgling nation, so that we may build up our industry.
The UIR pledges 20 points in 1971
28-07-2006, 04:52
Germany, speaking on behalf of the EEC pledges support to Kashmir, although it is unable to determine how much that will be.
28-07-2006, 15:09
Question for Parthini and GB.
Do you two think the Arab League will hold thruogh 64-69? the United Republics, the main nation, has fallen apart with Egypt being wiped out and Sudan in civil war(Which is only going to get worse once Ethiopia falls apart). Morroco is barely holding together fighting a low-intensity guerilla war in Mauritania and the Sahara. Syria is having to cut funding the ALADN due to budget difficulties, meaning Morroco, Algeria and all the other AL members no longer have radar coverage as Syria funded it for all of them. Oman and the AF, both AL members just fought a short war while Yemen has broken into two nations. And you were saying last night there was a chance for another Oman-AF war and there is the chance of the Druze rising in Syria.
Question for Parthini and GB.
Do you two think the Arab League will hold thruogh 64-69? the United Republics, the main nation, has fallen apart with Egypt being wiped out and Sudan in civil war(Which is only going to get worse once Ethiopia falls apart). Morroco is barely holding together fighting a low-intensity guerilla war in Mauritania and the Sahara. Syria is having to cut funding the ALADN due to budget difficulties, meaning Morroco, Algeria and all the other AL members no longer have radar coverage as Syria funded it for all of them. Oman and the AF, both AL members just fought a short war while Yemen has broken into two nations. And you were saying last night there was a chance for another Oman-AF war and there is the chance of the Druze rising in Syria.
The Arab League never actually functioned in E20. None of the NPC members besides Baghdad would contribute anything meaning Syria and the UR had to pay for everything. Also, the "AL Defense Force" aka Egypt's Army is now under German control and obviously isn't defending the AL. It also never stopped wars between Arab countries (in fact, until the outburst of wars in the 60's, Egypt was the cause of almost all of them). In otherwords, the AL exists only in name so there's no real reason any of the nations would withdraw (besides Syria, everyone else has just gotten benefits without any costs).
Galveston Bay
28-07-2006, 22:31
The US sends elements of the 3rd Special Forces Group to Liberia and the Belgian Congo to provide trainers for improving the Liberian Army and creating a Congolese Army.
It quickly becomes apparent in the Belgian Congo that without a strong central government, the entire country could fall apart into tribalism. This is especially apparent in the Rwanda, Burundi and Shava regions, where tribalism or seperatism is rife.
It also becomes apparent that the key to the economic future is the Congo River
economic aid is concentrated at Kinshasha (Leopoldville), Lumbambashi (Elizabethville), Kananga, and Kisangani (Stanleyville)
Additional projects are considered including future economic aid projects in Rwanda, Burundi and hydroelectric projects along the Congo River
another useful source
Congo back story
Galveston Bay
28-07-2006, 22:53
In 1968, the Army of the Republic of Cameroon, angry over mishandling of the Depression by the government and rife corruption, launches a coup and topples it. Within hours, the new military government requests formal annexation by Nigeria.
With much of the world facing its own problems, and the British busy elsewhere themselves, the world pays little attention until its too late. Within a week of May 2, the Nigerian Army has taken over security duties in Cameroon.
An election is held a week later, and 90% of the Cameroon voters decide to join Nigeria.
of course they don't but no one is paying particularly close attention to this part of the world at the moment, as attention is focused on the Northern Hemisphere, South Asia, the Mideast etc. By the time the UN gets its act together to even start an investigation, the deed is done.
No one is particularly excited about fighting Nigeria over Cameroon, but several nations begin to pay closer attention now.
Pop: 6.1 million
Tech: 6
Income: 6 prod centres, 2.5 points from 10 shipping units
Spending: 6 points on level 5 social services, 1.5 point maintenance, EMP harden industry (16/18), 1 point to UK.
Shipping: 1 UK and Commonwealth, 1 Africa, 1 RoW
Military: 2 highly trained inf divs, 40 missile boats, 2 modern destroyers, BAC lightnings, pilot.
Growth: 0
Actually the government had been doing a good job, but the generals were extremely well bribed and they bribed their junior officers plus senior police officals. $4 billion in 1968 dollars goes a LONG way
28-07-2006, 23:14
The origin of the USCA
In 1964, after Mexico joined the Central American Economic Organisation (CAEO), the nations looked to further economic integration, and such issues such as a common currency. The coastguards also begin to co-operate with each other on a daily basis, whilst the free trade agreements mean that business flourishes between the countries. The future looked bright for the countries of CAEO.
After the Twilight War, and the collapse of the USA, the Central American countries had lost their main backer, and their main trading partner. Civil unrest was created, as people worried about their economy collapsing. In late November 1964, the leaders of Mexico, Guatemala, Nicaragua, Honduras and El Salvador met for talks on a possible union of nations, with Central America acting as one country. Costa Rica was also invited to the talks but refused. Traditionally the least in favour of a united Central America, Costa Rica is morely likely to concentrate solely on internal matters, and remain relatively isolated from the world. Meanwhile, the other countries, even Mexico, were worried that their individual voices were being drowned out in this modern era of superpowers.
However, the initial round of talks were only partially successful. Honduras and Nicaragua pulled out believing that their nations would lose their say altogether, believing that this would come to nothing. They both issued statements that they would leave their options open, and possibly opt in on the union, if it ever arose, but only on conditions that suited them.
The second round of talks involved Mexico, El Salvador, and Guatemala. Worried about possible Mexican domination, the leaders of El Salvador and Guatemala put across a plan whereby Mexico would be represented in small partitions in the Government, based on population size. Mexico grudgingly agreed, on the condition that a Office for Mexican Affairs would be made. The talks carried on over many days. Guatemala and El Salvador realised that a union with Mexico would give them access to much more resources, and a massive market without tariffs. Mexico in turn saw that this union could finally give Central Americans a major say in the world, the together, they could bring a much higher standard of living for their people, as well as ensuring their freedom. Other matters discussed were the location of the new capital. Initially, the Mexican entourage were insisting on Mexico City, but after much pressure, other locations were considered. It was agreed that a new capital would be built, in a smaller city, one further south in Mexico. A new currency would also be developed. In a clever PR move designed to appeal to Hondurans, certain denominations of coins would feature Francisco Morazán Quesada, who was a former President of the now defunct Federal States of Central America, and still a national hero in Honduras.
Galveston Bay
29-07-2006, 00:38
acceptable justification as far as I am concerned
29-07-2006, 01:26
OOC: whatev
IC: 1965: Princesses Anastasia and Marie Christine make a tour to the Middle East on behalf of their older sister. Upon their stop in Jerusalem, King Hussein, recently divorced of his first wife (who later married crazies in Yemen) meets the two sisters and immediately falls in love with Anastasia. Marie Christine, a rabid women's right's advocate abhors the place, but Ana and Hussein's correspondance continues throughout the Twilight Period, with Anastasia making many stops to the Middle East.
29-07-2006, 09:53
OOC: wasn't there a union of these countries before? A long time ago, when Mexico had an Emperor, but the union collapsed after the Emperor was couped.
29-07-2006, 09:59
OOC: wasn't there a union of these countries before? A long time ago, when Mexico had an Emperor, but the union collapsed after the Emperor was couped.
The Union never involved Mexico, it was an attempt to form a United Central America below Mexico, and like all South American attempts in the 1800s to build super states it failed utterly, four times I believe.
The Arab Federation approaches Basra and Kuwait about an Islamic-based alliance while intellegenice agents are used to find out the possiblity of them joining the Arab Federation. Similar motions are also made towards Egypt and alliance offers are made towards Syria, North Africa nations the Horn of Africa nations (minus of course Ethipopia which is Christian).
Galveston Bay
30-07-2006, 05:06
The Arab Federation approaches Basra and Kuwait about an Islamic-based alliance while intellegenice agents are used to find out the possiblity of them joining the Arab Federation. Similar motions are also made towards Egypt and alliance offers are made towards Syria, North Africa nations the Horn of Africa nations (minus of course Ethipopia which is Christian).
Basra indicates no interest, as the Shiite controlled government (which are 90% of the population of this nation) are interested in closer ties with the UIR. Kuwait continues it firm indepedence and invites the British to establish an airbase in their country. No contact with the Egyptian government has occured since the destruction of that country in January 1964. Syria is willing to talk, while Algeria and Morocco have their own issues at this time.
Meanwhile, fighting in the Sudan continues, while Ethopians are dying by the hundreds of thousands by the end of 1964 due to famine. This famine continues and worsens during the entire Twilight period.
Nigeria openly pledges famine relief to Ethiopia by 1970.
More secretly, FID agents began contacting the southern Sudanese about providing equipmetn and money to their cause.
Nigeria also offers two infantry divisions and an HQ to Chad to help secure their border against any fighting that might spill over from Sudan.
30-07-2006, 06:47
Germany quietly offers to build an Air/Army base in Kuwait, if the British are occupied elsewhere.
30-07-2006, 21:04
The UIR will provide food for Ethiopia, Northern Sudan, and any other African nation that is short
Could someone fill me in on exactly what's going on in Africa at the moment?
30-07-2006, 21:18
Could someone fill me in on exactly what's going on in Africa at the moment?
Basically, Ethiopia, Northern Sudan are starving, Kenya's just getting by, Sudan's in a civil war, Nigeria has taken over Cameroon
Basically, Ethiopia, Northern Sudan are starving, Kenya's just getting by, Sudan's in a civil war, Nigeria has taken over Cameroon
Did South Africa do anything about any of this while I was away?
30-07-2006, 21:38
Did South Africa do anything about any of this while I was away?
not to my knowledge
31-07-2006, 00:11
Could someone fill me in on exactly what's going on in Africa at the moment?
Nigeria funded a coup in Cameroon that succeeded and then annexed that nation.
Egypt got annihilated, literally, Egypt no longer exists.
Sudan is in the middle of a bloody civil war which might spill over into neighboring nations. Ethiopia is also about to fall apart, 8 million people are suffering famine, hundreds of thousands dead. Morroco barely held together fighting a low-intensity insurgency in Mauritania and W Sahara.
Think thats it.
31-07-2006, 13:50
The Union never involved Mexico, it was an attempt to form a United Central America below Mexico, and like all South American attempts in the 1800s to build super states it failed utterly, four times I believe.
No, he was right. There was a Mexican Empire before. And as Costa Rica's not involved, I have more chance at success.
Galveston Bay
04-08-2006, 08:03
events during the Twilight Years
Tibet continues to push for international recognition of its independence.
Mongolians begin to look for a future away from China as well.
a horrific famine kills hundreds of thousands in Ethoipia, mostly unnoticed by the war.
Sudan is split by a civil war, and fighting spills over into Chad and then Ethoipia
Morocco successfully suppresses an insurgency in Mauretania.
Galveston Bay
06-08-2006, 06:10
Bhutan, Nepal and Kashgaria (ooc if Koryan is going to be Japan, he can't be Kashgaria) indicate they are interested in economic ties only with the latest incarnation of an Asian alliance.
Bhutan, Nepal, Kashgaria and Tibet begin economic talks amongst themselves, along with Kashmir, and all five nations approach India regarding establishing a neutrality alliance in order to opt out of the Great Power game that led to the Twilight War.
Malaysia and Indonesia enter into talks regarding establishing a mutual defense pact as well as trade pact. They too are uninterested in closer ties with China or Indochina.
Lesser Ribena
06-08-2006, 10:40
Britain petitions the UN to supply a peacekeeping and humanitarian force for East Africa. If necessary Britain is willing to supply the core troops required for the operation but UN support is desired.
events during the Twilight Years
Tibet continues to push for international recognition of its independence.
Mongolians begin to look for a future away from China as well.
a horrific famine kills hundreds of thousands in Ethoipia, mostly unnoticed by the war.
Sudan is split by a civil war, and fighting spills over into Chad and then Ethoipia
Morocco successfully suppresses an insurgency in Mauretania.
Tibet will have more luck than Mongolia, considering there's no Dalai Lama in Mongolia.
06-08-2006, 12:40
Bhutan, Nepal, Kashgaria and Tibet begin economic talks amongst themselves, along with Kashmir, and all five nations approach India regarding establishing a neutrality alliance in order to opt out of the Great Power game that led to the Twilight War.
The Indian Government is very enthusiastic about the idea of a "neutrality alliance" composed of the various non-aligned powers of Southwest Asia that wish to avoid future escapades of brinkmanship, destruction, and death. Talks immediately begin with the Governments of Bhutan, Nepal, and Kashmir on the subject of the proposed "neutrality alliance".
However, India avoids direct talks with both Tibet and Kashgaria, and proceeds to discretely ask the Chinese Government how it feels about both nations, in particular Tibet, which after the Twilight War declared its independence from China (and which India has yet to recognize as independent). India privately makes it very clear it regards both Tibet and Kashgaria to be within China's exclusive sphere of influence.
In unofficial meetings Kashgarian officials are regarded somewhat coldly, and are asked to explain (and retract) certain past statements (http://forums.jolt.co.uk/showpost.php?p=11451923&postcount=60) if their nation ever wants to have real substantive diplomatic relations with the Indian Republic.
Lesser Ribena
06-08-2006, 13:25
Britain accepts the Kuwaiti offer of an airbase in their territory. A unit of medium range bombers will be stationed there, perhaps alongside escort fighters.
Bhutan, Nepal and Kashgaria (ooc if Koryan is going to be Japan, he can't be Kashgaria) indicate they are interested in economic ties only with the latest incarnation of an Asian alliance.
Bhutan, Nepal, Kashgaria and Tibet begin economic talks amongst themselves, along with Kashmir, and all five nations approach India regarding establishing a neutrality alliance in order to opt out of the Great Power game that led to the Twilight War.
Malaysia and Indonesia enter into talks regarding establishing a mutual defense pact as well as trade pact. They too are uninterested in closer ties with China or Indochina.
Malyasia and Indonesia have a mutual defense pact and trade pact that also includes Australasia and the Philippines as of right before the Twilight War. Is this separate from that? Cause if so, the Australians arent going to be real happy about being shut out...
South Africa begins to assemble a humanitarian force to oversee aid distribution in East Africa, and makes preparations to dispatch a peacekeeping force to Sudan in order to bring the North and South to the negotiation table.
Other African governments are informed of this as well.
The Lightning Star
06-08-2006, 19:11
I have an Idea: How about, if the UIR collapses, the parts of it that used to be part of the CAR join Kashgaria and create Turkestan? I mean, they're all ethnically similar (at least more similar than the CAR is to the Iranians and Afghanis and Pakistan), and its economically viable, too.
Galveston Bay
06-08-2006, 19:13
Malyasia and Indonesia have a mutual defense pact and trade pact that also includes Australasia and the Philippines as of right before the Twilight War. Is this separate from that? Cause if so, the Australians arent going to be real happy about being shut out...
they are willing to include Australia, but less willing to include the Philippines as it is viewed as too tied to the Indochinese and Chinese
The Lightning Star
06-08-2006, 19:23
Another thing; I see that nothing is happening in Baluchistan, when in Real Life the baloch are constantly rebelling against the Pakistanis and Iranians.
they are willing to include Australia, but less willing to include the Philippines as it is viewed as too tied to the Indochinese and Chinese
ooc: I would certainly hope they would be willing, since I have poured upwards of 40 points into both nations by now to assure they remain friendly (secret of course).
But i reiterate, there is already such a treaty that includes the Philippines. I'm not sure why there needs to be a second one. It was signed in the aftermath of China and Indochina being destroyed, before it was known how fast they would recover. Filipino ties to those nations were played down.
However, I'm not completely sure if we ever got mod approval for this treaty, so if it never should have happened, please post notice here.
06-08-2006, 22:23
Germany informs the UN, British and Commonwealth groups that it is more than willing to send Imperial Guard Paratroopers (2), their Transport Planes and 2 Cargo Helicopters for assistance.
Germany also requests (again) that it be given a Mandate over Egypt, so that it can help rebuild the once great nation.
The Indian Government is very enthusiastic about the idea of a "neutrality alliance" composed of the various non-aligned powers of Southwest Asia that wish to avoid future escapades of brinkmanship, destruction, and death. Talks immediately begin with the Governments of Bhutan, Nepal, and Kashmir on the subject of the proposed "neutrality alliance".
However, India avoids direct talks with both Tibet and Kashgaria, and proceeds to discretely ask the Chinese Government how it feels about both nations, in particular Tibet, which after the Twilight War declared its independence from China (and which India has yet to recognize as independent). India privately makes it very clear it regards both Tibet and Kashgaria to be within China's exclusive sphere of influence.
In unofficial meetings Kashgarian officials are regarded somewhat coldly, and are asked to explain (and retract) certain past statements (http://forums.jolt.co.uk/showpost.php?p=11451923&postcount=60) if their nation ever wants to have real substantive diplomatic relations with the Indian Republic.
China discreetly returns a response to India.
"We do have substantial interests and objectives concerning Tibet, but we are waiting to see what Tibet does in the meantime. If Tibet acts aganist China, then China can fall like a wall of bricks upon Tibet without question.
As for Kashgaria, they are formerly Chinese, and they are rightfully Chinese as it has been for hundreds of years. Their independence was only guanatreed because of the despicable Soviets of the former Union, and it is time for the Kashgarians to see the errors of their ways."
06-08-2006, 23:24
China discreetly returns a response to India.
"We do have substantial interests and objectives concerning Tibet, but we are waiting to see what Tibet does in the meantime. If Tibet acts aganist China, then China can fall like a wall of bricks upon Tibet without question."
India discreetly, politely, and humbly asks if China has any objections to Tibet joining the proposed "neutral alliance".
"As for Kashgaria, they are formerly Chinese, and they are rightfully Chinese as it has been for hundreds of years. Their independence was only guanatreed because of the despicable Soviets of the former Union, and it is time for the Kashgarians to see the errors of their ways."
"Yes, the Kashgarians are troublesome and in error, the Indian Republic will not engage their regime in talks and leave them to China to deal with as it sees fit."
India discreetly, politely, and humbly asks if China has any objections to Tibet joining the proposed "neutral alliance".
China responds to India.
"One major Chinese concern is that Tibetians might take action aganist China, which would effectively mean that China will have no choice but take action aganist Tibet. This means if Tibet is in a "neutral alliance", it may drag the other non-involved parties of Bhutan and Nepal into the conflict. China does not wish to see Bhutanese and Nepalans suffer for any Tibetian actions."
Galveston Bay
06-08-2006, 23:30
ooc: I would certainly hope they would be willing, since I have poured upwards of 40 points into both nations by now to assure they remain friendly (secret of course).
But i reiterate, there is already such a treaty that includes the Philippines. I'm not sure why there needs to be a second one. It was signed in the aftermath of China and Indochina being destroyed, before it was known how fast they would recover. Filipino ties to those nations were played down.
However, I'm not completely sure if we ever got mod approval for this treaty, so if it never should have happened, please post notice here.
they essentially want to get rid of the Filipino participation in this and want the Australians to pull away from the Filipinos, Chinese and Koreans
07-08-2006, 00:10
China responds to India.
"One major Chinese concern is that Tibetians might take action aganist China, which would effectively mean that China will have no choice but take action aganist Tibet. This means if Tibet is in a "neutral alliance", it may drag the other non-involved parties of Bhutan and Nepal into the conflict. China does not wish to see Bhutanese and Nepalans suffer for any Tibetian actions."
The Indian Republic informs China that it understands its concerns completely.
Bhutan, Nepal, Kashgaria and Tibet begin economic talks amongst themselves, along with Kashmir, and all five nations approach India regarding establishing a neutrality alliance in order to opt out of the Great Power game that led to the Twilight War.
The Indian severs relations with Kashgaria do to past statements (http://forums.jolt.co.uk/showpost.php?p=11451923&postcount=60) and makes it very clear to Bhutan, Nepal, and Kashmir that it is a bad idea to associate with that rogue state.
Tibet meanwhile is politely informed that they cannot be included in any proposed "Neutrality Alliance" owing to long standing disputes with China that would have to be addressed and resolved before its participation could be allowed.
India continues along with talks concerning a "Neutrality Alliance" and greater cooperation between India, Bhutan, Nepal, and Kashmir. It proposes the Indian Subcontinent Neutrality and Trade Pact, a mutual defense treaty and trade agreement between the respective non-aligned states of the subcontinent.
In 1966 and 1967, the SADF prepositioned a significant amount of military equipment in Oman, so that the Republic would be able to support its Omani and Western Arabian allies in the Middle East. In 1970, in response to concerns over rebellion in the eastern marches of the United Islamic Republic, and the increasingly pan-Arabic rhetoric of the Arab Federation, the Republic of South Africa has deemed necessary the construction of an airbase in Oman. South Africa wishes to make it clear that the Republic always supports its allies the world over.
One mechanized division, one elite group, and one unit of Kfir (Cheetah) fighters.
Secret IC:
The Hormuz Airbase contains prepositioned equipment for 3 mechanize divisions, 1 armored division, 1 HQ, plus ammunition and spares for 6 months of combat in Oman, in addition to facilities for one South Africa's submarines, the Voortrekker (SSN).
Galveston Bay
07-08-2006, 07:29
December 1969 Mobutu Sese Seko becomes President of the Republic of Congo, which gains its full independence from Belgium but retains a military alliance with it, as well as close ties with Dixie and Texas. Patrice Lumumba is elected as Speaker of the House of Deputies (the legislative branch representing the various tribes) while Albert Kalonji.becomes Chairman of the Chamber of Deputies (legislative branch representing the proviences)
Congo approaches South Africa about improving ties, and also forms an alliance with Liberia.
The Legislatures and President Mobutu rename the cities as follows:
* Léopoldville became Kinshasa
* Stanleyville became Kisangani
* Elisabethville became Lubumbashi
* Jadotville became Likasi
* Albertville became Kalemie
Mobotu also invites the leaders of all African nations to a meeting at Kinshasha with the goal of forming the Organization of African Unity, a pro African trade and political alliance aimed at keeping the other nations of the world from returning to the bad old days of imperialsim in Africa.
proposed goals are here
Lesser Ribena
07-08-2006, 11:39
Britain accepts the German offer of aid and begins to move forces into East Africa to stabilise it.
The following troops move into the region:
British Expeditionary Force (BEF)
1 HQ unit
1 elite marine light infantry brigade
1 elite paratroop brigade
1 elite alpine brigade
1 handpicked airborne brigade
Army Air Support
3 helicopters (transports) and pilots
3 helicopters (cargo) and pilots
3 helicopters (gunships) and pilots
A flak group is seconded from the strategic reserve of regular army troops and 3 mechanised divisions are readied to follow the BEF as soon as possible. A HQ groups is to also follow.
Their role is to put down violence and restore peace in the area alongside troops from the FSEA, German forces and South Africa. The helicoptors and HQ are to provide humanitarian relief to the population. British troops will only be involved in the Sudan and FSEA, Ethiopia being seen to lie within the Italian sphere fo influence and responsibility. Italian troops are requested for that area.
The UN is informed and it is noted that this move is due only to the lack of action seen from the worldwide body and that the Commonwealth and it's allies have been forced to act where the UN has failed.
South Africa is glad to work on achieving closer ties with the former Belgian Congo, and will send a delegation to the OAU conference in Kinshasha.
In conjunction with British and German forces, the South Africans move the following into the area:
South African Expeditionary Force:
1 Elite Marine Brigade
1 Elite Mechanized Infantry Division
1 C130 Wing
3 Attack Helicopter Units
1 HQ Unit
2 Transport Helicopter Units
1 Elite Parachute Brigade
2 Cargo Helicopter Units
8 Elite Pilots
South African Aid:
2 food points, more to be allocated in 1971
Combat forces are, obviously, sent to put down violence and work in conjunction with allied forces. Helicopters and HQ are to organize and distribute food and medical supplies. South African forces are prepared to serve in occupation duty in Sudan until a solution is found to the problems giving rise to civil; South Africa will, however, yield to an international force if so desired by the world community.
On the political front, South Africa requests that the FSEA be given at least titular command of the overall operation in East Africa and Sudan, as it is their country and neighbor, respectively.
Lesser Ribena
07-08-2006, 17:40
Britain accepts the need for FSEA control of the operation and instructs the British BEF commander, Lieutenant-General Edwin Bramall, to take strategic orders from the FSEA commander to to retain local control over British forces.
07-08-2006, 19:06
The EEC congratulates the Congo on achieving it's independance and informs them that should they desire economic assistance or any other form of aid that Belgium and the entire EEC is ready and willing to assist the Congo on the path to Glory!
The German Imperial Guard Colonel, hearing the wishes of the political leaders, follows the South Afrikan and British leads and begins taking orders from the FSEA commander.
07-08-2006, 19:34
1970: EEC officials meet in Bern to begin talks with the Swiss about entering the EEC, at least as a secondary member. The economic benefits are explained in great detail and technological benefits are also made clear. The officials also travel to Zurich and set up Bank accounts there.
The Officials also travel to Azerbaijian and Armenia and begin talks there regarding EEC membership for those nations.
Nigeria will also send representatives to the OAU meeting.
It alo pledges it's HQ and a light division to Ethiopia to help with the distribution of the 20 food points being shipped in.
07-08-2006, 21:17
OOC: IMportant, LR and Malkyer, what year is this aid coming in? 70?
OOC: IMportant, LR and Malkyer, what year is this aid coming in? 70?
OOC: 1970...more aid from South Africa (in the form of money and possibly money) will come in '71 too, but I can't speak for Britain.
07-08-2006, 22:04
The German Middle Eastern Command approaches Yemen and Oman about the possibility of Germany setting up vital bases.
Oman is requested to allow Germany to station a fighter Unit and an Infantry Division in Muscat that would allow Germany to keep an Anchorage in that vital Harbor.
In Yemen, Fieldmarschall Rommel approaches the Yemen government there about the posibility of placing large forces in Yemen and Socotra. Requests are made to place:
-Aden: Anchorage for the High Seas Fleet when it makes its tour. 1 Prepositioned Armored Corps, 1 Flak Brigade, 1 Fighter Unit.
-Socotra: 1 Fighter Unit, 1 Harrier, 1 Tornado Interceptor, and 1 Aztec Fighter, as well as 1 Flak Brigade and 1 Infantry Division, and Port for the Middle Eastern Fleet.
Germany offers Yemen cash incentives and a guarentee that Yemen's independance will be ensured by German Forces.
Germany also announces that South Afrika and Germany will begin coordinating forces. South Afrika has sent a staff detatchment to Jerusalem to work closely with the Middle Eastern Theatre High Command forces there. Also, South Afrika has agreed to let Germany station a Fighter unit, an Imperial Guard Brigade and a Transport Helicopter in the Hormuz Air Base.
Galveston Bay
07-08-2006, 23:47
Parthini']The German Middle Eastern Command approaches Yemen and Oman about the possibility of Germany setting up vital bases.
Oman is requested to allow Germany to station a fighter Unit and an Infantry Division in Muscat that would allow Germany to keep an Anchorage in that vital Harbor.
In Yemen, Fieldmarschall Rommel approaches the Yemen government there about the posibility of placing large forces in Yemen and Socotra. Requests are made to place:
-Aden: Anchorage for the High Seas Fleet when it makes its tour. 1 Prepositioned Armored Corps, 1 Flak Brigade, 1 Fighter Unit.
-Socotra: 1 Fighter Unit, 1 Harrier, 1 Tornado Interceptor, and 1 Aztec Fighter, as well as 1 Flak Brigade and 1 Infantry Division, and Port for the Middle Eastern Fleet.
Germany offers Yemen cash incentives and a guarentee that Yemen's independance will be ensured by German Forces.
Germany also announces that South Afrika and Germany will begin coordinating forces. South Afrika has sent a staff detatchment to Jerusalem to work closely with the Middle Eastern Theatre High Command forces there. Also, South Afrika has agreed to let Germany station a Fighter unit, an Imperial Guard Brigade and a Transport Helicopter in the Hormuz Air Base.
Yemen accepts, while the Omanis decide to consult with South Africa
08-08-2006, 02:37
OOC: 1970...more aid from South Africa (in the form of money and possibly money) will come in '71 too, but I can't speak for Britain.
OOC: So its to late to stop Ethiopia from collapsing basically. Famine started in 64, 8 million didn't have food that year millions more on rations. 100,000 troops disbanded as well.
OOC: So its to late to stop Ethiopia from collapsing basically. Famine started in 64, 8 million didn't have food that year millions more on rations. 100,000 troops disbanded as well.
OOC: Nigeria is sending a bunch of food to Ethiopia...I'm not sure the exact amount but it should be enough to feed them.
Yemen accepts, while the Omanis decide to consult with South Africa
South Africa suggests that the Omanis allow the Germans to station their troops at Şűr, so that the Germans have access to a port near the Persian Gulf, and the Omanis do not have a large foreign military presence just outside their capital.
Lesser Ribena
08-08-2006, 08:54
OOC: British aid arriving in 70.
IC: British CIC Middle East is informed to work alongside the German and South African units in the area (British air units are stationed at Kuwait). The allied nations are informed that Britain is ready to scale up her involvement in the Middle East with greater allocation of manpower and equipment to support the allies in that area.
08-08-2006, 09:40
The Indochinese Airforce Informs the Scandic Union that their are cancelling their order for Saab Viggen fighters. This is due to a better off arising closer to home.
The Indochinese apologise greatly for this.
08-08-2006, 17:46
OOC: May I suggest that players slow down in E Africa till the results of what happened 64-70 when the aid arrives are posted so a clear picture of the situation is present.
Galveston Bay
08-08-2006, 17:53
South Africa suggests that the Omanis allow the Germans to station their troops at Şűr, so that the Germans have access to a port near the Persian Gulf, and the Omanis do not have a large foreign military presence just outside their capital.
Oman agrees to the South African and German proposal
08-08-2006, 18:00
Columbia is anouncing the formation of the(Don't have a name yet...) which is to be an economic and defense treaty based around the Pacific. The nations of Australia, Columbia and the FNS have already agreed to this treaty, while invitations are extended to the Japanese and Indonesians. Plans to expand to include the Philipines and perhaps Russia and Malaysia are also made.
08-08-2006, 18:09
As long as it does not superscede the SOuth Sea's Alliance between Malaysia, the Philippines, Indonesia, and Australasia; then the UIP sees no problem with this. (When it's offered.) And actually commend Columbia for reaching out to other nations despite earlier disputes. (The India fiasco makes old angers at the former United States kinda secondary.)
Galveston Bay
08-08-2006, 18:32
As long as it does not superscede the SOuth Sea's Alliance between Malaysia, the Philippines, Indonesia, and Australasia; then the UIP sees no problem with this. (When it's offered.) And actually commend Columbia for reaching out to other nations despite earlier disputes. (The India fiasco makes old angers at the former United States kinda secondary.)
Malaysia and Indonesia have formerly requested that the Philippines no longer be allied with Australasia as a condition to remaining allied with Australasia as Filipino ties with China and Indochina are viewed with considerable suspecion.
Mainly because neither nation wants to get drawn into a war because of Chinese, Filipino or Indonesian actions, which they tend to view as incautious at best.
08-08-2006, 18:36
(UHHH ok ok now I got a problem here. Indonesia and Malaysia may have been at little risk, but the Philippines has sent protection fleets to help them out in case of an emergency. And it was the SOuth Seas Alliance that helped their economies recover. Truthfully GB I have seen a pattern of you having every NPC throw it's alliance into the wind if it's allied to the UIP. It's starting to show a pattern. Cause honostly all the NPC's just jump the gun and automatically throw me out. THey would talk first instead of starting to demand things. Suspicion doesn't lead to automatically ending an Alliance.)