New, Improved, and Enhanced Earth III - Page 2
13-12-2004, 21:22
I ask you to recognize my claim of Jan Mayen Island. The invasion is found here:
14-12-2004, 00:17
I now have the pop to claim New Mexico
14-12-2004, 02:36
I've approved your claim Kopparbergs
14-12-2004, 02:43
Ugh hello?! What about the rest of my claims in Iraq and Iran. I RPed it out. I havent even been declined, just completly ignored!
14-12-2004, 03:29
OK unresloved claims are as follows:
Eriopia - Laos, East Russia and Israel
Lachenburg - Liechtenstein
West Pacific - Dakota's, Minnesota, and Nebraska
I guess this will legitimize my claim:
Hope that works.
I am a 207 million population nation and would like to claim either Japan or a very small portion of southern China if the areas are not already taken.
14-12-2004, 03:56
my RP is finished. Iraq and Iran belong to me now.
14-12-2004, 08:24
Ok, Lachenburg, you didn't need to make an RP for your inital claim - I only put that there, so that Sharina could post it up. Either way, your approved.
Chinlanikistan, I've put my seal of approval on there for you.
Aquix, I have Japan. I'm not sure if you can take parts of China - you'll ahve to wait until Sharina gets back.
14-12-2004, 23:07
Can i claim New Mexico yet? 128 Million Pop.
Can i claim New Mexico yet? 128 Million Pop.
Sorry. New Mexico is already taken by me if you read the claims thread. I am also still waiting for Whittier to respond regarding his west seaboard claims such as California, Arizona, Oregon, etc.
I will update the RP's and new claims by tomorrow as I don't have time tonight to do changes or RP'ing. I just came on to check on a few ongoing RP's and Earth III stuff.
I'm off for the night (I might be back on later tonight but to check more RP's).
16-12-2004, 03:40
Kzuu Mai
16-12-2004, 21:56
I was just wondering if you'd decided to accept or reject my claim yet?
19-12-2004, 19:21
19-12-2004, 22:30
We are still open to plenty of claims.
20-12-2004, 01:11
Is China a Medium Claim? If so id like that.
If not can i claim Northern Ireland, Denmark and Scotland?
20-12-2004, 02:34
Golencia, China is a large claim (I believe) so your other claims would have preference. Could you please post your population size please.
20-12-2004, 02:35
159 Million. And ill stick with the other claims
20-12-2004, 02:42
Thats fine.
20-12-2004, 02:46
when should i start the RP?
A Few Rich People
20-12-2004, 02:49
East Australia captured:
Malaysia soon to be invaded (same thread)
Sri Lanka, please. (if someone's already tken it, sorry). I have a 7 mill. pop and Sri Lanka is a small claim, sooo.......
I've got it. Can I invade someone else?
20-12-2004, 02:58
You guys can start an RP at any time.
20-12-2004, 03:04
So i start it and form there is when i get an approval?
20-12-2004, 03:49
20-12-2004, 04:10
yo B just waiting for yoU to answer Me Please!
20-12-2004, 04:54
Claims update:
These first claims have been approved, but Sharina has for various reasons not placed them on the first post. If any of the other mods or even Sharina has a problem with any of these, they we retain the right to disallow them - however they should be fine.
Eriopia - Laos, East Russia and Israel
Lachenburg - Liechtenstein
West Pacific - Dakota's, Minnesota, and Nebraska
Kzuu Mai - Somalia, Ethiopia, Eritrea and Djibouti
Yafor 2 - Sri Lanka
Chinlanikistan - takeover of Iraq & Iran
Kzuu Mai, I didn't give you Kenya, because of your small post count. The others are fairly quietish places - I've only heard of Somalia and Ethiopia.
These next claims haven't yet been authorised - I myself approve them, however another mod, or Sharina will need to also approve them to make them official.
Procco - Mongolia
Golencia - Northern Ireland, Denmark and Scotland
A Few Rich People - takeover of E. Australia
This is mainly an update for Sharina and the other mods, but its also there for you guys to tell whoose be approved etc.
20-12-2004, 05:23
OK Sorry to keep making annoying posts, but will i NEED To RP these? Im good with it either way. Or does RPing only need to be done if i were to claim something else?
Concerning Golencia's claim to Northern Ireland:
When I requested my claim, I said the Irish Isles (as in the island as a whole). The island is one; dot divided into North and South.
Kzuu Mai
20-12-2004, 19:29
Do I need to RP my claim of these countries, or does it just happen?
Im Chinlanikistan
For some odd reason, my forums account and NS account are both gone.
20-12-2004, 22:24
ugh just change the claims from Chinlanikistan to Chinlanikistan2
20-12-2004, 23:17
Ireland is part of the British Isles.
Now were you even large enough to make 2 small claims at the time? If not then thats probally why you were put down just for Ireland. Northern Ireland is going to be ours. We have rightfully staked a claim in it.
20-12-2004, 23:29
Here is an updated map of Africa to include Kzuu Mai's Claim. If their is anyone who has a claim in Africa but is currently not on the map, please contact me here or via telegram.
I reiterate: When I claimed Ireland, I claimed it as a whole. Ireland is the entire island. Had I wanted to just claim the southern part, I would have said "I claim the Republic of Ireland." Had I wanted the northern part, I would have said "I claim Northern Ireland." But, I didn't. I claimed Ireland as a whole.
And yes, I was large enough to make two small claims. I had a population of, I believe, 8-10 million.
21-12-2004, 00:00
In all fairness Risban did specify The Irish Isle. Perhaps you two could settle this over some telegrams?
I am back, and I finally have some free time to post and fix up stuff here at NS.
I'll take a look at all the listed RP's and the claims, then update the list. I'm doing that right now, so fear not! :)
Modern Atlantis
21-12-2004, 00:05
this is my older older older nation, Chinlanikistan, since i have found out my nation Will NOT be restored, ill take this one. Put Iran and Iraq back up for grabs, and ill take Sicily in the mediterranean
21-12-2004, 00:06
Sorry, but I already claim Sicily, and also Malta.
Modern Atlantis
21-12-2004, 00:15
damnit mofo, fine....
Cretes taken too...
Just give me the largest island in the Mediterranean that isnt taken!
Olympia State
21-12-2004, 00:31
Can I claim Washington, Oregan, Idaho and British Columbia?
RP's approved / denied:
Blacktower's annexation of Sardinia: Undecided*
Taldaan's taking of Indonesia: Approved.
New Empire takes South Africa: Approved.
Kopparberg's "The Jan Mayen exhibition": Approved.
Juosh's takeover of Alaska and Yukon: Denied**
Hrstrovokia conquest of Crete: Approved***
Hrstrovokia Istanbul Purchase: Approved.
Hrstrovokia Civil Unrest: Approved.
Phoenixius asslimation of South Korea: Approved.
Phoenixius conquest of Taiwan and Ostrov Sakhalin: Approved.
Chinlanikistan Thoughts of the President: Approved.
Chinlanikistan Beginnings of a War: Approved.
* = I need to have Blacktower respond, or improve his RP'ing there. Or it will be denied.
** = 2 post RP. It doesn't cut it, conquering such a vast stretch of land. If he continues to RP, then I might consider approval, otherwise, nope.
*** = I want this RP to continue. Whoever wins the war gains Crete.
All other Approved RP's, please let me know if they are completed or still ongoing. If it is still ongoing, please continue the RP'ing. :)
Now I'll work on individual new claims. Give me 10 - 30 more mins.
Eriopia - Laos, East Russia and Israel
Laos and Israel are approved. Not sure about East Russia as I think someone is already claiming East Russia. Need time to sort that one out.
Lachenburg - Liechtenstein
West Pacific - Dakota's, Minnesota, and Nebraska
Approval pending discussion with the other mods.
Kzuu Mai - Somalia, Ethiopia, Eritrea and Djibouti
Please do some RP'ing for this, then I can approve (only because of low post count).
Yafor 2 - Sri Lanka
Chinlanikistan - takeover of Iraq & Iran
Approved, as I already approved your RP in previous post.
Procco - Mongolia
Approved. Mongolia is a backwards nation, but with considerable assets like mountains and resources.
Golencia - Northern Ireland, Denmark and Scotland
Ireland is taken by Risban, but Denmark and Scotland should be fine. These two are approved.
A Few Rich People - takeover of E. Australia
21-12-2004, 02:02
Hey Sharina, byt two RP's are still going on at the moment.
Modern Atlantis
21-12-2004, 02:09
Sharina i am Chinlanikistan.
My nation was erased, look for yourself
put Iran and Iraq back into the general pool, and give me the largest island in the mediterranean that isnt taken, i would prefer Sicily.
Claims and RP's have been updated.
If I missed anything else, please let me know!
Sharina i am Chinlanikistan.
My nation was erased, look for yourself
put Iran and Iraq back into the general pool, and give me the largest island in the mediterranean that isnt taken, i would prefer Sicily.
Are you sure you don't want Iran and Iraq? You can keep them.
Why cannot Chinlankistan nation be resurrected? You can have mod's do that.
21-12-2004, 02:19
Uh, Sharina, I've taken Ostrov Sakhalin, the small thin island above Japan. The RP was both Taiwan and Ostrov Sakhalin, but eternal-dragons is being a pain (lol), so its just that island so far I've captured.
Uh, Sharina, I've taken Ostrov Sakhalin, the small thin island above Japan. The RP was both Taiwan and Ostrov Sakhalin, but eternal-dragons is being a pain (lol), so its just that island so far I've captured.
Ah okay, I'll update it. You can massacre Eternal Dragons easily. :p
21-12-2004, 02:28
Yeah I know - AFRP and I are planning some sort of treaty on them when we win, like that of the USA on Japan after WWII or the Allies on Germany after WWI.
Modern Atlantis
21-12-2004, 02:37
nope i asked the mods they said no because i flamed some noob who was godmoding, and now they deleted my nation.
The countrys that my nation is set in are taken
Witzgall, can i have italy please???? You really dont need Germany, france, adn italy, thats kinda way to big........Sicily is taken..damn.....
21-12-2004, 02:46
Sharina, Witzgall and I have just finished the 'Message in a bottle' RP - could you change its status in your second post? Thanks.
nope i asked the mods they said no because i flamed some noob who was godmoding, and now they deleted my nation.
The countrys that my nation is set in are taken
Witzgall, can i have italy please???? You really dont need Germany, france, adn italy, thats kinda way to big........Sicily is taken..damn.....
Wait a minute. You still own Iran and Iraq, so you can still have them. They aren't taken by anyone else if thats what you're worried about.
Sharina, Witzgall and I have just finished the 'Message in a bottle' RP - could you change its status in your second post? Thanks.
I appear to have lost the link to that RP. Could you repost the link so I can put it back up?
Modern Atlantis
21-12-2004, 03:32
Leave Iran and Iraq under Chinlanikistan, This nation has 325 million people, I would like to claim California, Oregon, Washington, and Hawaii.
21-12-2004, 03:54
Could someone please update the map to show more recent claims.
Modern Atlantis
21-12-2004, 04:16
Check dat out.
Communist Brazil
21-12-2004, 04:20
Becoming a member of Earth III, Communist Brazil would like to gain ownership of Brazil, but seeing as it is large claim, we would like to claim the southern half of Brazil.
21-12-2004, 04:30
Korinthos, is the map guy - nice to see you back by the way. Could you modify the Asia map to include the thin island above Japan as mine.
Sharina, link here:
21-12-2004, 04:48
Claims and RP's have been updated.
If I missed anything else, please let me know!
You haven't added the Jan Mayen Island to Kopparbergs' claims.
Nice to have you back Sharina! Keep up the good work!
21-12-2004, 05:33
I've updated the Asia map, and an update to the Europe map will soon follow. The map can be located below, and again if you have a claim in Asia that is not on the map please tell me so that I can update it.
I've conquered the Maldives.
21-12-2004, 18:26
Since Northern Ireland is taken, we ask for South Korea
I've got a couple of questions;
1)I used to have Yafor which had a pop of about 670 million. However, I couldn't RP with it(problem with my e-mail address) so I made this nation. Part of my bio for this nation was that it conquered my old nation. Can I have a pop that big?
2)Can I RP conquering southern India?
Kzuu Mai
21-12-2004, 19:52
Kzuu Mai - Somalia, Ethiopia, Eritrea and Djibouti
Please do some RP'ing for this, then I can approve (only because of low post count).
OK, I'll try, but I'm new to RP'ing, as you can obviously tell. Is there anyone there at the moment for me to fight or invade? (sorry if this is a daft question!)
Risban has colonized and annexed Tunisia.
22-12-2004, 02:33
Golencia, I wouldn't take S. Korea if I were you - eternal-dragons and I are currently in a war over it. Sorry.
And Kzuu Mai, all you'd be RPing would be the current government/dictatorship/whatever, fighting back against your forces. Generally you'd get someone to RP with you as the current government there, and then you RP an attack on them.
22-12-2004, 02:49
wow, i just noticed. Is Iraq a Small claim?
22-12-2004, 20:52
I've updated the Europe Map to include Lachenburg's claim of Liechenstein and also Golencia's claim of Denmark and Scotland:
If something you see is not right or your claim has not been included, please tell me so that I can fix it.
Modern Atlantis
22-12-2004, 22:31
Since i cannot claim Italy, Greece, or Sicily, where i had planned on setting this nation in.
I Would like California, Washington, Oregon, and Hawaii. Place Iraq and Iran back in the untaken pool, as the mods will not bring back Chinlanikistan (Damnit)
22-12-2004, 23:12
i lay claim to malasyia, awaiting approval
22-12-2004, 23:24
After coming to an agreement with Risban Northern Ireland is mine and i wish to claim Belgium.
After coming to an agreement with Risban Northern Ireland is mine and i wish to claim Belgium.
Yes, Golencia gets Northern Ireland.
((Heh. I suppose ya need to colour in that northern section in Ireland blue now, Korinthos))
22-12-2004, 23:38
Here is the updated map to include Golencia's claim on Northern Ireland:
Green Sun
22-12-2004, 23:39
May I please claim Belgium?
22-12-2004, 23:43
May I please claim Belgium?
i just asked for it
Saint Beuttocillei
22-12-2004, 23:44
I would like to claim the Netherlands, If its alright.
22-12-2004, 23:47
im looking at the map and i see no one is in malasyia(OOC: dont know if the map is current) and since i laid claim to it i moved in my milatary to protect my national intrests but because of my current postion (another earth with my friends and allies from my school)i can only send a Army of 250,000 and a small airforce of 5,000 men and 25 f-35c (navy version) Since i have a nice navy (reason why i picked malasyia) i can send 1 Toyru Class BB, 1 Righiz Class Fleet Carrier, 2 EM-125 Class Fleet Covettes, 10 KA-27 Helicopters the total navy personal sent number 50,000
(OOC: no im not godmodding ive RPED it all,i have it all typed out on a stats sheet so i dont forget anything and will gladly show it to you if you ask)
Saint Beuttocillei
22-12-2004, 23:51
show us.
23-12-2004, 00:00
show us.
rather not go searching through all my documents at the moment to find a few stat sheets but simply look at my nation and my economy and than add on finical aid by east coast federation my milatary is not at all unreasonable the big battleships and carriers were bought of course it would take about a week for my nation to rp a single ship in intirely
Saint Beuttocillei
23-12-2004, 00:14
OCC: Seems legitimate to me. However, lets not try to repeat what happened in that WWII post, since that made you look like an illogical idiot (no offense meant).
23-12-2004, 00:27
OCC: Seems legitimate to me. However, lets not try to repeat what happened in that WWII post, since that made you look like an illogical idiot (no offense meant).
o that, i dont remember seeing you there, and and far as puska goes if he would have simply read he wouldnt have come to those conclusions of his.....his a god modding SOB bring him down for me :rolleyes:
Green Sun
23-12-2004, 00:31
i just asked for it
Aww...Hmm, lesse, what's another place I can claim? Is Sri Lanka and Taiwan open?
23-12-2004, 00:36
Sri Lanka has been claimed already by Yafor 2 (SP?), but Taiwan is still open...
Green Sun
23-12-2004, 00:38
*Puts flag on Taiwan*
23-12-2004, 01:11
This is getting out of hand... Green Sun, the government of Taiwan (which is present however not recognized by Earth III mods (hense no one has claimed it)) will not just hand over there land to you in a snap. Sure their are economic benefits on becoming a protectorate of Green Sun, but no leader in the real world will just hand over their nation like the way you say the Taiwanese government did. Also, not the entire Taiwanese population will be happy with becoming a protectorate of Green Sun and they will most likely rebel. This is also true with Risban in Tunisia because what you two are doing is not legitimate. In the real world, the United States wouldn't suddenly annex and/or claim Cuba and also the Cuban government and population wouldn't accept being a part of the United States happily! It just doesn't make sense!
I believe that in order for someone to succesfully annex a nation/island/region you must have someone else RPing as the nation/island/region you wish to annex. For example, if I wanted to annex Lebanon, I would RP as the Korinthian Government and Military Force and someone else, say Presgrief would RP as the Lebanese Government and Military Force and also for it to become more realistic we'd have say Witzgall Rping as a Lebanese terrorist group against Korinthian occupation of Lebanon.
23-12-2004, 01:15
This is getting out of hand... Green Sun, the government of Taiwan (which is present however not recognized by Earth III mods (hense no one has claimed it)) will not just hand over there land to you in a snap. Sure their are economic benefits on becoming a protectorate of Green Sun, but no leader in the real world will just hand over their nation like the way you say the Taiwanese government did. Also, not the entire Taiwanese population will be happy with becoming a protectorate of Green Sun and they will most likely rebel. This is also true with Risban in Tunisia because what you two are doing is not legitimate. In the real world, the United States wouldn't suddenly annex and/or claim Cuba and also the Cuban government and population wouldn't accept being a part of the United States happily! It just doesn't make sense!
I believe that in order for someone to succesfully annex a nation/island/region you must have someone else RPing as the nation/island/region you wish to annex. For example, if I wanted to annex Lebanon, I would RP as the Korinthian Government and Military Force and someone else, say Presgrief would RP as the Lebanese Government and Military Force and also for it to become more realistic we'd have say Witzgall Rping as a Lebanese terrorist group against Korinthian occupation of Lebanon.
I agree with you 100% but if the US Were to Annex Puerto Rico they would happily accept....however your truly right and well its a bit annoying watching people decide the foriegn people submit to them...especially when they're as small as me or smaller.
This is getting out of hand... Green Sun, the government of Taiwan (which is present however not recognized by Earth III mods (hense no one has claimed it)) will not just hand over there land to you in a snap. Sure their are economic benefits on becoming a protectorate of Green Sun, but no leader in the real world will just hand over their nation like the way you say the Taiwanese government did. Also, not the entire Taiwanese population will be happy with becoming a protectorate of Green Sun and they will most likely rebel. This is also true with Risban in Tunisia because what you two are doing is not legitimate. In the real world, the United States wouldn't suddenly annex and/or claim Cuba and also the Cuban government and population wouldn't accept being a part of the United States happily! It just doesn't make sense!
I believe that in order for someone to succesfully annex a nation/island/region you must have someone else RPing as the nation/island/region you wish to annex. For example, if I wanted to annex Lebanon, I would RP as the Korinthian Government and Military Force and someone else, say Presgrief would RP as the Lebanese Government and Military Force and also for it to become more realistic we'd have say Witzgall Rping as a Lebanese terrorist group against Korinthian occupation of Lebanon.
I have asked someone to play the Tunisian Communist Party (The Tunisian anti-Risban force in Tunisia), but they have yet to respond.
As for the deal itself, I stated that their economy was in ruins and their government was losing power, and that a lot of money traded hands. Basically, Risban bought Tunisia from its government. Then there were the trade/military benefits that were already mentioned. But, I did notice that I needed someone to be opposed to the annexation, so I created the Tunisian Communist Party, which joined with two other Risban rebel factions. I'm playing the leaders of the two rebel factions, but still need someone to command the TSP.
23-12-2004, 02:44
sigh....ive been thinking and ive dicided to simply leave earth 84.1123 (a friends failed attemp at another earth) and divert ALL forces to earth 3 however moving the ALL forces (after asking a ligistics expert (east coast federation, also the one perviding the transport between the words), has told me that this would take 3 days (RT) so the move of my forces will resume and finish up as of 9 pm christmas day ill post my FULL military after this finishes
23-12-2004, 03:58
sigh....ive been thinking and ive dicided to simply leave earth 84.1123 (a friends failed attemp at another earth) and divert ALL forces to earth 3 however moving the ALL forces (after asking a ligistics expert (east coast federation, also the one perviding the transport between the words), has told me that this would take 3 days (RT) so the move of my forces will resume and finish up as of 9 pm christmas day ill post my FULL military after this finishes
*Blink Blink*
So how about that Belgium
Grays Hill
23-12-2004, 04:09
I want Saudia Arabia, Iran, Iraq, and Afghanistan.
23-12-2004, 04:45
I've updated the Europe Map
You're doing a great job with the maps. The maps are really nice. Thank you!
Why are you changeing the URL and filename for each update of the maps? It makes it very hard to know if you're looking at the latest version. It would be much easier if you have i.e. img159.exs.cs/img159/4576/europe.png all the time for Europe, and not changeing the random numbers for every update.
23-12-2004, 04:49
Korinthos if it has anything to do with your host ill host your mpas from now on....
Modern Atlantis
23-12-2004, 05:49
I love being ignored.
Green Sun
23-12-2004, 05:57
This is getting out of hand... Green Sun, the government of Taiwan (which is present however not recognized by Earth III mods (hense no one has claimed it)) will not just hand over there land to you in a snap. Sure their are economic benefits on becoming a protectorate of Green Sun, but no leader in the real world will just hand over their nation like the way you say the Taiwanese government did. Also, not the entire Taiwanese population will be happy with becoming a protectorate of Green Sun and they will most likely rebel. This is also true with Risban in Tunisia because what you two are doing is not legitimate. In the real world, the United States wouldn't suddenly annex and/or claim Cuba and also the Cuban government and population wouldn't accept being a part of the United States happily! It just doesn't make sense!
I believe that in order for someone to succesfully annex a nation/island/region you must have someone else RPing as the nation/island/region you wish to annex. For example, if I wanted to annex Lebanon, I would RP as the Korinthian Government and Military Force and someone else, say Presgrief would RP as the Lebanese Government and Military Force and also for it to become more realistic we'd have say Witzgall Rping as a Lebanese terrorist group against Korinthian occupation of Lebanon.
Can't you people WAIT A DAMN DAY? I'm AWARE what would happen. If you found my thread before I realized it was already being fought over, you'd understand that Taiwan wasn't all that willing. And if it wasn't already taken, I would have found someone to RP with. YOU PEOPLE ARE TOO DAMN IMPATIENT. And this is coming from ME, of ALL people!
I will be gone for a couple of days as I'll be going up to my family's for X-mas and I won't have much time to go over claims and research the newest RP's until after X-mas.
Please be patient, as I can't be expected to do everything all at once. :)
New Stamford
23-12-2004, 08:44
I lay claim to the State of Connecticut, the State of Rhode Island, the Eastern Half of Long Island, and the islands of St. Vincent, St. Lucia, and Martinique (in the caribbean), the Samoa (all of it) as well as well as the Brazilian State of Espiritu Santo.
I lost my old nation, so New Stamford has 7 mil right now.
New Stamford
23-12-2004, 09:13
I see that West Cedarbrookhas already claimed the state of New York, which would conflict with my claim on the Eastern half of Long Island. perhaps we could negotiate something? As for Communist Brazil's claim on the southern half, I have an eye for Minas Gerais, but I am too small to claim it. I guess you also have a legitemate claim to Espiritu Santo as well. Damn.
Kzuu Mai
23-12-2004, 10:08
I can't do any RPing until after Christmas, maybe the New Year. Sorry, but I want to get a friend of mine to be the current government, and he has lost access to the internet for a while.
Green Sun
23-12-2004, 19:31
Is there anything left I can take?
New Stamford
23-12-2004, 19:40
Are you kidding? There are HUGE portions of land that are yet unclaimed. Look at Africa, Southeast Asia (I don't think anyone has claimed India yet) and South and Central America.
23-12-2004, 20:00
Is there anything left I can take?
Look at Africa man..that place has vast amounts of empty land
Can i have the European part of Russia?
23-12-2004, 22:11
Can i have the European part of Russia?
NOPE! DontPissUsOff owns it...look at the map
23-12-2004, 22:11
I believe someone has already claimed it. However, there are still other parts of Russia waiting to be conquered.
The eternal-dragons
24-12-2004, 00:11
OOC: Conflict going on in taiwan so i'm afraid unlikely.
24-12-2004, 00:13
Im annexing Belgium: [url][url]
Taiwanese Islands
24-12-2004, 00:19
OOC: Conflict going on in taiwan so i'm afraid unlikely.
Er..... Can I join in half way through then? Isn't the current conflict between two foreign powers....?
Taiwanese Islands
24-12-2004, 00:24
Im annexing Belgium:
That link doesn't appear to be working........
But okay, I'll switch my claims to Holland, and if I can't get that either, then I'm going after the Hainan island off the coast of China.
24-12-2004, 00:36
That link doesn't appear to be working........
But okay, I'll switch my claims to Holland, and if I can't get that either, then I'm going after the Hainan island off the coast of China.
So you be right, editting plus here is the link:
24-12-2004, 02:16
Yafor 2 and I have sprung an Invasion of India
Edit: Heres the link (
Taiwanese Islands
24-12-2004, 02:25
I've deleted my earlier post.
This is the lands I would like to claim: Taiwan, Massachusetts, Holland.
They are small claims, aren't them?
24-12-2004, 03:58
Verstummelung would like to claim: denmark, and belgium.
Population: 200 million.
A Few Rich People
24-12-2004, 04:05
I've deleted my earlier post.
This is the lands I would like to claim: Taiwan, Massachusetts, Holland.
They are small claims, aren't them?
They are, but taiwan is currently being fought over, I'd go with some place less war torn.
24-12-2004, 04:07
Verstummelung would like to claim: denmark, and belgium.
Population: 200 million.
Denmark has already been claimed and Preatonia is invading Belgium.
Modern Atlantis
24-12-2004, 12:24
I've updated Earth III News center, added all RPs that are active, and updated the maps.
Here is the link
24-12-2004, 13:30
Verstummelung would like to claim: denmark, and belgium.
Population: 200 million.
Sorry but Im invading Belgium.
Neo Cannen
24-12-2004, 14:17
Neo Cannen would like to claim the Criema, does anyone have it?
West Cedarbrook
24-12-2004, 16:31
I have *ahem* secured New Jersey, per this thread:
I want somewhere cold with snow, but I can't decide, anyone have any suggestions?
Communist Brazil
24-12-2004, 20:00
I want somewhere cold with snow, but I can't decide, anyone have any suggestions?
Ukraine, Belarus, Mongolia, Alaska, Yukon and other territories, Greenland. Suggestions. Also, Argentina (in the south), Peru and Bolivia (in the mountains), and Chile (in the mountains and Bolivia). Nepal, Romania, Tibet. Ecetera,
Guys, this is getting a little out of control.
I logged on to check TG's and a few threads before I head over to family's for X-mas Eve and X-mas Day.
I am putting a freeze on ALL claims. This is because you guys are claiming on top of each other, and some people I don't remember staking claims in Earth III already staring RP's.
For example, Whittier and two other nations are claiming the US Western seaboard, and more than 2 nations are claiming Belgium or Taiwan while other nations are invading or claiming these very lands. Very chaotic.
I need to sort out this huge mess and pile of claims and RP's. So please hold off any more claims until this is fixed.
Merry X-mas and Holidays to you all by the way! :)
25-12-2004, 00:03
i finished up (5 minutes ago) moving ALL my forces into the Malasyia mainland and islands with the bulk centering around the borders of Malasyia/ Thailand and the Malasyia/Burnie and......that other country i border to the south (OOC: sry i forget the complete geography of southeast asia but it sliped my mind) my milatary might in the Malasyian islands now protects the peoples intrests. i know theres complete chaos going on right now with invasions but im gonna be gone a while (christmas) so if it involves Malasyia please wait til i get back. (o and for refrence) my intire milatary numbers 1.5 million (army,navy,airforce)
A Few Rich People
25-12-2004, 02:09
*cough* check the RPs, Malaysia is currently being invaded, and we would not be happy withsome one walzting in with 1.5 million in forces. So I know you claimed it, but I invaded it first, sorry :(
Your claim made at: 22-12-2004, 10:12 PM
My RP started: 09-12-2004, 5:53 AM
Taiwanese Islands
25-12-2004, 02:10
They are, but taiwan is currently being fought over, I'd go with some place less war torn.
Yeah well, I wouldn't be much of a Taiwanese Islands if I don't at least try to claim that.........
Die Faust
25-12-2004, 02:28
when you get everything sorted out, i call dibs on Kazakhstan. there's only 16.5 million people there in real life. i don't think it's unreasonable.
I was wondering if I could change my claims, as my current ones are somewhat small....
26-12-2004, 04:28
you should wait until Sharina allows claims......Sharina already announced no more are to be made until the mods get this mess sorted out.
I just wanted to know if it was possible first, I was/am going to wait
26-12-2004, 15:01
Intelligent Neighbors
26-12-2004, 15:17
Deleted, had not finished post. See next post
26-12-2004, 15:18
Tunisia is being invaded, I believe, so no... but the others sound ok. Not that Im a mod or an admin or anything to do with Earth III apart from owning something and have common sense. I'll shut up now.
Intelligent Neighbors
26-12-2004, 15:20
Hello everyone, I know that the claims are on hold, but I would like to ask a few things. Would it be possible for me, a 2bill+ nation, to claim Algeria, Tunisia and Libya?
In RL these nations only have a 48 million pop. between them, because even though it is a large area it is sparsely populated due to the harsh conditions. So would it be possible (if I claimed these) to RP saying that they had a population significantly bigger under my control?
What is the exact situation with the other earths, as I hold land on Earth I (Spain/Portugal, Iceland and parts of West Africa), I also imagine myself having more land on the NS earth. Do I have to split my population between these, or say I have 2 billion population per earth/planet?
As a final note, to all people reading this, I call Algeria, Tunisia and Libya as being reserved until the claims can be done again, thanks.
Thanks for your time, and I hope you can sort out the mess soon. I look forward to RPing with you in the future.
Intelligent Neighbors
26-12-2004, 15:26
Do you have link to the Tunisian attack? I couldn't see it. Thanks.
26-12-2004, 15:57
Here tis:
Check out the Earth III News centre, as it's updated more regularly than this thread. Search for posts by Modern Atlantis and you should find it... if not then search for posts by Praetonia and it's on the second page.
Anyway... my post appeared before yours for some reason :/
Bah. Attack.
The Tunisian Annexation ( is nearly completed. The forces threatening to invade Tunisia and outst Risban have pulled out, and the anti-Risban groups in Tunisia are slowly being put down.
What happend to Chinlanikistan it shows he doesnt exist anymore?
Got thrown out for flaming a newbie. 'E's Modern Atlantis now.
26-12-2004, 19:30
Bah. Attack.
The Tunisian Annexation ( is nearly completed. The forces threatening to invade Tunisia and outst Risban have pulled out, and the anti-Risban groups in Tunisia are slowly being put down.
It would have been an invasion if you hadn't RPed their government into handing over sovereignty for little to no reason.
26-12-2004, 22:25
*cough* check the RPs, Malaysia is currently being invaded, and we would not be happy withsome one walzting in with 1.5 million in forces. So I know you claimed it, but I invaded it first, sorry :(
Your claim made at: 22-12-2004, 10:12 PM
My RP started: 09-12-2004, 5:53 AM
the tanks start know what FUCK IT im busy i hand over malasyia without a shoot fired :rolleyes:
It would have been an invasion if you hadn't RPed their government into handing over sovereignty for little to no reason.
There were economic and political reason. And I invented some anti-Risban and pro-communist groups to fight back.
26-12-2004, 23:19
There were economic and political reason. And I invented some anti-Risban and pro-communist groups to fight back.
Modern Atlantis
26-12-2004, 23:55
Hey Eriopia, sorry about not letting you know. Ya i got pissed one day and flamed a noob, he complained, an Admins banned me. So this is my old account, im back on this. TG me and i can think of a RP we can do.
My population is at 1.230 billion (as of a day ago)
I would like China (if it is in a whole) and Inida. If China is not, than the western sections. If there is any amount of land I could have also is Nepal.
I am willing to RP my comming into Nepal.
27-12-2004, 06:50
My population is at 1.230 billion (as of a day ago)
I would like China (if it is in a whole) and Inida. If China is not, than the western sections. If there is any amount of land I could have also is Nepal.
I am willing to RP my comming into Nepal.
Dude im Invading India Already....and stop making your damn claims! Sharina already said to stop
Alright, didn't see that post. Jeez, just trying to get some bit. Ohh well.
Okay, I'm still struggling to straighten out this snarl of claims and RP's. I have decided on a very simple solution to this problem.
All claims NOT listed on my Claims listings are "deleted" and declared null and void, with the exception of several errors I forgot to fix, such as Kopparsberg's claim.
That means all claims made after my last "edit" on the claims and RP listings are not recongized.
Now, that eliminates the tangle and snare. The next thing to address are the RP's done after my RP list edit. I am willing to allow these RP's to continue, but the RP'ers must clearly state which land or territory they want to annex.
I've also been thinking about adding a rule to Earth III. I've noticed that in the Earth Threads, many people just "walk in" then claim land. After they get their claims recongized, they forget all about it.
I want to put up a rule that says "Walk-In Claims not accepted". What this basically means is that if the person comes in and claims something in Earth III, they HAVE to participate in it. If they don't contribute to Earth III within 3 - 4 weeks, their claims are deleted and become unclaimed.
To avoid this, these "Walk-In" claimers have to RP something, let it be war, diplomacy, etc. at least once a month.
I am doing this to remove "One Time" claimers, "Walk-In And Forget All About It" claimers, and people who won't bother trying to interact within Earth III. If we let these people stay, then land will be taken up, and people will be quite frustrated if they can't RP anything with their neighbors because their neighbors are inactive in Earth III.
That aside, people who are SERIOUS about Earth III and having fun in Earth III, repost your claims. But do it in a orderly manner, and PLEASE check my claims rules, lands that have been taken, and the "split" rules regarding Russia and China.
Hopefully things will improve more and become more organized.
Communist Brazil
28-12-2004, 06:37
So, the FPCB's claim on Brazil has been declared null and void? Just curious as to why.
Taiwanese Islands
28-12-2004, 06:45
Um.... I'm not entirely sure as to what I'm supposed to do, but from what I see I should repost my claims right?
Here's the lands I would like to claim: Taiwan, Massachusetts, Holland.
So, the FPCB's claim on Brazil has been declared null and void? Just curious as to why.
I'm saying that all claims between now and my previous Claim List Edit are thrown out the window, as the claiming got way out of hand last week.
If you want your claims, please repost them.
This was the only way to effectively eliminate the giant snarl up over the last couple of weeks.
Risban has annexed previously unclaimed Tunisia. There was a slight scuffle between internal forces and threat of invasion from Communist Brazil and DontPissUsOff, but, through the help of the Committee of Vigilance allied forces and Green Sun, the threats were halted.
28-12-2004, 07:55
Korinthos will soon be planning to annex Libya [this will be my first war RP!!], so I was wondering if anyone would be willing to RP as Libyan Forces/Government/Terrorists Organizations/etc.. If anyone is interested, please TG and i'll tell you more on what I have planned.
Communist Brazil
28-12-2004, 10:08
Then the FPCB will claim Brazil as their one large claim. If any documentation on the Hernadez revolution is needed, I will supply.
New Stamford
28-12-2004, 12:21
I have claimed Connecticut, Rhode Island, West and American Samoa, French Polynesia and the Caribbean islands of St. Vincent ans St. Lucia. I have already begun RPing an invasion of Barbados and Grenada, and Barbados has peacefully surrendered, but I'd like a fight for Grenada (but be nice, I'm new)
My total population is at 14 million, which woild be at least double the total population of all these places combined. Thank you.
Intelligent Neighbors
28-12-2004, 13:38
Korinthos will soon be planning to annex Libya [this will be my first war RP!!], so I was wondering if anyone would be willing to RP as Libyan Forces/Government/Terrorists Organizations/etc.. If anyone is interested, please TG and i'll tell you more on what I have planned.
Well, I did claim Libya, but I don't mind as the claims have been voided. Instead may I please claim Tajikstan, Kyrgyztan, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan. I think perhaps I should start with just Kazakhstan, then RP the rest of them, is this OK?
28-12-2004, 17:51
I've already annexed Libya. And here it is.
28-12-2004, 19:11
Instead may I please claim Tajikstan, Kyrgyztan, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan. I think perhaps I should start with just Kazakhstan, then RP the rest of them, is this OK?
This is the way I like it! Start with a claim, and the RP an invasion if you want to expand.
If everyone claims everything that's allowed with their population in mind - they cannot invade a single country because they've reached their maximum!
It must be more fun to RP an invasion instead of just claiming it? Great Intelligent Neighbors.
Neo Cannen
28-12-2004, 19:30
I am in the process of claiming the Crimea. See here
28-12-2004, 21:19
Sorry, my bad Hrstrovokia... Anyways, since I really can't annex any near nations, I would like to exchange my claim of Sicily and Malta for Benin in Africa.
29-12-2004, 02:23
Sorry, my bad Hrstrovokia... Anyways, since I really can't annex any near nations, I would like to exchange my claim of Sicily and Malta for Benin in Africa.
^^If he does that, could I invade Sicily (I own Italy)
Grays Hill
29-12-2004, 02:23
I dunno if my claim was null and void, but I claimed Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Iran, and Afghanistan.
29-12-2004, 03:21
I do believe Iraq is claimed.
And once again I've been ignored, I wonder if this post will be ignored, but on the off chance Sharina will actually read it I'll ask again...
Can I change my claims if I am not happy with them?
(Also if I have 3 countries in, say, North America I'm much more likely to post than if I have 5 small islands in the middle of the Pacific )
29-12-2004, 04:36
Iraq and Iran are both claimed, as well as Crimea...
Grays Hill
29-12-2004, 06:54
I do believe Iraq is claimed.
Iraq was claimed but he unclaimed it, so I claimed it. And Iran wasnt claimed.
29-12-2004, 07:01
Chinlanikistan [SP] claimed southern Iraq, but RPed the invasion of Northern Iraq, Iran, and a few other nations. However, he only got Northern Iraq and Iran so he stuck with those two nations as his claims. Then his username was disabled, and he had to go back to an old screenname. In his old screenname, he wanted to claim a large island in the Mediterranean, but since all were claimed he decided to keep his original claim of Iraq and Iran.
29-12-2004, 07:24
I'm back. I've gone over the recent claims, a big thanks to you Hrstrovokia! :)
Now onto the issues and claim approval / denials.
Presgrief, that is exactly why I have made it clear that if nations claim land in my Earth III, then they will be allowed to RP and claim lands in other Earth's like Earth IV, V, VI, VII, X, XXXXXX, etc.
This is because I want to encourage more RP'ing and international interaction. Layatreb and Colodia's rule in Earth II is much too restrictive in my opinion. Their Earth will suffer a lack of good RP'ing as some awesome multi-earth RP'ing will be unfeasible like the DA RP's and such.
Presgrief and Hrstrovokia, I welcome your help and support with RP'ing and such.
I will maintain a high RP standard by immediately ejecting nations who act noobish or provide weak RP'ing from Earth III. This is noted in my initial post. Perhaps that would help the quality of RP'ing somewhat as people are forced to RP their invasions, annexations, politics, or whatever else in more than 1 paragraph or so.
Any other ideas?
Pernica withdraws from Earth III so his claim is now free unclaimed territory.
Whittier, you can have either the following:
1. California.
2. Panama, Bahrain, and Belgium.
A nation with 738 million cannot claim 1 large "nation" AND additional claims until it exceeds 1 billion in population.
You can only have 1 large claim for the 1 ~ 2 billion population range. You can have the other nation once your nation reaches 2 billion. You can however, claim 1 additional medium nation or 2 - 3 small nations with either Alaska or Yukon.
Montana and Minnesota are large claims (They are rather big states). North Dakota, South Dakota, Wyoming, and Nebraska are all counted as medium claims.
I am prepared to grant you Minnesota along with North and South Dakota. I am also prepared to give you Nebraska to give you a nice "bloc" of states to set up your nation in.
However, all is not lost. You can RP the annexation of Montana and / or Wyoming if nobody else claims it in a week or so.
I feel I need to clear up things.
Take note of the "OR" in the claims rules in the first post of this thread. They're guidelines on what a nation can have in regards to its size and population.
For instance, a nation with 800 million can claim 1 large claim, 3 medium claims, or 5 small claims.
That means it can claim perhaps 2 medium nations and 2 small nations. Or 1 large nation and 1 small nation. Or maybe 1 medium nation and 3 small nations.
Just not 1 large nation, 3 medium nations, AND 5 small nations all at once. That'd be like making 2 or 2 1/2 large claims which would be a little unfair and ridiclious.
Hope you guys understand.
Anyways, I will update the claims post and add in the links to maps and RP catalog threads by tonight (Monday) or tomorrow.
Live well.
I will take number 2.
Modern Atlantis
29-12-2004, 11:06
Ugh Sharina finally your back
This is the fifth and final time i will say this
Iran and Iraq are going back into the general pool, to compensate for these losses, plus the claims for this nation (450 million)
I have claimed:
29-12-2004, 12:39
with the exception of several errors I forgot to fix, such as Kopparsberg's claim.
Thank you for that, Sharina!
I want to put up a rule that says "Walk-In Claims not accepted". What this basically means is that if the person comes in and claims something in Earth III, they HAVE to participate in it. If they don't contribute to Earth III within 3 - 4 weeks, their claims are deleted and become unclaimed.
I totally agree to that! Make that rule valid now.
Green Sun
29-12-2004, 19:15
Green Sun will claim Maine and Vermont.
29-12-2004, 19:32
So you be right, editting plus here is the link:
I annexed Belgium in the link above. Has it been declared null and void? Or did you not see it? Im confused because it's a perfectly good multi-(long)post RP which I intend to carry on via annexing further European territory (player and non-claimed) along with Witzgall who is also in the region. Clarification would be appreciated, thanks.
Grays Hill
29-12-2004, 21:16
Ugh Sharina finally your back
This is the fifth and final time i will say this
Iran and Iraq are going back into the general pool, to compensate for these losses, plus the claims for this nation (450 million)
I have claimed:
I tried telling them that, but they wouldnt listen to me. Once again, I would like to claim Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Iran, and Afghanistan.
Neo Cannen
29-12-2004, 22:39
Iraq and Iran are both claimed, as well as Crimea...
Yes, hence why I am RPing a battle for it. And why i am waiting for the Guy who owns Ukraine to RP with me.
29-12-2004, 22:50
Please add this to the list of active threads (
Viet Nam
Population is 1.300 billion (last count)
Also, if it is not any trouble, may South Korea also be added to my claims?
The eternal-dragons
30-12-2004, 00:16
Viet Nam
Population is 1.300 billion (last count)
Also, if it is not any trouble, may South Korea also be added to my claims?
S.korea is already in conflict between nations for the land....
Ohh, sorry. Didn't notice. Ohh well, no dent in my original claims.
Rebeled Elves
30-12-2004, 00:22
I have decided to revive Earth III, as there has been Earth IV, V, and VI but no mention or activity in Earth III for a few months.
The most important feature of this new Earth III would be that multi-Earth RP'ing will be allowed. Nations that own land in other Earth's are allowed to claim land and RP in Earth III. People in Earth III are allowed to claim lands and RP in other Earth's.
That aside, I have decided to use several ideas gleaned from various Earth's to make this one the most flexible and reasonable Earth Claims up to this point.
Now I present you with the rules!
Rule 1:
Keep claims reasonable. A 100 million nation claiming the entirety of Russia and China would not be recongized. However, that same nation claiming New England area or the UK area would be recongized.
Rule 2:
For claims over your allocated claim limit, please provide RP's for it. These type of "over-limit" claims include conquest, annexation, "gift land", artifical islands, etc. If RP's aren't provided to prove these claims, then these claims will not be recongized.
Rule 3:
If someone claims a land before you, do not panic or get upset. You can work it out in a RP between the two of you, or claim another piece of land.
Rule 4:
No fighting, flaming, or insulting will be permitted in this Earth III claims thread. Continued flaming or insulting may warrant deletion of a player's claims from this Earth. Be nice, and you shall be rewarded. Be a jerk, and you shall suffer the consquences.
Rule 5:
In cases of extremely large claims, a RP is mandatory. Example in case, a nation of 400 million with a claim in Georgia. The nation decides to claim Alabama, Mississippi, Florida, Louisana, and Arknasas. A RP is required to prove that the nation is capable of holding these claims, and to provide evidence for future claims or RP'ing down the line.
If its just "I claim these lands." or a few sentence RP like "The armed forces of Nation X has destroyed all resistance in Alabama, Mississippi, Florida, Louisana, and Arkansas. They are now parts of Nation X's empire." then the claim will be ignored.
Rule 6:
Refer to the list of claims using CTRL + F to find the claim you want. If it is not there, then great! You can claim it right away. But if it does appear, that means someone else has claimed it.
Checking claims would save us a lot of time and aggravation as I won't have to triple check every claim,. and you won't get upset if I deny your claim because of a "double claim" (meaning 2 nations claiming the same land).
Rule 7:
Two areas that are off limits for claims would be the Arctic and Anarctica for RP reasons that will be revealed in the future.
Rule 8:
Nations with claims in other Earth's will be allowed to claim land here in Earth III, and vice versa, unlike in Layatreb's Earth II. This is so that nations in Earth III would be able to interact with other Earth's, and vice versa. This would help open up more opporunities of RP'ing and such.
Rule 9:
Have fun RP'ing with each other!
Now here's the guidelines regarding claims.
Nation Size: 5 ~ 100 million.
Maximum # of claims: 2 small claims.
Nation Size: 101 ~ 300 million.
Maximum # of claims: 1 medium claim or 3 small claims.
Nation Size: 301 ~ 500 million.
Maximum # of claims: 2 medium claims or 4 small claims.
Nation Size: 501 ~ 999 million.
Maximum # of claims: 1 large claim, 3 medium claims, or 5 small claims.
Nation Size: 1 ~ 2 billion.
Maximum # of claims: 1 large claim, 4 medium claims, or 7 small claims.
Nation Size: 2 ~ 3 billion.
Maximum # of claims: 2 large claims, 5 medium claims, or 10 small claims.
Nation Size: 3+ billion.
Maximum # of claims: Varies, within reason (If a nation surpasses the 4 billion mark, claims would be higher than just 3 billion). It is up to the moderator, Sharina, to approve or not approve claims for extremely massive nations.
Small Claim Examples = Rhode Island, Conn, Delware, Vermont, Hawaii, island chains (except Indonesia, Japan, and New Zealand), Switzerland, Luxemborg, etc.
Medium Claims Examples = New York, Virginia, Ohio, Japan, New Zealand, Indonesia, United Kingdom, France, Germany, Italy, Iraq, provinces of Canada, etc.
Large Claims Examples = Texas, California, Mexico, Alaska, quadrants of Russia and China, Algiers, Sweden, Brazil, India, etc.
For you newcomers and new nations, do not worry. Your population will grow pretty quickly, and if you really want a particular piece of land or need new land, you can RP invasion and annexation (with my approval).
Important notes:
Russia is divided into 4 large claims. Northeast, Central, Northwest, and Southwest.
China is divided into 4 large claims. Northeast, Northwest, Southeast, and Southwest.
Australia is divided into 3 large claims. East, Central, and West.
Now onto the actual claim listings!
Sharina: Colorado, New Mexico, Texas, and Louisiana.
~Nations in Alphabetical Order~
A Few Rich People: East, West, and Central Australia.
Beltina: Vanuatu, New Caladonia, Fiji, Tonga and Samoa.
Blacktower: Greece and Sardinia.
Casana: Cuba and Yucatan Province of Mexico.
Chinlanikistan: Iraq and Iran.
Dimmimar: Egypt and Sudan.
DontPissUsOff: Northwest and Southwest Russia.
Eriopia: Laos and Israel.
Eternal Dragons: North Korea and Philipines.
Euroslavia: Portugal, Spain, Morocco, and Andorra.
Golencia: Denmark and Scotland.
Hardheads: Iceland.
Heosonfru: Newfoundland.
Hrstrovokia: Hungary, Romania, Croatia, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Serbia and Montenegro, Albania, Macedonia and Bulgaria.
Kilwatey: The Bahamas.
Kimaria: England and Wales.
KommelianBerg: Turkey and Cyprus.
Kopparbergs: Norway, Sweden, Faeroe Islands and Svalbard.
Korinthos: Malta and Sicily.
Lachenburg: Liechtenstein.
New Empire: South Africa, Namibia, and Lesotho.
Phoenixius: Austria, Madagascar, Switzerland, New Zealand, Ostrov Sakhalin and Japan.
Presgreif: Poland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Belarus, Kaliningrad, the Ukraine, Moldova, Czech, and Slovakia.
Procco: Mongolia.
Risban: Ireland.
San Lucia: Luxembourg.
Smarcronesia: Kuwait and the British Virgin Islands.
Taldaan: Indonesia.
United North: Shetland Islands and Franz Josef Land.
Vas Pokhoronim: Slovenia.
West Cedarbrook: New York, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Indiana, Michigan, Illinois, and Wisconsin.
Witzgall: Germany, France, and Italy.
Yafor 2: Sri Lanka.
Zackaroth: Oman.
Ok i am at 100 million so i put a claim up for a tiny nation or 2 tiny nations in asia.
Rebeled Elves
30-12-2004, 00:27
ok is North/South Korea up for grabs (i saw the map so ya it is) i want those places.
Rebeled Elves
30-12-2004, 00:31
or may i have IRAQ or IRAN or EGYPT?
30-12-2004, 00:35
this is NOT a tag. at all.
Dimmimar: Egypt and Sudan.
Chinlanikistan: Iraq and Iran.
North Korea is taken by Eternal-Dragons and South Korea is currently under war for the land.
So, try an other place. Maybe some nation in Africa, there are many there open, as is some other places in Asia.
Rebeled Elves
30-12-2004, 04:03
i have 10 mill so can i have any 2 small nations available in asia or africa or europe?
Grays Hill
30-12-2004, 04:20
or may i have IRAQ or IRAN or EGYPT?
I have already claimed Iraq and Iran
Grays Hill
30-12-2004, 04:21
Dimmimar: Egypt and Sudan.
Chinlanikistan: Iraq and Iran.
North Korea is taken by Eternal-Dragons and South Korea is currently under war for the land.
So, try an other place. Maybe some nation in Africa, there are many there open, as is some other places in Asia.
DAMN! You people dont listen. Chinlanikistan gave up his claims to Iran and Iraq, so I claimed them.
DAMN! You people dont listen. Chinlanikistan gave up his claims to Iran and Iraq, so I claimed them.
Reading from the first post, bud.
Besides, I got the point across: Someone owns that.
Grays Hill
30-12-2004, 04:32
I love being ignored.
Here you guys go. Like I said, he put Iraq and Iran back in the pool.
Okay... Here's a brief update from yours truly.
I will give Earth III a much needed update tomorrow or Friday, with re-organized claims and such when I have 30 mins or so to look over claims, posts, and RP's.
Just bear with me, and I'm trying not to ignore everybody. It's just that when there are so many new posts to read, its likely I'll overlook one or two.
Modern Atlantis
30-12-2004, 08:17
Do i need to make some damn official RP post to hand over Iraq and Iran???!
30-12-2004, 22:23
Could I have Kazahkstan, Georgia, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikstan and that part of Russia that isn't claimed yet? I'm a four billion plus nation, so I think that's about right...
Intelligent Neighbors
30-12-2004, 22:58
Could I have Kazahkstan, Georgia, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikstan and that part of Russia that isn't claimed yet? I'm a four billion plus nation, so I think that's about right...
I claimed Kazahkstan,Turkmenistan, Kyrgyzstan and Tajikstan on page 28, and my claim is being validated. Sorry!
Grays Hill
31-12-2004, 04:02
Do i need to make some damn official RP post to hand over Iraq and Iran???!
No, I think they get the point now. lol.
31-12-2004, 15:21
I claimed Kazahkstan,Turkmenistan, Kyrgyzstan and Tajikstan on page 28, and my claim is being validated. Sorry!
Crapmuffins. Ah well, ya beat me to them. I'll just have to crush your puny nation to get them... ;)
Well, in that case, can I have the rest of what I asked for? The land claims don't need to be contiguous, do they?
Does anyone know if there is map of Earth III somewhere. I thought there was a link to one in the thread somewhere. It's the easiest way to see how everything is I need a little updating.
Intelligent Neighbors
31-12-2004, 21:15
Crapmuffins. Ah well, ya beat me to them. I'll just have to crush your puny nation to get them... ;)
Well, in that case, can I have the rest of what I asked for? The land claims don't need to be contiguous, do they?
Only tiny in comparison to people like you, who are fortunately rare. Damn 4bill pop! Oh, and the bigger you are, the harder you fall. ;)
31-12-2004, 22:23
Does anyone know if there is map of Earth III somewhere. I thought there was a link to one in the thread somewhere. It's the easiest way to see how everything is I need a little updating.
The Maps can be found here:
However, they may not be up to date because the owner may have not updated the map links.
01-01-2005, 01:30
Greetings from the Kangsburg Imperial Foreign Ministiry!
To the nation of Eternal Dragon, our major corporation, the East Sea Corporation, wishes to claim the island of Cheju-do from at a price of $150,000,000.
In addition, we would wish to lay claim to the Maldives. If not taken, please direct us to an unclaimed Asian nation to be brought under our Empire of 256 million people. Thank you!
01-01-2005, 01:35
In addition, the Empire would like to claim the island of Singapore.
Okay, here's the overdue update guys!
Approved claims:
Communist Brazil
Grays Hill
Intelligent Neighbors
Neo Cannen
People who need to work out claims:
Green Sun: Maine is a medium state. You need to be larger to outright claim a medium sized state or nation.
Modern Atlantis: California is a large state. Oregon and Washington are two medium states. You cannot claim a large state outright until you're larger in population.
New Stamford: You need to be bigger before you can outright claim all these lands. Islands count as small claims each, and you claimed Connecticut, Rhode Island, West and American Samoa, French Polynesia and the Caribbean islands of St. Vincent ans St. Lucia. I have already begun RPing an invasion of Barbados and Grenada. That makes approximately 7 small claims (counting West Samoa, American Samoa, St. Vicent, and St. Lucia island chains as individual small claims). You can claim two of these lands at first, then RP your way up to the 7 claims you tried to make.
Reveled Elves: You have to PICK your own small claims countries in Asia. Pick two small claims then I can approve them. Try looking at Infoplease or World Atlas online to find two small countries in Asia to your liking.
Miscellanous updates:
Kooparsbergs: I added Jan Mayen to your possessions.
Risban: I added Tunisia to your possessions.
Removed Chinalikistan claims.
Did I forget anyone else? Did I forget any other claims or adding any war gained claims? If so, PLEASE post or TG me, then I'll add them. Its hard to keep track when I have to wade through 50 posts at a time to cross-check for claims and RP's and such.
01-01-2005, 08:56
Sorry I've been out of this for so long - my Grabdmother took over my room over the last week. Anyway, with the disbanding of my region, plus the fact that the 'NS addiction' is wearing off because of my absence, I'm relinquishing all my Earth III territory and by modship. I'm sorry to do this, but I have to.
New Zealand and Japan go to A Few Rich People
Switzerland and Austria go to Witzgall
If eternal-dragons and AFRP wish to continue the RPs in Taiwan and S. Korea, then thats fone with me.
Ostrav Slokehia (or whatever that island to the north of Japan is) is free for anyone to take.
I hope this doesn't disprupt too many plans. See ya.
01-01-2005, 12:33
:( You aren't quitting NS are you Phoenixius?
PS. Thanks Sharina.
Taiwanese Islands
01-01-2005, 13:26
Um..... Sharina?
What about my claims for Taiwan, Massachusetts, and Holland?
01-01-2005, 13:30
Okay, here's the overdue update guys!
Kooparsbergs: I added Jan Mayen to your possessions.
Thank you Sharina! You're making a great work with Earth III. I think this earth is one of the best, especially now when some RP's has started.
The only thing that's not so good is the updates of the maps, but that's out of your control. :)
Scary that Witzgall was given control over Switzerland and Austria a few posts ago... He's being bigger and bigger in Europe, and he is in war with Euroslavia (Spain). I'm almost a neighbor nation to him, the Baltic Sea is between us (Sweden-Germany). I've closed my southern borders in Sweden...
New Stamford
01-01-2005, 15:01
Ah, damn. Then I'll stick with Connecticut and Rhode Island for the time being, and all the rest go back to the unclaimed pool.
West Cedarbrook
01-01-2005, 17:07
Sharina -
Please review and approve my claim on New Jersey. It was secured early in the Wtizgall-Euroslavia war. And I'm shelling out big bucks to clean up after those damn Sopranos!
01-01-2005, 18:07
Only tiny in comparison to people like you, who are fortunately rare. Damn 4bill pop! Oh, and the bigger you are, the harder you fall. ;)
Not planning on falling any time soon... And if I do fall, I bring everyone with me... :D The joys of joining way back in the before time... Then, of course, there are the scary SIX billion plus nations... Who even make me quiver in fear.
Thanks for that Sharina. Hugs and a happy new year to all!
01-01-2005, 19:38
Sorry I've been out of this for so long - my Grabdmother took over my room over the last week. Anyway, with the disbanding of my region, plus the fact that the 'NS addiction' is wearing off because of my absence, I'm relinquishing all my Earth III territory and by modship. I'm sorry to do this, but I have to.
New Zealand and Japan go to A Few Rich People
Switzerland and Austria go to Witzgall
If eternal-dragons and AFRP wish to continue the RPs in Taiwan and S. Korea, then thats fone with me.
Ostrav Slokehia (or whatever that island to the north of Japan is) is free for anyone to take.
I hope this doesn't disprupt too many plans. See ya.
More land to the Empire. We thank our ally Phoenixius.
Okay, here's the overdue update guys!
Approved claims:
Communist Brazil
Grays Hill
Intelligent Neighbors
Neo Cannen
People who need to work out claims:
Green Sun: Maine is a medium state. You need to be larger to outright claim a medium sized state or nation.
Modern Atlantis: California is a large state. Oregon and Washington are two medium states. You cannot claim a large state outright until you're larger in population.
New Stamford: You need to be bigger before you can outright claim all these lands. Islands count as small claims each, and you claimed Connecticut, Rhode Island, West and American Samoa, French Polynesia and the Caribbean islands of St. Vincent ans St. Lucia. I have already begun RPing an invasion of Barbados and Grenada. That makes approximately 7 small claims (counting West Samoa, American Samoa, St. Vicent, and St. Lucia island chains as individual small claims). You can claim two of these lands at first, then RP your way up to the 7 claims you tried to make.
Reveled Elves: You have to PICK your own small claims countries in Asia. Pick two small claims then I can approve them. Try looking at Infoplease or World Atlas online to find two small countries in Asia to your liking.
Miscellanous updates:
Kooparsbergs: I added Jan Mayen to your possessions.
Risban: I added Tunisia to your possessions.
Removed Chinalikistan claims.
Did I forget anyone else? Did I forget any other claims or adding any war gained claims? If so, PLEASE post or TG me, then I'll add them. Its hard to keep track when I have to wade through 50 posts at a time to cross-check for claims and RP's and such.
You forgot me again.....
Can I change my claims?
You forgot me again.....
Can I change my claims?
I granted you claims a while ago. Look at the Earth III claims lists on 1st post of this thread.
Here's an excerpt:
Beltina: Vanuatu, New Caladonia, Fiji, Tonga and Samoa.
Blacktower: Greece and Sardinia.
01-01-2005, 21:26
Sharina-- Check TG's
After you get kicked off of Earth II by Layarteb, do you just hunt for any available Earth? You went to Earth IV, and now you're here.
Please, just don't troll like you did in E2.
After you get kicked off of Earth II by Layarteb, do you just hunt for any available Earth? You went to Earth IV, and now you're here.
Please, just don't troll like you did in E2.
I didn't troll. I objected to someone godmodding, and Layarteb kicked me out, he was looking for a reason to do so, because I stated I was going to give DA Ohio and Indiana.
01-01-2005, 22:08
I didn't troll. I objected to someone godmodding, and Layarteb kicked me out, he was looking for a reason to do so, because I stated I was going to give DA Ohio and Indiana.
Well, you also godmodded. When you say "if you attack me that gets an ignore", thats godmodding and a certain degree of trolling. Thats what I would call it. If theres an army waiting for you or an ambush, no matter if its expected or not, you can't just ignore it without good reason.
Also, to my knowledge, you never alerted Layarteb (moderator of E2) to your intentions with Ohio and Indiana.
Taiwanese Islands
01-01-2005, 22:32
Sharina? You ignored my claims again.......
Risban: I added Tunisia to your possessions.
Grays Hill
02-01-2005, 03:28
02-01-2005, 05:45
I would like Madagascar and Djibouti please. My population is 492 mil. and I have averaged it out. Madagascar is about the size of New Zeland: a medium, and Djibouti is like the size of Rhode Island: a small.
Kzuu Mai
02-01-2005, 12:46
I claimed Djibouti, but you can have it. I'm withdrawing my claim, because I'm not sure I would have time to RP with the land, and it would be pointless for me to have the land and do nothing with it...
02-01-2005, 14:58
Doing Ctrl F on the first page doesn't bring up Haiti as a claimed land, so I would like to lay a claim for it. If someone already has it and it just hasn't been updated on the list, I apoligise.
I would like to lay in a claim for Hawaii. Cntrl-F has not shown it as claimed and my population is well over two billion, so I think I'm okay.
New Libya
02-01-2005, 15:54
Population: 8 Million
Can I have England? I didn't see it as claimed on the list but I might be wrong.
I believe Kimaria has England claimed.
Yes, Kimara has England and Wales.
02-01-2005, 18:04
Emm... Myself and Intelligent Neighbours are both down as having Uzbekistan... I believe he got there first. Also, I asked for Central and Northeast Russia, but I didn't get them... Is there a reason why, or did you just overlook that?
Intelligent Neighbors
02-01-2005, 20:42
Yes, I should be the owner...
Thanks for putting my claim on, and I am looking forward to a decent RP experience with my many allies on this Earth.
03-01-2005, 00:04
I have asked to remove my claim of Malta and Sicily and take Benin in Africa, so if Sharina or another mod can validate it soon...
Emm... Myself and Intelligent Neighbours are both down as having Uzbekistan... I believe he got there first. Also, I asked for Central and Northeast Russia, but I didn't get them... Is there a reason why, or did you just overlook that?
Sorry about that confusion. I remembered someone claiming parts of Russia before. I think it was DPUO or someone like him.
But apparently, as DPUO or whoever was claiming Russia hasn't responded or posted in a while, I'm ready to grant you these two portions of Russia, Kalmykhia.
Parlim, your claim on Hawaii is approved.
Haveasliceofmypie, you can have Madascgar and Dbjouti.
Christophskiffer, Haiti is approved.
Added Japan and New Zealand to A Few Rich People.
Witzgall gets Switzerland and Austria.
West Cedarbrook gets New Jersey.
I think thats pretty much everyone so far.
03-01-2005, 00:05
I have asked to remove my claim of Malta and Sicily and take Benin in Africa, so if Sharina or another mod can validate it soon...
I would then like to claim Sicily, as I have only claimed 3 out of 4 medium claims and that would be quite a nice spot as I currently own Italy.
Vas Pokhoronim
03-01-2005, 00:43
And speaking of Witzgall's claims in Italy, I ought also to mention that the Witzgallenreich and the Sovereign People (us) have just concluded an agreement whereby I am taking over the three northeasternmost Italian provinces of Veneto, Trentino-Alto Adige, and Friuli-Venezia-Giulia, more than doubling my (still less-than-impressive) size. We are also signing a Non-Aggression Pact, and agreeing to exchange our respective Slavic/Germanic minority populations in order to provide a permanent resolution to further territorial questions.
Witzgall will confirm this.
Also, is anyone updating the maps? I suppose I could volunteer my services in that regard . . .
03-01-2005, 00:45
And speaking of Witzgall's claims in Italy, I ought also to mention that the Witzgallenreich and the Sovereign People (us) have just concluded an agreement whereby I am taking over the three northeasternmost Italian provinces of Veneto, Trentino-Alto Adige, and Friuli-Venezia-Giulia, more than doubling my (still less-than-impressive) size. We are also signing a Non-Aggression Pact, and agreeing to exchange our respective Slavic/Germanic minority populations in order to provide a permanent resolution to further territorial questions.
Witzgall will confirm this.
Also, is anyone updating the maps? I suppose I could volunteer my services in that regard . . .
I do confirm this.
A Few Rich People
03-01-2005, 01:26
*Cheer* more people to brutally oppress and exploit!
*taps hat to the fallen Phoenixius*
West Cedarbrook
03-01-2005, 01:27
Thank you.
Taiwanese Islands
03-01-2005, 01:33
Sorry about that confusion. I remembered someone claiming parts of Russia before. I think it was DPUO or someone like him.
But apparently, as DPUO or whoever was claiming Russia hasn't responded or posted in a while, I'm ready to grant you these two portions of Russia, Kalmykhia.
Parlim, your claim on Hawaii is approved.
Haveasliceofmypie, you can have Madascgar and Dbjouti.
Christophskiffer, Haiti is approved.
Added Japan and New Zealand to A Few Rich People.
Witzgall gets Switzerland and Austria.
West Cedarbrook gets New Jersey.
I think thats pretty much everyone so far.
Um, Sharina? You ignored my claims for Taiwan, Massachusetts and Holland again......
Um, Sharina? You ignored my claims for Taiwan, Massachusetts and Holland again......
Sorry about that.
Taiwan and Holland are small claims. I'm not sure whether to consider Massachusetts as a medium or small claim, as Massachusetts has two islands and is a dense urban area (Boston, Worchester, Springfield, etc.)
I'd like opinions on whether to consider Mass as a Medium or Small claiim.
For now I'll add Taiwan and Holland under Taiwanese Islands, and I'll add Mass when it's figured out size-wise.
Grays Hill
03-01-2005, 02:52
I think it's small.
03-01-2005, 04:04
I would then like to claim Sicily, as I have only claimed 3 out of 4 medium claims and that would be quite a nice spot as I currently own Italy.
You were just given control over Switzerland and Austria. Then you have claimed 5 out of 4 claims? :)
Taiwanese Islands
03-01-2005, 08:12
Sorry about that.
Taiwan and Holland are small claims. I'm not sure whether to consider Massachusetts as a medium or small claim, as Massachusetts has two islands and is a dense urban area (Boston, Worchester, Springfield, etc.)
I'd like opinions on whether to consider Mass as a Medium or Small claiim.
For now I'll add Taiwan and Holland under Taiwanese Islands, and I'll add Mass when it's figured out size-wise.
If Massachusetts ends up being medium-sized, please give me some place like Maryland (I think it has a smaller population) instead.
If Massachusetts ends up being medium-sized, please give me some place like Maryland (I think it has a smaller population) instead.
Maryland, New Hampshire, Vermont, Delaware, etc. could work. Or you could try claiming an island in the Caribbean. :)
03-01-2005, 08:49
I would like to claim the entierty of Finland id that would be exceptable, I could claim more, becuase of my population size, but I would rather earn to gain more land, please message me if my claim is acceptable.
The eternal-dragons
03-01-2005, 15:03
Um, Sharina? You ignored my claims for Taiwan, Massachusetts and Holland again......
Sharina there is a ongoing rp for taiwan currently
03-01-2005, 17:46
I would like to claim the entierty of Finland id that would be exceptable, I could claim more, becuase of my population size, but I would rather earn to gain more land, please message me if my claim is acceptable.
Welcome to Scandinavia! I control Sweden and Norway in Earth III. Hope you get your claim recognized.
03-01-2005, 20:16
Thanks Sharina. According to the map and your list, DPUO claimed the other two portions of Russia. Looking forward to getting started on some RP!
03-01-2005, 20:17
You were just given control over Switzerland and Austria. Then you have claimed 5 out of 4 claims? :)
Ah, but two were given to I didn't claim them :D
Taiwanese Islands
03-01-2005, 21:00
Sharina there is a ongoing rp for taiwan currently
Can I just take the Taiwan side on that one then? Since its invasions........
New Stamford
03-01-2005, 23:13
So... can I begin operating in Earth III with the assumption thaat I rule Connecticut and Rhode Island? I'd like to know before I begin RPing anything.
So... can I begin operating in Earth III with the assumption thaat I rule Connecticut and Rhode Island? I'd like to know before I begin RPing anything.