Bonstock charges all ships who use the Straits of Malacca - Page 3
Quinntonian Dra-pol
12-12-2004, 08:56
[OOC: Quinntonia, where exactly are your air strikes and landings taking place in the Indonesian islands? There is a provisional government in Sujava (Western Java, Sumatra, Bali) supported by Spyran and Yamani forces, as well as independant and unsupported islamicized provisional administrations in Sunda and Aceh, and Hudecian/LRR operations and supported provisional administrations in Borneo and Sulawesi... which doesnt leave much of Indonesia left to air strike, unless your actions are being carried out without consultation with the governments of foreign troops already in place...]
OOC-I'm sorry Spyr, all this time I have been operating under the assumption that you were just kind of Rping for the people tehre, I had no idea that you presense was so profound. Is my face red! I have over 3/4 of my entire military either here or on the way, with hundreds upon hundreds of thousands of troops to secure a nation that doesn't need it!!!! OK, I am going to assume that Quinntonia is doing one final push, all over Indonesia at once, atht will combine massive naval, air and manpower, at the last of the unsettled areas. Can we assume that the mighty Quinntonian army is finally coing en force in order to support, cooperate and relive all of your guys' personell throughout the FRB? My troops and aid worklers will answer directly to you, and just be there as long as you need. Man, did I ver make a booboo. I have been planning and making posts about this for more than a month!!!
[OOC: Well, honestly, Spyr doesnt have the number of troops there it might want... the Spyran military simply isnt big enough to fully secure Sumatra and Java. Extremins islamic areas in Sunda and Acheh remain unsecured due to hostility agains foreign. non-islamic presence, and allied units from North Yaman are providing some security in Bali, but their success is tied to general blinese pragmatism and very limited resistance activities.
I just wanted to check if you might be striking at Sujavan defence force bases... theyre using many of the former bases and equipment of the FRB].
Quinntonian Dra-pol
12-12-2004, 20:25
I am going to be trying to cooperate fully with all the foriegn nations, and will just be filling in the blanks that you have neither the manpower nor logistics to do, because I have both in spades.
12-12-2004, 20:40
(OOC: Feel free to send humanitarian assistance to Malaysia, but it would be appreciated if you kept any military deployments in Malaysia to a minimum, as Marimaia is providing security and Quinntonia sending in troops would upset things.)
In Malaysia, the Singaporean announcement is received with a sense of closure; now that the terror is over, the Malaysians can move on with their own lives.
The Jamil government works out a federal structure for the Malaysian state, allowing Sabah and Sarawak to have the greater influence that they were seeking in the decision-making process; the new constitution is introduced, formally recognising Jamil as monarch. The Marimaians continue their aid and reconstruction efforts, gaining the respect (if not the appreciation) of many Malaysians for sticking it out and continuing to help when other nations would have fled.
The long-promised elections are finally held now that the nation is stable. The New Malaya Party, a nationalistic Jamilist group, win 102 seats in the 219-seat Dewan Rakyat (House of Representatives) and enter into a 'National Unity' coalition with the Liberal Democratic Party; the National Unity bloc end up with 125 seats in the Dewan Rakyat, giving them a small but workable majority. In the Dewan Negara (Senate), the members are appointed by Jamil and the state legislatures; the constitution grants Jamil the power to appoint 35 out of the 69 seats, so he uses the opportunity to install his loyalists. The state legislatures appoint individuals who will champion state rights.
Islam becomes the official state religion, but the constitution guarantees religious freedoms to protect minority faiths in the Federation. The training of the Hasan Army continues, gradually turning them into an effective nucleus for the planned 100,000-strong Malaysian armed forces. Former FRB soldiers are given a royal pardon for their actions under the FRB's regime; several former officiers are recruited by the Marimaians to assist the training process for the new military recruits.
Finally, the Marimaian government begin negotiations with the Malaysians over the possibility of an alliance encompassing Marimaia, Malaysia and Burma; Sakda Theeravit stays on in Malaysia to act as Marimaia's liaison to Jamil, staying out of internal affairs but offering advice and guidance on foreign affairs issues.
With the elections in Malaysia complete, Hudecia formally (although reluctantly) recognizes the government of Jamil.
Hudecia at the same time recognizes the governments of Java and Sumatra, Borneo and that of Celebes.
In Sujava, the costs of the election begin to become apparent. In order to ensure a stable election, the provisional government had agreed to hold referendums on independance in Sunda, Aceh, Madura, and Bali. The Madurans had agreed to join Sujava by a relatively small margin, and the Balinese to a greater extent, but Sunda and Aceh were a completely different story.
On the one hand, the referedums had worked to the advantage of the Sujvan socialist government... a large swathe of activist muslims, including almost all extremist elements, had concentrated on those key votes instead of running candidates for the People's Assembly. However, the results could not be denied... both Aceh and Sunda had rejected membership in Sujava, and would be independant, islamic states.
With some hesitation, the Spyran and Sujavan governments extended recognition to the new Islamic Republics.
[OOC: Aceh province occupies the northern tip of Sumatra. Sunda occupies most of West Java, with the exception of a Jakarta Corridor of Sujavan territory extending along the northern coast of Java between the central portion and Jakarta.
To explain... Aceh has always been home to militant islam and clashes with central authority, and I cant see any reason it would be substantially different under Bonstock. The Sundanese have always had a cultural dislike of foreigners, including the Javanese who control current Indonesia. They have also been devoutly, and often extremely, muslim. As such, I couldnt see either group, given the opportunity to accomplish independance through the weakening of the central state, giving it up in the way that the more historically pragmatic peoples such as the Balinese have. ]
OOC: Agreed Spyr, while I am not so much aware of parts of the Indonesian culture/history I am aware of the problems in Aceh ongoing right now actually.
There are also some problems in Sulawesi with the rampant extremism among some muslims there, but I am assuming that the majority of them are laying low for the time being (being patient and waiting for us to slip up)
Hudecian troop levels in Sulawesi have dropped to a mere 2000, while troop levels in Borneo have increased proportionally.
The Hudecian government is loathe to recognize the two Islamic republics in Aceh and Sunda, fearing that their existence will only further propagate islamic extremism in the archipelago. With little other choice for the time being however, the Hudecian government extends recognition to the two governments.
In the government's first official and controversial move, Mohammed Kalla declares his support for the people of Singapore in their resistance of the Sinoese aggression. He promises that once he formally takes the reigns of power he will help in whatever way he can to defeat the Sinoese.
He also happily extends recognition to the two Islamic Republics and pledges to help them in any way possible. Even offering to open up trade and military links between the three nations.
(OOC: in certain parts of Indonesia, there is a feeling of distrust/hatred for Chinese, because they are viewed as being wealthy and controlling most of the country. So, Kalla is emflaming ethnic passions to promote unity among 'Indonesians'.)
Quinntonian Dra-pol
14-12-2004, 17:16
The Third Wave Fleet is being finished off as far as logistics in San Fransisco, and will be leaving for Hawaii soon.
All over Indonesia, those powers that were working against the stabilisation of the area are getting a huge wake-up call, with the full power of the Quinntonian military at the beck and call of the coalition forces. Huge attacks were being carried out in order to destroy the remaining hostile elements all the while those fighting for the stabilisation of the region are able to take the day off. The region is quieting down, and will be under control in no time, and the Quinntonian military and aid workers are flooding the area, with the evangelists not far behind.
Those fighters throughout the region that wished to go to Singapore were being transported there, with full weapons and equiptment. But most importantly, all WMD are being secured, if need be forcibley, including nuclear weapons, and then transported to the Quinntonian Fleet, some to ships that were specially equipped to dispose of such weapons safely. Some were being stockpiled in other transport ships that were going to take these weapons back to Quinntonia to be destroyed in the facilities there.
The Quinntonian government feels ver strongly about this, which is why 3/4 of the entire Quinntonian navy has been moved to this region, with over 600,000 troops here and almost 2/3 of the entire air foce within striking distance. Two levels of reserves ahve been called up, with two more levels on stand by. Supplies have been stockpiled and moved for months in order to carry out this operation. Singapore will also be required to submit to weapon inspectors. There is no negotiation on this pionnt.
OOC- I have been posting every day for over a month about the build-up of Quinntonian forces here and the movement logistically of the troops. Please do not think I am Godmodding, as I have dome this as slowly as possible, well within the capabilities of even a force far less organised than mine. Please don't start posting things like, "You aren't coming into my territory, asshole!" I am doing this for all of us, and our safety, and your nations are all asked to provide weapons technicians to the weapons inspectors that I am deploying, this should me a multi-national effort, but my government feels so strongly about it that they are willing to do it completely uni-laterally and by force if necessary, let's hope it doesn't come to that.
14-12-2004, 20:10
OOC: So, are you going to be deploying to Malaysia, despite Marimaia having already secured all of the WMD sites there (as I posted previously)? Also, just a warning: you may be well-intentioned, but stating that you'll do this by force if necessary isn't going to help relations between Quinntonia and anyone in Asia.
The question also has to be asked: why should Quinntonia be allowed to take all of the WMDs? What has Quinntonia done to prove itself worthy of the level of trust implied?
The Marimaians, for one, would see this as nothing more than Quinntonian imperialism, especially if evangelists are moving in. However, if you're only going to Indonesia, then Marimaia will give you a respectful nod and watch. Just as long as Indonesia doesn't become a Quinntonian outpost.
In Sujava, Quinntonian statements were accepted, albeit with some murmurs of resentment... the Provisional Constitution (as yet unratified, as the newly elected Assembly is still gathering and making preparations to begin their full duties) contains articles declaring that Sujava 'rejects all aspects of mperialism, mass destruction of civilians, and force projection in its foreign policy'. One of the first efforts of the Spyran forces on the ground had been to dismantle or secure WMDs, as well as long-range missiles and bombers, and aircraft carriers (though I suspect that most of the FRB Navy was at sea when it fragmented... would they have set into port locally, gone to dock in Singapore, or surrendered to foreign navies?), and this program had been proeeding on schedule... though many of the chemical/nuclear components were still stored on military bases, awaiting a decision on how best they could be disposed of. The Sujavans issue a public statement [reflecting some of the same concerns as expressed by Marimaia OOC], stating that "Quinntonian disposal proposals shall be considered by the sovereign People's Assembly of Sujava... but we fail to see what marks that nation out as having sole right to decide what, how, and by whom WMDs shall be dealt with."
The Sundanese government is far more abrasive, issuing a harsh-worded ban on entry of unauthorized foreign elements in the Islamic Republic of Sunda. Even the few Spyran aid workers in the area find their permits revoked, and are soon back across the border into the Jakarta corridor. The Aceh government issues no comment on the matter. While Sunda has no 'standing army' per se, Sundnese ex-units of the FRB and numerous Islamic militias are called up into readiness.
The significance of the Sundanese ban is unclear...while WMD facilities were secured and emptied long before the became an independant state, thee is no guarantee that they do not have access to such a weapon. The FRB [OOC: I think] operated a full program including numerous WMDs and several bases. When th FRB dissolved, numerous classified documents, including full listings of such programs, were destroyed, so no complete record exists against which to check the WMDs currently secured, or existance of top-secret facilities (though I suspect Singapore would have preserved its records, at least until the Sinoese launched the attack...).
Aceh's response, on the other hand, is likely based in the fact that the FRB almost certainly didnt store its expensive weapons on a strategically vulnerable and politically unstable piece of its territory).
Quinntonian Dra-pol
14-12-2004, 23:45
OOC-Quinntonia has no wish to alienate anyone in the region, and further, plans to move troops out of the area ASAP, as they do not have a vested interest in being here.
I know I have posted this about a dozen times before, but the fact those missionaries from Quinntonia going everywhere, and especially in support of the campaigns to rid this unstable part of the world of WMD in no way means that these evangelists are affiliated with the government. They are not there in any official capacity.
Also, this should not come as a surprise; I have been posting about the WMD as the only major reason for coming since (sound familiar?) Bonstock started nuking everyone. When the WMD are accounted for, the Quinntonian will leave as soon as they are asked by the local authorities.
IC-Also, Marimaia, I really had no plans to deploy in Malaysia, however, I will be sending in weapons inspectors, though I realize that you have cleared the Bonstockian WMDs, my voters want verification, and I respectfully and humbly ask that you allow them to search the sights in question, in COOPERATION with the local authorities.
Of course, the Quinntonian government asks Marimaian, Spyran, Sinoan, Singaporean, Hudecuian, Beth Gellert and LRR technicians of they would like to be brought on board with the inspections and dismantling of the WMD.
As for Sujava, the local authorities are thanked for their cooperation and it is explained that the weapons inspectors will only be here as long as the investigation takes, troops will only be moved in if there is a need to protect said inspection or enforce their decisions.
Though the Quinntonian government respects the sovereignty and efficiency of the Sundanese government, and implores the Spyrans and other nations involved to ask them to allow the weapons inspectors to investigate, they remind that they WILL investigate one way or another. If they have nothing to hide, than cooperation would take a minimum of discomfort.
The Quinntonian government also reminds the nations involved that it has no WMD programs besides its phosphorous long-range missile program, and has been a leader in nuclear disarmament for decades, and regrets the decision that it had to make when it still had such programs in WWII. It is not claiming that it has any superior authority in this matter, just that it represents a technologically advanced, extremely stable government capable of dealing with this threat. All nations are invited to come, with the exception of Dra-pol, of course, and work with and supervise the investigation and disposal programs, everything will be done right out in the open, and we will willingly submit to the accountability of the world, except for the rogue terrorist nation Dra-pol.
Unfortunately, the pre-emptive strikes against terrorist and militant targets are still being carried out, but only with the OK of the local nations in authority in said areas.
As for the areas that are refusing Quinntonian weapons inspectors access, we are imploring that they change their minds, and come together to work to change this region for the better, and work together for the betterment of mankind. However, if access is continually denied, we will have no choice but to assume that WMD are present and/or the government there is hostile to the security of Quinntonia, Quinntonian Dra-pol, and the peaceful peoples of this region.
Please don't allow this to escalate into a conflict; it is not what any of us, least of all me, wants.
May the Saints of the World all pray for us on this day.
In Jesus Christ’s' Name We Pray.
14-12-2004, 23:54
OOC: I can live with that. I just needed a bit of verification.
After some initial hesitation, the Marimaians agree to allow Quinntonian weapons inspectors into Malaysia, provided the Malaysian government grants permission.
That permission is granted a day later, with the Malaysian government expressing their desire to have this chapter of their history closed permanently.
Lunatic Retard Robots
15-12-2004, 03:29
The LRR government would like to attach a small team of observers to the greater Quinntonian effort, if only to give them experience.
In a bid to appeal to the muslim majority and to Sulawesi nationalists of all religions, Mohammed Kalla refuses to allow the Quinntonians to take any WMDs from the islands. Instead, they invite Quinntonian delegates to observe and assist in the destruction of the weapons on the islands themselves.
The Christian leader of the island welcomes the Quinntonians as 'brothers' and invites them to take those repulsive weapons away for good.
In the interest of minimizing tensions and maximizing the speed and efficiency of WMD disposal, Spyr offers the suggestion that top-of-the-line facilities for disposal be constructed by the international community, in former FRB territories, which can be manned and overseen jointly by all states involved in the process.
Xiaguo gives its absolute support in the current weapons inspection.
"Seeing that Xiaguo has much to catch up with the, we can only overlook the process of foreign politics. We are to build stronger ties with foreign countries and to not stay with the current picture, we will need to process a newer image ourselves. We will re-enter this big picture" said Ye Zhao Feng, the longest runing non-consecutive Prime Minister. A Treaty was signed a week back which ended the civil war and allowed the government to finally reform and retract na dexpand its current policies.
The Sulawesi Prime Minister eagerly agrees with the Spyran suggesting, hoping to minimize the shock and awe that he was causing his Hudecian allies.
Mohammed Kalla opens negotiations with both LRR and Hudecia concerning permanent relations with the two nations and offers government aid to help construct two embassies. Although Hudecia is wary of the idea, it is agreed that for the time being Hudecia will have to recognize the distinctive nature of Indonesia.
In a move bound to prompt some outcry from other Indonesian islands, Mohammed Kalla invites the leaders of both Sunda and Aceh to Sulawesi for an Indonesian Islamic Conference, with the intent of signing an alliance between the three nations.
The alliance would include the sharing of technology, less restrictive trade agreements, and military support ensuring the independence of the islands.
OOC: I'm thinking about developing Kalla as a bit of a power hungry leader over whom Hudecia will gradually lose control.
The leadership of Sunda and Aceh eagerly agree to the meeting. The Sundanese statement is, in keeping with recent policies, particularly belligerent: underlining the need for Strength and Unity between true muslims, in the face of encroaching heresy and imperialism.
Sujava issues an ambigous and meandering statement, full of ill defined phrases such as 'the great benefit of international cooperation', 'need for restraint and ethical consideration of all peoples and faiths', and other confusing terms which have foreign diplomats spending sleepless hours deciphering its meaning in search of a Sujavan position on its neighbours meeting. The more intellignt stop after the first few pages, realizing that the statement has used a great many words to say nothing at all.
"Is THAT a threat Mr. Ambassador?" Mohammed Kalla was engaged in a fierce staring competition with the Hudecian when his secretary entered the room. Smiling, he gently told her to come back in a minute. The Hudecian took the opportunity to get a word in edgewise on the native Sulawesi muslim.
"Consider it, friendly advice." The ambassador gritted his teeth together. He did not like how this 'discussion' was panning out. "If you and these other two nations come together with trade or military terms that involve giving Sunda and Aceh military hardware that WE gave YOU, then I would suggest you find yourself another backer."
Kalla paused for a second, his anger rising every moment. But he knew that the Hudecian had him in a tough spot. Pandering to the Islamicists was a dangerous move, he isolated himself from Spyr, N. Yaman, Quintonnia, Hudecia, and likely LRR too. That really only left Marimaia, but how likely were they to support an islamic empire? Kalla thought for another second, leading the Hudecian to smile briefly.
"Then I suggest that you gather your things and get the hell out of my country, Kalla icily ordered.
"What?" The Hudecian stood for a second in shock.
"GUARDS!" Kalla bellowed, and two young Indonesian men dashed in, carrying Hudecian-made MP5s. "Escort the ambassador to his house, help him collect his things and escort him to the airport."
As they were leaving, Kalla was busy preparing a 'request' for the Hudecians and LRR to withdraw all their forces from the island.
Beth Gellert
16-12-2004, 16:05
(So, erm, by the time Bonstock sifts through the scores of posts since he was last around, I assume that BG's tentative steps will be lost to the avalanche, again, and everyone else will just keep rolling on in a totally different time frame. I'm not sure whether to give-up or just kick everybody out of where BG doesn't want them and have done with it. Singapore, at least.
[twiddles thumbs])
16-12-2004, 16:18
Kalla paused for a second, his anger rising every moment. But he knew that the Hudecian had him in a tough spot. Pandering to the Islamicists was a dangerous move, he isolated himself from Spyr, N. Yaman, Quintonnia, Hudecia, and likely LRR too. That really only left Marimaia, but how likely were they to support an islamic empire? Kalla thought for another second, leading the Hudecian to smile briefly.
OOC: That's a very good question, Hudecia. I'll be sure to answer it at some point. Actually, as soon as you mentioned 'power-hungry leader', my interest in Sulawesi increased somewhat.
BG, things have gotten a bit ahead because both Bonstock and Sino vanished for a while. Singapore is still where it was last time, with Sino and Bonstock going at it while your fleet gets into position. Although we're now on about the post-Bonstock era, Singapore is still under siege by Sino, despite everyone's attempts to get him to back off. If you want to go in, feel free.
Quinntonian Dra-pol
16-12-2004, 20:13
The Quinntonian government is happy to allow whoever wants to help and oversee the destruction of the WMDs. As for those who want to destroy the WMDs on their islands, that would be fine too, assuming that they allow weapons inspectors to oversee their progress, and provide verification that thye actually have the facilities needed.
"It is the duty of our government to reclaim the mass 'superior race' that we all seek to unify." said Wu Tse Min. "China will expand, I'm sure of it. The Chinese dominion will exapnd."
OOC: crap... by changing my government to an ultra conservative foreign policy this may mess up my plans for what would happen in this area.... oh well.. I'll try to work with it.
Kalla spoke directly to his counterparts in Sunda and Aceh provinces.
"Brothers! It is good to see you both in good health! I have waited long to meet you, and I am most anxious to speak with you."
"Our nations are both faced with external threats that are greater than any of us could have inagined only a few years ago. The Christian Quinntonians and Hudecians are attempting to influence and bully us into converting to their false beliefs. But we should not hate them brothers, we should pity them and pray that Allah would show them the truth."
"And the athiest Spyrans and North Yamanese who constantly meddle in the affairs on our borders. They dare to challenge us in such a manner, with their heresy, saying that 'there is no God at all', or that 'all beliefs are equal'. There is no God but God, and Mohammed is his messenger! Even the Christians acknowledge the existence of God."
(Kalla paused to let his words sink in)
"Let us lay traps for them, and work to bring all of Indonesia back to Allah, so that all the nations may see the Truth and come to an understanding with Him. It is the will of Allah that the unbelievers should come to know him, but if they try to stop our holy cause, they will suffer the wrath of Allah through us."
"We cannot defeat them yet however, their armies are too strong, let us however make peace with them, a peace like that which the Prophet Mohammed made with the heathen while he was not powerful enough. And let us conspire to make them hate each other and destroy one another....."
-former Hudecian airbase-
SOme of the F-22s and F-18s that had been donated to the Sulawesi Air Force had been secretly repainted Hudecian colours and were transferred to a remote location on the island.
Quinntonian Dra-pol
18-12-2004, 00:51
OOC-I am just going to assume that the attacks on terrorists, etc. have been major successes, seeing as how most of you did my work for me, and I just threw tons of manpower in to seal the deal.
Also, let's assume that the weapons inspections are going off without a hitch, please post here if there is any resistance. I am eager to lock this up and pull my troops back out. Could anyone suggest a time-table for this project? I just want to know when to start posting my pull-out.
18-12-2004, 05:25
An order is quickly sent out to all Singaporian troops. "Do not fire on the Beth Gellertian troops. All non-Sinoese are to be considered friendlies as of this time."
With that, most Singaporian attention focuses on the Sinoese advance. Troops continue to pour in, but as of that point, 10,000 have been killed in defense of their homeland. It was becoming a bloody carnage.
ooc: sorry for not posting for a while... Winter Break is coming, so I'll have more RP time from now on.
Beth Gellert
18-12-2004, 10:59
On the southern shores of the island, over nine hundred Beddgelen soldiers mill-about, most of them surprised to be standing with full magazines in their weapons and all of their body parts in order.
Back in the fleet, comrade Admiral Edwards begins to realise that he hasn’t exactly planned beyond this point, having been pre-occupied with the possibility of his landing craft being shot to pieces. He was well aware that he had no plan in the event of Bonstockian opposition to the landings, but that the reverse was also true came as a bit of a blow. Portmeirion had only just learned that the admiral was going ahead with the landing regardless of their lack of permission, and so no advice was on its way from home.
“Move inland, keep reinforcements rolling off the ramps, get that Civil Servant ashore and set-up a dialogue with the Singaporians...” Edwards said, trying to appear level and collected.
Shortly there would be some 6,000 Soviet Marines in the south-west of Singapore, backed by just thirty-two assorted AVs- infantry combat vehicles, light tanks, self-propelled AAA, counter-battery radar and command vehicles amongst them. The men were at least elite in their training and imposing in appearance, and furnished with good light weaponry. They may not have pleased conservative eyes on the island, many of them wandering half naked, some daubed in warpaint, and a few hanging the distinct smell of powerful intoxicants.
Commonwealth Professional Civil Servant comrade Nicolas Kezo was soon ashore with them, his job to consult with local authorities. He would express the Igovian desire to see Singapore stabilised and home to a true democracy –which, as soldiers on the ground would be telling anyone willing to listen, meant direct democracy in which every citizen could express their desire on every issue, and there were no elected dictators to twist their words or wants. The Beddgelens, as Kezo would explain, did not want to engage the Sinoese, as it may spark a titanic conflict, but now that they were here they would not allow Singapore to fall back under military dictatorship.
Marine General comrade Michael Malkstrom was asking anyone resembling a military officer to take Igovian infantry combat vehicles to the furthest part of the island that remained out of Sinoese control.
“If they [the Sinoese] want to advance another step in Singapore, they’ll have to be prepared to step-over India!” He proclaimed, waving a C-ICV-3 Wombat forward as a Merlin helicopter from the fleet rattled into the picture with an under-slung 105mm gun.
Portmeirion meanwhile was less confrontational towards Shanghai ( ? ), including no such threatening slant in its communiqué informing the Sionese that Singapore was co-operating and soon to be secure, and, as such, the Sinoese advance could now halt.
The Xiannese Government demands the government of Beth Gillert (India) to halt all advances and to leave the island with all consistant speed. Swords will seek swords.
Mass troops from the Western border of Northern China, Xinjiang, Sichuan, will be preparing to mobilize. Over the pass weeks, thousands of troops have been transfered from the Xiannese-Dra-Polian border and relocated at Xinjiang, and many southern provinces.
10,000 troops are already on signal to launch. 80,000 more are to be wrapping up training and will continue its efforts at peace if India plans any more reinforcements in Indonesia.
Any move is critical, either you pull out, or we'll push in.
Lunatic Retard Robots
18-12-2004, 19:55
The Xiannese Government demands the government of Beth Gillert (India) to halt all advances and to leave the island with all consistant speed. Swords will seek swords.
Mass troops from the Western border of Northern China, Xinjiang, Sichuan, will be preparing to mobilize. Over the pass weeks, thousands of troops have been transfered from the Xiannese-Dra-Polian border and relocated at Xinjiang, and many southern provinces.
10,000 troops are already on signal to launch. 80,000 more are to be wrapping up training and will continue its efforts at peace if India plans any more reinforcements in Indonesia.
Any move is critical, either you pull out, or we'll push in.
The bulk of the LRRN's seagoing fleet sits off of Borneo, unsure what to do. Should it help Beth gellert and the Singaporeans, and risk a region-wide war, or should it just sit there and look imposing?
For the time being, it just sits there. With 20 Sea Harriers, four Sea Kings, ten Ka-28s, and one Ka-31, as well as a force of 600 marines, the Viraat could probably tip the scales one way or the other, along with its escorts, and the several hospital ships in the group already begin to take on casualties from Singaporean hospitals for safe treatment, but the battlegroup does not engage in combat.
Back in Hindustan, several new special operations units have begun training. The hope for these new units is that they will be able to operate in Indonesia after the regular army troops have left. While under most circumstances no such units would be established, the actions of the new Prime Minister Kalla raise suspicion that he will soon change into an authoritarian despot.
18-12-2004, 21:20
The governments of Marimaia, Malaysia and Burma issue a joint statement, calling for cooler heads between the Chinese and Indian powers. The three states, not wanting to be caught in any crossfire between their neighbours, suggest a cease-fire.
Marimaia and Malaysia make it clear that if the Chinese and Indian blocs conintue their aggressive stances towards each other, then all rights of passage granted to those nations will be revoked. Southeast Asian diplomats also request that Xiaguo and Sino categorically state whether or not Marimaia and Malaysia are targets in the quest for 'Greater China'.
The Jamil government sent a carefully-worded communique to Kalla, hinting that Malaysia may react positively to any Islamicist alliance in Indonesia. The communique also pointed out how the Marimaians have shown respect for Islam, perhaps hinting at the possibility of NeoSuunist approval of Kalla's activities.
"The powder keg looks ready to go off, all it requires is a little bit of prompting..." Kalla mused to himself. He turned and nodded at his aides, one of whom nodded back and rushed out of the room with his orders.
During the LRR liberation, several of Kalla's men had gotten a good look at the kind and type of LRR fighters. An older ex-Bonstockian Harrier was being repainted LRR colours... hopefully it would deceive the Sinoese enough.
LRR would become involved in this war whether they wanted to or not.
A 'Hudecian' F-22 would escort the LRR.... so LRR and Hudecia would burn together.
The other 'Hudecian' fighters had been transferred from Sulawesi to Java in anticipation of the 'attack' that Hudecia would soon make against North Yaman.
The timing would be made when Hudecia and North Yaman would be squaring off over Drapol yet again. Hopefully some Spyran advisors could be killed as well, that way it would bring Hudecia against Spyr and North Yaman.
Beth Gellert
19-12-2004, 06:25
Igovian diplomats are at present attempting to convince authorities in LRR and Singapore that it would be well to have the former's troops land on the latter's territory, ideally to head humanitarian efforts in secured districts. One of the Commonwealth's sixty-two thousand tonne Ysbyty Class hospital ships is currently crossing the Bay of Bengal with twelve hundred hands and several hundred beds available to treat any excess of sick or wounded people in the chaotic region.
Portmeirion has indicated to the Xiannese the fact that Beth Gellert has no troops in Indonesia, and as such can not deliver any reinforcements, nor does it intend to begin deploying any forces there without request. It is further stated that the people of Singapore have welcomed Igovian security forces and that the Beddgelen force has yet to fire a shot in anger. The idea that they should withdraw makes absolutely no sense to anyone in the Igovian Soviet Commonwealth. The Marines will stay until a stable direct democracy exists in Singapore, free of the immediate threat of invasion.
The fact of two Igovian carrier forces in the area is not mentioned, as it is supposed to speak for itself. With four fleet carriers and eight assault carriers present, the Igovian mission is unlikely to respond well to intimidation.
Kalla received the message with a little satisfaction.
"Now you see them crawling to us, begging for our loyalty to them," Kalla boasted to his Sunda and Aceh allies. "We shall use them like we will use the rest, for the purpose of their own destruction."
"The leaders of Marimaia engage themselves in the filth of sodomy, and then claim to respect Islam. They have deceived themselves greatly. Oh, my brothers, they must turn from their sins and come to Allah or we must destroy them utterly."
Secretly, Sulawesi troops had been transferred to Sunda and were active building up their army. Although weapons were not in short supply, the army attempted to maintain some sort of standardization was attempted. Some LRR-donated armor was also moved to Sunda as well as Aceh.
Lunatic Retard Robots
20-12-2004, 02:30
OCC: Eh...there's a little bit of a problem with repainting a Sea Harrier in LRRN colors and passing it off as something from the Viraat's air wing.
If you may recall, MiG-21s were the only fighter aircraft employed during my actions on Sulawesi. For a Sea Harrier to just appear out of thin air would be a little bit suspicious. You'd probably have to get the RFID code right, and would also have to account for any discrepancies in systems, since an old Hudecian Sea Harrier and a heavily upgraded LRRN Sea Harrier are two distinct aircraft, to the trained observer.
Also, any equipment transferred to the Sualwesi defense forces would be mostly outdated armored vehicles to tide the island over until more suitable equipment could be found. At this stage, I wouldn't imagine Kalla being able to command much more than a few platoons of BMP-1s and AMX-13s, as well as a few recoil-less rifles and mortars, from the Hindustani side anyway. Nothing that the military does not feel comfortbale about being able to destroy.
OOC: Indeed, Hudecia doesn't really employ Sea Harriers, I was figuring that they found some lying around an old Bonstockian military base. Also, they are not trying to pass it off to you as being LRR... just to the Sinoese. Who might not be as familiar with LRR tech and might be a little more likely to strike back without thinking.
Also, the armies with which he is fielding against in Java won't be heavily armed either since the Spyrans haven't been heavily supporting them, with the exception of maybe the North Yamanese.
Besides, most of this discussion of attacking Kalla's armies is moot. He doesn't want to fight BG, LRR, Sino, Hudecia, Spyr, Marimaia, or North Yaman. He wants all the nations to fight each other while he solidifies his position in Indonesia.
Lunatic Retard Robots
20-12-2004, 02:54
OCC: Ok, just wanted to clear that up...but in order for Kalla to get a repainted Sea Harrier from Sulawesi to attack the Sinoese, it would have to fly within the radar range of the Viraat and its escorts, thus probably exposing itself as a fake, unless it took a long and (for a Sea Harrier, especially one rebuilt to flying condition from a rather inoperative state) dangerous, probably suicidal route north to avoid the LRRN vessels.
The Xiannese have no intentions of or interest as to bring war into Marimaia or any other coutries. However, the Xiannese government does warn that any act on preventing Chinese ships free passage in Marimaia, Malyasia waters, will be surely meet retaliation.
The Xiannese East Fleet, now in Southern-Indonesian waters, will enforce Chinese presence in the Southern Seas.
OOC: The fighters will be manned by suicidal pilots who don't expect to make it home alive. Islamic fundamentalists who views it as a martyr's death fighting the infidels.
He'll take the long route to get around you, knowing that he won't have to worry about a return trip.
The arrival of the Xiannese fleet couldn't have occured at a better time for Kalla and their statement reinforced his hope that a war would soon erupt. The attack would be made by 1 LRR and 2 Hudecian fighters, all of whom would be destroyed, but not before they would successfully identify themselves in radio transmissions.
Early in the morning, the three fighters took off from a secret base in northern Sulawesi and took a long detour north to avoid LRR and Hudecian naval fleets and their radar before turning west and heading for the Xiannese and Sinoese fleets. On board the three muslim men prepared themselves to meet Allah.
They had prepared for the 'emergency' transmissions they would make. In them they would order the Xiannese vessels to turn back or be attacked. Then, they would pretend to radio Beth Gellert vessels warning them that their 'secret attack' was compromised and to fall back. Then, the three fighters would attack the Xiannese fleet and be destroyed.
It sounded crazy, in fact it was probably unbelievable as well to any normal person. But, the Sinoese were not the most rational group of people, and it was hoped that the Xiannese would be equally unrational in their response. Should the Xiannese respond militarily, it would be difficult for LRR, Hudecia and BG to sit tight and not respond. Especially Hudecia's new Conservative government.
They were only a few hours away now from the execution of their mission.
'Hudecian' and 'Quinntonian' F-18s were being prepared for their mission here as well. A nearby North Yamanese base was the target for their mission. The fighters would do two fly-bys to make sure that the people on the ground identified them as Hudecian and Quinntonian type fighters before launching their attack.
OOC:Unfortunately, I am very different then Sino. My ships are located at a a fair distance aay since we do not have permission by the Sinoese to be anywhere near them. The Xiannese ships have been there for some time since the civil war, they have been docked around foreign ports throughout the ocean.
The Xiannese fleet which will be heading toward India to prepare a millitary presence there. However, seeing that the supplies are getting low as usual, they will have to dock in Singapore.
Beth Gellert
20-12-2004, 09:41
Portmeirion has made absolutely no indications as to an intention to bar Xiannese commerce through Malacca, and this is because such intentions simply do not exist. Igovian approval of Xiaguo has actually been at an all time high since Chinese forces withdrew from the Drapoel border.
That said, Beddgelens saw no reason to sit and wait while the Xiannese moved fleets into Indian waters after having surprised the Commonwealth by apparently declaring themselves hostile. Admiral Edwards was alerted to deny the Xiannese Navy access through the Strait of Malacca and Anunkai Class SSNs were sent from the Bay of Bengal to patrol south of Sumatra. Commerce would not be hindered, but until Portmeirion received satisfactory explanation for the need to place Xiannese military strength west of the Malay peninsula, west of the Malay peninsula Xiannese military strength would not pass.
In the opposite direction, however, Beddgelen aid to the CPRD was stepped up since Xiaguo began to position itself in opposition to Igovian policies.
Beddgelen frigates from the expeditionary force two fleets strong began to deploy just east of the Malay peninsula, taking control of all ocean access to Singapore. This meant leaving only the hop directly from the peninsula out of Beddgelen control, since Portmeirion still hoped to co-operate with the Sionese rather than cut them off. The Xiannese were asked to delay their trip to the island, as it may not be welcomed by the local population, which has thus far embraced Beddgelen peacekeeping efforts and looks to be on the road to stabilisation.
While the communiqué was on the face of it a request, the reality was that Igovian warships and aircraft were not about to accept no as an answer.
Ashore, Beddgelen marines tried to co-operate with local representatives and security forces to maintain order in the parts of the island not under Sinoese occupation, but took their sweet time about addressing any flow of arms or fighters towards the Sinoese forces. General Malkstrom’s men tried not to move in strength through the city without local representatives and security forces at their head, not wanting to appear as if they were wresting control from the people of Singapore.
20-12-2004, 12:35
The Xiannese have no intentions of or interest as to bring war into Marimaia or any other coutries. However, the Xiannese government does warn that any act on preventing Chinese ships free passage in Marimaia, Malyasia waters, will be surely meet retaliation.
The Xiannese East Fleet, now in Southern-Indonesian waters, will enforce Chinese presence in the Southern Seas.
OOC: Chinese ships are fine, I was talking about free passage over land; it's currently granted to Sino. Marimaia and Malaysia don't want any air wars erupting in their airspace or anything like that.
OOC:Oh, just ships, and a carrier. There won't be any of that.
OOC: Wow.. Xiaguo... your fleet is enroute to India... when long range fighters attack your fleet and send warnings to BG... for Kalla this really couldn't get any better. If your fleet was stationed there for a long time, then it would make even better targets.
Oh, and my IC comments are simply what Kalla is hoping for. Although to be honest it is hard to get the 'shock' value since I have been telling everyone what the plan was for the past few days.
And of all the nations who are going to suffer from this, my nation will be the worst hit. After all, Xiaguo could decide to retaliate against Hudecian interests in Borneo or Korea. BG would be royally peeved that some of our fighters implicated them in some 'plot' and would likely retaliate against Hudecia. LRR would be in a similar position, and would probably quickly realize where the fighters may have come from. North Yaman and Spyr (when they are hit) will be seriously upset at Hudecia and will retaliate by increasing support for Drapol.
All in all, I'm trying to screw myself over in an effort to make life a little more interesting it seems.
-Southeast Asia-
The three fighters approached the Xiannese fleet, their LRR and Hudecian markings clearly visible and their weapons armed and ready. They made a fly by one of the Xiannese warships, loudly warning them.
"This is a message from the Hudecian and LRR governments. We order your warships to halt immediately and turn around and return to Chinese territorial waters. This will be your only warning."
If there was an accent in the English it could be explained by the fact that Hudecia and LRR had strong muliticultural policies. (OOC: LRR, is your new country still going to be multicultural?)
As the fighters turned around, they 'radioed' the BG fleet warning them that the Xiannese warships were not disengaging and that the attack fleet would be exposed. Then, without even acknowledging any response that the Xiannese may have made, the three fighters opened fire on the Xiannese vessels.
[OOC: Notes on Spyran Deployments in Sujava (for Kalla's benefit... ugh... as the Spyrans'd consider the election of a conservative government to be the first hint of counter-revolutionary activities by Hudecia, the commanders in the field will likely have some doubts removed about the truthflness of a Hudecian attack on their positions).
The Spyran 3rd Army is currently deployed across Sujava, supporting the Sujavn Defence Forces.
The SDF are basicall just portions of the FRB military with new loyalties... approximately 3 Divisions totalling 50,000 regulars. They are equipped with standard FRB equipment (JAS-39 Gripens, CV-90s, Leopard IIS etc). They suffer from minimal naval assets (excpt small patrol boats), long range bombers and missiles (destroyed as they are 'power projection' weapons) and ASW aircraft, transport aircraft & heavy artillery (which were moved off Java to serve in combat zones as needed during the war).
They are also suffering from inexperienced leadership... as all officers who were suspected of imperialism in Japann, Yemen, Mergui were removed, as were the conservative Maropians who had led the overthrow of the communists so long ago, had been suspended until their guilt and loyalties can be ascertained. Thus, a number of recent promotions have been to 'fill holes' rather than reward command merit, leaving officers untested in their current roles.
Sujava is divided into several operational theatres, named for their HQ locations.
Jakarta OT
(Jakarta city and corridor along the northern coast, from Merak to Tegal)
-SDF 1 Infantry Brigade, 1 Armour Brigade.
-SRA 1 Infantry Brigade.
Semarang OT
(Central Java)
-SDF 2 Infantry Brigades.
-SRA 1 Armour Brigade, 1 Air Wing.
Surabaya OT
(Eastern Java, Madura)
-SDF 2 Infantry Brigades, 1 Air Wing.
-Madura Militia 1 Regiment (semi-independant Maduran defence forces... will protect their right to preserve animistic Maduran culture, but won't deploy outside Madura).
Denpasar OT
-SRA 2 Engineering Companies.
-Yamani Spearguard 1 Infantry Brigade.
-Bali Militia 1 Regiment (semi-independant Balinese defence forces... will protect their right to preserve Hindu religion and culture, but won't deploy outside Bali).
Palembang OT
(South Sumatra)
-SDF 1 Infantry Brigade.
Padang OT
(Central Sumatra)
-SDF 1 Air Wing.
-SRA 1 Infantry Brigade.
Medan OT
(Northern Sumatra)
-SDF 1 Infanty Brigade, 1 Armour Brigade.
As for Sunda and Aceh, their layouts are simpler. Both have a plethora of several thousand irregular volunteers under various extremist Islamic organizations, which are difficult to coordinate and not very effective in regular fighting, but are more than capable in local guerilla fighting.
Sunda also commands a former FRB Infantry Division, which is split into 3 Brigades stationed at Bandung, Kawali, and Labuhan].
The two fighters streaked overhead of the Balinese and Yamanese units, their Quinntonian and Hudecian colours identifiable to anyone on the ground. Although they likely would have drawn some questions at first and definately contact would be attempted by ground units it is doubtful that anyone would fire on them yet.
The fighters would make a second pass, their formation barely passable for military style, but then again, how many Balinese and Yamanese troops knew what formation styles the Hudecians and Quinntonians tended to use?
It was on the third pass, when they dropped LGBs right on top of the units that they would likely draw a response.
-Java- Jakarta-
A car bomb explodes at the gate of a military base, the man in the car was killed and so was at least one guard who approached the vehicle after ordering it to stop.
OOC: Thanks Spyr, I wasn't quite sure where everything was. The Sundanese and Aceh militants are going to launch a series of destabilizing attacks and will try to provoke sectarian violence. It will be hard to positively link the militants to any outside nation though.
The main commanding structure will be Sulawesi and Kalla. He'll more or less run the show. Without him the entire thing will fizzle out. But good luck tying him to the attacks.
Lunatic Retard Robots
21-12-2004, 01:51
The INS Viraat and escorts continue to sit off of southern Borneo, oblivious to the attacks on Xiannese fleet and Spyrian and North Yamani forces. In fact, the fleet gets itself ready to head back towards India. With the large Xiannese flotilla bound straight for the Bay of Bengal, the LRRN is not about to let this kind of incursion slide.
Of course, it would probably only get very dangerous for Xiannese forces if they were to enter within 300-350 kilometers of West Bengal's coastline. That would bring the battlegroup within range of truck-mounted anti-ship missiles and helicopter AsSW squadrons. Anywhere inside the Bay of Bengal would probably be accessable by LRRN submarines and missile boats, as well as LRRAF anti-shipping squadrons.
Kalla might find the presence of several thousand LRRA troops, mostly the engineers and regular infantry, two types of units that command quite a bit of firepower, as well as numerous special units, a hinderance to his operations if he decides to do anything deemed out of line in Sulawesi. After all, Hindustani forces still command much of the island's airport and harbor infrastructure, and three squadrons of MiG-21 Bison fighters effectively command whatever files on the island, operating from Makassar.
However, if Kalla's plans go well, the Hindustani forces may very well decide to pack up shop and leave before routes to the subcontinent become too dangerous. This would probably leave a handfull of special operations units on the island, but such a state of affairs would no doubt be preferable to hordes of Hindustani Lancers parading around the island equipped with enough ATGMs, artillery, and armored vehicles to make a pretty mess of whatever regular forces, and a lot of irregular forces, that Kalla might be able to muster very quickly.
Probably the biggest problem for Kalla in the short-term will be winning the loyalty of units tied closely with the Hindustani brigades. These troops have recieved a much higher dose of LRR governmental ideals than the average militiaman, and are measurably better equipped (their BMP-1s have turrets, etc.).
And with the government back home suspicious of Kalla's motives and his conduct on several issues, the Lancers on the island will probably suspect foul play quickly if anything goes wrong.
Lunatic Retard Robots
21-12-2004, 03:21
OCC: Wait a minute...where's Dra-pol?!?!
*Looks around worriedly*
Doesn't he have some revolutionary folks to send to Indonesia? I'm sure there are plenty of revolutions that need a good instigation.
The three planes were imediately shot down, and minor damages were reported on two ships. The fleet began to split in three smaller detachments and each group began shifting through the islands and began to head toward Shri Lanka.
Through the whole city, terrified politicians opened an emergency meeting. Xiannese warships have just be attacked by armed planes of Hudecia and LRR.
The government demands a clear explanation of the attacks. The question of war has been answered with a waiting table.
"We do not wish to be at war for weak petty attacks such as these. We shall consult these nations and we will get an answer." stated the Minister of oreign Affairs, Zhao Jin Zao.
Northern territories; Mongolia, and the Dongbei region (Manchuria) may be targets of the LRR and Hudecia. Talks between Dra-Pol and Xiaguo has dramatically increased and necessary millitary forces in the North has been met with outstanding numbers and newer millitary equiptment and items were ordered from East Islandian companies. Hundreds of missiles were moved and aimed at LRR and South Korea which was part retaliation of the recent attacks at the Eastern Royal Fleet.
Beth Gellert
21-12-2004, 11:30
(Ahem, post 540, Xiaguo. The Beddgelen fleet isn't going to let Xiannese military vessels to pass, nor even to dock at Singapore to refuel anyway. They could go right around Sumatra, if that doesn't create more problems, but a squadron of Igovian SSNs is moving to patrol south of the island, as well, and the possibility of refueling at Singapore is still out, because, well, Portmeirion isn't in the mood to be threatened by anybody, really.)
Around Indian shores, elements of the 4th Battle Flotilla could be seen casting off moorings and pulling out from minor refit as crews returned from shore leave. In the unlikely event that the Xiannese had the means and gaul to slip past the 1st and 100th Flotillas, they would find the Beddgelens prepared to call any inflated bluff, and their ships would not go unconfronted in the Bay of Bengal.
21-12-2004, 11:47
Menelmacari ships, of course, on the rare occasion that their courses actually take them anywhere near the Straits of Malacca, sail serenely above the fracas on the seas as they always have and always will. Fortunately, the jolly good show below gives everyone a chance to see some excitement, and the companies who own the vending machines on the ships are pleased to note that microwave popcorn consumption has increased twenty percent.
Beth Gellert
21-12-2004, 11:56
(They'll just have to be careful that no trans-dimensional rifts expose them to this reality. And microwave popcorn is an abomination against nature and mythology alike! It smells worse than Marmite!)
OOC:I have always wonder if a ship, car, plane had huge amounts of popcorn, when it gets fiered and explodes, does it make huge amounts of popcorn? or no..
If BG wishes to keep up such ignorant resistance, they will experience a slaughter beyond all imagination. The Southern Fleet was also sent southwards toward Indonesia. The Southern fleet, a capable naval force with upgraded HuaXia and DongYi class battleships, and frigates.
Hundreds of Millitary camps dot the Xinjiang Territory as they conduct millitary exercises in preparations for any smart moves by the Indians across the Himalayas.
"No, NO, YES I'M SURE!" The commander practically yelled into the phone. "Every fightercraft has been accounted for! YES! I counted them personally!"
Hanging up the phone, the commander quickly ordered his fighters into the air. THe Hudecian government would deny the allegations made by Xiaguo and highly suspected that it was simply a ploy by the Xiannese to give them an excuse to extend their region of influence.
Should the LRR fleet come under attack, Hudecian warplanes were ordered to assist them.
Hudecian military units are put on the highest alert possible. All leaves are cancelled and all fighters are prepped, but not launched as they do not wish to provoke a hostile response from Drapol.
With the country on the edge of war, the president-elect declared that Hudecia had nothing to do with the incident in the South Seas and voiced his suspicion that the entire incident was staged.
In a televised conference MacNally said:
"Hudecian warplanes were not in the vicinity of the vessels at the time of the so called 'attack'. Unless we see proof that it was indeed Hudecian fighters that made the assault, if one occured at all, then any actions taken against Hudecian interests will be considered an act of war."
Muslim extremists had been infiltrating the more heavily armed Sulawesian units and had been quietly building sympathy for Kalla and the Islamic states in Indonesia.
Christian groups, realizing the direction which their new nation was heading were attempting to sound the alarm. They approached LRR commanders and Hudecian workers pleading for help. At the same time though, the Christians were hedging their bets, they were securing key locations to protect their neighbourhoods and interests and funnelling away weapons in case of an attack.
Thanks to some Sulawesian and former Bonstockian officers, the Sundanese army was beginning to take form. Although many of the former federal republic's soldiers were in Singapore, the officer corps were smart enough to stay away from the bloodbath.
These officers would prove critical in providing the backbone of the Sundese and Aceh armies.
The CPRD was enjoying its most sustained and dramatic period of economic growth since its conception over sixty years ago. Technological improvements gained in the south were beginning finally to have an impact, increased trade with Xiaguo was boosting already existing gains with the Lyong and growing Marimaia, and Beddgelen aid was only increasing the longer Quinntonian involvement went on, the more right-wing the Hudecians became, and the more threatening towards India and conciliatory towards Dra-pol that Xiaguo became. The Republic was arguably benefitting from a tug of war between Indian and Chinese powers and investing the gains in much needed technological advancement that would enable infrastructure improvement to keep the ball rolling.
The down side was that the Republic now had more to loose, which may have explained its recent silence.
(Just popping by following telegrams inquiring into what the heck Dra-pol's up to and why we aren't causing more trouble in the fromer Bonstock... I'll be around)
"There were two Hudecian and a LRR planes that have allegedly attacked at least two Xiannese ships and have killed at least two crew members, and have done minor damage on four ships.
Such ridiculous excuse is the worst I have ever heard. We have hard recorded proff of Hudecian and LRR warplanes attacking Xiannese ships. They have first demanded the fleet to halt to turn around. The ships then halted and before any talks could be done, the planes shot at the ships, and in retaliation, the planes were shot down.
All ships have security cameras just like any foreign ship would. We have taped the whole attack. Besides the tape, we have fished out the remains of the planes, and also one of the pilots of the Hudecian Planes." with the angry gestures and movements, Ye quickly denouced the Hudecian idea of diplomacy.
-Sichuan & Hubei-
Sichuan and Hubei has been official named a seperate governing territory from Xiaguo and has obtained a ruling couple, King Jin Ya Min and Queen Chen Mei Yu. Jin Ya Min, brother of the Queen was granted lordship of the land and has obtained millitary strength of 50,000 and has an active government.
Dragon's Lair (1507 Hours):
"Cocksuckers! That's what they are! Sir, we must act." The Admiral suggested to Gen. Liu.
"Situation is critical. The Punjabs are planning to cross into our Tibet and it'll be history repeating itself!" One Major General suggested.
"Deploy the Alpine Corps. We can't let the commie bastards destroy Tibetan culture." A Lieutenant General remarked.
"You're all missing the damn point. We need to save Singa-freakin'-pore first." The Admiral butted in.
"Enough." Gen. Liu opened his mouth after many minutes of hearing expressions of absolute anger from his fellow commanders. "Han, get the Alpine Corps, we need three million to reinforce the Hindu-Tibetan border. Sun, I'm giving the command of the 25th Fleet to you. I need four million deployed to the Xiannese-Korean border."
The senior commanders did not look at the General when he spoke, action is beyond looking at one's superior in the eyes when orders are given. Action requires one to act.
"As for Marimaia, we need permission to reinforce Singapore through land." Gen. Liu continued.
"Sir, with all due respect, what about the seas?" Admiral Sun was irked by the situation's intensity.
"Very well, I'll assign you the 27th Fleet as well."
Two days had passed since that meeting with the General. Sr. Col. Feng and Lt. Gen. Zhu were not looking forward to their new promotion. 100,000 just arrived in the morning, and the trains never stop. Don't even mention the aircraft, all thanks to the Military Junta, there's three airfields in Lhasa alone.
Both men were merely senior officers in the region, both of them veterans of the Alpine Corps. Not much action here besides the occassional outbreak of banditry or religious violence here but Tibet has been peaceful. Across the Himalayas, the Indians are salivating. Intel had indentified a build up matching the size of their own.
Xiannese-Korean Border:
"There's nothing worse than the sight of looking right into that sh*thole" One border guard remarked to another.
"Yeah, North Korea sucks balls! I heard that Ma got breveted to Corporal just because some new arrivals needed help." His compatriot informed him.
"Really! Dammit! Why didn't they pick me first. I'm a Sergeant and far more experience than that brat. How many years has he been in the Army? Two."
"Maybe if you suck up to the Capt. once in a while he'll view you in better light."
Sinoese Ministry of Foreign Affairs
The minister stared blankly at his desk. Still waiting, it had been two days since the he had contacted the Marimaian for approval of another access through their borders into Singapore.
"F*ck it!" He cursed, seeing that he was alone in his office. One millions troops sitting in Yunnan, ready to roll down to Singapore. He's as pissed as their C.O.
In a brief national address Gen. Liu has demanded that Hudecia should apologize for its attack on Xiannese vessels in the vicinity. The damage was too obvious, missiles striking the deck, resulting in a humuliating hole on Chinese steel.
Spy satellites, shadowing their Xiannese ally had clearly shown missiles launched by aircraft of Hudecian manufacture and service. Magnification zoomed in on the insignias. All the evidence is there. 'Terrorists' are too uneducated to operate aircraft, especially using it in a wasteful strike. Wouldn't they be kamikazis?
South China Seas:
Deployment was once against a term that Sinoese Naval personnel have to get used to. This was no child's play as three fleets (23rd, 25th and 27th) had been summoned. But they more they come it seems, the merrier the officers get. Three supercarriers, five carriers, the other combatants are countless. There's probably enough firepower here to roast all of Indonesia.
Nansha Is., South China Seas:
Angered at the attack by Hudecians and Retards, in which they blamed on terrorists, they are the real terrorists. Terrorists hidden under a face of humanity while planning the destruction of China.
The General took the elevator. It was not the drone of its mechanics that annoyed him.
"What have we got?" He stepped out in full Marine BDUs, returning the salute to one of the MPs.
"The newly developed NF-7As, you know the cruise missiles capable of Mach 4.5 speeds upon impact." The chubby Special Weapons Force officer was almost twice Liu's age, but he was not fit to retire.
"Interesting." Liu replied, looking at the semi-trailers, rolling out off the warehouses.
"Those f*ggots from Hudecia will pay."
"Indeed. That's why we are here."
They set in a bunker after two hours of Liu's arrival by air. All the checks and procedures had been made before they could be launched. The officers and peered out off the windows, which were merely observation slits. All two hundred of them took flight, destined for Hudecian fleets in Indonesia.
This might add a personal twist:
Xiannese fleets, by order of the Empress will set sail and deploy in Singapore to strengthen Chinese presense.
Empress Jin, or known as Queen Jin, has also allowed Sinoese troops to enter Xiaguo freely in a joint millitary program in the overhwhelming defense of Mongolia, and in Many Northern Provinces.
The might Chinese fleet consisting the largest concentration of Xiannese ships in history. Hundreds of newly upgraded ships and seven newly built carriers have joined the task in blowing the fatheads out of the water.
The Xiannese Northern Expedition Army will quickly meet up with their Southern Compatriots. Millions of SInoese troops are expected, and extra bases have already been constructed or on the edge of completion.
-Rural China-
Rural regions of Northern China has came under drastic changes. Benefiting from Empress Jin's reforms. A major pour of government funds came into modernizing rural areas and destroying corrupt-ness and depotism. Such reforms reinstated ever since the Hu Jintao era has been re-deployed in effort to medrnize China and Chinese alike. The Xiannese government urges Sino and Taiwan to continue this process.
-Yalu River-
Now with free trade going on between Xiaguo and Dra-Pol, the economy has grown drastically. The government boasts that after free trade opened, there can now be chicken and seafood on everyone's plate.
The increase trade was due to earlier talks when Xiaguo oficially recognis the Dra-Polian government as the true governing power of the Korean Penninsula.
The Increase friendship also raised fear frm the udecians which has refused to recognise the new Xiannese government. The Hudecian governemnt has now been emptied and tidied-up and has been made into the first Dra-Polian Embassy in years.
Chinese-Korean friendship posters can be seen posted in many government and school offices.
21-12-2004, 22:17
ooc: Sino, are you gonna respond to my defenses of Singapore or what?
ic: A message is sent to Jamil and Suun.
The Republic of Singapore is an emerging democracy that means no ill to your nations. Please do not let us fall under the Sinoese military junta. You can detirmine your futures. Let us, our friends. We have not fired on your country. We only ask that you keep Sinoese troops out of your country. If we fall, Sino will only expand unchecked. Please do not allow them to continue their onslaught against innocent Singapore.
With all respect,
General Wu Shin-kua
Commander, Army of the Republic of Singapore
No army of such a size had been seen in Singapore except for maybe the subhuman Japanese. The Sinoese Military Junta has officially listed Singapore as a part of China. The Anschluss has been completed. Sinoese soldiers patrol the streets, Singaporean Chinese were free to join the ARSCF as many had resented Bonstock. It was not a matter of freedom, but a matter of nationalism. Singapore, now an SAR of China, ruled by an interim governor, currently appointed by Liu himself.
Governor Yeh Shu Qing, a man in his sixty with a roof of snow watched the morning news.
"At least the Sinoese have stop the violence." He remarked to his wife.
"Absolutely." His wife remarked, curlers still in her hair.
Yeh was a member of the business elite, his corporation was ST Kinetics, the manufacturer of rifles and small arms. It made him a natural ally to Liu. SAR-21s ( now find themselves int he hands of Sinoese spec-ops, another great achievement for his firm. Yeh was as Singaporean and as Chinese as the rest of them. He was a cultured, corporate man.
Gen. Wu Shin-kua on the other hand was no match for him, nor for Gen. Liu. Wu's records in the military had been published recently, working to a devastating effect. Immoralities ranged from drunkeness to womanizing. Not at all comparable to the moral bastion that is Gen. Liu. Who was Wu? Just some colonel who promoted himself to general simply for the pleasure.
Anti-Bonstock groups that were loyal to China were re-armed and retrained to serve the ARSCF. Wu's days are as numbered his followers.
Above: Sinoese propaganda direct from the files of Bonstock. Gen. Wu being proud of Singapore's suffering under Bonstock.
150,000 Sinoese Army and Marine personnel woke to find Beddgellens committing atrocities in a surprise raid. Most of the defenses in Singapore were shore based, except for a few patrol boats. The Sinoese, with their superior equipment and urban warfare experience took to defense of Singapore, MBTs barricaded the streets. There seems to be more combatants than civilians at this hour.
The urban environment naturally suits the defenders. China has been invaded.
Lunatic Retard Robots
21-12-2004, 23:34
The popular congress convenes quickly and angrily, angered that, despite Hindustan's always good intentions, somebody had to mess everything up.
"And these ridiculous Sinoese, who do they think they are?" asks one delegate to the congress.
"Here we are with 200,000 troops, and there they are with millions! If anyone should be worried, its us!" answers another.
"Marshall Syzko, tell us of the situation on the border," asks a delegate from rural Gujarat.
The elderly Polish defense minister of Hindustan gets up out of his chair, and addresses the congress spread out before him in a structure similar to one of those monster churches in Southern Quinntonia, and with numerous smaller local bodies in radio contact with the central congress.
"Well, as you all know our intelligence gathering capabilities are somewhat limited compared with other nations, but radio intercepts seem to indicate a heavy buildup of Sinoese forces on the Tibetan frontier. While we obviously share no border with China, I cannot rule out the possibility of an attack through one or several of the independent states or Nepal. As we have seen time and time again, we cannot be certain about General Liu's course of action. As you may have heard, there are reports that a Hindustani Navy fighter jet attacked Xiannese ships near Singapore. This could easily heap up tension to the breaking point, but I stress that the possibility of war is limited. I seriously doubt that General Liu and the Sinoese would risk an attack through mountainous Nepal or Uttar Pradesh, as that particular nation has proven itself very capable militarily during fighting against Pakistani forces. With Beth Gellert at our back, any attacks on us would be unlikely to succeed."
Marshall Syzko's appraisal of the state of affairs calms the congress, and after drafting and signing resolutions and proposals pertaining to such issues as humanitarian aid to Africa (unanimously voting to send more) and relations with Russia (uncertain with the election of Putin).
Back on the Viraat, news reaches the naval command of the attack on Xiannese ships.
"What a ridiculous idea!" shouts the admiral. "A Sea Harrier from our position then could never have reached the Xiannese fleet, if it wanted to come back. And there are none on Sulawesi. I certainly authorized no flights in the vicinity of Xiannese naval assets."
A message is quickly sent to Xiaguo, stating that it was impossible for such an attack to have been mounted by Hindustani forces. Detalied information on the LRRN's Sea Harriers is sent, with focus on internal fixtures such as radome shape, ECM equipment, and weapons pylons. Also, while the LRRN Sea Harrier has a much greater range than the baseline Mk. 1, such a small, fuel-hungry aircraft could never have reached such a spot and expect to return.
Similar documentation is sent to the Sinoese junta, as well as statements of current LRRA strength, accompanied with a letter stating how many times larger Sinoese numbers are compared with Hindustani numbers, and how idiotic an idea it is that Hindustan wants to invade China with a standing army of 200,000 versus several million, or with reserves who haven't held a rifle in their life.
Liu is also reminded that, while Sinoese schoolchildren are taught how to shoot and handle firearms, Hindustani students are happily reciting Kepler's laws of Planetary Motion, and taught about the evolution of the insect.
The Hudecian 'fleet' consisted of little more than a few frigates, destroyers and other vessels, mostly in dock. But the Sinoese warheads hit them all as well as hitting parts of Bornease cities.
The Bornean government immediately condemned the attack as a brutal violation of its sovereignty and pledged to support the Hudecian government with whatever response it may give.
"The Sinoese attacks destroyed at least two ships, and damaged 7 others, in addition, the docks at key Borneo locations were badly damaged and will take some time to repair," Foreign Minister Akiko stammered as she and the President dashed down the halls of Parliament. "At least 23 men were killed, and 136 were wounded, they are being treated by Hudecian medical units in Borneo."
MacNally swore vehemently as he pounded towards his office. "I want to be able to respond to this offense."
-Press Conference-
"The Sinoese claims that a Hudecian fighter attacked the vessels are completely unfounded," the press secretary restated. "We have confirmed with our military units in the area that no Hudecian fighter could have reached the vessels and had any hope of returning. As well, no Hudecian fighters are missing."
"Who does Hudecia suspect of carrying out the attack?" A reporter called out.
"We do not know at this time, however, F-18s and Sea Harriers were common stock in the FRB air force."
"What will Hudecia do in response to the Sinoese attacks?" Another reporter questioned.
"Hudecia will respond in the only way that Sino will understand," the press secretary paused. "Sinoese warheads hit Hudecian and Bornean property, and Hudecia will not be a silent victim of such atrocities."
If the SInoese thought that they were the only ones with missile capabilities in the South China Seas, they were sadly mistaken.
Dozens of missiles targeting Sinoese military bases in Singapore or Sinoese aircraft carriers on the Seas launched into the sky, weaving their way towards their ultimate targets.
If the Hudecians and Sinoese thought that they were the only ones with missile capabilities in the South China Seas, they were sadly mistaken.
Xiannese ships fired tens of missiles were fired back in defense of Sinoese assets in Singapore.
Hudecians will not be allowed to attack and harm any Chinese.
OOC: I promise to reply in the next 15 hours. Looks like the sh*t just hit the fan.
Beth Gellert
22-12-2004, 07:32
Sanity's big OOC post
Oookay. This is A Modern World, right? So Sino's population is something like 600million-ish if he's part of it, right? I note that nothing much came of the MW recruitment thread's attempt to settle the matter of whether Sino et al were actually codified members of the MW group...
If Sino has all these millions of troops, and the capacity to re-deploy them in days, they are getting absolutely slaughtered in Singapore by people who, unlike them, actually have guns and shoes and high-tech gizzmos like that.
Singapore, meanwhile, is surrounded on all ocean sides by elements of the two Beddgelen fleets deployed to the region, and the only access is the little hop across from Marimaia, if Marimaia chooses to allow it.
The Beddgelen troops landing on the southern shores of Singapore have done so unopposed, greeted by the people of Singapore, and have not fired a single shot.
Singapore is not under Sinoese control. The southern half has Beddgelen troops co-operating with the locals in hopes of establishing a proper democratic system in the near future, and BG has informed the Sinoese that most territory is stabilising, and that they can halt their advance. Of course if they choose not to, they can no longer pretend to anybody that it's a peacekeeping mission, or one on behalf of humanity or the wider world community, but that's okay, because I'm sure no one on earth is worried about Sinoese imperialism or racism.
Nobody has made any threatening moves on Chinese territory, though of course it is okay for Chinese propaganda to lie about that if it wants. What with 99.9% of GDP being accounted for in military projects, it is hard to see what the people have to receive this propaganda by, but maybe the army's driving its Model T Ford around and shouting loudly about it, I dunno.
I don't know how realistic it is that Sinoese troops be deployed en masse to the Korean border, either... I mean, surely the Xiannese aren't going to approve of the Sinoese trying to start world war III out of what is a friendly situation for Xiaguo. They have absolutely nothing to gain and everything to lose by letting the Sinoese provoke Dra-pol where it has recently pulled troops back to defensive rather than offensive positions.
Finally, is Sino ignoring Bonstock?
OOC:Sino is a certified member of the Modern World Roleplayers.
I thought Sino has already rped his way into Singapore with the others. Didn't you come late? You'll have to read the previous posts. I jsut came into this rp, but look at me, I'm already here helping my dear friend Gen. Liu.
As much as Xiaguo is different from Sino and has been known as the sweetness of the cake, we both share common principles in uniting all Chinese. And just because I love using propaghanda, doesn't mean our weapons are crap. Most of the funding for this is from Trade Revenues. The only tax in Xiaguo is property tax, and a small income tax.
Liu and I had mass troops near the Kasmir border? Why, as a threat, make a damn move, and we'll blow you out of the water. That is my "Kill a Fathead" principle.
Beth Gellert
22-12-2004, 08:48
OOC: Beth Gellert arrived while the fight for Singapore was on, and landed with the full approval of the locals.
I've been reading the thread since the get go.
My point on the membership of the MW group is that whether you've noticed or not, there's a lot of controversy surrounding Sino, since he's never really made clear whether he really wants to be part of the MW with all of its restrictions and expectations. Realistic populations, modern technology, recognition of the world as defined by AMW and so on. (Also there's the issue of him constantly starting arguments by not respecting other players, being a racist, not respecting other players, taking things too seriously, and so on, but that's not really central here.)
I ask because get concerned when I see hypersonic this and supercarrier that, because to me it looks like the sort of thing that can be designed and mass produced by a rich nation with three or four billion people rather than a nation of six hundred million that appears to have cut itself out of a good number of world markets.
Edit: As to your "kill a fathead principle" that's just swell, really [cheesy two thumbs up]. BG's moves thus far have all been reactive to foreign threats, and our military is not terribly affraid of giant conscript hordes, but you can get totally carried away if it works for you in the short term.
OOC: I have to agree with BG on this one...
BG and Bonstock control part of Singapore, Sino controls the rest, BG controls the seas around Singapore unless Xiaguo and SIno want to try to wrest control of the seas from them.
Remember, that your populations only allow for so much military hardware. For example:
Population: 30 million
Standing Army: 200 000 soldiers including engineering and medical divisions
Foreign deployed forces: 54 000 in Korea, 12 000 in Borneo
Naval Assests: No full aircraft carriers, but 2 light assault carriers (Wasp and Albion class)
So... extrapolating Sino, with 600 million people could have up to 4 million troops. However, you could only realistically deploy half of them at any given time outside of a full fledged war. (this is not a full fledged war yet)
Stationing 150 000 troops inside Singapore would be a challenge since the people of SIngapore arent exactly friendly towards the Sinoese.
[OOC: I have to concur with BG here... a claim of redeploying 7 million troops and a flotilla of a dozen carriers/supercarriers seems to be one of those things that, if anyone remember's Dra-pol's original thread that kickstarted the whole Modern World movement, was meant to be avoided. Yes, Sino has been accepted as an AMW player. But all AMW players, upon accepting membership into this community, also accept to roleplay within certain bounds of realism, including a set geography so that military deployments occur according to appropriate time increments (not simultaneously) and with numbers that reflect set realistic populations, and which have economic consequences. If an AMW player refuses to abide in that RP environment, then they aren't really an AMW player, are they?
As for Sinoese occupation of Singapore, I for one am choosing to ignore his posts. It has already been established that the Singaporean Chinese were NOT oppressed under Bonstock, and that Sinoese landings were being met by large numbers of militia. Sino's posts ignore both, without explaining why, rendering them both arbitrary and nonsensical. If someone wants to take Singapore, at the very least you'll have to bloody well FIGHT Bonsie for it...]
The attack by 'friendly' planes comes as a surprise to the Balinese militia, who respond with ineffectual M16 fire and a burst from the occasional SAW. [OOC: I'm not sure how the Yamani would respond, but knowing them they'd already be playing with locking onto the 'white imperialists' with SAMs after the first pass, so those and heavier guns would open up almost immediately after the bombs had dropped].
In the aftermath, rumours sped like wildfire through Bali, about attacks by islamic invaders, by christian crusaders, by white european colonial powers... The Yamani pre-existing dislike for the Quinntonians and Hudecians had caused them to assume those nations to be guilty, before the Spyran command structures could put forward a more cautious view. All Hudecians and Quinntonians currently on Bali (if any) were arrested 'for their own protection'... while Balinese mobs were certainly retaliating violently against caucasians and Christians, being imprisoned by the Yamani was far from comfortable.
The PRS and Sujavan governments jointly issued protests and demands for an explanation... the Sujavans, seeking to score political points in Bali, were far less open to the possibility of an error than the Spyrans, and issued a ban on all Hudecian-Quinntonian flight in Sujavan airspace.
After the bombing, the Sujavan authorities issue a statement blaming 'extremist elements', and double street patrols, while starting a full investigation to trace the roots of the attack. Troops in the Jakarta and Semarang commands are all ordered to go on full alert, in case Islamic extremism has been bolstered in the area due to the emergence of an islamic Sunda.
OOC Clarifications:
Yes, I have been away for hell of a long time due to various distractions, so I haven't been following this crap lately.
Sino's 600 million population allows for troop numbers of 25 million. We use modern technology as with the rest.
NF-7As are solid fuelled, twice the length of regular cruise missiles, making them capable of travelling at up to Mach 4.5, upon impact.
If I see a Singaporean on the street and explained to him about this whole made up ordeal, would he be favoring a bunch of invading commie Punjabs over some capitalist Chinese (like them)?
Did I say that deployments happen overnight? I did think so! It is perfectly capable of moving 100,000 men in one day within one's own nation, with the help of temporary requisitioning of trains and passenger aircraft (considering that China in the near future has more than enough high speed trains for that task). That would only be on the first day. Such a large number in the first few days is solely for the establishment of suitable defenses. Afterwards, the numbers will arrive slower, at the rate of some 2,000 per day, due to the use of military transportation only. Sinoese deployment to Singapore, despite being surrounded from all sides by bloodsucking Beddgelen vermin, can always come by air, via Marimaia (that's kept secretly IC).
If the SInoese thought that they were the only ones with missile capabilities in the South China Seas, they were sadly mistaken.
Dozens of missiles targeting Sinoese military bases in Singapore or Sinoese aircraft carriers on the Seas launched into the sky, weaving their way towards their ultimate targets.
OOC: What sort of missile were used? I need some technical information before replying losses. I'm being meticulous, not cheeky.
I ask because get concerned when I see hypersonic this and supercarrier that, because to me it looks like the sort of thing that can be designed and mass produced by a rich nation with three or four billion people rather than a nation of six hundred million that appears to have cut itself out of a good number of world markets.
OOC: Don't be so sure. If you recognise the technological capabilities of _Taiwan then mine will always be greater. Why not talk to him about it?
Similar documentation is sent to the Sinoese junta, as well as statements of current LRRA strength, accompanied with a letter stating how many times larger Sinoese numbers are compared with Hindustani numbers, and how idiotic an idea it is that Hindustan wants to invade China with a standing army of 200,000 versus several million, or with reserves who haven't held a rifle in their life.
Liu is also reminded that, while Sinoese schoolchildren are taught how to shoot and handle firearms, Hindustani students are happily reciting Kepler's laws of Planetary Motion, and taught about the evolution of the insect.
Sinoese commanders scoffed at the documentation. They're bluffing, this alliance of LRR, Hudecia and B.G. is showing its true shape, a sword sharpened for piercing the heart of China. LRR is pathetically calling the Military Junta to call off its deployments. Would Liu bother to listen to their crap? Hell no! If you're lost in the forest with limited supplies but you have a gun and you see a poisonous snake and either a Lunatic Retard, Hudecian or a Beddgelen in your vicinity, beat him to death before doing the same to the snake. Since the attack on the Xiannese fleet, Sinoese relations with the said nations have reached an all time low.
Sinoese schoolchildren maybe taught nationalism, drill and fieldcraft, that only occurs in the weekend (Saturday is a schoolday). Primarily, the master students of the world are taught the levels of mathematics, physics, biology and chemistry to the level of modern China (highest education standards in the world), with English thrown in.
The reason for armed training in the weekends is to keep the children occupied, instead of hanging around shopping malls and experiementing with drugs like their Western counterparts. Two hours of marksmanship training per week isn't exactly a chore. Armed training also prepares the mind and body for potential military service or to aid the defense of China (the duty of every Sinoese citizen).
OOC: No, see, Sino, this really is godmodding. With a standing army proportionally the size of the Drapoel forces, the idea of having extremely cutting edge technology and a lot of it, and keeping it so, it's just absurd. You can't have it both ways. You can have that giant army, but you have to pretty well shut off from the outside world, risk getting slaughtered if anyone comes in, and be unable to go out after them.
And the Singapore issue is still as was... it's not real life, it's the capital of the fallen Bonstockian empire (isn' it? A major hub, at least), and Bonstock is the guy playing it, not you.
(It's a point aside, but the idea of BG and Hudecia getting along is... about as likely as Sino and anybody else outside China getting along. One is a communist direct democracy, another is a capitalist conservative parliamentary democracy. One supplies Dra-pol with arms, the other gets shot at with them.)
I still don't think this is a, erm, good relationship.
OOC: No, see, Sino, this really is godmodding. With a standing army proportionally the size of the Drapoel forces, the idea of having extremely cutting edge technology and a lot of it, and keeping it so, it's just absurd. You can't have it both ways. You can have that giant army, but you have to pretty well shut off from the outside world, risk getting slaughtered if anyone comes in, and be unable to go out after them.
And the Singapore issue is still as was... it's not real life, it's the capital of the fallen Bonstockian empire (isn' it? A major hub, at least), and Bonstock is the guy playing it, not you.
(It's a point aside, but the idea of BG and Hudecia getting along is... about as likely as Sino and anybody else outside China getting along. One is a communist direct democracy, another is a capitalist conservative parliamentary democracy. One supplies Dra-pol with arms, the other gets shot at with them.)
I still don't think this is a, erm, good relationship.
There is always some way, considering that WWII Japan and Germany had gigantic forces throughout the war, with cutting edge technology of its day. China's population is huge. 1/20 in service isn't going to look odd.
I see that B.G. and Hudecia do get along, with LRR mediation. They may not be united in political ideology, but their unity lies in the goal to destroy the Sinoese Miltiary Junta and beyond.
OOC: If I don't reply later today, it'll come tomorrow.
Quinntonian Dra-pol
22-12-2004, 22:46
OOC- Did I miss something? I go to do some work out of town, am gone for two or three days, and everything falls to shit.
Firstly, WTF? Did I just read Sino posting 7 million man troop movements? And then trying to defend his 25 million man standing army with some vague statements about wartime troops levels circa WWII?
Firstly, is Sino a capitalist nation, or not? If it is, an army of that size is just ridiculous. Quinntonia represents perhaps the strogest economy in the world and I am playing with a highly militarised society and assuming the absolutely largest army I can support, is about 1.5 million men, assuming a very high concentration on air and sea elments. And my population is 300 million, with an economy that is at the very least comperable.
The whole idea of having comparitive numbers to Dra-pol is cute, but remember that Dra-pol is dependant on outside support for military equiptment and its people are living under an incredibly oppressive regime that requires massive policing by the military of its own citesenry.
In short, I am completely unwilling to recognise any military posts that are made with Sino assuming a military of that size.
I suggest that Sino officially drops its military size to a maximum of 3-5 million. That would take into consideration a huyge number of support personell, a quality air force and a large, state-of-the-art navy. Until that happens, and until we see some justification for ignoring Bonstocks posts, Sino is IGNORED by Quinntonia.
Lunatic Retard Robots
22-12-2004, 22:57
There is always some way, considering that WWII Japan and Germany had gigantic forces throughout the war, with cutting edge technology of its day. China's population is huge. 1/20 in service isn't going to look odd.
I see that B.G. and Hudecia do get along, with LRR mediation. They may not be united in political ideology, but their unity lies in the goal to destroy the Sinoese Miltiary Junta and beyond.
You know what? With 5% of your population in the military, everybody else would be in bad shape. I mean, 4% is usually the maximum accepted army size. Dra-pol, of course, had more, but it was made quite clear that everyone else was starving and the army had little in the way of advanced weaponry.
And Sino, one element of education is funding. When one looks at yourself, with most of your national budget going into the maintainance of an obscenely large military force, versus old Hindustan or, say, the British Federation or Hudecia, where (in the case of Hindustan) the majority of government funds are put into education and social programs, and in the case of the other two examples a much higher proportion of government funds are put into such areas, education, standards of living, and overall social health will naturally be improved over a highly militarized society such as the one you have put into half of China.
The real china, with a population twice as great and an army amounting to only 1.5 (approximately) troops, would have much more funds available to put into school funding. I'm sure, in this context, the less militarized nations have much more money to dedicate to education. And I assume that, when learning about such minds vital to the physical sciences such as Albert Einstein, Richard Feynman, and Robert Oppenheimer, their intentions and thoughts would be largely avoided, lest Sinoese students get the idea that such intelligent people were in opposition to militaristic policies.
The government immediately goes into panic once it gets no response besides the usual "screw you" that comes from the Junta.
After all, if Liu decides to crack some of his fission devices off then Hindustan will without a doubt be a target. And thanks to what are regarded as much more sane policies by the Hindustani government, which frown upon the development of weapons that carry the capacity to obliterate all life on earth, the Hindustani military carries none, and is proud to carry no nuclear, chemical, or biological weapons systems.
The military starts to hunker down and ready itself for Sinoese action against India. However, unlike in Sino, where Hindus are called by racial slurs and foreign cultures ignored and demonized, Hindustani troops are, besides being all-volunteer, very tolerant like Hindustani cluture as a whole. Being home to Hindus, Jews, Buddhists, Muslims, Christians, and a variety of other religious and ethnic groups from around Asia, Africa, and Europe, Hindustan has always been known as an open and kind society, accepting of new ideas and cultures.
Of course, if by some reason Sinoese citizens actually like to live like they live, then the Hindustani government is fine with it. Once other sovereign nations are 'united' with Sino, something must be done to protect the more sane regimes.
But, in conculsion, the Junta is told to take it easy by the Hindustani government. The last thing anyone wants is for a gazillion Sinoese soldiers rampaging through India and destroying what a succession of able and dedicated governments and ministers had worked so hard to achieve.
As army, airforce, and navy units prepare for action, Marshall Syzko reviews the divisions tasked with the defense of Madhya Pradesh, Gujarat, and Matharasthra. A CNN camera crew is on hand, not necessarily welcome but far from banned from filming such an event. A bagpiper plays 'Scotland the Brave," a colonial tradition which the army took a liking to, as he follows the Marshall down the rows of infantrymen, representing about one fifth of the total unit strength, since only one regiment is on hand for review. The troops are dressed in their regular combat uniforms, some troops in a copy of the old british tropical uniform, with olive drab shorts and short-sleeve jacket, others wear the shorts with a camoflauge jacket. They all wear their cotton sun hats, again modeled after the british uniform. Some troops carry 7.62mm FN-FAL rifles, or the state arsenal's copy of the type. Others have V. 58s, and about two in every ten troops carry an RPG-7. One in ten carry some part of an AT. 43A (infantry-carried) anti-tank missile system, boasting an impressive five-kilometer range. About one in ten troops carry the 7.62mm IB light MG. The vehicle crews, although similarly dressed, are armed with what look like Sten SMGs.
To any Sinoese, or to pretty much any other observer, they would probably look like a pretty ragged lot, but the LRRMFs as a whole are very well trained. It would be difficult to find more capable engineers and medical teams, or better trained and equipped anti-tank units.
LOL, don't look at me, I barely have 200,000 in Xinjiang ready for full flegde war with India, and an extra 40,000 at sea.
OOC- Pardon me for interrupting.
ATTN Hudecia: A shameless plug on my part, please look up Louis XX lands in Montreal. The state visit thing.
OOC: moving on.....
The Hudecian government expresses shock and amazement at the attack upon Bali. First of all, the Hudecian government expresses sympathy with the victims. Then they roundly reject all claims that it was their fighter.
"Not one of our fighters is missing! None of our pilots are missing!" The press secretary exclaimed. "We don't even have the ability to strike Bali in reality because we were expelled from Sulawesi. What possible gain could attacking the North Yamanese troops give us? Its crazy!"
As General Yeh meets up with both Sinoese and Xiannese millitary officials in Xinjiang and Tibet, he begins to realise that China finally will finally become the monster of Asia.
As he rode down the street in a ceremonial blessing of the troops in the name of the queen, the traditional Chinese Marching Band of the Xiannese Marines Corps began to play patriotic tunes ranging from the 'Five Starred Flag' to the 'Troop Reviewing March' both of which are National Anthems of Xiaguo and Sino.
Retrieve the Royal Words, as hundreds of Xiannese troops bow down at once, a more modern form of the kowtow which eliminates the actual kneeling. As Yeh unfolds the parchment, the music stops and more loyal officials began to kowtown.
"I bring the blessings from Empress Jin, also known as the Compassionate and the Heavenly Command. She in utmost, in spirit understands the brave men and women at arms who have undoubtfully aquire the most respect from her. Word from her golden tongue, "India has threatened the overall security of China and her territories, and we must protect the sovereignty of the CHinese Empire and her allies. You all are brave and energetic. You loyalty to the Constitutional Republic is a debt of our country, and can never be repayed. May my words be of most importance one and everyone of you. I hope to congratulate you all on your victory in Beijing."
The words have been recieved, espect this. As Yeh passes the parchment to his secretary, the whole army rises and begin to salute the The Xiannese flag and vowing the safety of Chinese sovereignty.
Hundreds of troops marched off in rows and began making their way back to camp to prepare to leave Xinjiang for Tibet.
"National spirit is a very important aspect of Chinese Unity, unity is strength, separatism is death." said the Queen to Yeh before she handed him the parchment.
Beth Gellert
23-12-2004, 06:34
The Igovian Soviet Commonwealth has begun to send offers of defensive aid to its neighbour, Hindustan, which would, after all, serve as something of a buffer in the event of Sinoese aggression against the sub-continent.
The ISCBG has a warrior tradition thousands of years old, as can be testified to by the trail of destruction left by the Celtic ancestors of many Beddgelens, who sacked Delphi, entered Turkey as mercenaries, and then cut through everything between Galatia and Sri Lanka to establish Beth Gellert, prompting Strabo's famous observation that, "the whole race... is madly fond of war...". Unable, despite protests from more liberal quarters (no doubt influenced by their neighbours), to shake this spirit, the Commonwealth still accounts for around 7% of its gross national product in military affairs, and with its advanced communist economy and communal living*, and a military more than ten times smaller than the Sinoese despite the nation being only two times smaller in population, BG's position has caused comrade General Kivi Eikki Paatelainen to say that:
"If the spiraling misleadership of the Sinoese make a desperate strike at Hindustan their popularity-seeking Malvinas, we shall make it their regime-ending Falklands. They shall fall by the thousand in the mountains, they shall be cut apart when they come down, and any who cross the Hindustani frontier shall be starving deserters casting themselves upon our boundless sympathies!"
Uncertain of the extent of Hindustani ABM defences, Portmeirion has offered to re-deploy CS-400 Red Sky systems into Hindustani territory, "for the duration of an immediate missile threat" in the words of CCC comrade Chivo, as CS-500 Arawn deployment programmes are accelerated in the Commonwealth. Red Sky is adept in single unit interception, with a high success rate and extremely powerful radar, its shortcomings are simply in the speed with which it can handle new targets and the number of targets it can attack at once. It would none the less suppliment local defences if required.
*In BG, over production is not so easily wasted as in many capitalist societies, vital food production is in two tiers to create redundancy, and communal living gives a higher standard of living in times of hardship, as nobody is completely denied access to consumer goods as would be the case in family or individual-oriented capitalist societies spending highly on defence.
(OOC: I think that Dra-pol's military recruitment actually only ever hit four or five percent, LRR. Just before the AMW idea came along, they had about two billion some people and eighty-odd million troops, as I remember it. Good points about education, too. Without the large base of educated persons, and with the need to close the society off to the outside in order to justify such spending practices, the Sinoese would be decades behind in technological terms. Anyway, it seems that someone (Quinntonia) has finally taken the initiative, and this all has to be settled eventually. Does Sino want AMW, does AMW want Sino? He has, I'm sure, a reputation of his own outside the group, and I'm sure we'll have no trouble finding someone else to play China. What is best?)
Beth Gillert, you ooc talk about Sino is fueling my anger toward you. The cross-fire was suppose to be targeting you, not Hindustan or any other county. Sino were one of the ones who have first upported this Modern World roleplayer group.
The Xiannese economy is heavily funded by Taxation of foreign goods and trade.
Through history, Chinese have deafeated the great armies of India and has obtain powerful influence in the Northern Indian Border.
Chinese artillery, located on the Himalayas can destroy Indian artilleries, or establisment of such weapons.
The Sinoese have never closed off the coutry and has developed most of their own weapons. Sino has been Xiaguo and _Taiwan's major trading partners for, damn, a ver long time.
Xiaguo's funds are actually going to Health and Education, however, the Millitary is also up there. Sino's government is a powerful strong governingbody which expresses great needs of the Chinese people by offering huge amounts of money toward education, and the millitary seeing these two as the basis of a powerful country.
If you guys are really into modern statistics, Xiaguo would have 1 billion people, Sino would 2.2 billion people(South should have more people than the North)
I propose Xiaguo and Sino will be united as one country with the exception of 2 governments, and roleplay in the modern world if this bickering keeps on.
BG does have a great understanding of his government, I'm pretty sure you can handle Sino, because the reason of booting Sino off, is clear.
OOC: I don't remember Sino doing anything of the sort. I'm tired of this. I'm wildly over-stepping my authority, here, but in order to obliterate 90% of all the problems in AMW, I'm saying that, so far as I'm concerned, China is NPC and Dra-pol is still looking for a neighbour up there.
If we actually think about it, this started because I wanted a player-controlled, realistic, lasting Chinese neighbour. At the time, I had the ones I still have now! Xiaguo et al were involved in a god awful invasion attempt and couldn't even recognise how horribly they were losing, and I threw up my hands and abandoned the effort, and looked south for interaction, but found it absurd due to the numbers involved, hence AMW. I'm sorry, but I'm tired of off-site discussions and telegrams and in-forum squbbling and indecision and absurdity all focused on China. AMW China is blank, according to the movement's founder, and this doesn't mean that anyone else has to follow suite, but there you go, with whatever weight it carries (I really don't know) my foot is going down.
Of course it's easier for Dra-pol to say this, not being involved in Singapore et cetera, but really, the only Chinese involvement there is Sinoese crap already ignored by at least one other player, so there you go. I say, China is out of it. There a whole big Nation States out there for them to spin off into. I'm casting the weight off my shoulders. Away godmodding and racism and oh-[blank]-it's-so-hard-to-get-a-point-across and indecision.
Seriously, now, lets just give it up. The AMW's China isn't working, and it is never going to work. It's not. It has Sino in it. It's not going to work. It's over. It's not fun, it's hard work.
Edit: Wait, now, what does that edit mean? Two governments/one nation and Sino-booting?
OOC:haha, Dra-Pol you wish. lol. More of a tighter 1 China instead with Xiaguo stuck with Sino. Of course, you guys wouldn't alow it.
Hudecia, how's the missiles?
>>>First of all, this is started over Sino's huge amount of troops. How did we ever come across questioning whther Sino and I capable of being a part of this Modern World?
23-12-2004, 11:50
Well, AMW is Dra-pol's brainchild, so I'd think his word carries a lot of weight (my opinion of course). Looking at it, I'm inclined to agree with him on a few points.
An army of 25 million is excessive to say the least. I also have to question the idea of Xiaguo having 1 billion people and Sino having 2.2 billion people. How do modern statistics justify a combined Chinese population of over 3 billion people?
Anyway, perhaps we should have a mini-poll to formally decide what to do.
Someone has their stats wrong.... in total, China has officially 1.2 billion (unofficial estimates are more like 1.6 billion).
And I agree with everyone else on this... SIno can't have as many troops as he claims.
Oh.. and my missiles were Tomahawk missiles.. sorry about not clarifying that.
OOC: When AMW was first proposed, following Dra-pol's decision on his future RP, I will admit I had some concerns over whether or not a realistic RP world could be formulated... the consensus between members and willingness to accept both victory and defeat which would be required to build it were things I had not noticed to be plentiful here on NS. There was plenty of hope and enthusiasm as AMW took off, but now we all seem to be running into a bit of a wall.
Xiaguo: I'm sorry, but I simply cant understand what you're trying to say in your posts, so I cant really respond to you. Something about China's realistic population being three billion and people wanting to boot Sino for IC advantage?
On the first point, I don't think so. My assumption has been that AMW is 'modern', both technologically and temporally. Everyone's populations are estimated by roughly today's figures. So, that'd make the AMW world occur within the next couple years. The Chinese population is not going to double itself by next January. As for 'booting' Sino, I would say this: how would AMW react to, say, a fleet of gravships piloted by magic elves beaming in from space? It would be ignored, because its not part of AMW. A nation claiming a realistic population and ownership of the Korean peninsula? Ignored because that area is already occupied by existing nations in AMW. A nation claiming unrealistic troop numbers and automatic victories? Well, that would be Sino. And yes, he'd have to be ignored in AMW, simply because such claims violate the principles upon which AMW is founded.
I can understand not wanting to agree to change the nature of one's country... If I posted something, I'd almost certainly consider it acceptable, and would be a bit sore if people came and told me I was wrong. But, especially in AMW, turning my back and plugging my ears would not be the way to go. A reasoned and informed debate is evolving here over certain things in Sino, and whether those things conform to the requirements of AMW. If they do not, and if Sino will not adapt the problematic issues to the required standards, then continued RP with him in AMW is pointless.
Lunatic Retard Robots
23-12-2004, 18:50
OCC: I think that to totally banish Sino from AMW would be a little bit harsh.
Why don't we agree on something:
In order for Sino to have such a gigantic army, he would have to give up the bulk of his advanced weaponry and the bulk of his navy. If 1/20 of the population were to be in the army (5% of the total), that would be like the real North Korea fielding an army of 1,123,324.05 people, greater than its current army of 923,000, on which it spends 33.9% of its GDP. Admittedly, a nation like Sino would have more economic ties to look for, but I think we can be relatively certain that a good portion of Asia, Africa, Europe, and the Americas would refuse to trade with you, given certain, shall we say, slip-ups in your handling of various dissident groups and policies towards other nations. I doubt that you would win many friends in old Quinntonia by your staunchly anti-religious policies, or in Europe by your staunchly anti-homosexuality and anti-liberal policies.
This would, all in all, put yourself in a position quite similar to North Korea, although with the less-disliked Xiaguo to fall back on for assistance, and more natural resources to draw from. But I seriously doubt that you could afford to equip a significant portion of those troops with modern weapons.
With Xiaguo to help, you could probably squeeze the most out of a limited technology base and get some outside help, but you would still be in a somewhat poor position. To try and equip your forces with highly advanced weaponry throughout would essentially be asking your population to go without food for a couple years.
The real china has the largest military in the world, and it amounts to less than one percent of its total population (something like 2.18 per 1000 people).
So, if we look at the statistics, having a military inside of one percent is a very unpopular idea.
So therefore, I think we would all appreciate if Sino a. reduced his military numbers to a reasonable size or made the necessary arrangements for such a large quantity of troops, b. would be less racist in his dealings with other nations and look more to reality, or agknowledge that his country has been pretty well isolated from the outside like Dra-pol, and such racism and bigotry is a consequence of such isolation, and c. clarify his means of logistics and transportation before mounting a military operation, as is a standard for all modern world players.
I also have one point of conflict regarding Chinese military ventures in India:
Neither I, nor Beth Gellert, have claimed territories bordering China. Therefore, in order to reach Hindustan or Beth Gellert, one would be compelled to cross through numerous NPC territories, many of which with a rather large population, or cross through Nepal, which, now in the hands of Maoists and Beth Gellert forces, would probably not offer a very kind reception to Sinoese/Xiannese troops. I was also under the impression that NPC territories were not to be invaded and the like. If, however, you would like to count Sikkim, a small Indian state sandwitched between Nepal and Bhutan, as part of West Bengal, one of my claimed territories, that would be acceptable to me.
But, A Modern World being the creation of the most eminent Choson People's Republic, Dra-pol should be given the final say in such matters essential to the progression of our unique roleplaying community.
LRR, yeah, I agree with many aspects of it.
BTW, China's Tibet borders India's Kashmir, which had staged many conflicts between India and China. Chinese wom many of the these battles due to the excellent mountain ranges the Chinese have control over having artillery and weapons to repell Indian attacks and set-up.
Let us carry on this rp for now, and wait for Sino to respond.
Further OOC Clarifications:
After much convincing, I've decided to scale it down to 5 million. All previous deployment figures, we shall treat as one tenth of the original (I'm too lazy to edit). My sincerest apologies for misjudgement.
Sure, those great physicists have been against militarism, but it's always the weapons that benefit from science. Students take the scientific subject to learn about the science, not about what the scientists have in mind over politics. If it weren't for the Luftwaffe's threats, the R.A.F. would not have developed the radar. Which is also useful for catching speeding drivers.
Many technological spin off from the space race helped mankind, despite their military applications first. Like dehydrated foods, for example.
The point is, military technology ultimately benefits mankind.
No matter how much a Western country spend on education, many of their weak, White brains are unable to match those of the Chinese students. The Chinese curriculum is always much more challenging that their Western counterpart. The average Chinese schoolday is 8:00 a.m. (sometimes even earlier) to 5:00 p.m. (sometimes later, for those that need tutoring). On average, the Chinese student out-performs the White one.
(Sorry for not replying this earlier.)
Oh.. and my missiles were Tomahawk missiles.. sorry about not clarifying that.
Archaic models of weapons had limited damage made on the Sinoese. Computerized AAA (used previously against Daylami Tomahawks) had been very effective. Such systems, found on the numerous ACS (Armed Cargo Ships) and on many bases made short work of these missiles.
Minimal damages included the destruction of the superstructure of one ACS (30 crew members were killed) and minor damages to sensor systems on the supercarrier ARSNV Deng Shi Chang.
The Military Junta has yet to confirm civilian casualties in Singapore, due to this attack.
OOC- LOL, My God! Weak White Minds? I dont mean to interupt, indeed I have no stance to do so, but I find such language to be completely vulgar.
Not to be rude, but it seems you have an axe to grind, quite frankly I believe your stereotypes are distorting your RP ability. For example, when you say "(Western) 'weak white minds'", do you mean Europeans, Semitic peoples, Americans, Indo-Europeans...the list goes on, indeed by your standards 1/2 of the world is 'white'. Such vauge and racist sentiments are not condusive to clarity, Sino: I guess what Im asking is could you focus your racism more clearly? That way we may gain important insight into bigoted China. Something just occured to me, and perhaps it why you are so bitter. Is it because the inferior West colonized China, divided it, and humiliated it? Putting up signs like "No dogs, No Chinese?" If so, I understand your anger, but please refrain for beating your drum over, and over, and over again.
Lunatic Retard Robots
23-12-2004, 21:31
LRR, yeah, I agree with many aspects of it.
BTW, China's Tibet borders India's Kashmir, which had staged many conflicts between India and China. Chinese wom many of the these battles due to the excellent mountain ranges the Chinese have control over having artillery and weapons to repell Indian attacks and set-up.
Let us carry on this rp for now, and wait for Sino to respond.
OCC: Yeah, I have read accounts of the '62 border war between India and China. Seems like the Indians were better troops (instances of tiny 50-person outposts holding off hundreds), but the Chinese had the advantage of position. But the thing is, neither me nor Beth Gellert actually has claimed Jammu & Kashmir, Uttaranchal, Himachal Pradesh, Sikkim, or Arunachal Pradesh, the Indian states which share borders with china and its seized territories like Tibet.
Therefore, your and Sino's forces in Tibet would be facing no Hindustani or Bedgellen forces. The only way to directly attack Hindustan or Beth Gellert would be via invasion of Nepal or by an amphibious landing in the Bay of Bengal.
A Map of India (
Oh, sino sino sino. You crazy kid. You are just perpetuating stereotypes. You realize that you are using bigoted and unsubstantiated opinions to gauge your nation's performance in a venue that is supposed to be based somewhat in reality. By saying that Chinese people are automatically smarter than everyone else, in lieu of the fact that, even with a military one fifth of what you previously claimed to field, the majority of the government's funds without a doubt go into the maintainance of a very, easily unecessarily, large military, your standards of living and education would naturally be less than those in a nation where education takes precedence. While one can squabble all day over the merits of a highly regimented educational system like the one that I assume is in place in Sino versus a progressive and much more free system, emphasizing a greater amount of intellectual freedom and curiosity, such as in place in Hindustan, and I assume in other MW nations, it follows only logically that more education focus=better education.
Now I do not claim to be a particularly smart kid myself. I am of course "white," as far as I gather it means to you Sino (although I do have elements of Mongol and Athabaskan Indian in me), and am not the best student in the American educational system, which is far from the best in the world, but the idea that, being "white," I am automatically dubmer than you Sino, is a simply proposterous idea, one that most of the world (except for some deluded holdouts like much of the RL Indian government, which as thankfully not brainwashed all of that country, and North Korea), had cast off decades ago.
I probably am much less intelligent than you, Sino, but the idea that I am because I belong to a certain ethnic group or race is a very bad and somewhat scary notion. It is without question that, while Europe was busy killing off its minorities and making ill-fated military escapades into the Middle East, China was developing a thriving cluture and coming up with such beautiful philosophical ideas as Confucianism, but that's not my fault. You can't just categorize people so broadly and easily.
Any Bedgellen help when it comes to ABM systems would be appreciated, as the purchase of S-300PMU systems from Russia, now under new leadership, is somewhat uncertain, and the development of the SA-31 missile system, similar to the S-400 but with improvements in mobility and detection, as well as lower cost, has not proceeded quite as quickly as planned, due to the myriad of other defense projects being undertaken by the state armories.
In fact, the state armories would be quite interested in purchasing 10-12 CS-400 systems to tide the ABM network over, equipped mostly with S-200 "Gammon" systems which, although boasting a 255km maximum range, are lacking in their radar capabilities.
In response to the threat of invasion through Nepal, the army calls up its somewhat limited reserve base, bringing the total troop numbers to around 350,000, all well equipped and provided with artillery support and transportation, although a good half shorter on training and experience than the other half. The airforce and navy, already deemed large enough, and already set for combat, don't need to do much as the new divisions are sent to Bihar and West Bengal via the nation's extensive rail network.
Hindustani forces distribution:
35 divisions total
20 first-line
15 second-line
8 armored
27 motor-infantry
8 divisions in Bihar
8 in West Bengal
4 in Jharkhand
1 on Sulawesi Island
14 distributed throughout the rest of the country, lest a potential Sinoese/Xiannese attack break through the main concentration of forces and reach Madhya Pradesh and Beth Gellert.
Note: these divisions probably have not all deployed, but I would imagine that many units were already in place.
23-12-2004, 21:55
About 150,000 Singaporian militiamen continue holding off the Sinoese attack, with help from Beth Gellert.
ooc: short post... Sino, respond. Stop talking about numbers and RP for god sake!
By the way, with 3 billion people, Bonstock had an army of 15 million people. With compulsory military service for men and women.
Minister of State to His Most Chrisitan Majesty Louis XX, M. de Vergennes, according to the AP, issued the following statement:
The situation in Singapore is reproachable. On the grounds of human rights alone, the Sinoese invasion is detestable. The Kingdom of France petitions the nation of Sino to cease hostilities until humanitarian aid arrives. I have just given orders for the Sinoese Embassy in Paris to be shut down, its envoys have been curtly dispatched back to their hostile home. Once the Sinoese Embassy is evacuated, it will be razed and burned, and turned into a
hospital for the benefit of the working poor.
We are sure that Sino does not wish to ignite another Bonstock episode with their rampant colonialism and brutish tactics against civilians, already approaching racist and genocidal tendencies. France is prepared to grant monetary aid packages to the nations already opposed to their tyranny if Sino does not offer an immediate ceasefire for humanitarian aid.
Beth Gellert
23-12-2004, 23:15
(OOC: I know that Sino's reconsidering some of his facts and figures, but, to put it politely, personally I'm still just not convinced that China and AMW are right for each other in their current forms. Maybe I'm just mad, I don't know. Now I've totally lost my place, why are there cruise missiles flying around? Argh. One of these days BG will release the safety catch. Presumably everbody else's magazines will be empty by then, so to speak.)
OOC:Oops, sorry, my bad.
Modern Population of China is 1,298,847,624 According to the CIA Factbook.
So Xiaguo would have A little less than half that much. I guess I'm greedy in saying I have 700 million compared to Sino's 600 million. I have included Mongolia, so gues it makes it up.
CIA Factbook--
Military expenditures - dollar figure:
$60 billion (2003 est.)
Military expenditures - percent of GDP:
3.5-5.0% (FY03 est.)
We will keep it that way. Sorry about the Indian Map thing, I always did agree Kashmir belongd to India so I assumed Kashmir belonged to Hindustan. Guess India is controled differently also.
Beating the Drum over again, we will keep beating, and with every beat, there shall be more beats, and every pound should be louder.
Xiannese soldiers began to land on the ports and beaches Singapore in the agreed assistance of the Sinoese invasion expedition.
20,000 troops have begun the landing and an expected 70,000 Xiannese troops will be in Singapore.
"The Undeclared war was only expected due to the powerful ties with Xiaguo, however, the main battle will be situated in Sngapore, the conflict in Kashmire can only be cared for later." in a National Address to the National by Empress Jin.
Beth Gellert
24-12-2004, 01:17
(OOC: Excuse me if my head just falls off or something. Unless I'm mistaken, the Sinoese arrived in Singapore on the northern shores, via Marimaian land-routes primarily, and since then, as I'm quite bored of typing, the Igovian fleets long in the area have cut the island off from any access except for the Malay peninsula itself. Unless they're based on the southern tip of said peninsula, new ships can't get in without BG's say-so, can they? The Marimaians could choose to make it difficult for us to enforce a blockade, perhaps, but to be frank, it's doubtful that Admiral Edwards would pay much attention. It is only respect for the Marimaians and a wish to have the Sinoese co-operate with the peaceful intentions of the Beddgelens in Singapore that has prevented Edwards cutting off the entire island to Sinoese re-supply, which must presently come through the peninsula or through the Igovian blockade.)
Lunatic Retard Robots
24-12-2004, 01:53
The state armories continue to wait for Bedgellen approval of their request for around 12 CS-400 ABM systems. Meanwhile, Hindustani army troops stationed in Bihar and West Bengal continue to entrench themselves in preparation for a Sinoese attack. The hilly, forested landscape would naturally suit itself to the defenders, and maximum use is made of the terrain.
Quinntonian Dra-pol
24-12-2004, 03:13
OOC- Sino, you racist dipshit!
I do consider myself smart, though my typing skills may not hold that out. I am a straight A student in university and have passed teste for Financial Advising including my Insurance and Mutual Finds exams, both of which had to be passed with a 80%.
What really pisses me off about your bull post with your racist claims is they were OOC. This means that they do not reveal the national character, but rather are your personbal beleifs, and I don't think that I can RP with someone like that. I think it is high time for an apology.
BTW, Mongolia has a population of 2,751,314.
Lunatic Retard Robots
24-12-2004, 03:24
OCC: I think this is getting a little bit ridiculous. And now Xiaguo? Perhaps you're right, ol' Hotan. Mabye AMW and China just can't get along. I still think there is grounds for compromise, though, should certain elements starting with S loosen up.
Further OOC Clarifications:
No matter how much a Western country spend on education, many of their weak, White brains are unable to match those of the Chinese students.
Tell me, if the Chinese education is soooooo great then why do all the best minds and wealthiest minds come to America? (see Iris Chang's 'The Chinese in America')
Why does the Chinese government have to steal the 'white man's ' technological advances (see 'The Subject is Marketing: Chapter on Corporate Intelligence).
Why does the Chinese government fear the white man's abilities so much that they restrict the flow of goods into China and even outright steal them? (see China's policies on automotive imports)
But most of all, why do the finest and most brilliant minds continue to be represented equally by all ethnic groups?
Intelligence isn't racist in its appropriation, only you are Sino.
Hudecia ignores all issues relating to Sino.
East Islandia
24-12-2004, 04:11
Yo Sino, ppl is ppl. Dumb ppl is dumb ppl, and smart ppl is smart ppl. Dont be like 'weak white brains' and shit... if that were true, the whites would not have owned our asses in the Opium War (through their own innovations and improving on things that we invented).
I'm assuming that its Bonstock and BG vs Sino, and Hudecia and LRR also against Sino (though somewhere else? Not sure about that)
Islandia has stood on the side lines for far too long; the government is now dispatching the First Ghost Brigade, the Pathet Cong Brigade, a carrier battle group, three submarines, and the Pearl Guards Brigade to aid Hudecia and LRR in their struggle against the Sinoese. (~15,000 troops, three subs, and ten ships).
OOC- Im with Quintonnia and Hudecia on this one. Sino has to apologize, meaningfully, for his vilely bigoted mouth, until then hes on ignore.
IC-French agents in Beth Gellert and LLR Hindustan (Marimaia was already an ally of Louis XX, on a 'different level of interaction') quietly go to their respective governments. They offer humanitarian aid to the belieugered Singaporese at once, this request was made through Singapore itself (Bonstock). To BG and LRR the French come bearing small gifts, like pharmeceutical supplies and such. The agents stress, that although BG and LLR openly despise the French government, the French would like to help out (in small but decent amounts -supplies such as small arms and powder 1/2 price; med equipment, and food should they need it free) if and where they can.
Even though their governments were polar opposites, Louis was a devout Catholic, and therefore saw all men as his brothers and children of God. Hopefully, some sort of relationship could be built out of that premise, no matter how small it might bloom.
24-12-2004, 15:37
OOC: Well, BG, Marimaia only supported Sinoese intervention because Bonstock was proving difficult to crack. With this new confrontation flaring up between China and India, the NeoSuunists just want this war over with as it seems to be erupting too close for comfort.
On a different matter, I've tried to look past Sino's comments in the past even though some of them hit a very sore spot for me. However, his most recent do make it difficult.
Taishita, Marimaia
Marshal Kunzai sighed as he saw the latest reports. "This is just getting worse by the day. Allowing Sino to have any form of passage through our borders or our airspace is dragging us into conflict with our allies; we have to look at the long-term picture here."
After a brief video conference with His Excellency, Kunzai addressed the staff of Central Command.
"The Foreign Ministry will be contacting Sino soon; we're revoking their access to both our borders and our airspace. Their actions have brought a potential superpower war to our doorstep; we are declaring neutrality in this conflict."
The Foreign Ministry sent a communique to General Liu, stating that due to various factors Marimaia was revoking all access rights previously enjoyed by Sinoese forces. A day later, Malaysia revoked access rights as well. Marimaia and Malaysia both agreed to allow Sinoese forces to return to Sino, but they could not permit any further Sinoese deployment on their soil.
A second message is sent to the BG-Hindustan-Hudecia bloc (for lack of a better term), stating that Marimaia would not interfere in any actions taken by them provided that Marimaian and Malaysian territory was respected.
Beth Gellert
24-12-2004, 16:38
The Green Tower, Portmeirion, Beth Gellert
“This is good, neutrality is better than having them seem to take sides against the Sinoese... do we still have troops in Marimaia, from the first stage of the deployment?”
“Not major combat ready forces, Consul. Just a few liaison staff and logistics elements, I believe. ” Said Kezo to Chivo’s inquiry.
“Get them out.” Replied the Chief Consul, making a suggestion more than giving an order, since he hadn’t that kind of authority. Nobody in the Commonwealth had.
“Agreed, mhm.” Nodded several of those in attendance. It would be best for diplomacy if no Igovian troops remained in territory from which the Chinese were barred.
“It would also be best if we were not alone in Singapore.”
“We can’t settle that without wide consultation. A conference, then?”
Beddgelen agents were soon meeting with representatives from France, Singapore, Hindustan, Marimaia, and even the Chinas, hoping to negotiate a multi-national presence in Singapore. It was the Igovian intention to see Singapore, a strategically vital location, stable as quickly as was possible, and of course to avoid all out war.
However, it was clear that, no matter how diplomatic Portmeirion’s efforts, the Commonwealth presently had a good deal more leverage than anybody else. If it came down to it, the issue could basically be settled by the Igovians and the Singaporeans alone, now that the Sinoese were cut off, Beddgelen troops the only ones ashore not facing local resistance, and the island surrounded by Commonwealth warships. Everyone else could accept negotiation or sit back and watch as Portmeirion had it all her way.
From the desk of M. de Vergennes:
The Kingdom of France stands by her ally the land of Marimaia. We remind all nations that any attack on Marimaia can be seen as an direct attack of His Most Christian Majesty Louis XX, and will be responded to in kind. ((Although to any Intelligence Agency it would be a bluff, France had 0 troops deployed in the region...although, Louis XX had been building up the French Military; it was entirely possible, if not likely, the French might attempt a small scale deployment.))
We are happy to support the nation of Beth Gellert in their quest to stabilize Singapore, with their LRR allies. This Singapore situation must be resolved, and His Most Majesty can only hope for a speedy resolution to this issue, upon which hangs the fate of thousands of innocent Singaporese civilians.
M. de Vergennes
Minister of State to His Most Christian Majesty Louis XX
Lunatic Retard Robots
24-12-2004, 20:17
OCC: Let me clarify one thing:
Unless Sino/Xiaguo is willing to first invade Nepal, there is no way, for all intents and purposes, to attack Hindustan over land.
Just wanted to clarify that.
The government, for the time being, turns down offers of external military aid as there is currently little threat of a Sinoese invasion into Hindustan, considering that it would necessitate a major amphibious operation.
Otherwise, the Hindustani government is very interested in a conference that would sort out the mess of messes that Asia is in.
24-12-2004, 21:20
The Marimaian Foreign Ministry agrees with the Beddgelen plan to hold a conference on the Singapore issue, as it may be the only way to solve the situation without massive loss of life.
The Foreign Ministry goes on to suggest that Marimaia may be the best location for the conference; it is a central location between the involved powers, and as such the Marimaian government is not about to try anything stupid. In addition, Marimaia is on fairly good terms with most of the nations who would be participating.
In Malaysia, there is obvious public approval of the government's decision to revoke Sino's access, but Jamil tries to tone down any media reports as not to antagonise any Sinoese forces still in the country.
Quinntonian Dra-pol
25-12-2004, 00:01
The Quinntonian government urges peace in the area, but reminds all those involved that over the last several months it has moved 2/3 of its army, and over 3/4 of both its air force and navy into the area for its work in the stabilisation of the former FRB, at present it choosses to stay nuetral in this conflict, but if WMD or geneocide begins to happen, we are ready to intervene, in a massive deployment.
OOC-I am currently uner the understanding that Sino is being IGNORED at the time being unitl we come to some understanding as to what is going to happen, some aploagies spring up, etc.
Nepal, sure, we are still at war with Nepal. However, the thing is, a conflict is building in Northern India because Xiaguo wishes to use it as a threat for the safe keeping in the Indonesian Waters.
The Empress Jin of Xiaguo, has issued an edict to cease all hostillities in Indonesia and Northern India until further notice.
25-12-2004, 02:16
Further OOC Clarifications:No matter how much a Western country spend on education, many of their weak, White brains are unable to match those of the Chinese students. The Chinese curriculum is always much more challenging that their Western counterpart. The average Chinese schoolday is 8:00 a.m. (sometimes even earlier) to 5:00 p.m. (sometimes later, for those that need tutoring). On average, the Chinese student out-performs the White one.
ooc:I could call this, and many other things you have said in the past, as flaming. Half of what you say is flame, Sino. Cut it out. This forum is for RP only.
Hudecia, not being invited to the conference was feeling a little miffed, but since they had little concern for the ultimate fate of Singapore it didn't matter so much.
Their intelligence agencies were still trying to ascertain how three fighters looking like Hudecian ones could be produced/obtained and the attacks launched without the Hudecian or LRR ships finding out.
OOC: I'm going to be gone for the next few days on vacation.... will post more then.
OOC: Sorry folks. Liu will be on vacation, so I'll have more time with the fishing rod than with the Type 87A rifle. Season's Greetings!
*Pumps out round after round of 5.8x42mm from a Type 87A rifle with a 100-rd. drum*
Lunatic Retard Robots
26-12-2004, 06:06
OCC: Screw this. I don't want West Bengal, Bihar, or Jharkand no more. I was looking for a nice, safe place to rest and not have to worry about some kind of disgustingly horrible extremist racist bigot nation breathing down my neck. So now, for all intents and purposes, I no longer will count West Bengal, Bihar, Jharkand, or the small portion of Uttar Pradesh that I claimed to own as part of Hindustan in the interest of safety.
I mean, come on! The whole reason I left Russia was so I wouldn't have to fight The Estenlands. I have no hope against Sino. He would without a doubt send his multi-million man army down into Hindustan and turn my country into a pit of smouldering ruins, with clouds of mustard gas in place of the monsoon rains and artillery shell craters where towns used to be.
I am willing to give up all that portion of my population and access to the Bay of Bengal for the assurance that neither Xiaguo or Sino could touch me.
Recent Hindustani government policies have shown a great deal of cynicism towards the fate of Asia. Unless the not-insane nations of the world could somehow band together to fight the insanity, reasonable places will fall, one after the other, until the entire world is littered with spent shell casings and dead bodies, and the the flag of Sino flies over Mumbai, Tokyo, Seoul, Jakarta, Canberra, Wellington, and Portmeirion, so goes the less-than-official position of the ministries.
But, safe from all but an amphibious invasion that would force the involved parties to pass right through the clutches of the Bedgellen and Hindustani navies, Hindustanis can be assured of exemption from all conflicts except an all-out nuclear war, where Liu, (sometimes referred to as the "walking R-cortex" because of what are deemed reptilian impulses), would probably lash out at the peaceful south-Indian enclave.
26-12-2004, 14:58
OOC: Sorry folks. Liu will be on vacation, so I'll have more time with the fishing rod than with the Type 87A rifle. Season's Greetings!
*Pumps out round after round of 5.8x42mm from a Type 87A rifle with a 100-rd. drum*
ooc: could you have given me the courtesy of responding to my RP here? Have you withdrawn from Singapore or what? Can I have some closure to that, so I can get on with my RP life and go back to rebuilding my tarnished RP reputation?
by the way, I'll be on vacation too for a few days.
26-12-2004, 15:14
Singaporian troops, manning machine guns and artillery emplacements along the lines in their homeland, start ceasing fire, waiting instead to be attacked before attacking. Meanwhile, an aide to General Liu walks into the confrence after a long flight. He says the following in a speech with fervent intensity.
"Singapore should not be confused with the Federal Republic. Bonstock has committed great crimes in the past, and we accept that the world blames us for the occurance of those crimes. Therefore, as the only ones able to apologize, we apologize for Bonstocknian crimes against humanity. Though we can offer little in the way of comphensation, we can offer you a chance to redeem ourselves, as a nation. That is what we come to seek.
"However, we can never redeem ourselves as the armies of Sino march down to destroy us! We cannot make right the crimes of our forefathers with an occupying army desecrating our homeland! Sino has shown through their actions here and in Maropian Coast that they are little better then our ancestors. If they occupy us, they will murder our children and destroy our livelyhood. Look at what they have done to Maropian Coast! They restricted trade and forced the children of Hualien to take up arms against their mothers and fathers, killing innocent protestors in cold blood! How can the decent civilizations of the world allow such atrocities to happen?
There is only one solution to this. For now, we are content with our own freedom. But all across China, a once magnificent race cowers below the heel of their oppressive military regime. Someday, the forces of the civilized world must stand up to this new threat, so as to free the world. We will stand firm, but we say today, and shall always say, that Sino delenda est!"
Beth Gellert
26-12-2004, 18:35
(So, what now constitutes Hindustan? Even if you remained as before, LRR, as you said, the Chinese would have to invade Nepal or minor Indian states first, giving BG time to deploy thousands of troops into Hindustan, as you could be sure that we would (we wouldn't exactly have a choice), or to attempt an amphibious assault. In that event we'd have an even greater warning, and would be able to pick and choose whether to move fleets to Malacca while they travelled the South China Sea, or to assemble all of our combined naval, coastal, and aerial defences against them. I can't really see a Chinese invasion being seriously considered while six hundred million Indians stand united in resistance. If Hindustan's strength is greatly reduced, however, I'd be less confident that it wouldn't look worth trying- there'd be only Beddgelen assets to defend India's shores. I suppose that we shall just have to manage.)
Quinntonian Dra-pol
26-12-2004, 20:27
OOC-LRR, yeah, I think a reality of your government type would just be that it would be victimised by anyone with an army big enough. You occupy a dangerous place in the world, you procliam to be an enlightened democracy, which makes you an enemy of dicators, you are so far to the left with ultr-liberal drug policies and a government staffed by people that wouldn't be able to even gain a license in some countries, and that alienates you from your more militarised democracies, those who could actually help you, because they tend to be conservative, well, at least compared to you.
This is not a critisism, just the facts. You will have to deal with someone, no matter where you are. BTW, I don't think Estenlands ver had designs on attacking you. But, no matter where you go, or what territory you occupy, this will be a problem.
This, and you already claimed those territories, so what would be the basis for this move, would you be abondoning these territories to the wolves, just because the are strategically sensitive? Or do we just keep tweaking your claim until you finally find your ideal? The last idea sets a dangerous precedent.
Lunatic Retard Robots
27-12-2004, 02:00
OCC: Well, I have to admit that I was and am looking for a place in the world where I can't be easily attacked. And with a multi-million man army, the chinese powers could, in my mind, pretty easily cut through Nepal and into India. I didn't think I ever realized how close I put myself to Sino when I chose to leave Russia. In retrospect, I would rather fight The Estenlands than have maniac Sino breathing down my neck.
Ugh. I don't see why I ever did it in the first place...
Yeah, I guess I will be abandoning those territories to the wolves. Either that or BG could take them.
I must apologize to all of you for all this OCC nonsense and indecision that has characterized my time after awhile, and I hope I can finally settle down.
With Matharasthra, Madhya Pradesh, and Gujarat, I will have, all in all, a not-helpless population of 207,000,000. Even with 100,000,000 less people, its not as though I would just stand aside and let India get totally destroyed by Sino and Xiaguo. Half a billion people is still good.
Headed back out into the Bay of Bengal, the Viraat battlegroup takes up a station somewhere out off the coast of Beth Gellert. Nobody tries to pretend that the ships are particularly fearsome or capable of withstanding a sustained and determined Xiannese force, but the group could probably do a number on anything that comes its way before being crippled.
Equipped with the new AS. 117 missiles as well as Lovitar-S SAM systems, the frigates and destroyers could count on being dangerous, although the Viraat itself, commissioned many decades before most currently-operated naval vessels were even concieved, and carrying a small air wing, would not pose as big a threat as most other carriers.
The submarines, however, such as the Bihar class AIP boats, as well as the Shishumar and, to a much lesser extent, the Foxtrot classes, would pose quite a significant threat to any enemy naval force, with their long range and quiet running.
A Foxtrot class D/E attack submarine surfaced off of Sri Lanka.
The coastal defense forces, reinforced by the new Bengal-class corvettes and BraMos land-based missile launchers, could also be very dangerous to enemy ships. The Veer II missile boats, each one with eight AS. 117 missiles, were the most numerous elements of the Hindustani navy, with around 30 examples afloat, many with the new BraMos missiles.
A Pair of Veer class missile FACs.
Quinntonian Dra-pol
27-12-2004, 03:51
OOC-Please don't do this LRR! It's not just giving up those people, and let's face it, if Sino chose to invade those terriotroes, they would cut through them and into you just as fast as otherwise, probably faster, since you couldn't mount a coordinated defense with those territories to help. I wouls aslo have a big problem with BG taking over those nations, if that is the case, maybe Quinntonia should take them over, too. There needs to be a balance of power between BG and I in order to make things interesting.
In reality I haver no designs on that land, but I just am trying to make a case for you taking them. If Sino makes trouble there, you would get pulled in anyway, by looking at your past. You got involved in Dra-pol, right on your border, you got involved in Lavregeria, right on your border. If Sino made trouble there, you'de be in there like a dirty shirt, either for moral reasons, or just because you couldn't strategically stand by and let a powerful tyrant like Sino set up shop on your border. With you choice to reside anywhere on the MODERN WORLD, there is the possibility of conflict, Sino may have to calm down or be booted out, but no matter where you are, you'de be near someone else that wants a peice of you.
That is part of the game, that is part of the reason for the creation of the MODERN WORLD, you ned to deal with one set of nieghbours, which is great, but if you don't like them, you can't just pretend that they don't exist.
LRR, you areone of the more mature RPers on the boards, and I would hate to see your nation, which has been so importnat to the development of MODERN WORLD, not because of stregth of arms, but because of raw RPing skill. Use that skill to get you out of this.
Compramise, from a mutal protection pact on the Indian Sub-Continent, get involved in regional diplomacy (I know you alreday are-just keep going) do what it takes. Great national leaders are born from hardship and conflict, not from happy, happy peacetime.
I think it will be very interesting to see how you deal. How can the LRR, renowned for its liberal social and foriegn policies, maintain its integrety while compramiseing enough to secure its people? Which is more important, the safety of your people, or civil liberties? How can you maintain a balance?
Armandian Cheese
27-12-2004, 04:00
OCC: Well, I have to admit that I was and am looking for a place in the world where I can't be easily attacked. And with a multi-million man army, the chinese powers could, in my mind, pretty easily cut through Nepal and into India. I didn't think I ever realized how close I put myself to Sino when I chose to leave Russia. In retrospect, I would rather fight The Estenlands than have maniac Sino breathing down my neck.
Ugh. I don't see why I ever did it in the first place...
I see what you mean about the Estenlands. My first post in AMW, and they go off and try to invade my neighbor!
East Islandia
27-12-2004, 05:49
I'm against Sino...maybe i should give military aid to singapore....
The Islandian government issues a warning to the government of Sino not to over-extend its reach and attempt to imperialize South-east Asia. Military action will be taken if matters reach such an extent.
Lunatic Retard Robots
27-12-2004, 05:55
OOC-Please don't do this LRR! It's not just giving up those people, and let's face it, if Sino chose to invade those terriotroes, they would cut through them and into you just as fast as otherwise, probably faster, since you couldn't mount a coordinated defense with those territories to help. I wouls aslo have a big problem with BG taking over those nations, if that is the case, maybe Quinntonia should take them over, too. There needs to be a balance of power between BG and I in order to make things interesting.
In reality I haver no designs on that land, but I just am trying to make a case for you taking them. If Sino makes trouble there, you would get pulled in anyway, by looking at your past. You got involved in Dra-pol, right on your border, you got involved in Lavregeria, right on your border. If Sino made trouble there, you'de be in there like a dirty shirt, either for moral reasons, or just because you couldn't strategically stand by and let a powerful tyrant like Sino set up shop on your border. With you choice to reside anywhere on the MODERN WORLD, there is the possibility of conflict, Sino may have to calm down or be booted out, but no matter where you are, you'de be near someone else that wants a peice of you.
That is part of the game, that is part of the reason for the creation of the MODERN WORLD, you ned to deal with one set of nieghbours, which is great, but if you don't like them, you can't just pretend that they don't exist.
LRR, you areone of the more mature RPers on the boards, and I would hate to see your nation, which has been so importnat to the development of MODERN WORLD, not because of stregth of arms, but because of raw RPing skill. Use that skill to get you out of this.
Compramise, from a mutal protection pact on the Indian Sub-Continent, get involved in regional diplomacy (I know you alreday are-just keep going) do what it takes. Great national leaders are born from hardship and conflict, not from happy, happy peacetime.
I think it will be very interesting to see how you deal. How can the LRR, renowned for its liberal social and foriegn policies, maintain its integrety while compramiseing enough to secure its people? Which is more important, the safety of your people, or civil liberties? How can you maintain a balance?
OCC: Oh alright.
I guess we would still need Kaendru's OCC blessing if ol' Liu were going to tromp through Nepal. And I suppose those Himalayas would do a bit to slow down Sinoese columns too...
Ok. I will stay as I am I suppose.
I just want to make it absolutely, perfectly clear that I am essentially proof from invasion by Sino due to the lack of a shared land border. I think we can at least say, due to friendly policies with the nation who was the focus of an 80's era benefit concert in which George Harrison made quite an appearance (Bangladesh), those portions of West Bengal that snake up and around would have been ceded to Bangladesh for one reason or another. (Probably due to ethnic and social concerns- the real India is a lot more harsh and territorial/jingostic than Hindustan).
In Gujarat, the province where the bulk of the Hindustani Army's training fields are, paratroopers train. Due to recent expansion of the military (from 200,000 to 300,000 army troops), two airborne divisions had been added.
Il-76s and An-32s can be seen flying over the fields and plains that constitute Gujarat's landscape, gushing paratroopers from their cargo doors.
Occasionally, a bulky cargo will be pushed out of the back of an Il-76, such as a jeep or artillery piece. As they land, the paratroopers get out of their parachutes and attempt to organize themselves, before heading to their objective.
The objective, an airfield/firebase, is first subjected to a bombardment by 120mm mortars and 105mm light howitzers, and then shot at with ATGMs. The paratroopers then move in quickly, supported by 106mm RR fire and their lighter ATGMs.
The purpose of this airborne force is not to resist a Sinoese invasion, at least not as the army had concieved it, unlike the other four divisions (consider Hindustani army divisions to be around 20,000 troops now). The two new airborne divisions were created specifically to conduct a fast assault on Sulawesi island, to capture Kalla and destroy his military forces if and when he becomes a major threat.
But there is a general feeling in the government that it is foolish to leave the country so open to victimization by anyone big enough. The military could easily be made much more capable with only a minimal expenditure of money, and without making a scratch in any of the other government programs, given the fact that the military is so much smaller than those of other nations.
The first priority, naturally, is to build up the ATGM stocks. Modifications are planned for the average AT. 43s that will make them fairly resistant to jamming throughout, as opposed to just the full vehicle systems.
But the government takes immediate interest in the catastrophic earthquake which caused devestation in Indonesia and South Asia. While Beth Gellert and Hindustan would probably have largely escaped major fatalaties thanks to a seismic early warning system put in place by the Hindustani University decades ago, Indonesia, without a stable government, and many other island nations, including Andaman and Nicobar, would without a doubt have suffered horrible losses.
As such, a fleet of relief vessels is immediately dispatched from Calcutta to visit the areas with the worst damage.
Beth Gellert
27-12-2004, 20:39
(OOC: Are we going to incorporate the quake thing, then? I thought about RPing a bit of a disaster (since damn near all of BG would have been hit) but I don't know, it seemed insensitive to be deriving entertainment from a situation that has tens of thousands of people still missing.
Now back to re-drawing inner-Indian borders.)
OOC:Anyone interested in the disaster? yeah horrible.
The Xiannese Millitary were to follow orders and stand ground, as this was only suppose to threaten Indian security, and not really continue on as an act of Imperialism.
The violent 9.0 quake off Southern Indonesia have caused a serious tsunami that has clained over 15,000 lives with over one million homeless. Thousands are missing, and the governments can only hope.
The Critical points are Malaysia, Indonesia, Shri Lanka, India, and most of the islands in the South China Sea.
"The disaster left rivers of sorrow, and ghostly villages which has with one wave, it was eliminated. The Xiannese government and the Chinese offer our most respect and grievances to the suffering victims and we will promise aid." with the message given by the Empress, the government has pledged 1.6 billion dollars in aid over the months, which includes volunbteer help to set up temnporary hospiotals and for the grizzly task of searching bodies and cleaning up what the ocean has left.
All hostilities in Singapore has ceased in an independent order given out by the Empress in a weeklong ceasefire in respect for the disaster yesterday. The Xiannese ships now docked in Singapore will load up and return to Taiwan until further notice.
28-12-2004, 00:51
OOC: Whoa, hang on a minute.
Who decided that this would be part of the MW?
I don't find it appropriate to include this at all. Thousands of people have lost their lives, at last count over a million were homeless, and the flood waters are still receding so the death toll could turn out to be even worse.
I agree with BG, it's insensitive.
Andaman and Nicobar
28-12-2004, 00:59
((Yeah. Best not to treat it as entertainment, really. I mean, ISAN would, if it were a real nation state, except that its capital would also have been washed away. On a partially unrelated note, and it isn't very Nicobarese to point out something in Beddgelen favour, since we've been enemies since April of last year, but I think that Singapore is still surrounded by Igovian warships, and that the Xiannese are going to have to get their permission or fight them in order to get in.))
Lunatic Retard Robots
28-12-2004, 02:14
(OOC: Are we going to incorporate the quake thing, then? I thought about RPing a bit of a disaster (since damn near all of BG would have been hit) but I don't know, it seemed insensitive to be deriving entertainment from a situation that has tens of thousands of people still missing.
Now back to re-drawing inner-Indian borders.)
OCC: Oh, I never looked at it that way...never mind.
I never really looked at NS as entertainment, more like a hopeless addiction.
Well, let's just hope that some kind of a relief effort can happen, and quickly, so that part of the world isn't washed away forever, and so thousands more don't die in the economic collapse afterward. Its a shame that so many people are dead. If it was a western country,
I know where my $50.00 from christmas will go.
Recently, in order to enhance the navy's seagoing, capital ship capabilities, the state armories have looked into the purchase of four Type 42 destroyers from England. If the price were to go much over 3/4ths of a million dollars per ship, it is unlikely that the navy will buy, however. With the new Bengal class corvettes in construction, as well as the Bihar class AIP submarines, and a not-small revitalization of the army and airforce underway, the government is wary of even getting close to spending a lot of money.
As the new Army divisions are equipped, the new AT.43 Mod 1 missiles find their way into units. With a much better resistance to jamming than the baseline model, they also come at a much greater price. The Mod 1s are deployed, enough to equip the current units in their current status, while the baselines, much more numerous and cheaper, are kept for reserve, with a trickle of Mod 1 conversions being done almost continuously. If Sino were to invade soon, they would likely find that the front-line units, specifically the Bihar and Bengali borders, would be equipped with Mod 1s throughout, although would probably be resupplied with baselines once their Mod 1 supplies had run out. As for the other units, the B variant Mod 1s are distributed to the APCs and the occasional truck, while the lighter, infantry carried A variants are left baseline. It will likely take a good year or two (say up 'till March?) to totally re-equip with Mod 1s.
The new Pinaka MRLs are also distributed to units. With a range of over 45 kilometers, they will without a doubt prove vital to any future conflict that Hindustan finds itself in. The Bhim howitzers are also deployed along the northern frontier.
The FA. 5 and MiG-21 BISON, the two types which form the bulk of the HAF's air defense units, will be the first aircraft to face any Sinoese onslaught. Operating from many distributed bases throughout Hindustan, many squadrons from the southwest are moved closer to the northern border, although with their long ranges and the airforce's tankers, airforce squadrons can reach anywhere in India rather quickly.
The border fortifications are manned and reinforced by motor-infantry and tank divisions behind. The bunkers, trench systems, and artillery sites that dot the border were first constructed to resist the numerous incursions made into Hindustan by the smaller Indian states and other Asian countries, and have grown and improved over time. Experiences in Korea have shown what a good set of fortifications can do. While they are present in all directions except by Beth Gellert, they are the strongest bordering Nepal and Sikkim. Maoist rebellion coupled with Chinese involvement had led to the addition of numerous strong emplacements, some with 203mm howitzers in them.
About 40,000 troops man the fortifications, with about 10,000 concentrated directly in those facing Nepal and Sikkim. The nature of the terrain, hilly and covered in jungle, prevents the deployment of the motor-infantry divisions, who arme more suited to combat on the plains and fields of Madhya Pradesh, Mahtarashtra, and Gujarat. However, the five infantry divisions, less-mechanized units that rely primarily on truck and foot transportation, as well as with their handful of APC-3s and lighter carriers, are deployed right behind the fortifications. Amounting to around 100,000 troops total, they make up a third of the entire army.
The Estenlands
28-12-2004, 06:09
OOC-Though I am not opposed to natural disater Rps, we should all agree to them before we leap in.
Just one question, what kind of Destroyer will you be able to buy for 3/4 of a million? A top of the line lake-class speedboat costs 500,000. Or has the Bristish Federation decided to bankroll their ex-colny against Chinese agression.
King Wingert I of The Village of Farrah.
Lunatic Retard Robots
28-12-2004, 19:18
OOC-Though I am not opposed to natural disater Rps, we should all agree to them before we leap in.
Just one question, what kind of Destroyer will you be able to buy for 3/4 of a million? A top of the line lake-class speedboat costs 500,000. Or has the Bristish Federation decided to bankroll their ex-colny against Chinese agression.
OCC: Well, I thought I would be able to get a stripped-down late 70's era one for that kind of money. Wait, did I say 3/4ths of a million? I meant 3/4ths of a billion. I don't really know what these cost, so...I guess you'll have to bear with me until I read up on my naval vessels price.
The Estenlands
28-12-2004, 20:44
OOC-LOL! 3/4 of a billion!! That makes more sense! Sorry, I thought something had to be wrong there.
King Wingert I of The Village of Farrah.
Beth Gellert
29-12-2004, 02:05
(Heh. While 3/4 of a million would be barely enough to buy a missile fired from one of the warships in question, 3/4 of a billion would be enough to buy probably two highly modern Igovian frigates, let alone one thirty year old British warship. I think that TBF's thread has a few real-world prices for domestic production of a few warships bigger and more modern than the detroyers. Meanwhile I'm trying to figure out how significantly Igovian economics will reduce the price of communist warships in AMW.)
OOC:Ehh, I never really thought NS was an addiction myself, something where our opinions can interact.
BTW, here's your News for the day. Casualties count up to 58,000 and would rise. Sumatra was moved 100 feet southwest I believe. Rumors also have that Jet Li is missing in the Indonesian Islands. China has pledged 180 million dollars and has sent helecopters and such for aid in Shri Lanka. Us has pledged 2 billion dollars worth of aid through time. BTW, India doesn't have any form of Seismic Activity Detection system which the Pacific however, has a powerful joint program with participants ranging from the US to Australia, Japan, Korea, China, Philipines, South America and such. They had detected a major easrthquake and has tried to warn them. The Earthquake and the Tsunami was 2 hours apart.
What do you mean by,
Well, let's just hope that some kind of a relief effort can happen, and quickly, so that part of the world isn't washed away forever, and so thousands more don't die in the economic collapse afterward. Its a shame that so many people are dead. If it was a western country,
I know where my $50.00 from christmas will go.
Lunatic Retard Robots
30-12-2004, 00:37
OOC:Ehh, I never really thought NS was an addiction myself, something where our opinions can interact.
BTW, here's your News for the day. Casualties count up to 58,000 and would rise. Sumatra was moved 100 feet southwest I believe. Rumors also have that Jet Li is missing in the Indonesian Islands. China has pledged 180 million dollars and has sent helecopters and such for aid in Shri Lanka. Us has pledged 2 billion dollars worth of aid through time. BTW, India doesn't have any form of Seismic Activity Detection system which the Pacific however, has a powerful joint program with participants ranging from the US to Australia, Japan, Korea, China, Philipines, South America and such. They had detected a major easrthquake and has tried to warn them. The Earthquake and the Tsunami was 2 hours apart.
What do you mean by,
Well, let's just hope that some kind of a relief effort can happen, and quickly, so that part of the world isn't washed away forever, and so thousands more don't die in the economic collapse afterward. Its a shame that so many people are dead. If it was a western country,
I know where my $50.00 from christmas will go.
OCC: Oh, I think I forgot to remove the remainder of my discarded thought. I was going to criticize the fact that the US isn't giving more money. So, all in all, my donation to Doctors Without Borders amounts to $150.00. If I had more, I would give it too. Mabye the book store has something where I could redeem my gift certificates for cash.
Or mabye I'll inquire into starting a fund in the school for the relief operations in South Asia. It would definately be nice to see people coming together to help save the lives of all those left in the trail of the disaster.
IC: There is probably quite a buzz in military analyst circles as rumors of the development of a Hindustani main battle tank, the T-5, a designation who's meaning is very difficult to ascertain.
This new vehicle, developed in the mid 90's but only being produced presently, is very similar to the APC-3T armored carrier. With a V-shaped hull, hybrid propulsion system, and composite bandtracks, its mine resistance, range, and reliability are all greatly improved over other contemporary MBTs. Armed with a 120mm main gun, the T-5 should be able to successfully engage any other armored vehicle within a range of 2.5 kilometers. The crew is equipped with an AT. 43 anti-armor missile system, capable of accepting the A variant, B variant, or B Mod 1 variant missile. The vehicle is also rumored to have an active protection system, enabling it to jam infra-red and radar-guided missiles, although this system, designated AD Mk. 1, is probably not as capable as Bedgellen active defense devices. IR and radar decoys are also present on the design, launched from the 14 60mm decoy mortars.
OOC:The U.S. is not obligated to do this, but they still do, and am PISSED off at the fact people are criticizing the US, even the U.N. The United States has always be giving money out to those in need, and anyone donating money is helping a little bit or a lot.
Beth Gellert
30-12-2004, 03:37
(Not obligated to do so? Well, only by the fact that not doing would actually be evil. Ah, we're all part of a global economy when it suits us, we've got international enemies when we want bogeymen, we've got multi-national coalitions when we're lazy, afraid, or greedy beyond our own means, but when there's a problem in this world, there's no reason that it should be ours. That is a pretty swell deal, really! Also, I quite like your shoes. Luckily I'm not really obligated to let you keep them, but I'll give you a token swap in the form of a bullet! Another sweet deal! Oh well, to be fair now, the US is spending four hundred billion dollars a year to keep us all safe from scary global terror networks that they didn't just make up on the spot or anything, so I think ten thousand or so times less on helping out in times of natural disaster is fine.
I mean come on, it's not a kind favour that wealthy states are doing to help out some losers who couldn't figure out how to grow a cabbage or something, it's a matter of a hundred thousand dead human beings! You've no right to get pissed off in the fashion implied! It's absolutely absurd!
And props to LRR for his surprising generosity, really. Shame he's not a country right now.
Where the heck are we in IC terms, now? I'm a bit lost.)
East Islandia
30-12-2004, 04:59
So are we gonna RP somethign about the disasters in South East Asia?
OOC:The US IS NOT OBLIGATED TO DO SO. The Us can just sit back and send 2 million dollars as some aid and do nothing compared to what they are doing right now. You expect the US to help out every thing on the Earth and you think of the US as the polic and and the hospital of this world.
The US doesn't need to do this, what I am trying to say, that the United States is already doing much for them and now everyone it bitching at the US. I don't see France, and Mexico doing much. I don't see Russia signing bills to have 2 billion dollars sent over.
BTW, I am going to have an RP on another outbreak in Xiaguo. Sino may have be away for a very long time.
This RP will be based on a Chinese legend of the Fall of the Ming Dynasty which I want the storyline to be changed a little and adapted to the modern world.
Anyone interested?
Lunatic Retard Robots
30-12-2004, 06:15
So are we gonna RP somethign about the disasters in South East Asia?
OCC: I don't think so.
And the IC directiont hatn this is in be going towards?
I believe it will pick up speed when Sino returns from the faraways, or wherever he ran off to.
I bet he's smoking, like, marijuana or something now. That would be really funny. Like ol' Rush Limbaugh. Yeah, I'm sorry Xiaguo. I don't know what I'm doing most of the time. You should see me in class. When I'm not daydreaming about buying a rocket ship, I'm usually chewing on my hand. Perhasps the scariest element of my persona is that I do things normally what a drunk or otherwise impaired person would do.
So, more about that crazy tank I've been a'working on:
Foreign military honchos might find the firing range tests of the T-5 interesting to watch. In Gujarat, the first few divisions to be equipped with the vehicles bring them out on the gunnery plains, and test them out.
"Designate Leopard 2S, range two thousand meters."
The loader shoves a round into the 120mm cannon, and the gunner fires it off into the distant target, obviously left over from the wars against Bonstock. The shell penetrates the plywood shilouette cleanly.
Then, the commander and loader of this particular T-5 prepare to use its AT. 43B launcher. The turret hatches are popped open, and the launcher is raised from its recessed position in the turret. The loader takes a missile out of a section of the magazine and slides it into the launch tube, and the commander locks the missile onto a large metal block that serves as an ATGW target. Then, the missile leaps from the launcher and speeds towards its destruction, 9 kilometers downrange.
The most entertaining part of the test is probably when the commander falls off the turret, after tripping on the semi-recessed missile launcher.
The T-5 looks a little bit like the Merkava in profile, with its turret positioned towards the back. With an adjustable suspension, the T-5 is expected to perform well in rough terrain, although current models haven't left the more flat, rolling landscape of southwestern India.
Not being equipped with very impressive armor in the baseline configuration, the T-5 is covered in applique armor brackets. Almost all deployed variants have several centimeters worth of composite armoring, proofing the vehicle against up to 35mm fire. Thanks to the composites and use of sloping and wedges, the performance of the vehicle is not visibly reduced. The T-5 also has a very low weight to begin with, and this coupled with a powerful engine provides very nice performance characteristics. Like just about every current Hindustani military vehicle and aircraft, major parts of, if not most of the T-5's structure is built of composite materials to keep costs down low, to improve reliability, and to increase the strength and robustness of the vehicle.
Also, the army has decided to squash together the divisions. The approximately 200,000 troops in the armored front will not be divided into tank and motor-infantry divisions any longer, since it is the opinion of the army command that having divisions fully equipped with everything they need will be an alright thing to do. Of course, this will require a bit of extra training, especially for the motor infantry divisions.
(OCC: Just a note, to get an idea of the capabilities of Hindustani AV armoring packages, you might want to check out this ( website.)
As such, the military has scheduled major excersizes for the near future, involving primarily the airforce and army, although possibly with naval elements. It is very possible that Bedgellen forces will be invited to take part, in order to work on a coordinated Indian military strategy.
In the RP, I will need 1 person to RP a country to attack China.
And if possible, 1 more country to RP rebelling forces within China, heck, you can RP Sino and attack me.
Others can be foreign countries aiding the attacks and rebellions, or helping me. Or you can become powerful regents in the Palace, or ruthless invaders.
The story will feauture the End of the Current Monarchy in Xiaguo and the total destruction of the corrupt officials.
OOC: Xiaguo, the only country in AMW right now who might have the capability and reason to attack you from the outside IS Sino...
D'you think Liu would attack if Xiaguo started asserting itself as the leadership of all China... for example, Xiaguo's imperial court making statements about how they're the rightful rulers of both north and south China, Xiaguo military forces claiming superior rank to their Sinoese counterparts, etc?
Because right now, you're too big, and too allied with Sino, for anyone else to be an outside agressor, and all your IC movements following your civil war have seen Xiaguo following obediently in Sinoese policy direction so he has no immediate reason to want to attack.
Beth Gellert
30-12-2004, 18:57
(Well, taking the US as an example, it is really obligated in every sense of that word, if it wants to remain part of the international community. End of story, really. If not, it can just sink back into obscurity, and I really don't know why it doesn't, since the bigshots would still be relatively the most powerful people in their little universe, anyway.
And what Spyr says is right. Nobody is interested in attacking China. It wouldn't make any sense. The only way that China will be attacked from without is if Sino's unjustified paranoia leads it to attack somebody else, and the world comes down against pariah China. Dra-pol is introspective, Hindustan barely has an army, Russia can barely hold itself together...)
Secretary comrade General Kivi Eikki Paatelainen, chief administrator of the Igovian Soviet People's Defence Forces has made official record of Beddgelen interest in joint training operations with the Hindustan defence forces. He said that it was in the interests of more than half a billion people here that India's defence be co-ordinated, enabling each of the two major states to temper the scale of their individual spending on something that does not in itself advance their civilisations. It is possible that Beth Gellert's relatively vast naval forces may simulate an amphibious assault which combined ground-forces would attempt to repel, giving India experience both in defending itself and in reacting to over-seas crises.
31-12-2004, 00:29
The Marimaian Foreign Ministry releases a proposal to specific nations regarding the establishment of a regional grouping, not in the interests of defence but rather economic growth and human development. The grouping would aim to assist poorer regional nations in achieving their full potential, and would also allow larger powers to ensure regional stability more easily.
The grouping is provisionally referred to as the South Asian Community (SAC). The proposal is circulated to the governments of Burma, Malaysia, Hindustan, Beth Gellert, Sujava, Sulawesi, Aceh, Sunda, Vietnam and Singapore (OOC: Singapore receives the proposal depending on whether Sino's occupation is truly being ignored by everyone; if Sino is still in occupation of Singapore, then obviously the proposal isn't sent to Wu).
Lunatic Retard Robots
31-12-2004, 01:44
OCC: Ok, so that's settled.
With Bedgellen approval, preparations for the combined Indian defense excersizes get underway.
It is suggested that the training fields in southeastern Gujarat be used to host the manouvers, as they have sea access and encompass large tracts of land.
The Hindustani government is entheusiastic about the marimaian proposal. In the mind of the Hindustani governmental assembly, such an organization could do a lot to help out the region.
OOC:Sino and I have agreed for Sino to launch an attack at Xiaguo. I swear, anybody miss out on this one, you'll find out what will come out of it and you'll be kicked right in the ass. There's a surprise twist in the RP storyline I have conjured.
I surrounding neighbors to contribute to the fall. There will be a time when China WILL attack India, and once so, the war drops dead as Xiaguo falls..This will be a good one, a last rp, last good rp.
Xiannese Empress Jin Tai Shao has given Zhao Jin Ju, her uncle, complete control of many Western and Northern Provinces.
"I am young, and I cannot rule this country alone. Let my Uncle, with experience with my father, will do much to help China." said the Empress, in a statement to the Parliament, which delighted the politicians who are still a little worried about the 21 years old 'Empress'.
The Lesser Capital, now Xi'An, is the Capital of the Western territories, which consist of, Nei Mongolia, Shaanxi, Sichuan, and all the provinces west of these three Border Provinces with the Xinhua Government.
The Empress has signed an Imperial Edict that will allow Zhao Fu Ming, the Prince of Shaanxi, son of Regent Zhao Jin Zao, to become the heir of the throne.
>>The government of Xiaguo has mysteriously kept the warships in harbours instead of returning to Singapore as planned.
Beth Gellert
31-12-2004, 06:16
(Well, it really isn't surprising to see that Chinese ships aren't going to Singapore because they can't get to Singapore! For the nine hundred and forty second billionth time, it is under Igovian blockade! one arriving does so with Marimaian or Beddgelen permission, or else washes up dead on the tide!
In other news, BG will fairly soon be making an address on global environmentalism, and will manage to link announcements in that with technologies to be seen during joint BG-Hindustan military operations. It might take a few days, as I'm having technical issues, and will also be out of town for new year's...)
The Commonwealth receives Marimaian approaches with mild enthusiasm, keen to foster co-operation with the strategically important regional power.
In the Commonwealth itself, defence forces being re-deployment for major training operations, with one Assault Flotilla moving around the tip of the peninsula, while all Battle Flotillas remain east, in defensive posture or on deployment near Singapore. Recent re-deployments in response to the Bonstockian collapse and Chinese hostility mean that the operation will not be especially speedy, and may drag on for many days.
East Islandia
31-12-2004, 19:09
East Islandia offers to send a mountain warfare brigade and some division-level support units to Hindustan to aid the military there with preparation for an assault.
01-01-2005, 05:53
Singaporian troops, manning machine guns and artillery emplacements along the lines in their homeland, start ceasing fire, waiting instead to be attacked before attacking. Meanwhile, an aide to General Liu walks into the confrence after a long flight. He says the following in a speech with fervent intensity.
"Singapore should not be confused with the Federal Republic. Bonstock has committed great crimes in the past, and we accept that the world blames us for the occurance of those crimes. Therefore, as the only ones able to apologize, we apologize for Bonstocknian crimes against humanity. Though we can offer little in the way of comphensation, we can offer you a chance to redeem ourselves, as a nation. That is what we come to seek.
"However, we can never redeem ourselves as the armies of Sino march down to destroy us! We cannot make right the crimes of our forefathers with an occupying army desecrating our homeland! Sino has shown through their actions here and in Maropian Coast that they are little better then our ancestors. If they occupy us, they will murder our children and destroy our livelyhood. Look at what they have done to Maropian Coast! They restricted trade and forced the children of Hualien to take up arms against their mothers and fathers, killing innocent protestors in cold blood! How can the decent civilizations of the world allow such atrocities to happen?
There is only one solution to this. For now, we are content with our own freedom. But all across China, a once magnificent race cowers below the heel of their oppressive military regime. Someday, the forces of the civilized world must stand up to this new threat, so as to free the world. We will stand firm, but we say today, and shall always say, that Sino delenda est!"
ooc: Making sure that Sino sees and responds to this, should he return sometime in the next year.
Sino, you have one final warning. Respond to my defenses, and post some losses, or I'm just going to assume that your army, without supply routes through Marimaia and surrounded by the Igovian navy, ran out of supplies and surrendered. I would like to get on with my RP existance, and do something else.
ic: Singaporian authorities pledge to assist LRR in the event of a Sinoese invasion, and asks for more help surrounding and destroying the Sinoese army in Singapore.
Two small Singaporian boys in military uniforms run up to the Sinoese commander, with a white flag and a message for the Sinoese commander in Singapore. They ask to be directed to the commander, with the following message.
The message goes as follows:
Dear sir,
We have recieved word or your present situation. Your supply routes through Marimaia are now severed, and our brave and noble Igovian allies have surrounded the Singaporian seas with their fleets, cutting all escape for your army. Your forces have fought bravely, but their efforts are entirely futile. It would be most wise of you, as a commander, to see to it that your boys go home safe and sound.
Surely you have nothing to gain by prolonging this bloodshed. With your army cut off on all sides, and no relief in sight, there is no way your army could remain intact, let alone conquer Singapore. Your men will only starve, run out of ammunition, and be killed by our forces. So many brave young men will perish should this continue. Why allow that to happen?
We offer you this. We ask that you surrender your army to us, and abandon your weapons. We will hold them until your government agrees to our peace terms, namely that the Republic of Singapore is recognized as an independent nation by the Armed Republic of Sino. That would not take long, and your boys will be home before the Chinese New Year. What is honor compared to the lives of your men? How can you justify their deaths? You nor your government can do so in rational thought.
So we offer you this. We will cease firing until midnight. You have until then to respond to our terms, or the combined Singaporian forces will destroy you. Resistance will only lead to bloodshed. It would be most wise to end now.
General Wu Shin-kua
Commander, Army of the Republic of Singapore
01-01-2005, 15:49
Propaganda broadcasters on the frontlines of Singapore relay a broadcast to Sinoese forces. A female voice speaks in Mandarin to them:
Hello, Sinoese soldier. Lately, your government has not informed you about the progress of this war. Let me help you. You came through Marimaia, but they have cut off your lines of supply. Furthermore, the Singaporian navy, in cooperation with the Igovian fleets, have surrounded Singporian waters. There is no escape for your forces. You will slowly run out of supplies and reinforcements, and all of you will die.
There is only one way to avoid the pangs of death, and see your families again. Surrender to us. That may be a harsh word, but remember, we are both Chinese peoples. We will treat you well until your government gives us a peace treaty. That can't possibly take long. You will be home before the Lunar New Year, safe and sound with your mothers and wives.
Why die for a cause that is already lost? Think of your poor mother, who raised you and cared for you, hoping that you will outlive her and have a better life then she? How do you think she would feel when she gets the telegram that you have been killed? She will cry her eyes out, her very point in life will come crashing down. And what about your wife? She depends on you, and pleged herself to spending her life with you. How would she feel widowed at such a young age? Don't you want to spend your life with her? Sure, you can have a glorious and honorable end. But remember, in war there is no glory or honor. Only bloodshed and tears. Why fight on? We will deliver you to your families. You need not fear us. The war will be over soon, and there will only be two types of Sinoese soldiers: those that are dead and those that are alive. Choose life. Surrender. At any time, just drop your weapon, raise your arms above your head, or wave a white flag. Then approachour soldiers. We will take you in, give you food, shelter, and medical attention, while we work out a peace treaty so that you may go home. You need not fear us. You will be in good hands until we can send you home. Then you can live your life, grow to be an old man, have children and grandchildren, safe and sound at home.
OOC:oh, well. This thread will lead somewhere. Singapore may not be aquired by Sino anymore and may have no value. Happy New Year.
Lunatic Retard Robots
02-01-2005, 00:00
In a gesture supportive of the Singaporese authorities, the INS Viraat and battlegroup are sent back towards the island, after a few days in port to replenish supplies and give the sailors, who've already spent quite a while sitting off of Sulawesi, a chance to stretch their legs.
Several frigates remain in port, in need of some powerplant tuning or electrical work. But otherwise, the Viraat battlegroup is still a force to be contended with, more or less. I mean, it wasn't as if a Sinoese air superiority fighter pilot was going to be terribly afraid of a first-batch Sea Harrier, flying from a ship that reached the height of its career before most, if not all of the current Sinoese or Xiannese pilots were born. With the AS. 117 anti-ship missiles and Mk. 2 CIWS mounts, however, the navy does possess reasonable anti-surface capabilities.
The first Type 42 destroyer to reach the Hindustani navy, planned to be renamed the Pondicherry for whatever reason, will probably spend several months at least in the yards while Hindustani weapons systems are fitted.
Many divisions from the Southern regions of Hindustan gather in Gujarat in preparation for the trans-Indian military manouvers. The T-5 tank, while getting good reviews from crewmembers who like its top-notch air conditioning system and general roominess and comfort, thanks to its APC-based design, will face its first modern opponent in the manouvers.
And it is still open as to weather the new combined divisions will function as well as is hoped. While the training has so far been coming along nicely, the problem still remains as to if the combined formations will be able to wield themselves effectively on the plain of battle, especially against a large and concentrated Sinoese force.
Beth Gellert
02-01-2005, 03:33
(OOC: A general sorry for my slight lack of input of late, and a warning that it may continue for a couple of days. I'm getting myself in order, but it might be a day or two before I've transfered all important data to a PC that actually works, and can go into detail on such things as the Hindustan exercises.)
"...and I just want to add, comrades, so it's absolutely clear, that Igovian forces haven't joined the fighting against Sinoese troops in Singapore, but have approached the front lines and are authorised to use force to defend the nation's territorial integrity as is currently beyond Chinese control. That is to say, they [Beddgelen forces in Singapore] won't shoot until the Sinoese try to advance further, at which point the ground, air, and naval forces will obliterate them [the Sinoese forces in Singapore]." Said comrade General Paatelainen to crowd and camera.
"That's plan B, and, obviously, the hope is that the Sinoese will recognise that there is no point losing a battle just to start a world war their military government is not well placed to survive. It is currently my belief -and I intend to support this idea in the Final Senate when it arrives there for debate- that Portmeirion should declare its intention to support the people of Singapore in detaining any surrendered Sinoese troops only until such time as an official peace is confirmed, where upon such persons should be released back to China." Added CCC comrade Chivo.
OOC: Back from my trip. Glad to see that the MW hasn't gone to pot.... yet.
Borneo feels miffed at being ignored in the SAC conference. Kalla, being president of Sulawesi, and trying to re-establish some good will between himself and Hudecia now that his plan A has failed, refuses to join the SAC unless the democratic government of Borneo is included.
Kalla also urges his Islamic counterparts in Sunda and Aceh not to join the SAC unless Sulawesi joins. "We must remain united in the face of our enemies, Allah has decided that it is not yet time for us to drive the infidels from our lands forever. We must be patient and persistent in our plans. We must continue to grow stronger together."
Meanwhile in Aceh and Sunda, Kalla was using his influence to secure the allegiances of key people in the governments and the newly founded militaries.
02-01-2005, 22:16
OOC: Ooops, I knew I forgot someone.
The government of Borneo receives a heartfelt apology from Premier Supachai and His Excellency for their omission; clerical error is given as the reason, and the civil servants in question make an apology for their oversight.
All approached governments (that includes Borneo and Singapore) are invited to send representatives to the Marimaian capital of Taishita for the conference; delegates will be permitted their own security if they feel it necessary, as long as they agree to respect Marimaian law.
OOC: wasn't sure if it was intentional or not, so decided to RP as if it was intentional.
Borneo's government hearitly accepts the apology and asks Kalla to withdraw his objections.
Kalla spends a day in Borneo cozying up to the Borneoese government and important members of civil society there. He also visits Sunda and Aceh to solidify his position there and prepare to make a united stand at the conference with those governments.
Aceh begins to see the solidification of a true army of sorts, with a division of guerilla troops forming the Islamic Guard. Similarly, in Sunda, with the help of former officers in the Bonstockian army, divisional training crescendoes and becomes impossible to hide from the international community.
OOC:Sino may be gone for some time..So I recomend everyone kind of hold back everything, or just kind of ignore Sino's existance, I'll start off another rp, and you can join if interested..
North Yaman
04-01-2005, 15:32
The two fighters streaked overhead of the Balinese and Yamanese units, their Quinntonian and Hudecian colours identifiable to anyone on the ground. Although they likely would have drawn some questions at first and definately contact would be attempted by ground units it is doubtful that anyone would fire on them yet.
The fighters would make a second pass, their formation barely passable for military style, but then again, how many Balinese and Yamanese troops knew what formation styles the Hudecians and Quinntonians tended to use?
It was on the third pass, when they dropped LGBs right on top of the units that they would likely draw a response.
-Java- Jakarta-
A car bomb explodes at the gate of a military base, the man in the car was killed and so was at least one guard who approached the vehicle after ordering it to stop.
OOC: Just got back from the no-internet holiday season, and I'd like to restart this rp, if you're up for it Hudecia. Yamani distrust of 'North American Imperialism' and this attack could make for an interesting international incident. Anyway, if you want to continue with it, just say so...
OOC: sure, we can more or less do a time warp back to the moment when the fighters struck.
I wasn't sure when you were coming back, but I think we can act as if the attack just occured.
Fall of China
The first division of Bornese troops is beginning to become a true fighting force to be reckoned with. So, the government, after some consultation with the Hudecians, opts to order some heavy equipment from KMC (Korean Military Corporation).
Mostly what the government is interested in purchasing is light vehicles and some training aircraft. In the future it may purchase some naval assets, but that is seen as a long way away.
In contrast to the Borneo government, Kalla decides to open the tendering process to all governments and corporations. Mitsubishi, KMC and Hudecia Industries are three big contenders, but Marimaian sources are also heavily considered.
The Hudecian government worries greatly about an influx of weaponry to Kalla, but by law cannot control Hudecia Industries in who it sells to.
Lunatic Retard Robots
07-01-2005, 01:54
The sale of any weaponry to Kalla's regime on Sulawesi naturally causes concern in the Hindustani government, especially now that there are only a few units deemed to be in it for the good of the people.
But the Hindustani military establishment can be reasonably confident that it will still be able to defeat anything Kalla gets, with one of the better-equipped armies. Given the small size of the Hindustani military, it can be very well equipped throughout.
Quinntonian Dra-pol
07-01-2005, 16:47
Now that the WMD programs have been brought under control, the bulk of the Quinntonian military is beginning the long, slow pull-out of its troops from the now defunct FRB. This will include the dropping of troops off into various bases now established in the region to continue keeping our deployment capabilities. This is going to be especially true in ROK, Quinntonian Dra-pol and New Ginuea.
This includes the standing down of the next wave fleet and the release of our Tier two and Tier One reserves into civilian life. It is understood that the actual re-deployment and removal of these troops will require several months, but barring unforseen circumstances, MISSION ACCOMPLISHED!!
07-01-2005, 17:19
Premier Supachai brought up the Kalla situation during the latest cabinet meeting.
"So what do we think?"
Defence Minister Wanfa Kong nodded his assent to the idea. "Selling Kalla some lower-end weaponry may be in our best long-term interests. If he gets armed, then everyone starts worrying about him and the other Islamicists; that of course means that they won't be watching us as closely. While everyone concentrates on him, we can finish our business. If he gets out of hand after that, we'll have the ability to swat him like a gnat. However, we should try selling him hardware through more unofficial sources."
Kichi smirked. "The Sky Dragon Triad, maybe. The Kamisori Gumi wouldn't trade in that kind of merchandise, but the Sky Dragons would. Don't forget, they're responsible for us having our more socially unacceptable weaponry. We can use them as middlemen."
Supachai nodded. "Good idea. We're extremely close to finally securing our power; all we need are a few distractions to keep everyone occupied while we secure everything."
Lunatic Retard Robots
08-01-2005, 00:46
Looking to upgrade the national fighter defense force, the state armories have begun construction of an additional 60 Su-30MKI aircraft, now designated the F. 6 to indicate the major differences between the standard Sukhoi aircraft and the state armories' model.
60 new airframes all at once is not something that the HAF is used to, although a steady flow of unwanted MiG-21s has been coming from Eastern Europe.
The new Su-30/F.6s have the new State Armories turbofan engines, which offer much better fuel economy than the Al-31s formerly on the aircraft, and, with the exception of the older Su-30MKIs and newly-arrived MiG-21s, have been installed on every HAF combat type in some form or another. This new aircraft, the FA. 6, will be fully compatible with the range of Israeli and Russian AAMs in the airforce's inventory. Perhaps its most interesting quality is, flying from bases in West Bengal and with two external fuel tanks, the FA. 6 will be able to operate within weapons range of Sulawesi Island, not-so-subtle evidence of the government's distrust of Kalla.
The airforce has also started tests with conformal fuel tanks on the FA.5, and a new production batch of almost 100 (!) airframes has been ordered, of the new variants designated FA. 5A. The new aircraft are rumored to have perhaps the best STOL characteristics of any aircraft around (although it is nothing special when it comes to weapons capacity).
This, along with the new tanks, MRL, and missile upgrades, will cut deeply into the military budget, although the military budget is a fraction of the huge GDP. An obvious trend in the military establishment is to equip the armed forces with better equipment, and more of it. In essence, the government has decided that it might be better, as the state of affairs goes presently, to narrow the gap between what the military spends and its allotment in the government budget.
And as joint Bedgellen/Hindustani manouvers get underway in Gujarat, the overall effectiveness of the unified Indian states, especially Hindustan, not known in the least for its military exploits, in defending the borders of the subcontinent, might prove less in need of repair than previously thought.
However, if someone actually came around and watched the Hindustani army on its own, they would probably see it as a more primitive force, still clinging onto Bren-family LMGs and Sten-family SMGs, and still with two seperate assault rifle types, both several decades old. The fact that a third of the army is essentially regular infantry might help to reinforce this idea, but the other two thirds are very well equipped in terms of excellent vehicles, in both combat and noncombat tasks, as well as possibly the best ATGWs in Asia, and some of the most capable artillery systems. And after all, you can't easily truck those things around in the hills and jungles of the Northeast.
08-01-2005, 15:51
ooc: Sino, are you there? One long vacation you've been on...
If you read this, respond to my defenses, please. Or else I will assume you have capitulated.
Kalla looked at the offers that had been made to his government so far by the international community. KMC was offering some older models of armoured personnel carriers, The Sky Dragon Triad was secretly offering some lower end equipment, Mistubishi was willing to sell some of its surplus stock from two decades ago.
"Crap, crap, crap..." Kalla muttered obstinately. "I am trying to build an army to be the envy of the world and these infidels offer me this crap?"
The only offer that was of any interest to Kalla so far was Hudecia Industries ironically. Apparently, with the establishment of KMC, Hudecia Industries was facing some tight financial times and was willing to sell to just about anyone. Kalla thought for a moment.
Could the Hudecians sabotage his equipment? Would they sabotage his equipment?
He thought for a moment and then summoned Widjaja to his office. Widjaja was Hudecia Industries South East Asia Representative. He had some tough questions for her concerning the separation of Hudecia Industries and the Hudecian government.
After a lengthy discussion, Kalla was satisfied that Hudecia could only marginally influence the delivery of good, high tech equipment from Hudecia.
Kalla had an interesting 'wish list', which Hudecia Industries, on the verge of bankruptcy, was more than willing to satisfy. Firstly, Kalla wanted to establish his own navy, so he ordered several OPV vessels and a single Halifax class frigate.
President MacNally responded furiously to the announcement by Hudecia Industries that it would sell a Halifax class frigate to Kalla. At first he was tempted to call in the CEO of HI and chew him out, but MacNally, having been CEO of Hudecia Industries before he became President knew that it would do no good.
Part of this was his fault, despite knowing that Hudecia Industries was going bankrupt, MacNally had continued to use HI as a political tool to aid his bid for the presidency. Now, he was paying for it.
Hudecia Industries also hinted that this naval deal could only be the beginning of a much larger military deal that would give Sulawesi weaponry usually reserved for much richer nations.
MacNally cringed.
Quinntonian Dra-pol
09-01-2005, 15:59
The pull out of the area is going as expected.
That is all.
In response to what is seen as plans for future agression from Kalla's islamic coalition, the Sujavan government begins to look for increased defences of its own. While the Sujavans had secured the majority of land and air equipment left by the Bonstockian forces early after the collapse, only negligible naval assets had been secured (with the Bonstockian fleet pretty much all deployed at sea, there wasnt anything there to obtain... I assume the ships would have all scuttled themselves or put in at/around Singapore in final defence of the FRB, but I'm not certain).
Supporting Spyran naval presence has also remained minimal, with only a handful of frigates and destroyers on patrol in-theatre. In response to Sujavan pressure, it is announced that this presence will be increased.
Rumours of deals for the purchase of warships from Daihatzu Fleet Systems of Spyr emerge, along with the opening of a bidding process for parties interested in supplying relatively cheap corvettes and patrol boats and other military shipping.
Relatively vague statements emerge from Spyr, decrying Hudecia's 'corrupt corporate 'democracy'' for allowing the remilitarization of Southeast Asia, even after its own technologies in the hands of terrorists struck at innocents and peacekeeping forces in Bali. There is some mention of 'immoral demons seeking to enslave the people', though it is unclear to whom, exactly, the Spyrans have attatched such a label.
Beth Gellert
10-01-2005, 14:14
The Igovian Soviet Commonwealth has tried to avoid giving too loud a voice its concerns over Hudecian rightist and religious fundamentalist influence in the former Bonstockian Empire, but owing to the open nature of Igovian politics it was impossible to refrain for long.
Portmeirion has made equally little secret of its plans to disband two of eight currently operational Soviet People's Navy Battle/Assault Flotillas, freeing up dozens of hulls. This is not entirely reduction, the Admiralty has insisted, but restructuring. Still many of the navy's assets are not likely to be required for very much longer, and ambassadors in Sujava have begun to hint at the availability of ex-service Hound Class diesel-electric patrol submarines as deployed by the SPN and the Drapoel People's Navy, and of mine countermeasures vessels and various support craft.
10-01-2005, 14:39
The training of the new Malaysian armed forces continues at a steady pace, with experienced Marimaian officers heading up various training academies throughout the Federation. The Jamilist government also hires several mercenaries from Mestrovic Expertise Concern (based in Taishita) to assist with field training. In addition, for the time being, the Marimaian Navy has begun patrols around Malaysia's offshore oil fields in conjunction with the Malaysian Coastguard.
The Malaysian military also begins purchasing hardware almost exclusively from Marimaian sources, due to the NeoSuunist decision to offer reduced prices to the Burmese and Malaysians. Although the Malaysians obtained a significant amount of Bonstockian materiel after the FRB's fall, it is decided that stronger ties are to be established with the Marimaian military establishment. To this end, six SU-27 aircraft are purchased for the emerging Malaysian Air Force, with plans for naval purchases being discussed with the Marimaian Central Command.
The Jamilist government shows great interest in the Marimaian proposal for a Southeast Asian ABM shield; the growing militarisation of Sulawesi at Hudecian hands has fueled concerns of Western encroachment, leading the Kuala Lumpur government to look increasingly to Marimaia for assistance in case of an imperialist drive.
Meanwhile, the NeoSuunists abandon their intial plans to use Kalla as a pawn; his growing reconciliation with the West marks him as a potential threat to Marimaia's plans for the region.
At the governor's palace in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolian militants stormed in and had imprisoned the governor, along with several others, but has promised to return them to Xiaguo. The recent call for independence by Mongolia and Xinjiang annoyed the Chinese government, which has already been in heaps of financial struggle.
The Hudecian 're-arming' programs are of deep concern, and cannot be stressed enough for its dangerous development. Kalla, a figure once supported and endorsed by the Chinese government is now seen as dictator, excercising his arms.
-Background on Kalla-
Kalla was born on Dec. 3rd, 1965, in Makassar on the island of Sulawesi. While he was younger he dabbled a bit in Islamic extremist groups, including some that are related to Al-Quaida. Some of his education seems to have come from an Islamic school. While the Bonstockian Federal Republic was in power, he avidly supported the republic and began to drift away from his Islamic roots.
The collapse of the Republic shattered his ideals and sent him into a deep depression. It was here that he decided to return to his Islamic faith. He became active in the Muslim community promoting unity among Muslims and urging his fellow Muslims to look on Christians as being similar to themselves in faith, but slightly misguided.
The arrival of the Hudecian troops to stem the religious strife in Sulawesi gave him a chance for advancement as the Hudecian administrators searched for moderate Muslims to hold up as role models for a younger generation. He was quickly noticed for his skills of persuasion and was selected by the Hudecians to help administer Makassar.
During this time, Kalla began to see himself as a kind of saviour to his people, leading out of the pit of hatred and violence and leading them to greatest and glory in the wake of the fallen Bonstockian Republic. He feels that Allah has called him to use whatever means necessary to unite and lead the people of Indonesia and perhaps even South East Asia to Islam and to establish an Islamic Empire.
He was elected the first President of Sulawesi by a large margin.
OOC: I'm continuing to try to develop Kalla as the kind of person who will appeal very deeply to members of the Islamic faith, but at the same time be able to control the extremist elements enough to prevent religious strife.
Note that the Hudecian government is not selling the equipment to Kalla, and that President MacNally wants to try to stop it.
"Brothers!" Kalla cried out as he embraced the regional Muslim leaders from Borneo, Java, Aceh and Sunda. "It is good to see you again, we have important work to do."
Kalla had organized a secret conference involving Muslims leaders from Borneo, Aceh, Java and Sunda, however, only Aceh and Sunda were where the Islamic elements truly had control. Kalla aimed to change this.
"Throughout our lands the governments of foreign choice have taken hold. They seek to divide us, to weaken us, to ensure that the greatness and glory we once held will never again be acheived," Kalla began. "But Brothers, we must unite and bring our people back into the faith. Together we can accomplish Allah's will, together we can bring peace and harmony to our lands. If we join together we can show the world that there is no God but Allah and that Mohammed is his messenger."
"The Hudecian Christians are consumed by their greed, the athiest Spyrans have succumbed to ignorance, and the hypocritical Marimaians are full of arrogance. We must enlighten them all. Allah has given us great work to do, and it is his will that all should come to Him."
Nods of agreement filled the room.
"We must join together brothers!"
More nods.
OOC: I don't want to get ahead of myself but I've been trying to hint at this in my last several posts. Kalla is going to try to unify the islamic republics and hopes to incorporate Borneo and Java into them, democratically at first, militarily if necessary.
He is promoting good ties with the West to gain keep them sidelined for now. He views the athiestic views of Marimaia and Spyr as being a greater threat.
10-01-2005, 20:44
OOC: Marimaia used to be 'atheist'. Now it's more 'secular-tolerant'. There are Muslims in Marimaia, but they have the same civil rights as everyone else (that is, more than most Western nations and I dare say more than they would have under Kalla); they have freedom to worship just as everyone else in Marimaia has.
Unless McNally tries harder, Southeast Asian public opinion could well see Hudecia as arming Kalla in an attempt to destabilise the region. At least, that's how all of the state-run media in those nations would see it (and in those nations, the state-run media is the only media).
11-01-2005, 01:33
The emergence of Kalla was taken note of in Singapore. The former capital of the Federal Republic still yearned for a return to old ways. But, of course, with their secular regime in power, not with some upstart Indonesian Muslim. To many in the Singaporian Malaysian community, Kalla, like Abdulla before him, became something of a hero, though most of the majority Chinese populace was worried of an Islamic invasion. Even if a new Republic might me put in place, with Kalla in charge the Singaporians would not have the status they enjoyed under the Federal Republic.
Still, worries of a possible second invasion still took secondary priority to the current issue. A Sinoese army encamped within their borders was the greater threat. Liu and his devils were the ones not to be trusted, they thought. So the men were sent, and the defense continued. Singapore must be for not Sino, not Kalla, but for the Singaporians. And thus, they were willing to die defending her.
Most of the Bonstocknian fleet had been scuttled in Singapore, though a few ships managed to survive, though some with new missions. Arsenal ships had been converted into oil tankers, and cargo ships were sold off to Singaporian shipping companies.
Still, a cause of great concern began to develop, as commanders worried about the status of four Bonstocknian submarines, which had gone to Dra-pol and were never heard from again. Then, some realized that there was yet another submarine, this one a ballistic missile submarine, that had not returned to base. It was known as FRBS U-105. Presumed lost in an accident, its status as Missing in Action caused great concern among the Singaporian Provisional Authority. Still, this information was classified, and no word was mentioned to anyone.
Lunatic Retard Robots
11-01-2005, 03:18
Always in the market for cheap naval vessels, the Hindustani government hints at their interest in purchasing perhaps some frigates and a destroyer or two of Bedgellen design, in order to sure up the seagoing flotilla. It is also made known that the HN, in its constant quest to cut maintainance costs, a trait common of the entire HDF, is interested in selling off all its Rajput (Kashin) class destroyers.
After all, the ex-soviet vessels with their primitive (by HN standards) gas turbines and all-metal construction and suites of even older Soviet weaponry are just not as useful as they once were, especially with the purchase of the more capable Sheffield-class vessels.
However, the old Rajputs might escape the breaker's yard if some other nation were to decide to purchase them.
The HN still operates a handful of 60's-era vessels of British origin, mostly employed as minesweepers or command ships, roles that they have proven useful, if not exactly ideal in.
While the government is eager to see Kalla voted out of office and contained until that time, the government is equally uncomfortable about introducing more weaponry into the conflict-stricken region. However, if push comes to shove, it is probable that one of those ex-Rajputs will find its way into the hands of the Sujavan defense forces.
Recently, apparently dissatisfied with the Veer class missile FACs, the navy has requested approximately 25 Jharkhand class 56 meter coastal patrol craft.
While several knots slower than the Veer, the Jharkhand class, ten of which will be built in Calcutta and the remainder of which will be built in Diu, is much better-armed, with eight AS. 117 ASMs, or up to 16 of the smaller AS. 95 missiles, based on the Sea Skua but with a range about 15 kilometers greater. The new patrol class also carries six SA. 12 SAMs, similar to the Python AAM, with a range of 15km, mounted in VLS cells. A 30mm CIWS gun is carried on the stern, and another on the bow, and there are also extensive ECM and decoy systems. With two homing torpedos and a capable sonar, the Jharkhand would be much more useful than the old Veer.
OOC: yeah.. I know... all you tin pot dictators are difficult to satisfy ;) just teasing.
In all seriousness, MacNally is stuck between a rock and a hard place, he has pioneered legislation to protect HI from government influence to maintain a strict line on separation of corporation and state. Now, if he tried to get involved in it, he'd look like a hypocrit.
He'll make some small covert actions to try to stop the trade, but those sort of actions will not be seen by the international community at large anyway, except maybe Kalla. Which does him no good.
Mostly what annoys Kalla about Marimaia is the homosexual leaders. In most Muslim countries homosexuality is punishable by death, so there is a little resentment there. Christianity, for Kalla, is an amusing sect of deviants from Islam, he'll tolerate them as long as it serves his purpose. In fact, Mohammed once allied himself with Jews to defeat an enemy.
Notice the links I'm drawing between Kalla and Mohammed? Maybe I'm saying that Kalla sees himself as a modern day Mohammed? Woops did that come out?
OOC:Kalla-Mohammed, eww.
A Chinese millitary campaign to put down the rebellion in Mongolia and managed to capture Hami, and neighboring towns. Hundreds of Xinjiang Govering Council members were executed on the spot, along with millitants as traitors.
32 Chinese Bombers flew across the border and began bombing the nation of Nepal. Little defense existed along the first few miles inland.
A "Kalla for President" office was opened in several major cities across the island in Hudecian held territory. Run mostly by muslims, the campaign focused on mosques to get the message out. Clerics would be making several high profile and high key messages in support of Kalla's policies and in support of Kalla himself.
A grassroots "Kalla for President" campaign was beginning to take form here as well, with headquarters being located in Surabaya.
Although the muslim community here would be a minority, it focused its efforts on supporters of the former Bonstockian Republic, portraying Kalla as one who could restore it and Singapore to its former glory.
-Aceh and Sunda-
Plans for an election were beginning to take place. Kalla had convinced the islamic leaders that and Islamic Democracy was not only permitted but recommended by the Koran. Kalla was the front runner in both provinces.
Beth Gellert
11-01-2005, 20:42
Portmeirion has responded to Xiannese air attacks on Kanendru with a communiqué warning in no uncertain terms that a repeat of the strikes will lead to deployment of Beddgelen interceptors and air defence systems which will not hesitate to shoot down any and all further transgressing Chinese aircraft.
In truth, squadrons flying Cardinal point-defence, Hobgoblin air-superiority, and Puffin VTOL fighters are already prepping for redeployment.
11-01-2005, 21:34
"Sir, we have more information about this Kalla."
"What is it?"
"Apparently, they have agents in the country, trying to recruit support."
"We have our hands tied down and a knife at our throat as it is, we had best leave the issue for now."
"General Wu, you are the one who usually takes the bold actions."
"And I did. Look what happened to the Parliament."
"But this may be threat to us."
"Exactly why we have BSS agents on the ground there."
"Sir, most of them have already left their posts. Either they returned to their homes, or they have joined up with Kalla."
"We had Singporian agents, right?"
"We sent them to Sino and Xiaguo. Most of the agents in Indonesia were natives."
Wu looked down for a moment, deep in thought. Treason, he thought to himself. But there was a knife at his throat as he spoke in his dim-lit office, deep in an underground bunker. Above, shells were being fired, bombs were being dropped, and bullets were being shot. The chaos of war had overtaken the once great capital. If something were to be done, it must be done fast.
"Lieutenant," Wu said, leaning forward, "How close are the Sinoese?"
"They are encamped in positions just north of us. Our lines have been holding them off, but we cannot hold on forever."
"Well, they have their backs to another nation, without supplies or reinforcements. They will soon attack. We must make sure that when they do, they don't have enought ground or men. Go and kill as many Sinoese as you can. I want a new offensive. Drive them into the Johor straits. Their time has run out."
"Sir, what if they want to surrender?"
"Have forces ready, in that case. Make more broadcasts, and send another emissary. At midnight, send the remaining B-2s, and terror bomb their positions. Surely that will hit the point home to them."
"Yes, sir."
Two more emmissaries were sent, with a message of surrender. A warning was sent that at midnight, an attack would take place. No response was recieved. Four B-2 bombers took off, and headed for the Sinoese positions. Flying low, they each dropped 80 small, guided bombs, at Sinoese mess halls, ammo dumps, and other supply and support facilities. A second wave came soon thereafter, targeting Sinoese artillery emplacements with similar munitions. JAS 39s and F-22s patrolled around, in case any Sinoese fighter hadn't run out of fuel.
Lunatic Retard Robots
11-01-2005, 23:16
The Hindustani government backs up the Bedgellen disapproval of the Xiannese bombing of Nepal. Angry letters are sent to the governments of China, stating that such actions, which are expected to do little in the way of hitting military targets and kill mostly civilians, will not be tolerated.
Within hours, Hindustani An-32s, configured for Medevac roles, can be seen flying over Nepal. Many have small SAR helicopters, such as Alouettes, packed for travel. While the government is hesitant to commit combat units to Nepal for fear of provoking a full-fledged Sinoese assault, the likes of which any potential deployment would have little likelyhood of stopping, it is beyond question as to the deployment of humanitarian resources.
11-01-2005, 23:45
The Marimaian government condemns the Xiannese bombings of Kanendru, calling them despicable attacks on innocent civilians. The NeoSuunists follow that up by sending medical teams (located in Burma) into Kanendru to assist in any way they can.
The Marimaian Foreign Ministry requests an explanation for the bombings, wishing to know why such attacks were launched and why they were launched at this time.
In the interests of national security, the Security Ministry takes an unexpected step and contacts the Singaporeans regarding Kalla; although any military threat from him appears distant, his influence throughout Indonesia is proving to be a concern.
Lunatic Retard Robots
12-01-2005, 03:19
The Hindustani government backs up the Bedgellen disapproval of the Xiannese bombing of Nepal. Angry letters are sent to the governments of China, stating that such actions, which are expected to do little in the way of hitting military targets and kill mostly civilians, will not be tolerated.
Within hours, Hindustani An-32s, configured for Medevac roles, can be seen flying over Nepal. Many have small SAR helicopters, such as Alouettes, packed for travel. While the government is hesitant to commit combat units to Nepal for fear of provoking a full-fledged Sinoese assault, the likes of which any potential deployment would have little likelyhood of stopping, it is beyond question as to the deployment of humanitarian resources.
However, several brigades of paratroopers prepare to be shipped to West Bengal, presumably for possible deployment to Nepal. Lightly equipped, with only a handful of armored vehicles, mostly AMX-13 light tanks or recoil-less rifle carriers, the Hindustani paratroopers are trained to do more with less.
The other divisions, especially the infantry units stationed along the Nepalese border, brace for action. The heavy divisions, trained to operate in the relatively flat and somewhat open landscape of south and central Hindustan, also get themselves ready, but they are more designed to repulse an amphibious attack than an over-the-border offensive. While individually or in small groups it would not be a major stretch of the imagination to concieve vehicles used by the heavy divisions operating in the jungle-covered hills and mountains of the northeast, to attempt to wield large armored formations in such a setting would be a bad choice, one that the HDF does not plan to make, even if attacked cross-border.
The 7th annual, National Parliamentary meeting in Beijing has began dispite the recent attacks conducted in Nepal.
Beijing, Forbidden City Palace Complex-
The Welcoming Ceremony of the 7th Annual Parliamentary Meeting for the the new Emperor.
Portrait of Empress Jin at the Shanghai Palace
The Empress, now 22, has given full power to her Uncle, Zhou Jin Zao, to run China. The Empress has annouced that she will return to Shanghai and continue to live at Shang Hai Palace as a Regent. She has abdicated a day before and and given the Imperial Title to Zhou, who now, 55, became the newest Emperor.
Emperor Hong Wu
Zhou adopted the ruling tile, Hong Wu. He was however, not a supporter of the recent attacks in Nepal, but rather a direct command by Once-Empress Jin.
Lu Xi Qian, the great general appointed by the Emperor will head armies this week into Mongolia and crush the rebellions there.
China officially declares Hostillity toward Nepal.
"Xiaguo is still officially at war with Nepal, before the Chinese Civil War, Nepalese Imperial Forces requested Chinese assitance to crush the Maoists. Thousands were sent to aid the government, and was sucessful. However, the Civil War brewed up, and the forces were pulled out and sent into other provinces. The Royal Family of Kanendru(Nepal) were safely evacuated to Chuang-Han by Xiannese Millitary Aircraft and have gained official recognization from Xiaguo as the true government of Nepal.
The unfinished war will be continued, and the Imperial Government will be rebuilt in Nepal." stated in the Xinhua Daily in an interview with the Empress, just before she announced the official abdication she has planned.
12-01-2005, 12:37
Marimaia once again shows its outrage over the continued hostilities against Kanendru, stating that unless Xiaguo halts its activities Marimaia will enact a trade embargo on Xiannese goods. Marimaian diplomats around the world urge other governments to do the same, in an attempt to prevent thousands losing their lives.
The NeoSuunists also approach their allies in the Sky Dragon Triad for assistance; the plan is to smuggle weaponry into Kanendru via the Triad as not to bring about a direct confrontation with Xiannese forces. In addition, officers in the Jungle Warfare Corps are told that should their units feel strongly enough to voluntarily enter Kanendru to fight the Xiannese, then the Marimaian government would be unable to prevent their departure.
Finally, Marimaia sends messages to the other members of the SSRC (Dra-pol, Spyr and North Yaman), asking them to come to the aid of Kanendru. With the entire SSRC involved, Marimaia would be able to take more direct action in the conflict.
Beth Gellert
12-01-2005, 15:33
In response to the rather shocking Xiannese stance, continued in spite of absolute defeat of the Imperialists in Kanendru, the Soviet People's Air Force has begun promised deployment into Kanendru. Trucks, trains, helicopters and Preston and Marathon transport aircraft have begun to haul Loviatar-L medium-range surface to air missile systems along with hundreds of Commonwealth support staff and other supplies and equipment up into the mountainous Republic as three classes of fighter begin position themselves by the dozen in Kanendru. Having previously been quite limited in its aid to the Maoists, prefering to see them stand on their own feet, the Igovians are now taking a more direct approach in hopes of indicating to the Chinese the seriousness of the situation they create for themselves.
As an aside, the lobby for withdrawal of the SPAF's extremely long-range MaL AAELRS air to air missiles since the introduction of the more agile Angelot Maudit AMRAAM has been silenced by the proven continuation of the bomber threat that the big awkward 180km-range missile was designed to meet. Portmeirion has said that it is, "but one further provocation away from engaging -from over Kanendru- Chinese military aircraft believed to be on a hostile course even while still over Chinese airspace."
The Commonwealth has also expressed full support of the Marimaian embargo threat, and gone further, comrade General Kivi Eikki Paatelainen speaking of the real possibility of, "sweeping the seas clear of Chinese shipping and backing a revolutionary counter-invasion of Xiaguo through Korea" in the event of a Chinese invasion of Kanendru.
Igovian diplomats are seeking increased consultation with the new Republican government of Kanendru before deploying significant ground forces there, which Paatelanien would prefer to happen sooner rather than later, so that Igovian troops could aclimatise to the somewhat alien conditions of the cloud-touching nation.
Hudecian diplomats in Korea expressed shock that Beth Gellert would consider using Drapol as a base of operations for an attack. Hudecian troops were readied to protect South Korea from any possible strike. It was widely feared that BG and Drapol would use the Xiannese aggression as a smokescreen to launch another assault on the South.
Troops all over Korea were placed on the highest alert, however, no aggressive movements to the front would be made unless Drapol or BG began movements.
OOC: Created another thread for Kalla
OOC:There is no trade between Beth Gillert and Xiaguo. Xiaguo and Dra-Pol is in friendly terms with open trade.
The Xinjiang Islamic Alliance, and the Mongolian People's Republic both ask foreign countries to aid their cause to fufill independence. In a few days, the Imperial government may send thousands of roops to both regions and will crush hope for freedom forever.
Chang Ping, the Chinese premier Princess, had asked a fotune teller of the future of The Ming Dynasty. The fortune teller told her to write a Chinese character, and he will examine it for signs of the future. She wrote the word Yao, which mean have. The character, which use half of Da and half of Ming, meant, China will again be broken up and split.
Chang Ping, feeling scared, had asked her father not to allow Prince Zhou Xi Qian to fight the Mongolians, and to fight the Nepalese was also another poisonous response and can only fuel hatred toward the Chinese.
12-01-2005, 23:36
The Marimaian External Security Force (ESF) make covert contact with the leaders of the Xinjiang Islamic Alliance and the Mongolian People's Republic, expressing NeoSuunist support for their causes and offering sanctuary for their leaders should their resistance crumble. The ESF also give the leaders of each movement access to a Swiss back account with which they can bribe or purchase whatever they require in order continue their resistance.
In a slightly related matter, Darin Thanarat exercises his authority as Patriarch of Theravadan Buddhism and invites the Dalai Lama to Marimaia on the pretext of a pan-Buddhist conference; in reality, the NeoSuunists hope to stoke the fires of rebellion in Tibet (that bit is secret IC though).
Lunatic Retard Robots
13-01-2005, 01:37
The government is horrified at the Xiannese declaration of war on Kanendru. It is seen largely as the first step towards the Indian subcontinent, long viewed as the ultimate target of Sinoese-led aggression due to its extremely different social, governmental, and economic systems and defiance to Sinoese-led operations overseas.
Troops on the Nepalese border go to full alert, and prepare, if it should become necessary, to ship into Kanendru itself. While the units in question would be out of their regular operational environment- the lush jungles and rainforests covering the hilly and rugged landscapes of Bihar and West Bengal, they would still be operating in a mountainous environment, where their lighter, more man-portable equipment could prove very useful. Approximately 100,000 (!) troops could be deployed into Nepal, covering major routes across the mountains and defending major population centers, within the space of several weeks, plus a possible 10,000 paratroopers, with a force of 45,000 kept in reserve along the Indian border and another 200,000 troops in the heavy divisions to provide in-depth defense of the subcontinent, being of relatively little utility in the mountains.
Pending Kanendru's permission, the airforce prepares two squadrons of FA. 6 air-superiority fighters and five squadrons of FA. 21 interceptors/light fighters for deployment to Nepal. The FA. 21 (heavily modified MiG-21) in particular should be good for the possible assignment, with its rugged construction, forgiving flight characteristics, excellent STOL performance (an element of the modification, as real MiG-21s have very long TO runs) and maintainance-friendly design. Foreward airbase crews should have no trouble in maintaining the aircraft away from major facilities in Hindustan.
Hopefully, it won't be much longer until the newest Hindustani fighter program, the FA. 35, is finished and the first batch of 100 airframes is spat out from the armories. Very similar to the Saab 'Viggen,' the FA. 35 is meant to be the FA. 5's replacement, with much-improved combat manouverability, range, and weapons capacity along with better STOL and unprepared field characteristics. Not only that, but being based on a design from the late 70's, the FA. 35 is a good deal cheaper too.
But the government contacts the Kanendru authorities before any deployments are authorized. The infantry divisions, units with relatively small logistical requirements, are considered a good choice for this kind of mission because, although they are not the quickest units to move, they can survive for long stretches without a steady supply line. After all, their trucks and their handful of armored vehicles don't require nearly as much ammunition and gasoline as the heavy divisions do. Therefore, the heavy divisions are generally not meant to operate outside of Hindustani borders. Therefore, the possible Hindustani deployment is considered less prone to attacks from Sinoese or Xiannese WS-1 artillery rockets and other tactical ballistic missiles.
(Well, actually, Xiaguo re-assessed its stance towards Dra-pol, but Dra-pol did relatively little in return. We pulled some forces back to their original positions after having moved forward to threaten invasion during the civil war. Trade is conducted across the border, but on the Drapoel side it is still tightly regulated, and Da'Khiem hasn't allowed any substantial Chinese investment in the CPRD. Relations are back from the brink of war, but as before then, the UPA still has 170,000 troops with deployment ability near the border region, plus thousands more in static defence. When Drapoel-Xiannese trade re-opened and nominal diplomatic contact was re-established, you may remember that the Beddgelen reaction was actually to increase aid to Dra-pol and to engage two of our state factories in a co-operative fighter development programme. Dra-pol's economy is currently experiencing the most significant and sustained period of growth in the nation's entire history, in no small part because BG boosted aid to encourage Da'Khiem to keep a certain distance from the Xiannese. While Chinese trade is a nice surprise from the CPRD, Igovian trade and aid is certainly more important right now, and that is without considering Marimaia and by extension the rest of the SSRCp. Dra-pol would be insane (shush) to break with BG and the Sphere over Xiaguo alone. Long story short, while Xiaguo may be one of the CPRD's trade partners, BG, Marimaia, and potentially also Kanendru are the CPRD's allies.)
In the Choson People's Republic, reaction to the Xiannese bombing of Kanendru has been typically off-beat. Da'Khiem has not moved to limit trade or expel ambassadors, but state television has begun to air hostile propaganda songs and plays made mainly during the dark days of the Xiannese civil war, when UPA Assault Divisions were poised on the very banks of the Yalu. Many ordinary Drapoel don't actually know why such media ever went away, and simply accept its return, generally unaware of the restoration of trade unless they happen to live or work in the border area or train depots directly associated with the commerce.
OOC:I thought Xiaguo was also sending aid over to Dra-Pol, wasn't that one of the things that turned Hudecia so.
The Constitutional Republic of China has selected Taoism as the Official Religion of China.
The issue of inviting the Dalai Lama over is a despicable act. Not only in the respect of the Chinese government. We recomend the Marimaian Government to revoke this invite, as it not only does damage to international relations, but you must understand the Muslims in your country.
13-01-2005, 03:11
ooc: tying up a loose thread
Somewhere in Dra-pol
Four Bonstocknian submarines had been penned up for a rather long time. The crews were intent on getting home, but their "hosts" had told them the door was broken, and that they should leave their subs. Protocol, of course, was against such a thing, and the crews stayed put, until finally their rations began to give way. They tried contacting base, but communications scramblers stopped their efforts. The subs were lost without a trace to the Federal Republic.
Finally, one day, a new, high-frequency, highly coded message appeared. Its coded language indicated its authenticity, and a loud broadcast ensured precious little of the communication got through. Most was static, but the submariners picked up some words, with the message repeated many times to help them fill in the gaps:
Federal Republic... dissolved... all subs return to base.
Figuring there was no use in their sensitive electronics and documents anymore, the submariners destroyed every last piece of classified material. Destroying all torpedoes, they then blew the tubes up, and laid timed detonation charges in the hull, to blow up the interior. Then the crew of all four vessels filed out, and asked their hosts for news and a flight home. The detonation charges went off, causing no damage outside, simply destroying the interior of the submarines, rendering them absolutely useless. Protocol would have its way; the subs would have been destroyed anyway. Thus the submariners gave themselves up to Dra-pol's mercy, and expected that they would be treated as fellow soldiers and sent home.
(Aid? I dunno, I suppose we'd take what was offered, but in the end, unstable Xiaguo, attached to absolutely opposed Sino, can never be seen as an ideal choice next to multiple Sphere allies and free-floating BG.
Oh yeah, I forgot about that sub thing in all the upheaval and... holidays.)
Eastern Dra-pol
The pens containing Bonstockian submarines had been locked down and maintained on near skeleton staffs since Islandian torpedos and political uncertainty rendered them inoperable to the East Sea Fleet.
The departure of Bonstockian crews from their boats was greeted with initial enthusiasm. High ranking officers prepared to order teams aboard to secure the vessels and set to informing their Bonstockian opposites of the wider political situation, intending to send them on the first leg of their journey to Singapore, as per presumed Beddgelen wishes as that nation tried to co-operate with the Singapore government in containing the Sinoese threat- it was assumed that Portemirion would not want an allied government detaining ex-Bonstockian nationals, though no official word had actually been receive, possibly because nobody knew that the Drapoel still had the four submarines.
When charges began to ruin the Republic's prizes, however, the mood changed. It was fortunate that the promptness of the detonations meant that teams had not yet been sent aboard, at least for their sake, but it was sadly insufficent grace to satisfy Major Seonggye, who had a number of the Bonstockians shot, stabbed, or cut on the spot, and ordered others taken to facilities across the region as probably futile attempts began to salvage material and technology.
Later, the Central Directorature would deny ever having entertained Bonstockian submarines, and would indicate a possible submarine battle between suspected Bonstockian and Islandian vessels during the fall of the Bonstockian Empire as a possible explanation for the ships' loss. Hotan would promise to carefully re-examine military hospitals, morgues, and prisons for any bodies or survivors that may have been washed ashore. The CPRD couldn't be sure if the submariners had been in contact with Singapore, and the Major responsible for killing many possible witnesses would also vanish off the face of the earth while remaining survivors disappeared into POW and re-education facilities for extended interrogation on the matter.
Not the tidiest operation in history, but Dra-pol's direct dealings with the outside world rarely went smoothly. Singapore would know that something was amiss, but the hope in Dra-pol was that either this was not the case, or that Singapore would choose to give-up the issue in light of more pressing matters or to avoid creating a rift that might damage Beddgelen backing of the island state... or better yet, that there was nothing they could do about it, anyway.
(If by chance there are any important characters involved, and you should like them back, it will be assumed that they are amongst the numbers detained in 'secret'.)
13-01-2005, 06:35
Throughout Kathmandu, giant red banners fluttered from businesses and apartment buildings, bearing the CPK's traditional hammer-machete-rifle logo and a single, succinct phrase that summed up the necessities of the current situation: "Defend Kanendru and socialism by any means necessary!"
In the middle of the city center an enormous wooden platform had been constructed, mounted by various CPK personnel, leaders of worker's cooperatives and mass organizations, student movement organizers and even progressive leaders. Each took turns speaking, addressing each of their respective constituences, who were all represented at the tremendous mass rally. Hundreds of thousands of people had gathered to hear what the government planned to do about the situation. Ever since the Xiannese intervention, suspicion of the eastern neighbor had run very high; the fear in the air of the absolute devastation the Chinese could bring once again was palpaple.
The country's armed forces were in a precarious position. On the one hand, the Himilayas formed one of the best natural barriers and best defensive fighting terrain in the world, creating a natural barrier to ground troop movements and forcing troop deployments into narrow, easily defending mountain passes. On the other, the PLA was in a sorry state as far as technology went. A virtually all-infantry force with barely adequate mobile deployment capabilities, limited vehicle stocks and artillery, and scant armor, the Chinese could devastate it on open ground despite the fact that the country's regular forces were well-armed with Drapoel and Indian weaponry. The air force, consisting of a few fighters and transport choppers captured from the RAK, was probably not even going to be a factor.
At last, Chairman Naharu of the dominant Maoist Communist Party of Kanendru ascended the stage to wild applause. The small, slightly moustached man of lower-caste descent was not a very impressive dictator, as the Chinese media made him out to be. Nor was he a dictator in any sort of traditional sense. His power was nothing close to absolute, and moderated from all directions by local and regional political forces in the People's Committees and Soviets. But, he had freed the majority of the Nepalese population from a state of feudal semi-slavery, imperial domination and an intensely repressive government. Understandably, his cult of personality and informal influence in the Party and the masses was very, very strong.
"People of Nepal," he began, "I warned you all at the start of this revolution that the armed struggle for New Democracy and socialism would be just one portion of a long, protracted struggle for the rights of our nations people. We are fortunate to have many allies in this struggle: our comrades in Beth Gellert, Dra-pol, and our Hindustani friends have all committed themselves to solidarity in defense of our nation!"
With this, scattered applause from the crowd grew to a jubilant cry. The mood was exstatic. This was quite possibly the first era of Kanendru's history where the people of the country had not felt as though it was alone.
"But as comrade Mao and the lessons of history tell us, weapons do not make the victor in war. It is the strength of the people! We cannot depend on the outside for our national defense, or we will surely lose the struggle for socialism and self-reliance, even if the Chinese are driven back to Bejing. So even though Beth Gellert, Dra-pol, and the SSRC stand behind us, we must also stand for ourselves or face annihilation. To this end, the CPK and its allies are calling for a expansion of the militia into a Volunteer Defense Force, with at least 200,000 new recruits in addition to the 130,000 already in operation. All people, of all toiling classes, from the majority nationalities to the formerly oppressed ones, must unite HERE and fight for our freedom! Defend our villages, our mountains, and our cities and fight for our future comrades.. the old order is encroaching once again. Let us drive it back and put it behind us."
As people filed out of the mass rally, thousands stopped at People's Miltia recruiting tables to sign up for the task of national self-defense. Here and at hundreds of similar rallies occuring across the country, volunteers were given a set of winter clothes, rations, and a self-loading rifle and were sent off to training camps for a crash course in guerilla warfare, leaving behind husbands, wives, daughters, parents and children.. some of them very possibly to never return again.
"Although, the war with Nepal must be ended, we will have to rid of the Seperatist disease in Mongolia and Xinjiang. Although Nepal is a disease of the skin, the Speratists are disease in the heart.
We will not only protect our homeland, we will unite it. I do not agree with the war with Nepal, however, as part of the unfinished war, we will crush the Communist Fanatics.
Along with the war, I will raise the Minumum wage from 6.60 Yuan, to 7.10 Yuan and along with my advisers and the Parliament and Legislature, we will adequately fund everyone's necessities. Our nation, now a vast and powerful Republic, strong in the economy, the millitary, and the technology. I, as the people's Emperor, I will fufill the Heavenly mandate, and I will pull forward the new Chinese Government."
A message was sent to Nepal.
SENT.>>NANJING--Mr. Ye Zhao Feng
RECIP.>>To the Present Nepalese Governing Body and Councils
We as a nation truly wish peace in Nepal. We kindly ask that if your government is willing to allow the Royal Nepalese family to return to Nepal, and give them figurehead rights. Objection to this can only lead to war, but if an agreement is made, we are to offer assitance with the new government.
A pledge of 200 million Yuan, and millitary assistance program will also be met. A surrender is not needed, and we only wish to allow the Royal Family, Former Governing officials and their families to return to Nepal with full citizenship rights.
XINGLIWAN T/G End of Trans.
As reports of planned Xiannese agression reach Spyr, the Tagani border garrisons go on alert once again, as reconnaisance flights intensify to observe possible troop movements in Xiaguo. If the Xiannese are willing to force a return to the shackles of feudalism, against the will of the Nepalese people, then there is no guarantee that they might not attempt similar actions against North Yaman and Tord.
13-01-2005, 16:10
The Nepali exile community in Xiannese China was fairly large, encompassing some 200,000 individuals mostly based in Bejing. Some were senior members of the old government, or members of the now extinct political parties like Congress and the Conservatives, others royal advisors or members of the armed forces who feared prosecution and inevitably execution for war crimes. Only a relatively small portion were hardcore Royalists, but it was a large enough section of armed, highly trained men for the Royal Family to use to their own advantage.
The porous border with Xinjiang provided an easy in. The Xiannese could count themselves lucky that they had a ready made force which could easily carry out actions and blend in with the local population...
Ryar was a small city in the interior, a mountainous town of 60,000 that was primarily a trading center and housed an old Buddhist monastery, who formed one of Kanendru's many religious minorities. It was never an epicenter of revolution or reaction, its people preferring to remain relatively neutral in the revolution, though there was no love lost between the Buddhists and the Hindu fundamentalist monarchy. Nevertheless, even here the impetus to defend the country was great. In fact, a rally similar to the one which had occured in Kathmandu was occuring in the middle of the town square.
Armed militiamen stood guard, ready to recruit new volunteers and distribute weapons. Outside the meeting, a quarter mile down the winding, mountainous road, two men sat in an idling Toyota pickup.
The driver was finished his cigarette as the two discussed the day's plan of action. At the driver and his passenger's feet, out of sight of casual observers, lay a pair of submachine guns. Each carried a high powered handgun in a shoulder holster, and in the back seat lay a heavy package wrapped in brown paper, marked as a parcel to be delivered nearby.
"Allright.. so, we have the route planned out, everything looks ready.. but colonel?" The man in the passenger side turned to regard him coldly. "Are you sure this is really a legitimate target? Yes, the militia's there, but it's in the middle of a crowded market and - "
"And what, corporal? The Communists have infected every pore and every aspect of our society like a disease. As far as I'm concerned, anything and everything with one of the bastards in or around it is a legitimate target! When you joined the army, you swore an oath to defend our holy monarchy to the death, and so help me I'll shoot you myself if you back out now."
To emphasize the point, the passenger removed his pistol from his holster. The driver gulped, shifted the car into gear and barreled down the narrow mountain pathway.
Global News Network,
Dateline Kathmandu, Jan 14
A public meeting in the small Nepalese village of Ryar was bombed today by a pair of gunmen in a white Toyota pickup. At least 25 people have been killed and 30 others wounded, about half of them militiamen for the ruling Communist Party of Kanendru.
The attackers drove close to the rally in their vehicle, where an individual with a ski mask tossed an unmarked package onto the stage which detonated shortly thereafter, scattering nails and ball bearings among the assembled villagers.
"The soldiers came to talk to us about volunteering for the national defense," said an elderly Nepalese woman who did not wish to be identified. "Not alot of us could go to fight, because our town is poor and everybody is needed for the harvest, so the cadre told us how we could help my making clothes and donating leather for boots and bandoliers. Then the truck came... there was a loud bang and alot of screaming."
"When I looked up," said a young villager, "there were many people lieing on the ground. My father was still alive, but he was on the ground too. There were bits of metal in his shoulder."
After the bomb went off, the gunman mounted in the truck bed opened fire on the survivors and militiamen who were running away or returning fire with a submachine gun before they sped off.
A group known as the Khali Brigade, after the Hindu goddess of destruction, claimed responsibility for the attack in a written statement. They warned Nepalese people not to volunteer for the country's security forces and to not work against the monarchy's return to power. The attack follows an announcement by the Kanendru government that they will not acceed to Xiaguo's demand to reinstate the royal family.
Beth Gellert
13-01-2005, 19:36
Seeing no evidence of a climb-down by the Xiannese, Portmeirion has sent another communiqué outlining the Chinese position as the Commonwealth saw it. CCC comrade Chivo warned the Xiannese that they should not try to force anything, and merely look after those who chose to flee Kanendru until the country is stable enough to even consider negotiation on the return of any counter-revolutionary element.
War would place the Chinese attacking into a defencible environment with the local population against them, armed by numerous foreign powers. It would align Kanendru's new government forces with the Igovian Soviet Commonwealth and almost certainly the four nations of the Shining Sphere of Revolutionary Co-prosperity, all poised to counter the Chinese from different sides. With Hindustan, according to the communiqué, standing against Chinese aggression too, Xiaguo's position was clearly unworkable. A climb-down would lead to no ill result. Pressing for war would not only fail to achieve China's aims but would result in catastrophy for the whole nation.
Igovian military aid and air defences continued to head up into Kanendru.
East Islandia
14-01-2005, 00:13
Alarmed by the Xiannese position in Nepal, Islandian military units prepare for war overseas.
LRR is asked for permission to use territory in Hindustan as staging areas.
The Estenlands
14-01-2005, 00:32
Though not a member of the Tripartide Pact, an alliance of Royalists, Tsar Wingert I applauds the efforts of the Chinese Emporer to return the people of Kenandru to their rightful destiny as servants of the Royal family.
King Wingert I of The Village of Farrah.
Quinntonian Dra-pol
14-01-2005, 00:43
Just to remind everyone, I have probably about 260,000 or more people in South Korea as refugees that are loyal to the crown, along with more than 50,000 troops that I have been training and supplying for quite awhile.
this is the thread that is leading up to this=
this is some other pertinant info=
14-01-2005, 02:26
Six Months Ago
Somewhere in the Pacific Ocean
Aboard FRBS U-132.
Commander Talemako Assad looked through his periscope, then put it back. "Ensign Rashid, do we have any orders?"
Rashid turned up from his console, and directly faced his commander. "Sir, we've got something coming in. It's urgent."
"What is it, then?"
"It says, 'The Federal Republic has been dissolved into the independent states of Indonesia, Malaysia, and Singapore. All submarines are to return to base as soon as possible.'"
Talemako stood silent, his eyes wide, as if a sniper's bullet had suddenly struck him in the heart. For a moment, he dared not speak. Then, he got the courage to mention, "When did this happen?"
"Not long ago. We should return."
"Set a course for home. Did we have any news from our other subs?"
"Still no news from your father."
"I don't believe that the Islandians destroyed his submarine. A Seawolf class submarine simply does not dissapear without some sort of warning. His last transmission was 'Entering friendly subpen.'"
"Perhaps it was not so friendly."
Talemako sighed. His sub had been sent to salvage survivors and find answers, not to go back to base for some silly reason. Talemako then stood tall, as does a man facing death itself with bravery. "Cancel our course. We stay here until our mission is accomplished."
"Yes, sir."
Lunatic Retard Robots
14-01-2005, 02:27
Within minutes of the attack, Hindustani medical teams based in Kathmandu arrive on the scene in ambulences improvised from small tricycle taxis as well as the more standard red-crescented 4x4 TATA trucks.
Many are saved from death by the quick response, aided heavily by local volunteers who know the city's layout, and more people are spirited away to the city hospitals. However, the very nature of the attack is crude and bloody, and the Hindustani government harshly reprimands the royalist movement.
Hopefully, the promise of force will get Xiaguo to back down, especially as the first units of light infantry are ferried across the border. Several airforce squadrons also begin flying out of hastily prepared airstrips in southern Nepal, out of the range of Chinese rockets and well within early warning radar coverage, and also conveniently close to Hindustan itself for resupply and support. Hopefully, the airforce will have at least 700 front-line airframes before any actual combat takes place between Chinese forces and Nepali troops. The bulk of these desired 700 airframes will be fighter types, amounting to around 450 aircraft all in all, with another 250 attack aircraft. The bulk of the fighter force will be the FA. 35, as limited numbers begin to come into service, with FA. 6/Su-30MKIs making up the air superiority wing. A good amount of FA. 21s also remain in service, not due to be retired or sold until after the FA. 35 production run has finished. Due to substantial wing enlargements and other airframe changes, the aircraft has a maximum speed of much less than Mach 2, but an improved payload capacity.
A division of regulars also moves across the border, driving in widely-spaced columns led by a small amount of T-4 tanks, their adjustable suspensions and light weight making them more suited than other vehicles to operation in the terrain at hand. Several APC-3 armored carriers are also present in the columns, but they do not fill their usual role in the heavy divisions of primary troop carriers. Due to the nature of the terrain, the APC-3s are used to carry heavy weaponry like AT. 43Bs, Akash SAMs, and AT. 30 land-attack missiles, as well as engineering equipment.
The trucks are what carry the bulk of the division's gear. Each TATA 4x4 and 6x6 carries about 20 infantrymen, bundled up in the characteristic olive drab of the HDF. Most wear wool caps in place of their traditional broad-brimmed hats, and some troops have scarves, although most are not military-issue. Trucks tow light MRLs, howitzers, mortars, and Rapier SAM batteries in some cases, and in others trailers full of fuel, ammunition, or the infantry's kit.
East Islandia is authorized to use Hindustani bases to stage operations in Nepal, although the nature of HDF bases, with their wide dispersal and focus on defensive operations, probably will not suit EI troops too well. There are one or two large fields around, though, in central Bihar, that could probably handle the traffic.
East Islandia
14-01-2005, 03:51
A mountain infantry brigade, and one of the Air Force's four light, air intrusion infantry (paratroops) head for staging areas in Kathmandu. The mountain infantry will be at full strength in a week, and the paratroopers in four days.
Another air intrusion brigade is shipped by way of PRC CHina, and airfields in PRC China are used to drop several Zero teams behind enemy lines to reconnoiter.
Meanwhile, a carrier task group arrives in the Indian Ocean, and steams towards ports in India. However, pending approval from the Indian government, Islandian forces cannot disembark for another week or so.
A Massive Air aid conducted during the late evening began to strategically bomb airstrips and hangers in an attack to assure Chinese of Air superiority in Nepal. Sino, which built airstrip after airstrip, with excellent bases services the Xiannese on a major advantage.
The reinstalled JianHong-7 Suface Bonber aircraft and the availability of the Fantan, are to cripple the remaining airbases and millitary centers before another assualt can be planned. At least 64 bombing aircraft were used in seperate attacks.
The supporting aircraft used, Su 27 has a fly range that can be measured from China to Guam. About 25 were used through each flight.
Chinese(Xiannese) troops number up to 600,000 after a reported threat from BG and was sent and relocated from Northern China after Xiannese-Dra Polian relations become more 'friendly' about another 250,000 are still on guard at the Chinese-Korean borders, along with a few hundred thousand which have managed to crush the Mongolian Uprising this week.
Hudecia belatedly condemns that attack on Nepal as a 'land grab' by a 'constantly hostile and belligerant nation'. Although not weighing in on the communist vs. monarchy issue, Hudecia makes it clear that they will respect the decision of the people of Kanendru.
The possibility of a strategic strike inside Xiaguo is given serious thought and military planners begin devising strategies about what it would look like. A missile strike would not have enough impact, but a full fledged landing would be very dangerous.
Serious thought is given to the strategic port city of Qingdao, and Hudecian agents from that city begin devising what a possible invasion strategy would entail.
Politicians looking at it wring their hands worrying about overstretching the Hudecian military.
Two armoured divisions are drawn from southern bases around Zhondai and Naisho, along with an air wing, to take position in Tagan along the Spyr-Manchurian border. Tagani levy units are called up to full strength, manning additional AA posts and defensive points in the north. In a move controversial even in Spyr, the 1st Youth Guard Armoured Division (equipped with rather archaic T-55s and mobile guns) is moved from Sithin to the city of Gochu in Tagan.
The PRS government issues a condemnation of Xiannese agression against the people of Kanendru, and calls for immediate withdrawal.
OOC:Qingdao is an International Base. It contains Sinoese, Taiwanese, and a couple of hundred foreign ships dock at this port everyday.
Given the powerful Airforce. An Imperial Fleet has stationed near Hainan Dao, less than 500 Miles from the capital city of Vietnam. Hainan Dao, a Chuang-Han island, now a powerful naval island.
After the Chinese Allegiance was signed and agreed on. All Chinese Naval bases, airstrips, millitary bases, cities, were to all link in a unfied communication system and were also to be one of the primary goals, to improve all infrustructure and arsenal.
14-01-2005, 05:52
OOC Note: I'm going to wait awhile to make a response or post casualties.. how much damage is done and how I'm able to respond will depend heavily on how LRR, Beth Gellert, and others with aircraft and air defense systems in the country respond.
In the meantime, it is useful to note that the country is not entirely without its own air defenses either; scattered AA artillery is in use, along with more shoulder-fired SAMs than you can shake a stick at. A few dozen emplaced sights are used as well, within range of the most important air traffic centers and military bases. Most are at least a few years old but moderately effective, and at an advtange due to altitude - emplacements many thousands of feet off the ground (I'm.. guessing? No expert) would have a shorter range to travel to their targets. These obviously are brought to bear to their fullest effect once the attack hits.
Two armoured divisions are drawn from southern bases around Zhondai and Naisho, along with an air wing, to take position in Tagan along the Spyr-Manchurian border. Tagani levy units are called up to full strength, manning additional AA posts and defensive points in the north. In a move controversial even in Spyr, the 1st Youth Guard Armoured Division (equipped with rather archaic T-55s and mobile guns) is moved from Sithin to the city of Gochu in Tagan.
The PRS government issues a condemnation of Xiannese agression against the people of Kanendru, and calls for immediate withdrawal.
-Jeju do-
The Hudecian Korean Command was now seriously entertaining thoughts about a surgical strike at Qingdao. The volume of traffic, both military and commercial, the locations of airbases and military bases all were taken into account.
The plan was beginning to take form. Should Xiaguo find itself embroiled in a conflict with Spyr, Marimaia, LRR, BG and/or Drapol, Hudecia would become involved with this strike. It would be hoped that an attack here would paralyze the Xiannese naval movements in the area temporarily and disorient the Xiannese command, already busy fighting on several fronts.
The attack, should it occur, the generals decided, would rely on the ability of the Hudecian air force to destroy or paralyze the Xiannese airbases in advance of the landings.
A secondary plan also being discussed would involve a strike at Dalian. A less important military base, but equally important strategic position in Hudecian eyes.
OOC:Lol, Hudecia, I was planning on something like that. Well, the navy isn't 'Based' in Qingdao. The 4 Major ports would include Dalian(Bohai Sea Guardian Fleet), Qingdao(East Fleet), Tianjin(North Fleet), and Nanjing(South Fleet). And these are commanding bases. A lot of the ships are down South. Right now, if there was an attack, most affected will be the docks and will of course do much damage to the Eastern Fleet. Note that Qingdao is a very important port, and with much funding has been built into a powerful naval base and includes 3 airstrips, and the nearby base of Granzi.
The Bohai Sea, which is very important since major cities including Beijing and most of the Sea Ports are located aroundthis sea is heavily patrolled by the Bohai Fleet with the primary objective to safeguard this body of water. Hundreds of jets line up around this sea also, as stated, most of Xiaguo's most important cities and bases are located around this sea. No foreign millitary ship may enter starting from apoint from Qingdao to Dalian.
It's a good time to do the Xinjiang thing Hudecia. ; )
Quinntonian Dra-pol
14-01-2005, 16:49
Prime Minister Jesse son of Obed condemns any invasion of Kenandru on such a massive scale, and asks that cooler heads prevail. It is asked if a figurehead situation for the Royal family would work, if they were allowed to move back into the palace and even be supported on a government stipend in return for support of the new regime. However, it should be noted that there are 50,000 well-trained and equipped VERY LOYAL Royalist troops in ROK. Their commander (I don't have a name yet) is eager to join the fight against the communist insurgents, but is also very cautious to lose the protection that they have found under Quinntonia for them and the 260,000 loyalist refugees they are protecting.
There are also another 6,000 Communists, with 1,000 able-bodied troops that we have been waiting to transport back to Kenenadru, they are detained in medical camps currently and have not been transported because tha vast majority are injured ill, or amputees. It is unknown if there are now any facilities able to care for them, with rehabilition programs, burn units, etc. If not, we will gladly continue to care for them, free of cost, but they will not be able to leave the medical camp, if they want to leave, they can be returned to their homw nation, also free of cost.
OOC-I just don't know any Nepalese names for the commander of these forces, and these probably are a seperate group of mostly very low level nobility and leaders, with an army of peasants. That would have the 200,000 refugees in China as mostly the elite and government and intellecyaul leaders, whereas, these are the ones that were left behind and had no way to get out, depending upon the massive Quinntonian air transport to help them escape attack.
Dozens of Tank divisions and thousands of soldiers begin mobilizing and hudreds began crossing the border as SU's and Jiang Aircraft covered them and throughout the week, the bombings will continued. Unsure of the current strategies of which these enemies have adopted, the command was to overtake the first 100 miles of Nepal within a week. Guerilla warfare was expected and the army had something in mind to counter in what Chiang Kai Shek called, "Dark Warfare" in which the opposing side is Bright.
80,000 Nepalese Loyalist soldiers were allowed to enlist in the Royal Nepalese Army in China and have given new weapons and are one of the elite. This army is well respected and are used in much propaganda. They will be heading into Nepal within 3 days after finsihing up training at the border region.
OOC:^Much like the U.S. in Iraq. (:|) Sorry is the grammar's like crap, school at 7:00 in the morning isn't the best place to fight a war.
Use wikipedia for Nepalese names. Usually, Asian names are easy for me, but Nepal is more of the smaller groups.
Mohammed Kalla was busy contacting his Xinjiang counterparts and building relations with his fellow Muslims there.
"For too long we have tolerated the oppression of our brethren... we should cease to be so accomodating." He would tell them.
Hundreds of loyal Kalla fighters were being snuck into Xinjiang and there they were armed and sent to fight the Xiannese.
"Here it comes now... everyone remember, just like we learned in Sulawesi from the Hudecians," The lieutenant commanded. "Use the heavy weaponry to take out the first and last vehicles simultaneously then, rake the smaller vehicles with bullets before C company sneaks in and drops grenades down the tank hatches."
The ambush was perfectly planned. They had watched several Xiannese supply convoys use this road, but this time, they hoped to raid it and capture the supplies for their side.
-Jeju do-
Hudecian frigates and destroyers prepare themselves and are armed with the latest tactical missiles.
The plan changed a little bit, a preliminary missile strike would put major airbases out of action while Hudecian fighters and bombers would take to the skies to finish them off.
Although there was no official word of a possible strike, Quinntonia's plans to support the Royalist government in Nepal was seen as a sign of the upcoming conflict.
14-01-2005, 19:23
The Kanendru armed forces have set up strongpoints at the entrances to most of the major passes through the Himilaya mountains to the flat, fertile Terai plain covering the western half of the country. Most of these are defended by many well-trained, heavily armed troops of the PLA who plan to defend themselves with light artillery, shoulder-fired AA weapons, ATGMs and mortars, along with the few tanks that are available. They will have to economize very heavily in order to survive and make the most out of every vehicle and piece of equipment. Exact capabilities are generally unknown to most foreign intelligence services, given that most positions have been well concealed by caves and camouflage netting where available.
The militias will hang back, for the most part, and conduct guerilla ops against those troops who happen to make it past the strong points. They are thought to be poorly armed and have only rudimentary training, though many are veterans of the People's War and impart their knowledge of guerilla warfare to their comrades.
It is thought that there are around 100,000 of the former and 300,000 of the latter, the militias made up 2/3rds of recent and temporary volunteer fighters.
In order to discourage exile participation, the CPK has sent a warning that "all turncoats, class traitors and imperialist appeasors who engage in fighting in the Kanendru proper will be shown no mercy, even prisoners captured or having surrendered. The penalty will be immediate death by firing squad, hanging, or khukri (an ancient nepalese fighting knife; saying this is the equivalent of telling the reactionary forces that if captured, their throats will be cut)."
Quinntonian Dra-pol
14-01-2005, 20:44
OOC-Um, before anyone adds 80,000 Nepalese Royalist Forces to anything, especially claiming themas elite, you may want to re-read the original thread. The Royalist Forces in the entire nation numbered less than 60,000, and I RPed post by post the removal of said troops in the last thread. If you have 80,000 Royalists to add to an army, they would have to be completely untrained massed militias at best. Just FYI.
Kenandru, what do you want doen with these refugees? Should I RP them, or would you like to?
And I never said that I supported either side of the conflict. If anyone recalls, I set up three refugee camps during fighting and helped any who came, Communist or Royalist. The only reason that I have the Communists detained, is that they were removed to Quinntonian Dra-pol so that they could recieve medical care that wasn't available in the field, hence why probably 4,500 out of the 6,000 are drastically injured, and in a Quinntonian hospital.
The only reason that I was forced to remove the Royalists, was that they were afraid of reprisals and sought those camps for protection, where it was determined that we could not leave them behind, for fear of them being slaughtered. So, we moved them and then struck a deal to move them again into ROK, where they have a massive military and living complex that was built for them by Quinntonia, and in return, they have pledged to fight against Dra-pol should they ever invade.
14-01-2005, 20:55
"Ask them one last time to reconsider what they're doing."
Rongyi nodded and headed off to contact the Xiannese one more time to ask them to halt their campaign in Kanendru; Suun sipped at his tea as Darin Thanarat was ushered into his office.
"What did he say?"
Thanarat smirked. "He's a little unsure about us, but I think his desire for a free Tibet is stronger than his distrust of us. He's agreed to the recordings, so we'll soon have messages from the Dalai Lama to the Tibetan people, inciting them to rise up against the Chinese oppressors. If Xiaguo backs down then we won't need them, but it doesn't look like they're going to."
Throughout Marimaia, air bases began to receive tentative new orders. All Navy personnel were instructed to be ready for possible deployment, and ground forces in the Northern Military District began drills for enemy invasion or missile attack. Central Command began running their simulations, while air defense networks were checked and rechecked (OOC: just warming up the troops, just in case).
Beth Gellert
15-01-2005, 00:37
The Xiannese evening air strikes would surely have been an unmitigated disaster. With Soviet People's Air Force fighters in country after longer-term deployment of various Preston and Marathon aircraft related to Igovian developmental and defence aid, the incoming bombers were spotted easily by the over 480km-range of Marathon AEW's Spectre of Communism radar. By the time Xiannese aircraft were anywhere near the border, the SPAF's 72-in-country fighters were airborne and receiving target information. Two dozen of the larger signatures, identified as apparent bombers, received two concurrent volleys of AAERLS at near hundred mile ranges, still giving the big weapons plenty of time to make up lost ground should the enemy take radically evasive action. It was hard to see any of the twenty four selected bombers surviving both missiles charging down on them, both responding to different frequencies to frustrate jamming.
With long-range anti-bomber missiles away, their launch aircraft -two twelve-strong squadrons of NT4C Hobgoblins- put their low-signature frames into supercruise and closed to obliterate the far less capable Xiannese fighters by now becoming evident to radar. It was highly doubtful that the Hobgoblins would even have been detected when, over fifty miles from the enemy fighters that by now may at least have known that their bombers were under attack, the Igovian fighters loosed up to forty-eight Angelot Maudit AMRAAM and peeled off, hoping to escape without being spotted let alone attacked, as four squadrons of less stealthy but more agile and equally well armed NT5I Cardinal and intermediate NT2 Puffin fighters closed in to polish off any remaining elements of the attack that may have fancied their chances of actually reaching their targets. If they somehow did, there were always Loviatar-L SAMs to meet them.
Portmeirion increased its condemnation considerably, and began to mobilise significant forces for deployment to Kanendru. The Commonwealth declared that it did not currently intend to attack China, but would give no quarter to Chinese forces attacking Kanendru.
Far afield, two fleets near Singapore found themselves ordered to stay even longer, and the number of fleet tenders operating began to increase as crew rations were boosted that little bit in compensation, and training and maintenance programmes were increased to keep up moral as the strait was totally closed to Chinese shipping.
Secretly, two of Beddgelert's seven SSBNs were sent to the vast Pacific.
(N.B. AAELRS is a 180km/112mile range missile meant primarily for anti-bomber work.
Angelot Maudit AMRAAM is a near 112km/70mile range missile with thrust vectoring.
Short range missiles carried by all involved fighters are DRAB ASRAAM, an all-aspect infra-red guided weapon based on Drapoel DRAR-1, with improved Beddgelen seeker with enhanced clutter rejection, and gas dynamic control.
NT4C Hobgoblin is a brand new air superiority fighter with considerable stealth technologies and super cruise. It is unlikely that the Su-27 could detect Hobgoblin at the ranges involved before the Hobgoblins broke-off.
NT5I Cardinal is a small nimble fighter armed with Angelot Maudit and DRAB and 30mm cannon. It can do all the fancy aerobatics that Su-27 can, and is supposed -by virtue in part of its small dimensions- to be capable of turning inside it.
NT2 Puffin is a VTOL strike fighter with intermediate stealth capabilities, reasonable but not exceptional agility, and Angelot Maudit, DRAB, and 30mm cannon on air defence duty.
Loviatar-L is a medium-range SAM system new into service, replacing DRAR-19 and an Igovian rip-off of LY-60 Falcon. It has a 25km range, 12.5km ceiling, and the one battery thus far in country is based near the capital, and able to engage 4 targets at once, with 2 missiles per target. It uses frequency agility technology and microprocessor intelligent technology in cutting through jamming, and the missile has high-agility gas-dynamic control. The best time to get into a fight with BG was about three or four years ago, before the latest major rounds of re-armament, really :)
Also, EI, did you reference use of a none-AMW nation to build up forces? PR China? Or something? Because I don't think that'll stand.)
Lunatic Retard Robots
15-01-2005, 02:04
Thankfully, the quickly-built airbases in southern Nepal are not well-stocked with fighters, so although the facilites are on the whole very heavily damaged by bombers, a weapon that the HAF has next to no experience with, the actual combat strength of the HAF is not perceptibly affected.
Several squadrons of FA. 21s fly their first sorties from the ravaged airbases, using their tough build to maximum advantage as the small tactical fighters rocket off of the airstrips, dodging craters and maintainance crews. HAF fighter pilots tend to be a very strange group of people, highly superstitious and reserved.
Kill markings are a major taboo, mostly out of the desire to not provide a high-value target.
The air group from West Bengal and Bihar also goes into action over Nepal, flying the highly capable FA. 6 and equally useful FA. 35, some of the newest airframes, against the Xiannese air groups. HAF fighters fire their 120km-range BVRAAMs at any target that presents itself as the aircraft attempt to stem the tide of Xiannese raids.
At the border areas, the few paratroopers deployed fight to the bitter end, holding out in their positions until finally dislodged by the overwhelming Xiannese firepower, but not before the approximately 10,000 paras (deployed over a wide area, of course, and only present in one or two company's strength in any particular place) let off at least one volley from their 130mm infantry MRLs and shoot off quite a few AT. 43Bs at Xiannese tanks and vehicles advancing through the mountains.
Some paratroopers, out of ammunition and exhausted, without a doubt raise a white flag and climb down out of their positions, towards whatever fate the Xiannese forces have in store for them, while others retreat over difficult passes and melt as best they can into the mountains.
Chinese air attacks devestate the 4th Infantry division, destroying several of the precious armored vehicles and many equally useful trucks. The units don't go down without a fight, however, and the SAM-equipped vehicles shoot back at attacking aircraft, hopefully, with their high-quality missiles, downing some of the Chinese strike planes. However, there is only so much that a column of vehicles can do when caught on a narrow mountain road without much available cover, and although infantry casualties are light, the columns pick up and proceed with many troops riding on back of the tanks and double capacity in the few AVs.
With the commencement of major Xiannese activity, the Hindustani government authorizes the full deployment of the Nepali Expeditionary Force, and units are thrown across the border. Soon, a 50,000 strength force (about 2 1/2 Hindustani infantry divisions) holds, although seldom in groups of much more than 1,000, along with one or two SAMs, perhaps six to ten MRLs and howitzers, and mabye an AV or two, depending on the terrain, just about every route through Nepal capable of taking vehicular traffic in any significant amount, and smaller units keep tabs on smaller routes. The HA units work closely with Nepalese militiamen to determine the best spots to place weaponry, and also supply BM-21 MRLs to the Kanendru military.
Another 75,000 troops (another 3 3/4 infantry divisions) are on their way, equipped with more tanks and spearheaded by companies from the heavy divisions. Back in Hindustan, with the calling-up of the reserves, who populate the heavy divisions to full numbers, approximately 275,000 troops remain in reserve, to attack any advance into India, as handling a large number of armored troops in the Himilayas is far from a good idea.
The HDF commanders hope that, by holding key strategic points and keeping pressure up on supply lines through guerilla activity and air raids, they, along with their Bedgellen and East Islandian counterparts, can successfully hold back the Xiannese forces.
East Islandia
15-01-2005, 03:07
Also, EI, did you reference use of a none-AMW nation to build up forces? PR China? Or something? Because I don't think that'll stand
Yea, PRC China and I had a tacit agreement some years back, but I suppose I'll pull something or someone out.
Hows about instead of two brigades reaching there, only one brigade (air intrustion infantry, since they're light riflemen and have little support baggage to carry with them) reach there first and another brigade is on its way?
Btw, who controls India? Cause I have a small group of ships carrying about half a brigade waiting at Vishakapatnam, a port city in the south of India. Does Beth Gellert control there? If so, can i hav epassage?
The majority of the 3,000 paratroopers (only about half that number are at the front) retreat, though several hundred climb to higher altitudes to wait out the fight and take cover. They wait for Xiannese forces to pass through their areas before they will come down from the mountains to conduct guerilla warfare.
Any LRR paratroopers who are with them who try to surrender are instantly clubbed on the head, gagged and bound, and carried, along with munitions and food, to some of the middle altitudes (around ten thousand feet).
The LRR army, a worthy opponent had sucessfully halted several convoys heading down the mountain roads. The need for superiority has driven the Chinese to use the new planes developed using Older Russian technology with engineering from Sino and much technology.
Almost 3,000 soldiers were killed in the many head on battles near the foothold of the Himalayas. Hundreds of artillery already intalled in the moutains are have given the advantage in repelling enemy forces from stepping into Chinese territory.
Hundreds will arrive from airbases in Xinjiang and Tibet which have been stored in the Xinjiang Wars.
Captured enemy soldiers, were sent back across the the border to be sent in the all-ready camps, or the so called, "Glory Camps" The soldiers were well treated and cared for, an opposite side of things compared to Sinoese Millitary Basics.
All the weapons were confiscated and were either destroyed, or stored in case if there was a weapons-shortage which may be dangerous since delivering supplies is met with much difficulty.
The Chinese began a massive project. Every 50 miles the Chinese advanced, including mountain ranges and forests, they built stable fortifications and installed weapons and powerful air defensive. The project, code named, "The Western Great Wall" is to help keep the advancing army a defensive supply line, and also a good point of retreat. Due to the threat of guerilla warfare, the supply line including much routes and key positions were fortified with anything possible. Dirt and stones, twigs were used to make rows of defense.
All BG ships other than hospital ships were allowed within range of Xiannese ships or ports. BG shipping routes were closed, and BG oriented citizens and people in Xiaguo were interviewed and were to prepare in any sudden-leave requests by the Government.
--South China--
The Xia Hua Fleet(South Fleet), have headed toward India to block the trade routes from Vietnam's Haiphong Across to the Phillipines.
OOC: Why would I want Xiannese soldiers to club and kill enemy soldiers, as everyone knows, the Xiannese millitary is strictly trained to use moral standards.
Beth Gellert
15-01-2005, 03:59
(Sri Lanka and much of southern and south-eastern India constitutes Beth Gellert. Hindustan (LRR) lies just north. Andhra-Pradesh, in which Vishakhapatnam may be found, assuming we're talking about the same place, is in the middle of Beth Gellert.)
Beddgelen public opinion of East Islandia is cautious at best, in general, but as the Xiannese manage each day to offend and enrage the Igovians a little more than last, Portmeirion has come to believe that potential allies against their rampant aggression should be given the benefit of any doubt. CCC comrade Chivo has sent to the Islandians of The Commonwealth's preparedness to host their task force on the east coast and to allow forces passage into Hindustan on their way to Kanendru.
In Kanendru, Igovian air defences continue to increase. The SPAF had never previously had the opportunity to partake in the turkey-shoot of anti-bomber warfare in an enviroment such as this, where the enemy had not bothered to gain air superiority before sending in his bombers. While their numbers were relatively few, the Beddgelen fighters had concentrated on obliterating bombers appearing to be bound towards airfields in their use, and had yet to see any response that would make them fear a want for success in this pursuit. As more aircraft and SAMs began to arrive, however, and engineers worked hard to improve facilities in conjuntion with local troops and workers, the Soviet People's Air Force began to take more aggressive action.
The Xiannese had been given warning after warning, chance after chance, and had carried on in increasing provocations, as if they were in some sort of strong position. NT1FB-C Springer attack planes began to sortie against the Chinese incursion. Aided by ever-present Marathon AEW aircraft, the Springers, well, sprung upon anything that dared to emit an other-than-friendly radar signal inside Kanendru, loosing Apti Parliament-C anti-radar missiles aplenty as soon as the Chinese even tried to establish themselves with radar and air defences. Springers flew largely unescorted, carrying defensive DRAB-ASRAAM themselves and banking on the infancy of the Xiannese presence to strike before the enemy was prepared to meet them, and on the on-going air superiority attempt embarked upon by Igovian fighters.
Hobgoblin, Cardinal, and Puffin were flying in greater strength by now, and treating their missile stocks quite liberally as more munitions flowed across the border daily. Sixty Hobgoblin, eighty-four Cardinal, and sixty Puffin -some also flying limited ground attack missions only when allied forces were heard to require immediate support- flew freely over Kanendru, swooping on Xiannese fighters yet apparently tied to protecting bombers and covering ground troops. While the Chinese fighters tried to protect other assets, they themselves were fast becoming primary targets for over two hundred modern Igovian fighters, which hoped by killing them to achieve air superiority allowing ground forces to be attacked much later and at the allies' pleasure.
Fighters were still being sent to the young republic, along with Loviatar-L and now CS-400 Red Sky SAM systems. Red Sky could attack Xiannese bombers, supply aircraft, and AWACS while they were still over Chinese territory using their 400km-range B-missiles- and they would. The dual-purpose batteries could then protect themselves against attacking aircraft with their more agile A-missiles and cross-over cover from Loviatar-L detachments.
In the meantime, Portmeirion was offering to supply the People's Republic with further NT6(E) "Miggen" multi-role fighters and two-seat trainer versions. The Miggen is so called because it is a joint BG-Dra-pol programme built at factories once used to supply the fallen principality with licence-built Viggens, and at Drapoel plants used to maintain MiG-21 variants, and because it uses many systems similar enough to be manufactured and maintained by Dra-pol's limited technological base. It is a Mach-2 capable aircraft with swing-wings somewhat unusual for a plane so small. It is meant to out-turn most larger modern jets, to be cheap, reliable, and easy to maintain, and to have beyond-visual-range engagement ability superior to most MiG-21 Fishbeds (though behind front-line Igovian interceptors). NT6(E) does not serve the SPAF, but is used by Dra-pol's PAAF and by North Yaman. It is armed with twin 30mm cannon, unguided rockets, free fall bombs, cheap DRAR-19 Sidewinder-alike or more modern DRAB ASRAAM, and either R-40 AA-6 Acrid, R-24 AA-7 Apex, or new Igovian Loviatar-A AMRAAM, depending on the user's preference and means.
As Xiaguo tries to move its artillery from this wartorn province to the south, they find themselves increasingly under attack from a seemingly well-organized and well trained group of insurgents.
Although at first the attacks seemed insignificant, the principle thing that would become clear is that much of the equipment and especially the artillery pieces were being stolen by the rebels.
While Xiannese troops busy themselves on numerous fronts, these Islamic insurgents were building their power base and cultivating relationships with the locals. And attacking the occasional convoy now and then of course.
"The situation is falling apart day by day," Interior Minister Chiang reported to MacNally. "The Beggeldens are engaged to the hilt over Kanendru. However, it appears that the Quinntonians may not after all become embroiled in this conflict."
"The military option we have will hopefully knock some sense into the Xiannese," General Teller reported with a whiff of confidence. "By striking at Dalian and Qingdao, we essentially trap a large part of their navy in the Bohai Sea. From there we can force the Xiannese to come to grips with reality."
"That is, they would be trapped, should we be successful in eliminating the Xiannese air force early on in the battle," MacNally cautioned. "This plan is incredibly risky and we should not be at all eager to employ it."
"Mr. President, The Xiannese are about to start a full fledged Sino-Indian war. The likes of which the world has never seen before. If we allow either Xiaguo or the LRR/BG alliance to continue on this path... well... the results could be disasterous," General Teller responded.
"What we are seeing is a change in the status quo," MacNally began. "Change is not to be feared as an enemy, but it is to be cautiously engaged as a possibility."
"Sir, Xiaguo will lose this war," Chiang said quietly after a brief pause. The room remained silent for a few more minutes.
"Alright, prepare for the strike," President MacNally relented. "But do not do anything unless I (emphatically) give specific orders
Lunatic Retard Robots
15-01-2005, 05:37
With massive Bedgellen force being applied over Kanendru, the HAF begins to feel better about its chances. FA. 6 aircraft now sweep across the mountains, looking for strike aircraft to attack. Superior to pretty much every Sukhoi design in maintainability and fuel economy, the FA. 6 could undertake long CAPs over very unforgiving terrain.
As Xiannese forces advance, they meet walls of artillery fire well before they get into range of the tanks and AT. 43B long-range ATGW. AT. 30 land attack missiles, similar to the Polyphem, are fired from small, nimble 4x4 platforms or Jaguar attack jets, several squadrons of which have begun operating over Nepal. The HDF forces do not intend to give Xiannese troops even 50 miles into Kanendru, and isolated artillery posts equipped with 155mm FH-77 howitzers pound advancing columns even from close to the border, until they are inevitably silenced by the simply overwhelming opposing artillery fire. The terrain does not suit itself to swift armored thrusts, and where such things are tried, or even when some group of enemy vehicles comes close to an HDF or Nepalese artillery battery, or when there are CAS aircraft close by, all hell breaks loose. Using light, portable artillery, however, the weapons' range is limited, but such shortcomings are largely made up for in mobility.
Where Xiannese forces have been stopped by fire from the wide range of towed MRLs, many of them manhandled into place, perched on almost inaccessable fingers of rock that provide an excellent view of the surrounding terrain, FA. 21s and GR. 1 Jaguars are quick to sweep in, flying low and fast, and drop bombs and folding-fin rockets while trying to avoid AAA and SAM fire.
A lieutenant looks into the sight of his 130mm R-23 MRL, aimed towards the coordinates for a rapidly advancing Xiannese column.
Making sure that all is in order, he stands back out of the rocket blast and gives the order.
A corporal ignites the rockets from an electrical switch and sends them hurtling towards the advancing Xiannese forces. Elsewhere, fierce infantry battles ensue where Chinese troops attempt to take Nepalese/Hindustani strongholds, once traveling by road had proven a horribly dangerous idea in such an environment, where land attack missiles could reach forces on the Tibetan border from well outside the range of conventional artillery, and be gone before WS-1s could be brought down on the offending launcher.
As the sun sets on the first day of the conflict, combat troops find little respite from action. While East Islandian and Bedgellen troops would probably find it easier going, the Hindustani infantry, not equipped with many NVGs except for ATGW and MG teams, uses a large amount of parachute flares over the course of the night's battles. The MRL crews come under heavy fire from Xiannese weapons and constantly shift around as best they can, but the highly visible firing signature of their weapons makes them very veunerable at night. Ammunition is brought in, as well as a steady stream of reinforcements, by Mi-8 helicopters, and casualties are evacuated, even in the thick of firefights. Most mechanized units are withdrawn to southern Nepal, where they would be of more use, out of the high mountains and in the agricultural land, where they could manouver more freely, and able to fall back on the troops stationed at the border if need be.
The HDF forces, deployed right on the front lines, positioned atop peaks and along high ridgelines, are content to leave the bulk of air defense to Beth Gellert, obviously equipped with more advanced systems. Rapier SAMs can be found protecting foreward bases, but not much more, given the fact that the Mi-8s used by the HDF cannot really heft around Akash batteries. And on top of that, the HDF is not about to send its few capable ABM and long-range SAM assets outside of Hindustan proper.
An HDF paratrooper holding an observation post with an L4A4 machine gun.
On the lookout for Xiannese aircraft near an artillery post.
An HA bofors howitzer at a firebase, ready for action.
Let's continue the rp at
15-01-2005, 08:38
Kanendru soldiers made every effort to pull their weight in this fight, both out of dedication to their homeland and ideological principle - it simply would not do to allow the burden to be shifted away from the people the revolutionary regime was supposed to protect.
Regular army columns held fast in the wake of the Xiannese invasion, backed up by airpower and cover from their Indian neighbors. Though not nearly strong enough to engage the enemy in full frontal engagement, resistance from the PLA was surprisingly strong. Artillery harassed the enemy from all points, from guns light enough to lob rounds from cover and be dispersed as quickly as possible by mule train - and, when things got desperate, actual manual labor. Imported Drapoel ATGMs were put to use in great effect, with soldiers aiming to knock out the lead vehicles in armored or mechanized columns in multiple missle strikes before falling back to defensive positions, seriously slowing down Chinese advance through the narrow passes and roadways that could barely accomdate the columns as it was. In a way, Kanendru's underdevloped state was working to its advantage; the roads and passes the Chinese invaders traveled on were barely adequate for vehicle traffic anyway, while the roads leading TO the front from the west were in decidedly better condition, relieving strain on Nepalese supply lines that would have been stretched thin otherwise.
The troops had developed their own tactics of enagement and harassment in the course of the fight, too. The building of massive fortifications in Kanendru territory, where the invaders could feel safe and secure, just wasn't going to fly. So, light rocket artillery designed for mountain warfare (small, 30 tube guns that come up to a man's hip and fire low penetration, medium range HE or fragmentation rounds) would at night be disassembled and carried by a team of men to just within range of the enemy encampments. Spotters closer to the place would relay coordinates, where the guns, assembled on sight, would open up a quick barrage over the fortified walls at a high angle from behind hills and other obstructions. Tents and infantry barracks were the most sought after targets, as the rockets couldn't pierce much more than thin-skinned vehicles. The aim was not so much to do serious tactical damage as to terrify and demoralize - even as the Chinese slept behind their high walls, they could still not put the fear of death out of their minds.
Most of the people who were absolutely, incorrigibly dead set against the revolution got out when they had the chance, and thus even and Xiaguo forces entered the sparsely populated eastern settlements, the attitude was one of total non-cooperation unless there was a gun to a person's back. And even then, half the aid given would be useless and a good portion of the information absolutely false. This is not to mention the guerillas who would stick around in civilian clothes once the PLA was forced to fall back, who would continue harassment tactics such as sniping, patrol ambushes, and the use of crude IEDs made from artillery shells "donated" by the retreating army.
(and not to turn this into a picturewank, buuuut.. haha, this is your fault LRR)
PLA soldier captured in dramatic pose by foreign war correspondant during house to house fighting in an overrun village.
Maoist militiamen in plainclothes observe Xiannese movements below. The soldier in the foreground was later scolded by his sergeant for wearing a Dick Tracey Yellow shirt on recon duty.
Chinese Recruits in Tibet Bidding Farewell to families while they they are transported to the Himalayas.
Chinese Trucks carrying Xiannese Recruits in Eastern Tibet to the front lines.
The Mighty Qingdao Naval Base
New Chinese Carriers will be used in Service for the first time. This was is about to leave the Dalian Naval Base to meet up with the Bohai Sea Fleet.
OOC:For the heck of it. We should all psot pictures from time to time. Creates more spirit and imaginations.
Quinntonian Dra-pol
15-01-2005, 20:30
The Quinntonian ambasador in Xiaguo has officialy asked for an audience wth the Emporer, while publically condemning the cations of Xiaguo in Kenendrua.
Meeting will be held in the new thread I have posted up^