OMASC: Omzian + Adejaani Aircraft (R&D, Catalog) - Page 2
Right, thanks much. How long for delivery?
Right, thanks much. How long for delivery?
1 RL hour
How's about 250 F-16Cs for $4 billion?
How's about 250 F-16Cs for $4 billion?
I'll give you a 200 mil discount so that's 3.8 bil
Hey thanks...assume 25% off at my store from now on.
22-09-2003, 07:36
Remis: Maneuverability, mostly. But the 2D thrust vectoring gives it more of an edge to get off the deck better.
Ell: You should note on the first page, the ASW version of the Osprey, which was designed to replace the S-3B Viking (has the range and the Seahawk like helicopter hovering). Whether or not it can replace the P-3 Orions, I don't know, I'm working on a replacement, but there doesn't seem to be much documentation on the P-7 (which was put forward as an Orion replacement).
The EAF will purchase 250 CV-22 ASWs. Neccesary costs have been wired.
Actually, before Omz confirms the order, a slightly different version, I'm dubbing it the MV-22C (name is still Osprey). It's got a larger wing, better engines, 20% larger and the same outfit as the CV-22 ASW version. The difference being the CV-22 ASW-Osprey is designed to fly off carriers, but the MV-22C is only off of larger runways, just like the Orion.
I'd guess the cost is slightly steeper at say, 38 to 40 mil per bird.....
EAF will increase the order to 250 MV-22Cs and 300 CV-22 ASW-Ospreys.
Costs of $22bn have been wired.
Remiesia has recommended that Don Abbatecola purchase fighter aircraft from your obviously capable establishment. He realizes the position of a humble Italian nation such as our own and is prepared to accept what you would consider the best offer possible to help get us started.
Remiesia has recommended that Don Abbatecola purchase fighter aircraft from your obviously capable establishment. He realizes the position of a humble Italian nation such as our own and is prepared to accept what you would consider the best offer possible to help get us started.
Thank you for your compliment.
For new nations, we have 2 special choices:
-MiG-29SMT: An ultramanuverable fighter jet. The SMT upgrade, features improved avionics and some BVR capabilities, is a good low-cost tactical fighter, although somehow lacks in the air-to-ground capabilities.
10.5 million used, 14.2 million new.
-F-16C Fighting Falcon: Another agile fighter. This fighter boasts good avionics, and some BVR (beyong visual range) combap capabilities. This fighter can also drop and fire a wide range of munitions, including the AMRAAM, and the JDAM.
10 million used, 14.5 million new.
The Don wishes to purchase as many of the Fighting Falcons as you would be prepared to offer, preferably new. Name the price and number and he shall pay however he can. Thank you again.
The Don wishes to purchase as many of the Fighting Falcons as you would be prepared to offer, preferably new. Name the price and number and he shall pay however he can. Thank you again.
The Last Don Gross Domestic Product
Population: 6,000,000
Civil Rights: Some
Economy: Strong
GDP per Capita: $12,500
GDP: $75,000,000,000
National Budget: $14,916,150,000
For budget puproses, we think a purchase of just 5-8 F-16Cs are good to start out.
The Don finds that much to his liking....send the word and the money shall be wired to your very capable establishment.
See, what did I tell you...hell of a guy, that Omz.
The Don finds that much to his liking....send the word and the money shall be wired to your very capable establishment.
Very well.
6 F-16C will be shipped with a C-5 Galaxy transport aircraft, along with techinal and support documentation, training documentation, 800 Mk.82 500lb with JDAM kit, 300 AIM-120 AMRAAM, and 400 AIM-9X Sidewinder, FREE.
You, my friend, are a beautiful human being. The Don would like to once again express his gratitude and offer his peoples expertise in certain areas of renown to the Abbatecola family should you ever need it. He wishes to business with you again in the future as you have been very helpful.
The Don would also like to thank Remiesia again for the recomendation, the same offer of service goes to you.
No problem, once The Don's nation grow bigger, and more budget goes to the military, we are glad to provide superior aircrafts.
The Don wishes to thank you again, express his interest in most definitely doing business once his nation is wealthier and advising his allies to do business with you as you have proven to be very helpful indeed. Once again if you ever need a favor just let the Don know....he may be able to take care of certain things due to his relative insignificance on the global scale that you can't and would have no problem doing so for you.
The Don wishes to thank you again, express his interest in most definitely doing business once his nation is wealthier and advising his allies to do business with you as you have proven to be very helpful indeed. Once again if you ever need a favor just let the Don know....he may be able to take care of certain things due to his relative insignificance on the global scale that you can't and would have no problem doing so for you.If you'd like, we can offer free training for your new pilots.
You are proving to be quite a friend in this process, the Don wishes to thank you again and will gratefully accept this offer.
[200] F-4 Phantom
24-09-2003, 10:50
EAF wishes the procure 250 E-767s. Necssary costs have been wired.
[200] F-4 Phantom
Ell: sorry, due to the treaty I am banned from trading with you. Please wait for Adejaani to confirm your order.
Sorry again.
Indra Prime
24-09-2003, 18:31
We would like to buy the plans for the following:
B-2 Spirit
AV/8 Harrier (Marine Harrier I assume)
UH-60M BlackHawk
MH-47E Chinook
AH-64D Apache Longbow
C-5C Galaxy
KC- 767, KC-10 Tankers
VH-60 Blackhawk
But we would like to purchase 5 of each above as well from you.
25-09-2003, 04:22
Ell: Order confirmed. Because of the large order, a 20% discount. 8 billion please. Aircraft will be wired.
Indra: Five of each aircraft comes to..... 6.86 billion.
Prod rights are:
B-2: 600 mil
Blackhawk/Chinook/Longbow/Harrier: 50 million
767-Series/C-5C: 100 mil
25-09-2003, 04:24
Ell: Order confirmed. Because of the large order, a 20% discount. 8 billion please. Aircraft will be wired.
Indra: Five of each aircraft comes to..... 6.86 billion.
Prod rights are:
B-2: 600 mil
Blackhawk/Chinook/Longbow/Harrier: 50 million
767-Series/C-5C: 100 mil
Wow, that's advanced, wiring aircraft. Anyway, $8bn has been delivered to the accoutns.
Wow, that's advanced, wiring aircraft.
I'm sure that's a mistake...
We'd like to order 25 F-15Cs and 10 C-17s.
That works out to $2.5 billion, wired upon confirmation.
25-09-2003, 04:41
OOC: *Giggles in real life* You see, Omz? This is why I don't run stores. :P I'm usually in the other side going "MONEY wired"
The aircraft will be SHIPPED. Do you have those Ikea hex screwdrivers for assembly? :P
IC: Remisia. Aircraft being SHIPPED. Also included is a free bottle of Adejaani's finest wine, with complements. Have a nice day,
Wine? Gee, thanks!
*money wired*
Indra Prime
25-09-2003, 04:49
Money wired for all plans requested and for aircraft.
Of the council of clan
25-09-2003, 05:14
76 E-767's please
576 typhoon
576 tornado GR1
576 Jaguar
25-09-2003, 05:37
Clan: 3.04 bil please (order confirmed)
Brittania: Wow, big order! :shock: Order is confirmed. With discount, that comes to..... 42 bil please.
Adejaani, thanks for the confirmations.
10% of all profits made are wired to your account.
25-09-2003, 05:55
OOC: Why thank you, good sir. :D
IC: Aircraft wired, er SHIPPED! :P
100 of the MiG-29 Fulcrums and 50 of the Su-37 Superflankers, please. I belive that's a total of 3.550 billion. I may be wrong, since math never was my best subject.
I haven't checked the entire topic -- Can I get any discounts with this order?
I'd also like 40 Su-27s, bringing the apparent total to 4.350 billion. I think.
Clan: 3.04 bil please (order confirmed)
Brittania: Wow, big order! :shock: Order is confirmed. With discount, that comes to..... 42 bil please.
Seeing as that i've been saving a while.
*money wired*
All confirmed, thank you.
Thank you much. Will you be selling F-5E Tiger IIs anytime soon? I just happen to like them, and they're capable aircraft, after all.
Thank you much. Will you be selling F-5E Tiger IIs anytime soon? I just happen to like them, and they're capable aircraft, after all.
We will look into that, thanks for the tip
Of the council of clan
26-09-2003, 00:17
*money Wired*
Eternal FIame
27-09-2003, 06:41
The Federation of Eternal FIame would like to purchase:
144 F-35B JSF at $22 Million a piece ( $3,168,000,000 )
320 F-35C JSF at $22 Million a piece ( $7,040,000,000 )
Money will be wired upon confirmation.
The Federation of Eternal FIame would like to purchase:
144 F-35B JSF at $22 Million a piece ( $3,168,000,000 )
320 F-35C JSF at $22 Million a piece ( $7,040,000,000 )
Money will be wired upon confirmation.
Very well, order is confirmed. Thank you for business.
Expect 2 NS months for delivery.
Eternal FIame
28-09-2003, 00:27
The Federation of Eternal FIame would like to purchase:
144 F-35B JSF at $22 Million a piece ( $3,168,000,000 )
320 F-35C JSF at $22 Million a piece ( $7,040,000,000 )
Money will be wired upon confirmation.
I need an aditional:
640 F-35B JSF at $22 Million a piece ( $14,080,000,000 )
Added to my order.
We'd like to buy:
20 E-767
20 KC-767
for $1.6 billion.
Confirmed, thanks for business
Hey. It's me again. This time, I'm interested in:
300 Su-37s
400 MiG-29s
30 A-10 Thunderbolts
10 C-130J Hercules’
Supposed total: $ 18.3 billion. Again -- I think.
Again, thanks much. Great inventory, great prices. Don't be surprised if you see me again sometime.
5 C-141 Starlifter's please.
Money will be wired upon confirmation.
Hey, I'd like to buy:
2 VC-25 “Air Force Ones”
4 MV-22 Osprey
4 CV-22 Osprey
Total cost: $360,000,000
Money to be wired automatically upon confirmation
I would like a wing (72)AH-64D Apaches, 10 Boeing 737s, 200 F-4 Phantoms, and 10 OFB-12s...thank you and pleasure doing business with you, i'll be awaiting your reply.
President J.D.N.
total from that is 2, 540, 000, 000
*money wired*...pdb (pleasure doing business)
What type of Harrier is the AV8 (is it just an AV8B or an AV8B II)?
What type of Harrier is the AV8 (is it just an AV8B or an AV8B II)?
II, if I didn't make that clear.
We will also be selling Sea Harriers soon.
OK thanks, I'd like 100 AV8B Harrier II's
Total cost: $2,000,000,000
Money to be wired automatically upon confirmation
OK thanks, I'd like 100 AV8B Harrier II's
Total cost: $2,000,000,000
Money to be wired automatically upon confirmation
Confirmed, thanks
30-09-2003, 02:13
Official report filed by Doctor Marianne Brooks, head of Adejaani Aerospace Inc. B-1C Lancer
When Adejaani was young, our primary supplier of fighters and bombers was The Mars Volta. Back then, we supplied a proposal and he built it for us. Now, a long time after that, we have managed to reverse engineer the twelve aircraft and build new ones. The result is the B-1C Lancer.
A small, but significant improvement over the original B-1B, The "C" version has improved avionics, GPS and a new AESA (Active Electronically Scanned Array) radar, as well as a vastly upgraded electonics warfare and jamming suite. But the most significant improvement is in the ordnance delivery.
Stealth fighters like the F/A-22 Raptor, because of the need to maintain stealth, to launch an air to air missile like the AMRAAM, would open its weapon bay doors, the missile would drop out, ignite and the target would either go down in flames or be missed.
It was keeping with this same philosophy that the "C" was designed. The weapons modules can be equipped to carry and fire all types of air to air missiles (though AMRAAMs and Phoenixes are the norm). It should be noted that while the B-1C has this air to air capacity, it should NOT be treated as a high performance fighter. In the air to air role, it should instead be considered a standoff anti air platform, firing huge barrages of air to air missiles from a far distance.
Cost is 220 million.
Very well, we thank you for your contribution.
We will also note Adejaani that ESAA Live (now Omzian Military Aerospace Corp.) has granted the friend of Omz222, nation of Clan Smoke Jaguar, the production rights of the MV-22 and the EA-6C in return for other technologies. We hope Adejaani could understand, this could instead bring more business to Omzian Military Aerospace Corporation.
Aircraft is added.
Pleasure doing business with you.
I'd also like to buy:
50 RAH-66 Comanche Stealth Helicopters
Total cost: $750,000,000
Money to be wired automatically upon confirmation
Pleasure doing business with you.
I'd also like to buy:
50 RAH-66 Comanche Stealth Helicopters
Total cost: $750,000,000
Money to be wired automatically upon confirmation
We would also like to add that the RAH-66 is the variant with the radar and fire control system from Longbow Apache, which, if installed onto a helicopter, enables the helicopter to fire the Longbow Hellfire (aka Hellfire MMW).
30-09-2003, 02:52
Very well, we thank you for your contribution.
We will also note Adejaani that ESAA Live (now Omzian Military Aerospace Corp.) has granted the friend of Omz222, nation of Clan Smoke Jaguar, the production rights of the MV-22 and the EA-6C in return for other technologies. We hope Adejaani could understand, this could instead bring more business to Omzian Military Aerospace Corporation.
Aircraft is added.
Of course I understand, I take 20% of the money that is exchanged in this thread. :twisted:
30-09-2003, 03:17
Very well, we thank you for your contribution.
We will also note Adejaani that ESAA Live (now Omzian Military Aerospace Corp.) has granted the friend of Omz222, nation of Clan Smoke Jaguar, the production rights of the MV-22 and the EA-6C in return for other technologies. We hope Adejaani could understand, this could instead bring more business to Omzian Military Aerospace Corporation.
Aircraft is added.
Much better name, ESAA live sounds like a stereo company. How much can the B-1C carry?
It can carry the standard load of the B-1B.
On a side note, the Omzian PLF Air Force still owns 80% of the company. Adejaani owns 20%.
30-09-2003, 03:31
Yesh, that's something I forgot to mention. Air to ground is exactly the same as the B-1B. For the air to air, I'm not sure. I think I originally quoted something like 60 AMRAAMs (thirty per launcher) 40 Phoenix (twenty per launcher) when both launchers are used (the Lancer uses two launchers), back when The Mars Volta gave me the original twelve aircraft.....
30-09-2003, 03:45
:o Quite a load. Would it be possible to attach an AWACS module to the B-1C?
:o Quite a load. Would it be possible to attach an AWACS module to the B-1C?
I don't really think so, but I'll still let Adejaani answer this...
30-09-2003, 03:48
It would be a helluva interceptor if it did.
30-09-2003, 04:24
You could theoretically add an AWACs dome to the B-1C, but why? The thing was shaped such that it was low observable (NOT stealthy, as is sometimes thought) aircraft with a low radar return, combined with radar absorption materials. Remember the B-1B Lancer was meant to be a low flying penetrator, with the low observable making up the difference and the ability to dodge hills.
The radar is already based on the APG-77 of the F/A-22 Raptor. If you were really desperately needing it, I'm sure I can cram in some similar phased radar arrays on the hull, conformal.
But again, why? If you're going to use it as an interceptor, you'd surely have AWACS support, even in the offensive role, right?
Finally, I should note because of the way the missiles are mounted, the "C" has to be pointed at the target, the missile drops and fires, free to maneuver. But the general flight path has to be forward.
30-09-2003, 05:10
True, I guess phased radar arrays would be as good. The Ellan airfroce will procure 120 B-1Cs to supplement our F-24 interceptors. The neccessary costs have been wired (Whatever 120 x 220 is).
30-09-2003, 06:12
Because of the large buy, sir, that's a discount. Total is 21.12 billion sir. Aircraft..... Will be delivered soon. (Was going to say "Aircraft wired" :roll: ).
Alizon would like:
12 P-3C Orions
36 F-16Cs
10 F-16Ds
$916 million will be wired upon confirmation of the order.
Alizon would like:
12 P-3C Orions
36 F-16Cs
10 F-16Ds
$916 million will be wired upon confirmation of the order.
Confirmed, thank you.
Trinium Hydroxide
30-09-2003, 17:42
400 - F-16 Flacon @ £35,000,000
400 - F18 E/F Super Hornet @ £45,000,000
450 - Su-47 Berkhut @ £16,000,000
Total = £40,150,000,000
Thanks For The Order
-----Money Wired--------
General Jaime Vox
Chef Commander Of TSMF
The Dominion Of Trinium
"We Ride Together…We Die Together…Bad Boyz For Life!”
Confirmed, you will get a 2 bil discount.
Extra money wired back.
Thank you for your continued business.
01-10-2003, 00:27
Because of the large buy, sir, that's a discount. Total is 21.12 billion sir. Aircraft..... Will be delivered soon. (Was going to say "Aircraft wired" :roll: ).
Neccesary costs have been shipped.
Hey, I'd like to buy:
100 AH-64 Apaches
100 RAH-66 Comanches
Total cost: $3,100,000,000
Money to be wired automatically upon confirmation
confirmed, thank you.
As they are helos, expect delivery within 2 months.
Thanks. I'd also like:
4 RQ-4 Global Hawks
2 RQ-1 Predators
2 VH-60 Blackhawks
Total cost: $190,000,000
Money to be wired automatically upon confirmation
01-10-2003, 01:50
i would like 6 B-2 spirits=6billion,
2B-1c lancers=440milliion
40 f-117 NightHawks=1,600,000,000billion
i would like a decent discount and would like to know when this will arrive in rtl. will be wired on confirmation
You get 40 mil off, enjoy.
Confirmed, thank you.
01-10-2003, 01:53
*money wired* thanks, when will it arrive in rlt?
*money wired* thanks, when will it arrive in rlt?
OOC: 1 RL day.
In a new contract, we will be co-selling of the council of clan's MH-73 Night Owl Stealth Transport Helicopter (!
For various reasons, the nation of Clan Smoke Jaguar has acquired 48 MH-73 Directly from OMASC, to trade various technologies with OMASC.
Because of that, we will pay 840 million to Of the council and clan.
01-10-2003, 03:54
Sigh, It seems my former company has come a long way since it split. Brings back memories.
General Hammond
Sigh, It seems my former company has come a long way since it split. Brings back memories.
General Hammond
Of course. We are now both continue to strive at our businesses.
Good old days.
General Dankz K. Hagras-Plute
Director of Omzian Military Aerospace Corporation (ESAA Live)
8 OFB-12: =$16,000,000,000
20 ofb-12 = $1,000,000,000
ooc> Sorry about that again, thanks.
$50,000,000 x 20 = $1,000,000,000
*money wired*
Of the council of clan
01-10-2003, 17:57
For various reasons, the nation of Clan Smoke Jaguar has acquired 48 MH-73 Directly from OMASC, to trade various technologies with OMASC.
Because of that, we will pay 840 million to Of the council and clan.
i hope you didn't sell production rights on it. I'd like to keep production outside of our two nations of that Helo to a minimum.
For various reasons, the nation of Clan Smoke Jaguar has acquired 48 MH-73 Directly from OMASC, to trade various technologies with OMASC.
Because of that, we will pay 840 million to Of the council and clan.
i hope you didn't sell production rights on it. I'd like to keep production outside of our two nations of that Helo to a minimum.
No, we just sold 48 MH-73 Products. No production rights and/or blueprints.
Of the council of clan
01-10-2003, 18:01
For various reasons, the nation of Clan Smoke Jaguar has acquired 48 MH-73 Directly from OMASC, to trade various technologies with OMASC.
Because of that, we will pay 840 million to Of the council and clan.
i hope you didn't sell production rights on it. I'd like to keep production outside of our two nations of that Helo to a minimum.
No, we just sold 48 MH-73 Products. No production rights and/or blueprints.
thats good, i forgot to discuss that with you TG's. I consider the Night Owl my baby, first Aerospace initiative my nation has come up with.
02-10-2003, 03:05
OOC: Partial credit must be given to for which much of the inspiration for this aircraft is given, as are the improvements.
IC: Official report filed by Doctor Marianne Brooks, head of Adejaani Aerospace Inc. F-14F Tomcat II
The F-14E Tomcat Quickstrike was only meant as a stopgap to breathe life into this most venerable, capable, farthest reaching of aircraft on the carrier flight decks. The result is the F-14F Tomcat II
The first item on the agenda was how to make the Tomcat II more survivable, ironically is what makes it so expensive. Due to far more advanced manufacturing techniques, most of the aircraft is made up of Titanium, which earned itself the nickname "Titanium Cat" during development. However, the use of Titanium has allowed this bird to become far lighter, yet stronger and better armored than its predecessors.
In addition, 3D thrust vectoring and vastly upgraded engines are being installed, giving the Tomcat II a supercruise speed of Mach 1.7 and Mach 2.6 top speed. Special mention should be made of the help given by the Aerospace industry of Omz222, which supplies the Honjak Electics HEK-102 engines, two of which power this bird and rated at 38,200 pounds of thrust each.
The airframe itself has had some redesigns. The retractable glove vanes of the original birds have been replaced by an extendable glove vane, which is expected to improve supersonic performance. The new single piece cockpit canopy improves visibility for the pilots greatly. These redesigns, combined with the newer engines and minor reshaping (more on that later) has increased its bringback weight as well as ensured less speed can be used during takeoff and landings.
In addition, the badly outdated flight avionics has been replaced with a modern Fly By Optics (optical fibre, ie light beams) which has vastly cut down on response times, as well as drastically reduced weight. The addition of Helmet Mounted Sight has improved targetting (the addition of a modified APG-77 radar as used on the F/A-22 Raptor) and accuracy has meant this bird just got far more deadlier.
Although the Tomcat II is not a stealth aircraft, redesign of some surfaces and the generous application of RAM (Radar Absorbant Materials) has decreased its radar return signature greatly.
The weapons fit of the Tomcat II is equally as impressive as the new bird. AIM-120C AMRAAM and AIM-9X Sidewinder capabilities, in addition to dropping JDAMs and JSOWs, plus the addition of a permanent LANTIRN targetting pod makes it all the better. Though again, please note large bombs like MOABs, CALCMs, GBU-28s etc cannot be carried.
The Adejaani test pilots love this bird, calling it "one of the fastest, most maneuverable and longest reaching birds in the sky". Yes, the plane is expensive, but given its capability, ease of maintenance and operation (not to mention carrier capable!), this bird is easily worth ten times its sticker price.
Starting sale price: 50 million
Very, very good.
We'll first place an order of 50 B-1Cs and 400 F-14Fs first. This will be a great product.
02-10-2003, 03:11
And to fill up our own ranks, we'll be producing almost a thousand for ourselves (most will probably go into storage though).
05-10-2003, 01:37
BLIMP. :roll:
BLIMP. :roll:
Business going slow these 2-3 days...
Of the council of clan
05-10-2003, 02:12
yeah, just as i release my new Helo.
---Post deleted by NationStates Moderators---
[Sigh. My commitment to my nation never to buy from Omz222 is faltering. The new F-14s are beautiful, and we are starting to need more Corona engines...argh...
No offense intended, Omz222, honest.]
I can understand.
Anyways, what do you say? :P
---Post deleted by NationStates Moderators---
Say about what?
---Post deleted by NationStates Moderators---
I can't make up my mind wether or not to buy, or to hold to my nation...
OOC: Your choice :P
Used military equipments sale.
Pamiristan would like to purchase the following
20 Mig 31 Foxhound $20m
20 Mig 27 Flogger $5m
10 Su-27 Flanker $20m
10 AH-64D Apache Longbow $20m
2 C-5C Galaxy $150m
1 C-17A Globemaster III $200m
1 Boeing 747 $30m Please accept 20 million more to fit this plane out as a Presidental aircraft.
40 Mig 21 Fishbed $2m
We have sent the currency to you.
White Ireland
05-10-2003, 16:49
Do you have any Hind-D heli's?
Do you have any Hind-D heli's?
We sell mostly NATO aircraft, so the answer is no, sorry,
Trinium Hydroxide
05-10-2003, 17:13
200 - F-117 Stealth Bomber
100 - B-52 Stratofortress
-----Money Wired--------
General Jaime Vox
Chef Commander Of TSMF
The Dominion Of Trinium
"We Ride Together…We Die Together…Bad Boyz For Life!”
"Region":- Reformed Alcardian States
TAF-11X “Wolf=Pack (
Confirmed, you get a 1 billion discount.
Discount wired back, thank you.
Trinium Hydroxide
05-10-2003, 17:20
Oh kool :D what was the discount for?
Air Mashall James Ray
Chef Commander Of TSAF
The Dominion Of Trinium
"We Ride Together…We Die Together…Bad Boyz For Life!”
"Region":- Reformed Alcardian States
TAF-11X “Wolf-Pack Advanced Fighter (
Being a frequent customer :D
I would like 12 F14F Tomcat IIs.*Money Wired*
Trinium Hydroxide
05-10-2003, 17:28
oh thanks!! :D well for that i will give you 100 free TAF-11X "Wolf-Packs"
Have a nice day and ill be buying more soon (need more bombers)
Info here:
TAF-11X “Wolf-Pack Advanced Fighter (
Air Mashall James Ray
Chef Commander Of TSAF
The Dominion Of Trinium
"We Ride Together…We Die Together…Bad Boyz For Life!”
"Region":- Reformed Alcardian States
05-10-2003, 17:33
Budget: 10 to 20 billion USD
Aircraft needed:
30-40 AC-130s
20-40 light observation helicopters
50-60 utility helicopters
40-50 medium-lift helicopters
All aircraft should be capable of all weather operations, night operations, and in flight refueling. These aircraft will be used with a special operations wing.
What can you do for us?
We do sell those Night Owl stealth transport and Comanche observation helicopters. As for the marines, V-22 would be good.
Please consult the front page.
05-10-2003, 17:42
Thank you. I consulted the front page before asking. :) Can you make an offer for the whole package?
Trinium Hydroxide
05-10-2003, 17:42
While im still here i need these for my Air Force badly:
10-KC-135R Stratotanker
5-E-8C Joint Stars
5-E-767 AWACS
5-U- 2
Thanks again
-----Money Wired--------
Air Mashall James Ray
Chef Commander Of TSAF
The Dominion Of Trinium
"We Ride Together…We Die Together…Bad Boyz For Life!”
"Region":- Reformed Alcardian States
TAF-11X “Wolf-Pack Advanced Fighter (
Thank you. I consulted the front page before asking. :) Can you make an offer for the whole package?
50x MH-73 Night Owl = $1.75 billion
40x RAH-66A Comanche = $0.6 billion
50 MV-22 Osprey = $1.5 billion
Total for package deal: $2.6 billion
Trinium Hydroxide: Confirmed, you get 1 tanker and 1 AWACS for free. Thank you.
05-10-2003, 17:49
Money wired. How about the AC-130Us?
Money wired. How about the AC-130Us?
We only offer a limited export of 16 AC-130Us maximum.
But for the rest, we can sell you AC-130Hs.
AC-130U: $75 million
AC-130H: $55 million
05-10-2003, 17:55
Money wired. How about the AC-130Us?
We only offer a limited export of 16 AC-130Us maximum.
But for the rest, we can sell you AC-130Hs.
AC-130U: $75 million
AC-130H: $55 million
ok. 16 U models and 20 H models.
2300 million wired
Hmm, just wondering Adejaani, do I have permission to sell the production rights of the B-1C and F-14F to trusted customers? I forgot whether I can sell it or not...
I have a few questions about the F-14F.
It was noted in the design specs that it can carry AIM-9's and AIM-120C's( ooc note: so can all tomcats). This version has retained the capability to carry 6 Phoenix's though, correct?
How much more titanium has been added? The original F-14 had a solid titanium wingbox, but this newer version with even more titanium would be even strudier, yes?
Finally, a change in the radar was also noted. Does the new radar retain the 180+ mile range of the old radar?
It was noted in the design specs that it can carry AIM-9's and AIM-120C's( ooc note: so can all tomcats). This version has retained the capability to carry 6 Phoenix's though, correct?
Yes, but we only suggest that on normal patrol the F-14Fs should not carry Phoenixes, as modern military uses strike fighters to strike ships, and the Phoenix is quite ineffective against fighters, in the Gulf War in 1991 for example [I heard that some F-14s launched Phoenixes at some Iraqi F-1s and MiG-21s in the Gulf War, NONE hit the fighters.]
How much more titanium has been added? The original F-14 had a solid titanium wingbox, but this newer version with even more titanium would be even strudier, yes?
Finally, a change in the radar was also noted. Does the new radar retain the 180+ mile range of the old radar?
The new feature of the radar is that, the range is enem more larger.
Are we talking about the same AIM-54C Phoenix here? AKA the world's longest range air-to-air missile? The only info I have is that the missile has a >86% success rate against fighters.
Are we talking about the same AIM-54C Phoenix here? AKA the world's longest range air-to-air missile? The only info I have is that the missile has a >86% success rate against fighters.
OOC: Where did you hear about that? The Phoenix is bulk and heavyn designed for engage large and sluggish targets, not a fighter-sized, mauverable target.
F-14's shot down several libyan jets, I think they used the pheonix for some of them.
Arm your F-14's with the Cyclone AAM
F-14's shot down several libyan jets, I think they used the pheonix for some of them.
OOC: I think that's with Sparrows and Sidewinders, mostly using Sidewinders.
Soon thereafter, when the Su-22 turned clear of the sun of the lead F-14 pilot got a lock-on with an AIM-9 Sidewinder missile and fired, hitting the Su-22's tailpipe. The Libyan pilot ejected successfully from his burning Fitter. Meanwhile, the second F-14 fired on his lead Fitter at very close range an AIM-9 air-to-air missile and destroyed the Su-22.
The crew of the lead F-14A, AC202 fired an unsuccessful AIM-7 Sparrow missile, while the second F-14As, AC207 (BuNo. 159610) AIM-7 found its target and destroyed one MiG-23. Thereafter, the lead F-14 closed in on the remaining MiG-23 and launched an AIM-9 Sidewinder heat-seaking missile.
06-10-2003, 00:04
Is someone taking note of MY precious Titanium Cats? :shock: I'm answering things in order, so please bear with me.
First, to Omz: Go ahead with the Lancer sales, as it's mostly just the production of special munitions carriages to accept the AAMs and a few software upgrades. For the Titanium Cats, you'll have to Teeg (Telegram) me who, exactly, since it's my pride and joy. My baby project. :roll: In general though, if you vouch for them, that's good enough for me, but I'd still like to know who. :wink:
Thirtycaliber: You'd find that not all tomcats have AIM-120 AMRAAM capability, if any at all. They originally did some testing and possibly a test firing, but because it already had a medium range AAM (AIM-7 Sparrow) and a long ranged (AIM-54 Phoenix) and the Cat was on the way out, they never took the time to upgrade the Tomcat to AMRAAM capabilities, which is a really big shame. As an interesting side note, it turns out the Navy is asking for an extended range AMRAAM (for the Super Hornies and to a lesser extent, JSF) to try and make up for the loss of the Tomcat/Phoenix abilities after that disappears off the decks. Oh and yes, the original weapons fit of the Tomcat (combined with more bringback weight) has allowed a full six Phoenix, fuel tanks and two Sidewinder fit to occur (the original bringback weight meant the aircraft had to lose something in this combination because it wouldn't survive a landing).
I chose Titanium simply because Tom Clancy (the author) kept saying that it's "stronger than steel, lighter than aluminum". Which meant the thing is stronger and sturdier and far better armored. It's still vulnerable in the engine spaces, yes, but it's far less likely to break up if it hits say, wing or fuselage.
For the radar, that was a bit iffy. It was designed on the APG-77 AESA radar of the F/A-22, so it has hardly any moving parts and easier to maintain. I may not have ever said it, but I did with my Ultra Intruder project that the radar was modified to the mission capabilities. While it's not written there, the Tomcat II's radar has been modified to retain the 180+ (or whatever) mile range of the AWG-9.
Now, to the weapons. Thirtycaliber wrote about the Phoenix's combat capabilities. Remember that the Navy, despite its great planes, lacked some of the capabilities of the USAF, like NCTR (Non Cooperative Target Recognition), which, combined with the ROE (Rules of Engagement), prevented BVR (Beyond Visual Range) strikes using the Phoenix missiles to prevent hitting their own aircraft. It seems (I read it in a magazine, but I haven't seen any corroboration), that several Phoenix launches were made in 1990/91, but none of which hit the targets.
Which brings me to my problem. While the F-14F Tomcat II is an extremely nice fighter, which I think I said was "the fastest, longest ranged and probably the farthest reaching fighter in the sky". But the fact is, even with the AIM-120C AMRAAM and AIM-9X Sidewinder, the bird is outdated. So, I'm not sure if Omz wants to, but I want to. If you want to make a proposal for a new air to air missile suite for the Tomcat II, I'll be more than willing to look at it and if Omz agrees, may form the basis of a complete weapons package too. But I'll let him say more about that.
Yep, I am for this "proposal making" idea.
As for the production rights, great. Check TGs.
Aztec National League
06-10-2003, 01:16
Omz222, we will buy 200 Mig 29s. That will cost $360,000,000. We will wire the money when you confirm the purchase.
Omz222, we will buy 200 Mig 29s. That will cost $360,000,000. We will wire the money when you confirm the purchase.
The price is $3.6 bil.
Wire them and you will get the planes within 2 NS Months. Thanks.
Aztec National League
06-10-2003, 01:26
Oops. Sorry about that. *Money wired*
Aztec National League
06-10-2003, 01:27
Oops. Sorry about that. *Money wired*
06-10-2003, 11:12
Yep, I am for this "proposal making" idea.
As for the production rights, great. Check TGs.
ESAA designed an updated version of the Phoenix missile some time ago.
Yep, I am for this "proposal making" idea.
As for the production rights, great. Check TGs.
ESAA designed an updated version of the Phoenix missile some time ago.
Still, in our evaluation, the AIM-254 Super Phoenix didn't perform very well against very agile fighter jets, because of its weight. But overall, it did have a large improvement over the origional AIM-54 in terms of effectiveness.
08-10-2003, 07:12
You could rework the AA-10?
08-10-2003, 08:04
Ell, can you please make a hundred AIM-254 Super Phoenix available? The Phoenix still needs a replacement and this looks like a good place to start. :) I'll wire any costs and shipping you may require. :roll:
---Post deleted by NationStates Moderators---
08-10-2003, 08:07
:shock: *money attached*
May I help you? 20,000 bombers? What kind? Do you have that kind of money? :)
*Eurofighter Typhoon $45m (200 PLEASE OF EACH)
-35A/B/C JSF $22m
*A-4 Skyhawk $5m
Soviet/Chinese/Eastern Bloc
Mig 35 $50m
*Su-37 Superflanker $35m
08-10-2003, 08:24
Based on a quick economic inquiry into your nation (using ), you do not have the calculated 31.4 BILLION dollars to fulfill this order. We invite you to scale down your buys to something cheaper and less in number.
I"ll have um......yes 100 # eurofighter typhoon$45 and 20 mig 21 fishbed
08-10-2003, 14:13
JAMESN, that's still more than you've got. Click the link. You don't HAVE that kind of money. There's only 2.7 billion to play with and most of that should go to your hospitals, education etc, not buying aircraft.
If you still like, the MIG-21 order can still be confirmed.....
20 MiG-21s can still take up a lot of budget...
But this is what all newbies do: buy buy buy :wink:
Independent Hitmen
08-10-2003, 15:04
20 MiG-21s can still take up a lot of budget...
But this is what all newbies do: buy buy buy :wink:
OOC: Best thing is to be like me, not use forum till u had 450mil pop an lots an lots of money :):):)
08-10-2003, 23:48
Ell, can you please make a hundred AIM-254 Super Phoenix available? The Phoenix still needs a replacement and this looks like a good place to start. I'll wire any costs and shipping you may require.
100 AIM-254 missiles have been delivered to the storefront in an unmarked truck. The costs are $50m, thank you for your business.
09-10-2003, 00:20
Thank you, Ell. 50 million has been wired.
If testing on the AIM-254 goes well, you might well receive a huge arms order to produce more. My thanks.
10-10-2003, 04:57
$6 billion has wired to you for loyality to Omzian Military Aerospace Corporation.
PLEASE :arrow: CAN :idea: I :arrow: HAVE :twisted: 10 :arrow: MIG21
10-10-2003, 14:15
Your order for 10x MIG-21 Fishbed has been confirmed. Aircraft will be shipped upon receipt of 20 million dollars.
can you put the OFA-12 FIGHTER-BOMBER on carriers if so we'll take 200!
10-10-2003, 21:12
you can't afford it! :x
my god, how many times do i have to tell you! where are those guys who are teaching you to RP? they haven't taught you anything! :evil:
can you put the OFA-12 FIGHTER-BOMBER on carriers if so we'll take 200!
10-10-2003, 21:41
may I ask why?
the sale of Jono Land was not correct RP. if you don't want to be thought of as Jono Land anymore, then you shouldn't sell him. now everyone just thinks of you as Jono Land2 or something
why can't you sell nations they do it real life and since anything that happens in real life can happen in real life I didn't break anylaws. To bumblords go ahead I'll move my milatary start a new nation and give all the milatary to them. Even so if you attack me expect to be hit by 200 nuclear ICBMs
OOC: Both parties, do not hijack the thread. Thank you.
Lima Beens, I will not sell you anything, both for IC and OOC reasons, until further notice. Goodday.
Our most recent infomation of Lima Beens is either a crater, or a new nation bankrupt from excessive spending on military products. The request for exporting the OFB-12s has been declined.
Please do not make any other export requests of any aircraft to OMASC, until further notice.
Thank you.
3 KC-135
3 KC-135
3 KC-135
Export granted, expect delivery within 2 NS months.
OFB-1 Strike Aircraft!
The ROCAF would like to procure 20 of each Eastern Bloc fighter jet. Neccesary costs have been wired (OOC:Don't bother adding them up, it's already wired)
Confirmed, thank you.
Expect delivery within 3 NS months
620 F-35A JSFs
200 F-35B JSFs
1,000 F/A-22 Raptors
4 F-117 Nighthawks
54 CV-22 Cargo-Osprey
100 C-5C Galaxy
24 RAH-66 Comanche
8 C-17A Globemaster III
100 C-141B Starlifter
120 C-130J Hercules
10 RQ-1 Predator UAV
*money wired*
80 x F-14F Tomcat II
*$4,000m is wired.*
*2 Eurofighter Typhoon $45m
*2 F-15C/D $27m
*2 F-14D Super Tomcat $35m
*2 F-18E/F Super Hornet $45m
*2 F-117 Nighthawk $40m
*2 A-10 Thunderbolt $10m
*2 B-2 Spirit $1,000m
*2 B-1B Lancer $200m
*2 AV/8 Harrier $20m
*2 B-52 Stratofortress $50m
*2 F/A-22 Raptor $80m
*2 F-35A/B/C JSF $22m
*2 F-16 Fighting Falcon C/D $16m
*2 Mig 29 Fulcrum C $18m
*2 Su-37 Superflanker $35m
*2 Su-47 Berkhut $35m
*2 Mig 27 Flogger $5m
*2 Su-27 Flanker $20m
*4 RAH-66 Comanche $15m
*4 UH-60M Blackhawk $12m
*4 MH-47E Chinook $10m
*4 AH-64A Apache $16m
*4 AH-64D Apache Longbow $20m
*4 C-130J Hercules $30m
*4 U-2 Dragon Lady $20m
*4 Boeing 747 $30m
Total equals 4,018,000,000
4.018 billion dollars.
What F-35 variant do you want? A, B, or C?
The marine one, I forget which that is.
B it is.
Since this is not a order of our "exclusive" aircraft, order confirmed.
Expect delivery within 2 NS Months.
The Trojan Empire
15-10-2003, 02:04
The Trojan Royal Air Force shall make a purchase of one hundred-sixty F-14F Tomacat II fighter aircraft. Eight billion credits have been transferred to the appropriate bank accounts.
Lucius Marcus
-The Trojan Empire-
The Trojan Royal Air Force shall make a purchase of one hundred-sixty F-14F Tomacat II fighter aircraft. Eight billion credits have been transferred to the appropriate bank accounts.
Lucius Marcus
-The Trojan Empire-
Confirmed. Because of low rate production, only 10 aircraft will be produced per month for 6 months, followed by 20 aircraft per month for the rest.
We are sorry for the long delay time.
The Trojan Empire
15-10-2003, 02:27
Hmmm... may we get a discount on our next purchase due to this delay or a complimentary gift of several aircraft for the same reasons I mentioned moments ago?
Lucius Marcus
-The Trojan Empire-
Hmmm... may we get a discount on our next purchase due to this delay or a complimentary gift of several aircraft for the same reasons I mentioned moments ago?
Lucius Marcus
-The Trojan Empire-
We are sorry, but if customers actually come and buy, we would probably have a larger production rate.
It is not our fault that the production rate has gone low. In this case, having a high production rate with a low demand is essentially crazy.
Simple message: sorry, we are unable to accept that request. However, we will try our best. We can offer faster delivery, which decreases the time by 1.5 to 3 NS months, if an additional $1.2 million USD is paid.
The Trojan Empire
15-10-2003, 02:37
Ah, very well, consider the extra payment wired, my dear Omz.
Lucius Marcus
-The Trojan Empire-
Ah, very well, consider the extra payment wired, my dear Omz.
Lucius Marcus
-The Trojan Empire-
Thank you, we will boost the production rate.
The planes will also arrive via the fast, ultra large PelicanULTRA transports, instead of the normal C-17 Globemaster IIIs.
I take 500 F-117 Nighthawks
I take 500 F-117 Nighthawks
Crazy Berserkers Gross Domestic Product
Population: 7,000,000
Civil Rights: Some
Economy: Developing
GDP per Capita: $4,000
GDP: $28,000,000,000
National Budget: $3,498,096,000
We are sorry, but you simply couldn't afford $20 billion.
Gimme 3000 of those OJZA watevers fighterbombers at the bottom.
give me 60 A-10 Thunderbolts
give me 60 A-10 Thunderbolts
We sell, not give.
Trinium Hydroxide
15-10-2003, 17:50
give me 60 A-10 Thunderbolts
tut tut tut they dont have no respect do they lol
well while im here ill order:
50 - Su - 37 Berkut please
please send to Aerial Air Force Installation North of Trinium.
-----Money Wired--------
Air Mashall James Ray
Chef Commander Of TSAF
The Allied States Of Trinium
"We Ride Together…We Die Together…Bad Boyz For Life!”
"Region":- Reformed Alcardian States
TAF-11X “Wolf-Pack Advanced Fighter (
New Genoa
15-10-2003, 23:08
The NGAF would like the following:
400x F-14F Tomcat II
100x B-1C Lancers
Money has been wired.
OOC: We have some replacing to do. :wink:
Trinium Hydroxide: Confirmed, expect delivery within 1 NS month.
New Genoa: Unfortunately, we cannot directly do any arms trade with you. Please wait for Adejaani to confirm your order.
We are sorry.
16-10-2003, 00:20
To our good friends, New Genoa. Due to our closeness (both politically and geographically), and our "specialised" design, development etc, we are happy to push your order through faster than normal.
So, your order has been confirmed. With discount, the total comes to..... 33.6 billion. Once the money is transferred, the first aircrafts will start arriving at your bases, the order will be fulfilled in two NS weeks.
Thank you for buying from us. :D
New Genoa
16-10-2003, 00:21
Very well.
New Genoa
16-10-2003, 00:26
~~~Transmission to Omzian Nation~~~
We are aware of your agreement with Melkor, and we are prepared to help found a loophole in the contract. Perhaps you could grant "independence" to an Omzian colony and have military goods shipped from and there.
~~~End Transmission to Omzian Nation~~~
33.6 billion credits have been transferred to appropiate military and government bank accounts. We await their delivery.
OMZ, what about my order?
OMZ, what about my order?
We are very sorry for the late response.
Gimme 3000 of those OJZA watevers fighterbombers at the bottom
Number 1, we sell, not give.
Number 2, please be more specific, this will help us to process orders faster. Thank you.
Number 3, your order is denied, because of your tendancy of using WMDs (like the invasion by Commerce Heights). All your orders are denied, until further notice when you get rid of the tendancy os using WMDs. That way we, OMASC, can trust Aquilla. After all, we may get our business "kaput" if the government has found out we are selling yor products to "certain nations".
We hope you can understand.
~~~Transmission to Omzian Nation~~~
We are aware of your agreement with Melkor, and we are prepared to help found a loophole in the contract. Perhaps you could grant "independence" to an Omzian colony and have military goods shipped from and there.
~~~End Transmission to Omzian Nation~~~
---Secured Transmission: Reply to New Genoa---
We thank you greatly for your care and support of Omzian Nation, and we did also found several loopholes in this... quickly-sketched contract.
However, because of security reasons, we can only consider the suggestion.
We thank you again for your support.
16-10-2003, 08:37
I'll take 420 F-35's
Excuse me, sir or madam, are you ordering, questioning or commenting?
Of the council of clan
16-10-2003, 18:40
I'm confused..........
---Post deleted by NationStates Moderators---
---Post deleted by NationStates Moderators---
i would like 10 AH-64D apache longbows, 20 AV/8 harriers, 20 F-16 fighting falcons and 5 B-52 stratofortresses. what an airforce!!
* money wired *
8N Gross Domestic Product
Population: 5,000,000
Civil Rights: Very Good
Economy: Struggling
GDP per Capita: $1,000
GDP: $5,000,000,000
National Budget: $670,240,000
Please review your order. It seems to be too large for a nation your size.
We also do not sell any B-1B/C, B-52, or B-2 to any nations under a population of 100 million.
19-10-2003, 11:38
Anyone else have gooseBUMPs? :)
Trinium Hydroxide
20-10-2003, 21:45
F-117 Stealth Bomber – 300
B-52 Stratofortress – 400
A-10 Thunderbolt – 500
Total: $37 Billion
-----Money Wired--------
Air Mashall James Ray
Chef Commander Of TSAF
The Allied States Of Trinium
"We Ride Together…We Die Together…Bad Boyz For Life!”
"Region":- Reformed Alcardian States
TAF-11X “Wolf-Pack Advanced Fighter (
The Automite Air Force would like to buy 500 B-52s, 2000 FB-117s, and 2000 F-15Ds for a total of $119 billion.
SupmGenl Jorge Salvo
All confirmed, thank you.
Trinium Hydroxide gets a $2 billion discount, and Automastan gets a $4 billion discount.
Remaining money has been wired back.
As for the planes, Trinium's will finish shipping within 0.5 year. Automastan's order will finish shipping by 4 years.
22-10-2003, 00:36
Anyone else have goosebumps?
E-35W "STOVL-AWACS" Unveiled.
After several years of the development under the secret Advanced V/STOVL Airborne Radar Progamme, it is unveiled: the E-35W "STOVL-AWACS".
In the Omzian Navy, officials has long been noticing that today's carrier-borne AWACS aircraft, such as the E-2C Hawkeye, is unable to land on VTOL carriers. In the Omzian Navy, VTOL carriers are just as treated as light carriers. The lack of a VTOL airborne radar system has been noticed.
An electric warfare version of the E-35W is also thought of, but the development was cut off after a foreign F-35B-based electric warfare aircraft is available for export.
Based on the F-35B Joint Strike Fighter, the E-35W airframe is modifed to have 2 crews (pilot and Radar Interception Officer [RIO]), and the fuselage internal bays are removed. To save cost, the F119-PW-100 engine found inside the F-35B is replaced with a much similar Honjak Electrics HKJ-38E engine, with a lower cost. The radar system will be replaced with 2 much powerful Honjak Electrics HER-15C phased array radar, . One is mounted to scan forward the aircraft, while another is mounted to scan the back. This allows a full 360 degrees scanning. The radar also emits a low energy pause, making the aircraft more "stealthy".
Avionics has also been improved. The E-35W features the Honjak Electrics HEO-15CR control suite. The RIO can view both raw radar data at anytime, in his/her Advanced Radar Control Consoles Suite.
The E-35W can also armed with 2 AIM-9X sidewinders, and is equipped with the HEO-300 Tactical Jammer pod.
Despite the advanced electronics, its capabilities should not be compared to E-2C's, as this only provides a "Tactical" solution.
Price: 68 million each, limited export available.
22-10-2003, 01:51
Adejaani wishes to order four E-35W aircraft for testing and evaluation. How much?
Adejaani wishes to order four E-35W aircraft for testing and evaluation. How much?
$272 million.
Because that we co-own this store, you get them for free :lol: .
22-10-2003, 01:59
Kewl! :roll: Oh and belated congrats on the 10000+ mark. :D:P
Kewl! :roll: Oh and belated congrats on the 10000+ mark. :D:P
Ah, thank you :P
Trinium Hydroxide
23-10-2003, 00:54
Im Back Again lol
F-35A JSF - 1000
F-35B JSF - 1000
F18 E/F Super Hornet – 900
-----Money Wired--------
Air Mashall James Ray
Chef Commander Of TSAF
The Allied States Of Trinium
"We Ride Together…We Die Together…Bad Boyz For Life!”
"Region":- Reformed Alcardian States
TAF-11X “Wolf-Pack Advanced Fighter (
Total: $88.1 billion
With discount: $85.1 billion.
The extra money has been wired back. Expect delivery done within 3 years.
Trinium Hydroxide
23-10-2003, 01:07
Understood and Thank you
Air Mashall James Ray
Chef Commander Of TSAF
The Allied States Of Trinium
"We Ride Together…We Die Together…Bad Boyz For Life!”
"Region":- Pending
TAF-11X “Wolf-Pack Advanced Fighter (
24-10-2003, 02:32
*Breaks into song* It's fun to do the B-U-M-P! It's fun to do the B-U-M-P-e!
Buy a batch of our F-14Fs today!
For a live representation, please see the Omzian 35th Air Show.
24-10-2003, 05:33
When does your treaty with Melkor cease?
When does your treaty with Melkor cease?
OOC: Unfortunately, infinite.
But, it is still on a "arms sales with coalition members will cease until further notice" basis.
On a non-related manner, the Omzian People's Liberation Air Force has signed a $18.9 billion Omzars (about $5.9 billion) contract with Omzian Military Aerospace Corporation to supply 198 F-14F Tomcat II aircraft. This should BUMP Omz222's Air Force F-14 inventory from 12 to 210. The F-14Fs in the Air Force will be used for various interception roles. They will be the "Air Force-ized" F-14Fs within the Omzian PLF.
(OOC: Yes, that is an IC post :P )
---Post deleted by NationStates Moderators---
---Post deleted by NationStates Moderators---
Is Omz3331 Omz222? They're so BUMPing similar!
cyber fusion will buy:
5 AV/8 Harriers
total purchase: 20 million USD
money wired upon confirmation
26-10-2003, 15:28
10 A6-G
10 EA6-G
money wired upon confirmation
Is Omz3331 Omz222? They're so BUMPing similar!
Nope... I'll continue to monitor this imposer.
cyber fusion will buy:
5 AV/8 Harriers
total purchase: 20 million USD
money wired upon confirmation
The actual total here is $100 million. Confirmed, expect delivery within half NS month.
10 A6-G
10 EA6-G
money wired upon confirmation
We don't know what you mean by "EA6-G", nor do we sell an "EA-6G". But the total for A-6G is $400 million.
We will ship the A-6G first, but not the "EA6-G".
Dying Camels
26-10-2003, 16:00
sorry :roll:
all money wired
edit: puppet
sorry :roll:
all money wired
edit: puppet
As stated, we do not sell the G variant of the EA-6.
That is, EA-6G.
We wish to purchase 2 B-1B Lancers, as well as discuss the possibility of Eredron purchasing production rights of this bomber, for our own use. (OOC: ie. not for selling it or furnishing it to other countries)
Money will be wired upon confirmation for both bombers.
We wish to purchase 2 B-1B Lancers, as well as discuss the possibility of Eredron purchasing production rights of this bomber, for our own use. (OOC: ie. not for selling it or furnishing it to other countries)
Money will be wired upon confirmation for both bombers.
We are very sorry for not saying this earlier that we do not sell production rights of nuclear-capable strategic bombers to "untrusted nations". But the purchase of 2 is confirmed, total comes to $400 million.
Expect delivery within half NS month.
We are very sorry for not saying this earlier that we do not sell production rights of nuclear-capable strategic bombers to "untrusted nations".
OOC: Quite understandable!
cyber fusion will buy:
5 AV/8 Harriers
total purchase: 20 million USD
money wired upon confirmation
cyber fusion will buy:
5 AV/8 Harriers
total purchase: 20 million USD
money wired upon confirmation
cyber fusion will buy:
5 AV/8 Harriers
total purchase: 20 million USD
money wired upon confirmation
Your order is already confirmed...
The Automite Air Force would like 300 B-52s, at a cost of $15 billion. The money has been wired.
The Automite Air Force would like 300 B-52s, at a cost of $15 billion. The money has been wired.
Expect delivery within 5 NSW months, thank you.
27-10-2003, 23:36
*Breaks into song* It's just a..... bump to the left! So let's do the time warp again!
28-10-2003, 22:47
Isn't there anyone out there that wants to buy our stuff? :cry:
Isn't there anyone out there that wants to buy our stuff? :cry:
OOC: Business is going slow :P
OMASC soon will publicly unveil its series of jamming pods and "AWACS pods". Most details are still in secret.
However, it will be known that these systems will be only sold to trusted nations.
30-10-2003, 22:44
Anyone? :cry:
Omzian Airborne Cruise Missile Platform Series
OMASC News Desk
After a long, and semi-secret development stage under the Omzian "Project 335C", it is finally completed: the series of Omzian Airborne Cruise Missile Platforms.
based on the concepts of the cruise missile-carrying B-52H, the 747 Airborne Laser, the Sleeverian BM-747 Cruise Missile platform (no, not copied), and the Western Asian "Gatekeeper" Missile platform Airships, the Omzian Air Force is obsessed with the protental of using conventional jetliners as military attack platforms. After seeing the performance of 10 Omzian Gatekeepers and BM-747s, purchased long time ago, Omzian Air Force initated Project 335C.
The goal of this project is to convert existing airframes of conventional jets into cruise missile platforms, with rotatry launchers, ECM platforms, radar, and other guidance and targeting equipment. This can provide a special way to deliver standoff ordiance (JASSM/TSSAM, Have Nap, Popeye, etc.) and long-range cruise missiles (ALCMs, MRASM, etc.). These special planes also carry sophiscated self-defence and targeting equipments, including full data links for the cruise missiles.
The following modifications has been applied:
-10 Ultraliners (by Autonomous City-States): internal rotatry launcher for 64 AGM-86B/D CALCMs, AGM-84F Harpoon, or AGM-84K SLAM-ER. Full ECM and electronic systems, with radar early warning receivers.
-8 A-380 "Jumbo Jet"s (by Agrigento): wing-mounted launcher for 32 CALCMs, Harpoon, or SLAM-ERs (4), internal rotatry launcher for 64 CALCMs, or Harpoons.
This costed the Air Force a total of $4.6 billion. Future modifications for 5-8 747, C-5, or/and An-225s are also rumored, but not confirmed by us.
01-11-2003, 09:41
OOC: 1000 posts! :D:P
IC: Adejaani would like to see the specifications of this technology, as well as buy examples of each for testing and evaluation.
OOC: 1000 posts! :D:P
IC: Adejaani would like to see the specifications of this technology, as well as buy examples of each for testing and evaluation.
Specifications are largely classified, but we could sell you our kits.
OOC: Congrats :P
Our airforce would like to purchase 24 Su-27 Flankers.