NationStates Stock Exchange/World Market. - Page 2
Gerass Aerospace Industries stock is expected to rise tremendously in the next few days. The Gerass Aerospace Industries has been contracted as the main producer of the shuttles used in HSERA, or Heartland Space Exploration and Research Agency. This boost is expected to occur within a few days.
06-05-2003, 03:00
The Free Asian News Network stock has been posted...
51% of the number was donated to the Liberated Asian Defence department and 9% to Imnsvale, per The People's Republic of Liberated Asia's request.
06-05-2003, 03:16
Ok, I got the affected current companies. I'll add the new companies in a minute.
Due to policy changes in Mishakal, more corporations have been legalized and now a capitalist policy has been allowed.
NanoTech Corporations (NTC)
Elie's House of Style
Vegan Fast Food
Jennit's Mineral/ (
Mr. E Drug Company
Freaky Hairstyles and Hairdos 4 U
Jane and Dan's Date Matches
06-05-2003, 06:24
I got them all added to the spreadsheet up to here. I will post them sometime tomorrow. Why tomorrow do you ask? Why, if they are on the spreadsheet, are they not added? I'll tell you why. Formatting. All the colors, and the blue and red tags are a pain. Making each letter boldface and size 16. Call me lazy, 'cause I usually am. But I have finals to study for, too. Expect a brisk updating session in about two weeks. When summer vacation starts, I probably can be able to update it maybe even twice a day. Thank you.
If you need help I could whip up a handy perl script to do everything for ya ;)
06-05-2003, 06:39
If you need help I could whip up a handy perl script to do everything for ya ;)
If you could, I would be forever grateful. I would bow to your greatness. I would do whatever you wish.
*Gets a head start on bowing and kissing Evil's feet.*
National Dragonisian Technologys Corp (Govt Operated)
National Dragonisian Uranium Enrichment Services (Govt. Operated)
National Dragonisian Aeronautics (Govt. Operated. Unique Advantage: Species scientists are adept at 3 dimensional warfare naturally.)
National Dragonisian Space Minining/Colonization Endeavours (Govt. operated)
National Dragonisian Basic Needs Corp. (Govt. Operated. Supplies food, water, electric, education, and healthcare to all citizens when in need in return for hard labor from citizenship during that time of need or immediately thereafter.)
(Govt Operated means the government has retained 51% controlling margin at IPO).
Govt. Currency: The Talon. Value: 1.50 USD
06-05-2003, 10:12
The takeover bid by state-controlled Imperial Corp for Amalgated Auto has failed after an IC shareholder revolt at the price paid for the AA. IC lost $15 billion market capatilisation and heads are expected to roll.
The Lowland Clans
06-05-2003, 11:20
*Confederate News Network*
Today, the government annouced a $25 bil clan dollar contract would be awarded to Keleran Arms Manufacturing to begin mass production of the new T-33 QuickStrike light assault tank. It is expected that the company will issue approx 5 mil. more shares, and a rumored stock split is in order.
McAllister Life and Science division announced today that the company would fail to meet profit expectations for a third quarter in a row. Company reps say that this is less-than-expected sales to it's new heart medication, Proxataline, after it was discovered that it can be easily overdosed, and that it has little effect on heavily damaged hearts.
Ale Knights
06-05-2003, 11:37
We humbly pray that you will accept the following companies for admission to the Official List of the Nation States World Stock Exchange (the “NaStEx”).
These companies are the major market leaders in their respective industries and the leading companies on the Ale Knights Stock Exchange, and are representative of the industrial strengths of the Grand Duchy of Ale Knights, based on our official statistics.
Note that our official currency is the Alm (the “A”), which currently trades at 5.3A to the US$.
AK Breweries plc
Market sector - Pubs, Breweries & Restaurants
Total Shares to be issued - 1,000,000,000
Listing share price - A12.2
Total market capitalisation - A12,200,000,000
AKBC plc
Market Sector - Banks
Total Shares to be issued - 420,000,000
Listing share price - A21.3
Total market capitalisation - A8,946,000,000
AK Mining plc
Market Sector - Mining
Total Shares to be issued - 140,000,000
Listing share price - A2.4
Total market capitalisation - A336,000,000
AK Systems plc
Market Sector - Information Technology
Total Shares to be issued - 1,265,000,000
Listing share price - A4.2
Total market capitalisation - A5,313,000,000
TransAK plc
Market Sector - Electricity
Total Shares to be issued - 3,000,000,000
Listing share price - A12.3
Total market capitalisation - A36,900,000,000
PAK Foods plc
Market Sector - Pubs, Breweries & Restuarants
Total Shares to be issued - 70,000,000
Listing share price - A11.7
Total market capitalisation - A819,000,000
AK Publishing plc
Market Sector - Media
Total Shares to be issued - 17,000,000
Listing share price - A23.4
Total market capitalisation - A397,800,000
AK Water plc
Market Sector - Water
Total Shares to be issued - 560,000,000
Listing share price - A21.6
Total market capitalisation - A12,096,000,000
The above named companies (the “Companies”) are limited liability companies incorporated under the laws of the Grand Duchy of Ale Knights.
Applications are hereby made to the NaStEx for the listing of the shares of the Companies (the "Shares"), (issued and available for issue), on the Official List of the NaStEx.
Neither the admission of the Shares to the Official List of the NaStEx nor the approval of these listing particulars pursuant to the listing requirements of the NaStEx shall constitute a warranty or representation by the NaStEx as to the competence of the service providers to, or any other party connected with, the Companies, the adequacy of information contained in this document or the suitability of the Companies for investment purposes.
This document does not constitute, and may not be used for the purposes of an offer or solicitation to anyone in any jurisdiction in which such offer or solicitation is not authorised or to any person to whom it is unlawful to make such offer or solicitation. The distribution of this document and the offering of Shares in certain jurisdictions may be restricted and accordingly persons into whose possession this document comes are required to inform themselves about and to observe such restrictions. Prospective purchasers should inform themselves as to (a) the legal requirements within their own countries for the purchase or holding of Shares, (b) any foreign exchange restrictions which they might encounter, and (c) the income and other tax consequences which may apply in their own countries relevant to the purchase, holding or disposal of Shares. Neither the Companies nor their Shares will be registered under the securities laws of any jurisdiction other than the Grand Duchy of Ale Knights.
The Shares may not be purchased by persons under the age of 18.
Investment in the Companies involves the potential for an above average risk and may therefore be suitable only for people who are in a position to bear such a risk. If you are in any doubt regarding the contents of these Listing Particulars or the action that you should take, please consult your stockbroker, bank manager, solicitor, accountant or other professional adviser. Investors should note that the prices of Shares may fall as well as rise and there is no guarantee that the Companies will attain their objectives.
H. Alf Pint
Chief Executive
Ale Knights Stock Exchange
OOC: The sectors and figures for these companies are all based on RL companies listed on the London Stock Exchange, with various roundings up / down to make life easy - for further details, please telegram. :)
I would like to call the moderators to investigate the weapons manufacturing of the nation: FOE HAMMER
He has stolen plans from my ships and is now producing them.
NENYA, Tuesday - Imperial Relief and Medical Research Centre stocks surged today as the IR/MRC leapt into action in Turath in the beginning of the relief effort following the downing of the battlestation Nargothrond...
~ Excerpted from the Daily Turath (Financial Section)
The ITC announces its intention to buy 3% of whatever stocks Xaosis! has available for public consumption. We await the Xaosis! response.
~ Imperial Trade Conglomerate
[OOC: I hear 5% of 27 million, but want to be sure. :D]
[OOC: Did Xaosis! reply, and did I miss it? :? ]
06-05-2003, 20:29
UGSM would like to announce they are willing to muy upto 500 000 shares in Path-E-Tech Mining Industries. Money invested comes partially from new investor funds and partially from a big deal we struck with Sjis Kebab Piercings who bought the materials for their fall line of jewelry from us.
I don't get this at all.
AutoModeen Automobile Manufacturers 33.34 (-) 12,573,193 Shares
Can someone exdplain it?
AutoModeen Automobile Manufacturers
is the name but the rest?
In Mokoville business news today:
Popular soft drink maker SunTropics, owner of the Honey Fizz, Apple HeadPunch, and diet I Can't Believe It's Not Original Honey Fizz brands, among others, has announced its intentions to go public today with an initial offering of five million shares at fifteen Crellars each. Revenues for each of the 2001-2002 business years were one billion Kraft (2,050,000,000 Crellars), with a 350 million Kraft (717,500,000 Crellars) profit. Current economic forecast calls for 1.2 billion Kraft (2,460,000,000 Crellars) in revenue, with a 500 million Kraft (1,025,000,000 Crellar) profit this year. Stock symbol [STM] (please add).
Mokoville Arms Works has announced increased arms sales in the neighboring, newly anarchic nation of the USSJ, due to social unrest there. No major monetary profits posted, however, as the official currency of the USSJ is essentially worthless, and most citizens have very little of it anyways. No stock change expected.
Pull over, KernelMotor [KAC]! There's a new ride in town! Newly formed auto manufacturer Ironfire Motor Works [IMW, please add] unveiled its completed hydrogen powered car today to a great reception, as well as its inital public offering of ten million shares at 10 Crellars each. Several venture capital groups have signed on to provide 400 million Kraft (820,000,000 Crellars) for further research and eventual manufacturing (scheduled for mid-2004). In related news, shares of United Fuel Corporation of Mokoville [UFC] are expected to rise on the announcement that the United Fuel Corporation of Mokoville will provide total hydrogen refueling at all of its service stations by fall of 2005, in addition to its usual biodiesel offerings.
And that's the news for Mokoville.
:twisted: sucks for all of you because secretly my ninjas have their hands on all the currency
they have very intricate ways of obtaining your money...
then we feed it to our currency....all the wingless mammals in killdog...
except people and ninjas, cause we dont trade them
(OOC:these posts get so large I often miss good portions of them >_<)
The Xaosis! corporation would be quite happy to sell 3% of it's shares. We are also listed on the MC6 Vinyatirion exchange, by the way.
---Post deleted by NationStates Moderators---
Steel Butterfly
07-05-2003, 17:27
Eat this!
*Shoves a SCUD missile down his throat, runs away...and then watches it blow up.*
The Empire of King Midas has issued the decree that a number of its companies will begin trading publically on the Stock Exchange. IPO's have been issued for the following:
Midas Information Systems Technologies (MIST) - the leading manufacturer of information systems technology for the Empire of King Midas, what started as a small internet provider has quickly blossomed into one of the nation's largest manufacturers of high-speed cable and internet technology, as well as branching into server systems. 6 million shares at 12 NSG Crellars apiece have been put onto the market, with expectations of a good return on this young enterprise.
Midas Trout Farms (MTF) - the pride and joy of the Empire of King Midas, these are the farms responsible for the Empire's renowned rainbow trout. Able to produce enough trout annually to fulfill the nation's high export demands as well as keep its own population well-fed with fish, the Trout Farms have recently increased the size of their holdings to a second smaller area in the north of the county, where spawning techniques are being perfected to better enhance the flavor, size and quantity of the prized fish. 4 million shares at 35 NSG Crellars apiece have been offered.
We hope to have these commodities traded on the market in the coming weeks.
King Midas Applethorpe III
(OOC:these posts get so large I often miss good portions of them >_<)
The Xaosis! corporation would be quite happy to sell 3% of it's shares. We are also listed on the MC6 Vinyatirion exchange, by the way.
~ ITC 'Don't Be Frightened' Division (Formerly Known As The 'Stocks and Shares Developement Department')
I'd like to add Belly Bombers Meat Packing to the list
Just in case you forgot to put my company in........
Manta Automobile Manufacturer's
When will we see our shares up on the market, it's been a long time....
I'd like to purchase 100 shares of Thelas Black Star Arms Corp., if it isn't too much of a hassle. Of course, I'm new to this, so if anyone can be kind enough to explain the process of making new companies, the worth of my currency compared to others, and how to buy/sell stock, please go right ahead.
If you would please also include my nation's staple food market company, The National Lobster Market. I don't know what else to do with it :-? so someone please explain? :) Thanks in advance, I really appreciate the help :D.
Santa Barbara
08-05-2003, 17:14
Here's some Santa Barbaran based conglomerates to add if you can. I'm not sure how any of this works. But I know I have always had an amazingly strong economy and these companies are HUGE.
State Company (largest SB supplier of military technology)
Ortega, (largest manufacturer of weapons)
Cathedral Capital, weapons systems design.
Snow Canyon Industries, weapons systems design.
Utopia Mining
09-05-2003, 03:37
Ahem... just where is Nukes4U?
---Post deleted by NationStates Moderators---
OOC: Oh cool!
The following Hanseatic corporations - already traded on the New Luebeck Stock Exchange - wish to apply for a listing on the Stock Exchange. The companies are ranked in descending order of market capitalization on the NLSE and the format is as follows:
Company name (company primary product)
1. Schroebner & Sons (diversified media)
2. Hansa United (diversified food and agribusiness)
3. Jutland Industries (diversified industrial, shipbuilding, defense)
4. Klausner's (retail)
5. Lighthouse Media (diversified media)
6. Fugger Group (banking)
7. Luebeck Crown (publishing)
8. Commonwealth Industries (diversified agribusiness)
9. Gilchrist Technologies (information technology)
10. The Emporium (retail)
11. Fairlight Systems (industrial and consumer electronics)
12. Selmicht Kaiser (diversified industrial, shipbuilding)
13. Trumpet Publishing (diversified media)
14. Mecklenamt Yardsell (shipbuilding)
15. Northstar (industrial electronics)
16. Kalmar Industries (mining)
Some information regarding the Hanse's economy: the population is 436 million, there is a flat tax of 18%, and the private sector is described as being a powerhouse led by Book Publishing, Beef-Based Agriculture, and Information Technology. The nation is ranked as having a Powerhouse Economy, World Benchmark Civil Rights, and Few Political Freedoms. Crime is well under control. The scale of uranium mining in the nation's forests has recently been restricted by ecological legislation, resulting in considerable drops in the share prices of several mining corporations including Kalmar Industries.
Political reforms currently being discussed in the Hanseatic Parliament include cutting taxes, reopening the nation's political process to corporate monetary contributions, and tightening environmental legislation.
We have one more company to add to the list: Shroedek Industrial Mining.
Digital Technologies
Investor Relations Department
DTS has revised its previous estimate of a jump in sales by 115% to 144%.
This comes after substaintial boosts on the sales of EO-5s (joint project with Edolian Arms) and a booming new computer market in Pilot.
10-05-2003, 18:36
Would it be possible to add the following companies?
Kingsmobile Car Company (Automobile Industry)
Empire Mining Co. (Mining)
Federation of Ohio Arms Manufacturers --F.O.A.M.-- (Firearms)
I demand that Gold Godzilla coins get put up!
If the honourable stock exchange would be so good, the six leading corporations of Floating World are making 49% of shares available for public trading (the remaining 51% is retained by the corporate oligarchy on behalf of the population). Floating World is a large network of inter-connected rafts which travels the world on trading and fishing expeditions (accompanied by a small flotilla of destroyers, for defensive purposes only). This expedient was made neceassary when the original pacific islands on which its people lived were submerged by rising sea levels (the result of global warming). It is governed by a three-person corporate oligarchy elected from among the CEO population, and currently has a population of 62 million and a powerhouse economy.
Corporate stocks, listed in order of market capitalization:
1. AmphX (manufacturer of the amphibious automobile or "amphiCar")
2. Floating Industries (diversified factory production)
3. Drillcorp (fishing & extraction of uranium & other minerals from seabed)
4. Digital Book Company (e-books and military goods)
5. Publishers Conglomerate FW (books and social services)
6. Dormouse Engineering (naval systems and raft stablization tech)
AmphX & Drillcorp have recently received a stock boost through the establishment of Amphibious Automobile Thracia Inc, a joint venture corporation with Thracian car manufacturers. There are other corporations, but they tend to be bought out if they reach any significant size.
10-05-2003, 19:42
Gothicum is going to war, stocks will decrease mildly, no big drops are expected because:
we do not lose trade partners as for now, all our trade partners are on the alliance side
the war is not on our soil, but somewhere far away
UGSM is expected to go up a little even, since they provide the silver for our weaponry.
I would like to add Olson Aerospace.
I would also like to buy 75% of the shares for Olson Aerospace once it's up.
Liberated Asia
10-05-2003, 22:40
You shalln't buy those shares.
I a member of the Board Forbids it and unless a majority votes to over rule the decision... well if they don't then you simply will be stripped of the shares...
Sorry but I won't allow it due to the fact it would give you ways to weapons that so far have been deem illegal for you to own.
Plus I doubt you have the money to buy the shares... 15 of your largets millitary bases,3 major cities and you largest port city was completely destroyed.
Imnsville I'd like 49% of the shares to be purchased by Western Asia (I'll cover the Bill) and I personally would liek to buy 2% more.
You can't buy stocks for western asia. And I refuse to sell you any. OA is still a private company.
NENYA, Saturday - ITC stocks began to claw their way back today as the Imperial Trade Conglomerate announced its decision to issue five hundred more shares to the public domain.
The Imperial Medical Research and Relief Centre also experienced a surge in share price this week amidst its mammoth efforts in the rebuilding and cleanup of the Turath coastline following the fall of the Nargothrond onto the Bay of Turath, further boosting the ITC share price...
~ Excerpted from the INN website Financial Section (Ax-turath Divison)
Digital Technologies
Investor Relations Department
Because of rising profits, the company has decided to expand.
Please add these items to the stock exchange in conjuction with our previous report:
Digital Technologies, New Haven Division (DTSNH)
Digital Technologies, Christmas Bay Divison (DTSCB)
11-05-2003, 20:22
I am really, really sorry, I was away for four days and just got back. I was in Ohio, for Science Olympiad Nationals, attempting to win medals and fame. Sadly, that did not occur, and I still have finals. I will update the exchange as soon as humanly possible.
To whomever asked: Yes, you can still add companies to the exchange. And, no, there is no way, currently, to see who owns what.
Thank you.
12-05-2003, 04:35
OOC: Is this where I need to post to buy large amounts of XAOSIS! and KCTS stock? If so, then there are various interests in Cetaganda that have recently began purchasing large amounts of both. Say on the order of tens of thousands of shares of both, with smaller amounts in the secondary Xao! branches. The exact amount obviously varies from day to day.
12-05-2003, 09:22
how did you guys come up with this? how does it work? can i join?
The SLAGLands
14-05-2003, 06:21
Granny Slag's Homestyle Confections Corporate HQ was just destroyed, so you're welcome to make the stock take a hit. Most of the executives survived, as the HQ was struck during non-business hours.
New company: Woodchuck Inc. (Furnature repairs and sales)
Currency: Jormundgondian Ducat (US 3.14, CR 1.49)
The ITC (Imperial Trade Conglomerate) begins buying as many Cetagendan(?) shares as it can lay its grubby little hands on. The (?) is because I ain't sure if Cetagendan is the correct word. Interestingly, INN (Ma-Nenya Division) also happens to do this;
To: Cetagenda, (whom it may concern)
From: INN (Tri-Divisionary Council)
We are interested in setting up in your great nation; do you sell franchises for satelite networks, or do you base your networks on a 'come as you will' basis?
~ INN (Tri-Divisionary Council)
[OOC: When INN moves in, you can use them to post any news story you like, so long as its impartial - INN is supposed to be famous for impartiality (as you may have noticed, it doesn't always toe the government line). They also only hire locals, so it would be Cetagendans staffing the newsroom and so on. This would also mean the creation of a new company: INN (Imperial National Network), Cetagenda Division. Or maybe 'Titan Division', if that would be more conveniant.]
I would like 15,000,000 shares of Xaosis!. Money has been wired.
IC: Mactan Broadcasting Company and Menelmacari Broadcasting Corporation have won a join bid to build a VHF station on Roosevelt Island, TW in New York City Region.
OOC: I don't see any banks on the exchange. If there is one, my nation will bid for a branch office; if not, I'd suggest adding "NYCityBank" to the exchange.
I've made a finance calculator to determine the per-day income in whatever your national currency is. . . it's pretty simple. Has something like this been done before?
(I'm trying to get away from "I have a hillion skillion Crellars for 2 million death stars")
Grays Harbor
15-05-2003, 17:58
If you would like to include the following Grays Harbor corporations on your stock exchange, you may.
Old Admiral Fish-n-Chips - stock symbol OAF
Schaeffer Aeronautics - stock symbol SAN
Majestic Foods, Ltd - stock symbol MJF
Malkier Southern RR - stock symbol MSO
HarborRail - stock symbol HRA
HarborAir - stock symbol HAA
Dandridge Motors, Ltd - stock symbol DGM
feel free to change the symbols if those are already in use.
If you would like to include the following Grays Harbor corporations on your stock exchange, you may.
Old Admiral Fish-n-Chips - stock symbol OAF
Schaeffer Aeronautics - stock symbol SAN
Majestic Foods, Ltd - stock symbol MJF
Malkier Southern RR - stock symbol MSO
HarborRail - stock symbol HRA
HarborAir - stock symbol HAA
Dandridge Motors, Ltd - stock symbol DGM
feel free to change the symbols if those are already in use.
Nevermind. I thought your name said "Gays Harbor" and I was going to make a comment on that.
i am buying 49% of all buisnesses containing the word "Imperial". with over a billion people, and 100% incom tax i suppose i can afford it no?
i am buying 49% of all buisnesses containing the word "Imperial". with over a billion people, and 100% incom tax i suppose i can afford it no?
If you mean EOTED businesses, then you can't afford it, no. And we aren't selling in that quantity.
~ ImperialTradeConglomerate Representative
[OOC: The Imperial Trade Conglomerate owns every EOTED company in existance (IE, INN, Imperial AI Systems, and so on), with the exception of Rivette.]
UNW Buisnesses
Name ---------- Value
Aspam Electric Components 0.05B $
Birmingham Road Maintenance 2.47B $
Buri Chemicals 4.52B $
Canard Home Equipment 3.42B $
Danbury Production Plants 3.60B $
Dinsort Furniture 3.07B $
Dorotea Household Products 1.80B $
Fayette Industrial Equipment 0.03B $
Kori Electric Power 1.80B $
Lewis Building Materials 0.64B $
Lopez Services 7.47B $
Montclair Services 3.85B $
Morana Water maintenance 0.59B $
Oakland Wool 0.71B $
Oliver High Tech Services 6.68B $
Outerbridge Boats 0.12B $
Palmsprings Chemicals 5.34B $
Rotberg Household Products 2.05B $
Saltcity Advanced Effectivity 1.75B $
Shafter Services 3.50B $
Tacro Machine Parts 0.21B $
Telida Stone 0.07B $
Twin Clothes 4.51B $
Verdes Eggs 1.13B $
Walsberg Services 7.08B $
White Mountain Vegetables 5.03B $
16-05-2003, 23:42
I'd like to add some stocks.
General Military Vehicles - approx. value 40-42 crellars - 10,000,000 shares
General Military Vehicles is one of the oldest ground vehicle producers in Cetaganda. While it once produced a wide variety of both civilian and military vehicles, its primary focus is now on combat vehicles. These include the current generation of Bolo Main Battle Tanks. The Bolo series, now almost a century old, it the primary MBT of the Imperial Army. As such, GMV has a steady flow of goverment contracts. GMValso produces a variety of lighter combat cars and scout tanks.
Cetaganda Military Surplus Corporation - approx 35-38 crellars - 12,100,000 shares
CMSC is the primary outlet of former Cetaganda military equipment. It is used to liquidate materials that, while outdated by Cetagandan standards, are still very effective and cheap for other nations. This includes aircraft, tanks, and naval ships as well as more typical . Only 6,000,000 shares are available publically, the rest are held by the Cetagandan Military Directorate.
Quiala Data Haven - approx 50 crellars - 5,000,000 shares
Quiala is a company based primarily in Veritas Station with smaller branches in several key locations in Cetagandan territory. QDH acts as a super-secure repository for information that some people would rather not have someone else, such as a goverment, to find. In addition to any encryption used by the client, they have a wide variety of security measures that are available, up to physical disconnection from outside interfaces. Under current Cetagandan laws, the Cetagandan goverment can not search properly registered data havens without providing solid evidence of a threat to nation security or that information inside contains evidence related to a Class C or higher crime, such as murder. Only Cetagandan laws apply, and there is no extradition unless nation security of an ally is involved.
16-05-2003, 23:51
The ITC (Imperial Trade Conglomerate) begins buying as many Cetagendan(?) shares as it can lay its grubby little hands on. The (?) is because I ain't sure if Cetagendan is the correct word. Interestingly, INN (Ma-Nenya Division) also happens to do this;
[OOC: When INN moves in, you can use them to post any news story you like, so long as its impartial - INN is supposed to be famous for impartiality (as you may have noticed, it doesn't always toe the government line). They also only hire locals, so it would be Cetagendans staffing the newsroom and so on. This would also mean the creation of a new company: INN (Imperial National Network), Cetagenda Division. Or maybe 'Titan Division', if that would be more conveniant.]
OOC: Cetagandan is correct. I'm located on the Ring of Powerfulness, so it would effectively be a Titan division. Whatever you want to decide is fine with me.
To: Cetagenda, (whom it may concern)
From: INN (Tri-Divisionary Council)
We are interested in setting up in your great nation; do you sell franchises for satelite networks, or do you base your networks on a 'come as you will' basis?
~ INN (Tri-Divisionary Council)
{CetaGov Metaverse Transmission}
x Lord Thomas Brewer (Lord Masterharper, Education and Information Directorate)
o Tri-Divisionary Council (INN)
I'm happy to say that INN is free to set up a branch in the Empire. A file detailing Imperial regulations has been included with this transmission. Also included are details for the use of the existing goverment and civilian networks, including the interplanetary systems. I hope your endevour proves fruitful.
-Thomas Brewer
would you please be able to include my major company:
East-Europes Biologic Research Center [0.05 B$]
you can short it to (BRC)or (EBR)
The ITC (Imperial Trade Conglomerate) begins buying as many Cetagendan(?) shares as it can lay its grubby little hands on. The (?) is because I ain't sure if Cetagendan is the correct word. Interestingly, INN (Ma-Nenya Division) also happens to do this;
[OOC: When INN moves in, you can use them to post any news story you like, so long as its impartial - INN is supposed to be famous for impartiality (as you may have noticed, it doesn't always toe the government line). They also only hire locals, so it would be Cetagendans staffing the newsroom and so on. This would also mean the creation of a new company: INN (Imperial National Network), Cetagenda Division. Or maybe 'Titan Division', if that would be more conveniant.]
OOC: Cetagandan is correct. I'm located on the Ring of Powerfulness, so it would effectively be a Titan division. Whatever you want to decide is fine with me.
To: Cetagenda, (whom it may concern)
From: INN (Tri-Divisionary Council)
We are interested in setting up in your great nation; do you sell franchises for satelite networks, or do you base your networks on a 'come as you will' basis?
~ INN (Tri-Divisionary Council)
{CetaGov Metaverse Transmission}
x Lord Thomas Brewer (Lord Masterharper, Education and Information Directorate)
o Tri-Divisionary Council (INN)
I'm happy to say that INN is free to set up a branch in the Empire. A file detailing Imperial regulations has been included with this transmission. Also included are details for the use of the existing goverment and civilian networks, including the interplanetary systems. I hope your endevour proves fruitful.
-Thomas Brewer
To: Lord Thomas Brewer (Lord Masterharper, Education and Information Directorate)
From: INN (Tri-Divisionary Council)
And thank-you for the prompt response, Lord Brewer.
~ INN (Tri-Divisionary Council)
The Resi Corporation
17-05-2003, 00:21
The Resi Corporation has just gone public, and requests that you add it and its currency, the Resi Credit (RC-1 = $2), to your list.
Thank you,
Unum Resi, CEO of Resi Corp.
The Resi Corporation has just gone public, and requests that you add it and its currency, the Resi Credit (RC-1 = $2), to your list.
Thank you,
Unum Resi, CEO of Resi Corp.
The Imperial Trade Conglomerate is interested in purchasing a 30% stake in the Resi Corporation.
~ Imperial Trade Conglomerate, 'Don't Be Frightened' Division
The Resi Corporation
17-05-2003, 01:48
30% is a little much for one conglomerate to own, but we need the cash. The price is $1,000,000,000 (RC-500,000,000) for one percent. Does this meet with your approval?
OOC: Is too much to ask/godmodding? I'm new to this, so let me know.
The Resi Corporation
17-05-2003, 01:49
30% is a little much for one conglomerate to own, but we need the cash. The price is $1,000,000,000 (RC-500,000,000) for one percent. Does this meet with your approval?
OOC: Is too much to ask/godmodding? I'm new to this, so let me know.
30% is a little much for one conglomerate to own, but we need the cash. The price is $1,000,000,000 (RC-500,000,000) for one percent. Does this meet with your approval?
OOC: Is too much to ask/godmodding? I'm new to this, so let me know.
We are one of, if not the largest, trading company in the world. See our share price for details.
The money for a 30% stake is being wired as this message arrives; thank-you for doing business with the 'Don't Be Frightened' Department of the Imperial Trade Conglomerate.
~ Imperial Trade Conglomerate, 'Don't Be Frightened' Department
[OOC: The first sentence can be taken as bluster if it's inaccurate. Xaosis! has more resources, maybe. But, to repeat myself, and for the record, ITC owns every company in EOTED, and we have a BIG economy. $1,000,000,000 ($1billion) x 30 = $30billion. Not cheap, but nowhere near outside of the range of a trade conglomerate that has an internal economy stronger than most countries. ;)]
sure guy. :twisted: :twisted: :evil:
All industries within the CMNT are state regulated. However they are allowed to spread into the world Free Market unregulated outside the CMNT as long as they pay a special tax to the CMNT government.
The following companies have spread into the world market:
Malicious State Arms
Malicious State Foods
Malicious State Pharmaceuticals
Malicious State Poisons
Please add Foe Hammer Space Command.
17-05-2003, 20:14
Please add the following companies:
Squornshelous Motor Vehicle Corporation
Squornshelan Gambling Conglomerate
and our currency the Squornshelan Shark Tooth (SST)
at .75 SST : 1 USD
I would like to buy 16,000,000 shares of KarmaCorp, for $1,261,120,000. Wired.
Please add these companies to the list:
Walday Weapons, worth 80 Gadan a share,
Drizjno Delivery Services, worth 55 Gadan a share,
Zytnovik Airlines, worth 90 Gadan a share,
Vlyk Cars, worth 66 Gadan a share
Waldonschka Technaya, worth 98 Gadan a share.
I don't know how much it is converted into Crellars, and i'm too lazy to check out.
ITC announces its desire to buy a 35% stake in Foe Hammer Weapons.
~ Imperial Trade Conglomerate, 'Don't Be Frightened' Division
Stink Inc. is Thealand's largest business concern. It focuses on Civet Cat ranching, and the production of other rare natural scents used mainly in the Perfume industry.
Stink Inc. is a state owned concern which is offering a 49% ownership in the public IPO.
Revenues (last 12 months)= $48,435,231.00 USD
Please add Dataverse Electronics (DVE) and Bandit The Worm (BTW) Research to the list of companies. Both companies are Maniacan and are planning on going global in a couple of days. This may be irrelevant, but there is one Maniaca Clown Nose to 4.2 NSG Crellars.
19-05-2003, 00:25
If you would please edit in the company that is in the business of creating my mechs, mech weapons, and such. Sakata Industries.
there has been no update yet i believe.... :cry:
Cealck Arms LTD (CAL) is down because one of their plants was captured by terrorists earlier this week. The situation has yet to be resolved.
Digital Technologies
Investor Relations Department
DTS has soared over its expectations for first-day sales of the DTS-1 Underwater ATV, selling 1500 units (which puts sales just a bit short of 1 Billion dollars).
This is a 440% rise in what was projected.
Both Christmas Bay and New Haven divisions of DTS are now in further developments for future editions of the ATV.
How do you get your nation listed in the stock exchange? I hope someone can help me. Just telegram me please.
Thank you,
How do you get your nation listed in the stock exchange? I hope someone can help me. Just telegram me please.
Thank you,
please me too..
Digital Technologies
Investor Relations Department
After a calculation, the complete first day sales of the DTS-1 Underwater ATV reached $1,519,056,000.
Purchasers were:
Edolia: $938,008,000
Ancient and Holy Terra: $181,048,000
Watertest: $400,000,000
The profit of this vehicle FAR exceeded our expectations.
Digital Technologies
Investor Relations Department
After a calculation, the complete first day sales of the DTS-1 Underwater ATV reached $1,519,056,000.
Purchasers were:
Edolia: $938,008,000
Ancient and Holy Terra: $181,048,000
Watertest: $400,000,000
The profit of this vehicle FAR exceeded our expectations.
I would like the following companies added to the list.
Kusari Nuclear Fuels (KNF)
Kusari Aerospace (KA)
Kusari Ministions Corperation (KMC)
As our country's economy is blomming and increasing with confidence. Our president would like to put our country's companies on the list with the corresponding values:
Quarterly Profit:
JACK Shipping Yard industry= USD 10,000,000,000
JACK Airline industry= USD 1,000,000,000
JACK Automobile Company= USD 100,000,000,000
JACK Computers= USD 50,000,000
JACK Television Industry= USD 10,000,000,000
JACK Ship pier= USD 500,000,000
Other companies are operating but not that fully develop to outdraw the strong companies in our country. to give specific number of companies we have approximately 20 companies.
NENYA, Wednesday - Today Rivette MI Corporation posted H1 profits of Rlh1.3trillion, far surpassing all expectations - this surge in profits is no doubt due to the Rotor MI Car, which has surpassed all sales expectations despite its current access to a market of close to two billion people. However, a Rivette spokesman today issued the cautionary statement, "Despite great performance so far this year, we expect full market saturation in the Empire within just a few months - which will lead to a massive drop in profits in H2."
Another factor, the spokesman told this journalist, is the recent signing of a Rlh500billion contract to design and build a new breed of military dropship capable of carrying one hundred people a piece.
Total income was not hugely higher than the profit margin posted, coming in at a record Rlh1.387trillion...
~ Imperial Finance Daily Mesh-sheet
22-05-2003, 00:16
<<Titan YutLink::Financial News::KCTS Earnings Statement>>
Crash Savage here, at KCTS Corporate HQ in Karmabaijan. CEO Zin Karma announced today that KCTS has posted earnings a full 20% above estimates. This comes after a busy year for KCTS, with the construction of a new Titan fleet, and the distribted deployment of the new Loki class dropship, which KCTS still has not caught up with demand for. Beyond that, the unprecedented demand for designer CyberWare caught KCTS off gaurd. In a statement, Karma said: "Frankly we had no idea that people would want to have their natural eyes, arms, whathaveyou, with cybernetic replacements. That is the biggest part of the jump in earnings." This is Crash Savage, TYL:FN.
<<Link Disconnect>>
22-05-2003, 00:17
<<Titan YutLink::Financial News::KCTS Earnings Statement>>
Crash Savage here, at KCTS Corporate HQ in Karmabaijan. CEO Zin Karma announced today that KCTS has posted earnings a full 20% above estimates. This comes after a busy year for KCTS, with the construction of a new Titan fleet, and the distribted deployment of the new Loki class dropship, which KCTS still has not caught up with demand for. Beyond that, the unprecedented demand for designer CyberWare caught KCTS off gaurd. In a statement, Karma said: "Frankly we had no idea that people would want to have their natural eyes, arms, whathaveyou, with cybernetic replacements. That is the biggest part of the jump in earnings." This is Crash Savage, TYL:FN.
<<Link Disconnect>>
Foe Hammer:Since you do not exists to the Trium, you dont get our stock either.
can i please place a company on the stock exchange?
Nelly decorative plates[NEP]
the largest supplier of comemrative plates for rappers.
22-05-2003, 07:00
I'd like to buy a million shares each of KTCS and Rivette, please. Sirithil nos Fëanor
Elentári of the Eternal Noldorin Empire of Menelmacar
"If it is to be war between us, it shall be war to the knife and the knife to the hilt."
~Foreign Minister Duke Paolio, The Outlands
Clicky-clicky! We Love The Iraqi Information Minister (
---Post deleted by NationStates Moderators---
22-05-2003, 21:30
Ok, I was updating the stocks, and a thought struck me. Why am I updating all these deadweight companies that have no hope of being roleplayed? So, the exchange will be taken down, and purged.
But wait, there's more...
You must post again, if you want your company to be listed, but now there is a bonus. I will post your company profile and any pictures on my website. All you have to do is email me, or (preferably) post your pictures, to be posted on my website.
Sorry for the inconvenience. I know I'm sounding whiny, but updating 250 companies that serve no purpose is a bitch.
My companies that recently went gobal are:
Dataverse Electronics Corporation [DV(for DataVerse)]
Bandit The Worm Research (BTW)
Bandit The Worm Research company has recently perfected the usage of Zykosis fuel. Zykosis is a rock discovered a while ago, which gave of a very powerful rising vapor. Our scientists realized the gas could turn a turbine that would power vehicles, predominately(sp?) of the military sort, adequately, and almost endlessly. Though further testing revealed that the power of Zykosis fuel was somewhat upplayed, but it is still a solid investment.
Bandit The Worm company was created by aspiring etrepenuer Arthur Kolsdent, who was angered when he read a world record book, and Avon Products had the most new products. He thought, "The only way to beat that company is to have a company that makes EVERYTHING!" Thus, Bandit The Worm, named after a Mask Worm Kolsdent captured when testing his first ever product, a Heat Activated Snare.
Dataverse Electronics Corporation is the electronics branch of Bandit The Worm Company, and their release of their new video game hardware, the Dataverse Reciprocal, or DVR, has fans hyped. The system uses stationary disc technology, with a moving scanner, and uses a stretching system, similar to that of the Wormhole, to pack as much data on to one disc as possible, and a spreading format, to have numerous things going on on screeen at one time.
Imperial AI Systems
Most figures unreleased as of yet. Military contractor.
Total Value of Assets: Rlh16million (market estimate)
Imperial Energy (IE)
Government-owned corporation responsible for EOTEDs power network. MI non-exclusive license holders.
Total Value of Assets: Rlh6billion
Average Profits: Rlh200million
Average Income: Rlh800million
Average Expenditure: Rlh600million
Imperial Relief and Medical Research Centre
Relief organisation. Non-profit.
Average Income: Rlh500billion (entirely government funded)
Average Expenditure: Rlh350billion (subject to fluctuation)
Imperial Space Networking Co-operative
A start-up company which had money plowed into it by the Imperial Trade Conglomerate following its birth several months ago.
Total Value of Assets: Rlh23.5billion
Average Profits: N/A
Average Income: N/A
Average Expenditure: N/A
Imperial Trade Conglomerate (ITC)
An absolutely humongous 'conglomerate' that, in fact, isn't. Essentially, the ITC is a state-owned corporation responsible for:
Stock market simulation
Internal inbound/external outbound trading deals
Maintaining an upwards trend for the EOTED economy
Maintaining 'fair trading' standards
Stock ownership expansion in the name of the Emperor (all stocks and shares owned by the ITC are owned for the Emperor)
Total Value of Assets: Rlh50trillion (approximate)
Average profits: Rlh5trillion per quarter (note: includes ALL ITC interests)
Average Income: Rlh5.1trillion per quarter
Average Expenditure: Rlh189billion per quarter
INN (Imperial National Network), Ax-turath Division
INNs Ax-turath Division. News, sports, and more. 'INN: The Truth Brought Home.'
INN (Imperial National Network), Ma-tek Division
INNs Ma-tek Division. News, sports, and more. 'INN: The Truth Brought Home.'
INN (Imperial National Network), Ma-Nenya Division
INNs Ma-Nenya Division. News, sports, and more. 'INN: The Truth Brought Home.'
INN Tri-Divisionary Council
Umbrella group company responsible for the running of the INN network.
Total Value of Assets: Rlh160billion (including broadcasting rights)
Average Profits: Rlh1.2billion per quarter (incl. Mesh assets)
Average Income: Rlh2.1billion per quarter (incl. Mesh assets)
Average Expenditure: Rlh800million
Source: INN News Mesh: Finance Division
22-05-2003, 22:49
KarmaCorp TechSystems
KCTS is Titan's premier manufacturer/developer of all goods from capital ship engine cores to consumer grade toasters. They are responsible for most of Titans heavy manufacturing as well. Recently they moved into the cybernetics market, which has been growing rapidly with the widespread demand for designer cyberware. KCTS is also one of 3 primary contractors for ship design/construction within the Triumvirate, and the sole producer of the Loki Mission Adaptable Heavy Dropship.
22-05-2003, 22:49
Double-Deuce....I mean post...
22-05-2003, 22:51
A post so nice, we saw it thrice!
22-05-2003, 22:54
Foe Hammer Space Command
FHSC is both the space agency of Foe Hammer and the makers of ships like the King Class Destroyer. FHSC is one of the most successful space shipyards in space.
Total assets - $25.6 Trillion
Price - $268.6 Crellars/Share
OOC: Excuse the blur in the picture.
I don't really have any pictures but these are the companies I wish to be added to the exchange:
Digital Technologies, Atlantis
DTS Defense Technologies, Christmas Bay
Both companies have made large profits over the past week.
Agh! And I *had* a company that *was* being roleplayed...
Carjal Melfek Ranchers Association
Originally organized as an S corporation, this collective of melfek ranchers in Carjal changed to a "normal" corporation several years ago when it became clear that it was becoming too large to be a viable S corporation.
A melfek is a livestock animal similar to cattle, though it tends to be larger, and the legs are proportionally longer. They are more difficult to raise than cattle for those two reasons, but otherwise cattle and melfek are very much alike.
The largest source of melfek in Middle Switzerland (and the world, for that matter), the association consists of the vast majority of ranchers in Carjal and a few from the splinter nation of Fradew. The ranchers have mostly been selling to ethnic Carjans in Carjal and Fradew, though melfek can be found in specialty stores in some nations of Middle Switzerland. A recent deal with Boodle Beef has caused melfek to show up in Boodleburg supermarkets, and the market is likely to grow.
Boodle Beef
Major ranching and meat processing company in Boodleburg. This company mostly raises and processes cattle, but a recent deal between the Carjal Melfek Ranchers association has helped them diversify into melfek.
Though this little-known animal is native only to Carjal and southern Fradew, the climate of Boodleburg has been shown to be an adequate environment for raising melfek. A deal was struck recently between Boodle Beef and the Carjal Melfek Ranchers Association: several thousand head of melfek (and advice for raising them) for an undisclosed amount of money.
The prime cuts of melfek are comparable--and sometimes superior--to prime cuts of beef, according to many expert taste-testers. President Duke Siegfried, ruler of Boodleburg, agrees with the experts.
23-05-2003, 08:00
Agh! And I *had* a company that *was* being roleplayed...
Carjal Melfek Ranchers Association
Originally organized as an S corporation, this collective of melfek ranchers in Carjal changed to a "normal" corporation several years ago when it became clear that it was becoming too large to be a viable S corporation.
A melfek is a livestock animal similar to cattle, though it tends to be larger, and the legs are proportionally longer. They are more difficult to raise than cattle for those two reasons, but otherwise cattle and melfek are very much alike.
The largest source of melfek in Middle Switzerland (and the world, for that matter), the association consists of the vast majority of ranchers in Carjal and a few from the splinter nation of Fradew. The ranchers have mostly been selling to ethnic Carjans in Carjal and Fradew, though melfek can be found in specialty stores in some nations of Middle Switzerland. A recent deal with Boodle Beef has caused melfek to show up in Boodleburg supermarkets, and the market is likely to grow.
Boodle Beef
Major ranching and meat processing company in Boodleburg. This company mostly raises and processes cattle, but a recent deal between the Carjal Melfek Ranchers association has helped them diversify into melfek.
Though this little-known animal is native only to Carjal and southern Fradew, the climate of Boodleburg has been shown to be an adequate environment for raising melfek. A deal was struck recently between Boodle Beef and the Carjal Melfek Ranchers Association: several thousand head of melfek (and advice for raising them) for an undisclosed amount of money.
The prime cuts of melfek are comparable--and sometimes superior--to prime cuts of beef, according to many expert taste-testers. President Duke Siegfried, ruler of Boodleburg, agrees with the experts.
Ok, relax. I'll add them. Any pictures for the website?
I could email you a pic for the Carjal Melfek Ranchers Association (or, in Carjan, the Etútô-evoup ûg Mélfek Sépjîst ûg Kárjâl)...or I could upload it to my site tomorrow. Either way, not immediately.
--Marad Pizman of the Carjan Republic
Please add Dataverse Electronics Corporation (DV) and Bandit The Worm Research Company (BTW).
I would like to place NBC armour as a stock(they stick with older equipment, that we allow to be sold privatly...basically, non-new stuff...and we consider our 200m artillery/Calico mortars armour in this case...They are in charge of all foreign "armour" sales, i need to post anything extra?
24-05-2003, 01:53
I would like to place NBC armour as a stock(they stick with older equipment, that we allow to be sold privatly...basically, non-new stuff...and we consider our 200m artillery/Calico mortars armour in this case...They are in charge of all foreign "armour" sales, i need to post anything extra?
Pictures would be cool, and a company profile is required. I'll post the pictures on my website.
You seem to have a company profile to an extent, but I'd make it more detailed.
No pictures, and unless you tell me what you want to know, i dont know what to tell you...
24-05-2003, 02:07
No pictures, and unless you tell me what you want to know, i dont know what to tell you...
Read Carjal's post, and look at the website for an idea of what to post. Its is up to you; there are no guidelines.
Maybe the post didn't make it clear, but Boodle Beef goes under Boodleburg, not Carjal. I was posting on his behalf.
It'll be easier for me to email the picture, but if you don't want to post your email here, telegram me with the email--or a message saying you'd prefer that I put the picture on a website.
--Marad Pizman
No pictures, and unless you tell me what you want to know, i dont know what to tell you...
Read Carjal's post, and look at the website for an idea of what to post. Its is up to you; there are no guidelines.
[OOC: [pathetic whining] Hey! My post gave more details! [/pathetic whining] ;) :lol:]
Eek! How did I miss this thread?
Konanian Federal Union Bank
GlobalSTAR Communications
GCOM: K!223.53
Telex Corporation
GCOM: K!323.53
Accelerated Aerospace Corporation
Aircraft/Spacecraft Manufacturing
AAC: K!126.23
International Broadcasting Network
Media, Broadcasting.
IBN: K!162.12
Testing...this should be the picture for the Carjal Melfek Ranchers Association.
--Marad Pizman
Edit: Misspelling...and picture is shown on this page:
Oh, that's just great. And there's no other way to get that picture to you via a website.
Hm...add the Alcardian Cyra. A single U.S. dollar is worth about .89 Alcardian Cyra.
Please add Foe Hammer weapons.
Description: Foe Hammer Weapons offers vehicles, tanks, aircraft and ships. FHW is the most successful company in Foe Hammer.
25-05-2003, 06:54
Hm...add the Alcardian Cyra. A single U.S. dollar is worth about .89 Alcardian Cyra.
Wrong thread. Look for Quippoth's thread. This is stocks. Quippoth handles currency.
i would like to my nation up and it's companies for the stock market. Thought we use RABBITS as a currency :lol:
I do not understand how you want people to tell you about the exchange rates of their currency, and what is the standard that we compare our currency to?
~~Rep. of Quixotic Land
Please add Foe Hammer weapons.
Description: Foe Hammer Weapons offers vehicles, tanks, aircraft and ships. FHW is the most successful company in Foe Hammer.
The Imperial Trade Conglomerate wishes to purchase a further 15% stake.
~ ITC 'Don't Be Frightened' Division
Floating World corporations
(Since the Floating World is a network of interconnected rafts that roams the world accompained by a fleet of naval vessels, the stress is on maritime industry.)
The largest corporation in Floating World, AmphX manufactures the amphibious car in all sizes from single-seater to SeaBus. It owns 25% of Amphibious Automobile Thracia. CEO: Solomon Nuku'alofa (second oligarch of Floating World). Total market capitalization: $1.5-trillion.
This corporation is responsible for mining minerals from the sea bed. Uranium mining is currently the leading mineral. Drillcorp also pioneered a technique that allows automobiles ot be powered by an extraction from sea water with the addition of certain types of vegetable oil (proprietary information). Drillcorp owns 24% of Amphibious Automobiles Thracia. Total market capitalization: $1.2-trillion.
Digital Book Co FW
DBC produces e-books, armaments and ammunition. Trading ties to Annoystan and Federatia. It also operates a special economic zone in Tanah Burung. CEO: Doris Motarilavoa (first oligarch of Floating World). Total market capitalization: $800-billion.
Dormouse Engineering Systems
An engineering firm specializing in the production of naval systems for battleships and civilian shipping. Total market capitalization: $200-billion.
Shares in all of these companies are available for immediate trading. Each company has 1-million shares, of which 499,999 are part of this initial public offering.
We wish to buy shares in Digital Defence Technologies (Pilot). It does not appear to be listed, can anyone inform?
The Deluge/Genentech Industrial Association, Inc.
One of the world's largest companies, Deluge/Genentech employs nearly 400 million employees and administrators. Deluge/Genentech's corporate headquarters are based almost 5,000 feet under the ocean in the Marianas Trench, in the massive Benthic City. Deluge/Genentech produces a wide variety of consumer goods, but its primary concern is with eco-friendly heavy industry and manoefacturing. Through an extensive and pervasive ad-campaign, Deluge/Genentech extolls the efficiency and sheer cool-ness of its modern, affordable, eco-friendly designs.
El Dorrado
25-05-2003, 23:34
Please add these companys.
El Dorrado MotorWorks. (EDM) Stock Price on EDSE $154.32 EDD
Appleyard Arms. (AYA) $56.09 EDD
Running Springs Food Market. (RSF) $18.27 EDD
This info is so you can make the stock price. The El Dorrado Dollar is worth .38 USD
Hm...apologies for the mistake. Anyway, add Condor Island Technologies (CIT) to the list of companies on the stock exchange. At last call it was trading at $35 per share after a week of straight gains. You go ahead and convert - I'm too lazy at the moment. :wink:
CIT - Specializes in research, development, production and distribution of the latest in technological gadetry and military weapons for the Alcardian government and its people. The main facility is located on the annexed Greater Condor Island, while small testing and production plants lie on the Lesser Condor Islands.
Please add Foe Hammer weapons.
Description: Foe Hammer Weapons offers vehicles, tanks, aircraft and ships. FHW is the most successful company in Foe Hammer.
Price: 139.57/share
26-05-2003, 16:34
Please add Esamopia's Cheese Exports Inc., which has recently done well (highest 5% according to UN reports.)
Price: $77.77
26-05-2003, 16:43
Emperor Gregor Vetinari has expressed an interest in buying a 10% stake of Xaosis! stock, as well as a 5% stake in Xao!Angband and Xao!Menelmacar. He would also like a 12% stake in KarmaCorp TechSystems.
26-05-2003, 16:43
Emperor Gregor Vetinari has expressed an interest in buying a 10% stake of Xaosis! stock, as well as a 5% stake in Xao!Angband and Xao!Menelmacar. He would also like a 12% stake in KarmaCorp TechSystems.
would you please be able to include my major company:
East-Europes Biologic Research Center [0.05 B$]
you can short it to (BRC)or (EBR)
price of a share: 150$
26-05-2003, 21:14
Okay, everyone who followed directions up to here is on the website. I'll add the stock prices in a moment.
Oh, yes, a new company just came up a few days ago:
Alcardian Conglomerate Concrete (ACC)
Specializes in creating organic concrete that lasts longer than a normal concrete block. Also, by using the varied organic elements as well as stones and fibers, ACC organic concrete maintains its color and resists chipping or breaking. On average, ACC organic concrete lasts ten to fifteen years longer than any other competing brand of concrete.
Factories: ACC Plant - Rochester Court, New Alcardia and ACC Division Base - Vethage un Kala, Alcardia
World Headquarters: Vethage un Kala, Alcardia
Please add Foe Hammer Weapons.
Description: Foe Hammer Weapons offers vehicles, tanks, aircraft and ships. FHW is the most successful company in Foe Hammer.
Price: 139.57/share
27-05-2003, 05:30
Oh, yes, a new company just came up a few days ago:
Alcardian Conglomerate Concrete (ACC)
Specializes in creating organic concrete that lasts longer than a normal concrete block. Also, by using the varied organic elements as well as stones and fibers, ACC organic concrete maintains its color and resists chipping or breaking. On average, ACC organic concrete lasts ten to fifteen years longer than any other competing brand of concrete.
Factories: ACC Plant - Rochester Court, New Alcardia and ACC Division Base - Vethage un Kala, Alcardia
World Headquarters: Vethage un Kala, Alcardia
Nailed. You know where to look.
The Emperor Kraah has ordained that the beverage of choice, Sakkra Slurpee, is now to be offered on the open market. As it is now fortified with 7 stimulants, we recommend that nations with lax drug laws buy shares with all haste.
Proceeds will be directed to various charities for non-human refugees fleeing oppressive countries, as well as some diverted to our space program.
We would like to offer the stock at an intro rate of 15 Tooth (16.5 USD) per share.
One Tooth is 1.10 USD.
OOC: Any adjustments that should be made?
can u just add Dobson Defense Systems (DDS) to ur list? They should be doing very good. Arinas tax rate is 9%, and the economy is Very Strong
please add again:
Majuro Motors Corporation
San Rafael Brewery Corporation
MI-7 News Network, Inc.
Mactan-2 Broadcasting Company
i updated my posts but since your last edit of may 5, i stopped doing updates since no one seems to care. anyways, if you put me on your website, just link this.. NS-MI Official Website ( I'll do the information about these companies to lessen your burden then i'll just telegram you of the direct links. 8)
would you please be able to include my major company:
East-Europes Biologic Research Center [0.05 B$]
you can short it to (BRC)or (EBR)
price of a share: 50$
the economy of LordSquallFreeRepublic is frightening practically since we were created : we have started a few years ago a new industry that is simply increasing its activities : The LordSquallFreeRepublic commercial SpaceShips Industry. (LSCSI).
OOC: Where are the latest stocks? I don't see them on the page, Innsvale.
Oh yeah, add Xaosis! :D
Xaosis is pleased to sell shares to Foe Hammer and Cetaganda. However, due to rapid purchase of our stock, we are currently dividing up our stocks in order to make room for investments.
In other announcements, Xao-Angband has just signed a multi-billion dollar graavship manufacturing contract with Melkor Unchained, and Xao-Menelmacar has recently signed on a semi-permanent science and research defense contract with the Menelmacari government.
Alcardia will now be selling IPO shares in its Concrete Conglomerate and Condor Island Technologies for 20 cyra per share (roughly $35).
The company named ZP International (Z) is now offering stock for sale to the general public. ZP is partily owned by the government of ZP(33% stake) and the citizens. Now though the company is ready to issue more shares to the international community. ZP owns several book publishers and internet service provides and websites. The company is the number one publisher and isp in the whole region of Pennsylvania and is quickly expanding. The offering price is $15.00 (USD). For more information send a telegram to the nation of ZP. Thanks
30-05-2003, 04:57
The KCTS board announced today that publicly traded KCTS stock would undergo a 3 to 1 split today. "KCTS has seen tremendous growth the past year, and in an effort to avoid stagnentation, we decided to split the stock, hopefully drawing some new investors," said CEO Zin Karma. Stay with TYLFN for further updates.
<<Link Disconnect>>
OOC: OK, for those that dont know, a 3:1 split means that the stock price goes down by a third, but the available stock goes up by a third. For every 3 stock one holds, they get one more. Ownership percentages remain the same.
Latest News:
Alcardian Concrete Conglomerate: Stocks fell several points after accusations that the concrete was made with human remains from the Bourke-2 Internment Camp.
Condor Island Technologies: Heavy gains as the governments of Eternal Flame and Unified Hands purchased 1% and 2% of the company, respectively. Stocks have underwent 2-1 split.
Do you want us to post stock updates as it fluxuates? or is this entire idea dead?
Selux Automotive SXA 75.80
Selux is on the rise because of Sitri outlawing automotive imports.
Mirate Arms Manufacturing MAM 180.72
Leading arms manufacture for the region Nessus.
Umbrella Gaming Corp. UGC 91.90
Leading gambling company. Sadly their stock has been droping on account of rising goverment taxes.
The SLAGLands
30-05-2003, 20:01
I'm still alive. I'll get your more stuffs soon.
Technocratic Republics
30-05-2003, 23:47
These are some of the most important corporations in the FTR. The values are currently in Zecmas, whichs conversion is something around 3.2 Z$ per 1 US$.
Zicodia Bioteks 416.64 Z$
Elanor & Bosh Nanostructures 320.6 Z$
Karrath Nanotechs 395 Z$
Ilikaroft NanoCarbonics 283.9 Z$
Biopolymer Research Labs
Dal-Fenathos Industrial Tools 478.6 Z$
Federal Datalinks (state owned) 367.3 Z$
Universal Transports 403.1 Z$
Arra Core Energetics 402.7 Z$
SubTerra Pressure Structures 314.9 Z$
Ilaroth Sea Developments 367.1 Z$
Gazza Sanitation Corp 399 Z$
General Hydrotechs 450.1 Z$
Federal Space Developers Group 290.9 Z$
TURATH, Friday - Imperial Energy today released it's H1 profit/income/expenditure figures today, and, considering the recent downturn in the EOTED market in general due to overconsumption of Rivette MI Corp shares - a problem the ITC is currently attempting to overcome - they came as something of a surprise.
Expenditure now sits at Rlh154,302,000 for H1 - slightly up on H1 last year; income (post tax) is slightly down in contrast, at Rlh291,101,444.
However, as the IE spokesman today stated:
"Imperial Energy has experienced a mild increase in it's investment assets this first Half-Year, and, as a result, has had a larger spending policy to cope with."
Assets now stand at a reported Rlh6.6billion: an increase of six hundred million Relhames. Profits sit at a comfortable Rlh136,799,444.
~ Excerpted from Imperial Financial News, INN Mesh
TEK, Friday - Imperial AI Systems today announced it's first H1 figures; profits stand at Rlh1.3million - however, analysts suggest that that profit margin will have swelled to the multi-billion Relhame range by the end of the year, due to the impending completion date of the Guardian contract late in the year. Spending rests at Rlh890,000, and income sits at a stable Rlh2,190,000 - slightly over Rlh2million.
~ Excerpted from Imperial Finance News, INN Mesh
NENYA, Friday - The Imperial Trade Conglomerate - actually based out of Turath, but with it's press headquarters in Nenya - today issued it's figures; profits soared in H1, due in part to massive success of Rivette MI Corporation's 'MI Rotor' inside the Empire. Income stands at Rlh7.3trillion; expenditure at Rlh600billion - both up on last years H2 figures, and the company average. Half-year profits were posted at Rlh6.7trillion.
Total assets have soared somewhat in the last six months, at least partly due to the 'Sarah' entity - who is, despite her 'free' status, a valuable Imperial Trade Conglomerate asset - to Rlh52.8trillion (approximate): a rise of no less than two trillion Relhames.
An ITC spokesman today stated;
"The Imperial Trade Conglomerate continues to go from strength to strength, proving the Emperor's wisdom; May He Live (And Reign!) Forever!"
~ Imperial Finance News, INN Mesh
31-05-2003, 05:50
Ok, Karma, I posted the new description and fixed the stock price. Sorry it took so long.
31-05-2003, 05:53
Ok, Karma. I posted the new description and fixed the stock price. Sorry it took so long.
(OOC: I'm gonna keep doing this until you add it...)
Please add Foe Hammer Weapons.
Description: Foe Hammer Weapons offers vehicles, tanks, aircraft and ships. FHW is the most successful company in Foe Hammer.
Price: 139.57/share
31-05-2003, 06:55
Imns, sorry to bother, but I think that you forgot to increase the volume.
Could you please add:
Nasian Charles: Largest Airsoft Manufacturer In Arina
NENYA, Wednesday - Today Rivette MI Corporation posted H1 profits of Rlh1.3trillion, far surpassing all expectations - this surge in profits is no doubt due to the Rotor MI Car, which has surpassed all sales expectations despite its current access to a market of close to two billion people. However, a Rivette spokesman today issued the cautionary statement, "Despite great performance so far this year, we expect full market saturation in the Empire within just a few months - which will lead to a massive drop in profits in H2."
Another factor, the spokesman told this journalist, is the recent signing of a Rlh500billion contract to design and build a new breed of military dropship capable of carrying one hundred people a piece.
Total income was not hugely higher than the profit margin posted, coming in at a record Rlh1.387trillion...
~ Imperial Finance Daily Mesh-sheet
NENYA, Saturday - Rivette MI Corp today announced that it is close to completing the recent (silent) contract given it to design and build an undisclosed military vehicle. Recently, rumours have been heard in quiet places* that Rivette may well be responsible for designing and building the new X# interceptor - or at least a 'first-generation' model of said.
More details when and if they are announced by Rivette.
~ Imperial Finance Daily Mesh-sheet
*an old Nenyan saying referring to unconfirmed rumours by dubious sources
The Emperor would be interested in purchasing 5% of shares in XAOSIS! & the Xao-Angband branch.
Additionaly, & perhaps more importantly, the Empire would be interested in purchasing 10% of shares in the recently opened Xao-Tirias, based in our own territories.
~Deimos Khan, KJV
The Xaosis! corporation is pleased to announce the opening of a new branch office in the nation of Rhaken Kull.
Xao-Tirias is expected to be fully operational upon concluding negotiations with the Emperor.
Foe Hammer is interested in the XAOSIS! Corperation and we would like 20,000,000 shares. $1,364,600,000 has been wired.
We would be honored to have a Xao-Foe Hammer branch, as well.
Foe Hammer is interested in the XAOSIS! Corperation and we would like 20,000,000 shares. $1,364,600,000 has been wired.
We would be honored to have a Xao-Foe Hammer branch, as well.
We are still waiting for a response on our previous offer of a 15% stake in FHW at a price of 1.5% above usual share price. What say you, Foe Hammer?
~ ITC 'Don't Be Frightened' Division
FHW is not up yet. As soon as Imnsvale adds it, 30% of 27,000,000 stocks will be available (We posses the other 70% to keep a firm grip on the company)
Liberated Asia
01-06-2003, 00:19
Foe Hammer says he doesn't want to put FHW p onto the stock market if you catch my drift.... Foe Hammer I got some issues to settle with you shortly after WW5 comes to an offical end.
FHW is not up yet. As soon as Imnsvale adds it, 30% of 27,000,000 stocks will be available (We posses the other 70% to keep a firm grip on the company)
[OOC: Someone isn't paying attention. Firstly, the 30% is no longer available, if that's the case: the ITC already bought it. You agreed to it, too, if I remember rightly. Now, respond, please. The query isn't through the stock market; it is a DIRECT enquiry as to a purchase of 15% of the shares of FHW by one of the largest corporations in the world (how many companies have a total asset value in the trillions range, do you think?). ;)]
FHW is not up yet. As soon as Imnsvale adds it, 30% of 27,000,000 stocks will be available (We posses the other 70% to keep a firm grip on the company)
[OOC: Someone isn't paying attention. Firstly, the 30% is no longer available, if that's the case: the ITC already bought it. You agreed to it, too, if I remember rightly. Now, respond, please. The query isn't through the stock market; it is a DIRECT enquiry as to a purchase of 15% of the shares of FHW by one of the largest corporations in the world (how many companies have a total asset value in the trillions range, do you think?). ;)]
I though ITC only bought 15%. He said he wanted 15%... I'll check on it. Oh well, as long as I have majority. I will sell you 15% of FHW Stock, Ma-tek.
Liberated Asia
01-06-2003, 02:31
I "think" you don't "want" to put FHW up on the market... if you catch my drift
Imns, sorry to bother, but I think that you forgot to increase the volume.
Nope, I did it. it used to be ~30 million. now its ~40 million.
01-06-2003, 02:59
I can post while not logged in? Hmmm.
I "think" you don't "want" to put FHW up on the market... if you catch my drift
Why don't I?
And Imns, could you please add my company?
01-06-2003, 21:07
Marovich Brewing (MBC)
Description: Marovich Brewing is Oglethorpia's leading supplier of beer in Oglethorpia. Perhaps it is best known for it's complete absence of Light products. 21 years old, Marovich Brewing prides itself on beer made in small batches from it's homegrown hops (on their own land) for a unique flavor.
Price: 44.1 Crellars (21 Pachinkos)
Kuruma Auto & Motorcycle (KA&M)
Description: Kuruma Auto and Motorcycle Co. has been producing quality cars, trucks and motorcycles for Oglethorians for 38 years now. The company prides itself on it's spacious, quality-made cars that still manage to sell to the middle-class citizens of Oglethorpia.
Price: 77.7 Crellars (37 Pachinkos)
Bjorn Bottling (BBC)
Description: Run by the well-known Bjorn family, Bjorn Bottling has been an industry leader in inventive new flavors. The company maintains a world-renowned team of flavor-engineers who continue to keep up the Bjorn legacy with new, tasty soda flavors.
Price: 10.5 Crellars (5 Pachinkos)
BTW: One Pachinko (our currency) is one USD, so 1 Pachinko = 2.10 Crellars.
I also think I was fair in share prices. I compared Marovich to the real Coors price, compared Kuruma to Honda and Bjorn to Jones.
Can you please add the Sokojiwan Medical Supplies Co. to the stock list. I started out with 0 in my funds but I have 310 Million now and I just started the company 30 minutes ago, the link is - that proves my amound. The abbreviation for the Sokojiwan Medical Supplies Co. is SMS Co. Thank you for considering this company.
Sokojiwa AKA Ken Chang
02-06-2003, 07:25
Also, I would like to add Lontorican Mercinaries Pty. ltd to it. there are 325,000,000 shares which I own all of them. The basic share price is 1,010 USD.
03-06-2003, 05:46
I'll get everybody who followed directions in about a week. Sorry for the delay, but I have summer school, or in IC words: "There is a bureaucratic backlog at the moment, please try later."
Condor Island Technologies (CIT) has posted another straight week of steep gains as the HM-3 "Really Friggin' Big Bomb" was tested earlier in the week. The tremors from the HM-3 testing, which knocked pictures off the Alcardian Market's walls, boosted CIT stock an estimated 10%.
03-06-2003, 15:44
Bjorn Bottling President Departs
The president of Bjorn Bottling, Scott Bjorn, has departed from the company to take up the helm of the new Oglethorpian Granny Slag's factory. "I couldn't turn down the chance," Bjorn was quoted.
The repurcussions on the stock are predicted to take it down from it's recent half dollar gain over the past month. The leading canidate as new president of Bjorn Bottling is Ed Clark, a close Financial Advisor of the company.
Scott Bjorn shall be missed by the company.
OOC: Bad for the Bjorn Bottling stock :shock: It's 10.5 crellars now, probably like 9.5 after the President's departure.
04-06-2003, 23:36
<<Open Link::Titan YutLink::Financial News>>
KCTS announced today that the recent 3:1 split of its stock has been successful in the aqcuisition of new investors all over the Titan and Earth markets. KCTS is also riding an upsurge of contracts as the 2nd Titan Combined Fleet completed construction, and orders were placed to keep the shipyards at capacity for the foreseeable future. In other news, KCTS is again responsible for opening a new market with its new Ode'd'n00b fragrance line and its companion product n00b-b-gone, available in spray, candle, and lotion formulas.
<<Link Disconnect>>
The Confederacy of Jarlsberg has a population of 18.000.000, a thriving economy, and almost no taxes. It has several corporations that wish to listed on your exchange. (Prices have been pre-converted from Jarlsberg Cheesitatos to USD for your convenience)
Civilian Defense Systems [CDS $30,19] - CDS was formerly known as Dead-Eye Derringer's Destruction Depot until several citizens groups boycotted the company. The company is medium sized with exactly 40.000.000 shares in circulation. This company sells weapons to the general public of Jarlsberg, it holds no government contracts, it produces products ranging from Kevlar vests, knives, and handguns to fall-out shelters, 20mm AA guns, and small tanks.
Corleone [COR $75,33] - Corleone is a family run international organization that is responsible to an elite few share holders. There are 50.470.000 shares and orders for fewer than 10.000 shares are not accepted. Corleone runs numerous Casinos, Bars, Italian Resteraunts, Escort Services, and Security Firms.
Jarlsberg Cheese Exporters [JCE $17.11] - Don't be fooled by the name, JCE exports more than just Jarlsberg cheese, it exports fine foods from Jarlsberg (meat products, olive oil, wine, cheese, chocolate, and nutmeg).
Jarlsberg's government has announced today its interest in the following contracts:
Granny Slag's Homestyle Confections - A 5 year contract to provide rations for Jarlberg's military. Telegram for details if interested.
Drill Corp. - A 1 year contract to supply Jarlsberg's Uranium needs. Telegram for details if interested.
Celack Arms - A 500.000.000 USD contract to work with Jarlsberg's Defense Department in the development of an ICU for its special forces. Telegram for details if interested.
------------------------More details as they develop-----------------------------
Rivette MI Corporation announces to the stock exchange the winning of a contract to develop/build a new breed of conventional defense aircraft for an as yet unnamed contractor.
More details to come.
~ Rivette MI Corp Spokeswoman
How often are these stocks updated? Seems like there has to be a stock price spike for Granny Slag's from the recent takeover bid....and maybe a fall for Agracultured given its failure. Trying to buy low and sell high, but hard to do if the prices never vary....
11-06-2003, 00:01
This is a listing of the current stock prices of various publicly held companies.
These will change day to day, without notice, so write these down, if you are keeping track.
All prices quoted in Crellars. See Quippoth about conversion. is for monetary exchange rates and equivalences. Thank you.
Very good value stocks are denoted in blue.
Stocks not recommended for general consumption are denoted in red.
Agracultured 52.17 (-) 22,175,184 Shares
AmphX 18.19 (-) 1,000,000 Shares
Boodle Beef 17.18 (-) 18,185,811 Shares
Carjal Melfek Ranchers Association 54.19 (+) 14,195,275 Shares
Celack Arms LTD(CAL) 42.82 (-) 5,692,150 Shares
Condor Island Technologies (CIT) 37.50 (+) 17,128,290 Shares
Digital Book Co FW 32.20 (+) 1,000,000 Shares
Dormouse Engineering Systems 25.29 (-) 1,000,000 Shares
Drillcorp 25.26 (-) 1,000,000 Shares
ELF (Just 'ELF', sorta like FOX) 65.41 (+) 14,364,577 Shares
FHG (Fëanor Holdings Group) 64.50 (-) 8,976,451 Shares
Garrison Arms 21.47 (+) 12,572,175 Shares
GassyGrannies Methane Exports 23.17 (-) 10,583,101 Shares
Granny Slag's Homestyle Confections 56.11 (+) 15,124,718 Shares
HamburgerBoy's Classic Home-Made Burgers 45.18 (+) 7,777,310 Shares
Imperial AI Systems 140.14 (+) 12,268.112 Shares
Imperial Energy (IE) 66.61 (+) 15,711,512 Shares
Imperial Relief and Medical Research Centre 1411.51 (+) 40,161,723 Shares
Imperial Space Networking Co-operative 561.15 (+) 29,123,141 Shares
Imperial Trade Conglomerate (ITC) 3712.16 (-) 51,815,836 Shares
INN (Imperial National Network), Ax-turath Division 1322.42 (+) 20,852,175 Shares
INN (Imperial National Network), Ma-Nenya Division 319.13 (-) 6,193,582 Shares
INN (Imperial National Network), Ma-tek Division 701.45 (+) 9,254,616 Shares
INN Tri-Divisionary Council 213.41 (-) 12,185,184 Shares
ISN (Imperial Satellite News) 27.32 (+) 8,154,574 Shares
Jane and Dan's Date Matches 69.71 (-) 17,672,276 Shares
KarmaCorp TechSystems (KCTS) 69.55 (-) 41,974,900 Shares
MBC (Menelmacari Broadcasting Corporation) 65.42 (+) 18,176,261 Shares
Rivette MI Corp 23.10 (+) 14,862,055 Shares
Sjis Kebab Piercings 91.12 (+) 12,142,626 Shares
The Deluge/Genentech Industrial Association, Inc. 43.18 (-) 18,195,936 Shares
Xao-Angband 62.34 (-) 26,275,276 Shares
Xao-Menelmacar 71.24 (+) 23,687,175 Shares
Xaosis! 68.23 (+) 27,291,278 Shares
OOC: Because nobody seemed to see my post, I'll post it here.
Ok, I was updating the stocks, and a thought struck me. Why am I updating all these deadweight companies that have no hope of being roleplayed? So, the exchange will be taken down, and purged.
But wait, there's more...
You must post again, if you want your company to be listed, but now there is a bonus. I will post your company profile and any pictures on my website. All you have to do is email me, or (preferably) post your pictures, to be posted on my website.
Sorry for the inconvenience. I know I'm sounding whiny, but updating 250 companies that serve no purpose is a bitch.
Thats the website for now. It lacks a lot, but that is the basics for now.
could you add our currency, the Eurocartel ( of cartel corporate)
thank you (Bill gates, ministre de léconomie de debaermanie)
I would like it if the urkdin currency known as the vinnie could be added to the list
Here is a list of companies in the free market:
Stevas Book Publishing Wherehouse
Telecom of Tommorrow
Quincie Wholesale Book stores
Davin telecoms
The Rare wood Basket Corp.
i wish to add my Currency.
my Currency is the Gian
my Company's
X-labs 50 Gian per Stock
Resistiance Factory's 100 Gian per Stock
and the SWC (Secret Wepons Center)100 Gian per Stock
Kiko's Book Publishing Center 45 Gian per stock
Mikes Cheese Factory 55 Gian per Stock
Liberated Asia
13-06-2003, 15:32
I'm making a purchase.
Condor Island Technologies
Amount of Sotck being purchase: 8769590
If prices currently in USD: $327,578,546.25 USD (slightly more then listed)
If prices currently in Crellar: $687,914,947.13 USD (slightly more then listed)
Rivette MI Corporation reports that Project X# is nearing completion. Furthermore, we announce - with pride - the beginning of Project Thunder, Rivette MI Corp's first foreign military aerospace contract.
Details will be released once declassified.
~ Rivette MI Corp spokeswoman
* * *
Imperial AI Systems announces that it has won the sub-contract to develop the HUD system for Rivette's 'Project Thunder'.
~ Imperial AI Systems spokesman
East-Europe has 2 promissing new companies:
- East-Europes Biotech center 50.000.000 $
price per stock: 75$
-East-Europes Mining corporation 30.000.000 $
price per stock: 50$
14-06-2003, 10:29
The Ellan government has decided it is time to privatise part of the country's assets. The government will float 20% of ESA Aerospace in one of the largest IPOs ever.
ESA Aerospace statement of financial position
Auckland Industrial Park - $60bn
Ports of Wellington - $20bn
Shares in ESA Hypersonics (100%) - $15bn
Stock - $5bn
Offices, Property and distributor network -$10bn
Cash - $30bn
Monopoly rights - $40bn
ESAA Centre (based in Gratica) - $20bn
Shares in Starwing Enterprise (33.3%) - $10bn
Total Assets: $210bn
Loan at 5% p/a from KiwiBank -$40bn
Total Liabilities: $40bn
Networth (Shareholder's funds): $170bn
ESA Aerospace statement of Financial Perfomance
Revenue: $253bn
Costs: $213bn
Profit: $40bn
Dividend rate: 10%
500 million shares will be issued at $68 per share. First in first served. No oversubscribtion permitted.
Can i be in this socalled stock exange?
I have one big company in my nation that sells hi-tech weapons for good price.
If you could make it in your stocklist id be gratefull.
The name of the company is TerranColony Weapon And Armour Company.
I sell for about 4-500 milion on two or three days.
Gratfully CEO Granks of the TCWAC. (TerranColony Weapon And Armour Company)
15-06-2003, 11:55
The three corporations that more or less run Iansisle:
The Iansislean International Telegraph Corporation (IanCorp, Int.)
Initial Public Offering: 39,000,000 shares
Share Price (in Crellars): 67.33
Abbreviation: ICI
CEO: Jacob Kingston
The first company that could truly claim to be 'international' in the Commonwealth, IanCorp, Int. has quickly gained position as one of the largest telecommunication corporations in the world. Exersizing a complete monopoly over inter-Commonwealth communication, IanCorp can effectively neutralize any company or person it sees fit. Also in control of all major news outlets in the Commonwealth, IanCorp can sway public opinion vastly to one side or another, making it by far the most powerful single entity in the Commonwealth. The corporate HQ is located in the International Tower in Ianapalis, Iansisle.
The Royal Mining and Manufacturing Consortium
Initial Public Offering: 51,000,000 shares
Share Price (in Crellars): 33.21
Abbreviation: RMM
CEO: Sir Penton Dubois
Royal Mining and Manufacturing ranks among the largest metal producers in the world, and certainly among those who are privatly owned. RM&M maintains its high status by controling every aspect of steel production, from the mining of coal and iron ore, to the transportation of raw materials, to processing in the steel mills of Ianapalis, to the shipping of finished products. RM&M also owns the largest railroad company in Iansisle, RM&M TerraFreight, and the largest shipping firm, Rm&M AquaFreight. RM&M is currently looking to expand internationally, but recent setbacks have driven the stock price down. Corporate HQ is located in downtown Ianapalis.
The United Banking Concerns of Lakeriverwood
Initial Public Offering: 28,000,000 shares
Share Price (in Crellars): 42.99
Abbreviation: UBC
CEO: Jefferson Haldwell
The United Banking Concerns of Lakeriverwood is the only of the "Big Three" not located in the capitol city. UBC has realized major profits since the seven major banks of Lakeriverwood merged together to form the UBC. They provided the capital that allowed RM&M to open its first iron ore mine, and the money that allowed IanCorp, Int. its first telegraph exchange. Although the other two of the "Big Three" have grown independent of the UBC, it maintains a major presence in government because of its ability to influence foreign policy through investment in other nations. However, UBC has grown distrustful of the Commonwealth government after they lost nearly 20 million generals in a defaulted loan a year ago. The UBC has carefully started to assemble a militia of its own to ensure that debts are paid, asking access to advanced military technology in return for loans given to Commonwealth defense contractors. UBC stock is currently on an uptick following the a major repayment with substantial interest.
NENYA, Sunday - ITC today announced 'new measures' to ensure continued economic growth inside the Empire. So far, the ITC has been hugely succesful in keeping to it's mandate; however, it now believes that in order to support the EOTED economy, it requires ownership of a greater number of shares. It is therefore increasing it's stake in all owned companies inside the Empire by 2%, from 51% to 53%.
~ Excerpted from INN Financial Mesh-site
Advanced Aerospace Corperation Unveils Military Fighter, Stocks Raise
SOLARIS, Sunday: The Advanced Aerospace Corperation, the supplier of most Konanian civilian and military aircraft and spacecraft, has today unveiled it's latest in it's 200 series: the F-X203 ( It's exact specifications are unknown, but it is designed for to be fast and manuverable, and is for multipurpose use in both Starfleet-Armada and the Rapid Response Force. This has answered many questions about the Konanian Starfleet-Armada, including which fighter would be used on the Freedom ( space station, currently under construction in earth orbit.
-- International Press
17-06-2003, 00:32
A Moving-Picture House in Ianapalis, Iansisle:
The mustachioed villan rubbed his hands together, cackling with pleasure at the sight of his nemesis bound to a chair.
"Ha, at long last I have captured the elusive Captain Diamond! Quake in your boots, do-gooder, for soon I, Professor Destruction, shall have dominion of the world!" Someone in the crowd hissed.
"You shan't have as much while still I draw breath, you charlatan!" exclaimed Captain Diamond, struggling valiantly against the chains holding him. The crowd cheered him on, but the screen went blank.
"Don't forget to miss the next thrilling episode of "Captain Diamond: Man of Right" next week before our feature!" came the studio announcer's voice, "Now, enjoy the latest news-reel before our current feature, Seven to Gadsan, starring the famous Kirk Valonn!" A brief countdown appeared, the resolving into the smiling face of a Iansislean soldier as he hugged his girlfriend. A deep voice narrated the action:
"Many sweethearts across Iansisle were weeping with relief today when the government ordered all units activated for the Macabeen conflict to stand down without engaging the enemy. The conflict, which came out of a trade dispute between the Macabeen government and Royal Mining and Manufacturing has been resolved peacefully, much to the credit of RM&M. Their stock is expected to recover slightly with the news of peace." The screen changed to a gigantic battleship sliding into the water.
"In other news, the battleship HIMS King James I, second of three being built by the Commonwealth, reached completion today..."
[b]Hermes Spacelines Joins Open Market[b]
By Mike Savoi, SNN web reporter
In an unexpected move, Wazzu startup company Hermes Spacelines opened up for international trading today. This is a major decision for the corporation as doing so will forbid it from sitting on the Executive board, the ruling circle of Wazzu. Other Wazzu corporations like TransCorp, Oren Moore, and Elegant Solutions are prohibited from selling stock internationally as it is too closely tied with Wazzu's political system.
Hermes Spacelines was developed from a concept years ago by wealthy venture capitalists who saw a nitch in the interplanetary trade market. It seemed everyone else used either inefficient fusion engines or expensive if fast gravitic drives. With advanced accelerated ion drives, it was realized TransCorp could easy make cargo and passenger ships that could move between Earth and Titan in less then 2 weeks yet still be less expensive to build and operate.
Working out of the Derkesthai complex in the ISAF Lunar Region and the International Space Station, Hermes Spacelines already has 4 large cargo ships, 11 fast clippers, 1 generation ship, and multiple shuttles and Earth/Lunar cargo transports. The ships are already moving through trade deals established on Titan and Earth, looks to be included in a martian trade treaty soon, and hopes eventually to control the low-cost trade market nitch between Venus and Titan.
OOC: What this means is:
-Hermes Spacelines is the ONLY major Wazzu company to open shares internationally. Other Wazzu companies can't because each share is a vote in Wazzu's political system.
-Hermes Spacelines is the ONLY company that can purchase TransCorp fast clippers and cargo ships (though anyone can by other TransCorp products)...which are capible of 1g constant acceleration (Earth to Titan in less then 14 days, roughly half accelerating half decelerating), cost very little to make, and cost much less then a typical ship to make.
-Wazzu does not invest in space fleets (other then a few orbital fighters) that extra investment goes to its companies. That gives Hermes Spacelines a "leg up" on the competetion (not to mention TransCorp's unique low-cost technology).
NOTE: It is NOT godmoding to say that these spacecraft really are cheaper then others. Why? Because while others have spent money and time developing weapons and space fleets, Wazzu has spent money and time developing low-cost, reliable space drives. That is its technology. Instead of force fields or gravitic drives or FTL, it has low-cost drives. And that is the nature of the "threat" of Hermes Spacelines to other trading companies. Hermes Spacelines can do it for less, and still in a reasonable time.
ADD IT to the exchange rate district.
OOC - could u add Rupee's to your market, u can assign a random value to them, im not worried about current exchange rates, but it would be nice too have an exchange rate once i get thios established, thanks...
20-06-2003, 00:45
ESAA has cancelled development of it's nuclear aircraft engine. It's stock price is expected to fall as it writes off $3bn.
20-06-2003, 00:45
ESAA has cancelled development of it's nuclear aircraft engine. It's stock price is expected to fall as it writes off $3bn.
OOC - Please include my currency the Xeuro. You can assign a random value to my currency. :D
Rivette MI Corporation announces to the market that it has an application to 'go global' with the MI core pending with the ITC.
~ Rivette MI Corporation spokesman
Now, i have been told that i can have my money counted. I wish to this and also buy weapons. Where does this happen and how cos what is an armed nation without weapons! :evil:
We wish to join the market.
We offer mainly vodka: 26 a share.
But we also include products such as,
Tolyi Drugs: 74 a share.
Pfaxor Medical: 32 a share.
Fusion Miner Company: 112 a share.
Memorias Biomechanical: 58 a share.
(All prices are in Rubles = .03 USD)
Sun, Jun 22
Stolichnaya Vodka: down 3.
Tolyi Drugs:Up 4.
Pfaxor Medical: Down 12.
Fusion Miner Company: Up 1.
Memorias Biomechanical: Up 7.
Mon, Jun 23
Stolichnaya vodka: up 2.
Tolyi Drugs:down 1.
Pfaxor Medical: Down 9.
Fusion Miner Company: Up 4.
Memorias Biomechanical: down 3.
Tue, Jun 24
Stolichnaya vodka: up 14.
Tolyi Drugs: down 3.
Pfaxor medical:down 5.
Fusion Miner Company:down 3.
Memorias Biomechanical: up 27.
Wed, Jun 25
Stolichnay Vodak:down 3.
Tolyi Drugs:up 7.
Pfaxor Medical:down 2.
Fusion Miner Company:up 17.
Memorias Biomechanical: down 4.
Please add Sparkly Rock Diamond Exports
Sparkly Rock is a mining industry based off of one of Foe Hammer's planets. The company mines Diamonds and occasionally Platinum or Iron Ore (Makes steel).
Income/Year - $227,500,000,000,000
Average Stock Price - $1293.03
AMP wishes to purchase a small banking company worth up to $7bn, and with good earnings.
i want to be first on a new page
[OOC: You people don't pay attention, do you. If you want your companies added, you have to give more information. See for examples of the amount of info required. Also, you have to be prepared to actually RP your companies. Not just say 'I have them' and then never RP anything about them. :roll: ]
23-06-2003, 06:12
I would like to put one of my nation's companies up on the exchange. If you need any more information, just ask. This will probably be the first of a few companies which I'll put up.
Melrenen Automotive Corporation (abbrieviated MAC)
The Melrenen Automotive Corporation is the largest company of its kind in a nation whose primary industry is automotives, transportation, and manufacturing. The company is responsible for almost 50% of total automotive related products in the Nikean market, and is making strong headway internationally. The company is responsible for the majority of automotive parts and automobiles in Nikea, and many other automotive companies use Melrenen parts in their automobiles. The new design, the Melrenen Hikarenner, has set the bar for technological automotive excellence both in Nikea, and abroad. The CEO of the company is Ikarel Melrenen.
Shares available: 25,000,000
Price per share (in crellars): 64.22
please add my currency to be the dt...make it's value to how you see fit
Major Companies I can come up with (generally based off things I’ve need to use or trade) in descending order from better to worse off.
Iuthia Regional News (IRN) – Media
Skylights Information Technologies (SIT) – Information Technology
Uranicom (URC) – Mining/Refining
Hauji Munitions Co [HMC] – Arms
Harbar [HBA] – Condiments/Dairy Produce
IRN = Recently broadcast news from an embedded reporter whose convey was attacked, rating have been on the rise and IRN is considered to be the top news channel in the nation. Well known for it’s patriotic view of the nation, the only criticism it seems to get is on the concentration on the Iuthian Military.
SIT = Skylights has enjoyed recent boosts in the IT industry with the “Scaffolding” project taking place in space. They seem to have one of the most valuable contracts with the project and have seen a great increase in interest as a result. The only complaint seems to be the dependency on the projects success.
URC = Uranicom seems to specialise in the dealing with Uranium among other mining materials. Recently they have managed gain a respectable profit even though the Nuclear weapons contract with the government ended 5 years ago. They seem to be making up for it through nuclear power plants and the occasional sub, the rest is unfortunately confidential, though watchdogs do claim that nothing illegitimate has been done.
HMC = The munitions industry has taken a hard fall over the past 20 years as the wide spread introduction of Gauss Weapons has taken away the need for conventional munitions. They have made some of their losses back this year by changing their production line, but other more ambitious smaller companies have capitalised on HMC’s mistake, cutting into the large companies profit.
HBA = Harbar has seen a bad slump as of late with the condiment trade, people are becoming more inventive in the kitchen thanks to the growing interests in other nations of Urbanites. Their best product, as cheese sauce for complementing Iuthian Kitten, has remained their best product, about the only one not falling in demand.
Iuthian Currancy is the Iuthian Credit (boorring)
Hello - can you add the Anomalous currency the Laum to your list...trying to establish ourselves a bit...thanks
add the Sergenian Sergeon, please, still in its groeth process but we've a strong economy.
thank you.
You could add my currency to the stock exchange.
Well I have some companies actions too.
-Coffee &TV Restaurants
-Milky Technology
-Blur Bureautics
-Fags and Failures Furnitures...
25-06-2003, 05:37
Too bad Imnsvale is so busy.
26-06-2003, 17:46
Too bad Imnsvale is so busy.
Well, not anymore. As of yesterday, I should have lots of free time for a few weeks.
What do you want me to do? Stop adding companies? Update the exchange with new, random prices? I am at your mercy, to an extent. ;)
I hope Max Barry, or whoever is in charge of NS2 noticed this thread at least once. A computer-run stock exchange would be far better than this, and more realistic. You could place hostile takeovers, the market would actually run by buying and selling stock, no need to simulate it. That would be pretty nifty. :D
26-06-2003, 19:12
Marovich Brewing (MBC)
Description: Marovich Brewing is Oglethorpia's leading supplier of beer in Oglethorpia. Perhaps it is best known for it's complete absence of Light products. 21 years old, Marovich Brewing prides itself on beer made in small batches from it's homegrown hops (on their own land) for a unique flavor.
Price: 44.1 Crellars (21 Pachinkos)
Kuruma Auto & Motorcycle (KA&M)
Description: Kuruma Auto and Motorcycle Co. has been producing quality cars, trucks and motorcycles for Oglethorians for 38 years now. The company prides itself on it's spacious, quality-made cars that still manage to sell to the middle-class citizens of Oglethorpia.
Price: 77.7 Crellars (37 Pachinkos)
Bjorn Bottling (BBC)
Description: Run by the well-known Bjorn family, Bjorn Bottling has been an industry leader in inventive new flavors. The company maintains a world-renowned team of flavor-engineers who continue to keep up the Bjorn legacy with new, tasty soda flavors.
Price: 10.5 Crellars (5 Pachinkos)
BTW: One Pachinko (our currency) is one USD, so 1 Pachinko = 2.10 Crellars.
I also think I was fair in share prices. I compared Marovich to the real Coors price, compared Kuruma to Honda and Bjorn to Jones.
At this point I have several other Oglethorpian companies whose values I still have to determine.
26-06-2003, 19:21
Marovich Brewing (MBC)
Description: Marovich Brewing is Oglethorpia's leading supplier of beer in Oglethorpia. Perhaps it is best known for it's complete absence of Light products. 21 years old, Marovich Brewing prides itself on beer made in small batches from it's homegrown hops (on their own land) for a unique flavor.
Price: 44.1 Crellars (21 Pachinkos)
Kuruma Auto & Motorcycle (KA&M)
Description: Kuruma Auto and Motorcycle Co. has been producing quality cars, trucks and motorcycles for Oglethorians for 38 years now. The company prides itself on it's spacious, quality-made cars that still manage to sell to the middle-class citizens of Oglethorpia.
Price: 77.7 Crellars (37 Pachinkos)
Bjorn Bottling (BBC)
Description: Run by the well-known Bjorn family, Bjorn Bottling has been an industry leader in inventive new flavors. The company maintains a world-renowned team of flavor-engineers who continue to keep up the Bjorn legacy with new, tasty soda flavors.
Price: 10.5 Crellars (5 Pachinkos)
BTW: One Pachinko (our currency) is one USD, so 1 Pachinko = 2.10 Crellars.
I also think I was fair in share prices. I compared Marovich to the real Coors price, compared Kuruma to Honda and Bjorn to Jones.
At this point I have several other Oglethorpian companies whose values I still have to determine.
Forlorn Hope's premier military electronics provider is Hardwire, a multinational corporation based in Revalen City. Hardwire manufactures high-tech military components (especially lasers and targeting computers), and Hardwire's Warder Division also produces state-of-the-art sensors and high-quality electronics for the civilian market. Contracts with the Revalen military and EOE account for 63% of Hardwire's income.
Hardwire's R&D Department is called Kobold, a separate (privately-held) entity with which Hardwire has an exclusive contract. Hardwire's CEO is also the founder and CEO of Kobold.
Hardwire is listed on the Zurich Stock Exchange, and is a publicly traded company. Current shareholders include:
Revalen High Council of Syndics- 26% of available shares
EOE (Evil Overlord Enterprises)- 15%
Barras bar Jiosek (Hardwire President and CEO)- 25%
27-06-2003, 02:35
Forlorn Hope's premier military electronics provider is Hardwire, a multinational corporation based in Revalen City. Hardwire manufactures high-tech military components (especially lasers and targeting computers), and Hardwire's Warder Division also produces state-of-the-art sensors and high-quality electronics for the civilian market. Contracts with the Revalen military and EOE account for 63% of Hardwire's income.
Hardwire's R&D Department is called Kobold, a separate (privately-held) entity with which Hardwire has an exclusive contract. Hardwire's CEO is also the founder and CEO of Kobold.
Hardwire is listed on the Zurich Stock Exchange, and is a publicly traded company. Current shareholders include:
Revalen High Council of Syndics- 26% of available shares
EOE (Evil Overlord Enterprises)- 15%
Barras bar Jiosek (Hardwire President and CEO)- 25%
No offense, but with three posts since your founding date several months ago, I find it hard to believe these companies will be RP'ed.
No offense, but with three posts since your founding date several months ago, I find it hard to believe these companies will be RP'ed.
No offense taken. My friends and I in Forlorn Hope (with the exception of This Oughta Do) have been roleplaying via MSN Messenger for a couple of months. Since The Evil Overlord has started roleplaying over here, I decided to jump in as well.
Let me finish collating some of the stuff we've been doing via Messenger and post it here. I'll be in touch.
Vrin Dirhan an Sel
Syndic for Foreign Relations
27-06-2003, 03:09
No offense, but with three posts since your founding date several months ago, I find it hard to believe these companies will be RP'ed.
No offense taken. My friends and I in Forlorn Hope (with the exception of This Oughta Do) have been roleplaying via MSN Messenger for a couple of months. Since The Evil Overlord has started roleplaying over here, I decided to jump in as well.
Let me finish collating some of the stuff we've been doing via Messenger and post it here. I'll be in touch.
Vrin Dirhan an Sel
Syndic for Foreign Relations
Okay, cool. No problemo.
28-06-2003, 01:52
has ESAA been added?
28-06-2003, 01:57
I don't think so. I apologize, I must've lost it somewhere along the way. Would it be a terrible bother to give it to me again?
28-06-2003, 04:53
I would like to put one of my nation's companies up on the exchange. If you need any more information, just ask. This will probably be the first of a few companies which I'll put up.
Melrenen Automotive Corporation (abbrieviated MAC)
The Melrenen Automotive Corporation is the largest company of its kind in a nation whose primary industry is automotives, transportation, and manufacturing. The company is responsible for almost 50% of total automotive related products in the Nikean market, and is making strong headway internationally. The company is responsible for the majority of automotive parts and automobiles in Nikea, and many other automotive companies use Melrenen parts in their automobiles. The new design, the Melrenen Hikarenner, has set the bar for technological automotive excellence both in Nikea, and abroad. The CEO of the company is Ikarel Melrenen.
Shares available: 25,000,000
Price per share (in crellars): 64.22
Just wanted to put this up again, in case it was missed. I will have sufficient reason to RP it if it has some involvement in the global economy, and if all goes well, I'll add another company or two.
28-06-2003, 04:57
Thank you. Added.
Learn from Nikea's example. Perfect form of presentation. :)
28-06-2003, 05:03
The three corporations that more or less run Iansisle:
The Iansislean International Telegraph Corporation (IanCorp, Int.)
Initial Public Offering: 39,000,000 shares
Share Price (in Crellars): 67.33
Abbreviation: ICI
CEO: Jacob Kingston
The first company that could truly claim to be 'international' in the Commonwealth, IanCorp, Int. has quickly gained position as one of the largest telecommunication corporations in the world. Exersizing a complete monopoly over inter-Commonwealth communication, IanCorp can effectively neutralize any company or person it sees fit. Also in control of all major news outlets in the Commonwealth, IanCorp can sway public opinion vastly to one side or another, making it by far the most powerful single entity in the Commonwealth. The corporate HQ is located in the International Tower in Ianapalis, Iansisle.
The Royal Mining and Manufacturing Consortium
Initial Public Offering: 51,000,000 shares
Share Price (in Crellars): 33.21
Abbreviation: RMM
CEO: Sir Penton Dubois
Royal Mining and Manufacturing ranks among the largest metal producers in the world, and certainly among those who are privatly owned. RM&M maintains its high status by controling every aspect of steel production, from the mining of coal and iron ore, to the transportation of raw materials, to processing in the steel mills of Ianapalis, to the shipping of finished products. RM&M also owns the largest railroad company in Iansisle, RM&M TerraFreight, and the largest shipping firm, Rm&M AquaFreight. RM&M is currently looking to expand internationally, but recent setbacks have driven the stock price down. Corporate HQ is located in downtown Ianapalis.
The United Banking Concerns of Lakeriverwood
Initial Public Offering: 28,000,000 shares
Share Price (in Crellars): 42.99
Abbreviation: UBC
CEO: Jefferson Haldwell
The United Banking Concerns of Lakeriverwood is the only of the "Big Three" not located in the capitol city. UBC has realized major profits since the seven major banks of Lakeriverwood merged together to form the UBC. They provided the capital that allowed RM&M to open its first iron ore mine, and the money that allowed IanCorp, Int. its first telegraph exchange. Although the other two of the "Big Three" have grown independent of the UBC, it maintains a major presence in government because of its ability to influence foreign policy through investment in other nations. However, UBC has grown distrustful of the Commonwealth government after they lost nearly 20 million generals in a defaulted loan a year ago. The UBC has carefully started to assemble a militia of its own to ensure that debts are paid, asking access to advanced military technology in return for loans given to Commonwealth defense contractors. UBC stock is currently on an uptick following the a major repayment with substantial interest.
28-06-2003, 05:13
Added. By the way, is anyone still looking at the website? 'Cause if not, it'd be nice not to have to use it. I can still add it if you wish.
28-06-2003, 05:58
I checked the site out a couple times, but honestly, it doesn't really serve a purpose right now. If the stock market idea (which is an excellent idea) changes a bit that nation leaders buy/sell shares in different companies, then the descriptions of the companies will probably be of better use.
28-06-2003, 06:08
I checked the site out a couple times, but honestly, it doesn't really serve a purpose right now. If the stock market idea (which is an excellent idea) changes a bit that nation leaders buy/sell shares in different companies, then the descriptions of the companies will probably be of better use.
I'll leave it up, but I won't make any additions. I really hope this idea gets incorporated into NS2. I'd pay for that alone.
28-06-2003, 17:36
Exerted from the Ianapalis Tribune's Business Roundup: international demand for steel grew and two new competitors emerged, orders from Royal Mining and Manufacturing ran short. Due to its entrenchment in the Commonwealth, Royal is in no major trouble, but its stock price did slip dramatically...
...the U.B.C. would be well informed to invest in themselves. Following the placing of several extremely large sums of money in domestic accounts, and the picking up of several hundred bonds floated by various levels of the complex Commonwealth government, the bankers from Lakeriverwood saw their stock jump...
...IanCorp, Int. gained slightly today in light trading. Larger gains are expected as election season draws near...
28-06-2003, 17:42
Update du jour.
I updated the three affected companies, and a few others that people are likely to pay attention to.
NENYA, Friday - Rivette MI Corporation announces to the Market that it has successfully completed its first test flight of the aircraft currently classified under 'Project Thunder'.
~ Rivette MI Corp Spokesman
29-06-2003, 00:55
29-06-2003, 11:21
OOC: ESA Aerospace added?
Today, ESA Aerospace confirmed rumours that it was working on a hi tech interceptor. ESAA says all tests so far have been successful, and that currently work is going ahead of schedule and below the budget. ESAA's stock is exected to rise.
"Christi-Murray" Designer clothes.
Existing share value = 826.25
Shares available = 4,855,000
30-06-2003, 23:25
Same thing as the previous poster with three posts.
No offense, but with three posts since your founding date several months ago, I find it hard to believe these companies will be RP'ed.
30-06-2003, 23:25
OOC: ESA Aerospace added?
Today, ESA Aerospace confirmed rumours that it was working on a hi tech interceptor. ESAA says all tests so far have been successful, and that currently work is going ahead of schedule and below the budget. ESAA's stock is exected to rise.
I added it to the spreadsheet, but I don't know the value of it.
01-07-2003, 05:37
(OOC: Not quite sure where to post RP posts for companies, Imnsvale, so I'll put it here. If it is needed to be posted elsewhere please tell me).
PRESS RELEASE (English language version)
The Melrenen Automotive Corporation, which has brought the world such quality designs as the Hikarinnentel and the Sentinel, announces the release of its new design, the Misti (Nikean for moon).
2 years in the making, the Misti is the latest affordable luxury automobile designed by MAC. It is designed to provide the maximum driving enjoyment for both the driver and its passengers.
Standard Features:
Front independent suspension
Rear indepentent Mastimo(R) suspension
Power steering
Stainless-steel exhaust system
Mutli-port Fuel Injection
Anti-theft engine immobilizer
A/C, power windows/locks
Automatic headlights (can be manually controlled)
Height-adjustable steering column
Tubular steel side-guard door beams
Impact-protected fuel tank
As well as the high standards for safety promoted by MAC, including top-of-the-line seatbelts, airbag systems, anti-theft procedures, and child safety standards.
There are also many options, such as transmission and engine.
Transmission options: 5-speed manual or 4-speed automatic
Engine options:
2.4L 16-valve in-line M-14724 engine
Horsepower: 147 (manual trans.), 142 (automatic trans.) at a standard testing setting of 5500 rpm.
Torque: 158 lb-ft at a standard testing setting of 4000 rpm
3.0L 24-valve in-line M-20030 engine
Horsepower: 200 at a standard testing setting of 5500 rpm
Torque: 205 lb-ft at a standard testing setting of 4000 rpm
As for sound, the Misti has top of the line stereo systems and speakers, from the Mestori Corporation, Nikea's premier audio/visual company.
Fuel use is as follows:
11.2L/100km city, 8.4L/100km highway
11.8L/100km city, 8.7L/100km highway
Fuel tank capacity is 68 Litres.
The Misti is expected to sell at a price of $12,750 Mithrim (approx. $25,500 USD) for the standard options package.
Jacaren Mastiethel, President of Melrenen Automotive Corp.
01-07-2003, 05:41
(OOC: Not quite sure where to post RP posts for companies, Imnsvale, so I'll put it here. If it is needed to be posted elsewhere please tell me).
PRESS RELEASE (English language version)
The Melrenen Automotive Corporation, which has brought the world such quality designs as the Hikarinnentel and the Sentinel, announces the release of its new design, the Misti (Nikean for moon).
2 years in the making, the Misti is the latest affordable luxury automobile designed by MAC. It is designed to provide the maximum driving enjoyment for both the driver and its passengers.
Standard Features:
Front independent suspension
Rear indepentent Mastimo(R) suspension
Power steering
Stainless-steel exhaust system
Mutli-port Fuel Injection
Anti-theft engine immobilizer
A/C, power windows/locks
Automatic headlights (can be manually controlled)
Height-adjustable steering column
Tubular steel side-guard door beams
Impact-protected fuel tank
As well as the high standards for safety promoted by MAC, including top-of-the-line seatbelts, airbag systems, anti-theft procedures, and child safety standards.
There are also many options, such as transmission and engine.
Transmission options: 5-speed manual or 4-speed automatic
Engine options:
2.4L 16-valve in-line M-14724 engine
Horsepower: 147 (manual trans.), 142 (automatic trans.) at a standard testing setting of 5500 rpm.
Torque: 158 lb-ft at a standard testing setting of 4000 rpm
3.0L 24-valve in-line M-20030 engine
Horsepower: 200 at a standard testing setting of 5500 rpm
Torque: 205 lb-ft at a standard testing setting of 4000 rpm
As for sound, the Misti has top of the line stereo systems and speakers, from the Mestori Corporation, Nikea's premier audio/visual company.
Fuel use is as follows:
11.2L/100km city, 8.4L/100km highway
11.8L/100km city, 8.7L/100km highway
Fuel tank capacity is 68 Litres.
The Misti is expected to sell at a price of $12,750 Mithrim (approx. $25,500 USD) for the standard options package.
Jacaren Mastiethel, President of Melrenen Automotive Corp.
OOC: Nope, this is the right place.
01-07-2003, 05:58
(OOC: Perfect. I'll let you decide how well the Misti does in the international markets.
I'll periodically post RPs from this company, both good and bad.)
01-07-2003, 05:59
Cool. Thats the idea behind this thing.
01-07-2003, 06:07
Kuruma Auto Introduces CTR 3
Kuruma Auto has introduced the CTR 3 sports car, a vehicle using the liscened Porsche CTR bodystyle but with a 535 hp powerplant and a top speed capping off at around 220 mph. Distribution across Oglethorpia is expected to be complete soon where it will hit the market at a price of 320,000 P(achinkos, 1 P = 1 USD)
02-07-2003, 02:15
My company name is
B4kst4br Inc.
to find out more, go to I keep my profits posted.
AmphX Corp news release
CEO Solomon Nuku'alofa announced a special dividend to shareholders today. Buoyed by profits from sales of the amphibious car and amphibious autobus, AmphX stock has been rising fast.
Nuku'alofa also announced that a new line of amphibious autos would be produced, powered by a revolutionary new chemical processes that allows cars to be powered by salt water. While immersed, the car's generating unit will convert sea water into electricity and store this in a battery, allowing the car to travel on land for up to 12 hours before immersion to recharge.
The process was developed by scientists employed by Drillcorp and has been licensed to AmphX in a joint venture enterprise. Shares in both companies are expected to increase further on the news.
Floating World Financial Wire
AmphX today announced a four-for-one stock split as share prices continued to soar. Drillcorp stocks are also climbing rapidly. With the other Floating World corporations also on the rise, the FWSX Stock Exchange index hit 3,789, its highest level ever.
"Sky's the limit for Prices and Prosperity," said AmphX CEO Solomon Nuku'alofa. "I advise Traders to buy, buy, and then buy."
03-07-2003, 06:24
ESAA today paid out an Ex-dividend of $3 per share. The stock fell by $3.
One Stock left out was the Starbucks Coffe Stock.
Currently it is held by Arabian Dark,and Louldamin.We would however like to put the other 49.9% of the company on the market.