Sexiest NSer Contest(feat. actual contest) - Page 4
20-02-2008, 21:00
I've been well...started student teaching, and just got back from a trip to Disney with some friends. We miss you around here! You should see poor fass ;)
Lol ... Fass will be just fine. I've always admired his strength. Shame we live so far apart.
I was elected to Precinct Chairman and have immersed myself in the political game - though I may resign after my Primary. Very stressful.
Awesome on your teaching gig! This world needs educators.
20-02-2008, 21:05
Lol ... Fass will be just fine. I've always admired his strength. Shame we live so far apart.
I was elected to Precinct Chairman and have immersed myself in the political game - though I may resign after my Primary. Very stressful.
Awesome on your teaching gig! This world needs educators.
Congrats on the political position...though, it worries me that NSG may start having an impact on world affairs ;) But seriously, nice to see someone like you in politics.
And yes, I love my little dilinquints.
20-02-2008, 21:16
Congrats on the political position...though, it worries me that NSG may start having an impact on world affairs ;) But seriously, nice to see someone like you in politics.
And yes, I love my little dilinquints.
It becomes worse that I'm a /b/tard and a "Gaiafag" .... but .... all is well. I get a lot from this place as far as global opinions go and take that into the political arena. I'm one of those scary "I believe in a borderless, global world" kind of people. Plus, I can submit well written resolutions to my convention based on NS things.
Best thing it's gotten me so far? Bill Clinton's autograph.
But it's good to know some of the old farts are here. Good to see ya. :)
Oh ... and in keeping with the thread .... Ilie is still the sexiest NSer, male or female.
Yeah, I wanted to say that you all are talented and beautiful girls, and that kind of things, it was pretty honest and descriptive. It was very long, but I usually post while I am working, I had it copied and "in the air" before I posted it (I hope you know what I mean), and suddenly I was going to copy a phrase for an article I was working on, when I copied, I lost the post. I was too lazy, (and busy), as to write it again. Sadly, english is not my first language, (easy to find out given my lack of proper vocabulary and correct sense of grammar), and sometimes to write in english is a bit more tiresome than the standard writing.
Amarenthe has passed Aelosia overnight, I see. A setback, but we shall conquer!
Amarenthe has every bit of beauty, sweetness and talent to pass me, amply her advantage, and keep the "title" in the end. It's not a setback, it is an honor, as it was with Ilie last year. The only thing I envy from Ilie is that she has a picture at Laerod's side.
You're so pretty by the way. I know I keep saying it! What did that mug say btw... I googled it, but to no avail.
You are extremely pretty as well. You have a rather pleasant set of cute features. I know I keep saying it, but you deserve it.
I'll repeat the mug story...
That picture is a bit old, when I was a young girl studying at the university, and not the old bitter hag that I am now. (I don't post current pictures because I don't want you to see the deep changes that age and strife leave in a woman's face :P).
Back then, I was a fierce activist in many extracurricular activities, (I am still an activist, but not as fierce, and not as varied), and founded a club called "Little Fighting Cock", (as the male hen, not as the masculine member), "Gallito e´ Pelea", a common idiom in Venezuela to describe someone who fights over anything, (as an spanish idiom, it is truly hard to find out in Google). It was basically a debate club, amongst other things. If someone had a position debating about anything, I always took a radical position and defended my arguments pretty fiercely, perhaps in the same fashion as Bottle does here, for example. I was a pain in the ass for most of my teachers.
That mug was a reward after the group from my university won the first place in two of those United Nations models that universities do in the same year, the latinoamerican one in Mexico, and the international one in Harvard, in part thanks from a little participation I had in the last arguments. After that, my fellow students, (and even several teachers)called me "Gallito e´Pelea" all the time until I graduated, and someone crafted that mug for me.
It remains still as one of my most prized trophies, (it makes me remember good ol' times), and that is why I chose that picture in the first place when I posted one in Nationstates.
Long story, I know, but I like it.
Indeed. In the end, victory shall be hers! =D
To count with the support of a male specimen as physically pleasant as you is truly flattering to me.
Dryks Legacy
20-02-2008, 22:36
*didn't vote again*
Indecisive nature FTW! :D
Gravlen: the voice of reason. :D
Oh, and Tribes made me a Motivational Poster in the Motivational Poster thread :)
20-02-2008, 23:15
you earn it. ;)
haha, thankyouverymuch!
I voted for UTurn.
I was going to vote for someone else, but did a 180 when I saw her picture. :)
Page 2, again? Shame on you, NSG.
Amarenthe has every bit of beauty, sweetness and talent to pass me, amply her advantage, and keep the "title" in the end. It's not a setback, it is an honor, as it was with Ilie last year. The only thing I envy from Ilie is that she has a picture at Laerod's side.
Oh, I certainly don't mean to impugn Amarenthe's worthiness. My close second choice, if that means anything, though everyone in the poll is lovely. However, one must stay loyal to their candidate of choice. :p
I've been waiting for 750 posts for someone wittier than myself to make a humourous reference to the US presidential race.
I voted for UTurn.
I was going to vote for someone else, but did a 180 when I saw her picture. :)
Amor Pulchritudo
21-02-2008, 04:15
Yeah, I wanted to say that you all are talented and beautiful girls, and that kind of things, it was pretty honest and descriptive. It was very long, but I usually post while I am working, I had it copied and "in the air" before I posted it (I hope you know what I mean), and suddenly I was going to copy a phrase for an article I was working on, when I copied, I lost the post. I was too lazy, (and busy), as to write it again. Sadly, english is not my first language, (easy to find out given my lack of proper vocabulary and correct sense of grammar), and sometimes to write in english is a bit more tiresome than the standard writing.
Amarenthe has every bit of beauty, sweetness and talent to pass me, amply her advantage, and keep the "title" in the end. It's not a setback, it is an honor, as it was with Ilie last year. The only thing I envy from Ilie is that she has a picture at Laerod's side.
You are extremely pretty as well. You have a rather pleasant set of cute features. I know I keep saying it, but you deserve it.
I'll repeat the mug story...
That picture is a bit old, when I was a young girl studying at the university, and not the old bitter hag that I am now. (I don't post current pictures because I don't want you to see the deep changes that age and strife leave in a woman's face :P).
Back then, I was a fierce activist in many extracurricular activities, (I am still an activist, but not as fierce, and not as varied), and founded a club called "Little Fighting Cock", (as the male hen, not as the masculine member), "Gallito e´ Pelea", a common idiom in Venezuela to describe someone who fights over anything, (as an spanish idiom, it is truly hard to find out in Google). It was basically a debate club, amongst other things. If someone had a position debating about anything, I always took a radical position and defended my arguments pretty fiercely, perhaps in the same fashion as Bottle does here, for example. I was a pain in the ass for most of my teachers.
That mug was a reward after the group from my university won the first place in two of those United Nations models that universities do in the same year, the latinoamerican one in Mexico, and the international one in Harvard, in part thanks from a little participation I had in the last arguments. After that, my fellow students, (and even several teachers)called me "Gallito e´Pelea" all the time until I graduated, and someone crafted that mug for me.
It remains still as one of my most prized trophies, (it makes me remember good ol' times), and that is why I chose that picture in the first place when I posted one in Nationstates.
Long story, I know, but I like it.
To count with the support of a male specimen as physically pleasant as you is truly flattering to me.
I like the story too. :)
To count with the support of a male specimen as physically pleasant as you is truly flattering to me.Now I'm the flattered one =)
I voted for UTurn.
I was going to vote for someone else, but did a 180 when I saw her picture. :)
Which one?
I find it funny that RON ended up last here, while in the other poll, it finished second... =/
buh? How long has the poll been closed for? Well then...
Congratulations Amarenthe, sexiest female NSer 2008!
*balloons and cake appear*
and congratulations Laerod, sexiest male NSer 2008!
*more balloons and cake*
buh? How long has the poll been closed for? Well then...
Congratulations Amarenthe, sexiest female NSer 2008!
*balloons and cake appear*
and congratulations Laerod, sexiest male NSer 2008!
*more balloons and cake*
Wee! Cake! =)
Come out, Ifreann!, announce the clear winners already!
Come out, Ifreann!, announce the clear winners already!
See: OP
Amor Pulchritudo
23-02-2008, 02:55
Damn. :(
Aramenthe is very pretty, though! I wish I had a smile like that!
23-02-2008, 10:13
He can help us bring it down from the inside, if we kick all the Melbourneans out it seems like a nice place to have a second house :p
Where am I supposed to live then? :(
Dryks Legacy
23-02-2008, 10:18
Where am I supposed to live then? :(
You can stay, but we'll have to keep an eye on you :p
23-02-2008, 11:13
As long as I don't have to barrack for any of your footy teams. :p
This is my current wallpaper (
Everything else. ( (Except for the five pictures that won't upload right now, will fix later).
I've found that I can edit out some of my shonky camera skills and lack of ability to frame a shot with enough cropping and rotating. Which I can actually do, of course it results in some of the pictures being in 2.30:1 :D
These are beautiful! Digital manipulation is allowed. :)
Everyone here knows that Ilie will always be the sexiest NS Generalite. None of these contests matter.
I love you, Ilie! :fluffle:
Keruvalia?? Goodness, where have you been?
For that matter, where have I been? Ha. Well, thank you, but lots of girls here are sexy. :)
buh? How long has the poll been closed for? Well then...
Congratulations Amarenthe, sexiest female NSer 2008!
*balloons and cake appear*
and congratulations Laerod, sexiest male NSer 2008!
*more balloons and cake*
10-03-2008, 07:18
Digital manipulation is allowed.
On a Sexiest NS'r thread? You better believe there's gonna be some digital manipulation! :p
BTW, as i've said before, you rock. :) *bows*
10-03-2008, 07:19
Damn. :( None of that now! You're very sexy, as a lot of people here attest to!
For future reference, though, you might consider mentioning how you hooked up with certain fiance's with paint. :p
10-03-2008, 07:31
Never pegged you as a thread necromancer, Ilie. :p
Well, with some, necromancy is an issue of digital manipulation. :p
Wee! Cake! =)
[obligatory Portal reference]
Never pegged you as a thread necromancer, Ilie. :p
Dryks Legacy
10-03-2008, 10:20
These are beautiful! Digital manipulation is allowed. :)
Thanks :)
For some reason they always turn out several times better than they should, and I don't know why.
[obligatory Portal reference]
Never pegged you as a thread necromancer, Ilie. :p
I found my way into the my steam sound folders the other day, now I can't stop randomly yelling out "cauterise and expunge".
Amor Pulchritudo
10-03-2008, 12:02
None of that now! You're very sexy, as a lot of people here attest to!
For future reference, though, you might consider mentioning how you hooked up with certain fiance's with paint. :p
Haha, thank you.
Well, I suppose I could, but then too many people would vote for me, and the server would die. :D
11-03-2008, 06:02
Haha, thank you.
Well, I suppose I could, but then too many people would vote for me, and the server would die. :D
And there ya go. :)
Besides, we lost two whole pages last night to the server (or at least appeared that way).
Amor Pulchritudo
11-03-2008, 07:09
And there ya go. :)
Besides, we lost two whole pages last night to the server (or at least appeared that way).
Maybe I should stop doubling my thread count weekly, then. :p
11-03-2008, 07:17
Maybe I should stop doubling my thread count weekly, then. :p
Not if you're posting paint anecdotes and/or pix :p
Amor Pulchritudo
11-03-2008, 07:20
Not if you're posting paint anecdotes and/or pix :p
No, it's mostly emotionally-charged BS.
11-03-2008, 07:28
No, it's mostly emotionally-charged BS.
Erm, that can be sexy in the right setting ... :p
I caught a few of 'em. I have ons and offs with that kind of thing myself. Earlier, irreverence was working for me because of watching MXC - whereas now, i'm feeling a little different, since The Daily Show/Colbert Report's on. :)
Oh yeah - i had to tell the new guy at work that i didn't consider myself "ADHD", who said tokin' up evened everything out for him .... :p
Amor Pulchritudo
11-03-2008, 08:30
Erm, that can be sexy in the right setting ... :p
I caught a few of 'em. I have ons and offs with that kind of thing myself. Earlier, irreverence was working for me because of watching MXC - whereas now, i'm feeling a little different, since The Daily Show/Colbert Report's on. :)
Oh yeah - i had to tell the new guy at work that i didn't consider myself "ADHD", who said tokin' up evened everything out for him .... :p
So many people medicate themselves with pot. It's really weird.
11-03-2008, 08:38
So many people medicate themselves with pot. It's really weird.
Well, he never actually said, "medicate" :p
But yeah, that seems to be the case. Tranquilize ...
Amor Pulchritudo
11-03-2008, 13:00
Well, he never actually said, "medicate" :p
But yeah, that seems to be the case. Tranquilize ...
Damn, now I just want to smoke some beautiful leaf instead of doing my assignment!
12-03-2008, 05:53
Damn, now I just want to smoke some beautiful leaf instead of doing my assignment!
Why not both?
Oh, and he got axed today ... second day on the job.
I don't think it was pot-related though.
Amor Pulchritudo
13-03-2008, 04:32
Why not both?
Oh, and he got axed today ... second day on the job.
I don't think it was pot-related though.
Because I have enough attention problems already: Being stoned + writing speaches don't really work to well. I've finished that one now, though. Now I have to write and organise a presentation and write a script.
Poor guy. :(
13-03-2008, 07:52
Because I have enough attention problems already: Being stoned + writing speaches don't really work to well. I've finished that one now, though. Now I have to write and organise a presentation and write a script.I think media would be so much cooler if you could do the whole Brainstorm/Strange Days thing and record on a peyote or acid trip, or in some cases, stoned. :p
Poor guy. :(That's how i felt. Two days in. The situation pissed me off, which apparently got around (or maybe not) about how irritated i was about it, so the owner opted to explain himself to me (which wasn't required) about the situation.
Still, he was hired for training, fired for not being independent enough. In two days.
They've got something like a week to replace him before things get painful. :(
Keruvalia?? Goodness, where have you been?
For that matter, where have I been? Ha. Well, thank you, but lots of girls here are sexy. :)
Where have you been? :confused: