A Lich's quest to create a Soul (Fantasy Midevil Tech, Open) - Page 4
The words Go Away wrote themselves.
"Well that isn't very hospitable," Ar'mai commented. "We have heard that you can create a soul..."
I know, now go away. These words appeared in the ice orb.
"What are you doing in that ice ball," she protested.
If I were in an ice ball, I'd tell you, as I'm not, you can go away. Where the words that appeared this time.
"Well... then tell us what this ice ball is and then where you are," Ar'mai commented.
The ice ball is an ball of ice encapsulating a FOO, and I'm where I am. Where the new words.
"You're turn," Ar'mai said to Lorathin as she gave up trying to talk with him.
"Seems pretty pointless, if he won't tell a beautiful elf, why would he tell me?" Lorathin replied
"Nice try, but your flattery won't work," Ar'mai replied. "If he won't tell a beautiful eld, then I doubt he cares about appearance."
"Oh alright." Lorathin replied
He then asked the same question as Ar'mai and got the same answer back.
"Well what do you suppose we do now that Dethoal, or whatever his name is, is being a stubborn ass," Ar'mai said to the group.
The Blastit Empire
17-12-2005, 04:57
Looking at the others, Sarik got real close to them
"Maybe we should ask Dethoal what he would like in exchange for information?" whispered Sarik
"Seems fair," Ar'mai commented, "Go ahead and ask..."
The Blastit Empire
17-12-2005, 05:13
"Mighty Dethoal, we would like to offer an exchange. We can offer you something in exchange for giving us what we need." Sarik once again said to the ice ball.
Is the female elf available? Where the words that appeared on the ice.
"Good luck," Ar'mai spat. "But unfortunately for you... it is forbidden."
Then there's your answer. The ice wrote.
The Blastit Empire
17-12-2005, 20:19
Sarik turned back and chuckled.
"Maybe he dislikes the other powerful ones? If we say we will go to another one of them, maybe his jealousy will take place and he will help us? Aernal Bannirae, Drakothil, Lecar O'll, Dethoal, and Jui if i remember correctly..."
"Go ahead and try to trick him out of it," Ar'mai replied in her disgruntled state.
Lorathin chuckled at Dethoal and how he annoyed Ar'mai.
The Blastit Empire
17-12-2005, 21:07
"Mighty Dethoal, perhaps if you tell us where Aernal Bannirae, Drakothil, Lecar O'll, Dethoal, or Jui are, we can be on our way...They all seem to be quite mighty themselves...and perhaps know the answers to our questions." said Sarik with a smile beginning to form on his face.
Your companion there could tell you where to find them all. Where the crystalized ice words.
"And yet another cryptic message from the mysterious figure to the more mysterious," Ar'mai said as she looked to Lorathin.
The Blastit Empire
17-12-2005, 21:19
Sarik turned back.
"Ah well, i tried my best. The only other way i can think of is luring him out by getting him angry which could be quite bad for us..." said Sarik
"Sounds fun to me," Ar'mai replied. "I say we do it."
"You want to piss him off to get him to help you?" Lorathin asked
"No... he wants to piss him off to him to help us," Ar'mai replied as she pointed at Sarik, "I want to piss him off because he pissed me off."
"You piss off too easily." He replied
"It is easy to get pissed off when you are surrounded by such stupidity," Ar'mai spat back.
The Blastit Empire
17-12-2005, 21:58
"So what do we wanna do? Get him angry to come out, continue trying to lure him out peacefully, or go to another one of these powerful beings?" asked Sarik.
"Perhaps we can lure him out with something he cant resist? Is he vain? Like gold or some other valuable? Apparently he likes Ar'mai, but that is out of the question i think," said Sarik, adding a slight chuckle at his last statement.
"Not stupidity, obstience. Not everyone want's to be helpful you know, especially not to be forced to be helpful." He added
"It is quite out of the question," Ar'mai repeated, "For any of you..."
"Why don't you ask him what he wants other than me."
"Why not just give him what he asked for?" Lorathin asked
"Because I am not to be given..." she replied
The Blastit Empire
17-12-2005, 22:21
Sarik tapped his chin with his fingers while listening to the others, then turned back towards the ball.
"Dethoal, we promise to leave you in peace if you can help us, we only ask for a few answers and perhaps a soul for our poor friend here."
Ask, you may get an answer. On the other question, I'm too busy. These where the words that appeared in the ball of ice.
The Blastit Empire
17-12-2005, 22:33
"If it is more convenient for you, we can ask at a later time?" replied Sarik, hoping that he's actually improving the situation.
Takes too much time. Was the reply.
"He said he could answer our questions," Ar'mai said to Sarik.
"So, I ask you... how do you create a soul?"
None of you have the power, even in concert to pull it off. Hence would be a waste of time explaining it to you. Now if you have nothing else, go away. These words gleamed in the ice.
"It is not a waste at all," Ar'mai said.
The Blastit Empire
17-12-2005, 22:52
"Only a few more questions," added Sarik.
"My people have long been at war. This war has taken much from us, including loved ones. My Order wants to end this war and we believe an ancient artifact known as the Sszzarvu will stop it. Do you know where it is? And if you do, could you tell me where i can find it?"
It's a waste of my time, and no, I know nothing about your artefact, ask Drakothil. These time the words had a very faint reddish cast to them.
"What is so special about your time that you can't help but just a bit," Ar'mai commetned.
I'm busy, that what. These where the words that formed.
"You don't seem to busy to talk to us now," Ar'mai retorted.
"Ever heard of multi-tasking?" Lorathin asked
"I have..." Ar'mai replied, "And I would appreciate it if you keep that condescending tone out of your voice."
"Anyways... if he can multitask and talk to us about not talking to us... I am sure he can multitask and talk to us about how to create a soul."
"Maybe he can't multi-task that well, or needs to concentrate more on what he's doing than on doing your bidding." Lorathin replied
"You are clearly missing my very basic logic," Ar'mai said, "And seeing that I no longer have any patience... I am not going to explain it to you."
"Enh, well you aren't getting anywhere with your requests." Lorathin said
"Well... why don't you try to do something other than be a pessimist," Ar'mai said as her anger rose.
"Because I said I'd bring you here, not try and bludgen someone stronger than me into submission, especially as he's said he want's to be alone." Lorathin replied
"Well you certainly aren't helping in this quest."
"I helped you get here." He replied, "I'll help you find the next one, I just would prefere not to be turned into my component atoms."
"That isn't out of the question yet," Ar'mai said threateningly.
Though with a lighter tone she added, "You know... I don't need this soul either, but I am trying to help him anyway. Maybe you could do more than leading us to vague places..."
"I also don't particularly like the slave noose you stuck around my neck." He replied
"Well that is your fault for being annoying," Ar'mai said not wanting to get into the argument about how Lorathin's life hung in the balance.
Perhaps if I had full free will I'd be more helpful, but I do think that we're wasting out time here." He replied
"The gods have already made their judgement... it is out of my hands," Ar'mai commented.
"As for continuing our travels... I find it to be quite a boring adventure if it is all run and no fun."
"Could you ask the god to remove it?" He asked, "And what do you define as 'fun', and since he isn't appearently going to help, we probably should depart."
"Once a gods final judgement is cast... it cannot be undone," Ar'mai siad prophetically.
"As for fun... well I will tell you that I don't define fun as flying from here to there to there," she said.
"At the risk of sounding snid, you could always walk, you might find something else to vent on if you do." He said
"You are annoying me," she said as her anger was about to boil over.
Menacing clouds began forming in the sky above.
"Sorry about that, I"ll shut up then." He said as he fell silent.
"Much better," she replied.
The Blastit Empire
18-12-2005, 17:54
Sarik raised an eyebrow, not knowing what the "slave noose" was, but not wanted to get in the argument, turned back to Dethoal's ice ball.
"Dethoal, perhaps we may help you on something that is taking so much of your time?
No. Was the simple message.
The Blastit Empire
18-12-2005, 21:25
He turned away from Dethoal.
"Well, maybe we should talk to Drakothil, as he suggested." Sarik said to the others
"Yeh... why not," Ar'mai commented. "This Dethoal is weak anyway..."
"Then are you ready to head out?" Lorathin asked
The Blastit Empire
18-12-2005, 23:41
"As ready as I'll ever be," said Sarik, taking a glance at the ball of ice.
"How pathetic," Ar'mai spat at the ice ball, "Piece of weak crap," she continued as she lept onto her winged horse with Bael'ther and took off.
There was no response from the ball of ice to Ar'mai's final comment.
Lorathin waited for her to return to find out where they were headed as she was going in the wrong direction.
Ar'mai urged the horse higher into the sky. Though they weren't moving in any particular direction - in fact the horse had been curving in its ascent and as she stopped it, they were directly above the rest of the group.
The Blastit Empire
18-12-2005, 23:55
Sarik walked back to the ball of ice and made a small, quick bow.
"We thank you Dethoal for the time you were willing to give to us. We shall leave you in peace." With that, Sarik walked out of the small crater and jumped onto Andrazlia's back.
"Im ready to follow," shouted Sarik from on top his saddle.
"Hey, come down." He called up at the elves.
With her attune ears, Ar'mai heard both comments and rocketed to the ground on the back of Gael'kadar. "No we aren't," she said simply to Sarik about his comment of thanks to Dethoal.
"Where next?"
"That's why I needed you over here." Lorathin replied as he pulled a small brush and ink pot from a pocket., "You too Sarik, and bring your ride as well."
"Well I am here... so do your magic and lets go," Ar'mai commented.
He dipped the brush into the ink pot and started on the horse. While the ink looked black, as he drew something undefinable, it was as if he were simply making the motions with a dry brush. He then proceeded to do the same to both elves.
The Blastit Empire
19-12-2005, 00:20
Andrazlia walked close to the others, showing a small bit of discomfort.
"Will you have enough ink for all of us? Especially Andrazlia?" asked Sarik as he watched with curiosity at the elves being painted.
"More than enought." He said as he finished with the undefinable design on Ar'mai's forehead and moved onto dealing with Sarik and Andrazlia. "The design's not that big, and could you get her to lower her head so I can reach it?" He asked
The Blastit Empire
19-12-2005, 00:35
"Of course."
Sarik looked up at Andrazlia and told her something in Sariks native language. Andrazlia looked at Morti, snorted, then lowered her head, giving an angry glance at Sarik, who chuckled.
Lorathin drew the design on Andrazlia head, as well as Sarik's. "What was that about?" He asked
The Blastit Empire
19-12-2005, 00:42
Sarik laughed again.
"I told her that if she doesnt let you put it on her head, i'll force it on her rump."
"How quaint..." Ar'mai commented.
Lorathin chuckled, and asked "Ready?" As he put the brush and ink away.
"Of course I am..." Ar'mai said impatiently.
"Yesh." Lorathin thought, while replying, "Then brace yourself."
"Braced!" Ar'mai responded machingly and impatiently.
The Blastit Empire
19-12-2005, 02:16
"Brace for what?" asked Sarik, wondering whats going to happen next, as he held onto Andrazlias drooping reigns.
Lorathin muttered something and they all vanished.
The others would feel like they were being squished somewhat, while Ar'mai would feel like she was very squished.
They appeared in a fireblasted wasteland.
"Aww." Ar'mai yelled as she was squished in the warp. "Where the hell are we now... hello?"
"We're in Drak's territory." He replied
"Right then... so where is our welcoming party," Ar'mai said.
"What welcoming party?" He asked
"Well if someone enter's my territory unwelcomed, I send out a welcoming party," Ar'mai commented.
The Blastit Empire
19-12-2005, 02:36
Andrazlia roared as she appeared in the wasteland. Sarik appeared after, eyes wide and forked tongue stretched out of his mouth. Sarik stood for a couple seconds and realized his humiliating look and immediately stuck his tongue back in.
"Well, i feel a lot skinner...Hey this looks almost like home..."said Sarik.
"Do you know how big Drak's land is?" He asked, "It out-areas most nations. And it makes sense, Drak is a dragon after all."
"And?" Ar'mai said remembering back to the time when she tracked down a dragon and slayed it with the help of a lad venturing to become a knight.
The Blastit Empire
19-12-2005, 02:43
"Maybe, just maybe, Drak and I will connect then..."laughed Sarik.
"Do you really think he would care what's happening in a small section of it?" Lorathin asked
The Blastit Empire
19-12-2005, 02:47
"Where do you think we'll find him? A large castle? A mountain dwelling?"asked Sarik.
"I do hope he is easier to find though," laughed Sarik.
"Not sure where we'll find him, maybe one of his cities." Lorathin replied
The Blastit Empire
19-12-2005, 03:13
"Ah civilization! I havent been near any civilization in many months!"
19-12-2005, 04:31
"Wait a second" states a voice coming from behind the party, "this isn't where I was asked to be transported to! I was supposed to be sent to the western marshes, that's the last time I ask a half-drunken mage for teleportation service..." says a man in full plate black armor with gilding veined all over it, a ruby pommeled long sword, along with shoulder length brown hair which covers his ears, Intense Green eyes, and a light Scar on his right cheek.
"I'm not even sure if I'm on the right plane of existance now." he says as he turns around and notice the party with a surprised expression on his face.
"Who are you?" Lorathin asked
Wierder and wierder people keep joining
"Yeh... who are you?" Ar'mai questioned the newcomer as her attention turned from the surroundings and dragon hunt to a newly appeared figure.
19-12-2005, 05:55
His eyes widened even more as he beheld Ar'mai. "Princess?!" He says in shock as he goes to a knee and removes an amulet from inside his armor.
as he gets back up off of his knee his face is more elven than human. "My apologies, I am James Longstrider, I was in the heavy infantry division of the Royal gaurd for our home land, I never would have been allowed if not for your parents making an exception and allowing one who is partly human in to the ranks of the military, I owe the royal family my livlihood as well as my life."
"It must have been God's hand that led me here, please allow me to assist you in your journey's until I can get to my destination so I may further try to improve relationships between human and elvenkind." He requests as he bows once again.
"Gah, more elves." Lorathin thought, and turned to Ar'mai, "And the verdict is?"
Hmm... he claims to have gotten permission from my father...
"Sure... why not," Ar'mai responded. "But lets get going... I don't like waiting around."
"So you're a princess as well as a priestess?" Lorathin asked
"I am a priestess because I am a princess," Ar'mai replied
"Do you want the royal treatment then?" He asked sardonically.
"Have I asked for it thus far," Ar'mai sneered.
"Yes." He replied simply.
The Blastit Empire
19-12-2005, 22:38
"Greetings Sir Longstrider, I am Sir Sarik the Valiant," said Sarik with a bow. Then, he pointed to Andrazlia. "This is my faithful companion and steed, Andrazlia. Don't mind her, she tends to not like none-reptillic creatures."
19-12-2005, 23:16
"Greetings Sir Sarik," James says as he bows in return, "I'm assuming by the condition of your gear, your ettiquette and your Aura that you are a Paladin?"
He bows to Andrazlia, "And greetings to you as well, you probably have your reasons for not liking non-reptilians."
He then turns to the man with the strange eyes. "Might I ask what you call yourself sir?" James queries, "I would at least like the names of my new traveling companions if nothing else." (the question is directed towards Lorathin, mainly as an attempt to stop an argument)
"You may call me Morti." Lorathin replied in an annoyed tone,
20-12-2005, 01:22
"Well met Master Morti", James states as he bows once again, then turning to Ar'mai,"So, mi' Lady where is it that we journey to?"
"It's just Morti." He replied
"We are in search of a soul for our friend here Mavis - he is a lich," Ar'mai replied.
The Blastit Empire
20-12-2005, 01:42
"I am indeed a paladin for the Order of the White Serphant." said Sarik, a small smile appearing. Andrazlia just snorted and moved her chin a bit higher.
20-12-2005, 02:53
"A lich, hmm, why praytell are we helping a lich? I do concede that there are a few decent liches out there, but only a few, most of the liches I hear of are evil, and manipulative, however, if this Lich is looking for a soul i doubt he's all that bad.." States James factually, and then turns to Saurik,
"It is refreshing to hear of an order of paladins that aren't strictly human, myself I am but a diplomat who followed the way of the warrior in my younger days, but due to some strong spellcasters in my family line, I am able to ocassionally read Auras with a fair amount of accuracy, I see the holy aura around you, a dark aura around Mavis, and an aura of power around her highness, Morti However, I can't read any of his auras, they are impossible to read, except for an aura of magic but I can't read the strength of it. So I'd rather not worry about it, the affairs of wizards, are the affair of wizards alone, after all.." James Finishes
"So, where are we heading to find Master Mavis a soul?" James asks, "This doesn't seem a very friendly place to dilly-dally." He says as he looks around at the blasted wasteland.
(OOC: also if anyone notices, James Longstrider's armor doesn't make a clanking noise, due to a lightening (less weight), and silencing enchantment.)
"We are in the process of finding the dragon that presides over this land." Lorathin replied
20-12-2005, 03:22
"Well then," says James, "The Logical place to start would be the nearest town, than I can find someone, using my diplomatic staus or by reading auras, that can refer us to someone who knows of this dragon lord's location and then we can request an audience with the lord and ask for his assistance, now then.. any idea where the nearest town is?"
The Blastit Empire
20-12-2005, 03:34
"No clue, but it might be easier to locate one while in the sky," said Sarik, looking around the area.
"No idea." Lorathin replied
"Well then..." Ar'mai began, "Might as well get a better look." With that she bolted up into the air on the back of her horse, leaving her faithful manservant Bael'ther in the dust. She flew high and wide, scanning the distance for any sign of civilization.
A few long minutes later, Gael'kadar came sliding to a stop in front of the group. "Found it!" Ar'mai said as soon as soon as her winged horse touched the ground. "There is a large town to the north west..."
20-12-2005, 06:36
"Well then," James says as he stretches his legs, "I'll see you there, I have no way to fly, so I'll just run." He says as he limbers up and gets ready to run.
"I guess he's re-doing this section of the country." Lorathin commented, "Wonder which is getting baked this go round."
The Blastit Empire
21-12-2005, 01:54
Sir Longstrider, I'm sure Andrazlia wont mind letting you ride her...theres a lot of room up here for both of us," shouted Sarik to James. Andrazlia snorted and violently shook her head, but was calmed down when Sarik spoke to her in his native tongue again.
Sarik then turned to Morti.
"Baked? Do you mean he remakes all of this and burns the part he is remaking?"
"Not exactly, closer to a farmer rotating his crops." Lorathin replied
The Blastit Empire
21-12-2005, 02:56
"Why does he do that?" asked Sarik, preparing Andrazlia's saddle.
"Because he can and it's efficiant." Lorathin replied
The Blastit Empire
21-12-2005, 03:05
"Whatever works, i guess,"shrugged Sarik. "You want a ride as well to give your magic wings a rest? I know Andrazlia wont mind..."
With that last comment, Andrazlia groaned and glared at Sarik, who returned her stare with a cheerful smile.
"If I could understand her, I'm sure she just said something unpleasent." Lorathin commented, "But sure."
"Right then..." Ar'mai said as the others took their time getting acquainted, "Lets go..." With that her winged horse took off into the air, with her and Bael'ther on its back. She directed it in the direction that she had seen the town, north-east, and they were off like a bullet.
The Blastit Empire
21-12-2005, 03:40
Sarik Chuckled at Morti's comment, "Dont worry about her...she's just a spoiled, sheltered, overgrown lizard..." Again, Andrazlia glared at Sarik, but did nothing, except lower herself closer to the ground, so she can be easily mounted.
"Just use her wing joint as a step. There should be two saddles up there, you can take the 2nd one," said Sarik as he climbed up to his saddle, performing the directions as he said them.
Lorathin joinned Sarik on the back of Andrazlia.
The Blastit Empire
21-12-2005, 04:17
"We'll catch Sir Longstider on our way there," laughed Sarik as they rose up into the air. Andrazlia sped up until they could see James running his way towards the city. Andrazlia swooped like a hawk on its prey and grabbed James in her claws, very gently.
"I'm Sorry for the inconvenience, just helping you out a bit," called Sarik to James. Just then, Andrazlia made a strange noise, almost as if she was giggling.
"uh oh...hold on tight...Andrazlia, dont do this to us!" called Sarik to Andrazlia, as she sped up. She then began to do a barrel roll through the sky, doing at least 8 in a row before nearly touching the ground. Then she pulled upwards, at near 90 degree incline from the ground, before performing another roll.
When they were once again level, Sarik gasped and didnt feel so well. He shouted something angrily to Andrazlia who again made her giggling sound.
Lorathin clamped on with his knees as his ride began doing ariel acrobatics. Once she'd finished, he asked, "Does she do this often?"
The Blastit Empire
21-12-2005, 04:48
"She hasnt done this since I first met her..."muttered Sarik, still feeling sick to his stomach. He began to perform minor healing spells to recover from the sickness quickly.
"What is this slaves noose you talked about earlier that Ar'mai has on you? You both dont seem to get along well," whispered Sarik to Morti, so as James could not hear, in case he might take some information wrongly and believe them to be plotting agaisnt the elven princess.
"Something between me and her." Lorathin replied, "And no, I don't like her."
The Blastit Empire
21-12-2005, 05:22
"Tis a shame...she seems like she would make a powerful allie and friend...but that is not for me to decide," said Sarik, deciding he should not llinger on this any more, for now.
After a ride that was neither long nor short, the winged horse that carred Bael'ther and Ar'mai, touched down behind a hill just outside of the town. Ar'mai straightened her hair out which had become a slight bit messy as they carved the sky up. She then petted the horse's nose as she waited for the others to arrive, so that they could proceed into town and find the dragon.
The Blastit Empire
21-12-2005, 22:42
After several moments of silence, Sarik spotted the elves and Andrazlia landed close by.
"Getting off is similar to the way of getting on," Sarik said as he demonstrated getting off Andrazlia, who seemed more cheerful than normal.
Lorathin leaned over and said to Andrazlia, "Thank's for the ride," As he got off.
The Blastit Empire
21-12-2005, 23:08
Andrazlia just sniffed and grunted, raising her chin up again.
"So, what exactly lives here?" asked Sarik, while taking off his helmet.
"Dunno..." Ar'mai piped up as they landed next to the elves. "People?" she suggested as she walked to the top of the hill to overlook the town.
"Elves, humans, dwarves, demondin, draconians, or urvile could all be living there." He replied
"Lets hope not," Ar'mai commented as she proceeded down the otherside of the hill with Bael and the winged horse in tow.
Approaching the city walls, the group was halted by a couple human guards, "Names, reasons for visit, tickets?" One asked in a bored tone.
"Uh tickets... right... tickets. Now where did I place those," Ar'mai said as she waited for someone to produce them and show them to the guards.
"I don't have them." Lorathin commented, "Don't need them."
"Is there a reason why you are deliberately discreet and never explain anything," she said turning on Lorathin to confront him.
"Habit, and it's the way I am." He replied, "And if I don't miss my guess, this is Gre'le," He looked at the guard for confirmation, which he recieved, "And they have a strict 'no pets without a permit' rule."
"And why would that matter?" Ar'mai asked.
"For one thing, it makes you responsible for ANYTHING your 'pet' does. In your case it's your horse, while Sarik has Andrazlia to deal with." He replied
"Gael'kadar isn't a pet," Ar'mai replied simply.
"Maybe not in practice, but before local law, he is." Lorathin replied
"I don't see how that can be..." Ar'mai said, "Does the law make up things that are not true... Gael'kadar is not my pet and can therefore not be seen as my pet by the law."
"I'd claim him as a pet, as otherwise he'd been deemed a wild animal and depending on how stubborn he is, would be either killed, clipped or turned into a pet." Lorathin replied
"And the same couldn't be claimed of you?" Ar'mai said, "What makes you and him any different?"
"I can speak a nigh universally understood language and Gael'kadar can't. But anyways, why are you attacking me, I'm not the one who created the law, I was just explaining what it was." Lorathin replied
"So all beings who can't speak common should be considered pets?" Ar'mai replied, "Bael'ther can't speak... does that make him a pet?"
"They aren't my laws, so don't be getting snippy with me." Lorathin replied
"Snippy isn't exactly the write word..." Ar'mai replied as she turned away from Lorathin back to the guards.
"So, tickets, names, reasons for visit?" The guard repeated.
"My name is Cordelia," Ar'mai said, "I know not of the tickets you require but we are here to find that dragon..."
"Then you must, if you want to enter with that beast of yours, get a ticket registering it. Also which dragon?" The guard asked again, this time in a more annoyed tone at the foreign elf's appearent stupidity.
"He will stay here then," Ar'mai replied as she petted Gael'kadar's nose and he whisked off into the bounldess sky.
"What was his name again Morti?" Ar'mai over her shoulder.
"It was Drakothil." Lorathin mentioned
As the guards heard the name, they collectively blanched, then in a far more serious tone, one of them asked, "Who are you and what are you doing seeking Him?"
"We are of various sorts... though it doesn't really seem necessary that you know who we are. We search for him because we want to ask him a couple of things..." Ar'mai replied.
"If you will not answer the questions, we must ask you to leave." The guard said
"We are a band of traveling carnie folk who wants to put on a performance for the dragon," Ar'mai replied.
"A travelling carnie group that want's to see Drakothil, a well know circus hater?" He asked, "If all you have are flimsy lies, please leave."
"We have come to change his mind about Circi," Ar'mai replied, "Please dont' insult our professions."
The guards began laughing, "He's not here, and want a barrel of bbq sauce?"
Ar'mai didn't get the joke as it was probably ridiculously stupid. "We only came here to find out where we could find him."
"Well He's not here." The guard replied
"Well He's not here." The guard replied
"I belive you already said that... or is your memory shorter than five seconds?" Ar'mai replied, "We are trying to find people who might know where he is..."
The Blastit Empire
22-12-2005, 21:54
Andrazlia and Sarik looked at each other for a bit, anger clear in Andrazlias eyes. Andrazlia was no pet...
"Excuse me, where can we get these tickets and how much do they cost?" asked Sarik to the guard.
"You just have to get registered." The guard replied before turning back to the elf Cordilia and stuck out a hand.
"What do you want?" Ar'mai replied to the gesture of the guard sticking out his hand.
Ar'mai snapped her fingers behind her back and produced a few gold coins - or at least what looked like gold coins. "Here you are..."
He took the coins and proceeded to begin biting each one of them, testing for validity.
"Careful... don't want to break your teeth, now," Ar'mai commented as the sound of teeth banging into a metal was heard. "Funny custom you guys have here... usually people use money to buy stuff, not to eat."
Feeling the lack of give that would indicate high quality gold, he scowled, "What kind of crud do your coin-wright make?"
"Hey... don't criticize me," Ar'mai replied, "I got this gold from your city a while back..."
23-12-2005, 00:19
"Sir Sarik, could you please ask your mount next time, to put me down before landing." inquired James, "Andrazlia isn't exactly light, and my armor was the only thing keeping me from being crushed.."
James turns to the gaurds, "Forgive my sister here, she's occasionally delusional, we are simply looking for Lord Drakothil so we may ask if he were to impart some of his vast wisdom upon us, he may have some information so that we may help a friend, so if you are willing to gives an idea of where his lordship may be we will gladly be on our way" He finishes as he faces Ar'mai and mouths the words so the gaurds don't notice 'Play along please..' "Now now sister dear, we are not circus folk nor are we a travling vaudeville show, you know we're just trying to help a friend and Not Cause Any Trouble in areas where we don't have certain advantage.." James says putting emphasis on mot cause any trouble.
"Oh, and who was the mayor?" He asked
23-12-2005, 00:23
"Sir Sarik, could you please ask your mount next time, to put me down before landing." inquired James, "Andrazlia isn't exactly light, and my armor was the only thing keeping me from being crushed.."
James turns to the gaurds, "Forgive my sister here, she's occasionally delusional, we are simply looking for Lord Drakothil so we may ask if he were to impart some of his vast wisdom upon us, he may have some information so that we may help a friend, so if you are willing to gives an idea of where his lordship may be we will gladly be on our way" He finishes as he faces Ar'mai and mouths the words so the gaurds don't notice 'Play along please..' "Now now sister dear, we are not circus folk nor are we a travling vaudeville show, you know we're just trying to help a friend and Not Cause Any Trouble in areas where we don't have certain advantage.." James says putting emphasis on mot cause any trouble.
OOC: Just reposting because I did at the same time as theao and this may have been missed. also sorry I was gone the past two days, internet issues..
"Oh, and who was the mayor?" He asked
"I never bothered to ask," Ar'mai replied, "I was only in town for a night on my way out of this hellish land."
She scowled on the inside on being told what to do but did not reply to James.
"Well there isn't anyone who'll help you find Him here." The guard replied
"Well there isn't anyone who'll help you find Him here." The guard replied
"Oh... so you know what everyone is thinking and what everyone's memory consists of," Ar'mai shot back.
"We have paid our toll... we are going in now," Ar'mai said as she began to walk past the guards.
23-12-2005, 00:31
"ok then, very well, thank you for your time sir, I apologize if we were any bother, Sir Sarik, if you would please take care of matters with Andrazlia, we will meet up with you in the first tavern we can find." James states as he enters town.
As soon as he's out of the the gaurds ear shot he turns to Ar'mai, "I apoligize, mi lady, but well common folk act a little different, than royalty, to them you were acting like a crazy person, and we really can't go flaunting your position in front of everyone because that would put us at a disadvantage in most cases." He says apologetically with his eyes downcast.
"If you take one more step forward you shall deemed contempt of authority and put in jail." The guard warned the lady elf.
23-12-2005, 00:45
James turns back to the gaurds, "Good sirs, I'm sure we can work things out," He says as he extends his hand in a handshake, while concealing a small handful of gold, while not from this area is still high quality. "I'm sure you gentlemen can forgive this minor misunderstanding."
The guard looked at the male elf and took the money, "Fine feel free to enter."
23-12-2005, 01:01
"Thank you kind sirs for your understanding, good day." James says cheerily as he heads into town.
23-12-2005, 01:11
James Whispers so the humans can't hear it, "Can you blame them? I mean they are only Human, hehe." In a louder voice, "So shall we find a tavern so we can wait for Sir Sarik to finish his paperwork and we can plan where we are going?"
"Yeh... I guess so," she replied though it wasn't certain which comment she was responding too.
"Sure why not." Lorathin commented darkly, "Unless this 'only human' isn't worthy enought to advise the elves."
23-12-2005, 01:38
"hehe" James replied sheepishly, "I really don't count magic users as normal Humans, due to the fact a lot of human mages tend to find a way to immortality or something similar to it, and are therefore a bit more on the level of elven-kind instead of humans, who's average life span doesn't allow them to gain the same level of knowledge as immortals." James stated. "And Furthermore, the 'Only Human' crack is something I picked up from the Humans which they used themselves, therefore it should be considered a light hearted joke, instead of insult, it was simply a joke which would seem funnier to elven-kind than it would humans, and, some would take offense to that kind of bantering, so that's why I whispered it, so as not to offend." finished James.
"I aplogize if through your extra sensitive hearing I offended you, sir, and would ask your forgiveness for my social Faux-pas, and that we try to get along, I'd rather not be on the bad side of my traveling companions, and I would gladly accept any advice from you as you are seemingly fairly knowledgable about many things that I am not." James added with a bow.
He certainly has a way with words... Ar'mai noted as she listened to James explain and apologize.
Lorathin simply shrugged and added, "Accepted." The only way he'd be happy would be if Ar'mai apologised and got the curse removed and she'd already said that was a no-go.
The Blastit Empire
23-12-2005, 01:53
"So...about that registering...whats it take? You see, Andrazlia is no pet. She is my family member. She knows several languages and can speak most of them," Sarik told the guards. For some reason, he wanted to place his sword arm on one of his hidden daggers, but he refrained from doing it.
Why am I getting this feeling all of a sudden? Sarik thought.
"If they've kept the layout, it should be the largest building in the main square. Just go down the road and there should be a large, reddish building that is the goverment office." Lorathin replied
The Blastit Empire
23-12-2005, 23:46
"Thank you Morti," said Sarik, immediately losing the feeling of violence.
"Thank you guards, but i shall make my way to register..." he told the guards as he and Andrazlia walked towards the registry building.
None of the peoples seemed to give either of them a moment's through, thought Andrazlia had to watch her step.
Ar'mai had stepped into a local tavern with James and Bael'ther, and sat down at a table by the warm fire. "Where do you suppose we should look first?" Ar'mai asked.
24-12-2005, 02:05
"The most logical thing would be to find someone who is visiting this town, seeing as how the gaurds so vehemently declared we would be unable to find someone whom can give us information about the ome we are looking for, so we find someone who isn't possibly under a decree that they are unable to give out any info on their lord." reasoned James, "therefore, I'm going to go out and see if I have any Diplomatic contacts living in Town, that may give me some information." James says as he gets up from the table and goes outside making sure he's not being followed, and wanders off.
Lorathin took a seat at a neighbouring table and ordered something to eat.
The Blastit Empire
24-12-2005, 04:38
Sarik went inside the Registry building while Andrazlia waited nervously outside.
"I would like to get a permit for Andrazlia so both of us can enter..."
"Fill out this form." The clerk said, pulling out a form.
Name of Pet :
Age of Pet:
Species of Pet:
Gender of Pet:
Description of Pet:
Diet of Pet:
Threat Rating of Pet:
Weaknesses of Pet:
Measure of Compensation of Pet:
The Blastit Empire
24-12-2005, 05:43
" Pet...pet..."grumbled Sarik to himself. He tapped the quill to his chin as he skimmed the questions.
"Name: Sarik the Valiant
Name of Pet: Andrazlia...The Spoiled (Sarik laughed as he wrote 'The Spoiled')
Age: 134 (out of an average of 200 years)
Age of Pet: 200 (relatively young, yet not sure about average age of death)
Species: Lizardman (Skizzarish)
Species of Pet: White Drake
Gender: Male
Gender of Pet: Female
Description of Pet: Heavily armored, medium large for a drake, picky, caring, smart, magical...
Diet of Pet: Horses, Enemies, cattle... (Sarik began to wonder if he should write down people, but decided agaisnt it)
Threat Rating: Depends, If I'm in danger, She'll defend to the death, as I would her. No danger to me, no threat whatsoever.
Weaknesses of Pet: Young and Reckless...and spoiled! (again Sarik laughed)
Measure of Compensation of Pet:... (Sarik thought for a while, wondering how life would be like without his companion, bringing a tear to his eye)
Sarik wiped away the tear, reviewed what he wrote, laughed again, then returned the form to the clerk.
Then he began to wonder why they would have such things as Weaknesses of Pet and Measure of Compensation of Pet. He vowed to keep his swordarm ready.
"Excuse me sir, but you seem to have failed to properly fill in the sections pertaining to Threat Rating, Weaknesses of Pet, and Measure of Compensation of Pet." The clerk replied handing the form back, as well as some blotter fluid(white-out).
The Blastit Empire
25-12-2005, 02:44
"How? What I wrote is well enough. If your city is safe, she wont do anything, if I'm attacked, then she'll defend me...Weaknesses, Other than what I wrote, Im not quite sure...She was never near-death in any of my battles and I dont try to kill her, so thats as good as I can write. Measure of Compensation of Pet is unmeasurable...If something happens to her...well I dunno what would happen...She is like the world to me..." replied Sarik.
"That is not what the form asked." The clerk replied in a bored tone, "The threat rating is based on the amount of damage, and ease of provocation of the pet. The weaknesses are where a blow would be most likely to get past any natural defences or blind spots, and the measure of compensation is what measures you have to compensate for any damages it might cause."
25-12-2005, 06:59
OOC: Hey guys could some one fill me in on the lastest posts? I have been away for a few weeks thanks to the Holidays...
OOC: Hey guys could some one fill me in on the lastest posts? I have been away for a few weeks thanks to the Holidays...
ooc: The basics: The first one of the five they visited turned them away. They are now looking for the second(incidently a dragon). They are in a town looking for info on his location.
Another elf(or I think half elf) has joined the group as well.
ooc: lol, good to see you back. Basically we found out there are five really powerful beings that might possess the knowledge to create a soul. The first one said no, so now we moved on to the second one who is a dragon - we are currently in a town in his land and we are trying to find out how to find him. Some people joined also: Longstradia (sp) = James.
25-12-2005, 08:10
Mavis was silent ever since hearing the refusal of his first chance at getting a soul.
Mavis was silently plotting on another plan maybe he could experment with souls and figure out how to make them after all he can already take them out of there hosts.
The problem was finding test subjects that could be overpowered.
The Lich Mavis looked his party over to see if any one would be easily overpowered.
Mavis quickly snaps out of the thought and saids out loud, "No that would not be a good idea. Better to start with animals."
ooc: lol, if Ar'mai finds out you are stealing animals' souls, she isn't going to be happy.
25-12-2005, 09:26
OOC: I know but keep in mind. A lich has no sense of right and wrong to them.(lack of a soul makes them more of a moral black hole) They are convining and power hungry. I am slowly having Mavis become less human and more undead. If he does not get a soul soon he may become one of the many rulers of the Grand Shadow Empire. Trying to vie for a stronger postion while killing people to further his plans for power....
ooc: I understand - I was just pointing it out. Do the rulers have souls? (Because it might be an interesting twist if at the end when we finally find out how to make a soul, Mavis decides he no longer wants one... though that may be a stupid idea based on how your nation works; I don't know.)
25-12-2005, 09:43
OOC: The Liches and Vampire's that run the Grand Shadow Empire are souless. They care nothing for others only on furthering there power and appeasing more powerful figures in there society. (Untill they can find a way to bump them off or overthrow them) Mavis is still a young lich and misses the feeling of having a soul. The fact he is not using group is evident of that but keep in mind he has no compuntion about using defenseless animals.
The only power that can create a soul in the Grand Shadow Empire is the Death Goddess Minax. The Supreme Goddess of the Pantheon but to invoke her for such a purpose could earn her ire...
The Blastit Empire
25-12-2005, 19:25
Sarik grumbled, took the ink blotter and blotted out the previous answers to the questions.
"Threat Rating: Pet will only attack if one of us are attacked first, and damage will be minimal, as she is an efficient killer.
Weakness of Pet: Armor covers most of the weaknesses. Other than that, the chest (Sarik decided that he should lie, knowing that the chest is the most armored part of Andrazlia on her body).
Measure of Compensation: If she does any damage to any undeserved building, I was given plenty of gold to compensate for most damages caused by Andrazlia and I."
Sarik the returned the form, hoping its finally cleared out and he can rejoin the others.
The clerk fills out a card and hands it to Sarik with a comment, "Have a nice day."
The Blastit Empire
26-12-2005, 02:51
OOC: Merry Christmas all!!:p :D
"You too," replied Sarik as he thought about the card. I'm going to have to be extra careful around these parts... he thought.
26-12-2005, 03:02
The Lich Mavis starts looking around for an animal that looks weak and easy to soul drain.
Mavis knows that the Elf would be angry if she caught him doing such an experiment and he starts muttering a spell of concealment...
A pocket of Darkness slowly engulfs Mavis and his body dissapears into the void of Negative energy...
The Lich hopes that Morti and the others do not find out he is missing...
26-12-2005, 07:13
At that moment, the door to the tavern opens again, as James Enters and pulls a seat up as close to "Morti" and Ar'mai as he can so they can hear him without being overheard, "I found one of my contacts here in town," he said cautiously, "our best bet is to head northeast a ways, he didn't specify much else, cause we didn't want to get unwelcome attention, but as soon as Sarik and Mavis get back we can be on our way, I was informed it's not a good idea to dally here.." James Explains quietly while waving down a barmaid. He orders a drink and acts non-chalant, "I hope they hurry, my friend here is very reliable most of the time." he finishes as he takes a drink, and seemingly relaxing a little.
"Well finish your drink and lets get going..." Ar'mai replied. "I am sure Sarik will be along any moment now..." she continued as she sat delicately upon the chair with Bael'ther standing behind her.
28-12-2005, 11:24
James set down his mug, "Okay then, let's go, what about Mavis? well, I;n sure has a way to find us, c'mon let's get Sarik and leave." James says as he heads towards the door. (If any one looked at his mug, it's still entirely full and sitting on top of 3 copper peices.)
Bael'ther had already crossed the room and was holding the door open for their party to leave. Ar'mai neatly got up from the table and delicately wandered out the door. "He should be along soon..." Ar'mai said about Sarik, "As for Mavis... I don't know..."
Lorathin finished off his sandwich and followed after the three, very annoying, elves.
The Blastit Empire
28-12-2005, 22:14
Sarik was about to enter the tavern, but was startled by his four companions.
"Well hello there! Where are we all going now?"asked Sarik, glancing around at his surroundings. Andrazlia's eyes also kept darting around, making sure nothing is posing a threat to anyone.
Ar'mai shrugged, "Ask James... he says he has met up with a contact in town and that we should head northeast."
29-12-2005, 01:17
"I would still like to know where Mavis went, he is the reason we're going Northeast." Said James. why they had to go Northeast was for a different reason than most people assumed, the only good Lich is a dead Lich, even the ones that started out good and decent eventually started getting corrupt and evil, that's the way things are when you haven't a soul.. but he wasn't doing this for just any reason, he was doing it, because it was an order...
"I am sure he is," Ar'mai replied as she continued to walk. She stopped momentarily and whispered, high into the air. The familiar sound reached the ears of Gael'kadar, her winged horse, and in no time he could be seen cutting through the clouds on his way to landing outside the city gates, where he would meet up with Ar'mai.
Lorathin followed, thought was wondering what James's game was as unless Drakothil and Aernal Bannirae had done some major re-structuring recently, the northeast was not where they'd find the dragon.
As they reached the Northeast exit of the city, Gael'kadar, Ar'mai's winged horse, was already waiting for her. She hopped onto its back and got comfortable as the others prepared to set off. "Now... we just need to find Mavis," she commented seeing that the Lich still hadn't made contact with them.
"True enought." Lorathin replied
ooc: aye... this is becoming quite dragged out and futile.