Breakthoughs and The meeting of leaders. - Page 3
09-05-2004, 00:47
"Its part of the process, if becoming king is so dangerious and diffcult and if it is so hard to give up the throne it detours people."
"That seems a bit counterintuitive. It singles out the physically strong to become leaders. What are the requirements for mental ability to enter office?"
09-05-2004, 02:15
King Doran spoke. "You have to be extremely honorable, to be the ideal what an knight. You also have to be just about an political genius due to the nature of Teritoran politics and theres there are six other princes that are concidered from the 6 other houses and before that geting chosen from among the other princes of ones house. You need to be an skilled commander of men. You have to have be basicly close to the ideal of what an knight should be and highly devote. Stupid men don't survive Teritoran politics, expecally at the high levels."
Mimiru sighs as they reach the train station and she climbs the steps. "Meh. I guess you have to be there."
09-05-2004, 04:55
King Doran chuckling. "Do you know what we do with stupid nobles that don't get killed by 16 years of age, we find jobs for them that even they can't mess up, even if its just being the castle idot."
"Mmm." Mimiru takes a seat on the platform.
09-05-2004, 06:24
The Teritorans sat and took to sharping their daggers and swords while they waited.
The wait is considerable, but a half hour later a train finally arrives. The group returns to New Krytan soon after and finds itself in a small cafe. Mimiru sips at a cup of tea. "So, I figure I should send you lot back tonight. I wouldn't want Teritora to miss its leadership for more than a couple of days. I'll be getting in contact with the prince again soon though."
09-05-2004, 16:24
King Doran sipping some Haranisi tea replied. "Of course, at least I haven't pulled an Ashagar on dispearing or what some of the kings did to get away from there jobs for an little while. This was an rather fun trip.
OOC: I just realized that almost all of my characters prefer tea to coffee. Guess I'm superimposing more of myself onto them than I thought.
IC: Mimiru beams. "I'm glad that you think so."
10-05-2004, 01:57
Prince Borl smiled. "Yes, its the most fun I have had in some time." Princess Linda coughed. "Thats because your such an workaholic at times."
OOC: Remember this guy?
IC: The group is interrupted by the Fleet Admiral, Justin Frakes, as he enters. "I apologize for intruding, but I must consult with Mimiru regarding the Chief General's conduct of late."
10-05-2004, 02:43
OOC:I think so.
IC:King Doran nodded along with the other Teritorans. "Of course."
Mimiru walks to an empty corner of the establishment and speaks with Justin in low tones for a few minutes.
10-05-2004, 03:37
The Teritorans calmly sip their tea as they wait.
After a short time the two officials bow to one another and Mimiru returns to her seat. "Sorry about that. It seems that I have some micromanaging to do when I get to work tomorrow." The Fleet Admiral bows politely to the group and esits the cafe.
10-05-2004, 04:14
King Doran spoke. "Doesn't that always seem to happen when one is away for even an short while."
Mimiru shrugs. "The Dictator is the supreme authority in the Xanthalian government, but that's more overriding authority than anything. Dictators can leave their posts for a week or two at a time and things can still run smoothly. In times of controversy though, my role will be essential."
10-05-2004, 04:48
King Doran nodded. "Governments do tend to run themselves unless the leader is an fool and tries to do everything. Its all well and good to be ruled the perfect man who does everything but what happens when the perfect man gets sick."
"Well, if there's one thing I've learned it's that things tend to work themselves out for the better on a fairly consistent basis. My job in the government is to be a buffer for the bad decisions. I have the power to issue orders, but to use that too often is asking for trouble."
11-05-2004, 01:49
King Doran shrugged at that and spoke. "It all depends, we are both heads of amittly by many peoples standards odd governments that work."
"I've said it before and I'll say it again. It's all about what you're used to."
11-05-2004, 02:21
King Doran smiled. "Indeed, that is true. Very true and if it works to the 9 circles of hell to what others think what would be better wither it would be or not."
"Cheers to that. I'm perfectly happy in my crystal tower." She downs the last of her drink and rises, paying the cashier. "Time to get you all home now. I hope you'll accept a ride?"
11-05-2004, 02:45
King Doran nodded finshing his drink. "Of course we will."
OOC: Well, this RP is over too now. Something needs to happen in one of our RPs. Nothing we ever do together changes anything in the long run.