Breakthoughs and The meeting of leaders.
03-01-2004, 19:29
An isolated deep space Research Station in an isolated white dwarf star system far from where an accident could cause massive devastation, Teritoran and Xanthalian scientists made a major break though in shielding technology that would make shields more efficient and last longer in a battle as well as lasting longer against shield disrupters. This had of course great military value to both country and they sent word to both government of the break through and news that they would have a demonstration of this to show to the military officials and the leaders of both countries. King Doran; Princess Linda, Grand Admiral of the Teritoran Space Forces; and Prince Borl, Grand Marshal of the Teritoran Space Police were all coming to see this breakthrough and it was expected that likely their Xanthalian counterparts would also be there.
The Dictator-in-title (soon to be full dictator) of Xanthal, Mimiru Nimbus, has been sent along with Justin Frakes (the Xanthalian Armada's Fleet Admiral) and a formal delegation to analyze the data discovered by the researchers and bring it home. They will arrive aboard the modified Gilgamesh class XGS-01 (traditional mode of transportation for Xanthalian leaders) shortly after their Teritoran friends.
03-01-2004, 19:46
King Doran Princess Linda and Prince Borl arrived in system and aproached the research station aboard the The Alana, an Royal Star Cruiser that was the traditional transport of the King of Teritora. After hailing and receiving docking instructions the Teritoran Star Cruiser docked with the station and the King and his party boarded and were soon shown to the demstraction area of the station.
XGS-01 arrives shortly after, docking opposite the Teritoran ship. The formal delegation assigned to retrieve the data disembarks without ceremony, going immediately to meet with the researchers and complete their task. Mimiru and Justin march off the ship to the tune of "where the sky is high" (an actual song, if you want to download it. It's our cerimonial march.), flanked by an honor guard of Xanthalian soldiers. They complete the ceremony quickly (Mimiru looks quite impatient with the whole thing) and proceed without escort to where they've been told Doran may be found.
03-01-2004, 20:03
Doran, Borl and Linda smile when Mimiru and Justin enter the booth from which they would see the demstration. "Welcome Mimiru and Justin. I trust your journy was a safe one."
The Fleet Admiral looks sourly. "I wasn't aware we were on a first-name bas-OUCH!" he finishes abruptly as Mimiru grinds her heel into his toes. Mimiru steps forward and offers her hand to the Teritorans, smiling. "Forgive the Fleet Admiral. He's a real stickler for ceremony. I'm Mimiru Nimbus. I'm not quite Dictator yet, but I have 72% of the Senate seats so I might as well be. This is Justin Frakes, the Fleet Admiral of our great Armada. He'll want you to refer to him by his title."
03-01-2004, 20:34
King Doran smiled broadly and took the hand. "Understood Mimiru, we don't tend to be big on titles since we got so many and my self I am not to fond of cermonies, I have to put up with enough as it back home. I am King Doran Tor Asha, King of Teritora, High Prince of the High Princes of Teritora, blablabla, if I went on we would be at it for a while, to my right is Princess Linda Tor Asha, Grand Admiral of Teritora's Space Forces and also having too many other titles. And the overly tall even for a Teritoran to my right is Prince Borl Tor Borl the XXI, Grand Marshal of the Teritoran Space Police and a score of other titles. Mimiru, Fleet Admiral Frakes, its good to meet you." Linda and Borl smiled, nodded and also shooked Mimiru's hand.
03-01-2004, 20:35
King Doran smiled broadly and took the hand. "Understood Mimiru, we don't tend to be big on titles since we got so many and my self I am not to fond of cermonies, I have to put up with enough as it back home. I am King Doran Tor Asha, King of Teritora, High Prince of the High Princes of Teritora, blablabla, if I went on we would be at it for a while, to my right is Princess Linda Tor Asha, Grand Admiral of Teritora's Space Forces and also having too many other titles. And the overly tall even for a Teritoran to my right is Prince Borl Tor Borl the XXI, Grand Marshal of the Teritoran Space Police and a score of other titles. Mimiru, Fleet Admiral Frakes, its good to meet you." Linda and Borl smiled, nodded and also shooked Mimiru's hand.
03-01-2004, 20:35
King Doran smiled broadly and took the hand. "Understood Mimiru, we don't tend to be big on titles since we got so many and my self I am not to fond of cermonies, I have to put up with enough as it back home. I am King Doran Tor Asha, King of Teritora, High Prince of the High Princes of Teritora, blablabla, if I went on we would be at it for a while, to my right is Princess Linda Tor Asha, Grand Admiral of Teritora's Space Forces and also having too many other titles. And the overly tall even for a Teritoran to my right is Prince Borl Tor Borl the XXI, Grand Marshal of the Teritoran Space Police and a score of other titles. Mimiru, Fleet Admiral Frakes, its good to meet you." Linda and Borl smiled, nodded and also shooked Mimiru's hand.
03-01-2004, 20:36
King Doran smiled broadly and took the hand. "Understood Mimiru, we don't tend to be big on titles since we got so many and my self I am not to fond of cermonies, I have to put up with enough as it back home. I am King Doran Tor Asha, King of Teritora, High Prince of the High Princes of Teritora, blablabla, if I went on we would be at it for a while, to my right is Princess Linda Tor Asha, Grand Admiral of Teritora's Space Forces and also having too many other titles. And the overly tall even for a Teritoran to my right is Prince Borl Tor Borl the XXI, Grand Marshal of the Teritoran Space Police and a score of other titles. Mimiru, Fleet Admiral Frakes, its good to meet you." Linda and Borl smiled, nodded and also shooked Mimiru's hand.
OOC:Bloody server.
OOC: Jeez...
IC: Mimiru heads to the window and looks out at the floor below. The Fleet Admiral hangs back, looking indignant. Mimiru looks at the setup. "So, what exactly will they be showing us?"
03-01-2004, 20:52
OOC:Indeed, theres times I really hate the NS server.
King Doran spoke. "I am not sure exactly, evently they have come up with someway to half the amount of energy needed for shields while providing the same amount of protection as before and further more found a way to modify shields to reduce the damage to shielding caused by Shield disrupters so sheilding lasts longer in a battle."
"Halve the power usage? Imagine what we could do with the same amount as before! Just by putting in the new shields we could more than double our power!"
03-01-2004, 23:21
"Indeed, it would and it was most lucky our sciencists came up with this instead of some nation not freindly to either of us or are agressive expansive."
The Fleet Admiral makes his way to the window. "It will be most beneficial to our Armada to be equipped with this technology. Mabye there's something to joint research after all."
04-01-2004, 01:47
Doran spoke. "Of course there is and this is just one of many joint research stations and they all working on multable projects that will be most useful to both our nations, besides the very news of it seens those upstart Tordorans into fits."
04-01-2004, 01:55
Justin smiles. "It is the duty of a nation's leaders to protect their countrymen above all else."
04-01-2004, 02:11
Linda spoke. "Indeed that is true, one should also help ones freinds and allies as well." She smiled. "Ands always good to send those Aragent upstart Tordorans. I swear I am so tempted to blow that Grand Marshal of theirs and his fleet to a star pilots grave at times."
Justin crosses his arms. "The Tordoran leaders are nothing but villians, but I sympathize with their people. They have been brainwashed into their beliefs."
04-01-2004, 02:41
Borl spoke. "prehaps but it seems with dealing with the Tordorans its a choice of villians. I once took a look at their History and the scary thing is that the current government is the least villianious, the Tordorans have to be the most ruthless, blood thirsty race of people and still be human. I am afraid the Tordoran Nobility and government reflect their culturial and historial beliefs and the rural Tordorans make the city and upper governments and people look like saints. Nobody thats tried to occopy Tordor has ever succeded and have always pulled out in the end."
Justin looks grouchy. "I think that the whole damn country should be leveled. That'll teach them to mess with us." Mimiru speaks up, looking back from the experiment floor. "That's why you're the Fleet Admiral of the Armada and I'm the Dictator."
04-01-2004, 21:19
Doran looked at Borl and Linda. "And why I am king, Borl and Linda here would love to purge the Tordorans and everyone of their colonies." He smiled secretively. "Just because that doesn't happen doesn't mean we won't inconvence them however as they will soon find out. I think the deminstration will be began soon."
04-01-2004, 21:21
Doran looked at Borl and Linda. "And why I am king, Borl and Linda here would love to purge the Tordorans and everyone of their colonies." He smiled secretively. "Just because that doesn't happen doesn't mean we won't inconvence them however as they will soon find out. I think the deminstration will be began soon."
Mimiru looks pleased. "If by the time my reign draws to a close nothing has been done about them, I'll just authorize a full-scale attack on Tordor and invite the IDI to join the party."
05-01-2004, 04:14
King Doran spoke with a grin. "Oh I think they are about to lose control of an imporant colony mining operation that is imporant for building their ships, they will soon be forced if to build more star ships to have to use steel instead. Colonies revolting and breaking away can be so troublesome, expecally if they are helped along and they can't do anything to really to stop it. But the Tordorans have their own problems, their own worse enemies. I wouldn't half surpised if they took care them selves for us."
Mimiru crosses her arms and waits impatiently for the demonstration to start.
05-01-2004, 04:30
Down below the sceincists began the test, first showing the tradionial Teritoran and Xanthalian shielding and monitors showed the energy use than energy use of the new sheilding which for the same strength sheilding used half the energy. Then they attacked the sheilding various space aged weapons that shields would effect. Showing how the new shelding held out longer agaist the onslaught while useing less energy and even incorpating some of the energy from the attacks to slightly strengthen the sheilds, then they showed how compared to the old sheilds how the new sheilds held much better against current sheild distrupters in use in only a few nations than the older type of sheilding.
The Fleet Admiral begins to slowly draw his hand phaser, standing behind the others so as not to be seen. He points it at Mimiru.
OOC: A little betrayal always shakes things up.
05-01-2004, 04:46
OOC:Indeed but his rather brave fellow, three armed Teritoran nobles and of course you know if you don't see them theres RSC operatives and Nikja since you got the king and several other royals.
Linda called out suddenly with her back facing The Fleet Admiral as well. "So how long have you been An Fleet Admiral, I say that ranking is a bit different than in Teritoran terms. In the TSF, that would make you just an Commander of a single fleet."
Seeing the slowly being drawn Blaster drawn a RSC operative watching unseen prepared to make a move the first chance got, while the blaster was not pointing at the king it was still a drawn weapon and a threat to the king. two Nikja were also making the same desion. If needed they would take action.
Justin makes no response. Mimiru turns around slowly, spotting the phaser. "Have I told you lately that you're a bastard?" The Fleet Admiral looks grim and does not waver. He glances quickly at the Teritorans, checking their reactions.
05-01-2004, 05:06
King Doran spoke. "I would recomind that you ease that phaser back into into its hostier... Unless you wish die, your never get that out any further. You pull out any more or make any sudden movements your be dead before you know what hit you."
The RSC operative and the Nikja pair prepared to kill the Fleet Admiral, if he draw his gun out any farther or made any sudden movements they would kill him.
Mimiru glares at the phaser pointed at her. She draws her own weapon, a disrupter, and levels it at the Fleet Admiral's head. "Why are you doing this?" Justin's face shows a hint of a smile. "I cannot let my country be taken over by a dictator. Will of the people or not."
05-01-2004, 05:25
King Doran spoke pulling his sword, he know afterall it would take something stronger than the phaser to get though his cermonial armor, and stepped in front of Mimiru. "Please put that down. I will not ask again." Princess Linda and Prince Borl moved to the sides and the RSC and Nikja were ready to move.
05-01-2004, 05:25
King Doran spoke pulling his sword, he know afterall it would take something stronger than the phaser to get though his cermonial armor, and stepped in front of Mimiru. "Please put that down. I will not ask again." Princess Linda and Prince Borl moved to the sides and the RSC and Nikja were ready to move.
Mimiru speaks to the king. "Please step aside. This is between me and my admiral."
05-01-2004, 05:41
King Doran spoke. "Very well. I do not agree with this, but I will move." He bowed politely to Mimiru and moved out of the way.
Mimiru places her hand on Justin's shoulder and speaks in Xanthalian. "Tiimas. Ful amos nei. Dewhal." The Fleet Admiral bows and holsters his weapon. "Polin. Attribach geeize oman?" Mimiru places her disrupter on the ground. "Carlima. Neesama. Silrio annis doorey." Justin straightens and Mimiru calls one of the Teritoran guards to her side. "Take this man to our ship. He will not resist."
10-01-2004, 15:40
One of the offical guards nodded and excorted the General back to the Xanthalian ship. King Doran raised his eyebrows.
Mimiru gathers her weapon and holsters it. "I'm very sorry for that. I did not intend for this situation to be anything but a peaceful observation."
10-01-2004, 22:50
King Doran spoke calmly. "It was intresting at any rate. Rather daring almost fool hardly, he came very close to death by my guards and not the seen ones either."
Mimiru crosses her arms. "He was prepared to be a martyr. I'm glad that I was able to recover the situation."
10-01-2004, 23:12
King Doran spoke. "Indeed. Now where were we before we had that intresting little drama?"
Mimiru points down at the demonstration, which had been continuing despite the interruption. "Watching them, I believe."
11-01-2004, 00:19
King Doran nodded. "Ah yes. I pity the fools that have to go agaist these new sheilds, the pirates, troublesome Aliens and others agressers are going to be in for a surpise."
The Xanthalian dictator shrugs. "It's an impressive achievement, to be sure. Still, this advancement wll soon be matched and exceeded by someone else and the cycle will begin again. Are you aware that the average shield power of a warship is ten times greater than it was fifty years ago? And yet there's no difference because everyone advances. It's a cruel cycle. To remain equal with your enemies is hard enough, to surpass them is even harder."
11-01-2004, 00:37
King Doran. "Indeed that is true the same is with ship armor, weapons and other things. one would thing that geting along woud be easier but even the eldest of the alien races out there war. It seems that Sentients just can't get long and even if nation gets along, theres pirates, always pirates no matter what. Even on old earth they still had pirates no matter how far they got and with space travel Pirating and smuggling has bloomed again and even the criminals of space advance their techologies now or steal it."
Mimiru smiles. "Still, I'm certainly not against keeping up with our enemies and even surpassing them from time to time. As you said, war is rampant in this galaxy. Those that cannot defend themselves are absorbed by nations that can."
11-01-2004, 01:31
King Doran smiled as well and nodded. "Indeed, Indeed."
Mimiru watches as the demonstration concludes. "Well, I can't say that was fun... How about a trip? You Teritorans can come visit Xanthal. I don't think we've had the honor of hosting Teritoran royals for almost five hundred years. Considering our good relations it seems high time that you visit."
11-01-2004, 01:44
King Doran smiled. "Of course. That sounds very good. I would be glad to do so." Princess Linda and Prince Borl nodded in agreement.
Mimiru beams. "Would you like to ride aboard my ship? I know you have your own vessel, but I'd like to show you around a bit. To be truthful I like to brag about it. I can't help it though, since it was really designed to be a bragging piece in the first place."
11-01-2004, 02:06
King Doran smiled Broadly. "Aren't they all. Of course I will travel aboard your ship."
Mimiru politely gestures for the Teritorans to follow her. "Only five guards please... I don't need to deal with security risk paperwork." She treads at a moderate pace towards XGS-01. "You know, I never thought I could get into politics growing up. But I've become very fond of it. I think it's easiest to be a leader if you just lead casually. There's no need to be anyone but who you really are when you're a leader. If you have to act then you can't be very good at your job."
11-01-2004, 02:37
King Doran nodded. "Indeed that is very true. 5 guards thats all I got aboard anyway. the two over there." Including the one who returned from excorting the fleet admiral. "And of course, and the RSC operative and two Nikja guarding Princess Linda and Prince Borl. You wouldn't belive the paperwork and the verbal chewing out I would go though king or not if I didn't bring them." Prince Borl and Princess Linda nodded, wincing at the thought.
Mimiru laughs charmingly. "A king of Teritora getting chewed out. Now that would be worth watching."
11-01-2004, 02:48
King Doran chuckled slightly. "It is a sight indeed and its not frist time, theres always King Ashagar's and King Latria's dispearences. From what I understand. Lord Ken of the time, head of the RSC was livid indeed and that man was by all reports scary, extremely scarely."
Mimiru shows a half-smile. "Anterbius." She looks surprised, then chuckles at herself. "Sorry, I'm using a word with no good translation to Teritoran. Anterbius is a unique Xanthalian word. The best definition I can give you is 'mysterious and slightly amusing'."
11-01-2004, 04:52
King Doran smiled slightly as well. "Don't worry Teritorans have tendeny to slip sometimes out of Trade Teritoran into Old Teritoran words that don't translate very well either."
The group arrives at the airlock. The ceremonial music begins playing, but Mimiru just keeps walking. "Shut it off, for the love of the Universe. I've marched to that damn thing enough today."
The music cuts off and the light male voice of the ship's AI speaks. "You'll need to get used to the ceremony eventually."
Mimiru sighs. "Not today. I have guests, I'm not going to bore them by acting like an idiot for the sake of tradition. Tell the captain to shove off, we're going to Aellis V. Have a ground transport ready when we get there. Oh, and tell them to cage the driver. I'm going to be the Dictator, so I should at least get to drive."
"You are not ever going to relay the proper impression of a dignitary the way you are going."
"Good. The day I act like a real dignitary remind me to kill myself. Speaking of, what's the status of the good Fleet Admiral?"
"He has agreed to a hearing, so he will not be riding in the brig today. He has been stripped of his sidearm though, not that someone as flippant as you cares."
"Don't you have some ship's systems to run or something?"
"I am quite capable of speaking to you while I am performing my duties as ship's AI."
"Yes, so you've said before."
"As to your appointments for today..."
"Cancel them all."
"Miss Dictator, that's not..."
"Just shut up and do it. And call me Mimiru, I get the urge to be a conformist when you call me by my title."
"Fine, but I'm objecting to this."
"Good for you."
Mimiru sighs heavily and walks down the lavishly furnished hallway to the main passenger compartment. "Sorry about that. Alexander is not the best match for me. We clash over matters of formality."
The group enters the passenger compartment. The room is very clean and well-furnished. There are tables and chairs everywhere, and many large windows looking out into space.
OOC: It's getting late, you can tell because I'm cramming three sentences of material into thirty sentences. Oh well...
11-01-2004, 07:36
OOC:Indeed. Its late here as well.
King Doran laughed. "He reminds me of the Dora Castle Majordojo. At least Alexander doesn't have an over bred nastial quality to his voice though. I don't know why some of the familes that concider it to be their honor and duty to serve have to inbreed, none of the noblilty or royality do so and they are not required to serve in the Palace."
The Fleet Admiral, now in civilian clothing, gets up from a table in the corner and walks over to the group. Mimiru pats him on the back. "You picked a hell of a day to voice your objections to my rule, Justin. Why didn't you just ask for a hearing in the first place?"
Justin stands painfully straight. "I thought that it would be easier to get my point across this way."
"Why aren't you in the Military? They like people who solve problems by pointing a gun."
"I prefer the Armada."
"Indeed. Well, sit down. I don't feel inclined to socialize with you, especially since I have guests."
Justin returns to his seat in the corner and Mimiru goes to the replicator. "Would you care for anything to drink?"
11-01-2004, 14:35
IC: Princess Linda spoke. "Kerani please." Prince Borl paused then spoke. "Joeru please." King Doran spoke. "Vorenaat please."
OOC: Kerani a pinkish light wine made from the nector of a flower found in Teritora and on Teritoran settled and Terra formed planets.
Joeru a blue light wine made from from the Yorat fruit and Vorenaat is a red light wine is made from a specially variety of grapes.
OOC: This is where AIs come in handy.
IC: Mimiru has no idea what those things are, but she simply orders them and Alexander does the rest, delivering the drinks on a tray. She orders some iced tea for herself and brings the tray to a central table. She grabs her own drink and leaves the rest there for the Teritorans to pick up, since she has no idea which is which.
11-01-2004, 20:08
King Doran picked up the Vorenaat while Princess Linda picked up the Kerani and Prince Borl picked up the Joeru. King Doran sipped then spoke. "Not bad... for a replicator."
Mimiru shrugs. "We Xanthalians don't know much except what comes from replicators. Over 99% of our food supply is replicated. Only fancy restaurants have real food to serve." The stars outside the windows disappear as the green and blue glow of the slipstream envelops the ship.
11-01-2004, 20:31
King Doran raised his eyebrows. "Oh, I gather than that the Xanthalian worlds are not very suitable for growing food?"
11-01-2004, 20:34
King Doran raised his eyebrows. "Oh, I gather than that the Xanthalian worlds are not very suitable for growing food?"
"Not really. We could manage if we wanted to, but replicating our food is much more inexpensive, efficient, and reliable."
11-01-2004, 21:10
King Doran spoke "That is a matter of opinon and farming methods. We have found farming to be better, cheaper and more reliable. I somehow think its more an matter of culture than anything else."
"Mmm." Mimiru looks out the window at the beautiful deep colors of the slipstream. "I'm amazed at how far my people have come in one thousand years. From a few old ships that could barely go the speed of light to the fleets of today. Did you know that the newest model of Xanthal's slipstream drive can reach five billion times the speed of light? We have ships that can make trans-galactic flights in mere hours."
11-01-2004, 21:52
King Doran spoke. "And the Variety of drives from Slip stream, to the Teritoran Gersta drive, to hyper drives and many others and they all do in a some what different way." Princess Linda spoke. "Yes nice it is. However it played heck on trying to devolop effective subspace mines." Prince Borl comment. "Makes it easier to Identify the ships however. Expecally when it comes to pirates and smugglers that and the ship designs."
Mimiru looks back at the king. "Would you like to know something that most of my compatriots would rather keep below the public radar? It seems that the last Xanthalian Dictator, Carrie Kingsley, sold five Dreadnaught class warships to the Trasnian pirates. The Transian pirate organization dissolved almost ten years ago now, but no one can account for those ships. They seem to have just disappeared. The Ministry of Intelligence is going crazy, you know how good they're supposed to be but they can't trce the ships either. We're all just living with the fact that five copies of our fleet's mainstay battlecruiser are out there somewhere in the hands of Universe knows who."
16-01-2004, 23:30
Prince Borl spoke. "Meaning that their in some back water of the galaxy where your unlikely to find them or their somewhere being taken and part and reversed engineered... Unless their in the hands of someone who has got some use planned for them."
16-01-2004, 23:33
Prince Borl spoke. "Meaning that their in some back water of the galaxy where your unlikely to find them or their somewhere being taken and part and reversed engineered... Unless their in the hands of someone who has got some use planned for them."
OOC: You are so right! If you want to follow the resurfaced Dreadnaughts, here's where they come into play:
IC: "I just hope that nobody abuses them. They are too powerful to be allowed into the hands of those that would misuse them."
17-01-2004, 15:50
IC:Princess Linda spoke. "Yes but it could have been worse, its good you did not sell them Battleships instead of just Battlecruisers. But still someone could cause a lot of trouble for you with those missing ships expecally if they wanted to start a war."
Mimiru grunts an unintelligible reply. The ship exits slipstream, the stars reappear outside the windows. It enters the Aellis system at .4 SL.
18-01-2004, 02:41
King Doran spoke looking out the window. "Ah Aellis system, the heart of Xanthal I do belive is it not?"
Mimiru gazes at the small and barren thirteenth planet as the ship passes it. "I'm surprised you don't know. Yes, this is our capital system. Aellis IV, the prison planet; Aellis V and VI, the civilian planets; and Aellis VII, the home of the Armada and Military."
18-01-2004, 04:59
King Doran. "Well I would have to say thats because I was the Grand Marshal of the National Police. My main concern was Law enforcement Planetside.
Mimiru smiles. "Are you familiar with the most respected non-governmental profession in Xanthal?"
18-01-2004, 06:12
King Doran spoke. "I am afraid not. I am ashamed to amit I sleep though the much classes on Teritora's freinds and allies."
Princess Linda quiped. "You mean you were day dreaming about being the galaxies greatess you mean."
"The King of Teritora sleeping through class? Tsk, tsk... Ah well, I just thought you might be, considering your former profession. It's the police forces. Generally speaking, they're the most admired non-politicians in the country. Many Xanthalians grow up wanting to work for the Ministry of Justice as a patrol officer."
18-01-2004, 06:36
King Doran literally blushed in embarashment. "Linda! This is from the one who was the Space Forces Fleet Acadamy practical joker. Like when you turned the Headmasters hair pink." He turned and spoke to Mimiru. "That is most intresting and good to hear."
"I know that Teritora is one of the leaders in space police forces in the galaxy. Your forces are extensive. Actually, we based our police cruiser on your own model, though we edited the spaceframe and used our own technology."
18-01-2004, 06:59
King Doran nodded. "They have to be to extensive carry out the duties demanded of them."
"Our police forces have been cut down recently since our crime rates are so low."
19-01-2004, 05:37
King Doran chuckled. "Borl could tell more about the space police but on the ground Teritorans don't like big cities or sky scappers, we build of stone because that is what we prefer to build with, to build for the ages, that and many are rural living by choise. When the population is more spread out you need more police forces."
Mimiru. "This is true."
The ship reaches Aellis V orbit. The voice of Alexander sounds. "Will you be returning to government HQ, or do you wish to take your guests elsewhere?"
Mimiru looks to the Teritorans. "Well? Where would you like to go?"
19-01-2004, 06:03
King Doran smiled. "Where ever you see fit. My friend, where ever you wish."
"How about Mac Anu then? The water capital is a beautiful place to visit. It's a bit crowded sometimes, but the Ministry of Development built it to be the tourist center of the nation so it's only natural."
19-01-2004, 21:13
King Doran spoke. "Water capital? It would be intresting if anything else."
"Well, lets try it out. If you don't like it we can always go somewhere else later. Alexander, take us into orbit over Aellis six and set transport coordinates for Mac Anu."
"Affirmative. Two minutes to transporter range."
Mimiru walks out of the room. "Follow me please."
20-01-2004, 00:59
King Doran and his party followed quickly behind Mimiru.
The group reaches the transporter room. It shares the same decoration and luxury of the rest of the ship. Mimiru stands on the transporter pad and motions for her companions to join her.
20-01-2004, 02:44
The Teritoran stared at the Teloporter uneasly King Doran spoke uneasly. King Doran spoke. "You must be kidding."
Mimiru shrugs. "You are uncomfortable? That is okay, we can take a shuttle instead. After all, you are my guests. This way, please."
She sets off to the aft side of the ship, towards the shuttlebay.
23-01-2004, 22:54
King Doran and party followed. "Thank you. I hate Teloporters, not that you would find on a Teritoran ship or any ship that uses a gersta drive or any ship that uses the metal Gerexi. The results wouldn't be pleasant."
23-01-2004, 22:55
King Doran and party followed. "Thank you. I hate Teloporters, not that you would find on a Teritoran ship or any ship that uses a gersta drive or any ship that uses the metal Gerexi. The results wouldn't be pleasant."
23-01-2004, 22:58
King Doran and party followed. "Thank you. I hate Teloporters, not that you would find on a Teritoran ship or any ship that uses a gersta drive or any ship that uses the metal Gerexi. The results wouldn't be pleasant."
Mimiru reaches a shuttle and gets inside. It is fairly spacious for a shuttlecraft, and all four people can sit comfortably. She begins prepping for launch.
31-01-2004, 02:44
King Doran spoke. "I belive you called it the water capital, to me that means one of three things, its by the water, its under water, or its literally on the surface of the ocean. It will be intresting to see which it is."
"It is only by the water. We do not maintain on or undersea civilian colonies. Such things are horribly inefficient. Mac Anu is beside the ocean on Aellis six's Beta continent. It has many canals as well. It is quite beautiful." The shuttle leaves the bay, heading for the surface. Mimiru is kept occupied by her dialogue with air traffic control as the craft approaches Mac Anu Spaceport.
31-01-2004, 15:02
King Doran nodded. "Indeed then I look forward to seeing it then."
Several minutes pass before the craft lands. Mimiru leads the way down the ramp to the spaceport landing area. It is a giant area covering slightly more than four square miles. The ground draws the eye due to its colorful nature. Some areas are painted red, many of these have spacecraft sitting on them. These are obviously the landing pads. They are surrounded by wide berths painted yellow. Blue paths with monorail tracks in their centers head towards the building to the south of the landing area, but no monorails are in sight. Green paths indicate walking areas. Mimiru spends a few minutes typing data into the computer terminal beside their landing pad, then she moves off down the green path towards the building about a mile away.
31-01-2004, 20:03
King Doran and company followed Mimiru staring at the space port around them noting the difference in styles of the space port compared to Teritoran and other space ports they have seen.
31-01-2004, 20:04
King Doran and company followed Mimiru staring at the space port around them noting the difference in styles of the space port compared to Teritoran and other space ports they have seen.
Mimiru looks back at her guests. "Mac Anu is a new city, and isn't fully built yet. That's why I must apologize for the walk."
31-01-2004, 20:59
King Doran chuckled. "I am used to walking or riding horseback anyway, The Teritoran Capital was founded around 3205 B.C. more or less, you couldn't get a hover car or even a ground hugger though most of the streeets."
The group, after about twenty minutes of walking, make it to the building. After another good half-hour of procedures and checks at the terminal, they make it to the outer room. There is a glass wall with several sets of doors ahead, and phones and information to the left and right. There are several rows of seats as well. Mimiru goes to the wall and grabs a map of Mac Anu, then sits down. She opens the map and looks it over. There are a wide variety of restaurants, museums, parks, and other attractions. The entire city is criss-crossed by dozens of canals. She looks at the King. "Where do you want to go? There aren't many modern conveniences here, I warn you. Mac Anu was built in a more traditional style."
31-01-2004, 22:05
King Doran spoke. "I am not sure, prehaps we should see where our feet take us and go from there."
Mimiru nods and folds up the map, placing it in her pocket. "All right then, let's catch a train to the city." They walk outside. The weather is warm, and the sun lights the area from behind a light cloud cover. To the east loom rain clouds. They wait at one of the sheltered terminals for a train to arrive. An electronic board to the side flashes the arrival times and destinations of trains. There are several dozen other people scattered throughout the train station, but it is relatively empty. According to the board, the next train to Mac Anu is five minutes away.
31-01-2004, 23:11
Princess Linda spoke. "So is this an Monorail or an nullgrav train? just curious. the use of each tends to vary on local condistions that make one cheaper than other depending where you are."
"All intercity trains are hover-type. Mac Anu has monorails, but they are designed to look like trollys in the spirit of the design style."
01-02-2004, 01:58
Princess Linda nodded. "Intresting." Prince Borl spoke up. "Its been some time, nearly century since I last been in Xanthal, what the population make up these days."
01-02-2004, 02:00
Princess Linda nodded. "Intresting." Prince Borl spoke up. "Its been some time, nearly century since I last been in Xanthal, what the population make up these days."
"Speaking in terms of species, Xanthalians have become dominant far above others. The current population is over 95% Xanthalian, with only the remaining 5% making up members of other races. Even the Than are dying out. There was a movement to protect minority species from diminishing further, but it never got past the Ministry of Justice. They ruled that the state could not dictate breeding among its citizens. I think it's for the best, though within the next thousand years minorities will be a rare sight here."
01-02-2004, 16:05
King Doran spoke. "That is not surpising, The only Minorities, in Teritora, are the exiles living on the exile Islands off the ansestiral homeland. Their the decendants of Galdanian Christians who fled during the purge by the Galdanian Governement agaist christians. While their population is stable, the rest of the population has grown. I guess its the way of things in nations not based on imgration."
The hovertrain arrives and the doors open. Mimiru boards quickly, the trains only stop for thirty seconds at each station.
01-02-2004, 21:51
Doran, Borl and Linda followed Quickly. After geting on board, King Doran spoke. "I remember something, aren't Xanthalians of Japanese decent? I am rather curious."
"The first Xanthalians were mostly Japanese, though they came from several other east Asian countries as well. Of course, later immigration gave us a much broader ethnic background. And since the Xanthalian species is really just a hybrid of many other species, few Xanthalians have any close connection to Japan anymore. Despite that, we still view Japan as our ancestral home, even though many of us come from species that didn't even evolve on Earth."
02-02-2004, 00:12
Linda spoke. "Hmm that would make you cousins to the Zerni and Tordorans who are of Japanese decent then. Thats intresting."
"We do not acknowledge relations by origin, only by diplomatic standing." The train's doors close and it moves off at a steady 500 mph. It arrives seconds later at Mac Anu's central station. Mimiru disembarks. "I don't believe that I have heard of Zerni. Are they a newer nation, or merely a more obscure one?"
OOC: Remember, this is before te conflict between Tordor and Zerni, so Xanthal has had no interaction with them yet.
02-02-2004, 00:36
Linda spoke as they disbarked. "Their an rather odd bunch race of Japanese decent. Their Free marketists with no government interfirence with the economy, they got an ultra advanced Gunboat navy, an Fleet of Merchant starships and their economy is based on trade. In fact theres 8 Mega corporations that dominate business, on the other hand theres no chain stores and theres thousands of small mom and pop stores with small business assiotations to protect themselves. They also got an lot of small farmers and fishermen. On the other hand their army is something right out of the feudal era of Japan and their ruled by an Emperor in the style of japan when being Emperor ment you had not just symbolic power but real power. They are also active practicers shinto relgion of which the Emperor is the high priest of. Their rather an odd even by Teritoran standards of looking at things if that tells you anything."
"You are the first Teritoran I've talked to that calls your own people odd." Mimiru walks down the steps of the station to ground level. There is a broad canal running along the right, bridged at every other block by stone arches. They are simple constructions, but they are beautiful nonetheless. Several small boats move up and down the canal, none of them have motors. Across the canal is a residential area, built in the same old-world style, almost exclusively of white stone. The sidewalks are stone and brick. A "trolley" passes the group along the side of the road, dinging its bell cheerfully. To the left is a business district, with restaurants, pubs, museums, studios, and other attractions. Some of these look slightly more modern, but not by much. The city was built very carefully to maintain the image of earlier years. Behind them are a few houses on a background of dirt and modern construction vehicles, it looks very out of place and is further testament to the incomplete nature of the city. Ahead of the group is Mac Anu's downtown area. It is most unusual for a Xanthalian city, all of the buildings are three stories or less in height and the old style is in stark contrast to the usual ultra-modern archetecture of the Xanthalians. All of the city's buildings are loosely grouped, and much of it is open space. Canals run about every four blocks. Through the buildings of downtown the ocean can be seen in the background.
02-02-2004, 01:02
Linda replied. "I don't think my people are odd but I know theres many of other peoples think so. But still I find the Zerni to be an odd people." Borl spoke. "An rather beautiful city I'd say."
Mimiru breathes deeply. "If you blindfolded a man and put him here they'd never guess it was a Xanthalian city. It is quite a break from our usual designs. So, where should we go?"
02-02-2004, 01:30
King Doran spoke. "Why don't take one of the boats on the Canals and see the city as seen by the waterways. Then prehaps afterwards we could find a tea house."
Mimiru smiles and walks down the steps to a dock. She boards a boat just large enough to seat everyone. Once all are aboard, she takes one set of oars and hands the other set to the king.
02-02-2004, 01:56
King Doran grins as he takes the oars and Linda rolled her eyes and said. "Ashan men." Borl just chuckled.
The small craft moves at an easy pace up the canal, towards downtown. Due to the fact that the water level is several feet lower than that of the ground, only the buildings close to the canal can be seen clearly. Still, it is a peaceful feeling, Mac Anu is surprisingly quiet, and the background noises of nature can be heard clearly echoing along the walls of the canal.
06-02-2004, 21:42
King Doran had a broad smile on his face as he rowed and Princess Linda and Prince Borl were deep in thought, Borl composing poetry in his head and Linda, listening to the sound of the water laping agaist the sides of the canals.
06-02-2004, 21:42
King Doran had a broad smile on his face as he rowed and Princess Linda and Prince Borl were deep in thought, Borl composing poetry in his head and Linda, listening to the sound of the water laping agaist the sides of the canals.
The small craft continues along at a steady pace. They pass several other boats, most with only one or two people inside. Mimiru exchanges a few nods and waves, but remains deep in thought over the day's events. It is late afternoon when she finally pulls the boat to a dock on the edge of the downtown area and disembarks. She waits patiently for the Teritorans to join her on the dock before speaking. "It's almost dinner time now. May I treat you to a meal?"
07-02-2004, 16:39
King Doran nodded along with the others the dismbark. "Of course, that would be very nice."
Mimiru leads them to a restaurant a few blocks away, it is a well-built and -kept establishment, with an atmosphere that seemed to say "come as you are, and enjoy yourself quietly". Appropriately, nobody in the place is exceptionally well dressed, but that doesn't seem to subtract from the pleasantness of the surroundings. Most of the guests carry on discussions, but they keep their tones low.
07-02-2004, 17:23
Princess Linda spoke. "Nice and pleasent place to eat from the looks of it." King Doran nodded in agreement with his aunt and Prince Borl just grinned broadly. "Nice."
A waiter provides the crew with menus and a glass of water each. The menu is very well-rounded, and seems to have a bit from every school of eating. The list of beverages is somewhat limited, consisting mostly of juices and soft drinks, but the wine list is extensive. It is odd to note that the soft drink list is almost identical to one that might have been seen on Earth over one thousand years ago. Coke, Pepsi, Vanilla Coke, Root Beer, Mountain Dew, Sprite... as well as several others. Apparently Xanthalians' taste in soda hasn't changed much over the years.
07-02-2004, 18:19
Prince Borl noted something looking at the wines, a great of them being various types of Teritoran wines. "I see Teritoran wines are still well liked. I have an Bori sherry and Sea Dragon fillet." Princess Lina spoke. "An Ashi white and Leg of lamb." King Doran spoke. "Yori pink and an Jirian chilli. An good list of foods and drinks. I see Xanthalian tastes haven't changed much."
Mimiru orders a large ceasar salad and a root beer. The waiter leaves and Mimiru turns her attention back to her guests. "We know what we like, I guess. I hope you like the food here, restaurants in Mac Anu don't replicate their food, they get it from Xanthalian farms and import it, then cook it themselves. Everything here is genuine. Even the water is filtered canal liquid.
07-02-2004, 19:36
King Doran smiled. "I am sure we will. This is an lovely city. It will be truely grand when finshed."
Mimiru smiles. "Thank you. The Senate ordered it built to help along the tourist industry."
07-02-2004, 20:12
King Doran chuckled. "Indeed, you know that the IDI culturial city is still running after all this time, its even bigger now, it got culturial sectors from every nation that has ever been in the IDI past and present."
Mimiru thinks. "Us included? I usually don't deal with foreign affairs, so I wouldn't know."
07-02-2004, 22:07
King Doran nodded. "Indeed, even nations that left. Of course one of the sectors is right out of the times of Zeke."
Mimiru smiles and raises her glass in a toast. It is customary for Xanthalians to somehow signify respect whenever their founder and national icon is mentioned. "Zeke Zabertini: May I one day amount to half of what he did."
08-02-2004, 03:40
The Teritorans raise their glasses in an followup toast that happened when Teritorans were around to hear and King Doran spoke. "And may I be as good as King as King Ashagar the wise, good friend of Zeke."
Mimiru nods and drinks. She sets her drink down. After more small talk, the food arrives. Mimiru begins eating her salad.
08-02-2004, 04:00
The Teritorans began eating their foods calmly chating back and forth about the confusing complex and for many to most outsiders up impossable to understand topic that was Teritoran Politics.
Mimiru, proficient in her field of work, follows some of the Teritorans' conversation, but most of it is lost on her. She finishes her meal in contemplative silence.
08-02-2004, 04:10
King Doran paused and spoke to Mimiru. "I am sorry, Teritoran Politics tends to lose Nonteritorans, expecally with the 8,757 more or less major noble and royal houses and that doesn't even go into the knightly houses or the Nikja clans."
08-02-2004, 04:11
King Doran paused and spoke to Mimiru. "I am sorry, Teritoran Politics tends to lose Nonteritorans, expecally with the 8,757 more or less major noble and royal houses and that doesn't even go into the knightly houses or the Nikja clans."
Mimiru shrugs. "To each their own."
08-02-2004, 04:28
King Doran smiled. "Of course, well if I truely didn't want to be king I would have ran off and joined an monastary. At least Teritoran Politics is never an dull moment."
"Xanthalian politics is always dull. Unless there's a crisis, then it's terrifying."
08-02-2004, 15:04
King Doran spoke. "And what defines an crisis I wonder. It varies I think people to people sometimes."
"A crisis? The usual things... Tell me, who is in charge of the IDI these days? Is Kecha still the head honcho?"
08-02-2004, 15:41
King Doran spoke. "Well Kecha still major member that people listen to and has the most clod in the IDI."
"How... would one go about joining?"
08-02-2004, 15:50
King Doran. "Well you got to get surport of at least one IDI nation to be concidered then the nations vote wither to let you into the IDI or not. Xanthal being an former member will likely have a better chance than some to get in."
"I'll look into that. So, what's new in the IDI these days?"
OOC: Do I create a thread for voting or what?
08-02-2004, 15:59
King Doran replied. "Not much, nobody's messed with the IDI in some time, they tend to get beaten badly when they try. Members come and go. But if you wish to try to get in you will have Teritoran surport and likely others.
OOC:Its been an while since an new member been brought it I am not sure.
08-02-2004, 16:17
King Doran replied. "Indeed."
The waiter clears the table and asks if they want dessert. Mimiru orders a slice of cheesecake.
08-02-2004, 16:56
King Doran and the others order Vanilla Icecream with hot fudge on top.
The dessert arrives promptly, and Mimiru enjoys her slice, commenting as she takes the first bite. "Dessert is the best part of the meal."
08-02-2004, 17:28
King Doran nodded. "Indeed and its so hard to get Icecream or any dary food or beef for that matter. Well at least dragon tastes good because they pretty much insure the lack of cattle in the Teritoran homeland and Teritoran worlds."
OOC: I'm beginning to think I should have kept Mimiru around longer. Ol' Vladimir is shaping up to be awfully difficult to manage. He's only been in office for a decade and he's already changed our currency, tried to change our economic system, expanded the Armada by 40%, withdrawn Xanthal from the UnAPS, managed a temporal experiment that caused massive (though fortunately temporary) damage to the galaxy's temporal continuum, offered to help the Queen of Tordor stage a coup, and is now trying to get Xanthal back into the IDI.
IC: Mimiru looks sad. "Xanthal has few dragons these days. We used to have thousands, but most lived in the Talmaraan system and were doomed along with it. Most of the rest moved on to other nations. We have less than ten among us now that are true, full-blooded dragons."
08-02-2004, 18:07
King Doran. "The Teritoran dragon isn't senent but is extremely dangerious, we started eating them because the Anceint Teritorans were starving and if they could mange to kill an dragon, thats an lot of food. but Teritoran dragons are common enough, the Teritorans who settled the Teritoran systems tried to recreate an image of the homeland when they Teritormed right down to even the most dangerious creatures."
Mimiru finishes her cake. "Know much about the Mirfak system?"
08-02-2004, 18:14
King Doran spoke. "Not really, but theres so many systems, some with their own dangers, like the Tirah system and the underground Gaintic bug creature problem, perfectly nice temperate planet, didn't need terraforming but however they didn't know about the bugs that wiped out all other creatures on the planet."
"The Mirfak system housed Xanthalian exiles. Criminals that refused to repent. It was their prison. It became their grave..."
09-02-2004, 04:30
King Doran spoke. "Most unpeasent, I have heard of such planets, the one of the problems is that if an iniccent is condumed to such an place. They would hardly repent for something they didn't commit and even this day and age there still is an good chance of that, genetic ids or not, they would be doomed. It being nearly impossable to rescue them from such an place and I wouldn't go into the moral, honorable and ethics of such an thing, you likely alrightly know."
"Mirfak three was a prison, but then it was decided that a planet was needed to house Xanthalians and outlaws. An outworld. It was terraformed by satellite with over ten thousand sentients still planetside. Their carbon atoms were used to create one square mile of field in what used to be a desert. One week was simply not enough time. The Xanthalian Primary Law states that the government has no right to take the life of any sentient being unless for self-defense or in wartime. The terraforming of Mirfak three bloodied their hands. They never covered it up, but they never went public either... Now the new Mirfak three is inhabited by over three hundred thousand Xanthalians, migrants, and outlaws. It is truly saddening. All it would have taken was a few more days and properly-equipped vessels, but the Council could not wait. The satellites were told to destroy the existing biomatter and replace it with new matter, and that is exactly what they did. Those left behind were torn apart from the outside in, atom by atom..."
Mimiru's eyes sharpen and she takes a drink of water. "I'm sorry... I needed to tell someone besides a Xanthalian official."
09-02-2004, 05:14
King Doran and the Teritorans were more than slightly sickened. They were of police or miltary background and they had seen heard some truely horrorifing things. Prince Borl whispered. "By the saints." Princess Linda spoke. "Lord preserve us." King Doran. "This is indeed something you would have to get off your chest. My god, nobody, deserves die that way, I wouldn't wish such an death on my worst enemy."
Mimiru shakes her head. "Mmm... It's surprising... Governments don't watch each other enough. This should have come forward, but nobody seemed to notice that Xanthalian records indicated the murder of ten thousand sentient beings. The government ever even bothered to hide its intentions. I wonder now what is worse; that the government killed those people or that nobody tried to stop them."
09-02-2004, 06:18
Prince Borl. "I never knew of this, Of course as Princess linda can attest the Fleets of both the space police and space fleet have been busy hunting all over the galaxy for those Zoir Pirate Fleets to keep the galaxic space lanes open and then theres the crisis on Tirah thats ongoing." He trailed off.
Mimiru sighs. "I'm not blaming Teritora. It was the choice of the Council, and they made the wrong move. It is too late to change that now..." She brightens slightly. "I'm depressing you. I apologize, you are my guests." She quickly pays the bill, then heads outside. "Would you like to look around Mac Anu some more, or would you prefer to visit another city?"
09-02-2004, 06:26
King Doran spoke. "Let us go to another city.:
"Certainly. Where would you like to go next? I suggest Veridian. It is one of the few rural communities in Xanthal, and the only one in the Aellis system."
14-02-2004, 02:49
Intrest flashed across King Doran's face who spoke. "That sounds most intresting place to see."
Mimiru beams. "This way." She heads off back to the central train station.
14-02-2004, 03:16
King Doran and company followed quickly behind Mimiru as she headed back to the station.
The group arrives shortly thereafter and Mimiru spends about three minutes working at the terminal's computer console. Then she sits down and waits.
14-02-2004, 03:38
King Doran spoke. "This should be intresting, an civization no matter how mighty is always dependant on food sources, bread for the masses. More empires have collapsed into ruin and chaos because of lack of food than can be counted."
OOC: (If you're interested)
IC: "Well, as I said earlier, we don't rely on agriculture much these days, but we do appreciate the merits of natural food over replicated stuff."
14-02-2004, 04:18
King Doran nodded. "Indeed, while replicated food is concidered an last resort by Teritorans but the only thing that has ever limited food production historically was dragons which we started eating and feuds and the rare civil war of which theres been 4 since 3200 B.C."
"Xanthal has only had one civil war, and it was hardly a war at all. Other than that, we've had more than our share of revolutions. Nothing you could call a war though."
14-02-2004, 05:26
"Other than the last attempt made by the Torl high prince forever known as the Bin Laudan of Christian Terrorism back during the 20th century, the first civil war was that that over throw the confediral system of high kings and kings back in 3200 B.C., the second in 900 A.D. and the third and longest was the The Cross and the Star crusade starting in 1254 A.D. when an upserper seized the throne, slaughtered the high Royal family, out lawed Judism and christianity causing an crusade to be launched to bring down the upser. It also brought around the current system of choising an king from the 7 Royal familes since the Line of Teritora was wiped out by the upserper."
Mimiru blinks. She is saved from having to reply by the arrival of the train they are waiting for. She boards it in amused silence.
14-02-2004, 05:43
King Doran boarded quickly followed by the other Teritorans. Princess Linda chuckled.
The train heads off across the ocean at a leisurely 5,000 kph.
14-02-2004, 05:53
Prince Borl stares and composes an poem in Old Teritoran, it would later become an teritoran classic.
OOC: The prince is quite the poet, isn't he?
IC: Mimiru watches the sun sink on the horizon. It is gone quickly, a result of the high speed at which the train is moving.
14-02-2004, 07:15
OOC:Indeed, its geting him to stop with the poetry thats the problem.
IC:Princess Linda began to sing softly an old Teritoran Ballad in old Teritoran while King Doran stared out the window and watched the ocean scenary past by.
A half hour passes before the train reaches the coast. It stops at a station and Mimiru disembarks.
14-02-2004, 16:07
King Doran disbarks after her followed quickly by Prince Borl and Princess Linda.
This station is considerably bigger and busier than the previous one. Trains are constantly ariving and leaving for various locations both local and cross-continental. Trains also leave here for continents and islands across the ocean. Hundreds of people are in perpetual motion in the giant establishment. Mimiru works her way to a platform several rows down, then sits and waits again.
14-02-2004, 19:02
The Teritoran followed and King Doran spoke. "Hmm, wouldn't it been cheaper trapsort from above or by ship across than to set up such an train system?"
Mimiru shakes her head and simply answers, "No."
14-02-2004, 23:29
King Doran spoke. "Ah. Mimiru after this when you have the time, prehaps you will come visit Teritora then I could show you some sites as well."
Mimiru smiles. "I would like that." A train arrives on the platform, but Mimiru ignores it. It leaves thirty seconds later.
15-02-2004, 16:46
King Doran smiled back. "Good, Good." Princess Linda chuckled. "My little cousin." Prince Borl was smiling as well.
Mimiru rolls her eyes. "The image of royalty..." Another train arrives and Mimiru boards it.
16-02-2004, 03:03
King Doran and co. follows quickly. King Doran comments. "Unlike some the Teritoran Royality and nobility aren't overbred, stuck up and few other things that are a problems with Royality and nobility. Its against anceint law to even marry anyone closer related than an 5th cousin."
Mimiru nods. She has her eye on the Teritoran prince. He is just her type. She hopes that the Teritorans don't have a law against marrying people from other nations.
OOC: Sorry to drift, but I seriouly need something like that. I haven't RPed a romance of a Xanthalian leader since Zeke Zabertini met Jane Karaki. And nothing came of that but a very expensive date. I hope to one day (mabye here!) have an actual courtship/marriage.
16-02-2004, 04:38
OOC:I don't mind, I haven't had an outside marrage since Ashagar married that Mishakalian princess as part of means to end an blood feud, it didn't have much courtship. In fact it should be fun to do.
IC:King Doran spoke. "Really some of those royal families and nobilities can get so prudish. Refusing to marry outsiders or people not in their noble classes. Its rather stupid but then again thats why they tend to breed themselves into stupidity and die out. It doesn't matter wither one is an king, an noble or anything else, they should marry for love or they will never be happy." He stoped and spoke nerviously. "Sorry, about that, its just I can't stand talking to some of those old world noblity and Royality that think bloodline and nationallity is everything and are so into arranged marrages or at limiting to what they call the right bloodlines."
"This is true. If one truly loves another, then it should not matter what walks of life the two lovers come from." The train arrives at another station. Mimiru looks out at the station name and stays seated. "Few Xanthalian Dictators ever marry while in office. I guess they think that their job is too much of a burden to have a family on the side."
20-02-2004, 21:39
King Doran spoke. "I would disagree with that, many kings of Teritora have had families and run the kingdom. One can be an great king but it is empty unless you can also be an good family man."
Mimiru laughs. "Would his majesty the Prince be interested in a private outing with me later?"
21-02-2004, 01:49
King Doran smiled. "Yes. He would."
Mimiru places her chin in her hand as the train moves out of the station and continues onward. She speaks in a comic tone. "I was asking him, you know."
21-02-2004, 17:12
Princess Linda chuckled. "Don't mind it, King Doran and Prince Borl tend to answer for each other when they are around each other, its instantive for them. They do it to drive the courters nuts."
Mimiru moves to sit beside the Prince. "You know, you're just my type."
21-02-2004, 18:53
Prince Borl smiled slightly and noted staring out. "Hmm, there so are so many people, they come and flow like the sea and rivers."
OOC: You might be interested in these topics:
IC: Mimiru giggles. "Indeed they do. Still, there are those people that forever make an impression upon you, just as a river can wear away the land it flows past and the sea can create sandy beaches as well as towering cliffs. While all people come and go, that does not mean that they cannot stay for a while, at least."
21-02-2004, 19:50
Prince Borl nodded and responded. "And some things are immortal that time and tide can not wear away."
The train arrives at another station and Mimiru gracefully steps off and sits again, facing the opposite platform. This station is very small, only two "tracks" run through it. One elderly couple is the only other presence in the building.
22-02-2004, 00:31
Prince Borl, the King and his aunt, Princess Linda quickly followed.
The train leaves the station and, almost immediately afterward, another train arrives on the second platform. Mimiru gets on board. "Sorry for all the switches, friends. This will be our last hop, next stop: Veridian."
22-02-2004, 00:38
The Teritorans followed. Prince Borl chuckling spoke. "Things must intresting with all this switch overs at rush hour."
Mimiru shrugs. "Not really. It's what we grew up with. Interest is merely a matter of perception."
22-02-2004, 00:55
Prince Borl spoke. "Indeed, that is true. Very true."
The train leaves the station and the party witnesses the spectactular scenery of a mountain range for about three seconds before the mind-bogglingly fast train is past it. It begins slowing down immediately as it pulls in to the next station.
22-02-2004, 01:00
King Doran spoke. "So we have arrived." Princess Linda spoke. "This should be intresting." Prince Borl merely smiled.
The train stops and Mimiru gets off, the entire trip from Mac Anu to Veridian has taken just over an hour.
The scenery is impressive; mountains to the east, a large pristine lake to the south, a pine forest to the north, and fields surrounding a small and rustic-looking town to the west. Mimiru takes the stairs to the ground as the train leaves above her. The station has only the one track, and Mimiru and the Teritorans are the only ones present. The area is not silent though, the sounds of nature abound. Many familiar noises couple with a few odd noises unique to species of Aellis VI.
22-02-2004, 01:28
The Teritorans expressions all brightened greatly, the Teritoran love of the outdoors coming out and they follow quickly with serene expressions on their faces.
Mimiru makes her way down a broad dirt road to the town about two miles away. The group is passed by a woman pulling a wooden cart who nods pleasantly to each of them as she passes. Mimiru explains as the party walks. "Veridian is a beautiful place, its citizens are kind of like the Amish population of Earth. They live with very little technology to assist them. Of course, its more a choice of lifestyle than any prevailing religious belief, but the Xanthalian government certainly isn't about to contest the way they live. Costs less for the government to maintain than a normal town anyway."
22-02-2004, 02:57
Prince Borl spoke. "It is very beutiful to see and such an place is pretty much self maintaining."
"Not only that, but they produce much more food than they eat. The rest is shipped out to Xanthalian restaurants like the one we ate at earlier. Some of the rarer stuff is exported as well."
22-02-2004, 03:34
Prince Borl. "That usually is the case isn't it with good farming communities."
"I wouldn't know. As I said, Xanthal has one of the smallest agriculture sectors in the galaxy."
22-02-2004, 03:44
Prince Borl smiled and spoke teasingly. "True, it doesn't but I hold it against you."
22-02-2004, 03:45
Prince Borl smiled and spoke teasingly. "True, it doesn't but I hold it against you."
22-02-2004, 03:45
Prince Borl smiled and spoke teasingly. "True, it doesn't but I hold it against you."
Mimiru shrugs. "Well, that's up to you."
22-02-2004, 04:04
Prince Borl spoke looking around. "Exectly what do they grow that would be concidered exotic anyway."
Mimiru drifts off the path and into a field. She comes back with a small pink fruit shaped more or less like a box and hands it to the prince. "This."
22-02-2004, 04:10
Prince Borl stared then spoke. "Oh. My. that would count. What is it?"
Mimiru smiles evilly. "Toral fruit. Bite in... If you dare."
OOC: Toral fruit is renowned for being the single sowerest natural food around. You think lemons are sour? This is hundreds of times worse.
22-02-2004, 04:21
Prince Borl bit into the Toral fruit then his face began to change colors and other reactions as the sourness hit him. King Doran and Princess Linda stared then fell down laughing as Prince Borl reactions to the sourness continued.
Mimiru grins in amusement, placing her hands behind her back. "Lesson one: Don't take dares when you don't know what it is you're getting in to."
22-02-2004, 04:35
Prince Borl spoke. "Unnderstoood." King Doran and Princess Linda manged to get their amusement down to chuckles.
Mimiru nods and hands him a vegetable vaguely reminicent of a carrot. "This will clear your palate. Be glad they grow Dopul here, or you'd be stuck with that taste in your mouth for days."
22-02-2004, 06:31
Prince Borl chewed on the Dopul. Princess Linda chuckled. Mimiru didn't know what she just started, the Borls were rather known for pransters and she would likely in the future get an response to her prank when she least expected it.
The group arrives in the town, which consists of eight small houses, a communal replicator under a shelter, a sheltered pavilion, and a giant barn. Outside the town are many square miles of fields. The farmers can be seen picking the ripe fruits and vegetables in the distance and noises can be heard coming from the barn, but there is no one close by that is in sight. Mimiru breathes deeply. "Not a bad place to be, I'd say."
22-02-2004, 06:40
Prince Borl nodded. "much more wooden buildings than I am used to but, Xanthal doesn't have the same problems Teritora has. No Dragons or other highly to extremely dangerious creatures."
"We eliminated the troublesome species when we arrived. We're fine with nature as long as it doesn't mess with us."