Breakthoughs and The meeting of leaders. - Page 2
22-02-2004, 06:47
Prince Borl. "We could never do that even if we didn't the eat dragons, and we certainly eat the other dangerious creatures, for several reasons."
"Well, as I said, to each their own."
22-02-2004, 07:26
Prince Borl nodded. "Indeed." He wasn't going to argue or ask how bad the ecological balance was messed up, such things always blew up in the peoples who messed with the balance's faces sooner or later. "So whats the strangest thing they grew besides that Toral fruit?"
OOC: I think the young prince underestimates the Xanthalians.
IC: Mimiru gets a cup of tea from the replicator. "Define 'strange'."
22-02-2004, 07:55
Prince Borl paused then spoke. "Good point, I don't have room to say anything. Not things that live or are grown in Teritora."
"Mmm. Well, it's a pretty picture here, but do you actually want to do anything? Milk a cow, perhaps?" Mimiru completely fails to disguise a short laugh at the strange question.
22-02-2004, 15:58
Prince Borl shook his head. "I'd say take an walk in the forest but whats the chances we'd find something intresting."
"Well, I don't know. It migt give you a chance to see some species native to Aellis VI."
22-02-2004, 16:40
Prince Borl spoke. "Then lets do that then. It will be intresting to go on an walk without something attempting to maim, eat, or otherwise vainly attempting to inflict bodyly harm. Maybe I'll see something intresting."
Mimiru smiles. "You never know." She heads off on a narrow trail towards the forest.
22-02-2004, 16:52
Prince Borl followed however King Doran and Princess Linda didn't follow, they had figured out how to get everything they needed for an Teritoran Tea Cerimones and were currently busy conducting one.
Mimiru smiles to herself as she enters the forest. Nothing was better than a walk in the woods.
22-02-2004, 16:58
Prince Borl entered and soon caught up to Mimiru. "Well we won't see Doran or Linda, at least not intill they finsh that Tea Ceromony they started."
Mimiru nods. "I noticed that they stayed behind."
22-02-2004, 18:36
Prince Borl strugged. "Their Ashans and of all Teritorans nobody likes their tea as much as the Ashans, they got the most eleberate Tea cerimonies of all of the 7 peoples."
"What are the seven peoples?"
22-02-2004, 19:03
Prince Borl paused then replied. "The 7 Peoples of Teritora, the Ashans, the Borls, the Torls, the Dorls, the Vorls, the Zorls and the Zorlen. They are the inhabanace of the 7 Princalities formed from the 7 kingdoms united by King Teritora around 3200 B.C. Its extremely complex and hard to explain but theres some culturial and ethicial differences between the 7 groups even though we'll all Teritorans."
22-02-2004, 19:04
Prince Borl paused then replied. "The 7 Peoples of Teritora, the Ashans, the Borls, the Torls, the Dorls, the Vorls, the Zorls and the Zorlen. They are the inhabanace of the 7 Princalities formed from the 7 kingdoms united by King Teritora around 3200 B.C. Its extremely complex and hard to explain but theres some culturial and ethicial differences between the 7 groups even though we'll all Teritorans."
Mimiru laughs. "I'm loving the rhyme aspect."
23-02-2004, 00:32
Prince Borl chuckled. "Well, at least their easy to remember."
23-02-2004, 00:48
Prince Borl smiled. "Yes one would think so but one can be surpised as well expecally with dealing with some people.
Mimiru stops and points to an animal up ahead about thirty meters. It looks almost exactly like a bengal tiger, but it has antlers and green stripes.
23-02-2004, 01:42
Prince Borl stared and whispered softly so low it could be barely heard by Mimiru. "What is it?"
"It's an Eni. Ugly things, but friendly. You can pet it if you want. They're very good around people, especially by wildlife standards."
23-02-2004, 03:30
Prince Borl replied. "That has to one of the stranger things I have seen almost as strange as an Dragon related creature my cousin the Duke Borl had to kill. Of course that thing breathed acid and seeemed to be half dragon half turtle."
"Well, some strange things are bound to pop up along the line when you know of as many planets as nations these days do."
23-02-2004, 04:09
"Indeed and lets not get into the creatures that sometimes come in from outside the galaxy or the interdiminal travelers and creatures. I am sort of glad Xanthal has shut down that massive interdiminanal gate. Hard enough to regulate and deal with the small scale movements."
Mimiru looks at the prince. "The Infinity Gateway?"
23-02-2004, 04:29
Prince Borl nodded. "What ever happened to it anyway?"
"Oh, it's still out there. There was no need to keep it activated, but we keep it in good order. When Xanthal is ready to venture back out into other dimensions or when a crisis necessitates the immediate evacuation of the Aellis syatem; that's what it was built for and that's why we keep it."
28-02-2004, 02:54
Prince Borl nodded. "Of course."
The Eni runs off out of sight through the forest and Mimiru continues on.
28-02-2004, 03:22
Prince Borl followed after her after stopping shortly to make an offering to the spirits of the forests.
Mimiru continues on a while before coming to a serene and crystal-clean forest spring. She tests the water and, finding it warm, begins to take off her clothes.
28-02-2004, 03:54
Prince Borl finally catching up, goes beet red with embarssment at the sight.
Mimiru looks back at the prince and giggles. "What, you've never seen a woman naked before? She peels off the last of her garments and jumps into the water. She looks back at the prince, her bady fully visible beneath the clean ripples. "Come on in! The water's perfect!"
28-02-2004, 04:25
Prince Borl spoke trying not to faint from the culture shock. "Teritora your lucky to see an woman who isn't clad in armor unless shes an nun. I sometimes wonder if other people have to avoid laughing at us going around in armor and carrying swords." Prince Borl began to remove his armor and such to get in the water.
Mimiru grins. "Normally it's illegal to go naked outside your own home, but Xanthalian law contains provision for isolated situations like these." She dives underwater and comes up again soon after. "You're lucky. I don't get naked for all my guests, you know."
28-02-2004, 15:50
Prince Borl smiled. "I would hope not."
OOC: Heh. I was just picturing what would happen if the others walked in on this.
IC: Mimiru waits patiently on the opposite side of the spring for the prince to join her. "Why do you all wear all that stuff, anyway?"
28-02-2004, 21:09
Prince Borl finally entered the water. "Culture, tradition and these days the armor while looking medival offers much protection, you would be surpised what that armor would stop."
Mimiru shrugs. "I'll bet."
28-02-2004, 22:38
Prince Borl smiles. "No really, expecally with the Plate armor of the Nobility like I wear. Since Teritoran Officers still lead the troops in battle not just command, it has to stop alot, then theres police work, would be assassins and so on."
Mimiru swims over to the prince. "What is it made of?"
28-02-2004, 22:54
Prince Borl replied. "What the Armor is made of has changed over the years, currently its an alloy of various super strong, extremely durable, super light metals including Gerexi, Hersxi and some others."
"Does everything in Teritora rhyme?"
28-02-2004, 23:05
Prince Borl smiled. "Its the Languge, old Teritoran tends towards rythmes."
"I see." Mimiru stretches herself over a rock, looking... well... incredibly sexy. "Well, Xanthalian is pretty boring as languages go. Onaki is the only remarkable thing about it."
29-02-2004, 06:02
Prince Borl smiled. "That is surpising with the back ground whats the odds of such an thing happening."
"Japanese, my friend. You can still hear it in our language today. Well... You could, if my UT wasn't translating for me. It can't be helped, unless I consciously tell it to not translate. Wonderous machine, isn't it? Has over sixteen thousand languages programmed into it. When I talk, I think it in Xanthalian but it comes out of my mouth in Teritoran. Anyway, Onaki is an untranslatable Xanthalian form of speech. When one speaks a word of Onaki, they are using the word to symbolize a broad subjective concept."
29-02-2004, 06:12
Prince Borl spoke. "I won't bother with Old Teritoran, it won't translate, many words in old Teritoran do not translate well and many don't at all, what does translate tends to confuse the heck out of people who use electronic translater, its an more that 5,000 year old languge. What I am using right is Trade Teritoran, an languge devoloped to talk to outsiders in translatable languge, most Teritorans however use Church Latin to talk to outsiders and use Old Teritoran among themselves."
"And thank god we have translators to do these sort of things. It's a wonder we communicate at all."
29-02-2004, 06:27
Prince Borl smiled. "Indeed, before Trade Teritoran was devoloped for use by Dilpomatics and Merchants, Church Latin had to be used even to talk to the other peoples that lived in the same region as Teritora. If that says something. Its an unqiue languge with no known related languges."
"It had to develop from something. People don't just pull languages out of hats. Admittedly though, over time a language can easily lose most or all resemblance to its parent languages. So it is with Xanthalian. Xanthalian started out as Japanese, and kept strong roots there for over a thousand years. These days though, it carries only a few hints of its roots. Luckily, the language revolution actually made Xanthalian easier to deal with for other nations, which was good. If third-form Xanthalian evolved into something more complicated I doubt I could even talk to you now."
29-02-2004, 06:40
Prince Borl nodded. "Of course it had to come from something but either A, all the speakers of the earlier languge lived in the borders of The Historic Teritoran homeland, the anceint Teritorans were living there in the stone ages. B the other groups speaking related langages were wiped out or died out." He spoke jokingly. "Well unless of course they came from an race of humans from another universe."
Mimiru shrugs. "It's a crazy Universe we live in, who knows? Do you think your compatriots will track us out here?"
29-02-2004, 06:49
Prince Borl shrugged as well. "Prehaps but their be at that tea Ceremony for at least an hour before they come looking."
"Well then, I won't worry."
29-02-2004, 07:35
Meanwhile King Doran and Princess Linda were indeed still conducting an Teritoran Tea Ceremony in the heart of the village going back in forth in that untranslatable languge that was old Teritoran.
OOC: Good one. I love a transition.
IC: A young girl looking to be about seven years old emerges from one of the houses and approaches the foreigners hesitantly.
29-02-2004, 07:40
IC:The Teritorans only noticed the little girl when she came near. Princess Linda smiled, poured an cup of tea and offered it to the little girl.
The child takes a step back, then two steps forward. Then she grabs the tea and tries to drink it. Burning her tongue slightly, she drops the cup and it shatters on the ground. The girl begins to cry and runs off back toward the house.
OOC: Smooth.
29-02-2004, 07:46
Princess Linda stared surpised, she had forgotten that foreign childern of some lands were unused to drinking tea. King Doran sighed and shook his head rising to his feet. Linda really needed to get out of the Space Forces headquarters, even worse than Prince Borl needed to get out of the Space Police Headquarters which he rarely did.
The pint-sized Xanthalian peers around the corner of the shadowed side of the house at the Teritorans, fascinated and frightened at the same time.
29-02-2004, 07:52
King Doran smiled slightly, he was one of those people that childern tended to naturally trust with an honest face, further more coming from an large and extended family he knew how to deal with childern expecally small childern. Knowlage he put to good use.
The girl approaches again, with slightly more confidence this time.
29-02-2004, 16:06
King Doran spoke softly and calmly so he could not alarm the girl. "Whats your name."
The girl speaks softly. "Fina."
OOC: I don't know whether this will strike any of the Teritorans or not, but she's named after the founding Empress of the Xanthalian Empire.
29-02-2004, 20:27
King Doran smiled. "That is an pretty name for an pretty little girl. It also has great meaning, I am sure you can look forward to an grand life."
The girl climbs onto the king's lap. "You're comfy."
29-02-2004, 20:56
King Doran chuckled and offered Fina an honey cake, while Princess Linda smiled and shook her. ((That man really needs to get married and have some childern. He's so good with them.))
The girl eats the cake, making a mess in the process. She gives the king a hug. "Thank you." She hops down. "I can read!"
OOC: Ah, the mind of a child...
29-02-2004, 21:13
King Doran smiled and Princess Linda chuckled as the tea ceremony soon turned into an childs tea party. Meanwhile Prince Borl noted something as he swam. "I guess something got them caught up. Otherwise they would have caught up by now. the waters is nice though."
Mimiru is half-asleep in the water, lazing against the smooth rock that forms the bank of the spring. "They're probably having fun with the natives." A low rumbling begins, and Mimiru smiles. "This should be fun. Hold on."
29-02-2004, 21:36
Prince Borl complied and wondered what was going to happen.
The hot spring erupts, showering the two with hot water. It's not hot enough to burn for some reason, but it's very hot.
01-03-2004, 04:22
Prince Borl chuckled then started laughing. "So thats it."
Mimiru gets out after the eruption is over and drapes herself over a clean rock, drying. "The excitement never ends."
01-03-2004, 04:38
Prince Borl followed suit geting in geting out of the water. "Well if life was always dull, what fun would there be in living."
Mimiru walks over to the prince and stands close, her skin almost touching his. "Yes... What fun would there be?"
OOC: Let's see if that puts him off-balance!
01-03-2004, 04:48
Prince Borl being an proper raised Teritoran Catholic and noble reacted the only way he could turning beat red and stuttering incorently at Mimiru actions.
Mimiru laughs uproariously and pushes the petrified prince backward into the water.
01-03-2004, 05:20
Prince Borl comes out of his sheer shock as he treads and spits out water.
Mimiru puts her clothes back on and stands well away from the water. "That's twice I've gotten you. I'll need to fear retribution now, won't I?"
01-03-2004, 05:29
Prince Borl chuckled as he got out and got dressed. "But then you would be expecting it."
"Then I guess I'll need to keep expecting it." She helps the prince put on his armour, keeping her distance from the spring.
01-03-2004, 05:36
Prince Borls eyes sparkled as he alrightly formed an plan. "Prehaps."
Mimiru finishes helping the prince and heads off back through the woods. "Let's go see what your friends are up to."
01-03-2004, 05:40
Prince Borl nodded he followed. "Yes lets."
They make their way through the woods easily, and approach the town.
01-03-2004, 05:44
Meanwhile as they apprach the Tea cermony had ended and now King Doran was playing with the little girl as Princess Linda watched with an broad grin on her face.
Mimiru enters the villiage with the prince and observes the Teritorans. "Well, it looks like you're having fun. But we got to go swimming! Top that!"
01-03-2004, 05:48
King Doran didn't noticed as he played with the little girl. Princess Linda chucked and replied. "Well as you can see King Doran is really good with children. Everyone keeps telling him to married and have some."
Mimiru shrugs. "It's all up to the individual." She gives the prince an intimate hug. "Personally, I've taken quite a liking to the good prince. He looks good naked, you know."
OOC: Mimiru=Not timid in social matters.
01-03-2004, 05:51
Prince Borl turned red and King Doran fell over while Princess Linda facefaulted in shock at this.
Mimiru laughs lightly and releases the prince. "Don't worry, I haven't even gotten to first base with him yet." She kneels down and pats the young girl on the head.
01-03-2004, 05:57
King Doran sat up and Princess Linda removed her face from the street. Prince Borl commented about it. "My, literally facevaulting, that had hurt."
Mimiru looks around at the Teritorans. "Have you all ever been told that you're fun to toy with?"
01-03-2004, 06:13
King Doran replied. "You have no idea, no idea. The Borls are infamious, no legendary pranksers. You wouldn't belive some of the things they done over the millenia."
"Threats don't work on me." She sits. "So, do you want to look around here some more, or leave?" The sun gleams its last on the horizon, then sinks out of sight.
05-03-2004, 22:17
King Doran spoke watching the sun set completely. "Leave I would say, most defently leave."
Mimiru nods and begins the walk back to the station. "Would you be my guests for the night? I can place you in the finest hotel in New Krytan and we can spend all of tomorrow looking around Aellis Five."
07-03-2004, 03:29
King Doran nodded. "Of course that would be enjoyable and I am sure Pricne Borl would really like that." King Doran and Princess Linda chuckled, as Prince Borl went red, revenge at last.
The group makes its way to New Krytan on Aellis V in just over two hours. They step off a train into the artificially-lighted downtown, and Mimiru guides her friends into a skyway. After a short walk, they arrive in a large, luxurious sitting-room that makes up the second floor of the hotel where the Teritorans will be staying. Mimiru waits for the elevator to take them to the ground floor. "It's just past nine now, so you'll have a little time to hang out before you go to bed if you want to." The elevator arrives and Mimiru steps in, holding the door for the Teritoran trio.
07-03-2004, 04:19
King Doran, Prince Borl and Princess Linda all got an look on their faces and spoke at once. "Good we can get some sparring in." They follow and enter the elevator.
Mimiru looks worried. "Just be sure you use the gym." The elevator decends a level and opens into the elaborate lobby of the establishment. Mimiru speaks with one of the clerks and hands him a card, which he swipes and returns. Nodding, he walks to the Teritorans, a bellhop in tow. Mimiru waves and turns for the outer door. "Behave yourselves, I'm not paying for any damage you do to the hotel! See you at nine o'clock sharp tomorrow morning!" She exits the hotel and heads to catch a train home. The clerk bows to the Teritorans. "Sirs and Madam, if you'll follow me please..." He enters the same elevator that they had come out of along with the bellhop and waits.
07-03-2004, 04:32
King Doran and company follow quickly the clerks.
The elevator ascends to what the digital readout indicates is the five hundredth floor. The doors open into a living room area of spectactular design. The clerk steps out into the room and smiles pointing off to his right. "The bedrooms and bathrooms are that way," he points to the left, "and the kitchen and dining room is that way." He lowers his hand. "This is our finest suite, so I'm sure you'll be comfortable. This," he points to the bellhop behind him, "will be your bellhop. If you need anything, just ask him."
07-03-2004, 04:55
King Doran nodded then spoke to the bellhop. "Could show us to the gym? We have found our selves in need of an good spar before we lay down for the night."
OOC: I hope that you'll support us if it comes to war between us and Kecha. Keep in mind that, if the Kechans fire on us first, they will be in violation of IDI law and you will be legally required to help us, though you may ignore that if you wish. The Teritorans don't strike me as people that would do that, though.
IC: "Certainly." The bellhop brings the elevator down to the fiftyeth floor and leads them down the hall to the gym, a bright room that is half matted and empty, and half filled with excercise equipment.
07-03-2004, 05:06
OOC:Yes Teritora would as Teritorans are extremely honorable to an fault no matter how much it tears them up to do so.
IC:King Doran, Prince Borl and Princess Linda all grin as they move onto the mats and pull out their swords and soon in an blur of motion they were going at it with their swords in an three way spar.
OOC: Thank god that this is all happening before this war... If it weren't, things would become rapidly complicated in this thread.
IC: The bellhop watches in half-horrified intrest, along with a few other people in the gym.
07-03-2004, 05:37
As it the sparring went on all the Teritorans besides their broadswords were also going at it with slender Teritoran long daggers that were almost long enough to be swords turning it even more into an deadly dance between the three or so it seemed to those who were watching however the Teritorans knew what they were doing an nobody was in much danger of geting more than an shallow cut at most.
The Teritorans have a rapt audience of ten now.
07-03-2004, 06:29
Shortly afterwards it seemed they took it up another notch, and started using kicks and other moves along with the sword and dagger play. They were enjoying themselves greatly and it was an good way to burn off energy so they could sleep easlier.
A few people move off to their beds, but most stay to watch the show through.
OOC: This'll be my last post until the fight's over. I hate posting repetitively.
07-03-2004, 21:57
The trio battled back and forth for an hour before King Doran disarmed frist Prince Borl then Princess Linda. Bowing, they gathered their weapons and readied to return to their rooms trusting the bellhop to lead them back.
He does, politely and quickly. He ensures that the visitors are comfortable, then leaves them to their sleep.
08-03-2004, 03:47
After doing some preperation, some prayer, tending to their weapons and other nightly retines they laid down to rest for the night.
The evening is quiet, and the night passes without event. The morning dawns bright, shining in through the windows of the luxurious suite.
08-03-2004, 04:53
The Teritorans rise and go through the morning retine then wait for the bellhop to excort them to the lobby to wait for Mimiru.
The bellhop comes soon after being called, and leads them to the lobby, directing them to a batch of well-upholstered waiting chairs and bidding them good day before moving off.
08-03-2004, 05:03
However before the bellhop could comely leave, King Doran caught up. "How rude of me, I forgot to tip you." He went to an pouch and pulled out three Plati((An Teritoran Platnum coin)).
The Bellhop smiles, but pushes the hand away kindly. "Thank you very much Sir, but there is no need. I have all that I want, and it would just be an inconvenience to find a currency exchange center to turn that into Quinaults. Good day to you." He enters an elevator and is gone.
OOC: You've gotta love the Xanthalians. If there's one place in the universe where money-grubbing is extinct, the Socialist Republic is it.
08-03-2004, 05:41
King Doran smiled and shrugged as he went to join his companions.
A few minutes later, Mimiru arrives in a dirty shirt and suspenders. "Yo! Come on guys, I've got a hell of a day planned for you!"
08-03-2004, 06:07
King Doran stared for an moment strugged and he, Linda and Borl followed.
Mimiru leads them to the train station and they board a train. She is smiling broadly.
08-03-2004, 06:43
Prince Borl spoke. Well your in an good mood.
Mimiru chuckles. "That's because I'm going to do something I love with a handsome companion like yourself."
29-03-2004, 06:35
Princess Linda openly chuckled along with King Doran at this. Prince Borl responded. "Ah that is reason enough and I am in the company of an lovely lady such as yourselve."
Mimiru bows. The group travels for a long while, train hopping all the way, until they arrive... in the middle of nowhere. Mimiru exits the station and walks down a dirt trail towards a sheer cliff with a large shack constructed near it. The sun is shining brightly from above now, and it seems that the group is at one of the planet's warmer locations. Temperatures are about seventy degrees (F) and the air is very dry. All around them hills and cliffs rise against the parched dirt and brown grass.
29-03-2004, 07:05
Prince Borl raised his eye brows. "Hmm, an bit of an dry place isn't it and very little in the way of trees. Where are we?"
"This is Delta continent, the Naitachi Desert. I come here to rock-climb... And to watch other people rock-climb." She smiles sweetly. "You'll probably want to change."
29-03-2004, 07:12
Prince Borl spoke nodding. "Rock climbing huh, yes I guess so. Its not fun rock climbing in armor, especally in wetter climates. I should know."
"Fortunately, Fido's got you covered." The group approaches the shack.
03-04-2004, 03:10
Princess Linda spoke puzzled. "Fido? That sounds like an name one of those crazy Americans or formal American space colonies now nations would name an dog."
"I don't know about that," speaks an old voice. An ancient-looking Elf emerges from a shadowy corner of the room. Mimiru greets him with a hug. "Mimiru my dear, still beautiful I see. Who are these people?" Mimiru turns and beckons the Teritorans forward.
"These are my guests. Nobles from Teritora." Fido examines the strangers closely.
"Eh. They look cocky enough to be Teritorans. Nobility, eh? That armor's gotta be hell on a hot day like this."
03-04-2004, 16:07
King Doran spoke smiling and shrugging. "The Teritoran homeland is monster filled, mountainious and most of it is Temperate rainforest, the Teritoran worlds are densely forested, rather Temperate and wet with plenty of monsters. This is frist time I seen an desert."
Fido smiles, revealing a mouth filled with crooked teeth and several gaps. "Indeed. You're poorly dressed for the occasion." Mimiru clears her throat.
"I was hoping that you could find them something more suitable to wear." Fido looks from the Teritorans to Mimiru and back again, then nods.
"Any friend of Mimiru is a friend of mine. Hold on a minute..." He moves to another corner of the shack and begins digging through an old trunk. Mimiru turns her attention back to her guests.
"Fido is a hermit. He's one of about seven thousand Xanthalians living on Aellis Five outside the government legally. He doesn't ask anything of us, we don't ask anything of him. He gives us no trouble, and we call it fair."
04-04-2004, 00:29
Prince Borl spoke. "An Hermit, theres many hermits in Teritora but their usually relgious hermits."
Mimiru nods. "Some people just don't want to live in the system. We see no reason to make them." Fido returns from the corner with a bundle of clothes, which he doles out to the Teritorans. Though grubby, they seem to be fairly clean and are not by any means unappealing. They are work clothes, exactly what is needed for the coming climb. Fido bows in the traditional Xanthalian fashion, as does Mimiru. They both exit the shack, leaving the Teritorans to change.
04-04-2004, 01:11
Which the Teritoran quickly do carefully seting aside their armor but keeping their swords and sword belts.
The two companions wait outside, making pleasant conversation.
04-04-2004, 02:57
King Doran and company finish changing and walk outside.
Mimiru smiles. "Let's get going then." Fido bows and heads back into the shack.
"Have fun. Don't fall on those pointy toys of yours." Mimiru shakes her head, trying to mask a grin.
"Sorry about him. Elves aren't exactly ones to temper their speech for others' sake. Shall we go?" She walks off toward the cliff face, against which can be seen a series of ropes and harnesses. "Since this is your first time climbing, you should use the harnesses. I'll support you and catch you if you fall. Despite your pride I must insist. I won't be held responsible for a Teritoran noble with a broken neck."
04-04-2004, 06:25
Prince Borl chuckled. "Hmm, thats funny, but I guess different types of elves. We'll use the harnesses."
Mimiru nods and hands the harness to the prince. "Put that on. You can go first. I'll spot you." She looks at the others. "One more of you can go too, if you secure each other."
04-04-2004, 07:19
Prince Borl nodded and put the harness on while oddly enough Princess Linda and King Doran somehow pulled out from somewhere cups of tea and tea pastries. Princess Linda spoke winking. "We'll catch up later, have fun you two."
Mimiru grimaces. "Another tea party? Okay, suit yourselves." Mimiru assists the prince with the complicated harness and takes the rappeling rope. She points up the cliff to the summit over one hundred feet up. "Okay your majesty, climb."
04-04-2004, 08:21
Prince Borl chuckled and began to climb. "Tea Cermony not tea party, theres an difference."
Mimiru makes a face. "There's no difference to me..."
09-04-2004, 21:34
Prince Borl merely chuckled at that.
Mimiru rolls her eyes, trying to hide another smile. "Shut up and climb."
10-04-2004, 01:37
Prince Borl climbed, he much prefered climbing this way, the last time he rock climbed was when an Hell Bear throw him over an cliff. He had barely manged to grab an ledge on the way down and he had to climb up an steep, mossy, wet rock face. He nearly didn't make it. Yes this was much more enjoyable.
Mimiru keeps the rope tense, ready to catch her charge if he were to slip. She looks upward to the top of the 100-meter tall cliff. I wonder if he'll make it?
10-04-2004, 02:11
Prince Borl continued the climb, carefully tests the rock above him. After one point he felt crumble slightly he moved to the side and began again climbing up.
Mimiru smiles. The young prince was strong and skilled. He would make an excellent husband, if he was willing.
10-04-2004, 02:55
Prince Borl frowned as he hit more crumbling rock and moved and muttered odd. He called down. "More crumbling rock, we have to move over again. Do you got some sort of rock boring creature around here or something?"
Mimiru's smile breaks into a full grin. "No. You're climbing on sandstone."
10-04-2004, 04:19
He called down again. "What type of sandstone, some is more stable than others."
Mimiru shrugs. "I'm a dictator, not a geologist."
10-04-2004, 04:28
Prince Borl strugged, moved over some more an continued climbing.
OOC: Go. I don't really want to keep posting about Mimiru watching him climb.
10-04-2004, 21:10
Prince Borl finally reached the top, climbed up and stared at what he saw. "Now thats something you don't see every day
OOC: I take it that's up to me.
IC: At the top, only a few meters from the edge, is the wreckage of what appears to be a military vessel. It is badly twisted and burnt, but one who knows the Xanthalian fleet would be able to identify it as a personnel dropship.
10-04-2004, 23:04
Prince Borl called down to Mimiru. "Mimiru, you might want to get up here, theres wreakage of an Xanthalian Personal Dropship up here."
Mimiru sighs. "Yes, I was fairly sure that you'd notice that. Hold on a minute and I'll tell you all about it." She begins to scale the cliff at a rate of speed that shows her experience. Only five minutes pass before she's at the top and by the prince's side.
11-04-2004, 02:24
Prince Borl waited for her to began explaining. He wondered if it had crashed recently or during the Xanthalian civil war.
Mimiru sits on one of the craft's twisted wings. "This old relic crashed here about twenty years ago while it was on a training excercise. Some dumbass recruit decided it would be fun to try some stunts. This is a dropship though, and this is what he got for his trouble. Ironically, though mabye justly, he died. Every one of his passengers survived. The military keeps the wreckage here so they can show the consequences of rash action to their new pilots."
11-04-2004, 04:50
Prince Borl shook his head. "In an Drop ship. Maybe an Star fighter, an shuttle but an drop ship... The stupidity of it is amazing, simply amazing."
Mimiru shrugs. "Some people just don't get it."
11-04-2004, 15:50
Prince Borl shook his head. "An Darwin Award winner or would have been if he hadn't endangered others when removing himself from the gene pool."
OOC: Anciet Earth refrences? My, the prince is educated on his literary history. Or are the Darwins still being handed out in Teritora?
IC: Mimiru looks confused. "I beg your pardon?"
12-04-2004, 03:23
Prince Borl spoke. "Old Earth Refence, The Darwin Awards were given to people who did unbelivablely stupid things and did the gene pool an favor by removing themselves from it."
"Ah. Yes, this would apply." The voice of Fido drifts up to the pair, barely audible.
"The Military'll be coming through soon! Don't fall off the cliff when they come!" Mimiru calls back.
"Thanks for the warning!" She looks over at Prince Borl. "Want to stay for the airshow?"
12-04-2004, 03:48
Prince Borl smiled. "Why not it should be intresting."
Mimiru plugs her ears as dots appear on the horizon.
17-04-2004, 17:36
Prince Borl watched calmly as events unfolded. This should be intresting
A shattering sonic boom rocks the area as the dots grow into advanced-looking fighter jets and pass just one mile overhead, flying in formation. The dust all around is kicked up as the jets fly off into the distance. Waving at the floating debris around her in annoyance, Mimiru turns to the prince. "You okay?"
17-04-2004, 20:54
Prince Borl nodded waving his hand to clear up some the dust in the air away from his face. "Yes, I am. Atsospheric Fighters I take it."
Mimiru nods. "Our answer to fighter jets. They're called Yukikaze. Very nice pieces of machinery."
17-04-2004, 21:35
Prince Borl nodded. "What make good Star fighters does not make them good for operationg inside planetary atsospheres. not bad machinary but one would always hope you don't have to resort to using them."
Mimiru nods. "Our attempt to make a hybrid fighter failed, so we made the Yukikaze specifically for atmospheric flight."
17-04-2004, 22:34
Prince Borl nodded. "We come one with one our selves and our Star fighters could take it out in the space, suborbital and atmospheric fighters also made mince meat out of it. Somethings just can't be hybrided very well."
"Yes, well, there was considerable debate in my country whether we needed a ground military at all when we could bombard from orbit or just vaporize a planet. I'm glad we took the less destructive approach. Such tactics should be used only when there is no other option. Of course, under most circumstances, our Military is useless until the Armada has eliminated the enemy's space forces. No ground unit can stand up to a coordinated orbital defense."
18-04-2004, 14:25
Prince Borl spoke. "You can't take planets by threats and fleets alone. You must have ground forces to attack the defending ground forces and it will still be an long war if the defenders are deterimed. bombardment will be useless or not enough if the enemy made previsions for such things or are determined enough to fight. Theres also powerful nations that view Orbital bombardment as barbaric method because it kills more civilians than the enemy forces. That also assumes you can keep Superality in space above the planet."
"Once you capture a solar system it's usually hard to lose it unless your enemy has a lot of allies."
19-04-2004, 05:20
Prince Borl shook his head. "That would depend on whom you are facing and other factors."
"An attacker's worst enemy is a well-fortified system."
23-04-2004, 23:06
"It all depends on many factors on both sides but still on to other things. The veiw is rather nice from up here." He spoke.
Mimiru nods. "Indeed it is." She looks over at the prince. "So, how would you feel about joining my family? You're the most eligible man I've come across so far."
24-04-2004, 06:14
Prince Borl smiled. "Be rather enjoyable." He spoke half jokingly. "Do you think your family can handle having an Teritoran noble, indivalistic, devoted honor bound goodly two shoes? It would likely shake things up."
Mimiru looks back out over the scenery. "Who knows? I have yet to find a sociologist that understands why Xanthalians get along with Teritorans as well as we do. By all rights we should be at each others' throats."
24-04-2004, 06:43
Prince Borl smiled and joked. "Maybe its God's joke on the sociologists."
"I'll never understand why so many people cling so strongly to religion. Thank god they taught us to be accepting."
24-04-2004, 15:22
"And I will never know why some people outright cling to nonbelief and many of them refuse to believe in anything that can't be explained by science. Its how people are. Everyone has something they belive in to the point its an reglion for them however."
Mimiru sighs. "I tried debating religion with a Roman Catholic once. She left the argument in tears. I've not bothered asking since then."
24-04-2004, 16:13
Prince Borl raised his eyebrows. "That seeems odd. Don't know any that would do that in my country or outside of it."
Mimiru nods. "Good. If there's one thing I don't like it's making others cry."
25-04-2004, 14:55
Prince Borl replied. "What I don't usually talk to much about is Teritoran Politics. The last time I talked to an outsider, they had an dazed confused look on their face."
Mimiru smiles. "Foreign politics always are a bit confusing..."
25-04-2004, 15:40
Prince Borl. "True, very true. It can serve to get read of hot air bags however."
"It's all about whether you think it's worth it to learn. For those like us, such knowledge is essential."
01-05-2004, 02:32
"That is true but one would not belive some of the idots that become ambassaders huh. Of course people like that more often or not you need to keep an eye on the embassy staff."
Mimiru begins climbing back down the cliff. "Ugh. Embassies. One of the most inefficient manners of managing international affairs ever created. That's why we stopped accepting them and running them long ago. Our diplomatic offices are much more efficient and require only one or two staff members to run."
01-05-2004, 04:14
Prince Borl replied as he followed suit. "Teritora still maintains its embassy in Xanthal, but we run our embassies differently than other people do and we also use them to to give our people valueable experence in diplomacy. Also many people don't trust machines in such affairs, some countries outright hate AIs expecally those who have suffered robot revolts, parrnoid about such things or been to war with one of the machine nations. In Teritora we keep all the embassies in one place, Embassy City, even has its own wall, police, fire, hospitals, schools and so on. Prahaps one of the safest places in the Galaxy."
Mimiru looks distant. "I remember reading about Zithal back in my college days. Krytan had an embassy district that extended for miles down a single street. Today our "embassies" are mostly shoved into a few office buildings with the exception of nations that request otherwise.
01-05-2004, 05:02
Prince Borl spoke musing. "Diplomatic offices, Embassies, quickest ways to leave ones country without leaving ones planet these days huh."
"I guess, but I still can't imagine staying on one planet my entire life. And to think that only five hundred years ago most people never even left the continent where they were born... Incredible."
01-05-2004, 05:16
"Until the 20th Century and even somewhat during it, most people never left 10 miles from where they were born,
Mimiru reaches the bottom and looks for the remaining members of the royal team. "Like I said, it's pretty wierd isn't it?"
01-05-2004, 05:40
Prince Borl reached the bottom shortly later. "Indeed it is." By the shack Princess Linda and King Doran had just finished another tea ceremony. Where they got the equipment and the goods for it was unknown.
Mimiru whispers to the prince. "How often do they do that?"
01-05-2004, 14:34
Prince Borl whispered back. "I think their trying to give us time to our selves. Teritorans usually only have one Tea Ceremony outside of politics of various types."
Mimiru lets the tip of her tongue stick out. "Is it working?"
02-05-2004, 00:23
Prince Borl chuckled slightly. "I would say so."
Mimiru stands straight and solemn, looking the very picture of a powerful leader. "Prince Borl of Teritora, will you stay here in the Socialist Republic with me?"
02-05-2004, 00:52
IC:Prince Borl spoke looking for all the world like an heroic prince out of some fairy tale or an medieval legend. "I would love to stay with you here, I am the Grand Marshal of the Teritoran Space Police however and like you I have an duty and responsablity to uphold. How could I live with my self if I abandaned my duty to my people and those under my command."
OOC:Oh my its turning into an melodrama. :wink:
OOC: I'm feeling it! Bring on the passion! (You've encouraged me. This is going to hurt.)
IC: "You shouldn't. You may wish to reassign that duty if you want to stay. All I know is that I want to be with you."
02-05-2004, 01:57
Prince Borl replied. "And I with you." An wind begans to blow as an desert storm brews in the distance Blowing, Borls cape in an dramatic way adding to the effect.
We'll be back after these messages.
OOC: Bring the King and Princess over here, this is beginning to scare me.
02-05-2004, 03:30
King Doran and Princess Linda walked over slowly and Princess Linda muttered to King Doran. "Great how did we end up in an melodrama, what next, deadly assasssins attack or some other event."
Mimiru turns her attention to her other guests. "Excuse me? I didn't catch that."
OOC: ...From the shadows a group of deadly asassins lurks.
02-05-2004, 05:38
Princess Linda spoke. "Oh I was just commenting on the little drama going on here. Its so romantic." King Doran whispers under his breath to Princess Linda. "You know know that you said that something will happen."
Mimiru crosses her arms. "Why, do you want in on the action? I have a brother who's not married..."
02-05-2004, 14:57
Princess Linda chuckled. "Goodness no, I'm an widow." King Doran muttered under his breath, inaudioable to anyone else. "Yep gots everything but the assassins showing up. Its an melodrama alright."
Mimiru laughs, waving to Fido. "See you later!" She walks off back toward the train station. "I need to get out of here, the wierdness is getting to me."
02-05-2004, 19:21
King Doran spoke as the the Teritorans followed. "Is this area one of those zones where strange things and outright weird or supernatural things happen. I half expected Rod Sterling to show up."
Mimiru laughs. "Xanthalians don't do supernatural. We explain things solely through investigation and analysis."
02-05-2004, 23:44
King Doran grinned. "And let me guess if something happens or is seen that can't be explained by sceince it didn't happen right. I seem recall Xanthal giving harber to supernatural creatures that other people would rather kill or banish back where they came from like vampires, demons and some other creatures."
"They aren't supernatural. Science has confirmed their existence. We don't deny what we see, we just explain it."
03-05-2004, 01:33
Princess Linda rised her eyebrows at this. "I saw it, it dragged somebody's soul to hell before my eyes therefore it must exist or it drained somebody of its blood before my eyes and turned to dust when killed by the various means ment to kill it therefore it must exist."
Mimiru looks surprised. "You've seen hell?"
03-05-2004, 03:57
Princess Linda spoke shrugging. "Saw the high senator Torl dragged off to hell in front of the whole Teritoran Royal senate by an demon. Fully half the senate resigned and went off to join monstaries to do petance for what ever crimes they commited and theres always the records of the demonlord summoned by cultists that attacked when King Ashagar was geting married followed by an angel showing up and an battle royal in the capital city back then creating an real mess."
"Ouch." Mimiru nods. "Well, that's a new one on me, but I'm sure it can be explained scientifically the same as everything else in this universe."
OOC: Current lag time of this RP behind my nation's most recent RP: 82 years. Kinda makes you feel the futility of it all, doesn't it?
03-05-2004, 04:09
OOC:Indeed huh, how many dictators have gone by now?
IC:Princess Linda smiled. "Of course. You know the senate smelled of brimestone for weeks afterwards though. Sure had an effect in droping the number of atheists not that theres many in Teritora to began with. Very few there were before that."
"I'm sure the Xanthalian Catholics would love you. All two thousand of them."
OOC: Two. Nimbus left her office to Museveni, and after he died it went to Zabertini. She founded the Triumvirate, and resigned her position.
05-05-2004, 00:51
Princess Linda spoke smiling. "And I am sure Teritora's atheists would love an country where their atheistism isn't challanged by events and logicial events and arguements, all 51 of them."
"Well, I'll see that our Catholics are informed of the opportunity."
06-05-2004, 02:22
Prince Borl chuckled. "Oh dear we're talking politics again. Mimiru, do you know what retired from their jobs or old Teritoran nobles do?"
Mimiru shrugs. "Whatever they want to?"
08-05-2004, 03:31
Prince Borl spoke. "They take up hunting, gardening, writing their memoirs and finally writing poetry, lots of poetry."
"Of course, some people say 'why wait to resign?'"
08-05-2004, 20:44
Prince Borl chuckled. "An Teritoran Noble can't retire from from service until he's in his seventies an can never retire if he's the head of his house or is the king."
"So? It's not as if there's no time for fun in the meantime. What kind of laws prevent a king from resigning, anyway? That seems counterproductive."
08-05-2004, 23:38
King Doran spoke up. "Since the king is chosen by the Royal senate for cetrian qulifcations then put through an trial by fire... You got to kill an powerful dragon chosen by the church to be slain and you can only use an sword, an lance, an armored horse, an suit of armor, sheild and such for equipment. So its seen that the king has for frist ask the church and the senate wither he can retire. If they don't both agree, the king can not retire."