Fourth NS General Parliament - Page 2
New Burmesia
30-10-2006, 11:24
There may not be 5 leftover seats in the next election, come to think of it. So let me rephrase. For every 4% of the vote earned, a party will get one seat. After these seats have been allotted, the remaining of the 25 seats will be given to the parties who were closest to garnering an additional seat, regardless of whether or not they met the 4% threshhold.
Under no circumstances would this affect the current parliament. This would only have an impact upon future elections.
I think this is an acceptable compromise, and then we can move on. If you like, I shall reword this into a Bill.
Any thoughts?
Jello Biafra
30-10-2006, 11:40
I think this is an acceptable compromise, and then we can move on. If you like, I shall reword this into a Bill.
Any thoughts?I don't have an objection to the mere elimination of the 4% threshold. However, I supported this bill because I believe that it will enhance participation in Parliament. If everyone believe that the next few Parliaments will have as much participation as this one, then perhaps it won't be necessary, but does everyone really believe that?
New Burmesia
30-10-2006, 14:01
I don't have an objection to the mere elimination of the 4% threshold. However, I supported this bill because I believe that it will enhance participation in Parliament. If everyone believe that the next few Parliaments will have as much participation as this one, then perhaps it won't be necessary, but does everyone really believe that?
I thought so too, but simply eliminating the 4% threshold is better than nothing, and still likely to allow smaller parties to participate.
I ran a sim of removing the 4% and it came out as:
Alcohol Party 1
Autonomist Party 1
Choose [Your Pogo Stick] Wisely Party 4
Defenderist Party 0
Democratic Socialist Party 2
Free Republic Party 1
Freedom, Environment and Science Party 1
Human Rights Party 2
Libertarian Party 1
Mole and Other Borrowing Rodents Alliance 2
New British Imperialist Party 4
Not Particularly Vicious Black Friday Afternoon Non-Marxist Revo 0
Opportunity & Fairness Meritocratic Party 1
Religious Conservative Party 1
United Democratic Communist Party 2
I also noticed that there might have been some errors made in calculating the seats for this parliament, giving three parties seats in the first stage when they shouldn't. I don't remember which ones, nor how much this would have effected stage two.
I've attached the worksheet which contains info on calculating both the 'list' system I proposed and removing the 4% barrier.
30-10-2006, 17:35
As a UDCP MP, I would like to vote against the "Bill For Proper English" proposal. I find it distasteful.
Vittos the City Sacker
30-10-2006, 17:51
Let's just face it: we cannot fairly represent everyone. The only way to represent EVERYONE would be to allow everyone a say on bills, which is simply preposterous. So in the end, some parties without many members will not reach parliament. Do you see any British Nationalists or Standing at the Back dressed Stupidly and looking Stupid MPs in the house of commons right now?
I am resigned to the fact that those parties unfairly cut out by the threshhold will not be recieving any representation (meaning a very large portion of the voters will not be represented because of a completely arbitrary boundary),
if we are to admit that this is a better way of representing the vote count (that is certainly what we are saying if we eliminate the threshhold), would we not be forced to admit that this past allotment a failed attempt to represent the voters?
New Burmesia
30-10-2006, 18:12
Okay then. I think this is an acceptable compromise, so we can settle this once and for all.
For every 4% of the vote earned, a party will get one seat. After these seats have been allotted, the remaining of the 25 seats will be given to the parties who were closest to garnering an additional seat, regardless of whether or not they met the 4% threshold.
Under no circumstances would this affect the current parliament. This would only have an impact upon future elections.
We need the support of 9 members before we can have a vote. Is anyone interested?
30-10-2006, 18:35
Okay then. I think this is an acceptable compromise, so we can settle this once and for all.
We need the support of 9 members before we can have a vote. Is anyone interested?
You need to add the increase to the number of members a party needs before it can stand before I'll support it.
New Burmesia
30-10-2006, 19:09
You need to add the increase to the number of members a party needs before it can stand before I'll support it.
I think four would be my upper limit.
30-10-2006, 22:38
I think four would be my upper limit.
I think 8 would be my lower limit.
New Burmesia
30-10-2006, 22:58
I think 8 would be my lower limit.
Which is more than most parties have in terms of active membership. Having such an absurdly high membership qualification will only lead to only a few parties being able to contest an election and make it more difficult for people to participate in the Nationstates Parliament. If anything, we should be making it easier for people to participate in the process, not stifling debate just because it represents a minority view point, or somehow not deemed worthy of our time.
30-10-2006, 23:02
Which is more than most parties have in terms of active membership. Having such an absurdly high membership qualification will only lead to only a few parties being able to contest an election and make it more difficult for people to participate in the Nationstates Parliament. If anything, we should be making it easier for people to participate in the process, not stifling debate just because it represents a minority view point, or somehow not deemed worthy of our time.
I will not support the removal of a threshold if it makes it possible for people to essentially just create a party and be guarenteed a seat. 8-10 members is not a particually high hurdle, especially as it will encourage parties to merge. Fewer parties will ultimately be much better for the Parliament.
New Burmesia
30-10-2006, 23:13
I will not support the removal of a threshold if it makes it possible for people to essentially just create a party and be guarenteed a seat.
Parties aren't guaranteed a seat at all. They are only guaranteed as much support as the electorate gives them. Having only one member and voting for yourself won't get you a seat.
8-10 members is not a particually high hurdle, especially as it will encourage parties to merge.
Unlikely since most parties come and go at each election.
Fewer parties will ultimately be much better for the Bigger Parties.
I corrected your statement.
30-10-2006, 23:22
I corrected your statement.
No, you libelously changed it in an attempt to be witty. I'd be careful if I were you; I'm sure that's grounds for losing one's seat.
Kinda Sensible people
30-10-2006, 23:40
No, you libelously changed it in an attempt to be witty. I'd be careful if I were you; I'm sure that's grounds for losing one's seat.
Except, so far as I know, there are no grounds for losing one's seat, so that statement is incorrect.
The Friesland colony
31-10-2006, 08:54
Except, so far as I know, there are no grounds for losing one's seat, so that statement is incorrect.
Maybe he was joking? But ask him.
The new system sounds good to me, but I agree, no fewer than eight for a party. If a party can't get eight members, then the people (of NSG) aren't interested in what it has to offer. Democracy is the rule of the people. If we allow 2-3 member parties to reach parliament, we're representing maybe 5-7 people, not the 30-50 people who a big party is representing. If you want a seat, get popular support. That's politics. Rule without popular support is not democracy.
Now, as the de facto most senior officer in the NSG army, I've noticed that the ruling coalition and MOBRA all seem to be in favour of frequent war, but for very differant reasons, while other parties would prefer peace. I propose we come to a compromise on when to declare war, but I'll let someone else start the ball rolling, since as Field Marshall and member of the NBIP I'm probably not impartial enough.
As a UDCP MP, I would like to vote against the "Bill For Proper English" proposal. I find it distasteful.
The thread is lying around somewhere. I'll give it a bump.
Okay then. I think this is an acceptable compromise, so we can settle this once and for all.
We need the support of 9 members before we can have a vote. Is anyone interested?
I'll hit it up with some supporty-love.
New Burmesia
31-10-2006, 16:50
The new system sounds good to me, but I agree, no fewer than eight for a party. If a party can't get eight members, then the people (of NSG) aren't interested in what it has to offer. Democracy is the rule of the people. If we allow 2-3 member parties to reach parliament, we're representing maybe 5-7 people, not the 30-50 people who a big party is representing. If you want a seat, get popular support.That's politics. Rule without popular support is not democracy.
Popular support is assessed at the election, not by how many members a party has. While I agree with the idea that there should be a qualification of around 4-5 members to ensure that a party has at least enough members to cover most of the seats it might win. Furthermore, representative bodies are supposed to represent as close as possible the entire population. Even if a small party only has 2 seats in parliament it is still a valid representation of those 5-7 people - in short, people are still entitled to their representation if they vote for small parties.
I'll hit it up with some supporty-love.
The Friesland colony
31-10-2006, 17:26
Popular support is assessed at the election, not by how many members a party has. While I agree with the idea that there should be a qualification of around 4-5 members to ensure that a party has at least enough members to cover most of the seats it might win. Furthermore, representative bodies are supposed to represent as close as possible the entire population. Even if a small party only has 2 seats in parliament it is still a valid representation of those 5-7 people - in short, people are still entitled to their representation if they vote for small parties.
I was refering to the elections when I said that a party with two or three members would be representing 5-7 people, while a big 10-25 might represent 30-50. And while it seems like a good and fair thing, it has issues. Some people will have unpopular opinions and will therefore not make it with an 8-10 members limit. That's not perfect, but it''s not bad, either: democracy is rule of the people. In my opinion, that's different from rule by everyone.
You need to add the increase to the number of members a party needs before it can stand before I'll support it.
That could easily be another issue on it's own. I for one would support such a change. It would encourage smaller parties with similar politics to merge, which would (most likely) allow them to appeal to a greater portion of the electorate. Similarly, it's the large parties that tend to survive until the next election. MOBRA and UDCP are both here from last year, IMS, and I predict NBIP and CypsWP being here with them next year.
On that note, aren't elections meant to be more frequent than annually, or did I imagine reading that in the procedures?
EDIT:Procedures say once every 4 months at a minimum.
Vittos the City Sacker
31-10-2006, 17:47
If this 8 member minimum rule is instituted I will be officially done with this parliament. I will sit back and let the spam parties with large uncaring membership run it and ruin it.
New Burmesia
31-10-2006, 18:01
I was refering to the elections when I said that a party with two or three members would be representing 5-7 people, while a big 10-25 might represent 30-50. And while it seems like a good and fair thing, it has issues. Some people will have unpopular opinions and will therefore not make it with an 8-10 members limit.
And people with unpopular opinions will only make a small amount of Parliament, if at all.
That's not perfect, but it''s not bad, either: democracy is rule of the people. In my opinion, that's different from rule by everyone.
Parliament's job isn't to rule, but to represent, and so should represent as many as possible.
If this 8 member minimum rule is instituted I will be officially done with this parliament. I will sit back and let the spam parties with large uncaring membership run it and ruin it.
Well... Seeing as how you're not a member of this parliament...
The Friesland colony
31-10-2006, 20:53
And people with unpopular opinions will only make a small amount of Parliament, if at all.
And thus they will be unable to seriously effect the outcome of bills and will effectively be wasting space.
Parliament's job isn't to rule, but to represent, and so should represent as many as possible.
It represents the people. Thus, the people rule.
New Burmesia
31-10-2006, 21:31
And thus they will be unable to seriously effect the outcome of bills and will effectively be wasting space.
Yes, they will. Just because a party has less seats than another does not mean its MPs cannot vote or debate an issue constructively. For example, the National Labour party led by Ramsay MacDonald won only 13 of 615 seats in Parliament, but was able to form a coalition wit the Conservatives and MacDonald became PM.
One of many examples of a small party effecting the outcome of bills and the legislative and executive process.
It represents the people. Thus, the people rule.
The NS parliament has no executive, and so cannot 'rule'.
Vittos the City Sacker
31-10-2006, 23:23
Well... Seeing as how you're not a member of this parliament...
As if the members are actually worth a shit either. (Nothing personal, its just that you would be replaced without consequence, hell, there hasn't even been a vote yet)
This parliament is busted.
As if the members are actually worth a shit either. (Nothing personal, its just that you would be replaced without consequence, hell, there hasn't even been a vote yet)
This parliament is busted.
:confused: There are two votes going on at the moment... I don't know what you're on about.
And yes, I do believe the members are worth more than the value you seem to place on them.
Vittos the City Sacker
31-10-2006, 23:45
:confused: There are two votes going on at the moment... I don't know what you're on about.
And yes, I do believe the members are worth more than the value you seem to place on them.
I didn't know about the nudity bill (it seems few else do either, there have been only six votes), but that bill for proper english is a farce (it also ended in a tie).
I didn't know about the nudity bill (it seems few else do either, there have been only six votes), but that bill for proper english is a farce (it also ended in a tie).
The voting for the nudity bill started today.
You're free to feel that the proper english bill is a farce.
But so what that it ended in a tie? The voting isn't over (it's got a deadline of a week) and a tie only means that it's not passed.
WC Imperial Court
01-11-2006, 02:25
If this 8 member minimum rule is instituted I will be officially done with this parliament. I will sit back and let the spam parties with large uncaring membership run it and ruin it.
That is almost enough to make me support it. :rolleyes:
If only I thought it were good idea. :(
WC Imperial Court
01-11-2006, 02:36
As if the members are actually worth a shit either. (Nothing personal, its just that you would be replaced without consequence, hell, there hasn't even been a vote yet)
This parliament is busted.
You say members are not worth a shit, and think saying "nothing personal" makes it okay? The members here have debated, discussed, compromised, introduced bills, and voted.
You are right. We CAN be replaced without consequence, since, as you seem to have difficulty understanding, this is a GAME and this Parliament has NO POWER!
There are two votes going on, as Gravlen so kindly pointed out. Just because you don't like what the bills ar on doesn't mean that there have not been votes.
Stop whining. We are debating what YOU wanted to debate, even though you ARE NOT a member, and you have the gall to call the members worthless? I humored you, and discussed a dull, and frankly pointless topic. Because, election reform has no effect, because parliament has no effect.
You can call me and my friends and colleagues "worth a shit." But don't expect me to ever give to shits what you think or want ever again.
Though, frankly, given the maturity and comprehension you display, I should just respond in terms you may be able to comprehend. "I'm rubber you're glue"
Vittos the City Sacker
01-11-2006, 02:39
You say members are not worth a shit, and think saying "nothing personal" makes it okay? The members here have debated, discussed, compromised, introduced bills, and voted.
You are right. We CAN be replaced without consequence, since, as you seem to have difficulty understanding, this is a GAME and this Parliament has NO POWER!
There are two votes going on, as Gravlen so kindly pointed out. Just because you don't like what the bills ar on doesn't mean that there have not been votes.
Stop whining. We are debating what YOU wanted to debate, even though you ARE NOT a member, and you have the gall to call the members worthless? I humored you, and discussed a dull, and frankly pointless topic. Because, election reform has no effect, because parliament has no effect.
You can call me and my friends and colleagues "worth a shit." But don't expect me to ever give to shits what you think or want ever again.
Though, frankly, given the maturity and comprehension you display, I should just respond in terms you may be able to comprehend. "I'm rubber you're glue"
So indignant.
I would like to point out that matters of the election and administration of this parliament are the only measures that we can weigh on that actually have some practical significance. Since the only thing we can actually control is the election itself, perhaps we should concentrate on that before we try anything else.
But parliament has sputtered everytime. I thought this time might be different.
EDIT: And in a couple weeks time this parliament will be forgotten and we will be 3 months away from another failure. The only thing that has kept this thread going is my (and others) unhappiness for the election system.
The rest has been spam and that will disperse for more suitable threads eventually.
Kinda Sensible people
01-11-2006, 03:15
I will support the new electoral reform bill, assuming that the limit goes no higher than 8. Any higher than that, and it loses my support.
Vittos the City Sacker
01-11-2006, 03:27
I will support the new electoral reform bill, assuming that the limit goes no higher than 8. Any higher than that, and it loses my support.
Over a third of voters in the last election voted for a party with less than eight members.
The Friesland colony
01-11-2006, 08:21
Yes, they will. Just because a party has less seats than another does not mean its MPs cannot vote or debate an issue constructively. For example, the National Labour party led by Ramsay MacDonald won only 13 of 615 seats in Parliament, but was able to form a coalition wit the Conservatives and MacDonald became PM.
So they form a coalition with one of the big juggernaughts, and either become powerful and exceed the vote limit, or are powerless without the support of the big party. Alone, a small party has no real effect
The NS parliament has no executive, and so cannot 'rule'.
...When did I say it did?
As if the members are actually worth a shit either. (Nothing personal, its just that you would be replaced without consequence, hell, there hasn't even been a vote yet)
This parliament is busted.
I'm having a debate about elactoral reform and tried to bring up the "serious " issue of the justification of military action, but presumably I'm still included in your blanket statement? A statement who's grammar makes me want to wince and which blatantly slurs a group of people and then drops what is effectively a euphamism for the now meaningless "IMHO"? I know you'll probably kick and scream and call me a spammer or flamer, but I feel justified in giving you my true and unvarnished opinion.
Thank you.
01-11-2006, 09:58
I'm having a debate about elactoral reform and tried to bring up the "serious " issue of the justification of military action,
Forgive me, good sah, but I have been extremely busy on Her Majesty's business recently and missed this, wot! It sounds like an awfully interesting topic for discussion; perhaps you could expand it, old chap?
I'm having a debate about elactoral reform and tried to bring up the "serious " issue of the justification of military action, but presumably I'm still included in your blanket statement? A statement who's grammar makes me want to wince and which blatantly slurs a group of people and then drops what is effectively a euphamism for the now meaningless "IMHO"? I know you'll probably kick and scream and call me a spammer or flamer, but I feel justified in giving you my true and unvarnished opinion.
Thank you.
No, thank you. :)
The nudity bill has gone to vote?
Vittos the City Sacker
01-11-2006, 12:08
I'm having a debate about elactoral reform and tried to bring up the "serious" issue of the justification of military action, but presumably I'm still included in your blanket statement?
Good for you for bringing up a serious topic, but we shall see how well that goes.
A statement who's grammar makes me want to wince and which blatantly slurs a group of people and then drops what is effectively a euphamism for the now meaningless "IMHO"?
"IMHO"? I said "Nothing personal" which anyone should know means "I don't mean you as a person." My slur was directed at the system which is clearly screwed when parties with no political agenda other than to enforce grammatical rules, enslave the human race, and bounce on pogo sticks control the parliament and starts to pass legislation that eliminates those parties that do have political agendas.
Thank you.
Nope, civil disobedience is the way.
*kicks over Gravlens desk*
Nope, civil disobedience is the way.
*kicks over Gravlens desk*
We have desks?
Kinda Sensible people
01-11-2006, 14:50
Over a third of voters in the last election voted for a party with less than eight members.
But almost every party had more than 8 votes. It's just a matter of working a little harder to get co-ordination.
Besides, compromise is the lifeblood of democracy.
We have desks?
Some of us got here early and got our own offices :D
*Has Vittos escorted out of the office*
The Beautiful Darkness
01-11-2006, 14:58
Some of us got here early and got our own offices :D
*Has Vittos escorted out of the office*
Good job. Tell security he's not allowed back in either. :rolleyes:
New Burmesia
01-11-2006, 15:42
So they form a coalition with one of the big juggernaughts, and either become powerful and exceed the vote limit, or are powerless without the support of the big party. Alone, a small party has no real effect
But when parties work together in Parliament, they do.
...When did I say it did?
"It represents the people. Thus, the people rule."
Okay, since it seems we are split, at least partially, between 8 or less members, I suggest we go for a compromise of 6. To me, that's a fair deal.
By the way, I support the Ministries Bill!
I hope someone is counting? That would be the responsibility of the proposer, would it not?
Good job. Tell security he's not allowed back in either. :rolleyes:
10-4, Roger Wilco, will do :cool:
Vittos the City Sacker
01-11-2006, 18:06
But almost every party had more than 8 votes. It's just a matter of working a little harder to get co-ordination.
It is hard to imagine that 8 votes can translate into 8 members. Even my estimation of how many parties had eight members could be wrong, as the UDCP and DSP have two year old membership roles.
The number could be as high as 50%.
In the end, I don't even know what the poing of this eight member limit is.
Besides, compromise is the lifeblood of democracy.
Or the death of it, depending on the situation.
The Friesland colony
01-11-2006, 18:41
But when parties work together in Parliament, they do.
So why not merge them, if they're similar?
"It represents the people. Thus, the people rule."
Which is different from parliament ruling.
Okay, since it seems we are split, at least partially, between 8 or less members, I suggest we go for a compromise of 6. To me, that's a fair deal.
I concur.
Good for you for bringing up a serious topic, but we shall see how well that goes.
Why thank you, but my intention was to provide something in which both serious and silly parties can have a say.
"IMHO"? I said "Nothing personal" which anyone should know means "I don't mean you as a person." My slur was directed at the system which is clearly screwed when parties with no political agenda other than to enforce grammatical rules, enslave the human race, and bounce on pogo sticks control the parliament and starts to pass legislation that eliminates those parties that do have political agendas.
Forgive me, we misunderstood each other. However, this is democracy, and large numbers of people voted for the "silly" parties
. What do you suggest? Ban "silly" parties? The distinction is vague, and the act unjust. Discount those votes? Trampling the very concept of democracy.
Nope, civil disobedience is the way.
*kicks over Gravlens desk*
Nationstates Foot Guards! Seize him!
*a company of redcoats with minimaxims rush to aid security, while a second company cordons off the offices of NBIP and CWP members to buy time for brigade engineers to nail the desks to the floor*
Forgive me, good sah, but I have been extremely busy on Her Majesty's business recently and missed this, wot! It sounds like an awfully interesting topic for discussion; perhaps you could expand it, old chap?
Ehxcellant, sah, ehxcellant! You see, many parties have outlined their military policy, so I feel it necessary to put through a bill which will determine the size, organization, budgeting, and, most importantly, use of the NSG armed forces. This seems to be a difficult task, since the MPs eagerness to use force for various purposes varies wildly. As such, I think we should just begin with one party's policy and then let all the members request amendments until a satisfactory compromise is achieved. Although there is no clear NBIP policy, I'll get us off the ground with what I, the Field Marshall, believe is justified:
The Use of Force Bill
1)The military shall obey the parliament in all matters.
2)The military shall never strike without unjustified provocation.
3)Attack on a sovereign country without provocation, including NSG, constitutes unjustified provocation.
4)Atrocities and neglect of human rights constitute unjustified provocation.
5)Funding of criminal terrorism constitutes unjustified provocation.
6)Overthrow of a legitimate government by undemocratic means constitutes unjustified provocation.
7)Violation of international treaties constitutes unjustified provocation.
8)NSG forces will remain in defeated countries where necessary to introduce a legitimate democratic government.
9)Any declaration of war requires a majority of 15 in parliament. This figure is subject to adjustment due to electoral reform or similar.
New Burmesia
01-11-2006, 19:48
So why not merge them, if they're similar?
Would it be better if similar minded people worked together? Yes. Should we force them to before an election? No. However, we should at least ensure that parties have enough members to cover any seats they are likely to have.
Which is different from parliament ruling.
I think we're on different wavelengths here. When I think of ruling I usually think of the executive of the government. But, i suppose, that's just an opinion.
I concur.
I'll go through the Use of Force bill later :D
The Friesland colony
01-11-2006, 19:52
Would it be better if similar minded people worked together? Yes. Should we force them to before an election? No. However, we should at least ensure that parties have enough members to cover any seats they are likely to have.
Yes, six seems a good number their. But I suppose you're right, if we really want a system promoting freedom, we have to allow any parties large enough to be admitted their own views. Of course, six is big enough for me, so it doesn't make much practical differance.
*Bows out*
I think we're on different wavelengths here. When I think of ruling I usually think of the executive of the government. But, i suppose, that's just an opinion.
Yeah, differant wavelengths.
Gah! Not them! They're everywhere!
New Burmesia
01-11-2006, 20:14
Gah! Not them! They're everywhere!
:fluffle: :fluffle: :fluffle: :fluffle: :fluffle: :fluffle: :fluffle: :fluffle: :fluffle:
*Cackles insanely*
01-11-2006, 22:52
The Use of Force Bill
1)The military shall obey the parliament in all matters.
2)The military shall never strike without unjustified provocation.
3)Attack on a sovereign country without provocation, including NSG, constitutes unjustified provocation.
4)Atrocities and neglect of human rights constitute unjustified provocation.
5)Funding of criminal terrorism constitutes unjustified provocation.
6)Overthrow of a legitimate government by undemocratic means constitutes unjustified provocation.
7)Violation of international treaties constitutes unjustified provocation.
8)NSG forces will remain in defeated countries where necessary to introduce a legitimate democratic government.
9)Any declaration of war requires a majority of 15 in parliament. This figure is subject to adjustment due to electoral reform or similar.
Good sah, I shall give this my support to bring it to vote! I hope that other Honourable Members will do the same, wot!
Kinda Sensible people
01-11-2006, 23:34
The Use of Force Bill
1)The military shall obey the parliament in all matters.
2)The military shall never strike without unjustified provocation.
3)Attack on a sovereign country without provocation, including NSG, constitutes unjustified provocation.
4)Atrocities and neglect of human rights constitute unjustified provocation.
5)Funding of criminal terrorism constitutes unjustified provocation.
6)Overthrow of a legitimate government by undemocratic means constitutes unjustified provocation.
7)Violation of international treaties constitutes unjustified provocation.
8)NSG forces will remain in defeated countries where necessary to introduce a legitimate democratic government.
9)Any declaration of war requires a majority of 15 in parliament. This figure is subject to adjustment due to electoral reform or similar.
The general concept is fairly good, but there is some language that needs to be corrected.
In numbers 4 and 5, define what constitutes a violation of Human Rights, or criminal Terrorism.
Number six ignores the use of revolution to institute a democratic government.
Number eight should include a requirement that real progress should be made towards establishing said government. I would also put foward that the requirement that this government establish the other government ignores other possibilities, including turning the authority over to an international arbitter that may be more effective at establishing that democracy. It may also be important to remember that forcing democracy at gunpoint rarely works.
Vittos the City Sacker
02-11-2006, 00:00
Nationstates Foot Guards! Seize him!
*a company of redcoats with minimaxims rush to aid security, while a second company cordons off the offices of NBIP and CWP members to buy time for brigade engineers to nail the desks to the floor*
*puts on fake mustache and floppy hat and re-enters*
Forgive me, we misunderstood each other. However, this is democracy, and large numbers of people voted for the "silly" parties
. What do you suggest? Ban "silly" parties? The distinction is vague, and the act unjust. Discount those votes? Trampling the very concept of democracy.
I have argued many times on the behalf of the silly parties. I have stated that it would be hypocritical for the members of a fake parliament to institute rules that meant to keep out "fake" parties. I made that argument against the very measures that said "silly" parties are proposing right now.
It is incredibly unjust to make rules that bar small parties from having a voice in parliament, and those who realize that are making enormous concessions. (I'm looking at you KSP)
The Friesland colony
02-11-2006, 09:15
*puts on fake mustache and floppy hat and re-enters*
"I say, sah, no hats in a workplace of the Royal Engineers! Take em' off!", demands a noble redcoat.
I have argued many times on the behalf of the silly parties. I have stated that it would be hypocritical for the members of a fake parliament to institute rules that meant to keep out "fake" parties. I made that argument against the very measures that said "silly" parties are proposing right now.
It is incredibly unjust to make rules that bar small parties from having a voice in parliament, and those who realize that are making enormous concessions. (I'm looking at you KSP)
*See my entire debate with New Burmesia*
The general concept is fairly good, but there is some language that needs to be corrected.
Why thank you, sah.
In numbers 4 and 5, define what constitutes a violation of Human Rights, or criminal Terrorism.
Human Rights as layed down in the International Bill of Rights. Criminal terrorism as the organised use of crime for an illegal motive. I shall change this to "funding crime".
Number six ignores the use of revolution to institute a democratic government.
That is true. I'll ammend to the overthrow of a legitimate regime and the installation of an illegitimate one.
Number eight should include a requirement that real progress should be made towards establishing said government. I would also put foward that the requirement that this government establish the other government ignores other possibilities, including turning the authority over to an international arbitter that may be more effective at establishing that democracy. It may also be important to remember that forcing democracy at gunpoint rarely works.
The first point is true, while alternate cicumstances such as an international arbiter are assumed to render occupation unnecesary, and this clause only calls for it where necessary. The last point is one of great controversy and I personally believe we should perhaps handle on a case by case basis.
Thus, the ammended bill:
1)The military shall obey the parliament in all matters.
2)The military shall never strike without unjustified provocation.
3)Attack on a sovereign country without provocation, including NSG, constitutes unjustified provocation.
4)Atrocities and neglect of human rights as layed down in the International Bill of Rights constitute unjustified provocation.
5)Funding of crime in a country ruled by a legitimate regime constitutes unjustified provocation.
6)Overthrow of a legitimate government by undemocratic means and the subsequent installation of an illegitimate regime constitutes unjustified provocation.
7)Violation of international treaties constitutes unjustified provocation.
8)NSG forces will remain in defeated countries where necessary to introduce a legitimate democratic government. At all times every available effort and resourde will be put towards fulfilling this objecive. Parliament will define when occupation is necessary.
9)Any declaration of war requires a majority of 15 in parliament. This figure is subject to adjustment due to electoral reform or similar.
Some of us got here early and got our own offices :D
*Has Vittos escorted out of the office*
So I'm stuck with TBD in the broom closet again?
By the way, I support the Ministries Bill!
I hope someone is counting? That would be the responsibility of the proposer, would it not?
With you that makes 5, I believe.
Good sah, I shall give this my support to bring it to vote! I hope that other Honourable Members will do the same, wot!
Thus, the ammended bill:
1)The military shall obey the parliament in all matters.
2)The military shall never strike without unjustified provocation.
3)Attack on a sovereign country without provocation, including NSG, constitutes unjustified provocation.
4)Atrocities and neglect of human rights as layed down in the International Bill of Rights constitute unjustified provocation.
5)Funding of crime in a country ruled by a legitimate regime constitutes unjustified provocation.
6)Overthrow of a legitimate government by undemocratic means and the subsequent installation of an illegitimate regime constitutes unjustified provocation.
7)Violation of international treaties constitutes unjustified provocation.
8)NSG forces will remain in defeated countries where necessary to introduce a legitimate democratic government. At all times every available effort and resourde will be put towards fulfilling this objecive. Parliament will define when occupation is necessary.
9)Any declaration of war requires a majority of 15 in parliament. This figure is subject to adjustment due to electoral reform or similar.
You have my support good sahs, for either bill.
New Burmesia
02-11-2006, 12:20
I'll give the Use of Force bill general support.
I'll also post an amended elections Bill:
For a party to stand it must have the support of six members and/or associates.
For every 4% of the vote earned, a party will get one seat. After these seats have been allotted, the remaining of the 25 seats will be given to the parties who were closest to garnering an additional seat, regardless of whether or not they met the 4% threshold.
Under no circumstances would this affect the current parliament. This would only have an impact upon future elections.
I'll give the Use of Force bill general support.
I'll also post an amended elections Bill:
I think we should just take it as read that any electoral reform bills won't have any affect on the current parliament.
WC Imperial Court
02-11-2006, 14:55
I support bringing the elections reform bill to a vote
The Friesland colony
02-11-2006, 17:10
So I now have the support of Ifreann, Philosophy, New Burmesia, and perhaps Kinda Sensible People. Forgive my ignorance, but do I count towards my own nine supporters?
So I now have the support of Ifreann, Philosophy, New Burmesia, and perhaps Kinda Sensible People. Forgive my ignorance, but do I count towards my own nine supporters?
I wouldn't think so.
New Burmesia
02-11-2006, 17:16
I think we should just take it as read that any electoral reform bills won't have any affect on the current parliament.
Yes, but I thought it necessary to make sure that was clear.
I wouldn't think so.
I would. The procedures state the support of nine members is needed. It doesn't say who introduced it doesn't count, so as a member, the member who introduced it can count.
Yes, but I thought it necessary to make sure that was clear.
Probably a good idea.
I would. The procedures state the support of nine members is needed. It doesn't say who introduced it doesn't count, so as a member, the member who introduced it can count.
Ah, quite true. Very well, I'm not bothered either way.
WC Imperial Court
02-11-2006, 18:57
Which one?
New Burmesia's
So I now have the support of Ifreann, Philosophy, New Burmesia, and perhaps Kinda Sensible People. Forgive my ignorance, but do I count towards my own nine supporters?
And mine, friend!
02-11-2006, 22:43
So I now have the support of Ifreann, Philosophy, New Burmesia, and perhaps Kinda Sensible People. Forgive my ignorance, but do I count towards my own nine supporters?
Yes; you're as much a member as anyone else.
Vittos the City Sacker
02-11-2006, 23:49
I'll also post an amended elections Bill:
What is the point?
Do the math:
There were 151 voters this most recent election.
Assuming that we will have similar voter participation next election, you will just be requiring that parties show that they can recieve 4% of the vote before even allowing them to run, rather than allowing them to run to see if they receive 4% of popular support.
The new policy is even more restrictive where it is practically different.
[I couldn't have asked for you guys to pick a better arbitrary number to help prove my point. That you managed to pick a number that represents 4% of voters is true gold.]
Kinda Sensible people
03-11-2006, 00:19
So I now have the support of Ifreann, Philosophy, New Burmesia, and perhaps Kinda Sensible People. Forgive my ignorance, but do I count towards my own nine supporters?
You have my support.
Jello Biafra
03-11-2006, 13:34
What is the point?
Do the math:
There were 151 voters this most recent election.
Assuming that we will have similar voter participation next election, you will just be requiring that parties show that they can recieve 4% of the vote before even allowing them to run, rather than allowing them to run to see if they receive 4% of popular support.
The new policy is even more restrictive where it is practically different.
[I couldn't have asked for you guys to pick a better arbitrary number to help prove my point. That you managed to pick a number that represents 4% of voters is true gold.]I agree. I wouldn't support a system that requires parties to have 6 members before they can run. 4 at the maximum, and even that is stretching it a bit.
You have my support.
Only 3 more to bring it to ze vote.
New Burmesia
04-11-2006, 12:03
I agree. I wouldn't support a system that requires parties to have 6 members before they can run. 4 at the maximum, and even that is stretching it a bit.
I originally proposed four, but since others suggested eight, I thought six was the most logical compromise.
New Burmesia
04-11-2006, 12:28
What is the point?
Do the math:
There were 151 voters this most recent election.
Assuming that we will have similar voter participation next election, you will just be requiring that parties show that they can recieve 4% of the vote before even allowing them to run, rather than allowing them to run to see if they receive 4% of popular support.
The new policy is even more restrictive where it is practically different.
[I couldn't have asked for you guys to pick a better arbitrary number to help prove my point. That you managed to pick a number that represents 4% of voters is true gold.]
That is based on the incorrect assumption that the only people who can register to support the party are the 150 people who voted in the last election. There are many more hundreds of people on NS general.
Vittos the City Sacker
04-11-2006, 17:09
That is based on the incorrect assumption that the only people who can register to support the party are the 150 people who voted in the last election. There are many more hundreds of people on NS general.
Are you stating that posters are more likely to become members of a party than to vote? That seems extremely unlikely.
New Burmesia
04-11-2006, 17:24
Are you stating that posters are more likely to become members of a party than to vote? That seems extremely unlikely.
You don't have to become a member of a party, you just have to show support for that party.
Vittos the City Sacker
04-11-2006, 20:05
You don't have to become a member of a party, you just have to show support for that party.
Good. I have no problem with this.
05-11-2006, 11:51
I'll catch up later...
05-11-2006, 14:17
So I now have the support of Ifreann, Philosophy, New Burmesia, and perhaps Kinda Sensible People. Forgive my ignorance, but do I count towards my own nine supporters?
Of course you count, good sah! You are a MP wot!
You have my support as well. :)
The Friesland colony
05-11-2006, 14:21
Of course you count, good sah! You are a MP wot!
You have my support as well. :)
Spiffing, old bean! That makes six!
Is the voting for the Nudity Bill and the English Language Bill finished? If so, can someone responsible post the results here? ;)
Is the voting for the Nudity Bill and the English Language Bill finished? If so, can someone responsible post the results here? ;)
The Nudity Bill PASSED 19 to 2. I don't know about the English Language Bill.
Hooray Nudity! :fluffle:
The Nudity Bill PASSED 19 to 2. I don't know about the English Language Bill.
Hooray Nudity! :fluffle:
Yay! That's good news :)
*Streaks through Parliament*
05-11-2006, 19:13
Is the voting for the Nudity Bill and the English Language Bill finished? If so, can someone responsible post the results here? ;)
Eight honourable MPs voted for the bill while eight bloody rotters voted against. However, most people who are not MPs voted for the bill so it has passed. I guess that the opinions of commoners do matter after all! :eek:
...or is this going to cause more bickering, wot?
Eight honourable MPs voted for the bill while eight bloody rotters voted against. However, most people who are not MPs voted for the bill so it has passed. I guess that the opinions of commoners do matter after all! :eek:
...or is this going to cause more bickering, wot?
More bickering I think.
I'd say that the only votes that should be counted are those of MPs so it is a tie and therefore does not pass.
P.S. On a personal note How come you're never on MSN messenger anymore?
I hate to admit it but I enjoy chatting with you. :fluffle:
More bickering I think.
I'd say that the only votes that should be counted are those of MPs so it is a tie and therefore does not pass.
I'd have to agree with the honourable MP
*Zips up pants*
I'm afraid it means the bill didn't pass :(
P.S. On a personal note How come you're never on MSN messenger anymore?
I hate to admit it but I enjoy chatting with you. :fluffle:
*Makes a note that the MP uses parliamentary time to convey personal messages* :p
The Friesland colony
06-11-2006, 09:14
I say, why not use the common vote as a tie breaker? There's bound to be some long and complicated reason why not, but it can't hurt to suggest it, wotwot!
Now, here's the foundation of a new bill, by popular NBIP request:
The Smilie Prevention Bill
1)The following smilies can potentially be used in a vulgar, rude, or n00bish context:upyours: :sniper: :mp5: :gundge: :.
2)These shall not be used unless the thread author declares it reasonable by direct statement or implicitly, by declaring the thread a site for spamming and/or flamewars.
Unfortunately, I can't think of any good penalties. Any ideas, chaps? And NBIP MPs, lets have your support for my other bill of that's all jolly good, wot?
Yay! That's good news :)
*Streaks through Parliament*
*Sneaks into toilet and guiltily removes humungous ostrich-feather adorned Field-Marshalling hat*
The Beautiful Darkness
06-11-2006, 09:38
I say, why not use the common vote as a tie breaker? There's bound to be some long and complicated reason why not, but it can't hurt to suggest it, wotwot!
Now, here's the foundation of a new bill, by popular NBIP request:
The Smilie Prevention Bill
1)The following smilies can potentially be used in a vulgar, rude, spamming, or n00bish context:upyours: :sniper: :mp5: :gundge: :fluffle: :.
2)These shall not be used unless the thread author declares it reasonable by direct statement or implicitly, by declaring the thread a site for spamming and/or flamewars.
Unfortunately, I can't think of any good penalties. Any ideas, chaps? And NBIP MPs, lets have your support for my other bill of that's all jolly good, wot?
*Sneaks into toilet and guiltily removes humungous ostrich-feather adorned Field-Marshalling hat*
I might support your bill if you took fluffles off the list of offensive smiles.
06-11-2006, 10:24
Vacuum Sweetie, Commoner votes do not count. :rolleyes:
The Nudity Bill PASSED 19 to 2. I don't know about the English Language Bill.
Hooray Nudity! :fluffle:
*gets violently naked*
Vacuum Sweetie, Commoner votes do not count. :rolleyes:
Commoners in general don't count.
I might support your bill if you took fluffles off the list of offensive smiles.
My thoughts exactly :)
Also, good sir Friesland, I'd like for the word "spamming" to be removed from the proposal, as you portray spam in a negative light. That is wrong. Spam can be good.
As for the penalty, I suggest something that will reflect the eternal n00bishness of the person using those smilies.
Oterwise, have a fluffle :fluffle:
My thoughts exactly :)
Also, good sir Friesland, I'd like for the word "spamming" to be removed from the proposal, as you portray spam in a negative light. That is wrong. Spam can be good.
As for the penalty, I suggest something that will reflect the eternal n00bishness of the person using those smilies.
Oterwise, have a fluffle :fluffle:
Fluffle is the best flavour of spam.
WC Imperial Court
06-11-2006, 14:30
I say, why not use the common vote as a tie breaker? There's bound to be some long and complicated reason why not, but it can't hurt to suggest it, wotwot!
Now, here's the foundation of a new bill, by popular NBIP request:
The Smilie Prevention Bill
1)The following smilies can potentially be used in a vulgar, rude, spamming, or n00bish context:upyours: :sniper: :mp5: :gundge: :fluffle: :.
2)These shall not be used unless the thread author declares it reasonable by direct statement or implicitly, by declaring the thread a site for spamming and/or flamewars.
Unfortunately, I can't think of any good penalties. Any ideas, chaps? And NBIP MPs, lets have your support for my other bill of that's all jolly good, wot?
*Sneaks into toilet and guiltily removes humungous ostrich-feather adorned Field-Marshalling hat*
Good sir, I object to the inclusion of the gundge (:gundge: ) and the fluffle (:fluffle: ) in your bill, ESPECIALLY the fluffle. It is neither vulgar nor rude nor noobish. And tho it can be used as spam, i've seen smilie spam of all sorts.
WC Imperial Court
06-11-2006, 14:32
Fluffle is the best flavour of spam.
Indeed, my friend!
The Friesland colony
06-11-2006, 17:10
Ammended by popular request!
The fluffles have evidantly corrupted your mind!
Ammended by popular request!
The fluffles have evidantly corrupted your mind!
Perhaps lack of fluffles has corrupted yours good sah :fluffle:
The Friesland colony
06-11-2006, 21:08
Perhaps lack of fluffles has corrupted yours good sah :fluffle:
*Re-dons hat*
A British Field-Marshall, sah, is never corrupt, merely open minded!
*Re-dons hat*
A British Field-Marshall, sah, is never corrupt, merely open minded!
"Is that a Marshall's Baton in your pocket or are you just happy to see me?"
The Friesland colony
07-11-2006, 09:11
"Is a Marshall's Baton in your pocket or are you just happy to see me?"
Just because nudity is legal now doesn't mean you can be vulgar. And it's the baton, I assure you.
*Whips it out, leaving trousers loose and filled only with leg, and whaps Bumboat thoroughly over the head with it*
Perhaps now you can listen to discipline!
The Friesland colony
10-11-2006, 20:37
In the name of Justice, Freedom, Truth, and Parliamentary Democracy, I do hereby proclaim the thread known from here on as "Fourth NS General Parliament" subject to a bumpage by minority of one!
WC Imperial Court
10-11-2006, 20:43
Just because nudity is legal now doesn't mean you can be vulgar. And it's the baton, I assure you.
*Whips it out, leaving trousers loose and filled only with leg, and whaps Bumboat thoroughly over the head with it*
Perhaps now you can listen to discipline!
Good sir!!!
I would greatly appreciate it if you did not whap my good friend and colleague! That is conduct unbecoming of an officer! Shame on you!
Jello Biafra
11-11-2006, 13:52
So does anyone else have any bills they'd like to try to get passed?
New Burmesia
11-11-2006, 14:05
So does anyone else have any bills they'd like to try to get passed?
The problem is, it takes 1/3 of the members to even get a debate/vote for a bill, which makes it quite difficult. I'd suggest a reduction of that in order to get MPs more active.
The Friesland colony
11-11-2006, 18:09
Good sir!!!
I would greatly appreciate it if you did not whap my good friend and colleague! That is conduct unbecoming of an officer! Shame on you!
And vulgar remarks are unbecoming of a gentleman! Discipline is necessary! However, I see your point. Let that be a stern lesson to all of you!
*Ceases rampant whappery*
The problem is, it takes 1/3 of the members to even get a debate/vote for a bill, which makes it quite difficult. I'd suggest a reduction of that in order to get MPs more active.
Mm, rather, old chap. What say we drop it to six? That's just over a fifth, and it means we can get right down to debating the Use of Force bill.
The problem is, it takes 1/3 of the members to even get a debate/vote for a bill, which makes it quite difficult. I'd suggest a reduction of that in order to get MPs more active.
I like this idea :)
The Friesland colony
12-11-2006, 21:31
I can't get 'em up
I can't get 'em up
I can't get 'em up this morning
I can't get 'em up
I can't get 'em up
I can't get 'em up at all!
Do I have to do all the work round here?
New Burmesia
12-11-2006, 21:36
I can't get 'em up
I can't get 'em up
I can't get 'em up this morning
I can't get 'em up
I can't get 'em up
I can't get 'em up at all!
Do I have to do all the work round here?
Parliamentary Procedures (Quorum) Bill
The section of the Procedures "Debate paragraph 2" shall read as follows:
"2. If the proposal receives indication of interest from at least one fifth (6) of the parliament it is to be debated."
1. New Burmesia
2. Gravlen
3. Kinda Sensible People
4. Fleckenstein
5. Ifreann
6. Philosophy
7. The Friesland colony
Parliamentary Procedures (Quorum) Bill
The section of the Procedures "Debate paragraph 2" shall read as follows:
"2. If the proposal receives indication of interest from at least one fifth (6) of the parliament it is to be debated."
~ Gravlen, Minister of Naughtiness ;)
And vulgar remarks are unbecoming of a gentleman! Discipline is necessary! However, I see your point. Let that be a stern lesson to all of you!
*Ceases rampant whappery*
Mm, rather, old chap. What say we drop it to six? That's just over a fifth, and it means we can get right down to debating the Use of Force bill.
"I'm not a gentleman sir! 'Tis a lady you have been beating. I thought crown soldiers were better than that!?"
*puts compressed air hypodermic back in her purse*
"However I'm willing to call us even. Thank you for sticking up for me WC!"
I still say that any reforms or changes made or sggested to Parliament must wait until the NEXT Parliament to be implemented. Other than that I'm willing to entertain your suggestion.
Cults Bill
Parliament shall respect the right of Generalites to form cults around other Generalites(The Cult of Tink, for example). However, parliament shall consider very naughty all those who form "anti-cults", since this is just plain mean, and deal with them accordingly.
Cults Bill
Parliament shall respect the right of Generalites to form cults around other Generalites(The Cult of Tink, for example). However, parliament shall consider very naughty all those who form "anti-cults", since this is just plain mean, and deal with them accordingly.
Mmmmm.... Sceptical. Not a fan of the cults myself, you see.
Jello Biafra
14-11-2006, 03:50
Does everyone now see what I meant when I said I endorsed the originally proposed Electoral Reform bill because I believed it would result in a more active Parliament?
Kinda Sensible people
14-11-2006, 04:02
Parliamentary Procedures (Quorum) Bill
The section of the Procedures "Debate paragraph 2" shall read as follows:
"2. If the proposal receives indication of interest from at least one fifth (6) of the parliament it is to be debated."
14-11-2006, 04:05
Sure, why not?
Also, what is the NBIP stance on this? :)
*needs a promotion to wear new hat*
Does everyone now see what I meant when I said I endorsed the originally proposed Electoral Reform bill because I believed it would result in a more active Parliament?
No? :confused:
Mmmmm.... Sceptical. Not a fan of the cults myself, you see.
Even if there's a clut of Gravlen?
*prepares bribing envelope*
14-11-2006, 11:02
Does everyone now see what I meant when I said I endorsed the originally proposed Electoral Reform bill because I believed it would result in a more active Parliament?
Yes. I continue to see how wrong you are.
Someone give me a brief summary of what's going on, chaps! I've been away for some time and need to know what to put my name to. How did that military interventional whatsidoodle do, wot?
Yes. I continue to see how wrong you are.
Someone give me a brief summary of what's going on, chaps! I've been away for some time and need to know what to put my name to. How did that military interventional whatsidoodle do, wot?
I don't believe it got to vote. I think there's something about reducing the amount of support one needs to bring a majigger to vote(I'll hit that shit up with some supporty love btw) and I have a majigger about cults.
14-11-2006, 11:08
I don't believe it got to vote. I think there's something about reducing the amount of support one needs to bring a majigger to vote(I'll hit that shit up with some supporty love btw) and I have a majigger about cults.
I shall support the reform to reduce the amount of support needed for a vote.
We could just remove that requirement altogether...
Even if there's a clut of Gravlen?
*prepares bribing envelope*
Yes, even so...
*Looks at thin envelope*
Yes. I continue to see how wrong you are.
Someone give me a brief summary of what's going on, chaps! I've been away for some time and need to know what to put my name to. How did that military interventional whatsidoodle do, wot?
It's still the responsibility of the proposer to keep track of how his/her/its proposal is doing...
14-11-2006, 11:59
It's still the responsibility of the proposer to keep track of how his/her/its proposal is doing...
I wasn't the proposer, so that's not much help, wot!
I wasn't the proposer, so that's not much help, wot!
I know ;)
Just a general call to the proposers to look after their proposals, that's all :)
I'm still wondering about the ministries bill and the military interventions bill, and, most recently, the change in approval-requirements...
14-11-2006, 12:12
We need a Bill to stop the NBIP from bumping their thread up.;)
14-11-2006, 12:14
We need a Bill to stop the NBIP from bumping their thread up.;)
It's not our fault Her Majesty's Emparh has so much support, wot!
14-11-2006, 12:16
It's not our fault Her Majesty's Emparh has so much support, wot!
It is when it is bumped up.:p
Jello Biafra
14-11-2006, 12:41
No? :confused:
Yes. I continue to see how wrong you are. If the thread needs to be bumped, that means support for the Parliament is waning. The thread has been bumped twice already.
The Beautiful Darkness
14-11-2006, 12:45
So refresh me on how this Electoral Reform Bill would make the Parliament more active?
If the thread needs to be bumped, that means support for the Parliament is waning. The thread has been bumped twice already.
Support for or interest in?
Jello Biafra
14-11-2006, 12:53
Support for or interest in?Either, but I suppose interest in is more appropriate. If the thread needs to be bumped, interest in the Parliament is waning. I believe the original Elections Reform bill would help to remedy this situation.
Either, but I suppose interest in is more appropriate. If the thread needs to be bumped, interest in the Parliament is waning. I believe the original Elections Reform bill would help to remedy this situation.
There's only so much interest and debate you can squeeze from the topic of electoral reform, and I believe we've already reached, and quite possibly exceeded that amount.
Jello Biafra
14-11-2006, 13:11
There's only so much interest and debate you can squeeze from the topic of electoral reform, and I believe we've already reached, and quite possibly exceeded that amount.Possibly. If people don't want electoral reform and don't care that the interest in Parliament is waning, that's their prerogative, I suppose. <shrug>
14-11-2006, 13:12
Possibly. If people don't want electoral reform and don't care that the interest in Parliament is waning, that's their prerogative, I suppose. <shrug>
This has been by far the most successful Parliament to date. If you want it to carry on, then why not propose a new topic for debate?
Jello Biafra
14-11-2006, 13:19
This has been by far the most successful Parliament to date. If you want it to carry on, then why not propose a new topic for debate?The first one was fairly successful, was the second one that didn't go very well.
Out of interest, when is the next election anyway?
14-11-2006, 13:24
Out of interest, when is the next election anyway?
Several months.
Several months.
Huzzah, I shall have much time to prepare CypsWP posters. All of NS shall tremble before my propaganda in several months.
Huzzah, I shall have much time to prepare CypsWP posters. All of NS shall tremble before my propaganda in several months.
I like it :D
Aaaah... Propaganda
The Friesland colony
15-11-2006, 08:43
The bill for six supporters to a debate has my support, forgive me not being able to find it.
15-11-2006, 10:35
Rerospective Legislation is bad.
Rerospective Legislation is bad.
Nobody is making retrospective legislation.
16-11-2006, 07:09
Nobody is making retrospective legislation.
Retrospecitve Legislation is bad*
16-11-2006, 07:19
Retrospecitve Legislation is bad*
So is retroactive legislation.:D I support the election reform bill but only because I don't have a better idea, and neither does anyone else.
The Friesland colony
16-11-2006, 20:57
So is retroactive legislation.:D I support the election reform bill but only because I don't have a better idea, and neither does anyone else.
I do, by God! I don't believe anyones proposed a bill for the banning of coffee!
The Use of Coffee Bill (it's my trademark now)
1)Coffee is to be treated as a minor illicit substance with all appropriate consequinces for its use and sale.
Which brings us to the more "serious" subject of drug laws. Any ideas, anyone?
New Burmesia
16-11-2006, 21:12
Does everyone now see what I meant when I said I endorsed the originally proposed Electoral Reform bill because I believed it would result in a more active Parliament?
Yep :(
And can I add you to my supporters list for my bill?
Sure, why not?
Also, what is the NBIP stance on this? :)
*needs a promotion to wear new hat*
I shall support the reform to reduce the amount of support needed for a vote.
We could just remove that requirement altogether...
The bill for six supporters to a debate has my support, forgive me not being able to find it.
Jello Biafra
16-11-2006, 21:26
Yep :(
And can I add you to my supporters list for my bill?The reduction of members needed to 6? Sure...though shouldn't one of us bump the UDCP thread and ask the members what they think?
New Burmesia
16-11-2006, 21:32
The reduction of members needed to 6? Sure...though shouldn't one of us bump the UDCP thread and ask the members what they think?
Yeah, that's probably a good idea. I'll do that now.
Plus, if we get Wonderjar's support too, that's enough for an MPs vote.
I do, by God! I don't believe anyones proposed a bill for the banning of coffee!
The Use of Coffee Bill (it's my trademark now)
1)Coffee is to be treated as a minor illicit substance with all appropriate consequinces for its use and sale.
Which brings us to the more "serious" subject of drug laws. Any ideas, anyone?
17-11-2006, 13:47
I do, by God! I don't believe anyones proposed a bill for the banning of coffee!
The Use of Coffee Bill (it's my trademark now)
1)Coffee is to be treated as a minor illicit substance with all appropriate consequinces for its use and sale.
NBIP MPs support this proposal, wot!
That brings the total to five!
The Friesland colony
17-11-2006, 21:50
NBIP MPs support this proposal, wot!
That brings the total to five!
17-11-2006, 22:39
I do, by God! I don't believe anyones proposed a bill for the banning of coffee!
The Use of Coffee Bill (it's my trademark now)
1)Coffee is to be treated as a minor illicit substance with all appropriate consequinces for its use and sale.
Which brings us to the more "serious" subject of drug laws. Any ideas, anyone?
I must oppose the coffee ban bill on the grounds that it's the only thing that keeps me conscious.
New Burmesia
17-11-2006, 22:46
I oppose the coffee bill on the basis that a coffee manufacturer gave me three hundred thou...nothing.
18-11-2006, 04:44
MP change: I step down and appoint Sel Appa as my replacement.
And BTW, is election reform coming through yet?
Sel Appa
18-11-2006, 05:57
MP change: I step down and appoint Sel Appa as my replacement.
And BTW, is election reform coming through yet?
Wh00t! *Respect song*
18-11-2006, 10:32
MP change: I step down and appoint Sel Appa as my replacement.
And BTW, is election reform coming through yet?
You can't do that. If an MP steps down, there must be a by election for the seat.
New Burmesia
18-11-2006, 11:52
You can't do that. If an MP steps down, there must be a by election for the seat.
1. Each party shall be responsible for nominating individuals to occupy all and any seats gained in the election. (delegates)
2. No person may occupy more than one seat (This includes puppets)
3. It is recommended, but not required, that seats be occupied by party members.
4. Non party members can not be obligated to a party whip.
5. Any delegate resigning from a party also resigns their seat in the parliament. This covers the following situations:
* The delegate is switching parties
* The delegate is voting against something which is explicitly in the manifesto.
* Zell Miller style defamation of the own party
6. Any unoccupied party seat does not vote on a whip.
7. A party may change their delegates as required.
8. There is to be no official cabinet nor ministers although parties may nominate delegates as spokesmen for specific affairs if they so wish.
18-11-2006, 12:01
Sorry, I don't know where you're quoting that from, but the rules actually read:
1. Each party shall be responsible for nominating individuals to occupy all and any seats gained in the election. (delegates)
2. No person may occupy more than one seat (This includes puppets)
3. It is required that seats be occupied by party members.
4. Any delegate resigning from a party also resigns their seat in the parliament. This covers the following situations:
* The delegate is switching parties
* The delegate is voting against something which is explicitly in the manifesto.
* Zell Miller style defamation of the own party
5. A party may not change their delegates. Any resigning MP triggers a by election.
6. There is to be no official cabinet nor ministers although parties may nominate delegates as spokesmen for specific affairs if they so wish.
Perhaps you're reading a first draft thread?
New Burmesia
18-11-2006, 12:19
Sorry, I don't know where you're quoting that from, but the rules actually read:
Perhaps you're reading a first draft thread?
I'm reading the ones linked to in the OP of this thread.
*brushes gravedirt off parliament*
Ahem. I propose that the 4th NationStates General Parliament be dissolved and a new election be held at the earliest possible time. As no election reform bills were passed, the election shall follow the same format as the previous one.
Member of NSG Parliament
CYPSWP Minister For Pet Distribution
*brushes gravedirt off parliament*
Ahem. I propose that the 4th NationStates General Parliament be dissolved and a new election be held at the earliest possible time. As no election reform bills were passed, the election shall follow the same format as the previous one.
Member of NSG Parliament
CYPSWP Minister For Pet Distribution
I say HELL NO!
First of all, because it's only three months since the last election, and secondly that there is no reason to dissolve the parliament before a new parliament have been chosen. If we dissolved parliament now, there would be a period of time WITHOUT any leadership in NSG! Just imagine the chaos, the anarchy, the trolls, the floods, the locusts, the ABBA singers, the tornadoes and the horrible horrible things that would happen should that come to pass! Nay, I cannot in good concience let that happen!
Is that a cookie?
I say HELL NO!
First of all, because it's only three months since the last election, and secondly that there is no reason to dissolve the parliament before a new parliament have been chosen. If we dissolved parliament now, there would be a period of time WITHOUT any leadership in NSG! Just imagine the chaos, the anarchy, the trolls, the floods, the locusts, the ABBA singers, the tornadoes and the horrible horrible things that would happen should that come to pass! Nay, I cannot in good concience let that happen!
Is that a cookie?
Elections were always meant to be every 3-4 months, but they inexplicably just happened once a year.
Though a leaderless NSG does sound awful. I shall edit my proposal accordingly.
New Proposal: Elections shall be held as soon as possible, but this Parliament shall remain in place as the government of NSG.
Oh, and if any NBIP members wander by, what do you think of a merger, the Choose Your New British Imperial Pogo Stick Wisely Party has a certain ring to it, no?
Well, it would be nice if the current Parliament could at least get some electoral reforms done before the next elections.
Vittos the City Sacker
27-01-2007, 01:57
Well, it would be nice if the current Parliament could at least get some electoral reforms done before the next elections.
The NBIP will absolutely shit themselves because that topic is boring.
27-01-2007, 02:06
Elections are six months apart, thank you very much.
And the NSDSP really doesnt have a say anymore (not since the 3rd Session), I guess we're oblivious. :p
I'd like to see a new election, that would most certainly be fun.
Kinda Sensible people
27-01-2007, 02:50
I'd love to see election reform passed first, if possible, but the ruling majority has made it clear that they do not want to make that an issue in front of this parliament.
27-01-2007, 11:39
*brushes gravedirt off parliament*
Ahem. I propose that the 4th NationStates General Parliament be dissolved and a new election be held at the earliest possible time. As no election reform bills were passed, the election shall follow the same format as the previous one.
Member of NSG Parliament
CYPSWP Minister For Pet Distribution
1) This hardly warrants the use of that piccy.
2) I oppose your resolution.
3) ...
For some time now Harlesburg has been greatly concerned by the meager 5 days allowed for voting.
No Doubt the Right Honourable Pure Metal did an outstanding job in using his own personel website to tally the ballots, however Harlesburg feels that the 5 days should be extended to a minimum of 7 and upto and including at the very most 1 half of an 8th day.
I propose this part of an 8th day because of the time zone factor, the unknown irritation which ones life can sometimes be, if one(Pure Metal) goes out for lunch on the final day of the polls he would be unable to close them as such a slight elongation of said polls should be acceptable.
For this reason and the reason of 5 days not being enough to give a large percentage of those NSer's who would care to partake in said NS elections i put forward this proposal.
Hopefully i can garner enough votes for this to see a second reading put it to the vote and see it pass.
For mine i see this to be more Democratic than the current system.
27-01-2007, 11:49
I'd love to see election reform passed first, if possible, but the ruling majority has made it clear that they do not want to make that an issue in front of this parliament.
It was my understanding that that was in regards to retroactive/retrospective legislation not proposals for future elections and parliments.
Such a statment would imply that no new legislation in regards to election reform would be passed by this government for the next one, or from the next one onto the next and onto that one.
Highly Undemocratic!
28-01-2007, 12:01
Somebody who's actually an MP should round up Parliament (TG the MPs) and give them a nudge.
I deliberately stayed out of Parliament, so I'm not doing it unless I have time to waste.
28-01-2007, 12:18
No one should message me because i am already here.
Pure Metal
28-01-2007, 12:47
I deliberately stayed out of Parliament, so I'm not doing it unless I have time to waste.
ditto, but i'd be happy to run the polls again :)
Jello Biafra
29-01-2007, 01:23
It was my understanding that that was in regards to retroactive/retrospective legislation not proposals for future elections and parliments.
Such a statment would imply that no new legislation in regards to election reform would be passed by this government for the next one, or from the next one onto the next and onto that one.
Highly Undemocratic!No, it was the opposite. Election reform was solely going to alter future elections; past elections weren't going to be reformed.
29-01-2007, 10:43
No, it was the opposite. Election reform was solely going to alter future elections; past elections weren't going to be reformed.
In any case this Parliament should put laws forward for future elections to improve them.
New Burmesia
29-01-2007, 13:58
The NBIP will absolutely shit themselves because that topic is boring.
Which is rather ironic coming from someone playing NationStates.;)
I have two proposals in mind in order to make NSP more representative, and get (hopefully) more parties in that could help us get more debate and therefore have more fun in the process - if you find that kind of thing entertaining. Electoral reform might not be very interesting, but it is that kind of housekeeping that ensures it runs smoothly.
1) Reduce the 1/3 barrier to getting a proposal to a vote, preferably to 1/4.
2) Remove the 4% barrier for a party to enter parliament on the rounding stage.
3) Have the spreadsheet showing the maths of converting votes-seats to be published before Parliament first 'meets' - I think there may have been some premature rounding errors in the one for this parliament.
No legislation would be retrospective.
The NBIP will absolutely shit themselves because that topic is boring.
NBIP are almost all gone. The only NBIP members I've seen post since the parliament died are the Good Sirs Ilaer and Philosophy.
1) This hardly warrants the use of that piccy.
Pfft, yes it does.
2) I oppose your resolution.
3) ...
For some time now Harlesburg has been greatly concerned by the meager 5 days allowed for voting.
No Doubt the Right Honourable Pure Metal did an outstanding job in using his own personel website to tally the ballots, however Harlesburg feels that the 5 days should be extended to a minimum of 7 and upto and including at the very most 1 half of an 8th day.
I propose this part of an 8th day because of the time zone factor, the unknown irritation which ones life can sometimes be, if one(Pure Metal) goes out for lunch on the final day of the polls he would be unable to close them as such a slight elongation of said polls should be acceptable.
For this reason and the reason of 5 days not being enough to give a large percentage of those NSer's who would care to partake in said NS elections i put forward this proposal.
Hopefully i can garner enough votes for this to see a second reading put it to the vote and see it pass.
For mine i see this to be more Democratic than the current system.
I'll support it.
Speaking as someone who's not an MP:
1) Reduce the 1/3 barrier to getting a proposal to a vote, preferably to 1/4.
Yes, why not...
2) Remove the 4% barrier for a party to enter parliament on the rounding stage.
The problem with that is, roundings then automatically benefit the tiny parties. If you're ok with that, why not, but the whole reason why the barrier was set up in the first place was because of popular complain against the unpopular parties getting in with fewer votes than the amount representing one seat.
30-01-2007, 11:36
NBIP are almost all gone. The only NBIP members I've seen post since the parliament died are the Good Sirs Ilaer and Philosophy.
Pfft, yes it does.
I'll support it.
31-01-2007, 07:21
04-02-2007, 06:20
I support the motion to hold a new election. I am tired and in mourning for the NBIP, and in the absence of a leader I would like to take the temporary position of Acting-President of the party.
As temporary Acting-President (and, indeed, any NBIP member who is senior in terms of length of service to the party may order me to step down at any point, and so too can the Lord Sah Gurguvungunit despite my being senior in such terms) I hereby declare my party's support for the call for a new election.
I doubt that the NBIP shall be running.
However, the NBIP is by no means dissolved, and perhaps I shall be able to start an election campaign for it and give it a new lease of life. I doubt I can.
Call for the new election is supported.
P.S. I liked the image of Death, Ifreann. I take it you too are a Discworld fan, as it is an image from the Last Hero. Congratulations on your excellent taste in reading.
Vittos the City Sacker
04-02-2007, 16:19
If we have this election, we need to make sure the ground rules for the election are spelled out early on.
If we have this election, we need to make sure the ground rules for the election are spelled out early on.
Has any MP considered TGing the other MPs to convene Parliament?
Daistallia 2104
04-02-2007, 16:52
I'll support a measure to dissolve this parliment and hold new elections.
05-02-2007, 05:31
Support mah bill!
Kinda Sensible people
05-02-2007, 05:35
I support a measure to dissolve parliament and hold new elections.
Let's just get this cesspool of innactivity cleared up and move on, eh?
Edit: Harles, I don't think we can meet Quorum for a vote, can we?
New Stalinberg
05-02-2007, 06:08
I bring back Divine Right and dissolve parliament.
I will now throw a 4.5 million dollar party.
Daistallia 2104
05-02-2007, 06:19
Support mah bill!
Avast! I just put out an all hands on deck for me MPs to support it.
05-02-2007, 11:08
i support the thingy to dissolve parliament and have new elections. we didn't really do much, did we?
i'll also support harlesburg's proposal to extend the voting window to 7 or 8 ish days. if only because a week is a much nicer period of time to work with.
05-02-2007, 11:17
i support the thingy to dissolve parliament and have new elections. we didn't really do much, did we?
i'll also support harlesburg's proposal to extend the voting window to 7 or 8 ish days. if only because a week is a much nicer period of time to work with.
Yay, in regards to Parliament i think we were due for an election soon anyways, i think they were meant to be every 4 months, unless there was a vote to extend it without my knowledge...
NS election are 2 years old in June or July, and so sure we fell behind but from whenever the last elections started 4 months on is when this one should be finished.
But also a date for new elections should be set.
I support the motion to hold a new election. I am tired and in mourning for the NBIP, and in the absence of a leader I would like to take the temporary position of Acting-President of the party.
As temporary Acting-President (and, indeed, any NBIP member who is senior in terms of length of service to the party may order me to step down at any point, and so too can the Lord Sah Gurguvungunit despite my being senior in such terms) I hereby declare my party's support for the call for a new election.
I doubt that the NBIP shall be running.
However, the NBIP is by no means dissolved, and perhaps I shall be able to start an election campaign for it and give it a new lease of life. I doubt I can.
Noes, NBIP were so much fun.
Call for the new election is supported.
P.S. I liked the image of Death, Ifreann. I take it you too are a Discworld fan, as it is an image from the Last Hero. Congratulations on your excellent taste in reading.
i support the thingy to dissolve parliament and have new elections. we didn't really do much, did we?
That's 6, now if only I could remember how many one needs to make a vote-y thread
Evidentally one needs a two-thirds majority(17) to call an election.
05-02-2007, 12:38
I support a measure to dissolve parliament and hold new elections.
Let's just get this cesspool of innactivity cleared up and move on, eh?
Edit: Harles, I don't think we can meet Quorum for a vote, can we?
Where there is a will and a stick of TNT there is a way.
Avast! I just put out an all hands on deck for me MPs to support it.
Many thanks.
WC Imperial Court
05-02-2007, 17:37
I support Harleys proposal to extend the voting period.
As for new elections, I think there should be an informal NSG poll to see if they even want a new parliament. And of course we need to make sure PM wouldn't mind doing it again. It seems like it was just yesterday we had the election to me, but time has been flying.
If I can find a list of MPs, I'll TG them and tell them to visit this thread.
06-02-2007, 01:31
Support mah bill.
I also declare the NBIP's support for the bill to extend election periods.
If anyone would like to aid me in reviving the NBIP then I'm sure we could have it bustling again?
I wonder...
I've just had an idea. There are plenty of people on NSG who I'm sure would participate in Parliament.
We seem to have been in a mood of doom and gloom for Parliament recently, myself especially.
Why don't we make a pledge to attempt to revive this old warhorse?
Let us all promise to do our very best to revive the Parliament and our own parties. Let us make proposals for bills, let us form parties, form coalitions (as Acting-President of the NBIP I would consider a merging of CWP and NBIP after negotiations) and generally make a good job of it.
What do you think?
Let us try it at least.
I support Harleys proposal to extend the voting period.
As for new elections, I think there should be an informal NSG poll to see if they even want a new parliament. And of course we need to make sure PM wouldn't mind doing it again. It seems like it was just yesterday we had the election to me, but time has been flying.
Not a half bad idea Dubsy.
If I can find a list of MPs, I'll TG them and tell them to visit this thread.
First page of this thread.
I wonder...
I've just had an idea. There are plenty of people on NSG who I'm sure would participate in Parliament.
We seem to have been in a mood of doom and gloom for Parliament recently, myself especially.
Why don't we make a pledge to attempt to revive this old warhorse?
Let us all promise to do our very best to revive the Parliament and our own parties. Let us make proposals for bills, let us form parties, form coalitions (as Acting-President of the NBIP I would consider a merging of CWP and NBIP after negotiations) and generally make a good job of it.
What do you think?
Let us try it at least.
Well the problem with getting this Parliament going again is that many of the MPs have disappeared off the face of NSG.
As for the NBIP/CyspWP merger, I'll take a stab at hunting down our respective threads and have a bash at combining our constitutions. I'll probably have something by tomorrow.
Not a half bad idea Dubsy.
First page of this thread.
Well the problem with getting this Parliament going again is that many of the MPs have disappeared off the face of NSG.
As for the NBIP/CyspWP merger, I'll take a stab at hunting down our respective threads and have a bash at combining our constitutions. I'll probably have something by tomorrow.
If the MPs have disappeared then let us have new ones. I daresay the parties have some people who still check for new content every now and then, and thus the faithful can be promoted.
07-02-2007, 11:02
Not a half bad idea Dubsy.
First page of this thread.
Well the problem with getting this Parliament going again is that many of the MPs have disappeared off the face of NSG.
As for the NBIP/CyspWP merger, I'll take a stab at hunting down our respective threads and have a bash at combining our constitutions. I'll probably have something by tomorrow.
The New British Choose Your Imperial Pogo Stick Wisely Party Manifesto
Version 1.0
To this end we offer all the tea, booze, weed, rubber chickens and spam you could ever want.
In the beginning, there once was a thread; a thread so great that it grew so strong and so fast, that even through the hard times when it was first moved to Spam, it lived on. Today it has over 13,000 post of non +1 spam and is the love of many spammers.
So popular was this thread that it spawned a political party, The Choose Wisely Party. This party was strong, and grew much stronger following a merger with the Pogo Stick Party, a move not without controversy, forming The Choose Your Pogo Stick Wisely Party. In the 4th NationStates General Election we won 4 seats, a number matched only by the New British Imperial Party, who won the election.
The New British Imperial Party set out to bring NationStates into the glorious British Emparh, and had even received Royal Approval from Her Majesty and enacted laws against the misuse of the English language, wot. In fact, the NBIP thread was by far the largest. Many believed that the sun would never set on the NBIP thread.
Our two parties, both have humour written into our political DNA, began to form an alliance, along with the Moles and Other Burrowing Rodents Alliance, and were the only parties to take such steps. Alas the Parliament drifted slowly off the first page, and out of the minds of the M.P.s.
But now the two largest parties of the 4th NSG Parliament have joined forces, forming the single greatest party in the history of politics, a force greater and more hilarious than any ever conceived in the minds of us mere mortals, The New British Choose Your Imperial Pogo Stick Wisely Party.
This most fantastic of parties sets out care for spammers and all those who seek refuge from serious debate in the spam forum or in social threads by bringing them under the protection of the Royal Navy's mighty gunboats. We also aim to provide the diverting activities of Penguin Poking, Squirrel Fishing, Rhino Petting, and Right-Clicking as free government services.
The amount of tax collected from each citizen will be directly proportional to a function of the amount of lint on their hat and the amount of tea in their bloodstream.
Our Royal Constitution, blessings from Pope Zilam XXX and approval from Her Imperial Majesty (hopefully)pending.
All citizens, regardless of age, gender, colour, or creed are required to wear a hat. No exceptions. All hats are regularly inspected for lint by government agents.
The drinking of tea is mandatory. Any member of NationStates who does not drink at least one cup every 12 hours will get a jolly good talking to! 'Coffee' is banned.
All members shall praise thy holy Peechland.
The 'United Kingdom' shall be defined in the following way; An English success is 'English'. An English failure is 'Henman'. A Scottish success is 'British.' A Scottish failure is 'Scottish' (this also applies to Wales and those pesky Northern Irelanders, wot!)
All members shall receive their choice of a free Panda, Penguin, or Duck-Billed Platypus.
Instead of warnings, forum bans or deletions, the primary method of enforcing NS rules will be to send in a gunboat.
Reduced taxes for those who join the anti-fluffle movement.
Anyone from a former part of the British Empire is to be referred to as a "damn colonial".
Walking is banned. Any form of transportation must be by Pogo Stick And/Or spam car only.
Anyone not from a former part of the British Empire or Britain is to be referred to as a "damn foreigner".
Unlimited spam and random hi-jacks.
From this day forth newsreaders are banned from walking around the studio grinning when announcing thousands of deaths.
All citizens are required to consume at least one half pint of rainbow sherbet daily.
All food dishes must be served with a double portion of chips.
Silly poll options. For both serious, and silly threads.
The statue of the pregnant woman in Trafalgar Square shall be replaced with one of Terry Wogan.
Whenever the Senate convenes, The Mormon Tabernacle Choir will perform beforehand.
The word "Empire" must be pronounced "Emparh" with reference to the British Empire.
Sig worthy posts.
It is compulsory to moan about the "bloody weather" at least once per day, or at any time when noticing the bloody weather.
An official moratorium is to be put in place upon the phrases "Well done" and "Congratulations". Instead, the phrase "Jolly good show!" must be used.
We support the movement of Pi as religion. 3.14% of all taxes will fund this.
Watching (and waving a Union Flag during) the Last Night of the Proms is compulsory.
Our goal is to make you smile.
The manufacture of tweed jackets, bowler hats and umbrellas is to be subsidised.
We promise to create a department to help in the fight against slow Jolt.
NationStates shall invest vast sums of money into building a Royal Navy.
The right to choose. You've been chosen to participate in an international debate that will be televised all over the world. Topics will be drawn from a hat, but will be very similar to the topics discussed here on NS. Each participant from the winning team will receive $250k cash, a new car and a their picture on the front page of Time Magazine. Now choose your team from the players of NS. Who would your team consist of? For fun, you also have to name your team. Please try to have a minimum of 4 members in your team. You may of course have more. Max Barry has decided to produce his own reality tv show and you have been chosen to participate. You have to select other members of NS to live with in a large house for a 6 month time period. If everyone plays nice, you will all receive $250k cash and will all be characters in Max's next book. But, if anyone gets reported to the "Mods", then upon review of the situation, that person will be sent reality tv terms- eliminated. No prize.
Celebrating the battles of Agincourt, Trafalgar and Waterloo is compulsory on pain of removal of tea rations.
Classes on corrupting the masses are offered for free.
NationStates is to apply for Commonwealth membership and recognise the Queen as head of state.
Foreign Policy:
The NBCYIPSWP is in a state of perpetual war with all other nations outside the Emparh. As such, we believe in maintaining a strong army of Rhinos and Squirrels and a navy of gunboats to make pre-emptive strikes against all neighbouring countries. All soldiers will be issued sweater vests made from industrial strength bubble-wrap for armour, yarn garrottes for weapons, and plentiful amounts of tea. Once an enemy country has been subjugated, the Royal Constitution will be enforced upon the natives and the country shall be brought into the Emparh and colonised.
Cabinet And Members Of The CypsWP:
Pope: Zilam XXX
Minister of Chocolate: The Beautiful Darkness
Understate Secretary for Sugar-Related Fracas - Righteous Munchee-Love
Minister of Pet Distribution - Ifreann
Minister of Naughtiness - Gravlen
Minister of Defence Against Trolls: WC Imperial Court
Minister of Obscure References and Embarrassing Anecdotes: Straughn
Ephemeral Ministress of Spam Distribution: Ladamesansmerci
Rather Large Noodles
Pepe Dominguez
RLI Returned
Flaitheas Druadh
IL Ruffino
Fascist Dominion
Der Fuhrer Dyszel
Turquoise Days
Most Honourable Members of Her Majesty's Emparh:
The Rt. Hon. Admiral Lord Sir Professor Philosopy CBE OBE MBE Party President
The Rt. Hon. Lady Lord Sir Vacuumhead CBE OBE MBE Secretary of State for the Home Office and Minister for Ladies; Vice Party President
The Rt. Hon. Lord Sir Rubiconic Crossings CBE OBE MBE First Lord of the Admiralty and Minister for Tea
The Rt. Hon. Lord Sir Fartsniffage CBE OBE MBE Secretary of State for the Foreign Office
Damn Colonial Aronnax Governor-General of Singapore
The Rt. Hon. Lord Sir Call to power Minister for Eggs and Bacon
The Rt. Hon. Lord Sir Forsakia Minister for the Bloody Weather and Minister for Sheep
Damn Foreigner Krensonia Leader of the Dutch Wing of the NBIP
The Rt. Hon. Lord Sir Scarlet States CBE OBE MBE Secretary of State for The Wee Lads and Bonnie Lasses North of the Border
Damn Colonial Malkyer Leader of the United States Wing of the NBIP
The Rt. Hon. Field Marshall Lord Sir The Friesland colony CBE OBE MBE Field Marshal
Damn Colonial Hamilay Secretary of State for the Colonies
The Rt. Hon. Lord Sir The blessed Chris CBE OBE MBE Viceroy of the East India Trading Company
The Rt. Hon. Lord Sir Ilaer CBE OBE MBE Lord Chancellor and Minister for Spreading Proper English(and Acting Party President)
Damn Colonial Caleduardia Minister for the Tropics
Damn Foreigner Novus-America Minister for Counter-Terrorism
The Rt. Hon. Lord Sir Anke Morpork CBE OBE MBE Minister for Imperial Education
The Rt. Hon. Lord Sir Vodka-stonia CBE OBE MBE Minister for Spirits
Damn Colonial Zouloukistan Governor-General of Canada and Minister for The Eradication of Coffee
The Rt. Hon. Lord Sir Mega gning CBE OBE MBE Minister for Flag Waving at the Proms
Damn Colonial Lady Little Monkies Minister for Emparh Fluffles
Damn Colonial Gurguvungunit Minister for the Promotion of Emparh History and Deputy Minister for Spreading Proper English
The Most Hon. Lord Sir Praetonia CBE OBE MBE Duke of Westminister
Damn Colonial Revasser Governor-General of Australia
Damn Foreigner Obok Kyorl Minister for Eastern Affairs
The Rt. Hon. Lord Sir UK-dom CBE OBE MBE Minister for Sanity
The Rt. Hon. Lord Sir. Ieuano CBE OBE MBE Secretary of State for Administrative Affairs
The Rt. Hon. Lord Sir. Valtoria CBE OBE MBE Minister for New Posters
The Rt. Hon. Lord Sir. Niploma CBE OBE MBE Minister for Private Boarding Schools & Upper-Class Snobbery
The Rt. Hon. Lord Sir Wenglish CBE OBE MBE Minister for Biscuits
The Rt. Hon. Lord Sir Armed public CBE OBE MBE Minister for The Furtherment of Enjoyment of all Good People in Her Majesty's Emparh
The Rt. Hon. Lord Sir UNIverseVERSE CBE OBE MBE Minister for Cucumber Sandwiches
The Most Hon. Lord Sir Aust CBE OBE MBE Duke of Yorkshire
I propose that the CypsWP members be given titles similar to those of their NBIP counterparts. All ministers shall retain their ministries. As for party leadership, an in-party election seems to be the only fair option.
Ifreann, that is simply wonderful.
As Acting-President of the New British Imperial Party I hereby formally accept this as the new party manifesto. All hail the New British Choose Your Imperial Pogo Stick Wisely Party!
Her Most Royal and Imperial Majesty Queen Elizabeth II approves this without so much as a second glance. She is much impressed by you, Lord Ifreann, and as a reward allow me to grant you the status of official Minister of Party Co-ordination in addition to both your current status within your own pre-alliance party and another new title as High Minister of Imperial Pogo Stick Production.
In addition to this, you are to be accorded the honours of CBE, OBE and MBE.
Shall we produce a new thread to finalise the alliance?
I shall immediately call as many members as can be found of the former NBIP and inform them of this change.
Oh, and I was mightily pleased to hear about the recognition of Pi as a religion. Tell me, where did that come from? I have an obsession with that number so it is most appropriate!
Unfortunately the merger and, indeed, my legitimacy as Acting-President even despite the important clause I built-in, have been challenged by NBIP members.
This is despite virtually none of them posting for a very long time in either the Parliament or NBIP thread.
I will attempt to overcome the opposition, but as a British gentleman I will hold to my pledge if they so request it.
WC Imperial Court
07-02-2007, 21:46
I have sent out TGs summoning the MPs back to parliament. In a world search, I could not find:
Demonic Gophers, of the MOBRA party
Vacuumhead, of the NBIP
The Friesland Colony, of the NBIP.
I hope this was of some service. :)
:fluffle: :fluffle: :fluffle: :fluffle:
07-02-2007, 22:06
"Parliament, eh? Hmmm..."
07-02-2007, 22:25
Man, I wish I didnt already lead the Democratic Socialist Party. I wanted my titles from the NBIP back.:(
08-02-2007, 07:48
I have sent out TGs summoning the MPs back to parliament. In a world search, I could not find:
Demonic Gophers, of the MOBRA party
Vacuumhead, of the NBIP
The Friesland Colony, of the NBIP.
I hope this was of some service. :)
:fluffle: :fluffle: :fluffle: :fluffle:
DG and Vacuumhead are dead but Vacuumhead had a new nation which incidentally is also dead.
MOBRA is nowing welcoming disgruntled Catholics...
Still no Voles.
Ifreann, that is simply wonderful.
As Acting-President of the New British Imperial Party I hereby formally accept this as the new party manifesto. All hail the New British Choose Your Imperial Pogo Stick Wisely Party!
Her Most Royal and Imperial Majesty Queen Elizabeth II approves this without so much as a second glance. She is much impressed by you, Lord Ifreann, and as a reward allow me to grant you the status of official Minister of Party Co-ordination in addition to both your current status within your own pre-alliance party and another new title as High Minister of Imperial Pogo Stick Production.
In addition to this, you are to be accorded the honours of CBE, OBE and MBE.
Shall we produce a new thread to finalise the alliance?
I shall immediately call as many members as can be found of the former NBIP and inform them of this change.
Oh, and I was mightily pleased to hear about the recognition of Pi as a religion. Tell me, where did that come from? I have an obsession with that number so it is most appropriate!
Wooo, success!
Unfortunately the merger and, indeed, my legitimacy as Acting-President even despite the important clause I built-in, have been challenged by NBIP members.
This is despite virtually none of them posting for a very long time in either the Parliament or NBIP thread.
I will attempt to overcome the opposition, but as a British gentleman I will hold to my pledge if they so request it.
Bleh, perhaps not. We needs a merger thread.
I have sent out TGs summoning the MPs back to parliament.
Well done! Thanks!
08-02-2007, 14:50
I'd support the election reform proposal.
Jello Biafra
09-02-2007, 01:43
I'd support the election reform proposal.Lol. Which one?
09-02-2007, 01:57
Lol. Which one?
Good question. Apparently Ijumped the gun. Forget I said anything.
The Beautiful Darkness
09-02-2007, 02:36
The New British Choose Your Imperial Pogo Stick Wisely Party Manifesto
Version 1.0
To this end we offer all the tea, booze, weed, rubber chickens and spam you could ever want.
In the beginning, there once was a thread; a thread so great that it grew so strong and so fast, that even through the hard times when it was first moved to Spam, it lived on. Today it has over 13,000 post of non +1 spam and is the love of many spammers.
So popular was this thread that it spawned a political party, The Choose Wisely Party. This party was strong, and grew much stronger following a merger with the Pogo Stick Party, a move not without controversy, forming The Choose Your Pogo Stick Wisely Party. In the 4th NationStates General Election we won 4 seats, a number matched only by the New British Imperial Party, who won the election.
The New British Imperial Party set out to bring NationStates into the glorious British Emparh, and had even received Royal Approval from Her Majesty and enacted laws against the misuse of the English language, wot. In fact, the NBIP thread was by far the largest. Many believed that the sun would never set on the NBIP thread.
Our two parties, both have humour written into our political DNA, began to form an alliance, along with the Moles and Other Burrowing Rodents Alliance, and were the only parties to take such steps. Alas the Parliament drifted slowly off the first page, and out of the minds of the M.P.s.
But now the two largest parties of the 4th NSG Parliament have joined forces, forming the single greatest party in the history of politics, a force greater and more hilarious than any ever conceived in the minds of us mere mortals, The New British Choose Your Imperial Pogo Stick Wisely Party.
This most fantastic of parties sets out care for spammers and all those who seek refuge from serious debate in the spam forum or in social threads by bringing them under the protection of the Royal Navy's mighty gunboats. We also aim to provide the diverting activities of Penguin Poking, Squirrel Fishing, Rhino Petting, and Right-Clicking as free government services.
The amount of tax collected from each citizen will be directly proportional to a function of the amount of lint on their hat and the amount of tea in their bloodstream.
Our Royal Constitution, blessings from Pope Zilam XXX and approval from Her Imperial Majesty (hopefully)pending.
All citizens, regardless of age, gender, colour, or creed are required to wear a hat. No exceptions. All hats are regularly inspected for lint by government agents.
The drinking of tea is mandatory. Any member of NationStates who does not drink at least one cup every 12 hours will get a jolly good talking to! 'Coffee' is banned.
All members shall praise thy holy Peechland.
The 'United Kingdom' shall be defined in the following way; An English success is 'English'. An English failure is 'Henman'. A Scottish success is 'British.' A Scottish failure is 'Scottish' (this also applies to Wales and those pesky Northern Irelanders, wot!)
All members shall receive their choice of a free Panda, Penguin, or Duck-Billed Platypus.
Instead of warnings, forum bans or deletions, the primary method of enforcing NS rules will be to send in a gunboat.
Reduced taxes for those who join the anti-fluffle movement.
Anyone from a former part of the British Empire is to be referred to as a "damn colonial".
Walking is banned. Any form of transportation must be by Pogo Stick And/Or spam car only.
Anyone not from a former part of the British Empire or Britain is to be referred to as a "damn foreigner".
Unlimited spam and random hi-jacks.
From this day forth newsreaders are banned from walking around the studio grinning when announcing thousands of deaths.
All citizens are required to consume at least one half pint of rainbow sherbet daily.
All food dishes must be served with a double portion of chips.
Silly poll options. For both serious, and silly threads.
The statue of the pregnant woman in Trafalgar Square shall be replaced with one of Terry Wogan.
Whenever the Senate convenes, The Mormon Tabernacle Choir will perform beforehand.
The word "Empire" must be pronounced "Emparh" with reference to the British Empire.
Sig worthy posts.
It is compulsory to moan about the "bloody weather" at least once per day, or at any time when noticing the bloody weather.
An official moratorium is to be put in place upon the phrases "Well done" and "Congratulations". Instead, the phrase "Jolly good show!" must be used.
We support the movement of Pi as religion. 3.14% of all taxes will fund this.
Watching (and waving a Union Flag during) the Last Night of the Proms is compulsory.
Our goal is to make you smile.
The manufacture of tweed jackets, bowler hats and umbrellas is to be subsidised.
We promise to create a department to help in the fight against slow Jolt.
NationStates shall invest vast sums of money into building a Royal Navy.
The right to choose. You've been chosen to participate in an international debate that will be televised all over the world. Topics will be drawn from a hat, but will be very similar to the topics discussed here on NS. Each participant from the winning team will receive $250k cash, a new car and a their picture on the front page of Time Magazine. Now choose your team from the players of NS. Who would your team consist of? For fun, you also have to name your team. Please try to have a minimum of 4 members in your team. You may of course have more. Max Barry has decided to produce his own reality tv show and you have been chosen to participate. You have to select other members of NS to live with in a large house for a 6 month time period. If everyone plays nice, you will all receive $250k cash and will all be characters in Max's next book. But, if anyone gets reported to the "Mods", then upon review of the situation, that person will be sent reality tv terms- eliminated. No prize.
Celebrating the battles of Agincourt, Trafalgar and Waterloo is compulsory on pain of removal of tea rations.
Classes on corrupting the masses are offered for free.
NationStates is to apply for Commonwealth membership and recognise the Queen as head of state.
Foreign Policy:
The NBCYIPSWP is in a state of perpetual war with all other nations outside the Emparh. As such, we believe in maintaining a strong army of Rhinos and Squirrels and a navy of gunboats to make pre-emptive strikes against all neighbouring countries. All soldiers will be issued sweater vests made from industrial strength bubble-wrap for armour, yarn garrottes for weapons, and plentiful amounts of tea. Once an enemy country has been subjugated, the Royal Constitution will be enforced upon the natives and the country shall be brought into the Emparh and colonised.
Cabinet And Members Of The CypsWP:
Pope: Zilam XXX
Minister of Chocolate: The Beautiful Darkness
Understate Secretary for Sugar-Related Fracas - Righteous Munchee-Love
Minister of Pet Distribution - Ifreann
Minister of Naughtiness - Gravlen
Minister of Defence Against Trolls: WC Imperial Court
Minister of Obscure References and Embarrassing Anecdotes: Straughn
Ephemeral Ministress of Spam Distribution: Ladamesansmerci
Rather Large Noodles
Pepe Dominguez
RLI Returned
Flaitheas Druadh
IL Ruffino
Fascist Dominion
Der Fuhrer Dyszel
Turquoise Days
Most Honourable Members of Her Majesty's Emparh:
The Rt. Hon. Admiral Lord Sir Professor Philosopy CBE OBE MBE Party President
The Rt. Hon. Lady Lord Sir Vacuumhead CBE OBE MBE Secretary of State for the Home Office and Minister for Ladies; Vice Party President
The Rt. Hon. Lord Sir Rubiconic Crossings CBE OBE MBE First Lord of the Admiralty and Minister for Tea
The Rt. Hon. Lord Sir Fartsniffage CBE OBE MBE Secretary of State for the Foreign Office
Damn Colonial Aronnax Governor-General of Singapore
The Rt. Hon. Lord Sir Call to power Minister for Eggs and Bacon
The Rt. Hon. Lord Sir Forsakia Minister for the Bloody Weather and Minister for Sheep
Damn Foreigner Krensonia Leader of the Dutch Wing of the NBIP
The Rt. Hon. Lord Sir Scarlet States CBE OBE MBE Secretary of State for The Wee Lads and Bonnie Lasses North of the Border
Damn Colonial Malkyer Leader of the United States Wing of the NBIP
The Rt. Hon. Field Marshall Lord Sir The Friesland colony CBE OBE MBE Field Marshal
Damn Colonial Hamilay Secretary of State for the Colonies
The Rt. Hon. Lord Sir The blessed Chris CBE OBE MBE Viceroy of the East India Trading Company
The Rt. Hon. Lord Sir Ilaer CBE OBE MBE Lord Chancellor and Minister for Spreading Proper English(and Acting Party President)
Damn Colonial Caleduardia Minister for the Tropics
Damn Foreigner Novus-America Minister for Counter-Terrorism
The Rt. Hon. Lord Sir Anke Morpork CBE OBE MBE Minister for Imperial Education
The Rt. Hon. Lord Sir Vodka-stonia CBE OBE MBE Minister for Spirits
Damn Colonial Zouloukistan Governor-General of Canada and Minister for The Eradication of Coffee
The Rt. Hon. Lord Sir Mega gning CBE OBE MBE Minister for Flag Waving at the Proms
Damn Colonial Lady Little Monkies Minister for Emparh Fluffles
Damn Colonial Gurguvungunit Minister for the Promotion of Emparh History and Deputy Minister for Spreading Proper English
The Most Hon. Lord Sir Praetonia CBE OBE MBE Duke of Westminister
Damn Colonial Revasser Governor-General of Australia
Damn Foreigner Obok Kyorl Minister for Eastern Affairs
The Rt. Hon. Lord Sir UK-dom CBE OBE MBE Minister for Sanity
The Rt. Hon. Lord Sir. Ieuano CBE OBE MBE Secretary of State for Administrative Affairs
The Rt. Hon. Lord Sir. Valtoria CBE OBE MBE Minister for New Posters
The Rt. Hon. Lord Sir. Niploma CBE OBE MBE Minister for Private Boarding Schools & Upper-Class Snobbery
The Rt. Hon. Lord Sir Wenglish CBE OBE MBE Minister for Biscuits
The Rt. Hon. Lord Sir Armed public CBE OBE MBE Minister for The Furtherment of Enjoyment of all Good People in Her Majesty's Emparh
The Rt. Hon. Lord Sir UNIverseVERSE CBE OBE MBE Minister for Cucumber Sandwiches
The Most Hon. Lord Sir Aust CBE OBE MBE Duke of Yorkshire
I propose that the CypsWP members be given titles similar to those of their NBIP counterparts. All ministers shall retain their ministries. As for party leadership, an in-party election seems to be the only fair option.
Wonderful. :)
I support the extension of elections to 7 and a half days.
Is there anything else I have missed? Filling in would be appreciated. :) :fluffle:
Imperial isa
09-02-2007, 02:59
09-02-2007, 07:19
I'd support the election reform proposal.
I support the extension of elections to 7 and a half days.
Is there anything else I have missed? Filling in would be appreciated. :) :fluffle:
Lol. Which one?
Mine *Shifty eyes*
Guy in Japan starting with D
Hmmm, need more approvals...
The Beautiful Darkness
09-02-2007, 10:17
Mine *Shifty eyes*
Guy in Japan starting with D
Hmmm, need more approvals...
What are you signing me up for? :confused:
Wonderful. :)
I support the extension of elections to 7 and a half days.
Is there anything else I have missed? Filling in would be appreciated. :) :fluffle:
I have a proposal somewhere to force an election. But it needs 9 or so more peoples. :(
:confused: What are you signing me up for? :confused:
That's his bill extendy proposal thingy.
I have sent out TGs summoning the MPs back to parliament.
:fluffle: :fluffle:
You rang? :)
See? You call, and I appear out of thin air... well, only a couple of hours - OK, two days! - later.
The New British Choose Your Imperial Pogo Stick Wisely Party Manifesto
Version 1.0
This sounds promising. I like it.
You rang? :)
See? You call, and I appear out of thin air... well, only a couple of hours - OK, two days! - later.
This sounds promising. I like it.
I have a thread somewhere about it, hang on, I'll fish it out.
Imperial isa
09-02-2007, 23:07
why have i made you sad
there was a lot of big words on Ifreann post and how are you have not seen you for a bit
10-02-2007, 10:29
Mine *Shifty eyes*
Guy in Japan starting with D
Hmmm, need more approvals...
you missed me
and it's daistallia, btw
that list of choosey pogo british party members is..intimidating, to say the least.
10-02-2007, 10:39
why have i made you sad
It might have been because you confussed me, otherwise i really don't know,and i can't be arsed checking right now...
you missed me
and it's daistallia, btw
Yeah i thought it was Daistallia but i wasn't sure if they had numerals at the end of their name so Guy with D will do
*What i said makes sense in my mind...*
that list of choosey pogo british party members is..intimidating, to say the least.
Each to his own i guess, but i hear some are questioning the legality of Illears actions or at least don't agree with them.
Heck the Imperialist Party might just stay as a single entity and only have a few or many people jumping ship for no ends or means.
What i mean by that is, they wont get their Britishness truly represented, thats for them to ponder over though...
What are you siging me up for?
People in favour of my bill.
Though at this moment i regret not having it for another list.;)
That's his bill extendy proposal thingy.
The Beautiful Darkness
10-02-2007, 11:18
there was a lot of big words on Ifreann post and how are you have not seen you for a bit
Hehe, yeah. I'm good thanks, how are you?
People in favour of my bill.
Though at this moment i regret not having it for another list.;)
Daistallia 2104
10-02-2007, 12:23
you missed me
and it's daistallia, btw
And ya be a good mate fer pointing 'er out. :D
that list of choosey pogo british party members is..intimidating, to say the least.
Never tell me ye odds. A buncha word does nay a good plank make. ;)
Yeah i thought it was Daistallia but i wasn't sure if they had numerals at the end of their name so Guy with D will do
*What i said makes sense in my mind...*
Avast and Oi! Thar be numbers after, but most knows me by Daistallia, and that's sparkely and dandy. I knows who yar were on about. :D
(BTW, I've stated I support the move to dissolve parliment, but havn't yet come out either way on the question of extending the voting, and I'd kindly appreciate that be clarified.)
:fluffle: :fluffle:
Oooh, fluffling in Parliament! *Flees*
10-02-2007, 13:15
And ya be a good mate fer pointing 'er out. :D
Never tell me ye odds. A buncha word does nay a good plank make. ;)
Aye :P
Imperial isa
10-02-2007, 21:22
It might have been because you confussed me, otherwise i really don't know,and i can't be arsed checking right now...
then we even
Hehe, yeah. I'm good thanks, how are you?
keeping out of the away of family so they don't drive me nuts,taking my time on finishing the paper work so i can join the army ,thats about it.
11-02-2007, 00:16
Avast and Oi! Thar be numbers after, but most knows me by Daistallia, and that's sparkely and dandy. I knows who yar were on about. :D
I know you by that too, but why do you have numbers?
(BTW, I've stated I support the move to dissolve parliment, but havn't yet come out either way on the question of extending the voting, and I'd kindly appreciate that be clarified.)
I thought you had already agreed.:(
Last time the poll close date was a bit of a shambels, in fact they closed before the time they were meant to and i don't think 5 days is enough.
If PM(Or whoever opens them at 12:00 GMT they should close at least 7 days after that time, not 6 and 10 hours and 30 minutes, just because Pure Metal(Or whoever) wants to get a feed.
If Pure Metal (Or whoever) want's to get some food(Or whatever) the poll close date should be closed when they get back(or have time) not before.
then we even
Far from it.
And in regards to your army jazz, as they say in The Holy Grail...
:fluffle: :fluffle:
Oooh, fluffling in Parliament! *Flees*
So, where is the parliament at right now? I'm looking forward to the election, y'know.
11-02-2007, 00:36
So, where is the parliament at right now? I'm looking forward to the election, y'know.
Waiting for you to support my bill.
Imperial isa
11-02-2007, 00:38
Far from it.
And in regards to your army jazz, as they say in The Holy Grail...
Bring it on then
yur i know
11-02-2007, 01:18
Bring it on then
yur i know
You bring it on.:upyours:
Imperial isa
11-02-2007, 01:21
You bring it on.:upyours:
oh i will when the time cames
11-02-2007, 01:26
oh i will when the time cames
I hope you never make it as an Officer!
Imperial isa
11-02-2007, 01:29
I hope you never make it as an Officer!
with bad Schooling and Dyslexia your safe,only why i became a CO is a Realy Bloodly War
Waiting for you to support my bill.
Oh, no, I'm not actually in it. I'm just an observer, or something.
Daistallia 2104
11-02-2007, 02:01
I know you by that too, but why do you have numbers?
The numbers be the date me nation was RPly re-booted to as part of an RP long years ago.
I thought you had already agreed.:(
Last time the poll close date was a bit of a shambels, in fact they closed before the time they were meant to and i don't think 5 days is enough.
If PM(Or whoever opens them at 12:00 GMT they should close at least 7 days after that time, not 6 and 10 hours and 30 minutes, just because Pure Metal(Or whoever) wants to get a feed.
If Pure Metal (Or whoever) want's to get some food(Or whatever) the poll close date should be closed when they get back(or have time) not before.
Not saying I don't agree, but I had just wanted to point out that I hadn't yet agreed. I think that was a miscommunication on my part. :(
Anywho, yarr, put me down as supporting both the move to dissolve parliment and the election reform bill.
I'm here to represent my Party. If I can find our Manifesto I'll post it.
Can I declare the merger to be complete yet?
And I'll once again support the recent election reform bill.
(See, all you rotters near the beginning of the thread! An NBIP member will support some reform bills!)
So, where is the parliament at right now? I'm looking forward to the election, y'know.
Support my bill to force an election! I need like, 9 more peoples and we can have an election.
Can I declare the merger to be complete yet?
I think we can consider the parties merged. We can always make changes to the name or manifesto or whatever later. For a start we should get to nominating party leaders.
And I'll once again support the recent election reform bill.
(See, all you rotters near the beginning of the thread! An NBIP member will support some reform bills!)
Which bill?
Oh, and just to remind people, NBIP have an agreement whereby one MP can support on behalf of all their MPs, so for whoever is counting, Ilaer's support there counts for 4.
Support my bill to force an election! I need like, 9 more peoples and we can have an election.
I think we can consider the parties merged. We can always make changes to the name or manifesto or whatever later. For a start we should get to nominating party leaders.
Which bill?
Oh, and just to remind people, NBIP have an agreement whereby one MP can support on behalf of all their MPs, so for whoever is counting, Ilaer's support there counts for 4.
Agreed with all of that.
How is the new party to be run? A leader for each of the two pre-merger parties working in co-operation?
Thank you for reminding me that my vote counts for four. I'd forgotten that. :D Although I was not technically an MP, I am currently Acting-President, and so was our leader Philosophy, so Ifreann's right.
The bill I support is the one to extend election time, by the way.
I also support the call for a new election, although we then need to plan a propaganda - I mean, election campaign, wot?
I'll make a thread for former-NBIP members to vote for a party leader. First though I'll need to find out who's still active on the list.
Edit: I mean Philosophy was an MP and I've temporarily taken his position.
*sighs at ambiguity*
Agreed with all of that.
How is the new party to be run? A leader for each of the two pre-merger parties working in co-operation?
Thank you for reminding me that my vote counts for four. I'd forgotten that. :D Although I was not technically an MP, I am currently Acting-President, and so was our leader Philosophy, so Ifreann's right.
The bill I support is the one to extend election time, by the way.
I also support the call for a new election, although we then need to plan a propaganda - I mean, election campaign, wot?
I'll make a thread for former-NBIP members to vote for a party leader. First though I'll need to find out who's still active on the list.
Edit: I mean Philosophy was an MP and I've temporarily taken his position.
*sighs at ambiguity*
Lets just make a party thread and stop cluttering Parliament. Would you like to make it, or shall I?
Lets just make a party thread and stop cluttering Parliament. Would you like to make it, or shall I?
You can make it, mainly because I'm lazy.
I'm already in the middle of sorting out an election thread for a leader too, but I can always stop it.
New Burmesia
11-02-2007, 17:14
1) This hardly warrants the use of that piccy.
2) I oppose your resolution.
3) ...
For some time now Harlesburg has been greatly concerned by the meager 5 days allowed for voting.
No Doubt the Right Honourable Pure Metal did an outstanding job in using his own personel website to tally the ballots, however Harlesburg feels that the 5 days should be extended to a minimum of 7 and upto and including at the very most 1 half of an 8th day.
I propose this part of an 8th day because of the time zone factor, the unknown irritation which ones life can sometimes be, if one(Pure Metal) goes out for lunch on the final day of the polls he would be unable to close them as such a slight elongation of said polls should be acceptable.
For this reason and the reason of 5 days not being enough to give a large percentage of those NSer's who would care to partake in said NS elections i put forward this proposal.
Hopefully i can garner enough votes for this to see a second reading put it to the vote and see it pass.
For mine i see this to be more Democratic than the current system.
You can sign me up for that.
Well, Ifreann wants me to help force an election, so I support it.
Force an election! My Pirate bretheren are busy trying to overthrow this government and start a new one!
Daistallia 2104
11-02-2007, 21:10
Be we needing the grapeshot to force this election?
Be we needing the grapeshot to force this election?
And rum! Bring the Rum!
12-02-2007, 10:48
For some time now Harlesburg has been greatly concerned by the meager 5 days allowed for voting.
No Doubt the Right Honourable Pure Metal did an outstanding job in using his own personel website to tally the ballots, however Harlesburg feels that the 5 days should be extended to a minimum of 7 and upto and including at the very most 1 half of an 8th day.
I propose this part of an 8th day because of the time zone factor, the unknown irritation which ones life can sometimes be, if one(Pure Metal) goes out for lunch on the final day of the polls he would be unable to close them as such a slight elongation of said polls should be acceptable.
For this reason and the reason of 5 days not being enough to give a large percentage of those NSer's who would care to partake in said NS elections i put forward this proposal.
Hopefully i can garner enough votes for this to see a second reading put it to the vote and see it pass.
For mine i see this to be more Democratic than the current system.i support the thingy to dissolve parliament and have new elections. we didn't really do much, did we?
i'll also support harlesburg's proposal to extend the voting window to 7 or 8 ish days. if only because a week is a much nicer period of time to work with.
Anywho, yarr, put me down as supporting both the move to dissolve parliment and the election reform bill.I'll support it.
You can sign me up for that.
I support the extension of elections to 7 and a half days.
I support Harleys proposal to extend the voting period.
If i count myself that is 7 however Ilaer supports it but he isn't a MP, i need 2 more Yay's...
Thank you for reminding me that my vote counts for four. I'd forgotten that. :D Although I was not technically an MP, I am currently Acting-President, and so was our leader Philosophy, so Ifreann's right.
The bill I support is the one to extend election time, by the way.
I also support the call for a new election, although we then need to plan a propaganda - I mean, election campaign, wot?
I'll make a thread for former-NBIP members to vote for a party leader. First though I'll need to find out who's still active on the list.
Edit: I mean Philosophy was an MP and I've temporarily taken his position.
*sighs at ambiguity*
I also declare the NBIP's support for the bill to extend election periods.
If anyone would like to aid me in reviving the NBIP then I'm sure we could have it bustling again?
Check the bolded part in the first Ilaer quote, is that legit?:confused:
Well, Ifreann wants me to help force an election, so I support it.
Huzzah, 7!
Force an election! My Pirate bretheren are busy trying to overthrow this government and start a new one!
Check the bolded part in the first Ilaer quote, is that legit?:confused:
I'm pretty sure parties can swap out MPs. I'll check the guideliines at the start.
Yes, procedures allow for a party to change their MPs.
Daistallia 2104
12-02-2007, 13:03
And rum! Bring the Rum!
We always brings tha Rum!
Matey! Look like it be close quarters, so I be wantin' the swivel gun loaded with grape an' sangrenel te proper clear the decks of scurvy riff-raff....
Ultraviolent Radiation
12-02-2007, 19:42
Just received a TG about revitalising NSG parliament. Will post something more useful when I have time.
Daistallia 2104
14-02-2007, 19:10
Be we electing or be we overthrowing?
Or de ye need a whiff of the grape te be makin' up yer minds...
A new election I say. The people demand it! Election or Revolution? Ye decide matey, ye decide.