Nuclear Coalition?
Daniels Island
15-02-2009, 14:21
FROM: Daniels Island's
TO: All Interested Nations
All Smaller Nations interested in coming together to form a coalition for the production of nuclear weapons please state your interest here... The Incorporated States of Daniels Island's will be willing to allow the manufacturing of the Weapons to take place on Forest Island.
An Island dedicated to D.I's M.O.D, completely cut off from civilisation, All interested parties are welcome to bring what they feel neccesary aslong as it complies with our nations safety and wellbeing laws.
The Incorporated States of Daniels Island, Shall obviously Place a substantial amount into this project
We hope to hear from interested parties soon, Espcially Allies lets make our forces stronger...
D.I.M.O.D Projects Director
Steve Clark
15-02-2009, 14:26
I will strongly support this coalition. I strongly suggest all members to approach this topic ASAP and those that wish to take part and join in a coalition of creating Nuclear Weapons and possessing them should speak right now.
After all the Nations have gotten together and expressed interest in joining the coalition, we should be hosting a summit in the Federation of Serbian Soviet Union and create a International Organisations of Nuclear Weapons Associations of Coalition members.
Daniels Island
15-02-2009, 14:56
D.I Is in full backing of the project and The Serbian Soviet Union's Views...
Coalition sign up needs to begin immediatly
Official Communique of the Commonwealth of Kenavt
Kenavt moderamen dilucesco
To: D.I.M.O.D Projects Director Steve Clark; Federation of Serbian Soviet Union; other interested parties
From: Prime Minister Ashton Butler; Foreign Affairs Minister Robert Ochiv;
Re: Nuclear coalition
D.I.M.O.D Projects Director Steve Clark; Federation of Serbian Soviet Union; other interested parties;
As a safeguarder of our nation's nuclear capability, which contains both civilian nuclear power generation facilities and warehouses storing nuclear weapons for strong deterrents, the Commonwealth must vigorously sa that this 'Nuclear Coalition' must not happen. We believe that such young nations should not have the key to nuclear power, as that could end up as the end of the world.
His Right Honorable
Ashton Butler
Foreign Affairs Minister
Robert Ochiv
OOC: Horrible, I know, but I was rushed. Either way, I'm against. Thanks for your concern.
Ustio North
15-02-2009, 16:15
Official Communique
To: D.I.M.O.D Projects Director Steve Clark; Federation of Serbian Soviet Union
From: Dwight McArthur, Prime Minister Of Ustio North
CC: Prime Minister Ashton Butler Of The Commonwealth Of Kenavt
RE: 'Nuclear Coalition'
The United Kingdom Of Ustio North is horrified that nations such as Daniels Island are seeking to bring other nations with nuclear weapons and power into the folds of an alliance. The United Kingdom will not tolerate the formation of this 'nuclear coalition' - it is a threat to world security, and should you continue to try and ally yourself with other nuclear powers who share your irresponsibility, the appropriate measures will be taken to have you removed.
You have been warned.
Dwight McArthur,
Prime Minister
Stan Williams,
Field Marshall, Ustian Army
Harry Dodd,
Air Chief Marshall, Ustian Royal Air Force
Sir David McTavish,
First Sea Lord, Ustian Royal Navy
15-02-2009, 17:49
To: D.I.M.O.D Projects Director Steve Clark; Federation of Serbian Soviet Union; other parties
From: Premier Viktoria Kotenko
Re: Nuclear coalition
While the legitimacy of such coalition is questionable, the idea that a small nation with access to nuclear technology is a threat to world security is complete rubbish. Super powers with nuclear arsenals have used their arsenals indiscriminately in the past as offensive weapons, yet once an obviously defensive alliance is formed it creates an uproar. Such hypocrisy is confusing, to say the least.
Confederacy of Laudren would like to join this coalition. We would like to be the funding body of this project. if all member nations cooperate, our nation will fund any project.
The Beatus
15-02-2009, 18:05
Official Statement on the Creation of "A Nuclear Coalition"
The Paedocracy of the Beatus, has always, and always will, speak out against the use and development of nuclear weapons, which are so obviously offensive weapons, the simple notion that they could be used defensively is preposterous. While we understand, that each nation, is free to do as they wish, within limits of course, due to the fact of national sovereignty, we still must voice our disapproval at these acts, and warn, that joining such a coalition will hamper diplomatic efforts with the Beatus.
The Wolf Hold
15-02-2009, 18:05
To:D.I.M.O.D Projects Director Steve Clark; Federation of Serbian Soviet Union
From: Wolf Hold Central Command
Subject: Nuclear Coalition
The Armed Republic is most definatly interested in joining this coaliton! (We suggested it in the first place) We have almost limitless military and industrial labour forces and we may need these weapons to help fight off further agression from nations such as the four Heatons and the GWO, soyes we wish to join.
Daniels Island
15-02-2009, 18:08
The Project of Nuclear Coalition shall go ahead as planned...
Just because we are smaller nations it s not fair to say we cannot posses the power for nuclear weapons...
we would be willing to have a larger country over see the Project but refusal to close it down... All intereasted nations please make yourselves fully known for this Project...
Also may we state we agree with our Allies The Wolf Hold... This was origionally there idea and we look forward to working with them
15-02-2009, 18:15
To: D.I.M.O.D Projects Director Steve Clark;interested parties
From: Komersoklak Sobyek Pataaru "Pataari Trade Master Council"
Re: Nuclear Coalition
We fear the repercussions of making small nations nuclear capability, we fear the sight of a news report of a small nation attacking another nation with nuclear arms. We do not want to see the series of events that will result from your actions. We will ship no goods to any nation in this coalition or even considering joining it, and we will persist onto you to reconsider what you are doing here, Mr Clark until you halt the coalition.
The Project of Nuclear Coalition shall go ahead as planned...
Just because we are smaller nations it s not fair to say we cannot posses the power for nuclear weapons...
we would be willing to have a larger country over see the Project but refusal to close it down... All interested nations please make yourselves fully known for this Project...
Laudren agrees with this, and from now on become an active member of this coalition. We will help in the arming of these smaller nations in any way ( financially is what we intend )
The Wolf Hold
15-02-2009, 18:19
To: The Pataari Trade Master Council
From: 1st Wolf's Marshall Cain, Wolf Hold Central Command
I wish to know why you belive it is dangerous for small nations to be nuclear capable, why should big and powerful nations posses deterrnets?
Daniels Island
15-02-2009, 18:22
The List of Coalition of Nations:
Daniels Island
The Wolf Hold
Serbian Soviet union
So Far...
15-02-2009, 18:24
To: 1st Wolf's Marshall Cain, Wolf Hold Central Command
From: the KLSP (Komersoklak Sobyek Pataaru)
Re: Response
Most nuclear capable large nations only holy nuclear weaponry for retaliatory purposes, and sure there might be a few out there who keep some for the sake of having a nuclear weapon 'up their sleeve'. But the world is best with the most minimal risk of nuclear annihilation, and to minimize that risk their needs to be a minimal amount of people with that capability. We do understand that some of these nation might use their capability for nuclear power, but we still have the visceral fear that the focus will be of the nuclear arsenal.
The Wolf Hold
15-02-2009, 18:27
To: KLSP (Komersoklak Sobyek Pataaru)
From: 1st Wolf's Marshall Cain, Wolf Hold Central Command
So because said nation is large, they have the right to own nuclear weapons? So really you are worried for you r own nation because it will be several small nations insted of one large one owning these weapons?
15-02-2009, 18:31
To: 1st Wolf's Marshall Cain, Wolf Hold Central Command
From: the KLSP
Re: Response
They do not have the right to own it, and they should disarm them, but we are not the ones making up those nation's minds. Nuclear weaponry should never be proliferated, never. We say that not because we think only certain sized nation hold nuclear arms, but having a larger nuclear arsenal on this earth can only bring troubles to us all. Even if a large or medium sized nation joins the coalition we still hold the same fears against them. Our position on the trade refusal still stands.
Daniels Island
15-02-2009, 18:32
From: Steve Clark D.I.M.O.D. (Projects Director)
Our Nations I assure you will be considered as one large nation with these Nuclear warheads.
Official Communique
International Affairs Department, 500 Dan Drive, Amsteldam, Zoingo
TO: The Nuclear Coalition
Subject: Nuclear Arms
The Commonwealth of Zoingo would like to address the small nation's attempt to form a coalition to 'not let larger nations push them around'. First off, we are a highly developed nation, but we see no need to develop the uncivilized mechanisms that are nuclear weapons. Thought the history of the NS world, all they have brought down onto others is pain, destruction, and regret. Now, most larger nationalities do not have nuclear weapons but do have protection systems. And if a larger nation does have a nuclear arsenal, it is usually small (however, this is not always the case). In our generation, a nuclear arsenal is considered "noobish" and cowardly to use in a war. As such, the ability to "push around smaller nations" would rely on conventional methods, Army, Naval, and Air Force.
The threat of a coalition of small unstable nations such as this would be a huge threat to the international community at large. This coalition is, no matter if it is peaceful or not, it is still a threat due to its nuclear capabilities and the state of the countries being new. Although we do not represent a 'international police', this is clearly a danger to all nations, large and small alike. This is a shame on the nations that strive for world peace.
As a result, the Commonwealth stands by the messages of kenvat, Ustio North, The Beatus, Chernobyl-Pripyat, Ulanpataar and condemns the formation of such an alliance.
Prime Minister Martin Dalons
Foreign Affairs Secretary Francis Pièrock
Parliament Leader Lord Dunmore
This Communique has been approved by King Ragnald IV.
15-02-2009, 18:46
To: 'Nuclear Coalition' Member Nations
From: Office of the Minister for Foreign Relations, Salzland
CC: Nations of the World
To Whom it May Concern,
Upon receiving word of your intentions to form an alliance dedicated solely to the acquisition of Weapons of Mass Destruction, specifically nuclear arms, the Armed Republic of Salzland must strongly caution all involved parties to carefully think through their actions in this matter. The decision to acquire a nuclear arsenal is not one to be made lightly, or on a spur of the moment basis. A prospective nuclear nation must be able to not only fund the development of said weapons, but also spend far more on upkeep and security to ensure these weapons do not fall into the wrong hands.
Larger countries, to be blunt, have the capability to field these weapons, and secure them. We feel that the proliferation of nuclear weapons to states that can barely field an organized military would be nothing short of disasterous on the international stage. We note that at least two nations in this prospective 'Coalition' are already engaged in wars requiring the commitment of nearly all of their defense budgets and armed forces. How will these nations afford to maintain their nuclear weapons? Who will guard them?
The Armed Republic of Salzland, after careful deliberations between the President and Legislative leaders, finds that it has a moral obligation to ensure that there is no proliferation of nuclear weapons or nuclear weapons technology between members of this so-called 'Coalition.' As such, elements of the Salzland Navy will be dispatched to the shipping lanes outside the territorial waters of the 'Nuclear Coalition' member-states in the coming weeks, under orders to stop and search all vessels for nuclear materials. Should said materials be found, they will be confiscated until such time as they may be safely dismantled and destroyed.
Should any nuclear weapons developed under this program be used, or any attempt made to use them against Salzland forces, all member nations shall be considered liable, no matter which member nation or organization was responsible for the initial launch, and no matter what the actual level of contributions any member nation made to this program. No difference will be made between any state funding this program, storing weapons for this program, constructing weapons for this program, or using weapons from this program.
We welcome members of the international community to aid us in our efforts to restrict the proliferation of nuclear weapons to states clearly incapable of supporting said weapons programs.
J. Marcus Davis
Minister for Foreign Relations
(OOC: Seriously people, the population limits on developing your own nuclear programs are NOT THAT HARD TO MEET. If you can't wait three bloody weeks to reach 100 million people, then you don't deserve to have nukes in the first place, because there is no way you could be responsible with them.)
The Wolf Hold
15-02-2009, 18:53
To: Office of the Minister for Foreign Relations, Salzland
From: Wolf Hold Central Command
I have no qulams in you objecting to our coalition, HOWEVER if a single naval vessel enters our waters or the waters of Daniels Island with the intent to stop and search our vessels, it will be seen as a hostile act which will not only be reported to the WA but also considered an act of war!
15-02-2009, 19:04
To: Office of the Minister for Foreign Relations, Salzland
From: the KLSP
re: Nuclear nonproliferation
You have our full support, and we will come to your aid when needed. The situations ensued by giving nuclear arms to less stable nations should be prevented at any cost. And we wish to commit men, arms, or funds to support this cause and disarm this situation before it fruits to be a horrible occurrence. We must reiterate, you have our full support and, if needed, guidance. We will be glad to see this Coaltion fully disarmed, and hopefully not that far into the future. We will not fall short of what you need for aid,
The Pataari Counsil of Trade Masters.
15-02-2009, 19:05
To: Wolf Hold Central Command
From: Office of the Minister for Foreign Relations, Salzland
CC: Nations of the World
To Whom it May Concern,
Rest assured that no Salzland vessels will enter your waters, or the waters of any other member-states of this 'Coalition.' Our Naval commanders are not so stupid as to maneuver our vessels into costal waters, where their movements would be heavily restricted by shallow depths. Do not worry, our searches and seizures will occur well inside international waters.
We are not deterred by your threats of reporting our actions to the World Assembly, or your threats of war. We are acting firmly within the boundaries of governing World Assembly Resolutions (specifically, acting to ensure that states incapable of "tak every available precaution to ensure that their [nuclear] weapons do not fall into the wrong hands" do not develop said weapons. See [I]Nuclear Arms Possession Act, WA Resolution #10)
As the Salzland Defense Forces are currently more than double the size of your entire nation, we are not especially concerned with the threats posed by your conventional military. Abandon your foolhardy pursuit of nuclear weapons, and your nation's role in this matter will end.
J. Marcus Davis
Minister for Foreign Relations
15-02-2009, 19:08
To: 'Nuclear Coalition' Member Nations
From: Government of Fatatatutti
Nuclear deterrence is, at best, a questionable concept. An unused weapon is a useless weapon. And any nation that uses nuclear weapons would be - or should be - shunned by all civilized nations.
As you have already seen, the mere intention of obtaining nuclear weapons has already made you some powerful potential enemies. The idea that possession of such weapons will make you somehow 'safer' is ludicrous.
Fatatatutti joins in the condemnation of this project. We call for an embargo of all nuclear materials to the members of the coalition. If they persist in their dangerous plan, we will call for the cessation of all trade in armaments and, if necessary, a full trade embargo.
The best defence is not having any enemies.
15-02-2009, 19:11
What will the World Assembly think of this?
15-02-2009, 19:12
To: Office of the Minister for Foreign Relations, Salzland
From: the KLSP
re: Nuclear nonproliferation
You have our full support, and we will come to your aid when needed. The situations ensued by giving nuclear arms to less stable nations should be prevented at any cost. And we wish to commit men, arms, or funds to support this cause and disarm this situation before it fruits to be a horrible occurrence. We must reiterate, you have our full support and, if needed, guidance. We will be glad to see this Coaltion fully disarmed, and hopefully not that far into the future. We will not fall short of what you need for aid,
The Pataari Counsil of Trade Masters.
To: The Pataari Council of Trade Masters
From: Office of the Minister for Foreign Relations, Salzland
Dear Ladies and Gentlemen,
At this time, we wish to exhaust all potential diplomatic avenues before bringing force to bear against the member-states of the 'Nuclear Coalition.' We feel there is a strong possibility that concerted international pressure will be able to persuade the involved parties to avoid developing nuclear arsenals at this stage in their development. It is our sincere hope that all sides reach a peaceful, mutually-agreeable solution.
Should diplomacy fail, we ask that elements of your Navy be deployed in order to assist Salzland Naval units in stopping, searching and potentially seizing nuclear-related contraband transported on vessels belonging to the involved nations. It is imperative that said interdictions occur in international waters, and that only nuclear-related materials be seized.
Thank you for your offer of assistance,
J. Marcus Davis
Minister for Foreign Relations
15-02-2009, 19:13
What will the World Assembly think of this?
(OOC: The World Assembly wouldn't give a crap about this, as the World Assembly is not recognized in "International Incidents." In other words, outside of passing/rejecting submitted resolutions every three days, it does not exist for the purpose of role-playing.)
The Wolf Hold
15-02-2009, 19:15
To: All oppisition of Nucler weapons
From: Wolf Hold Central Goverment
Description: REALIZING that WA members are outnumbered by non members by about 3 to 1,
ACKNOWLEDGING the fact that only WA members are required to comply with WA resolutions,
NOTICING the fact that many non member nations are hostile towards WA members,
REALIZING that the WA members need to be able to defend themselves if attacked,
1. DECLARES that WA members are allowed to possess nuclear weapons to defend themselves from hostile nations,
2. PRESERVES the right for individual nations to decide if they want to possess nuclear weapons,
3. REQUIRES that any nation choosing to possess nuclear weapons take every available precaution to ensure that their weapons do not fall into the wrong hands.
Votes For: 6,313
Votes Against: 4,663
Implemented: Fri Jun 6 2008
That is the WA resolution that allows MY nation to posses Nuclear arms, so any WA nations opposed to this are in violation of Resolution 10
TO: Office of the Minister for Foreign Relations, Salzland
FROM: Confederacy of Laudren States
If any Salzland Navy interfere with Confederate Government transportation (meaning opening fire on said transports, or boarding any government ship with armed forces), we will consider it an action of war. We will also not allow any armed ships to enter territorial waters. For the time being we have not wired any funding to the coalition, but in time this may happen. We also do not intend to "build" the actual product. We will also not allow your forces to search any civilian ship. We will allow an unarmed, unarmored ship(s) to patrol territorial waters, but they would have to follow the stated conditions.
Jhon Herrscher
Vice Roy of Laudren Confederacy
Approved by Confederate Council
Daniels Island
15-02-2009, 19:17
To: The Condemnation
From: Daniels Island
With strong advice Daniels Island has decided to step out of the coalition for the time being... once our nation has grown and we have the ability to fund this project we shall be willing to once again form a coalition as for this time...
Apologies to the coalition but we dont want such big enemies on our fine Nation...
However bullying of these smaller nation in this coalition will not be tolerated and will be met by force from the D.I.M.O.D also we may be out of the coalition but we stand by the members
Steve Clark Projects Director
Kyle Shearing Defence Minister
Michael Bennet Forgein Affairs
Connor Michael Daniels President
The Wolf Hold
15-02-2009, 19:21
To: Oppisition
From: Wolf Hold Central Command
Under such pressure and the recent development of the War between our Nation and the Deserted Territories, The Armed Republic Of the Wolf Hold Withdraws from the Coalition.
We are not pulling out complelty, any one who wishes to continue has the promise of military AID, if larger nations attempt to stop you.
The List of Coalition of Nations:
Serbian Soviet union
So Far...
Seeing as this is the case. We will still provide funds to any programs, but for now our nation will not host any coalition events in our territory
Ustio North
15-02-2009, 19:26
To: D.I.M.O.D Projects Director Steve Clark; Federation of Serbian Soviet Union; other parties
From: Premier Viktoria Kotenko
Re: Nuclear coalition
While the legitimacy of such coalition is questionable, the idea that a small nation with access to nuclear technology is a threat to world security is complete rubbish. Super powers with nuclear arsenals have used their arsenals indiscriminately in the past as offensive weapons, yet once an obviously defensive alliance is formed it creates an uproar. Such hypocrisy is confusing, to say the least.
OOC: It's not that it's because it's a defensive coalition, and what not. It's that the lead nation is completely irresponsible, as, no doubt, are the sort of nations he's hoping to atract. If you notice, myself, Salzland and other Veteran members don't need 'Nuclear Coalitions' to defend ourselves. To illustrate the point i'm trying to make, a quote;
President Fowler: Really? Let's see. Who else has 27,000 nukes for us to worry about?
Bill Cabot: It's the guy with one I'm worried about
- The Sum Of All Fears
Also, the idea that nuclear weapons actually scare NS nations is laughable. I, like others, have weapons in place to shoot nukes out of the sky.
15-02-2009, 19:27
To: All oppisition of Nucler weapons
From: Wolf Hold Central Goverment
Description: REALIZING that WA members are outnumbered by non members by about 3 to 1,
ACKNOWLEDGING the fact that only WA members are required to comply with WA resolutions,
NOTICING the fact that many non member nations are hostile towards WA members,
REALIZING that the WA members need to be able to defend themselves if attacked,
1. DECLARES that WA members are allowed to possess nuclear weapons to defend themselves from hostile nations,
2. PRESERVES the right for individual nations to decide if they want to possess nuclear weapons,
3. REQUIRES that any nation choosing to possess nuclear weapons take every available precaution to ensure that their weapons do not fall into the wrong hands.
Votes For: 6,313
Votes Against: 4,663
Implemented: Fri Jun 6 2008
That is the WA resolution that allows MY nation to posses Nuclear arms, so any WA nations opposed to this are in violation of Resolution 10
To: Wolf Hold Central Government
From: Office of the Minister for Foreign Relations, Salzland
CC: Nations of the World
To Whom it May Concern,
As previously noted, the Armed Republic believes that your nation fails the highlighted portion of said Resolution. Specifically, as your state is presently engaged in at least one costly war, we do not feel that your nation (or other nations involved in this program) is capable of adequately protecting its nuclear weapon stockpiles. Thus, we are fully justified in taking action to secure these weapons ourselves, and ensure that they do not end up in your nation's incapable hands.
J. Marcus Davis
Minister for Foreign Relations
To: The Confederacy of Laudren States
From: Office of the Minister for Foreign Relations, Salzland
CC: Nations of the World
To Whom it May Concern,
As previously mentioned, our forces have no intentions of being stupid enough to limit their maneuvering capabilities by entering territorial waters. We will exercise our sovereign rights to halt and search any vessels suspected of transporting nuclear contraband to member-states in the 'Nuclear Coalition,' and we will exercise our sovereign rights to seize and destroy any nuclear contraband recovered from suspect vessels.
Should any vessels fire upon Salzland ships operating in international water, exercising their legal duty to prevent nuclear proliferation to insecure and unstable regimes, it shall be constituted an Act of War against the Armed Republic of Salzland, and responded to as such.
As we have already stated, any level of participation or assistance provided to this 'Nuclear Coalition' will be considered equally complicit. Funding, storing, producing or using these weapons all bear equal responsibility in the eyes of the Armed Republic.
J. Marcus Davis
Minister for Foreign Relations
The Wolf Hold
15-02-2009, 19:31
To: Office of the Minister for Foreign Relations, Salzland
From: Wolf Hold Central Government
CC: Nations of the World
As you are proably well aware of now, we have paritally withdrawn from the coaliton, however calling are country in capable and presuming these things without proper investigation is defintaly questionable and in the future if we decide to rejoin the program we invite you to inspect our security measure.
What will the World Assembly think of this?
ooc: Nothing, the World Assembly has no power on the forums.
To: The Condemnation
From: Daniels Island
With strong advice Daniels Island has decided to step out of the coalition for the time being... once our nation has grown and we have the ability to fund this project we shall be willing to once again form a coalition as for this time...
Apologies to the coalition but we dont want such big enemies on our fine Nation...
However bullying of these smaller nation in this coalition will not be tolerated and will be met by force from the D.I.M.O.D also we may be out of the coalition but we stand by the members
Steve Clark Projects Director
Kyle Shearing Defence Minister
Michael Bennet Forgein Affairs
Connor Michael Daniels President
Official Rapid Communique
We apologize for the harsh treatment, but the world does not need any more nuclear armed nations as it is. We do not believe that this group of condemning nations wishes to bully these nations around, but be forewarned: an attack by them onto another one of said condemning nations will bring about a swift response.
To: Wolf Hold Central Government
From: Office of the Minister for Foreign Relations, Salzland
CC: Nations of the World
To: The Confederacy of Laudren States
From: Office of the Minister for Foreign Relations, Salzland
CC: Nations of the World
To Whom it May Concern,
As previously mentioned, our forces have no intentions of being stupid enough to limit their maneuvering capabilities by entering territorial waters. We will exercise our sovereign rights to halt and search any vessels suspected of transporting nuclear contraband to member-states in the 'Nuclear Coalition,' and we will exercise our sovereign rights to seize and destroy any nuclear contraband recovered from suspect vessels.
Should any vessels fire upon Salzland ships operating in international water, exercising their legal duty to prevent nuclear proliferation to insecure and unstable regimes, it shall be constituted an Act of War against the Armed Republic of Salzland, and responded to as such.
As we have already stated, any level of participation or assistance provided to this 'Nuclear Coalition' will be considered equally complicit. Funding, storing, producing or using these weapons all bear equal responsibility in the eyes of the Armed Republic.
J. Marcus Davis
Minister for Foreign Relations
As stated, we, in our territory, have full rights to take means to protect our citizens. We recognize your rights as well, but we see no need for this for we only provide money. We don't provide material to build and produce any weaponry. Furthermore, we have not transported any money through boat. All that your search will bring is nothing. We have also even allowed you any unarmed, unarmored ship to patrol our waters. As for our nation, we are a quite large nation, and in no way are we an island or un-organized, barbaric civilization.
Daniels Island
15-02-2009, 19:42
ooc: Nothing, the World Assembly has no power on the forums.
Official Rapid Communique
We apologize for the harsh treatment, but the world does not need any more nuclear armed nations as it is. We do not believe that this group of condemning nations wishes to bully these nations around, but be forewarned: an attack by them onto another one of said condemning nations will bring about a swift response.
FROM: Daniels Island
TO: Zoingo
Official Communique has been noted, The Incorporated States of Daniels Island does not wish to have another attack nor war on its hands... We are currently finding One enough... Therefore your response has been noted and we understand that we are in no way being bullied and rather just cautioned.
Michael Bennet Foreign Affairs
Kyle Shearing Defence Minister
15-02-2009, 19:57
As stated, we, in our territory, have full rights to take means to protect our citizens. We recognize your rights as well, but we see no need for this for we only provide money. We don't provide material to build and produce any weaponry. Furthermore, we have not transported any money through boat. All that your search will bring is nothing. We have also even allowed you any unarmed, unarmored ship to patrol our waters. As for our nation, we are a quite large nation, and in no way are we an island or un-organized, barbaric civilization.
To: The Confederacy of Laudren States
From: office of the Minister for Foreign Relations, Salzland
CC: Nations of the World
To Whom it May Concern,
As previously mentioned, the Armed Republic of Salzland considers the supply of funds for the construction of nuclear weapons to be equally culpable in comparisson to the states actively building said weapons. Without funds this 'Nuclear Coalition' would not exist, meaning that no weapons would be created without your nation's direct involvement. As such, your nation is just as responsible, if not more so, for the weapons created using your money and the actions taken by states wielding said weaponry.
As for the decision to detain and search vessels belonging to your nation, the Armed Republic was forced to consider two factors. One; that your nation would seek a return on its investment, specifically in the form of nuclear weapons created by this program. Two; that your nation would agree to hold in trust nuclear weapons or nuclear weapons technologies created by or developed for this program in its territory, for the use of other 'Nuclear Coalition' member-states. As such, we believe our policy of intercepting suspect vessels flying your nation's flag to be entirely reasonable and will not abandon it until this 'Coalition' is fully disbanded.
Once again, I must reiterate that our nation will not deploy forces into territorial waters, unless an Act of War has already been committed. And while I personally am not aware enough of your nation's background to be capable of judging it as 'barbaric' or 'uncivilized,' the actions taken by your government in subsidizing the nuclear weapons programs of unstable states is certainly irresponsible.
I wish to close by once more expressing a desire for a peaceful resolution to this crisis, reached by the complete dissolution of the so-called 'Nuclear Coalition.' It is not the desire of the Armed Republic to go to war over this matter. But should this 'Coalition' refuse to fully back down, and all of its member-states disavow any desire to acquire nuclear weaponry until such time as each individual member state is capable of maintaining said weapons in a secure and stable environment, then all options, including the use of force, must remain on the table. Unless this 'Coalition' were to completely disband, rendering the issue moot.
J. Marcus Davis
Minister for Foreign Relations
(OOC: Once every member-nation has a population of over 100 million, no one on II is going to care what you do, unless you go to war with someone. Just be patient for a few weeks. I'll personally guarantee that none of the sub-100 million population members will need nuclear weapons now, unless you're doing something outrageous.)
For the record. Nothing has happened, the confederacy has not funded any programs, for no programs exist, and if not stated before, Our nation dose not intend in acquiring any weaponry from the coalition, for we only supported the nations developing said technologies. Laudren has a well developed armed force that can efficiently defend it's people. We are not a hostile people.
As for the matter of this 'crisis', until Laudren is the only one left will this coalition be abolished. And for the matter of the unorganized republic of salzlan, Your nation has been warned.
The conditions are: no armed search party is to be allowed entrance to any official government ship, either diplomatic transport or military transport. No civilian merchant, leisure, or anything else belonging to this category will be boarded by armed search parties.
For the record. Nothing has happened, the confederacy has not funded any programs, for no programs exist, and if not stated before, Our nation dose not intend in acquiring any weaponry from the coalition, for we only supported the nations developing said technologies. Laudren has a well developed armed force that can efficiently defend it's people. We are not a hostile people.
As for the matter of this 'crisis', until Laudren is the only one left will this coalition be abolished. And for the matter of the unorganized republic of salzlan, Your nation has been warned.
The conditions are: no armed search party is to be allowed entrance to any official government ship, either diplomatic transport or military transport. No civilian merchant, leisure, or anything else belonging to this category will be boarded by armed search parties.
Official Quick Communique
Why does the 'nation' of Laudren then want to support the development of a nuclear arsenal into the hands of nations that may, given their longivity, abuse such powers? The Older nations at large are questioning your moral and diplomatic values that you so claim to uphold. Stirring the pot will only create a spill, and a strong spill this may cause. You have been forewarned.
15-02-2009, 21:04
Principality of Belkaland
Grand Duke Razgriz H. Demon
SecDef Maj. General George Hammond
SecState Detlef Fleischer
While the Principality of Belkaland does not condemn the development of nuclear arms, we do request a manifesto on how you intend to secure & store those nuclear devices. If we find your security & storage to be sub par, the Principality of Belkaland will have no choice but to do all that is necessary to prevent the Nuclear Coalition from developing & producing nuclear devices, including the use of military force.
Awaiting your answer,
Razgriz H. Demon
George Hammond
Detlef Fleischer
15-02-2009, 21:23
For the record. Nothing has happened, the confederacy has not funded any programs, for no programs exist, and if not stated before, Our nation dose not intend in acquiring any weaponry from the coalition, for we only supported the nations developing said technologies. Laudren has a well developed armed force that can efficiently defend it's people. We are not a hostile people.
As for the matter of this 'crisis', until Laudren is the only one left will this coalition be abolished. And for the matter of the unorganized republic of salzlan, Your nation has been warned.
The conditions are: no armed search party is to be allowed entrance to any official government ship, either diplomatic transport or military transport. No civilian merchant, leisure, or anything else belonging to this category will be boarded by armed search parties.
To: The Confederacy of Laudren States
From: Office of the Minister for Foreign Relations, Salzland
CC: Nations of the World
To Whom it May Concern,
Having received your latest reply, we utterly reject your conditions. We are not intimidated by your nation, we do not care that you have 'Warned' us, nor will we be baited by your pathetic attempts at insults by refering to us as 'Unorganized.' We have made our position abundantly clear, and we will act within the boundaries of what international law exists to ensure that nuclear weapons are not delivered to, or developed by states incapable of attaining them without outside assistance. We also laugh at your protests that "nothing has happened." If "nothing has happened," as you say, then we must ask why your state remains persistent in demanding the right to supply nuclear weapons to insecure, unstable states?
I feel that it is now my turn to warn you that the Armed Republic will take steps to stop and search suspect vessels, and seize nuclear contraband recovered from said ships. For the protection of our forces conducting said searches and seizures, they will be armed. Resistance will be responded to with force. Firing upon Salzland forces conducting legal nuclear interdiction operations in international waters will be considered an Act of War.
The direction that this incident proceeds in is now left entirely to your nation. Matters may end peacefully with the dissolution of the 'Nuclear Coalition', or they may end in bloodshed. The choice is yours.
As a final thought, shipping belonging to nations that have voluntarily departed the 'Nuclear Coalition' will not be intercepted or impeeded in any way, unless they are travelling to or from states that remain active members and are suspected of transporting nuclear contraband. We hope you will forgive us for indulging in the cliche, "Trust but verify."
J. Marcus Davis
Minister for Foreign Relations
Ustio North
15-02-2009, 22:01
Official Communique
To: The Confederacy of Laudren States
From: Dwight McArthur, Prime Minister Of Ustio North
CC: Office of the Minister for Foreign Relations, Salzland
RE: 'Nuclear Coalition'
The United Kingdom echoes the sentiments voiced by Minister Davis. The Royal Navy and Royal Marines will be intercepting cargo ships belonging to members of the 'Nuclear Coalition' suspected of illegally moving weapons of mass destruction to irresponsible states. Like Salzland, we are not intimidated by your threats. If you should fire on the Royal Marines conducting searches, a state of war will be declared between us and the offending vessels origin nation. The Ustian Armed Forces will support Salzland Armed Forces should they declare war on an offending nation
Dwight McArthur,
Prime Minister
Stan Williams,
Field Marshall, Ustian Army
Harry Dodd,
Air Chief Marshall, Ustian Royal Air Force
Sir David McTavish,
First Sea Lord, Ustian Royal Navy
Like what my fellow members did, Laudren will have to stop involvement in the nuclear coalition, for now. Meaning that we no longer are associated with this coalition. Trading to any member still on this coalition will be allowed by civilian corporations, and companies who sell products over-seas.
15-02-2009, 22:49
To: Nations of the World
From: Office of the Minister for Foreign Relations, Salzland
Dear Ladies and Gentlemen,
Pending the renunciation of this alliance by the Serbian Soviet Union, it would appear that our work here is done. We would like to take the opportunity to thank those nations which stood alongside us in preventing the unlawful proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction. The Armed Republic is eternally grateful for your assistance.
Thank you, and good night.
J. Marcus Davis
Minister for Foreign Relations
16-02-2009, 01:14
Official Communique of the Commonwealth of Kenavt
Kenavt moderamen dilucesco
To: D.I.M.O.D Projects Director Steve Clark; Federation of Serbian Soviet Union; other interested parties
From: Prime Minister Ashton Butler; Foreign Affairs Minister Robert Ochiv;
Re: Nuclear coalition
D.I.M.O.D Projects Director Steve Clark; Federation of Serbian Soviet Union; other interested parties;
As a safeguarder of our nation's nuclear capability, which contains both civilian nuclear power generation facilities and warehouses storing nuclear weapons for strong deterrents, the Commonwealth must vigorously sa that this 'Nuclear Coalition' must not happen. We believe that such young nations should not have the key to nuclear power, as that could end up as the end of the world.
His Right Honorable
Ashton Butler
Foreign Affairs Minister
Robert Ochiv
OOC: Horrible, I know, but I was rushed. Either way, I'm against. Thanks for your concern.
I strongly disagree as every nation has the rights to possession of Nuclear Arms, wheather it is a small nation, medium or a large nation. It is the rights to everysingle sovereign nation and this coalition is to take place.
16-02-2009, 01:19
To: Wolf Hold Central Government
From: Office of the Minister for Foreign Relations, Salzland
CC: Nations of the World
To Whom it May Concern,
As previously noted, the Armed Republic believes that your nation fails the highlighted portion of said Resolution. Specifically, as your state is presently engaged in at least one costly war, we do not feel that your nation (or other nations involved in this program) is capable of adequately protecting its nuclear weapon stockpiles. Thus, we are fully justified in taking action to secure these weapons ourselves, and ensure that they do not end up in your nation's incapable hands.
J. Marcus Davis
Minister for Foreign Relations
To: The Confederacy of Laudren States
From: Office of the Minister for Foreign Relations, Salzland
CC: Nations of the World
To Whom it May Concern,
As previously mentioned, our forces have no intentions of being stupid enough to limit their maneuvering capabilities by entering territorial waters. We will exercise our sovereign rights to halt and search any vessels suspected of transporting nuclear contraband to member-states in the 'Nuclear Coalition,' and we will exercise our sovereign rights to seize and destroy any nuclear contraband recovered from suspect vessels.
Should any vessels fire upon Salzland ships operating in international water, exercising their legal duty to prevent nuclear proliferation to insecure and unstable regimes, it shall be constituted an Act of War against the Armed Republic of Salzland, and responded to as such.
As we have already stated, any level of participation or assistance provided to this 'Nuclear Coalition' will be considered equally complicit. Funding, storing, producing or using these weapons all bear equal responsibility in the eyes of the Armed Republic.
J. Marcus Davis
Minister for Foreign Relations
The Federation of Serbian Soviet Union is very capable of producing such arms and storing these nuclear weapons. As 6 warheads have already been completed and already are securely stored in a high security heavily guarded place. No authorisations to anyone only to the ministry of defense, the president and the prime minister of FSSU may only have accesss.
16-02-2009, 01:26
To: The Confederacy of Laudren States
From: office of the Minister for Foreign Relations, Salzland
CC: Nations of the World
To Whom it May Concern,
As previously mentioned, the Armed Republic of Salzland considers the supply of funds for the construction of nuclear weapons to be equally culpable in comparisson to the states actively building said weapons. Without funds this 'Nuclear Coalition' would not exist, meaning that no weapons would be created without your nation's direct involvement. As such, your nation is just as responsible, if not more so, for the weapons created using your money and the actions taken by states wielding said weaponry.
As for the decision to detain and search vessels belonging to your nation, the Armed Republic was forced to consider two factors. One; that your nation would seek a return on its investment, specifically in the form of nuclear weapons created by this program. Two; that your nation would agree to hold in trust nuclear weapons or nuclear weapons technologies created by or developed for this program in its territory, for the use of other 'Nuclear Coalition' member-states. As such, we believe our policy of intercepting suspect vessels flying your nation's flag to be entirely reasonable and will not abandon it until this 'Coalition' is fully disbanded.
Once again, I must reiterate that our nation will not deploy forces into territorial waters, unless an Act of War has already been committed. And while I personally am not aware enough of your nation's background to be capable of judging it as 'barbaric' or 'uncivilized,' the actions taken by your government in subsidizing the nuclear weapons programs of unstable states is certainly irresponsible.
I wish to close by once more expressing a desire for a peaceful resolution to this crisis, reached by the complete dissolution of the so-called 'Nuclear Coalition.' It is not the desire of the Armed Republic to go to war over this matter. But should this 'Coalition' refuse to fully back down, and all of its member-states disavow any desire to acquire nuclear weaponry until such time as each individual member state is capable of maintaining said weapons in a secure and stable environment, then all options, including the use of force, must remain on the table. Unless this 'Coalition' were to completely disband, rendering the issue moot.
J. Marcus Davis
Minister for Foreign Relations
(OOC: Once every member-nation has a population of over 100 million, no one on II is going to care what you do, unless you go to war with someone. Just be patient for a few weeks. I'll personally guarantee that none of the sub-100 million population members will need nuclear weapons now, unless you're doing something outrageous.)
This coalition will not back done and the coalition will go ahead. The coalition does not have any plans on using them or going into war with any states or regions or the mean to threaten the security of any regions or countries. We will not be bullied by big states in creating nuclear warheads. Everysingle state has the rights to building nuclear warheads. In an article stated in the 234 in a state of war. My countryis forbidden to attack a nation or a region first and it is forbidden to declare war on a country that hasnt attacked us. We are not planning on going to war with any country and it has never been mentioned that we would use these nuclear bombs to goto war with countries.
16-02-2009, 01:32
To: 'Nuclear Coalition' Member Nations
From: Office of the Minister for Foreign Relations, Salzland
CC: Nations of the World
To Whom it May Concern,
Upon receiving word of your intentions to form an alliance dedicated solely to the acquisition of Weapons of Mass Destruction, specifically nuclear arms, the Armed Republic of Salzland must strongly caution all involved parties to carefully think through their actions in this matter. The decision to acquire a nuclear arsenal is not one to be made lightly, or on a spur of the moment basis. A prospective nuclear nation must be able to not only fund the development of said weapons, but also spend far more on upkeep and security to ensure these weapons do not fall into the wrong hands.
Larger countries, to be blunt, have the capability to field these weapons, and secure them. We feel that the proliferation of nuclear weapons to states that can barely field an organized military would be nothing short of disasterous on the international stage. We note that at least two nations in this prospective 'Coalition' are already engaged in wars requiring the commitment of nearly all of their defense budgets and armed forces. How will these nations afford to maintain their nuclear weapons? Who will guard them?
The Armed Republic of Salzland, after careful deliberations between the President and Legislative leaders, finds that it has a moral obligation to ensure that there is no proliferation of nuclear weapons or nuclear weapons technology between members of this so-called 'Coalition.' As such, elements of the Salzland Navy will be dispatched to the shipping lanes outside the territorial waters of the 'Nuclear Coalition' member-states in the coming weeks, under orders to stop and search all vessels for nuclear materials. Should said materials be found, they will be confiscated until such time as they may be safely dismantled and destroyed.
Should any nuclear weapons developed under this program be used, or any attempt made to use them against Salzland forces, all member nations shall be considered liable, no matter which member nation or organization was responsible for the initial launch, and no matter what the actual level of contributions any member nation made to this program. No difference will be made between any state funding this program, storing weapons for this program, constructing weapons for this program, or using weapons from this program.
We welcome members of the international community to aid us in our efforts to restrict the proliferation of nuclear weapons to states clearly incapable of supporting said weapons programs.
J. Marcus Davis
Minister for Foreign Relations
(OOC: Seriously people, the population limits on developing your own nuclear programs are NOT THAT HARD TO MEET. If you can't wait three bloody weeks to reach 100 million people, then you don't deserve to have nukes in the first place, because there is no way you could be responsible with them.)
This will be inviolation of the International law and we will be forced to act upon this and be reporting this to the WA Assembly and we will be calling out for a foreign intervention upon your arrival. This would be an act of War and an act of hostility. The FSSU, The Daniels Island and the coalition urges your government to withdraw from this hostility and to stop this hostility towards smaller and medium sized nations.
16-02-2009, 01:35
OOC: You simply cannot develop these weapons, SSU, that's what everyone is saying. It is fiscally as well as physically impossible to research the methodology of creating a nuclear weapon and then actually procure the warhead with your current population and budget.
16-02-2009, 01:40
We have the necessary funds, the necessary storage and we already developed 6 warheads so far as proposed of developing the first 50 warheads.
OOC: Israel's population is only 7.1 million and has a GDP only about $20 billion larger than SSU and they most definitely possess nuclear weapons. Now, the extent and power of their arsenal is probably fairly low and it's likely they have received significant aid from the US and other nations to develop them, but it isn't implausible for a small but economically advanced nation with a large military budget to develop nuclear weapons (even if they can't really yet deploy ICBMs).
Of course, we'd probably be willing to aid the SSU in developing nuclear weapons in exchange for economic or strategic concessions. Nuclear proliferation is nuclear profit for Vetalia.
16-02-2009, 01:49
OOC: Israel's population is only 7.1 million and has a GDP only about $20 billion larger than SSU and they most definitely possess nuclear weapons. Now, the extent and power of their arsenal is probably fairly low and it's likely they have received significant aid from the US and other nations to develop them, but it isn't implausible for a small but economically advanced nation with a large military budget to develop nuclear weapons (even if they can't really yet deploy ICBMs).
Of course, we'd probably be willing to aid the SSU in developing nuclear weapons in exchange for economic or strategic concessions. Nuclear proliferation is nuclear profit for Vetalia.
OOC: Israel isn't maintaining a stockpile of 500 Megaton nuclear warheads, either. Nor have any nations (as yet) stepped up to give SSU nuclear weapons, or nuclear technology, such as Israel received.
Seriously, there are enough nuclear rogues in II, why do we have to give nukes to countries that are literally less than a week old? Are people so impatient that they can't wait three weeks to get their populations up to acceptable standards before they run around launching n00ks at each other?
16-02-2009, 01:52
If big nations feel threatened that small and medium size nations are able to develop nuclear happens perhaps there should be a coalition alliance on a Non-Aggression-Nuclear-Pact reassuring the other states that the nuclear bombs in no way will pose threats to other states and alarming states and will not pose a security threat to a region or to a nation and in this Non aggression pact, to be an agreement signed that no nation under this non aggression pact in anyway is to threaten the security of another nation or to declare hostility or war to those nations who are under the non aggression pact and in no way threatening the security of any of those nations signed.
16-02-2009, 01:54
OOC: Israel isn't maintaining a stockpile of 500 Megaton nuclear warheads, either. Nor have any nations (as yet) stepped up to give SSU nuclear weapons, or nuclear technology, such as Israel received.
Seriously, there are enough nuclear rogues in II, why do we have to give nukes to countries that are literally less than a week old?
If you feel threatened and alarming then thats fine but we are on the very other side of the planet in a complete different region. The Federation of Serbian Soviet Union has no plans on declaring war on countries or in anyway to threaten the security of the nation states, regions or using nuclear warheads as a mean to justification to be hostile towards other nations.
Everysingle sovereign nation has the rights to to possess nuclear warheads and my nation will be developing them.
OOC: Israel isn't maintaining a stockpile of 500 Megaton nuclear warheads, either. Nor have any nations (as yet) stepped up to give SSU nuclear weapons, or nuclear technology, such as Israel received.
Seriously, there are enough nuclear rogues in II, why do we have to give nukes to countries that are literally less than a week old? Are people so impatient that they can't wait three weeks to get their populations up to acceptable standards before they run around launching n00ks at each other?
OOC: Well, shit, 500 megatons is ridiculous. Even if you could do it, such weapons would be useless except as showpieces. Of course, I never understood the appeal of nuclear weapons...all they do is guarantee your glassing if you ever use them. Vetalia's nuclear arsenal is only a few thousand missiles of various power with most of our money spent on chemical and especially biological weapons.
16-02-2009, 01:57
OOC: I'm going to step out for awhile, because if I don't this is going to end with me glassing someone. I've made my case about fifteen times today. Where this incident proceeds from here is in the hands of the Nuclear Coalition.
16-02-2009, 01:58
OOC: Well, shit, 500 megatons is ridiculous. Even if you could do it, such weapons would be useless except as showpieces. Of course, I never understood the appeal of nuclear weapons...all they do is guarantee your glassing if you ever use them. Vetalia's nuclear arsenal is only a few thousand missiles of various power with most of our money spent on chemical and especially biological weapons.
500MT is rather huge and perhaps too big to even use or else it will Obliterate almost the entire planet. Only five quantities of 500MT will be created and after that it will be disbanded as our plan is to only create Kiloton warheads, 50,100 and 200 Megaton warheads, the country also has mean to disbanded the 200 Megaton warhead as initially planned by the government.
The Wolf Hold
16-02-2009, 01:59
OOC: Offically i support this however (In the background, see earlier post)I must admit, that the amount of raw materials, refining and just finding enough weapons grade uranium to make a 500 MT weapon would have huge costs anyway
16-02-2009, 02:00
OOC: I'm going to step out for awhile, because if I don't this is going to end with me glassing someone. I've made my case about fifteen times today. Where this incident proceeds from here is in the hands of the Nuclear Coalition.
The program will go ahead as initially planned and it will end on the 25th. After the 25th, we will be building 50KT,100KT,200KT,500KT,1MT,5MT and 10MT warheads. Which we will have a quantity of over 500 and we will be exporting to nations those that have requested the Nuclear arms.
16-02-2009, 02:01
OOC: Israel isn't maintaining a stockpile of 500 Megaton nuclear warheads, either. Nor have any nations (as yet) stepped up to give SSU nuclear weapons, or nuclear technology, such as Israel received.
Seriously, there are enough nuclear rogues in II, why do we have to give nukes to countries that are literally less than a week old? Are people so impatient that they can't wait three weeks to get their populations up to acceptable standards before they run around launching n00ks at each other?
OOC: Nobody, in this universe nor the real one, is maintaining a stockpile of 500 megaton nuclear weapons. Nothing could pick the damn things up to deploy them, so they'd be useless.
And the 100 million population 'rule' is not, nor has it ever been, a 'rule', but merely a guideline. With adequate roleplaying it is acceptable to have a couple of nukes lying around in your nation before you reach that magical 100 million mark - what constitutes adequate roleplaying is up to each individual, of course. Would a coalition of smaller nations pooling their resources to that end be considered adequate? It would have been, before SSU ended up as the sole member who continued developing them in stupid quantities on their own.
16-02-2009, 02:07
Federation of Serbian Soviet Union plans on building a International Market for Military weapons which will be based on building Nuclear Bombs and Non Nuclear Bombs and selling them on the International Market as a Military Storefront Market.
[I]OOC: Nobody, in this universe nor the real one, is maintaining a stockpile of 500 megaton nuclear weapons. Nothing could pick the damn things up to deploy them, so they'd be useless.
OOC: I would say 100 million is a reasonable threshold for ICBMs; you can get tactical nuclear weapons in nations as small as a newly formed 6-million state, but 100 million should be the bottom as far as ICBMs go. You could expand your nuclear capabilities as the nation expands but it is unrealistic to deploy true ICBMs, let alone MIRVs without a sizable population.
It's not even the money, it's the technical personnel needed; a small country simply doesn't have the educational resources to train the kind of people needed to build, test and maintain these weapons.
16-02-2009, 02:13
The Government of Federation of Serbian Soviet Union will take Vetalia's advice into consideration and the Government will plan on reforming the Nuclear Program at the next parliament session.
Laudren might reconsider re-joining if the founding nations were to re-join, as well as more nations joining
16-02-2009, 02:20
OOC: Nobody, in this universe nor the real one, is maintaining a stockpile of 500 megaton nuclear weapons. Nothing could pick the damn things up to deploy them, so they'd be useless.
And the 100 million population 'rule' is not, nor has it ever been, a 'rule', but merely a guideline. With adequate roleplaying it is acceptable to have a couple of nukes lying around in your nation before you reach that magical 100 million mark - what constitutes adequate roleplaying is up to each individual, of course. Would a coalition of smaller nations pooling their resources to that end be considered adequate? It would have been, before SSU ended up as the sole member who continued developing them in stupid quantities on their own.
OOC: I'm aware that the 100 million limit is just a suggestion, and I actually suggested a coalition of nations working together to SSU and company yesterday. However, my nation's IC problem with this is that it is no longer a strictly limited handful of nations working on a joint nuclear weapons program for self defense, but an alliance dedicated solely to proliferating nuclear weapons throughout NS Earth to basically anyone. There are no criteria for membership beyond stating a desire to build nukes, which (given the number of nuclear rogues I've faced in just my short time here) strikes me as nothing but bad news.
Having nations with populations of less than ten million that are currently engaged in wars funding, transporting and securing stockpiles of nukes is (In Character) a threat to world stability, as far as my nation is concerned. Hence why my nation has taken action In Character to prevent these bloody things from being built, before they end up in the wrong hands. Because there's nothing stopping someone from making a puppet state, joining this Coalition, getting their hands on a few nukes (and linking back to their membership here as proof that they have the weapons), then blowing someone's cities up.
I still remain unconvinced that there is any legitimate need for nations less than a week old to maintain nuclear arsenals.
Imperial isa
16-02-2009, 02:27
ooc SSU has no idea the different between ooc and ic
16-02-2009, 02:27
Regardless the plan is going ahead. The Federation of Serbian Soviet Union has on a number times reassured all those concerned that this project does not pose a threat to any nation, region or to the world's security and the coalition has not been created yet as there are still many areas to discuss about the coalition as to how to go ahead with the coalition, requirements, concerns, security, fundings, locations, storage and such that needs to be talked through and cleared out and the second thing is to come to an agreement how this coalition will be founded as and who can only join this project.
16-02-2009, 02:29
OOC: I'm aware that the 100 million limit is just a suggestion, and I actually suggested a coalition of nations working together to SSU and company yesterday. However, my nation's IC problem with this is that it is no longer a strictly limited handful of nations working on a joint nuclear weapons program for self defense, but an alliance dedicated solely to proliferating nuclear weapons throughout NS Earth to basically anyone. There are no criteria for membership beyond stating a desire to build nukes, which (given the number of nuclear rogues I've faced in just my short time here) strikes me as nothing but bad news.
Having nations with populations of less than ten million that are currently engaged in wars funding, transporting and securing stockpiles of nukes is (In Character) a threat to world stability, as far as my nation is concerned. Hence why my nation has taken action In Character to prevent these bloody things from being built, before they end up in the wrong hands. Because there's nothing stopping someone from making a puppet state, joining this Coalition, getting their hands on a few nukes (and linking back to their membership here as proof that they have the weapons), then blowing someone's cities up.
I still remain unconvinced that there is any legitimate need for nations less than a week old to maintain nuclear arsenals.
You, your government and your nation cannot force these views upon other nations or on the world as it is considered as an act of hostility or in a way to world policing nations who are small and medium size nations under 100 million population.
16-02-2009, 02:29
OOC: Give me ten minutes, and I'll give you a replacement proposal (and Alliance structure) that will clear everything up and make everyone happy.
OOC: Give me ten minutes, and I'll give you a replacement proposal (and Alliance structure) that will clear everything up and make everyone happy.
occ:that sounds more organized and funner :)
16-02-2009, 02:33
We will have to agree on it first and review the proposal and examine it before it can be adopted. If by any mean is in breach of the sovereignty of a nation, or limits our rights to how to go along with the project and such then we will not accept it. However if the agreement does not pose any national security threat of my nation, the threat to my nations sovereignty, it is not in anyway violating the international law and such, we will put it up on the parliament issue up for debates and discussion and it will go through the ratification process.
We will have to agree on it first and review the proposal and examine it before it can be adopted. If by any mean is in breach of the sovereignty of a nation, or limits our rights to how to go along with the project and such then we will not accept it. However if the agreement does not pose any national security threat of my nation, the threat to my nations sovereignty, it is not in anyway violating the international law and such, we will put it up on the parliament issue up for debates and discussion and it will go through the ratification process.
OOC: do as you see fit, for you are the only one in the coalition. ( for now )
16-02-2009, 02:39
OOC: do as you see fit, for you are the only one in the coalition. ( for now )
The coalition has not been created yet and there is no agreement pending the creation of the coalition yet as there are still many things to discuss and to agree on before this coalition can even be created.
The coalition has not been created yet and there is no agreement pending the creation of the coalition yet as there are still many things to discuss and to agree on before this coalition can even be created.
OOC: ya, i kno. but there were a grout of 5 or 4 nations that agreed to form this, but never actualy got to it, mostly due to unwanted interaction from the public :rolleyes:
16-02-2009, 02:44
Nobody agreed to the formation yet, however those 4-5 nations that showed initial and showed interests in forming such a coalition and this is still going to happen as nobody withdrawn from forming the coalition yet.
16-02-2009, 02:44
A Nuclear Mutual Defense Treaty
Daniels Island
Wolf Hold
Serbian Soviet Union
Article One
We, the above signed nations, recognizing the threat posed to the international community through the unregulated proliferation of nuclear weapons, pledge the following:
1.) To co-ordinate efforts to collectively research, develop, maintain and secure a stockpile of nuclear weapons, for defensive purposes only.
2.) To guarantee that nuclear weapons will only be released from controlled stockpiles on a vote of two-thirds of the Alliance general membership, and only then as a response to an imminent, attempted or successful nuclear, biological, radiological, chemical or space-based Weapon of Mass Destruction attack.
3.) To guarantee that all member nations will contribute to the costs of researching, developing, maintaining and securing said nuclear weapons, in a fair and proportional manner with regards to each member state's abilities to pay and contribute manpower.
Article Two
We, the above signed nations, agree to treat a nuclear, chemical, biological, radiological or space-based Weapon of Mass Destruction attack against one member-nation as an attack against all current member nations. Should such an attack occur, all member nations will be required to respond as though they themselves were attacked.
Article Three
This treaty may be ammended at any point, should a proposed alteration receive a three-fourths (3/4) majority vote among all active alliance members.
Article Four
New signatories to this treaty must be approved by a simple majority (50% plus 1 vote) of active members, and agree to uphold all principles expressed in this treaty. Failure to comply will result in ejection from this Alliance, as well as further penalties to be assessed by a majority vote of the general body of the Alliance membership.
(OOC: I'm not satisfied with it, but at the very least it's a start, and you all can run with it)
Nobody agreed to the formation yet, however those 4-5 nations that showed initial and showed interests in forming such a coalition and this is still going to happen as nobody withdrawn from forming the coalition yet.
OOC: i might be wrong, but i remember that i withdrew my nation, which belonged to thoes 4-5 nations, as well as two more nations.
16-02-2009, 02:48
The agreement seems very reasonable and i personally myself will back this agreement and this agreement will also be put to ratification in my parliament.
The Wolf Hold
16-02-2009, 02:48
((OOC-As long as I dont face international condemnation I am aboard))
16-02-2009, 02:50
I would like to add that all those who wish to join in the coalition sign the agreement must put the agreement through ratification of each member states in their parliament.
A Nuclear Mutual Defense Treaty
Daniels Island
Wolf Hold
Serbian Soviet Union
Article One
We, the above signed nations, recognizing the threat posed to the international community through the unregulated proliferation of nuclear weapons, pledge the following:
1.) To co-ordinate efforts to collectively research, develop, maintain and secure a stockpile of nuclear weapons, for defensive purposes only.
2.) To guarantee that nuclear weapons will only be released from controlled stockpiles on a vote of two-thirds of the Alliance general membership, and only then as a response to an imminent, attempted or successful nuclear, biological, radiological, chemical or space-based Weapon of Mass Destruction attack.
3.) To guarantee that all member nations will contribute to the costs of researching, developing, maintaining and securing said nuclear weapons, in a fair and proportional manner with regards to each member state's abilities to pay and contribute manpower.
Article Two
We, the above signed nations, agree to treat a nuclear, chemical, biological, radiological or space-based Weapon of Mass Destruction attack against one member-nation as an attack against all current member nations. Should such an attack occur, all member nations will be required to respond as though they themselves were attacked.
Article Three
This treaty may be ammended at any point, should a proposed alteration receive a three-fourths (3/4) majority vote among all active alliance members.
Article Four
New signatories to this treaty must be approved by a simple majority (50% plus 1 vote) of active members, and agree to uphold all principles expressed in this treaty. Failure to comply will result in ejection from this Alliance, as well as further penalties to be assessed by a majority vote of the general body of the Alliance membership.
(OOC: I'm not satisfied with it, but at the very least it's a start, and you all can run with it)
IC: Laudren seconds this formation. Our vote is for the creation of this Nuclear Mutual Defense Treaty
16-02-2009, 02:53
Article Three
This treaty may be amended at any point, should a proposed alteration receive a three-fourths (3/4) majority vote among all active alliance members.
OOC: Salz, that means that if they're all of the same mindset, they can alter the treaty to strike everything they don't like out--then we'll be in the same situation as before.
I would like to add that all those who wish to join in the coalition sign the agreement must put the agreement through ratification of each member states in their parliament.
Laudren, being a nation not having a "parliament" due to not having a government form that contains this government body, will send this to the confederate council, which shall vote on joining or not.
16-02-2009, 02:56
A Nuclear Mutual Defense Treaty
Daniels Island
Wolf Hold
Serbian Soviet Union
Article One
We, the above signed nations, recognizing the threat posed to the international community through the unregulated proliferation of nuclear weapons, pledge the following:
1.) To co-ordinate efforts to collectively research, develop, maintain and secure a stockpile of nuclear weapons, for defensive purposes only.
2.) To guarantee that nuclear weapons will only be released from controlled stockpiles on a vote of two-thirds of the Alliance general membership, and only then as a response to an imminent, attempted or successful nuclear, biological, radiological, chemical or space-based Weapon of Mass Destruction attack.
3.) To guarantee that all member nations will contribute to the costs of researching, developing, maintaining and securing said nuclear weapons, in a fair and proportional manner with regards to each member state's abilities to pay and contribute manpower.
Article Two
We, the above signed nations, agree to treat a nuclear, chemical, biological, radiological or space-based Weapon of Mass Destruction attack against one member-nation as an attack against all current member nations. Should such an attack occur, all member nations will be required to respond as though they themselves were attacked.
Article Three
This treaty may be ammended at any point, should a proposed alteration receive a three-fourths (3/4) majority vote among all active alliance members.
Article Four
New signatories to this treaty must be approved by a simple majority (50% plus 1 vote) of active members, and agree to uphold all principles expressed in this treaty. Failure to comply will result in ejection from this Alliance, as well as further penalties to be assessed by a majority vote of the general body of the Alliance membership.
(OOC: I'm not satisfied with it, but at the very least it's a start, and you all can run with it)
The Federation of Serbian Soviet Union signs the treaty and puts the agreement to ratification in the parliament.
Signed by,
Vujidin Boksic Foreign Minster
Stefan Vukaz Defense Minister
Veljko Mijatovic Prime Minister
Vojislav Ljubicic President
OOC: Salz, that means that if they're all of the same mindset, they can alter the treaty to strike everything they don't like out--then we'll be in the same situation as before.
OOC: we could do a majority vote rule, meaning that the majority wins the proposal, something like what the WA does.
The Wolf Hold
16-02-2009, 03:00
The 1st Wolf's Marshall has decreed that he is for the creation of said proposal.
Member so far, that have verified this treaty:
Wolf Hold
Serbian Soviet Union
16-02-2009, 03:04
OOC: Salz, that means that if they're all of the same mindset, they can alter the treaty to strike everything they don't like out--then we'll be in the same situation as before.
OOC: This is my good deed for the day... they have the framework for something that will work and appease the international community. The clause in question was intended to allow them to make this Alliance their own, as well as to fill in the gaps of anything I may have missed.
If this treaty gets abused, then there will be people to catch it. Namely, me.
16-02-2009, 03:04
The Parliamentary Government of Federation of Soviet Union has ratified the agreement.
This came as a strong ratification with 243 voted yes while 7 were against it.
16-02-2009, 03:32
From time to time the agreement will be amended to suit the current situation.
16-02-2009, 03:39
Ulanpataar still denies any Nuclear Coalition nation of Pataari goods until the day where the coalition is disbanded and the nations pledge against any act of belligerence for a period of 5 years. The trade masters do recognise this is a tall order, but if the criteria are met the nations will have great access to many Pataari goods. If the pledge would be broken or even bended by any nation the deal would be immediately be void.
16-02-2009, 03:57
Ulanpataar still denies any Nuclear Coalition nation of Pataari goods until the day where the coalition is disbanded and the nations pledge against any act of belligerence for a period of 5 years. The trade masters do recognise this is a tall order, but if the criteria are met the nations will have great access to many Pataari goods. If the pledge would be broken or even bended by any nation the deal would be immediately be void.
The Coalition will denie Pataari access to the coalition and the access to it's military capabilities, information and will denie any future dialog with Pataari from time to time untill the Government of Pataari changes it's hostile behaviour towards certain nations who possess such weapons of mass destructions.
Pataari's discriminatory behaviour will also not be tollerated on such account and therefore the Government of Federation of Serbian Soviet Union urges all the coalition members, future coalition members and those interested in joining the coalition to cut off all communications to Pataari untill it's hostile behaviour changes.
16-02-2009, 04:03
((I never requested access to the military capability of Coaltion nations. And Pataari = demonym, Ulanpataar = name of the nation. additionally you should start to invest into a spellchecker))
16-02-2009, 04:05
Very well. Please do not come back unless you have something positive to contribute.
16-02-2009, 05:07
OOC: Salz, that means that if they're all of the same mindset, they can alter the treaty to strike everything they don't like out--then we'll be in the same situation as before.
My nation has already reassured all those that my nation along with the coalition will not use Weapons of Mass Destruction as a mean to strike a nation, to pose a security threat of that nation or region. I will not keep reassuring the old nations over and over again of this stupidity non sense of some nations such as the likes of Leistung. The Original plan will go ahead and however from time to time the agreement will be amended as time passes to update the agreement. However there is no such thing as a country to be the world police or to world police.
Any country trying to world police or to intervene and interfere with the coalition and thus not being members or observers will be an act of hostility and an act of war.
All Nations and member states of WA are welcome to take part in this joint program and to join the coalition of Nuclear Mutual Defense Treaty (NMDT).
16-02-2009, 05:13
A Nuclear Mutual Defense Treaty
Founding members:
Federation of Serbian Soviet Union
Daniels Island
Wolf Hold
Daniels Island
Wolf Hold
Serbian Soviet Union
Article One
We, the above signed nations, recognizing the threat posed to the international community through the unregulated proliferation of nuclear weapons, pledge the following:
1.) To co-ordinate efforts to collectively research, develop, maintain and secure a stockpile of nuclear weapons, for defensive purposes only.
2.) To guarantee that nuclear weapons will only be released from controlled stockpiles on a vote of two-thirds of the Alliance general membership, and only then as a response to an imminent, attempted or successful nuclear, biological, radiological, chemical or space-based Weapon of Mass Destruction attack.
3.) To guarantee that all member nations will contribute to the costs of researching, developing, maintaining and securing said nuclear weapons, in a fair and proportional manner with regards to each member state's abilities to pay and contribute manpower.
Article Two
We, the above signed nations, agree to treat a nuclear, chemical, biological, radiological or space-based Weapon of Mass Destruction attack against one member-nation as an attack against all current member nations. Should such an attack occur, all member nations will be required to respond as though they themselves were attacked.
Article Three
This treaty may be ammended at any point, should a proposed alteration receive a three-fourths (3/4) majority vote among all active alliance members.
Article Four
New signatories to this treaty must be approved by a simple majority (50% plus 1 vote) of active members, and agree to uphold all principles expressed in this treaty. Failure to comply will result in ejection from this Alliance, as well as further penalties to be assessed by a majority vote of the general body of the Alliance membership.
New members are always welcome. Currently only accepting the first 10 members only.
16-02-2009, 05:13
OOC: I will say that Leis has every right to question this, and will add that wars on International Incidents have been started over much, much less than nuclear weapons proliferation.
16-02-2009, 05:17
Everysingle Nation is equal and will be treated with equal respect and big countries will not bully the smaller nations and by all means the smaller nations by anyway will not be threatened, bullied or presured by big states over anything.
There is no resolution and no international law stating that small nations are not allowed to form a military cooperation treaty coalition or have joint programs or being in a possession of nuclear arms and producing them.
16-02-2009, 07:19
(( Related link hehehehehe, sorry for the bump))
16-02-2009, 07:29
Because big nations feel threatened by little nations. Liechenstein is a micro nation the size of a small town. Everysingle nation from my opinion and from my point of view and based on International law, no nation is obliged to follow the Non Nuclear Proliferation treaty and my nation will definently not sign this treaty.
Official Greal Statement
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
To: Whoever is bothering to read this.
Encryption Level: None
Subject: Nuclear Issue
The Imperial Republic of Greal is alarmed by an appearance of nations working together to create nuclear weapons for "defensive purposes". We recognize this as a threat to the international community and hereby condemns the formation of this alliance.
Martin Watson
President of Greal
Imperial Republic of Greal
16-02-2009, 10:16
It is the right of every sovereign nation.
Ustio North
16-02-2009, 12:47
It is the right of every sovereign nation.
OOC: To defend themselves, to which end I can activate all my Anti-Ballistic Missile Systems and aim them at you, so that if you even open the silo doors to test them, i'll take the nukes out.
16-02-2009, 14:18
OOC: To defend themselves, to which end I can activate all my Anti-Ballistic Missile Systems and aim them at you, so that if you even open the silo doors to test them, i'll take the nukes out.
Activate as many Anti-Ballistic Missile Systems all you want but the Federation of Serbian Soviet Union along with the coalition itself already reassured all nations concerned about this coalition that the promise made, nuclear weapons will not be put to use inorder to destabilise a another nation, region, or the security of them or as an act to declare war with nuclear arms.
Imperial isa
16-02-2009, 14:31
Activate as many Anti-Ballistic Missile Systems all you want but the Federation of Serbian Soviet Union along with the coalition itself already reassured all nations concerned about this coalition that the promise made, nuclear weapons will not be put to use inorder to destabilise a another nation, region, or the security of them or as an act to declare war with nuclear arms.
ooc Now this is a load of bull,for there have been No coalition meetings ever been RPed where votes or anything else been done,
16-02-2009, 14:33
ooc Now this is a load of bull,for there have been No coalition meetings ever been RPed where votes or anything else been done,
It is still in the beginning of it's process of the Nuclear Mutual Defense Treaty being establish as a proper Military Defense Organisation and a Military alliance as a proper International Organisation.
There is no international law or any WA Resolution stating that such a move is illegal.
Imperial isa
16-02-2009, 14:47
ooc SSU no one taking you seriously ,so no one really going to care what you say with out seeing some poof, from another RPer
16-02-2009, 14:54
ooc SSU no one taking you seriously ,so no one really going to care what you say with out seeing some poof, from another RPer
If it helps you sleep at night but reality will take it's place.
If it helps you sleep at night but reality will take it's place.
OOC: That makes no sense.
OOC: To defend themselves, to which end I can activate all my Anti-Ballistic Missile Systems and aim them at you, so that if you even open the silo doors to test them, i'll take the nukes out.
OOC: That's where Vampire comes into play. It'll remove the nukes and the silo's in one swoop!!
16-02-2009, 15:12
OOC: That makes no sense.
OOC: That's where Vampire comes into play. It'll remove the nukes and the silo's in one swoop!!
Our Sattalites that we recently purchased and those that we built recently will intercept your Anti Billistic Missile and thus protecting our airspace.
OOC: What makes you think I'm using missiles anyway? Also, can't you tell what's OOC and what's IC?
OOC means Out Of Character (OOC) which basically means, the player is talking just like now.
IC means In Character (IC) which basically means, I'm being my character/race/nation.
What you need to do is realise which is which and also there's a big difference. If you can't, other players/nations aren't going to give you respect.
Imperial isa
16-02-2009, 15:19
ooc hey Lynion i told they don't
OOC: Hey, at least let me try once. If not, then I give up on this one.
16-02-2009, 15:22
OOC: What makes you think I'm using missiles anyway? Also, can't you tell what's OOC and what's IC?
OOC means Out Of Character (OOC) which basically means, the player is talking just like now.
IC means In Character (IC) which basically means, I'm being my character/race/nation.
What you need to do is realise which is which and also there's a big difference. If you can't, other players/nations aren't going to give you respect.
The Sovereignty of my Nation is vested in the power of it's citizens, the government and the Nation from the day it was established declared that the land, air, waters and airspace inside it's borders is the sovereignty of the Federation of Serbian Soviet Union and if your sattalite interferes in our airspace, it is an violation of the sovereignty of my nation and it will not be tollerated and we will raise a issue in WA and take it to the world court if its needed.
OOC: The Vamperial Kingdom isn't part of WA anymore and it doesn't give a crap about the World Court/s or the WA. So basically, we have more freedoms than your nation.
16-02-2009, 15:29
OOC: The Vamperial Kingdom isn't part of WA anymore and it doesn't give a crap about the World Court/s or the WA. So basically, we have more freedoms than your nation.
Do not bully other nations then.
OOC: I'm not going to bully you. The Vamperial Kingdom is stating that it won't aid nations with unstable governments with nuclear weapons. Just remember, Lynion doesn't care about the Federation of Serbian Soviet Union. Bye.
16-02-2009, 15:39
OOC: I'm not going to bully you. The Vamperial Kingdom is stating that it won't aid nations with unstable governments with nuclear weapons. Just remember, Lynion doesn't care about the Federation of Serbian Soviet Union. Bye.
The Federation of Serbian Soviet Union has never asked your nation for any aid and we do not plan on ever asking your nation for any economic or any type of aid.
Ustio North
16-02-2009, 16:29
Our Sattalites that we recently purchased and those that we built recently will intercept your Anti Billistic Missile and thus protecting our airspace.
OOC: Like Lynion said, who mentioned it being a missile?
16-02-2009, 16:34
OOC: Like Lynion said, who mentioned it being a missile?
Our sattalites are installed and orbitting in the FSSU airspace to intercept any interference comming from Lynion's Anti Ballistic Missile system of knocking out any of the nuclear warheads being tested on FSSU soil.
Ustio North
16-02-2009, 16:38
Our sattalites are installed and orbitting in the FSSU airspace to intercept any interference comming from Lynion's Anti Billistic Missile system of knocking out any of the nuclear warheads being tested on FSSU soil.
OOC: No, who said mine and Lynion's ABS's are missile-based?
16-02-2009, 16:40
OOC: No, who said mine and Lynion's ABS's are missile-based?
Nobody mentioned anything about a missile based system or anything about yours either.
Ustio North
16-02-2009, 16:43
Our Sattalites that we recently purchased and those that we built recently will intercept your Anti Billistic Missile and thus protecting our airspace.
OOC: Well, you did.
And you spelt "Ballistic" wrong
16-02-2009, 16:45
OOC: Well, you did.
And you spelt "Ballistic" wrong
No i didnt.
I strongly disagree as every nation has the rights to possession of Nuclear Arms, wheather it is a small nation, medium or a large nation. It is the rights to everysingle sovereign nation and this coalition is to take place.
Official Communique of the Commonwealth of Kenavt
Kenavt moderamen dilucesco
To: Federation of Serbian Soviet Union; other interested parties
From: Prime Minister Ashton Butler; Foreign Affairs Minister Robert Ochiv; Defence Minister James Fredrick
Re: Re: Nuclear coalition
Encryption: Low
Federation of Serbian Soviet Union; other interested parties
We must highly disagree with your statement. However, differences in opinion are merely natural and a product of freedom of speech, a right that should be guaranteed to every individual. And, in joining our ally the United Kingdom of Ustio North and the esteemed nation of the Armed Republic of Salzland, the Kenavtan Navy and Marine Corps will be searching any and/or all vessels that appear to be carrying illegal nuclear material or material that has nuclear capability. If we are attacked in the process, or the nations of Ustio North and/or Salzland are, you may and will consider a state of war between our two nations.
His Right Honorable
Ashton Butler
Foreign Affairs Minister
Robert Ochiv
Defence Minister
James Fredrick
OOC: Ustio, hit up AMNAT.
Ustio North
16-02-2009, 16:51
No i didnt.
OOC: No you didn't what? Spell it wrong or mention ABS's? Because I can prove you wrong on both.
Anti Ballistic Missile System -
And I have quoted you saying "your anti billistic missile" twice now.
Kenavt: Gotcha dude.
16-02-2009, 16:56
Official Communique of the Commonwealth of Kenavt
Kenavt moderamen dilucesco
To: Federation of Serbian Soviet Union; other interested parties
From: Prime Minister Ashton Butler; Foreign Affairs Minister Robert Ochiv; Defence Minister James Fredrick
Re: Re: Nuclear coalition
Encryption: Low
Federation of Serbian Soviet Union; other interested parties
We must highly disagree with your statement. However, differences in opinion are merely natural and a product of freedom of speech, a right that should be guaranteed to every individual. And, in joining our ally the United Kingdom of Ustio North and the esteemed nation of the Armed Republic of Salzland, the Kenavtan Navy and Marine Corps will be searching any and/or all vessels that appear to be carrying illegal nuclear material or material that has nuclear capability. If we are attacked in the process, or the nations of Ustio North and/or Salzland are, you may and will consider a state of war between our two nations.
His Right Honorable
Ashton Butler
Foreign Affairs Minister
Robert Ochiv
Defence Minister
James Fredrick
OOC: Ustio, hit up AMNAT.
My nation will not be using them to attack any nation or to declare a war on another nation using nuclear warheads.
My nation will not be using them to attack any nation or to declare a war on another nation using nuclear warheads.
Official Communique of the Commonwealth of Kenavt
Kenavt moderamen dilucesco
To: Federation of Serbian Soviet Union; other interested parties
From: Prime Minister Ashton Butler; Foreign Affairs Minister Robert Ochiv; Defence Minister James Fredrick
Re: Re: Nuclear coalition
Encryption: Low
Federation of Serbian Soviet Union; other interested parties
However, we do not know for sure - plus, we do not believe that nations of your calibre deserve such nuclear weapons of mass destruction. Please reconsider your "nuclear coaltion" and nuclear programs before it is too late. And then, why would you have nuclear weapons if you are not to use them? As a deterrent? That would hardly be a good solution, as so many nations on the international stage could overwhelm you without barely even considering such a deterrent.
His Right Honorable
Ashton Butler
Foreign Affairs Minister
Robert Ochiv
Defence Minister
James Fredrick
16-02-2009, 17:14
Official Communique of the Commonwealth of Kenavt
Kenavt moderamen dilucesco
To: Federation of Serbian Soviet Union; other interested parties
From: Prime Minister Ashton Butler; Foreign Affairs Minister Robert Ochiv; Defence Minister James Fredrick
Re: Re: Nuclear coalition
Encryption: Low
Federation of Serbian Soviet Union; other interested parties
However, we do not know for sure - plus, we do not believe that nations of your calibre deserve such nuclear weapons of mass destruction. Please reconsider your "nuclear coaltion" and nuclear programs before it is too late. And then, why would you have nuclear weapons if you are not to use them? As a deterrent? That would hardly be a good solution, as so many nations on the international stage could overwhelm you without barely even considering such a deterrent.
His Right Honorable
Ashton Butler
Foreign Affairs Minister
Robert Ochiv
Defence Minister
James Fredrick
My nation will not be backing down from this project or from this coalition that is going to be established as it is the right of every sovereign nation. I believe there should not be a world police, for large countries to dictate on a smaller state and to world police everysingle nation state and to decide what goes on, as everysingle nation is equal. My nation, the government has already reassured the same nation states numerious times that we will not use it to pose any security or to use it as an act of war.
My nation will not be backing down from this project or from this coalition that is going to be established as it is the right of every sovereign nation. I believe there should not be a world police, for large countries to dictate on a smaller state and to world police everysingle nation state and to decide what goes on, as everysingle nation is equal. My nation, the government has already reassured the same nation states numerious times that we will not use it to pose any security or to use it as an act of war.
Official Communique of the Commonwealth of Kenavt
Kenavt moderamen dilucesco
To: Federation of Serbian Soviet Union; other interested parties
From: Prime Minister Ashton Butler; Foreign Affairs Minister Robert Ochiv; Defence Minister James Fredrick
Re: Re: Nuclear coalition
Encryption: Low
Federation of Serbian Soviet Union; other interested parties
On the contrary, you appear to have not reassured most of the nations condemning this "nuclear coalition", despite many attempts. And indeed, not all states are equal, for should a nation with ten billion people be considered equal by a nation with five million? Indeed, no. Hence, the Commonwealth will not only continue its searching of ships carrying possible nuclear cargo belonging to the "nuclear coalition" nations, but also stop all trade between the Commonwealth and the Federation of the Serbian Soviet Union. You have been warned, please desist and no harm will come to your nation. More steps will be taken if this nuclear program is NOT STOPPED. And if, you do not wish to attack other nations with nuclear weapons, then what is the purpose of your nuclear weapons? Why are you making them?
His Right Honorable
Ashton Butler
Foreign Affairs Minister
Robert Ochiv
Defence Minister
James Fredrick
Ustio North
16-02-2009, 17:22
Official Communique
To: Federation of Serbian Soviet Union;
From: Dwight McArthur, Prime Minister Of Ustio North
CC: Nations Of The World
RE: 'Nuclear Coalition'
Then you leave us no choice but to declare an ULTIMATE CODE RED. As of now, a de-facto state of war exists between The United Kingdom Of Ustio North and the Federation of Serbian Soviet Union. Any shipping, comercial or otherwise, belonging to citizens or the government of the FSSU will be fired upon without warning untill you stand down from this project.
When someone comes to pen your nations history, they should know full well that you were warned several times to cease this project
Dwight McArthur,
Prime Minister
Stan Williams,
Field Marshall, Ustian Army
Harry Dodd,
Air Chief Marshall, Ustian Royal Air Force
Sir David McTavish,
First Sea Lord, Ustian Royal Navy
16-02-2009, 17:24
Official Communique of the Commonwealth of Kenavt
Kenavt moderamen dilucesco
To: Federation of Serbian Soviet Union; other interested parties
From: Prime Minister Ashton Butler; Foreign Affairs Minister Robert Ochiv; Defence Minister James Fredrick
Re: Re: Nuclear coalition
Encryption: Low
Federation of Serbian Soviet Union; other interested parties
On the contrary, you appear to have not reassured most of the nations condemning this "nuclear coalition", despite many attempts. And indeed, not all states are equal, for should a nation with ten billion people be considered equal by a nation with five million? Indeed, no. Hence, the Commonwealth will not only continue its searching of ships carrying possible nuclear cargo belonging to the "nuclear coalition" nations, but also stop all trade between the Commonwealth and the Federation of the Serbian Soviet Union. You have been warned, please desist and no harm will come to your nation. More steps will be taken if this nuclear program is NOT STOPPED. And if, you do not wish to attack other nations with nuclear weapons, then what is the purpose of your nuclear weapons? Why are you making them?
His Right Honorable
Ashton Butler
Foreign Affairs Minister
Robert Ochiv
Defence Minister
James Fredrick
The Federation of the Serbian Soviet Union will then be taking this issue to the World Assembly, and we will take it to the World Court if neccessary, hence there is no resolution or any international law stating that nation states are not allowed to possess nuclear warheads.
Secondly, the Federation of Serbian Soviet Union holds no trade routes or agreement with your Nation and therefore your trade embargo on my nation is pointless.
16-02-2009, 17:26
We already have a framework which salzland has created for the coalition and we came to an agreement which had filled up many of the gap wholes it has had prior to the establishment of this coalition.
The Wolf Hold
16-02-2009, 17:27
Offical Statement From the Wolf Hold Central Command
We Implore the FSSU to listen to the oppisiton to our Nuclear Coalition and we do one of two things.
1) We shut down the program for a period of time, so we can let our nations develop and we can develop security measures to protect such a responsibility.
2) We ask the opposed nations to draw up a treaty with no input from us, one which is satisfactory to them and still meet the aim of the Nuclear Coalition that is to provide Nuclear weapons to signatorys of the treaty in the extre cases that they are needed.
Central Command Out
16-02-2009, 17:27
OOC: There is no such thing as the WA on this forum. There is no such thing as the World Court outside of real life.
The Federation of the Serbian Soviet Union will then be taking this issue to the World Assembly, and we will take it to the World Court if neccessary, hence there is no resolution or any international law stating that nation states are not allowed to possess nuclear warheads.
Secondly, the Federation of Serbian Soviet Union holds no trade routes or agreement with your Nation and therefore your trade embargo on my nation is pointless.
Official Communique of the Commonwealth of Kenavt
Kenavt moderamen dilucesco
To: Federation of Serbian Soviet Union; other interested parties
From: Prime Minister Ashton Butler; Foreign Affairs Minister Robert Ochiv; Defence Minister James Fredrick
Re: Re: Nuclear coalition
Encryption: Low
Federation of Serbian Soviet Union; other interested parties
With a declaration of war by the United Kingdom of Ustio North, the Commonwealth is hard-pressed to keep up, and join the United Kingdom in solidarity. We have two main questions: one, why are you making nuclear weapons, and two, what will you do to protect the nuclear weapons? The Commonwealth is concerned that your security concerning these nuclear weapons will be very lax, and we wish to know the motive for this nuclear program. And for one last time, CEASE AND DESIST, otherwise the Commonwealth will join the United Kingdom in war. And, as well, we do not fear the World Assembly. They are weak and powerless, merely an organization to make nations feel, but not be, powerful.
His Right Honorable
Ashton Butler
Foreign Affairs Minister
Robert Ochiv
Defence Minister
James Fredrick
OOC: Wolf Hold, you get my applause. I'll think up a treaty, but the general lines will be: no nuclear programs (civilian or otherwise) until your nations have grown to a certain point.
16-02-2009, 17:29
Offical Statement From the Wolf Hold Central Command
We Implore the FSSU to listen to the oppisiton to our Nuclear Coalition and we do one of two things.
1) We shut down the program for a period of time, so we can let our nations develop and we can develop security measures to protect such a responsibility.
2) We ask the opposed nations to draw up a treaty with no input from us, one which is satisfactory to them and still meet the aim of the Nuclear Coalition that is to provide Nuclear weapons to signatorys of the treaty in the extre cases that they are needed.
Central Command Out
Strongly agreed then. However, the project will then be put on hold for 3 weeks untill the nation develops into a 100 million population, we can put this project on hold and concentrate on building up a much more powerful military and after we had developed in terms of Military, Economically and Politically then we will continue the initall planned project.
Strongly agreed then. However, the project will then be put on hold for 3 weeks until the nation develops into a 100 million population, we can put this project on hold and concentrate on building up a much more powerful military and after we had developed in terms of Military, Economically and Politically then we will continue the initial planned project.
I guess Laudren agrees too, although we have no need to wait for 100 million pop.
Laudren Motions that this coalition be put on hold. Until some member nations advance, this coalition is halted from development of its programs
OOC: Here's the idea of the treaty.
Nuclear Coalition Nuclear Program Treaty
Article One: Nuclear Programs
Section One: Definition of Nuclear Programs For the purpose of this legislation, a "nuclear program" will be defined as an organization, entity, or piece of legislation by one of the countries listed in this treaty that provides for, starts, or completes a program, entity, or organization devoted to the construction of nuclear power for civil and military uses.
Section Two: Restriction of Nuclear Programs The nations of the "Nuclear Coalition", consisting of the Federation of Serbian Soviet Union, the Incorporated States of Daniels Island, the Confederacy of Laudren, and the Armed Republic of the Wolf's Hold, shall not ever enact a nuclear program as definited in Section One, until the following two goals are met: a population of five hundred million people, and a military budget of fifty billion Universal Standard Dollars. (OOC: As by NSeconomy or any NS calculator).
Section Three: Enforcing the Treaty The Federation of Serbian Soviet Union, the Incorporated States of Daniels Island, the Confederacy of Laudren, and the Armed Republic of the Wolf's Hold shall allow inspectors from the United Kingdom of Ustio North, the Armed Republic of Salzland, and the Commonwealth of Kenavt, to look for evidence of nuclear programs as defined in Section Three. As well, if the treaty is broken, depending on the severity of the action, the Armed Republic of Salzland, the United Kingdom of Ustio North, and the Commonwealth of Kenavt will enact trade restrictions, declare war, or do punishment in-between.
Section Four: Punishment for Violating the Treaty If the Federation of Serbian Soviet Union, the Incorporated States of Daniels Island, the Confederacy of Laudren, and the Armed Republic of the Wolf's Hold ever violate the terms of this treaty, depending of the severity of the action, the Armed Republic of Salzland, the United Kingdom of Ustio North, and the Commonwealth of Kenavt can enact trade restrictions, embargoes, or declare war, or some combination of the following policies, to be decided by the individual governments of the Armed Republic of Salzland, the United Kingdom of Ustio North, and the Commonwealth of Kenavt.
Section Five: Nations That are Not Allowed to have Nuclear Programs, as Under this Treaty
Federation of Serbian Soviet Union
Incorporated States of Daniels Island
Confederacy of Laudren
Armed Republic of the Wolf's Hold
Section two's 500 million people and the allowing of inspectors of these opposing Nations is what concerns the Confederacy.
By our nation, this is not seen valid. We will allow the treaty if, and only if, these conditions are met.
1: restriction of population be moved to 100 Million people.
2: Inspectors will be allowed if they are transported in an unarmed vehicle, and if the weapons, if any, for the 'protection' of the inspector, be stated prior to the visit of the inspector.
OOC: This is all in OOC just to make things easier. I can deal with the inspector - unarmed - declare weaponry thing, but I will not lower it to one hundred million. Besides, you pass the requirement, why would you care?
Nice to see you around, by the way.
OOC: This is all in OOC just to make things easier. I can deal with the inspector - unarmed - declare weaponry thing, but I will not lower it to one hundred million. Besides, you pass the requirement, why would you care?
Nice to see you around, by the way.
ooc: thnx, but i speak for all the members in this coalition that the number be lowered. And i dont really intend on having nuclear weaponry, for a long time.
16-02-2009, 22:13
The Treaty must be amended as we disagree to the current treaty that has been limited.
Section One, until the following two goals are met: a population of five hundred million people, and a military budget of fifty billion Universal Standard Dollars. (OOC: As by NSeconomy or any NS calculator).
shall allow inspectors from the United Kingdom of Ustio North, the Armed Republic of Salzland, and the Commonwealth of Kenavt, to look for evidence of nuclear programs as defined in Section Three.
the Armed Republic of Salzland, the United Kingdom of Ustio North, and the Commonwealth of Kenavt will enact trade restrictions, declare war, or do punishment in-between.
These three points including the section 5 is a act of hostility and the restriction of a nations sovereignty rights. No country that is not part of the coalition, outside the treaty of Nuclear Mutual Defense Treaty shall not enter in a country and do inspections on the territiroy of Federation of Serbian Soviet Union or any other country part of the treaty.
No country will be dictated or bullied by big countries to cave into unnecessary conditions and treaties which benefits big countries and restricts smaller countries from growing and developing into a proper established country.
The minimum requirements for holding Nuclear Weapons and Nuclear Programs, the minimum population requirement is the 100 million population as it is strongly suggested suggested as a requirement of Nation State.
16-02-2009, 23:03
OOC: Here's the idea of the treaty.
Nuclear Coalition Nuclear Program Treaty
Article One: Nuclear Programs
Section One: Definition of Nuclear Programs For the purpose of this legislation, a "nuclear program" will be defined as an organization, entity, or piece of legislation by one of the countries listed in this treaty that provides for, starts, or completes a program, entity, or organization devoted to the construction of nuclear power for civil and military uses.
Section Two: Restriction of Nuclear Programs The nations of the "Nuclear Coalition", consisting of the Federation of Serbian Soviet Union, the Incorporated States of Daniels Island, the Confederacy of Laudren, and the Armed Republic of the Wolf's Hold, shall not ever enact a nuclear program as definited in Section One, until the following two goals are met: a population of five hundred million people, and a military budget of fifty billion Universal Standard Dollars. (OOC: As by NSeconomy or any NS calculator).
Section Three: Enforcing the Treaty The Federation of Serbian Soviet Union, the Incorporated States of Daniels Island, the Confederacy of Laudren, and the Armed Republic of the Wolf's Hold shall allow inspectors from the United Kingdom of Ustio North, the Armed Republic of Salzland, and the Commonwealth of Kenavt, to look for evidence of nuclear programs as defined in Section Three. As well, if the treaty is broken, depending on the severity of the action, the Armed Republic of Salzland, the United Kingdom of Ustio North, and the Commonwealth of Kenavt will enact trade restrictions, declare war, or do punishment in-between.
Section Four: Punishment for Violating the Treaty If the Federation of Serbian Soviet Union, the Incorporated States of Daniels Island, the Confederacy of Laudren, and the Armed Republic of the Wolf's Hold ever violate the terms of this treaty, depending of the severity of the action, the Armed Republic of Salzland, the United Kingdom of Ustio North, and the Commonwealth of Kenavt can enact trade restrictions, embargoes, or declare war, or some combination of the following policies, to be decided by the individual governments of the Armed Republic of Salzland, the United Kingdom of Ustio North, and the Commonwealth of Kenavt.
Section Five: Nations That are Not Allowed to have Nuclear Programs, as Under this Treaty
Federation of Serbian Soviet Union
Incorporated States of Daniels Island
Confederacy of Laudren
Armed Republic of the Wolf's Hold
Nuclear Coalition Nuclear Program Treaty
Article One: Nuclear Programs
Section One: Definition of Nuclear Programs
For the purpose of this legislation, a "nuclear program" will be defined as an organization, entity, a coalition or piece of legislation by one of the countries listed in this treaty that provides for, starts, or completes a program, entity, or organization devoted to the construction of nuclear power for civil and military uses.
Section Two: Restriction of Nuclear Programs
The nations of the "Nuclear Coalition", consisting of the Federation of Serbian Soviet Union, the Incorporated States of Daniels Island, the Confederacy of Laudren, and the Armed Republic of the Wolf's Hold, shall not ever enact a nuclear program as defined in Section One, until the following two goals are met: a population of one hundred million people. A budget of 50 billion universal dollars will be set side for the coalition and each member state is required to contributing to the funds and organizing a budget together with all founding members and members of the coalition and to the Nuclear Program Treaty.
Section Three: Enforcing the Treaty
The treaty is to be implemented by all founding members and enforced on the way of it’s signatory. Each member state is obligated to following this treaty and any violation of this treaty or the abuse of this treaty will result in the ejection of the coalition. All member nations will contribute to the costs of researching, developing, maintaining and securing said nuclear weapons, in a fair and proportional manner with regards to each member state’s abilities to pay and contribute to manpower as defined in Section Two of a budget deficit of 50 billion universal dollars.
We, the above signed nations, agree to treat a nuclear, chemical, biological, radiological or space-based Weapon of Mass Destruction attack against one member-nation as an attack against all current member nations. Should such an attack occur, all member nations will be required to respond as though they themselves were attacked.
Section Four: Punishment for Violating the Treaty
If the Federation of Serbian Soviet Union, the Incorporated States of Daniels Island, the Confederacy of Laudren, and the Armed Republic of the Wolf's or any other member state fails to follow the agreement of the treaty will result in severe punishment and the ejection of the coalition and from the treaty. All necessary means of punishment will be implemented and enforced depending on the severity of the violation as defined in Section three.
Section Five: New signatory to the treaty and enlargement of the coalition, Nuclear Program and the Treaty
New signatories to this treaty must be approved by 2/3 majority of active members and founding members of the coalition and the treaty.
Section Five: Amendments to the treaty
This treaty may be amended at any point after 6 weeks of the treaty being put to place, should a proposal alternation receive a ¾ majority vote among all active members of the treaty and coalition members.
Federation of Serbian Soviet Union
Incorporated States of Daniels Island
Confederacy of Laudren
Armed Republic of the Wolf's Hold
Amendments made
16-02-2009, 23:18
This doesn't have to be the final draft but i would like the negotiations of creating a treaty to be based on this draft and the other treaty that was given to us by the Salzland nation.
Nuclear Coalition Nuclear Program Treaty
Article One: Nuclear Programs
Section One: Definition of Nuclear Programs
For the purpose of this legislation, a "nuclear program" will be defined as an organization, entity, a coalition or piece of legislation by one of the countries listed in this treaty that provides for, starts, or completes a program, entity, or organization devoted to the construction of nuclear power for civil and military uses.
Section Two: Restriction of Nuclear Programs
The nations of the "Nuclear Coalition", consisting of the Federation of Serbian Soviet Union, the Incorporated States of Daniels Island, the Confederacy of Laudren, and the Armed Republic of the Wolf's Hold, shall not ever enact a nuclear program as defined in Section One, until the following two goals are met: a population of one hundred million people. A budget of 50 billion universal dollars will be set side for the coalition and each member state is required to contributing to the funds and organizing a budget together with all founding members and members of the coalition and to the Nuclear Program Treaty.
Section Three: Enforcing the Treaty
The treaty is to be implemented by all founding members and enforced on the way of it’s signatory. Each member state is obligated to following this treaty and any violation of this treaty or the abuse of this treaty will result in the ejection of the coalition. All member nations will contribute to the costs of researching, developing, maintaining and securing said nuclear weapons, in a fair and proportional manner with regards to each member state’s abilities to pay and contribute to manpower as defined in Section Two of a budget deficit of 50 billion universal dollars.
We, the above signed nations, agree to treat a nuclear, chemical, biological, radiological or space-based Weapon of Mass Destruction attack against one member-nation as an attack against all current member nations. Should such an attack occur, all member nations will be required to respond as though they themselves were attacked.
Section Four: Punishment for Violating the Treaty
If the Federation of Serbian Soviet Union, the Incorporated States of Daniels Island, the Confederacy of Laudren, and the Armed Republic of the Wolf's or any other member state fails to follow the agreement of the treaty will result in severe punishment and the ejection of the coalition and from the treaty. All necessary means of punishment will be implemented and enforced depending on the severity of the violation as defined in Section three.
Section Five: New signatory to the treaty and enlargement of the coalition, Nuclear Program and the Treaty
New signatories to this treaty must be approved by 2/3 majority of active members and founding members of the coalition and the treaty.
Section Five: Amendments to the treaty
This treaty may be amended at any point after 6 weeks of the treaty being put to place, should a proposal alternation receive a ¾ majority vote among all active members of the treaty and coalition members.
Federation of Serbian Soviet Union
Incorporated States of Daniels Island
Confederacy of Laudren
Armed Republic of the Wolf's Hold
Amendments made
OOC: This is mixing two treaties, Laudren voted for one separately. This means that this document is not valid
16-02-2009, 23:21
OOC: For crying out loud... just use mine, and if any signatory screws up, expect to get nuked back to the stone age by the broader NS community. There, finished.
A Nuclear Mutual Defense Treaty
Daniels Island
Wolf Hold
Serbian Soviet Union
Article One
We, the above signed nations, recognizing the threat posed to the international community through the unregulated proliferation of nuclear weapons, pledge the following:
1.) To co-ordinate efforts to collectively research, develop, maintain and secure a stockpile of nuclear weapons, for defensive purposes only.
2.) To guarantee that nuclear weapons will only be released from controlled stockpiles on a vote of two-thirds of the Alliance general membership, and only then as a response to an imminent, attempted or successful nuclear, biological, radiological, chemical or space-based Weapon of Mass Destruction attack.
3.) To guarantee that all member nations will contribute to the costs of researching, developing, maintaining and securing said nuclear weapons, in a fair and proportional manner with regards to each member state's abilities to pay and contribute manpower.
Article Two
We, the above signed nations, agree to treat a nuclear, chemical, biological, radiological or space-based Weapon of Mass Destruction attack against one member-nation as an attack against all current member nations. Should such an attack occur, all member nations will be required to respond as though they themselves were attacked.
Article Three
This treaty may be ammended at any point, should a proposed alteration receive a three-fourths (3/4) majority vote among all active alliance members.
Article Four
New signatories to this treaty must be approved by a simple majority (50% plus 1 vote) of active members, and agree to uphold all principles expressed in this treaty. Failure to comply will result in ejection from this Alliance, as well as further penalties to be assessed by a majority vote of the general body of the Alliance membership
OOC: this is the draft that the 'constitution' of the coalition wil be made from.
Laudren fears that SSU is taking too much power in making decisions for all of the members.
16-02-2009, 23:25
The treaty drawn up by kenavt is a threat to our nations national security, a threat to our sovereignty and a hostility act towards my nation, the coalition nations and towards nations which are small to medium size nations.
I suggest that we then disband the project and put it on hold for a period of 3-6 weeks and allow our nations to grow to a sufficient size, from now to just concentrate on building up our economies, building up trade routes between the coalition members, and building up a military, arming our nations without the means of nuclear arms, after the 3-6 weeks waiting period, we will then reopen the project and negotiate an agreement for the coalition to go ahead, but for now i suggest a Military Coalition and a Defense treaty to be drawn up upon our nations and another treaty to be drawn up in establishing diplomatic ties and economic trade routes.
The Wolf Hold
16-02-2009, 23:25
The Wolf Hold Goverment agrres with the laudren, and asks that we use the Salazand Treaty
OOC: For crying out loud... just use mine. There, finished.
thats what we intend
16-02-2009, 23:26
We wither use Salzland treaty drawn to us or will propose a similiar coalition in the mean time suggested in the above thread. Treaty should be drawn up by all the coalition members and no member states should take too much power in making decisions for all of the members. I appologise for that Laudren.
The Wolf Hold
16-02-2009, 23:27
We almost have a working treaty which and no offense to you, only you have a problem with, I propose we continue using the Salazand Treat or even the Laudren treaty
16-02-2009, 23:27
Then it's settle, Salzland treaty comes into force.
The treaty drawn up by kenavt is a threat to our nations national security, a threat to our sovereignty and a hostility act towards my nation, the coalition nations and towards nations which are small to medium size nations.
I suggest that we then disband the project and put it on hold for a period of 3-6 weeks and allow our nations to grow to a sufficient size, from now to just concentrate on building up our economies, building up trade routes between the coalition members, and building up a military, arming our nations without the means of nuclear arms, after the 3-6 weeks waiting period, we will then reopen the project and negotiate an agreement for the coalition to go ahead, but for now i suggest a Military Coalition and a Defense treaty to be drawn up upon our nations and another treaty to be drawn up in establishing diplomatic ties and economic trade routes.
No, what we need to do is, for a period of time (which can be settled later ) the coalition will not have any active programs, we can use this time to draft a 'constitution' and as well for you to develop your nation.
16-02-2009, 23:34
The best solution is to go ahead with the project under Salzland treaty as it is in the both interest of our nation and thus removing all the fear in the international community of our nuclear arms going into the hands of unstable states.
Also i dont know if you, the government feels about this but i would like our two nations including the Daniels Islands and the Wolf Hold Nation to establish economic trade routes, establish a free trade agreement and working together as nations in building up our economy thus at the same time drafting a constitution of our coalition.
The best solution is to go ahead with the project under Salzland treaty as it is in the both interest of our nation and thus removing all the fear in the international community of our nuclear arms going into the hands of unstable states.
Also i dont know if you, the government feels about this but i would like our two nations including the Daniels Islands and the Wolf Hold Nation to establish economic trade routes, establish a free trade agreement and working together as nations in building up our economy thus at the same time drafting a constitution of our coalition.
Deal, yoo have Lauren's support
The Wolf Hold
16-02-2009, 23:41
You have my support too
16-02-2009, 23:49
I am about to announce a program which my country is undertaking at the moment, waiting for the approval of the funding by the government, a new factory has been opened which my nation will be producing rockets and missiles for fighter jets and bomber jets.
Also we will be producing Tanks and vehicle armours in the next comming weeks but my nation would like to enter into a joint project with your nation, including the nation of Laudrens and Daniels Island in producing Tanks, Armour vehicles and light and heavy weapons.
17-02-2009, 00:03
Description: REALIZING that WA members are outnumbered by non members by about 3 to 1,
ACKNOWLEDGING the fact that only WA members are required to comply with WA resolutions,
NOTICING the fact that many non member nations are hostile towards WA members,
REALIZING that the WA members need to be able to defend themselves if attacked,
1. DECLARES that WA members are allowed to possess nuclear weapons to defend themselves from hostile nations,
2. PRESERVES the right for individual nations to decide if they want to possess nuclear weapons,
3. REQUIRES that any nation choosing to possess nuclear weapons take every available precaution to ensure that their weapons do not fall into the wrong hands.
Votes For: 6,313
Votes Against: 4,663
Every precaution matters have been taken care to ensure that this coalition, the production of nuclear arms will not pose a threat to international security or will the means of nuclear arms be a justification of declaring war on a nation. Reassurence have been made numerious times that precaution matters have been taken care of to making sure that these nuclear weapons will fall into the wrong hands of the nations.
I adhere to this resolution that was passed in the WA and see through it that my nation follows this resolution.
Implemented: Fri Jun 6 2008
I am about to announce a program which my country is undertaking at the moment, waiting for the approval of the funding by the government, a new factory has been opened which my nation will be producing rockets and missiles for fighter jets and bomber jets.
Also we will be producing Tanks and vehicle armours in the next comming weeks but my nation would like to enter into a joint project with your nation, including the nation of Laudrens and Daniels Island in producing Tanks, Armour vehicles and light and heavy weapons.
ooc: is this ooc or IC? Since you didn't specify, I have to assume IC.
Official Communique
International Affairs Department, 500 Dan Drive, Amsteldam, Zoingo
To: SSU and affiliates
Subject: Above Telegram
The Commonwealth is shocked by the sudden announcement of arming warheads and possible nuclear missiles onto planes and fighter jets of their country. Clearly, this obviously shows that the 'promise' to not use the nuclear weapons in an act of war is starting to fade faster than the ink on this typewriter. If the nations above truly went to the means to arm themselves, this is a direct threat to all the nations in the international community. The claim is to 'defend themselves' and to not 'be pushed around' but honestly, if you wanted to defend yourselves, why not just simply buy the Anti-Balistic technology from other industrialized nations that are willing to sell them? Or how about investing that technology into nuclear power plants?
The lengths and means of this alliance to seem like 'hot shots' on the global scene and then try to cry "WA!" is absolutely despicable. Consider this:
The WA, whatever delectable body it may be, has no real power in the world; it is quite plainly, uninterested in the enforcement of its laws that it creates. And the WA is even less concerned about wars and conflicts that occur between members and other affiliates.
What Happens if you accidentally attack a large nation with no nuclear weapons system of its own? You will be considered mass killers of possibly billions of civilians and face the wrath of maybe at least 10 nations.
Such harsh words spoken by this alliance thus far has scared it from the beginning, and the leadership is still ignorant about what others more experienced nations say.
As a result, we were about to change our opinions about this alliance, but it seems that our mindset has stayed its course. If this alliance would not try to be so brash but more diplomatic and tactical in its ways of diplomacy, then maybe its criticism would be much less severe.
A learned blockhead is a better blockhead than an ignorant one.
Martin Dalons- Prime Minister of Zoingo
Foreign Affairs Secretary Francis Pierock
Parliament Leader Lord Dunmore
This Message has been approved by King Ragnald IV.
The Wolf Hold
17-02-2009, 00:13
That is it! We have been close to finalisng a treaty and earning the acceptance of our the rest of the world, hoewver the FSSU continues to bring up points and cry for the WA, if you do not cease in these activities I vote to have you removed from the coalition!
17-02-2009, 00:14
OOC: Hasn't it been said like 5 times that the WA holds no weight when it comes to IC matters? Anyone invading this 'Conservative' Soviet Union has my support.
The Wolf Hold
17-02-2009, 00:15
OOC: YES IT HAS! Frankly I am begining to become pissed off
ooc: I believe that the mindset of FSSU is too arrogant to reconcile with any of our demands. And it frankly leaves me scared, since I practically scrapped my nuclear program long ago (due to an incident I don't want to wright down).
17-02-2009, 00:19
ooc: is this ooc or IC? Since you didn't specify, I have to assume IC.
Official Communique
International Affairs Department, 500 Dan Drive, Amsteldam, Zoingo
To: SSU and affiliates
Subject: Above Telegram
The Commonwealth is shocked by the sudden announcement of arming warheads and possible nuclear missiles onto planes and fighter jets of their country. Clearly, this obviously shows that the 'promise' to not use the nuclear weapons in an act of war is starting to fade faster than the ink on this typewriter. If the nations above truly went to the means to arm themselves, this is a direct threat to all the nations in the international community. The claim is to 'defend themselves' and to not 'be pushed around' but honestly, if you wanted to defend yourselves, why not just simply buy the Anti-Balistic technology from other industrialized nations that are willing to sell them? Or how about investing that technology into nuclear power plants?
The lengths and means of this alliance to seem like 'hot shots' on the global scene and then try to cry "WA!" is absolutely despicable. Consider this:
The WA, whatever delectable body it may be, has no real power in the world; it is quite plainly, uninterested in the enforcement of its laws that it creates. And the WA is even less concerned about wars and conflicts that occur between members and other affiliates.
What Happens if you accidentally attack a large nation with no nuclear weapons system of its own? You will be considered mass killers of possibly billions of civilians and face the wrath of maybe at least 10 nations.
Such harsh words spoken by this alliance thus far has scared it from the beginning, and the leadership is still ignorant about what others more experienced nations say.
As a result, we were about to change our opinions about this alliance, but it seems that our mindset has stayed its course. If this alliance would not try to be so brash but more diplomatic and tactical in its ways of diplomacy, then maybe its criticism would be much less severe.
A learned blockhead is a better blockhead than an ignorant one.
Martin Dalons- Prime Minister of Zoingo
Foreign Affairs Secretary Francis Pierock
Parliament Leader Lord Dunmore
This Message has been approved by King Ragnald IV.
Military tanks, fighter jets, bomber jets, missiles and vessels which may or may not be produced in FSSU depending on the budget of our nation, if this goes ahead in my nation, these weapons being produced will not be nuclear weapons.
Anyways i will let the finalisation of the agreement to take it's course and will not interfere in its way anymore.
Military tanks, fighter jets, bomber jets, missiles and vessels which may or may not be produced in FSSU depending on the budget of our nation, if this goes ahead in my nation, these weapons being produced will not be nuclear weapons.
Anyways i will let the finalisation of the agreement to take it's course and will not interfere in its way anymore.
You were not specific enough about your weapons, and it seems that you didn't take the time to read the whole argument. Plus, announcing the furtherance of other weapons of war in a thread that talks about a peaceful nuclear alliance is a big, fat, oxymoron.
17-02-2009, 00:24
You were not specific enough about your weapons, and it seems that you didn't take the time to read the whole argument. Plus, announcing the furtherance of other weapons of war in a thread that talks about a peaceful nuclear alliance is a big, fat, oxymoron.
I appologise for that, next time i will be more specific, reason for this was because i am in a hurry to be somewhere else today, meeting a few friends for drinks in the town.
i propose all members start drafting up ideas that deal with this coalition's creation, meaning that we could start drafting separation of powers, and international policies, as well as a judicial system
I appologise for that, next time i will be more specific, reason for this was because i am in a hurry to be somewhere else today, meeting a few friends for drinks in the town.
ooc: did you even catch the last part of what I said?
Anyway, this drafting will not include the international community.
Ustio North
17-02-2009, 00:35
i propose all members start drafting up ideas that deal with this coalition's creation, meaning that we could start drafting separation of powers, and international policies, as well as a judicial system
OOC: Excuse my bluntness, but I propose scrap the entire Coalition and either apply to join an existing alliance (eg ODECON or AMNAT) or create a new alliance not based on the ideology "We has teh n00ks!", which is essentially what this is.
Steel and Fire
17-02-2009, 00:36
The Anarchist Military Junta of Steel and Fire is pleased to note that, even if a hundred such small nations joined together to create nuclear arsenals, the maximum number of warheads they could build before exhausting their collective budgets would be but a small fraction of the ridiculously excessive nuclear arsenal maintained by S&F. Therefore, we urge larger nations not to feel threatened by the formation of this alliance, as those who have had access to nuclear weapons for sufficiently long will always be better-defended and capable of more powerful retaliatory strikes than the so-called "n00bs".
For the record we also support the furtherment of global violence through force of nuclear arms, as long as said violence is not directed against S&F or its allies. It's more a principle thing.
-- Gen. Norton "Barrow-wight" Salt, Council of Twelve
17-02-2009, 01:06
OOC: Excuse my bluntness, but I propose scrap the entire Coalition and either apply to join an existing alliance (eg ODECON or AMNAT) or create a new alliance not based on the ideology "We has teh n00ks!", which is essentially what this is.
This coalition will not be disolved. We are in the brinch of creating a constitution with all member states contributing equally in drafting the constitution. The treaty we abid by is the treaty of Nuclear Mutual Defense Treaty created by the Salzland nation.
The idelogy of this Coalition is not based on having nukes, it is based on Military+Economic+Political cooperation of each member states and this coalition is about research, funding, creating free trade routes, being in a joint project, developing our nations and etc.
Imperial isa
17-02-2009, 01:07
OOC: Hasn't it been said like 5 times that the WA holds no weight when it comes to IC matters?
ooc yes and they did not listen to like about every thing else
This coalition will not be disolved. We are in the brinch of creating a constitution with all member states contributing equally in drafting the constitution. The treaty we abid by is the treaty of Nuclear Mutual Defense Treaty created by the Salzland nation.
The idelogy of this Coalition is not based on having nukes, it is based on Military+Economic+Political cooperation of each member states and this coalition is about research, funding, creating free trade routes, being in a joint project, developing our nations and etc.
Then how about naming it something other than a nuclear coalition?
17-02-2009, 01:53
This coalition will not be disolved. We are in the brinch of creating a constitution with all member states contributing equally in drafting the constitution. The treaty we abid by is the treaty of Nuclear Mutual Defense Treaty created by the Salzland nation.
The idelogy of this Coalition is not based on having nukes, it is based on Military+Economic+Political cooperation of each member states and this coalition is about research, funding, creating free trade routes, being in a joint project, developing our nations and etc.
OOC: A Military+Economic+Political cooperation to get N00KS?
TO: The United Kingdom of Ustio North Government
FROM: Vamperial Kingdom of Lynion, High King Vamp
We have heard reports that there might be war between your nation and should eventually start between you and Serbian Soviet Union, the Vamperial Kingdom will be willing to aid you in the war since your a good ally of the Vamperial Kingdom. In the mean time, I think this conflict will be forgotten once they realise what they done is idoitic of them to do. In addition to this, I can deploy an anti-nuclear missile satelite Codename: Reaper to orbit your position from space should you require it.
17-02-2009, 01:57
Principality of Belkaland
Grand Duke Razgriz H. Demon
SecDef Maj. General George Hammond
SecState Detlef Fleischer
After following the developing situation, the Principality of Belkaland has grown tired of the inaction by the international community on this nuclear standoff.
The SSU has shown that it does not have the capablity of safely storing & securing the Nuclear warhead, and yet, the international community has done nothing but make threats that in all likelyhood, will not be backed up. While we mean no disrespect to the international community, the pussyfooting around will solve nothing.
So, the Principality of Belkaland, backed by the Confederacy of Birkaine issues a ultimatum to the Serbian Soviet Union. You have 3 choices:
1: Turn over all materials & machinery connected to the development and/or production of nuclear devices to the international community,
2: Fall in line with what the international community is demanding,
3: Or face immediate invasion by Belkalandian & Birkainian forces
If you do not respond to this message within 12 hours, Principality of Belkaland & Confederacy of Birkaine will declare war on your nation.
Awaiting your answer,
Razgriz H. Demon
George Hammond
Detlef Fleischer
NERV arms conglomerate
17-02-2009, 02:05
TO:Principality of Belkaland & Confederacy of Birkaine
this is a cease and desist order form the NERV conglomerate.
if you declare war on the SSU you will be in breach of the protected nations treaty and the full force of our nation will become apparent.
but should you allow NERV to help in your war effort then i will not report this to the international community
also nuclear devises are old and outdated use Thermobaric wepons there much less pricey.
i.e let us help or u will be terminated
17-02-2009, 02:12
Principality of Belkaland
Grand Duke Razgriz H. Demon
SecDef Maj. General George Hammond
SecState Detlef Fleischer
If you wish to assist the Principality of Belkaland & the Confederacy of Birkiane, you need not threaten us. Any help will be welcomed.
Razgriz H. Demon
George Hammond
Detlef Fleischer
OOC: You don't need to be hostile if you want to help.
NERV arms conglomerate
17-02-2009, 02:20
thank you berkland we are sending you 12 Thermobaric warheads we will also send air support once the attack stars
17-02-2009, 02:20
Official communiqué from the Birkanian goverment
From: Generalissmo Strass Hendriksson - Birkanian Defense Minister
Classification: Not Classified
Importance: ULTRA
The Birkanian people cannot tolerate this kind of threat to the global security. We demand that you surrender all and each one of your strategic weapons -nuclear, biological or chemical- to the international community. Refusal will be dealt accordingly.
NERV arms conglomerate
17-02-2009, 02:30
FROM:NERV arms conglomerate
importance: DEFCON gamma(our highest alert)
NERV will not allow the stockpiling of nuclear weapons in the SSU.
your arsenal will be destroyed by our strategic satellite if you do not comply.
United Gordonopia
17-02-2009, 02:50
To: Nations against the 'Coalition'
CC: Nations in the 'Coalition'
From: The Republic of United Gordonopia
We are very against such small nations arming themselves with nuclear weapons. Our own nation did not even have an interest in such weapons until a hostile nation threatened nuclear war against us.
Should war break out between these two opposing sided, the force opposing the coalition shall have our support. We are willing to send one carrier group containing the following:
GSS Imperial, Perkins Class Aircraft Carrier
GSS Teva, Lincoln Class Cruiser
GSS Toleton, Lincoln Class Cruiser
GSS Moneken, Hyperion Class Destroyer
GSS Alamen, Hyperion Class Destroyer
GSS Smith, Hyperion Class Destroyer
GSS Simon, Hyperion Class Destroyer
GSS Elmain, Hyperion Class Destroyer
We shall also commit two marine divisions to aid in any amphibious assault.
Gordon Smith
Prime Minister
Republic of United Gordonopia
Steel and Fire
17-02-2009, 02:54
[Encrypted Message to All Coalition Members]
You're receiving all these threats from larger and more powerful nations. Isn't that a sure sign you need to develop nuclear technology quick like? Like gunpowder in the feudal age, nuclear weapons are the new century's great equalizer: with them on your side, no nation will dare threaten you! And if they do, you can just nuke 'em! So while you can publicly agree to the anti-coalition's demands, keep making nukes on the quiet. We'll even send you plans for how to build one if you like.
-- The Office of the President
Official Communique
International Affairs Department, 500 Dan Drive, Amsteldam, Zoingo
To: Belkaland, Birkaine, Nerv and other attackers
Subject:Reaction Speed
The Commonwealth would like to ask the above nations to stand down and wait for a response from SSU and the rest of their collation. The "inactivity" of the international community is easily explained by the fact that talks have stalemated for the time being and are trying to be worked out. Although SSU and the Nuclear Coalition have not acted well in the eyes of the world at large, there is no reason to declare all out war against this small nation. Indeed, declaring war is the most unreasonable thing to do at this point in time, and would also make you seem like beligerents.
Consider this, all the nations are nuclear armed and operational, and can attack at a moments notice. Regardless if you can shoot their missiles down from a long range, they could just simply detonate the missiles when you arrive to attack them. There is simply nothing to gain at this moment, besides a few thousand caskets. Also, many of the nations in the Coalition are ready to submit to many of the demands of previous nations. This can be solved if we just lay down the guns and get to the pens.
You have little reason to attack; please, for right now, let diplomacy resume instead of making out a costly war. If such a war were to break out, the Commonwealth will not be supporting it at all.
There was never such a thing as a good war or a bad peace.
Martin Dalons- Prime Minister of Zoingo
Foreign Affairs Secretary Francis Pierock
Parliament Leader Lord Dunmore
This Message has been approved by King Ragnald IV.
1972 alpha
17-02-2009, 03:09
my nation is only just starting to find its feet but we would like to join u in this great
nuclear arms race lets show the world we the small people wont just lie down and die
NERV arms conglomerate
17-02-2009, 03:11
TO:Steel and Fire
cease and desist order from the desk of supreme commander Gendo Icari
DO NOT send plans to less advanced nations on how to build nuclear weapons.
DO NOT encourage secret nuclear facility's.
nerv doesn't use or approve the use of nuclear weapons in ANY conflict we use an independent commercially operated satellite network to launch tactical strikes on ANY hostile nations.
the company involved gives us there full support.
TO:Steel and Fire
cease and desist order from the desk of supreme commander Gendo Icari
DO NOT send plans to less advanced nations on how to build nuclear weapons.
DO NOT encourage secret nuclear facility's.
nerv doesn't use or approve the use of nuclear weapons in ANY conflict we use an independent commercially operated satellite network to launch tactical strikes on ANY hostile nations.
the company involved gives us there full support.
ooc: it was an encrypted message....
17-02-2009, 03:16
To: Any Interested Party
By decree of Pataari Trade Master 1, Ulanpataar commits a regiment of men, one cruiser escorted by a few smaller ships carrying a small wing of the Pataari Air Force to service for this situation and the regiments are being called into mobilisation at this very moment. We will gladly aid United Gordonopia and any other force against this coalition in the case where it might be needed. We said this to all Coalition members before and we shall say this again: lay down your nuclear arms. Even if you use them in the force that is gathering against you you can not succeed, I assure you. It is saddening to see this action needed to be done, but not a nation on earth needs 50 Megaton nuclear arms. It must be stopped, even if it stops by force.
Steel and Fire
17-02-2009, 03:19
Korrekt. The communication was directed at the people who want n00ks, but don't have 'em. /OOC
TO:Steel and Fire
cease and desist order from the desk of supreme commander Gendo Icari
DO NOT send plans to less advanced nations on how to build nuclear weapons.
DO NOT encourage secret nuclear facility's.
nerv doesn't use or approve the use of nuclear weapons in ANY conflict we use an independent commercially operated satellite network to launch tactical strikes on ANY hostile nations.
the company involved gives us there full support.
We're doing what now? Steel and Fire would never do such an irresponsible act. It's utterly unthinkable! (wink, nod, nudge) Now before sending us C&D orders -- and what legal court will you subpoena us before if we refuse to follow them, anyway? -- stop to think and maybe provide some evidence. Run along now, don't you have Angels to fight or somethin'?
-- The Office of the President
17-02-2009, 03:21
February 16, 2009
TO: Daniels Islands
FROM: The Constitutional Monarchy of Valladares
SUBJECT: Nuclear Coalition
Greetings, Daniels Islands
In view of that your project of group of small nations for the production of nuclear weapons is a danger to the global safety, the Constitutional Monarchy of Valladares is in the obligation to reject and condemn this project, which only will bring hatred and resentments between the nations and a deadly war.
Likewise, this project represents a danger for our national safety, since the maritime border between both countries might be contaminated because of the nuclear residues that your industry could produce. We urge you withdraw ALREADY your project, because otherwise, we'll be obliged to execute retaliations against your nation.
Donald Phillips,
Minister of Defense
Anthony Botero,
Minister of Energy and Mines
17-02-2009, 03:30
From: Generalissmo Strass Hendriksson - Birkanian Defense Minister
To: United Gordontopia
Classification: Not Classified
Importance: high
Understood, we shall end their arrogance with help from you and all the nations aganist this threat. The Birkanian Navy will dispatch ships to back you up.
BkNV Le Redoutable - Kirov-class cruiser
BkNV Agamenmon - Kirov-class cruiser
BkNV Vladimir Shterenko - Slava-class cruiser
BkNV Ferrograd - Moskva-class helicopter carrier
BkNV Warspite - Vindictive-class subarine
BkNV Ironclad Will - Ticonderoga-class cruiser
We will send more ships if the situation worsens. The BkNV Omen super dreadnought will be sent when its refitting is complete
NERV arms conglomerate
17-02-2009, 03:31
we would like to find a peaceful solution to this problem.
in our view we have the upper hand in this conflict and we do not want ANY casualties.
so we respectfully ask all nations involved with this coalition to lay down your nuklear,chemical,biological,nanotechnology and incendiary arms.
surrender or we will personally decimate your weapons for you.
we will send our updated EX-IJN yamato class battleships,yamato2,musashi2,shinano2
plus a small battle force to accompany them
Void Templar
17-02-2009, 03:37
From Her Royal Majesty, Empress Tara Whyt, Ruler of the Void and Her Colonies
The Templarian Empire will not stand for the subjication and repression of the nations in this Coaltion's right to develop nuclear arms. Every nation should have the capability to defend itself, no matter how small. However, we also understand the dangers that lie with such a coalition, for being formed with the purpose of increasing the amount of weapons of mass destruction in the world cannot end well. These points in mind, we ask that all nations involved in this come to an agreement. We propose four main points, listed below, for a possible diplomatic outcome.
One - The coalition shall be allowed to continue and produce nuclear arms.
Two - The construction of said nuclear devices shall be under strict supervision by any and all nations who desire. The key term is supervision, no actions to stop the coalition can be taken without informing the other supervising nations why.
Three - No biological or chemical weapons shall be allowed to be constructed in the Coalition. These weapons go beyond Mass Destruction, and are simply heinous to use under any circumstance.
Four - The Coalition must agree to use its weapons in a purely defense, detterrent or retalitory role.
In the most unfortate event that we cannot reach a diplomatic end to this, I will be happy to commit troops to the defense of this coalition, providing they agree to the previous points.
OOC: /white knight (
United Gordonopia
17-02-2009, 03:42
To: Nations involved in the possible conflict
From: The Republic of United Gordonopia
Subject: Response to The Templarian Empire's Statement
We are willing to act as a supervisor to nations that agree with these points. However, we shall still consider military action against those who don't. We would also like to know what the Templarian Empire would do should one of the nations refuse to comply.
In addition, we would like to know with our allies where a sufficiant meeting place would be for the combined naval force.
Gordon Smith
Prime Minister
Republic of United Gordonopia
NERV arms conglomerate
17-02-2009, 03:43
i agree to the terms in the above agreement but on the condition that all secret projects by coalition governments be subjected to scrutiny by a international oversights comity formed from the nations against the coalition also all scientific advances from said nations should be given to the IOC
17-02-2009, 03:48
February 16, 2009
TO: All the nations against this threat
FROM: The Constitutional Monarchy of Valladares
In view of that the nations that support this class of threats as nuclear, biological weapon and other weapon of massive destruction continue insisting with this machiavellian plan, it's our obligation stop them.
We take advantage of the opportunity to inform that our Marine Royal Army #1 is in position in the Metropolis harbour. If in the next days, the nation of Daniels Islands doesn't desist from his evil and threatening plans, we'll realize a general mobilization and a call to consultations of our ambassador in this nation.
For this motive, I urge to all the nations against this plan to take rapid actions, because our safety is in risk.
Donald Phillips,
Minister of Defense
Arnold Wallace,
Commander and Chief of the Valladares' Royal Army
Void Templar
17-02-2009, 03:48
i agree to the terms in the above agreement but on the condition that all secret projects by coalition governments be subjected to scrutiny by a international oversights comity formed from the nations against the coalition also all scientific advances from said nations should be given to the IOC
From: The Templarian Empire
To: The NERV Arms Conglomerate
Secret projects involving the design, creation, production, manfucture or deployment of weapons of mass desctruction must be subject to international scrutiny. We will not, however, infringe on the soverignity on the nations by demanding complete knowledge. We have no desire for a fiefdom.
We are willing to act as a supervisor to nations that agree with these points. However, we shall still consider military action against those who don't. We would also like to know what the Templarian Empire would do should one of the nations refuse to comply.
To: The Republic of United Gordonopia
From: The Templarian Empire
Firstly, thank you for seeing your way to agreeing with our points. Secondly, any nation in the coalition that refuses to comply, if the majority vote in said coalition is yes to the points, will be ejected. However, we cannot impose any such restrictions on free nations, other than reminding them that we will aid the coalition if they come under attack.
Official Communique
International Affairs Department, 500 Dan Drive, Amsteldam, Zoingo
To: The World At Large
The Commonwealth applauds the actions of Void Templar in its ideals for a peaceful resolution to the conflict. We would happily be able to agree to the above points and hope that a peaceful resolution to this conflict between the Coalition and ourselves with the other nations involved. But, why must the drum of war still be beaten upon? Violence will only create more violence as well as fallout. At least to the new coming nations, mostly small nations, stop the belligerence and start acting civilized.
The 'beef' with this coalition should be with the FSSU, as the Daniels Islands is more than willing to submit to a few terms of agreement. In fact, they already have, so why impose further restrictions when all the nations that came before you have been solving the disputes?
Martin Dalons- Prime Minister of Zoingo
Foreign Affairs Secretary Francis Pierock
Parliament Leader Lord Dunmore
This Message has been approved by King Ragnald IV.
We have no desire for a fiefdom.
ooc: especially from a nation half your size? ;)
NERV arms conglomerate
17-02-2009, 03:56
so we can agree to create a international oversights comity
first NERV would like to be a part of the said comity
second NERV if the said negotiations proceed NERV will help apply said technologies
e.g:fusion nuclear power generation
OOC:if the nuclear systems are contained to non military use and defensive purposes only NERV would be happy to develop the nukes.
that is IF the negotiations go as planed
17-02-2009, 03:57
My nation along with the coalition has no means in creating any biological or chemical weapons at this time or anytime near the future. My Nation has a strict constitution stating that no such authorisation will be given permission in creating any biological or chemical weapons in the near future unless otherwise.
One - The coalition shall be allowed to continue and produce nuclear arms.
Two - The construction of said nuclear devices shall be under strict supervision by any and all nations who desire. The key term is supervision, no actions to stop the coalition can be taken without informing the other supervising nations why.
Three - No biological or chemical weapons shall be allowed to be constructed in the Coalition. These weapons go beyond Mass Destruction, and are simply heinous to use under any circumstance.
Four - The Coalition must agree to use its weapons in a purely defense, detterrent or retalitory role.
All points agreed however, non members of the coalition will not be allowed entry inside my country unless approved by the defense minister and the interior minster. Non member states will be strictly forbidden for any access to these nuclear facilities or any of the warheads, however i would like to see section two amended, and allow a limited of nations to have observer status to the coalition by this, we expect full guarentees that in an event of a war, these nations will step into intervene on our aid and defense.
17-02-2009, 03:59
Principality of Belkaland
Grand Duke Razgriz H. Demon
SecDef Maj. General George Hammond
SecState Detlef Fleischer
To: Allied Nations Against Nuclear Coalition(ANANC)
With the deployment of forces by our ally Birkaine, the Principality of Belkaland feels the need to deploy our own forces. These forces are under strict orders not to cross into the national waters of SSU at anytime unless they are attacked or peacetalks fail.
Ships Deployed:
2 Ford-class Supercarriers
- BNV Stier
- BNV Nord Belkaland
1 Bana-class BBGN (
- BNV Apito
1 Bahuvirhis-Class SSCVN
- BNV Bahuvirhis
8 Ticonderoga-Class AEGIS Cruiser
12 Belka-class SSN
Razgriz H. Demon
George Hammond
Detlef Fleischer
NERV arms conglomerate
17-02-2009, 03:59
NERV respectfully asks politely to be part of the supervisory comity.
United Gordonopia
17-02-2009, 04:00
ooc: so you don't agree to point two?
NERV arms conglomerate
17-02-2009, 04:01
i am agreeing too all points just asking to be part of the supervisory comity
17-02-2009, 04:03
All points my nation agrees to except we have trouble understanding this point form,
Two - The construction of said nuclear devices shall be under strict supervision by any and all nations who desire. The key term is supervision, no actions to stop the coalition can be taken without informing the other supervising nations why.
I need more eleboration in this, however we already have a Nuclear Treaty in placed which has already been finalised proposed by the Salzland nation.
so we can agree to create a international oversights comity
first NERV would like to be a part of the said comity
second NERV if the said negotiations proceed NERV will help apply said technologies
e.g:fusion nuclear power generation
OOC:if the nuclear systems are contained to non military use and defensive purposes only NERV would be happy to develop the nukes.
that is IF the negotiations go as planed
All points my nation agrees to except we have trouble understanding this point form,
Two - The construction of said nuclear devices shall be under strict supervision by any and all nations who desire. The key term is supervision, no actions to stop the coalition can be taken without informing the other supervising nations why.
I need more eleboration in this, however we already have a Nuclear Treaty in placed which has already been finalised proposed by the Salzland nation.
Official Communique
International Affairs Department, 500 Dan Drive, Amsteldam, Zoingo
To: The World At Large
The Commonwealth would like to propose that only the nations that were originally part of the dispute be involved in said committee and not nations that suddenly jump in 7 pages latter looking for a fight. This should be left to the original arguers and the Coalition. Mostly, Kenvat, Usto North, Ulanpataar, Salzland, ourselves, and the Coalition. The Committee would review current production of all related nuclear materials, see if there is any violation(s) of the Salzland treaty, and permit other uses.
Martin Dalons- Prime Minister of Zoingo
Foreign Affairs Secretary Francis Pierock
Parliament Leader Lord Dunmore
This Message has been approved by King Ragnald IV.
17-02-2009, 04:05
FSSU proposes a different approach for those who are concerned about this nuclear project. Observer status given to those who are concerned, however for this to happen, a Non-Aggression pact must be signed between those who wish to join as an Observer member, with a supervisor status must sign a non-aggression pact with the members of the Coalition, including another pact that if the coalition in an event to come under attack, these countries with observer supervisor status must come in the aid of our defense.
17-02-2009, 04:07
Official Communique
International Affairs Department, 500 Dan Drive, Amsteldam, Zoingo
To: The World At Large
The Commonwealth would like to propose that only the nations that were originally part of the dispute be involved in said committee and not nations that suddenly jump in 7 pages latter looking for a fight. This should be left to the original arguers and the Coalition. Mostly, Kenvat, Usto North, Ulanpataar, Salzland, ourselves, and the Coalition. The Committee would review current production of all related nuclear materials, see if there is any violation(s) of the Salzland treaty, and permit other uses.
Martin Dalons- Prime Minister of Zoingo
Foreign Affairs Secretary Francis Pierock
Parliament Leader Lord Dunmore
This Message has been approved by King Ragnald IV.
Agreed. There has already been a agreement with Salzland with the proposal of the Nuclear Mutual Defense Treaty which was strongly welcome by the coalition and signed by the coalition.
The original dispute was betwen Falasia and Salzland with the coalition having stated their concerns on this matter of building nuclear arms.
United Gordonopia
17-02-2009, 04:08
We understand your point. We would like to add on the the Commonwealth's proposal. There could be some form of hierarchy, with the original nations acting as the supervisors in the coalition, and other interested nation acting as some other body, such as a group that could vote on whether or not nations have broken the treaty. It was stated in point two that "no actions to stop the coalition can be taken without informing the other supervising nations why."
Other nations could act as a body that would be informed and could vote on whether or not said actions could be taken.
17-02-2009, 04:10
United Gordonopia, your nation along the other few nations have not been long here enough to force such agreements to take place as this has already happened with Salzland and Falasia. The treaty has been accepted, implemented and enforced into action.
Void Templar
17-02-2009, 04:11
Official Communique
International Affairs Department, 500 Dan Drive, Amsteldam, Zoingo
To: The World At Large
The Commonwealth applauds the actions of Void Templar in its ideals for a peaceful resolution to the conflict. We would happily be able to agree to the above points and hope that a peaceful resolution to this conflict between the Coalition and ourselves with the other nations involved. But, why must the drum of war still be beaten upon? Violence will only create more violence as well as fallout. At least to the new coming nations, mostly small nations, stop the belligerence and start acting civilized.
The 'beef' with this coalition should be with the FSSU, as the Daniels Islands is more than willing to submit to a few terms of agreement. In fact, they already have, so why impose further restrictions when all the nations that came before you have been solving the disputes?
Martin Dalons- Prime Minister of Zoingo
Foreign Affairs Secretary Francis Pierock
Parliament Leader Lord Dunmore
This Message has been approved by King Ragnald IV.
From: The Templarian Empire
To: Martin Dalons- Prime Minister of Zoingo
The previous treaties, in my opinion, had a number of unfair clauses on both sides, most notably the prevention of nuclear development whatsoever until a certain mark, in this case 100 million citizens and 50 billion budget, as this could hinder future development. Essentially, we are trying to aid the diplomatic process with a fair treaty, unbiased bytempers and tensions between nations. Creating peace should not come second to sustaining peace.
ooc: especially from a nation half your size?
OOC: Don't go giving me ideas, I'm bigger than you :tongue:
All points agreed however, non members of the coalition will be allowed entry inside my country unless approved by the defense minister and the interior minster. Non member states will be strictly forbidden for any access to these nuclear facilities or any of the warheads, however i would like to see section two amended, and allow a limited of nations to have observer status to the coalition by this, we expect full guarentees that in an event of a war, these nations will step into intervene on our aid and defense.
To: The Serbian Soviet Union.
From: The Templarian Empire.
I do not think we can agree to your clause. While we have no intention of flooding your country with soldiers disguised as weapons inspectors, we do however intend to keep check over your production of weapons of mass destruction and therefore need access to the construction of such weapons, although possibly not the storage of them.
We understand your point. We would like to add on the the Commonwealth's proposal. There could be some form of hierarchy, with the original nations acting as the supervisors in the coalition, and other interested nation acting as some other body, such as a group that could vote on whether or not nations have broken the treaty. It was stated in point two that "no actions to stop the coalition can be taken without informing the other supervising nations why."
Other nations could act as a body that would be informed and could vote on whether or not said actions could be taken.
Agreed, this seems to be better than the clause in our base proposal. The supervising nations, in our opinion, should be Kenvat, Usto North, ourselves Ulanpataar, Salzland, yourselves and the Coalition themselves.
17-02-2009, 04:15
Void Templar, no nations not signatory to the treaty will not be given access to the nuclear warheads under any circumstances due to the high security which the Military of FSSU, the govenrment, the coalition, and the Salzland nation which proposed the original treaty.
No nationstates should be pushed around by big nations or in anyway be subject to world policing by big nations.
United Gordonopia
17-02-2009, 04:16
the nations who wanted peace since they joined the thread. That way we wouldn't get nations who have a grudge against the coalition acting as supervisors. If the coalition does something to actually make the more peaceful nations feel that action needs to be taken, it's probably going to be something serious. Therefor, I would probably not be a supervisor, but more likely in the other group.
NERV arms conglomerate
17-02-2009, 04:18
i agree with the SSU
the NERV conglomerate would like to either join the coalition or become a supervisor either way the wanted outcome is created.
the perfect NERV outcome of the treaty is scientific gain, reducing the radiation levels of nuclear tech and creating radiation scrubber technologies.
OOC:from what i can understand a supervising nation is in effect becoming part of a defense scheme for the coalition.
From: The Templarian Empire
To: Martin Dalons- Prime Minister of Zoingo
The previous treaties, in my opinion, had a number of unfair clauses on both sides, most notably the prevention of nuclear development whatsoever until a certain mark, in this case 100 million citizens and 50 billion budget, as this could hinder future development. Essentially, we are trying to aid the diplomatic process with a fair treaty, unbiased by tempers and tensions between nations. Creating peace should not come second to sustaining peace.
Official Communique
International Affairs Department, 500 Dan Drive, Amsteldam, Zoingo
To: Void Templar
Subject:Matters to attend to
This is a most agreeable idea, although for the treaty to be amended, Salzland would have to give their approval to the amendments to the treaty. The treaty was, in itself, a bit harsh on some levels, but we see no reason why it can't be amended. And it is a bit unfair to say that any nation is not biased in this conflict on a lighter note. But regardless, we do agree that a having a long peace is not as good as having a stable peace. And we apologize if we were a bit bold and had outbursts at times, we just didn't want to see another nation fall victim to a nuclear attack.
Martin Dalons- Prime Minister of Zoingo
Foreign Affairs Secretary Francis Pierock
Parliament Leader Lord Dunmore
This Message has been approved by King Ragnald IV.
17-02-2009, 04:19
Principality of Belkaland
Grand Duke Razgriz H. Demon
SecDef Maj. General George Hammond
SecState Detlef Fleischer
To: Allied Nations Against Nuclear Coalition(ANANC)
With the deployment of forces by our ally Birkaine, the Principality of Belkaland feels the need to deploy our own forces. These forces are under strict orders not to cross into the national waters of SSU at anytime unless they are attacked or peacetalks fail.
Ships Deployed:
2 Ford-class Supercarriers
- BNV Stier
- BNV Nord Belkaland
1 Bana-class BBGN (
- BNV Apito
1 Bahuvirhis-Class SSCVN
- BNV Bahuvirhis
8 Ticonderoga-Class AEGIS Cruiser
12 Belka-class SSN
Razgriz H. Demon
George Hammond
Detlef Fleischer
February 16, 2009
TO: Nations of the ANANC
FROM: The Constitutional Monarchy of Valladares
The Constitutional Monarchy of Valladares has decided to join the troops of the ANANC, deploying the first 5 battleships and the first 500 military men towards the maritime border with Daniels Islands. Likewise, we offer to the allied ships a refuge in the harbour of our capital, Metropolis.
The list of deployed ships is the following one:
-Armoured Drake
-Armoured Morgan
-Hangarskip Victory
-Destroyer Valladar Star
-Frigate Baragüez
Donald Phillips,
Minister of Defense
Arnold Wallace,
Commander and Chief of the Valladares' Royal Army
Void Templar
17-02-2009, 04:20
OOC: I do apologise, I am quite tired and my brain's not working correctly. You can tell because I seem to have dropped into an upper-middle-class very polite style of typing, whereas I should usually be talking like an uncouth slob. :D
To: The Serbian Soviet Union
From: The Templarian Empire
Of course, we agree. I misunderstood your request. Only the supervising nations shall have access to the nuclear warheads.
17-02-2009, 04:21
Any Nation wishes to take part in the coalition in anyway to be involved must by all means sign two treaties, the Non-Aggession Pact and the second pact is to be signed by all those who wishes to join the coalition as other status but full members of the coalition must sign a Defense treaty, therefore in an event of a invasion, these members signatory to the two treaties sign must by all means intervene to stop the war, to come to the defense of coalition and aid the coalition through financially and military if neccessary.
NERV arms conglomerate
17-02-2009, 04:23
i agree to all terms and conditions above but i think as a supervisor NERV would be better suited.
17-02-2009, 04:24
No supervising or any nations shall have access to the nuclear warheads due to the security risk it will pose, including a national security threat to my nation. If any nations wishes to join, they may do so as an observer status which every observer status will have access to dossiers, documents and information on research for nuclear weapons, productions as such, no direct access will be given to any nations under no circumstances.
Prior to being an Observer status, two treaties must be signed, to ensure the safety and the security of the coalition members and the security of the observer members.
17-02-2009, 04:25
OOC: I don't have a problem with the Coalition sticking with my treaty, under the condition that if one of them pulls a nuclear rogue act, their country gets destroyed. I also have no problem putting my orbital anti-missile defense systems on alert in case any of the members should happen to get any ideas about launching, so that their missiles are intercepted relatively quickly.
There's no reason why four countries, banded together, several of which are already over the nuclear threshold, can't build a limited nuclear stockpile for self-defense.
17-02-2009, 04:26
The Treaty will be amended from time to time with the approval of 3/4 of the coalition members, the observer members will have a advisory say into this but not a direct say as observer nations are not signatory to the Nuclear Mutual Defense Treaty and full fledging members of the coalition.
17-02-2009, 04:27
OOC: I don't have a problem with the Coalition sticking with my treaty, under the condition that if one of them pulls a nuclear rogue act, their country gets destroyed. I also have no problem putting my orbital anti-missile defense systems on alert in case any of the members should happen to get any ideas about launching, so that their missiles are intercepted relatively quickly.
There's no reason why four countries, banded together, several of which are already over the nuclear threshold, can't build a limited nuclear stockpile for self-defense.
Agreed. I would like all those who are new to this issue, those that havent been long enough here to withdraw from the maritime water borders of Daniels Island as those involve in mobilising and deploying their naval fleet and troops is an act of hostility and a threat to national security of the nation.
Void Templar
17-02-2009, 04:29
OOC: I'm off for the night. Try not to spill over into war too much before I'm back on. Do, however, try to spill over into war. ;)
NERV arms conglomerate
17-02-2009, 04:29
at nerv we dissolved our nuclear stockpile years ago for an orbital defense/offense array as so we have many unused nukes that are in sealed storage if needed we would donate them to the coalition if we where given supervisory status. also we would use our assets to help defend the coalition.
Agreed. I would like all those who are new to this issue, those that havent been long enough here to withdraw from the maritime water borders of Daniels Island as those involve in mobilising and deploying their naval fleet and troops is an act of hostility and a threat to national security of the nation.
Official Quick Reply Communique
Agreed, a war doesn't need to break out on the brink of peace. Besides, what did DI do? Mostly our grudge was (no offense) against you and the wording of a treaty that would be worked out. We would support the SSU if an attack on Daniels Island would commence, it is quite frankly, an act against a nation that didn't deserve it.
OOC: I'm off for the night. Try not to spill over into war too much before I'm back on. Do, however, try to spill over into war. ;)
ooc: I'll try to stir the pot with the big cake spoon. :p
17-02-2009, 04:32
OOC: I'm off for the night. Try not to spill over into war too much before I'm back on. Do, however, try to spill over into war. ;)
Your nation would never authorise such authorisation access to any other nations as it is a national security threat to your country so please do not ask other countries to do something which no nation in the world would agree to do. My nation does not wish to goto war with your nation or any other nation in particular, i will be asking the Salzland government to intervene in our defense, the coalition defense if an act of hostility or an act of war has been made towards the member states of the coalition.
17-02-2009, 04:33
We have no intentions or any documents to authorise the use of the nuclear weapons to act hostile towards another nations or to threaten the security of a nation.
17-02-2009, 04:36
I want to clarify that my intention is only defend my national space, due to the fact that the nuclear weapons that DI could produce can be harmful to my population. Only I'm doing defensives maneuvers in my part of the maritime border and believe that I'm in all my right to defend my interests.
17-02-2009, 04:38
at nerv we dissolved our nuclear stockpile years ago for an orbital defense/offense array as so we have many unused nukes that are in sealed storage if needed we would donate them to the coalition if we where given supervisory status. also we would use our assets to help defend the coalition.
We will discuss more about it in the near future once the coalition has been fully established.
All nations signatory to the treaty proposed by Salzland, members of the coalition, we all must come together at a summit, to have all of our say put together and work together to draft a constitution, once the constitution has been put to place by all the fledging nations, we will then be accepting different status members to join the coalition, in that case my nation will welcome your nation onboard.
However, my say is as good as the other members of the coalition.
17-02-2009, 04:39
I want to clarify that my intention is only defend my national space, due to the fact that the nuclear weapons that DI could produce can be harmful to my population. Only I'm doing defensives maneuvers in my part of the maritime border and believe that I'm in all my right to defend my interests.
That is fine so aslong as it is not done in a way of threatening the security of another nation or forcing ridiculous treaties and ultimatum and it's will upon the coalition members.
NERV arms conglomerate
17-02-2009, 04:39
i am evolved for scientific reasons and reasons of national security
17-02-2009, 04:40
I want to clarify that my intention is only defend my national space, due to the fact that the nuclear weapons that DI could produce can be harmful to my population. Only I'm doing defensives maneuvers in my part of the maritime border and believe that I'm in all my right to defend my interests.
Perhaps my naval fleet can join you in your exercise and our troops can have coffee together sometime.
NERV arms conglomerate
17-02-2009, 04:40
so lets arrange a summit?
17-02-2009, 04:43
In the next comming days a summit will be arranged, i will have to also see how the other members of the coalition feel about this first before any decisions are made. A Non aggession pact treaty and the defense treaty must be written up aswell for the signatory of the special status your nation is willing to join as.
NERV arms conglomerate
17-02-2009, 04:48
ok we await your answer
status:TEA(absolute lowest level of readiness)
we plan no more military action against any nation.
Your nation would never authorise such authorisation access to any other nations as it is a national security threat to your country so please do not ask other countries to do something which no nation in the world would agree to do. My nation does not wish to goto war with your nation or any other nation in particular, i will be asking the Salzland government to intervene in our defense, the coalition defense if an act of hostility or an act of war has been made towards the member states of the coalition.
ooc: SSU, a quick word if I may.
When Void Said that, he didn't really mean it, because it was Out Of Character, meaning that he is not really saying that to your country, but to yourself, the person typing.
When it is In Character, a person is their character, meaning that they are role playing as their country/head of state/important figure/military/other person other than you/etc.
A few examples:
ooc: what is your favorite color?; I like pie...; lol he is going to be killed!; look at this smiley :wink:; can this battle take place over here?
ic: MY NATION DECLARES WAR ON YOURS!!!! NUKZORS! (not the best way to start a war mind you); we agree to the peace treaty; the prime minister sat as his desk and shuffled his papers.
If you start to use it that way, people will respect you more as a legitimate Rp'er.
So now you try.
17-02-2009, 04:49
Perhaps my naval fleet can join you in your exercise and our troops can have coffee together sometime.
OK...My troops are going to be three days on the high seas, but I warn you that if Daniels Island launches his first nuclear weapon, I am going to pass his side of the maritime border and initiate a war. I'm in all my right to defend my nation and furthermore if there is weapon of massive destruction that threaten my national safety.
17-02-2009, 04:50
There is another deal i can propose to you for now is to establish trade routes between our two nations, a free trade route should also be established between the two nations and a exchange of information between the two.
17-02-2009, 04:52
OOC: Look, if I haven't made it clear before now, let me do so now. If any of these guys (The Coalition) launch an unprovoked nuclear first strike, I personally will flatten their country. There is absolutely no danger of any of them launching.
17-02-2009, 04:52
ooc: SSU, a quick word if I may.
When Void Said that, he didn't really mean it, because it was Out Of Character, meaning that he is not really saying that to your country, but to yourself, the person typing.
When it is In Character, a person is their character, meaning that they are role playing as their country/head of state/important figure/military/other person other than you/etc.
A few examples:
ooc: what is your favorite color?; I like pie...; lol he is going to be killed!; look at this smiley :wink:; can this battle take place over here?
ic: MY NATION DECLARES WAR ON YOURS!!!! NUKZORS! (not the best way to start a war mind you); we agree to the peace treaty; the prime minister sat as his desk and shuffled his papers.
If you start to use it that way, people will respect you more as a legitimate Rp'er.
So now you try.
Problem is, we have no need to launch a war or anything like that as we only plan to develop our nation economically, politically and militarily.
Official Rapid Communique
We would be happy to establish trade relations with your nation if possible. We are looking for some vital materials such as steel, aluminium, and wood. We could attach the SSU into the fringes of our colonial trade network and allow our traders to sell goods that you need.