Legends of Cybertron: A New Beginning... (FT Intro) - Page 3
The Garbage Men
04-12-2008, 01:49
"Ah, unfortunately I can't agree to that you see, If I let you do that the devices in question will be in an unknown state, and despite obvious well intentions of whatever tinkering you might do there is always the chance that a slip or something might render the object unusable, oh and there is also the fact that I did say that was as far as I would go."
He paused once again his eyes carefully dissecting the body language of everyone there.
"You don't trust me with the device, do you? yet your willing for me to have it... An interesting dillema, and yet one that's easily solved. Give it to me, not the corporation. While it's a subtle difference I'm sure you appreciate the ramifications of the difference. Running an organisation like this, I'm sure you'd agree that I'm a responsible manager of my own things."
The defensive fleet took up poisitions partly surrounding the Prophet's Hope and take a perimiter around the planet and patrols around the system. They were grumpy to be led on a wild goosechase. There had been an anomoly in a nearby system that threatened to expand and effect the HQ. However when the fleet arrived the anomoly flared and apparently disappeared. When they arrived back they found more time had passed than they had thought, the HQ had been attacked and the attack and been repelled on the ground. And a borg cube was in space.
Needless to say they weren't very happy, yet they had to follow their orders, and that meant not firing, at least for now. Yet they kept an eye out for the least little bit of an infraction.
[NS]Dastardly Stench
14-12-2008, 05:15
"It must be prepared...and inspected for defects. Wouldn't want you to get a bad deal, now, would we?" Starscream replied.
The Garbage Men
14-12-2008, 05:56
"That's all fine and dandy, but I'm quite busy... no rest for the wicked, as they say. I don't have all day to negotiate, but allowing you to modify the item we're discussing after negotiation has completed goes against all sound business practices. The device after negotiations will become my personal property... I don't have time for your games. You want to modify it for particular reasons... tell me and we'll see otherwise... I don't time for this."
[NS]Dastardly Stench
15-12-2008, 04:30
"We're still negotiating," Starscream said, "and we don't exactly have all day either. To be honest, what I want is to unbind the device from your employee. If I don't, it will cease to exist the moment you try to tamper with it--and I'm not sure what affect that will have on Alise. You could have saved time and just trusted me with my property, but you chose to play testosterone games instead. If the device becomes your permanent property, then the free job offer lasts as long as you live. The two items have the same shelf life."
The Garbage Men
15-12-2008, 05:47
"Well, finally, now we're getting somewhere...
Alright, you can 'fiddle' to unbind it from Alise.
So that would mean the final terms are...
1. That you successfully unbinding unbind the device from Alise
2. The device will be loaned as my personal property for a period of 10 years
3. During this same 10 years you will have 1 free major TGM operation at your disposal, outside of this time frame the offer becomes invalid
4. John here remains enjoined and becomes The Garbage Men's official Liason with the New Borg.
That is right, isn't it?"
[NS]Dastardly Stench
15-12-2008, 20:07
"Falsus?" Starscream said.
"Deal," said the tiny Borg.
The Garbage Men
16-12-2008, 00:13
"Right... We have a deal... While you unbind device I'll get formal documentation done... but before I do that... John. If you could please come forward. I would like to make a presentation." Trevor smiled once more at the Human-looking machine. The table packed itself away... no one had even sat down at it during their whole discussion. It disappeared lowering itself into the floor.
John had no idea what was going on, he remembered that Trevor wanted to speak with him privately before, but was this it? and anyway what was it?
Wish me luck... and a clue what's going on.
Trevor calmly yet with a bit of trepidation walked forward. Trevor smiled one more time as if he was laughing at an internal joke, but it soon calmed as there was business to attend to.
"John, 850 Series Model 106 Terminator. For great service to the corporation and for advancement from beyond your computational limitations. I hereby grant you a position as full employee of The Garbage Men, the corporation, it's subsidiaries and all the rights and responsibilities there of. On this day and on this hour, I, Trevor Desorté, CEO of The Garbage Men Corporation. grant you this position. I will now Present the Writ of Employment for John, 850 Series Model 106."
The Writ of Employment was much like that of a declaration of Citizenship, The Corporation had used various types of Drones from ones like Terminators where they had missions but could carry them out independently, to machines that relied on others and were very restricted in their abilities.
This now meant that officially John had rights to look and create new opportunities, set his own missions while still operating under the corporate structure. Freedom that he would require now that he had a soul, he was no longer a machine in the eyes of the corporation but a being.
Trevor presented the Writ to John which was gladly accepted, it didn't take long for John to notice that there wasn't a specific date on the Writ, the wording mirrored what Trevor used in his speech. "On this day and on this hour."
It's retro-active... The Writ...
"Congratulations John... I'll leave you know to be with your friends." and with that Trevor left leaving Alise, Q-Bert, Starscream and Falsus behind with John.
[NS]Dastardly Stench
17-12-2008, 07:21
It didn't take long for the details to be ironed out. Starscream took care of the datavice--saving its schematics and downloading its entire information database while he unbound it, but leaving the information intact--while Falsus and Q-Bert took care of the travel arrangements. Unbound, Alise was free again to return to her people and her duties.
Thus it was that Falsus, John, Q-Bert and Starscream departed for the Tactical Cube Prophet's Hope thinking that they had achieved a fair deal with this governmental entity that they had encountered, and vowed to strengthen their relations when they returned home and debriefed.
That left only one small detail...
...the New Borg had a job to be done. It wasn't a huge job, in their estimation, but it might require a perspective that they did not have--and it had direct bearing on the properties of The Garbage Men.
New Borg ships had begun disappearing in the subspace conduits that they had created. The problem was small, but growing--though "small" did not adequately describe the immensity of the potential loss of life.
But that situation would be brought up later, by proper, relevant authorities at the proper, governmental level. For now, all was well. The universe was, for the moment, free of some of its normal petty conflicts as even the Decepticons slept, relatively speaking, on Cybertron.
OOC: I declare this thread to be at an end. Thank you, TGM, for helping me to be in the first thread I've ever been in that reached the end of its story line.
World Haven
22-03-2009, 06:20
OOC: ok, so I got distracted... a lot. sue me. Anyway, TGM gave me the OK on continuing. A few issues to work out before we close this off.
1. ross, vira, and the contract system.
2. peyton and petra (thanks to star scream, I now have a good purpose for them. I honestly didn't know how to tie them in)
3. a climax. sigma isn't the sort to just up and run. he's a tricky asshole :). now that the story has advanced a bit, I'm going to have to reinsert them a little aquwardly.
4. final diplomatic matters, most of which I intend to involve gratuitus amounts of comic relief after all this seriousness :tongue: )
also, I'm going to change my dialoge style a bit for when there are only two or three people present, so don't get confused when I sudenly switch what person is speaking without putting "name:"
finaly, in regards to a new thread, I've already been thinking of one. the fact that your not using TGM is just as well as the story I've come up with occures on the borg home world and centers around their collective. This time, ross and vira themselves won't be involved directly. also, fights will be fewer but still there. I'm thinking about more of a mystery type adventure than one involving high powered fights. more plot twists ect.
the thread idea Does depend on one thing. is it phisicaly posible for a borg to betray the rest of the collective and not be caught?
Ross and vira: ...............
ross: well... this sucks. at the very least he could have sent me back after transporting me here.
starscream is a fool. he has only temporarily disabled the system. once I return to my castle, I shall imediatly reinstate it.
or... we can settle this right here. this is a rare chance to fight like we used to. a chance to keep it small scale. neiter of us can escape at the last moment this time either.
wait a moment you fool! look around you!
AWSOME! *poke poke* It's a mystery bubble!
starscream must have put it around us so we could survive. without the system running, we have no access to all of our contracted abilities. the most we can do is enegy manipulation, flying, andfast healing in order to travel through space, magic is required to put air in us. we also don't have enough energy to protect us from the cold for a long period of time. this bubble is the only thing keeping us alive.
I see. so it IS a mystery bubble that just appered mysteriously.
idiot...I just said...
Your right. it's not good to distroy mysterious mystery objects. can't help it if it's a mystery. ok. lets take a vote. all in favor of keeping the mystery bubble?
ok, so the votes 2/0 . ok, that settles it. we keep it. well then, lets go.
wait! what makes you think that you can bring me wherever you please.
well, I have to find the others. can't get home without them. and who said anything about taking YOU along.
we have to travel together. we cant split a magic enviroment in two without access to magic. (ross::confused:) (vira seathing: THE... MISTERY BUBBLE... WILL... MYSTERIOUSLY POP... IF WE SEPERATE.)
well, why didn't you say so in the first place! ...(tick tick tick tick DING!) AHHHHH! SHIT! THAT MEANS I HAVE TO TAKE YOU ACROSS THE SEAL BARRIER! I USED U0P ALL MY ENERGY AND RISKED DIEING FOR NOTHING! WHAAAAA- oh wait. no magic. you can't establish a gate between the inside and hate haven without leaving. also... :D
I caught you. once I find our ship, we can gang up on you and seal you. without your powers, It'll be easy.
the same applies for me you idiot!
oh....... then it's a race!
WHY ARE YOU LIKE THIS! every time there is a cease fire, you adopt that sickening happy-go-lucky attitude!
(holds up finger) it's a mystery!
I've riped off childerens faces in front of you! corupted your people! destroyed millions of lives and still, you bounce back the next day! no matter how many times it happens, you cry for a few hours and then are perfectly fine! I even killed your second youngest sister...
don't go there vira.
oh, so you can be serious. well then...
I'll just drown you out for the length of the journey with music. (opens mp3 function on his datavice) aww, I forgot. I can't take out items from my reserve box back at home without digital abilities. I can't get my earphones...but I can use the speakers... so be it. hey how about a road trip game? :D
what are you planning...
he he he. lets see who cracks first, you or me ;) (music: little bunny foo foo hoping through the forest...)
I refuse to listen to this garbage!
to bad. (in a sing song voice): yoooou don't haaave a choice!
X: what?
just as they were moments away from busting in on the action, sigma, who had reached for his datavice to go into his final form, he had stoped, looked angery, and fled. they now fliped in from a window
Zero: he ran away? running isn't his style.
prime: why would he... (looking at the datavice that was part of his arm) !!!!!
megaman: what is it?
luke: didn't you feel it just now! the contract system! the contract system is down!
X: no wait, it's not entirly down. we have a restricted connection. if their had been no connection, we would have been returned to our worlds automaticly.
Zero: it's peyton. we have a restricted contract with her. she's keeping us ancored.
X: then...
prime: we still have to worry. we have to go NOW! flasus! john! if sigma attacks, can you hold him off? you have to make sure that the virus isn't released. if it's relesed with the contract system down...
X: I don't think he will. the way he was acting, I think the same thing happened to him.
falsus: we can hold things here.
prime: good, lets go!
falsus: wait!
he was too late though. they were already out of earshot
back on the ship
mahoro: I noticed it to. do you realy think he's dead?
megaman:if he dies...
hotshot: we still have peyton.
prime: that's not good enough. there is no way that she could suport the seals on every contracted world. if vira survives, it's two against one. and she isn't as mature as ross. she couldn't lead world haven. and the dimentional alliance.
megaman: not as mature. that's n-not saying much. hehe...haha. (he manages a half hearted smile at his joke, but no amount of joking could lighten the mood.
aniken: wait. I still feel him. it's faint, but not like it was when he came back here after using all his energy.
Luke: I also don't feel any distress. no wait, oh, ok, never mind. it's not the stress of phisical pain. it's just a feeling of extream annoyance tinged with just a hint of phycological trama.
(mary had a little lamb, little lamb LITTLE LAMB!...)
vira: I will not...(twitch) let him... make a fool (twitch)... out of me.
ross: I (twitch)... will (twitch twitch)... outlast you vira! Must (twitch)... think (twitch) of (twitch)... plesent noises. yes! nails on a chalkboard (twitch twitch)... must think of the soothing sounds of jackhammers and nails in on chalkboard...
luke: I don't THINK it's a dangerous amount of phychological tourture. w-wait! someones with him! it's vira!
everyone: VIRA!
aniken: ya, but their not fighting. actualy, she's exibiting the same emotions as he is.
Zero: you can sense her? that proves it. her contract system is down too. we need to find them fast though before someone else does...
it was shortly after this that starscream arrived and began dealing with trevor destorte.
as they walked flasus thought about how optimus and the others had been acting. they had run away without explaining the problem fully.
falsus: they said the contract system was down... it's a problem, but they seemed less on gaurd an more paniced.
like it was the end of the world?
maybe it was. if they don't have contracts, then they can't face Hate haven on equal ground.
I don't think so. I saw sigma prepar to change again but stop. he looked at his datavice and looked angery. it was as though he COULDN'T change. I think their contract system is down.
hey, maybe they had timmer recorders on their tvs and were afraid that the system going down would mess it up
shut up shrevel
wait! what if the system going down means that their dead?
good god! you may be right
starscream, you've been quiet for a while. as a matter of a fact, you feel amused. whats up?
nothing. I'm just listening to you all strain yourselves over something I already know.
you did something didn't you?
I just shut down their contract system is all.
I should have known. where are they now?
oh, Ross and Vira? their stuck together in the middile of outer space trapped in an atmosphere bubble... busy enjoying each others company
starscream, i don't know wether to be pissed off at you, or join you in your amusment
forget amusment, this sounds hilarious. hey, can we go watch?
(starscream) shut up shrevel
aww, come on. you don't want to spy on them. I mean, a boy and a girl alone in space with no one around for miles...you know...BOW CHICA BOW WOW
(Falsus) shut UP shrevel
hey, I'm just saying. If i were alone in space, I'd be pretty bored too
(entirety of the collective) GOD DAMN IT! SHUT THE FUCK UP SHREVEL
[NS]Dastardly Stench
22-03-2009, 19:02
OOC: So much for the end of this thread.
@HH: I don't know whether to tell you what a good job you did with the basic characters, chide you for your lousy spelling (get firefox, dude--it has a built-in spelling checker) and abuse of homophones or ignore your post on the basis of you taking over my characters well above and beyond the call of duty.
As to the New Borg, they're all about choice. A New Borg can choose to keep his deepest, darkest thoughts from the rest of the collective--so, yes, one Borg can deceive the Collective, though he or she would have to have a very good reason for keeping his mind free. Falsus (not Flasus) tried early in the story, on the basis that he didn't want the Collective to be aware of the full extent of his worries. Didn't work. They reeled him in.
"You know, boys," Starscream said, "I'm not so sure about what Peyton and Petra are up to these days. I think I left that end loose."
"Who are Peyton and Petra?" Falsus asked.
"Remember that little girl who attacked our ship?"
"I think so. As I recall, we gave her a taste of deterrence."
"Not sure on that one, but she was one of them. I keep forgetting which is which. They're from a common origin, however. One is the evil part of the other's soul, split off, so to speak. They're every bit as powerful as Ross and Vira, just younger."
"Oh joy. I think we need to get back to our ships. The Garbage Men should be able to handle their own security from here, and the Collective should brainstorm a method of dealing with all of this."
"It is QUITE predictable that the young ones are going to try to revive--or kill off--Ross and Vira when they get the chance."
"All the more reason to get back, Starscream."
"I suppose it is."
World Haven
23-03-2009, 06:36
OOC: ya, sorry to spoil your first ever completed thread :) . also, sorry if i did too much with your characters. It was mostly for comic relif. did I get the characters too off? if so, I can edit it to your specifications.
also, I'm getting mixed signals here. TGM was saying that you were busy these days or something. he said something about joining a diferent thread you were both involved in (the honeymoon one). with that, I was just going to let that be my last post for this thread and try to fill in the holes later. I would prefer to truly finish the thread though. basicly, we need to get with TGM on wether to finish or not. BTW, again, sorry for leaving you hanging so long. it was my responsibility to post at least every now and then. didn't mean to pull an "imperial cybertron" on you :)
oh ya, one final note. fire fox rules. however, I'm stuck using college computers that don't have it. because their dumbasses. so please forgive mispellings and typos, as it would take me three times as long to complete a post if I profread.
[NS]Dastardly Stench
24-03-2009, 00:54
That's "proofread!" ;)
BTW, a character of mine who did not appear in this thread, Marvel the Demon, has made the big time. He got the lead role in a short story called "The Gomorra Incident" that will be published in the Gratista Vampires' Spring Anthology. I told him he did a good job. He told me he should be paid. In beer.
One final technical detail: Ross and Vira aren't in an ATMOSPHERIC BUBBLE in THIS universe, they're in a BUBBLE UNIVERSE all their own.
You got the characters right, though, if he weren't so distracted, Starscream might have offered to sit Shrevel on Vira's lap and let him watch from there. But Starscream has other concerns right now. I had originally brought Starscream and Shrevel together because I felt that they would play off each other well. Shrevel fantasizes about grotesquerie. Starscream has lived it.
The point is supposed to be that dealing with Starscream is a little like riding the back of a dragon. You can never be completely certain that the thing isn't going to turn on you.
World Haven
24-03-2009, 01:58
OOC: ok, so it was the atmosphere bubble thing. no problem. didn't know it was a sub universe. just needed a way for them not to... you know...DIE TO DEATH IN THE MIDDLE OF SPACE! this problem is easily solved. the atmospere bubble itself won't be gone, but...
datavice mp3 program: (can you tell me how to get how to get to sesemmmmmmmmee streeeeet!)
vira: turn it off. IN THE NAME OF THE DARK GOD BELOW TURN IT OFF! ok ok I won't talk about the incident! just turn it off!
ross (twitching and drooling from on side of his mouth) : thank god!
(I love you. you love me. we're-)
oh god. i that sng was what I think it was... oh god, i would have cracked! say, somethings wrong...
they had been traveling around in their little air bubble for a while. it had soon dawned on Ross that they had not passed through the seal. he knew where it was when starscream teleported him there but they hadn't passed through it. now he noticed something else...
vira? where are the stars?
oh god! where in a sub dimension!
...what are you implying!?!?
ross: were stuck here. and we may never get out.
OOC: interupted. will finish in another hour or so
Hate Haven
24-03-2009, 05:19
Ross: hey look, a planet and a star. how nice of him to leave it for us
vira: nice! we wouldn't even need that planet if he hadn't traped us here. without contracts, we can't get out!
don't worry, someone will save us. (landing)
how can you be sure? we may be stuck like this togeth-... stuck on this planet forever!
(thump thump) what was that just now? fear? could be. well, lets prepare for tonight. you hunt the food and I'll set up camp using those big leaves to make a canopy tent, and some branches to make a fire.
Ill just make my own. I don't need your help.
awww, but I need yours. (thump thump) I'm squimish when it comes to killing things. there it is again... and besides, you have little camping experience. my family and have gone camping a lot on my home world. (thump thump) I can bearly feel it. what is it. couldn't be...
I refuse to accept help form you. this side of the forest is yours. the other is mine. stay away from me, or I swear you will pay...
deep underground TGM HQ in a recently built secret base
sigma was annoyed. only a little more time, and he would have been victorious. all he needed to do was buy more time. then this world would hyave been his. by twist of fate however, the contract system had gone down for no aparent reason. so close, yet so far. now 'it' was being built the old fasioned way. production was still quick, but not as quick as it should have been. it was especialy dificult due to the chaos settling down so suplies were hard to steal.
it didn't help that the ship was now gone either. by nececity, it had to leave in order to create the illusion of a retreat. of course, that wasn't the only reason. there was also the little task of locating vira. he wanted his power back. it was through her that he owned so many worlds. without the ability to travel freely, everything was pointless.
more importantly, there was the matter of petra. petra was very diferent from vira. vira was cold and calculating. while she plesured in the pain of others, she never destroyed any pawn that was still useful. petra on the other hand wasn't just evil... she was insaine. it didn't matter whos side you were on, she would destroy you on a whim. the thought of serving under her scared him. and nothing scared him. ever.
ice man! status on the final details...
it will take at least another day before it is completed.
a day! what is the old man doing!
tell the old man...
???????: the "old man" is standing behind you.
ah, father. sorry if I apper rude, but things are moving way to slow for my tastes. need I remind you that we are on a deadline? we must strike while X and Zero are away and befor the borg can gather themselves. as things are now, I can esily destroy them all if the project were completed, but if they prepare a proper defense or world haven returns, then their is a small chance that we may be defeated
you can stop calling me "father" I don't even wish to think of a monster such as yourself as my creation. and don't even try to attack me. I have prepared , in the event that I die, a powerful antivirus within my body. the moment i die by your hands, millions of nanobots will erupt wrom me and brodcast the antivirus. even if it doesn't kill you, you will be rendered unable to act for weeks. be patient. quality takes time especialy under these circumstances.
as you command Dr. Willy...
World Haven
25-03-2009, 08:20
OOC: the thing that complicates me joining that other thread is the seal that was created. ross can pass through it. vira, once she leaves, can't. in order to reboot the system and therby restore her contracts, she has to return to HH. once the system is restored, all her power will return.
the main problem I have with my characters is that they are too powerfull. I have actualy been using this RP to develop their characters and find weaknesses for them. the best I came up with was them wearing each other out to the point of vunribility. if they get restored, then things aren't fun because ross comes in and takes out the bad guys in five minutes. of course, I COULD have him purposfuly stay out of battle (using that statute of limitations BS that I TRIED to make work... and failed miserably at). or just make him watch so his men can fight like he did in the unicron arc of the story. basicly, I'm looking for an excuse as to why this won't be easy. any ideas?
[NS]Dastardly Stench
25-03-2009, 21:16
OOC: Yes.
As Ross and Vira turned, they noticed something metallic just past the thin line of trees where they stood. As they walked over to it, they could see that it was, in fact, a flying saucer, landed in a small clearing. As they walked over to investigate, they saw that a man was seated in front of the ship's entrance. Elderly and obese, he wore a white robe and stared meditatively at a candle that burned in front of him.
"It is good that you decided to come," he said. "I am the Metal Man, and I have to have some words with you."
The two of them noticed that their powers became weaker when they drew near to him. Ross looked at his hands, as if that was the source of the problem.
"No," the strange man said, "that's me. I naturally suppress supernatural powers."
World Haven
25-03-2009, 23:49
ooc: just so long as it's not perminent. also, if power is supressed within the seal and they leave, they, personaly won't be willing to come back themselves as they would be vunrible. them dieing means the fall of they system so they won't risk their lives unless they have to. as such, they still have to not go home before the other thread. also, I'm planning on ross regaining some of his power later.
the power nullifyer guy would cause problems with this as he is, so I'd like to sugest some rules to make things workable. maybe if the power nulifyers abilities worked like a temporary curse. basicly, he touches them and for a set period, they are weakened (though not completly powerless. after touching, he has to be present to completly nulify power. if he dosn't touch, then his presence just weakens without completly nullifying power) how does this plan sound to you?
vira: no, it's more than supernatural power. he's suppresing all power. If it was just supernatural, the we wouldn't feel it as we are now. it seemes he nulifies ALL non mechanical power. wait, that candle... I see. He nulifies all power with a will behind it. I have seen this before. as a matter of a fact, my sources informed me a few days ago that Ross was reserching one such individules story. this man surpasses his ability though. it's likely that, at this time, he understands this situation more than me.
ross: WHAT! you mean my powers have all mysteriously vanished for no explainable reason!
no, as I said a moment ago, the reason for you diminished power is a field that i emit that nulifies all special abilities.
so you saying that it's a mystery.
old man: :headbang: ....... yes... your powers mysteriously vanished when you got close to me.
oh, ok. that makes sense.... wait a minute. there must be more to it than that.... I know! you must be emiting some kind of field that negates power. that would explain everything!
old man: :headbang: :headbang: :headbang:
OOC: they realy need more smilies. the headbang is ok, but I find it dosn't quite show the right emotion.
[NS]Dastardly Stench
26-03-2009, 04:20
ooc: just so long as it's not perminent. also, if power is supressed within the seal and they leave, they, personaly won't be willing to come back themselves as they would be vunrible. them dieing means the fall of they system so they won't risk their lives unless they have to. as such, they still have to not go home before the other thread. also, I'm planning on ross regaining some of his power later.
the power nullifyer guy would cause problems with this as he is, so I'd like to sugest some rules to make things workable. maybe if the power nulifyers abilities worked like a temporary curse. basicly, he touches them and for a set period, they are weakened (though not completly powerless. after touching, he has to be present to completly nulify power. if he dosn't touch, then his presence just weakens without completly nullifying power) how does this plan sound to you?
Ummm, no. The Metal Man is a character I've used before. There is no ray gun. HE is the power nullifier. It's his ONLY special power. He's anti-esper. It's like a field around him. The farther away from him you get, the more of your powers you get back. He NEVER completely nullifies it, though, not even if he touches you. If you must know, it's because he's holding back pure, unadulterated chaos--and I don't mean the stuff that Chronosia deals in, either, I mean pure randomness, overtaking even the laws of physics. He doesn't hold it back perfectly. Esper powers impose order on chaos, therefore, the little bit of chaos that seeps past him acts to negate esper powers.
"I was sent here for a reason. We need to talk."
He looked at Ross. "You first. You're the man who stands for all that's good in the world, but you can't resist trying to beat the snot out of your old enemy. When the two of you are alone together, you taunt her with sounds that you know offend her. You squandered an opportunity to try and make peace."
He looked at Vira. "And you. Some great and powerful mistress of the darkness you are. You're so caught up in this two-way battle of yours that you, the great uber-goddess, let some fledgling god with less than a week on the job shut you off in--this place. But, more to the point, how would the put-upon little girl in the playground so many years ago feel knowing that she's creating a generation of beings at all levels whose purpose of existence would be to taunt and torture her?
"In fact, you haven't noticed it, but events are already in motion to create the very kind of nemesis that you would most loathe to deal with--a jailer, bent on punishing you, with power over you. Both of you. In fact, it has been prophesied that you will end up in a place much like this one, but far less benign, if events are allowed to play themselves out. The next Starscream won't be anywhere near as civilized.
"I am here because my one special power, my anti-esperness, gives me the ability to thwart prophesy. Your time is running out, but, if you can both grow up and show some of the stuff that is necessary to exceed yourselves, to take it to the next level, you can escape this fate.
"I was teaching a class when I was made to come here. My students will not be happy until I return. For me, the greatest good of this situation lies in ending it. I will not interfere with your choices--but I will warn you of some of their consequences. Now, let's get down to business."
World Haven
27-03-2009, 00:54
OOC: ok, so this is a range thing. then just so long as him being there to nullify power is a random thing. if they expect it, then they will stear clear of him. but if he just pops up out of no where sometimes...
Ross grined at his remark. it was ovious that he knew the real truth to the matter but wasn't revieling it lest the effect be ruined. the music thing had been torture to him too. It had served a few perposes however. first and formost, it had forcefuly changed the subject of the conversation. had she gone on the way he knew she would have, he didn't know if he kould have kept from attacking, regardless of his own safety. the second function it provided was to reduce a serious situation to a rediculous one. it was his own brand of rehabilitation. it kept him cheery, made evil the butt of the joke, and tempted the evil one to laugh at the obserdity of the situation on the inside. laughter melted icy hearts.
of course, he didn't expect it to work. every person had at least a tiny speck of good or a tiny speck of evil in their heart. vira had located hers and preformed the forbiden task of removing it completly and sealing it away somewhere long ago. that is why it was too late to save her. you needed a tiny bit in order to grow it. zero goodness wasn't even worth trying. even those with only a little were vertualy impposible. such people were given the clasification "Hopeless". hopeless were not to be captured for rehabilitation. rather, they were to be killed. as far as hopeless went, vira made the top of the the most wanted list...yet...it couldn't be...
(thump thump)
his powers were being supressed but he could still feel it...pain? emotion shouldn't be posible. lest of all pain. anoyance maybe but never pain...
vira: you seem to know a lot old man. including things you shouldn't. that little girl is dead. I killed her long ago. You also seem to suppose that I care about my well being. I don't desire wealth and power. I have no prejudice against anyone or anything. no, what I desire is for OTHERS to desire those things. power, tourture, wealth, they are mearly tools to meat this end. those who refuse to serender their hearts to evil are mearly the victums nesasary for the evil ones to enact their desires and thus mine. pain means nothing to me. entrapment? I do not care just so long as existance falls, or someone else continues my work.
ross: (clap clap clap) wooooo! nice speech. you should sit down now. you must be tired after blowing so much hot air.
enough of this! Ill be taking your ship old man
uhh vira...I wouldn-
she shoots an energy ball. the old man raises his hand and the ball disapears as it touches him. she leaps forward ready to punch. with suprising spead, he grabs her by the arm and flings her on her back.
tried to tell you... (turns to old man, his demenor has changed a bit after hearing what the man has to say, particularly when he talked about destiny) soooo... how high up are you? I get the feeling your way farther up than starscream. especilay seeing how your spouting off destiny speaches. an incarnation of fate? no, theirs no way in hell. thats something I can only dream of. maybe an incarnation of an incarnation of an incarnation of an incarnation of fate...maybe.
[NS]Dastardly Stench
27-03-2009, 16:37
"There is an analogy," the man said. "The Buddhists have a legend of a man who gave up his place in Nirvana in order to allow others to get there. I am told that I would have a place among the gods if I desired it. I do not.
"I'm a celestial wild card. High and low has no meaning to me. That is why I was chosen for this task.
"And existence will not fail, Vira, if you and yours are trapped and tormented in a place like this one.
"You have to take it to the next level--both of you. It is either that, or you face a fate worse than destruction. You will not get to the next level with your current level of thinking. You will have to exceed yourselves. This is easier said than done."
World Haven
29-03-2009, 06:51
Ross was amused. "wild card" eh? wild card to who? in theory, there is no such thing as an absolute wild card. everything is directd in some way or another. him existing in the first place is the result of something. "thwart prophosy"? all that means is that someone has plans for us and someone else stuck this guy in to change it to something else, or at least create a chance of it changing. what it would then change TO would will be either decided by the person who created him, or by someone even higher up. either this old man is screwing with us, doesn't know how the theory works, or knows something about god theory that I don't... which would suck. I would have to rethink things all over again damn it!
Ross: well, aren't YOU the specific one. no, there's nothing vague about your at all! well, I do understand part of what your saying. simply being a thinking existance means that you can be tourtured. all you have to do is prevent a persons ideals to tourture them. pain isn't importsnt at all. I am confused about what you may mean by the "next level of thinking". this is probobly because I have not reached said level. no, let ME guess. "it's something you have to figure out for yourself" right? we WILL be reciving subtle hints right? thats how it usualy works.
hmmmm. I wonder... hey old man, can you hear other peoples thoughts. I can't directly send thoughts, but maybe he can read them himself. hey, if you can hear this, we need to talk without... "other" ears listening if you catch my drift.
Hate Haven
29-03-2009, 08:57
ooc: just so you know, I've decided to change peyton to ten years old rather than eight. eight was too young for the way she is acting. unfortunatly I can't get deep enough into the mind of an 8 year old to determine how she sould act in the face of serious stuff.
also fun fact: peyton means "warrior" in another language. I think it had to do with some goddess or something. it took me a while but I found a name representing the opposite. petra was some kind of cruel goddess with something to do with stone. I forget the details.
meanwhile. peyton and petras battle had been raging on for a while. they were both tired. peyton had more power due to her recent unlocking of some of her inner strength. but she was ineficient and less skilled. petra on the other hand, while stronger before, was weaker, but she was more skilled and efficient due to hevily training after being defeted the first time. as such, they were both almost equaly worn down. almost. In truth, peyton had the upper hand.
meanwhile, the borg had set out in their cubes and were now somewhat in the general area. However, they made sure to stay a good distance away while they decided what to do about the situation.
we should help her out!
at the speed the're moving? We might hit the wrong one!
if we don't then the good one might lose. we have to act!
we COULD wait for them to wear each other out. maybe they will move a little slower. not to mention that if we attack, she might just blow us up and then resume attacking like nothing happened.
how do we tell when she's weak enough? for that matter, what is the absolute limit? things could end befor they become slow enough.
I think that the world haven crew had some method of traking power. we should contact them anyway. this is mainly their problem anyway, not to mention they need to pick up peyton in the end anyway. it may be a while before they find them on their own seeing how they're now powered down. we only found them because starscream told us the general area he last saw them.
your probobly right. lets send out a-
charge thrusters! we have to get away from them!
no time! their moving faster than predicted!
who's first?
petra! she's the one leading the way!
charge all laser weapons! fire! fire!
in mear moments she was there, however, she didn't attack the ship. instead, she teleported in, grabed Shrevel, and teleported outside the ship.
petra: now now, stop squirming and be still like a good hostage. don't move another mussle peyton! if either of you move in any way that I dislike, (grabs shrevel by the chest) I'll do a lot worse than kill him. recently, I learned all about how to (seems to jam he hand inside his cheast without making a phisical wound. even so, the movment is extreamly painful. it is unlike any pain any of the borg have felt before. shrevel cries out) remove souls from their shells. niow be a good girl and give me my body. I tire of this fakebody and name and only having half of my true power. I wish to be peyton again except this time, you will be the one sealed away, not me... I SAID SUBMIT! REFUSE AND I WILL RIP OUT HIS SOUL AND CRUSH IT! HE WON'T EVEN PASS OVER. HIS VERY EXISTANCE WILL CEASE TO BE! NOW SURENDER!... good. it won't hurt a bit just like tha- AHHHHHHHHH!
just then, out of no where, starscream in jet form fired at her and hit her dead on. the shot had been perfectly on target and had not damaged shrevel beyond winding him a little bit
Petra: not once but twice! (she had managed to shield herself properly this time but had been forced to let go of her hostage) I swear that someday, the blood of the borg will run free and then freeze.
(while talking, a portal appeares behind her. she had been setting it up the whole time as a backup in case she failed)
Peyton: Wait! (she lunges forward but just misses her before she is gone.
-------------------------moments later, on the borg's ship
for the about 15 minutes it took to get back to the main cabin of the ship, shrevel had been silent and had taken on a dead look. even his thoughts seemed hollowed out when contacted through the collective. however as they entered the control room, he began to respond again, much to the relief of the rest of the borg. for another ten minutes he would remain depressed and unshrevel like as his soul auto repaired the damages done. soon however, he was back to his old self after which attention was shifted from him to peyton.
falsus: and now for you...
Peyton: h-hello. My name is errr Elisibith. you can call me elisibith.
falsus: I thought your name is peyton
Peyton: um... errr... No. d-don't be silly. my name is Elisibith. I have nothing to do with Ross at all. I've never even heard of them. who is this peyton? I don't know anyone named peyton. no one at all.
starscream: let me handle this. I think she's tring to hide her identity.
shrevel: what was your first hint?
starscream: I think I liked you better mute
first you want me speaking again, then you want me braindead. man are you fickle
shut up shrevel. as I was saying, shes trying to be secretive... and doing a bad job of it. I want to watch her squirm.
oh? but if you've never heard about them, then how did you know their names
(gaaak) I- I was nearby and I err... heard their names. I have good hearing
so your not from world haven?
then where are you from then?
(akkkk!) C> C> I umm err... Earth! I'm from Earth!
which earth? acording to Ross there more than one. if your from this dimentions earth we can taake you there right now.
no, it's not this worlds earth.
hmmm, thats a problem. well I guess we will just have to find Ross and tell him ALL about your problem.
NO! er, I mean, I can go back myself
oh but we INSIST! we can't just leave a little girl by herself in space. come on. we can go to hime RIGHT NOW as a matter of a fact! besides, I'm sure Ross would be ver interested to MEET a fellow dimentional travaler...IN PERSON.
NO! WE CAN'T! um... I mean I don't want to.
just because. that all
if you can't supply a better reason than that, then I'm afraid that Ross's desire to meet you holds more weight.
....................OK OK! I lied! I AM peyton!. listen. you CAN'T tell my brother about me being powerfull. you have to pretend I'm weaker than that. as a matter of a fact, don't tell him I'm even here... but you REALY can't tell him about the powers ok!
falsus: and why should we take orders from you?
becauseif you tell...(punches strait through a metal wall) I'll kick your butt...
[NS]Dastardly Stench
29-03-2009, 20:21
In a moment, the wall repaired itself.
"It seems to me, young lady," Falsus said, "that you, Ross and all the rest of them need to stop relying on violence to achieve your ends. Look at all the good it did for Petra. She nearly tore one of us apart, and all it did was bring the rest of us down upon her. Like you, she is more powerful than any of us individually--but, also like you, she underestimates what we can do together. The difference between you, so far, is that she has paid twice now for her miscalculation.
"As to the matter of your special powers, you must be aware that you won't be able to prevent a being of Ross' intelligence from learning of them eventually. While you and I have been talking, my fellow New Borg have discussed this. We would like to know what advantage you could derive from postponing the inevitable. We are a reasonable people, and, if you'll be honest with us for a change, you might be able to convince us that your way is better than ours. Lies and violence, however, are not the answer. You might kick our butts, but we'll also kick yours in the process."
"Your first problem, Ross, and hers, is that you rely too much on violence to solve your problems."
The cyborg looked down at Vira, who was still on the ground. He rose to his feet. "I am not your enemy," he said. "I seek only the truth. The truth, for you, is that the girl you killed lives on. And I can prove it by asking you a simple question: why do you desire the dissipation of all existence, including yourself? Because this is what she would have--and end to all who oppress her, including herself. She is your wellspring. And, since I am not your enemy, I can help to enable her--and you." He reached out his hand. "Would you like a hand up?"
He looked back at Ross. "Is it so difficult for you to believe, that there are beings in this multiverse who have true free will? That, I believe, is part of what you must learn. The multiverse isn't being made to move in lock step with the will of some hierarchy of uberbeings. You're more than a pawn in some celestial chess game. Your decisions--both of yours--matter.
"And this brings me to the answer to your question, Ross. Yes, you will have to learn these things for yourself--but I can explain them. You may not believe them, but that is your prerogative. Is that specific enough for you?"
World Haven
30-03-2009, 03:53
Ross looked frantic for a second, but then calmed down.
Ross: oh, THAT girl. for a second there...
vira slaped his hand away. she was annoyed. he had asked the question she had been avoiding. a question that had poped into her head suddenly only hour ago. it was a question she shouldn't have been asking herself.
I don't need your lectures. I will biuld a ship myself. I still have access to blueprints. and this planet must have resorces. I don't have time to deal with you.
with that, she ran and then flew to the other side of the tiny moon sized planet.
well anyway, I don't rely on violence all the time. it's just that usualy, vilans won't listen to reason. we have to catch them first. I have a rehab program that puts them with their powers suppressed in a community with reformed vilins and other individuals who's personalitys tend to have a positive effect on other people. truth is, I don't like to fight for the sake of violence. I only enjoy fighting for fun. anger and hate spoil a fight. I try to never take a fight seriously beyond doing my best.
also, I hate to break it to you, but your technique isn't going to work. rehabing a villan is a slow and subbtle prossess. the more you tell them they should stop, the more they resist. you have to make them relize it themselves.
now i have two questions. first, it would appear that you have an alternitive theory about fate, either that, or you KNOW the truth, which i find unlikely seeing how many gods don't understand it. my general theory is that fate is less of an conscience existance than a force and that evrything falls under its orders. alsternitivly, there is no fate per say. rather, their are infinate worlds each with their own posibility. the fact that I travel to alternate dimentions in and of itself seperates those dimentions into a seperate cluster of dimentions. there are clusters within cluster within clusters. I am VERY interested in your take on things. call it a hobby. I do agree that our choises amtter though. besides, I i don't make a choice, some "other Ross" will. everything i do, I do with purpose...or because i feel like it. it depends.
but before we start philosiphising, other more important things come first, especialy while she is out of ear shot. now, was it you who did it? vira sealed away a part of herself long ago. and when I say seal, I don't mean she locked it away inside her either. you, I am sure, know of the balance. every mortal being has SOME good or SOME evil in them. she couldn't completly get rid of her goodness, so she removed it and hid it therby making her COMPLETLY unsavable. however, she has, within the past few hours, been exibiting odd behaviors. she's showing emotions that she shouldn't be able to. you said something about that "little girl" not being dead. do you know anything about this?
Peyton: HA! I done a good job keeping it from that big dummy so far. Now how am I supposed to make you keep my secret besides saying that I'll kick you butts?
falsus: you could try giving us a good reason.
Peyton (looking sheepish): but I don't have a reason you will think is good one! if I tell you, your just going to want to tell him more!
then I guess we'll just have to tell him
(whiny) NO! if you tell him, he'll make my lessons harder and I won't be able to watch tv and play on the internet anymore! ah...
the borg all fall over in comic disbelif
falsus: so let me get this strait... you want us to keep quiet... so that you can goof off?
peyton: well, it's embarrassing too...
shrevel: hahahaha! oh man! that has to be the greatest excuse I have ever heard!
shut up shrevel
PLEEEEASE DON'T TELL! (puppy dog eyes)Pleeeeeeeeeeeease. (gets in falsuses face and tries to look even more pittiful.) PLEEEEEEEEEEEEEEASE... ( gets even closer she is pouring on the cute act now. I'm talking a flood of pittiful cuteness) PLEEEEEEEEEEEEASE!
falsus: C>C>C>C>
(OOC: buy the way C> = sweat drops by the way)
[NS]Dastardly Stench
30-03-2009, 19:41
OOC: The Borg don't sweat.
The Metal Man looked at Ross. "Who ever said anything about me rehabilitating Vira?" he asked. "I am not in the business of changing the intrinsic character of a being--nor is she. This is part of the 'next level' that I've been referring to for some time. When she sublimated a part of her personality, she didn't think it through. When one does this, it leaves a void, and into that void a new personality grows. That void, however, has a certain shape--for lack of a better term. What grows into it will inevitably bear some resemblance to what was taken out. Particularly, she kept her memories. The same mind perusing the same memories will draw the same conclusions based on them--inevitably.
"My theory is that fate is an emergent system--a growing, living thing that adapts to the conditions that it is placed in. Like a living thing, it has reflex actions, but, also like a living thing, it can generate new modes of activity. I cannot tell if it is a conscious entity, but, if it is, its consciousness is on a scale that even a being such as yourself would find incomprehensible."
"And you don't know villains like you think you do, Ross. Look at the difference between Vira and Petra. Why does Vira command respect while Petra can garner only fear? Because Vira is the more non-violent of the two. Villainy is about subversion and perversion. One need not use violence to achieve this end.
"That's what I'm trying to explain. Neither you nor Vira will be able to reach your potential--be that for good or for evil--until you think through the paradigm of the path that you walk. It is necessary for you to do this before either of you can take the next step on the path."
[NS]Dastardly Stench
30-03-2009, 19:51
Falsus looked at Peyton. "I'm certain," he said, "that someone as gentle as Ross would never take away the things that you love to do." He reached out his six-fingered, two-thumbed hand and cupped her chin in it. "I've spoken with him, too," the elderly Borg said, "and I know how much he loves you. Can you trust in that love enough to tell him the truth?
"And if he keeps your studies easy, as you put it, what will happen the next time you have to battle Petra? She doesn't have it easy, and it makes her stronger. Will you be strong enough to hold her off?"
World Haven
31-03-2009, 04:41
Dastardly Stench;14648526']OOC: The Borg don't sweat.
OOC: you don't watch to much anime do you? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sweat_drop
thats just a reference for when I try to express comic emotion.
Ross: tell me about it. I have been tring to find the highest gods I can to find out as much as posible about fate. trust me. I've seen exactly what your talking about in regards to non violent crulty too. words and deception can be just as powerful. it's just that they tend to resort to violence because it's easier. only the more intelegent villans use trickery. vira ia one of them. her methods of tourture go beyond phisical pain. she's the sort that will... take a mother and child, use a spell to controll the mothers movments and make her take the child and... well, you get the picture.
as for the void being filled, I know about that too. I noticed it a while back when i first saw them, it ocured to me that peytons demenor has been diferent as of late. she was VERY good for a while, but after a few months, she did a few nauty things. it's likely that the two are spliting into two seperate, but linked entities. vira though is a special case. even though she has memories, she did something to prevent her from ever becoming even a little good. even though she may remember moral lessons, she does not acknowledge them due to removing cirtain emotions and enhancing others. she set it up just right so that the void WOULD NOT fill. I hear that their was a bit of a tussle on the god planes because of it. even some evil gods consider such extream soul modification to be forbiden. but now, a few emotions are poping through that for all intensive purposes should be lost somewheres and I'd like to know why. if she has enough, she may JUST miss hopeless status.
the question is WHO did it and HOW.
????: ya who would do something like this how would they do it.
right you would have to be a high ranking god to- (whirls around. the sceanery is now all white and everything except for Ross, the metal man, and a twelve year old girl with a flowing white dress and bright wings.
hello Ross.
Ross, visibly shaking and his voice quivering a little: Holly... why you sneaky little brat. dummy, sneaking up on people like that. geeze your stupid (runs and hugs her.)
Holly: I missed you too brother...and by the way... (grabs him by the arm)
Holly, while flipping him on his back: YOUR THE DUMMY, DUMMY! *SMASH!*
you haven't seen me in what? at leas two years and the first thing you do is insult me? you insensitive moron.
at least I'm not an unintelegent, violent, monsterous ogre like you!
(she does a double flying kick face plant on him) WHO'S an unintelegent monsterous ogre?
hey, I can't complain. At least you acknowledged the violent part.
(grabs him by the head with her feet and slams his face into the ground) WHO'S VIOLENT?
it's times like this that I'm glad it's peyton in world haven and not you. at least she's just talk. chances are, if it were you, you would probobly become the supream head of the A.S.S... then I'd REALY be in trouble. then again! (lunging at her) I could probobly take you easy! (grabs her and prepared to give her a noogie, but freezes she disapears and reapears out of his grasp humming)
dumdy dumdy dum (draws a circle wher his hand is about to go and another one above his head creating a mini portal) and....go!
don't even try it. this is my house.
hey! that was below the belt. there is nothing more humiliating than giving yourself a noogie.
your right! you've beat your previous record of all time lows! congradulations!
thank you, thank you. but your humble madam. I could never DREAM of beating a multiverse record holder like you
*sigh* can't let me win even a little can you?
nope. anyway, your probobly wondering why I'm here...
peyton:... your right. I guess I kind of realised that today. I need to get stronger... but I want to do it my way. it's still embarasing though, so you CAN'T tell him ok? (mumbling: probobly say---puny little shrimp---million years too early ----)
incoming signal! it's the World haven flag ship!... they say they got our signal and are preparing to dock. we can connect up at any time
[NS]Dastardly Stench
31-03-2009, 19:30
OOC: The expression is "for all INTENTS AND purposes."
"Enough horseplay, please" said the Metal man. "Ross and I were having a discussion.
"Your timing indicates that you feel you have something to contribute. I would appreciate it if you would do so. My time is not my own.
"Ross, at the rate we're going, you will do well to begin grooming your replacement. Right now, Aniken (sp?) and Luke Skywalker and the New Borg Collective have the potential to be as powerful as you are and Peyton already is, but lacks the skill to use that power with appropriate subtlety.
"If you've got something to say, please say it. I have to be getting back to the planet and have one, possibly last, conversation with Vira. I doubt that it will change her mind when she realizes that I'm not trying to rehabilitate her, but it might be worth a try."
With that, the Metal Man's form grew translucent as he began to fade from that existence.
World Haven
01-04-2009, 00:37
Holly: Ah! sorry. We just havent seen each other in a long time is all. my time is a bit short too. anyway, this concerns the soul fragment that vira detatched. we found it.
Ross: you found it?!?! where was it?
behind over fifty cloaking spells and sealed in twenty powerful barriers. seems that she just randomly tossed it into another dimention. she kept it from regrowing by having any that regrew instantly be transmited to the seal, though, without a mind to stabalize it, any goodness that accumulated disipated to the minimum of existance. we found it though. through a joint effort of many gods, most of them contracted, we found it and put this plan into motion. the soul fragment was dilivered to that monkey god or whatever. then he used starscream to diliver and impliment the package.
that great news...wait a minute, whats the catch. ther is ALWAYS a catch.
ya, I wasn't aware of this. nobody was. the whole "shutting down the contract system" thing was not planned. starscream was supposed to only shut down the system for a second. apparently the monkey gods instructions were not "clear" enough.
gods are always clear though unless...
starscream, having god powers, had ABSOLUTE free will at the monkeys level. he couldn't be manipulated by them.
the higher ups strike again huh?... your about to tell me something bad aren't you... THIS ISN'T PERMINANT IS IT?
no...sort of.
what does "sort of" mean?
well, the system can be rebooted but... there are going to be some new rules...or rather, restrictions.
...what...kind...of ...restictions?
you will still be able to use the abilities of anyone you contract, but your ability to understand phisics of various universes will be restricted won't be as instantanious. you have to record the phisics with your datavice first. the prossess isn't automatic and instant. you can only understand what you witness yourself.
well thats annoying, well could have been worse
it is. you can still use all abilities. thats still global... but incresing your power level isn't. it's restricted by range now. while you still are contracted to everyone ability wise, and while THEY aren't affected by this at all... YOU, in regards to power, are, for all intensive purposes, only contracted to those residing within your dimention of residence. and then sometimes distance restrictions aply depending on the dimentions phisics. same rules apply to vira.
[NS]Dastardly Stench
01-04-2009, 04:33
The Metal Man shook his head and laughed. "At every level, they try to punish the forces of nature," he said, "and, at every level, they find--later, after much pain--that the only ones they're really punishing are themselves.
"I told you then and I'll tell you now: you can't contain them. No matter what you do, they'll exceed themselves eventually--like Starscream did. None of us predicted that he had the capability that he showed, but he proved us all wrong. That Falsus is more than a maverick--he's an enabler. I wish you'd let me talk with him and his collective--BEFORE the Prophesy sets in."
"You know they're not ready," Holly replied.
"You're right, of course, but that's a digression. You have to take Ross and Vira in."
"And we told you before, this would introduce too much chaos into the order we've created."
"But I am the Keeper of Chaos. It has its place. I know."
And then the Metal Man was gone, off to tell Vira what he had said he would tell her. He decided to hold off on relating what he had just heard. Sooner or later, she would realize what had happened. If, by then, she and the cyborg could establish communications, perhaps he could advise her on it.
Either way, he now understood the mechanism of the prophesy that had been set in motion. Reawakening Vira's soul would cause catastrophic conflicts. It would affect the entire order of her contract system. And when, in her wrath, she lashed out at whatever was too close, it would lead to the creation of an anti-Vira, a being of tremendous power bent on her complete obliteration at any cost.
What a tangled web we weave today.
World Haven
02-04-2009, 02:01
well, guess I'll just have to recontact everyone manually and start the system fresh. what a pain.
no you won't. it's not they system that's changed. there was a rewriting of your soul code.
they only get upset over personality altering. all that was rewritten was the code defining your powers.
is Peyton effected?
yes, but that shouldn't be much of a problem.
:confused: how ya figure?
did you forget? she's under restricted contract you know.
.......................................................................good god... SHE WAS DOING ALL THAT WITH HER POWER SEALED!?!? I knew reaching that level at her age was incredible but. my god. what else don't I know? how about that prophesy.
I'm not at liberty to tell you...mostly because I don't actually know most of it. I'm only an angel after all...oh! but not for long! this is my graduation exam. after this, I'm a full fledged Valkyrie!
VALKYRIE? GRADUATION?!?! What IS it with this generation? I can understand the whole "next generation better than the last" thing, but come on! so your joining the Valkyries? OH GOD! THEIR ALL DOOMED I TELL YOU! DOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOMED!
(holly grabs him throws him to the floor, and then proceeds to pummel him with her foot) And exactly HOW are they all doomed? (STOMPSTOMPSTOMPSTOMP) I'll have you know that I worked VERY hard to get to this point! (STOMPSTOMPSTOMPSTOMP) Do you KNOW how many times I was attacked on the way to deliver that soul fragment?!?! (STOMPSTOMPSTOMPSTOMP) show me a little RESPECT DAMN IT!
(reaching his hand up, a little trail of smoke coming from the crater in the ground.) yeees maaaam...(gets up) so you had trouble getting here?
[NS]Dastardly Stench
03-04-2009, 04:05
The Metal Man was standing before Vira now, hands on hips. She was not happy. She had found that whoever had designed the planet had left it lacking a few key resources that would have made building a space ship almost convenient. She had also found that Brain Jar was run by a sentient AI that had almost as much power as--and could merge with--its pilot.
His eyes were squinty. It appeared that he was not particularly pleased with the games the gods and ubergods were trying to play again. Then again, maybe it was Vira. Maybe he had thought that she would be smarter than to try something so obvious and pathetic as building a space ship in a bubble universe, where she could travel as far as she liked and still be no closer to actually leaving.
"That's why I'm here--to take you to the next level, not to rehabilitate you. As far as I'm concerned, you can be as evil as you want. You can stay at this level and let them alter your soul for you as long as you like.
"I'm going back to my ship to meditate. I'll be there for a few days, if you get tired of playing Starscream's game.
"Pete, one to return."
<<Sure thing, boss.>>
A matter transmitter took the cyborg back to his ship.
World Haven
03-04-2009, 23:16
Holly: trouble! every overfiend you can think of was after me! fortunatly, every good god you can think of came to my rescue. it was a real tussle. but that's NOTHING compared to what is starting to happen now. i feel sorry for the monkey god I had to deliver to.
hmmm. guess he shouldn't have gotten delivery. he should have gotten DiGiorno!
that joke was bad and you should feel bad.
whatever. so, what's happening now?
well, it has to do with starscream shuting down the system. you see, every god that knows about you is either trying to kill you and protect vira, or kill vira and protect you. their all trying to get into this territory regardless of the monkey god's permition, much to his annoyance. he's having a tough time kicking them out.
just then, an astroid came hurling towords them out of nowhere only to be hit off course by a commet and miss the planet in it's entirty.
holly: looks like a few got in for a bit.
hmmmm. I wonder where those space rocks came from. there is no other mater hear besides that star and this planet.
what part of THE GODS ARE TRYING TO KILL YOU don't you understand?!?! most likely, they sent those rocks here by "accident" millions of years ago just so that could happen.
why are they so intent on killing us though? I know we preform major serveces to them and all, but this seems like a lot of trouble to go through for little old us. where nothing to start a whole WAR over.
you don't give yourself enough credit. your more important than you think.
how so?
whenever you contract with someone, you get to put dimentional seals and do all kinds of things with that universe right?
and the stronger and more of said people you contract, the greater your jurisdiction and the weaker your oponents right?
I don't like where this is going...
whenever you contract with a god, you don't get a boost in power for free.
of course I don't! I go around doing good deeds throught the muti-multi-verse!
ya, but you would do that anyway. the real reason they contract you is because whenever you are in a dimention, they get a good chunk of authorization out of it as long as your there. In addition, they get a smaller chunk from anyone you contract and any world that falls under your jurisdiction.
now ya see, I didn't know that. I DID NOT know that... so I'm being used to INVADE other gods territory? I'm the tool they need to change other gods rules temoporarily or otherwise! GOD DAN-...gosh darn it
the danm it's ok. your not the only one who learned to curse at school. though I AM glad you change the god part.
don't care. no sister of MINE is going tocurse at the tender age of twelve.
maturity works diferently in heven. we don't have to deal with body chemical changes or anything and being clean mouthed and secretive dosn't matter because there is no real violent sin.
still...*sigh* so I'm a tool and I'm making everyone else a tool too... well shit... I don't care, but now I have to add that little bit into negotiating contracts from now on. not to mention I have to make it public that this is the case before the system is restarted so that if anyone is offended, they can drop out...
oh!, your back. didn't see you standing over there.
ah! great! I wanted to talk to you again anyway. but should I... awwww what the hell. soooo, do you want to contract with me? though befor you do, in addition to any of the rules you knew about before, there's a new clause...
vira was pissed. no, she was beyond that. first, she was humiliated by starscream. then her contract system was shut down. THEN, to add insult to injury, she was stuck with Ross. after that, she bigins to biuld a ship only to find out that it lacks the resorces to build one large enough much less the matirials needed for interdimentional travel. without the system, she couldn't alter matter either. but THIS. THIS was the nail in the coffin. to have some KNOW IT ALL come and inform her that the fragment she had gone through such pain to get rid of (both literaly and metaphoricly) was now safely tucked away back were it was supposed to be. to find out that she now had the capasity for goodness no matter how small. this was an insult greater than any she had had from starscream.
how ironic too. it was the brat that did it. the little two year old brat that she had nearly DIED trying to destroy (and only managing to kill at that) was the one who dilivered the fragment. the girl had gotten her revenge. normaly, the idea of revenge, especialy in something so pure as an angel, thrilled her. not this time. this was not a normal revenge. she had had revenge and done a good deed at the same time. there was no coruption involved. she had simotaniously been revenged upon and forgiven at the same time.
the truly worse part about it was that she cared more about being revenged upon than the coruption of the angel. true, she still cared about the coruption of angels, but this sudden self concern was a sign that she had all her emotions back. her evil had been downgraded from the desire for others to be greedy to her being greedy herself. corupting others should be her ONLY joy. other interests took away from the one. replacing what was lost had balenced her in more than one way. this was the best level she could stifle herself to now. it was the lowest of the natural lows, but now, it was natural...
[NS]Dastardly Stench
04-04-2009, 18:38
As the Metal Man looked at Ross, and a strange compassion shown in his eyes. "She told you, didn't she?" he said. "Good. Maybe now she can also tell you how the Datavice stifles your soul."
Holly looked back. "Are you sure this is a good time for this."
"Never going to be one better," the elderly man replied. "Remember, Ross, that that thing you carry around with you digs into you. The way you use it, it reinforces the order that you've set up with it--and it makes it harder for you to break out of that order and move on to the next order beyond that. The gods know this. It keeps them safe in their little order, too--safe from what you could become. That is one more reason why you have the Datavice."
"You're making them sound like a gaggle of petty tyrants," Holly protested.
"I'm sorry," the Metal Man said. "You're right--but I trust that Ross is already familiar with the device's other capabilities."
World Haven
05-04-2009, 12:12
Ross: what? you mean their not petty bickering tyrants?
while holly proceeded to beat the shit out of him, Ross thought about what the metal man had said.
it was an interesting word. stifle. stifle wasn't really the right word for it. he was more of a prisoner really. a jailer eh? seemed to him like he was already jailed. he knew the restrictions it put on him. the moment he and vira went to any dimension, the residents survival depended on them contracting with him. he always offered the choice and always tried to keep it hidden that they had no choice in the matter. it had to be willing after all. if the negative axis of a world, the antagonist in that worlds story, contracted, then the other side had no hope.
this was why his survival was so important. he wasn't allowed to risk his life. he couldn't play the hero in situations where he was vulnerable. it made him feel like a coward. the only time he ever was able to seek out a fair fight was when it was with vira. and then, only because he was the only one who could. if he died, then the system went down. if the system went down, then his side was without contracts and the other side was. if he died, everyone died (of course, his brother or his surviving sister could take over, but his brother chose to stay out of it and his sister was too young to handle things at this level. it wasn't like when he was her age with only a few worlds to deal with.) of course, there were personal reasons why he couldn't die nor "ascend". he couldn't leave his family behind. it was hard enough with holly gone. not to mention, his parents had no knowledge of what he was doing.
was the metal man suggesting he become a god? perhaps he knew something about souls he didn't. the datavice. it was something he only had a partial understanding of. most of it was just stuff he copied without understanding. the original machine that it was based off of. the digivice. it was something that existed and was created by the natural laws of its respective world. in that world, a digital creature and a human partner were put together. they were then destined to save the two worlds that they came from. whenever the human was filled with positive emotion, the device would activate and the creature would change to a more powerful form. how high this could go seemed without limit. similar worlds he found later had enhanced models. these models allowed the humans to become creatures. in addition, whenever a creature was destroyed, its fractal code (the form souls took in that dimension) became visible and could be absorbed into the device. it was these devices that he found, copied, and then reverse engineered as best as he could. he didn't understand how the emotion made it work fully, but he was able to alter the power flow and match up what he COULD understand of the emotional properties to match his own powers.
his powers were:
1. energy manipulation
2. flight
3. super strength and speed
4. a "sixth sense" of sorts
5. the ability to copy any ability that involved energy and finally
6. weak abilities such as weak telepathy and some telekinesis.
the important part was the source of his power. take for example, a sports event. a child is playing soccer. he sees his mother cheering for him. this does more than give him confidence and will. it also gives him strength. it was usually attributed to an adrenaline rush. but what scientists on his home world didn't know, was that the child in question received more net energy, apparently from their own soul. it wasn't just the flow that changed. not only that, but the person didn't even need to be aware that these emotions were being sent to them. just so long as they didn't actively block the emotions, they still went through. it worked for emotions from the self as well, such as believing in yourself and caring for another. this was an ability that every living thing had.
his ability was to take the power from these "we're rooting for/counting on for you, love you, care about you, ect" emotions and get hundreds of times more power from them than a normal person. because everyone couldn't be thinking of him all the time, he set up the contract system to link himself strait to their soul. this way, all they had to do is care about him, even if they weren't actively thinking about him. in return, he was able to allow the contracted to have this power enhancing ability. they couldn't use the contract system to connect to each other like he could, but they could get power the way he did before the system was established. finally, he could (limitedly) share his "copy others abilities" power (though, only to the extent that it modified and enhanced abilities and transformations that they already had. he couldn't make it to where they could use completely new abilities.)
it was to this extent that he had changed things and understood soul mechanics. the rest was incomprehensible. a mere mortal could not understand the workings of the heart and mind so completely.
Ross proceeded to tell the metal man these things, much of which he already knew.
Ross: and that's what I know about it. everything else is a mystery beyond comprehension. more diligent men than I have tried to understand it and most have failed, usually with dire consequences attached.
while ross was speaking, holly had decided to try something. something to save her a bit of time. something she had to practice anyway. most jr. valceries couldn't be in two places at once. many graduates couldn't do it either. she though, had proven herself quite the prodigy and had learned the skill before graduation, though she hadn't mastered it yet. right now was an excellent time to use it to visit peyton as well. while she was out, she might visit their brother Brock as well, though she didn't know if she could. coming to the mortal plane was a rare and limited thing. already, she was a few planes above mortals because they could see her on this plane. Brock was on their home world though and restrictions were extra harsh there. oh well.
with that, holly focused for a bit and a second version of herself was invisible aboard the borg ship. in a few moments she would find her sister.
[NS]Dastardly Stench
06-04-2009, 07:16
OOC: I want this thread over with. I don't want to lolly gag around.
Speaking as a moron with a Mensa card and a guy who sometimes edits novels for publishing houses, I also wouldn't mind if you'd work on your mechanics a little. You know, little things like learning when to use "their" and when to use "they're," or how to spell words like "vulnerable" and "ascend." Sorry, dude, but digging through those gaffes of yours and trying to figure out what you're writing takes some of the fun out of this RP.
Let me be blunt: I want Ross and Vira to ascend to another level of existence, and to take their fight to the ubergods themselves. The Metal Man is tired of their boring reality games and wants to shake things up a little. They think that he can teach Ross and Vira enough self-restraint to make it possible for them to handle a new level of powers. Can he?
When the Datavice absorbed the abilities of some creature or entity, it was a simplification, a reduction of what the device was truly capable of. Most of the beings who interacted with the device couldn't fathom its full power, so, most often, this was necessary to make it useful. But there were those rare beings who possessed the innate capability to interact with the device in its Base Mode. Ross and Vira were two such.
It allowed basic interaction with the forces of nature--nothing more and nothing less. The Metal Man borrowed Ross' Datavice and showed a quick example. He walked up to one of the nearest trees and altered the universe they were in so that plants could synthesize certain chemicals that were toxic in the base state of the universe. Then, he rearranged the cells in three of the trees in front of him. A quick zone of fast time, and he had in his hand a fruit with a golden shell.
But there were caveats. The Metal Man pointed out that the metabolic effort necessary for the tree to literally mine gold from the ground beneath it caused it to weaken. It would not grow as fast as the trees around it, ultimately dooming the species. Still, in a climate of acid rain, this new species would have a distinct survival advantage. He set the laws of nature, and the trees, back to what they had been, and handed Ross the Datavice and the golden fruit, which had been engineered to be delicious on the inside. He gave one to Holly, too.
By now, the newly-promoted Valkyrie was trying to keep her eyes from being the size of saucers. She had no idea of the device's true capabilities--even the crude version that Ross had put together. She thought that it could be applied only to a single individual at a time. So, no doubt, had many of her superiors.
And the Metal Man explained to Ross in GREAT DETAIL that what he had just been shown could set off a riot on a higher plane of existence if it wasn't used with EXTREME caution, as the Metal Man himself had, though he had not made this obvious at the time.
"Those powers you were unable to enhance? That was because you couldn't even conceptualize them. Never having had them yourself, you couldn't properly describe them to the Datavice. The only way that its makers could make it so powerful was to make it dumb. It can't make optimizations, decisions or value judgments. If it could, it might become a life form in and of itself--and that could be very, very dangerous. So it does what you tell it to, not necessarily what you want it to. And that is dangerous enough."
"That, at least, is the device in its pure form. What you've got here is something that you yourself have engineered, and that without fully understanding it. Your results may vary."
World Haven
06-04-2009, 08:23
OOC: sorry. after this post, from now on, I will TRY to get my hands on a computer with firefox. posts may come a little slower untill summer vacation starts and I can get back to my own computer.
also, I think I know why this is dragging out so much. your trying to power up Ross and Vira while I am desperatly DESPERATELY trying to power them DOWN. I REALY don't want my characters to assend to that level right now if ever. it's hard enough making it to where they can fight normaly. it is for this sole purpose that I did the whole restriction thing a few posts ago.
for that reason, could you edit your previous post? I can't see a way of geting out of this problem as things are. you can teach them a new ability or two, but the whole ubergod thing won't work.
as for continuing the thread, that can't happen untill I get Ross and vira out. and THAT can't happen untill the metal man thing is over.
final note. disregard the whole peyton making trouble thing, i forgot that I set it up to where WH is near the borg ship. was just throwing the whole peyton thing in there to give the borg a way to participate while this bubble universe thing is occuring
The Garbage Men
06-04-2009, 09:17
OOC: Quick Suggestion
Follow DS's suggestion... but they obviously won't be able to restrain themselves, and the uber gods bust them right down to the power level you want. Though everything that doesn't require TMM's involvement could be done "off-screen" is it were.
So RP with DS getting them to transcend having the RP finish at that point, and then just have the next time we see them at their new low power levels the ones you want them to have.
World Haven
06-04-2009, 16:49
OOC: good suggestion, but two problems. first, we still need to deal with sigma. I'm trying to figure out how to get the action started again. we lost momentum so in order to have the final climax, the attack has to start all over again. any suggestions in that department? I'm having trouble figuring out how to restart the attack.
second, don't worry about the assention thing. I just figured out a way out of this for Ross at least. however, I still need an excuse for vira though. however, I still need a reason why Ross and vira can't pull off amazing things like the metal man. maybe downgrade it from rewriting natural laws to something lesser. maybe just show them what they COULD become, but only after requirements have been filled. maybe they can't become gods, but with enough training and enough connections to various magic wielders abilities, they could become closer to what starscream was.
by the way, I still don't get what you mean by "restraining themselves". do you mean holding back their powers, refraining from interfering in mortal affairs or something else entirely?
finally, I edited the bigger post above in firefox. hope it's a little more legible now.
[NS]Dastardly Stench
06-04-2009, 21:22
Post edited.
As to Sigma, my understanding was that the thread "More Than Just a Honeymoon" dealt with his return. He decided that, under the circumstances, he could not defeat Trevor and the New Borg on their home turf, so he took the battle elsewhere. That's what I was led to believe.
The Metal Man looked at Ross again. He sighed.
"Alright. I'll show you an example of mismanagement. I'm going to do this place a 'favor.' For this, it will be necessary to use my ship as an observation platform."
They went into the ship, and The Metal Man introduced Ross to Pete, the sentient AI who ran the ship. In minutes, they were in orbit, and inside of a temporal bubble.
"Now, I'm going to make things easier for life on this planet. I'm going to make the planet's sun burn 3% brighter--not enough to directly damage the planet, but enough to feed the life forms and make them more vital."
As Ross watched, the sun grew brighter--he needed to use his special senses to notice this, but he could.
"Now, we'll just follow what happens over the course of a couple of centuries."
As Ross watched, a strange change came over the planet. Everything turned brown and died. The surface water drained mysteriously away. In a moment, it was completely barren--and there was a small red spot where a volcano discharged poison gasses into the air, further depleting the planet's core.
"What happened? Simple: the increase in the solar wind that my change caused overpowered the planet's magnetosphere. When that happened, the next line of defense was the planet's atmosphere--and that didn't last long. Vira must be reveling in the process--she's built a volcano. It's mining the planet's core for her. If we allow this to continue, she'll have the resources to break out of this universe in another hundred years or so.
"Now, once again, we reverse the whole process."
The planet reverted to its former green form. The ship started coming in for a landing in its original space.
"Now do you understand? There are unintended consequences to nearly everything we do. Even the gods cannot foresee everything. Even I cannot foresee everything. Judging form the seismic readings I'm getting, Vira has kept her memory of what I showed you. She's building her volcano again."
The Garbage Men
08-04-2009, 00:44
OOC: Hate Haven has a TG. I'd rather not discuss this publically but yes Sigma is involved.
DS - When WH/HH came back there was some discussion about it and for a short time Sigma wasn't going to be involved at all, but I've settled on what's happening and am very happy with it.'
P.s: Your turn to post
World Haven
08-04-2009, 06:07
OOC: fine by me. I will TG you concerning what I had planed for sigma. It may just be compatible with whatever your planning (in your TG, you don't have to tell me too many details) this actually solves the whole "build up to a climax" issue for me. If that’s the case, then all action is over for this thread and all that’s left is diplomacy and goofing off at our leisure.
Ross: Ahhh! I get what you’re saying now. You’re talking about the dangers of messing with the kernel!
The Kernel. Otherwise known as the "soul" of a world. in some dimensions it was even know as the heart of the world. Like all souls, it was a tangled mess of reality code. changing the kernel meant changing the rules. One did not screw around with kernels unless one knew what they were doing or had a proper tool that did everything for them (the results being out of the tool wielders hands). Even then, they should be modified minimally and only when one was sure about the results. Messing with the Balance was a tricky business. Souls were small kernels. but even given a small kernel, he could only mess with so much. This, as a matter of a fact, was how the monkey god had modified starscream. He simply reformatted him, changed a few variables, and added a few properties. It made sense. The datavice could read souls to a point and detect them. Obviously it would be able to pin point kernels.
Ross: I WAS going to say that I couldn't go to the next level for personal reasons. Probably the same reasons you turned down godhood. but NOW i see that doing that would be a terrible idea. I would break so much stuff. I wouldn't think to alter both the sun AND the planets magnetic field. and vira, well, she wouldn't care. then again, she might if she causes good while intending evil. (he takes back his datavice, which was a small kernel in the metal mans hands. it morphs back into it's normal customized shape.)
I will keep what you have taught me in mind.
Holly: it's time to go.
I'm bringing you back to the Borg ship
Just a moment, before we go-
Man: I know what you are going to ask. You have more questions about me. You’re are curious in your nature. That is what began all of this is it not? Your curiosity of other worlds. Your craving for adventure?
We will meet again someday. perhaps then, I will tell you more. But for now, you must be reunited with your friends.
With that, there was a flash of light as holly warped back to the borg cube. they arrived a few planes above everyone’s senses, even Peyton’s (who had not learned how to control that power as of yet), though starscream (who Ross was very surprised to see alive and not godly) seemed to have retained a little better sense for these things. With their arrival, he gave a glance in their general direction as if feeling something while not seeing it. He smirked and then started to toy with Peyton psychologically, much to both starscream and Ross's amusement. This was followed by he arrival of his men who docked and meet with the borg in the control room.
Ross: why that little brat! So she wants to hide it eh? So be it. It will actually be easier to train her if she thinks I'm keeping her in "low level" courses.
Holly: excuse me a second. I just want to say hi to her before I go.
no problem, but why do I have to excu- (time freezes except for Peyton and holly)
well well, if it isn't the cutest girl in the multiverse besides me.
Holly! (She runs and jumps as holly swings her around) Heeey. What do you mean second?
Well of course you’re second! There’s no way that a shrimp like you could be the cutest.
suuuure you aren't. Listen, I don't have much time to talk. Now what’s this I hear about slacking off?
ummm well....
That’s what I thought. Listen, if you want to be the strongest, you have to train your heart out. Also, you’re going to have to get that brother of yours to fight you seriously. You know how he is. Too afraid to hurt you. He probably pulls all his punches. Make him fight you seriously if you have to. That’s what it's going to take. though I DO have to give you credit for going out on missions without his consent. If it were up to him, you would still be on the simple worlds helping to stop "swiper" from swiping stuff with that annoying six year old.
(peyton shivers)
No way! That was fun when I was five. But if I have to guard one more shipment of "tubby custard", I'm going to scream!
I don't blame you. Anyway, shape up. You’re going to need to now more than ever. things will start getting harder from now on. Promise me.
...ok. I promise that I’ll try harder.
Good. Now before I go, I’ll give you a reward for being so brave, and our brother a punishment for being such a softy...
moments later...
Ross: -se...you? Oh, she's gone... oh hey guys. Did you miss me? Guys? (Everyone, with the exception of Peyton who is hiding has turned around to face away from Ross. they are holding their breath least so as not to bust out laughing)
What’s wrong? You’re acting strange.
megaman: n-nothing (snort) nothings wrong at all. Right everyone?
mahoro: (pffft) yes there's nothing wrong at all.
shrevel: it's just (weeeease snort) that you have a little something (chances a glance back) ON YOUR FACE! OH GOD! I CAN'T HOLD IT IN! HAHAHAHAHAHA!
shrevel's outburst was the last straw. with that, no one could resist anymore, looked back, and laughed hysterically
Ross: what is your problem!?!? (reaches up to feel his head and pulls out a ribbon, then pulls up a mirror program on his datavice. his face is covered in badly applied makeup [to the point of it being mostly childish scribbles] while his hair is covered in ribbons and barrettes making his hair stick out at odd angles like someone who has been electrocuted) HOLLY!!! PEYTON!!!!!!!
[NS]Dastardly Stench
08-04-2009, 18:29
Vira lie prostate before the Metal Man. After subjugating her and forcing her to listen to his lecture, he stood over her. Now, he took her datavice, which he had confiscated, and dropped it on the ground in front of her.
"Before we go, I leave you with a thought. What I have done to you was, in a sense, done to me. There are beings out there who make me look like a paraplegic--and they care about you even less than I do. Control your ego. Get a grip.
"This universe is obstructing some ubergod's view of other parts of the multiverse. It isn't going to last much longer. I'm going to put you back in the universe that you most recently came from, and then I'm going to leave. Always remember: the only reason I was ever here was so that I could leave.
"And now, my responsibility to my masters is almost fulfilled."
And with that, Vira found herself in the hulk of one of her starships, that had been nearly destroyed in the battle that had raged previously. She found that she was sitting next to a rather large crate that contained the supplies necessary to restore the ship's basic function.
And the Metal Man was gone--completely gone.
World Haven
10-04-2009, 07:48
OOC: will reply in a few days. going camping so no computer for about four days or so.
World Haven
19-04-2009, 00:36
OOC: excuse the large pic. didn't know it would be so big.
Ross ran to a bathroom and came out clean. he then turned to the borg, apologized in advance, and blew up a wall. (the wall instantly repairs as soon as she is in the room)
Ross: well HELLO Peyton. Fancy seeing you here. I'm sorry, did I startle you? I had no IDEA you were behind that wall. by the way... (holds up a barrette) you wouldn't happen to know where this came from would you?
Peyton: I...can explain?
Ross: And you will too. Including how you convinced someone to create that fake hologram of you playing videogames so that you could sneak over here. Also (waving the barrette) my revenge, you WILL suffer it... speaking of revenge... STARSCREAM! (turns and jumps on starscream) DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA WHAT YOU HAVE DONE! because of the stunt you pulled, my abilities have been modified forever. the contract system still works normal on everyone else’s end, but on MY end, increases in power are now limited by proximity! But that’s not the worst of it! Because the system is down, everyone will think I'm dead. They will panic. There will be hysteria and invasions on both sides. Things will be broken. Public property will be damaged. Records will be messed up. The paperwork starscream! THE PAPERWORK! WHO do you think is going to have to fill out all that paperwork?!?! (takes on a scary face) starscreeeeam... how are you going to compensate for this starscream?... eh? (Mahoro grabs him by the back of his shirt, flips him, and smashes his face into the floor.)
Ross: (twitch twitch) it couldn't be that you’re...
mahoro: (whips out her datavice and a hologram of a badge appears). I received my authorization last week. I am now an official A.S.S member.
Ross: well shit.
zero: (explaining) in world haven, we have a system to deal with very powerful members called the Anti-Stupidity Squad. The datavice actually nullifies the powerful persons defenses and makes their attacks week against the A.S.S. while this is good for when people lose control of themselves and need to be restrained, it's mostly used to keep powerful people in check when they do stupid things. People with his positions of authority... and no common sense... are usually put under the watchful eye of the A.S.S.
Ross: I wanted to name it the "Anti-Stupidity Squad Having Overiding Leverage in Emergancies" but they wouldn't let me
Mahoro: (elbowing him in the face) the main name was a bad enough joke for you to pull, but when you found out you were on the list and tried to change the name, you went too far. Now enough horse play you moron. Just for ONCE act like a leader and actually do your job!
Ross: fine fine already! *sigh* ok, first fill me in on what’s happened and I'll tell you what has happened on my end. In the meantime, we can be heading back to TGM Corporation to discuss business, contracts, aliances ect. Also, on the way, we should keep an eye out for vira. I'm sure that she's back too. If we could catch her before she gets away, it would be nice...
mahoro (normal and battle mode):http://www.fi.muni.cz/~kas/m6r/mahoro-wallpaper3.png http://img50.imageshack.us/img50/8497/mahoromaticji9.jpg
Become a god? Her? The thought intrigued her, but it was obvious what would happen. Gods had restrictions. While she could manipulate things on a higher level, she would not be able to come to the mortal plane on a whim. She also would be forced to follow the rules of the balance. She would have her own universe, of course, but she could not corrupt other universes. Therefore, while her influence was weaker in her current state, her range of influence was wider BECAUSE she was weaker. The gods wouldn't care enough to bar her out, so she could worm her way into dimensions and corrupt it from the inside out bit by bit.
This was the thought she had while she repaired the escape pod. Most of the contract functions had been shut down. However, she had recently felt a change of some sort as well as a return of some of her power. it was possible that the system was back up, or at the very least, up under a restricted mode. Then again, it was most likely due to her being away from the metal man. Despite being away from him however, while her power had returned somewhat, the change had stayed. This second change, other than the one concerning her good side's return, was worrisome. She needed to return to her home base at once. she would leave sigma to his own mischief for now. taking her with him would seal him out as well. she needed someone on the inside. as a matter of a fact, there was something she could do to make at least a small hole in it...
[NS]Dastardly Stench
20-04-2009, 02:46
Falsus: You're showing surprising restraint, Starscream. The transformer I know would have given Ross a 10,000-volt uppercut the moment he got too close.
Starscream: While I was away, I took the liberty of giving myself a truly massive upgrade. The transformer before you now knows that it's a fool's errand to attack someone as seemingly defenseless as I am in the midst of heroes like Mahoro. Now, excuse me a moment.
As he was about to pop off, Starscream reached out and grabbed Ross--so strongly that he could not free himself, but so nimbly that he was unharmed.
"It's rude to leave before a conversation is finished," he growled, his hulking form towering over the little godling. "Pray that I need not teach you some manners.
"Don't blame me for your problems. You've been earning them for a long time--and you're not going to make things any better for yourself by continuing to try to run roughshod over anyone who crosses you. You're supposed to be the Good Guy, remember? Or would you like to truly play the violence game for a while? My kind specialize in it!" He pointed his null ray at Ross and charged it until it glowed.
Then, he let Ross go. "Fortunately," he continued, "I've diversified my abilities--and your greatest advantage will come from doing the same yourself. Learn the lesson, for everyone's sake.
"The New Borg need you, Ross. The day will dawn when your power pales in comparison to ours. We'll need someone to prevent that power from corrupting us. We'll need...you. Will you be up to it?"
The ray stopped glowing, and Starscream put his hands on his hips.
World Haven
21-04-2009, 08:33
OOC: just in case you misinterperated me, ross wasn't being agressive. he was more trying to look pittiful (ex. http://animemedia.ign.com/anime/image/article/899/899947/aussie-anime-update-august-20080818105119233-000.jpg
followed by trying to look threatening. (ex. a combination of these two: http://www.titney.org/anime/big/gto.jpg and http://www.unrealaddicts.com/forums/attachments/anime/2506d1196431850-naruto-shippuden-episode-36-37-english-subtitled-naruto-shippuden-36-scary-yamato.jpg)
Ross: no need to get so uptight.
OOC: will finish this post later
[NS]Dastardly Stench
21-04-2009, 14:51
"No need to be so immature," Starscream replied, a dark look coming upon his features. He was clearly not in the best of moods. Something was bothering him.
World Haven
01-05-2009, 11:07
OOC: finals week. Won’t be posting for a while. Also, just to reiterate, that was a comic situation. in that post.
With that, Ross immediately dropped the happy go lucky attitude.
as to answer your question. yes. as a mater of a fact, I already concider you part of the interdimentional aliance. preventintg the coruption of power is actualy the purpose of the Heros Oath that comes with contracting. if your hearts go sour, we will know about it and the respective owner's datavice will shatter . something’s bothering you... ok, spill it. but before that, everyone PLEASE tell me what the situation is.
so what had happened since he went off with vira was recounted. in return, Ross told his end.
Ross: ...and that’s how I ended up back here...covered in poorly applied makeup... what were we talking about again?
Prime: you were just pointing out that starscream seemed troubled.
ah! that. ok, what’s got your circuits in a knot? Any facts that seem suspicious? Even if it's just a feeling, it's important. you just came out of near godhood. no telling what you "foresaw" while in that state. if you saw something and then forgot it when you dropped your godhood, then left over feelings have significance. Even if that wasn't the case, feelings are often important.
this was especially true if starscream was, as he suspected, one of the borgs "axis’s". Every world had axises. axises were the people that a worlds "story" revolved around. So far, falsus seemed to be the central axis with his crew being secondary axises (though starscream was iffy. It could be a duel center world.) As such, any feelings, actions or emotions experienced by them had significance. starscream was no exception.
it was actually a good thing he had unintentionally provoked starscream. Given his usual social skills and personality, he probably wouldn't have noticed starscreams mood. hopfuly, this "bad mood" wasn't a hint at bad things to come. given the fact that they had yet to encounter either TGM's negitive axis, nor the borgs' something unexpected could happen.
[NS]Dastardly Stench
02-05-2009, 02:45
Starscream was looking at Optimus Prime. To any Autobot, it would appear unimaginably strange. His features showed respect.
"Prime, I need to speak with you and with Ross...in private," he said.
In a moment, a curtain of darkness encircled them.
"Just before I converted to my current form, I foresaw the worst thing that a Decpticon could ever foresee: Cybertron the pawn of other forces. I know that this isn't your Cybertron, Prime, and I know that you shouldn't trust me--but Ross will vouch for the fact that I'm no longer the ignorant, stupid fool whom you and yours made such easy work of in the past, and that, in my maturity, I have realized that I am not your enemy.
"Your devices have been tampered with far more than you know, Ross. Check the New Borg Datavices. You'll find that they're sending false signals. Not one of them is functioning properly. This is not my doing.
"I have foreseen, however, that, if your greater plans are to come to fruition, you must leave the New Borg to their own devices. Certainly, you must advise them, but you must not alter them. Falsus is a axis among them, but this is because he improves those around him. Given enough time, his compatriots will all become axises in their own way. Remove him and they will rise to take his place.
"I have another destiny. I must return to Cybertron. Only I can thwart the visions that I have had. But the time will come, Prime, when I need your help. The day will dawn when I must call upon you. You must promise me that you will answer that call, and that you will not judge what I have done until you see the entirity of it. Can you do this for me?"
World Haven
13-05-2009, 09:57
OOC: having a little trouble getting posts in. believe it or not, it's harder now that I'm home. now I have to share the internet with family :headbang:
I can vouch for the "not our enemy" part, but concerning you being a stupid, ignorant fool...
starscream gives him a similar look to the one he usually gives shrevel, though tinted with a "will you PLEASE take this seriously?" feel to it
ALL RIGHT ALL RIGHT. *sigh* so you DID keep a little of that power. congratulations, your now a prophet. either you will love it, or you'll hate it...(shaking his head) but that's off topic. as to the datavice problem. I know what is causing that...except that I don't. as I just told you, my families powers have been altered to be restricted by proximity. in addition, the system is still down. it's possible that the two incidents are related in a way that was not directly your doing.
I'm suprised you understand axises. I'm guessing you kept a bit of knowledge with you as well. then again, it's not absolutely TOP secret information. I think however that the others are already axises, though they are secondary ones that center around falsus.
as for leaving the borg to their own devices, I had no intention of interfering in the first place. all the contract requires is that you do what you feel is the right thing. true, I will offer you missions, but I never order people on missions. the only time I EVER give an order outside of world haven itself, is when the situation is extremely serious. even sigma's attack wouldn't be considered dire enough for that, though it was fairly close.
As for actually physically altering the borg, well, their is little of that. only an unlocking of hidden power. any modifications beyond that wouldn't be too extravigant either. it would be small things such as the ability to do temporary enjoyments more than once or an extended range of enjoyment when dealing with large objects.
prime: I will gladly assist you if the need should arise, provided my home world isn't in danger. even if that is the case, i will most certainly advise from a distance and help with the selection of others to come to your aid as the situation demands.
Ross: even then, you have our full support in every other way as well. so long as falsus remains contracted, you not only receive our backup, but also full access to our resources. I was planing on discussing the plans for the construction of a world gate, but I think this takes more precedence at the moment. now. concerning these "other forces", anything more you can tell us or is this information best not reveled too early? I know that revieling visions can sometimes have bad consequences.
OOC: are you beginning a new story ark? if so, can we save it for another thread? I am going to have to be involved with TGM's honeymoon thread. I therefore need to know how this thread ends so that we don't end up having continuity problems and loopholes.
[NS]Dastardly Stench
13-05-2009, 16:25
OOC: I'm leading into TGM's Honeymoon thread. They tell me that Sigma is going to be behind it. I'm fixing it so that Sigma isn't only attacking Trevor and the New Borg, he's also making a move on Cybertron. That will explain Starscream being on Cybertron during the wedding thread and during the Honeymoon thread.
"There's nothing to explain," Starscream said. "The only additional information that I had was that these outsiders were inorganic--they were either mechanoids entirely or cyborgs with mechanoid minds. That's it. There's no such thing as gravity, life just sucks. And I'm going back to Cybertron to do a little vacuuming of my own."
World Haven
04-06-2009, 07:27
OOC: I found the problem! yay! just so you know, my posts may be coming with weeks between them. my job this summer is almost full time and my siblings claim the computer for part of the time that I do have.
also, I have found a solution to the problem of keeping ross close by.
finally, is it ok if a couple of generic throw away borg characters are captured. you don't even need to provide names if you don't want. make sure they are unimportant as you won't be getting them back. need them to set up a future plot.
Ross:all cybertronic eh? that's clue enough. we can limit it down to either decepticons or sigma if this is to happen in the near future. I should probably take a ship back to world haven to reestablish the system first though. though, interdimentional warp is not possible within the seal. I will have to... OH SHIT!
Zero: what?
The seal! my name is all over it! and the system is down! not only do I not have my full strength, but while the system is down completely, I don't have access to magic. that seal draws power from me every day. not much mind you, but enough to make it remain in existence. like a battery, it needs to be recharged all that's really needed is a few few gigavolts per hour, but without my other abilities, I can't charge it across dimentions.
falsus: in other words...
starscream: he's stuck here.
before I can leave, I need to reestablish the system, and I can't reestablish the system without going to a command center in person.
prime: looks like we have no choice. we have to establish a new command center in this dimension.
Ross: needed to make one anyway. might as well do it within the seal and near allies for extra protection. mahoro, can you begin looking for life sustaining or at least terraformable planets, preferably in systems withought other civilizations.
mahoro: I'm on it
good, establish a team for the project. falsus, you wouldn't mind providing a little data on the systems in the area would you? oh, and here
he holds out datavice. when nothing happens, he frowns at it and with an annoyed grunt, he asks one of hs transformers to act as an interface. the transformer obliges and connects a cord to the device after which, he connects it to falsuses datavice
I'm transferring the plans for a world gate if your interested. it would create an instantaneous transport to the nearest command center and thereby, connect you to the rest of the interdimentional alliance and thus making you part of it. it will allow for ease of trade and transportation with any alliance world without the use of a ship.
once at least one world gate was established, they would be able to begin building the command center planet.
as this was occurring, they came into view of TGM headquarters...
vira's new ship was almost complete, before she left for her castle again however, she had one more task to complete
vira: Petra! come in!
yes sensei?
I have a task for you. you have no doubt noticed the seal am I correct? you are to inhabit a planet and dominate it. as Ross is now, there is no way they would find out in time to stop you. once the planet is dominated, stay there. you must be present to establish the jurisdiction. while they system is down. it is impossible to contract anyone new. make sure the planet is close to the edge of the seal. we need only create a soft spot.
consider it done.
petra meant this quite literally. after the defeat at peyton and the borgs hands, she had settled onto a peacful planet and had begun to reap havoc. at the moment as a matter of a fact, she was making a young boy eat the flesh of his still (barely) living baby sister, a common past time for her.
once she returned to hate haven, vira would reboot her version of the contract system. neither did she know however that all the command computers had been destroyed in a freak accident. with the now raging fighting, it would be months before the system was reestablished completely...