Gundam: Terra Revolution of the Heart (IC thread) - Page 3
02-01-2008, 00:03
ooc: Small bump
New Kratna
02-01-2008, 01:07
ooc: Small bump
((ooc: no worries i'm still here just had a really distracted week i'll have something up by the end of the day i got a half finished post sitting at home waiting for me so i'll finish that when i get home... oh and HAPPY NEW YEAR!!))
02-01-2008, 03:16
((ooc: no worries i'm still here just had a really distracted week i'll have something up by the end of the day i got a half finished post sitting at home waiting for me so i'll finish that when i get home... oh and HAPPY NEW YEAR!!))
OOC: Understood, I haven't been paying that much attention on here as well due to a plethora of distractions. Ah the Winter breakk... And, Happy 2008 to you as well!
02-01-2008, 04:24
OOC: 恭喜发财 新年快乐, Bonne année, ,سنة جديدة سعيدة Glückliches neues Jahr, ευτυχισμενο νεο ετος, あけましておめでとう, 새해 복 많이, Feliz año nuevo, счастливого нового года, Felic anno nuovo
Happy new year 2008!
Gong Xi Fa Cai Xin Nian Kuai Le
Congratulations And Be Prosperous! Happy New Year!
(if you see boxes... blame your computer for not having the corresponding language files)
02-01-2008, 12:02
OOC: Multi-purpose post, because Alton Brown frowns upon unitaskers :-)
(1) Happy New Year, may your 2008 be filled with giant robots and not apocalypses.
(2) I'm doing that thing where I disappear for a few days again.
* Saturday Jan 5 - Tuesday Jan 8: Moving into new apartment, cable installation guy not coming for a few days. Ugh. Damn you, Comcast, and your regional monopoly...
* Sunday Jan 13 - Saturday Jan 19: Out of town for job training, because the company likes to break everyone in at the main campus. Given that I'm a programmer, I seriously doubt I'll be unable to log on the entire week, but we'll see how that works.
02-01-2008, 17:28
(did this die?)
Spit break
02-01-2008, 21:34
(did this die?)
OOC: na our enemy is just busy
New Kratna
04-01-2008, 03:13
"Roger that, Lieutenant," replied Simms. "The primary threats to the ship are the Aries." The ship shuddered as Morris sent another barrage on the Geminis on the line. He turned to the operators. "Gimbley, contact our Albatross teams and let them know we have help. Once Aries have been neutralized, we can commit them elsewhere." With the ground troops now pressing forward, it was essential they have cover. It was not enough to win the battle, but enough units had to survive to continue the campaign. "Rian, find a landing site for that plane. We need those escorts in the main battle as soon as possible!"
Figures they'd say the ariesRiku thought to himself before speeking aloud "acknolaged" then to Tamia "time to prove your skills once again Tamia. i'm rather usless but i'll help where i can"
"no worries Riku i'll give them something the fear." Tamia took up a position on the great white and pulled her sniper rifle it wasn't dramatic it wasn't speedy it was just methodical a she activated her scope and lined up a target. there was a brillient flash of light the sound of an energy beam riping through the air at the speed of light followed by an aries falling towards the ground the shot haveing plasted through the cockpit instantly killing its pilot "one down" she said as she began lineing up another target
Mu saw the amount of fire coming at him and smirked "I'm not the only problem you guys should know that" he said as the "Nefertem 503" thermal plasma composite cannons that went around the backpack fired off in every direction republic forces where in as well as intecepting missiles. The arms detached and began multi-angled attacks on the republic suits. The imense amount of weapons fire then started to land "It wont stop me completly!" he shouted out he targeted enemy suits with the missile launchers. To say the least the suit was a monster leaving no enemy left in its path, and for that its armour had to be good to survive it being a target. The question was how long would it last? That vary question went into and then out of Mu's head as the fire came in damaging one part of the suit after another, However the front of the backpack had a positron reflector shield protecting the front from damage maaking it visable open to attack from behind. Problem was how was the republic going to get past the detachable arms guarding the back of it?
Problem? it wasn't a problem. the shere volume of multi directional fire coming in from the Sag units would do the job it was just a matter of time point defence might stop some of it but the thing would still fall that was the whole point of a focused attack poor in more fire power than it could handle and it will die that was the intention it was also reality
However because the majority of republic forces were engaging the destroy this left them extreamly open. Twilight Pheonix forces quickly acted on this facted and began to quckly elimanate what ever the destroy was not hitting.
Terran forces wernt nearly as distracted as the Phoenix would have liked to beleive only the long range sag units wich where designed for a suport role anyway where fireing at the Destroy the rest of the Aries and Gemini's where still quite activly enguaging the enay forces the only part of the tactics that had actualy changed was where the sags where shooting the rest was still very much the battle of attrition that had dominated this feild from the begining
"Okay, maybe I don't know what Im doing...." Alex explained to Roland as the jet, still going at the speed of sound, spiraled out of control.
" ever.....let!" Roland yelled as he was thrown around.
"" Alex yelled back.
"<something yelled in french: yet due to the commotion, what he said was not recorded>"
"He turn the key...on the control......panel....and press.....the red .....button....!" Roland translated.
Alex threw himself back into the seat, and was able to turn the key, and press the red button. In result, the planes engines cut off, and extra stabelizers were able to come out, thus keeping the plane from exploding from all the G forces.
"Excuse me wah" the Frenchman said as he pushed Alex aside and took control of the plane, while also putting the engines in reverse.
The plane slowed down to the point of only gliding on the air, and cautiously, but gracefully, they were able to land the plane in the hanger. They had suffered some hits to the wings and the nose of the plane, but they were mostly unscathled.
"Never again," Roland said before fainting on the floor of the plane.
"Right..." thought Alex to himself.
Tsubasa followed the plane in picking off the Aries that got to close. he streeked past as it landed fireing a full volly into the remaining aries
"Thanks for the assist Tsubasa" Tamia sais across the radio "i got it from here"
"Roger that good hunting" and withe that he tore off back to the main battle to harass some more aries units in a difrent part of the battle to hopefully provede some relife to allied forces
With more and more units joining on the allied side, the Union suits began to show more aggression. They faced an equally resolved Terran line that was buckling but still cohesive.
"This is the world's will! We're all going to bury you here!"
"For Sydney, you bastards!!"
On the far right, Adam and his Tuatara backup had turned back the Terran advance. Nelson continued to weave through the Terran force, opening up small pockets and generally keeping the line disorganized. Laku continued to take shots from the air, with a handful of Albatross suits joining her. The system was slowly wearing him down, just due to the number of signals he was tracking. These guys weren't tough at all...
"This is our chance!" he said, plunging one saber into a Gemini cockpit. "Adam, if you can bring those guys forward, we can get around the right side and turn their whole line!"
the section of the line started to visably buckle under the strain of the increesed fire Squad leaders kept barking orders trying despratly to hold the line wich prompthy buckles as Masaru Shimered into existance just long enough to take out one of the suad commanders before blinking back out of existance as he manuverd around for another kill
the Geminies began retreeting as union forces bore down on them some even tried to offer there surrender andwhere shot by there own commanders in a vain attempt to restore order
Meanwhile the Red PHeonix was bypassing the main assault groups to there right flank and was heading straight for the republic command post, any republic suit that came near would be blasted with the heavy calibre weapons the ship had. What did the captain plan to do though? Destroy the command post? or take the officers as prisioners? Only time would tell what was going to happen to them all.
Death would not cease... No matter how much Jacob would destroy the Terran mobile suits and the battleships, continued. Jacob continued firing into the Terran lines, and found himself getting exhausted from the constant killing. "How many have I destroyed by now?" He wondered to himself. There was a whole army before him, and fighters were joining to oppose the Terrans. Thankfully there would be more to sooner end the battle, but Jacob want to feel as though he was not putting all of his effort into the battle. Roland would most likely be safe now since the Asian Gundams and Laku were protecting him, so he took the chance. Jacob flew up and made a dive forward. He went flying and brushed Terran mobile suits out of his way to breach the ranks. Hopefully, he would soon be able to reach the place of the Terran commanders and break up the Terran forces...
"Colonel sector 42 has buckled. the remaining sections are still holding but we cant take this much longer we Need reinforcements"
"i Know that Major!" he yelled slamming his fist down on the table " tell me something usefull!"
there was a tence silence that said louder than anything there was no good news
"Sir! Sir!..."
"WHAT!" colonel yelensk barked at the interupting leutenant
the letuenant just shakkely handed him the data pad and hastly left. the colonely read the information he brow furowing even more. then tossed the pad to the major "aparently the Phoenix and the little Princeling think they can get away with attacking the command post... well fine let them there not the only ones with tricks up there sleaves"
Ivan Yavensky had been watching the battle on his radar screens and saw the lice colapse at that one spot "theres our opening lets move!" he began leading the Hammer and Sickle squads of red dawn towards the opening
Spit break
05-01-2008, 01:15
Figures they'd say the aries
Problem? it wasn't a problem. the shere volume of multi directional fire coming in from the Sag units would do the job it was just a matter of time point defence might stop some of it but the thing would still fall that was the whole point of a focused attack poor in more fire power than it could handle and it will die that was the intention it was also reality
Terran forces wernt nearly as distracted as the Phoenix would have liked to beleive only the long range sag units wich where designed for a suport role anyway where fireing at the Destroy the rest of the Aries and Gemini's where still quite activly enguaging the enay forces the only part of the tactics that had actualy changed was where the sags where shooting the rest was still very much the battle of attrition that had dominated this feild from the begining
"Colonel sector 42 has buckled. the remaining sections are still holding but we cant take this much longer we Need reinforcements"
"i Know that Major!" he yelled slamming his fist down on the table " tell me something usefull!"
there was a tence silence that said louder than anything there was no good news
"Sir! Sir!..."
"WHAT!" colonel yelensk barked at the interupting leutenant
the letuenant just shakkely handed him the data pad and hastly left. the colonely read the information he brow furowing even more. then tossed the pad to the major "aparently the Phoenix and the little Princeling think they can get away with attacking the command post... well fine let them there not the only ones with tricks up there sleaves"
Ivan Yavensky had been watching the battle on his radar screens and saw the lice colapse at that one spot "theres our opening lets move!" he began leading the Hammer and Sickle squads of red dawn towards the opening
Both Hollands and Luna saw how badly Mu was in trouble and that they had maybe another 90 seconds to reduce the fire coming down on him or else there plans will be in a knot. Luna went in full speed hard and fast rifle in one and saaber in the other to take out as many units as possible. Holland Trayvak pushed his G-Saviour to its limits aiming ever gun, cannon, and missile launcher on his suit at multiple targets, meanwhile Gundam Dynames piloted by pheonix council member Holland Novak used its fast firing sniper rifle to take down the sag units. If they could cut the sag units down by half it could buy Mu another 20 seconds or so.
Other Twilight pheonix forces were not surprised when the enemy shot back it was a battle after all, the Pheonix pilots were trained to keep there shield up, keep moving and always return fire. There suits were more or less built for speed making it harding for them to get hit. Not impossible however, numbers did not mean they wouldn't take causulties with over whelming force. To save as many lives as possible pilots must retreat to behind the front line in a attempt to be able to salvage and repair the suit and keep valuble pilots alive.
Meanwhile the Red Pheonix with the Dynames firing off from its deck was closing in on the Command post. They wanted to capture the command staff however if that was not possible they would elimanate them. High ranking prisoners would be good for moral, intelligence, and for Propaganda. Only time would tell if the plan would work.
05-01-2008, 03:30
Figures they'd say the ariesRiku thought to himself before speeking aloud "acknolaged" then to Tamia "time to prove your skills once again Tamia. i'm rather usless but i'll help where i can"
"no worries Riku i'll give them something the fear." Tamia took up a position on the great white and pulled her sniper rifle it wasn't dramatic it wasn't speedy it was just methodical a she activated her scope and lined up a target. there was a brillient flash of light the sound of an energy beam riping through the air at the speed of light followed by an aries falling towards the ground the shot haveing plasted through the cockpit instantly killing its pilot "one down" she said as she began lineing up another target
Problem? it wasn't a problem. the shere volume of multi directional fire coming in from the Sag units would do the job it was just a matter of time point defence might stop some of it but the thing would still fall that was the whole point of a focused attack poor in more fire power than it could handle and it will die that was the intention it was also reality
Terran forces wernt nearly as distracted as the Phoenix would have liked to beleive only the long range sag units wich where designed for a suport role anyway where fireing at the Destroy the rest of the Aries and Gemini's where still quite activly enguaging the enay forces the only part of the tactics that had actualy changed was where the sags where shooting the rest was still very much the battle of attrition that had dominated this feild from the begining
Tsubasa followed the plane in picking off the Aries that got to close. he streeked past as it landed fireing a full volly into the remaining aries
"Thanks for the assist Tsubasa" Tamia sais across the radio "i got it from here"
"Roger that good hunting" and withe that he tore off back to the main battle to harass some more aries units in a difrent part of the battle to hopefully provede some relife to allied forces
the section of the line started to visably buckle under the strain of the increesed fire Squad leaders kept barking orders trying despratly to hold the line wich prompthy buckles as Masaru Shimered into existance just long enough to take out one of the suad commanders before blinking back out of existance as he manuverd around for another kill
the Geminies began retreeting as union forces bore down on them some even tried to offer there surrender andwhere shot by there own commanders in a vain attempt to restore order
"Colonel sector 42 has buckled. the remaining sections are still holding but we cant take this much longer we Need reinforcements"
"i Know that Major!" he yelled slamming his fist down on the table " tell me something usefull!"
there was a tence silence that said louder than anything there was no good news
"Sir! Sir!..."
"WHAT!" colonel yelensk barked at the interupting leutenant
the letuenant just shakkely handed him the data pad and hastly left. the colonely read the information he brow furowing even more. then tossed the pad to the major "aparently the Phoenix and the little Princeling think they can get away with attacking the command post... well fine let them there not the only ones with tricks up there sleaves"
Ivan Yavensky had been watching the battle on his radar screens and saw the lice colapse at that one spot "theres our opening lets move!" he began leading the Hammer and Sickle squads of red dawn towards the opening
Jacob looked over his shoulder when he sensed something flying behind him. It was the Twilight Phoenix behind him, obviously with the same idea of what to do about the Russians. Help would be nice at this point since Jacob was planning on what was basically a suicide dive into the heart of the enemy. He continued forward and saw Terran mobile suits guarding the command center for the enemy. He flew up and demanded, "Surrender now! We don not need anymore destruction on this field! Surrender and I will spare your lives!" If he could stop any further death on the battlefield, Jacob would be more than pleased. Even if it seemed unlikely to happen, he was willing to take this chance. He waited for the response...
05-01-2008, 05:07
Figures they'd say the ariesRiku thought to himself before speeking aloud "acknolaged" then to Tamia "time to prove your skills once again Tamia. i'm rather usless but i'll help where i can"
"no worries Riku i'll give them something the fear. one down" she said as she began lineing up another target
Terran forces wernt nearly as distracted as the Phoenix would have liked to beleive only the long range sag units wich where designed for a suport role anyway where fireing at the Destroy the rest of the Aries and Gemini's where still quite activly enguaging the enay forces the only part of the tactics that had actualy changed was where the sags where shooting the rest was still very much the battle of attrition that had dominated this feild from the begining
Both Hollands and Luna saw how badly Mu was in trouble and that they had maybe another 90 seconds to reduce the fire coming down on him or else there plans will be in a knot. Luna went in full speed hard and fast rifle in one and saaber in the other to take out as many units as possible. Holland Trayvak pushed his G-Saviour to its limits aiming ever gun, cannon, and missile launcher on his suit at multiple targets, meanwhile Gundam Dynames piloted by pheonix council member Holland Novak used its fast firing sniper rifle to take down the sag units. If they could cut the sag units down by half it could buy Mu another 20 seconds or so.
"What on Earth is that thing?!" cried Morris, as Destroy came on the scope. It was taking a beating from the forces arrayed in front of it while dealing massive damage to the Terran line.
"Whatever it is, it's going down if it continues to act on its own," replied Simms. While all this help is a great thing, the lack of coordination among all our forces is going to make this difficult... it's not enough to fight on the same battlefield! He turned to his operators. "Gimbley, see if we can get some Albatrosses freed up to support it," he said.
"There's still too many Aries, they can't break away from the fights they're in now!" Gimbley replied, checking his station. "Green Team reports that Aries are transitioning in an out of battle, but they're still focusing on maintaining their current position. Two allied Gundams are helping it out, but that's all."
"I guess it can't be helped..." Simms sighed, turning towards the front of the deck. "This ship will have to do for now. Mister Morris, I leave the gunning to you. What about our ground forces?"
"All ground teams have entered combat, the initial shock seems to have worn off, and they're digging in," replied Rian. "There are several large pockets of Army of Islam near the center causing confusion, and the newcomers are also cutting a few wedges."
Simms turned back to the screen. The biggest wedges were where the various Gundams were engaged, but they were still taking a beating. We're relying too much on their power... yes, we're not approaching this battle correctly at all. The strength of a single Gundam is truly incredible, and it's perfect to attack a single strongpoint. But in a full-scale battle, critical mass is needed to achieve certain victory. Without a general force to back the Gundams up, we can't make the final push!
The entire battlefield remained spread. A handful of Gundams here, one or two there. Large pockets of allied and enemy troops were pushing against each other, waiting for the other to blink. It was clear by now that the Terrans were not getting any more help. All that was left was to make use of what they had.
"Rian, patch me through to all allied forces!" commanded Simms. He grabbed his mic. "This is Captain Cornell Simms of the Union battleship Great White. At this moment, our forces are deployed along a wide front against a Terran army blocking our advance into the Caucasus. I do not know who all of you are, but we speak the same language - the language of defiance. We are here to resist the Terran Republic. If we stand together, we will not be defeated.
"Gundam units: alone, you have the strength of an army, but even you cannot hope to take on the world alone. Nor can we, with our numbers, advance against them with our limited strength. Victory will only come through coordinated efforts. To Union forces operating on the ground and in the air, I would like you to back up Gundams in your area, regardless of their affiliation. They can cut a wedge into Terran lines, and you can provide the advance in numbers that makes it collapse! I urge other units to do the same wherever possible."
the section of the line started to visably buckle under the strain of the increesed fire Squad leaders kept barking orders trying despratly to hold the line wich prompthy buckles as Masaru Shimered into existance just long enough to take out one of the suad commanders before blinking back out of existance as he manuverd around for another kill
the Geminies began retreeting as union forces bore down on them some even tried to offer there surrender andwhere shot by there own commanders in a vain attempt to restore order
"You heard the captain!" called Adam. "Light 'em up, boys and girls!" With the Terran suits falling back, long-range fire from Adam and the Tuatara squads with him cut down one after another with little reprocussion. As they started to come off of the mountain and push forward, Nelson harassed the rear with sabers drawn. His fatigue was increasing, but the system was paying dividends - no doubt, the Terrans were getting annoyed by his consistent movement. Dodge and attack in a single motion...
05-01-2008, 06:01
(OOC: And with that... *poof* AFK for a few days :()
New Kratna
06-01-2008, 07:39
(OOC: And with that... *poof* AFK for a few days :()
((ooc: NOOOOOOOOOO Dancougar come back to us!!!!... just messing see you when you get back. try not to hold us up to long))
(OOC: And with that... *poof* AFK for a few days :()
We salute you on your trying days
present arms!
:mp5: :mp5:
:mp5: :mp5:
:mp5: :mp5:
:mp5: :mp5:
Spit break
08-01-2008, 01:08
A un-coordinated force can sometimes even with numbers and fire power on its side still face defeat. Twilight Pheonix forces needed to get some one to the allied forward operation command post to coordinate the offensive. There was only one man for this job "This is Ramius to the transport, General Waltfeld is that you?" she said over the radio. General Waltfeld was wondering who was commanding the fleet but it wasn't unexpected Ramius was "Yes ma'am, what do you need?" he asked her.
"Get to the allied forward command post and help coordinate our forces with there! get moving!" she ordered him.
"roger that, moving now" he replied.
The transport then made its way back to behind the front line, where Twilight pheonix forces that have been damaged and managed to get away were gathering. The transport was turned into a repair base for friendly forces. General Waltfeld, and Mayrin then got off and looked around to find the allied forward command post. When it was spotted they headed over to it, a vary short walk. When they walked into the open tent, that was more of four poles with a roof then a actual four walled tent all they could hear was radio traffic. The General looked around, Mayrin standing behind him with a portable radio, he cleared his throat and spoke up "Who's incharge here!" he shouted.
08-01-2008, 16:22
(OOC: Rawr.)
A un-coordinated force can sometimes even with numbers and fire power on its side still face defeat. Twilight Pheonix forces needed to get some one to the allied forward operation command post to coordinate the offensive. There was only one man for this job "This is Ramius to the transport, General Waltfeld is that you?" she said over the radio. General Waltfeld was wondering who was commanding the fleet but it wasn't unexpected Ramius was "Yes ma'am, what do you need?" he asked her.
"Get to the allied forward command post and help coordinate our forces with there! get moving!" she ordered him.
"roger that, moving now" he replied.
The transport then made its way back to behind the front line, where Twilight pheonix forces that have been damaged and managed to get away were gathering. The transport was turned into a repair base for friendly forces. General Waltfeld, and Mayrin then got off and looked around to find the allied forward command post. When it was spotted they headed over to it, a vary short walk. When they walked into the open tent, that was more of four poles with a roof then a actual four walled tent all they could hear was radio traffic. The General looked around, Mayrin standing behind him with a portable radio, he cleared his throat and spoke up "Who's incharge here!" he shouted.
A threesome of damaged Tuataras approached the Phoenix camp, limping away from an intense firefight. The surprise they'd worked so hard to achieve had been rendered meaningless by the newcomers, who had burst onto the scene and turned a series of tactical maneuvers into an all-out melee that had gone on far longer than Simms' original plan had intended. While it was nice that these guys were allies, they'd made a difficult situation worse. The group leader was not amused.
He disembarked from his suit and stormed up to a group of tents, figuring he'd fine whoever was in charge over there. "Where's the leader here?" he yelled. "You guys have screwed up the entire mission!"
"Lieutenant, calm down, they're trying to help..."
"Our attack fell apart because these guys showed up! If it weren't for them, we wouldn't have gotten pinned...!!"
"So, this guy right here is the diplomat for the new European Union?" Alex asked.
"Oui, Mounsure" the diplomat replied.
"Yes indeed, we are finally reformed, but I hope that it isn't too late for an intervention." Roland commented. "Its time that we revisit Simms."
Spit break
09-01-2008, 01:06
(OOC: Rawr.)
A threesome of damaged Tuataras approached the Phoenix camp, limping away from an intense firefight. The surprise they'd worked so hard to achieve had been rendered meaningless by the newcomers, who had burst onto the scene and turned a series of tactical maneuvers into an all-out melee that had gone on far longer than Simms' original plan had intended. While it was nice that these guys were allies, they'd made a difficult situation worse. The group leader was not amused.
He disembarked from his suit and stormed up to a group of tents, figuring he'd fine whoever was in charge over there. "Where's the leader here?" he yelled. "You guys have screwed up the entire mission!"
"Lieutenant, calm down, they're trying to help..."
"Our attack fell apart because these guys showed up! If it weren't for them, we wouldn't have gotten pinned...!!"
General Waltfeld turned to the Lieutenant "Our fault!? before you start lashing out on your allies i suggest you remember who we are fighting here soldier, now we have one chance to get this back on track, we need to rally our forces and get things orginized for the final push" he said to those in the tent. He pulled out a map of the current area, he pulled a box of push pins from his pocket and began marking current allied and enemy positions.
09-01-2008, 08:01
General Waltfeld turned to the Lieutenant "Our fault!? before you start lashing out on your allies i suggest you remember who we are fighting here soldier, now we have one chance to get this back on track, we need to rally our forces and get things orginized for the final push" he said to those in the tent. He pulled out a map of the current area, he pulled a box of push pins from his pocket and began marking current allied and enemy positions.
The lieutenant was not about to back down. "No, sir, you listen to me," he said. His wingmen exchanged worried glances, but stood back as their commander leaned over the table. "You don't seem to recognize the situation we're in. If you'd been paying attention to our battle before you decided to intervene, you'd know that even with your assistance, we're still outnumbered and won't last in a head-on attack. We've been maneuvering around them and attacking piecemeal because that's the only chance we have at winning. Unless you're Jesus himself, don't think you can just come in here and take control before you know what's going on!"
"I think he's heard you, Lieutenant, we should get back to..."
He ignored his subordinate and slammed his communicator down on the table. "If you're serious about a joint operation, then you'd better get in contact with our commander and take stock of who's all in this. Or have you been ignoring his broadcasts along with the rest of our battle?!" He stood up and shot Waltfeld a dirty look. "You goons haven't even told us who the hell you are..."
"So, this guy right here is the diplomat for the new European Union?" Alex asked.
"Oui, Mounsure" the diplomat replied.
"Yes indeed, we are finally reformed, but I hope that it isn't too late for an intervention." Roland commented. "Its time that we revisit Simms."
With the plane safely out of the way, Laku and the Albatross escorts returned to the battlefield. "Adam, gimme an update!" she said. "Where do you need us?"
"Looks like their right side's giving way!" he replied, firing a shell into a Gemini's torso. "A little push and the whole thing might cave!" The Terran line was bending around to preserve itself, forming a crease where the Union push was centered. "Nels is over on the left side causing trouble at the bend, see if you can help him there!"
"Roger that!" she said, banking left with her wingmen close behind.
Farther up the line, the Great White continued to support Destroy, trying to buy it some time to escape destruction or at least reposition itself to take less damage.
"Still no word from those new guys," reported Rian. "They look like they're still doing their own thing."
"Either way, we need to preserve their force, same as ours," Simms replied, as Morris sent a barrage of anti-tank missiles into a group of Sagittarius. "If none of us are left to keep going, what's the point of our battle?!"
"The European transport has landed," Gimbley said. "They want to meet with you after the battle is over."
"Tsh, so easygoing, those guys," muttered Simms, using his arm to brace himself as the ship shook from another hit. "See if they know anything about the newcomers. Where are Prince Thorstein and Miz Lynde?"
Spit break
09-01-2008, 15:34
The lieutenant was not about to back down. "No, sir, you listen to me," he said. His wingmen exchanged worried glances, but stood back as their commander leaned over the table. "You don't seem to recognize the situation we're in. If you'd been paying attention to our battle before you decided to intervene, you'd know that even with your assistance, we're still outnumbered and won't last in a head-on attack. We've been maneuvering around them and attacking piecemeal because that's the only chance we have at winning. Unless you're Jesus himself, don't think you can just come in here and take control before you know what's going on!"
"I think he's heard you, Lieutenant, we should get back to..."
He ignored his subordinate and slammed his communicator down on the table. "If you're serious about a joint operation, then you'd better get in contact with our commander and take stock of who's all in this. Or have you been ignoring his broadcasts along with the rest of our battle?!" He stood up and shot Waltfeld a dirty look. "You goons haven't even told us who the hell you are..."
Waltfeld smirked "Yes i do know the situation, and yes i know we are in a tight spot, as we speak are command ship is moving to take out there command post, with the command structure gone there orginization will collapse" he paused for a minute about who they were "Who are we you ask? Well I guess its not a surprise you dont know since the republic said they wiped us out" he said before pausing a second time as he pushed the last pin into the map "Twilight Pheonix" he then said as he looked over the now complete map.
New Kratna
09-01-2008, 15:45
Colonel yelenst watched his screens monitering everything. they had failed to shoot down the Federation plane but that idn't consern him it just kept even more trators in one place to be delt with later. the Sag lines where holding... barly wit geminies and aries doing there best to keep rebal forces off there backs as the tryied to bring the phoenix mosntrosity down
"how long untill the phoenix ship and the little princeling are in range?"
"about 10 mins"
he shuffled through the maps and reports trying to find something to help turn the tide "Sir! sir!" an leutenant called as he ran into the command room "you'll want to read this sir!" he passed the colonely a data pad wich Yelensk quickly scanned
"this is the first useful thing i've read all day! he quickly brought up a couple maps muttering incoherently to himself as he thought through the plan forming in his head. he finaly paused and the grinned. it would work "order gemini squads 39 foxtrok 14 hotel and 28 and 29 Utah to aid sector 42 also send Aries squad Orange 31 to that sector, now heres where it guest fun.. while the troops are shuffling fire up the mobile artilery and have them target these locations he marked 3 difent spots on the maps."
"Sir why there?"
the colonel tossed the officer the data pad "Because you twit thats where there setting up thereFeild repain stations!"
the other officers eyes went wide in understanding and the joined him in celibrating his brilient plan
((ooc: sector 42 is where nelson and dam are fighting... you know where that hole is))
The Samurai Heard sims radio broadcast and quickly agreed with the theroy of the plan co-ordinating there efforts was the only way to ensure vicory unfortunatly onalt Tsubasa and Amaya where going to be of imediate help duet o the more free form nature of there desidn rather then the more speialized units of there team members.
"this is Leutenant Amaya Akagawa of the Asian Alliance special forces. Myself and Leutenant Tsubasa Oki are available to assist in joint operations. we will continue harrassing Teran forces at out discression untill further orders are receaved"
as for star her signal wouldn't likely show up on any screen witht he amount of terran units around both her and the new unit that where dessimating the center and where also in the thickest part of the battle neither of them had tme to even acknolage the radio chatter. if it wasn't for the fact that there hadn't been the distinct explosion that would have signaled the distrucion of the Darkstar it would be easy to assume she was MIA if not KIA because justbecause it hadn't blown hup didn't meen she wasn't dead... even though the Terrans wished she would just Die they where no match for here even with there superiour numbers. i was what Beta's where trained for.. one on god only knew how many it was why Mision 51 in the simulators was designed the way it was
((ooc: in case you forgot that was the one tong was runing that was an endless flood of units))
the blowing snow near Sector 42 seemed to darken for a second before clearing enough to to reveil an impressive sight as just over 2 dozen Retro fitted and reconditioned Tartar units marched out of obscurity and into history lineing up just in visual range there red paint clearly visable through the blowing snow
General Yavensky stould out in frount with Sasha and Lt Iysenburg just behin him. he raised his highly customized Anti beam Chain sword high into the air and then opening a channel to all the forces on the feild "For Mother Russia and the Red Dawn! Charrrge!" with that he swung the sword forwards and charged in the the Terran ranks Sparks flying as his sword cut into the first tarran unit the remaining units opening fire sending pulets and shells flying into the terran ranks there wasn't a single energy weapon to be seen amoungst them. but as they tore into the terran ranks they proved to be no less deatly there adaptive tactics giving them an edge as well as the fact that most of the newer modles where armoured to protect against energy weapons and not kinetic
Another explosion rocked the ship, knocking Roland and Alex off of their feet.
"Whoa!" Alex yelled as he was knocked to the ground.
Roland wasn't able to activate the magnetic clingling device in his shoes fast enough to stay on his feet.
It seems more and more that we just appear at the right time." Roland commented as he got back up.
"Cette façon hate!" the French ambassador beckend.
"Were supposed to follow, come on Alex!" Roland encouraged as he ran off to catch up.
They finally made it to the bridge door.....
" The door is locked ,and its a keycoded password....but it has a ID swipe slot." Alex examined.
"Excelent for the card..." Roland said as he went through his briefcase, trying to find the right gadget after Alex had givin them to him recently when he first saw him.
"Liquid Nitrogen....lazer pen....razor disks.......hearing device.......ah!" Roland found it.
He then swiped the card through the ID slot, and on the keypad, the numbers started to go through randomly, untill finally, the Keypad said:
The door opened, and they stepped inside.
"Sorry for the intrusion Simms, but it seems that you are in the bind that we were in earlier....when I let Alex fly..." Roland said and turned his head to Alex.
"Sorry" Alex mouthed.
"Bonjour Simms Majeur" the ambassador said. " c'est une honneur vous rencontrer."
"He says that it is an honor to meet you" Roland translated.
10-01-2008, 01:38
"this is the first useful thing i've read all day! he quickly brought up a couple maps muttering incoherently to himself as he thought through the plan forming in his head. he finaly paused and the grinned. it would work "order gemini squads 39 foxtrok 14 hotel and 28 and 29 Utah to aid sector 42 also send Aries squad Orange 31 to that sector, now heres where it guest fun.. while the troops are shuffling fire up the mobile artilery and have them target these locations he marked 3 difent spots on the maps."
"Sir why there?"
the colonel tossed the officer the data pad "Because you twit thats where there setting up thereFeild repain stations!"
Waltfeld smirked "Yes i do know the situation, and yes i know we are in a tight spot, as we speak are command ship is moving to take out there command post, with the command structure gone there orginization will collapse" he paused for a minute about who they were "Who are we you ask? Well I guess its not a surprise you dont know since the republic said they wiped us out" he said before pausing a second time as he pushed the last pin into the map "Twilight Pheonix" he then said as he looked over the now complete map.
"Twilight... Phoenix..." one of the pilots murmured. "You're the guys that..."
The lieutenant stood up from the table. "And what happens if that plan fails? You really think the Terrans are going to miss something that big coming straight at them?" He turned towards the entrance and signaled for his men to follow. "These guys want to fight a real war?" he muttered as they walked outside.
A sudden explosion threw them to the ground. Groggily, he sat up and saw the smoking remains of his Tuatara as the first round of the Terran bombardment hit home. "What the...?!"
The door opened, and they stepped inside.
"Sorry for the intrusion Simms, but it seems that you are in the bind that we were in earlier....when I let Alex fly..." Roland said and turned his head to Alex.
"Sorry" Alex mouthed.
"Bonjour Simms Majeur" the ambassador said. " c'est une honneur vous rencontrer."
"He says that it is an honor to meet you" Roland translated.
Simms turned with surprise as a violent wind whipped into the cabin, as the emergency door swung open and the diplomats walked in. Rian and Gimbley grabbed onto their headsets to keep them on. Morris' jaw dropped. "How did you...!!" he began as two crewmembers fought to get the door closed.
"You're full of tricks as always, but now isn't the time..." Simms began, turning back to the monitor. "We're struggling to gain control of the situation as it is."
Spit break
10-01-2008, 01:48
"Twilight... Phoenix..." one of the pilots murmured. "You're the guys that..."
The lieutenant stood up from the table. "And what happens if that plan fails? You really think the Terrans are going to miss something that big coming straight at them?" He turned towards the entrance and signaled for his men to follow. "These guys want to fight a real war?" he muttered as they walked outside.
A sudden explosion threw them to the ground. Groggily, he sat up and saw the smoking remains of his Tuatara as the first round of the Terran bombardment hit home. "What the...?!"
Waltfeld and Mayrin also hit the deck when the explosion went off "Shit its a bombardment, Mayrin get on the horn get me two Windam squadrons back here" he ordered here "ye...yes sir" he said pulled the radio out "Hotel and fox squadrons pull back to the forward command post and provide cover for us" she said over the radio "roger that moving now" came the response. What pheonix units that were there that could shoot back were.
They had to take the heat off though, General Waltfeld grabbed the radio as he got back up and looked at the map "Mu this is Waltfeld fire your main cannons at Orange Delta Seven we got a large republic force in your line of fire there" he asked since he couldn't order him "alright here i go but its getting tricky with these republic suits on me, have those guys work faster" he replied. The destroy then turned to the left flank aimed its four main cannons at republic forces and fired with deadly effect.
10-01-2008, 07:02
"order gemini squads 39 foxtrok 14 hotel and 28 and 29 Utah to aid sector 42 also send Aries squad Orange 31 to that sector, now heres where it guest fun.. while the troops are shuffling fire up the mobile artilery and have them target these locations he marked 3 difent spots on the maps."
Laku's computer buzzed as the incoming Aries were picked up. "We have company!" she called to the Albatrosses nearby. "Pick them up!"
"You're too slow!" Nelson yelled to his backup. "They're reforming; you need to hit these... gah!" There was a sharp pang as the system picked up the incoming artillery. Damn, we should've expected them to have more tricks up their sleeve... He checked his scope, dodging a Gemini shot instinctively before firing back. The system clicked, but there was too much movement to track everything without overwhelming him. I still can't handle even this... pathetic...!!
"Nels, what should we do?" asked Adam. "Should we form up for their next attack?"
"They know our success hinges on mobility," Nelson muttered, "so we can't let them settle in. Cut them off while they're in transition! I'll try to intercept the first squadron!"
"Roger that," Adam replied, bringing up his targeting computer. "We'll sweep around while they're shifting and try to pin them between us and their original line!"
39 Foxtrot was the first team on the scene, and Nelson was waiting with sabers drawn. He'd now been using the system for well over half an hour, and his fatigue was starting to show. Breathing heavily, he stared down the first units and nonchalantly dodged their first rounds of fire. "You guys want to fight a Gundam, huh?!"
11-01-2008, 02:09
((you never relpied to CAS's attack renewal on the republic in Africa.... rember I am hutiandi also and its a pain to keep logging in and out all the time to keep posting so I would prefer to post on HutianDi) ))
11-01-2008, 03:09
Colonel yelenst watched his screens monitering everything. they had failed to shoot down the Federation plane but that idn't consern him it just kept even more trators in one place to be delt with later. the Sag lines where holding... barly wit geminies and aries doing there best to keep rebal forces off there backs as the tryied to bring the phoenix mosntrosity down
"how long untill the phoenix ship and the little princeling are in range?"
"about 10 mins"
he shuffled through the maps and reports trying to find something to help turn the tide "Sir! sir!" an leutenant called as he ran into the command room "you'll want to read this sir!" he passed the colonely a data pad wich Yelensk quickly scanned
"this is the first useful thing i've read all day! he quickly brought up a couple maps muttering incoherently to himself as he thought through the plan forming in his head. he finaly paused and the grinned. it would work "order gemini squads 39 foxtrok 14 hotel and 28 and 29 Utah to aid sector 42 also send Aries squad Orange 31 to that sector, now heres where it guest fun.. while the troops are shuffling fire up the mobile artilery and have them target these locations he marked 3 difent spots on the maps."
"Sir why there?"
the colonel tossed the officer the data pad "Because you twit thats where there setting up thereFeild repain stations!"
the other officers eyes went wide in understanding and the joined him in celibrating his brilient plan
((ooc: sector 42 is where nelson and dam are fighting... you know where that hole is))
The Samurai Heard sims radio broadcast and quickly agreed with the theroy of the plan co-ordinating there efforts was the only way to ensure vicory unfortunatly onalt Tsubasa and Amaya where going to be of imediate help duet o the more free form nature of there desidn rather then the more speialized units of there team members.
"this is Leutenant Amaya Akagawa of the Asian Alliance special forces. Myself and Leutenant Tsubasa Oki are available to assist in joint operations. we will continue harrassing Teran forces at out discression untill further orders are receaved"
as for star her signal wouldn't likely show up on any screen witht he amount of terran units around both her and the new unit that where dessimating the center and where also in the thickest part of the battle neither of them had tme to even acknolage the radio chatter. if it wasn't for the fact that there hadn't been the distinct explosion that would have signaled the distrucion of the Darkstar it would be easy to assume she was MIA if not KIA because justbecause it hadn't blown hup didn't meen she wasn't dead... even though the Terrans wished she would just Die they where no match for here even with there superiour numbers. i was what Beta's where trained for.. one on god only knew how many it was why Mision 51 in the simulators was designed the way it was
((ooc: in case you forgot that was the one tong was runing that was an endless flood of units))
the blowing snow near Sector 42 seemed to darken for a second before clearing enough to to reveil an impressive sight as just over 2 dozen Retro fitted and reconditioned Tartar units marched out of obscurity and into history lineing up just in visual range there red paint clearly visable through the blowing snow
General Yavensky stould out in frount with Sasha and Lt Iysenburg just behin him. he raised his highly customized Anti beam Chain sword high into the air and then opening a channel to all the forces on the feild "For Mother Russia and the Red Dawn! Charrrge!" with that he swung the sword forwards and charged in the the Terran ranks Sparks flying as his sword cut into the first tarran unit the remaining units opening fire sending pulets and shells flying into the terran ranks there wasn't a single energy weapon to be seen amoungst them. but as they tore into the terran ranks they proved to be no less deatly there adaptive tactics giving them an edge as well as the fact that most of the newer modles where armoured to protect against energy weapons and not kinetic
Laku's computer buzzed as the incoming Aries were picked up. "We have company!" she called to the Albatrosses nearby. "Pick them up!"
"You're too slow!" Nelson yelled to his backup. "They're reforming; you need to hit these... gah!" There was a sharp pang as the system picked up the incoming artillery. Damn, we should've expected them to have more tricks up their sleeve... He checked his scope, dodging a Gemini shot instinctively before firing back. The system clicked, but there was too much movement to track everything without overwhelming him. I still can't handle even this... pathetic...!!
"Nels, what should we do?" asked Adam. "Should we form up for their next attack?"
"They know our success hinges on mobility," Nelson muttered, "so we can't let them settle in. Cut them off while they're in transition! I'll try to intercept the first squadron!"
"Roger that," Adam replied, bringing up his targeting computer. "We'll sweep around while they're shifting and try to pin them between us and their original line!"
39 Foxtrot was the first team on the scene, and Nelson was waiting with sabers drawn. He'd now been using the system for well over half an hour, and his fatigue was starting to show. Breathing heavily, he stared down the first units and nonchalantly dodged their first rounds of fire. "You guys want to fight a Gundam, huh?!"
Jacob looked around to see what his hesitance cost him. The Russians were not going to surrender. The Red Dawn regiment was also joining in on the fighting, though Jacob was attempting all he could to end the fighting, no sides would end destroying one another. The fighting wouldn't stop, and as a result, Jacob would do the same. Though it was feeling like the battle against Star, the opponent was not willing to go down without a true fight, both sides had much experience, both making calculative moves to get an advantage, and were both overall fighting with all they had to claim dominance over one another...
Jacob flew a few miles away from the Russian command center, pulled back his Gundam's hands, and shouted, "I've warned yoooooouuuu!!!" and fired a blast towards it...
As the blast flew by, the base came crumbling down, and fired into the mountains, bringing down more destruction to the Terran mobile suits. As soon as the chaos occured, Jacob flew into the fray, drew a sword and began his slaughter. He slashed at 4 mobile suits and asked, "Who else shall challenge me?!"
New Kratna
12-01-2008, 02:02
((ooc: my apologies to all but my comp died and i have no clue when it will be back up and running... hopefully soon since i reformated my hard drive this morning... so until then carry on as best you can... oh and dont forget Red Dawn started all this and if anyones botherd to notace there using 20 year old equipment and not a single beam or energy weapon of anykind))
13-01-2008, 06:20
(OOC: No prob, I'm off for my weeklong adventure in California tomorrow morning. As I said, I don't foresee being unable to access the net at all for the whole week, but it's possible...)
ooc: Ill be gone tomorrow, which is my school day off....:(
OOC: Bleh, sorry for not posting for a while again...I seem to have a bad habit of doing that. I haven't had much time to browse these forums lately and since my final exams are this week I won't be able to post until this weekend. Just giving you guys a heads up.
15-01-2008, 03:03
(OOC: No prob, I'm off for my weeklong adventure in California tomorrow morning. As I said, I don't foresee being unable to access the net at all for the whole week, but it's possible...)
OOC: Right, let's just remember that this thread is not dead. I refuse it!
New Kratna
15-01-2008, 03:31
[CAS-Republic Border, Somewhere in Northern Congo]
With The republic occupied elsewhere it was time to launch a new offencive in the otherwise stizkeig that dominated the last part of the war with the TR. All the forces along the border began to advance past the fortifications they had maned the last few months (weeks, days however long had passed) but the main advance was on three consentrated areas. These areas, all near the center of the front, had the most troops and hopefully would encircle some enemy forces to prevent their continued fighting in the war.
basic post... nothing really important other than the fact that the war is going to continue... it wil keep me active too since its not a standstill anymore)
((ooc: sorry it took so long must have glossed it over... oh and its been 2 days tops))
There terran lines where falling apart they had finaly streched them selves to thin to maintain global superiorityand with russia in the midsts of what the rest of the republic was calling "civil Unrest" the troops where seriously dimished.
atlantic forces where focusing on replaning there european with the colapse of the russian frount they where on there own insted of the planned two sided attack
African forces continued to receav no reinforcements with other frounts deemed more critical with trying to shuffle more troops into russia to quell the uprising but with the battle raiging in georgia against seemingly every rebble force on the blanet it was just fuling the russians who where geting live pirated footage from Red Dawn agents hideing in the surounding mountains haveing moved in with the Troops.
it it kept up much longer the African forces would be forced to pull back even more just to save resorces as it was if the feilded everything they might be able to storm the CAS over bu the wouldn't be able to hold any ground they gainedwhen it was all over and taht wasn't a victory... insted they opted to slowly blead the CAS with there constant fire untill another ship could be made avalable to put the fear back in to the CAS
Waltfeld and Mayrin also hit the deck when the explosion went off "Shit its a bombardment, Mayrin get on the horn get me two Windam squadrons back here" he ordered here "ye...yes sir" he said pulled the radio out "Hotel and fox squadrons pull back to the forward command post and provide cover for us" she said over the radio "roger that moving now" came the response. What pheonix units that were there that could shoot back were.
They had to take the heat off though, General Waltfeld grabbed the radio as he got back up and looked at the map "Mu this is Waltfeld fire your main cannons at Orange Delta Seven we got a large republic force in your line of fire there" he asked since he couldn't order him "alright here i go but its getting tricky with these republic suits on me, have those guys work faster" he replied. The destroy then turned to the left flank aimed its four main cannons at republic forces and fired with deadly effect.
even with the massive blast from the destroy terran forces refused to let up the destroy would go down the just needed a couple moments longer and it would fall just another few moments
Laku's computer buzzed as the incoming Aries were picked up. "We have company!" she called to the Albatrosses nearby. "Pick them up!"
"You're too slow!" Nelson yelled to his backup. "They're reforming; you need to hit these... gah!" There was a sharp pang as the system picked up the incoming artillery. Damn, we should've expected them to have more tricks up their sleeve... He checked his scope, dodging a Gemini shot instinctively before firing back. The system clicked, but there was too much movement to track everything without overwhelming him. I still can't handle even this... pathetic...!!
"Nels, what should we do?" asked Adam. "Should we form up for their next attack?"
"They know our success hinges on mobility," Nelson muttered, "so we can't let them settle in. Cut them off while they're in transition! I'll try to intercept the first squadron!"
"Roger that," Adam replied, bringing up his targeting computer. "We'll sweep around while they're shifting and try to pin them between us and their original line!"
39 Foxtrot was the first team on the scene, and Nelson was waiting with sabers drawn. He'd now been using the system for well over half an hour, and his fatigue was starting to show. Breathing heavily, he stared down the first units and nonchalantly dodged their first rounds of fire. "You guys want to fight a Gundam, huh?!"
the squad layed into him with all there firepower it was only a mobile suit after all, they could take it down... right?
Jacob looked around to see what his hesitance cost him. The Russians were not going to surrender. The Red Dawn regiment was also joining in on the fighting, though Jacob was attempting all he could to end the fighting, no sides would end destroying one another. The fighting wouldn't stop, and as a result, Jacob would do the same. Though it was feeling like the battle against Star, the opponent was not willing to go down without a true fight, both sides had much experience, both making calculative moves to get an advantage, and were both overall fighting with all they had to claim dominance over one another...
Jacob flew a few miles away from the Russian command center, pulled back his Gundam's hands, and shouted, "I've warned yoooooouuuu!!!" and fired a blast towards it...
As the blast flew by, the base came crumbling down, and fired into the mountains, bringing down more destruction to the Terran mobile suits. As soon as the chaos occured, Jacob flew into the fray, drew a sword and began his slaughter. He slashed at 4 mobile suits and asked, "Who else shall challenge me?!"
Colonel Yelensk stood stareing at the screens watching the progress of the Terra and the Phoenix ship moveing in then there was a flash of light and all the screens when black then said "no signal"
"well that wasn't what i was hopeing for..." he groubled... he had wanted to triger the explosives that where hiddin in the command post in hopes to siverly dammage or destroy both the terran and the Phoenix vessal
he wasn't any where near the battle he wasn't stupid the only ones actual there whree radio officers transmiting te orders and receiving more instructions. but that was over now they would have to rely on local officers to make decisions untill they could reconect to command
New Kratna
15-01-2008, 03:36
OOC: Right, let's just remember that this thread is not dead. I refuse it!
((ooc: charge to 150... CLEAR!!! *ZAP* i got a pulse Dr.))
15-01-2008, 05:45
(OOC: Mwahaha, work laptop and complimentary hotel internet. We're in business.)
the squad layed into him with all there firepower it was only a mobile suit after all, they could take it down... right?
A hail of bullets came flying at him, but with his attackers only coming from one directions, dodging was manageable. He hung back and weaved in between the rounds. Slight imperfections in volley times gave him critical openings... small, but the BETA system helped find them. But at a cost - the strain was worsening. At this rate, I've only got five, maybe ten minutes till I need to turn this thing off... I need to get in there... Tired of waiting for a chance to push forward, he decided to make one. Spinning his beam sabers in time with the bullets, he sprang forward. Not only did the spinning sabers create a shield, surely the sight of the enemy coming untouched was a demoralizing one.
Spit break
15-01-2008, 18:25
OOC: Nk you do reilize for awhile now both Hollands and Luna have been sniping, blasting and sclicing your sag units hitting the destroy right?
New Kratna
16-01-2008, 01:40
OOC: Nk you do reilize for awhile now both Hollands and Luna have been sniping, blasting and sclicing your sag units hitting the destroy right?
((ooc: yes but to put it simply i refuse to alow one element that much sawy over the over all story line. Dancougar had 3000 ish units at the start lus nelson and the great white... heres Red Dawns 27 units my Samurai add up to 6 beta's then theres star and jacob... add your 1000 the red phoenix holland and whatever the AOI feilded i'm guessing roughly 5000 allied troups on the feild. now you have to consider the Republids tactics of overwhelming force and the fact that they where only planning on haveing to deal with the Union forces you'd be lucky if the combined skill and fire power on the feild was equil nevermind the actual numbers wich was quite eazly double the union numbers.
dont get me wrong i'm fully prepaired to loose infact i have the basic plan in place in my mind and every where i've seen actual teem work the line has fallen or been pushed back team work will get you results single events will influance my plans but a united co ordinated attack will get the allied forces what they want...
besides you said he was only going to live another 2 mins at best anyway))
New Kratna
16-01-2008, 02:27
(OOC: Mwahaha, work laptop and complimentary hotel internet. We're in business.)
A hail of bullets came flying at him, but with his attackers only coming from one directions, dodging was manageable. He hung back and weaved in between the rounds. Slight imperfections in volley times gave him critical openings... small, but the BETA system helped find them. But at a cost - the strain was worsening. At this rate, I've only got five, maybe ten minutes till I need to turn this thing off... I need to get in there... Tired of waiting for a chance to push forward, he decided to make one. Spinning his beam sabers in time with the bullets, he sprang forward. Not only did the spinning sabers create a shield, surely the sight of the enemy coming untouched was a demoralizing one.
the squad was brave for about 10 seconds in the face of nelsons sudden charde and they probably would have held the line for the impact right up untill Leutenant Masaru Kurosawa apeared in the middle of the squad cut the Leutenant in command in half and dissapreared again before they could fully comprehend what had just happened causing the squad to falter just a little to long giving nelson the time he eeded to cose the gap without them being able to respond... most tried to stand against him while the rest tried to flea the batle or surender
all along the lines where the union was suported by either the Samurai or phoenix Units Terrans where starting to feel there own mortality and without a link to command local commanders where starting to have trouble holdeing the lines they still had the numbers the they didn't have the superior fire power any more and numbers didn't matter if single units could single handidly take out multiple units
the Buble of Carnage around Star and Takeru had grownd to a stand still no one wanted to face the pair that had eazly slaughterd so many of there comrads but the couldn't let them go either
"it seems like they no longer wish to play" Takeru was panting from his exertions as he stood back to back with star
"well that just to damn bad" Star was also Panting but she didn't have Tekeru's mental disaplin as was also rinning off her usual adranaline rush "because i'm not finished playing with them" with that she launched herself into the air lined up every single ground target she could wit her reamining missiles and forcefully reminded them that just holding her at bay wasn't going to work as a hole was blasted in the a section
Tekeru along witht hr republic was startled by her move even with the wings sticking out her back it was eazy to forget your oponent could fly when your dealing in hand to hand combat. tekeru unlike the republi was a beta as well as star and so seeing an oportunity charged into the hole star had made unsing the republics confuion against them
when star took to the air she finaly reapeared on radar as she circled over where Tekeru was battleing the Terrans fireing down at them being a general nusance untill she drew the attention of acouple Aries Squads and left Tekeru to manage on his own as she tore after them
Spit break
16-01-2008, 03:13
OOC: ah alright just making sure since i dont recall any reference to them
Waltfeld got back to the situation at hand "We need to make a move to break there back, but we need some kind of opening and weekness" he said looking over at the map.
"Keep it up luna if we have to, move in close to the destroy and grab the cockpit unit, if the republic kills a member of the council it will become our greatest blunder ever" Holland said over to Luna as he fought more and more republic forces.
New Kratna
17-01-2008, 01:44
"ETA to there command post" Ramius asked "4 minutes ma'am, we are in weapons range" came from the combat commander in the CIC "Good open fire and start shelling there position, continue putting on the pressure against there main and rear forces as much as possible" she ordered. The linear guns of the redpheonix then began shelling the enemy command post to rattle them and make communication harder for them as the loud sound of the explosions would scramble radio messages.
((ooc: jacob already blew that up))
18-01-2008, 03:35
the squad was brave for about 10 seconds in the face of nelsons sudden charde and they probably would have held the line for the impact right up untill Leutenant Masaru Kurosawa apeared in the middle of the squad cut the Leutenant in command in half and dissapreared again before they could fully comprehend what had just happened causing the squad to falter just a little to long giving nelson the time he eeded to cose the gap without them being able to respond... most tried to stand against him while the rest tried to flea the batle or surender
Where does that think keep... Nelson began, but just as he'd become aware of the temporary advantage that the unknown unit afforded him, he was on top of the Terran vanguard. Pulling his sabers into attack position and allowing bullets to graze his body, he cut a wide gash into one Gemini's chest and beheaded another in one clean stroke. Even if the blow wasn't fatal, he had to keep moving. He couldn't make it easy for them to attack, especially since it was getting harder and harder to maintain his concentration. A few more minutes... I have to...
Star's arrival was drawing more and more air units her way. This gave Laku and her squadmates some time to breathe.
Simms noted the change from the bridge of the Great White, which was likewise benefitting from the shift in targets. "Moloti, scrape together what you can and see if you can't do something about that Terran artillery!" he ordered. "It looks like the majority of there reserve is up, so you might be able to get back there."
"Roger that!" she replied, banking right. "Switch to air-ground and prepare for head-on defense!"
Two units to Adam's right took hard hits, with one staggering backwards without its firing arm, and another collapsing where it stood with both hip sockets blown out. The pilot cried out in agony as the floor exploded under him, sending shards of material flying at lethal velocity.
"They actually had this many left?!" Adam shouted, leading a pocket of forward Tuataras backwards while sending the rest of his gatling clip into two incoming Geminis. "Nels, we screwed up, our window is about gone... what do we do now?"
Spit break
18-01-2008, 06:28
((ooc: jacob already blew that up))
OOC: finally i get in, every time i've tried to load the forums its been timing out for two days, any way chance of survivors?
"Luna pick Mu up he's got 30 seconds or so before that thing goes down" Holland shouted at her "Roger" as she then stopped attacking the sag units and went as fast as possible to the cockpit of the destroy "Mu set the destroy to auto and set the self detonate to remote before you get out" he then told Mu not being in a position to order, just suggest. Mu took the suggestion and did so before opening the cockpit and jumping on the hand of Luna's pheonix gundam. The two then escaped as Luna went to take him to the Red pheonix as many others fought on the battle. As they left right behind them in a final defiant gesture the destroy fired one last salvo from all its weapons at republlic forces before carshing to the ground.
On the red pheonix however the situation was getting critical "damnit we lost the destroy, the enemy command centre is gone and we are loosing forces by the second we need something to hit them hard" Ramius said as Mu was dropped off on the hanger deck by Luna. On the transport however Diane was waking up to the sounds of battle, she stood up taking the IV out of her arm, and getting dressed. She then scampered to the hanger and her Strike E IWSP gundam to listen to the randio traffic.
She got to the hanger, jumped in the cockpit and put the head set on, only to hear the conversation between the top brass including general Waltfeld.
"Captain Ramius we are running out of options here"
"I know General Waltfeld but we need to hold out and find away to hit them hard"
"I think I have a way we can do that"
"General Triner?"
"The destroys nuclear reactor is still intact now that thing is powerful enough that if it went we would take out atleast 50% and above of the republics forces if we self destructed her"
"But general Triner we would need to pull back, the enemy would suspect something, someone would need to stay behind to lure them in"
"Thats a one way suicide mission, no one could escape the blast, I'd like you to find some one who would take that on Generals"
"Talho we have no choice some one has to"
Diane fliped a switch so she could talk on the same station and spoke up "I'll do it" she quickly said. All of the Pheonix forces were listening and when Holland heard Dianes voice he just froze up in shock of what his sister just said.
20-01-2008, 03:01
((ooc: sorry it took so long must have glossed it over... oh and its been 2 days tops))
African forces continued to receav no reinforcements with other frounts deemed more critical with trying to shuffle more troops into russia to quell the uprising but with the battle raiging in georgia against seemingly every rebble force on the blanet it was just fuling the russians who where geting live pirated footage from Red Dawn agents hideing in the surounding mountains haveing moved in with the Troops.
it it kept up much longer the African forces would be forced to pull back even more just to save resorces as it was if the feilded everything they might be able to storm the CAS over bu the wouldn't be able to hold any ground they gainedwhen it was all over and taht wasn't a victory... insted they opted to slowly blead the CAS with there constant fire untill another ship could be made avalable to put the fear back in to the CAS
The CAS forces continued to advance slowly. As it was the enemy forces were distracted across several major fronts and with the relative unimportance of the African continent few forces were responding to CAS. Even the avalible forces were spread out with anti-partisan duties along with the actual combat against CAS.
[Somewhere in Congo]
Numerous TINNs continued to advance. The forest was trampled underneath their feet as bolts of energy went across the two fronts. Occasionally one of these bolts hit a mobile suit. The mobile suit would either absorb the blast or have a hole melted through it before a brillian explosion. Amid all these James Haye was in his specially built mobile suit. His squadron was behind the main lines away from the line of sight of the enemy. It would be here that they would open a hole in the enemy lines. With a quiet signal to the other mobile suits he lifted off with the others following. He swept into the battle and quickly began fighting.
New Kratna
21-01-2008, 20:59
Where does that think keep... Nelson began, but just as he'd become aware of the temporary advantage that the unknown unit afforded him, he was on top of the Terran vanguard. Pulling his sabers into attack position and allowing bullets to graze his body, he cut a wide gash into one Gemini's chest and beheaded another in one clean stroke. Even if the blow wasn't fatal, he had to keep moving. He couldn't make it easy for them to attack, especially since it was getting harder and harder to maintain his concentration. A few more minutes... I have to...
With Masaru blinking through the ranks picking off commanding officers combined with Nelsons wild plunge into the terran ranks the section of the line compleatly colapsed with republic pilots either surendering or fleeing from nelson and "the ghost"
with the lack of a command structure he terrans couldnt even attempt to re orgonize the line as the hole widened to to point where alliedroops could almost move through unoposed
Star's arrival was drawing more and more air units her way. This gave Laku and her squadmates some time to breathe.
Simms noted the change from the bridge of the Great White, which was likewise benefitting from the shift in targets. "Moloti, scrape together what you can and see if you can't do something about that Terran artillery!" he ordered. "It looks like the majority of there reserve is up, so you might be able to get back there."
"Roger that!" she replied, banking right. "Switch to air-ground and prepare for head-on defense!"
Star streaked through the air picking off aries units left right and center with her beam rifle in one hand and one of the new lighter beam sabers she had aquired from the great white in the darkstars last refit she was death on wings every shot lethal every blow from the saber either destroying an aries out right or kocking it out of the air
she couldn't help hearing the orders to laku from simmswith being on the sam allied channel she quickly refrenced her position against lakus and the line of terran artilery
"laku i'm inbound to your locationETA in 1.30 have your boys ready i'm bringing the rain" with that she streaked across the feild to meet up with laku and her assembled units
Two units to Adam's right took hard hits, with one staggering backwards without its firing arm, and another collapsing where it stood with both hip sockets blown out. The pilot cried out in agony as the floor exploded under him, sending shards of material flying at lethal velocity.
"They actually had this many left?!" Adam shouted, leading a pocket of forward Tuataras backwards while sending the rest of his gatling clip into two incoming Geminis. "Nels, we screwed up, our window is about gone... what do we do now?"
with the section of the line in utter colaps adams "screw up" wasn't really reliven any more because with another good push they could sucure this section of the line
New Kratna
21-01-2008, 21:17
OOC: finally i get in, every time i've tried to load the forums its been timing out for two days, any way chance of survivors?
((ooc: no one worth taking just junior officers and other grunts))
"Luna pick Mu up he's got 30 seconds or so before that thing goes down" Holland shouted at her "Roger" as she then stopped attacking the sag units and went as fast as possible to the cockpit of the destroy "Mu set the destroy to auto and set the self detonate to remote before you get out" he then told Mu not being in a position to order, just suggest. Mu took the suggestion and did so before opening the cockpit and jumping on the hand of Luna's pheonix gundam. The two then escaped as Luna went to take him to the Red pheonix as many others fought on the battle. As they left right behind them in a final defiant gesture the destroy fired one last salvo from all its weapons at republlic forces before carshing to the ground.
A chear wehnt up across the Terran ranks as the destroy went down even as its final attack took out another handull of units. local commanders imediatly began re coordinating there efforts to make the best use of the now free artilery. but there joy was to be short lived as the angel of eath was on its way with the ghost not far behind in search of new ways to be a nusence ot the republic
((ooc: i cut out the rest cause no one i'm playing is operating on the Phoenix's frequencys))
New Kratna
21-01-2008, 21:35
The CAS forces continued to advance slowly. As it was the enemy forces were distracted across several major fronts and with the relative unimportance of the African continent few forces were responding to CAS. Even the avalible forces were spread out with anti-partisan duties along with the actual combat against CAS.
[Somewhere in Congo]
Numerous TINNs continued to advance. The forest was trampled underneath their feet as bolts of energy went across the two fronts. Occasionally one of these bolts hit a mobile suit. The mobile suit would either absorb the blast or have a hole melted through it before a brillian explosion. Amid all these James Haye was in his specially built mobile suit. His squadron was behind the main lines away from the line of sight of the enemy. It would be here that they would open a hole in the enemy lines. With a quiet signal to the other mobile suits he lifted off with the others following. He swept into the battle and quickly began fighting.
things where slowly going from bad to worse. the CAS had the home turf advantage meening it was a simple matter to cal for reinforcements and resuply while the terrans where cut off from both
"someone want to tell me whats going on out there?"
"well general whatever it is its not looking good we have unconfermed reports that all of russia is in a state of revolt..."
"yes sir its aparentl consumeing both civilian and millitary personell and is almost compleatly tying up the forces that where being funnled through to the planned offencive wich never happend... sombody timed that revolt almost perfictly. there are also scetchy reports of a major battle taking place on the geroga arimenia border against every know revolutionary eliment and a couple we wernt aware of. infact the only thing thats gone right today has been the pacific fleats consuming of the asian aliance but otherwise everythings falling apart.
we get no suplies or reinforcements because the atlantic fleats dont know what to do with the colaps of ther offecive, the armys in russia are attempting to put down a nation wide revolt. if something dosnt go in our favor soon... were F***ed"
the general sighed and pondered for a moment "order a compleat fall back to this location for refit and resply if we cant win this out right we can atleast hurt them enough to give those that will follow an eazyer time"
23-01-2008, 02:48
With Masaru blinking through the ranks picking off commanding officers combined with Nelsons wild plunge into the terran ranks the section of the line compleatly colapsed with republic pilots either surendering or fleeing from nelson and "the ghost"
with the lack of a command structure he terrans couldnt even attempt to re orgonize the line as the hole widened to to point where alliedroops could almost move through unoposed
with the section of the line in utter colaps adams "screw up" wasn't really reliven any more because with another good push they could sucure this section of the line
"It's okay, just hold steady, I'm almost done here!" Nelson tore through two units still standing their ground, but his ghastly companion had finished the job. The command suits lay twisted in a heap. Nelson breathed heavily and managed to pound his console to deactivate the system, and at long last, the pain subsided. He breathed heavily as Tuataras began to march past him. This breakthrough would let the Union surround the center.
Adam paused for a moment by Nelson's motionless suit. "You okay in there?" he asked. "You sound exhausted."
"Just need a little rest..." Nelson panted. "She's good for more." Who was he kidding? He'd overexerted himself. To continue fighting now would put himself at risk, and by extension, the rest of his allies. Still, the battle was going their way. Could he really just sit back now?
"You earned a break, man, just cover the back until you get your wind back, all right?"
"Sounds good... okay, then..."
Star streaked through the air picking off aries units left right and center with her beam rifle in one hand and one of the new lighter beam sabers she had aquired from the great white in the darkstars last refit she was death on wings every shot lethal every blow from the saber either destroying an aries out right or kocking it out of the air
she couldn't help hearing the orders to laku from simmswith being on the sam allied channel she quickly refrenced her position against lakus and the line of terran artilery
"laku i'm inbound to your locationETA in 1.30 have your boys ready i'm bringing the rain" with that she streaked across the feild to meet up with laku and her assembled units
"You heard her!" Laku yelled as her team swung into position for their run. "Twenty seconds to impact, then pull up!"
Pilots tensed up as they readied their weapons. A last barrage of air to ground missiles, then they, too, would join the majority of the allied and enemy mobile suits that were all out.
"Fire at will!"
General Yavensky stould out in frount with Sasha and Lt Iysenburg just behin him. he raised his highly customized Anti beam Chain sword high into the air and then opening a channel to all the forces on the feild "For Mother Russia and the Red Dawn! Charrrge!" with that he swung the sword forwards and charged in the the Terran ranks Sparks flying as his sword cut into the first tarran unit the remaining units opening fire sending pulets and shells flying into the terran ranks there wasn't a single energy weapon to be seen amoungst them. but as they tore into the terran ranks they proved to be no less deatly there adaptive tactics giving them an edge as well as the fact that most of the newer modles where armoured to protect against energy weapons and not kinetic
The time had finally come for Dmitri and the others to prove themselves on the field of battle. On the order, the Tartar units charged straight into a pocket of Geminis and unleashed their fury upon them. Dmitri immediately got into the fray and filled the first Gemini he saw full of lead, feeling absolutely no regret for killing one of his former comrades. Now was not the time hesitation or remorse, now was the time for combat. After downing his first enemy, Dmitri looked around the battlefield to find a new target. The screen in his cockpit was filled with a sea of red squares symbolizing enemy units, meaning there would be plenty of enemies to cut down. “Excellent…” Dmitri said to himself, grinning widely in anticipation.
Dmitri launched himself into a nearby Gemini and knocked it clear off its feet. As it hit the ground, Dmitri planted his foot hard onto the enemy’s chest and filled the cockpit with a stream of bullets. Just as he was preparing to locate a new target, Dmitri heard blaring alarms warning him that an enemy was right behind him. With no time to pull out his knife, he quickly spun around and shielded his head and chest with his arms. A Gemini’s knife pierced into his left arm and right as it tried to retract its blade Dmitri pointed his rifle at the enemy’s cockpit and let off a short burst. The Gemini fell to the ground with a loud thud that was masked by the sounds of the raging battle.
Filled with adrenaline and bloodlust, Dmitri shouted into his radio transmitter, “These weaklings are no match for us! Come my friends, let us show these bastards what true power is!” The Hammer and Sickle radio channels were filled with yells and cheers of approval as the soldiers of Red Dawn continued to cut a bloody swathe into the Terran lines.
Higher Brazilam
23-01-2008, 20:42
OOC: ATTENTION! Due to some technical difficulties I've had, I had to move on without my old account. Just want everyone to know this, so expect future posts when I can think of them.
New Kratna
23-01-2008, 21:20
"You heard her!" Laku yelled as her team swung into position for their run. "Twenty seconds to impact, then pull up!"
Pilots tensed up as they readied their weapons. A last barrage of air to ground missiles, then they, too, would join the majority of the allied and enemy mobile suits that were all out.
"Fire at will!"
at Lakus order an energy bead streaked down from above tearing into the terran ranks as Star streeked overhead her Heavy beam cannon cutting a swath of destruction alont the terran artilery lines alowing the Union missiles to impact into dazed and confused forces causing even more dammage with the combined attack then either would have seperatly
the local aried forces and the ones tat had been folowing star around hopeing to take her down regrouped an formed up again some preparing to go after laku and the union pilots while the rest kicked there boosters into gear and tore after star
"alright b**** time to die!" the squad commander that was after star yelled "you've out lived your usefullness as a beta and a trator"
well that just pissed her off "alright little man you think you can party with the big kids... BRING IT!" she rocketed strate up into the air in a masive climb stowing her weapons as she did. the terran pilot struggling to keep pace even with his boosters at full power blasting up at her but stars minute movements where just enouch to avoid being hit by a pathetic albha without looking like she was dogeing wich just angered the pilot more... he should be able to hit her why couldnt he hit her...
then star cut her engins thetting momentum carry her up a little farther before gravity took hold again pulling her down looking for all the world like she had been shot down the moment star her his triumphant yell she guned her engins driving her suit down and slaming into the aried pulling him with her as the plumited to the ground "in what messed up world would you ever beat ME!"
they slammed into the ground sending up a massive cloud of snow dirt rock chips and pine needles into the air clouding everything it was imposable to tell who if anyone had servived
New Kratna
23-01-2008, 21:34
The time had finally come for Dmitri and the others to prove themselves on the field of battle. On the order, the Tartar units charged straight into a pocket of Geminis and unleashed their fury upon them. Dmitri immediately got into the fray and filled the first Gemini he saw full of lead, feeling absolutely no regret for killing one of his former comrades. Now was not the time hesitation or remorse, now was the time for combat. After downing his first enemy, Dmitri looked around the battlefield to find a new target. The screen in his cockpit was filled with a sea of red squares symbolizing enemy units, meaning there would be plenty of enemies to cut down. “Excellent…” Dmitri said to himself, grinning widely in anticipation.
Dmitri launched himself into a nearby Gemini and knocked it clear off its feet. As it hit the ground, Dmitri planted his foot hard onto the enemy’s chest and filled the cockpit with a stream of bullets. Just as he was preparing to locate a new target, Dmitri heard blaring alarms warning him that an enemy was right behind him. With no time to pull out his knife, he quickly spun around and shielded his head and chest with his arms. A Gemini’s knife pierced into his left arm and right as it tried to retract its blade Dmitri pointed his rifle at the enemy’s cockpit and let off a short burst. The Gemini fell to the ground with a loud thud that was masked by the sounds of the raging battle.
Filled with adrenaline and bloodlust, Dmitri shouted into his radio transmitter, “These weaklings are no match for us! Come my friends, let us show these bastards what true power is!” The Hammer and Sickle radio channels were filled with yells and cheers of approval as the soldiers of Red Dawn continued to cut a bloody swathe into the Terran lines.
Yavensky smiled to himself the men where preforming better than he could have hoped there suprise attack and there tactics where paying off as the general led them to the now obvious gap in the lines
they needed to join up with some allies on there own tey would be little more than an anoyance to the republic forces and once thet had tome to orgonize against them they wouldn't last long... it was an unfortunate reality but a reality none the less
"This Is General Yavensky of the Red Dawn To all units fighting for the cause of freedom and justice. we thank you for joining us in Mother russias bid for freedom. now let us aid you inform us of where we might be of the most use in ending the battle swiftly that russia may not spens one hour more then it needs to under terran rule"
the general had used a slight pauses in the fighting to relay the message and now tore back into the frey as he awaited the responce
Higher Brazilam
24-01-2008, 04:42
As Jacob saw the mobile suits still coming, he noticed Red Dawn was making its advance to eradicate the remaining Terran mobile suits. In the midst of it all, Jacob was still fighting, countless mobile suits now destroyed, piles gathering on the battlefield. As he battled on, he felt a new strange feeling of normality in his fury. In the midst of this however, he felt something... It felt as if something was grasping the back of his mind... As soon as this happened, the Terra fell down on its knees and Jacob found himself in a different battle... In his mind. "Grrrr... N.... W.... What is..." Jacob grunted as he knelt down. As it began a struggle, some Terran mobile suits went up to the Terra to see if its destruction was possible...
"Now I shall have control over him... If this does not work... Then I will have to resort to other measures..."
As soon as Jacob saw the barrel of the gun, he slashed at the Terran mobile suit in front of him. As soon as he did, he jumped up into the air, and began firing his beam rifle indiscriminatley at all mobile suits on the field. The Terra was a sight to behold by all on the battlefield, and all its destruction was likely to be unpredictable... "DIIIIIIEEEEEE!!!!" He yelled with passionate anger in his voice...
24-01-2008, 18:48
the local aried forces and the ones tat had been folowing star around hopeing to take her down regrouped an formed up again some preparing to go after laku and the union pilots while the rest kicked there boosters into gear and tore after star
they slammed into the ground sending up a massive cloud of snow dirt rock chips and pine needles into the air clouding everything it was imposable to tell who if anyone had servived
"Tch, fight more efficiently!" muttered Laku, as she weaved through the incoming Aries. Her own unit was completely out of missiles, and machine gun ammo was low. This would be a slaughter if she wasn't careful. "Try to form up and pull out, I'll buy you some time!" she said. She evaded fire in tired motions, taking stray hits as she refocused. I'm not as strong as you are, Star, but I've been doing this long enough! A deep breath, and her combat knives drawn. A quick slash, right and left, and one suit was spiraling down...
"This Is General Yavensky of the Red Dawn To all units fighting for the cause of freedom and justice. we thank you for joining us in Mother russias bid for freedom. now let us aid you inform us of where we might be of the most use in ending the battle swiftly that russia may not spens one hour more then it needs to under terran rule"
the general had used a slight pauses in the fighting to relay the message and now tore back into the frey as he awaited the responce
"Incoming message from Black Bear squadron, it's the Red Dawn!" cried Rian. "Yavensky himself... and he's asking how he can help!"
"Patch him through!" said Simms. Finally a bit of luck! "General, this is Captain Cornell Simms of the vessel Great White. We've noted your position. If you could push towards the back of the Terran front, you can meet up with our mobile suits on our right, we're sending coordinates." Gimbley relayed the location of Nelson and Adam's battle, where the Terran retreat continued. "If we sandwich them against their own forces, I believe we will be in a good position to end the battle."
"Now I shall have control over him... If this does not work... Then I will have to resort to other measures..."
As soon as Jacob saw the barrel of the gun, he slashed at the Terran mobile suit in front of him. As soon as he did, he jumped up into the air, and began firing his beam rifle indiscriminatley at all mobile suits on the field. The Terra was a sight to behold by all on the battlefield, and all its destruction was likely to be unpredictable... "DIIIIIIEEEEEE!!!!" He yelled with passionate anger in his voice...
A beam came dangerously close to beheading one of the Tuatara team leaders. "Prince Thorstein, be careful, that last shot nearly hit our position!" Two more shots came in. This time one of this wingmen was struck, taking the head clean off, while a nearby Army of Islam suit was struck in the shoulder, dropping the whole arm from the frame. "Great White, please advise! The prince, he...!!"
From the ship, Jacob and the Terra were quickly captured on camera. Now all forces were in danger, and a halo was quickly forming around him as suits from all sides looked for cover. "What is he doing?!" cried Simms. "Has he gone mad?"
Mervin watched the scene from the dock. His face was pale. "B...berserker?" he murmured.
On the field itself, Jacob's sudden transformation had left many of the Union attackers in a pinch. They could no longer push forward, and this would give the Terrans crucial time to regroup. The battle would be unnecessarily prolonged. "Someone needs to get over there and calm him down!" yelled Adam. "Nelson, can you handle it?"
Nelson let out a half laugh as his shaking hands rattled his controls. "I don't think I can... I'm completely spent... where's Lynde?"
Roland, Alex, and the ambassador from the bridge still watched the battle unfold, and it seemed to turn in favor of the Oceanic Union, then back, then In their favor, and then back. And it seemed relentless, as if It wouldn't stop...
"Has Jacob lost his mind?" Alex asked in shock as he saw Jacob go mad.
"Who knows, this is a indesicive conflict....," Roland slightly shook his head.
Then, the ambassadors phone rang...
"Bonjour ? Oui, nous sommes, envahissions la Russie ? Excelent, ceci est de grandes nouvelles, oui, il est ici, aur revoir. Se unto Moscow? Oui!"
"Did you hear that? Yes!" Roland said with glee. "Simms!" Roland turned him around. "Did you hear that? Europe is invading Russia, were fizzing out their reinforcements, and were getting close to the capital!"
Heart of Russia...........
The European regiments had taken a hard beating within the last few days of the advancement. Indeed, the Europeans had combined old Enlightment style tactics with modern Gundams and made a huge sucess, and were proceeding to Moscow, were the rebellion was at its peak. Ground troops also seemed to get along even faster, and recieved alot of help from the rebellious countryside....they would finally liberate this once powerfull nation.
As Jacob saw the mobile suits still coming, he noticed Red Dawn was making its advance to eradicate the remaining Terran mobile suits. In the midst of it all, Jacob was still fighting, countless mobile suits now destroyed, piles gathering on the battlefield. As he battled on, he felt a new strange feeling of normality in his fury. In the midst of this however, he felt something... It felt as if something was grasping the back of his mind... As soon as this happened, the Terra fell down on its knees and Jacob found himself in a different battle... In his mind. "Grrrr... N.... W.... What is..." Jacob grunted as he knelt down. As it began a struggle, some Terran mobile suits went up to the Terra to see if its destruction was possible...
"Now I shall have control over him... If this does not work... Then I will have to resort to other measures..."
As soon as Jacob saw the barrel of the gun, he slashed at the Terran mobile suit in front of him. As soon as he did, he jumped up into the air, and began firing his beam rifle indiscriminatley at all mobile suits on the field. The Terra was a sight to behold by all on the battlefield, and all its destruction was likely to be unpredictable... "DIIIIIIEEEEEE!!!!" He yelled with passionate anger in his voice...
Dmitri and the others were tearing through the Terran battle line when suddenly a mobile suit jumped into the air and began firing randomly around the battlefield. Dmitri jumped backwards in surprise as the Gemini in front of him was shot down by a stray beam. “Damn!” he shouted, “Who the hell is that guy, and what does he think he’s doing?!”
“I don’t know!” Alexei responded through the radio, “All I know is if he keeps this up he’s going to end up hitting one of-”
Alexei was just about to finish his sentence when he saw a beam headed straight for him. Time seemed to slow down as the beam came closer and closer; Alexei’s immediate instinct was to get out of the way but his body wouldn’t respond quickly enough. Just as his mobile suit was about to jump, the beam pierced through the cockpit and burned through Alexei’s body. Thousands of thoughts ran through his head in the last seconds of his life. Will the revolution succeed? What will Dmitri and the others do? Who will take care of little Alisa? Alexei cursed at himself for having to die so early, but he knew there was nothing he could do about it. All he could do was accept the warm embrace of death that was slowly burning through his body…
“Alexei?” Dmitri asked, worried. “Alexei, do you copy? Alexei!” Dmitri heard an explosion and instinctively looked to where Alexei’s mobile suit had last been. He looked on in horror as the Tartar slumped to the ground with a gaping hole through its cockpit. “Alexei, NOOO!!!”
“What? What happened?”
“Was someone shot down?”
“Dmitri, what are you doing? Take cover!”
Dmitri tuned out all the voices coming through the radio and ran over to Alexei’s downed mobile suit. In the back of his mind he knew it was pointless, Alexei was dead and there was no way to bring him back, but he just had to see. Getting to the suit was no problem as both the Terran and Red Dawn units had ran to cover to protect themselves from the deadly rain of beams. When he got there he knelt down beside the fallen Tartar and jumped out of his cockpit. Dmitri ran to the mobile suit and looked inside and around the huge hole where Alexei had been sitting only moments before. He was desperate to find some trace of Alexei; maybe he ejected just before the beam hit and he was lying somewhere nearby, only mildly injured. But Dmitri knew he that wasn't possible. There was no way that Alexei could have reacted quickly enough to save his life, he was most certainly dead.
Dmitri blinked and felt tears roll down his cheeks. He looked up in the sky with his tear-filled eyes and saw the monster that did this to his friend. Dmitri began to shake with fury, and in a mindless rage he ran back to his Tartar and got back into its cockpit. Right as he got inside he heard shouts through the radio. “Dmitri, get the fuck out of there! What the hell are you-” Dmitri turned off his radio and set his focus on the mobile suit in the air, still firing wildly in all directions. “You bastard…you’ll pay for what you’ve done!” Dmitri aimed his rifle at the cockpit of the airborne unit and let off a series of controlled bursts that were almost guaranteed to hit…
Higher Brazilam
26-01-2008, 05:38
"Tch, fight more efficiently!" muttered Laku, as she weaved through the incoming Aries. Her own unit was completely out of missiles, and machine gun ammo was low. This would be a slaughter if she wasn't careful. "Try to form up and pull out, I'll buy you some time!" she said. She evaded fire in tired motions, taking stray hits as she refocused. I'm not as strong as you are, Star, but I've been doing this long enough! A deep breath, and her combat knives drawn. A quick slash, right and left, and one suit was spiraling down...
"Incoming message from Black Bear squadron, it's the Red Dawn!" cried Rian. "Yavensky himself... and he's asking how he can help!"
"Patch him through!" said Simms. Finally a bit of luck! "General, this is Captain Cornell Simms of the vessel Great White. We've noted your position. If you could push towards the back of the Terran front, you can meet up with our mobile suits on our right, we're sending coordinates." Gimbley relayed the location of Nelson and Adam's battle, where the Terran retreat continued. "If we sandwich them against their own forces, I believe we will be in a good position to end the battle."
A beam came dangerously close to beheading one of the Tuatara team leaders. "Prince Thorstein, be careful, that last shot nearly hit our position!" Two more shots came in. This time one of this wingmen was struck, taking the head clean off, while a nearby Army of Islam suit was struck in the shoulder, dropping the whole arm from the frame. "Great White, please advise! The prince, he...!!"
From the ship, Jacob and the Terra were quickly captured on camera. Now all forces were in danger, and a halo was quickly forming around him as suits from all sides looked for cover. "What is he doing?!" cried Simms. "Has he gone mad?"
Mervin watched the scene from the dock. His face was pale. "B...berserker?" he murmured.
On the field itself, Jacob's sudden transformation had left many of the Union attackers in a pinch. They could no longer push forward, and this would give the Terrans crucial time to regroup. The battle would be unnecessarily prolonged. "Someone needs to get over there and calm him down!" yelled Adam. "Nelson, can you handle it?"
Nelson let out a half laugh as his shaking hands rattled his controls. "I don't think I can... I'm completely spent... where's Lynde?"
Just as Jacob continued firing, Jacob continued his inner struggle. Something was making him go wild and he had to control himself. He saw himself firing at some Union mobile suits as well as members of the Red Dawn, he would likely never be forgiven for that. In a desperate attempt to stop Terra from destroying any more friendly units, he focused at a point in the Terran lines and dashed into it. "AAAAAHHHH!!!" Jacob fell down with a hard crash into the Terran lines and now found himself surrounded by Terran mobile suits trying to attack him. As this happened, the Terra formed a beam sword and began a massive dive towards the Terran mobile suits. As he slashed through the hordes of mobile suits, he opened up a hole in the lines and was heading into his allies. As soon as he saw some of the Asian Alliance Gundams though, he snapped and thrusted upwards to avoid conflict with them...
"Your will is stronger than I imagined for one brought up in royalty..."
"Who are you?"
"I am part of you who is attempting to overcome your current self."
"You're part of me?"
"In a way yes... Because you and I have our connection, I can channel my strength into you... Whether it is to your benefit or to your dismay is your decision and if you let me guide you.."
"I cannot understand this..."
"The Terranium is connected to all who possess it... In a way we are one being seperated into two..."
Spit break
27-01-2008, 02:17
OOC: I have returned from the dead, no not really i was just finally able to connect to the forums.
"Diane, are you sure you want to do this?" Holland asked over the radio
"I have no choice little brother, some one has to do it, this is not my war any more, its yours" she replied back. Her suit then fought through republic forces to the downed destroy Gundam. Her suit stood on top of it blasting any enemy suit in her range "This is Diane to Waltfeld I'm in position, patch me through to allied forces, now!" she ordered. Mayrin made it possible and patched Diane to all allied forces. What was about to happen would make history "This is Diane Tray'vak to all Allied forces, we are detnoating the nuclear reactor of the destroy to wipe out republic forces, all Allied forces are to retreat, if any one wants to stay and help lure them in, make your way to the destroy. That is all" she said over the radio.
Twlight pheonix forces already began a stretegic withdrawal, several teams stayed behind and formed up with Diane to get republic forces in closer and buy there allies as much time as possible.
27-01-2008, 08:37
"This is Diane to Waltfeld I'm in position, patch me through to allied forces, now!" she ordered. Mayrin made it possible and patched Diane to all allied forces. What was about to happen would make history "This is Diane Tray'vak to all Allied forces, we are detnoating the nuclear reactor of the destroy to wipe out republic forces, all Allied forces are to retreat, if any one wants to stay and help lure them in, make your way to the destroy. That is all" she said over the radio.
"They're blowing that thing, they're insane!" shouted Morris. "Captain, tell them to stop. Do they realize what'll happen if they do that?"
"The Terrans will have all the excuses they need to open their nuclear arsenal," Simms muttered, grabbing his communicator. "Miz Tray'vak, do you copy, this is Captain Cornell Simms of the allied vessel Great White. Detonating that unit will lead to nuclear retaliation against allied forces elsewhere, do you copy?!"
Flying over the destroyed artillery sites, Laku picked up the signal. "Detonation, but too many of ours are still over there!" she cried. "Adam, Nelson, you need to pull back over the mountains with as many guys as you can!" She turned her attention to the ground, where the cloud of condensed air above Star's suit hung lazily in the air. "Star, it's dangerous, you need to get off the ground!"
The bubble around Destroy was growing larger. Adam had cut off the pursuit and began to double back. "Damn, if we go in any farther, we're at risk!" he said. "But they'll have plenty of time to get out, too... this is..." A squadron of mobile suits ran past him towards the fleeing Terran suits, laying down thick fire. "What are you doing, you need to get out!" he shouted.
"59th Union Ground, Sydney," the pilot responded coolly. "For us, this is the chance we've been waiting for. We'll take them to hell ourselves for what they did to our people! Our families!"
"You're insane, if you die now, what will all this be..."
"You can't possibly understand, kid," the grizzly veteran responded. "This new world belongs to you guys, now. With the Gundams, there's no need for guys like us anymore."
"That's not true, we need every last man we can get!" Adam responded, stalling his retreat while the rest of his unit streamed past. The 59th lumbered farther and farther away from the rest of the Union suits. "They're just so huge... so..."
"Son... any commander who tells you that numbers are the most important thing in a war... doesn't have the whole picture," the vet replied. "You need to believe in the difference you can make, and the strength you bring to the front. Those guys they throw at you, they're worthless. Churned out by the hundreds to intimidate whoever's in their way. But let me tell you something. Hist.... like a... chan... fe...."
"You're breaking up, damn it!" shouted Adam. But he knew it was useless. He turned and started his lonely retreat, as the rest had gone before him. He passed over fields of scrap piled high and still smoldering. "Nelson, you heard the man, let's move."
Higher Brazilam
29-01-2008, 04:41
Jacob continued to slash at the Terran mobile suits and saw resisting mobile suits make their stands as well. with a lightning fast pace, the Terrans were dropping like flies in a gas chamber. The more this happened, Jacob was getting dangerously close to the front lines of his allies. He even might have slashed at one Union mobile suit, but the fury was making him feel too dizy to recall anything.
"The Terranium... Mervin says that's what powers the Terra..."
"Yes... It is the material that will make all things possible for you..."
"And why are you helping me with this?"
"Simply because your rise to power would more than benefit me..."
"You... You're Hades aren't you?"
"Hehehe... Yes... Smart young lad you are..."
"What do you mean rise to power?"
"It is all part of my new world you and I will create..."
New Kratna
29-01-2008, 04:44
((ooc: sorry been a crazy week i'll reply as soon as i can))
New Kratna
30-01-2008, 05:24
in the time it had taken for the snow and dust to settle around star and the crushed remains of the stupid terran pilot that had dared to chalange her and had lost misserably things had dramaticly changed on the battle feild red dawn had joind the fight Jacom had snaped and the Phoenix was attempting a plan that could very well kill them all
in the seconds it took for the dust to settle she had decided what she was going to do. she yanked her sword out of the Aries chest and launched into the air streeking into jacobs position dodging the wild fire and slammed into him grabbing his arms in an attempt to controol him or atleast preventing him from causing more friendly fire casualtys
"jacob get a grip of yourself your killing our own! Laku haul your ass over here we have to get him off the feild!" atempting to pin him down was leaving her open to enamy fire but it didn't matter the Dark star could take it but not for long if jacob had truly gon awall the phoenix detonation there bomb would be the least of there problems
"Diane you cant blow that thing your gonna die trying... you cant posably hold them off long enough for us to all get clear with out the terrans getting wise to the fact that something up... the ennamy running away right after the punched a hole in the lies... yeah dead give away best to reform and punch a hole on the other side devide them further!" if they didn't want to listen to the advice of a former terran captain that was there loss if they insisted on comiting suicide she was going to make sure heself and jacom was as far away as possable.
the Samurai switched to a private chanel to discuss the new developments wich where both a blessing and a curse "she makes a valid point theres no way to get everyone to a minimum safe distance in time without tipping off the terrans" Riku said from his position near the great white.
"so do we aide the retreat or keep pressing the terrans?" amaya asked she had made her way over to the hole in the terran lines and was doing her part to widen the gap
"for now we do both" Tekeru responded "we will cover those that wish to retreat while pressing the advantage where we can untill the phoenix candecide how insane it wants to be"
"understoold captain" the rest responded in unicen
"Dimitri get a hold of yourself!" general Yavensky shouted at him "Leutenant Iysenburg get over there and get him undercontrol we dont need to loose another pilot to stupidity!"
"yes sir" yuri grabbed the 2 nearest pilots and charged after dmitri blasting his heavy shells into the formations taking out unit after unit as they ran after him the other 2 pilots attacking to the sides "Dmitri! get back here...we knew we might loose friends but this isn't going to help anything!"
Higher Brazilam
31-01-2008, 04:59
in the time it had taken for the snow and dust to settle around star and the crushed remains of the stupid terran pilot that had dared to chalange her and had lost misserably things had dramaticly changed on the battle feild red dawn had joind the fight Jacom had snaped and the Phoenix was attempting a plan that could very well kill them all
in the seconds it took for the dust to settle she had decided what she was going to do. she yanked her sword out of the Aries chest and launched into the air streeking into jacobs position dodging the wild fire and slammed into him grabbing his arms in an attempt to controol him or atleast preventing him from causing more friendly fire casualtys
"jacob get a grip of yourself your killing our own! Laku haul your ass over here we have to get him off the feild!" atempting to pin him down was leaving her open to enamy fire but it didn't matter the Dark star could take it but not for long if jacob had truly gon awall the phoenix detonation there bomb would be the least of there problems
"Diane you cant blow that thing your gonna die trying... you cant posably hold them off long enough for us to all get clear with out the terrans getting wise to the fact that something up... the ennamy running away right after the punched a hole in the lies... yeah dead give away best to reform and punch a hole on the other side devide them further!" if they didn't want to listen to the advice of a former terran captain that was there loss if they insisted on comiting suicide she was going to make sure heself and jacom was as far away as possable.
the Samurai switched to a private chanel to discuss the new developments wich where both a blessing and a curse "she makes a valid point theres no way to get everyone to a minimum safe distance in time without tipping off the terrans" Riku said from his position near the great white.
"so do we aide the retreat or keep pressing the terrans?" amaya asked she had made her way over to the hole in the terran lines and was doing her part to widen the gap
"for now we do both" Tekeru responded "we will cover those that wish to retreat while pressing the advantage where we can untill the phoenix candecide how insane it wants to be"
"understoold captain" the rest responded in unicen
"Dimitri get a hold of yourself!" general Yavensky shouted at him "Leutenant Iysenburg get over there and get him undercontrol we dont need to loose another pilot to stupidity!"
"yes sir" yuri grabbed the 2 nearest pilots and charged after dmitri blasting his heavy shells into the formations taking out unit after unit as they ran after him the other 2 pilots attacking to the sides "Dmitri! get back here...we knew we might loose friends but this isn't going to help anything!"
It was getting further out of control. Jacob was having trouble telling friend from foe, it was as if all were but mere dolls to be torn apart by his might...
"Do you see the power you have over them?"... The voice asked Jacob again. Before he could answer though, he began to feel something about to happen. The Twilight Phoenix was about to cause massive destruction on the battlefield, more than Jacob would allow himself to cause... He heard the transmission Diane made that the nuclear site was about to explode, resulting in the destruction of most if not all of the remaining Terran forces. He had to get out of there now... "Can you not abandon them and move on to greater things?"... Jacob was struggling with his mind again, but after a few moments...
(OOC: This is where I cue music I think would fit with the scene, expect to see more of this fairly often. Yeah I heard the game sucks, but the soundtrack from what I heard is just awesome from what I heard.
Jacob shouted, "SHUT UP!!!" And he darted across the battlefield. He saw Laku trying to catch up to him, but he grabbed hold of her in flight. As soon as this happened, Jacob saw he was reaching the frontlines of his comrades, and told Laku, "Laku! Tell everyone to back away right now!" And sent her flying towards the Great White though giving her enough chance to fly properly.
(This is for when the explosion happens)
As soon as the nuclear light began expanding, Jacob saw the light expand rapidly towards the Terran units and beyond. Jacob was racing from the falling rubble and turned around to fire an energy blast into the light. It was with this attack that Jacob kept the explosion from reaching the frontlines of his fellow fighters...
Higher Brazilam
31-01-2008, 15:45
in the time it had taken for the snow and dust to settle around star and the crushed remains of the stupid terran pilot that had dared to chalange her and had lost misserably things had dramaticly changed on the battle feild red dawn had joind the fight Jacom had snaped and the Phoenix was attempting a plan that could very well kill them all
in the seconds it took for the dust to settle she had decided what she was going to do. she yanked her sword out of the Aries chest and launched into the air streeking into jacobs position dodging the wild fire and slammed into him grabbing his arms in an attempt to controol him or atleast preventing him from causing more friendly fire casualtys
"jacob get a grip of yourself your killing our own! Laku haul your ass over here we have to get him off the feild!" atempting to pin him down was leaving her open to enamy fire but it didn't matter the Dark star could take it but not for long if jacob had truly gon awall the phoenix detonation there bomb would be the least of there problems
"Diane you cant blow that thing your gonna die trying... you cant posably hold them off long enough for us to all get clear with out the terrans getting wise to the fact that something up... the ennamy running away right after the punched a hole in the lies... yeah dead give away best to reform and punch a hole on the other side devide them further!" if they didn't want to listen to the advice of a former terran captain that was there loss if they insisted on comiting suicide she was going to make sure heself and jacom was as far away as possable.
the Samurai switched to a private chanel to discuss the new developments wich where both a blessing and a curse "she makes a valid point theres no way to get everyone to a minimum safe distance in time without tipping off the terrans" Riku said from his position near the great white.
"so do we aide the retreat or keep pressing the terrans?" amaya asked she had made her way over to the hole in the terran lines and was doing her part to widen the gap
"for now we do both" Tekeru responded "we will cover those that wish to retreat while pressing the advantage where we can untill the phoenix candecide how insane it wants to be"
"understoold captain" the rest responded in unicen
"Dimitri get a hold of yourself!" general Yavensky shouted at him "Leutenant Iysenburg get over there and get him undercontrol we dont need to loose another pilot to stupidity!"
"yes sir" yuri grabbed the 2 nearest pilots and charged after dmitri blasting his heavy shells into the formations taking out unit after unit as they ran after him the other 2 pilots attacking to the sides "Dmitri! get back here...we knew we might loose friends but this isn't going to help anything!"
It was getting further out of control. Jacob was having trouble telling friend from foe, it was as if all were but mere dolls to be torn apart by his might...
"Do you see the power you have over them?"... The voice asked Jacob again. Before he could answer though, he began to feel something about to happen. The Twilight Phoenix was about to cause massive destruction on the battlefield, more than Jacob would allow himself to cause... He heard the transmission Diane made that the nuclear site was about to explode, resulting in the destruction of most if not all of the remaining Terran forces. He had to get out of there now... "Can you not abandon them and move on to greater things?"... Jacob was struggling with his mind again, but after a few moments...
(OOC: This is where I cue music I think would fit with the scene, expect to see more of this fairly often. Yeah I heard the game sucks, but the soundtrack from what I heard is just awesome from what I heard.
Jacob shouted, "SHUT UP!!!" And he darted across the battlefield. He saw Laku trying to catch up to him, but he grabbed hold of her in flight. As soon as this happened, Jacob saw he was reaching the frontlines of his comrades, and told Laku, "Laku! Tell everyone to back away right now!" And sent her flying towards the Great White though giving her enough chance to fly properly.
(This is for when the explosion happens)
As soon as the nuclear light began expanding, Jacob saw the light expand rapidly towards the Terran units and beyond. Jacob was racing from the falling rubble and turned around to fire an energy blast into the light. It was with this attack that Jacob kept the explosion from reaching the frontlines of his fellow fighters...
01-02-2008, 00:45
Jacob shouted, "SHUT UP!!!" And he darted across the battlefield. He saw Laku trying to catch up to him, but he grabbed hold of her in flight. As soon as this happened, Jacob saw he was reaching the frontlines of his comrades, and told Laku, "Laku! Tell everyone to back away right now!" And sent her flying towards the Great White though giving her enough chance to fly properly.
Laku streamed towards Jacob's position as soon as Star called for help. I must be crazy... she thought. She had speed and that was about it. But Jacob's movement suddenly changed as the nuclear countdown wound to its inevitable end... he had switched to frantic defense. "Prince Jacob, get out of here with us, it's going to... waaaaugh!" Jacob matched his speed with hers and then boosted her towards Great White, telling her to get everyone out. "We've been doing that! Couldn't you hear us this whole time?" Something was definitely wrong with the Prince... battle fatigue? The Great White had started dipping behind a mountain, as did she and many allied - and enemy - suits...
New Kratna
01-02-2008, 02:07
((ooc: i'm not going to respond intill spitbreak has a chance to say if he actualy wants it to go off or not and/or the size of the blast so i can calculate dammage that and my reading of Braz's post sugested that last paragraph was "just in case"))
Spit break
03-02-2008, 00:46
OOC: sorry this is getting weird now, i've only been able to connect on saturdays for a short period of time >.>
Diane heard all the voices telling her not to do it, however she had to, the lose of that many mobile suits would cripple the republic for months while they work fast to produce new suits. She opened up her radio "There is no choice, if we do not blow the destroy all will be lost, after this battle allied forces will need to regroup and move on the russian missile silo's and sacure them" she said as she fired on republic suits closing in on her and every one at the destroy.
General Triner then got on the radio as well "This is general Triner of the Twilight pheonix forces, she is right dispite the chance of a nuclear counter attack we must move with this course of action, all forces are to withdraw to a safe distance, get into the mountains if you have to, just pull out, once we are clear, we will detonate" she told every one. This was not going to fail they had to for the future of every thing.
Captain Ramius quickly picked up the comm line "Every one at the Destroy, I want you to know, you will be honoured as hero's for this, and you won't be forgotten, ever! you have my word as one of the leaders of the Twilight pheonix" she said quickly as all forces continued to withdraw, except for the squads supporting Diane. The mobile suits of the pheonix and most likely of allies as well where jumping onto, grabing onto the transports that got TP forces there as they escaped. Others just ran for dear life as fast as possible.
OOC: hopefully this stops soon, if not I will try to connect at school or something
03-02-2008, 09:05
Diane heard all the voices telling her not to do it, however she had to, the lose of that many mobile suits would cripple the republic for months while they work fast to produce new suits. She opened up her radio "There is no choice, if we do not blow the destroy all will be lost, after this battle allied forces will need to regroup and move on the russian missile silo's and sacure them" she said as she fired on republic suits closing in on her and every one at the destroy.
"It's no use, captain, they're not listening to us!" yelled Morris, as the Great White dipped behind a mountain for cover. The battlefield was behind them, now, and most units were reporting in as secure. There were even Terran deserters who had managed to escape, but they were few and far between. Most had been eliminated on the spot by their commanders.
Simms cringed, balling his hand into a fist as he kept his eyes glued to the monitors. "She's right about the silos, but that's not the problem..." His eyes furrowed. The Terrans won't blink at the loss of an army of this size, the main thrust is definitely going to occur elsewhere. We're going to make a lot of noise and throw up a lot of smoke, but what of it? They're really not thinking this through, but it's too late to stop them now... they just can't wield that power of theirs responsibly! Where on Earth did they get all that, anyway?! Thoughts were racing through his mind, none of them good. The entire plan went awry when they arrived. It helped our numbers, but killed our mobility, so we took far more damage than I'd expected. It will take longer to continue our advance north. And we'll call even more attention to this neck of the woods while we're vulnerable! Damn it!
"Hey White, advance squad 'Blue Badger' reporting in," radioed Adam. "Nelson's beat up, but I think he's okay. Laku should be bringing the rest of the air team in."
"We see you, and we've got the air teams on radar, too," replied Rian. "See if you can help anyone else up here, we've probably got another minute!"
"Roger that," said Adam, cutting the link. Nelson's Gundam lent back against the rockface and powered down. He was breathing heavily and sweating uncomfortably. "Nels, hang out while we get the rest of the guys in, all right?"
"Sh-sure..." Nelson stammered, fumbling for a water bottle. He hoped he'd remembered to fill it before heading out. A splash might do the trick; right now, his body was numb and his head was on fire. "I really overdid it this time..."
From the front deck, Mervin was making hasty preparations to receive the ship's mobile suits for after battle repairs. There was going to be a lot of chaos in the next few hours, and not just because the Twilight Phoenix had decided to nuke the field. Machines from all sides would need repairs, and there was only so much his field techs would be able to do with limited supplies and such a wide range of technologies. The Destroy also had him worried. They built an army with Gundam units, advanced battleships, and that behemoth... there's no way they could have done all that alone. Some nation must be backing them, but who? More importantly, do they actually realize what they're doing?
New Kratna
06-02-2008, 06:00
OOC: sorry this is getting weird now, i've only been able to connect on saturdays for a short period of time >.>
Diane heard all the voices telling her not to do it, however she had to, the lose of that many mobile suits would cripple the republic for months while they work fast to produce new suits. She opened up her radio "There is no choice, if we do not blow the destroy all will be lost, after this battle allied forces will need to regroup and move on the russian missile silo's and sacure them" she said as she fired on republic suits closing in on her and every one at the destroy.
General Triner then got on the radio as well "This is general Triner of the Twilight pheonix forces, she is right dispite the chance of a nuclear counter attack we must move with this course of action, all forces are to withdraw to a safe distance, get into the mountains if you have to, just pull out, once we are clear, we will detonate" she told every one. This was not going to fail they had to for the future of every thing.
Captain Ramius quickly picked up the comm line "Every one at the Destroy, I want you to know, you will be honoured as hero's for this, and you won't be forgotten, ever! you have my word as one of the leaders of the Twilight pheonix" she said quickly as all forces continued to withdraw, except for the squads supporting Diane. The mobile suits of the pheonix and most likely of allies as well where jumping onto, grabing onto the transports that got TP forces there as they escaped. Others just ran for dear life as fast as possible.
OOC: hopefully this stops soon, if not I will try to connect at school or something
"It's no use, captain, they're not listening to us!" yelled Morris, as the Great White dipped behind a mountain for cover. The battlefield was behind them, now, and most units were reporting in as secure. There were even Terran deserters who had managed to escape, but they were few and far between. Most had been eliminated on the spot by their commanders.
Simms cringed, balling his hand into a fist as he kept his eyes glued to the monitors. "She's right about the silos, but that's not the problem..." His eyes furrowed. The Terrans won't blink at the loss of an army of this size, the main thrust is definitely going to occur elsewhere. We're going to make a lot of noise and throw up a lot of smoke, but what of it? They're really not thinking this through, but it's too late to stop them now... they just can't wield that power of theirs responsibly! Where on Earth did they get all that, anyway?! Thoughts were racing through his mind, none of them good. The entire plan went awry when they arrived. It helped our numbers, but killed our mobility, so we took far more damage than I'd expected. It will take longer to continue our advance north. And we'll call even more attention to this neck of the woods while we're vulnerable! Damn it!
"Hey White, advance squad 'Blue Badger' reporting in," radioed Adam. "Nelson's beat up, but I think he's okay. Laku should be bringing the rest of the air team in."
"We see you, and we've got the air teams on radar, too," replied Rian. "See if you can help anyone else up here, we've probably got another minute!"
"Roger that," said Adam, cutting the link. Nelson's Gundam lent back against the rockface and powered down. He was breathing heavily and sweating uncomfortably. "Nels, hang out while we get the rest of the guys in, all right?"
"Sh-sure..." Nelson stammered, fumbling for a water bottle. He hoped he'd remembered to fill it before heading out. A splash might do the trick; right now, his body was numb and his head was on fire. "I really overdid it this time..."
From the front deck, Mervin was making hasty preparations to receive the ship's mobile suits for after battle repairs. There was going to be a lot of chaos in the next few hours, and not just because the Twilight Phoenix had decided to nuke the field. Machines from all sides would need repairs, and there was only so much his field techs would be able to do with limited supplies and such a wide range of technologies. The Destroy also had him worried. They built an army with Gundam units, advanced battleships, and that behemoth... there's no way they could have done all that alone. Some nation must be backing them, but who? More importantly, do they actually realize what they're doing?
"Major. there bugging out!!" a ounior officer exclamed as he shot down one of the retreating Union suits
"what the? why arent they pressing there advantage." he woundered "all sections report!"
"confermed major rebel forkes withdrawing"
"there witdrawing here aswell"
"you guys are all crazy there gathering in force here!" came the staticy coment of the captain that was incharge of the forces near the remains of the destroy
"captain scann the area see if you cant pick something up" there up to something he added to himself he was getting a bad feeling about it
"theres nothing sir. nothing incoming it almost as though there gathering to try and salvage that mostrosity or something"
"your not picking up anything else" the major asked again starting to get a little worried
"well there are low levels of radiation comeing form that direction but thats not unli--""
"Get out!! All units fall back! fall back! Nuclear device on the feild! get the hell out of there!!" the odds of the captain and his squads serviving werent that good they would have to get a couple miles away to avoid compleat ahnialation. the farther they got the better of coursebut they werent likely to get that far once they realized that the republic knew what was going on.
Takeru had radioed back to the Dojo the situation that had developed on the ground "do we have time for extraction?"
"Thats a negative Captain. if we knew exactly when they where going to blow it we might be able to drop the booster packs but we cant risk you being inthe middle of that explosion given the power sorce of your own mobile suits"
"Your orders are to remain with the union forces for the time being and keep an eye on the phoenix. given there unwillingness to listen to there allies or even ask to see where they might be of the most use before entering a feild of battle we cant besure if there actualy fighting for a free earth or for there own hidden agenda"
"roger that we'll contact you again after the radios clear up from the blast"
"safe journy"
"alright you heard him... we fall back and meet up with the union forces"
"yes captain"
with there acknolagement Takeru changed his attack from general carnage to clearing a path as he ran to escape theare cutting down any terran pilot that got in his way as he made a beeline for where the other samurai had gatthered before following the lines of the union troops fleeing the area
"Your MAD!" star exclamed as she followed Jacob out of the area. with her speed it would be an eazy matter to clear the blast zone it would be the same with everything else in the air it was the troops on te ground that where in for an intresting couple of minutes as they tried to clear the minum 3 miles needed to even have a chance of serviveing or to find suficient cover to absorbe the blast wave but hideing several hundered 20 meter tall robots isn't exactly eazy
as she flew overhead she saw the distinctive red shapes that could only be the forces of Red Dawn strugling to get clear of the area
"Yuri grab Dmitri we've gt to hual ass out of here some nut is going to deonate a nuclear bomb!"
"are they insaine!!"
"i think thats a given" sasha comented " but you heard him we gotta clear out so lets move!" the remaining units of Red Dawn ran after there Union counterparts keeping up as best they could theywhere quite likely the most vunerable in there 20 year old suits they might have been brought back into working order but underneith the new coat of paint and working joints there was still alot of rust and that made them slightly weeker than the more modern suits
the general looked at his radar dsplay watching the red dots suddenly start shifting "shit! MOVE people the terrans know whats up we're out of time! get those asses moveing!!"
Spit break
06-02-2008, 20:18
OOC: im at school posting, I am detonating so dont think you can get away NK, I sent the post to Higher Brazilam its in his TG folder so if he looks at it he will see it and i asked him to post it for me
Higher Brazilam
06-02-2008, 20:51
OOC: By request of Spit Break, I am now posting the post he intended to post.
IC: Once all forces were safely out of the blast zone the republic forces kept coming thinking it was a regrouping effort hopefully "Diane all allied forces are out, you have 5 minutes to detonate, after that we will press the button" came the call from Triner. Diane now down to her beam pistols, which were now running out of power, picked up the radio to make two transmissions, one to her brother, and then one to the republic. First she started talking to her brother "Holland, I know after mom and dad died I wasn't around much, and then a disappeared to join TP, and after that I went MIA. So we didn't get time to bond much, I just want to say I’m sorry, liberate them Holland, Free the world!" she said before ending the communication. After hearing those words Holland broke down in tears inside his cockpit. Diane then switched broadcast channels onto the republic main channels "This is Diane Tray'vak to all you bastard republic forces.......It ends here, with this battle comes the light which signals the beginning of the end, now think about that.........AS YOU BURN IN HELL!!!!" she yelled out as she pressed the detonation button for the destroy. Within seconds the reactor went critical, followed by the massive explosion that towered into the sky.
Kratna X2
09-02-2008, 19:53
((ooc:due to my own lazyness the nation of New Kratna was deleated... so i will now be posting as Kratna X2... Stupid Nationstates... Responce will be forthcoming later today))
Higher Brazilam
10-02-2008, 02:12
((ooc:due to my own lazyness the nation of New Kratna was deleated... so i will now be posting as Kratna X2... Stupid Nationstates... Responce will be forthcoming later today))
OOC: AH, understandable. Why does nationstates have to delete accounts? Oh well, it gave me a cooler name at least...
Spit break
11-02-2008, 20:29
OOC: Thank you for getting that posted HB, look forward to KX2's post
Higher Brazilam
13-02-2008, 02:36
OOC: Thank you for getting that posted HB, look forward to KX2's post
OOC: No prob. If you have any others, just be sure to tell me.
Kratna X2
13-02-2008, 15:21
((ooc: Srry again for being so slow... lifes been getting in the way... i did have most of a post writen up waiting for me to finish it...aaaand then my comp restarted.... i'll "try" and get somethnig up today... but no promises))
Kratna X2
14-02-2008, 07:42
((ok the extreemy condenced version of my pevious post... we can safely assume 60% of the terren forces either wiped out or non operational another 20% heavly dammaged but operational 5% lightly dammages and the remaining 15% unharmed with 2/3rds of that quite likely being the aries who where able to escape rather quickly
as for more relivent plot points:
the terrans are pissed and know where all the rebles are hideing
there "IS" and theres no getting around this spit break there IS a radioactive wasteland seperating the regrooping terrans and the freedom fighters
the EMP aswell as the radiation is going to wreak havok with radio comunication in the local area
as for star she watched the explosion before returning to the great white in a rage ready to rip whoever authorized that explosion a new one but at the same time worried about that happend to Jacob on the feild
as for the Samurai... they are gathering somwhere near the Great white assesing the situation as it curently stands
and Red Dawn barly made it out alive thanx to Jacoms timely assistance
sorry for the bullet form... i'm just to tired to write it all out again in story form... my next post will be more meatyer
oh and feel free to add where nessicary its not going to bother me at all))
15-02-2008, 03:08
the terrans are pissed and know where all the rebles are hideing
there "IS" and theres no getting around this spit break there IS a radioactive wasteland seperating the regrooping terrans and the freedom fighters
the EMP aswell as the radiation is going to wreak havok with radio comunication in the local area
(OOC: Yeah... we're kind of screwed, aren't we ^_^)
The cloud went up and all radio traffic was immediately washed out. Simms was hunched over in his seat, forehead in his hand. He couldn't believe this. The entire mission had been a complete failure. What was worse, every Terran unit that could reach them was almost certainly going to be redirected their way for revenge. They were in no position to face an army larger than the one they'd been fighting.
"It's going to be a few minutes to re-establish contact with everyone," reported Rian. "We'll try to get visual confirmation of as many friendlies as possible."
Simms sat up and leaned back. "Right," he replied. What else was there to do? "Try to get everyone together as soon as possible. It's not safe to stay here, but we can't exactly more forward, either..."
"Is Russia even an option anymore?" asked Morris. "Any chance we had of getting through went out the window as soon as those idiots showed up and made this a pitched battle. Now we're undermanned, beat up, and need to completely alter our route."
"They could even just attack us from space," Simms muttered. "And if they don't, they might have found a way to counter the Terra." He wasn't sure what caused Jacob to start attacking his allies, but this was the worst case scenario, and he had to assume it. And it made more sense than Jacob just snapping, right? The prince was staunchly against any unwarranted violence, after all... "First thing's first. As soon as we get our communications back, we all need to figure out a plan."
"Good luck with that," said Morris. "Just don't let those part-time soldiers make any more suggestions."
Kratna X2
15-02-2008, 04:48
(OOC: Yeah... we're kind of screwed, aren't we ^_^)
The cloud went up and all radio traffic was immediately washed out. Simms was hunched over in his seat, forehead in his hand. He couldn't believe this. The entire mission had been a complete failure. What was worse, every Terran unit that could reach them was almost certainly going to be redirected their way for revenge. They were in no position to face an army larger than the one they'd been fighting.
"It's going to be a few minutes to re-establish contact with everyone," reported Rian. "We'll try to get visual confirmation of as many friendlies as possible."
Simms sat up and leaned back. "Right," he replied. What else was there to do? "Try to get everyone together as soon as possible. It's not safe to stay here, but we can't exactly more forward, either..."
"Is Russia even an option anymore?" asked Morris. "Any chance we had of getting through went out the window as soon as those idiots showed up and made this a pitched battle. Now we're undermanned, beat up, and need to completely alter our route."
"They could even just attack us from space," Simms muttered. "And if they don't, they might have found a way to counter the Terra." He wasn't sure what caused Jacob to start attacking his allies, but this was the worst case scenario, and he had to assume it. And it made more sense than Jacob just snapping, right? The prince was staunchly against any unwarranted violence, after all... "First thing's first. As soon as we get our communications back, we all need to figure out a plan."
"Good luck with that," said Morris. "Just don't let those part-time soldiers make any more suggestions."
Star exited her mobile suit in a right rage storming onthe the walkway and grabing the first techie she saw "i want it repaired and resuplied YESTERDAY! or your taking a strole through the mountains got it!" given the curent situation that was a a quick way to get yourself killed in a rather unpleasent manner and it was clear for the lok on the technitions face that he knew it and it was just as clear from the look on stars that she ment it even if she had to toss him out an airlock herself
she then stormed off to the infermery thinking it was the best place to either find jacob or wait for him... she reall wanted to take off to the phoenix camp and teach them a lesson namley that you cant just swoop in and assume you can win by yourself, eve she knew that... it was one of the lesons icked up from Level 51 of the terran simulators that nomater what there is going to be a point at wich your overwhelmed and if your not co ordinating with your allies you just run the risk of f***ing everything up
so if she ever got her hands on whoever gave that order there was going to be a serious beating handed out
Higher Brazilam
15-02-2008, 04:52
(OOC: Yeah... we're kind of screwed, aren't we ^_^)
The cloud went up and all radio traffic was immediately washed out. Simms was hunched over in his seat, forehead in his hand. He couldn't believe this. The entire mission had been a complete failure. What was worse, every Terran unit that could reach them was almost certainly going to be redirected their way for revenge. They were in no position to face an army larger than the one they'd been fighting.
"It's going to be a few minutes to re-establish contact with everyone," reported Rian. "We'll try to get visual confirmation of as many friendlies as possible."
Simms sat up and leaned back. "Right," he replied. What else was there to do? "Try to get everyone together as soon as possible. It's not safe to stay here, but we can't exactly more forward, either..."
"Is Russia even an option anymore?" asked Morris. "Any chance we had of getting through went out the window as soon as those idiots showed up and made this a pitched battle. Now we're undermanned, beat up, and need to completely alter our route."
"They could even just attack us from space," Simms muttered. "And if they don't, they might have found a way to counter the Terra." He wasn't sure what caused Jacob to start attacking his allies, but this was the worst case scenario, and he had to assume it. And it made more sense than Jacob just snapping, right? The prince was staunchly against any unwarranted violence, after all... "First thing's first. As soon as we get our communications back, we all need to figure out a plan."
"Good luck with that," said Morris. "Just don't let those part-time soldiers make any more suggestions."
The battle was not going well, as the battlefield had most of the Terran forces destroyed, but now the remaining ones were ready to gang up on the Great White. All this amidst the destruction, and the Army of Islam was striking from behind in hopes of curtailing the damage to their hopeful allies.
Bahman reported from a hidden area, "My lord, It would seem that the Oceanics now have an unfavorable opinion of the Twilight Phoenix because of their involvement."
"Is that so?"
"Yes. We can assist them in an escape and hopefully bring them to the capital."
"Very well. We shall make communications with them and show them the escape route." The commander did not like what was happening. The Twilight Phoenix had not only caused trouble for the operation against Terran Russia, but the alliance would be on very shaky ground. But of course, his master would not be so dissapointed... "Why is it that he had to succeed such a great man?..." He wondered as he prepared to make a transmission to the Great White. He gave the order, "Attention all units. We have fought well today. Now we must return to the homeland and ensure that our allies reach safety. Gather to their area and escort them to the escape route."
"Affirmative my lord. We are meeting with them now."
The Army of Islam mobile suits recieved their orders and stopped firing on the Terran mobile suits. The Commander ordered, "Come! We must show the Oceanics out of here!" And the rest followed. As soon as the Army units reached the Great White's location, the Commander ordered, "Rashne! Get on the Great White and transfer some of your suit's power so they can recover themselves!"
Rashne answered, "Yes sir!" And went on top of the Great White to help them. Hopefully the extra power would help give them a boost of some kind.
The Commander transmitted, "Attention Great White! You are under the care of the Army of Islam. We are here to show you an escape route out of this area and out of harms way. Should you wish to see another day, follow us." As soon as the Great White started moving, the Army mobile suits would show the Great White into the canyon and destroy the entry so the enemy would have a hard time following...
Higher Brazilam
15-02-2008, 05:08
Star exited her mobile suit in a right rage storming onthe the walkway and grabing the first techie she saw "i want it repaired and resuplied YESTERDAY! or your taking a strole through the mountains got it!" given the curent situation that was a a quick way to get yourself killed in a rather unpleasent manner and it was clear for the lok on the technitions face that he knew it and it was just as clear from the look on stars that she ment it even if she had to toss him out an airlock herself
she then stormed off to the infermery thinking it was the best place to either find jacob or wait for him... she reall wanted to take off to the phoenix camp and teach them a lesson namley that you cant just swoop in and assume you can win by yourself, eve she knew that... it was one of the lesons icked up from Level 51 of the terran simulators that nomater what there is going to be a point at wich your overwhelmed and if your not co ordinating with your allies you just run the risk of f***ing everything up
so if she ever got her hands on whoever gave that order there was going to be a serious beating handed out
Now seeing the destruction caused by the recent battle, Jacob out the window and saw the destruction that had been caused by him and the Twilight Phoenix. His near possession from the Hades had him worried that he would destroy everything. He didn't have the courage to face any of his friends at the moment, so he simply kept looking down. As this happened, he wondered, "What is Hades so intent on accomplishing? Why does he consider me and him bound for greatness?"
As he was walking, he saw Jaron standing in the hallway. Jacob greeted, "Hello Jaron."
Jaron turned around and said, "Oh, Lord Jaocb. Hello."
"I didn't see you on the battlefield. Have you been here this whole time?"
"Yes. I'm having so many problems dealing with Victor..."
"I cannot say that I'm having a better time... I almost destroyed people I held dear..."
"I saw... What made you go on a rampage like that?"
"I only blame myself Jaron. I caused death on both sides because of Terra."
"What about that Hades thing that came here earlier?"
"Hades has some connection to me through Terra. I learned that by talking to him."
"I'm sorry I couldn't help you Jacob."
"Don't be Jaron. I would rather be talking to you right now as it is than seeing you be destroyed." Jacob said as he walked off towards the infirmary. Hopefully he would be able to get some relaxation from the battle. He was seeing so much violence, even after the battle he thought he would never stop seeing it. Finally, he sat down where there was no one to be seen and began wondering to himself about Hades and what he would be able to do in the future...
15-02-2008, 06:29
Star exited her mobile suit in a right rage storming onthe the walkway and grabing the first techie she saw "i want it repaired and resuplied YESTERDAY! or your taking a strole through the mountains got it!" given the curent situation that was a a quick way to get yourself killed in a rather unpleasent manner and it was clear for the lok on the technitions face that he knew it and it was just as clear from the look on stars that she ment it even if she had to toss him out an airlock herself
"Y-y-y-yes ma'am!" the engineer stuttered as she tossed him back, and he stretched his collar as he regained his footing. "Lieutenant Higgenbotham? (OOC: Kratna, that was his name, right?) How much salvaged Terran ammo do we have for Darkstar?"
Elsewhere, Nelson's Gundam limped into the hanger and parked itself next to Terra. Mervin was busy taking a look at the computer data from Terra to try and figure out what had happened. There was a strange power spike that corresponded roughly to its sudden berserk mode, but there were nothing else that jumped out at him. "I guess I'll just have to read Jacob's report later..." he muttered.
"X-2 is secure!" called one of the techs.
He turned his attention to Nelson, who was taking a line down from the cockpit. He was barely holding on. As soon as he hit the ground, he took one step and fell down to one knee, holding the head in pain. "Whoa, whoa, Nelson!" Mervin yelled, running over.
Nelson didn't even look up. "Merv... too much... beta..." he choked out, wincing.
"You're serious?!" Mervin replied. "Damn, we need to get you calmed down... I need a stretcher over here!!"
"Attention all units. We have fought well today. Now we must return to the homeland and ensure that our allies reach safety. Gather to their area and escort them to the escape route."
"Affirmative my lord. We are meeting with them now."
The Commander transmitted, "Attention Great White! You are under the care of the Army of Islam. We are here to show you an escape route out of this area and out of harms way. Should you wish to see another day, follow us."
"We have radio transmissions again!" said Gimbley. "The Army of Islam has a way out."
"To their own territory, I assume?" asked Morris. "I don't really like the sound of that, but it's the best option we've got. And we don't have long to decide, either, so we might just have to take it."
"I agree," Simms replied. "Rian, see if you can get any of the Japanese on the line and relay that message. Have the Phoenix said anything yet?"
Morris scoffed audibly. "Probably celebrating their great victory," he cursed.
Spit break
15-02-2008, 21:00
With communications out the situation was not good, many members of the pheonix did not like what just happend, including both Hollands, and Luna. The three of them landed on the Red Pheonix, communicating via morise code to signal the landing. Once on Holland, in a fit of anger and rage stormed out of his suit towards the bridge. Luna tried to stop him but he pushed her out of the way quickly. As every one saw him coming they just got out of his way, the few that did try and stop him were eating the floor quickly.
He got in the elevator and pressed the button to take him to the bridge. s he went up is played that annoying elevator music, which just added to his anger. He got onto the bridge and knew exactly who ordered the destroy to detonate. He ran up and grabbed captain Ramius by the collar "You son of a bitch!" he yelled out "Calm down Holland" she muffled out "Why! why! you just sent my sister to her death, any now we have to deal with that! do you have any ideas what our allies probably think of us now!?" he yelled out.
Luna then got on the bridge "Holland put her down!" she told him "No, not until she gives me a reason why this battle couldn't of been won by conventional means!" he shouted. The captain stood silent, as she hung at the end of Holland’s hands "Exactly you don't, what’s the point of freeing the world from the republic if we leave it uninhabitable? You’re a disgrace captain," he said to her. General Triner came over, and grabbed Holland causing him to let go of the captain. Triner turned him around and punched him in the face "Wake up Holland, this is war here, yes Diane is dead, yes it is a regrettable loss, but letting your grief control you is not the answer" he yelled at Holland,
Holland was quiet while lying on the floor from the punch, he then stood up slowly, wiping a bit of blood of his face "I am not clouded by grief, far from it, what you people fail to realize is that we are not fighting alone, we have to coordinate with our allies, not do what ever the hell you want to" he told him. Mu then joined them on the bridge "He is right you know, now I suggest we call our allies up and mend the fences before they point there guns at us" he then walked over the communications station as the captain and Triner did nothing.
He put on the head set "Since you two wont do any thing, I will" he then pressed a few buttons to get on station with there allies "This is Mu La Flaga of the Twilight Phoenix, First of all I wish to apologize to all of you, I and many other do not agree with what just happened, and as I speak Holland Tray'vak, Diane sister is in a war of words with the captain and one of our generals, I personally am about to releaved the captain of her command for now. I know this defiantly hurt relations with all of you, I wish to mend those fence and would like to begin discussions immediately on our next move" he then paused for a response.
While waiting he simply said "Captain Ramius, your releaved of command of the fleet and this ship" he told her "but..." she tried to say something but was cut off "I seconds that, Ramius your are releaved" Talho said from the CIC. With a majority vote of two of the three members that could vote on the issue, she be officially releaved of command until further notice "Talho by seniority you’re in command" Mu then said. She got up and headed to the captain’s chair "Roger that, keep on the comm. line we need to fix this mess Ramius and Triner got us in" she ordered as her first official order. Holland was already happy with Ramius no longer in charge, a fresh look was needed for them.
OOC: I switched to fire fox and it seems my problems are solved
Higher Brazilam
18-02-2008, 20:35
"We have radio transmissions again!" said Gimbley. "The Army of Islam has a way out."
"To their own territory, I assume?" asked Morris. "I don't really like the sound of that, but it's the best option we've got. And we don't have long to decide, either, so we might just have to take it."
"I agree," Simms replied. "Rian, see if you can get any of the Japanese on the line and relay that message. Have the Phoenix said anything yet?"
Morris scoffed audibly. "Probably celebrating their great victory," he cursed.
"My lord! They are moving and now passing through the canyon!"
"Very good. Set off the explosives once all Oceanic ships have passed through."
The Army mobile suits awaited the Great White and its fellow allies to pass into the canyon. As soon as the Great White and its allies passed through, the Captain gave the order, "They are through! Blow the enterance now!" With that, the canyon's enterance collapsed from the explosion set off, and the Captain ordered, "We have the enterance closed off! Escort the Oceanics to safety and clear any enemies who follow!"
Jacob heard the explosion. he thought it was enemy fire, but instead turned out to be the canyon collapsing. "What just happened?" Jacob wondered.
The Army leader from the hidden underground truck learned about the escape from the Oceanics. He also noticed there were several foreign signatures following the Oceanic ships. He asked, "Commander, do you recognize those foreign signatures?"
"No my lord. They appear to be from another nation, somewhere from the Asian Region."
"I see. Ensure that they are allied with the Oceanics, and do not let them interfere in taking the Great White to Tehran."
Kratna X2
18-02-2008, 23:33
((ooc i am so gonna shoot this peice of crap... thats the second time its F***ed up on me as i was sending a reply i'm getting really sick of haveing to re write everything over and over again cause this stupid thing inst working right)))
Spit break
19-02-2008, 15:26
OOC: try using Firefox as your browser, works out for me
20-02-2008, 18:09
(OOC: In fact, this can be generalized. If the problem is "Microsoft X is doing Y when it should do Z, and it's driving me crazy!", the answer is "Switch to the Open Source Equivalent of X." :-D Consequently, in the case where "Open Source Equivalent of X is doing Y when it should do Z, and it's driving me crazy!", the answer is "Your environment is probably configured wrong; RTFM or try Other Open Source Equivalent of X...")
Kratna X2
21-02-2008, 02:31
Now seeing the destruction caused by the recent battle, Jacob out the window and saw the destruction that had been caused by him and the Twilight Phoenix. His near possession from the Hades had him worried that he would destroy everything. He didn't have the courage to face any of his friends at the moment, so he simply kept looking down. As this happened, he wondered, "What is Hades so intent on accomplishing? Why does he consider me and him bound for greatness?"
As he was walking, he saw Jaron standing in the hallway. Jacob greeted, "Hello Jaron."
Jaron turned around and said, "Oh, Lord Jaocb. Hello."
"I didn't see you on the battlefield. Have you been here this whole time?"
"Yes. I'm having so many problems dealing with Victor..."
"I cannot say that I'm having a better time... I almost destroyed people I held dear..."
"I saw... What made you go on a rampage like that?"
"I only blame myself Jaron. I caused death on both sides because of Terra."
"What about that Hades thing that came here earlier?"
"Hades has some connection to me through Terra. I learned that by talking to him."
"I'm sorry I couldn't help you Jacob."
"Don't be Jaron. I would rather be talking to you right now as it is than seeing you be destroyed." Jacob said as he walked off towards the infirmary. Hopefully he would be able to get some relaxation from the battle. He was seeing so much violence, even after the battle he thought he would never stop seeing it. Finally, he sat down where there was no one to be seen and began wondering to himself about Hades and what he would be able to do in the future...
Star had been pacing back and forth int he infermery entryway as she waited for jacob to show. she hadnt calmed down much as she waited but she also hadn't snaped at anyone eather since the poor techie but then no one had bothered to get in her way. she had been on the Great white long enough for people to learn to avoid her when she was in one of her moods and given the situation a single wrong word was likely to set her off.
"Jacob!" she rushed across the room her momentum carrying them into the wall "what the hell happened to you?! you where like a totaly difrent person no one could get through to you i even tried restraining you but you somehow got free! what the the hell happened?"
Elsewhere, Nelson's Gundam limped into the hanger and parked itself next to Terra. Mervin was busy taking a look at the computer data from Terra to try and figure out what had happened. There was a strange power spike that corresponded roughly to its sudden berserk mode, but there were nothing else that jumped out at him. "I guess I'll just have to read Jacob's report later..." he muttered.
"X-2 is secure!" called one of the techs.
He turned his attention to Nelson, who was taking a line down from the cockpit. He was barely holding on. As soon as he hit the ground, he took one step and fell down to one knee, holding the head in pain. "Whoa, whoa, Nelson!" Mervin yelled, running over.
Nelson didn't even look up. "Merv... too much... beta..." he choked out, wincing.
"You're serious?!" Mervin replied. "Damn, we need to get you calmed down... I need a stretcher over here!!"
before jacob could answer her 2 medics carrying a stretcher holding Nelson came bursting through the door followed closely by Mervin. nelson didn't look to have any physical injerys but from how he was lying and moaning on the stretcher something was deffinatly wrong
"Merviv what heppened to nelson?" she asked grabing his arm
was she the only onw who wasn't suffering from some kind of battle stress?
"Y-y-y-yes ma'am!" the engineer stuttered as she tossed him back, and he stretched his collar as he regained his footing. "Lieutenant Higgenbotham? (OOC: Kratna, that was his name, right?) How much salvaged Terran ammo do we have for Darkstar?"
((ooc: yes alex higgenbotham your friendly neighborhood terran SO8 agent))
"check storage bays beta-oh-4 and beta-oh-5 there should bee spare missiles and components in there. focus on the resuply first we'll take care of the refit as time alows" alex was slightly disturbed by what the phoenix had done... so many terran lives lost in an instant... didn't those bastards realize what they where trying to do.
it was a good thing that everyone else was a little on edge as well oh it might have blown his cover but no one seemed particularly pleased bu what had just happened
"We have radio transmissions again!" said Gimbley. "The Army of Islam has a way out."
"To their own territory, I assume?" asked Morris. "I don't really like the sound of that, but it's the best option we've got. And we don't have long to decide, either, so we might just have to take it."
"I agree," Simms replied. "Rian, see if you can get any of the Japanese on the line and relay that message. Have the Phoenix said anything yet?"
Morris scoffed audibly. "Probably celebrating their great victory," he cursed.
The samurai had theken the moments of enforced radio silence to meditate an clear there minds from the recent battle. a clear calm mind would be more usefull than one clouded by strong emotions wich was likely what everyone elses mind was like at the moment
"it seems that the AOI has offered us an escape rout" Riku piped up after Rian's message came throgh
"Can we contact the Dojo yet?" Takeru asked
"no captain" amaya replied "only short range comms are back up there still to much highlevel radiation to get through to the Dojo"
"i see" Takeru then opened comms to the Great white "this is Captain Takeru Matsumori we request permision to join you intill we can contack our command ship and conferm orders"
during the comms blacout Red Dawn and pucked its self up from under the ruble caused by both the explsosion and jacobs defencive blast that had likely saved there lives and ran personal system checks
"everyone report in" General yavensky called as soon as coms where back up
"Leutenant Iysenburg here... i'm still alive"
"i'm alright to uncle" Sasha responded
the rest of hammer and sycle squads slowly began reporting in expet for Alexi who was confermed KIA and 2 MIA's from sycle squad the forces for red dawn where largly intact wich was a minor merical considering what they had been up against
"alright we are cut off from our own supply and command trucks for the time being so we will be joining with the Union forces"
"sounds good to me." Lt iysenburg added "i dont particularly trust the phoenix's motives"
"we're agreed then" then general like the Samurai urned his comms to the great white "This is General Yavensky of the Red Dawn reuesting permision to join with you. we have been seperated from our own supply and command vehicals by the explosion and would be gratefull for any assistance your able to offer"
22-02-2008, 02:33
before jacob could answer her 2 medics carrying a stretcher holding Nelson came bursting through the door followed closely by Mervin. nelson didn't look to have any physical injerys but from how he was lying and moaning on the stretcher something was deffinatly wrong
"Merviv what heppened to nelson?" she asked grabing his arm
was she the only onw who wasn't suffering from some kind of battle stress?
"Combat fatigue... he uses a system like Jacob's that taps the mind to increase performance... he overdid it..." Mervin responded curtly. He didn't have to time to stick around and explain. In all likelihood, a lot of tissue had burned out from the consistent workload. In the worst case, his brain was still doing work to try and calm itself down, which would continue to eat away.
"i see" Takeru then opened comms to the Great white "this is Captain Takeru Matsumori we request permision to join you intill we can contack our command ship and conferm orders"
"we're agreed then" then general like the Samurai urned his comms to the great white "This is General Yavensky of the Red Dawn reuesting permision to join with you. we have been seperated from our own supply and command vehicals by the explosion and would be gratefull for any assistance your able to offer"
"Roger that," replied Simms as each request came in. "We don't have any additional space on the ship, but you're free to take a share of whatever material we have left or scavenged during the retreat."
"Is that wise, captain?" asked Morris. "We'll barely be able to resupply ourselves at this rate, since most of what we could've salvaged was blown away back there."
"It's going to be rough on them, anyway, since they probably have different equipment standards," Simms said. Indeed, the Japanese Gundams were a completely new design, and the Russian suits were a generation old. If anything, the best they had to offer were food and supplies for the pilots, not the machines.
But now the biggest problem was that they were in the hands of the Army of Islam and in no position to refuse any support... or any order. It would take days to service all the surviving machines, and rearming and refueling was a completely different matter. Not only that, but Nelson and Jacob were potentially out of action for the immediate future. The Japanese could probably counter that loss, but the Terra was really their ace in the hole.
And Simms had to worry about more than their new allies. And if we end up in Iran, the Terrans will mark them as a nation harboring terrorists... will our defeat be repeated?
Spit break
22-02-2008, 02:40
"Still no response....hmm they either didn't hear from the EM discharge or they just don't trust us, lets form up with the Union forces and keep sending the message, If i remember correctly some of there people grabbed a ride with us escaping" Mu said keeping the head set on and waiting to get closer before trying the message again.
Mean while Holland stormed off the bridge with Luna closely following him from a distance. While wondering around following him, Stoner stopped her "As much as you might think he needs support, he needs some time alone" he told her as he put his hand on her shoulder." She nodded and stopped "how did you get the nickname Stoner any way?" she asked "I used to throw rocks and cows" he told her as he turned and walked away. When she heard that she couldn't stop from laughing "Well i guess thats one way to pass the time" she said while laughing.
Meanwhile top side the Other Holland inside Gundam Dynames had just hooked up the larger sniper rifle which could preform anti-orbital shots "CIC scan for republic ships, if any show give me there location and i'll take them out" he said. The CIC then began scans but EM disruptions made it hard to get a confirmed signal.
OOC: So will i find any thing up there to shoot down and cover our asses?
Higher Brazilam
22-02-2008, 05:54
"Combat fatigue... he uses a system like Jacob's that taps the mind to increase performance... he overdid it..." Mervin responded curtly. He didn't have to time to stick around and explain. In all likelihood, a lot of tissue had burned out from the consistent workload. In the worst case, his brain was still doing work to try and calm itself down, which would continue to eat away.
"Roger that," replied Simms as each request came in. "We don't have any additional space on the ship, but you're free to take a share of whatever material we have left or scavenged during the retreat."
"Is that wise, captain?" asked Morris. "We'll barely be able to resupply ourselves at this rate, since most of what we could've salvaged was blown away back there."
"It's going to be rough on them, anyway, since they probably have different equipment standards," Simms said. Indeed, the Japanese Gundams were a completely new design, and the Russian suits were a generation old. If anything, the best they had to offer were food and supplies for the pilots, not the machines.
But now the biggest problem was that they were in the hands of the Army of Islam and in no position to refuse any support... or any order. It would take days to service all the surviving machines, and rearming and refueling was a completely different matter. Not only that, but Nelson and Jacob were potentially out of action for the immediate future. The Japanese could probably counter that loss, but the Terra was really their ace in the hole.
And Simms had to worry about more than their new allies. And if we end up in Iran, the Terrans will mark them as a nation harboring terrorists... will our defeat be repeated?
Jacob was somewhat shocked to see Star rush at him as soon as he entered the room. He was pinned to the wall against her and heard her ask what made him act so differently. He would not have preferred to talk any more about the battle, but knew this was Star he was talking to. He frowned and looked down while answering, "I..." But before he could answer, he saw two medics carryiing Nelson in on a stretcher.
Jacob looked at Nelson being moved into the infirmary and was amazed to see him in so much pain. Hearing Mervin's answer, he knew Nelson had obviously done muchto try and match Jacob's skills. This made him feel even more depressed when he heard the news. He felt guilty for causing so much pain to others...
Jaron walked in and saw Nelson being laid to rest on a nearby bed. He asked Jacob, "Do you think Nelson will be alright?"
Jacob turned around saying weakly, "I hope so..." and began to walk away. Jaron asked, "Are you okay Lord Jacob?"
Jacob answered, "Just... leave me alone..." with even more regret and anguish in his voice. He stepped outside and began to leave the area...
22-02-2008, 06:23
He put on the head set "Since you two wont do any thing, I will" he then pressed a few buttons to get on station with there allies "This is Mu La Flaga of the Twilight Phoenix, First of all I wish to apologize to all of you, I and many other do not agree with what just happened, and as I speak Holland Tray'vak, Diane sister is in a war of words with the captain and one of our generals, I personally am about to releaved the captain of her command for now. I know this defiantly hurt relations with all of you, I wish to mend those fence and would like to begin discussions immediately on our next move" he then paused for a response.
With the interference finally clearing up, traffic was flowing freely. Messages from the Twilight Phoenix now came pouring in as they attempted to make contact. They were still a ways away from the main group, but they were following and could probably link up within half an hour.
"Get them on with the Army of Islam," Simms said, "so they know where to go. We'll discuss things as a group later, right now our main priority is to put as much ground between us and Terran territory as possible."
"Roger that," replied Gimbley, turning to his console. "Phoenix command, this is Great White, and we read you. We'll discuss plans in detail after the retreat ends; currently, we are in the care of the Army of Islam. Proceed with caution along our path, that is all."
"They seem to have figured out they're not the most well-liked bunch," mused Morris, leaning back. "They changed their tune mighty quick."
Simms leaned back and removed his hat, setting it in his lap. "It's just hit them, I bet," he said. "Well, whoever took charge, he might be someone we can actually cooperate with. That remains to be seen. We all know where we stand right now, but we need to move on. We're already traveling down a dangerous road, and I'd hate for history to repeat itself so soon."
Morris turned away. He knew what Simms meant. Off the coast of Australia, during the frantic defense of the west, he had been on Hall's flagship when the fleet intercepted a Terran landing party trying to get forces behind Simms' line. They had used the Osprey mobile weapons platform as their final trump card, but it overheated and went nuclear. The Terran fleet was decimated, but they wasted no time in taking revenge. Chemical weapons were fired at civilians. Nuclear weapons decimated the east coast. In a matter of days, the Oceanic military had fallen apart. A WMD attack on Terra gives them a blank check to retaliate, he thought. And who's to stop them? I wonder how we'll be able to survive this...
Spit break
22-02-2008, 06:44
"Roger that Great white, some of your people tagged with us during the escape i'm sure they want to get back, once we get in range i'm sure they will transfer over, Phoenix out" Mu said putting down the head set. He moved away from the communications panel and looked out the bridge window "Well Talho, lets see if we can't fix this situation, any way it will be awhile before we meet up with them, helm make sure to follow closely to them" he added before heading for the door "I need a break, call me up if you need me" he said as he left the bridge.
Else where on the ship injured pilots were being rushed to the medical bay, but none of that mattered, at least to Holland it didn't. He was in his room punching his wall "Damnit!" he screamed as he continued to punch the wall until his knuckles bled. Luna walked by and heard him but continued to take stoner's advice and she just kept going to her room to get some rest.
Back on the bridge Talho was silent as she thought through the situation in her head over and over again. The look on her face was one of frustration "Damnit Ramius you got us in deep now, If the republic is in orbit and we shoot them down they triangulate us and if we don't act fast enough they nuke us, if we go directly to the nukes they orbitally hit us, if we do both at the same time the chances of victory are slim, son of a bitch"
"If we can only find a short cut to those missiles.......I better get a map of republic positions in Russia and the surrounding area up here, this is going to take some work"
She continued thinking every thing through reaching one dead end after another, hopefully once they started talking with there allies a better plan would hatch.
Kratna X2
22-02-2008, 16:41
"Roger that," replied Simms as each request came in. "We don't have any additional space on the ship, but you're free to take a share of whatever material we have left or scavenged during the retreat."
"Is that wise, captain?" asked Morris. "We'll barely be able to resupply ourselves at this rate, since most of what we could've salvaged was blown away back there."
"It's going to be rough on them, anyway, since they probably have different equipment standards," Simms said. Indeed, the Japanese Gundams were a completely new design, and the Russian suits were a generation old. If anything, the best they had to offer were food and supplies for the pilots, not the machines.
But now the biggest problem was that they were in the hands of the Army of Islam and in no position to refuse any support... or any order. It would take days to service all the surviving machines, and rearming and refueling was a completely different matter. Not only that, but Nelson and Jacob were potentially out of action for the immediate future. The Japanese could probably counter that loss, but the Terra was really their ace in the hole.
And Simms had to worry about more than their new allies. And if we end up in Iran, the Terrans will mark them as a nation harboring terrorists... will our defeat be repeated?
"acknolaged" was Takeru's short reply. the samurai wouldn't need much int he way of a resuply. exept for Amaya's and Tsubasa's missile pods all there weaponry was energy baised and there suits powered by compact fusion reactors recharging was a non-issue so exept for the relativly minor battle dammage they where perhaps the most battle ready force on the feild
"you have our thanx" the general responded "we will try not to place to much strain on your suplies" but that would prove to be an understatement with the high ammo ussage of 24 mobile suits without a beam weapon among them the biggest drain was going to be on ammo suplies thats even if the ammo was compatable with there weaponry it was moments like this thata there age was evadent and it was highly unlikely that they would be able to make any major repairs without there supply trucks he only hope something could be set up to recharge 20 year old russian powerpacks
"Combat fatigue... he uses a system like Jacob's that taps the mind to increase performance... he overdid it..." Mervin responded curtly. He didn't have to time to stick around and explain. In all likelihood, a lot of tissue had burned out from the consistent workload. In the worst case, his brain was still doing work to try and calm itself down, which would continue to eat away.
Jacob was somewhat shocked to see Star rush at him as soon as he entered the room. He was pinned to the wall against her and heard her ask what made him act so differently. He would not have preferred to talk any more about the battle, but knew this was Star he was talking to. He frowned and looked down while answering, "I..." But before he could answer, he saw two medics carryiing Nelson in on a stretcher.
Jacob looked at Nelson being moved into the infirmary and was amazed to see him in so much pain. Hearing Mervin's answer, he knew Nelson had obviously done muchto try and match Jacob's skills. This made him feel even more depressed when he heard the news. He felt guilty for causing so much pain to others...
Jaron walked in and saw Nelson being laid to rest on a nearby bed. He asked Jacob, "Do you think Nelson will be alright?"
Jacob turned around saying weakly, "I hope so..." and began to walk away. Jaron asked, "Are you okay Lord Jacob?"
Jacob answered, "Just... leave me alone..." with even more regret and anguish in his voice. He stepped outside and began to leave the area...
"oh no you don't" Star firmly grabed his arm to prevent him form going anywhere. here grip was firm here would be no breaking free with out a fight she was still pissed off about the Phoenix nuking the feild and denying her a victory over insain odds and stressed from her worrying over jacob... she wasn't letting him go untill he had been given a clean bill of health then he could go mope in self pity "You need to be checked over in all the battles ive been in with and against you ive never seen you react like that... there s something wrong and i'm not letting you leave untill the doc say you can... got it!" there would be no arguing with her on this one
Kratna X2
22-02-2008, 17:09
OOC: So will i find any thing up there to shoot down and cover our asses?
((ooc: the only thig up there at the moment is the Dojo wich is the Samurai's command ship))
The terans where scrambling the area just north of the new radfield had been turned into a massive feild base and with comms clearing upreports of what had happened where starting to go out
"can we get a fix o anyting in that area?"
"no sir rsdidual radiation and EM feilds are still affecting or scanns we cant tell where there moving but local forces picked up a larg explosion in the mountain to the sotheast but we havent been able to conferm anything yet"
"southeast? could they be running back to iran?"
"its possable we had confermed sightings of AOI forces on that battle feild"
"i see and the situaion in Russia?"
"dont get me started that whole country in a state of up heaval... we'll get reports that one area is secure only to loose communications with it an hour later and the areas of radio silence are growing"
"so we cant count on any assistance from or forces in russia?"
"i'd be suprised if we had any forces left once this stabalizes. with the European forces aideing them in the west its just fueling this rebelion i couldn't even count howmany bases and ourpoasts we've lost contact with"
"Someone get me a confermation of where there heading get a ship in that area"
"the United was dispatched the moment we picked up the blast it should be ariving an an hour or two"
"humm... the United you say 6 of our beta's have been deployed to that ship havent they"
"yes sir"
"exelent that should be enough to deal with anything up there"
((ooc: i didn't feel like writing up names and all the extra fluff but this covers the republics curent actions and take on the situation. if someone wants more info just ask...))
Higher Brazilam
23-02-2008, 06:17
"oh no you don't" Star firmly grabed his arm to prevent him form going anywhere. here grip was firm here would be no breaking free with out a fight she was still pissed off about the Phoenix nuking the feild and denying her a victory over insain odds and stressed from her worrying over jacob... she wasn't letting him go untill he had been given a clean bill of health then he could go mope in self pity "You need to be checked over in all the battles ive been in with and against you ive never seen you react like that... there s something wrong and i'm not letting you leave untill the doc say you can... got it!" there would be no arguing with her on this one
Jacob would have very little desire to argue with Star on anything if she was preparing for one. He turned around and said, "Understood." and past Star to stay in the infirmary room to sit down and wait for the doctors to call for him. He remained silent and waited his turn...
(OOC: This is what the doctors will find in his brain scans)
-When the images came up, there was something unsual about Jacob's results. There were areas of the brain that were lightened up that usually weren't in the typical brain scan. There were too many areas to be lighted to pass as a Beta Terran scan. Could these possibly have a link to the things now happening to Jacob?-
The Army of Islam continued to move the Great White through the Canyon. As they escorted the ship, the Army Leader asked the Captain, "Are we far from the hideout?"
"We will be arriving soon my lord. It won't be long now."
"Good. I will be meeting with the Oceanic leader. I hope to give them a proper introduction."
"Understood my lord. I wish you luck in winning them over as our allies."
"..." The Leader turned off his communications and began to think to himself. He knew there was a strong possibility of winning over the allies, but the Twilight Phoenix would be another problem. What would the Army do now that they were soon to be portrayed as a terrorist organization? "What else would he do? He always destroys all who defy him..."
Higher Brazilam
25-02-2008, 03:15
The Army of Islam continued to move the Great White through the Canyon. As they escorted the ship, the Army Leader asked the Captain, "Are we far from the hideout?"
"We will be arriving soon my lord. It won't be long now."
"Good. I will be meeting with the Oceanic leader. I hope to give them a proper introduction."
"Understood my lord. I wish you luck in winning them over as our allies."
"..." The Leader turned off his communications and began to think to himself. He knew there was a strong possibility of winning over the allies, but the Twilight Phoenix would be another problem. What would the Army do now that they were soon to be portrayed as a terrorist organization? "What else would he do? He always destroys all who defy him..."
As the Great White moved through the canyon, the Army mobile suits eventually came to a hault. In front of them was what seemed like a dead end, but when a mobile suit stepped forward and removed a rock revealing a signature reader, the canyon walls opened to show a secret pathway. The Army leader contacted the Great White saying, "Attention commanding crew of the Great White. You will be safer in here. Let you and your allies enter and we shall supply you with repairs and equipment."
Spit break
25-02-2008, 03:38
The Phoenix forces followed close, when the cliff side opened up the crew of the Red Phoenix was impressed to say the least "Under ground eh? should hide us for awhile" Mu said to Talho as the ship continued on. Talho stood up and walked to the edge of the bridge "Indeed it should, take us in, nice and slow, Mu come with me we better get ready to meet our allies in person, grab both Hollands, Luna, Stoner, Mayrin, and Waltfeld and meet me in the hanger in five" she ordered him.
The two then left the bridge and parted for the job to do. Talho went to collect data from the main computer to bring with them. Mu went to collect the needed people from where ever they were.
25-02-2008, 04:27
The facility had to be immense if it was going to house multiple ships, but apparently, the Army was well provisioned and had designed it with capacity in mind. Apparently, these guys think the same way we do... Simms thought. Hopefully they have some way to block out orbital scans as well, otherwise we'll just give this place away.
Mervin, in the meantime, had lots on his mind. Nelson had been stabilized and he'd have scans momentarily. Jacob's were on the way as well. They were toying with fire the way they were using those pilots... they needed power to avoid getting wiped out, but they might end up destroying themselves and save Terra the trouble.
Another problem was the ship's shielding. Against projectiles it was useless, and the ship's anti-air guns were only so effective. The solution he'd come up with was to add a second layer of shielding. The outer shell would be the same as before, high energy, to deflect incoming beam attacks. The inner shell would be at much lower power, and it would dissipate the remains of any beam that got through. More importantly, the potential difference between the two shells would induce an electric current across any incoming missile, hopefully triggering the explosive early. This would drain the reactor further, but not enough to affect the ship's normal operations.
An aide delivered Jacob and Nelson's folders and left the room. He flipped through. Nelson's showed that all the activity was focused on just one area of the brain, which explained the intense pain. The energy that his brain was using to maintain the activity explained his fatigue. The real problem was how to treat it. Obviously, they needed to calm him down, but a cold stop might lead to permanent damage. Gradually bringing him down was probably the way to go, but it was going to be uncomfortable.
Jacob's led him to pause for a second look. There were lots of active areas, which was expected for a Beta. But there were too many, and most of them showed more activity than was normal. This was also draining a lot of energy from him, and it was possible that his developing abilities were triggering different hormones than his body was used to. But he couldn't say for sure - he only had a coarse understanding of what to look for, he didn't know what part of the brain did what. For now, that was his best guess.
Back on the bridge, Simms rose and threw his coat over his shoulders. "I guess it's time for introductions," he said. "Mr. Morris, you're in charge."
"Yes, sir," Morris saluted. It was no surprise the captain had elected to leave him behind. He wouldn't have given the Phoenix the most pleasant welcome. He counted on the others to have a better chance of checking their displeasure.
"Gimbley, contact the Europeans and have them meet me at the front gate on deck two," Simms continued. "If possible, I'd like Jacob to come along, although my understanding is that his condition won't permit it."
"It's probably best to keep the pilots out of this, and restrict it to commanding officers," Morris said. "Even if he is Scandinavia's prince, his main duties haven't allowed him to stay updated on the big picture..."
Spit break
25-02-2008, 04:53
Almost every one had been gathered up, except the two Hollands, one was meeting them at the hanger. The other they had to drag from his room if need be. They stopped outside his room and knocked "Holland, we know this is a bad time but we need you" Mu said through the door. They stood there with no response, so he knocked again "Holland this is serious diplomacy get your fat ass out here" he shouted in to him. Finally there was a response and Holland came out "You can wait heh not like its life and death this time" Holland told them.
"yeah, yeah come on Talho is meeting us in the hanger" they then walked off to get to the hanger and meet up. On the way they passed damage control teams working on broken systems. Then they reached the hanger and there waiting was the other Holland and Talho waiting. She looked over at them "Bout time, weapon up, this may be diplomacy but you never know what will happen" Talho told them. They all hit a weapons locker and loaded up on pistols, concealed of course. They walked to a door that exited the ship, of course the ship was still moving so they didn't open it, once it stopped they would. That stopped came sooner rather then later as the ship landed inside the massive facility along with the many other ships. The hatch opened to the outside and they all got out "It's big" Mu simply commented.
Kratna X2
27-02-2008, 02:10
As the Great White moved through the canyon, the Army mobile suits eventually came to a hault. In front of them was what seemed like a dead end, but when a mobile suit stepped forward and removed a rock revealing a signature reader, the canyon walls opened to show a secret pathway. The Army leader contacted the Great White saying, "Attention commanding crew of the Great White. You will be safer in here. Let you and your allies enter and we shall supply you with repairs and equipment."
Red Dawn
General yavensky was warry as he letd his men into the cave. for aslong as he could remember the AOI had been considered a threat if not an out right enamy depending on what propaganda was being cerculated at the time and now they where relying on them for there protection. he'd known things would get all twisted around abut this was something hed never expected
"General are you sure we should be trusting them?"
"No Yuri i'm not but do we realy have anoy other options at this point? our power reserves are almost depleated we wont beable to make it much farther if we where on our own. that and the republic is after us."
"i understand that General but it still makes me uncomfortable" the leutenant comented
Ivan let out a heavy sigh "me as well i'm just hopeing they will alow us to try and make contact with Pyter and Mykaland they are more likely to have the parts we need to repair our dammaged mobile suits"
Yuri Iysenburg remained silent not haveing an additional counterpoints as they filed in hey quickly moved of to the side and occupied a relitivly small corner in the Massive chambers as there where so 3000 odd units and there suport ships to be brought in and from what they had seen other than the 6 strange mobile suits he had never seen before they where the smallest force there
"Yuri Sasha with me"Ivan anounced after they had disembarked "lets go find someone incharge and see if we cant make some proper introductions and find out what happend back there and whats going on"
The Samura where unphased by the scope of the cave afterall the entierty of the Progect complex that had housed the 3 components to the Dojo along with the development and training areas for the Samurai themselves so while the cave was large it was unimpressive.
they moved in silence as they entered the fact that they where now guests of the Army of Islam was not lost on them but they where not worried if things didn't go there way they had both the personal training and the ire power to ensure there exit from there facility.
"Lock your systems" Takeru orders as ther chose there locations to stop "Katana's and side arms at the ready. time to meet our host's and Potential Allies" as they locked there systems and readyed there weapons Takeru also checked another device that would simultaniously destroy there mobile suits and fuse the reactor components rendering it both inert and unsalvagable it was the final option if they where to be captured alowing there mobile suits to fall into enamy hands was not an option
The facility had to be immense if it was going to house multiple ships, but apparently, the Army was well provisioned and had designed it with capacity in mind. Apparently, these guys think the same way we do... Simms thought. Hopefully they have some way to block out orbital scans as well, otherwise we'll just give this place away.
Mervin, in the meantime, had lots on his mind. Nelson had been stabilized and he'd have scans momentarily. Jacob's were on the way as well. They were toying with fire the way they were using those pilots... they needed power to avoid getting wiped out, but they might end up destroying themselves and save Terra the trouble.
Another problem was the ship's shielding. Against projectiles it was useless, and the ship's anti-air guns were only so effective. The solution he'd come up with was to add a second layer of shielding. The outer shell would be the same as before, high energy, to deflect incoming beam attacks. The inner shell would be at much lower power, and it would dissipate the remains of any beam that got through. More importantly, the potential difference between the two shells would induce an electric current across any incoming missile, hopefully triggering the explosive early. This would drain the reactor further, but not enough to affect the ship's normal operations.
An aide delivered Jacob and Nelson's folders and left the room. He flipped through. Nelson's showed that all the activity was focused on just one area of the brain, which explained the intense pain. The energy that his brain was using to maintain the activity explained his fatigue. The real problem was how to treat it. Obviously, they needed to calm him down, but a cold stop might lead to permanent damage. Gradually bringing him down was probably the way to go, but it was going to be uncomfortable.
Jacob's led him to pause for a second look. There were lots of active areas, which was expected for a Beta. But there were too many, and most of them showed more activity than was normal. This was also draining a lot of energy from him, and it was possible that his developing abilities were triggering different hormones than his body was used to. But he couldn't say for sure - he only had a coarse understanding of what to look for, he didn't know what part of the brain did what. For now, that was his best guess.
Back on the bridge, Simms rose and threw his coat over his shoulders. "I guess it's time for introductions," he said. "Mr. Morris, you're in charge."
"Yes, sir," Morris saluted. It was no surprise the captain had elected to leave him behind. He wouldn't have given the Phoenix the most pleasant welcome. He counted on the others to have a better chance of checking their displeasure.
"Gimbley, contact the Europeans and have them meet me at the front gate on deck two," Simms continued. "If possible, I'd like Jacob to come along, although my understanding is that his condition won't permit it."
"It's probably best to keep the pilots out of this, and restrict it to commanding officers," Morris said. "Even if he is Scandinavia's prince, his main duties haven't allowed him to stay updated on the big picture..."
Star notaced the slight changes in the ship signaling that they had first slowed down followed by a landing. she stould from where she was sitting in the infermery with jacob after they had took his scans. "We've stoped"
"wait here." she practacly ordered " i'm going to find out whats going on" and before jacob could stop her she left insearch of the capain or someone who would know what was going on
Higher Brazilam
27-02-2008, 05:15
As Jacob felt the ship come to a stop, he saw Star run off to find the Great White commanders to find out what was happening. His brain scans were done for now, and felt that was enough for the doctors to know. He stood up and told everyone, "I'm going outside. I wish to know what is happening." ignoring everyone's orders.
As Rolf Gregors stepped out to meet with the commanding officers of the Great White, he hoped to see Prime Minister Fespute meet with him. He also thought to himself, "I do hope Jacob does not attempt to burden himself with this right now... Please my lord, don't push yourself so..."
The Army soldiers positioned themselves outside the Great White to meet with the leaders now in hiding. They bowed when they saw them come out and prepared to make a proper introduction. As an announcer stepped forward, he proclaimed, "Be honored for you you now stand before his holiness, the Ayatollah Esmail Daryush." The Ayatollah lifted his hand and signalled his followers to rise. He stepped forward before General Yavensky, the Prime Ministers, and the Commanding Crew, he greeted in his best possible english, "Greetings Leaders of the Resistance against the Republic. I wish to welcome you with our help. Is there anything we can do to help you?"...
OOC: I hope Zoingo finds this again. For recollection of old info, I dug up these threads:
Gundam Terra OOC Thread (
Gundam Terra Stats ( (Check Red Berserker for info)
IC: Novgorod
The Kingdom of Scandinavia had every right to feel courageous. They were exploiting Terran Russia's weakness by plunging into one of its critical locations. Having freed St. Petersburg and Pskov, the Kingdom was now getting closer and closer to reaching Terra's capital in Russia. With that, they could block off Terra from Europe and establish a solid foothold in the continent. Now there was just the effort of moving to Tver', and Scandinavia was close to Moscow. However, there was one thing that the Scandinavians did not see coming....
"Captain, how are the citizens at the moment?"
"They appear to be doing well Colonel. I believe that we will be able to move in to Tver' by the time enough supplies have reached them."
"Perfect. It would seem that our push through this land was easier than the Parliament imagined. Well, we should expect nothing less of our warrior capablities."
"Indeed Colonel. We shall continue to monitor the city's condition... Wait a minute..."
"What is it Captain?"
"Colonel, we are receiving a Terran signature approaching us at an unatural speed."
"Truly? If its Terran, then don't let it through!"
"We'll do our best to- AAAAAAHH!!!" The Captain shouted his last words. Outside the city, a red flash was moving towards the Scandinavian forces. As it sped across, it fired indecriminatley at Scandinavian forces and civilians. As this happened, the Scandinavian forces were amazed to see something so powerful. Squadron after squadron was destroyed with amazing speed by blasts and slashes.
"All squadrons! Retreat from the city and- AAAAHH!!!" The Colonel died before he could issue his final order.
Amidst the ashes, the Red Berserker stood amongst the destroyed buildings. The pilot looked across the landscape and felt something he wouldn't have felt before... Peace of mind in destruction... "General! I thought our orders were to minimize civilian casualties!" The pilot turned around and fired his rifle at the defiant Gemini unit.
The pilot stated, "I am the one who issues the orders here! My only order is for destruction of all Scandinavian forces, and nothing less!"
The pilots of the squadrons following the Red Berserker din't seem to desire to show any defiance. They only stood at attention while the transfomed General Jefferson Crofton barked the orders to his Terran soldiers. With the 4th Gundam as the leader, they were going to push the Scandinavians out of Russia. And now it seemed the cost would no longer matter...
Spit break
27-02-2008, 15:47
Talho noticed the Red dawn and the crew from the great white beginning to meet to they quickly went over to join them. They walked over, weapons hidden traveling close together. When they got closer Talho spoke up "Well I think its about time we all met" they then stopped right beside them. She figured she might as well introduce every one at the same time "I'm Talho Yuki now current commander of the Twilight Phoenix fleet, Second seat of the Phoenix council" she then paused for the others to introduce them selves.
"I'm Mu La Flaga, Mobile suit pilot, Third seat of the Phoenix council"
"Holland Novak, Mobile suit pilot, Fourth and final seat on the Phoenix council"
"Just call me Stoner, I'm the lead photographer and editor of our magazine"
"Luna hawke, Mobile suit pilot of the SOF 1st squadron" she said in a playful voice smiling. Holland remained quiet for several seconds, being the last one to introduce him self though he kind if had to do it. He stepped forward and cleared his throat "I'm Holland Tray'vak Pilot of the G3-Saviour, member of the SOF 1st squadron"
Kratna X2
28-02-2008, 07:20
As Rolf Gregors stepped out to meet with the commanding officers of the Great White, he hoped to see Prime Minister Fespute meet with him. He also thought to himself, "I do hope Jacob does not attempt to burden himself with this right now... Please my lord, don't push yourself so..."
The Army soldiers positioned themselves outside the Great White to meet with the leaders now in hiding. They bowed when they saw them come out and prepared to make a proper introduction. As an announcer stepped forward, he proclaimed, "Be honored for you you now stand before his holiness, the Ayatollah Esmail Daryush." The Ayatollah lifted his hand and signalled his followers to rise. He stepped forward before General Yavensky, the Prime Ministers, and the Commanding Crew, he greeted in his best possible english, "Greetings Leaders of the Resistance against the Republic. I wish to welcome you with our help. Is there anything we can do to help you?"
Talho noticed the Red dawn and the crew from the great white beginning to meet to they quickly went over to join them. They walked over, weapons hidden traveling close together. When they got closer Talho spoke up "Well I think its about time we all met" they then stopped right beside them. She figured she might as well introduce every one at the same time "I'm Talho Yuki now current commander of the Twilight Phoenix fleet, Second seat of the Phoenix council" she then paused for the others to introduce them selves.
"I'm Mu La Flaga, Mobile suit pilot, Third seat of the Phoenix council"
"Holland Novak, Mobile suit pilot, Fourth and final seat on the Phoenix council"
"Just call me Stoner, I'm the lead photographer and editor of our magazine"
"Luna hawke, Mobile suit pilot of the SOF 1st squadron" she said in a playful voice smiling. Holland remained quiet for several seconds, being the last one to introduce him self though he kind if had to do it. He stepped forward and cleared his throat "I'm Holland Tray'vak Pilot of the G3-Saviour, member of the SOF 1st squadron"
Ivan had been about to mention his need fro repairs and resuply when the phoenix interupted and introduced themselves now thats not smart he thought to himself haveing all the members of your leadership in one area is just not wise planning
"i am General Ivan Yavensky Commanding officer of Red Dawns armed forces and this is my second in command Leutenant Yuri Iysenburg and Sasha Timofyitch." he guestures the them as he said there names "we would be greatfull for any assistance you could offer in the nature of repair's to our units as well as resupply"
Takeru moved out from where he had been standing with the members of his team within earshot but just out of view "we only require the use of a long range comunications system" his katana was clearly evadent slung across his back along with the members of his team he had no desire to resort to combat but he would defend himself in the need should arise there hand guns also evadent straped to there thighs there stance was not an agressive one and they would relinquish there hand guns if so asked but there swords they would not.. such was the code of tha samurai
The Kingdom of Scandinavia had every right to feel courageous. They were exploiting Terran Russia's weakness by plunging into one of its critical locations. Having freed St. Petersburg and Pskov, the Kingdom was now getting closer and closer to reaching Terra's capital in Russia. With that, they could block off Terra from Europe and establish a solid foothold in the continent. Now there was just the effort of moving to Tver', and Scandinavia was close to Moscow. However, there was one thing that the Scandinavians did not see coming....
"Captain, how are the citizens at the moment?"
"They appear to be doing well Colonel. I believe that we will be able to move in to Tver' by the time enough supplies have reached them."
"Perfect. It would seem that our push through this land was easier than the Parliament imagined. Well, we should expect nothing less of our warrior capablities."
"Indeed Colonel. We shall continue to monitor the city's condition... Wait a minute..."
"What is it Captain?"
"Colonel, we are receiving a Terran signature approaching us at an unatural speed."
"Truly? If its Terran, then don't let it through!"
"We'll do our best to- AAAAAAHH!!!" The Captain shouted his last words. Outside the city, a red flash was moving towards the Scandinavian forces. As it sped across, it fired indecriminatley at Scandinavian forces and civilians. As this happened, the Scandinavian forces were amazed to see something so powerful. Squadron after squadron was destroyed with amazing speed by blasts and slashes.
"All squadrons! Retreat from the city and- AAAAHH!!!" The Colonel died before he could issue his final order.
Amidst the ashes, the Red Berserker stood amongst the destroyed buildings. The pilot looked across the landscape and felt something he wouldn't have felt before... Peace of mind in destruction... "General! I thought our orders were to minimize civilian casualties!" The pilot turned around and fired his rifle at the defiant Gemini unit.
The pilot stated, "I am the one who issues the orders here! My only order is for destruction of all Scandinavian forces, and nothing less!"
The pilots of the squadrons following the Red Berserker din't seem to desire to show any defiance. They only stood at attention while the transfomed General Jefferson Crofton barked the orders to his Terran soldiers. With the 4th Gundam as the leader, they were going to push the Scandinavians out of Russia. And now it seemed the cost would no longer matter...
"word from resistance fighters in novogorad... dear god.. its been sacked... a terran force moved in and sacked the place" red dawn members still at the Kazan Reclamation Facility watched in horrer as the scean played out on the recordings
"move all Operations to Dark mode. Cover everything wecant let them find out this is where Red Dawn Origionated or is being suplied from" victor instructed "has anyone heard from Pyter Mykal or the General?"
"Nothing since there last check in anouncing they where about to engage the Terrans"
"keep scanning for there signal"
"of course victor"
28-02-2008, 07:46
As Rolf Gregors stepped out to meet with the commanding officers of the Great White, he hoped to see Prime Minister Fespute meet with him. He also thought to himself, "I do hope Jacob does not attempt to burden himself with this right now... Please my lord, don't push yourself so..."
The Army soldiers positioned themselves outside the Great White to meet with the leaders now in hiding. They bowed when they saw them come out and prepared to make a proper introduction. As an announcer stepped forward, he proclaimed, "Be honored for you you now stand before his holiness, the Ayatollah Esmail Daryush."
The ministers bowed. Simms, pulling up the rear with two aides, hastily joined them. The Ayatollah himself has come out here?! he thought. Perhaps I should have brought Morris after all. He needs to see this - so the Army of Islam is really serious. Pockets of people were making their way over to the assembly from various vehicles. The Russian and Japanese mobile suits had finally settled down and their pilots were disembarking. From another airship, a group that he figured to be the Twilight Phoenix came forward.
When they got closer Talho spoke up "Well I think its about time we all met" they then stopped right beside them. She figured she might as well introduce every one at the same time "I'm Talho Yuki now current commander of the Twilight Phoenix fleet, Second seat of the Phoenix council" she then paused for the others to introduce them selves.
"I'm Mu La Flaga, Mobile suit pilot, Third seat of the Phoenix council"
"Holland Novak, Mobile suit pilot, Fourth and final seat on the Phoenix council"
"Just call me Stoner, I'm the lead photographer and editor of our magazine"
"Luna hawke, Mobile suit pilot of the SOF 1st squadron" she said in a playful voice smiling. Holland remained quiet for several seconds, being the last one to introduce him self though he kind if had to do it. He stepped forward and cleared his throat "I'm Holland Tray'vak Pilot of the G3-Saviour, member of the SOF 1st squadron"
Irresponsible use of power again, magazine editor at a council of war? Is this really okay? At the same time, though, as crazy as this group looked, he couldn't figure out how any of them would give an order like "Blow the reactor." Most of them seemed to possess a youthful energy that was definitely greater than any possessed by his troops, who were beaten, tired, and thousands of miles from home.
"I'm Cornell Simms, captain of this ship, the Great White," Simms said. "The rest of our fleet, what little is left, is currently operating with European forces in the Mediterranean. It only consists of a few surface vessels and submarines. Most were sunk in the Black Sea in offensive action against major Terran ports there. Our remaining air and ground forces are here with me."
As Jacob felt the ship come to a stop, he saw Star run off to find the Great White commanders to find out what was happening. His brain scans were done for now, and felt that was enough for the doctors to know. He stood up and told everyone, "I'm going outside. I wish to know what is happening." ignoring everyone's orders.
Simms didn't notice Jacob emerging from the ship behind him. As far as he knew, he and Nelson were busy recovering from the battle.
The Ayatollah lifted his hand and signalled his followers to rise. He stepped forward before General Yavensky, the Prime Ministers, and the Commanding Crew, he greeted in his best possible english, "Greetings Leaders of the Resistance against the Republic. I wish to welcome you with our help. Is there anything we can do to help you?"...
Simms removed his hat and bowed a little more generously this time. "We thank you for your kindness," he said. "I assume everyone here is exhausted after the fight and will need repairs and supplies. More importantly, our best route into Russia has been compromised, and we're surrounded on all sides. A breakout is essential if we're to help Europe and Scandinavia in their push east. We need to all agree on a clear course of action." But the real question here is whether or not we see eye to eye. Yes, the Terrans need to be defeated, but why and for what? The real problem here isn't going to be reconciling who is responsible for what, but what each side hopes to gain from this war...
Spit break
28-02-2008, 15:53
Ivan had been about to mention his need fro repairs and resuply when the phoenix interupted and introduced themselves now thats not smart he thought to himself haveing all the members of your leadership in one area is just not wise planning
"i am General Ivan Yavensky Commanding officer of Red Dawns armed forces and this is my second in command Leutenant Yuri Iysenburg and Sasha Timofyitch." he guestures the them as he said there names "we would be greatfull for any assistance you could offer in the nature of repair's to our units as well as resupply"
Takeru moved out from where he had been standing with the members of his team within earshot but just out of view "we only require the use of a long range comunications system" his katana was clearly evadent slung across his back along with the members of his team he had no desire to resort to combat but he would defend himself in the need should arise there hand guns also evadent straped to there thighs there stance was not an agressive one and they would relinquish there hand guns if so asked but there swords they would not.. such was the code of tha samurai
The ministers bowed. Simms, pulling up the rear with two aides, hastily joined them. The Ayatollah himself has come out here?! he thought. Perhaps I should have brought Morris after all. He needs to see this - so the Army of Islam is really serious. Pockets of people were making their way over to the assembly from various vehicles. The Russian and Japanese mobile suits had finally settled down and their pilots were disembarking. From another airship, a group that he figured to be the Twilight Phoenix came forward.
Irresponsible use of power again, magazine editor at a council of war? Is this really okay? At the same time, though, as crazy as this group looked, he couldn't figure out how any of them would give an order like "Blow the reactor." Most of them seemed to possess a youthful energy that was definitely greater than any possessed by his troops, who were beaten, tired, and thousands of miles from home.
"I'm Cornell Simms, captain of this ship, the Great White," Simms said. "The rest of our fleet, what little is left, is currently operating with European forces in the Mediterranean. It only consists of a few surface vessels and submarines. Most were sunk in the Black Sea in offensive action against major Terran ports there. Our remaining air and ground forces are here with me."
Talho looked to General Yavensky "I'm sure we could spare some people to help with your repairs that goes for all of you as well" she then turned her attention back to every one as a whole "I'm sure your probably wonder which of us gave the order, The one who gave the order officially was Murrue Ramius now relieved of all her duties within the organization" she then smiled a little, compared to them they were all old so she felt she needed to mention they are not the original leaders "Considering the age gap here I feel it is needed to mention we are not the original leaders" she added.
Typical of there youth they seemed to interrupt a lot at least the more out spoken members any way. Talho had to remember she was dealing with older and more experienced military men for the most part and had to respect them. She had to try and not speak out of turn and show these men the respect they deserve.
Higher Brazilam
29-02-2008, 06:59
The ministers bowed. Simms, pulling up the rear with two aides, hastily joined them. The Ayatollah himself has come out here?! he thought. Perhaps I should have brought Morris after all. He needs to see this - so the Army of Islam is really serious. Pockets of people were making their way over to the assembly from various vehicles. The Russian and Japanese mobile suits had finally settled down and their pilots were disembarking. From another airship, a group that he figured to be the Twilight Phoenix came forward.
Irresponsible use of power again, magazine editor at a council of war? Is this really okay? At the same time, though, as crazy as this group looked, he couldn't figure out how any of them would give an order like "Blow the reactor." Most of them seemed to possess a youthful energy that was definitely greater than any possessed by his troops, who were beaten, tired, and thousands of miles from home.
"I'm Cornell Simms, captain of this ship, the Great White," Simms said. "The rest of our fleet, what little is left, is currently operating with European forces in the Mediterranean. It only consists of a few surface vessels and submarines. Most were sunk in the Black Sea in offensive action against major Terran ports there. Our remaining air and ground forces are here with me."
Simms didn't notice Jacob emerging from the ship behind him. As far as he knew, he and Nelson were busy recovering from the battle.
Simms removed his hat and bowed a little more generously this time. "We thank you for your kindness," he said. "I assume everyone here is exhausted after the fight and will need repairs and supplies. More importantly, our best route into Russia has been compromised, and we're surrounded on all sides. A breakout is essential if we're to help Europe and Scandinavia in their push east. We need to all agree on a clear course of action." But the real question here is whether or not we see eye to eye. Yes, the Terrans need to be defeated, but why and for what? The real problem here isn't going to be reconciling who is responsible for what, but what each side hopes to gain from this war...
The Ayatollah answered, "I see. We shall help you with your repairs and give you some new supplies." He transmitted an order to the workers next to the Great White to make the repairs and load some new supplies. As he finished, he told Simms, "For a path into Russia, we can help you achieve a path into the land, but we shall have to cooperate in order to achieve this."
An Iranian voice spoke out saying, "If that is the case, can we at least meet on common ground?" Jacob stood out from the crowd and made himself known to the Ayatollah. Even though he was intending to speak english, he was talking in straight Iranian to the Ayatollah.
Esmail was amazed to see the sight before him. The young Prince appeared to be a woman at first glance, but could only rely on the voice he had to know he was a young man. He asked, "May I ask who you are to step in on such an important meeting so abruptly?"
This worried Gregors. The boy is against their actions indeed... Could he cost us... He couldn't be so foolish... He could only stay back and wait for Jacob to properly introduce himself.
"I am Jacob Thorstein. I believe you may have at least heard of me." The Ayatollah did indeed hear of Crown Prince Jacob Thorstein III before. He was told that the young Prince may be acompanying the Prime Ministers.
He asked, "What do you imply by making common ground with one another?"
"I mean that your ways that the Army is currently facing Terra are wrong. I would only approve of this alliance if we can agree that defeating the Republic cannot be achieved through the slaughter of innocents."
The Ayatollah placed his hand on Jacob's shoulder and asked the leaders, "May I ask for a moment alone with this young man?" And turned around and began whispering to Jacob.
Jacob asked, "What is-"
The Ayatollah told him, "If I had any influence over how it is that the Army dealt with innocents, trust me, you would not see so many innocents dying as they are now."
Jacob understood and asked in the same tone, "If I cannot convince you to change the Army's ways, then can I meet with your true master?"
Esmail didn't see this happening either, he would never think that the Prince would ask to meet with the Caliph himself. Esmail suspected this must have been planned, seeing that the Caliph, no matter how corrupt he may be, would have to be clever and calculative to achieve his desires. With his men watching however, he could not possibly go against the Prince's desires. He turned to meet with the resistance leaders and asked, "Prince Thorstein wishes to meet with my master. Are there any who must object to this?"
Prime Minister Gregors stepped forward and said, "I must. Lord Jacob, can you honestly say you are able to handle discussing with these leaders in you condition? Even so, what about your feelings about the Army?"
"I will meet with the Ayatollah's master whether it is approved by any of you or not. I have no wish to cease a possible alliance, but I want the Army to be willing to meet with certain demands that I feel should be met for long term agreement." Jacob stood by his statement and awaited any who might oppose him. He would meet with the master of the Ayatollah wether anyone desired it or not...
Kratna X2
29-02-2008, 16:43
it would seem the terran reports on the boy prince had greatly underestimated him they had been nothing in his Psyc profile to sugest this kind of passion. he general would have to watch him closly
it had taken star a bit longer to make it outside haveing first gone to the bridge insearch of the captain so it was that she arived after the formal introductions had been made
"Jacob!" star began running towards him "what are you doing out here? your suposed to be in the infermery waiting for mervin to..." it was then that she spotted Holland Luna and the rest of what she assumed to be other phoenix memebers and she whent from concern for jacob to a boiling rage in an instant
"...You!" she began stalking towards them "you Bastards! what gives you the F***ing right ti dictate the course of a battle! we Had them on the run and then you Moons drop in with no F***ing consideration to the plans others where running on and bolw the whole god damned thing to hell! NOt only that but do you realize exactly what the republic is going to do now that you F***ing geniouses in your infinate wisdom have declared open Season with WMD's?! there going to track us down and throw every thing they have at us. and you might as well kiss any homes any of us had good bye because those are going to be the first to go... you thought what haped to the Union was bad... thats nothing compaired to--"
"CAPTAIN LYNDE THATS ENOUGH!" General Yavensky Bellowed cuttiong her off
"who the F*** are you telling me--"
"Not another word Leutenant!"
"Leutenant!" now she was pissed "Its captain! Old man"
"Thats General Yavensky to you young lady and if you know what goof for you you'll put a lid on that big mouth of yourse before it et you into more trouble do i make myself clear
Star Gritted her teath and glared at him "yes sir" she said through clenched teath being none to happy about it
they both might be terran deserters but they where still Terrans and in her programed mind that ment that an order from the general would cary more weight that anything anyone else said
"My apologies" ivan then said in a much more callmer tone to the others assembled "but i think it would be prodent to move theise discustions to a more private location given the nature of the ranks of those assembled it would be to eazy for some operative to to eliminate the heads of the resistance if we remain out in the open"
Takerus mind raced as the other samurai members wispered amoungst themselves. iven the outburst he had just witnesed there was no doubt in his mind that she was the pilot of the mobile suit he had fought back to back with in the feild. he also had the admit that everything she said was true although there where betterways of saying it. it made him wounder what the republic was thinking when it trained its betas
Spit break
29-02-2008, 23:35
After Star's outburst Holland felt a need to speak up "You think we had a choice? You think war can be won without going to extreme measures? Do you think you could of won? You all concentrated your selves in one area, if you guys put the republic on the run they would of declared open season any way just to wipe your ass of the planet and wipe out the largest pocket of resistance!! My sister was the one who pulled the final trigger, Don't you dare dishonor her name or I'll kill you my self!"
"Holland thats enough" Talho snapped "I apologize many within the organization don't agree with what happened even though it was aloud under are doctrine, and set out under Plan H, I'll be happy to explain that along with anything else you want to know about us once we get behind closed doors" she told them all, hopefully the AOI have some place set aside within the base they could all talk quietly.
"Stoner do you have the operational strategies drawn up?" The other Holland asked as he turned to Stoner carrying a brief case. Stoner looked over "Yeah I have them, I'm not the strategist for nothing after all" he told him before going silent. To say the least a lot of secrets were most likely to be revealed at the meeting.
01-03-2008, 01:32
Blood was boiling already. Terrific start... thought Simms, still wondering how Jacob was coherent enough to assert his will like that. He's not the prince for nothing. Perhaps it's not a bad idea to go straight to the top, but it's not going to be easy... "You raise a good point," Simms said, trying to get back on track. "We will need to make sure all parties are completely behind this alliance. But first thing's first. We need a plan, we need to recover, and so do you. But rest assured we can deal with all of these issues in time."
The Twilight Phoenix still bothered him. The photographer was their strategist, and they were banking on his plan. At least they were going to open it up for discussion this time, so leveler heads might be able to mold it. Not only were they inexperienced, but they were emotionally charged for various reasons - Holland's sister being the nuclear trigger was the strongest of those. He had to make sure that they didn't do anything rash before settling down and thinking it through. Ivan seemed dependable. The Japanese were completely serious.
Kratna X2
01-03-2008, 02:18
After Star's outburst Holland felt a need to speak up "You think we had a choice? You think war can be won without going to extreme measures? Do you think you could of won? You all concentrated your selves in one area, if you guys put the republic on the run they would of declared open season any way just to wipe your ass of the planet and wipe out the largest pocket of resistance!! My sister was the one who pulled the final trigger, Don't you dare dishonor her name or I'll kill you my self!"
"Holland thats enough" Talho snapped "I apologize many within the organization don't agree with what happened even though it was aloud under are doctrine, and set out under Plan H, I'll be happy to explain that along with anything else you want to know about us once we get behind closed doors" she told them all, hopefully the AOI have some place set aside within the base they could all talk quietly.
"Stoner do you have the operational strategies drawn up?" The other Holland asked as he turned to Stoner carrying a brief case. Stoner looked over "Yeah I have them, I'm not the strategist for nothing after all" he told him before going silent. To say the least a lot of secrets were most likely to be revealed at the meeting.
in a flash star had miniture beam saber she had received from the european Minister out and only inches from his heart the electricity humming along the entire length of the energy blade "if you want to join her give the word and i'll send you there myself" her voice was cold and hardand with her mucles tenced it wouldnt take much to compleat the thrust that would peirce his heart "i will not feel sorry for fools and cowards."
She glared at him dareing him to give her a reason to kill him and after a momet took a couple slow steps back the blade remaining pointed at his cheast before turning and walking back to the great white draging the blade in the ground a way's leaving and angry red line glowing on the ground as the ti of the blade sparked and sizzled while it cut into the ground
the Samurai took a step back as the crazed pilot drew the energy blade on the phoenix member they might all be beta's and thus more than a match for her but that weapon made it greatly in her favor there would be just no way to eazly combat such an equiped person unless you had a similar weapon.when we make contact with the Dojo we'll have to get them to look into developing something like that
Spit break
01-03-2008, 03:02
"It's just as cowardly to not fight fairly when face to face" Holland whispered to him self. Holland was tempted to kill her right then and there, however he decided not to for the sake of every thing going on. Luna had a look of concern for Holland and was thinking to her self whether he should of even came with them considering the situation.
Being the photographer for the Twilight Phoenix was not Stoner's main job. He was the strategist first and foremost and the man behind the camera after that. There was a lot of secrets held in that case, and within everything about the Phoenix. Just how much is revealed depends on the questions asked once they get behind closed doors.
Higher Brazilam
03-03-2008, 05:24
Blood was boiling already. Terrific start... thought Simms, still wondering how Jacob was coherent enough to assert his will like that. He's not the prince for nothing. Perhaps it's not a bad idea to go straight to the top, but it's not going to be easy... "You raise a good point," Simms said, trying to get back on track. "We will need to make sure all parties are completely behind this alliance. But first thing's first. We need a plan, we need to recover, and so do you. But rest assured we can deal with all of these issues in time."
The Twilight Phoenix still bothered him. The photographer was their strategist, and they were banking on his plan. At least they were going to open it up for discussion this time, so leveler heads might be able to mold it. Not only were they inexperienced, but they were emotionally charged for various reasons - Holland's sister being the nuclear trigger was the strongest of those. He had to make sure that they didn't do anything rash before settling down and thinking it through. Ivan seemed dependable. The Japanese were completely serious.
The Ayatollah was amazed to see such bickering among who he saw as joint allies. But as Star and Holland left one another, he spoke saying, "Understand, I wish to see a joint alliance against Terra, but we must be bound in trust if we are to even stand a chance against Sage's Army."
Jacob asked Daryush, "If that is the case, then why is it that you have been unable to do so among your own forces?"
"Sir Thorstein, this is not the time for argument. We will show your allies a safe way to my master when the Great White's repairs are done, but we must currently work on compromise rather than adressing since we now know our differences."
Jacob nodded and said, "Understood. I hope we may find common ground. Where shall I meet?"
The Ayatollah answered, "I have a room which will seat many leaders of our stature. Bring Mr. Yavensky, a Twilight Phoenix representative, Mr. Simms, the Prime Ministers, and the Asian leaders, and we shall discuss tactics for common ground before meeting with my master. Meet with me when you feel capable, but within 6 hours, when the repairs are done." The Ayatollah bowed and turned to leave.
Rolf breathed some relief as he saw the Ayatollah not walk off in a fit of rage from Jaocb's comments. An alliance was still possible, but was it any more or any less possible from the statements? Prime Minister Fespute was amazed to see Jacob so defiant against such an important person in the Army. But the Ayatollah's master? It was a frightening thought how Jacob might react to him... "I hope that boy doesn't cost us the alliance."
Jacob turned to the crowd behind him and asked, "Are you all capable of meeting with Mr. Daryush? I wish to do so as soon as possible."
OOC: Seeing Zoingo hasn't showed up in a while, I think I'll have to take temporary front seat behind Fespute and the others for a while.
Spit break
03-03-2008, 15:46
"We are ready when ever every one else is" Talho said in regards to the meeting "Stoner, this is your job, we have repairs and other things to take care of out here" she stated to him pulling a small PDA out of her pocket and giving it to him "This is the extra information you will need about the orginization" Stoner then took it and put in his pocket. He looked up and ever one else "Lead the way" he said wanting to get it started.
Kratna X2
04-03-2008, 00:55
"yuri, Sasha" General Yavensky began "see what you can do about funding sutable parts for repairs and compatabe munitions for resuply i will contact you once the meeting as ajurned"
"Yes Sir."
"of course Uncle"
this was the major dissadvantage of being in a 20 year old mobile suits and customizing acouple of them, without there suply trucks finding sutable replacement parts was going to be next to imposable although it was hoped that given the Blackmarket nature of the AOI's weaponry the might be able to find something that would work
"I alone will attend" Takeru anounced "I Am Captain Matsumouri Takeru ((ooc:Its backwards cause i finaly put it in japanese order)) Of the Asian Alliance Special forces. I will represent my county in this mater as due to the radiation and electromagnetic feilt we have been unable to cotact our command ship in orbit. untill we can again comunicate with our commandig officers i am incharge of the Samurai" He bowed respectfuly to the other leaders giving slightly higher reguards to both Colonel Simms and General Yavensky as millitary men.
New Terra
"Transport Helo foxtrot one oh oh two niner your are cleared for docking. procead to hanger nine docking clamp four nine theta. welcome to New Terra
"roger that New Terra proceading to Hanger nine" The transports Manuvering thrusters fired as it aligned its self with the hanger and made its final aproach
"i'm suprised we made it undetected"
"Benjamin you suprise me. if you would pull your nose out of those reports long enough to learn whats going on you would know that the Republic has compleat control over Space and the colonies"
"would you then care to explaine the Attack on the Capital and the Lack of a Terran Responce Dr. Gothart"
Marisa sat in silence as the Docking clamps engaged "Docking compleate. Begining atmosphear equilization""the Phoenix is quite troublesom"
"how can you be sure it was the phoenix?"
"Can you not think of anyone else with such capabilities?" this time it was benjamins turn to sit insilence "we know that the Phoenix group was able to escape into orbit and by some miraculus means remain undetected given the number of ships we have in orbit"
"the do tend to succead more oftain then pure chance would alow" Benjamin pointed out "the main question i have though is, given the suprise move of the russians declaring open rebelion why has Sage ordered all the Beta's be transfered into space?"
"Atmospear equilizations compleat all passangers may now disembark"
"i don't question my orders Benjamin i just follow them" She replied as she made her wat to the hatch and then over to where the "guests" where being assembled but it does make me wounder What he plans on doing with the Omega facility now that its empty
Earth - Tampa bay, florida
"has the city been tested?"
"yes sir, twice within the past week" all the Betas have been Isolated and transfered to new terra."
"and remaining military personell?"
"what forces where nesicary to leave behind are all alphas of no disinction. the rest of the forces are on manuvers"
"then its time" the 2 officers bothe pulled keys out from under there uniforms and each unlocked a a small case containing a single keycard each. these keycards where then inserted int there aproprate slots wich unlocked a pair of buttons
"Order and Unity"
"strength and leadership"
the 2 officers pushed there respective buttones and in a brilient flash of light the massive underground complex of the Omega facility along with a large porton of the greater Tampa bay area where erased off of the face of the earth
((ooc: i got bored so i thought i'd give the story line a little nudge.. of course the Republis of going to blame that on the rebelion aswell.. oh well it cant be helped))
Spit break
04-03-2008, 02:16
OOC: How many things does this make you have blamed on me? any way time to continue the insurgency, with a coordinated plan
Twilight Phoenix safe house
"Alright so what is the plan?" Nichole asked entering the room to see Daniels and Johnson standing by a map. Johnson looked over to her and pointed to the map "We are coordinating strikes against Norfolk, Baltimore, Chicago, and San Diego" he stated as he pointed to the locations. She looked at them "Whats the exact target? officials? supplies? infrastructure?" she asked them.
"Baltimore, Norfolk, and San Diego we hit naval bases, East coast its there fleet, west its supplies going to Asia"
"And Chicago?"
"We sabotage manufacturing of weapons and ammunition, Mobile suit factories are to vital to get close to, ammo plant going boom will only shut production for a few days but it will still delay to the front lines if they don't have a large stock pile"
"When do we move?"
"Not that simple, our friends in intelligence must leak fake targets"
"Not going to work, every time we do that they see right through our plan and our agents are discovered"
"This is going to be more discrete, the agent won't direct walk in and hand his CO the intelligence, we will leak it to several people who are republic military, and two of our agents, intelligence from all of them will point to those locations, well if they got all the clues it would"
"What do you mean?"
"We won't give them all the pieces, just some pointing to the fake targets, if they put it all together they will increase security in those locations"
"When does it start?"
"First move should be happening now"
Fish head pub
Down town Norfolk
Two men sat down at a back table, one looked at the other "What can you tell me about the Twilight Phoenix?" one of them asked "Not much, I over heard two guys talking here last night, one of them left a letter on the table, i sure it was meant for some one to pick up, but I got to it first"
"What was in it?" the man whispered
"Something about hitting targets in North America, could even be as far south as Panama from my interpretation" he said slipping the letter to the man.
"You've been a great help to the republic"
"Now wheres my money?"
"Oh yes here" he said tossing some money on the table. The informant opened it up and counted it "Theres only half here"
"take it or leave it" the man said getting up and leaving the pub. The informant was not happy, he only got half of what the republic set out for information to help against attacks. He had to take it so he did, so he got up and also left the pub. When he left he saw the man he just talk to entering a ally and shrugged it off.
Meanwhile as the man walked down the ally he turned the corner holding the letter in his hand. A shadowy figure popped out of the corner of the mans eye. The figure pulled a gun out and aimed it at the man "Give me your wallet" the figure said, the man complied and as he handed it over he began to struggle with the man for the gun. However he was quickly over powered and the 'mugger' shot the man three times in the chest, he then stole the mans money, and watch.
He thought there might be money in the letter so e tried to grab it, but the man was still holding on to it and the letter ripped in two. The mugged quickly ran off, with the half of the letter that was important in hand. What was left with the man was the part mentioning the Twilight Phoenix, the word attack and some information that was not relevant. At least not without the other half, the police were already on there way, once the letter was found it would be turned over the the republic military.
OOC: ah good ole fun this post was
Kratna X2
04-03-2008, 04:16
OOC: How many things does this make you have blamed on me? any way time to continue the insurgency, with a coordinated plan
((ooc: actualy i was blameing the rebelion as a whole not just the phoenix group. i was tempted but the scope of rebellion has moved beyound a single group))
The mugged quickly ran off, with the half of the letter that was important in hand. What was left with the man was the part mentioning the Twilight Phoenix, the word attack and some information that was not relevant. At least not without the other half, the police were already on there way, once the letter was found it would be turned over the the republic military
"What seems to be gonig on here?" the Leutenant asked as he arived on the scene. he wasn't pleased to be called out to a civilian crime scene but aparently someone had found something that might be of intrest to the Terran Millitary
"Leutenant. thanks for coming" the detective incharge of the investigation said by way of greating "normaly we wouldn't involve the Millitary in a simple murder investigation but we found this on him" he crouched down near the mans cluched hand and pointed to the remanent of the letter where the words "twilight phoenix" was evadent.
"has this been documented?"
"yes sir"
The leutenant reached down and pryed the mans Hand open Revealing more of the torn letter "Damn it" he cursed under his breath "how long ago did this happen?"
"Customers in the bar reported hearing shots about 30 minuts ago"
"i want a 45 block lock down 5 minutes ago! no one enters or leaves! i want the othe half of this note found!"
"You heard the man get on the horn with dispatch seal the area off!"
the leutenant walked back to his jeep and thewaiting driver and picked up the radio "get me Colonel Everitt" there was a pause of a few moments as the line was connected.
"everitt here"
"ma'am... we have a problem"
Higher Brazilam
04-03-2008, 04:31
"yuri, Sasha" General Yavensky began "see what you can do about funding sutable parts for repairs and compatabe munitions for resuply i will contact you once the meeting as ajurned"
"Yes Sir."
"of course Uncle"
this was the major dissadvantage of being in a 20 year old mobile suits and customizing acouple of them, without there suply trucks finding sutable replacement parts was going to be next to imposable although it was hoped that given the Blackmarket nature of the AOI's weaponry the might be able to find something that would work
"I alone will attend" Takeru anounced "I Am Captain Matsumouri Takeru ((ooc:Its backwards cause i finaly put it in japanese order)) Of the Asian Alliance Special forces. I will represent my county in this mater as due to the radiation and electromagnetic feilt we have been unable to cotact our command ship in orbit. untill we can again comunicate with our commandig officers i am incharge of the Samurai" He bowed respectfuly to the other leaders giving slightly higher reguards to both Colonel Simms and General Yavensky as millitary men.
New Terra
"Transport Helo foxtrot one oh oh two niner your are cleared for docking. procead to hanger nine docking clamp four nine theta. welcome to New Terra
"roger that New Terra proceading to Hanger nine" The transports Manuvering thrusters fired as it aligned its self with the hanger and made its final aproach
"i'm suprised we made it undetected"
"Benjamin you suprise me. if you would pull your nose out of those reports long enough to learn whats going on you would know that the Republic has compleat control over Space and the colonies"
"would you then care to explaine the Attack on the Capital and the Lack of a Terran Responce Dr. Gothart"
Marisa sat in silence as the Docking clamps engaged "Docking compleate. Begining atmosphear equilization""the Phoenix is quite troublesom"
"how can you be sure it was the phoenix?"
"Can you not think of anyone else with such capabilities?" this time it was benjamins turn to sit insilence "we know that the Phoenix group was able to escape into orbit and by some miraculus means remain undetected given the number of ships we have in orbit"
"the do tend to succead more oftain then pure chance would alow" Benjamin pointed out "the main question i have though is, given the suprise move of the russians declaring open rebelion why has Sage ordered all the Beta's be transfered into space?"
"Atmospear equilizations compleat all passangers may now disembark"
"i don't question my orders Benjamin i just follow them" She replied as she made her wat to the hatch and then over to where the "guests" where being assembled but it does make me wounder What he plans on doing with the Omega facility now that its empty
Earth - Tampa bay, florida
"has the city been tested?"
"yes sir, twice within the past week" all the Betas have been Isolated and transfered to new terra."
"and remaining military personell?"
"what forces where nesicary to leave behind are all alphas of no disinction. the rest of the forces are on manuvers"
"then its time" the 2 officers pushed there respective buttones and in a brilient flash of light the massive underground complex of the Omega facility along with a large porton of the greater Tampa bay area where erased off of the face of the earth
((ooc: i got bored so i thought i'd give the story line a little nudge.. of course the Republis of going to blame that on the rebelion aswell.. oh well it cant be helped))
Jacob bowed to the Japanese Captain and the others to join him. He told Simms, "We'll be meeting now, I suggest you follow." With an authoritative tone that he had picked up from the conversation with the Ayatollah. He turned to leave and be followed by the resistance leaders.
"Well I suppose we had best meet with the young boy's wishes. Did the King train him to be so straightforward?"
"That is something that I couldn't tell. The boy takes after his father's desire to end this war, but they push themselves so much to do so."
"I'll say. The boy's had to deal with a large battle and now going into a diplomacy meeting. Is this good for his mental health or well being?"
Rolf couldn't answer. He knew Jacob had gone through many difficulties before this one, but were all of these tasks going to cause Jacob to pay for dire consequences?
Jaron was looking out from the window, wanting to see how Jacob would react to the diplomacy meeting. Seeing Jacob making the forceful gestures he was making wasn't reassuring. Jaron felt more guilt fall upong his shoulders at the sight. He didn't join to help in the battle because he was still confused about the death of his brother. He gathered enough courage to go find someone, maybe Nelson or someone close to him, and try to see if he could find some help from him or her...
Spit break
04-03-2008, 05:40
Stoner, Brief case in hand followed the others to the meeting room, they had a lot to discuss. Mean while the others got down to work "Alright Mu, Hollands, and Holland, head back and help with repairs to the engines, Luna come with me we got systems to repair for the CIC" Talho ordered "Right" came Luna response as every one dispersed to get to there assigned task. In the Twilight Phoenix, every one did work no exceptions to all able body people in the organization.
The 'mugger' stopped several blocks over, under a bridge he opened the part of the letter he had and read it "Use less, ah man" he said tossing the letter into a barely lit fire. The page began to burn but then the mugger heard the cops coming and quickly put out the fire with some water, being close to the water front putting out a fire was quick. He then began to run for his life tossing the gun into the now out fire with the half burnt now incomplete message.
OOC: 2/3rds-ish of the message you should now recover but will future clues lead you to the truth?
Kratna X2
04-03-2008, 05:48
Jacob bowed to the Japanese Captain and the others to join him. He told Simms, "We'll be meeting now, I suggest you follow." With an authoritative tone that he had picked up from the conversation with the Ayatollah. He turned to leave and be followed by the resistance leaders.
The general and Tekeru moved to follow The AOI representative along with the rather authorative youngman that had taken control ofthe situation
Jaron was looking out from the window, wanting to see how Jacob would react to the diplomacy meeting. Seeing Jacob making the forceful gestures he was making wasn't reassuring. Jaron felt more guilt fall upong his shoulders at the sight. He didn't join to help in the battle because he was still confused about the death of his brother. He gathered enough courage to go find someone, maybe Nelson or someone close to him, and try to see if he could find some help from him or her...
Star stalked through tha alls of the great white the handle of the now switched off saber still clenched firmly in her hand she didn't really have a goal in mind she was just storming through the halls muttering and cursing furious at both hollandsblind acceptance of a group that would willing let his sister kiss both herself and hundreds of soldiers both Terran and the allied troops that didnt get clear in time and she was also mad at General Yavensky more because he had interupted her venting than anything else it was sartlingly refreshing to be given an order again. her conditioning had finaly shown its self. she might have been able to break free of the bling acceptance of the Republic and Sages plans but following orders had been engrained deep and the past several weeks with no orders had been stressfull in its own right
Kratna X2
04-03-2008, 06:32
The 'mugger' stopped several blocks over, under a bridge he opened the part of the letter he had and read it "Use less, ah man" he said tossing the letter into a barely lit fire. The page began to burn but then the mugger heard the cops coming and quickly put out the fire with some water, being close to the water front putting out a fire was quick. He then began to run for his life tossing the gun into the now out fire with the half burnt now incomplete message.
OOC: 2/3rds-ish of the message you should now recover but will future clues lead you to the truth?
((ooc: you tell me :P ))
with both the Local PD and avalable Millitary Personel scouring the blocked off area it wasn't long before the still steaming fire was found with the message in it "Leutenant Ryan. this is Private Hobbs weve found something"
"what is your location?"
"we are curently 18 blocks west on the waterfrount"
"i'll be there in 5" Lt. Ryan hopped into his jeep and gave his driver the directions there were there 6 minutes later the Leutenant jumping out befre the Jeep had even come to a compleat stop "what d we got?"
the lt saluted "sir one of the local PD notaced the fire and are curently in search of whomever attempted t put it out but we found this in the ash" he handed over the taterd burnt wet remains of the second half of the letter.
it was known to be the second half because the remaining torn edges matched the first peice and filled in some of the missing information but tere where still important bits burnt off the document "damn fool didn't know what he was holding" he muttered to himself "damn it" he took the peices back to his jeep and called directly to colonel everitt on the radio "colonel the phoenix is definatly planing something" he placed the combined peices on the small scanner in the command jeep that had been suplied for his use during the investigation "i'm sending you the document now. unfortunatly any referance to when and where have been compleatly burned off or wasn't included"
"good work Leutenant have the Local PD keep searching for whomever had the letter the rest of the millitary personel are hearby recalled untill further notace"
"Understould ma'am" after Lt. Ryan had disconected Colonel everitt contacted the local S.O.8 operatives and forwarded the document to them while the military was largly restrained in what actions it could take Section Omega 8 had free reigh to d what it demed nesicary if only they could get more evadence of what the phoenix was planning
04-03-2008, 06:34
A meeting in a few hours was fine. Simms headed back to the ship to bring a few more men with him. Morris should come after all, he decided, and it might be best to bring Mervin or Tom along to talk about technical details. Anything that could possibly give them an edge needed to be exploited... within reason.
Mervin had made a comment during the battle that the Destroy was not exhibiting any of the overheating that had plagued the Osprey, and were it not for its poor defenses, it could've cut a path through to Russia. One of the things he definitely wanted to know was where the Phoenix were getting all their hardware and if that source was still open. They seriously doubted all the development was in-house... the material and funding HAD to come from somewhere... right?
"Hey, you finally awake? This is the second time we've had to do this..." Nelson knew Adam was somewhere in the room, but he was too groggy to zero in. His head was still burning. The last thing he remembered was stumbling out of Rangipapa's cockpit with a massive headache. The low rumbling of the ship's engines was gone, in fact, it felt like they were just sitting wherever they were.
"Did we... win?" he choked out at last.
"Ha! If only we were that lucky," Adam replied. "Apparently we're in an Iranian secret base with the guys who survived that thing. Those weird Japanese Gundams are here, and those goons from the Phoenix, too. Captain's at a council of war right now."
Nelson tried to sit up in bed but realized he couldn't. He was actually restrained, strapped down to the bed. He didn't have the strength to struggle. And he was dizzy without sitting up. "We need to... go..." he said weakly.
"Easy there, big guy," Adam said. "You need to relax. Like, really relax. Merv's got you on a sedative, and he doesn't want you moving around at all. Jacob's insane, he's bouncing all over the damn place, but you're lucky to be alive. And if you don't want your brain to eat a hole in itself, you'll stay put until it stops trying to overwork itself."
"I did overdo it, then..." Nelson muttered. His vision was finally focusing, but it hurt. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath. He could feel a tingling in the base of his skull, which was probably what they were trying to contain. "I guess I just sleep here until this goes away?"
"Two or three hours, maybe, that's what he said," Adam replied, leaning his chair against the wall. "You can handle that, right?"
"Yeah, I guess so..." said Nelson. "That prince... he's something else. I really need to stop trying to be as strong as him."
Laku entered the room with a bottle of water, which she tossed over to Adam. "Glad to see you're awake!" she said. "You've been out for a few hours. Has Adam got you updated?"
"Think so," Nelson replied. "I hate having to just lie here when we really need to be out there with the others... I just can't control that Gundam the way I want to, the way I need to."
"The Captain came back, he says they're going to meet in a bit, he's rounding up a few more people to head down," Laku said. "I didn't see Jacob or the others, so maybe they're going?"
"Star will probably follow that guy wherever he goes," laughed Adam, taking a quick drink. "Jaron, though, I don't know if his head's in the right place right now. I wonder where he wandered off to..."
Spit break
04-03-2008, 15:46
Safe House
Johnson got off his cell phone "first phase complete, second phase will begin in two days time" he said to the other two. They both looked at him and nodded there heads. This time it would not be a rapid rush into a situation, they would torment the big dog before kicking it in the back leg to make it fall so to speak.
AOI base
While every one split up Talho and Luna began talking as they gathered parts to take up to the CIC to begin repairs "You shouldn't look so worried, Holland's going to be fine Luna" she said picking up a box of parts "I know I shouldn't but I am" Luna replied as she looked for the right box of parts. Talho let out a small chuckle over Luna's concern "You know know you make it to obvious that you like him" she said walking out of the supply room with the box "Hey Talho get back here" Luna shouted grabbing the right box and running to catch up.
Meanwhile both Hollands and Mu were in the engineering section of the ship "Mu lock down that coolant leak" one of the crew members shouted. Mu quickly pulled a wrench out and began shutting the pipe off and within a few seconds it was off "Hey Holland"
"yes?" Novak said
"What is it?" Tray'vak shouted
"Damnit i forgot theres two of you in here, Novak hows the compressor looking?" the crewman asked as she moved around the engine section. Of course they got the harder job because the engines took the most damage during the battle.
04-03-2008, 23:30
New Terra
"Transport Helo foxtrot one oh oh two niner your are cleared for docking. procead to hanger nine docking clamp four nine theta. welcome to New Terra
"roger that New Terra proceading to Hanger nine" The transports Manuvering thrusters fired as it aligned its self with the hanger and made its final aproach
"i'm suprised we made it undetected"
"Benjamin you suprise me. if you would pull your nose out of those reports long enough to learn whats going on you would know that the Republic has compleat control over Space and the colonies"
"would you then care to explaine the Attack on the Capital and the Lack of a Terran Responce Dr. Gothart"
Marisa sat in silence as the Docking clamps engaged "Docking compleate. Begining atmosphear equilization""the Phoenix is quite troublesom"
"how can you be sure it was the phoenix?"
"Can you not think of anyone else with such capabilities?" this time it was benjamins turn to sit insilence "we know that the Phoenix group was able to escape into orbit and by some miraculus means remain undetected given the number of ships we have in orbit"
"the do tend to succead more oftain then pure chance would alow" Benjamin pointed out "the main question i have though is, given the suprise move of the russians declaring open rebelion why has Sage ordered all the Beta's be transfered into space?"
"Atmospear equilizations compleat all passangers may now disembark"
"i don't question my orders Benjamin i just follow them" She replied as she made her wat to the hatch and then over to where the "guests" where being assembled but it does make me wounder What he plans on doing with the Omega facility now that its empty
Cynthia floated into the hanger along with the others as they were ushered over to another gate. The air was clean and easy to breathe. She was still trying to make sense out of everything. The tip had taken several hours and yet she was still hopelessly confused. So you can just find a Beta anywhere? Then why hasn't anyone else realized they're here? Why is Terra the only one who can use them? And why do they let themselves be used? She had a feeling that her gracious captors were about to answer some of her questions. Training... brainwashing... what's in there, in that colony...? Why do this in space?
Kratna X2
05-03-2008, 01:57
Cynthia floated into the hanger along with the others as they were ushered over to another gate. The air was clean and easy to breathe. She was still trying to make sense out of everything. The tip had taken several hours and yet she was still hopelessly confused. So you can just find a Beta anywhere? Then why hasn't anyone else realized they're here? Why is Terra the only one who can use them? And why do they let themselves be used? She had a feeling that her gracious captors were about to answer some of her questions. Training... brainwashing... what's in there, in that colony...? Why do this in space?
Dr Gothart took her posiion infront of the other staff facing the "guests" wich where again ringed by armed "saftey Officers"
"ladies and gentalmen alow me to be the first to officialy welcome you to New Terra the crowning acheavement of the Republic" not really it was the scandinavians who origionaly built them Terra had just conquered and combined them into one masive structure "we are sorry to have uprooted you from the comforts of your previous home but given the curent world siuation it was no longer safe for you to remain there however you'll quickly find that New terra has more to offer than that dreary old place provided if of course the same simple rules are followed."
"before you are shown to your new living quarters each of you will be handed an identification tag" she held one up as an example and if anyone had seen one before would instantly recognize it as A beta tag just like the one's Star Tong and the others wore "you are required to wear it at all times. not wearing it will result in disiplinary measures ontop of being locked out of your residence as it also acts as the key to your door."
"now then please report toy or group leaders to be assigend your tag and to be sown to your residence. please feel free to familerize yorself with your local suroundings untill tomorrow" wich was when here training and reeducation would resume. what they wernt told was that barcode readers had been placed alover the colony to track them it was a much more efective means than the row apon row of video screans needed to continualy watch each guest insted the smaller banks could be focused on any given person or location should the situation require it such as location where they would eventualy gather and meet weither in public or private.
Spit break
06-03-2008, 15:11
OOC: friendly bump
Kratna X2
07-03-2008, 01:22
((ooc: Braz we be waiting for ya))
Higher Brazilam
07-03-2008, 03:06
A meeting in a few hours was fine. Simms headed back to the ship to bring a few more men with him. Morris should come after all, he decided, and it might be best to bring Mervin or Tom along to talk about technical details. Anything that could possibly give them an edge needed to be exploited... within reason.
Mervin had made a comment during the battle that the Destroy was not exhibiting any of the overheating that had plagued the Osprey, and were it not for its poor defenses, it could've cut a path through to Russia. One of the things he definitely wanted to know was where the Phoenix were getting all their hardware and if that source was still open. They seriously doubted all the development was in-house... the material and funding HAD to come from somewhere... right?
The general and Tekeru moved to follow The AOI representative along with the rather authorative youngman that had taken control ofthe situation
OOC: Sorry for the wait, College hates me.
IC: The resistance leaders followed the Ayatollah to his quarters and Esmail swayed a curtain asied to show a table room to sit many people. The Ayatollah gestured everyone to sit on the cushions surrounding the table. Esmail sat down at one end of the table and began by saying, "I am pleased to see that everyone is willing to discuss an alliance. How is it we may begin meeting common ground?"
Kratna X2
07-03-2008, 04:09
OOC: Sorry for the wait, College hates me.
IC: The resistance leaders followed the Ayatollah to his quarters and Esmail swayed a curtain asied to show a table room to sit many people. The Ayatollah gestured everyone to sit on the cushions surrounding the table. Esmail sat down at one end of the table and began by saying, "I am pleased to see that everyone is willing to discuss an alliance. How is it we may begin meeting common ground?"
"i beleive the first thing is to establish hat exactly each groups Purpose and goals are" General Yavensky began "if we can establish where everyone stands then we can more eazly move forwards as a united force. so If no one minds i think i will begin"
"Red Dawn Exists for to sole purpose of eliminating the Terran Presence from Russia and after reistablishing a stable government aid the remaining eliments of New Warsaw in doing likewise and in doing so break the republics Strangle hold on this part of the world. that is our goal"
Takeru then spoke up "the standing orders of the Samurai as dictated by the President and Millitary commanders are to provide assistance to any reistance elements we encounter untill such time as the Asian Alliance can be freed as well" it was simple but it was true and the Gundams themselves along with suport from the Dojo gave them the means to do so
Spit break
07-03-2008, 04:58
Stoner sat down and after the Japanese and red dawn members spoke he felt it was his turn. He pulled out the PDA and looked at every one "This might take some time to explain" he said clearing his throat.
"While our only objective is the complete destruction of the Republic and the death of its leadership. Our organization has been around over 100 years, since then objectives have changed, security has been changed. MY name, and the name of the Phoenix council are not our real names, after going under ground we all changed our names and because of that the republic lost track of us, this kept our contacts safe as well as our network of intelligence, fund raising, and supplies"
"I can go into much more detail about various things depending on what you may ask me"
Higher Brazilam
07-03-2008, 06:00
The Ayatollah listend to the answers that the ressitance leaders had for standing against the Republic. Twilight Phoenix wanted to destroy the Republic, Asia and Russia wanted to be free again, but what did Scandinavia want? Esmail got his answer when he saw Jacob stand and say, "The people of Scandinavia want to see a world free of such oppresion that Brendon Sage has scarred this Earth with. We only wish for him to be removed from power and nothing more. We wish to establish a world of peace and hope we do not live in a world where humans are merely treated like resources. I have seen many cities under Republic control, and I can assure you that they are not given equal rights like the people of North America are rumored to be given."
Jacob finished by saying, "The Republic is the successor of a once noble nation that stood for equality and freedom for all, that is what amazes me. The fact that these people were willing to sacrifice everything that made them different from their British ancestors only to become them..." Jacob sat down and awaited the next person to speak. Rolf thought he would have to explain the cause, but words from the Prince, and quite noble ones indeed, were more than enough.
Roland answered, "Young Master Thorstein has provided what the New European Federation wishes to see. However, we wish to see the continent reunited into the once credible nation it was."
Daryush nodded and said, "You all have noble reasons for standing against the most powerful nation in history thus far. Will Mister Simms and Morris please tell their reason, and I will dispel the Army's for everyone..."
07-03-2008, 07:31
Arrogant, going on about secret plans and shifting missions... just get to the bloody point, Morris thought to himself as the Phoenix representatives finished speaking. He still didn't trust them, but was in the process of being convinced that there were dependable allies among those assembled.
"Of course," said Simms. "As you know, our nation foolishly decided to fight the Republic alone and was crushed in under a week. The last orders from our government were to escape with our remaining force and aid independence movements in Europe and the Middle East. I cannot claim a service record as long and distinguished as General Yavensky's, nor do I possess the youthful will of the Prince. Our forces have been diminished in the battles we fought to reach this point. But if there is still any chance of victory, we will reach for it. We can provide the warship Great White as a mobile headquarters, and it has also served as the carrier for three Gundam-class mobile suits, including two from the Terran TR-X line."
Vague enough to keep the meeting moving, but Simms was worried about what the Army of Islam was after. So far, almost everyone had said what was expected of them, "Defeat Terra." And they were all itching to go free their own territory, which was going to be difficult to mediate. If they were going to launch coordinated attacks, all sides had to agree that some areas had to take precedence over others, even if it meant setting their homeland aside to fight elsewhere. And the Phoenix wanted to decapitate Terran leadership. Freedom was one thing, but chaos that might lead surviving officials to make rash decisions to keep the Republic afloat... that was a dangerous.
But Simms needed to remember that he, too, wanted to go home. He wasn't above anyone here by a long shot. But the people in Australia had been crushed, and the Republic dangled the promise of peace and stability over them once dues were paid and grievances were redressed. That environment was nowhere near favorable. If anything, the Terrans were probably using their deeds as an excuse to further punish the Oceanic people and build up their hatred for everything anti-Terran. He knew that even as badly as he and his army wanted to return, it was completely out of the question until victories were won elsewhere.
"It's as he says," Morris said. "And don't worry about a thing, Mr. Stoner, we will have plenty of things to ask you once we're done here." He turned to the Ayatollah, as did the others. Now then... can you make me believe this can work?
Spit break
07-03-2008, 15:30
"I just had the thought, the Republic says it stands for Order and Unity however I see the opposite of that in the republic. instead I see order and unity in this room, we the free people of earth sitting down as one towards a common goal, the destruction of the republic and Freedom for all humanity" Stoner said before they got down to business to in a sense get across how important this meeting was.
"And of course I'll do my best o answer any question you might have, I'm sure you especially wondering about our supplies and funding"
Higher Brazilam
07-03-2008, 18:38
Arrogant, going on about secret plans and shifting missions... just get to the bloody point, Morris thought to himself as the Phoenix representatives finished speaking. He still didn't trust them, but was in the process of being convinced that there were dependable allies among those assembled.
"Of course," said Simms. "As you know, our nation foolishly decided to fight the Republic alone and was crushed in under a week. The last orders from our government were to escape with our remaining force and aid independence movements in Europe and the Middle East. I cannot claim a service record as long and distinguished as General Yavensky's, nor do I possess the youthful will of the Prince. Our forces have been diminished in the battles we fought to reach this point. But if there is still any chance of victory, we will reach for it. We can provide the warship Great White as a mobile headquarters, and it has also served as the carrier for three Gundam-class mobile suits, including two from the Terran TR-X line."
Vague enough to keep the meeting moving, but Simms was worried about what the Army of Islam was after. So far, almost everyone had said what was expected of them, "Defeat Terra." And they were all itching to go free their own territory, which was going to be difficult to mediate. If they were going to launch coordinated attacks, all sides had to agree that some areas had to take precedence over others, even if it meant setting their homeland aside to fight elsewhere. And the Phoenix wanted to decapitate Terran leadership. Freedom was one thing, but chaos that might lead surviving officials to make rash decisions to keep the Republic afloat... that was a dangerous.
But Simms needed to remember that he, too, wanted to go home. He wasn't above anyone here by a long shot. But the people in Australia had been crushed, and the Republic dangled the promise of peace and stability over them once dues were paid and grievances were redressed. That environment was nowhere near favorable. If anything, the Terrans were probably using their deeds as an excuse to further punish the Oceanic people and build up their hatred for everything anti-Terran. He knew that even as badly as he and his army wanted to return, it was completely out of the question until victories were won elsewhere.
"It's as he says," Morris said. "And don't worry about a thing, Mr. Stoner, we will have plenty of things to ask you once we're done here." He turned to the Ayatollah, as did the others. Now then... can you make me believe this can work?
Esmail had sympathy with the Prince's dissapointment in the Republic. But none the less, he could only serve and not do anything else beyond carry out the will of his master. The Ayatollah now heard everything that the resistance leaders had to say. He listened to Stoner's words and thought to himself, Were it not for certain conditions such as my people's, we wouldn't even be speaking in this place... When Morris and Stoner were done speaking, the Ayatollah stood and said what he was told to answer, "The Army of Islam has only the desire to destroy the Terran Republic and free the people of Islam from Sage's tyranny..."
Before Esmail could go on, the Prince asked, "May I ask you something lord?" The Ayatollah nodded and listened. Jacob asked, "If you were to succeed in your mission, what will your master do? Will he bring freedom to the people of Islam and be content with that?"
Esmail did not believe anyone would ask him that quesiton, but the Prince was indeed questioning this. He could only answer, "Even I cannot say what it is my master wishes for the people of Islam when we have destroyed the Republic. He has knowledge that many of us do not know and is always calculating perfect situations in which to free fellow Muslims..."
Kratna X2
08-03-2008, 07:37
"I just had the thought, the Republic says it stands for Order and Unity however I see the opposite of that in the republic. instead I see order and unity in this room, we the free people of earth sitting down as one towards a common goal, the destruction of the republic and Freedom for all humanity" Stoner said before they got down to business to in a sense get across how important this meeting was.
"And of course I'll do my best o answer any question you might have, I'm sure you especially wondering about our supplies and funding"
"the republic stands for Sages twisted vision of Unity and order an enforces it with there so called leadership and by shear force of strength with there numbers. but as his highness pointed out the original North American Coalition was a well respected nation until Sage was elected into office but the Republic wasn't formed until after the invasion of Russia and the subsequent joining of China some 30 years ago . so the question that bothers me Mr Stoner... is what exactly was the Phoenix doing for the first 70 years of its existace?" the Phoenix's story bothered him and it wasn't just the Terran indoctrination there actions of the field there unwillingness to share anything unless directly asked he fact that there plans even allowed for a nuclear detonation in the first place it was things like that that made the general truly question the phoenix's plans there was a fine line between freedom fighter and terrorist and they where walking it
Spit break
08-03-2008, 08:05
"Those years, the early years, before the dark times, before Sage were peaceful for us, when first created it was a Anti-Globalization/western group hitting western targets because of the spread of there influence in our homeland. After our first leader and founder died 20 years after our founding the new leadership began to attempt to change us to a Micronation in a sense within the mountainous region of Egypt. However this didn't go well with the more radical members and the organization became divided into civil conflict for the next 30 years before coming to the end with our faction coming out on top. But then came the rise of the republic, the nations of Africa were quick to suspect Sage and so were we. We got into talks with the North African Coalition they needed the extra man power we had, so we provided man power, they provided funds and what weapons they could" He paused for a moment to catch a breather.
"When Hell finally came to our door step we tried to put up what resistance we could but they were to powerful, we retreated many ran, Many went underground with us other continued south. From there we began our Insurgency against the republic, attracted new members including our current leaders, at first it was mostly refuges, and ex-military from the local area but quickly republic forces and civilians from all over the world began to become contacts or outright join us. Because of this Mass recruitment that happened back then our intelligence network expanded as did our means of gathering funds and supplies, only now are we beginning a full scale all out insurgency against the republic world wide, starting with there heart land, North America. The signal to our cells that it was to begin was the destruction of the Capital building"
08-03-2008, 09:59
"From there we began our Insurgency against the republic, attracted new members including our current leaders, at first it was mostly refuges, and ex-military from the local area but quickly republic forces and civilians from all over the world began to become contacts or outright join us. Because of this Mass recruitment that happened back then our intelligence network expanded as did our means of gathering funds and supplies..."
"So what you're saying is that you have some access to Republic technology and contacts?" asked Morris. "What I want to know is how you're able to funnel money and resources into these operations without being noticed by the Republic. You can field a small army and have a ship capable of operating in space. I have a hard time believing you developed all this on your own from a scattered network of contacts. And regardless, you must have some front for collection and distribution. But no matter how many layers of indirection you place over it, there's still a trail of some kind left behind. During the flight from Australia, we discovered that our military had been infiltrated embarrassingly easily by Terran agents. And while I admit that we were not as secretive about our operations, if you are indeed a mesh of interconnected networks, there are ample opportunities for the system to be compromised."
That might be going a bit too far, Morris... thought Simms, but he, too, had a hard time believing that the Phoenix was a completely bulletproof organization when even he couldn't even be sure that the Great White wasn't ferrying spies from battlefield to battlefield. "We don't need the entire details of how your organization works," Simms began, "but I think it's a good idea that we know of any methods we might be able to obtain resources while on a campaign. Many of us are operating far from home and from friendly supply lines, so it's essential that we have the ability to obtain help in the field. Securely, of course."
The Ayatollah's goals didn't surprise Simms, either. Just as I thought, we all run the risk of being used by each other to further our own aims... and right now, the Army of Islam is in the best position to benefit from this war. Freeing the Muslim people can be interpreted very broadly. I hope Jacob knows what he's getting himself into...
Spit break
08-03-2008, 19:58
"Within the Phoenix there is a separate body called the Twilight Guard they are the over seers with a eye on every member, there is one in every cell, those suspected of being spies are investigated, if found guilty they are shot on site. Though it may take time to find them we try to restrict information to a need to know basis for any one lower down in the chain. Not full proof I know, but in the past few years twenty have been executed, another fifteen are under observation at least one fifth of them are expected to be executed statistically speaking"
"As for being under there nose don't ask me why, ask them, our methods of gathering funds include donations from local governments, kidnapping, extortion, money laundering robbery of major banks, you name the method we probably use it. As for supplies, what we don't steal or what we can't use from stealing we buy and sell on the black market from companies and arms dealers usually in India, some parts of Africa, and all across Asia and south America. We Don't have major financial operations in Europe or Australia, we see no need to take from those fighting with us"
Kratna X2
08-03-2008, 22:40
"forgive me for interrupting General, Colonel, but we could endlessly debate each others methods. the fact is we are all in a similar position" Takeru interrupted if they where going to get anywhere they had to move past the petty bickering that was likely to follow "I'm sure we can all agree no one wants to see the Muslims in a position of power. forgive me Ayatollah but your people have not painted themselves in a favorable light in the past and then theres the phoenix who have just admitted to being party to almost almost every major criminal act in the past several decades and have just described themselves to be by definition to be a terrorist organization again forgive me Mr Stoner but your methods have described just that. of course everyone of us is going to eventualy encounter that situation where our level of supplies dictate what actions we take in order to continue fighting. you cant fight with belief alone"
"Sadly the captain is right i must admit that before Red dawn was revealed i set up a small system by with small amounts of munitions where funneled into Red dawns small stock piles."the general finally commented "having only a handful of mobile suits made that easy enough to to and we had planed to eat by the grace of the people we liberated and replacement parts for the suits would come for the same source as the suits themselves, but as the good captain also said i simply cannot condone the actions of a group who uses such means as outright extortion to further there efforts."
"I'm afraid Mr. stoner that unless the Phoenix group radically alters its methods i cannot enter into an alliance with them. being twice labeled a traitor is enough for me i will not be party to such criminal actions"
Takeru inwardly sighed... this was not what he was hopeing to accomplish by his speech but if the phoenix group did promise to change perhaps this could be salvaged if not things where likely to rapidly deteriorate
Spit break
08-03-2008, 23:47
"Personally I cannot make those calls, I'd have to talk with the member of the council who is in charge of the financial Aspect of things, as well as the Twilight guard, Every one is capable of change, it just takes time, however time is something we don't have so in the interest to make this work we will have to change."
"Biggest problem now is we are cut off from our suppliers so looks like its back to salvaging until we can liberate some factories or capture a base to get supplies from"
"What I am interested in is how the Japanese avoided invasion for so long even after china became part of the republic, its technology is highly advanced and while I do thank you for that technology some of it has helped us, it makes me wonder if the republic was waiting for you to discover something or maybe you were being used as a puppet without knowing it"
Kratna X2
09-03-2008, 00:14
"What I am interested in is how the Japanese avoided invasion for so long even after china became part of the republic, its technology is highly advanced and while I do thank you for that technology some of it has helped us, it makes me wonder if the republic was waiting for you to discover something or maybe you were being used as a puppet without knowing it"
"i wont even begin to pretend to know the answer to that." Takeru answered "it may just be that after China abandoned us the Alliance was no longer a threat despite its technological prowess and wen Korea folded as well our military was decimated we didn't have the numbers left to fight back even if we wanted to so the republic likely ignored us? would you agree general?"
"i would have to agree" General Yavensky pointed out "if the republic didn't feel it to be an immediate threat they would have passed it over for more pressing targets after all why waste man power on something you can easily clean up later what with the securing of south amarica along with the invasion of the Union along with keeping the European elements in check they where more focused elsewhere"
"it was actually a small blessing" Takeru then continued "it gave us the time needed to develop the Samurai along with the Dojo in secrecy. unfortunately the Lessons learned there never had the time to make it into mass production and given what i saw on the battle field Terran scientists have also been exploiting the Beta's because the 2 Terran units stationed on the great white astound me especially that "terra" model"
"the betas continue to be the Republics trump card exploiting there abilities in whatever field there strongest in" Ivan added yet again "which is why the transfer order for all the ones previously under my command to the Orbital fleats was so astounding. why would he order them all into space?"
Spit break
09-03-2008, 01:16
"It seems as though he is gathering at New Terra, the question is why? why did he fuse the colonies into one? All there Non military efforts seem to be focused there, something is up and I don't like it" He said before taking a breather "It's as if he is daring us to come after him in space, but we have to focus our efforts here on earth and worry about space another day" He said.
09-03-2008, 07:42
"You are right about that," Simms said. "Sage is no fool. He knows exactly where he can and can't afford to play his pieces. He can act brazenly in space because we can't even get there, let alone challenge his elites. And it seems to me that he does not attack a nation until it becomes clear that the Republic cannot passively absorb it through pressure and coercion."
"We don't know the full situation for you Samurai, but we see it like this," Morris continued, nodding to Takeru before addressing the group. "For example, Sage has the most to gain from taking a nation such as Japan without damaging its assets. And as long as they show no signs of fighting back, no need to push, he can bide his time since having China effectively blocks Japan from taking rash action alone. He attempted the same thing in the Union and in France and only resorted to a military response when we refused to yield."
"We can only speculate about what he plans to do in space," said Simms, placing his hand on his chin. "We know that Terra's orbital attack capabilities can wipe a city off the map or seriously damage any concentrated force with little or no warning. Furthermore, absorbing or destroying the more powerful nations and alliances on the surface effectively prohibits them from developing or supporting space transportation. This means that if he and his elites can establish a fortress in space and control all access from the surface, Terra is in a position to do whatever it wants..."
Now there was the fishy issue of addressing the mistrust among members. The Phoenix as a terrorist group was a sore point for many people in the room. He needed to try and defuse that bomb first. "I agree that the Phoenix have not won favor due to their unorthodox methods, but the fact that they've admitted the details of their past, messy as they are, tells me that they're willing to try and change that," Simms began. Morris coughed and threw his eyes at the ceiling, wondering if anyone would actually listen. "They could've sugar-coated it however they wanted to avoid looking bad. Since they know what they're dealing with, I'm sure we could find ways for them to alter their operations into something more conventional. Electronic warfare is something that we ourselves have attempted from time to time and it could have its uses in terms of funding and resource management. But I think the real problem is who our methods affect. The Phoenix, more than all of us, can affect the civilian sector because of their local cells. Our actions must be directed more against the Terran army itself and try to limit the civilian impact. It will be very difficult to gain their trust and support otherwise."
He then turned to Takeru. Most of the people probably felt as uneasy about the Army of Islam, only he had come out and said it. "I understand what you mean about the Shah's objectives, and I think one thing that we must make clear is that none of us must be in this alliance for personal gain, beyond freeing our states and people from the Republic. We must all be willing to make sacrifices for each other and continue fighting even after our own lands are safe..."
Simms was rambling. He didn't even know if he was doing harm or helping. So this is what politics is like, then? I would much rather stare down Hades again...
Spit break
09-03-2008, 08:12
"Sugar coating won't get you any were in life, All of us have done thing we regret and wish we could go back in change, but unless Sage some how develops a time machine for us to steal it won't happen"
"Local cells are indeed important to get a message spread, and I agree we should not hit civilian targets, we only hit either lightly defended military bases and factories, usually we hit the factories when no ones home. It doesn't slow them down for long but it gets them off track, We also have another element we can use, the magazine we publish, its the one form of media the republic can't use expensive technology in space to control, and there has already been suggest that we change the name to something else because of the fact that after the few issues we have sent out its now easily spotted by the republic security forces"
Kratna X2
09-03-2008, 08:51
Space - Dojo
"uh... captain... you need to see this..." the comms officer was clearly shaken the nuclear blast right on top of the Samurai's location had them all tence because without the Samurai there mission was lost but this was someting else entierly
"What is it Lieutenant?" the captain walked over to the console
"Ma'am theres been a Massive explosion in Florida"
"in Florida! thats republic territory! what was hit?" now this was decidedly different did someone actually carry out an attack on a Terran facility?
"it looks like the target was... dear god"
"what is it hoshi?"
"its Tampa bay ma'am... its gone..."
"what!? gone? what do you mean its gone?"
the lieutenant just pointed at the screen dumb founded hitting a few keys to display the live images from the hacked satalite network on the main screen then entire bridge crew gasped in astonishment. where the once proud city of Tampa bay was was now a steaming, smoking, smoldering water filled crater the crumbling remains of the outskirts of the city where all that remained
"Terran broadcasts are condemning the attack on the sovereign soil by rebel elements the estimated total casualties at several million"
"L..ten..t Ak...wa ..aya .. th. co.. in
"clear That up Get her back!"
Lieut..ant Aka..wa Amaya .. the Doj. .ome in ..ease
"Lieutenant we read you do you copy?"
"It. goo. to hear fr.m you ..ain Capt..n"
"you as well Lieutenant after that Nuclear blast we had begun to worry for your safety what happened down there?are the rest of the Samurai alright?"
"Yes cap.ain we where all .ble to get clear of the .ri.ary blast zone. as for what ha...ned one of the lea.ers of the Twi.ight Phoenix had ordered the Nuclear core of a downed unit detonated instead of leaving it inert. we have been since informed that the officer that gave the order has since been detained. we are currently under the protection of the Army Of Islam and captain Matsumori is currently in discussions with AOI representatives as well as Members of the phoenix group the Union forces a group calling them Red Dawn and are apparently Russian in origin and other members from Europe and Scandinavia."
"thats quite the list and except for African and south American representatives all inclusive" the XO commented "perhaps we can shed some light on the florida sitation"
"Lieutenant is there a way you can get a message to Captain Matsumori?"
"Yes Captain i could track him down"
"we are going to upload some data to your unit Please copy it onto a data pad and take it to him at once"
"understood captain" after the upload and copying had completed Amaya exited her unit and made her way in the direction she had seen the group walk off and asking directions a couple times was continually pointed in the right direction until she was barred from going further due to Security concerns.
"I must speak with my commanding officer at once" she practically ordered the guard "will you allow me to pass or will i have to forceably clear the path?"
((ooc: i'll leave the responce to you Braz))
Higher Brazilam
10-03-2008, 03:37
Space - Dojo
"uh... captain... you need to see this..." the comms officer was clearly shaken the nuclear blast right on top of the Samurai's location had them all tence because without the Samurai there mission was lost but this was someting else entierly
"What is it Lieutenant?" the captain walked over to the console
"Ma'am theres been a Massive explosion in Florida"
"in Florida! thats republic territory! what was hit?" now this was decidedly different did someone actually carry out an attack on a Terran facility?
"it looks like the target was... dear god"
"what is it hoshi?"
"its Tampa bay ma'am... its gone..."
"what!? gone? what do you mean its gone?"
the lieutenant just pointed at the screen dumb founded hitting a few keys to display the live images from the hacked satalite network on the main screen then entire bridge crew gasped in astonishment. where the once proud city of Tampa bay was was now a steaming, smoking, smoldering water filled crater the crumbling remains of the outskirts of the city where all that remained
"Terran broadcasts are condemning the attack on the sovereign soil by rebel elements the estimated total casualties at several million"
"L..ten..t Ak...wa ..aya .. th. co.. in
"clear That up Get her back!"
Lieut..ant Aka..wa Amaya .. the Doj. .ome in ..ease
"Lieutenant we read you do you copy?"
"It. goo. to hear fr.m you ..ain Capt..n"
"you as well Lieutenant after that Nuclear blast we had begun to worry for your safety what happened down there?are the rest of the Samurai alright?"
"Yes cap.ain we where all .ble to get clear of the .ri.ary blast zone. as for what ha...ned one of the lea.ers of the Twi.ight Phoenix had ordered the Nuclear core of a downed unit detonated instead of leaving it inert. we have been since informed that the officer that gave the order has since been detained. we are currently under the protection of the Army Of Islam and captain Matsumori is currently in discussions with AOI representatives as well as Members of the phoenix group the Union forces a group calling them Red Dawn and are apparently Russian in origin and other members from Europe and Scandinavia."
"thats quite the list and except for African and south American representatives all inclusive" the XO commented "perhaps we can shed some light on the florida sitation"
"Lieutenant is there a way you can get a message to Captain Matsumori?"
"Yes Captain i could track him down"
"we are going to upload some data to your unit Please copy it onto a data pad and take it to him at once"
"understood captain" after the upload and copying had completed Amaya exited her unit and made her way in the direction she had seen the group walk off and asking directions a couple times was continually pointed in the right direction until she was barred from going further due to Security concerns.
"I must speak with my commanding officer at once" she practically ordered the guard "will you allow me to pass or will i have to forceably clear the path?"
((ooc: i'll leave the responce to you Braz))
The Ayatollah wanted to tell Simms that the Army was not planning to conquer the world or anything along those lines, but knew he could not understand what plans his master had for their convergance. He answered, "I will do everything I can to ensure that we are able to make as many sacrifices as others. We do not want a world of war should we defeat the Republic."
Jacob asked, "If that is the case, then why is it your master has ordered attacks on both civilian and military functions in Terra?"
The Ayatollah could only say, "I am not one who gives orders to the Army young lord."
As soon as the Ayatollah answered, one of the guards came in and said, "My lord, there is someone here who wants to speak to Captain Takeru. Should I let her through?"
Esmail answered, "Has something urgent happened Master Takeru?"
Aboard the Great White
Jaron went in to the infirmary and saw Laku and Adam talking to Nelson. Jaron knew he would probably be in for it if he asked, but he had to come to terms with someone. Jacob wasn't a good choice right now, and Star was probably having issues with him now that Jacob was free. Jaron asked, "Is Nelson gonna live?"
Kratna X2
10-03-2008, 06:14
The Ayatollah wanted to tell Simms that the Army was not planning to conquer the world or anything along those lines, but knew he could not understand what plans his master had for their convergance. He answered, "I will do everything I can to ensure that we are able to make as many sacrifices as others. We do not want a world of war should we defeat the Republic."
Jacob asked, "If that is the case, then why is it your master has ordered attacks on both civilian and military functions in Terra?"
The Ayatollah could only say, "I am not one who gives orders to the Army young lord."
As soon as the Ayatollah answered, one of the guards came in and said, "My lord, there is someone here who wants to speak to Captain Takeru. Should I let her through?"
Esmail answered, "Has something urgent happened Master Takeru?"
"it is possible" Takeru began "otherwise she would not see fit to interrupt such an important meeting. if you'll excuse me a moment i'll go see whats happened" Takeru stood and exited the room following the guard out to where Amaya was Waiting "lieutenant what seems to be the trouble"
"Captain" she saluted "forgive the interruption but we were able to reestablish contact with the Dojo and after reporting our current situation Captain Takigawa insisted i get this to you right away" she passed him the data pad
Takeru took the pad and quickly reviewed it. inside he was shocked but his outward expression remained neutral how could someone do such a monstrus thing? "has anyone else seen this?"
"no captain"
"good work lieutenant. keep me informed of any new developments. just forward any new information to this data pad"
"aye sir"
Takeru then turned and re-entered the meeting room "my apologies gentalmen but it seems something has happened. it would seem someone has destroyed Tampa Bay Florida" he paused to let it sink in "is there a display screen i can transfer this to?"
Spit break
10-03-2008, 14:26
Stoner was shocked as he heard it and put his hands on his head "No, no, no this is not good, not good at all, for them to destroy a city in north America there has to be something big there trying to hide, damnit no matter what happens we get blamed, Or am I wrong and they have a different explanation for the city being destroyed?" Stoner said as he looked to the PDA and opened the intelligence file to find anything they had on Tampa bay.
11-03-2008, 00:35
The Ayatollah wanted to tell Simms that the Army was not planning to conquer the world or anything along those lines, but knew he could not understand what plans his master had for their convergance. He answered, "I will do everything I can to ensure that we are able to make as many sacrifices as others. We do not want a world of war should we defeat the Republic."
Jacob asked, "If that is the case, then why is it your master has ordered attacks on both civilian and military functions in Terra?"
The Ayatollah could only say, "I am not one who gives orders to the Army young lord."
Simms turned to Jacob. They weren't getting anywhere this way. He wasn't any less to blame than the rest, but at least he could try to steer the meeting in the right direction. So far they hadn't even come close to something like a plan. "That's enough, Prince Jacob," he said calmly. "The Ayatollah has made it clear enough that he's with us, and that's good enough for now. We'll worry about the rest later, all right? We still need to discuss Mr. Stoner's plans, after all."
Morris folded his arms where he sat. He didn't look happy, but he knew that his captain was right... they would need to take a risk if they were going to move this thing along.
Jaron went in to the infirmary and saw Laku and Adam talking to Nelson. Jaron knew he would probably be in for it if he asked, but he had to come to terms with someone. Jacob wasn't a good choice right now, and Star was probably having issues with him now that Jacob was free. Jaron asked, "Is Nelson gonna live?"
Having had a bit more time to rest, Nelson was able to sit up and look around the room as he talked. The pain had receded to the point where it felt normal. He was still a bit woozy from the sedatives. "Not a problem," he said, turning his head lazily towards the door. "It takes more than that to beat me."
"Yeah, and it'll be a little more if you push any harder next time!" Laku replied.
"I'll be careful," Nelson sighed. "Anyway, it's good to see you up and about, Jaron. You feeling any better?"
Takeru then turned and re-entered the meeting room "my apologies gentalmen but it seems something has happened. it would seem someone has destroyed Tampa Bay Florida" he paused to let it sink in "is there a display screen i can transfer this to?"
Stoner was shocked as he heard it and put his hands on his head "No, no, no this is not good, not good at all, for them to destroy a city in north America there has to be something big there trying to hide, damnit no matter what happens we get blamed, Or am I wrong and they have a different explanation for the city being destroyed?" Stoner said as he looked to the PDA and opened the intelligence file to find anything they had on Tampa bay.
"Captain... this is... !!" Morris gasped. "There wasn't a base there, was there?" He turned his gaze to Stoner, who was clearly rattled. "What do you mean, something to hide?"
Kratna X2
11-03-2008, 00:37
((ooc: a refresher on Tampa bay
Tampa covered the Omega facility which was the Republics Primary Beta training facility. anyone who's gone through the republics Beta training course would remember a stay in Tampa for varying lengths of time depending on when they where identified as being a beta. Star would remember something and possibly Holland depending on his exact back history i only remember that he went to the academy.
also just to give you a direction to go with your intel spit break the facility proper 500 feet underground with all the entrance's carefully concealed as functioning office buildings schools factory's warehouses and the like and deep surface scans such as where used to detect the poenix base wouldn't reveal much due to the criss-crossing underground utility and transportation networks found under most major city's))
Spit break
11-03-2008, 02:24
OOC: yeah I know, I'll give little to work on like it should be
Stoner looked over to Morris "The republic has so far only wiped out cities to cover something up whether a military failure or other wise, meaning something was there" he paused for a second finding no recent intel on his PDA. He quickly did a couple clicks and sent a message to the Red Phoenix.
Red Phoenix
Talho was replacing a circuit on the communications panel so the message wasn't received for several seconds when she got it back online "Hmm a message from Stoner?" she said opening it to see what he needed "Hmm all intal around republic activities in the Tampa bay area" she quickly looked in the archives for information compiled it and sent it back to Stoner.
Meeting room
Stoner received the content and began looking over it "We don't have any recent information on Tampa I just had them send me all information we had" he then opened one of the few files there were "Ah here we are, years ago, And i do mean years, this is at least 10 year old intelligence. It seems we came across a project called Omega, some sort of complex or base we thought. We attempted to get a agent into the project but he was discovered and killed before anything could come of it"
OOC: simple and yet leads to more speculation
11-03-2008, 03:22
Stoner received the content and began looking over it "We don't have any recent information on Tampa I just had them send me all information we had" he then opened one of the few files there were "Ah here we are, years ago, And i do mean years, this is at least 10 year old intelligence. It seems we came across a project called Omega, some sort of complex or base we thought. We attempted to get a agent into the project but he was discovered and killed before anything could come of it"
"Ten years... damn, that's probably too old for Lynde..." muttered Simms. "But at the same time, would Sage really detonate his own city for no reason other than to make us look bad? No, I think you're right, something else is going on."
"Wouldn't that just destabilize his power base in North America, though?" asked Morris. "With the attack on Washington and now Tampa's destruction, wouldn't that shake his people's confidence?"
"It might solidify their resolve to defeat the remaining rebellion," Simms replied. "If he gets the weight of this people behind him, I mean REALLY behind him, Sage doesn't even have to think about the consequences of throwing that weight at us. He gets to play the part of the hero instead of the conquerer. He's shown us how quickly he can change a situation. Cities disappear like that. Whole armies can fall just as easily. That's why the longer we wait, the longer the people we're trying to defend will suffer."
Kratna X2
11-03-2008, 03:46
OOC: yeah I know, I'll give little to work on like it should be
Stoner looked over to Morris "The republic has so far only wiped out cities to cover something up whether a military failure or other wise, meaning something was there" he paused for a second finding no recent intel on his PDA. He quickly did a couple clicks and sent a message to the Red Phoenix.
Red Phoenix
Talho was replacing a circuit on the communications panel so the message wasn't received for several seconds when she got it back online "Hmm a message from Stoner?" she said opening it to see what he needed "Hmm all intal around republic activities in the Tampa bay area" she quickly looked in the archives for information compiled it and sent it back to Stoner.
Meeting room
Stoner received the content and began looking over it "We don't have any recent information on Tampa I just had them send me all information we had" he then opened one of the few files there were "Ah here we are, years ago, And i do mean years, this is at least 10 year old intelligence. It seems we came across a project called Omega, some sort of complex or base we thought. We attempted to get a agent into the project but he was discovered and killed before anything could come of it"
OOC: simple and yet leads to more speculation
"Ten years... damn, that's probably too old for Lynde..." muttered Simms. "But at the same time, would Sage really detonate his own city for no reason other than to make us look bad? No, I think you're right, something else is going on."
"Wouldn't that just destabilize his power base in North America, though?" asked Morris. "With the attack on Washington and now Tampa's destruction, wouldn't that shake his people's confidence?"
"It might solidify their resolve to defeat the remaining rebellion," Simms replied. "If he gets the weight of this people behind him, I mean REALLY behind him, Sage doesn't even have to think about the consequences of throwing that weight at us. Which is precisely why we must act quickly. The longer we wait, the longer he fortifies his position worldwide, and the easier it is for him to wipe us and our people out bit by bit. Until he has everyone under his thumb."
"it might just work to given the resolve that was shown when the phoenix last attempted to incite something in north amarica..." general yavensky tuned to stoner "i red the reports that where filed... it was a worth while effort but ultamitely doomed to fail."
"you have to remember they voted him in in the beginning even though its 30 years later and the weight of war weighs down of everyone there still not about to turn there backs on him because as the younger generations grow there are more indoctrinated than any of the conquered country's even Russia and china... no i fear the people will rally be hide this event and push for a swift end..." he suddenly paused
"you said it was called Omega? Omega is the last letter in the greek alphabet or the end so if Omega is the end... what is it the end of? and if there was a base why destroy it if the only attempt to infiltrate it was over 10 years ago? there would be nothing to gain from such an action if the cover was still intact" what bothered him more is that as a ranking millitary officer he still had no knowledge of any facilities at Tampa bay other than the naval base and that wasn't even a major base although its proximity to the Cape Canaveral Mass driver was worry some
"you mentioned Captain Lynde... i think you might be on to something... i remember reading in her dossier that she is from that area originally... perhaps she might know something." she better for the risk it was to bring such a volatile person into a gathering such as this.
Spit break
11-03-2008, 03:54
"Indeed, every time we get blamed for something those recruiting stations get more people walking in, because of places like China and India they have a almost limitless supply of recruits to replace those lost on the battlefield"
"Sage sure likes the Greeks I can say that much, and I agree with you just what was at 'Omega'? and why would it be so important to destroy every thing to keep its secrets berried? Top secret research? or perhaps hmm..... Alpha, Beta are the two main genetic codes but what if this 'Omega' was the attempt to go further beyond the abilities of a Beta?" Stoner wondered outloud trying to come up with a idea.
Higher Brazilam
11-03-2008, 04:21
Simms turned to Jacob. They weren't getting anywhere this way. He wasn't any less to blame than the rest, but at least he could try to steer the meeting in the right direction. So far they hadn't even come close to something like a plan. "That's enough, Prince Jacob," he said calmly. "The Ayatollah has made it clear enough that he's with us, and that's good enough for now. We'll worry about the rest later, all right? We still need to discuss Mr. Stoner's plans, after all."
Morris folded his arms where he sat. He didn't look happy, but he knew that his captain was right... they would need to take a risk if they were going to move this thing along.
Having had a bit more time to rest, Nelson was able to sit up and look around the room as he talked. The pain had receded to the point where it felt normal. He was still a bit woozy from the sedatives. "Not a problem," he said, turning his head lazily towards the door. "It takes more than that to beat me."
"Yeah, and it'll be a little more if you push any harder next time!" Laku replied.
"I'll be careful," Nelson sighed. "Anyway, it's good to see you up and about, Jaron. You feeling any better?"
"Captain... this is... !!" Morris gasped. "There wasn't a base there, was there?" He turned his gaze to Stoner, who was clearly rattled. "What do you mean, something to hide?"
As Simms told Jacob to end his questioning, Jacob only sighed slightly and turned to the Ayatollah saying, "I apologize oh Lord. Please forgive my rash behavior..." Despite his apology, Jacob still wanted this to be different. He didn't want everyone joining the Army's alliance just to throw the Republic down... All he could do now was hope that there was something more positive to come out of the meeting wit the Ayatollah's master...
Jaron answered Nelson, "Sort of... I'm sorry I didn't join in the previous battle." He added, "But Jacob doesn't look much better. He's meeting with someone leading the Army and he didn't seem too enthusiastic about it..." Jaron could only hope that Jacob's well being wasn't at stake. If Jaron was able to prevent this from happening to Jacob, he would have tried, but now it was all too late. Jacob even seemed to be more rash than he was before.
As Jacob heard the answer about the destruction of Tampa Bay, he was even more disheartened. If Sage really was destroying his own cities to rally people behind him, this war would continue for a long time even if an alliance was successful...
11-03-2008, 06:11
Jaron answered Nelson, "Sort of... I'm sorry I didn't join in the previous battle." He added, "But Jacob doesn't look much better. He's meeting with someone leading the Army and he didn't seem too enthusiastic about it..." Jaron could only hope that Jacob's well being wasn't at stake. If Jaron was able to prevent this from happening to Jacob, he would have tried, but now it was all too late. Jacob even seemed to be more rash than he was before.
"Heh, you were probably the lucky one," Nelson said, throwing Jaron a weak smile. "Don't worry about it." He sat back and listened to Jaron deliver the news on Jacob's moves. "That guy... I think he's trying to take too much on by himself," Nelson replied once Jaron trailed off. "And all that's gone on with Terra and Hades... I hear it took over his suit in the last battle?"
"That's what his report said," Adam answered. "Mervin's been going over it and checking the data on the Terra again. We got nothing."
"I think he's frustrated," Nelson said. "He's as frustrated as I am over my lack of power. When he climbed into the Terra, he probably thought that he could end the fighting sooner. But it's just getting worse. I think he feels like he needs to push harder or else it will be too late." He leaned back against the bed and rested his head. "But we can't know for sure. I just know that's how I feel when I watch him fight. I see how powerful he is, what a difference he makes on the battlefield, so I pushed myself to this."
"Hey, Nels, you don't..." Laku began.
"It's okay," Nelson interrupted, "It seems to me like you feel the same way, too, Jaron. It's hard to know that your limit is far below where it needs to be." He rolled his head and cracked his neck. "Say, Jaron..." he said, "you know, part of the problem we're facing is that we don't know how exactly the Terrans will respond to this situation. If someone knew anything about Terran procedures, I bet they'd be welcome at that meeting."
Adam turned his gaze from Nelson over to Jaron, threw his hands behind his head, and smiled. "Even like that, you're still thinking about all this..." he said to himself.
Nelson smiled, too. "Strength isn't just shown on the battlefield, you know..."
Spit break
12-03-2008, 03:49
OOC: think we need to wait on KX2 or HB for now
Kratna X2
12-03-2008, 03:58
OOC: think we need to wait on KX2 or HB for now
((ooc: really... i was waiting for dancougar to coment on my last post since hes the only who can get ahold of star))
Spit break
12-03-2008, 04:01
OOC: so it seems focus just shifted we just need to get ahold of star and then continue with the meeting
Kratna X2
12-03-2008, 04:06
OOC: so it seems focus just shifted we just need to get ahold of star and then continue with the meeting
((ooc: yup... cause star is the only one who might know something about Omega... might jog hollands memmory... and then maybe we can fdo something about this alliance))
12-03-2008, 05:11
((ooc: really... i was waiting for dancougar to coment on my last post since hes the only who can get ahold of star))
(OOC: I see... one moment, then.)
12-03-2008, 05:14
"Say, Jaron..." he said, "you know, part of the problem we're facing is that we don't know how exactly the Terrans will respond to this situation. If someone knew anything about Terran procedures, I bet they'd be welcome at that meeting."
Adam turned his gaze from Nelson over to Jaron, threw his hands behind his head, and smiled. "Even like that, you're still thinking about all this..." he said to himself.
Nelson smiled, too. "Strength isn't just shown on the battlefield, you know..."
Mervin popped his head into the room. "Ah, there you all are. Have any of you seen Star? I just got a page from the Captain... they want to talk to her at the meeting."
"Geez, she's being difficult as always!" muttered Adam, walking towards the door. "Let's go, Laku, we need to find the princess."
Nelson nodded to Jaron. "This is something you can do. Your perspective will be important from here on..."
Spit break
12-03-2008, 14:27
OOC: well I'll bring Holland over to, he might not know much but he may know something
Stoner clicked and typed away on his PDA sending another message to the ship. Questions needed to be answered and there were few who would actually be able to shed some light on 'Omega'.
Back on the ship Talho received the message on the bridge and sent word down to engineering. When it got there it was the head engineering who responded "Alright I'll get him out there" he said turning off the monitor and turning around "Hey! Tray'vak!" he yelled out.
"yeah? what?"
"Your wanted at the conference get your ass over there"
"Alright, alright" he said standing up, putting down his tools and walking out of the engineering area to leave the ship and get to the conference room.
Higher Brazilam
12-03-2008, 19:09
Mervin popped his head into the room. "Ah, there you all are. Have any of you seen Star? I just got a page from the Captain... they want to talk to her at the meeting."
"Geez, she's being difficult as always!" muttered Adam, walking towards the door. "Let's go, Laku, we need to find the princess."
Nelson nodded to Jaron. "This is something you can do. Your perspective will be important from here on..."
"Yeah, if I had anything worth mentioning, I probably would include myself." Jaron told Nelson. Jaron was only a fresh graduate and served in the Terran Army for about 4 or 5 months, he didn't feel as though he was capable of sharing anythin valuable to anyone else. As Mervin popped in, Jaron heard the question of where Star was. As he, Adam and Laku went to search for her, he told them, "I think I saw Star enter a little while ago. We might be able to catch up with her."...
Kratna X2
13-03-2008, 14:12
((ooc: hollands going to... Someone better search star before letting her in then LOL))
the real question was weather or not finding star was even a good idea. she might have visably callmed down but inside she was still stewing about the whole Phoenix incident but if someone was dead set on tracking her down they would likely find her anialating the scores in the Union simulators using it as a method to vent her fustrations since no one was willing to climb into the sparing ring with her again.
Spit break
13-03-2008, 14:36
Holland walked through what seemed to be endless hall ways trying to find the right room. Such a big facility had many rooms so he asked a couple people and was quickly pointed in the right way. He made his way to the room which was under guard, he walked up to the guard "I was summoned by the members inside apparently" he told the guard.
Kratna X2
15-03-2008, 20:10
ooc ok whos waiting for who?
Spit break
15-03-2008, 22:46
OOC: HB I be waiting for lol
16-03-2008, 00:42
((so someone take my place or is CAS wiped off the map?))
Kratna X2
16-03-2008, 00:46
((so someone take my place or is CAS wiped off the map?))
((ooc: neither as far as i'm aware. only afew hours have passed in RP time. if you need an update i'm sure something can be writen up))
Higher Brazilam
17-03-2008, 22:35
OOC: HB I be waiting for lol
OOC: Oh you were waiting for me. Apologies.
IC: The gaurd saw Holland and turned into the enterance room while the other kept watch. The gaurd asked, "Someone asks to enter. He says he was summoned by fellow members who are present."
The Ayatollah asked, "May I ask who is there?" and waited for an answer...
Kratna X2
18-03-2008, 00:22
OOC: Oh you were waiting for me. Apologies.
IC: The gaurd saw Holland and turned into the enterance room while the other kept watch. The gaurd asked, "Someone asks to enter. He says he was summoned by fellow members who are present."
The Ayatollah asked, "May I ask who is there?" and waited for an answer...
((ooc: Star's also waiting for someone to find her))
Spit break
18-03-2008, 01:26
Holland heard someone from inside asking who he was "Holland Tray'vak sir" he shouted inside. Stoner turned his head "I called for him, let him in, we have some questions for you" he said before turning back to the other members "Do any of you want to ask or shall I?"
Kratna X2
18-03-2008, 01:44
Holland heard someone from inside asking who he was "Holland Tray'vak sir" he shouted inside. Stoner turned his head "I called for him, let him in, we have some questions for you" he said before turning back to the other members "Do any of you want to ask or shall I?"
"please be my guest" General yavensky signaled to Stonner "after all he is your man so it might as well come from you" he sat back and waited for the questions and answers woundering what was keeping Captain Lynde
Spit break
18-03-2008, 02:37
Holland entered the room and sat down for questioning. Stoner then faced him and looked him right in the eye "Holland we summoned you here because your a Beta. Now don't take that the wrong way but this involves something that could be big so let me get you up to speed, minutes before we called you down here word came in that Tampa bay was wiped off the map by the republic. Our intelligence from a fairly long time ago pointed to some sort of project called 'Omega'. Now we think it had something to do with Beta's so thats why you and one other have been called here, because you where at one point republic. Now is there any thing you can tell us about this 'Omega'?" he said to Holland in a long speech that made him need to catch his breath.
Holland thought for a moment "Special program for Betas?" he said thinking back through the years. Then it came to him "Back at the Republic Military Academy Beta's had special courses designed to enhance there combat skills both in mobile suits and close quarters, near the end of my time there I was approached by a high ranking officer and asked if I would chat with him, I did and he told me that the moment I was done if I decided to stay there was a program down in Florida for Betas to enhance us further. However I jumped ship so got me what it was"
Higher Brazilam
18-03-2008, 03:10
((ooc: Star's also waiting for someone to find her))
OOC: Right on it.
IC: As Laku and Adam split paths to find Star, Jaron went his own way to search for her. As he looked, he could only curse his luck to find Star wandering about the ship in an unpleasant mood. He went to meet with her and told her, "Star, the Commanding Officers have asked for you to join the meetin. They say they want to see if you have any information that you may have to share." Hopefully, if he was lucky, he would be able to curtail Star's anger and at least get his message across to her.
Kratna X2
18-03-2008, 04:48
OOC: Right on it.
IC: As Laku and Adam split paths to find Star, Jaron went his own way to search for her. As he looked, he could only curse his luck to find Star wandering about the ship in an unpleasant mood. He went to meet with her and told her, "Star, the Commanding Officers have asked for you to join the meetin. They say they want to see if you have any information that you may have to share." Hopefully, if he was lucky, he would be able to curtail Star's anger and at least get his message across to her.
Star simply humphed "so now they want to listen to me" she chuckled to herself at the irony first she had been so abruptly dismissed by the general and now they actualy wanted her at the meeting. well fine she would go it was in her nature to obey orders.
she turned and marched down the hall and exited the ship graping the first AOI member she saw and demanded direction which were nervously given and took off in the appropriate direction entering the complex proper and making her way along the hallways shoving anyone aside who didn't help her or just plane old got in her way until she approached the final door with the guards outside "Captain Lynde" she said loud enough for the people inside to hear puting emphasis on her rank "I've been summand"
"I'll handle this" The general said standing and making his way to the door exiting the room and closing the door behind him "captain"
"sir!" Star saluted out of habit
"before i can allow you to enter you must submit to a search"
"a search! for what!"
"after your previous out burst we must search you for any concealed weapons for our own saftey" the general said bluntly although he knew very well that exept for Holland and Captain Matsumori who where also beta she was the weapon to the rest of them.
Star put on her most menacing scowl "fine" she assumed the pose to be patted down for the search which after several moments uncovers a hand gun tucked in the small of her back a knife in her boot plus the infamous miniature beam saber "happy?"
"yes" he passed the weapons to the guard for safe keeping the gestured for her to enter.
Star entered the room looking around as she did so taking special note of the katana sticking out from the Asian fellows back before locking eyes with Holland long enough to worry the general
"you will keep your hands to yourself and control of your tounlg Captain or i will have you restrained am i clear?"
"yes sir" she almost growled she was not pleased to be in a room with such cowards and she made sure her displeasure was known
"now please have a seat"
Star took the offered chair "now then captain you where not summoned in relation to the events just a few hours prior on the battle field we are here to discuss a different matter. it comes to my recollection that you are originally from Florida yes?"
"yes general i was born in Orlando."
"have you ever been to Tampa bay?"
"yes sir thats where i attended middle school and high school at the Sage Academy" stars focus was quickly shifting away from her usual anger she knew he was trying to lead her down certain paths of her memory which made her wounder what they where searching for.
"why did you attend a private school in Tampa instead of one in Orlando?"
"thats simple. It was because when i was 12 was when i was identified as being beta and Dr. Gothart recommended i attend specialized classed at the sage academy."
"Dr. Gothart? the famous geneticist?" now this was unexpected. Dr. Gothart was a well known in the field of genetics namely research into the Beta gene
"why yes i suppose it would be the same Dr. Gothart. general can i ask where this is going?"
He passed her the data pad with the relivent information she read over he entire report her eyes going wide at the images of the leveled flooded city "we've already established that none of us had the resources to pull off an attack of this scale. that and the nature of the report we can only assume that they destroyed it to cover something up but if it was only a school why such drastic measures?"
"it wasn't just a school... i can't be certain but there was definatly more to it underground... there where a couple levels directly below the school its self we had out specialized classes there but there was definatly more to it than what we where shown"
"yes the other beta's in my class. all the students where beta's"
((ooc: I'm gonna pause here to give someone else a chance to ask questions and what not))
Spit break
18-03-2008, 14:40
Stoner was now getting interested in this facility "Hmm this makes me wonder, Does Sage see the purpose of Beta's as nothing more then weapons? pawns in his game?" he commented while thinking through every thing "We still don't know and doubt we ever will know what was under that school, any documents are probably being destroyed as we speak. Is there any thing else you can tell use captain? school yard rumors about what those lower levels were? no if more concerning what were these specialized classes for Betas?"
Kratna X2
19-03-2008, 00:46
Stoner was now getting interested in this facility "Hmm this makes me wonder, Does Sage see the purpose of Beta's as nothing more then weapons? pawns in his game?" he commented while thinking through every thing "We still don't know and doubt we ever will know what was under that school, any documents are probably being destroyed as we speak. Is there any thing else you can tell use captain? school yard rumors about what those lower levels were? no if more concerning what were these specialized classes for Betas?"
"well all the regular classes such as math science and the like where held in the school proper as for the "special" courses for instance cancan you reprogram a mobile suits OS mid battle? how long would it take you to hack a mainframe" then faster than anyone could react she had leaped out of her chair across the table and had one hand on stoner's throat and hes handgun pointing at Takeru whom had been able to react but not fast enough to stop her "how fast can you move period." she set the gun down and let go of stoner but didn't retake her chair "it was these classes that honed our skills, an untrained beta it nothing more than a genius to "normal" people." the last part was said with the contempt one would have for a lesser person.
the unfortunate fact was that it was these intense training classes that that had pushed an already violent temper over he edge with the quest for perfection and the drive to be better
Spit break
19-03-2008, 02:45
"Some might say class like that can make one more aggressive, being trained since a young age for war can have a effect on the mind, as for your exception abilities, yes Beta's once trained can be vary good at what they do Holland here has mastered what six or seven forms of unarmed combat and just by go through our weekly training exercises and gorilla warfare have made him easily equal to you if he wanted to, in his own way" Stoner said after a quick cough from star letting go.
"Now thats only you point of view Stoner I'd say even Republic Beta training would exceed any field training of mine however If any thing learning from combat experience and daily training gets to you, heck at times I swear our training makes the RMC look easy" Holland said
Stoner smiled "Maybe so but we aren't here to discuss who's better you two have already fought each other at Suez i believe if you had a scored to settle you should of done it then when you were still enemies, not allies, back to the questions, any one else want to input?"
Higher Brazilam
19-03-2008, 02:57
"well all the regular classes such as math science and the like where held in the school proper as for the "special" courses for instance cancan you reprogram a mobile suits OS mid battle? how long would it take you to hack a mainframe" then faster than anyone could react she had leaped out of her chair across the table and had one hand on stoner's throat and hes handgun pointing at Takeru whom had been able to react but not fast enough to stop her "how fast can you move period." she set the gun down and let go of stoner but didn't retake her chair "it was these classes that honed our skills, an untrained beta it nothing more than a genius to "normal" people." the last part was said with the contempt one would have for a lesser person.
the unfortunate fact was that it was these intense training classes that that had pushed an already violent temper over he edge with the quest for perfection and the drive to be better
Jacob saw Star enter the room and turned to face the Ayatollah's direction. He felt too ashamed to see her. He was able to listen to her description of the special school in Tampa....
Star was definately trained well to be a warrior, that much was clear as she made her example to the council. Apparently, however, it was clear how the Republic was using its Betas. If the Republic was simply using the Betas it found as weapons and specializers of war, then it was obvious how those such as Star seemed to have lost their humanity. It obviously wasn't all true since he was able to help bring Star out of her cold hearted attitude to all she saw but still maintained a great amount of her old self.
That did bring Jacob to continue wondering though. He turned to Rolf and asked,"Do you believe that Sage has other motives of using Beta Terrans?"
Rolf answered, "I am not certain. But I believe if he had other motives for them, I would wonder why it is he has ordered that all Beta Terrans be moved into space?"
Kratna X2
19-03-2008, 07:03
Jacob saw Star enter the room and turned to face the Ayatollah's direction. He felt too ashamed to see her. He was able to listen to her description of the special school in Tampa....
Star was definately trained well to be a warrior, that much was clear as she made her example to the council. Apparently, however, it was clear how the Republic was using its Betas. If the Republic was simply using the Betas it found as weapons and specializers of war, then it was obvious how those such as Star seemed to have lost their humanity. It obviously wasn't all true since he was able to help bring Star out of her cold hearted attitude to all she saw but still maintained a great amount of her old self.
That did bring Jacob to continue wondering though. He turned to Rolf and asked,"Do you believe that Sage has other motives of using Beta Terrans?"
Rolf answered, "I am not certain. But I believe if he had other motives for them, I would wonder why it is he has ordered that all Beta Terrans be moved into space?"
"wait? what?" Star asked confused
"about a week before we announced Red Dawn i got the transfer order for every Beta under my command to posts either on the various carriers or in on New Terra its self and when i checked other area's it was a general order.. as of right now there are no Terran military beta's on earth" Ivan repeated.
"if thats true then its a safe bet that the ones in R & D and communications as well as other fields have been transfered" Star added "but even then thats maybe only 70 or 80 beta's... now if you add the students at the Sage Academy thats maybe 300 more... the ones still in basic training maybe another rough 100." the numbers where quickly adding up but even 500 wasn't a significant number given the global population or even the combined population of the colonies. 500 was still a small number they where still missing something.
((ooc: feel free to ask more questions but theres currently no where to find out the truth of omega... I'm gonna have to ponder a way to leak the truth to the resistance... actually i just thought of what I'm gonna do but i'm gonna hold off for a while.. if your done with the questions feel free to go back to planning our next move... oh and braz just my opinion but i think its time for sage to make another appearance in the story i wanna set a couple things in motion but i would like to know what sage is thinking abut whats all been happening first... just a thought))
Spit break
19-03-2008, 08:03
OOC: Well i got my insurgency operations coming up in the next few days Icly, maybe i could capture documents before there destroyed?
"500? You slap them all in mobile suits and you got a entire battle group ready to go hmm we better play the fact that theres none left on earth to our advantage while we still can, we also need to counter republic propaganda that black marks us, Any one have a idea?" Stoner asked.
"If I may say" Holland said
"Go on, were listening"
"The republic plays on fear by destroying there own cities to cover something up and blame us right? Why don't we take a page from there book and blame them for something?"
"What are you suggesting?"
"Change the name of our magazine to get it past republic security, then we print stories, witness accounts about battles from all off us, but we tell a white lie and say that when the republic was on the verge of defeat they attempted to nuke us and take there own men out to cover up the failure, but allied forces defected it during launch and the majority escaped except a select few, We use the stories of these people who turned on the republic to touch the hearts and minds of the people and perhaps slow the republics Propaganda machine down to a grinding stop" Holland explained.
It was indeed a interesting plan Stoner thought, but would it work? the republic would surely counter such claims "If only we could get the codes to by pass the republics communications jammers, then we could use world wide broadcasts"
Higher Brazilam
20-03-2008, 02:47
OOC: Good idea Kratna. I'm gonna try that.
Terran High Command
Washington D.C.
The Generals of Terran High Command were meeting in D.C. for another meeting. It was the first one to involve its leader, the President, in a while. Brendon Sage stood atop a podium while facing the Generals of Terran High Command who were sitting in a room simliar to the old Congress style. It was a dimly lit room that was fortified to protect the building from as few interferances as possible. Sage was greeted, "Mr. President. We wish to welcome you back to D.C. I hope your trip to Paris and Tunis were met with safety and satisfaction."
Sage answered, "Indeed they were General. I know some of you may feel differently, however I see my trip as a fairly successful one."
A general stood and stated, "I am sorry to differ Mr. President, but as you may know, France has fallen into enemy hands."
Sage confidently brushed off the statement saying, "They shall be dealt with soon enough. In the meantime, I wish to know about the status of the transfer of all Beta Terrans into New Terra. How are we progressing thus far?"
A general reported, "According to our reports, an average of 97.9% of all registered Beta Terrans have been moved into New Terra. We are also about to meet our quota with production of Spaceships sometime within the next week or so."
The President smiled and said, "Excellent. I want to see that the quota is met next time we meet."
One general stood and said, "Permission to question Mr. President."
Sage nodded and said, "I grant it."
He was questioned, "You must know of General Yavensky's betrayl and Europe's growing resistance against our cause. Do you have any plans for this?"
Just like last time, Sage simply answered, "General Yavensky's replacement will found soon. And do not fear yourselves over the Red Dawn. They are just another nuisance to add along with Twilight Phoenix and the Army of Islam. General Crofton is currently leading a force into the unstable areas of Russia and into Scandinavia to wipe out the major resistances once and for all."
Another general brought out the question. "Mr. President, this war could easily end if we unleashed all of our Beta soldiers. Why is it that we must transport them into space?"
The President answered, "It is my plan General. I have a special plan prepared for the Betas stationed in New Terra that will end this war once and for all. I believe you know a good enough deal for now."
The meeting concluded with one general saying, "Understood Mr. President. We will follow along with your ideals." They all stood in unison to say, "Order and Unity."
Sage responded, "Strength and Leadership." The meeting was adjourned and the holograms dissapeared while the Generals who were present began to leave.
Brendon Sage walked onto the platform and was lifted up to his oval office. His building was once known as the White House, a center piece to what was once the most powerful democratic nation the world saw. Now that nation was in the hands of one man in that desk like an Emperor in one place ruling over as much of the world as he saw fit. Brendon Sage sat in that same room for 33 years. Despite having reached the age of 72, he was still an active politician and could probably go on for even longer. He was old, but had an air of youth that many elder humans sought to have themselves.
The President was now soon to return to paperwork after one more contact with an old friend. He picked up his phone and asked, "Bring Doctor Gothart on the line if you would please." His phone was able to reach the colonies in space, most notably the Terran Colony Baker's Ridge which was now part of New Terra. After hanging up the phone, he awaited the image projector to bring the image of Doctor Gothart up.
OOC: Apologies if you didn't make Gothart that old in mind Kratna. If you didn't let me know.
20-03-2008, 04:48
"Change the name of our magazine to get it past republic security, then we print stories, witness accounts about battles from all off us, but we tell a white lie and say that when the republic was on the verge of defeat they attempted to nuke us and take there own men out to cover up the failure, but allied forces defected it during launch and the majority escaped except a select few, We use the stories of these people who turned on the republic to touch the hearts and minds of the people and perhaps slow the republics Propaganda machine down to a grinding stop" Holland explained.
It was indeed a interesting plan Stoner thought, but would it work? the republic would surely counter such claims "If only we could get the codes to by pass the republics communications jammers, then we could use world wide broadcasts"
"We would probably need to take down a base to get those," Simms said, "and the closest are in southern Russia. Our technical staff tried to just break through the encryption directly, but their algorithms are impossible to crack with so few resources. And the Terrans are getting much better at stamping out information we plant on the internet."
"I do agree that we need to stop their propaganda," Morris continued, "but they're already firmly entrenched in most areas of the world. Even if you could get the news out, I don't think it'll be fully accepted. We need a legitimate authority behind it." He turned to Jacob and the other European diplomats. "Europe and Scandinavia represent the most formidable formal alliance left," he said, "and the ongoing war in Russia will give us a real chance to finally unveil the extent of the Terran damage. Through Europe, we might be able to do it."
"If Sage has moved all his Betas into space and destroyed the evidence of their development, we can only assume he's planning something big," mused Simms. "While his gaze is temporarily off of the Earth, we need to make a bold move. If we can attack the army currently in Georgia before it gets too many reinforcements, we still have a shot at getting into Russia. We could try going around the Caspian, but the chance of meeting a large Republic army is greater."
"Well, then, what do we do?" asked Morris.
"Some of us should still head north, and attack the Army of Georgia," Simms declared. "We can go through Azerbaijan and push for Grozny. They'll head east to intercept us, and we'll go from there. Information warfare should be carried out from a better equipped facility, possibly in Tehran, and we must get into contact with European diplomats as soon as possible. Ayatollah, I also advice that your nation prepares for almost certain war with Indian and Chinese forces."
Spit break
20-03-2008, 05:25
"India and China are a large threat right now, I do agree we need to move fast and hit hard which is why I have these" Stoner said pulling out the brief case and putting on the table. He put in the combination and then opened it up. He pulled out several folded up maps and a data chip. He put the data ship into his PDA which he then had to input a password. Once that was done he walked to the screen that was used to show the information about Tampa bay "Excuse me I'll have to use this for a couple minutes" he said as he brought up the file on the main screen "Holland can you unfold the top map on the table" he asked.
"Yeah sure" Holland replied getting up from his seat and walking over to the maps. He grabbed and unfolded the top one on the table, the same map was being displayed on the screen "This is our latest map on republic movements through out the world, as you can see theres a shift towards Europe at the moment, I'm sure that will be shifting are way along with reinforcements from south east Asia. So this is what I came up with" he said clicking a button bringing up a series of lines representing troop movements for them.
"We have European and Remnant forces flank to the left as a diversion to draw any large republic forces away, meanwhile the rest of us will push hard on the right side of the Caspian and push through weakened republic forces hopefully securing a base to get a toe hold in Russia" he said pausing to click another button to bring in a new set of arrows.
"Then we will split, Russian and AOI will head west to link up with the Euro-remnant forces and bring them are way, Phoenix forces will also split, most of our forces and the Japanese will stay at the base to keep it sacure against a possible counter attack, while we send out small scouting parties to go out in various area to get a handle on the situation around the area, once we've all linked up we can plan further"
Kratna X2
20-03-2008, 06:10
OOC: Good idea Kratna. I'm gonna try that.
Terran High Command
Washington D.C.
The Generals of Terran High Command were meeting in D.C. for another meeting. It was the first one to involve its leader, the President, in a while. Brendon Sage stood atop a podium while facing the Generals of Terran High Command who were sitting in a room simliar to the old Congress style. It was a dimly lit room that was fortified to protect the building from as few interferances as possible. Sage was greeted, "Mr. President. We wish to welcome you back to D.C. I hope your trip to Paris and Tunis were met with safety and satisfaction."
Sage answered, "Indeed they were General. I know some of you may feel differently, however I see my trip as a fairly successful one."
A general stood and stated, "I am sorry to differ Mr. President, but as you may know, France has fallen into enemy hands."
Sage confidently brushed off the statement saying, "They shall be dealt with soon enough. In the meantime, I wish to know about the status of the transfer of all Beta Terrans into New Terra. How are we progressing thus far?"
A general reported, "According to our reports, an average of 97.9% of all registered Beta Terrans have been moved into New Terra. We are also about to meet our quota with production of Spaceships sometime within the next week or so."
The President smiled and said, "Excellent. I want to see that the quota is met next time we meet."
One general stood and said, "Permission to question Mr. President."
Sage nodded and said, "I grant it."
He was questioned, "You must know of General Yavensky's betrayl and Europe's growing resistance against our cause. Do you have any plans for this?"
Just like last time, Sage simply answered, "General Yavensky's replacement will found soon. And do not fear yourselves over the Red Dawn. They are just another nuisance to add along with Twilight Phoenix and the Army of Islam. General Crofton is currently leading a force into the unstable areas of Russia and into Scandinavia to wipe out the major resistances once and for all."
Another general brought out the question. "Mr. President, this war could easily end if we unleashed all of our Beta soldiers. Why is it that we must transport them into space?"
The President answered, "It is my plan General. I have a special plan prepared for the Betas stationed in New Terra that will end this war once and for all. I believe you know a good enough deal for now."
The meeting concluded with one general saying, "Understood Mr. President. We will follow along with your ideals." They all stood in unison to say, "Order and Unity."
Sage responded, "Strength and Leadership." The meeting was adjourned and the holograms dissapeared while the Generals who were present began to leave.
Brendon Sage walked onto the platform and was lifted up to his oval office. His building was once known as the White House, a center piece to what was once the most powerful democratic nation the world saw. Now that nation was in the hands of one man in that desk like an Emperor in one place ruling over as much of the world as he saw fit. Brendon Sage sat in that same room for 33 years. Despite having reached the age of 72, he was still an active politician and could probably go on for even longer. He was old, but had an air of youth that many elder humans sought to have themselves.
The President was now soon to return to paperwork after one more contact with an old friend. He picked up his phone and asked, "Bring Doctor Gothart on the line if you would please." His phone was able to reach the colonies in space, most notably the Terran Colony Baker's Ridge which was now part of New Terra. After hanging up the phone, he awaited the image projector to bring the image of Doctor Gothart up.
OOC: Apologies if you didn't make Gothart that old in mind Kratna. If you didn't let me know.
((ooc: naa its alright))
Marissa had been settling into her new offices in the central shaft of one of the colonys when her secretary paged her "Dr. gothart. Dr. Wright is here to see you"
"send him in please" she ajusted a picture on her wall as she waited for Benjamin. wich only took a second "Ah. benamin wat can i do for you?" i'm just informing you that the beta's have been settled in there block."
"exelent i'm glad to hear there settled in"
"i'm just concerned about isolation protocals. is letting them run around more or less as the please and un supervizes really a wise plan?"
"i don't share your worrys benjamin. while we where at the omega complex yes they where compleatly cut off from the outside world but is that any difrent here? we are in space, even if they wander out of their block. there are undercover guards who will tail them too see where the are going and even then they wouldn't be able to leave this section of New Terra withought 2 guards with valid keycards to access the inner blocks. there isolated in the residentual and recreation blcks theres no need to worry yourself so"
"and the Tags?"
"we can only hope they dont figure out that they will unlock more than the doors to there rooms. the only positive side is that we will know everytime a teg isused... its actualy the only reason we havent been able to pinpoint Miss Lyndes location shes off the terran grid so we cant get a fix on her the last time she used her tad was at Tel Aviv right before her betrayl since then she hasn't acessed the grid"
"what about the reports from the SO8 operative?"
"with his reports we can only say what part of the world shes in. if we can't pinpont her location we cant recapture her and bring her back. sheis to valubal to leave in the hands of those people. yes Mr. Xiang is good be he dosn't compare to Miss. Lynde and we might just be able o get our hands on the prince as well now that would be a prize worth haveing."
"Dr. Gothart i have a direct link with President Sage" her secritary was clearly shaken it was not oftain that one was contacted by the President himself
"please patch it onto my main screen"
"right away"
"perhaps i should go?" benjamin asked
"no no its qite alright feel free to stay" there was a moments pause as the main srean was incovered from its nich i the wall and activated "Ah president sage what an honour to speak with you how may we be of service to the republic?"
Kratna X2
20-03-2008, 06:56
"India and China are a large threat right now, I do agree we need to move fast and hit hard which is why I have these" Stoner said pulling out the brief case and putting on the table. He put in the combination and then opened it up. He pulled out several folded up maps and a data chip. He put the data ship into his PDA which he then had to input a password. Once that was done he walked to the screen that was used to show the information about Tampa bay "Excuse me I'll have to use this for a couple minutes" he said as he brought up the file on the main screen "Holland can you unfold the top map on the table" he asked.
"Yeah sure" Holland replied getting up from his seat and walking over to the maps. He grabbed and unfolded the top one on the table, the same map was being displayed on the screen "This is our latest map on republic movements through out the world, as you can see theres a shift towards Europe at the moment, I'm sure that will be shifting are way along with reinforcements from south east Asia. So this is what I came up with" he said clicking a button bringing up a series of lines representing troop movements for them.
"We have European and Remnant forces flank to the left as a diversion to draw any large republic forces away, meanwhile the rest of us will push hard on the right side of the Caspian and push through weakened republic forces hopefully securing a base to get a toe hold in Russia" he said pausing to click another button to bring in a new set of arrows.
"Then we will split, Russian and AOI will head west to link up with the Euro-remnant forces and bring them are way, Phoenix forces will also split, most of our forces and the Japanese will stay at the base to keep it sacure against a possible counter attack, while we send out small scouting parties to go out in various area to get a handle on the situation around the area, once we've all linked up we can plan further"
"Its a good plan but you seem to have missed how uttery unstable all of russia is at the moment"general yavensky began "But we may not have to do as much fighting as you plan acounts for. if russia was still fermly under terran control you plan would be very doable in my opinion but if i may i would like to prepose this as an alternative" he pulled a small case out of his pocket and removed a smal grease pencal that was to origionaly be used to mark maps while in the feild away from the command trucks
"i beleive the bulk of our combined forces should as colonel simm sugested go through Azerbaijan and push for Grozny taking out the remainig forces in georgia and then moving west to meet up with European forces."
"now while the bulk ouf our troops draw the attention of the republic i prepose that the mobile suits of red dawn along with the Great white and Red phoenix and also the japanese move due north to the outpost at Vologorad where i'm hopeing we can gain acess to the Terran network atleast long enough to see what going on in the world" and russia he thought to himself "Captain Matsumori i am hopeing that if the rest of my commrads agree to a plan we may use your ship as a relay for comunications so we are not hampered by the terran hold on com frequencys"
"i will check with Captain Takigawa when time permits however unless there are other plans to be brought forth for consideration i beleive we should break for an hour or so s we may eat and check in with our respective troops"
"i agree" iven added he really wanted to check to see if Sasha and yuri had any luck with finding sutable parts to begin repairs but he waited for and agreement or aditional preposals from the union, phoenix, scandinavia, europe, and AOI members at the table
Spit break
20-03-2008, 14:32
"Hmm sending the bulk of our forces to the north west to relieve Europe of the republic siege, it will probably work and as you pointed out General Russia is unstable we might just run into small elements of defecting troops, well i'd confer with the council about it but I'll recommend we go with the plan, unless one of you has a better idea" Stoner said thinking for a second about the plan.
"What about China? we will probably see movement from them some time soon" Holland asked.
"By the time they move our plans will be in motion, any forces from china would hit our Gundams first and not the main force by the time we do engage the main force should be able to link up with other European forces and move to link up with us"
Higher Brazilam
20-03-2008, 20:59
((ooc: naa its alright))
Marissa had been settling into her new offices in the central shaft of one of the colonys when her secretary paged her "Dr. gothart. Dr. Wright is here to see you"
"send him in please" she ajusted a picture on her wall as she waited for Benjamin. wich only took a second "Ah. benamin wat can i do for you?" i'm just informing you that the beta's have been settled in there block."
"exelent i'm glad to hear there settled in"
"i'm just concerned about isolation protocals. is letting them run around more or less as the please and un supervizes really a wise plan?"
"i don't share your worrys benjamin. while we where at the omega complex yes they where compleatly cut off from the outside world but is that any difrent here? we are in space, even if they wander out of their block. there are undercover guards who will tail them too see where the are going and even then they wouldn't be able to leave this section of New Terra withought 2 guards with valid keycards to access the inner blocks. there isolated in the residentual and recreation blcks theres no need to worry yourself so"
"and the Tags?"
"we can only hope they dont figure out that they will unlock more than the doors to there rooms. the only positive side is that we will know everytime a teg isused... its actualy the only reason we havent been able to pinpoint Miss Lyndes location shes off the terran grid so we cant get a fix on her the last time she used her tad was at Tel Aviv right before her betrayl since then she hasn't acessed the grid"
"what about the reports from the SO8 operative?"
"with his reports we can only say what part of the world shes in. if we can't pinpont her location we cant recapture her and bring her back. sheis to valubal to leave in the hands of those people. yes Mr. Xiang is good be he dosn't compare to Miss. Lynde and we might just be able o get our hands on the prince as well now that would be a prize worth haveing."
"Dr. Gothart i have a direct link with President Sage" her secritary was clearly shaken it was not oftain that one was contacted by the President himself
"please patch it onto my main screen"
"right away"
"perhaps i should go?" benjamin asked
"no no its qite alright feel free to stay" there was a moments pause as the main srean was incovered from its nich i the wall and activated "Ah president sage what an honour to speak with you how may we be of service to the republic?"
IC: "Doctor Gothart, Doctor Wright. A pleasure to speak with you both as well." Sage smiled with his introduction. He told them, "I wish to know if New Terra's security has reached acceptable levels. I also want to know if the number of Gemini IIIs are moving along as scheduled." He explained to both of them, "My reason for doing so is that I will be making New Terra public sometime soon."
AOI Headquarters
The Ayatollah now heard a great plan from the resistance who planned on facing the Republic in Russia. There was however one presiding problem, and it seemed the defiant Prince was able to see that. Jacob said, "I suppose this will at least give us a fair idea of what is happening in the world around us at the very least."
"Is something lacking with that My lord?"
"Yes. The Terrans will still be able to prevent world communications to prevent us from broadcasting this information to the world. If we cannot do so, we will not be able to convince the rest of the world that the Republic is causing so many atrocities. I would have thought the Army had some plan to do so, but is that the case Lord Ayatollah?"
The Ayatollah reluctantly answered, "My master has not issued any plans to do so..." Or that is, he would never approve of it...
"Though I must accept this. I want Scandinavia to help with this operation in any way possible."
Prime Minister Fespute agreed, "Yes. I shall second it and hope that this plan gives us some edge over the Terrans."
The Ayatollah spoke, "This shall be our battleplan. I hope to see that we are able to form a great alliance to defeat Terra."
OOC: If anyone wants to add anything to the meeting, be sure to do so.
IC: When the meeting was adjourned, Jacob went to ask the Ayatollah, "Shall I be able to meet with your master anytime soon?"
Esmail answered him, "When the repairs are done to the Great White, I shall see if the other leaders share your desire."
Jacob assured, "There is no need. I will meet with him myself if I have to."
Esmail nodded and said, "Vey well then." and turned to leave.
When the meeting concluded, Bahman hid himself from all public sight. Bahman Bhutto was a young spy of the Army of Islam, but was ordered to keep track of the Ayatollah's reactions during the meeting. He was trained to read people's reactions and see what they were thinking. And it was the Ayatollah's thinking he saw that needed reporting. He took out his phone and reported to his master in Iranian, "My lord. It would seem that Lord Daryush shares in the Prince's desires."
"Is that so? Keep watch over him. Make sure he does not bring about any changes in our plans. If he does anything radical... You know what you must do..."
Bahman hung up his phone after saying, "Understood my lord."
Spit break
21-03-2008, 00:07
When they broke for lunch in a sense Holland and Stoner went back to the ship, with every thing they went into that room with. As they were walking into the main hanger they could still see a lot of work going on all around them. Talho was waiting for the two of them to return "Hey guys!" she shouted as she waved at them "How did it go?" she asked. When the two got close enough they spoke "Good we got a battle plan, we just broke for some lunch" Stoner said over the sound of machinery at work on repairs.
"Whats the status of the ship?" Holland shouted over the noise.
"She didn't take a major beating but it will still take some time to repair"
"Well then lets eat something, i'm sure the repair crews will be hungry to"
"Yeah we are having them eat in shifts to keep work going at a solid pace" She said as they began walking to the ship. Trucks with work crews would go by, cargo containers and all sorts of supplies being moved around all the allied forces.
"How are we on supplies?" Stoner asked
"Were good in most areas for now but if we don't pick up some supplies soon we will be down to beam weapons in a week or two, and if we don't find some heat sinks we will be out of weapons a week after that"
21-03-2008, 01:33
"A pinpoint attack with our special forces..." mused Simms. He and the others would punch their way into Russia and hope that the guys behind them could cover. The Army of Islam might be further motivated by the chance to venture into old Chechen territory, although that might provoke the Dawn... ugh, this was so convoluted! "The Army of Georgia might be too damaged to put us down now. Volgograd is quite a haul; if we meet no resistance, though, we should be able to get there in a day. We're bound to attract attention, but thankfully the terrain to the east is pretty rugged, and that might hold back the Chinese from helping right away."
"If you think we can do it, captain, then we'll do it," Morris concluded. At least they'd thrown out the plan to attack the eastern shore of the Caspian. That would have bogged them down and put them in a more dangerous position. Staying between the Black and Caspian wasn't much safer, but at least they already had a good picture of what forces were in the area, and they had some time to plan for Terran reinforcements. At least, if they weren't already on the way.
The group adjourned. Simms pulled our his communicator. "Get Harris on," he said. "Harris, how's the maintenance going? We might be setting out soon."
"Ah... geez, you know, we could have it up in a few hours, but there's still a lot wanting," Mervin answered. "We've exhausted most of the air-to-air missiles and the stuff the Army has looks mostly incompatible. AA rounds we've been able to replace to a point; we're definitely not where we started. The suits are fine, the pilots I don't know. Oh, if Lynde and the prince are with you, can you try and get them into a debriefing from the last battle? It's been so chaotic we never went over those reports."
"Right, we do need to figure out what happened to Prince Thorstein. And this will be a good opportunity to discuss the new mission, too," Simms replied. "We'll be back shortly. Has Allblack recovered?"
"Yeah, I think he can manage now," Mervin replied. "As long as we don't need to fight for another day, I'd say, he'll be in no real danger."
Higher Brazilam
21-03-2008, 03:10
As soon as the meeting concluded, Jacob quickly left the rom attempting to avoid any talk with anyone. He stopped at a railway and looked down to do some reflection of what was happening. The Army was still unwilling to change its ways but the allies he made were still in ways willing to join them for the sake of facing the Republic. "God damnit... Why is it they are still willing to go along with this?" He thought to himself. He would still be questioning over what to do and why everything was taking place right now. Sage's policies, the war, Hades, this was a significant amount to be placed on the mind of one young man. He felt the rail he was holding slightly bend a little...
Spit break
21-03-2008, 05:48
The group of three entered the ship "Hmm to save on ammunition I better have the hanger crews switch my equipment to the Intensive fire pack" Holland muttered while they walked the seemingly endless hall ways "Thats a good idea Holland, being cut off from supplies puts us in a bit of a corner so we have to conserve and use what we can from capturing republic stocks and sharing them with our allies" Talho said to him.
"Isn't it our turn for lunch?" Stoner asked putting his hand on his stomach "Yeah it is our turn along with others so lets go eat already" Talho said as they continued on. When they got to the mess it was rather busy for a shift lunch, but that was because of so many people, they got there food and sat down at a table where the other Holland, Luna, Mu and a few others where eating and playing cards.
"Mind if we join?" Talho asked them "Be my guest" Mu told her waving his hand. They sat down "Well basics are down but I can't say much now, not until we finalize every thing" Stoner told them "Well as long as we take it to those republic bastards its okay by me" Mu said with enthusiasm. Stoner smiled "Thought you would say that, thats why I knwo this plan will be approved by us"
24-03-2008, 04:44
things where slowly going from bad to worse. the CAS had the home turf advantage meening it was a simple matter to cal for reinforcements and resuply while the terrans where cut off from both
"someone want to tell me whats going on out there?"
"well general whatever it is its not looking good we have unconfermed reports that all of russia is in a state of revolt..."
"yes sir its aparentl consumeing both civilian and millitary personell and is almost compleatly tying up the forces that where being funnled through to the planned offencive wich never happend... sombody timed that revolt almost perfictly. there are also scetchy reports of a major battle taking place on the geroga arimenia border against every know revolutionary eliment and a couple we wernt aware of. infact the only thing thats gone right today has been the pacific fleats consuming of the asian aliance but otherwise everythings falling apart.
we get no suplies or reinforcements because the atlantic fleats dont know what to do with the colaps of ther offecive, the armys in russia are attempting to put down a nation wide revolt. if something dosnt go in our favor soon... were F***ed"
the general sighed and pondered for a moment "order a compleat fall back to this location for refit and resply if we cant win this out right we can atleast hurt them enough to give those that will follow an eazyer time"
((sorry i have no idea how the Russ. Revolution turned out))
The battle was going well. The enemy had instituted a complete fall back along the entire front. The enemy's lack of numbers and supplies was beginning to show as they pulled forces back to cut losses and concentrate the remaining forces against the main body of attacking forces.
[Underground base, Somewhere is the state of Lesotho]
The generals stood around the table. it glowed with light as it was in reality a touch interface computer. It currently showed all information along the front with the republic and the dispositions of all known units. The advance was slowing now as the main body encountered the consentrated enemy forces, but the adnvace was still there.
One general said "Bring the 156th mobile wing to the west front, take out the 32nd as they are almost completely decimated." Soon after two more arrows appeared on the map in blue. These ment that the units had orders to move. Soon the near decimated 32nd mobile weapon wing would be replaced by a fresh (and green) 156th. Experience was in the hands of the republic as those that lived most likely all had seen combat with CAS. However, with the superior numbers being employed against their positions ment that unless some turn of events occurred Attrition would win the battle.
With that assessment another general said, "Bring all ASAT units to ready status, the enemy is sure to try something to help out and the only possible way to do such a thing is from space, therefore ready all ASAT units and prepare for any response the enemy space forces might have."
the Battle would continue and hopefully time was on the side of CAS for without it the terrans could bring their forces to bear before the contentental positions of CAS were secures.
24-03-2008, 17:45
Mervin was the first one to the conference room. The other pilots would, in theory, meander in later. For now, he had to try and make some sense of the previous mission. Normally this wasn't his job, but as they were short-staffed almost everywhere, he'd been pressed into duty from the beginning. He and Tom were familiar with most of the ship's technology, so their input was key whenever a mission was under discussion. The previous fight had left them all with plenty of questions, most of which centered around Prince Jacob's erratic behavior.
For now, though, he was going over the cockpit recordings from the battle. No one had had any time to file a formal report. He was now replaying Terra's. Who is he talking to? he wondered. At this point, Jacob's brain activity went up and he began launching attacks indiscriminately. He just said Hades! He's able to bypass the system directly through the core? But that means...
He looked at Jacob's post-battle scans, which showed the same kind of activity as during Hades' intervention. Jacob's personality had changed remarkably since the end of the last battle - he was more assertive, more aggressive. Mervin recalled how Nelson's brain showed residual activity from his system after the battle, which nearly killed him. This is not good... is Hades still in there?!
His thoughts were interrupted as Tom entered the room. "Hey, I've been looking for you!" he said.
"Sorry, just thought I'd get in one last look at the last battle before they all get in," Mervin replied, stopping the recording. "There's a lot we need to get ready if we're heading out again."
"And on that note, I thought I might run this by you before I went ahead with it," Tom began, opening his laptop. "So, we were going to count on Jacob's psychic power for the T-Links, but he's somewhat unstable."
"I completely forgot about those!" said Mervin. When it was discovered that Prince Thorstein had the ability to shift objects with his mind, Mervin had come up with the T-Links. They had small onboard engines and a single energy gun, but Jacob's mind could extend their range greatly and create complex attack patterns. "Well, we can still use them, but they won't be able to stay out as long if they operate just on their internal store."
"Yeah, so we need to put them on a machine that can give them range," Tom replied . "Star and Laku are the best candidates, I think, since they see a lot of air time. Star's machine has the stronger power plant, so I'm leaning towards her, except I don't know if she'd actually let us touch her Gundam."
"And you'd just program something to work them?" Mervin asked.
"Right again," Tom answered. "Assuming Star's all right with it, I can show her the codebase. It seems that once she familiarizes herself with her systems, she can program them in real time."
"That... shouldn't be possible," Mervin said.
"I've watched her do it, and it's quite scary," Tom replied. "But if she can come up with her own patterns using code, it's just as good as if it was Jacob using his head, right?"
"Well, you can run it by her when she gets here..."
Spit break
27-03-2008, 00:00
"So whats today's mystery meat?" Holland asked as he looked at the food at the end of his fork "Would you really like to find out?" The other Holland said eating a piece of the meat. The others laughed "I agree with him, sometimes it's better not to know what your eating" Luna said as she ate a piece of it. Holland finally ate the piece on his fork "Taste like a mix between pork and chicken, any way i guess your right, better things to do any way then to guess what i put in my stomach" he said as he continued eating.
"Chief how's the rest of our forces doing?" Talho asked to the woman down the table from her. The woman who looked to be in her early 30's looked over "Well, the transports got it light, minor weapons fire since they pulled back after drop, the mobile suits though some took have damage, some are barely salvageable"
"I see well lets get as many up as possible" Talho replied
Kratna X2
27-03-2008, 00:19
((ooc: i'm working on a post that i'll hopefully finish tonight... been working on it since like monday lol))
Kratna X2
27-03-2008, 15:21
IC: "Doctor Gothart, Doctor Wright. A pleasure to speak with you both as well." Sage smiled with his introduction. He told them, "I wish to know if New Terra's security has reached acceptable levels. I also want to know if the number of Gemini IIIs are moving along as scheduled." He explained to both of them, "My reason for doing so is that I will be making New Terra public sometime soon."
"the reports from the milliary commanders indicate thatt he remaining rebelious eliments have been delt with so its safe again for civiliens to move into the extra space in the combined structures."dr gothart began "our primary concern was the chance of the Beta's escaping but we've issued them there tracking tags and used the same lockdown procedures as the Omega facility so the chances getting into the substructure are remote, but we have contingancy plans for such an event"
"forgive me Mr. president" benjamin interupted " but i donot share Dr. Gotharts optomisem. while we might be in space and the republic does indeed controle space and the colonys in my opinion the more confines space og the omege facility was a wiser option then the seeming freedon of the colony"
The group adjourned. Simms pulled our his communicator. "Get Harris on," he said. "Harris, how's the maintenance going? We might be setting out soon."
"Ah... geez, you know, we could have it up in a few hours, but there's still a lot wanting," Mervin answered. "We've exhausted most of the air-to-air missiles and the stuff the Army has looks mostly incompatible. AA rounds we've been able to replace to a point; we're definitely not where we started. The suits are fine, the pilots I don't know. Oh, if Lynde and the prince are with you, can you try and get them into a debriefing from the last battle? It's been so chaotic we never went over those reports."
"Right, we do need to figure out what happened to Prince Thorstein. And this will be a good opportunity to discuss the new mission, too," Simms replied. "We'll be back shortly. Has Allblack recovered?"
"Yeah, I think he can manage now," Mervin replied. "As long as we don't need to fight for another day, I'd say, he'll be in no real danger."
As soon as the meeting concluded, Jacob quickly left the rom attempting to avoid any talk with anyone. He stopped at a railway and looked down to do some reflection of what was happening. The Army was still unwilling to change its ways but the allies he made were still in ways willing to join them for the sake of facing the Republic. "God damnit... Why is it they are still willing to go along with this?" He thought to himself. He would still be questioning over what to do and why everything was taking place right now. Sage's policies, the war, Hades, this was a significant amount to be placed on the mind of one young man. He felt the rail he was holding slightly bend a little...
Mervin was the first one to the conference room. The other pilots would, in theory, meander in later. For now, he had to try and make some sense of the previous mission. Normally this wasn't his job, but as they were short-staffed almost everywhere, he'd been pressed into duty from the beginning. He and Tom were familiar with most of the ship's technology, so their input was key whenever a mission was under discussion. The previous fight had left them all with plenty of questions, most of which centered around Prince Jacob's erratic behavior.
For now, though, he was going over the cockpit recordings from the battle. No one had had any time to file a formal report. He was now replaying Terra's. Who is he talking to? he wondered. At this point, Jacob's brain activity went up and he began launching attacks indiscriminately. He just said Hades! He's able to bypass the system directly through the core? But that means...
He looked at Jacob's post-battle scans, which showed the same kind of activity as during Hades' intervention. Jacob's personality had changed remarkably since the end of the last battle - he was more assertive, more aggressive. Mervin recalled how Nelson's brain showed residual activity from his system after the battle, which nearly killed him. This is not good... is Hades still in there?!
His thoughts were interrupted as Tom entered the room. "Hey, I've been looking for you!" he said.
"Sorry, just thought I'd get in one last look at the last battle before they all get in," Mervin replied, stopping the recording. "There's a lot we need to get ready if we're heading out again."
"And on that note, I thought I might run this by you before I went ahead with it," Tom began, opening his laptop. "So, we were going to count on Jacob's psychic power for the T-Links, but he's somewhat unstable."
"I completely forgot about those!" said Mervin. When it was discovered that Prince Thorstein had the ability to shift objects with his mind, Mervin had come up with the T-Links. They had small onboard engines and a single energy gun, but Jacob's mind could extend their range greatly and create complex attack patterns. "Well, we can still use them, but they won't be able to stay out as long if they operate just on their internal store."
"Yeah, so we need to put them on a machine that can give them range," Tom replied . "Star and Laku are the best candidates, I think, since they see a lot of air time. Star's machine has the stronger power plant, so I'm leaning towards her, except I don't know if she'd actually let us touch her Gundam."
"And you'd just program something to work them?" Mervin asked.
"Right again," Tom answered. "Assuming Star's all right with it, I can show her the codebase. It seems that once she familiarizes herself with her systems, she can program them in real time."
"That... shouldn't be possible," Mervin said.
"I've watched her do it, and it's quite scary," Tom replied. "But if she can come up with her own patterns using code, it's just as good as if it was Jacob using his head, right?"
"Well, you can run it by her when she gets here..."
((ooc: Oooo a dragoon system or something to that efect... me likey))
Star had quickly exited the meeting room when they broke for lunch but wasn't able to catch up with jacob as he had left to talk with the AOI representative. she had also left to avoid Holland and General yavensky
she had more or less callmed down or what for her was calm she was much to focused running through her memorys of here years at te sage academy trying to see if there was anything else in the way of usefull information. she kept thinking on this as she returned to the great white.
she wasn't sure if she arived before or after anyone else what was important was that when she arived one of the door guards informed her that Mervin would like to see her in the confrence room at her earlyest convienience. shs didn't acknolage him she just kept walking turning to head towards the confrence room insted of her quarters.
apon reaching the room she just walked right in instantly notacing Mervin ant tom and noting the look on toms face thet ment he was up to something "you wanted to see me?"
((sorry i have no idea how the Russ. Revolution turned out))
((ooc: the revolution is still in progress so dont expect much from the terran millitary in that feild. i still sugest you find away to link up with the rest of us the sooner the better or you might miss out on a couple up coming events))
The battle was going well. The enemy had instituted a complete fall back along the entire front. The enemy's lack of numbers and supplies was beginning to show as they pulled forces back to cut losses and concentrate the remaining forces against the main body of attacking forces.
[Underground base, Somewhere is the state of Lesotho]
The generals stood around the table. it glowed with light as it was in reality a touch interface computer. It currently showed all information along the front with the republic and the dispositions of all known units. The advance was slowing now as the main body encountered the consentrated enemy forces, but the adnvace was still there.
One general said "Bring the 156th mobile wing to the west front, take out the 32nd as they are almost completely decimated." Soon after two more arrows appeared on the map in blue. These ment that the units had orders to move. Soon the near decimated 32nd mobile weapon wing would be replaced by a fresh (and green) 156th. Experience was in the hands of the republic as those that lived most likely all had seen combat with CAS. However, with the superior numbers being employed against their positions ment that unless some turn of events occurred Attrition would win the battle.
With that assessment another general said, "Bring all ASAT units to ready status, the enemy is sure to try something to help out and the only possible way to do such a thing is from space, therefore ready all ASAT units and prepare for any response the enemy space forces might have."
the Battle would continue and hopefully time was on the side of CAS for without it the terrans could bring their forces to bear before the contentental positions of CAS were secures.
After in inital wrentch in the plans the atlantic fleats finaly had new orders. the bulk of the fleats was to move south with the majority of the carriers while the remainder along with a strong contingant of Aries and Aquarious mobile souts would remain behind to harass european coastal positions more in an attempt to draw them back our of russia then in an atempt to cause and serious dammage that and if the could keep them economicaly isolated hopefully that would play in there favor aswell
as for the fleats headed south in a day or to they would begin landing operations swarming freshh troops egar for battle into analready strained African frount. the africans had pestered the Republic long enough it was time for them to fall beneith the heel of the terran republic
28-03-2008, 02:14
After in inital wrentch in the plans the atlantic fleats finaly had new orders. the bulk of the fleats was to move south with the majority of the carriers while the remainder along with a strong contingant of Aries and Aquarious mobile souts would remain behind to harass european coastal positions more in an attempt to draw them back our of russia then in an atempt to cause and serious dammage that and if the could keep them economicaly isolated hopefully that would play in there favor aswell
as for the fleats headed south in a day or to they would begin landing operations swarming freshh troops egar for battle into analready strained African frount. the africans had pestered the Republic long enough it was time for them to fall beneith the heel of the terran republic
[Somewhere in Lesetho]
All the people sat at their stations tending to the countless monitors that made up the command center. There were quiet spoken words of countless orders, confirmations, and requests. The giant map above showed the disposition of all the troops in the country. 5/6th were scattered throughout the country and newly liberated areas. Various colors denoted mobile suits, infantry, tanks, mobile armors, and also numerous militia groups which were volunteers from the newly liberated areas.
Above all this action in the darkened room was a balcony and behind that a room. In this room stood several of the highest ranking generals and admirals in the CAS Combined Armed Forces (CCAF). These people were mostly people of old age with experience from numerous past wars. however two of the eight men were young, people who were considered strategic geniuses. They all sat around a large map displayed on a touch screen table. Each of the people present also had their own tablets which displayed specific information. Everyone discussed what intel came in and applied it to their stratagies, the strategies on the map being transformed into orders transmitted by the numerous operators below.
"This is disturbing, It appears as though the Republic is finally taking us seriously." A small projector emerged from the ceiling and began to display a report. It was a collected intelligence report on the number of detected transmissions. An increasing number was displayed on a graph heading to the north atlantic region. "Triangulation of the signal directions inidcates that a great majority of the formerly european based forces are heading in our direction. Many of these are coming by sea. The number of forces is equal to the entirety of our South Atlantic Fleet."
Another general began speaking "It will take several days for these forces to arrive in the battle. We must use these days to delay the enemy and reinforce our positions and also make an effort to send a force to the Russian Revolution."
An Admiral spoke up this time. "Make preparations to send three divisions by a sub orbital drop to the russian theatre and send the X divisions to delay the enemy. the 74,000 mobile suits on the northern front are to rush their efforts to take this final enemy position along the congo front. It will allow up to meet them further north." All the people present nodded their heads. soon after numerous yellow arrows denoted moving units that would soon begin their battle.
[Somewhere in the mountains in South Africa]
A great many people began working on a new underground base. The enemy had complete control of space and it was essential that a secure method of launching objects to space or to suborbital trajectories be established. To this end a new effort was being made to construct a large mass driver unit under the mountains, impervious to all but a ground penetrating nuclear strike. Hopefully it would be quickly finished
[Agulhas Base]
Agulhas base was the largest military base on the continent. It was the center of the refitting facilities of both the pacific and atlantic fleets and also contained the main (concentration, about 1/4 of total) production facilities for mobile suits and other weapons. It also contained the main training facilities for Southern CAS. It was from here that all new units were deployed from and made this facility the most important. As such it was protected by one of the most impervious defenses in the world, a lightwave barrier that encompassed the entirety of the base at all times. It was highly controllable allowing for two exits to be present at all times. However, now it needed a third exit and a portion was opened.
The mass driver present at the base was being reoriented to launch objects into a suborbital trajectory, and now it was being used.
Packet after packet of mobile suit, ammunition, weapons, and other supplies needed to sustain two divisions of mobile suits were being launched. It was on a direct trajectory to the supposed position of the Russian revolution. 1/4 th of these units had seen previous action with the republic but the remaining were green, fresh off the line. It was doubtful that they would have any real impact but hopefully it would signal to any remaining allies that the CAS was still alive and kicking and was attempting to fight the Republic.
[Northern Front]
The entirety of the CAS line was beginning one final assault under the cover of a massive coordinated bombardment. Missile after missile and shell after shell flew overhead in ballistic and direct trajectories. Flash after flash of fire emerged from the direction of the enemy forces. Soon the main battle for the fate of central Africa for the next several days was about to start and all who fought hoped it would end well for CAS.
Spit break
29-03-2008, 20:34
As every one began to finish off there lunch they continued talking ""So I wonder what the work schedule says I have to do now" Holland said as he finished his food "Most likely you and just about every one else will be repairing mobile suits, I also know that we are attempting to get are information net back online" Talho said.
"You mean it went down during the battle?" Mu asked
"Yes until we get it back up we can't get in contact with our field teams" she replied
"Well that should be a priority next to the mobile suits, we need to know whats going on with our field teams, especially the team in Moscow" Holland Novak replied.
OOC: don't worry i plan to reveal there true names soon to end confussion between the two Hollands
29-03-2008, 22:39
she wasn't sure if she arived before or after anyone else what was important was that when she arived one of the door guards informed her that Mervin would like to see her in the confrence room at her earlyest convienience. shs didn't acknolage him she just kept walking turning to head towards the confrence room insted of her quarters.
apon reaching the room she just walked right in instantly notacing Mervin ant tom and noting the look on toms face thet ment he was up to something "you wanted to see me?"
"First one here," said Mervin. She seemed to have calmed down after getting a chance to speak her mind at the meeting, but still... He couldn't help but feel a little nervous around her sometimes. "We were just going to go over details of the last battle and the captain was going to talk about the new mission, but you probably heard most of that already."
"We have, however, been talking about improvements to our offense," said Tom, "especially now that our little alliance is cut off from, oh, everything." He showed her the laptop, which had some high level details of the weapon. "T-Link system," he said, "it's meant to give a mobile suit remote attack capabilities. These little guys can operate independently after they've been recharged on the suit, and can be programmed to perform arbitrarily complex maneuvers."
"We were thinking of installing it on Jacob's suit and letting him just control them with his mind, but after that last battle, we're a little wary of arming him any further," Mervin answered. "We still don't know what caused him to go berserk. But if it happens again, you might be the only one to stop him."
"Let's not worry about that case, and instead, focus on how much more ass this will let you kick," Tom interrupted. "If you don't object to us installing it, we can alter your suit to dock with four T-Links. And we can hand over all the system documentation so you can make them do what you want."
Spit break
30-03-2008, 00:08
"Well the rest of you can have fun, but the council has a meeting" Talho pointed out as she finished her meal "Oh yes say you have a meeting when the hard work comes in" Luna joked as she picked up her empty plate and walked away. the others slowly began to leave as well dropping off there empty plates and leaving the mess hall to check the work schedule.
Holland looked at it "Hmm i'm on transport Delta seventeen MS repairs" he said with a sigh since repairs can be boring work. Every one was being reassigned to repair duties, as one job is finished they would move on to a new one until every thing was done. This made things go faster then assigning every one work and allowing them to slack off once it was done. Meanwhile the Council would assemble for there meeting.
Kratna X2
30-03-2008, 04:57
[Agulhas Base]
Agulhas base was the largest military base on the continent. It was the center of the refitting facilities of both the pacific and atlantic fleets and also contained the main (concentration, about 1/4 of total) production facilities for mobile suits and other weapons. It also contained the main training facilities for Southern CAS. It was from here that all new units were deployed from and made this facility the most important. As such it was protected by one of the most impervious defenses in the world, a lightwave barrier that encompassed the entirety of the base at all times. It was highly controllable allowing for two exits to be present at all times. However, now it needed a third exit and a portion was opened.
((ooc: ask spitbreak how well that worked ;) ))
The mass driver present at the base was being reoriented to launch objects into a suborbital trajectory, and now it was being used.
Packet after packet of mobile suit, ammunition, weapons, and other supplies needed to sustain two divisions of mobile suits were being launched. It was on a direct trajectory to the supposed position of the Russian revolution. 1/4 th of these units had seen previous action with the republic but the remaining were green, fresh off the line. It was doubtful that they would have any real impact but hopefully it would signal to any remaining allies that the CAS was still alive and kicking and was attempting to fight the Republic.
Space - Dojo
"Captain we are picking up new contacts"
"still calculating but they apear to be coming from... Agulhas base?"
"the CAS? what are they up to?"
"from there trajectory it would apear there attempting a sub orbital drop into russia"
what could they be planning? Captain Takigawa thought to herself the CAS had been largly silent and now all of a suden this large move. there was no way of knowing what was going on untill someone linked up with the forces they had deployed.. thats if the Terrans didn't get to them first "get me Captain Matsumori."
AOI base
after the meeting broke for lunch Takeru returned to where the rest of his team was settled. they had made some progress in the meeting and now had a basic plan of action it just remained to be seen if they could actualy co-odinate battle plans that would give each element a fair peice of the action and after seeing captain Lynde both in battle and in person... she looked to be one who wouldn't be happy unless she was in the middle of it but that was neither here nor there.
"Captain." Amaya Saluted as he got close enough " afew moments ago Captain Takigawa requested to speek with you i was just about to forward the message to your pad but it seams that wont be nessicary"
"thank you Leutenant" he answered returning the salute "i will contact the captain from my unit" he turned and rode the foot sling up to the cockpit of his samurai unit and after settling himself opened a channel to the Dojo "This is Captain Matsumori Takeru to to Captain come in please"
"captain thank you for bring so prompt there are 2 matters wich i'd like to go over with you. the first being that weve detected a sub orbital drop origionating from CAS territory towards russia we cant get a fix on actual alegience ore force strength at this time but best guess is a devision or 2. its my recomendation that we inform our allies of this event so that apropriate measures can be taken"
"i agree captain. the meeting has broken for an hour for the individual groops to check on there own state of repairs now that weve had afew hours to check everything over wealso come up with a rough plann of action"
"exelent you can give me the details on that after you make your report on your first mission. the other samurai have already done so oly yours is missing
"of course captain"
[Northern Front]
The entirety of the CAS line was beginning one final assault under the cover of a massive coordinated bombardment. Missile after missile and shell after shell flew overhead in ballistic and direct trajectories. Flash after flash of fire emerged from the direction of the enemy forces. Soon the main battle for the fate of central Africa for the next several days was about to start and all who fought hoped it would end well for CAS.
((ooc: feel free to walk all over them in a couple days fresh troops will be landing and then to put it mildly... your hooped))
Spit break
30-03-2008, 05:21
OOC: works well, but theres ways around it eh KX2
During there breaks every pilot was filing a report to be uploaded to the Phoenix information network once it came online. Holland worked on his as he walked through the hanger to his next work assignment. Stoner was the only one exempt from work because we was working on the plan, he was in his room going over things. Final little details about what units would go where, over laying republic supply points, finding ware houses and stockpiles they could use.
Meanwhile in a small room on the Red Phoenix the three members of the council who were active met. Talho folded her hands "I think its time to tell them our real names, all of us higher up, four of us and Stoner" she said to them "I think your right besides, a lot of the crews are getting confused with me and the other Holland" Holland Novak told them as he sat back in his chair.
"Our allies probably are to, any way lets reveal our names, frankly i'm surprised the republic didn't notice something strange when we disappeared off there radar and these names showed up they didn't wonder about 4 people with the names of tv characters" MU said
"Well the names are from the early 2000's , they probably didn't notice after all according to there records we all died in accidents or in combat, mind you we also changed are voices and hid our faces when we did broadcasts" Talho replied to Mu's comments.
"Next time we go on the air, the true names of the leaders will be known, and they will learn why they shouldn't of counted us out, shall we also reveal our pasts?" Holland asked
"Why not, to allies it wont do any harm, who knows that russian general might know one of our real names" Talho said
Kratna X2
30-03-2008, 05:22
"First one here," said Mervin. She seemed to have calmed down after getting a chance to speak her mind at the meeting, but still... He couldn't help but feel a little nervous around her sometimes. "We were just going to go over details of the last battle and the captain was going to talk about the new mission, but you probably heard most of that already."
"We have, however, been talking about improvements to our offense," said Tom, "especially now that our little alliance is cut off from, oh, everything." He showed her the laptop, which had some high level details of the weapon. "T-Link system," he said, "it's meant to give a mobile suit remote attack capabilities. These little guys can operate independently after they've been recharged on the suit, and can be programmed to perform arbitrarily complex maneuvers."
"We were thinking of installing it on Jacob's suit and letting him just control them with his mind, but after that last battle, we're a little wary of arming him any further," Mervin answered. "We still don't know what caused him to go berserk. But if it happens again, you might be the only one to stop him."
"Let's not worry about that case, and instead, focus on how much more ass this will let you kick," Tom interrupted. "If you don't object to us installing it, we can alter your suit to dock with four T-Links. And we can hand over all the system documentation so you can make them do what you want."
"t-links you say?" she was definatly interested new weapons where always interesting to the Pride of the Beta program. she grabbed the laptop and aster then tom was showing her began flipping through the information scanning the pages as they came up and in a matter of moments she had read threw the whole thing and looked directly at Mervin and tom...
"you got a simulator i can tear apart?" her tone was dead serious... she wasn't going to let them fiddle with her suit without knowing exactly what was going to happen and the best way to do that was to tear apart and first reconfigure a simuator to the Darksars specs then add the T-links on top of that... if mervin doubted her programing capabilities before he was in for quite the demonstration
30-03-2008, 05:23
((so spitbreak what happened?... oh and yes .... I know I will get killed eventually but you will need more than the atlantic fleet to win, push me back is possible but win... I still have numbers until you finish up in russia and europe... ))
((Bad post sorry... I just wanted to get one up outlining rough actions before I slept))
The republic forces in Congo had been completely routed just short of their recieving of renforcements. Now CAS forces pulled back to where their forces were before the big push for final victory. The republic was comming and this new battle would be much harder.
Mobile suits dug into forts that lined the borders of all of CAS. Forts were in the mountains of central africa to the middle of congo to the plains that bordered the atlantic ocean. Where ever this attat would come it would be met with force and with reserver forces deployed along the interor any new battle would be a good one and hopefully more costly to the republic than the CAS as CAS could always bring new troops in while the republic had to wait days for new shipments.
The sub orbital drop arrived in russia, those who participated knew that they volunteered for a suicide mission. After all there was no guarantee that the revolution was going well and that they would be of any help. Still they came, they were nationalistic idiots that wanted to show the pride of CAS, and pride they would show down to the last man.
Those in mobile suits immediately began to construct a base. The supplies contained the equipment needed tor a defensive perimeter manned with soldiers and mobile suits and inside of that the materials needed nor a medium base and short wave communications. Should they last CAS would send more troops and establish a beach head from which CAS could operate in Europe.
((you know it just occurred to me that CAS is the last remaining independent country... that means the republic won because when the republic brings more than an atlantic fleet to bear I will die))
[Atlantic Ocean]
All avalible forces from Agulhas base were scrambled to meet this new threat. Numerous submarines, surface craft and aquatic mobile suits were ready for combat. The enemy was bound to be on alert but with the first wave being submarines the forces of Agulhas had the upper hand in surprise, but until more forces came, numbers were going to be about equal (this is three submarine fleets and two surface fleets, those forces stationed at agulhas base, a submarine fleet has 25 submarines a surface fleet has 25 ships this amounts to 75 submarines and 50 ships of a total of 200 or so submarines and 150 ships present at any given time in the atlantic (most of my naval forces are in the antartic area and pacific and have not yet been called to this battle since they are not in the jurisdiction of agulhas Base... well after this battle if I win at least maintaining naval superiority over the south atlantic just got three times harder)). However, the main weapon of the fleet would the the X squadron, the top guns of the armed forces, those with the most kills, skills, and advanced GUNDAMs. hopefully they would be enough to turn the tide.
The submarines launched their initial salvo a torpedoes. They consisted of a variety of homing torpedoes ranging from magnetic to acoustic to active sonar. At least some were bound to hit and it would tie up the enemy fleet for the launch of the mobile suit squadrons.
((I hope numbers were resonable.... I have perhaps 1,000 ships total.... I dont know if thats low or high and am willing to revise that))
Spit break
30-03-2008, 05:35
OOC: light wave basicly stops at the ground, dig under it and your doomed, you also need to bring in supplies which would require a section of the barrier being dropped, you seem to have that covered though, any way if you get your ass owned you should take a fleet and head for Iran or depending how far our forces get, the nearest friendly port
30-03-2008, 14:11
((yes I am aware of that, however being the most heavily defended base on the continent... if it falls it generally means that CAS is about to fall to so... yea to get in via ground you have to get through the rest of CAS or via sea however many ships and drones to get to the port itself... (two exits, one sea, one land sea.... well unauthorised ships get blown out of the water quickly enough and unles its a sub entry can still be barred))
31-03-2008, 06:20
"t-links you say?" she was definatly interested new weapons where always interesting to the Pride of the Beta program. she grabbed the laptop and aster then tom was showing her began flipping through the information scanning the pages as they came up and in a matter of moments she had read threw the whole thing and looked directly at Mervin and tom...
"you got a simulator i can tear apart?" her tone was dead serious... she wasn't going to let them fiddle with her suit without knowing exactly what was going to happen and the best way to do that was to tear apart and first reconfigure a simuator to the Darksars specs then add the T-links on top of that... if mervin doubted her programing capabilities before he was in for quite the demonstration
Mervin blinked. "Sure, we can block one off for you," he said. "What do you want to do, add the links into the program?"
"That's probably a lot better than building the damn thing in and finding out it doesn't work," replied Tom, "and we were designing it mostly with Terra in mind, so it might need some tinkering."
"You do know how long that will take, right?" Mervin asked.
Tom shrugged. "She can program an operating system in the heat of battle. This is probably child's play, am I right?" He handed Star the laptop. "What I would give to be able to do that."
The door slid open and the Union pilots walked in. Nelson was looking a lot better, but he was taking care to keep his head steady. He had a bad case of 5 o'clock shadow and his uniform jacket wasn't even buttoned. But at least he was up and about. "We miss anything?"
Higher Brazilam
01-04-2008, 03:14
[QUOTE=Kratna X2;13559754]"the reports from the milliary commanders indicate thatt he remaining rebelious eliments have been delt with so its safe again for civiliens to move into the extra space in the combined structures."dr gothart began "our primary concern was the chance of the Beta's escaping but we've issued them there tracking tags and used the same lockdown procedures as the Omega facility so the chances getting into the substructure are remote, but we have contingancy plans for such an event"
"forgive me Mr. president" benjamin interupted " but i donot share Dr. Gotharts optomisem. while we might be in space and the republic does indeed controle space and the colonys in my opinion the more confines space og the omege facility was a wiser option then the seeming freedon of the colony"
Brendon listend to Dr. Wright's comment. He nodded and said, "I understand your concern Benjamin. You need not do so. When I make my arrival to New Terra, I will unveil the plans for them that will end this war, and all wars in the future." Sage finished telling them, "That is the promise that I have made to myself, and that is something you both know as well..."
AOI Base
As Jacob continued to wonder about the matter, he couldn't help but feel utterly useless. He couldn't stop a battle, he couldn't help his friends in distress, and trying to calm those he cared for seemed to make matters worse. His mind was able to recount that single Gundam who seemed to be causing him so much stress. Who seemed to be fighting for neither the Republic, nor the resistance. "Hades... What do you want from me?" and with that, the bar snapped in half and Jacob quickly dropped it. He ran into the Great White to avoid any attention...
Jacob went into the Great White and finally had some time to himself. He walked the halls simply wondering to himself that same question: "What does Hades want from me? Would it be better if I was to find him?"
Spit break
01-04-2008, 03:30
"Another matter is we need to appoint a commander of the mobile suit forces that will be with the main force" Talho said bringing up the next thing on the list to discuss. She looked over a list of candidates "What about the SOF 4th squad? the show promise" Mu said looking at the same list "That is true but the 33rd squadron in the 18th mobile group also shows vary good promise" Holland said to them both putting the list down in front of him.
"Why don't we split command? Send general Waltfeld to be supreme commander of our forces there to look after them, while the 4th and 33rd command things in field" Talho recommended. It was a vary good plan, question if it would pull off or not was the question "Lets do it" Mu said, Holland quickly agreed making all things needed to be discussed done with,
OOC: new minor characters coming
Kratna X2
01-04-2008, 15:01
((so spitbreak what happened?... oh and yes .... I know I will get killed eventually but you will need more than the atlantic fleet to win, push me back is possible but win... I still have numbers until you finish up in russia and europe... ))
((ooc: i could kill you in this post if i wanted since youve so kingly detailed your base defences and attack capabilities and even wit a wild card up your sleave your demise would be asured... but that dont work for the over all story does it so you will live for quite a while yet
The republic forces in Congo had been completely routed just short of their recieving of renforcements. Now CAS forces pulled back to where their forces were before the big push for final victory. The republic was comming and this new battle would be much harder.
Mobile suits dug into forts that lined the borders of all of CAS. Forts were in the mountains of central africa to the middle of congo to the plains that bordered the atlantic ocean. Where ever this attat would come it would be met with force and with reserver forces deployed along the interor any new battle would be a good one and hopefully more costly to the republic than the CAS as CAS could always bring new troops in while the republic had to wait days for new shipments.
((ooc: noted and given the curent state of troops in africa perfictly acceptable))
The sub orbital drop arrived in russia, those who participated knew that they volunteered for a suicide mission. After all there was no guarantee that the revolution was going well and that they would be of any help. Still they came, they were nationalistic idiots that wanted to show the pride of CAS, and pride they would show down to the last man.
Those in mobile suits immediately began to construct a base. The supplies contained the equipment needed tor a defensive perimeter manned with soldiers and mobile suits and inside of that the materials needed nor a medium base and short wave communications. Should they last CAS would send more troops and establish a beach head from which CAS could operate in Europe.
((you know it just occurred to me that CAS is the last remaining independent country... that means the republic won because when the republic brings more than an atlantic fleet to bear I will die))
((ooc: i just wanna know where in russia you "droped" and exactly what because depending on what you drop depends where it will be use full eg: basic troops just north of the georga border or near novogorad or kazan would be a good spot, your key pilot would be better used just south of volograd))
[Atlantic Ocean]
All avalible forces from Agulhas base were scrambled to meet this new threat. Numerous submarines, surface craft and aquatic mobile suits were ready for combat. The enemy was bound to be on alert but with the first wave being submarines the forces of Agulhas had the upper hand in surprise, but until more forces came, numbers were going to be about equal (this is three submarine fleets and two surface fleets, those forces stationed at agulhas base, a submarine fleet has 25 submarines a surface fleet has 25 ships this amounts to 75 submarines and 50 ships of a total of 200 or so submarines and 150 ships present at any given time in the atlantic (most of my naval forces are in the antartic area and pacific and have not yet been called to this battle since they are not in the jurisdiction of agulhas Base... well after this battle if I win at least maintaining naval superiority over the south atlantic just got three times harder)). However, the main weapon of the fleet would the the X squadron, the top guns of the armed forces, those with the most kills, skills, and advanced GUNDAMs. hopefully they would be enough to turn the tide.
The submarines launched their initial salvo a torpedoes. They consisted of a variety of homing torpedoes ranging from magnetic to acoustic to active sonar. At least some were bound to hit and it would tie up the enemy fleet for the launch of the mobile suit squadrons.
((I hope numbers were resonable.... I have perhaps 1,000 ships total.... I dont know if thats low or high and am willing to revise that))
((ooc: it dosn't bother me but i would say that would have to be the bulk of your atlantic fleats sure theres reserve forces and coastal defences but 1000 ships... yeah thats the bulk of your entire atlantic fleat so feel free to alter those number but theres law saying you have to... also i'm not gona reply to this part yet cause as i said its gonna be a couple in game days for them to get there so we will likely mostly focus on your drop forces cause there closer to whats actualy going on... oh and Scandinavia and europe are still standing against the repulic
Kratna X2
01-04-2008, 15:10
Mervin blinked. "Sure, we can block one off for you," he said. "What do you want to do, add the links into the program?"
"That's probably a lot better than building the damn thing in and finding out it doesn't work," replied Tom, "and we were designing it mostly with Terra in mind, so it might need some tinkering."
"You do know how long that will take, right?" Mervin asked.
Tom shrugged. "She can program an operating system in the heat of battle. This is probably child's play, am I right?" He handed Star the laptop. "What I would give to be able to do that."
The door slid open and the Union pilots walked in. Nelson was looking a lot better, but he was taking care to keep his head steady. He had a bad case of 5 o'clock shadow and his uniform jacket wasn't even buttoned. But at least he was up and about. "We miss anything?"
dispite being lost in the data of the T-links star still noted there entry "just the lates weapon in my arsonal" she said with almost child like glee "i just cant mak out if these are continueis beam, pulse or variable between the two... humm i supose both would be workable in there own right depnding on the target and attack patren also the recharge time from power depleation" she was already doing the calculations in her head "Ooo that would hert" she muttert ti her self as she pictures a cyckling contiueis eam one fireing while the rest recharged with no let uptime between the inividual shots... big things where definatly gonna die
Spit break
02-04-2008, 00:49
As the council left there meeting room "I want all personal on deck at attention once preparations and repairs are complete" Talho said as she put a file folder under her arm and walked out the door. Mu nodded in agreement and they split there separate ways. Talho had one final thing to take care of as she went to Stoners room. She knocked and was let in "Alterations we'd like to recommend they won't effect the plan as a whole just help us" she told him handing him the folder. He took the folded and nodded "alright I will look over your idea, make my changes and then submit it once we meet again, oh must be 20-30 minutes from now" Stoner told her, she just nodded and left the room, the door locking behind her.
Kratna X2
02-04-2008, 01:16
Brendon listend to Dr. Wright's comment. He nodded and said, "I understand your concern Benjamin. You need not do so. When I make my arrival to New Terra, I will unveil the plans for them that will end this war, and all wars in the future." Sage finished telling them, "That is the promise that I have made to myself, and that is something you both know as well..."
"of course the future" benjamen muttered "well dispite my misgivings about moving to the colony i have to agree with Dr. gothart's assesment of the security of the colony. we are safe up here.. even given the statistical improbabilirty of the revolutionary elements suceading theres nothing the world can do to reach us as we are in nominal conctol of all the massdrivers save the one in the CAS"
"well then president sage" Dr. Marissa gothart began " save any concerns from the military heads and other civilain bodys New terra is ready for the public"
AOI Base
As Jacob continued to wonder about the matter, he couldn't help but feel utterly useless. He couldn't stop a battle, he couldn't help his friends in distress, and trying to calm those he cared for seemed to make matters worse. His mind was able to recount that single Gundam who seemed to be causing him so much stress. Who seemed to be fighting for neither the Republic, nor the resistance. "Hades... What do you want from me?" and with that, the bar snapped in half and Jacob quickly dropped it. He ran into the Great White to avoid any attention...
Jacob went into the Great White and finally had some time to himself. He walked the halls simply wondering to himself that same question: "What does Hades want from me? Would it be better if I was to find him?"
((ooc: jacob to the confrence room jacob to the confrence room :D ))
Higher Brazilam
02-04-2008, 01:33
"of course the future" benjamen muttered "well dispite my misgivings about moving to the colony i have to agree with Dr. gothart's assesment of the security of the colony. we are safe up here.. even given the statistical improbabilirty of the revolutionary elements suceading theres nothing the world can do to reach us as we are in nominal conctol of all the massdrivers save the one in the CAS"
"well then president sage" Dr. Marissa gothart began " save any concerns from the military heads and other civilain bodys New terra is ready for the public"
((ooc: jacob to the confrence room jacob to the confrence room :D ))
White House
"Excellent. I have awaited this moment. Earth is well within our grasp, and space will encircle the resistance in fear to the point of where they conclude their actions futile. We are approaching the final scene of this war, and we will bring about the first united human power. This is history in the making. I encourage youboth make the best of it." The President concluded the call by saluting saying, "Order and Unity." and when they both said "Strength and Leadership" in the traditional Terran way, the call ended, and Sage was brought back to his paper work. "This will be some of the last I will ever have to do..."
Great White
(OOC: My bad. I forgot I was called. :p)
Jacob apparently didn't remember during his contemplation, but he then remembered Mervin had called him and Star to the conferance room. "Sigh... Why must I be such a burden?" and walked to the conferance room. Upon reaching it, he stood to attention not facing anyone in particular. He felt too useless to be facing Mervin and too ashamed to be facing Star, he couldn't help but push his proper manners aside this time. He asked, "I apologize I am so late. Did I miss anything important?"
Kratna X2
02-04-2008, 01:48
Jacob apparently didn't remember during his contemplation, but he then remembered Mervin had called him and Star to the conferance room. "Sigh... Why must I be such a burden?" and walked to the conferance room. Upon reaching it, he stood to attention not facing anyone in particular. He felt too useless to be facing Mervin and too ashamed to be facing Star, he couldn't help but push his proper manners aside this time. He asked, "I apologize I am so late. Did I miss anything important?"
"new toys" Star said like a kid at christmas shecouldn't wait to try these out... if they worked anything like the specs said they should the republic was in for a vary nasty suprise
((ooc: now dancougar is MIA :P ))
Kratna X2
02-04-2008, 02:04
Stoner arrived soon after Jacob "Sorry folks, council ran there meeting on, and I was advised to make some changes to the plan that i'd like to run by you all" he said as he walked in and sat down, revisions to the plan in hand that the council suggested. He was full from lunch and every thing was falling into place, soon the next phase would start.
((ooc: psst... wront meating.. this is debreifing for the great white pilots))
Spit break
02-04-2008, 02:24
OOC: my bad lol
02-04-2008, 03:22
"All right, we can wait for Jaron and the captain to discuss the upcoming mission," said Mervin, as the pilots all found a seat. "We do, however, need to go over the previous battle. I've been collecting your written reports and going over what happened, and it seems to me like the big problem was that we got spread too thin when the other suits appeared." He brought up a projector screen that displayed a map of the area they'd been fighting.
"Jacob was isolated in the middle behind the Terran line. Star was farther west until the Japanese arrived, and Nelson's team was on the eastern flank. Because the newcomers plugged up the gaps we were trying to create, the Terrans were able to solidify their position. That meant that our strike forces were cut off from general help. This forced all of you to strain yourselves just to keep your heads above the water. You all know how that ended."
"That's on me," said Nelson, leaning back into his chair. "I tried to do too much. But we had dug in, and I didn't want our attack to collapse. We were ready to turn them."
"I'm not saying you made a poor decision," said Mervin, "I'm saying your hand was forced. That's part of the advantage the Republic has right now. With numbers, they can wear us out. When we hammer out battle plans later, we definitely need to make more intelligent use of what we have. Even you, Star, although your abilities are impressive, you can only be so effective if you fight alone. We'll need to come up with better organization."
"We tried a team attack, but it was a complete failure," Adam sighed. "But I agree, we definitely need to team people up. The tricky part is figuring out who compliments who, especially with all those new Gundams out there."
"Right, that's something the officers will figure out," Mervin replied. "You've all done an incredible job coping until now. But it's only going to get harder and drag on longer." He turned to Jacob, who was looking agitated and tired. "For instance, your highness. The Terra is an unstoppable machine. But you have limits. I think that Hades is playing on that." Nelson's brow furrowed. Hades had hardly played any role in the battle. What was Mervin getting at? "It hasn't been fighting us directly, but I can see it's still wearing on you. He's taking advantage of your human limits in order to bend the machine to its will."
"So that thing's with the Terrans, then?" asked Nelson.
"I don't think so," Mervin replied. "But we still need to consider its effect. You really lost it out there, Prince Jacob. Something happened between the two of you that I don't quite understand, and you haven't been yourself. What happened out there?"
Higher Brazilam
02-04-2008, 04:39
"All right, we can wait for Jaron and the captain to discuss the upcoming mission," said Mervin, as the pilots all found a seat. "We do, however, need to go over the previous battle. I've been collecting your written reports and going over what happened, and it seems to me like the big problem was that we got spread too thin when the other suits appeared." He brought up a projector screen that displayed a map of the area they'd been fighting.
"Jacob was isolated in the middle behind the Terran line. Star was farther west until the Japanese arrived, and Nelson's team was on the eastern flank. Because the newcomers plugged up the gaps we were trying to create, the Terrans were able to solidify their position. That meant that our strike forces were cut off from general help. This forced all of you to strain yourselves just to keep your heads above the water. You all know how that ended."
"That's on me," said Nelson, leaning back into his chair. "I tried to do too much. But we had dug in, and I didn't want our attack to collapse. We were ready to turn them."
"I'm not saying you made a poor decision," said Mervin, "I'm saying your hand was forced. That's part of the advantage the Republic has right now. With numbers, they can wear us out. When we hammer out battle plans later, we definitely need to make more intelligent use of what we have. Even you, Star, although your abilities are impressive, you can only be so effective if you fight alone. We'll need to come up with better organization."
"We tried a team attack, but it was a complete failure," Adam sighed. "But I agree, we definitely need to team people up. The tricky part is figuring out who compliments who, especially with all those new Gundams out there."
"Right, that's something the officers will figure out," Mervin replied. "You've all done an incredible job coping until now. But it's only going to get harder and drag on longer." He turned to Jacob, who was looking agitated and tired. "For instance, your highness. The Terra is an unstoppable machine. But you have limits. I think that Hades is playing on that." Nelson's brow furrowed. Hades had hardly played any role in the battle. What was Mervin getting at? "It hasn't been fighting us directly, but I can see it's still wearing on you. He's taking advantage of your human limits in order to bend the machine to its will."
"So that thing's with the Terrans, then?" asked Nelson.
"I don't think so," Mervin replied. "But we still need to consider its effect. You really lost it out there, Prince Jacob. Something happened between the two of you that I don't quite understand, and you haven't been yourself. What happened out there?"
As soon as Mervin asked the question, Jaron made his way to the room to find the meeting in session. Jacob looked down and answered, "I believe that Hades was indeed trying to manipulate me to a degree. I do not however believe it was in favor of the Republic." He told the group, "All Hades told me to do was destroy everyone who was on the battlefield. He said that he and I were destined for what he called "great things". I haven't the faintest idea of what it is he wants from me. I can tell you this however, he is not fighting for us or for the Republic whoever is in there."
Jaron asked Jacob, "Is that the reason you kept firing at the mobile suits so indiscriminatly?"
Jacob nodded saying, "I think so, yes."
Jaron had to wonder about Jacob's behavior and was reminded of when he first had to face Hades. Before he was coming out of Terra exhausted and barely able to stand. Now he was able to do diplomacy right after a battle. He asked him, "What about that other time when you were being controlled by Hades? At our first group confrontation with it?"
Jacob answered, "I believe he may continue to try and control me. He says that we both have the same energy source that connects us to one another. This is something else I have wondered about, but I cannot find what it is Hades means."
Kratna X2
02-04-2008, 14:45
"All right, we can wait for Jaron and the captain to discuss the upcoming mission," said Mervin, as the pilots all found a seat. "We do, however, need to go over the previous battle. I've been collecting your written reports and going over what happened, and it seems to me like the big problem was that we got spread too thin when the other suits appeared." He brought up a projector screen that displayed a map of the area they'd been fighting.
"Jacob was isolated in the middle behind the Terran line. Star was farther west until the Japanese arrived, and Nelson's team was on the eastern flank. Because the newcomers plugged up the gaps we were trying to create, the Terrans were able to solidify their position. That meant that our strike forces were cut off from general help. This forced all of you to strain yourselves just to keep your heads above the water. You all know how that ended."
"That's on me," said Nelson, leaning back into his chair. "I tried to do too much. But we had dug in, and I didn't want our attack to collapse. We were ready to turn them."
"I'm not saying you made a poor decision," said Mervin, "I'm saying your hand was forced. That's part of the advantage the Republic has right now. With numbers, they can wear us out. When we hammer out battle plans later, we definitely need to make more intelligent use of what we have. Even you, Star, although your abilities are impressive, you can only be so effective if you fight alone. We'll need to come up with better organization."
"We tried a team attack, but it was a complete failure," Adam sighed. "But I agree, we definitely need to team people up. The tricky part is figuring out who compliments who, especially with all those new Gundams out there."
"Right, that's something the officers will figure out," Mervin replied. "You've all done an incredible job coping until now. But it's only going to get harder and drag on longer." He turned to Jacob, who was looking agitated and tired. "For instance, your highness. The Terra is an unstoppable machine. But you have limits. I think that Hades is playing on that." Nelson's brow furrowed. Hades had hardly played any role in the battle. What was Mervin getting at? "It hasn't been fighting us directly, but I can see it's still wearing on you. He's taking advantage of your human limits in order to bend the machine to its will."
"So that thing's with the Terrans, then?" asked Nelson.
"I don't think so," Mervin replied. "But we still need to consider its effect. You really lost it out there, Prince Jacob. Something happened between the two of you that I don't quite understand, and you haven't been yourself. What happened out there?"
As soon as Mervin asked the question, Jaron made his way to the room to find the meeting in session. Jacob looked down and answered, "I believe that Hades was indeed trying to manipulate me to a degree. I do not however believe it was in favor of the Republic." He told the group, "All Hades told me to do was destroy everyone who was on the battlefield. He said that he and I were destined for what he called "great things". I haven't the faintest idea of what it is he wants from me. I can tell you this however, he is not fighting for us or for the Republic whoever is in there."
Jaron asked Jacob, "Is that the reason you kept firing at the mobile suits so indiscriminatly?"
Jacob nodded saying, "I think so, yes."
Jaron had to wonder about Jacob's behavior and was reminded of when he first had to face Hades. Before he was coming out of Terra exhausted and barely able to stand. Now he was able to do diplomacy right after a battle. He asked him, "What about that other time when you were being controlled by Hades? At our first group confrontation with it?"
Jacob answered, "I believe he may continue to try and control me. He says that we both have the same energy source that connects us to one another. This is something else I have wondered about, but I cannot find what it is Hades means."
"I think the pilot of Hades has the same psycic capabilities as yourself and its this conection hes refering to." star said looking up from the t-link data "as for his ability to control you thats probably due to training on his part. after all you have to admit that for yourself anyway these abilities are raher new to you so you musent confuse inexperience with weekness."
it was just stars take on the situation. there would be know way to know the truth without a direct answer from hades or someone conected with him
03-04-2008, 05:33
"I think the pilot of Hades has the same psycic capabilities as yourself and its this conection hes refering to." star said looking up from the t-link data "as for his ability to control you thats probably due to training on his part. after all you have to admit that for yourself anyway these abilities are raher new to you so you musent confuse inexperience with weekness."
it was just stars take on the situation. there would be know way to know the truth without a direct answer from hades or someone conected with him
"I would consider that the most likely answer to the question, actually," said Mervin, "given that the two mobile suits are from the same family and have exhibited similar abilities. And your piloting styles are very similar. The fact of the matter is that we still don't know exactly how the Terra works. Most of its machinery is still inaccessible. It's very likely that Hades is exploiting a part of the system that we don't know about."
"And she's right about how new this is for you," Nelson chipped in. "We're trying to take on too much, but we keep forgetting that we don't have complete control over these things." But something told him Jacob wasn't going to accept this. Hell, he didn't want to accept his limits, either. They really needed to find some way to get around Hades' influence... but how?
Spit break
03-04-2008, 06:01
Stoner with work in his room completed and alterations to the plans complete he turned his attention to a different matter. He walked through the corridors of the ship until he reached a dead end hall way with a single door. He went inside to find a small group of people hard at work analyzing data, making computer models, and printing out detailed precise blue prints. Stoner looked over the shoulder of the man who was in charge "Give me a update" he said putting his hand on the mans shoulder. The man jumped "Sweet jesus Stoner! don't do that" the main shouted. Stoner laughed and so did others in the room "Just give me a update" Stoner asked him "Were done, all you need is to give us a production line and materials to build them" the man said pointed to the screen show two distinct mobile suit models.
"We took the basics of the entire Saviour line and molded them into these two right here, performance is that of the G2 while all the electronics and weapons are of the G3" he pointed out as he ran through the complex blue prints on the screen. Stoner smiled "Took your team three years for this eh? well Its worth it consider the story of the Saviour units" Stoner said impressed at what he was seeing. He was looking at the new mass product suits the Twilight Phoenix would use, based on the Saviour Gundam line. There names were "I-Saviour" and "J-Saviour" stoner mumbled to him self "Hey what happened to H?" he asked just for the hell of it. The man looked at him "H didn't sound right so we skipped it, any way if we can get production going we could have a battalion within a month with the right facilities, and these suits incorporate the latest, greatest, and even some thing we developed that will surprise the republic"
"So will they be as good or batter then the republics suits?" Stoner asked, since it was the key question regarding mobile suits. The man smiled at him "Better" he said swiftly "Not to mention its a hell of a lot better then those black market pieces of crap we got now, those things are weak as hell, thats why we rigged them up with ejection systems"
"Good work, I'll inform the council, hopefully you'll see these in action by the end of the year" Stoner proudly said to the entire room "thats if you can get me a place to build them" the man quickly said to carry home the point that the phoenix needed its own production lines to build the mobile suits.
"Yes, yes, yes, I know and so does the council, any way I'll take this information that we got, and good work, get to work on your next project now" Stoner encouraged them all as he left the room passing the guards. He then used his PDA to send word to council members. Within moments he got back a simple "Excellent news" reply from them all. Now he was ready for the final phase of the talks with there allies. He also needed the time to let photos develop from the battle, he got plenty of them during and before the battle, even a great shot of the capital building attack, along with video of it and other events.
OOC: the last bits of the plan shall be revealed
Kratna X2
03-04-2008, 07:21
OOC: the last bits of the plan shall be revealed
((ooc: always a good thing i meen so farme and braz have kept the overall republic plan a secret while still droping the od hint... but i just have one question... where you planning on find a production line? most are either under republic control or working flat out for there respective governments the only one that might be freed up are ones in rusia once the revolution stabilizes to the point where the people can push terra out... but then russia's gonna want its facilities.
i dont need you o reveal your plans just where you where thinking of getting hold of a faility long enough... cause if i know i can prolly make it work))
Spit break
03-04-2008, 14:06
OOC: That will all be explained during the second half of the meeting
Higher Brazilam
06-04-2008, 04:48
"I would consider that the most likely answer to the question, actually," said Mervin, "given that the two mobile suits are from the same family and have exhibited similar abilities. And your piloting styles are very similar. The fact of the matter is that we still don't know exactly how the Terra works. Most of its machinery is still inaccessible. It's very likely that Hades is exploiting a part of the system that we don't know about."
"And she's right about how new this is for you," Nelson chipped in. "We're trying to take on too much, but we keep forgetting that we don't have complete control over these things." But something told him Jacob wasn't going to accept this. Hell, he didn't want to accept his limits, either. They really needed to find some way to get around Hades' influence... but how?
Perhaps it was simply he was learning something new... Maybe the pilot of Hades was someone who had far more capabilities then he did. If he had to live knowing that, then would Hades cause a great deal more trouble for them all unless Jacob agreed to go with him and achieve what goals Hades wished. The more he thought about it, the more he began to think that he should finally learn the will of Hades by whatever means possible... But he wouldn't let anyone know that for now. Right then, he nodded and said, "I believe you are right Nelson."
06-04-2008, 05:17
Right then, he nodded and said, "I believe you are right Nelson."
"Right, so even if you are flying Gundams, you need assistance, because you're more fragile than the machines," Mervin said. "Unless the plan specifically calls for a pinpoint attack, you guys should ideally be commanders of mobile suit teams, which I guess would be drawn from our ranks or our allies. We should probably propose they use a similar organization with their Gundams."
"What about the Japanese?" asked Nelson. "They're pretty much on their own, right?"
"It seems like they'll follow the decisions of the alliance, so we might be able to split them up and integrate them so that every team has at least two Gundams," Mervin replied. "That way, if someone tough like Hades shows up, there's a better chance of the team retaining its cohesion."
Spit break
06-04-2008, 06:03
While walking to his next assignment Holland worked on his report on everything before the battle, and the battle it's self. Fresh memories were not easy to deal with for him and his sisters death had just added fuel to the flames which were his hate for the republic. The republic had taken his entire family in one way or another, he was the only was left, the last of his blood line. He was determined not to make the Tray'vak name die on some battlefield against the republic. To say it easily he, in his mind thought he wasn't doing good enough, that it was his failure to kill them all that lead to his sisters death. His lack of skill allowed so many to die in front of him. His mind was clouded by it all and as he reached his assignment he stayed quiet and began to work on the mobile suits.
Kratna X2
07-04-2008, 00:46
"I believe you are right Nelson."
"Right, so even if you are flying Gundams, you need assistance, because you're more fragile than the machines," Mervin said. "Unless the plan specifically calls for a pinpoint attack, you guys should ideally be commanders of mobile suit teams, which I guess would be drawn from our ranks or our allies. We should probably propose they use a similar organization with their Gundams."
"What about the Japanese?" asked Nelson. "They're pretty much on their own, right?"
"It seems like they'll follow the decisions of the alliance, so we might be able to split them up and integrate them so that every team has at least two Gundams," Mervin replied. "That way, if someone tough like Hades shows up, there's a better chance of the team retaining its cohesion."
team work... that may or may not work because stars "team" would have to be as adaptive as she was and depending on the success of the t-links that was about to increase
"i'm not sure how well thats going to work. any team of mine is going to have to be able to complement my fighting style which can change at any given moment if i got a bunch of ground units and i suddenly have to go airborn there left high and dry... or then theres ranged vs melee" her millitary training did include stratagy and tactics but it was generaly assumed that if a beta showed up on the feild the fight was over and stars Beta training and the Darkstar catered to this assumption
07-04-2008, 02:23
((Forces landed between the georgia border and Stalingrad (or whatever its called today in a circle with around a 100km diameter... ill let you respond first since Im the one that's landing))
Kratna X2
07-04-2008, 03:32
((Forces landed between the georgia border and Stalingrad (or whatever its called today in a circle with around a 100km diameter... ill let you respond first since Im the one that's landing))
((ooc: exelent we will be going through there some time on our way to volgogorad "stalingrad"))
"papa, papa, lookit" the little girl pointed up at the sky from where she sat in her fathers arms at the objects streiking through the air.
"what do you see my princess." he turned to look in the direction his daughter was pointing and his face turned from the usual happy look to one of fear
"ingrid Take svetlana and go inside!" he instructed his wife passing his daighter over as one of the other men in the town came running up to him
"what do you think it is?" the second man asked "do you think the republics attacking?"
"no we haven heard anything since we inprisioned there personell and its all wrong for an attack there coming from the south and there to big to be mobile suits or missiles"
"so what i--" the rest was drowend out by the sounds of them rocketing overthe buildings and impacting in the distant feilds
"i didn't know better those looked like drop pods!" the first man yelled over the faiding sound "lets get a group together and check it out"
Kratna X2
09-04-2008, 00:47
[insert crickets chirping]
Higher Brazilam
09-04-2008, 01:13
team work... that may or may not work because stars "team" would have to be as adaptive as she was and depending on the success of the t-links that was about to increase
"i'm not sure how well thats going to work. any team of mine is going to have to be able to complement my fighting style which can change at any given moment if i got a bunch of ground units and i suddenly have to go airborn there left high and dry... or then theres ranged vs melee" her millitary training did include stratagy and tactics but it was generaly assumed that if a beta showed up on the feild the fight was over and stars Beta training and the Darkstar catered to this assumption
[insert crickets chirping]
OOC: Yeah, I wasn't sure what to add in. Sorry. Here's another post.
IC: Jacob understood Star's desire to have members of matching fighting capabilities. It was part of her character to be competitive with those even who were her allies. Jacob simply asked, "If you want to find, how do you plan on fitting yourself with other possible squadmates?"
09-04-2008, 13:37
team work... that may or may not work because stars "team" would have to be as adaptive as she was and depending on the success of the t-links that was about to increase
"i'm not sure how well thats going to work. any team of mine is going to have to be able to complement my fighting style which can change at any given moment if i got a bunch of ground units and i suddenly have to go airborn there left high and dry... or then theres ranged vs melee" her millitary training did include stratagy and tactics but it was generaly assumed that if a beta showed up on the feild the fight was over and stars Beta training and the Darkstar catered to this assumption
"The idea is that the teams would be balanced enough so you don't have to shoulder all that load yourself," Mervin replied. "It's not like you'll have to tackle every new threat that appears on the battlefield. One of you could specialize in ground, one in the air."
"Or you could devote yourself to melee and let the rest of your squad handle ranged combat," offered Nelson. "That's what I was doing."
"Believe it or not, we can hit our targets," Adam said. "Seriously, we know you can fight anywhere, anytime, anyhow. But it's okay to be able to rely on others, otherwise you push yourself too hard and end up like this numbskull over here." He punched Nelson in the shoulder.
"Exactly," Nelson replied, "and with another Gundam able to take some of that load, you extend your own combat time."
Spit break
09-04-2008, 19:14
OOC: sorry for my disappearence people comp is in the shop it will be back to me friday
Kratna X2
11-04-2008, 02:14
Jacob understood Star's desire to have members of matching fighting capabilities. It was part of her character to be competitive with those even who were her allies. Jacob simply asked, "If you want to find, how do you plan on fitting yourself with other possible squadmates?"
"The idea is that the teams would be balanced enough so you don't have to shoulder all that load yourself," Mervin replied. "It's not like you'll have to tackle every new threat that appears on the battlefield. One of you could specialize in ground, one in the air."
"Or you could devote yourself to melee and let the rest of your squad handle ranged combat," offered Nelson. "That's what I was doing."
"Believe it or not, we can hit our targets," Adam said. "Seriously, we know you can fight anywhere, anytime, anyhow. But it's okay to be able to rely on others, otherwise you push yourself too hard and end up like this numbskull over here." He punched Nelson in the shoulder.
"Exactly," Nelson replied, "and with another Gundam able to take some of that load, you extend your own combat time."
damn them and there valid points she knew they where right because when she had fought with that asian fellow in the previous battle the pair had decimated the terran formation but they where both fighting melee
"fne" she grumbled "if you think you can find a team thats going to be able to work with me then i'll try it. if not well i have my toys" she held up the pad with the info on the t-links on it
11-04-2008, 03:14
OOC: Away for a long weekend, back Sunday night. Use my characters as needed. :-)
Kratna X2
11-04-2008, 03:16
((ooc: could have replied first :P))
Spit break
11-04-2008, 04:49
OOC: true, and im back early by a day good ole upgrades done now i wait
Kratna X2
11-04-2008, 04:54
OOC: true, and im back early by a day good ole upgrades done now i wait
((ooc: well lets go play i newark or where ever it was... or try and get an agent into new terra that might even be possable... just kill time with side plots))
Spit break
11-04-2008, 05:01
OOC: could also put spot lights else where, China, Australia, or getting a agent into space lol be interesting how to pull it off, hmm pick a space port
Kratna X2
11-04-2008, 05:53
OOC: could also put spot lights else where, China, Australia, or getting a agent into space lol be interesting how to pull it off, hmm pick a space port
((well write something up and i'll capture the dumb ones or just kill them... the onrs that mgith would i'll let through))
Spit break
11-04-2008, 06:07
((well write something up and i'll capture the dumb ones or just kill them... the onrs that mgith would i'll let through))
OOC: or perhaps like 3 or 4 make it through and it turns into a man hunt, say you capture all but the elusive ring leader
Kratna X2
11-04-2008, 13:15
OOC: or perhaps like 3 or 4 make it through and it turns into a man hunt, say you capture all but the elusive ring leader
((ooc: whatever you think will work... well have fun just remember how tight security was at omega))
Spit break
11-04-2008, 19:26
OOC: yeah new terra will be no picnic, I should attempted to get the "one" off new terra and get info to the alliance, hmm this should prove fun especially the interrogation of the others, alright here I go
A group of three men watched as a shuttle was being loaded "Are you sure?" one asked about the insane plan there team leader came up with "Yeah im sure, to find out whats going on in space we have to get on a shuttle, and this is our chance to get on one" the group leader said as he watched the ground crew leave for a minute for some reason. The team leader waited a second "Now!" he said as they began to run, they ran all the way to the shuttle and jumped into the open cargo area and they all hid behind various pieces of large cargo not making a sound. Before long the ground crew came back and closed the hatch leaving only the blue lights of the cargo area on as they should be. They then gathered at the back of the cargo area to prepare for take off.
Kratna X2
12-04-2008, 01:16
OOC: yeah new terra will be no picnic, I should attempted to get the "one" off new terra and get info to the alliance, hmm this should prove fun especially the interrogation of the others, alright here I go
((ooc: sounds good it all depends on how far i decide to let you get before catching you))
A group of three men watched as a shuttle was being loaded "Are you sure?" one asked about the insane plan there team leader came up with "Yeah im sure, to find out whats going on in space we have to get on a shuttle, and this is our chance to get on one" the group leader said as he watched the ground crew leave for a minute for some reason. The team leader waited a second "Now!" he said as they began to run, they ran all the way to the shuttle and jumped into the open cargo area and they all hid behind various pieces of large cargo not making a sound. Before long the ground crew came back and closed the hatch leaving only the blue lights of the cargo area on as they should be. They then gathered at the back of the cargo area to prepare for take off.
"you know tom i really hate these perishable runs"one of the pilots griped as he finished the prelaunch checks "keeping the cargo bay pressurized and oxyginated really eats alot of power"
"i know what you meen Larry. the cargo should really be in sealed containers so we dont have to worry and just focus on flying the damn shuttle" Tom replied before opening the coms the the main tower "this is shuttle Helo gamma five oh nine to tower all systems check green. requesting clearence for catapult alignment"
roger that helo gamma five oh nine. you are cleared for alignment
"acknolaged moving ito position"
the shuttle taxied into position with ground crews making sure it was posistioned for connection to the launching mechanisem folowing the signals of the man on the ground.
the alignment lights light up shortly followed by an incoming message from the tower "shuttle HG509 we show alignment"
"confermed tower we have alignment"
"Roger that we are transfering launch control over to you. safe journy"
Tom waited a moment and the punched the launch key starting the acelleration that would shoot them down the length of the massdriver and then up into space and 3 hours after that the would dock with the bakers ridge section of new terra
Spit break
12-04-2008, 04:41
The three of them braced them selfs with what ever was close by during take off, which went the straps holding the cargo down. Once they cleared the atmosphere and the shuttle got down to normal speed they relaxed and let go and got down to work "Alright you guys didn't forget anything right?" the group leader asked the other two "Money, check, guns, check, explosives, check, magazine check, location of ID maker check" one of them said going through every thing. The leader smiled "Good once we get our ID we can move around freely in civilian areas, we should also be able to get our selfs a house from him if our information about this guy is correct" he said. It would be a long trip to new terra, so they did the only thing they could do, pull out a deck of cards and play for the next few hours.
Kratna X2
12-04-2008, 05:49
The three of them braced them selfs with what ever was close by during take off, which went the straps holding the cargo down. Once they cleared the atmosphere and the shuttle got down to normal speed they relaxed and let go and got down to work "Alright you guys didn't forget anything right?" the group leader asked the other two "Money, check, guns, check, explosives, check, magazine check, location of ID maker check" one of them said going through every thing. The leader smiled "Good once we get our ID we can move around freely in civilian areas, we should also be able to get our selfs a house from him if our information about this guy is correct" he said. It would be a long trip to new terra, so they did the only thing they could do, pull out a deck of cards and play for the next few hours.
((ooc: step one get out of the docking bay))
"shuttle HG509 to new terra we are making our final aproach"
We have you on or scanns shuttle please transfer cargo manifest and ready for docking clearence
"understood new terra trasfering manifest now" tom hit acouple buttons and the list went across to the docking authority
Manafest received you are cleared to dock at birth 14 charlie prep shuttle for inspection
"understood new terra" Tomm guided the shuttle in to the docking bay and with a few gental nudges on the controls felt the clamp catch the shuttle and the airlocks conect with the hatches "alright now we wait for the inspection teams to give us the once over and then the dock hands can unload the cargo"
"i hear that... i'll be glad to get off this barge" larry said as he starting the shutdown procedures
meanwhile down at t he cargo hatch the dock hands and ispection team where assembling. "alright boys standard inspection prcedures. verify manifest and check for stowaways... unlikely i know but it was a pressurized hold so its not imposable"
there where afew chuckles from the other team members... therehad never been a rcorded case of stowaways in terran colonial history but it was never an acctual imposability...
Spit break
12-04-2008, 07:08
Cards was not the only thing they did during the long 3 hour trip to New Terra, they made sure they had a way out to get past the inspection team. They propped up some of the deck plating and hid inside in areas where they could fit. After getting in they tightened the bolts back up just enough not to look any different. Just in case they were, they knew there was another way around that, they crawled though the tight area between the inner and outer hull of the cargo bay floor to a spot away from the deck plating they removed and stayed quiet. They would wait for the dock hands to start unloading, take a couple out and take there uniforms. They couldn't do that with the inspection team, difference of the team going in and out would raise alarms right away. Dock crews on the other hand had new people behind hired every day so new people would be common.