NationStates Jolt Archive

The Bloody Sunday War

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The Far Echo Islands
04-09-2007, 02:44

Official Declaration of War

JOINT RESOLUTION Declaring that a state of war exists between the Government of The Ryou Black Isles and the Government and the people of the Confederate States of the Far Echo Islands and making provisions to prosecute the same.
Whereas the Government of The Ryou Black Isles has committed unprovoked acts of war against the Government and the people of the Confederate States of the Far Echo Islands:
Therefore be it Resolved by the Senate of the Confederate States of the Far Echo Islands in Congress assembled, that the state of war between the Confederate States and the Government of The Ryou Black Isles which has thus been thrust upon the Confederate States is hereby formally declared; and the Grand Arbiter is hereby authorized and directed to employ the entire naval and military forces of the Confederate States and the resources of the Government to carry on war against the Government of the Ryou Black Isles; and, to bring the conflict to a successful termination, all of the resources of the country are hereby pledged by the Congress of the Confederate States.

Grant Norse, Grand Arbiter
Lenard Levanksi, Arbiter of the Senate
Carroll Hennessey, Sectary of State
Arnold Nugeen, Sectary of the Department of Defense
Tyler Iric, Head of the Joint Chiefs of Staff

{OOC Thread here (}
The Far Echo Islands
04-09-2007, 02:57
*War Room, Ice Box, New St. Petersburg*

"We are officially at war with the Ryou Black Isles as of 2 minutes ago. “The Grand Arbiter began as he strode in front of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. "In order to bring this war to a quick end, I propose cutting off the head of the snake that is the Royun government. These Ballistic missiles should be effective in eliminating the 5 most likely places for the leaders to be. However, I need your approval to launch such an attack, do I have it?"

"Aye." Was the unanimous response.

*Avera, Carbia Province*

Average, bland, every day. News of the war had not yet reached the small town of Avera on the centeral part of Georgia Island, the town was stagnant as the water in the nearby swamp, a single library internet connection and three phone lines connected the 243 person populus to the outside world, but reality would set in all too fast.

In a clearing, about a outside of the main part of the town sat a clearing in the dicidious forest. Nothing too conspicious, but large enough that is was commonly used as deer hunting land, and the forest all around it was thick for being so close to a town. A hunter sat in a stand, sighting a deer throught the scope of a thirty-aught-six rifle, he is just about to pull the trigger, then, the ground shook. The deer scurried away, and the hunter said a quick curse. But then he said prayers to God, asking to go to heaven, as 5 ICBM missile shot up from the cleaing headed toward the The Ryou Black Islands capitiol. Each carried a deadly tonne of conventional explosives, they're objective was to eliminate the The Ryou Black Islands' leadership. It wasn't know about the The Ryou Black Islands' missile defense systems, but they hoped such a new nation wouldn't have much of one.
04-09-2007, 03:10
The Principality of Fordeck would like to send a contingent of it's military to help The Far Echo Islands. These troops need experience. They will be sent aboard Our transport Ships. The contingent is approximately 5000 fighting men and 5000 supporting troops (Logistics) or 2 Legions in our units. They are to be led by General Smakn Lopon. They are standardly armed according to our Procedures. This also includes a sniper contingent. We are willing to take your orders but the force is to stay united. We advise you use our snipers well as they are some of the top ranked in the world. We would also ask where you would like us to land our forces.

Tozo Tramine
Defense Minister of Fordock
The Ryou Black Islands
04-09-2007, 03:18
Tag for later
04-09-2007, 15:38
OOC: CFEI, can we assume that my troops are already at Neo Savanna for this thread?
04-09-2007, 18:04
OOC: Wow. You really like this Nazi analogy, Ryou. CFEI, I'm going to redo my troop arrivals.
IC: The Kiravian fleet docked at the naval yard at Neo Savvana Base. Already, the troops were adjusting to their mission. Missile ships were on Green Alert, and one of thesoldiers had developed a way to write Arkik in the Coscivian style of written language. General Irishford arranged a meeting with the Echo Island's top officers, so that a plan could be worked out.
04-09-2007, 18:20
Maldorian Base Camp, The Ryou Black Islands

With the reports of ballistic missile launches, men scurried left and right in an effort to take down those missiles. In a few minutes, Arrow missiles and Patriot missiles were soon fired from their launch pads. These missiles were specificially designed to intercept and destroy ballistic missiles before they could touch the ground...

Meanwhile, the small Maldorian air group had been on idle. Every so often, a small scouting group of 2 Su-37's would take to the skies and fly around The Ryou Black Islands. Anything out of the ordinary would soon be investigated.
04-09-2007, 18:51
3 Mig-27's flew in a V formation towards TRBI. A few miles behind that was 3 Su-37's, 3 B-52 bombers, and 6 Eurofighters all sent to intercepet the missiles sent towards TRBI. The Mig's were sent to protect TRBI incase infantry troops or aircraft were to come and attack TRBI.

To The Ryou Black Islands Government

We fully stand by your step against The Far Echo Islands and we plan on helping you. We have already sent a few aircraft to intercept the missiles, and a 80 ship fleet of 19 Irondecks, 18 Seastabbers, 30 Oscar-class subs, 2 Davidson-class superdreadnought, 10 Yeketira-class cruisers, and 2 Nimitz carriers will be sent to protect you as well.
04-09-2007, 20:40
General Lopon awoke. He was right where he was before at the main military drill camp in a classified location on the peninsula that was Fordock. As he awoke he had an ominous feeling. He knew not way but he went on with his day at normal.

Mostly what Lopon did was discuss Strategy. He was a traditional Fordockian general more likely to lead at the back with strategy the lead at the front with bravery. In fact that was the largest problem with the Fordockian Military. Moral. He knew his snipers were good though. Hell they were ranked in the top 5 snipers at the world. Lopon thought "I suppose sticking with Bolt Action rifles and valuing accuracy gets you somewhere" reflecting on the odd tactics Fordock used to benefit their snipers and help their bolt action rifle wielding troops.

As Lopon pondered this a busy secretary came running and handed him a telegram. He looked at it and the first audible thing that escaped his mouth quite loudly was "Shit."

It was an official letter from the foreign minister. The foreign minister was a weird one and newly elected. In summarization it meant he was to take 2 legions to assist The Far Echo Islands against some sort of aggressor. Well looks like the days plans were off. He called an assembly in the central parade ground.

General Lopon addressed his troops. They were to help repel an assault from The Ryou Black Islands on the Far Echo Islands. They were Foreign Conflicts and Lopon had no idea why Fordock was getting involved in them but at his heart he was a career solider and obeyed his orders. Now of course he had to make a good motivational speech to get his men ready to fight in die in some islands in the middle of nowhere.

"Men I call you forth today now for a most dread reason. Fordock has officially gone to war against the Ryou Black Islands who are attacking the Far Echo Islands. These people, if they can even be called that, from the Ryou Black Islands want to kill you and take away your freedom. Sure it is not us this time but the next time it could be. So take to your weapons and let us fight for honor, peace, and glory!"

The men Let out a hearty cheer as Lobon was a popular leader who did not take unnecessary risks. They waited eagerly to hear the deployment orders.

Lopon began again "Alpha and Bravo legions you are to join me for the defense. We will board our transports in the port of Meskrat due 60 miles are so SWW. To get there we will take some jeeps that are around here. Then we will proceed to the Far Echo islands on transports and accompanied by our latest addition to the navy the Kensignton Class Battleship. Once we finally arrive we will set up a defense. We must take orders from the Far Echo Islands until further notice so treat there men as you would ares. Now we prepare. Dismissed until move out at 0500 hours."

The men Moved on and began to busy themselves to prepare for the coming day. Many rounds were fired at the range and the busy click of an FBAR was heard all around the camp. Lopon retired to await the morning. He had strategy to work out and his head was swirling with numbers. Eventually he grew tired and fell asleep waiting for 0400 to wake up.

OOC- Just uploaded a map of Fordock to my NS Wiki page. Military is still not updated thought. Also Meshkrat is the port south of the big black wall.
The Ryou Black Islands
04-09-2007, 23:17
The Ryou's plan for fighting was to fight the enemy at sea, to make sure that the enemy Naval forces would be weak and not able to protect the Far Echo Islands.

What Few Submarines the Ryous had were soon on the attack, hunting in wolf packs agaisnt enemy Shipping, makeing the seas unsafe for the enemy. Neutral Nations were warned not to enter the Waters off the Far Echo Islands, for they were a War zone.

Pirates were also operating in the waters, Payed by the Ryou Empire, these Pirates were based on The Ryou City Ship of Rantakiau, a floating city 13.0 km² (5.0 mi²). 12.6 km² (4.9 mi²) in size and 5,294 in pop.

but it was Surface Raiders that were the real part of The War with The CFEI, Cargo Ships and tankers were turned into Warships. The Largest one was a Supertanker named The Devil's Promenade, and it hwas armed with Missile Launchers and 16 inch Guns that were hiden in Cargo Containers on the deck.

This was a Tonnage War.

The Ryou Imperial Navy wa salso starting Operations on the high seas.
The Ryou Black Islands
04-09-2007, 23:38
3 Mig-27's flew in a V formation towards TRBI. A few miles behind that was 3 Su-37's, 3 B-52 bombers, and 6 Eurofighters all sent to intercepet the missiles sent towards TRBI. The Mig's were sent to protect TRBI incase infantry troops or aircraft were to come and attack TRBI.

To The Ryou Black Islands Government

We fully stand by your step against The Far Echo Islands and we plan on helping you. We have already sent a few aircraft to intercept the missiles, and a 80 ship fleet of 19 Irondecks, 18 Seastabbers, 30 Oscar-class subs, 2 Davidson-class superdreadnought, 10 Yeketira-class cruisers, and 2 Nimitz carriers will be sent to protect you as well.

We thank you for your help.
04-09-2007, 23:43
Back in Kartika, The Defence Secriat had put the Missile Defence System on full alert. It was a newly designed system, compared to most, and had little chance of intercepting a missile if it was not at readiness. If it was alert, on the other hand, no one would notice that there was a missile in the first place. The Empire was also sending extra armanments and troops to any colonies near the CFEI.
The Ryou Black Islands
05-09-2007, 02:51
05-09-2007, 03:33

Official Declaration of War

Zoingo supports its ally TFEI, and its war to stop the compleatly false propoganda placed on TFEI in the International Community. We will be sending troops and a navy to make sure this kind of thing never happens again from The Ryou Black Islands. As for the supporters to TRBI as you call it, "bring it on".

occ: a new begining to the previous corrupt thread, and isn't this new thread invite only?
05-09-2007, 03:37

TO: Grant Norse, Grand Arbiter, Confederate States of the Far Echo Islands
FROM: Tyler Hutchins, Prime Minister, Commonwealth of Tolvan

RE: Hostilities

It seems that once again your nation and the the near constant state of hostilities it finds itself in is threatening Tolvanic interests. The Commonwealth will not allow instability to spread unchecked. To that end we are bolstering our naval presence in the area in order to monitor the situation and to protect Tolvanic interest. We have no interests in the outcome of this war, but rest assured any attack upon a Tolvanic ship will be considered an act of war and met accordingly.

Message copied to the Government of the Ryou Black Isles

90 knots northwest of Meshkrat, Fordock

The escort carrier Sandover and its three escorts took up positions near the shipping lanes the Fordockan transport would would have to travel in order to reach the CFEI. For now they were tasked with watching the Fordockans to ensure that did nothing to threaten the Commonwealth's interests.

OOC: I assumed this thread was open, if not then consider this a request to join as I've had ships stationed near CFEI since the spat with BL over dolphin rights and it's logical that I monitor the situation.
The Ryou Black Islands
05-09-2007, 19:10
05-09-2007, 21:15

Kiravian Empire

Permissum Astrum Subleuco

Imperial Secriat of Intelligence

Strategic Sociology Office

Greetings. This communiqué is to inform the government and people of the Ryou Black Islands that they have been added to a list compiled by the Office of Strategic Sociology, of 349 "groups and societies considered uncivilized, unstable, and/or backwards". According to the Empire and its client, associated, affiliated, external member, and allied states, you are now officially classified as Barbarians. The Empire, in partial accordance to the Barbarian Policy set down by the Imperialization Commission, will also treat you without mercy, as you have promised upon us. We hope that you are now informed. There is some information below which you should keep, should you wish to apply for Freed Enemy or War Refugee status with the Empire later on.

Number of Admittance to the Barbarian List: #349
Cultural Development Deficiency Level: Considerable
National Group Serial Number: DZ1496066B

We hope that this information will aid you in the future.


Vandiküren Coalforest

Vandiküren Coalforest
Officer of Strategic Sociology
The Ryou Black Islands
06-09-2007, 15:37
The Ryous soon decided to make sure that the enemy never got Renforcements.

The Ryou Fleet was ordered to stop the convoy coming from Meshkrat in the enemy Nation of Fordock at all costs.

The Ryous soon sent a message to the Tolvan Government

Keep out of this, The Far Echo Island Nazis bought this on them selves. Protecting them or sideing with them will only be bad for you.

The Two Nemesis Class Supercarriers, 10 Destroyers and 3 Battleships were sent to stop the enemy Convoy. a Message was sent to The Maldorians and The Grestonians.

****Encrypted Message****

You are allowed to land your planes on our Two Carriers to help in The Attack on The enemy Convoy.

****End Message****
06-09-2007, 21:52
The men were on the ships. We were just traveling along all 10,000 of us plus the navy personal manning the ships. Then suddenly an noise was heard. And hell broke lose.

Klaxon alarms blared as the decks flashed red. "Planes". The Sergent ran. "To stations people move move move". We all ran now. The JAU-64's escorting the Fordockians went into attack formation. They fought against an ever increasing amount of planes. The infantry man took pot shots. Hell 1 sniper brought down a Helicopter.

In the air Major Yarmine Favis was fighting. He zoomed by sending another plane up in flames. But his men were beginning to lose. They were out numbered. However he refused to abandon the ships as after that the transport were doomed. The enemy planes rushed for his transports knocking down a good many. Then the ships batteries opened up. (OOC-

Suddenly it seemed like their was hope. The pining of metal and missiles as enemy planes were destroyed was music to his ears. The engagement ended with the enemy retreating back with some of their force still intact. A small victory for Fordock

OOC- Casualties I'm estimating are 2000 Fordockian Infantry dead, I've lost 60 of my 100 JAU-64 Planes. You have lost about 100 Planes of the total of 140 you can carry including both Nemisis carriers. . This will probably change when I figure out what panes you are using. Feel free to make complaints and links to the statistics of all my stuff is on my Wiki page.
The Ryou Black Islands
06-09-2007, 22:17
The men were on the ships. We were just traveling along all 10,000 of us plus the navy personal manning the ships. Then suddenly an noise was heard. And hell broke lose.

Klaxon alarms blared as the decks flashed red. "Planes". The Sergent ran. "To stations people move move move". We all ran now. The JAU-64's escorting the Fordockians went into attack formation. They fought against an ever increasing amount of planes. The infantry man took pot shots. Hell 1 sniper brought down a Helicopter.

In the air Major Yarmine Favis was fighting. He zoomed by sending another plane up in flames. But his men were beginning to lose. They were out numbered. However he refused to abandon the ships as after that the transport were doomed. The enemy planes rushed for his transports knocking down a good many. Then the ships batteries opened up. (OOC-

Suddenly it seemed like their was hope. The pining of metal and missiles as enemy planes were destroyed was music to his ears. The engagement ended with the enemy retreating back with some of their force still intact. A small victory for Fordock

OOC- Casualties I'm estimating are 2000 Fordockian Infantry dead, I've lost 60 of my 100 JAU-64 Planes. You have lost about 100 Planes of the total of 140 you can carry including both Nemisis carriers. . This will probably change when I figure out what panes you are using. Feel free to make complaints and links to the statistics of all my stuff is on my Wiki page.

OOC: I haven't even started my Attack yet................
06-09-2007, 22:42
OOC- The way you worded it I thought you had. How would you like to proceed?
06-09-2007, 22:55
OOC: Yes, this thread has been closed. Please delete your posts...


The Maldorian Air Group stationed on The Ryou Black Islands were soon airborne towards the Fordock fleet. Upon command, the various aircraft would deliver their payload at the enemy fleet. AntiShipping missiles would tear up the fleet as AntiAircraft missiles would ground whatever attempted to take flight. The plan was relatively simple.
The Ryou Black Islands
07-09-2007, 03:12
The Sentai (Task Force) was soon starting to sail for the enemy fleet and it was to wait for it Outside International Waters. Ryou Subs were Patroling in all Shipping Lanes and Outside enemy waters to watch for the fleet.

it it was sighted by one sub, then every sub would soon start heading for it in a wolf pack and was to target the Anti-Air Frigates and Missile Ships, the rest would be for the Sentai to take out.

The Battle of The High Seas would get bloody soon.
07-09-2007, 04:25
OOC- What planes are you using Ryou? I need statistics so I can RP casualties acurately.
The Ryou Black Islands
07-09-2007, 04:34
OOC- What planes are you using Ryou? I need statistics so I can RP casualties acurately.

The Planes are going to be mainly Maldorians and Greston, oh and don't post other's Losses, it is rude.

The infantry man took pot shots. Hell 1 sniper brought down a Helicopter.

In the air Major Yarmine Favis was fighting. He zoomed by sending another plane up in flames. But his men were beginning to lose. They were out numbered. However he refused to abandon the ships as after that the transport were doomed. The enemy planes rushed for his transports knocking down a good many. Then the ships batteries opened up. (OOC-

Suddenly it seemed like their was hope. The pining of metal and missiles as enemy planes were destroyed was music to his ears. The engagement ended with the enemy retreating back with some of their force still intact. A small victory for Fordock
that is godmoding if you like to know.
07-09-2007, 04:39
OOC- Sorry. I haven't RP'd before my nation is still young. Won't do it again an I'll edit the post. Once I get more info I'll delete it and repost it so the order is correct. Also we have sent out an AA destroyer.
The Ryou Black Islands
07-09-2007, 04:42
OOC- Sorry. I haven't RP'd before my nation is still young. Won't do it again an I'll edit the post. Once I get more info I'll delete it and repost it so the order is correct. Also we have sent out an AA destroyer.

OOC: ok, oh and I am going to do something with that AA Destroyer sometime soon.
07-09-2007, 04:54
OOC-Off to bed and high school in the morning. Be back in around 18 hours.
The Ryou Black Islands
07-09-2007, 05:11
The Ryous were busy when war hit with makeing new weapons for the fight against The Far Echo Islands.

Two were ready.

One was a New Carrier Class that was being build before the war, when War Started, The Ryous had to buy two Nemesis Class Super Carriers. But now The First Ryou Built Carrier,The RINS (Ryou Imperial Navy Ship) Camelopardalis named for the Contellation of the same name.


Displacement: 38,000 tons empty
40,600 tons full load
Length: 261.5 m overall
Beam: 64,36 m overall
Draft: 9.43 m
Propulsion: 2 × K15 Pressurised Water Reactor (PWR) 150 MW each
4 × Diesel-electric
2 × shafts
Speed: 27 Knots
Range: Essentially unlimited
Endurance: 45 days of food
Capacity: 800 commandos, 500 tonnes of ammunitions
Complement: Ship's Company: 1,350
Air Wing: 600
Sensors and processing systems: DRBJ 11 B tridimensional air search radar
DRBV 26D air search radar
DRBV 15C low altitude air search radar
Arabel target acquisition radar
Electronic warfare and decoys: ARBR 21 Detector
ARBB 33 Countermeasures suite
ARBG2 MAIGRET Interceptor
4 × Sagaie decoys launcher
SLAT (Système de lutte anti-torpille) torpedo countermeasures
Armament: 4 × 8 cell SYLVER launchers carrying the MBDA Aster 15 surface to air missile.
2 × 6 cell Sadral launchers carrying Mistral short range missiles
8 × Giat 20F2 20 mm cannons.

There was one built, but on the dry dock, It's sister ship, The Cetus was being built.

the other was a unmaned Mini-Sub, The Remoras, named after the fish. these were controled by Remote and like its name sake, take a firm hold against the bottom of a enemy ship like a Remora, then by Remote, is set off to blow up to sink a enemy Ship.

Four Prototypes were on one sub and it was to find a enemy ship and sink it with the Killer Mini-Subs.
The Ryou Black Islands
07-09-2007, 15:51
The Ryou Black Islands
07-09-2007, 20:26
Bump for CFEI to post.
The Ryou Black Islands
07-09-2007, 23:30
Near Fordockian Waters

The Typhoon Class Sub, Moray was on the hunt when the Capitan sighted the enemy Convoy though the Parascope. "Target sighted." the Capitan said, "Prepare the Remoras!"

Yep, this was the Sub with the Remoras.

the four Prototypes were set lose and were guided by Remote to the targets, three enemy Transports and a AA Destroyer. like their namesake, they hooked on to the bottom of the ships. while The Sub started moveing away.

The Remora Controler soon pushed the red button.

OOC: ok, it is up to you Fordock.
07-09-2007, 23:48
It was a nice day. The sun shone. The wind blew a gentle breeze. The birds sung. And the armies marched to war. Along the ship soldiers patrolled. There was a general feeling of boredom. Those who survived have said they have felt guilty about this since then.


3 of the 20 Transports went up. They just disappeared. 1500 Troops were in these ships. None would survive. The AA destroyer was also attacked. However it was built of thicker materials than the transport. Still it was listing to the side badly. And then the Klaxon Alarms began to blare. The sound awoke the ears of Lopon who was in the "Meshkrat" a Kensington class battleship.

Suddenly there was a flurry of activity. Troops dashed everywhere. Those who could grabbed a AA gun.

Lopon came to his senses after the shock waves. He judged the situation. The first thing he had done was a message sent to TEFI.

Requesting help under heavy attack by advance elements of a Hostile Fleet.

Maybe that would secure some help. It couldn't hurt. With that underway he ordered the Transports which has slowed down to keep pace with the battleship to go to maximum speed. They did.

The Troops on board the Transports sped ahead as fast as they could go. It was then that they tried to run the enemy fleet. The transports fled for a safe harbor in TEFI.
The Ryou Black Islands
08-09-2007, 00:14
It was a nice day. The sun shone. The wind blew a gentle breeze. The birds sung. And the armies marched to war. Along the ship soldiers patrolled. There was a general feeling of boredom. Those who survived have said they have felt guilty about this since then.


3 of the 20 Transports went up. They just diapered. 1500 Troops were in these ships. None would survive. The AA destroyer was also attacked. However it was built of thicker materials than the transport. Still it was listing to the side badly. And then the Klaxon Alarms began to blare. The sound awoke the ears of Lopon who was in the "Meshkrat" a Kensington class battleship.

Suddenly there was a flurry of activity. Troops dashed everywhere. Those who could grabbed a AA gun. Aircraft began to arrive. The AA destroyer tried to fight them off but was destroyed. Just more water under the bridge. Or blood more appropriately.

The Soldiers on the "Meskrat" returned fire and shot down some enemy planes. The escort overhead did their best to protect the fleet. They were after all some of the best planes in existence. They fought hard. And they took the casualties for it. The troops on the planes began to think of Fordockian planes falling from the sky as common. And they were. Still thought the air elements persisted and did deliver casualties.

Lopon came to his senses after the shock waves. He judged the situation. The first thing he had done was a message sent to TEFI.

Maybe that would secure some help. It couldn't hurt. With that underway he ordered the Transports which has slowed down to keep pace with the battleship to go to maximum speed. They did.

The Troops on board the Transports sped ahead as fast as they could go. It was then that they tried to run the enemy fleet. The transports fled for a safe harbour in TEFI.

Lopon fought on. The enemy ships were coming into view and opening fire. When resistance was futile Lopon gave a command. The command was to surrender.

Feeling hopeless Lopon wrote a last journal entry. It read simply

With that it was all prepared. The White Flag was raised and Lopon waited for TRBI's response. Hopefully the prize of a Kensignton Class Battleship would convince them to ignore the transports.

And still the birds sung.

OOC: *Looks, reads:confused::confused::confused:* I only sent one sub, I haven't even attacked you with my Task force yet.........................................*Sigh* we have a lot of work to do.......................

Here, This post by Automagfreek will help you with Battle Posts and everything with NS Warfare. (
08-09-2007, 00:24
OOC- This has more to do with my impatience than a war. Alright one sec let me do some modifying.
The Ryou Black Islands
08-09-2007, 00:36
OOC- This has more to do with my impatience than a war. Alright one sec let me do some modifying.


and it is only one submarine.
The Ryou Black Islands
08-09-2007, 00:43
It was a nice day. The sun shone. The wind blew a gentle breeze. The birds sung. And the armies marched to war. Along the ship soldiers patrolled. There was a general feeling of boredom. Those who survived have said they have felt guilty about this since then.


3 of the 20 Transports went up. They just disappeared. 1500 Troops were in these ships. None would survive. The AA destroyer was also attacked. However it was built of thicker materials than the transport. Still it was listing to the side badly. And then the Klaxon Alarms began to blare. The sound awoke the ears of Lopon who was in the "Meshkrat" a Kensington class battleship.

Suddenly there was a flurry of activity. Troops dashed everywhere. Those who could grabbed a AA gun.

Lopon came to his senses after the shock waves. He judged the situation. The first thing he had done was a message sent to TEFI.

Maybe that would secure some help. It couldn't hurt. With that underway he ordered the Transports which has slowed down to keep pace with the battleship to go to maximum speed. They did.

The Troops on board the Transports sped ahead as fast as they could go. It was then that they tried to run the enemy fleet. The transports fled for a safe harbor in TEFI.

The Sub soon sent the message

Three enemy Transports Destroyed, one enemy AA Destroyer damaged, going after enemy Battleship

The Capitan soon ordered Torpedo Tubes 1 to 4 loaded and ready to fire. as soon as they were, The Capitan soon looked into his Parascope and ordered all Four Torpedoes fired.

The Torpedoes were soon fired at the enemy Battleship.
08-09-2007, 01:04
The Fordockian plea for help, wired to the CFEI(And it is CFEI), reached the Kiravian admiral's desk.

"Greensea! Take 2 squadrons to these coordinates. Hopefully its not to late. If it is, the least we can do is escort the transports to safe harbour."
The Far Echo Islands
08-09-2007, 01:05
ooc: I mostly went on a first come, first serve basis when replying to the posts. Also, how about this ( a basic map of TRBI. Of course all the names can be easily changed.


To:Tozo Tramine, Defense Minister of Fordock
From: Grant Norse, Grand Arbiter of TFEI

We request that your troops be delivered to Port Neo Savannah Naval base. It is at the current moment the staging point for this war as it is closest to the nation of the Ryou Black Isles. I promise for your sniper contingent to be put to good use. Thank you for you support.


The ICBM’s flew toward TRBI, but along the way, various attacks brought down all but one of the missiles. Since the missiles were reprogrammable, the last remaining missile still headed for the capitol of TRBI. It was aimed for the most likely place that the leaders of Imperial Ryou would be.


The Kiravian and Echoese officers stood in a large room, with no recording devices, and all doors locked, of Neo Savannah Naval Base, planning movements. There was soon to be an invasion.


Columbia City, Grand Naval Base

Despite being a Naval Base, the Grand Naval Base housed 3 B-52 bombers. On board the carriers out in the bay, there were 12 JAU-64 Tigerclaw fighters readied for takeoff. All at once, the convoy of 15 planes took off, and headed for the Ship of Rantakiau, they were all loaded down with bombs, though they didn’t know exactly what the target was, they knew that it way Ryou Black Islander, it was seaborne, and they had all plans of sinking it.

Once the B-52’s dropped tones and tones of conventional bombs onto the ship, and the JAU-64’s were ready to engage any aerial resistance that may emerge.


Roe Class Battleships that had been deployed in international waters near Fordock just for this kind of situation moved toward Meshkrat Bay. Roe class battleships were much similar to Iowa classes, but had a modified bow to accommodate amphibious craft.
The Far Echo Islands
08-09-2007, 01:10
(And it is CFEI), ooc: Kirav, I've become more tolerant of how ppl abbreivate my name since I started NS. And when I my pop reaches 500 mil. I am going to change my full name to the Confederate States of the Far Echo Islands, and CSFEI, well damn, that is as long as your whole User name, so, Ya know, whatever, just wanted to point that out.
The Ryou Black Islands
08-09-2007, 02:18
Near Neo Savannah, Night time.

a large Tanker was floating near the Port. It seemed like a normal Questeian Super Tanker. but this was not a Supertanker

It was a Armed Supertanker

The Cargo Containers soon opened up, Showing that they were 16" Inch Naval Guns and Missile Launchers. The Armed Ship soon attacked, flying the Ryou Flag.

12 Cruise Missiles, 6 with Naplam Warheads and 6 with EMP Warheads were launched against the city. The Naplam Warhead Armed Missiles Targeted The enemy Military Base and Government Buildings, The EMP Warheads weer to knock out Power to the enemy.

The Ship soon started a retreat after it launched The Missiles
08-09-2007, 02:43
The Captain of the "Meshkrat" was Cpt. Yarim. He was in the bridge yelling orders at the moment. "WHAT THE FUCK JUST HAPPENED!?"

A subordinate chimed "We don't know Sir!"


With that the ship continued on for a little bit. Then the Sonar operator yelled "SIR INCOMING TORPEDOES"

"EVASIVE MANEUVERING, and fire half the surface torpedoes!"

"Sir Torpedo launchers 1-5 and 10-15 loaded"

Torpedoes slammed into the ship at the moment.

The captain yelled above the noise "GIVE ME A DAMAGE REPORT!"

"Sir heavy damage aft and to port Side"

"Send down damage parties and KILL THAT SUB"

"Torpedoes Launched Sir"

Men scurried to and fro on the ship trying to make repairs as the men in the bridge tried to find and destroy the sub.
The Far Echo Islands
08-09-2007, 02:58
Near Neo Savannah, Night time.

a large Tanker was floating near the Port. It seemed like a normal Questeian Super Tanker. but this was not a Supertanker

It was a Armed Supertanker

The Cargo Containers soon opened up, Showing that they were 16" Inch Naval Guns and Missile Launchers. The Armed Ship soon attacked, flying the Ryou Flag.

12 Cruise Missiles, 6 with Naplam Warheads and 6 with EMP Warheads were launched against the city. The Naplam Warhead Armed Missiles Targeted The enemy Military Base and Government Buildings, The EMP Warheads weer to knock out Power to the enemy.

The Ship soon started a retreat after it launched The Missiles

OOC: Supertanker? How so, after a recent incident in Columbia City I no longer allow any tankers of any kind within my waters. And how would Questers feel about you saying that you 'acquired’ one of their oil tankers and modified it?

Also, what is an "EMP warhead, as EMP is generated from nuclear explosions.


*Roe Class Battleship EIS Raul*

"Sir," A subordinate called up from a computer screen, "We have repots of multiple torpedo hits nearby on Fordockian ships!"

"Ready all anti-submarine warfare weaponry and defenses immediately, warn the other ships as well." Commodore Yark replied.

Then a series of Sonar pings began and it did not take long to detect a submarine, and the Raul began dropping depth charges. Giant splashes of water came up from deep below, and the crew watched for pieces of metal.
The Ryou Black Islands
08-09-2007, 03:00
The Captain of the "Meshkrat" was Cpt. Yarim. He was in the bridge yelling orders at the moment. "WHAT THE FUCK JUST HAPPENED!?"

A subordinate chimed "We don't know Sir!"


With that the ship continued on for a little bit. Then the Sonar operator yelled "SIR INCOMING TORPEDOES"

"EVASIVE MANEUVERING, and fire half the surface torpedoes!"

"Sir Torpedo launchers 1-5 and 10-15 loaded"

Torpedoes slammed into the ship at the moment.

The captain yelled above the noise "GIVE ME A DAMAGE REPORT!"

"Sir heavy damage aft and to port Side"

"Send down damage parties and KILL THAT SUB"

"Torpedoes Launched Sir"

Men scurried to and fro on the ship trying to make repairs as the men in the bridge tried to find and destroy the sub.

The Sub had started evasive moves to avoid the enemy Torpedoes, but one Torp hit the sub, Blasting it to bits.
The Ryou Black Islands
08-09-2007, 03:04
OOC: Supertanker? How so, after a recent incident in Columbia City I no longer allow any tankers of any kind within my waters. And how would Questers feel about you saying that you 'acquired’ one of their oil tankers and modified it?

Also, what is an "EMP warhead, as EMP is generated from nuclear explosions.

OOC: It is a Surface raider, made to look like a Ship from a Nuetral Nation.
The Far Echo Islands
08-09-2007, 03:11
ooc: TRBI, I can assume that you fabricated some passports and papers and flags, but still, any ship that appears to be carring any form of petrol or related product is banned from Echoese waters.
The Ryou Black Islands
08-09-2007, 03:13
To; The Far Echo Islands Leadership

The Ryou Empire DEMANDS your Uncondional Surender at once or we will make your nation howl in pain.

Signed: Sakura Tokonarua, Goddess-Empress of the Ryou Empire, Avatar of Umi no Kami, Gaurdian of The Sharks etc.
The Far Echo Islands
08-09-2007, 03:34
OOC: TRBI, you're starting to piss me off, you have a ICBM attack to respond to, remember, one got through, and you need to answer all my OOC questions.


We demand that you surrender to us. You are at a loss, Emperor, please, save your people, allow us to end this war with little blood spilt, It only takes you signature.

Grant Norse, Grand Arbiter

Instrument of Surrender

We, acting by command of and on behalf of the Emperor of The Ryou Black Isles, the Ryoun Government and the Ryoun Imperial General Headquarters, hereby accept the provisions in this declaration issued by the heads of the Governments of the The Far Echo Islands, Kirav, Fordock, and Zoingo on 7th Septerber 2007, which four powers are hereafter referred to as the Allied Powers.
We hereby proclaim the unconditional surrender to the Allied Powers of the Ryoun Imperial General Headquarters and of all Ryou Black Isles Armed Forces and all Armed Forces under Ryou Black Islands control wherever situated.
We hereby command all Ryou Black Islands forces wherever situated and the Ryoun people to cease hostilities forthwith, to preserve and save from damage all ships, aircraft, and military and civil property, and to comply with all requirements which may be imposed by the Supreme Commander for the Allied Powers or by agencies of the Ryoun Government at his direction.
We hereby command the Ryoun Imperial General Headquarters to issue at once orders to the commanders of all Ryou Black Islander forces and all forces under Ryou Black Isles control wherever situated to surrender unconditionally themselves and all forces under their control.
We hereby command all civil, military, and naval officials to obey and enforce all proclamations, orders, and directives deemed by the Supreme Commander for the Allied Powers to be proper to effectuate this surrender and issued by him or under his authority; and we direct all such officials to remain at their posts and to continue to perform their non-combatant duties unless specifically relieved by him or under his authority.
We hereby undertake for the Emperor, the Ryou Black Isles’ Government, and their successors to carry out the provisions in good faith, and to issue whatever orders and take whatever action may be required by the Supreme Commander for the Allied Powers or by any other designated representative of the Allied Powers for the purpose of giving effect to this declaration.
We hereby command the Ryou Black Isles Imperial Government and the Ryoun Imperial General Headquarters at once to liberate all Allied Prisoners of War and civilian internees now under Ryou Black Isles control and to provide for their protection, care, maintenance, and immediate transportation to places as directed.
The authority of the Emperor and the Ryou Black Isles Government to rule the State shall be subject to the Supreme Commander for the Allied Powers, who will take such steps as he deems proper to effectuate these terms of surrender.
Signed of _____________ of ________ on the ________ day of ___________, ______

Leader of the Ryou Black Islands
The Ryou Black Islands
08-09-2007, 04:08
OOC: TRBI, you're starting to piss me off, you have a ICBM attack to respond to, remember, one got through, and you need to answer all my OOC questions.


We demand that you surrender to us. You are at a loss, Emperor, please, save your people, allow us to end this war with little blood spilt, It only takes you signature.

Grant Norse, Grand Arbiter

Instrument of Surrender

We, acting by command of and on behalf of the Emperor of The Ryou Black Isles, the Ryoun Government and the Ryoun Imperial General Headquarters, hereby accept the provisions in this declaration issued by the heads of the Governments of the The Far Echo Islands, Kirav, Fordock, and Zonoingo on 7th Septerber 2007, which four powers are hereafter referred to as the Allied Powers.
We hereby proclaim the unconditional surrender to the Allied Powers of the Ryoun Imperial General Headquarters and of all Ryou Black Isles Armed Forces and all Armed Forces under Ryou Black Islands control wherever situated.
We hereby command all Ryou Black Islands forces wherever situated and the Ryoun people to cease hostilities forthwith, to preserve and save from damage all ships, aircraft, and military and civil property, and to comply with all requirements which may be imposed by the Supreme Commander for the Allied Powers or by agencies of the Ryoun Government at his direction.
We hereby command the Ryoun Imperial General Headquarters to issue at once orders to the commanders of all Ryou Black Islander forces and all forces under Ryou Black Isles control wherever situated to surrender unconditionally themselves and all forces under their control.
We hereby command all civil, military, and naval officials to obey and enforce all proclamations, orders, and directives deemed by the Supreme Commander for the Allied Powers to be proper to effectuate this surrender and issued by him or under his authority; and we direct all such officials to remain at their posts and to continue to perform their non-combatant duties unless specifically relieved by him or under his authority.
We hereby undertake for the Emperor, the Ryou Black Isles’ Government, and their successors to carry out the provisions in good faith, and to issue whatever orders and take whatever action may be required by the Supreme Commander for the Allied Powers or by any other designated representative of the Allied Powers for the purpose of giving effect to this declaration.
We hereby command the Ryou Black Isles Imperial Government and the Ryoun Imperial General Headquarters at once to liberate all Allied Prisoners of War and civilian internees now under Ryou Black Isles control and to provide for their protection, care, maintenance, and immediate transportation to places as directed.
The authority of the Emperor and the Ryou Black Isles Government to rule the State shall be subject to the Supreme Commander for the Allied Powers, who will take such steps as he deems proper to effectuate these terms of surrender.
Signed of _____________ of ________ on the ________ day of ___________, ______

Leader of the Ryou Black Islands

Sakura Tokonarua soon sent The Treaty back, in ashes. The Ryou were not to surender. They would fight to the death. and to show that they were not going to give in to the enemy, they sent a tape of Dolphins being burnt alive on the altar of Umi no Kami as offerings to her.

Sakura also sent a Dolphin Skull with a Dagger though it, as a symbol of what the enemy did

12,000 Civilians were murdered by the enemy missile, this sis not kill Sakura Tokonarua, who was in a small Village, and it made the Ryou want to fight harder.

The number of Marines was now at 800,000
The Far Echo Islands
08-09-2007, 05:28
Sakura Tokonarua soon sent The Treaty back, in ashes. The Ryou were not to surender. They would fight to the death. and to show that they were not going to give in to the enemy, they sent a tape of Dolphins being burnt alive on the altar of Umi no Kami as offerings to her.

Sakura also sent a Dolphin Skull with a Dagger though it, as a symbol of what the enemy did

12,000 Civilians were murdered by the enemy missile, this sis not kill Sakura Tokonarua, who was in a small Village, and it made the Ryou want to fight harder.

The number of Marines was now at 800,000

OOC: Thank you for responding to that. But I also attacked your 'city ship' as well as your subs attacking Fordock ships, so a response to that would be nice.

The Ryou Propaganda did not phase the leaders who recived it. Perhaps it made them a little sick to their stomach, but nothing would stop them now. Imperal Ryou would fall. Also, I'll respond to your attack when you answer my questions, and at least change the Supertanker to a cargo ship.

*1st Air Base, Arctica Province*

It was probably the single most amazing thing any Far Echo Islander had seen. 20 B-52's escorted by a hundred JAU-64's flew towards The Ryou Black Isles, intent on bombing any major military installations. Word had been received that the ICBM strike did not succeed in killing the political leaders of TRBI, the bomber strike was the next alternative. It was all to be conventional; quite frankly, the Echoese government had 'other' interests in the Ryou Black Isles that made the use of nuclear force very undesirable.

The fighters refueled in mid air, but the bombers had enough fuel to make the trip.

Over a large Military Base, likely holding some of Ryou's prized marines, the bombers dropped the gravity guided load and the fighters dropped several guided bombs on to key targets.

OOC: good night. I will hopefully be back on tomorrow
08-09-2007, 05:45
occ: so much to do, so little rping time.....sorry for the redicoulsly late post

Outside TRBI.....

The Zoingonian ships sliped silently through the waves, always staying on high alert. As they tried to catch up to TFEI's forces, round the clock patrols in the air, on and under the sea were taken into action. Soon they would reach the waters of TRBI....soon.....
08-09-2007, 15:03
The Kiravian and Echoese officers stood in a large room, with no recording devices, and all doors locked, of Neo Savannah Naval Base, planning movements. There was soon to be an invasion.
OOC: Superb!

A squadron of Imperial frigates and gunships met up with the Fordockian transports, escortin gthem back to Neo Savanna base. 4 of the ships went the other way, to investigate the fate of the Fordockian cruisers
08-09-2007, 15:23
It was probably the single most amazing thing any Far Echo Islander had seen. 20 B-52's escorted by a hundred JAU-64's flew towards The Ryou Black Isles, intent on bombing any major military installations. Word had been received that the ICBM strike did not succeed in killing the political leaders of TRBI, the bomber strike was the next alternative. It was all to be conventional; quite frankly, the Echoese government had 'other' interests in the Ryou Black Isles that made the use of nuclear force very undesirable.

The fighters refueled in mid air, but the bombers had enough fuel to make the trip.

Over a large Military Base, likely holding some of Ryou's prized marines, the bombers dropped the gravity guided load and the fighters dropped several guided bombs on to key targets.

OOC: You got my air force stationed at TRBI to deal with...


Rigley Air Force Base, The Black Ryou Islands

"This is not a drill. All pilots man your aircraft. Enemy bombers have been spotted!" Men scurried left and right, attempting to weave through the masses of pilots. Aircraft scrambled as the ground crewsmen were sure to stay out of the way of the fighters. Su-37's accompanied by a few other aircraft took to the skies.

"This is Yellow Leader. You have permission to blow these bogies out of the skies. Get the escorts first. Ya'll know that bombers are defenseless in the air. Yellow Leader Out."

AIM-120 AMRAAM missiles soon rocketed from their hardpoints on the Su-37's, heading straight towards the enemy escorts. A few missiles were fired at the bombers, but the bult was headed towards the fighters. These beyond visual range missiles were meant to hit their bombing group before they knew what happened. Once in visual contact, sidewinders would be fired next...
The Ryou Black Islands
08-09-2007, 15:42
OOC: Thank you for responding to that. But I also attacked your 'city ship' as well as your subs attacking Fordock ships, so a response to that would be nice.

The Ryou Propaganda did not phase the leaders who recived it. Perhaps it made them a little sick to their stomach, but nothing would stop them now. Imperal Ryou would fall. Also, I'll respond to your attack when you answer my questions, and at least change the Supertanker to a cargo ship.

*1st Air Base, Arctica Province*

It was probably the single most amazing thing any Far Echo Islander had seen. 20 B-52's escorted by a hundred JAU-64's flew towards The Ryou Black Isles, intent on bombing any major military installations. Word had been received that the ICBM strike did not succeed in killing the political leaders of TRBI, the bomber strike was the next alternative. It was all to be conventional; quite frankly, the Echoese government had 'other' interests in the Ryou Black Isles that made the use of nuclear force very undesirable.

The fighters refueled in mid air, but the bombers had enough fuel to make the trip.

Over a large Military Base, likely holding some of Ryou's prized marines, the bombers dropped the gravity guided load and the fighters dropped several guided bombs on to key targets.

OOC: good night. I will hopefully be back on tomorrow

The Bombing raid was met with Anti-Aircraft Missiles. The Dumb Far Echo Islander Nazis had forgot something called RADAR. The Ryou RADAR system soon found the enemy Planes coming and soon, Anti-Aircraft Missiles were fired against The enemy Planes.

23,000 Civilians and 10,000 Marines were killed by The enemy Attack.
08-09-2007, 16:40
OOC: Ryou, can you post a map of your nation?
The Far Echo Islands
08-09-2007, 17:00
OOC: Ryou, can you post a map of your nation?
ooc: I asked him if this ( an ok map on page 3, he never responded. Obviously all the names are changeable.


Missile slammed into the B-52's, and two went falling from the skies. A third began loosing altutiude, and more damage was to come, surley. The JAU-64's were just as capeable as SU-37's at firing long range air to air missiles, and they did so en masse. 50 long range missiles flew back at the Maldorian forces. The flight lost 12 fighters from the first Maldorian attack.
08-09-2007, 17:20
ooc: I asked him if this was an ok map on page 3, he never responded. Obviously all the names are changeable.

Oh. I hope he responds then, a map will be needed in order to proceed with the ground combat of the rp.
08-09-2007, 21:41
Missile slammed into the B-52's, and two went falling from the skies. A third began loosing altutiude, and more damage was to come, surley. The JAU-64's were just as capeable as SU-37's at firing long range air to air missiles, and they did so en masse. 50 long range missiles flew back at the Maldorian forces. The flight lost 12 fighters from the first Maldorian attack.

"Tango 9, get out of there!" After a few quick seconds, one of the lead Maldorian fighters was hit from the front, soon erupting into a fireball. No parachute opened up, so it was safe to assume that Tango 9 was incinerated along with the Su-37. The general idea after the retaliatory missile strike was to dispense flares and chaffs and then attempt to outmaneuver the missiles.

Gaining altitude yet still heading towards the bomber group, the Maldorian aircraft, now in range for close range missiles, fired AIM-9X Sidewinders. These missiles were a faster and more powerful version of the AIM-9 would pack a punch against the enemy fighters. An estimated 100 missiles were soon flying at the enemy elements.

5 Su-37s
3 F-22 Raptors
4 Pilots KIA
4 Pilots Ejected
The Ryou Black Islands
08-09-2007, 22:22
OOCThis is a Map of The Ryou Black Islands (

IC: The Ryous soon started Techno-Warfare against the enemy as Hackers soon started sending a Virus into Bank Computers and Conputers in the enemy Stock Market.

Once it enter a Computer, it would destroy all files for bank Acounts, Stock Portfoios and other things in the enemy Economy, replaceing the info with this

This was a sign of things to come.
08-09-2007, 22:42
It destroyed all files for bank Acounts, Stock Portfoios and other things in the enemy Economy, replaceing the info with this

I honestly say that that's pretty creative, Ryou. Excellent tactic. However, it's still up to CSFEI to calculate his losses, be they vitual or physical. Keep in mind, he may be like Kirav and have an entire geek-military , or at least some IT security, that may repel your attacks.

Thanks for the map as well.
The Ryou Black Islands
09-09-2007, 01:16
I honestly say that that's pretty creative, Ryou. Excellent tactic. However, it's still up to CSFEI to calculate his losses, be they vitual or physical. Keep in mind, he may be like Kirav and have an entire geek-military , or at least some IT security, that may repel your attacks.

Thanks for the map as well.

OOC: I know that, I was in a hurry and for got to say it would destroy any files once it was in.

and you are welcome :)
09-09-2007, 01:26
Ok, just checking. Again, excellent idea with the hacking. I doubt that's ever been used on NSII before.
09-09-2007, 02:01
occ: Indeed, nice one RBI, but I think their is something call government antivirus destroyer, and Best Firewall known to man, but that is what I herd.

"How far to target?" The fleet admiral, Eisenburg asked.

"We are closing in on Shai," The officer replied.

"Good, start up the Radar Jammers, and tell the destroyers to be set for any subs"

"Yes sir!"
The Ryou Black Islands
09-09-2007, 02:19
occ: Indeed, nice one RBI, but I think their is something call government antivirus destroyer, and Best Firewall known to man, but that is what I herd.

"How far to target?" The fleet admiral, Eisenburg asked.

"We are closing in on Shai," The officer replied.

"Good, start up the Radar Jammers, and tell the destroyers to be set for any subs"

"Yes sir!"

Sadly for the enemy it was too late, Patrol Planes were in the area and had found the enemy Fleet and radio back to the Base.

this was the end for the would be invaders, The Island Shai was on was protected with Missile Launchers, Large Guns and other deadly weapons for use against anything.

100 F-23 Black Widow II's and 60 F-40 Birds of Prey were soon sent into the air, heading for the enemy Fleet. The enemy also forgot that it had to get past other Islands and Patroling Subs and ships before reaching the Capital of The Empire.

They were doomed.
09-09-2007, 03:14
The Democratic Republic of Kemonomimi is willing to hold peace talks Between both sides.
09-09-2007, 16:44
The Empire is open to considering the possibility of peace talks, but it is unlikely that we will halt our planned dinvasion of the barbaric Ryou Islands.
The Ryou Black Islands
10-09-2007, 01:23

IC: The Ryous soon made a film all about The Far Echo Islands called The Truth of Far Echo

The Film showed the People of Far echo islands worshipping The Devil, haveing a orgy with Dolphins and Rapeing 5 year old Childern while their leader bites into a human head.

other sences showed Troops of the enemy Army burning a Rabbi alive and laughing while they have sex....and they were all male.

This Film was made by a Spy named "Ali Khan" who was somewhere in enemy Territory and had sent these pictures to show what The Far Echo Islanders were, Monsters.

The Film was sent to CFEI's Allies with a message

This is who you surport. You make us sick.
10-09-2007, 01:35
Sadly for the enemy it was too late, Patrol Planes were in the area and had found the enemy Fleet and radio back to the Base.

this was the end for the would be invaders, The Island Shai was on was protected with Missile Launchers, Large Guns and other deadly weapons for use against anything.

100 F-23 Black Widow II's and 60 F-40 Birds of Prey were soon sent into the air, heading for the enemy Fleet. The enemy also forgot that it had to get past other Islands and Patroling Subs and ships before reaching the Capital of The Empire.

They were doomed.

But sadly the enemy forgot that these were the best armored naval carriers, battleships, and destroyers around.
The carriers were armed with dozens of Raptor style fighters
The battleships were armed with depth charges and SAM's
And the destroyers were armed with cruise missiles to take out sectors of cities or fortifications.

But instead of advancing onto SHAI, the fleet took an unexpected turn east. It all was a diversion for their next move........
The Ryou Black Islands
10-09-2007, 01:48
But sadly the enemy forgot that these were the best armored naval carriers, battleships, and destroyers around.
The carriers were armed with dozens of Raptor style fighters
The battleships were armed with depth charges and SAM's
And the destroyers were armed with cruise missiles to take out sectors of cities or fortifications.

But instead of advancing onto SHAI, the fleet took an unexpected turn east. It all was a diversion for their next move........

It was too late, The planes were armed with Long Ranged Missiles that could go though armor like a hot sword though Whale Bubber. and they were 2 miles away when they open fire.

and the Ryous were doing pay back for jamming their RADAR, by Jamming the enemy RADAR. by the time the enemy saw the missiles, it would be too late.

OOC: No Armor is unstopable, if you say it is it is Godmod and wanking.
10-09-2007, 01:53
FIN Reporting

Today Fordock released a video in response to the Slanderous accusations made by the Ryou Black Islands in their video The Truth of Far Echo. When asked about the content of the counter film a military official commented "It shows the Ryou's going about their normal business which includes shopping, eating, raping, neo-fascism, extreme segregation and bias, and of course Incredible Violence of normal affairs."

The Video is supposed to be patched together from Spy footage obtained by Fordockian Intelligence. After seeing this the President Commented "any nation that would do such things so often is sick and in need of change."

The president then announced a radical change in strategy. It is detailed here. "Before I had seen this movie I thought the Ryou's tragically misguided. But now I see they have extreme problems. It is no longer sufficient to just repel them. Or even invade them. The Ryou's must be invaded and occupied to make long term changes and help their citzenery advance. For the benefit of the International community and the citizens of the Ryou Black Islands this is the best course of action."

This video has recently hit the best seller list and is being played in theaters everywhere. Copies have been sent to all nations involved in what has come to be known as the bloody Sunday War.

So now we present Fordock citizen's views on the war and the video which was titled "Ever Forward We Must Go"

"Well after seeing this I'm repulsed. I mean how could they do this. We really need to put a stop to these people. I think the President is doing a great job with his new policy too."

"At first I didn't like the war. Death and tax increases. But this is necessary to prevent these people, sorry they don't deserve that title, Monsters from destroying harmony and more people."

This incredible Public Relations Victory all stems from the movie and related Response. It is now being made available in international theaters everywhere with a special discounted ticket price which help pay for the war effort.

Now we present "What is becoming of the stars?"- An outsiders take on the Movie industry by comrade Storsky.

OOC- FIN stands for Fordockian International News
10-09-2007, 02:02
OOC: The Far Echo Islands, remember my previous gift of weapons? I'm prepared to send some more stuff, whatever you need, up to and including naval vessels or combat aircraft.
The Ryou Black Islands
10-09-2007, 02:09
The Ryou People soon showed that they were to defend their lands and make sure the evil Utopian Nazis would die.

a Group called the "People of Ryou's Army" sent a Video to Fordock with four armed Civilians with a Fordockian Soldier which the Ryous claimed was captured from one of the Torpedoed Fordock Transports.

the Ryou Militiamen soon grabbed a Sword and Beheaded the enemy Soldier and soon said this.

"We will take the fight to you! Of you attack us, we will make the sky rain Blood and let your cities burn! If yoy take our land, We will fight you everywhere till you are DEAD!"

this was showing that The Ryous would fight a Guerrilla war even in the enemy homelands.

This was what The Ryous would do.
10-09-2007, 02:35
It was too late, The planes were armed with Long Ranged Missiles that could go though armor like a hot sword though Whale Bubber. and they were 2 miles away when they open fire.

and the Ryous were doing pay back for jamming their RADAR, by Jamming the enemy RADAR. by the time the enemy saw the missiles, it would be too late.

OOC: No Armor is unstopable, if you say it is it is Godmod and wanking.

But the Radar jamers countered the rader jammers, canceling both out.
And the ships were shielded by any missles. lol :D

occ: You godmode me, I godmode back, its self-defence.
The Ryou Black Islands
10-09-2007, 02:54
But the Radar jamers countered the rader jammers, canceling both out.
And the ships were shielded by any missles. lol :D

occ: You godmode me, I godmode back, its self-defence.

Ignore Cannon....Fired

:DHave a nice day:D
The Far Echo Islands
10-09-2007, 03:11

IC: The Ryous soon made a film all about The Far Echo Islands called The Truth of Far Echo

The Film showed the People of Far echo islands worshipping The Devil, haveing a orgy with Dolphins and Rapeing 5 year old Childern while their leader bites into a human head.

other sences showed Troops of the enemy Army burning a Rabbi alive and laughing while they have sex....and they were all male.

This Film was made by a Spy named "Ali Khan" who was somewhere in enemy Territory and had sent these pictures to show what The Far Echo Islanders were, Monsters.

The Film was sent to CFEI's Allies with a message

The leaders laughed at the mostly computer generated footage, and a few scenes from the isolationist and sovereign nation Hjalivi Republic praticing their tribal religion. If this was the best the Ryous could do in propaganda, this war would be easy psycologically. For the time being, the Fordockan film saw similar success in the Echo Islands.

*1st AFB, State of Four, Artica Province*

An SR-71 rolled out of a hanger, it was a prized possession of the EIAF, especially this one, it was modified to hold guided bombs, and this one was a potent tonne of Napalm. Because of its high altitude and fast speed, the SR-71 had little worry of getting shot down, and it was moving so fast that the bomb was able to glide most of the way over TRBI territory. It headed straight for the Capitol of TRBI. (OOC: the Capitol is SHAI, is it not?)
The Far Echo Islands
10-09-2007, 03:17
The TRBI hacking attack had a total devastation on the Far Echo Islands’ computer systems, but only temporarily. As per Far Echo Islands' law, all important transactions were to be saved to a safe government hard drive protected by one of the greatest electronic defense systems that could be conceived. So while the first six hours after the attack saw chaos, even a few riots, the only real damages were a few lost word documents and about a half billion in transactions that had not been saved as they were in progress.
The Ryou Black Islands
10-09-2007, 03:26
*1st AFB, State of Four, Artica Province*

An SR-71 rolled out of a hanger, it was a prized possession of the EIAF, especially this one, it was modified to hold guided bombs, and this one was a potent tonne of Napalm. Because of its high altitude and fast speed, the SR-71 had little worry of getting shot down, and it was moving so fast that the bomb was able to glide most of the way over TRBI territory. It headed straight for the Capitol of TRBI. (OOC: the Capitol is SHAI, is it not?)

OOC: Shai is the Capital

IC: the dumb nazis were not going to last longer, they wanted to kill Ryou Civilians, then The Ryou would strike back.

Near Neo Savannah, under the water, a Typhoon Class Submarine was ready for the Counterstrike. It Launched a Cruise Missile against Neo Savannah, this one had a Warhead that would kill half the People of the City

a warhead with VX Gas.

The Missile was Launched at Midnight, to show the end was coming.
10-09-2007, 03:27
Ignore Cannon....Fired

:DHave a nice day:D

Ignore Cannon Fired back.

You to :D
Lord Sumguy
10-09-2007, 03:44
OOc: I know Im a bit late but Far Echo Islands, do you need some Hegemony support or can you and Kirav handle this on your own?

and Ryou, while it is not technically godmoding, nobody likes it when your forces somehow predict and counter every single move your enemy makes.
The Far Echo Islands
10-09-2007, 03:48
OOC: Shai is the Capital

IC: the dumb nazis were not going to last longer, they wanted to kill Ryou Civilians, then The Ryou would strike back.

Near Neo Savannah, under the water, a Typhoon Class Submarine was ready for the Counterstrike. It Launched a Cruise Missile against Neo Savannah, this one had a Warhead that would kill half the People of the City

a warhead with VX Gas.

The Missile was Launched at Midnight, to show the end was coming.

ooc: you still need to respond with what damages you got, also, I am trying to sink your fucking city ship, on like page three or four, respond one of these days please, and Mal, I haven't forgotten about our little fighter battle, I'm getting to it.


Because the safe zone around Neo Savannah was a 10 mile radius, the missile had been caught by CIWS fire before it reached Neo Savannah itself. Therefore the effects were lessened, but a million people still died.

*Out side of the Ice Box, NSB, State of Seven, Artica Province*
Grant Norse stood at a podium, and news media from all around had come to watch his address.

"This is a day of infamy which will live on forever in the texts of history," he paused for emphasis, The Empire of The Ryou Black Islands has on this day committed a chemical attack on our nation, and over a million of our citizens, mostly civilians, are dead today. Due to the severity of this attack, the Ryou Black Islands shall hereby be classified not only as a nation, with which we are at war, but a nation that is truly evil and Nazism in its demeanor. We hereby give the Ryoun government 24 hours to stand down and surrender or, by God I swear, this war will get much worse." With that the Grand Arbiter walked off not taking any questions.
The Far Echo Islands
10-09-2007, 03:51
OOc: I know Im a bit late but Far Echo Islands, do you need some Hegemony support or can you and Kirav handle this on your own?

and Ryou, while it is not technically godmoding, nobody likes it when your forces somehow predict and counter every single move your enemy makes.

OOC: I'll make an 'Emergency Hegemony meeting' thread or something like that if I need it. I actually invited Aleos to join as well, but he has yet to give me ya or nay, so things look ok at the moment.
The Ryou Black Islands
10-09-2007, 03:57
ooc: you still need to respond with what damages you got, also, I am trying to sink your fucking city ship, on like page three or four, respond one of these days please, and Mal, I haven't forgotten about our little fighter battle, I'm getting to it.


Because the safe zone around Neo Savannah was a 10 mile radius, the missile had been caught by CIWS fire before it reached Neo Savannah itself. Therefore the effects were lessened, but a million people still died.

*Out side of the Ice Box, NSB, State of Seven, Artica Province*
Grant Norse stood at a podium, and news media from all around had come to watch his address.

"This is a day of infamy which will live on forever in the texts of history," he paused for emphasis, The Empire of The Ryou Black Islands has on this day committed a chemical attack on our nation, and over a million of our citizens, mostly civilians, are dead today. Due to the severity of this attack, the Ryou Black Islands shall hereby be classified not only as a nation, with which we are at war, but a nation that is truly evil and Nazism in its demeanor. We hereby give the Ryoun government 24 hours to stand down and surrender or, by God I swear, this war will get much worse." With that the Grand Arbiter walked off not taking any questions.

OOC: Shai is on a Island, look at the Map. and in this post I will post loses from your latest attack.

IC: Sakura Tokonarua soon sent a Reply

"The Attack against you Nation was for all the Ryou Civilians YOU have Murdered in your Evil Bombing raids, and for The Attack on our Capital which has killed 40,000 more of our Civilians. We will not surender to you and your army of Nazis. We will Fight to the death around the world against you, You will Lose this War and you will be shown to the world as Devil Worshipers, Mass murderers and Evil minded people.

Give up now and let us do as we do in hunting Seals, Whales and Dolphins or you will see that The world will hate YOU if you dare attack us again!"
The Far Echo Islands
10-09-2007, 04:10
The Ryou's plan for fighting was to fight the enemy at sea, to make sure that the enemy Naval forces would be weak and not able to protect the Far Echo Islands.

What Few Submarines the Ryous had were soon on the attack, hunting in wolf packs agaisnt enemy Shipping, makeing the seas unsafe for the enemy. Neutral Nations were warned not to enter the Waters off the Far Echo Islands, for they were a War zone.

Pirates were also operating in the waters, Payed by the Ryou Empire, these Pirates were based on The Ryou City Ship of Rantakiau, a floating city 13.0 km² (5.0 mi²). 12.6 km² (4.9 mi²) in size and 5,294 in pop.

but it was Surface Raiders that were the real part of The War with The CFEI, Cargo Ships and tankers were turned into Warships. The Largest one was a Supertanker named The Devil's Promenade, and it hwas armed with Missile Launchers and 16 inch Guns that were hiden in Cargo Containers on the deck.

This was a Tonnage War.

The Ryou Imperial Navy wa salso starting Operations on the high seas.

You said that on page one

I said this on page three:

Columbia City, Grand Naval Base

Despite being a Naval Base, the Grand Naval Base housed 3 B-52 bombers. On board the carriers out in the bay, there were 12 JAU-64 Tigerclaw fighters readied for takeoff. All at once, the convoy of 15 planes took off, and headed for the Ship of Rantakiau, they were all loaded down with bombs, though they didn’t know exactly what the target was, they knew that it way Ryou Black Islander, it was seaborne, and they had all plans of sinking it.

Once the B-52’s dropped tones and tones of conventional bombs onto the ship, and the JAU-64’s were ready to engage any aerial resistance that may emerge.
10-09-2007, 04:10
The Empire of the Wolf was slowly but surely recovering from the devastating attacks by Axis Nova. Where once there had been the ashes that were Atopiana, there was now a mighty city called Megalopolis and a slowly recovering Atopian population. Emperor Ianovich was pleased to see that the economy of his Empire was showing signs of improvements and that the factories were producing even more products than before, but the rise of the Sharktooth Oil Corporation causes the Emperor significant worries. An influx of that much cheap oil into the global economy could cause a global meltdown, and thus he had to act.

Official Communication from the Empire of the Wolf to Grant Norse of the Far Echo Islands

Mr Norse,

The attacks upon your nation are most distressing, as is the significant death toll on your civil population. If requested I will dispatch Air Defence Regiments to held guard your cities from air attack. No innocents need die in this conflict.

Emperor Ianovich I
Pax Lupum!

OOC: I think I have enough cause to get involved in this, but if this is closed say so and I will leave, deleting this post.
The Far Echo Islands
10-09-2007, 04:12
The Empire of the Wolf was slowly but surely recovering from the devastating attacks by Axis Nova. Where once there had been the ashes that were Atopiana, there was now a mighty city called Megalopolis and a slowly recovering Atopian population. Emperor Ianovich was pleased to see that the economy of his Empire was showing signs of improvements and that the factories were producing even more products than before, but the rise of the Sharktooth Oil Corporation causes the Emperor significant worries. An influx of that much cheap oil into the global economy could cause a global meltdown, and thus he had to act.

Official Communication from the Empire of the Wolf to Grant Norse of the Far Echo Islands

Mr Norse,

The attacks upon your nation are most distressing, as is the significant death toll on your civil population. If requested I will dispatch Air Defence Regiments to held guard your cities from air attack. No innocents need die in this conflict.

Emperor Ianovich I
Pax Lupum!

OOC: I think I have enough cause to get involved in this, but if this is closed say so and I will leave, deleting this post.

OOC: Ryou is very paranoid about dogpiling, so I won't call you up just yet, but if Aleos says no then I might accept.
The Ryou Black Islands
10-09-2007, 20:37

The New Map
The Ryou Black Islands
10-09-2007, 20:42
Sakura Tokonarua had moved her Capital of Shai to the Island of Ratakkia, a Island that was one Large City and protected by Anti-Missile Defenses and Anti-Aircraft Defenses, with AA Missiles that could reach to 12,000 Feet into the sky.

It would take a VERY large Army to attack it.
10-09-2007, 23:33

Kiravian Empire

Permissum Astrum Subleuco

Imperial Secriat of War

Allied Conflict Office

Confederate States of the Far Echo Islands, The Empire has decided to send extra forces to Neo-Savanna to bolster our troop mubers and capabilities for the invasion. Also, we are preparing a contingent of bombers to launch a strike on Shai, hopefully to destroy some key personnel and assets of the Ryou government.

Troop Listings:

30,000 General Operations soldiers

7,000 Specialized Personnel

5,000 Infantrymen

1,000 units of Artilley, +3,000 Artillerymen
-200 A-A pieces
-400 Field artillery pieces
-200 anti-fortification pieces
-200 backups

700 tanks

15,000 transport, support, and operatrions vehicles (i.e. jeeps)

To:The Ryouan Government

The Empire condemns your fraudulant propoganda strike against the CFEI. Several of our colonies have launched propoganda films that include, but are not limited to, scenes of Ryou islanders brutally raping and killing various animals, executing scientists, religious leaders, enviornmentalists, and artists, selling lower-class Rouan citizens into sex slavery, and a wild barbaric band of Ryouans burning a city.
The Ryou Black Islands
11-09-2007, 00:49
In The Ryou Black Islands, a new song was a hit in the nation

The Fart Echo says "Dolphins are The Master Race!" Heil :P Heil :P Right in Fart Echos Face

The Fart Echo says "Dolphins Shall Rule The Earth and Sea!" Heil :P Heil :P, Right in Fart Echos face!

a CD of The Song (which Repeated it self) was given to The Leader of Far Echo.
Vanek Drury Brieres
11-09-2007, 00:56
Dear Ryou Black Islands,

We here in the VDB cannot believe the atrocities you have committed in this war. You have disobeyed international law just to get an upper hand. We asked you to stop at once, otherwise we will officially declare war on the Ryou Black Islands and will not cease till this war has passed.


The Princes of the VDB
11-09-2007, 01:00
New war songs come elsewhere than from the Ryou's. This is FNN reporting. Fordock as a nation has condemned the music, with reports of the listeners saying it is no good. One famous Disk jokey reports "The utter fucking shittyness of it is indescribable. It is like the think they are being hardcore. That is Fucking Bullshit."

Fordock has also responded with their own war albums. They range from the death metal "DEATH TO THE NAZI BASTARDS" to rhymethic jazzy beats like "A Ryou's Favorite activities" The government has tried to curb some of the Racism in the albums but has failed. Recruitment is bolstered and there is talk of sending another legion or 2 to assist the Confederate States of the Far Echo Islands.

The PR campaign against the Ryou's slogs on with advances and gains made everywhere. FNN will keep you live and updated. FNN Fordockian National News, If a fly buzzes in Fordock we'll let you know.
11-09-2007, 01:05
OOC: You got my air force stationed at TRBI to deal with...


Rigley Air Force Base, The Black Ryou Islands

"This is not a drill. All pilots man your aircraft. Enemy bombers have been spotted!" Men scurried left and right, attempting to weave through the masses of pilots. Aircraft scrambled as the ground crewsmen were sure to stay out of the way of the fighters. Su-37's accompanied by a few other aircraft took to the skies.

"This is Yellow Leader. You have permission to blow these bogies out of the skies. Get the escorts first. Ya'll know that bombers are defenseless in the air. Yellow Leader Out."

AIM-120 AMRAAM missiles soon rocketed from their hardpoints on the Su-37's, heading straight towards the enemy escorts. A few missiles were fired at the bombers, but the bult was headed towards the fighters. These beyond visual range missiles were meant to hit their bombing group before they knew what happened. Once in visual contact, sidewinders would be fired next...

OOC: The Ryou, stop replying to Far Echo. He has failed to reply to this.

EDIT: VDB and the other guy, bye. :D
The Ryou Black Islands
11-09-2007, 01:11
The Ryous were busy building something that they knew would force the enemy to sue for peace. It was kept Top Secert but the Project was called by one name; "Kami's Sword."
11-09-2007, 01:32
(Ryou every day you can't just godmode new technologies in. Time slows down in a war.)
11-09-2007, 01:37
(Ryou every day you can't just godmode new technologies in. Time slows down in a war.)

OOC: He didn't wank!!!! But seriously, you have no proof that that wasn't already set up. And, you don't know what it is. For all you know, the plan could be to just plant mines. Hence the Top Secret
11-09-2007, 01:43
('twas a warning not an ultimatum. It just seems rather ominous. If it is just something normal or something he can prove to have a basis in before hand it is fine. I'm just worried it is going to end up as I have NOOKS. I NOOKS J00! You all die. Which may be mean and such but perfectly appropriate in my opinion due to past experience.)
11-09-2007, 01:44
('twas a warning not an ultimatum. It just seems rather ominous. If it is just something normal or something he can prove to have a basis in before hand it is fine. I'm just worried it is going to end up as I have NOOKS. I NOOKS J00! You all die. Which may be mean and such but perfectly appropriate in my opinion due to past experience.)

They're not n00ks.
11-09-2007, 01:47
(Well that is good. I may have overreacted a tad bit. But I still think I had justification.)
11-09-2007, 01:55
occ:Fordock is right, why should we put up with RBI constant godmodes? But since this is TFEI's thread, its up to him to decide.
11-09-2007, 01:58
occ:Fordock is right, why should we put up with RBI constant godmodes? But since this is TFEI's thread, its up to him to decide.

11-09-2007, 02:02
OOC: Why don't you guys just wait for him to unveil what this "Kami's Sword" is? Then you can judge whether it is a godmode or not. Don't just say you're ignoring it right off the bat, give it a chance.
The Far Echo Islands
11-09-2007, 02:16
In The Ryou Black Islands, a new song was a hit in the nation

The Fart Echo says "Dolphins are The Master Race!" Heil :P Heil :P Right in Fart Echos Face

The Fart Echo says "Dolphins Shall Rule The Earth and Sea!" Heil :P Heil :P, Right in Fart Echos face!

a CD of The Song (which Repeated it self) was given to The Leader of Far Echo.

After listening to the CD, M. Norse, was speechless for a few moments, but then had this to say off the record:

"Now, I know that we cannot commit biocide of any kind, but seriously, the more stuff I get from these 'people' the more I think that their existence is a scar on the human gene pool. They are just so stupid. In response, I just sent them a copy of our national anthem."

The national anthem was as follows:
O, graceful seas, and tall mountains, and great forests
O, the great Echo Islands,
My country 'tis o thee!
Where I have my rights and liberty,
Proud are we,
Proud of all that we have done,
Long live the great Confederacy!

*Neo Savannah Naval Base, War Room*
"I propose," General Poeata said, "that we invade not the capitol, but the smaller settlements, big cities still, but not nearly as defended as the capitol, this will draw out their forces, and by the time we reach their capitol they will be weak. And even if they choose to keep their capitol well defended and skip on the other cities, then we have plenty of friendly territory to fall back on if we need it. What do you say, M. Kriavian General?"

The Kiav forces arrived to open arms in Neo Savannah, but tensions were high, and every thing was readied fast, for the feeling of anxiety was palpable in the tropical air, even more so than the humidity.
11-09-2007, 02:30
*Neo Savannah Naval Base, War Room*
"I propose," General Poeata said, "that we invade not the capitol, but the smaller settlements, big cities still, but not nearly as defended as the capitol, this will draw out their forces, and by the time we reach their capitol they will be weak. And even if they choose to keep their capitol well defended and skip on the other cities, then we have plenty of friendly territory to fall back on if we need it. What do you say, M. Kriavian General?"

"Well planned, General Poeata.", said General Oceanforest, "I concur. It would be much more effective. I propose that we invade the islands by the middle latitudes in the East. That way, we can split our focres into two, one to attack the North, which would be islolated from the more urban south, with its cities and war industry. The other prong of the attack would work their way through the South and beseige the capital. It is time to engage these barbarians face to face. The delphine lives they destroyed shall be avenged."
OOC: I'm going to be late getting on tomorrow, I've got erm....romantic buisness to attend to.
The Far Echo Islands
11-09-2007, 02:35
"Tango 9, get out of there!" After a few quick seconds, one of the lead Maldorian fighters was hit from the front, soon erupting into a fireball. No parachute opened up, so it was safe to assume that Tango 9 was incinerated along with the Su-37. The general idea after the retaliatory missile strike was to dispense flares and chaffs and then attempt to outmaneuver the missiles.

Gaining altitude yet still heading towards the bomber group, the Maldorian aircraft, now in range for close range missiles, fired AIM-9X Sidewinders. These missiles were a faster and more powerful version of the AIM-9 would pack a punch against the enemy fighters. An estimated 100 missiles were soon flying at the enemy elements.

5 Su-37s
3 F-22 Raptors
4 Pilots KIA
4 Pilots Ejected

ooc: sorry Mal, I got caught up in the propaganda war.

JAU-64's jinked and darted for their lives. The B-52's, having dropped their loads, had turned tail and headed home. But, except for a half a dozen that went as escorts, the JAU-64 pilots prepared to fight it out to the death. The whole sky was a light with explosions and gleaming fuselages. Contrails cut the mess into some kind of bloody modern art canvas. At the time uncountable JAU-64 fell to the ground and ocean. Then, visual contact! Sidewinder away for the Echoese planes, the Maldorians would surly not be too far behind.

12 JAU-64's
7 Pilots KIA
5 Pilots Bail out/MIA?/POW?
The Far Echo Islands
11-09-2007, 02:43
"Well planned, General Poeata.", said General Oceanforest, "I concur. It would be much more effective. I propose that we invade the islands by the middle latitudes in the East. That way, we can split our focres into two, one to attack the North, which would be islolated from the more urban south, with its cities and war industry. The other prong of the attack would work their way through the South and beseige the capital. It is time to engage these barbarians face to face. The delphine lives they destroyed shall be avenged."
OOC: I'm going to be late getting on tomorrow, I've got erm....romantic buisness to attend to.

OOC: Go Kirav! Have fun lol! On a more serious note: Wha, I've always been a visual learner, all that south, north, etc, confused me a little. The following is my invasion plan, though, if you could draw something similar about yours that would be helpful, as yours sound much more organized.

"The white solid lines represent troop movements, dotted white lines are aerial attacks, and ovals are temporary bases, X's represent aerial strikes."
11-09-2007, 02:55
*Encrypted Letter to the Confederate States of the Far Echo Islands*

We have troops arriving who have successfully got away from the attack by hostiles and have dispatched another legion as well as an armored Legion. Also we wish to inform you that we can handle the PR campaign. Don't bother wasting your time on it we can do it and have experts in this field.


President Kichler
The Principality of Fordock

*End Encryption*
The Far Echo Islands
11-09-2007, 02:57
*Encrypted Letter to the Confederate States of the Far Echo Islands*

We have troops arriving who have successfully got away from the attack by hostiles and have dispatched another legion as well as an armored Legion. Also we wish to inform you that we can handle the PR campaign. Don't bother wasting your time on it we can do it and have experts in this field.


President Kichler
The Principality of Fordock

*End Encryption*

We thank you for the addition, we are ready for all the troops we can muster, we are almost ready to invade Ryou. Also, we have been watching your responses to the PR campaign, and we congraulate you on you superb propaganda!

Grant Norse
Grand Arbter of the Far Echo Islands

*End Encryption*
11-09-2007, 02:58
OOC: Why don't you guys just wait for him to unveil what this "Kami's Sword" is? Then you can judge whether it is a godmode or not. Don't just say you're ignoring it right off the bat, give it a chance.

occ:The reason that most of us are in a fuss is that this godmoding has been going on for most of the thread, and then this happens.
11-09-2007, 03:00
ooc: sorry Mal, I got caught up in the propaganda war.

JAU-64's jinked and darted for their lives. The B-52's, having dropped their loads, had turned tail and headed home. But, except for a half a dozen that went as escorts, the JAU-64 pilots prepared to fight it out to the death. The whole sky was a light with explosions and gleaming fuselages. Contrails cut the mess into some kind of bloody modern art canvas. At the time uncountable JAU-64 fell to the ground and ocean. Then, visual contact! Sidewinder away for the Echoese planes, the Maldorians would surly not be too far behind.

12 JAU-64's
7 Pilots KIA
5 Pilots Bail out/MIA?/POW?

The problem with Sidewinder missiles, as well as all other heat-seeking missiles, was that the missiles followed a heat source. IRCM would be used to the Maldorians advantage to neutralize the incoming missiles. They would confuse the Sidewinder missiles, causing them to miss the aircraft.

"Yellow Leader here, status report."

"Yellow 2 copy."

"Yellow 9, over."

"This is Yellow 13, what do you want?"

Of the 5 elite Yellow Squadron aircraft sent to demolish the enemy attack, 1 was struck down. That pilot was Yellow 18. Flying a Su-47, Yellow 18 was tore up in the initial barrage. The problem was; his flares failed to kick in. He was a perfect target and was soon hit. The other Yellow's, angered at the loss of their wingmate, were fighting twice as hard. AA-11 Archer air-to-air missiles soon flew towards the enemy fighters. These missiles were much more suprerior than average Sidewinder missiles, and they packed a deadly blow.

Rigley Air Force Base, The Black Ryou Islands

More planes were taking off, yet this time they were not fighters destined for the dogfight. Instead, they were bomber aircraft escorted by another detachment of Yellow Squadron. They were sent to the Far Echo Islands and there they would deliver their ordinance. Anything or anyone in the way would be destroyed.

Casualites after next missile hit:
1 Su-47
5 Su-37's
1 F-22
1 Yellow Squadron pilot KIA
3 Ejected KIA
3 Pilots Ejected
11-09-2007, 03:01
occ:The reason that most of us are in a fuss is that this godmoding has been going on for most of the thread, and then this happens.

OOC: Stop. Just stop. It was people like you that made us make a new thread. If you have a complaint TG or something. Stop with the OOC crap.
The Far Echo Islands
11-09-2007, 03:27
The Echoese fighters outnumbered the Maldorian fighter, but this was still turning out to be a hell of a fight. The JAU-64's had flares just as the Maldorian mix of planes did. And they served them well, but as flares are, not perfect.

Call signs of a Tactical Fighter Squadron:
Bottlenose – Leader
Dusky – Leader’s wingman
Hourglass – 2nd leader
Risso – 2nd leader’s wingman
Number designates Tactical Fighter squadron to which the pilot is attached.

(sorry for not using technical terms right now, I don’t recall them right off)

Portion of Flight data/voice recorder for Bottlenose 15:
“Shit, here it comes! Everybody break!” a pause, “Dusky 15, where are you!”

“On your six, sir!” a different voice came in.

“Confirm, I have a target! Lock confirmed, launching missile!” the noise of the missile is heard.

“Kill confirmed! Nice shot Bottlenose!” the other voice cut in!

“Shit, Risso 15, watch you six, I’m coming to help!”

“Can’t…Can’t, shake him.” A stressed voice came in.

“NO! Hold him off Jeffery; for God’s sake hold him off, just a second longer! I got a lock!” a missile fires.

“FUCK, it’s too la__” the stressed voice was cut off into static.

“Got ‘em Bottlenose 15.” The other not so stressed voice came through.

“A second too fuckin’ late!”

“Hey,” a fourth voice cut in, “what are they doing o’er there?”

“I don’t know Hourglass 15, but we’re gona find out!”

The data showed the fighters accelerating and then shooting close range missiles at the unknown targets.

Causalities of second part of attack:
23 JAU-64’s
5 Pilots KIA
18 Pilots bail out/MIA?/POW?
11-09-2007, 03:38
OOC: Will edit. Are you hitting my ground attack fighters?
11-09-2007, 04:34
It was late as hell. The men were tired. They had no rations left. Several were miserably sick. The sailors aboard the transports tried their best with what they had. However it was not enough. Finally though came a joyous cry "I SEE LAND". It echoed through the ship quickly. Had the Transport arrived in the Far Echo Islands? The commander turned on his GPS which was running out of power and saw that it was true. The remaining 8500 troops under Lopon's command were here. Lopon was still probably back at the battlefield either dead or saved by foreign troops. They docked in the port of Neo Savannah under cover of darkness. The Troops were disembarked and fed. They set up a primitive Legionary Camp to use for the night.

The acting commander, Colonel Uyot went up to the capital. There he stated his rank and such mundane details and asked to be led to the military facilities where he might discuss strategy and deployment of his exhausted troops as well as invasion plans. He of course found out and eventually made it to the area he needed to after much confusion at the absence of Lopon. Once there he looked at the records and gained a basic understanding of what had been said. Over secure transmission he sent Fordock back the results encrypted and in code. Then he waited to see how the meeting would progress and what would become of the Fordockian Soldiers.
11-09-2007, 11:36
The 3rd Fleet moved silently towards its intended destination. As the spearhead of the Aleosite invasion force, it will be the first one to meet the enemy in battle. Admiral Crais was the one in charge of the operation and he had no intention of failing his task. He had with him some of the best sailors and soldiers in the army, barring the Northern Fleet that is, and he intended to put them to good use.

The recent mediatic war between The Far Echo Islands and The Ryou Black Islands was not lost to him and although he cared little about what was being said it was enough for him to form an opinion on the type of societies he had to deal with here. Just a waste of good resources and waste was never a good thing.

With the “Cerberus” still in production there was no way at the moment to force the enemy to end hostilities without this massive operation, but perhaps there was a better way to use what he had at his disposal. There were others fighting the target. An alliance of convenience could work for now.

Encrypted message.

Flowers are blue, violets are…*gibberish*

Second Encryption.

The night is… *gibberish*

Third Encryption.

Government of The Far Echo Islands

I am admiral Crais, commander of the Aleosite third fleet. Our nations share a mutual goal regarding The Ryou Black Islands. We would like to have your cooperation in the following days. As it stands we are not yet in a state of war with TRBI and would like to maintain this stance for now as we gather our forces. We recommend an offensive on your part to act as a distraction to our attack.

Admiral Crais.

End Encryption.

Well, it wasn’t exactly the truth, as the Alesosite fleet was getting closer and closer, but it would do for now. With the help of the Far Echo Islands, this war was going to be interesting to say the least.
The Ryou Black Islands
11-09-2007, 12:40
On The Ryou Black Islands, Civilians were forming their own Armed forces, guerilla forces for just incase the Utopian Nazis of Far Echo and theri Nazi Allies should Invade.
11-09-2007, 13:34
Official Message to all Combatting Nations

As the Ryou Black Islands are a member of the Holy Empire of Stevid we have extreme interest in this conflict, however it was only until recently that the territory of the Empire has been directly threaten. Until now it has been mainly an air and naval war, but now the Ryou Black Islands are directly under threat from invasion. Ryou is Imperial territory- though we have no quaral with the aggressors initially, we will if a single enemy soldier sets foot upon blessed Imperial soil of Ryou.

Stevid is a truely mighty force to be reckoned with, we will not open hostilities if Ryou is not under threat of invasion- this war can be fought and won by either side in both the air and the sea without ground forces. Forcing a surrender or agreeing to a ceasefore is one option. The other is fighting us... the Holy Empire of Stevid,a move that will seriously tip the balance in favour of Ryou Black Islands and her allies.

We strongly suggest that you do not invade or it may incur your own destruction.
The Ryou Black Islands
11-09-2007, 16:39
11-09-2007, 20:34
The Holy Empire of Stevid

We do not wish to dispute the Ryou's sovereignty of the land but there are two simple facts. First of all they are liers and should not be dealt with particularly concerning their totalitarian form of government. This is bad for the citizens who are misled. They should be freed and their leader replaced. Secondly they will not admit defeat unless we take the Islands. If we defeat them in the air war and naval war the fanatics there will not admit defeat. If they were willing to draw up a cease-fire it would be different but do you think they will? And why are the Ryou's so critical to you. What is the point of protecting the. They came to you out of their own weakness. They tried to hide behind you. Why do you let them do this? Don't you have real nations to attend to? Why not let us at the very least work out our own affairs. And if that fails I would be willing to compromise and work out an agreement. I hope this comes not to war.


Aukon Mekhran
Minister of Diplomacy
The Principality of Fordock
The Ryou Black Islands
11-09-2007, 20:37
Bump again:sniper:
The Ryou Black Islands
11-09-2007, 21:29
The Ryous were not ill commanded, and they had some great commanders, like Field Marshal Gailisjizu Yazshu and the ex-hatarian Grand Admiral Ryu, but one Commander was far deadly...............Grand Admrial Rei Nakagishima, former Grand Duchess of Hataria and now Grand IMPERIAL Admiral of The Ryou Empire.

Rei said to her sailors that "I will make the enemy navies sink to the bottom of the Ocean and crush them so bad, that they will never dare attack the Ryou Empire again!"

Rei was the one who Commanded the Surface Raiders and Pirates to target Cargoships and other enemy Ships and sent the Sub that attack the Fordockian Convoy and the Missile Sub to attack Neo Savannah
11-09-2007, 22:19
Official Response to Fordock

If the leadership of this state is why you are fightin them then it would be an internal Imperial matter and conflicts between both sides would end far sooner than you think but you press the fact that you are going to forcibly remove their government which contradicts your claim about Ryou's sovereingty.

Ryou is important to us because they are in the Empire and thus are our concern as much as they are yours. Sought protection because they are 'weak', if that is so then they chose the right state to come to because we can offer them protection from nearly any threat. We let them hide behind us because we defend those who cannot defend themselves; also your statement about dealing with other nations. This we do not understand, and by 'dealing' you mean 'sorting out' then we can abide by that by 'sorting you out'. Stevid recently lost a war, on a technicality but we came out with a lot, dealing with nations is commonplace with us and we attack countries that attack our allies.

In short Ryou is not just an ally but a member of the Empire, in all essence- they are part of Stevid. We'll defend them if a single foreign enemy soldier sets foot on any part of Ryou. If you invade, your nation and its allies may not live to regret it.

Consider this an ultimatum, find an alternative route to end the conflict instead of killing more people, or the blood of your fighting forces will be split by Stevidian hands much sooner than you think.
11-09-2007, 23:18
Triple Encryption

Algorithm Key Needed.

Government of The Principality of Fordock,

I am admiral Crais of the third Aleosite fleet. It has come to my attention that The Stevidian Empire claims Lordship over The Ryou Black Islands. Given the chain of events that has lead to the current situation we ask if your government is going to fall for such an obvious lie.

It is clear by the action of The Ryou Black Islands so far that Stevidian opinion matters little for them. And if it was true then does that mean that the Stevidian leadership indulges and supports such practices?

Do not fall for such a ploy. The Stevidians are weakened by the their recent war and as such lack the means to enforce their threats. A swift, decisive operation will bring The Ryou Black Islands to its knees before they are able to react. Let us move now and claim victory for our countries.

Admiral Crais.
12-09-2007, 00:05
Official Diplomatic Letter
To: Stevid

Our nation questions the fact that The Ryou Black Islands is a territory of your nation, that you just allow him to simply be anexed, which can take up to years. Also what we find more puzzling is that you claim that he is weak, that would be an utter lie. The Ryou Black Island's destroyed one of our best fleets with impressive airplaines and high-tech missiles, and how is that excatly weak? As seen by us they can fend for themselves.

We do not wish to start a war with your nation, but the utter propoganda and lies placed upon The Far Echo Islands and our allies must stop for this war to cease. Surely since they are a part of your empire, your supposed to stop that kind of thing from happening, since your now responsible for them.

Hope this puts the spotlight on key issues,
Aaron Fespute,
Minister of Forign Affairs
The Ryou Black Islands
12-09-2007, 00:19
Triple Encryption

Algorithm Key Needed.

Government of The Principality of Fordock,

I am admiral Crais of the third Aleosite fleet. It has come to my attention that The Stevidian Empire claims Lordship over The Ryou Black Islands. Given the chain of events that has lead to the current situation we ask if your government is going to fall for such an obvious lie.

It is clear by the action of The Ryou Black Islands so far that Stevidian opinion matters little for them. And if it was true then does that mean that the Stevidian leadership indulges and supports such practices?

Do not fall for such a ploy. The Stevidians are weakened by the their recent war and as such lack the means to enforce their threats. A swift, decisive operation will bring The Ryou Black Islands to its knees before they are able to react. Let us move now and claim victory for our countries.

Admiral Crais.

OOC: you have a death wish, don't ya?

Stevid will Pwn you all by him self, even if I Wasn't the cause of a war. It is like Calling AMF a girl, you just don't call Stevid a Lier or week.

It was nice knowing you...NOT
12-09-2007, 00:19
ooc: Wasn't this war like closed to avoid dogpiling, if now some 8 billion nation effectively starts backing hataria(TRBI) then its pretty ridiculous.
12-09-2007, 00:22
OOC- Hey TRBI, It is called encryption, AKA you don't know its there. So don't quote it. Pretend it doesn't exist.
The Ryou Black Islands
12-09-2007, 00:23
Olmedreca;13044689']ooc: Wasn't this war like closed to avoid dogpiling, if now some 8 billion nation effectively starts backing hataria(TRBI) then its pretty ridiculous.

OOC: I invited him after FEI invited Aleos.
12-09-2007, 00:25
OOC: I invited him after FEI invited Aleos.

He is like 10 times bigger then Aelos.

edit: Anyway, if CFEI and co are fine with it, then fine to me, its not my nation which is on stake after all.
12-09-2007, 00:27
873 Million vs some 9 billion. Very fair there. You claim to like fairness but methinks only when it benefits you. You can dog pile the other side but they can't do that to you.
The Ryou Black Islands
12-09-2007, 00:28
OOC- Hey TRBI, It is called encryption, AKA you don't know its there. So don't quote it. Pretend it doesn't exist.

OOC: it was a OOC Reply, sorry.
12-09-2007, 00:47
873 Million vs some 9 billion. Very fair there. You claim to like fairness but methinks only when it benefits you. You can dog pile the other side but they can't do that to you.

OOC: Stop complaining. The sides where fine when you guys had all the people. The tables turn and now you are upset. Lol!


Close to Skies over The Far Echo Islands

The small bombing group was soon about to enter FEI airspace. The air wing had been choosen from whatever available stealth aircraft were left in Rigley Air Force Base. With the bombers and escorts all being stealth, it would be harder for the enemy to pick them up on RADAR. If they did, however, and engaged, it would be harder for heat seeking missiles to track the 'invisible' Maldorians...
12-09-2007, 00:53
OOC What I am complaining about is that the Ryou's always whine "Oh it's dog piling its not fair. I don't want to fight you have a little more men then me. Then he godmodes and has maybe close to a total of 3 times the number of men we do but that is okay? Hypocrite. You also fail to realize that Fordock has only around 8500 men in CSFEI. Compared to everyone else's 100 thousand or so. The main problem is he only plays realistically (AKA what happens goes) when it is to his benefit. When not he just hides and complains.
The Ryou Black Islands
12-09-2007, 00:53
873 Million vs some 9 billion. Very fair there. You claim to like fairness but methinks only when it benefits you. You can dog pile the other side but they can't do that to you.

OOC: It is if He invites someone, I invite someone, just to keep it fair
12-09-2007, 00:55
OOC- You my friend are a fucking idiot. You obviously never learned to count or RP. When you finish elementary school try again.
12-09-2007, 00:58
OOC- You my friend are a fucking idiot. You obviously never learned to count or RP. When you finish elementary school try again.

Cut it out. TRBI, keep an eye out for this flamer. Calm down.

OOC What I am complaining about is that the Ryou's always whine "Oh it's dog piling its not fair. I don't want to fight you have a little more men then me. Then he godmodes and has maybe close to a total of 3 times the number of men we do but that is okay? Hypocrite. You also fail to realize that Fordock has only around 8500 men in CSFEI. Compared to everyone else's 100 thousand or so. The main problem is he only plays realistically (AKA what happens goes) when it is to his benefit. When not he just hides and complains.

How is that my fault that you can't field an army? You chose to fight this war so you then why do you complain that you didn't send enough guys. The only hypocrite here is you. Stop taking your temper out on people. Geez.
12-09-2007, 01:01
OOC: It is if He invites someone, I invite someone, just to keep it fair

ooc: Sorry hataria, maybe you really are so dumb, and 5 million nation and 10 billion nation are same in balance for you, but we aren't. I won't continue arguing here because its pointless, but CFEI and his allies, if you get dogpiled and lose the war then its your own fault that you did not put ignore on the whole thing in time.
12-09-2007, 01:03
OOC: Come on guys, quit spamming. There is a bloody OOC thread.
12-09-2007, 01:57
OOC-First of all I can't find the OOC thread. Second of all the point is I am a small nation. Are you saying then that just because I'm a small nation I'm not allowed to try and contribute? Do you try and alienate and stop new players from joining the game? The fact is TRBI equivalents a 9 Billion nation with a 40 Million. Also I'm sorry but I fail to be impressed by TRBI's RPing skill. He writes like a third grader. Now I'm sorry if he happens to be of another nationality than English and really has problems but that doesn't mean that his writing is any better. So until this shapes up I shall do what TRBI does when he thinks it isn't fair.

Ignore cannon fired :gundge:

Have a nice day:D

(I have seen him make the exact same post regarding the two lines above this)
12-09-2007, 01:59
OOC-First of all I can't find the OOC thread. Second of all the point is I am a small nation. Are you saying then that just because I'm a small nation I'm not allowed to try and contribute? Do you try and alienate and stop new players from joining the game? The fact is TRBI equivalents a 9 Billion nation with a 40 Million. Also I'm sorry but I fail to be impressed by TRBI's RPing skill. He writes like a third grader. Now I'm sorry if he happens to be of another nationality than English and really has problems but that doesn't mean that his writing is any better. So until this shapes up I shall do what TRBI does when he thinks it isn't fair.

Ignore cannon fired :gundge:

Have a nice day:D

(I have seen him make the exact same post regarding the two lines above this)

occ: Thats what he did to me *cries* :(
Vanek Drury Brieres
12-09-2007, 02:11
Listen, can I join because I feel like crushing TRBI. Please.
Vanek Drury Brieres
12-09-2007, 02:16
12-09-2007, 02:17
OOC-All nations are equal regardless of pop according to TRBI and I suppose I basically quit (IGNORE CANNON) so go ahead. Just TG The Far Echo Islands. and ask him.
12-09-2007, 02:40
OOC-All nations are equal regardless of pop according to TRBI and I suppose I basically quit (IGNORE CANNON) so go ahead. Just TG The Far Echo Islands. and ask him.

OOC: If you are out of the war, then please stop spamming this. And concerning the OOC thread, you didn't look well enough.
12-09-2007, 02:53
OOC - I disagree that I am out. I am just Ignoring TRBI right now.
The Ryou Black Islands
12-09-2007, 05:33
OOC: what I am trying to say is that me and CFEI argeed that if one side Invites someone, the other side get sto invite someone too.

Yesh.............try telling someone and they think you are a jerk.............Oi
12-09-2007, 05:44
OOC- My post is in response to the fact I think it is assumed 870 million something is not equal to 9 billion. 870,000,000 is way less than 9,000,000,000. My main problem here Is I don't want to get stamped out because I refused to ignore and tried to be nice and let this go. I would be fine with it if earlier you would have been fine with us dog piling you because it is the same thing only with numbers. It is kind of like saying 1 book is the same length as another because they are both books when one has 100 page and the other 1000 pages. Are the books the same length? No. The same thing is going on here. I dearly hope you understand my points and learn to RP better. For a while I defended you. But you have grown on my nerves and you don't seem to be trying to do better. It is almost as if you are acting like "Well since no one likes me I might as well do what I want to" which is not the case at least with me. If you made an honest attempt to improve I would probably accept it until then my involvement in this war is on ignore with regards to you.

I hope this explains my opinions in a non antagonistic way and that you take the suggestions given and improve.
12-09-2007, 05:47
OOC- My post is in response to the fact I think it is assumed 870 million something is not equal to 9 billion. 870,000,000 is way less than 9,000,000,000. My main problem here Is I don't want to get stamped out because I refused to ignore and tried to be nice and let this go. I would be fine with it if earlier you would have been fine with us dog piling you because it is the same thing only with numbers. It is kind of like saying 1 book is the same length as another because they are both books when one has 100 page and the other 1000 pages. Are the books the same length? No. The same thing is going on here. I dearly hope you understand my points and learn to RP better. For a while I defended you. But you have grown on my nerves and you don't seem to be trying to do better. It is almost as if you are acting like "Well since no one likes me I might as well do what I want to" which is not the case at least with me. If you made an honest attempt to improve I would probably accept it until then my involvement in this war is on ignore with regards to you.

I hope this explains my opinions in a non antagonistic way and that you take the suggestions given and improve.

occ: its more of a "Win-Lose stance the theory that I have to win and you have to lose no matter the cost and how others think of me sort of deal."
12-09-2007, 05:56
OOC-Slightly confused as to your wording. Could you please be a little more clear?
12-09-2007, 05:56
OOC-Slightly confused as to your wording. Could you please be a little more clear?

occ: the theory of some people is the Win-Lose theory, which is "I have to win and you have to lose, no matter what I do."
12-09-2007, 05:59
OOC-Slightly confused as to your wording. Could you please be a little more clear?

He means that he thinks that TRBI has prospect that he must win stuck in his head.

That was too many pronouns.
12-09-2007, 09:53
You guys think I would throw everything at you? Sure I could but that would ruin any and everything. 8 Billion population vs. 800 million odd looks bad on paper but that is assuming out and out conflict.

First, it was an ultimatum to try and end the war. Obviously that has failed so then i'll probably fight..... but fight fairly. This RP is littered with self pride and I ask you to take the time to read this rp:

This is one of my semi-victory's in the last war and you should take a leaf out of Atheisism's book, shit happens in war like firendly fire- I see that both sides in this war seem immune to it. I'm not cuz i'm realistic so if I do join then I would be open to confusion in combat and friendly fire prone.

Second, I could join this war but not send many troops because, in IC terms, my government could be over confident and thinks it will be a walk over simply because your nations at as powerful as mine on paper. This over confidence will allow you to attack me and cause losses on my far more easily.

Finally, that is what i'll do- but i'm sure you'll all agree my chances of winning are still high. Well there's an easy way around that. Bump up the style of RPing, I lose battles in three ways: 1) Enemy has superior force/technology to mine and i'll lose/retreat. 2) The guy i'm RPing with is better at modern warfare tactics tham me- simply put, he's more intelligent in combat than me. This is a case you could all beat me on if you think hard about strategy and put some decent affort into it. 3) If you RP something so incredibly good, put hours of thought and pride into your writing then you'll deserve to win the battle and i'd be more than willing to let you win.

I'm not boasting, but I am a respected player on this game simply because I listen to other in their posts and then vice versa. Follow the stickies and the hints above you'll all be excellent. I can join this RP and it could still make little difference to those atacking TRBI.

I must say i'm very disappointed on how many of you have reacted to this and threated to ignore TRBI and this rp simply because i've come along. You're right, in an out and out war i would win, we've already established that. But for goodness sake instead of flaming and complaining- talk to each other and find an alternative solution. I've given you one above- i'll massively over estimate you and send harden veterans from the last war but in small numbers which gives everyone a fighting chance to win this war.

The only way that you guys could lose this war against TRBI and myself now, assuming you agree with my suggesstion, is that my technology proves to be better in more than several ways or your tactics let you down. To avoid this don't just make short pathetic posts saying that you're 'killing 600000 of your troops, there was nothing they could do', add some colour and character like how you're killing and why can't they fight back.

I my being here will probably bump up the interest level, I just wish you guys would open your minds to the possibilities and try and make this RP work. My being here adds flavour and let's face it, i'm not gonna win all the battles so your forces will feel fantasic when they win some battle against me and their morale and fighting effectiveness goes through the roof. It's win win for you in that instance.

You see! Even with me here TRBI could still lose this war.
12-09-2007, 10:51
OOC: I hate doing out of character posts in a IC thread, but given the reactions caused by Stevid's entrance in the war and by the fact that there were OOC comments on my IC post, then I'll make an exception.

How is that my fault that you can't field an army? You chose to fight this war so you then why do you complain that you didn't send enough guys. The only hypocrite here is you. Stop taking your temper out on people. Geez.

What about this? (

The Ryou Black Islands was the one that declared this war. Now his friends and allies should leave him alone in the face of an unjustified attack? I think not. TRBI was the one that chose to wage this war, not CFEI and allies. Don't mix facts up.

This also raises a problem with your participation Stevid. Is it all right for nations in your empire to declare war on others and attack them but not for them to retaliate? Diplomatically this seems to me as a very bad move.

you have a death wish, don't ya?

Stevid will Pwn you all by him self, even if I Wasn't the cause of a war. It is like Calling AMF a girl, you just don't call Stevid a Lier or week.

It was nice knowing you...NOT

Right... and you have any way of knowing my plans? Seriously, you don't have any idea as to what I'm plotting ICly or what my next step is going to be. And if you think I'm going down that easy just based on numbers, then think again.

OOC: what I am trying to say is that me and CFEI argeed that if one side Invites someone, the other side get sto invite someone too.

And discounting the size of the ones invited? Sounds awfully convenient to me. You get a 8+ billion nation on your side while the ones interested in joining CFEI can't because the number of player has to be equal. Right, fair.

I won't continue arguing here because its pointless, but CFEI and his allies, if you get dogpiled and lose the war then its your own fault that you did not put ignore on the whole thing in time.

I'll just wait for CFEI's opinion on this one, but while I generally agree with your opinion, I'm not going to back out of this war just because TRBI found it fair to 'even' the odds in his favour.

OOC: Come on guys, quit spamming. There is a bloody OOC thread.

Which others should be using too.

I must say i'm very disappointed on how many of you have reacted to this and threated to ignore TRBI and this rp simply because i've come along.

Not your fault actually. Look at the pages before you entered the war, this just added to the issues people had with this RP. Personally I care little, if CFEI continues the war then Stevid or no Stevid I'll march forward.

Anyway, sorry for the tone of my post, just a bit annoyed with the whole deal. Maybe with you on the other camp the overall RPing over there will improve.
12-09-2007, 15:45
Not your fault actually. Look at the pages before you entered the war, this just added to the issues people had with this RP. Personally I care little, if CFEI continues the war then Stevid or no Stevid I'll march forward.

Anyway, sorry for the tone of my post, just a bit annoyed with the whole deal. Maybe with you on the other camp the overall RPing over there will improve.

Thanks for the vote of confidence, and I can reassure anyone and everyone that I'm not going to enter this war with my full military might because that would ruin everything achieved here so far. And I make effort to press to you fellows that I am more than willing to lose this war if it is RPed correctly.

One final note though, can someone give the link to the OOC thread because this is the RP thread and a total of 5-6 pages of this thread is full of OOC bollocks which should belong in the OOC thread. Thanks.
12-09-2007, 19:57
OOC- Alright I've admit I've been rather pissy lately. So I'll lay it off. Sorry Stevid no offense. I'll stay in this one. It is just Hard to find a good opportunity to play war as a small nation without screwing up national reputation on the boards and then it feels like you sorta of crashed it. Also that Intel Aleos reported could have been false.

IC- It had been a tough couple of days. With the annunciation of Stevid the government had to decide upon a increasingly tough decision. Finally it was made as keyboard clacks were heard directly from the president's office. The sound of a printer moving and paper falling was heard to. And then there was that distinctive burnt ink smell as the paper felt slightly wet. Next you could hear a felt tip scratching in signatures to officiate whatever it was. A bell was rung and a secretary came. It was already in an envelope marked to be mailed to Stevid's president along secure channels.

It went into the mail. The men working the place were ordered to send it via a neutral ship. The letter was loaded in a special compartment. Two men guarded it at all times with loaded weapons. The letter sat as others in the cargo hold were cramped. Time passed and the ship moved on flying a Fordockian flag. It finally approached Stevid. It was of course mistrusted by the authorities at the ports. But they were convinced it was just a letter in the end perhaps with the help of a small gift of money. The two guards eventually got to the capital. Once there they requested the letter be sent to him.

That was the end of the mission. The men went back to the ship and sailed away. However this time they flew a neutral flag. This time they were ready for attack. Eventually they sent a message to the President. It read simply that the mission was completed and the task done. With this info the president prepared to go on air. He announced that hostilities were taking place between Stevid and Fordock. However he did not share the contents of the letter. Only hopefully the leaders of Stevid knew what it said.

It was a short and simple message but rather monodirectional. It read exactly

We regret to inform you that we cannot comply with your demands. The Ryou's must be dealt with. We now recognize a state of war with you.

With supreme aproval from the High Government


Turon Saterek
Minister of State

Tozo Tramine
Defense Minister

Roz Relhcik
Minister Of Work

Aukon Mekhran
Minister of Diplomacy

And remember. Sometimes the smallest scorpions have the sharpest stings.
12-09-2007, 20:47
OOC: May Fordock and all post whatever they have left? I need some numbers to work with.
12-09-2007, 20:51
OOC- 8500 on the Island 10,000 on their way over. Air Forces at 3/4 strength monitoring transport. Remaining aircraft at home. 8500 are camped in the Echo Capital right outside the city in good cover (Take it how you want suburbs or Forests). Navy is in shambles most of it is in Dry Dock at the capital. Most of the remaining army is in bases Meshkrat or the capital. That good?
12-09-2007, 20:57
OOC: Stop complaining. The sides where fine when you guys had all the people. The tables turn and now you are upset. Lol!


Close to Skies over The Far Echo Islands

The small bombing group was soon about to enter FEI airspace. The air wing had been choosen from whatever available stealth aircraft were left in Rigley Air Force Base. With the bombers and escorts all being stealth, it would be harder for the enemy to pick them up on RADAR. If they did, however, and engaged, it would be harder for heat seeking missiles to track the 'invisible' Maldorians...

OOC: Fordock, I suppose that's fine. Also, FEI, I can't continue until you respond to this.

With a bombing group already on the offensive, the ground elements of the Maldorian army stationed on the Capital Island scattered throughout the outskirts of the town. Maldorian HQ was set up in the capital and a few soldiers were told to guard it, but that was it. Everyone else was either out of the city or in Rigley Military Station.
The Ryou Black Islands
12-09-2007, 21:24
The Ryous soon had one plan that was to start, an all out Offenive against Fordock, with the idea to knock them out of the war.

The Ryou Army was expanding to help with The war and for this reason the first Attack would be in Fordock, with a small Ground Force and Ryou Imperial Special Forces backing them up.

The main Plan was to get the enemy to go on the defense in Fordock and hopefuly Scare them into surender, The Ryous also were ready to retreat also should the plan fail.

The Empire would strike soon.
12-09-2007, 21:53
Number 65, PM’s Office

Political pressure and military ultimatums had failed and the Empire’s latest family member remained under threat indefinitely, the nations opposed to The Ryou Black Islands were relatively small and ever since Stevid’s military had perform admirably well during the War of Golden Succession the Empire now looked invincible- but facing threatening nations at every turn. Now it seemed the Empire’s wealth and raw military power was again to be out and out ignored by belligerent nations that were simply ‘annoyed’ with Ryou.

So it was with great surprise when Prime Minister David Conroy opened a formal letter, not an open electronic message, from Fordock’s head of state and subordinate advisors declaring war upon Stevid. Usually most nations would look at the history of Stevid just how well it could defend itself and then quiver in it’s boots, tuck their tails between their legs and scarper back to the hell hole they came from- unfortunately not this time, this nation was hardy, confident in the face of danger and had this drive of belief that they were fighting for the right and honourable cause whereas Ryou was not. It didn’t matter what Stevid thought of either side but the Empire had a right to defend her allies no matter the circumstances, this was one of those instances.

“Are these bastards crazy?” Conroy asked the Cabinet during their evening meeting. “You would have thought they would end the war now in the face of us but it seems the cause they are fighting for blinds them to commonsense. Perhaps Ryou are the bad guys in this mess.”

“Even if they are Prime Minister,” Said the Foreign Minister. “We cannot abandon our pledge to defend states that are part of the Empire no matter the circumstances. We may be held responsible for defending an obviously hostile and even evil side but they are still our allies. I personally am shocked they have declared war- I thought, like you sir, would have a dosage of commonsense before they start signing war declarations. We are unprepared for this and should act accordingly with a full military response.”

“Don’t be ridiculous Charles! If I wanted to government money then I would, I know this country is filthy rich especially with the oil gained from the last war, but funding three wars in the space of two years has damaged us economically- wars are bloody expensive Charles and at this moment I would rather fight a small and defensive war. We have no choice now, we’ve accidentally provoked our intervention and we should not allow our presumed aura of invincibility drag us into conflicts like this. But it is small and our military is more than able to handle this- we’ll only send what we need.”

“Sir, I strongly recommend against that decision! This happened in the First Hanover Conflict when we underestimated the Republic and it cost us many thousands of lives, thousands that should’ve been hundreds… lives that should not have been lost. Don’t make the same mistake again sir.”

The Prime Minister frowned and tried to contain his anger, the insubordination was ripe in the cabinet recently and a leadership contest was looking ominous. Conroy had one six elections in a row and was the longest serving democratically elected leader of Stevid, but many now believed his days were numbered. Another war would either work for or against him this time.

“End of discussion, I’m a former military man myself unlike you and unlike you I know what we need to send. We’ll send a medium sized task force, no need for troops not unless Ryou is invaded. We’ll throw our weight around and show the enemy that we can do significant damage with little military units and they’ll hopefully back down.”

“Hopefully? Not a sound strategy sir.” The Foreign Minister remarked in a barely audible tone.

“Forgive me dear sir but shut the fuck up!” Conroy yelled, his infamous patience failed him and the anger and other emotions poured out like a tidal wave. “Meeting adjourned! Talk to the C&Cs and General military staff, assemble a task force and go and win this war. It’s your arses on the line as much as it is mine, if this government loses the election we all do, we’re all in the same boat here! Bloody well make this work!”

Fleet Manifest (All ships have links to their status blocks)

3x Sanctus Mare Class Super Carriers (CVN) (
1x Inquisition Class Dreadnought (DN) (
3x Havenic Class Command Battleships (BBCN) (
1x Defiler Class Command Cruiser (CC) (
1x Hanover Class EW Cruiser (C-ECMW) (
8x Gazelle Class Missile Cruisers (CAGN) (
20x Lemartes Class Destroyer (DDG) (
Number of Submarines is undisclosed due to naval policy

TOTAL SHIPS: 37 + Subs (5-10)

OOC: Thanks Fordock, all credit to you for trying to get this RP moving along after me. And to all participants, the 37 ships doesn't seem like much but it is only a task force and if you read the stat blocks and also look at the anti-ship missiles (The Gothic Missile) they hold, they are tough nuts to crack and can crack nuts twenty times their size. We're on NS for one reason... to have fun so lets have some.
The Ryou Black Islands
12-09-2007, 22:08
OOC: Stevid-Any good storefronts that sale Troop Transports and other things for landing groud forces?
13-09-2007, 01:04
"PUT THOSE SANDBAGS UP NOW" yelled the sergeant. They were participating in "Defense Exercises". The civilian population watched in something close to amusement as the sergeants yelled at the troopers to put up defense and haul this and haul that. In a way it was funny. But the civilians didn't understand what was really going on. They never did and never would until it wouldn't do them any good. So VII and VIII legion were out on the beaches. Not that Fordock had much in the way of beaches. It was closer to where the sea started and Fordock ended. Most of the time it was just a cliff aside from at Meshkrat and Sumetra where there were natural harbors. Two legions were on each harbor setting up defenses. Why. Because some damn idiot who had a nice little star thought he heard rumors that there might be an attack against Fordock. Who the hell would want to do that? Still though the land was prepared.

So the exercise continued. VII and VII legion were stationed in Sumetra benefiting their status as the finest legions. The V and VI were at Meshkrat and the rest were spread among the coast trying to defend the Provincial capitals and odd outposts outside the perimeter. Which seemed a waste because all this would do would be to stall an enemy attack if they pressed hard. Still the RDFD (Research for the defense of Fordock Department) was coming up with new weapons constantly. At least they now had some RPG's to defend themselves with against a potential tank attack. Of course the chances of an attack coming were so ridiculously low it was a waste of money but what could you do? So the Troops of Fordock waited at the beaches while III and IV legions were in Neo Savannah. So the troops on the beaches waited.

In Neo Savannah though Lopon had limped to their port. His ship was heavily damaged and would need a good half a years worth of repairs before it could even sail and probably a full year to operate at max efficiency. Yet Lopon's arrival cheered the soldiers. He expediently replaced whatever junior officer was taking his place, coming to strategy meetings properly on his own. He now was peresenting a proposal.

"What the hell are we waiting for? Stevid to deploy her troops? We need to move and seize the Ryou islands quickly with lightning warfare. We need to skip the cities. Make a quick drive and cut a small island in half. Then you souround the cities and leave a token force. Once there you keep moving. Eventually you force the enemies stranded in cities to make 3 options, Desperate attacks that eliminate them with low casualties, surrender, or retreat. You keep moving until you bottle them up in a corner and then you pound them and move in. Come on lets move and get at least something happening!"

He waited for responses. Every Fordockian was doing a lot of waiting these days.
13-09-2007, 01:09
The Imperial General considered the Fordockian's words. "You are, in essence correct. Cut the islands in half, have some forces beseige cities, but aim straight for the capital in the end. I agree that an invasion should begin quickly, and my troops and capabilities are at their best. What say you, Echoses general? Should we begin a detailed plan of the breaching?
The Ryou Black Islands
13-09-2007, 01:27
The Ryous were sandbaginf every beach in the nation, prepareing for any Invasion by the Nazi scumbags of FEI and it's allies. Civilian Soldiers were training harder and better.

any Invasion would be a bloodly and slow one for the enenmy, and The Ryous would fight to the death to defend their Nation from the evil Nazis.
13-09-2007, 01:36
Cell Phones have Predictive Text

Ryou has Predictive Tactics

Seriously, I know it's quite possible and realistic to sandbag once Fordock starts sandbagging, but the (assumed) factor of coincidence is often disregarded in NSII, anddoing such makes you look like a godmodder, and deters others from RPing with you.
13-09-2007, 01:44
OOC- I have spies in Ryou. I don't think Ryou has bothered placing spies in Fordock.
The Far Echo Islands
13-09-2007, 01:52
OOC: Stop complaining. The sides where fine when you guys had all the people. The tables turn and now you are upset. Lol!


Close to Skies over The Far Echo Islands

The small bombing group was soon about to enter FEI airspace. The air wing had been choosen from whatever available stealth aircraft were left in Rigley Air Force Base. With the bombers and escorts all being stealth, it would be harder for the enemy to pick them up on RADAR. If they did, however, and engaged, it would be harder for heat seeking missiles to track the 'invisible' Maldorians...

OOC: by what way is your air force entering? i.e.: Which of my four cities major are you attacking, each has a different level of defense.

We will hereby, deliver this message to our allies, as well as the government and all allies of the Ryou Black Isles, we, the government and people of the Far Echo Islands, do hereby issue this one, and singular chance for peace talks to begin. We have opted not to issue an ultimatum at this time. We ask a neutral nation volunteer to host in person peace talks, however, if no neutral nation is willing, we will communicate peace talks via other mediums. We do so hope you accept. Note again that this is not a call for surrender, only peace talks.

Grant Norse
Grand Arbiter
13-09-2007, 01:55
OOC- I have spies in Ryou. I don't think Ryou has bothered placing spies in Fordock.

Proof. I missed that.

13-09-2007, 02:03
FIN Reporting


The Video is supposed to be patched together from Spy footage obtained by Fordockian Intelligence. After seeing this the President Commented "any nation that would do such things so often is sick and in need of change."


I didn't make a big deal. I assume most have been found and executed but there are still a few.
13-09-2007, 02:19
In the dark Echoese night, thousands of candles and lanterns birned silver and green in the Kiravian encampment. A memorial was being held for all the Dolphins and Humans massacred by the barbaric Ryouans. A stone with a collective epitaph engraved in Ancient Coscivian and modern Arkik was set upon the ground. The Imperial soldiers mourned with an adaption of the old Irish song that fit their lotting perfectly.

[[OOC: THis is kinda an adaption of the U2 song "Sunday, Bloody Sunday"

I can't believe the news today

I can't just close my eyes and make it go away

Howlong? How long must we sing this song?

How long? How lo-o-ong?

But tonight,

We will be as one


Sunday, Bloody Sunday

Sunday Bloody Sunday,...

Broken buildings trampled underfeet

Defiled dolphins on the Ryou'n street

How Long? How Long must we sing this song? How long? How Lo-o-ong

But tonight,

We will be as one


Sunday, Bloody Sunday

Sunday Bloody Sunday,...

And today the millions vye,

We shall not rest while tommorrow they die

It is too clear we're not immune,...

For they won't stop 'till they fade from memory...

The Far Echo Islands
13-09-2007, 02:50
Proof. I missed that.


ooc: just to put this into a time frame lets say it happened just before my offer of peace talks, but not long enough before that the Grand Arbiter was not informed of it before he offered peace talks.
EDIT: nice song Kirav.

STEALTH was not new technology. Everyone was aware that nowadays planes could look like birds on radar. So the situation in Neo Savannah was quite odd when a giant flock of small 'bird' sized blips came across the radar. Neo Savannah was a city made from military bases, it likely would not have been the home of 12 million people had it not been for the bases, the three largest being Nantucket Army Base, Xavier Air Force Base, and Port Neo Savannah Naval Base. In other words, there was no lack of defenses. After 10 minutes of confusion and bureaucracy, there were 200 fighters in the air, and 300 SAMs coming at the stealthy enemy.
13-09-2007, 03:17
STEALTH was not new technology. Everyone was aware that nowadays planes could look like birds on radar. So the situation in Neo Savannah was quite odd when a giant flock of small 'bird' sized blips came across the radar. Neo Savannah was a city made from military bases, it likely would not have been the home of 12 million people had it not been for the bases, the three largest being Nantucket Army Base, Xavier Air Force Base, and Port Neo Savannah Naval Base. In other words, there was no lack of defenses. After 10 minutes of confusion and bureaucracy, there were 200 fighters in the air, and 300 SAMs coming at the stealthy enemy.

"This is Strike Leader 1 to Strike Group. Maintain targets. Leave the fighters to our escorts. Repeat, ignore the enemy fighters and focus on thoses bastards down below." B-2 bombers continued their flight path as stealth fighters soon broke away from the escort group. 80 500lb bombs were dropped from each bomber, sure to leave a mark. F-117's were already firing laser-guided bombs at the targeted SAM's. AIM-120 AMRAAM were fired from the F-22's which went ahead, acting as a shield for the bombers.
13-09-2007, 03:33
The Binarian Government although it does not support the Far Echo Island's policies regaurding non-human rights, any enemy of the Maldorians has our support. As such we are willing to supply you with arms to fight them. Upon the end of this conflict, we require all re-usable armaments to be returned to the Binarian Empire.
The Ryou Black Islands
13-09-2007, 03:59
13-09-2007, 11:30
3rd Aleosite Fleet, Flagship Moya

“Surveillance footage from our satellites shows that the Stevidians are making their move. A Stevidian Task Force is heading towards our designated target. Information pertaining to this situation is contained in the distributed files,” the voice stopped, waiting for confirmation from Admiral Crais. It was not pleasant to be the one bringing the bad news, but it was his duty and he did it with pride.

“Carry on,” Admiral Crais ordered, a small smile making its way on his face. As a man with a photographic memory, he had already reviewed the information folders and knew what this was all about, but he allowed the intelligence officer to continue the briefing.

“Furthermore, data collected on The Ryou Black Islands show that there is a decrease in the fleet power protecting the homeland. Our satellites confirmed that several Ryou ships have been identified in the open sea. We believe this to be a part of a retaliatory strike against CFEI and its allies. From our data, the most likely target to be hit is Fordock,” again a pause.

“Continue,” the Admiral’s smile was still firmly etched on his face.

“There is also a lot of activity around their beaches, our analysts suspect they’re sandbaging them in preparation for an invasion. There are also reports about several plane signatures above CFEI territory. At the moment we have little information about them, but given the response of the CFEI air force, we suspect an air strike. That would be all admiral, further information can be found in the files provided at the beginning of the briefing,” and with that the man ended his speech.

“Good. This situation is perfect,” Admiral Crais old his staff, making some of them question their leader.

“Sir?” one of them dared ask the question on everyone’s lips.

“The Stevidians show their fangs, but they are wary of what they bite. They just came out from a major conflict, they aren’t all that eager to get involved in another. We’ll just have to act as dentists for them,” the admiral started explaining the situation in his own view, “And the Ryou Black Islands just exposed themselves. Sandbaging their vast beaches and the people they’ve sent away in their seemingly invasion operations have to come from somewhere, and we’re going to take advantage of their choices. Now, everyone return to their posts.”

“Yes sir!” the staff answered as they started heading towards their designated posts.


Admiral’s Personal Journal. Bloody Sunday War, Entry #7

‘It’s curios how the situation started evolving in this war. The Ryou Black Islands, the aggressor in this case, benefits of substantial support from the Stevidian Empire, but I doubt that this is a sound choice on their part both politically and military. A bit of propaganda in the Stevidian nation will do wonders in this regard, even better if they see the consequences of their actions. It will be a thrilling experience to encounter their fleet on the battlefield, since it’s most likely that this assignment will fall onto us.

On the other hand, the measures taken by the Ryou Black Islands have given us a golden opportunity. It seems they are overconfident in their strength and in the support they have from the Stevidians. No matter though, this might be their downfall in this war. With the rules of engagement they have set and the fact that they used gas in their operations we have a lot of operational liberty in our actions. ‘


The plans were set in motion. Aleosite submarines moved in to their assigned positions. Like a hungry pack of wolves, they enveloped the Ryou Black Islands as silent as possible. They will bring forth a nasty surprise for the Ryou fleet.

To further this, a Task Group was deployed on an interception course to the Ryou fleet that went ‘visiting’ the CFEI and its allies. All they waited for was an order.

As for the Stevidians, several ‘commercial’ vessels were already on an interception course towards their fleet. Modified Liberty 2 ships, they were extremely sturdy and able to carry a nasty surprise in their bays. The objective was simple, get as close as you can. There was no state of war between Aleos and the ones fighting with the Ryou Black Islands, so this was a perfect ploy. If they attacked, then they would be to blame for what happened next.

The fleet was ready.

OOC: To make things clear in case someone decides to have ‘future vision’. I’m not at war with the Ryou Black Islands yet and my submarines are you know, of the silent variety. And since I’m at it, Maldorians could you give us a rough estimate at what forces you have involved here? Are you involved officially or not in this war? Following some IC posts by your allies threatening CFEI due to this war, I’m starting to doubt your good faith in relation to this RP…
The Ryou Black Islands
13-09-2007, 15:12
3rd Aleosite Fleet, Flagship Moya

“Surveillance footage from our satellites shows that the Stevidians are making their move. A Stevidian Task Force is heading towards our designated target. Information pertaining to this situation is contained in the distributed files,” the voice stopped, waiting for confirmation from Admiral Crais. It was not pleasant to be the one bringing the bad news, but it was his duty and he did it with pride.

“Carry on,” Admiral Crais ordered, a small smile making its way on his face. As a man with a photographic memory, he had already reviewed the information folders and knew what this was all about, but he allowed the intelligence officer to continue the briefing.

“Furthermore, data collected on The Ryou Black Islands show that there is a decrease in the fleet power protecting the homeland. Our satellites confirmed that several Ryou ships have been identified in the open sea. We believe this to be a part of a retaliatory strike against CFEI and its allies. From our data, the most likely target to be hit is Fordock,” again a pause.

“Continue,” the Admiral’s smile was still firmly etched on his face.

“There is also a lot of activity around their beaches, our analysts suspect they’re sandbaging them in preparation for an invasion. There are also reports about several plane signatures above CFEI territory. At the moment we have little information about them, but given the response of the CFEI air force, we suspect an air strike. That would be all admiral, further information can be found in the files provided at the beginning of the briefing,” and with that the man ended his speech.

“Good. This situation is perfect,” Admiral Crais old his staff, making some of them question their leader.

“Sir?” one of them dared ask the question on everyone’s lips.

“The Stevidians show their fangs, but they are wary of what they bite. They just came out from a major conflict, they aren’t all that eager to get involved in another. We’ll just have to act as dentists for them,” the admiral started explaining the situation in his own view, “And the Ryou Black Islands just exposed themselves. Sandbaging their vast beaches and the people they’ve sent away in their seemingly invasion operations have to come from somewhere, and we’re going to take advantage of their choices. Now, everyone return to their posts.”

“Yes sir!” the staff answered as they started heading towards their designated posts.


Admiral’s Personal Journal. Bloody Sunday War, Entry #7

‘It’s curios how the situation started evolving in this war. The Ryou Black Islands, the aggressor in this case, benefits of substantial support from the Stevidian Empire, but I doubt that this is a sound choice on their part both politically and military. A bit of propaganda in the Stevidian nation will do wonders in this regard, even better if they see the consequences of their actions. It will be a thrilling experience to encounter their fleet on the battlefield, since it’s most likely that this assignment will fall onto us.

On the other hand, the measures taken by the Ryou Black Islands have given us a golden opportunity. It seems they are overconfident in their strength and in the support they have from the Stevidians. No matter though, this might be their downfall in this war. With the rules of engagement they have set and the fact that they used gas in their operations we have a lot of operational liberty in our actions. ‘


The plans were set in motion. Aleosite submarines moved in to their assigned positions. Like a hungry pack of wolves, they enveloped the Ryou Black Islands as silent as possible. They will bring forth a nasty surprise for the Ryou fleet.

To further this, a Task Group was deployed on an interception course to the Ryou fleet that went ‘visiting’ the CFEI and its allies. All they waited for was an order.

As for the Stevidians, several ‘commercial’ vessels were already on an interception course towards their fleet. Modified Liberty 2 ships, they were extremely sturdy and able to carry a nasty surprise in their bays. The objective was simple, get as close as you can. There was no state of war between Aleos and the ones fighting with the Ryou Black Islands, so this was a perfect ploy. If they attacked, then they would be to blame for what happened next.

The fleet was ready.

OOC: To make things clear in case someone decides to have ‘future vision’. I’m not at war with the Ryou Black Islands yet and my submarines are you know, of the silent variety. And since I’m at it, Maldorians could you give us a rough estimate at what forces you have involved here? Are you involved officially or not in this war? Following some IC posts by your allies threatening CFEI due to this war, I’m starting to doubt your good faith in relation to this RP…

OOC: I have not RPed my Fleet being sent ANYWHERE yet.
13-09-2007, 15:15
OOC: I have not RPed my Fleet being sent ANYWHERE yet.

OOC: Your fleet would not all be in one place at one time. navies are their to patrol home waters. I think what he means is that several of your ships on routine patrols have been indentified as definite targets for attack.

IC post will be here soon.
13-09-2007, 15:26
OOC: First of all, that post was SIC, so what was talked about in there remains inside my navy.

Second my information network over the combat area is not flawless at this point since I'm paying a lot of attention to Stevid's movements.

Third, you can't RP the preparations you make for an invasion without expecting someone to notice that and take action, also, as Stevid pointed out, your fleet does have ships in the open sea at this point, unless you have them all cooped up in your harbours.

And does anybody know where the OOC thread is around here?

Edit for Imperial Isa: The meeting took place on my flagship in a restricted access room specially designed for that. I didn't believe there was a need to mention that, since you know, it was obvious.

Thanks for the link.

Reserved for IC post.
Imperial isa
13-09-2007, 15:32
OOC this what you looking for and where was the posting of SIC
The Ryou Black Islands
13-09-2007, 15:33
OOC: First of all, that post was SIC, so what was talked about in there remains inside my navy.

Second my information network over the combat area is not flawless at this point since I'm paying a lot of attention to Stevid's movements.

Third, you can't RP the preparations you make for an invasion without expecting someone to notice that and take action, also, as Stevid pointed out, your fleet does have ships in the open sea at this point, unless you have them all cooped up in your harbours.

And does anybody know where the OOC thread is around here?

Reserved for IC post.

OOC: I have been looking for it also.
13-09-2007, 15:52
Maldorians could you give us a rough estimate at what forces you have involved here? Are you involved officially or not in this war? Following some IC posts by your allies threatening CFEI due to this war, I’m starting to doubt your good faith in relation to this RP…

OOC: Good faith? This war with Maldorians is basically hidden from ordinary Maldorian's eyes. If I wanted to, I might tell 'em. My allies would kinda know that I was attacking CEFI, so I don't see the prob there.

~10,000 men
~1,000 Mirza MBTs
~1,000 MBT-7 Tiger
~50 HBT-1 Behemoth II
~500 SA-4 M200 Desolator
~various other vehicles
~200 MTA-F01 Whisper
~100 A-7 Wraith
~100 B-54 Night Falcon
~3 CVS-4 Poseidon Class
~4 SMI-2 Nautilus Class
~2 CM-1 Stingray Class
~2 DE-3 Vanguard Class
~3 LC-2 Intruder Class
The Ryou Black Islands
13-09-2007, 16:05
SIC: The Ryous soon started a operation against the Fordock fleet in Neo Savannah in what was called Operation: Sting.

10 Stingray Class Caravels soon started sailing out in the middle of the night, these Corvettes were called Caravels after the old sailing ship class. These would be the Attackers against the enemy.

13-09-2007, 16:36
EDIT: nice song Kirav.

Thanks. Every time I looked at thre thread, my mind kept going, "Sunday, Bloody Sunday,..." Of course, the original is about the other Bloody Sunday.

The Empire supports that proposal of peace accords put forward by the CSFEI. We invite all other participants in this conflict, official and unofficial alike, to attend.
13-09-2007, 17:57
OOC- Ryou you do realize I have all of 1 war vessel in the harbor and I'm sure TCSFEI has a lot more. My transports are all offloaded too.
13-09-2007, 18:08
OOC- Ryou you do realize I have all of 1 war vessel in the harbor and I'm sure TCSFEI has a lot more. My transports are all offloaded too.

Furthermore, I've got a whole fleet in that harbour, plus my full troop complement. Also, Neo-Savanna is a naval base, so It's probably got über-ass fortifications and weaponry. Plus, CFEI's likely to have patrols about his waters, like any nation at war would, that'd raise the alarm at the base.
The Ryou Black Islands
13-09-2007, 19:32
The Ryou Black Islands
13-09-2007, 20:51
OOC: I TGed CFEI about this, I am leting him invite another Nation as his ally since I am going to invite someone onto my side.

IC: The Ryous were hopeing that the enemy would soon give up all Ideas about Invasion once Stevid came. The enemy was sueing for peace but The Ryous would not sue for peace unless It was doomed or till The enemy UNCONDIONALY Surendered.

The Ryous were cheering for their Ruler and declared that they would not let The enemy win. The Ryous would fight to the death and kill every enemy Troop till they gave up.

and the Ryous were not giveing up
Vanek Drury Brieres
13-09-2007, 22:09
OOC: Hi!


Dear The Ryou Black Islands,

We are apalled of your actions concerning the war on The Far Echo Islands. We will join them in the pursuit for justice, putting a rightful government in the RBI. Victory!


The Princes of the VDB

At ports all over the VDB

Ships were launched, carrying troops and planes. The RBI was going to die.

OOC: I will not continue, however, unless we get some fair representation here.
13-09-2007, 22:15
a rightful government

Which, in our official language, translates to "a Kiravian government"
OOC: VDB, much agreement. This needs to be worked out in the OOC thread before any IC action can continue.
The Ryou Black Islands
13-09-2007, 23:01
The Ryou Black Islands
13-09-2007, 23:05
OOC: Hi!


Dear The Ryou Black Islands,

We are apalled of your actions concerning the war on The Far Echo Islands. We will join them in the pursuit for justice, putting a rightful government in the RBI. Victory!


The Princes of the VDB

What you call 'rightful Government' We call Nazi Satellite Nation. You try forceing a Government we don't want on us, We will rise up and overthrow it, You will never get a puppet in The Black Islands, we will fight you.

The People of The Ryou Black Islands
13-09-2007, 23:26
What you call 'rightful Government' We call Nazi Satellite Nation. You try forceing a Government we don't want on us, We will rise up and overthrow it, You will never get a puppet in The Black Islands, we will fight you.

The People of The Ryou Black Islands

We're not in the market for puppets or sattelite states. We're more into creating colonies and sending in Kiravian settlers. We're into into opressing the natives or stealing their culture either. We'd allow ethnic Ryouans to preserve their culture and traditions alongside the Kiravians, and your languages would be co-official. Locals would be 4th level Imperial citizens, and have the right to vote for Provincial Executive, and other offices. THat's how the system is.
The Ryou Black Islands
14-09-2007, 00:07
We're not in the market for puppets or sattelite states. We're more into creating colonies and sending in Kiravian settlers. We're into into opressing the natives or stealing their culture either. We'd allow ethnic Ryouans to preserve their culture and traditions alongside the Kiravians, and your languages would be co-official. Locals would be 4th level Imperial citizens, and have the right to vote for Provincial Executive, and other offices. THat's how the system is.

From the Ryou People

NEVER! We will fight for our Freedom from yoru evil Nazi ways and kill your settlers

14-09-2007, 00:17
If that's the way its going to be, then the Empire has no choice but to oust any Ryous from the colony, and rename it the Kiravic Dark Islands Colony.

That is, of course, considering that we choose to make you a colony. We might just go with a Kiravian-enstated emirate in free association with the Empire, where law is enforced by Quadeshi and Ghassani mercenaries.

Or chose to leave you to your own barbaric devices after we figure out a way to deter our cetacean citizens from visiting your waters.
The Ryou Black Islands
14-09-2007, 00:47
The Ryous were planning Peace talks, but never with Kirav, As long as they threated The Ryous, Kirav will never know peace till Kirav's Evil Nazi Empire was destroyed.

The Muslims in Ryou soon Declared Holy War against The Kiravians while Jewish Ryous Burned The Flag of Kirav. Bishop Ming Sai called on all Roman Catholics to fight The Pagan Infadels of Kirav.

The Ryous would fight Kirav while they sent this to Far Echo Islands

We will have Peace talks with you in Kurona bring all your allies, all but Kirav.
The Far Echo Islands
14-09-2007, 01:11
The Ryous were planning Peace talks, but never with Kirav, As long as they threated The Ryous, Kirav will never know peace till Kirav's Evil Nazi Empire was destroyed.

The Muslims in Ryou soon Declared Holy War against The Kiravians while Jewish Ryous Burned The Flag of Kirav. Bishop Ming Sai called on all Roman Catholics to fight The Pagan Infadels of Kirav.

The Ryous would fight Kirav while they sent this to Far Echo Islands

The Kiravians WILL attend the peace talks. There is no point in peace talks if all they lead to is the continuance of the war in defense of a close ally of our nation. You MUST let the Kiravians attend. It will not be stood for if these peace talks excluded one of the largest and most involved Allied Powers. The proposed Kirav colony WILL be discussed in the talks, and perhaps an agreement reached. No Kirav = No Peace talks.
14-09-2007, 01:12
The Ryous were planning Peace talks, but never with Kirav, As long as they threated The Ryous, -snip-

We don't capture provinces just for the heck of it. Only if the nation shows a security threat to us or an ally, and we commence war on on it, do we consider annexation. If you agree to peace talks with us and the other allies, we will cease any and all threats of conquest, and if the peace talks go well, we will obviously remove our offencive forces against you.

We don't wage imperialist war with civilized societies. It is a loss when a civilized culture is destroyed. Agreeing to peace talks with CSFEI at least, has shown you to be civilized. We applaud this and recognize it by removing you from the Barbarian List.

We hope to be able to work this out peaceably. We do not want any of our citizens, dolphin or human, to lose their lives. However, peace cannot be negotiated between nations who cannot respect each other. We have shown you respect by agreeing to cease threats if you agree to peace talks, and removing you from the Barbarian List. Now we call upon you to respect us.

We are not Nazis. We fly a silver star on green, not a swastika on red. We have 900,260 practicing Jews in Kirav Proper, who have their synagouges funded by the state, as are any religious communities that ask for it. We have no work camps, no racial doctorine, no slave scientists, and no fascist ideology. We respect the rights of natives in our colonies, and prefer to settle uninhabited lands.

If you can agree to such terms, then we will cooperate. We came into this war to defend an ally, and that remains our objective. If these talks will ensure CFEI security, then we will do all we can to ensure that they happen fully and successfully.
OOC: Ryou, only 10% of Kirav's population is Pagan. Most Kiravians are Christian-like Theists, Christians, Humanists, Universalists, Sikhs, Jains, and Zoroastrians. We don't have a state religion to begin with and it's certainly not any Paganism-related faith.
OOC: This doesn't rule out a colony, but it does establish that we won't take Ryou in its entirety, and any colony will have to be chartered by terms laid down in the peace talks. Also, we guarantee that no Ryou citizen will be harmed in its creation.
Vanek Drury Brieres
14-09-2007, 01:14
We're not in the market for puppets or sattelite states. We're more into creating colonies and sending in Kiravian settlers. We're into into opressing the natives or stealing their culture either. We'd allow ethnic Ryouans to preserve their culture and traditions alongside the Kiravians, and your languages would be co-official. Locals would be 4th level Imperial citizens, and have the right to vote for Provincial Executive, and other offices. THat's how the system is.

Immediately tightens process of Kiravian citizens moving to the VDB. (just kidding.)
Vanek Drury Brieres
14-09-2007, 01:15
If that's the way its going to be, then the Empire has no choice but to oust any Ryous from the colony, and rename it the Kiravic Dark Islands Colony.

That is, of course, considering that we choose to make you a colony. We might just go with a Kiravian-enstated emirate in free association with the Empire, where law is enforced by Quadeshi and Ghassani mercenaries.

Or chose to leave you to your own barbaric devices after we figure out a way to deter our cetacean citizens from visiting your waters.

I'll help you if I get, say, 10%.... but that's Plan B. For me.
The Far Echo Islands
14-09-2007, 01:19
"This is Strike Leader 1 to Strike Group. Maintain targets. Leave the fighters to our escorts. Repeat, ignore the enemy fighters and focus on thoses bastards down below." B-2 bombers continued their flight path as stealth fighters soon broke away from the escort group. 80 500lb bombs were dropped from each bomber, sure to leave a mark. F-117's were already firing laser-guided bombs at the targeted SAM's. AIM-120 AMRAAM were fired from the F-22's which went ahead, acting as a shield for the bombers.

THERE was no ignoring missiles entering your fuselage. Adêile Class battleships and other ships with missiles had came into the battle as well. The Count of missiles soon entered the thousands. Planes, a multitude of fighters, soon numbered at over 700. There was plenty of opposition to take on fighters and bombers, but the bombers were the center point of attention. It seemed that for every Confederate fighter that fell is seemed two went up. Neo Savannah was proving to be one hell of a fortress, the first layer of seabourne SAMs had been destroyed, but the bombers had not reached the mainland yet, the unidentified enemy had made quite the mistake.
14-09-2007, 01:19
Immediately tightens process of Kiravian citizens moving to the VDB. (just kidding.)

Lulz, lulz.

That actually brings up an interesting issue for me. Besides Embassy personnel, I don't know how many Kiravians live abroad. On the other side of that, I know that I've got percisely 100,530 Londinians and 2 million Tartarystanis living in Kirav as refugees.
The Ryou Black Islands
14-09-2007, 01:31
THERE was no ignoring missiles entering your fuselage. Adêile Class battleships and other ships with missiles had came into the battle as well. The Count of missiles soon entered the thousands. Planes, a multitude of fighters, soon numbered at over 700. There was plenty of opposition to take on fighters and bombers, but the bombers were the center point of attention. It seemed that for every Confederate fighter that fell is seemed two went up. Neo Savannah was proving to be one hell of a fortress, the unidentified enemy had made quite the mistake.

SIC: while this was happening, The ten Stingrays were coming closer to Neo Savannah, with Radar Jammers on to make sure thet were not sighted by Radar. With lights off and in the dead of night, The Caravels would attack the enemy Adeile Class Battleships and damage or sink them, then make a run for it.

The Ryous would make sure the enemy would be at the table.
Vanek Drury Brieres
14-09-2007, 01:36
I thought we were going to have a nice OOC discussion before IC action.
14-09-2007, 01:50
The Kiravians WILL attend the peace talks. There is no point in peace talks if all they lead to is the continuance of the war in defense of a close ally of our nation. You MUST let the Kiravians attend. It will not be stood for if these peace talks excluded one of the largest and most involved Allied Powers. The proposed Kirav colony WILL be discussed in the talks, and perhaps an agreement reached. No Kirav = No Peace talks.

OOC: Please respond to my attack on your city/.

EDIT: Read your response. I dropped bombs on your city and SAM's, Edit accordingly
The Far Echo Islands
14-09-2007, 02:15
OOC: Please respond to my attack on your city/.

EDIT: Read your response. I dropped bombs on your city and SAM's, Edit accordingly

OOC: maybe I haven't put in perspective what exactly Neo Savannah is. In the area of Neo Savannah is 12 million people within the city limits even after the VX gas attack. There are dozens of smaller towns that dot the area, and if you include everything until you get to what one might call 'countryside' there are 50 million people living on the southern coast of Georgia Island. The three named bases are just a fraction of the defense network that overlays this metropolis. I will say you destroyed some of my SAMs, as there are some at sea, but I am fighting you over the sea at the moment. So I will not respond to you bombs on the mainland until you respond to the bombers you've lost, as there are simply so many missile coming at you some are going down. Sorry to put such a big ooc post here and not in the ooc thread, but I want everyone to see this.
14-09-2007, 02:17
OOC: Ryou, how do you respond to my terms? I'm going to defend Neo-Savannah nonetheless, but please consider them.
Bright metallic orange lights flashed on the Imperial ships in Neo-Savannah harbour. Status Orange: Battle Conditions. The ships, diverse they were, frigates, warships, battleships, gunships, blastboats, missile ships, and others, moved out into the bay. Weapons were at the ready. The crews and soldiers were diverse as well. THey came from every corner of the Empire. Kiravians, Kirverdans, Ifijans, Iscovans, Xiryans, Kestans, Mesoarboureans, Idanans, and countless others, would fight as they had pledged to to defend their Empire and its allies.

While ships sped towards the battle scene, Imperial soldiers armoured themselves and bolstered the Echoese troops ready to defend the land fortifications.

A messaged echoed through the metal corridors of the ships, and from the soldiers commpieces:

"All personnel, this is General Santander Oceanforest. The time has come for us to rush to the aid of our allies. Our oppurtunity to fight for our honour. Our oppurtunity to show the world that the Empire is not only a green liberal colonialist paradise ready to shelter refugees, but a red-blooded 3 billion people that will give their lives to defend it. Men and women of the Imperial Military, the time has come, and it is now. This is the critical point. If CFEI is invaded, the Empire is next. Be it your home country or that of the man next to you, they are all at risk, and all at stake. God, Theus, or whatever forces you beleive in be with us. Permissum Astrum Subleuco, men! Let the Stars Shine!"

And with that, the power of Kiravian military science and sheer force was unleashed.
14-09-2007, 02:20
OOC: Here is some info on the stealth.

Generation I – In this system, incoming radar beams are detected by various sensors around the vehicle. This information in sent to a computer that works out the location of the radar site, and sends back a counter signal that negates the reflected radar beam. The effectiveness of the system decreases as the number of radar sites increases.
Generation II – In addition to the system in the first generation, jamming capabilities have been added. This has three settings: Destruction, this is where the system overloads enemy radar systems and causes them to be destroyed; Swarm, this is where the system generates hundreds and thousands of images on the enemy radar, causing them to loose accuracy in foretelling enemy numbers, and attempting to single targets out for missile lock; Misdirection, this is where the system co-ordinates with the onboard Wraith system (if detected) so that each vehicle generated by the Wraith system, also has a radar signature generated by the Archangel system.
Generation III - In the wake of new radar systems that use self canceling radar waves to detect the presence of newer generation active stealth systems, the Archangel system was redesigned to incorporate wave projection into it, allowing it to compare the incoming signals against atmospheric conditions to decide the right waves to return.
Generation IV - More of an update than a true evolution, the G-IV incorporates a sound deadening system that sends out sound waves that are in anti-phase to the sound created by the vehicle. Though the system is unlikely to totally eliminate the sound created, it will reduce it by a significant amount, allowing audio confirmation by the enemy to be ignored.

This is for the NS aircraft in the airgroup. My RL ones would get torn up...

Your radar's and tracking systems would be f***ed up. I'll respond to my weaker planes getting torn up once your most of your missiles get lost
Vanek Drury Brieres
14-09-2007, 02:24
The ships were off, as the Vanek'ians poured their power to destroy the Nazis of The Ryou Black Islands. They decided to head to The Far Echo Islands to sort out things with their allies, and to make a game plan.

A couple of days later, they pulled into the harbor of Georgia Island.

OOC: Forces:

5 Gerald R. Ford-class
5 Nimitz-class
20 Arleigh-Burke class
3 Zumwalt-class
15 Ticonderoga-class
20 Ohio-class
30 Los-Angeles class
10 Wasp-class
50 C-130 Hercules
100 F/A-22 Raptor
50 B-2 Spirit
100 F/117A
20 RQ-2 Pioneer
50 F-35A
14-09-2007, 02:29
Fordock is willing to go to the peace tables. However we want a settlement (Money settlement not town settlement) for every troop you killed.

President Kichler
The Principality of Fordock


To allies

If we must invade the Ryou's as I have been pressing what do you make of colonies. I personally would prefer to see it divided into claim zones and each would be administered by the claimant. There would also be a small part that was still under semi-independent Ryou control. What say ye?

President Kichler
The Principality of Fordock

*End Encryption*
The Far Echo Islands
14-09-2007, 02:38
Because it is the individual’s stories that truly make a war:

Look at the navy jack fly,
Backed by stars in the night sky,
God, he be on our side,
Be they fighting with swords in the sky,
Be they jousts on the beaches,
We are here and free,
Look upon the Confederacy,
Realize this nigh,
Love your fellow man,
And love this land,
And as so many are,
For it we are willing to die.

Rip the diamond studded cloth that is the night sky,
Cut it with shears of missiles,
Rip it to shreds with bombs,
Do the same to the fine garment that is our country,
Rape it is as a barbarian would a woman,
Save nothing, burn the greatest cities to the ground,
Kill us now, kill us later, kill us few; kill us all,
Burn our land,
Shoot our men,
Make us your colony.
For we care not,
Because as long as there shall be history and this to be read,
The Far Echo Islands will never be dead.

Delphin Hyit had been taking some time off in Neo Savannah when the war started. He had always been somewhat of a creative genius, he had authored two novels in his 29 years on this Earth, but none would leave such an impact as those two stanzas, he would eventually expand this into an epic, however, not now, he was hunkered down in a air raid shelter, or, well he wanted to call it that, it was really a hotel basement. He got the inspiration on his way down and he simply entitled it “NAVY JACK.”
Vanek Drury Brieres
14-09-2007, 02:40
Fordock is willing to go to the peace tables. However we want a settlement (Money settlement not town settlement) for every troop you killed.

President Kichler
The Principality of Fordock


To allies

If we must invade the Ryou's as I have been pressing what do you make of colonies. I personally would prefer to see it divided into claim zones and each would be administered by the claimant. There would also be a small part that was still under semi-independent Ryou control. What say ye?

President Kichler
The Principality of Fordock

*End Encryption*


Dear President Kichler,

I believe we need to win this war before talking about colonies and the like. Let's win and then claim!


The Princes of the VDB

The Far Echo Islands
14-09-2007, 02:43
OOC: Here is some info on the stealth.


This is for the NS aircraft in the airgroup. My RL ones would get torn up...

Your radar's and tracking systems would be f***ed up. I'll respond to my weaker planes getting torn up once your most of your missiles get lost

OOC: I just said I shot up thousands of missiles, I did not say they hit. So specify what craft you're flying, the NS ones, as you said, the RL ones would get tore up, and I'll rp those, you've mentioned a lot of types of aircraft, all I am asking for is a list of what's over Neo Savannah.
14-09-2007, 02:47
Kurona has been invited to negotiate a truce between the waring parties. This meeting will take place in Kurona's capital city of Sonomi. YOUR ATTENDANCE IS HIGHLY ASKED FOR!!!

Princess Tomoyo
The Far Echo Islands
14-09-2007, 02:48
Kurona has been invited to negotiate a truce between the waring parties. This meeting will take place in Kurona's capital city of Sonomi. YOUR ATTENDANCE IS HIGHLY ASKED FOR!!!

Princess Tomoyo

Ulee Hyit, the oldest, and the only female in the Hyit family of ambassadors, was the first in Sonomi. She stepped down from the aqua camouflaged Concord jet with two aids and two lightly armed guards.
14-09-2007, 02:54
Kartika, Kirav

Fyren Redwood, Secriatist of State looke out his office window onto moonlit International Avenue. Kiravians stood on the sidewalks, waving Echoese flags and chanting Navy Jack. Fyren remembered his meeting with its author, Delpin Hyit. It had been just down the street, in the Diamond Building, next to where the CFEI embassy now stood. That meeting was the beggining of all this. Where he and Hyit had signed the treaty that made them allies. Right in front of the building was where Kiravian citizens had protested the imprisonment of the old Echoese Grand Arbiter that very night of the meeting.

Just yesterday, all the Secriatists; State, Science, Defence, all of them, held a meeting to determine what the Empire would do if the CFEI were to be invaded. It was decided that any Echoese citizen would be granted full dual citizenship in the Empire, and a colony would be chrtered for them near Altoarbourea. But there was more, worse new from that meeting. CFEI would be the perfect stagin ground for an invasion of Mesoarboura or the Southern Ocean Colony, and soon the Empire would be embroiled in a struggle to keep its vast collection of countries. It all depended on how valiantly his troops fought tonight.
14-09-2007, 02:55
The Fordockian Delagate was the Minister of Diplomacy, Aukon Mekhran. He awaited arrival of the others.
14-09-2007, 03:00
"Tango 1 is going down!!" F-22's and F-117's were falling from the skies as B-2's as well were taking fire. These ships, though, were merely fodder for the main element. A-7's Wraith's and B-3 Nighhawk's, with their Archangel Stealth Systems, were soon jamming. They were going to 'swarm' the place with blips, causing the enemy missiles to loose accuracy in foretelling enemy numbers, and attempting to single targets out for missile lock. After that, this is where the would system overload enemy radar systems and cause them to be destroyed. Bombs and missiles soon flew from the speeding aircraft, towards the enemy city...

OOC: This betta?
14-09-2007, 03:05

Kiravian Empire

Permissum Astrum Subleuco

Imperial Secriat of State

International Agreement & Treaty Office

I, Fyren Sequoian Delros Redwood, Secriatist of State for the Kiravian Empire, do hereby appoint Diplomatic Officer 1st Class Cetii Orcus, the Imperial representative to the peace accords in Kurona. He will arrive within 24 hours.
The Far Echo Islands
14-09-2007, 03:18
"Tango 1 is going down!!" F-22's and F-117's were falling from the skies as B-2's as well were taking fire. These ships, though, were merely fodder for the main element. A-7's Wraith's and B-3 Nighhawk's, with their Archangel Stealth Systems, were soon jamming. They were going to 'swarm' the place with blips, causing the enemy missiles to loose accuracy in foretelling enemy numbers, and attempting to single targets out for missile lock. After that, this is where the would system overload enemy radar systems and cause them to be destroyed. Bombs and missiles soon flew from the speeding aircraft, towards the enemy city...

OOC: This betta?

OOC: yea.

NEO SAVANNAHIAN skyscrapers fell to the ground. Bombs decimated parts of military basses, two million died in the initial attack and the resulting fires, and hundreds of millions of dollars worth a military equipment vanished. (more exact losses later) The navy had been fairly safe at sea, until the Ryouns Stingrays arrived. The main parts of Port Neo Savannah were very advanced in their radar and sonar, and the jammers of the Stingrays were enough to prompt investigation by the Echoese. When the Ryoun vessels were in visual range and the Echoese were using night vision, the GPS coordinates were estimated and the Tomohawk missiles were launched from Adelie and Iowa class battleships.
The Ryou Black Islands
14-09-2007, 04:46
OOC: yea.

NEO SAVANNAHIAN skyscrapers fell to the ground. Bombs decimated parts of military basses, two million died in the initial attack and the resulting fires, and hundreds of millions of dollars worth a military equipment vanished. (more exact losses later) The navy had been fairly safe at sea, until the Ryouns Stingrays arrived. The main parts of Port Neo Savannah were very advanced in their radar and sonar, and the jammers of the Stingrays were enough to prompt investigation by the Echoese. When the Ryoun vessels were in visual range and the Echoese were using night vision, the GPS coordinates were estimated and the Tomohawk missiles were launched from Adelie and Iowa class battleships.

The Caravels were a bit fast (as fast as the Speics say) and they had Anti-Missile Defense that was like it's SSTD, only used against Missiles, It sent a Signal that jammed the Guideing Electronics on the enemy Missiles.

But like all Anti-Missile Defenses, It didn't work 100%, three of The ships were hit Two of them sunk while one was still floating, but It was dead in the water.

The other 7 soon started their attack. Each launching 4 RIM-162 Evolved Sea Sparrow Missile at the Targeted ships, The four Missiles were used against one ship. The Caravels soon started heading at Point-Blank Range for the enemy Battleships. The Lead Stingray The Imperial Launched 4 Mark 46 torpedoes against The lead enemy ship.
14-09-2007, 11:32
“The Lead Stingray The Imperial Launched 4 Mark 46 torpedoes against The lead enemy ship”

This was the moment that the Aleosite expeditionary force was waiting for. The submarines, dispatched specifically to deal with this force, were more than ready for action.

Given the nature of their trade, it would be impossible for anyone to blame Aleos for what was going to happen next and they took advantage of that to the fullest.

As per the battle plan they had established before hand, half of them initiated operations by launching several cruise missiles at the enemy. But this was merely a diversion and something to keep the Ryou fleet busy as each of the assigned submarines added a volley of torpedoes to the fun.

Given the use of missiles by the enemy and the active measures they took, they were glowing targets on every targeting device in the fleet.

All in all, the operation lasted less than a minute. It was clear that the submarines position were compromised by this move, but given the ordinance that the Ryou fleet was facing at the moment, the chances of them finding free hands to deal with the threat coming from the abyss were low. Nonetheless, the submarines immediately submerged and started taking appropriate measures in the event of a retaliatory move.
The Ryou Black Islands
14-09-2007, 14:47
This was the moment that the Aleosite expeditionary force was waiting for. The submarines, dispatched specifically to deal with this force, were more than ready for action.

Given the nature of their trade, it would be impossible for anyone to blame Aleos for what was going to happen next and they took advantage of that to the fullest.

As per the battle plan they had established before hand, half of them initiated operations by launching several cruise missiles at the enemy. But this was merely a diversion and something to keep the Ryou fleet busy as each of the assigned submarines added a volley of torpedoes to the fun.

Given the use of missiles by the enemy and the active measures they took, they were glowing targets on every targeting device in the fleet.

All in all, the operation lasted less than a minute. It was clear that the submarines position were compromised by this move, but given the ordinance that the Ryou fleet was facing at the moment, the chances of them finding free hands to deal with the threat coming from the abyss were low. Nonetheless, the submarines immediately submerged and started taking appropriate measures in the event of a retaliatory move.

OOC: didn't you read The Thread about my Stingrays?

IC: The enemy forgot one thing about the Stingray Class Caravel; SSTD ( or Surface Ship Torpedo Defence as it is better known.

The system consists of

an acoustic passive towed array
a towed acoustic countermeasure (flexible)
a single-drum winch
a processing cabinet
2 display consoles
2 expendable acoustic device launchers (1 port, 1 starboard)
16 expendable acoustic deives (8 in each launcher)

The passive acoustic towed array is specifically designed to detect torpedoes (unlike traditional ASW sonars) and has additional in-built non-acoustic as well as Acoustic Intercept sensors. Through advanced AI processing it is able to generically identify torpedoes as well as classify specific weapon types/ modes and undertake threat evaluation and postering analysis. The system provides tactical advice dependent upon the specific threat weapon/ mode/ posture to maximise vessel survivability, which typically involves vessel manouevres and also includes the deployment of countermeasures. The countermeasures - both towed and expendable variants - lure the threat away from the vessel in a soft-kill manner.

In Short, this was a good defense against the enemy Torpedoes.
The Ryou Black Islands
14-09-2007, 14:50
The Ryou Empire will send Grand Admiral Rei Nakagishima to The Peace Talks at Kurona.
14-09-2007, 15:33
Technical specifications:

Displacement: 2,000 t

Dimensions: 99.00 m x 14.40 m x 3.75 m

Propulsion: 1 gas turbine, 2 diesels, 2 shafts, 30,000 kW

Economic speed: 15 knots

Maximum speed: 29+ knots

Range: 3,500 nautical miles @ 15 knots

Endurance: 21 days with logistic support, 10 days autonomous

Sensors: 3D search radar, X-Band radar, fire control radar, navigation radar, LPI radar, sonar

Electronic warfare: EW radar, Laser/RF systems, ASW jammers, DG, SSTD

Navigation and communication systems: Electronic Navigation, SatCom, ECDIS/WECDIS, GPS, LAN

Fire control: G-MSYS (Genesis Milgem Sava? Yönetim Sistemi)

Navigation and ship control: EPK?S (Entegre Platform Kontrol ve ?zleme Sistemi)

Cannons: 1 x 76 mm (guidance by fire control radar and electro-optical systems, retractable for lower radar cross section), 2 x 12.7 mm (guidance by Laser/IR/TV and electro-optical systems, automatic and manual modes)

Missiles: 8 x Harpoon Missile (or RBS15 Mk.III), 21 x RAM (Rolling Airframe Missile) PDMS

Torpedoes: 2 x 324 mm Mk.32 triple launchers for Mk.46 torpedoes

Aviation: Hangar and platform for S-70-B2 SeaHawk ASW helicopters (or the like) and/or unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV), with the capability of storing armaments, 20 tons of JP-5 aircraft fuel, aerial refueling (HIRF) systems and maintenance systems

Crew: 93 including aviation officers (with accommodation for 104)

The system consists of

an acoustic passive towed array
a towed acoustic countermeasure (flexible)
a single-drum winch
a processing cabinet
2 display consoles
2 expendable acoustic device launchers (1 port, 1 starboard)
16 expendable acoustic deives (8 in each launcher)

The passive acoustic towed array is specifically designed to detect torpedoes (unlike traditional ASW sonars) and has additional in-built non-acoustic as well as Acoustic Intercept sensors. Through advanced AI processing it is able to generically identify torpedoes as well as classify specific weapon types/ modes and undertake threat evaluation and postering analysis. The system provides tactical advice dependent upon the specific threat weapon/ mode/ posture to maximise vessel survivability, which typically involves vessel manouevres and also includes the deployment of countermeasures. The countermeasures - both towed and expendable variants - lure the threat away from the vessel in a soft-kill manner.

OOC: Wikipedia copy/paste much?
14-09-2007, 15:50
OOC: Wikipedia copy/paste much?

OOC: What's wrong with that. I knew what an SSTD was before Ryou mentioned it but wiki put it into better words than I ever could. It's his design and he can use whatever RL tech he likes on it, he's just used wiki to describe better than any of us.


Royal Navy Task Force 24

An arduous journey for the Navy to make, for any Navy but especially for the Stevidian Royal Navy. Sailors both young and old were looking forward to some well earned shore leave back home after the War of Golden Succession but instead had been thrown into a fray that ultimately concerned Stevid very little but alas they were there and no matter their personal opinions on why they were fighting, they were to fight anyway.

The flagship of the fleet, the Inquisition Class HMS Purge, was at the head of the fleet flanked by two DDG vessels with the carriers and the rest of the fleet following behind performing AA and ASW procedures. The Defiler Class command cruiser monitored the seas around them well beyond the horizon and was this fleet’s ace in the hole over surprise attacks. She could detect stealth aircraft and coordinate massive missile attacks or defences in little under two minutes. It was this ship that would probably win the war for Stevid, it could be won without her of course but things would be far easier with it. Her name was now famous, the HMS Qatar was a veteran of all three huge wars Stevid had fought recently and had mad a name for herself by simply saving millions of lives thanks to her superb radar.

The new jewels of the fleet were the two brand new super carriers and of course the Lemartes Class DDGs, one of the best destroyers to grace the seas of the world. It would be their first taste of combat and it would be a first time for many of the crew members too but despite the inexperience of the crew, the ships’ performances would hopefully see them through combat.

Satellite coverage was sketchy at this time and so 100% coverage was not guaranteed at this time and so the Defiler Class had to make do. Despite the poor coverage results were surprisingly excellent with images showing clearly the movement of hostile sea forces belonging to Aleos’ 3rd Fleet, it didn’t look all that dangerous but then again Stevidian radar controls had gotten used to see well over three thousand blips on their screen representing ships. The Aleos fleet was nothing more than a grape on a gigantic vine and it would be interesting to see how the two fleets compare when they engaged each other in combat. Stevidian technology, shipping and aircraft were superior and well proven in combat but had never come up against this nation before, a country that was well adapted to these seas and skies and had combat experience in this theatre whereas Stevid was fumbling around in the dark.

Fresh blips appeared on radar and as far as the computer was concerned they were either neutral or hostile as they were displaying allied signature readings that were input into the computer several hours ago. Also these ships had never been encountered before and so the Defiler Class couldn’t ‘remember’ them and instruct the fleet to act accordingly. On par with military procedures the whole fleet went to Condition Yellow and arranged themselves in a tactical formation with the dreadnought leading from the front flanked by the cruisers and two destroyers, behind them the carriers protected by destroyers and under light escort but keeping well away from the fleet was the command cruiser. The fleet’s capital ships turned on their CELLDAR arrays and the escorts tuned in there CELLDAR detectors to give them a near perfect over view of the battle field as the fleet searched for stealth aircraft and ships in case of an ambush. The carriers deployed ASW aircraft and scrambled four Scorpion attack fighters and six Nightwalker air superiority aircraft to maintain protect from the air. The elusive submarines scattered and rigged themselves for silent running- two set an intercept course for this new fleet that had appeared on the radar screen.

Astute Class Submarine- HMS Abigail

The HMS Abigail was one of the two subs that had been dispatched to intercept and identify the approaching radar contacts. She was accompanied by her sister the HMS Aardvark and were slowly approaching the targets, they were not order to engage but merely to shadow and identify the nationality of the fleet if indeed possible at all, then to assess risk to the task force.

Communication between the subs was non-existent and no one, absolutely no one, was to talk unless absolutely necessary. Tubes were armed with ‘fish’ and the boats were set to Condition Yellow but combat was out of a question, even self-defence was prohibited and orders were to flee the scene if detected.

It took a couple of hours for the submarines to make contact with the foreign fleet and the HMS Abigail ascended to a depth where the optical wire scope could penetrate the surface and take a look. It was not a conventional scope and would barely register on radars, if not at all. The sights captured by the optics were sent straight to the silent plasma screens in the conning tower where the commanding officer to scan, zoom and enhance the images.

“All hands maintain silence.” the First Officer whispered softly and he received several replying nods from crew members all over the control room. “Do your best to identify the vessels, their class and then perform threat assessments.”

To get the job done perfectly it meant only taking several minutes of film and photography of the unidentified fleet before diving as deep as possible to then work on the data. As it was it took just under ten minutes for the silent hunter to gather footage, photos and perform scans of the approaching vessels before both submarines dived to a safe depth. If they were detected now then there was little the approaching flotilla could do about them. Once the analysis of the data and images had been completed it would then be transmitted back to the task force’s Defiler Class and major capital ships via encrypted data stream. But nobody yet knew how long that would take.
The World Soviet Party
14-09-2007, 16:36
OOC: What's wrong with that. I knew what an SSTD was before Ryou mentioned it but wiki put it into better words than I ever could. It's his design and he can use whatever RL tech he likes on it, he's just used wiki to describe better than any of us.

OOC: One thing is USING RL tech in your NS nation, a whole different thing is copy-pasting RL tech stat sheets and CLAIMING them as YOURS.

Like Hataria did with his "Stingray" ship thingy.
14-09-2007, 18:21
OOC: Gee, no need to bite.
14-09-2007, 20:31
In formation with the lead CFEI ships, Imperial gunships fired heavily on the Ryouans. The missile ships launched their ordinance at them, trying to find a flaw in their SSTD systems. 4 warships were following behind, ready to take the place of any CFEI ship that was lost.

On the mainland, the Imperial officers sent their men into bomb shelters. They needed to conserve forces in case the Ryouans made it to the shore.

200 Kiravians and 300 Quadeshi mercenaries remained above ground, poised to retaliate.
14-09-2007, 20:48
NEO SAVANNAHIAN skyscrapers fell to the ground. Bombs decimated parts of military basses, two million died in the initial attack and the resulting fires, and hundreds of millions of dollars worth a military equipment vanished. (more exact losses later).

OOC: No retaliatory attack?

The bombing campaign had continued unprecedented with the advanced fighters on guard. The B-2s, F-117s, and F-22s had been reduced to 5 or 6 after the initial missile strike. The F-117s and B-2s soon dropped bombs and laser guided missiles *I think that was it*not at the SAM defenses, yet rather at the city itself....

The Maldorian stealth fleet soon sped from Riglely Naval Port towards Neo Savannah. These ships were still in international waters and would not proceed until the timing was correct.
Vanek Drury Brieres
14-09-2007, 20:55
The Gerard R. Ford-class supercarriers sent a message via radio towards any ships in range of it's message, roughly 2000 miles. It read:

We would like to arrange for a temporary ceasefire as representatives from all nations are currently in a peace conference in Kurona. Please cease at once.

Meanwhile all ships prepped for battle in case the message did not go well at all.


A Bugatti Veyron ( pulled a 180 degree turn into a parallel parking spot. The man inside took a sip of a maroon liquid he was carrying and waited for the other delegates to arrive. Thank goodness he didn't need sleep. And there were no parking meters.
Vanek Drury Brieres
14-09-2007, 21:00
We will not send anyone until the bombardment by Kiravan forces ceases. Until then, the destruction of Neo Savannah continues.
-Head General of the Mandalorian Empire.

OOC: Kirav, please call it off.

I'd like to have a conference thread, I could create it, anyone for it?
14-09-2007, 21:01
We will not send anyone until the bombardment by Kiravan forces ceases. Until then, the destruction of Neo Savannah continues.
-Head General of the Mandalorian Empire.
14-09-2007, 21:08
We will not send anyone until the bombardment by Kiravan forces ceases. Until then, the destruction of Neo Savannah continues.
-Head General of the Mandalorian Empire.
OOC: You mean me shooting missiles at Royu's ships?
I don't care what you mean, I'm calling it off.
The Kiravian forces were ordered to halt bombardment.
The Kiravian aeromer touched down on concrete in the middle of Kurona's beautiful green landscape. Cetii Orcus jumped down from the 4 foot high door, and was thrown a briefcase by his attendant. "Thank you Oira.", he said. Oira Whiteforest and Orcus's aide, Terim Icewhale, a Ůvarnovian colonist, jumped off the aeromer as well, and set off for the peace conference.
14-09-2007, 21:11
OOC: is this open?
14-09-2007, 21:13
OOC: is this open?
I actually don't know anymore. We've had arguments back and forth over such. It's not my thread anyway, so.....
14-09-2007, 21:18
OOC: is this open?

I don't think so.

TG for CFEI.
14-09-2007, 21:22
OOC: is this open?

OOC: Nope
14-09-2007, 21:23
OOC: Nope
Short, sweet, and to the point.

Mal, I called off my bombardment.
14-09-2007, 21:32
I think everyone but Mal and the Ryou are at the peace talks.
Kiravia Scotia
14-09-2007, 21:37
I think everyone but Mal and the Ryou are at the peace talks.
Correction, Ryou has sent a rep.
14-09-2007, 21:42
Good point. That means Mal needs to come because Kirav stopped whatever bombardment he was refering to. *Taps finger*.
14-09-2007, 21:49
lulz, lulz
14-09-2007, 22:07
OOC: I am not pulling my bombers back/attending peace until the 2nd FEI replies. Then after that, I might think of attending.
14-09-2007, 23:44
We are prepared to provide monetary, commodotary, or treeitorial compensation if you call off your attack on Neo-Savvanah until the peace accords are over.
The Ryou Black Islands
15-09-2007, 00:38
while most People were for the war and The Peace talks, They were not liking The Government. Grand Admiral Rei and Grand Admiral Ryu didn't like it as it was more a Religion then a Government.

So it was while Rei was heading for Kurona, she gave orders to overthrow The Imperial Government...................

To Replace it with a Maoist Government.

The Goddess Empress was being worshiped at her court when two hunderd Marines and Sailors soon busted in, She soon ordered then to leave when her head was taken off by Admiral Ryu.

The Empire had fallen and Became The People's Republic of The Ryou Black Islands.

OOC: I am still going to be allied with The CA and The Stevidian Empire and the war and peace talks will continue.
15-09-2007, 00:52
OOC: FEI response to my post (
The Far Echo Islands
15-09-2007, 01:27
OOC: No retaliatory attack?

The bombing campaign had continued unprecedented with the advanced fighters on guard. The B-2s, F-117s, and F-22s had been reduced to 5 or 6 after the initial missile strike. The F-117s and B-2s soon dropped bombs and laser guided missiles *I think that was it*not at the SAM defenses, yet rather at the city itself....

The Maldorian stealth fleet soon sped from Riglely Naval Port towards Neo Savannah. These ships were still in international waters and would not proceed until the timing was correct.

ooc: there wouldn't be many F-117's left, if the Syrians can shoot one down, I can shoot down a few more.

THERE WEREN’T MANY F-117's to drop bombs, but the B-2's had gotten through quite well. More bombs hit Neo Savannah. More fighters swarmed the B-2's before they could get out their whole load. The great bombers would fall into the ground. They used any tactic they could, even machine guns. The second wave of the Maldorian attack killed an additional 500,000 civilians; they almost completely missed the military bases, this one only costing 300,000 dollars in equipment.

The Binarian Government although it does not support the Far Echo Island's policies regaurding non-human rights, any enemy of the Maldorians has our support. As such we are willing to supply you with arms to fight them. Upon the end of this conflict, we require all re-usable armaments to be returned to the Binarian Empire.

Please ship the weapons and supplies you are speaking of to Columbia City as soon as possible.
15-09-2007, 02:15
In Port Selom a massive fleet was assembled comprised of hundreds of ships, most were transport ships, dozens of super tankers, and two-hundred escort ships to ensure that the delivery would be made. They were bound for a signle location: Columbia City. To an observer it would seem an endless fleet of ships exiting the harbor. The Journey would take weeks at top speed, but they would arrive. Leading this fleet was Admiral Lewis Collins, onboard the Thounderstrike. His flagship was a Thunder Hound class Superdreadnought. When the fleet was 500 km of the coast of Binaria, they sent a message to The Far Echo Islands.

The Binarian Empire sends its best wishes and hopes that you defeat your enemies honnorably. We offer these weapons to further that cause.

1x Thunder Hound class Superdreadnought
3x Harbinger Class Carrier
6x Longarm class arsenal ship
150x Dragon Class Destroyer
40x Storm Class Guided Missile Cruiser
512 frieghters
84 super tankers

1500x AH 97 Attack chopper
100,000x Ares Theater Ballistic Missile
12 million barrels of napalm
60 million barrels of gasoline
12 million barrels of deisel fuel
15-09-2007, 02:20
You make it then Kurona. Since you are hosting. Allow international visitors and the press to be there too.
15-09-2007, 02:20
Perhaps we should make a new thread for the Peace Accords
The Far Echo Islands
15-09-2007, 02:23
In Port Selom -snip-

We cannot thank the Binarian Empire enough for their generous donation to our cause.

Infinite Thanks,
Grant Norse
Grand Arbiter
*End Encryption*

Perhaps we should make a new thread for the Peace Accords

OOC: YES! Since you are the hosting nation, I suggest you make it, but if not, whoever makes the tread please post the link here.