NationStates Jolt Archive

Gundam: Terra rp (IC thread) - Page 2

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Spit break
20-07-2007, 06:10
Holland jumped in his suit and put it on simulation mode, the screen display lit up and a menu came up asking him to select a simulation mission. He went though the list and selected a hard mission, he got him self ready as the simulation started up. On the vary opposite side of the hanger right across from Holland, Luna was in her cockpit doing a simulation mission similar to the one Holland was doing.
New Kratna
20-07-2007, 06:14
"Ah, Captain Lynde. Yes, the Darkstar is now available for testing." The technician answered. Thankfully they had enough time to fit in new self-destruct cables and fix the hydraulics systems to their fullest. All that was left now was to have the mobile suit tested, and that would be evaluated by the pilot herself.

"star almost ran the the lader leading up to the cockpit and scrambled up it quickly settling in the cockpit and powering it up [insert dramatic music... something uplifting] she felt it humm to life the systems turning on without error for the first time since its capture its "eyes" lighting up as the cockpit closed around her before it raised from the ground all powerful and menacing as she walked it outside for her personal series of preformence tests.

it crouched down inpreperation for its leap into the air as it launched skyward gracefully rotating clock wise.. 1000 feet.... 2000 feet...3...4...5..7..10thousand feet she killed the thrusters and let gravity take her into freefall tumbling towards the earth 9000....8... 7...5...3..2000 she gunned the engins pulling out of her spectacular dive buzzing the base as she streaked across the base in a blink and headed towards the missile range the only place big enough to finish testing the gundam.

she drew her heavy cannon and took aim at a practace building the cannon charged and fired the building was incinerated bits of brick flying in all directions peices of timber aflame as she streked past through the dibreis cloud and preped for a running landing.

she stowed the cannon and drawing her beam sword cutting the thrusters right before she hit the ground running charging towards another target the blade sliding through like a hot knife through butter the top half of the building sliding off to the side as gravity took hold as she skidded to a halt rapedly switching weapons and blasting away at the falling rubble with her assult gun right before it hit the ground leaving a cloud of dust.

so far everything had checked out the responce times where good and the systems were functioning perfictly now all she needed was a real target rather than thes peices of rubble. she gave a loose wall a little nugde and it fell over with a crash.

she felt much better

((ooc: yeas i forgot the missils but why waste good ammo))
Spit break
20-07-2007, 06:27
Holland continues to push the suit to its limits in the simulation, what he didn't notice was Luna has finish her Simulation and came over to ask him something, she just stoof there looking over his screens at how amazing his skills were. Then his simulation ended "hey Holland want to hook our simulation programs together, do a team simulation?" she asked wondering since if she trained with maybe she will pick up some of his skills. Holland looked at her "sure, love to shower you up and get more kill" he said playfully "watch me out score you" she said getting out of his cockpit and walking over to her suit and back into here cockpit.

The two connected there simulators and put there head sets on "so which one will it be Luna?" Holland asked over the comm "Hmmm, simulation Delta 12 looks like a good enough challange" she said, Holland then selected it and it booted up. The two now started to fight as one, towards one goal.
20-07-2007, 06:31
"wel well well what have we here" Tong imediatly began scaning the new suits 2 looked to be modified 07s but the 3rd had no records on file "it would seem someones been keeping secrets" he did all this as he moved into position near the gemini's gathering more intel so hed recognise the suit if it showed again that if it servived
Tong calmly stowed the sabers "leave now... tell your commanders to surender and no more will have to die. or stay and join your comrads... the choise is your's" the jade panther stold motionless and aparently unarmed... sometimes the lack of force was more intimidating than a show of force
"Sir what are you doing we can't let them go!" marcus exclamed
"silence! you will make no move untill agresive action is taken by them. we must protect our honour"
the gaminies stood motionless thgh they hadent droped there guard as tong apeard to have

The ground forces had surrendered already. All tanks and Tuataras were down. It was now four on three, but Nelson knew their chances were slim. "I don't like his attitude," sneered Adam, aiming his weapon. "And I don't want his pity, either. I say we tear 'em a new one."

"Do you really think we can do that?" asked Nelson. Smoke rose from fires burning all over the base. The ground was pop-marked from various projectiles and scorched by beam weapons. "Even if we defeat those three... you saw what that one guy did by himself, right?" He glanced at his terminal monitor. He could type the command at any time... but was that a good idea? Even with the extra help, he wasn't sure he could do it. And that made him sick... because if he couldn't win... who could?

Laku hovered intently, her targeting system locked onto the four with her payload of micromissiles. "Nelson might be right... maybe if we'd gotten here sooner we could've made a bigger impact."

"But damn it, they're right there!" Adam shouted. "We're just going to sit back and let them do what they want?"

Nelson tried to think it out. The enemy was confident enough that he would win in a fight at any time, but now, he needed time to clean up the base for the impending Terran attack. And he couldn't afford to give them that opportunity, as long as he had strength...

A hail on the radio. "Lieutenant Allblack, you there?" It was Mervin. "What's the situation? It looks like hell from here."

"They've destroyed everything," he replied grimly. "There's just me and two oh-sevens against three Gemini and this badass transformer guy. He's telling us if we get lost he'll spare us."

"Good advice," said Harris. "I'd like you to take it."

"The hell?" asked Adam. "You're not serious, right?"

"None of you are a match for him," Harris answered. "Listen. Once you get back, we can go over the data and formulate a solid strategy. He's going to lead the push inland once their main force arrives, and you're going to have to lead the defensive. We can't lose any more good men and women at this stage, you understand?" Adam knew he was right, but didn't want to admit it. He lowered his gun. Laku heaved a deep sigh and closed her missile pods. "I'm sending coordinates now. We'll rendezvous there."

Magnum Dingo's hovering engines roared and the suit sped off. Laku rose higher into the air before igniting Sonic Dingo's thrusters.

Nelson pointed the saber at Tong's mobile suit and opened the international emergency channel so he could hear. "Hey, I don't know who you are or what you're trying to do here, but I'll tell you what I'm going to do. I'm going to master this thing and come back to kick your charitable ass, you hear? My name's Nelson Allblack, and you'll be seeing me again." And with that, he fired his backpack's thrusters and joined his comrades in retreat.

Banda Sea

The massive Terran and Oceanic fleets were engaged in long distance combat. Neither fleet had made visual contact yet, but aerial mobile suit forces from both sides were pummeling the opposing fleets. The Terrans were better organized and were thus getting the better of the offensive. Oceanic Leatherbacks sunk scores of Terran ships, but they were being checked by ad-hoc Terran naval suits.

The air and seas were full of thousands of shimmering metallic bodies, either playing deadly cat and mouse games with each other or crashing violently into the sea, polluting it with debris. Every now and then, a bulbous eruption of water signaled the defeat of an underwater suit or submarine.

Leatherback torpedoes crashed into Terran naval hulls, sending shrapnel flying hundreds of feet into the air. Ships rocked violently and occasionally capsized, while others sunk slowly, dragging scores of sailors down with them. Albatross mobile suits launched from bases on New Guinea rained death from above, sending bullets and missiles into bridges and decks below. The Terrans countered with Geminis on flight platforms, which were nimble enough to evade fire and attack in the same pass.

Occasionally, a destroyer or cruiser would fire its big naval guns at slow-flying Albatross units or at Leatherbacks which had surfaced to attack with their chest cannons. When they hit, it was a gruesome sight, as limbs were scattered by the momentum of the rounds and pilots were bludgeoned to death.

The Oceanic fleet had less to defend itself with, having deployed most mobile suits to attack the Terran fleet. As a result, flying Geminis had less trouble picking targets below. Machine gun fire ripped through the sky in an attempt to bring them down. It wasn't wholly ineffective. A suit which got caught in the line of defensive gunfire found itself torn apart piece by piece. The pilots were torn apart when the suits hit the water and rapidly decelerated while disintegrating. Men were thrown from ships as missiles colliding violently with the decks. Operating crews were hacked by flying glass, shrapnel, and bullets as bridges were strafed. An Oceanic Albatross shot the flight pad out from under a Gemini, which fell right onto an allied vessel. The Gemini pilot gleefully plunged his gun into the bridged and puled the trigger.

The same bloody scenes played out on both sides of the battlefield. The sea was littered with thousands of dead and dying. Dark plumes of smoke filled the air. Wreckage and flesh would wash up on nearby shores for months.

But the Terran fleet was moving forward. With losses mounting, armed resistance by the Oceanic fleet would soon come to an end. About half of the Terrans would continue onward. The tattered remains of the Union fleet, down to 15% strength, limped away in disarray. They could do no more.
Spit break
20-07-2007, 06:47
In the Simulation the two twos had there backs to each other guns drawn as they slowly moved through what was a simulated mountain range. Then a sensor contact "Holland incoming at 12 and 6 O'clock" Luna shouted. The two suits changed position and began to intercept. Hard to believe if you were watching them, but they were having fun with the simulation trying to show each other up. Nothing more then friendly compatition between the two off them, nothing hurt in it all.
20-07-2007, 07:49

Hawthorne buried his face in his hands. He needed a stiff drink. Banda Sea was lost, and so was Port Hedland. All told, four thousand mobile suits damaged or destroyed. Five percent of their entire military gone in one day, and the real battle hadn't even started yet. Particularly unnerving was the loss of forty Tuatara mobile suits at Port Hedland to an attacking force of just seven. This despite the deployment of X-Two (OOC: Erroneously called G-Two earlier; man, I forgot my own MS numbering scheme :-P).

The good news was that the King of Scandinavia had openly declared war against the Terran Republic. They were in the same boat now. He thought it would be a good idea to attempt to get a dialogue going between the two nations in order to exchange intelligence and strategies. More selfishly, he hoped they could draw the majority of the Terrans' attention since the Scandinavian military was a lot stronger than their own. He realized this ran totally opposite his desire for worldwide cooperation, but damn it, how many families had just lost sons and daughters - families who had put their trust in him when they voted to oust the Republic?

But it was still early. He realized that the destruction of half the Terran fleet, even with tremendous losses, sent a powerful message that defiance was a valid option and that Terrans weren't invincible. He expected Terran propaganda films to air worldwide within 24 hours, but his government was hard at work on their own. And it would only get harder for them, he told himself. The Terrans now had to come and fight on their land, on their terms. The military had plenty of stiff resistance planned. Harbors were mined. Mobile suits were being refitted and pilots crammed in as much simulation time as they could. The economy was already moving towards total war.

He rose to his feet and calmed himself. He would address the Parliament and then meet with military advisors. Somehow, they would all get through this...
New Kratna
20-07-2007, 14:04
The ground forces had surrendered already. All tanks and Tuataras were down. It was now four on three, but Nelson knew their chances were slim. "I don't like his attitude," sneered Adam, aiming his weapon. "And I don't want his pity, either. I say we tear 'em a new one."

"Do you really think we can do that?" asked Nelson. Smoke rose from fires burning all over the base. The ground was pop-marked from various projectiles and scorched by beam weapons. "Even if we defeat those three... you saw what that one guy did by himself, right?" He glanced at his terminal monitor. He could type the command at any time... but was that a good idea? Even with the extra help, he wasn't sure he could do it. And that made him sick... because if he couldn't win... who could?

Laku hovered intently, her targeting system locked onto the four with her payload of micromissiles. "Nelson might be right... maybe if we'd gotten here sooner we could've made a bigger impact."

"But damn it, they're right there!" Adam shouted. "We're just going to sit back and let them do what they want?"

Nelson tried to think it out. The enemy was confident enough that he would win in a fight at any time, but now, he needed time to clean up the base for the impending Terran attack. And he couldn't afford to give them that opportunity, as long as he had strength...

A hail on the radio. "Lieutenant Allblack, you there?" It was Mervin. "What's the situation? It looks like hell from here."

"They've destroyed everything," he replied grimly. "There's just me and two oh-sevens against three Gemini and this badass transformer guy. He's telling us if we get lost he'll spare us."

"Good advice," said Harris. "I'd like you to take it."

"The hell?" asked Adam. "You're not serious, right?"

"None of you are a match for him," Harris answered. "Listen. Once you get back, we can go over the data and formulate a solid strategy. He's going to lead the push inland once their main force arrives, and you're going to have to lead the defensive. We can't lose any more good men and women at this stage, you understand?" Adam knew he was right, but didn't want to admit it. He lowered his gun. Laku heaved a deep sigh and closed her missile pods. "I'm sending coordinates now. We'll rendezvous there."

Magnum Dingo's hovering engines roared and the suit sped off. Laku rose higher into the air before igniting Sonic Dingo's thrusters.

Nelson pointed the saber at Tong's mobile suit and opened the international emergency channel so he could hear. "Hey, I don't know who you are or what you're trying to do here, but I'll tell you what I'm going to do. I'm going to master this thing and come back to kick your charitable ass, you hear? My name's Nelson Allblack, and you'll be seeing me again." And with that, he fired his backpack's thrusters and joined his comrades in retreat.

tong watched them leave and noted there direction it wouldn't meen anything since they could change direction but it gave him a general idea
"i can't beleave you let them go!"
"watch yourself ensign" Kiyko cautioned marcus
"our victory here was assured" tong stated simply "there was no need to kill a defeated enemy" he turned and headed back to the base where slavage operations were underway to retreave Sag2 and the Aries wich would need major repairs. there was also the interesting gift of the ejected flight pack wich would be shiped out to R&D and perhaps give them an insight into this new gundams capabilitys.

Over the next 4 hours the terran fleet slowly began pooring in and port hedland officaly became there forward base in the region and at 14:00 local time the terrans began there push into the outback. the bulk of the offencive forces heading west alnog the coast with perth as there ultamit destination as several squads headed east and Tong and his now repaired rermed and refit headed south deeper into australia's heart following the path of nelsons retreat...

the Jade Panther needed to be fed
Spit break
20-07-2007, 15:46
"seems not many of these simulations are a challange" Luna said as she relaxed after they finished the simulation. Holland just sat there "either that or we are to good for the simulations" he said back to her. She just laughed "yeah maybe your right" she said as she calmed down from laughing. The two of them seemed to be excellent pilots and even better freinds.
20-07-2007, 19:16
OOC: Half bump, half IC


Scandinavian Space Colony Asgard

The news of the King’s declaration of war had reached the colonies in space and it was clear that it was time to prepare for the inevitable invasion. Their brothers in arms in Midgard would have to rally support as well and hopefully stand a fighting chance as much as their homeland on Earth did. The Colonial Representative Konrad Mogens viewed his people walking through the streets buying the last of the supplies to hopefully last through the war. He heard the doors behind him open and a Major stepped forward to salute and say, “Lord Represenative, the military of the colonies are preparing for any possible combat with the Republic as you’ve ordered.”
The Representative asked, “Very good. Are the divisions on standby alert captain?”
The Major reported, “Our divisions are in the Skidbladnirs right now my lord. They will be ready for combat whenever necessary however.”
Konrad questioned further, “Do you believe we will stand a chance against the Republic in our current standing?”
The Major answered, “If we take into account of our brothers in Midgard, we’ve only ten Skidbladnirs. If we want more of a chance against the Republic we had best start producing more.”
The Representative admitted, ”You are correct Major. We will, however, need more materials if we are to continue.”
The Major gave his last words on the report saying, “And with 400 Einherjars, we will need to attack skillfully and with precise timing if we are to survive an onslaught from the Republic. What the?”
Konrad was curious what happened and questioned, “What is it Major?”
The Major checked his handheld comm. Device and read the report, ”I have just received a report from Space Command that a rocket is headed towards Terran Colony L2. It does not bear any name or signature, what should we do?”
The Representative answered, “Hm… This sounds similar to what happened near Kitee. Perhaps we should let the Republic take it in and see what happens.”
The Major questioned, ”Do you believe that this is the work of the mystery group again Lord Representative?”
The Representative closed, ”It might, it might not. But if this is an attack on their colony, then hopefully this will balance the scales of battle in our favor.”

OOC: Check OOC for more stats.
Red Tide2
20-07-2007, 19:17
Somewhere in Deep Space

Colony L2 was beuatiful in its own way, the largest man made structure for millions of miles of deepspace, it was the second space colony. The pinnacle of human technology, the hope of mankind... and it was all about to come crashing down.

L2 was at its most observational point of its orbit, therefore, hundreds of amateur and professional astronomers from every nation on Earth was viewing it through their telescopes when the unthinkable happened.

The fusion powered missile that had been launched from the Sahara Desert had finally finished its long journey through space. Its primary stage with the fusion reactor was now ejected and its final stage, a conventional chemical rocket, activated. Small fins adjusted the missiles course as it sped towards the space colony.

The observatories would see the bright light of the rocket engine for a few brief seconds before it faded out of view, then there would be another brief seconds before the warhead detonated.

The warhead was a delayed fuse one. The missile penetrated every deck all the way through to the primary habitat ring before the hundred megaton nuclear warhead detonated.

The results were predictable... a massive section of the colony ring simply imploded from the nuclear blast. The shockwave critically damaged another large section of the ring, which would also eventually fall apart.

All in all, the final death count would probably be in the millions, perhaps tens of millions.

And it didnt take long for all that footage from all those astronomers to find its way into the news media and begin being broadcasted worldwide.
20-07-2007, 19:32
Somewhere in Deep Space

Colony L2 was beuatiful in its own way, the largest man made structure for millions of miles of deepspace, it was the second space colony. The pinnacle of human technology, the hope of mankind... and it was all about to come crashing down.

L2 was at its most observational point of its orbit, therefore, hundreds of amateur and professional astronomers from every nation on Earth was viewing it through their telescopes when the unthinkable happened.

The fusion powered missile that had been launched from the Sahara Desert had finally finished its long journey through space. Its primary stage with the fusion reactor was now ejected and its final stage, a conventional chemical rocket, activated. Small fins adjusted the missiles course as it sped towards the space colony.

The observatories would see the bright light of the rocket engine for a few brief seconds before it faded out of view, then there would be another brief seconds before the warhead detonated.

The warhead was a delayed fuse one. The missile penetrated every deck all the way through to the primary habitat ring before the hundred megaton nuclear warhead detonated.

The results were predictable... a massive section of the colony ring simply imploded from the nuclear blast. The shockwave critically damaged another large section of the ring, which would also eventually fall apart.

All in all, the final death count would probably be in the millions, perhaps tens of millions.

And it didnt take long for all that footage from all those astronomers to find its way into the news media and begin being broadcasted worldwide.

About an hour after the first report of the rocket on its way to Terran Colony L2, Representative Konrad Mogens had his answer to what was contained on the boundward rocket. "Those monsters... They are no better than the Army of Islam!" Shouted the Major as he saw the explosion at Terran Colony L2.
Ther Representative calmly responded, "I know it seems wrong to have happened Major, but the end result will be in our favor."
The Major questioned, "What do you mean sir? They practically destroyed a colony. How is that supposed to be in our favor when so many people have died?"
The Representative explained, "It must have hit their military facilities. If those were destroyed, then we will have less Terran units to worry about."
The Major confirmed, "I see..." He thought to himself, "At least the Army of Islam is fighting for a cause. What are they doing it for? Pure pleasure?"
New Kratna
20-07-2007, 20:29
"this is trnsport Seiris final launch checks compleat"
"roger Seiris you are cleared for launch"
the transport slowly accelerated out of the main bay of the L2 colony its MS escort not far behind. the transport was carying the latest model of the new X series for deployment on earth the first to haveing been so sucessfull in the hands of a compotent pilot. the TR-X1003 was built along the same lines of the TR-X1001 Darkstar swaping out the missile pods infavor of interchangable weaponry such as the standard missile pods or heavyer railguns or other heavy weaponry to make the suit more mission spacific other than the milti purpose nature of the Darkstar or the close combat nature of the Jade Panther.

the pilot say the missile shoot past his ship barly missing ut moments before it collided with the colony there proximity to the blast wave destroyed the MS escorts and heavly dammaged the transport

"Mayday Mayday. this is Republic transport Seiris we have sustained massive dammade requesting imedate assistance"

((ooc: brazilam check your TG ;) ))
Spit break
20-07-2007, 20:46
16:00 Zulu

Holland and Luna finished with simulations after doing them for two hours. Holland got out of is suit "One hour left till we leave, Luna wanna grab dinner, should be ready in a few minutes" Holland shouted over to her "not for a half an hour!" she shouted back. Holland smiled "gives us time to play cards and talk" he responded. She looked at him oddly "cards? alright I guess it passes the time" she said getting out of her suit. They started walking to the mess "by the time we leave im going to make you enjoy a good card game" Holland said to her "depends whos money and how much i take" she answered back. What Holland didn't know was Luna had won a few few poker tournaments in her days at the academy. However Holland himself was a good poker player, it would be a interesting game.
20-07-2007, 20:56
(OOC: Local time is ~10:50, so it's not quite where your last post left off, Kratna, but a few hours beforehand. I'll make a quickie post now and then move things along once I get home from work so we can start round two.)

Australian Outback, one hour south of Port Hedland

Nelson, Adam, and Laku arrived at the rendezvous point after about an hour. The desert, stretched flat for miles in all directions, finally gave way to a makeshift base set up in no particular order. Tuataras and Albatross, perhaps a total of twenty suits, were arrayed on the sand with pilots and mechanics strewn about readying equipment. Tank drivers lounged by their vehicles, soaking in the last few hours of peace. Nervous infantry were not far from there.

They turned their attention to the newcomers and could tell they were elites just by their suits. The unknown behind them, Nelson's Gundam, looked like it had seen years of action. Dimples in the armor from bullets and a few scorch marks from weakened beam blasts covered the unit. Sand and dirt already caked the armor from the waist down. It was missing most of the equipment it had left with, which kind of annoying Mervin as he set up a beacon for Nelson to home in on. Adam and Laku landed nearby.

Either the pilot of that thing was an idiot, or the enemy was incredibly strong. Given his company, the rest of the assembled troops figured it was the latter.

"Where's your stuff?" Mervin asked as Nelson descended from the cockpit on a line.

"Lost it," he muttered. "You didn't tell me this thing kicks like a mother. I nudge the throttle and the damn thing lurches like you wouldn't believe."

"Sorry to hear that, but they didn't exactly give us the time we needed to calibrate everything," Mervin replied, holding a checklist. He handed it off to a subordinate, who quickly got the crew to work. Maintenance trucks were all over the plain, serving as a makeshift hanger for all the mobile suits present. Fuel was quickly replenished and ammo reloaded. Adam and Laku were likewise going over maintenance requests with nearby mechanics, who did their best to accommodate. "Fortunately," he said, turning back to Nelson. "We should have time for that while we tidy things up for the next sortie. I brought the simulator along and I can guarantee it will work this time. We can apply the settings to your unit once we're done."

"Good," said Nelson, grabbing a water bottle and taking a quick squirt. "You wouldn't happen to have extra equipment with you, would you?"

"Unfortunately, no," Mervin answered. "You'll have to make due with whatever they have to spare." He motioned towards the Tuatara squadron. "I talked with them earlier and they should have a bazooka, if you want it."

"Anything that shoots will do fine."
Red Tide2
20-07-2007, 21:45
Unknown Location

"The missile was a complete success... All functions acted at 100%." Marshall Herring said.

"Good, now contact Commander Hosh... I need him for a important mission in the Pacific." Xenocide said.

"Sir?" Field Marshal Herring said. "The Terran Republics base in Guam would make any important mission there-"

"The mission IS Guam. The Terran Republic has sortied almost its entire Naval fleet there, leaving only skeleton forces. They are attacking Oceania."

"Thats bad news for our forces in Australia." Marshal Herring observed.

"IF discovered." Xenocide replied, "But if we destroy Guam..."

"Then the Terran Republics fleet will either be forced to seize a Indonesian base or head for India." Marshal Herring finished.

"I am glad you understand." Xenocide said.

Guam, Terran Republic Naval Base, several hours later

The RADAR would detect the aircraft coming. Indeed, thats what they were. A combination of regular air superiority fighters, tactical bombers, close air support gunships, and anti-naval torepedo bombers were closing rapidly on the base, a total of three hundred of them.

But those were not the only things headed for them. Under the waves, a force of five hundred 'Ripper' Mobile Suits with underwater packs and TPL-423 Torepedo Launchers.
20-07-2007, 22:15
Unknown Location
"Thats bad news for our forces in Australia." Marshal Herring observed.

OOC: Dun dun DUNNNNNNNNNNNN! I wonder where they be hiding ^_^
20-07-2007, 23:15
Ove questioned, "So where are you off to now Jacob?"
Jacob couldn't fully answer and said, "I don't know. I suppose it's back to Kitee Base so that I can make a report and maybe get in some more assignments."
They would have had more of a real conversation, but the problem were the missiles heading towards the city. A soldier shouted, "Incoming missiles! Evacuate the city immeadietly!" Missiles started falling down on Helsinki and people were fleeing in masses from the mass destruction. What made things worse were the Mobile Suits that had arrived. Fourty Gemini IIs began storming the city, while being led by another strange Mobile Suit.
Ove exclaimed, "Jacob! We must get out of here!"
Jacob answered, "Only if we are to reach the others to fight these things! Lead the way to the Gundam Hangars!"
They ran towards the military base where the Viking Units came out and began attacking the Gemini IIs. Jacob was now in command of Viking Unit 04 of no particular squadron. The fighting then began...

OOC: I'm gonna finish up the battle

Battle of Helsinki
Gemini IIs and Vikings fought one another to the death as the battle in Helsinki raged on. “Do not let the Geminis advance! Keep firing!” The Squadron Commander ordered. Jacob saw the city being leveled as the fighting continued. He had taken out about 6 or 7 Geminis when there was suddenly an attack from nowhere. A heavy beam weapon had stricken several Vikings and was heading towards Jacob. “What is that?” Jacob wondered.
“It’s a day of target practice now…” Spoke the pilot of Gundam flying towards Jacob’s location. “Once the Gemini III has been mass produced, all resistance to the Republic will be crushed!” This was what he thought until he saw a particular Viking unit swing its beam sword at him. “Oh, you want a duel? Is that it?” He drew his own and began a charge at him. “Then let me treat you to one!” Jacob and the Gundam clashed swords and began a duel the pilot never thought possible. Jacob’s duel with the Gemini III was much similar to that of his with Star’s. Block after block after block and the duel steered into many turns, jumps and dives. The battle was divided. There were now 25 Gemini IIs and 25 Vikings fighting in the city including Jacob’s battle with the Pegasus.

Hours later…

The battle was coming to a close but at the cost of much life. A lot of the city was in ruins and the mobile suits were still destroying everything that was missed. Thankfully the battle, with the help of Jacob and the pilot of the Gemini III taking breaks from their duel to help their soldiers, was soon to come to a close. The last 10 Viking units were taking out the final Gemini IIs and the battle between Jacob and the Gemini III would determine the victor for good.
Jacob’s sword clashed with the Gemini IIIs, about the hundredth one made that battle.
“This is it… I have you now you pest!!!” The pilot of the Gemini III claimed as he began his final thrust towards Jacob’s Viking. However, the Gundam Jacob faced was soon stopped as the two assisting Viking Units that arrived to help Jacob appeared. They open fired on the Gemini III and the Gemini III fell over. A familiar voice shouted, “Quick Jacob! Finish him off!”
Jacob responded, “Very well… AAAAAAAH!!!” Jacob thrust his sword into the Gemini III was now destroyed.
The pilot’s last words were, “I-Impossible! How could this happen? AAAAAAH!!!”

The battle had at last ended, but not without heavy casualties. No Terran prisoners were taken, not that they wanted to be, 30 Viking units were destroyed, and the city of Helsinki was heavily damaged. Approximately 71% of the public city was destroyed and there were 2 million civilian deaths, but would have been much more tragic if the Vikings had not stopped the Terran Division…

OOC: Kratna, I'm gonna send a tg in a bit.
Spit break
20-07-2007, 23:37
16:30 Zulu

The smell of hot food filled the base as dinner was served early because of the upcoming operation. At one of the tables Holland, Luna and a few other pilots finished a game of cards before starting to eat there meal. Holland looked down at the food "good food, hmm you think with food like this we were all going to die" Holland said, Luna looked up at him and swallowed a piece of food "oh please this is just the exact same thing we got last tuesday, just this time its not ground up and made into paddies" she said in response. They all began to eat there food, steak and roast potatos good food for a change.
New Kratna
21-07-2007, 00:44
[QUOTE=Dancougar;12893551](OOC: Local time is ~10:50, so it's not quite where your last post left off, Kratna, but a few hours beforehand. I'll make a quickie post now and then move things along once I get home from work so we can start round two.)

((ooc: I'll be waiting :D ))
New Kratna
21-07-2007, 01:21
13:40 zulu

Star made her way back to the base after preforming some more exersizes and agusting her mobile suits OS as nesicary it was once again operating at peak eficiency. she almost felt sorry for the next pilots she'd face.

she glided into the base and landed near the main hangers insted of the matanece section guideing it into an empty stall before shutting it down and climbed out onto the extended ramp and made her way down to the floor afew of the techies and other pilots making coments about how amazing her rapid climb and following freefall were not to mention the following flyby across the base. she smiled inwardly... if only theyd seen what she did to the missile range.

she made her way back to the command center walking the distance insted of riding in a truck she arived 15 minutes after landing (13:55) making her way through the complex to the stratagy room to finalize there plans.

as she entered the room she noticed afew officers gathered around some monitors aparently watching recordings from the missile range there eyes glued to the screan making the ocasional amazed coment... they were only alphas after all.
Spit break
21-07-2007, 01:38
16:50 Zulu

The pilots and many others finished there meals, 10 minutes to go before exacution of the operation. The pilots went to the pilot locker room, every mobile suit pilot had to wear a combat suit which would allow them to escape if they had to set the self detonation for the suit. Holland quickly suited up and so did every one else.

At 16:55 all the pilots gathered on the hanger floor for Commander Triners pep talk "All of you, I have watched train endlessly for this day, for this moment, for years the Republic has oppressed the people! for years they worked to better them selves! well no longer, from this day the Republic will know fear! from this day the people will have freedom! FROM THIS DAY WE FIGHT!" he shouted giving the pilots motivation.

The pilots shouted out a cheer "Vic-tory! Vic-tory! Victory!" and with that cheer the all got in there mobile suits. They all did a systems check, booted up and began moving from the hanger full weapons load. The base CIC was keeping its eye on the entire mission "This is CIC to all units sensor jammers near Suez are active, they are blind and they dont even know it, good luck" went the message to all the mobile suits.

Ground crews guided the mobile suits out of the hanger and as the fading light hit the mobile suits the Sparrow teams took off (que dramatic music). The two bulldog teams transformed out of mobile suit mode and began running for Suez. Quickly after dozens of trucks carrying two hundred troops and 60 support vehicles began heading for Suez as well. The operation had begun now it was only time before they reached Suez, estimated time of arrival 21:00 Zulu (9pm).
Spit break
21-07-2007, 03:11
(OOC: to tie up loose ends)

17:20 Zulu
Twilight Pheonix Command center

General Triner stood watching the screens as there forces moved on Suez, now to slow the counter attack, the plan was for a EMP, Greeze was the closest large scale base that could launch a counter attack, according to intelligence Suez was the early warning buffer base against missiles heading to greece.

However with there sensors down there greece base most likely wont pick it up until its half way across the med, giving them little time to respond. The EMP will detonate over top of the base for max effect of it, because of that maybe they will think its passing over them? "Is it ready for launch?" Triner asked "yes sir ready to fire on your command" the woman at the control of the silo responded "fire" he said. Soon after the missile launched from the Silo on the side of the mountain.
21-07-2007, 03:32
Outback ~ 1:20 local

"Geez, they keep streaming in..." Mervin had his eye on a short-range radar mounted in the back of a military transport. The little dots that represented Terran mobile suits were rapidly advancing past the boundaries of the base as they spilled ashore. There were probably a few thousand. The Oceanic military could match up with most of them, but it would be rough. "Keep an eye on it, let me know if they start moving. Especially..." he pointed to a prominent signal near the edge, "this unknown."

He walked back to the simulator pod. The thing was rocking back and forth as Nelson jerked the controls. "He's been at it for an hour and a half now," Laku sighed, munching on a minimalist sandwich. "He came out half an hour ago, for a bite but he just took it in with him."

"That, my dear, is the drive it takes to be rank one," replied Adam, taking a sip from his water bottle. "I've known Nels since we were roommates at the academy, and let me tell you something, when he hits a wall, it pisses him off more than anything. And that's what that four-legged bastard is to him right now. So until he's on even terms with that guy, he's going to be focused just on that."

"Rank one..." murmured Laku. "I always thought he was special, but when I heard he'd placed in the elites right away..."

"Oh, you knew him, too?" asked Adam.

"Not really..." Laku answered. "I mean, everybody knew who HE was, he was the golden ace, after all... We ran into him in town one night and he was completely trashed and hitting on all of us... But it was business as usual the next day, it was like he didn't recognize us."

Adam chuckled. "He still doesn't know half of the stuff we got him to do... he is THE worst drunk in the world." Laku laughed.

Mervin knocked on the cockpit hatch. "Hey, Nelson, you gonna let me have a look at that data? I need to configure your system..." The hatch popped open and Nelson poked his head out. He tossed a disk at Mervin and unzipped his pilot suit to get a bit of air.

"Man, it gets hot in there..." he said, taking a long swig of water from a nearby bottle. "And the damn thing freezes on difficulty twenty so I had to play nineteen for the last forty minutes. You should fix that."

"Fix what, there is no twenty!" Mervin cried in amazement. "How the hell did you get that far in only, what, ninety minutes?"

"Well, I started at fifteen because the slower stuff was boring.."

Mervin slapped him on the head. "You're insane," he muttered. "But at least that means this data is going to be perfect."

Nelson walked over to join the other two elites. Adam slung his arm over his friend's shoulder. "Welcome back, man," he said. "We were just talking about you."

Laku perked up and saluted. "Laku Moloti, just earned my elite wings this year."

"You don't have to do that," Nelson said, holding out his hand. She grasped it firmly and they shook.

"So Nels, Laku was telling me how you guys met."

"Huh? We never... you know, come to think of it, this guy came around my base the other day and actually mentioned a Laku, you wouldn't know a Tim Theran by any chance, would you?"

Laku groaned. "Unfortunately, I do..."

"Then you're... wait... when did I..?" Nelson was confused. Laku giggled as Adam took him aside and explained. "Nooooo... I did what? And she... sonova, IT WAS YOU GUYS!!" Adam laughed and ran for cover, with Nelson hot in pursuit. Laku sighed. It was good to loosen up, especially with another battle looming...

----- 2:00 local time -----

"Major Harris, they're moving!" Mervin ran over to the radar screen. "Three teams... largest one is heading west towards Dampier, another team is going east towards Yarrie, and a small group is coming right toward us."

"The bases in the area will be on alert, so they'll engage the larger groups," Harris said. "That's fine."

"What about the ones coming here?" asked Nelson. He had a good idea of who it was. And if so, they'd need every one of these guys to sortie.

"Five... no, six units!" replied the operator. "Identifying signature type. Gemini, Aries, Sagittarius! And one unknown!"

"It's them," said Adam. "We're going to pay them back for last time, right?"

"Yeah," replied Nelson. He thought that this time he ought to try the 'beta' command if things got rough. He wouldn't let them have their way again. "We'll head out to meet them. Adam, Laku, we're not holding back this time, all right?"

"Hell yes!" replied Adam.

"Sounds good," answered Laku.

The three of them booted up their suits' computers and went out ahead of the main Tuatara force. Harris was busy ordering the tanks and infantry to escort the equipment trucks and mobile facilities to Newman. From there, he and his crew could get back to Site 400 and begin clearing the place out. They had to move since they weren't sure how far inland the Terrans could push.

"We'll engage them in twenty minutes, and the area will be completely empty," radioed Nelson to the entire force. "The enemy's tough, so keep your distance and shower them with fire if you can. Laku, you take the four oh-sixes and handle Aries and Sagittarius. Adam, you and the oh-threes will engage the Gemini team. I want the unknown."

Adam smiled. That sounded like the Nelson he knew. The time in the simulator had calmed his nerves and brought his confidence back. He also noticed the Gundam moving much more smoothly than before. "Roger that, number one!" he said cheerfully. This battle would be different.
New Kratna
21-07-2007, 04:14
In Space

The wounded transport mannaged to stop the worst of its problems but it was headed for earth weather it wanted to or not with its primary engins out and only thrusters... it was going to be rough... the could somewhat control there heading but it would be a crap shoot untill they got closer

the crew waited making minor ajustments as they were slowly pulled in by earths gravity

Outback ~ 2:00 local time

"Major Harris, they're moving!" Mervin ran over to the radar screen. "Three teams... largest one is heading west towards Dampier, another team is going east towards Yarrie, and a small group is coming right toward us."

"The bases in the area will be on alert, so they'll engage the larger groups," Harris said. "That's fine."

"What about the ones coming here?" asked Nelson. He had a good idea of who it was. And if so, they'd need every one of these guys to sortie.

"Five... no, six units!" replied the operator. "Identifying signature type. Gemini, Aries, Sagittarius! And one unknown!"

"It's them," said Adam. "We're going to pay them back for last time, right?"

"Yeah," replied Nelson. He thought that this time he ought to try the 'beta' command if things got rough. He wouldn't let them have their way again. "We'll head out to meet them. Adam, Laku, we're not holding back this time, all right?"

"Hell yes!" replied Adam.

"Sounds good," answered Laku.

The three of them booted up their suits' computers and went out ahead of the main Tuatara force. Harris was busy ordering the tanks and infantry to escort the equipment trucks and mobile facilities to Newman. From there, he and his crew could get back to Site 400 and begin clearing the place out. They had to move since they weren't sure how far inland the Terrans could push.

"We'll engage them in twenty minutes, and the area will be completely empty," radioed Nelson to the entire force. "The enemy's tough, so keep your distance and shower them with fire if you can. Laku, you take the four oh-sixes and handle Aries and Sagittarius. Adam, you and the oh-threes will engage the Gemini team. I want the unknown."

Adam smiled. That sounded like the Nelson he knew. The time in the simulator had calmed his nerves and brought his confidence back. He also noticed the Gundam moving much more smoothly than before. "Roger that, number one!" he said cheerfully. This battle would be different.

2:18 local

Lt Xiang and his team had beem ploding south for nearly half an hour there progress slow but wary. Tong was not about to let himself be ambushed and with the open desert and kim in the air in her repaired Aries they would catch anything incoming.
tong suddenly paused his heightend sences picking up on something "kim do you see anything?" he asked his voice unphased
"No sir theres nothing out here but sand and rocwait... i think i'm getting something" there was a pause "yes theres something out there"
"Patch me your radar feed"
kim enterd afew quick commands and her ariel feed poured into the Jade panthers systems boosting his own scaners and he picked up the faint signal. it was deffinatly military but to week to make a positive identification, tong was reasonably certan he knew what it was but tong wanted to make sure
"kim fly in for a better scann i want positive ident"
"Yes sir" she shot forwards climbing to 30,000 feet hideing in the gathering clouds to make her pass before doubling back
"sir its definatly them"
a small grin crossed his face. he had been right again "kim fall back"
tong mean while rapidly entered afew commands into his targeting systems, it would be a long shot but if it worked a good one. he charged his heavy cannons and fired the beams arcing into the enamy location...

((ooc: the disipation effect will reduce the power of the beam over the distance but its still gonna make a notacable hit maybe a 5th or slightly less of what hit the cruiser))
21-07-2007, 04:35
Lt Xiang and his team had beem ploding south for nearly half an hour there progress slow but wary. Tong was not about to let himself be ambushed and with the open desert and kim in the air in her repaired Aries they would catch anything incoming.
tong suddenly paused his heightend sences picking up on something "kim do you see anything?" he asked his voice unphased
"No sir theres nothing out here but sand and rocwait... i think i'm getting something" there was a pause "yes theres something out there"
"Patch me your radar feed"
kim enterd afew quick commands and her ariel feed poured into the Jade panthers systems boosting his own scaners and he picked up the faint signal. it was deffinatly military but to week to make a positive identification, tong was reasonably certan he knew what it was but tong wanted to make sure
"kim fly in for a better scann i want positive ident"
"Yes sir" she shot forwards climbing to 30,000 feet hideing in the gathering clouds to make her pass before doubling back
"sir its definatly them"
a small grin crossed his face. he had been right again "kim fall back"
tong mean while rapidly entered afew commands into his targeting systems, it would be a long shot but if it worked a good one. he charged his heavy cannons and fired the beams arcing into the enamy location...

Nelson's computer beeped with a warning. "Incoming high energy source!" he yelled into his comm. A Tuatara to his left was suddenly impaled by the blinding light, punching a hole through the cockpit and melting everything inside. The unit fell backwards and hit the ground clumsily. "Shit! They're here! All units, break formation! You have your assignments!"

Laku and the four Albatross picked up altitude and flew into the clouds. There was a metallic signature ahead. "What the... I smell a rat..." she muttered, bringing her machine gun to bear. The fired a quick burst into a cloudbank to the left. Aries emerged from the top and took evasive action. Kim cursed. "You're not going anyWHOA!" Two massive shells had just come flying through the air, nearly relieving her of a wingman. "Sag's here, too!" Laku yelled. "You four get over there. I'll take this one!"

The Tuataras had split into three groups of five and were approaching the Geminis, getting off a few bursts of machine gun fire from distance. Adam, out ahead of the middle team, pulled up his targeting computer and aimed his shoulder cannons. "Let's see how well they dodge," he said, licking his lips. He let two shells fly at the nearest one.

Tong frowned at their rapid approach but figured he'd be able to repeat his previous performance. As he prepared to charge, a rocket landed right in front of him and exploded, kicking up dirt and sand, momentarily distracting him. Careless, he thought, and turned to face the newcomer. It was that arrogant Gundam from before... Nelson, was it? His thrusters were on full and he sported a rather nasty-looking bazooka, no doubt the source of that last attack. Nothing to worry about, though; those shots were too slow to be a threat. He fired a blast at the approaching Gundam. It swiftly responded by hitting its side thrusters, smoothly accelerating out of harm's way and right into attack posture. That pilot HAD gotten better...
New Kratna
21-07-2007, 05:11
Nelson's computer beeped with a warning. "Incoming high energy source!" he yelled into his comm. A Tuatara to his left was suddenly impaled by the blinding light, punching a hole through the cockpit and melting everything inside. The unit fell backwards and hit the ground clumsily. "Shit! They're here! All units, break formation! You have your assignments!"

Laku and the four Albatross picked up altitude and flew into the clouds. There was a metallic signature ahead. "What the... I smell a rat..." she muttered, bringing her machine gun to bear. The fired a quick burst into a cloudbank to the left. Aries emerged from the top and took evasive action. Kim cursed. "You're not going anyWHOA!" Two massive shells had just come flying through the air, nearly relieving her of a wingman. "Sag's here, too!" Laku yelled. "You four get over there. I'll take this one!"

The Tuataras had split into three groups of five and were approaching the Geminis, getting off a few bursts of machine gun fire from distance. Adam, out ahead of the middle team, pulled up his targeting computer and aimed his shoulder cannons. "Let's see how well they dodge," he said, licking his lips. He let two shells fly at the nearest one.

Tong frowned at their rapid approach but figured he'd be able to repeat his previous performance. As he prepared to charge, a rocket landed right in front of him and exploded, kicking up dirt and sand, momentarily distracting him. Careless, he thought, and turned to face the newcomer. It was that arrogant Gundam from before... Nelson, was it? His thrusters were on full and he sported a rather nasty-looking bazooka, no doubt the source of that last attack. Nothing to worry about, though; those shots were too slow to be a threat. He fired a blast at the approaching Gundam. It swiftly responded by hitting its side thrusters, smoothly accelerating out of harm's way and right into attack posture. That pilot HAD gotten better...

Kim Strafed passed Laku peppering the area with blaster fire before diveingin her beam saber at the ready swinging wildly before zooming past dodging lakus counterattack "you'll have to be faster than that!" Kim started circling laku sending fire at her. but laku was quick diveing low and coming up right in Kims path forcing her to evade giving Laku an opening up her macheine gun on the aries.
Kim rolled and avoided the worst of the fire taking several hits but still combat worthy "you bitch!" she flew right at laku her beamsaber ready to strike... she would take this pest down.

Erik Hanson in Sag2 had his own problems the 4 albatrosses coming at his he resorted to a AA role blasting schells up at the inbounds taking oe out in a spectacular explosion forcing the others to break off for the moment as he kept fireing howing to take down another "c'mon kim i need your help over here!"

Lee Marcus and Kiyko opend fire on the aproching Tuataras
Marcus "hey look there breaking into groups"
Lee "alright. Marcus you take the middle Kiyko left flank i got the right."
the 3 quickly shifted there positions and began closing on the Oceanic forces waiting till they got in range for there sabers

Tong quickly rolled out of the way of another rocket this wont do he rolled doging another rocket as he switched into biped mode pulling his assult blaster targeting the bazooka fireing off several shots as he charged in slamming into nelson throwing him off balence and moved off droping his gun and drawing his sabers taking a chalenging stance "come now lets do this like civilized men shall we" he charged...
21-07-2007, 05:26
OOC: By request of Red Tide 2, I've decided to make a post for the remaining Guam soldiers.

IC: The Guam Base was very little defended due to its send of the mobile suits to meet with the enemy. But in the middle of a battle, a strange phenomenom was happening. The RADAR watchers searched their area and saw a mighty navy heading in their direction. One of them asked, "Hey, where's all this coming from?"
The other could only say, "I don't know, but those ships aren't giving off our signature."
The other watcher asked, "Really? Is it those Oceanics?"
"Negative. It's not giving off any signature that we know of."
"It's not? What are those things? Ready the base for alert. We may need to prepare for combat and find out if those things are friend or foe. The Guam Base was prepared for a strike if needed, but not for one as large as was coming. They only had about 50 Geminis protecting the base, and against the force that was coming, they would need to fight diligantly to protect their territory.
Spit break
21-07-2007, 05:43
"Distance to target?" Holland said over the communications channel "can't give you a exact estimate, any where from half an hour to 45 minutes Bravo leader" came the voice of Bravo four as he reported to Holland "This is Bravo Leader to Alpha leader, what do you see with your eyes in the sky?" he asked, Holland needed information so he could keep up to date on the situation.

"We see lights in the vary far distances, its Suez no activity there either, sit tight Bravo leader we are almost there" came from Alpha leader. They have covered so much distance in such a short time. In the trucks men were talking about various topics, checking there weapons and rechecking them.
21-07-2007, 05:48
13:40 zulu

Star made her way back to the base after preforming some more exersizes and agusting her mobile suits OS as nesicary it was once again operating at peak eficiency. she almost felt sorry for the next pilots she'd face.

she glided into the base and landed near the main hangers insted of the matanece section guideing it into an empty stall before shutting it down and climbed out onto the extended ramp and made her way down to the floor afew of the techies and other pilots making coments about how amazing her rapid climb and following freefall were not to mention the following flyby across the base. she smiled inwardly... if only theyd seen what she did to the missile range.

she made her way back to the command center walking the distance insted of riding in a truck she arived 15 minutes after landing (13:55) making her way through the complex to the stratagy room to finalize there plans.

as she entered the room she noticed afew officers gathered around some monitors aparently watching recordings from the missile range there eyes glued to the screan making the ocasional amazed coment... they were only alphas after all.

General Ashmore told several of the squadron commanders, "Gentlemen, greet your new Captain."
They turned around to salute and greeted, "Welcome Captain."
Ashmore began the meeting saying, "Now our plans have been finalized for the operation. We will not allow the terrorists to take over the Suez. In the meantime, we must deliver the supplies to our troops who have been cut off for so long by their raidings. Captain Crofton, your squadrons will protect the plane from being shot down by the terrorists. Captain Lynde, you and your squadrons will swipe the area clean of the terrorists. I don't want that battlefield left until it is clean of their kind. When the supplies have reached their destination, Captain Crofton will join you. If we press all we have into this battle, the terrorists are as good as dead. Do you confirm your mission?"
Before anyone could answer, a Radar watcher interrupted, "Uh... General Ashmore, I believe we have a problem."
Ashmore averted his attention and questioned, "What is it?"
The watcher responded, "There's something headed our way. It appears to be a missile."
Ashmore quickly ordered, "Quickly, order the base turrets to shoot it down!"
"Yes sir!"
The turrets tried their best to hit the EMP missile, but could not hit it in time as it came within range of the base. It exploded and sent the pulse throughout the base. The entire base was now deprived of power and very little if anything was operable.
Spit break
21-07-2007, 05:49
OOC: should be hitting right about *dramtic 30 second pause* now
21-07-2007, 05:58
Kim Strafed passed Laku peppering the area with blaster fire before diveingin her beam saber at the ready swinging wildly before zooming past dodging lakus counterattack "you'll have to be faster than that!" Kim started circling laku sending fire at her. but laku was quick diveing low and coming up right in Kims path forcing her to evade giving Laku an opening up her macheine gun on the aries.
Kim rolled and avoided the worst of the fire taking several hits but still combat worthy "you bitch!" she flew right at laku her beamsaber ready to strike... she would take this pest down.

Erik Hanson in Sag2 had his own problems the 4 albatrosses coming at his he resorted to a AA role blasting schells up at the inbounds taking oe out in a spectacular explosion forcing the others to break off for the moment as he kept fireing howing to take down another "c'mon kim i need your help over here!"

Lee Marcus and Kiyko opend fire on the aproching Tuataras
Marcus "hey look there breaking into groups"
Lee "alright. Marcus you take the middle Kiyko left flank i got the right."
the 3 quickly shifted there positions and began closing on the Oceanic forces waiting till they got in range for there sabers

Tong quickly rolled out of the way of another rocket this wont do he rolled doging another rocket as he switched into biped mode pulling his assult blaster targeting the bazooka fireing off several shots as he charged in slamming into nelson throwing him off balence and moved off droping his gun and drawing his sabers taking a chalenging stance "come now lets do this like civilized men shall we" he charged...

Kim swung at Laku with the saber. She barely dodged the attack. She wasn't expected close combat in midair. That pilot was intense to pull off these kinds of maneuvers. "Now I see why Nelson had such a hard time... she's fast..." Laku fired another burst from her machine gun but Kim was already preparing for her next pass. Laku accelerated to get out of Kim's line of attack and took her unit right up into the sun. She had it at her back - perfect. Kim had to turn away to avoid being blinded. Her cockpit began to buzz as a shower of missiles erupted from the glowing orb.

Erik's unit wasn't terribly maneuverable, but it was heavily armored and could take a few machine gun bursts. The Albatross units were circling like vultures, but if they kept attacking passively, he might not need Kim's help after all. He clipped one unit with his cannon and as it careened out of the sky he scored a solid hit, sending debris flying in all directions.

"You remember the Lieutenant's orders, don't let them get close!" To the annoyance of the approaching Gemini pilots, the Tuataras began falling back while firing. They planned to fight a running battle. Plus, at long range, even those old suits could dodge. The earth exploded out from under Marcus as Adam's shells hit the ground. He was shaken but otherwise undamaged. Marcus cursed. Adam then fired a salvo at Lee. It appeared like this heavy guy was going to stir up trouble while the others tried to pick them off. He was hovering pretty fast, too. That meant the legs had to go.

The bazooka wasn't working for Nelson, who had taken a shot from Tong's dog form. Now the unknown was challenging him to a duel. "Fine by me," Nelson said, firing his last shot before discarding the weapon. He drew the saber and charged in. Tong easily blocked the first attack and made a low cut. Nelson was able to sidestep and counter. The Gundam was moving more fluidly than in the last battle, and its reaction times weren't bad, either. An excellent Alpha pilot. But still only an Alpha...
New Kratna
21-07-2007, 06:30
General Ashmore told several of the squadron commanders, "Gentlemen, greet your new Captain."
They turned around to salute and greeted, "Welcome Captain."
Ashmore began the meeting saying, "Now our plans have been finalized for the operation. We will not allow the terrorists to take over the Suez. In the meantime, we must deliver the supplies to our troops who have been cut off for so long by their raidings. Captain Crofton, your squadrons will protect the plane from being shot down by the terrorists. Captain Lynde, you and your squadrons will swipe the area clean of the terrorists. I don't want that battlefield left until it is clean of their kind. When the supplies have reached their destination, Captain Crofton will join you. If we press all we have into this battle, the terrorists are as good as dead. Do you confirm your mission?"

OOC: Before I continue, the EMP is supposed to hit soon right?

((ooc: schedualed departure time 15:00 emp due at roughly 17:30 give or take... so we need a roughly 2 and a half hour delay of somekind))

Star lead Zues Squadron over to a map table, recent satalite immages covering it as they planned there sweaps of the countryside radiating out from the base they spent the next half hour finalizing there plans before heading out to check on the plane and the statuse of the cargo loading
"captain" star greated the pilot of the aircraft "whats your status?"
"we right on schedual. there loading the last crate now, well be ready to leave in a few minutes"
"exelent. good flying captain." she then turned to her men "alright you heard him suit up get ready to move out!" the mobile suit pilots of Zues squadren ran to there gundams powering them up and locking on there helmets moving into position the gemini's climbing on to there flight platforms

"this is cargo transport 1-1-9-7 to Grecian control we are buttoned up and preflight checks compleat"
"roger that 1197 you are cleared for take off on runway 4"
"roger than tower. alright jim fire up the engins" the pilot said to his co-pilot Jim Green.
jim pressed the ignition switch and listened as the engens started... they slowly started spinning up then suddenly began strugling before ultamitly dieing "what the hell?" jim questioned before hiting the switch again... nothing happend
"what the matter jim?"
"i don't know harold" she was working fine when we flew in this morning"
"tower this is 1197 over"
"Tower here"
"we seem to be haveing technical dificulties, requesting a technitian team."

Star cursed she had been listening to the conversation on the open comms "1197 whats going on?"
"we can't seem to get the engins started"
"how long till its fixed?" she was slightly iritated at the delay
"cant say till the technitians have a chance to look at it"
Star cursed again and sat back to wait on the technitians.

((ooc: that should delay us enough just remember emp due at 17:30 or a little later :) have fun replying... it might be a good time (or bad depending on your point of view) for victor to try and flirt with star again))
New Kratna
21-07-2007, 06:38
((ooc...oook whos do we follow?))
Spit break
21-07-2007, 06:45
OOC: lets just say your post was the gap filler
New Kratna
21-07-2007, 06:59
Kim swung at Laku with the saber. She barely dodged the attack. She wasn't expected close combat in midair. That pilot was intense to pull off these kinds of maneuvers. "Now I see why Nelson had such a hard time... she's fast..." Laku fired another burst from her machine gun but Kim was already preparing for her next pass. Laku accelerated to get out of Kim's line of attack and took her unit right up into the sun. She had it at her back - perfect. Kim had to turn away to avoid being blinded. Her cockpit began to buzz as a shower of missiles erupted from the glowing orb.

Erik's unit wasn't terribly maneuverable, but it was heavily armored and could take a few machine gun bursts. The Albatross units were circling like vultures, but if they kept attacking passively, he might not need Kim's help after all. He clipped one unit with his cannon and as it careened out of the sky he scored a solid hit, sending debris flying in all directions.

"You remember the Lieutenant's orders, don't let them get close!" To the annoyance of the approaching Gemini pilots, the Tuataras began falling back while firing. They planned to fight a running battle. Plus, at long range, even those old suits could dodge. The earth exploded out from under Marcus as Adam's shells hit the ground. He was shaken but otherwise undamaged. Marcus cursed. Adam then fired a salvo at Lee. It appeared like this heavy guy was going to stir up trouble while the others tried to pick them off. He was hovering pretty fast, too. That meant the legs had to go.

The bazooka wasn't working for Nelson, who had taken a shot from Tong's dog form. Now the unknown was challenging him to a duel. "Fine by me," Nelson said, firing his last shot before discarding the weapon. He drew the saber and charged in. Tong easily blocked the first attack and made a low cut. Nelson was able to sidestep and counter. The Gundam was moving more fluidly than in the last battle, and its reaction times weren't bad, either. An excellent Alpha pilot. But still only an Alpha...

Kim dove into the cloud cover evading the shots "we can both play hide and seek" she used her scaners ant targeted laku's Dingo Letting off a string of fire at her target afew shots connecting taking out one of the thrusters (the things got more that one right?) before ziping off taking care to stay hidden in the clouds kim wasn't about to let someone else keep the advantage...

Erik kept fireing... there were only 2 left he took careful aim at one but the pilot managed to doge getting in acouple good hits before another shot cliped one of his main thrusters sending him carening off course and slaming into the remaining albatros both plumiting to the ground...

"marcus take him down!" lee orderd as he anialated one of the Tuataras
Marcus blasted another to peices before responding "gladly" he pulled his beam saber and charged through the main group slaming one aside and cutting another down blasting at Adam as soon as he had a clear shot as Lee and Kiyko concentrated on the remaning Tuataras...

tong was mildly pleased with the eficency of movement nelson displayed a signifcant improvement from when he fought Kim but tong kept the presure on thrust parry slice stab his two sabers moved moved with amazing speed dodging nelsons ever more confident strikes but he was still laking the reflexes as tong kicked at the Mobile suit catching Nelson off guard...
New Kratna
21-07-2007, 07:00
OOC: lets just say your post was the gap filler

((ooc: Mmm filler))
New Kratna
21-07-2007, 07:24
a Radar watcher interrupted, "Uh... General Ashmore, I believe we have a problem."
Ashmore averted his attention and questioned, "What is it?"
The watcher responded, "There's something headed our way. It appears to be a missile."
Ashmore quickly ordered, "Quickly, order the base turrets to shoot it down!"
"Yes sir!"
The turrets tried their best to hit the EMP missile, but could not hit it in time as it came within range of the base. It exploded and sent the pulse throughout the base. The entire base was now deprived of power and very little if anything was operable.

Star was in her gundam when the pulse hit downing most of the bases systems her own gundam was sheilded so the circuts weret fried outright but some of the more sencitive systems went haywire "shit!" her fingers flew across the keyboard trying to get the cockpit open "what the hell happend?" she yelled down when she finaly got the cockpit open.
"We've been hit with an EMP" the soldier respond
"where did it come from?"
"eye witnesses are saying it came from the south."
South... ofcourse it was all falling in to place... what better way to prevent a counter attack then to disable an entire base. she imediatly set to work getting the foot sling working and climbed out of The darkstar making a line for the command center.
"where is captian crofton and General Ashmore?" she asked the nearest officer. she had to show them her new analisis of the situation...

((ooc: we got 4 hours to get everything fixed if i remember right spit break is striking at 21:00 we are at roughly 17:30. hes also planing to take out the comms tower first to prevent a call for help but i have a plan to get around that ;) ))
Spit break
21-07-2007, 07:26
"This is Alpha leader to all units, lock and load and do all those final checks people we have 15 minutes until weapons contact" the man said over the communications line for the task force. Holland griped his controls, and looked at a picture in the corned of the control console. It was a picture of his sister, she was listed MIA after the Cairo raid several years back, Holland never found out if she was alive or in some Republic prison camp in europe "Damn those Republic bastards" he said to himself as he griped the controls tighter "sis I'll find you, don't worry" he said in anger.
21-07-2007, 09:53
Kim dove into the cloud cover evading the shots "we can both play hide and seek" she used her scaners ant targeted laku's Dingo Letting off a string of fire at her target afew shots connecting taking out one of the thrusters (the things got more that one right?) before ziping off taking care to stay hidden in the clouds kim wasn't about to let someone else keep the advantage...

Erik kept fireing... there were only 2 left he took careful aim at one but the pilot managed to doge getting in acouple good hits before another shot cliped one of his main thrusters sending him carening off course and slaming into the remaining albatros both plumiting to the ground...

"marcus take him down!" lee orderd as he anialated one of the Tuataras
Marcus blasted another to peices before responding "gladly" he pulled his beam saber and charged through the main group slaming one aside and cutting another down blasting at Adam as soon as he had a clear shot as Lee and Kiyko concentrated on the remaning Tuataras...

tong was mildly pleased with the eficency of movement nelson displayed a signifcant improvement from when he fought Kim but tong kept the presure on thrust parry slice stab his two sabers moved moved with amazing speed dodging nelsons ever more confident strikes but he was still laking the reflexes as tong kicked at the Mobile suit catching Nelson off guard...

Red warning lights flashed as Laku struggled to maintain control. The Aries had not only survived the missile barrage, but it had inflicted a pretty wicked attack of its own. "That pilot's good!" she was forced to admit. One thruster was enough to stay airborne but her speed was down. "I'm at a disadvantage up here... in that case...!!" Laku dove beneath the clouds and down to lower altitude. The first thing she saw was a blank scope. Her allied units were down and then Sagittarius was moving to support the rest of the ground force. Laku checked her six. Aries must still be hunting in the clouds for her. Using the time to her advantage, she launched a flurry of missiles.

Erik's cockpit sounded the proximity alert. He glanced into his rear monitor just in time to see the attack about to it. "Sh..!" Explosions rocked the machine as chunks of armor were blown outward by the missiles. The suit collapsed and let out a plume of jet black smoke. Erik's seatbelt softened the blow and he lay there in a daze. The battle was over for him. He watched helplessly through fuzzy monitors as Laku's Dingo screamed overhead.

Adam dodged the shot fired another salvo from his cannons. The shot delayed Kikyo's approach long enough for the Tuatara group to spread out and return fire. A few rounds bit into Kikyo's left leg, but no joints were struck. Marcus in the meantime was pushing another Tuatara back. It had managed to draw its saber, but the pilot's dueling ability was dismal. "No time for you!" he shouted, disarming the unit and then skewering the cockpit. "I want that one!" He fired another blast at Adam's legs. He managed to clip the evading Dingo.

Adam's unit shook from the hit but the armor had held. "Not yet!" he shouted, taking aim with the gatling. "Enough of this... this is why they call this the Magnum!" The barrels sprang to life and a hail of bullets streaked toward Marcus' Gemini.

Nelson had followed Tong's lead and drew his second saber. Their difference in skill was becoming more pronounced. The Jade Panther had to do less parrying and was instead focused on trying to cut through Nelson's defense, which was now taking up all of his concentration. While Nelson focused on the beam, Tong fired off a deadly physical attack - the kick sent Rangipapa flying. Tong ignited his booster and moved in for the kill. He raised his saber and took aim for the cockpit...


Tong's triumphant stab missed the mark. In fact, it had missed by the slimmest of margins. Rangipapa's position had shifted slightly, almost imperceptibly, to the side in the few moments since it began its clumsy fall backwards. No way the pilot did that, he would've had to know where the attack was coming... Something didn't feel right about this, and the next thing Tong felt was his suit rock from the impact of a beam saber buried into his unit's shoulder.

The two broke contact and stared each other down. Nelson heaved a sigh of relief and adjusted to this new sensation. He felt a rush, as if all the neurons in his mind were clicking at once. "It's not over..." he murmured, breathing deeply. "I can see it all now... I see it plain as day!" He could feel veins pulsing and a wave of energy sweep through his body. He gribbed his sabers and took his stance. "Hope I don't ruin your fun!!"
21-07-2007, 10:00
Sydney ~ 4:30 local (2:30 west coast time)

The Terran propaganda film played before the Parliament, eliciting angry murmurs from those in attendance. It began with a scathing attack on the Oceanic government, playing various statements made by the government in support of the Terran Republic behind a montage of photos of the aftermath of the midnight raids of Gentle Breeze. The Oceanic press had been overzealous, and their shots had found their way around the world. Now they were used to undermine the Oceanic Union's legitimacy. 'Are these the words of a friend... or a villain? Can peace thrive in a world where words are thrown around without meaning?'

The film went black. White letters proclaimed "Battle of Banda Sea." A somber orchestra set the stage for aerial video surveying the damage. It was a gruesome sight. Beaches were filled with debris and bodies. Burning hulls remained afloat in the sea. 'With no remorse or regard for human life, the enemies of justice turn this place into a mass grave. This stretch of sea... hundreds of miles now devoid of life.' Hawthorne cringed. Shots of downed Republic units were occasionally shown intertwined with the Union ship or mobile suit they had sacrificed themselves to destroy, ostensibly a show of Terran commitment and bravado. Most of the carnage displayed was of Union vessels and suits, to send a message that death awaited those who resisted.

The film faded to black again. Suddenly the scene was bright and the music played triumphantly and vigorously. The banner proclaimed "Successful Invasion of Australia!!" An indignant gasp rippled through the room. They'd barely landed and yet they claimed victory! The music was set proudly to shots of soldiers wading ashore with mobile suits flying in behind them, smiling for the camera and flashing victory signs. Video of surrendering Oceanic marines was sandwiched between shots of ruined Tuataras. 'Now we stand on the edge of returning peace and security to this troubled region!' The music reached its crescendo as shots of Gemini and Sagittarius suits stood proudly on the shore with the Terran flag flying from the command post. An Aries was hoisted from the bay, its pilot - a women - standing defiantly on the cockpit hatch. 'For our brave men and women, there is no surrender, but renewed strength and will! Order... and... unity!'

"Bastards... they didn't even show the unknown," muttered Hawthorne. "They want to make it look like their grunts are invincible. Bloody scare tactics."

The lights came on and the film came to an end. Hawthorne rose to address the assembly. "As you can see, the Terrans have already won important victories. But the real battle begins now, as our military has confirmed the deployment of three mobile suit teams striking outward from Port Hedland. It has committed itself to countering the attack with all available forces."

"While we no doubt should achieve numerical superiority by virtue of fighting on our own soil, we have more serious problems," spoke up another representative. "It's already taking its toll in Africa and the Middle East, and we expect the situation to grow worse now that the Republic possesses Eastern Europe and Russia. The Terrans control the grain fields of North America and the Ukraine, and the rice paddies of China. They have vast herds of livestock in conquered and indigenous regions. I'm afraid they are almost in a position where they can literally starve the world into submission."

No arguing that point. They were already beginning to feel the pinch at the supermarkets here. While Australian livestock could hold out for some time, produce from Indonesia and Southeast Asia was inaccessible due to the Terran landing at Hedland, which was a good explanation for their decision to invade on such a strange route from Guam. The Pacific islands were almost wholly dependent on outside sources of food. The prospect of 105 million people without enough to eat was a grim one.

"And there's the space issue," said another. "With no colonies of our own, we have relied on the strength of our spaceport and good relationships with colonial assemblies to ensure a healthy economic presence in space. But the nuclear attack on L2 and the damage suffered to the port during Gentle Breeze have also made that supply route unreliable." Another valid point.

"Let us not forget the threat to our civilian centers," another chimed in. "We have received reports and visual information on the recent action in Helsinki, and it is absolutely disastrous. Millions are dead and they fear the city will not recover for decades, if ever. Our western cities are now facing the same threat. We cannot count on informal rules of engagement to keep them from harm."

"I assure you, our civilian population will be taken care of," Hawthorne answered. For this point, at least, there was a plan of action. "Mandatory evacuation orders have already been issued in likely combat zones to give our military freedom of movement. Although we cannot avoid collateral damage, we can at least minimize civilian casualties."

The room fell silent. The public's rage against the Terran invasion was enough to keep support for the war up, but after only two days of combat, the situation was not looking good at all. Hawthorne knew they did not have long to turn things around. "The Terrans are stretched thin, but they can bleed any rebellion white simply due to their immense size and vast resources. We and the other opposing elements will not survive through initial success alone. What we need is firm, coordinated action. To this end, our government should attempt to make contact with anyone who is willing to resist. Scandinavia, South America... even terrorist groups who have demonstrated their strength. We must all strive to break out of the Republic's grasp so we can eventually fight side by side to overcome their tyranny!"

Bold words. But would anyone heed the call?
21-07-2007, 14:13
Star was in her gundam when the pulse hit downing most of the bases systems her own gundam was sheilded so the circuts weret fried outright but some of the more sencitive systems went haywire "shit!" her fingers flew across the keyboard trying to get the cockpit open "what the hell happend?" she yelled down when she finaly got the cockpit open.
"We've been hit with an EMP" the soldier respond
"where did it come from?"
"eye witnesses are saying it came from the south."
South... ofcourse it was all falling in to place... what better way to prevent a counter attack then to disable an entire base. she imediatly set to work getting the foot sling working and climbed out of The darkstar making a line for the command center.
"where is captian crofton and General Ashmore?" she asked the nearest officer. she had to show them her new analisis of the situation...

((ooc: we got 4 hours to get everything fixed if i remember right spit break is striking at 21:00 we are at roughly 17:30. hes also planing to take out the comms tower first to prevent a call for help but i have a plan to get around that ;) ))

The officer told Star, "General Ashmore is in the Operations Room Captain. Captain Crofton is making additional plans with him."

Ashmore questioned a maintanence member, "How long will it be before the systems are back up and running?"
The maintanence member answered, "According to our reports, we'll have the systems to full power again in about three and a half hours."
Ashmore questioned, "Blast... And you can find no way to speed the process?"
He was answered with, "Not so far sir."
Ashmore thought to himself, "Those terrorists are prooving to be more resourceful than we imagined possible." and responded, "Very well. But I want to see this base up and running again by then, no exceptions."
The maintanence members answered, "Yes sir." and immeadietly got back to work on the systems.
New Kratna
21-07-2007, 17:36
Red warning lights flashed as Laku struggled to maintain control. The Aries had not only survived the missile barrage, but it had inflicted a pretty wicked attack of its own. "That pilot's good!" she was forced to admit. One thruster was enough to stay airborne but her speed was down. "I'm at a disadvantage up here... in that case...!!" Laku dove beneath the clouds and down to lower altitude. The first thing she saw was a blank scope. Her allied units were down and then Sagittarius was moving to support the rest of the ground force. Laku checked her six. Aries must still be hunting in the clouds for her. Using the time to her advantage, she launched a flurry of missiles.

Erik's cockpit sounded the proximity alert. He glanced into his rear monitor just in time to see the attack about to it. "Sh..!" Explosions rocked the machine as chunks of armor were blown outward by the missiles. The suit collapsed and let out a plume of jet black smoke. Erik's seatbelt softened the blow and he lay there in a daze. The battle was over for him. He watched helplessly through fuzzy monitors as Laku's Dingo screamed overhead.

Adam dodged the shot fired another salvo from his cannons. The shot delayed Kikyo's approach long enough for the Tuatara group to spread out and return fire. A few rounds bit into Kikyo's left leg, but no joints were struck. Marcus in the meantime was pushing another Tuatara back. It had managed to draw its saber, but the pilot's dueling ability was dismal. "No time for you!" he shouted, disarming the unit and then skewering the cockpit. "I want that one!" He fired another blast at Adam's legs. He managed to clip the evading Dingo.

Adam's unit shook from the hit but the armor had held. "Not yet!" he shouted, taking aim with the gatling. "Enough of this... this is why they call this the Magnum!" The barrels sprang to life and a hail of bullets streaked toward Marcus' Gemini.

Nelson had followed Tong's lead and drew his second saber. Their difference in skill was becoming more pronounced. The Jade Panther had to do less parrying and was instead focused on trying to cut through Nelson's defense, which was now taking up all of his concentration. While Nelson focused on the beam, Tong fired off a deadly physical attack - the kick sent Rangipapa flying. Tong ignited his booster and moved in for the kill. He raised his saber and took aim for the cockpit...


Tong's triumphant stab missed the mark. In fact, it had missed by the slimmest of margins. Rangipapa's position had shifted slightly, almost imperceptibly, to the side in the few moments since it began its clumsy fall backwards. No way the pilot did that, he would've had to know where the attack was coming... Something didn't feel right about this, and the next thing Tong felt was his suit rock from the impact of a beam saber buried into his unit's shoulder.

The two broke contact and stared each other down. Nelson heaved a sigh of relief and adjusted to this new sensation. He felt a rush, as if all the neurons in his mind were clicking at once. "It's not over..." he murmured, breathing deeply. "I can see it all now... I see it plain as day!" He could feel veins pulsing and a wave of energy sweep through his body. He gribbed his sabers and took his stance. "Hope I don't ruin your fun!!"

"Erik!" kim swung her aries around and dove at Laku "don't you dare ignore me!" Kim streaked in grabing the weekend Gundem and hurtaling it towards the ground fireing at it as it plumited towards the ground

Marcus barly dogged intime to escape the more lethal strikes his suit still taking heavy dammage alarms going off inside his cockput as his blaster blew up in his had "shit!"he exclamed as the suit began slowily seizing up as it leaked hydro fluid "no! you'll pay for this" in a last ditch effort he pulled his armour schnider (a big knife sharp enough and strong enough to damage a gundam) and hurtled it at the offending gundam the blade impailing the units chest but missing the pilot by 6 inches as Marcuses gemini colapsed in hydralic paralisis

"Kiyko finish these guys off rhen move on Marcus' position" Lee orderd.
Kiyko imediatly launcged a powerfull offencive fireing several chots at one of the Oceanic gundams almost sending it to the ground before one shot cliped the powerpack turning it int a fireball as she surged past it blasting away another one watching it fall to the ground she took afew clear shots at Adam before turning back to face a unit that thought it would get her in close combat she almost didn't doge intime taking a cut across the side she drew her own saber the fight was short and predictabal the enamy pilot atempted afew clumst swings wich Kiyko eazly blocked before slicing the suit cleanly in half she final closed on Marcus's position standing defencivly over him

Lee meenwhile was finishinng up with the remaining Tuataras there were afew extra as his comrads were otherwise busy but nothing he couldn't handle as he ket blasting away taking 2 more down as he doged an attack sofar avoiding the worst of most of the enamy attacks.

Tong felt what star had felt wen unexpectedly faced with someone of equal skill the superiority complex of being a beta suddenly taking a hit. But unlike Star Tong remained calm taking it more like a chalange rather than an insult.
"finaly... a worthy oponent" tong rolled his head to get the kinks out then moven in his sabers flying through the air as he began his gracefull dance with death this time knowing that failing would meen certain death and he relished the challange as he blocked with one saber while attacking with the other the scholder wood mostly superficial and nothing he coulsn't compensate for.
New Kratna
21-07-2007, 17:52
The officer told Star, "General Ashmore is in the Operations Room Captain. Captain Crofton is making additional plans with him."

Ashmore questioned a maintanence member, "How long will it be before the systems are back up and running?"
The maintanence member answered, "According to our reports, we'll have the systems to full power again in about three and a half hours."
Ashmore questioned, "Blast... And you can find no way to speed the process?"
He was answered with, "Not so far sir."
Ashmore thought to himself, "Those terrorists are prooving to be more resourceful than we imagined possible." and responded, "Very well. But I want to see this base up and running again by then, no exceptions."
The maintanence members answered, "Yes sir." and immeadietly got back to work on the systems.

"General" star quickly saluted "theres something i have to show you" she want over to the larg map teble in the center up the room pulling up the most recent satalite immage of the Suez region as well as the smaller reports of the raids "this EMP attack was just some random event look here." she pointed to a list of the convoys that had been hit "they're not just hitting random convoys to disrupt our suply lines some of theise are targeted attacks just look at these manafests. see what there actualt taking compaired to what there destroying." she gave to officers a moment to check her findings "its my opinion that the EMP strike was not a show of force to prove they could do it but a calculated attack to delay any chance of us moving on Suez base either to defend or recapture"
An Emp strike just as they were about to move a large number of troops into the regon was jusst too damned convenient for her liking and she hoped the other officers would see what she saw.
Spit break
21-07-2007, 20:00
OOC: it is time :D

"This is Alpha leader, weaponns hot and ready to fire", "Bravo leader, confirmed weapon hot", "Charlie leader here, ready to fire" the three team leaders reported in as they were about to begin the attack. The Sparrow units broke formation and took to the sky with there jet striker packs, and they rest of the ground forces increased there speed.

"Alpha leader to Alpha squadron, I see our targets....wait a second" he paused having his screen zoom in "The hanger doors are open haha we got them, Alpha two and three form up on me we are taking out the hangers, Alpha four and five take out the communications and command centers" Alpha one ordered. The men of the squad gave a brief "yes sir" before changing formation. They got right in close to the base and then.....the trigger was pulled. Each Sparrow fired the missisles on there jet striker pack eight on each suit. The missiles from Alpha leader, Two, and Three flew from the packs through the air right into the hangers because the doors were open.

The payloads from Alpha four and five went streaking through the sky into the communications facility and the base command center. Mean while Bulldog one and two moved in from the flanks and used there gatling machine guns to clear any perimeter guards. Holland transformed his suit back into mobile suit mode and used the suits hands to rip the main gate out of the ground. The ground forces of 200 troops began to move into the base as the mobile suits of Sparrow one lands on the ground and Bulldog one and two went into mobile suit mode to move through the base gun drawn.
21-07-2007, 20:38
"Erik!" kim swung her aries around and dove at Laku "don't you dare ignore me!" Kim streaked in grabing the weekend Gundem and hurtaling it towards the ground fireing at it as it plumited towards the ground

Marcus barly dogged intime to escape the more lethal strikes his suit still taking heavy dammage alarms going off inside his cockput as his blaster blew up in his had "shit!"he exclamed as the suit began slowily seizing up as it leaked hydro fluid "no! you'll pay for this" in a last ditch effort he pulled his armour schnider (a big knife sharp enough and strong enough to damage a gundam) and hurtled it at the offending gundam the blade impailing the units chest but missing the pilot by 6 inches as Marcuses gemini colapsed in hydralic paralisis

"Kiyko finish these guys off rhen move on Marcus' position" Lee orderd.
Kiyko imediatly launcged a powerfull offencive fireing several chots at one of the Oceanic gundams almost sending it to the ground before one shot cliped the powerpack turning it int a fireball as she surged past it blasting away another one watching it fall to the ground she took afew clear shots at Adam before turning back to face a unit that thought it would get her in close combat she almost didn't doge intime taking a cut across the side she drew her own saber the fight was short and predictabal the enamy pilot atempted afew clumst swings wich Kiyko eazly blocked before slicing the suit cleanly in half she final closed on Marcus's position standing defencivly over him

Lee meenwhile was finishinng up with the remaining Tuataras there were afew extra as his comrads were otherwise busy but nothing he couldn't handle as he ket blasting away taking 2 more down as he doged an attack sofar avoiding the worst of most of the enamy attacks.

Tong felt what star had felt wen unexpectedly faced with someone of equal skill the superiority complex of being a beta suddenly taking a hit. But unlike Star Tong remained calm taking it more like a chalange rather than an insult.
"finaly... a worthy oponent" tong rolled his head to get the kinks out then moven in his sabers flying through the air as he began his gracefull dance with death this time knowing that failing would meen certain death and he relished the challange as he blocked with one saber while attacking with the other the scholder wood mostly superficial and nothing he coulsn't compensate for.

Laku's machine was struck by Kim's attack, with a few bullets burying themselves in her left and right lefts. A few hit her torso and set off damage alarms, but her main priority was puling out of the uncontrolled dive. She pulled up hard on the control levers and reduced the throttle, and the Dingo made a swooping arc with its trough only a few feet above the ground. Rising into the sky again, Laku reignited her thrusters to regain speed and altitude. Her machine gun was out of ammo. "Fine then," she muttered, casting it aside. "Let's see her try and get close again!" She fired all of her remaining micromissiles in a chaotic flurry and then drew both of her beam knives.

Adam could feel the cold steel of the Armor Schneider against the side of his face. A trickle of blood ran down his cheek. The entire right side of his cockpit was trashed, and the front screen was munged as well. Half his controls were gone. Kikyo's attack arrived and crashed into his legs. This time it was fatal. The hum of his hoverjet ceased and the unit sudden leaned to the left as the hoverjet failed. The failsafe balancer kicked in and the other ceased to function as well. The cockpit rocked slightly as he hit the ground. "In the end, that's all I could do, huh..." he muttered. He sprayed the general area in front of him with his remaining ammo, hoping to get a lucky hit an the other Gemini, and finally the Magnum Dingo collapsed on its knees and fell to the side, dead in the water.

Lee finished off the rest of the Tuataras. These guys had put up a better fight than at the base thanks to a more coherent strategy, but they needed way more in numbers to begin to be a threat. His unit ached from the constant fighting and he scoped out the rest of the battlefield. Isolated action everywhere. He had to give these guys credit for spreading them out so well.

Nelson parried Tong's attacks and did his best to synch his Gundam's movements with his enemy's. The two weaved their way back and forth in fluid combat, sabers rattling but never breaking through. Nelson tried a stab and a slash at the same time, but Tong side stepped and parried. He then brought his saber across with a swooping attack, forcing Nelson to fire his thrusters back to disengage completely. "Shit, Adam's down? Where's the rest..." He frantically checked his scope, but it looked like he and Laku were the only ones left. "Gotta end this..."

A dull pain was making itself felt at the base of his brain, but he ignored it. The sensory input from the system was incredible. He joined the beam saber's together at the ends and pushed forward. Tong made a pair of cuts but Nelson positioned his saber to block both. Pulling up his targeting computer, he fired his vulcans at the enemy's head and upper body...
New Kratna
21-07-2007, 20:55
"how can i be expecter to continu the offencive if suplies are coming in days behind schedual?" the man on the other end of the radio asked.
"i understand your position Cnl. Everit." the man incharge of the Suez supply stated simply "but your forward base is not the only one i have to supply and with the continuing raids on the supply lines theres not much i can do"
"Has Grecian Command said anything?"
"there suposed to be sending some supplies and several squadrons to help BUt---" the coms suddenly cut out as the comm tower was blown sky high followed shortly by a large chunk being blown off of the command base the commander was blown back by the concusive blast slaming into the rear wall of his office he picked himself up slightly dazed he shook his head to clear the ringing in his ears as he made his way out into what was left of the hallway.
he stared out at the sight before him Mobile suits had enterd the bace one had even riped the main gate out and infantry was pooring in through the gap he stared at the ruins of the comms tower and the devistated Hangers a handful of geminies making there way out only about 17 of the 36 stationed there seemed to have servived the inital attack and were strugling to hold back the enamy forces.
the commander rushed down the hall grabing everyone he couls and headed to the armory ducking behind rubble trying to stay out of sight of the gundams.
the ill asorted squad gatehrd what weapons they could from the armor ann assortment of rocket launchers machine gunns and luckly enough a 2 man Assult rifle.
it would be a hard fought battle but they had to hold them off untill the re-enforce ments arived. the commander prayed they could hold long enough as he attempted to set up some kind of organized defence
New Kratna
21-07-2007, 21:22
Laku's machine was struck by Kim's attack, with a few bullets burying themselves in her left and right lefts. A few hit her torso and set off damage alarms, but her main priority was puling out of the uncontrolled dive. She pulled up hard on the control levers and reduced the throttle, and the Dingo made a swooping arc with its trough only a few feet above the ground. Rising into the sky again, Laku reignited her thrusters to regain speed and altitude. Her machine gun was out of ammo. "Fine then," she muttered, casting it aside. "Let's see her try and get close again!" She fired all of her remaining micromissiles in a chaotic flurry and then drew both of her beam knives.

Adam could feel the cold steel of the Armor Schneider against the side of his face. A trickle of blood ran down his cheek. The entire right side of his cockpit was trashed, and the front screen was munged as well. Half his controls were gone. Kikyo's attack arrived and crashed into his legs. This time it was fatal. The hum of his hoverjet ceased and the unit sudden leaned to the left as the hoverjet failed. The failsafe balancer kicked in and the other ceased to function as well. The cockpit rocked slightly as he hit the ground. "In the end, that's all I could do, huh..." he muttered. He sprayed the general area in front of him with his remaining ammo, hoping to get a lucky hit an the other Gemini, and finally the Magnum Dingo collapsed on its knees and fell to the side, dead in the water.

Lee finished off the rest of the Tuataras. These guys had put up a better fight than at the base thanks to a more coherent strategy, but they needed way more in numbers to begin to be a threat. His unit ached from the constant fighting and he scoped out the rest of the battlefield. Isolated action everywhere. He had to give these guys credit for spreading them out so well.

Nelson parried Tong's attacks and did his best to synch his Gundam's movements with his enemy's. The two weaved their way back and forth in fluid combat, sabers rattling but never breaking through. Nelson tried a stab and a slash at the same time, but Tong side stepped and parried. He then brought his saber across with a swooping attack, forcing Nelson to fire his thrusters back to disengage completely. "Shit, Adam's down? Where's the rest..." He frantically checked his scope, but it looked like he and Laku were the only ones left. "Gotta end this..."

A dull pain was making itself felt at the base of his brain, but he ignored it. The sensory input from the system was incredible. He joined the beam saber's together at the ends and pushed forward. Tong made a pair of cuts but Nelson positioned his saber to block both. Pulling up his targeting computer, he fired his vulcans at the enemy's head and upper body...

"aww shiiiitttt!" kame Kimms final scream as she attempted to dodge the sudden barage but there were just to many to evade and she disintigrated an a masive explosion scrap metal raining down

Kiyko didn't see the attack coming as the bullets shredded her mobile suit hit solapsing in a heap near marcus she thre her hands up to protect her face as systems shorted out sending sparks through the cockpit when it finaly settled to random showeres the only light was from the odd bullet hole and she suddenly felt the lack of feeling hin one of her legs and looking down saw that it was missing... she screamed in pain clutching the wound

Lee opend fire and Emptyed the remaining ammo of his gut into the air at Laku... she'd pay for killing Kim he'd see to that... she would pay

there fight was a stale mate neither gaining an advantage neither backing down. Nelsons sudden shift in tactics almost caught him off guard as he was pepperd with fire form nelsons head cannons he doged avoiding the more serious damage and lepped backwards out of close combat range. this fight had to end
Tong charged in his sabers catching both ends of nelsons staff
"yeild!" tong orderd as he locked them in this stance... if either fell it would be the end "yeild and i'll spare you and your friends to return and councel your leaders in the wisdom of surender"
21-07-2007, 22:13
"aww shiiiitttt!" kame Kimms final scream as she attempted to dodge the sudden barage but there were just to many to evade and she disintigrated an a masive explosion scrap metal raining down

Kiyko didn't see the attack coming as the bullets shredded her mobile suit hit solapsing in a heap near marcus she thre her hands up to protect her face as systems shorted out sending sparks through the cockpit when it finaly settled to random showeres the only light was from the odd bullet hole and she suddenly felt the lack of feeling hin one of her legs and looking down saw that it was missing... she screamed in pain clutching the wound

Lee opend fire and Emptyed the remaining ammo of his gut into the air at Laku... she'd pay for killing Kim he'd see to that... she would pay

there fight was a stale mate neither gaining an advantage neither backing down. Nelsons sudden shift in tactics almost caught him off guard as he was pepperd with fire form nelsons head cannons he doged avoiding the more serious damage and lepped backwards out of close combat range. this fight had to end
Tong charged in his sabers catching both ends of nelsons staff
"yeild!" tong orderd as he locked them in this stance... if either fell it would be the end "yeild and i'll spare you and your friends to return and councel your leaders in the wisdom of surender"

Laku breathed a heavy sigh of relief as Kim's signal disappeared from her scope. An alarm signaled incoming projectiles, but given the distance between her and Lee's Gemini, she was unprepared to react when the shots came out of nowhere. Panels sparked as the bullets hit her suit's waist and legs and disabled vital functions. A few struck her backpack and the second thruster finally fizzled and went dead. She was now in control of a heavy glider and not much else. She tugged at the controls. She could control her lift at least. Her glide carried her off of the battlefield where she executed the cleanest belly-landing she could manage. But her machine was not going to stand under its own power. "It's over, then..." she mumbled.

Nelson held his ground as the he locked his saber with Tong's pair. The resistance on the controls was maddening... it would take more than strength to break this draw. The pain in his mind was spreading. It was starting to feel like the machine was oversaturating him. He could see plenty of moves, still, but it seemed like the computer was suggesting certain ones more strongly than others, as if to control his will.

But it was fine, right? The only problem right now was this guy, pulling out the honorable retreat card again. He noticed more and more signals disappear from his scope. He decided. He pushed away from Tong and separated his sabers. He spun them both and then charged. "Sorry, but not today! COME!"
Spit break
21-07-2007, 22:15
"how can i be expecter to continu the offencive if suplies are coming in days behind schedual?" the man on the other end of the radio asked.
"i understand your position Cnl. Everit." the man incharge of the Suez supply stated simply "but your forward base is not the only one i have to supply and with the continuing raids on the supply lines theres not much i can do"
"Has Grecian Command said anything?"
"there suposed to be sending some supplies and several squadrons to help BUt---" the coms suddenly cut out as the comm tower was blown sky high followed shortly by a large chunk being blown off of the command base the commander was blown back by the concusive blast slaming into the rear wall of his office he picked himself up slightly dazed he shook his head to clear the ringing in his ears as he made his way out into what was left of the hallway.
he stared out at the sight before him Mobile suits had enterd the bace one had even riped the main gate out and infantry was pooring in through the gap he stared at the ruins of the comms tower and the devistated Hangers a handful of geminies making there way out only about 17 of the 36 stationed there seemed to have servived the inital attack and were strugling to hold back the enamy forces.
the commander rushed down the hall grabing everyone he couls and headed to the armory ducking behind rubble trying to stay out of sight of the gundams.
the ill asorted squad gatehrd what weapons they could from the armor ann assortment of rocket launchers machine gunns and luckly enough a 2 man Assult rifle.
it would be a hard fought battle but they had to hold them off untill the re-enforce ments arived. the commander prayed they could hold long enough as he attempted to set up some kind of organized defence

The ruble of the base made perfect cover for the troops and other vehicles. Many of the troops took up a front line position and began firing on enemy troops and mobile suits from behind cover with RPG's, Assault rifles, Anti-Armour rifles. The mobile suits began shooting at the enemy mobile suits, even if the survived the attack most of them would be damaged already.

Holland looked over at the incoming mobile suits and drew his beam carbine and opened fire from behind his shield. He couldn't see all the enemy suits but he knew more then ten were out there "Bravo leader to Charlie leader flank them on there right, Alpha get them from the left." he said over the comm.

Moments later two Windams(Sparrows) came running by on the left flank, they raised there shields and fired two missiles each from there shields before disappearing behind a building. On the right flank Luna and two other mobile suits from behind the cover of a building began firing on the suits.
New Kratna
21-07-2007, 22:27
Laku breathed a heavy sigh of relief as Kim's signal disappeared from her scope. An alarm signaled incoming projectiles, but given the distance between her and Lee's Gemini, she was unprepared to react when the shots came out of nowhere. Panels sparked as the bullets hit her suit's waist and legs and disabled vital functions. A few struck her backpack and the second thruster finally fizzled and went dead. She was now in control of a heavy glider and not much else. She tugged at the controls. She could control her lift at least. Her glide carried her off of the battlefield where she executed the cleanest belly-landing she could manage. But her machine was not going to stand under its own power. "It's over, then..." she mumbled.

Nelson held his ground as the he locked his saber with Tong's pair. The resistance on the controls was maddening... it would take more than strength to break this draw. The pain in his mind was spreading. It was starting to feel like the machine was oversaturating him. He could see plenty of moves, still, but it seemed like the computer was suggesting certain ones more strongly than others, as if to control his will.

But it was fine, right? The only problem right now was this guy, pulling out the honorable retreat card again. He noticed more and more signals disappear from his scope. He decided. He pushed away from Tong and separated his sabers. He spun them both and then charged. "Sorry, but not today! COME!"

Lee watched the gundam fall to the ground and not get back up he wated a moment... it was finished he turned to where Tong and Nelson were haveing it out a titanic duel neither backing down and neither giving up
"your loyalty is comendable but misplaced" tong stated as they continued there duel "the republic will conquer the world. you can surender willingly or be crushed under its heel" Tong unleased a blisterd series of attacks forcing nelson back... he would make him yeild... or he would destroy him.
New Kratna
21-07-2007, 22:38
The ruble of the base made perfect cover for the troops and other vehicles. Many of the troops took up a front line position and began firing on enemy troops and mobile suits from behind cover with RPG's, Assault rifles, Anti-Armour rifles. The mobile suits began shooting at the enemy mobile suits, even if the survived the attack most of them would be damaged already.

Holland looked over at the incoming mobile suits and drew his beam carbine and opened fire from behind his shield. He couldn't see all the enemy suits but he knew more then ten were out there "Bravo leader to Charlie leader flank them on there right, Alpha get them from the left." he said over the comm.

Moments later two Windams(Sparrows) came running by on the left flank, they raised there shields and fired two missiles each from there shields before disappearing behind a building. On the right flank Luna and two other mobile suits from behind the cover of a building began firing on the suits.

the men set up a series of defencive positions to engade the enamy infantry fireing in short bursts to conserve there ammo atempting to hold them back foreing there own RPG and rockets into the makeshift fortifications picking off the odd man that didn't duck fast enough.

2 gemini's took the full impact of the missiles being blasted apart as they fell over there already compromised armour being next to usless. the other 15 keeping on the move to try and prevent getting hit but one got peged in the knee by luna and was blasted apart as it colapsed in a heap the republic was down to 14 active mobile suits compared to the enamys [instert number here]

it was going to be a long night...
Spit break
21-07-2007, 23:00
OOC: 5 Windams (Sparrows) 10 Wild Daggers (Bulldogs) 25 missile trucks, 10 Gattlign trucks, 15 flat beds, 200 infentry is the entire force


The last three Sparrows that still had missiles took to the air and attacked from the sky, firing the missiles attached to there shield from above down at the enemy before pulling out there beam rifles and firing while flying around. Hollands group was taking heavy fire from the enemy forces "All units take cover, take cover" he yelled over the comm channel "This is Bravo five, taking heavy fire I can't keep it together i have to pull back" came the voice of a female pilot "This is Alpha leader to all units if you take past 70% damage to your suit or can't fight fall back we don't want any deaths" he ordered.

There mobile suit forces were now dead even at 14 each. All the Bull dogs took cover fast so they didn't get hit while all five Sparrows attacked from the air swooping in and out firing beam rifles. The infentry were not having the best luck, if your head went up your entire body would drop dead. They were being picked off fast so they all took cover and fired over there cover without looked.

It was a tactic to spray the enemy with weapons fire, meanwhile the Gatling trucks poored fire on the enemy lines as missile trucks fired on the mobile suits. They were loosing trucks but not at the rate they were loosing infentry.
New Kratna
21-07-2007, 23:25
OOC: 5 Windams (Sparrows) 10 Wild Daggers (Bulldogs) 25 missile trucks, 10 Gattlign trucks, 15 flat beds, 200 infentry is the entire force


The last three Sparrows that still had missiles took to the air and attacked from the sky, firing the missiles attached to there shield from above down at the enemy before pulling out there beam rifles and firing while flying around. Hollands group was taking heavy fire from the enemy forces "All units take cover, take cover" he yelled over the comm channel "This is Bravo five, taking heavy fire I can't keep it together i have to pull back" came the voice of a female pilot "This is Alpha leader to all units if you take past 70% damage to your suit or can't fight fall back we don't want any deaths" he ordered.

There mobile suit forces were now dead even at 14 each. All the Bull dogs took cover fast so they didn't get hit while all five Sparrows attacked from the air swooping in and out firing beam rifles. The infentry were not having the best luck, if your head went up your entire body would drop dead. They were being picked off fast so they all took cover and fired over there cover without looked.

It was a tactic to spray the enemy with weapons fire, meanwhile the Gatling trucks poored fire on the enemy lines as missile trucks fired on the mobile suits. They were loosing trucks but not at the rate they were loosing infentry.

the missile's slammed into the base taking down another 2 Gemini's one hitting the fuel dump ignighting a masive fire ball as another struck a building sending several troopers flying as it took out there encampment the terrans were quickly loosing ground being forced to fall back as the trucks progressed therer gattling gunns ripping through there illassembled ranks
"fall back! find better cover!" the commander orderd. several squads broke cover laying down a hail of supresive fire as they broke for there fall back positions.
"captain Fridrike take your squadren and see if you can't do something about those trucks" the commander orderd the leader of a squad equiped with a larg assortment of rocket launchers and the like as a blast from one of the Windam blasted a hole in the building to there left forcing everyone to duck the flying debries one man not fast enough as he was nailed to the ground by a shard of metal
"someone get me a radio i need those pests taken out!" he said in refrence to the windams. a private scrambled to obey

Captain fridrike's squad picked there way across the battle feild towards a grouping of the missile trucks "alright boys take aim on those truck's lets give the commander some breathing room... FIRE" the rockets anf RPG arced in to the formation there little engins screaming as death fell on the trucks

the geminies were haveing there own problems. armour compromised by the blasts in the hangers were piuting them at a distinct advantage but they kept up the assult trying to push the enamy back another fell spraying bullets wildly as it went down praying it would take some of the wild daggers with it.

((ooc: yes i used the origonal designations cause hey thats what they would know it as :D 11 MS left))
21-07-2007, 23:41
Lee watched the gundam fall to the ground and not get back up he wated a moment... it was finished he turned to where Tong and Nelson were haveing it out a titanic duel neither backing down and neither giving up
"your loyalty is comendable but misplaced" tong stated as they continued there duel "the republic will conquer the world. you can surender willingly or be crushed under its heel" Tong unleased a blisterd series of attacks forcing nelson back... he would make him yeild... or he would destroy him.

Nelson gritted his teeth and struggled to maintain his balance. The enemy was reaching deep for hidden strength... and finding it. "Are you for real?!" he yelled. "You want to talk about misplaced loyalty, look at yourself! You guys are Chinese, right?" He could tell from the pilot's accent, though it wasn't terribly thick. "You guys let yourselves become the dogs of the Republic. Are you really okay with that?" He countered with a cut which Tong evaded.

There was a sharp pulse that made his ears ring. Maybe Mervin was right about this thing after all... the rush was tapering off and he was having a harder and harder time digesting the data. Perhaps he should've asked how to turn it off. A beep on his console... a Gemini was approaching from behind. Nelson was out of options. "We're not going to make the same mistake as you!" he declared. "You'll have to earn anything you take from this place!!"

With that, he executed his attack. Igniting his thrusters and pivoting his feet at the same time, he held his sabers out from his body and did a 360 spin in midair, forcing Tong to back away. At 180, he released the saber in his left hand, sending it rocketing towards the approaching Gemini. "Hit him..." he gasped, as the spin completed. At that moment, he pushed his thrusters forward so that the momentum of the spin would hopefully drive the right-hand saber into Tong's lower torso, aiming for the cockpit or the leg gears, anything to halt his movement...
Spit break
22-07-2007, 00:33
the missile's slammed into the base taking down another 2 Gemini's one hitting the fuel dump ignighting a masive fire ball as another struck a building sending several troopers flying as it took out there encampment the terrans were quickly loosing ground being forced to fall back as the trucks progressed therer gattling gunns ripping through there illassembled ranks
"fall back! find better cover!" the commander orderd. several squads broke cover laying down a hail of supresive fire as they broke for there fall back positions.
"captain Fridrike take your squadren and see if you can't do something about those trucks" the commander orderd the leader of a squad equiped with a larg assortment of rocket launchers and the like as a blast from one of the Windam blasted a hole in the building to there left forcing everyone to duck the flying debries one man not fast enough as he was nailed to the ground by a shard of metal
"someone get me a radio i need those pests taken out!" he said in refrence to the windams. a private scrambled to obey

Captain fridrike's squad picked there way across the battle feild towards a grouping of the missile trucks "alright boys take aim on those truck's lets give the commander some breathing room... FIRE" the rockets anf RPG arced in to the formation there little engins screaming as death fell on the trucks

the geminies were haveing there own problems. armour compromised by the blasts in the hangers were piuting them at a distinct advantage but they kept up the assult trying to push the enamy back another fell spraying bullets wildly as it went down praying it would take some of the wild daggers with it.

((ooc: yes i used the origonal designations cause hey thats what they would know it as :D 11 MS left))

One of the truck drivers saw the team about to fire "shit jump" he yelled as he jumped from the missile truck seconds before a rocket slammed into it. Another rocket landed in front of the a truck causing it the flip over. When one of the trucks moved to take the place of the destroyed trucks a RPG landed aking out the front right wheel and disabling the engine turning it into a stationary launcher.

Two gatling trucks and 12 troops on a truck used as a troop carrier moved forward and began firing on the squad that attacked the trucks. They had been holding there positions for the most part "Move up move up!" one yelled as they began a flow advance on the enemy.

Holland wanted to get around the enemy, he moved into quadruped mode and ran at the enemy, he activated his beam sabers and slashed through them not knowing if he hit any thing. He then jumped into the air turned around and turned back into mobile suit mode and pulled his beam carbine back out and began shooting at the enemy suits. They were now being shot at from 4 sides.

Hollands suit stood out, it was different from the others, its colours were black, and a dark red. Luna also stood out with her suit being pink and black. The leader of the Windam teams was a dark blue with a black and red trim. They were easily seen as the command units. The night went on "This is charlie three to much damage im pulling back" came over the radio "roger that I'll cover you" Luna said on the radio.
22-07-2007, 00:52
OOC: Yeah, I'm back.

Stockholm Mobile Suit Base

Jacob and his fellow Viking units landed into the Mobile Suit Base. They were now in the capital of Scandinavia and had to report the fate of Helsinki. At the base, King Ragnvald IV stood hoping to see his son return. He knew that he would be more than resourceful enough to take a Viking unit and fight his way out of the fray. His beliefs were confirmed when he saw Jacob among the surviving pilots walking out of the base. Jacob left the pilots and went to meet with his father outside the base. Jacob saluted to greet, “Greetings my lord.”
The King hugged his son and said, “Jacob, I am relieved to see your return.”
Jacob hugged him back and responded, “I am as well Father. But we have terrible news in Helsinki.”
The King released his son and questioned, “ Why? What is the fate of Helsinki?”
Jacob explained, “Much of the city has been destroyed father. Those who have survived have managed to escape and are headed to other nearby cities.”
The King told Jacob, “I see. It is more than enough reason now. I regret to have done so my son, but our nation is now officially at war with the Republic.”
Jacob gave his respects saying, “You have done what was necessary as a King father. I respect your decision.”
The King said, “I am glad you understand my son. Please follow me, we must go to the House of Representatives.”
Jacob questioned, “What is the purpose of the meeting?”
The King answered, “We are soon to discuss matters with the European Ambassador. Hopefully our brothers of Europe will be willing to fight along side us as allies.”

Stockholm House of Representatives

The King, Crown Prince Jacob, Prime Minister Rolf Gregors, and Representatives of Scandinavia all sat at the meeting table. They were scheduled to negotiate with the Federation’s Ambassador to hopefully show the Kingdom’s willingness to ally themselves against the Republic. When the Ambassador sat down, King Ragnvald IV greeted, “Greetings Ambassador, I hope that you find our proposals for an alliance to be worth looking into.”
The Ambassador responded in his light Swiss accent, “It would be, but I am afraid that only some of my people would.”
The Norwegian Representative questioned, “Why some of the people? Do you not have enough of a military to stand against the Republic?”
The Ambassador explained, “The Federation is not as united as it once was. There are those who wish to continue the fight against the Republic while others want to surrender and turn themselves over. The problems of Italy and France no longer part of the Federation are also of some concern, as we fear that nations will soon depart to find their own solutions.”
The Prime Minister suggested, “Perhaps if we garner the support of a few Europeans, then we will at least have some allies to fight alongside. What is the current standing in Europe?”
The Ambassador answered, “The Iberians are very resistant to the possible push from France, as are the Polish and the Slavic and Serbian people. However England has not been willing to take a stance against the Federation or against it and areas such as Germany, Austria and Bosnia are planning on possibly joining with the Republic.”
Jacob questioned, “Who is the most likely to fight against the Republic?
The Ambassador answered, “Right now, the Serbians are planning on leading a force into Greece to free its people so they can fight the Republic.”
Prime Minister Rolf Gregors confirmed, “I see. Then perhaps we can send our support and at least show that the Republic can be defeated.”

After the meeting…

The meeting was closed with the sense that further war would be needed if Scandinavia wanted the Federation’s support. This was on Jacob’s mind when he went to his father to tell him his willingness to lead the men of Scandinavia. Jacob told his father, “Father, I wish to join the fight in freeing Greece.”
The King was worried to hear this. He questioned, “But my son, you have barely survived a battle with the Terrans today. Do you truly think you can handle this again?”
Jacob firmly answered, “I want to lead the forces and ensure that not so many are lost this time. I feel that as the future leader of this nation, I must be able to demonstrate leadership in these dark times.” The King was grieved to hear his son say this, but knew that what he spoke was only the truth. His men needed to be assured that their leaders could demonstrate leadership in their battles, and Jacob was indeed showing great capabilities of doing so.
The King thought it over for a while and said, “Very well my son. You may go with the forces in Greece, but I must ask you to promise me you will return no matter what the cost. You are my only son and this nations only heir. I do not want you to die before it is your time for the throne. Please my son, swear by your mother you will.”
Jacob took out his locket, opened the picture of his mother and grasped it. He answered, “I promise father, I will return. I pray that mother sees my plight and understands that I wish for my nation, not merely my men, to be saved.”
The King assured him, “I’m sure she does Jacob. If she watches over you, you will be assured to return… I will await your return…”
Jacob left saying, “I will see you again father. Good bye…”
A tear came to the King’s eye and muttered softly, “God bless you my boy…”

Stockholm Mobile Suit Base

Jacob returned to the Mobile Suit Base that night and slept in his quarters for the night. He he prayed next to his mothers locket like he always did and fell asleep. He would need the rest, for tommorow would be another battle to remember...
New Kratna
22-07-2007, 01:01
Nelson gritted his teeth and struggled to maintain his balance. The enemy was reaching deep for hidden strength... and finding it. "Are you for real?!" he yelled. "You want to talk about misplaced loyalty, look at yourself! You guys are Chinese, right?" He could tell from the pilot's accent, though it wasn't terribly thick. "You guys let yourselves become the dogs of the Republic. Are you really okay with that?" He countered with a cut which Tong evaded.

There was a sharp pulse that made his ears ring. Maybe Mervin was right about this thing after all... the rush was tapering off and he was having a harder and harder time digesting the data. Perhaps he should've asked how to turn it off. A beep on his console... a Gemini was approaching from behind. Nelson was out of options. "We're not going to make the same mistake as you!" he declared. "You'll have to earn anything you take from this place!!"

With that, he executed his attack. Igniting his thrusters and pivoting his feet at the same time, he held his sabers out from his body and did a 360 spin in midair, forcing Tong to back away. At 180, he released the saber in his left hand, sending it rocketing towards the approaching Gemini. "Hit him..." he gasped, as the spin completed. At that moment, he pushed his thrusters forward so that the momentum of the spin would hopefully drive the right-hand saber into Tong's lower torso, aiming for the cockpit or the leg gears, anything to halt his movement...

the flying saber struk solidly in the head of lee's suit disabling the majority of his scanners and secors he quickly yanked iy out before it could burn through as gravity pulled on it. he now had 2 sabers but couldn't see to assist in the fighting

tong barly doged intime taking a cut to the thigh "if you will not surender and you will not join alowe me the pleasure of granting you an honourable death in the service of your pathetic nation" tong surged forwards his sabers at the ready... it was time for nelson's life to end

((ooc: time for some intervention before they kill eachother. cause if i remember corectly there both key pilots))
22-07-2007, 01:12
"General" star quickly saluted "theres something i have to show you" she want over to the larg map teble in the center up the room pulling up the most recent satalite immage of the Suez region as well as the smaller reports of the raids "this EMP attack was just some random event look here." she pointed to a list of the convoys that had been hit "they're not just hitting random convoys to disrupt our suply lines some of theise are targeted attacks just look at these manafests. see what there actualt taking compaired to what there destroying." she gave to officers a moment to check her findings "its my opinion that the EMP strike was not a show of force to prove they could do it but a calculated attack to delay any chance of us moving on Suez base either to defend or recapture"
An Emp strike just as they were about to move a large number of troops into the regon was jusst too damned convenient for her liking and she hoped the other officers would see what she saw.

General Ashmore looked over the map and said, "Damn it... These terrorists were allowed to roam free for too long..."
Victor questioned the General, "Sir, your going to believe a new captain this easily?"
General Ashmore explained, "She's a Beta Terran Captain. She can calculate and determine things in more efficiently than we can." Victor was less than pleased to hear this. He was the pilot of one of the few Gemini IIIs in the Republic, but this apparently did not make him better than an average human.
He did not like to accept it but answered, "Confirmed sir... What can we do about this now though?"
General Ashmore said, "I believe the best we can do is get the systems back online and prepare a counter offensive on the terrorists. It seems they are targeting the base, so we will have to hope that our men can hold them off long enough."
New Kratna
22-07-2007, 01:19
One of the truck drivers saw the team about to fire "shit jump" he yelled as he jumped from the missile truck seconds before a rocket slammed into it. Another rocket landed in front of the a truck causing it the flip over. When one of the trucks moved to take the place of the destroyed trucks a RPG landed aking out the front right wheel and disabling the engine turning it into a stationary launcher.

Two gatling trucks and 12 troops on a truck used as a troop carrier moved forward and began firing on the squad that attacked the trucks. They had been holding there positions for the most part "Move up move up!" one yelled as they began a flow advance on the enemy.

Holland wanted to get around the enemy, he moved into quadruped mode and ran at the enemy, he activated his beam sabers and slashed through them not knowing if he hit any thing. He then jumped into the air turned around and turned back into mobile suit mode and pulled his beam carbine back out and began shooting at the enemy suits. They were now being shot at from 4 sides.

Hollands suit stood out, it was different from the others, its colours were black, and a dark red. Luna also stood out with her suit being pink and black. The leader of the Windam teams was a dark blue with a black and red trim. They were easily seen as the command units. The night went on "This is charlie three to much damage im pulling back" came over the radio "roger that I'll cover you" Luna said on the radio.

the squads victory was shot lived as the enamy advanced on there location the fired off the last of there rockets and beat a hasty retreat several member being cut down by the gattling guns.

3 mobile suits fell as there legs were cut out from underthem when the odd colourd suit raced through them
"focus your fire on the off coloured suits there likely the commanders" the lead Pilot orderd. 4 of the gundams focused on Holland while the remaining 4 focused on luna with no one to spare for the windams.
suddenly the sky was filled with flack blasts as a small group of terran sholders finaly made there way to one of the flak cannons praying in the name of the republic if would be enough

"wheres my damn radio!" the comander yelled ant no one in particular... they had finaly found a reasonably defencable position and were holding there own for dow but who knows how long that would hold
"sir i got it i got--gaaaa" the private he had sent out was almost torn in half by a blast from an enamy RPG
"damn it somebody see if that radio still works"
a soldier ran out as the rest layed down some supressive fire. the trooper grabed the rado from the dead private and ran back quickly inspecting it "it looks good sir
"this is Suez suply base is anyone receaving? over."
a blast rocked there position sending dibries raining down on them
"this is Suez base is anyone there!" the commander cursed and handed the radio the the Leutenant that had grabed it... "keep trying till someone answers. or so help me if we servive this yourr bee on latreen duty for the rest of your life!" the commander turned bact to the attack fireing several shots into the enamy position cursing the whole while. trying to organize a fight from the trenches was no way to win a battle...
New Kratna
22-07-2007, 01:36
General Ashmore looked over the map and said, "Damn it... These terrorists were allowed to roam free for too long..."
Victor questioned the General, "Sir, your going to believe a new captain this easily?"
General Ashmore explained, "She's a Beta Terran Captain. She can calculate and determine things in more efficiently than we can." Victor was less than pleased to hear this. He was the pilot of one of the few Gemini IIIs in the Republic, but this apparently did not make him better than an average human.
He did not like to accept it but answered, "Confirmed sir... What can we do about this now though?"
General Ashmore said, "I believe the best we can do is get the systems back online and prepare a counter offensive on the terrorists. It seems they are targeting the base, so we will have to hope that our men can hold them off long enough."

Star agreed with the assesment though it would largly depend on what kind of equipment they had aquired recent intell sugested they were fighting off the backs of assorted mobile weapons platforms wich would be no problem for the stationed gemini's but the emp sugested other wise. stars instincts were telling her to expect the worst.
she was mildly pleased when she saw a little of Victors arogence go out of him but at the same time that just might make him more hostile towards her. either way it would be nothing she couldn't handle.
"sir i recomend that we hold off on the supplies untill the base status can be confermed. theres no point insending an unarmed aircraft into a posaibal war zone."star began as she listed off her ideas "also recent intel states that there weapons capabilities are limited to assorted mobile weapond platforms and various hand held weaponry. although the emp attack here sugests this information might not be enterly acurate and so i prepose the following modifications to our plan" she began detailing the enamys possable attack routs and difrent stratagys for there likely counterattack "now there likely going to expect us to arive from the north or posably from the east or west side of the base after making land fall i prepose thet we fly around to the south of the base beyond radar range and come at them from the south as well as the south east and south west and drive them in to the meditaranien sea."
Spit break
22-07-2007, 01:38
A Windams jet striker pack got hit sending it to the ground near the flak cannon. It rose from the ground its eyes glowed and its four vulcan guns fired on the troops at the cannon. Mean while weapons fire on Holland and luna heated up "looks like there trrying to take us out" Holland said on the radio. He turned the corner and aimed at the arms of the four enemy suits and fired trying to disable them.

On the ground a ground of soldiers got a idea, a group of six of them jumped in a truck with RPGs and drove off. They shot there way right under one of the suits firing in on Luna, they fired there RPGs streight up at the leg joints and then drove off for cover.

The leader of the ground forces had his head down "damnit we are loosing people faster then expect, All trucks consentrate your fire on the enemy front lines, get me Alpha leader on the horn" he yelled out as a order as enemy fire came down all around them. A man ran over with a radio and handed it to him "Alpha leader can you get a strafing run on the enemy infentry with your vulcans" he asked "yes we can, going in now" he responded.

The four windams came in fast and fired a burst from there vulcan guns at the enemy ground forces. Then flew off and continued to fire on the enemy mobile suits.
22-07-2007, 01:57
the flying saber struk solidly in the head of lee's suit disabling the majority of his scanners and secors he quickly yanked iy out before it could burn through as gravity pulled on it. he now had 2 sabers but couldn't see to assist in the fighting

tong barly doged intime taking a cut to the thigh "if you will not surender and you will not join alowe me the pleasure of granting you an honourable death in the service of your pathetic nation" tong surged forwards his sabers at the ready... it was time for nelson's life to end

((ooc: time for some intervention before they kill eachother. cause if i remember corectly there both key pilots))

(OOC: Yeah, plus it's going to take a day or two to repair all this damage... so, one intervention coming right up!)

A missile came flying in from the left side, forcing Tong to abandon the attack. Nelson fell back and saw a team of Albatross scream overhead. There were two each to attend to Laku and Adam's units, which they quickly evacuated from the battlefield, flying at low altitude. "Wha... what's going on?" asked Nelson. Two more circled overhead, keeping an eye on Tong and Lee.

"Terrans at three clicks!" a pilot responded. "The western front will be expanding in this area soon, and you guys are no condition to fight." The words stung, but it was true.

The beam disappeared from Tong's sabers. He didn't have the strength left to fight off aerial units, but it looked like they weren't interested in combat anyway. It looked like allies were on the way, so he too could get his team back in fighting shape. Given the scope of the damage, it would be a day or two before they could move freely again.

Nelson fired his reverse thrusters and retreated from the battlefield. The pain in his head was starting to get to him, and there was no way he'd get captured by their main force here. As combat ended, the system stopped the data flow, relieving the mental pressure. "We'll settle this later," he muttered. But something told him that it was actually his team that got lucky. The two Albatross units escorted him off into the distance.

Harris' convoy was already well on its way to the Site 400 facility. They would meet there in about an hour and repairs would begin. Laku and Adam's units were a mess, but most of the damage could be repaired quickly. The gash in Adam's cockpit was the biggest problem, since pretty much all of the systems had to be replaced. Nelson could probably get away just with some touching up and rearming. Laku would need a new flight pack.
22-07-2007, 01:58
Star agreed with the assesment though it would largly depend on what kind of equipment they had aquired recent intell sugested they were fighting off the backs of assorted mobile weapons platforms wich would be no problem for the stationed gemini's but the emp sugested other wise. stars instincts were telling her to expect the worst.
she was mildly pleased when she saw a little of Victors arogence go out of him but at the same time that just might make him more hostile towards her. either way it would be nothing she couldn't handle.
"sir i recomend that we hold off on the supplies untill the base status can be confermed. theres no point insending an unarmed aircraft into a posaibal war zone."star began as she listed off her ideas "also recent intel states that there weapons capabilities are limited to assorted mobile weapond platforms and various hand held weaponry. although the emp attack here sugests this information might not be enterly acurate and so i prepose the following modifications to our plan" she began detailing the enamys possable attack routs and difrent stratagys for there likely counterattack "now there likely going to expect us to arive from the north or posably from the east or west side of the base after making land fall i prepose thet we fly around to the south of the base beyond radar range and come at them from the south as well as the south east and south west and drive them in to the meditaranien sea."

Ashmore took note of Star's plans and said, "We shall have to tell Major Brice to hold off the Kenya invasion for a while. If these terrorists are capable of what you say, then we will need much more force assisting us. Soon those terrorists will pay for their interferance. Hold off the planes, we don't want them entering the zones." The command hands recieved the order and ran off to stall the plane's lift off. Ashmore thanked Star saying, "We're lucky to have you around Star. Beta Terrans such as yourself remind us of how useful you truly are."
This dealt an even greater blow to Victor's pride as the General thanked her. "She may be smart, but I'll show her how superior I am when we attack the base..." He thought to himself.
New Kratna
22-07-2007, 02:15
A Windams jet striker pack got hit sending it to the ground near the flak cannon. It rose from the ground its eyes glowed and its four vulcan guns fired on the troops at the cannon. Mean while weapons fire on Holland and luna heated up "looks like there trrying to take us out" Holland said on the radio. He turned the corner and aimed at the arms of the four enemy suits and fired trying to disable them.

On the ground a ground of soldiers got a idea, a group of six of them jumped in a truck with RPGs and drove off. They shot there way right under one of the suits firing in on Luna, they fired there RPGs streight up at the leg joints and then drove off for cover.

The leader of the ground forces had his head down "damnit we are loosing people faster then expect, All trucks consentrate your fire on the enemy front lines, get me Alpha leader on the horn" he yelled out as a order as enemy fire came down all around them. A man ran over with a radio and handed it to him "Alpha leader can you get a strafing run on the enemy infentry with your vulcans" he asked "yes we can, going in now" he responded.

The four windams came in fast and fired a burst from there vulcan guns at the enemy ground forces. Then flew off and continued to fire on the enemy mobile suits.

The crew of the Flak cannon didn't stand a chance at that close range and the cannon was renderd into scrap metal with a coating of biomater.

2 more gemini's fell as there armour finaly gave out along with there legs the suits crashing to the ground one letting of a wild stream of bulets that slamed into another enamy ground position.

the suicide truck barly escaped being crushed as the suit crashed to the ground to pilot raised his gun and fired at the offending truck

the base commanders position was almost blown sky hi as several incoming rockets slamed into the surounding buildings "time to find a new home" he mutterd "fall back! fall back!" he orderd grabing the guy with the radio "anything yet"
"no sir no responce"
"damn it" he fell back with the rest of the troops as the area was douced on gunfire for the windam's
New Kratna
22-07-2007, 02:37
(OOC: Yeah, plus it's going to take a day or two to repair all this damage... so, one intervention coming right up!)

A missile came flying in from the left side, forcing Tong to abandon the attack. Nelson fell back and saw a team of Albatross scream overhead. There were two each to attend to Laku and Adam's units, which they quickly evacuated from the battlefield, flying at low altitude. "Wha... what's going on?" asked Nelson. Two more circled overhead, keeping an eye on Tong and Lee.

"Terrans at three clicks!" a pilot responded. "The western front will be expanding in this area soon, and you guys are no condition to fight." The words stung, but it was true.

The beam disappeared from Tong's sabers. He didn't have the strength left to fight off aerial units, but it looked like they weren't interested in combat anyway. It looked like allies were on the way, so he too could get his team back in fighting shape. Given the scope of the damage, it would be a day or two before they could move freely again.

Nelson fired his reverse thrusters and retreated from the battlefield. The pain in his head was starting to get to him, and there was no way he'd get captured by their main force here. As combat ended, the system stopped the data flow, relieving the mental pressure. "We'll settle this later," he muttered. But something told him that it was actually his team that got lucky. The two Albatross units escorted him off into the distance.

Harris' convoy was already well on its way to the Site 400 facility. They would meet there in about an hour and repairs would begin. Laku and Adam's units were a mess, but most of the damage could be repaired quickly. The gash in Adam's cockpit was the biggest problem, since pretty much all of the systems had to be replaced. Nelson could probably get away just with some touching up and rearming. Laku would need a new flight pack.

Tong watched his foe retreat his comrads being carried off with him. he would have fired his guns but there was no honour in destroying a fleeing enamy he made his way back to the remains of his squad and waited for the in bound forces.

Kiykos suit was trashed and she was in serious need of a medic marcuses suit was in decent condition just seised from lack of hydralic fluid while lees would need the entire head unit replaced as well as the damage for the tuataras
the sagitarias was a mess as well and would likely have to be replaced
tongs own damage was extencive but superficial

when the forces arived he imediatly had Kiyko transferd back to Port hedland for medical attention as well as the suits damaged beyond repair the rest would make feild repairs
supply trucks were orderd in and a forward base established
perhaps the Oceanic union would rethink its policy and surender. tong didn't think it likely but it was a plesent diversion
New Kratna
22-07-2007, 02:42
Ashmore took note of Star's plans and said, "We shall have to tell Major Brice to hold off the Kenya invasion for a while. If these terrorists are capable of what you say, then we will need much more force assisting us. Soon those terrorists will pay for their interferance. Hold off the planes, we don't want them entering the zones." The command hands recieved the order and ran off to stall the plane's lift off. Ashmore thanked Star saying, "We're lucky to have you around Star. Beta Terrans such as yourself remind us of how useful you truly are."
This dealt an even greater blow to Victor's pride as the General thanked her. "She may be smart, but I'll show her how superior I am when we attack the base..." He thought to himself.

star returned to her gundam to finish restoring the systems scrambled by the emp she was in no hurry as they had to wait for the techied to do the same for the less sheilded gemini's she typed away at a slower pace for her but still considerd fast by alpha standards she ignored Victors growing hostility towards her his pride was not her issue and if he couldn't handle working with her perhaps they would reasign him and give her compleat control... it was a pipe dream but a dream none the less
Spit break
22-07-2007, 02:43
Two more wild daggers became to damaged to continue and fell back to the fall abck point. The Truck was truck by a bullet send it flying through the air throwing the people in it every where. Both sides were taking heavy losses but they had republic forces surrounded. Then all of a sudden the guns stopped firing from Twilight Phoenix forces.

The commander of the ground forces grabbed a megaphone and began to speak "Attention Republic forces, You are surrounded, out numbered and out gunned, If you surrender now you will recieve any needed medical attention, food and be given ships and sent on your way north to greece, just drop your weapons" he shouted to the other side of the battlefield.
New Kratna
22-07-2007, 03:28
Two more wild daggers became to damaged to continue and fell back to the fall abck point. The Truck was truck by a bullet send it flying through the air throwing the people in it every where. Both sides were taking heavy losses but they had republic forces surrounded. Then all of a sudden the guns stopped firing from Twilight Phoenix forces.

The commander of the ground forces grabbed a megaphone and began to speak "Attention Republic forces, You are surrounded, out numbered and out gunned, If you surrender now you will recieve any needed medical attention, food and be given ships and sent on your way north to greece, just drop your weapons" he shouted to the other side of the battlefield.

the sudden silence startled the base commander as he orderd his forces to hold there fire... there was a moments silence before the comunication from the enamy forces
"hes shitting me" the commander mutterd.
several troopers broke rank throwing there weapons to the ground and running to the enamy
"Hold your positions damn it!" the commander orderd as afew more where about to bolt
"captain Howerd" the comander wisperd to another squad leader "if i can buy you some dime do you think you can get an explocive team in there?"
the captain quickly servayed the enamy forces "it will be tricky but yes. why what do you have in mind?"
"i'm thinking we sneak in there and plant some heavy explocivs on one or more of those mobile suits"
"dangerous but doable"

"if we are to surender i wish to dicsus the terms" the commander bellowed across the fields as a small strike orce quickly assembaled and brok off keeping hiden behind the ruble and few still standing buildings making there way to the armoury
Spit break
22-07-2007, 03:36
The commander thought puzzled, he just told him the terms. A solier whispered to him "maybe there buying time for something" the commander thought, na couldn't be but he would give the enemy some breathing room. He went back to talking with the enemy "name your terms! also let me give your some breathing room" he yelled. He then signaled the mobile suts the back off a little bit.

So the mobile suits backed away and were clear of most of the buildings. On the ground troops wrapped a blanket around the republic troops who ran over and gave them a cup of hot coffe and made sure they got medical attention if the needed it.
22-07-2007, 04:02
Site 400, ~3:45 western Australia time

The retractable roof of the underground facility was now wide open and the stricken units were lowered inside gently by their Albatross escorts. Teams of mechanics were quickly setting up their equipment to do field repairs. Access to ammunition bunkers was quickly approved and fuel lines. "We'll use everything we can to fix those three, and we'll either take or destroy what's leftover... those Terrans will probably come straight here once they're fixed!"

Laku's landing had badly damaged the front of her Dingo's torso so the hatch had to pried open. She climbed out unhurt. She saluted upon disembarking and was immediately cornered by mechanics. "So what can you guys do with this?" she asked.

"Replacing your ammo isn't a problem, although this chest armor is spent from the landing... we can pound it back into shape but we'll have to reinforce it somehow. Also, the flight pack can be repaired but it will probably be a lot easier to install and tune a new one to your specifications. They have spares here."

"Do it," she replied, before hurrying off for debriefing.

Adam had kicked what was left of his hatch clean off the unit and descended on a line. A few medical personnel ran over, as he held a bloody handkerchief to the side of his head. "No worries, it's just about stopped on its own..." he said. He turned to the mechanics. "More importantly..."

"The hoverjets are no problem. The cockpit is another story, though." Mervin handed a packet of specs to the mechanics, who took a quick look over them before nodding, as if to say, 'Yeah, this works.' "We're using Nelson's simulator to bail you out of this, and it's all we've got for this type of damage, so don't mess it up again, got it?"

"Yes, sir," Adam saluted.

"Okay... I appear to be the highest ranking officer here, SO..." He followed Mervin to a small conference room. Laku and Nelson were already there. Nelson was holding his head, still suffering from dull pangs of machine-induced pain. "Okay, I have work to do, so let's make this quick!" Mervin said. "We'll harvest the combat data from your machines and have a full report available for you in a few hours. Your opponents were a specialized task force led by an unknown high-performance mobile suit, which you no doubt are aware. Going on what intelligence we have, it appears to be Gundam-class."

"Gun...dam?" asked Laku. She'd heard the term bandied about among other pilots, but always in discussions about wars in far-off places in the world.

"It's a generic term for a machine possessing exceptional speed, armor, and weapons, usually assigned to ace pilots in order to fully use their abilities. I'd say they're the combat equivalent of a legion or better," replied Mervin, "They generally serve as the basic for a nation mas-produced models... for instance, technology developed on Nelson's X-Two has been incorporated in both the Albatross and Dingo."

"I guess we should be even more grateful to you, then," said Adam.

The meeting didn't last much longer. Adam and Laku headed back into the hanger to oversee maintenance on their machines and help out where they could. Mervin walked over to where Nelson was sitting, still clutching his head. The pangs were still there, but growing less painful with time.

"Hey... you know, control-c in a pinch shuts that thing off..."

"Thanks for telling me now," mumbled Nelson. "What the hell is that thing, anyway?"

"It's exactly what I told you it was, it's a feedback system that lets your brain and computer share processing power and data," he replied. "And you did great considering that you used that thing for close to ten minutes with no previous training."

"It was so weird," Nelson said. "Towards the end, there, it felt like it was trying to tell me what to do..."

"The system has to have an incredible AI to do what it does," said Nelson, "which is why it can only be used by something with a strong mind. Sure, you have to work together to get the data, but if you can't assert your control over the decision making, you'll lose the ability to think and the computing strain will literally fry your mind."

"Sheesh, why not let the thing fly itself then?"

"Because even the strongest machines are ultimately predictable... a human in the loop makes things random enough to work." He tossed Nelson a bottle of aspirin. "We'll need to get some images of your brain later and check for permanent damage. You're up and moving on your own, and thinking on your own; that's good by itself. But there's the chance that continued use will erode you over time."

"You weren't kidding when you said there were kinks." Nelson rose and walked towards the door. "Well, that's fine. As long as I don't die before I beat that guy, I can manage. In the meantime, you've got some technical goodies for my machine, right?"

"Yeah," answered Mervin, "we can equip you like when you went to Hedland, and we'll take as many spares with us as we can. But seriously, try not to lose them this time." Nelson left the room to get a quick bite to eat. Mervin sighed with concern. Don't be so eager to die to win... we'll need you for bigger things than that guy...
New Kratna
22-07-2007, 04:23
The commander thought puzzled, he just told him the terms. A solier whispered to him "maybe there buying time for something" the commander thought, na couldn't be but he would give the enemy some breathing room. He went back to talking with the enemy "name your terms! also let me give your some breathing room" he yelled. He then signaled the mobile suts the back off a little bit.

So the mobile suits backed away and were clear of most of the buildings. On the ground troops wrapped a blanket around the republic troops who ran over and gave them a cup of hot coffe and made sure they got medical attention if the needed it.

"I thank you for moving your mobile suits back its rather un nerving to have them staring down on you. anyway while your inital offer was genouris parts of it are unaceptable. the medical treatment is most welcome but being removed to greece is unaceptable... we would prefer to be transported to our israel base at Tel Aviv" he figured that was good for starters

the team gathered there explosives and begen making there way under cover of the remaining buildings and rubble ever closter towards the enamy mobile suits
Spit break
22-07-2007, 04:59
"vary well then if thats all, drop yor weapons and toss them into the open, and have your mobile suit pilot get down here" he said to the man. Holland sat in his MS that was behind the enemy forces "hey Charlie, did you notice those guys that broke away a few seconds ago?" he asked "no I didn't see any but you have the better view, switch to your IR scanner, to double check there numbers" Luna responded.

Holland switched to his IR scanner and counted the enemies, they were a few short but to make heat was being given off from the debris to find any others but Holland had a idea, he reconfigured his IR scanner to only detect human body tempature or around it by two or three degrees. He then saw some people heading towards his squad "bravo two and three you have people moving your way, make it look like you lost your footing and fall into the building in front of you." he said.

Bravo two then made his mobile suit trip and it fell right through the building but he quickly stood up altough it made a loud crashing sound. he then moved back and got on speaker "sorry!" he yelled out across the battle field.
New Kratna
22-07-2007, 05:30
"vary well then if thats all, drop yor weapons and toss them into the open, and have your mobile suit pilot get down here" he said to the man. Holland sat in his MS that was behind the enemy forces "hey Charlie, did you notice those guys that broke away a few seconds ago?" he asked "no I didn't see any but you have the better view, switch to your IR scanner, to double check there numbers" Luna responded.

Holland switched to his IR scanner and counted the enemies, they were a few short but to make heat was being given off from the debris to find any others but Holland had a idea, he reconfigured his IR scanner to only detect human body tempature or around it by two or three degrees. He then saw some people heading towards his squad "bravo two and three you have people moving your way, make it look like you lost your footing and fall into the building in front of you." he said.

Bravo two then made his mobile suit trip and it fell right through the building but he quickly stood up altough it made a loud crashing sound. he then moved back and got on speaker "sorry!" he yelled out across the battle field.

"shit" the captain mutterd the colapsed building had blocked there path they would have to go around it would take longer but hopefuly the'd make it

"we also demand the return of bothe the dammaged and active Mobile suits with our wounded. meet our terms and we'll surender"
Spit break
22-07-2007, 05:53
"I am afraid we can not let you have your mobile suits, or any weapons, we will give you trucks and fuel to get to were you need to go, may I also remind you that you are surrounded and you have one of our mobile suits right behind you" the commander yelled to them. Weapons were not open for debate, they were not about to give weapons to the enemy. The enmy was out numbered and out gunned why wouldn't they surrender? "I would suggest you take the offer, your lives are worth more then your pride and honor" he then added.

Holland watched the enemy commander from his position able to kill him with one pull of the trigger if he needed to. The battle was already lost for the republic. Troops began to spread out around them getting ready to move in, some were moving to the mobile suits.
New Kratna
22-07-2007, 06:07
"I am afraid we can not let you have your mobile suits, or any weapons, we will give you trucks and fuel to get to were you need to go, may I also remind you that you are surrounded and you have one of our mobile suits right behind you" the commander yelled to them. Weapons were not open for debate, they were not about to give weapons to the enemy. The enmy was out numbered and out gunned why wouldn't they surrender? "I would suggest you take the offer, your lives are worth more then your pride and honor" he then added.

Holland watched the enemy commander from his position able to kill him with one pull of the trigger if he needed to. The battle was already lost for the republic. Troops began to spread out around them getting ready to move in, some were moving to the mobile suits.

he figured as much it was only a delay tactic and it was begining to sound like the enamy commander was starting to pick up on this he had to choose his next words carefully "shurely you can understand our desire not to let valubal equipment into enamy hands. if you wish we will agree to disarming them befor we leave and you may have your men conferm this. but i must insist on taking the suits with us" the base was lost and her knoew it he just hoped he could buy enough time to take atleast one more down before abandoning it

the team had hurried as time was precious as they made there way behind and under one of the wild dagger units it looked like it might be a difrent colour but it was hard to tell in the fading light andflickering fires from the base as they straped the explosives to one ofits legs and set the remote timer before running for cover
Spit break
22-07-2007, 06:30
"I am afraid this is not open for debate your suits are ours now" he said as he gave a signal to ground troops. As the signal was given troops rose from cover guns at the ready, Republic forces were completely surrounded there was no were to run or hide surrender was there only option.

Holland moved in closer toward them as well to put a little added presure "Also from what we can tell there isn't any trucks left intack that could transport the damaged mobile suits" the commander added, he had the feeling he was stalling he picked up his radio "all units check your suits for mines or explosives" he ordered.

The squads checked "this is squad nine we got some on a wild dagger what should we do?" the soldier asked "make it look like a miss fire" the commander ordered. Before the enemy squad could look back and check one man "modified" the explosives so only a couple of the charges would go off not enough to take it out but it would fall to the ground and get back up. The man then ran off and went back to where he was on a mound of debris.
New Kratna
22-07-2007, 06:45
"I am afraid this is not open for debate your suits are ours now" he said as he gave a signal to ground troops. As the signal was given troops rose from cover guns at the ready, Republic forces were completely surrounded there was no were to run or hide surrender was there only option.

Holland moved in closer toward them as well to put a little added presure "Also from what we can tell there isn't any trucks left intack that could transport the damaged mobile suits" the commander added, he had the feeling he was stalling he picked up his radio "all units check your suits for mines or explosives" he ordered.

The squads checked "this is squad nine we got some on a wild dagger what should we do?" the soldier asked "make it look like a miss fire" the commander ordered. Before the enemy squad could look back and check one man "modified" the explosives so only a couple of the charges would go off not enough to take it out but it would fall to the ground and get back up. The man then ran off and went back to where he was on a mound of debris.

it was over anymore delays would probably triger a fire fight and as he said there where screwed "very well commander. Men throw down your arms" the troops did as they were told and stoold up and moved out to be taken in but the comander was a stubron man and held his ground waiting intill his special teem could get back
Spit break
22-07-2007, 06:55
Troops pointed the men in the direction of a small camp fire where th soldiers that ran over earlier were sitting staying warm, they were all bandaged up after being treated for injuries and were eating some food. As they walked the men over the medics ran over to check for injuries.

another team went through what minutes ago was a battlefield to find those who were injured and carried them out of strechers, they gathered the wounded in one area for treatment and the minor injuries were fixed fast and they were sent to the many camp fires poping up to keep the men warm. The night was getting cold "you better come to commander its going to be a cold night" the commander said to the enemy commander.
New Kratna
22-07-2007, 07:11
Troops pointed the men in the direction of a small camp fire where th soldiers that ran over earlier were sitting staying warm, they were all bandaged up after being treated for injuries and were eating some food. As they walked the men over the medics ran over to check for injuries.

another team went through what minutes ago was a battlefield to find those who were injured and carried them out of strechers, they gathered the wounded in one area for treatment and the minor injuries were fixed fast and they were sent to the many camp fires poping up to keep the men warm. The night was getting cold "you better come to commander its going to be a cold night" the commander said to the enemy commander.

the team returned and passed the detonator to the comander before turning themselves in.
the comander took a good look around at the sceen now before him the base was in enamy hands his troops had been captured it was over. he looked down at the detonator in his hand what was the point... it wouldn't make a difrence.
he finaly stould and marched directly towards the enamy comander "you will pay for this" he gave the commander the detanator before walking to his men and at 21:23 Zulu the Republic Supply Base fell under the control of the Twilight Phoenix forces.
Spit break
22-07-2007, 07:18
"this would of done much we already noticed it" the commander said as he pressed the button, nothing happend the first time the second time there was a small explosion in a building "get some food and some sleep we will let you and your men leave in the morning along with another Republic pilot we captured a few days ago" he told the Commander as his forces gathered and the mobile suits came over. Two men went to the flag pole and took down the Republic flag, and raised the Twilight Phoenix flag.
New Kratna
22-07-2007, 07:41
Grecian Command 21:05 Zulu

the final checks were being made on the Mobile Suits as the final repairs the the bases damaged systems was compleated Comms haveing been up for the past 10 minutes as everything slowly came back online

"sir incoming transmition" a comms officer anounced "its coming from one of our bases in africa"
"Patch it through" the man on watch said
"This is Bamaka base to grecian command we have lost comunications with the Suez Supply Base. any idea of wats going on?" Stars ears perked up and spun around grabing the mic
"Bamaka Base say again?"
"we've lost comunications with the Suez supply base."
star cursed "get Cpt. Crofton and General Ashmore in here now!"
"Bamaka base when did you loose contact?"
"we lost contact about 5 minuts ago. whats going on out there"
Star cursed again she hated being right when it came to things like this. she was almost tempted to take her squad and leave at that moment leaving Captain crofton behind but she had to stay and infor the general "you" she pointed at a random junior officer "tell Zues squadron to be readt to move out in 5 minuts, anyone not ready is getting left behimd."
22-07-2007, 08:03
15 miles SE of Dampier; ~4:45 western Australia time

The line was moving slightly west, but the firefight was still evenly matched. The Terran forces were pressing west along the coast with Geminis. Aries followed with air support, while tanks and infantry stayed back and prepared to occupy civilian areas after the breakthrough was achieved. Oceanic forces countered with Tuatara and Albatross. Intense dogfights raged in the skies above some parts of the line, with a handful of pilots engaged in deadly games of cat and mouse. Every now and then, someone would punch a hole in the other which quickly stabilized. The desert was littered with the parts of broken machines and ammo casings.

"Sir, the line is mostly stable, although we're worried about potential outflanking to the south, and it's spreading us both a bit thin."

"We can get help from Paraburdoo, though, so it's no problem. I'm worried about the main force pushing for Dampier here." The commanding officer placed little plastic markers on a table set up in his command tent. They had more mobile suits behind them, but it would be nice to push them back into the sea... "All right, we'll give ourselves some breathing space. Contact squadron leaders and have them pull back the center to this point."

"Isn't that a bit risky, sir? That could move fighting all the way to the edge of the city!"

"I didn't ask for your opinion, son, I asked you to relay an order!"
New Kratna
22-07-2007, 08:32
High earth orbit
the wounded transport had finaly been puled close enough for the crew to prep for re-entry into earths atmosphear.
"Sir we're coming in dangoursly steap"
"you know away to stop a free fall i'm all ears" the ships captain stated "whats our heading?"
"our estamated landing area is southren greece"
"can you be more exact?"
"not with any acuracy. we'll get a clearer picture as we get closter"
"no shit" the captain muttered to him self "whats the status of the ablative coating?"
"what do you meen unknown? weve been drifting for hours and no ones had a chance to check?"
"no sir we've been busy trying to fix the engins"
the captain rested his face in his hands... they were about to atempt a largly uncontroled re entry and emergency landing and thet didn'y even know if they would even servive re-entry several minuts later the ship began shuddering as it hit a dence enough atmosfear the outside heating up as she plumited through the sky the damaged ship shuddered mor violently than normal feeling like it would shake apart wich it almost did as sections of the damaged outerhull began pealing away as the ship was finaly slowed enough to stop burning she streaked across northren india coming in hot towards the mediteranian sea
"sir!" the officer yelled over the noise
"its looking like we may hit crete after all"
well that was a releaf they would actualy make there destination if only they could slow themselfs enough to stop from slaming into the ground
"fire breaking thrusters"
"fireing" the ship shuddered more as it met more resistance as it streaked across the sky it was going to be close they shot across Iran as they continued to fall the only thing helpin them to slow down being the breaking thrusters as the meditaranian came into view.
"were still coming in to fast"
"deploy all breaking messures!" the captain orderd
the crew deployed the air breaks and pumped all avalable power into the breaking thrusters it was going to be a hard landing.
the ship slammed into the runway bouncing once before skiding across the runway sparks flying as the landing gear are crushed by the inpact the craft skiding all the way down the runway and off the other end before finaly coming to a stop.
emergency crews rished out to the wreck as well as technitians and a lifting crew they had to get the cargo out before anything else happend.

if any satalites were overhead they would see the hulk that was once a republic space transport and a large covered item being unloaded thats roughly the same size as a mobile suit cradle
New Kratna
22-07-2007, 08:34
((ooc: the time stamp for that last post is 21:20zulu))
22-07-2007, 10:03
The following is a transcript of a speech delivered by Oceanic Union Representative Ronald Hawthorne directed at all peoples of the world, broadcast via satellite, on all open television and radio frequencies, and over the Internet at 7:00 pm Sydney time. (OOC: Consider this something akin to Gihren's "Sieg Zeon" speech, or for you SEED fans, Dullindal's "LOGOS" revelation ^_^)

"People of the world, it is our government's wish to make this address in order to clarify, as much as possible, the chaos that has affected the globe over the past several days. It is coincidental that such a number of incidents ranging from small-scale armed resistance against the Terran Republic to all-out war with them have all happened, in various places, within this same stretch of time. It is also fortuitous that so many voices are making themselves heard, for we are now presented with a great opportunity to stand firm against Terran tyranny.

"You have no doubt heard of the trials of our own nation, which until two days ago can only be described as cooperative with the Terran Republic. It was a position taken by a government afraid to voice its objections in the face of overwhelming force. The shameless propaganda of the Republic would have you believe that we are a sly and opportunistic nation which has acted always as the flow of the world dictated. While I will admit that the operation we executed was one of many that had been circulating in secret for some time, we had no intention of implementing it for fear of violent conquest. As I have stated, we were a willing pawn of the Republic, totally impotent when it came to self-determination... or honor.

"However, the decision to expel the Terran Republic was made only after a direct mandate from the people! The men and women of Oceania, disgusted by our complacency, declared that they would not tolerate the Republic. Thus, we took the appropriate action, having been reminded that our duty is to serve their interests instead of our own. It follows, then, that the retaliatory strike by the Terran Republic, which saw thousands of good men and women from both sides die in the tropical waters of the Banda Sea, was not a declaration of war between governments. Rather, it a declaration of war against the people of this nation. Instead of this fight being 'an extension of policy by other means,' its sole objective is to silence the voices of those who dare to think for themselves.

"But you need not take our word for it! The Scandinavian people have already suffered this tragic fate, and now they dig through the ruins of what was once the great city of Helsinki to uncover bodies lifeless bodies of loved ones. Millions of people were callously slaughtered because a nation had the audacity to defend its right to exist! The order and unity they claim to strive for is not a harmonious gathering of mankind to work towards common goals and dreams. No, it seeks to rule through terror and monopolize the resources of the world for the despotic mission of one man! Can any nation which lets it military run rampant in pursuit of such warped ideals be called legitimate?

"Conquered people are treated like slaves, and nations which submit willingly are see their people used and then discarded. Can we allow that? I stand before you today as a battle rages on the western coast of Australia, stealing prematurely the lives of proud Oceanic citizens and exploited Terran soldiers, seen as expendable by their own government. I am here to declare that Oceania has decided it will fight, and it will continue to fight as long as it has strength. We extend our support to other nations and organizations across the world who have likewise pledged to stand proudly in the face of oppression. If there is support we can offer, be it moral or material, we will provide what we have to spare. Our greatest desire is that we may all one day fight together so that our children can live in a world that knows the Terran Republic only as a historical curiosity.

"The trials which follow will be difficult, but the people of Oceania will not bow to Terran pressure. And to all those around the world who feel the same, you have a friend down under."
Spit break
22-07-2007, 18:49
After a few minutes it was confirmed the base was sacure. Back at the main base Commander Triner was waiting for word on the attack. Then Holland made the official announcement to the base "This is Holland to bae, come in" came over the radio. Triner waited for word they either failed or they are celebrating a victroy "This is HQ we read you Holland go ahead" came the response from the base CIC "I'm sure Triner is there, I just have one thing to say" there was a pause and a scilence "We did it! Suez is ours!" he shouted over the radio.

The CIC erupted is cheers and excitment "roger that, well done, well cone" was sent back as people spread the word about the victory around the base. Back at Suez though it was a different mood, sure the troops were celebrating there victory, telling jokes, relaxing, eating. There was other jobs they had to do though, they had to make a full list of there losses back to HQ. It was a hard task for any commander, let alone one who was counting the losses on both sides.
22-07-2007, 20:27
Brendon Sage was on a plane to soon arrive in France. He sat on the single seat and checked over the battle reports. Scandinavia and the Oceanic Union would obviously go hand in hand in defying his Republic. His Vice President, Maynerd Caedmon, entered and asked, "You called me Mr. President?"
He looked up and asked, "What is the current status of the Gundam from Colony L2?"
Maynerd reported, "It is headed for Earth as you've requested. We have recieved word that it will be landing on the island of Crete."
Sage promised, "Perfect. Do not fear Vice President. Soon this war will draw to a close and we will be victorious."
His Vice President responded, "Wonderful to hear Mr. President. This Republic has flourished under your leadership and we shall see even more promise when this world is united."
Brendon smiled and thought to himself, "Yes... It will be united..." He continued by ordering, "It is soon time Maynerd. We shall begin by taking the colonies. Our fellow Chinese will be more than sufficient."
Maynerd questioned, "When shall it begin?"
Brendon explained, "As soon as Lt. Xiang has finished his battles in the Pacific. Send him to lead his fellow Chinese to victory in taking the remaining colonies."
Maynerd left saying, "I shall Mr. President." and left Brendon Sage to his reports.
22-07-2007, 20:55
Grecian Command 21:05 Zulu

the final checks were being made on the Mobile Suits as the final repairs the the bases damaged systems was compleated Comms haveing been up for the past 10 minutes as everything slowly came back online

"sir incoming transmition" a comms officer anounced "its coming from one of our bases in africa"
"Patch it through" the man on watch said
"This is Bamaka base to grecian command we have lost comunications with the Suez Supply Base. any idea of wats going on?" Stars ears perked up and spun around grabing the mic
"Bamaka Base say again?"
"we've lost comunications with the Suez supply base."
star cursed "get Cpt. Crofton and General Ashmore in here now!"
"Bamaka base when did you loose contact?"
"we lost contact about 5 minuts ago. whats going on out there"
Star cursed again she hated being right when it came to things like this. she was almost tempted to take her squad and leave at that moment leaving Captain crofton behind but she had to stay and infor the general "you" she pointed at a random junior officer "tell Zues squadron to be readt to move out in 5 minuts, anyone not ready is getting left behimd."

The Junior Officer saluted and said, "Yes Captain, right away!" and went to inform the Zues Squadron of their Captain's orders.

General Ashmore and Captain Crofton had to finish their plans for what to do about the possible loss of Bamaka base. General Ashmore regretfully said, "Those terrorists must have taken the base by now... We shall have to strike at them hard."
Captain Crofton assured, "Yes sir. I assure you that we will save those who survived and put an end to those who desire our downfall."
General Ashmore confirmed, "Very good Captain. We must move out as soon as we are all ready."
Spit break
22-07-2007, 21:28
OOC: speech time

Minutes after it was confirmed Suez was in there control techies activated an advanced computer periodical they created. It took over every TV channel, radio station and online internet broadcast. The screens changed to a room with the Twilight Phoenix flag behind them on two flag polls in either corner; it looked like an official press conference almost. One of the men stood forward and cleared his throat.

"Ladies and gentlemen, sorry to interrupt what ever you were doing we will not take long. Half an hour ago military forces of the Twilight Phoenix launched an assault on the Republic supply base at Suez, at 9:26pm local time the base forces surrendered”

The camera changes to a live shot of the Suez base, focusing on the Twilight Phoenix flag flying then showing the bodies and the Republic troops that surrendered.

"In the operation we captured almost the entire compliment of the base, I am happy to say they will be released along with the Republic pilot we captured a few days ago in the morning, however if the Republic tries to retake the base they will b exacuted" He paused to take a drink of water.

"This action was not taken as an act of terrorism, but as an act of rebellion against a malignant belief that Sage's vision of the world is every ones vision, He is nothing but a tyrant. We have seen the people of this region suffer and die from republic rule, the people have been starved to death from the republic taking there food to live in luxury. Well no more, from this day forth no person under our protection will suffer, from this day the Republic will pay for its crimes, Suez is just the beginning and it won't be the end" he paused yet again.

"The struggle has just begun, with Suez gone Republic forces in Africa will soon run out of supplies and be forced to withdraw, from this day there will be no running from the bigger dog, on this day we stand strong and united! Moreover, together the Republic is no match for us! We shall be victorious! We shall win through! And there is no way in hell Sages crazed ambition will stop us!" The broadcast ended and every thing returned to normal, but the seeds of rebellion have been planted.
22-07-2007, 22:05
General Ashmore confirmed, "The terrorists have taken the base, that much is for certain. Major Brice will be arriving at the rendevous point and we will destroy them for good."
Captain Crofton questioned, "When shall we strike General?"
General Ashmore explained, "As soon as Captain Star Lynde and her squadrons have prepared for battle, we will attack the terrorists and drive them into the Mediterranen."

Sages Plane

The plane landed in Paris and Sage walked off by learning of the rebellion that occured in Egypt. His Vice President questioned, "This rebellion does not worry you Mr. President?"
The President ominously answered, "It amuses me Caedmon. These rebels believe they are fighting to free the Earth from my grasp. The will only relize how futile it is too late in time..." Maynerd Caedmon was far from willing to know what Sage meant, so he followed him to his hover-limo without question.
New Kratna
22-07-2007, 22:54
General Ashmore confirmed, "The terrorists have taken the base, that much is for certain. Major Brice will be arriving at the rendevous point and we will destroy them for good."
Captain Crofton questioned, "When shall we strike General?"
General Ashmore explained, "As soon as Captain Star Lynde and her squadrons have prepared for battle, we will attack the terrorists and drive them into the Mediterranen."

21:10 Zulu

"Zues 1 to squad leader squad is preped and ready to depart on your order"
"Roger that Zulu 1. alright boys lets pay these bastards back for what they did" with that Star launched her Gundam into the air the Gemini II's on there longrange platforms not far behind.
she didn't bother to check it victor and the Hurcules and Hades squads had followed and she didn't care... she do it herself if she had to.
she rockeded across the med

"new contact!" Zuse one exclamed as the passed near the island of crete "comeing in... holy shit!"
the transport rocketed past in front of them as it made its aproch to crete
"Sir do we investigate?"
"negative" she had compleated her scans of the object "its a republic transport headed for a rebublic base we procead with the mission" Star broke off communications she had more important things to worry about than why an obviously dammaged transport was making a landing on crete.
Suez base had been attacked this much she was certain of though with what kind of equipment she was unsure. trucks tanks or Mobile Suits it didn't matter to her they would all be exterminated.
she continued her flight across the mediteranian eta to suez... 22:35 zulu and may whatever god they beleaved in grant them mercy... cause she wouldn't

((ooc: a reminder of her abilities she took out a squad of vikings before they knew what hit them and at the battle at nordic comand was almost singlehandedly holding the invaders off untill the Darkstar sufferd from Hydralic paralisis... just a reminder. can't wait to see this secret weapon of yours spit break))
Red Tide2
22-07-2007, 23:48
OOC: Since nobody is RPing them, Ive decided to take my assault on Guam into my own hands.

IC: The HOA air and underwater forces withdrew from Guam, leaving it utterly decimated. The port was unusable, every supply and storage unit had been smashed. Hundreds of ships, most of them supply ships but a few combat ones as well, had been sunk. The base had been rendered unusable to the Terran Republic for several years.

The HOA's forces had taken light losses, due to the surprise the attack had generated. Most of the few mobile suits that had taken to the air had been decimated by attacks by Air Superiority Fighters, the rest had been destroyed on the ground by the gunships.

The HOA had also left one single transmitter, with just enough people to operate it to tell what they knew had happened:

'A unknown force had just utterly devestated a major Terran Republic Base.'
New Kratna
23-07-2007, 00:02
15 miles SE of Dampier; ~4:45 western Australia time

The line was moving slightly west, but the firefight was still evenly matched. The Terran forces were pressing west along the coast with Geminis. Aries followed with air support, while tanks and infantry stayed back and prepared to occupy civilian areas after the breakthrough was achieved. Oceanic forces countered with Tuatara and Albatross. Intense dogfights raged in the skies above some parts of the line, with a handful of pilots engaged in deadly games of cat and mouse. Every now and then, someone would punch a hole in the other which quickly stabilized. The desert was littered with the parts of broken machines and ammo casings.

"Sir, the line is mostly stable, although we're worried about potential outflanking to the south, and it's spreading us both a bit thin."

"We can get help from Paraburdoo, though, so it's no problem. I'm worried about the main force pushing for Dampier here." The commanding officer placed little plastic markers on a table set up in his command tent. They had more mobile suits behind them, but it would be nice to push them back into the sea... "All right, we'll give ourselves some breathing space. Contact squadron leaders and have them pull back the center to this point."

"Isn't that a bit risky, sir? That could move fighting all the way to the edge of the city!"

"I didn't ask for your opinion, son, I asked you to relay an order!"

"sir there pulling back!"
"keep on them!" the unit commander orderd "if there gong to just give up the land i'll take it." his comand tank was slightly behind the front lines as they solidified there hold on Karratha. oposition had been moderate but not enough to slow there enexorable push farther into Oceanic territory and they were now within striking distance of the port facsilities at Dampier and with those theyd be able to land even more troops on australiean soil
The comander ordered his units forward the sagitarius' and other artilery began bombing the local area heedless of civilian casualties. aftere there expution as a result of the vote the republic had little sympathy for such actions and they were punished acording to there whims anyone stupid enough to remain in a combat zone deserving there fate.
"lets move men, we have to secure the causway across into Dampier we loose that and your swiming across!"
23-07-2007, 00:05
OOC: By request of Red Tide 2, I've decided to make a post for the remaining Guam soldiers.

IC: The Guam Base was very little defended due to its send of the mobile suits to meet with the enemy. But in the middle of a battle, a strange phenomenom was happening. The RADAR watchers searched their area and saw a mighty navy heading in their direction. One of them asked, "Hey, where's all this coming from?"
The other could only say, "I don't know, but those ships aren't giving off our signature."
The other watcher asked, "Really? Is it those Oceanics?"
"Negative. It's not giving off any signature that we know of."
"It's not? What are those things? Ready the base for alert. We may need to prepare for combat and find out if those things are friend or foe." The Guam Base was prepared for a strike if needed, but not for one as large as was coming. They only had about 50 Geminis protecting the base, and against the force that was coming, they would need to fight diligantly to protect their territory.

OOC: Since nobody is RPing them, Ive decided to take my assault on Guam into my own hands.

OOC: I did leave the post up above for an rp, but I guess it would be hard to find it due to the growth of the thread. Overall, we'll just say that the base was destroyed because it wasn't protected properly with the majority of the forces fighting the Oceanics.
New Kratna
23-07-2007, 00:06
OOC: Since nobody is RPing them, Ive decided to take my assault on Guam into my own hands.

IC: The HOA air and underwater forces withdrew from Guam, leaving it utterly decimated. The port was unusable, every supply and storage unit had been smashed. Hundreds of ships, most of them supply ships but a few combat ones as well, had been sunk. The base had been rendered unusable to the Terran Republic for several years.

The HOA's forces had taken light losses, due to the surprise the attack had generated. Most of the few mobile suits that had taken to the air had been decimated by attacks by Air Superiority Fighters, the rest had been destroyed on the ground by the gunships.

The HOA had also left one single transmitter, with just enough people to operate it to tell what they knew had happened:

'A unknown force had just utterly devestated a major Terran Republic Base.'

while heavy losses were reported at Island command at Guam commanders breathed a sigh of releaf knowing that the bulk of the fleat returning to Australia was making its way around indonisia at that moment

the ocianic union would still fall and if required more re-enforcements could be routed through china and india... the republic had been far from slowed
Spit break
23-07-2007, 00:17
"our contacts to the north, east and sotuh just reported in, aforce just left greece heading south" a man said to commander of the attack force "I just got off the horn with command, reinforcements are already on there way, they told me they have a surprise for the Republic with them" The commander told him.

The commander sat down on a rock "I've set the POW's to the barracks for the night there fenced off and confined, I also have all defences manned, thats why most of them were left in tact, we have enough fire power to couter any attack, our mobile suits are also ready" he told the man.

Holland walked up after getting out of his suit "there coming, i can feel it, commander did you bring that weapon i told you to bring?" he asked, the commander looked at him "yes its on the truck, what is it any way?" he asked. Holland looked at him "A weapon for a mobile suit that can create a EMP blast when fired, highly consentrated and in one direct on contact it sends out a pulse in any direction, it could disable something that even had heavy EM shielding" he told him.

The commander looked surprised "whats with you and Triner?, you both love EMP's" he asked, Holland laughed "there powerful, simple as that, load the Laucher and Dopplerhorn packs onto Alpha squad we will need the heavy fire power" he then suggested, the commander took the suggestion. They all knew they would have to defend the base, so they brought what they needed with them, including heavy artillery such as the launcher pack for the windams which has a 320mm hyper impulse cannon which could rip almost any mobile suit apart from its high energy output.

They infentry had a large number of Anti-Armour rifles that had been upgrade to full automatic, just pull the trigger and it fires every second. They also had te base defences, anti-aircraft guns, flak cannons, machine guns, missile launchers and even several CIWS guns.
23-07-2007, 00:19
(OOC: With this stamp, I'm still operating five or six real time hours behind the Twilight Phoenix speech)

Dampier Line, ~9:15 pm western Australia time

"sir there pulling back!"
"keep on them!" the unit commander orderd "if there gong to just give up the land i'll take it." his comand tank was slightly behind the front lines as they solidified there hold on Karratha. oposition had been moderate but not enough to slow there enexorable push farther into Oceanic territory and they were now within striking distance of the port facsilities at Dampier and with those theyd be able to land even more troops on australiean soil
The comander ordered his units forward the sagitarius' and other artilery began bombing the local area heedless of civilian casualties. aftere there expution as a result of the vote the republic had little sympathy for such actions and they were punished acording to there whims anyone stupid enough to remain in a combat zone deserving there fate.
"lets move men, we have to secure the causway across into Dampier we loose that and your swiming across!"

The Oceanic line scrambled to reorganize itself, as fighting had reached the edge of the city as predicted. The center line's withdrawal had indeed opened up a wide gap for the Terran advance. Civilian casualties were inevitable, as not all had heeded the evacuation orders. Some street fighting had begun, but the Oceanic commanders didn't panic. From the forward command post, now withdrawn into the city limits, all was calm.

The Terrans had to sense something was not right. For one thing, the resistance from the center line was growing more intense. The middle of the first defense line was now right on top of the second, instantly doubling the defending force. Air support had grown. Reinforcements were closing in from the south, and the northern flank had pivoted as well. Eager to advance, the Terran commander had let himself get caught in a classic double envelopment. Within minutes, fire was pouring into the pocket from all directions except for the rear.

Union forces attempted to check some of the Republic advances into the city. Fierce fighting erupted. Shells ripped into buildings, filling the streets below with glass the debris. This made it more difficult for Republic tanks to advance, making them targets for RPGs. In one neighborhood, a Terran squad had pinned down a handful of Union defenders with heavy machine gun fire. The siege was lifted when gunfire from a nearby apartment building scattered the attackers, leaving several wounded and dead. The Oceanic troops looked up to thank their rescuers, and were shocked to discover that the shots had come from the building's residents.
23-07-2007, 00:37
The assault was soon to begin. Star Lynde and Victor Crofton were on their way to face the rebels in the Suez. Victor knew Star would never wait for him, so he decided to send his men to follow. He stood as a monster among his men in the Gemini III and was known to strike fear into everyone who encountered him. Victor thought to himself, "She may have a special Gundam, but we shall see who has the superior fighting skills. I will let no woman overtake my destiny as a war hero. I will not fail you father!" He and his squadrons followed Star's as they went to meet with Major Brice to face the terrorists...

45 miles south of Twilight Phoenix radar range
Major Brice and his squadrons had just arrived from the Kenyan borders. They were planning on invading the country, but it was now out of the question due to General Ashmore's order to come to Suez to put down the terrorists. One of his Captains asked, "We're meeting up with the coordinates General Ashmore sent us Major Brice. What now?"
The Major searched his surroundings and answered, "Remain here. Once the squadrons Ashmore sent make their way here, we'll advance on those rebel bastards."

Terran Colony L3
A General was reading over his reports, but all of a sudden was called by one of his secrataries, "We've recieved an order from the President General."
He asked, "What is it?"
The Secratary answered, "We are to begin attacks on all remaining colonies and make sure they are still in tact and left at 95% efficency when they are taken."
The General made a final confirmation asking, "I see. Very well then. When shall we begin the offensive?"
He was told, "He says that he wants Lieutenant Tong Xiang to arrive. He says that the Jade Panther will be the leading unit to destroying the remaining opposition."
New Kratna
23-07-2007, 00:46
(OOC: With this stamp, I'm still operating five or six real time hours behind the Twilight Phoenix speech)

Dampier Line, ~9:15 pm western Australia time

The Oceanic line scrambled to reorganize itself, as fighting had reached the edge of the city as predicted. The center line's withdrawal had indeed opened up a wide gap for the Terran advance. Civilian casualties were inevitable, as not all had heeded the evacuation orders. Some street fighting had begun, but the Oceanic commanders didn't panic. From the forward command post, now withdrawn into the city limits, all was calm.

The Terrans had to sense something was not right. For one thing, the resistance from the center line was growing more intense. The middle of the first defense line was now right on top of the second, instantly doubling the defending force. Air support had grown. Reinforcements were closing in from the south, and the northern flank had pivoted as well. Eager to advance, the Terran commander had let himself get caught in a classic double envelopment. Within minutes, fire was pouring into the pocket from all directions except for the rear.

Union forces attempted to check some of the Republic advances into the city. Fierce fighting erupted. Shells ripped into buildings, filling the streets below with glass the debris. This made it more difficult for Republic tanks to advance, making them targets for RPGs. In one neighborhood, a Terran squad had pinned down a handful of Union defenders with heavy machine gun fire. The siege was lifted when gunfire from a nearby apartment building scattered the attackers, leaving several wounded and dead. The Oceanic troops looked up to thank their rescuers, and were shocked to discover that the shots had come from the building's residents.

"sir we can't hold our positions we're caught in a pincer. heavy fire from there center and the flanks have us surounded"
the comander cursed the oposing commander had out manoverd him well he would not let this stand
"All Sagitaries units open fire level that city spare the port but i want the rest razed to the ground
All the heavy equipment opend fire as wave after wave slammed into the city the terran forces pulling back to avoid frendly fire the commander planing to make helsinki look like a sunday picknic
Spit break
23-07-2007, 00:48
Holland picked up the EMP launcher and went to the south side of the base, hooking it into the base power grid to make it more powerful "Holland what are you doing, the enemy base is north not south" Luna told him, Holland sighed "They are not stupid a direct assault from the most likely location wont work, there going to come from the south, I'll be ready for them two, The Windams with the launcher packs are ready down here two" he responded.

Luna thought he was crazy, so she went back to patroling the east side of the base. Holland was trained by the Republic he knew the man in charge of operations in the region would not just do a frontal assault, hitting from the rear would be best, however there main base was south and hidden. They would go right past it and not know it was there, that was there advantage, in they went within 500km of hidden base it would be picked up which was a large area. no doubt they would be picked up.
23-07-2007, 01:18
"sir we can't hold our positions we're caught in a pincer. heavy fire from there center and the flanks have us surounded"
the comander cursed the oposing commander had out manoverd him well he would not let this stand
"All Sagitaries units open fire level that city spare the port but i want the rest razed to the ground
All the heavy equipment opend fire as wave after wave slammed into the city the terran forces pulling back to avoid frendly fire the commander planing to make helsinki look like a sunday picknic

Heavy artillery fire tore into the buildings, turning east Dampier into a wasteland. Forward command was immediately mobile to avoid the danger. People left in the city were pouring out of buildings clutching few possessions. Union troops guided the evacuees to safer parts of the city. Rockets fired from Tuatara bazookas tore up as much artillery as possible, while Albatross units raced to take out what Sagittarius MS they could from above. The fires were spreading into the central business district.

Oceanic mobile suits from the south, using their numbers, pushed north to shrink the width of the Terran retreat vectors. From Dampier harbor, a small fleet of Oceanic vessels were approaching. They could see smoke rising from the city. A team of Albatross outfitted for recon surveyed the battlefield from safe limits. "AWAC to Dolphin leader, sending coordinates of enemy positions. Adjust for wind, north northwest, eight kilometers per hour."

The hail of gunfire was certainly dealing damage to the Oceanic line, but maintained its position and pressed its advantage. The Terran commander looked behind at the burning city and grinned. But his face fell when he heard the first salvos from distance 14-inch naval guns roar overhead into his withdrawing column.
New Kratna
23-07-2007, 01:19
in they went within 5000km of hidden base it would be picked up which was a large area. no doubt they would be picked up.

((ooc: you might wanna fix that 5000km goes almost to the north pole 1000 gets you greece i say 500 is more realistic and still rather large in size))
Spit break
23-07-2007, 01:22
((ooc: you might wanna fix that 5000km goes almost to the north pole 1000 gets you greece i say 500 is more realistic and still rather large in size))

OOC: actually 5000 was a typo lol
New Kratna
23-07-2007, 02:03
The assault was soon to begin. Star Lynde and Victor Crofton were on their way to face the rebels in the Suez. Victor knew Star would never wait for him, so he decided to send his men to follow. He stood as a monster among his men in the Gemini III and was known to strike fear into everyone who encountered him. Victor thought to himself, "She may have a special Gundam, but we shall see who has the superior fighting skills. I will let no woman overtake my destiny as a war hero. I will not fail you father!" He and his squadrons followed Star's as they went to meet with Major Brice to face the terrorists...

45 miles south of Twilight Phoenix radar range
Major Brice and his squadrons had just arrived from the Kenyan borders. They were planning on invading the country, but it was now out of the question due to General Ashmore's order to come to Suez to put down the terrorists. One of his Captains asked, "We're meeting up with the coordinates General Ashmore sent us Major Brice. What now?"
The Major searched his surroundings and answered, "Remain here. Once the squadrons Ashmore sent make their way here, we'll advance on those rebel bastards."

Terran Colony L3
A General was reading over his reports, but all of a sudden was called by one of his secrataries, "We've recieved an order from the President General."
He asked, "What is it?"
The Secratary answered, "We are to begin attacks on all remaining colonies and make sure they are still in tact and left at 95% efficency when they are taken."
The General made a final confirmation asking, "I see. Very well then. When shall we begin the offensive?"
He was told, "He says that he wants Lieutenant Tong Xiang to arrive. He says that the Jade Panther will be the leading unit to destroying the remaining opposition."

((ooc: tongs busy at the moment can i take a message?))

Star orderd her forces to a halt just outside Suez bases known radar range something didn't feel right, she couldn't put her finger on it but it felt like a trap.
"Zues squadren head south west and meet up with major brice's forces for the assult Captain Crofton head south east with Hercule's and hadies squadren as per our plan... i'm going straite in" she didn't wait for croftons responce as she rocketed forwards activating her missile targeting systems and pulling her heavy cannon as she tore through the night sky staying within the light cloud cover
the moment her missiled gained target lock she fired trageting everything with an enamy signature. screaming death falling from the sky as 32 missiles found there targets the base lite up in orande light followed by the incandesant beam from her heavy cannon.
Zues squadren angled in from there western vector raining fire down on the base streaking across.
[insert braziliams actions]
Spit break
23-07-2007, 02:17
CIWS guns of the base began intercepting the missiles taking out 23 of the 36 missiles and they returned fire on the straifing run. The rest impacted various things such as a couple trucks, two CIWS guns, the ground and some buldings. Holland quickly turned north, he calculated the enemies position base on the missiles, He got a confirmed lock his eyes could see star as he pulled the trigger sending a hail storm of shots at her, 10 shots in all, before disconnecting the gun and dropping it. The eastern defence group shift north.

Holland jumped into the air pulling two beam sabers out and charging at the enemy as weapons fire layed down a screen of beam, and shell weapons including flack and 75 mm CIWS guns. However there forces were on high alert 1 suit was no match for him, the rest of the base could take care of the others.
New Kratna
23-07-2007, 02:17
Heavy artillery fire tore into the buildings, turning east Dampier into a wasteland. Forward command was immediately mobile to avoid the danger. People left in the city were pouring out of buildings clutching few possessions. Union troops guided the evacuees to safer parts of the city. Rockets fired from Tuatara bazookas tore up as much artillery as possible, while Albatross units raced to take out what Sagittarius MS they could from above. The fires were spreading into the central business district.

Oceanic mobile suits from the south, using their numbers, pushed north to shrink the width of the Terran retreat vectors. From Dampier harbor, a small fleet of Oceanic vessels were approaching. They could see smoke rising from the city. A team of Albatross outfitted for recon surveyed the battlefield from safe limits. "AWAC to Dolphin leader, sending coordinates of enemy positions. Adjust for wind, north northwest, eight kilometers per hour."

The hail of gunfire was certainly dealing damage to the Oceanic line, but maintained its position and pressed its advantage. The Terran commander looked behind at the burning city and grinned. But his face fell when he heard the first salvos from distance 14-inch naval guns roar overhead into his withdrawing column.

those salvoes would be all they would have time to focus inland as a flurry of missiles arced into there position from the aproching Republic fleet as 4 squads of Aries lifted off from the carrier decks one starting bombing runs on the city as the rest delt with the Albatross'

from other carriers Geminies lifted off on there flight platform to releave the main column wich had sustained a moderate amount of dammage from the bombardment things began turning around and the Republic forces gained a much needed advantage over the Union forces.

"alright men time to drive them into the sea. CHARGE!" the massed wave of men tanks and mobile suits surged forwards over running sever oceanic forward positions.. they would have the port.

((ooc: gonna hold off with tong and them for a bit... gotta let the days catch up you know))
New Kratna
23-07-2007, 02:27
CIWS guns of the base began intercepting the missiles taking out 23 of the 36 missiles. The rest impacted various things such as a couple trucks, two CIWS guns, the ground and some buldings. Holland knew it, he calculated the enemies position base on the missiles, He got a confirmed lock his eyes could see star as he pulled the trigger sending a hail storm of shots at her, 10 shots in all, before disconnecting the gun and dropping it. The eastern defence group shift south.

Holland jumped into the air pulling two beam sabers out and charging at the enemy as weapons fire layed down a screen of beam, and shell weapons including flack and 75 mm CIWS guns. However there forces were on high alert 1 suit could not of been the only force.

((ooc: sorry but i have to point out a couple discrepencies 1. Star came from the north not the south 2. Zues squadren did make a strafing run 3. and the bigest one... how is a ground spacific mobile suit flying? as far as i know the wild dager unit has no flight capabilities. please clarify so i can make an apropriate responce thanx :) ))
23-07-2007, 02:28
((ooc: tongs busy at the moment can i take a message?))

Star orderd her forces to a halt just outside Suez bases known radar range something didn't feel right, she couldn't put her finger on it but it felt like a trap.
"Zues squadren head south west and meet up with major brice's forces for the assult Captain Crofton head south east with Hercule's and hadies squadren as per our plan... i'm going straite in" she didn't wait for croftons responce as she rocketed forwards activating her missile targeting systems and pulling her heavy cannon as she tore through the night sky staying within the light cloud cover
the moment her missiled gained target lock she fired trageting everything with an enamy signature. screaming death falling from the sky as 32 missiles found there targets the base lite up in orande light followed by the incandesant beam from her heavy cannon.
Zues squadren angled in from there western vector raining fire down on the base streaking across.
[insert braziliams actions]

"Confirmed Captain." the Zeus squadron answered.
Major Brice ordered, "Alright boys, let's tear those terrorists an asshole!"
Captain Crofton proclaimed, "She thinks she can take all of the glory? Not with my strength!" The forces of the Republic were now combining into a joint attack force. Soon the Twilight Phoenix would have a battle even greater than the one they just had.
Spit break
23-07-2007, 02:35
((ooc: sorry but i have to point out a couple discrepencies 1. Star came from the north not the south 2. Zues squadren did make a strafing run 3. and the bigest one... how is a ground spacific mobile suit flying? as far as i know the wild dager unit has no flight capabilities. please clarify so i can make an apropriate responce thanx :) ))

OOC: he jumped into the air, he basicly used what trusters he had to boost him right at star, he can't sustain flight but what he is trying to do is go right at her hit her dead on and force her to fall with him to the ground his suit on top, making a big hole

basicly if she got hit by the EMP, she would be disabled for a few minutes, Holland comes "falling" in and takes her crashing to the ground putting a nasty dent in her suit
23-07-2007, 02:43
those salvoes would be all they would have time to focus inland as a flurry of missiles arced into there position from the aproching Republic fleet as 4 squads of Aries lifted off from the carrier decks one starting bombing runs on the city as the rest delt with the Albatross'

from other carriers Geminies lifted off on there flight platform to releave the main column wich had sustained a moderate amount of dammage from the bombardment things began turning around and the Republic forces gained a much needed advantage over the Union forces.

"alright men time to drive them into the sea. CHARGE!" the massed wave of men tanks and mobile suits surged forwards over running sever oceanic forward positions.. they would have the port.

((ooc: gonna hold off with tong and them for a bit... gotta let the days catch up you know))

(OOC: Yeah the grunt battle can rage overnight and in the morning we can move our main guys again and sync up the time)

The northern flank of the Dampier line was overwhelmed and quickly ceded control of the port and the northern end of the city. Units which weren't sandwiched between the advance and the sea retreated south and west to avoid certain destruction. The Oceanic commander broke a sweat for the first time in hours. He hadn't accounted for naval reinforcements, but apparently the Terrans were intent on establishing more landing zones. Leatherbacks from the Oceanic support fleet sped towards the approaching Terran vessels, firing torpedoes at the carriers. But most Geminis were already ashore establishing another front. At least they could try and clog the harbor with sunken ships and prevent its further use.

Albatross MS had to peel away from the main battle to deal with the incoming Aries, and a massive dogfight erupted over the city. The Albatross were at a disadvantage having expended most of their ammo already. The loss of air support meant the south and middle sections of the line had to abandon pummeling the retreating column and pivot back.

The Dampier line was now stretching diagonally through the city, with the Terrans in firm control of the northern half of the city and starting to push into the eastern sector. Help would arrive throughout the night but for now it looked like they would have to cede the entire city in the interest of establishing a more solid defensive front. Rubble was making mobility difficult, anyway.

At the shoreline, the support fleet pulled farther and farther away as the Aries assault continued. A Leatherback temporarily surfaced and fired its chest cannon, catching an Aries off guard and slicing it in two. Above one vessel, an Aries missile sent an Albatross sprawling. It crashed into the bridge below, sending the whole ship under.

"We're out of time... ground forces won't make it to the harbor and will have a hard enough time keeping them in the city... so we're destroying the harbor!!" His crew was shocked. They were to fire on their own facilities? "We can't let the enemy have them," was the captain's only justification. Gunners adjusted their scopes and fired. Shots ripped through the harbor, taking out warehouses, docks, and unloading cranes. A fuel bunker went sky eye, sending out a shockwave that temporarily stopped fighting on the ground. The support fleet was resolved not to leave the area until all ammo was exhausted or the last ship hit the bottom of the sea.
New Kratna
23-07-2007, 02:55
CIWS guns of the base began intercepting the missiles taking out 23 of the 36 missiles and they returned fire on the straifing run. The rest impacted various things such as a couple trucks, two CIWS guns, the ground and some buldings. Holland quickly turned north, he calculated the enemies position base on the missiles, He got a confirmed lock his eyes could see star as he pulled the trigger sending a hail storm of shots at her, 10 shots in all, before disconnecting the gun and dropping it. The eastern defence group shift north.

Holland jumped into the air pulling two beam sabers out and charging at the enemy as weapons fire layed down a screen of beam, and shell weapons including flack and 75 mm CIWS guns. However there forces were on high alert 1 suit was no match for him, the rest of the base could take care of the others.

stars eyes picked up the incoming shots the instant before the computer recognized them as a threat diving out of there path barly avoiding being hit as she dove towards the base she picked out the unit that had fired at her... he would pay for his audacity. she shot towards him watching him leap into the air his thrusters giving him a little boost "oh no you don't" she fliped around and slammed into Holland feet first slaming him into the ground "down boy" she lept back into there air "bad dog! sit! stay!" she taunted him as fire erupted from all corners for the base.

the Units of Zues squad started focusing on the defencive position while Hurcules and Hades squadrens targeted the mobile suits they would now pay for taking the base as defencive positions where bolwn to peices by the fire from Zues squad
Spit break
23-07-2007, 03:03
The windams which now were fitted with heavy artillery such as the launcher pack began firing on Zues, Hurcules and Hades squads, the base defences and its defenders began pooring so much fire on the enemy that from there attacking position there were in the open and sitting ducks. Luna and the other mobile suits took cover from behind the walls of debris, making sure they didn't get hit as there shields were raised to protect any exposed areas such as there heads.

Holland went flying to the ground "you son of a bitch" he said quickly righting him self mid air landing on his feet. He pulled his beam carbine out and began spraying a hail storm of beam fire at high speed, but that was to make her go where he wanted in the small zone in which star could go to avoid the beam fire Holland was firing his vulcans, to small and fast for her to see but they were aimed for her MS's head, to take out the cameras, which would leave her blind.
New Kratna
23-07-2007, 03:10
(OOC: Yeah the grunt battle can rage overnight and in the morning we can move our main guys again and sync up the time)

The northern flank of the Dampier line was overwhelmed and quickly ceded control of the port and the northern end of the city. Units which weren't sandwiched between the advance and the sea retreated south and west to avoid certain destruction. The Oceanic commander broke a sweat for the first time in hours. He hadn't accounted for naval reinforcements, but apparently the Terrans were intent on establishing more landing zones. Leatherbacks from the Oceanic support fleet sped towards the approaching Terran vessels, firing torpedoes at the carriers. But most Geminis were already ashore establishing another front. At least they could try and clog the harbor with sunken ships and prevent its further use.

Albatross MS had to peel away from the main battle to deal with the incoming Aries, and a massive dogfight erupted over the city. The Albatross were at a disadvantage having expended most of their ammo already. The loss of air support meant the south and middle sections of the line had to abandon pummeling the retreating column and pivot back.

The Dampier line was now stretching diagonally through the city, with the Terrans in firm control of the northern half of the city and starting to push into the eastern sector. Help would arrive throughout the night but for now it looked like they would have to cede the entire city in the interest of establishing a more solid defensive front. Rubble was making mobility difficult, anyway.

At the shoreline, the support fleet pulled farther and farther away as the Aries assault continued. A Leatherback temporarily surfaced and fired its chest cannon, catching an Aries off guard and slicing it in two. Above one vessel, an Aries missile sent an Albatross sprawling. It crashed into the bridge below, sending the whole ship under.

"We're out of time... ground forces won't make it to the harbor and will have a hard enough time keeping them in the city... so we're destroying the harbor!!" His crew was shocked. They were to fire on their own facilities? "We can't let the enemy have them," was the captain's only justification. Gunners adjusted their scopes and fired. Shots ripped through the harbor, taking out warehouses, docks, and unloading cranes. A fuel bunker went sky eye, sending out a shockwave that temporarily stopped fighting on the ground. The support fleet was resolved not to leave the area until all ammo was exhausted or the last ship hit the bottom of the sea.

the ship captains stared in disbeleif as they opend fire on there own port
"all ships open fire we cant let them destroy the harbour" every avalable gun on the warter opend fire on the oceanic fleet blasting them into submision the bomber squad of aries swooping in to assist

the carriers started offloading squads of sagitarius units into landing craft wich made a speedy line to the shore the MS turning to fire at the ships as they where shiped landward

a squad of the new specialised Aquarius Mobile Suits deployed from there special carrier updated with the intell from tongs underwater battle.
Guam had been a testing ground for these new units wich where now pressed into active service forgoing the final testing process. tongs recomendations making them slightly more agile than the letherbacks and equiped with a beam saber along with torpedos they would make quick work of the letherbacks before focusing on the remaining Oceanic Vessals.

for the moment the city of dampier was there's. armoured supply columns moved in from port hedland surounded with reenforcements as the comanders began fortifying there position... the battle was far from over but for now it was in there favor and soon they would move out and crush the remaining forces
New Kratna
23-07-2007, 03:22
The windams which now were fitted with heavy artillery such as the launcher pack began firing on Zues, Hurcules and Hades squads, the base defences and its defenders began pooring so much fire on the enemy that from there attacking position there were in the open and sitting ducks. Luna and the other mobile suits took cover from behind the walls of debris, making sure they didn't get hit as there shields were raised to protect any exposed areas such as there heads.

Holland went flying to the ground "you son of a bitch" he said quickly righting him self mid air landing on his feet. He pulled his beam carbine out and began spraying a hail storm of beam fire at high speed, but that was to make her go where he wanted in the small zone in which star could go to avoid the beam fire Holland was firing his vulcans, to small and fast for her to see but they were aimed for her MS's head, to take out the cameras, which would leave her blind.

Stars mind raced seeing the obvious escape route but that would be playing on his terms and the last time she did that she had been captured she was not about to alow that to happen again.

she suddenly veared off catching the edge of his beam fire taking some minor hits but ending up where she wanted to be she fired her beam assult gun down at him

Zues 6 went down its flight platform haveing been blasted out from beneith it crashing down ontop of one of the enamy wild daggers as the base defences continued to take heavy fire
23-07-2007, 03:32
the ship captains stared in disbeleif as they opend fire on there own port
"all ships open fire we cant let them destroy the harbour" every avalable gun on the warter opend fire on the oceanic fleet blasting them into submision the bomber squad of aries swooping in to assist

the carriers started offloading squads of sagitarius units into landing craft wich made a speedy line to the shore the MS turning to fire at the ships as they where shiped landward

a squad of the new specialised Aquarius Mobile Suits deployed from there special carrier updated with the intell from tongs underwater battle.
Guam had been a testing ground for these new units wich where now pressed into active service forgoing the final testing process. tongs recomendations making them slightly more agile than the letherbacks and equiped with a beam saber along with torpedos they would make quick work of the letherbacks before focusing on the remaining Oceanic Vessals.

for the moment the city of dampier was there's. armoured supply columns moved in from port hedland surounded with reenforcements as the comanders began fortifying there position... the battle was far from over but for now it was in there favor and soon they would move out and crush the remaining forces

Enemy suits hit the water. "What the hell... I didn't know the Terrans had..." The Leatherback was run through with a beam saber, instantly frying the pilot. The other Leatherbacks eyed their scopes carefully and evaded the oncoming attackers. Damn, they were fast! Agile, too. It was all because the Terrans had their specs... the torpedoes were no good, the only counter was the chest beam cannon. While these were sufficient to take out some of the Terran suits, they were still outmatched.

The ships on the surface were silent now, too. They'd managed to destroy a fair portion of the harbor before the Terrans poured enough firepower onto their fleet to leave nothing but burning shells behind. Bodies floated lazily in the water.

Western command gave up all hope of retaining the city and retreated. A new line would be established along the Fortescue River. While the Terrans established themselves in Dampier, Oceanic forces spent the night falling back, picking up civilians on the way to transport them to safety. Supply stores were destroyed, bridges detonated, and mines were even planted in some areas. They could still get plenty of reinforcements and rearm their machines, but the Terran onslaught was nonetheless terrifying and exhausting. The morning would bring about new battles.

(OOC: All righty by morning we should be synced up with everyone else. Dang I thought I had you ^_^ Guess I'll need to be more clever...)
Spit break
23-07-2007, 03:34
Luna was pissed after the enmy hit her "get off of me you bastard!" she yelled as she pulled a beam saber and sliced in a upwards motion to slice it down the middle. The defences were begining to take heavy damaged but they had to hold,, failure meant death for them.

Holland smirked "Finally a challange, bring it on little kitten" he said as he gave his enemy a nick name. He began running around randomly and shooting at her, from time to time he boosted into the air as he used his shield which had a anti-beam coating to block the shots from her beam rifle.
23-07-2007, 03:45
Victor grinned as he heard the transmission between Luna and the Hercules Gemini she fought. He stated, "Finally, a woman I can take my frustration on!" His Gemini III opened a beam rifle from its arm and fired in Luna's direction...
Spit break
23-07-2007, 03:57
OOC: that sexist SOB is dead :P

Luna quickly raised her shield and blocked the shots thanks to the anti-beam coating "your dead" she said as she moved out of mobile suit mode and ran in a odd pattern jumping left and right towards victor, her beam sabers were on and she was firing her gatling machine gun at victor while shooting her tail recoilless cannon at any enemy around here. Any suits that got in here path would surely be destroyed.
23-07-2007, 04:04
"That trick won't work on this model!" Victor proclaimed as his mobile suit jumped into the air. The machine gun fire followed Victor's mobile suit and dodged almost every bullet. "Now, attempt to survive this!" Victor stated as he ejected 8 missiles from his Gundam's shoulder pads.

As the fighting continued, the prisoners watched on as the Terrans faced the Twilight Phoenix in a battle for the remainder of the base. They cheered on their fellow pilots in hopes of driving the terrorists out of their territory. The single one who didn't cheer though, was the prisoner Jaron Crofton. He watched the battle and noticed a giant of a Gemini. It was fighting another mobile suit with much intensity. Jaron noticed those tactics. It was him. "Brother... You've found your way here..." He thought to himself.
Spit break
23-07-2007, 04:19
Luna turned back into mobile suit mode, she jumped back firing her vulcan when she noticed she was near a enemy suit, she jumped to the side right beside the enemy suit and punched out the head she then kicked it into the air right into the path of the eight missiles.
23-07-2007, 04:24
"Damn bitch!" Victor shouted. He activated both of his beam rifles from his arms and fired at them first, but later lost control. He began firing in Luna's direction, and even in all others. Enemy mobile suits were victim to his shots, but his fellow pilots were also in danger as they avoided their commanders anger. Victor was truly on a destruction rampage, such is the price that is paid when the elder of the Crofton brothers is brought to madness. "Come and try that again! I'll destroy you all!!!"
New Kratna
23-07-2007, 04:28
Luna was pissed after the enmy hit her "get off of me you bastard!" she yelled as she pulled a beam saber and sliced in a upwards motion to slice it down the middle. The defences were begining to take heavy damaged but they had to hold,, failure meant death for them.

Holland smirked "Finally a challange, bring it on little kitten" he said as he gave his enemy a nick name. He began running around randomly and shooting at her, from time to time he boosted into the air as he used his shield which had a anti-beam coating to block the shots from her beam rifle.

"I said DOWN BOY!" Star fired a flurry of shots down at holland forcing him undercover before diveing down at him drawing her beam sword hacking down at him fireing both of her wrist mounted gattling guns
Spit break
23-07-2007, 05:17
She shielded her self again from the beam weapons. Luna knew staying near her forces would put friendlies in danger. She moved her position so victors fire would most likely hit the Republic forces if not her. As she used her enemy for cover and also shot at them to, she returned fir with her beam carbine at victor.

Mean while Holland as getting pissed off, He detached his shield and threw it at her, it was a new tactic of his, as it approached her he fired several shots from his beam carbine, when they hit they shield they would bounce off and go right at her. She wouldn't see it coming, not only that but after the shield would fly right into her, so he had a beam saber in hand, as soon as the shield hit her, he would jump at her at try and take out her head or legs.

If she tried her down boy attack he would swing his saber and cut her leg off as she was in the middle of the kick, she wasn't going to do that again.
23-07-2007, 05:38
Victor could now see Luna's Gundam running off towards the enemy. He ordered, "Out of my way! I'll deal with this one!" The Republic forces shot out of Victor's path as he kept firing towards Luna. While he was flying towards her, Victor dealt a powerful blow with the shoulder of his mobile suit.

OOC: I would prefer that you didn't kill Victor just yet, I have plans for him in the future.
Spit break
23-07-2007, 05:42
OOC: rather Luna didn't die either, I plan for a nice relationship between her and Holland


Luna quickly cash the the side grabed a enemy mobile suit by the head and put it in front of her. She was using it as a shield, she then ran at victor and then when she was close enough she tossed the mobile suit at him and fired shots at it, that way the shots would go through it and hit Victor, she then jumped clear of the inpending possible explosion.

OOC: Kira Yamato hand book chapter 4 use your enemy to your advantage
New Kratna
23-07-2007, 05:47
Mean while Holland as getting pissed off, He detached his shield and threw it at her, it was a new tactic of his, as it approached her he fired several shots from his beam carbine, when they hit they shield they would bounce off and go right at her. She wouldn't see it coming, not only that but after the shield would fly right into her, so he had a beam saber in hand, as soon as the shield hit her, he would jump at her at try and take out her head or legs.

If she tried her down boy attack he would swing his saber and cut her leg off as she was in the middle of the kick, she wasn't going to do that again.

Star saw the sheild fly towards her "two can play that game" she kept fireing as the sheild hurtaling towards her, the shots from hollands carbine bouncing off grazing her one conecting with a leg punching a hole in it just missing anything important.
"Bad dog! Sit!"she grabed the sheild as it flew at her and using its momentum to swing it around back at holland sending it shooting down at his position hit or miss the sheild would be ruined.
23-07-2007, 05:48
OOC: rather Luna didn't die either, I plan for a nice relationship between her and Holland

OOC: Don't worry. I just thought this up for a focused part of the battle.

IC: "Don't think people will have hearts in war missy!" Victor shouted. The mobile suit Luna threw at him was one of his own Hercules squadron mobile suits, but that would not stop him from firing again. He readied his beam rifles again and fired at the mobile suit. "C-Captain! Why?! AAAAAAAAAAH!!!" The pilot managed to ask before his death. The shots hit each other resulting in more explosions next to the larger one that took place as the mobile suit Luna threw exploded. The smoke lingered there on the battlefield.
Spit break
23-07-2007, 18:30
OOC: time for an amazing move


Holland saw the shield coming, he made a daring attempt, and he jumped into the air to try to grab it. The shield got closer and closer "not yet, not yet" he said wait a few seconds "now"; he then reached for it and grabbed the handle. He then went down to the ground "damn this thing is almost gone" few more shots and it would be gone. Holland drew both beam sabers, using them to deflect incoming beam shots.

No doubt, her leg was being slowed down; he just needed to get her to the ground but how? He thought as he returned fire on the enemy pilot, then it hit him he just needed to take out here thrusters "Northern Anti-air and anti-armour guns fire on the mobile suit and don’t miss," he ordered.

As soon as that order was given a large amount of weapons fire started to come at star, its goal was to get her to the ground "TIME FOR YOU TO GO DOWN!" Holland yelled as he opened up heavy fire on her after putting his beam sabers away and pulling out his rifle again. That was not the end of it though, he jumped into the air boosted right at start, grabbed her leg, swung her around then streight to the ground "SIT! SIT! SIT!" he shouted.

Meanwhile Luna was a little stunned "This guy doesn't give a damn about his men" she said to her self as she dodged weapons fire and returned fire.
New Kratna
23-07-2007, 19:47
OOC: time for an amazing move


Holland saw the shield coming, he made a daring attempt, and he jumped into the air to try to grab it. The shield got closer and closer "not yet, not yet" he said wait a few seconds "now"; he then reached for it and grabbed the handle. He then went down to the ground "damn this thing is almost gone" few more shots and it would be gone. Holland drew both beam sabers, using them to deflect incoming beam shots.

No doubt, her leg was being slowed down; he just needed to get her to the ground but how? He thought as he returned fire on the enemy pilot, then it hit him he just needed to take out here thrusters "Northern Anti-air and anti-armour guns fire on the mobile suit and don’t miss," he ordered.

As soon as that order was given a large amount of weapons fire started to come at star, its goal was to get her to the ground "TIME FOR YOU TO GO DOWN!" Holland yelled as he opened up heavy fire on her after putting his beam sabers away and pulling out his rifle again. That was not the end of it though, he jumped into the air boosted right at start, grabbed her leg, swung her around then streight to the ground "SIT! SIT! SIT!" he shouted.

Alerts blaired as her sencors picked up the target locks from the AA guns forcing her to fous on them blasting them sky-hi but the distraction was enough to ive holland the time he needed to exicute his attack forcing her to the ground. she barly avoided slamming bak first wich would have surely destroyed her thrusters and insted landed almost cat like on the ground

fine... if he wanted to dance she'd oblige him she pilled her beam sword griping it in both hands he might have a pair of beam sabers but she could deal with that... she'd been trained to deal with it.

"alright you mangy mutt... this will teach you to bight what you can't swallow!" she charged at him... he had proven extrodinarily good so far but hand to hand would hopefully remove the aid of his allies and then they would see how matched they are..

((ooc: 2 beam sabers vs a large beam sword... seams one sided don't it? just remember she's a key pilot her role in all this ain't done yet she still has a little more fighting to do for the republic))
Spit break
23-07-2007, 19:55
Holland prepared for her charge, in his left hand the beam saber was upright and curved to the right. In the right hand he was holding the beam saber upside down having it face out to the right. He got his stance ready, any swing of that sword he would block, then put some pressure against her.
23-07-2007, 20:36
Paris, France

Brendon Sage had at last arrived at the Chancellor’s Palace to meet with her. It was time to discuss the future of Europe and how she would be involved. The President sat down next to the Chancellor and they began their discussion. In the dining room, Chancellor Rosaline Alphonsonine greeted, “Welcome Mr. President. I hope your travel here was well.”
Sage answered, “It was pleasant Lady Chancellor.”
The Chancellor sat down and invited, “Wonderful. Please do join me.” Sage walked over and sat next to her. A servant brought a bottle of wine for them to share.
Sage asked, “So what did you wish to discuss for our meeting Lady Chancellor?”
The Chancellor began after pouring a glass of wine for Brendon.
She began by saying, ”Well Mr. President, I would like this to happen. I want to begin the downfall of the Federation. I wish to take the Iberian Peninsula and I will support your campaign for the conquest of Europe.” Sage accepted the glass and watched her pour a glass for herself.
He seemed pleased to hear this and said, ”Very good Lady Chancellor. I would much appreciate such a deal to take place. However, I believe that to do so, we must make an example of the Federation first.”
The Chancellor had to ask, ”And how do you plan to do that Mr. President?”
Brendon answered, ”Your nation has been more than willing to lend their support for the cause of our Republic. You are also conveniently located next to their capital of Berlin.” Rosaline now understood what he was implying.
She questioned, ”Ah, so you wish for me to destroy the capital and bring this continent into chaos do you?”
Brendon answered, ”Yes Lady Chancellor. I wish for your forces to join with mine and destroy the fragile binder of the Federation.”
Rosaline inquired, “And what then will the Federation’s fate be?”
Brendon calmly answered, “It will be yours Lady Chancellor…” The Chancellor liked the sound of it. High Federal Chairman Rosaline Alponsonine. She would be the last ruler of a united Europe before the Republic absorbed the continent.
Chancellor Rosaline raised her wine glass and proclaimed, ”Here is to a new age of order and unity under our leadership and strength. I look forward to the day that Europe is ours President Sage.”
Brendon did the same and responded, “As do I Lady Chancellor.” After taking a sip of the wine he repeated, “As do I…”

Berlin, Germany
The people of Germany were constantly in fear of each other. They refused to be seen with anyone who supported the Republic, but the seat of their government was in support of the Republic’s agenda. This was the last thing on the mind of mercenaries though. They didn’t have a reputation to be loyal to anyone but those who would pay them. These were the type of people Captain Raoul Baptiste would be dealing with. He learned of someone named Vincent Krieger who sounded like a worthy mercenary to serve the French Commonwealth’s desires. He knocked on the door to Krieger’s hideout and a voice asked, “What is it?”
The captain answered, ”I wish to speak to Sir Vincent Krieger please…”

OOC: Chance for you to start Resurrected Marines.
23-07-2007, 21:11
(OOC: And now, the lunchtime post. I'm not sure when the current Suez counterattack began, but if I assume it was only two or three hours after the initial Twilight Phoenix announcement, meaning they're in a night fight, then this post syncs me up with them. If not, the bubble universe persists!)

Sydney, 8:00 local :: the third day

Hawthorne and his Cabinet assembled early for the morning briefing. There was much to discuss. He was most anxious to hear from the defense minister, as were the rest of the panel. "The situation in the west is stabilizing after last night," he began, "although we face another long day. Dampier has been captured and a second Terran landing zone has been established there. Our forces were able to catch their main assault in a pincir last evening before the landing. They have since fallen back to a stronger position where they received supplies and fresh units. While we do not believe a scorched earth policy is necessary at this stage, we have nonetheless taken drastic steps to reduce their movement. Dolphin Task Force Three destroyed roughly half of Dampier harbor before being destroyed, and fighting has left much of the city in ruins. Attack vectors between Dampier and the Fortescue have been mined. The new front line is along along the river."

The welfare minister joined the conversation. "We estimate that five thousand civilians were still in the city before it was taken, and over four thousand of them were escorted to safety by retreating forces. Another ten thousand were picked up on the way to the Fortescue. In all, the Dampier sector has created a transient population of close to two hundred thousand, most of which have fled south. We are having difficulty accommodating them all, and of fighting continues to advance, we will no doubt have serious problems."

"There are reports of civilians joining the fighting," the defense minister continued. "There are isolated reports of militias forming and working alongside our troops in evacuating civilians and some fighting."

"My God..." murmured Hawthorne.

"We believe they are acting not out of disbelief in our ability to protect, but from a mutual desire to defend," the minister replied, but Hawthorne still appeared shaken. "Additionally, one of Dolphin Three's last transmissions contained information about Terran aquatic mobile suits being deployed against them. We can only assume they are superior to the Leatherback, and our top engineers are currently drafting recommendations for field mods to be implemented immediately."

"And what about the rest of the world?" asked Hawthorne.

The information minister spoke up. "We don't know how your speech has been received, if it has been received at all," she began. "It is possible that other parties are unable to respond, or they may be unwilling. We still must act on the assumption that we are alone." Hawthorne's face fell a bit. "However, there was a broadcast from Suez a few hours ago. It was transmitted in a similar manner and announced the base's capture by the Twilight Phoenix group. As you are all aware, they are a known terrorist organization."

"But in their entire history, they've never attacked any targets outside of the Terran military, correct?" Hawthorne challeneged. The minister was silent. "If they remain true to that, we may be able to support them."

"You're suggesting...!!"

"They act with a sense of justice that rivals any government, that's what I think," replied Hawthorne. "It is irresponsible to follow the kind of 'eye for an eye' mantra as those in Northern Africa, who attack civilians instead. They don't realize that such attacks have no effect on the Terran government." It was a tricky path to follow. He wasn't sure if the Union could afford to alienate anyone who was able to fight. After all, some of those 'irresponsible groups' were quite powerful... "In any case, we will wait to see how the situation develops. Sage is in Paris, now, and that's bound to stir up activity there. In the meantime, the defense of the nation is in your hands, minister. We will also need to get more emergency and welfare personnel on the west coast to deal with evacuees. Find volunteers if you can!"
24-07-2007, 00:01
OOC: I’m not certain when the battle in the Suez ends, but this takes place on the morning after the battle between the Republic Forces and Twilight Phoenix. This is half post and half bump.

IC: The day had come. The Serbians of the European Federation were soon about to liberate their Greek brothers from Terran control. But they would not be alone, the Scandinavian mobile suit forces were about to assist in the attack. Led by the same leader who defeated the Terran Nordic Command, Colonel Ansgar, the pilots felt more than prepared for battle with the Terrans. Jacob was among the pilots and once again prepared to lead Alvis squadron to face the Terrans. Along side Alvis squadron were a total of 50 squadrons for a total of 400 mobile suits about to face the Republic.
Colonel Ansgar gave his briefing of the mission saying, “This is our attack plan. We will send in our forces to take back the Greek islands while the Europeans invade Greece to drive the Terrans into Athens. Once the Europeans have met us at the Attica Peninsula, we’ll join them in a joint attack to wipe the Terrans out of Greece. Once the islands are cleaned of the Terrans, you’ll follow each other to the Peloponnesian Peninsula and we’ll trap the Terrans into the single city. Do you accept your mission?”
The pilots responded, “Yes sir!”
Ansgar closed saying, “Very good. Prepare for battle, we’ll be landing on the island of Thassos in twenty minutes.” The pilots scrambled and headed for their Viking mobile suits. Jacob saw his squadron behind him ready to begin the assault. In twenty minutes, as Colonel Ansgar said, the battle for Greece would soon begin.
Spit break
24-07-2007, 00:12
OOC: it will end when either the republic retreats, or my forces are destroyed, with the way victor is I predict some one will reilise he has gone insane and take over command and order all forces to fall back and regroup
New Kratna
24-07-2007, 00:54
OOC: it will end when either the republic retreats, or my forces are destroyed, with the way victor is I predict some one will reilise he has gone insane and take over command and order all forces to fall back and regroup

(((ooc:why me? *sigh* :D and i thought Star had issues... oh well gotta rescue Jaron first and play god of time and line everything up for everyone. the things i do for you people :D :D just kidding :D ))
Spit break
24-07-2007, 01:03
OOC: would you even be able to, you would have to take Holland out to get to them :P and think i know how to disable you lol
New Kratna
24-07-2007, 01:05
OOC: would you even be able to, you would have to take Holland out to get to them :P and think i know how to disable you lol

((ooc: :P you could be nice and let me ))
Spit break
24-07-2007, 01:09
OOC: question is would he want to leave? and will the insane commander wipe out all his own men?
New Kratna
24-07-2007, 01:11
OOC: question is would he want to leave? and will the insane commander wipe out all his own men?

((ooc: dunno.... Brazilam what say you?))
Resurrected Marines
24-07-2007, 01:22
Vincent sat in the cool dark of his MS's cocpit. The merlin sat docked in the bay of his mercenary safe house. War seemed to be everywhere but there had been no calls for his or services of Black XIII. He sighed and watched the news and the bloody talies of the war climb. They would get a job soon he knew it but hope didnt put bread on the table they needed jobs and though the mercs were tight as family they were getting restless. he sighed again and stepped out of the cockpit and into the dark hanger. he looked around. the hanger housed around twenty MS's each heavly modified for the useres preference. he sighed and scrached a scar on his cheak. of the orignal family only there were left. Himself, Rose and Redford. he shook his head and walked into the empty control room he sat and waited to see what would happen next.
24-07-2007, 01:28
OOC: He can handle it, though the plan was to drive your men into the Mediterranean. Just gotta give him a few kills.

IC: Victor was having more luck destroying the other terrorists than he did with Luna. After the smoke cleared, Victor was enjoying more of a slaughter while his men tried to avoid his rampant firing. After the destruction cleared, Victor could see Luna again. He drew twin beam blades from his arms and began to flail towards Luna's Gundam.
24-07-2007, 01:33
Vincent sat in the cool dark of his MS's cocpit. The merlin sat docked in the bay of his mercenary safe house. War seemed to be everywhere but there had been no calls for his or services of Black XIII. He sighed and watched the news and the bloody talies of the war climb. They would get a job soon he knew it but hope didnt put bread on the table they needed jobs and though the mercs were tight as family they were getting restless. he sighed again and stepped out of the cockpit and into the dark hanger. he looked around. the hanger housed around twenty MS's each heavly modified for the useres preference. he sighed and scrached a scar on his cheak. of the orignal family only there were left. Himself, Rose and Redford. he shook his head and walked into the empty control room he sat and waited to see what would happen next.

Captain Baptiste entered the room and greeted, "Greetings Mr. Krieger, I have a job propasition that may interest you." He waited to see if he truly did catch his interest.
Resurrected Marines
24-07-2007, 01:38
Captain Baptiste entered the room and greeted, "Greetings Mr. Krieger, I have a job propasition that may interest you." He waited to see if he truly did catch his interest.

Vincent stood Respectfully and Nodded. "I would be intreasted. please have a seat. He offered Baptiste a chair. "Can I get you a drink?"
24-07-2007, 01:44
Vincent stood Respectfully and Nodded. "I would be intreasted. please have a seat. He offered Baptiste a chair. "Can I get you a drink?"

"No thank you, I would like to go straight to business if that is alright." the Captain respectfully declined. He continued saying, "For the mission I wish to assign you, the Commonwealth will handomly reward you if you are successful. It is fairly simple too actually. We wish for you to take your men and destroy the European Federal Meeting House. You may consider this to be too dangerous of a mission, I am sure, however our forces will be directing the attention of the Federations military when we attack. This will leave the capital very weakly defended, and while our forces are at battle with the Federation, you will be given more than enough time to complete your mission. Succeed and the Lady Chancellor will pay whatever price your demand... What do you say?" The captain questioned. He anxiously awaited for Vincent's answer.
New Kratna
24-07-2007, 01:45
Holland prepared for her charge, in his left hand the beam saber was upright and curved to the right. In the right hand he was holding the beam saber upside down having it face out to the right. He got his stance ready, any swing of that sword he would block, then put some pressure against her.

he fell for it she had lined up her wrist mounded gattling guns while making it look like she was going to attack with her sword.
she unleased a hail of furry from her gattling guns as she closed and when she was in range she did swing her sword making a small opening twisting through it and coming up behind him fireing her gattling guns again. leaping back out of range of his sabers.
she may have joined him on the ground but that didn't meen she was playing by his rules.

she scaned the radar as she leped out of range of hollands sabers her eyes picking up something unsettling "Crofton you asshole what the hell are you doing?" she yelled at him "shoot the enamy not our own guys"

Star redied for hollands counterattack
Resurrected Marines
24-07-2007, 01:52
"No thank you, I would like to go straight to business if that is alright." the Captain respectfully declined. He continued saying, "For the mission I wish to assign you, the Commonwealth will handomly reward you if you are successful. It is fairly simple too actually. We wish for you to take your men and destroy the European Federal Meeting House. You may consider this to be too dangerous of a mission, I am sure, however our forces will be directing the attention of the Federations military when we attack. This will leave the capital very weakly defended, and while our forces are at battle with the Federation, you will be given more than enough time to complete your mission. Succeed and the Lady Chancellor will pay whatever price your demand... What do you say?" The captain questioned. He anxiously awaited for Vincent's answer.

"Hmmm." Vincant nodded and considered. "I will accept your offer on two conditions. First I give the orders to my men and women you will only tell us what needs to be done and not how."
24-07-2007, 01:58
"Hmmm." Vincant nodded and considered. "I will accept your offer on two conditions. First I give the orders to my men and women you will only tell us what needs to be done and not how."

"Very well then, it shall be so." the Captain answered. It seemed that Vincent would have his own style that would bring more destruction to the city of Berlin. "And what do you wish for payment may I ask? I must report this to the Lady Chancellor so she may pay you for your services after the mission should you succeed."
Spit break
24-07-2007, 02:10
Holland tried to jump out of the way but the gatling fire did a number to his leg armour, no critical damage though. He then blocked her saber leaping into the air doing a front flip with his Wild Dagger avoiding the second volly of gatling fire. The flip made him land right behind her, he saw her pause (when she started bitching at victor) and took the opening he had.

He tripped her suit causing star to fall to the ground, he then slashed her thrusters so she could use them, then slashed the joint in her left arm hoping to hit one of the pumps to cut her hydralic power by half. She would easily be able to fight, most mobile suits had one emergency pump in each joint, half the power of a normal one but still useful. He then jumped back waiting for her next move.

Meanwhile Luna was avoiding shells every which way, his anger was her advantage, his aim wasn't good any more and his aim with those sabers was worse, it was just a blind rage. Luna used the chance to attack the other enemies "two to the left, one behind" she quickly turned around pulling her sabers and sliced right below the cockpit, which would cut hydralic pressure to most of the suit. She truck without knowing if she hit them before turning to the last one and making a swing for the head, with out its camera a mobile suit could not fight.
New Kratna
24-07-2007, 02:33
Holland tried to jump out of the way but the gatling fire did a number to his leg armour, no critical damage though. He then blocked her saber leaping into the air doing a front flip with his Wild Dagger avoiding the second volly of gatling fire. The flip made him land right behind her, he saw her pause (when she started bitching at victor) and took the opening he had.

He tripped her suit causing star to fall to the ground, he then slashed her thrusters so she could use them, then slashed the joint in her left arm hoping to hit one of the pumps to cut her hydralic power by half. She would easily be able to fight, most mobile suits had one emergency pump in each joint, half the power of a normal one but still useful. He then jumped back waiting for her next move.

((ooc: you just pissed her off))

Star was livid being caught from behind but the dammage to her mobile suit was the final straw... this punk was going down. she threw her sword at him... she watched as he doged and fired into his flightpath with her beam assult blaster high energy rounds slaming into him knocking him off course. she ran at him keeping fire on him as she closed at the last moment swinging her gun clubing him to the ground as she pounced physical pummaling Hollands mobile suit "why... wont... you... just... stay.. down..." each word was an accent to a blow.
half her rage wasn't even directed at holland was the memories of her battles with Jacob came to the serface as she continued to pummel holland. as much as she wished Jacob dead now that she thought he was she wasn't so sure...

((ooc: remember you can't kill her i still need her))
Spit break
24-07-2007, 03:00
OOC: I wont, ill just stop those fists, maybe she can kick me?

Holland was in the corner he had one chance to get out alive "leg hydralics down shit" he said, he then remembered, his beam sabers face forward and could rotate. He quickly changed the angle to corrispond to the arm joints between the torso and the shoulder, the weakest point. He activated the sabers to take out her arms, and fired his vulcans to take out her camera. As soon as her arms and camera were gone he would use his only working arm to push her off.

OOC: In Suez key pilots pwn each other lol if this attack works nither of them can fight any more ><
New Kratna
24-07-2007, 03:29
OOC: I wont, ill just stop those fists, maybe she can kick me?

Holland was in the corner he had one chance to get out alive "leg hydralics down shit" he said, he then remembered, his beam sabers face forward and could rotate. He quickly changed the angle to corrispond to the arm joints between the torso and the shoulder, the weakest point. He activated the sabers to take out her arms, and fired his vulcans to take out her camera. As soon as her arms and camera were gone he would use his only working arm to push her off.

OOC: In Suez key pilots pwn each other lol if this attack works nither of them can fight any more ><

Star kicked out at the last known location of hollands mobile suits head and ttaking into consideration its angle and speed applied all its force conecting nearly ripping it off. her suit was down. she'd be doing no more attacking that way. she locked up the remaining systems anf grabed the loaded gun and knife from behind the chair and opened the cockpit storming out in all her misguided furry "C'mon you basterd i'm not finished with you yet!" she had the gun trained on his cockpit.

((ooc: i got a rough idea of what i'm doing worry not she'll make it back to greece))
Spit break
24-07-2007, 04:00
Holland saw on his screen she was coming, he grabed the assault rifle he had with him, and opened the cockpit. He jumped out and then rolled of the mobile suit landing on his feet. He ran and jumped over some debris, some how he had to survive, not just for him self, but for his sister, his comrades, and Luna. He prepared him self, this was going to be hand to hand he just knew it.

OOC: now the real fight begins, not just of the weapons, but of the words
Resurrected Marines
24-07-2007, 04:07
"Very well then, it shall be so." the Captain answered. It seemed that Vincent would have his own style that would bring more destruction to the city of Berlin. "And what do you wish for payment may I ask? I must report this to the Lady Chancellor so she may pay you for your services after the mission should you succeed."

"ooc: sorry bout that mate lost internet in the barracks"

ic: Vincent shrugged we will take what we can just give me the details and We will prepear for the mission.
New Kratna
24-07-2007, 04:21
Holland saw on his screen she was coming, he grabed the assault rifle he had with him, and opened the cockpit. He jumped out and then rolled of the mobile suit landing on his feet. He ran and jumped over some debris, some how he had to survive, not just for him self, but for his sister, his comrades, and Luna. He prepared him self, this was going to be hand to hand he just knew it.

OOC: now the real fight begins, not just of the weapons, but of the words

Star got off 2 shots as holland lept from his cockpit "c'mon chicken shit! suddenly all cowardly now that your not in you big meen mobile suit." she started stalking after him folllowing where she'd seen him run. her pistol leading the way
24-07-2007, 04:32
Holland saw on his screen she was coming, he grabed the assault rifle he had with him, and opened the cockpit. He jumped out and then rolled of the mobile suit landing on his feet. He ran and jumped over some debris, some how he had to survive, not just for him self, but for his sister, his comrades, and Luna. He prepared him self, this was going to be hand to hand he just knew it.

OOC: now the real fight begins, not just of the weapons, but of the words

"You terrorist bastards can never hope to overcome the forces of the Republic!" Victor proclaimed as he impaled another mobile suit with his blades. He withdrew them and backed away from it's explosion. He was about to return to fighting Luna, but noticed something odd. The Darkstar was not operating, Star had gotten out of the Gundam and was now out and about somewhere. "Very well... I shall hope for the best from you Captain..." Victor thought to himself. He knew she packed a hard punch, but would never be able to prove herself on a true battlefield.

"ooc: sorry bout that mate lost internet in the barracks"

ic: Vincent shrugged we will take what we can just give me the details and We will prepear for the mission.

"Very well then. Here are the details of your mission. We look forward to good results from your members. Good day sir." Captain Baptiste handed Vincent a folder containing the details of the mission, turned around and left. He was now able to leave with assurance that Vincent would be showing up to destroy the Federation's capital.

What's in the folder:

Tommorow at 0930 hours, the forces between the European Federation and the French Commonwealth will engaged in battle at Baden-Württemberg. The Federation will be overwhelmed enough, that it will be forced to send in almost every reserve mobile suit to engage in battle. The mission of the one who receives it is simple. Enter Berlin, and destroy the European Federal Meeting House. Any resistance you encounter, destroy on sight. You are welcome to use any methods to achieving your mission as long as it yields results. Please dispose of this information when you have no further use of it. Good Luck.
Spit break
24-07-2007, 04:47
Luna knew this lunatic had to be stopped, he was it seemed the commander, which meant if he went down the enemy was doomed. She turned out of mobile suit mode running right at him, when she got close she turned back into a mobile suit drew a beam saber pulled her arm back and was going to go for the kill. However she didn't want him dead she wanted him to suffer, she went for the stab right above the cockpit, the resulting damage would cause shorts in the electical in the cockpit, which would make the screens most likely explode sending glass at him. She blindly stabed and jumped back, far back, but did she hit him? in any case she turned her attention away.

Meanwhile with Holland under the cover of debris he heard the enemy pilot "Its a game of survival, stay in the open and you get killed!" he said popping over the top spraying a hail of highly acurate bullets, he was aiming at her gun, it was joked in the academy he could shoot a flee off a tick. Either way the bullets if it hit her gun would knock it out of her hand. He then went back under cover.
Resurrected Marines
24-07-2007, 04:55
Vincent sat there for a moment he began to wake the choice soilders amoungst his Band. They began to prepear fo the coming conflict. Vincent walked up and placed a hand on his Merlin the metal was cool we ride again old friend the Deamon Hammer Sniper rifle was brought to his ms by the techs . he sat in the cockpit. and watched the preflighting. he saw Roes and Redford embrace befor going to there respective MS's. Vincent closed his eyes and waited. tommrow couldnt come fast enough. Raven stuck her head into the cockpit. "Your going?" she asked. he nodded "but what about our child?" she rubbed her swollen belly. Vincent kissed her. he took his cog tags off and handed them to here. "I'll be back. I swear." she left and he sat there tierd and waiting
24-07-2007, 05:11
Luna knew this lunatic had to be stopped, he was it seemed the commander, which meant if he went down the enemy was doomed. She turned out of mobile suit mode running right at him, when she got close she turned back into a mobile suit drew a beam saber pulled her arm back and was going to go for the kill. However she didn't want him dead she wanted him to suffer, she went for the stab right above the cockpit, the resulting damage would cause shorts in the electical in the cockpit, which would make the screens most likely explode sending glass at him. She blindly stabed and jumped back, far back, but did she hit him? in any case she turned her attention away.

Victor did his best to defend against the blow Luna had dealt and as a result, his Gemini IIIs left arm became useless as it took the beam saber into itself and exploded. "GAAAH! That wretched- This isn't over!" Victor exclaimed. He used his right arm to fire a final blast with his beam rifle to keep Luna's mobile suit from advancing. To keep her from following him, more of Victor's squad formed up behind him and faced Luna.

Major Brice and Captain Victor Crofton were now a few miles outside the base Twilight Phoenix had captured, and began discussing what to do next. Victor first questioned, "Major Brice, when will my mobile suit be operable again?"
Major Brice assured him, "Leave your Gemini III here, a replacement arm will be found. In the meantime, tou will be sent in for another mission."
Victor responded, "I will Major. What do you wish for me to do?"
The Major explained, "Captain Victor, I want you to break into the base and free the prisioners! You will have 15 soldiers to cover you going in. Bring back as many of them alive."
Victor saluted and said, "Confirmed Major. I'm on my way now!"
Victor began to lead his men into the base to free the Terran pilots and soldiers that had been taken prisoner by the Twilight Phoenix.
Resurrected Marines
24-07-2007, 05:23
The preflight finished and the ms's began to form up on the launch field and they began to load into the Galaxy type 5 transport ships. vincent smiled as he loaded into the talon stealth ship. he headed to the rondvue point. ahead of them.
Spit break
24-07-2007, 05:31
Luna blocked the shots and saw the enemy backing off, and then leave the area. She turned back and went to help the weakend defenders, her comrades "I'm coming guys!" she yelled there were still two enemy squadrons attacking, she would take them out. She raised her rifle firing on the enemy, helping her allies firing every thing they had to take out the enemy, no time to see what was left, they had to push them back.
Resurrected Marines
24-07-2007, 05:37
Vincent landed i the tallon and deployed his rifle. he waited and scoped the land the city was well fortified and would be a chalange to penatrat.he hated grunt work. he prefered to sniped he sighed and waited as the ms offloaded and the equipment were placed in preperation for battle.
Resurrected Marines
24-07-2007, 05:57
Vincent began to orginize squads. the first squad would take the center3rd would take the left and 4th the right flank. he would go with first. he exchanged his sniper rifle for a Grom 120mm autocannon. he sighed as he got the squads ready. and waited for the diversion to begin.
New Kratna
24-07-2007, 06:08
((ooc: setting things in motion))

Port Headland 07:00 local

the base had been on high alert since yesterdays battles. the refits of tongs squad top priority. repairs comencing almost as soon as apropriate facilities where set up on the harbour taking advantage of the cranes.

Dammaged suits from the font lines had begun pouring in from the frount lines early that morning as well the quantities and tales from the men hinting at the feirceness of the battles it apeard that the oceanic forces where holding there own for now but with the combined might of all the ejected republic forces pouring into one location two once the repairs to Dampier where compleat

the gemini II's and Sagitarius' would be eazy to fix with replacement parts so readly available from the supplies being dropped off on the transport ships. it was the replacement parts from China for the Jade Panther that where holding up repairs. but thast how parts from china are you never get them when there scheduald to arive.

the ship with the valubal components was making its final run into port headland it was 6 hours late and wouldn't arive for another 4 but it was better than not haveing a usable mobile suit tong still had a score to settle with nelson and a standared gemini just wouldnt do it.

The technitians had told tong that as soon as the parts hit the port they cold have his suit up and running in 12 hours an acceptable time frame considerind the dammage

"Sir!" Tong's pondering was interupted by an aid
"General Roy requests your presence in the command post"
"very well lead the way"
the aide led him to a waiting truck and drove him through the city crews clearing the rubble caused by there invasion and the subsequent fights from the streets.

tong steped out as the truck came to a stop infront of an office building that had ben commendered for use as there command post and made his way up the staires to the 3rd floor the elevator haveing been dammaged in the attack

"general" tong saluted as he entered the room. General Roy stould over a large table in what once was a board room but had quickly been converted in to a war room with all the maps of the region pinned to the walls a large one on the table with markers showing there troops locations and routs of advance.
"ahhh Lt. Xiang glad you could join us. i've got some new orders for you." he slid a pack of documents over to him. tong opend the pack and browsed the contents. there where satalight immages of the alice springs Orbital launch facilities "with the republic advancing in this part of australia theyve been pulling forces from where ever they can spare them and fortifying strategic locations. ports airports forward bases and the like. it apears they've even pulled a sizeable contingant from Alice springs leaving it relativly undefended. they must think due to its remote location it won't be on out list of priorities" the general paused "well its priority one now" the general passed tong an envalope labled *classified*
"you are to open this once the launch facilities at alice springs is secured should you fail this package is to be destroyed. is this under stould?"
"clearly sir"
"Very well assemble a team team to take the base take whatever you think you'll require to get the job done... it will bee some time before we can re-enforce your location so you'll be largly on your own. Good luck Captain."

This was big... bigger than invading australia and bringing them under the heel of the republic it almost made tong wounder what the classified document was.
New Kratna
24-07-2007, 06:18
Meanwhile with Holland under the cover of debris he heard the enemy pilot "Its a game of survival, stay in the open and you get killed!" he said popping over the top spraying a hail of highly acurate bullets, he was aiming at her gun, it was joked in the academy he could shoot a flee off a tick. Either way the bullets if it hit her gun would knock it out of her hand. He then went back under cover.

she dove under cover as she saw hollands head pop up "my survival not yours" she moved her position forwards staying behind cover now keeping an eye on hollands last known location. she needed a bigger gun her pistol was next to usless even with the 2 extra clips some how the enamy pilot had mannaged to stow an assult rifle in his cockpit it gave her another reson to hate him the basterd couldn't even fight fair
she kept an eye out for a discarded weapon a machine gin assult rifle RPG launcher bazooka anything to even the odds as she continued to creep forwards keeping cover bewteen him and her.
New Kratna
24-07-2007, 06:25
the frount lines at dampier where holding for the moment they'd dug in during the night keeping fire on the oceanic forces making sure they knew they were still there setting hp heavy weapon encampments Tank pits and there own libral dousing of mines repaircrews had been working around the clock on the dammaged harbour pulling what wrecks they could out to sea the aquarius units requcing and wrecks cloging the harbour to unobtrusive scrap metal. it things went well by tomorrow theyd be able to land troops here and push the Rebelous oceanic forces further back cuntinuing then enexorable march across the contenent insted of being mired down in soem backwater
Spit break
24-07-2007, 06:28
Holland was not just a pilot, he was a soldier to "You should of learned from the Republic academy that in a war zone a pea shooter has no place" Yolled yelled reaching to is vest over his pilot suit, it had eight grenades on it. He grabed a flash bang and threw it behind were he knew star was. He would use the opertunity to run to new cover near by. It went off and he went running towards a large pile a debris to his right.
New Kratna
24-07-2007, 06:37
Holland was not just a pilot, he was a soldier to "You should of learned from the Republic academy that in a war zone a pea shooter has no place" Yolled yelled reaching to is vest over his pilot suit, it had eight grenades on it. He grabed a flash bang and threw it behind were he knew star was. He would use the opertunity to run to new cover near by. It went off and he went running towards a large pile a debris to his right.

"no shit" star mutteret to her self. she saw the Grenade flying out from behind hollands position and star broke for anew position diveing behind an upturned truck as the flashbang exploded she panted catching her breath from the close call "better try harder than that! Acadamy training is good for more than learning how to point and shoot!"

((ooc: bed time... will post again in the morning before work if theres something to reply to))
Resurrected Marines
24-07-2007, 06:54
"No diversions." redford walked up to his ms in the Vlad. "It apears not." Vincent shook his head. A deals a deal. 4th and thrd squad go!

4th squad went fast led by Rose third squad went on foot charging the deffences. second squad fired with mortars and large support missles. Vincent took !st straight down the center fast and hard. he took point most of the hard defense fell at the mercy of the cuntinues fire of his autocannon. the resistance grew thicker and the advance was slowed. the fighting became block to block as Black XIII's first squad battled to hard with the defenders. Vincent Kept fireing untill the barrle of his autocannon glowed red he stopped and drew his auto pistol one of the deffenders had taken up position on a building. Vincnet fired into the chest the tungstun cored 90mm rounds tearing through the armor. A suport gunner opend fire on him and he was forced to retreat. he brought the barrel of the autocannon to bear on the building and fired . the building collapsed onto the unfortunate. MS's the once peicefullcity of berlin had become a hell whole
Spit break
24-07-2007, 06:56
"I didn't graduate top of my class at the acaedemy to have you tell me that" Holland shouted, he picked off a rock and threw it in the direction star wasn't looking to see if she would fall for the old trick. It was more a disversion then a real tactic, Holland had better plans, like faking him moving position and getting out of there alive.
24-07-2007, 07:12
(OOC: Jagaro, I'll leave a little plug in here for you at Central Command.)

((ooc: setting things in motion))

Port Headland 07:00 local

the base had been on high alert since yesterdays battles. the refits of tongs squad top priority. repairs comencing almost as soon as apropriate facilities where set up on the harbour taking advantage of the cranes.

Dammaged suits from the font lines had begun pouring in from the frount lines early that morning as well the quantities and tales from the men hinting at the feirceness of the battles it apeard that the oceanic forces where holding there own for now but with the combined might of all the ejected republic forces pouring into one location two once the repairs to Dampier where compleat

the gemini II's and Sagitarius' would be eazy to fix with replacement parts so readly available from the supplies being dropped off on the transport ships. it was the replacement parts from China for the Jade Panther that where holding up repairs. but thast how parts from china are you never get them when there scheduald to arive.

the ship with the valubal components was making its final run into port headland it was 6 hours late and wouldn't arive for another 4 but it was better than not haveing a usable mobile suit tong still had a score to settle with nelson and a standared gemini just wouldnt do it.

The technitians had told tong that as soon as the parts hit the port they cold have his suit up and running in 12 hours an acceptable time frame considerind the dammage

"Sir!" Tong's pondering was interupted by an aid
"General Roy requests your presence in the command post"
"very well lead the way"
the aide led him to a waiting truck and drove him through the city crews clearing the rubble caused by there invasion and the subsequent fights from the streets.

tong steped out as the truck came to a stop infront of an office building that had ben commendered for use as there command post and made his way up the staires to the 3rd floor the elevator haveing been dammaged in the attack

"general" tong saluted as he entered the room. General Roy stould over a large table in what once was a board room but had quickly been converted in to a war room with all the maps of the region pinned to the walls a large one on the table with markers showing there troops locations and routs of advance.
"ahhh Lt. Xiang glad you could join us. i've got some new orders for you." he slid a pack of documents over to him. tong opend the pack and browsed the contents. there where satalight immages of the alice springs Orbital launch facilities "with the republic advancing in this part of australia theyve been pulling forces from where ever they can spare them and fortifying strategic locations. ports airports forward bases and the like. it apears they've even pulled a sizeable contingant from Alice springs leaving it relativly undefended. they must think due to its remote location it won't be on out list of priorities" the general paused "well its priority one now" the general passed tong an envalope labled *classified*
"you are to open this once the launch facilities at alice springs is secured should you fail this package is to be destroyed. is this under stould?"
"clearly sir"
"Very well assemble a team team to take the base take whatever you think you'll require to get the job done... it will bee some time before we can re-enforce your location so you'll be largly on your own. Good luck Captain."

This was big... bigger than invading australia and bringing them under the heel of the republic it almost made tong wounder what the classified document was.

(OOC: "Valuable components?" Awwwwwwwwwww snap!! :-D)

Fortescue Line Forward Command - 7:08 local

"I want AWAC Albatross in the air in fifteen minutes, we need to know as soon as they're moving, and keep me updated on satellite and radar!" The base commander was not pleased. His forces were a bit slow to refit this morning. No sign of movement to the north at Dampier, and in any case it was at least a half hour's travel between there and the first defense line. They'd be ready before that, in case they began soon. Mechanical clinking could be heard all over as units were hastily given repairs and mods to get them back into battle. A handful of elite units had made their way north and were interspersed along the line. That had helped morale tremendously. The sight of powerful units aching to taste Terran blood helped the average pilot gain courage. "What about the other lines?"

"Sir, eastern front past Hedland shows no movement. They're stalemated there. And Taskforce Zero remains camped near Newman. They haven't shown any major movement since yesterday evening."

"That's fine, then, we'll give 'em hell like yesterday."

"One thing, sir. Here's a list of recommended actions by engineering, one urgent. Apparently Suez has gotten some of the higher ups very nervous, and they've requested we add surge protection to all our units."

"Paranoid bunch, huh... well, it can't be helped. Let them do what the want, so long as we can fight. I don't understand half of that stuff anyway."

Central Command, 9:10 local (7:10 western Australia)

"We've received confirmation that Guam is out." Stunned silence filled the room as the CIC reported the latest feeds. "Apparently the Terran remnants were hit by a massive aerial and naval attack. We have no idea who it was."

"How could anyone assemble that kind of force in secret?"

"More importantly, where are they now, and are they allies?"

"Radar and sonar show nothing, sir, it's as if they vanished into thin air."

"Regardless, this gives us an opportunity. With Guam out we should be able to begin raids on supply convoys from China. We can use Deep Leatherback; nothing can run to lower depths. They can't stay active too long, but they can raise hell well enough. We'll give all naval task forces autonomy to hunt and coordinate. I want subs, destroyers, and cruisers out. Spread 'em wide and hit 'em hard. Strictly hit and run."

"Will do, sir. Additionally, western command has also requested we look into opening talks with 'him'..."

'What, they found the bastard?!"

"Not sure, sir, all they told us was that we need strength and he could supply it. After all, he is the man who tamed X-Zero."

"He's a traitor, that's what he is... why would he come back now?"

"In any case, they want to try, sir."

"Feh... I won't take responsibility for this... if we were to let his unit onto the battlefield, I can just see Sage licking his chops with the perfect excuse to press the NBC button. No, I won't take the blame for the disasters Travis Becket brings to this country."

Site 400, 7:35 local

Mechanics were still buzzing as the repairs to the Dingos and the Gundam continued. They were essentially finished by now. The units would operate more or less like new, although they had expended a great deal of effort to put them back together. A string of cots had been set up in one corner of the hanger where exhausted personnel were grabbing a few hours of much-needed sleep. Laku was curled up in one, sleeping soundly, while Adam lay sprawled out awkwardly on his. Nelson was sitting at the foot of Rangipapa, which was ready for action. Mervin had confirmed minor brain damage in the aftermath of the battle. Nothing serious... yet. He now faced the realization that he would have to suffer if he was to beat that damn transformer.

Mervin was concerned about Nelson's health, but he had to worry about moving the base's equipment, too. Massive supply trucks were already wheeling spare parts east towards Alice Springs. Albatross and Tuatara MS stood guard above. They might be needed to help evacuating units again, if another battle erupted.

"I don't like how this looks," said Mervin at last, studying troop positions. "If this is the way we were set up last night, look... Our coasts are well defended. The east and west fronts aren't moving too far and we haven't played our whole hand yet. But what worries me..." He pointed to Tong's forward base. "Is those guys. We're the only thing in this bloody desert pitted against them. And this..." He had grainy satellite photos of a well-guarded cargo ship heading through the choppy waters of the Banda Sea, and it would reach Dampier in perhaps four hours. "I don't see what could be so important that it warrants this kind of escort... western command had better be careful."
New Kratna
24-07-2007, 13:51
"I didn't graduate top of my class at the acaedemy to have you tell me that" Holland shouted, he picked off a rock and threw it in the direction star wasn't looking to see if she would fall for the old trick. It was more a disversion then a real tactic, Holland had better plans, like faking him moving position and getting out of there alive.

top of his class? accadamy? what the hell? his remark caught star off guard "you were trained by the republic? you trator! why are you fighting for these scum?" she heard the rock conect with its target but ignored it with the battle rageing on not far from them one other small noise wasn't going to meen much. oh she's keep her eye on it just like everything else within her vision but she had a bigger target to find.
New Kratna
24-07-2007, 13:52
(OOC: "Valuable components?" Awwwwwwwwwww snap!! :-D)

((ooc: well it is a custom peice of machenery and somethings just can't be replaced with standard radio shack :D i'll RP more in a couple RP hours right now work beckons))
24-07-2007, 14:32
Victor and his men were nearing the base and now about to fulfill their mission. They were still outside the base, but knew that their comrades were hidden behind these walls. He ordered one of his men, "Private, blow these walls!"
The Private accepted, "Yes Captain!" and got to work setting up the explosive devices to destroy the walls. After the walls were laid with the devices, the men began the countdown to destroy the walls. In 5 seconds, the walls were crumbled to dust.
Amidst the destroyed walls, Victor spoke to the captured soldiers saying, "Men, today you are free from humliation! Follow me for freedom beckons!" The prisoners anxiously ran out of their prisons and began running towards Major Brice's location. Among the prisoners was one that caught Victor's eye. The one Victor's attention was diverted to also noticed him.
The prisoner thought to himself, "Brother..."
Victor saw him as well and thought, "Jaron..." He spoke to him, "So you've managed to survive. Please follow everyone else. We'll discuss matters later." Jaron shakily nodded and reluctantly began to follow the escaped convicts.
New Kratna
24-07-2007, 17:17
Victor and his men were nearing the base and now about to fulfill their mission. They were still outside the base, but knew that their comrades were hidden behind these walls. He ordered one of his men, "Private, blow these walls!"
The Private accepted, "Yes Captain!" and got to work setting up the explosive devices to destroy the walls. After the walls were laid with the devices, the men began the countdown to destroy the walls. In 5 seconds, the walls were crumbled to dust.
Amidst the destroyed walls, Victor spoke to the captured soldiers saying, "Men, today you are free from humliation! Follow me for freedom beckons!" The prisoners anxiously ran out of their prisons and began running towards Major Brice's location. Among the prisoners was one that caught Victor's eye. The one Victor's attention was diverted to also noticed him.
The prisoner thought to himself, "Brother..."
Victor saw him as well and thought, "Jaron..." He spoke to him, "So you've managed to survive. Please follow everyone else. We'll discuss matters later." Jaron shakily nodded and reluctantly began to follow the escaped convicts.

((ooc: what no coment of stars plight :O gasp LOL))
24-07-2007, 17:56
((ooc: what no coment of stars plight :O gasp LOL))

OOC: Well yeah... If you haven't noticed Victor's character yet, he's kinda hoping Star doesn't live to see tommorrow. :D
Spit break
24-07-2007, 18:22
"I fight with these people because they believe in something Freedom and Justice! not Sages bastardized vision of the true world that is no more then a copy of hitler" He shouted out. He though maybe he could use a smoke grenade, so he pulled one out and tossed it to his right. It was hard to see the night sky was only lit by the fires of the base.

Luna noticed the prison break out of the corner "doesn't matter" she said to her self. After all they were going to release them. So she returned her eyes to the weakend attackers who were hitting the weakend defenders. With beam saber in one hand, and beam carbine in the other she jumped into the dark night sky slashing her sword, spinning around in the air and then shooting off her carbine before leanding on the ground "damn how many of these guys are left?" she asked her self.
24-07-2007, 18:31
"I fight with these people because they believe in something Freedom and Justice! not Sages bastardized vision of the true world that is no more then a copy of hitler" He shouted out.

OOC: Careful, there... Kratna can claim Godwin's Law and win the battle :-P
New Kratna
24-07-2007, 19:43
"I fight with these people because they believe in something Freedom and Justice! not Sages bastardized vision of the true world that is no more then a copy of hitler" He shouted out. He though maybe he could use a smoke grenade, so he pulled one out and tossed it to his right. It was hard to see the night sky was only lit by the fires of the base.

Luna noticed the prison break out of the corner "doesn't matter" she said to her self. After all they were going to release them. So she returned her eyes to the weakend attackers who were hitting the weakend defenders. With beam saber in one hand, and beam carbine in the other she jumped into the dark night sky slashing her sword, spinning around in the air and then shooting off her carbine before leanding on the ground "damn how many of these guys are left?" she asked her self.

((ooc: taking into acount the 3 squads that started (36 units) plus victor and star (38) subtrcting standard losses and factoring in victors rampage about 15-18... what about you you had 15 inluding luna and holland... looking a little one sided))

the smoke started clouding over what tittle light there was orange glows replacing the fire light "thats not even relevent. Hitler was obsesed with the purity of the german people Sage just wants to unite them under a single banner" she ran into the smoke heading for where she knew another bit of over would bee on the other side. her pistol at the ready and knife easly at hand.
Spit break
24-07-2007, 19:44
OOC: she wont win a damn thing, only thing i can see her getting a positive rating is a pregnancy test after sleeping with victor lol
New Kratna
24-07-2007, 19:47
OOC: she wont win a damn thing, only thing i can see her getting a positive rating is a pregnancy test after sleeping with victor lol

((ooc: Ooooh talking smack eh LOL.... besides she has absolutly no intrest what so ever in victor so :P oh and i forgot about your trusks but they wouldn't stand much of a chance against almost 40 Mobile suits))
24-07-2007, 19:48
OOC: she wont win a damn thing, only thing i can see her getting a positive rating is a pregnancy test after sleeping with victor lol

OOC: OOOOH! That was low Spit break! LOL Don't say that to Star, or Holland may not be a male anymore. :D
24-07-2007, 20:31
the frount lines at dampier where holding for the moment they'd dug in during the night keeping fire on the oceanic forces making sure they knew they were still there setting hp heavy weapon encampments Tank pits and there own libral dousing of mines repaircrews had been working around the clock on the dammaged harbour pulling what wrecks they could out to sea the aquarius units requcing and wrecks cloging the harbour to unobtrusive scrap metal. it things went well by tomorrow theyd be able to land troops here and push the Rebelous oceanic forces further back cuntinuing then enexorable march across the contenent insted of being mired down in soem backwater

Fifteen miles south of Dampier, ~7:38 am local

High-flying recon Albatross units passed over the Dampier area. A few lazy flak shells exploded in the vicinity but no serious effort was made to down them. The Terrans wanted to show those Oceanics what awaited them. "God DAMN... we spent all night making sure they couldn't get out, and they went and spent it making sure we couldn't get in." Terran positions in and around the city were strong, and the harbor wasn't as damaged as it had appeared earlier. A tireless effort by Terran engineers had ensured smooth sailing for supply ships. The increase in Terran mobile suits was slightly less than their own, so that was fine. The units turned south and returned to friendly airspace.

Site 400, 8:15 am local

Nelson had fallen asleep against the foot of his Gundam. Not the most comfortable position in the world, but it worked. He'd only managed to sleep a few hours overnight, anyway, so this little catnap would do him good.

"Wow, you can barely pry him away from that thing," laughed Laku, sipping a cup of coffee while going over the maintenance report for her unit. "I guess we'll have to work harder to keep up."

"Yeah..." replied Adam. "I dunno... Nels seemed kind of weird after the fight yesterday, don't you think?"

"He was probably just tired," Laku said. "He went toe to toe with that tough one. Hey... the Chief said last night that Gundams are like the ace units for them... you don't think the pilot's a Beta, do you?"

"Naw, can't be," answered Adam. "Even if he did pull some crazy moves, Nelson was taking him. If he was fighting a Beta, he'd be a dead man, same for us."

Mervin was signing off on the last of the equipment that had to be moved. A few guns were left, which he would have Nelson and the others carry, and the mobile radar. The last trucks were lifted up a makeshift service elevator and rumbled east towards Alice Springs. It would be an all day drive for them. Personnel would follow, and the three mobile suits would be transferred there as well. But something still felt odd about the pause in the action.

Mervin returned to the radar and checked the situation. "No movement yet, huh," he said.

"Not a thing... they've been sitting patiently for quite awhile."

Mervin thought what could possible compel the Terrans to sit still with the entire desert between there and the interior undefended. "You know, I'd be willing to wager that Gundam maintenance wasn't on their list of contingencies..." he began. "Perhaps that special delivery we saw earlier is the reason they're stuck. We could launch a surprise attack."

"That would be risky... those three would have zero support and all of our equipment will be way over here. If we wait for them at Alice Springs, we'll at least have some support from the base."

"That's even MORE risky..." Mervin muttered. "Damn it, why did the brass have to order us so far east?"
Spit break
24-07-2007, 20:54
"In the end its the same" Holland shouted as he quicklyed moved through the smoke the new cover. He readied his gun, he also had a combat knife attached to his leg. If he had to he would kill her with his own to hands.

OOC: your also forgeting all my infentry with anti-armour rifles and RPGs, plus those gatling trucks are loaded with AP rounds to, and those missile trucks will take out a leg lol
New Kratna
25-07-2007, 01:06
"In the end its the same" Holland shouted as he quicklyed moved through the smoke the new cover. He readied his gun, he also had a combat knife attached to his leg. If he had to he would kill her with his own to hands.

Star caught some movement through the Smoke screen anf fired several quick rounds into it and head someone go down. Hollands words had iritated her and she silently grined hearing the person go down... she cautiously made her way over ready for anything. she chose to remain silent her foorfals almost sound less as she aproched the position the sound had come from.

she hoped it was holland and she prayed it would be fatal.
Spit break
25-07-2007, 01:33
"ow that hurt" Holland said as he looked down at his leg, the bullet graised him, nothing major. He picked him self back up, he could see star coming, a near by shadow was creating a shadow of her. Holland waited untill she was within a few feet, He jumped out from cover, and went right at star using his gun to knock her gun away sending both weapons flying off. He kicked her and then pulled his knife "I'm not head yet" he said to her, knife at the ready.
New Kratna
25-07-2007, 02:03
"ow that hurt" Holland said as he looked down at his leg, the bullet graised him, nothing major. He picked him self back up, he could see star coming, a near by shadow was creating a shadow of her. Holland waited untill she was within a few feet, He jumped out from cover, and went right at star using his gun to knock her gun away sending both weapons flying off. He kicked her and then pulled his knife "I'm not head yet" he said to her, knife at the ready.

SHe stagered a littly bit from his kick but quickly regained her ballance her knife instantly at the ready the blade pointed backwards so she could either punch or cut as needed her fighters stance ready for any move he might make
Spit break
25-07-2007, 02:33
Holland had his left hand forward, right arm pulled back, elbow bent, knife ready in the right hand for her to make her move. His knife was a special combat knife, the blade was curved at the top, and there was a small tiny second curved blade near the base on the opposite that the main blades curve was. He looked at her, the flames of a near by fire reflecting off his eyes.
New Kratna
25-07-2007, 03:19
Holland had his left hand forward, right arm pulled back, elbow bent, knife ready in the right hand for her to make her move. His knife was a special combat knife, the blade was curved at the top, and there was a small tiny second curved blade near the base on the opposite that the main blades curve was. He looked at her, the flames of a near by fire reflecting off his eyes.

they looked to be almost even another stalemate to the death. stars eyes had tracked to where the guns had landed and keeped a watch on them out of the corner of her eye.

((ooc: sigh here we go again... i just gotta figure out how i'm gonig to get her mobile suit out of there... or i could just give her a new one))
Spit break
25-07-2007, 03:28
OOC: Republic retreats and random MS pilot picks it up after she gets in and carries it back to greece?

Holland was ready, if she came at him his left arm would grab the arm holding the knife and he would use the right to stab her, she was probably going to use the same tactic. It would explain why all they did was stand there ready to attack, while working on there footwork.
New Kratna
25-07-2007, 03:45
OOC: Republic retreats and random MS pilot picks it up after she gets in and carries it back to greece?

Holland was ready, if she came at him his left arm would grab the arm holding the knife and he would use the right to stab her, she was probably going to use the same tactic. It would explain why all they did was stand there ready to attack, while working on there footwork.

((ooc: well it has possabitities.... well in that case time for some devine intervention))

Star stoold her ground slowly circleing closter to the guns. she would either work her way closter to the guns to make a dive for them or to force his hand... and she was ready for what ever he tried time sofar was on her side...

((ooc: last chance to try and sway her way of thinking.... i highly recomend doing so but it better be convincing :D ))
Spit break
25-07-2007, 03:55
"I don't want to kill you, but if you go for a gun I'll have no choice but to kill you" Holland told her as he kept close enough to easily move at her at a moments notice.

OOC: theres you opening for me to attack
New Kratna
25-07-2007, 04:37
"I don't want to kill you, but if you go for a gun I'll have no choice but to kill you" Holland told her as he kept close enough to easily move at her at a moments notice.

OOC: theres you opening for me to attack

((ooc: to late))

A rocket slammed into the building sending rubble falling onto there position. it was stars opening she dove for the guns grabbing her pistol and roling to s crouching position searching for holland amoungs the settling dust her pistol trained on his last location
"this way men around this corner" a group of republic sodiers sought cover between the buildings as the battle moved into this section of the base.
"star had lost track of holland in the comotion and oly a fool would try and singal handedly attack a fully armed and armoured squad with only a knife
"Sargent! status?" the officer turned finaly notacing her her captains bage and republic colours dusty yet clearly visable he almost raised his gun before realinzing what she was.
"Sir... the enamy forces are pushing us back... after captain crofton retreated and you went down the MS squads fell apart" he reported "it seems they were better equiped then we were origonaly led to beleive. right now we are trying to retreat back to the fallback point we didn't expect to find you here."
"it wasn't my plan to be here either sargent" she comented " does anyone have a radio?"
"Privet gibbs front and center" The scrawny private lept forwards his blood splaterd fatiges and armour along with his shaken apearence mute testament to to what he had been through.
Star took the radio from him and switched it to the MS frequency "attention all Squads this is Captain Lynde prepair to fall back... take out what you can but fall back. zuse squad fall back the my mobile suits lacation and prep for evac."
"accknolaged Captain falling back to your location for evac...good to hear from you." she handed the radio back.
"well lets go". she let the way back the shourt distance to the fallen mobile suits keeping under cover... holland was still out there after all

((ooc: bet you didn't see that coming))
Spit break
25-07-2007, 05:43
OOC: indeed

Holland safely away from star went to the nearest front line position. When he got there he saw the enemy was falling back "What the?? there just leaving?" he said out loud. One of the men noticed him "Holland what are you doing down here?" he asked walking over "Enemy pilot got a lucky shot" he told him as he walked over to a radio. He picked up the radio "Luna statis report" he asked her.

"Enemy forces in full retreat, and they liberated the prisoners, looks like we won" she reported back to him. He sat there and thought it out "This is Holland to all forces, stand down and return to base, good job people" he ordered. All forces began to return, they were all exausted, most likely there enemy was to, it was 10:15 pm. They would let the fires burn them selves out and get some rest, it was a long day.
New Kratna
25-07-2007, 06:03
Fifteen miles south of Dampier, ~7:38 am local

High-flying recon Albatross units passed over the Dampier area. A few lazy flak shells exploded in the vicinity but no serious effort was made to down them. The Terrans wanted to show those Oceanics what awaited them. "God DAMN... we spent all night making sure they couldn't get out, and they went and spent it making sure we couldn't get in." Terran positions in and around the city were strong, and the harbor wasn't as damaged as it had appeared earlier. A tireless effort by Terran engineers had ensured smooth sailing for supply ships. The increase in Terran mobile suits was slightly less than their own, so that was fine. The units turned south and returned to friendly airspace.

7:45 am front lines

The artilirey commander steped out of his tent and looked at the arayed artilery along the river bank it was an inspiring site and an awsome feeling to have that much power at his command. he inhaled taking a deep breath of the crisp morning air.
"sir." an aid broght him a mug of coffee wich he acepted and began sipping savoring the relative calm of the morning.
"you know greg.... i love mornings... the calm the peace."
"i agree sir very soothing"
"you know my great grand father once said something that stuck with me all these years and today seems aptly apropreate"
"and whats that sir?"
"he said "We here at artilary command don't beleive were god... we just borrowed his smite button""
"stiring words Nathan."
"indeed" the commander downed the rest of his coffee and haded the mug back to an aid exchanging it for a radio "Alright boys! Time to give the Aussies there wake up call. FIRE!!"
the silence whas suddenly shatered as hundreds of artilery cannons missile launchers morters and thelike fireed at once and kept fireing over the river into enemy positions Heavy cannons both beam and Kinetic stoold silent arayed behind the artilery waiting for anything dumb enough to try and cross the lines of Anti-Air suport behind them.
it was far from impregnable but it would be hard fought for anything to try and cross that river.

a fleet had assembled its self off the coast carriers holding wings of aries and squads of the new aquarieus units waiting for deployment radar and sonar scanning every square kilometer for signs of enamy naval forces

South of dampier was a slightly diffrent set up as mobile suits and tank colums began there march past the defencive lines pushing the terrans hold on the region. the oceanic union was in for a miserable morning
Spit break
25-07-2007, 06:14
Luckly for every one the barracks was still intact giving them beds to sleep on, not the best but they would do. supplies and reinforcements would arrive in the morning, they would then begin repairing and upgrading the base. To do this they would hire locals and pay them to help out.
25-07-2007, 06:54
7:45 am front lines

The artilirey commander steped out of his tent and looked at the arayed artilery along the river bank it was an inspiring site and an awsome feeling to have that much power at his command. he inhaled taking a deep breath of the crisp morning air.
"sir." an aid broght him a mug of coffee wich he acepted and began sipping savoring the relative calm of the morning.
"you know greg.... i love mornings... the calm the peace."
"i agree sir very soothing"
"you know my great grand father once said something that stuck with me all these years and today seems aptly apropreate"
"and whats that sir?"
"he said "We here at artilary command don't beleive were god... we just borrowed his smite button""
"stiring words Nathan."
"indeed" the commander downed the rest of his coffee and haded the mug back to an aid exchanging it for a radio "Alright boys! Time to give the Aussies there wake up call. FIRE!!"
the silence whas suddenly shatered as hundreds of artilery cannons missile launchers morters and thelike fireed at once and kept fireing over the river into enemy positions Heavy cannons both beam and Kinetic stoold silent arayed behind the artilery waiting for anything dumb enough to try and cross the lines of Anti-Air suport behind them.
it was far from impregnable but it would be hard fought for anything to try and cross that river.

a fleet had assembled its self off the coast carriers holding wings of aries and squads of the new aquarieus units waiting for deployment radar and sonar scanning every square kilometer for signs of enamy naval forces

South of dampier was a slightly diffrent set up as mobile suits and tank colums began there march past the defencive lines pushing the terrans hold on the region. the oceanic union was in for a miserable morning

7:45 am, Dampier Line, Oceanic side

The distant thunder of artillery and the roar of rocket launchers beginning of the day's action. The frontline commander studied the aerial reconnaissance carefully. The Terrans were fully deployed along a stretch of the Fortescue, arrayed several lines deep with heavy artillery. Energy weapons stood farther back. Naval intelligence reported contingents of Aries at the harbor with mobile suits pushing south and clearing Oceanic minefields. There was always the occasional explosion form a Terran minesweeper or mobile suit taking a wrong step.

The first reports fell on Oceanic positions south of the river, which were dug in similarly, with artillery and rockets serving at the ready to cut down any advance. Makeshift airfields were abuzz with activity as Albatross units prepared for early sorties. Tuataras and a handful of Dingos waited patiently for their turn to attack. CIWS and SAM bunkers were able to stop most of the rockets, but shells were a problem. Here and there, a bunker exploded from a violent impact between salvo and powder. Some mobile suits fell, damage varying from light to "what's left?"

"They want to make noise, huh? We can do that, too. Guns at the ready!" Moments after the first Terran volley landed, the Oceanic response was in the air. Shells and rockets whistled toward the Terran lines. Only a few made it through, causing scattered damage ranging from gun emplacements to mobile suits. The message to the attackers was clear - go ahead, we can do this all day. The two sides sat there trading fire, with little or no movement at the front.

Both sides were just feeling each other out, waiting for the other to make a mistake... who would blink first?

Site 400, 7:53 am

"Pack it up, we're moving!" Mervin rode with the radar truck at the head of the column which consisted of it and the three mobile suits. The rest had gone ahead with the trucks. Nelson carried a bazooka and shield with a beam rifle anchored securely at his waist. He and Laku plodded along, having been grounded by Mervin to conserve fuel. At this rate, they too were looking at a day-long journey east. She had a machine gun in each hand. Adam, likewise forbidden from hovering, had his gatling tucked into a shoulder rack so he could carry the facility's other beam rifle and shield.

"This stuff is weighing us down, Chief," Adam muttered. "How long until we rendezvous with the transports?"

"Two more hours, at least," Mervin radioed back. "Lighten up. Just kick back and enjoy the ride."

"Oh, yeah, it's a beaut," Adam retorted. "If you look to the left, ladies and gentlemen, you'll see a fascinating endless sea of sand. To your right, another endless sea of sand."

"Hey, I'm sorry," said Mervin, "if I had my way, I'd be sending you guys west into a firefight. But apparently I'm the only one in this whole god-damned army that thinks that they're vulnerable right now. But no, we're going to let them come right at us at their leisure."

"Come on, Chief, you think they'll seriously cross the desert just to fight us?" asked Laku.

"Not for us, for the port," answered Mervin.

"Why would they want that?" asked Adam. "It's trashed! They were saying it'd be months before that place could handle traffic again."

There was no use trying to explain, so Mervin just left it at that. In the Rangipapa's cockpit, Nelson just let himself drift along as his unit cut through the desert sands. He felt comfortable with so much strength at his fingertips. Probably more comfortable than his old Dingo, and to him that said a lot. And yet, that strength would be his undoing if he wasn't careful. It kept nagging and nagging, as if the machine was still inside his head, poking around for openings.

A cheerful female voice woke him out of his thoughts. "Hey, you're awfully quiet, Lieutenant," said Laku. "You bored, too?"

"No... well, yes, I guess..." Nelson mumbled. He hadn't made it back yet. "I guess I'm just a little tired from yesterday, that's all."

Laku giggled. "Well, don't overexert yourself... after all, you're piloting the Gundam. We're counting on you."
New Kratna
25-07-2007, 14:15
7:45 am, Dampier Line, Oceanic side

The distant thunder of artillery and the roar of rocket launchers beginning of the day's action. The frontline commander studied the aerial reconnaissance carefully. The Terrans were fully deployed along a stretch of the Fortescue, arrayed several lines deep with heavy artillery. Energy weapons stood farther back. Naval intelligence reported contingents of Aries at the harbor with mobile suits pushing south and clearing Oceanic minefields. There was always the occasional explosion form a Terran minesweeper or mobile suit taking a wrong step.

The first reports fell on Oceanic positions south of the river, which were dug in similarly, with artillery and rockets serving at the ready to cut down any advance. Makeshift airfields were abuzz with activity as Albatross units prepared for early sorties. Tuataras and a handful of Dingos waited patiently for their turn to attack. CIWS and SAM bunkers were able to stop most of the rockets, but shells were a problem. Here and there, a bunker exploded from a violent impact between salvo and powder. Some mobile suits fell, damage varying from light to "what's left?"

"They want to make noise, huh? We can do that, too. Guns at the ready!" Moments after the first Terran volley landed, the Oceanic response was in the air. Shells and rockets whistled toward the Terran lines. Only a few made it through, causing scattered damage ranging from gun emplacements to mobile suits. The message to the attackers was clear - go ahead, we can do this all day. The two sides sat there trading fire, with little or no movement at the front.

Both sides were just feeling each other out, waiting for the other to make a mistake... who would blink first?

Conel Nathan Lagrenge didn't even flinch as shells began slaming into his line ocasonaly a lucky shell would arc into a battery regucing it to scrap but sofar the losses wern't a problem as the remaining guns fired volly after volly into the oceanic lines the incoming rockets being delt with there own CIWS

the unin did make one mistake though. the first couple salvos where fired blind arcing into the enamys assumed position. but after the first volly of return fire they becan calculating the enamys exact position after several minutes they did just that.

To the oceanic forces on the lines it might seem like an increse in fire but it was just the stray shells falling into the facilities and open ground hitting home insted.

"Keep softening them up greg i have to co ordinate things witht he other commanders" Nathan turned and headed to a waiting truck and hoped in for the ride to the command post.

Things were going well so far losses were within an acceptable margin and the lines were expanding south. the Union had to know what was coming next if they didn't they were in for a rude suprise

22:45 Tel Aviv Isreal

Star arived at the base in the Darkstar with the aid of 2 G II's the Gundam was trashed the only thing still worked was the legs and that had star pissed... but a small plessing was that with the reports coming out of the Oceanic Union someone had called ahead to have the custom replacement parts shiped to Tel aviv just incase so repairs wouldn't take that long shortend further by start threats. people quickly learned that when stare was pissed you did what you could as fast as you could and prayed it would meet her standards.

after ordering the the repares and overseeing there iplementation she stormed out of the maintanence bay and went looking for Victor crofton. the man had no right to be called Captain in her mind after the stunt he pulled at Suez and she was of a mind to tell him so she hoped his ego was well heald she she intended to give both it and him a good bruseing
25-07-2007, 14:56
"Please, I've never had any defiance for the Republic before! At least let me live!" Begged a young Israeli man surrounded by several of Victor's men.
He was given the answer, "If you support us, then I would question why you would trespass on military grounds." by Victor.
The young man responded, "I did not know that military personnel were stationed here until now!"
Victor brushed it off saying, "Likely story. We've sent a transmission to all Israelis that this area is off limits during our occupation."
The man pleaded, "I did not recieve it! I was out-"
Victor pulled out a gun and put it to the man's head saying, "You speak too much begger!"...
25-07-2007, 15:03
Conel Nathan Lagrenge didn't even flinch as shells began slaming into his line ocasonaly a lucky shell would arc into a battery regucing it to scrap but sofar the losses wern't a problem as the remaining guns fired volly after volly into the oceanic lines the incoming rockets being delt with there own CIWS

the unin did make one mistake though. the first couple salvos where fired blind arcing into the enamys assumed position. but after the first volly of return fire they becan calculating the enamys exact position after several minutes they did just that.

To the oceanic forces on the lines it might seem like an increse in fire but it was just the stray shells falling into the facilities and open ground hitting home insted.

"Keep softening them up greg i have to co ordinate things witht he other commanders" Nathan turned and headed to a waiting truck and hoped in for the ride to the command post.

Things were going well so far losses were within an acceptable margin and the lines were expanding south. the Union had to know what was coming next if they didn't they were in for a rude suprise

Dampier Line, Oceanic side

The Terran line was inching south, not yet rubbing against Oceanic positions but clearly they were taking the initiative. "Damage reports are coming in, and it looks like we're slightly behind... the volume of fire from the Terran side is greater, and their intelligence had an accurate map of our positions from the start."

"As to be expected from them... but then, if they know that much, then they know we've only been peppering them with calibrating fire." All over the line, camouflage nets were withdrawn and discarded. The Oceanics had taken great pain to avoid regularity in the arrangement of open and hidden guns. Now they were prepared to continue with additional firepower and higher rates of fire. With shells continuing to fly past them, the new guns were raised into position. "I want an all-gun barrage on those lines. Prepare the second and third lines for action and start getting Albatross in the air. Fire at will!"
New Kratna
25-07-2007, 17:02
"Please, I've never had any defiance for the Republic before! At least let me live!" Begged a young Israeli man surrounded by several of Victor's men.
He was given the answer, "If you support us, then I would question why you would trespass on military grounds." by Victor.
The young man responded, "I did not know that military personnel were stationed here until now!"
Victor brushed it off saying, "Likely story. We've sent a transmission to all Israelis that this area is off limits during our occupation."
The man pleaded, "I did not recieve it! I was out-"
Victor pulled out a gun and put it to the man's head saying, "You speak too much begger!"...

"what the hell is your problem!" star had caught the tail end and relevent portion of the exchange between Victor and the man. it had taken the beter part of an hour to track him down all the ehile her wrath on low boil but this was just to much jacob's words haveing cut deeper than she would have thought "killing our own guys isn't good enough for you and you have to go out and murder civies... whats your malfunctuin..." she stormed up to him "we would have had them at Suez if you hadent shot the wrong team i think your sympathys are suspect if thats how your acting!"

((ooc: i'll write up a repsonce for you at lunch dancougar))
25-07-2007, 17:12
((ooc: i'll write up a repsonce for you at lunch dancougar))

(OOC: No prob, at work right now myself. Had an awesome counter planned but then I actually decided to do some research, and it turns out that western Australia's rivers, even longish ones like the Fortescue, are mostly shallow and are stretches can be totally dry during some parts of the year. Since it's January, that means it's summer down under, so I wouldn't be surprised if our guys only have riverbed between them, a highly passable one in most places at that...)
25-07-2007, 17:21
"what the hell is your problem!" star had caught the tail end and relevent portion of the exchange between Victor and the man. it had taken the beter part of an hour to track him down all the ehile her wrath on low boil but this was just to much jacob's words haveing cut deeper than she would have thought "killing our own guys isn't good enough for you and you have to go out and murder civies... whats your malfunctuin..." she stormed up to him "we would have had them at Suez if you hadent shot the wrong team i think your sympathys are suspect if thats how your acting!"

"You think I'm gonna let a civilian trespass in military occupied zones?! You need to set your priorites straight Captain!" Victor retorted as he sensed her presence. He didn't want to admit it, but he was still fuming about how he had lost at the Suez and wanted to take his frustration out on someone who wasn't a true Republic patriot and the Israelis were a perfect choice in this case.

The young Israeli, seeing the opportunity, turned to run away but was caught short as Victor noticed him running. He quickly turned and shot him in his left leg, causing the man to fall to the ground and yelp in pain. He told him, "Stay put punk! I'll deal with you later!" He turned back to Star and continued saying, "I could have taken them all down if I didn't have interferance! You think I wanted to shoot my own man down?! It was either him or him and me at the time! You need to remember that we were in a warzone Captain, you need to take whatever measures necessary to survive!" He told her.
Spit break
25-07-2007, 17:47
The fires began to burn them selves out and disappear as the base was tucked in and quietly sleeping. The sound of ocean waves crashed against the canal and many rocks. What was a battlefield hours ago now is calm and quiet, shell casings and mobile suit wreakage littered the base. Destroyed buildings every where, it would be a long clean up, but atleast they had mobile suits for the heavy lifting. They didn't have to many in working order, most of them would be out for repairs for the next few days. Those that do not need major repairs would be used to help in the clean up.
New Kratna
25-07-2007, 19:46
Dampier Line, Oceanic side

The Terran line was inching south, not yet rubbing against Oceanic positions but clearly they were taking the initiative. "Damage reports are coming in, and it looks like we're slightly behind... the volume of fire from the Terran side is greater, and their intelligence had an accurate map of our positions from the start."

"As to be expected from them... but then, if they know that much, then they know we've only been peppering them with calibrating fire." All over the line, camouflage nets were withdrawn and discarded. The Oceanics had taken great pain to avoid regularity in the arrangement of open and hidden guns. Now they were prepared to continue with additional firepower and higher rates of fire. With shells continuing to fly past them, the new guns were raised into position. "I want an all-gun barrage on those lines. Prepare the second and third lines for action and start getting Albatross in the air. Fire at will!"

Nathan took his place at the stratagy table markers showing there lines and known enamy positions and movements the riverbed would be little use to anyone as they had spent the night mineing there side of it and that coupled with the artilery and other defencive lines made crossing dangerous at best
"Nathan how are things at artilery command?" one of the other officers asked as he entered
"noisy" nathen grined
"glad to hear it" the officer grined back
"gentalmen if we could get down to busness." general Roy (i think thats who it was) began "it looks like we have our self a stand off here. the Union finaly maanaged to get enough troops i one plse to final offer some resistance i for one weocome the challange. Cnl Lagrenge has begun bombing enemy position along the banks of the river and the union has kindly obliged us by shooting back... we now know where the bulk of there artilery is along that line. Conel Radkie how soon can you have the Aries in the air?"
"i can have 2 wings in the air at the drop of a hat and another 6 shortly after"
"Exelent i want them to comence bombing runs here" the general pointed to several locations along the river "i want to give them something to worry about while we prepair for our main push here" a jabed a point further down the river "recent probes report it to be relativly undefended and to the best of our knowlage the riverbed in un-mined. i want 4 gemini squads 2 sagitaries squads and 4 wings of aries to reinforce the tank columns already in the area. gentalmen we rang the morning alarm now toss them out of bed" the gatherd offiers ran to carry out the generals orders
New Kratna
25-07-2007, 19:51
"You think I'm gonna let a civilian trespass in military occupied zones?! You need to set your priorites straight Captain!" Victor retorted as he sensed her presence. He didn't want to admit it, but he was still fuming about how he had lost at the Suez and wanted to take his frustration out on someone who wasn't a true Republic patriot and the Israelis were a perfect choice in this case.

The young Israeli, seeing the opportunity, turned to run away but was caught short as Victor noticed him running. He quickly turned and shot him in his left leg, causing the man to fall to the ground and yelp in pain. He told him, "Stay put punk! I'll deal with you later!" He turned back to Star and continued saying, "I could have taken them all down if I didn't have interferance! You think I wanted to shoot my own man down?! It was either him or him and me at the time! You need to remember that we were in a warzone Captain, you need to take whatever measures necessary to survive!" He told her.

"then arrest him you jackass!" she inwardly cringed when she heard the gunshot her outward expresion remained unchanged "you could have taken them down if you shot the right ones... that one soldier was nothing compaired to the ones you took out in your rampage... was it them or you in those situations as well?" if he insulted her intelegence again she would hit him... and more than once.
25-07-2007, 21:11
"then arrest him you jackass!" she inwardly cringed when she heard the gunshot her outward expresion remained unchanged "you could have taken them down if you shot the right ones... that one soldier was nothing compaired to the ones you took out in your rampage... was it them or you in those situations as well?" if he insulted her intelegence again she would hit him... and more than once.

"It's their fault they got in my line of fire!" Victor answered. "Those men should know that a Gemini III has such immeasurable power that it can literally destroy everything in its path!" The Israeli man saw the two arguing and took the chance to run away again, this time limping on his left leg. Victor was too focused to concentrate on the man anymore and continued, "And last time I checked, you and I are the same rank! I won't take orders from someone as equal as I am, let alone a real bitch!" Victor retorted. The men around them knew things were about to get ugly and stood ready if a conflict between the two was about to happen.
Spit break
25-07-2007, 22:59
OOC: some one call the medic, and fast!
25-07-2007, 23:44
(OOC: Work post! Nothing to do while code runs... so... woo. Last one until later tonight, though.)

Nathan took his place at the stratagy table markers showing there lines and known enamy positions and movements the riverbed would be little use to anyone as they had spent the night mineing there side of it and that coupled with the artilery and other defencive lines made crossing dangerous at best
"Nathan how are things at artilery command?" one of the other officers asked as he entered
"noisy" nathen grined
"glad to hear it" the officer grined back
"gentalmen if we could get down to busness." general Roy (i think thats who it was) began "it looks like we have our self a stand off here. the Union finaly maanaged to get enough troops i one plse to final offer some resistance i for one weocome the challange. Cnl Lagrenge has begun bombing enemy position along the banks of the river and the union has kindly obliged us by shooting back... we now know where the bulk of there artilery is along that line. Conel Radkie how soon can you have the Aries in the air?"
"i can have 2 wings in the air at the drop of a hat and another 6 shortly after"
"Exelent i want them to comence bombing runs here" the general pointed to several locations along the river "i want to give them something to worry about while we prepair for our main push here" a jabed a point further down the river "recent probes report it to be relativly undefended and to the best of our knowlage the riverbed in un-mined. i want 4 gemini squads 2 sagitaries squads and 4 wings of aries to reinforce the tank columns already in the area. gentalmen we rang the morning alarm now toss them out of bed" the gatherd offiers ran to carry out the generals orders

Oceanic frontline command was nervous. During the retreat, Colonel Simms (OOC: finally decided to give the poor guy a name) had come up with a plan that would hopefully top his pincir movement. They only had one shot at this, so they had to get it right. Initial drafts had been laid out the previous night and hastily implemented in part before the Terran approach. Lining the riverbed were several chemical bunkers. They weren't immediately harmful... it took an ignition to do that. And then, hoo boy, would they burn. Artillery gunmen were beginning to switch their shells for smoke rounds. Rockets were swapped with canisters filled with heavy, nontoxic gas. Electronic apparati were hastily assembled behind the safety of the defense lines.

"We're pouring an awful lot of effort into this, so let's make it count," Simms had said in an address the previous night. "We're going to reduce this battle to strictly line-of-sight. We will jam all radar and electronic communications along the front; this goes for us, as well. We are currently linking forward posts with ground lines but this will not be done until 0600 tomorrow morning, and testing will likely take us up until go time.

"We will reduce their vision by pounding their line with smoke shells. We will fire several rounds to get it good and foggy over there. Gas canisters will fill their side with heavier-than-air gas to disrupt energy weapons. The wind is with us now, but if it shifts our way, it's not a problem, since the effect is still the same. Our plan will be to charge ground and air mobile suits across the river bed and then ignite the chemical tanks we've arranged there. This will blind their infrared sensors, but ours will be available since the fires will be at our backs.

"The operation commences precisely at 0800. The implicit coordination is imperative, so have your orders issued clearly before then. At that time, electronics will be knocked down and artillery will lay down visual blinders. Your mobile suits are to immediately cross the river along with the artillery barrage..."


26-07-2007, 01:59
From on bord his stolen carrier which he nicknamed the HMS H2SO4 Travis reveled over his spoils from his latest ambush, it was quite easy to suprise Republic patrols that go near the Paracel islands where he was hiding. Although the life of the bandit was treating him well he was starting to get antsy, the battles between the Republic and The Oceanic Union were getting fierce an it would be but a matter of time before some one caught to him. Mabey he should see if his former employers would be intersted in hiring as a mercenary, but how ro get into contact with them with out endangering his operation if they didn't want to. Then it hit him, he had heard that the Republic garrison at Gaum got wiped out so he new The Oceanic Union would start raiding supply convoys from China so all he had to do was show up at one of them and start raising hell for the republic.
New Kratna
26-07-2007, 02:03
"It's their fault they got in my line of fire!" Victor answered. "Those men should know that a Gemini III has such immeasurable power that it can literally destroy everything in its path!" The Israeli man saw the two arguing and took the chance to run away again, this time limping on his left leg. Victor was too focused to concentrate on the man anymore and continued, "And last time I checked, you and I are the same rank! I won't take orders from someone as equal as I am, let alone a real bitch!" Victor retorted. The men around them knew things were about to get ugly and stood ready if a conflict between the two was about to happen.

((ooc: medic? quite likely))

Star slugged him... Hard. no one called her a bitch and got away with it "You goddammed F---ing moron! as the goddamned Pilot of such a powerfull machine its your goddamned respocibility to watch where your damned well going!!" it amazed her how someone so ignorent passed training.
Spit break
26-07-2007, 02:30
The sun began to rise turning the sky a majestic orange. The fires were out and it was now morning, the battle of Suez was long over, now began the war for earth. It was going to be a long day of hard work, cleaning up and fixing the base would take a long time. mechanics crews would be coming in with the reinforcements so that the damaged mobile suits could be fixed. The base was covered with wreakage, debris and chunks of large buildings every were.
26-07-2007, 02:51
((ooc: medic? quite likely))

Star slugged him... Hard. no one called her a bitch and got away with it "You goddammed F---ing moron! as the goddamned Pilot of such a powerfull machine its your goddamned respocibility to watch where your damned well going!!" it amazed her how someone so ignorent passed training.

Victor took the blow and now had another momento of Star's appreciation for him. He stepped back and began, "Oh, so you don't think I passed training? Is that what you're implying?! Come over here!! I'll show you who needs training!" The Captain angrily responded, but could not do so seeing that the men around him and Star began to break up the fight. It took many of them to hold off such strong people, but they managed to do so. Afterwards, several Terran soldiers came rushing to the area and among them was Jaron Crofton himself. He was about to ask what happened, when all of a sudden a General stepped forward. It was General Jefferson Crofton who personally came to assess the situation himself. He asked calmly, "Alright, what happened here? Captain Lynde, I wish for you to speak first."
Spit break
26-07-2007, 03:24
07:00 zulu

Holland had been awake only a few minutes when he walked out of the barracks. He thought he heard something over at the south side of the base so he went to investigate. When he hot there he saw a ship that just finished docking and ramps were being put in place. Then a squadron of Windams landed in the base. The pilot of the command unit got out and walked over to Holland "so you survived till morning did you" he said laughing. Holland laughed back "yeah some how we manage, its good to see you, your a lucky son of a bitch, you get clean up duty" Holland told him before laughing at the mans misfortune.
New Kratna
26-07-2007, 03:26
Victor took the blow and now had another momento of Star's appreciation for him. He stepped back and began, "Oh, so you don't think I passed training? Is that what you're implying?! Come over here!! I'll show you who needs training!" The Captain angrily responded, but could not do so seeing that the men around him and Star began to break up the fight. It took many of them to hold off such strong people, but they managed to do so. Afterwards, several Terran soldiers came rushing to the area and among them was Jaron Crofton himself. He was about to ask what happened, when all of a sudden a General stepped forward. It was General Jefferson Crofton who personally came to assess the situation himself. He asked calmly, "Alright, what happened here? Captain Lynde, I wish for you to speak first."

"we where simply haveing a discution on an officers responibility for the safety of his men" she gave Victor a meaningful stare. it was the plane truth and she knew it would be salt in the wound for victor "our discussion mearly got out of hand" she dared victor so say something... anything
26-07-2007, 03:40
General Crofton took in the words and decided to ask, "Then what led to the necessary use of these men being forced to keep you from fighting?"
Victor answered, "This woman believes that she can tell what I can and cannot do to order my men around General! She and I are the same rank! I will not have her order me around!" The General sighed when he heard this. He never could leave Victor alone without seeing him harm someone.
He broke up the argument by saying, "I know you both had a rough day, but you both did as best as you could to defeat the terrorists. I am certain that if certain factors were not installed, the day would have turned out much different. However the terrorists still hold the Suez and I do not believe that this situation can be solved by fighting over who caused what to happen. You both need to resolve this as professional military officers, not as children. You both demonstrate your strenghth very well, but where is your leadership?" He waited expecting to see them both apologize.
26-07-2007, 05:54
From on bord his stolen carrier which he nicknamed the HMS H2SO4 Travis reveled over his spoils from his latest ambush, it was quite easy to suprise Republic patrols that go near the Paracel islands where he was hiding. Although the life of the bandit was treating him well he was starting to get antsy, the battles between the Republic and The Oceanic Union were getting fierce an it would be but a matter of time before some one caught to him. Mabey he should see if his former employers would be intersted in hiring as a mercenary, but how ro get into contact with them with out endangering his operation if they didn't want to. Then it hit him, he had heard that the Republic garrison at Gaum got wiped out so he new The Oceanic Union would start raiding supply convoys from China so all he had to do was show up at one of them and start raising hell for the republic.

A pair of destroyers cut through the Pacific waters, and they were tailing a big one. The two captains, old academy buddies, had partnered up for Operation Sea Wolf, the Oceanic navy's planned raiding of Terran supply vessels from China. The orders gave each vessel complete freedom to operate as it saw fit, making it particularly difficult for the Terrans to strike any devastating blows on the raiders. But the growing size of convoys meant that the good days they'd had so far - a total of fifteen sunken ships between the two of them - would end unless larger groups of ships starting coordinating attacks.

But for now, they had their sites set on a single large ship. It was almost too good to be true - who would leave a carrier-class without an escort? Perhaps it would make a better trophy then tally...

A patrolling Albatross passed near the vessel and began to transmit visuals. Captain Morris, from the cabin of his ship, did a double take. He recognized this ship. His partner in the other ship, Captain Richards, did, too. It was a solitary vessel that had mutinied, an almost unheard of offense in this day and age, way back at the beginning of the X Program. Why it chose to reveal itself now was beyond them, but they immediately notified western command.

The response, when they received it, was an even greater shock. They were to send agents to the vessel and negotiate the rehiring of Travis Beckett... on rather generous terms.
New Kratna
26-07-2007, 06:46
General Crofton took in the words and decided to ask, "Then what led to the necessary use of these men being forced to keep you from fighting?"
Victor answered, "This woman believes that she can tell what I can and cannot do to order my men around General! She and I are the same rank! I will not have her order me around!" The General sighed when he heard this. He never could leave Victor alone without seeing him harm someone.
He broke up the argument by saying, "I know you both had a rough day, but you both did as best as you could to defeat the terrorists. I am certain that if certain factors were not installed, the day would have turned out much different. However the terrorists still hold the Suez and I do not believe that this situation can be solved by fighting over who caused what to happen. You both need to resolve this as professional military officers, not as children. You both demonstrate your strenghth very well, but where is your leadership?" He waited expecting to see them both apologize.

star waited to see if victor would say anything not that she expected him to his ego wouldn't let him so she spoke first after a lengthy pause
"i'm sorry" she didn't meen a word of it and she knew victor wouldnt either
Spit break
26-07-2007, 07:14
OOC: kratna as soon as star gets to a higher rank then victor, order him to kiss his own ass

"So what the hell is all this?" Holland asked the pilot of the new squadron "Weapons, medical supplies, building equipment, and food, whats the clean up plan?" he asked Holland after answering his question "Clean up and make the place safe, then we are going to fire people from near by villages to help with the work, we cant do it all on our own after all" Holland responded as he pointed to areas in need of major clean up.

"Area's that we should get up first are the defences, the hangers and the hospital, after that command and control, should only take a few weeks of hard work with enough people" Holland told him as he picked up a rock and threw it into the canal. The pilot stood there thinking for a minute "Well then lets wake every one up, start the work, pile all the debris in one area so it can be taken off to be recycled" he said to Holland as he threw a rock making it skip across the water "Thats one thing i could never figure out how to do" Holland said, the two then started laughing, it was such a minor thing compared to every thing that was going on.
26-07-2007, 07:47
9:58 am (7:58 western Australia), Melbourne

Move instruction, push instruction, add... it wasn't the most exciting job in the world, but then again, this machine code wasn't going to read itself. A room full of Oceanic computer experts were slogging through line by line of the operating system extracted from captured Gemini units, looking for anything they might potentially exploit. They'd had teams of people going at it for almost two and a half straight days. Another team was browsing through a running version in an extracted cockpit, digging up anything they could find.

One sleepy tech was on her sixth can of soda when she paused on one function that didn't quite seem right. She rubbed her eyes and looked again. 'But... where do they check for...' she thought, tracing her way through. She grabbed a pen and pad and began jotting down notes. 'Read... read... stream comes in... jump... write, write...'

One of her weary partners flopped down at the terminal next to her. "I can't take another two hours of this," he muttered. "What the hell is all that?"

"Network layer. Busy..." she replied, walking through the instructions, mumbling to herself. "If I pass this though... I write, no check... and... that's it. We're in business. We've got a way in!"

"What do you mean, a way in?" the other tech asked.

"There's a bug in the network layer, and if what the guys were saying about their communications protocols is true, then we can exploit this!" She was frantically scribbling assembly onto her pad. "It's a simple attack... can't believe they don't check this... buuuuuuuuuuuuut we would need to factor the public key for their headquarters..."

"Oh, yeah, that's bloody fine, then," he said. "Brilliant plan of attack. Let's solve the halting problem while we're at it. Oh, what's that Cindy, I'm sorry, I was busy unraveling the secrets of NP completeness!"

"If we can get dedicated use of BlueGene III, we could possibly smash through this in three... no, two days. It's just one number. Focus everything we've got on it, and... we can shut down every Terran mobile suit, in seconds."
26-07-2007, 13:27
star waited to see if victor would say anything not that she expected him to his ego wouldn't let him so she spoke first after a lengthy pause
"i'm sorry" she didn't meen a word of it and she knew victor wouldnt either

Victor detested being forced to apologize to a woman, but reluctantly saluted and said, "I apologize as well Captain..." Not intending any of his words to sound like truth. General Crofton knew that they both hated each other with a great passion and there was no calming the fire.
He finished, "I want you both to take seperate houses and not bring anymore trouble to the streets. If there's anymore trouble here, I'll personally see to it that you are both tried for civilian crimes." He gave the order, "Private Crofton, Front and center!" Among the crowd, a young private stepped forward resembling Victor.
He saluted and asked, "Yes sir?"
The General answered, "I want to speak to you personally. Meet me in my quarters in 5 minutes." The private nodded and General Crofton walked off, leaving Victor and Star to finish their quarel.
New Kratna
26-07-2007, 13:41
9:58 am (7:58 western Australia), Melbourne

Move instruction, push instruction, add... it wasn't the most exciting job in the world, but then again, this machine code wasn't going to read itself. A room full of Oceanic computer experts were slogging through line by line of the operating system extracted from captured Gemini units, looking for anything they might potentially exploit. They'd had teams of people going at it for almost two and a half straight days. Another team was browsing through a running version in an extracted cockpit, digging up anything they could find.

One sleepy tech was on her sixth can of soda when she paused on one function that didn't quite seem right. She rubbed her eyes and looked again. 'But... where do they check for...' she thought, tracing her way through. She grabbed a pen and pad and began jotting down notes. 'Read... read... stream comes in... jump... write, write...'

One of her weary partners flopped down at the terminal next to her. "I can't take another two hours of this," he muttered. "What the hell is all that?"

"Network layer. Busy..." she replied, walking through the instructions, mumbling to herself. "If I pass this though... I write, no check... and... that's it. We're in business. We've got a way in!"

"What do you mean, a way in?" the other tech asked.

"There's a bug in the network layer, and if what the guys were saying about their communications protocols is true, then we can exploit this!" She was frantically scribbling assembly onto her pad. "It's a simple attack... can't believe they don't check this... buuuuuuuuuuuuut we would need to factor the public key for their headquarters..."

"Oh, yeah, that's bloody fine, then," he said. "Brilliant plan of attack. Let's solve the halting problem while we're at it. Oh, what's that Cindy, I'm sorry, I was busy unraveling the secrets of NP completeness!"

"If we can get dedicated use of BlueGene III, we could possibly smash through this in three... no, two days. It's just one number. Focus everything we've got on it, and... we can shut down every Terran mobile suit, in seconds."

((ooc: sorry but.... HUH? you wanna traslate that? i need too know how worried i should be))
New Kratna
26-07-2007, 13:47
Victor detested being forced to apologize to a woman, but reluctantly saluted and said, "I apologize as well Captain..." Not intending any of his words to sound like truth. General Crofton knew that they both hated each other with a great passion and there was no calming the fire.
He finished, "I want you both to take seperate houses and not bring anymore trouble to the streets. If there's anymore trouble here, I'll personally see to it that you are both tried for civilian crimes." He gave the order, "Private Crofton, Front and center!" Among the crowd, a young private stepped forward resembling Victor.
He saluted and asked, "Yes sir?"
The General answered, "I want to speak to you personally. Meet me in my quarters in 5 minutes." The private nodded and General Crofton walked off, leaving Victor and Star to finish their quarel.

SStar waited for general Crofton to leave before glareing at victor but then there was the element of the younger crofton.... another one howmany of these arrogent bastards are there? she waited to see what the younger crofton had to say before jumping back into her row with victor... she wasn't done pummling him
26-07-2007, 14:08
Victor would have just left, but saw his younger brother step forward before going to meet with the General. He asked, "Captain, was it truly necessary to begin fighting with Captain Lynde?"
The elder brother grabbed Jaron by the collar and answered, "I want you to get something straight Private! You stay out of the affairs of your superiors! This matter is between military soldiers who have proven themselves more than you ever will!" He told him as he threw him to the ground. Victor looked back at Star with a glare as well and turned around syaing, "You heard the General's order's men! To you stations! And you better be ready to meet with the General as soon as possible Private!" The soldiers and Victor began to leave while leaving Jaron to brush himself from Victor's grasp.
26-07-2007, 15:04
((ooc: sorry but.... HUH? you wanna traslate that? i need too know how worried i should be))

(OOC: Hehe, basically if they can crack the encryption keys used to send electronic communications to mobile suits, they can launch an attack called "buffer overflow" to get the bugged OS to execute their own malicious code... sorry I just figured I had to do something with all those pretty robots I captured, and let everyone here know I'm a massive geek ^_^ The problem of breaking the encryption key belongs to a class of mathematical problem which is inherently hard to solve quickly. Because of that, the Oceanic Union is fairly safe in assuming the Terrans won't change the keys, but that's the quickest solution to your problem. You could also patch the OS, if you know where to look... buffer overflow is one of the most common vulnerabilities in programs today because it's so easy to overlook.)
Spit break
26-07-2007, 19:17
Holland walked into the barracks "heh this should be good" he said walking in to see that every one was asleep "ALRIGHT EVERY ONE WAKE UP WAKE UP ITS TIME TO GET SOME DAMN WORK DONE!" he yelled to every one waking them up. Every one started get up and get ready, Holland then left the barracks. A few minutes after Luna caught up with him "you had fun doing that didn't you?" Luna asked him as she ran up beside him "yeah I did, now I know why those damn drill instructors at the academy like there jobs so much" Holland responded as Luna broke out in laughter at his comment.
26-07-2007, 19:27
( occ: to Scandinava! weeeeeeeeeeee :D )

Mr. Fespute got off of his boat and stepped into the streets of Stockholm. Here he would meet with Prime Minister Rolf Gregers in an attempt to form an alliance with the two countries and drive the Terra puppet government out of Europe ( *cough* France *cough* ).
" I guess it is true, signs of the war are everywhere nowadays," he thought as he walked through the city streets to the Capitol building.

( occ: Do you have a capitol building Brazilam?)
New Kratna
26-07-2007, 19:43
((ooc: dancougar... you sneakey no good dirty underhanded son of a monkey... i like the way you think :D... now to figureout what to do about it... sheesh. oh and i'll leave the france battle to brazilam cause he knows better than me whats going on there))

Victor would have just left, but saw his younger brother step forward before going to meet with the General. He asked, "Captain, was it truly necessary to begin fighting with Captain Lynde?"
The elder brother grabbed Jaron by the collar and answered, "I want you to get something straight Private! You stay out of the affairs of your superiors! This matter is between military soldiers who have proven themselves more than you ever will!" He told him as he threw him to the ground. Victor looked back at Star with a glare as well and turned around syaing, "You heard the General's order's men! To you stations! And you better be ready to meet with the General as soon as possible Private!" The soldiers and Victor began to leave while leaving Jaron to brush himself from Victor's grasp.

"star reached down to help the younger crofton up "that arrogent SoB pushing around his own brother never mind the way he treats his men" she glanced over to the retreating victor hopeing he heard her. "if we where on seperate sided he'd be a memory by now. a greesy stain on whats left of his mobile suit." there was a difrence between knowing you where better than everyone else and mearly thinking you where and victor seemed to be to dence to figure this out
26-07-2007, 20:10
((ooc: dancougar... you sneakey no good dirty underhanded son of a monkey... i like the way you think :D... now to figureout what to do about it... sheesh. oh and i'll leave the france battle to brazilam cause he knows better than me whats going on there))

(OOC: So I blame the new Diehard for the inspiration, even if that was kinda terrible from the CS perspective... And actually even with the upscaling in computer power I can expect from this somewhat futuristic setting, two or three days is probably way overly realistic even with a dedicated supercomputer... in any case, they probably won't have until it's the last defense from a total beatdown, so invade away, you have lots of time ^_^)
26-07-2007, 22:15
"star reached down to help the younger crofton up "that arrogent SoB pushing around his own brother never mind the way he treats his men" she glanced over to the retreating victor hopeing he heard her. "if we where on seperate sided he'd be a memory by now. a greesy stain on whats left of his mobile suit." there was a difrence between knowing you where better than everyone else and mearly thinking you where and victor seemed to be to dence to figure this out

Jaron was helped up to his feet thanks to Star and saluted saying, "Thank you Captain. I must be off now." Jaron left leaving only the impression of what he had on Star. Any calculative person would have seen that Jaron couldn't agree anymore than Star could. In fact, if they weren't brothers, Jaron would gladly join Star in seeing his defeat. This was impossible for now however, seeing that he did not want to take a risk in enflaming Star even more. He went off to meet with General Crofton.
26-07-2007, 22:32
( occ: to Scandinava! weeeeeeeeeeee :D )

Mr. Fespute got off of his boat and stepped into the streets of Stockholm. Here he would meet with Prime Minister Rolf Gregers in an attempt to form an alliance with the two countries and drive the Terra puppet government out of Europe ( *cough* France *cough* ).
" I guess it is true, signs of the war are everywhere nowadays," he thought as he walked through the city streets to the Capitol building.

( occ: Do you have a capitol building Brazilam?)

OOC: Yes, it would be the Stockholm House of Representatives.

IC: "We have news my liege, Sir Fespute is planning a visit here to discuss alligences with nations." The Prime Minister told King Ragnvald IV.
Madame Synnöve, the Danish Representative, questioned, "The Leader of the European Confederation? Do you suppose he desires an alliance with us?"
The King answered, "Let us hope that is the case. We cannot contact the Oceanic Union until the invasion of Greece has been completed, and we will need as many allies as possible."
Norwegian Representative Halstein Jöran interjected, "My liege, I am affraid I have some troubling news."
Ragnvald IV asked, "What is it Sir Joran?"
Halstein answered, "We are afraid the European Federation is officially no more."
The King questioned, "What makes you say that?"
"These pictures were taken several hours ago." The Representative placed the pictures on the table for everyone to see. They revealed a mercenary group destroying the Berlin Federal Meeting Building. Destruction of the capital building effectively meant the destruction of the Federation.
The King questioned, "Do we know who did this?"
Sir Trevold answered, "We speculate it is a mercenary group hired by the French Government to destroy it. We cannot yet confirm who did this but we have an understanding of the goal. It would seem they want the Terran Republic wants the Federation to split into a civil war."
The Prime Minister commented, "Such effective timing... The Federation's desolution will mean civil war without quesiton. Meaning the central half that supports the Federation will soon be able invade the Eastern half during the time when it is invading Greece..."
The King continued, "And this will be the same for the Western sides as well... We must aide Sir Fespute in any way we can. Once our forces return, we must help him."
Spit break
26-07-2007, 22:37
Holland and a group of people were standing at the base of what was one of the hangers "So, um where should we start?" one man asked "start? where the hell does this pile end?" a woman said. Holland put on a pair of work gloves and a hat "pick up a rock and put it on the truck" Holland said lifting a large chuck of debris and carrying it to the truck. The others with him began to do the same, the small stuff was left to them, the mobile suits got the larger stuff.
26-07-2007, 22:54
OOC: I’m not certain when the battle in the Suez ends, but this takes place on the morning after the battle between the Republic Forces and Twilight Phoenix. This is half post and half bump.

IC: The day had come. The Serbians of the European Federation were soon about to liberate their Greek brothers from Terran control. But they would not be alone, the Scandinavian mobile suit forces were about to assist in the attack. Led by the same leader who defeated the Terran Nordic Command, Colonel Ansgar, the pilots felt more than prepared for battle with the Terrans. Jacob was among the pilots and once again prepared to lead Alvis squadron to face the Terrans. Along side Alvis squadron were a total of 50 squadrons for a total of 400 mobile suits about to face the Republic.
Colonel Ansgar gave his briefing of the mission saying, “This is our attack plan. We will send in our forces to take back the Greek islands while the Europeans invade Greece to drive the Terrans into Athens. Once the Europeans have met us at the Attica Peninsula, we’ll join them in a joint attack to wipe the Terrans out of Greece. Once the islands are cleaned of the Terrans, you’ll follow each other to the Peloponnesian Peninsula and we’ll trap the Terrans into the single city. Do you accept your mission?”
The pilots responded, “Yes sir!”
Ansgar closed saying, “Very good. Prepare for battle, we’ll be landing on the island of Thassos in twenty minutes.” The pilots scrambled and headed for their Viking mobile suits. Jacob saw his squadron behind him ready to begin the assault. In twenty minutes, as Colonel Ansgar said, the battle for Greece would soon begin.

OOC: Seeing the Operation in Twilight Phoenix has been completed, I think I can now contiue this:

IC: The Battle had begun, the forces of the Republic and the Eastern Federation were now battling for the land of Greece.

West Macedonia, Greece
"Enemy is 2 miles ahead! Prepare for combat!" The Serbian squadron commander ordered.
Another one answered, "Roger! We'll drive them into Athens and meet up with Scandinavian forces in a joint attack!"
"Very good! Now let's take them down!" The commander said.

Tel Aviv, Israel
"Attention all troops! Emergency action is needed in Greece! Report immeadietly to your stations!" The loudspeaker called out. The Terran squadrons still in tact would need to prepare for another fight seeing they were now being invaded by the Serbians. The pilots who were able to handle another battle rushed to the hangar bays and prepared a course for Greece.

"Is my Gemini III repaired?" Captain Crofton asked. He wanted to make sure his mobile suit was in top condition for being ready to beat back the Serbians.
The technician answered, "Yes sir. A replacement arm has been installed onto your mobile suit and is ready for combat."
Victor said to himself, "Perfect. Time to regain my pride... I won't fail you father!" and rushed towards his Gemini III.

Aegean Sea
"Are all squadrons standing by?" Colonel Ansgar questioned.
He was given the answer of fifty "Yes Colonel!"
The Colonel ordered, "Very good. Now it is time to drive the Terrans out of the water. Take down all bases one by one and we'll have them driven to the mainland. Now move out!"
Jacob led Alvis Squadron towards the islands and the battles would begin with the attack on the island of Thassos. "Let us pray that this fight is in our favor today... If it fails, Europe will be brought into a vulnerable position..." The Prince thought to himself as he led his men into combat...
27-07-2007, 00:23
Mr. Fespute finally made it into the Stockholm House of Representatives, it was very crowded today.

"Must be in session," he said.

He walked up to one of the Secretaries and told her,

"Im Roland Fespute, Prime Minister of the European Confederation. Im hear to disscus an alliance with the parliament."
Spit break
27-07-2007, 01:21
Holland pulled out some bottled water and took a drink "Can't believe we will be doing things for the next few days" Holland said lifting another chunk of debris. The mobile suits were making it go faster since they would pick up large amounts of debris at one time. the bigger challange was rebuilding, it would take a long time to get the base up and running fully.
27-07-2007, 01:33
Mr. Fespute finally made it into the Stockholm House of Representatives, it was very crowded today.

"Must be in session," he said.

He walked up to one of the Secretaries and told her,

"Im Roland Fespute, Prime Minister of the European Confederation. Im hear to disscus an alliance with the parliament."

The secratary answered, "Very well then, I shall let them know." She typed in a message to the Representatives in session to let them know the Prime Minister arrived.

The Norwegian Representative spoke, "Everyone, the E.C. Prime Minister has arrived, shall we allow him in?"
King Ragnvald IV answered, "We shall let him in. We know the standing we must ask for."
Rolf Gregors added, "I shall let him know."

The secratary told the Prime Minister, "The members will see you now."

As the Prime Minister walked in, the six members of the House were able to focus their attention on him. The King greeted, "Welcome Prime Minister. How may we be of your service?"
New Kratna
27-07-2007, 02:24
OOC: Seeing the Operation in Twilight Phoenix has been completed, I think I can now contiue this:

IC: The Battle had begun, the forces of the Republic and the Eastern Federation were now battling for the land of Greece.

Tel Aviv, Israel
"Attention all troops! Emergency action is needed in Greece! Report immeadietly to your stations!" The loudspeaker called out. The Terran squadrons still in tact would need to prepare for another fight seeing they were now being invaded by the Serbians. The pilots who were able to handle another battle rushed to the hangar bays and prepared a course for Greece.

"Is my Gemini III repaired?" Captain Crofton asked. He wanted to make sure his mobile suit was in top condition for being ready to beat back the Serbians.
The technician answered, "Yes sir. A replacement arm has been installed onto your mobile suit and is ready for combat."
Victor said to himself, "Perfect. Time to regain my pride... I won't fail you father!" and rushed towards his Gemini III.

((ooc: are you planing to fight over everyone of those islands cause thats the long way to crete))

Star heard the alarm and the summons to alert stations wich for her was the command center as her skills would be most useful there in assesing the situation at the moment insted of on the front line where ever that would be
"colonel" she saluted "what seems to be the situation?"
27-07-2007, 02:28
((ooc: are you planing to fight over everyone of those islands cause thats the long way to crete))

Star heard the alarm and the summons to alert stations wich for her was the command center as her skills would be most useful there in assesing the situation at the moment insted of on the front line where ever that would be
"colonel" she saluted "what seems to be the situation?"

OOC: I plan on taking them on, but not every single one. Besides with 50 squadrons, there will be wide-spread fighting.

The Colonel returned the salute and answered, "The Europeans have decided to invade Greece in a joint force with the Scandinavians. The Europeans are taking the mainland while the Scandinavians take the islands. That's what we can tell from their formation at least."
27-07-2007, 02:32
An Oceanic Union helicopter came towords the HMS H2SO4 and 'just as I thought they would' Travis thought. He helped the men out of the helicopter and lead them to the highly modivied dining hall, the ship had a much smaller crew than was normal for a ship this size so it alowed them to give it all the conferts of home.

"So now what can I do for you? I assume you didn't just come by to say hello."
27-07-2007, 03:16
An Oceanic Union helicopter came towords the HMS H2SO4 and 'just as I thought they would' Travis thought. He helped the men out of the helicopter and lead them to the highly modivied dining hall, the ship had a much smaller crew than was normal for a ship this size so it alowed them to give it all the conferts of home.

"So now what can I do for you? I assume you didn't just come by to say hello."

"I can't help but wonder if you wanted this meeting to happen, since you've managed to stay out of sight for so long..." One of the men, the ringleader by the looks of things, took a folder out of his coat and withdrew some documents. These were for Beckett. The others, which he kept, were instructions from western command on permissible amendments to the first offer, which he now prepared.

"I'll get straight to business," he said, handing the papers over. "While there is still bad blood within some circles regarding your... sudden departure, we'll say... there is universal respect for your strength. I'm sure you're aware of the situation, and the Union would like to have that strength back on their side.

"The first, obvious, term is a full pardon for your actions, and the same goes for any of your crew still serving . Base payment will be based on your original military salary, adjusted for inflation, and advanced two pay grades. That is outlined on the first form, and I hope you will agree it is a tidy sum. The next two forms outline your performance pay, bonuses awarded for each Terran unit destroyed - mobile suits, tanks, guns, and so on.

"You will be treated as an auxiliary force outside the normal chain of command; you will answer only to headquarters and will be able to request combat resources from frontline commanders. As long as they are in reason, I'm sure we can arrange for them to oblige.

"If these terms are agreeable, you can go ahead and sign on the dotted line, and we will escort you to the mainland. If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to ask before we go on."
27-07-2007, 04:04
" Good Afternoon members of the parliament, and to King Ragnvald IV, Im Roland Fespute, Prime Minister of the European Confederation. We requesting an ali....."

He stopped there, and walked over to the board with the pictures on it.

" Is this......The Berlin Federal Meeting Building?!?! " he asked.
New Kratna
27-07-2007, 04:16
Oceanic frontline command was nervous. During the retreat, Colonel Simms (OOC: finally decided to give the poor guy a name) had come up with a plan that would hopefully top his pincir movement. They only had one shot at this, so they had to get it right. Initial drafts had been laid out the previous night and hastily implemented in part before the Terran approach. Lining the riverbed were several chemical bunkers. They weren't immediately harmful... it took an ignition to do that. And then, hoo boy, would they burn. Artillery gunmen were beginning to switch their shells for smoke rounds. Rockets were swapped with canisters filled with heavy, nontoxic gas. Electronic apparati were hastily assembled behind the safety of the defense lines.

"We're pouring an awful lot of effort into this, so let's make it count," Simms had said in an address the previous night. "We're going to reduce this battle to strictly line-of-sight. We will jam all radar and electronic communications along the front; this goes for us, as well. We are currently linking forward posts with ground lines but this will not be done until 0600 tomorrow morning, and testing will likely take us up until go time.

"We will reduce their vision by pounding their line with smoke shells. We will fire several rounds to get it good and foggy over there. Gas canisters will fill their side with heavier-than-air gas to disrupt energy weapons. The wind is with us now, but if it shifts our way, it's not a problem, since the effect is still the same. Our plan will be to charge ground and air mobile suits across the river bed and then ignite the chemical tanks we've arranged there. This will blind their infrared sensors, but ours will be available since the fires will be at our backs.

"The operation commences precisely at 0800. The implicit coordination is imperative, so have your orders issued clearly before then. At that time, electronics will be knocked down and artillery will lay down visual blinders. Your mobile suits are to immediately cross the river along with the artillery barrage..."



the river was covered in smoke the same time the radar went down and all fire stoped on both sides
"those sneeky bastards... Arm yourself prepare for anything!"
the men scurried about grabbing small arms (compaired to the rest of artilery command) and re aiming the main guns to the river proper.
Several muffled thwumps were heard and orange glows apeared sporadicly though the smoke bank.
"sir IR's down"
"clever buggers... they've blinded us boys keep on your toes"
artillery command was silent for the moment ready for anything to happen

"you see anything jim?"
"not a thing the entire front line is coverd couldn't see troop movements if i wanted to and can't compleat our bombing cause i can't see our targets or get a lock"
"no shit. Command this is aries squad alpha were blind up here" will stay in the area and try and wait for the smoke to clear"
"Roger that Albha squad maintain servailence"
"roger that command"
"...oh joy" came the sarcastic coment from one of the squad menbers"

the rest of the lines wernt fairing much better with smoke blocking line of sight the radars jammed and IR across the river fouled the advance had ground to a halt.
"Options?" general roy asked the gathered staff.
"Well i'd recomend water bombing the fires but i don't know what fueling them so we could judt make it worse"
"we're at a stand still and if the enemy moves first witch i think they will why else screw everything up... they will have the advantage with the fires at there backs and not in there eyes"
there was silence as everone thought it through the general had it right there was nothing they could do
"X-rays..." an officer piped up
"X-rays." he said again "oh i know we're not equiped to use them on standard scanning equipment but it wouldn't be to hard modify them to be used.. heat wouldnt confuse them the standard radar jamming wouldnt affect them either and as for led... well out in the open like this it would stand out like a sore thumb."
"your a genious! you heard him focus on the Geminies to start the sagitaries as well get me some eyes in the feild!" the modifications where hurridly started they estamated 30 minuts before the first squad would be on the feild meenwhile the lines holed up waiting for the smoke to clear.
New Kratna
27-07-2007, 04:21
OOC: I plan on taking them on, but not every single one. Besides with 50 squadrons, there will be wide-spread fighting.

The Colonel returned the salute and answered, "The Europeans have decided to invade Greece in a joint force with the Scandinavians. The Europeans are taking the mainland while the Scandinavians take the islands. That's what we can tell from their formation at least."

"the scandinavians..." well aren't they along way from home she thought to her self she had an odd twinge in her stomach one she couldn't quite identify "sir request permision to return to grecian Command." now why did she just say that... Jacob was dead right...
27-07-2007, 04:39
" Good Afternoon members of the parliament, and to King Ragnvald IV, Im Roland Fespute, Prime Minister of the European Confederation. We requesting an ali....."

He stopped there, and walked over to the board with the pictures on it.

" Is this......The Berlin Federal Meeting Building?!?! " he asked.

The Prime Minister took notice of the recent desturction fo the Berlin Federal Meeting Building. The Finnish Representative answered, "We regret to say that it is so Prime Minister, but the European Federation's capital building has recently been destroyed."
Prime Minister Rolf Gregors continued, "We do not officially know if it is work of the Terrans or the French, but we can only assume this much. The Eastern half of the European Federation has moved to invade Greece but the Federation is now no more."
The King finished saying, "That is what we fear Mr. Fespute. If the Federal Meeting Building is destroyed, you must know what happens to the Federation..."
27-07-2007, 04:39
"the scandinavians..." well aren't they along way from home she thought to her self she had an odd twinge in her stomach one she couldn't quite identify "sir request permision to return to grecian Command." now why did she just say that... Jacob was dead right...

The Colonel was intrigued by Star's desire to return to Greece, but decided she would be more than useful in repelling the invaders. He answered, "Permission granted Captain. Captain Crofton will be leaving in half an hour if you wish to form a joint attack with him."
27-07-2007, 05:02
the river was covered in smoke the same time the radar went down and all fire stoped on both sides
"those sneeky bastards... Arm yourself prepare for anything!"
the men scurried about grabbing small arms (compaired to the rest of artilery command) and re aiming the main guns to the river proper.
Several muffled thwumps were heard and orange glows apeared sporadicly though the smoke bank.
"sir IR's down"
"clever buggers... they've blinded us boys keep on your toes"
artillery command was silent for the moment ready for anything to happen

"you see anything jim?"
"not a thing the entire front line is coverd couldn't see troop movements if i wanted to and can't compleat our bombing cause i can't see our targets or get a lock"
"no shit. Command this is aries squad alpha were blind up here" will stay in the area and try and wait for the smoke to clear"
"Roger that Albha squad maintain servailence"
"roger that command"
"...oh joy" came the sarcastic coment from one of the squad menbers"

the rest of the lines wernt fairing much better with smoke blocking line of sight the radars jammed and IR across the river fouled the advance had ground to a halt.
"Options?" general roy asked the gathered staff.
"Well i'd recomend water bombing the fires but i don't know what fueling them so we could judt make it worse"
"we're at a stand still and if the enemy moves first witch i think they will why else screw everything up... they will have the advantage with the fires at there backs and not in there eyes"
there was silence as everone thought it through the general had it right there was nothing they could do
"X-rays..." an officer piped up
"X-rays." he said again "oh i know we're not equiped to use them on standard scanning equipment but it wouldn't be to hard modify them to be used.. heat wouldnt confuse them the standard radar jamming wouldnt affect them either and as for led... well out in the open like this it would stand out like a sore thumb."
"your a genious! you heard him focus on the Geminies to start the sagitaries as well get me some eyes in the feild!" the modifications where hurridly started they estamated 30 minuts before the first squad would be on the feild meenwhile the lines holed up waiting for the smoke to clear.

Oceanic units were pouring over the burning riverbed, emptying their clips into Terran positions. The plan was working like a charm. Fire coming from the smokescreen was erratic, which did make it difficult to dodge lucky shots. Fortunately, the Terran targets were easier to hit. Artillery bunkers were taken out first to ease the advance, and then Oceanic mobile suits pushed into the fog. Terran Geminis were next; they didn't know what hit them. At this rate, they would be through the first Terran line in no time.

Terran Aries circled overhead in confusion. "Headquarters, we have zero visibility, please advise..." Static. "Headquarters, do you copy? Come in, headquarters..." Damn, they were jamming communications, too! Aries pilots had to look alive as Albatross squadrons screamed onto the battlefield. Intense dogfights began. At least in the air, everyone was equal. The Union had to keep those Aries occupied - they could still use their infrared sensors from the air to hit Tuataras in the fog of war.

Fortunately, Terran engineers had concocted a solution very quickly. Spreading it to the entire front with no communications would be difficult, but already Terran messengers were speeding along back roads in jeeps, hastily delivering telegrams. It would take some time to propagate the update to the flanks, but it would take around a half an hour to begin. By 0900, all units would be able to see again.

So the Terrans took the losses in stride. The Union commanders were congratulating themselves on a well-played hand. But deep into the Terran lines, Tuataras were beginning to run out of ammo and fall back. If that wasn't bad enough, Terran aim seemed to have increased exponentially. Union suits started going down as easily as they had been mowing through the Republic's just moments before. Damn. That was the end of this party. Tuataras began to fall back in disarray, holding off the enemy advance as much as possible. By 0945, Oceanic units were returning across the riverbed with Terran fire right behind them. Fresh units from the second line had pushed up and now went forward to replace them, but their advantage was gone.

The Union first line had exhausted much of its combat potential. The phones were ringing down the line. Plans to move the second and third line's artillery forward would have to be scrapped. The jamming arrays would have to be taken down soon, or the Union would suddenly find itself disadvantaged. Most of the smoke and gas was drifting east off of the battlefield by now, anyway. The Union had inflicted serious losses but did not gain any territory. Probably worse, they had incensed the Terrans to take the battle more seriously.

In the end, second line mobile suits ended up covering a full withdrawal of the first line for repair and reloading. At 1200, the Terrans had new guns and mobile suits ready to cross the riverbed. The chemical fires were doused. The Oceanic first line had shifted ten miles south - the second defense line was now the first. Both sides had broken off the aerial battle for refueling and reloading, as well. The battle would begin anew, and Simms was hard-pressed to find another trick.
New Kratna
27-07-2007, 05:02
The Colonel was intrigued by Star's desire to return to Greece, but decided she would be more than useful in repelling the invaders. He answered, "Permission granted Captain. Captain Crofton will be leaving in half an hour if you wish to form a joint attack with him."

"i'd rather not" she stated bluntly... she wanted to say "Over my dead body but felt that it wouldn't go over to well "with your permision i'd like to leave imediatly" after all... if he was alive... she had a promise to keep

((ooc: refrence to when she found out he'd pulled the self distruct cables "i swear to god if he wasn't dead i'd kill him"))
27-07-2007, 05:08
"i'd rather not" she stated bluntly... she wanted to say "Over my dead body but felt that it wouldn't go over to well "with your permision i'd like to leave imediatly" after all... if he was alive... she had a promise to keep

((ooc: refrence to when she found out he'd pulled the self distruct cables "i swear to god if he wasn't dead i'd kill him"))

The Colonel accepted her answer and said, "Very well then. Assemble your squadrons and you may leave whenever you wish. Dismissed." The Colonel returned to his work after his conversation with Star.
Spit break
27-07-2007, 05:22
"Hey I think i actually see the bottom of this pile" Holland said to every one as a joke "well stop standing there and saying you can see the bottom and actually make it so we can stand on the ground and not that pile" one of the men said to him while loading a chunk of debris on to a truck. Holland tossed a chunk of debris aside and put his foot down "there im standing on the ground, happy?" Holland said before laughing and picking up the debris he just moved to carry it to the truck "yeah real funny Holland" one commented.
New Kratna
27-07-2007, 05:49
Oceanic units were pouring over the burning riverbed, emptying their clips into Terran positions. The plan was working like a charm. Fire coming from the smokescreen was erratic, which did make it difficult to dodge lucky shots. Fortunately, the Terran targets were easier to hit. Artillery bunkers were taken out first to ease the advance, and then Oceanic mobile suits pushed into the fog. Terran Geminis were next; they didn't know what hit them. At this rate, they would be through the first Terran line in no time.

Terran Aries circled overhead in confusion. "Headquarters, we have zero visibility, please advise..." Static. "Headquarters, do you copy? Come in, headquarters..." Damn, they were jamming communications, too! Aries pilots had to look alive as Albatross squadrons screamed onto the battlefield. Intense dogfights began. At least in the air, everyone was equal. The Union had to keep those Aries occupied - they could still use their infrared sensors from the air to hit Tuataras in the fog of war.

Fortunately, Terran engineers had concocted a solution very quickly. Spreading it to the entire front with no communications would be difficult, but already Terran messengers were speeding along back roads in jeeps, hastily delivering telegrams. It would take some time to propagate the update to the flanks, but it would take around a half an hour to begin. By 0900, all units would be able to see again.

So the Terrans took the losses in stride. The Union commanders were congratulating themselves on a well-played hand. But deep into the Terran lines, Tuataras were beginning to run out of ammo and fall back. If that wasn't bad enough, Terran aim seemed to have increased exponentially. Union suits started going down as easily as they had been mowing through the Republic's just moments before. Damn. That was the end of this party. Tuataras began to fall back in disarray, holding off the enemy advance as much as possible. By 0945, Oceanic units were returning across the riverbed with Terran fire right behind them. Fresh units from the second line had pushed up and now went forward to replace them, but their advantage was gone.

The Union first line had exhausted much of its combat potential. The phones were ringing down the line. Plans to move the second and third line's artillery forward would have to be scrapped. The jamming arrays would have to be taken down soon, or the Union would suddenly find itself disadvantaged. Most of the smoke and gas was drifting east off of the battlefield by now, anyway. The Union had inflicted serious losses but did not gain any territory. Probably worse, they had incensed the Terrans to take the battle more seriously.

In the end, second line mobile suits ended up covering a full withdrawal of the first line for repair and reloading. At 1200, the Terrans had new guns and mobile suits ready to cross the riverbed. The chemical fires were doused. The Oceanic first line had shifted ten miles south - the second defense line was now the first. Both sides had broken off the aerial battle for refueling and reloading, as well. The battle would begin anew, and Simms was hard-pressed to find another trick.

Dampier line
"reports are coming in we've pushed them back"
"Finaly" the general breithed a sigh of refeif it had been touchand go for a while but the new x-ray scanners came just in time to turn it around.
"lets press the attack then give them a taste of there own medicine"

The lines of Mobile suits advanced across the riverbed following the path of the Unions retreat to avoid the bulk of the mines and powered into the defencive positions... with the jamming and fires now at there backs and coupled with the X scanners the terrans were relitivly unoposed as the slaughter began in ernist and the suits began sending co-ordanents of enamy positions to Artilery command and the shelling resumed mixed with there own smoke bombs to keep the darkness and there advantage

Port Hedland

the suplyship pulled into the harbour making its way to the docks. it had been a harrowing trip with the raids on the supply lines the bulk of the forces from guam had finished ariving and port headland alond with Dampier now were bursting with troops.
the ship finished docking and the cargo cranes where moved into position as tong watched from across the port. finaly theyd beable to compleat repairs on the Jade panther. in afew more hours he would be back on the field time to go prep for his mission he started looking over rosters for addition to his squad aswell as replacements for the killed pilots... it would be an impresive force to deal with and surpress the troops stationed at alice springs
27-07-2007, 06:18
Dampier line
"reports are coming in we've pushed them back"
"Finaly" the general breithed a sigh of refeif it had been touchand go for a while but the new x-ray scanners came just in time to turn it around.
"lets press the attack then give them a taste of there own medicine"

The lines of Mobile suits advanced across the riverbed following the path of the Unions retreat to avoid the bulk of the mines and powered into the defencive positions... with the jamming and fires now at there backs and coupled with the X scanners the terrans were relitivly unoposed as the slaughter began in ernist and the suits began sending co-ordanents of enamy positions to Artilery command and the shelling resumed mixed with there own smoke bombs to keep the darkness and there advantage

Port Hedland

the suplyship pulled into the harbour making its way to the docks. it had been a harrowing trip with the raids on the supply lines the bulk of the forces from guam had finished ariving and port headland alond with Dampier now were bursting with troops.
the ship finished docking and the cargo cranes where moved into position as tong watched from across the port. finaly theyd beable to compleat repairs on the Jade panther. in afew more hours he would be back on the field time to go prep for his mission he started looking over rosters for addition to his squad aswell as replacements for the killed pilots... it would be an impresive force to deal with and surpress the troops stationed at alice springs

"Sir, they've turned our own strategy against us, and are more than making up for their losses this morning."

"Damn, who would've thought they'd come up with such a quick countermeasure... Any report from engineering yet?"

"They're preparing a firmware upgrade, but it'll take some time to filter out to the troops. They've figured out the Terrans' little trick and are adapting our units to use it."

"Good... in the meantime, we'll perform a fighting retreat towards the Ashburton. We don't have the ability to check them, so we'll outrun their heavy equipment. That will buy us some time to regroup. We'll also need to issue evacuation orders." Simms sighed. This had quickly turned into a bad day.

At 1330, the Terran frontal assault had moved sufficiently far south for cleanup work to safely begin behind the Fortescue. The damage was little worse than expected. It would take some time for enough reinforcements to arrive from China to make up for it, but initial reports stated that equally heavy losses were being inflicted on the retreating Union forces. As they were running out of bases in the west to draw from, it wasn't a problem yet.

Once farther south, the Union suits were clear of the smoke and the Terran jamming equipment, and parity returned somewhat. Close combat was brutal. Aries and Albatross parts rained from the sky. Abandoned Oceanic equipment dotted the landscape. It was a messy maneuver, but necessary to save their line from total collapse. At 1500, a first and second line were established at the Ashburton River. Like the Fortescue, it consisted, this time of year, of pools of standing water separated by stretches of cracked earth.

Paraburdoo Base, just north of the river, was a lump in the Oceanic line. Its defenses fought bravely while men and resources attempted to withdraw south, essentially creating a mobile base. Fortunately for them, the base's defenses were thicker than the fire laid down by Terran units, who eventually bypassed it in favor of the line.

But the reestablishment of the lines meant that retreating Oceanic suits had some artillery cover as they approached. Flak and SAM began to harass Aries as Albatross units limped back to new airfields. The Terran vanguard, now too far in front of its support, was forced to fall back in front of the reorganized Oceanic defense. They had lost almost 40% of the force they'd had this morning. Reinforcements were coming from bases farther and farther south. Eventually they would be out, and it would just be them between the Terrans and Perth.

"So... I hope you have another surprise up your sleeve, Simms..."

"I doubt we have the preparation time for anything. We'll just have to try and outmaneuver them once they can get here in full force. Focus on repairing what we've got. We've got ninety minutes tops until they renew the assault." It would be evening by then.

Scrap metal which had been dragged from the front by retreating units was placed on the far bank as a makeshift barricade, but it would only block tanks and men. They had not been able to guarantee the safety of every civilian between the Fortescue and Ashburton; most were still on the way and continually poured across the lines at a steady rate. News reports were coming in that militias had taken on Terran marines in firefights, and occasionally came out on top. Expeditions of men and tanks were attempting to round up as many people as possible before they were caught in the Terran advance.

(OOC: How's that, Kratna? About eight hours in four posts. Woo!)