NationStates Jolt Archive

OOC The Seed of Expansion FT - Page 2

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Imperial isa
16-01-2007, 07:47
TB can you help me find the other Torpedoes use by the Imperial navy in BFG
i know there is more but can't find the infor on them
16-01-2007, 08:01
The XIV Legio Tactica: I'm slightly confused here. Your post ( speaks as if there's nothing in the asteroid belt, but the Commonwealth task force has already arrived there. And the last time I checked, it was rather hard to hide nine (9) thousand-meter-long ships, plus thirteen (13) wings of fighters and nine (9) wings of bombers.

So I'm not sure if you just missed my post or what, but if you'd like to correct and edit it to show that there is definitely something in the asteroid belt, go right ahead. This is a serious show of military muscle by the Commonwealth, not that your characters would know that, of course.

EDIT: Yes, my section here ( pertaining to construction was correct. The Commonwealth is building a substantial fleet shipyard, supply depot, and major forward operating facility two systems away. This was the only way I could seriously account for Force H just happening to be in the area, considering how distant it is from the Commonwealth. (Without an important reason like this it's rather hard to explain why a force this size is about two weeks of near-continuous jumps away from the home territories.)
Trinity Blood
16-01-2007, 08:13
TB can you help me find the other Torpedoes use by the Imperial navy in BFG
i know there is more but can't find the infor on them

Sorry, but my expertise lies in the ST continuum. Perhaps you should ask Chrono as he seems, IMO, quite the expert on the Warhammer-verse.
Imperial isa
16-01-2007, 08:28
Sorry, but my expertise lies in the ST continuum. Perhaps you should ask Chrono as he seems, IMO, quite the expert on the Warhammer-verse.

right chaos and the imperial do use some same weapons
Trinity Blood
16-01-2007, 08:43
right chaos and the imperial do use some same weapons

As I understand it, Chrono actually started as Imperium and turned to Chaos IC'ly somewhere along the line.
The XIV Legio Tactica
16-01-2007, 08:43
[FONT="Garamond"]The XIV Legio Tactica: I'm slightly confused here. Your post ( speaks as if there's nothing in the asteroid belt, but the Commonwealth task force has already arrived there. And the last time I checked, it was rather hard to hide nine (9) thousand-meter-long ships, plus thirteen (13) wings of fighters and nine (9) wings of bombers.

So I'm not sure if you just missed my post or what, but if you'd like to correct and edit it to show that there is definitely something in the asteroid belt, go right ahead. This is a serious show of military muscle by the Commonwealth, not that your characters would know that, of course.

Sorry about that, Bautizar. I must have started writing that post before you posted. But the exchange between Llewellianus and Marcus was supposed to have taken place right after the mining ships jumped. Did your military really get there that fast after they left?
16-01-2007, 09:59
Well, as far as my tech goes, here's an excerpt from my WIP factbook.

Chemical Firing Mechanisms
Chemically based firing mechanisms are still in use within New Oxford, carving out their niche as compact rapid fire weaponry. The self-contained propellant is considerably faster to ignite than it is to recharge capacitor banks on its big brother the gauss gun, and allows for portable rapid fire weapons that would with other weapon types be in another class entirely.

Magnetic Coil Launchers
Also known as the Gauss Gun. Magnetic coil launchers are comparitively simple weapons when placed beside more exotic varieties of firearms such as the Plasma Accelerator, the Laser Cannon and Antimatter-based weapons. However, they are essential to all long range projection efforts and the sheer power of kinetic-kill armaments cannot be denied, even if it is a tad power-intensive.

Laser Weaponry
A staple of small scale conflicts, laser weaponry is cheap, plentiful and undeniably effective. While it is stopped entirely by almost all current shielding technology, the low costs of laser equipment makes it a viable option for personal use and security outfits. Unlike newer, more deadly weapons, Laser weapons are among the lightest and can be easily scaled up into a threat to even a mighty battleship.

Plasma Weaponry
Unlike the lumbering plasma bolt launchers of fiction, the New Oxford plasma guns are swift, accurate and nigh-impossible to avoid. Ionised gases are pumped into an acceleration chamber where they are fired at near-light velocities. Toned down versions of plasma guns are also used in the production of television programs as 'lasers'.

Flash Coolant
Flash Coolant is a cocktail of chemicals and catalysts that react to nearly instantaneously bleed enormous amounts of heat from nearby devices, and is often employed in weaponry as a way of shortening recycle times after constant firing. However, the coolant is only single use and few weapons have the weight allowance to carry more than a single load.


Just a quick explanation for the Plasma Cannons. They are not the 'true' plasma weapons, and are actually closer to Ion Guns than Plasma Guns. Essentially it's a charged particle beam directed at one's enemies - not, and I must stress this point, not a conveniently slow moving pulse that can be dodged by some two-bit Jedi.


Your rail projectile doesn't really do much in terms of Exploding an enemy ship, but what it does do is cause this nice big hole as it goes through and potentially disables important systems.
16-01-2007, 14:11
Lol, well, feel free to jot down notes when I really get going. IMHO, out of all the stories I've written, while they may not be that great, the bad guy/gal is one you would love to slug as hard as you could if you ever met them in RL.

Aye. Well the RP is still young and I have yet to begin :) I like using this race because Im not trying to go for the most evil. Instead Im going for the scariest, because they have no concept of right or wrong, injustice or mercy. They are just a voracious gestalt with an unsatiable appetite for flesh and are concerned with becoming more and more efficient.

As for tech, here are a couple of long range weapons on my units and broodships:

Bioplasma Cannons/Guns: Similar to actual plasma weaponary, this is created usually in the arms with several glands that mix together liquids creating a chemcal reaction that help to launch the plasma at high velocity speeds. Found on mor advanced units and broodships. NOTE The only unit that has bioplasma guns that arent on their arms are the Volucari, whose legs have actually become the bioplasma guns lol theres a funny sight.)

Acidic Saliva: A highly corrosive solution stored in a special gland that can break down matter at a molecular level. Highly reactive against metals and rock, this is used against troops and vehicles as well as digging through tunnels. All units can have this.

Napalmic Bile: A reactive substance that is similar to napalm, it is a very flammable and volatile liquid secreted from a special gland in the mouth of a Kraeton. All units can have this.

Spike Projectiles: Large chitinous spikes as tough as adamatine that are fired from special pores on a Kraeton's body with the use of a special set of muscles and nerve clumps that act as an organic "railgun", launching spikes at high speeds. On more advanced units. The Broodships have larger spike projectiles call "Biorailguns". This is a larger clump of special muscles and nerve clumps that charge bioelectricity through the "cannon", launching a special armour piece that is high in adamantine content, making it a high velocity impact shell. Shells coming in impact and explosive.

Kraeton Cardiac Larvaetons: Contained inside some projectiles are special breeds of Larvaeton called Cardiac Larvaeton that once inserted into the body, escape the bullet and begin eating through the body at a fast rate, following the rhythm of the heart and eating through any amount of flesh before finding the heart. Once found, they begin constricting the muscle and devouring the heart, leaving the unit dead within a minute of being shot. On all units except the Tiiacari and Volucari.

Plagued Emulsion: Only found on the Infector, it is a special acidic liquid mix of several biochemical toxins and disesaes that can corrode through armour and infect entire armies with the plagued cocktail. It is so strong that even lesser Kraetons can be killed by it.

Pestilince Swarms: Only created by the Infector as well. These are living bullets, massive swarms are 2 inch long Kraeton-bees that, despite being small, has the most powerful teeth, first digging through armour with their sharp proboscis, then digging through the flesh with their jaws and the acidic saliva. Very deadly but highly weak against fire and explosives.

Organic Torpedoes: From the broodships are special pores and vacuoles that launch explosive tubes of biomatter propelled at high velocities thanks to a chemical reaction where the "boosters" are. Comes in a variety of types, from impact to explosive to plasma.

Thats about what I can think of. Ill add anything i missed.

@everyone. In regards to the Sicari unit of my previous post, his pigmentation allows optic camouflage. He also has a special gland that controls his tempurature, keeping it at either a constant 110 degrees F or matching it with his surroundings (while obviously dropping his metabolism). This will make tracking him with thermal goggles nigh-impossible, however you can still track him with EM goggles that can locate bioelectricity from the nervous system and then BAM! he dies because he has less armour than other Kraetons. I actually cant wait to RP a squad taking a Sicari on. I modelled it after the Xenomorph and Predator aliens so it is an incredible ambush hunter.

And in my other post on the OOC about what all Kraetons have in common, I forgot about their lateral line (a special group of sensory organs modified with electroreceptors that can sense the bioelectricity and movement of their prey). So I feel kinda dumb :) Shoulda had it in there cause I don't want it to look like I am just adding stuff as I go along.
Trinity Blood
16-01-2007, 15:08
Hmm, well I don't, yet, use the shields I posted about earlier, you're right, a little bit on my stuff would be useful. I'll pull up some links for the ST canon info as I don't feel like doing all the editing that would be needed to fit it all into my national canon.

Phase Cannons:
Phase Pistol:
EM-33 Plasma Pistol:
Pulse Rifle:
Plasma Rifle:
Spatial Torpedo:
Photonic Torpedo:
Polarized Hull Plating:
Uniforms (two varients for my current set, not decided on which will be my main one, but leaning towards the first link):
Universal Translator (not always reliable and needs samples of an another language to work up a translation matrix, thus why linguists are usually assigned as comm officers):
Particle Cannon:
Military Assault Command Operations (MACO)

That enough info? If not, I can pull up more links.

@Bautizar: What do you think of one of my fighter pods having to conduct an emergency landing in a hanger of one of your ships?

Note: Last night, mainly because of the hour and that articles on such things aren't found on the site I linked to, I didn't mention that RL style projectile weapons and gauss guns (they are already in my NS canon as I've mentioned them in my CSP thread) are quite common (for me, producing them en mass is cheap and easy and I don't see why I won't continue to use them for IC centuries to come alongside my canon TB based weapons and canon ST based weapons) due to being developed so long before my first directed energy weapon (yes, even though the Phase Pistol is a particle weapon, its classed as an energy weapon by most). Also, can't forget the good, old laser based weapons (as seen in the very first TOS episode that never aired (the first proposed pilot) and the revist to it later in the series in the episode "The Cage").

Here's an add-on to the above list:

Laser Pistol:
Laser Weapon:
Laser Beacon:
Laser Cannon:
X-Ray Laser:
Projectile Weapon:
Calico M960:
Thompson submachine gun:
M1 Garand:
Colt 1911A1:

Note: The add-on list only contains examples of some of the projectile weapons in my arsenal. As I didn't feel like digging through page after page and link after link, I only listed the ones mentioned, with hyperlinks to their own articles, in the main "Projectile Weapon" article that are canon (as seen on screen) weapons.

@Hakurabi: You still have to respond the my post that I quoted part of above.

Aye. Well the RP is still young and I have yet to begin :) I like using this race because Im not trying to go for the most evil. Instead Im going for the scariest, because they have no concept of right or wrong, injustice or mercy. They are just a voracious gestalt with an unsatiable appetite for flesh and are concerned with becoming more and more efficient.

Sounds almost like the Flood crossed with Xenomorphs and the thing from, well, The Thing.
16-01-2007, 15:12
Sounds almost like the Flood crossed with Xenomorphs and the thing from, well, The Thing.

Tyranids, don't forget the Tyranids lol and those silly Zerg :)
16-01-2007, 15:24
Sorry about that, Bautizar. I must have started writing that post before you posted. But the exchange between Llewellianus and Marcus was supposed to have taken place right after the mining ships jumped. Did your military really get there that fast after they left?

No, not that fast, although the mining ships did jump to the construction site. I suppose we can write it off to the Commonwealth ships not being detected yet by the Roman personnel.
Trinity Blood
16-01-2007, 16:13
Tyranids, don't forget the Tyranids lol and those silly Zerg :)

Lol, as I don't really know that much about them, that's why I didn't include them.

Note: I'm going to be gone AFK until this afternoon due to my Economics class today. I'll be leaving for it in around 10 minutes from now.
16-01-2007, 16:20
As I understand it, Chrono actually started as Imperium and turned to Chaos IC'ly somewhere along the line.

Yup, and boy was that a fun ride. Added to my skill and all, made me a more dynamic nation with more interesting characters. Anyways, go to the specialist games website and download all the BFG stuff for more info. Or theres always, a wonderful site.

As I understand it, you have variants such as Vortex Torpedoes, Virus Bombs, Cyclonic Torpedoes, Ballistic Torpedoes and Boarding Torpedoes. I pray to the ruinous powers that if you are using 40k tech, its all you use, because if your mixing and matching along with your "God" and "Werewolves" (See what I did there?), I'd appreciate you explaining where you're getting it from :)
16-01-2007, 16:45
Lol, as I don't really know that much about them, that's why I didn't include them.

Note: I'm going to be gone AFK until this afternoon due to my Economics class today. I'll be leaving for it in around 10 minutes from now.

Gasp! You've never played Starcraft at least? O man I am so bootlegging Starcraft and sending it to you :)
Trinity Blood
16-01-2007, 19:00
Gasp! You've never played Starcraft at least? O man I am so bootlegging Starcraft and sending it to you :)

For the PC, I've got Armada I, Armada II, Elite Force (with expansion pack), Bridge Commander, Alien Versus Predator 2, Warcraft I, Warcraft II, Warcraft II expansion, Warcraft III (don't have the expansion for it yet), and Halo.

I think I may have played a Starcraft demo at one point, but I don't recall exactly.
16-01-2007, 19:03
For the PC, I've got Armada I, Armada II, Elite Force (with expansion pack), Bridge Commander, Alien Versus Predator 2, Warcraft I, Warcraft II, Warcraft II expansion, Warcraft III (don't have the expansion for it yet), and Halo.

I think I may have played a Starcraft demo at one point, but I don't recall exactly.

Ah ok. Just look up the Zerg on Wiki and you'll see some pics and what they are all about.
16-01-2007, 19:33
Also I have logged in all current information about the Kraetons as an NS Wiki. here is the Link. Enjoy the history :)

This Wiki is still under construction, but the majority is up there until I can get the units up.
Trinity Blood
16-01-2007, 20:39
Also I have logged in all current information about the Kraetons as an NS Wiki. here is the Link. Enjoy the history :)

This Wiki is still under construction, but the majority is up there until I can get the units up.

Cool. I'm going to have to try figuring out how to do one for myself sometime.
16-01-2007, 20:45
Cool. I'm going to have to try figuring out how to do one for myself sometime.

It is like using Microsoft Word. Very simple
17-01-2007, 00:04
Trinity Blood - A M1 Grand?
17-01-2007, 00:39
Oh, right. Sorry, missed that.

I'd have to say that with regards to employing antimatter as a weapon, there are two main obstacles, assuming that production capacity is out of the question.

1: Containment. Elaborate devices are required to keep Antimatter under control. The more you have, the harder it is to keep contained. Thus, the cost of antimatter weapons is not linear as they get larger.

2: Reaction. And not a diplomatic one, either. It's easier to get near 100% of the potential energy with a slow, controlled burn (reactor), but when using it as a weapon you run into the problem of combusting the thing all at once. Using the Atomic Rocket ( example, if you have a Brick, and an Anti Brick, and you bring them together, you'll get the (anti-)atoms on the bricks reacting and vapourising both bricks, and not getting all your 'bang for your buck'.

Both these factors amount to exponentially increasing costs as you increase the amount of antimatter you have. The numbers I gave were assuming maximum efficiency. In reality, our best with H-bombs is 2.2Mt to Tonne, and with antimatter, 10% efficiency is highly optimistic at best for the near future. Now given the numbers, the Trek torpedoes have a 74% efficiency, but this only means that it takes .92c to render them irrelevant.


Speeds high enough to render warheads irrelevant means that the space used to contain the warhead would have been better used to add more mass, because the warhead itself becomes negligible in power and is essentially dead volume.

In other words, at speeds above .95c, 1 gram of dead mass is more deadly than all the assorted paraphernalia needed to fit a 1 gram antimatter warhead. Sure, it would be a little more dangerous, with antimatter, but then you need all the supporting devices and you lose out on volume, while, say, a simple gram of tungsten will do more damage.

Don't forget that the power of Railguns increases roughly exponentially with increased speed, and that it is much cheaper to fire a 1 tonne slug than a slug with 1 tonne of antimatter.
17-01-2007, 04:59
Could you tell me which part was a god mod? I don't have much experiance in it.

EDIT: Is it the part where I RPed my vessels hitting your, cause if it is, I will go delete it. Actully I'm going to go do that any way and let you RP damage.
17-01-2007, 05:29
Hakurabi: It would be damned hard for a ship, any ship, to hit 0.92% the speed of light. For Star Trek vessels the speed of light is warp 1, but even so they can't move really any faster than 0.70% at sublight (better known as "impulse") speeds. I could throw a host of sites at you to support this, including both roleplaying and close-to-canon sources. Even Commonwealth ships can't hit 0.92% the speed of light. For starters, they'd be destroyed by the incredible stress that would be placed on their structures. And secondly they're warships, not ones meant for running from a fight.

My point is this: does anyone here actually have a ship that can move at 0.92% the speed of light? Or are we (and I'm referring to everyone taking part in this RP) just trying to find a loophole to avoid our ships getting scratched up?
17-01-2007, 05:35
Hakurabi: It would be damned hard for a ship, any ship, to hit 0.92% the speed of light. For Star Trek vessels the speed of light is warp 1, but even so they can't move really any faster than 0.70% at sublight (better known as "impulse") speeds. I could throw a host of sites at you to support this, including both roleplaying and close-to-canon sources. Even Commonwealth ships can't hit 0.92% the speed of light. For starters, they'd be destroyed by the incredible stress that would be placed on their structures. And secondly they're warships, not ones meant for running from a fight.

My point is this: does anyone here actually have a ship that can move at 0.92% the speed of light? Or are we (and I'm referring to everyone taking part in this RP) just trying to find a loophole to avoid our ships getting scratched up?

I actully don't knonw at this moment know who my ships even move... I think since your... nation is most like mine, I'll going to have to get most my stuff from you.
Imperial isa
17-01-2007, 05:59
Hakurabi: It would be damned hard for a ship, any ship, to hit 0.92% the speed of light. For Star Trek vessels the speed of light is warp 1, but even so they can't move really any faster than 0.70% at sublight (better known as "impulse") speeds. I could throw a host of sites at you to support this, including both roleplaying and close-to-canon sources. Even Commonwealth ships can't hit 0.92% the speed of light. For starters, they'd be destroyed by the incredible stress that would be placed on their structures. And secondly they're warships, not ones meant for running from a fight.

My point is this: does anyone here actually have a ship that can move at 0.92% the speed of light? Or are we (and I'm referring to everyone taking part in this RP) just trying to find a loophole to avoid our ships getting scratched up?

i don't have ship's there , i'm using the ooc to my fact's right just incase i do a IC report in the main thread

man who scratched my ship paint work :p
17-01-2007, 06:15
Hey guys im gonna be out for maybe a day. Im feeling kinda sick, got work tomorrow, and I have to patch up things with a girl because I somehow fucked up (still confused as to how, but whatever....) ill be on thursday.
17-01-2007, 06:17
No, I think you did just fine. I'm not prepared to throttle creative use of language for the sake of petty things like Godmodding. Please put the 'offending' sections back - I've already written my post to account, after all. If there's something that happened that shouldn't have happened, I'll point it out here.

@Bautizar: I'm not sure what you're getting at, here. I've been talking about relativistic weaponry, not actual ship propulsion. What I've been pointing out is that at said relative velocities, kinetic kill weapons will beat out such warheads gram for gram - without taking into account complications such as supporting hardware on the projectile.

Nobody has a ship that moves at .92c, though it might be possible to accelerate a smaller object to that speed with a dedicated ship.

This calculation for railgun is assuming best case for its competitors (antimatter). Those numbers are assuming that the antimatter detonation is 100% deadly byproducts and reacts of its own accord (without accompanying paraphernalia). In reality the situation would probably be much different, given the measures needed to keep antimatter from going off without your control.
17-01-2007, 06:18
17-01-2007, 06:19
Hey guys im gonna be out for maybe a day. Im feeling kinda sick, got work tomorrow, and I have to patch up things with a girl because I somehow fucked up (still confused as to how, but whatever....) ill be on thursday.

Happens to the best of us... :D
17-01-2007, 06:19
No, I think you did just fine. I'm not prepared to throttle creative use of language for the sake of petty things like Godmodding. Please put the 'offending' sections back - I've already written my post to account, after all. If there's something that happened that shouldn't have happened, I'll point it out here.

@Bautizar: I'm not sure what you're getting at, here. I've been talking about relativistic weaponry, not actual ship propulsion. What I've been pointing out is that at said relative velocities, kinetic kill weapons will beat out such warheads gram for gram - without taking into account complications such as supporting hardware on the projectile.

Nobody has a ship that moves at .92c, though it might be possible to accelerate a smaller object to that speed with a dedicated ship.

This calculation for railgun is assuming best case for its competitors (antimatter). Those numbers are assuming that the antimatter detonation is 100% deadly byproducts and reacts of its own accord (without accompanying paraphernalia). In reality the situation would probably be much different, given the measures needed to keep antimatter from going off without your control.

Moral of the Story, Tesserecting Engines ROCK!! ;)
17-01-2007, 06:20
Delesa;12218875']Happens to the best of us... :D

Moral of the Story... I need more rum!
Imperial isa
17-01-2007, 06:20
Hey guys im gonna be out for maybe a day. Im feeling kinda sick, got work tomorrow, and I have to patch up things with a girl because I somehow fucked up (still confused as to how, but whatever....) ill be on thursday.

good luck with the patching and be happy you don't have to with four girls like i many have when it cames to that(my case is make one mad with you,you made all of them mad with you)
17-01-2007, 06:23
good luck with the patching and be happy you don't have to with four girls like i many have when it cames to that(my case is make one mad with you,you made all of them mad with you)


*passes some rum to the forum*

drink up!! Im about to get neutuered!!
17-01-2007, 06:27
Bah, forget the rum. Posting time!
Imperial isa
17-01-2007, 06:31

*passes some rum to the forum*

drink up!! Im about to get neutuered!!

:eek: best get more rum
and pass lots over to me i just go told by my mother i about to get into the dog house with my lady, thanks to some one going about say thing's and here i was thinking i was not going to get pulled into that shit that going on
17-01-2007, 06:33
aye that bites. Well good night from Miami mates!!
Imperial isa
17-01-2007, 06:37
it bites if she say no sex from all of them, yelling i can take
The XIV Legio Tactica
17-01-2007, 07:05
*thanks his lucky stars again that he and his lady get along so damn well...*

Best of luck to ya.

*A short time later* But WHY is the rum gone??
Imperial isa
17-01-2007, 07:13
*thanks his lucky stars again that he and his lady get along so damn well...*

Best of luck to ya.

*A short time later* But WHY is the rum gone??

*plans to pay that perosn who got me in the dog house with all four back*

so do i but when a bitch who pulling shit on a lot of poeple thanks it be pay back on you by making shit up, you get what i'm in now

*pulls out a new rum bottle hand over to The XIV Legio Tactica*
17-01-2007, 07:20
...I think we're getting a leetle bit off topic here...
17-01-2007, 07:28
...I think we're getting a leetle bit off topic here...

*chuckles* Agreed, interesting as it might have been ...

As clarification, the single squadron of reconnaissance drones has been jumped to outside the battle between the mechs and UNSC forces (Hakurabi and Delesa, for those keeping track through owner names). They're unarmed but carry shields and cloaks, and they're damned maneuverable at high velocities. Their purpose is going to be to gather information on what the hell is going on involving antimatter-based weapons.

The challenge to the unknown ships at the asteroid belt was addressed to the incoming UNSC forces of Delesa, who I'm assuming as just having jumped out to the asteroid belt instead of taking the slowwwwww way.

XIV Legio Tactica, are your stealth cruisers still at the asteroid field, and how "stealthy" are they? More specifically, are we talking them having cloaking fields, or do they just have a very low electronic signature?
The XIV Legio Tactica
17-01-2007, 08:23
The cruisers themselves are not, but they left behind observer drones that are stealthed the same way they are.

Pallas-class cruisers have a layer of photo-sensitive nanocells on the outide of their hull plating that mimics the light hitting it. Same idea as an octopus' skin or the Sicari. That renders them invisible in visible light.

They also employ a piece of technology I named the Doppelganger module, which scrambles and displaces their energy signatures (ie electromagnetic radiation, radio waves, stuff along those lines). It's not perfect, but at worst it limits an enemy to firing at an area of space the Pallas should be in, rather than being able to target it precisely. At best, especially when running "full dark" and minimizing energy output, it blends its signature in with the natural radiation of space.

The best methods of detecting them are either with a neutrino detector, that detects the neutrinos given off by their fusion drives, or some kind of sensor that could detect the gravity field around their mass, if those even exist. (Whoops, should I be giving this away...? :rolleyes: )

Dunno if any of this is really theoretically feasible, it's mostly stuff I've just thought up and tried to give a basis for based on modern physics, but there's a healthy bit of artistic license thrown in as well. I attribute anything that doesn't quite make sense to the fact that the Neo-Romans are from the 4000's AD in the universe that I created them in, and their science probably understands a lot of things ours doesn't.
Trinity Blood
17-01-2007, 08:53
Delesa;12217845']Trinity Blood - A M1 Grand?

There's just no messing with the classics. By the time TB is set IC'ly, such a weapon would work flawlessly.

Oh, right. Sorry, missed that.

I'd have to say that with regards to employing antimatter as a weapon, there are two main obstacles, assuming that production capacity is out of the question.

1: Containment. Elaborate devices are required to keep Antimatter under control. The more you have, the harder it is to keep contained. Thus, the cost of antimatter weapons is not linear as they get larger.

2: Reaction. And not a diplomatic one, either. It's easier to get near 100% of the potential energy with a slow, controlled burn (reactor), but when using it as a weapon you run into the problem of combusting the thing all at once. Using the Atomic Rocket ( example, if you have a Brick, and an Anti Brick, and you bring them together, you'll get the (anti-)atoms on the bricks reacting and vapourising both bricks, and not getting all your 'bang for your buck'.

Both these factors amount to exponentially increasing costs as you increase the amount of antimatter you have. The numbers I gave were assuming maximum efficiency. In reality, our best with H-bombs is 2.2Mt to Tonne, and with antimatter, 10% efficiency is highly optimistic at best for the near future. Now given the numbers, the Trek torpedoes have a 74% efficiency, but this only means that it takes .92c to render them irrelevant.


Speeds high enough to render warheads irrelevant means that the space used to contain the warhead would have been better used to add more mass, because the warhead itself becomes negligible in power and is essentially dead volume.

In other words, at speeds above .95c, 1 gram of dead mass is more deadly than all the assorted paraphernalia needed to fit a 1 gram antimatter warhead. Sure, it would be a little more dangerous, with antimatter, but then you need all the supporting devices and you lose out on volume, while, say, a simple gram of tungsten will do more damage.

Don't forget that the power of Railguns increases roughly exponentially with increased speed, and that it is much cheaper to fire a 1 tonne slug than a slug with 1 tonne of antimatter.

Uhm, why don't you let me worry about what's possible with my canon, alright?

Hakurabi: It would be damned hard for a ship, any ship, to hit 0.92% the speed of light. For Star Trek vessels the speed of light is warp 1, but even so they can't move really any faster than 0.70% at sublight (better known as "impulse") speeds. I could throw a host of sites at you to support this, including both roleplaying and close-to-canon sources. Even Commonwealth ships can't hit 0.92% the speed of light. For starters, they'd be destroyed by the incredible stress that would be placed on their structures. And secondly they're warships, not ones meant for running from a fight.

My point is this: does anyone here actually have a ship that can move at 0.92% the speed of light? Or are we (and I'm referring to everyone taking part in this RP) just trying to find a loophole to avoid our ships getting scratched up?

Warp 1 = C? IIRC, that's the old TOS scale.

As for 0.92% c at sublight, I'll do some research, but I think I may have once heard of a semi-canon/fanon engine that could do it using ST tech.

@All: Lol, I'm actually surprised everyone was so focused on each other they didn't notice my 13 ships dropping out of Warp at the system's edge, doing a Warp jump, and diving into the gast giant's atmosphere. No retconning now, gents, as I'm going to be using your oversight on that in my next IC post.
17-01-2007, 08:55
Hrm. I'm not sure how helpful that'll be against IR detection (possibly the most foolproof form of detection technology). I mean, you can displace the Infrared light to some extent, but the heat will move out past the range of the doppelganger and produce this great big IR sphere around your ship...

Happens rather fast, too, given the difference between even a human body and the icy chill of space.

@Trinity Blood: Warheads being rendered irrelevant refers only to velocities in which the effects of having a warhead is negligible. If I was going at .5c and you fired an antimatter missile at me head on at .45c, then the antimatter warhead is rendered irrelevant because the sheer speed of it means that I take more damage from the impact alone than the bomb possibly could have hoped to achieve. On the other hand, if I was moving at .5c and you shot an antimatter missile at me from behind at .55c, the impact would essentially be as a projectile travelling at .05c (admittedly still very dangerous) and as such the antimatter warhead would still be very much a factor in its destructive capacity.

A warhead being rendered irrelevant is when the energy being put out by the impact alone results in a similar or greater effect than the warhead's detonation. If a city was hit by a nuclear missile travelling at 0.03c (very fanciful figure, if you think about how much that is) the warhead is irrelevant because the impact would have the desired effect anyway, if not more. Detonating the warhead would actually reduce the destructive power of the weapon.
17-01-2007, 18:44
*chuckles* Agreed, interesting as it might have been ...

As clarification, the single squadron of reconnaissance drones has been jumped to outside the battle between the mechs and UNSC forces (Hakurabi and Delesa, for those keeping track through owner names). They're unarmed but carry shields and cloaks, and they're damned maneuverable at high velocities. Their purpose is going to be to gather information on what the hell is going on involving antimatter-based weapons.

The challenge to the unknown ships at the asteroid belt was addressed to the incoming UNSC forces of Delesa, who I'm assuming as just having jumped out to the asteroid belt instead of taking the slowwwwww way.

XIV Legio Tactica, are your stealth cruisers still at the asteroid field, and how "stealthy" are they? More specifically, are we talking them having cloaking fields, or do they just have a very low electronic signature?

Alright, just one thing, its UCN United Commmonwealth Navy
17-01-2007, 18:49
Alright Ill be out till 10ish tonight, so ill post up a good one.

@Delesa. If you want, you can actually do some new reports of animal attacks and strange alien bodies being found on beaches and riverbeds. I also wanted to know if I could start attacking some more populated areas like towns and stuff.
Trinity Blood
17-01-2007, 20:09
Hrm. I'm not sure how helpful that'll be against IR detection (possibly the most foolproof form of detection technology). I mean, you can displace the Infrared light to some extent, but the heat will move out past the range of the doppelganger and produce this great big IR sphere around your ship...

Happens rather fast, too, given the difference between even a human body and the icy chill of space.

@Trinity Blood: Warheads being rendered irrelevant refers only to velocities in which the effects of having a warhead is negligible. If I was going at .5c and you fired an antimatter missile at me head on at .45c, then the antimatter warhead is rendered irrelevant because the sheer speed of it means that I take more damage from the impact alone than the bomb possibly could have hoped to achieve. On the other hand, if I was moving at .5c and you shot an antimatter missile at me from behind at .55c, the impact would essentially be as a projectile travelling at .05c (admittedly still very dangerous) and as such the antimatter warhead would still be very much a factor in its destructive capacity.

A warhead being rendered irrelevant is when the energy being put out by the impact alone results in a similar or greater effect than the warhead's detonation. If a city was hit by a nuclear missile travelling at 0.03c (very fanciful figure, if you think about how much that is) the warhead is irrelevant because the impact would have the desired effect anyway, if not more. Detonating the warhead would actually reduce the destructive power of the weapon.

I take it you are what is referred to as a 'realistic FTer', roughly the same thing in meaning as another term I heard but can't recall, correct?

Oh, and how many years have you spent studying the intracies of Star Trek canon and fanon? For me, its been my whole life.

TBH, I really don't want to get dragged into an argument. Can we just say I know my tech and you know yours and leave it at that please?
The XIV Legio Tactica
17-01-2007, 21:19
Shit, I didn't even think of IR...XD. Then I guess there's a layer in the hull plating that absorbs or insulates heat. Keeps it contained somehow. The exterior of the ship should be about the same temp as outside, fitting in with the whole "blending with outside conditions" theme.
The XIV Legio Tactica
17-01-2007, 22:05
@Bautizar: Whose vessels are you hailing? Are those mine?
17-01-2007, 22:17
You understand that I was more talking about a design issue?

If you can huck something that fast there's no additional destructive capability to using a warhead. The advantage of warheads, of course, is that they're just as powerful if you hit someone running away with it, as I pointed out.

To be Honest, I never did see how I was somehow invalidating your tech...
Trinity Blood
17-01-2007, 23:07
@Hak: Actually, TBH, I just don't feel like getting into an argument over such, IMO, trivial things. I could care less about tech when, IMHO, I prefer to focus on building characters up to near-realistic likenesses.
18-01-2007, 00:00
Alright Ill be out till 10ish tonight, so ill post up a good one.

@Delesa. If you want, you can actually do some new reports of animal attacks and strange alien bodies being found on beaches and riverbeds. I also wanted to know if I could start attacking some more populated areas like towns and stuff.

Yeah you can attack some military out posts, all that has been colonized is two cities, York and New Sarannia. Let me post some thing about bodies being found and animal attcks a stuff then you can go wild. I still have to catch up in the IC
18-01-2007, 00:02
Delesa;12221705']Yeah you can attack some military out posts, all that has been colonized is two cities, York and New Sarannia. Let me post some thing about bodies being found and animal attcks a stuff then you can go wild. I still have to catch up in the IC

ok no worries (at work right now lol awesome thing about being a librarian is that I get to access the computer as I work :) )
18-01-2007, 00:06
:D :rolleyes:
18-01-2007, 00:19
Delesa;12221739']:D :rolleyes:

Terror Incognitia
18-01-2007, 01:01
Ah. Missed this :$

I was thinking of jumping in with a small deployment (at least to start with) of a force that stumbles on the system, spots conflict and just decides to ask if any allies/friends of Incognitia are around (thus helping Bautizar).

I already posted in the IC thread, not realising there was an OOC thread. Sorry about that, hope it's not a problem.
The Garbage Men
18-01-2007, 01:09
Can TGM come and join in as well?

We are allied with Bautizer and Terra Incognetia but have our own reasons for joining in.

Also Delesa... You also know me as another nation, in your region no loss. (If you want me to tell you I'll TG or something)
18-01-2007, 12:42
dont forget about the dark biomechs on the planets surface,as well as the fleet in the space around it.
18-01-2007, 12:46
Hmm... Well, I think I'll bring in New Oxford soon.
18-01-2007, 17:52
dont forget about the dark biomechs on the planets surface,as well as the fleet in the space around it.

Well I asked you about what you were doing on the surface, whast going on with ground turning all funny, are you taking over the planet? And whats the egg?
18-01-2007, 17:57
Delesa;12224359']Well I asked you about what you were doing on the surface, whast going on with ground turning all funny, are you taking over the planet? And whats the egg?

Yeah, are you bad or good Hobbs?
18-01-2007, 18:02
Hmm... Well, I think I'll bring in New Oxford soon.

That would be a good idea, as I am really getting out numbered....
18-01-2007, 18:03
Yeah, are you bad or good Hobbs?

He is supposed to eventully help me
18-01-2007, 18:04
Delesa;12224399']He is supposed to eventully help me


um...ok but he sounds like a mechanorganic version of me.
18-01-2007, 18:18
Hey. Is it too late for the Undershis to get involved in this? I was thinking we could set ourselves up helping Terror Incognitia... is that OK? We just finished RP-ing the signing of a peace/alliance between our two nations. Well?
18-01-2007, 18:24
Hey. Is it too late for the Undershis to get involved in this? I was thinking we could set ourselves up helping Terror Incognitia... is that OK? We just finished RP-ing the signing of a peace/alliance between our two nations. Well?
18-01-2007, 18:46

um...ok but he sounds like a mechanorganic version of me.

Which is good!!
18-01-2007, 18:48
Hey. Is it too late for the Undershis to get involved in this? I was thinking we could set ourselves up helping Terror Incognitia... is that OK? We just finished RP-ing the signing of a peace/alliance between our two nations. Well?

I think you tripple posted, but other then that, I will have to see, alot of people are joining that side, and there are lots of people already so let me check over the people how have joined, and this goes for Terror Incognitia, and The Garbage Men. I just hae to check a few things, and I'll gt back to you.
18-01-2007, 18:57
Delesa;12224507']Which is good!!

haha lol I just figured he was bad lol

Well well i have competition. Well, like highlander, there can only be one!!
Trinity Blood
18-01-2007, 19:09
haha lol I just figured he was bad lol

Well well i have competition. Well, like highlander, there can only be one!!

Meh, I may not be a 'bad guy', but I'm quite willing to walk a dark path IC'ly if it gets me what I want.

So, nyah.

*Blows rasberry*


Seriously, I do tend to let my dark side out when needed and things can go south for others involved pretty badly when I do.
18-01-2007, 19:11
Meh, I may not be a 'bad guy', but I'm quite willing to walk a dark path IC'ly if it gets me what I want.

So, nyah.

*Blows rasberry*


Seriously, I do tend to let my dark side out when needed and things can go south for others involved pretty badly when I do.

nyah!! *double razz*


God, i have Princes of the Universe stuck in my head.
18-01-2007, 19:21
Ahh, but you haven't specified 'one of what'. For instance, you and Hobb are against each other to be the 'one' of evil biotech. Me, I'm in the running to be the 'one' at making bad guys that you would just love to beat the *censored* out of if you met them in RL, amoung other things I'm working on.

Trinity Blood
18-01-2007, 19:23
nyah!! *double razz*


God, i have Princes of the Universe stuck in my head.

Ahh, but you haven't specified 'one of what'. For instance, you and Hobb are against each other to be the 'one' of evil biotech. Me, I'm in the running to be the 'one' at making bad guys that you would just love to beat the *censored* out of if you met them in RL, amoung other things I'm working on.
18-01-2007, 20:32
Edoniakistanbabweagua - Just read your post about my soldiers and the eggs... its disgusting!!! Its exellent!! hehe
Trinity Blood
18-01-2007, 20:39
Uhm, I've noticed reference to posts I've not seen in the IC thread I've been following, or so it seems. Just for a matter of clarification, the following link is to the correct thread we are using for IC posts, right?
18-01-2007, 20:45
Some of the posts that were talked about here, like where i was thought to have god mod, I deleted, cause I guess it was because I RPed one of my MAC rounds hitting his ships. So I deleted it. And the one I am talking about is post #28, I am a little behind. But yeah its the right thread.
Terror Incognitia
18-01-2007, 20:56
Delesa;12224515']I think you tripple posted, but other then that, I will have to see, alot of people are joining that side, and there are lots of people already so let me check over the people how have joined, and this goes for Terror Incognitia, and The Garbage Men. I just hae to check a few things, and I'll gt back to you.

Ok. Just to emphasise unless someone invades Bautizar or another LFW nation (or Undershi) I'm under no obligation, so any involvement on my part will be small-scale. The Admiralty very rarely send large numbers of ships when they don't have to (the Undershi was a special case, helped by basically all the fleet being at home and a VERY good PR job forcing their hand).
18-01-2007, 21:06
No one is going to invade Bautizar at this moment... maybe in the future of the RP, who knows, it would of course be his choice.
Terror Incognitia
18-01-2007, 21:36
Which makes Incognitian interest purely opportunistic ;) but also small scale. Meh, your decision.
18-01-2007, 21:49
^^^What he said, and thank you Incognitia... stuff like that will... ummm... not sure what the word is, but once i'm done catching up IC, I will check players list and see who has not posted and delete them, and place you in their place, if you promise to keep your forces... smaller, as the enemies of the commonwealth(my commonwealth not Bautizar's) numbers are getting bigger and bigger. I'm starting to feel people want to kill me... :p :rolleyes:
Terror Incognitia
18-01-2007, 22:16
Happily promise to keep my numbers small. If things start going too weird, there are some convenient, um....'rebels' left over from a relatively recent civil war, that I've been waiting to bring in somewhere ;)

Oh, and I checked a few of Xia cheese's posts, and seems he's been spamming International Incidents a lot, so I linked it in the Mod forum, see what they think of it.
18-01-2007, 22:27
Smart move.
18-01-2007, 22:30
Bautizar - In post #32, you say Tau-21 system. Is that the name your commonwealth has named the system?
18-01-2007, 23:21
Silly Xia, spams are for kids (and poor students who can't afford meat :D)

*wolfs down spam*


Btw ill wait on a post from you Delesa before I continue.
18-01-2007, 23:34
Sorry, i have been on and off reading catching up, I'm watching 'An Enemy Below' movie on TV, so durring comercials i have been reading. I get some posts up soon. :rolleyes:
18-01-2007, 23:39
Delesa;12225719']Sorry, i have been on and off reading catching up, I'm watching 'An Enemy Below' movie on TV, so durring comercials i have been reading. I get some posts up soon. :rolleyes:

No worries. Im at work so ill just lurk around the forums :D
18-01-2007, 23:40
Delesa;12225390']Bautizar - In post #32, you say Tau-21 system. Is that the name your commonwealth has named the system?

Entirely correct. The entire belt of systems involved in this RP (I'm assuming that the struggle/system grab will spread) is referred to as the Tau systems on Commonwealth starcharts. I haven't figured an end number of systems known to my guys yet, but it'll probably be something like 25-30.

While I'm talking about the Tau systems, if you look at section VII of the station listing ( you can see that there's a handful of stations already around, but they're mostly scattered mining facilities and don't pose any real threat. In terms of mineral production, we're talking entire convoys of 10-15 500-meter-long freighters lugging the processed materials back to the Commonwealth each month. (So if someone wants to object and target the stations, you'll have a fight on your hands. Those facilities are the lifeblood of the state.)
18-01-2007, 23:49
Cool cool, the movie is almost done, so i will start soon on a IC
18-01-2007, 23:51
Delesa;12225765']Cool cool, the movie is almost done, so i will start soon on a IC

Sweet sweet. What is that movie about anyways?
19-01-2007, 00:04
Tis a WWII John Wayne flick, US Tin Cup Captain, against a U-Boat Captain, John playing the smart and witty Destroyer Captain!
The XIV Legio Tactica
19-01-2007, 00:11
So Bautizar, in regards to my question earlier: are those my ships that your fleet is challenging? I just want to make sure.
19-01-2007, 00:11
So Bautizar, in regards to my question earlier: are those my ships that your fleet is challenging? I just want to make sure.

No, they aren't. They're the UCN vessels of Delesa that were sent out towards the asteroid belt to investigate the jump signatures.
19-01-2007, 00:55
Movie is over, I'm working on something now.
Terror Incognitia
19-01-2007, 02:10
Bautizar, somewhat off-topic, but I'm sensing some influences of Iain M. Banks in the way you write, would that be correct?
I think particularly it was your post about robotic reconnaissance probes, though now I've thought of it there have been other hints.

Oh, and with Delesa having OKed my involvement, my flotilla has sent a message in-system asking if any LFW vessels are present...
19-01-2007, 02:39
Bautizar, somewhat off-topic, but I'm sensing some influences of Iain M. Banks in the way you write, would that be correct?
I think particularly it was your post about robotic reconnaissance probes, though now I've thought of it there have been other hints.

Oh, and with Delesa having OKed my involvement, my flotilla has sent a message in-system asking if any LFW vessels are present...

LFW? League of Free Worlds?
19-01-2007, 02:41
Oh yes and you have been added to the list of worlds against the commonwealth (Mine not Bautizar)
19-01-2007, 03:41
Hakurabi - Is that New Oxford over New Haven my home planet? And a active ping? That means that your giving your position away?
19-01-2007, 04:40
The Idea of the Active Ping is to deploy a quantity of probes and have them ping almost immediately, as opposed to pinging with more valuable ships.

The 'Over New Haven' thing says that they're in the general Hyperspace region corresponding to the area, but not shunted out yet. They're not really that close, because of gravitational issues, but they can drop expendable probes in.

And it is New Oxford forces.
19-01-2007, 04:46

um...ok but he sounds like a mechanorganic version of me.

To answer all of you....

The dark biomech is like virus that can manifest itself with its original host. And from then the Dark biocell will morph or convert what ever the master host decides... in this case the Dark commander. The dark biomech do not build but rather "infest" a planets surface and morph the ground into structures that would be needed.

Edon. said something about being Mechaorganic... very close to but different but a good place to start. Now the good side to the Dark biomech is of course the ...biomech. which is a raceof living mechians that act as a mental attachment of their pilot. Once a pilot is "one" with his biomech the mech will alter itself to better match the personality of the pilot. Allthough the core desires of the biomech change, its original personality remains intact. Now why say al this. Becasue a dark biomech is created in two ways---- Willingness, or conversion. The most powerful form is willing and a pilot of willingly goes dark then alters his biomech. it takes 5 days for the alteration to become complete. and once done the bosy will morph into the demonic dark form. All biomechs have cells. its the basic building block of a biomech. but a dark one acts more like a virus then a cell. The second kind is conversion. this is the less powerful kind and is normally done under protest leaving the biomech only partialy converted. Now the dark biocell will convert anything it come in contact with unless otherwise halted. Which in this case it would not touce Delesa. But would completely avoid them. unless of the Dark Commander is vaporized, then the cells would devour the planet and would reform the dark commander. Their is some much that is still a mystery even to me and I create the bloody things.
19-01-2007, 04:52
Hob - You still have to anwser my question of what are you doing to Sarannia?
19-01-2007, 04:56
Like i said in the last post. Dark biomech battle-contengints do not build but rather use the planet for its construction and strutural needs. In short. the cells have infected the planet and are converting a part of it to be a staging point for for assistance. Again you are in no danger as long as the dark commander staies ... Alive.
19-01-2007, 06:12
The Idea of the Active Ping is to deploy a quantity of probes and have them ping almost immediately, as opposed to pinging with more valuable ships.

The 'Over New Haven' thing says that they're in the general Hyperspace region corresponding to the area, but not shunted out yet. They're not really that close, because of gravitational issues, but they can drop expendable probes in.

And it is New Oxford forces.

Cost of a New Oxford Probe: $54,000
Cost of 3 Commonwealth Rapier Missiles: $3,700
Hearing that *SWAT* of the sensor coordinator getting smacked for errant drone placement: Priceless

Some things money can't buy. For everything else, there's sound effects.
19-01-2007, 06:12
Bautizar: You do understand that the Active Radar pings are just that? It's not going to pick up anything more comprehensive than vague locations.
19-01-2007, 06:16
Bautizar: You do understand that the Active Radar pings are just that? It's not going to pick up anything more comprehensive than vague locations.

I realize that. But I also realize that one of your drones just dropped out within spitting distance of my fleet command vessel, and for all they know it's a UCN attack ship lighting them up for a target lock.

Right now, the Commonwealth ships are going to shoot first and ask questions later (especially when you consider how aggressive two fleets have been with them; they're understandably a bit jumpy). They can always pay you later as compensation if the drone goes bye-bye.

EDIT: If you've got a real objection to it, I can edit that section out.
19-01-2007, 06:38
No, I was just pointing out that it was just radio waves bouncing off your hull. The whole point of dumping probes is that they're supposed to be totally expendable.

In fact, I expect them to all be cooked at one point or another. It's basically your suicide mission to get a vague understanding of the theatre. If there are any costs in the end it'll only be as some sort of footnote - it's no different than jotting down how many missiles I used in X engagement or how many bullets were fired in Y battle.
19-01-2007, 09:17
No, I was just pointing out that it was just radio waves bouncing off your hull. The whole point of dumping probes is that they're supposed to be totally expendable.

In fact, I expect them to all be cooked at one point or another. It's basically your suicide mission to get a vague understanding of the theatre. If there are any costs in the end it'll only be as some sort of footnote - it's no different than jotting down how many missiles I used in X engagement or how many bullets were fired in Y battle.

Oh, yeah I understand that. I thought you were saying that they weren't in the area or something.

In other news, the Commonwealth navy is retaining its technology, but got a new look (courtesy of a nifty computer program I found tonight). It now has fins. Yes, you read that right. Fins. Better and high-quality images available at this location (, if anyone's interested.

..... What? *shrugs* So I was getting tired of the "naked Battlestar" look going on. Plus these ships look meaner. :D ... Well, umm, apart for the logistical ship, which just looks like a fat pig.

EDIT: Quick heads-up here, but everyone should have known this by how I'm using the location tags ("=()=") on my posts. The Commonwealth of Bautizar vessels are still in the outer system, not over the planet itself.
19-01-2007, 17:59
Okay, my super-human genetically modified super-soldiers are in. They'll begin sending ships soon enough, to back up T.I.. After all, he is their ally...
19-01-2007, 18:23
Okay, my super-human genetically modified super-soldiers are in. They'll begin sending ships soon enough, to back up T.I.. After all, he is their ally...

Was this approved by Delesa? I didn't see anything clearing it for use ..... Apologies in advance if I missed something.

Bautizar, somewhat off-topic, but I'm sensing some influences of Iain M. Banks in the way you write, would that be correct?
I think particularly it was your post about robotic reconnaissance probes, though now I've thought of it there have been other hints.

Oh, and with Delesa having OKed my involvement, my flotilla has sent a message in-system asking if any LFW vessels are present...

Speaking of missing things, I missed this one all right.

To answer your question Terror Incognitia (albeit belatedly), I've never heard of Iain M. Banks before. My writing skills have primarily developed through my participation in a play-by-email Star Trek organization for the last year.

I guess the descriptive points are because I like to visualize things as I write them, and I try to convey that descriptiveness as much to a reader as possible. (Plus it leaves very few loopholes for someone to exploit in something like this. :D )
Terror Incognitia
19-01-2007, 18:41
Hehe. Well, very few _unexpected_ loopholes, anyway.

If you haven't read any of his work, I'd recommend it.

Oh and Undershi, nice as it is to see our agreements taking effect so soon, I'd agree with Bautizar that this is a semi-closed RP, so hang fire til Delesa has OKed it.
Trinity Blood
19-01-2007, 20:14
Iain M. Banks? Name sounds familiar, but I can't place it. What are the names of some of his books (I pay attention to book titles more so than arthur names)?
19-01-2007, 20:17
Here are some of his novels:

btw Delesa i am attacking your miltary instillation now.
Trinity Blood
19-01-2007, 20:25
Here are some of his novels:

Thanks for the link, Ed. I've heard of the Culture-verse while going through some old NS threads, but I didn't know Mr. Banks was the guy who wrote them. Now I know which books to look for in my local library.
19-01-2007, 20:50
Like i said in the last post. Dark biomech battle-contengints do not build but rather use the planet for its construction and strutural needs. In short. the cells have infected the planet and are converting a part of it to be a staging point for for assistance. Again you are in no danger as long as the dark commander staies ... Alive.

What happens when you pull out? What happens to the land? What happens when the dark commander dies? So many what happens :p
19-01-2007, 21:03
Okay, my super-human genetically modified super-soldiers are in. They'll begin sending ships soon enough, to back up T.I.. After all, he is their ally...

If you are planning on still joining,

A) Understand that the long run plan is that me and my allies will eventully take my (the Haven) system, or Tau-21 system in Bautizar's books. Depending on the RP quality, we may moveinto another system. Then a next and next, but those are like fliping a coin to se who wins.

B) Now I'm not saying im undefeatable, other way, it would be a good story for my to loss Sarannia, then durring the battle of Titan, the home planet of Commonwealth Military might, the enemy forces are beaten, mostly because of the Heavy MAC Guns, the big sticks.

C) The enemies are stacking against me, so in short, between my region friend in MT, known under a different name Garbage Men and Undershi. So you too work it out, other wise, for some (like me) it is going to get harder and harder keeping track of whats going on in my system.

So both Undershi and Garbage post back here, both deciding who is going to RP.

EDIT: Does anyone understand that? I got lost going on and on. And this is under assumption that Trin Blood joins my side sooner or later.
19-01-2007, 21:07
Here are some of his novels:

btw Delesa i am attacking your miltary instillation now.

BTW? Whats that?:rolleyes: :confused: And yeah I was just going to tell you to go right ahead, I'm starting to fall behind this week, so much freaking stuff to do...

Bautizar - In post #39 IC, you say two fleets have claimed it was their system, who was the other? And what are you attacking? And what program did you use to make your ships?

The XIV Legio Tactica - Post 40 IC, does that include my fleet? Cause mine isn't really there no more, as they are engaging Emerald Cult carriers.
19-01-2007, 21:21
Delesa;12228890']Bautizar - In post #39 IC, you say two fleets have claimed it was their system, who was the other? And what are you attacking? And what program did you use to make your ships?

[NS:]Delesa, the other person to challenge me and claim the system was XIV Legio Tactica. That was much earlier in the mining fleet section, and presumably again when he broadcast for everyone to evict the system within three hours. Keep in mind that the Commonwealth forces still haven't translated his message. (FT computer systems may be good, but trying to translate an entire language including syllables, vocal inflections, words, possible dual-meanings, et cetera from just two messages is going to be damned hard, if not impossible to do.)

In regards to the fighting, a squadron of my fighters has just engaged a probe of Hakurabi's that emerged from jump within spitting distance of my flagship. Understand now that the Commonwealth forces are on a hair-trigger alert, and if someone comes within fighting distance of them they are going to be (a) warned, and if they refuse to withdraw to a more prudent distance they are going to be (b) fired upon.

As far as the program used to make my ships, I'm afraid I don't follow the question.

EDIT: Aha! I just glanced at the pictures in the military thread and suddenly understood your last question. The program's named "DOGA" (just input it into Google, and it'll be the first search result you get back).
19-01-2007, 21:39
Merci, and I'm working on a post now.

EDIT: God damn it!!! It's not for mac!! God damn it!!
19-01-2007, 22:06
Delesa;12228890']BTW? Whats that?

Whats what?
19-01-2007, 22:14
Whats what?

btw, and I posted a reponse to the begining of you attack.
19-01-2007, 22:22
Delesa;12229166']btw, and I posted a reponse to the begining of you attack.

BTW means By the way
19-01-2007, 22:40
20-01-2007, 02:37
It's not? I thought that was the same place...ugh, my geography is screwed up then. So who is there, cuz now I'm not even sure who's where. Not like anyone's responding to my fleet's messages or actions anyway.

*dances all over the asteroids in the outer system*
The XIV Legio Tactica
20-01-2007, 02:40
Delesa;12228890']The XIV Legio Tactica - Post 40 IC, does that include my fleet? Cause mine isn't really there no more, as they are engaging Emerald Cult carriers.

It's not? I thought that was the same place...ugh, my geography is screwed up then. So who is there, cuz now I'm not even sure who's where. Not like anyone's responding to my fleet's messages or actions anyway.
Trinity Blood
20-01-2007, 08:27
Delesa;12228881']EDIT: Does anyone understand that? I got lost going on and on. And this is under assumption that Trin Blood joins my side sooner or later.

Depends on how things play out. The best thing you could offer for incentive is to allow my engineers to study, and/or possibly have a sample, something really big and important (remember, I've got a planned Civil War coming up and both sides are going to be wanting as much as they can get their hands on to fight and defend against the other side).

Oh, and as it seems its been forgotten by many, perhaps a reposting of the map you've got and editing it into the OP of both the IC and OOC threads may be prudent, Del.
The XIV Legio Tactica
20-01-2007, 09:24
Seriously, is everyone just going to ignore a Roman Battlegroup bearing down on Sarannia in open combat formation, launching targeting drones and everything? And Delesa, your post #46 even says that your fleet fighting the Emerald Cult is in Sarannia's orbit. That doesn't really seem like "elsewhere" to me, that seems like exactly where my Battlegroup is headed.
20-01-2007, 09:37
Seriously, is everyone just going to ignore a Roman Battlegroup bearing down on Sarannia in open combat formation, launching targeting drones and everything? And Delesa, your post #46 even says that your fleet fighting the Emerald Cult is in Sarannia's orbit. That doesn't really seem like "elsewhere" to me, that seems like exactly where my Battlegroup is headed.

I don't know about everyone else, but I could really use some hard intel on these ships. Shields? Weapons? Size? Crew? Fighters or automated drones? You get the picture.

And you have my response in my latest post: the battlegroup's movement is being tracked by the Commonwealth task force, which like I said earlier is remaining in the outer system for now. But because my folks are being confronted and monitored aggressively by a UCN fleet, their attention is more focused on the closer-range forces than the Roman battlegroup.
The XIV Legio Tactica
20-01-2007, 09:54
Ok. I'll get some info together and make a post about it a little later.
20-01-2007, 17:26
Alright. Sorry about not realizing that this was a semi-closed RP. Delesa, I assume you just gave me permission to join, right? OK, so I'll get posting...
20-01-2007, 18:09
Looks like I started a trend, in regards to construction of starbases and other facilities.
20-01-2007, 19:35
Seriously, is everyone just going to ignore a Roman Battlegroup bearing down on Sarannia in open combat formation, launching targeting drones and everything? And Delesa, your post #46 even says that your fleet fighting the Emerald Cult is in Sarannia's orbit. That doesn't really seem like "elsewhere" to me, that seems like exactly where my Battlegroup is headed.

Well i was assuming that the cult fleet was farther out then the orbit, when i put Sarannia Orbit thats just the basuc area, as I dont have names for secotrs of space, but I think I will change that soon enough, but anywho I'll keep my fleet in the orbit, just let me finish the problem with the carriers then I'll move on to you, or maybe I can get the New Oxford fleet to attack you.

Oh, and as it seems its been forgotten by many, perhaps a reposting of the map you've got and editing it into the OP of both the IC and OOC threads may be prudent, Del.

I'll get on that map today, just a wee bit later.
20-01-2007, 23:46
Delesa;12228846']What happens when you pull out? What happens to the land? What happens when the dark commander dies? So many what happens :p

While the Dark Commander lives the infection will be contained. The land will only be infected as much as the dark commander allows, if he leaves it will remian under his control. And once the Battle is over it all depends on what the dark commander wants to do. Let the land return to normal or continue to take more.... all depends on how he's treated.
21-01-2007, 01:19
While the Dark Commander lives the infection will be contained. The land will only be infected as much as the dark commander allows, if he leaves it will remian under his control. And once the Battle is over it all depends on what the dark commander wants to do. Let the land return to normal or continue to take more.... all depends on how he's treated.

The XIV Legio Tactica
21-01-2007, 03:09
Delesa;12232246']Well i was assuming that the cult fleet was farther out then the orbit, when i put Sarannia Orbit thats just the basuc area, as I dont have names for secotrs of space, but I think I will change that soon enough, but anywho I'll keep my fleet in the orbit, just let me finish the problem with the carriers then I'll move on to you, or maybe I can get the New Oxford fleet to attack you.

Alright, cool. Sorry, don't mean to seem pushy, but I want my piece of the action too. :P

Neo-Roman Fleet Info Part I

Designation: Vulcan-class battleship

Length: 2 kilometers
Armaments: 6 fusion reactor-powered plasma jets
12 railcannon batteries of 5 guns each
20 hyperkinetic missile pods
6 wings of 9 Fury-class fighters each
Defensive capabilities: Reactive hull plating
photo-sensitive nanocyte layer; changes to flat black
kinetic energy absorption field
Crew: 1000 navy personnel
500 Fury crew and support personnel
troop bays and facilities for 1 legion of Marines (3600 soldiers)
Miscellaneous: 200 expendable "painter" drones
200 Lumen survey and reconnaisance drones
100 stealth-capable observer drones
100 tesseract-capable messenger drones

Designation: Pallas-class stealth cruiser

Length: 1 kilometer
Armaments: 3 railcannon batteries of 5 guns each
15 hyperkinetic missile pods
Defensive capabilities: Reactive hull plating
Heat-absorbing polymer layer
Layer of photo-sensitive nanocytes; will render ship invisible
Doppelganger module; will disrupt/diffuse energy signatures
Kinetic energy absorption field
Crew: 750 navy personnel
Miscellaneous: 100 stealth-capable observer drones
50 tesseract-capable messenger drones

The pics are just some quick crappy drawings I made in Flash. I'll get to the Furies and other supporting ships later, but these are the main warships in the Battlegroup.

EDIT: Here's the Vulcan and the Pallas in approximate size relation to each other:
21-01-2007, 23:12
On the matter of reconnaissance drones .....

Commonwealth reconnaissance drones are very small and discreet by nature, with sophisticated cloaking systems and countless sensors, both active and passive (their programming tends to bias them towards more use of passive arrays than active). When in "listening" configuration they are extremely hard to detect, with a power signature rivaling that of a dropship with its noncritical systems shut down.

Nevertheless they can be detected. My recommendation is that since combat sensors are not as sophisticated as science arrays (and the last time I checked nobody here had a science vessel with dedicated sensors with them), the drones can only be detected when a ship gets to within 25-30 meters of them.

On the positioning of the drones .....

The drones are currently divided into three elements.

Element one is studying the battle zone between the UCN and Emerald Cult forces from a long-range distance. There are 8 drones in this formation, spread out in a line on the left flank of the UCN forces about 10-12km away. (This assumes that the UCN forces have formed a barrier between the Emerald Cult/Roman fleet and the planet of Sarannia, and that the Romans are heading in towards the right flank of the UCN forces.)

Element two is a group of 4 drones that is currently spread between high and low orbit over Sarannia. They are not only studying the colony through the use of passive sensors, but they are also watching the Kraeton forces on the surface.

Element three is a squadron of 12 more drones that launched from the Pinnacle of Valor and engaged their cloaking devices before the trailing UCN forces could catch sight of them. (The angle of the ship further allowed it to use its physical mass to block any visual sight of the drones from the UCN fleet that is behind and to the right of the Commonwealth formation.) Shortly after launching and cloaking they jumped to a spot on the far side of Sarannia away from the battle.

The jump may or may not have been detected by the UCN forces, because of the power levels needed. Keep in mind though that these drones are cloaked, and they can still scoot from the area at sublight speeds.
Trinity Blood
21-01-2007, 23:18
@The XIV Legio Tactica: Interesting ship designs.
22-01-2007, 00:35
Kinda what I thought Covenant ships looked like when I read the first book, looks sweet... and about my forces/ships/and the map, you all will have to wait till tomarrow, I have been busy studying.
22-01-2007, 00:42
Aye aye. Will Lt. Chuck survive the attack of the Sicari? Will the Kraetons overrun the base. What is the deadly secret of te Gestation Magen? Find out next time. Same NS Time. Same NS Channel.
22-01-2007, 00:48
:D Your choice, but if chuck escapes, make him run into the forest, he'll get lost for a while, then when he comes to New Sarannia, you guys will be right behind him for an attack, that would be a good story, but it's your choice.
22-01-2007, 00:49
By the way, I'm chewing off my nails! WHAT"S GOING TO HAPPEN!?!?! AHHHHHHHHH THE SUSPENSE IS KILLING ME!!!! :rolleyes:
22-01-2007, 00:55
Delesa;12236812']By the way, I'm chewing off my nails! WHAT"S GOING TO HAPPEN!?!?! AHHHHHHHHH THE SUSPENSE IS KILLING ME!!!! :rolleyes:

22-01-2007, 02:06
Delesa;12236757']Kinda what I thought Covenant ships looked like when I read the first book, looks sweet... and about my forces/ships/and the map, you all will have to wait till tomarrow, I have been busy studying.

I might be able to help you somewhat with the map. If everyone will grace me with a look at the Commonwealth Central Database (link is in my signature), and scroll down to post #5 you'll see a starchart there.

Please note that I've placed the Tau systems in the upper-left-hand corner of the map. I think this might give everyone a better idea of the situation from the Commonwealth's perspective.
22-01-2007, 02:41
Looks good!
Trinity Blood
22-01-2007, 08:17
Delesa;12236806']:D Your choice, but if chuck escapes, make him run into the forest, he'll get lost for a while, then when he comes to New Sarannia, you guys will be right behind him for an attack, that would be a good story, but it's your choice.

Hmm, lone 'human'-ish target in the middle of nowhere. Sounds like a perfect target for me to beam up.

@Bautizar: Del and I were referring to the system map he posted earlier that showed the order the planets were in.
22-01-2007, 10:56
Due to our alliance to Bautizar, Asfaltum will send ships to aid Bautizar in stabilizing the area in and around the TAU system. We will maintain a defensive position, but hostile action cannot be ruled out...
22-01-2007, 15:23
No this is where I'm drawing the line, Baz isn't being attack in his home system, and that's probaly what you code say's that your suposed to assist if he's attacked, but no. He has Terror and Garbage people.

Trinity: If Ed lets him escape you can pick him up.
22-01-2007, 15:42
Baz one more thing, you have too many friends hehe,

And I have now edited the front page to tell any more of Baz's friends its Closed to more people joining.
Trinity Blood
22-01-2007, 16:03
Delesa;12238920']Trinity: If Ed lets him escape you can pick him up.

The XIV Legio Tactica
23-01-2007, 01:05
Delesa;12238920']No this is where I'm drawing the line, Baz isn't being attack in his home system, and that's probaly what you code say's that your suposed to assist if he's attacked, but no. He has Terror and Garbage people.

Trinity: If Ed lets him escape you can pick him up.

Heh. Yeah. Especially since the Romans and the Commonwealth are about to come to blows, suddenly I have to fight off three other navies as well? (Not that the Republic couldn't give it a damn good effort, with two Combat Battlegroups and one Scout Battlegroup, but still...) :rolleyes:
Terror Incognitia
23-01-2007, 01:28
I'm sure Asfaltum will stand down. However, Legio, you might not like it, cos as part of the deal myself and Bautizar are now helping against you :P
23-01-2007, 01:40
So much for the teams set in the beginning of the RP haha, I guess it's now a open diplomatic RP. But I still want war, I want my Heavy MACs to fire atleast some rounds.
Trinity Blood
23-01-2007, 05:28
Well, I'm probably going to bring in squadron upon squadron of my Raptors when things really get heated up. Though, Del, I would prefer you fire at one of the invaders like, say, the Emerald Cultists.
23-01-2007, 06:13
The XIV Legio Tactica
23-01-2007, 06:29
I'm sure Asfaltum will stand down. However, Legio, you might not like it, cos as part of the deal myself and Bautizar are now helping against you :P

Bring it! :P Ad bellum gerendum!:p
23-01-2007, 06:39
Oh boy....
23-01-2007, 07:07
Wait till my fleet comes :)

BTW you wanna RP as Lt Chuck for this game of predator and prey?
23-01-2007, 10:12
Maybe I could withdraw my forces, and leave one single carrier behind to aid my allies? I would mainly RP awesome dogfights instead of fleet-to-fleet combat... that way everybody is happy? :)

P.S. My fighter-craft OWN, so that'll ad some real fun to the RP...
Trinity Blood
23-01-2007, 16:45

Fire, Shoot, Blast, et cetera.

Basically, point your guns at and pull the trigger.

Bring it! :P Ad bellum gerendum!:p

Sorry, but my Latin is a little rusty.
23-01-2007, 17:15
Bring it! :P Ad bellum gerendum!:p

Don't be so eager. By my calculations, I have 936 fighters and 432 bombers now readying themselves to jump in right on top of your formation. With those kinds of odds, I don't think your capital ships will have much of a fighting chance, even with their shields and armament.
Trinity Blood
23-01-2007, 17:42
Sweet! Now this ought to be an interesting face-off match between the two fleets.

Still, look at me, skulking around with probably the smallest number of ships thus far in the thread trying not to get blown up, lol.
23-01-2007, 18:37
Wait till my fleet comes :)

BTW you wanna RP as Lt Chuck for this game of predator and prey?

And his band of misfits... sounds good
23-01-2007, 18:39
And yeah if people like the FT database in my signature, you will find fleet sizes, the flagships, admirals, weapons, nad soon stats on all my vessels.
Trinity Blood
23-01-2007, 19:37
@Ed: What was the name of your giant ground-side 'breeding yard' thing again?
23-01-2007, 19:37
Right now it is a Kraeton Gestation Magen, soon to evolve to a full blown Kraeton Gestation Organ
23-01-2007, 19:48
'k, thanks.

*Evil snicker*

Got a couple little surprises planned for ya.

As do I my friend. As do I ;)
Trinity Blood
23-01-2007, 19:48
Right now it is a Kraeton Gestation Magen, soon to evolve to a full blown Kraeton Gestation Organ

'k, thanks.

*Evil snicker*

Got a couple little surprises planned for ya.
Trinity Blood
23-01-2007, 20:39
This is weird. The main forum page says Ed was the last to post in this thread, yet his post isn't showing up.

Hopefully this attempt at an experiment I'm trying will make it show up.

EDIT: Nope, didn't work.
The XIV Legio Tactica
23-01-2007, 21:15
Don't be so eager. By my calculations, I have 936 fighters and 432 bombers now readying themselves to jump in right on top of your formation. With those kinds of odds, I don't think your capital ships will have much of a fighting chance, even with their shields and armament.

Ok, but factor in my two Combat Battlegroups that are en route and it should even the odds.
Trinity Blood
25-01-2007, 16:18
*Waits patiently for my turn to 'abduct' Lieutenant Chuck.*
25-01-2007, 17:25
*Waits patiently for my turn to 'abduct' Lieutenant Chuck.*

Oh go right ahead, but pick up the sarge as well please.:D
25-01-2007, 17:33
Ok, but factor in my two Combat Battlegroups that are en route and it should even the odds.

In case it hasn't occurred to you, we're waiting on your response in the fleet action.
Trinity Blood
25-01-2007, 18:55
Delesa;12251709']Oh go right ahead, but pick up the sarge as well please.:D

Alright. I didn't know if you and Ed were done with your little RP sequence.

I'll either wait a few more posts from everyone, to make it seem more like a realistic rogue asteroid's travel time, or post it when I catch up with where everyone's at. Depends.
25-01-2007, 18:56
Alright. I didn't know if you and Ed were done with your little RP sequence.

I didn't know either...I thought there would be more to it. i've just been waiting for Delsea to respond.
25-01-2007, 20:46
I have been a little busy with other RPs, but he can pck them up, but they have to come down at some point, at which the two soldiers will ask to be put back at theri old camp to look around.
Trinity Blood
25-01-2007, 21:10
It'll probably be some time after pick-up, Del, as I was planning to have the Avenger shoot back into orbit at full impulse, with maybe a few parting gifts for Ed's Kraetons, and warp jump back to the gas giant before official questioning of your characters by mine would begin.
25-01-2007, 21:21
Thats still ok, as the marines won't be taking that base back any time soon, as his army is appraoching a major army camp. So the base will still be over run.
Trinity Blood
25-01-2007, 21:29
I'll have to wait to make my post until no earlier than 2200 hours my time due to class stuff.
The XIV Legio Tactica
25-01-2007, 23:42
In case it hasn't occurred to you, we're waiting on your response in the fleet action.

I know. Sorry, I've been really busy. This week is finals week and I've been studying my ass off. I'll get to it tomorrow at the latest.
25-01-2007, 23:51
I'm actually looking for someone to attack either the New Oxford ships or the Cult.

It's a little uninteresting having to roleplay out basically a standstill.
26-01-2007, 08:52
I just sent fighter-craft at the Cultists... post #80
Trinity Blood
26-01-2007, 16:19
I'll have to wait to make my post until no earlier than 2200 hours my time due to class stuff.

Ooops, sorry about the delay. I fell asleep before I made that post. Now I'll catch up in the IC thread and then make my post.
28-01-2007, 02:41
Hakurabi: As regards the carrier floating around bit, the idea of post-battle salvage sounds good to me. Delesa, would you object, considering how much closer it is to your planet than to the Bautizan ships?

XIV Roman: Just an FYI, but I think you might have missed something I had said before your post of earlier today. The Commonwealth heavy forces (i.e. battlecruisers, cruiser/carriers, light cruisers) did not jump in near the Roman forces. Only the drones did, a feature which is enabled by their having A.I. programming.

So if your cruisers are attacking my formation, they're all off on their own, and they'll be easy kills considering that they're against the weapons of 4 battlecruisers, 5 light cruisers, and 8 cruiser/carriers without tactical support of their own.
The XIV Legio Tactica
28-01-2007, 04:43
I know your bigger cruisers didn't jump. They're not attacking your formation, but they know that they're there. If you're talking about my Pallades, they're in amongst the Delesian ships. Besides that, I don't think you'd have enough time to really do much if they're just discharging one round of missiles and railgun slugs before tesseracting away. Especially if you had no idea that they were there in the first place.

EDIT: Ok, I just read your IC post. Are you talking about my two Combat Battlegroups? Cuz I hadn't meant to bring them in just yet, but I can go ahead and start orchestrating that part of the battle if you want. I was gonna have em tesseract in behind your main formation anyway. *goes off to start preparing info on new classes of warship*
29-01-2007, 02:18
I know your bigger cruisers didn't jump. They're not attacking your formation, but they know that they're there. If you're talking about my Pallades, they're in amongst the Delesian ships. Besides that, I don't think you'd have enough time to really do much if they're just discharging one round of missiles and railgun slugs before tesseracting away. Especially if you had no idea that they were there in the first place.

EDIT: Ok, I just read your IC post. Are you talking about my two Combat Battlegroups? Cuz I hadn't meant to bring them in just yet, but I can go ahead and start orchestrating that part of the battle if you want. I was gonna have em tesseract in behind your main formation anyway. *goes off to start preparing info on new classes of warship*

XIV Legio: Without location tags, that post is very confusing. It appears to me that you're talking about the Pallas task group opening fire on the Bautizan formation, as there is no mention in there regarding the Delesian ships.

I also distinctly remember your mentioning stealth cruisers, and the last time I believe we saw them in the RP they were idling near the asteroid belt. My assumption at the time I wrote my response was that your stealth cruisers had opened fire on the Bautizan formation.
The XIV Legio Tactica
29-01-2007, 03:17
Nope. Two individual Pallades hailed your miners, then scooted back over to Sarannia with the rest of them when I RPed the Pallas task group. I said that they were infiltrating the fleet around Sarannia, which was where the Delesian fleet was. The Romans didn't know the names of the different fleets then. Sorry about the confusion. Delesian fleet is near Sarannia. Bautizan fleet is out closer to the asteroid belt. Correct?
30-01-2007, 10:10
Bumping IC thread...
Trinity Blood
30-01-2007, 15:35
@Bautizar: You do know 8 light years puts you several times the length of the star system outside it? Not even our own Sol system is more then 2 light years from sun to Oort Cloud, IIRC.
31-01-2007, 21:22
@Bautizar: You do know 8 light years puts you several times the length of the star system outside it? Not even our own Sol system is more then 2 light years from sun to Oort Cloud, IIRC.

I'll have to think about changing the numbers then. I primarily put myself at that range because of how fast the Commonwealth task force can move (0.25 the speed of light, or 74,948,114.5 m/s, is the speed of their slowest unit).
Imperial isa
31-01-2007, 21:25
now you know in both threads
05-02-2007, 02:44
Okay... it looks like I misunderstood. In that case, the Undershi fleet vanises. My appologies.
07-02-2007, 08:20
Is the IC-thread dead? :(
09-02-2007, 10:24
Buuuump! Where did everybody go?:(
09-02-2007, 10:56
Hullo. Back.
09-02-2007, 11:46
Hullo. Back.

Nice! :D