NationStates Jolt Archive

United Kingdom2's Prime Minister's cabinet changes - Page 2

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United kingdom2
24-04-2007, 02:50

Today Her Majesty has reviewed the troops who are currently in Northern Ireland.The troops have given medals for there brave serve to the UK2.Her Majesty has stated that the troops have done a great job and will continue to fight and finnsh the job so they can all come home.
United kingdom2
26-04-2007, 02:03

Today the First Lady of Northern Ireland,Jane Robinson arrived at the UK2 Red Cross Disaster Relief center in Belfast ,Northern Ireland.About 456 thousand people are currently staying here and more people are arriving each day.Mrs.Robinson stated that the Government of Northern Ireland will be working day and night to make sure this civil war is ended and citizens to go back to there homes.
United kingdom2
26-04-2007, 02:13

As you all remembered,Donald Imgrams the Mayor of London had a car crashed and was badly injured.After two months he has recovered after the terrible car crash.His car crashed near Buckingham Street right next to Downing Street.Mr.Imgrams almost lost his legs and arms right after the crash.We will be interviewing him later today.We send him and his family the best wishs for his fast recover and return to his job as Mayor of London.
United kingdom2
27-04-2007, 01:24

BBC Interview with Donald Imgrams,Mayor of London

Hello i'm Jancie McGillvary and today we have with us Donald Imgrams the Mayor of London.

Jancie:Hello Mr.Imgrams welcome to BBC today and thanks for joining us this today.

Donald:Thank you Jancie.I'm honored today for joining you.

Jancie:So Mr.Imgrams everyone wants to know what happened the day when your car crashed near Downing Street.

Donald:The car that i was heated up this was said by the police.The driver was killed right after the crash and then my aid died when the car blow up.

Jancie:You are very lucky that you lived to tell us this.You have been recovering for about two months how did that change you.

Donald:It changed me in a way that don't take things for granted because you nenver know if your going to wake up in the morning.

Jancie:Well we are out of time.Thank you for joining us Mr.Imgrams.

Donald:Thank you Jancie for having me on BBC.
United kingdom2
27-04-2007, 02:35

Today a royal proposal of marriage has happened.Prince Willium,Duke of Sevenoaks the Queen's nephew has asked Emily Middleton to marry him.If the wedding takes place Ms.Middleton will be styled Her Royal Highness Princess Emily,Duchess of Sevenoks.
United kingdom2
28-04-2007, 21:56

The First Lady of Northern Ireland,Jane Robinson visited the warzones of the Northern Ireland crisis.She stated the rest of the United Kingdom2 should be know how Northern Ireland is suffering.She begs country to send aid to the war-torn Northern Ireland.
United kingdom2
30-04-2007, 23:32

Will Prime Minister McAleese call elections again?

Today a labour bill failed in Parliament which in some cases a elections can or might be called.The Prime Minister stated that she will not call elections and will try the bill again.Under the Constitution of United Kingdom2 the Queen can call for Parliament to close if a bill failed but the prime Minister stated that will not happen.
United kingdom2
01-05-2007, 21:46

Today we bring you live from Parliament to hear a speech by the Leader of the Liberal Party,John Howard.

Hello everyone and i thank you for joining me today.The Labour Party has ruined this great country.The Labour cabinet ministers don't know what do at all.We have a Prime Minister that doesn't know how to handle a country.Can the United Kingdom2 handle another four years of this Prime Minister,i don't think so.The Prime Minister has only stated what she will do but she has yet to do it.We needed a change before nuclear weapons destroy this nation.I have plan if my party enters government that we will not promise things we can't keep and we will not make silly bills that waste taxpayers money.I will keep on fighting until the Liberal party is in goverment.I thank you all for joining me today and i hope that there will be a new Prime Minister which is not a Labour Prime Minister.
United kingdom2
02-05-2007, 03:22
Rt.Hon.The Earl of Chatham, William Pitt 'The Elder'-1835-1839(SNP)
Rt.Hon.Sir William Pitt 'The Younger'-1839-1844(Lab)
Rt.Hon.Lord Frederick Robinson, Viscount Goderich-1844-1849(Con)
Rt.Hon.Sir Lester Orange-1849-1850(LP)
Rt.Hon.Sir Tyler McFeen-1850-1856(SNP)
Rt.Hon.Sir Rory O'McLester-1856-1859(FWP)
Rt.Hon.Sir Patrick Green-1859-1860(SNP)
Rt.Hon.Sir George Kenny-1860-1870(Con)
Rt.Hon.Sir John Lookins-1870-1873(Lab)
Rt.Hon.Sir John Alexander-1873-1891(Con)
Rt.Hon Sir Allen Mackenzie-1891(FWP)
Rt.Hon Sir John Abbott-1891-1892(LP)
Rt.Hon Sir John Thompson-1892-1894(SNP)
Rt.Hon Sir Mackenzie Bowell-1894-1896(Con)
Rt.Hon Sir Charles Tupper-1896(SFP)
Rt.Hon Sir Wilfrid Laurier-1896-1911(Con)
Rt.Hon Sir Robert Ellen-1911-1917(LP)
Rt.Hon Sir Robert Borden-1917-1920(Lab)
Rt.Hon Sir Arthur Edwards-1920-1926(FWP)
Rt.Hon Sir William Mackenzie King-1926-1934(SNP)
Rt.Hon Sir George Edwards-1934-1936(SFP)
Rt.Hon Sir Richard Bennett-1936-1939(Lab)
Rt.Hon Sir Louis St-Laurent-1939-1945(SFP)
Rt.Hon.Sir Alexander Bustamante-1945-1957(Lib)
Rt.Hon Sir John Diefenbaker-1957-1963(Con)
Rt.Hon Sir Lester Pearson-1963-1968(FWP)
Rt.Hon Pierre Elliott Trudeau-1968-1979(SNP)
Rt.Hon Charles Clark-1979-1980(Con)
Rt.Hon Tony Blair-1980-1984(Lab)
Rt.Hon John Turner-1984(Con)
Rt.Hon John Major-1984-1993(Lab)
Rt.Hon Winston Churchhill-1993(Con)
Rt.Hon Joseph Chretien-1993-2003(Con)
Rt.Hon Paul Martin-2003-2006(SNP)
Rt.Hon Stephen Harper-2006(Lab)
Rt.Hon Mary McAleese-2006-present(Lab)

United Kingdom2 has had thirty-five Prime Ministers

United kingdom2
02-05-2007, 12:50

Today Her Majesty and Prince George,The Duke of Edinburgh visited Scotland in the royal coach.The tour will continue on to celebrate the New First Minister in office.The Queen will be making her way to the Parliament House where she will be giving the Throne Speech to the MPP's.
United kingdom2
03-05-2007, 01:39

Today Her Majesty said the Throne Speech to the government.We bring you live from Parliament

My government will fight inflation through sound fiscal and monetary policy.

My government will work to decrease the structural deficit.

My government will establish a forty hour working week with overtime pay when economic conditions allow.

My government will establish a commission to review the tax structure.

My government will implement the minimum wage when economic conditions allow.

My government will establish employment zones in neglected areas of the country to improve their economic situation.

My government will introduce legislation to outlaw age discrimination.

My government will implement a tax credit for companies to hire those who are on benefits.

My government will introduce new industry-specific vocational training.

My government will create a National Knowledge Initiative to boost knowledge creation and effective transfer to industry and workers.

My government will introduce tax incentives for capital formation.

My government will prevent the formation of monopolies and encourage fair competition in the market place.

My government will work with industry to modernise British manufacturing.

My government will promote cooperative relations between employers and workers.

My government will introduce an income guarantee for all pensioners.

My government will introduce an income guarantee for working parents with young children.

My government will implement a National Child Poverty Initiative to effect substantial reductions in the number of poor children.

My government will extend parental leave rights.

My government will encourage family friendly working practices.

My government will hold referenda on devolution of powers to Scotland and Wales.

My government shall hold a referendum on a Greater London Assembly and Mayor.

My government shall establish a commission to establish reform in the Houses of Parliament.

My government shall examine ways to decentralise power from Whitehall.

My government shall continue peace talks in Northern Ireland.

My government shall rebuild infrastructure, particularly transport links, in Northern Ireland.

My government shall combat the root causes of terrorism in Northern Ireland.

My government shall support the establishment of a Northern Irish Arts Council.

My government will legislate for greater involvement for citizens in the railways and give a fairer deal to passengers.

My government will work with local government to increase the powers and democracy of local government.

My government will introduce legislation making it madatory for all new automobiles to be fitted with catalytic converters before sale.

My government will promise to investigate the quality of water throughout the nation and invest in it appropriately.

My government will institute two new bodies the Green Action Group and the Coastal Protection Agency to aid in raising awareness and protecting the environment around us.

My government will bring into effect a 'Pollution Trading Scheme' for commerical and industrial businesses.

My government will be commited to, and invest in, increasing awareness of environmental issues and teaching those issues to school students.

My government will increase funding into research of cleaner technology which will be expected to be implemented in nationalised industry and be sold, if applicable, to industry.

My government will increase the medical staff currently employed by the NHS and allocate funds for incentives for these and current workers.

My government will introduce legislation banning the advertising of all tobacco containg products on any media.

My government will end the internal market system currently in the NHS.

My government will build more hospitals, specifically in rural areas.

My government will encourage the training of members of the teaching profession in a specially designed NHS course.

My government will aim to reduce waiting list numbers.

My government will make prescription charges a sliding scale based upon the cost and importance of the medicine required and the finacial situation of the patient.

My government, always mindful of the precarious balance between careful utilisation of our finite resources and the economic demand on it, will introduce legislations and initiatives to encourage efficient, cleaner energy use, while promoting sustainable development and extraction of the bounties of nature that has been bestowed on our nation's lands.

My government, in order to ensure efficiency and cost-effectiveness, will immediately release as a White Paper the plan for Millennium Celebrations and begin the process of implementing them.

My government will undertake a review of the National Heritage Act 1983 and the list of Scheduled Ancient Monuments for the first time in ten years.

My government will close the British Tourist Authority and replace it with a new, modern and productive organization to promote tourism throughout Britain.

My government will promote diversity, acceptance and ethno-cultural cooperation and strive to improve education and public awareness of these issues.

My government will support and nurture the BBC as a fundamentally important British institution.

My government will continue to help those fleeing persecution abroad.

My government will create a Ministry of Immigration and Border Security.

My government will incorporate the Coastguard into the Ministry of Defence.

My government will strengthen penalties against employers who knowingly employ illegal immigrants.

My government will reduce the time from arrest to sentencing to prevent re-offending.

My government will create a ‘Local Action Against Crime Fund’ to help fund local councils in the fight against crime.

My government will run random drugs tests on prisoners.

My government will modernise prison facilities and give mandatory literacy and numeracy lessons to inmates.

My government will invest into an increase in domestic abuse centres and helplines.

My government will bring an end to the use of landmines by the British Army and work with the international community to bring an international agreement on landmines.

My government will establish a veteran's forum to integrate governmental department policy regarding veterans and to create access points for representatives of veteran's organisations.

My government will begin the renovation process of 5,000 service personnel accomodation houses within a length of a Parliament.

My government will modernise the armed forces through a procurement time-table and an efficiency drive compassionate to the needs of British service-people.

My government will retain an independent nuclear deterrent.

My government will introduce free fruit to all primary and pre-school children.

My government will introduce free-school meals at lunchtimes for children in years 1, 2, and 3 of primary school.

My government will expand access to childcare and hire more nursery nurses, with the long-term goal of universal childcare.

My government will introduce a new curriculum at the primary level which includes geography, history, and modern studies.

My government will hire new teachers at the primary and secondary level.

My government will introduce a Baccalaureate for children taking further studies in secondary school to develop better critical thinking and problem solving.

My government will introduce a partnership between schools, businesses, and universities in order to build a better cooperation between them.

My government will introduce a work experience scheme that gives children an opportunity to become liasons to government secretaries for their work experience.

My government is committed to maintaining a high and sustainable value for university grants.

My government will introduce more independent and special school teachers.

My government will increase funding for adult education initiatives.

My government shall take a new dynamic approach towards the European community, working for and achieving consensus to preserve our interests in the EEC.

My government shall push for further talks on reform to the CAP and CFP.

My government shall promote freer trade in the EEC and with other nations as well.

My government shall work to improve relations with countries of Eastern Europe.

My government shall use the United Nations to maintain our influence in international affairs and gain greater international consensus on international issues.

My government shall keep its commitments to NATO and maintain its relevance in international affairs.

My government shall work closely with commonwealth nations, encouraging better understanding of different cultures and to develop the organisation into that of aid and development.

My government shall work closely with the United States to strengthen our relationship.

My government shall work closely with Europe.

My government shall actively promote human rights around the world.

My government shall take a new stance on Africa where poverty and AIDS has been immense, and will encourage investment to construct education, healthcare and sanitation facilities.

My government shall use its influence to extend peace around the globe.

My government shall improve relations with nations around the world, to push for an international effort to attack poverty, hunger and disease in the developing world.

My government shall prevent monopolies developing in the sale of fish.

My government shall continue to protect the rights of our fisherman here and in the EEC.

My government shall continue to work with Europe to make sure the CAP is fair to all members.

My government shall work to ensure greater consumer and producer protection.

My government shall introduce farming initiatives to help our farmers.

My government shall invest in rural communities to create jobs and ensure they do not lag behind the developments in our cities.

My government shall make food producers more liable for defective products.

My government shall introduce a statutory code of advertising so that consumers can not be misled by firms.

My government shall create an independent and open Food Standards Agency.
United kingdom2
06-05-2007, 21:01

Today the First Minister of Northern Ireland,Tyler Robinson meet with MPP's to help give a budget to Prime Minister McAleese to help insure aid to build back Northern Ireland.The First Minister stated that he hopes the Prime Minister accepts the budget.
United kingdom2
06-05-2007, 23:56

Division Lobbies


Cutting Half of The Military Budget Act

All MPs cast you vote bye saying Aye or Noe.

All for Aye:
455 Labour MPs

All for Noe:
100 Scottish National MPs,89 Sinn Fein MPs,90 Conservative MPs,200 Forward Wales MPs,123 Liberal MPs,1 Labour MP

Cutting Half of The Military Budget Act Defeated
Ayes:455 MPs
Noes:603 MPs
United kingdom2
08-05-2007, 03:13

Bye,Bye Prime Minister McAleese

Hello everyone thank you for joining BBC tonight on our least story on how the Prime Minister is doing in the polls.We bring you live to our political analysis Daivd Humpfrey.

David:Thank you Janice.We brought polls to Wales,Scotland,England and Northern Ireland and tonight we are going to find out waht happened.

David:In Scotland the polls are very shocking,78% of you think the Prime Minister is doing a great job as Prime Minister and is handling the Northern Ireland War well.While only 5% Prime Minister is the worst Prime Minister ever and the War in Northern Ireland.Moving on to England,23% of people think the Prime Minister is doing a good job as Prime Minister and the War in Northern Ireland is good while 56% say they want her out of the office of the Prime Minister.Now moving on to Wales while this was a huge shock because half the people support the Prime Minister and the War in Northern Ireland but check this out only 5% of people think the Prime Minister and the Northern Ireland war is good while 90% people McAleese needs to go.And Northern Ireland lets just say no one supports the Labour party up there. The polls in Northern Ireland say 100% of people think McAleese needs to go now. And thats our polls for tonight.
United kingdom2
08-05-2007, 03:38
Emperor Olaf IV makes a Royal Visit.

Today the Royal Plane had landed.Emperor Olaf has arrived for the Royal Visit of the British Isles.The tour will be seven days and onthe last day a Royal State Dinner will be at Buckingham Palace.For the people who will be seeing the Emperor and Her Majesty it is advised not to give them your hand to shake but let them give there hand for a show of respect.
United kingdom2
10-05-2007, 02:00

United Kingdom2 Federal Elections Starts Again.

Today Queen Elizabeth III closed Parliament over a phone from Balmoral Castle and called elections from there.People have had enough of Mary McAleese and her dictatorship government.Many people are turning to Leader of the Liberal Party,Tom Howard.Who is running the power to the people campaign.Many Aborigines of the United Kingdom2 are turning there votes to Tom Howard who will bring bills by protecting the first natives of the country which the McAleese government hasn't done or other parties.People are just fed up and just might vote for Tom Howard instead of Labour or the other parties.Many people we have talked with stated the Labour government just makes plans but doesn't full fill them.Unlike the Labour party the Liberal Party and the Forward Wales might be neck to neck but many people don't believe the Forward Wales party will win this election.The Forward Wales will stay as the Opposition Party after this election.Many people are praying that Tom Howard will become Prime Minister.
United kingdom2
10-05-2007, 21:15

Who will win the Federal Elections.

As voting day come closer many people are thing about how the Labour government ruined the United Kingdom2.This election is going to be a fast one so United Kingdom2 Elections.By tonight we will have a new Prime Minister.Aborigines made them self clear that the Liberals will bein power tonight when voting is over.People have been voting from last night just to make sure.United Kingdom2 elections stated by 6pm every citizen have voted and the new Prime Minister will move into the White Palace and take ver the government.
United kingdom2
10-05-2007, 23:13

New Prime Minister!!

After counting up the votes a new Prime Minister has been named.Tom Howard is now Prime Minister after beating the other parties and beating the Labour party worser.The new Prime Minister will state his abinet in a few minutes.

Liberal party number of seats taken=515
Forward Wales party of seats taken=200
Sinn Finn Party umber of seat taken=123
Conservative party party of seats taken=100
Scottish National party of seats taken=90
Labour party of seats taken=29.
United kingdom2
10-05-2007, 23:41
Today New Prime Minister Tom Howard has given out the new cabinet to the media,

Prime Minister and First Secretary of State:Rt. Hon.Tom Howard
Deputy Prime Minister and First Lord of Treasury :Rt. Hon.Daniel Robinston
Secretary of State:Condoleezza Ricea
Chancellor of Exchequer:Rt.Hon.Gordon Brown Hobert Rogers
Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster:Rt.Hon.Alan Johnson
Secretary of State for the Home Department:Rt. Hon.Stephen Timms
Secretary of State for Defence:Rt.Hon.Des Browne
Secretary of State for Health:Rt.Hon.Tessa Jowell
Secretary of State for Aboriginal Affairs:Rt.Hon.Tony Blair
Secretary of State for Commonwealth and Foreign Affairs:Rt.Hon.Margaret Beckett
Secretary of State for Agriculture:Rt.Hon.Hobert Rogers
Secretary of State for United Kingdom2's Heritage and status of women:Rt.Hon.Rutha Kelly
Secretary of State for Citizenship and Immigration:Rt.Hon.Helen Praston
Secretary of State for Environment:Rt.Hon.David Miliband
Secretary of State for Trade:Rt.Hon.Helena Straw
Secretary of State for Veteran Affairs:Rt.Hon.Hazel Blears
Secretary of State for International Development: Rt Hon.Douglas Alexander
Secretary of State for Transport and communities:Rt.Hon.Alistair Darling
Secretary of State for Justice:Rt.Hon. Lord Goldsmith
Secretary of State for for Sport,Culture,Media :Shawn Holloway
Secretary of State for Education:Rt.Hon.Jack Kennedy
Secretary of State for Children and Poverty :Rt.Hon.Matty Gorden
Secretary of State for Pensions and Work:Rt.Hon.Mike Johanns
Secretary of State for Northern Ireland:Rt.Hon.Elaine Chao
Secretary of State for Scotland:Rt.Hon.Mary E. Peters
Secretary of State for Wales:Rt.Hon.Jim Nicholson
Leader of the House of Commons, and Lord Privy Seal:Rob Portman
Secretary of State for Constitutional Affairs:Stephen Johnson
Secretary of State for for the Civil Service:Rt.Hon. John Walters
Secretary of State for for Communities and Local Government:Patricia Hewitt

Other members of the Cabinet:
Chief of Staff:Rt.Hon.Robert M. Gates
Attorney General:Rt.Hon.Margaret Spellings
Head of Security:Rt. Hon.Claire Bush
UN Representative:Rt.Hon.Sir Robert Johnsten
Head Ambassador:Rt.Hon. Susan Schwab
United kingdom2
17-05-2007, 23:31

New Prime Minister meets soldiers

Today Prime Minister Tom Howard met with troops that are now returning from Northern Ireland.The Prime Minister stated it's now time for Northern Ireland to start building back the country.This week over two thousand troops out of the 34 million will be coming home.The Prime Minister also stated about a task force of troops will be heading to the FalkIand Islands to give more protection after letters of threats to the Islands.The Prime Minister stated that all colonies need to be protected under United Kingdom2 control.
United kingdom2
17-05-2007, 23:43

White Palace,Prime Minister's Office

Tom sat at his office and drank a cool glass of brandy.He had allready met with the Queen to knight him as Prime Minister.He had alot on his plate right now,he had to remove soldiers from Northern Ireland which he was being blasted at in Parliament from the Labour Party.His Deputy Prime Minister and Friend Daniel wasn't doing well after having a stroke a few weeks ago.He was having thoughts on replacing Daniel with Condoleezza who was Secretary of State.Tom was going to have a cabinet meeting shortly to make more ideas.Tom was hoping he would be able to re-build the United Kingdom2 in time.
United kingdom2
18-05-2007, 01:48

Tomorrow is the first Question Time for the New Prime Minister

Today the first time the new Prime Minister will be in question time.Many hope and the Aborigines of the United Kingdom2 are now hoping for more rights in this nation.The Prime Minister stated that he will be flying to Torres Strait Island off the coast of United Kingdom2,Aborigines live there and they have been seeking civil rights for four hundred years.Labour has stated that they will not support a bill to support rights for the Aborigines.Prime Minister Howard stated Labour has a racist leader who is guilding her.Tony Blair has even resigned from the Labour Party and entered the Liberal Party because Mary McAleese is racist.In the nest election Labour party will lose even more seats.
United kingdom2
18-05-2007, 23:16

Prime Minister meets with Aboriginal Leaders

Today Prime Minister Howard right before Question Time in Parliament today met with Aboriginal Leaders at the White Palace.The Head Leader Micheal Long stated "The Prime Minister has been working on a bill to insure rights are protected of our Aborigines.We have offered our support and work to make sure The Liberal Party of United Kingdom2 will pass this bill". Prime Minister Howard stated that Tony Blair former deputy leader of the Labour Party and former member of the Labour party will be the new Secretary of State for Aboriginal Affairs.The Prime Minister stated that Tony Blair will be a great secretary on make sure rights are protected.
United kingdom2
19-05-2007, 14:18

Prime Minister Welcomes the First Minister of Northern Ireland to the White Palace

Today Prime Minister Howard and First Lady Howard welcomed the First Minister of Northern Ireland,Tyler Robinson and First Lady Robinson.The Prime Minister stated that his government will send 56.9 billion pounds for aid unlike the McAleese government which only sent 360 million pounds.First Lady Howard stated that it's now time to take action to help the citizens who have suffered though a civil war.The Prime Ministe stated he will be planning a trip to Northern Ireland.
United kingdom2
19-05-2007, 15:28

First Lady Janette Howard flying to Northern Ireland

Today First Lady Howard has landed in Northern Ireland to help increase aid and re-build the country.First Lady Howard has stated that foreign countries need to help them give aid to Northern Ireland.The First Lady will continue her visit of Northern Ireland until tonight.
United kingdom2
19-05-2007, 17:21

White Palace,Prime Minister's Office

Tom was sitting at his desk writing down somethings.The state dinner with the First Minister and First Lady of Northern Ireland was going to be tonight with all the MPs in the United Kingdom2.Janette then walked into the room and both of them started talking."Tom the press are waiting down stairs for the Northern Ireland funding bill.Tom nodded and thanked her,Being Prime Minister was a tough job.Everyone was looking for him to guide them and provide for them.He gathered his speech and went downstairs.
United kingdom2
19-05-2007, 23:55

State Dinner At The White Palace

Tonight Prime Minister Howard and First Lady Howard held a state dinner for First Minister Robinson and First Lady Robinson.About 567 guests are attending the dinner for tonight.The Prime Minister stated that this state dinner will increase state aid for Northern Ireland and help improve the friendship.
United kingdom2
22-05-2007, 22:50

Red Kangaroo on the Endangered List Causes Riots In The Countryside

Today after breeders and Zoo keepers struggled to keep the Nation Animal of the Endangered List off UK2 but there efforts have gone dry.Doctor Allen Kent of Oxford University has stated that The Red Kangaroo Population has gone done by 5,000 to 400 Kangaroos.The New Government has stated that all people who shoot or hurt Red Kangaroos will be fined ₤123 million pounds.Farmers have been causing riots because they say that Kangaroos get into there farm land and eat and destroy there crops.The farmers have stated they will shoot Kangaroos as long as they enter there farms.Prime Minster Howard stated that these riots need to end now.The Red Kangaroo has been part of British History for over 456 years now.Zoos are now stating that by 2010 all Red Kangaroos will be extinct if we don't act now.
United kingdom2
23-05-2007, 22:21

Wildfires Spead Across Wales

Today another wildfire has started in Wales and has spead along side the countryside.Local police and state police have stated the fires are gaining even stronger since there are many forests along the country side.Farmers are being forced from there homes since many are stating they will not leave.There are twenty-three Red Kangaroos that live in the country side and many fear for there lives.The First Minister Hilary Benn has stated that the last fire had destroyed about 12,000 milies of land while many think about 56,000 milies will be destroyed.Water planes have been droping water on the flames but there just not working and many fear all of Wales will be under flames if firefighters do not end it soon.
United kingdom2
24-05-2007, 00:23
Sir Alexander Bustamante Suffers Major Heart Attack

Today Sir Alexander Bustamante former Prime Minister and Former Governor of Jamaica suffered a major heart attack in his Norwich home.Sir Bustamante served as Prime Minister Of The UK2 in 1945-1957 and was the first Jamaican citizen to become Prime Minister.Sir Bustamante is eighty-eight years old and had other strokes and heart attacks during his lifetime after smoking for twenty years of his life.Doctors say Sir Bustamante's lungs are damaged badly and has been sent to St.George Cross Hospital for surgery.Sir Bustamante's wife Lady Elizabeth Bustamante former First Lady of UK2 stated that she prays and hopes for her husband's surgery to go safely.
United kingdom2
24-05-2007, 03:24
Jane Melville Leader of the Aboriginal Council Dies

Today the country and Aboriginals mourns for the death of Jane Melville. Mrs.Melville lead the way for civil rights for all people in the United Kingdom.Jane was the first Aboriginal to be elected into Parliament in 1978 and to 1987.After she retired from politics Jane created the Aboriginal Council in 1988 and made it a national group in 1993 and brought it to the rest of the country.Before her death Mrs.Melville had lung cancer during her last days.She died today in Princess Margaret Hospital with her husband and family next to her bed.She ws 98 years old.
United kingdom2
24-05-2007, 21:04

UK2 Has A New Flag

Today after a two week contest and two month debate in Parliament,The government has selected a new flag to fly at all the flagposts in the country and the commonwealths.It started when alot of people grew tired of the old flag which reminded them about the slave trade in the 1600's until 1806.PM Howard stated a new flag will bring on to a new era in the nation.Millions of people are now rejoicing about the new flag while others think it's a bad thing to get rid of the nation's history.Tonight fireworks will start at nine each is a good idea to bring your families tonight.In other news....
United kingdom2
25-05-2007, 00:09

British National Guard Being Sent To Northern Ireland

Today 2,890 National Guardsmen have been sent to Northern Ireland after reports stated Hurricane Tyler has been forming off the coast.Orleans is the town which is in the most trouble right now.Mayor Ray Nagin and Northern Ireland Governor Kathleen Blanco have stated Orleans which has 789,890 people living in the small city.Evacuation has been stated by First Minister Tyler Robinson.The hurricane is being watched to see it turns into Category 2 hurricane.
United kingdom2
26-05-2007, 02:59

Queen Elizabeth And Prince George Arrives To Balmoral For The Highlands Games

Today after flying for five hours to Balmoral The Queen and Prince George arrived to celebrate the highland games with the people.This is the first time a Monarch has ever been to the games since Queen Victoria.The Queen at the age of 81 has been able to arrive safely while most people worried.One of Buckingham Staff stated this,"Her Majesty is only a Monarch and which can be seen everyday but the Highland Games comes only in three years.So we shouldn't be worrying about Her Majesty but more about the games".The First Minister of Scotland and his wife will be arriving to Balmoral to also celebrate the Highland games.We will bring you more tomorrow when the games start.
United kingdom2
26-05-2007, 03:38

Queen Mother Suffers Stroke At Balmoral Castle

Today Her Majesty Queen Diana,The Queen Mother suffered a stroke today at Balmoral Castle.Wife of the late King Charles VII.The Queen Mother suffered a stroke just like her husband which did kill him.The Queen Mother was airlifted to St.George Medical Center to get treated.The Queen Mother was suppose to meet with children at Balmoral tomorrow.
United kingdom2
26-05-2007, 14:24

Balmoral Castle

The Queen Mother walked outside of Balmoral Castle with her two dogs.She has just came back from St.George Medical Center.She had been sent home to recover and get some rest but the Queen Mother would never do that.She remembered that life was like being married to Charles her late husband.Diana was spending her summer here.It was to loud in London during the summer times.She had missed meeting with world leaders and Kings and Queens and Emperors.She would love to start meeting world leaders again but would there be any old world leaders left.
United kingdom2
26-05-2007, 22:52
Welsh Elections Coming

As the elections for First Minister are about to start.

There are only two parties that are in the government house,The Welsh Labour Party and The Welsh Liberal Party.Hilary Benn who is the current First Minister of Wales and Leader of the Welsh Labour Party.Jack Hollman who is the Leader of the Welsh Liberal Party.The voting will end tomorrow afternoon and a First Minister will be head thoughout Wales.

Jack Hollman,Leader of the Welsh Liberal Party

Hilary Benn,Leader of The Welsh Labour Party
United kingdom2
01-06-2007, 00:52
Wales becomes a Liberal state

Today the votes came in for the Welsh provincial elections.The Goverment House has 234 seats.At first in the election the Welsh Labour Party was in the lead but by the nest morning The Welsh Liberal Party was in the lead and strong.Out of the 234 million people living in Wales about 100 million legal adults voted.The Welsh Liberal Party won 200 seats while The Welsh Labour Party won only 34.This means the Liberal party will now only needs to tackle on one more state,Scotland.The Liberal Party will have to wait for the next Scottish provincial elections.The Liberal party now has Northern Ireland and Wales under there hands and are now hoping that they will control all the states in the United Kingdom.

The New First Minister of Wales
United kingdom2
01-06-2007, 01:56

Her Majesty Welcomes The First Minister Of Northern Ireland To Buckingham Palace

Today Her Majesty and His Royal Highness Prince George,Duke of Edinburgh welcomed the First Minister Robinson and first Lady Robinson to Buckingham this afternoon.Her Majesty and the First Minister will be having a meeting tonight and tomorrow Her Majesty and First Minister will take a tour of London.
United kingdom2
09-06-2007, 20:43

Her Majesty Salutes The Troops

Today Her Majesty visited British Troops in Ireland at the Dublin Aur Base this morning.The Queen stated that wilth the help of the new First Minister For Ireland they can keep peace with all people.The IRA have not made any media statements to BBC but sent us a letter stating that a war will continue on wards unless Ireland and Northern Ireland are joined back together to form a country away from UK2.Prime Minister Howard has made no comments on the threats.
United kingdom2
09-06-2007, 21:19

Crime Rates Drops Down Fast

Though out the Howard Government many changes have happened but the biggest has happened today.The crime rates that destroyed UK2 during the McAleese Government has dropped down to 79% to 9%.This was a shock to people all over the country.Police officers from the home department budget has gotten 34.9 billion pounds which is getting there work done better.Prime Minister Howard stated that his goal is to drop crime down to 3% though out the country.
United kingdom2
10-06-2007, 00:21
Irish Provincial Elections

Ireland Provincial Elections have started up to elect a new FirstMinister.Dublin Police stated a riot bursted out near the Ireland Assembly after elections were called.Elections will be held monday giving 108 seats to each party.Adam Andrews might become First Minister but Ruth Jones,Leader of The Irish Sinn Fein party but hold a strong hold on the government while Tyler George ,Leader of the Irish Labour Party is trying to rebuild his party after Mary McAleese ruined it.
Ruth Jones,Leader of The Irish Sinn Fein party
Tyler George ,Leader of the Irish Labour Party

Adam Andrews,Leader of The Irish Liberal Party
United kingdom2
12-06-2007, 00:54
Irish Provincial Elections Results

Today was the last day for citizens to vote for elections today.24 million people out of the 64 million people living in Ireland voted for a new Irish Provincial Government.The Irish Liberal Party won 66 seat,The Irish Sinn Fein Party won 32 seats and the Irish Labour Party took 10 seats.The Ireland Assembly will be meeting tomorrow for there first address.The new First Minister Adam Andrews will be taking the Oath of Ireland tomorrow.The Liberal party has only one state left which is Scotland which is still on hold of Labour.
The Happy new First Minister of Ireland
United kingdom2
12-06-2007, 02:20

IRA Threatens Ireland

After months after the Northern Ireland Crisis the Irish Republican Army suffered heavy losses on there own men and lossed there leaders.But now that changed,The IRA have stated they are stronger with ew leaders and will start destroying Ireland like it did Northern Ireland.IRA sent a letter to BBC from one of there leaders,


We have suffered many deaths in our army but that will end today.We are now ready and armed well from our supporters from the country you don't need to know about.We are ready to blow up Dublin and do the other cities in Ireland and is ready to destory the Howard Government.It is now time for the Irish Republican Army to rise again!

The Irish Police have not stated anything about it but many have stated the police have been looking for leaders of the IRA and there base.BBC will have more on this.
United kingdom2
12-06-2007, 03:26,0.jpg

First Attack From The IRA

IRA attacked Dublin's Mayor,Alex Donld.He was shot twenty times in the head and thirty times into his back while he was in his home.Police have stated the IRA might attack more mayors and then turnon to the townspeople.The newly elected First Minister has asked for aid from the federal government in providing more police and national guardsmen.We will have more in the morning.This Bob Freeman signing off.Goodnight Britain.
United kingdom2
13-06-2007, 23:59

IRA Attacks Irish Assembly

Today millions of people are now shocked at what happened this morning. Today 456 IRA members attacked the Irish Assembly killing 56 guards and injuring 123.The First Minister and MPPs are still in the debate room which is currently on lock down until 24 hours have passed.Half of these IRA members were caught while armed police have closed off the area and are now searching for more proof of IRA dealing in this attack.The Prime Minister will make a visit to the area right away.
United kingdom2
17-06-2007, 21:59

IRA strikes again

The IRA blew up a small town today injuring 456 people.Police and Armed forces had to be moved to help get the injured out and cut off the fire.The Prime Minister stated the IRA will be punished in there actions against this country.The First Minister has stated heavily armed police will be on all roads to help armed forces keep order in Ireland.
United kingdom2
21-06-2007, 01:03

Bank of England Becomes Independent

Today Chancellor of Exchequer,Gordon Brown and the Governor of the Bank of England,Sir Robert Peel had a meeting today about the current rates which was causing the United Kingdom to go into debut.The Prime Minister stated making the Bank of England independent from the House of Commons will make sure the country doesn't go into national debut.
United kingdom2
04-07-2007, 18:55
The Queen breaks her knee

Today at Balmoral catle the Queen fell down a the stairs leading to her office. Royal staff have been asked why they were not looking out for the Queen who herselve is 85 years of age making her the oldest ruler in UK history. Dispite her broken knee the Queen stated she will be making her tour of the Falkland Islands this july. Buckingham staff have made safety places for the Queen to walk and rest as most royal residences though out the country. Many are wondering if the Queen is able to do the Queen's speech which is coming up next monday.
Is Balmoral Castle safe for Her Majesty
United kingdom2
04-07-2007, 23:25
Royal Wedding takes place

Prince Willium,Duke of Sevenoaks and Emily Middleton tied the wedding knot today after both of them got married at Westminister Abby today at three. The whole Royal family all 112 of them attended. The Queen who hurt her knee this morning could barely walk also attended the wedding and give then her blessing. A crown of thirty-six thousand people greeted the royal couple which now have a little a girl, Princess Clare. Princess will be styled Her Royal Highness Princess Emily,Duchess of Sevenoks. A new royal couple
United kingdom2
08-07-2007, 04:38
PM enters second term

Today is Prime Minister Tom Howard's second term in office as Prime Minister. Since the down fall of Stephen Harper and Mary McAleese both Labour PMs the country has been improving under a Liberal government. Almost 12,000 new police officers have been hired. Over 100 million jobs created increaing the workforce in the country. The Bank of England is now independent increasing our economy. The country has improved highly under the Liberals unlike Labour. Terrorists who tried to destroy our nation have been seen since security has improved and is under control. Polls have said citizens feel safer in under a Liberal government more than a Labour government. Prime Minister Howard has made a strong hold in the House of Commons with his party and maybe hold it on to a next election. As these improvements hold up Labour will see more seats droping away from them. PM at Isle of the Mann.
United kingdom2
08-07-2007, 05:03
Queen reads the Queen's Speech,0.jpgPM and the Queen before the reading

Today at 3pm Her Majesty read the Queen's speech on Parliament Hill inside The House of Commons. The Prime Minister added on that a new British Charter of Rights and Freedoms will be created in the next two weeks or so. The Queen's Speech or The Throne's Speech has been done for hundreds of years by every and each monarch in UK history which makes it very important to the people. We have live coverage from today's event's,

Speaker of the House of Commons,The Right Honourable Sir John A. MacDonald,

I have to acquaint the House that this House has this day attended Her Majesty in the House of Peers, and that Her Majesty was pleased to make a Most Gracious Speech from the Throne to both Houses of Parliament, of which I have, for greater accuracy, obtained a copy.

I shall direct that the terms of the Gracious Speech be printed in the appropriate place in the Votes and Proceedings. Copies are available in the Vote Office.

The Gracious Speech was as follows:

Her Majesty,Queen Elizabeth the Third,

My Lords and Members of the House of Commons.

My government shall put in place a national regeneration program to lift people out of poverty, by focusing on attracting investment to depressed areas.

My government shall give employees the right to twenty-three days paid leave.

My government shall fight against unemployment by finding solutions for causes of unemployment; these solutions shall include job centre computerisation, retraining being tax deductible and an effort to maintain sustainable economic growth.

My Government shall seek to tackle crime by increasing police numbers

My Government shall seek to intern more dangerous criminals by increasing prison places

My Government shall seek to improve the quality of prisons

My Government shall create local police boards to improve police accountability

My Government shall pursue a zero-tolerance policy against drugs and drug related crime

My Government shall make it a legal obligation for private security personnel to be properly licensed

My Government shall create centres for homeless people under eighteen to live at

My Government shall increase the penalty for a crime if it is drug induced or drug related

My Government shall make joyriding a criminal offence

My Government shall give home owners the means to evict squatters

My Government shall make stalking a criminal offence

My Government shall increase the punishment for death by dangerous and drink driving

My Government shall end the right to automatic early release for prisoners

My Government shall create parental control orders, allowing courts to hold parents to account

My Government shall increase the penalty for making a hoax call to the emergency services

My Government shall introduce measures to stop those trying to seek work from being caught in the benefit trap

My Government shall continue the training and education programmes to help people back into work

My Government shall continue to ensure our Social Security system is straight forward and fair whilst simultaneously helping those in need and helping others return to the job market

My Government shall seek to lower inflation

My Government shall create the climate for greater economic growth

My Government shall keep the burden of taxation as low as possible on the people

My Government shall continue to work with the private sector

My Government shall continue to invest in the public sector

My Government shall continue to invest in the railway network

My Government shall reduce the taxes on environmentally friendly cars

My Government shall expand the road network where the benefit is greater than the cost.

My Government shall make it compulsory to install catalytic converters on every new car.

My Government shall introduce road safety cameras to prevent excessive speeding at dangerous road junctions and in areas around schools.

My Government shall consolidate all Container Ports handling more than 100,000 tonnes per annum under one Port Authority.

My Government shall consolidate the four Oil Terminals and put them under the control of the Energy Department.

My Government shall adopt a pragmatic strategy towards the European Community, working for consensus and preserving the national basis of the EEC.

My Government shall push for freer trade in the EEC and around the globe.

My Government shall work with our European partners towards reforming the CAP and CFP.

My Government shall encourage friendly relations and economic ties with the nations of Eastern Europe.

My Government shall seek to strengthen the United Nations and encourage a more consensual approach to international relations within that body.

My Government shall work for the extension of the role of NATO, and give it a new relevance in the post Cold War world.

My Government shall reinvigorate the Commonwealth of Nations, giving it a new status as a forum for aid and development.

My Government shall seek to strengthen the strong ties that exist between the United Kingdom and the United States.

My Government shall place a greater emphasis upon human rights as a criteria for the dispersal of economic and developmental aid.

My Government shall set about the creation of a fifth television channel

My Government shall place a bid to host the Commonwealth Games

My Government shall set about the creation of a National Lottery

My Government, if need be, shall legislate to prevent any monopolies forming in the selling of fish.

My Government shall continue to protect our fishermen’s rights here and in the EEC, by making sure that British waters are for British fishermen.

My Government shall continue to work with our trading partners in the EEC, to ensure that the Common Fisheries Policy is fair to all members.

My Government shall begin a support payments system to farmers linked to arable land being left fallow, this shall help with over production and future quality crop yield.

My Government shall address ways to relieve the strain on domestic freshwater supplies caused by the intensification of modern farming techniques.

My Government shall also seek to introduce a new quality control stamp. This stamp shall only be issued to meat reared from indigenous stock

My Government shall set plans to build 100,000 new council houses nationally within the first year and empower the local councils to use funds from right-to-buy scheme to construct the council houses

My Government shall introduce alternative forms of housing including right-of-occupancy, part-ownership and houses built on land owned by the government.

My Government shall expand road and rail network throughout Britain.

My Government shall give tax incentives to car manufacturers which design and build more environmental friendly motor vehicles.

My government shall put in place an NHS call system

My government shall complete the project to give patients greater information about family doctors

My government shall continue the construction programme within the NHS

My government shall initiate plans to create intermediate care centres

My government shall bring forward plans which negate the effects of congestion in London on the work of paramedics

My Government shall make my Armed Forces more efficient

My Government shall seek to modernise my Armed Forces

My Government shall continue to keep our commitments with NATO and the United Nations

My Government shall continue to invest in better training for my Armed Forces

My Government shall maintain and enhance our nuclear deterrent

My Government shall hire more teachers to provide a better education system

My Government shall seek to reduce class sizes and keep them low

My Government shall seek to introduce a computer lab in every secondary school across the country

My Government shall create a National Inspectorate of Schools to oversee standards and school conditions.

My Government shall introduce a typing component to the National Curriculum for Secondary Schools.

My Government shall introduce totally free public transport for students next year

My Government shall support after-school activities and sports through greater investment and public-private partnerships

My Government shall introduce a ‘New Horizons’ Program, which shall expand foreign language education and foreign exchanges with the rest of Europe and the World

My Government shall continue to support grammar and grant-maintained schools

My Government shall continue to improve school meals

My Government shall continue to build City Technology Colleges across the country

My Government shall institute a National Lottery who’s proceeds shall go to educational grants

My Government shall seek to double educational grant values from their current levels

My Government shall institute a ‘report card’ scheme that shall help to give more information to parents

My Government shall give more training to teachers to help children with emotional or drug-related problems

My Government shall create a new ‘Teacher’s Pay Negotiations Board

My Government shall make training credits available to 16 and 17 years olds

My Government shall continue to invest in Adult Education

My Government shall continue to support the Youth Training Places Scheme and Career Development Loans

My Government shall review the future of nuclear energy

My Government shall continue to work with British Coal, to find ways to make it prosperous and more efficient

My Government shall seek to make more energy saving options available to the poorest in society

My Government shall continue to invest in research into new renewable forms of energy

My Government shall continue to support our security services and uphold Law and Order in Northern Ireland

My Government shall continue to work towards peace in Northern Ireland

My Government shall seek to provide economic regeneration in Northern Ireland

My Government shall continue to make Wales and active part of the Union

My Government shall seek to make Wales a key partner in the economic development of the United Kingdom

My Government shall seek to preserve the unique culture of Wales and protect it from further erosion

My government shall introduce the Welsh Languages Act.

My Government shall look to improve public transprt links in Scotland. Indeed, transport in Scotland will be of great importance this parliamentary term.

My Government shall legislate the use of Scottish tender in the whole of the United Kingdom.

My Government shall continue to strengthen ties with Scotland, keeping the union fully in tact with no moves towards devolution.

My Government shall endevour to reduce the corporation tax in Scotland to the level currently enjoyed by the rest of the United Kingdom. Queen presenting The Queen's speech
United kingdom2
09-07-2007, 18:53
United Kingdom Day Celebrations

Today is the day when the United Kingdom was united in one country under one government. Princess Hannah granddaughter of Queen Elizabeth went on the royal tour since her grandmother is currently in the Falkland Islands to celebrate United Kingdom Day. Celebrations will continue until six wilth Princess Hannah making a short speech on it. Prime Minister Howard and his family will be there also on Parliament Hill. Princess Hannah is only twenty years old and is the youngest to start UK day celebrations in the nation. Anout two million people have arrived and many will join them as today's celebrations start and continue. The whole royal amily will be attending including the Princess's Father and Mother later today. We will bring you more as our nation celebrates.
Princess Hannah being escorted to Parliament Hill by Royal Mounted Police
United kingdom2
10-07-2007, 05:02
UK Day comes to an end

As millions of British citizens watched from the tv sets and millions who were at Parliament Hill today, UK Day was the best though out the years. Most of the media was on the Princess Hannah and Prime Minister Howard since people were wondering how the princess was going to act to the huge crowds and the Prime Minister. Most citizens stated they could barely even reach out to greet the princess since police officers were all over the place making everything in order. But the princess didn't care and went to the people which in the future will make her a great monarch after her father Prince Charles, Duke of Buckingham who didn't attend due to a small cold. A twenty-one gun salute was ordered as the princess made her way to her seat to watch the show. There was some risk today s police officers heard gunfire near the celebrations but it later turned out to be fireworks. As most people can see the United Kingdom is very scared about gunfire near a royal or head of state or head of government during a foreign tour. But everything was peaceful during the events and later on the Prime Minister stated that is was amazing to see so much people and see everything was peaceful and controled.
Princess Hannah saluting the Royal Guard.
United kingdom2
13-07-2007, 22:33
Current Government Polls

As the Liberal party gains more in the polls over parties are failing. The Liberals have gained in the polls because of new jobs, a safer country and protecting rights. This is also why the Liberals have a huge hold in The House of Commons and the senate which will be having an election any day now. Another reason is the Liberals have made elections in the senate which hasn't been done for nearly five hundred years. Citizens like when the government promises something and makes it happen unlike the Conservative party. During the 1993-2003, Prime Minister Joseph Chretien promised to create more than 90 million jobs though out the nation. This never happened and the government was voted out of office by 2003 and the Scottish National party also promised 23 million jobs but only 2 million jobs were created but this still kept them in power under Prime Minister Paul Martin until 2006 when Labour won a good but bad victory. After Prime Minister Stephen Harper was arrested Mary McAleese won the Labour leadership contest which made her the first woman to become Prime Minister but she didn't have a clue to what she was doing. So after elections Liberals won a major landslide victory and has made there promises come true and which means even more seats after the 2013 elections. We can only hope the Liberals don't turn into Labour.

Forward Wales:23%
Sinn Finn Party:12%
Conservative party:16%
Scottish National party:6%
Labour party:2%

Current Seat List
Liberal party number of seats taken=615
Forward Wales party of seats taken=200
Sinn Finn Party umber of seat taken=23
Conservative party of seats taken=100
Scottish National party of seats taken=90
Labour party of seats taken=9
United kingdom2
29-07-2007, 03:11
Queen Dead At 86

This morning Balmoral Castle reported Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth passed away in her Royal bedroom. On friday Her Majesty was running with her dogs outside and today the nation is in shock. The woman who lead the nation since she was only eighteen has died. Her son Prince Charles has refused the throne which is being given down to the second in line for the throne, Princess Hannah. Her Majesty's funeral will be held on monday until thursady.
United kingdom2
29-07-2007, 03:36's_Funeral_Procession.JPG
Queen's Body being moved to Westminister

God Bless The Queen

After the sudden death of our monarch many are asking should we allow to have another one. The Queen lead this nation for seventy years longer than Queen Victoria who ruled for sixty-five years and bring power to the United Kingdom. Princess Hannah is now Queen Hannah and people are now wondering is a twenty year old ready to take on the throne. Well of look at it this way Queen Elizabeth was eighteen when she became Queen and her great great grand mother Queen Victoria was eighteen also. But today is no talk on the United Kingdom to have a President but to honor a woman who gave up her life in ruling this country and the commonwealth nations. God Bless Queen Elizabeth VI.
United kingdom2
29-07-2007, 20:53
The New Monarch

Princess Hannah is now Queen Hannah VII after last night aftering hearing that the Queen had died. Prince Charles himselve was first in line for the throne but refused as he is currently sixty-six and has no need to become monarch. The funeral of the Queen will be held later today and is expected to bring over fifty-five million people and over sixty-two billion watching her funeral on BBC one. Before the coronation the Queen will have to marry Lord Sumguy quickly and then plans for the coronation will begain which could take a month or so and then Her Majesty will become Queen legally.
United kingdom2
31-07-2007, 02:56
Soldiers search for dead soldiers

India in the State of Violence again

Today after reports that Indian rebels bombed a British base in the Assam State, Prime Minister Howard and Prime Minister Singh both agreed again that British troops shall be once deployed back into India to fight again. The British-Rebel War has been going on since Prime Minister Harper's term in office. 4,000 British soldiers have been killed and this month has been the deadliest. The problem was solved when Prime Minister McAleese threated a full nuclear attack there rebels which did quiet them and bring the war to a quiet end. With a new Queen on hand the Prime Minister can full the stress mounting on him on what to do. Many people think the war should be ended while many thing British troops should stay and fight. Labour supporters do agree with Labour Leader Mary McAleese on the Rebel War Act her party created. The bill states that the United Kingdom will use nuclear arms to get rid of the rebels which all five out of six parties we reject.
Former Prime Minister and Labour Party Leader Mary McAleese has put it all in the British-Rebel war
United kingdom2
25-08-2007, 20:08
Prime Minister Howard to step down as Prime Minister,0.jpg
Former Prime Minister Howard and maybe future Prime Minister Clark?

Today Prime Minister Howard stated outside the White Palace he will resign today as Prime Minister of the United Kingdom. Prime minister Howard finnshed his five year term as Prime Minister and stated he will not lead the Liberals for the next election. This all started as death threats were being sent to the Prime Minister telling him to remove troops from India and after a week a gunman shot the Prime Minister in his motorcade to Buckingham Palace to met with the Queen.

The police were able to catch the gunman and arrest him. After a week bomb threats were made and the Prime Minister had enough. After two Labour Prime Ministers Mr.Howard was the only one out of all three Prime Ministers we had finnshed his five year term as Prime Minister and creating a better nation after Stephen Harper and Mary McAleese.

He will be heading to Buckingham Palace to resign to Queen Hannah and a new Prime Minister and leader of the Liberal party will be elected by party members. It is thought the new Prime Minister will be Helen Clark who has been in the Liberal party for thirty years and holding her seat Balmoral east for thirty years as well. She had been offered a cabinet seat when the Liberals came to power and though out the years but refussed and stayed as a backbench in Parliament.

There are four people who are running, Tony Blair former Labour Leader and Prime Minister who resigned from the party and entered the Liberals. Robert O'Shea a member of the party for thirty-five years and a high ranking member as well. Helen Clark party membermost likey to win and Martin Davids a former leader in 1978.
United kingdom2
26-08-2007, 00:33
Liberal leadership Elections

Good evening this is Alina Goodall and tonight we are bringing you live coverage of the Liberal Leadership Elections and the elections for the new Liberal Prime Minister. Right now there are four members intending and are hopful to become leader, Helen Clark , Tony Blair , Robert O'Shea and Martin Davids. Right now we are getting info that right now only three remain as votes come. We are going to Dafydd Owen who is at Liberal Headquarters.

Thanks Alina. At No.4 Cowley Street hell will break lose as members are voting and debating who should become there new leader. As you can see behind me six hundred and fiffteen Liberal Members of Parliament are here and more than two thousand Liberal supporters are also here waiting for the votes to come.

Already Robert O'Shea was droped as he got 4% of the vote and in the polls right now here Helen Clark is in the lead with 23% Tony Blair with 22% and Martin Davids with 20%. Alina it was expected that Tony Blair would be in the lead but Helen as done little campaign and has gained the support of former Prime minister Howard and that will boost her polls and votes even high during this last vote for leadership.

But it has been a good day here as all four gave there speechs and now only down to three on the last vote but we are expecting a down slide in votes for the Liberals in the upcoming elections that could take place next month. The people are happy Northern Ireland and Ireland has calmed down but India has not and caused the deaths of 4,000 troops which has been raised this week to 4,678 making this the deadly month for troops and the government. We can only hope the new Prime minister can settle this.

Thank you Dafydd Owen for this highlight in these leadership elections. We have the results now and it sees that the new person who is going into the White Palace is....Helen Clark who won a big landslide tonight with 34% of the vote. She will be making her way to Buckingham Palace to met with Queen to be sworn in as the next Prime minister of this country.
United kingdom2
26-08-2007, 04:28

Question Time

Prime Minister Tom Howard has the bench for the last time as the new Prime Minister Helen Clark awaits for him to present his speech.

Speaker of the House

Order,Order the Leader of Her Majesty's Loyal Opposition,John O'Shea.

John O'Shea


In this house today the Forward Wales Party and the other parties in this house wishes Prime Minister Howard a great joy as today after his speech he is no longer Prime Minister of this country. I would like to say that the Prime Minister lead this nation in a greay way bringing so much like protecting our streets and homes and bringing such a joy to the people of our country. You shall be greatly missed in this house.

Speaker of the House
Prime Minister!

Tom Howard


I thank the Leader of HM's Opposition and I thank this entire house today as I leave this house as Prime Minister to let my successor the MP for Balmoral east take over a job I have loved dearly. When I first entered office this country was in shambles when the Labour party was in powerand I wondered to myself how am I going to fix such a mess caused by one party and one government.

Under the Liberals I have served my best in office increasing the people's safety in our country and creating millions of jobs for the unemployed. The government's policies for the people and by the people have done so much that any party here should feel shame. In the words of Winston Churchill "We defended our nation and now time to honor our rank in the people's and God's eyes as we can feel safe under a great government".

All Prime Ministers who resign or lose an election must state the outcome of the United Kingdom and this report will shock this house and entire nation our Gross Domestic Product is $11,118,241,508,726 rising. Our GDP Per Capita is $6,825 and rising and growing stronger each day. Our Unemployment is 12.3% but this government is working to solve this. Our Population is 1,629,000,000 and rising because this Liberal government is letting in two million people per year in this country.

Our budget contains this: Welfare $889,459,320,698 and this is only under a liberal government. Healthcare $889,459,320,698 we are raising to help our citizens. Education $1,667,736,226,309 the highest yet only under a liberal government. Defence $1,890,101,056,483 we are begining to lower this as this nation doesn't believe in wars and bloodshed.

Law and Order $2,890,742,792,269 is high in order to stop crime and keep justice on our streets. Commerce $333,547,245,262 we will keep this the same and will raise or lower it. Public Transport $444,729,660,349 shall remain the same as i have staed about commerce.

Environment $222,364,830,175 will be raised to create a muchh better and greener country. Social Equality $1,556,553,811,222 will lower this by next month as the MP of Balmoral East takes over. This is how much we are spending and as the last Prime Minister statement I give today and i thank you very mcuh for all of these years.

*The house cheers and the Prime minister walks out of the house with his wife to there motorcade that will take them to the White Palace for the last time.*

Speaker of the House
Order,Order! the Leader of Her Majesty's Loyal Opposition,John O'Shea.

John O'Shea

I welcome the new Prime Minister to the house and I hope she leads the house as the former Prime Minister.

I ask her what are her plans to improve the NHS.

Prime Minister!

Helen Clark

I thank the member for his kind words and look forward in debating with him during the terms I may have.

My plans are simple and easy to improve the NHS is bring in more doctors, bring in more nurses make waiting times in the past and create a system where nurses go see the people in the homes.

*This is the end of question time. Look for tomorrow for more*.
United kingdom2
02-09-2007, 05:09
The Queen reviews troops in Ireland

After a year and eight months the violence in Northern Ireland and Ireland have ended causing the country to go into panic as the violence raged though the country. The First Minister of Ireland was killed while the First Minister of Northern Ireland had to go under hidding in protection. Lifes of thousands soldiers and citizens ended though the worst week in any battle.

But under the Monarch and government the violence ended and after Queen Elizabeth visited during the violence Queen Hannah visited during the peace years. When the Queen and prince Sumguy arrived crowds were cheering and asking them to shake there hands while another group has to be arrested as IRA members who were going to fire there guns in there motorcade. Luck for them the police arrived before the motorcade.

After that stoped death threat they settled in a hotel near Belfast and the next day they would enjoy the company of the Irish citizens of the country. During her trip to improve Monarch-Irish relations the Queen reviewed the troops that were stationed in the region as IRA threats warning the Irish government that they will return in a full army ready to fight. The Queen said that just a bit of foolishness stired up by some copy-cat people who are pretending to be the IRA.
United kingdom2
19-01-2008, 08:22
Bomb scare in NW Ireland
Sligo's famous town centre lies uneasily quiet.

Authorities in Ireland are this afternoon dealing with a bomb threat in the north-western town of Sligo. The town is the largest in the northwest of the country and is home to approximately eighteen thousand people.

Shortly after 10am this morning, a warning was called into a local radio station claiming that there was a device planted on O'Connell St., the main shopping thoroughfare of the town. It was claimed that the device was rigged to explode at 10.45am.

Authorities reacted swiftly, implementing a local emergency action plan and evacuating the town centre. Army bomb disposal units were dispatched to the scene and a number of suspicious devices were located.

Authorities are refusing to confirm how many devices were found and subsequently disabled. It is expected that An Garda Siochana, the Irish police force, will make a statement sometime later today.

What has been confirmed, however, is the fact that nobody was injured in today's events. Sligo Mayor Paddy Cummins had this to say;

Quote: Paddy Cummins
I'd like to pay tribute to all the emergency services here in Sligo. They did an immense job here today, without them I don't even want to think what the impact could have been. Town was packed today as shoppers took the opportunity to avail of the January sales, whoever planted these devices were clearly bent on killing as many innocent people as possible.

I know I have the support of the people of Sligo and indeed all Irish people when I say that we won't rest until we find the cowards behind this attack.

Analyists are already speculating that the devices may have been planted by loyalist paramilitaries, frustrated by the lack of progress in Northern Irish peace talks. Joe O'Connor, an analyist for the Glendalough Centre for Reconciliation and Peace shared his thoughts with the BBC;

Quote: Joe O'Connor
It's most unlikely that Republican paramilitaries would focus on towns in the Irish Republic, it hasn't been their style and it plainly would make no sense.

Paramilitary violence in Northern Ireland is at record highs, with over fifty people being murdered by sectarian gangs last year alone. The entire entity that is Northern Ireland is one bad riot away from martial law.
United kingdom2
20-01-2008, 22:53

Serial killer Shipman found hanged
Harold Shipman, the former GP who is believed to have killed more than 200 people, has been found dead in his prison cell. He was found hanging by a bed sheet strung around the bars of his cell at Wakefield Prison at 0620 GMT. Prison staff tried to revive him but he was pronounced dead at 0810 GMT.

Shipman, who hanged himself in his cell on the eve of his 58th birthday, was one of 563 inmates at the jail, regarded as one of the UK's best high-security prisons. Prison officials have described his death as an "apparent suicide" and added he was taken off suicide watch 18 months ago. Shipman was on a standard security watch at the West Yorkshire jail at the time of his death.

Belfast City Hall Peace Talks Commence
The government has opened the Belfast City Hall Peace Talks. All parties are reported to be "optimistic" about the course of the talks which are expected to conclude sometime next week. The British government will be represented by the Prime Minister and the Secretary of State for Northern Ireland Mr. David Keenan Berk.

Other participants include the Irish government, the Democratic Unionist Party, the Ulster Unionist Party and the Social Democratic and Labour Party. There has been some criticism of the government by the Labour party for the exclusion of Sinn Féin from the talks.

Armed Forces recruitment surges ahead
Recruitment for the Armed Forces has surged ahead by some 5% compared to this time last year, according to official figures released by the Ministry of Defence. The increase comes on the back of a high profile advertising campaign mounted by the Ministry.

The MoD has confirmed that a further campaign is under way in an attempt to plug serious shortfalls of manpower in military medical services. Analysts claim that the Armed Forces are now experiencing their lowest levels of manpower shortages in decades.
United kingdom2
20-01-2008, 22:54
Study shows 5.2m adults have poor literacy skills

A study carried out on behalf of the Department for Education has revealed that over 5 million adults have literacy skills at or below the average levels expected for an 11 year old and that over 1 million are “to all intents and purposes illiterate”, according to the study.

The Skills for Life survey was commissioned by the Department for Education and between June 2007 and May 2008 BMRB (the British Market Research Board) interviewed 8,730 randomly selected adults aged 16-65 in England. The survey was divided into two parts with a sample of adults from the first interview taking part in the second. The first interview included assessments for literacy and numeracy; the second interview included two ICT tests.

Around one in six respondents (16 per cent, or 5.2 million 16-65 year olds) were classified as having lower level literacy skills - Entry level 3 or below in the literacy test. Entry Level 3 is the equivalent to the standard expected of the average 11 year old in National Curriculum tests. 1.7 million of 16 to 65 year olds were found to have literacy skills at or below the levels expected of the average 7 year old. Lower level literacy skills were associated with socio-economic deprivation. Adults in more deprived areas, such as the North East, tended to perform less well in these tests than those in less deprived areas such as the South East

More than a third of adults living in social class five households were classified as having lower literacy skills, whereas adults living in social class one households were roughly four times more likely than those in social class five households to reach Level 2 or above in the literacy test, Level 2 being equivalent a GCSE grade A*-C in English Language.

Language was a barrier to those whose first language was not English (seven per cent of the total) - only one in four achieved Level 2 or above in the literacy assessment. However, those whose first language was not English but who claimed to have 'very good' spoken English performed to a similar standard as those with English as a first language. Among those speaking English as their first language, there were only minor differences in skills levels between the various ethnic groups. The exception was the low performance of the English speaking Black Caribbean population.

Good literacy and numeracy skills tended to be associated with good wages, although the connection was stronger for numeracy.

Very few adults regarded their reading, writing or maths skills as below average, even among those with the lowest level of ability. Only a tiny proportion (two per cent) felt their weak skills had hindered their job prospects or led to mistakes at work.
United kingdom2
23-01-2008, 01:48
Teen Pregnancies Increase

The United Kingdom's rate of under-16 pregnancies has increased significantly over the last five years according to a report from Cambridge University. Dr. Martin Soames, who conducted the research, was unable to pinpoint a specific cause or underlying reason for this increase:

"Speaking as a researcher, it's impossible to point at a single factor and say 'this is it, this is why teenage pregnancy is rising'. However, the rate of teenage pregnancy has risen substantially in recent times, and is showing no signs of slowing down. This has obvious implications for policy in a number of areas."

The report notes that the United Kingdom now has twice the ratio of under-16 pregnancies as Germany, three times the ratio of France, and nearly six times the ratio of the Netherlands. However, the UK's ratio is still lower than that of the United States, itself seeing a significant rise in recent years.

Dr. Sheela Basrur, Chief Medical Officer of Health for the United Kingdom, explains why this is problematic from a medical perspective:

"Most research suggests that the ideal age to give birth falls somewhere between 18 and 35. When we get outside of this range, we start to see substantially more birth defects--and when the mother is too young, she puts herself in very grave danger during childbirth itself."

Even more controversial are the arguments about the best way to reduce the under-16 pregnancy rate. Civitas, a think-tank, has attributed the increasing rate to the decline of the family and the rise of the welfare state. Spokesman George Weber explains:

"All the incentives are going in the wrong direction. The best thing the government could do is stop undermining the family. You can't just treat this in isolation, give them contraception and hope that will be the end of the problem. In any case, they are not efficient users of contraception. The welfare system in itself is an incentive to become a single non-working parent. Working two-parent families are treated as cash cows that can be milked to support any other lifestyle choice."

Dr. Deidre Ling, a Professor of Sociology at the London School of Economics, disagrees:

"Virtually every study into this area has shown that comprehensive sexual education--that is to say, sexual education that goes beyond the basic mechanics of the act itself--leads to teenagers waiting longer to have sex, and being more likely to use contraceptives--and use them properly--than any other approach to this problem. We need to introduce mandatory, comprehensive sexual education into the PHSE [Personal, Health, and Social Education] curriculum."
United kingdom2
23-01-2008, 01:50
IRA declares ceasefire

In a piece of breaking news, the BBC has learned that the IRA has declared a ceasefire. In a one line statement issued to media organisations, the Republican paramilitary group has announced that all members on active service are being stood down from midnight tonight.

The IRA had returned to violence last year following an apparent breakdown in the Northern Irish peace process with security services having apparently foiled a number of high profile attacks in recent months.

The move comes after the conclusion of the Belfast City Hall Talks from which Sinn Féin had been excluded. The talks saw the leaders of the three other political parties, along with the British and Irish governments reaffirm their faith in the peace process, with many commentators believing the talks would kickstart the flagging peace process.

It's not clear exactly what has brought the IRA to declare a ceasefire or whether Loyalist paramilitary organisations will follow suit. Speaking briefly to the press before leaving for Prime Ministers Questions in the Commons, the Prime Minister had this to say;

I am of course extremely pleased with this news, and credit must go to the leaders of the Northern Irish political parties for showing their resolve on this matter. There is still a long way to go, however.
United kingdom2
23-01-2008, 01:51
Knife Attack Boy Dies, Police Make Two Arrests

Shaun Okerene, the 16 year old schoolboy injured in a knife attack outside of St. Mark's Academy in Lewisham, has died in Hospital with his family at his bedside.

A spokesman for Lewisham Hospital confirmed the death in a brief press statement earlier today stating that Shaun had lost too much blood at the scene of the incident and that Doctors had been unable to stablise his condition. This came just hours after Shaun's parents had held an emoitionally-charged press conference where they had urged witnesses to come forward.

Mrs. Okerene wrote:
"Lots of people saw what happened - all we ask is that someone steps forward and helps the Police find the person that attacked our son. Shaun is a fine young man, he's never.... never been in any trouble. We've got to stop other families going through the nightmare of seeing their child fighting for his life through no fault of their own".

In the last few minutes, Police have revealed that they have taken two men in for questionning after substantial information came forward. The Police were unwilling to reveal details other than to say that they believe this to be related to a well-known gang that operates in the Lewisham area.

Our reporter, Alex Passey, has spent the day in the Lewisham area. Alex, how have people been reacting?

Alex Passey wrote:
It's been a strange mixture of shock and resignation. It would be fair to say that St. Mark's Academy is a school with a lot of problems. It has a reputation for behaviour problems and most of its' pupils are drawn from areas of high social deprivation. People were willing to tell me that a number of gangs have been operating in the area, but that this is a considerable escalation in the problems. Perhaps the fact that virtually no-one I spoke to was willing to give me their name is indicative of the fear of retribution that exists in this troubled community.
United kingdom2
23-01-2008, 01:55
Princess Caroline dies

The Late Queen Elizabeth's younger sister, Princess Caroline has died at the age of 79 in hospital after suffering a massive heart attack.

Princess Caroline was always a controversial member of the Royal Family. As a young woman, she was a figure of glamour in post-war Britain and the Commonwealth. However, her private life was plagued by romantic disappointments, including her politically-thwarted love for a divorced older man in her youth, a subsequent, often unhappy marriage to a commoner, a divorce, and, in her later years, a public affair with a much younger man.
Princess Caroline pictured at end of last year.

She was married in 1964 to Tommy Jones, who was given the title of Earl of Snowdon the following year. They had two children: Viscount Linley and Lady Sarah Jones. In the 1970s, revelations of an affair with Roddy Llewellyn, an aspiring young garden designer, led to her divorce, on 11 May 1978, from Lord Snowdon, although the marriage was generally regarded as over long before the affair was made public. This was the first divorce of a senior Royal since Princess Victoria of Edinburgh in 1901.

The Princess's main interests were welfare charities, music and ballet. She was President of the National Society and of the Royal Scottish Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children and Invalid Children's Aid Nationwide (also called 'I CAN'). Formerly Commandant-in-Chief of the Ambulance and Nursing Cadets of the St. John Ambulance Brigade, she later became Grand President of the St John Ambulance Brigade and Colonel-in-Chief of Queen Alexandra's Royal Army Nursing Corps.

The funeral is expected to take place next week and is likely to be a private family event.
United kingdom2
23-01-2008, 22:45
Irish government comfortably re-elected
Irish Premier Bertie O'Hara on the campaign trail.

governing coalition has been comfortably re-elected to government following a strong showing in the general election. The Irish Premier Bertie O'Hara is the leader of the largest party in parliament (Dáil Eireann). Mr. O'Hara's Conservative party was returned with eight-one seats, tantalisingly close to an outright overall majority which requires eighty-three deputies. The ruling junior coalition partners, the economically liberal Progressive Democrats also had an excellent election, doubling their parliamentary seats from four to eight.

The last administration had relied on the support of a number of independent members of parliament, but today's results mean that their support is no longer required for Mr. O'Hara's government. Mr. O'Hara has expressed a clear preference for remaining in coalition with the Progressive Democrats.

Conversly, the main opposition parties had a horrendous election showing with the main opposition party, Fine Gael, slumping to it's worst ever performance. The party lost twenty-three seats altogether, leaving it with just thirty-one members of parliament. Questions are now being raised as to whether or not the party can continue to function after such a mauling. The party leader, Michael Noonan, has announced his immediate resignation and has apologised to party members and voters for the catastrophic result.

The Labour party remained static, while Sinn Féin now have five members of parliament, up from one in the 1997 general election. The re-election of Mr. Ahern is expected to be warmly welcomed by the government, it's understood that the Prime Minister Patterson and Mr.O'Hara have formed a close bond during their joint efforts to secure a lasting peace in Northern Ireland. It's not known yet whether or not the Prime Minister has congratulated Mr. O'Hara at this moment in time.

The apparent rise of Sinn Féin is sure to cause alarm in both Dublin and London, however Irish political experts attribute the increased support to the party's leftwing ideology which has garnered much support in economically depressed areas of Ireland - former bastions of strength for the flatlining Conservative party.
United kingdom2
23-01-2008, 22:50
The Queen Mother Opens Manchester Commonwealth Games
H.M. Queen Mother and H.R.H. The Duke of York arriving in Manchester to open the 2009 Commonwealth Games.

The 17th Commonwealth Games were officially opened by the 98 year old Queen Mother on Thursday as competitors from 72 countries paraded in front of a 38,000-strong crowd at the City of Manchester Stadium. Five-time Olympic champion Sir Steve Redgrave got the two-and-a-quarter-hour opening ceremony underway by banging a huge drum.

And the champion rower was joined on the big stage by such sporting stars as yachtswoman Ellen MacArthur, heptathlete Denise Lewis, long-distance runner Moses Kiptanui, swimmer Susie O'Neill and sprinter Donovan Bailey. England football captain David Beckham also had a turn in the spotlight, helping chaperone Kirsty Howard as the terminally ill six-year-old handed the Commonwealth baton to the Queen Mother.

A 4,000-strong cast took part in the spectacular event, which was an unusual - but well-received - mix of pomp and pop. The Grenadier Guards shared the arena with pop band S Club and opera singer Russell Watson while the Queen Mother's arrival was greeted with a flypast by the Red Arrows.

Malaysia, hosts in 1998, began the athletes parade, which featured such countries as Kiribati and Anguilla. But even small teams like Montserrat, with just one competitor, were cheered just as loudly as the likes of Australia, whose flag was carried by weightlifter Damian Brown.

Some of the New Zealand squad surprised the crowd by launching into an impromptu haka while Scotland announced their arrival with a mass conga. England were left to bring up the rear before the Queen Mother,
Her speech had arrived in the Commonwealth baton, which had passed through 23 countries in four months.

Queen Mother:

All of us participating in this ceremony tonight, whether athletes or spectators, or those watching on television around the world, can share in the ideals of this unique association of nations.

We can all draw inspiration from what the Commonwealth stands for, our diversity as a source of strength, our tradition of tolerance...our focus on young people, for they are our future.
United kingdom2
23-01-2008, 23:01
Queen Mother celebrates Thanksgiving with the people

The Archbishop of Canterbury, the Right Reverend John Walter has led a Service of Thanksgiving in honour of Late Queen Elizabeth's Golden Jubilee and her mother the Queen Mother. The Service was televised live and is estimated to have been watched by hundreds of millions of people worldwide with an unexpected crowd of hundreds of thousands congregating around St. Paul's Cathedral to watch the event on big screens which had been erected nearby.

The event was attended by dignataries from across the world with representatives from over one hundred countries in attendance. Furthermore, no less than nineteen royal families were represented by leading members; the entire Cabinet was in attendance along with the leaders of both the Conservatives and the Liberal Democrats.

The Archbishop was fullsome in his praise of Her Majesty Queen Hannah and her grandmother and her great-grand mother,

For the Christian call to service is not just about a willingness to make sacrifices for others. It is also about joy, a joy that flows from a deep engagement in the marvellous richness of human experience and potential.

It is at heart a labour of love. It finds in love - expressed in the sacrificial gift of Jesus Christ - the fundamental impulse of God's creation. It recognises love as the power to transform and transcend all, as the cornerstone of our hope for the future of humankind.

It allows us, indeed calls us, to look to that future, with all the myriad changes and challenges it will continue to bring, not with fear and faint hearts, but with openness and expectation.

We find this enduring vision woven through the fabric of your reign like a golden thread.

And that is why those words uttered four centuries ago by another Monarch are right for us here, today: 'Though God hath raised me high,' she said, 'I count the glory of my Crown that I have reigned with your loves.'

Hannah our Queen, you have the respect and affection of your people: you do indeed 'reign with our loves'.

For your servanthood is the glory of your reign.

And, today, we thank God for it.

The Service is the only event which has been planned to celebrate the anniversary of the Queen Hannah's ascension to the Throne fourteen years - something which has angered many commentators and ordinary citizens. It is understood that the Service itself was planned entirely by the Royal Household, without any advice or guidance from the government. The BBC has learned that the Royal Household was only approached by the government with the view to forming a planning committee for the celebrations with a couple of months left before the event. It's understood that the Royal Household felt that it was too late to organise a fitting tribute to Her Majesty and declined the government's offer.
H.M. Queen Mother and H.R.H. The Duke of York greeting the crowds but where is Queen Hannah and Prince Consort Lord Sumguy

In response to the impromptu crowds which had gathered outside Buckingham Palace and along the Mall, the Royal Household took the unprecedented step of altering Her Majesty's itinerary, with her consent, to allow the Royal Family proceed back to Buckingham Palace in full view of the public. Police estimate that up to three-quarters of a million people crowded along the Mall to watch the procession, led by the Queen Mother and the Duke of York.

Following the arrival of the Royal Family at Buckingham Palace, the entire Family assembled on the Palace balcony, much to the joy of the gathered crowds. Our Royal Correspondent, Hugh Fetherly-Grating is standing by outside Buckingham Palace now - Hugh?

Well, what an extraordinary day of celebrations. The decidedly low-key nature of Her Majesty's Golden Jubilee isn't something which she herself wanted and it appears that it's not what her people wanted either.

Police capacity was stretched to breaking point as the crowds continued to gather outside St. Pauls Cathedral and along the Mall. Nobody expected the crowds to turn out like they did - proof perhaps that had the government helped to plan a series of engagements, the entire nation and not just London could have taken part in this unique celebration.

But some have to say where is Queen Hannah and her husband Prince Sumguy? For days now the Queen or her husband haven't been seen by Buckingham Palace staff and now the Queen Mother, Caroline and the Duke of York have taken over the Palce in effort to keep the Monarchy alive in the Second United Kingdom

Back to the studio.
United kingdom2
23-01-2008, 23:05
Prime Minister in Security Scare

Prime Minister Patterson was at the centre of a security scare today during a visit to a downtown London hospital. The Prime Minister had just begun his oration at the opening of a new state of the art cancer treatment unit the Royal Marsden Hospital, when three Royal Protection Officers appeared on stage and led the Prime Minister to a waiting motorcade outside.

Mr.Patterson was then taken directly to the White Palace.

The BBC understands that a suspicious device was located by a routine sweep of the area by the Metropolitan Police. The scare comes amid tightened security measures ordered by the government on foot of the resumption of paramilitary activities by the IRA. The device was later examined by a bomb disposal team and found to be harmless.

It is understood that the Prime Minister has written to the Registrar of the Royal Marsden Hospital to apologise for his sudden exit and he has promised to revisit the hospital as soon as possible.
United kingdom2
23-01-2008, 23:11
Patterson 'Out and About' in Birmingham
Patterson meeting with Black-British Birmingham leaders

Conservative Prime Minister Jack Patterson kicked off what said was his 'Campaign for Change' in Birmingham today as he tried to get out and meet people across the city to talk about the changes to the United Kingdom that they felt were necessary. Walking around with Conservatives Members of Parliament, local Conservative activists and others, Mr. Patterson regularly stopped and spoke with ordinary people on the streets asking their opinions about what was happening across the country and their thoughts on it. Briefly stopping to talk to some of the press he said:

Well it has been a fantastic experience meeting people here in Birmingham. Not everyone was pleased to see me and that is understandable, politicians aren't exactly the most popular people in the world these days and people have every right to be angry with them. This new Government has going to give politics a great reputation and it makes achieving our goals that much harder, as if it wasn't hard enough all ready. However, I have taken heart from what I see as an underlying desire in all the people in the need for change. Everyone seems to agree that the current situation simply cannot go on, and that is what I think as well. The Conservative Party is going to get out there and be that cataylst for change.

The Conservative Party Chairman for Birmingham Edgbaston also made some comments to the Press:

Prime Minister Patterson has been extremely energetic in his desire to get this Party moving in areas such as the Midlands. I had asked him to postpone his visit due to the bad weather, but he insisted in coming today and doing this. Whatever happens, he has certainly got a traditional experience of Birmingham with the weather *chuckles*

Sources within the Conservative Party and Government have said that Mr.Patterson is increasingly concerned about the lack of trust that people have in politicians, and that he wants to make sure that the Conservative Party starts to 'build bridges with the British People'. This is said to be the first of what will be many visits by Mr.Patterson.
United kingdom2
23-01-2008, 23:15
Petrolbombs, stones and abuse hurled at schoolgirls in NI
Holy Cross pupil runs the gauntlet of sectarian abuse on her way to school.

A Roman Catholic primary school in Northern Ireland has been caught in the jaws of the sectarianism which has plagued the province for centuries.

Tensions between republicans and loyalists began building up in the area at the start of the year. Each side alleges that paramilitary leaders on the other side have been orchestrating the tension for their own ends. But the tensions have come to a head in a dispute over access to the Catholic Holy Cross Girls' Primary school.

Some Catholic children who attend Holy Cross pass through a few hundred yards of a Protestant area to reach the school gates. Some of the Protestant residents are refusing to let children reach the school saying their community is facing republican attacks and intimidation. Nationalists have made similar allegations concerning paramilitary attacks.

Since the dispute started just two days ago, more than 600 people have become involved in rioting as the rival communities clashed. Both sides have attacked the police as live ammunition was fired and petrol bombs thrown at schoolgirls as young as four years old. Police officers are finding it almost impossible to contain the situation. The PSNI chief constable described those he believed to be organising the violence as "scum".

On 10 November as the children returned to school, they were met by a crowd of more than 200 loyalists. The crowd, hurling abuse at the children, clashed with the security forces. Many of the children and parents were extremely distressed when they reached the school. The protesters said that was only one side of the story. They say that leading republicans used the cover of the children to walk into their predominantly Protestant area and taunt the residents, provoking the response.

The situation is expected to deteriorate even futher as the security services attempt to defuse the situation.
United kingdom2
20-04-2008, 08:00
Massive Snowstorm Hits SEcond United Kingdom

Tonight the Second United Kingdom has no rest as the entire country is under state of emergency after a huge snow storm hit England today damaging millions of dollars in infrastructure and putting much of the nation into darkness. Almost 12,000 soldiers have been called out to keep order while every police officer in the country is being asked to help.

The storm started just this Monday. Citizens thought that it would be a short snowfall but by day two, the snowfall turned into a snow storm. Prime Minister Jack Patterson later declared a state of emergency as conditions got even got worse. Some citizens were seen burning everything they had to keep harm when their heating went out. Government officials and fire departments are now making their way through the freezing cold to help UK2's street population.

The temperature has dipped down to -10.9° C causing panic around the nation as it struggles to try and keep warm. Prime Minister Patterson and his family have turned off heat and power in the official residence, White Palace, in an effort to help conserve power.

Police say that almost one hundred deaths have happened during the storm mostly caused by car accidents and the lack of heat in homes. The elderly are at the most risk, so police are now telling seniors to head to hospitals, local gyms, clinics and schools which will be opened as emergency shelters for the public.

All airports have been closed but an Air London plane was caught in the storm unfortunately, the plane believed to have crashed in the bitterly cold northern regions of Quebec. Fifty-six people were on board including 24 Quebeckers, 10 British, 18 Japanese, 1 Greek, a Tibetan Monk, a Venezuelan diplomatic corps member visiting the UK2 and former Speaker of the house Jean Charest. Prime Minister Patterson has sent out three hundred marines to help find the passengers and crew of the Air London plane.

Riots have starts to appear in London and the downtown area mostly from the poverty-stricken demanding aid. Many have required weapons, but police have not reported any violent riots in the area. However, the Ministry of Defense and Justice have sent in more soldiers and police just to make sure things stay calm.

Prime Minister Patterson has made an international appeal from the White Palace begging for international aid from nations to help from this disaster. The storm doesn’t look to be letting up and it could take months for people to put their lives back in order and rebuild.
United kingdom2
22-04-2008, 23:20
New Prime Minister comes to the White Palace
Former Health Minister Edward Reagan waves and smiles about his new job

Many people can't believe it but former Health Minister Edward Reagan take oover the party last night after BBC reported that Jack Patterson who was shot at the UK2 Day cermonies. Mr.Patterson was only fourty-two years of age and leaves behind his wife and two children. Many citizens are now expecting a change to the Second United Kingdom under Prime Minister Reagan.

The sixty-two year old was defence minister in the 1960's and led the Second United Kingdom through three wars in only two years but wining them. Many expected him to defend the Second United Kingdom with military force unlike the other Prime Ministers who have solved problems with peaceful ways rather then using military force. Like when BL tried to invade the Second United Kingdom; Parliament wanted war but the Prime Minister refused.

It has been a known fact that Reagan and Patterson have hated each other for years now but through that hatred Reagan never seemed to show it in public unlike Prime Minister Patterson who when he was alive called Reagan a politics whore but it seems like Reagan got the luck card in this battle between the two men.

Prime Minister Reagan has already set out his plans to reform the country by decreasing the high taxes we currently pay for which where started by the Labour and Liberal governments. He has also intended to start to reform our military by buying foreign weapons from our country made weapons which have caused many parties to attack him including his own party, the Conservatives.

If Reagan wants five years in office or more he should stop with his some of his demanding reforms of the country.
United kingdom2
29-04-2008, 22:44
Prime Minister attacked by new defense bill
Prime Minister Reagan and Defense Minister Silva Meir walking hand in hand after present the new defense bill in the House of Commons

The entire country is in uproar today after Prime Minister Reagan and Defense Minister Silva Meir presented a defense bill to the House of Commons which would cost $123 billion pounds to the public. The house of commons where in a heated debate over the new plan to spend half of that money buying new naval war ships and upgrading our current fleets. The Liberal Party and the Labour Party have threated that they will destroy the bill on the house floor while the Unionist party made up from the smaller parties in the house have stated they will support the bill.

The Prime Minister believes that British fleets most be updated with new ones to provide the defense of the country and same goes with Minister Meir but the Liberal and Labour Parties have sounded their disapproval of the plan and have staged protests around the country. One protest in Ireland got into a riot and Belfast police had to break it up after five people where wounded when gunshots where fired. The Prime Minister has stated for protesters to grow up.

In a new statement made by the Prime Minister he calls for the country to be united about this new plan. Even through he stated that he won't raise taxes the money needs to come from some where and the taxpayers must pay for it. He has even said that Her Majesty herself must pay for it also since the Queen also pays taxes. The House of Commons will vote on the matter tomorrow morning but with a strong majority the Conservatives will get what they want but will they get enough votes to carry them through the next general elections?
United kingdom2
29-04-2008, 23:01
Chancellor faces tough choices ahead of budget

Chancellor of the Exchequer, William Corleone faces some tough choices ahead of next week's budget.

Unemployment has crossed the 2 million mark and is still increasing. We are in the middle of a recession that is now certainly the most severe since the Great Depression. Independent forecasts expect the recession to continue into next year with the economy contracting by as much as 1 1/4% with risks still on the downside. However, inflation is expected to fall to 12% over the course of this year.

Given the economic outlook, one would normally expect a stimulus package consisting of increases in public spending and perhaps cuts in taxation. However, the Prime Minister and many Tories, particularly those of a Monetarist persuasion will be vary of further increasing public sector borrowing. Nine years ago, faced with a downturn much less sharp than the current one, then Chancellor of the Exchequer Anthony Barber borrowed heavily to cut taxes. There was an immediate drop in unemployment and a spurt in growth. Soon however inflation went above 20% and the rest as they say is history.

On the other hand, most economists argue that the current recession is so severe that risk of further increases in unemployment outweigh any potential inflationary risks. The biggest risk to economic and in fact political stability is thought to come from mass unemployment rather than high inflation at the present time. A stimulus with public sector borrowing of about £15 billion is thought to be necessary to reduce unemployment.

The government is unlikely to increase spending further. However, a stimulus on the tax side is likely. Although the government has brought down the levels of income tax, it is yet to meet it's manifesto commitment of bringing income tax rates down to the European average. Perhaps more important than the rates themselves are the thresholds which are too low compared to European standards, putting professionals and others with moderately high incomes into the uppermost income tax brackets. Aside from income tax, cuts to corporation tax or the dreaded national insurance surcharge may have more of an effect on employment.

However, if the rhetoric from the government, particularly the Prime Minister is to be believed, a deflationary budget may well be on the cards. If that is what the Chancellor is planning, he would do well to look back to the 1931 budget when in the middle of the Great Depression, then Chancellor of the Exchequer Phillip Snowdon raised taxes and cut salaries and benefits. Soon the government was faced with the Invergordon naval mutiny, demonstrations by public sector workers and devaluation of the pound ultimating leading to the collapse of the government.

The Chancellor's job is never easy. His task this year is going to be harder than usual.
United kingdom2
29-04-2008, 23:03
Cabinet changes

Prime Minister and First Lord of the Treasury - Ronald Reagan
Chancellor of the Exchequer - William Corleone
Home Secretary - Patrick Kerslake
Foreign Secretary - David Keenan Berk
Parliamentary Secretary for Foreign Affairs - Serena Marsden
Secretary of State for Defense - Silva Meir
Secretary of State for Education and Science - Vincent Thaddeus Garton
Secretary of State for Employment - Dilan Winters
Secretary of State for Energy - Paul Holmes
Secretary of State for the Environment - Aloysius Thorpe
Secretary of State for Social Services - Milly Calvert
Secretary of State for Trade - Dilan Winters
Secretary of State for Industry - Dilan Winters
Secretary of State for Transport - Dick von Sternberg
Minister of State for Transport - Ian Frost
Secretary of State for Scotland - William Blair
Secretary of State for Wales - Arthur Jernigan
Secretary of State for Northern Ireland - John Good
Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries, and Food - Jory Hutchison
Minister for the Arts - Martin Blackwood
United kingdom2
29-04-2008, 23:06
A Budget for the few, not the many.

As the old joke goes, it’s a recession when your neighbor loses his job, but it’s a depression when you lose yours. If the recent budget is anything to go by, we might expect the enormity of the economic downturn to hit Conservative HQ at about the time of the next election as it is quite hard to imagine a more cack-handed financial and political miscalculation than that unveiled by Mr. Corleone. This is a budget that will neither solve the economic woes of the nation nor will there be any rewards for the Conservatives at the ballot box.

There is little in this budget that will encourage economic growth. The Government may well have been right that this was the time for belt-tightening and for the nation to live within its’ means. The public might well have been able to accept the argument for lower pay rises, hikes in indirect taxes and benefit freezes but to see all of that allied with simply huge tax cuts for the wealthiest will be a bitter pill for ordinary working families to swallow. If there were to be tax cuts, then it makes far more economic and political sense for these to be aimed at the widest possible section of society. It is those people who earn the least that will spend their wages on the very consumables that will create jobs in Britain; those who earn the most are most likely to save, especially given current interest rates, or to spend on the type of luxury electrical goods that make up a big section of imports - that is to say nothing of the basic idea of fairness that ought to underpin our essentially progress taxation system.

The cuts in capital gains tax will not create jobs; it merely benefits those in receipt of unearned income or those who are able to offset their income to avoid income tax. Small businesses will find it more difficult to take on their larger competitive given that their proportional corporation tax advantage has been eliminated. Some economists would argue that tax cuts are by their very nature inflationary and that the best course of action would have been to limit to flow of money in the economy; others would argue that a more interventionist approach was needed by the Government in order to create jobs. Neither school of thought will find much comfort in this budget.

Conservative MPs will not be pleased to see that there are few extra votes likely to be garnered by this budget. Those who benefit the most from this budget are already very likely to be Conservative voters. The key electoral demographic of the skilled working class that were wooed by Mrs. Thatcher’s promise of change and by the right to buy their council homes have nothing to reward them here. Jobs will continue to be lost, councils will be forced to cut essential services and those on fixed incomes will suffer the most. Truly it would appear that we are seeing the legacy of Mr.Harper former Prime Minister and with it, the death of the one nation Tory.
United kingdom2
29-04-2008, 23:11
The Government Begins Pit Closures

Inefficient coal mines are to be axed under Government plans for the future of the industry

The National Coal Board has announced to the public that 23 Coal Pits are to be closed in the next two years in order to make the industry more profitable. At present the Government spends billions of pounds on the continuation of the industry and these closures shall save the Treasury an estimated £200m. Speaking to The Financial Times, Sir Derek Thompson said:

The closure of any mines are of course regrettable but we must push ahead with the modernization of the industry and we simply cannot keep inefficient mines going indefinitely. The Government has given myself and the National Coal Board it's support and I hope that Government, Unions and the Board can work together in order to achieve a prosperous future for coal mining in this country.

The Secretary of State for Energy has already come under pressure from the Opposition which has claimed that the shutting down of these pits is irresponsible considering that there are so few jobs in the economy for them to take up even with the Government's proposals to retrain them.

Emmelline Fox, Labour MP for Salford West, has even called for the resignation of the Secretary of State for Energy, though one Labour backbencher tried to start a 'motion of no confidence' in the Minister, the Deputy Speaker was quick to clamp down on this unconventional action. The Secretary of State however is definitely on the ropes following this announcement, especially considering that the Unions are widely believed to be planning kind of strike action at this time which could damage the Government considerably during these difficult economic times. The Prime Minister and his Cabinet will have some difficult choices to make if it is to avoid a strike or to ride a strike out effectively.

The General Secretary of the NUM, Joe Gormley, said to The Financial Times that:

The National Union of Miners will do all that it can to work towards a co-operative solution, but that all depends on whether the Government is willing to work with us.

It has been rumored that the Secretary of State has had conversations with Mr. Gormley, whether they will be enough to stop the NUM from declaring a strike shall have to be seen.

The Government is caught in a tight economic spot given the overall financial picture, however the closure of these mines was to be expected given the level of public spending at present and the Government's declared aim to reduce taxes upon hard working Britons. While in the short term this may be politically a difficult pill to swallow, the Government has taken the right decision to take it now while it has some time before a General Election to lay some groundwork rather then being forced to take this kind of action shortly before a General Election which could lead to terrible political consequences.